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For & Against Essay

a "for & against" essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is

considered from opposing points of view. You should present both sides in a
fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail.
A good esay of this type should consist of:
a) an introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the topic to be
discussed without giving your opinion
b) a main body in which the points for & against along with your
justifications, examples or reasons are presented in separate paragraphs
c) a closing paragraph in which you state your opinion or give a balanced
consideration of the topic. Note: opinion words (i think, i believe, in my
opinion etc.) can only be used in the closing paragraph where you give your
opinion on the topic.
Points to consider:
Before you start writing your essay you should make a list of the points for &
against. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which
summarizes the topic of the paragraph.
E.g. In addition, many people feel reading is a relaxing and worthwhile
Do not use informal style (e.g. short forms, colloguial language, etc.) or
strong language to express your opinion (e.g. I know... etc.). Express your
opinion in a non-emotional way (e.g. it seems that, therefore one feels
that... etc.). Well-known quotations relevant to the topic you are writing
about will make your coposition more interesting. For example, If you are
writing an essay on education, a quotation you may include is:"Education is a
pregressive discovery of your own ignorance", as Will Durant said. Note:
Althoug these are balanced arguments, if you feel that eigher the for or
against side is stronger and should be supported, this side should be
presented in paragraphs 4 & 5, thus leading the reader to your conclusion.
Introduction (paragraph 1) State topic (summary of the topic without giving
your opinion-3-4 sentences)
Main body (paragraph 2) Arguments for and justifications, examples and/or
(paragraph 3) Arguments against and justification, examples,
Conclusion (final paragraph) Balances consideration/ your opinion directly or
Useful expressions and linking words/phrases
To list points: Firstly, first of all, In the first place, To begin/start with,
Secondly, Thirdly, Finally
To list advantages: One/Another/A further/An additional (major) adventage The main/greatest/first adventage

To list disadvantages: One/Another/A further/ An additional (major)

disadventage/drawback of... The main/greatest/most serious/first
disadventage/drawback of... Another negative aspect of...

What are the adventages and disadventages of the internet?

These daysthe Internet has become more and more popular all over
the world and is now an integral part of modern society. The internet refers to
a global network of computers connected by servers, which allows for the
free and easy sharing of information. This essay will assess whether the
internet can be seen as beneficial or harmful. The essay will analyse the
arguments and form a conclusion abouth them.
To begin with a positive points: First, the internet is good for
communication. In this way, peoople all over the world can communicate
quickly and conveniently with each other by chatting or sending emails.
Second, it has lots of benefits for education. In this way, students are able to
conduct research online to help them with their studies. Next, business get
lots of advantages by using the web. For instance, it is now possible for
companies to advertise and sell their products by setting up web-sites, or
alternatively they could promote themselves effectively by utilising some of
the e-commerce tools available in cyberspace. Last, there are plenty of
entertainment sites on the net. For example, it is possible to download songs,
play games and listen to music all with the click of a mouse.
Moving onto the negative aspect: Firstly, the internet has no rules of
laws. This means that criminals and terrirust organisations can openly
operate behind the safety of a computer screen. The terrorist organisation AlQaeda have been extremly effective in usinf the power if the web to promote
terror on a worldwide scale. Next, sex sites are a fundamental problem
online. In this regard, if children were to view such obscene material, their
minds would be adversely affected. Lastly, viruses are easily transmitted via
the internet. A good example of this was the Love Bug virus a few years ago,
which caused havoc by infecting a large number of computers over a very
wide area.
In conclusion, it can be observed from the above arguments that the
internet has both pros and cons. It is disadvantageous in that it has no laws,
sex sites and viruses; however it is more beneficial then harmful primarily
becouse it provides a very convenient, effective and quick method of
communicating in the modern world.

Mobile phones
Mobile phones have become an indispensable par of our daily lives.
Mobile phones play an inportant role in our daily lives. But why are
they so popular? Almost everyone owns a mobile phone nowadays as they
think that it is an essential tool. People without mobile phone are throught of
an eccentric. There must be reasons why we have become so dependent on
mobile phones.
Firstly, they are portable. Therefore, it is convenient for us to carry
mobile phones and keep in contact with others at any time. We use them
very often. For example, when we are outdoors, where there are no
telephones, we can use our handy mobile phone. Secondly, mobile phones
enable us to call for help during times of emergency. For instance, if you are
involved in an accident or if you witness a crime taking place, you can call
the police immediately using your mobile phone. There have been some
cases in which the police made use of the victims 'cell phones' networks to
locate the kidnappers.
Some people feel uncomfortable or handicapped without their mobiles as
they have become a necessity in our daily lives. This is mainly due to the
convenience of mobiles and their varied functions such as MP3 players,
radios and games. Mobiles are not only a great time-saving device, but they
are a source of entertainmet too.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages of using mobile phones,
too. Although mobile phones are convenient they can be lost easily since they
are quite small. Talking on mobile phones can also be expensive becouse we
need to pay high roaming costs when we are overseas in addition mobiles are
believed by some people to give out radio active waves scientists believe
that this radioactivity can couse brain tumors and damage our ears. There is
still no solid evidence to prove that mobile phones are safe to use. Another
problem is that people can easily become addicted to mobile phones since
they are now multi-purposed with different functions. The convinience of
mobile phones can also cause a lot of problem such as cheating in tests as it
is now easy for students to access the internet at any time. People stat to
abuse mobile phones. This may affect the students at school as they may
play games and send messages during lessons. Also, there are some places
where there is no signal for the mobile phones so you can only make
emergency calls which is sometimes very inconvenient.
In conclusion, I think that mobile phones are indispensable tools that
we cannot live without, but we should avoid abusing them. Therefore, we
shoul think carefully about the advantages and drawbacks before purchasing
a mobile phone, and ask ourselves why we need a mobile phone and whether
we will be able to use it responsibly.

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