Ygt3 - Diary of The Young Guardian (2010 Edit)

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The Dream Realm Chronicles:

Young Guardian Trilogy:

#3: Diary of the Young Guardian

By: Adella Dratianos

Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 1


Book One: Earthbound?

Prologue #1: Diary of the Young Guardian
Prologue #2: Twin Celebrations
Prologue #3: Family At Last!
Chapter One: Enchantra's Warning
Chapter Two: Motherhood
Chapter Three: New Challenges
Chapter Four: Dark Secrets
Chapter Five: Destiny Awaits
Chapter Six: In the Realm of Dreams
Chapter Seven: Young Guardian's Quest
Chapter Eight: A Taste of the Magic Within
Chapter Nine: Companion Parenthood
Chapter Ten: New Friends and Magic
Chapter Eleven: Mysterious Warnings
Chapter Twelve: A Mystic Celebration -- Earthbound Style
Chapter Thirteen: Enemies in the Neighborhood
Chapter Fourteen: Envy and Jamaican Gifts
Chapter Fifteen: Truth of Happiness
Chapter Sixteen: Horror in Hill View
Chapter Seventeen: Clairvoyant Visions
Chapter Eighteen: Lady Katherine's Crystal
Chapter Nineteen: Adrienne's Revenge
Chapter Twenty: Brother vs. Brother
Chapter Twenty-One: Difficult Road Ahead
Chapter Twenty-Two: Revelations from the Heart
Chapter Twenty-Three: Ghosts of Hill View
Chapter Twenty-Four: A Mother's Gift
Chapter Twenty-Five: Secret Wish
Chapter Twenty-Six: Friends of Magic
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Mrs. Gertrude's Plea
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sincere Apologies
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dream Memories
Chapter Thirty: The Elusive Dorianne
Chapter Thirty-One: Luna's Confession
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 2

Chapter Thirty-Two: A Sacred Promise

Chapter Thirty-Three: The Miracle of Melody
Epilogue: The Mystic Oath: Happily Ever After
SHORT EXCERPT FROM: Mystic Circle Saga: #1: The Mystic's
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 3


Part One: Family Matters:

Prologue One:
Diary of the Young Guardian

A lot of things have happened to me in my life. From

growing up in an orphanage, to learning I had special powers,
to meeting both my true love and twin sister at the same
place I learned I had a family, I’d have to say I’m grateful to
be someone, finally. I’m happy My Lord Guardian O’Dell
made me his successor.
As I write these thoughts in my journal, I think back to
the past years’ adventurous events. I would do anything for
my family or my friends, the Dream Realm Crusaders. I used
to be a nameless, faceless child caught up in the cruel
orphanage system. Now, all grown up, I’m one of the Dream
Realm’s most popular Crusaders. I’m an Ancient Mystic,
with power beyond comprehension. It was all up to my own
mind how I would use it.
O’Dell calls me Young Guardian. The Sisters,
Enchantra and Challandra, call me that, too. In fact, every
Dream Realm Companion calls me that. It’s who I am.
Finally, I’m no longer an orphan with no home, or
name, or destiny. Imagine my surprise when I found out my
very special destiny. It’s all thanks to my best friend, Aaron
I grew up with him and his twin sister Amethyst, but we
call her Aimee. Aaron Theodore would shield the two of us
from any harm Mrs. Gertrude or any of her favorite spies
would dish out. Sometimes, I would protect them.
I never knew how I could do it, at first. When I found
out whom I really was, I knew what I was doing and was able
to control it, letting the power grow inside me. At first, when
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 4

I was about five (as Mrs. Gertrude told me once), I came to

the orphanage in Shore Point, California, not even able to
talk. I would send telepathic messages only to those I could
trust. I didn’t start to speak out loud until I was nearly nine.
By the time I was twelve, I knew I could do more. I could do
telekinesis, moving things with only the power of my mind. I
could tell the future, to a certain extent, with premonitions,
and could tell the past of an object or person with a simple
touch. The one thing that would direct most of my life was
the safety of being empathic. I could sense things in the air,
like hurt, pain, or any other emotion.
My twelfth year ended in a new form of expression
from Aaron. In an attempt to be safe from a beating, we
headed to the attic. I sensed something from him I never
noticed before. Soon, we had made love, and later found out I
was pregnant with his child. Before Mrs. Gertrude could sell
me to the highest bidder on my thirteenth birthday, I ran
I wanted out of that agonizing life, and the thought of
being on my own brought me hope for many new tomorrows.
A week on my own, though, I fainted from exhaustion. A
kind stranger took me to the hospital, but left before I could
thank them. When I woke up, I found I’d had the baby. The
doctor who was taking care of me, Dr. Mathews, I think it
was, told me I had a girl. Right away, I knew the baby would
be special. After wishing the baby good luck in her new life,
I had no choice but to give her up. I was again stuck in the
court system as a ward. Since I had no home, I was bounced
from place to place until I thought I’d had enough.
I thought about both O’Dell and Aaron, and how their
kindness throughout the years made me safe and warm,
inside and out. Lord Guardian O’Dell officially started
calling me Young Guardian when I had the baby, whom I
named Kelina. There was a Companion from the Dream
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 5

Realm I’d befriended who helped me learn all about what I

could do.
Her name is Katherine Hawk, and to this day, she is my
best Companion friend. She’s a Balinese-Human girl with a
remarkable knack for making me feel welcome and loved in
the Dream Realm. For the next two years, she would stand
beside me through thick and thin, keeping me company and
showing me things in the Dream Realm I never saw before in
my life. Through her, I found out she was Banished to my
mind, left to search for her twin sister, Kitten’s Claw (she
called her Kitty-Hawk and Kit a lot.) Katherine played a very
important part in the Crusades.
Katherine taught me how to trust again, which made the
ball of magic inside me grow by the day. Soon enough, I
trusted her, the Companions, Lord O’Dell, and myself. She
knows a lot about the Sisterhood I could only imagine. Being
a Companion herself, she introduced me to the Mystic
Sisters, Enchantra and Challandra. Every night, I would
escape the pain of my world and go into theirs, feeling safe
and loved.
Two years go by and I’m stuck in a juvenile detention
center just south of Shore Point. I’m only comforted by the
thoughts of Katherine, O’Dell, the Sisters, and Aaron and
Aimee. Thoughts wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the hunger
for love and friendship. At the center, I’d had no one but
myself to rely on. No friends, no one to care about me but
me. That’s why I was surprised to find a visitor waiting for
me in a little room down the hall.
The visitor turned out to be Bridget Guy, and she was a
representative from a place called the System. The System, as
she explained to me, is a teen detective’s training agency. I’d
learn all I needed to know to be a first-rate detective while
living on-campus, sharing a room with a partner. It all
depended on the case I was assigned. Well, Big Guy, as she
wanted me to call her, introduced me to Shannon Ryan, the
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 6

boss of the System. Shannon, the Chief of Detectives, was

only twenty-one, but she was smart and in control.
She knew exactly what to do, when to do it, and what to
do in an emergency. Shannon was also the nicest, by letting
me call her by her first name. It wasn’t too long the same day
I met my true love, my Imaginary Romeo I could only dream
about in my youth. The one guy in my mind that rivaled
Aaron in my heart. As our eyes met, I could tell it was for
I was his Dream Girl and he was my Imaginary Romeo.
His name is Derrick James Reading.
At first, Derrick was mean and rude on the outside to
me. He went for two weeks before actually trusting me
enough to begin to be nice to me. With my empathic powers,
I often wondered why he was keeping his sincerity to
himself. I could tell he was sweet and generous, caring and
concerned, not to mention cute and smart! Why wouldn’t he
show me his real self? Why does he have to hide behind a
mask of deception?
Maybe it was nerves, or shyness, or an effort to look
tougher. I never knew.
I just knew I could trust him with my heart if I had to.
One night, I had to trust him with my secret past, minus
Aaron’s love and the baby. I’d had a nightmare, which the
Dominionite Master Orthos had given me. Orthos loved to
play games, to this day, and keep me on my toes. In the
nightmare, the Dream Realm was in shambles. My whole
world was crumbling to the ground and none of my
Companion friends was there to greet me. All was dark; I
was lost, alone, and afraid of everything around me.
I began to hear footsteps . . . closer . . . closer still, and I
was just staring into the darkness, unable to move to save my
life. Something in my soul told me to use Magic, but I still
didn’t want to chance it. My Magic was still a little rusty, and
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 7

I awoke screaming, and Derrick came to my rescue in

the middle of the night. I told him about my nightmare after
he insisted on staying awake to find out what was wrong with
me. His brown eyes were so concerned, and more trusting of
me, so I couldn’t resist. I told him about my past life, before
arriving in the System, ending up in tears just thinking about
That’s when he kissed me for the first time. Shivers
went up and down my spine, my heart raced, and I could
begin to hear his thoughts of love for me. Suddenly, no
horror in my life before seemed to matter. All that mattered
was that I had my Imaginary Romeo, and he had his Dream
Girl. According to the Sisters and Lord Guardian O’Dell, we
were meant for each other.
For two long years, we were on a Crusade together: to
help fight in the constant battles with the Master Orthos, his
son Damian (who’d taken a shine to me before too long), and
his menacing, seductive daughter Sabrina. It was Sabrina
through the years of orphanage misery that would come and
taunt me as if I were the one to steal her precious power
away. She seemed to think I did, but I knew my Magic was
my own birthright.
Shannon Ryan was the one to introduce me to my twin
sister, Aluna. When I first saw her, I couldn’t believe my
eyes. Another me! A family, somewhere, finally! Imagine my
good luck! Turned out, we were both eighteen. I was the
elder twin by five full minutes, and Luna hated it. So, the
three of us, Derrick, Luna, and me, along with Luna’s
boyfriend, an agent I knew as “Shadow,” were the Dream
Realm Crusaders. Before too long, we were also the best of
friends. Luna told me many things about my family;
including the fact Shannon Ryan was my cousin. Luna and I
grew close, like twins should, but not for long.
Shannon was at it again. Whom I thought was my
cousin would betray me, turning all I’d known as the perfect
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 8

life around. I wasn’t the only one to go, though. Derrick and
Luna had to go, too. They had families, I didn’t know mine,
and even Shane “Shadow” Morehouse, Luna’s boyfriend,
was sad to see us go. We were thrown out on our own, once
again, into the cruel world.
I was escorted by another agent, a junior doctor named
Loraine “Love Joy” Joyce to the awaiting limo. Adam
Landry, the chauffeur, wouldn’t meet my eyes as he drove. I
had the feeling he knew this was going to happen, but kept
quiet about it.
He dropped me off in Hill View, Michigan. I was lost,
alone, and afraid. The only comfort I’d had was of my love
for Derrick, the Dream Realm and my Companion best friend
Katherine. Before we’d left, I promised Derrick my love
eternal and to visit in his dreams anytime he needed me.
Katherine warned me the first time I tried to visit him, it
wasn’t meant to be. I couldn’t leave to meet him, and that
hurt me. She knew it too, I could tell, but she vowed never to
tell me anything that would hurt me.
The first actual day was torment. I was left searching
for my lost family, only for it to become too dark and cold.
Finding a spot in an alley, I cried hurt and scared tears. I was
quickly asleep in the fetal position. When I awoke the first
morning, I heard a train in the distance. Stretching, I stood up
and began my search once again, only to be hit over the head.
The world around me went black, and I fell to the
When I awoke, I was groggy, and my head ached. I
wanted to reach up and feel the bump left behind, but found
my hands tied behind me. What was going on? I thought.
What a stupid question.
I heard the only voice that still menaced my thoughts all
these years away from her. Mrs. Gertrude was as mean as
ever, not really caring for anything but herself. After a
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 9

grueling verbal match of wits, I was sent to be her little slave,

taking care of six little girls.
I was only there for a few days before the tiniest,
nicknamed “Tart” began to have nightmares. Orthos was
chasing her, and she was scared. I awoke in the middle of the
night to the sound of her tears. A quick flash of my own past
ran through my mind, when I would wake with tears in my
eyes from the beatings. I wouldn’t want any of the children I
was looking after to relive the same agony.
With that in mind, I ran to comfort her. The other girls
woke up, too. With determination, I wanted them to go to the
Dream Realm to escape. I called my forces, taking from my
own hellish past to heal them in the present. They would be
my Oracle Children – those chosen by me to help in the fight.
Being the Young Guardian, I found I could do much
more. I took control over many things, and recruiting so-
called “Crusaders” to do it was one of them. After giving
them each a special bracelet, I ran off during the night. I
promised to visit them in their dreams every night I could,
and I was again on my way.
I was walking once again when I thought I heard
someone calling my name. I turned to see a woman, running
up to hug me. Who was this woman? Was she my mother?
My mind said, “YES!” but both my heart and Katherine told
me no. Not wanting to live another day on the streets, I didn’t
complain. Immediately, I became someone I wasn’t: Bonnie
Marie Parker. I was sure I wasn’t her, for our names were
different. I wasn’t complaining, and neither was Katherine.
The Parker Mansion was enormous, bigger than any
place I’d ever seen before. Just looking at it, I began to get a
premonition of love to come. Some black-haired stranger
with gray eyes would threaten to take my heart away from
Derrick. The black-haired stranger was adopted, I could
sense it, and his ‘sister’ Caroline was a snob, always wanting
to be the center of attention. I didn’t say anything to Mother
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 10

Parker, though. I was escorted to my room up the stairs by a

very lonely, deaf butler. He was kind and hard working, I
could tell that by the looks of him. I sensed all this from just
once glance at the place!
His name is – was – Mark Grey. For the next several
months, he began to love me in ways Derrick had. He was
my best friend, my confidante, and my protector. We did a
lot of things together, and soon, forgetting about Derrick for
a while, I began to fall in love with him. I never told him
about Derrick, but I did tell him about my secret: Mystic
Magic. My eyes hold the power, I told him, and silver-blue
was the color of an Earthbound Mystic. He understood, not
as much at first, but quickly got into it.
Later that month, I ran into Aaron for the first time in
years. Something in my gut told me to stop at the nearest
party store. Within moments, another premonition came in
my mind. Aaron was here, somewhere, I just had to pay
attention. I found him sifting through the magazines, and
yelled out his name. I could tell with my empathic powers
my best friend was troubled, but I put that thought away in
my mind to greet him. He was as cute as ever, and just as
funny. Growing up, he and I always got along great. We were
best friends. When I left before having our daughter, he
wouldn’t even look at me with his sad eyes. Now, five years
later, I reunited with him, and he was all smiles.
I took him to the Parker Mansion, explaining all that I’d
grown to know and control about my power. I thought he’d
say it was weird, but he proved me wrong. When Aaron and
Mark met, Mark was jealous of him. I tried to explain to
Mark that Aaron and I were only best friends and that we
grew up together, but he wouldn’t listen. In Mark’s mind, I’d
betrayed him. I took Aaron home that evening, telling him
I’d keep in touch. Mark never spoke to me again that night,
so I cried myself to sleep.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 11

Horror struck twice. First, when I’d confronted Sabrina

in my sleep, I woke up lethargically. Mark did the perfect
thing by calling for an ambulance. I tried to stay awake, to
see what was going on, but found I couldn’t. I was whisked
away to the Sisters’ Mystic Palace in the Dream Realm.
When I did wake up, I was still groggy from all the
medications in my system, but able to see and speak to Mark,
who sat beside the hospital bed.
During this, his love for me grew, and mine began to
fade. My love of Derrick was still in my heart and mind, but I
never told Mark about Derrick. I couldn’t hurt him that way.
Three days later, I was home again, as if nothing
happened. Somehow, the subject turned to the Sisters,
Enchantra and Challandra. Mark had never met them, to my
knowledge, so I didn’t know how he knew them. He
explained what happened while I was in the hospital. He was
taken to the Dream Realm and met Enchantra, who reminded
him of two Companion personas he’d had in his mind. One
was named Wolf Stargazer, who I knew was Katherine’s lost
canine love. Wolf was Banished to Mark for being in love
with Katherine, living in a dark world of hate. The other
persona called himself Psycho, the more playful part of Mark
he was afraid to explore. Half of me was skeptic, so I asked
to talk to one of them.
Mark brought out Wolf, and I brought out Katherine.
That was a grave mistake.
When I switched places with my feline friend, I was
taken by Damian, Sabrina’s brother, to his Dark Tower
dungeons. I never knew how much time passed, and cried
constantly in my mind for hope and home. I called for
Derrick, Luna, Aaron, and Mark, hoping they’d hear my
messages and come to rescue me. Only one time was I able to
return home, but not for long. Using what little secret power
I’d had left in me, I went home to greet my friends. The four
of them were gathered around me, worried. I told them what
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 12

was going on, and what they had to do to rescue me. I felt
weaker than ever, so I faded back, letting Katherine wake up
in my body. The switch was still effective, thank goodness. It
wasn’t too long before they rescued me, with Wolf beside
Katherine. Derrick, Aaron, Luna, Mark, and I woke up in our
bodies in the Outer Realm. In my mind, that adventure was
over, but the horror was only beginning.
The five of us stayed in the Parker Mansion together for
two weeks. Caroline and Mother Parker were gone on a
business trip, and I’d given the butlers and maids a much-
needed vacation, so we had the house to ourselves. During
breakfast one morning, Mark had hid upstairs, still sleeping.
In my mind, I could tell he was sad. As Luna helped Derrick
and Aaron clean up, I wanted to know what was going on.
Mark had dreamed about me, leaving him to go with Luna,
never to see me again.
He was right. I was going to leave. To my surprise, I
was whisked away to meet my parents, brothers, and sisters,
not far from the Rich District, where the Parker Mansion
stood. As I packed my bag, my heart began to break.
Thinking it would cheer me up, I let Mark help me pack. He
gave me a dream-catcher necklace so I wouldn’t forget him.
Somehow, I never could. Not even when Sabrina and her
new Earthbound Warriors later killed him in the Dream
The leader of the Earthbound Warriors was the tiniest
of my Oracles, Tart. Somehow, Sabrina had taken the charms
I gave them and turned them evil. Sabrina had also had
Caroline and Mrs. Gertrude under an evil spell. In the Hill
View Cemetery, all the Crusaders met with her. Katherine,
Wolf, Kitten’s Claw, and Kit’s beau, Toby Snow, who were
all Earthbound with four Sisterhood Amulets, joined us.
Derrick, Aaron, Mark, Luna, and even Shane “Shadow,”
Shannon, and Shannon’s boyfriend, Nick McNathaniels were
prepared for battle.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 13

Unfortunately, Sabrina did an awful thing. She

reminded Nick of the death of his father in the Dream Realm
Wars. Shannon tells me from that point on, anytime she tried
to use her Magic around him, he would literally begin to fall
deeper and deeper into a depression. Not even she was able
to get him out of it.
Sabrina made me choose among the three guys I’d
cared about in my life – Aaron, Derrick, and Mark. She froze
them, taunting them to the point of my own madness. I
wouldn’t let her get to me, though, and called out a chant to
get my Oracles back on my side after the battle. Sabrina
wasn’t through, yet. She transported us, minus Shannon and
Nick, to the Dream Realm’s Lava Lake, where our adventure
started. With magic and hatred bubbling in my soul, the
Crusaders banished her to the Unknown, with her father and
brother soon following.
We returned to our rightful homes after it was over.
Luna and I were at our home, the Woods’. Derrick was with
his family in the Rich District, and Aaron was next door. I
didn’t know he was next door until Katherine blurted it out
on a visit to the Dream Realm. Mark, on the other hand, was
initiated as a Companion, once helping with the fight. His
new name was Panther, and my heart went out to him in the
end. With one last wish to him, I turned his now-black fur
back to his human self. It was just enough time for him to
give me a kiss, and myself to promise to learn to love him as
Anyway, not long after, Aaron thought it would be best
to reunite with our daughter. He didn’t know where to look
first, so I suggested the Hill Crest Orphanage, where I used to
stay with the Oracles. He didn’t want to, at first, but humbly
agreed to follow my lead. When I walked in the door, I called
for the Oracles in my mind. An adorable brunette named
Tiffany came to me, and recognized Aaron. Aaron had never
been to Hill Crest before, so I wondered how they knew each
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 14

other. Turns out, he had a secret. Shortly before reuniting

with me, he and Aimee, his twin sister, adopted a little boy
from here, named Bradley Allen. Mrs. Gertrude tried to
weasel it out of him, by reminding him of the secret he
wanted to keep, but it was too late. I already knew it. At any
rate, Mrs. Gertrude told us who took our daughter Kelly, and
we were on our way.
Not soon after we began our search, Luna and Shane
were looking at the house across the street from our parents.
The five of us, Aaron, Luna, Shane, Derrick, and I started our
journey to Adams’ Grove Farms, deep in the heart of
Charlton County. I would spend the weekend with Kelly, to
get back in the parenting role. Aunt Sharon, my mother’s
twin sister, was the owner and operator of Adams’ Grove.
She taught me a little about the Advanced Magics while I
was there, and even told me a little about the family. Kelly,
who was six, was learning her own Magic as well. She would
be the Enchanted Child to the Dream Realm, and I its Young
Guardian. We were an explosive Earthbound team with
Mystic Magic to fight the bad guys of the Dominion. The
weekend ended quickly, and we were allowed to go home. I
called Derrick at his parent’s house, telling him we were
ready. To my surprise, he brought with him Luna, Shane,
Aaron, and Aaron’s adopted son, Bradley Allen.
I was a mother again, and Aaron was a father. Derrick
would soon be Daddy Derrick to Kelly, as she wanted to be
called. We had quite an adventure in the Unknown, where
Orthos was hiding. Kelly and I were taken to the Abyss, a
dimension between the Dream Realm and Unknown, places
like that. She was scared, but I was left wondering. In the end
of our Abyss adventure, Kelly, Bradley, Aaron, Derrick,
Luna, Shane, Aimee and I gathered in Luna and Shane’s new
home. We were left wondering what was going to happen
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 15

We had survived a lot of things together; the Crusaders

and I, and our lives together were only just beginning.
Derrick, as inquisitive as he is, wondered what it would have
been like if we hadn’t met. I scolded him for thinking such a
thing. What we didn’t realize by answering his question was
that Sabrina was listening in, ready to tell her father and
mother in the Unknown.
Orthos thought it would be funny to see how it really
would be without the Crusaders in his way. Unfortunately,
his twin brother O’Dell, the Lord Guardian himself, didn’t
think so. Once Jezebel, Orthos’ bride, revealed her husband’s
secret plan to turn back time, O’Dell decided to get into it.
He and the Sisters, Enchantra and Challandra, cast a
protective spell over us, which they called “The Mind-In-
Time Spell.” What the spell did was give us the knowledge
of true time as we were cast out of it.
This made time change for the Companions as well.
Katherine and Kitten’s Claw were stuck back in Dark Tower
in the newly revised Dominion. Toby and Wolf were stuck
being Warriors, wondering how it happened, and where their
lost loves were, and Panther was just plain stuck. Mark, since
it was three years into the past, was alive and well, loving
someone he knew he couldn’t have; his adopted sister,
Bonnie Marie. Shane, swept in time and place, was now a
ward of the court, sent to a foster home across from the
Parkers. This is how they met each other again. Aaron,
Aimee, and I were in the Hill Crest Orphanage. Aaron loved
me as if nothing happened, Aimee thought for sure
something had happened, and I wanted to find out the truth
and return things to normal. Derrick, who was left at home
instead of at the System with Luna, Shane, and me, is left
searching for me, living his own life for the second-time
Once Panther got to me, briefly explaining who I was, I
began a plan to get the Crusaders back together again. He got
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 16

the Companions to use their power to help him in the Dream

Realm battle. Meanwhile, Bonnie Marie, his adopted sister
who died two years earlier in real-time, was left searching for
love, hope, friendship, and a home. She found it in the five
Companions: Kat, Kit, Toby, Wolf, and especially Panther.
After telling her what was going on in the Outer Realm,
Panther was sure Bonnie Marie was for real, and it was time
to make his move. While I was getting the Crusaders
together, trying to turn time around, Panther was getting the
Companions together to fight in a bi-world, bi-Crusade
against Orthos one last time.
It all worked out in the end. Derrick, Luna, Shane,
Aaron, Aimee, Kelly, Bradley, and I returned time to normal,
and the Companions were congratulated for their efforts.
Bonnie Marie, who was now being called Marie, was now
learning how to be a full Companion, per Katherine Hawk.
O’Dell and the Sisters, now adding Jezebel back into the
Sisterhood, are getting ready for the most exciting time in all
our lives.
The very day Derrick and I get married. Luna and
Shane will marry as well, as will Katherine to Wolf, Kit to
Toby, and Marie to Panther. The five marriages of the Dream
Realm Crusaders would mark more than just another fling for
the Dream Realm. It was the start of something big.
In the present, Luna, Aaron, Aimee, and I are going on
twenty-one that same week, Shane is twenty-three, Derrick is
twenty-two, Shannon is twenty-seven, and Nick is twenty-
eight. We’re all at the System, with the children, Kelly, who
just turned seven, and Bradley Allen, who is eight. Our entire
family, minus the Readings back in Hill View, was here.
Luna’s and my sisters, Anna, Mary Ellen, and Claudia, were
our brides-maids with Shannon, and Nick, Chips Deneson,
Jamie “Jammins” Stewart, and Aaron were the grooms’ best
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 17

Luna and I shared our old quarters of Fourth-Floor,

Derrick and Shane shared the Ginger Room across from us,
and Aaron and Aimee were with the kids next door to us in
the room known as Demure Commons. Each room at the
System had its own separate history, therefore its own special
A lot would happen to us within the next two weeks.
I couldn’t wait.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 18

Prologue #2:
Twin Celebrations

The morning of the double wedding, Luna, Shannon and

I were three busy little bees, decorating the System’s Chez
Café. Not only would we have the wedding banquet in the
Café, but also Luna and I would be turning twenty-one.
Everyone was helping us, from Bridget “Big Guy” Guy,
Shannon’s best friend to Alan “Chips” Deneson, the System’s
resident computer genius. The entire lot of System’s agents
was helping. I could hear them chattering away about wedding
plans and what we were going to do with our lives after we left
the System’s grounds. Luna was wound up with excitement.
“I can’t believe it’s happening!” Luna squealed, jumping
up and down like an excited schoolgirl. She held my
shoulders, making me shake.
“Calm down, Lu.” I laughed, grasping Luna’s arms to
stop her jumping. I held her hands to calm her. “I can’t believe
it either.”
“Imagine, a double wedding – right here at the System!”
Our cousin Shannon cried, wrapping her arms around us.
Luna and I shared a look, giggling.
“This is sure going to be a wedding to remember.” Luna
sighed romantically.
“Well, it is where we met each other,” I pointed out,
nodding to my sister.
“Not to mention our loves, Shane and Derrick.” Luna said
after her, sighing romantically.
“By this time tomorrow, you two will no longer be Ariana
and Luna Woods, but Ariana Reading,” Shannon looked at my
eyes and brilliant smile on her left, and then looked to her
right. “And Aluna Morehouse.”
Luna reddened.
We went back to hanging decorations for the party. I
helped Luna make name cards for the tables, to show where
people would sit.
“Just think, Ariana.” Luna started, picking up the red-
colored marker to color in a name card. “We’re going to be so
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 19

happy. Our own little families. Can you imagine how happy I
am right now?”
“I’m happy, too, but I don’t think Shannon is.” I told her.
I nodded across the room, where Shannon and another agent,
Cindy “Cool Cat” Carmichael were talking.
Luna looked. “She looks fine, so don’t make a big deal
out of it.”
I stared at her. “Lu, use your Empathy, and tell me how
she feels.”
Luna shook her head, her eyes wide with horror. “Sorry,
sis, but no. My empathy isn’t as powerful as yours is. I’m only
a clairvoyant and you know it.”
That was strange. I shrugged it off, ignoring her
apprehension of using her Empathy.
“I’ll do it, then.” I told her. I opened my Empathic eyes
and ears as I stared at our cousin. Shannon was playing with
the ribbons, shaking her head as she tried to pay attention.
After a moment, I was able to tell my sister what I felt. “I can
sense she’s worried about something.”
“Can you tell what?”
I shook my head and stood up. “Nope, but I’m gonna find
out. Coming with me?”
Luna capped the marker and grinned. “You bet.”
Together, we headed over to Shannon and Cool Cat.
“Hi guys!” Cool Cat greeted. “May I wish you a happy
Luna hugged her before I did. “You may.”
“You’re gonna be at the wedding, aren’t you Cool Cat?”
Luna asked.
Cool Cat smiled, her blue eyes sparkling. “Wouldn’t miss
it for the world.”
I cleared my throat. “Could we talk to Shannon for a
“Alone?” Luna gave her a look.
“No problem.” Cool Cat supplied as she disappeared.
We turned to Shannon, sharing a look when we noticed
she was fiddling with the paper flowers. She was preoccupied,
I could tell.
“What’s on your mind, Shannon?” I asked her.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 20

She was staring out into space. Shaking her head, she
came back to life. “Oh, nothing.” She cleared her throat and
asked me. “So, how do you feel being twenty-one finally?”
My cousin was stalling, and she knew I knew it.
“Shannon...” I warned her, giving her a look. “Spill it.”
I smiled, to let her know I was there for her if she needed
She opened her mouth, only to close it again. She sat in
the booth behind her. “I’ve got this caller bugging me. I don’t
know who she is, yet, she knows about me.” Shannon
confided. “Want to know the strange thing about it?”
“Yeah.” I told her softly, sitting across from her.
“I could have sworn I was talking to myself.”
That was strange. I thought, not knowing what to say.
Luna spoke up. “I bet it’s that twin I told you about.”
Shannon looked at her strangely, as did I.
“Twin?” I asked mine, and then looked at Shannon.
“Shan’s got a twin?”
Luna smiled, but Shannon shook her head, unbelieving.
“Aunt Dixie never told me about any twin.” Shannon
replied. “And she never mentions it in any family files.”
“That’s because she didn’t know until your mother died.”
Luna replied. “Rumor has it, Sarabeth left a diary for you
Shannon’s eyes went dark. I could tell she missed her
I stood up and sat next to her.
“May I ask a quick question?” I inquired, placing a hand
on her arm. She looked up. “When did your mother die?”
“I was only a few weeks old.” Shannon told us. “I never
really knew her outside the Dream Realm.”
Luna sat down after going to the other side of the booth
and hugged her almost-sister of a cousin. I knew they’d grown
up together. “I’m so sorry. I never knew, Shan.”
Shannon sighed. “That’s okay.” She looked at her watch
and stood up. “I’ve gotta run. See you two later.”
“See you.” Luna and I echoed. We looked at each other
and smiled.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 21

I waited until Shannon was gone to question my own

twin. I crossed my arms. “What was that all about?”
Luna looked innocent. “What?”
“That – with Shannon’s mystery caller.” I told her. “How
would you know who it was?”
She shrugged her shoulders, almost sounding depressed
as she told me. “My powers of premonition are getting
stronger, I guess.”
I sighed. I hated when she was like this. “Come on, we’ve
gotta get ready for the birthday party this afternoon.”
I stood and she followed.
“Where are the kids?” Luna asked. “I thought Kelly would
be hanging around us like magnets?”
“I guess they went exploring.” I told her. I closed my eyes
to sense both Bradley and Kelly and found them in the
Computer Room, fiddling with computers. “They found the
Luna giggled. “At least they’re alright. That’s all I was
worried about.”
I stared at her while we walked to Fourth-Floor. “You
were seriously worried about my daughter?”
“I was worried for them both, actually.” Luna said.
“Especially since I ran into Aaron last night.”
“Oh? What did he have to say?”
“He was in the bar, drinking.” Luna told me. “He looked
really depressed; not at all like the Aaron Schmidt we all know
and love.”
Or the Aaron Theodore I love, period. I thought, making
sure she couldn’t hear me with her own Telepathy.
“We got to talking, and he mistook me for you.”
“That is strange.” I said aloud. “I’ve known him longer
than you have. How could he mix us up like that?”
“There must be something bothering him.” Luna
We’d reached Fourth-Floor and I punched in the codes to
let us in. She was quiet as she headed to the bathroom. She
stopped and turned around. “I have to confess something,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 22

“I didn’t have the heart to say I wasn’t you.” She said.

“Aaron confided in me, why what you guys had done so long
ago was a big mistake. Seeing how you are with Derrick and
Kelly, his own daughter, he wishes you the best.”
“What state was he in? Was he depressed – or lonely – or
joyful. What?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t think he was sane.” It was all
Luna said before heading to the bathroom.
This got me thinking. What was on Aaron Schmidt’s
While she was in the shower, and since I had already
taken one, I decided to go through all the choices I’d had for
the ‘perfect gown.’ With Magic, I waved my arms in front of me
while looking in the full-length mirror. Sure, Luna and I were
going to do the “twin thing”, but we still had to choose the
perfect gowns for our grooms. In the middle of choosing
between two possible dresses, I heard a knock on the door.
I quickly waved my wrists this time, returning to my
street clothes before I answered the door.
“What are you smiling about?” Aimee asked as I opened
the door for her. She sat herself on my bed beside the balcony.
“Oh, nothing.” I replied, sighing. I looked at her, and saw
her wide smile. “Uh, Aimee, could I talk to you about
“Anything.” She said, looking up at me. “I am your Over-
Seer, you know. You can talk to me about anything you want.”
“It’s about Aaron.” I said. “Has he been acting strange
around you?”
Aimee thought for a moment before speaking. “Not any
stranger than usual.”
“Hmm.” I said. “Luna must be exaggerating.”
“Why, does she think he is?” Aimee asked.
“Yeah.” I told her what Luna confessed.
“Sounds intense.” Aimee said. “I’ll look into it, okay?”
I hugged my almost-sister. “Thanks, Aim.”
“Anytime.” She said. “Wouldn’t want him to miss the
happiest day of your life.”
I grinned, and then thought of something. “Hey, you want
to help me pick out my wedding gown?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 23

“I thought you agreed to dress identically?” Aimee said.

“You know, the whole ‘twin thing’ you never got to do growing
“We are, but I want my own style to it.”
My best friend rolled her eyes. “Alright, show me what
you’ve got.”
I waved my arms, changing my clothes in a split second
with Mystic Magic.
“This one is my favorite. What do you think?” I inquired.
Aimee giggled. “Simple, yet elegant.”
“I think it looks like something out of the olden days.”
The voice of my twin sister said from the other room. “Got
anything else? Because that’s just not us.”
I looked down, and then to Aimee, who shrugged with a
smile. It was me, but not her. “You’re right.” I waved my arms
again. “Better?”
Aimee still couldn’t believe her eyes. The Ancient Mystic
Magic she’d known from her childhood growing up with me.
She knew I tended to be a little dramatic at times and shook
her head. “Much.” She complimented. “I came over to see what
you guys were up to.”
Before I could say anything, Luna flicked her wrists
toward herself, changing into a casual jeans and blouse outfit.
“Do you know where Aaron is?”
I took the hint and changed into a casual pant and
turtle-neck shirt, with my favorite jeans’ vest.
“Last I knew he was headed out with a guy with the last
name Stewart.” Aimee told us, shrugging.
“You mean Jammins.” Luna said. “He’s the electronic
genius around here. Did they say where they were going?”
Aimee shook her head. “Not a clue.”
“Use the Unicorn Magic.” I told her, sitting next to her.
“How?” She asked, wondering. “I’m no Ancient Mystic.”
“The same way you did when we were growing up.” I said.
“Use the Magic in the bracelet to sense your brother.”
“You really think that’ll work?”
“It’s the Unicorn Magic, Aimee.” Luna supplied. “You’ve
got it, whether you want it or not.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 24

“Remember the animals?” I smiled at Aimee, who then

smiled back as she thought about them.
When we were young, she would talk to the animals, and
was able to sense if one of her furry friends were hurt or in
trouble. If they were, she’d come to me and I’d heal them or
help them. We later learned from Lord Guardian that her ‘gift’
with animals was the Unicorn Magic.
“Okay. I’ll give it a shot.” Aimee supplied.
Luna and I both watched as she closed her eyes. Her
smile turned into a frown when she reopened them.
“Well?” We chorused.
“He’s at the bar with Jammins, drinking.”
“You see, Ariana. I’m not exaggerating.” Luna announced.
“I’m not even going to ask how you know.” Aimee
supplied, smiling.
“That’s easy.” Luna said. “I overheard your conversation
from the bathroom.”
Aimee and I both looked at each other and laughed. Luna
sighed, grasping both my hands and Aimee’s and jumping in
the air.
“I can’t believe we’re finally getting married!” Luna cried.
Aimee laughed with us and we stood.
“After all the hell we’ve been put through, I’m surprised
we survived it.” I pointed out. “I just hope Sabrina, Damian,
and Orthos don’t even think of messing with the Mystic
“I’m pretty sure they won’t dare come close.” Luna
assured me. “It’s too goody-goody for them.”
“Then again, they might not be able to resist the
temptation.” I replied, thinking about how nasty Sabrina and
the Warriors were through the years to the Crusaders and me.
“This is too much, you two.” Aimee laughed. “Stop
thinking about the bad guys and start thinking about your
futures with your husbands-to-be. This is supposed to be a
happy time for you, not a time of worry.” She stood. “Listen
chicks, I gotta go. Your own cousin wants to do a quick
induction on Aaron and me before the wedding tonight.”
I grinned, sensing Shannon walking down the hall. “She’s
coming this way, too.” I told her, grinning.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 25

“What timing?” Aimee teased, shaking her head and

laughing. “See ya later.”
“See ya.” We chorused.
With that, she left.
Luna and I looked at each other.
“She’s right.” Luna said.
I smiled. “She’s always right. Lest we forget I grew up
with her.”
Luna brightened up, and smiled, linking her arm in
mine. “Let’s find the guys and go to our birthday party. I’m
I giggled, rolling my eyes at her. “Sure. Let’s go.” I smiled.
We headed out of Fourth-Floor’s doors, in search of our

We found Derrick and Shane talking with Nick

McNathaniels, but I didn’t see Shannon around.
“Hey guys.” I called, walking over to greet Derrick with a
“Hey yourself.” Derrick supplied. “Happy birthday, Love.”
“Thank you.” I turned to Nick as I held Derrick’s hand.
“Where’s Shannon?”
Nick shrugged. “Last I knew, she had a lot of paperwork
to do. She promised to be here in less than an hour.”
“Now I’m worried.” Luna remarked.
“Yeah, me too.” Shane replied after her. “It’s not like
Shannon Ryan to miss free food.”
“It’s not like Aaron to miss it, either.” I added with a grin.
“Momma! Momma!” I heard a little voice behind me, and
turned to greet my daughter, Kelly. I bent down to her level so
she could flood me with kisses and a hug. Bradley was with
her, which was good. He hugged my neck.
“Have you guys been getting into trouble I don’t know
about?” I teased her, looking at her adopted-step-brother,
Bradley, who was grinning innocently.
“No, Aunt Ariana.” Bradley announced innocently. “Uncle
Chips said it was alright to explore.”
“Uncle Chips?” Luna giggled. “You must mean Chips
Deneson. Since when does any kid listen to him?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 26

“Since when does he talk to any kid without throwing a

fit of his own?” Derrick teased.
“Since I met your wonderful children Ariana.” I turned to
meet the teasing eyes of Chips himself, resident computer
genius and all-around bookworm. He was the best at cracking
codes and fixing any computer glitch with his best friend,
electronics wizard, Jamie “Jammins” Stewart.
“Happy birthday, Li’l Bit.” He teased, using the name he’d
come up with when I arrived at the System a young child of
fifteen. He kissed my cheek when I stood up. “Wonderful to
have you back.”
“Thanks, Chips. It’s good to be back.” I replied. I watched
as Kelly took Bradley’s hand and disappeared into the crowd
of hungry partygoers.
“Have you seen Jamie around here?” Chips asked me.
“He’s at the bar with Aaron,” I told him, with Luna
nodding in agreement.
Chips shook his head, disappointed in his best friend.
“He’s supposed to be in the picture, too, isn’t he?” Shane
asked him. All of us: Chips, Jammins, Luna, Shane, Derrick,
my sisters, Shannon, Nick, Cool Cat, Big Guy, Loraine “Love
Joy” Joyce, the twins, and the kids were going to pose for a
“Crusader family” portrait. It was Shane’s idea, which I loved.
“He’ll be there, trust him.” Chips assured us. “Even if I
have to drag him away from an experiment, I’ll make sure he’s
“Thanks, Chips.” I replied.
Chips rubbed his hands together. “Now, we eat.”
I laughed. Trust Chips Deneson to liven up a party.
I felt a kiss on my neck, and knew it had to be Derrick,
trying to grasp my attention away from the rest of the world.
“What’s on your mind?” Derrick whispered in my ear.
I closed my eyes and said in my head. You.
He hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear.
“Let’s go somewhere private.”
He took my hand and led me outside, where the
California sky was as bright as ever. Only a light breeze made
the day more perfect.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 27

We kissed once we found a secret spot to talk. I put my

head on his chest; listening to his heart beat its steady
“This is absolutely perfect.” Derrick whispered, holding
me close. “No Crusading to fight the bad guys. No secrets kept
from each other, nothing to stand in our way of having the
perfect evening.”
Nothing, huh?
“You’re right.” I told him, looking up into his chocolate-
brown eyes. “Once we’re together as one, nothing can stop us.”
“We know everything about each other, right?” Derrick
asked me.
I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes. “Not
everything.” I told him.
“Why do you say that? We’ve known each other for nearly
five years.” He told me.
“If we knew every tidbit about each other, our life
together would be a bore.” I remarked. “True?”
Derrick nodded with a grin. “True.”
He hugged me, kissing the top of my head. For a few
moments, I felt I was in heaven.
“I knew I’d find you two out here.” I heard Shane’s
teasing voice behind me.
I blushed red as a beet, and Luna saw it.
“Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble.” Luna replied.
“Yet.” Shane supplied. “Come on in, it’s almost time for
the festivities to begin.”
I took Derrick’s hand and followed my sister and her
fiancée into the Café, where I saw all the System’s agents, plus
the six Companions (in human form, of course), and even
Enchantra was there, holding Lord Guardian’s hand. They
were Earthbound shortly for the ceremony. Katherine, Kitten’s
Claw and Marie were talking in the corner with their beaus,
Wolf, Toby and Panther.
I caught their eyes and waved. The kits waved back, and
the boys nodded their hellos. Panther, who looked so much
like his Mark Grey self again, raised his glass as he held onto
Marie’s hand. I smiled.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 28

To think, this was my family. I was someone special at

last, a part of it all.
The only people I didn’t see were Aaron, Aimee, and
Shannon. I dismissed it, once remembering Aimee telling me
Shannon was going to do a quick induction on them before the
wedding tonight.
I heard clinking on a glass, to get everyone’s attention.
“May I have your attention, please?” It was Nick. He
spotted the four of us gathered and raised a glass to us. “May I
be the first to congratulate the happy couples? To whom which
our Dream Realm wouldn’t be safe every night. Shadow, I’ve
known you first as the enemy, then a Crusader, and finally a
friend. You’ve shown me how to have fun and be myself. If it
weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be dating Shannon.”
The crowd laughed.
Nick continued. “Luna and Ariana, the second most
beautiful belles I have ever met, the two of you are astounding.
There were many a time you tricked me into telling some
secrets of my own.” That statement was directed to Luna.
“Ariana, I have you to thank for helping me in the second
Crusades against Sabrina and her Warriors.”
I smiled.
“Derrick, you are one of the best Junior – I mean, Senior
– Detectives I know.” Nick replied, nodding to him. “Heck, if it
weren’t for Shannon, I would have picked you up myself.”
“Of course, if that had happened,” Derrick began, looking
into my eyes. “I wouldn’t have met my darling Dream Girl.”
Nick laughed. “True, true.” He remarked. “I propose a
toast to the four best friends, best fighters, and best all-
around good people I know. Here’s to you.”
“Here, here.” The crowd of people chorused.
That afternoon was only the beginning of the fun.
In the middle of the party, I watched Shane slip away
after whispering something in my twin’s ear. I looked at her in
wonder, but she shrugged silently.
By that time, Shannon still hadn’t shown up. I excused
myself from Derrick to confront Nick.
“Nick, I thought you told me Shannon was going to be
here in an hour?” I asked him. “It’s already been two, with the
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 29

picture coming up in a few minutes, and she’s nowhere to be

“Look Ariana.” Nick replied. “I’m sure she’s fine. Why
don’t you search for her in your mind? Then tell me what you
I stared at him. “What about –?” I asked, thinking about
whenever someone used Magic around him. It made him
nearly go nuts.
“I’ll be fine.” He assured me.
I took a breath and closed my eyes.
What I saw in my mind confused me. It was the picture of
Shannon’s mother, Sarabeth, holding a pair of babies. I shook
myself out of the vision and opened my eyes. “I don’t know
what to think about it.”
“About what?” He asked. “Is she okay?”
I nodded, just to assure him. I didn’t want him panicked
over nothing.
“Well, what did you see?”
I told him, but he didn’t know what to make of it. “That is
odd.” He shrugged. “Oh well, I’m sure she’s fine.”
“Yeah, Shane’s with her.” I heard Luna’s voice behind me.
I hadn’t heard her come up to me.
I turned. “Why must you do that to me?”
She shrugged. “He told me as he was leaving where he
was going. Turns out, Shannon has to meet her phantom
caller at Paradise Peak, and he volunteered to help watch over
her.” Luna explained. “I hope they’ll be okay.”
“You’re worried about Shane?” I asked her.
“Sure, even Shadow’s have to be cared for.” Luna smiled.
Shadow was Shane’s codename here at the System. Hers was
Lu-Lu, Derrick’s was Reading, and mine was Sister. That is,
until I met my family, the Woods’.
I shook my head and laughed. My twin sister was a card
sometimes, and I loved it.


Later that afternoon, I was urged to see what Lady Doc,

Dana Swanson was doing. As I walked the halls of Third-Floor
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 30

to the Medical Clinic, I felt something wrong. My head hurt,

and an empathic vision of Dana’s sorrow was clear.
Two years ago, she’d lost her father, Antony “Doc”
Swanson. He was the best, and she was his apprentice. With
all the diseases he cured, and all knowledge he had of the
human body, even he wasn’t able to escape a heart attack. He
died two years ago this month, and I could tell when I knocked
softly on the Clinic door, Dana was still thinking about it.
I walked in cautiously, poking my head in the door. Dana
stood with a small smile, ready to treat my ills. I decided to
play around with it. She knew who I was since her father
introduced us when I arrived.
Dana reached for the stethoscope around her neck and
waited while I seated myself on the examination table.
“What’s the matter, Agent Sister?” Dana asked.
“I’m sick – not just a common cold, mind you.” I made
myself sound sure. “It feels worse than that.”
“How so?” Dana asked, checking my blood pressure,
heartbeat, and muscle-structure. “What are your symptoms?”
“Nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea. You name
it, I got it.” I told her with a smile.
“Just a second.” Dana replied, amazed. “What are you
really here for?”
“Promise not to tell anyone – not even Shannon?” I
Dana had to smile. “I promise. What is it?”
“I want to see if I can get pregnant again.”
Dana blinked. “Again?”
“That little girl with the reddish-brown hair?”
“What about her?”
“Her name is Kelly, and she’s my daughter.” I confided.
“How old is she?” Dana wondered.
“She just turned seven last week.” I told her.
“That would mean –”
“I had her when I was thirteen.” I nodded. “If you don’t
believe me, ask Aaron Schmidt.”
“Is he the father?” Dana asked, and I smiled.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 31

“Now, about a pre-pregnancy test, or whatever you call

it.” I spoke up, grinning. “Derrick and I are finally getting
married, and I want to know.”
She paused, thinking.
“Alright, I’ll do it.” Dana sighed. She headed to the cart
and pulled out a kit filled with two needles and a home
pregnancy test. “Here.”
Dana’s hand just brushed mine, and I gasped.
In my mind, I saw Dana and Shannon burying Doc
Swanson. I could feel how hurt Dana was, and how utterly
alone she felt back then. “Dana, are you okay?”
Dana looked away, placing the tray down beside me. She
assured me softly, “Sure, I’m okay.”
“Oh.” I replied with a small shrug. Sometimes my
clairvoyant visions could tell things wrong. “It’s just that,
when my hand brushed yours, I thought I could read your
aura. It said you’ve been dreaming of your father’s death
Dana should’ve known better than to keep something so
secret from me.
“Care to talk about it?” I whispered, sneaking a look at
Dana’s eyes.
Dana cleared her throat, and told me the dream.

In her dream, she watched as the casket was being

lowered into the ground.
She knew the person inside was a prominent doctor before
he passed.
He was also her father.
Of all he know about modern medicine, even Antony “Doc”
Swanson couldn’t fight the disease that eventually killed him –
a heart attack.
Dana Swanson stared at the casket, not bothering to
listen to the Preacher’s words of farewell. She didn’t even feel
the hand of her good friend, Shannon Ryan, comforting her.
Dana didn’t even know anyone else existed but her and her
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 32

A single tear was left to run down Dana’s cheek. She may
have been in her early twenties, but inside, she felt like a little
girl of only six-years-old.
The image changed.
Now, Dana really was six-years-old, watching as a casket
was lowered. The woman inside – who she had loved and
adored, cherished and trusted – was dead. While her mother
Michelle Diane Swanson was on an assignment for the System,
a criminal killed her.
A hand was on her shoulder. Dana looked up and saw
tears in her father’s eyes.
It was the only time Antony Swanson would cry.
She awoke in tears.
Relieving her anguish on the pillow, Dana cried for a few
minutes before falling asleep again.
She realized finally – she had no one, no family to mourn
with her but her good friends in the System. She was convinced
that no one would understand.

“Interesting.” I told her. I should have told her ‘intense.’ It

was the first time in years I actually controlled the dream-
aura-reading ability. I amazed myself this time.
“That’s all you can say – ‘interesting?’” Dana was only
joking, but her tone told me she was frustrated.
I thought for a minute, and then looked at her. “Did
Shannon ever tell you my secret?”
“Being a – oh, what did she call it? – Mystic Sister?” Dana
asked. “Yeah, why?”
“Not only that, but my destiny.”
Dana gave me a strange look. “Destiny?”
“How can I explain it?” I thought aloud to myself. “Okay,
you know of the Mystic Sisters, right?” Dana nodded and I
continued. “Those who know the Mystics also know the Dream
“Yeah, go on.” Dana was trying to be patient.
“Did my sister Anna ever tell you about Lord Guardian
Dana knew Anna was my oldest sister, with the power of
premonition and Mystic Healing. Anna often helped around
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 33

the clinic whenever she visited. Dana also knew that Lord
Guardian O’Dell was the Elder Guardian of the Dream Realm.
“What about him?”
“Ever heard of O’Dell’s successor?”
Dana didn’t know what to think, or say, until I held my
hands in the air. “You’re it? You’re the Young Guardian?”
I smiled. “It’s my job to take care of Young Dreamers,
keeping all Dreamers from harm. I can only go into someone’s
personal Dream Realm if they give me permission.”
I hoped she would get the hint. I wanted to go into her
dream-thoughts and try to heal her secret pain. O’Dell had
been teaching a new ability me since I was here last.
I could tell Dana understood the hint, and thought about
it. “I don’t know. Love Joy suggested the Crusaders, but I’m
not so sure.”
Maybe a quick trip wouldn’t hurt, and she would trust
me enough to let me do it?
I held out my hand. “Do you mind?”
“What are you going to do?” Dana asked.
“A quick trip. Just to get a clue through your thoughts.”
Dana looked at me. “You can do that?”
“I’m the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm.” I told her
with a grin. “I’m also a full Mystic Sister, thanks to the birth of
Kelly seven years ago. I can do anything.”
Dana hesitated before taking my hand.
I closed my eyes and waited for her to close hers, so I
could see something.

“Daddy!” Little Dana, ten-years-old, ran to give her father

a hug. “Take me with you!”
Doc Swanson hoisted his daughter in the air, holding her
on one hip. “Be a good girl for Daddy, okay?”
Little Dana shook her head. “I’ll be the best.”
Doc smiled, and she could read his eyes. “Someday,
darlin’, you and I will run the clinic together. How’d you like
“Teach me, Daddy! I want to help people when I grow up!”
Little Dana hugged her father’s neck before he let her down. “I
want to be just like you.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 34

Doc Swanson couldn’t have been happier.

We opened our eyes, shaking our heads out of the dazes.

I could see a faint tear from Dana’s eye.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked, placing a hand on her
shoulder. “If I did anything to bring up sad memories, tell me.”
Dana nodded her head. “Not really, but I will be.”
Now would be the perfect chance to exit, stage right. I
hopped off the table, being careful not to prick myself on one
of the needles.
“Hey, what about the test?” Dana asked.
I smiled from the doorway. “I figure you need some time
Dana looked down, then back up at me.
I winked before leaving. “Besides, I can do that any-old
time, right?”
Dana smiled. “See you at the wedding, Sister.”
I paused in the doorway, thinking of her father. She’d
had to take over for him so suddenly.
“You know,” I spoke up. “I didn’t know your father that
well, but I can tell you something.”
“What’s that?”
“You’re filling his shoes quite nicely.” I grinned, leaving
her to her thoughts.


That night, all the agents of the System gathered in the

church, ready for the main ceremonies. Butterflies were
fluttering in my stomach, and I was nervous. Luna was, too, I
could tell. Aimee and Shannon helped us dress – without
“How’s Aaron?” Shannon asked Aimee.
Aimee nodded her head as she played with my hair. “He’s
nearly one-hundred percent better, thanks to your Healer’s
“What was wrong with Aaron?” I asked them.
They looked at each other first before Aimee answered
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 35

“Remember when I told you he was at the bar?” I nodded,

so she continued. “He was flat-out drunk.”
“What about your induction?” Luna asked.
“That’s gonna have to wait until tomorrow, when Airhead
gets his act together and can show me he’s learned his
lesson.” Shannon said.
“Airhead?” I giggled. “That was his childhood nickname.
Why would he want that for a codename?”
“I suggested it.” Aimee said. “Anyway, when Shannon and
I helped him back to the room, she quickly brewed a healing
potion for him. When he woke up, he had a headache.”
“She slipped it to him in his hot tea and voila! Back to
normal.” Shannon said after her. “I just hope he can behave
himself from now on.”
“Right.” I said. “Wouldn’t want one of the best Crusaders
out of the business because of some minor technicality.”
“Some minor technicality?” Luna teased. “I think you’ve
been hanging around Chips too long.”
I giggled, shaking my head.
Aimee touched my shoulder. “Sit still. I can’t work on
your braid if you keep moving.”
“Sorry, Aimee.” My thoughts rumbled, now worried about
Dana Swanson. “You know, Shan, you should look in on Lady
“Why?” Shannon asked.
I told her about Dana’s depression. When I was done
explaining, Luna and Shannon looked at each other’s
reflections, then to me.
“That’s intense.” Luna whispered.
“Thanks for telling me.” Shannon replied, clearing her
throat. “Love Joy was kind of worried about her.”
“They are partners you know.” I told her.
“Speaking of partners, I have something to tell you.”
Shannon replied. She looked at Luna’s reflection. “You were
“I was?” Luna snuck a look at me. “About what?”
“I have a twin, and I’ve invited her to the wedding.”
Shannon replied, cringing.
I smiled. “That’s great, Shan!” I told her. “Who’s older?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 36

“She is.” Shannon said. “Don’t be mad at me.”

“Shannon Cecilia Ryan, we could never be mad at you.”
Luna responded. “We don’t mind, do we, Ariana?”
I shook my head. “Not at all.”
“Thanks, guys.” Shannon said, returning to fixing my
sister’s hair.
We were silent as we pondered the event. The mood was
turning sour, but I wanted to be happy.
I sighed. Aimee caught my eye in the mirror and nodded.
“This should be tradition.” Aimee said as she wrapped my
elbow-length red-blond hair in a French Twist.
“What do you mean?” Shannon asked her. She was fixing
Luna’s hair the same way.
The two of us decided to dress in the gowns our mother
and aunt wore for their weddings. Pretty rainbow-pastel skirts
with snow-white, sparkling tops. The veils on each tiara made
us look like princesses.
“You know the old saying: something old, something new,
something borrowed and something blue.” Aimee replied. “It's
supposed to be good luck.”
“I know what you mean, Aim.” Luna jumped in her chair.
“Well, we already have the something borrowed.”
“Yeah, the dresses.” I remarked. “Now we need the rest.”
Shannon and Aimee looked at each other and got up.
“Where are you going?”
“You’ll see.” They chorused.
In a few seconds, they each came out with a small box in
their hands.
“What are those?” Luna asked.
“Uh...someone gave this to me a couple of days ago.”
Shannon stammered, sneaking a look at Aimee.
I wasn’t convinced. “Spill it, Shannon. What’s up?”
Shannon opened the box in her hands and brought out a
blue hair-bow. “Luna, this is from Aunt Dixie. It’s been in the
family since she was Earthbound.”
Luna took it. “Wow. It’s pretty. Help me put it in.”
While Shannon did that, Aimee hugged me from behind.
“Finally, I get to give this to you.” She said, handing me
the box.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 37

I opened it to reveal a small gold ring, with five different

Jewel colors in it. I put it on and immediately felt the rush of
energy that passed through my system. “Aimee, this is
beautiful! Wherever did you find it?”
She hugged me from behind. “Years ago, when you ran
away from the orphanage, I remembered something you’d told
I looked at her strangely. I didn’t know where she was
going with this. I didn’t remember telling her anything. “What
did I tell you?”
“The five jewels of the Province.” Aimee said. “Each color:
red, blue, green, black, and purple – stand for a different kind
of Dream Realm Magic.”
I craned my head. “I don’t remember that.”
What I did remember were the actual Mystic Jewels of
the Province Katherine and O’Dell had shown me in O’Dell’s
Castle. I remembered those, but didn’t think I had told anyone
about them.
“At any rate, I love it.” I turned to kiss her on the cheek
and give her a hug. “For me, it will always bring Magic.”
“I knew it would.” Aimee replied, a single tear running
down her cheek. She wiped it off and sniffed. “Now is not the
time to cry.”
“You’re not crying in pain, Aimee.” I reminded her, wiping
another wandering tear from her eye. “You’re crying tears of
She smiled. “I guess I am.”
“So much for tradition.” Shannon kidded, once seeing
she and Luna were crying, too. “It’s time.”
I heard the music of “The Wedding March” begin. I
waited patiently by the doors, holding onto Luna’s hand.
Through the tiny window, I could see everyone gathered in the
pews. The System Agents on one side, and the rest of our
extended Mystic Family on the other. Mother and Father
stood, all dressed up in their Sunday best, waiting for us.
My heart pounded, and Aimee and Shannon took the
trails of our gowns before it was our turn to make our grand
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 38

The centers of attention, of course, were Derrick and

Shane, awaiting us. They were dressed identically, too. Derrick
had a burgundy vest under his jacket, and Shane had a navy-
blue under his.
Luna and I exchanged a glance.
“This is absolutely perfect.” She whispered.
I smiled. “This is the System, Lu. Everything’s perfect.”
Finally, we heard our cues and headed out to Father.
Our father looked handsome in his navy-blue tuxedo. It
brought out his bright-blue eyes.
He held his arms out for us. “Ladies.”
I took his left, and Luna took his right.
With that, we walked down the aisle, ignoring all the
flash-photos being taken around the room.
Nothing seemed to exist except the four of us. For me, I
only saw Derrick’s awaiting arm and loving smile.
We marched up to the boys, who held out their arms for
“Take good care of them, gentlemen.” Father remarked
seriously with a small grin. “I trust you.”
“Yes, Sir.” Derrick and Shane chorused.
I took Derrick’s arm and Luna took Shane’s.
The moment of happiness had arrived. I could think of
nothing but my future life as Mrs. Derrick James Reading. I
turned around to see little Kelly, holding a basket of pedals
and throwing them at our feet as we walked to the front. She
looked darling in her little peach dress. I smiled.
Bradley Allen, once everyone of the Wedding Party took
their places, was ready to present us with our wedding bands.
He held a small pillow with two sets of twin rings.
Derrick and I were to be wed first. We took our positions
in front of the Minister, a middle-aged gentleman, often a
favorite of the System’s Agents.
Derrick took my hand and began reciting a short poem
he’d written for me. I stared into his chocolate-brown eyes as
they bored into mine.

“A kiss, a dream, was all I need,

“To bring my soul to life,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 39

“A touch, a thought, from you I’ll cherish

“As you become my wife.”

My eyes started to water with emotion. As we exchanged

vows, I tuned everything else out but him. Nothing mattered
but Derrick Reading now, and nothing but our love would ever
matter again. It was a union meant to be, by the stars, the
Mystics, my – our – destiny.
We slid the rings on each other’s fingers, tokens of love
and life to come.
“Do you, Ariana Moon Woods, take this man to be your
lawfully wedded husband; to have and to hold, for rich or for
poor, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?”
I took a deep breath. “I do.”
The Minister turned to Derrick. “Do you, Derrick James
Reading, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife; to
have and to hold, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in
health, till death do you part?”
I stared at his eyes, longing for me. His ultimate Dream
Girl, while he was my Imaginary Romeo throughout years of
orphanage hell.
“I do.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Derrick took my chin and gave me a passionate kiss.
Right away, something in my heart burst. Like something
within me that had been searching for a way out was finally
freed. I heard the hoots and hollers of the crowd, but ignored
In my mind, I heard Derrick’s voice.
I’ll love you forever and a day.
We parted and I looked at him, who was smiling.
Derrick and I stood waiting for the same to happen for
Luna and Shane.
When we were finished, the minister called the attention
of the crowd.
“By the power vested in me, by the state of California, I
now give to you Mr. and Mrs. Reading,” he pointed to us, then
to my twin and her new husband. “And Mr. and Mrs.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 40

Luna and I exchanged a twin glance.

The day had been perfect, and the best surprise was yet
to come.
“I hope I’m not late.” I heard a voice in the back of the
I had to do a double-take. This girl looked exactly like
Shannon, only more glamour and less business. She looked
like a movie-star.
My own twin was smiling at me.
I looked to Shannon, whose cheeks were red with
So this glamorous girl was Shannon’s twin?
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 41

Prologue: #3:
Family at Last!

Shannon Ryan cleared her throat before addressing

us, the astonished crowd.
I could see Mistress Enchantra smiling. So was O’Dell,
who was beside her.
What did they know that I didn’t?
“I’m sorry to do this to you, but it just came up.”
Shannon apologized.
I stayed calm; knowing something big was going to
“Everybody, I’d like you to meet my twin sister, Julia
Star.” Shannon looked to us, then her twin. “Come on, Julia.
Introduce yourself to the awaiting crowd.”
Julia had a violet dress on, which looked extra-old. I
sensed her shyness in front of the large group of people.
“Like she said, I’m Julia Star.” Julia replied softly,
fiddling with the small locket around her neck. “I’m Shannon’s
older twin sister.” She smiled at Shannon, who rolled her eyes.
“I came here in search of some answers I hoped to find.”
“Answers to what?” I asked her gently.
“Who I am. I’ve grown up in orphanages around the
states, longing to find my real mother.” Julia explained. “I
found my – our – mother’s diary, which told me her story. It
explained what happened to her, why she had to give me up,
and not Shannon, and even about the strange powers I have.”
“You are a Mystic, dear.” Enchantra smiled. “I am your
Grandmother, Enchantra. Sarabeth was the youngest of my
three daughters. I would be glad to tell you the Mystic story
anytime you want to hear it.”
Julia smiled. “I’d like that.”
“At any rate,” Shane began. He turned to Luna. “My Love
let us celebrate.” He raised his head to the crowd. “Come one,
come all, to the mystical, magical ball!”
In an orderly fashion, we exited out of the building.
Thoughts were rumbling in my head.
So many things were going on at once; I couldn’t control
the feelings in my heart.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 42

Julia was just like me. An orphan-turned-Mystic. I

wonder how untamed Julia’s Magic was.
“Hey you,” Derrick whispered in my ear, bringing my
thoughts back to him. “Let’s go to the Ballroom. It’s time to
I giggled. “Aye, aye, Captain!”

We rushed to the Ballroom, where we met everyone.

They were already dancing.
It was so beautiful. As I said, everything was perfect. The
Wedding Party tables were set across from each other, and our
names were on each place with a colorful rainbow-ribbon.
Derrick smiled and held his arm out. “Let’s dance.”
I took it and we danced to a slow, romantic melody. The
moment took me away, where only he and I were there. The
band was perfect, not missing a beat.
Near the middle of the evening, I was still dancing with
Derrick when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Turning, I see the familiar brown hair of the Earthbound
Wolf Stargazer.
“If I may be so bold to have this dance, my Young
Guardian?” Wolf bowed to me.
I hated when he called me that, especially in my own
world. “What have I told you about calling me that in the
Outer Realm?”
Wolf looked up with a grin. “Not to do it. Aye, 'tis
understandable. Then I rephrase myself. May I have this
dance, Ariana Reading?”
I smiled. A little better, but I wasn’t going to argue.
I looked at my new husband’s eyes, which told me to go
“Where’s Katherine?” I asked Wolf as Derrick left my side.
“She is with Kit and Marie.” Wolf looked into my eyes.
“You look stunning this evening.”
I blushed. “Thank you, Wolf. And may I say how
handsome you look?”
“You may.” Wolf kidded with a light laugh. His brown
eyes sparkled as he danced with me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 43

It was a fast song, and Wolf was a little clumsy when it

came to dancing.
“Let me guess, you’ve never danced in the Outer Realm
before?” I teased him.
“I admit I have never danced a day in my life before
today.” Wolf said. “Am I doing okay?”
“You’re having fun, right?”
I smiled. “That’s all that matters.”
I looked up to see Enchantra coming toward me.
“If you’ll excuse me, Wolf, I believe Mistress Enchantra
needs to talk to me.”
He was shocked for a second, almost disappointed to see
me go. “Certainly. I will find Katherine for you.”
He left me and I walked up to Enchantra, who was all
beauty in her rainbow-colored gown.
I bowed to her the best I could without tripping over the
trail of the dress. “Mistress, thank you for coming.”
“It is always a pleasure, Ariana.” Enchantra grinned. “It
truly was a marvelous ceremony. I do not believe either of you
were nervous.”
“For once, you’re wrong.” I laughed. “I sure was.”
“Not as much as O’Dell was I suppose.” Enchantra said.
“Did you see how he was fidgeting in the pews, just watching
“Me?” I asked.
“Aye. He was watching as his own successor was being
wed to her lifetime Earthly Protector.” Enchantra replied. She
kissed each of my cheeks, hugging me. “I wish you the best of
luck and happiness, Young Guardian.”
Somehow, coming from her, that name didn’t bother me.
By her smile earlier, I could tell she wanted to say
something else. “Enchantra, did you wish to talk about
anything else?”
She took a deep breath. “There will be time for that later,
dear.” She patted my hands, which were folded in front of me.
“We have to go soon, as do the Companions. If you wish to
speak to Katherine, I suggest you do it now.”
She turned and left.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 44

Katherine Hawk was standing alone in a corner with her

sister and Marie.
Where were Toby, Panther, and Wolf? I wondered.
I shrugged and headed over to them.
Marie noticed me and pulled back her white-blond hair
out of her face before kneeling. “My Young Guardian. I extend
my congratulations.”
Kitten’s Claw and Katherine giggled.
Marie was confused as she rose. “Is that not how you
address an Elder?”
“Aye, but this Elder is much more relaxed about her
title.” Katherine snuck a glance at me. “During the Crusades,
when Wolf, Toby, Kit, and I were Earthbound the first time
with the Amulets, we sought Young Guardian’s help.
Embarrassed to be called that in her own Realm, she insisted
on us addressing her by her first name. Ariana.”
“What a lengthy explanation, Kat.” I teased her. I turned
to Marie. “Basically, what she’s saying is that you should call
me by my first name when you’re Earthbound. Not many
Earthbound or Young Dreamers know me as the Young
Marie nodded. “Aye.”
“When the Crusaders sleep tonight,” Katherine spoke up,
“come to the Mystic Palace. Wolf and I are to be wed, not to
mention Kit and Toby and Marie to Panther.”
“So, he’s finally over me, huh?” I teased with a laugh.
Marie knew the story of our short romance, and
understood that she was the reason for it. Mark – Panther –
was her adopted brother before she died in our world. When
she died, she went to the Dream Realm to live, searching for
answers. I first met her as a ghost in her old bedroom, trying
to reach out to me. That’s also when I first met Mark.
“He has me, so why would he love you?” Marie teased
back, her violet eyes sparkling.
“How are your lessons coming along?” I asked her,
thinking of her Companion lessons Katherine was giving her.
“She is doing remarkable, Ariana.” Katherine told me. “I
cannot believe how powerful she has become in such a short
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 45

“I suppose now Orthos will want to bug me again.”

Marie’s eyes turned dark. “If he gets word of it, that is.”
“He will know soon enough, but that does not matter.”
Kit replied. “What matters now is the three of us are to be wed
to our long-time beaus in a Mystic Ceremony.”
“Speaking of,” Katherine interrupted her to address me.
“That is why Enchantra wishes your presence at the Palace
I nodded. I knew she wanted something. I smiled.
“Katherine, as my best Companion friend and your Young
Guardian, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Katherine hugged me. “Than I have your blessings?”
“More than that.” I told her. “You have my friendship
eternal. You know that.”
“Aye,” She grinned. “I will always stay a close friend to
you, no matter what, my Young Guardian Ariana Reading.”
“The Companions must be going now.” I heard my Lord
O’Dell’s voice boom from behind me.
I turned and bowed. “Certainly, My Lord.” I replied,
rising. “Thank you for coming. You don’t know how much it
meant to me to have you here.”
He grinned. “It was wonderful to be Earthbound shortly
again, but there is much work to be done in the Dream Realm
before tonight.” He paused. “You will come, I imagine?”
I nodded. “Derrick, Luna, Shane, and I will all be there.”
“Very good.” O’Dell nodded, escorting the three female
Companions out the door. I saw Wolf, Toby, and Panther
Panther stopped at the door, turning to give me a smile
and a nod.
I was glad he was happy, and he was glad I was happy. It
all worked out in the end.
I grinned, folding my arms as he disappeared with the
others in the hallway.
“I knew I’d find you here.” Derrick whispered in my ear,
kissing my neck. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
I turned to him and grinned. It was time, and I knew it.
“Let’s.” I echoed.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 46

We snuck out of the Ballroom without anyone knowing

we were gone. Every one of the System’s agents was too busy
with Julia, which included Luna.
“Now that we’re wed, I bet it would be best to move
Luna’s things back into the Ginger Room.” Derrick replied,
holding my hand. “That way, she and Shane can have their old
room back, and we can have ours.”
I grinned, my heart pounding, nerves pumping, head
I stopped in my tracks and looked at my new husband.
“Let’s do more than that.”
He looked at me and grinned. “Can I show you pure
magic now?”
I knew what he meant. I would learn just how much
Derrick loved me.
“First, to get out of these gorgeous clothes.” I told him. I
snapped my fingers, sending the dress and his tuxedo back to
their rightful places. The dress to Mother’s room with Father,
and the tuxedo hanging in the closet of Fourth-Floor. In their
places, I snapped in a couple comfortable outfits for the both
of us. “Next, to our rooms.”
He followed me, nearly racing me to the rooms. “What
next, my love?” He nuzzled my ears, and I was beginning to get
hot under the collar. A good hot – love, lust, everything in the
like went through my mind.
Closing my eyes and crossing my arms, I gestured to get
all of Luna’s things out of Fourth-Floor and Derrick’s out of
the Ginger Room.
I looked at him with love in my eyes and a beat in my
heart. Once I closed the door behind us, I looked at him with
lust in my eyes.
Derrick’s eyes sparkled, and I could tell he’d wanted to do
it, too.
Something that Aaron had done long ago, to make me
feel safe. With Derrick, I would feel pure love, pure magic, just
plain pure.
“Show me pure magic, Derrick.” I whispered, kissing him
hard on the lips. His response was to pick me up while kissing
me, gently setting me down on my bed.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 47

It wasn’t long before our clothes were off, and we were

No longer were we two separate people. We were one.
It was mind-boggling, heart-wrenching; there weren’t real
words to describe it.
All I knew is that it was better with Derrick than with
Wait – Why am I comparing the two? Aaron was my best
friend. All he wanted to do was keep me safe from all pain.
Derrick – oh, my love, my darling. I’d hungered for his
loving arms and embrace to rapture me, to carry me off into
heaven in a romantic, frenzying bliss. True love never felt this
good before.
“Is this some crazy, teasing dream?” He asked, slowing
his thrusts.
“It’s no dream, my love.” I whispered, sighing in
“Since we met, my heart had yearned for you.” Derrick
whispered, kissing first my ears, then my nose, and finally my
“And mine for you.”
He began a fast and strong pace, and I loved every
moment of it.
It didn’t take long for him to stop in orgasm, kissing my
lips softly once again.
In my mind, there was a feeling of completion.
We lay beside each other, our hearts slowing down to
their normal rhythms.
I sighed, curling up beside him. Derrick had his arms
wrapped around my neck, and I could hear his heart beating
for me.
Our ultimate fantasy had come true. Our love was finally
complete, and we were one.
“I love you so much, Derrick,” I told him, snuggling next
to him.
“I could tell.” He joked softly, kissing my lips. He looked
in my eyes once turning on his side. “To think, this heaven
can be ours anytime we wanted it.”
I nodded, my eyes closing, thinking of him, and only him.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 48

When I opened them again, his brown eyes were staring

at me. “You are so lovely, my darling.” He whispered, tucking
some hairs away from my face.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He said.
“No, I really mean it. Thank you.” I repeated. “For making
my life complete, for making me happy, for being perfect.”
“Ah, no.” Derrick shook his head. “I’m not the perfect
one, here. You are.”
I smiled. “Our first quarrel.”
He laughed softly. He was silent, watching me lay there.
We only looked at each other’s faces, for nothing else really
mattered now.
“There were always times I could never talk to you, but
now, I can tell you anything.” He spoke up.
“The same goes for me.” I replied with a small smile. I
looked over at the glowing clock beside the bed. “It’s nearly
midnight. I wonder if the party’s still going on.”
“Doubt it.” Derrick said. “Lu and Shane are probably
doing what we just did.”
“Should we just sleep like this, or get dressed?” I asked
him, looking at him for approval.
“I would just sleep like this, but you know what they
say.” Derrick replied.
“What’s that?”
“Whatever you wear to bed, you wear in your dreams.” He
planted another kiss on my lips before rising.
I giggled, sighing. I got up as well.
“We have to Crusade tonight.” I told him as we dressed.
“Why? The Warriors up to no good again?”
“Nope. The Mystic Ceremony at the Palace.” I told him.
“All of us were invited to watch as Kit, Kat, and Marie were
wed to their beaus. Also, I think Enchantra has something on
her mind.”
“I wouldn’t doubt that.” Derrick replied, now remaking
the bed for us. “The Mistress Sisters always have something
on their minds.”
“They never have a problem telling us, either.” I replied as
we snuggled into bed.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 49

“Well, so ends our lives apart, and begins our new lives
together.” Derrick said. “Don’t think I’m gonna let you go so
easily this time.”
“I don’t want to be let go.” I curled up beside him,
yawning as my head hit his chest. “I love you too much to let
go now.”
My eyelids closed, and I felt him kiss my forehead before
he fell asleep.
Our first night as man wife and we fell asleep in each
other’s arms. That’s the way it should be.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 50

Lessons on Control

Enchantra’s Warning

As soon as we fell asleep, we arrived at the Mystic Palace

in the Dream Realm. I saw Shane and Luna there, too, talking
with Challandra.
I waved and called her name. “Mistress!”
She looked up. “Young Guardian, you have arrived.”
She hugged me before leading us into the Palace, where
her own twin Enchantra was waiting.
By the look on her face, I could tell she had bad news.
“What’s wrong, Enchantra?” I asked as soon as our eyes
“I am afraid your happiness is about to be tested.”
Enchantra started.
We looked at each other. “What do you mean?” Luna
asked her.
“I thought we were brought here to watch the Mystic
Ceremony of the Companions?” I recalled. “Where are they?”
“The Companions are at Panther’s Castle.” Challandra
began, looking at her sister.
“We must wait for O’Dell, Max, Jezebel, and Mystica.”
Enchantra replied.
“Mystica is alive and well?” Derrick asked her, amazed.
“Only for the Ceremonies.” Enchantra told him. “After that,
then she will go back to the Realm of the Epsilon to live as
Queen with her husband Braken Hawk.”
Hawk? “That’s Kit and Kat’s last name.” I replied. “Does
that mean what I think it does? Mystica’s the link to their
Enchantra smiled. “Aye, but I would greatly appreciate it if
you kept that fact to yourselves when you come to their
I nodded with a grin. “I will, Mistress. I promise.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 51

“Very well.” Enchantra kept her smile. She closed her eyes
and announced. “Our Lord Guardian O’Dell has arrived with
Lord Max and Queen Jezebel.”
“Queen Jezebel?” Shane asked. “When did she become a
“More importantly, of what?” Luna answered.
“When Jezebel’s mind had changed after the Wars, but
during the Crusades, she found her true love of Maximaniac still
had feelings for her.” Enchantra began. “Maximaniac was
announced the Lord of the Grey Area. That is, the area in which
the old Dominion and Dark Tower used to be.”
“Since there are no colored Magics to fuel its power, that
part of the Dream Realm became gray, and inhibited.”
Challandra continued. “Therefore, it has been named the Grey
“Recently, after True-Time returned, we found there were
lost souls, left from the Wars and Crusades. They were left to
search for meaning and peace of mind.” Enchantra replied.
“Pretty soon, no one knew what to do with it. That is when Lord
Maximaniac decided to wed his long-time bride, Jezebel, and
become ruler over the Grey Areans.”
“So far, there have been no complaints from either side.”
O’Dell’s voice boomed from behind us. Beside him were both
Lord Max, who had taken on his playful appearance of a court-
jester, and Jezebel, looking like a real darker-colored queen.
Here’s the explanation. When Maximaniac Banished
himself to Mark Grey, he became a persona naming himself
“Psycho.” “Psycho” was fun, entertaining, and a real blast,
taking on the blue-gray-black colors of both Magic and clothing
in Mark’s eyes. After being returned to the Dream Realm, he
became his old self again, a serious, smart, and nice gargoyle,
taking on his old Gargoyle Magic colors of gray and blue. Since
the Crusades, he’s had to choose between the Gargoyle and his
“Psycho” appearance. So far, Lord Max has chosen his more
playful appearance to live with.
“My Lords and Queen Jezebel.” I announced, bowing to
the three of them. My sister, Shane, and Derrick bowed as well.
“A pleasure.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 52

“The pleasure is all mine, Young Guardian.” Lord

Maximaniac replied with a grin. “To be able to see you in the
flesh once again was a thrill. I loved the ceremony.”
“You weren’t there.” I told him, curious.
“Jezebel and I saw it from our own Mirror at our Castle.”
Max replied with a wink.
I smiled.
“Ah, my love, they remind me of us when we were young
and in love.” Jezebel had a playful look in her eyes all her own.
I could tell she was happy not being Orthos’ bride
anymore. The two of them were back together, as fate had
brought them in the first place.
“Sorry I am late, dear sisters,” I heard Mystica’s voice
coming from the Mirror Room. She joined us and we bowed to
her. “I had trouble remembering the spell.”
“Quite alright, Mystica.” O’Dell replied with a smile. “You
look lovely, as usual.”
“Thank you, O’Dell.” Mystica replied. She looked to
Enchantra, who sighed. “Whatever is the matter, Enchantra?”
“The time has come, dear sister.” Challandra answered for
her twin. “They are betrothed.”
“Oh, how wonderful!” Mystica clapped, and then her
smile turned into a frown. “Oh.” She said, depressed. “It truly
is time, is it not?”
“Aye.” Enchantra sighed, and I knew we were all in
trouble. Enchantra, being the head Mistress Sister, usually had
no reason to sigh. Especially since she was supposed to know
everything about her Earthbound Mystics.
“Cheer up, Chantie.” Challandra grinned, hugging her
twin sister’s shoulders. “'It is the best for them.”
“Aye, I guess you are right, Challie.” Enchantra said,
standing straight once again.
What was bothering her?
The only way to know was to ask.
“Enchantra, if I may be so bold, what’s wrong?” I asked
her gently, not wanting to be yelled at for disrespecting her.
To my surprise, no one said a word edgewise. That in
itself was odd.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 53

“For once, you are correct in assuming something is

wrong.” Enchantra replied sadly. “I have to regret something
you have and love is to be tested to its utter limits, but you
cannot use it for a while.”
“What are you talking about?” Luna asked.
“Stop beating around the bush, sister.” Jezebel playfully
scolded her. “Just tell them and let it be at that.”
“Aye.” Enchantra looked at us. She took one of Luna’s and
one of my hands. “My dears, for a full year, your Magic will be
tested. Unfortunately, the last test is to be Earthbound, unable
to use any of your powers or abilities.”
“How long?” I asked.
My Mystic Magic was still growing, and still untamed.
How was I supposed to learn all I could about it if I couldn’t
even use it?
“For one full year of Outer Realm time.” Enchantra
regretted. “In this time, you must learn to control every aspect of
it, keeping it a secret from those which make you want to use it
“Such as?”
“Any enemies you may have in your new lives together.”
Challandra put in.
“The good news is, once that year is up, you will be
stronger in your powers, and able to do anything your mind will
let you.” O’Dell replied. “'It is part of both the Mystic and
Wizard’s heritage the two of you possess.”
I was bummed, but determined. “I’ll try my best to please
you, My Lord.”
Luna sounded the same. “We won’t disappoint you.”
Enchantra, Challandra, Jezebel, and O’Dell hugged us.
“When you awaken in the morning, you won’t be able to
do anything you usually do.” O’Dell warned us.
“The main rule for you both Young Guardian and Grand
Magus is this: You can’t always use your Magic on a whim. You
must learn to control it, and your angers.” Enchantra replied.
She must be thinking of when I used the anger in me
against Sabrina to defeat her in the Outer Realm. I looked
sheepish and guilty.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 54

“We bid you a fond adieu, and the best of luck in your
journeys.” Challandra said aloud.

As we returned to our beds, I had one thought in my

What were we about to get ourselves into?

The next night, I began my rounds of the Dream Realm

alone. Lord Guardian was always there somewhere if I needed
his help, but I rarely did. In fact, most of the time, Dreamers’
worlds were downright boring and uneventful.
Yeah, right. Whom was I kidding? There was always
Orthos or Dominionites to bother Young Dreamers at night. It
didn’t matter if he was Exiled to the Unknown with Sabrina
and Damian or not. Remnants of the Old Dominion still stood
tall, its old Dominionites not completely changed by Lord
Maximaniac’s impact. This discouraged even the strongest of

On that particular night, Mystica came to my Dream

Realm. Her black gown matched her hair, and it was hard to
distinguish between her hair and her gown. Each had glowing
stars on them. She held a wand in her hand, which glowed at
one end and had different stones in it.
I walked up to her and bowed. “Mistress Mystica! What
pleasure do I owe your presence?”
Mystica laughed. “Oh, Young Guardian, do not speak so
formally! I have come to bring you word of a quest.”
“What sort of quest, Mistress?” I asked her, rising.
She and I were face to face. Mystica handed the small
wand to me. I saw the glowing crystal on one end with another
crystal at the other end. I looked at it closely. “What is this for?”
“For you, as an Earthbound Mystic.” Mystica said. “It will
help you in the journey to come. For now, go to the Realms of
the Goddesses.”
“How can I go there without Magic?” I asked her.
She smiled. “Since when have you used Magic to come
here?” Mystica smiled.
“Isn’t that how I get to the Dream Realm? With my Magic?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 55

She shook her head. “A Mystic like you only has to think
about the Dream Realm to come to it.” Mystica explained.
She looked over my shoulder. When I glanced to see what
caught her eye, I could faintly see a large figure of a man. The
man came closer to us and I could see the furry face, cat ears
and tail. He looked exactly like a male version of Katherine and
Kitten’s Claw Hawk!
Could this be the mysterious Braken Hawk Enchantra told
us about?
“Come, my Love. Let us visit the girls.” The man said,
walking up to her and kissing her.
Mystica turned to me. “I can read into your thoughts,
Young Guardian. Yes, this is Braken Hawk, Lord King of the
entire Realm of the Epsilon.”
I bowed. “Pleasure to meet you, my Lord.”
“Pleasure is mine.” Braken smiled at me. “I have been
waiting to meet you since you were announced.”
“Announced?” I asked, tightening my grip on the wand.
“By announced, we mean when you had the Enchanted
Child.” Mystica said. “That is when O’Dell officially began to
call you by your title, correct?”
I nodded.
“We need to go, my Sweet.” Braken told her.
“Fine.” Mystica whispered. “Until we meet again. Goddess
Bless, Young Guardian.”
“Goddess Bless, Mistress.” I returned.
I saw them disappear, returning to my rounds of the
Dream Realm with a new tool.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw the wand

clutched in my hand. It wasn’t glowing now, and I was able to
see what it was made of. I only got a glimpse of it before it
disappeared. “What the?” I whispered to myself.
I heard giggling, sitting up to see both Bradley Allen and
Kelly standing next to my bed. Derrick was over them sporting
a huge smile.
“What are you grinning about?” I asked him, hugging the
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 56

Derrick sat next to me on the bed. “Oh, nothing really.”

He said, kissing my lips. “I love you.”
I heard the children chorus, “Ew! Gross!”
Derrick and I parted, with myself grabbing Kelly and
tickling her and Derrick grabbing Bradley in a playful
headlock before rubbing his hair.
“Stop that!” Bradley laughed, batting at Derrick’s hands.
Kelly and I looked at each other and laughed with them.
She sat herself on my lap before hugging me.
“Morning Momma!” Kelly kissed my cheek.
I looked to Bradley once we settled down. “Where’s your
Bradley shrugged his shoulders. “He was gone when I
went to get breakfast.”
“What about Aimee?”
“She’s with Julie and Shannon, learning her Magic,
Momma.” Kelly supplied.
“So they left us with you two trouble-makers, huh?” I
teased, tapping both their noses.
“Yep!” Bradley cried. “Can we go explore, Uncle Derrick?”
“I don’t see why not.” Derrick said. “If it’s alright with
you, Love.”
He looked at me and I looked at the three of them. Kelly
and Bradley gave me puppy-dog eyes and pouted lips. “I don’t
know...” My voice trailed.
“Please?” The kids chorused.
“We’ll be good.” Kelly hugged me. “Promise!”
“Yeah. We won’t get into any trouble.” Bradley promised.
He hugged me, too. “Can we, please Aunt Ariana?”
“Sometimes I think trouble is your middle name, Bradley
Allen.” I teased him, nodding. “Go ahead, but don’t go too far.”
The kids jumped off the bed. “Thank you, Momma!” Kelly
cried. She turned to her step-adopted brother. “Race ya to the
At that, Bradley opened the door and raced out of the
room, with my daughter behind him. Derrick closed the door
before heading back to me.
He was laughing. “Those are some kids you got there, my
Ariana Moon.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 57

I gasped at the name, my thoughts immediately returning

to the image of Mrs. Gertrude’s horrible face. “Derrick, honey,
please don’t.” I whispered, turning my face away from his.
He sat down and hugged me. “I’m sorry, Love. I forgot.”
He kissed me again. “Forgive me?”
I hugged him back, looking at his dark, chocolate brown
eyes. They were too hard to resist, so I kissed his nose. “I
forgive you.”
“Good, now get dressed.” Derrick playfully commanded. “I
want to treat you to brunch in the café.”
I stood and tried changing my clothes using Magic, but it
didn’t work. He laughed and I frowned.
“Forgot you were Earthbound, didn’t you?” He wrapped
his arms around me and teased my lips.
I smiled again. “I guess so.” I told him, tearing myself
from his arms. I went to the closet and sifted through it for a
decent dress to wear. “I don’t think I’m going to survive being
Earthbound for a full year.”
“Sure you will.” Derrick said. “You’ve been without
powers before, right?”
“That was different.” I told him from the closet. “I didn’t
know how to control it back then. Now that I do, I want to use
it.” Once choosing my outfit, I dressed quickly.
When I came out, he spotted me, whistling.
He took my hand and I twirled around.
“Well, what do you think?” I asked him with a grin. “Not
bad for an Earthbound, is it?”
He pulled me to him, kissing my lips again. “Deliciously
irresistible.” He whispered in my ear, making me blush.
With that, we headed to the café for brunch.
In the middle of the meal, I had to race to the bathroom
before I threw up. After washing my hands, I went back to the
“Are you okay, Love?” Derrick asked, worried.
I waved a hand at him before sitting down. “Sure. It must
have been something I ate.”
“You’ve hardly touched your meal.” He replied.
I shrugged.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 58

For the rest of the night, I felt sick. I didn’t dare go to the
clinic, even though I knew Dana was the best doctor on
campus. Since I wasn’t allowed to use Magic, I healed myself
with little home-made remedies I knew from my childhood.
First, I tried wishing my tiredness away, only to end up falling
asleep during the day. The kids were worried for me, even
Aimee and Aaron were. Everyone was worried about me.
When I told Shane one morning, he told me Luna was
sick, too.
“Twin illnesses.” I joked with a slight groan.
“She’s been to the clinic twice, but both Lady Doc and
Love Joy say there’s nothing wrong with her.” Shane told me.
“What have they said about you?”
I shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I hadn’t gone to the clinic
That’s when Shane stopped in his tracks. “What does
Derrick think about that?”
“I keep telling him I’m fine, which he brushes off.” I told
him. “Besides, he’s too busy with his Senior Detective training
to pay any attention to me anyway.”
Shane didn’t say anything but. “If you want my advice, go
see Dana. I have to run. See ya around.”
I waved to him once I got to Fourth Floor.
I was tired, but found myself hanging over the railing of
the balcony. I breathed in the fresh California air and glanced
around. Down below was the ocean, so clean and perfect. The
wind was making the water move into little waves across the
sand. To the right, I saw the house atop the hill in the
distance. It was known as the County, which I knew from
experience was the place my Grandfather Theodore Ryan
bought for Gramma Dixilynne when they married.
I closed my eyes to picture them together in that house,
but couldn’t see a thing.
“I hate being Earthbound.” I grumbled to myself, sitting
on one of the chairs.
I guess being Earthbound without powers meant my
clairvoyance, too. For a full year, in order to have more control
over the Mystic Magic, I would be a normal young woman.
I sighed, closing my eyes.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 59

I must have falling asleep in the chair because I didn’t

hear when the doorbell buzzed. I rose to answer it only to see
Aaron’s smiling face.
“Heard you were sick.” He said, hugging me and kissing
my cheek.
My heart did a double-thump.
“Yeah. I have been all week.” I told him, heading back to
the balcony. He followed.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked, worried.
I looked at him. Always the worrywart, I thought. I
shrugged, sighing. “I don’t know.”
“Have you –?”
“No, I haven’t seen Dana, yet, so don’t ask!” I snapped,
which made him step back.
“Whoa, calm down.” He said with a smile. He took my
hand. “I’m only asking because I happen to care about you.”
I looked at his hand and squeezed it. “I know, Aaron.”
I turned away, my feelings getting jumbled up and
“Listen. Why don’t I give you a back rub to make you feel
better?” He suggested, making me turn to see his pleading,
happy eyes.
I stood still while he started rubbing my shoulders. It felt
so good; I was lost in moments. “That feels wonderful, Aaron.
Thank you.”
His only reaction was to hug me from behind, pulling me
close to him. He began kissing my neck. Suddenly, my
thoughts were meshed with his, and we were back in the
orphanage attic. Alone.
My eyes were closed, thinking of that special day. I
snuggled into his embrace, unable to help myself.
“I will never stop loving you, my Ariana Moon.” Aaron
whispered into my ear.
I opened my eyes, turning to look into his. I backed away.
“I know, my Aaron Theodore, but we can’t.” I told him. “Not
anymore. I’m married to Derrick now. I love him with my heart
and soul. You know that. I thought you accepted that.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 60

He slowly grasped for my hand again, which he kissed. “I

do accept it, but I can’t begin to tell you how much I still care
about you.”
“Caring about me is one thing.” I replied. “But loving me
in a way you want to love me is another.”
He was silenced, his gaze now to the ocean below. He
stood to the railing and looked down. I stood to stand beside
“I admit; I love you, too, but in a different way.” I said
softly with a tear in my eye. “You’re my savior, you know that?
Your love saved me from destruction.”
Aaron looked back at me with a thoughtful expression on
his face. He placed his palm on my cheek. Closing my eyes, I
snuggled into it.
“Don’t ever forget that.” Aaron whispered. “I will always
be there for you; no matter what.”
With that, he kissed my lips. My heart did another
double-thump and I wanted to cry.
When we parted, he saw the tear ready to escape from
my eye, wiping it away. “Don’t cry, Ariana. Please don’t cry.”
He pulled me to him and hugged me tight.
“Hold me, Aaron.” I whispered into his chest. “Just like
old times.”
“Just like old times.” He whispered back, kissing my
The air was still and silent. The only sounds were from
the waves on the sand, rushing to meet the shore. Inside, I felt
like a little girl again, and my memory took me back to that
special day. The day we made love and produced a special
child, a daughter, Kelina Erin.
Once again, I felt safe in my Aaron Theodore’s arms.
We heard the door buzz open, startling us out of our
wonderful daydream. Quickly, we parted, stepping away from
each other.
Derrick found us on the balcony. He saw Aaron, pausing
for a moment before turning to me. “How are you feeling?” He
asked me.
Aaron stood silent.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 61

“Better, thanks to Aaron.” I said, sniffing. “He came to

comfort me.”
That’s when Derrick saw the drying tears in my eyes.
“Have you been crying?”
I nodded slowly. “Yes, but I’m okay now.”
Aaron smiled. He grasped my hand. “Take care of
yourself, Ariana.”
“I will. See you later.” I told him before he left us.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Derrick asked.
“What was he really doing here?”
“He was worried about me, as usual.” I said, exiting the
balcony and lying down on my bed. “He heard I was sick and
decided to see what was wrong. That’s all.”
Derrick nodded, sitting next to me. “Why were you
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess being Earthbound is
harder on me than I first thought.” I closed my eyes, feeling a
headache coming on. He took the opportunity to kiss my lips.
I opened my eyes to see his boring into mine. He looked
so loving and caring; it was hard to imagine him being the
same beast I met years ago.
“Why don’t you take a nap? I’ll find the kids and see what
trouble they’re getting into.”
I nodded, shaking my head and saying sarcastically. “I
seem to be doing a lot of that lately.”
He frowned now. “Are you sure you don’t want to see
Dana or Love Joy?”
“I’m sure. It’s probably just the flu or something.” I told
him. “I have to let it run its course.”
“If you’re that sure, I guess I feel okay leaving you to
rest.” Derrick gave me one more kiss. I felt the usual zing
when his lips met mine, telling me I made the right choice
after all. “I love you, Ariana.” He told me.
I smiled, feeling my heart fill with love for him. “I love
you, too Derrick.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 62


Not only was I sick with something I didn’t know about,

but I felt depressed. It was two months later and we were still
at the System. My family went back to Hill View, leaving us on
our own.
It would seem nothing was going right for me my first
month of being married. I thought everything would be perfect
for us. Little did I know how hard learning to control my power
was going to take so much out of me?
Both Shane and Derrick were oblivious to Luna’s and my
depressions. At least, I thought they were. We moped around
the System like lost souls, just running on automatic. I didn’t
want to do anything at all, not even get out of bed.
My head was pounding, my stomach didn’t want to keep
anything down, and I was beginning to eat constantly. The
waiters in the Café thought I was nuts, and the young
waitresses wondered how I stayed so thin after eating so
much. For a while, I felt dizzy, too.
Kelly and Bradley, not to mention Aimee and Aaron, were
concerned, but I always told them I was fine. I think Kelly
knew something was up, but I kept it to myself.
One morning, I awoke feeling nauseous. Heading to the
bathroom, I saw everything I’d eaten the previous night in
front of me in no time. I felt my head, but it didn’t feel hot.
Something was wrong, only I didn’t know what.
“Ariana, are you okay?” Derrick’s concerned voice
interrupted my thoughts as he handed me a wet washcloth to
put over my forehead.
I couldn’t answer with words, because that coming-up
feeling was back. I nodded, though.
What was wrong with me? I thought.
“Why don’t we go see Lady Doc?” Derrick helped me up
off the floor.
Reluctant, I allowed him to take me down to the clinic
after I washed up. He held my hand on the way.
Dana Swanson saw my condition and gawked. “Uh-oh,
what’s wrong?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 63

“That’s what I want to know.” I told her, racing to the

sink before I could make another mess on her clean floor.
“Ugh, I feel terrible.”
Dana quickly sized up the situation. “Derrick, go wait in
the other room. I have to talk to her alone.”
Derrick was reluctant to go. “You’ll tell me what’s wrong
the moment you find out?”
Dana smiled. “I promise, now go.”
He left and she looked at me.
“How long have you been nauseous?” Dana asked,
checking my body for some kind of clue.
“For about two months now.”
“Hmm.” She said simply, listening to my chest. “Lay
down, I wanna check something.”
I obeyed and she pressed on my abdomen. “What are you
“Just going on a hunch.” She gestured me to sit up
again. “How have you been feeling since you guys married?
Besides the nausea.”
“Well, I’m hungry a lot, but can’t seem to keep it down.” I
told her. “I have these weird cravings I can’t control, like
peanut-butter and mayonnaise sandwiches.”
Dana made a face.
“It’s not funny, Dana. I mean, besides all that, I’m feeling
depressed.” I replied. “I haven’t wanted to go anywhere, or do
anything. This is really concerning me, and both Kelly and
Derrick. Can you tell me what’s wrong with me so you can fix
Dana shook her head and laughed. “Calm down, Ariana.”
She playfully ordered me. “Your intense mood swings are
beginning to get to me.”
I didn’t say anything. I just frowned.
Dana went to the cabinet and grabbed a cup, needles,
and testing syringes. “What are you going to do with those?” I
asked her.
“Nothing.” Dana smiled. “You are going to give me a
I took the cup from her hands and shrugged. In a few
minutes, I handed it back to her.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 64

“There. Now what?”

Wrapping a tourniquet around my arm, she tapped my
arm to raise a vein.
“Blood work.” She said, before I could open my mouth.
I hate needles. Always have; probably always will. I could
never seem to get used to the pain.
After she’d put a bandage on the spot where she took
blood, she tapped my leg. “If you’re okay, you’re free to go. I
have to send the tests to the lab downstairs for analyzing. I’ll
let you know the results before tonight.”
“That’s it?” I asked, incredulously. “I have to wait to see
what’s wrong with me?”
She shrugged. “Hey, I’m just working on a hunch, okay. I
may be wrong, so don’t knock it just yet.” She explained.
“Meanwhile, bed rest for you until I say otherwise.”
I sighed, depressed. “What about the kids? Is whatever I
have contagious?”
Dana laughed again. “I don’t think so. Just take it easy
with them until I can call you with the results. You’re still in
Fourth Floor, right?”
I nodded.
“Have your Romeo take care of the kids, okay?” Dana
replied. She knew both Aimee and Aaron, who were here to
take care of them in the first place, were going through
training to be New Recruits. This left both Bradley Allen and
Kelly in Derrick’s and my care.
I sighed again. “Yes, Doc.”
Her face turned dark.
I temporarily forgot – her father had been “Doc” here at
the System.
“I’m sorry, Dana. I forgot.” I assured her. “I’ll leave now,
and you’ll call me with the results later tonight?”
Dana Swanson was smiling in moments. “Sure thing,
Ariana. Or should I call you Mrs. Reading now?”
I giggled. “‘Ariana’ will do for now, Dana.” I told her with
a grin. “See you later.”
“See you.” Dana grinned as I left the clinic.
Derrick was reading a magazine when he heard the door
open. “So, what’s wrong?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 65

“She took some tests of me, but I have to wait until

tonight to get the results.” I told him. “Until then, I’m on bed
“That means we have to cancel dinner, doesn’t it?”
Derrick sounded disappointed. I don’t blame him – we’d
planned it for weeks now. Getting away from the world in
order to spend some quality time before we went home to Hill
View was just the thing we needed.
“I’m sorry, Derrick. Really.” I told him, taking his hand.
“I’ll make it up to you some other time, I promise.”
He grinned, kissing my cheek. “Promises, promises.”
I grinned, letting him lead me back to Fourth Floor to my
nice warm bed.


When I woke up a few hours later, the phone was ringing.

I looked at the clock beside me, squinting to see the time.
“Seven o’clock already?” I whispered to myself. I
answered the phone after putting my glasses back on my face.
“Ariana speaking.” I yawned.
“Have a good nap?” Dana Swanson’s voice was cheerful.
What did she have to be cheerful about?
“Yeah, yeah.” I yawned again. “Got the results yet?”
“I said I’d call you when they came in, didn’t I?”
“I guess so.” I mumbled. “What did they say?”
“Can’t tell you over the phone.”
“That bad, huh?”
“No, not at all. I just can’t wait to see the look on your
face when I do tell you.”
“What?” I was getting impatient.
“Come back to the clinic and find out.” With that, she
hung up.
I sighed. Might as well get Derrick. He’d want to know,
As I washed up from my nap, I heard the door buzz open.
The only ones with access to Fourth Floor were the five of
us: Derrick, Shane, Luna, Shannon, and I. There was a special
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 66

code-card and a five-digit number you had to punch to open

the door.
It had to be Derrick. Luna and Shane were already
packing to go back home, and Shannon, I knew, was trying to
spend some time with her ‘new’ twin sister, Julia.
“Derrick?” I asked aloud.
I walked out of the bathroom to meet the concerned
brown eyes of my new husband.
“You’re supposed to be on bed rest, remember?” He
scolded me.
“Relax, Love.” I told him. “I just woke up. Dana called.”
Derrick’s face turned from concerned to anxious. “So,
what did she say?”
“To head back to the clinic for the results.” I replied.
“Where are the kids?”
“Exploring the campus grounds.” Derrick told me. “I
thought it would be okay. After all, we were always okay.”
We were always okay when we went ‘exploring’ the
System. Thing was, he had no right to do that without
notifying me first.
“Let me guess. By the look on your face, it wasn’t okay.”
Derrick supplied.
“You didn’t even let me know what you’d done.” I scolded
him. “Kelly does happen to be my own daughter, you know.”
“I’m sorry, Ariana.” Derrick said, kissing my lips. “Let’s
not fight right now, okay?”
I sighed. “Whatever.” I mumbled feeling duped. “Let’s go.”
He followed me to the clinic. Oddly enough, I felt fine
now. My stomach had settled.
I barged in the clinic. “Okay, Dana Swanson.” I
commanded, nearly getting in her face. For some reason, I was
frustrated. “Out with it. What did the results say?”
Despite my outburst, she smiled. “You might want to sit
down for this.”
Both of us complied.
I hated being held in suspense.
“Turned out, my hunch was right.” Dana told us.
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Reading. You’re pregnant.”
I stared at her, not knowing what to say. “I’m what?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 67

Derrick was incredulous. “Pregnant.” He whooped for joy,

jumping out of his chair. “Yes! I’m gonna be a daddy!”
I didn’t know what to say. Pregnant? Now? Right after
being married to him for only two months? I didn’t believe it.
“I don’t believe it.” I whispered, thinking of my last
pregnancy with Kelly.
This time, the baby would be in better hands. They’d
know their parents from the get-go.
I wasn’t about to put them, or even Kelly, through the
same sordid childhood I’d had growing up.
“Believe it.” Dana assured me. “You know what the funny
thing is?”
We stared at her. “What?”
“Lu’s pregnant, too.” Dana grinned. “What’s more
amazing, or maybe just coincidence, is the fact you’re in
identical stages. That means you’ll probably have your babies
on, or close to, the same day.”
My head pounded.
“You haven’t told anyone yet, have you?” I asked her.
“Mainly Shannon and the others.”
“Nope.” Dana replied. “I left all that up to you.”
“This is great – perfect!” Derrick cried, picking me up and
twirling me around before kissing me. “I’m so happy right now,
you wouldn’t believe.”
I grinned. “So am I.” I hugged him, and then hugged
Dana. “Thanks for telling us in person.”
“Not a problem.” She replied. “I’m gonna refer you to a
specialist friend of Daddy’s in Hill View, Dr. Robinson.”
“Is he middle-aged, with graying hair, balding in some
spots?” Derrick asked her.
“Yeah, I believe so.” Dana replied. “I haven’t seen him
since Mom died when I was six. I don’t know what he looks
like, now.”
“Doesn’t matter.” I told her, turning to him. “So, why did
you ask?”
“Dr. Robinson is the very man that treated my mother.
He later became a friend of the family.” Derrick explained. He
grinned. “He is so nice, and fun. I can’t wait to see him again.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 68

“I’ll bet.” Dana teased. “No offense, you guys, but scoot.
I’ve got work to do.”
“Gotcha.” We chorused.
It was hard to believe – me, a mother for the second time
in my life.


Derrick took good care of me during my pregnancy. Soon,

I was as big as a blimp – at least, that’s what I thought about
myself. I could feel the baby kicking around inside, smiling
every time it tickled me.
My loving husband wouldn’t let me do any heavy lifting.
In fact, once he’d moved in to my parent’s house back in Hill
View, neither Derrick nor Shane let Luna nor I do anything at
all. I was lucky to have Aimee and Aaron around for company
when the guys were out job-hunting, or whatever they were
doing during the day.
Aimee took care of Kelly with me, offering to let my
daughter spend the nights next door with her step-adopted
brother. Aaron couldn’t have been happier. I guess he was
finally accepting the fact Derrick and I were for real, and he
quit daydreaming about me all the time. I could tell he enjoyed
being a father to Kelly, finally.
The months flew, and like clockwork, every new day
brought new things to do. Just to get out of the house, I went
to the library and signed up for a class at Hill View University
through the Internet. My major: teaching and education. My
minor: human psychology. I was lucky the classes didn’t really
begin until after the summer was over.
By then, only seven months of my no-powers sentence
was over. I guess I shouldn’t call it a sentence, but testing. I
was nearly nine-months pregnant, and big as a horse.
Mother and Father helped a lot with the arrangements for
the second wedding ceremony, held for us in front of the
Reading’s, Derrick’s family. Thing was, my Magic had to be
kept a super-secret from all of his family.
I was helping Mother with the laundry when I felt
something hard hitting my side.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 69

It hurt, and I went down, almost crying out in pain.

“Ariana, just relax.” Mother instructed, helping me into
the other room, where I could sit down. “Take deep breaths. I
want you to tell me when you have the pains.”
Whatever it was hit me again, and my hand went to my
stomach. “Ow!” I looked at her with a pained expression,
crying sarcastically, “Does that count?”
Mother understood, and I told her every time I felt a pain.
Anna came into the room with a wet washcloth, drying
my already-wet face. The pain was so bad I could hardly walk.
“Anna, call Dr. Robinson. Tell him to meet us at
Philbrooke Memorial.” Mother cried. “Hurry, I think this baby
is ready to be born.”
“What?” I screamed, a pain hitting me again. I’d never felt
like this with Kelly.
Both Derrick and Kelly ran in the room from outside,
“What’s wrong with Momma, Gramma Sue?”
“Your brother or sister is on their way.” Mother told her.
“Derrick, do as I told you to do.”
He nodded, but I had no idea what they had between
them. He took Kelly and left again.
We heard a scream, with both Claudia and Christopher
bounding down the stairs, nearly yelling in my ears.
“Luna’s having contractions, Mother.” Christopher
announced. “I suggest we hurry.”
“No suggestions needed, but noted, Christopher
Matthew.” Mother was on the ball. She was in a hurry. “Go
across the street and get Shane. I believe it’s time for both my
twin daughters to give birth.”
Dana was right. We were going to have our babies on the
same day.
“Gotcha.” Claudia took off, slamming the door behind
Everything started to happen at once. Before I knew it,
Luna and I were in the same delivery room, huffing and
puffing, and pushing, and screaming for our babies to come.
Our faithful husbands were beside us, egging us on. Derrick
held my hand and Shane held Luna’s.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 70

Luna turned to me. “This is it – our vision is coming

At first, I didn’t understand. Then, once remembering the
Dream Realm’s Mystic Palace and Enchantra’s showing us on
the Mystic Challenge, I nodded. The Challenge for us was yet
to come. I took my twin’s hand, not able to say a word.
I was already too tired.
I pushed anyway, and heard a pair of babies cry within
an hour of hard labor.
“You both have bouncing baby boys!” Dr Robinson
announced, handing us our boys.
“Look – they’re identical.” Luna announced, crying.
Shane looked so proud.
Both baby boys were taken away by attending nurses, to
be cleaned after the cords were cut.
I wanted to faint, sleepy, but found I wasn’t finished, yet.
“Wait, I think we have another one coming.” Dr Robinson
replied, tending to me.
I began to push once again, on cue.
Six minutes later, I had my second son.
When all three babies were bundled in blankets, the
nurses handed us our newborns. It took two nurses for the
job, as one handed my twins to me and another handed
Luna’s son to her.
“They’re all identical.” Shane whistled. “Imagine that.”
“Imagine that.” Luna sneaked a look at me. I smiled.
I looked into each of my sons’ pairs of eyes. They were
silver-blue, I noticed. The baby that had been born first was
quiet. The second cooed, wiggling around in my arms. I
“Well, you can’t say he doesn’t have spirit.” Derrick
laughed, kissing me, then his sons.
“What are you going to name the babies?” Dr Robinson
I looked at my first son’s face. It reminded me of Derrick,
so serious and fair. “Andrew James,” I looked to his twin.
Mischievous and fun, like both of us. I thought of my lost
adopted brother, Mark, and the uncle Derrick had lost some
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 71

time ago. The perfect name came to mind. “And his twin,
Derrick beamed, taking Mark-Antony from my arms.
“Hey, buddy. Did you hear that? It’s quite an honor to be
named after two uncles.”
I smiled. Derrick was so proud of his newborn twin sons
already. I could tell he would be the perfect father, and step-
father to Kelly.
I looked to Luna, who was staring into her son’s eyes. “I’ll
name him Caleb Ryan.”
Motherhood had just begun for us, and so had all the
adventures that came with it.
“Can we bring the family in here?” I asked.
“Are you sure you’re up to it?” Derrick asked, handing
little Mark-Antony to a nurse.
“I am if you are.” I replied. Looking to Luna, she nodded.
“I want them to meet their nephews.” She replied with a
tired grin.
I could feel the drugs activating in my bloodstream.
I tried to stay awake long enough to see the look on my
daughter’s face to her new step-brothers.
Within a few minutes, our whole crowd of family came in,
which included Derrick’s brothers and sister.
“Where are the babies?” Derrick’s sister Kendra asked,
“The nurses took them away.”
“I think Ariana tired them out.” Derrick teased me, and I
smiled. “By the way, you have twin nephews.”
Kendra clapped her hands. “That’s wonderful, Derrick!
I’m so happy for you!”
“She always was the sucker for babies.” Derrick teased
his sister, sneaking a smile at me.
Mother came to both sides of our beds. “Well, I see my
prophecy came true.”
“What’s that, Mother Woods?” Derrick asked.
“I knew one of my twin daughters would have a pair of
her own!” Mother cried, kissing us both.
I began to feel tired, and immediately fell asleep despite
the commotion.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 72

“Let’s go and leave them to rest.” I heard my Father’s

voice announce, and everyone listened.
That’s when I faded out of earshot and in my own little
Dream Realm.
I was so very happy now. I had my own little family:
Derrick, Kelly, Aaron, Aimee, Bradley Allen, and now my twin
sons, Andrew and Mark-Antony. Luna had hers: Shane, her
son Caleb, our birth-family, the Woods’ and us.
Life had just begun, and I couldn’t be any happier.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 73

Story #1:
New Challenges

A month later, it was again time to register Kelly and

Bradley Allen in school. While Aimee watched the twins, Aaron
and I went down to the Academy. To my surprise, the
Academy was now renamed to Hill View Elementary.
“I guess that’s what we get for being gone so long, huh?”
Aaron smiled.
I laughed.
We made our way to the principal’s office, and found the
same kind woman sitting in as secretary.
She looked up once hearing us come in. “Why, hello Miss
Woods! Pleasure to see you again!”
“Pleasure’s all mine, but the name is Reading now.
Derrick and I have married.” I told her. I turned to Aaron and
Bradley. “This is Aaron Schmidt, Kelly’s father, and my step-
son, Bradley Allen. We want to register the children in school.”
“Certainly.” She grinned at Kelly, then back at me.
“Which last name will Kelly be using? Last I knew she was
using your own.”
“Reading.” I told her. “And Bradley is Schmidt.”
Aaron stared at us, and then smiled. He let me take
control of registrations, only talking once the secretary or
principal questioned about Bradley.
When we were finished, Aaron and the children followed
me to the car.
“Wow,” he breathed. “I never knew.”
I laughed, starting the engine. I waited until we were on
the main road to question him. “Never knew what?”
“I never knew you could take charge so well.” Aaron
replied. “Did you ever think of joining the PTA with Aimee and
I thought about it. “Sure, why not?”
“The next meeting, the first of the school year, is a week
before school starts. Think you can make it?” Aaron asked me.
“Depends. Day or night?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 74

“Good.” I told him. “I’m starting my teaching and

psychology classes at Hill View University next week. They’re
held at night. So, between the PTA, school, and the twins, I’ll
be pretty busy.”
“What about the kids?” Aaron asked. “Will Derrick be
home to take care of them?”
I shook my head. “He and Shane have been accepted as
Cadets in the Ray County Police Force. I talked to Aimee and
she’s agreed to watch the twins and Kelly while I took the
Aaron grinned. “You sound all grown-up.”
“So do you.” I complimented. “I mean, all four of us:
Luna, Aimee, you and I: are twenty-one-years-old you know.
We’re no longer kids, Aaron. We have lives of our own, and
kids to boot.”
“Yeah, you have three!” Aaron laughed, winking at the
kids in the backseat. Kelly and Bradley giggled.
We arrived home in no time. I let Aaron take the kids
next door to play while I found out whose car was in the
driveway. I didn’t recognize the coupe until I walked in the
Immediately, I was bombarded by Kendra Reading,
Derrick’s only sister.
She hugged me. “Ariana! You’re home!”
I laughed, pulling away from my excited sister-in-law’s
grasp. “Did you miss me?” I teased her.
Derrick came in and kissed me, smiling. “Where’s Kelly?”
“Next door with Aaron and Bradley.” I told him, putting
the car keys on the rack. “He and I just registered the kids in
school. He suggested I join the PTA. Maybe you can join me?”
Derrick took a breath, looking at his sister.
I looked at the two of them, confused. “What did I say?”
I heard Kendra gulp, fidgeting with her bracelets.
“I’m not sure you want to be a part of it, Ariana.” She
said quietly.
I was concerned. “Is it because I’m a young mother?”
Now Derrick gulped. “No, it’s because of your family. For
years, the Woods’ have been shunned by Hill View society. No
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 75

one’s sure why, or who started the rumors, but it’s thought
you practice evil devil-worshiping magic.”
I laughed out loud. “Me? Into devil worship? Come on,
you don’t actually believe that, do you?”
They didn’t say anything.
“Well?” I prodded.
Derrick sighed and held me, kissing my lips. “Don’t worry
so much about it, okay. It’s not that important.”
“Not that–.” I spat, pulling away from him. “Derrick, my
whole life, I’ve wanted to be accepted into a society. Now that I
know where I’m from, and who I am, I believe it’s important to
be accepted into the Hill View community! I would think it
would be just as important to you.”
“Go to the meeting.” Kendra spoke up. “You’ll see what
we’re talking about.”
I heard the twins’ crying from the nursery, and turned to
tend to my sons. “I don’t want to argue the matter right now.
My sons need me.” I huffed.
As I fed my twin sons, I wondered what they meant.
Derrick and Kendra have been born and raised here, I wasn’t.
They knew how harsh the people of Hill View could be – I
don’t. Not yet, anyway. Even Aaron and Aimee knew more
than I did about my own city.
I had a hard time getting little Mark-Antony to sleep after
he drank the entire bottle. I sang him a lullaby I made up
when I was a little girl, and he fell right to sleep in the crib. As
for his twin, Andrew, he fell asleep in my arms.
They were both so precious. Kelly and Bradley loved to
help me with them. My little family was perfect.
Thing was – there was still something harboring in my
soul that told me something was extremely wrong. I never
knew how to explain it, and I still don’t. My thoughts, which
were always of love, happiness, and belonging, began to
change. My dark past had been haunting my dreams again –
and the images always woke me up in the middle of the night,
tears in my eyes. The anger in my system bubbled inside, just
thinking about the many families I used to be sold to and a
slave of.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 76

Derrick comforted my thoughts at night, and seemed to

forget about it in the morning. Neither he nor I, nor any of my
family knew what to do about it. I tried to talk to Mother, but
she wouldn’t budge on the subject, claiming nothing was
Somehow, I didn’t believe her.


“Hey, you.” I heard Aimee’s voice call from the living room
the next day. I was washing my hands from changing the
twins’ diapers when I heard her come in.
“In the bathroom, Aimee.” I replied.
She found me and stood in the doorway.
“Since when do you call me ‘hey, you?’” I grinned.
Aimee shrugged, smiling. She saw the tired look on my
face and asked. “The boys keeping you up all night?”
“Not really. Andrew is a sound sleeper already. He’s the
perfect baby.” I told her. “As for Mark-Antony, I have a feeling
he’s always going to keep me on my toes.”
Aimee giggled. “If the boys aren’t the problem, what is?”
Once I turned the water off, I turned to her. “My crazy
dreams. Or should I call them nightmares?”
Aimee looked interested. “Nightmares? You haven’t had
nightmares since we were kids, and that was way before either
of us met Katherine and Lord Guardian.”
I nodded. “Right. My past is coming up on me again. I
keep asking Mother if she knows what to do, but she claims
it’s normal. I don’t believe her.”
“Neither would I.” Aimee said.
She followed me to the kitchen, where she helped me
start dinner for the entire family. Tonight, we’d have the actual
banquet with the Readings, and I would meet my new family
for the first time, besides Kendra.
“So, did you want me to look after them at the banquet
tonight?” Aimee asked anxiously.
I looked at her and laughed. “You love your nephews,
don’t you?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 77

She smiled. “I also love my niece, and son. I’ve always felt
like a mother to the other orphans at the Home, so I guess
that’s my calling. Baby-sitting.”
“I think it’s called ‘day-care’ or ‘parenting.’” I teased her.
“And the answer is ‘yes,’ I would love your help. You are our
Over-Seer, you know.”
Aimee grinned at that. “Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Think you can use the Unicorn Magic to see what’s
going on?” I asked her.
She shrugged. “It’s worth a try.” She took my hand in
hers and closed her eyes.
“Concentrate on the Magic, Aimee.” I whispered.
“Remember what I taught you.”
Aimee opened her eyes and gave me a smirk. “Yes,
Mother. I remember, just shut up and let me do my job.”
I smiled at that, watching her face. I could feel the Magic
from her system on my hands. It was warm and comforting.
After a moment, she snatched it back in alarm.
“Amethyst?” I asked. “What did you see?”
She looked at me, puzzled. “Nothingness. Dark, angry,
hurting nothingness.” She stared at me, and gasped. “Ariana,
have you looked at the color of your eyes lately?”
“They’re silver-blue, the color of a Mystic’s Magic. So?”
Aimee shook her head. “No, they’re not. Go in the
bathroom and look.”
I was afraid, at first. What did Aimee see that I couldn’t?
When I looked, I stared hard at my reflection.
My eyes...the color scared me. Dark, black, and hollow.
That’s when I saw it. A vision of my younger self, being
beaten by Mrs. Gertrude.
Aimee had to tap me awake from the vision.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to have any visions?”
She asked, concerned.
“I’m not, simply because I’m Earthbound.” I told her, not
really believing my own words.
“What happened? What did you see?” She dared to
“It was the first time I’d used any kind of power.” I told
her, going into a daze as I remembered. “I had made a lamp
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 78

fall off the end table, not knowing what I was doing.
Unfortunately, she was watching, and used her switch to beat
The emotions from back then were coming up on me
again, and I knelt to the floor, crying. Aimee held me while the
tears flowed. It hurt so much then, and it hurt now just
thinking about it.
Oh, Lord O’Dell. Why are you doing this to me?
I never noticed when Luna came in, with Caleb in a
carrier. As soon as she saw us, on the floor and bawling, she
knelt down to our level. “What happened to her?”
Aimee didn’t answer, because she was looking at Luna’s
eyes. I watched them.
“You too?” Aimee asked, horrified.
“Me too, what?” Luna cried, “What’s going on?”
“Look at your eyes in the mirror.”
“Just do it.” Aimee commanded.
She obeyed, and glanced at her reflection. “What about
Her words were cut off by the eerie silence as she stared
into her own eyes. She gasped, stepping back.
“That’s it. I’m taking all three of my nephews next door
with me.” Aimee said. “You two are in no condition to take care
of them right now.”
I dried my eyes. “What about the banquet?”
“Let’s just hope you find out whatever’s going on before
tonight.” Aimee replied, taking charge. My twin was still in a
daze, staring at her own reflection. Aimee had to tap her out of
“Lu.” She called. When my sister turned to her, she
asked. “What did you see?”
She opened her mouth, looked at me, but said nothing.
I heard Derrick’s voice from the other room, calling my
“I’ll go tell him what’s up. That way, he and Shane can
help me with the babies.” Aimee said.
Luna looked at her, and smiled. “You really are like a
sister, aren’t you?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 79

Aimee grinned. “I guess so. Don’t forget Ariana and I grew

up together.”
Luna nodded. “Thanks for caring so much.” She sniffed,
hugging her once the two of them stood.
“You’re welcome.” Aimee told her. She reached over to get
Caleb. “For now, find out what’s going on between you. I’ll
explain to the guys what you’re doing.”
I sniffed, rising as well. I hugged her, too. “Thanks, Aim.”
“No problem. What are sisters for anyway?” She grinned,
winking. Aimee left the bathroom and we stared at each other.
My curiosity was triggering. “What did you see, Lu?”
She put her hands in her pockets. “Something I didn’t
want to.”
“You couldn’t have had a dark past.” I replied, washing
my face. “You grew up in the perfect place.”
“I may not have, but I saw you did.”
I was confused. “Huh?”
“Ariana, I’m a clairvoyant, right?” Luna asked me.
“Yeah, why?”
“I had visions of many things growing up. Most of all, I
had images of you, being beaten by Mrs. Gertrude as you grew
up.” Luna said. “I felt your pain, at least half of it. If I felt half
of it, I figured what hell you went through. I wanted so much
to meet you, so I could help you. It hurt me so much to watch
as you went through it.”
I looked down. “Is that all you saw? Visions of me?”
“What I saw when I stared into my own eyes was evil.
Dark, shadowing evil.” Luna told me. “There aren’t words to
describe it, but the feeling is something I don’t want with me.”
“With you?” I asked. “What do you mean?”
“It’s something in our souls.” Luna whispered.
“Something so deep, whatever our anger, frustrations, pain,
and hells may be, it builds up, threatening to overcome us.”
“Do you know what it is?” I asked her, interested and
horrified at the same time.
Luna shook her head and shrugged. “Not a clue.”
She left the bathroom and I followed her.
“I’ve already tried to ask Mother, but she won’t budge.” I
told my sister.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 80

Luna stared at me, determined. “Time for us to ask

again. We’ve got to know what’s going on, so this evil in our
souls doesn’t overcome us.”
I nodded. “I know right where to find her, too.” I said.
“Follow me.”
We found Mother in the yard, raking up the autumn
leaves with Father, our older brother Kevin, and oldest sister
“Mother, we’ve got to talk.” I said straight-out. Luna and I
marched up to her.
Once she looked up, and saw the drying tears on my
face, she stopped what she was doing. “I knew this day would
Luna and I looked at each other, then back at her.
I saw Anna and Kevin looking on from the corner of my
“The day we found some unknown evil in our souls?”
Luna whispered, holding my hand.
Mother set her rake against a tree and took us aside.
“Girls, I didn’t want to tell you this, but it looks like now I have
no choice.”
“Mother?” I whispered.
She continued. “The unknown evil you saw in your souls
as you looked into your reflections was the Dark Magic.”
“Dark Magic?” Luna asked.
“Where did it come from?”
“Jezebel.” Mother sighed. “This has happened to both me
and your aunt Sharon, too, so don’t feel you’re alone in this.
You’re not.”
What a relief.
“Where did she get it from, if all Mystics are for good?” I
asked her.
“Back in the Wars, before she killed her own sister, she
vowed to place a curse of Dark Magic on every Earthbound
Mystic.” Mother explained. “So far, we’d been able to control
the deep urges, but lately, I see you haven’t.”
She was talking to me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 81

“Don’t let the Dark Magic harbor in your souls, girls. I

beg of you.” Mother began to cry. “I don’t want to lose you to
the same fate Jezebel had.”
“Which was that?”
“I thought she’d changed her mind, and heart?” I asked.
“She and Lord Maximaniac are happy together.”
“They were before the Wars, too.” Mother replied. “That
was all long ago, and now, Jezebel has to prove herself worthy
of being back as a Mystic Sister once again.”
She sighed. “For now, tend to your children next door.
Tell your husbands what’s going on so they won’t worry.”
“How long will the Dark Magic last?”
“As long as you live. The one way to keep it away from
your heart is not to wish evil on others.” Mother explained.
“Give me your word.”
“I swear,” Luna nodded.
“I promise, Mother.” I hugged her after Luna did.
With that, we were off to Aimee and Aaron’s.
Something big was going to happen; I could feel it in my
It would test that Dark Magic Mother was talking about. I
just had to be aware and stay cheerful and on the bright side.
Little did I know just how much I would be tested on that
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 82

Story: #2:
Dark Secrets

More sleepless nights brought me more terrifying dreams.

My sordid past came back once again, and I tried my best to
remember how I handled the situation. Most of the time, the
images had a heart-wrenching ending. As the Young
Guardian, I would be able to control my dreams, so the evils of
the Dream Realm and Dominion wouldn’t get a chance to hurt
me, or Young Dreamers.
I tried my best now to control my dreams, but nothing
happened. Nothing, that is, except the anger in my system
bubbling. The Dark Magic was growing. I could feel it.
I’ve conquered so many nightmares in my life so far.
This was one nightmare, one presence in my soul, which
I couldn’t touch. I didn’t dare.
All through the next week, while Derrick was away at
Police Cadet Camp, and Kelly was in school, Aimee would take
the twins. She stayed with us while she would play nanny to
them. I loved her help, and her concern for me was true. I
didn’t doubt that. Once I told her what Mother explained, she
relaxed some.
The rest of my siblings were working and going to school.
Mother and Father were on a business trip, though Mother
didn’t feel right leaving us. Aimee and Aaron both assure her
Luna and I were in good hands – theirs.
I wasn’t as easily convinced. Luna loved the idea of
learning something else about our mysterious Magic, but I had
to keep telling her the same thing. We were still Earthbound.
It was the last month of the test, but I couldn’t wait until
it ended. I could learn and Crusade freely, not having to worry
about the Dark Magic in my system nearly overflowing my
heart with hate and evil.
The week before school started for the children, Aaron
and Aimee drove with Derrick and me to the PTA meeting. It
was being held in the old Academy Auditorium. The children
were being watched by their loving aunts Claudia and Anna.
When we arrived, we walked in the middle of a man talking up
on the front podium.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 83

As his eyes spied us, all was silent. Then, the chatter
“Isn’t that...”
“Yeah. Have you heard...?”
“Oh, no. Really? I bet...”
I felt so uncomfortable.
A woman with long brown hair stood up. I recognized her
as Andrea Richardson, Derrick’s best friend Craig’s older
“You can sit by us, guys.” She announced. I smiled, but
frowned as we heard the crowd gasp.
“You make it seem as if it was a sin for us to be here, the
way you talk behind our backs.” Derrick spoke up. “Yes, I am
Derrick Reading, of the Hill View Readings. My father owns
Reading Industries across town, and we live in a nice big
house in the Rich District. I have learned to put aside all
feelings of doubt and anger I grew up with once I met Ariana
Woods. Now that we’re married, I recommend you treat her
with the same respect you would treat any other member of
the Hill View community.”
No one said a word, but returned to their discussion.
“Thank you for that pleasant speech, Mr. Reading. Now,
take your seats. We were just going over the new plan for our
three new schools.” The man at the podium wasn’t enthused.
Aimee, Aaron, Derrick, and I looked at one another before
sitting next to Andrea and Craig.
“We’re here for Cara, mostly.” Andrea explained.
Cara was their youngest sister, and the story was about
as sad as mine was. Andrea graduated from college with
honors, and her parents were on their way to the party when
they were hit by a car. They were killed instantly, and both
Andrea and Craig had to take over their baby sister. Cara’s
now the same age as Kelly, and the only one of Kelly’s friends
besides Bradley, that could be trusted with the Mystic secret.
“Don’t listen to a word they say.” Craig replied. “Most of
them are just like the Whiteheads.”
“Whiteheads? Who are they?” I asked.
“Derrick used to go out with one of them, long before he
met you. The Whiteheads are the richest in Hill View, and
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 84

their daughter, Adrienne, is the worst snob ever.” Andrea

I stared at my new husband, who didn’t dare to look in
my eyes.
I ignored this for the moment. Especially when I heard
someone shouting.
“Lousy Woods’!”
I perked up right away, and shot up like a cannon. “What
about my family?”
“You and your devil-worshiping are making Hill View a
bad place to live.” One parent replied.
“We’re not devil-worshipers.” I tried to convince him.
“Now, now, people. Calm yourselves before you start a
riot.” The man at the podium, who had introduced himself as
being Mr. Ellersby, the Superintendent of Schools, remarked.
He was trying to get some order back into the meeting.
“Liar!” I heard someone else shout.
How dare they call me a liar! They didn’t even know me!
“I can assure you we don’t worship the devil!” I cried, my
anger rising. “We’re not evil, we’re not witches, and most of all,
we’re not anything bad. I bet you don’t even know who we
Woods really are.”
They looked at each other, murmuring their thoughts.
“Ever since Old Lady Jacobs came here, there’s been
nothing but trouble.”
“What does Old Lady Jacobs have to do with anything?” I
asked, not even knowing who she was either. “I’m willing to
bet you don’t even know her that well.”
“Yeah, and we don’t want to!”
“Here, here!” The crowd shouted.
“We’re getting off the subject here.” I heard someone call.
“The point is; the Woods’ have always been in the middle of
any strange goings-on around our city of Hill View. I don’t
know about you, but I want them out.”
I clenched my fists together, trying to keep the anger
inside me. I didn’t want the Dark Magic to take over. I
wouldn’t know what to do if it did, anyway.
This was getting ridiculous. I wanted this humiliation of
my family to end.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 85

“I may not have grown up around the Woods’, but I know

one thing. We’re good people.” I cried. “If you want to know the
explanation as to why I didn’t grow up with them, feel free to
come over and ask me anytime. I promise not to bite.”
“You’ll hex us all!” Someone shouted.
“Shut up, Mr. Leonard!” Andrea shouted at him. “I’ve
known Ariana’s family personally since she moved in. I have to
say, all the rumors being spread about them are lies, and
jealousy at that.”
“I suggest we get back to the real PTA meeting.” I
announced. “This is for the children, after all. Isn’t it? Let’s
forget our own troubles and worries long enough to care about
the welfare of Hill View’s children. All agreed, say ‘Aye.’”
Choruses of “Aye” were heard, one by one, and then the
entire crowd of parents cried it at the same time.
I took my seat and sat silent for the rest of the meeting.
Aaron and Aimee smiled at me, proud.
At the end, Derrick took my hand as we filed out of the
auditorium. “Now do you know what Kenny and I were talking
I sighed, frustrated, but calming. “Yes, I know.”
“Thing is: is there a way to change the minds of the
community without resorting to what it hates?” Aaron asked.
“I can’t do anything, yet. You know that.” I told him. I
shook my head, the thoughts rumbling through it of the
meeting’s argument. “For now, let’s go home. I’m about ready
for a nap.”
“Don’t we have to figure out how to change their minds?”
Aimee asked.
“Not right away, we don’t.” I told them. “It’ll come in time,
I promise.”
“In time.” Derrick nodded after me.


I recalled the last time I had been this exhausted. It was

during the Crusades, shortly after Kelly and I had escaped
from the Unknown and the Abyss, Jezebel had visited me. She
warned me of what her ‘husband’ Orthos, the Dream Master,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 86

was planning to do. In that last time-traveling adventure, the

Crusaders were made to find each other again. I was made to
find Derrick, and he was reminded of his Dream-Girl – me,
and forced to find me again. In thoughts, I reminded him of
who we were. Luna, Shannon, and I were the only ones to
have knowledge of the ‘now;’ that is, the present, true-time. In
the end, we found each other again and returned home safe
and sound.
Right away, as my head hit the pillow, I was sleeping.

In my mind, a deep-colored rainbow mist came around me.

My Dream-self was left searching, wondering where I was.
“Hello.” I called into the air.
“Young Guardian.” I heard Jezebel’s own voice calling my
name. She came into view, a sad look in her eyes.
I bowed to her. “Mistress Jezebel. What do you wish of
“Only a warning.” Jezebel said softly.
I saw she was wearing a rainbow-colored gown, and a
thin cape hung over her shoulders. To me, she looked beautiful.
I could see she was really trying to be good again. After Orthos,
I could tell it would take time.
“Of what, Mistress?” I asked her, not meeting her eyes. I
stayed bowed.
“The Dark Magic.” Jezebel told me.
I finally looked up at her with horror in my eyes.
“Yes, that is the reason your past has come back to you
threefold.” Jezebel continued. “My Young Guardian, please,
take care with wounded and empty thoughts.”
I didn’t know what to say.
“As you recall, your power grew immensely when you sent
Sabrina to the Unknown.” She replied. “When you thought
about what she had done to you and your loved ones, your
anger toward her fueled that power.”
I gasped. I was right all along.
“Is that the only way a Mystic’s Magic can kill?”
“Aye,” Jezebel nodded. “Otherwise, it cannot harm
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 87

I stood now. “Mistress, how did you know what happened

in the Crusades?” I asked her. “You weren’t there – were you?”
“Nay, you are correct in saying I was not there.” Jezebel
said. “I saw it in my Dark Mirror, back in the Unknown. When I
had confronted you there, with the Enchanted Child, I hoped
you would further understand the dangers of the Dark Magic.”
“I’m trying to understand, Mistress.” I told her. “What I
don’t understand is why now? Why is my past coming back to
me in the present?”
My eyes began to tear, and I had to hold myself high in
order not to cry.
“My family is perfect, my life is perfect. I’m complete.” I
told her, looking down at the ground. “Why does this have to go
wrong with the Magic when everything else is right?”
To my surprise, Jezebel wrapped her arms around me and
hugged me. “Do not fear, Young Guardian. The testing is almost
done. Once it is, the Dark Magic will find it harder to come out
and haunt you. Please, be patient, and keep your hopes up.”
“You’re one to talk.” I grinned despite my lousy mood.
“I guess I am.” She grinned as well, pulling back. “Please
heed my warnings. I know how it is to be turned over by the
Dark Magic.”
I listened to her, my anger disappearing.
“Remember what happened to me, Young Guardian.”
Jezebel was nearly in tears. “I do not wish that on even our
worst enemy.”
I hugged her.
“Thank you for telling me, Mistress.” I whispered. “I’ll be
sure to keep my feelings to myself.”
With that final hug and a flash of misty rainbow Magic,
Jezebel disappeared.

This Dark Magic thing sounded truly evil. Where it came

from, no one knew.
All I knew is that I didn’t want any part of it, or have it be
any part of me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 88

Story: #3:
Destiny Awaits

I was so nervous that night. Sure, the Dark Magic that

had awaited me earlier that day was calm now, and I didn’t
even think about it. All I thought about was meeting my
husband’s family. I already knew Kendra, being she was over
so much that first year for the twins. I could tell she loved
having a sister, because she was the only girl in the family.
My palms were wet from sweating over it. Turns out, I
had a right to be nervous.
My new father-in-law, Alexander Reading, Sr. was a
prominent businessman with a lot of class in society. He had
high hopes for all his children. I wondered if he had those
kinds of hopes for me as well. My new mother-in-law, Evelyn,
was proud of her appearance. With her light brown hair and
fair features, she was beautiful. She had an aura of success to
her, as if beauty was her life, after her children. She was
Derrick’s older brother Jake was just as handsome as he
was. Only, his eyes were on my older sister Anna, and they
stayed together throughout the party. Derrick’s other brother,
Brian, was the perfect teenager. He looked up to Derrick like
his mentor. I could tell the whole Reading clan loved each
other dearly.
When I met little Alexander, only nine years old, I could
have sworn he and Kelly had already met. He and Bradley
were friends, I knew, despite the rumors around the city about
“I really like your family, Derrick.” I told him, helping
myself to some appetizers at the banquet table.
“I’m glad.” He said, a little out of it. “Have you seen Craig
and Andrea around anywhere?”
“No, I haven’t.” I told my husband, looking at him. He
seemed far away. “Is there anything wrong, Love?”
He finally looked at me, pasting on a fake smile. “No,
nothing’s wrong.” He kissed me, leaving once he saw his best
friend in the crowd.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 89

I sighed, playing with the wedding rings on my finger. I

still had the Sisterhood Ring on below it; and now, it was
glowing a bright pink. Peace and harmony in the Dream
Realm. For now, anyway.
I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. “Isn’t this a great
party? I bet you’re triple happy now!”
My youngest sister Claudia had a bright smile on her
face. Her red curls were up in a pretty bun, making her look
I smiled. “Yeah, I am.”
“I’m just glad Craig and I are hitting it off.” She told me,
jumping in one place. “He just asked me out – isn’t that
I kept my smile. “Craig Richardson asked you out?”
Claudia nodded, sighing dreamily.
“I’m happy for you, Claud.” I told her. My mind was still
on my husband’s faraway look.
She stared at me for a moment. “Don’t tell me this is too
much for you?”
I tried to laugh. “I’m not going to. Don’t worry so much.”
“Then why do you have a horrified look on your face?”
She asked.
I looked at her. “I’m just worried about fitting in, that’s
all. You know all the rumors going around about us, don’t
“Sure,” Claudia shrugged. “How couldn’t I? I grew up
with people hating me, but playfully ignored it. I remember
one time...”
I let her ramble on while my eyes searched the dance
floor for my loving husband. Instead, I saw my in-laws,
chatting with my parents. “Sorry to interrupt, Claud, but I
have business to attend to.”
She stopped, looking where my attention was. “Oh, okay.
See you later.”
“Yeah, see ya.” I replied, going over to them. “I’m glad
some of us are having fun.” I mumbled under my breath.
I’d have fun too, if it weren’t for my father-in-law. Thanks
to Derrick, he’s placed me on a high pedestal, and now I have
to live up to his expectations.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 90

I met Mother’s eyes, giving her a loving smile.

“Ariana, dear, how are you feeling?” Mother asked me.
“Great. I’m somebody, at last.” I told her.
“You were always somebody, don’t think so negative.”
Father chided with a grin. “Where’s your loving husband?”
“I think he’s trying to find Andrea and Craig. I don’t
“Susan has been bragging about your secretarial skills.”
Father Reading replied. “We have a position at Reading
Industries open for a Secretary. Would you be interested?”
What could I say? What should I say? To make him
happy, I could say yes, but in my heart, I had to say no. I
wanted to raise my children, and not be bothered by high
expectations every day.
“I’m sorry,” I told him gently. “Maybe someday, when my
children are grown, I’ll take you up on it, but not right now.”
“Oh, all right then.” Father Reading didn’t know what to
Then again, by the look on his face, neither did I.
“Speaking of children, I haven’t met my grandsons yet.”
Mother Reading replied brightly. “Are they sleeping in the
Finally, something I loved, for I was so proud of my sons.
I relaxed and smiled. “Yes, Mother Reading. If you’ll
follow me, I’ll lead you to their room.”
“Thank you dear, but call me Evelyn.” She announced.
When we walked in, we found Mark Antony standing up
in his crib. I picked him up. “Well, look who’s awake? Mark-
Antony Reading, meet your grandmother.”
“As your grandma, I’ll spoil you like nothing else!” Evelyn
laughed, taking him and kissing him so he giggled. “You’d like
that, wouldn’t you?”
I grinned. “His twin, elder by six minutes, is Andrew
Evelyn’s face went dark. “Named after my own brother no
“Yeah, he is.” I told her. “Andrew is quieter than his
brother, but I’m sure you’ll love them all the same.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 91

“They look so much like Derrick when he was a baby.”

She cried, and then went into a daze. Evelyn shook out of her
daze, and gazed into Mark-Antony’s eyes. “They have strange-
colored eyes. Beautiful, yet mysterious.”
I couldn’t tell her about the Mystic Magic. It had to be
kept a secret from the Readings. I made something up, not far
from the truth. “They’re a Woods’ family gift. If you look into
my own, you’ll see the same color, silver-blue.”
She did, and smiled. “One of these days, we’re going to go
out to lunch. There’s much to discuss about being a Reading.”
“There you are, Momma!” I heard Kelly’s voice call.
“Daddy’s been looking all over for you!”
Evelyn Reading looked shocked. “I didn’t know...”
I knew what she was thinking. As I hugged my daughter,
kissing her forehead, I explained. “Oh, no. It’s not what you
think, Mother Reading. This is Kelly, my daughter. She’s not
Derrick’s, but Aaron Schmidt’s.”
Evelyn looked horrified. “We’ll definitely have to talk,
young lady.”
Was I in trouble with her already?
After putting Mark back into bed, we left the room.
“Do you mind if I show Alex?” Evelyn asked me. “He’s
already thrilled to know he’s a grandfather.”
“Sure, no problem. Make yourself at home.” I told her
with a smile.
Something was fishy here, and it sure wasn’t my family.
She left Kelly’s and my side, and Kelly dragged me over to
Aimee and Aaron.
“Congratulations, once again.” Aaron announced, kissing
my cheek.
“I can’t believe how much trouble you guys went through
to do all this.” Aimee was awed. “It must have cost a fortune!”
“Nothing’s too good for my wife,” Derrick’s voice came up
behind me. He kissed my other cheek. “I see you’ve been
talking with my mother. What did she have to say?”
“She just met her grandsons, that’s all.” I told him.
I think the wine was getting to me; I was beginning to get
a headache. Aimee saw I was rubbing my temples.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 92

I nodded. “Just a little tipsy, that’s all.”

“What about earlier? Did you find out what was going
I glared at her. “I already told you, but I can’t talk about
it here. You know that.”
“Oh, right. The Readings.” Aaron looked sheepish.
In the middle of a song, there was a loud screeching
Now my headache was worse.
“May I have your attention, please?” It was Craig
Richardson. “The ceremonials are ready for us. Ariana and
Derrick, if you may?”
That was our cue. Everyone left the house in limos and
chauffeur-driven cars. It was wonderful, and exciting. We were
all going to the church on the edge of town.
“You look lovely, darling.” Derrick whispered in my ear,
helping me with my shawl. He took my hand and led me to the
awaiting limo. I saw the “Just Married” sign on the back of the
window and smiled.
“Thank you, Derrick.” I told him. “Let’s go.”
As we rode in the limo, I couldn’t help feeling something
was wrong.
Maybe I was imagining things, but I thought Derrick was
trying to hide something from me. Thinking back to the PTA
meeting, and the way his eyes looked when Andrea told me
about the Whiteheads, I could tell he didn’t want to talk about
If we were going to be husband and wife, wouldn’t he
want to tell me everything?
I sighed.
“What’s up, Love?” He whispered in my ear.
I looked at him. “I’m just worried, that’s all. I mean,
Aimee and Aaron agreed to watch the children while we were
at the church. Since we were in California early last year, I
could tell something was on his mind.”
He kissed me. “Don’t worry about Aaron right now. This
is our day. You can always talk to him later. It’s not as if you’ll
never see him again.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 93

I smiled. “You’re right. He’s next door. I’ll talk to him

about it tomorrow.”
“That a girl.” Derrick teased, nibbling my ear.
He’d never done that before. It felt good and I sighed
“Careful you don’t nibble my earrings off.” I teased him,
turning to kiss his lips.
“I’ll wait until later.” He gave me a mischievous smile,
and a glint was in his eye.
I giggled.
The ceremony was the same as the one in California, but
a few differences. This time, the two families were on opposite
sides of the room. I looked at the Readings.
I met Mother Reading’s eyes, which held a tear of joy.
Right away, my clairvoyance triggered, and I felt she had a
secret to keep of her own.
Oh, Mother Reading, if you only knew what secret your
daughter-in-law had to keep from your proud family.
I ignored the vision and attended to the ceremony,
wearing the same dress as I had back in California. Sure,
Derrick had seen it, as had my family, but the Readings
I looked to my family’s side. Mother was smiling proudly.
Luna was smiling as well, with Shane beside her, giving us a
thumbs-up sign.
The second ceremony was almost as perfect as the
System’s, without the Magic.
After it was over, we went home again, tired for the night.
Before heading to my husband’s side in bed, I peeked in
on the twins. Both boys were silent, and Aimee was sleeping
with Andrew in her arms.
I tapped her awake.
“How was the ceremony?” She whispered, handing him to
I tucked him in the crib with his sleeping brother.
“Wonderful. I’ll tell you more about it in the morning.” I
told her, hugging her. “Thanks for watching the kids for me,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 94

“Always a pleasure.” Aimee grinned. “See you in the

I nodded, following her to the other room and seeing her
Closing the door behind me, I yawned.
It had been a big day, and I was tired.
Derrick was already asleep when I arrived in the
bedroom, so I snuggled beside him, kissing his cheek.
I stared at his sleeping body for a few minutes, thinking
of our marriage so far. “I love you, Derrick. Now and forever.”
As my head hit his chest, I fell asleep.


The next I knew, I arrived in the Dream Realm. Lord O’Dell

was smiling at me in his human-male form.
“So good to have you return to us, Young Guardian.” He
I bowed to him. “Thank you.” I told him, rising. “Have I
passed the Earthbound test, my Lord Guardian?”
He smiled, throwing his cape around me so we
I took that as a yes.
When we reappeared, we were at the Palace doors. O’Dell
opened the door for us.
“Destiny awaits, Young Guardian.” He announced.
When I stepped inside, I saw Derrick, Aaron, Panther,
Katherine, Kitten’s Claw, Toby, Wolf, Marie, Shannon, Nick,
Luna, Shane, and Aimee, gathered around. All the Crusaders
and Companions, I thought. I also noticed Great-Aunt Dorianne,
my Grandmother, Dixilynne, and Shannon’s mother Sarabeth
gathered around the glowing pedestal. Mother, Aunt Sharon,
and Uncle Stephen were there, too.
All the Earthbound Mystics were there, at least the Elders.
For what, I wondered.
“Destiny?” I whispered, going to hug my sister and
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 95

“Aye, Young Guardian.” I heard Mystica’s voice behind

O’Dell. “The Earthbound test has been won, and your power is
greater than before.”
I looked at her. She had a male feline beside her, who
looked like a male version of Kit and Kat. I smiled at Braken
Hawk, nodding my greeting.
“Thank you, Mistress Mystica.” I replied. “Why are we
here? Why have the Crusaders been brought here with us?”
“The Mystic Ceremonies of the Companions and
yourselves.” Jezebel replied beside her sister.
What made it hard to believe Mystica and Jezebel were
twins was the fact they looked nothing alike. Maybe it was
because of the horrid life Jezebel had been living until now.
Jezebel was wearing the same glamorous gown and cape
she’d worn when warning me of the Dark Magic. Next to her
was the acclaimed, Lord Maximaniac.
“I have been waiting for this moment since you were
announced.” Maximaniac gleamed, kissing my cheek. “Many
things will be told, many stories will be shared, and more
power will be bestowed upon you in your Earthbound lives.”
I was amazed, and my eyes caught the jewels on the
pedestal. I recognized the five Mystic Jewels of the Province,
glowing their brightest high above me.
Curious, I walked up to them and stared. Slowly, I took
my hand to touch them. From its spot, I took the Green Emerald
Earth Jewel, getting a glimpse of the Unicorn Magic inside. I
was reminded of the time I met Aunt Sharon’s horses, being
able to talk to them, and have them understand me and talk
I smiled at Aunt Sharon now, who nodded back.
The only two who weren’t there yet were Enchantra and
“Our apologies, My Lords.” I heard Challandra’s voice call.
“We were running a little late.”
Enchantra giggled, and I bowed to her slowly.
“The moments of truth.” She announced, shaking her
head. She looked to me, and what I had in my hand. “I see you
found the Earth Jewel, Young Guardian. What did you see
when you touched it?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 96

I placed the Jewel back in its spot between the Red Fire
and Blue Jewels.
“The Unicorn Magic working on me.” I told her. “One
question, Mistress Enchantra.”
“Aye?” She asked.
“What are the Jewels doing out of Lord Guardian’s Castle
Chambers?” I asked her, curious.
“They are always brought out when a Mystic is wed to
their Earthly Protector.” Challandra answered for her sister.
“We were wed almost a year ago.” Luna replied, and
Shane and Derrick nodded.
“A perfect Earthbound lunar cycle, to be exact.” Mystica
grinned. “It’s tradition.”
That could only mean one thing to me: our ‘sentence’ was
over. I didn’t know about Luna, but I was able to control my
“Children, gather around the Jewels.” Mystica lightly
The time had come.
Derrick and I, Shane and Luna, Kit and Toby, Wolf and
Kat, and Panther and Marie would be wed the Mystic way. We
each held hands, gathered around the Jewels in a circle.
Outside our circle were Mother, Father, Sharon, Stephen,
Dorianne, Dixilynne, Sarabeth, Mick McNathaniels (Nick’s
father), Nick, Shannon, Shannon’s new twin Julia, a male I
didn’t recognize held Sarabeth’s hand. Another male I didn’t
recognize held Dixilynne’s other hand. In the third and final
circle were Lord Max, Lord O’Dell, Mystica, Jezebel, Enchantra,
and Challandra, holding each of their staffs from end to end,
touching the others.
My heart pounded with excitement and a kind of electricity
I felt from the Jewels in front of me.
“Gentlemen, place your Pendants on the Pedestal.
Companions, place your Amulets and Lockets beside them.
Ladies, place your Lockets and Rings beside the Pendant of
your Earthly Protector.” Enchantra commanded lightly. As soon
as we did that, there was a strange glow from the Jewels. “Let
the Mystic Ceremony begin.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 97

“Close your eyes and think of the Mystic Force within.”

O’Dell instructed. “The time has come, my Earthbound and
Dream Realm ridden Mystics. The Mystic Ceremonies of Young
Guardian to her Earthly Protector Derrick Reading, Sister Mystic
Aluna to her Protector Shadow Morehouse, and three sets of
special Companions of this world.”
“Young Guardian and Protector Derrick, take each of your
gems from the Pedestal. Once placing them around your necks
and finger, repeat this creed.” Enchantra stepped up to us.
Derrick grabbed his Pendant and I grabbed both my
Dream Locket and Sisterhood Ring. We put them back on, doing
as we were told. As soon as the Locket was again around my
neck, I felt rejuvenated. Something warm all through my
system, as if a new Magic was waiting to be used.
I saw Derrick’s Pendant glow the color of my Sisterhood
Ring – Pink. He noticed it, too, and stared at me with a smile.
Enchantra took our hands and made us hold hands.
“Young Guardian,” She said, then turned to Derrick, “Protector
Derrick, repeat after me.”

“The Mystic Force of Magic Be

“A very Healthy and Blessed thing
“As the years may come and go for thee,
“May our love for another grow each spring?”

We recited to the letter what she said. It sounded right

with us, and Derrick and I knew it was.
“To seal the Mystic Oath of Love, share a simple solitary
kiss.” Enchantra replied, standing before us.
“I’d love to.” Derrick whispered, kissing me.
Feelings of love and longing went through my mind, and
visions of us together forever began to grow clearer. As we
parted, we stared at each other.
We stood aside as Luna and Shane did the same, with
Challandra’s help.
When it came to the Companions, it was a little different.
With a deep breath, Mystica herself, with the feline
Braken Hawk, stepped up to the kits.
“Katherine, Kitten’s Claw, come to me.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 98

“Yes, Mistress Mystica.” The twin kits chorused, bowing.

“Do you remember a time, before the Wars began?”
Mystica asked.
Katherine looked up at her. “Yes, Mistress. A time when
our family was one.”
“Your family were in the Feline Forests, correct?” Braken
Hawk asked.
“Aye, milord.” Katherine looked away.
Why didn’t they just get on with it, instead of keeping the
kits and the rest of us in suspense?
Just tell them, already! I thought to myself, but could tell
Mystica heard my thoughts.
She looked up at me and smiled, changing form.
Before our eyes, Mistress Mystica turned from a human
female to a Persian Feline.
Katherine couldn’t believe it. She stood up, silent with
tears in her eyes. “Mother?”
“Yes, darling Kat. It is I, your mother.” Mystica had a tear
in her eyes as well.
“Why did you abandon us?” Kit asked her, crying tears of
pain. “You knew how Uncle Orthos and Aunt Jezebel were back
then! Why?”
“We will answer all questions later, my daughters.”
Braken replied. “For now, time to wed your long-time beaus.”
“You mean, we really were meant to be?” Katherine snuck
a look at a very happy Wolf Stargazer.
“'It is Destiny.” Mystica supplied. She looked up over her
daughters’ shoulders at the male Companions. “Wolfton,
Tobias, and Panther. Come to me. Marie, I know of your love for
Panther, so I will include you.”
They obeyed.
Mystica looked to O’Dell for assurance and he let her take
over their ceremonies.
“Grab the hand of your loves.” Mystica told them.
“Katherine and Wolfton Stargazer, step up and kneel before
“Aye, Mistress.” They chorused.
Mystica’s staff appeared in her hands as she reached into
the air. “From this moment on, I wed you. You shall be Lady
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos 99

Katherine and Sire Wolfton of Stargazer Castle.” She tapped

each of their shoulders. “Keep each other safe and well, and
live to bring peace to the Dream Realm. May this be your vow.”
“Aye, Mistress.” They chorused.
“Rise and stand before me.”
They obeyed, with Katherine looking at both her parents
and her new canine husband. The two lovers still held hands,
which was part of their own oath.
The staff disappeared and, in its place, Mystica’s hand
held two odd-looking rings. “Hold out your hands.” They did,
and she continued, placing each ring on the desired finger.
“Lady Katherine, with this ring, your Mystic Power with abound
you. Learn it, and teach it well to many generations of Young
Companions. Understand?”
Katherine stared deep into Mystica’s eyes, nodding. “Aye,
“Sire Wolfton, with your given name, which your lost
parents gave you before the Wars, comes your own
responsibility. Being the Earthly and Dream Realm Protector of
a Mystic Daughter, you must help her be safe herself. It will be
hard at first, for some Companions still think of the time before
the Wars, when Felines and Canines did not get along. Show
them all different, is that understood?”
Wolf smiled, growling happily. “Aye, Mistress.”
“I give you my blessings, as well as those in the entire
Sisterhood. What was once two, now become one.” Mystica
hugged her daughter, then Wolf. “Go, be the best at who you
Katherine curtseyed. “Aye, —.” The words stuck on her
tongue. She smiled, glancing into the eyes of Mystica. “Aye,
Once that was finished, she did the same with Kit to Toby
and Panther to Marie.
When we were all through, morning had come in the Outer
Realm, and it was time to go home.
I hugged Katherine goodbye.
“Congratulations, Katherine.” I whispered in her ear, a
tear falling from my cheek. I was so happy for her and Wolf. For
as long as they had been courting, I was surprised they
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos100

couldn’t do this sooner. “I’ll see you soon, my Companion

“And I, you, My Young Guardian friend.” Katherine’s face
was tearful as well. “Goodbye for now.”
I waved to her and was on my way home.

It had been a tiring day, and night, and visit to the

Dream Realm.
It was all worth it.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos101


In the Dream Realm

As my Outer Realm life was slowly returning to normal,

and to a pleasant routine, Katherine Hawk-Stargazer’s Dream
Realm life was just beginning. I visited her for a week, catching
up on the past, and practicing the more Advanced Mystic
Magics with her. As I had said before, Katherine had been my
best Companion friend, and the only one that was there for me
when no one else cared. She often helped me understand and
control my power, taking me to the Province to escape from
Mrs. Gertrude shortly before the Wars. After the Wars, she
disappeared, and I never could find her.
That’s when I found she was Banished to me, for
snooping where she didn’t belong. She’d found out her evil
Uncle Orthos’ plan to kill Lord Guardian and his successor
(me), before anything good would be able to happen to us. This
was way before the Crusades, first and second-generations of
Crusaders would fight him until we each exiled him to the
That was then, and this was now.

Behind her back, her new beau had disappeared. When

he reappeared, with the Sisterhood Amulet around his neck
still, he had a kind look in his eyes. He took us to the Canine
Wood, where he showed us the most amazing thing.
“Wolf – your home!” Katherine cried, hugging him.
“It’s fixed up.” I replied. “I like it.”
“Thank you, Young Guardian.” Wolf turned to me after
kissing his bride. “It needs your special touch to make it
Kat and I stared at each other. “What do you mean?” I
asked him.
Wolf knelt to me, taking my hand in his. “Young Guardian,
will you bless this house, and make our Magic and love grow?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos102

“I don’t know about your love or Magic, but I’ll be glad to

bless your home, Wolf. Or should I say, Sire Wolf?”
“Any you wish, Young Guardian.” He stood and smiled at
How to bless their home? That was the question. I thought
of how the Sisters had worked with Derrick’s and my marriage,
and thought of my own little Blessing Spell.

“For health and happiness I give to you

“My blessing of Stargazer Castle
“In the names of Wolfton and Katherine Hawk-Stargazer,
“May each and every day bring joy and wealth throughout
your lives.”

I opened my eyes and looked at them. “Well, how was

“Look at the Castle.” Katherine whispered.
I did. When I saw the bright colors around the Castle, I
couldn’t believe my eyes.
My Magic Spell did this? It was once so dreary and old, as
the Dominion had been, but now, it was so beautiful.
“Thank you, Young Guardian. Your blessings mean so
much to us.” Wolf replied.
“Speaking of which, I have to visit Panther and Marie. See
you two later. Good luck!” I cried, taking flight. It was a favorite
activity of mine in the Dream Realm. To fly was to be free in my
I found Panther’s Feline Castle and descended down to it.
Knocking on the door, Marie answered it right away.
“Young Guardian! What a pleasant surprise!” Marie
bowed, escorting me inside.
I’d never seen the inside of Panther’s Castle before. It
looked homey.
Panther himself was studying his Crystal intently.
I walked up to him, without letting Marie announce my
“What do you see, Panther?” I whispered in his ear,
looking at both him and his Crystal.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos103

He was startled out of his trance. “Oh, Young Guardian, I

didn’t know you’d arrived.” He turned to Marie. “Why didn’t
you tell me she was here?”
“She wouldn’t let me.” Marie smiled. “What brings you
here, my Young Guardian?”
“I came to see how you were fairing, Marie.” I told her. “All
the excitement of the ceremonies must have overwhelmed you.”
She smiled. “Yes, they did actually, but it was worth it.”
Marie walked up to Panther and hugged him. He smiled at me.
“I am wed to Panther, and he to me. What more can I ask for?”
“How about your Companionship? How are your lessons
with Lady Katherine coming?”
To call my own friend by a title seemed odd. I guess I’d
have to get used to it, as they had with mine.
“The Unicorn Magic in my system is invigorating.” Marie
cried happily. “I love it. To be able to talk to the animals, heal
nature, fly. It’s all so fun and exciting.”
“You still have to be aware, my love.” Panther warned her.
“Orthos could strike at any moment, you know.”
“How can he strike if he’s in the Unknown, stuck with
Sabrina and Damian?” I questioned him.
“Good point, Ariana.” Panther said, and then gasped. “I’m
sorry. Young Guardian.”
“No, Panther, it’s okay. You call me Ariana anytime,” I
turned to Marie. “And so can you. I’m still uncomfortable with
my title. You can still show me the respect you have been, but
please, I beg of you, call me Ariana.” I laughed.
Panther managed a small smile. “Yes, Ariana.”
“What of other evil Dominionites?” Marie asked me. “There
probably will be, along the line. Like Orthos, they’ll want power
and revenge.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” I told them. I
looked at the two of them closely.
They were perfect for each other. Panther, who used to be
Mark Grey, had finally found the girl of his dreams. His
adopted sister, Bonnie Marie.
“What are you smiling about?” Panther asked.
I hugged first him, then Marie. “I’m so happy for you guys.
You’ve found your true loves along with helping with the
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos104

Crusades.” I replied. “I’d have to say I’m very proud of you, and
I bet even Lord Guardian himself is, too.”
“You really think so?” Marie asked, interested.
I nodded. “Yep. For now, what grabbed your attention in
the Crystal?”
Panther looked at his bride. “My future past.”
I didn’t understand. “Future past? Which one? Future or
“Something that had already happened, yet it hasn’t.”
“What’s that?”
“I saw the birth of my own daughter.” Panther smiled at
Marie grinned. “I’m pregnant.”
I hugged her again. “That’s great! I wonder what the baby
will look like. A half-cat, half-human?”
“No stranger than what Katherine and Wolf’s would look
like if they had one.” Panther laughed. He kissed Marie. “I seem
to recall the Crusades, when Sabrina gave birth in the Outer
“Yeah, it didn’t even take two weeks for her.” I
remembered that, too. “I know now it takes at least two weeks
of Outer Realm time to conceive in the Dream Realm.”
Now, Marie was confused. “I don’t get it. I’m a human, not
an animal.”
“You’re a Companion, nonetheless,” I reminded her. “Not
to mention, you live in the Dream Realm as one.”
Marie looked sad, and fearful.
I hugged her shoulders. “Don’t worry; I’m sure you’ll make
a wonderful mother.”
She stared at me. “Do you think I’m ready?”
I nodded. “I may not know you all that well, but I’d have
to say yes. As a Companion, you’re ready. As a woman, you’re
She smiled, placing her hand on her stomach. “I sure hope
I sensed something in the air.
“Listen guys, I’ve gotta go.” I told them, leaving the Castle
and taking flight.
I was needed at the Mystic Palace once again.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos105

The Mystic Palace looked deserted, and the door was

open, so I went in.
“Sisters? Enchantra? Challandra?” I called their names
into the air, but got no answer.
Where could they be?
On an urge, I walked over to the Mystic Mirror Room,
where I saw the door closed, and a glow coming from the
bottom of the door. I tried the knob, but it was locked.
Wait, I thought. Each time I came here, the Sisters sung a
melody to open its doors. What was it?
I remembered, and closed my eyes. I opened my mouth to
sing it, and found it worked.
In moments, the door to the Mirror Room was opened, and
I saw where the glow was coming from.
The Mystic Mirror itself was glowing in a bright rainbow of
colors, as it always had before. This time, it was much
I stepped over to it and stared into its image.
To my surprise, I saw a vision of my future self, leading
the Dream Realm to peace in another senseless War. At first, I
thought I was watching Anna, or even a younger version of
Mother, but found the Locket around the neck was identical to
the one I had around my own. Reaching my hand out, I almost
dared to touch it, curious.
“No!” I was startled by Lord Maximaniac’s voice behind
me, and I turned.
“Lord Max!” I cried. I snatched my hand away, just in
time. “What are you doing here?”
“I was to ask the same of you, but instead find you almost
taking yourself to the future.” Maximaniac explained.
I recalled when Luna, Kelly, and I had our visions
together. Luna had tried to touch the Mirror when she saw older
versions of our sons playing. Enchantra had warned us not to
touch a future image, for even now our powers weren’t strong
enough to bring us back to the present.
“My apologies, My Lord Maximaniac.” I held my chest,
feeling my startled heart slow down to its normal pace. I shook
my head out of my startled daze and nodded my respect to him.
“Where are the Sisters, and why have I been summoned here?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos106

“Who called you to the Palace?” Max asked, curious.

“No one, unless someone made me come using their own
power.” I shrugged, exiting the room with him following me.
“My hunch is O’Dell and the Sisters.” Max smiled. “Come
into the den. I believe they left something for you.”
I wonder what it is, and why they didn’t give it to me
In the den, I found an old-looking book. On the cover was
the symbol of the Dream Realm: five small jewels surrounding
an eye with a rainbow around it, incased in a dream-catcher’s
webbing. The words I made out were my title: Young Guardian.
I picked the book up and opened it to the first page. On the
first page was the Mystic Oath, complete with the dos and
don'ts of the Magic. I’d never seen a book as curious as this
before. Flipping through its pages, I noticed one thing. All the
spells I’d cast over the years were here, including the Blessing
“Is this my Spell-Book?” I asked in a whisper.
“I knew you would find it.” I heard Enchantra’s soft voice
beside me. I looked over my shoulder and saw her smiling.
As if he were never there, Max was gone.
“That is not all we have for you.” Challandra replied. She
seemed excited and headed back to the Mystic Mirror Room.
This was very unlike level-headed, always frowning
Challandra. What could make her this happy? I decided to tell
them of my experience a few moments ago.
“I saw a vision of my future self, years from now, fighting
against unknown demons in a senseless war. Why did that
come to me as I glanced at its reflection?” I asked, following the
“She saw it?” Challandra clapped her hands. “Wonderful.”
She turned to me. “That means you are truly ready to receive
the Mystic gifts.”
I didn’t understand. “Mystic gifts? What are they?”
“Young Guardian, it is truly an honor to be bestowed upon
you.” Enchantra told me. “I feel you have grown enough in your
Magic to have this in your possession.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos107

She reached into the air with her eyes closed. I held my
Spell-Book tight, amazed still at what the Sisters could do. They
had so much power; I could never have as much as they do.
I wouldn’t want that much responsibility.
Out of thin air, there was a bright light, then...
I shook my head when the Sisters smiled at each other.
“What happened? Whatever it is where is it?” I asked
Enchantra smiled. “As you awaken in the morn, you will
see a new vanity in your room. It is a gateway to the Dream
Realm, or wherever you wish to go.”
I listened closely, but she wasn’t done yet.
“To come here, all you have to do is close your eyes with
your ringed palm against the pane.”
“This is the fun part.” Challandra gasped. “To
Earthbounds, it will look like just an old vanity, but you will
know better. As will the Child when you feel she is ready to
learn its secrets.”
“Challie.” Enchantra chided her sister with a smile. She
turned back to me. “Young Guardian, I believe you can be
trusted to keep the Mirror’s secret.”
I nodded. “I won’t let you down, Mistresses.”
“I am sure you will not.” Enchantra told me.
“Chantie, do you think she can handle the jewels?”
Challandra asked her.
“Aye, at least smaller versions of the same Jewels.”
Enchantra nodded. “Young Guardian, go straight to O’Dell’s
I turned to leave, but they stopped me.
“No, use the Magic.” Challandra instructed me. “You have
it, use it.”
“How?” I asked.
“The same as we do. Just think of where you wish to be,
close your eyes...” Enchantra began.
“And poof! You will be there in two shakes of a
Companion’s tail!” Challandra finished.
I smiled.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos108

If I’d known much about that before, I would have been

able to return home when I was stuck in Damian’s Dark Tower
Again, I nodded after paying my respects to the Sisters.
“Au Revoir, Mistresses.” I called in French, and closed my eyes.
I thought of O’Dell’s own Castle and disappeared.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos109

Young Guardian’s Quest

I opened my eyes only to find myself in an unknown

place. In front of me was a forest of trees, green with foliage. If
it weren’t for the weird feelings of estrangement I perceived, the
forest would have been peaceful. My Spell-book was gone.
I wanted to go to Lord Guardian’s own Castle in the
Province of the Dream Realm, not wherever I was. I brought my
hand up to my eyes with a flash of sunlight hit them. I found I
was no longer in my jeans and sweatshirt attire. Instead, I was
wearing clothes dating back to Renaissance times. I had a pair
of breeches made of surprisingly comfortable brown cloth. The
shirt I wore had plumy sleeves that made it easy to move. I had
a thick leather belt with two pouches. The first pouch was long
enough for a sword or a dagger to be kept. Inside it, I found the
very magic wand Mystica had given me. I reached to take it out
and examine it, but something moved from the corner of my
I looked up to see a shadowed figure of a girl with a tail.
The tail was moving behind her until she stopped.
“Hello! Who’s there?” I called, frozen with fear.
“Young Guardian?”
The voice belonged to my best Companion friend,
Katherine. Just to make sure, I called her name. She came
running up to me, hugging me.
“Oh, Ariana.” She was shaking, scared. “It happened so
suddenly. I was gardening when I disappeared, ending up
“its okay, Katherine.” I said, taking her hand and
squeezing. “We’re together now.” I looked around. “Do you
know where we are, or why I’m wearing these clothes?”
Katherine looked me over, smiling. “What made you
imagine that?”
I shrugged. “Whatever it was, I’m not complaining. It’s
comfortable enough.”
Katherine began walking, surveying the area around us.
“Looks like the Forest of Never-Yesteryear.”
“Isn’t that in the Grey Area?” I asked her.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos110

“Aye,” she said, then perked her ears. Her eyes were
closed and she tilted her head to listen.
“What do you hear?” I asked, staying close to her.
Katherine opened her eyes, looking at me with a
frightened gleam to her. “Wolves. They are coming from the
Wolves? I gulped.
I could sense them coming closer to us, but I couldn’t
move. Neither could Katherine. I saw at least seven pairs of
yellow-glowing eyes before they came out of the forest. They
were various colors, from brown to black to grey. Two were
white with black tufts on their tails, ears and paws. The
biggest one was grey-white.
My heart was pumping. I didn’t know what to do. Never
in my life had I encountered live wolves! What was I going to
“You do not suppose they could be fellow Companions, do
you?” Katherine held both my hands now and I could feel both
our hearts racing.
I tried to sense them with Empathy, but found I couldn’t.
“I don’t know what to think, Kat.” I whispered.
The pack of wolves was coming closer, eyes staring, lips
quivering. I could hear soft growls coming from them as they
surrounded us. There was a bigger one, a SheWolf, I think, that
led the pack. The other six were grown pups. I noticed the
green eyes of the SheWolf.
In all the books I’ve read, none of them had green eyes. I
took a deep breath as the SheWolf stepped closer to me. When
she barked, the pups stopped growling. I stepped back, closer
to Katherine.
Without taking my eye off the SheWolf, I whispered. “Can
you shift into something they’re afraid of?”
“Wolves are rarely afraid of anything.” Katherine
whispered back. “I could try shifting to a Mountain Lion. Maybe
it would get them to back off?”
She slowly let go of my hands. I watched the SheWolf
while sensing my friend trying to use her Magic.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos111

That’s when I remembered something. “Don’t let your fear

of them hinder your thinking.” I instructed her. “They can sense
your fear.”
“Aye, that I know.” Katherine supplied. “One more try.”
Goddess, give her courage and strength. I prayed in my
mind. Please.
When she tried, she succeeded. I turned to see my
Companion friend was now a Mountain Lion, growling for the
pups to back off. Amazingly enough, they did, disappearing
back into the dark forest.
I turned back to the SheWolf, who was sitting, staring at
me intently with her green eyes.
Taking my own advice about the fear, I cautiously knelt
down to her, putting my hand out for her to catch my scent.
“Be careful, Young Guardian.” Katherine advised me,
placing a hand on my shoulder. “Please.”
She was back in her Balinese-human form.
I nodded my head, telling her. “I will.”
The SheWolf sniffed at my hand, licking it. Her tail
wagged, so I knew it was okay. I looked into her green eyes
and could have sworn she was smiling!
I smiled, daring to use the Unicorn Magic on her. “What’s
your name?”
I heard a strange, echoing voice in my head. Not yet,
Young Guardian.
The SheWolf nodded to me, standing on all fours. She
started to walk away, but I had the urge to follow. Katherine
was right behind me. The SheWolf led us to a large rock. She
started digging in the dirt until she uncovered a palm-sized
green jewel.
I stared at both her and the jewel. When our eyes met,
she nodded. Pick it up and close your eyes. Tell Katherine
what you see.
I obeyed, picking the jewel up off the ground. I brushed
the dirt off before holding it in the cup of my hands. I closed my
eyes, getting the image of a rearing unicorn. I could feel some
kind of energy pulsing from the jewel.
The SheWolf’s echoing voice pierced through my thoughts,
breaking the image. Keep the jewel safe, Ariana Moon. I will
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos112

see you soon. She turned to Katherine. Take care of her,

With that, the SheWolf disappeared.
“What was that all about?” Katherine asked, awed. “How
did she know my name?”
I shrugged, standing. “I don’t know, but that was one
heck of a head rush.”
“Are you alright?” Katherine asked, now worried. “What
did you see?”
“A rearing unicorn.” I told her. I noticed I still had the
jewel in my hand. I placed it in the other pouch on my belt. “I
wonder why?”
My friend began walking and I followed until she stopped
suddenly. “You used its Magic on her, did you not?”
I nodded. “Yeah, why?”
She smiled, taking my hands in hers. “A green jewel? Do
you know what that represents?” I shook my head so she
cried. “The Unicorn Magic!”
“Could that also be why she had green eyes?” I asked my
“I did not notice. Green eyes, you say?” I nodded again. “I
will have to think about that.”
“Take your time.” I told her. “In the meantime, we still
don’t know where we are or what we’re doing here.”
“Right.” She said.
We walked side by side until we heard a loud screeching
noise coming from above us. When I looked up, I noticed a large
shape, hurling down to us from the sky. I had to push
Katherine out of the way in order not to get hit by it. We both
landed hard on the ground.
I stood up, helping her up as well. “Are you okay?”
She brushed herself off. “Aye. Dazed, but fine.” She
looked over to it. “What is that thing?”
I took a closer look as we headed over to it. It had the
head and wings of an eagle, the body of a lion and the tail of a
serpent. The creature was wounded, an arrow sticking out of
its wing, the blood all over its body.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos113

“Goddess bless, it’s a griffin!” Katherine cried. I turned to

her. “Legends say griffins guard riches and mines. I wonder
who tried to kill it.”
The griffin gave out a loud screech, trying to move its
wing. I moved closer to it, ready to examine its wing. Like the
wolves, I put my hand to its snout for it to catch my scent. The
griffin shuddered at my touch, nearly pecking me to pieces.
“Calm down, I won’t hurt you!” I told it. Calmly, I tried to
touch it again. And again, it squirmed. I turned to Katherine.
“Can you put a freezing spell on it or something? If it keeps
jerking about, I won’t be able to get the arrow out or heal the
Katherine nodded. “Freezing would defeat your purpose.
The moment you touch it, it will unfreeze. I know a stun-type of
spell, though. Mother taught me when I was a kit.”
“What are you waiting for?” I asked her playfully. “Call
Katherine took a deep breath and held her arms out. She
began singing; seven notes coming from her mouth formed a
kind of mist. The pale-colored mist wrapped itself around the
griffin’s head, forcing it to close its eyes. Once that was done,
Katherine sang a short tune.

“Relax to see it, truth will be it

“Friends are here to help you soar.”

I watched the griffin’s reaction as she sang the tune

again. Its eyes opened. What were once which were red and
furious, now were turned silver and trusting. I smiled when I
saw a ring of Katherine’s violet Companion Magic surrounding
the griffin. I sensed it was calm and used telekinesis to take
the arrow out without damaging any more of the wing. I saw
the large cut the arrow had left and put both my hands on it. I
didn’t care whether I was getting blood all over me; I just
wanted to get the creature’s wound healed.
So I trusted something I hadn’t been able to trust for a
long time. The Mystic’s Healer’s Magic. At first, the aura
around my hands was red, signaling blood and flesh. It
changed colors with each thought I put into it. Recalling my
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos114

biology lessons back at the System, I began to see the bones of

the wing inside my head. Concentrating on that image, I used
the Healer’s Magic to put the bones back into place in my mind.
It was some powerful magic, I knew, but it would have to be
As the bones slowly put themselves back into place, the
flesh around it began to close up and heal. The Magic aura
around my hands turned from red to pink and back to
opalescent, which told me I’d done my job and healed the
wound properly.
I lifted my hands from the griffin’s wing slowly. Its head
turned to my eyes, nodding its thanks to me.
“You’re welcome.” I told it. “I don’t know much about
griffins, so I did my best.”
An echoing voice, different and more flowery entered my
mind. Your best was good enough. Thank you, Young
Guardian, for healing me.
It was a woman’s voice. She turned to Katherine. Thank
you, Katherine, for calming me down. I was stunned by the
arrow, unable to think. Both of you. Follow me. I have
something for you.
“How did you know our names?” Katherine asked her.
No time for silly questions. The lady griffin replied,
leading us to a cave at the edge of the woods. You will know
the answers later.
She stopped at the entrance, turning her head to us. Stay
here, I will fetch it.
When she came back out, she held a small, crystal jewel
in her beak. Hold your hand out, Young Guardian.
I obeyed once again, not knowing why. She dropped it
into my hand, saying in my head. It is the least I could do to
repay your kindness.
“Thank you, lady griffon.” I said softly, examining it.
Close your eyes and tell me what you see. She relayed to
In my mind, I saw the scene some time ago, when Aaron
came to the System to help with the Crusades. He and I were
talking, and the subject turned to family. I showed him how a
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos115

Mystic could change their appearance by a simple thought and

waving their arms.
“The Crusades, with Aaron at the System for the first
time.” I said aloud, eyes still closed. “I changed my clothes with
Magic, just like Luna taught me.”
Good. Now, what do you see around your image as you
are doing so?
“The opalescent glow of my own Magic.” I told her. I
looked to Katherine, who was smiling.
When I looked back to the lady griffin, she was gone.
“Where’d she go?” I asked Katherine. My friend shook her
“Still no answers of where we are or why we are here.”
Katherine said. “I did not bother asking the griffin because they
talk in riddles.”
“Right. It would only confuse us more.” I told her, placing
the new jewel in the pouch.
We began walking again, searching for someone to tell us
something about this place. I heard crashing of waves on the
shore and went to it.
“There’s something out there.” Katherine replied, pointing
to the middle of the water.
It looked as big as an ocean, maybe bigger. I glanced
where the water met the sky. As soon as I put my bare foot into
the water, I could feel something in trouble.
Great. Something else needed my help, but there was no
way I could get to it.
“I can sense it, Katherine.” I said. “I can’t do anything
about it.”
“You do not think I am going in there?” She asked me,
cowering away from the water.
I smiled. “Like a true feline, Kat. Afraid of the water?”
“Nay. I cannot swim.” She said. “Can you?”
“Sure, but the thing I sense is deep below the water.” I
said. “Not even I can hold my breath long enough to help it. I’m
still human, you know.”
“Are you not a Mystic?”
I stared at my friend. “Your point?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos116

“Use Magic, like you did with the griffon and the
SheWolf.” She told me. “You are no longer in the Outer Realm,
so its rules do not apply.”
“How do you know I can do it?”
Katherine grinned. “I have faith in you.”
I looked to the water again, thinking. “That makes one of
In the distance, I saw the shadow of a barge on the
middle of the water. Whatever was in trouble was in trouble
from that.
I took my belt off, handing it to her, and then changed to a
bathing suit using Magic. Hugging my friend, I dove in.
“Good luck!” I heard her scream as my head hit the water.
I was under the water, which was cold at first. I had to
hurry with a spell, but I couldn’t think of any. I closed my eyes
and prayed for the Mystic Goddess to let me breathe
Cautiously, I let out my breath. I don’t know how, but I
was doing it.
Yes! I cried in my mind. Now to get to that troubled
I swam straight, letting my instincts pick up the empathic
cries for help. As I got closer to the creature, I could see the
scene clearly. The barge fishermen had caught a dolphin in its
Don’t worry. I can help. I sent to it.
It nodded to me, telling me to go ahead.
How was I going to get it out? I asked myself. I looked
around for something sharp to cut the net with, then thought of
something. I brought my hand to my vision, using telekinesis to
bring a dagger to my grip.
Be still, or I’ll accidentally cut you. I told it.
Please hurry. It told me in a gurgling-girlish voice. My little
ones need me.
Carefully, I used the dagger to cut the net around her,
letting the dolphin out of its net.
It turned its head to me, letting me see her shining blue
eyes. Thank you, Young Guardian. Take hold of my fin and
hang on. I have something for you.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos117

It was fun to swim on the dolphin’s fin. I felt free of cares

under the water. When we stopped, we reached an underwater
cavern, where she led me to her little ones and a small treasure
Open it and take the blue jewel. She told me. It will help
you on your journeys through our worlds.
I obeyed and saw a blue jewel, about the same size as
the other two I already had. I did the same thing with this one
as I had with both the green and crystal jewels. I closed my
eyes to see an image of a pair of Mer-people.
What you see are the people of our world and the helpers
of our Magic. The dolphin told me, nudging my arm. Now, it is
time to go back. Your spell will not last much longer.
I nodded, waving good bye.
I didn’t even ask how she knew me.
I resurfaced just in time. I had to gasp to get air back into
my lungs. Katherine was waiting by the tide, running to me
once I met the sandy shore.
“Are you alright? What happened?” She asked, handing
me a towel to dry myself.
“I’m fine, and so is the dolphin I rescued.” I told her about
the short adventure, showing her the jewel I acquired.
I waved my arms to return to the breeches and blouse
outfit I’d had on before. I strapped the belt to the breeches and
placed the blue jewel with the other two in its pouch.
“This is turning to be quite a day, is it not?” Katherine
inquired, laughing lightly as we began to walk again. This time,
away from the water. “First, a SheWolf and her pack almost
attacks us. Then, we are almost knocked unconscious by a
wounded griffin, and now the dolphin trapped by fishermen.”
“Each giving me a jewel for helping them.” I said. “I
wonder what’s next.”
“Those jewels are awfully familiar.” Katherine muttered.
“Green, crystal, then blue. If I am not mistaken, those jewels
could stand for the Jewels of the Province.”
I thought for a moment, and then said. “You may be right,
but aren’t there five main jewels?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos118

“Nay, six.” Katherine told me, shaking her head. “They

are shaped in a pentagram, a star in your world, with a black
jewel in the middle.”
“What are the other three?” I asked her.
“Let’s see...” She thought aloud. “A violet Amethyst for
Companion Magic and black Onyx for the Dark Magic. I do not
seem to remember the other one.”
I shrugged. “Don’t look at me. I don’t know, either.”
Suddenly, the mood changed. What was once bright and
cheerful turned black and dreadful. The sky turned dark, the
forest trees turned black, and the air surrounding us blew cold
and fierce.
“What’s happening?” I asked her, holding on to my
friend’s arm.
Before she could answer, we saw a large dragon flying
above us. We watched as it blew a breath of fire at a tree by
us. We ran to safety behind a rock, and crouched there.
Something was going on. I could sense it, and I didn’t like
The giant red dragon swooped down, closing its wings as
it landed on the ground.
“Come out, Ariana Moon!” It screamed. “I know you are
I stood, with Katherine purring her assurance.
Time to show this dragon who is boss.
“How dare you speak to the Young Guardian of the Dream
Realm like that?” I cried in its face, angry.
“I can speak to you however I wish, Earthbound scum!”
The dragon crooned. “Now, fight like a warrior or get out of my
“Me? Fight you?” I asked. “How? With what? I’m no
“You are one of O’Dell’s Crusaders.” The dragon pointed
out. “You have fought your worst enemy, Maiden Sabrina,
Exiling her and her family to the Unknown. Surely, you can
fight a mere dragon!”
“Mere dragon?” I asked. I was stalling while I thought of a
plan to get out of here. I tried to disappear, but that Magic
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos119

didn’t work. “I don’t want to fight you. I want to go home and

see my children.”
“Not yet, Ariana Moon.” The dragon cried. “First, you must
fight me.”
“I won’t fight you.” I told it. “I want to keep peace in the
Dream Realm, not make war.”
The dragon sighed, smoke coming from her nostrils. “Very
well, but you have to fight something in order to leave.” With a
claw, the dragon scratched her cheek. “The flesh of your
darkest fears. I know you have them. You will fight the fear
you have yet to overcome.”
I gulped, hands making fists at my sides. “What is it?”
The dragon held out a claw, letting a reddish-colored
smoke make a figure in front of me. When it was finished, I
saw something amazing about it and gasped. It was a shadow
of me! The eyes were glowing yellow, and I immediately got the
impression of the past again.
The forbidding feeling of evil and hatred rumbled in my
soul. That figure in front of me laughed heartily, a sword and
shield appearing in its hands.
I was afraid. It was my worst nightmare, come true.
Throughout the years of orphanage hell, these visions always
gave me nightmares. Even after I met Lord Guardian and
Katherine, starting to tour the Dream Realm, I was afraid. One
of those nightmares scared me awake one morning, giving
Derrick the chance to hear my hateful past. He listened and
understood, giving me a kiss on the lips. From that point on, he
would love me and take care of me.
Trouble was, my Earthly Protector was nowhere in sight,
and I was alone with the nightmare-figure of myself.
The figure attacked with her sword. I envisioned a shield
to stop it just in time.
“Fight me, freak!” The figure cried. “Just try it.”
Freak. The name all the orphanage kids gave me as I
grew up. I wasn’t about to let a name from my past get me
“Yeah, right.” I said sarcastically. With my free hand, I
reached into the pouch with the wand in it. I stared at it until it
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos120

turned into a sword. After pushing her away, I swung into

I didn’t have any clue of what I was doing, but I was
doing it. I was fighting like a knight of olden times. The figure
yelled profanities to me, but I counted that as a waste of
breath. I kept my cool, and eyes open for a chance to get her
weak point.
When she raised her sword and lowered her shield, I
struck her in the side. That made the figure disappear.
I was tired, letting the shield disappear and the sword
turn back into the wand.
“Very good, Ariana Moon.” The dragon said. “For that, I
must reward you.”
Another reward? What was it, a jewel?
From the corner of my eye, I saw a red jewel like the other
three. I took it in my hands, examining it with my mind’s eye. I
saw and image of the dragon, and realized the fourth jewel I
held. “Dragon Magic.” I looked up to the dragon. “Who are you,
and why are we here?”
Katherine came out of her hiding spot. “What is going on,
lady dragon?”
“Do you not see, Lady Katherine?” The dragon replied
with a grin. “Your assumption about the jewels was indeed
correct.” She called into the air. “Come out, sisters, and show
yourselves. She has passed the tests.”
I looked to Katherine, who shrugged when I said. “Tests?”
From the sky came the griffon, out of the trees came the
wolf, and a tall maiden with blue hair walked beside them. The
dragon changed its form to a woman as well. The dragon-
woman had brightly-colored hair, wearing a red and black
gown. The wolf changed form to another woman, with tree
leaves braided in her brown-black hair. She was wearing a
forest-green gown, nodding with a smile once seeing me. The
griffon also changed form to a woman, with silver hair and a
silver dress on. All four women were beautiful, in a Goddess-
like way.
“Who are you?” I asked, holding Katherine’s hand.
The woman who’d been a wolf came first. “I am Dana,
Goddess of the Earth.” Dana introduced.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos121

“I am Aura, Goddess of the Winds.” Aura supplied after

her. She’d been the griffon.
“I am Brianna, Goddess of the Waters.” Brianna told me. I
recognized the dolphin-woman’s ocean-blue eyes.
“Last, but not least, I am Curia, Goddess of Fire.” Curia
announced, changing her form again for me. She was the
dragon. “Now is the time to tell you why you are here.”
“Quite right, sister.” Dana stated. She stepped up to me.
“Have you figured the jewels secrets, yet?”
I told her what Katherine and I knew. “With the red jewel,
that would be the four elements.”
“Ah, but there is one missing!” Aura cried. “Do you know
of the fifth element?”
“Spirit?” I guessed.
Brianna clapped her hands. “Brilliant! I told you she was
the one!” She cried to her sister Curia.
“So she is.” Curia rolled her eyes.
“The one for what?” I asked.
“The element of Spirit, silly girl!” Brianna remarked. “We
represent the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The
fifth and just as important element will be you – Spirit!”
I was confused. “Why? What did I do?”
“You showed us you were worthy.” Dana supplied. “You
put your fears aside to make a new friend in me. You also
helped my sisters, and fought your worst demon in a way you
never experienced before.”
“That shows us you can become the fifth element.” Aura
said. “The power in that wand is now commanded by you and
you alone. Not even your twin may use it.”
“If she does, she will be hurt.” Curia said. “The initiation
is quite simple, really. All you have to do is hold the wand
toward us while we give you insight. Are you ready, Ariana
I gulped, nodding as I took the wand out once more. I let
go of Katherine’s hand and pointed the wand to the four
Elemental Goddesses. I closed my eyes and braced myself for
some heavy magic-usage. I could hear them each chanting in
their own languages. I could feel the surge of energy flowing
from my wand to my soul. It was invigorating.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos122

When they were finished, I opened my eyes.

Just as I suspected. They’d left without saying goodbye.
“I know where we are now.” Katherine told me as I put
the now Spirit-wand away. “We are in the Realm of the
I nudged her, smiling. “I wouldn’t have guessed.”
She giggled.
“Know how to get home?” I asked her.
She nodded, grasping my hand. “Think of home and you
will be there.”
“If I’d known that before, I would’ve done it.” I told her.
Katherine shrugged, smiling.
That told me something. “You knew all along, didn’t you?”
She bit her lip. “Aye. I was told by Mistress Enchantra
what to expect.”
“What about your being scared?” I asked. “Was that
“Oh, nay, that was real.” Katherine told me. “I did not
expect to be pulled away from my gardening. For now, I must
be getting home. See you later!”
With that, she disappeared.
I sighed, wanting badly to get out of this strange realm. I
closed my eyes and wished myself to Lord Guardian’s Castle.
Would I make it there this time? I wondered.

I felt a cool breeze around my body. Opening my eyes, I

found myself back in my sweatshirt and jeans, holding my
Spell-book. I shook my head and muttered under my breath.
“Whoa. What a rush.”
I looked down to find the belt around my waist. As I
searched through it, I realized the four jewels and my wand
was still with me. I looked around me and saw Lord
Guardian’s Castle in the distance. As I walked toward it, I
searched the Spell-book again. On the front page, it now had
“Keeper of the Powers of Spirit.”
“What have you got there, Young Guardian?” I heard Lord
Guardian ask from ahead of me, hooves hitting the ground. He
was in his more comfortable unicorn-Pegasus form.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos123

“My Spell-book, my Lord.” I replied as I knelt to him, not

meeting his golden eyes. When I looked up, I watched as the
jewel on his chest glowed, as did his horn.
“Did Enchantra give it to you?” He asked.
I cleared my throat, remembering. “In a way, yes.”
Lord Guardian shifted to a human male before looking at
me quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“Well, it was Lord Maximaniac who greeted me at the
Palace.” I explained. “He led me to it after saving me from
almost sending myself into the future with the Mirror’s Magic. I
searched through it, recognizing all the spells I’d cast over the
years. When I looked up again to Sister Enchantra’s voice, Lord
Maximaniac was gone.”
“Ah, I see.” Lord Guardian laughed. “Max has always
been a bit mysterious, even when we ourselves were
Earthbound.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Tell
me about your recent adventure with the Goddesses.”
I was stunned. “How did you know? Did one of them tell
Lord Guardian shook his head, trying to hide a laughing
smile. “Lady Katherine came to me before you arrived, telling
me the good news.”
I followed him into his Castle, and into a room where I
saw bigger versions of the jewels I’d had in the pouch. As soon
as my eyes set upon them, I was entranced.
I saw the pedestal, with the five Mystic Jewels of the
Province underneath a bubble of protective glass. With his
raised hands to the air, he chanted something in his own
Wizards language. I couldn’t understand much except the
words “Mystic Magic” and my title. Without touching the glass
bubble, O’Dell raised his hands and raised the bubble at the
same time.
I held my breath.
Just being in the presence of the Jewels made me feel
more powerful. I smiled, closing my eyes and feeling the power
surrounding me, comforting me.
“Go ahead, take one Ariana Moon.” Lord Guardian replied
softly in my ear.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos124

I opened my eyes and stepped up to the pedestal, pulling

the Green Earth Jewel from its spot. The last time I looked at it,
I had the image of recently talking to Aunt Sharon’s horses.
This time, however, I saw an image of the Earth Goddess Dana
in her SheWolf form. The eyes glowed green as we stared at
each other. When she howled at the moon, the image faded.
“Young Guardian, what entrances you about the Green
Earth Jewel?”
I told him my recent adventure with the Goddesses. When
I told him about the four jewels I received, I put the Green Earth
Jewel back in its spot.
Lord Guardian nodded, saying. “Show me.”
“Katherine told me there are two missing.” I replied. “The
Purple Companion Jewel and the Black Onyx Jewel.”
“Yes, from these four those two are missing.” He supplied,
taking them from my hands. “Tell me, do you know what each
of them are for?”
I told him what I learned. “Green Emerald for the Earth
and Unicorn Magic. White Crystal for the powers of Air and our
Mystic Winds. Blue Sapphire for the Waters and Water Magic
and Red Ruby for the Fires and Dragon Magic.”
He brightened up. “Very good. I see you have learned
I blushed. “Thank you, Lord Guardian.”
“Now, about the missing two.” He said. “What do you
know of those?”
I tried to think. “Let’s see. The Purple Amethyst Jewel is
for Companions and their Magics.” I said. “Am I right?”
“About the Companion Jewel, yes.”
“What does the Black Onyx Jewel give power over?”
He took the black jewel from its spot. “Tell me what you
see when you hold this.”
I took it from his hands and stared into it for a minute.
There I was, dressed in a white gown with a strange pin
clipped to the cape. I flew over the Province with the wand in
hand and searched for Dreamers to help. The image changed,
focusing on the pin more. I could see the star-shape the
colored jewels made, with a strange opalescent stone in the
middle, connecting them all.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos125

I felt some kind of danger sweeping over me. I watched

as the jewel in the middle turned from an opalescent pink to
black. It reminded me of the Dominionite Crystal I nearly had
to destroy back home years ago in the Crusade.
I snapped out of the vision when Lord Guardian took the
jewel from my hands. I nearly jumped a foot when he startled
me out of the trance.
“Do you see its purpose now?” He whispered to me.
“The Dark Magic.” I whispered, not looking directly at him.
“It warns of Dark Magic or any evil surrounding it.”
“Aye.” O’Dell nodded, proud. “The Onyx Jewel is officially
known as the Link Crystal. Together, they are a powerful force
against any enemy or demon of either world. Along with your
Magic, you can use these five jewels to give you power over
whatever you wish. Soon, the Elemental Mistresses will visit
you, and explain each Jewel’s full potential.”
I clasped my Dream Locket, smiling.
Lord Guardian stared at me, sizing me up. “I am
impressed, Young Guardian. You exceeded my expectations of
you yet once again.” He said. “Hand me the Locket.”
I took it off from around my neck, handing it to him. “What
are you going to do with it, my Lord?”
He only smiled. “You will see.”
First, he threw the four jewels into the air, letting them
levitate in front of us. He beckoned for the Amethyst and Onyx
jewels to join the other four. He waved his arm, directing the
six jewels to form a pentacle-shape. With the Locket in his other
hand, he forced them together with Magic.
He held his hands out to me in front of him. I watched
closely as a necklace, with the six jewels surrounded by a
dream-catcher’s webbing, appeared in front of my eyes.
“Young Guardian, this charm is filled with the powers of
the Jewels. It replaces the Dream Locket I gave you some time
ago. Besides having more power, the Jewel necklace is your
link to us. If ever you feel you need to use them here, I give you
full permission.” O’Dell replied.
I nodded, not really understanding what kind of trouble I
was getting into in my short Young Guardian life. I took the
necklace from his hands, and fingered each of the Jewels,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos126

thinking of the power held within. “Thank you, My Lord

Guardian. I’ll cherish this forever, and guard it with my life.”
I bowed to him, clasping both the necklace and the Spell-
book close to my chest before disappearing, returning home.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos127

Story: #1:
A Taste of the Magic Within

When I awoke, I found myself in a hospital bed, hooked

up to monitors and IV’s strung in my arm.
I opened my eyes and saw Derrick beside me, holding my
hand. “Derrick? What happened?”
He looked up. “Thank goodness you’re okay.” He
whispered, standing to kiss me. “I felt my Pendant glow hot,
like you were in trouble, and found you in bed, three days
“I’ve been here for three days?” I asked, amazed. What a
trip, I thought. “It didn’t even feel like one in our world.”
He put a finger to his lips. “They’re listening.”
“Who?” I whispered.
“The doctors.” Derrick told me. “Don’t worry, I only
stayed to keep you company when you woke up from
“The doctors think I’m in a coma?” I asked incredulously.
I grinned. “That’s rich.”
“Well, you were.” Derrick replied. “Even to me, you were.”
I shrugged, stretching my muscles. “Who else knows?”
“Just our friends.” He told me, and then looked into my
eyes, sending me a message.
The Crusaders were worried for you, my Love.
I kept my smile. “How sweet. Where are the children?”
“With Aaron and Aimee.” He assured me. “At least the
twins are.”
“And Kelly?” I urged.
Derrick looked to the door. “Right outside. Did you want
me to bring her in?”
I nodded.
As he opened the door, Kelly and Bradley both came
barging in, racing to the hospital bed.
“Momma! You’re okay!” Kelly ran up to the bed and
hugged me.
“Of course I’m okay, sweetie.” I told her, laughing. I
kissed both her and Bradley. “What are you doing out of
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos128

“Christmas Vacation, Aunt Ariana.” Bradley replied.

To be called ‘aunt Ariana’ didn’t sound right coming from
him. “Call me Mrs. Reading.”
He nodded and grinned. “We have vacation until the
beginning of next month.”
“In other words, for two weeks.” Derrick summed up.
“I’m also on leave from the Police Academy until the new
Could we have gone so long, so fast?
I shook my head.
“What’s up?” Derrick asked me with a smile, telling the
kids to get down.
They obeyed and I answered him.
“I was just thinking.” I replied. “About us, about how fast
our first year has gone, and about how fast we’re all growing
“The twins are almost one now, dear.” Derrick reminded
me. “It was in this very hospital you and Luna had the boys.”
He was right. I had the twins and Luna had Caleb in
February, and it was December already.
I giggled. “Time flies, doesn’t it?”
He grinned. “You bet.” He turned to the kids and told
them to leave before continuing. “So, what made you
comatose for so long? I’ve never seen you away from us for
that long before.”
I told him my so-called adventure in the Dream Realm. I
also told him how O’Dell and the Sisters entrusted me with
my own Spell-Book, Jewel Necklace, and a Mystic Mirror.
“Sounds intense.” He cried. “Think you’ll be able to
handle all this new responsibility?”
I gave him a dirty look.
He laughed; hands up in surrender. “Okay, I get your
point.” He kissed me on the lips. “I’m gonna send the doctors
in. Time to get you out of here, and fast.”
“Why fast?”
He gave me a mysterious look. “Destiny truly awaits you,
my dear.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos129

It was later that day I was released from the hospital. I

couldn’t wait to see my twins again. Somehow, in all the
excitement, I missed them.

As Luna and I were holiday shopping at the Hill View

Mall, I was thinking of all we went through, and asked her.
“Why do you think this is happening to us, Lu?”
Luna stared at me and smiled, giving me a playful
nudge. “I think it’s called ‘growing up.’”
I giggled, rolling my eyes. Trust my sister to liven up my
life with a joke.

That afternoon, Luna and I walked in the door to find

Christmas decorations hanging up everywhere. Mother and
Aunt Sharon were racing around, checking to make sure
everything was perfect.
“Do you think the wreath should go here, or at the back
door?” Sharon asked Mother.
Mother nodded to us first. “What do you think, girls?”
I took the pretty Christmas wreath from my aunt’s
hands. “I think it’ll look great over the fireplace.”
They stared at each other, contemplating.
“Perfect.” Mother supplied. “By the way, Aaron wants to
talk to you.”
“What would he want to talk to me for?” I asked her. I
shrugged and headed next door. Luna went after me, heading
across the street.
“I’ll be back.” Luna called as she ran across the street.
“Sure,” I called. I walked up to my best friend’s door and
“Come in,” came Aaron’s voice from the other side.
I walked inside and saw a huge Christmas pine tree,
covered with tons of ornaments. Underneath it were piles of
“Aaron, the tree looks beautiful.”
He ran up to me after stopping what he was doing.
“Thanks.” He pointed to the ceiling, and I looked. “Mistletoe, I
should have known.” I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick
kiss on the cheek.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos130

“This is going to be our first real Christmas together.”

Aaron replied. “The entire family of Crusaders, and friends,
and kids. Everyone. I can’t wait for tonight.”
I laughed. “What’s tonight?”
He took my hand. “You, Ariana Reading, are invited to
our first Christmas dinner. Aimee and I are cooking our
favorite holiday dishes, and we’re even going to each open a
gift tonight.”
“But Christmas isn’t for two days.” I replied as he let go.
“I know.” Aaron left me and raced to the living room.
“Mother said you wanted to talk to me.” I told him,
following him into the other room.
He stopped and looked at me seriously. Clearing his
throat, he cried. “I did, I mean I do.”
I sat myself down on the tiny couch and folded my arms,
waiting for him to begin. “Out with it, Aaron. What’s on your
He sat next to me. “You – us.”
I was confused. “There is no ‘us.’” I told him. “What do
you mean?”
“Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we used to
be.” He told me, barely looking at my eyes. “You know, fun,
cool, playful. Best friends.”
“Yeah, so?” I asked. “What about it?”
He finally looked at me. “I was wondering, now that
you’re married to Derrick, would you still be that way toward
me? I know your feelings for me have changed, as have mine
for you, but I couldn’t help thinking, you know?”
I took a deep breath, looking at his sad eyes. “Aaron, you
don’t have to worry about that. We grew up together and are
the best of friends. Nothing on this Earth, or in the Dream
Realm, is going to change that.”
He didn’t say a word.
I took both of his hands, and he finally looked at me.
“We’ll always be best friends, you can count on that.”
“Really?” He asked.
I smiled. “Really.” I stood up, wanting to change the
subject. “So, what did you get me for Christmas?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos131

He was all smiles again. “Sorry, can’t tell you. What I can
tell you is what time to be here tonight for the Christmas
“Gladly.” I said. “When?”
“Eight o’clock on the dot.” He replied. “And bring over
one gift for the three of us: Aimee, Bradley, and I. Got it?”
“That’s it?”
He grinned. “That’s it.”
“In that case, I’ll go.” I told him.
Christmas was going to be the greatest. My entire family
was going to be there – and he was right. It was going to be
our first Christmas together.
Derrick and his family, the entire Mystic family, our
friends. Everyone together.
Again – I couldn’t wait.
My life was beginning to slow down to a normal pace,
and I loved it. I was a mother, an aunt, a friend, a wife, and a
daughter. Everything I ever dreamed of being or having while
growing up in the Orphanage, I had in my life now.
To me, life was perfect, for I was somebody with a
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos132

Story #2:
Companion Parenthood

When I woke up on Christmas morning, I had a surprise

waiting for me downstairs. Aaron had been right about this
being our first actual Christmas together. Living in an
orphanage, the best kind of present we ever got was a lump of
coal or a switch in chores.
It was Kelly and Bradley Allen together that woke us up.
Derrick pretended to be sleeping beside me when the kids
came in. Even Claudia and Anna were silly enough to lay my
sons on the bed beside me.
Kelly tickled me awake and I was up in moments,
laughing. “Okay, Kelly! I’m up!”
“I wanna see what Santa brought us!” Kelly cried,
grabbing my arm. “Wake up, Momma!” She pulled on me until
I told her to stop.
The two of them rushed down the stairs. I picked up one
of my sons, while Derrick slowly woke up and picked up the
other one.
“Merry Christmas, Ariana!” Anna and Claudia cried,
each hugging me.
“Come on, everyone’s waiting downstairs for you guys.”
Claudia cried. “We’ll leave and let you get dressed or
“Oh – hurry up, though. Don’t take too long!” Anna cried
behind her as they left.
“I can’t believe your sisters.” Derrick laughed lightly,
putting Andrew James on the bed beside me while he found a
robe to put on.
“They’re your sisters now, too, you know.” I reminded
him lightly, bouncing Mark-Antony on my lap. “Isn’t that
right, Mark?”
Mark-Antony responded by sticking his tongue out and
blowing raspberries at his Daddy. I giggled, but chided. “Be
“Let him have fun while he’s young, Ariana.” Derrick
replied. “He’s only a baby.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos133

I hugged him, and Andrew crawled up to me, snuggling

next to my legs. “I know that. I was just trying to be a good
Derrick sat on the bed and kissed me. “You already are a
good mommy, Love. The children have it made, they love you,
and I can tell you love them.”
I thought about Kelly and looked at him. “Do you love
Kelly as if she were your own?”
Derrick placed a hand on my cheek. “Of course I do.
There’s no need to ask. I love all three of your – our – children
equally.” He touched my nose with a finger. “I also happen to
love you very much.”
I smiled. “I love you, too, Derrick.”
“Come on; let’s see what your family has in store for us.”
He teased, grabbing Mark from my hands and letting me
stand up with Andrew.
I followed my husband downstairs to my awaiting family.
Only, I saw more than my own family. I saw Mother and
Father Reading, Derrick’s brothers Jake, Brian, and Alex, and
his sister Kendra. What I noticed the most is Craig
Richardson, Derrick’s best friend, along with Andrea and
Cara, his sisters sitting beside him. What were they doing
Oh well. It was Christmas, and I was extremely happy.
Kendra took Andrew from my hands and Jake took Mark
from his brother’s.
After everyone exchanged gifts, I realized Mother had a
wide smile on her face. I’d been watching her, taking pictures
of everybody, but could tell she was waiting to say something.
As we were getting ready to have Christmas breakfast,
Mother spoke up, looking at Father, who was nodding.
“Ariana and Derrick,” She began, pulling a manila
envelope from behind the armchair, “I want you to have this.”
She handed it to me and I took it. Opening it, I wondered
what it could be.
I pulled out a Deed to the house, made out to Derrick
and me!
“You’re giving us the house! Where will you all go?” I
asked incredulously as I hugged her.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos134

“We bought a house down the street.” Father replied,

and hugged us too.
“Consider this your Wedding Gift.” Mother smiled. “I’m
just sorry the papers took so long to file, otherwise, I would’ve
done it sooner.”
“It’s wonderful, Mother Woods, really.” Derrick hugged
her, kissing her on the cheek. “We love it. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me.” Mother replied, and then glanced at
Evelyn Reading. “Thank your own mother. It was her idea in
the first place.”
Derrick laughed. “Well, then, thank you, Mother.”
Evelyn hugged her son. “You’re welcome son. Just be
good to my grandsons, you hear me?”
“They’ll want for nothing, Evelyn.” I told her.
“As long as that’s all settled,” Kevin replied, patting his
stomach. “Let’s eat. I’m starved!”
We laughed, heading to the kitchen.


I returned to the Dream Realm that night. My first stop

was to Katherine and Wolf’s Castle, deep in the Canine Wood.
My premonition triggered, as if something was going to
As I drew closer, I saw a strange-looking Young
Companion, playing with a ball of Magic.
“Hello, there.” I called to her, running up to her.
She looked up, and I saw her eye-color. Silver-Blue.
“Good day, Dreamer.” The girl smiled back at me. “Would
you like to play with me?”
The strange-looking girl seemed nice enough, but her
speech could use a little work. It sounded choppy, as if she
were still learning to speak. “Sure. What did you want to
She threw the ball of Magic in the air. “A game of Bang-
Bang-ball was the Dream Realm’s version of Four-
Squares. Instead of four players, it required only two.
I smiled. “No problem. On one condition.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos135

The girl’s smile faded, and a tiny frown appeared.

“Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine.” I told her.
She smiled again. “Mademoiselle Celine.” She replied in
French. “Et vous?”
“Ariana Reading, but you may call me –.”
I was interrupted by my Companion friend’s cheerful
voice. “Young Guardian!”
I looked up to see Katherine. We hugged hello.
“Wonderful to see you again.”
The girl looked up to Kat. “This is Young Guardian,
Mommy? “She’s –.”
Katherine grinned. “Aye, she is my daughter. The first bi-
breed Companion.”
“From an enemy’s blood comes the love of a child.” Wolf
came up to us now. “Good day, Young Guardian. I see you
have met our daughter, Celine.”
I looked at her again, then at my two Companion friends.
“She’s beautiful.”
“The other Companions do not think so.” Katherine
sighed. “They seem to still think felines and canines could
never be friends.”
Wolf growled softly. “Our daughter has been shunned by
our own society.”
“Sounds familiar.” I muttered, thinking of my own
predicament with the city of Hill View. “I’m sure Celine will fit
in, once the hatred has died down, and everyone has a chance
to meet her.”
“It just does not seem fair.” Katherine replied. “Kit’s son,
Tiger White, is half-Balinese, half-tiger, and still, he is
accepted. Even Panther and Marie’s daughter, Destiny, who is
half-feline, half-human, has been accepted. Why must we pay
for other’s stupidity and stubbornness?”
Katherine’s eyes shone a single tear.
“Please do not cry, Mommy.” Celine looked frightened. “I
do not want to feel sad, too.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos136

“It’ll be okay, Kat. I promise.” I replied. “Give the others

time to adjust to your marriage. I’m sure it’ll work out in the
Katherine nodded, now determined. “Aye. When have you
ever been wrong, Ariana?”
I smiled. “I’m sure you’ll think of some time. Meanwhile,
how much Magic does she know? How old would she be in
Outer Realm terms, and why wasn’t I informed of her birth?”
Wolf laughed. “Katherine wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Did it work?” Katherine teased me.
I nodded, hugging her. “You bet, now answer the
“I know a lot of Magic.” Celine told me. “According to the
Outer Realm, I am seven-years old.”
“About the same as Kelly, I believe.” I smiled at her.
“Who is Kelly?”
“Kelly is the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm, my
daughter.” Wolf replied. “Remember the young Dreamer you
met yesterday? The girl with the long, reddish-brown hair?”
Celine was confused. “Which one, Papa?”
Katherine spoke up. “The girl whose eyes were the same
as yours.”
Celine looked up, yipping. “I remember now! She is nice!”
“Of course. She’s a friend to all Young Dreamers.” I told
Katherine smiled, and then closed her eyes. She purred
after a second, as if sensing something in the air.
“What is it, Kat?” Wolf asked. “What do you sense?”
“Kit is with Toby and Tiger White in the Feline Wood.” My
friend announced. She looked at me. “Would you like to meet
I grinned, happy. “Why not? I’d love to see how Kit is
Katherine grabbed her daughter and Wolf’s hands. Celine
held her hand out for me to take and Wolf replied. “Take our
hands. The Magic will get you there quicker.”
I nodded, taking their out-stretched hands. “And away we
go.” I announced, closing our eyes.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos137

I reopened them to find a little boy running up to us,

laughing. Kit and Toby were behind him.
“Young Guardian, watch out!” Kit cried, once seeing us.
It was too late. The boy Companion ran smack into me,
knocking me down on the ground.
Oofff! My back hit the ground hard, and it hurt for a
The boy got up.
“I am sorry, did I hurt you?” The boy stood and held his
hand out to me in assistance. “Let me help you up.”
“Thanks.” I brushed myself off, playfully chiding
Katherine. “You never told me he was rambunctious.”
Katherine grinned. “Surprise.”
I laughed, turning back to the boy. By the face, he was a
White Tiger, with black stripes. Toby was a jungle tiger, I knew,
with orange and black stripes. Kit was like Katherine, a
Balinese feline.
“I am Tiger White Snow.” He bowed. “And you are?”
“Ariana Reading.” I told him. The name sounded strange
on my lips. “You may call me Young Guardian.”
Tiger White gasped. “You are Young Guardian? Mother
and Father have been talking about you since I was born. They
think very highly of you.”
He sounded so mature for such a young Companion child.
“Never mind him, Young Guardian.” Toby laughed. “He
only tries to impress Elders.”
“He thinks it makes him sound smarter.” Kit ruffled Tiger
White’s head.
“Let him be who he is, Kit.” I laughed. “I think it’s
“Adorable is one way I wished not to sound.” Tiger White
blushed, murmuring under his breath. He noticed Celine and
ran to her.
The five of us let the Young Companions go play while we
caught up on things.
I sighed, and then hugged Kit and Toby. “How have you
two been? It seems so long ago I’d been here last!”
“As you see, soon after we wed, we had Tiger White.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos138

“The same time Wolf and I had Celine.” Katherine

interrupted her sister.
“What of Marie and Panther?” I asked my friends. “Last I
knew, Marie was pregnant, and Panther saw the birth in his
“You have been gone a long time.” Toby teased.
“Well, I have been Earthbound, you know.” I told him
seriously. “Living my life, going to school, raising my children.
I’ve been pretty busy.”
“So busy, you are unable to fulfill your duties to Lord
Guardian?” Katherine asked, warning me.
I gulped. “I’ll talk to him about that later. For now, about
Panther and Marie?”
“Their daughter Destiny is so beautiful.” Kit spoke up.
“Nearly as you were when you were a child.” Katherine
added. “Or even as the Enchanted Child was when she was
“What does she look like?” I asked, curious. “More like
Panther or Marie?”
“She is a special child.” Toby replied. “She has the
Unicorn Magic from Marie, but is headstrong and serious, like
“Destiny has long, white-blond human hair, but the face
and tail of a black feline.” Kit told me.
“You should see her eyes.” Katherine took my hand and
said. “Violet, as her mother’s.”
“Half-cat, half-human.” I said with a smile. “Also
“Do not be fooled.” Wolf warned. “She is no ordinary child.
Destiny Grey can do very extraordinary things.”
I laughed. “I believe you! I believe you!” I cried. “What
made them name her ‘Destiny’?”
“To tell the truth, I believe it were you.”
I was impressed. “Me?”
“You were the one to get them together once again.” Kit
replied seriously.
I shook my head. “They did that on their own.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos139

“It were you who met a Young Dreamer named Mark. You
were also the one to meet a ghost from the Epsilon at the
Parker Mansion, reaching out for help.” Katherine told me.
The day I met Mark came into my mind. It was the same
instant I met the strange blond-white ghost I knew now as
Bonnie Marie.
“You’re right, Kat.” I gave up. “What about me made them
name her “Destiny’?”
“Your own.” Katherine said softly.
“It were destiny for us all to be Crusaders, as well as for
them to meet.” Wolf took Katherine’s hand and squeezed it.
“By them meeting each other, and falling in love once
again,” I began, “their own destinies have been fulfilled. Now,
with their daughter, a new life has begun for them.”
“For us all.” Kit supplied.
I thought back to the mall conversation with Luna. “We’re
not children anymore, Companions. We’re all adults, growing
up and having children of our own. New lives have begun for
us, and it’s up to us, as Crusaders and Companions, to live it
to its fullest.”
The kits and Wolf looked at me, smiling.
“Your words ring true, my Young Guardian.” Wolf replied.
“You sound so wise now.”
“You would be wise too, if you had grown up as she had.”
Katherine told him, sneaking a look at me.
“We may be Elders now,” I told them, “But that doesn’t
mean we have to stop being friends.”
“Friends visit as often as they can.” Kit announced.
“Friends are always there for each other when wonderful
things happen.” Toby said after her.
“Friends care, and share what is in their hearts.” Kat
I realized what they were doing. “If you guys are trying to
make me feel guilty for not being there when your own children
were born, it already worked.”
Katherine giggled, as did Toby, Kit, and Wolf with her.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me jump,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos140

“What seems to be so funny here?” Panther’s laughing

voice spoke up.
I smiled at him. “We were just talking about friendship.”
“Ah, the most wonderful word – and feeling – a
Companion like me could ever have.” Panther laughed. He
hugged my shoulders. “How are you, my Young Guardian – oh,
I’m sorry, Ariana.”
I shook my head. “Fine. How are Destiny and Marie?” I
asked him.
He turned red at the mention of them.
“You’ve heard already, have you?” He teased. “I wonder
who told you?”
“Our Companion friends, that’s who,” I replied. “Well?” I
“Destiny is doing fine, as is Marie. You’ll meet her at
another time. They’re both busy training.”
I looked to Katherine, who grinned. “Training? You mean,
Marie still isn’t a full Companion, yet?”
Kat shook her head. “She is still in the beginning stages of
the Unicorn Magic. Once she and Destiny grasp the feel for it,
and learn to control it, they will be tested. If they pass my test,
they will have to be tutored by the Elemental Mistresses
Kit nodded. “Even we have not been able to pass their
rough tests.”
“You were born Companions.” I reminded them. “You
didn’t have to take them, did you?”
“I don’t know about the kits, but I had to.” Wolf replied. “I
guess it is to show loyalty to Lord Guardian O’Dell and the
Mystic Sisters.”
“I still don’t understand.” I told them, confused. “All four
of you were born Companions. Why did you have to take tests
to prove your loyalty to Lord Guardian?”
“Wolf and I grew up as Warriors, taken from our families
during the Wars to be a part of Sabrina’s army.” Toby said
softly. “We had to prove we were worthy of their trust.”
Katherine nodded. “Kit and I, growing up with uncle
Orthos, were punished every time we tried to use our hidden
Magic. Whenever a good thought went through our heads, and
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos141

the Dominionites were listening, they would tell Orthos and

“More than once I have feared for my childhood.” Kit
replied. “That is why I felt safer being mean then nice. I saw
what was happening to Kat, how she was lonely and shunned
from Dominionite society. I did not want that for myself, so I
played the role of a mean kitten.”
“Well, the past is left in the past, and the future is here for
us to live.” I replied, which put a smile back on Kit’s lips.
“We are all still learning, not just Marie, you know.”
Panther said softly, glancing at me.
His eyes – gray, yet caring – told me a tale I didn’t want
to hear. “May I speak with you, alone, Panther?” I asked, and
the kits looked at us.
Panther nodded his head in respect, not meeting my eyes.
“Certainly, Young Guardian.”
“If you’ll excuse me.” I told the four Companions, and they
nodded their approval, so I left them.
“Why don’t we take a walk in the Wood?” I suggested,
starting to walk.
Panther agreed and followed my lead. “Is there something
the matter, Young Guardian?”
I looked at him. He still wore the necklace I gave him
during the Crusades. “Do you remember your Earthbound life
He looked down. “Just glimpses. Not much else. Why?”
I stopped and took his necklace in my hands. I smiled at
it. “Do you remember where you got this?”
“From you, in the Crusades against Sabrina.” He
supplied, taking it from my hands. He examined it. “It holds
some of your power in it, you know.”
I nodded. “Yes, I know. Do you know why?”
“Any Magic a Mystic or Wizard uses on an object stays on
that object as a part of their aura trace.” He replied. “Do you
have a point?”
I grinned at him. “Do you know the real meaning behind
my gift?”
Panther looked at it once again, then back at me sadly.
“Is it a gift of love and protection?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos142

In one way, he was right.

At the time, I had loved him so much. Almost tearing my
heart away from Derrick enough to want to stay with Mark
instead of leaving to meet my family. “You could say that, yes.”
I huffed. I began to walk again, thinking of my words before I
said them.
“I still have a place in my heart for you, Panther.” I told
him. “I’m glad you’re happy for me, and I’m happy for you and
Marie, too, but there’s always going to be an empty spot in my
heart where Mark died, and you lived.” I looked at him. “Do
you know what I’m saying?”
We stopped in our tracks and he took my hand. “If it
weren’t for you, I would never have reunited with Marie in the
first place. I understand what you’re saying, though, and it
goes double for me.”
Softly, he kissed me on the lips. I read his mind and saw
a feeling of a special friendship that not even Aaron and I
“You’re always going to be special to me, Ariana.” Panther
whispered. “Now that Marie is my betrothed, and our love
grows daily for one another, we have to stop pretending to
have something that’ll never be there.”
“I know you’ll never love me as you do Marie.” I told him,
staring into his gray eyes. “I just wanted to let you know that I
still care about you in a different way then Derrick, or Aaron.
No matter what, we’re always going to be Crusaders together.”
“I guess you can call me a Companion now.” Panther
“Yeah, you are a Companion.” I replied, and then thought
of what Panther did for us during the last Crusade through
time. “If I had the power, I’d give you anything you wished for,
just to show you my gratitude.”
He looked away, his face turning sad. Panther began to
walk away, and I had to race after him. “What did I do?”
“You helped reacquaint the Crusaders.” I told him. “You
put your feelings for me aside to get Derrick and I back together
again. If it weren’t for you, we may still be trapped in time.”
He didn’t say anything, playing with the necklace.
“Look at me.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos143

He continued to look away.

“As your Young Guardian, I order you to look at me.” I told
him sternly.
He did so, and frowned at me.
“Panther Grey, you were a special guy in my life while
you were alive, and you are an even more special Companion
now.” I told him.
“I’m not special, Ariana, and you know it.” Panther began.
“I’m just a guy looking out for his Young Guardian. That’s it.”
“No, that’s not it.” I showed him the dream-catcher he had
given me shortly before I’d left to meet my family. “Do you
remember this?”
He stared at it, taking it in his hands. “Not really.”
Of all the things he’d done for me in his life, he’d forgotten
one of the most important things.
I had to do it. I took his hand with my free one, and the
necklace in the other. Closing my eyes, I put the scene in his
mind of when he gave it to me. I made sure to include all of the
things he’d felt when he gave it to me.
He gasped and pulled his hand away angrily. “Never do
that to me again.” He growled, hissing. His gray eyes turned a
very vicious yellow, and I stepped back.
“I had no choice, Panther. You know that.” I told him. “I
had to make you remember.”
He scowled at me. “Why now? Why remind me of my
horrible Earthbound existence?”
I didn’t know why, but I quickly came up with something.
“To help you grow.” I said simply.
“What?” He asked.
“When I first reunited with Kelly, I was made to remember
all the horrid things I’d gone through in my own childhood.” I
told him. “I had to learn to forgive myself for things I could not
control. You couldn’t control the fact you were adopted. You
couldn’t control the fact Caroline and Bonnie Marie fought.”
He was silent, listening.
“As much as you think, you couldn’t have stopped both
Marie and Father Parker from dying.” I said softly. “It was
destiny. Bonnie Marie had to die, Mark.” I used his Earthbound
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos144

name, to get him to remember the times. “If she hadn’t died,
none of this would be happening right now.”
“I just wish I could’ve done something.” Panther
What amazed me was his black panther exterior was
changing. His fur turned and he was human once again. Black
hair, black eyes, pale skin. Mark Samuel Grey had returned,
even if for a short while.
Panther-Mark looked at me with tears in his eyes. “I loved
her when I wasn’t supposed to.”
I felt for him, and hugged him while I let his tears flow.
Tears clouded my eyes, too.
I was making a difference in a new Companion’s life, just
as I have been doing with my own three children.
His tears died down, with him changing back once again.
I don’t think he noticed the change, though, and I wasn’t about
to say anything to him until he brought it up first.
Panther looked at me once the tears disappeared. He
hugged me tight. “Thank you, Young Guardian.”
I shrugged, sniffing back my own tears. “I didn’t do
He nodded his head, insistent. “Yes, you did.”
“What did I do?” I asked him.
He smiled a smile I would never forget. It was loving,
caring and compassionate at the same time.
“You helped me grow.” Panther whispered, a tiny smile
sneaking on his lips.

I returned home to my cozy, warm bed next to Derrick. I
felt echoes of tears slip off my nose and on to my pillow.
Derrick stirred beside me. Through the Pendant, he felt
my arousal.
“What’s wrong, Love?” He whispered into my ear.
I turned to him and tried to grin. “Nothing, darling. Go
back to sleep.”
Without arguing, he kissed me and turned around once
I got out of bed and slipped my glasses on my face.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos145

First, I headed to Kelly’s room, where she was sound

asleep. Or, at least, I thought she was. I heard her talking
aloud, and understood her words.
“I love you, Momma.”
It may have been a grumble, but I’d heard it loud and
clear. “I love you, too.” I whispered, sending her the telepathic
message as I closed the door behind me.
The house was quiet, and all that could be heard was the
ticking of the old Grandfather Clock downstairs in the
I tiptoed to the twins’ room, barely making a sound as I
walked in to check on them.
Mark-Antony, who never really slept well anyway, was
fast asleep. At last.
Andrew, once he heard the door click open, snapped his
eyes awake. He sat up, not making a sound in order not to
disturb his brother.
He looked at me with his silver-blue eyes. I picked him
up. “What’s up, my Andrew James?” I whispered, taking him
out and sitting on the rocker with him.
To my surprise, I heard his little voice in my mind.
So many things, Mother.
So, my first son was telepathic too?
“Where did you learn to do that?” I asked him softly.
From you. I have your Magic.
“Of course, you’re part Mystic yourself.” I whispered.
“How long have you known?”
Since I was born. Mark doesn’t like it, but I find it fun.
I grinned, kissing him on the cheek and hugging him.
“Andrew James, we both have a lot to learn.”
Good night, Mother. He sent as he closed his eyes and
began to suck his thumb.
I held him close to my chest and shut my own eyes.
In moments, I was asleep with Andrew in my arms. It felt
good to know I was somebody’s mother.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos146

Story #3
New Friends and Magic

An entire month goes by, and life begins to return to

normal. Each night, O’Dell beckoned me to his Castle for my
own Guardianship training. There was a lot more to learn
than I ever imagined. Being the Young Guardian was only
going to get harder, but it was worth it. I cared a lot for the
Young Dreamers of the world, and the Dream Realm’s
Companions were slowly getting used to me being in charge,
at times when O’Dell couldn’t. I was beginning to gain the
respect of all Dream Realm Companions, whether old
Dominionites, or Provincials, or from Lord Maximaniac’s
domain, the Grey Area.
In the Outer Realm, the real world, I was getting into the
routine of being a mother, housewife, night school student,
sister, aunt, and best friend. My life had always been full of
ups and downs, but marriage had definitely taught me a few
things more. Kelly and Bradley stuck together like glue, once
adding Kelly’s new best friend, Cara Richardson, in on her
little secret. She was never alone, and that made me happy.
Derrick was now a full-fledged Police Cadet-in-training with
Shane at the Hill View Police Academy, taking part-time
positions as officers with the city’s own department. Knowing
what detecting and policing was all about, I wondered about
my husband sometimes. I knew he could take care of himself,
because he’d often done some excruciating things to take care
of me so long ago.
Aaron was offered a position with my father at Reading
Industries. Father would teach him all he needed to know
about electrical repair, and the best part of it all, Aaron really
enjoyed working with the computers! When I saw what he was
doing at the plant in Raleigh, a town near Hill View, I couldn’t
believe my eyes. All the technology was enough to make Chips
and Jamie at the System faint! They’d be in heaven!
So far, the only neighbors that had really come over were
my own sister and the twins, Aimee and Aaron. I didn’t mind,
but was terribly lonely. I wanted to meet new people, do
exciting new things, go places and learn lots of cool stuff. The
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos147

only thing I had to keep me sane, besides my own children,

were the nightly classes at the University. I was majoring in
Teaching with a minor in Human Psychology. The textbooks
alone were enough to make my head spin, but I loved learning
it all. My photographic-memory was improving, and I no
longer had to use it to remember things. Instead, I studied
how the human mind worked in its many mysterious ways,
just by studying late at night.
One night in particular, I had just begun my Psychology
homework when I heard the doorbell ring. My head was
hurting anyway from studying it so hard, I decided to take a
break and answer it.
When I opened the door, I saw a couple, standing with
their three children.
I blinked my eyes, just to make sure I wasn’t seeing
“Hello, may I help you?” I asked them.
The light-brown-haired woman spoke up. The air about
her reminded me of a younger Evelyn Reading. Style and
sophistication. I got a quick empathic sense, telling me she
was harmless, and sweet to boot. “I’m sorry we never got a
chance to introduce ourselves when you first moved in.” She
held her hand out to me, and I took it. “I’m Alicia Edwards.
This is my husband Corwin, and our children,” she pointed to
the older girl, with big brown eyes and curly chocolate-brown
hair. “Our oldest, Cassandra,” she tapped the two younger
children. To me, they looked like Aaron and Aimee, except
their hair was darker. “And our twins, Steven and Elizabeth.”
“Come in, Mrs. Edwards.” I replied, nervous already. “I’m
Ariana Reading. My husband Derrick and daughter Kelly
aren’t home right now. My one-year-old twin boys are sleeping
in the nursery.” I escorted them in, shutting the door behind
Nothing about them told me they had anything against
me, or my family. That, in itself, was odd.
I cleared my throat. “Would you like something to
Mr. Edwards looked at his wife, then back at me. “No
thanks. I have but one request.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos148

I stared at him, his green eyes covered by eyeglasses,

auburn-sun-shone-hair thinning and graying in some areas.
“Yes, sir?”
To my surprise, he smiled. “Call me Cory, and my wife,
Alicia. I find it hard to greet new neighbors by our surnames
I smiled. “No problem.” I began to relax, and turned to
the children. “How old are you?”
Cassandra, with her curly hair in a ponytail, snapped
her gum at me, and then smiled. “I’m eleven.”
Little Steven stared at me, amazed for some reason.
“Lizzie and I are eight.”
Eight? “Do either of you know my daughter, Kelly
Steven smiled, nodding. “She’s weird, but funny.”
“She’s amazing, and pretty.” Elizabeth repeated after her
brother. “So are you.”
I laughed with my hand on my chest. “Why, thank you.
You’re a pretty girl yourself.”
Elizabeth blushed, and curtseyed. “Thank you, Ma’am.”
Alicia laughed. “That’s enough, Elizabeth.” She looked at
me with the kindest of eyes. Her whole face lit up with joy.
“We would have come over bearing gifts of one of my famous
casseroles, but I hadn’t had the time.”
“That’s okay.” I told her. “Mother left me plenty of recipes
to work with. Besides that, I have a whole cookbook of ideas
in my head, just waiting to come out.”
“Wouldn’t that be messy, Momma?” I heard Kelly’s voice
from behind the Edwards’.
I looked up and smiled. “No, Kelly. Come here, please.”
She obeyed, and saw the younger twins. As usual,
Bradley was with her. “Hey, Steve, Lizzie.” She supplied.
“Wanna play in my room with me?”
“Sure!” Elizabeth said brightly, and then turned to her
mother. “Can I, Mommy?”
“Go ahead, but behave.” Mrs. Edwards smiled.
“Cassandra, go with them and watch the twins, please?”
With a small groan, she said. “Yes, Mom.” And headed in
the direction of the four new friends.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos149

“You know, your older sister Annabelle used to watch the

twins and Cassandra for us sometime ago.” Cory replied,
sitting on the couch in the living room. Alicia sat next to him,
and I sat on the armchair.
“Really?” I asked. “I would have thought differently.”
I would have thought they, too, would listen to ugly
rumors about us that weren’t true.
“Sherrie, Sue, and I were always good friends, even in
high school.” Alicia replied. “She’s the one to introduce me to
“A year after high school, we eloped.” Cory held the hand
of his wife and gave her a knowing look. “We’ve been married
for twelve years.”
I was astonished. “Congratulations.” I supplied, smiling.
“I hope Derrick and I last that long.”
“I’m sure we will, honey.” I heard my own husband’s
voice behind me, giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Even
longer, if necessary.”
He sat beside me.
“Derrick, this is–”
“Alicia and Corwin Edwards. Nice to see you again.”
“Good to see you, too, Derrick.” Alicia grinned. “How is
your mother?”
“Pretty good. She’s happy and content, at last.” Derrick
grinned back at her.
I stared at them.
“Don’t look so shocked, Ariana.” Derrick laughed at me.
“The Edwards’ were always one of the best families in lower
Hill View.”
I laughed lightly. “I guess you know everybody, huh?”
He pecked me on the cheek, making me blush. “I’ve
known them all my life. All thanks to my wonderful
businessman of a father.”
“I can only imagine what it was like to grow up around a
peaceful neighborhood full of kind, caring people.” I said,
thinking of my short-lived past.
Alicia looked confused. “You didn’t grow up with your
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos150

I looked down at my lap. “No.” I said sadly. “I grew up in

an orphanage in Shore Point, California. The Schmidt twins,
Aimee and Aaron, who live next door, they grew up with me.” I
closed my eyes, wanting to cry, but didn’t.
Alicia and Corwin looked at each other. Derrick hugged
me. “That life is over. You’ve got a loving family now, just
remember that.”
I looked at him. “You’re right, Derrick. What’s in the past
should stay there. No use crying over something I can’t do
anything about now.”
Derrick grinned, and then turned to our new neighbors.
“We met in Shore Point High School.” He lied to them. “From
the first time we met, we knew it was love.”
I went along with the lie, not wanting to tell our
neighbors the truth of the System. “He helped me find my true
family, later surprising me by letting me meet them.”
“She never even knew about her own twin until she was
eighteen!” Derrick cried. It wasn’t a complete lie. That part
was true.
“Oh, you mean, Mrs. Morehouse, across the street?”
Corwin asked. “Now that I think of it, you two do look like
“We’re identical.”
“So are our three boys, believe it or not.” Derrick said.
“Have you shown Alicia the twins, yet?”
I shook my head. “I didn’t want to wake them.”
My motherly instincts told me it was time to check on
them, anyway, so I let Alicia Edwards follow me to the boys’
When I opened the door, I saw Andrew standing in his
crib, arms stretched out to me. “Ma,” he cried, fresh tears
coming from his eyes down his cheeks.
“I’m here, my Andrew James.” I whispered. “Want to help
me with Mark-Antony?”
I picked him up, and soon, his brother was awake, too.
Alicia picked Mark-Antony up. I let her change him while I
changed Andrew.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos151

“I’m sorry if I forced any bad memories to resurface.”

Alicia whispered, placing Mark back in, letting him fall asleep
once again.
I kept Andrew in my arms after changing him, just for a
moment. “It’s okay. I needed to remember.”
“Whatever for?”
“So I don’t make the same mistakes to my children as
Mrs. Gertrude in the Orphanage did to me.” I replied.
She gasped.
“What’s wrong?”
“Mrs. Gertrude, of the Hill Crest Orphanage?” Alicia
I placed Andrew back in the crib, where he took a minute
to fall asleep again.
When we left the room, I shut the door quietly behind
“Yeah. I was one of her orphans, as were Aimee and
Aaron.” I told her. “In fact, so was Kelly and Bradley for a
while, but they never knew each other until we all reunited.”
Alicia stared at me. “Wow, I’m sure you have quite a
story to tell yourself.”
You don’t know the half of it.
“Yeah. I’d say that.” I smiled at her.
Alicia laughed, and then settled her face into a serious
expression. “You know, don’t listen to the Whiteheads, Ariana.
They’re the worst kind of people. Don’t even listen to Caroline
Parker, either.”
I perked up. “What’s wrong with Caroline? Shortly before
I reunited with my own family, I lived with hers. Her adopted
brother Mark was the perfect gentleman.”
Alicia was the one to frown sadly. “Yes, Mark Grey was
young when he died. Though,” she looked at me. “No one ever
really knew the cause of death.”
No one but the Crusaders, I wanted to say, but had to
keep that part of myself a secret from my new neighbors.
“As for Caroline, well, if you lived with her, you know
her.” Alicia said. “She’s kind of a snob, too, but mean as
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos152

“She’s still my adopted sister, you know.” I told Alicia

straight-out. Why was I defending her? “She’s changed since
Mark died. She’s not as mean or angry at herself anymore.”
“What do you mean, angry at herself? From what I knew,
Caroline Parker was a selfish, self-centered little brat that got
her own way all the time. How can she be angry at herself?”
“Did you ever know her older sister, Bonnie Marie?” I
asked her.
Alicia was saddened again. I could feel it.
“Everyone knew her. She was the only Parker whom
everyone in Hill View loved. She loved everyone, and was the
perfect daughter, friend, and sister.” Alicia replied. “Such a
tragic end to a young life, I’d say.”
I knew the story of Bonnie Marie, now my Companion
friend in the Dream Realm.
“Well, Mother Parker told me her story, of how she died
and such, shortly after I arrived. Just so I’d know what I was
getting into.” I saw Alicia smile a little. “Mother Parker told me
Caroline always detested the attention their father gave to
Bonnie Marie. To Caroline, Father Parker loved Bonnie more
than her, so she turned into a holy terror. As I see it, from
Mark’s eyes as well, Caroline was mad at Ariana shortly before
she ran away. When she heard the news her sister was dead,
Caroline couldn’t believe it. To this day, she still hasn’t
forgiven herself for being so selfish.”
Alicia Edwards looked shocked. “My, you’re observant.”
“No, just nosy.” I told her, giving her a nudge. “Come on;
let’s get back to our loving husbands before they miss us.”
Alicia laughed, and was back in good spirits in no time.
By the time ten o’clock rolled around, the children had
grown bored and tired. They had fallen asleep in Kelly’s room,
playing a board game. I didn’t want to wake them, but knew
the Edwards’ had to be going home.
As Corwin carried his twin children in his burly arms,
Alicia stopped by the door to say. “You know, for a young
mother, I believe you know how to handle yourself.”
I grinned. “Thanks, Alicia. I’ve gotten plenty of practice
growing up. Then again, that’s another story left for another
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos153

She grinned back, turning to escort a sleepy Cassandra

out the door, back home.
I tried to get to my homework again, after sending
Bradley to bed next door and tucking Kelly in her own bed.
Somehow, my mind whirled, thinking about whoever the
Whiteheads really were.
I had no choice but to find out sooner or later.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos154

Story #4:
Mysterious Warnings

A week later, with things in life getting more hectic, I had

strange visitors. When the doorbell rang, I ran to answer it.
I opened it to find three women, all dressed in black
robes. Each had a pentacle-necklace around her neck. They
had small leather pouches dangling from cords that hung
from their waists.
“Ariana Reading?” The one in the middle replied. She
had red hair hanging down her front in a long braid and
bright blue eyes.
“It’s her! I know it!” The one on her left cried, jumping.
She had blond hair tied up in a bun, with green eyes that
“Be quiet Fay.” The third scolded. “This may be Aluna
Morehouse, so don’t jump to conclusions.”
“Hi.” I said finally finding my words. I pointed to the
woman in the middle. “She’s right. I am Ariana Reading. What
can I do for you ladies?”
The red-head supplied seriously. “I am Darlene
Bennington, head of the Pagan Counsel of Hill View and High
Priestess to our coven, Magick of the Blue Moon. May we come
I’d never heard of it, but didn’t sense anything bad about
them. “Sure, come in.” I gestured them in.
“Sorry to burst in like this, but we have an urgent matter
to discuss with you.” Darlene told me.
“Something bad is going to happen to your daughter.”
The blond announced.
I stared. “Stop kidding around like that. It’s not funny.”
“We know. It’s totally serious.” Darlene replied. “We are
fully prepared to do anything at all to help out.”
“If you don’t understand us right away, it’s okay.” The
third said. She had black hair with a red stripe down the side.
She held her hand out for me to take. “I’m Tiara King. I’m sure
you know what Paganism is, right?”
I shook my head no, taking it.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos155

“A Witch.” The blond said brightly. “I’m Fay Barnes,

Secondary Ritual Pagan.”
“What does that mean?” I asked.
“She’s still learning.” Tiara supplied, rolling her eyes.
“When my sister Darlene had a vision of you in the bonfire, we
knew we had to step in.”
“Pagans take care of each other, and of those like us.”
Darlene replied.
“You’re witches?” I asked, unbelieving. “There’s no such
Tiara shook her head. “Pagans to be exact.”
Darlene spoke up. “Sure there are. We’re all the same,
you know. Mystics and Pagans that is. We each have a kind of
inner mystery we like to call magic.” Darlene supplied. “Of
course, the second-most powerful family in Hill View – besides
the Mystics – are the Benningtons, which I am one of, as is
my daughter Rhiannon.”
“My son Audrey is Pagan, too.” Fay spoke up.
“As is my daughter Arianrhod.” Tiara said.
“Ladies?” I asked, wanting them to get to the point. “Is
there a point to this conversation?”
I didn’t mean to sound harsh, but I was tired of dealing
with new people right now. My mind and Magic needed to
rest, and I had the urge to scream.
“Please, Ariana. Calm down.” Tiara said, placing a hand
on my shoulder. She reached in the pocket and handed me a
card with their names on it.
“We wanted to tell you of us before you found out for
yourself.” Darlene said. “Us Magic Practitioners have to stick
“We won’t steer you wrong.” Fay sounded serious before
the trio left.
I only hoped what they said was wrong.


Two months later, as Kelly and Bradley were in school,

and Derrick and Shane were working with the Hill View Police
Force, Aimee helped me with the twins. Luna came over with
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos156

Caleb as well. The four of us, plus Aaron, kept each other
company. One day, Aimee noticed the vanity in my room.
“Where did you get this?” Aimee asked.
I grinned at her. “Put your hand to the pane and close
your eyes.”
“Just trust me.” I told her. She was helping me fold the
laundry, while Aaron was with the twins downstairs.
Shrugging, Aimee put her palm to the pane, closing her
eyes. In moments, she was gone.

I did the same thing, and ended up in the Dream Realm’s

Jungle Kingdom. I’d only been here twice before in my youth,
and Aimee had been with me.
“How did we get here?” She asked. “How do we get
I couldn’t wait to tell her. “Before I answer that, I want
you to do something.”
“Now what?” Aimee asked dreadfully.
“Walk over to that tree, then come back to me.” I
Shrugging again, Aimee did what I’d told her.
When she turned around, she saw the glowing white
shape where she’d come in.
She grinned. “I get it. Our aura trace, right?”
“Yours alone.” I told her. “I haven’t moved, yet. I’ll tell you
more about it back home. Let’s go.”
“Do the same thing we used to do as Young Dreamers.
Step through your aura trace.” I told her. “You’ll return home in
no time.”
“You are something else, you know that?” Aimee teased
me with a laugh.
I shrugged innocently. “It’s a gift. Now, let’s go.”
She walked up to me, deliberately missing her aura trace.
“Don’t you have to move, too?”
I shook my head. “Nope. All I have to do is close my eyes
and think of home.”
Aimee took my hand. “Lead the way.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos157

In seconds, we were home again, thrown from the Mirror.

She shook her head, finding herself on the floor. I was

standing up beside her.
“What was that?” She asked me, standing.
“That, dear Aimee, was my own Mystic Mirror.” I replied
proudly. “The Sisters gave it to me for all the hard work I’d
done for them against Orthos.”
She shook her head, this time in amazement. “Let’s go
find Aaron and Lu. They’ve got to know about this.”
I grinned. “Luna has one, too. Oh –” I remembered
something and gasped. “You know the ring you gave me when
Derrick and I got married?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
I showed her the ring, then the Jewels Amulet. “I haven’t
taken it off since. For me, it’s a form of power; along with the
new Necklace Lord O’Dell gave me.”
“You’re getting all sorts of gifts, Ariana.” Aimee sounded
a little jealous. “Makes me wish I were a Mystic.”
I grinned at her. “In a way, you are.”
“Oh, right. The Over-Seer thing.” Aimee replied.
“Not only that, but the Pact.” I reminded her. I showed
her the inside of my wrist, and then gestured to hers. “Do you
remember what you felt when the Musketeers made the blood
“Energy, flowing through my system.” Aimee replied,
fingering the tiny scar. “The next day was the first time I was
actually able to talk to the animals. I felt rejuvenated in some
way, like you gave me some of your Magic or something.”
I nodded. “See? That’s the Unicorn Magic in your system.
Besides, you did help Luna and I figure out the Dark Magic.” I
reminded her. “That must mean something.”
Aimee grinned at that. She shook her head. “Think we
can do this a little faster?”
“You mean, like this?” I stared at the folded clothes and
pointed where I wanted them to go.
“Your Magic’s growing.” Aimee told me. “Come on, let's go
tell them.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos158

I nodded. After the laundry put away using telekinesis,

Aimee and I headed downstairs to find Aaron playing a game
with the twins.
“Hey, Aaron.” We chorused.
He looked up for a moment, an excited look on his face.
Jumping up, but watching where he was going, he stood up.
“You’ll never guess, Ariana. It’s simply amazing.”
“So is the Mystic Mirror in her room.” Aimee told her
He shook his head. “I’ll get to that in a minute. I want to
show you something.”
Aaron picked up Andrew James and showed him to me.
“Go ahead, Andrew. Do it again.”
“What?” I asked, crossing my arms. “What did he do?”
Andrew, not even a year old, yet, grinned at me, a
sparkle in his silver-blue eyes.
“Just watch.” Aaron insisted. “Go on, do it. Make the ball
come to you, Andrew.”
“I don’t believe you, Aaron.” I heard Luna’s voice giggle
from behind me. When I turned, I saw she had her son in her
hands. “He’s only a baby. He can’t do anything, yet.”
“Who says he can do anything at all?” I asked, but
secretly knew about his telepathy.
“He did it – I swear.” Aaron replied. He handed Andrew to
me and I shared a look with my own twin.
“Sure he did.” Aimee teased him.
“I sat here and watched him.” Aaron said, and then
looked over to where Mark-Antony was playing with some
blocks. “Or was it him?” He shook his head. “I don’t know
which one actually did it, but I saw it with my own eyes.”
“What did you see?” Luna asked him, playing along. We
were going to humor him.
“One of your twin sons looked at the red ball over there,
and reached his hands out to retrieve it.”
I gasped sarcastically. He was too much. “No. You don’t
“This is serious, Ariana. I mean it.” Aaron replied.
“You’ve got to believe me.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos159

I looked at his eyes, which were serious. “Okay,” I said

after a minute. “I believe you. At any rate, have they eaten,
“That one has,” Aaron pointed to Mark-Antony, “but that
one won’t. He refuses.”
“Picky eater, huh?” I asked Andrew. He grinned, making
me smile. “You’ll eat for me, won’t you?”
As if understanding me, he nodded.
“You mean to tell me you can tell them apart?” Luna
asked. “I mean, they’re identical.”
I nodded. “Just like us, and Mother and Aunt Sharon,
and also Gramma Dixie and Great-Aunt Dorianne.” I told her.
“I’ve always been able to tell them apart. They are my sons,
you know.”
“How can you tell who’s who?” Aimee asked.
“For one thing, Andrew is more serious and levelheaded
then Mark-Antony.” I pointed out. I put Andrew in the playpen
and picked up Mark-Antony. “Meanwhile, Mark-Antony is
wilder than his brother. Get it?”
“Andrew is quiet, while Mark is hyper.” Luna said. “Yeah,
Caleb’s like that, too. He’s more like Andrew, though.
Sometimes, he’ll test me by acting like Mark-Antony – wild
and out of control.”
“It’s kind of funny the three of them are so identical.”
Aaron spoke up as I placed both Mark-Antony and Caleb in
the playpen with Andrew.
Aimee giggled.
“What’s so funny?” I asked her.
“Oh, nothing.” Luna replied. “Just think – when they get
older, they’ll try to switch.”
“The twins, I can imagine.” I replied.
“What if all three of them wanted to switch?” Luna
asked. “I’d be horrified.”
“Not as horrified as I’m going to be if we don’t get this
house cleaned up before the guys get home.” I playfully chided
them. “I’ll put the twins and Caleb in the nursery, while the
three of you figure out how we’re going to do this.”
“The kids should be home soon.” Aaron announced,
looking at his watch. “As soon as we’re done here, why don’t I
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos160

take Kelly for the evening? That way, Derrick can rest, and
you can go to school tonight?”
I stared at him. “I’d like that, thanks.”
“What are best friends for?” He asked, grinning. He
kissed my cheek. I could tell he was feeling better since our
little talk.
It took practically forever for us to clean the house the
Earthbound way. I thought it was fun without the Magic,
because I didn’t get tired so fast.
Once the kids came home, Kelly went straight to
Bradley’s house next door with Aimee and Aaron. Luna was
watching the twins and Caleb in another room when I finished
with the housework. As I dusted a picture of my family, I
stopped and stared at it.
Mother and Father were in the middle of the entire
brood. Anna, Mary Ellen, Kevin, Claudia, Christopher,
Antony, and Luna and I. We looked like such a happy family. I
smiled, thinking how the picture had been taken shortly
before I’d blown up like a balloon from being pregnant with
the twins. Kelly was in the picture, too.
I closed my eyes and had a vision.
I saw as Mother was performing a ritual spell in a
separate room. I watched as the stones around her neck
glowed bright, her hands in the air, calling out the chant in the
old Ancient Mystic Language. I didn’t know what she was
saying, but could tell it was powerful.
She sensed me watching, because she looked right at me!
It was at that moment, when our eyes met, I was tapped
awake from the vision.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I heard Derrick’s
teasing voice in my ear.
I turned to him. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m
cleaning house.” I pretended to straighten up the trio of
pictures on the mantle of the fireplace. I set the family picture
down, saying. “There, all clean.”
“You’re supposed to be resting, remember?” He asked me
with a quick kiss.
“From what? Nothing’s happened, yet.” I told him.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos161

He stared at me. “That’s funny. I could have sworn I felt

you use Magic earlier.”
“You felt it?” I whispered, grinning. “The Pendant.
Enchantra did say it would gain more power for you.”
Derrick shrugged. “Well, did you?”
“Use Magic?”
“Answer the question.” He said simply.
“Yes, I did. Aimee and I were so excited after our quick
trip though the Mirror, I decided to fold the laundry with
He nodded. “Oh. I see. Okay then. As long as
everything’s alright.”
That was strange. He’d never acted like this before. Was
he always going to question me on my use of Magic?
“Yes. It is.” I said. I wanted to change the subject, so I
headed to the twins’ nursery to check on them.
“Where’s Kelly?” Derrick asked, following me.
“With Aaron and Aimee.” I told him in a whisper,
motioning him to be quiet. I softly cracked open the door. “See
how your twins are doing.”
He looked, seeing the same thing I did. Andrew and
Mark-Antony were together, side by side. Andrew had his arm
wrapped around his brother’s neck, as if protecting him. I
thought it was sweet.
Derrick looked back at me and smiled, as if nothing had
ever been wrong. He kissed me after I closed the door.
“You know what?” Derrick asked, holding me while
looking in my eyes.
I smiled. “What?”
He kissed me again. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I told him. I tried not to read his mind
as his eyes bored into mine. I didn’t want to betray a sacred
trust like that. Thing is, something was wrong with him, and
he wasn’t talking. I could sense it.
“Come on, I’ll help with dinner.” Derrick announced,
turning toward the kitchen.
I snapped out of my short daze and followed my
Looks like I’d have to talk to him later, too.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos162

A Mystic Celebration – Earthbound Style

January came and went. Derrick and Shane were now a

part of the Police Force, as recruits. The cool Michigan Winter
weather kept me in the house most of the time, which was
good. I was able to be alone with my sons. Kelly was usually
with Bradley and her new best friends from the Academy-
turned-Elementary School. Life was beginning to turn to its
normal routine, with Mother and Anna checking up on us
every now and then. Kevin began to come over for his
nephews more often, which I loved. I liked having an older
brother, joking around and being the basic life of the party.
Soon, Kevin and I became close. Aimee and Aaron were soon
busy with working and finishing their own education. Aimee
had decided to take a day-care class through Ray County
Public Schools. Aaron took a job with Father Reading in my
own Father’s department – Computer Repair. I never knew
Aaron had it in him.
This made me watch Bradley after the kids got out of
school each day. I picked them up every day, taking them
home while the twins rode in the back. Sometimes, in the
Jeep Cherokee I’d had from the Parkers, I’d give Cara
Richardson, Josh Stevenson, Kirsten Farthay, and Samantha
West all rides home. Each set of parents were at first mean to
me, but learned to trust me after a while, and I became the
main car-pool driver.
Each PTA Meeting I went to, I treated it as a chance for
the city to get to know me. By know, all the parents knew
Kelly and Bradley, and found them both adorable. Derrick had
made new friends with the department who were also parents
to some of the Elementary School kids. I even found out an
old friend of mine, Cindy Carmichael – Cool Cat from the
System – was now living in Hill View with her husband and
son. To think, she’d never said a word about either one.
The week of the twins’ (and Caleb’s) birthdays was the
busiest. All the Crusaders were gathering for the party. I had
invited Caroline Parker, but she declined, saying she had too
much to do. Cindy brought over her husband Carl, and son
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos163

Richard, who became fast friends with Bradley and Josh.

Soon, more kids than adults were there, each spending the
night in separate bedrooms. I allowed Kelly to have a slumber
party the night of her twin step-brothers’ and cousin’s
birthday party. The boys, Bradley, Richard, and Josh, found
and played video games all night, so they were out of the way.
The night of the party, I was surprised by a few visitors.
Ding Dong. The doorbell rang, and I left Aimee’s side to
answer it.
When I opened the door, I found the Earthbound
versions of O’Dell, Max, Enchantra, Challandra, Mystica,
Jezebel, Kat, Kit, Wolf, Toby, Panther, Marie, and the three
Young Companions, Celine, Destiny, and Tiger White.
“May we join you for the celebration?” Lord O’Dell
grinned, coming inside.
“Certainly, O’Dell.” I told him. “Come in, Provincians. My
home is now your own.”
“How generous.” Jezebel teased me, kissing my cheek.
“It is a very festive occasion.” Enchantra announced,
once finding the twins in the living-room with the party. She
picked up Andrew. “Hello, Young Andrew James.”
He smiled, giving her a bear hug.
“Where’s Protector Derrick?” Marie asked me.
I grinned. “Marie...” I warned her.
“My apologies.” Marie corrected herself, remembering my
“Derrick is in the den, watching hockey with the other
guys.” I told her. “Even one of Kelly’s friends, Kirsten Farthay,
is with them.”
“She is the ultimate tomboy.” Katherine said. She picked
up Mark-Antony. “Young Mark, I presume?”
Mark-Antony responded by giving her raspberries.
Celine giggled. “He is silly, Mommy.”
Katherine set him back down on the floor.
“Good thing his brother is more mature.” Enchantra
smiled, setting Andrew down next to him.
“Speaking of brothers,” I announced, seeing Kevin from
the corner of my eye. “Here comes mine, now.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos164

“My Lords and Ladies?” Kevin asked. “What are you

doing here?”
“Same as you, I suppose.” Challandra said. “We came for
the celebration of Young Guardian’s sons’ first birthday.”
Kevin smiled. “Yeah, I’m here for that, too.” He turned to
me. “Are you going to help Mother out in the kitchen, or do I
have to do that for you, too?”
“I’ll be there in a moment, Kevin, relax.” I told him. He
left me and I turned back to my Mystic guests.
“We cannot stay long.” Challandra replied.
“We only came to wish them a happy birthday.” O’Dell
“A full Earthly Sun Cycle is quite exciting for a Young
Mystic Child.” Mystica said with a grin.
I nodded. “Well, feel free to do whatever you wish to do.
As I said, my home is yours.”
Soon, after the party died down some, O’Dell, Max and
the Sisters left. All the Companions, minus Katherine, Wolf,
and Celine, had gone back to the Dream Realm with them.
I fed the twins not soon after, with help from Celine and
Kelly. Everyone else had found it was time to leave as well.
This left just the Crusaders and their children at our house.
We sat quietly; talking about how life was getting back to
normal, about everything we’d gone through and learned, and
about how time had flown.
Kelly was now eight, Bradley nine, Aaron, Aimee, Luna,
and I were already twenty-one, Derrick was twenty-two, and
Shane was twenty-three. We were grown up, adults ourselves,
living our own lives aside from our families.
Aaron’s and my conversation about one of the twins’
moving a ball to himself ran through my mind, and I began to
think just how much power my sons would have.
I was watching as Kelly and Celine played with them on
the floor. That’s when I saw it.
Andrew pointed to his favorite Teddy Bear and made it
come to him.
I looked to his brother. Mark-Antony closed his eyes,
opening them again when a toy truck appeared in his hands.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos165

“Did you see that?” I whispered, and all other

conversation stopped.
“What?” Aimee asked.
I pointed to Andrew, and then said. “That. What he just
Aaron smiled. “Our non-believer bears witness to the
remarkable account of power.”
“Shut up, Aaron.” I scolded him. “Kelly, honey, did you
do that?”
She shook her head. “No, Momma. Neither did Celine.”
“Young Andrew did it on his own.” Celine nodded.
I looked to Katherine, then to Derrick. “Do you think?”
“Not yet, Ariana.” Katherine said.
“They are still too young to know.” Wolf told me.
I sighed. “I guess you’re right, guys.”
Derrick took my hand and squeezed it. “Cheer up, Love.
They’ll grow up normally, without others judging them
because they’re different from anybody else.”
I didn’t want that. I wanted to be able to teach my sons
all they had to know about the Magic.
Katherine and Wolf were right, though. They were too
young. It wasn’t time for them to learn, yet. They would soon
be able to learn and grow, magical powers and all.
Being their mother and the Young Guardian, I would be
there to teach them.
I grinned at the Crusaders. All grown up, raising
children and living their lives without having to Crusade to
the Dream Realm.
Almost two years had passed since I married Derrick in
California. A year ago, I’d had the twins, and moved into my
own home with my extended family. In all that time, I’m
surprised Orthos and his own evil-minded children hadn’t
interfered with my life. The Dark Magic hadn’t reared its ugly
head into my thoughts, and I’m grateful for everything I’ve
earned and have is my own at last. My Dream-self told its own
tale, and the simple life’s visions began to repeat themselves
in my head, reminding me of my destiny.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos166

In the year to come, being the Earthbound Young

Guardian of the Dream Realm was going to become that much
harder. I was scared shiftless.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos167


Part One:
New Neighbors

Enemies in the Neighborhood

Not everything was perfect for me back then. As the days

wore on, so did my life and my foreboding thoughts of evil to
Within a month of PTA meetings each week, I began to
be respected as any other parent. I learned most of the
parents were from the Rich District, Derrick’s own
neighborhood. I was introduced to so many people, and
invited to so many parties in no time. Every invitation from a
parent brought me empathic feelings of them feeling sorry for
I didn’t want that. I wasn’t about to demand respect, not
yet anyway. I was the youngest mother there, being I was only
twenty-one. Those who had met Kelly thought she was my
younger sister, and not my own daughter. Those innocently
trying to get to know me saw and commented on how adult I
really was. How grown up I’d become in my young age? They’d
ask, almost impressed. To be a mother to three beautiful
children and still keep my sanity and health amazed them all.
The one thing that bothered me was whenever someone
mentioned the Whiteheads to Derrick. Each time, he’d quickly
change the subject, as if wanting to avoid it entirely. Quick
empathic visions of avoidance over some terrible secret always
came to me from him, leaving me guessing. My loving
husband knew something about the Whiteheads, whoever
they were. I wanted to find out what.
After dinner one night, as Kelly helped clean up the
twins and Derrick helped wash the dishes, I heard the
doorbell ring.
“That’s probably Alicia again.” I told him. She and I had
been spending more and more time together, with her telling
me stories of my mother and aunt in college. “I’ll get it.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos168

I exited the kitchen drying my hands on a dishtowel,

which I set on the kitchen table.
Right away, foreboding thoughts entered my mind, and
visions clouded my sight.
I saw a girl, like myself, in my mind, with an evil look on
her face.
Shaking out of the vision before I reached the front door,
I took a deep breath, calming my now racing heart. When I
opened it, I saw her.
She had short blond hair, bobbed under her ears. The
woman was tall, and I noticed the bright blue eyes right away.
By her demeanor, I could tell she was rich. She smelled of
expensive perfume, and had around her neck and ears
matching diamonds that shimmered in the light.
It was the girl in my mind, the one with the evil smirk on
her face.
“May I help you?” I asked her.
She shoved by me, a little girl following her. “Come
along, Veronica. Don’t dawdle.”
“Excuse me, but may I help you?” I asked again, a little
impatient. The woman continued to ignore me.
“I’m looking for Derrick Reading.” She said simply.
The little girl Veronica, with her brown curls in pig-tails,
hung behind her, sucking her thumb.
“He’s busy at the moment.” I said, a hint of hatred
already seething on my lips. “What can I do for you?”
She sat herself down on the couch. “I’ll wait. Thank you.”
She was rude, but polite about it. I didn’t understand
I sighed, heading to the kitchen to see if Derrick was
finished, yet. We met each other halfway.
“Well, the dishes are done, the twins are playing in the
yard, and Kelly and Bradley are watching them.” Derrick said
with a smile.
“Someone’s here to see you, dear.” I told him.
He looked confused.
“She’s in the living room.” I replied.
Derrick’s eyes perked, afraid. “‘She?’”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos169

He walked into the living room and noticed her short

blond head peeking out of our couch. He let a gasp. “What’s
she doing here?”
“Who is that?” I whispered.
He ignored me now, heading to the woman and the girl.
“Adrienne, how are you?” Derrick cleared his throat to
Adrienne? Who was that?
I followed, interested.
Adrienne gave my husband a French peck on both
cheeks. “Derrick, darling, glad I caught you when you weren’t
“Actually, he was –” I began.
Again, she ignored me as if I weren’t there. My loving
husband ignored the fact she called him ‘darling,’ not daring
to look at me.
“I’d like you to meet someone.” Adrienne replied, turning
to the girl. “Veronica, come to Mother.”
Shyly, she did what she was told, as if afraid to do
anything else. I sensed she was even afraid to speak aloud.
“This, Derrick Reading, is your daughter, Veronica.”
Adrienne announced, clear as day.
I stood shocked, speechless.
“How old is she, Adrienne?” He asked her, sensing my
shock with the Pendant. I think he even sensed it before that.
“Eight-years-old.” Adrienne replied, a sly, sneaky,
satisfied smile on her lips.
I had to speak out. “Derrick how could you?” I cried,
ready to burst into tears. My heart hurt with the news, and I
didn’t know what to make of it. “I’ve told you all of my life
secrets, the least you could have done was tell me you had a
Before I could cry in front of him, I raced upstairs to our
bedroom, where I cried myself to sleep, angry, hot tears. How
could he dare to hurt me like that? I’d told him of my
daughter, through Katherine during the Crusade. I’ve told him
everything about me from the day we met. Everything I could
think of without hurting him, like how romantic thoughts of
both Aaron and Mark “Panther” came into my head nightly.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos170

Derrick explained to me later what happened next.

“How many times had I told you, Adrienne?” Derrick
yelled, angry. “I’m no longer in love with you. I never was, and
never will be. If you think long and hard to your list of many
lovers, I’m sure you’ll find the right father for your daughter.”
“You’re it, Derrick, so don’t try to deny it.” Adrienne’s cat
voice hissed back at him.
“How can I be if we’d never had sex?” My husband asked
her. “Think about that for a minute. What about the time
frame? Seven years ago I’d run away from home, soon meeting
my wife Ariana in California.”
“You’d run from your own family?” Adrienne asked.
“Why? Wasn’t the money enough for you? Or were you too
afraid to admit the deep insistent passion we’d had for one
“‘We’ didn’t have anything, then or now. And frankly, we
never will.” Derrick shouted at her. “I’m deeply in love with my
wife, and our children. I have my own life, so please, I beg of
you, stay out of it.”
I heard her scoff. “You’ll see, Derrick Reading, just how
much your precious wife really cares about you. You’ll see she
cares more for your money than your mind.”
Silence for a full five seconds – I counted.
Then, Derrick turned serious and said in an angry voice.
“Get out of my house, Adrienne Whitehead, and take your
daughter with you. You are no longer allowed anywhere near
me, or my family.”
“What are you going to do about it?” Adrienne
threatened. “I’ve got too much pull in this society for you to do
a damn thing to me.”
“I’ve got pull, too, Adrienne.” Derrick replied.
“Remember, I’m a Reading. I also happen to be a Hill View
Police Officer now.”
He paused.
“Oh, you didn’t know? Well, now you do.” Derrick
responded. “Go.”
“Very well, but I will be back.” She said, even more
vicious than before. “For revenge.”
That scared me to pieces.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos171

I fell asleep with my troubled thoughts rumbling over the

revelation. Derrick had a daughter? Why hadn’t he ever told
me? Didn’t he trust me?
In my mind, the dream haunted. I constantly saw her
face, all dolled up with make-up. In my dream, she was
gossiping to my own best friends, Aaron and Aimee. When
they looked over to me, she had a sly smile on her face.
I woke up in silent tears at the sound of the door
opening. I didn’t move.
I sensed him open the door and quietly make his way to
the bed. He placed a calming hand on my back. “Ariana, Love,
are you okay?”
What a stupid question? Of course I wasn’t okay! I never
had been, and probably never would be again.
He rubbed my back, trying to soothe my wounded
thoughts with just a touch.
“Why didn’t you tell me about her?” I whispered, choking
on my words. I didn’t move, feeling tears running down my
“I didn’t want to hurt you.” He whispered in my ear.
“Come on, Love, meet my eyes. Please?”
I turned, looking at him with hurt in my eyes. His eyes
showed caring compassion and love.
To my surprise, he hugged me tightly. “Don’t listen to
her. You’ve been told that by so many people already.”
“I know, but why didn’t you tell me about her? I told you
about Aaron, and later Mark.”
“Only because we met under different circumstances.”
Derrick replied, and then smiled. He moved some fly-away
hairs from my face. “If it weren’t for you being in trouble, none
of the Crusaders would have met in the first place.” He
paused, thinking of my question. “Why couldn’t I tell you
sooner? Easy: I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“But you had hurt me, by not telling me about your
daughter.” I sniffed, sitting up on the bed. He and I were face
to face now.
“Think logically, Agent Sister-Woods, just for a moment.”
Derrick whispered my codename, which usually got me
thinking like a detective again. I listened intently. “She said
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos172

the child was eight-years-old. Well, we met eight years ago, so

that couldn’t have happened.”
“Why not? You could have before you met me, keeping it
a secret all along.” I replied.
“I’d been at the System for two whole months before you
came along. If you don’t believe me, ask Lu, Shane, or even
Shannon. Ask anyone.” Derrick assured me.
Somehow, I believed him.
“I love you, Ariana Moon Woods-Reading, and no one
else. You got that?” Derrick teased, kissing me softly on the
lips, hugging me.
“Yeah.” I said softly.
He pets my leg. “Come on. Dry your tears and tend to
our children. It’s family time.”
I smiled, hugging him again. Derrick always knew the
right thing to say to make me feel better. I loved that about
I kissed him passionately, wanting to show my husband
I loved him in return. With the children playing outside,
Derrick and I made love. All thoughts of hurt and anger went
away. I was in heaven with my Imaginary Romeo-turned-
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos173

Envy and Jamaican Gifts

The next day, Kendra stopped by to baby-sit the kids

while I went on a few errands for the house.
“How’re ya feeling?” She asked me as I opened the door.
I grinned. “He told you, didn’t he?”
Kendra shrugged. “Of course. Derrick tells me
I giggled. “Yeah, only if you get it out of him first.” I
teased my sister-in-law. “Kelly! Aunt Kendra’s here!”
I heard bounding down the stairs.
“How’s she doin’ so far? Any hate notes, yet?” Kendra
“In school, she’s fine. Kelly has plenty of friends,
including her step-brother Bradley.”
“That’s great.” Kendra complimented. “I’m happy for her.
What about you, besides Miss Snob-of-the-Century?”
“I’m doing pretty well, too. The twins really help us with
the boys and Kelly.” I told her. “Kelly loves her brothers,
younger and older.”
Kendra giggled, and then opened her arms to greet my
daughter. “Hey Kid, what’s up?”
“I’m the top student in school Aunt Kendra!” Kelly cried,
smothering her aunt in kisses and a giant hug.
“She’s so smart, they want to put her a year ahead of her
class.” I told Kendra.
Kendra looked at me. “Well, are you gonna let ‘em?”
I looked to Kelly. “It’s all up to her.”
Kelly shook her head no. “No, Momma. I don’t want to
leave Cara all alone. She’s my best friend.”
“That’s settled then.” Kendra teased her. She stood.
“Well, any instructions?”
I told her what I was doing, and gave her my cell-phone
number, in case of any emergency with the twins, or if Kelly
saw anything Kendra wasn’t supposed to.
Kendra told me all that happened when I’d left as soon
as I came in the door.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos174

Kelly had grabbed her aunt’s hand, leading her to the

bedroom. “Want to play cards?”
“Sure, just let me check on the twins first, okay?”
Kelly let go and raced to the nursery, with Kendra
directly behind her.
She creaked open the door and found the twins sound
asleep. The monitor was off, while I’d been home. My “Mystic
Mother’s Intuition” always kept me aware of my boys.
Kendra turned it on and turned around. “Come on, kid.
Let’s play cards.”
Kelly grinned at that.
Kendra had never seen Kelly’s room before, so she’d
never seen the dream-catcher that hung over the headboard
of her bed.
“Wow, Kelly. That’s pretty.” Kendra noticed.
“Thanks. It’s to give me good dreams.” Kelly told her.
“Who told you that?”
“Momma and Daddy Derrick told me.” Kelly replied.
Kendra could tell she wanted to say more, but declined
pushing the matter anymore.
Kendra happened to notice the vanity table of Kelly’s that
had a circle of stones around a candle. “What’s this?”
Kelly gasped. “Oh, nothing. They’re just rocks.”
I knew they were her special wishing stones, and the
circle represented the circle of a Mystic’s life.
“What’s the candle for?”
“Sometimes, when the lights go out, Momma tells me to
light it, so I won’t be afraid.” Kelly told her, rearranging the
stones. She opened the drawer and pulled out a tiny pouch,
with herb and other stones in it. It had a tiny stone
connecting where the string opened the pouch. On the stone,
a crescent moon and a star was etched in black sulfur. “This
is the bag my stones go in.”
“When do you put them away?”
“Usually when I go to sleep at night.” My daughter said,
not looking at her aunt. “That way, the bad guys don’t come
and take away my good dreams.” She handed the pouch to
Kendra. “See, the stone on the bag has a moon and a star on
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos175

it. That means whatever is in it, will keep my dreams good

and safe.”
To Kendra, it sounded like child’s play. Knowing the
mind of a child, especially my own, she didn’t question any
I came home about an hour into their card game, and
the twins were still sleeping.
“Kendra! Kelly!” I called into the air. “I’m home.”
“Momma’s home!” Kelly cried, dropping her card game to
race into my arms.
That’s when Kendra told me what Kelly had shown her.
Being the persistent mother I was, at least in the public
eye, I chalked the experience up to child’s play, too. “The mind
of a child is a brilliant, yet hard to understand, thing.” I told
Kendra waved goodbye and drove home before dark.
Later that night, I tucked Kelly into bed. “Why did you
show her your stones?”
“She was curious, Momma.” Kelly told me, snuggling into
bed. “I had to tell her. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell her the secret.”
“What secret?”
“What the stones really mean.”
I was confused. “What do they really mean, honey?”
“Mrs. DeRose gave them to me in Illinois. She’s a
daughter of a Jamaican Faith Healer.”
“Sort of like us, but from a different country?” I asked.
Kelly nodded. “The stones are supposed to help me stay
safe in the Dream Realm, should I end up somewhere I don’t
I nodded, smiling. For an eight-year-old, she sure was
smart. “Whoever Mrs. DeRose is, or was, I’m sure she’d love to
know you’re okay now.”
Kelly hugged me. “I’m safe at home with you, Momma.”
She kissed my cheek. “G’night. I love you.”
I kept my grin, kissing her cheek back. “I love you, too.
Don’t forget to call the Dream Chant.”
“I won’t, Momma.”
With that, I left my daughter’s room feeling loved.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos176

Nothing, not even the new menace of Adrienne

Whitehead, was going to take that away from me.

It was my turn to car-pool one week, so I drove the Jeep

Cherokee to each of her friends’ houses.
At the Richardsons, I picked up Cara, Kirsten Farthay
(along with her two older brothers, Alex and Rick), Josh
Stevenson, his sister Noelle, and Samantha West. Bradley was
in the back seat with Cassandra, Steven and Elizabeth
Edwards. While the other children were chattering away, I
noticed he was staring into space, not even noticing when
Kelly tried to get his attention.
Bradley, I sent telepathically.
He looked up briefly, with a sad look in his eye, and then
returned to the scenery.
He’s sad, Momma. Kelly sent to me. I’ll talk to him in
I smiled at her in the rear-view mirror, letting her return
to her friends.
I dropped them off at Hill View Elementary, with a kiss
from Kelly before leaving. My empathic powers were triggering,
telling me something was wrong. I didn’t know what it was,
but I didn’t like it.
I played with my infant sons throughout the day, slowly
getting back into the swing of things. Luna came over, shortly
before the children had to be picked up. She noticed the
strange looks in my eyes as I went on my way around the
“What’s with you?” She asked me, placing Caleb with the
twins in the playroom.
I looked at her. “Nothing. Why?” I tried to laugh off.
“Something’s going on. I can sense it.” Luna said. She
sat herself on the couch next to me. “‘Fess up, Ariana
I sighed, telling her about my feelings for Bradley Allen,
and my daughter’s assuring thoughts saying she’d talk to
“I say he’s hurt and jealous.” I told her.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos177

“Simply for the fact Kelly has more friends than her so-
called ‘adopted-brother’. He feels left out.”
“Right.” I said. “Thing is, being who and what I am, I
want to help him.”
“Do you think Aaron knows?” Luna asked.
“Not really.” I shrugged.
“Why don’t you follow Bradley inside and talk to them
together?” Luna suggested.
I looked at my watch. “I have to pick them up from
school. Will you watch the boys while I go?”
Luna smiled. By the look on her face, I took that as a
I grabbed my keys and was again on my way to Hill View
After I dropped the children off at their separate homes, I
followed up with Luna’s suggestion.
Kelly looked at me, knowing what I was going to do. She
headed next door, to our own home, leaving me with Bradley,
Aaron, and Aimee. Bradley slowly headed up the stairs,
depressed. He didn’t even say anything to either his Dad or
Aaron was happy to see me. He reached to hug me, but I
gave him a warning look so he pulled back. This made him
concerned. “What’s up?”
“Something’s wrong with Bradley.” I told him. “I could
sense it.”
Aimee nodded behind her twin. “He’s been acting kind of
strange for the last couple of days.”
Aaron looked at her. “You’ve been noticing, too?”
Aimee and I nodded.
“I think it has to do with Kelly.” I told him.
“I still feel funny talking to him.” Aimee replied. “Maybe
the two of you can?”
Aaron and I looked at each other and nodded.
We knocked on his bedroom door.
“Go away.” I heard Bradley’s voice from the other side.
“We’ve come to talk to you.” Aaron replied. “Can we come
No answer, so we walked in.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos178

“Brad?” I asked in a whisper. He was working on his new

computer, playing a game. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. And don’t call me honey.” He snapped.
“Bradley Allen Schmidt.” Aaron warned him. “We’ve only
come to help.”
He stopped the game and glared at us once turning
around. “With what?”
“I know you feel sad about Kelly’s new friends.” Aaron
“What of it?” He snapped. “She doesn’t need to be with
them all the time. She’s got me.”
“We know that, Bradley.” I tried to assure him. He stood
and sat on his bed. I sat next to him. “You’ve got other
friends, don’t you?”
“Yeah.” He mumbled.
“Well, so does she.” Aaron sat on the other side of him.
He was silent, thinking of what to say next. He sighed,
feeling defeated.
“I feel so lonely, you know?” Bradley asked. “Kelly’s off
with her other friends, leaving me in the dust. I worry about
her sometimes.”
How noble.
“Brad, she’s your sister. You should be biting each
other’s heads off, teasing one another.”
I giggled. “Yeah, just like your father and aunt Aimee
used to do.”
“You did?” Brad looked at his father. “Really?”
“Of course we did.” Aaron laughed, wrapping an arm
around him. “When we were little, we each went our separate
ways. Oh, Aimee would hate it when I teased her and her
“Which I was one of.” I added with a grin. “See how your
aunt Aimee turned out? By that bit of teasing, it helped her
grow and learn to be her own person.”
“With a little help from you guys.” Bradley smiled now. “I
guess I should try not to butt in so often, huh?”
“You’ve got Josh Stevenson, and Alex Farthay, don’t
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos179

“Yeah, they’re my best friends.” Bradley said. “I’ve known

them before I met Kelly.”
“Well, there you go. Kelly has her friends and you have
yours.” Aaron replied.
“Now, finish your homework, Bradley Allen.” I said as I
“It’s done, Aunt Ariana.”
I gave him a look.
He smiled. “I mean, Mrs. Reading.”
“Good.” I said.
I could sense he was feeling better, and it was time for
me to exit with Aaron at my heels.
“You are a perfect mother.” Aaron replied as we headed
down the stairs.
I laughed. “No one’s perfect, Aaron. Least of all, me.”
He stopped. “No, you most of all.” He gave me a caring
look before kissing me gently on the lips. “Don’t think I’ll ever
stop caring about you, Ariana Moon. It’s far too late for that.”
I didn’t know what to say.
I cared a lot for him, too, but in a different way than he
for me.
I wanted to tell him this, but ended up stammering. “I,
uh, Aaron, I’ve gotta go. The twins are left with Luna. See you
He looked disappointed. “Oh, okay. See you.”
I didn’t leave fast enough for my beating heart and
troubled mind.

A few days later, Bradley came to me.

“Mrs. Reading?”
I looked up from the book I was reading to acknowledge
him. “Yes, Bradley?”
He was timid at first, but ran up to hug me tight. “Thank
I looked into his brown eyes. His shaggy auburn hair
was mussed from playing at school. I smiled. “For what?”
“For helping me. If you weren’t married to Mr. Reading,
I’d think you and Dad would make the perfect parents.”
Bradley told me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos180

I didn’t know what to say to him. He was a child, but

smart. “Why, thank you.” I wanted to change the subject and
fast. “How are you and Kelly getting along?”
He sat on my lap. “Pretty cool. We’re fighting a little more
about the little things every day.”
I smiled. “Such as?”
“Cara and Kelly and I have been best friends with Josh,
Cara, Sam, and Krysti since we moved in. Now, the girls want
to hang out with each other, and Josh, Alex – Krysti’s brother
– and I want to get as far away from them as possible.” He
made a face. “Girls. Yuck!”
“I’m a girl, too, you know.” I teased him, making him
“No, you’re not.” Bradley started. “You’re a Momma.
Momma’s are different than girls.”
In a way, he was right.
That’s when he frowned, staring into space.
“Bradley, what’s wrong honey?” I asked him, sensing his
He looked deep into my eyes and replied, a single tear
running down his cheek. “Where’s my real mommy?”
I hugged him tight. “Aimee can be your mommy. So can
“Aimee’s my auntie. She’s not a mommy.”
Yet, I added to myself.
I wanted so badly to comfort him, but I knew it weren’t
my place. I had to do something for the boy.
“Don’t feel bad, Bradley.” I whispered in his ear, giving
him a hug. “We’ll be the perfect family. Aimee, Aaron, Mr. and
Mrs. Morehouse, Mr. Reading and I care a lot about you.”
He shrugged. “I know that. I just can’t help but wonder,
you know?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I know.”
How much I knew then.
I didn’t know enough, I would soon learn.

Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos181

I walked into the house later that week, sensing

something was going on. The air smelled of jasmine incense.
As far as I knew, I hadn’t owned any, and neither had any
other Mystic in the family.
“Hello! Anybody home!” I called into the air, setting my
portfolio on the kitchen table. Kelly ran into the room yelling,
“Momma! Momma! Momma!”
Behind her was a tall and bony black woman, her hair in
a turban, with Jamaican colors of red, yellow, black, and
green. Around her neck, I noticed a small bag, not unlike
Kelly’s own. I bent down to give my daughter a hug.
“Look who’s here, Momma!” Kelly cried. “This is Mrs.
DeRose, the nice lady I told you about.”
I looked up at the woman. Sure enough, her aura was
wild, like a magician’s blood. I stood to meet her kind, brown
“G’Day, M’Lady Reading.” The woman nodded. Her
beautiful Jamaican tongue was thick. “I am Delilah DeRose.”
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. DeRose.” I said softly. “How did
you meet Kelly?”
“Da child were in da hospital after a fire. I help her wit
my Protector’s Spell.”
I looked at her strangely. “Spell?” I gulped. I knew plenty
of spells.
“She’s the daughter of a Jamaican witch doctor, Momma.
She gave me the stones for safe keeping.” Kelly told me.
I was speechless. “Where are your brothers?”
“Your twins are next door, with Aimee.” Mrs. DeRose
said. She gave me a look that said ‘can I talk to you, alone?’
I picked up on it right away. “Kelly, why don’t you go next
door and play with Steve and Elizabeth?” Kelly knew when to
listen. She obeyed and the two of us magicians were left
“Would you like some coffee, Mrs. DeRose?” I asked her.
“Nevah touch da stuff.” She joked. “Make women hyper.”
“Please, sit down, then.” I told her.
“Much bettah to sit in da Mystic Mirrah room.” She
implied, walking upstairs to the room that held the vanity.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos182

I was curious. “How do you know about the Mirror, Mrs.

She smiled. Even her smile was bright. She tapped me on
the arm. “I insist you call me Delilah.”
I looked to the Mirror and she followed my gaze.
I could sense something strange from it – and, as always,
there was no way to explain it until it happened.
“You troubled?” Delilah asked.
I turned my head away from the Mystic Mirror to look her
in the eyes. “Yes. Something’s been bothering me since we
moved in.”
“Ah, I see.” Delilah replied. “Dark Magic.”
I spun to her. “How–?”
Delilah reached for my hand and put the other on her
temple. “In here,” she started, and then put my hand to my
chest, with the other on hers. “And in here. Dark Magic
bothers all, even if no Magic.”
I didn’t understand right away. “What do you mean?” My
eyes strayed to the Mirror once again. Its image wasn’t my
own, nor hers, but a black, clouding rainbow. I stared at it,
watching the swirl of different colors flow clockwise.
“Da child speaks truth when she say ah am a Jamaican
witch-doctor’s daughter.” She told me. “Ah am a lot like you,
M’Lady Reading. The Magic flows in my blood, too. Different
name, but the same.”
I looked at her, making her continue. She sat on my bed,
smiling up at me.
“Come sit, M’Lady. Listen to my story.”
I obeyed, still trying to push all feelings of Dark Magic
aside in my mind and soul.
“Da day I met Kelly, she was scorched from fire.” Delilah
began. “In my mind, ah could feel da Magic in her growing. At
da time, I was to have my twins, Caitlin and Zachary. Kelly
knew this, feeling my stomach. I was amazed to find she knew
of Lord Guardian as well.”
My attention was hit. “You know Lord Guardian O’Dell?”
“I know him by Lord Guardian. Only few are allowed to
call him by his name.” Delilah said. “And only his successor
can get away with it.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos183

She gave me a look, knowing. She tapped my leg and

smiled sweetly. I could feel the magic in her own system
flowing by the look in her large brown eyes.
“Not to worry. All yah secrets will be kept. My sons and
daughters know nothing of it.” Delilah assured me.
“Thank you, Mrs. – I mean, Delilah.” I replied.
“I gave da child Papa’s stones for a reason, M’Lady.”
Delilah began. “She is haunted by the Master’s son, even
today. Da stones keep her safe from the Merchant’s horrid
“How could I have missed that?” I whispered to myself.
“Was I so into my Earthbound life, I hadn’t realized that the
darkness was still there?”
“You were not to blame, M’Lady.” Delilah said quietly.
“Da Dark Magic will always be with you, throughout your life.
You must believe in da strength of your power enough to be
able to defeat it.”
The image in the Mirror continued to swirl. The feelings I
got from it were intense. I closed my eyes to feel the pain of my
Dreamers, but instead, the picture of Adrienne’s wicked smile
flashed in my mind.
Delilah tapped me out of the daze.
“What you see?”
How could I explain to a complete stranger?
“Madame Whitehead in yah thoughts.” Delilah replied.
“No need to be Magic to see dat.”
“I still don’t understand why Derrick didn’t tell me he had
a daughter.”
She looked at me. “He don’t. Dat girl is another’s. Only
she knows who da father is.”
I was silent.
“Who do you believe? Your husband, Earthly Protector of
so many years, or some woman ye don’t even know?” Delilah
asked. “Ah say, believe yah own heart.”
I stared at her, and then played with the ring Aimee gave
“M’Lady Aimee gave ya dat?” I nodded. “She smart
woman. Care for all she meets. Dat ring meant much to her
before she reunited wit ya.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos184

“What did it mean to her?”

“Her best friend was still out there, waiting to be found.
Its stones meant for Mystic Jewels reminder. She now has
magic of her own to share.”
“Unicorn Magic.” I said. “The magic of love for the earth.”
She looked at her watch. “I gotta go now, Young
Guardian.” She stood. “See ya in da Dream Realm.”
I smiled, knowing I would. “See you later, Delilah.
Thanks for the lecture.”
She waved a hand “Anytime, M’Lady. Goddess Bless.”
There was a saying I’d never heard aloud before.
“Goddess Bless.”
With that, I headed down the stairs and out the door, to
my best friend. Though the feelings of Dark Magic bothered me
even now, I ignored them. It just wasn’t important enough.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos185

Story: #1:
Truth of Happiness

That night in the Dream Realm, I found Kelly playing

with Celine at Stargazer Castle.
“Kelly!” I called to her, and she turned to greet me.
“Hi, Momma!” Kelly cried, hugging me. “Celine and I were
just playing Bang-Ball. Wanna play?”
I grinned. “Later, honey.” I turned to Celine. “Where’re
your parents?”
“Inside, Young Guardian.” Celine pointed to the Castle.
“Mommy’s in the house.”
I headed directly to the front door, leaving the two girls to
play. Before I could knock, Katherine herself answered.
“I knew it were you.” Katherine teased, purring in
happiness. She hugged me. “Come in, Young Guardian. I have
been wondering about you.”
“Good to see you, too.” I laughed, following her inside.
“What have you been wondering about me for?”
“Lord Guardian says you took Amethyst through the
Mirror.” Katherine said.
Uh oh. “He isn’t mad, is he?”
She shook her head. “Nay, not at all. Just curious as to
why take her to the Animal Kingdom when you could have
come here?”
“I guess she missed it.” I shrugged. “We used to go there
shortly after we met you.”
“Aye, I know.” She said.
Katherine made a platter of vegetable slices appear. “Care
for a snack?”
I shook my head. “No, but thanks anyway.”
She made it disappear, saying softly. “Oh well.”
I stared at my friend as she fell silent. The look on her face
turned distant. “Is something bothering you, Kat?”
She looked up at me. “Oh, Ariana. I have been having
intense visions I cannot explain.”
“Sounds interesting.” I told her. “Tell me about them.”
“Well, one of them, I see a pair of kits, not unlike Kit and I,
being cared for by an older, more powerful feline boy.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos186

Katherine whispered. “I dare say it aloud, for Wolf is concerned

for me. He has yet to see me with Magic of my own. Perhaps
this is only a beginning for me?”
“Perhaps.” I said. “Where are these visions taking place?”
“That is it. I do not know. It seems very familiar, but I have
never been there before.” Katherine told me. “What do you
make of it?”
That was a hard one. I had to think of that for a moment
before responding.
“Whatever it is, it’s laying on your conscious, Kat.” I told
her. “Maybe if we explore, your empathic powers will trigger,
bringing you closer to whatever it is you’re seeing?”
“Good idea, Young Guardian. But where to start?”
Katherine replied.
“Let’s take the girls and start in the Canine Wood.” I
suggested. “They each have their own power, right?”
“Aye.” Kat agreed. “Let’s go.”
We walked outside and found the girls standing, side by
side, waiting for us.
“We sensed it, Momma.” Kelly announced, smiling. She
took my hand, and Celine took her mother’s.
“We go now.” Celine announced.
Katherine and I looked at each other and grinned, thinking
the same thing. They were so much like us when we were
Hard to believe we each have kits of our own, yes?
Katherine sent to me, smiling.
I nodded.
The four of us went deep into the Canine Wood, finding
nothing. Then, using Magic, we thought of what we wanted to
find, closing our eyes. When we opened them, we found
ourselves in the Province Wood, near the old Garden. The
Garden was where Kat and I had escaped to often to get away
from our pains and troubles. It used to be in between the
Dominion and the Province, until the Dominion Wall fell after the
Immediately, I sensed something. “Kat.”
She turned to me, nodding. “I sense it, too.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos187

“We are close now.” Celine announced, beginning to walk

into the Wood.
“Do not go far, Celine.” Katherine warned her. “You do not
know what lays in there for us.”
“I will be careful, Mommy. I promise.” Celine stopped to
say, and then ran off.
Kelly ran after her. “Wait for me, Celine!”
The girls were soon gone, and I didn’t want them out of
our sights for long. We followed, and the intense feelings began
to grow.
Katherine had to stop, holding her head in pain. “Ahh!”
“Kat,” I stopped and stooped where she was knelt down.
“We have to find out what’s going on.”
She looked at me. “Can not – Hurts too much.”
I took her hand. “No matter, we have to do it. For the
With Katherine nodding, I helped her stand.
“After all, we are Crusaders.” I reminded her, making her
Again, we were on our way.
Deep into the Province Wood, even I had to stop.
It was silent, and the girls were in front of us, holding
I had to close my eyes and open my mind. Something was
out there.
The three of us stood, while Katherine was the only one to
be brave enough to face it.
“Come out Companion, please. We will not harm you.” Kat
said into the air.
I do not doubt that, my friend. His voice rung in my mind.
Katherine looked at me, hearing it, too. She turned back to
the trees.
“Come out then, and introduce yourself.”
Only if you promise not to faint when you see me.
“Why would I faint?”
I will explain later. His words cut in my head, but he did
finally come out.
I gasped. “Who are you?”
He stepped closer to us. “They call me Braken Joel.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos188

Braken Joel? Who was this Balinese? I stood silent, as did

the girls, watching as Katherine and Braken Joel stared at each
other for a moment.
“Braken. That was my father’s name.” Katherine told
There was something familiar about him – his eyes were
silver-blue of the Mystics, yet his demeanor suggested a lowly
Companion. He was a Balinese cat, as are Kit and Kat, but he
was different. He dressed in rags, frightened of us when we
called him out of the shadows.
“It was mine as well.” Braken Joel said softly. “We are
Katherine shrugged. “I do not know. I could ask the
Sisters for you, or you could come with me.”
He shook his head. “Sorry, but I wish no part of them.”
He was a Companion, not wanting anything to do with the
Sisters? That was odd.
I craned my head. “Why not? The Sisters may know who
you are.”
“That is it, they do.” Braken Joel told us. “What is your
“Katherine Hawk-Stargazer.” Katherine announced.
“I’m Ariana Reading, the Young Guardian.” I told him
“Kelly Reading, the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm.”
Kelly said with a grin.
“I am Celine Stargazer, Katherine’s daughter.”
Braken Joel continued to stare at Katherine, pondering her
“A Hawk and a Stargazer?” He whispered.
“I have kept my family name in memory of them.”
Katherine looked down at the ground. “They were killed in the
I felt for my friend. She lost her family about the same
time I had.
“And what of Stargazer – is that not a canine name?”
Braken Joel asked.
He must know something about the Dream Realm, to
know the backgrounds of a name.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos189

Katherine nodded. “Aye, so what?” She announced,

getting brave. “We do not care who knows now that the
Crusade is over.”
He was silent, coming closer to us.
“The second Wars.” He whispered, and then looked up at
Katherine. “You are a forceful young Companion, are you not?”
“I never used to be. I guess growing up with Uncle Orthos
did have its slight advantages.” Katherine replied. “Are you
sure you do not want to join me at the Palace?”
“You know, Katherine, I do.” Braken Joel smiled. “I just
may learn something.”
Kelly and I looked at each other, knowing it was time for
the two of us to go. In the blink of an eye, we disappeared. I
figured my feline friend needed some time alone with her secret


I found myself in front of Lord Guardian’s Castle

Chamber doors. Kelly had run off to play with some Young
Dreamers so I knew she was okay. I had a feeling Lord
Guardian brought me there with his Magic, and I didn’t argue.
I was more than happy to visit him again. Perhaps he had
another lesson for me?
“My Lord?” I called.
“In back, Young Guardian.” I heard his voice from the back
When he sensed me coming closer, he continued. “Is it not
wonderful here, Young Guardian?”
I stammered. “Yeah, I guess.”
He turned his unicorn head toward me. I could see the
happiness in his eyes. “Are you happy being my successor?”
I bowed to him. “Yes, My Lord. I’m learning a lot from your
“Ah, but are you truly happy?”
His question made me think. “I grew up in an orphanage,
not knowing who I was until I met you. I felt many things in my
youth, from the hell of Mrs. Gertrude’s hand to the love I
received from Aaron. Most of all, my friendships with both you
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos190

and Katherine Hawk helped me find out whom I was meant to

be. You helped me grow strong, and Katherine helped me grow
wise, despite my youth.”
O’Dell grinned. “Are you happy?” He pressed, turning now
into his human-male form.
“I’ve married my Earthly Protector, gave birth to
Enchanted Child, later reuniting with her, and had two
beautiful twin sons. My life now, my Earthbound life, has been
almost perfect. To ask if I’m happy would be irrelevant. My Lord
Guardian, I am truly happy.”
He stared for a moment. “You do not sound convinced,
Young Guardian.” O’Dell came closer to me. I sat on one of the
benches, with him beside me, a hand on my shoulder. “Tell me
what bothers you.”
I told him everything. From Adrienne, to my Dark Magic
almost taking us over, and Delilah’s warning to be careful. He
“To lay such a burden on your young shoulders seems a
lot, I know. I also know, if you look inside yourself, you will find
all the answers you seek.”
I pondered his words. “What answers? To what
He only smiled. “Hidden inside your mind, Young
Guardian, are many questions still about your lost youth.” He
held both his hands up, as if to surrender. “Place your palms on
I knew what he wanted to do, but didn’t want to do it. I
didn’t want to chance my own madness, as I had made
Panther almost mad before. In his case, a Companion had
changed back to his human self, even if for a little while. I
didn’t know what would have happened in my case.
“Trust in me, my beauty.” He whispered, searching my
eyes with his. The jewel around his neck glowed, telling me he
didn’t mean to harm me.
Then again, in all my years of knowing him, O’Dell had
never hurt me.
Cautiously, I obeyed, placing my hands on his. I closed
my eyes, and immediately, I saw many Empathic images. All
from my youth, and even one in the future.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos191

I gasped; unable to hold in the hurt feelings I was made to

remember. I couldn’t believe how powerful I’d become over the
years, and I felt almost ancient.
Why O’Dell wanted me to remember, I’d only have to ask.
“My Lord?” I whispered out to him, but he didn’t answer. I
knew he was still there, why was he ignoring me? “O’Dell, can
we stop? It hurts too much.”
Still, I received no reply from my Lord Guardian.
I felt tears drifting down my cheeks as I thought of the
many things I’d had to face.
The horrid hand of Mrs. Gertrude when she found out I
could ‘do things.’ Being locked up in a room known only as that.
The Room. In the dark, all alone, without my friends to save me,
I cried myself to sleep many a time in the corner of that terrible
room. Beatings came nightly, sometimes daily, with the tutors
wondering what was going on. Not one said a word, though.
That I knew for sure.
The day when Aaron and I locked ourselves away from
the pain, hiding in the attic. We were barely teens then, but
loved each other with our hearts. That was also the time I
began dreaming of my Imaginary Romeo, Derrick.
I remembered the day I had Kelly, my daughter, only to be
heartbroken over losing her. I had to give her up for adoption
shortly before I was placed in another abusive foster home. I
wished and willed the bad memories to go away. Finally, the
light came, and I began to see a glimpse of the future.
There I was, standing in front of at least fifty Mystic
Fighters. My own daughter, both of my sons – they were all
grown up, fighting with their own powers. I saw another young
woman with long blond hair and bright silver-blue eyes
standing beside us. I saw my cousins and other Mystics I
hadn’t heard from since the wedding, all fighting against the
biggest menace this side of the Dream Realm.
The Darkest Magic of all: Our own.
That vision confused me. How could I see that when I
didn’t even know half of those Mystics, or Fighters? Did my
Clairvoyance make me think of them, or was it the Premonition?
When the pain began to come from the heart and soul, my
heart skipped, thinking of a plan.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos192

I wanted to be the best Young Guardian. I wanted to be

the best at everything. In order for that to happen, I have to
have everyone’s trust. That is, I have to become my Young
Guardian self, my Dream Realm Crusader self, so I can stand
up for what I believe in.
At that moment, O’Dell let go. I had a new sense of pride
as I stared into his eyes.
“My Lord, I’m ready to receive your command.” I told him
O’Dell only smiled, knowing already. “Aye, Young
Guardian. Go home and tell the world who you are.”
I stood, knelt to him, and waited. “Yes, My Lord
He stood up. “Rise, Ariana Moon.”
I hadn’t heard my first and middle names used by him in
ages. “My Lord?”
“You truly have grown into a powerful Mystic. Your
Earthbound sentence is over, and it is finally time for you to
begin your nightly journeys. There will always be some force
out to destroy us, but I believe you will not let them.” O’Dell
replied. He hugged me. “Pleasant journeys.”
I nodded and disappeared, going home.

I woke up with tears in my eyes, and determination in my

Derrick sensed my pain, sitting on the bed beside me.
“Love, are you all right?”
I turned to him. “Oh, yes. Definitely.” I told him, looking
into his brown eyes in the darkness. “I only cry tears of joy, my
Love. I can finally say I’m truly happy.”
He kissed me on the lips, hugging me. “As am I.”
That night, we felt closer to one another, falling asleep in
each other’s arms.
I felt a deep ache in my soul and a thought ran through
my mind. There was still so much work for the Mystics to do in
order to defeat the Dark Magic. One Mystic in particular would
pay a deep price for her pain and sorrow. This time, I knew the
one Mystic I'd felt so much pain over wasn't me. The face of
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos193

my own sister came into my head, and I chanted a silent

prayer for her safety. I didn't want anything to happen to her.
Little did I know just how much would?
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos194

Story: #2:
Horror in Hill View

Despite my last night's thoughts of dread, I had a new

sense of duty to fulfill. I had a new sense of hope in my mind,
and the Mystic Magic within me was growing stronger by the
day. Little did I know, my best Magic would be my own twin's
I was playing with the twins at Aimee's when I felt
something wrong.
Royally wrong. Painfully wrong.
The shadow stepped closer to me, a glow in his eyes.
There was something different about him, something evil and
destructive. Before I knew it, he was on top of me, but I couldn't
move. I couldn’t breathe.
A shot went through my abdomen and Aimee noticed
when I yelped in pain.
The twins stared at me, and Andrew had a hurt look on
his face.
I doubled over in my spot, beginning to have visions
again. They repeated themselves in my mind, with my head
hurting over them.
Go away! I cried in my head. I don't want to feel this! Not
now! Not ever! Leave me alone!
My cries did no good, for the feelings of pain shot through
my body.
Aimee looked up from the twins and raced to my side,
wrapping an arm around me. "Ariana, calm yourself. What's
I didn’t know what to tell her. It was too painful, like
being beaten in a spot where only pleasure was supposed to
belong. My abdomen and stomach began to ache, as did my
head, shooting its random visions of hell in my mind.
"Stop the pain!" I screamed aloud.
"How? What's going on?" Aimee whispered, holding my
Since her hand was in mine, I gave her a glimpse of what
I was sensing and feeling.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos195

She gasped, taking her hand back. "There's nothing I can

do, is there?"
Sadly, I shook my head. I never looked at her, still
wishing in my mind for the visions to stop and the pain to end.
I heard her pick up my sons and head inside her house.
I tried to stand up and found I could, with little pain now.
I hobbled into the house, stumbling over broken branches on
the ground.
Make it stop, Lord Guardian. Please.
If this is a test, or a lesson, it's a very cruel one.
My pleas were gone unanswered. Little could I do but
stand there and take it.
I held my stomach, hoping my own Mystic’s Healing
Magic would work, but had no luck in that, either. I was
helpless, hopeless, and hurt beyond repair.
I opened the door, shaking my head to clear the visions. I
sensed Derrick was home and cried out his name. “Derrick!”
“Ariana – what happened?” Derrick’s voice was a comfort
to hear once I found myself in his warm arms.
“A vision that won’t end.” I whispered, holding my head.
He immediately knew what to do. Derrick sat me down
on the couch, hugging me close to him.
In my ear, he whispered a special chant I’d taught him
for just occasions. It usually stopped the pains of a vision I
couldn’t control, but didn’t work. The vision didn’t – wouldn’t
For a few moments, he just held me, wiping the tears
from my eyes as I cried them.
Soon, I opened my eyes to meet his. I was calmed by his
embrace, and the visions and feelings went away for now.
“Let me ask this again – What just happened?” Derrick
smiled as he asked.
I leaned up against his chest, and began to tell him what
I could explain.
“You don’t think it’s her, do you?” He asked, meaning
I shook my head. “Something much worse, and closer
“Closer, as in what?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos196

I pointed to my forehead. “Close as this.”

His eyes widened.
That’s when we heard the door spring open and slam
closed. We turned to see a very beaten, bruised, and pained
Luna Morehouse.
My twin looked like hell. She was crying, rushing to my
open arms before breaking down. Her silver-blue eyes were
pained and hurt, red from crying. Her clothes were torn, and I
had to fix her sleeve to go back on her shoulder before I said
“Lu, what happened to you?” I dared to ask such a
What happened to her also happened to me in my own
mind. It had to do with the special bond a Mystic Twin had
with another.
She sniffed, looking up into my eyes. “I – don’t know ---
how to explain it.”
I caught the concerned eye of my husband across the
room. I led Luna to the couch, sitting her down.
I held my twin for dear life, letting her cry on my
“He hurt me Ariana, and I don’t even know why – or
how.” Luna managed to whisper.
My heart pounded, afraid for her. I took a breath and
swallowed before saying a word. “Who hurt you, Lu?” I asked
her, trying to get her to look in my eyes.
It was too late, for I already knew the answer.
Both Luna and I chorused. “Aaron.”
Luna nodded. Derrick and I shared another horrified
look. He sat beside me, holding both Luna’s and my hands.
“Tell us what happened.” Derrick whispered, himself
“Whenever you’re ready.” I whispered in her ear.
She took a deep breath before starting her story.
“Shane had taken Caleb out, since I hadn’t been feeling
well all day. I went to the bedroom to take a nap. No sooner
had I fallen asleep, then I heard the door creak open.
“’Shane?’ I called out softly, turning in bed to meet his
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos197

“My sensors were tired, so I couldn’t tell who it was.

When I blinked my eyes open, trying to focus, I saw a white,
glowing ball coming toward me. I found I couldn’t move as the
ball came closer and closer. I recognized it as being part of the
necklace you gave Aaron back in time.
“’Aaron?’ I called out to him, but got no answer. I tried
again. ‘What are you doing here?’”
She stopped in the story, gasping for breath.
I could tell this was getting harder and harder for Luna to
tell me. I held her hand and listened patiently. My sister took a
deep breath. I looked at my husband, who was waiting for her
to continue. His eyes showed a deep concern for her well-
being. I turned back to Luna.
“Go on, if you can.”
She looked at me. Her silver-blue eyes, which were
usually so vibrant and happy, were distressed and angry. I
didn’t like to see anyone like this, especially her. It was as if I
were looking into the mirror at my younger self again.
Whatever she felt, I did too.
Luna opened her mouth to tell the rest of her story.
“Before I knew it, Aaron was on top of me, and I couldn’t
move. He ”
Just as in my own horrible vision. She began to cry in my
arms again, unable to get the rest of her words out clearly.
I took a deep breath, thinking to myself. I knew what
Aaron had done.
My best friend had raped my twin sister.
“Shhh.” I whispered into her ear. “It’s over now, Lu. It’s
Derrick stood and pounded his fist into his hand. “When
I see him again, I’m gonna kill him!”
I glared at him. “No! Let me handle this. There’s no need
for the Crusaders to be fighting each other.”
“Like hell!” Derrick yelled at me, making Luna and I both
cringe. He noticed this and calmed right away. He whispered,
“You do understand where I’m coming from, right?”
I nodded. “That still gives you no reason for violence.
Especially toward someone who has been part of the
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos198

Crusaders since the beginning.” I hugged my sister. “What’s

important now is helping Luna, not fighting Aaron. Got that?”
Derrick stared at me, sighing. He sat down, looking
defeated. His fists relaxed, as did his demeanor.
There was a silent lull in the conversation until Luna
spoke up.
“Something just came over him.” She sniffed, drying her
tears. She thought for a moment, and then replied softly. “I
don’t know what, though. It was like he didn’t know what he
was doing, yet he called your name, knowingly.”
I knew exactly what she meant. Not to know what evil
you were doing, yet you were awake enough to do it. I felt
something terrible then. I didn’t know what either, but I bet it
had something to do with the Dark Magic.
I consoled my twin the best I could, hugging her close
while she cried. I began to think of what the Dark Magic might
be doing to Aaron.
That’s when I sensed him coming our way. I felt the
confusion from both Aaron and Luna’s sides, even if he wasn’t
there in front of me.
“He’s coming, Lu.” I whispered, holding her. “Please, be
“I can’t be calm.” Luna whispered, horrified I’d even think
of such a thing. “He hurt me.”
We met eyes, and the desperation in my own was enough
for her to agree. I sat until he came in, fresh pain in his heart.
I’d never felt this before, and I didn’t want to, either.
Derrick noticed Aaron was standing behind us at the
front door. He stood and took a deep breath, not saying a word
to Aaron. All he said was, “Be careful, both of you.” He pecked
us each on the cheek before disappearing up the stairs.
We both knew it would be best if I talked to them alone.
I stood and turned to face a very hurt Aaron Theodore
Schmidt. He stood hugging himself, unable to move. It was as
if he were afraid to.
“Ariana ” Aaron began, a genuine tear running down his
cheek. I noticed the necklace’s dark glow was fading. “I’m
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos199

“I know, but it’s not me you should be apologizing to, my

Aaron Theodore.” I told him, using the special name he’d had
in the orphanage, when he was nobody. I defended my sister.
He dared to step closer. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.” He
tried to convince me. “I swear it.”
I believed him. Something in my intuition told me to
believe him. “I know ” My voice carried off, looking at my twin.
Aaron took a seat at the kitchen table, thinking. After a
minute, he spoke. “I don’t know what happened. I mean, I do,
but I don’t know how. The thought just came into my head,
and I went through with it.”
“Thought?” I asked, listening. “What thought?”
“I don’t know what to call it, but I know I didn’t like it.”
He paused, looking at my sister with tears in his eyes. “I don’t
know how many times I can apologize to you, Luna.” He shook
his head. “Blessed be, I don’t know what came over me.”
“You hurt me, Aaron!” Luna jumped up and yelled, fresh
tears made their way to her eyes.
I put a hand on my sister’s shoulder before she said
anything she might regret later. Each were in their separate
corners: Luna on the couch and Aaron across the room at the
kitchen table. I walked over to my best friend, trying to grasp
all of whatever the Dark Magic had done to the three of us.
I took a seat across from him at the table. I grasped the
necklace with one hand, wary but curious. My other hand was
on my own Jewels Amulet.
I saw something I hadn’t seen since my youth. A faceless
demon with yellow eyes came into view and I gasped. For
years, it had been the main visionary symbol of evil, now
known as the Dark Magic. There was something deeply evil
about his necklace right now, and I had no clue how to handle
He was staring at me when I opened my eyes again.
“What did you see?”
“You weren’t to blame for what happened, Aaron.” I told
“He attacked me!” I heard Luna from behind me.
I turned my head. “Luna, please.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos200

I heard her take a deep breath. I continued my

conversation with Aaron. “Some kind of Dark Magic is. Only, I
don’t know much about it.”
“How could you not?” He asked. “You were the one to
conjure this thing up for me. During the last Crusade through
time. Don’t you remember? It helped me remember what was
real and what wasn’t.”
He was right, but even I didn’t know what to do. Even
back then, I didn’t.
Thoughts were ringing through my head, randomly. I
could recall what this Dark Magic had made him do, which
took my thoughts back to the orphanage.
“Remember when we were growing up, my Aaron
He looked at me strangely. “Yes, but what –?”
I held my hand up. I wasn’t finished yet. “When I could
feel the other children hurting, including you and Aimee?”
His eyes fell to his lap. “Yeah, but.” He began, unknowing
of what to say next.
I touched his chin, meeting eyes. I saw some of the
darkness was still there. I wished there were a way to get rid
of it.
I had to tell him.
“I felt it, Aaron.” I told him. “I felt it to the exact moment
you were attacking her.” My anger and disappointment was
bubbling. “Is that what you wanted? To hurt both of us at the
same time?”
He didn’t say anything, looking away.
Aaron only opened his mouth to shut it again. “I -- don’t
Crossed arms on the table, I watched as he buried his
head so I couldn’t see his hurt eyes. “I’m so sorry. Please, don’t
desert me now.”
I would never think of doing such a thing, and he knew
it! We’ve had so many things happen to us in our lives, and
we’d stuck through it.
I heard him begin to sob and stood to comfort him. There
was something tugging at his heart, I knew it. He wanted to
tell me, but didn’t know how.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos201

“Aaron.” I whispered in his ear. “Tell me.”

“You hate me now, don’t you?” He asked, lifting his head
to reveal the tears in his eyes. “We’ll never be best friends
again, I know it.”
“Stop talking like that.” I chided him. “Of course we will.”
He didn’t say anything, and we stared at each other for a
“Just because some obstacle decides to challenge us,
doesn’t mean I’m going to throw away nearly eighteen years of
“How can you like him now?” Luna spoke up. I hadn’t
even heard her come up behind me. “He’s hurt me, Ariana,
and you just said he hurt you, too. Don’t deny it.”
Her tears were gone, but not her anger.
This was hard on all three of us, not to mention both
Luna’s and my Earthly Protectors. I took a deep breath.
“Look, we can’t let something like this break us apart.
We’re a team of Crusaders, chosen by O’Dell and the Sisters.”
They didn’t say anything, so I continued.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m not about to let them
down now.” I replied.
Luna and Aaron looked at me, then each other before
back at the floor.
I sighed. “Forgive, forget, and move on.” I told them,
looking at my sister. “Luna, I know he hurt you. Badly. I felt it,
too, remember?” I turned to him. “He said he was sorry, and I
believe him.”
“You always stick up for him, Ariana!” Luna spat angrily.
“What about me – your own twin sister? Aren’t I important to
you anymore?”
“Lu, yes, you are important to me.” I stood and hugged
her. “We’re identical twins; inseparable since we met.
Together, we make a pretty explosive pair, no matter what
we’re fighting against.”
Luna smiled at that, her anger slowly disappearing.
I turned back to Aaron, who continued to stare at us. “As
for you, we have to do something about your necklace before it
destroys us all.”
“What does the necklace have to do with it?” Luna asked.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos202

So she hadn’t overheard our conversation.

“Luna, you told me you saw it glow. Right?” I asked, and
she nodded. “Well, I saw it in my vision, too. It has a bit of
Dark Magic in it. We have to get rid of it somehow.”
I took both my twin’s hand and Aaron’s with each of my
own. “Together, as a team. Understood?”
They looked at each other, then at me. We hugged, with
them chorusing. “Yes, my Young Guardian.”
I groaned and rolled my eyes. Their spirits were returning
to normal, slowly but surely.


I’d sent both Luna and Aaron home soon afterward, to

calm down and think of a plan of attack for whatever the Dark
Magic had in store. My Earthbound life was exciting, there was
no question about that, and the PTA meetings became a more
on-going thing. People were more generous with their pleasant
thoughts of “The Woods.”
Derrick and I headed out the door with our children to
attend a special gathering of all residents of Hill View Schools.
Mr. Farthay, my Psychology teacher, told me about the annual
bash usually called “Getting-To-Know-You Dinner.” All parents
and their children attending Hill View’s new schools would
gather to acquaint themselves with the rest of the city’s
parents. There would be fun, games, dancing, and a special
It was more than that for me. For me, it would signal a
very special turnaround in one of Hill View’s own young
mothers. I wanted to show them I was harmless. I would
hopefully become an advisor in the end, helping them no
matter what troubles they may have.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Love?” Derrick asked,
grabbing both our coats. Kelly helped her brothers with theirs.
I nodded. “Derrick, I have to show them I’m harmless,
despite empty rumors. I want to be accepted by the city of Hill
View, so I’d better stick up for myself.”
He sighed. “Come on then, let’s go. We don’t want to be
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos203

He picked up his sons and we were on our way, as a

family. It was time to show the city just who Ariana Moon
Sister-Woods-Reading truly was.
I held the hand of both my daughter and husband as we
entered the Hill View Elementary Auditorium. The commotion
of people talking and laughing ended when they saw us.
“Why does everyone stare at us, Momma?” Kelly was
brave enough to ask.
How to answer her?
“They don’t understand us yet, Kelly.” I told her, receiving
a hand squeeze from Derrick. “That’s all.”
I snuck a look at my husband, who was smiling with his
younger son under his other arm. I had Andrew in a carrier on
my chest. The boys were quiet, fortunately.
“They don’t know our secret, do they?” Kelly asked.
Who knew a child of eight would have so many
“In a way, yes, and no.” I told her. She looked at me
strangely. Before she could open her mouth to ask anything
else, I spoke up. “Let’s find a place to sit. I have a feeling it’s
going to be a very exciting night.”
Derrick laughed.
We saw his parents in the crowd and headed over to sit
by them.
Evelyn grinned as she took Andrew and hugged me,
kissing my cheek. “How are you feeling? I heard you weren’t
feeling well.”
I looked to my husband, who wore an innocent grin. His
brother Jake took Mark-Antony, playing with his nephew. I
noticed Kelly had found her aunt Kendra and uncle Alex.
I looked back to my mother-in-law. “I’m feeling better
now, thank you.”
“That’s good.” She replied.
“No fair getting sick on us.” Kendra teased, giggling. Kelly
jumped off her lap to rush to mine, and I hugged her.
I rolled my eyes, laughing softly. As we sat, I heard a
voice over the intercom.
“Attention parents!” Mr. Anderson got the attention of
every parent and child in the auditorium. He was the principal
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos204

of the school, so when he spoke, we listened. I respected him,

as did everyone else in Hill View. He waited until it was silent
before continuing.
It would take a while with this crowd, I reflected.
“Welcome to the first-annual Hill View Elementary
‘Getting-To-Know-You’ Dinner. In the past, we’ve had this for
the Academy, but since the building is now the official
elementary school for the city, we’ve changed the name.” Mr.
Anderson snickered.
The crowd laughed. I groaned, knowing immediately he
was a charmer.
“Now, there are five new families adding to the Hill View
curriculum.” He announced. “When I call your names, please
come up to the podium and introduce yourselves.” Mr.
Anderson looked down at the note cards in his hands. “First
up are the DeRose’s. Delilah and Weston; please come up with
your children, and tell us about yourselves.”
I clapped with the rest of the parents, watching as
Delilah held onto her children’s hands. There were three girls
and two boys. Weston held his infant son in his arms. I could
tell the baby was special, for he had Downs’ Syndrome. As I
was growing up, I’d known children that had that, and had
nothing against them.
Good luck, I sent to Delilah when we met eyes.
She smiled, nodding at me. Thank you, my Young
Mr. Anderson went alphabetically, so he added us
Readings toward the end.
“We are proud to present the newest family to our
community, the newlywed Readings. Derrick and Ariana, come
on up and tell us about yourselves.”
We stood, but didn’t get applause as the rest had. We
didn’t get admiration. All we got were stares.
“Everybody knows our son.” Evelyn hoped to lighten up
the room.
“Yeah. Let’s hear about the little lady.” I heard Father
Reading’s voice peep after her.
I smiled. My in-laws were something else.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos205

Now was my chance to tell them about me, minus the

Magic and the System. Time to tell them about where I came
from, and why they didn’t have to be afraid of me anymore.
I stepped up to the podium, my eyes searching the crowd
for smiling faces. I recognized those of Aimee, Aaron, Luna,
Shane (who was holding Caleb), Bradley Allen, my parents and
siblings, Derrick’s family, with Kendra holding Andrew and
Jake holding Mark-Antony. Alicia and Cory Edwards and their
three children, who were quiet. Stan and Christina Farthay
grinned at me with their four children, Rick, Alexander,
Kirsten and baby Joseph. I noticed Kelly’s friends and their
parents, the Wests, Stevensons, and Richardsons. A wave of a
hand caught my eye and I glanced to see Cindy “Cool Cat”
Carmichael herself, with her son Richard and husband beside
her. Caroline Parker was sitting behind her with two little girls
I didn’t know the names of then. Way in the back, hiding from
view, was Great-Aunt Dorianne Jacobs. I could see her eyes
sparkling as she smiled proudly at me.
I frowned when my eyes hit those of a very smug
Adrienne Whitehead, who was sitting in the back row, glaring
at me with her arms crossed. Her daughter Veronica sat
beside her, looking bored.
Guess what, Adrienne. You’re not going to intimidate me
this time. You may have disrupted my life when you barged into
my house, claiming your daughter was Derrick’s, but you’re not
getting away with that. I’ll show you all right.
I felt a bubble of Dark Magic begin to grow from my
hatred of her. I took a deep breath and began to think positive
thoughts to rid myself of it before something bad happened.
Kelly tapped my arm and I shook my head, getting back
to reality.
No time for petty thoughts. This was the time for
understanding and kindness.
I noticed my daughter was beside me, kneeling on a chair
she’d pushed up to me. Derrick placed his arm around my
shoulder, reassuring me. He smiled, sending me a telepathic
message as our eyes met.
You can do it, Love. Tell ‘em who you are.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos206

I grinned back, turning to the crowd. I cleared my throat,

reminding myself of my purpose.
I wasn’t only doing this for my own honor, or even that of
my family. I was doing this for my twin sister Luna.
I tapped the microphone, making it sure it was still on
and working. With a shriek, I found it did, and winced.
It seemed to lighten the mood.
“My name is Ariana Moon Woods-Reading.” I began, and
then told them my story, in short. “I originally grew up in an
orphanage in Shore Point, California. My only friends were a
pair of twins who are here tonight with their son, Bradley
Allen. Aaron and Aimee Schmidt helped me when no one else
would. We stuck together like glue, calling ourselves the Three
Musketeers. When I turned thirteen, I ran away from the
orphanage, soon having Aaron’s daughter Kelly.”
I placed an arm around her shoulder.
I told them all I could, without letting on about the
System or the Mystic Magic.
“In conclusion,” I continued at the end. “I wish for you
not to judge me until you get to know me. I’m harmless, and
would like for all of you to know me by heart. I would like to do
the same for you. The Farthays, Parkers, Wests, Richardsons,
Readings, DeRoses, Stevensons, and Edwards’ have already
opened their homes and hearts to my family.” I thought of
Adrienne, and people like her who hated others the way she
did. “Please, disregard all rumors spread by whoever hates
anyone different from themselves. Follow your own hearts, and
show yourselves I’m not a bad influence on the rest of Hill
View. Thank you.”
There was a tense silence, then a surprise.
“Yeah, listen to my Momma.” Kelly spoke up. “She’s
A few parents laughed at that.
Feeling happy, I hugged her.
Finally, I heard somebody clap. One by one, the parents
of Hill View, Michigan clapped for me. I scanned the
auditorium and saw Evelyn and Alexander Reading Senior
smiling proudly at me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos207

I accomplished what I’d come to do. Now it was up to the

rest of the city to find it in their hearts to talk to my family and
myself again.
Everything was okay with the PTA now, as I had hoped,
but there was still that twinge of Dark Magic in my mind,
bubbling inside me. There was still a long life ahead of me,
and it would only prove to get harder as the days rolled on.
Lord Guardian O’Dell had known something that day he
gave me the Amulet. It was up to me to find out what that was
by living my adventurous life.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos208

Story: #3
Clairvoyant Visions

When I opened the door to the house a week later, I was

greeted by Derrick and Kelly.
“Momma! Momma!” Kelly took my hand and pulled me
“Hold on a minute honey! I just walked in the door.”
“Have we got a surprise for you?” Derrick took my coat
and portfolio, setting them in the foyer closet. “Come on, hurry
I laughed. “What’s the big surprise?”
He gave me a goofy grin, his brown eyes twinkling with
delight. “You’ll see.”
Reluctant, but interested, I followed my daughter and
husband into the living-room.
“The twins are learning to walk.” Luna was there, with
Caleb and Shane. “So is Caleb.”
I saw she still looked a little bruised, yet fine.
“Mama,” Andrew reached his tiny hand to me, standing
on his own.
I watched my son; waiting with my arms outstretched a
few paces away. “Come to Mama, Andrew.” I whispered.
In front of my eyes, he took a step. Then another and
another, until finally, he’d reached me, collapsing into my
I hugged him, kissing his tiny cheeks. “I’m proud of you,
my Andrew James.”
He smiled at me, nodding.
I looked up at his twin, who was frowning, and went to
“I think he’s jealous.” Shane joked. “Both his twin and
cousin have already begun to walk while he still speed-crawls.”
I laughed. “I’m sure he has his reasons.” I replied then
sent my youngest son a message.
Mark-Antony, don’t be jealous or mad. I love you.
I put Andrew down on the floor beside me, speaking
aloud. “Come on, Mark-Antony Reading. Show us you can do
it too.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos209

He sat, pouting, arms crossed. He stuck his tongue out

at me, blowing raspberries.
“Now, now, be nice.” I warned him. “If I help you up, will
you try?”
He stared at me, and then looked around the room, as if
sizing the situation up. Luna, Shane, Caleb, Andrew, Derrick
and I waited. We’d finally had all our attentions to him, so he
nodded to make his move.
I took one of my son’s hands, which wrapped around my
fingers. Mark-Antony stood, looking first around the room,
then to the ground.
“You can do it, Mark-Antony.” I whispered. “Do it for
Momma and Daddy.”
He lifted his foot and stepped forward. He let go of my
hand slowly, his silver-blues watching my every move. Looking
at his father Derrick straight ahead, Mark-Antony stepped
again, only to fall flat on his face! Pausing, my son started to
scream in pain.
Derrick ran to comfort him by picking him up. “Shhh.” I
heard him whisper. “It’s okay. You’re okay now, son.”
That’s when Andrew and Caleb started to scream, too.
“Great.” I picked up Andrew and led him to his brother. “See
what you started, little man?” I smiled at Mark-Antony, whose
tears had miraculously disappeared. Those silver-blue eyes
glowed with happiness and contentment. The twins smiled at
one another, full of mischief. Caleb clapped his hands, giggling
Luna and I looked at each other, starting to laugh as we
hugged our sons.
“They’re silly Momma.” Kelly announced, giggling. “They
did that on purpose!”
“I know, Sweetie.” I winked at her brothers. “Believe me, I
Once we’d calmed down and the boys were content again,
Luna pulled Kelly and I aside.
“Now that everything’s back to normal,” She started.
“To some extent.” Shane smiled, interrupting her with a
kiss on the cheek.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos210

“How about if I help you make dinner for our boys?” Luna
ignored her husband and suggested. She stood, handing Caleb
to his father. “Derrick, take Andrew, and Kelly, follow me.”
“What’s up, Aunt Luna?” Kelly asked.
“We’re making dinner for our boys.” I grabbed one of my
daughter’s hands, and Luna grabbed the other.
Hand in hand, we went into the kitchen, closing its door.
Kelly sat on a barstool and Luna had a mischievous look
in her eyes and happy smile on her lips.
I couldn’t help but smile, myself.
“Alright, Aluna Star Morehouse, what’s on your mind?” I
asked, folding my arms.
To my surprise, she hugged me. “Thanks, Ariana.”
I laughed. “For what?”
“For helping me the other night.”
I shrugged. “You’re my twin sister. Why wouldn’t I help
you?” I grinned, winking at Kelly. “It’s not as if I had a choice
in the matter.”
Kelly giggled, but Luna frowned, pulling away.
“I’m sorry, Lu.” I laughed. “It was only a joke. You know.
Ha-ha? You got to laugh.”
Luna continued to pout. “It’s not a laughing matter.”
“I’m sorry.” I apologized. “I was trying to lighten your
“Thanks, but I’m worried.”
“What about?” I asked.
“My dream.” Luna looked to Kelly. She sat next to her
before continuing. “It’s more of a vision than a dream.”
I sensed something in the air. “Lu, tell me what’s up.”
Instead of answering, Luna hugged my daughter.
“What’s wrong, aunt Luna?” Kelly asked. “Why do you
feel so afraid for me?”
Afraid? Whoa.
“Out with it little sister.” I demanded, not meaning to
sound harsh.
Luna looked up at me. Her eyes were silver-blue, which
usually meant trouble was to come. Luna’s eyes were usually
sea-green. “I had a vision of someone kidnapping her, taking
her away from all of us.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos211

Both Kelly and I gasped, exchanging glances. I took my

daughter and held her tight. I could feel her anxiety.
“You’re not gonna let anyone take me away from you, are
you, Momma?” Kelly asked, hugging me tighter.
“Never, my darling.” I told her. “I promise; we’ll never be
apart from each other again.” I kissed her forehead. “I don’t
want that kind of pain to ever fall on me again.” I grinned,
hoping to lighten our moods. “It was hard enough to find you
the first time.”
Kelly grinned.
I stood, looking at my sister. “Let’s just hope that’s all it
is. A vision.” I told her.
She looked at me as if I were clueless. “What about the
Clairvoyance? I mean, what I saw was so powerful.”
“You were under some trauma three days ago, and you’re
still getting over that.” I said, trying to convince myself as
much as I was convincing her. “Your sensors are still haywire
from all the duress.”
I watched as my sister’s eyes changed again, back to
normal. It told me she was feeling okay about what happened,
and was calming down.
“Listen, though.” She said softly. “Even if you never
believe a single vision of mine ever again, I want you to listen
to me now.”
I stared at her. Sure enough, she was serious. I sighed.
“I give up.” I held my hands up in surrender, smiling at
the two of them. “Now, what are we going to make for our
“I wanna help you make desert!” Kelly peeped.
Luna stared at me. “Since when do you know how to
“All my life. Remember, I grew up in an orphanage, so I
had plenty of chores.” I told her. “One of them, twice a week I
believe, was Aimee and I having kitchen duty. That’s where I
learned everything I know about cooking.”
Kelly jumped off the stool to hug me. “You’re the best
cook, Momma!”
I laughed.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos212

“I think I rival your Momma, Kelly.” Luna was back to her

old self in no time.
With that, we started dinner. I was glad things were
getting back to normal, despite the Dark Magic in Aaron’s
necklace. When we had finished dinner and called out for the
boys to join us, I thought about that necklace. I also thought
about Luna’s warning about Kelly.
Derrick’s eyes shifted to me numerous times at the table,
then away when he saw the look on my face. My thoughts had
put a frown on my lips, and my Earthly Protector didn’t like it
one bit. I wouldn’t let his eyes meet mine, for I know what
would happen if I had. He would try to read my mind and send
me a message at the same time. That was the only bad part
about the Pendant and Magics together.
“I’ll help you clean up, Love.” Derrick offered.
Who was I to refuse an offer like that? My mind and body
were tired from the day and I always enjoyed both his help and
He and I quietly did the dishes by hand, until Derrick
“Your thoughts strayed. May I ask why?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess my mind is going
through so many things.”
“Tell me about them.”
“First, I had a strange vision when I picked the kids up
from school.”
His eyes perked. “Oh really?”
I nodded. “Second, before starting dinner, Luna told me
about a vision she’d had. She saw someone kidnapping Kelly
from us.”
He looked afraid, knowing how powerful my sister’s
visions were. He swallowed. “Anything else, or shouldn’t I
I nodded. “Finally, when Aaron came over the other day
with the necklace glowing, there was something in it I didn’t
like. I handled it only to find the Dark Magic in it. Thing is:
even though I gave it to him back in time, I don’t know how to
conquer it.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos213

He was silent. I couldn’t tell if my husband believed me,

or just didn’t know what to think.
“I meant what I said Ariana.” He replied, kissing my
cheek. “Be careful. You don’t know much about the Dark
Magic – neither of us does.”
I nodded, finishing in silence. He was worried about me,
as always.
I never knew how much I’d been pulled away from my
Magic studies. If I’d had more lessons, I would have known
what to do when my twin’s vision came true.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos214

Part Two:
New Challenges

Lady Katherine’s Crystal

I dreamed. It was torture, just thinking about it now.

I found Katherine, Marie, and Celine by the River of Regret
where the old Dominion used to be. There was a girl with them.
Half-cat, half-human. I recalled when the kit twins told me
about her. Just as I suspected, the girl had violet eyes. Was she
Destiny Grey?
I saw my friend and called to her. “Kat!”
All three looked up. Marie and the new Companion bowed
to me. I smiled. “Rise, Marie.” I told her. “What have I told you
about that?”
“My apologies, Young Guardian.” Marie announced as she
stood. The new Companion girl stood as well. “I was merely
showing my respect for you.”
Katherine still hadn’t met my eyes, so I asked. “Katherine,
did you call me here?”
Sadly, she nodded. “Aye.”
My Companion friend couldn’t speak. Something was
“A warning of Dark Magic, my Young Guardian.” The new
Companion girl replied. “I brought them together, to show you.”
I was interested. The girl wasn’t much older than Kelly or
Celine. “What’s your name, Young Companion?”
The girl bowed, “I am Destiny Grey, daughter of Marie and
Panther Grey. I am named for your own destiny, Young
Celine tugged at my blouse, purring. “Where is Kelly?”
I tried sensing my daughter, but found I couldn’t. I looked
to Katherine. “Why can’t I sense her, Kat?”
Kat looked up at me with sad eyes. Her eyes were silver-
blue as well. She played with her daughter’s mix-matched
braid. “I—“
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos215

She bowed her eyes once again. I could sense she was
apprehensive to tell me.
Katherine? I sent to her telepathically.
There was something terribly wrong in the Dream Realm,
but what?
“I had a vision in my Crystal.”
That was a new one on me.
“You have a Crystal?” I asked, amazed.
“Come,” She announced, turning and heading home
through the Canine Wood. Marie, Destiny and I followed Celine
and her mother.
Halfway into the woods, it hit. I was frozen in my spot,
unable to move. I put my fingers to my temples, hoping to grasp
the feel of a horrifying vision. Something was happening to us,
Kelly and I, only I couldn’t find my daughter to warn her.
“Ariana!” I heard Katherine’s voice cry as she ran to my
A shock was sent through my body, and I screamed. The
vision became very clear, and I found out there was nowhere to
run or hide. How could I hide from that which I felt so
Next, I felt a warm Magic going through my body, heating
and healing my body and soul. It was Mystic, and it came from
After a minute, when I could move again, I heard
Katherine’s voice purring for me. “Are you alright?”
I sensed her compassion and secretive respect she had for
me. I was still frozen, stuck in a clairvoyant vision I couldn’t
shake myself from.
“What do you see?” Marie’s gentle voice called me out of
my thoughts.
“Kelly’s face.” I said softly, slowly gaining what power I’d
needed to get me out of the horrible vision. “Her arms reached
out for me, and her eyes were crying in pain.”
I heard Katherine sigh in my ear.
“This is what I was afraid of.” She whispered sadly,
standing. She helped me stand once the vision was over. “Now I
have to show you my Crystal.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos216

I saw we were already at Stargazer Castle. Marie,

Destiny, and Celine were silent behind me. As we stepped
inside, I could see a pulsating rainbow-colored light.
Definitely Mystic, I knew. A round Crystal ball stood on
the tip of a staff. I recognized it immediately, but didn’t get the
chance to say the words.
“It were my mother’s Mystic Staff.” Katherine smiled
proudly. “She saw and heard what good I were doing for the
Province from Lord Guardian. That was when she gave it to
“Mistress Mystica tells that Staff were the very one to
foresee her own death.” Marie told me.
“It was her destiny.” Destiny smiled, her violet eyes
sparkled. “In order for the Wars to end, she had to die in them.”
“I know the story, thank you Destiny.” I smiled back at
her. I turned back to my friend. ‘Can you answer my question,
Lady Katherine Hawk-Stargazer?”
To call my long-time friend by a title seemed awkward,
but I had to get her full attention.
Katherine took the staff and stared into it. “Sister Aluna
has already warned you of danger, correct?” She didn’t take
her eyes off it as she spoke.
“Yes, but—” I started.
“Marie and Destiny, you may excuse yourselves. Celine,
my daughter, go with them.” Katherine’s gaze was still on the
Crystal atop the staff. “This is a very delicate matter between
Young Guardian and me.”
“Aye, Lady Katherine.” They obeyed.
Celine caught my eye as she passed me. She knew what
kind of hell her mother was to put me through, giving me a sad
look and soft purr.
All was silent, with both Katherine and I staring into the
Crystal. The staff was at our eye-level, with her silver-blue eyes
staring into it. She wanted me to see something, and I wanted
to know just what?
I stepped closer to her, so we were side by side. “Kat?
What’s wrong?”
No answer.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos217

She was in her Balinese-human form, which she took

often. Her eyes glowed another color now --- pure yellow. Bright
as the noonday sun, but scarier.
“Why have I been brought to you?” I asked in a whisper. I
didn’t want to disturb her much.
I felt my own form changing. A white wind blew around
me, changing my clothes. I soon found myself in a flowing white
gown. A multi-pastel-colored wrap hung over my right shoulder,
with a pin shaped like my new Jewels Amulet. I noticed the
gown’s top was partially see-through, and I wore a rose-colored
slip underneath. The gown went down to my ankles, making
me look and feel older and more sophisticated.
“Katherine, what’s going on?” My voice shook as my eyes
stared at what I wore. Whatever was going on, it was beginning
to scare me.
“Our Lord Guardian wishes a word with you concerning
your teachings.” Katherine whispered. I could hardly hear her.
“I don’t care about teachings right now.” I snapped. “Why
was I brought here?”
Her eyes shifted from the Crystal to mine. “What did you
feel in the vision?”
I sensed she was in teacher-mode. I respected that right
away, remembering she knew much more about the Dream
Realm’s secrets than I did.
“I told you already.” I replied. “Kelly --”
She interrupted me. “Crying out for you to help her.”
Katherine finished. “Yes, but what did you really feel and read
from it?”
I thought about the vision once again. In the Outer Realm,
once a vision is seen, it cannot be seen again, unless whoever
was in it was with me. But in the Dream Realm, it not only can
be seen again, it can be felt as well. A vision can be reborn, as
if it were never seen.
My eyes closed to witness the vision again. “She’s in
trouble somewhere.” I whispered.
This time, I saw more. No demon was holding her hostage,
but it was the same type of feeling. I still tried to find her in the
Dream Realm.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos218

The vision started differently this time. This time, I

witnessed as she was sleeping in her bed, peacefully. I wanted
to get a closer look, but the image changed, as did the feeling.
I felt her going out of her body, looking first over to it, then to
My hands grasped the Amulet pin, and I began to see
I had no choice but to follow her through a portal, which
took us to a place we hated the most.
The Abyss.
My daughter took my hand, but didn’t say a word as she
pointed ahead of us.
The Abyss was dark, but a little light shone on two
figures. I realized when we were.
That’s right, when. The two figures were of the two of us –
Kelly and I – when we were trapped in the Abyss. That was
shortly after we’d reunited with her.
Why are we here? I found myself thinking to her.
Her hand went down, and her eyes looked at me.
To see the bond we have for each other. I noticed my
daughter looked older. Remember that as I’m forced to leave
your side.
I told you I wouldn’t let anyone take you away from me –
ever again. I convinced her, trying to hug her.
Kelly shook her head and ran off, disappearing from
“Kelly!” I called to her. No answer.
That’s when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I
snapped out of the vision, opening my eyes to see my feline
friend leaning over me. I was lying on a cot, with her sitting
next to me.
“Katherine?” I whispered. “What – How did that happen?”
“Your Magic is powerful, yes, but not all Magic can heal a
broken heart.” Katherine sat me up, handing me a small bowl.
“What are you talking about?”
Katherine paused before speaking again. “The vision with
the Enchanted Child – Kelly – has your heart yearning to know
what Sister Aluna really meant by her warning.”
My eyes looked down to the bowl.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos219

“Drink.” She playfully commanded. “It will make you feel

I smelled the potion, knowing its magical properties,
coming from her. It smelled of autumn leaves with a hint of
carob root. As I took a sip, it tasted like maple syrup and brown
sugar mixed. The first taste was enough to make me feel better.
“How do you feel?” She asked, anxiously waiting. “Did my
potion do some good?”
I smiled at her once placing the bowl on the table next to
me. I hugged her. “Yes, Kat. It did wonders.” I pulled back from
her. “What do you call it?”
Katherine shrugged. “It has no name, but its ingredients
come from the Canine Wood. I had been collecting herbs for a
while, just to practice my Magic.”
My attention stirred out the window. I felt a hand on my
cheek, and a soft purr in wonder.
“What bothers you, my friend?” Katherine whispered,
noticing I hadn’t been listening.
I turned back to her with a tear in my eye. I thought back
to the vision, and Luna’s warning.
The thought came to my head, but its words sprang from
my mouth. “Lu’s right. Kelly’s going to be in grave danger, and
there’s nothing I can do but stand aside.”
Katherine lowered her head, knowing my words rang true.
When she looked up at me again, she whispered. “Go home,
Young Guardian. The dawn of a new day has come.”
The last words I whispered before waking up were
“Thank you, Katherine.”
My eyes stung with tears, for I didn’t know why. Derrick
sensed I was awake and hugged me from behind. Not one word
was said between us, for we didn’t need to utter a sound. The
gestures of love alone were enough to comfort my aching mind.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos220

Adrienne’s Revenge

I came across Darlene Bennington’s card one day, and

thought about my conversation with her. As soon as the twins
were sleeping and the main housework was done, I called her.
“Hello?” A girl’s voice answered.
“Is Darlene Bennington there?”
I heard the girl cover the receiver and scream, “Mom! It’s
for you!” She then uncovered it and asked. “Who is this?”
“My name is Ariana Reading. I’m a friend of your
mother’s.” I told her. “You wouldn’t be her daughter Rhiannon,
would you?”
“How’d you know?”
I smiled. “Lucky guess.”
“Thank you, Moon.” I heard Darlene’s voice say, taking
the phone from her daughter. “Hello?”
“Darlene, it’s Ariana. You were right.”
“Do explain.” Darlene replied simply. I told her
everything that had happened from the day we met.
“Sounds serious.” Darlene replied. “Visions, dreams, this
thing you call Dark Magic, it’s all a part of you.”
“That I know. If my sister’s visions are right, and my
dreams are right, my daughter Kelly is going to be kidnapped
soon.” I replied. “By who, I don’t know. When, I don’t know. All
I know is to be afraid of Luna’s clairvoyance.”
“Calm down Ariana.” She told me. “First of all, listen to
your dreams. They are an important clue to solving the
“You sound like a detective.” I told her.
“Well, I am sort of a mystery-lover.” Darlene told me with
a laugh. “Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys always kept me out
of trouble.”
“I’m a trained detective, and even I’m having a hard time
figuring it out.” I replied. “Take the dream with my Companion
friend Katherine for example. I fell into a faint, where I
imagined myself in the Abyss.”
“The Abyss.” Darlene interrupted. “The veil between the
worlds, right?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos221

“Right.” I supplied. “To me, the Abyss is dark and gloomy.

I imagined myself being taken back there by an older version
of my daughter. When I tried to hug her, promising not to let
anyone hurt her, she pushed away and ran off. That’s when I
woke up in Katherine’s castle, laying on a cot. Do you think it
means anything specific?”
“The love of your daughter for one.” Darlene said. “That
in itself is a very strong force. Remember that when it actually
“Okay. Thank you, Darlene. I appreciate the advice.”
“I’m not finished yet, young lady.” She commented
sternly. “Next, what is the message your sister is trying to tell
you through her visions?”
“That Kelly is going to be harmed; only, neither of us
knows when.” I replied. “When she came over that day, I could
sense something was bothering her. When she hugged Kelly,
she gave my daughter a feeling her aunt was afraid for her.”
“All you can say is interesting?” I asked, raising my voice.
“Don’t you have some kind of spell for this? I know we don’t,
“No, no spells.” Darlene replied. “The only thing I can
think of is to keep a watchful eye over her.”
“I can’t watch her twenty-four hours a day.” I told her. “I
have my twin sons to take care of, the house to keep clean,
and homework to do for school.”
“Don’t you have some kind of...oh, what is it...connection
“What are you talking about?”
“A talisman or charm that keeps you psychically in touch
with her.” Darlene explained. “If you do, use it every now and
then to keep tabs on her.”
I thought for a moment. The only thing like that I knew of
was the Dream Locket, but I no longer had it. As far as I knew,
Kelly didn’t have one, yet, so I didn’t know what to say.
I sighed.
“Listen, Ariana.” Darlene said. “Take my advice and you’ll
be okay. If you have any questions, feel free to call either of us.
I’m sure we’ll be able to help you, okay?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos222

“Okay. Again, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”
We said our goodbyes and hung up.
I rubbed my temples, soothing the headache coming on.
All this talk about Kelly’s impending kidnapping made the
feelings of dread that much closer. I checked on the twins
before heading for a nap myself. I’d do the housework and my
homework later.


It took a week for the horror to build up. I dropped the

children off to school before running my errands for the day.
As Kelly kissed my cheek goodbye, I had another vision.
My daughter's hand was reaching out for me in the vision,
and the feeling of longing was in my heart.
The vision may have been a quick one, but it'd done its
damage. I had to say something. I shook out of my daze just in
time. "Kelly?"
She turned, backpack on her shoulder. "Yes, Momma?"
I took a breath. "Be careful, please."
Kelly nodded and ran off to meet her friends.
For the rest of school day, the empathic feelings of horror
filled my mind. I could do nothing to stop it, so I tried to ignore
it. My sister wasn't as reluctant to give it up.
"Are you alright?" She asked me for the millionth time.
Luna was helping me with our sons. "You're really acting
strange, and for you, that's saying a lot!"
I stuck my tongue out at her, getting my twin's quick
joke. I didn't think it was funny. "If you want to know, use
your sensors."
She looked at me strangely. "Sensors? What for?"
"I'm getting empathic visions of Kelly being taken away
from us." I told her. "It's really worrying me."
"You mean to tell me my clairvoyant visions were true?"
She was incredulous. "You're kidding. That must mean our
Magic is growing intensely."
"It's not the Magic I'm worried about." I replied, picking
up an almost-sleeping Andrew and taking him to the nursery.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos223

Luna followed with Caleb. Mark-Antony was already sleeping

in his crib.
My sister waited until the door closed behind her before
saying anything. Her eyes read a depressed, but determined
tale. She looked up at me and cleared her throat. “Whenever it
happens, which I know it will, I’ll stand beside you, one-
hundred percent.”
Smiling, I hugged my twin. “When?” I could help asking
as I pulled away.
“As soon as is happens, you’ll know.” Luna whispered,
and then walked away.
I had to wait until the end of the school day to find out
what made us both so anxious.
In the middle of reading, I happened to look at the clock.
Almost time to pick them up, I thought to myself.
Another vision hit like a bullet, making my heart race.
A faceless demon snatched my daughter’s hand, pulling a
frightened Kelly Reading by her wrist to a van in front of the
school. The feelings were so intense that I had to do something.
I jumped out of my spot and raced for my coat and car
keys. “Luna, watch the boys. I’ll be right back.”
I never gave my twin a chance to object, for I was already
I parked in the same spot I’d thought was in my vision.
Each of her friends climbed in the Jeep, but no Kelly.
Bradley noticed my anxious gaze was at the building,
watching and waiting.
“Where’s Kelly?” I asked him.
He shrugged. “She wasn’t in any of her classes, Mrs.
Reading. I thought she was with you.”
I shook my head, frowning. “I dropped her off this
morning. You saw me.” To myself, “I’m sure of it.”
“Maybe Mr. Reading picked her up?” Elizabeth Edwards
peeped up from the back seat.
I hadn’t thought of that.
As the children buckled in, I took them each home. The
Edwards’ and Bradley Allen stayed behind, only climbing out
when we’d reached my driveway.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos224

Bradley stopped beside me watching Elizabeth, Steven,

and Cassandra race home next door. He touched my arm.
“Kelly’s gonna be okay, isn’t she, Mrs. Reading?”
I hugged him, loving his optimism. “Of course, Bradley.
Now, go play. I’ll tell your father where you are.”
He paused for only a second before running next door.
I shook my head out of my daze before heading in the
house. “Derrick! Luna!” I called, sensing both were there.
“In here, Ariana.” My husband’s voice came from afar. He
sounded distracted.
I followed his voice to the living room, where I found both
he and Luna looking over something in his hands.
“What’s that?” I asked, almost dreadful.
My sister looked up at me with fresh tears in her silver-
blue eyes. “We were right. Kelly’s gone.”
“Hand it over.” I commanded them, my hand out to reach
Derrick and Luna shared a look before he reluctantly
handed it to me.
As I reached for it, Derrick replied softly. “Don’t be mad
when you read it.”
Right as my hand touched it, my sight was clouded. My
mind was coming up with an image of a woman. The memory
of the PTA meeting came back on me, with the woman’s smug
look upon her lips.
Kelly’s with Adrienne Whitehead.
“Adrienne.” I whispered.
Derrick nodded, knowing. “You’re clairvoyance is getting
stronger, I see.”
“As is mine.” Luna told him. “That means one thing:
we’re now true Mystics of the Dream Realm.”
That was the least of my worries.
My husband, on the other hand, was immediately in a
daze of his own.
“You say you were the one to have the visions first?”
Derrick began, rubbing his chin in thought.
He was in his old detective mode, thinking like a System
Agent once again. When we were there together, he was always
in one of three modes: loving boyfriend mode, normal student-
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos225

teacher mode, and detective mode. So far, he hasn’t grown out

of it. I was glad, for I didn’t want him to.
Luna hadn’t answered him, so he looked at the both of
us. “Call one of your sisters. We’re going to need someone to
watch the boys while we search for Kelly.” Derrick replied,
taking charge.
Luna and I nodded. “Right.” We chorused.
Something didn’t feel right about this. I was certain, but I
couldn’t explain it.
I was in a daze of my own when Luna went to the phone.
“Hey,” Derrick tapped me out of it. “What’s up?”
“She’s not at the Whiteheads.” I announced.
“What makes you say that?” Luna asked, walking back
up to us.
I took a deep breath. “Call it a hunch.”
Before either of us could say another word, we heard the
door slam open. We turned to see a very disturbed Aaron
“Where’s Kelly?” He demanded.
He was out of breath, hands shaking.
“With Adrienne Whitehead.” I told him as he came up to
“What are we waiting for?” He asked. “Let’s go!”
“Not so fast, Aaron.” Luna replied. “Ariana just told us
she’s not there.”
“They’re not at the estate.” I told her. “That’s what I
“Where could she be?” Aaron asked, worried.
“We got a note.” Derrick spoke up.
Aaron’s eyebrows rose. “Note?”
Derrick dug it out of the trash to show him. I was glad
there was finally peace among them. They were being true to
the Crusader oath, getting to the main problem instead of
bickering and fighting each other. I smiled at them, my arms
crossed in front of me.
“Let me ask this again.” Luna replied. “What makes you
think she’s not there?”
“Think about it.” I said. “It would be too easy.”
Luna folded her arms in thought. “I get what you mean.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos226

“Ariana.” I heard Aaron call. He stood beside me before

going on. “Can you sense her anywhere?”
I closed my eyes and thought of her. Kelly’s face in my
mind grew dark until it disappeared, along with all empathic
feelings I’d had of her. I frowned.
“I’ll take that as a no.” Aaron sighed.
I shrugged, turning to my sister, who was lost in thought.
“What’s up with Anna, Mary Ellen or Claudia? Can they watch
the boys?”
Luna shook out of her daze. “Sorry, no one was home.”
“Do you think Aimee would be able to?” Derrick asked
“I don’t see why not?” Aaron replied.
Before either of us could say anything else, we heard a
voice peep. “Dad?”
It was Bradley Allen, and he looked desperate and
scared. His eyes were brimming with tears. “I want to help,
“I told you to stay with Aimee.” Aaron snapped, making
Bradley Allen jump. “Now, go home.”
“Aaron!” I scolded him. “He has a right to help. Kelly is
his sister, you know.”
Derrick could tell Aaron didn’t want his adopted son in
harm’s way, so he came up with a better idea. “Bradley Allen,
you can help us in a very important way.”
“Yes, sir?” Bradley sniffed.
“Stay home and help Aimee take care of the twins and
Caleb while we search, okay?”
Bradley looked to the ground, then back up, nodding.
“Yes, sir.”
He raced next door.
Luna, Derrick, Aaron and I looked to each other,
“I wonder why you can’t sense her?” Luna asked, taking
a seat at the kitchen table. “I mean, she is part Mystic herself.”
“Being Mystic has nothing to do with it.” Aaron replied.
He held up the note, crumpling it in his hands before tossing
it in the garbage. “When I get my hands on Adrienne
Whitehead, I’m gonna strangle her.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos227

Oh boy. Sounds fierce. I could sense a Dark Magic

bubble around him.
“Aaron, please calm down.” I tried, placing a hand on his
“How can I calm down when my daughter’s out there,
somewhere, kidnapped?” He shouted in my face.
I turned away from his fiery stare, a tear forming in my
Derrick hugged me. “It’s all right, Love. We’ll look for her
right now, okay?”
I nodded, sniffing.
“We need Shane.” Luna announced silently. “The
Crusaders must regroup to find her.”
Within a few minutes, the Dream Realm Crusaders were
bound once more. Not just to save the Enchanted Child of the
Dream Realm or another Young Mystic Dreamer.
No. We were bound, as a team, to find my daughter.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos228

Story #1:
Brother vs. Brother

By the time eight o’clock rolled around, the Crusaders

were growing tired of walking around the city of Hill View. We
shouted her name numerous times, but heard no answer. I
still couldn’t even sense her.
Derrick and I were walking side-by-side, holding hands.
I felt awful. I made a promise to my daughter and I broke
it. I prided myself on following through with any promise I
make. Not only that, my feelings were hurt. I was sick with
worry and my Earthly Protector could sense it.
“Don’t worry, Love.” Derrick whispered in my ear. “We’ll
find her soon.”
I looked at my husband, who gave me a kiss on the lips. I
didn’t say anything.
“Hey, we’re the Crusaders. We can do anything.” He
announced with a grin, making me smile.
It was at that moment a deep feeling of dread brushed
over me. I tried not to let Derrick see something was up.
Instead, I stayed silent, walking.
I heard Shane mumble under his breath, “I ought to kill
We stopped in our tracks to see what was going on.
He and Aaron met eyes. Neither was smiling.
“Shane, stop it.” Derrick told him.
“Sorry Derrick. Can’t do that.” Shane kept a revengeful
eye on Aaron, not looking at my husband.
I could sense the hostility in his tone, and deduced Luna
did, too. She broke away from Shane to come to my side. My
twin shook in my embrace.
“This is no time for fighting.” I tried to intervene before it
got too rough.
Unfortunately, I was ignored. I listened to the boys,
watching by streetlight at what horror happened next.
Shane and Aaron were face to face. Derrick started over
to them, wanting to stop it before anyone got hurt. Suddenly, I
felt very afraid for my best friend Aaron.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos229

I looked to my sister in the still silence. She was almost

on the verge of tears. I felt afraid for Luna now, remembering
vividly how much hell she’d been put through.
Derrick, on the other hand, was terrified. I could sense
that, just by looking at his dark-brown eyes. He didn’t know
what to do, not sure whether or not to butt in. I felt afraid for
I happened to glance at my brother-in-law as I held a
crying sister tight. I even felt afraid for Shadow. He’d once
been the best detective in the System.
It were the same Shadow who usually kept to himself,
not daring to show any emotion, whether enemies or friends.
Everyone in the System knew he’d vent out all frustrations
through his work.
Not this time. This time, he went all out.
I could only stand aside as I watched the scene before
me. Shane had a menacing expression as he growled at Aaron.
“He should rot in hell.”
Shane’s Protectors’ Pendant was pulsating the black-
white glow of Dark Magic.
“I said I was sorry, all right!” Aaron stopped to defend
“Sorry ain’t good enough, creep.” Shane spat in his face.
“Agent Shadow, knock it off!” Derrick screamed, hopefully
snapping him out of it. Both boys looked to him.
“He hurt Luna. What about Ariana, or have you forgotten
she felt it, too?” Shane reminded him.
I held my breath as Derrick looked to me. In his eyes was
anger as well, and his Protectors’ Pendant for me was glowing
Dark Magic, too.
That did it.
Both Earthly Protectors weren’t happy with Aaron right
now, and were on the prowl.
I could literally see all anger Derrick had built up. It was
a bolt of lightening-shaped energy, pulsating from his Pendant
to the tips of his fingers. He balled his hand into a fist and let
it go...
...Right into Aaron’s face.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos230

I wanted to look away, but found I couldn’t once my eyes

met those of my best friend. Something was compelling me to
watch the scene. I could tell Aaron had something to do with
it. Luna hid her face in my chest, letting her tears flow. Neither
of us liked violence, but this wasn’t ordinary violence. It was
Dark Magic.
I stared at the boys. Aaron didn’t do anything but fall
back when he was hit. He fell to the ground, and I was
reminded of the many times Mrs. Gertrude had beat us for no
reason. Growing up in the Orphanage with her had toughened
him, but not enough to fight back. Thanks to her, we hated
He anticipated the next few punches as they came along.
I could literally feel his mind going through the horrid images
of the Orphanage as he was frozen in fear.
This is something that has to be done, my Ariana Moon.
He used the Unicorn Magic to give me the careful
Now I was on the verge of tears. I tried to be tough for my
Crusaders – family – but couldn’t stand the abuse. With every
punch, I felt my sister cringe in fear. I held her in my arms,
hoping to comfort a shaking sister. Our eyes met. I could read
her horrible thoughts of the rape. I knew she was still in shock
on the inside, not letting the boys see it on the outside.
I dared to look back at the boys, who were still fighting.
Shane and Derrick were throwing the punches while Aaron
took the abuse.
A thought came into my mind, heart and soul, reminding
me of my mission. As the Young Guardian of the Dream
Realm, I couldn’t just stand aside and watch my Crusaders
destroy each other. We’ve all gone through so much the past
five years to forget the Crusader Oath. Lord Guardian O’Dell
and I have worked so hard to accomplish what we’d done.
I wasn’t about to let them fight each other when we had a
more important mission. Most of all, I wasn’t about to let the
Dark Magic haunt us anymore. If it took us over, it would kill
us and Orthos would rein the Dream Realm.
I had to do something.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos231

Closing my eyes and opening my mind, I sent them

memories of the Crusade. First, when I was in danger, and
how they grouped together to rescue me. Second, when we
defeated Sabrina in Hill View Cemetery and at Lava Falls.
Third of after reuniting with Kelly, and the horror we were put
through in the Abyss. Last, when we were stuck in the wrong
time, living other lives as if the Crusaders didn’t exist. The
main message to them was clear in my mind.
We fought together as a team, bonding us in hearts and
souls. Don’t let the Dark Magic ruin our bond. We’re friends, not
enemies. Can’t you see that?
“Be true to the Crusader Oath, helping instead of
hurting.” I spoke aloud.
I got the answer of silence. It never sounded so sweet.
I could tell the boys were thinking about my words. They
stopped hitting Aaron, looking guiltily at each other. Shane
and Derrick finally saw what their petty fighting was doing to a
fellow Crusader. I watched as they helped him up.
In the streetlight, I could see the look in my best friend’s
eyes, along with a tear rolling down his cheek. I didn’t have to
be telepathic to read his mind.
Thank you.
I saw the glisten of wet blood on his face. It was enough
to give me the determination to continue.
“For now, it’s getting dark.” I glanced at my watch. “Not
to mention late. We should head home.”
My sister held herself in my arms, afraid. The two boys
helped Aaron get home in one piece while Luna and I walked
ahead of them.
Why do they have to fight? I heard Luna’s voice in my
I thought about that for a moment. Sometimes, events
can force even the calmest of men to lash out at those they care
about most.
We walked home in silence, the void urging our minds to
think about our past actions.
I opened the door and walked inside the house. Aimee
had been watching the children. Bradley was on the couch
beside her, curled up with a book.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos232

Aimee’s and my eyes met. She didn’t say anything aloud,

but I could tell she had felt what Shane had done to her own
twin brother. She helped by taking Caleb across the street for
my sister. A sleepy Bradley Allen looked at his book as he
followed behind her. He didn’t even notice anything was
Shane brushed past me, taking Luna home. He had a
sad, sorry look in his eyes and on his face.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” Shane tried to apologize
in a whisper.
I looked at him, unable to judge him by actions I knew he
couldn’t control. All I said in a serious tone was. “So am I.”
He cowered with my sister out the door.
My husband felt so bad about it, he couldn’t even look at
me as he raced upstairs to hide.
I checked on the twins while Aaron took a seat at the
kitchen table. Thank the Ancients they were sleeping
peacefully. I took a breath and headed back to my best friend.
He had his head down, not even bothering to look up at me. I
saw a tear drop from his bruised and bloody cheek. That’s
when the realization hit – I was the only one able to heal him.
I touched his head gently whispering, “Aaron Theodore.”
He looked up only to wrap his arms around me.
“I’m sorry, my Ariana Moon. I am so sorry.” He repeated.
“I didn’t mean to do it. You’ve gotta believe me.”
He was in shock.
“Calm down, Aaron Theodore. It’s all right now.” I
hugged him tighter. “It’s over.”
He pet my hair, making me think of our secretive past
together. He looked into my eyes as he pulled away, kissing
my forehead. I could sense he was thinking the same thing,
and it calmed him.
“I’m so grateful of your friendship.” His voice was barely
above a whisper. “I don’t want to lose it over this.”
“You won’t lose it.” I tried to convince him.
My Aaron Theodore, if you only knew what you meant to
He sat down and I stood up above him.
“Are you mad at me for not fighting back?” He asked.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos233

“I’m not mad at you.” I assured him.

“Not even for what happened tonight?” He prodded. I
placed a hand on his cheek as he continued. “I couldn’t fight
back because they’re my friends.”
I put a finger to his lips. “I’m not mad at you.” I repeated.
“I understand how much you care about us. We’re your
Aaron seemed to like that, and smiled. He frowned
looking down at the floor, silent.
After a moment of silence, I spoke up. “Aaron Theodore.”
He looked at me. I smiled. “You used Magic.”
He looked at me strangely. “Yeah, right. I’m no Mystic.”
“Mother told me you and Aimee have a powerful Unicorn
Magic within.” I told him. “Tonight, fighting the boys, you used
He laughed lightly. “I didn’t think you’d get them.”
“I could also feel the pain you were going through.”
“You always could.”
“No, honestly. I could.” I tried to tell him. “It was as if we
were back in the orphanage again, and I was unable to do
anything to help you.”
“You can help me now.” Aaron whispered, taking my
hand. “Heal me, my Ariana Moon. Please?”
I dared to touch his nose, fearing it was broken.
“Ow!” He yelped. “Careful.”
By that simple touch, I could see it was, and able to be
“Sorry, but I had to get a glimpse of the inside.”
“Inside?” Aaron didn’t know what to think.
“You know, from the inside, where all the muscles, bones
and nerves are?”
He made a quick attempt to laugh, but ended up
groaning. “Just heal me already.”
I laughed. My hands moved to his temples, but pulled to
his necklace. With closed eyes, I touched it, seeing the fighting
scene from a different, much darker perspective.
I saw Shane had been comforting Luna when he was
urged to walk closer to Aaron. I’d been preoccupied, so I didn’t
sense anything wrong.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos234

“Ariana.” Aaron called out after I hadn’t said anything in

a while.
It was all I needed to snap out of the vision. I opened my
eyes, keeping them glued to the necklace.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, holding my upper arms to
steady me.
I snatched my hand away from the necklace, afraid of
what I’d seen.
“What did you see?” Aaron asked, worried.
“I saw the Dark Magic surrounding you like a shield.” I
began. I knew he, and the other Crusaders, had to know. “You
were thinking about the rape, weren’t you? Wondering what
really happened?”
He let go and stepped back. I finally looked at him, seeing
his expression confirm my fears.
I went on, lost in a clairvoyant trance.
“When Shane wanted to talk to you, man-to-man, he
started to walk closer to you, bringing Luna with him. She
shivered from his grasp, afraid as she raced to my side. Shane
couldn’t help himself. The pain of what happened entered his
mind as he stepped closer to you, thinking of more ways to
make you pay.”
Aaron gasped, but I wasn’t finished.
“Derrick wanted to stop it before anyone was hurt, but it
was too late. He’d entered the ring, too. As he did, the
thoughts began once again. It was the same thing. You
hurting me in a way identical to Luna set him off.”
“Stop!” He cried out.
I was out of the trance immediately, shaking my head
clear of the thoughts.
“I don’t want to hear anymore.” Aaron said, once realizing
I was paying attention now. “I know what happened next
because I was there, too.”
“I know.” I said softly, sitting on a dining room chair.
I stared at him, sighing.
We sat in silence for a few moments, calming ourselves
and contemplating what we were going to say next. We
thought the things that only we knew, like what happened in
the orphanage attic to bond us.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos235

He was the first to break the silence. “Ariana Moon.”

“Yes, my Aaron Theodore?”
“Heal me.” He said, and smiled. He reached around his
neck. “This time, I’m taking this thing off.”
I smiled, standing up. “It would be best.”
I tried again. This time, I was more relaxed and able to
concentrate. I focused on letting the positive energies of my
body charge up before beginning. I closed my eyes, thinking of
the Mystic’s Healer Magic I’d learned. My hands grew warmer
as the Magic worked its rainbow-colored way around our
bodies. Next, I thought of the actual, physical Healer Magic – a
deep red.
The stuff was still new to me, but I was advanced enough
in my studies to control its powerful Magic. I would have to
say – the Healer Magic works wonders. In moments, both
Aaron and I almost glowed our original aura colors (his was a
white and mine was an opalescent). All was silent as our body
heat was warm with the Magic flowing in each of our bodies.
I opened my eyes about the same time he did. We stared
at each other and grinned.
“Just like old times?” He playfully said in a soft tone.
I smiled, looking at my handiwork. His face was back to
normal, and only a few scars remained. He had a loving look
in his sad eyes, which was natural. “Yeah.”
He hopped off the table. I followed as he walked over to
the door.
“I’ll tell Aimee what happened.” Aaron said.
I shook my head. “She already knew.”
“Duh, it’s the Three Musketeers connection that did
that.” He joked.
My best friend was definitely back to normal.
“Not only that, but she’s your twin.”
“You’re right.” He said, pausing at the door. “As always.”
I smiled. I looked into his sad, puppy-dog eyes. “What are
you thinking about?”
Aaron kissed my cheek, then lips gently. “You.”
My heart fluttered. I hated when he did this to me, but
loved it at the same time. Instead of telling him what was truly
on my mind, I playfully chided. “Go home and get some sleep,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos236

my Aaron Theodore. It’s been a long day, and we all need the
Aaron laughed.
“You said that already.” He pointed out, kissing my lips
“Good night, Aaron.”
“‘Night Ariana.” He looked over my shoulder. “Good night,
I turned to meet my husband’s sad eyes as he walked
over to us. He wrapped his arms around my waist so we were
face to face.
“What were you two talking about?” Derrick asked me.
I looked back to my best friend, sharing a knowing
glance. I gave Derrick a squeeze. “Oh nothing.”
“Oh, I get it.” Derrick kissed my forehead. “Best friend
I smiled, receiving a kiss on the lips. “You could say
As Aaron left, Derrick’s gaze followed. He turned to me,
looking ashamed and truly sorry.
“Is he okay?” He asked, worried.
I nodded. “Yeah. It’ll take some time, but he’ll be fine.”
“Once we get rid of the Dark Magic, that is.” Derrick
quipped, pulling away. He headed upstairs and I followed
behind him. “Question is: how?”
I shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”
I was tired and weary from the day, the Magic, and what
had happened. Instead of working Magic to change my clothes,
I did it normally. I sat at the Mystic Mirror vanity, taking my
hair out of its long braid. My eyes glimpsed at my husband
watching me with loving eyes. I could tell he was worried
about me as well. Everyone was, and I was grateful of it.
I caught his glance, making him come to my side. He
wrapped an arm around my shoulders, hugging me.
“Ariana.” He whispered.
I looked at his reflection.
“I’m sorry we weren’t able to find her tonight.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos237

We were so perfect for each other, yet I still knew nothing

of his background.
“That’s okay, Love.” I assured him softly. “I’m sure we’ll
find her soon.”
He pulled away. I suddenly felt his anger over his ex-
“Not if Addie has something to do with it.” Derrick
replied, sitting on the bed. “You don’t know them as I do. The
Whiteheads will do anything for status in society.”
“Why kidnap my daughter?” I asked him. “What motive
does she have?”
“I don’t know!” He exclaimed, shaking his head.
“Whatever it is, it’s just to get attention.”
I stood to meet my husband’s angry eyes. The aura
around him was dark. Touching his cheek and taking off his
glasses, I looked into his eyes.
“Do you still have feelings for her?”
I didn’t mean to ask it aloud, but it was said.
He held my hands, the aura changing colors. Now, it was
bright white again. “My Love, you don’t know how much you
mean to me.” He hugged me. “I love you with all of my heart
and soul, you know that.”
“I love you, too, just as much.” I told him, kissing his
lips. “Just as I love Kelly.”
There was a pause of silence as we stared at each other.
A tear was forming in my eye, and my heart hurt from the
thought of my sweet Kelly.
Eight years ago, in Shore Point Hospital, she was born.
There was an emotional bond immediately. I wasn’t able to
keep her, for I was still a child of thirteen. We reunited last
year, finding each other in Dream Realm. I knew she was
something special to the Sisterhood, just as I was.
I missed her so much now, and she’d only been gone for
one day.
My heart hurt so much; I broke down and cried in
Derrick’s loving embrace. It felt good to get it all out, finally.
Being a leader can be tough on the emotions.
“Come on, Love. Let’s go to bed.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos238

We snuggled under the warm blankets, with him drawing

my body closer to his. Just as I closed my eyes to sleep, he
spoke up.
“I’ll talk to the Chief of Detectives in the morning. He’ll
put an APB out for both Addie and Kelly.” He replied. I turned
to meet his glance. “We’ll get her back in no time.”
“I sure hope so.” I mumbled.
Derrick kissed my lips before snuggling closer to me.
Despite the terrible excitement of the day, I felt wonderful.
I just had to wait until tomorrow to find out what
happens next.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos239

Story #2:
Difficult Road Ahead

The next morning, the sun shone brightly through my

bedroom window. I sat up, stretching my muscles to wake up
the rest of my body. As soon as I slipped my glasses on my
face, I noticed something odd about the Mystic Mirror vanity.
The sun’s rays made it look as if an opalescent globe
shimmered, teasing my eyes. To me, it looked like a vortex
hole or something out of this world.
That’s not all
I was being drawn to it, unable to control my hungry
curiosity. As I stared into the middle, I began to see an image.
The vision was clear, and I gasped.
In front of my eyes was the very image of Aaron’s
necklace, still lying on the kitchen table.
I gasped, racing downstairs to get it before something
Only, it was too late. The necklace was gone.
“Where’d it go?” I asked myself.
“Where’d what go?” I heard Aimee’s voice behind me.
I didn’t care why she was here for the moment.
I turned. “Have you seen a necklace sitting on the table?”
“Yeah, why?”
I paced to my best friend’s side. My voice was fierce, yet
calm. And the look in my eyes could shoot daggers. “Where is
it now?”
“I took it home with me.” Aimee explained.
“Do you have any idea the danger it caused?” I asked,
“Calm down.” She instructed. “Derrick got bad vibes from
it this morning. He called me, I came over, and he gave it to
me for safe keeping.”
I was shocked, folding my arms and frowning at her in
“Relax, it’s okay.” Aimee replied. “Anyway, he wanted me
to come over and keep an eye on you, just in case anything
“That’s understandable, considering last night.” I said.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos240

“I’m not done, yet.” She interrupted, folding her arms.

“Turns out, he had a dream that dealt with the Dark Magic.”
“What kind of dream?” I grilled her, grasping my Dream
Amulet. This was beginning to spook me out.
“You were caught in the Dominion. He rescued you, only
to be caught, too.” She tried to explain slowly. “Each of the
Crusaders were caught by Damian and Sabrina, to be
Dominionite Warriors.”
I gasped. “What about the necklace?”
“The necklace is safe.” Aimee told me. “Before he left this
morning, I returned home, putting the necklace away and
calling your mother. She told me to keep you safe, away from
anything that may trigger another episode of it.”
“Episode?” I looked at her strangely. “You make it sound
like some crippling disease.”
“To the Mystics, it is.” Aimee was serious. “Your mother
told me so. If you let it take over, it could cripple your mind,
your thinking, your actions, and even your control over the
Magic itself.”
She was right. It had nearly crippled her brother’s
thinking that night of the rape. The Dark Magic also almost
took over the boys yesterday when we searched. I never knew
this could happen to us. The Dream Realm Crusaders were
being beat by the only thing we can’t conquer: ourselves.
I slumped on the couch. This was getting too much for
me to handle.
I was too young for this.
Then again, I was always more mature than my age. I
didn’t want to experience this. Not now, not ever. I didn’t want
my perfect little family to crumble to pieces because of it.
Aimee pet my shoulder, as if knowing. “I’ll watch the boys
while you rest.”
I stood up immediately.
“Rest?” I cried harshly, not meaning to. “How can I rest
when my daughter – your niece – is out there, somewhere? Of
all people, you should know I want to find her.”
“I know you do.” She hugged my shoulders, trying to
calm me. “Right now, I’d let the cops handle it. Derrick did say
he’d tell the chief today, right?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos241

I nodded, sighing.
“Besides,” She continued. “You still look beat from last
night. I suggest you either go back to bed or take a long, hot
shower to calm your nerves.”
“What about the children?” I asked her.
“Everything’s under control. Don’t worry so much.”
When I glared at her, she continued with a wink. “Trust me.”
I smiled back, yawning. “Famous last words.”
I was stopped as I walked away.
“Oh, Ariana?”
“Yeah, Aim?”
“Thanks for last night, healing Aaron and all.” Her voice
turned timid, suddenly very shy. “I’m glad Bradley wasn’t
paying attention. I don’t know what I’d do if he had.”
I hugged her. “No problem.” I told her. I thought of the
three of us, and grinned. “Once a Musketeer, always a
“You’re right.” She said. “If we can survive years of
orphanage hell, we can handle anything.”
I laughed. “You’d better believe it, Amethyst Theresa.” I
pulled away. “For now, I’m about to take a nice, hot shower. I
should be back down soon.”
The steam of the shower was enough to lift my spirits. It
made my muscles relax, and the fragrance of the jasmine-
scented soap made my mind relax. It felt heavenly, but
something egged at my thoughts.
When I closed my eyes to enjoy it, I saw Derrick and
Shane fighting against each other. Though my husband’s eyes,
I could see Shane pointing a gun and pointing directly at my
chest. The last sound I heard was the familiar pop of Shane
pulling the trigger, and the bullet heading toward me.
I snapped out of it, feeling my heart pumping hard.
I climbed out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry
myself. My hands and body were shaking from the vision, and
I was scared.
Was Derrick in trouble? Why did I nearly become him in
the vision? What was going on, and why were the boys against
each other?
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos242

Something else was going to happen to us before the day

was through, and I didn’t like it one bit. I cried for Aimee,
wanting the Over-Seer of the Crusaders to help me. I hoped
she would understand. She was more like a sister to me,
closer than Luna was.
I heard rumbling up the stairs before the bathroom door
flew open.
“What’s wrong?”
I shook my head, my mind rushing through the violent
image again.
I had to sit down, so I headed to the bedroom. Before
answering her, I changed my clothes with Magic. I heard the
faint whisper of “Mama,” turning to see Aimee held Andrew
James on her hip.
“Where’s Mark?”
“In bed. He got sleepy.” She told me. “That’s not
important. What’s important is what’s wrong with you?”
I saw my husband’s face in my mind as I looked at my
son. Horror filled my head and heart.
What if my sons lost their father? I thought to myself.
Where would we be?
I looked away from Andrew’s sad eyes, shaking my head.
“You know, Aimee. I sometimes wish I weren’t empathic.”
I groaned.
“Stop that,” She scolded me, shifting my son to her other
hip. “Why did you scream for me?”
I told her what I’d seen in the shower.
She gasped, and then said. “Hold that thought. I’ll put
Andrew down for a nap.”
“Mama! No!” Andrew screamed, pulling away from her.
She put him down and he ran to me, arms outstretched.
When I picked him up, he wrapped his little arms around
my neck tightly.
Daddy’s in trouble, Andrew’s little thoughts came into my
mind. Mark Antony does not want to accept it.
I know, my Andrew James. I thought back to him. I can
sense it, too.
Aloud, I told him, “Let Aunt Aimee put you to bed, okay?
Go to the Dream Realm and dream of wonderful things.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos243

Andrew did let go, kissing my cheek first. “Okay, Mama.”

He turned to Aimee, holding his hand out for her to take.
“I’ll wait for you.” I told her. Somehow, I didn’t want to
My attention was again diverted to the Mirror.
“What made you change into that?” Aimee asked me.
I looked. Without thinking, I’d ‘transformed’ into the
same dress I’d imagined myself in with Katherine. I felt more
determined, ready to take on the world.
Or the Dream Realm, that is.
“No clue, but look at the reflection.” I pointed to the
She did, seeing the same thing I did.
Instead of my own mirror image, whatever I’d seen earlier
was back. This time, it seemed to be tempting my curiosity.
I had to jump through it. Someone needed my help.
“I think it wants you to find out what’s going on with the
boys.” Aimee whispered, awed.
I looked to her, who nodded. “Go. I’ll be watching and
waiting for you.”
I hugged her. “Thanks.”
With that, I was on my way through the Mirror.

I landed somewhere that looked like Parker Commons, the

meadow that was near the Parker Mansion. It looked as it was
a different season, with the withering leaves surrounding me.
I touched the Dream Amulet on my chest, closing my eyes.
Right away, I was taken back to where the search began
Opening my eyes, I felt the ring on my finger grow warm.
The color was blue, but I didn’t remember what that meant.
What was going on?
Ahead of me, I thought I saw Kelly.
“Kelly!” I cried, running to her. The emotion almost
overwhelmed me.
The image turned, and I could see the eyes.
Silver-blue, just like mine.
“Kelly!” I repeated, hugging her.
“Momma!” She cried, holding on tighter. “I’m so scared.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos244

“How did you get here?” I asked.

“Don’t you recognize my Dream Realm, Momma?” She
looked at me.
“How did I get here without Crusading?” I asked.
“I brought you here with my powers, Momma.” She
hugged me again after pulling back. “I missed you so much!”
“I miss you, too, sweetheart.” I could feel the tears running
down my cheeks. “Goddess Bless, where are you in our
“I don’t know, but it’s scaring me.” Kelly sniffed. “Miss
Whitehead isn’t hurting me, but the house I’m in is.”
“House?” I asked. “What house, and how is it hurting
“I don’t know, but it’s giving me the creeps.” She said. “It’s
haunted, and the ghosts came from here.” She hugged me
again. “Please come and find me, Momma. I miss you, and Aunt
Aimee, Daddy, Daddy Derrick, Andrew James, Mark Antony,
Aunt Luna, Uncle Shane and especially Bradley.”
“I can only rescue you if you can tell me where in Hill View
you are.”
Kelly pulled away from me, shaking her little head. “No,
Momma.” She told me. “I’m afraid of the ghosts getting you.”
“Honey, please, can’t you tell me anything?” I asked her, a
lone tear wandering down my cheek.
She was silent for a moment, and then spoke up.
“Follow your Empathy, Momma.”
With that, she disappeared.
I stood, thinking. She’d brought me here with her wild
Magic power? To warn me of Adrienne Whitehead, queen of all
creeps. A plea for help.
The scenery changed around me and I was back in the
park, where the search began. Why were the images around me
giving me a feeling of Aaron?
I saw him coming up to me.
Goddess, this was starting to get to me – big time.
I sat on a nearby bench and began rubbing my temples.
The thoughts of he and my daughter ran through my
mind. It nearly brought me to tears.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos245

The image of Aaron came up to the bench, sitting next to

me. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked.
I stared at him. “I’ll be fine once Kelly’s back in my arms
for good.”
He hugged me, and I hugged him back, bursting out in
tears. He’d always been the one to comfort me in the
“It’s gonna be alright.” Aaron whispered in my ear. He
kissed my head.
I snuggled in his warm embrace. All my worries were gone
once I began to relax and enjoy his company. That’s how it’s
always been between us; even Aimee noticed that.
Something didn’t feel right. I looked at him again. It was
his image all right. Thing was, how did he get where I was
now? Aimee told me she’d taken the necklace back home for
safe keeping.
The necklace. I looked at the image of Aaron, who blankly
stared back.
“What’s up?”
I stared at his eyes, whispering. “How did you get here?”
His answer was the same as Kelly’s.
“This is my Dream Realm.”
With Empathy, I could tell he still held a lot of sexual,
romantic feelings for me.
It was sadder than Mark Grey. At least Mark eventually
found his true-love of Marie. Too bad it was in a world he knew
nothing about.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, breaking my
I looked at him. “You’re still in love with me, aren’t you? Is
that why you let the Dark Magic take over you that day?”
Aaron looked at his lap, then up at me. He took my hands.
“Yes. More than you’ll ever know.”
How could I tell him of my own desire for his
I squeezed his hands tight before looking in his eyes. “You
have your reasons for loving me, don’t you?”
He nodded. “Yes. From the start, I knew you were
something special. I just had to have you in my arms.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos246

His eyes were now brimming with loving tears.

“From the moment I lay eyes on you, I knew something
was going to be special between us.” I told him. “I was only five
when we met, remember?”
He grinned. “I remember it clearly. You walked in with a
social worker on your arm. To me, you were the prettiest girl I
ever met.” He stopped to kiss me, saying. “You still are, my
Ariana Moon.”
I blushed away, thinking of that day, way back when.
“I knew we, along with Aimee, would stick together like
glue.” He began softly. “We were the Three Musketeers.”
“One for all, and all for one.” I said, now snuggling in his
It was so comforting. I still didn’t know why I was here
with him.
“Do you know the reason I’m here?”
I pulled away to meet the sad look on his face.
“I put the necklace back on, thinking of you. Next thing I
knew, you were here, sitting on the park bench. I thought I was
imagining things so I decided to sit beside you.” He explained.
“This isn’t anything having to do with the Dark Magic, is it?”
“What’s the last thing you remember about it?” I asked
him, hoping to get the answers I so dearly needed.
He was silent, leaning toward me to whisper in my ear.
“You healed me.”
Those words sent me out of the Mystic Mirror, landing on
my soft bed.

I felt a little dizzy, but otherwise, I was fine.

The thoughts of my visions and trips to their Dream
Realms rumbled in my mind.
I tried to sit up, but ended getting a splitting headache.
I groaned, standing with ease. The room began to spin
around me. That in itself was normal. Enchantra and
Challandra had each told me it had to do with the vortex –
gate – between the worlds almost literally kicking me in the
butt. They assured me, as a Mystic, I’d get used to it in no
“Aimee,” I called for her.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos247

She came running up the stairs. As she walked through

the door, I blacked out, right in her arms.
I was tired, so I took a nice, long nap.


I woke up to the door slamming open downstairs. The

feelings I’d had before concerning my husband came back in a
flash. Feeling panicked, I sped down the stairs. I noticed
Aimee was gone, which bothered me.
I saw my husband and Shane Morehouse with bruises
and cuts all over their bodies. I raced to their rescues.
“What happened to you guys?” I asked, beginning to
think of the Healing Magic to help Derrick’s wounds. I sat him
on the chair at the table. I saw he had scars all over his torso.
His clothes were covered in blood.
I didn’t know what to believe. Were the visions I’d had
coming true?
The boys looked at each other, then to me, frowning
“We were thrown into a mock-battle at the Academy.”
Shane supplied.
“Mock battle? Against each other?” I asked, skeptic.
“We were on opposing teams.” Derrick finished for him,
putting his palm to his forehead.
“How could they do that to you?” I asked. “You’re best of
friends, not to mention brothers-in-law.”
“They’re also the best the System had to offer, but that
had nothing to do with Hill View.” I heard Luna’s voice peep
beside Shane.
“Where’s Caleb and the twins?” I asked her.
“At Aimee’s. Listen, Ariana.” My sister started. “They have
to show themselves worthy of what Chief Bridgestone dishes
I was confused. “Which is?”
“We have to show the Chief what we’ve been bragging
about for so long.” Shane supplied.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos248

“And since he sees us together so often, he decided to

sign us up for the Mock-Battle.” Derrick continued.
Each boy was now sitting at the kitchen table. Luna and
I hovered over them.
“Sort of to test your skills.” I began.
“To see if one was good without the other.” Luna finished.
The boys looked at us.
“What?” We chorused.
“That’s the first time I’d heard you two talk at the same
time.” Derrick replied.
“Watch out, they may switch on us now.” Shane teased,
high-fiving Derrick.
I shook my head, laughing.
Derrick cleared his throat. “In case you’re wondering,
which I know you are,” he said, looking up at me. “It’s paint,
not blood. The Mock-Battle was with paint-ball guns.”
“Just senseless male violence.” Luna shook her head and
rolled her eyes.
Shane turned to meet her eyes. “Not violence, Lu. Life
“We’d never had anything like that at the System to my
knowledge. Had you?” All of them had been there before me.
“Not really.” Luna said.
“Not even close.” Shane said after her.
“We dealt with the scum of the Dream Realm, not each
other.” Derrick supplied.
That made me think once again, and I was silent.
I sighed. “I saw it happen.”
The boys looked at each other, then back at me.
“What did you see,” Derrick sounded almost afraid of the
I closed my eyes, trying to get the vision back again. It
was clear in my mind since they were there beside me.
I told them my vision. “The last sound I heard was the
pop of Shane pulling the trigger, and the bullet headed directly
toward me.”
Derrick stood and kissed me, holding my waist. “Only it
was a harmless paint-ball, not a bullet.”
“Thank goodness.” Luna and I breathed together.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos249

We smiled.
“Meanwhile,” I told them about my adventure through
the Mystic Mirror.
By the time I’d finished explaining, I noticed all of my
Crusaders around me. I hadn’t heard when Aaron came in,
sitting in as I told my story.
He stared at me with amazed eyes.
“That sounds intense.” Aaron whispered. “To actually go
to my Dream Realm without Crusading? I don’t believe it.”
“You were there, right?” I asked him, taking hold of the
necklace that lay around his neck.
Strangely enough, there were no visions with it.
Must be a good thing.
“Yeah, I guess.” Aaron replied.
“We should all be used to this Magic stuff by now.” Luna
said, looking at him.
By the way she spoke, I could tell she didn’t hate him for
that night. I sensed she understood about what the necklace’s
dark power did to Aaron.
“You know what, though?” I asked, hugging Derrick from
Their expressions were serious, as to what thoughts were
on my mind, forcing me to smile so mysteriously.
“What?” Luna groaned dreadfully.
“I love it.”
“How can you love it?” Shane spat. “It’s hurting us,
nearly tearing our team to shreds.”
He took Luna’s hand and had her sit on his lap.
“We’re turning against ourselves because of it.” Derrick
sat me on his.
Now Aaron interrupted. “It made me do something I
didn’t want to do.”
“It’s hurt us more that we’ll ever be able to fathom.” Luna
looked at her lap when Shane hugged her.
“That’s only the evil part of it.” I reminded them. “All in
all, I’d say we’re getting stronger and more in control despite
“How do you figure?” Shane snuck a look at my sister.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos250

I remembered O’Dell’s theory.

“Without challenges, there would be nothing to make us
stronger, or make us think.”
“Or make us go crazy trying to figure a way out of a bad
situation.” Luna lightened up. “It’s the Mystic’s Laws of the
Universe Theory.”
“Without evil,” I started.
“There can be no good.” Luna finished.
“Without certain obstacles in our path, we cannot gain
strength.” I summed up.
The boys looked at us as if we’d grown another head a
“Yeah, whatever.” Aaron grinned, joking. “For now, I
suggest you guys get washed up. Dinner’s almost ready at my
He burst out in laughter. “You guys look ridiculous.”
We stood, with Derrick and Shane glaring at him.
Aaron put his hands up in surrender. “I give. I’ll be nice if
you will.”
Shane growled at him.
“Shane...” Luna warned, smiling. “Behave.”
“Come on, you guys. It was a joke.” Aaron began to cower
away when the boys started after him.
Shane looked at Derrick, who smiled and pulled two guns
from their pockets.
I jumped, my heart racing already. “No, don’t! It’s only a
Derrick laughed. “Relax; they’re only paint-ball guns.”
“Let’s show him what we went through today.” Shane
suggested with an evil grin.
They started after him again.
“Oh no. Guys, please.” Aaron tripped over a chair leg,
backing away from the playful duo. “Have mercy! Please!”
I had to burst out in giggles myself. Luna followed suit.
“Run Aaron!” We chorused.
Derrick and Shane began to run after him when he
looked toward the backyard.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos251

In front of my eyes, my sister came up with a couple

squirt guns using Magic. “Let’s really show ‘em.” She cried,
She handed me one and we were on our way.
The Crusaders, despite our present horrors, were having
It sometimes helped us relax and think more clearly,
easing pressure when it came down to it. More ideas flowed
that way, where stress doesn’t follow.
Ah, I loved being a Mystic!
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos252

Story #3:
Revelations From the Heart

“I still don’t feel right leaving the boys with someone I

hardly know.” Aimee announced the next morning.
She, Aaron, Luna, Mother and I were on another search
for Kelly.
“Sara’s been with the family for years.” Mother assured
her. “There’s no need to worry.”
“What about their mixed magic?” Luna asked. “Does Sara
“Of course she knows.” Mother replied. “She also knows
how to keep the family secret. She used to be your Great-Aunt
Dorianne’s schoolmate, you know.”
My eyebrows rose.
“She seems pretty nice, yes, but I don’t know...” Aimee’s
voice trailed.
Mother gave her waist a hug. “It’s the Over-Seer in you
peeking out.”
The four of us shared a knowing look.
“I guess it’s getting stronger.” Aaron said softly, playing
with the bracelet I gave him. I’m still amazed both twins had it
It wasn’t until we were half-way home did Mother notice
my silence.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” She asked me.
Luna and I looked at each other, my sister biting her lip.
“Nothing, Mother.” I said aloud.
Nothing but the Dark Magic that is. I thought silently to
“What about the Dark Magic?” Mother demanded gently.
I’d forgotten she was telepathic, too.
Each of us took turns telling the story, to which she said.
“Is that right?”
We nodded. She turned to Aaron.
“Let me see the necklace.” She replied, stopping to handle
“Please be careful, Mrs. Woods.” Aaron warned. “I
wouldn’t want it to hurt you, too.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos253

“Thanks for your concern, but I can take care of my

Magic.” She says as she grasps it in her hands.
There was a moment of silence while I let my mother
work her Empathic power.
“I can feel the Dark Magic in it, yes.” Mother replied with
her eyes closed. “It’s fading.” She opens her eyes again and
asks him. “Have you apologized to the girls, yet?”
“Yes,” Aaron said, nodding his head. “Profusely.”
Mother smiled.
“Does that mean anything?” Aimee asked.
“I can sense it.” Mother announced. “Your sincere
apology is making the necklace’s Magic and your Unicorn
Magic combine into a powerful force. It will soon be strong
enough to beat out the darkness.”
Aaron took it in his hands and looked at it. “I never
“Of course not.” Mother grins. “You’re only learning.”
She puts her hands around Luna’s and my waists,
hugging them. “Come on, kids. Let’s take a break and go
home. I have quite a story to tell you.”
Ten minutes later, we were home and sitting on the
couch in the living room.
As Mother sat down, she took a deep breath. “As I said
before, you’re not the first Mystics to be plagued by the Dark
“Did it bother you, too?” Aimee asked.
Mother nodded. “Yes, and it almost cost me my destiny,
and yours.” She looked at me.
“I almost didn’t allow myself to go out with your father.”
Mother started. “We were in college; I was studying to be a
lawyer, your father a judge. Your aunt Sharon was into
Veterinary Medicine. Sharon and I were roomed together with
Alicia Roberts, Mrs. Edwards herself. Rumors flew around
campus about our Mystic powers, and how it was evil devil
worshiping magic.”
“Yeah, I’ve experienced that, too.” I told her.
“Well, that’s not the half of it.” Mother said. “Your father
was a new student across the hall from us. I could tell he
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos254

wanted to ask me out, but was too shy. I, on the other-hand,

had a huge crush on him. I worried so much about those silly
rumors; I didn’t allow myself to talk to him until my own
mother came to me in a dream.
“‘Susie,’ she told me. ‘Don’t let your pride get in the way
of meeting people.’
“How she knew about David boggled my mind.
“‘They’re saying mean things about us.’ I replied. ‘What if
he believes it?’
“She smiled at me, disappearing. The last thought in my
mind was to go for it.” Mother summed up.
“Well?” Luna asked, interested. “What happened next?”
“You’re here, aren’t you?” Mother laughed. “The next day,
I ran into him in class. He got up the courage to ask me out.
From then on, we were the premiere couple at Hill View
“What about the Dark Magic?” I asked. “When did it come
“By thinking about those rumors, and how to set them
straight, it festered in my blood. I didn’t want anything to do
with anyone but those I grew up with.” Mother replied. “I let
the Dark Magic grow inside of me, all the anger I’d had grew
with it.”
She closed her eyes for a moment.
“I wanted revenge so bad I could taste it.” She
announced, taking a deep breath. “But, that’s all in the past.
We’re here in the present and looking forward to the future.”
“If we have one, that is.” I mumbled.
Aaron put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I took it
and smiled at him.
“Madame Woods!” We heard a voice from behind us. I
turned my eyes to meet the maid, Sara. “Back so soon? Did
you find her?”
Mother shook her head. “Afraid not, Sara.”
“How are the boys?” I asked her, standing up.
“They’re sleeping at the moment.” The elder Sara replied.
She fiddled with her rings, as if wanting to say something to
me. “Madam Reading, I have experienced something odd with
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos255

“What about him?” I asked, concerned.

“Well, you know he’s developing telepathy, correct?”
“Yes, why?” This wasn’t sounding too good. “What
happened to Andrew, Sara?”
“He sent me a message.” She told me.
“What did it say?” Luna asked. “Spit it out.”
Sara finally met my eyes. “Be prepared for anything. Have
your Empathy on guard at all times. You never know what will
I gulped. What did that mean?
“All this is giving me a headache.” Luna groaned,
slumping in her chair. “Sara, can you get Caleb ready for me?
I’m going to head home and take a nap.”
“Are you feeling alright, Lu?” I asked her.
“I’m just tired, that’s all.” She assured me.
I wasn’t convinced. My sister looked sick.
“Tell you what; let me take Caleb while you take a nap.” I
replied. “Something tells me you need it.”
“Are you sure?” Mother asked me. “Will you be able to
take care of all three boys by yourself?”
“I’d do anything, Mother.” I told her. I turned to my
sister. “Besides, she needs her beauty sleep.”
Luna looked up at me and stuck her tongue out.
“Now, now, girls.” Mother said with a smile. “Be nice.”
“I’m only teasing her and she knows it.” I smiled.
“Doesn’t matter.” Mother replied. She looked at her
watch. “I have to be getting back. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Sure.” We chorused as she kissed each of us on the
cheek. She raced out the door, letting it slam behind her.
Sara came back moments later.
“Madam Morehouse,” Sara said, breaking my sister’s
“Sorry, Sara.” Luna said. “I don’t mean to be a bother,
but I’m not feeling well. Ariana has agreed to watch Caleb
while I take a nap.”
“Quite alright, I understand perfectly.” Sara smiled,
handing Caleb to me and placing the diaper bag on the floor.
“Would you like me to help you home?”
Luna stood, then sat down, hand on her head.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos256

“Lu?” I asked, at her side in moments. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just dizzy, that’s all.” She told me, and then faced
Sara. “I’d like that, thank you.”
I watched as Luna was escorted away by Sara.
“Sweet dreams.” I said blankly, in a daze.
“I hope she’s gonna be okay.” Aaron whispered.
“She will be, just watch.” Aimee said after him. “Right,
I snapped out of my daze. “Sure, Aim.”
“Mommy?” Caleb’s little voice cried in my arms.
Tears were running down his face.
I hugged him. “Oh, Caleb. I’m your aunt Ariana. Your
mommy is going to take a nap while I watch you, okay?”
He sniffed, thumb in mouth. Looking at my nephew, I
could tell the resemblances between him and my own boys.
They looked identical, like triplets, but Caleb reminded me of
both my sons combined. Sweet, yet adventurous.
I told the twins I’d be back after checking on my sons,
leaving to go to the nursery.
I opened the door to find Andrew standing in his crib,
hands out to reach for me.
“Mama.” He smiled. “Calley okay?”
I nodded. Slowly, Andrew was opening up. His brother
already was saying a whole slew of words in his own language.
Andrew was smarter than Mark Antony was, I could tell. He
just didn’t want to speak up unless he trusted the person.
I changed each boy’s diaper before heading back out to
my friends.
I heard a knock on the door as I was finishing with Mark
Antony. In came Aaron and Aimee. Each took a child. Aimee
took Mark Antony, Aaron took Caleb and I took Andrew. We
headed outside for some fresh air as we let them play in the
“Don’t you ever get them mixed up?” Aimee asked after a
“The three of them, no.” I told her. “See – Caleb and Mark
Antony are playing in the sand together while Andrew’s
playing by himself with Magic.” I looked up to him. “Andrew
James, what have I told you about that?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos257

“Sorry.” He stopped the Magic and joined his brother and

“I can’t believe it’s already been two years since they were
born.” Aaron replied.
“So much has happened in so little time.” Aimee said.
I stared at my twin friends, smiling.
“What are you smiling at?” Aimee asked, looking at me
“Oh, nothing.” I grinned. “I was just thinking about our
past together.”
“As the Three Musketeers?” Aimee replied. “Why? Hadn’t
you gotten enough bad vibes in the past to last you forever?”
“Yeah, Ariana.” Aaron agreed. “Don’t dwell on what’s
already past.”
“I’m not.” I told them. “I was thinking about Aimee’s
remark. How so much has happened in such little time.”
“What about it?”
“As orphans, we survived Mrs. Gertrude. As Crusaders,
we defeated our own demons.” I explained. “Through it all, we
grew stronger.”
“It’s like what you were saying yesterday.” Aaron said.
“Without obstacles, we can’t grow stronger.”
“I’m not finished, yet.” I told them, hand up to stop their
words. “Last, as parents, we’re learning by the day how to cope
with real-world issues.”
Aimee looked sheepish. “Are you sure we can handle it?”
I looked up to watch the boys. All three had come up to
me and taken a seat. I picked up and kissed each one. “Of
course we can handle it.” I turned to Mark Antony. “Right,
Mark Antony?”
He nodded. “Yep, Yep, Yep.” He grinned; his silver-blue
eyes sparkled.
I hugged him, and then turn to my friends. “Grab a boy
and head inside. These guys look hungry.”
“Yum.” Mark Antony supplied, rubbing his little tummy.
His favorite word.
After we’d fed them and put them to bed, Aimee and
Aaron went home, leaving me in peace to read and relax.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos258

I’d almost fallen asleep reading when I heard the door

open and my husband’s voice calling my name.
“In the study, Derrick!” I called back, stretching my
aching muscles.
Derrick came in as I put a marker in my book. He kissed
my cheek. “Should I say it or not?”
“What’s that?” I asked him.
He grinned. “Honey, I’m home!”
I giggled.
“So, any luck finding her? Any clues, suspects, evidence,
anything at all?” He asked, in his detective mode.
I shook my head.
“She’ll turn up, just watch.” Derrick assured me. “Other
than that, how was your day?”
I told him what happened. “Aimee really got me thinking
about things.”
“What things?” He took a seat beside me.
“Our pasts, present horrors, you know. Things.” I told
him. “Mainly how we survived it all.”
“What about it?”
I looked into my husband’s warm brown eyes, pausing to
kiss him. “I love you, Derrick Reading, yet I know nothing
about you.”
“Nonsense.” He replied. “I love you, too, and yes, you
know a lot of things about me.”
“I know how you’d run away from your torn family to
follow your Dream Girl.” I said. “I know how you met Shadow,
who took you to the System. I know how you and Luna used to
be partners before we met.”
“What else is there?” He asked.
“I know nothing about your own past.” I told him. “What
demons did you have to fight on your own? What about your
lonely nights without love in an almost-perfect family? What
about your past?”
Derrick looked away, almost ashamed.
“Derrick, don’t you trust me?” I asked him, afraid.
He looked back at me. “Of course I do.”
“Why are you so afraid to tell me?”
“I wouldn’t want you to feel bad.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos259

“You grew up as a lone orphan with Aimee and Aaron.”
He said. “I grew up in the perfect family. Only, it wasn’t so
perfect on the inside.”
“What made you run away?”
“The city referred to me as just another rich kid not
getting his own way. They treated me with respect, but I could
see they loathed it.” Derrick said. “Inside, my family was
falling apart. Mom and Dad were fighting, Jake was turning
into a criminal, Kendra hid in her room constantly crying for a
better day, and Brian looked up to me as a mentor. Alex was
just a baby when I ran off, not knowing what was going on
around him.”
Interesting. I thought. I recalled when we were in the
System so many years ago.
“Is that why you were so angry in the beginning?”
He nodded. “No matter how angry I was, I couldn’t get the
Dream Girl – you – off my mind or out of my dreams.”
I smiled. “I knew you were something special before I met
you, so I wanted to hang on.”
“I wanted to help you, Love, wanting you to be safe from
harm.” Derrick hugged me. “I loved you then, and as every day
progresses, I love you more.”
“Why and when did you start to open up and trust me?” I
asked. “You hid your sincerity from me at first. Why?”
He sighed. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t want to hurt
you by getting too close too soon.” He kissed me. “You know
what I mean?”
I shook my head.
“Do you remember when you were in the Juvenile
Center?” I stared, waiting for him to continue. “I watched over
you one time.”
“Before Big Guy found you, I met Mistress Enchantra.”
Derrick replied. “She let me see your image from the Mystic
Mirror. I felt so sad for you. I only began to open up after two
weeks rooming with you.
“I listened to your constant nightmares, wanting to do
something, but always afraid of hurting you more.” Derrick
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos260

continued, kissing me again. “They changed my mind about

you. I wanted to know what made you so quiet and sad, so I
spoke up.”
I was silent, a tear running down my cheek. “That’s when
we kissed for the first time.” I whispered. “It was only after
that I began to feel loved and wanted. Not only by you, but
also by everyone there. I was no longer an orphan, but a top-
notch detective. I loved it all.”
“Not to mention, you were practicing your powers.”
Derrick teased, making me smile. He looked into my eyes. “I
love you so much, Ariana Moon Reading.”
As he kissed me again, the doorbell rang and the boys
cried from the nursery.
“So much for the moment.” I teased back. “You get the
boys and I’ll get the door.”
“Aye, Aye Captain.” He saluted and we parted.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos261

Story #4:
Ghosts of Hill View

I knew about him and he knew about me.

That still didn’t explain why I’d been dreaming of him
since my youth.
I headed downstairs behind my husband, going to the
front door. When I opened it, I saw two familiar faces.
“Tiffany! Tart!” I cried, hugging them. “What are you
doing here?”
I noticed tiny teardrop amulets around their necks. Each
had their initials, with an ‘A’ in the end. I could sense some
kind of Mystic Magic spell over it, protecting them.
“We’ve come to tell you the great news.” Twelve-year-old
Tart began. Her blue eyes sparkled with delight.
It had been a long time since I’d seen them, two of my
Oracle Children. When I met them back in the orphanage here
in Hill View, an eight-year-old Tara Mae “Tart” had a
nightmare. I comforted her, with the five other girls in the
room waking to the sound of her screams. I declared them my
Oracle Children after telling them about the Dream Realm.
“You’ll never guess in a million years!” Fifteen-year-old
Tiffany Jane grabbed her necklace.
Tart couldn’t hold her excitement; she jumped as she
cried. “We’ve been adopted!”
“That’s great, you guys!” I told them. “Where are your
parents now?”
Tiffany pointed to my driveway. Parked, I saw my Aunt
Sharon smiling at me. I waved.
“You’ve been adopted by Sharon?” I asked. Even better.
“Yeah, and we’re learning the coolest stuff.” Tart replied.
“Unfortunately,” Tiffany began, once seeing Tart’s face
turn dark. “We’re still having nightmares.”
Oh no. Not again.
I looked to Tart, who was biting her lip. “Has Orthos been
bothering you again?”
She shook her head. “No, but Damian is.”
Even worse than Orthos. I recalled the Crusade, and
when I fought him. Damian had fallen for me, with Sabrina
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos262

using that to her advantage. He captured me, claiming me as

his own, but not for long. The Crusaders rescued me, taking
me home. He’s a seductive creep, and I wanted nothing to do
with him. I didn’t want my precious girls to have anything to
do with him now, either.
“Girls, I want you to promise me something.”
The looked up at me. Tart had a tear in her eye.
“Don’t fall in love with him. If you do, you’ll be caught in
his trap.”
“What will he do to us?” Tiffany asked.
“All he wants is your power, and your souls to fight
against the Crusaders in the Dominionite Army.”
Aunt Sharon honked her horn and I waved back.
“Promise me.” I made them look into my eyes.
“We promise,” They chorused.
“We’ll keep in touch, okay?” I asked them. “It was great to
see you again.”
They hugged me and were on their way. There was a hint
of Dark Magic still hovering in my soul over the Dream
I could do nothing about it.

The next day, I let Derrick watch the boys while I

searched on my own.
“Be careful, okay Love?” Derrick warned me, kissing my
cheek as I headed out the door.
“I will.” I promised, and was on my way.
I drove all over town, using my Empathy to guide me. As
I turned on Catz Avenue, I drew closer to the mysterious
mansion across the street from the Richardsons. Since we
moved in, and Kelly had made a friend out of Cara
Richardson, that spooky mansion has teased my curiosity.
Speaking of the Richardsons, I stopped in their driveway
and went up to the door. Craig himself answered.
“Hey, Ariana, what’s up?” He asked.
My gaze was to the mansion. Something was drawing me
to it.
“Do you happen to know anything about that mansion?” I
asked him.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos263

“Besides the fact it’s creepy, very little.” Craig announced.

“Come on in.”
I stood at the kitchen sink when I stepped inside, staring
across the street.
“You’re hooked, aren’t you?” He teased.
I nodded. “Yeah, and my sensors are going haywire.” I
told him, finally looking at him. “Do you know the story
behind it?”
“There are a lot of them.”
“What’s one of them?” I asked, my gaze returning to the
“As far as I know, there were a pair of fraternal twins.
Their names were Jeremiah and Jesemiah. When their parents
died, they were separated. No one knows what happened, but
it’s said Jesemiah and Jeremiah both haunt that place.” Craig
explained. “Why are you so up on the Catz Mansion, Ariana?”
I looked him straight in the eye. “I have a feeling my
daughter’s in there.”
“You can go look if you want.” He told me.
“Want to join me?” I asked.
He put his hands up. “No way. I’m spooked over that
place. I’ll stay here and watch you, if you feel you’re not going
to be safe.”
I’m a Mystic; I’m always safe.
I agreed and headed across the street.
The front door was half-open, which scared me when it
moved. I walk in cautiously, noticing the visions of a ghost
There are two children, a boy and a girl, playing a card
game together at a table. The woman above them, I can sense
is their mother, pouring a pitcher of something into a pair of
glasses for them. The male hunched over a desk full of papers
is writing by lantern-light.
To my surprise, the girl noticed I was standing there, and
waved to me.
I waved back and they disappeared.
That was spooky. My sensors were definitely working,
because I thought I saw the girl again in the back of the room. I
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos264

walked closer to her without thinking, noticing she’s older now

than at first.
The girl takes my hand, leading me to the barn in the
The door of the barn is also half-open, so I step inside. I
hear children playing, but there wasn’t anyone else there.
I notice an echo of an aura from the corner. The girl let go
of my hand to show me her cut wrists. Echoes of dried blood
shone on them as she held a glowing-burgundy necklace in her
hands. Why did she commit suicide?
The girl goes to the corner, laying herself on the hay before
I gasped for air. What was going on, and why did that girl
bring me here?
I began to sense something in the upper-bunk by the
rafters. Kelly’s aura trace was there, but I knew she wasn’t
there now.
Oh, Goddess Bless, what’s going on?
Could this be a sign of hell to come? Or is this what
Andrew James sent to Sara?
Is it a plea for help from the ghost-family and Kelly?
I began to get dizzy, so I headed home.
“Hey, are you okay?” Craig asked as I headed to my Jeep.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I assured him.
“Can I drive you home?” He asked.
“How are you going to get back?”
“I have legs.” He replied. “I can walk. Besides, I don’t
think you should be driving right now.”
“What makes you say that?” I asked him.
He paused. “Call it a feeling.”
I hopped in the front passenger seat, immediately falling
Somehow, my mind was exhausted from the Catz

I woke in the Dream Realm, at Lord Guardian O’Dell’s

own Chambers.
I saw him by the pond in back and called him.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos265

“Young Guardian!” O’Dell cried, turning from his Unicorn

shape to a human male. He hugged me. “What brings you to my
“I just had a weird vision.” I told him about the ghost-girl
and her family.
He grinned when I was finished. “Only Grey Areans can
do that.”
“What’s a Grey Arean?” I’d never heard of it until now.
“That’s where my brother Max reigns with Sister Jezebel,
I shook my head, not remembering.
“Ah, you do not.” O’Dell’s smile turned serious. “The Grey
Area is the place where old Dominionites learn to be good
again. Max has given them another chance at life. Find him and
tell him what you have seen. He can help you.”
“That sounds good, my Lord.” I told him. “Where would I
find Max, so I can tell him about my vision?”
“Look around you.” He began. “See how everything has
color here?”
“Well, the Grey Area has none. It is dull and old. The life
has not yet been colored in, if you know what I mean.” O’Dell
grinned. “Go where there is no color, and you shall find him
I bowed. “Thank you, My Lord Guardian.”
I took flight, going to the Grey Area for the first time. O’Dell
was right; there wasn’t any actual color here. It sure lived up to
its name, in both sight and sense. I could sense the emptiness
around me, all void of feeling and life.
I didn’t like it, soon becoming scared.
“Lord Maximaniac! Queen Jezebel!” I called their names
as I descended. I reached the ground, looking into the eyes of a
few souls.
They were dark and hollow.
How were they turning good, I wondered, if they were still
dark inside?
I spotted Maximaniac in the crowd at the pavilion. He was
in his human-male form, with dark blue and grey Magics
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos266

surrounding him. Maximaniac was just as I’d known him

Earthbound, looking like a joker from the Renaissance.
“Young Guardian, wonderful to see you again.”
Maximaniac replied, kissing my hand as I bowed. “How do you
like my Realm?”
“I just got here, but everything around me feels hollow.” I
told him. “O’Dell explained old Dominionites would get a second
chance with you here. I look into their eyes and see nothing.
What does that mean?”
“They have not yet proven themselves worthy of life.”
Maximaniac told me.
“Doesn’t everything deserve to live?” I asked him.
“They only know of being Dominionite Warriors, if you
recall.” Maximaniac said. “Old habits must die in order for a
new life to begin for them.”
I nodded my head. “That’s not what I came for, my Lord
“Please, call me Max.”
I wasn’t about to argue, so I told him what I’d witnessed.
He laughed when I finished. “Ah, you speak of the
infamous Catz twins themselves. The girl is Jesemiah and her
brother Jeremiah.”
“What happened to them? I know they died, but why does
the family haunt the place?”
“That house has been in their family for many
generations.” Max told me. He pat me on the back. “Why do I
not let them tell you their story themselves?”
“Where can I find them?” I asked.
“Think of your world, and where you saw them.” He said.
“That is where you will find them here.”
I didn’t understand right away.
He waved his hands and I disappeared, reappearing in
front of a house resembling the Catz Mansion in the Outer
Realm. One slight difference: it was newly built.
“‘Ello there!” I heard someone behind me cry. I turned to
see two images, a boy and a girl. The boy waved at me,
The girl had ebony-black hair down to her waist, pulled in
pig-tails, so it might have been longer. She had royal black eyes
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos267

and a tender expression. She was holding the hand of a boy

who looked like her. He had his hair cut short, also with black
eyes and a kind expression. They looked about sixteen, maybe
seventeen. I couldn’t tell. They were wearing old-style clothes,
as if jumping out of the Pioneer days. As they came up to me, I
could faintly see the wrists of the little girl.
This had to be the Catz twins, Jeremiah and Jesemiah.
“Hi, what’s your name?” Jeremiah asked me.
“I’m the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm.” I told them.
Did they know of me? I wondered.
Jesemiah bowed. “Finally, we meet in person.”
“What had you done, sister?”
“I went home, meeting her.” Jesemiah told him.
“Why did you show yourself? I could have been spooked
out and ran off.” I told her.
“I knew you would not.” She supplied. “You are a Mystic;
one who holds Magic in their eyes. You are powerful in your
own way.”
“Dare you tell her?” Jeremiah interrupted.
“Of course. She is trustworthy.” Jesemiah replied. She
turned back to me. “Before our deaths, we were Pagan. Now,
we have to gain our power back.”
“How are you going to do that?” I asked. “What do I have
to do with it?”
“Lord Maximaniac has given us a chance to become
powerful again.” Jeremiah replied. “He has faith in us, knowing
of our Earthbound lives, and deaths.”
“He is sad they were not honorable, but understands.”
Jesemiah said.
“How did you die?”
Each twin looked at the other, then to me. Jeremiah
“We were torn from each other when our parents died. I
grew up wondering where my sister was. I later found her in
our own house, in the barn.”
“I had the only thing taken away from me I had cherished
– my family.” Jesemiah continued. “I had but one possession
left from my childhood; an amulet that had been handed down
from many generations before me. I could tell my family was
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos268

gone as I walked in the barn door. Tears streaming from my

eyes, I slit my wrists.” She showed me. “I committed suicide to
join my family once again.”
“Once I found her in the corner of the barn.” Jeremiah
interrupted, seeing the tears roll down her face. “I panicked. I
did not know what to do, so I hung myself from the rafters
beside her.”
I was silent. “I’m sorry if I bring back any memories, but I
was only there looking for my daughter.”
“The Enchanted Child, yes.” Jeremiah replied. “She was
there, talking to us, but the elder woman was scared. She took
the Child away, but we know not where.”
I looked down.
“I am sorry, my Young Guardian.” Jesemiah replied.
“It’s okay. No harm done.” I said, thinking of Kelly.
“We have some news that might cheer you up.” Jesemiah
I looked at her.
“We are not the only ones with Magic, and neither are
you.” Jesemiah told me, with Jeremiah nodding.
“There are others in Hill View that had suffered the same
humiliation you had.” Jeremiah said.
“They have been keeping you safe from any dark forces
beside your own.”
“There are a lot of dark forces, believe me.” Jeremiah said
after her.
“They will come to you, in time, to introduce themselves.”
“In fact.” Jeremiah said. “They will help you find her.”
“Hold on, you two. I know who you’re talking about.” I
replied. “The Benningtons, Barnes’ and the Kings, right?”
“Aye, but that’s not all.” Jeremiah replied. “There are
others besides them, who you will meet later.”
“Now, Jeremiah, do not keep her in suspense.” Jesemiah
“How do you know this?” I asked them, anxious.
Jesemiah just winked and replied softly. “Celtic Magic.”

That’s when I woke up. Only, I was no longer in the Jeep,

but in my own living room. Derrick was grinning above me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos269

He kissed my lips as I sat up. “Welcome back.”

“You must have been exhausted.” Craig was beside him.
“You’ve been out for a full three hours.”
Three hours? It only felt like moments in the Dream
“What happened? Did you Crusade again?” Derrick
asked. He fingered his Pendant. “I felt it grow hot again, and
knew you were in trouble.”
“Only you had to wait until I woke up in order to do
anything about it.” I supplied. “Right?”
He grinned. “Now that you’re back, what’s up?”
I told him my visions, and my trip back to the Dream
“Hey, she’s awake.” I heard Shane’s voice behind Craig.
I shook my head. “Just how many people knew?”
“Only the Crusaders.” Shane assured me. “So, what
“She met the infamous Catz twins.” Craig replied.
“How?” Shane supplied. “Aren’t they dead?”
“Shane?” I asked him. “What am I?”
He scratched his head. “Oh, I forgot.”
“How can you forget?” I asked him. “Luna’s one, too.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He said, and then grinned. “Speaking of
Luna, she went to the doctor today.”
“Yeah, and?” I asked, hoping it was nothing serious.
“She’s pregnant.” Shane looked so happy.
“Congratulations, man.” Craig replied, high-fiving him.
“Why did they contact you?” Shane returned to the
subject. “Are they in trouble, or something?”
“They told me Kelly was there, in their house, talking to
them.” I said. “Only, they don’t know where Adrienne took
Before long, all Crusaders were there, listening to my
adventure. Luna looked a little better now, holding her son
tight. Shane was all smiles, and Derrick was, too. Aaron, with
Aimee and Bradley Allen, were beside me. Craig and his
sisters, Andrea and Cara were there, too.
I got a feeling then.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos270

Something else was going to happen; only, this time, it

was good.
Everything was going to fall into place within the next six
months, falling into a wonderful routine.
I only wished Kelly could be there to enjoy it.
Darn that Adrienne Whitehead.
“What’s up?” Derrick asked, sitting beside me.
“We’ll form search parties of our own.” I told him, taking
charge. “Both Kelly and Addie must be found. No more
With that, we were on our way out the door, in search of
my daughter.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos271

Part Three:
Life and a Destiny

A Mother’s Gift

Derrick and I headed out alone.

“Why don’t we get my parents to help?” He suggested.
I shrugged. “Sure.”
We were on our way in moments, pulling into the drive
ten minutes later.
I looked up and my in-laws’ spacious home. It truly was a
mansion, as the Parkers’ had been, but smaller. It looked
homey and had a genuine feel of home to it.
The upstairs window caught my eye as I thought I saw
something move. Immediately, I felt a powerful rush of Empathy
hit. That house was older than even the Readings themselves,
and it had some interesting secrets. In that window, I thought I
saw a young girl, with light-brown hair and ragged clothes. I
knew she belonged there, but also knew it weren’t Derrick’s
sister Kendra. The eyes and body glowed bright white, so I
knew it were a ghost.
Goddess, not again. I thought. Will the ghosts of this town
ever stop haunting me?
I took a deep breath, closing my mind and Empathy to
the house as Derrick opened the door. “Anybody home?” He
called into the air.
“Just me, Derrick.” His mother answered.
Evelyn came in the room as he closed the door behind
“Welcome to our home, Ariana.” Evelyn grinned at me,
hugging me.
“It looks nice, Evelyn.” I complimented. “Did you do the
designing yourself?”
“The interior, yes, but the actual house, no.” Evelyn
replied. She looked to her son. “Derrick, will you go help your
father in the garage?”
Derrick didn’t know what to say at first. “Sure, Mother.”
He kissed me on the cheek and left.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos272

“Now then, what brings you here?” She asked me,

wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
I was dumbfounded. With all the Empathy I’d used on
the house, I’d forgotten. I made something up. “Just to visit,
Mother Reading took a deep breath; her gaze was
suddenly to the air. I looked where her eyes went, but didn’t
see, or sense, anything out of the ordinary.
“Evelyn?” I called.
She shook out of her daze. “Sorry, Ariana.” She
apologized. “I’m just daydreaming.”
I didn’t believe her. “Is there something on your mind,
Mother Reading?”
Instead of answering, Evelyn headed upstairs. I followed,
my intuition going haywire. She led us to the attic, where she
opened the door with a key.
“How long have you known my son?” She asked, pushing
the door open.
“For nearly seven years.” I replied.
“Where did you meet him?” Evelyn asked, sitting down on
a crate near what looked to me like a hope chest. It was the
kind a family would keep their precious heirlooms in for
further generations.
“Shore Point, California.” I told her.
What was she getting at? She knew this already, from
Derrick himself.
“Is there a Police Academy there?” Evelyn was straight-to-
the-point. She frowned, her tone serious.
What had Derrick told her? “Yes.”
“What was it called?”
I knew the System was to be kept a secret, so I quickly
thought to my loving husband. Where did you tell your family
we met?
The Criminal Justice Academy in Los Angeles. Derrick
relayed. Why?
Your mother’s quizzing me, as if not believing our story. I
thought to him.
Be careful what you say. He told me. She’s good at the art
of interrogation.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos273

I gulped.
“Ariana?” Evelyn tapped my hand.
I shook my head. “I believe it was the Criminal Justice
Academy in Los Angeles.”
“So, where did you really meet? Shore Point or Los
Angeles?” Evelyn pressed.
Uh oh. What should I say?
Wait – I shouldn’t have to say anything.
“We met in Shore Point, but really got to know each other
at the Academy.”
That should do it.
“Oh.” Mrs. Reading seemed a little out of it, not noticing
the shake in my voice.
I breathed a secret sigh of relief.
I watched as Evelyn opened the chest, revealing to me
chest full of memories I knew nothing about. The second
ghost-girl’s face smiled in front of me.
Leave me alone, please. I pleaded in my mind.
You need to know your husband’s past. The ghost-girl
thought to me.
Who are you?
The girl blinked, smiling at me. Evelyn will tell you. Listen
With that, the girl was gone.
“Are you okay?” Evelyn asked, reaching in the chest and
retrieving a large quilt.
“Oh, yeah.” I replied, sitting beside her.
“Did you have another vision?”
I stared at her. “Vision?”
How did she know about my visions?
“Anna had visions when I told her about the quilt.”
Evelyn replied. “Alexander doesn’t know anything about the
Woods, secret-wise.”
“How do you?” I asked softly.
“Doesn’t matter, now.” She dismissed. “I have to tell you
the Reading story.”
I grinned. Finally, I get to know about my own husband’s
family tree. How Derrick came to be the way he is today.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos274

“The reason I grilled you about where you met him is

because something told me not to believe you.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’ve known your mother, long before Anna was born.”
Evelyn replied. “We were made to be constant enemies in
school, simply because of her so-called black magic.”
“But we’re not black magic, you know that, right?” I
asked her.
When was she going to tell me about Derrick, and his
Evelyn nodded. “I know the true reason my grandsons
and even my step-granddaughter have strange-colored eyes.”
I listened closely.
“When Sue and I were children, we would play in the
woods, or on the nature trails, anything to get away from
nasty rumors.”
“Wait – what does this have to do with the Reading
story?” I asked, stopping her. “Wouldn’t that be your own?”
“I married into it, yes.” Evelyn replied. “Getting back to
Sue, she told me what she could do. I didn’t believe her, we
were only twelve then.”
“What did Mother tell you?”
“A little poem I remember to this day, Ariana.” Evelyn
finally looked into my eyes. “‘Mystic eyes of silver-blue, hold the
Magic rainbow true.’”
“She also told me something that would later come true.”
“What’s that?” I whispered, still wondering where she was
getting at.
“About you and Derrick.” Evelyn replied. “How your
destinies help Young Dreamers with their nightmares.”
“You know of the Dream Realm?” I asked, incredulous.
“What about Father Reading?”
“He refuses to listen and believe.” Evelyn said with a
“Something told me not to believe you.” I thought the
sentence again in my mind, my head down.
“I know of the System, Ariana.” Evelyn said. “Sue, Sharon
and I went there before your grandmother died. Your mother
also squealed that’s where you really met.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos275

I didn’t know what to say.

“As I said, Alexander refuses to listen and believe, so
nothing will come of it.” She told me. “Jake, Derrick and I are
the only ones who know, for now.”
My hand wandered to the brilliant fabric in her hands. I
immediately got images of the ghost-girl again, this time on a
I had to ask. “Where did the Readings come from?”
Evelyn pat my arm. “I thought you’d never ask. Long ago,
in the year 1635, a girl by the name of Sophie Kauffman came
to America on a ship from Scotland. She was lonely, desolate,
and afraid of the unknown land, until the day Derek Reid stole
her heart. She was but sixteen when she left home, carrying
with her a small blanket for warmth.”
Evelyn showed me a part of the quilt that looked the
oldest. Sure enough, as I touched it, what she was saying was
true. I could feel the sadness and anxiety of a lonesome
Scottish girl.
“Now, Derek Reid was a crafty soul, yet caring. He took
her in and made her his wife, without knowing a thing about
her. Something in his soul told him she was the one for him.
Her ebony eyes and red-hair intrigued him, as did her
“Was she mischievous?” I interrupted to ask.
Evelyn smiled at me. “How did you know?”
“I think I met her ghost here.” I told her.
Evelyn’s eyes shot up. “She actually trusted you enough
to appear?”
I shrugged. “I guess so.” I replied. “What happened next?”
“Years go by with Sophie and Derek having a child. The
commotion of generations later lengthened the name to
Reading.” Evelyn supplied. “My son was named for the original
I closed my eyes, envisioning the happy couple together.
Sure enough, my Derrick was the spitting image of Derek Reid.
This got me thinking again. “How was he as a child?”
“Oh, Derrick was the brightest student in school. Jake
was the popular one and the two boys were constantly rivaling
each other.” Evelyn laughed. “Derrick was on the swim team,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos276

soccer, school newspaper and baseball. Jake practically took

over everything else, leaving his brother in the dust.”
“That wasn’t nice.” I joked.
“Of course not, they’re brothers.” Evelyn laughed with
me. “This reminds me of when I met my grandsons. As I
looked into Mark-Antony’s eyes, I could see the mischievous
little Jake peeking out. As for Andrew, he’s so much like his
father, it’s scary.”
I giggled.
“What are you ladies giggling about?” I heard Father
Reading’s voice peep from behind us. Derrick was smiling
beside him.
“I was just handing down the Reading family heirloom.”
Evelyn stood, kissing him.
“Ah, the Reading family quilt.” Father Reading supplied
with a grin. “I never thought I’d see the day it left the house.”
“Alex!” Evelyn laughed, hugging and holding him.
“You seem so happy now.” I sighed, smiling.
“We knew how selfish we were being once Derrick ran
away.” Father Reading pat his son on the back. “Now that he’s
finally a married man – to a beautiful woman no less – I’m
happy to say the Reading family is harmonious once again.”
“Let’s get out of this dusty attic.” Derrick spoke up. “I’d
already spent too much time in it growing up.”
The four of us headed downstairs, with me carrying the
Reading quilt.
“Evelyn?” I asked, fingering its threads once again.
“Yes dear?”
I waited until Father Reading and Derrick were outside in
the yard before saying anything else.
“Thanks for telling me about Sophie, and Derrick.” I
replied softly, my eyes on the quilt.
Evelyn hugged me. “Thank you for listening.” She said.
“You don’t know how much it meant to him. You’re finally a
Reading, and it’s your turn to add your magic touch to the
family legacy.”
I grinned, finally relaxing around my mother-in-law.
Kelly’s face went through my mind then, and I
remembered what I’d come for.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos277

“Evelyn, I came over for a reason.” I then told her about

Kelly’s kidnapping.
“I always knew Adrienne was bad news.” She shook her
head. “She used to be so nice and innocent when the children
were young. Did he ever tell you about their relationship?”
I nodded. “I found out when she came over, claiming her
daughter was his.”
Evelyn waved a hand at me. “Don’t think a thing about it,
Ariana. He never took her seriously.”
“Oh, I know that now.” I told her. “I know for a fact he
loves me. Always had; always will.”
Evelyn smiled, putting her arms around me. “Let’s look
for my step-granddaughter.”
I grinned.

When we finally made it back home later that afternoon, I

got a message I’ll never forget. “Ariana, call Caroline.” Luna
supplied, coming in to greet us. She wasn’t smiling.
“Why?” Derrick asked, looking at me. I shrugged.
“What’s wrong?” I was suddenly frantic for my adopted-
sister’s safety.
“I don’t know, but I think you ought to go over and find
out.” Luna pleaded. Her face painted a very pained picture.
What was wrong with Caroline Parker?
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos278

Secret Wish

I raced over as soon as I could, wondering what was

wrong with Caroline.
I knocked on the door. She answered, with tears in her
eyes. She held a tissue, dabbing her eyes and nose with it.
“Caroline, what’s wrong?”
“Mother’s dying.” She replied, hugging me.
“Mother Parker’s dying?” I asked. “Where is she?”
“In her room.” Caroline supplied. “Please be quiet about
it, though. I don’t want the twins to be alarmed.”
I was about to question her about her own twins when I
heard Mother Parker’s voice. “Bonnie? Is that you?” She
“I don’t know if she’s delirious or what?” Caroline
supplied. “She keeps calling for my sister.”
“Let me talk to her.” I replied.
I didn’t feel right about it, but I knew it had to be done. I
knew I wasn’t the real Bonnie Parker; Marie in the Dream
Realm was.
I walked up the staircase once again. So many memories
came back to me like a flash. Mark Grey, how I missed him so.
He was so loving and caring. No matter what ailed me, Mark
was always there to comfort me.
I sighed, heading down the hall. I passed Bonnie Marie’s
room first, the same one where I met Mark. I looked across
from it to see his old room. Turning the knob, I found it was
locked, the same as hers.
At the end of the hall was Mother Parker’s room. The
smells of hospital medicine filled my nose. I heard a pair of
giggles coming from the other direction.
Why did I have the feeling I was being watched?
I shook my head and knocked on the door. “Mother?” I
tried, just in case she really was delirious. “Can I come in?”
At that, the door opened. I saw one of the maids, Amelia
standing by the bed.
“Hello Amelia.” I greeted softly.
Amelia nodded hello and stood.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos279

Mother Parker looked up from her bed. “Bonnie, please.

Come in.”
I heard the door shut behind me, looking to see my
favorite butler, Charles. I signed a quick hello to the deaf man,
with him and Amelia leaving.
“I called you here for a reason.” Mother Parker replied.
Mother Parker looked ill. Could the regal Diane Parker
have been brought down by a silly illness?
I didn’t want to alarm her by telling her I’m not her
daughter, but she went on.
“I have a confession to make.” She replied, patting the
I took the cue and sat down next to her.
“What is it, Mother?”
“I know who you truly are.” She supplied, her green eyes
looking sadder by the moment. “You are Ariana Moon Woods.”
I was speechless. “Why hadn’t you told me sooner? Why
were you always calling me Bonnie?”
“Susan made me promise not to.” Mother Parker replied
“My mother sure has a lot of friends in a place where
she’s hated.” I commented softly, thinking about Evelyn and
Alicia Edwards, and what they’d each told me.
“Nonsense child.” Mother Parker tried to smile. “Susan
was well-liked in school. It was just the strange things she
started to do that made everybody turn against her.”
I knew what she was talking about, but I pretended not
to. “What strange things?”
“Let’s see...” Diane started softly. “Her eyes were like
yours – an exotic silver-blue. She made things appear out of
thin air and could heal with just a touch.”
That was my mother all right. I thought.
“She told me who you were to become, and how
important it was for you to learn on your own.” She said. “I
first believed you really were my Bonnie Marie, fooling myself
into thinking it were true.”
She paused and I sat, silent, waiting for her to continue.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos280

“I want you to do something for me.” Mother Parker’s

green eyes grew dark, and I knew her time was almost up for
this earth.
“Anything, Mother Parker.” I whispered, a tear forming in
my eye.
I may not have known her very well, but I would miss
“Keep an eye on Caroline and the girls for me, will you?”
She asked, grabbing my hand. “I have a feeling my daughter
will need your help.”
I nodded, not even knowing which girls she meant. “I will.
I promise.”
“Thank you.” She whispered, and then closed her eyes.
Softly, I stood and headed out, closing the door behind

I went down the hall to visit Mark’s old room before

heading downstairs again.
I closed my eyes as I touched the door, seeing Panther
smiling back at me. I sighed, remembering the adopted-
brother who’d loved me in his own way.
“Hey, get away from there!” I heard a young girl’s voice
shout. “That’s off-limits!”
I snatched my hand back, alarmed.
I turn to see a little girl – about Kelly’s age – with her
hands on her hips, frowning at me. Immediately, the picture of
another adopted-sister came into view. This little girl in front
of me was born the same day as Kelly – nearly nine years ago.
The name Michelle Lambert-Sheridan came to mind,
along with the day we met.

The day after I had Kelly, I opened my eyes when I heard

a voice beside me. “How ye feeling?”
I turned. “Could be better.” I told her.
“The name’s Michelle Lambert-Sheridan. You can call me
“I’m Ariana Moon.” I told her, and then smiled. “Call me
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos281

I snapped out of my daze when the girl shouted again.

“Didn’t you hear me? Mom’ll kill you if she finds out you’ve
touched that door.”
I stepped away. “I’m sorry.” I stepped away from the door,
but the girl watched me. “What’s your name?”
“Kimberly Parker.” The girl supplied, her brown eyes
searched me. She looked lighter than African-American, but
darker than myself.
When did Caroline adopt this girl? How? Why hadn’t she
told me sooner?
Goddess this was getting to me.
“Who are you?” Kimberly pressed.
“I’m Ariana Reading.” I said. “A friend of your mother’s.”
Kimberly continued to stare. She looked into my eyes,
interested. “You have strange-colored eyes.”
I smiled. “I know.” I winked at her, heading back
“Carrie! Kimberly! Dinner!” Caroline’s voice called.
I met my adopted-sister in the kitchen. “Caroline, who’s
that little girl?”
Caroline smiled. Her red hair, I noticed, was pulled up
into a professional bun. “Another of Mother’s adoption ideas.”
Somehow, I knew better. I told her about my visions
when I first saw Kimberly, and she smiled.
“You know Michelle?”
“I did know her, I believe so.” I replied. “I met Michelle
Sheridan when I first had Kelly in Shore Point.” I looked at
her. “How do you?”
“Like I said; another of Mother’s adoption ideas.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demanded with a grin.
Caroline’s voice grew quiet, almost a whisper. “Michelle
lives in town, and the girls know her as my cousin. Of course,
it’s not true, but it was the only way she’d let me adopt them.”
I didn’t know what to think. “Where is she now, and
who’s the other girl?”
“Michelle lives on-campus, substituting as a counselor-
in-training every now and then at Hill View University.”
Caroline replied. She grew frantic when she heard the girls’
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos282

voices arguing. “Please, they can’t know the truth. Promise you
won’t tell them, Ariana. Please?”
I hugged her. “Yes, Caroline. I promise.” I thought of
Mother Parker upstairs. “Can I tell you something else?”
“Sure.” Caroline looked almost domestic. I’d known her
as a snob, not knowing how to boil water, let alone cook a full
meal. She looked so happy; I didn’t want to crush her by
telling her the truth about her mother. “Go ahead.”
I took a deep breath. “Mother Parker told me something.”
Caroline turned around and grinned. “Tell me!” She
“She made me promise to keep an eye on you and the
girls.” I said.
Caroline’s face went from smiles to a huge frown. She set
the platter she was holding down before looking at me. “She’s
going to die soon, isn’t she?”
Slowly, I nodded. “Sooner than you think. She had to
hold on just enough to tell me the truth.”
“Is she...” She trailed.
I shook my head. “Not yet, but soon. I can feel it.”
Before she could say or do anything else, I wrapped my
arms around her. “Caroline Parker, let’s go see what your girls
are making such a fuss over.”
She smiled again, getting back into the parent-role.
I felt for her, though. She’d lost everything she’d known.
First, her sister Bonnie Marie, then her father, and Mark, and
finally, she was losing her mother. Her family was falling
I stayed just long enough to comfort her, and tell her I’d
be there for her if she needed me. I drove home in silence, my
mind rumbling its random thoughts about Kelly Reading.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos283

Story #1:
Friends of Magic

Derrick was concerned about me, as was Shane, Luna,

Mother and the rest of the family. Aaron didn’t know what to
do, and neither did Aimee. Bradley tried to cheer me up by
dancing silly to the music in his CD player. I could only smile,
then frown, thinking how the almost ten-year-old boy
reminded me of Kelly.
“Please smile for me, Mrs. Reading.” He said. “I don’t like
to see you sad.”
I did, which got the boy to smile in return.
“There – that wasn’t hard, was it?” Bradley Allen joked.
“I’m sorry Bradley.” I told him. “I’m just not in the mood
for smiling right now.”
Now he frowned. “That’s okay, I understand.”
I was quiet for the remainder of the week, with Derrick
giving me updates on the investigation. So far, no luck.
“We’ll find her, I promise.” Derrick repeated, over again.
He hugged me, kissing my lips tenderly each time. He
comforted me the best he could, but I wouldn’t budge.
I was depressed.
My sensors were on the fritz, and I didn’t want to find out
why. I tried to use Empathy to find her, but I still saw her face
disappearing from my mind.
Would I ever see my daughter again?

Depression hit hard. I wasn’t the same for the next two
weeks. Every night, I searched for her aura trace in the Dream
Realm. None of the Companions or Dreamers had seen her
lately. Every day, I searched with at least two other Crusaders
with me. Evelyn Reading and Alicia Edwards helped out every
now and again by posting flyers with her picture on them. The
entire city of Hill View, who had hated me before, now helped
search for my daughter when they could. I was grateful for
their help.
I guess tragedy brings a community closer together, even
if the trouble comes from a Mystic like me. We formed search
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos284

parties, with the Wests, Richardsons, Edwards’, DeRoses,

Stevensons, Farthays and all the parents of the PTA. Bradley
Allen helped by gathering their school friends together and
searching after their homework was done. Derrick and Shane
had the entire squad of the Hill View Police looking out for any
clues leading to either Adrienne or Kelly themselves. With all
the search efforts, we didn’t get any closer to finding her.
Nothing seemed to cheer me up, despite all the help. I
went on with my school life, as usual, concentrating my mind
on my work instead of my daughter. Stan Farthay, both
Kirsten Farthay’s father and my Psychology teacher, noticed
my depression one night after class.
Mr. Farthay took me aside, handing my final essay to me
once the rest of the class had left.
I looked at the grade quickly.
I glanced up at him with a small grin. “Thank you, Mr.
He was sitting on his desk and I stood beside him.
“Don’t thank me. Thank yourself.” He replied with a
smile. “You did a wonderful job on that essay, and I must say I
am impressed.”
“I’m happy to finally have it over with.” I told him. “I had
to send my children with my sisters just to do the research for
it. I worked really hard on that paper.”
“I can tell.” He laughed. “I also see you’ve learned a lot
from my class, too.”
“That goes without saying.” I joked with a grin.
He laughed again. “Listen, Ariana. That’s not all I
brought you aside for.” His voice was serious now, as was his
I could tell whatever he wanted to say was important.
“Mr. Diamond and I were wondering something.”
Mr. Diamond was my other night-school class teacher.
I was interested. “Yes, sir?”
“The new middle school is being constructed, called
Horizon Woods. Mrs. Gregory, head of the English Department
there, wants to know if you’d like to student-teach a class with
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos285

“What do I know about teaching?” I asked him,

“According to Daniel – Mr. Diamond – you’d be perfect for
the job.” Mr. Farthay continued. “If you wanted to do it, I could
have Mrs. Gregory call you later tonight to discuss the details.”
“I don’t know, Mr. Farthay.” I told him. “I don’t think I’d
be good enough to teach, yet.”
“Nonsense. Daniel tells me you’re his top student.” Mr.
Farthay replies. “Considering what you’ve told us about your
own youth, I’d say it would be a great career move.”
“Great career move?” I asked. My head was spinning with
the possibilities.
He pat me on the back. “Stop asking so many
incredulous questions.” He joked. “Listen, you don’t have to
answer now. In fact,” He stood, gathering his books and
briefcase. “You can get back to me anytime.”
He handed me a card with his name on it. Stan Farthay.
I took it and looked up at him.
“I’ll have to think about it, Mr. Farthay.” I told him.
He pets me on the back, grinning. “Call me Stan.”
I looked back up at him, keeping my small smile. “I’m
surprised I had the concentration for research. What, with
Kelly gone, and all.”
Stan hugged my shoulders. “We’re trying our best, and
that’s all we can do. Not to worry, though, I’m sure we’ll find
her soon. The entire city of Hill View is looking for her, and
rooting for you.”
“You think so?” I asked.
“I know so.” Stan said. “It’s all Kirsten talks about
anymore. Clues, suspects, evidence. I can tell our daughters
are close friends. Be glad you have so many people on your
side, Ariana.”
“I am. Thanks for the pep talk, Stan.” I said.
“Anytime.” He left then, closing the door behind him.
I took my seat, where my portfolio was. I noticed I was
the only one in the room, so I knew it was safe to practice
some Magic. I grasped my new Amulet and closed my eyes,
thinking about Stan’s offer for a teaching position later on.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos286

Years from now, another me was teaching. That was

evident. I saw a classroom of students, paying attention to my
every word, listening intently as I taught them English.
So, I was going to be an English teacher, huh?
I looked around at the students and saw a Mystic girl
among them. I didn’t know her now, but I knew I would later.
The name Katie Waters comes to mind, sparking my interest
and curiosity.
I smiled, opening my eyes and gathering my books.
Perhaps, if the time is right, I’ll pursue teaching later. For
now, I needed more classes, more study, and definitely more
time. I wanted to raise my children by being there for them.
Besides, I thought to myself. Derrick made enough
money as an Officer anyway, plus his share at the Plant his
family owned.
I’ll just have to pass this time.
It would be exciting and rewarding once my own children
were old enough to take care of each other and themselves.
Sure, teaching has always intrigued me, since my own youth.
Stan was right about that.
I looked to the clock and stood up to leave. I was on my
way out the door once closing it behind me.

The moment I stepped in the door to my house, I ran to

the Study. I found Derrick there, going over some paperwork
for another case he was working on. I stood behind his chair,
waiting for him to sense my presence.
“You’re home early,” he commented, standing to give me
a kiss.
“Any luck?” I asked him.
Derrick shook his head. “None. So far, the only evidence
we have against Addie is the note she sent us.”
“Do you still have it?”
“Again, no.” Derrick replied. “I had to give it to the Chief
for the crime lab to investigate.” He took my hands in his.
“Why do you want it?”
“Visions.” I told him simply.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos287

He let go of my hands and walked away from me.

“Absolutely not, Ariana Reading!”
“All I want to do is get a glimpse of when she wrote it.” I
told him.
His chocolate-brown eyes stared at me, concerned. “I
won’t let you get hurt. You know that.”
“Honey, it’s something I have to do.” I pleaded with him.
“Don’t you trust me with my Magic?”
“Of course I trust you.” Derrick announced. “I just don’t
want you to go into a trance I can’t get you out of, that’s all.”
He hugged me, kissing my lips passionately. “I love you,
Ariana Moon. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You’re not going to lose me, Derrick James.” I told him,
hugging him. Thoughts of my daughter ran through both of
our heads, making me hold him tighter. “Goddess,” I moaned
into his chest. “I miss her so much. I want her home with us.”
Derrick rubbed my back as I cried tears held back all this
time. “Shhh. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.”
He led me to the love seat where my fears were calmed by
his embrace. My Earthly Protector was protecting me, soothing
me, calming me, and loving me. I felt warm in his arms, not
wanting to let go for anything in the world.
“Not all’s bad, you’ll see.” Derrick commented, kissing my
ear once removing the stray hairs from it. “Before you know it,
she’ll be home. We’ll be the perfect family again. Bradley will
hang out with her all the time, the boys will play magical
pranks on her, and you’ll be there to teach them all right from
I sighed, sniffing and snuggling in his embrace. “As
always, you’re right. I can feel it.”
“Of course I’m right.” Derrick announced with a teasing
grin, standing up and closing the Study door. “Now, let me
show you just how perfect it can be.”
My husband kissed me passionately, waking those
feelings of happiness and warmth I’ve not known since Kelly
disappeared. We undressed each other right there on the love
seat. He explored every crevice of my body, making me moan
with pleasure. My hands explored his perfect chest, wandering
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos288

and wondering how a man of his stature could possibly be in

love with me.
I was an orphan until I was seventeen. Once finding out
who I was, and who I am today, I grew to love the family I’d
never known. Derrick, on the other hand, always had a family,
though he kept it to himself once we met in person. When we
married, and I met my in-laws, I grew to love my life. My sons,
my daughter, my new husband, my family, everything in my
life was perfect, for I was someone with a purpose. Only when
Adrienne came around, threatening my perfect life, did I begin
to notice how much things about my husband and me had
really changed over the years.
“Show me pure magic again, my Love.” I begged in a
whisper. “Show me just how perfect we are together.”
It would be one of the most pleasurable acts of love I’d
ever known. We clung to each other, not wanting to stop for a
moment. It was pure ecstasy. I was in heaven with my once-
Imaginary Romeo. Once we were finished, we lay on the love-
seat, cuddled together under the Reading Family Quilt.
I was glad our sons were heavy sleepers, for I didn’t want
to move from Derrick’s arms.
“You really think everything will work out?” I asked,
kissing him.
“It always does, and you know it.” He teased my nose
with a finger, kissing it. “Have faith. I love you, we all do. We
also love our Kelina Erin.”
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Derrick took the
chance to massage my neck with his lips and tongue. It felt so
wonderful that I fell asleep, exhausted, never knowing when
my loving husband left my side.


I woke up in my own bed, dressed and curled under the

covers. It was Saturday, so I knew Derrick was home. He
wasn’t by my side. I put my robe on once I scrambled out of
bed. My eyes peered to the Mystic Mirror across the room.
Cautiously, I put my hand to the swirling pane.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos289

It was an image of Kelly, in a forest tied to a tree! Where

had I seen that forest before?
That’s when I remembered, rushing down the stairs to
meet up with my husband.
“‘Morning, Love.” He smiled, kissing me on the lips. He
noticed the look on my face and waited patiently for me to
“‘Morning. I know where Kelly is!” I cried. “Come on, we
have to get her out of there!”
“Wait, where is she?”
“In the forest behind the Hill View Cemetery.” I told him
“In that case, we’re not going alone.” He said, shaking his
head. “The Crusaders have to come with us. That forest is
huge, dark, and spooky, even in the daytime.”
“I know.” I said. “Let’s get dressed, make some calls and
He kissed me again. “Gotcha, Love.”
It didn’t take long for us to get going. Derrick had called
the station, letting the Chief know to send out a unit to the
cemetery. I called Darlene and the other members of the Pagan
Council I didn’t know to help with the rescue. I also called
Mrs. DeRose. Before too long, there were nearly fifty people
helping to find my daughter. From friends to neighbors and
even people I didn’t know all pitched in.
Derrick, Craig, and I were walking together when it hit.
Momma! Help me!
Kelly. Her face was clearer in my mind. Was she closer
now? I didn’t wait to find out. The Crusaders gathered around
me all looked.
“What’s wrong?” Derrick asked, alarmed when I gasped.
“She’s nearby.” I told them. “I heard her message to me.”
The Crusaders stuck together. Aimee, Aaron, Bradley,
Derrick, Shane and Luna (who had her baby daughter cradled
in her arms and her son holding his father’s hand) followed
me. The deeper I got into them, the harder the visions hit me.
Derrick had to hold my shoulders so I wouldn’t fall from the
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos290

“Ariana!” I heard from behind me. I turn to see my three

new friends, plus Mrs. DeRose.
“We’ve come to help.” Mrs. DeRose replied. “Da child is
“Yes, I know, Delilah.” I yelled back.
I saw Darlene Bennington, Fay Barnes, and Tiara King in
their ritual black robes. In one hand, they each held a staff,
and the other held stones. They were muttering under their
breaths, eyes closed, letting their magic guide the way. I was
glad to have friends like them.
Derrick squeezed my hand, getting me out of the daze. I
took a deep breath, continuing my search.
It took nearly twenty minutes to sense her clearly.
“Momma!” I heard her cry in the darkness.
Goddess, no. I wasn’t seeing what I thought, was I?
My daughter was tied to a tree, looking a mess. When we
met eyes, I could see they were defeated.
“Kelly, honey, what happened?” I asked, letting Derrick
and Craig untie her.
“Miss Whitehead left me here last night.” My daughter
wrapped her arms around me as soon as they were free. “I
missed you so much, Momma!”
“I missed you, too.” I told her, wiping a tear from my eye.
She ran to Aaron and Derrick, hugging each of them as well.
“Where’s Adrienne now?” Craig asked her, once Kelly had
hugged everyone.
“I don’t know. I think she went home.” Kelly said, and
then turned to me. “I think she felt bad, Momma. I could tell.”
“Did you use Empathy on her?” I asked, wondering.
“She was sad, Momma.” Kelly said.
The search party headed home in separate cars, with
Kelly in the Jeep with me and Bradley, Aaron, Derrick, Luna,
Craig, and Shane.
“Wait until I get my hands on her.” Aaron growled, angry
thoughts racing through his mind.
“Aaron, please let the Police handle it.” Derrick warned
before my best friend could think anything else.
“Remember the Dark Magic,” Luna recalled.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos291

“Please don’t hurt her, Daddy.” Kelly said softly. “She’s

real nice, and she didn’t hurt me at all.”
I sat next to her, letting Shane drive for a change. “What
did she do to you, Sweetie?”
Kelly shook her head. “Nothing. Veronica and I played for
a while, and then we ate. The next I knew I was up in the barn
of an old house.”
“The Catz Mansion.” Craig and I chorused.
“I sensed your aura trace there, Kelly.” I told her. “That’s
when I met the Catz twins. They told me you had been there,
talking to them.”
“I told them about you, Momma. They already knew.”
Kelly replied.
“What did they know?” Luna asked her.
“About Momma being the Young Guardian.” Kelly said.
“Lord Maximaniac told them about the Crusades.”
“Good ol’ Max.” I smiled, sharing a look with Kelly, who
I hugged her.
Goddess, it was good to have my daughter back.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos292

Story #2:
Mrs. Gertrude’s Plea

The next morning, after the twins had been fed and were
over at Aimee’s, and Kelly was safely in school, I heard a
knock on the front door. I opened it to find someone I hated,
and still do to this day.
“Mrs. Gertrude!” I gasped. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to see what you’ve been up to lately.” Mrs.
Gertrude let herself in, with me following.
The elder woman surveyed my house, looking around
with just her eyes.
There was more on the old woman’s mind. I could tell.
“Mrs. Gertrude?” I asked, fingering the Amulet around
my neck.
She turned to meet my eyes. Hers were reminiscent,
almost longing to say something.
“Ariana, I understand you have a life of your own now.”
She said softly.
“Yes.” I told her. “That’s right.” I folded my arms. “Go on.”
“The girls I had you watch long ago. Remember them?”
“Yes I do.” I replied. “I named them my Oracle Children.
“They’re gone.”
“Aunt Sharon adopted them.” I told her.
“Just as you were, by first the Dolls, then the Parkers.”
“There were more, but those few stood in my mind.” I told
her. I didn’t want to cross her, but I was getting impatient. “Is
there a point to this?”
“I’m losing the Orphanage, Ariana.” She told me. “I have
nowhere to go. I know how you are – Magic or no magic – and
want to ask for your help.”
She wanted to what?
“Think back to my childhood, Mrs. Gertrude.” I scowled
at her. “Think back to all the abuse you gave the children.
Answer your own question.”
Mrs. Gertrude glared at me, but I didn’t care. She didn’t
say a word.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos293

“Normally, after all the abuse I was put through, not to

mention the mental anguish from not being whoever I believed
myself to be, I wouldn’t even bother speaking to you.” I rattled.
“Since I’m so nice, and forgiving, I’ll help you. On one
“Name it.” Mrs. Gertrude replied. “Please, whatever you
need from me, just name it and it’s yours.”
I had to think about that one. Her green eyes were
sincerely sad, and I felt her own anguish with Empathy right
“We’ll worry about that later.” I replied, going into the
den. “What do you need my help with?”
“Help me keep the orphanage, Ariana.” Mrs. Gertrude
said. “It’s my life.”
“It was your life to ruin those of your orphans?” I
cornered. “Beating them senseless, making them afraid of any
human ever to show them affection?”
“You don’t understand.” She said. “It’s all I know.”
“All you know? Abuse, hurt, pain – giving us nightmares
night after night.” I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, and
the Dark Magic wanting to surface from my past.
I closed my eyes, swallowing my tears.
“You must believe me. I apologize for any abuse I’d put
you, Aaron and Aimee through.” Mrs. Gertrude said, in tears
herself. “I beg of you, look into my eyes and try to read my
past. I know you can do it, so please try.”
I didn’t want to, but reluctantly obeyed anyway.
She dabbed her eyes with a tissue.
“You knew, so why did you keep it a secret?” I asked her.
“The Mystic Magic.”
“Your grandmother and I were mortal enemies in high
school.” Mrs. Gertrude started. “She loved all, trusted all, and
wished for the best for everyone. One day, when she visited in
Shore Point, you were only seven. Dixie told me what you were
capable of doing. I didn’t believe, stuck in my horrid little
world. That afternoon, I saw it for the first time. The necklace
around your neck was proof enough for me, for you hadn’t had
it the day before. I only kept silent so whoever wanted to put
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos294

their noses in my business, wouldn’t. As you grew into a

mature young lady, I found you could do a lot more.”
“Why all the abuse?” I asked, calming. “What made you
do that?”
Mrs. Gertrude sighed. “I didn’t want anyone to know, so I
kept you to myself. My grandson, you know him as Matthew
Steven, kept an eye out for you.”
“He did it too, you know.” I relayed, speaking of the
“Yes, I regret I do know that much.” She turned to the
door. “I’ll call you sometime this week, discussing the Hill
Crest battle a little more.”
“But –” I tried, but she was already out the door.
I sighed.
What a day! What a week! What a life!
“Momma? What’s wrong?” I heard Kelly’s voice peep from
behind me.
I turned around, smiled, and told her. “Nothing Kelly. Go
outside and play.”
“No.” She told me. “I wanna stay with you.”
I understood her apprehension for wanting to go outside
in the cool summer sun. I looked at the clock.
May as well pick the twins up, I thought to myself.
“Wanna come with me to pick up your brothers?” I asked
She grinned, holding out her hand.
We waltzed next door, hand in hand, grinning like idiots.
We stayed for a while, with Bradley and Kelly playing with
Andrew and Mark-Antony with their friends. It was getting late
soon, so we headed home in time for dinner. Aimee reminded
me of the last PTA meeting before school started again.
Hard to believe all this time had passed, and I wasn’t
even paying attention. The twins were two, Kelly was nine and
Bradley was ten. Luna was twenty-three with me, Aaron,
Aimee. Shane was already twenty-five and Derrick twenty-
The Dark Magic was slowly going away, and we’d
conquered our own fears and anxieties. The years were flying –
fast. I was getting into a strong routine, and loving it.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos295

It took me a whole week to get enough courage in order

to waltz back to the Hill Crest Orphanage. It was Saturday,
with Derrick and Shane watching the children while Aimee,
Aaron, and I confronted Mrs. Gertrude.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Ariana?” Aaron asked
me, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Wasn’t growing up with her enough for you?” Aimee
grilled, scowling. Her arms were folded under her breasts.
“Yes, I want to do this.” I told Aaron, and then turned to
his twin. “And yes, it was enough for me. She came pleading
for me to help her keep the orphanage.”
“Why you?”
I shrugged at Aimee. “That I have yet to learn.”
When we reached the doors, I remembered my Oracle
Children. I smiled; glad they were safe with Sharon at Adams’
Grove Farms. Aaron held my hand, hoping to give me strength
against our old Mistress.
I gave each of them a look before we entered.
A little boy, about five, came up to us. “Are you here for
His big green eyes looked up at me with interest and
“Granny?” I asked, looking at Aimee and Aaron. “Mrs.
Gertrude, I bet.” I turned back to the boy. “Yes. Where is she?”
The boy pointed in the direction of her office, a few feet
“Here goes it.” I told them.
I knocked on the door, hearing a soft “Come in.”
I pushed the heavy door open. I saw Mrs. Gertrude
packing some boxes with paperwork.
“Mrs. Gertrude?” I said softly, being careful not to
interrupt her.
She ignored me, sifting through a pile of old photos in her
hands. She stopped at one, staring at it with a smile on her
“You know, you three were my favorites.” Mrs. Gertrude
“Excuse me?” Aaron asked. “Favorites?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos296

“If we were your favorites, why beat us for being kids?”

Aimee cried.
Mrs. Gertrude sighed, finally looking at us. “It’s all I knew
at the time.”
“All you knew?” I asked. “That’s what you told me, but I
still don’t understand.”
Mrs. Gertrude shook her head. “The only way I knew how
to show affection was to abuse. My father did it to me, and I
didn’t know anything else.”
Aimee’s hard face turned soft as she unfolded her arms.
“You were beaten as a child?”
“It was long ago, Amethyst, but the memories still haunt
me.” Helen Gertrude’s eyes began to tear. She began to shake
and each of us dared to walk closer to her. She was weak now,
but we didn’t use it to our own advantage.
She continued. “What I did to you was inexcusable, and
down-right wrong. I apologize profusely for it now. I know now
it was wrong, and I should have been able to handle it better.”
“How did you become a Mistress than?” Aaron asked
gently. I could see his necklace, the same one I gave him
through the Crusade, was glowing a bright orange, just
enough for my Mystic’s trained eye to see.
It meant the Dark Magic was banished from it, and he
was slowly learning his Unicorn Magic. From who, I didn’t
know, but I knew he would be fine in the end. Once Kelly had
returned, the Dark Magic slowly began to disappear.
I listened to Mrs. Gertrude’s explanation.
“My father owned the house in Shore Point, leaving it to
me in his will. Once I met Gerald Gertrude, marrying him, he
and I found we couldn’t have children of our own. His brilliant
idea was to open a haven for children who were thrown in the
foster-care system.” She began, sitting at her desk. We sat
across from her, listening to her story.
“Well, I didn’t know what to expect. Gerald was always
the fancy entrepreneur, wanting to run his own business.
Always the money-mogul, I’ll tell you that.”
“Why did you murder him?” Aimee wanted to know.
“I didn’t. His bookie did – who also threatened my life if I
didn’t do as he told me. Gerald hadn’t known just how much
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos297

hot water he was in with his money-making schemes.” Mrs.

Gertrude said.
“If you did, why didn’t you stop it?” Aimee asked.
“I couldn’t, not knowing how.” Mrs. Gertrude replied. She
stood, brushing her skirt to straighten it. “Now, what can I do
for you children?”
We were still children to her. How awkward?
“How can we help you keep the orphanage?” Aaron
asked, giving up the fight.
She stared at us. “You three actually want to help me?
After all I’ve done to you in the past?”
“Mrs. Gertrude, I don’t hate you for it.” I told her. “If what
you’re saying is true, which I can sense it is, and your
apologies are sincere, I’ll help you.”
“You just have to tell us how.” Aimee supplied.
To my surprise, she hugged me. “Thank you, Ariana
Moon.” She pulled back. “You don’t know how much I
appreciate this.”
“I’m Ariana Reading now.”
“Married to a famous Hill View Reading?” Mrs. Gertrude
teased, smiling. That was the first time I’d seen her smile
sincerely – ever. “My congratulations to you.”
“Thank you.” I said. “Now, down to business.”
For the next hour, we sat and discussed how we were
going to help her keep Hill Crest. The trouble with the bookies
was still haunting her, making her fear for her life. She feared
for the children as well.
“What we need is a lawyer.” Aimee announced. “In order
to get those bookies back at their own game.”
“I agree.” I smiled, thinking of someone I was now close
to. “May I use the phone?” I asked Mrs. Gertrude.
She nodded and I called none other than my mother.
Mother came within twenty minutes, with us telling her the
“A bookie, Helen?” Mother supplied. “How long have you
been dealing with them?”
“Long before Gerald’s death.” Mrs. Gertrude told her.
Aimee, Aaron and I left on that statement, knowing my
mother would handle it better than myself.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos298

Story #3:
Sincere Apologies

We drove home in silence until Aimee said. “Do you think

she’s telling the truth?”
She was sitting in the backseat, and I nodded, looking in
the rearview mirror. “I can sense it, Aim. I’m almost sure she
“Almost?” Aaron asked. “You don’t sound too convinced.”
“This is the thing. Yes, she’s telling the truth about her
past and the bookies. I believe her apologies are sincere, too.”
“Did you sense anything else from her?” Aimee asked.
“She’s afraid.” I told the twins. “Afraid to lose what all
she’s gained. Money, house, and even her life. Those bookies
must have her running ragged doing things for them.”
“How did Matthew Steven fit into all this?” Aaron asked.
“Wasn’t he her pet?”
“You got it.” I confirmed. “She told me he was also her
“That still doesn’t explain how he fit in.” Aimee supplied.
We pulled into the drive to see a brand-new red Buick
parked in front of the house. Immediately, I gulped, sensing
Adrienne Whitehead.
“What’s she doing here?” I mumbled.
I saw the twins look at each other.
“Dare I ask who?” Aaron whispered in my ear.
I was afraid of what he might say or do if I told him.
“Promise me you won’t get mad?”
Aaron paused before nodding slowly. “Go ahead.”
“Adrienne.” I told him.
He held his breath as we walked into the house.
As he set eyes on her, he announced rudely. “Come to
make more trouble, Adrienne?”
“Aaron!” Aimee and I chorused.
Aimee took him aside and I greeted Adrienne. “Don’t
mind him, Adrienne. What can I do for you?”
“I want to apologize for my behavior, and to see what I
can do to make it up to you.” Adrienne looked as if she’d gone
through hell herself. Her daughter Veronica was playing a
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos299

game with Kelly, Bradley, and the twins Kymm and Carrie at
the kitchen table.
“Nothing.” I told her. “You kidnapped Aaron’s and my
daughter, Derrick’s own step-daughter, leaving us worried sick
about her.”
“I sent you a note.”
“That note was written with hatred in your pen.” I said.
Where did that come from?
“Why all the hatred, Adrienne?” I heard Derrick’s voice
behind her, and looked up to see him scowling at her with
hurt in his eyes. “What did we ever do to you?”
“Was it just to get attention?” I asked, thinking of what
my husband had told me last year.
“No, Ariana, I assure you it weren’t for attention.”
Adrienne said, sitting down on the couch.
Derrick sat beside her. I stood above her, arms crossed.
Somehow, all the anger from Kelly’s kidnapping came back to
me, and my Earthly Protectors’ Pendant showed it. I tried to be
as forgiving with Adrienne as I had with Caroline and Mrs.
Gertrude, but it wasn’t the same. I’d known both of them long
before Adrienne, and knew their auras by heart, especially
Mrs. Gertrude. Somehow, it wasn’t the same.
“What was it, then?” I demanded.
She looked at her lap briefly before meeting my eyes. “I
was jealous. When Derrick ran off long ago, I thought it were
my own fault, and began to think of how I treated him.” She
explained, tucking her blond hair behind her ears.
“Why kidnap my step-daughter, Addie?” Derrick wanted
to know.
“You were so happy while I was so miserable.”
I huffed. “You were miserable? What do you think your
actions did to Derrick and me? Not to mention Aaron and
Aimee! You made us a nervous wreck – against each other in
every way possible! Explain that!”
Derrick gave me a warning look. “Ariana...” He said.
“No, Derrick. It’s okay.” Adrienne told him. “I was
miserable because I couldn’t find the father of my daughter. I
was jealous you were happy without me, so I had to do
something. Kelly already knew me, so she trusted me.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos300

“That is, until you took her to the Catz mansion.” I said.
“Did she tell you that?”
I shook my head, ready to spook her out. “The Catz twins
themselves told me she was there.”
Adrienne gasped, just as I expected.
“The next time you decide to do something like that,
make sure the place isn’t haunted, first!” I said seriously, and
then smiled at the thought.
“I just apologized to you guys! I told you my reasons and
everything. Don’t tell me you’re still bitter!”
“I’m not bitter, Adrienne.” I told her.
“Neither am I.” Derrick echoed.
“I just want to know, since nobody got hurt or anything,
if we could start over.”
“Why would you want to?” Aaron’s voice piped angrily.
“What did I just tell you?” Aimee cried, warning him.
Aaron waved a hand at her, silently telling her to never
mind. “Tell me, Ariana. Why would you want to start over with
Adrienne was in stitches, staring at me.
“As I told Caroline, and I always follow my own advice –
Forgiveness is Devine.” I replied, smiling at the four of them.
When Kelly came into the room, I hugged her.
“No one was hurt, were they Kelly?” I asked my daughter.
“No Momma.” Kelly supplied, shaking her head.
“In the end, everything was fine, right?” Adrienne
“Right.” Derrick and I chorused, with Kelly nodding her
I held my hand out. “Clean slate?”
Adrienne smiled, taking it. “Clean slate.”
“What about you, Aaron?” I asked him. “Care to give her
another chance?”
At first, he just stared at her outstretched arm with a
scowl. He took a deep breath, looking first to me, then to
Aimee, Derrick, and finally Kelly herself.
To my surprise, he took it. “Clean slate for me, too, I
Aimee giggled.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos301

For the first time in a long time, everything was back to



It wasn’t always happy in my little world. There were sad

times as well, like when Mother Parker passed away. Caroline
and I attended the funeral.
I escorted her in my Jeep, which gave me haunting
memories of the person who gave it to me. She sat in the
passenger’s seat, with the children in back. For once, Kelly
and her friends were quiet. Bradley, Kelly, Kymm and Carrie
insisted on riding with Caroline and me. I had the three-year-
old twins, Mark Antony and Andrew in the very backseat with
their cousins, Caleb and baby Meredith. Derrick was in his
own Jeep with Luna and Shane, who were so supportive.
“Crusaders have to stick together, no matter what.” Luna
announced. Since Meredith had been born, she sounded so
much more adult.
“We’re here for you, Caroline.” My husband hugged her
as we unloaded the Jeep.
“Thanks, Derrick.” Caroline sniffed. “I really appreciate
“Hey,” Luna replied softly, hugging her as well. “You’re
family now, like it or not.”
This got Caroline to smile. “You don’t know me that well,
so how can you call me family?”
“It gives us a chance to know you.” Shane put in,
carrying his baby daughter.
“You’re still my adopted sister, you know.” I told her, arm
around her shoulder. “And Diane was my adopted mother.”
“Didn’t she know you weren’t Bonnie Marie?” Caroline
asked, dabbing her tears. Her bright red hair was up in a
sophisticated bun, and she looked wonderful. She may have
been in black, as we all were, but it made her look older, and
more astute.
Now, when I first met Caroline Parker, I thought of her as
a snob, and another challenge in my ever-changing life. She
was only sixteen, I was eighteen, when we first met, but she
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos302

didn’t know my real age. We were so far apart from each other;
it was as if we were from two separate worlds. We were, really,
but we shared one common bond – Mark’s death.
Caroline never really knew the truth of how he died. For
her, he just died. She never knew the Magic I’d had to use to
bring her back from an almost long-gone spell Sabrina had
placed on her. She never knew the truth about my Magic until
that fateful night at the Hill View Cemetery.
Goddess, to live those moments again would be fatal to
my own healing soul.
“Ariana?” It was Caroline’s voice interrupting my
I snapped out of my depressive daze to find we’d already
reached Mother Parker’s grave-site.
“Sorry Caroline.” I looked down at the closed casket as
the preacher prepared to say the final words of prayer to her.
She repeated her question. “Didn’t she know you weren’t
Bonnie Marie?”
I nodded my head. “Oddly enough, she did.
Unfortunately, Mark had us confused.”
“Why do you say that?” Caroline sniffed.
“Whenever we kissed, his heart and mind were on her.
Not me.” I told her. “I began to feel sorry for him, but ended up
falling in love. Before too long, the Crusades were happening,
with him in the middle of a battle for my affections.”
“It was a wonder why he always stuck by her.” Caroline
began to cry again. I placed a comforting arm around her
shoulders, immediately sensing something amiss.
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” The preacher mumbled.
“Here lies a woman whom no one could trust.” I heard
whispered in my other ear.
I turn to none other than the faint visionary whisper of
Mark Grey. Caroline was still staring at her mother’s coffin,
watching intently. I wonder if she could see or hear him.
“I’ll explain later.” Mark whispered in my ear. “The
Crusaders are the only ones to see or hear me.”
How did you get Earthbound? I asked him in my mind.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos303

“I’m buried right next to her.” Mark announced. “That’s

why I’m so clear to you now. As I said, I’ll explain later. Time
to bury the meanest woman in Hill View.”
Mother Parker wasn’t mean, she was just...
How could I explain it to him?
“Admit it, she was mean.” Mark teased. He gestured to
the gravestone. “On with the show.”
I returned to the scene, and the feelings of him
disappeared from beside me.
“If anyone has anything else to say to the departed, say it
There was a tense silence until Caroline nearly threw
herself on the newly-covered grave. “Mother, I am so sorry. I
didn’t mean to kill Daddy; you know that. I was under a spell,
an evil spell. My dreams were haunting me, and I had nowhere
to run to.”
“I didn’t mean all the mean things I said to you, or to
Daddy, or even to Bonnie. I know I was a mean, spoiled brat.
You were right about that, Mother.”
“You were always right.” Caroline stood, dabbing her eyes
with a tissue. “I’m sorry for the hell I’ve caused you, and only
hope you can forgive me on the other side, Mother.”
She looked to me, tears in her eyes. “Thanks to Ariana
Moon Woods, who you brought to the house after Bonnie
Marie died, my dreams became much more peaceful. She
helped me, even when I hurt her and her friends. I thank you
both for that.” Caroline summed.
She was going to cry again, I could tell. I was, too.
Faint, in the distance, I thought I heard a soft, “I forgive
you” as the wind blew through the air.
Caroline and I looked at each other. She heard it, too.
It didn’t seem as if anyone else did, so when we went
home, all was silent. I drove the children home before
Caroline. Kelly, Kymm, and Carrie were the only ones left. It
was silent as I drove to the Parker Mansion, until I heard
Caroline’s little voice peep.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos304

“I’m sorry I treated you the way I did.” Caroline said. “I

didn’t mean to.”
I smiled at her, despite my depressive mood. “It wasn’t
your fault. All is forgiven.”
She didn’t say anything, so I continued.
“There’s one thing you’ll learn about me, and that’s the
fact I’m a very forgiving person.” I told her quietly. “Sometimes
too forgiving.”
“Isn’t there anyone you don’t forgive when they do
something wrong to you?” She asked me.
I had to think about that one. “Caroline, forgiveness is
Divine. Treat others as you wish yourself to be treated.”
“Where did you learn that?” She asked softly.
“Throughout the years of orphanage hell and Mrs.
Gertrude, I learned a lot of things.” I told her. “Like the fact
you have to learn to forgive others who treat you wrongly.” I
stopped the Jeep so the twins in the back could hop out.
I touched her chin and kissed her cheeks. “You must also
learn to forgive yourself for things you cannot control.”
We hugged, this time Caroline held on tighter.
“Thank you, Ariana.” She whispered in my ear. “I
appreciate the advice.”
“Its okay, Caroline.” I said. “Listen, anytime you need
help with anything – anything at all – I want you to call me, or
come over. Understand?”
She looked at me, her big eyes red from crying. “You
sound like Mother.” She announced softly, and then cried once
again in my embrace.
“It’s okay, calm down.” I whispered, feeling like a mother
to her. She seemed so young and fragile still. “I want you to do
something for me.”
She looked back at me, rubbing her eyes (her mascara
running down her face like water). “What?”
“I want you to go in there and show your twins you can
be strong in a time of mourning.” I said. “Remember my advice
and follow it. Okay?” She didn’t say anything for a moment. “I
want you to promise me, Caroline Parker.”
She looked into my eyes and nodded. “I promise.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos305

“Good, now go in there and be a mother to your own

twins.” I playfully commanded her.
When I left her, I found Kelly already waiting for me in
the Jeep.
“Is she okay, Momma?” She asked me.
I nodded, hugging her. “Everything’s fine, my darling.
Everything’s perfect once again.”
That’s when she said the magic words, making my
depressive mood disappear.
“I love you, Momma.” Kelly announced, hugging me
tighter. “Let’s go home.”
And that we did.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos306

Part Four:
Birth of a New Love

Dream Memories

Alas, my story isn’t over, yet. The best is yet to come. Two
weeks after Diane Parker’s funeral, I found out I was pregnant
once again. I would find this wouldn’t be an ordinary
pregnancy, but a strange one to tell the truth.
As with nearly every adventure as a Crusader and the
Young Guardian, it began with dreams.

Goddess Ocarina stood at her Futurian Mirror, frowning at

the sight. What she saw made her sigh. “If only the Mystics
would learn to harness their powers in full, then the Dream
Realm would be peaceful once again.” She ticked.
Her arms unfolded, Ocarina raised her hands to the
Mirror, calling out the chant.

“Fort night should be thy birth

“The day should be thy death
“The Mystic with the most of youth
“Reincarnate with the rest.
“I call upon the Mystic Melody
“Earthbound Daughter of Dorianne.
“Come unto me, and do thy bidding!”

In moments, a figure appeared in front of her.

The woman with rainbow-colored hair and Mystic eyes of
silver-blue bowed down to her Goddess. She was dressed in a
black gown with golden musical notes and symbols covering it.
She took off the hood, not daring to meet her Goddess’ eyes.
“Yes, my Goddess. What does thou wish of thee?”
“It is time, my sweet Melody. Time for your second
“Where shall I go this time, my Goddess?” Melody
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos307

“You are to be the second daughter of the Young

Melody looked up. “Young Guardian? Why? Whatever
Goddess Ocarina turned to her, silently telling the girl to
rise. “Do you remember your first reincarnation?”
“As Melody Crawford?”
“Where you bore your own daughters, and had a brother,
Melody remembered the twin brother she’d lost at their
high school graduation. “Aye, Goddess.”
“Well, the destination the Mistress Enchantra, your
grandmother, has given to me is actually a plea for help.”
“A plea?”
“Aye. The Mistress saw a vision in her Mirror. In the years
to come, Young Guardian and her family will need help from a
more-powerful Mystic. Until then, you must live as both Melody
Applebee and Melody Reading.”
“How is that possible, my Goddess?” Melody shook her
head. “One soul to two bodies? I don’t understand. It isn’t
possible! It’s not true!”
“It is true, my dear, but the plea will make Young
Guardian happy again.”
“The answer shall come in time.” Ocarina’s eyes sparkled,
and Melody smiled.
Melody faded away in a Mystic rainbow cloud, preparing
herself for the long journey to the Outer Realm.

I didn’t know who Melody Crawford was, but I could have

sworn she was identical to Luna and me. The long, golden
reddish-blond hair, silver-blue eyes, and a younger Mystic
twin’s aura. The next dream led me further into the mind of
Melody Crawford-Applebee.

She was driving with her husband, Michael, to join their

daughters at a local party.
Michael Applebee was driving, but Melody was the one to
feel the terror.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos308

The car sped on the highway a little faster than she’d

“Michael,” Melody’s voice was soft, and her hand touched
his leg.
“What’s wrong, Melody?” Michael was caring, looking at
her for a split second.
“Don’t go so fast, please?” She asked. “We’re not late, you
“I know. I just wanted to see how my daughters are
fairing.” Michael held a smile, taking her hand.
Somehow, that didn’t take the feeling from her soul.
I shouldn’t do this...Mother always warned me about the
Mystic Magic...
“I can sense them, darling. Remember?” Melody tried to
convince him, but the car still sped.
Michael patted her hand. “Be careful.”
That’s when I became Melody. I could sense he knew of
her anxious Mystic Magic teachings that frequently warned her
of possible danger. Should he trust her intuition all the time,
I closed Melody’s silver-blue eyes, feeling her hands glow
a little in a rainbow-colored Magic cloud.
She saw her eldest daughter, Amanda Josephine in the
kitchen of the Adams’ house, helping Mrs. Adams with the final
Amanda Jo seemed to sense her watching, sending a
message, I’m fine, Momma. Please hurry.
As Melody’s eyes opened, she saw the speeding semi
truck coming toward them.
Michael turned the wheel in the opposite direction, but it
was too late.
The truck hit them head on.

I woke in a sweat, getting sick in the bathroom. My mind

whirled all sorts of thoughts of the dreams. Why would I
dream of someone I don’t even know? Why did her daughter
Amanda Josephine look exactly like Kelly? What was going on?
The only one I knew of that would be able to answer my
questions was my Great-Aunt Dorianne Jacobs.
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I dreaded seeing light of the next morning.

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The Elusive Dorianne

Dorianne Jacobs was the oldest living Mystic relative.

She lived alone in a house atop the tallest hill in Hill View. I’ve
never been to her house, but I have seen her around town. I
knew she was a very powerful Mystic; quiet, yet smart, and the
only Elder Mystic still left Earthbound from the Dream Realm
Wars for Power when she was only ten.
That’s as far as my knowledge of her went.
That morning, I kissed my husband goodbye, sent
Bradley and Kelly to ride with the Farthays, and prepared my
three-year-old twin sons and myself for the ride of our lives. It
was going to be hard, but I knew it had to be done.
Where are we going? Andrew James relayed to me in
telepathy as I set he and his twin brother in their car seats.
“You’ll know when we get there.” I told him simply.
Are we going to a bad place? Mark-Antony thought.
“Not really. We’re visiting your Great-great Aunt
Dorianne.” I told the boys.
Who is she? Andrew asked.
“Only the oldest living Mystic in the world.” I told them. I
pet their knees, making sure they were safely buckled in.
“Don’t ask any more questions. I don’t know that much about
her myself.”
If only my knowledge would have stayed that way.
I pulled into her driveway ten minutes later, unbuckling
the twins. When I closed the car door and told Mark-Antony to
hold my free hand, I heard a woman’s voice.
“Well, well, who do we have here?” I recognized Dorianne
Jacobs right away. The elder woman had her silver-black hair
pulled into a bun. She stood a foot taller than myself and had
a hard look on her face. She tried to smile as she greeted my
sons, but frowned when they hid behind my legs.
“I’m one of Dixie’s granddaughters, Ariana.” I told her,
hoping she’d remember her own twin sister she lost so long
“Ah, yes. The Young Guardian.” Dorianne hugged me.
“Father’s successor. Welcome to my home, Ariana Moon.”
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Seeing she didn’t hurt me, my sons inched their way

around my legs.
“Don’t be bashful, boys.” I told them with a smile. “This is
your Great-great Aunt Dorianne. She won’t hurt you.”
Mark-Antony was brave. He came out and placed a hand
on hers, closing his eyes. I recognized it as his own use of the
Empathy. When he opened his eyes again, he smiled. “Dori-
Andrew followed suit, trusting his brother’s instinct.
Dorianne and I smiled at each other. Once she set them
up in a make-shift playroom, she made some hot chocolate for
the two of us. I sat on the couch while she sat on the chair
across from me.
“What can I do for you, Ariana?” She asked me.
I explained to her my two strange dreams, to which she
listened intently and didn’t interrupt. When I was finished, she
stared at me.
“Melody...” Dorianne took a hand to her heart when she
breathed the name. “It’s not possible.”
“I’m not sure she’s the same one, Dorianne.” I told her.
“It could be just a namesake.”
“Oh, I’m sure that’s my Melody.” Dorianne replied.
“Father and the Goddess Ocarina told me so themselves.”
“You don’t mind telling me the story, do you?” I asked
her. “Maybe that would help me better understand the link
between the dreams and my pregnancy.”
“You’re pregnant?” Dorianne placed a hand to my
stomach. “Yes, I can feel the Magic in this one.”
My eyes were wide open now. “Please, tell me your story.”
“I’m surprised Aluna Star didn’t tell you so herself.” She
replied, taking her hand away.
“Luna hasn’t been herself for the past year.” I told her
sadly. “The story?”
“Yes, the story.” Dorianne started. “Almost fifty years ago,
I had a pair of twins, Melody Anne and Elisabeth Jane. I would
say Melody was like you in every way, save the glasses and
age, of course. Anyway, I hated my heritage and didn’t want
any part of the Mystic family at all. I never told my husband
Paul about it, nor my daughters.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos312

“Why did you hate who you were?” I asked.

“I didn’t hate who I was, no. I hated the actual Mystic
Magic itself.” Dorianne explained. “It had killed both my
sisters when Mother and Father promised nothing would
happen to us here.”
“Dorianne, Sarabeth died of complications in both her
pregnancy with Shannon and Julie and the cancer that had
spread through her brain.” I explained. “As for Dixilynne, my
grandmother, she fought in the Wars for Power, but didn’t die
there. She died of natural causes after training Shannon to
take her place at the System.”
Dorianne pondered my words before saying a few of her
own. “Going on, I could tell as my twins grew up, they found
they could do things. When they came to me, I discouraged it.
I didn’t want to lose them as I’d lost both my twin and my
younger sister. I later found out they were practicing behind
my back. Mother came to me, begging to teach my girls the
Magic they held. I wouldn’t allow it, so Mother cursed my
entire line. Until I came to terms with who I was Magically,
neither of my descendants could learn their power fully.”
“What happened to Melody?” I asked.
“When the girls were fifteen, I found my Melody was
suffering from small-pox. In those days, there weren’t any
cures, so I lost her.” Dorianne’s voice cracked as she tried to
explain. “Before their sixteenth birthday, I was a grandmother
by Elisabeth. She had a pair of girls of her own, named
Annabelle and Angela. On her deathbed, Melody and Elisabeth
made a pact. They would learn all they needed to know about
the Magic to keep it alive. I lost my Melody Anne on her
seventeenth birthday. Elisabeth made up her mind. She would
be her own daughters’ aunt, saying Melody was their mother
who died in childbirth.”
“The years pass, and Elisabeth’s twins grow up.
Annabelle moved to Europe after graduation. To this day, I still
don’t know whatever happened to her. Angela would live to
bear a pair of twins unlike her mother. She had both a boy
and a girl once loving and marrying a lovely young man named
Jack Crawford. To her knowledge, she named her daughter
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos313

after her mother, Melody.” Dorianne paused to sip her hot

“Of course, it wasn’t true. Angela had actually named
Melody after her own aunt.” I surmised, with Dorianne
agreeing with me. “Did Angela ever find out the truth?”
“No, but her daughter Melody did.” Dorianne replied.
“This Melody had a twin brother Matthew, who was
overprotective of her. It started to bother her when they were
each thirteen. That was when she met her now-husband
Michael Applebee.”
“Well, what did Matthew do?”
“He was jealous and hurt. He was no longer the object of
his twin’s attentions or affections. Sure, they were still twins,
living in the same house, but it wasn’t the same to him.
Matthew didn’t think Michael Applebee was good enough for
his twin sister.” Dorianne said. “He tried everything to keep
the two lovers apart. Nothing worked, until Matthew went to
his dying mother Angela. She told him what to do. Apologize to
Michael and Melody and be happy for them.”
“How did Angela die?”
“Heartache. She missed her twin Annabelle, quite like
Elisabeth missed her own twin Melody.” Dorianne supplied.
“Anyway, a month before Matthew and Melody’s high school
graduation, Angela died of complications. The twins mourned
for her, but Melody knew it wouldn’t be the last time she saw
her mother. Matthew was bitter until their graduation day. He
did as his mother told him and apologized to Melody and
Michael. Matthew wished them a happy life together, accepted
his diploma and died that night on the way home. Melody was
crushed, but life went on.”
“Soon, she and Michael Applebee had a daughter,
Amanda Josephine. Seven years later, three years ago, she
had a second daughter, Anastasia Elizabeth.”
I was finally getting the story. “Does that mean what I
think it does? That this Melody is my triplet cousin, and her
daughter Amanda Josephine is Kelly’s twin second-cousin?”
“Depends. When were you both born?” I told her and she
nodded her head. “Exactly. Amanda Josephine is going on ten
in about nine months, the same day as your daughter Kelly
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos314

turns ten. Melody Applebee was, in fact, born on the same day
as you and Aluna Star, in the same year.”
“Is that why I’m becoming her in my dreams?” I asked,
rubbing my head. By now, my hot chocolate was cold, so I
used Magic to warm it in my hands. “If so, that doesn’t explain
why I saw both the Goddess Ocarina and your Melody in the
Portal of Time. I didn’t become her there. It was as if I were
standing on the sidelines, watching an important scene.”
“Very good. I’m sure, being Father’s successor; now that
I’ve told you the story; you can figure the rest out on your
own.” Dorianne stood and took the now-empty hot chocolate
mug to the kitchen.
“I’m going to check on the boys.” I told her, going to the
make-shift playroom in the back of the house. When I opened
the door, I saw they were playing a game with glowing ribbons
of Magic.
“Mark! Andrew! Stop that right now!”
As soon as I said that, the ribbons disappeared and they
cowered away. They looked like they were about to cry. I had
to smile.
I crouched down to their level and held my arms out.
They both ran to them, allowing me to hug them.
“Sorry, Mommy.” They chorused aloud.
I put a kiss on each of their cheeks. “You have to be
careful with that.”
“You let us at home.” Andrew carefully pronounced,
sucking his thumb.
“It’s different at home, my Andrew James.” I told him.
“You two are going to preschool next year. In school, you can’t
do Magic at all. Only at home, understand?”
The twins nodded each their heads.
“It’s a super-secret. You can’t tell anybody about it,
okay?” I told them, hoping my young boys would understand.
They hugged my neck and I fell backwards on the floor.
This began a tickling match until Dorianne broke it up.
“You should know better, Ariana Moon.” Dorianne shook
her head in disgust.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos315

I stood up, the boys holding onto my hands tightly. I

could sense their fear of her. “Please, don’t call me that. My
name is Ariana.”
“Why can’t I call you by your name? Ashamed of who you
Now she was getting tart. What happened to that nice
woman I’d met at the door not an hour ago?
“I’m not ashamed, Great-Aunt Dorianne.” I told her. “The
name brings back horrible thoughts and visions of my long-
ago past.”
“Doesn’t Father call you that sometimes?”
“Yes, and only to prove a point to me.” I replied. “Derrick
calls me that when he’s extremely worried about me. Besides
that, I don’t want to be called Ariana Moon anymore.”
Dorianne and I stared into each other’s eyes. I scowled
and she smiled, nodding.
“I see what the problem is.” Dorianne announced in a
whisper. “That’s the special name Aaron Theodore gave you
when you were a little girl. It started his insanity over you.
Whenever you hear it, you’re reminded of both the orphanage
and his undying love for you. Are you ashamed of that, my
great-grandniece? Or is your heart torn in two over the
surviving Crusading lovers, Derrick and Aaron?”
I closed my eyes, turning away as to not let her see my
tears. “Stop it, Dorianne, please.”
The boys could sense my anguish, so they cried out.
“Mommy!” as they hugged me tight. I bent to their level once
again, burying my face in their tiny embraces.
After a moment, the air was still. I’d calmed down and
Dorianne stood over us, a sorry look on her face. “Now that
you got what you came for, leave.”
I stood, gathered the twins’ bags together and left quietly.


“Tell me again, Love.” Derrick replied. We were getting

ready for bed that night and he’d taken a shower. He was
rubbing his hair with a towel while another one was around
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos316

his waist. I was already under the covers, reading a book for
class. “What exactly did Dorianne say about your dreams?”
“The Melody in my dreams was her daughter,
reincarnated.” I told him, placing a marker in the book and
setting it next to me on the night stand. “She told me the story
of how her twin daughters, Melody and Elisabeth, made a pact
on Melody’s deathbed.”
“And that means what to you?” He asked as he dressed.
“According to the first dream, the one with Goddess
Ocarina in it, Melody is going to be reincarnated into our
baby.” I told him, placing a hand on my stomach.
Derrick climbed into bed and placed a hand over mine.
“Didn’t you tell me in that same dream, this Melody told the
Goddess it was next to impossible for that to be true?”
“Melody Applebee, who’s supposedly the same soul as
Melody Jacobs, is still alive.” I whispered, thinking the story
over in my head. “A soul can’t be split in two, can it?”
Derrick shook his head, lying down on my lap. “Could
never happen and you know it.”
I sighed, kissing his forehead. “As usual, you’re right.”
He sat up. “Of course I’m right. I’m your husband.”
He actually said it with a straight face, which made me
smile, then burst out laughing.
“Yes, Romeo, you’re my husband.” I told him, kissing his
lips. “My loving, caring husband. You’re also my best friend, a
brilliant lover, and wonderful father to our three children.”
Derrick smiled, kissing my stomach before looking back
at me with a loving expression. “Soon to be four.”
I smiled again. “My mistake. Four.” I kissed his lips once
more before turning the lamp out and taking off my glasses.
As I snuggled next to him, nearly falling asleep in his embrace,
he spoke up.
“Then again, it could be possible in a way.”
“What way is that?” I whispered, yawning.
“Well, you are a Mystic, and a powerful one at that.”
Derrick pointed out. “Perhaps if you delve further into this
Melody’s mind, you’ll find out how it will happen.”
“Perhaps.” I snuggled next to him, falling asleep as soon
as I said. “Good night, Derrick. I love you.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos317

I felt him kiss my lips gently before whispering. “I love

you, too, darling.”
Little did I know where my thoughts would take me in
the following months?
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos318

Story #1:
Luna’s Confession

I wouldn’t dream of Melody for another month.

Meanwhile, my duties as Young Guardian were taking over.
For once, I was grateful for the distraction from the Melody
One night, I was thinking about my past and happened to
Crusade to a Young Dreamer’s world. It was dark as the Abyss
except for a lone girl. I was in my Guardian’s gown, as I liked to
call it, ready to help her. The girl was wearing a pretty dress
meant for someone younger, perhaps nine or ten, with white
ruffles on the sleeves and a bow in the back. She had short,
stringy red hair, tied in yellow ribbons to match the dress. She
was holding a stuffed bear, clutching it while she rocked back
and forth. As I quietly walked closer, I could hear her sobs and
see the tears in the bear’s ears and neck. The stuffing stuck out
of the seams, ripped and worn, as if loved for so long.
“Hello, Young Dreamer.” I whispered to her, sitting next to
her on the ground.
She looked up, startled. Her blue eyes were worn with
tears and she backed away, frightened of me.
I put my hand up. “Hey, I won’t hurt you, I promise.” She
relaxed, clutching the bear closer to her body. I put my hand
down. “What’s your name, Little One?”
“Millie.” The little girl whispered just loud enough for me to
hear. “Mother Doll calls me Millicent.”
Mother Doll? I thought. Couldn’t be.
“Who are you?” Millie asked, her eyes searching me.
“I’m the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm.” I told her.
“I help Young Dreamers like you with their fears and
nightmares.” I reached out to touch her, sending the empathic
message of my mission. It seemed to sooth her, making her
smile. “How old are you?”
“Fourteen.” Millie whispered softly.
The same age as I was at the Doll’s. That was nearly ten
years ago.
“Where do you live, Millie?” I asked her, my thoughts in
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos319

“I live in the Doll Mansion in Shore Point, California.” Millie

was suspicious. “Why are you asking me all these questions?”
“Long ago, I used to live there with the Dolls.” I said. “I
was an orphan then. Are you an orphan, Millie? With no family
but those in the court system?”
Millie looked down, biting her lip. “Yes, Ma’am. I’ve lived
there for six months.” She looked up at me. “I’ve asked them
where my family really is, but they won’t tell me. Father Doll is
quiet a lot, afraid to talk to me, and Mother Doll is ill. The
servants are my only company, and they treat me like nothing.”
Too bad she didn’t have a Companion friend to save her
from that life.
“Is that what makes you cry?” I asked her gently, taking
her hand. She scooted closer to me so I hugged her. “The
servants treating you badly and the Dolls ignoring you?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
I wanted to help her. “Would you like to see me in person,
in the waking world?”
She looked up to me. “Can you really do that? I mean, are
you able to come to my world?”
“Millie, I live in the real world with my own family in Hill
View, Michigan.” I told her, hugging her shoulders and kissing
her forehead.
“How would I know you? Are you different in the real
“I’ll show you.” I stood up, waved my arms and changed
from my Guardian’s gown to my regular clothes, a long-sleeved
shirt and pair of jeans. I had also replaced my glasses, just for
effect. (I never needed them in the Dream Realm, for I could
always see perfectly.) “My name is Ariana Reading. I’m what’s
called a Mystic.”
“Is that magic?” Millie asked, absorbed in the very sight of
me in common clothes.
I nodded my head.
She looked back to her stuffed bear and frowned. “How do
I know you’re for real?”
I smiled, picking up the bear from the ground. I held it in
both hands, closing my eyes. Using a little Magic, I fixed the
bear’s rips and tears. When I opened my eyes, I showed it to
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos320

her. “There. When you wake up, the bear will be fixed. That will
tell you I’m real.”
With a wave of my arms, I was back to my Guardian’s
Gown, losing the glasses. “I’ll visit you soon, Millie. I promise.”
She hugged me. “I’ll be waiting, Mrs. Reading!”
I made sure to meet her eyes before saying. “Promise me
you won’t tell anyone I’m coming, okay?”
Millie held her breath but nodded, her expression was
anxious and happy. She hugged the bear, waving as we both

I reappeared at the home of my Companion best friend

Katherine Hawk-Stargazer. I only saw her young daughter
Celine, playing with her cousin Tiger White Snow and friend
Destiny Grey. When Celine spotted me, she called to me.
“Young Guardian!” Celine called, running up and giving
me a hug. The other two Companions followed.
“Just the Companion I wanted to see.” I told her. “Where’s
your mother?”
“With Daddy.” Destiny replied. “His wounds from the fight
were bad, so she had to heal him.”
“When did he get in a fight, and who with?” I asked,
“Only Essex Crowley, the oldest Feline in the Valley.”
Tiger White said intelligently. Destiny nodded. “They fought
over his right to the Feline Palace.”
“Mr. Crowley thought Daddy didn’t belong in the old home
of Mistress Mystica and Braken Hawk.” Destiny said. “He said
it should remain a shrine for those lost in the Wars for Power.”
“Mr. Grey thought differently.” Tiger White said. “So they
fought it out with Companion Magic.”
I groaned. Panther, what did you get yourself into this
“Does Lord Guardian know this fight occurred?” I asked
all three of them. They looked at each other and shook their
heads. “I didn’t think so.”
Destiny took my hand. “Please, Young Guardian. Don’t tell
him. I don’t want Daddy in trouble!”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos321

I squeezed her hand. “He’s not going to get in trouble,

Destiny. At least, not in any more trouble than he would be with
“What are you going to do?” Celine asked.
I thought for a moment. There were two things on my
mind. One, I wanted to have Celine befriend Millie until I arrived
and two; I wanted to see what kind of trouble Panther got
himself into. “First things first.” I told them. “I’m going to have a
word with your father Destiny, and your mother Celine.”
The girls exchanged looks, afraid.
“As the Young Guardian of this world, it is my duty to
keep the peace around here.” I told them. “You’re free to come
with me, if you’d like, kids, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”
Celine gulped. “Not pretty?”
“No, Celine. It’s not going to be pretty at all.”
The children huddled for a moment. “We stay with Papa.”
Celine announced. “You go to Mr. Grey and Mama.”
I nodded and took flight. I liked flying in the Dream Realm
better than just disappearing and reappearing. It was more fun
and more relaxing. I was able to think over what I was going to
say to Panther and Katherine once I saw them.
I descended to the Feline Palace, meeting up with a
leopard-man who was pacing the front door.
“May I help you?” The leopard-man asked. His face was
wrinkled with age and he was hunched over, a cane in his
hand to help him balance.
“Are you Essex Crowley?” I asked him sternly.
“Who wants to know?” He snapped, hissing.
“I’m sure you’ve heard of me.” I told him. “I’m the Young
Guardian, Lord Guardian’s successor.”
At that, he attempted to bow. “My apologies, Young
Guardian. If I had known...”
“Relax, Mr. Crowley.” I told him. “What is this business
with Panther Grey?”
“He should not be here.” Essex told me with a mean glare.
“This is the Palace of Mistress Mystica and Braken Hawk, two
Companions lost in the Wars for Power.”
“It was, Essex.” I told him. “Now, the home belongs to
Panther and Marie Grey, with their young daughter Destiny.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos322

You would kick an entire family out of a home simply because

you believe the Palace should be a shrine for the Hawks?”
“Aye, that is what I believe.”
I stared him down. “That’s what I thought. Come with me,
Essex. We’re going to settle this right now.”
I barged in the Palace without knocking, seeing Katherine
and Panther across the room. Panther was in his half-human
form, the necklace around his neck glowing. He was sitting in a
chair while he let Katherine tend his wound.
He roared when Katherine put a thick lotion on the wound.
“If you would sit still, Panther, I would be able to heal it
the right way.” Katherine tugged his arm.
“You don’t have to be so rough, Kat.”
“The pain reminds you of life.” Katherine said. “Would you
rather deal with a short pain while I heal you or would you
suffer until your arm falls off? It’s your choice.”
Panther glared at her. “Very well. I’ll behave.”
Katherine grinned, patting his back with a free hand.
“That is all I ask.”
I waited until she was nearly finished with the bandage
before speaking. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the first.
“What am I doing here?” Essex demanded from behind
Katherine and Panther each looked up. Panther tensed,
growling at the sight, and Katherine tried to calm him.
“Young Guardian.” Katherine tried to smile in spite, but it
didn’t work. She shared a look with Panther. “What are you
doing here?”
“Did I not just ask the same thing?” Essex threw his hand
“Silence, Companion.” I threw at him. “Sit and be quiet
until I tell you to speak.” I turned to Katherine. “I heard what
happened from the children and raced over. Honestly, Panther,
I can’t leave you alone for one minute without you getting in
trouble. What am I going to do with you?”
He could tell I was trying to lighten the mood, but didn’t
buy it. “I’m in no mood for this right now, Ariana. Kindly leave
my home.”
“It is not your home, imposter!” Essex shouted, standing.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos323

I turned to him. “That’s enough, Companion!” I shouted.

He sat again and I turned back to Panther. “And you will have
more respect for your Young Guardian, Panther Grey.” I pointed
in his face. “I’m not here on a pleasure visit, especially when I
find out the Lord’s people are fighting over the Feline Palace.”
“Who started this?” Katherine wanted to know. “Were it
you, Mr. Crowley, with your Before-Wars views and stubborn
old mind? Or were it you, Panther, with your Companion-
Crusader wisdom that turned to proud ego?”
As I feared, they both shouted at the same time. “He
started it!”
“Young brat!”
“Grisly old man!”
“Enough!” I shouted, using Magic to clamp both their
mouths. “Panther, sit next to him. This matter must be solved
before Lord Guardian finds out.”
Panther gave me a look that said. “You must be crazy!”
“Don’t look at me like that, Panther.” I commanded. “I
want this dispute settled before I have to get Lord Guardian
himself involved. Would you rather I tell him what you two
Both cats shook their heads.
I released the bars from their mouths. “Now then. I will tell
you both what I am going to do.” I said. They sat quietly and
listened. “Essex Crowley, you will leave this place and not come
back until you accept this home is no longer Queen Mystica and
Lord Braken Hawk’s own. Panther earned his right to be here
through the Crusades.” (At this, I saw Panther looked smug,
with his arms crossed.) “He helped Exile the Master Orthos and
his clan of Warriors. Lord Guardian welcomed him with open
arms and I expect you to do the same.” I turned to Panther. “As
for you, Panther Grey. I don’t want to hear of any more fights,
understand? You are still a Crusader, whether Companion or
human, it doesn’t matter. You fight only as a Crusader against
evil forces who wish to destroy this world.” With hands on my
hips, I looked to both of them. “Do I make myself clear,
They nodded.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos324

“Now shake hands and show me you’re sorry.” I told

It took a moment, but the two feline males shook hands.
At that, Essex Crowley disappeared, leaving. I dropped onto the
couch, exhausted.
Katherine clapped her hands after a moment of silence.
“Ariana, that was brilliant! I never knew you had that much
fight in you!”
I shook my head. “Neither did I.” I rubbed my temples.
“Why does she get to call you by your Earthbound name,
and I can’t?” Panther sat next to me.
I looked at him. “You should be saying ‘thank you’ instead
of asking silly questions, Panther.” I grinned. “I stuck up for
you, as I always do.”
“It really was Mr. Crowley’s fault, you know.” Katherine
told me. “He is the one to throw a stone through the window.”
“What does he know?” Panther asked. “He’s just an old
“If he was just an old man, Panther, why did you fight
with him?”
Panther stood. “He threatened my honor and my home!
What else was I supposed to do?”
I stood as well. “For one, you could always call on me.”
“Or me.” Katherine said. “If she were busy, I could always
help you.”
“You know that, so why didn’t you call on either of us?”
He turned away. “I wanted to show I could take care of
my own affairs.”
“That’s very noble of you, but we’re still Crusaders, you
know.” I explained, placing a hand on his shoulder. He winced.
“Sorry, but we took an Oath as Dream Realm Crusaders, and
you took an Oath as a Newly-born Companion. We fight against
the enemy, not each other, got that?”
Panther turned back to me. “Yes, Young Guardian. I get
it.” He turned to Katherine. “Thank you for healing me, Lady
Kat. It’s feeling better already.”
“Will you be okay alone?” I asked.
Panther smiled, kissing my cheek. “You can trust me. I
won’t make any more trouble.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos325

“Good, because I need to steal Kat away for a while.” I

smiled, hugging him.
He waved good-bye as we took flight, heading back to her

It was too late; I woke up to the morning sun shining in

my eyes and my stomach doing flip-flops. I hoped the morning
sickness would be over soon.


While the boys were finally in preschool, Kelly was at

school and Derrick was at work with Aaron, I decided to check
up on my twin sister. I opened the door to her home to find it
quiet. I sensed my sister was there with my niece Meredith,
but something was definitely wrong.
“Luna!” I called.
“In the playroom!” I heard her call softly from the back of
the house. I went to her to find her sitting in the rocking chair,
rocking Meredith to sleep. “Hey, what’s up?”
She stood and headed to the nearby crib, placing a
sleeping Meredith in it.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing, sister.” I
replied, looking at her face. “When did you get eyeglasses?”
“Shortly after she was born.” Luna replied, shifting them
up her nose. “It takes getting used to, but it’s better than going
“I could have told you that.” I teased, but she sighed. “Lu,
what’s wrong?”
She ignored my question. Instead, she played with the
blanket that covered her daughter. “Isn’t she beautiful,
I looked in on my niece. “Spitting image of her father.”
Luna looked up quickly. “Tell me, Ariana. Who does she
look like most?”
I was confused. “Like both you and Shane, I guess.
Mostly you, though.”
“Look closely.” Luna took my hand and placed it on
Meredith’s heart. “Can’t you feel it?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos326

“What am I supposed to feel?” I asked.

“Use your Empathy and Clairvoyance together.” Luna
told me. “Tell me what you see.”
I sighed. “Luna...” I started, but her stare was pleading.
I closed my eyes, doing as my sister told me to. I got not
the image of Luna and Shane, but of her and Aaron.
“Aaron.” I whispered. I took my hand away. “Is she?”
Luna nodded. “I dreamed of it many times while I was
pregnant with her. The rape, the Dark Magic, Aaron himself. It
was torture.”
“Have you told him, yet?”
Luna shook her head. “I don’t want him to feel guilty. As
you said last year, it wasn’t his fault he raped me. It was the
Dark Magic taking over him.”
“What about Shane?” I asked.
“He can’t know.” Luna started to cry. “He’s such a proud
father. I don’t want to shatter his feelings, you know.”
I nodded. “I know, Lu, but we at least have to tell
Luna took both my hands. “No, please, not yet. Our lives
are perfect now. I don’t want anymore pain.”
“You know you’ll have to tell them both sometime.”
“When the time comes, I’ll tell them, but until then, I
have to keep the secret of Meredith’s birth from them.” Luna
replied. “Aaron’s my friend and Shane is my husband. I love
them both, and don’t want to hurt either of them. Do you
understand this at all?”
I hugged my twin. “Of course I understand, Lu.”
We stood in silence, locked in each other’s embrace.
“Promise me you’ll keep this a secret?” Luna asked,
pleading. Tears were racing down her cheeks, smudging her
glasses that were identical to mine.
I wiped the tears away with my fingers. “I promise,
We hugged again, and I felt the baby kick. I jumped back,
my hand going to my stomach.
“What’s wrong?” Luna asked me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos327

I shrugged, smiling. “Oh nothing. The baby’s kicking,

that’s all.”
“Baby?” Luna whispered. “You’re pregnant! I can’t believe
She hugged me again. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks, but this pregnancy is different.” I told her about
the dreams and Dorianne’s story, the Melody mystery, and
even of what happened in the Dream Realm. “I don’t get it.” I
concluded. “How can one soul split into two bodies?”
“My guess are as Invisibites.” Luna shrugged.
“Invisibites. I remember them.” I said. “I was stuck in the
Abyss with Kelly, only our bodies were still in our beds. Do
you really think it could happen again?”
“Not in the way I’m thinking.” Luna said. “Let’s get out of
the playroom and let Meredith rest. I’ll explain while I get us
some lunch.”
I followed her to the kitchen. I helped fix some quick
sandwiches while she explained in more detail.
“I was thinking like this. Melody Applebee came to you,
wanting you to help her with her power, right? If she had the
same dream you had, wouldn’t that be her Destination
“Where a Mystic sees their death?” Luna nodded.
“Right. She wouldn’t want to lose her life, for fear of
losing her daughters. It would be like history repeating itself.”
I was impressed. “My, you’ve gotten smart!”
“With a little help from you and Darlene Bennington.”
Luna said proudly. “She’s teaching me a lot about different
types of world magic. You know, so we’ll be ready for
“Yeah, she’s been bugging me to train with her, but I
hadn’t had the time.” I told her. “Now that the twins are in
preschool, I have at least four hours free to do what I please.”
“Maybe you should take her up on her offer?” Luna
tapped my hand and asked. She was excited. “We can learn
together, as sisters!”
I laughed at her enthusiasm. “When do you train with
her next?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos328

“I’ll call her right now.” Luna jumped up and went to the
phone in the other room.
I sat there, thinking of what she told me. I sighed,
picking at the leftovers from my sandwich. Apparently, the
baby didn’t like turkey right now, so neither did I. I closed my
eyes to send a message to the baby, if it was at all possible,
only to get a vision.

I watched on the sidelines as the fetus grew rapidly into a

baby girl. From there, she grew into a little girl to a young
woman to a woman. She was so pretty! She had long reddish-
blond hair and silver-blue eyes. She wore a pure-white gown
that shimmered in the light. She was dressed as an angel, with
an auric white glow of innocence around her.
She waved her arms, crossing them in front of her. The
Mystic rainbow wind followed her movements, a ribbon of
Magic circling around her.
She spotted me, smiling a warm, comforting smile. She
outreached her arms, the Mystic wind’s ribbon coming toward
me, engulfing me.
I had to close my eyes, feeling the awesome power of the
woman’s Magic. I opened my eyes again to see her floating in
my direction. We were face to face when she stopped,
whispering in an echo before going through my body.
“We are one.”

That was when I gasped out of the vision. I looked up to

see my sister sitting next to me.
“We’re set for tonight, after the boys get home for the
kids.” She told me. Seeing the stunned look on my face, I
explained my vision. “Sounds intense.”
“You’re telling me.” I said sarcastically.
Luna cleared her throat, changing the subject. “Tell me
more about Panther’s fight.”
I told her all I knew, and what I did to solve the problem.
“You’re finally taking your Guardianship seriously, I see.”
My sister joked.
“I always have, and you know it.” I told her. “This time, I
surprised myself.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos329

“I’ll bet.” Luna grinned. She put her hand on my

stomach. “How far along are you?”
“Two months, and it’s been torture.” I complained.
“It’ll be worth it in the end, you’ll see.” Luna said,
hugging me.
Meredith cried from the playroom. Luna stood to go to
her. “I’ll be right back.”
I stood as well. “I’d love to stay, but I have something I
have to do before picking the twins and Caleb up from
“You’d do that for me?” Luna asked. “Picking my son up,
I mean.”
“Of course. He’s my nephew, and you’re my twin sister.” I
hugged her goodbye. “I’d do anything for you, as you would do
for me.” She headed to the playroom. “Come over later if you
want to.” I called to her before leaving.
“Sure thing.” She called back.
I left then, my mind whirring about my life as a twin.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos330

Story: #2:
A Sacred Promise

So it went for another month. I spent a lot of time

earning the respect of both the people of Hill View, who still
had it in for my family, and the people of the Dream Realm
who didn’t know of me. It was hard convincing I wasn’t exactly
like my Great-aunt Dorianne, who they believed was hard and
cruel. As for the Dream Realm Companions, they heard about
the fight with Essex Crowley. This stirred the minds of the
non-modern Companions, who still believed in the times
before the Wars for Power, when it was peaceful. I was slowly
earning the Elders’ respect, which helped a lot.
Darlene Bennington taught me a little about Pagan
Magic, or at least the Celtic kind. She explained there were as
many kinds of Pagan arts as there were Pagans themselves.
Luna and I both learned under her guidance the subtle
differences between the Mystics of my family and the Pagans
of the world. Darlene knew my sister was as powerful as I was,
so she let Luna apprentice under her at the head of the Pagan
Council. Thankfully, the Pagan Council welcomed both of us
“Mystics” with open arms. I made friends with many witch
families and learned a lot. It felt good to know I was accepted
for who I truly was, and not for my marital status as a
Reading. They knew I was the Keeper of the Powers of Spirit,
which they called Akasha, so that became my Coven-name.
They invited both Luna and I to participate in each of the
Sabbats, or holidays. It helped me become one with myself and
free in my mind and heart.
A lot happened in a month. From the Pagan lessons, to
school for the children and myself, to the dreams of Melody
Jacobs I was having. Each dream led me further into the
troubled mind of the mysterious cousin I never knew. I
consulted Lord Guardian about her each time I went to his
Castle. He told me the same story Dorianne had, but from his
perspective. It was heartwarming, really. Elisabeth, Melody’s
twin, switched a final time with her sister on Melody’s
deathbed. They made a pact to learn everything they could
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos331

about the true Mystic Magic, since their mother didn’t tell
them, and their father didn’t have a clue.
I slowly became more of a Spiritual guide to those
Dreamers in need. To them, as I was to Millie, I was a
Goddess. The Elemental Goddesses taught me their own type
of Magics, which I could tap into whenever I truly needed it.
The Goddess of Earth, Dana, helped me learn how to shape-
shift. The Goddess of Fire, Hestia, taught me how to fight as a
knight on horseback, with sword, shield, wand, and what she
called Dragon Magic. The Goddess of Air, Aura, taught me how
to go into the minds of her sky-bound creatures, to see what
they could see and feel their emotions. Goddess of the Waters,
Brianna, taught me more of the Mer-Magic, introducing me to
her water Companions.
When I thought I was strong enough in my Magic, I
remembered the promise I made to Millie. The Mystic Mirror
vanity called to me, and I wanted to answer. I stared at it,
clutching the Amulet. I wanted to use the Travel Spell and the
power of the Mirror to take me to my old home, but my
husband wasn’t so eager to let me go.
“What about all the pain you felt back then?” Derrick
reminded me in a whisper, wrapping his arms around my
waist and hugging me from behind. Our images met in the
“Millie’s feeling even more pain than I did.” I told him. “I
want to know, Derrick. This is something I feel I have to do.”
He sighed. “Closure from a hurtful past I take it.” I
nodded. He kissed my neck, which made me relax in his arms.
“Not only for myself, but for her.” I said. “And I did make
a promise to her. I don’t want to hurt her anymore that she
already is.”
“Is that why you sent Celine Stargazer to be her friend?”
His teasing tone asked, knowing.
I smiled. “Who told you?”
We stood staring at the Mirror for what seemed to be
eternity, our thoughts losing us to the rest of the world.
“Do you think you’re powerful enough, Love?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos332

“That’s why I want you with me.” I said. “You’ll be my

anchor if I’m not strong enough. That way, you won’t worry so
much about me. Besides, I need you.”
Derrick squeezed, kissing my neck. “What are Earthly
Protectors for anyway, if not to protect their lovers?”
“I’m glad you think that, because I’m ready to go.” I
reached a hand to the Mirror’s pane, letting its own Magic take
me over. “Remember the Travel Spell?”
“Not really, but you have to repeat it anyway, right?”
“Twice.” I replied. “Close your eyes, grasp my hand, and
hold on tight. This may be a bumpy ride.”
“I’ll trust you on that one, love.” He kidded.
I called the Spell three times and we were on our way to
the Doll Mansion in Shore Point, California.
When we landed, it was in front of the Doll Mansion
itself. I was disoriented but fine.
“Are you okay, love?” He asked and I nodded.
“What about you?”
“Not worse for wear.” He told me. He was used to the
Travel Spell, but not the Mirror. “If we’re gonna do this, better
now than never.”
I walked up the stairs of the Doll Mansion, opening my
Empathy. There was a strange sense I couldn’t name in that
house. The sense of illness, despair and confusion. It hurt my
head thinking about it, so I closed the Empathy until I knew
what was going on.
Derrick held my hand as he rang the doorbell.
The door creaked open to reveal a dark-skinned maid.
“May I help you?”
“We’re here to see Madam Doll.” I replied.
“On what business?” The maid sneered.
I opened my mouth but my husband beat me to the
words. “It’s personal.”
The maid huffed, leading us in. “Names?”
“Just tell her Ariana Moon is here to see her.” I said.
“She’ll know who I am.”
Was, I added in both Derrick’s and my minds.
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The maid led me to Mrs. Doll’s own suite upstairs, with

Derrick behind me. She knocked, announcing me. “Madam,
there is an Ariana Moon here to see you. May I send her in?”
I could just see beyond the maid’s shoulder. Mrs. Doll
was lying on her bed, head turned away from the door. When
the maid told her my name, she turned.
“Yes.” Mrs. Doll croaked. “Then leave.”
“Very well, Madam.” The maid complied, showing me
inside before leaving us.
Rhonda Doll and I stared at each other for a moment.
“You’ve come back I see.” She said. “I have nothing for
you, you know.”
“I don’t want anything from you.” I told her. “I wanted to
help your foster-daughter, Millie.”
“What do you want from her, then?” Rhonda asked,
sitting herself up. Derrick and I helped. “Who is this
“This is my husband, Derrick Reading.” I told her. “I met
him shortly after I ran away from here.”
“Yes, Richard did tell me you ran off, but not why.”
“I ran away because of something I overheard.” She was
interested and let me continue. “I was in the next room when I
heard the conversation on the phone. You were going to sell
me back to your greedy aunt Helen Gertrude. I didn’t want
that, so I ran away.”
“Mrs. Gertrude is her aunt?” Derrick asked, surprised.
“What of it?” Mrs. Doll snapped, coughing.
“Nothing.” Derrick said. “I’m here for Ariana, not to make
trouble with you.”
“That reminds me. What are you doing here?” Mrs. Doll
asked, glaring at me.
“I told you. I want to help Millie.” I said.
“How do you know about her?”
“She came to me in a dream, crying for help.” I told her.
“Being the Young Guardian, I wanted to heal her wounds then
and there. As soon as she told me who she lived with, I knew I
had to wait.”
“Young Guardian? Heal her wounds? What are you
talking about?”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos334

I gave her a brief overview of my life story from the time I

ran away. “As the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm, I can
heal a person’s wounds.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“Why would she lie about something like this?” Derrick
spat. I tapped his arm to calm him with a look.
“Millie also told me about your failing health. If you want
me to, I can help ease the pain.”
Rhonda Doll pondered that statement, glancing at us.
“How will you know where to start? The cancer has spread
from my breast to my entire body.”
Derrick stood back while he let me do my job. I sat on the
bed, took her hand and closed my eyes. With Empathy, I
sensed where the pain started. I targeted the Healer’s Magic to
that spot, calling a spell under my breath. I heard Derrick’s
voice in my mind telling me not to overdo myself.
It took a few silent minutes, but I did it. I couldn’t heal it
completely, not knowing much about medicine, but I did take
away some of the pain. When I opened my eyes, they met with
Rhonda’s. She squeezed my hand and smiled.
“Thank you.” Was all she said before falling asleep.
I pet her hand, wishing her well before we left the room.
“How are you feeling?” He asked me.
“A little weak, but I’ll manage.”
“Let’s see if the servants around here will get you
something to munch on.”
I smiled at my loving husband, leading him to the
kitchen. Sitting at the head of the table was Mr. Richard Doll,
my ex-foster father. He was reading the newspaper, drinking
coffee. Something I’d seen him do often.
“Mr. Doll.” I startled him.
He looked at us and focused on my face as I stepped
“Ariana Moon? Is that you?” He stood to hug me. “All
grown up, I see.”
“Yes, and married to this wonderful man.” I told him,
gesturing to my husband. “Derrick Reading, meet the
prominent, if not successful Richard Doll.”
The men shook hands.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos335

“Well, sit, sit. Make yourselves at home.” Mr. Doll pulled

out a chair for me. Derrick sat beside me. “It’s been almost ten
years since I saw you last.”
“That’s right.” I told him. He’s gotten bolder since then,
too. I noticed.
“Tell me, child, what’s going on in your busy life, besides
being married?”
I told him, minus the System of course.
“My, you have been busy!” He exclaimed, smiling with my
husband. I blushed. “Can I offer you something to eat? I could
have the staff bring it to you.”
I smiled at his renewed enthusiasm. “That would be nice,
thank you. In the meantime, I came over for a reason.” I
explained the dream, my destiny, and my healing powers.
We watched as Mr. Doll stood up and headed to the
kitchen. When he came back, I saw the girl in my dream. She
was dressed in a black maid’s costume, with stringy red hair
and soft brown eyes.
“Who did you want me to meet, Father?” Her soft voice
I stood up to greet her.
“She says you know her as the Young Guardian.” Mr.
Doll smiled.
She turned her head to see me. As our eyes locked, a
smile spread on both our lips. She ran to me, hugging me.
“You came! You really came!”
“Of course I came, Millie.” I laughed. “I wouldn’t let you
She hugged me again, happy to see me in the flesh
instead of dreams. “It was true! My bear was fixed when I woke
up, Mrs. Reading! That’s when I believed you!”
“So enthusiastic.” Derrick joked. “Hello, Millie. I’m her
husband Derrick.”
“Nice to meet you, sir.” Millie said, and then turned back
to me. “Thank you for sending Celine Stargazer, Mrs. Reading.
I’m not so lonely now.”
“You’re welcome, and I’m glad you like her.” I told her.
“She happens to be the daughter of the Companion I had with
me when I was here.”
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“Celine told me about you and Lady Katherine.” Millie

said. “Celine took me on a tour of the Dream Realm. It was
wonderful and I had so much fun!”
“I guess your mission is accomplished, huh, Love?”
Derrick teased.
“Not quite.” I told him. “How have you been treated since
I met you?”
Millie looked away. “Nothing’s changed. I’m still just a
servant to Mother Doll, but Father Doll takes care of me when
he can.”
That’s when I thought of something. “Would you like to
live with us?”
The question startled her, making her step back. She
shook her head. “I couldn’t leave here. This is my home.
Mother Doll is sick and someone has to be there to take care
of her.”
“Yes, I know about her illness.” I said. “What about the
servants treating you like dirt? Don’t you want to get away
from that?”
“I appreciate the offer, Mrs. Reading, really I do, but I
can’t leave here.” Millie replied. “Thanks to Celine and the
Dream Realm, I can manage life here. I really don’t mind the
hard work either.”
“If you’re sure.” Derrick stepped in.
“I’m positive, Mr. Reading.” Millie replied. “This is my
home. It may not be much, but when you’re a ward of the
court, you can’t be picky who your foster parents are. You
know about that, right, Mrs. Reading?”
I sighed, hugging the girl again. “Yes, I know. I went
through at least five of them before I met my husband.”
“But, that’s a story best left for another visit.” Derrick put
in, seeing how weary I looked. My muscles were aching from
the Healer’s Magic and my Earthly Protector could sense it. He
took me in his arms. “For now, as long as everything is settled
here, we should be on our way home. It’s been a pleasure
meeting you, Mr. Doll, Millie.” Derrick shook Mr. Doll’s hand
again. “I hope to come again soon.”
“Yes, me, too.” Mr. Doll announced. “It’s been a pleasure
seeing our Ariana Moon again. I’m sorry, Ariana Reading.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos337

Mr. Doll and I met eyes and smiled. He knew what that
name did to me.
With that, and a hug to each Millie and Mr. Doll, Derrick
and I were finally on our way. We stopped at a local restaurant
for a bite to eat before we left Shore Point.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos338

Story: #3:
The Miracle of Melody

After eight grueling months of pregnancy, Melody

Elizabeth Reading was born. It wasn’t an easy birth, but to the
family, it was worth it. Derrick now had a daughter he could
call his own, the twins had a sister they could tease and bully,
and I had a better understanding to the unknown if yet
mysterious part of my own Mystic heritage.
I should start over.
Derrick and I led our happy little lives with our other
children, Kelly, Mark Antony, and Andrew. Each day brought
new challenges for the entire family, as life often does. Four
months into the pregnancy, I was haunted by dreams of
Melody again. This time, we met face to face.
It began with a late-night call. Derrick and I were
spending a quiet evening together, relaxing from the day’s
Ring. Ring. Ring.
“Now, who could be calling at this hour?” Derrick asked
with a yawn as he stood up from the couch.
I waved a hand to the nearest lamp, letting light shine
above us once again.
Derrick shook his head as I raced to answer the phone.
He kissed my lips. “I’ll be waiting.”
I smiled, picking up the line. “Reading residence, Ariana
“Ariana? It’s Melody Applebee.”
I was shocked. The infamous Melody Applebee. The
mysterious Mystic cousin I never knew I had. Could it be? “I’m
sorry, who?”
“Melody Applebee. You probably don’t know me, but I
know of you.”
I didn’t know what to think. “How?”
“I’m your cousin, also known as a Mystic Sister.”
If this woman was what she claimed, what did she need
with me?
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos339

Then again, she did sound desperate when she

continued. “I need your help.”
“Where are you calling from?” I was a little suspicious.
Not just anyone can claim to be a Mystic Sister and mean it
without my knowledge.
“I live in Sterling, Connecticut. Listen, I need your help.”
“How do you need my help?”
“Please listen.” Melody insisted.
It was that moment I knew something was wrong with
this mystery cousin. Her voice sounded like Luna’s and mine.
I sighed. “Very well. Go ahead.”
“I know of you as the Young Guardian, and am in dire
need of some counsel.”
“Certainly. Explain how you know of that title.”
“My great-grandmother is the Mystic Sister Dorianne. My
grandmother, after fleeing pregnant with my mother and aunt
Annabelle, hears of the Mystic Magic for the first time. I’m
really named after my grand-aunt, but the line suggests I was
named after my grandmother, in hopes my grand-aunt would
come back to life someday. It’s a hard story, but the ending
isn’t pretty.”
This was interesting. She told me the same story
Dorianne herself had.
I was curious. “How much of the Mystic Magic do you
“Not much. In fact, whenever I try to use it, it goes
haywire.” Melody replied. “I attract trouble like a magnet,
which brings me to my disturbing, very real-feeling dream.”
I perked my ears and listened as Melody explained her
dream. It was the same dream I’d had months ago. Melody and
her husband Michael were driving to meet with their
daughters at the neighbor’s house. Melody used her Magic to
sense them, only to open her eyes and see herself get killed.
“You say you dream this often?”
“Only twice.” Melody replied. “The second time, my own
daughter, Amanda Jo, was in it. She sensed me and sent me a
telepathic message.”
“Interesting.” I whispered. Time for evasive interaction.
“Listen, Melody. Go back to bed – it must be at least three in
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos340

the morning. I’ll visit you in your dream and see what’s going
on, okay?”
Melody let out a content sigh. “Thank you, Young
“You still didn’t tell me how you know my title.” I replied.
“Lord Guardian speaks of you often. He’s very proud of
you, Ariana. You’ve done a lot to please him, not to mention
the Mystic Sisters themselves.”
That’s good to know, I thought with a yawn. “I’ll visit in
your Dream Realm. Good night, Melody.”
“Good night, and thank you again, Ariana.”
We hung up, and I stared at the phone for a second.
I suddenly felt afraid for my unknown cousin, whoever
she really was.

The Dream Realm of Melody Applebee was a confusing

one, and had been on my mind since the phone call. What
would Melody have to worry about so much as to call me late
at night?

Well, when I found her, I also found out a lot about her
anxious Mystic teachings.
There weren’t much of the lessons on control as I had to go
through years ago, Earthbound. There were just the little tidbits
of Magic Melody had been taught. She’d been taught she could
do anything she wanted to, but was afraid to try. Mostly, she
could do the basics, and knew how to control those. Melody
was able to control telepathy, clairvoyance – the accidental part
of it, telekinesis, and premonition. All basic Mystic Magic
What Melody couldn’t control was her developing travel
powers. Like the magnet, just seeing something coming at her,
and not thinking otherwise, the thing would literally aim for her.
She didn’t know how to divert her Mystic Magic wind – a
colorful orange glow in her aura – at her command.
Besides the dream, the main thing that was bothering
Melody was the safety of her two daughters, Amanda Jo and
Anastasia, Stacy. There was something familiar about the
predicament. Perhaps the Dark Magic was haunting her, as it
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos341

once haunted every other Mystic Sister, including me? Maybe

the Magic was turning evil, as it had tried in the Crusaders?
I met up with Melody in the middle of the main Dream
Realm. She looked like she’d been through hell. Melody’s
reddish-blond hair, pulled in a lazy ponytail, was coming out,
and she was scared. I felt it with Empathy as I flew down to
meet her.
“Melody?” I asked as my feet touched the ground. As
Dorianne had said, we looked identical, like twins.
Melody nodded, and then bowed down, not meeting my
Being the Young Guardian, whenever I visited a Dreamer
who knew my title, they would bow. I was used to this, but
didn’t like it very much. It made me uncomfortable.
“Yes, my Young Guardian.” Melody’s voice was soft, but
“Stand up, Melody.” I commanded lightly with a laugh.
Melody stood but remained silent. “You called me tonight.
“The dreams have been driving me bonkers, Young
Guardian.” Melody replied.
“Please, call me Ariana.” I said.
“But you are the Young Guardian, right?”
“Yes, but I’m still Earthbound.” I told her. “Since you are
my cousin, or so you claim, you can call me by my name.”
The look on Melody’s face was disbelieving. Her silver-
blue eyes stared, interested in me. After a moment, I sighed. “I
give up.”
I changed into my Guardian’s gown, laden with different
Jewels of the Province. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds
– whatever jewels were known to the Mystics were in my gown.
I spread my arms, raising them to the clear Dream Realm sky
as the Mystic rainbow of Magic surrounded me.
Melody was awestruck. “I wish I could do that.”
I met her eyes. “You’ve never done that before?”
For a Mystic her own age, it seemed strange for Melody
not to be able to perform a simple changing task.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos342

Melody, eyes on me, shook her head. “I can never get the
Magic to work in my favor.” She looked at the ground sadly. “I
always seem to mess things up.”
She then explained what was going on. Why she had the
dreams – and how she saw her own daughter watching with
Magic as she was killed.
I realized something then. Melody Applebee had her
Mystic’s Destination Vision. She foretold her own death, and
nothing past the hands of time and the Goddess Ocarina could
stop it from happening. I didn’t want to be the one to tell her
this, so I tried to console her as best I could. I changed the
“You said ‘dreams’, meaning more than one was bothering
you.” I said, taking her hand and making her meet my eyes.
“Care to tell me about them?”
Melody gulped before she told me her second dream.
Amazingly enough, it was the same dream I had in the
beginning, starring Melody and Goddess Ocarina and the Portal
of Time. When she finished, I told her I had the same dream,
only I was on the sidelines.
When I finished, I took Melody’s hand and placed it on the
slight bulge of my abdomen.
“Do you feel that, Melody?” I whispered. “I think I know
how one soul can be split into two bodies.” She listened in
amazement. “My twin sister gave me the idea.”
“Twin sister? I had a twin brother.” Melody told me. I
smiled, telling her I already knew.
“I think part of the controlled Magic is going to be born in
my baby.” I continued. “Until the time comes, you’ll have to be
careful with it. Heed the Goddess’s warnings.”
She thought it over for a moment. “That would mean I
have six years to live. If the dreams are real, I mean.”
“I’m sorry to say it, but they are.” I told her. “It’s called the
Mystic’s Destination Vision. You foretell your own death years
in advance.”
“What am I going to tell Michael?” Melody started to cry.
“He’ll be devastated!”
“Listen to me. You can’t tell him anything.” I said, the
emotion coming to my eyes. “I know he’s your Earthly Protector,
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos343

just as my husband Derrick is mine. Unfortunately, there’s

nothing you can do but live your life as you would.”
“What about the girls?” Melody asked. “Who will take care
of them when I’m gone?”
I hugged my cousin, fearing for her yet determined not to
let her down. “I promise to do anything in my power to take
care of them. Your daughters are the same ages as my children.
Amanda Jo is it?” She nodded. “She’ll be ten soon, right?” She
nodded again. “My daughter will be turning ten then, too. And it
sounds like my twin sons are the same age as your little girl,
Melody hugged me. “It’ll be perfect. Thank you, Young
“You’re welcome, but until then, I can teach you the Magic,
okay?” I asked. She nodded.
“Thank you again, Ariana.” Melody squeezed my hands
after she pulled back from another hug. “You don’t know how
much this means to me.”
I nodded, smiling. I thought of my own childhood, and
how Luna helped me learn who I was. “Oh, I think I do.”

With that, I disappeared, waking up next to my husband.

He had a sleepy grin when our eyes met. Once he saw I didn’t
smile back, he noticed the saddened-but-determined look on
my face.
“Uh-oh. I know that look.” Derrick whispered. “What’s
going on?” I quickly explained what was going on with Melody.
“Are you going to help her?” Derrick was afraid to ask.
I nodded. “Yes, of course. She’s a Mystic, too. Get this –
she’s one of Dorianne’s own line.”
“That would explain the lack of control of the Magic.”
Derrick replied with a nod. He thought of something. “What if
you can’t help her? Remember what Goddess Ocarina told
“I remember.” I sighed. “What’s in a Mystic’s vision of
their own future is bound to happen by the powers of Time.”
“This means, Melody Applebee is going to die.” Derrick
told her. “Whether you ease her mind or not.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos344

I sat up, frustrated at my husband. “Honey, I just can’t

desert her. I’m the Young Guardian, sworn to protect the lives
of Dreamers – All Dreamers, Mystic or not.” I pointed out. “I
can at least help her troubled mind, if not teach her a little
more Magic. She seems so helpless.”
“I understand.” Derrick kissed my lips, easing me back
under the sheets in the cradle of his warm arms. “You may not
believe it, but I do.”
We were face to face so I hugged him. “Thank you for
listening, Derrick.”
“No problem.” Derrick held me close to him.
I was lucky to have him. I just hoped Melody was just as
lucky with Michael Applebee.


That final dream stayed on my mind for another four

I was in the middle of dusting the living room when I felt
the first pain in my side. I dropped the rag I was using, not
caring if something else fell with it. I screamed in my mind to
any member of the family who were listening. When my eyes
closed to ease the pain with a thought, the image of the
woman, not unlike Melody Applebee, came to me. I was frozen
with the vision.

She had long reddish-blond hair and silver-blue eyes. She

wore a pure-white gown that shimmered in the light. She was
dressed as an angel, with an auric white glow of innocence
around her.
I realized it was the same woman as the one from my
previous vision. The woman who turned from a fetus to a little
girl, growing into a beautiful woman in image alone before my
She waved her arms, crossing them in front of her. The
Mystic rainbow wind followed her movements, a ribbon of
Magic circling around her. She spotted me, smiling a warm,
comforting smile. She outreached her arms, the Mystic wind’s
ribbon coming toward me, engulfing me. I had to feel the
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos345

awesome power of the woman’s Magic. I opened my eyes in the

vision to see her floating in my direction. We were face to face
when she stopped.
This was it. Another vision of the woman, who I realized
was my baby daughter.
“It’s time, Mother.” The woman’s voice whispered, echoing
my mind. “The birth of ages.”

She disappeared, allowing my mind to focus more on the

pain of the oncoming contractions.
This can’t be happening. I tried to convince myself. It’s too
early. She can’t be born now.
“Close your thoughts, sister.” I heard Anna’s voice from
behind me. She brought in Derrick’s brother Jake with her.
“All of us can hear you.”
“This must be one special baby if your thoughts are in
the open like that.” Luna’s voice came from behind her.
“We were in the area.” Jake said, helping Anna lead me to
the couch.
“Luna, call the hospital and an ambulance.” Anna
I tried not to scream as another contraction came on.
Jake was looking at his watch, announcing. “They’re ten
minutes apart, Anna.”
Anna nodded. “We’ve not much time.”
Luna came back into the room. “Ambulance is on their
way, and the doctor said he’d meet us there.”
I couldn’t talk during all this. Was I ever glad my elder
sister was a nurse, specially trained with the Healer’s Magic
and knowledge of medicine! I kept calm, letting her do her job.
By the time the ambulance took me to the emergency
room, I was close to delivering. Five minutes apart, Anna later
told me. In the birthing room, an array of doctors and
specialists gathered to help me deliver my baby.
“Derrick!” I screamed with one contraction, grabbing on
to the closest doctor’s sleeve. “Where’s my husband?”
“Calm down, Mrs. Reading.” He told me. “Everything will
be fine.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos346

A nurse that stood nearby told him. “Mr. Reading’s in the

waiting room. I’ll get him.”
That eased my mind, but not the constant pain. I never
felt like this with the twins! There had to be something wrong.
I could feel it.
“It hurts! Take the pain away!” I screamed, tears running
down my cheeks, but I didn’t care.
With help, the doctors sat me up before inserting a
needle in my back. It could only mean one thing. I was right.
Something was going wrong with the delivery and I had to
have a Cesarean Section.
Everything was so perfect, I thought. What could possibly
be wrong?
“Ariana!” I heard my husband’s voice, turning to see him
there. He wore the green gown, sanitary gloves and a paper
mask over his mouth. He took my hand. “I wish I could kiss
you. I wish I could ease the pain. I know how much it hurts.”
“Worse than the twins.” I managed to groggily whisper.
The drugs they inserted me with made me numb all over.
“Help me, Love. The pain is much too great for me to bear
He took the hand he was holding and pressed it to his
heart. “I’ll do what I can. I promise.”
His gaze went to the bustling energy of the numerous
doctors in the room. I tried to follow it, but found I couldn’t see
past the sheet they had over my spread legs.
“What’s happening? I can’t see.” I whispered, scared.
“The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck
and they’re gently trying to remove it without hurting her.”
Derrick said softly.
What? My mind wasn’t registering.
He spoke again, sighing in relief. “Good. They got it.”
One of the doctors apparently caught his eye because he
said. “I’m sorry sir, but you can’t cut it this time. Not in a
“That’s okay.” Derrick tried to joke. “I had twin sons three
years ago, so I had my share.”
The doctor laughed, but cut it short. The next I knew,
voices murmured around me.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos347

I squeezed my husband’s hand to get his attention.

“What’s going on? What are they saying? Please, tell me.”
Derrick hesitated as his eyes watched them work. “I don’t
know how to say this, love, but when they smacked her to see
if she cried, she didn’t.”
I shook my head. “I don’t understand. What’s wrong?”
“Remember when the twins were born? The doctors then
sucked all the mucus from the boys’ noses, to get them to
breathe oxygen. Remember?” Derrick tried to explain. I stared,
oblivious but trying to understand. “They tried the same with
our daughter just now, only it didn’t work.”
I was devastated. “Then she’s...”
I didn’t want to think about our precious baby girl, dead
before she could live.
Derrick seemed to read into my thoughts. “Not that,
thank goodness. Our baby is alive and breathing, I can tell you
“Then what’s wrong?” I whispered, tears racing down my
cheeks onto the make-shift pillow. “Love, answer me.”
“It’s strange.” He told me. “She didn’t cry, not like normal
babies. I guess her voice didn’t kick in or something. I’ll ask
them while you’re resting.”
My eyes drooped, so I allowed myself to sleep.
When I woke up again, I was in a room with a pastel
picture hanging in front of me. As before, I was hooked up to
many monitors. The IV line stung in my arm as it fed me
fluids. My head ached, telling me the medicine they gave me in
the delivery room was wearing off. I turned my head to see my
husband sleeping beside the bed with Andrew curled in his
arms, sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. Behind him on
the other bed was my daughter Kelly, an arm wrapped around
Mark Antony as they, too, slept. Bradley Allen, my step-
adopted son, had fallen asleep in a chair beside that bed.
They looked so peaceful, so perfect. My little family.
I heard a knock on the door, turning to see a friendly
nurse smiling at me. “Good, you’re awake. Shall I bring the
baby in now?”
I turned to my sleeping family, who were slowly waking
up. I nodded with a small smile, telling her yes.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos348

Derrick tried to stand but found Andrew was still asleep.

“Bradley, will you take him for a moment?”
Bradley nodded, lifting Andrew from his father’s lap.
That’s when he woke up, looking around. Andrew debated
whether to cry and decided against it when he saw the baby
being wheeled in the room. Bradley let him down so he could
Kelly stood with Mark, who wanted to see what his
brother was doing. When he saw the basinet, he pointed,
telling his sister. “Baby?”
Kelly nodded.
“Now, now, one at a time, children.” The nurse warned.
“Let your mother hold her first, okay?”
Obeying, my children stood back, watching as she set
their new baby sister in my arms.
I couldn’t help staring at her, nor could she help staring
at me. She was so beautiful, with her full head of reddish-
blond hair and big silver-blue eyes.
“Have you picked out a name yet, Mrs. Reading?” The
nurse asked, standing above me.
I looked to my husband, who nodded. “I believe we have.”
He looked at me when he said the name. “Melody Elizabeth
The third Melody was truly my little girl, wriggling in my
arms and laughing with her eyes.
“Welcome to the family, Melody Elizabeth!” Kelly took one
of her younger sister’s tiny hands and kissed a cheek.
The nurse let us visit for a few minutes more before she
took the baby from my arms. She and Derrick both saw I was
growing weary again. It didn’t help that I yawned.
“Alright, everybody but Dad out.” The nurse playfully
pushed my other three children and Bradley out of the room.
“Go tell the family about the new addition.”
With that, they raced out of my sight. I laughed with my
husband, who gave me a kiss on the lips.
When the nurse left us alone, he sat on the bed beside
“I found out why she didn’t cry.” He told me. “Or the jests
of it at least.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos349

“Well, tell me.”

“They think she’s deaf.”
“Deaf? No, I don’t believe it.” I sat up, only to yawn and
lay down again. “Remember Charles, the Parker’s butler?” He
nodded so I continued. “Anyway, Charles told me a lot about
his boyhood and the deaf. He told me all the times he used to
run home crying from the kids teasing him. He had tears and
all. Deafness wouldn’t explain why she didn’t cry or make a
sound when she was born. Even the deaf can make some
sounds, even if they can’t hear it themselves.”
“I get your point.” Derrick said, in his detective mode.
This meant he was staring into space, pondering my words.
“We’ll find a specialist as soon as you feel up to it.”
Even though I didn’t want my baby daughter to be
exposed to so much poking and prodding in the first weeks of
life, I nodded, agreeing with him.
That’s when he kissed my lips. He kissed my eyelids as
the shut, my mind being taken away to the Dream Realm once
I never heard him leave.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos350

The Mystic Oath: Happily Ever After

That was all three years ago.

Derrick and I took our daughter Melody Elizabeth to the
best specialists money could buy. No one could figure out why
she never cried a tear or uttered a sound. Other than that, our
Melody was a happy, healthy baby. She quickly learned the
telepathy and telekinesis parts of her power, as expected,
always willing to outwit her twin brothers. I didn’t mind her
silence, for she always used telepathy to talk to us.
Shortly after her birth, I received a surprise visitor. Mrs.
Gertrude came over, wishing us love and luck. The surprise?
She was smiling, and told me why. Mother helped Mrs.
Gertrude with the bookies, and now they’re in jail. Mrs.
Gertrude has the orphanage back, on different terms. Have
Uncle Stephen the bookkeeper watch over her and her books.
After three years so-called ‘probation’ from my mother, Mrs.
Gertrude’s books were in such good order, Uncle Stephen
agreed to have the ragged old Hill Crest Orphanage remodeled
for her. By then, the orphanage only housed fifteen children.
My entire family, forgetting our hurtful past thoughts of her,
took all but one of the children in temporarily. Aimee took a
little girl by the name of Angel Hope. After the initial four
months, my almost-sister and the six-year-old grew so close,
Aimee adopted her. Bradley was glad to have a little sister,
Aaron thinks she’s adorable, and the rest of us think she fits
in just fine with our children.
All the way in California was our cousin Shannon at the
System. She hadn’t kept in touch for the last few years, and I
found out why. She and Nick had gotten married the very
month Melody was born. We were all invited to the wedding:
Aaron, Aimee, Bradley, Angel, Derrick, Mark Antony, Andrew,
Melody, Kelly, Shane, Luna, Caleb, Meredith, and I. Of course,
knowing Shannon, she had a hidden agenda. The Crusaders
would keep an eye on the System for two weeks while
Shannon and Nick were on their honeymoon.
We didn’t know what to expect until horror struck. To
make a long story short, disaster in the form of an earthquake
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos351

crashed Nick’s agency, the Network, making it crumble to the

ground. We decided to let the Network agents move in until
the bosses could get back. Allison Dubois, the second-in-
command of the Network, didn’t like to beg anyone for
anything. She was used to getting what she wanted. When
she went to us for help, it turned the Network around.
The happiness wouldn’t last. On tough times, someone
played a prank on their rival agency. We never found out who,
and soon, the rivals were playing pranks on each other. It took
a while, but we made them make up and get along, or the
Network agents would have no place to go. It seemed to work,
but after Shannon’s phone call a month after we returned
home, I wasn’t so sure. She told me the now System-Network
agents were out of control. After her wedding, Shannon had a
son, naming him Martin Joel McNathaniels. (What a
mouthful!) They named him after Nick’s late grandfather,
Martin. She’s still cautious around her husband Nick
whenever the Magic is mentioned. She hasn’t practiced in
nearly four years of marriage!
Shannon told us Julie left shortly after our weddings,
saying it wasn’t working out. Shannon tried her best to be a
sister-mother figure to her twin, teaching her how to control
the wild magic a little, but I guess Julie didn’t like it. Julie did
come back to see her own twin sister get married, only to find
an agent interested in her. Jamie “Jammins” Stewart talked
her into staying at the System-Network, if only for his love and
support. She agreed and is now engaged to the handsome
electronics engineer. Julie told Jammins she wanted to find
her own lost daughter, Tamara Jane, so he’s helping her with
that. Not even Shannon knows how that’s going; she’s too
busy with the System-Network. They’ve done a lot of hiring
new young agents to replace those who were growing up.
Back home in Hill View, another happy surprise came to
our close-nit family last year. Luna had another baby, a boy,
naming him Logan Matthew. I don’t know where she got the
name Logan from, but was sure where Matthew fit in. Melody
Crawford’s twin brother.
We’ve grown closer as an extended family. The Crusaders
have grown intellectually as well. Both twins Aaron and Aimee
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos352

went back to school. Aaron claims he wanted to be an

engineer for Reading Industries, so the company’s paying for
his classes. Aimee is learning to be a day-care teacher by
working with them up at the Elementary School. Derrick and
Shane are both Senior Detectives at the Hill View Police
Department. Luna has to stay home with her three children, a
now six-year-old Caleb Ryan, four-year-old Meredith Jane and
one-year-old Logan Matthew. She helps me with my four
children, plus six-year-old Angel and fourteen-year-old
Bradley once I’m at school for my teaching degree. It’s a
wonder she doesn’t burst!
Caroline Parker has grown up in the past few years.
She’s not counting on me, or my advice as much now as she
was back then. That’s how I know she can handle being a
single mom. She works as a Store Manager for one of the
clothing stores in the mall, Where the Wild Things Are. She’s
finally forgiven herself for her ails and trouble she’s caused. As
for her mulatto twins, Kymm and Carrie, the secret was out (to
me at least). Two years ago, Michelle Lambert-Sheridan,
another adopted sister of mine, moved into the Parker
Mansion. The only catch: she was still the twins’ cousin.
Michelle didn’t think the girls were ready to learn who their
real parents were.
The last and most important thing of all, Kelly, Luna and
I are to take our Mystic Oaths together. I was long overdue (try
13 years), and it was Kelly’s time to take it anyway, so the
Mystic Sisters allowed the entire family, including Katherine,
Kitten’s Claw, and their families, to take part in witnessing the
miraculous event. Since Gramma Dixie died shortly before
Luna could take the Oath, my twin took it with us.
The Mystic Oath signifies a huge step in the Sisterhood.
A thirteen-year-old Mystic would be told the story of the
Dream Realm and their destiny in life. Whether it is a Sister
(girl) or a Wizard (boy), the meaning and ceremonies were the

We met up with the Sisters at the Palace. Enchantra

greeted me with a huge smile and hug, welcoming us with open
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos353

“Ariana, Young Guardian, what a pleasure to see you

again?” Enchantra grinned at me, laughing as she escorted me
I saw the Mystic Jewels once again out of O’Dell’s
Chambers. I smiled, remembering the first time I’d seen them
out of his Chambers. It was when the Crusaders were married
to each other: Derrick to me, Shane to Luna, Mark (Panther) to
(Ariana) Marie, Katherine to Wolfton and Kitten’s Claw to
Tobias White-Snow. It was to bless us in our Earthbound lives,
and give the kits more power here.
Those Earthbound Mystics watching from the sidelines
were all our family: Gramma Dixie, Great-Aunt Dorianne, Great-
Aunt Sarabeth, Mother, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Stephen, Shannon,
Anna, Kevin, Mary Ellen, Claudia, Christopher, and Antony.
Derrick, Shane, Bradley, Mark-Antony and Andrew, Caleb,
Meredith, Melody, Logan, and even little Martin Joel would
witness us taking our Oaths. My Companion friends were there,
too. Katherine, Kit, Toby, and Wolf especially. There were even
a few people I didn’t recognize, but knew they were Mystics by
the looks in their eyes.
“Young Guardian, Enchanted Child. Step up to the
Jewels.” Enchantra told us. “Sister Aluna, follow their lead.”
She, Challandra, Mystica and Jezebel joined in a circle
around us, with O’Dell and Maximaniac watching from the side.
“It has come time for the three of you to take the Mystic
Oath.” Challandra replied.
“The Enchanted Child’s thirteenth birthday is here, and is
a time to celebrate.” Mystica supplied, smiling at her daughters.
“Before which, the story of the Dream Realm has to be
explained to you.” Challandra said. She looked to her twin.
“Well, Chantie? Would you like to tell it, or should I?”
“I believe I should. Your recollection has not been that
clear lately.” Enchantra teased her sister. Challandra gave her
a Look.
“Long ago, were the Wars for Power. Companions of all
shapes, sizes, and species died in vain.” Enchantra began.
“Those who went to war would fight for what they thought was
right. Some would never live to tell the tale.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos354

“On Orthos’ side were Jezebel, Sabrina, and Damian.

Sabrina’s fighting army of Dominionites followed everywhere
she led them.”
I heard Wolfton, my Companion friend Wolf, growl sadly. I
could sense he missed his lost family, who died in the Wars
after he was kidnapped to the Army. Katherine comforted him,
whispering in his ear when I looked at them. I knew he used to
be a slave of Sabrina’s Dominionite Army, and hated fighting
for the wrong reasons. Toby had been, too, but he was over the
loss of his family.
“The Mystics were there. My Earthbound daughters,
Sarabeth, Dixilynne, and Dorianne, fought using their Magic
along side O’Dell, their father.” Enchantra began. “In the end of
the Wars, both Jezebel and Mystica died, stopping it once and
for all.”
“But both of them live.” I said, gesturing to the younger
twin Mistress sisters. “How is that possible if they died in the
“A prayer to the Guardian of Destiny, Mihanos.” Mystica
said softly. Braken held her, purring in her ear. “Myself to the
Realm of the Epsilon, soon to be joined by Sarabeth and my
husband Braken.”
“And myself to the Unknown, to await the end of the
Crusades.” Jezebel said. “Mihanos knew the sacrifices made by
us all. Max sacrificed himself for me, Banishing himself to
Young Mark.”
Panther, who stood beside Marie and his daughter as he
witnessed the scene, looked up. We met eyes and smiled at
each other.
“I sacrificed myself to the Wars, despite my failing health
and magic in those times.” Mystica replied. “I wanted it to end,
so I got in the middle of battle, having myself killed.”
“I didn’t want to lose my darling Mystica, so I prayed to
Mihanos to grant me one wish.” Braken stepped in. “I wanted
her back. Alive. Of course, you see he granted that wish, only
she did not live again in the Dream Realm for nearly two
generations. We were both exiled to the Epsilon, using the
device now known as the Mystic Mirror.”
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos355

“So that is where you went, Mother?” Katherine dared to

“Katherine, you know better.” Mystica warned her. “Or
should I say, my Lady Katherine?”
“Aye, Mother.” Katherine supplied. “My deepest
“All’s well.” Mystica said, and then returned to the scene.
“Enchantra, the story?”
“Ah yes, the Story of the Dream Realm.” Enchantra
supplied, remembering. “Mystica would be Queen to a whole
new dimension of kinsmen. Braken it’s King, and Sarabeth
their Princess, where they live to this day.”
“The Wars, Mistress?” I tried to get them back to the
subject. She seemed to be avoiding something for some reason.
“What happened after the Wars?”
“The Crusades...” Enchantra’s voice was soft and her
glance was reminiscent.
“Mistress?” Kelly spoke up from beside me.
“Mother?” Gramma Dixie supplied. “Should I tell them, or
do you think you can go on?”
“Tell them, Dixilynne.” Challandra hugged her sister, in
order for Enchantra not to cry.
Kelly and I waited patiently.
“The first Crusade was directly after the Wars.” Dixie
said. “It may have been short, but it still haunted all of us. The
First Crusade is where Shannon, Shane, Nick, Bridget, Loraine,
Cindy, Jamie, and Alan fought. It’s also where Nick’s father
“I know the story from there,” I told them. “I was there
when you had to recreate the Crusades and Wars from being
back in time, remember?”
Dixie nodded. “Thank goodness you weren’t hurt, my
Young Guardian granddaughter.”
In a way, I was. I thought and sighed. “Onto happier
“When do we take the Mystic Oath?” Kelly laughed,
lightening the mood.
I smiled, and then looked at Enchantra.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos356

Enchantra was facing us, so she told us. “We, the last
Earthbound Mystics of the Dream Realm, are going to call out
the Mystic Oath. With every line we pause, I want you repeat it
to the letter, thinking of your Magic inside. My sisters and I will
chant it one by one, but you will say it together, understand?”
We nodded.
“First off, the Do’s and Don’ts of the Magic.” Challandra
supplied. “Do learn all Magics and practice frequently.”
“Don’t hurt others in the process.” Jezebel said.
“Do learn and use Candle Magic.” Enchantra said.
“Don’t ever mess with love.” Challandra said.
“Do watch your words carefully,” Mystica said.
“Don’t use mind-control.”
“Do keep your Magic secret in the Outer Realm.”
“Don’t use for revenge.”
“Do keep your own Spell-book, this will stay with you your
entire life and be a reference to your spells.”
“Don’t indulge in the Dark Magic.” Jezebel warned.
That, I already knew, but stayed silent, listening in.
“Do be aware of yourself, for every action of Magic will
“Last, but not least: Don’t mess with time.” Enchantra
supplied. “Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress Enchantra.” Kelly and I chorused.
“Now, the Mystic Oath.” Enchantra said, joining hands
with her sisters. “‘I,’ state your name, being the daughter(s) of
Earthbound Elder Mystics – For you Young Guardian and Sister
Aluna, it would be Elder Sister Susan, and Kelly, for you it
would be Elder Young Guardian Ariana.”
We repeated, each taking turns on the first part of the
“Do solemnly swear to abide by the by the Mystic Rules
when being taught to control the Magic.”
“I will serve as a Mystic Daughter until the day I become
an Elder.”
“This need not apply to you, Young Guardian. You are
already an Elder.” Enchantra said.
“Chantie...” Challandra warned.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos357

Enchantra cleared her throat. “The story of the Dream

Realm has been told to me, and I am in full understanding of
my separate, but important destiny.”
“‘The Mystic Sisters, Enchantra, Challandra, Mystica, and
Jezebel, along with the Wizards, Lord Guardian O’Dell, Lord
Byron, and Lord Maximaniac, will stay a part of my life and
being.’” Jezebel repeated.
I didn’t argue, not knowing who Lord Byron was.
Mystica gave me a look. “‘I will ask their permission before
going against their wishes.’”
This was followed by a chant:

“By the Power I have inside,

“The Mystic Magic will grow.
“Along with my lifeline,
“I’ll learn all I need to know.
“This is my Mystic Oath.”

“Now, when you arrive home, since you have taken the
Oath, you will find this in the front of your own Spell-Book.”
Challandra said.
“It will be there to remind you of your purpose and
Sounded easy enough, right?
I looked at my daughter and twin, who had just taken the
Oath with me.
We smiled at each other, and I took their hands.

We awoke from that, proud of ourselves and full of power.

A week later, I remembered something in my desk
drawer. I found Kelly in the backyard with the twins, Melody,
and Angel. Bradley was with her, playfully wrestling Andrew.
Mark was trying to join in, but Bradley would keep pushing
him off. Kelly watched Melody and Angel play in the sand. I
stood at the back door, watching the children play. Kelly
caught me watching and came over to me.
“Hi, Momma.” She replied with a smile.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos358

I hugged her. “I have something to give you, sweetie.” I

took her to my bedroom, where I pulled out an envelope. She
took it curiously. “Don’t open it, yet.”
She looked at me, holding the tattered envelope in her
“Shortly before we reunited,” I started, sitting on the bed.
She sat down next to me and I hugged her. “I wrote you a
letter. It tells the story of your father, Derrick, your late uncle
Mark, aunt Aimee, aunt Luna and I. It starts out before you
were born and ends shortly before we reunited.”
Kelly smiled at me. “Can I open it now, Momma? I wanna
read it for myself.”
I tapped her shoulder, laughing lightly and kissing her on
the cheek. “Go. Read to your heart’s content.”
Kelly hugged me one last time and rushed back to the
yard. I stood in my spot and took a deep breath, sighing
happily. One thought crossed my mind.
Being the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm was
tough. Surprises lay around every corner, and adventure is
always just a dream away! All in all, it was worth every
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos359

Excerpt from:

Mystic Circle Saga #1:

The Mystic’s Challenge

Twin Dilemmas

Aluna Woods-Morehouse couldn’t be happier than she

was at that moment. Sure, she was doing a mediocre chore of
washing the dishes by hand, but the thoughts in her head
made her smile.
She thought of who she was. Not only was she a famous
Ancient Mystic of the Dream Realm with powers beyond
comprehension, she was now the title of Grand Magus. She
was a mother of three beautiful children, Caleb, Meredith, and
Logan. She was the wife of a wonderful husband, detective and
father, Shane Morehouse, and she was the Young Guardian’s
own twin sister.
At that moment, all was perfect in her life.
She hummed a tune to herself while she dried the dishes
and put them away in the cupboards. Her children were each
at school; six-year-old Caleb in the first grade while four-year-
old Meredith was smart enough to be in Kindergarten. The
baby Logan was fast asleep in his crib. Shane was at work, as
a Detective for the Hill View Police Force. His best friend and
brother-in-law Derrick Reading was his partner, and the two
boys had known each other for years.
The house was quiet, which was good. It helped her to
It took three months to get life back to normal after the
Crusades, and Luna couldn’t have been happier. When her
niece Kelly took her Ancient Mystic Oath at the age of thirteen,
Luna and her twin Ariana had also taken theirs. Since then,
both twins’ powers began to grow rapidly. Luna was an avid
Ancient Mystic of the Dream Realm, knowing all about its
secrets and nuances. She knew loads of spells; so many, she
couldn’t fit them all in her Spell-Book! She knew the dangers
of Dark Magic, the wonders of the Unicorn Magic, and
specialized in being a Clairvoyant. Aluna knew all there was to
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos360

know about the Ancient Mystic Magic. She even knew the
linage from front to back. That in itself was a remarkable
thing; her mother even said so many times.
When she was finished, Luna cleaned the kitchen and
headed to the back room, which was her Altar Room. It held
all her Magical supplies. Candles, bells, books, stones, herbs,
wands, chalices, and numerous other Magical items covered
an old mahogany hope chest. If someone were to walk into this
room without knowing her, they would have thought she was a
witch or a Pagan. They’d be wrong. Luna was an Earthbound
Ancient Mystic.
On the east wall, there was an old vanity Mirror, only, it
wasn’t an ordinary Mirror. The Elder Ancient Mystic Sisters,
Enchantra and Challandra, had given it to her as an
Anniversary gift. To Luna, it showed the Sisters thought she
was mature enough to handle such a powerful gift.
Luna’s gaze went to it immediately. The reflection wasn’t
hers; it was the image of a pink and white cyclone, rotating
clockwise. As she drew closer, she could feel something
compelling her to touch it. When she did, her eyes closed, and
the picture of an old nemesis flashed through her mind.

In moments, Luna was inside the mirror, only feet away

from the image of a woman.
The woman in her mind was sadistic and evil, cunning
and cruel-hearted, if she had a heart at all. The vision was
dressed in new-age fashion, with a black leather jacket.
Everything on her was black; black hair, black leggings, black
miniskirt, and black low-topped boots that zipped up on the
sides, black halter top with a spiked collar around her neck.
She even had black lipstick and eye shadow.
Images of the Crusades passed through Luna’s mind, and
she was back in time. That night in the Hill View Cemetery at
the edge of town, where one of the Crusaders fought against
the nemesis and lost his life. One name flashed through her
mind, but she was speechless in fear and couldn’t say it aloud.
Luna dared to delve deeper into the image, being careful
not to show her Ancient Mystic Force to her enemy. Around
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos361

Sabrina’s neck was an odd-looking crystal. It reminded her of

the Dominionite Crystal in some way, but Luna knew this
wasn’t it. The Dominionite Crystal was with Lord Maximaniac
and Queen Jezebel, Sabrina’s mother, in the Realm they called
the Grey Area.
No, Luna thought. This crystal has a deeper, darker
It was shaped like a diamond, but she didn’t know where
it came from. The diamond-shaped crystal around Sabrina’s
neck illuminated as her eyes glowed evil red. A sadistic smile
was on her lips for only a second before the Dominionite Maiden
burst out laughing.
Luna tried to get herself out of the vision but found she
was hooked. She couldn’t move her eyes from Sabrina’s own,
paralyzed with fear and panic. She could only stand in her
Wait, Luna thought. How can Sabrina be haunting my
mind if we Exiled her to the Unknown? How did she return
and why?
No time for silly questions, Mystic menace! Sabrina’s
thoughts echoed in her mind.
Sabrina began to walk toward her.
If only Luna wasn’t so afraid of the Empathy. She’d sense
what the Maiden was up to, and put a stop to it before anybody
got hurt. Now more than ever did she want control over it. She
searched for the Ancient Mystic Force in her mind, finding
nothing but darkness.
Her fear of the Maiden and the Empathy was clouding her
Mystic’s vision. Luna didn’t want the Dark Magic to take over
her so she found her voice.
“What do you want?”
You Exiled me, now you must pay . . . Sabrina’s cackle
brought Luna out of her frozen state as the two stared at each
The strange necklace was glowing again, and Luna was
too frightened to move.
Sabrina kept her smile as she announced. I dare you to
sense me.
Luna was silent, holding her breath in order not to cry out.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos362

Sabrina placed a hand against her cheek. Is that better?

Can you sense me now?
Luna stepped back, staying silent. To speak now would be
giving up the fight.
It’s okay, Mystic. I will not bite you. Sabrina supplied. I
only want you to open your Empathic eyes and ears for me.
Luna shook her head.
What is the matter? Are you afraid of the Empathy,
Mystic? Sabrina pressed, a smile on her face. It is only a simple
Magic. Even Young Guardian uses it daily.
Luna wanted to scream, “I’m not Young Guardian! I’m her
twin sister!” But she couldn’t.
Sabrina found Luna wasn’t going to speak, so she gave
up, shrugging her shoulders.
Oh well. No use wasting time here. Sabrina supplied with
a bored sigh. Off you go, Mystic.
It only took a moment, but Luna was frozen with fear.
Sabrina waved her arm, plummeting Luna into complete
Not knowing where she was, she screamed.


Across the street, Ariana Woods-Reading, Luna’s twin

sister, was doing her homework at the kitchen table when a
vision clouded her mind.
Something told her the Maiden was back.
After staring at her book without reading it, she put it
away. Closing her eyes, she used the Empathy and
Premonition. Ariana, the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm,
held her Jewels Amulet in her hand while she focused on the
vision in her mind.
Luna was lost, in trouble.
Ariana opened her eyes once again, stuffing her books
back into her bag. She heard the door open, with her three
children racing through the door.
Thirteen-year-old Kelly and her fourteen-year-old step-
adopted-brother Bradley Allen were behind Ariana’s six-year-
old twin boys, Mark Antony and Andrew.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos363

“Hi Momma.” Kelly smiled, her silver-blue eyes sparkling

when she gave Ariana a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi Mrs. Reading.” Bradley echoed, kissing her other
cheek and smiling.
The twins were already gone, and Ariana looked to the
door to find their school bags and coats on the floor.
“Hello to you, too, kids.” Ariana grinned. “Will you put
those away for them, please? I need to get ready for school.”
Not to mention get to my sister, Ariana thought to herself.
“Sure, Mrs. Reading.” Bradley chipped.
He raced off and Kelly stood beside her. “What’s wrong
with Aunt Luna?” She asked.
“Nothing, why do you ask?” Ariana asked back,
pretending to sort through her bag and books.
“I heard what you said in your mind.” Kelly replied.
Ariana stared at her, frowning. “Kelina Erin, that’s an
invasion of privacy and you know it.”
“Sorry Momma,” Kelly replied. “It just happened.”
Ariana thought it over. It was true. Whenever two Ancient
Mystics think of another person in their minds at the same
time, they hear each other’s thoughts.
She sighed, sitting at the table.
“What’s wrong with her?” Kelly repeated.
Ariana shrugged. “I was just going to find out before you
walked in.” She thought for a moment, rubbing her temples
after pushing her eyeglasses up on her nose. She looked at her
daughter. “Can you babysit?”
Kelly nodded. “Sure. Go.” She replied with a smile as
Ariana stood up. “Bradley and I can take care of the twins and
Bradley himself came back to their sides. “The bus is
waiting out there for Mrs. Morehouse. Did you want me to
bring Caleb and Meredith over here for you?”
“Come on, Bradley.” Ariana nodded, wrapping an arm
around her adopted-nephew’s shoulders and flashing him a
smile. “You do that, and I’ll check up on my twin sister.”
Bradley beamed.
When Ariana turned to Kelly, she was already gone.
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos364

Ariana’s sensors took her to Luna’s Altar Room, where

she found her twin sister lying on the floor in front of her
Ancient Mystic Mirror. She bent down to Luna’s body and
passed a hand over her closed eyes.
“Oh no. The Abyss.” Ariana whispered, placing her index
fingers on Luna’s temples.
Luna was trapped in the one place Ariana hated above all
others. In spite of this, she closed her eyes and chanted under
her breath to wake her sister from the trance.
Ariana opened them again when she heard Luna’s soft
moan and felt her move.
“Ariana?” Luna sat up slowly with her sister’s help.
“What are you doing here?”
“I felt you from afar.” Ariana announced.
Luna shook the cobwebs from her mind, hugging her
twin. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Ariana replied with a smile. “What
Luna stared. “You didn’t see it?”
“See what?”
“The Mirror’s image.” Luna supplied.
Both twins stared at it. It was back to its normal mirror
shape, showing how identical the twins really were. Elbow-
length reddish-blond hair, perfect, youthful complexions and
golden frames accented each sister's silver-blue eyes.
“What about it?” Ariana asked her reflection.
Luna turned to her with a look that told Ariana
something was up. Her sister's eyes were silver-blue, when
they usually were ocean-blue. “Let’s get out of here first, and
I’ll explain.”
“Good idea.” Ariana replied.
The twins headed to the kitchen, where Ariana fixed her
sister a cup of hot tea to calm her.
Luna sat at the table while Ariana stood at the Cook’s
Island. Ariana folded her arms and leaned on the counter as
she patiently waited for her sister to speak.
“I’m having intense visions of Sabrina again.” Luna
replied as Ariana placed a hand on hers. “I don’t understand
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos365

it. Why would she use that thing around her neck to give my
power a little oomph?”
Ariana was confused. “Oomph?”
“Well, my Clairvoyance has gotten stronger, and that’s
my main power.” Luna explained.
“How do you know it’s her doing that, and not yourself?”
Ariana wondered. “You could be getting stronger on your own,
you know.”
Luna supplied. “I know it’s her, because that black jewel
glowed in my visions of her.”
“Black jewel?” Ariana asked. “You don’t mean the
Dominionite Crystal, do you?”
Luna shook her head. “Not even close. This one is shaped
like a diamond.”
“Do you think this diamond crystal is the one that did
it?” Ariana asked.
Luna shrugged. “I don’t know what to think." She sighed,
and then took a sip of tea. Ariana was patient, thinking over
what her sister was saying.
"Did she do anything to you?" Ariana asked gently.
"Tease you, or taunt you in any way?"
Luna gave it a thought before saying anything. "She
wanted me to use my Empathy."
"That's it?"
Luna stared at her twin. "You don't understand, Ariana."
She spat. "I'm afraid of the Empathy. I always have been."
"Why? It's one of the most basic Mystic powers." Ariana
explained. "I use it all the time."
"You're not afraid of it."
"Why are you?" Ariana prodded.
Luna was silent again and sighed before opening her
mouth. "I was aware of everything you went through in the
Orphanage. I couldn't help it." She began to explain. She
shook her head, trying not to cry.
Ariana sensed her sadness and stood to hug her from
Luna leaned in her sister's comforting embrace and
grasped her hand before going on. "I fought the urges of pain
as you were being beaten constantly. When I -- we -- turned
Diary of the Young Guardian, Adella Dratianos366

thirteen, those feelings only got worse. I turned it off, and have
been afraid of the Empathy ever since."
Ariana kissed her sister's head. "That's all over now." She
whispered, hugging her. "We're together at last, raising our
children with loving husbands and caring friends. No harm
will ever get us like that again."
Luna stood, facing her. "I wouldn't be too sure of that."
"Why do you say that?"
"According to the feelings I got in the Mirror with
Sabrina, we’re gonna be in trouble soon.”
“Excuse me? We?” Ariana was interested.
“Our sisters and us.” Luna supplied.
Ariana closed her eyes, trying to sense where each of her
sisters were then. “Anna’s with Jake, but I gave her the
message. Claudia’s working on a project at home for school,
and Mary Ellen is at the Clubhouse, a local teen hangout.”
Ariana opened her eyes again, looking at her sister. “Well, if
Brad and Kelly can watch the kids, do you think we can get
them together?”
“Maybe they’ve had weird experiences with their powers
as well?” Luna asked. She stood up. “Where to first?”
“My house.” Ariana replied. “Your kids are there, and I
promised Kelly I’d tell her what’s going on with you.”
Luna put her cup in the sink as she dried her tears. “I
hate to wake up Logan.”
“I’m sure he’ll understand.” Ariana kidded.
When the baby was ready, Luna smiled at her sister,
wrapping her free arm around her twin. “Let’s go.”

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