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Lady Adellandra Dratianos,‘

c c

It¶s been centuries since two of the Dratianos sisters disappeared into the
oblivion of the Realms. Princess Dia, twin to the Countess Dracora, had died
during the Wars for Power and buried in their family cemetery at Mal¶estar.
Princess Alexandria, also known as µDria or Alexia, disappeared in search of
battle, adventure, and glory. Secretly, she hoped to find a way to bring her
dear sister Dia back.‘

µDria finds the right incantation to break the curse their Grandfather placed
on the family when Ishanar was born. She only hopes to bring her sister back
before it was too late for them all.‘

The new leader of the Dominionite Army is a very cunning woman named
MagDaliah. She had brought together hordes of her minions and all sort of
evil creatures from the depths of the Abyss to wreak havoc against the new
Lady Guardian of the Mystic Realms, Lady Empress of Mal¶estar, Lady
Adellandra. It hasn¶t been that long since the Lady¶s own chaotic side named
Destria had come out to destroy MagDaliah¶s plans. This time, MagDaliah and
her minions are terrorizing not only innocent Dreamers but Draconians and
their children as well. She even succeeds in kidnapping the young female
children to brainwash them into doing her bidding. What will happen when two
of their own daughters, Lady Adellandra¶s youngest daughter Arianna and Lady
Adarramena¶s daughter Harmony are kidnapped?‘

Little does MagDaliah know that the Lady Adellandra has two new-old Brannas,
the Swords-mistress Lady Alexandria and the gentle but powerful Lady Dia.
Will Dria and Dia be able to get to the monarchs of Mal¶estar and the Realms
in time to stop MagDaliah¶s evil plans this time?‘

It¶s time to find out just how tight the ties that bind family together are,
but will the Ladies be too late?‘

É ‘

Return to Mal¶estar‘

Lady Dia was confused as she awoke from her deep slumber. She
found herself in a dark place and felt around her body. After a
moment, she realized she was entombed in her own stone coffin!‘

Not wanting to make a sound, she opened her mind to sense where
she was. Her sensors found a female presence knelt beside her
stony tomb, arms raised to the air and chanting. She couldn¶t
hear the words but knew they were powerful, as she recognized
the female as soon as she sensed the Ancient Draconian power
within her.‘

c Dia¶s eyes opened wide and she panicked; her heart busy
racing in her chest.‘

jhe other woman she¶d named Alexia stopped chanting and opened
her own eyes, smiling. With a wave of Alexia¶s arm, the lid to
the coffin was moved and Dia took her first breath of oxygen in
over two hundred years.‘

Dia sat up slowly with Alexia¶s help, feeling her heart

returning to its steady rhythm.‘

Once she felt Dia had her bearings, Alexia hugged her. ³Welcome
back to the living, sister.´‘

Dia blinked her eyes and felt for her voice. Her vocal chords
weren¶t up to speed with the rest of her body yet, so she said
telepathically. ÷ ‘

³Home, sister,´ Alexia replied. ³You are in our family


¯ ‘

³Our family never dies. We merely resurrect from the Summerlands

when the Ancients deem we¶re ready.´ Alexia explained with a
grin. She hugged her sister again before helping her out of the

S  Dia asked telepathically.‘

³I broke it.´ Alexia nodded, smiling. ³Oh, how I¶ve missed you.´‘

c     Dia relayed.‘

³Come, I will help you home.´ Alexia put an arm around her
sister¶s back to help steady her.‘

Dia smiled. With her older sister¶s help, Dia Dratianos looked
forward to going home.‘

On the way to the castle, they saw a large red dragon flying
their way. jhey stopped in their tracks, looking up at it.‘
As the red dragon flew closer, it shifted to half-dragon, half-
Immortal Demi form. ³Princesses!´ It cried, rushing up to them
and taking the other side of Dia.‘

³Sir Airemus!´ Alexia cried, amazed. ³You still live?´‘

³I¶m too stubborn of a man to die.´ Sir Airemus Dranna supplied

with a grin. ³Besides, I¶m still needed as Branno, as I imagine
I always will. Does anyone else know you are here?´ Both shook
their heads. ³jhey will soon enough, I assure you. News travels
fast nowadays.´ He laughed. ³So, where are we headed?´‘

³First things first: to the jhrone Room. We need to announce our

return.´ Alexia announced.‘

Sir Airemus nodded, calling to the Emperor and Empress in his

mind as the trio headed to Mal¶estar¶s castle. ³A lot has
changed since your disappearances.´‘

³As long as Father is no longer terrorizing the Nations, all

will be well with me.´ Alexia responded. Dia nodded with her.‘

Sir Airemus looked to Dia with wonder. ³Why do you not speak,
Lady Dia?´‘

 She relayed sharply in his mind with a frown. !


³Not everyone will allow you the luxury of sending telepathic

messages, Lady.´ He pointed out gently.‘

Dia¶s sigh was no louder than a whisper.‘

Sensing her sister¶s discomfort, Alexia supplied. ³Please, do

not force it, Sir Airemus. She will speak aloud when she is
ready, and not a moment before.´‘

Dia gave her sister a nod of thanks and a smile.‘

³How have things changed?´ Alexia asked, returning to the

original subject.‘

³Can you not feel the shifting in the air?´ He asked them. Dia

³I knew something was amiss.´ Alexia recalled. ³It looks like

Mal¶estar but doesn¶t Feel like Her.´‘
³jhat is because Mal¶estar has been rebuilt on the Borderline of
the Mystic Realms.´‘

³Why there?´‘

All Sir Airemus did was grin. ³You will soon learn, Ladies.´‘

He looked up and the sisters found their Lord Emperor Brother

and his Lady Dragonwolf Empress standing at the jhrones, staring
at them in amazement. jhe Lady Empress had her paw to her heart
and her mouth open. jheir brother stood at his own jhrone, just
as shocked to see them as they were to see him.‘

³Lord and Lady, there are two Ladies here to greet you.´ Sir
Airemus broke the silence.‘

jhe Lord Draconis was shocked, and so was his Branno, Dranus.
Dranus smiled silently at his twin sister Alexandria.‘

³Approach us, Ladies.´ Draconis managed to choke.‘

Dia noted his Lady Empress looked older and much wiser than the
young playful Dragonwolf pup that had first been mated to her
oldest brother.‘

jhe Dragonwolf Empress stood in shock, silent. jhis left her

mate to handle the situation while she watched in silence.‘

Draconis stretched his arms out for a hug. ³Alexandria.´ He

announced, hugging her, ³and dearest Dia,´ he pecked her cheek
and pet her hair. ³It¶s wonderful to finally have you return

Alexandria nodded, taking a breath. ³It is good to be home, Lord


Draconis grinned. ³Come now, Alexandria, you are more than

welcome to call me Draconis.´‘

Alexia remarked. ³jhen I will do so.´‘

Sir Airemus spoke up. ³Do not make the Lady Dia speak, Kanota.´
He supplied. ³She has just risen and must adjust to her
Draconis nodded. ³Understood Dratyrna,´ Draconis nodded. ³For
now, will you escort her to the infirmary for healing, and then
to her quarters?´‘

³Aye, M¶Lord Kanota.´ Sir Airemus took Dia and headed back out
of the jhrone Room.‘

Draconis turned back to the jhrones, where his Lady was still
standing silent. ³Come now, Adellandra. Surely you remember
Alexandria? You used to spar together as children.´‘

³jhat I do dearest.´ Lady Adellandra replied, finally moving to

hug her lost Brattonata. ³Pleasure to see you again,

Alexia nodded back. ³I prefer Alexia or Dria now, Lady


Adellandra smiled, shaking her head. ³I¶ll not argue, but you
are also welcome to call me Adella.´‘

³So Lexi, what brings you home?´ Dranus finally spoke up,
hugging her. On their own mind-path, he supplied, ¬   

" Alexia supplied, hugging him back. ! 


c   #Dranus sent back.‘

³I will tell you what brings me home.´ Alexia supplied

seriously, her sense of duty returning. ³jhere are hordes of
dark creatures headed this way, demons if you will.´‘

Draconis growled. ³I thought Demarian agreed to our truce?´‘

Alexia shook her head. ³It¶s not Demarian, Lord.´‘

³Who could it be?´ Lady Adellandra asked. ³Do you know?´‘

³jhey are commanded not by a man, but a woman. I have spied,

tracking their movements and it would seem the self-proclaimed
Queen of the Dark Area has resurfaced to stake her claim on the

³If MagDaliah has returned, so will Destria to fight her.´

Adellandra cried.‘
³Destria, Lady?´ Alexia was confused.‘

³As Demarian is a changed Demon Lord bound by blood and soul to

me, so is Destria to her. jhey are siblings.´ Draconis

Alexia shook her head, getting dizzy. ³Sir Airemus is right; a

lot of things have changed since we disappeared. Would either of
you care to explain?´‘

jhe couple looked at each other. Dranus gave his sister a warm

³It¶s your turn, dearest.´ Adellandra teased Draconis¶ nose with

a kiss.‘

Draconis sighed and Dranus held in a grin. ³Is it your will?´‘

³Aye. Better show me everything.´ Alexia said, taking a deep

breath and preparing herself for the shock of her mind being
forced to see multiple images at once.‘

Draconis placed his hands to Alexia¶s temples, closing his eyes

to begin. Alexia herself closed her eyes.‘

A rush of memories sped like lightning to her mind. From the

Chaos of what was now being called ³Dragon¶s Fall,´ to the dual
Vision-Sicknesses of both their mother Locarra and the Lady
Empress herself, to Lady Adellandra¶s taking the children away,
deeming the four of them the ³Lost Ones´, to Adellandra¶s own
disappearance from the Nations, only to find herself blooded by
the Ancient Mystics of the Mystic Realms and raised as an
Immortal with no memory of who she really was to finally, her
new title of Lady Guardian of the Realms and return as Lady
Empress of the Dragon Nations beside her loving mate.‘

jhe memories caught up with her and she felt a new sense of duty
to the Dratianos¶ Royal Legacy. jhe siblings opened their eyes
and faced each other.‘

After a moment, Alexia stood at attention like a good Draconian

soldier and saluted, serious eyes on the monarchs. ³My life and
sword are yours, Lord Emperor and Guardian.´‘

³Are they mine and the Nations as well, Alexandria Dratianos?´

jhe Lady Empress asked seriously.‘
³Aye, M¶Lady.´ Alexia announced.‘

³Do you also pledge your love, life, loyalty and honor not only
to the family, but to All the Realms of All the Worlds?´ Lady
Adellandra asked.‘

It sounded a bit much, and showed Alexia that things had

drastically changed. She clicked her heels and nodded her head,
looking at her new-old Lady Empress Brattonata with a new
respect. ³My love, life, loyalty and honor, M¶Lady are yours.´‘

³jhank you, Brattonata.´ jhe Lady supplied. ³My first request is

for you to hold out your hand, palm up.´‘

³Are you sure about this, Love?´ Draconis asked as he watched.‘

Alexia obeyed, placing her palm up to the Lady.‘

³Positive.´ Adellandra supplied. ³You have Dranus as your

Branno, why can I not have his sister as my Branna?´‘

Draconis and Alexia grinned. ³Get on with it, then. We have to

prepare for battle ² again.´‘

Adellandra nodded, unsheathing a dagger that had a dragon¶s tail

snaking the pommel and body on the hilt. ³Do you trust me?´‘

Alexia nodded, holding her breath. She recognized the ritual her
father had used with his Branno, his brother-like bodyguard, Sir
Airemus was the same one she recognized as the one her own
brother Draconis had used with her twin Dranus. ³With my life.´‘

Lady Adellandra smiled, taking the tip of her blade and slicing
the middle of Alexia¶s palm. After doing the same to her own
palm, grasping Alexia¶s hand so the blood flowed between them,
she chanted.‘

³What¶s mine is yours and yours is mine.‘

³Part of mine now yours until the end of time,‘

³Flesh and blood, bone and heart,‘

³From this moment on, we¶ll never part.‘

³So I say, this spell is done,‘

³So mote it be, we two are now one.´‘

jhey unclasped hands and Lady Adellandra licked her new-Branna¶s

palm, healing the small cut with her tongue. When she was done,
that was Alexia¶s cue to do the same.‘

Alexia stared at her palm, her vision suddenly getting blurry.‘

³Dranus,´ Adellandra called to her mate¶s Branno.‘

³Aye, M¶Lady.´ Dranus supplied, stepping in to take his twin

sister. ³Are you okay to walk?´‘

Alexia couldn¶t speak; only shook her head. ³Dizzy.´‘

³You have always been that, Lexi.´ Dranus teased. He wrapped an

arm around his twin and nodded to Draconis and Adellandra. ³You
know where I will be, should you have need, Lord.´‘

³I¶d better follow; just in case.´ Adellandra supplied, glancing

at the new wound on her palm. ³You, dearest, know what must be

³Gather the Armies together.´ Draconis nodded.‘

³Not yet. We need to know more about what we¶re up against

first.´ Lady Adellandra supplied. ³Start with the children.´‘

Draconis nodded, leaving to find his oldest Kano, Dra¶Nie


Adellandra helped Dranus with Alexia¶s now-heavily limp form.‘

³What would make her feel like this?´ Dranus asked, worried.
jhey set Alexia on an empty bed in the infirmary.‘

³Between the chant and my blood, her body¶s going in shock.´

Adellandra shrugged. ³At least, I hope it¶s only shock.´‘

Dranus glared at her. ³Me, too, Adellandra.´‘

³Oh, stop.´ Adellandra grinned, knowing in her heart that Dranus

was only protecting his twin. She understood, as she was a twin
as well, and knew how it felt. ³I¶m going to check on Dia, and
tell µCora what happened.´‘

³If she does not already know.´ Dranus supplied with a grin.‘
³jrue that.´ Adellandra said, winking. ³I shall return.´‘

Dranus returned to his twin¶s silent form.‘

It¶d been near two-hundred years since he¶d last seen her. jhe
two of them had been, and still were, the fiercest fighters of
the lines. From their youth, they did everything together.‘

Dranus pet her hair and smiled. He felt a new kind of power in
her system, and attributed it to the Blood-Pact Adellandra had

³You will come through this; do you hear me, Alexandria?´ Dranus
whispered to her, caressing the scars on her face and neck. ³I
order you to come through this; you need to answer my heart-

He continued talking to her, both out loud and in her mind.

After a few minutes, he looked up, wondering where the Nurse
was. He squeezed his sister¶s hand and rose. ³I¶ll return. I

Quietly, hand on his sheathed dagger and ready to pounce at a

moment¶s notice, he inched over to the infirmary¶s entrance.‘

jhat¶s where he heard voices; and neither were the Nurse.‘

³It¶s all going according to plan, sister.´ A voice cackled.

³jhe Lady Dia has been resurrected, just as you ForeSaw.´‘

³Stop calling me sister, Gloriana.´ Another voice growled. ³jhe

only reason I so-called Fore-Saw the resurrection is because I
sensed we had a spy in our ranks. jhere was something about that
Dragon fighter that struck me as odd, and we had to do something
about her.´‘

"   $ c  Dranus scowled. His every

instinct was to go in there and destroy the two imposters, but
the love he had for his twin stopped him. It would do no good if
she awoke now and saw him knee-deep in battle; she¶d want to
join, no matter how weakened she was.‘

So he continued to listen, hoping for some clue as to why they

were attacking now.‘

³Why are we here, anyway?´ Gloriana grumbled.‘

³jo make sure everything goes as planned.´ jhe other woman
remarked. ³Soon, we¶ll have Ishanar in the palm of our hands and
we¶ll be unstoppable.´‘

÷     Dranus asked himself in his

mind. He automatically relayed the message to his Branno
Draconis, telling him what was happening right outside the
infirmary door.‘

Ú  %   Draconis supplied in return.  

 S    %   & 

c& . Dranus supplied. c  $  ‘

Without making a sound, Dranus headed back to his sister¶s side.

She was moaning in her sleep, tossing her head side to side.‘

He placed a palm to her head and closed his eyes, sending a wave
of comfort through their bodies. ¯ c
 Dranus sent to her mind.‘

She took a deep breath and smiled, her body relaxing into a
soothing sleep once again.‘

³How¶s she doing?´ A voice quite like Lady Adellandra¶s

interrupted his thoughts.‘

³She will survive.´ Dranus told her.‘

Before he could ask what Lady Adarramena was doing there, she
smiled. ³Ah, telepathy. Wonderful thing, isn¶t it? Drake told
µKarr what was going on and I raced over. When your Branno told
me personally to look after your sister, I took that seriously.
It¶s not every day µKarr lets his duo push me around.´‘

Dranus nodded his head. ³Are you here to help her?´‘

Adarramena grinned and winked. ³You bet, Branno-boy.´‘

Dranus ignored the silly nickname she¶d thought of when he was

first Earthbound to guard over the family.‘

Adarramena took Alexia¶s hand and examined her palm. ³Wow. I

didn¶t think µDella had it in her!´‘
³I know she shared her blood with Lexi, but what are you
thinking?´ He asked.‘

³Hmm.´ Lady Adarramena stared at the new scar on Alexia¶s palm

in thought. ³Well,´ she started, ³let me ask you this first: did
you hear and witness the ritual words µDella used?´‘

Dranus nodded, curious. ³What does it mean?´‘

³You know the blood-binding as well as any of us.´ Adarramena

supplied. ³You did it with Draconis, as part of the Branno-ing
Ceremony, or whatever you call it.´‘

Dranus had to smile. ³So Lexi¶s now permanently blood-bound as

Branna to your sister? Am I close?´‘

³So close, you hit the bull¶s eye.´ Adarramena¶s bright silver-
blue eyes shone. ³What were the words she used? Do you remember

³Vividly. Shall I repeat them?´‘

³No need. I¶ll just get them from her later.´ Adarramena
responded. She leaned over Alexia¶s silent body and placed one
palm on her head while the other was on her heart. ³Now the
healing begins.´‘

Lady Adarramena¶s twin Adellandra soon found Dia in her own

quarters, Sir Airemus guarding the door. ³Dratyr, how¶s she

³Slowly getting her bearings, µDella.´ Sir Airemus said. ³She

was woozy before, which is to be expected from a resurrection.
She¶s reading from her bed, if you wish to speak with her.´‘

³jhanks, Dratyr.´ Adellandra knocked.‘

Dia opened the door and smiled, gesturing her inside.‘

³How are you feeling, Dia?´ Adellandra asked. ³If you still
can¶t talk, feel free to speak telepathically.´‘

Dia nodded.  $&   "   ‘

Adellandra took a seat on her bed. ³Don¶t thank me; thank

Alexia. She¶s the one to break the curse and bring you back to
us. I¶m sure we¶re not the only ones that will be happy to see

Dia sat next to her, head down. <  ¯  $

³Do you remember what it was about?´ Adellandra asked, taking

one of her hands.‘

Dia could feel warmth coming from their joined hands. It

reminded her of the Dream Magic Adellandra had learned long ago
before she disappeared. Adellandra was sending her own Healing
Magic through their hands to comfort her. It helped her relax.‘

  $Dia said in her mind.‘

³If it is important, it will come to you when you¶re ready.´

Adellandra hugged her. ³Would you like to see your duo in
Monarch¶s Glen?´‘

Dia shook her head. 9     


Adellandra grinned. ³I¶m guessing it¶s not the deep sleep of

near-permanent slumber. µDarra prob¶ly gave you her famous
Healing Sleep potion. It only puts you to sleep to help your
body heal and readjust. When you feel up to it, µCora and I will
help you understand just how much this place has changed in the
time you¶ve been away.´‘

Dia could do nothing but nod her head in agreement. "   
&   ‘

³You¶re welcome, Blu-Sita.´ Adellandra hugged her again and

rose, helping her back into her warm sheets. After kissing her
forehead, the Lady left.‘

Dia snuggled into her old nesting bed, falling into a deep,
healing sleep with a smile on her face.‘

ã   ‘

Dawn of a New Day‘

³How are we supposed to fight a woman of her standing?´ Brakkon
Dratianos, King of the Epsilon Realm asked his son Draconis,
Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations.‘

jhey were gathered in the Battle Room, along with Brakkon¶s

Branno Sir Airemus Dranna, Sir Airemus¶ son Sir Anton, Lord
Dran¶a'vir, second-mate to Lady Adarramena, and their other
adult children, Lady Empress Adellandra, Lady Adarramena,
Draconis¶ twin Lord Drakkar of Mek¶anar, Mal¶estar¶s sister
city, Countess of Monarch¶s Glen Dracora, her mate, the Champion
Karrath, Dranus, Alexandria when she was able and Dia, who stood
silent, listening and waiting.‘

It was three days later and so far, the entire Royal Family was
at odds about the new battle ahead of them.‘

³She¶s changed since the War of the Realms, Dratyrna.´ Lady

Adellandra supplied. ³According to Destria, and my own
observations of MagDaliah, she¶s gathered even more Female
Dominionites, female demons from Demarian¶s Realm, and more. jhe
only way to fight her with as much magic and power she¶s got is
with brute force and hefty magic.´‘

³We need to put our qualms about not hurting women out of our
heads.´ Lady Adellandra¶s own twin Adarramena was known as the
Grand Magus of the Realms as her sister was Lady Guardian.
³jhese women are more powerful than their male counterparts used
to be.´‘

³At least we got rid of Bane and Orthos, eventually.´ Dran¶a'vir

remarked. His best friend Karrath nodded.‘

³It would seem the women were the true power behind their
males.´ Karrath supplied. ³We have to treat MagDaliah and
whomever she¶s gathered like any other evil opponent.´‘

³With due care,´ Lady Adellandra sighed. ³Can¶t we bring Destria

for this? She¶s dealt with MagDaliah and her female-minions

³If you want to lose yourself again, dearest, go for it.´

Draconis growled. ³jhe last time you merged with her, she took
over you and caused destruction around the Demon Realms. Not
even Demarian could control you.´‘

³Point taken,´ Lady Adellandra remarked. ³What about the

Companion Armies along with our own Draconian?´‘
³Last time we did that, she turned our own Lady fighters against
us.´ Drakkar remarked.‘

³Which brings us to where we started,´ Sir Anton supplied. ³No

amount of magic ± Draconian, Wolfkin, Mystic or otherwise ± is
going to stop her this time.´‘

³I do believe we have something this time around that we didn¶t

then.´ Dranus eyed his twin. ³Lexi and Dia.´‘

³Are you able to, after the resurrection spell, Alexia?´ Lady
Adellandra asked, worried.‘

³Never underestimate me, Lady.´ Alexia grinned. ³I¶m Draconian

and Ancient Mystic, same as you. We heal fast.´‘

Lady Adellandra nodded, grinning at her new Branna.‘

³We also have Dia,´ Dracora looked at her own twin. ³All of
Dratyr¶s children are powerful together.´‘

   <  Dia frowned. She opened her mind
to the group and sent.  $  

³We¶ll work with you, Kana.´ Brakkon announced. ³Meanwhile, we

need to form a plan.´‘

³She¶s not done anything yet, Dratyr.´ Drakkar supplied. ³Has


Alexia nodded. ³She¶s been terrorizing innocent children,

Bratton.´ She supplied. ³jhe entire reason I¶ve returned is to
help fight her. I believe if we pull together the power of
Ishanar, we might have a chance of destroying her for good.´‘

Draconis cried, ³Ishanar! Are you mad?´‘

Lady Adellandra looked at her Branna and had an idea of what she
was thinking. ³She¶s got a point. Didn¶t you teach me that the
Power of Ishanar is a formidable foe for those that wish to harm

³Well, yes, but ±´ Draconis sighed. ³Do you happen to remember

what we did Samhain some-odd years ago, and why we¶re both
Realm-  Earthbound to handle it?´‘
Lady Adellandra grinned, ³Exactly.´‘

³I don¶t understand.´ Lady Adarramena remarked. ³How can we pull

the Power of Ishanar to help us battle MagDaliah?´‘

³All it takes is a little Family Binding.´ jhey all heard a

female voice behind them. jhey turned to see Brakkon¶s two
Mystic mates coming up to them, hand in hand.‘

It was Lady Locarra that spoke. ³Power wrought by the Binding is

power unparallel.´‘

³jhe only way to do so is to bind the families together.´ Lady

Sibylline responded, eyeing both Dragonwolf twins. ³I do believe
the Lady Guardian and Grand Magus have already done half the
work for us.´‘

³You¶re saying we should do the same with the Draconian

Families?´ Karrath asked, speaking up and eyeing his own mate.‘

Both women nodded. ³Males, along with females, must work

together.´ Locarra supplied.‘

³µCara-mia, how do you know?´ Brakkon asked.‘

jhe women looked at each other. ³It has been ForSeen.´‘

³So it has.´ Lady Adellandra supplied softly, staring into

space. When Draconis looked, he saw her eyes were purest of
silver, a sign her Goddess-form was Speaking, and all should
listen. Once the Goddess of Light A¶isha had their attentions,
She spoke again. ³Dark Ladies and Dark Lords never think when in
war. jhe time of Ishanar¶s ascension is here, and the way to
balance will be clear. Work together, not apart, and you will
find in your heart, the Path for Peace will be Here.´‘

Lady Adellandra¶s eyes closed and her body fell limp in her
mate¶s arms.‘

³I guess that¶s our cue to depart.´ Anton broke the tense


jhe Battle Room was soon empty but the twins of Dia and Dracora
and Dracora¶s mate Karrath.‘

³Visit with Dran¶a'vir, m¶love.´ Dracora instructed, kissing

Karrath¶s lips.‘
He knew when to obey and could sense the twins needed some time

Once he left, Dracora and Dia stared at each other.‘

³Dia,´ was all Dracora could supply before hugging her dear,
silent twin. ³I knew you would return one day. I just hoped it
would not be under these circumstances.´‘

Dia hugged her sister back.  '   


Dracora held back, looking into her sister¶s eyes. ³I do not

even remember what the fight was about.´ She grasped Dia¶s hands
in hers. ³Is your voice still silenced? Why do you not speak
aloud? Use to be once you spoke, it would be hard to silence

Dia knew she was teasing, and smiled. ³So much has changed,
Sita.´ She used the Ancient Wolf-Speak word for ¶sister¶, her
voice scarcely above a whisper. ³I am afraid I will not adjust

³It takes time.´ Dracora supplied, squeezing their joined hands.

³Has anyone given you the Memories yet?´ Dia shook her head. ³Do
you wish to learn what you have missed, from the good to the

Dia gulped and nodded her head. ³All that you know. It is my

Dracora placed her fingers to her sister¶s temples, sharing

memories of over two-hundred years with her.‘

When they were finished, Dia stared at her. ³It would seem I
have been resurrected in the nick of time.´‘

Dracora nodded. ³jhat you have. We will figure everything out

together, I promise.´‘

Dia smiled.‘

jhat afternoon, Lady Alexandria and the Empress walked the

Garden that surrounded the castle¶s rear.‘

³May I ask you a personal question?´ Alexia asked.‘

³Always Alexia,´ Adellandra grinned warmly.‘

³Do you remember what you say as your Goddess-form?´‘

³As A¶isha is my truest form, of course I remember.´ Adellandra

said. ³Even I have to work out what riddles the Goddess-form

Alexia grinned. ³You have changed, Adellandra.´‘

³Is it so bad for one to change and grow?´‘

³Oh, never!´ Alexia cried. ³Change is good.´‘

³If you are worried about the Blood-Link and what it will do to
you, do not.´ Adellandra supplied. ³All that I am is now a part
of you. jhe only reason I Linked us is so we would be able to
sense each other when we¶re apart.´‘

³I¶m not worried about that.´ Alexia looked at her palm, which
now bore a crescent-moon shaped scar.‘

Adellandra studied her Branna carefully, daring to use jel-

empathy to sense her worried thoughts. A memory-vision flashed
before her eyes. It was a time when they both were much younger
and long before she was ever mated to Draconis.‘

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jhinking of that scene now, Lady Adellandra shared it with her

new Branna. ³Are you worried that I have grown so hard, I am no
longer the playful Dragonwolf pup you once knew?´‘
Alexia nodded. ³What I¶m worried about is your skills at a
fighter.´ She teased, stopping in their tracks and tapping her
sheathed sword. ³Can you fight without using your magic?´‘

³I would not be here if I couldn¶t.´ Adellandra pet Spirit at

her back. ³Shall we Dance, Branna?´‘

³And risk you killing me?´ Alexia asked, grinning. ³You¶re on!´‘

jhey sparred for the better half of an hour before noticing they
had an audience.‘

Alexia could vaguely see the forms of both sets of parents and
siblings. She ignored them, continuing to test the Lady¶s

³Now, Adella, show me what magic you can do!´‘

³I¶d rather not, Branna,´ Adellandra huffed, sidestepping and

watching Alexia¶s blade, ³for I¶ve grown quite powerful as of

As their blades crossed in a µj¶, Alexia looked into her

Branna¶s eyes. jhey were pure silver.‘

³A¶isha!´ Alexia yielded, stepped back and bowed.‘

³µBout time you showed up again.´ Lord Brakkon Dratianos

supplied as the group walked up to them. ³Good sword-work, by
the way.´‘

³Who do you think taught you, Death?´ A¶isha supplied with a

mischievous grin.‘

³Why return so soon?´ Draconis went to her side, ³and why in the
middle of a sparring session?´‘

A¶isha had nothing but love in her eyes and heart for her
beloved Draconai. ³jhe time draws ever nearer. What have you
done to combat MagDaliah but sit and wait in worry and fear? You
do not have the luxury of time, Draconai and there is naught to
fear, for Ishanar will defeat her.´‘

³How so?´ Katarina asked. She never did like when A¶isha took
over her daughter¶s form.‘
³I¶m thinking the same as what we did some years ago with the
µUnmentionables¶.´ Adarramena supplied. ³We bring the families
together through blood and magic, perform a ritual and use
Ishanar¶s full power against her.´‘

A¶isha nodded. ³Remember what Sibylline and Locarra told you,

and you will think of the solution. For now, I must rest. If you
will, Draconai?´‘

³Certainly, my dearest A¶isha.´ Draconis caught her now-Immortal

form as the physical body fainted and the Goddess-form

³Something tells me we¶re going to be in over our heads.´

Dran¶a'vir supplied, and Drakkar nodded in agreement.‘

Alexia had been silent, watching and listening after she

sheathed her blade. It was her turn to speak. ³Mia Familia,
Royals and Draconians alike; She¶s right.´ She began, catching
the worried eyes of her twin Dranus. ³Whatever you did back then
Adarramena, it must be done again.´‘

³Do you think that¶s wise?´ Dran¶a'vir asked Alexia. ³You don¶t
know what happened back then. We may have won the War of the
Realms, but it changed us. µDarra could hardly control the magic
she wielded from the Dream Realms¶ Sphere.´‘

³Dran¶a'vir.´ Drakkar growled. ³I Felt what she did, and it

brought me out of hiding.´‘

³I don¶t understand.´ Dia supplied. ³What did you do?´‘

Adarramena bowed her head and explained. ³Using the Dream

Realms¶ Sphere, which had the most powerful magical jewels
connecting it, I bound all Earthbound Ancient Mystics together.´‘

³So you have to do it again? Now I don¶t understand.´ Alexia

asked. ³How will binding all Ancient Mystics together allow us
to use the full power of Ishanar? Ishanar was a place, just like

³Grandfather created it as a sanctuary for all Dragon-kin.´

Brakkon said. ³Since Draconis and Adellandra brought its form
back, opening the portals in the Outer Realm, that power
returned to the present.´‘

³How very true, Dratyr.´ Draconis walked up to the group.‘

³How is she?´ Adarramena asked, worried.‘

³She¶s Resting in our quarters. Sharra is at her post in front

of the door and will send word should anything happen.´ Draconis

Adarramena nodded, relieved.‘

³I¶ve been thinking, ladies and gentlemen.´ Draconis started in

his best Lord Emperor-and-Guardian tone. ³Mutyr Sibylline is
right. jhe only way to manipulate and use Ishanar¶s power is by
binding us together.´‘

³Just as I bound all Earthbound Ancient Mystics together?´

Adarramena supplied. ³I was ill for a week and it almost cost
the entire line our lives.´‘

³I figure we do the same with the Dratianos lines.´ Draconis

supplied. ³I¶ll talk it over with Adellandra when she wakes up
and we¶ll see what we have to do.´ He surveyed the family around
him. He could sense the power each had, and thought together, it
would be enough. ³For now, we return to our respective lands,
gather whoever we need, and do what must be done in preparation
for an upcoming war.´‘


Destria¶s Return‘

³No one seems to understand, nor care about the severity of our
problem.´ Destria, the Demon King¶s sister announced. ³I have
seen it for myself, brother, and so has the Lady. MagDaliah has
gone too far, and she¶s bound to go farther before we are
finished with her once more.´‘

³Aye, Destria, I know the severity of our problem.´ Demarian

supplied. It was perhaps the hundredth time she¶d brought it to
his attention, and the thousandth time the name MagDaliah
crossed her lips. ³Lord Draconis enlightened me to the Goddess¶s
return. A¶isha told her tale and left them bewildered, as usual
before disappearing and leaving the Lady¶s body pleasantly

³jhere you go, more proof we must do something before she goes
through with her plan.´ Destria was adamant. ³I am leaving for
Mal¶estar while I still can. Are you to join me?´‘
³jhis time, I will stay here.´ Demarian said. ³I send you with a
warning, sister. If you take over the Lady¶s body without her
permission and I find out about it, both Draconis and I will
Destroy you. Is that clear?´‘

Destria blinked at her brother¶s serious tone. ³Clear as water.´‘

Back in Mal¶estar, Draconis, Alexia, Dranus, Drakkar and

Adarramena all waited for Adellandra to rise. Draconis¶ son
Kronin stood aside with a mug of Healing Elixir in his hand,
worried about his mother.‘

³jo bind the family together,´ Kronin started softly, and all
were listening. ³I know how; we just have to wait until Matéré
Rises and up to the magical challenge.´‘

Alexia looked at her younger nephew. It would seem even he had

changed from the shy young Dragonwolf pup. He¶d grown in
maturity, not only in mind but body as well.‘

³What are you thinking, Kro?´ µKarr asked him, sharing a

confused look with his mate.‘

Kronin shook his head. ³I¶m not sure how to explain it, Uncle.
It¶s simple to grasp, yet complicated to perform.´ He looked at
his Aunt µDarra. ³Do you remember anything of how you tied the
Earthbound Ancient Mystics to the two of you?´‘

Adarramena shook her head. ³It¶s all kinda fuzzy now, Kro.

³Who else would know about it?´ Kronin asked.‘

³Besides all the Earthbound Ancient Mystics?´ Adarra replied

sarcastically. ³Oh, just about every Dweller-kin in Romania at
the time.´‘

³Which includes Bella and Ramon,´ Dranus said. ³Shall I look

into it, Bratton?´ He asked Draconis, who nodded.‘

³I am coming with you.´ jhey heard a whisper of a voice supply.

jhey turned to see Dia there, and she continued as she walked up
to them. Dia stared at the resting Lady Adellandra. ³I have had
a lot of Dreams that turn into visions that give me nightmares.
jhe Lady has helped me through them.´‘
³You do not have to go, Dia.´ Draconis pressed gently. ³You¶re
still weary and not used to travelling through the Realm Portals
as we are.´‘

³I can handle it just fine, Lord Bratton.´ Dia frowned at him.

³If I can travel safely through Dream-time, than I can surely
travel through a Portal to the Mortallan Realm.´‘

Dranus stood up for her. ³I will be there with her. Should

anything happen to us, we will return. Agreed?´‘

Draconis eyed his brother-bodyguard a moment before he nodded.

³Go, before I change my mind.´‘

Dranus took Dia out of the Lady¶s and Lord¶s Chambers.‘

³I will stay here with you and Adellandra,´ Alexia responded

quickly, seeing Draconis was worried; not only for his Branno
but his younger sister.‘

³Aye. Go alert Sharra you¶re taking her place.´ Draconis said as

he stood.‘

With a salute, Alexia was gone as well.‘

³What about us, Drake?´ Adarra asked him softly.‘

³Go back to Mek¶anar.´ He told her. ³Your people need you more
than we do right now.´‘

³Very well, Bratton, but you will relay the message when you
have need of us?´ Drakkar asked and Draconis nodded.‘

When they left, both Adarra and Drakkar could see the worry
lines on Draconis¶ face. Even Kronin was on the verge of crying.‘

As Adarra shut the door behind her, she saw the single tear drop
from his eye to their joined hands.‘

³He will be okay, once she rises.´ Alexia said gently, placing a
hand on her Brattonata¶s shoulder. ³You will see.´‘

jhe couple thanked her and was on their way back to Mek¶anar.‘

Destria flew her fastest, trying to get to Mal¶estar without

being seen. She didn¶t have any of her demon magic anymore, so
she wasn¶t able to just disappear and reappear at will. Instead,
she flew in the only other-kin form the Lady would allow her ±
the gyrfalcon.‘

Destria knew all about the changes in Mal¶estar from the moment
she flew over the gates. Whatever she didn¶t know was
immediately given to her in Memories that flashed before her
mind¶s eye.‘

³Damn Memory-Spell.´ Destria frowned. ³Wonder whose brilliant

idea that was?´‘

She descended to the ground, meeting a guard at the huge onyx

entrance to the Castle.‘

³Who be ye?´ jhe dragon-guard asked.‘

Destria put on her brightest seductive smile when she shifted

back to her demon form. ³Don¶t you remember little ol¶ Destria?´
She ticked, running a finger up and down the guard¶s chest. ³I
know it¶s been awhile, but it hasn¶t been  long! Could you
be a dear and escort me to the jhrone Room? I need to speak with
my Soul-sister.´‘

³I-´ jhe Guard started, but shook his head. ³I do apologize, but
there is none to relieve me.´‘

Destria pretended to pout, putting her hands on her hips.

³jhat¶s just too bad. I would¶ve loved your company handsome.´‘

jhe Guard opened the doors for her. She blew him a kiss and he

As soon as she was in, there was another pull of magic to her
system. It was as if the Castle itself were forcing her to be
herself, and not the evil sex-goddess that used men as she was
known for being.‘

She looked ahead of her and didn¶t see the Emperor or Empress in
their jhrones. No one was around, and that bothered her.
Usually, they¶d meet her there, as they would any µguest¶ to

jhis time, however, Destria sensed something wrong. 9%  

(  % # ÷‘

jhat same something led her to sensors to the upper rooms of the
Castle and to the Monarchs¶ private room.‘
³You must be Destria.´ She heard a voice beside her. She looked
to see a face she hadn¶t seen before. It reminded her of a
female version of Dranus, Draconis¶ Branno.‘

³jhat¶s right, and who are you?´‘

³I¶m the Lady¶s Branna, Alexandria.´ Alexia supplied, moving in

Destria¶s way to stop her from entering. ³I¶m afraid you cannot
go in there.´‘

³Why not?´ Destria asked with a suspicious look on her face. ³I

need to see the Lady.´‘

³She¶s« at the moment.´ Alexia stumbled over her

words. ³Whatever your need be, it will have to wait until she
Rises and at full awareness.´‘

³What about the Lord?´‘

³Isn¶t it obvious?´ Alexia asked. ³He stays with her.´‘

³Fine.´ Destria huffed. ³Just tell me what the Hades is going


³You¶ve not heard about MagDaliah¶s attack?´ Alexia asked,

surprised. ³I thought the Lady told us you did?´‘

³I¶ve heard plenty about MagDaliah and her Fe-Minions.´ Destria

supplied. ³jhat¶s why I¶m here and need to speak to Her.´‘

³You¶re welcome to wait in the Hall.´ Alexia supplied. ³I¶ll

send for you when she wakes and is up to talking.´‘

Destria frowned, turning on her heel and leaving.‘

Meanwhile, Dranus led Dia through the Portal to Romania and the
Dweller Kin-Clans. He insisted they shift to Immortal forms, so
they wouldn¶t attract unwanted attention.‘

³Who are Ramon and Bella?´ Dia asked, following behind him.‘

³Ramon is the leader of the Dweller kin-Clans.´ Dranus supplied.

³Bella is his Ancient Mystic Bondmate.´ He stopped and waited
for her to catch up. ³Dia?´‘

Dia smiled. ³I¶ll be fine once the visions end.´‘

Dranus couldn¶t help feeling bad for her. Dia was just about the
most powerful female in the Dratianos line. All that power
wracked at her body and soul, wearing her out quicker than the
rest of them.‘

He turned around again and headed to the Dweller kin-Clans¶



Dranus sent through the kin-
Clans¶ open mind-channel as he walked. $   
%  ÷ ‘

#%  (   Ú  Ramon¶s voice was surprised.

&      ' 

¯      # 

   &  Dranus grinned.‘

#¬  $ Ramon supplied with a joyous laugh.‘

jhe siblings reached the Courtyard just in time to see the

Mortallan sun setting beneath the horizon.‘

Dranus looked to Dia, checking to see if she was ok.‘

She was staring at the horizon with awe. ³jrue beauty to

behold.´ She whispered.‘

³jhat it is, my Lady.´ Another female voice belonging to Bella

Martiya supplied with a grin. ³Pleasure to see you in our Realm
again, Lord Dranus.´‘

Dranus ignored the playful tone. ³If only it were, Bella.´ He

turned to his sister. ³Bella, Ramon, this is my younger sister,

Now Bella was in awe, bowing to her. ³If not for the eyes, I
would have mistaken her for the Queen!´‘

³Queen?´ Dia managed to choke out, amazed and confused.‘

³Didn¶t you tell her, Dranus?´ Ramon came up to the trio and
asked. He then looked at Dia. ³Our Queen, Shylee, is his

³jhis would make her your duo.´ Dranus supplied.‘

³Duo,´ Ramon said. ³jhat¶s your word for twin, isn¶t it?´‘

Bella clapped her hands. ³Well, no wonder you look like her!
Come, sit. jell us what you¶re here for.´‘

³Business or pleasure?´ Ramon asked. ³By the looks on your

faces, I¶d guess this wasn¶t a pleasure visit. What¶s going on,
and how can we help our Inner-Realm kin?´‘

Dranus explained about MagDaliah and her female soldiers heading

to Mal¶estar and the Dragon Nations. He told the Dweller-kin
leader all that transpired from the moment Dia was brought back
to life and Alexia¶s breaking their Granpere¶s curse to the

³So what can we do to help?´ Bella asked, looking from one

sibling to the other.‘

³Adarramena told us in so many words that you were there when

she Bound all Ancient Mystics to her and Adellandra.´ Dranus
explained. ³Do you remember anything about her using the Dream
Realms¶ Sphere to do it?´‘

Bella gazed thoughtfully at the horizon. ³It was many years ago,
but I do remember.´ She started. Ramon placed a loving hand on
her leg, which gave her strength to continue. ³jhe clans were
all Resting for the day, weary from the previous night¶s hunt. A
jolt of intense pain and a feeling of being tied to something
powerful woke me. jhe pain was so intense, I couldn¶t wish it
away. It pulsated within me for a moment, and then dissipated as
it seemed to ¶settle¶ in my soul.´‘

³I woke with her, also feeling the jolt.´ Ramon continued once
seeing Bella was in a trance, lost in memories. ³I woke one of
our Healers to see what could be done about relieving some of
the pain and finding the cause.´‘

³We know now the cause of the pain was Grand Magus¶ binding all
Earthbound Ancient Mystics to herself and Lady Guardian using
the Dream Realms¶ Sphere.´ Bella blinked and turned back to the
siblings, who were patiently listening.‘

³How did you find out?´ Dia asked.‘

³We were told by a Watcher-kin named Firestorm that he¶d Blood-

bound the Grand Magus to him and his mate Emerald.´‘
³Emmy is the one that told us of her fears.´ Bella supplied.
³She and Firestorm feared Grand Magus was taking her new
Dweller-kin ties to its dangerous, darkest levels. Emerald
believed Grand Magus was in danger of jurning Stalker.´‘

³Grand Magus is Lady Adarramena, right?´ Dia asked. jhe other

four nodded.‘

³It was and still is her official title in the Inner Realms.´
Ramon supplied.‘

Dia nodded, slowly understanding. ³I¶m sorry, I still don¶t

understand.´ She said. ³Why didn¶t you just follow the lines and
find out for yourselves what was going on?´‘

³I¶m sorry, Lady Dia, but µfollow the lines¶?´ Ramon was
confused. ³What do you mean?´‘

Dia held her hand out for Dranus, who took it. She then looked
to Ramon to do the same. Ramon grasped her free hand and one of
Bella¶s. On a whim, Dranus took Bella¶s free hand and completed
the circle.‘

³I¶ll show you.´ Dia supplied. ³Close your eyes and find your
magic¶s center. Surely you know how to do that, right?´‘

jhey nodded and all four closed their eyes.‘

In their minds, Dia instructed. ÷  $ 

.     ( (
$$   /   %  
  &  # 
$ ‘

¯  Ramon¶s voice asked her.‘

  S  %   Dia

replied seriously. She opened her eyes and severed the circle.
She tried to walk, but ended sitting instead, suddenly dizzy.‘

³Careful, sister,´ Dranus told her, steadying her. ³Need I

remind you that you use up more energy in this realm than you do
in our own?´‘
Dia frowned at him, but playfully stuck her tongue out. ³I think
I finally figured out how we can do what we need to do with

³jhat would be?´ Dranus prodded, interested.‘

Instead of answering him, Dia turned to Ramon. ³Are you able to

send a telepathic message to all Dweller-kin in range?´ Ramon
nodded. ³Bella, now that I told you how, do you think you can
follow the lines to every Earthbound Ancient Mystic, telling
them what¶s going on and do what I¶m going to tell you?´‘

Dia explained what had to be done, and even Dranus was surprised
she thought of doing it that way. He was proud of her expertise
at handling the pressing situation.‘

³On my mark, I want you to all link yourselves to whoever is in

your psychic reach.´ Dia supplied. ³It¶s not now, but it will
happen soon.´‘

Ramon and Bella nodded.‘

Dranus told the Dweller leaders they had to return and inform
the Lord and Lady Guardian of Dia¶s plan.‘


Royal Binding of Ishanar‘

Lady Adellandra awoke to see her mate lying next to her, his
body over the covers that she was wrapped in. She smiled,
turning her head when she sensed her oldest Draconian son,
Kronin staring down at them.‘

She took a deep breath, though it hurt to do so. With Draconis¶

and Kronin¶s help, she sat up.‘

³How do you feel, Matéré?´ Kronin asked, reaching for her mug.
jhe potion had long since cooled, so he used some of his magic
to warm it until it steamed once again.‘

She could only nod as she took the mug from him and sipped its
contents down her scratchy throat.‘

Lady Adellandra sent to her mate¶s and son¶s minds. ÷ 

³Do you not remember being A¶isha again?´ Draconis asked. She
stared at him, still trying to clear her head. He kissed her,
smiled, and explained. ³We were hoping you would remember how
µDarra bound the two of you together to all Ancient Mystics.´‘

  ¯   0  

 1 $ c2 
 Adellandra supplied, drinking more. She shook
her head. ³I know she used the Dream Realms¶ Sphere to do it. It
made every Earthbound Ancient Mystic scream from the pain they

³jhen we must get the Sphere back and use it again.´ Kronin

³Not a chance, Kano.´ Adellandra supplied. ³jhe four of us

returned the Sphere to Lord O¶Dell, minus the Amethyst Spirit
Crystal I wore around my neck. jhe only way we¶d be able to do
so would be to find all the darker pieces of it, and that¶s not
an easy task.´‘

³Hadn¶t we already found the Dark Sapphire in the Frozen

Northern lands?´ Draconis asked. ³How many more are there and
where would they be?´‘

³I don¶t suggest using the Sphere again.´ Adellandra supplied.

³We¶re already tied to every Earthbound Ancient Mystic, so we
don¶t need to repeat the ritual.´‘

³How are we going to use the Power of Ishanar then?´ Kronin

asked. ³Don¶t we need the Sphere?´‘

Adellandra shook her head. ³Not in this case, we don¶t. Before

my purist form snuck in again, I was trying to think of a way to
use all Draconians, Earth- and Realmbound, to manipulate
Ishanar¶s power.´‘

³jhe only question is how.´ Draconis spoke up.‘

³I do believe we know how.´ jhey heard a female voice supply.

³And I¶ve already sent word to the kin-Clans to do it, on my

³Question is: are you up to the magical challenge?´ Dranus asked

after his sister.‘

jhey also noticed Alexia there.‘

³I will be soon enough.´ Adellandra rose from the bed and
stretched. ³Would you care to explain what you¶re thinking,

Dia explained to them what had transpired in the Outer Realm.

³jhe kin-Clans have their orders to link when I tell them.´‘

³Sounds good to me,´ Adellandra supplied. ³Only one thing you¶re


³What¶s that?´ Dia asked.‘

³How to maintain our strength after the spell is cast.´

Adellandra replied. ³Both µDarra and myself were considerably
drained after she cast it. jhe only reason we weren¶t sick for
too long is because somehow, we¶d taken a little of each
Mystic¶s healing power to regain our strength.´‘

³Can¶t we do the same this time?´ Dranus asked.‘

Adellandra shook her head. ³jhink about that for a moment.

jaking one¶s energy without their permission, using it for your
own, is akin to theft. We only figured out what we were doing
after the fact, and it was over.´‘

³I don¶t mean to interrupt, Lady, but there¶s someone waiting

for you in the Hall.´ Alexia finally spoke up.‘

Adellandra closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. ³Destria.

All right, have her meet us in the jhrone Room.´‘

³Very well.´ Alexia mock-saluted and left.‘

³What would Destria want?´ Draconis frowned.‘

Adellandra shrugged, leaving for the adjoining bathroom to wash

up and dress. When she came out, she was in her Fighter¶s Gear
and refreshed. ³Didn¶t Demarian tell you?´‘

Draconis shook his head. ³Nope, and I¶m wondering why.´‘

³We¶ll figure it out in a moment, Branno.´ Dranus supplied. Dia

nodded beside him.‘

jhe four of them exited the room and headed to the jhrone Room.‘
jhey took their places at their jhrones, Draconis on the left
and Adellandra on the right, with their Branno and Branna behind
them. Kronin had his own jhrone a few paces away, with his
bodyguard-in-training, Sophie Wolfkin. Dia took a seat beside
Dranus, watching and listening quietly.‘

÷    $Adellandra asked.‘

&      S  Draconis frowned

at the kneeling Destria.‘

Adellandra stood and nodded for Alexia to stay in position. She

stepped down and walked up to her soul-sister. ³Rise Destria,
and tell me why you¶ve come.´‘

Destria stood, eyeing those staring at her. Of all Royals,

Adellandra was the only one not scowling at the sight. Destria

³My Lady, I¶ve word about MagDaliah.´ She said softly. ³I

overheard a conversation between MagDaliah and Albrath while I
was spying on them in my gyrfalcon form.´‘

She heard a gasp and saw Dranus staring at her, lips pursed.‘

³What were they talking about?´ Adellandra asked gently.‘

³jhey were going to kidnap your female kits.´‘

³Should they step foot on these grounds, I will destroy them!´

Draconis pounded his fist to his jhrone.‘

³May I interject?´ Dranus asked him. Once receiving a nod, he

continued. ³I am afraid you are too late, Lord. jhey may not
have kidnapped the kits yet, but they have been on the grounds.´‘

Draconis sighed and said. ³Aye, outside the infirmary doors. I

remember you telling me.´ He stood this time, addressing
Destria. ³What else have you overheard?´‘

³Not much else, Lord, but I thought to come straightaway once I

returned to Brother with the news.´ Destria said.‘

³And?´ Adellandra asked.‘

³He sent me with a warning: don¶t take over your body without
your permission.´ Destria supplied. ³I couldn¶t even if I wanted
to; you¶ve taken my Demon magic from me.´‘

³While that¶s true, there are other ways of taking over me.´
Adellandra supplied.‘

³Adellandra, give her any ideas.´ Draconis growled.‘

³Oh, I¶m not.´ Adellandra grinned innocently to her mate. ³I

believe it¶s time, Ladies and Gentlemen. Let MagDaliah and her
Fe-Minions kidnap the kits; they will know soon enough the taste
of Dragon¶s Revenge.´ She turned to Dranus. ³Branno, Branna,
summon all Dratianos¶ in the area; the more, the better. Dia,
alert the kin-Clans and Dracora. Lord Emperor, we must part and
prepare for war.´‘

³Not without me, you won¶t!´ Destria cried.‘

³( , Destria.´ Lady Adellandra commanded. ³You will have

your chance, but not right now. Return to the Demon Realm for
now; I¶ll mind-speak to you when we need you.´ She turned to the
group. ³Now, we prepare to bring the most powerful force ever
known to All the Realms of All the Worlds.´‘

Draconis merely stared at his mate, unable to say anything


¬ $  c  He sent to her,

scowling. He waited until the jhrone Room was empty of all but
them before stalking to the Battle Room.‘

³How dare you, Adellandra!´ Draconis cried as soon as the door

was closed and they were alone. ³We agreed ± I would be the main
Monarch here. I will be the one to give out orders.´‘

³You were taking too damn long.´ Adellandra replied in a huff.

³Something has to be done about MagDaliah. Not even Exile was
good enough for her, she just used the same Spell Gloriana and
Damian used to return to the Realms.´‘

³I understand that; what I don¶t understand is why her

kidnap the kits at all? Don¶t we want to something like
that from happening?´‘

Adellandra merely smiled. ³Sometimes, you have to lose the

battle before you can win the war.´‘
³By playing right into their plans?´ Draconis asked. ³Are you

Adellandra shook her head. ³Nay, not at all.´ She supplied. ³Let
me explain. Long ago, when I was Ariana Moon and the Crusaders
were fighting a then-evil Sabrina in the Outer Realm, I used the
same tactic after she attacked me in the Hill View Cemetery.´‘

³Okay,´ Draconis said. ³How does that apply here?´‘

³After the Crusaders somewhat healed me, I made myself look more
battered and bruised than I was. When I ¶surrendered¶ to
Sabrina, I was able to gain the upper-hand. With the Crusaders¶
help, we were able to Exile her to the Unknown for a time. So,
by losing one battle, we eventually won the war.´‘

Draconis just stared. ³Ok, but what about Ishanar¶s power? How
are we going to use it against them?´‘

³I thought we went over this already?´ Adellandra asked. ³Okay,

here was the plan, once again dearest. We bind all Dratianos¶ to
each other, using the same spell Adarramena cast when she bound
all Ancient Mystics to us. jhrough that, we¶ll be able to not
only harness, but control the Power of Ishanar.´‘

Draconis nodded. ³I see.´ He put his arms around her. ³You¶ve

learned quite a bit lately, haven¶t you?´‘

After kissing her Lord Emperor beloved, Adellandra just smiled.‘

Both the Lord and Lady paced their jhrone Room, waiting
impatiently for all Dratianos¶ and any other of even remote
Draconian-blood to arrive. It was quite an impressive amount of
people, and Adellandra just smiled when she stopped pacing to
survey the Room.‘

   Alexia¶s voice echoed in

Adellandra¶s mind.‘

9$   Adellandra supplied. .

 1      ‘

÷  ‘


told her gently with a grin.‘
She found the psychic lines that connected all Ancient Mystics
to her and followed them with her mind. She started with her own
family and worked her way back to the Originators. Oddly enough,
even they had arrived, minus Orthos of course.‘

Dorianne¶s entire lineage was there, with the exception of the

two incarnations of Dorianne¶s daughter Melody who was
reincarnated into Adellandra¶s Mystic daughter of the same name.
Dixilynne¶s entire lineage was there, from Dixilynne ³jhe Grand
Shamus´ and her mate jheodore ³jhe Apprentice´ Ryan to the
youngest, an infant she didn¶t recognize. Even those of
Sarabeth¶s lineage, Sarabeth herself, Shannon and Julia, her
twin daughters, were there with their families.‘

Adellandra smiled, finding Bella Martiya alongside her mate

Ramon. Bella was Dorianne¶s granddaughter and one of those who
used to be known as the ³Unmentionables,´ a group of Ancient
Mystics, most from Dorianne¶s line, that wanted to remain µoff
Mystic Radar¶, so they cut themselves off from their siblings
and families.‘


& She thought to her cousin.‘

Bella looked up and nodded.       # 
1    S   

÷   Adellandra was curious.‘

Bella looked and nodded to Dia, who was busy talking with her
own twin Dracora and Dracora¶s mate, Sir Karrath.‘

%   c (     ‘


 Bella supplied. ‘

c %  $<Adellandra

sent to her, and opened her mind to Alexandria. ÷c

! 2  Alexandria reported. 1%  3 

-c   Adellandra switched her mind-
path to her Blu-Sita, Dracora. <   $ % 

÷  $  & ( Dracora¶s voice teased.    

   # 1  ( ‘

Adellandra thanked her and sat on her jhrone, eyes closed and
Empathy open, surveying the room. jhe doors were closed, locking
them all inside. She reached her Magical empathic eyes and ears
and sensed a powerful shield surrounding not only the Castle but
all of Mal¶estar and the Dragon Nations.‘

"  S She thought to herself,

opening her eyes. She looked up and smiled as her eyes met those
of her beloved Lord Emperor.‘

³Are you alright to do this, darling?´ Draconis asked, placing a

hand on her cheek. ³You look about to faint.´‘

³We must, or they will win indefinitely, and turn our darling
daughters against us.´ Adellandra was serious. She placed her
own hand on his and purred, closing her eyes. ³According to
µCora, Bella, and even Alexia, everyone is ready. I¶m just
trying to think of a spell that will bind us all together and
still keep our strengths.´‘

³No need to worry about magical strength here, love.´ Draconis

grinned. ³We¶re in Mal¶estar.´ She stared at him, which forced
him to continue. ³She will protect us and provide us with what
we need.´‘

Adellandra smiled back and nodded. ³In that case, a binding

spell should do quite nicely.´ She stood and addressed the
Court. ³Ladies, Lords, Mystics and Wizards, Draconians and
Companions, Realmbound and Earthbound alike. I am sure you have
been informed of why we Called you here.´‘

³We are all here to bind ourselves together as one.´ Draconis

continued. ³Not only as one Nation, but one Family. We are being
threatened by the one we know as Queen MagDaliah of the Dark

³She has brought together all our old enemies to attack our
home.´ Adellandra announced. ³She has gathered all Female-
Minions from throughout the Realms to destroy us. Do you think
we should let her?´‘

An astounding ³No!´ shook the building.‘

³jhen join with us, all minds, bodies and magic.´ Adellandra
shouted. ³Grasp your hands together with those around you, and
link yourselves through thoughts and the Psychic bonds that were
already forged. jhink of your inner magic and concentrate. I
will send the words of the spell to those who don¶t know of it.
We will say it together, in harmony, and connect us to the very
Power of Ishanar!´‘

Adellandra waited, holding both her Lord¶s hand and that of her
son Kronin¶s. When they were linked, and Adellandra could sense
they were ready, she sent the spell to their minds. She took a
deep breath, closed her eyes and focused on her own Goddess¶
Magic as Draconis focused on his Gods¶ Magic. It would take more
than their combined powers to wield a force that strong.‘

She only hoped they would be able to do it.‘

Adellandra Mout¶ella Dranna, once-named Ariana Moon Woods,

Silver Moon Cobrianos, and many other names, reached out her
magic within to those connected in the large circle. She opened
her mouth at the same time her mate opened his, and the chorus
of the spell was heard.‘

³What¶s mine is yours and yours is mine.‘

³Part of mine now yours until the end of time,‘

³Flesh and blood, magic and soul,‘

³Help us wield the Magic of Ishanar¶s control.‘

³From Mystics Ancient to Dratianos¶ Lines‘

³Earthbound, Realmbound, through Space and jimes‘

³Dweller kin-Clans and Draconians Abound‘

³Bind us together through magic sight heart and sound.‘

³So we say, this spell is done,‘

³So mote it be, we two races are now one.´‘

jhey all felt as a bond was tightening in each of their minds,
souls, magic and hearts. jhose Ancient Mystics in attendance had
to keel over and keep silent, else their screams from the pain
would disrupt the effects of the spell.‘

All Dratianos¶, including Adellandra¶s own mate, were frozen in

their places, eyes turning brightest of white. jhose with
Dragonwolf blood, such as herself and their children, had auras
that were glowing the same color. She looked at her own hands
and saw that she, too, was glowing; only, it was of A¶isha-
named-Light. She  A¶isha, with memories from all her
incarnations, with magic to match. She  the Ancient Mystic¶s
Goddess of Spirit and Illunian Goddess Silver Moon. All her
Goddess forms had combined into one body, complete with all
memories and magic. Adellandra was surprised it didn¶t overwhelm
her, nor did she faint from the power.‘

She looked again to her mate, who was now glowing the darkest of
blacks. It reminded her of his God form, Draconai-named-
Darkness. Just as she was all her Goddess forms, he was all of
his God-forms, including the Ancient Mystic¶s God of Shadows.‘

Adellandra searched the room to find her own Dratyrna ± Lord

Brakkon ± who had his own God form, had transformed to a large
black dragon-Immortal that wore a cloak as black as night and
carried his sword-like scythe. He, too, had changed to his God
form of Brakkon-named-Death.‘

jhe three Realmbound Pillars were one once again, as well as

their combined peoples. As the magic ¶settled¶ in their minds
and bodies, all in attendance, from Draconians to Ancient
Mystics and beyond started to disappear. Most woke up from their
slumbers in the Outer-Realm or in their own Homes around the
Inner Realms, knowing of what they had done, and suffering no
ill effects of the binding.‘

)¬   (c *She heard a voice in her

mind she¶d not heard in centuries of being Realmbound. A vision
came and transported her to the Garden behind Mal¶estar¶s

³Brigit?´ A¶isha spoke. ³Why have you come?´‘

³I have come to congratulate you, Sister.´ Brigit announced, her

blue eyes mirrored waves of the waters she now commanded as the
Mystic Goddess Brianna. Her turquoise dress glittered in the
sunlight and her bright silvery hair flickered in the light
wind. ³You have done in a matter of moments what thousands of
eons could not. You have brought together peace for those of
your bloods.´‘

³Is it our time to return?´ jhe Goddesses heard the husky male
voice of the God-named-Death. Draconai-named-Darkness was with
him. ³Are we to be Havenbound once again, to look after our
peoples from above?´‘

Brigit shook her head. ³Not yet, Brother. jhere is still much
work to be done.´ She explained. ³jhe four of us must still work
together to bring the past to the present and erase the deeds
our lower Ancients have wrought against us.´‘

³Vengeance, Sister?´ Draconai asked softly, stepping to A¶isha¶s

side. ³For forcing you to be Havenbound while we are Earth and
Realmbound? Is that what you desire, Brigit? Vengeance?´‘

³Why bring all our Peoples into your need for vengeance?´
Brakkon asked her.‘

³It is not just about us anymore, Brother.´ Brigit responded.

³Without us, and our Magic to keep the Realms in line, they
would all fall into chaos. You know more than most about Chaos.´‘

³Aye,´ Draconai growled. ³I wish not to see that kind of

destruction again. For me, it was Hales.´‘

³It tore our Peoples apart and spread us throughout the Realms.´
Brakkon encountered. ³Is that what you desire?´‘

Brigit sighed. ³I desire naught but peace within All the Realms
of All the Worlds. I desire all our Peoples gathered as one, as
you have done today, for more than some minor cause. What I
 is my brothers and sister back Home with me, as
themselves, and not gallivanting around the Realms as jhose of
Many Forms.´‘

A¶isha stared at her Sister Goddess and frowned. ³jell me,

Brigit; did you have anything to do with MagDaliah¶s return?´‘

Brigit held her breath, which told her Pillar siblings that yes,
she did.‘

³jhought as much.´ A¶isha spat. She crossed her arms and her
eyes turned red with anger. ³I ought to destroy you for your
stupidity, Brigit, but since you are a Goddess, and my Sister
Pillar, I cannot. Did you stop to think whose lives you were
meddling in?´‘

³I have harmed no one.´ Brigit declared.‘

³But your meddling has.´ Brakkon supplied. ³If it was in our

power, we would demote you to minor Goddess status, or even
force you Realmbound, but it¶s not, as the Pillars are needed
for Balance.´‘

³Enough, Death.´ A¶isha commanded. She turned back to Brigit.

³Do you recall a game of Chi¶ton¶ai? I found a similar game in
the Outer Realm called Domino¶s.´ She began. ³Set up the tiles
side by side, one by one, until the tiles are in a row. jhen,
knock them over and watch them fall. Each of those tiles was
like an event the Mystic¶s called µDestiny¶, one leading into
another, affecting the one after it. Did you know that those
same tiles can also be members of a family, and their lives?´‘

Brigit clasped her hand to her mouth in realization. ³I swear! I

meant no harm!´‘

³You meddled in the affairs of Immortals and Mortals alike,

messing with their ± our ± lives.´ Draconai supplied. ³You
should better than to do that. You are µLife,¶ Brigit, 

³jogether with Ishanar, we are Balance.´ A¶isha reminded her.

³With Chaos, there is no Balance. While we thank you for the
good things you have done with such chaos, you must learn that
balance came at a hefty price.´‘

³Now we wish to keep the balance, throughout All the Realms of

All the Worlds.´ Brakkon supplied.‘

Brigit was silenced.‘

³For now, there is naught we can do but let jime flow and the
events you started with your meddling unfold as they may.´
A¶isha announced. ³As for you, was there anything else you had
wished to tell us before you return to Haven?´‘

Brigit bit her lip and nodded. ³By your binding today, Ishanar
has successfully been brought back to the present, where It
belongs. jhe Heart of Ishanar is hidden deep within the caverns.
You must find It and learn to harness its power. Keep the Heart
safe, my Pillar Siblings, for only you will be able to wield

³You can count on us, Brigit.´ A¶isha responded. ³Draconai,

Brakkon and I will find it and keep it safe for all-time.´‘

Brigit finally smiled, ³I do not doubt it.´‘

She disappeared then, taking the three of them with her and
returning them to their own beds in their own Realms.‘

ã    ‘

The Heart of Ishanar‘

For three days and three nights, all of those Peoples who had
linked with the Power of Ishanar slept, their daily lives on

In the Outer Realm, all Earthbound Ancient Mystics rested and

healed themselves while they were watched over by the very
Ancients they worshiped. jhe Dweller kin-Clans from all parts of
the Outer Realm, Rested for three nights, physical and spiritual
bodies in a deep healing slumber. Protective spells and
enchantments kept Stalkers at bay and others from knowing of
their existence.‘

jhose in the Inner Realms of the Dragon Nations and Mystic

Realms were also protected as they slept; not only by Ishanar¶s
great magic barrier, but watched over by Brigit herself. It was
the least she could do for causing such a mess in their lives,
forcing them to return Ishanar to the Present and use Its power.‘

Brigit kept a close eye on the deep cavern where she hid the
Heart of Ishanar, a large blood-red Bloodstone. She gave her
Pillar Siblings clues to its location in Dream-time, but was
forbidden to tell them exactly where it was.‘

She reminded them, in that particular cavern, there would be no

use of magic, for the flow of any power could cause a cave-in
that no one would survive.‘

Knowing the lesser-Ancients would scold her for helping her

siblings instead of hurting them, as she¶d been told to do once-
upon-a-time ago, she fled back to the Realm of the Ancients,
where she met her Ancient Siblings, Dana of the Earth,
Aura of the Winds and Hestia of the Fires. jhose particular
Ancients didn¶t know who she was, really. jo them, she was
Brianna of the Waters, a silly Goddess who giggled a lot and
wasn¶t very bright.‘

At last, she was safe at home.‘

jhe first ones to rise in either Realm were Lord Draconis and
his Lady Adellandra. jhe House was silent but the gentle snores
of all family members and Household staff.‘

³No permanent damage, thank the Gods.´ Adellandra whispered.‘

³You¶re welcome.´ Draconis teased. ³Let¶s see if anyone else is


³We¶ll start with Dratyrna.´ Adellandra suggested. ³I want to

see if he had the same trippy dream we did.´‘

³You had a trippy dream?´ Draconis supplied with a grin. ³Seemed

pretty normal to me.´‘

³Normal is an understatement, beloved.´ Adellandra said.‘

jhe couple headed to Brakkon¶s set of rooms, where he was

waiting at the doorway with his arms folded and a smile on his

³Mornin¶ Kano, Kanata.´ Brakkon nodded. ³Did you have a trippy

dream, too?´‘

Adellandra nodded, smiling. Draconis merely shrugged.‘

³If it was about the Heart of Ishanar, we¶d better find it,
before everyone wakes up from their slumbers.´ Draconis

³Don¶t you think it strange the three of us had the exact same
dream featuring the Goddess Brianna and the Heart of Ishanar,
whatever that is?´ Adellandra asked.‘

³She doesn¶t remember.´ Brakkon announced to his Kano with a


³She¶s not awake yet, Dratyr.´ Draconis supplied. ³Give her time
to readjust to her Realmbound form.´‘
³Hello!´ Adellandra cried, slapping her mate. ³I¶m right here,
you know! What am I supposed to  remember?´‘

³It will come back in time.´ Draconis told her. ³Now, to the
Snowy Caverns.´‘

³How do you know the Heart is there?´ Brakkon asked.‘

Draconis shrugged. ³Call it a hunch, Dratyr.´‘

It didn¶t take long for them to gather supplies and weapons for
their journey. jhey¶d been awake for three hours and slowly
getting their bearings. jhe entire Dragon Nations was still at
rest, and so were the Mystic Realms.‘

³Why are we the only ones awake?´ Lady Adellandra asked as they
headed north. ³It almost Feels like some magical spell has been
put on the Realms of All the Worlds, forcing them to sleep.´‘

³Brigit did put a spell on them.´ Brakkon supplied, leading

them. His Realmbound son Draconis was in the middle while
Adellandra trailed behind.‘

³Brigit?´ Adellandra asked as she hiked in her Immortal form.

³jhe Celtic Goddess Brigit? What would she have to do with

³She doesn¶t.´ Draconis told her, taking his own Earthbound

Immortal form. He remembered his Sister Pillar¶s warning about
using magic near the caverns. ³Do you remember being A¶isha last
night, once the spell to bind all Draconians and Ancient Mystics
to Ishanar was cast?´‘

Even Brakkon was his own Immortal form, which was almost
identical to Draconis¶, down to the black hair, dark eyes and
pale complexion. While Draconis preferred his hair in a long
ponytail down his back, Brakkon had his hair trimmed, liking it
out of the way when he battled. It was easier to take care of
that way.‘

³Vaguely.´ Adellandra supplied. ³jhe last thing I remember is

the binding ceremony, and our forms changing. All Mystics were
in pain, as they were when Adarra set the similar spell years
ago, all Draconians were frozen in place and the three of us
were glowing bright white.´‘
³For the God of Darkness to glow bright white, it had to be
something very powerful.´ Brakkon chuckled.‘

³Of course it was, Brakkon.´ Draconis supplied. ³We were swept

away in our God-forms by Brigit once the spell was cast.´‘

³We laughed, we got mad, and we had fun, right?´ Brakkon said

³If you call that fun, I should find another definition.´

Draconis spat back.‘

³Enough you two.´ Adellandra was laughing at their playful

banter. ³We¶ve got to find the Heart. Since you two seem to know
exactly where it is and what the Hades is going on, I¶m
following your lead.´‘

³As always,´ Brakkon chipped, sharing a look with Draconis.‘

Adellandra shook her head and sighed. ³Males.´‘

jired and worn but fine, the trio reached the highest cavern of
the Northern Dragonlands. jhe winter wind chilled them, but they
had to go on.‘

Adellandra felt something deep within her stir. Draconis and

Brakkon shared a look and watched her.‘

Her eyes closed and a palm was placed on the cavern wall.
Draconis noticed it was glowing the same bright white of her
Goddess-form A¶isha.‘

  $  Brakkon shared with his Realmbound


9   Draconis sent back. 1 

 ¯ ÷(‘

÷ %   %   ‘

Draconis shook his head. ((& (

cS('   ( (
 2  , &     
((¯ ‘

&  <#$ ' $ ¯ 

Brakkon pointed out.‘
Draconis nodded, smiling. He turned back to his beloved and
spoke in his ³Draconai´ tone ± ³Beloved A¶isha, Call to the
Heart of Ishanar. Open yourself to Spirit and let it flow within

Adellandra-as-A¶isha never opened her eyes, merely felt against

the wall and followed her senses. jhe two of them followed.‘

³Heart calls to Heart, Spirit to Spirit.´ A¶isha¶s echoed voice

announced, a chorus of all the incarnations of her soul meshed
together as one. She continued to walk and feel her way along
the icy cavern wall. jhe heat from her hand kept all three of
them warm. ³Heart of Ishanar, Pillar of Spirit, Hear me and
Answer my call. Know me as A¶isha, know me as Spirit, know me as
Silver Moon, know me as Adellandra Dranna, but do know me. Heed
my Call and show me the path to find you.´‘

She placed both palms on the cavern wall. jhe silhouette around
her fingers began to glow bright red, branching from her fingers
down the lengthy corridor. jhey followed the bright red line
until it seemed to draw a door, complete with three handprint

Brakkon and Draconis instantly knew what to do. Adellandra-as-

A¶isha finally opened her eyes to see what they saw. She
followed their lead when they reached their right hand to the
appropriate-sized handprint on the glowing door.‘

Once she touched the handprint, the door became solid ice
instead of rock, opening to reveal a large chunk of bloodstone.
As soon as she saw it, she was out of the A¶isha-as-Light
Goddess-form and returned to her Lady Adellandra Immortal form.‘

³jhe Heart of Ishanar!´ Adellandra raced to it, reaching out for


³Careful, Adellandra.´ Brakkon cautioned.‘

She snapped her hand back.‘

³Funny how it¶s a chunk of Bloodstone.´ Draconis reached for it

and held it in both his hands. ³It¶s glowing, and warm.´‘

³Just like flowing blood!´ Adellandra cried, sharing an

astonished look with her mate.‘

³Calm down, girl.´ Brakkon laughed.‘

Adellandra scowled at him. ³What part about it being a
Bloodstone is funny?´‘

³Seeing how Ishanar was the birthplace of the Dragon Nations, I

would¶ve thought it would have perhaps an onyx or obsidian as
its so-called heart.´‘

³jhis is much more appropriate, don¶t you think?´ Brakkon asked.‘

³Between the power flows of blood and magic, it¶s perfect as a

Bloodstone.´ Adellandra pointed out, staring at it. ³Question
is: where do we keep it safe once we finally get it to

³In our vaults, of course.´ Draconis supplied. ³With any other

magical artifact we wish to keep safe from any harm.´‘

Adellandra thought it over and nodded. ³Another query, if I

may?´ jhe males waited. ³How do we get it home safely, if we
can¶t use magic here?´‘

³Easy.´ Draconis smiled. ³We carry it.´‘

³It has to be about two-hundred pounds, Kano!´ Brakkon cried.

³You can¶t carry it alone, and sure as hales I won¶t be able

Draconis only laughed. ³Watch us.´‘

Once they exited the caverns and were back at Mal¶estar, they
were finally able to use their magic to transport the Heart to
the Vaults under heavy enchantments none but they could break.‘

ã   ‘


Destria was bored and frustrated, unable to do anything for the

Lady Adellandra but pace and wait for instructions.‘

She snuck out of the Demon Lord¶s castle and flew in her
gyrfalcon form toward a mountain. jhat¶s when she surveyed the
ground below her and recognized three females that were chained
together. jhere was Lady Adellandra¶s youngest daughter Arianna,
Lady Adarramena¶s youngest daughter Harmony and Sir Anton¶s
daughter Aislynne.‘
",Destria cried in her mind. She thought to the
Lady, (    ( S   
c$  9 ‘

    $  %   2 

the gentle, calm voice of Lady Adellandra. ‘

%     ‘

" $ % $     

Lady Adellandra supplied pleasantly. ÷  

 can  # ‘

Ú ,$ 9

Lady Adellandra commanded. $ ‘

With that, the Lady left Destria¶s mind. She was frustrated,
angered that her Lady Soul-Sister hadn¶t told her to do her job
and rescue the Princesses.‘

"  ÷  ÷

   9 ,
  $$  ‘

With a loud call to the winds, she took flight and followed
wherever Gloriana and Albrath were taking them.‘

Back at Mal¶estar, Lady Adellandra was smiling while her mate

was pacing in front of her.‘

³Okay, Adellandra. It¶s your plan. Now what do we do with it?´

Draconis stopped pacing to ask. ³Our daughters and nieces are
kidnapped by Gloriana and Albrath, just like you wanted. Will
you tell me what we do next?´‘

³Nothing.´ Adellandra supplied. ³At least, not for awhile

anyway.´ He stared at her, scowling while she kept her smile.
³We let them think they¶re getting what they want, when they¶re
not. jhey don¶t know we¶ve already linked our Familia to
Ishanar¶s Power, nor do they know we have the very Heart in our

³My Lord and Lady,´ they heard a voice in front of them. jhey
looked to see Adellandra¶s Mystic son Andrew knelt at the foot
of the jhrones. Andrew continued once he was nodded to rise and
stand at attention. ³As you already know, the Princesses have
been kidnapped. I¶ve come from Mek¶anar and the Demon Realm to
tell you all is well and ready for your orders.´‘

³What were you doing at Mek¶anar, kano?´ Draconis asked.‘

³Visiting with Caleb, of course.´ Andrew shrugged.‘

³You know those three, Sweetheart.´ Adellandra nodded to her

son. ³jhey never can stay away from each other for long.´‘

³Well, we are a team, as well as Meredith, Stacey and Angel.´

Andrew supplied. ³At any rate, I thought to report

Draconis was silenced, shaking his head.‘

³Of course.´ Adellandra said. She stared into space for a moment
and smiled. ³Kano, return to Mek¶anar once you found your duo.
Let your Uncles and Aunt know all will be well and µOperation
Bait and Switch¶ has begun.´‘

Andrew smiled, fist to heart and nodding in respect. ³Aye, my

Lady Matéré.´‘

³You are excused.´‘

Andrew bowed and saluted a final time before clicking his heels
and leaving.‘

³µOperation Bait and Switch¶?´ Draconis asked her. ³Is this

another one of your Agency plans?´‘

She shook her head. ³Nope. It¶s one the Crusaders made on their

³You and your plans.´ Draconis responded, shaking his head.

³Want to tell me about it or am I left to guess?´‘

³Don¶t I tell you everything?´ Adellandra teased. ³We¶ll wait

until my team of Crusaders arrives, then go for the kill so-to-

³I¶m sorry,  *Draconis was confused.‘

Adellandra merely smiled. ³You¶ll see. In the mean time, we¶ve
got work to do.´‘

She headed out of the jhrone Room with him on her heels.

Ú  Destria crouched in her

position high above Gloriana¶s camp. 9   
4   ‘

      % She heard a female voice in

her mind. It sounded like Adellandra but she knew better. jhe
Lady was with her Lord at Mal¶estar, and this voice came from
above her.‘

Destria looked up to see the Dragonwolf form of the Lady

Dratianos, Adellandra¶s duo Adarramena. Behind her on both sides
were the Dragon forms of her mates: Lord Drakkar on her left
while Lord Dran¶a'vir was on her right.‘

9   Destria sent back, shifting to

her gyrfalcon form and taking flight to meet them. S   
 '    ¯ 
c$ 4      4 
  $ ‘

%  c$  Dran¶a'vir sent. His voice

was deep yet airy, like a new Immortal¶s should be.‘

#  9 Destria flew above him as she spoke



 It was Lord Drakkar¶s rough baritone in her mind this time,
teasing her.‘

Destria cawed to the air, flying back down to her perch. 
   $my Lord,   
 $  ‘

After she had settled herself back in position, she heard the
Lady Adarramena¶s voice say in her head.   $ <Ú 
% ÷       
   ¬ $    
c ‘
    #   '$
   Destria asked, watching them slowly
fly above her, circling the encampment. (  

! Adarramena supplied.    $ 

    $ ¯      
$ c   Ú   $ c‘

"   ‘


Dran¶a'vir¶s voice echoed. (  $ +

¬      Adarra

interrupted. (# S   1   $4


9     ! Adarramena

supplied gently. '  ( c
 .   $     ‘


$  $jhat voice was the echoed sound of
Dran¶a'vir¶s Immortal tone he¶d long ago named Shadow.‘

Destria knew this was more than just a lesson on her Lady Soul-
sister¶s behavior. She sighed.      
     Destria asked.‘

"    Drakkar¶s voice said nonchalantly.

,       ‘

(   1 Destria asked.‘

cDrakkar agreed.‘

"   ‘

1   4   

Dran¶a'vir supplied in his µShadow¶ tone once more.‘
Destria pouted and shut her mind to them. She now felt like a
child thoroughly scolded and grounded from doing anything
remotely fun. She scowled to herself as she slumped in her
position ± the best she could slump as a gyrfalcon ± watching
the camp and the Princesses below her.‘

After their patrol of the enemy camp, Adarra, Dran¶a'vir and

Drakkar headed straight to Mal¶estar to report.‘

Adellandra and Draconis were deep in conversation with her fey-

bound mate Elspeth. It looked as if the dragon maiden was
worried and scared.‘

³Relax, Ellie.´ Draconis put an arm around the dark-haired

maiden. ³It¶s all according to plan.´‘

³It is good you have confidence, Drake.´ Elspeth scoffed,

snuggling into his embrace.‘

³We both have confidence, lovey.´ Adellandra purred, placing a

palm to the maiden¶s pale cheek. ³If we do this right, no one
will ever dare to ruin our happiness again: we¶ll be too
powerful a force.´‘

Elspeth looked to her Lady-love with a serious frown, taking her

hand from her cheek and holding it. ³Is it always about power?
Magical or otherwise, power is fickle. Even with all your gifts
and power, plans do not always go µaccording to plan¶. Both of
you should know this by now.´‘

³We do, Ellie.´ Draconis kissed her cheek. ³Can you not trust
your beloved mates?´‘

³I trust you with my heart and soul, but all the trust in the
Realms is not going to stop our enemies from attacking.´ Elspeth
pointed out.‘

³Ah, the voice of reason speaks again.´ Dran¶a'vir finally

spoke, breaking their concentration. He grinned at his ¶sister¶
Adellandra, who was blushing. ³I knew you kept her around for a

Elspeth smiled, attempting to hide her blush from them.‘

Draconis only held her tighter. ³So Dran, what¶s the story with
Gloriana and our daughters?´‘
³jhey¶re safe, Bratton.´ Drakkar answered for his own fey-bound
mate. ³According to Destria, they¶re in deep meditation.´‘

³Also according to Destria, Albrath¶s been taunting them every

once in a while, giving up after just a few minutes when she
bores of their inaction.´ Adarra stepped in. ³Destria¶s now
pouting, but still doing what you told her to.´‘

³She can pout all she wants; she¶s not going to ruin the game.´
Adellandra shook her head. ³I¶m not letting her ruin my fun with

jhey all looked at her strangely, even Elspeth.‘

³Fun?´ Drakkar asked angrily. He stared at his Brattonata with

red in his eyes, ready to pounce, but was stopped and calmed by
his own mate and Adellandra¶s duo Adarramena. He just growled at
her. ³Fun.´‘

³You¶re risking our daughters¶ lives just to have a little fun

with Gloriana and MagDaliah?´ Dran¶a'vir asked, just as pissed.‘

Adarramena flicked her wrists to both of them, silencing them

with zippers on their mouths.‘

³She means well ± remember what we told Destria.´ Adarramena

supplied, frowning at her mates. ³Now behave or I¶ll have to
punish both of you for the next month!´‘

¬  All heard them chorus in their minds.‘

Draconis and Adellandra couldn¶t help grinning. Was it just a

few years ago that Adarra was having trouble keeping Drakkar and
Shadow from killing each other? jhey never knew until they were
forced to know that they had more in common than they originally
thought. It was a frustrating µgame¶ getting those two to agree;
but once they did, they found Drakkar and the newly-named
Dran¶a'vir were fey-bound to each other and connected in every
way possible with Adarra herself. jhey now ruled Mal¶estar¶s
sister city Mek¶anar with Royal Aires.‘

Elspeth was happy for all of them. jheir happy endings had all
worked out for the best. Now it was time to make sure they
stayed happy.‘

³What have you learned?´ Elspeth asked them, still timid and
unsure. jhe whole µMonarchs¶ Own¶ was new to her. All she¶d ever
known of the Dratianos¶ was being their Maiden. She had never
imagined herself as an authority to anyone, not even the
servants and other maidens of the Houses she served in. Nor had
she ever planned on falling in love with Draconis¶ lady as well
as the Lord himself.‘

³Nothing new, I¶m afraid.´ Adarramena continued, breaking

Elspeth¶s and the Lord and Lady¶s trains of thought. ³jhe kits
are still in meditation and I¶m now glad I insisted Harmony
perfect her protective shield. All three of them are shielded
from any mind reading or tricks.´‘

³jhat¶s always a good thing, Sita.´ Adellandra announced after a

moment of thought. ³Ari has also told me they linked with
Ishanar and are doubly, if not triply protected by Her.´‘

³Question is: do know what the girls are up to?´ Elspeth


³If are Gloriana and MagDaliah, that¶s a negative.´

Dran¶a'vir told her.‘

³How do you know?´ Draconis asked.‘

³It¶s one of my many confusing gifts as a new Immortal.´

Dran¶a'vir supplied with a grin. ³I no longer need the
Protectors¶ Pendant-Dream Locket trinket anymore to get my
special magic to work. I only need to think about it.´‘

³I thought you were only able to sense if magic was near?´

Elspeth asked. Her eyes went to her mates. ³Is that not what you
told me?´‘

³jhat was when he was a mere mortal named Shane µShadow¶

Morehouse.´ Adellandra supplied. ³Now that he¶s Immortal, he¶s
free to learn and grow whatever magic is in his system.´ She
turned back to her µbrother¶. ³Well, what does your magic tell

³jhey¶re curious but remain clueless.´ Dran¶a'vir reported with

a grin.‘

³Let¶s hope they  clueless.´ Drakkar announced.‘

³Doubtful.´ Adellandra and Adarramena chorused.‘

³We know more than you do about them; they¶re only stupid for so
long, then, when they finally do understand what¶s going on,
they strike without warning.´ Adarra responded.‘

³Do you remember what she did to me when I had Destria take over
me?´ Adellandra asked.‘

³Yeah.´ jhey chorused. Draconis hugged her close to his free

side. Elspeth was still holding onto him on one side while his
Lady was now on his other.‘

Elspeth took her Lady-love¶s hand and squeezed.‘

³Lady Mother! Lady Aunt!´ jhey heard a rushed male voice

interrupt them. When they all turned, they saw Adellandra¶s
youngest Draconian son, Adrian running up to them. ³Arianna,
Aislynne and Harmony are in trouble!´‘

³We know that, son.´ Draconis assured. ³Don¶t worry; we¶ll get
them back.´‘

³I want to get them before the Fe-Minions break through their

shields and kill them!´ Adrian cried.‘

³You¶re to stay here, Adrian.´ Adellandra supplied. ³Ari will be

fine. jhe Crusaders will rescue her.´‘

Adrian¶s lips pursed. ³I want to go with them.´ He admonished.

³No, I to go with them. Something is pulling me to her

³jhe twin bond.´ Drakkar shrugged his shoulders.‘

³No, Uncle.´ Adrian shook his head. ³Not Ari ± ¯  .´‘

Both sets of parents blinked. Adellandra broke away from her

lovers¶ embrace to search in her son¶s eyes.‘

³Oh.´ Adellandra whispered after a moment.‘

³Mother?´ Adrian was quiet, knowing full well his mother saw
something in him she didn¶t want to see. ³What is it?´‘

³You¶ve Bonded with her, haven¶t you?´ Lady Adellandra asked,

already knowing the answer.‘
³What?´ Adarra screeched, shocked. ³Your own cousin? No, Adrian.
Absolutely not! It¶s taboo!´‘

³It¶s against all the laws we hold dear.´ Draconis cried. ³I¶ll
not allow it.´‘

³jhere¶s nothing to allow; the damage has been done.´ Adellandra

pointed out. ³We want to see you happy, Adrian.´ She hugged him.
³We will always love you, no matter what. Remember that as you
follow your own path.´‘

jhe message sounded cryptic, but all involved knew it was the
right thing to say.‘

³As for Harmony, we¶ll rescue her, I promise.´ Adellandra hugged

her son again. ³And yes, you can join them. Just remember what
we taught you about your Dragon¶s Fire.´‘

³Aye, Matéré.´ Adrian said softly, shocked his own mother

approved of his decision to Bond with Harmony. As confused as he
was by it, his own mother had no problem with the Bonding.‘

³For now, ready yourself. Gather your siblings and meet us in

the Battle Room.´ Lady Adellandra instructed. She stood and
addressed the group in attendance. ³I think it¶s high time we
showed MagDaliah and her Fe-Minions whose boss.´‘

³We¶ll teach her pissing off a Dratianos, especially 

Dratianos¶, is a very bad idea.´ Dran¶a'vir¶s eyes turned red;
this time, with bloodlust and a wish to destroy his enemies once
and for all.‘

³Save your energy, Dran.´ Drakkar pat him on the shoulder.

³You¶re going to need it before this battle is finished.´‘

Dran¶a'vir could see the same bloodlust in his fey-bound¶s eyes.

A smile crept on both males¶ faces.‘

All could tell it would be quite a battle.‘

ã   ‘

The Battle of Ishanar‘

jhe Inner-Realm Crusaders, which consisted of Lady Adellandra,

Lord Draconis, Lady Adarramena, Lords Drakkar and Dran¶a'vir,
the Champion Karrath, the Dragonwolf twins¶ younger brother Sir
Anton, the head Armsmaster of Mek¶anar, among others, all
gathered at the camp the Jewel Knights of Mek¶anar set up miles
away from Gloriana and her daughters were keeping their

³So, when do we strike and rescue them?´ Anton asked. ³It feels
wrong just waiting around like this while our daughters are held
captive but miles away.´‘

³Relax, Bratton,´ Lady Adarramena supplied. ³We will; we¶re just

waiting for our dear Lady Empress Brattona to make up her mind.´‘

³Are not!´ Lady Adellandra cried. ³Don¶t you remember during the
Crusades, sister dear? Against a then-evil Earthbound Sabrina?´‘

³Vividly, thank you.´ Adarra huffed. ³When I was forced to see

just how bad my magical obsession had gotten.´‘

³Actually, no. Not that time. Before that.´‘

³Does it really matter now?´ Anton cried. ³Our daughters.´‘

³I said, relax!´ Lady Adellandra told him.‘

³jhere is no relaxing when it comes to the Royal children.´

Draconis announce`d. Dran¶a'vir, Drakkar and Karrath nodded in
agreement, all frowning at her. ³Our children.´‘

jhe Lady walked away in deep thought. Her mate started to go

after her, but Karrath placed a hand on his shoulder.‘

³Leave her.´‘

³Who are you to tell me what to do, Karrath?´ Draconis growled.‘

³Someone who knows both her sides, and how she is with her

³What, relentless?´ Adarra asked sarcastically.‘

³You should still have respect.´ Draconis¶ eyes glowed golden,

scaring Karrath.‘

³Did you want me to see to her, Dratyr?´ It was the voice of the
Lady¶s youngest Mystic son jheodore. jheo bowed to his
stepfather, his own mate Mikhail knelt at his side.‘
Draconis studied his fey stepson and smiled. ³Mikhail, stay. Let
your mate go alone.´‘

³Yes, m¶Lord.´ jhe Apprentice-kin Dweller nodded.‘

jheodore nodded tightly and left. He found Adellandra perched in

a tree overlooking the enemy lines. She was in a smaller version
of her Spirit dragon form.‘

³Matéré?´ jheodore asked. ³What has you down?´‘

³It¶s nothing, jheo.´ Adellandra sighed.‘

jheo sprouted the dragon wings of his own Unidragon form and
flew up to her. ³You usually enter battle with strength and
passion.´ jheodore remarked. ³jhough mine Sita and cousins are
involved, something else bothers you.´‘

jhe Lady sighed. ³I don¶t understand it.´‘

³jhere is finally something my infamous Matéré, Lady Guardian of

the Realms, Lady Empress of the Dragon Nations, Queen of the
Illunian jhrone cannot understand?´‘

Adellandra looked to her son and smiled. ³I¶m not perfect, and I
fear I may have gone too far with this so-called plan of mine.´‘

³How so?´‘

³I¶m afraid no amount of power will help this time.´‘

³You allowed them to be captured for a reason, aye?´ jheodore

asked her.‘


³Knowing they are able to take care of themselves?´‘

³I knew the power of Ishanar would protect them, and what magic
they¶ve learned would help should they need it.´‘

³jhan what could possibly go wrong?´ jheo placed a hand on his

mother¶s back. When she turned to him, he smiled. ³I believe in
you, Matéré. Perhaps you should believe in yourself?´‘

jhe Lady sighed and smiled. ³You know, you always were my
favorite son.´‘
³No, I am not.´ jheo said. He winked. ³I am just the smartest.´‘

jhe Lady laughed at that, shaking her head. ³If you so strongly
believe in me, I guess I should believe in myself, aye?´‘

³Did I not just say that?´ jheo grinned. ³Come, Matéré. Dratyr
and the Uncles wait.´‘

jhey flew down from their perch and back to the camp.

Meanwhile, at the enemy camps, the three Royal Princesses, a

daughter from each of the Dranna children, sat in a circle,
holding hands and meditating.

"     Aislynne sent to her

cousins.    $   

¯  cHarmony supplied gently. ÷ 


¬ ¯  Aislynne told her back, regaining her

confidence. 9     ‘

"   Arianna¶s kind but authoritative voice warned

Aislynne. %  ‘

c   $    

Aislynne sent back.  ‘

c  Arianna voiced sadly. ÷  


%   Harmony queried.‘

÷ .   ‘

¬ cAislynne pointed out.‘


Arianna said. c ¯   

÷    Harmony asked. ‘

c  ‘

îîîScene: the three girls, Aislynne, Arianna, and Harmony

banding together, in meditation and speaking only in their minds
to each other while their captors plot to destroy them. All
plans fail, of course. Arianna gives her mother the Lady a
message of when it¶s safe to attack. Harmony, powerful in her
telekinesis power, messes with their captors¶ minds while
Arianna instructs the animals around them to move in to quietly
destroy everything in sight in the middle of the night. ³I hope
this works, Ari,´ Harmony whispers in her cousin¶s mind.>>>‘

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