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Continuous Evaluation

Master of Business Administration-HR 2 Year

Performance and Compensation Management
Maximum Marks: 30
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(All questions are compulsory)
Q1. Explain Performance Evaluation. What is the objective and process of training in an organization?

Q2. What are wages? Explain their importance.

Q3. What are fringe benefits? Explain the importance of fringe benefits.

Q4. Write a detailed note on Gratuity.

Q5. Read the CASE Study and answer questions below:

I was once called into a team meeting from the Internal Audit department. They felt the performance management
policies from our company did not fit their needs and needed help in deciding how to approach their specific case.
The company was organised and working in a traditional hierarchy and process approach: one Director a few
managers in charge of specific areas within the department multiple employees working within these areas.
But within the organisation, the structure and ways of working of the Audit team were pretty much unique.
They were structured, on paper, like the other departments. Yet their ways of working were fundamentally different as
they mimicked those of consulting organisations (where most of our auditors were coming from).
So, while the employees reported to one manager, their work was organised in projects which were assigned based
on the specific needs for that assignment. For example, an IT auditor could work with other auditors on a project
related to one of the property development programs. During that assignment, she would report to the manager in
charge of real estate audit.
Then when the audit was over, the IT auditor would move on to another assignment and so on.
At the time, the performance management system in the organisation allowed for continuous feedback between
manager and employee, but it was only possible to enter performance ratings (overall + on each objective) during the
official year-end appraisal cycle.
Moreover, even though it was possible for a manager to assign evaluation responsibilities to another manager (for
example when an employee transferred departments during the year and the new manager needed feedback on the
first months of the year), the process was not suited for managing someone who had worked for multiple supervisors
in the course of year.

The Director was facing methodology questions from his team and therefore asked for my help, because
they wanted to see how their way of working could be accurately taken into account into the overall
performance management system. If you were in my place what would you do?

NIMS DDE Continuous Evaluation

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