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Jesuus College, Oxfor

O rd
Turl Strreet, Oxforrd OX1 3DW

Suggestted reading:: English Language

& Literatu
ure and Join
nt Schools

What is English Literature?

(Paper On e)
Paper O
One is an Introduction to
o Literary Stuudies coursee. Students consider
the history of litterary
theory aand criticism, explore a number
of keey approachees in detail and develop sskills of close
e reading
and literrary analysis.
Suggested Readin
ge, Derek

Peculiar Language (R
Routledge, 20
particulaarly the Intro

Barry, Peter

Beginninng Theory (Maanchester, 20

particulaarly Introducction & Chap
pter 1
Theoryy before Theeory Liberaal Humanism

mont Bissell, Elizabeth


The Queestion of Literature (Manchester, 20022)

particulaarly the essaays by Attridgge and Clarkk

Bennettt, Andrew &

as Royle

An Introdduction to Liteerature, Criticcism and Theoory (Longman, 20094)

particulaarly Chapterr 1 The Be

on, Terry

Literary Theory: An Inntroduction (B

Blackwell, 200083)
particulaarly Introducction & Chap
pter 1 Thee Rise of Engglish

Fish, Sttanley

How O
Ordinary is Ordinary
Langguage?, in
Is There a Text in thiss Class? (Harrvard, 1980)

on, Roman

Languagge in Literaturre (Harvard, 1990)

particulaarly What iss Poetry?

att, W.K.

Historyy and Criticissm, in The Verbal

Icon (K
Kentucky, 198

Old English
This papper offers ann opportunitty to learn aabout the eaarliest extantt English liteerature: the canonical
Beowulf as well as elegies, ridd
dles, dream-vvisions, hero
oic poetry, and religiouus verse. Th
he period
studied is the 6th to 11th centuries, an era thhat saw the conversion
o the Englishh to Christiianity, the
Viking innvasions, thee reign of Kin
ng Alfred, thhe productio
on of cultural artefacts suuch as the Lindisfarne
gospels and the Suttton Hoo treaasures, and tthe writing down of a divverse range oof vernacularr texts.
Suggested Readin
Heaneyy, Seamus (trans)

Beowulff (Norton)

Bradleyy, S. A. J. (ttrans. and ed.)

Anglo-Saaxon Poetry

ey-Holland,, Kevin (ed.)

The Angglo-Saxon World: An Anthology

Hamerr, Richard (ttrans. and ed

d.) A Choicee of Anglo-Saxxon Verse
hue, Daniel

Old Engllish Literaturee: A Short Intrroduction (Blaackwell, 2004


Bruce M
Mitchell & (ed.)
Fred C. Robinson

A Guide to Old English, 7th edition

n (Blackwell, 2007)


English Literature 1832-1900 (The Victorian Paper)

Penguin Classics/Oxford Worlds Classics editions are recommended throughout

Primary Texts
Ricks, Christopher (ed.)
Poems, Chiefly Lyrical
Poems (1832)
Poems (1842)
The Princess

Tennyson: A Selected Edition

In Memoriam A.H.H.
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Enoch Arden
Ode on the Death of the
Crossing the Bar
Duke of Wellington

Idylls of the King


The Pickwick Papers
Oliver Twist
Nicholas Nickleby
The Old Curiosity Shop
Martin Chuzzlewit

Dombey and Son

David Copperfield
Bleak House
Hard Times
Little Dorrit

A Tale of Two Cities

Great Expectations
Our Mutual Friend

GEORGE ELIOT (Marian Evans 1819-1880)

Scenes of Clerical Life see especially The Sad Fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton
Adam Bede
Daniel Deronda
The Mill on the Floss
Felix Holt, the Radical
Silas Marner


R. W. Crump (ed.)
Christina Rossetti: The Complete Poems
with notes by Betty S. Flowers
Goblin Market and Other Poems
A Pageant and Other Poems
The Princes Progress and Other Poems
Verses (1893)

Other suggested authors

Elizabeth Barrett
Anne & Emily Bront
Charlotte Bront

Robert Browning
Thomas Carlyle
Elizabeth Gaskell
Thomas Hardy

Henry James
Gerard Manley Hopkins
William Thackeray
Oscar Wilde

Secondary Texts
Armstrong, Isobel

Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics and Politics (London: Routledge, 1993)

Conrad, Peter

The Victorian Treasure-House (London: Collins, 1973)

Davis, Philip

The Victorians (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)

Gilbert, Sandra M. &

Susan Gubar

The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the

Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination
(New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979)

Griffiths, Eric

The Printed Voice of Victorian Poetry (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989)


Houghton, Walter E.

The Victorian Frame of Mind

(New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1957)

OGorman, Francis (ed.)

The Victorian Novel (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002)

Willey, Basil

Nineteenth Century Studies: Coleridge to Matthew Arnold

(London: Chatto & Windus, 1950)

English Literature 1900 to the present day (the Modern paper)

Penguin Classics/Oxford Worlds Classics editions are recommended, unless otherwise indicated.

Primary Texts
JAMES JOYCE (1882-1941)
Stephen Hero (1904-6, published 1944 New Directions Publishing)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Ulysses (also available in an edition by The Bodley Head)
Finnegans Wake (also available in an edition by Faber and Faber)

VIRGINIA WOOLF (1882-1941)

The Voyage Out
Night and Day
Jacobs Room

Mrs Dalloway
To the Lighthouse

The Waves
The Years
Between the Acts

If you are especially interested in Woolf you should also look at her Diaries, published by Penguin.

T. S. ELIOT (1888-1965)
[All published by Faber and Faber]
The Complete Poems and Plays (ISBN 9780571225163)
Prufrock and Other
Poems (1920)*
The Waste Land

The Hollow Men

Ariel Poems
Ash Wednesday

Old Possums Book of

Practical Cats
Four Quartets

Letters, volumes 1 and 2

SAMUEL BECKETT (1906-1989)

The Complete Dramatic Works (Faber and Faber, ISBN 9780571229154)
Waiting for Godot
Krapps Last Tape
Happy Days
The prose is published in its entirety by John Calder. There is a new, and as yet incomplete, series of
editions coming out from Faber which is gradually replacing the Calder editions. Where available,
these are to be preferred.
First Love

Malone Dies
The Unnamable
How It Is


Ill Seen Ill Said

Worstward Ho

Other suggested authors

W. H. Auden
Joseph Conrad
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
E. M. Forster

Henry Green
Geoffrey Hill
H. Lawrence
Ezra Pound

Stevie Smith
Muriel Spark
Derek Walcott
W. B. Yeats

Secondary Texts
Bradbury, Malcolm &
McFarlane, James (eds)

Modernism: A Guide to European Literature 1890-1930

(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991 [1976])

Butler, Christopher

Early Modernism: Literature, Music, and Painting in Europe 1900-1916

(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994)

Carey, John

The Intellectuals and the Masses: Pride and Prejudice among the
Literary Intelligentsia 1880-1939
(London and Boston: Faber and Faber, 1992)

Gay, Peter

Modernism: The Lure of Heresy (London: William Heinemann, 2007)

Herbert, W. N. &
Hollis, Matthew

Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry

(Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe Books, 2000)

Josipovici, Gabriel

The Lessons of Modernism (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1977)

Kenner, Hugh

The Pound Era (Berkeley and Los Angeles:

University of California Press, 1992)

Kolocotroni, Vassiliki
Goldman, Jane A. &
Taxidou, Olga (eds)

Modernism: An Anthology of Sources and Documents

(Edinburgh University Press, 1998)

Trotter, David

The English Novel in History, 1895-1920 (London: Routledge, 1993)


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