Chem Vocab

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• Chapter 5 ○ Mass Number-Total number of

○ Dalton’s Atomic Theory protons and neutrons.

○ Isotopes-Atoms with the same number
 All Elements are composed of
of protons but different number of
tiny indivisible particles called
atoms. ○ Atomic Mass Unit (AMU)-1/12th the
 Atoms of the same element are mass of a carbon-12 atom.
identical. The atoms of any one ○ Atomic Mass-Weighted average mass of
element are different from those the atoms in a naturally occurring
of any other element. sample of the element.
 Atoms of different elements can ○ Periodic Table-An arrangement of the
physically mix together or can elements according to similarities in
chemically combine with one their properties.
another in simple whole-number ○ Periods-Horizontal rows of the periodic
ratios to form compounds. table.
 Chemical reactions occur when ○ Periodic Law-When the elements are
atoms are separated, joined, or arranged in order of increasing atomic
rearranged. Atoms of one number, there is a periodic repetition of
element, however, are never their physical and chemical properties.
○ Group-Vertical column of elements in
changed into atoms of another
the periodic table.
element as a result of a chemical
○ Representative Elements-Group A
elements. Exhibit a wide range of both
○ Atom-Smallest particle of an element
physical and chemical properties.
that retains the properties of that ○ Metals-High electrical conductivity and
element. a high malleability.
○ Electrons-Negatively charged ○ Alkali Metals-Group 1A elements.
subatomic particles. ○ Alkaline Earth Metals-Group 2A
○ Cathode Ray-A glowing beam elements.
formed between an +Anode and a – ○ Transition Metals-Group B elements
cathode. Travelled from the cathode along w/ inner transition metals.
to the anode. ○ Inner Transition Metals-Group B
○ Protons-Positively charged elements.
subatomic particle. ○ Non Metals-Generally nonlustrous and
○ Neutrons-Subatomic particle with no that are generally poor conductors of
electricity. Some are gases at room
charge but w/ a mass nearly equal to
that of a proton. (mass# - atomic#)
○ Halogens-Group 7A Nonmetals,
○ Nucleus-Central core of an atom and
Chlorine and Bromine included.
composed of protons and neutrons. ○ Noble Gases-Group 0 non-metals,
○ Atomic Number-Number of protons sometimes called the inert gases because
in the nucleus of an atom of that they undergo few chemical reactions.
element. ○ Metalloids-Elements with properties that are
intermediate between those of metals and
• Chapter 6 • Chapter 7
○ Molecule-Smallest electrically ○ Mole (mol)-Represents
neutral unit of a substance that still representative particles of that
has the properties of the substance. substance.
○ Molecular Compounds-Compounds ○ Avogadro’s Number-Experimentally
composed of molecules. determined number 6.02*1023, in
○ Ions-Forms when atoms or group of honor of Amedeo Avogadro di
atoms loses or gains electrons. Quaregna.
○ Cation-Any atom or group of atoms ○ Representative Particle-Species
that has a positive charge. present in a substance: usually
○ Anion-Atoms or groups of atoms atoms, molecules, or formula units
that have a negative charge. (ions).
○ Ionic Compounds-Compounds ○ Gram Atomic Mass (GAM)-Atomic
composed of cations and anions. mass of an element expressed in
○ Monatomic Ions-ions consisting of grams.
only one atom. ○ Gram Molecular Mass (GMM)-Any
○ Polyatomic Ions-Ions consisting of molecular compound is the mass of 1
more than one atom. mol of that compound.
○ Binary Compounds-Compounds of ○ Gram Formula Mass (GFM)-Equals
two elements. the formula mass expressed in
○ Ternary Compounds-Compound grams.
consisting of three or more elements. ○ Molar Mass-The mass (in grams) of
○ Chemical Formula-Shows the kinds one mole of the substance.
and numbers of atoms in the smallest ○ Standard temperature & Pressure
representative unit of the substance. (STP)-Standard temperature is 0
○ Formula Unit-The lowest whole degrees Celsius. Standard pressure is
number ratio of ions in the 101.3 kPa, or 1 atmosphere (atm). At
compound. STP, 1 mol of any gas occupies a
○ Law of Definite Proportions-The volume of 22.4 L
masses of the elements are always in ○ Percent Composition- Percent by
the same proportions. mass of each element in a
○ Law of Multiple Proportions- compound.
Whenever two elements form more ○ Empirical Formula-Gives the lowest
than one compound, the different whole-number ratio of the atoms of
masses of one element that combine the elements in a compound.
with the same mass of the other
element are in the ratio of small
whole number. • Chapter 8
○ Molecular Formula- Shows kinds
○ Chemical Equation-
and numbers of atoms present in a
○ Skeleton equation-Chemical
molecule of a compound.
equation that does not indicate the
relative amounts of the reactants and
products involved in the reaction.
○ Catalyst-Substance that speeds up
the rate of a reaction but that is not
used up in the reaction.
○ Combination Reaction-2 or more
substances combine to form a single
○ Decomposition reaction- A single
compound is broken down into two
or more products.
○ Single-Replacement Reaction-One
element replaces a second element in
a compound.
○ Activity Series of Metals-Lists
metals in order of decreasing
○ Double-Replacement Reactions-
involve an exchange of positive ions
between two reacting compounds.
○ Combustion Reaction-An element or
a compound reacts with oxygen,
often producing energy as heat and
○ Complete Ionic Equation- Equation
that shows dissolved ionic
compounds as their free ions.
○ Spectator ions- Ions that are not
directly involved in a reaction.
○ Precipitate-Insoluble salt.

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