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Rev Chem Eng 27 (2011): 79156 2011 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston. DOI 10.1515/REVCE.2011.


Supercritical fluid extraction from vegetable materials

Helena Sovov1,* and Roumiana P. Stateva2


Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals

of the ASCR, v.v.i., Rozvojova 135, 16502 Prague,
Czech Republic, e-mail:
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
*Corresponding author

In the 21st century, the mission of chemical engineering is
to promote innovative technologies that reduce or eliminate
the use or generation of hazardous materials in the design
and manufacture of chemical products. The sustainable use
of renewable resources, complying with consumer health and
environmental requirements, motivates the design, optimisation, and application of green benign processes. Supercritical
fluid extraction is a typical example of a novel technology for
the ecologically compatible production of natural substances
of high industrial potential from renewable resources such as
vegetable matrices that finds extended industrial application.
The present review is devoted to the stage of development of
supercritical fluid extraction from vegetable material in the
last 20 years. Without the ambition to be exhaustive, it offers
an extended, in comparison with previous reviews, enumeration of extracted plant materials, discusses the mathematical
modelling of the process, and advocates a choice for the appropriate model that is based on characteristic times of individual
extraction steps. Finally, the attention is focussed on the elements of a thermodynamic modelling framework designed to
predict and model robustly and efficiently the complex phase
equilibria of the systems solute+supercritical fluid.
Keywords: kinetic models; plants and herbs; supercritical
fluid extraction; thermodynamic models.

1. Introduction
A supercritical fluid (SCF) is a substance above its critical
pressure and temperature (Figure 1). Its properties range
between those of liquid and gas. The most important advantages of SCFs applied in extraction are the extreme variability of their solvent power with pressure and temperature, and
their low viscosity, enabling much faster mass transfer than
in liquids. No other extraction method can claim such flexibility. The main drawback of a large-scale SCF application
in comparison with conventional methods, namely the high
cost of the high-pressure equipment required, can often be

outweighed by superior product properties, lower operating

costs, and/or integration of several technological steps into
SCF extraction (supercritical extraction, SFE) of natural
substances from plants is a relatively new process. The discovery of the solvent power of pressurised carbon dioxide
was made in the 19th century (Hannay and Hogarth 1879), but
its practical application for extraction of vegetable substances
was first studied in the 1960s when more sensitive analytical
methods indicated trace amounts of residual organic solvents
in food samples and initiated concern about their impact on
human health. It was realised that dense carbon dioxide in
its supercritical or liquid state (the term supercritical fluid
extraction often covers the extraction with both supercritical and liquid carbon dioxide) is a non-toxic solvent and thus
its traces left in extracts are not harmful. Its critical point
(Tc=31.1C, Pc=7.38 MPa) allows application of relatively
low operation temperatures so that thermally labile solutes
are protected and the extracts better resemble the natural
material than the products of steam distillation and conventional extraction where the solvent is usually separated from
the extract under increased temperature. Carbon dioxide
is non-flammable, non-explosive, cheap, and easily accessible in high purity. To also dissolve more polar substances,
supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) is usually modified by
addition of small amounts of polar liquids, such as methanol,
ethanol, water, and others.
Initially, the experiments with SC-CO2 extraction of natural products were conducted in a limited number of laboratories, most intensively in Germany (Zosel 1964) and in
Russia (Pekhov et al. 1965). Since then, many laboratories
in different countries have been equipped with SFE units
and extensive research has been done in the extraction of flavours, spices, essential oils, and other substances from herbs
and plants. The first pilot and full-scale plants were built for
SC-CO2 extraction of caffeine from coffee beans and tea
leaves, the extraction of acids from hops giving taste to bear,
and the extraction of taste and flavour compounds from spice.
The number and capacity of industrial units for supercritical
extraction and the variety of extracted substances are increasing, and today >200 industrial plants are operating all over
the world (Perrut 2007). The two most important commercial applications of SFE in the food industry still remain hop
extraction and coffee decaffeination (del Valle and Aguilera
1999); however, the production of extracts rich in biologically
active substances as antioxidants, lipid-soluble vitamins, and
others is fast increasing.
Small-scale SFE for analytical application was developed
in the mid-1980s in response to the desire to reduce the use of
organic solvents in the laboratory environment (King 1995).
Extraction equipment with extractor capacity of several
cubic centimetres or less enables a fast and efficient isolation

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Figure 1 Phase diagram with ternary point (T), critical point (C),
and solid (s), liquid (l), gaseous (g), and supercritical (sc) state.

of substances for chromatographic assay from bulk sample

matrix. To achieve complete extraction of analytes, high
pressures and temperatures are applied and SC-CO2 is usually modified to increase the solubility of more polar solutes
and/or to weaken solute-matrix interaction.
SC-CO2 and near-critical water (also known as subcritical
water, hot pressurised water, HPW) are regarded as the most
promising environmentally benign medium not only for the
extraction of natural substances but also for various chemical and related processes. The properties of HPW differ from
those of water at ambient conditions. Under pressure and high
temperature, it becomes an excellent solvent for not only polar
compounds but also non-polar substances. Nevertheless, its
critical point (22.1 MPa and 374C) is far above the critical point of CO2, and even though the operation temperature
of subcritical water is usually selected closer to the lower
limit of the range 100374C, the process is not appropriate for temperature-labile and easily hydrolysable substances.
Moreover, HPW is corrosive, in contrast to SC-CO2.
Although the focus of the research in SCF applications
is moving nowadays to new areas, such as particle design,
chemical reactions in supercritical solvents, polymer treatment with SCFs, and fractionation of liquid natural products
as edible oils in counter-current extraction columns, still the
most extended industrial application of SCFs remains the
SC-CO2 extraction from botanic materials. Concerns about
the cost and environmental dangers of waste disposal, and
the emission of hazardous solvents into the atmosphere motivate the design and application of a green technology such
as SFE.
Without the ambition to be exhaustive, we have limited the
reviewed literature sources almost entirely to original papers.
Moreover, during the last few years, several excellent review
papers on supercritical extraction from plants have been published, and there is no benefit from repetition. However, we
believe we can further elaborate several topics and present
new information. First, the table of extracted plants, extended
in comparison with previous reviews, should help exploit
the information contained in the literature. Further, as many
papers on mathematical modelling of SFE from plants have
been published recently, an attempt is made to review this literature and advocate a classification of the models in relation
with characteristic times of individual extraction steps.

We will also focus our attention on the thermodynamic

modelling of the complex systems solid solute+SCF. The
modelling of systems with an SCF has been comprehensively discussed in two books (McHugh and Krukonis 1994,
Prausnitz et al. 1999) and several reviews see, for example,
the contributions by Brennecke and Eckert (1989), Johnston
et al. (1989), and Ekart et al. (1991), to name just a few.
More recent papers and reviews devote particular attention to
modelling solid+SCF systems without and with a co-solvent
(Ashour et al. 2000, Escobedo-Alvarado et al. 2001, Higashi
et al. 2001, Gordillo et al. 2005a) and the main conclusion
of the authors can be briefly summarised as follows: (i) prediction of SFE is difficult even when experimental data are
available to refine the models used, (ii) theoretically based
models are forced to fit the data better by the introduction
of additional adjusted parameters. Needless to say that this
area of research is very competitive and fast moving, and we
believe there are still some points that need further attention
and elucidation.

2. SFE from plants

2.1. The process and the equipment

The extraction is usually carried out as a semicontinuous

process (Figure 2). Vegetable material, usually dry and disintegrated, is charged into an extraction vessel of cylindrical shape to obtain a fixed bed of particles. The supercritical
solvent, fed to the extractor continuously by a high-pressure
pump at a fixed flow rate, dissolves required substances. The
solution flows to a separator where the extracted substances
precipitate by temperature and/or pressure changes or by
applying a mass-separating agent, and the solvent is continuously regenerated and recirculated. More separation stages
are often used to achieve a partial fractionation of the extract
(Brunner 1987, Reverchon 1997).
The typical volume of extractors is from 0.1 to 2 dm3 on the
laboratory scale and from 2 to 5 dm3 on the pilot scale. MicroSFE devices are primarily designed for analytical purposes
and are frequently connected to an analyser such as gas chromatograph, gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, or SCF
chromatograph. These instruments use extraction vessels that









Figure 2 Simplified scheme of the extraction equipment with CO2


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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

can range from 0.1 cm3 to several hundred cubic centimetres

(Reverchon 1997). In micro- and small-scale extraction, the
CO2 flow rate is low and therefore the equipment does not
require solvent recycle CO2 can be expanded to ambient
pressure in the separator and vented.
When the SFE plant is equipped with several separators in
series, fractionation of the extracts is possible, operating the
separators at different pressures and temperatures. The scope
of this operation is to induce the selective precipitation of different compound families as a function of their different saturation conditions in the solvent. This procedure has often been
applied in the SFE of essential oils to separate them from coextracted cuticular waxes (Reverchon and De Marco 2006).
High capital costs of SFE equipment are usually mentioned
among the drawbacks of the process. On the other hand, the
operating costs are usually lower than those of conventional
extraction. Thus, many large-scale units for the SFE of solid
natural materials, mainly for food ingredients and phytopharmaceuticals, are operated worldwide and are economically
competitive. Perrut (2000) published a correlation of the
investment cost of SFE units delivered on a turn-key basis
with the product of total volume of extractors and the design
flow rate, showing that the cost increases approximately with
the square root of the plant capacity. A chapter in a monograph
was devoted to the economic evaluation of high-pressure processes by Lack and Seidlitz (2001). The investment and operating costs were also discussed by Brunner (2005). del Valle
et al. (2005a) compiled costs of several production-scale SFE
plants of 0.68 m3 total extractor capacity and performed a
feasibility study of a plant for the extraction of wheat germ
oil. They showed how the break-even plant capacity would
vary in several countries in Latin America. Simultaneously,
Rosa and Meireles (2005a) described the methodology of
estimation of the manufacturing costs of SC-CO2 extracts and
used the procedure to estimate the costs of clove bud oil and
ginger oleoresin. This methodology was applied also in later
publications (Pereira and Meireles 2007, Pereira et al. 2007,
Prado et al. 2010, Mezzomo et al. 2011). Fiori (2010) performed a study on the possible use of exhausted grape marc
for obtaining grape seed oil by means of the SFE based on a
thorough analysis of the process, indicating that the proposed
industrial application could be economically interesting.
Specific costs and incomes linked to the supercritical technology are reported in details for the case study.
Perrut (2000) emphasised the importance of regular maintenance of the high-pressure equipment, necessary to eliminate hazards, and mentions the parts of the equipment that
must be inspected first. Cleaning of the equipment was also
2.2. Review papers

Besides the monographs either devoted to the applications

of SCFs generally or directly to SFE (e.g., Stahl et al. 1987,
King and Bott 1993, Brunner 1994, Rizvi 1994, Koshevoi and
Bliagoz 2000), valuable information on the process has been
collected and reported in a number of review papers. From
those that are not only limited to supercritical extraction from


plants but also examine other SCF applications, we mention

here only a few. Thus, the potential applications of SCFs in
bioprocessing (as non-aqueous media for enzymatic reactions, solvents or anti-solvents in production of micrometre
and submicrometre particles, solvents for extraction, rapidly
expanding fluid for disruption of cells) were reviewed by
Jarzebski and Malinowski (1995). The exceptional physical
properties of SCFs and their exploitation in environmentally benign separation and reaction processes, as well as
in other new kinds of materials processing are described by
Eckert et al. (1996). Hauthal (2001) reviewed the results on
SCF fundamentals and their applications. Marr and Gamse
(2000) reviewed developments in extraction, fractionation of
products, dyeing of fibres, treatment of contaminated soils,
production of powders in micron and submicron range, and
reactions in or with SCFs. Perrut (2000) considered the perspectives of production-scale applications of SCFs also in
respect to the economic competitiveness of these processes
with conventional ones. Beckman (2004) examined the use
of CO2 to create greener processes and products, with a focus
on research and commercialisation efforts since 1995. The literature on chemical and enzymatic reactions and formation of
micro- and nanoparticles revealed that careful application of
CO2 technology can result in cleaner and less expensive processes and products of higher quality. In the recent review of
Temelli (2009) on processing of fats and oils using SC-CO2,
it is shown that SFE of specialty oils has reached commercial
scale and that researchers focus on fractionation of complex
lipid mixtures, conducting reactions in supercritical fluid
media, and particle formation for the delivery of bioactive
lipid components. A bright future is predicted for new integrated processes to be developed, targeting ingredients for
both food and non-food industrial applications.
High-pressure fluid phase-equilibria, both experimental
methods and systems investigated, were reviewed by Fornari
et al. (1990) for data published in the period 19781987, Dohrn
and Brunner (1995) for the period 19881993, Christov and
Dohrn (2002) for the period 19941999, Dohrn et al. (2010)
for the period 20002004, and Fonseca et al. (2011) for the
period 20052008. The papers also contain solubility data for
many substances in supercritical solvents.
The reviews listed below focus directly on SFE.
2.2.1. Extraction for food, drug, and perfume industries The state of supercritical extraction of natural prod-

ucts in the middle of the 1980s was described by Brunner

(1987). Palmer and Ting (1995) discussed the actual and
potential applications of SCF technology and presented a
summary of commercial applications, patented processes,
and published research studies on utilisation of SCFs in food
processing. Starmans and Nijhuis (1996) compared different
methods, including SFE, for extraction of secondary metabolites from plant material. Sihvonen et al. (1999) summarised
some of the advances and the latest developments in the field
of SCF technology focusing on the use of SC-CO2 in food,
nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical applications. Wolski and
Ludwiczuk (2001) presented fundamentals of high-pressure
extraction and reviewed literature related to supercritical

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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

extraction in different branches of industry. Raventos et al.

(2002) focused their review on the applications and potential
of SC-CO2 in the food industry. Rozzi and Singh (2002) discussed the use of SCFs in different processes of food industry
and in food analysis. A review including general description
of SCFs, their physicochemical properties and particularly the
solvent power, effect of solid matrices on the extraction, and
application areas of SFE was published by Askin and Otles
(2005). Brunner (2005) reviewed the state of SCF applications to food processing. Besides other processes, industrialscale extraction from solid materials (decaffeination of green
coffee beans, production of hops extracts, recovery of aromas
and flavours from herbs and spices, extraction of edible oils,
and removal of contaminants) was discussed, including the
solvent power of SC-CO2, the course of the extraction process, design of commercial plants and modes of their operation, equipment size, and processing costs. Recent advances
in SFE were overviewed by Herrero et al. (2010).
Hierro and Santamaria (1992) reviewed the SFE techniques for extraction of vegetable and animal fats and particularly those containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, which
have important pharmacological applications. The paper written by Kerrola (1995) is focused particularly on the extraction
of essential oils and flavour compounds. Another excellent
review on SFE and fractionation of essential oils and related
products was published by Reverchon (1997). The paper presents experimental techniques for SFE from plants, solubility
in SC-CO2 of different essential oil components, and mathematical models for the process. Furthermore, the influence
of operating parameters on extraction rate and extract composition is discussed as well as pre-treatment of raw materials
and post-processing of the extracted essential oils. The applications of dense carbon dioxide for the extraction of pharmaceuticals from various matrices were reviewed by Dean and
Khundker (1997). The SFE process parameters required for
a preliminary analysis of the manufacturing costs were compiled from the literature published in 20012003 by Meireles
(2003). Brazilian research on SCFs and their application,
including the SFE from vegetable materials, was reviewed by
Rosa and Meireles (2005b). Herrero et al. (2006) reviewed
the SFE of functional ingredients from plants, food products,
algae, and microalgae with special attention to antioxidants,
both for SC-CO2 and subcritical water as solvents. DiazReinoso et al. (2006) published a comprehensive compilation
of data on the SFE of antioxidant compounds from vegetal
materials and their purification, with particular attention to
the substances of a phenolic nature. Wang and Weller (2006)
described and compared the conventional Soxhlet extraction with SFE and other alternative methods and summarised
potential uses of these methods for the extraction of nutraceuticals from plant materials. Reverchon and De Marco (2006)
critically analysed the research on supercritical extraction and
fractionation in the last decade, including the SFE of essential and seed oils, antioxidants, pharmaceuticals, colouring
matters and pesticides, as well as mathematical modelling of
SFE. Catchpole et al. (2009) reviewed the extraction and fractionation of specialty lipids (high-value seed oils, polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrates, carotenoids, and phospholipids)

with near-critical solvents. Pereira and Meireles (2010) published an extensive review on the SFE of bioactive compounds
(essential oils, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, tocopherols, and tocotrienols), taking into account extraction yields,
solubility, and manufacturing costs, and operation conditions
in the extraction and fractionation. Another overview focused
on the application of SFE in recovery of bioactive phenolic
compounds from natural sources and effects of extraction
conditions on the yield, composition, and antioxidant activity
of extracts was published by Marostica et al. (2010).
A review of transport properties and solubilities in SCFs,
particularly CO2, as well as other underlying factors that are
responsible for the kinetics and phase equilibrium in SFE processes, was presented by del Valle and Aguilera (1999). They
described the selective CO2 extraction of essential oils, pungent principles, carotenoid pigments, antioxidants, antimicrobials, and related substances to be used as ingredients for the
food, drug, and perfume industries from the point of view of
the potential applications of SFE in Latin America. Al-Jabari
(2002) considered models for various applications of SFE,
showed the importance of modelling the initial static extraction
(with no solvent flow) preceding the dynamic extraction, and
demonstrated the similarity between modelling SFE processes
and reversible adsorption/desorption processes. The paper of
del Valle et al. (2005a) summarises basic and applied research
on phase equilibrium and mass transfer kinetics involved in
high-pressure CO2 extraction from solid substrates and particularly the extraction of lipids and essential oils from native Latin
American plants. Mass transfer models for SFE of vegetable
oils from solid matrix were reviewed by del Valle and de la
Fuente (2006). A recent review paper published by Oliveira et
al. (2011) includes models for kinetics of SFE from solid particles and for SFE from liquids in counter-current columns.
(1990) discussed SFE as a method for extraction of analytes
from a bulk sample matrix before their analysis. He considered SFE techniques and hardware and concluded that extraction time is reduced, generation of large volumes of waste
solvents is eliminated, and the step of concentration of the
extracted analytes is greatly simplified compared with conventional liquid solvent extraction techniques. Castioni et al.
(1995) focused attention on near-critical extraction of compounds of plant origin and its on-line coupling with chromatographic methods. Modey et al. (1996a) explored the
use of SCFs for analytical extraction of natural products and
highlighted applications where SFE might be advantageous.
Chester et al. (1996) published a review on SCF chromatography and extraction; 2 years later they continued their review
in a new contribution focusing on the most significant articles concerning the topics (Chester et al. 1998). According
to the authors, the enhanced performance characteristics of
SFE, such as greater selectivity compared with conventional
methods, reduced time, greater quantitative yields, lower cost
per extraction, and new capabilities, had driven the technology in the 1990s. The advances in SFE spurred the creation
of new extraction techniques known as accelerated solvent
extraction, hot (subcritical) water extraction, near-critical

2.2.2. Extraction for analytical purposes

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fluid extraction, enhanced-fluidity extraction, etc., which are

performed below the critical point of the solvent and can be
called pressurised fluid extraction. Smith (1999) reviewed the
development in SCF chromatography and SFE of analytes in
the last 20 years and showed that there is unity in separation
methods and that a continuum exists from gases to liquids. de
Castro and Jimnez-Carmona (2000) emphasised the advantages of SFE, such as preconcentration effect, cleaniness
and safety, quantitativeness, expeditiousness, and simplicity.
They discussed limitations of the method demonstrated when
extracting polar analytes, occurrence of matrix-analyte binding that often makes a complete extraction of analyte from
natural samples impossible, and mentioned different ways of
clean-up of fat-soluble analytes from unwanted matrix components. Chen and Ling (2000) presented a review on SFE in
Chinese herbal medicine. The paper contains lists of application examples of SFE of useful ingredients from herbs and
plants, including the operating parameters, concentrations of
modifiers in CO2, extraction yields, and analytical methods.
Similar data were given for SFE of pesticide residues from
different botanic materials. The authors concluded that SFE
had proven to be a practical and powerful method for the
extraction of useful ingredients and pesticide residues from
natural products and food plants. They regarded as promising
the possibility of extracting both types of solutes separately
using the same extraction medium at different operating conditions, and concluded that a systematic and effective means
to reach the optimal extraction conditions were yet to come.
Lang and Wai (2001) discussed practical aspects of SFE
applications in sample preparation, selection of modifiers,
collection methods, on-line coupling techniques, means for
avoiding mechanical problems, and approaches to optimisation of SFE conditions. King (2002) reviewed analytical
supercritical extraction with carbon dioxide as the extracting agent from a wide array of sample types. Zougagh et al.
(2004) underlined the great analytical potential of SFE, tried
to identify reasons for its rare implementation by routine
analytical laboratories, and proposed ways to overcome the
shortcomings behind them.
Several papers were focused on particular topics in analytical SFE. Extensive revue on the use of SFE in food analysis was published by Anklam et al. (1998). The application
of SFE and SCF chromatography in forensic investigations
was reviewed by Radcliffe et al. (2000). Turner et al. (2001)
reviewed the applications of SFE and chromatography for
fat-soluble vitamin analysis, and, in the next review paper,
Turner et al. (2002) focused on the modes and optimised conditions for the collection of extracted analytes. Smith (2002)
published a literature review on extraction with superheated
water where the extraction of essential oils, flavours, and fragrances from plant materials is mentioned besides other materials. Pourmortazavi and Hajimirsadeghi (2007) discussed the
developments, modes, and applications of SFE in the isolation
of essential oils from plant matrices; showed how the solubility of the solute in the fluid, diffusion through the matrix, and
collection process affect their extraction yield; and compared
the SFE with conventional extraction methods. Mendiola et
al. (2007) reviewed the applications of pressurised solvents,


both supercritical and liquid, in sample preparation for food

analysis, and concluded that these extraction techniques could
be used for routine analysis as fast, reliable, clean, and cheap
methods. There is, however, a clear need for their validation
before they can be applied as official methods substituting the
most laborious, time-consuming, and classical procedures.
The application of SC-CO2 in SFE of lipids and in food processing generally was reviewed by Sahena et al. (2009).

3. Plants and extracts

A hypothetical list of herbs and other plants subjected to SFE in
laboratories is getting longer every week, being extended particularly by the plants growing in Asia and Latin America. Table
1 shows the large range of both plants and extracted substances.
To keep its size acceptable, we have excluded the extraction of
non-native components as pesticides and herbicides (Lehotay
1997, Motohashi et al. 2000, Aguilera et al. 2005), although
the research in this field is promising. Also the extraction with
subcritical water (see, e.g., Cacace and Mazza 2006) and with
other pressurised solvents than CO2 was not included. Thus,
the references concern the extraction of plant components with
dense CO2, either pure or modified. Even so, the table could
not cover all the papers published on the topic because of their
large number. It is based on the data collected in the Institute of
Chemical Process Fundamentals, the Czech Republic, for more
than two decades and therefore it is not restricted to a certain
period of publication or selected literature sources.
The knowledge collected in the literature should certainly
not be omitted in further research on SFE.

4. Thermodynamic modelling of systems

vegetable solute + SC-CO2 + entrainer
The advantages of using SCFs as solvents are numerous and
lead to environmental, health and safety, and chemical benefits. That is why they are referred to as the green solvents for
the future. Furthermore, as discussed previously, the thermophysical properties of SCFs (high diffusivity, low viscosity,
density, and dielectric constant) can be fine-tuned by changes
of operating pressure and/or temperature, and thus SFE has
a great potential as a promising, efficient, and clean alternative method compared with the conventional methods of
distillation and extraction. Thus, there is a clear-cut need for
obtaining detailed knowledge that will allow the design and
optimisation of the environmentally benign SFE processes.
Thermodynamics of the phase equilibria is a vital part of this
knowledge, as the objects of SFE are usually very complex,
and can exhibit intricate phase behaviour. To predict correctly
and calculate efficiently the equilibria, a robust and reliable
thermodynamic modelling framework (TMF) must be available. The TMF comprises three main elements: a library of
thermodynamic parameters pertaining to pure substances and
binary interactions; thermodynamic models for mixture properties; and methods, algorithms, and numerical techniques
for solving the equilibrium relations.

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Flavour compounds, polyphenols

Oil, -carotene

Apple (Malus domestica) fruit, peels, pomace

Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) kernels, shells, bagasse,
Artemisia herba-alba (Artemisia sieberi) herb
Assafoetida (Ferula assa-foetida)

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Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) leaves, flowering


Black oil plant (Celastrus paniculatus) seed

Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) seed
Blackseed (Nigella sativa) fruit

Birch (Betula pendula) leaves

Black caraway (Bunium persicum) fruit

Amino acids
Volatile oil, oil, antioxidants thymoquinone
and carvacrol
Oil, sesquiterpenes
Oil, volatile oil: antioxidants thymoquinone
and carvacrol
Sesquiterpene lactone cnicin

Zhang et al. 1998a

Then et al. 1998
Turkay et al. 1996, Fullana et al. 1999, Machmudah et al. 2005, Rao et al. 2007,
Kokoska et al. 2008
Kery et al. 1998

Botha and McCrindle 1999

Wang et al. 2004a
Piantino et al. 2008
Monteiro et al. 1997
Mi et al. 2005
Lin et al. 1999, Chang et al. 2007
Colombo et al. 1998
Hawthorne et al. 1989, Reverchon et al. 1993a, 1994b, Reverchon and Sesti Osseo
1994b, Lachowicz et al. 1996, 1997, Ehlers et al. 2001, Diaz-Maroto et al. 2002,
Gainar et al. 2002, Menaker et al. 2004, Mazutti et al. 2006, Leal et al. 2008
Klejdus et al. 2008
Pourmortazavi et al. 2005

Antioxidants: -tocopherol
Oil, tocopherols, squalene
Alkaloids: phenanthridone class
Diterpene lactones: andrographolide, etc.
Alkaloids: hyoscyamine, scopolamine
Volatile oil: anethole
Volatile oil
Pigments, carotenoid bixin

Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) leaf skin, pulp, rind

Amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus, A. cruentus) seed
Amaryllidaceae sp.
Ancistrocladus korupensis leaves
Andrographis paniculata herb, leaves
Angels trumpet (Datura candida D. aurea) roots
Anise (Pimpinella anisum) fruit
Anise hyssop (Lophantus anisatus)
Anise verbena (Lippia alba, L. sidoides)
Annatto (Bixa orellana) seed

Avocado (Persea americana) fruit

Babchi (Psoralea corylitolia) seed
Baccharis dracunculifolia leaves
Bacuri (Platonia insignis) fruit shells
Bai zi (Archangelica dahurica) root
Baical skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) root
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) fruit
Basil, sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) leaves

Vargas et al. 2010

Bajer et al. 2007, Venskutonis et al. 2008
Khajeh et al. 2004
Core et al. 1994, 1996, Henning et al. 1994
Calame and Steiner 1982, Passey and Gros-Louis 1993, Lack and Seidlitz 1994,
Marrone et al. 1998, Femenia et al. 2001
Hu et al. 2005
Bruni et al. 2001, 2002, He et al. 2003, Westerman et al. 2006
Queckenberg and Frahm 1994
Ashraf-Khorassani and Taylor 1997
Bo et al. 2000, Kumoro and Hasan 2008
Brachet et al. 1999
Stahl and Gerard 1982a, Ondarza and Sanchez 1990, Rodrigues et al. 2003a
Dapkevicius et al. 1996
Sousa et al. 2002, Stashenko et al. 2004, Braga et al. 2005
Chao et al. 1991, Degnan et al. 1991, Anderson et al. 1997, Silva et al. 1999,
2008a, Nobre et al. 2006
Bundschuh et al. 1988, Adil et al. 2007
Niewoudt and Botha 1998, Doker et al. 2004, Sanal et al. 2004, 2005, Ozkal et al.
2005, 2005c
Ghasemi et al. 2007
Khajeh et al. 2005

Volatile oil, lupenol

Volatile oil
Volatile compounds, repellents
Oil, volatile oil

Volatile oil: camphor, 1-8 cineol

E-1-propenyl sec-butyl disulfide,
germacrene B
Psoralen, isopsoralen
Phenolic compounds
Volatile oil
Flavonoids: baicalin, baicalein, wogonin
Vitamin E: tocopherols, tocotrienols
Volatile oil, cuticular waxes, antioxidants


Extract components

Abajeru (Chrysobalanus icaco) leaves

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria, A. procera) leaves
Ajowan (Carum copticum) fruit
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) germ, leaf, stem
Almond (Prunus dulcis) fruit, seed

Plants extracted with pure or modified carbon dioxide.

Plant part

Table 1

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

Volatile oil
Oil, carotenoids, tocopherols
Sesquiterpenes as petasin, isopetasin,
pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Volatile oil: acorone, isoacorone, -asarone
Isoquinoline alkaloids

Nut shell liquid, cardanols

Oxindole alkaloids
Volatile oil, nepetolactone, waxes
Volatile oil
Alkaloids chelidonine, berberine, coptisine
Volatile oil, fatty oil, furanocoumarins,
fatty acids
Tocopherols, tocotrienols
Volatile oil, active components:
-bisabolol, matricine, chamazulene;
Oil: free fatty acids, sterol; phenolic

Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale) pericarp

Cats claw (Uncaria tormentosa) root
Catnip (Nepeta catari, N. transcaucasica)
Cedar (Cedrus) wood
Celandine (Chelidonium majus) aerial part
Celery (Apium graveolens) seed, leaf, root

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla syn. Chamomilla
recutita) flowers

Cherry (Prunus avium) seed, pomace

Carqueja (Baccharis trimera) aerial part

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) root, fruit

Volatile oil, pigments, fatty acids,

Volatile oil
Oil, carotenes, volatile oil, biologically
active substances

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) seed

Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana)

Capillary wormwood (Artemisia capillaris) aerial part
Caraway (Carum carvi) seed, fruit

Bioactive compounds
Volatile oil: germacrene d-4-ol, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, -cadinene
Volatile oil: limonene, carvone; fatty oil

Marongiu et al. 2007e

Franca et al. 1999a
Steiner et al. 1998, Bodensieck et al. 2007

-ecdysone, antioxidants

Brazilian ginseng (Pfaffia paniculata, P. glomerata)

Bulnesia sarmientoi wood
Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) fruit
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) rhizomes

Wu et al. 2006
Yang et al. 2007
Stahl and Gerard 1982a, Stahl et al. 1984, Kallio et al. 1994, Sovova et al. 1994b,
Then et al. 1998, Baysal and Starmans 1999, Gamse and Marr 2000, Ahro et al.
2001, Cabizza et al. 2001, Sedlakova et al. 2003a
Pekhov and Goncharenko 1968, Naik et al. 1989, Gopalakrishnan and Narayanan
1991, Illes et al. 1998, Marongiu et al. 2004a, Hamdan et al. 2008
Vargas et al. 2006, Silva et al. 2009
Subra et al. 1994, 1998, Barth et al. 1995, Vega et al. 1996, Chandra and Nair
1997, Ranalli et al. 2004, Sun and Temelli 2006, Glisic et al. 2007a, Maxia et al.
Shobha and Ravindranath 1991, Smith et al. 2003, Patel et al. 2006
Lopez-Avila et al. 1997a
Dapkevicius et al. 1996, Barth et al. 1998, Chotratanadilok and Clifford 1998
Hawthorne et al. 1988
Sarkozi et al. 2000, Then et al. 2000b
Moyler 1993, Peplonski et al. 1994, Catchpole et al. 1996a, Jarvenpaa et al. 1997,
Nguyen et al. 1998, Della Porta et al. 1998b, Papamichail et al. 2000, Dauksas et
al. 2002a
Fratianni et al. 2002
Stahl and Schutz 1978, Vuorela et al. 1990, Reverchon and Senatore 1994, Smith
and Burford 1994, Pekic et al. 1995, Tolic et al. 1996, Scalia et al. 1999, Zekovic
2000, Povh et al. 2001, Hamburger et al. 2004, Kaiser et al. 2004, Bajer et al.
2007, Kotnik et al. 2007, Zizovic et al. 2007a
Bernardo-Gil et al. 2001, Adil et al. 2008

Sewram et al. 1998, 2000

Marongiu et al. 2006c

Stahl and Keller 1983, Marongiu et al. 2005c, Dai et al. 2008
Bugatti et al. 1993

Laroze et al. 2010

Sargenti and Lancas 1997b, del Valle et al. 2004b, 2005b
Illes et al. 1994, Sensidoni et al. 1994, Andujar et al. 1999, Dauksas et al. 2002b,
Gomez and de la Ossa 2002, Kotnik et al. 2006, Lu et al. 2007, Soto et al. 2008
Leal et al. 2010

Volatile oil: antioxidants; alkaloid boldine
Oil, -linolenic acid

Blueberry (Vaccinium sp.) residue after pressing

Boldo (Peumus boldus) leaves, bark
Borage (Borago officinalis) seed

Calamus (Acorus calamus, A. graminei) rhizomes

California poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) aerial
Cape ash (Ekebergia capensis) wood
Cape gold (Helichrysum splendidum) leaves


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

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Simandi et al. 1996

Modey et al. 1996b
Choi et al. 1998b
Liu et al. 2005a
Senatore et al. 2004, Marongiu et al. 2009
Stahl and Gerard 1982a, Hawthorne et al. 1988, Miller et al. 1995, Marongiu et al.

Volatile oil, methyl chavicol

Cedrelone, phytosterols
Alkaloid sinomenine
Volatile oil, pyrethrins
Volatile oil: cinnamaldehyde

Plant part

Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) herb

Chinese mahogany, cedrela, toon (Cedrela sinensis
syn. Toona sinensis) wood, bark
Chinese mayapple (Dysosma pleiantha) roots
Chinese moonseed (Sinomenium acutum) vine stem
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium,
C. coronarium, C. segetum, C. flosculosus) aerial part
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and cassia
(C. cassia) bark

Volatile oil
Isoflavones, volatile oil
Cocoa butter, theobromine, caffeine;
pyrazines from roasted beans

Clove basil (Ocimum gratissimum) leaves

Clover, red (Trifolium pratense) leaves, root
Coca (Erythroxylum coca) leaves
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) beans/nibs

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Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) copra, meal

Tangor murcote Citrus sinensis (hybrid) peel

Yuzu (Citrus junos) seed
Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) herb
Clivia (Clivia miniata) root
Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) seed
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum, Eugenia caryophyllata)

Taiwan tangerine (Citrus depressa) peel

Volatile oil
Volatile oil, carotenoids, tocopherols
Volatile oil, perillyl alcohol, carotenoids,
Coumarins imperatorin, meranzin,
meranzin hydrate
Polymethoxyflavones: nobiletin,
Volatile oil
Oil, -sitosterol, squalene
Volatile oil: sclareol
Bioactive compounds
Oil, -carotene, volatile oil, tocopherols
Volatile oil: eugenol, caryophyllene,
eugenyl acetate

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia, C. latifolia) peel

Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) peel
Orange (sweet orange) (Citrus sinensis), bitter orange
(C. aurantium) peel
Satsuma, tangerine (Citrus unshiu) press cake
Shaddock (Citrus maxima) peel

Sargenti and Lancas 1998b

Ueno et al. 2008
Ronyai et al. 1999a
Sewram et al. 1998, 2001
Manninen and Kallio 1997, Manninen et al. 1997b
Stahl and Gerard 1982a, Naik et al. 1989, Gopalakrishnan et al. 1990, Huston and
Hong 1991, Hauptschott and Lentz 1993, Moyler 1993, Kollmannsberger and Nitz
1994, Reverchon and Marrone 1997, Della Porta et al. 1998a, Clifford et al. 1999,
Rodrigues et al. 2002, Ruetsch et al. 2003, Geng et al. 2007, Guan et al. 2007,
Martinez et al. 2007, Takeuchi et al. 2008
Leal et al. 2006
Klejdus et al. 2005, Tapia et al. 2007
Brachet et al. 1999, 2000
Rossi et al. 1993, Li and Hartland 1996, Sanagi et al. 1997, Saldana et al. 2000b,c,
2002, 2002a, Skerget and Knez 2001, Mohamed et al. 2002
Asis et al. 2006

Lee at al. 2010

Poiana et al. 1994, 1999, Kondo et al. 2000

Poiana et al. 1998, Giannuzzo et al. 2003, Yu et al. 2007
Calame and Steiner 1982, Sugiyama and Saito 1988, Hawthorne et al. 1989,
Langenfeld et al. 1992
Hawthorne et al. 1989, Atti-Santos et al. 2005
Illes et al. 1999b
Hawthorne et al. 1988, Mira et al. 1996, 1999, Sargenti and Lancas 1998a, Illes
et al. 1999b, Berna et al. 2000, Lee et al. 2000, 2001
Lim et al. 2003
Teng et al. 2005


Extract components

(Table 1 continued)

Volatile oil: bergapten

Volatile oil, flavonoid naringin, limonoids
Volatile oil

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) peels, leaves, seed
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) flavedo, peel, seed
Lemon (Citrus limonum) peel


Sewram et al. 1998

Schneider et al. 1995
Sousa et al. 2005
Naik et al. 1989, Eikani et al. 1999a, Heikes et al. 2001
Eller et al. 2011
de Azevedo et al. 2003
Then et al. 1998a
Marongiu et al. 2003b, Poli et al. 2003
Vasudevan et al. 1997
Fuh et al. 1996
Peplonski et al. 1994, Gamse and Marr 1999, Simandi et al. 2002
Dean et al. 1998b, Wang et al. 2008a
DAndrea et al. 2007
Cao et al. 2007, Xiao et al. 2007
Gamse and Marr 2000
Liu et al. 1995
Sun et al. 2006
Vilegas et al. 1993

Volatile oil: biocides

Volatile oil
Oleoresin: -amyrin, -sitosterol
Insecticide rotenone
Volatile oil
Volatile oil
Ferulic acid
Pimpinelin, isobergapten, furocoumarins
psoralen, bergapten, isopimpinelin,
Volatile oil

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Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) bark

Dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica) herb

Cranberry (Vacciniumk sp.) residue after pressing

Creeping spilanthes (Spilanthes americana) flowers,
leaves, and stems
Crossberry (Grewia occidentalis) wood
Croton matourensis bark
Croton zehntneri leaves
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed
Cuphea (Cuphea viscosissmaC. lanceolata) seed
Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) seed
Currant, red and black (Ribes rubrum, R. nigrum) seed
Curry plant (immortelle) (Helichrysum italicum)
aerial part
Curry tree (Murraya koenigii syn. Chalcas koenigii)
Cypress, red (Taxodium distichum) sawdust
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) leaves, roots
Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) root, rhizomes
Derris (Derris elliptica) root
Di qian (Marchantia convoluta) leaves
Dill (Anethum graveolens) seed
Dioscorea nipponica tuber
Dong quai (Archangelica sinensis) root
Dorstenia bryoniifolia rhizomes

McDonald et al. 1983

Hawthorne et al. 1993, Kakasy et al. 2006

Laroze et al. 2010

Stashenko et al. 1996b

List et al. 1983, 1984a, Snyder et al. 1984, Kuk and Hron 1994, Taylor et al. 1997,
Bhattacharjee et al. 2007
Calame and Steiner 1982, Cao et al. 2000
Ellington et al. 2003

Volatile oil
Alkaloids: colchicine, 3-dimethylcolchicine, colchicoside
Volatile oil: sesquiterpenes, heavy hydrocarbons, amides, insecticide spilanthol
Bioactive compounds
Maravuic acid
Volatile oil
Volatile oil: cuminaldehyde, cymol
Fatty oil
Oil, linolenic acids
Volatile oil: neryl acetate, antioxidants

Cotton (Gossypium) seed

Cratoxylum prunifolium leaves

Crocus, autumn (Colchicum autumnale) seed

Volatile oil: -caryophyllene

Volatile oil, fatty oil, antioxidants: tocopherols, flavonoides

Cordia verbenacea leaves

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) fruit, seed

Triterpenes: friedelin, betulin, -sitosterol,


Zosel 1978, Brunner 1984, Sugiyama et al. 1985, Peker et al. 1992, Roethe et al.
1992, Pietsch et al. 1998, Ramos et al. 1998, del Valle and Aguilera 1999, Oliveira
et al. 1999, 2001, Sarrazin et al. 2000, Araujo and Sandi 2006, de Azevedo et al.
2008a, 2008b,c
Quispe-Condori et al. 2008
Kallio and Kerrola 1992, Kerrola and Kallio 1993, Catchpole et al. 1994, 1996a,
1997, Anitescu et al. 1997, Ribeiro et al. 1998, Then et al. 1998a, Illes et al. 2000,
Yepez et al. 2002, Grosso et al. 2008
Castola et al. 2005

Caffeine, aroma, diterpenes cafestol and

kahweol, lipids, chlorogenic acids

Coffee (Coffea) beans

Cork oak (Quercus suber) bark


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials


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Ginseng (Panax ginseng) root hair, leaves, seed

Ginkgo, maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba) leaves

Garden angelica (Angelica archangelica, A. dahurica,

A. sinensis) root, fruit
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) flowers, leaves,
stems, stalk
Giant fennel (Ferula communis) flowerheads
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) Rhizomes

Frankincense (Boswellia thurifera, B. carterii) resin

Volatile oil, sesquiterpene lactone


Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium syn.

Chrysanthemum partheniu, syn. Pyrethrum parthenium) flowers, seeds
Flax (Linum usitatissimum) seed, fibre

Terpene trilactones ginkgolides, bilobalide;

Oil, ginsenosides; saponins

Volatile oil: gurjunenes, selinenes

Volatile oil, gingerols, oleoresin, antioxidants, anticancer substances

Volatile oil

Volatile oil: incensole acetate, octanol

acetate, incensole, phyllocladene
Volatile oil, furanocoumarins

Oil; wax: nutraceutical octacosanol

Volatile oil, evodiamine, rutaecarpine

Volatile oil
Volatile oil: anethol, estragol, fenchone;
fatty oil; flavonoids

Oil, -linolenic acid

Evodia (Evodia rutaecarpa) herb, fibre

Felty germander (Teucrium polium) leaves, flowers
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus, E. camaldulensis,

E. citriodora, E. spathulata, E. microtheca) leaves,
Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) seed

Wang et al. 2001, Liu et al. 2005a, Wood et al. 2006, Zhang et al. 2006a,
Luo et al. 2007

Marongiu et al. 2005a

Pekhov and Goncharenko 1968, Krukonis 1985, Chen et al. 1986, Naik et al. 1989,
Kandiah and Spiro 1990, Moyler 1993, Bartley and Foley 1994, Bartley 1995,
Yonei et al. 1995a, Roy et al. 1996a, Badalyan et al. 1998, Monteiro et al. 1998,
Nguyen et al. 1998, Bartley and Jacobs 2000, Rodrigues et al. 2002, Zancan et
al. 2002, Catchpole et al. 2003, Leal et al. 2003, Martinez et al. 2003, Liu et al.
2005a, Balachandran et al. 2006, 2007
Choi et al. 2002c, Chiu et al. 2002, Yang et al. 2002, Mannila et al. 2003

Nykanen et al. 1991, Kerrola and Kallio 1994, Kerrola et al. 1994b, Gawdzik et al.
1996, Doneanu and Anitescu 1998, Paroul et al. 2002
Calvey et al. 1994, 1997, Rybak et al. 2004, del Valle et al. 2008
Reis Machado et al. 1993, Peterson et al. 2006, Gomes et al. 2007

Then et al. 1998a, Barthet and Daun 2002, Bozan and Temelli 2002, Morrison et
al. 2006
Ma et al. 1991, Marongiu et al. 2006e

Hawthorne et al. 1989, Garau and Pittau 1998, Della Porta et al. 1999, Fadel et
al. 1999, Gonzales-Vila et al. 2000, Francisco et al. 2001, Rodrigues et al. 2002,
Rozzi et al. 2002a, El-Ghorab et al. 2003, Ashtiani et al. 2007
Favati et al. 1991, Catchpole et al. 1994, King et al. 1997, Gawdzik et al. 1998,
Zizovic et al. 1998, Kotnik et al. 2006
Ma et al. 1991, Liu et al. 2010
Eikani et al. 1999b
Naik et al. 1989, Then et al. 1998a, Reverchon et al. 1999, Simandi et al. 1999,
Yamini et al. 2002, Coelho et al. 2003, Damjanovic et al. 2005, Diaz-Maroto et
al. 2005, Moura et al. 2005, Bajer et al. 2007, Zizovic et al. 2007a, Takeuchi et al.
Smith and Burford 1992, 1994, Kery et al. 1998, 1999, Kaplan et al. 2002, Cretnik
et al. 2005

de Vasconcelos et al. 2000, Mossi et al. 2004, 2010

Volatile oil: -pinene

Ephedrine and its derivatives, nonacosan10-ol
Triterpenes friedelan-3-ol, friedelin; phytol,
squalene, limonene, tocopherols, stigmasterol, dodecanoic acid, geranyl acetate
Volatile oil: 1,8-cineole; lipids, antioxidants

Eastern ferulago (Ferulago nodosa L.)

Elder (Sambucus nigra) fruit
Emburana (Torresea cearensis) seed
Ephedra (Ephedra sinica) aerial part

Espinheira santa (Maytenus aquifolium, M. ilicifolia)


Ruberto et al. 1999
Peplonski et al. 1994
Rodrigues et al. 2008
Choi et al. 1996, 1997, 1999b, Kim and Yoo 2000

Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

Squalene, stigmasterol
Volatile oil
Coumarin, kaurenoic acid, lupeol kipeol
Caffeine, methylxanthines
Volatile oil

Greater duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) entire plant

Grecian foxglove (Digitalis lanata) leaves
Greek sage (Salvia triloba, S. fruticosa)
Guaco (Mikania glomerata) leaves

King et al. 2001

Machmudah et al. 2009a
Takahashi et al. 2006
Raghuram Rao et al. 1992, Sastry and Mukhopadhyay 1994
Friedrich et al. 1984, Friedrich 1988, Salgin et al. 2004, 2007
Moyler 1993, Chatzopoulou 2002, Damjanovic et al. 2003, 2006,
Marongiu et al. 2003a, 2004c, 2006c, Park et al. 2004, Pourmortazavi et al. 2004,
Barjaktarovic et al. 2005, Glisic et al. 2007b, Medini et al. 2008

Volatile oil
Volatile oil, bioactive compounds,

Volatile oil

Inula (Inula viscosa, I. graveolens) leaves

Iranian spurge (Euphorbia macroclada) leaves and
stalks (as petro-crops)
Ironweed (Vernonia galamensis) seed
Japanese pepper, Sichuan pepper (Xanthoxylum
Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) peels
Jasmine (Jasminum officinalis, J. grandiflorum)
Jojoba (Simmondsia californica, S. chinensis) seed
Juniper (Juniperus communis, J. rigida, J. oxycedrus,
J. phoenica) fruit, leaves, wood
Oil, vernolic acid
Sanshool compounds

Resveratrol, piceid, emodin, physcion
Volatile oil, antioxidants

Horsetail (Equisetum giganteum)

Hu zhang (Polygonum cuspidatum) herb, root
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)

Hamburger et al. 2004

Bernardo-Gil et al. 2002, Ozkal et al. 2005b,c, Bernardo-Gil and Casquilho 2007
Holser and Bost 2004, Chan and Ismail 2009
Vasudevan et al. 1997
Pekhov and Goncharenko 1968, Hubert and Vitzthum 1978, Laws 1979, Sharpe
and Crabb 1980, Sharpe et al. 1980, Gardner 1982, Vollbrecht 1982, Langezaal et
al. 1990, Daoud and Kusinski 1992, Verschuere et al. 1992, Moyler 1993, Imbert
et al. 1998, del Valle and Aguilera 1999, del Valle et al. 2003b, Zekovic et al.
2007, Roj and Skowronski 2006
Michielin et al. 2005
Wenli et al. 2005, Yu et al. 2005, Lu et al. 2006, Machmudah et al. 2009b
Kerrola et al. 1994a, Dapkevicius et al. 1996, Langa et al. 2009, Kazazi et al.
2007, Babovi et al. 2010
Marongiu et al. 2003c
Ozcan and Ozcan 2004

Lipophilic compounds
Oil, sterols, tocopherols
Oil, antioxidants
Volatile oil, biocides
Volatile oil, resins, bitter acids, waxes, and

Mehr et al. 1996, Saldana et al. 2000b,c, 2002b,c

Sagrero-Nieves et al. 1994a
Fernandez et al. 2006
Li et al. 2009

Sovova et al. 1994a, Gomez et al. 1996, Murga et al. 1998, 2000, Palma and
Taylor 1999, Palma et al. 1999, 2000, Arce et al. 2001, Pascual-Marti et al. 2001,
Palenzuela et al. 2002, 2004, Cao and Ito 2003, Ashraf-Khorassani and Taylor
2004, Louli et al. 2004b, Beveridge et al. 2005, Chafer et al. 2005, Bravi et al.
2007, Fiori 2007, Campos et al. 2008, da Silva et al. 2008a, Fiori et al. 2008,
Freitas et al. 2008a, 2008b
Choi et al. 1997
Moore and Taylor 1995, 1996, 1997
Ronyai et al. 1999b
Vilegas et al. 1997, Celeghini et al. 2001

Fatty oil, linoleic acid, tocopherols, tocotrienols, tannins, glycosides, polyphenols:

(+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, rutin, quercetin, resveratrol antioxidants

Grape (Vitis vinifera) seed, pulp, skin

Guaran (Paulinia cupana) seed

Guava (Psidium guajava) leaves
Guinea pepper (Aframomum melegueta) seed
Gutta-percha tree (hardy rubber tree) (Eucommia
ulmoides) seed
Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.)
Hazel (Corylus avellana) nut
Hibiscus (Hibiscus esculentus, H. different ssp.) seed
Holy basil, tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaves
Hop (Humulus lupulus) flowers


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

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Pereira and Meireles 2007

Sovova et al. 2008
Ohira and Yatagai 1993
Ronyai et al. 1998b, Crabas et al. 2003, Baumann et al. 2004, Hamburger et al.
2004, Campos et al. 2005, Danielski et al. 2007, Petrovic et al. 2007, Zizovic et al.
2007a, Nagy et al. 2008
Reverchon 1992, Reverchon et al. 1993, Reverchon and Sesti Osseo 1994b,
Dapkevicius et al. 1996, Vagi et al. 2002, 2005a,b, Rodrigues et al. 2003a,
El-Ghorab et al. 2004

Volatile oil, tocopherols, oil
Volatile oil, pasty products, antioxidants,
Volatile oil, antioxidants
Volatile oil
Volatile oil
Volatile oil
Volatile oil, wax
Oil, amygdalin, -sitosterol
Volatile oil: ligustilide
Oil, volatile oil
Sweeteners: mogrosides
Oil, alkaloids
Indole alkaloids vindoline, vinblastine
Sesquiterpene lactones pathenolide, costunolide, sesquiteprene cyclocolorenone,
antioxidants, neolignans honokiol, magnolol
Oil, sterols, ferulate-phytosterol esters,
phospholipids, beauvericin
Terpenoids, furocoumarins psoralen,
Ecdysterone, cynaropicrin
Maltol (antifungal activity)
Oleoresin, volatile oil, triterpenoids:
faradiol monoesters, monool taraxasterol,
lupeol, -amyrin; lutein
Volatile oil, cuticular waxes, pigments,
antimicrobials, antioxidants: ursolic acid,
carnosic acid, carnosol

Kola tree (Cola) nuts

Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) root
Laurel, daphne (Laurus nobilis) leaves, seed

Lavender (Lavandula intermedia, L. stoechas,

L. augustifolia) flowers

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon beebalm (Monardia citriodora)
Lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla) leaves
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) leaves, stems

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Lilac (Syringa) flowers
Lindera strychnifolia
Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) seed
Lovage (Levisticum officinale) seed, leaves, and roots
Love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena) seed
Luohan guo (Siraitia grosvenorii) fruit
Lupine (Lupinus)
Macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia) nuts
Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus)
Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora, M. virginiana,
M. officinalis) bar, root

Mama cadela (sweet cotton plant) (Brosimum gaudichaudii) bark, roots

Mango (Mangifera indica) leaves
Maral root (Leuzea carthamoides syn. Rhaponticum
carthamoides) root and leaves
Maries fir (Abies mariesii) leaves
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) flowers

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Marjoram (Majorana hortensis syn. Origanum majorana L.) leaves

Christianson et al. 1984, List et al. 1984b, Wilp and Eggers 1991, Taylor et al.
1993, Fontan et al. 1994, Ronyai et al. 1998a, Taylor and King 2000, 2002,
Ambrosino et al. 2004, Nagy et al. 2008
Vilegas et al. 1993

Lopez-Avila and Benedicto 1997, Ashraf-Khorassani et al. 1999, Catchpole et al.

2000, 2002
Ndiomu and Simpson 1988
Wang et al. 2008b
Ozek et al. 1998, Caredda et al. 2002, Gomez-Coronado et al. 2004, Beis and
Dunford 2006, Santoyo et al. 2006a, Marzouki et al. 2008
Simandi et al. 1993, Adasoglu et al. 1994, Walker et al. 1994b, Reverchon et al.
1995c, Dapkevicius et al. 1996, Fekete et al. 1996, Oszagyan et al. 1996, Akgun et
al. 2000, 2001, Flores et al. 2005, Zorca et al. 2006
Ribeiro et al. 2001, Rozzi et al. 2002a, Ziakova et al. 2002, Marongiu et al. 2004d
Rozzi et al. 2002a
Crabas et al. 2003, Pereira and Meireles 2007
Ndiomu and Simpson 1988, Sargenti and Lancas 1997a, Carlson et al. 2001, Rozzi
et al. 2002a, Marongiu et al. 2006a, Ha et al. 2008
Kim et al. 2004, 2005
Calame and Steiner 1982
Li et al. 2002
Kawahito et al. 2008, Machmudah et al. 2008b
Dauksas et al. 1998, 1999, 2002a, Menaker et al. 2004
Dauksas et al. 2002c
Xia et al. 2008
Stahl et al. 1981, Nossack et al. 2000
Silva et al. 2008a
Song et al. 1992, Choi et al. 2002a
Castaneda-Acosta et al. 1995, Chandra and Nair 1995, Suto et al. 1997, Dean et al.
1998a, Paltoo et al. 1999, Cheah et al. 2010

Oleoresin, kava lactones

Kava (Piper methysticum) herb, stems, root

Maize (corn) (Zea mays) bran, germ


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

Oil, -sitosterol, tocopherols

Oil, tocopherols, phenols, squalene

Oleoresin, flavour, sulphur, quercetin

Volatile oil

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentes syn. Hibiscus esculentes) seed

Olive tree (Olea europaea) leaves, husk, pomace

Onion (Allium cepa) bulb, skin

Orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata) flowers

Esquivel and Bernardo-Gil 1993, de Lucas et al. 1998, 2002a,b, 2003, Le Floch
et al. 1998, Esquivel et al. 1999b, Ibanez et al. 2000a, Stavroulias and Panayioutou
2005, del Valle et al. 2006
Calvey et al. 1994, 1997, Guyer and Sinha 1995, Dron et al. 1997, Sass-Kiss et al.
1998, Simandi et al. 2000, Martino and Guyer 2004
Marquina-Chidsey et al. 2000

Acorn oil, sterols, tocopherols, waxes

Oil, fatty acids, -tocopherol, - and
-carotene, squalene, sterols

Cernia et al. 1994, Johnson and Morgan 1997, Ambrosino et al. 1999,
Tonthubthimthong et al. 2001, 2004, Mongkholkhajornsilp et al. 2005
Wang et al. 2007, Suo and Wang 2010
Pekhov and Goncharenko 1968, Hubert and Vitzthum 1978, Moyler 1993, Nguyen
et al. 1998, Spricigo et al. 1999, 2001, Machmudah et al. 2006
Lopes et al. 1998, Lopes and Bernardo-Gil 2005, Bernardo-Gil et al. 2007
Birtigh et al. 1995, Franca and Meireles 2000, Hassan et al. 2000, Rahman et al.
2001, Norulaini et al. 2004a,b, 2008, Lau et al. 2006a,b, 2007, 2008, Zaidul et al.
2006a,b, 2007a,b
Andras et al. 2005

Barthet and Daun 2002

Ma et al. 1991, Marongiu et al. 2005c
Garau and Pittau 1998
Sun et al. 2002

del Valle and Aguilera 1989, Sakaki et al. 1990, Young and Games 1993, Abdulah
et al. 1994, Walker et al. 1999, Zhang et al. 2006a, Kitzberger et al. 2007, 2009

Dean and Liu 2000

Joo et al. 1994, Choi et al. 1997

Insecticides, pharmaceuticals: azadirachtin

A, nimbin, salannin, cuticular waxes
Oil: unsaturated fatty acids
Volatile oil, nutmeg butter

Hydrocarbons, antimicrobials, antioxidants

and fungicides
Triterpene -amyrin acetate, antioxidants
-carotene, -tocopherol
Oleoresin, oil, ergosterol, carboxylic and
fatty acids, antioxidants, substances of
antimicrobial activity, polysaccharides
Volatile oil
Volatile oil

Oak (Quercus rotundifolia, Q. suber) fruit

Oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) kernel, leaves,
mesocarp fibres

Nitraria tangutorum seed

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) nutmeg, mace

Mustard (Brassica sp.) seed

Myrrh herb (Commiphora molmol, C. myrrha)
Myrtle (Myrtus communis) leaves
Narrow-leaf purple coneflower (Echinacea
angustifolia) aerial part
Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) seed, kernel

Mushrooms and fungi

Moutan (Paeonia suffruticosa) cortex

Mulberry tree (Morus alba) bark, leaves, root bark

Moso-bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla)

Senich et al. 1974, Barton et al. 1992, Goto et al. 1993, Hawthorne et al. 1993,
Simandi et al. 1993, Reverchon et al. 1994a, Roy et al. 1996c, Barth et al. 1998,
Aleksovski et al. 1999, Ammann et al. 1999, Pino et al. 1999, Reis-Vasco et al.
1999, 2000, Kim and Hong 2000, Qafisheh and Barth 2000, Kubatova et al. 2001,
Marongiu et al. 2001, Pop and Barth 2001, Diaz-Maroto et al. 2002, Aghel et al.
2004, Zizovic et al. 2005, Al-Marzouqi et al. 2007, Gomez-Prieto et al. 2007,
Zekovic et al. 2009
Quitain et al. 2004

Congiu et al. 2002

Pourmortazavi et al. 2005
Ziemons et al. 2005, 2007
Sewram et al. 1998, Turner and McKeon 2002

Volatile oil, waxes

Volatile oil
Sesquiterpene lactone tagitinin C
Bioactive compounds; fatty oil, cis-vaccenic acid
Volatile oil, cuticular waxes, squalene,

Mastic (Pistacia lentiscus) leaves, berries

Medlar (Mespilus germanica) seed
Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) aerial part
Milkweed (Asclepias fruticosa) root, seed

Mint (Mentha piperita, M. spicata, M. pulegium,

Romanian mint hybrid) leaves, flowers


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

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Krukonis 1985, Pino et al. 1997, Marongiu et al. 2005b

McDonald et al. 1983, Orav et al. 1998, Ruivo et al. 2000, Duquesnoy et al. 2007,
Braga et al. 2008
Ahmad et al. 1994
Viana et al. 2003
Balaban et al. 1998, Palazoglu and Balaban 1998, Goli et al. 2005
Filho et al. 2008
Weinhold et al. 2008
Abbasi et al. 2008a,b
Stahl and Willing 1980, Ndiomu and Simpson 1988, Janicot et al. 1990, Then et
al. 2000, Bozan and Temelli 2003

Xanthones, flavanones, isoflavonoids:

osajin, pomiferin, lupeol, and butyrospermol esters
2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline, volatile oil
Oil, tocopherols, capsaicin alkaloids,

Volatile oil: estragole

Glycosylated flavonoids
Oleoresin: volatile oil, piperine

Volatile oil: phellandrenes, limonene,
elemol, -eudesmol
Volatile oil: eugenol
Volatile oil, resin, fatty acids; manoyl
oxide; phenolic antioxidants
Lapachol, lapachones
Lipids, antioxidants, volatile oil
Carotenoids lycopene, rubixanthin
Triterpenes, phytosterols, methyl salicylate
Volatile oil, fatty oil, phenolic compounds
Oil, tocol, opium alkaloids thebaine,
codeine, morphine

Osage orange tree (Maclura pomifera) root bark, fruit

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum, Apium petroselinum)

seed, leaves
Passion (Passiflora edulis) fruit, leaves
Peach (Prunus persica) pomace
Peanut (Arachis hyprogaea)

Pecan (Carya illinoensis) kernels, halves

Pepper, black (Piper nigrum) fruit

Physic nut (Jatropha curcas) seed

Pepper tree (Schinus molle)

Pimento, allspice, Jamaica pepper (Pimenta dioica)

berries, leaves
Pine (Pinus palustris, P. sylvestris, P. pinaster,
P. nigra) wood, needles, bark
Pinecone ginger (Zingiber zerumbet)
Pink trumpet tree (Tabebuia avellanedae) wood
Pistacia (Pistacia vera, P. lentiscus) nuts, hull
Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora) fruit pulp
Polygala cyparissias root, stems, leaves
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) seed
Poppy (Papaver bracteatum) seed, straw

Moraes et al. 1997

Adil et al. 2007
Snyder et al. 1984, Goodrum and Kilgo 1987, King and Catchpole 1993, Lancas et
al. 1994, Santerre et al. 1994, Goodrum et al. 1996
Maness et al. 1995, Zhang et al. 1995a, Alexander et al. 1997, Li et al. 1999
Hubert and Vitzthum 1978, Calame and Steiner 1982, Vidal and Richard 1987,
Ferreira et al. 1993, 1999, Sovova et al. 1995, Nguyen et al. 1998, Skerget and
Knez 2001, Ferreira and Meireles 2002, Catchpole et al. 2003, Perakis et al. 2005,
Izadifar and Abdolahi 2006, Li et al. 2006
Machmudah et al. 2008b
Marongiu et al. 2004b

Zheng et al. 2008

Laohakunjit and Noomhorm 2004, Bhattacharjee et al. 2005
Hubert and Vitzthum 1978, Coenen 1983, Coenen and Kriegel 1984, Yao et al.
1994, Peusch et al. 1997, Nguyen et al. 1998, Skerget et al. 1998, Illes et al. 1999a,
Jaren-Galan et al. 1999, Sato et al. 1999, Weathers et al. 1999, Gnayfeed et al.
2001, Skerget and Knez 2001, Ambrogi et al. 2002, Daood et al. 2002, Catchpole
et al. 2003, del Valle et al. 2003a, 2003c, Duarte et al. 2004, Perva-Uzunalic et al.
2004, Uquiche et al. 2004, 2005, Fernandez-Trujillo 2008, Nagy et al. 2008, Nagy
and Simandi 2008, Tepic et al. 2009, Richins et al. 2010, Li et al. 2011
Naik et al. 1989, Della Porta et al. 1998b, Then et al. 1998a, Louli et al. 2004a

Ondarza and Sanchez 1990, Dapkevicius et al. 1996, Gaspar et al. 1998, 2000,
2001, 2003, Simandi et al. 1998, Diaz-Maroto et al. 2002, Gaspar 2002, Leeke et
al. 2002, Menaker et al. 2004, Rodrigues et al. 2004, Lu et al. 2005, Cavero et al.
2006, Santoyo et al. 2006a
Djarmati et al. 1998, da Costa et al. 1999

Volatile oil, cuticular waxes, resinoid compounds, antioxidants

Oregano, wild marjoram (Origanum vulgare, O.

virens) leaves, bracts

Ox knee (Achyranthes bidentata) root

Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) leaves
Paprika, red pepper (Capsicum annuum), and chillies
(Capsicum frutescens) fruit


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

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Volatile oil
Volatile oil, waxes
Volatile oil: p-cymene, -phellandrene,
-terpinene, thymol methyl ether, dill apiole
Oil, carotenoids, tocopherols

Ridolfia (Ridolfia segetum) different aerial parts

Rock rose (Cistus ladanifer) leaves
Rock samphire (Crithmum maritimum) aerial part

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Volatile oil

Rue (Ruta graveolens) aerial part, root

Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) aerial part

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves

Hexadecanoic acid, 9,12-octadecadienoic

acid, heneicosane, heptacosane
Volatile oil, phenolic diterpene antioxidants: carnosic acid, carnosol, favonoids,
cuticular waxes, antimicrobials

Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica) aerial part

Rose: wild dog rose and sweet briar rose (Rosa canina,
R. rubiginosa) fruit, seed and peel

Oil, antioxidants
Oil (bioactive agent)
Oil, triacylglycerols, free fatty acids,
oryzanols, tocopherols, sterols, waxes;

Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) seed, residue after pressing

Red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) wood chips
Rice (Oryza sativum) bran, corn

Rape, canola (Brasica napus, B. campestris) seed

Rain daisy (Dimorphotheca pluvialis) seed

Hawthorne et al. 1988, Reverchon and Senatore 1992, Reverchon et al. 1993,
Reverchon and Sesti Osseo 1994b, Walker et al. 1994b, Mendes et al. 1995,
Coelho et al. 1997, Tena et al. 1997, Lopez-Sebastian et al. 1998, Bauman et al.
1999, Ibanez et al. 1999, 2000b, Bicchi et al. 2000, Senorans et al. 2000, Leal et
al. 2003, Ramirez et al. 2004, Carvalho et al. 2005, Presti et al. 2005, Santoyo et
al. 2005, Bajer et al. 2007, Celiktas et al. 2007, Babovi et al. 2010
Stashenko et al. 2000
Pourmortazavi et al. 2003

Illes et al. 1997, del Valle et al. 2000a, 2004, 2006, Eggers et al. 2000, Reverchon
et al. 2000, del Valle and Uquiche 2002, Szentmihalyi et al. 2002, Hegel et al.
2007, Machmudah et al. 2007, 2008a,b, Tozzi et al. 2008
Norulaini et al. 2009

Stahl et al. 1980, Bunzenberger et al. 1983, Brunner 1984, Bulley et al. 1984,
Eggers et al. 1985, Lee et al. 1986, King et al. 1987, Fattori et al. 1988, Temelli
1992, Taylor et al. 1993, 1997, Walker et al. 1994a, Dunford and Temelli 1995,
1997, Goodrum et al. 1996, Montanari et al. 1996, Bruhl and Matthaus 1999,
Matthaus and Bruhl 1999, 2001, Barthet and Daun 2002, Luque-Garcia and de
Castro 2004, Germain et al. 2005, del Valle et al. 2006, Jenab et al. 2006, Dong
and Walker 2008, Sun et al. 2008
Then et al. 1998a, Laroze et al. 2010
Eller and King 2000, Eller and Taylor 2004
Ramsay et al. 1991, Saito et al. 1991, Garcia et al. 1996, King et al. 1996, Shen
et al. 1996, 1997, Kuk and Dowd 1998, Kim et al. 1999a, Xu and Godber 2000,
Bhattacharjee et al. 2003, Perretti et al. 2003, Danielski et al. 2005, Sarmento et
al. 2006, Sparks et al. 2006, Balachandran et al. 2008, Chen et al. 2008a,b, Wang
et al. 2008a
Marongiu et al. 2007b
de Lucas et al. 1999, Rincon et al. 2000
Marongiu et al. 2007c

Muuse et al. 1994, Cuperus et al. 1996

Araujo et al. 2000

Catchpole et al. 2000, 2002
Stahl and Schutz 1980b, Bunzenberger et al. 1983, Pan et al. 1995, Otterbach and
Wenclawiak 1999, Kiriamiti et al. 2003a,b, OMahony et al. 2003
Bicchi et al. 1991

Insecticides pyrethrins
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: senecionine,
Oil, tocopherols, dimorphecolic acid,
tri- and di-dimorphecolin
Oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, phenolic acids

Devittori et al. 2000

Bernardo-Gil and Lopes 2004, Yu et al. 2004, Seo et al. 2005, Nagy et al. 2008

Oil, carotenoids

Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) bran

Pumpkin (Cucurbita ficifolia, C. moschata) flesh,
Pupunha (Guilielma speciosa) fruit
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) aerial part
Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) flowers

Ragwort (Senecio inaequidens, S. cordatus)


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials


Oil, -tocopherol, antioxidants, lignans

Volatile oil
Alkaloid: monocrotaline
Oil, tocopherols, phospholipids, isoflavones
daidzein, genistein, phytosterols, phenolic

Volatile oil

Spiked thyme (Thymbra spicata)

Tropane alkaloids: hyoscamine, scopolamine salts

Oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids, waxes,
carotenoids, tocopherols, phytosterols

Sesame (Sesamum indicum) seed

Seseli bocconi leaves
Showy rattlebox (Crotalaria spectabilis) seed
Smilax, China (Smilax china) tubers
Soya (Glycine maximus) beans, flakes, flour, hypocotyle, cake, pulp

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) fruit, seed,


Scopolia parviflora, Sc. japonica roots, aerial parts

Lignans, cinnamic acid

Fatty acids, -sitosterol, nutraceuticals

Saw palmetto (Serenoa serrulata syn. S. repens syn.

Sabal serrulata) berries
Schizandra (Schisandra chinensis) fruit, seed, stems,

Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) root, bark

Savory (Satureja hortensis), shrubby savory
(S. fruticosa), S. montana leaves

Volatile oil
Volatile oil: sesquiterpenes santalol, bisabolol, farnesol, nuciferol
Volatile oil, waxes, cytotoxic and antimicrobial substances
Allylbenzenes: safrole
Volatile oil, antioxidants, insecticides

Salvia mirzayanii aerial part

Sandalwood (Santalum album, S. spicatum) stems,
Santolina insularis

Francisco et al. 2005

Follegatti-Romero et al. 2009

Fatty oil: linoleic acid, linolenic acid,
- and -tocopherol
Diterpenoids: cis-abienol
Volatile oil, antioxidants, cuticular waxes

Rye (Secale cereale) bran

Sacha inchi (Plukenetia
volubilis) seed
Sachalin fir (Abies sachalinensis) bark
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) seed
Saffron (Crocus sativus) flowers
Sage (Salvia officinalis, S. desoleana) leaves

Shaftan et al. 1986, Stastova et al. 1996, Manninen et al. 1997a, Yin et al. 2003,
2005a,b, Derevich and Shindyapkin 2004, Yakimishen et al. 2005, Arimboor et al.
2006, Vlase et al. 2006, Cossuta et al. 2007, Li et al. 2007, Olah et al. 2007, Xu et
al. 2008a,b, Sajfrtova et al. 2010
Namiki et al. 2002, Odabasi and Balaban 2002, Hu et al. 2004, Xu et al. 2005
Marongiu et al. 2006b
Schaeffer et al. 1988, 1989, 1989a
Shu et al. 2004
Stahl et al. 1980, Friedrich et al. 1982, Snyder et al. 1984, Eggers et al. 1985,
Taylor et al. 1993, Lancas et al. 1994, 1995, Reverchon and Sesti Osseo 1994a,
Chandra and Nair 1996, King et al. 1996, Montanari et al. 1996, 1999, Taylor et
al. 1997, 2000, Sievers 1998, Bruhl and Matthaus 1999, Matthaus and Bruhl 1999,
2001, Nodar et al. 2002, Rostagno et al. 2002, Luque-Garcia and de Castro 2004,
Klejdus et al. 2005, Armando et al. 2006, Quitain et al. 2006, Araujo et al. 2007,
Hegel et al. 2007, Kao et al. 2008, Rochova et al. 2008
Sonsuzer et al. 2004

Lojkova et al. 1997, Slanina et al. 1997, Choi et al. 1998a, Kim et al. 1999b, Dean
and Liu 2000, Bartlova et al. 2002, Huyke et al. 2007, Sovova et al. 2007b, Wang
et al. 2008a
Joo et al. 1994, Choi et al. 1999

Heikes 1994
Hawthorne et al. 1993, Ribeiro et al. 1998, Esquivel et al. 1999a, Kubatova et al.
2001, 2002, Coelho et al. 2007, Zorca et al. 2007, Pavela et al. 2008, Grosso et al.
Marentis 1998, Catchpole et al. 2000, 2002

Cherchi et al. 2001

Ohira and Yatagai 1994

Taylor et al. 1997
Semiond et al. 1996, Lozano et al. 2000
Reverchon et al. 1995c, Catchpole et al. 1996a, 1997, Reverchon 1996,
Lemberkovics et al. 1998, Bauman et al. 1999, Dauksas et al. 2001, Marongiu et
al. 2001, Menaker et al. 2004, Aleksovski and Sovova 2007, Micic et al. 2008,
Babovi et al. 2010
Yamini et al. 2008
Naik et al. 1989, Piggott et al. 1997, Marongiu et al. 2006e


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

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Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) leaves, terminal


Tabernaemontana catharinensis branches and leaves

Tagetes, marigold (Tagetes lucida, T. erecta, T. patula,
T. minuta) flower petals
Taiwan plum yew (Cephalotaxus wilsoniana) leaves
Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) fruit, pulp, seed coat
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) flowers
Tea (Camellia sinensis, C. sasanqua) seed, leaves

Sweet iris (Dalmatian iris) (Iris pallida) rhizomes

Sweet olive (Osmanthus fragrans) flowers
Sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) root
Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) aerial part

Sweet gale (Myrica gale) fruit

Sweet grass (Hierochloe odorata)

Stonebreaker (Phyllanthus niruri) stems, aerial part

Strawberry (Fragaria) fruit
Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) leaves, rind
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) leaves, root

Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) leaves

Volatile oil: terpinen-4-ol

Volatile oil, antioxidants: epicatechin
Volatile oil
Oil, volatile oil, catechins, caffeine, gallic

Volatile oil
Antioxidants 5,8-dihydroxycoumarin,
Irones, iridals
Essential oil
Carotenoids, -tocopherol
Artemisinin (antimalaric compound),
artemisinic acid, scopoletin
Indole alkaloids, antioxidants
Volatile oil: insecticides; lutein

Oleoresin: sesquiterpenes, fatty acids,

aliphatic hydrocarbons, steroids, triterpenes; glycosides: stevioside, rebaudioside A
Oil, oleoresin: pigments, -sitosterol,
Gallic acid, ellagic acid, corilagin
Wax, oil, resin
Oil, bioactive compounds

Bicchi et al. 1993

Yao et al. 1998
Spanos et al. 1993, Okuno et al. 2002
Kohler et al. 1997a,b, Hao et al. 2002, Quispe-Condori et al. 2005, Tzeng et al.
Pereira et al. 2004, 2005, 2007
Wells et al. 1992, Vasudevan et al. 1997, Bicchi et al. 1999, Ma et al. 2008, Gao et
al. 2009, 2010, Skerget et al. 2010
Choi et al. 2000
Sagrero et al. 1994, Tsuda et al. 1995, Luengthanaphol et al. 2004
Smith and Burford 1994
Swift et al. 1994, Braren and Kurzhals 1998, Chang et al. 1999, 2000, Rajaei et
al. 2005, Huang et al. 2007, Kim et al. 2007, 2008, Lee et al. 2007, Park et al.
2007a,b, Shalmashi et al. 2008
Garau and Pittau 1998, Wong et al. 2001

Rafajlovska et al. 2001, Sovova et al. 2004, Sajfrtova et al. 2005, Hojnik et al.
Markom et al. 2007
Polesello et al. 1993
Garcia et al. 1994, de Lucas et al. 2007
Stahl et al. 1980, Calvo et al. 1994, 1998, Favati et al. 1994, Lancas et al. 1994,
Cocero and Calvo 1996, Perrut et al. 1997, Taylor et al. 1997, Bruhl and Matthaus
1999, Matthaus and Bruhl 1999, 2001, Royer and Barth 2000, Andrich et al. 2001,
Cocero and Garcia 2001, Bravi et al. 2002, Kiriamiti et al. 2002, Luque-Garcia
and de Castro 2004, Salgin et al. 2006, Casas et al. 2007, 2008, Hegel et al. 2007
Sokolova et al. 2005
Grigonis et al. 2005

Hawthorne et al. 1988, Orav et al. 1998, Sedlakova et al. 2003b

Catchpole et al. 2000, 2002, Cui and Ang 2002, Mannila et al. 2002, 2003,
Dimitrieska-Stojkovic and Zdravkovski 2003, Rompp et al. 2004, Seger et al.
2004, Smelcerovic et al. 2004, Wang et al. 2004, Glisic et al. 2008
Szentmihalyi et al. 1998, Gamse and Marr 1999, Skerget et al. 2000, Hadolin et al.
2001, Skerget and Knez 2001
Stahl and Gerard 1982a, Liu 1996, Tuan and Ilangantileke 1997, Della Porta et al.
Liu et al. 1997, Pasquel et al. 1999, 2000, Choi et al. 2002b, Yoda et al. 2003

Volatile oil
Volatile oil, alkanes, fatty acids, waxes,
phytosterols, phloroglucinols hyperforin,
adhyperforin; quercetin, rutin
Oil, silymarin, pigments, tocopherols,
Volatile oil: anethole

Spruce (Picea abies, P. omorica, P. pungens) needle

St Johns wort (hyperici herba) (Hypericum perforatum L.) aerial part, flowers

St Marys thistle, milk thistle (Silybum marianum)

fruit, seed
Star anise (Illicium verum) fruit


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials


Volatile oil, fatty acids, hydrocarbons

Tar precursors, nicotine, N-nitrosamines,
volatile oil, tetra-acyl sucrose esters
Oil, carotenoids: lycopene, -carotene;
tocopherols, sitosterols

Lipophilic top phase, crystalline base

phase, coumarin
Volatile oil: trans-thujone, camphor,
Wax: fatty acids, primary alcohols,
alkanes, sterols, diketones
Volatile oil, antioxidants, antimutagens
Oil, carotenoids
Volatile oil, curcuminoids, turmerones

Tirphal (Zanthoxylum rhesta) fruit

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, syn. Lycopersicon

esculentum) seed, fruit pulp, skin

Tonka bean tree (Dipteryx odorata, Coumarouna

odorata) beans
Tree wormwood (Artemisia arborescens) aerial part

Triticale (Triticosecale) straw

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Volatile oil
- and -Carotene
Volatile oil: khusinol, khusilal
Volatile oil: biocides, antibacterial and
antifungal substances
Fatty oil: non-polar lipids, glycolipids,
phospholipids, tocopherols

Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) beans

Vassoura (Baccharis dracunculifolia)
Vegetables various
Vetiver (Vernonia zizanioides) root

Walnut tree (Juglans nigra) nuts

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) fruit

West Indian lantana (Lantana camara)

Wheat (Triticum vulgare, T. aestivum) germ, flour,


Volatile oil, valepotriates, valerenic acid,


Valerian (Valeriana wallichii, V. officinalis) root

Tropical almond (Terminalia catappa) leaves, seed

Tucuma palm (Astrocaryum vulgare) pulp
Turmeric (Curcuma longa, C. zedoaria) rhizomes

Bestmann et al. 1985, Hawthorne et al. 1988, Hartonen et al. 1992, Dapkevicius et
al. 1996, Fekete et al. 1996, Oszagyan et al. 1996, Ribeiro et al. 1998, de Melo et
al. 2000, Moldao-Martins et al. 2000, 2002, Zekovic et al. 2000, 2001, 2003, De
Gioannis et al. 2001, Simandi et al. 2001, Diaz-Maroto et al. 2005, Dawidowicz et
al. 2009, Babovi et al. 2010
Rout et al. 2007
Hubert and Vitzthum 1978, Donsi et al. 1990, Prokopczyk et al. 1992, 1995,
Uematsu et al. 1994, Yonei et al. 1995b, Fischer and Jefferies 1996, Rincon et al.
1998, Stojanovic et al. 2000, Palic et al. 2002, Ashraf-Khorassani et al. 2005
Roy et al. 1994a, 1996a, Favati et al. 1997, Inakuma et al. 1998, Baysal et al. 2000,
Cadoni et al. 2000, Ollanketo et al. 2001, Gomez-Prieto et al. 2002, 2003, Rozzi
et al. 2002b, del Castillo et al. 2003, Sabio et al. 2003, Vasapollo 2004, Topal et al.
2006, Blanch et al. 2007, Vagi et al. 2007, Kassama et al. 2008, Nobre et al. 2009
Ehlers et al. 1996

Volatile oil: thymol, pasty products,


Thyme (Thymus vulgaris, T. zygis, T. herba-barona)

leaves, flowering tops

Taniguchi et al. 1985, Saito et al. 1989, Artz and Sauer 1992, Lancas et al. 1994,
King et al. 1996, Gomez et al. 1997, Zhang et al. 1998a, Munoz et al. 1999, Gomez
and de la Ossa 2000, Ge at al. 2002a,b, Panfili et al. 2003, Hubbard et al. 2004,
Eisenmerger et al. 2006, Zacchi et al. 2006, Lucas et al. 2007, Eisenmerger and
Dunford 2008, Shao et al. 2008, Piras et al. 2009

Ko et al. 2002, 2003, Mau et al. 2003

Franca et al. 1999b
Sanagi et al. 1993, Ma et al. 1995, Baumann et al. 2000, Began et al. 2000,
Chassagnez-Mendez et al. 2000a,b, Gopalan et al. 2000, Machado et al. 2000,
Braga et al. 2003, Leal et al. 2003, Chang et al. 2006, Kao et al. 2007
Muravlev and Smetanin 1974, Stahl and Schutz 1980a, Gamse and Marr 1999,
Shohet and Wills 2006, Zizovic et al. 2007b, Safaralie et al. 2008, 2010, Salimi et
al. 2008, Huang et al. 2009
Vitzthum and Hubert 1971, Nguyen et al. 1991, Anklam and Muller 1995
Cassel et al. 2000
Marsili and Callahan 1993
Naik et al. 1989, Blatt and Ciola 1991, Martinez et al. 2004, 2007, Takeuchi et al.
2008, Talansier et al. 2008
Crowe et al. 2002, Oliveira et al. 2002, Crowe and White 2003, Salgin and Salgin
2006, Bernardo-Gil and Casquilho 2007
Vaughn et al. 2008
Vasudevan et al. 1997, Marongiu et al. 2007a

Athukorala and Mazza 2010

Marongiu et al. 2006c


Extract components

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

Yew (Taxus brevifolia, T. cuspidata, T. baccata)

needles, bark
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata) flowers
Zataria multiflora

Yerba mate (Ilex paraguarensis) herbs, leaves

Volatile oil
Volatile oil

Jennings et al. 1992, Heaton et al. 1993, Chun et al. 1994, 1996, Vandana and Teja
1995, Vandana et al. 1996
Stashenko et al. 1996a
Ebrahimzadeh et al. 2003

Stahl and Gerard 1982b, 1983

Peplonski et al. 1994, Gamse and Marr 1999, Bocevska and Sovova 2007,
Barghamadi et al. 2009
Saldana et al. 1999, 2000a,b,c, 2002b, Esmelindro et al. 2004, Cardozo et al.
2007, Jacques et al. 2007
Volatile oil: -thujone, artabsin, absinthin
Volatile oil, oleoresin

Purine alkaloids: caffeine, xanthines,

squalene, tocopherols, sterols, fatty acids,
hydrocarbons, alcohols
Paclitaxel (Taxol), taxicin, baccatin III

Extract components

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) aerial part, flowers

Plant part

(Table 1 continued)

H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials


In the particular case of designing and development of

supercritical processes for extraction of valuable botanic substances, the TMF should be able to model and predict mainly
the solubility of solid solutes in supercritical solvents, and to
a lesser extent the solubility of liquids. However, as discussed
in detail by Fornari et al. (2010), this is not a simple task
because the modelling of the solubility of condensed nonvolatile solutes in supercritical solvents involves a number
of difficulties not usually encountered in other phase equilibrium calculations. In particular
(i) The vapour pressure is the most important indicator
of solubility: However, together with additional purecomponent data, it is often unavailable and cannot be
measured experimentally for relatively non-volatile complex solids, which are most of the solutes of interest.
(ii) The proximity to the critical point: The rapid density
changes and the anomalous behaviour displayed in the
critical region is a challenge to any model applied near
the critical point, which is mathematically singular.
(iii) SCF solutions are often highly asymmetric: The solute
and solvent molecules generally differ greatly in molecular size and in their interaction strengths, leading
to highly non-ideal mixtures. As a result, binary interaction constants must be correlated from data using
conventional corresponding states theory based on
critical properties.
(iv) SCF solutions are highly compressible: This leads to
solvent condensation or clustering about the solute even
in non-polar systems.
In what follows we will briefly outline the thermodynamics
of the phase equilibria exhibited by the systems SCF+botanic
substance without/with an entrainer, followed by a concise
description of the different elements of a TMF: namely thermodynamic mixture models; the methods that are used to
estimate the properties of the extracts when they are not available; and the methods, algorithms, and numerical techniques
to calculate the phase equilibria.
4.1. The thermodynamics of phase equilibria of
SCF+botanic substances systems
4.1.1. Vapour-liquid equilibria The extraction with
SC-CO2 of valuable vegetable oils consisting mainly of triglycerides, with a low fraction of diglycerides, free fatty acids,
and a number of minor components (sterols, tocopherols,
phospholipids, etc.) that have added value as pharmaceuticals
and food additives, and the extraction and fractionation of
essential oils with SC-CO2 requires detailed knowledge of the
of the vapour-liquid (and vapour-liquid-liquid) equilibria of
the systems under consideration (Franceschi et al. 2004).
For vapour-liquid equilibrium, the general equilibrium
relation is

fi L = fi V


where fi L and fi V are the fugacities of component i in the liquid and vapour phases, respectively.

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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

Fugacities are related as

fi L = xi iL P
fi V = yi iV P


where P is the pressure, and xi and yi are mole fractions, and

iL and iV are fugacity coefficients of the i-th component in
the liquid and vapour phase, respectively.
Thus, the solubility (mole fraction) of component i in the
vapour (SC fluid) phase can be expressed as follows:
yi =

xi iL


Thus, the problem is how to calculate the fugacity coefficient of the i-th component in the liquid and vapour phases.
The majority of the systems that we focus
on involve medium- and large-sized solutes at ambient or
slightly elevated temperatures where they are typically pure
solids. Four different modelling approaches are typically used
to describe the solubility of solids in SCFs. These approaches
are density based, dense gas, expanded liquid, and solubility
The density-based approach is an empirical or semiempirical modelling approach that relies on developing a relationship between the solubility and the density of the SCF. The
dense gas and expanded liquid approaches are both equationof-state (EoS) approaches that differ in the way in which the
SCF phase is treated. At high pressures and liquid-like densities common in SFE, the distinction between a gas and a
liquid is difficult. SCFs can therefore be treated either as a gas
or as a liquid (McHugh et al. 1988, McHugh and Krukonis
1994). The dense gas approach treats the SCF as a gas while
the expanded liquid approach treats the SCF as a liquid. The
solubility parameter approach is an expanded liquid approach
that uses the regular solution theory and the solubility parameter concept to develop a model for the solubility of solids
in SCFs.
The density-based approach for modelling solubilities of solids in SCFs attempts to explain the common observation that the
logarithm of the solubility is linearly dependent on the density
or the logarithm of the density of the SCFs (Kumar and Johnston
1988). This approach has been studied by many authors, including Chrastil (1982), Schmitt and Reid (1985), Kumar and
Johnston (1988), Harvey (1990), Bartle et al. (1991a), Mitra and
Wilson (1991), and Liu and Nagahama (1996).
Chrastil (1982) proposed the following relationship
between the solubility and the density:

4.1.2. Solid-SCF

c = k exp + b


where c is the concentration of the solid in the SCF in g l-1,

is the SCF density, T is the temperature, k is the association
number, and a and b are empirical constants. The parameters
k, a, and b are obtained performing a multiple linear regression on the experimental solubility data.

Chrastil (1982) identified the constant a with the heat of

reaction as the solute associates with the solvent and the constant b with a relationship between the molecular weights
of the solute and solvent, and used Eq. (4) to successfully
correlate solubilities of a variety of different compounds in
Adachi and Lu (1983) used Chrastils equation to correlate the solubilities of 37 systems. To obtain reasonable performance, they made the parameter k density dependent and
added two additional parameters. Yun et al. (1991) correlated
cholesterol solubilities in SC-CO2 using Chrastils equation
and obtained a performance ranging from 1.5% to 9%.
Skerget et al. (1995) correlated solubilities of carotene,
oleic acid, and capsaicin in SC-CO2 using Chrastils equation.
The performance of the correlation for these compounds varied from 10% to 34%. Kumar and Johnston (1988) proposed
two new relationships to relate the solubility to the SCF density. The relationships were derived using a dense gas-type
approach, expressing the fugacity coefficient of the supercritical phase in terms of density rather than pressure.
Chrastils equation was used to describe the solubility
behaviour of fatty acids; mono-, di-, and triglycerides; and
fatty acid esters in SC-CO2 (Guclu-Ustundag and Temelli
2000). The authors point out that mono- and diglycerides are
the least studied classes of lipids, although information on
their phase behaviour is essential for the design of processes
such as fractionation of glyceride mixtures or refining of vegetable oils, which are of great commercial importance.
Brennecke and Eckert (1989) state that Chrastils equation
has been the most successful density-based model, but due to
its empirical nature, it is unable to predict phase equilibria.
Additional detailed enumeration of the empirical models most
often applied for modelling of the solubilities of solids in SCFs
can be found in the recent review by Skerget et al. (2011).
4.1.3. The dense gas approach The dense gas approach
for modelling solute solubilities in SCFs begins with equating the fugacities of the solid and SCF phase and the standard formulation of this problem is based on the equi-fugacity
condition for the solute; that is, assuming an EoS model for
the fluid phase and denoting by the superscript S the solid
solute and by the superscript F the fluid phase:

f S(T, P) = f F(T, P, y, V)


where f S is the fugacity of the solute in the pure solid phase,

f F is fugacity of the solute in the fluid-phase solution, y=(y1,
y2, ,yNc)T is the vector of fluid-phase mole fractions, and V is
the molar volume of the fluid from an EoS model. Additional
relationships that must be satisfied are the summation to one
of the fluid-phase mole fractions.
As discussed by Fornari et al. (2010), there have been a
number of efforts at introducing mathematical artifices for
solid-phase fugacity within traditional fluid-phase equilibrium EoS descriptions. Some investigators have attempted
to modify the EoS so that it may predict the existence of a
solid phase. However, it has been more common to take a
popular EoS and use it directly in solid-fluid equilibrium

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calculations by introducing a solid-phase fugacity function

defined in terms of a fluid-phase reference state. Two different approaches are popular.
According to the first approach, originally proposed by
McHugh et al. (1988), the solid vapour pressure is used as
the reference fugacity of the solid. Thus, for the simple case
of binary solid-gas equilibria, and if the solid solute in the
system is denoted by subscript 2, then:


f2S = P2s s2 exp


where P2s (T) is the sublimation (vapour) pressure of the pure

solid, S2 is the fugacity coefficient at sublimation pressure, and
v2S is the molar volume of the solid, all at temperature T.
The fugacity of the solute in the supercritical phase is
f2G = y2 PG2


where 2 is the fugacity coefficient and y2 is the solubility
(mole fraction) of the solute in the SCF.
For phase equilibrium between a high-boiling compound
and a SCF whose critical temperature is low, the following
three assumptions are usually introduced: (i) the solid solute
remains pure since the size and shape of solute and solvent
molecules are ordinarily sufficiently different and hence
solid solutions do not form; (ii) the molar volume of the
solid solute can be treated as a constant with respect to pressure; and (iii) the saturated vapour of the solid solute-vapour
(pure) system behaves as an ideal gas. The fugacity coefficient takes into account deviations of the saturated vapour
from ideal gas behaviour and the Poynting factor (the exponential term) takes into account the effect of pressure.
Furthermore, since the solid phase is pure (assumption 1),
the fugacity of the solute in the solid state is equal to the pure
solid fugacity and Eq. (6) can be rewritten as follows:

vS P -Psub1
(T )
f2S = Psubl
(T )subl



Applying further assumption 2 and the thermodynamic

equilibrium condition [Eq. (5)], the mole fraction of the solid
component in the supercritical phase can be expressed as
y2 =




v P -P
s2 exp


s2 exp




The enhancement factor E contains three correction terms:

s2 , which takes into account non-ideality of the pure saturated vapour; the Poynting correction, which gives the effect


of pressure on the fugacity of the pure solid; and G2. Of all

three correction terms, the last one is by far the most important. In most practical cases, the sublimation pressure of
the solid is quite small and thus s2 is nearly equal to unity
(assumption 3). The Poynting correction is not negligible,
but it generally accounts for an enhancement factor <2 or
3. However, G2 is always far removed from unity and can
produce very large enhancement factors. The solubility in an
ideal gas is y2 = 2 ; hence, the large solubility enhancements
in SCFs relative to an ideal gas are due to exceptionally
small values of G2. The above equation represents the basis
for the dense gas approach for modelling solubilities in SCFs.
This equation relies on the adequate evaluation of 2 , at the
specified conditions of P and T.
Therefore, the solute solubility is primarily a function of
the solid solute pure compound physical properties, the system temperature and pressure, and the fugacity coefficient
of the solid solute in the SCF. The fugacity coefficient is the
property calculated by a thermodynamic model.
The second approach, introduced originally by Kikic et al.
(1997), implements the fugacity of a hypothetical subcooled
liquid phase, as the reference of the solid phase fugacity.
Thus, the solid-phase fugacity function, for a pure solute solid
phase at temperature T and pressure P, defined in terms of a
hypothetical liquid-phase fugacity as a reference state, and
disregarding the change in specific heat because of its negligible effect, is given as follows:
Hfus 1 1
dP +
f S = f SCL ( P, T )exp
R Tm T


Implicitly assuming that there are no solid-solid phase

transitions and provided the solid specific volume at the subcooled liquid state V SCL is weakly dependent on pressure,
Eq. (10) can be written as follows:
f S = f SCL ( P, T )exp


H 1 1
P -Psubl
(T ) + fus -

R Tm T


In Eq. (10), f SCL is the fugacity of the pure subcooled liquid,

Hfus is the enthalpy of fusion, Vfus=V S-V SCL is the change in
volume, all taken for the solute at its triple point.
Often the second approach should be preferred because of
the following reasons:
(i) With the use of Eq. (6a) for the calculation of solid fugacity, it is not usually possible to fit the normal melting
point (Tfus) of the solid compound. On the other hand,
use of Eq. (10a) reproduces the normal melting point of
the solid compound since it is an input parameter for this
(ii) The first part of the exponential term in Eq. (10a),
Vfus=V S-V SCL, is important at higher pressures and
should not be eliminated.

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100 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

In Eq. (10a), the data that are required for calculating the
fugacity of the pure solid phase are as follows: the fugacity of
the pure solute in the subcooled liquid phase (calculated from
a thermodynamic model), the enthalpy of fusion at the triple
point (HTP), the triple point temperature (TTP), the triple point
pressure (PTP), and the change in molar volume assumed to be
a constant upon fusion (VTP).
The theory behind lattice gas
models is based on the fact that the molecules are distributed
over a three-dimensional lattice (Brennecke and Eckert 1989)
and that these molecules interact with a mean-field-type intermolecular potential (McHugh and Krukonis 1994). A number
of holes are placed at specific lattice sites to obtain the correct density (McHugh and Krukonis 1994). Lattice gas models are reviewed by Johnston et al. (1989), Brennecke and
Eckert (1989) and McHugh and Krukonis (1994). Brennecke
and Eckert (1989) conclude in their review that, although
the lattice gas equations are theoretically based, their performance in terms of modelling solubilities is poorer than the
performance of cubic and perturbed EoSs.
4.1.4. Lattice gas models

4.1.5. Expanded liquid approach The expanded liquid

approach for modelling solute solubilities in SCFs begins with
equating the fugacities of the solid and SCF phase. Assuming
the solid is pure, the fugacity of the solid is calculated using the
same equation as in the dense gas approach. The fugacity of the
SCF phase, treated as an expanded liquid, is written as follows:
f2SCF = y2 2 f pure


where 2 is the activity coefficient of the solute in the liquid

The expanded liquid approach has an advantage over the
dense gas approach in that it does not require integration
through the critical region. The expanded liquid approach,
however, requires the evaluation of two parameters, the activity coefficient and the partial molar volume of the solute at infinite dilution, versus one parameter in the dense gas approach.
Mackay and Paulaitis (1979) found that the expanded liquid
approach did not provide better solubility correlation performance than the dense gas approach and therefore the introduction of a second parameter is not warranted.
The solubility
parameter approach is an expanded liquid approach that uses
the regular solution theory to determine the solubility and
activity coefficient, according to the following relations:

4.1.6. Solubility parameter approaches

ln y2 = -

H fus Tm2

ln 2 =

-1 - ln 2

V2 2
( - )2
RT 1 1 2



where V2 is the solute molar volume in a hypothetical liquid state, 1=(x1V1)/(x1V1+x2V2) is the volume fraction of the

solvent, V1 is the molar volume of the liquid solvent, and

1 and 2 are, respectively, the solvent and solute solubility
parameters, defined by:
1/ 2

i = i

i =1, 2


where Ui is the vapourisation energy and Vi is the liquid

molar volume. Thus, Eqs. (12) and (13) represent the functional form of the RST, using solubility parameters to calculate the solubility.
Ekart et al. (1991) and Brennecke and Eckert (1989), in
summarising the efforts that have been made to use the RST
in correlating solubilities in SCFs, point out that semiempirical modifications of the theory have been required.
4.2. Thermodynamic models

Reliable thermodynamics mixture models that are able to

describe the extremely complex phase behaviour of the systems studied are a vital element of the TMF. An ideal thermodynamic model is a model that uses easily measured physical
properties to predict phase equilibria at all conditions and is
theoretically based. Still, up to the present time, no current
model fits these criteria. Existing correlations of phase equilibria data contain many regressed parameters, are semiempirical at best, and may succeed in fitting the data in portions
of the phase diagram with some accuracy (Ekart et al. 1991).
The dense gas approach is an EoS approach that treats the
supercritical phase as a gas and is currently the most widely
used for representing the phase equilibria of asymmetric systems at high pressures. It requires the evaluation of the fugacity coefficient using an EoS valid over the entire density range
studied, and hence an adequate relationship to describe the
P-V-T behaviour of the SCF phase.
The dense gas approach requires the evaluation of the
fugacity coefficient and hence a variety of different relationships exist to describe this relationship. The most commonly
used are the cubic equations of state.
4.2.1. Equations of state Both cubic and noncubic EoSs
have been used to model the solubility of solids in SCFs, and a
summary of the models and methods used can be found inAshour
et al. (2000).
Cubic EoSs are derived from the equation, which takes
attractive and repulsive forces into account, and was proposed for the first time by van der Waals. Currently, cubic
EoSs, in combination with different mixing rules, are the
most widely used models for the calculation of solubilities
of solid solutes in SCF. The recent contribution of Fornari et
al. (2010) is devoted entirely to the application of cubic EoSs
to correlating the solubility of solid compounds in SCFs. The
authors offer a detailed critical analysis of the cubic EoSs
advantages and shortcomings in fulfilling the above tasks and
stress that to model adequately SC fluid-solid phase equilibria
or SCF+liquid equilibria using an EoS approach, the EoSs
employed must be able to describe both the fluid-phase and

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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

the solid (liquid) phase behaviour reliably. To realize that, two

avenues are usually pursued improvement of mixing rules
and improvement of the existing EoS and development of
new models and Fornari et al. (2010) present an analysis of
van der Waals one-fluid mixing rule and its modifications.
Haselow et al. (1986) evaluated seven cubic EoSs and two
non-cubic EoSs for the prediction of SFE. They suggested
that there is a need to develop new mixing rules, otherwise no
existing cubic EoS with the traditional van der Waals mixing
rules can yield good predictions. Yamamoto et al. (1987) evaluated two EoSs, namely the perturbed hard sphere (PHS) EoS
that comprises the Carnahan-Starling equation repulsive term
and the Soave attractive term, and the Soave-Redlich-Kwong
(SRK) EoS (Soave 1972) for the prediction of the solubilities
of high-boiling compounds in SCFs. They reported that the
performance of the SRK-EoS seems slightly better than that
of the PHS-EoS, and it was pointed out that the selection of
mixing rules is more important than the equation itself. Lee
et al. (1989) conducted a similar study to examine three cubic
EoSs for the prediction of solid solubilities in SCFs with
co-solvent. Weber et al. (1999) modelled the solubility of
tristearin, tripalmitin, and triolein with the Redlich-KwongAspen EoS and the Mathias-Klotz-Prausnitz mixing rule: the
relative deviation of calculated and experimental solubility
in the gas-phase was high, whereas the absolute deviation
was considerably small. Yamamoto et al. (2000) correlated
solubilities and entrainer effects for fatty acids and higher
alcohols in SC-CO2 using SRK EoS with association model.
Ismadji and Bhatia (2003) demonstrated that the one- or twoparameter van der Waals mixing rule with the Peng-Robinson
(PR) EoS model failed to predict the solubility of some esters
in SC-CO2, but the Stryjek-Vera mixing rules were able to
correlate the experimental data fairly well.
One empirical approach to eliminate the shortcomings of
the van der Waals one-fluid model for a cubic EoS has been to
provide additional composition dependence by adding parameters to the combining rule for the parameter amix, generally leaving the mixing rule for the parameter bmix unchanged.
Some examples are the combining rules of Panagiotopoulos
et al. (1986), Adachi and Sugie (1986), Sandoval et al. (1989)
and Schwartzentruber and Renon (1989a,b). However,
there are several problems associated with this multiparameter combining rules that limit their use. One is that
because of added composition dependence in the parameter
amix, this group of combining rules fails to satisfy the theoretical quadratic composition dependence of the second virial
Ashour et al. (2000) have shown that incorporating additional parameters in the cubic EoS does not significantly
improve the prediction of the solubility of the solid in the
SCF. However, this study did not take into account the dependence of the interaction EoS parameters with respect to temperature. Nicolas et al. (2005) considered different mixing
rules associated with the Sanchez-Lacombe EoS, and the
results were compared with those obtained with the PR equation. For this purpose, binary mixtures of solids with SC-CO2,
ethane, ethylene, and xenon were investigated. Several mixing rules were considered, among which classical kij and lij


and the generalised composition-dependent mixing rule originally proposed by Adachi and Sugie (1986) and generalised
by Hernandez-Garduza et al. (2001), to avoid the invariance
problem pointed out by Michelsen and Kistenmacher (1990).
With Sanchez-Lacombe EoS, two versions were studied: kij( 0 ) ,
kij(1) mixing rule associated with a linear co-volume b, and kij( 0 ),
kij(1), lij mixing rule where b is a quadratic function of molar
fractions. It was shown that, in many cases, the range of solubility data was too narrow to allow estimating meaningful kij( 0 ),
kij(1) values. The correlation of data in a large range of temperatures by means of classical mixing rules requires taking
into account a temperature dependence of binary interaction
parameters. It was observed that, with the proposed temperature function, only three parameters associated with the
kij (T) and lij, or kij and lij(T) mixing rules allow to predict
solubility data with an accuracy comparable to that of isothermal correlation. The PR-EoS results at the same conditions
were of the same accuracy, provided a temperature dependence of EoS parameters was considered.
Another interesting approach was advocated by Ruckenshtein and Shulgin (2001) who suggested a family of mixing
rules for the cubic EoS in which the empirical binary interaction parameter k12 in the van der Waals mixing rule was
replaced by a physically more meaningful parameter. In the
new mixing rules, some mole fractions in the expressions of
parameters amix and bmix in the van der Waals mixing rules were
replaced with various expressions for the local mole fractions.
The family of the new mixing rules can contain one, two, or
even three parameters, and thus they are quite flexible regarding the number of adjustable parameters. In particular, it was
shown that the new mixing rules with two or three adjustable
parameters provided better correlations of the experimental
data for the solubilities of the antibiotic penicillin in SCF CO2
than the conventional mixing rules or the empirical expressions containing many more parameters.
To avoid the two principal limitations of the dense-gas/
cubic EoS approach and in an attempt to improve the modelling success that is, in some cases, only semiquantitative,
researchers have focused on developing more sophisticated
mixing rules and EoS (Colussi et al. 1992), e.g., Rao and
Mukhopadhyay (1989), Sheng et al. (1992), Bartle et al.
(1992a) and Carleson et al. (1993). Rao and Mukhopadhyay
(1989) and Sheng et al. (1992) proposed new mixing rules
to attempt to improve correlation results. Nishiumi et al.
(1988), Bartle et al. (1992a), and Carleson et al. (1993) developed new relationships for the binary interaction parameter
that avoid the need for experimental data. Schmitt and Reid
(1986) therefore adopt a new approach that still remains a
dense gas approach, which uses the PR-EoS to evaluate the
fugacity coefficient but the EoS parameters of the mixture are
not calculated in the conventional manner.
Another alternative to van der Waals one-fluid mixing
rules and a very attractive route to developing better mixing
rules is to combine EoS with activity coefficient models thus
combining the advantages of successful cubic EoS and GE
models, such as the Universal Functional Activity Coefficient
(UNIFAC) model (Fornari et al. 2010). A number of models

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102 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

that are essentially all mixing rules for the energy parameter
of cubic EoS has appeared (see, e.g., Huron and Vidal 1979,
Mollerup 1986, Dahl and Michelsen 1990, Michelsen 1990a,
Dahl et al. 1991, Holderbaum and Gmehling 1991, Wong and
Sandler 1992).
EoS/GE models have been applied mainly to modelling
vapour-liquid systems and only to a limited extent to solidgas systems (see, e.g., Sheng et al. 1992, Spiliotis et al. 1994,
Chen et al. 1995, Escobedo-Alvarado et al. 2001, Huang et
al. 2001, Sovova et al. 2001a, to name a few). Tochigi et al.
(1998) applied the PR-EoS with the analytical solutions of
group (PRASOG) method to estimate solid solubilities in
SC-CO2 and indicated its applicability. Coutsikos et al. (2003)
evaluate the linear combination of Vidal and Michelsen mixing rules (LCVM) EoS model (Boukouvalas et al. 1994,
Voutsas et al. 1996), which combines the PR-EoS with original UNIFAC using an EoS/GE type mixing rule, for solid-gas
equilibria applications including systems with co-solvents, and
studied the influence of using vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE)based parameters for making SGE predictions. The LCVM
model has a large parameter table including gases and it has
been shown to yield quantitatively satisfactory predictions for
binary solid+gas systems involving aromatic hydrocarbons,
aliphatic acids, and some alcohols. Poor results were obtained,
however, for complex solids, e.g., naproxen and cholesterol.
Another model that can be used successfully to calculate and
predict the solubility of a solid solute in SCFs is the predictive
SRK (PSRK) EoS (Holderbaum and Gmehling 1991). PSRK
has also a large parameter table available enabling the representation of a wide variety of complex natural products.
Jaubert et al. (1999) performed phase equilibria calculations
of mixtures involving SC-CO2 and fatty acid esters (FAE) by
combining at a constant packing fraction the PR-EoS and the
Van Laar GE model. A new group O=C-O was added, and the
fully predictive model thus obtained was used to predict the
phase behaviour of a real fish oil containing 30 different fatty
acid ethyl esters. In a further study, Jaubert et al. (2001) compared the phase equilibria predictions for systems of carbon
dioxide and two different fatty acid ethyl esters eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid ethyl esters of the
Jaubert et al. (1999) model with that developed by Coniglio
et al. (1995), namely the MHV1-QB approach. The MHV1-QB
approach combines the SRK-EoS with a quadratic expression for the mixture b parameter, and a constant value for
the binary interaction parameter lij = 0.3, with the first order
modified Huron-Vidal mixing rule (MHV1) proposed by
Michelsen (1990b). It was demonstrated that the MHV1-QB
model lead to very good results at low pressures but overestimated the bubble point pressures in the vicinity of the critical
point and all the dew point pressures. Jaubert et al. (1999)
model performed better in the vicinity of the critical point and
for the dew point prediction, which was explained by some
intrinsic features of the two models.
Araujo and Meireles (2000) applied the PR equation with
van der Waals mixing rules and combining rules with two
parameters and three binary parameters of Kwak and Mansoori
(1986) and Park et al. (1987) to the systems containing fatand oil-related compounds in SC-CO2. Preference was given

to correlating experimental data for both phases, which is perhaps the most difficult form of correlating vapour-liquid equilibrium data with cubic EoS considering the importance of
this information for the design of supercritical fractionation
systems. On the basis of the absolute mean deviation for mole
fractions, it was concluded that the PR equation with van der
Waals mixing rules for the three different combining rules
described qualitatively all the important characteristics of the
vapour-liquid equilibrium of the systems studied. The differences among the results obtained with the analysed combining rules were not significant. On the other hand, the absolute
mean deviations for the vapour phase obtained were smaller
compared with the Soave equation and the mixing rules of
MHV1 and MHV2, and the LCVM model for the majority of
the binary and ternary systems studied. Therefore, concluded
the authors, if experimental data are available, a simple model
as the one discussed predicts the phase equilibrium of complex system within the required accuracy for project design.
On the other hand, in the absence of experimental data, the
entirely predictive EoS/GE models are very useful.
Huang et al. (2001) applied the PR-EoS and a modified
Huron-Vidal type mixing model with a volume correction
term to calculate the solid solubilities of aromatic, fatty acid,
and heavy alcohol compounds in SC-CO2. The UNIFAC
activity coefficient model with its optimally fitted binary
interaction parameters was used and a volume correction term
was employed, and its parameters were correlated as functions of the solid molar volume for both non-polar and polar
Escobedo-Alvarado et al. (2001) used the Wong-Sandler
mixing rule and the PR-EoS to model the solubility of solid
phases in SCFs. More recently, Vieira de Melo et al. (2005)
applied the PR-LCVM-UNIFAC model to model the solubility of caffeic acid and l-dopa in the SC-CO2-rich phase.
Gracin et al. (2002) examined the ability of the original
UNIFAC method to predict solubilities of very different solid
organic fine and specialty chemicals, organic intermediates,
and pharmaceutically important compounds in 15 industrially
important solvents.
Valderrama et al. (2003) proposed a model that includes
an EoS and an excess Gibbs free energy model and applied
it to the correlation of phase equilibria in gas+solid systems
containing SC-CO2. A modified regular solution model for
the excess Gibbs free energy that considers nonpolar, polar,
and hydrogen-bonding contributions and a generalised threeconstant EoS was advocated. The mixing rule derived for the
model includes a concentration-dependent interaction parameter and an interaction parameter into one of the volume
constants of the EoS. Literature data for nine binary gas+solid
systems containing SC-CO2 were used for testing the proposed model.
Espinosa et al. (2002) applied the group contribution (GC)
EoS proposed by Skjold-Jorgensen (1988) to model highpressure phase equilibria in mixtures of fatty oils and acid
alkyl esters with SCFs. The GC-EoS is based on the generalised van der Waals partition function and a group contribution principle. The repulsive term is a Carnahan-Starling-type
expression, which is characterised by the critical hard-sphere

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diameter, and it is considered a function of the molecular size

of the pure component. The attractive term is calculated using
the non-random two liquid (NRTL) model with density-dependent mixing rules. Espinosa et al. (2002) represented the
fatty oil by a pseudo-triacylglyceride with the same molecular weight and degree of unsaturation of the natural oil. The
critical hard sphere diameter of the oil, i.e., the size-related
parameter, was determined from the correlation of infinite
dilution activity coefficients of n-alkanes in high molecular
weight triacylglycerides and hydrocarbons. Good predictions of vapour-liquid, liquid-liquid, and vapour-liquid-liquid
equilibria in mixtures of supercritical solvents (propane, ethane, and CO2) with pure triacylglycerides, natural vegetable
oils, and fatty acid alkyl esters were obtained. The authors
conclude that the results obtained show the capability of the
GC-EoS model to describe the phase equilibria of size-asymmetric mixtures and its potential for modelling supercritical
processes involving oils and derivatives.
In new developments, Chafer et al. (2004, 2005) and de
la Fuente et al. (2005) also applied the GC-EoS to model the
solubility of quercetin and carnosic acid, and capsaicin in
SC-CO2 and compared its capabilities with those of SRK.
Still, the use of this group contribution approach can be
considered to be quite demanding while dealing with the
amount of necessary regressed parameters and with the calculation of the association contributions for multiple associating groups.
At this stage, we feel that the following should be underlined: the key assumption of all group contribution approaches
such as UNIFAC is that molecules can be broken down into
functional groups that can be treated as being independent
of the rest of the molecule. Interaction parameters between
groups are determined by correlation of the model to experimental data. For UNIFAC parameters, for example, more than
60 different functional groups are determined simultaneously
in an extensive optimisation where the total deviation between
the UNIFAC model and huge amounts of experimental data
is minimised. Because of the complexity of this optimisation,
parameter values are primarily correlation values rather than
describing the actual physics in each particular interaction,
and of course this limits the possibility to extrapolate the use
into new situations. Furthermore, the values of the UNIFAC
parameters to be used have been determined from vapour-liquid equilibrium data because these are the most extensive data
that are available. From a physical point of view these interaction parameters should be equally useful for solid-liquid equilibria. However, because of deviations from the underlying
assumptions and because of the complexity of the parameter
determination, the extrapolation to solid-liquid systems is not
necessarily valid.
The practical problems associated with the application of
the UNIFAC-based mixing rules are that many solid solute
compound molecules extracted from natural matrices are
more complex than the molecules normally encountered in
gas-liquid equilibria. In addition, these molecules sometimes
contain functional groups for which UNIFAC parameters are
unavailable. Also, even if all group definitions exist, a subset
of the relevant parameters is unavailable. These problems can


be eliminated with sufficient and accurate experimental data.

Frequently, however, this involves a rather large number of
parameters compared with the amount of data available.
Finally, all group contribution methods discussed thus
far treat the light gases, such as CO2, as individual groups,
and hence the volume and surface area parameters for these
groups must be determined. In some cases, as pointed out by
Fornari et al. (2010), these structural parameters are estimated
using semitheoretical methods like those of Bondi (1964) and
Apostolou et al. (1995) but their values are essentially arbitrary and differ from those given by Dahl et al. (1991), the
size parameters of the latter being about twice the size of the
gases of Apostolou et al. (1995). There has not been a thorough analysis of which values are the best. In addition, these
values must be set before the optimum values of the group
interaction parameters of the UNIFAC model can be found,
and hence any deficiency that exists in the selection of these
structural parameters will inevitably affect the group interaction parameters (Orbey and Sandler 1998).
4.2.2. Other models Cubic EoSs are exceedingly simple
and have been remarkably successful in modelling SCFphase behaviour and are probably the most widely used in
analysing experimental data. Moreover, the cubic EoS must
be the equation of choice for process design of any complex
system because the interactions are too involved to justify the
use of a more fundamentally based equation. However, all
of the cubic EoSs were originally developed to characterise
hydrocarbons, and they embody a very wrong component of
the corresponding state theory. This theory assumes similarity of molecular size and force constant an assumption that
does not work for the highly asymmetric in force constant
and size SC systems. Furthermore, cubic EoSs are least precise in the region near the critical point, and are completely
inapplicable right at the critical point, which is mathematically singular. This is because many cubic EoSs predict common value for the critical compressibility factor for all fluids,
Zc = 0.303, while real values vary from 0.2 to 0.5 (Valderrama
2003, Valderrama and Alvarez 2004).
Furthermore, the rapid density changes and the anomalous
behaviour displayed in the critical region are a further challenge for EoS models. Thus, attempts to modify mixing rules,
making them variable in density, temperature, or composition
may be useful, but are stopgap solutions. The real need is to
develop better EoSs. One response to this challenge is the
application of the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT)
to model SFE.
To overcome the use of empirical corrections to cubic EoSs
or G E mixing rules, the breakthrough in the modelling of polar
and highly non-ideal systems came with the development of
more rigorous explicit association models. A semiempirical
EoS that was developed in the late 1980s and has gained considerable popularity in both the academic and industrial communities is the SAFT. SAFT is derived from the first-order
thermodynamic perturbation theory of Wertheim (1984a,b,
1986a,b), where the reference fluid is a hard sphere and the
perturbation consists of the relatively weak dispersive attractions. In SAFT, the Helmholtz free energy is written as the

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104 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

sum of contributions due to hard-sphere repulsive interactions, due to chain formation through bonding of a number
of hard spheres, and due to association and dispersion. From
the several successful modifications of SAFT that have been
advocated, the one suggested by Huang and Radosz (1990,
1991) should be mentioned in particular.
Although the approach is very successful in modelling the
phase equilibria of complex systems, research dealing with
its application to the modelling of the solubility of solids in
SCFs is rather scarce (Muller and Gubbins 2001). Economou
et al. (1992) used the SAFT EoS to correlate the solubility
of polynuclear aromatics in supercritical ethylene and ethane,
where a total of six systems were adopted and the correlated
results showed that good agreement with experimental data
can be obtained with the SAFT EoS.
Zhong and Yang (2002) carried out a comprehensive investigation of the capability of the SAFT approach for modelling
the solubility of solids in SCFs. They adopted an extended
SAFT EoS combined with eight mixing rules to evaluate the
capability of the SAFT approach. The results show that the
SAFT approach gives good correlative accuracy in general,
and that it can be used to model solid-SCF equilibria, which
gives slightly better correlative accuracy than the cubic EoSs.
In their further work, the authors apply the SAFT approach
to model the solubility of solid aromatic compounds in SCFs
with co-solvents (Yang and Zhong 2005).
Efforts to develop new models and improve the existing ones
with the view to represent in a more comprehensive manner the
complex interaction between the solid+SCF are continuing. We
will briefly discuss some of them without either the ambition to
be exhaustive or that all new models are covered.
Vetere (1998) presented an empirical correlation with two
parameters, namely molecular weight and melting point for
the prediction of solid solubility. In a similar development,
Mendez-Santiago and Teja (1999) showed that a simple linear
expression, based on the theory of dilute solutions, can be used
to correlate solid solubility data. The linear relationship may
also be used to check the consistency of experimental data. The
proposed equation for solid solubility requires knowledge of
the sublimation pressure of the solid of interest, and the authors
advocated another relationship for the solid solubility that
incorporates a Clausius-Clapeyron equation for the sublimation pressure. Although the resulting expression contains three
parameters, it was demonstrated that these parameters are independent of temperature and pressure. The proposed expression may therefore be used to extrapolate data to temperatures
where experimental information may not be available.
The molecular interactions near the critical point and high
pressures have recently been studied intensively. The solutesolvent interactions near the critical point are strong. The
studies that show these phenomena observed clusters in solutions aggregates of solvent around solute of dilute organics in SCFs (see, e.g., Walsh et al. 1987, Eckert and Knutson
1993, Zhang et al. 1995a). Cheng et al. (2003) calculated solid
solubility by applying the equilibrium criteria for the cluster
formation process. The simplified cluster-solvation model
has two temperature-independent binary parameters, and it
was observed that the overall deviation in solid solubility

calculations from this model is comparable to that from other

semiempirical models with more optimally fitted parameters.
Solute-solute interactions are also important, as observed
by Kurnik and Reid (1982) and Kwiatkowski et al. (1984).
Brennecke and Eckert (1989) presented evidence for both
solute-solvent and solute-solute interactions, due to the formation of dimers, even at very low concentrations using
spectroscopic studies. They recommended using solute-solute
interactions to develop EoSs.
Zhong et al. (1998) suggested a model for correlating the solubility of solids in SCFs. This model is based on the fact that the
free solute molecules, the solvent molecules, and the solventsolute clusters in such solid-SCF systems are in chemical equilibrium. The local density of the solvent surrounding a solute is
used as a one parameter. The model can correlate the solubility
data that are not in immediate region to the critical point of the
solvent. Jiang et al. (1998) presented an equation for solubility
behaviour representation derived from the solvation concept.
Cheng et al. (2002) also explored the application of a modified regular solution model as an alternative method without the need of critical constants to the modelling of solid
solubility of complex biological compounds, including steroids, antioxidants, xanthines, drugs, and heavy aromatic in
SC-CO2. They compared their results with those obtained
using semiempirical equations and EoS approaches. It was
demonstrated that with two or with a single parameter in the
solution model, satisfactory results are obtained that are comparable to those from other methods with more parameters.
The optimally fitted parameters in the solution model method
are presented and the generalisation of the solution model
parameters as a function of pure solid property is illustrated.
Ruckenstein and Shulgin (2002) developed a predictive
method for the solubility of a solid in a SCF containing an
entrainer at any concentration. They presented a method
based on the Kirkwood-Buff formalism, and expressions for
the derivatives of the fugacity coefficient of the solute in a ternary mixture with respect to the mole fractions were obtained.
On the basis of these expressions, an algebraic equation,
which allowed one to predict the solubility of a solid solute
in terms of its solubilities in the SCF and in the entrainer, was
derived. The equation was compared with the experimental
results available in the literature regarding the solubility in a
mixture of SCFs and good agreement was obtained.
Li et al. (2003) studied the solubility of solids in SCFs by
chemical association reaction method, and both cases of with
and without co-solvent were considered. On the basis of the
thermodynamic and association reaction equilibrium theories,
a model for the solubility of solids in SCFs under association
reactions was developed. It reduces to normal solubility calculation model when there are no co-solvent and association
reactions. The model was tested with the experimental data
collected from the literature, and the results show that it is
more accurate than other models.
4.3. Solute properties estimation

The systems that we focus on involve medium- and largesized solutes at ambient or slightly elevated temperatures

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where they are typically pure solids. Such substances usually

have the following characteristics: molar mass >100 g mol-1;
polyfunctionality (two or more functional groups); multiple
molecular conformations; complex molecular interactions,
such as large dipoles, high polarisability, hydrogen bonding,
and charge-transfer complexes; and, very importantly, limited
amounts of reliable measured data, as their critical parameters
and/or melting properties cannot be determined experimentally (Fornari et al. 2010).
Correlation of solubility requires not only robust thermodynamic models but reliable methods to estimate the values of
the solid compounds thermophysical properties (e.g., critical
and melting properties) because inaccuracy in the properties
plays a major role in the quality of the SFE predictions. This
is a very challenging task on its own, moreover that there are
very big deviations between the values estimated and reported
by the different authors applying different methods. In view
of this, a range of effective methods to estimate the solute
properties should be available within the TMF.
The two groups of properties of the pure solid solute
required for modelling its solubility in SCF are its critical
parameters and melting properties. For a liquid solute (such
as essential oils, and di- and triglycerides), only critical parameters are required, while for a solid solute both the critical
and the melting properties are needed.
For most of the solutes
extracted from vegetable material, the critical properties may
not be experimentally accessible because of thermal cracking below their critical temperature. Hence, the values of the
critical parameters and normal boiling temperatures should
be considered as hypothetical quantities rather than properties
with any physical meaning, which have to be estimated either
by correlations or group contribution methods.
A concise but critical analysis of the methods applied to
estimate the critical parameters of solid solutes can be found
in Fornari et al. (2010), and we will not further pursue this
topic here. Still, it should be noted that usually there are no
experimental data available with which to compare the estimated values. In view of this, it is recommendable to apply
as an assessment tool of the reliability of the properties estimated the generalised semitheoretical expression advocated
by Zbogar et al. (2006):

4.3.1. Critical parameters

Tc/Pc = 9.0673 + 0.43309 (Qw1.3+Qw1.95)


where Tc is in Kelvin and Pc is in bar. The dimensionless

parameter Qw is a measure of the van der Waals molecular
surface area and is calculated as the sum of the group area
parameters, Qk:
Qw = kQk


where k is the number of times group k appears in the molecule. The group area parameters Qk are available in the
UNIFAC tables.
The influence of the uncertainties in the values of the critical parameters is explored in detail by Gordillo et al. (2005b)


although for a different type of solid solutes, namely dyes.

The authors employ several methods to estimate the critical parameters of blue 14, a disperse anthraquinone dye, and
demonstrate that the choice of a particular group contribution method was more important than the choice of the EoS;
for example, for the SRK cubic EoS, the Lydersen (1955)
method, combined with Meissner group contribution method,
leads to a better value for the AARD of the dye solubility than
Joback and Reids (1987) method. The latter is not surprising
taking into consideration that the former gives an excellent
approximation to the theoretically calculated Tc/Pc ratio for
blue 14 (31.56), namely 32.11 versus 42.85 for the latter.
It has been demonstrated that
the sublimation pressure plays a dominant role in the correlation of solubility data and that, in many cases, the only way to
obtain a reasonable calculation of these data is to consider the
sublimation pressure as an adjustable parameter (Reverchon
et al. 1995a, Neau et al. 1996). It has also been shown that,
in the case of high molar mass compounds for which sublimation pressures cannot be measured, the safest way to estimate them is to correlate experimental vapour pressure data
through an analytical relation and to use normal fusion properties in order to settle the sublimation pressure equation with
respect to temperature (Neau et al. 1999).
Thus, a possible route to estimate the sublimation pressure
of a solid compound is to integrate the Clapeyron relation
from the triple-point temperature Tt and pressure Pt, assuming a negligible dependence of the sublimation enthalpy with
respect to temperature (Neau et al. 1999):
4.3.2. Melting properties

P s H s 1 1
ln = R T Tt


where H s is the sublimation enthalpy at the triple point of

the pure component, which can be expressed with respect to
the fusion and vapourisation enthalpies as
H s = H fus + H vap


The practical interest of this method is thus to require,

besides an EoS, fusion property data that can be either measured, found in the literature, or estimated (Garnier et al.
In most cases the triple-point conditions (the temperature
and pressure at the triple point) for the solute are unknown
experimentally. However, for almost all heavy compounds,
there is little difference between the triple-point temperature
and the normal melting temperature. Indeed, this difference is
usually <0.1 K, which is less than the scattering of experimental values of transition temperatures found in the literature.
Furthermore, the difference in the heats of fusion at these two
temperatures is also often negligible (Perry and Green 1999).
Under this assumption, the enthalpy of fusion in Eq. (17) can
be estimated with the fusion enthalpy measured at the normal
melting temperature. Hence, if the melting temperature of the
compound of interest is known it is possible to calculate Pt
and H vap from an EoS.

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Coniglio (1993), Trassy (1998), and more recently Neau

et al. (1999) and Crampon et al. (2004) discuss in detail the
reliable methods, among the numerous ones devoted to this
subject. We would like, however, to mention also the contribution of Valderrama and Zavaleta (2005) who propose
to calculate the sublimation pressures of pure solids from
high-pressure solubility data using genetic algorithms. The
sublimation pressure is considered as a parameter to be determined by regression analysis of experimental solubility data,
and hence an optimisation problem, in which the difference
between the correlated and experimental data of solubility is
to be minimised, is solved using a method that applies biologically derived techniques such as inheritance, mutation,
natural selection, and recombination to find the optimum
In the case of compounds that may decompose before the
melting point, all fusion properties have to be estimated.
For example, Jain et al. (2004) advocate a combination of
additive group contributions and non-additive molecular
parameters to estimate the normal melting points of 1215
organic compounds. The melting points are calculated from
the ratio of the total phase change enthalpy and entropy of
melting. The total phase change enthalpy of melting is calculated from the enthalpic group contributions, whereas the
total phase change entropy of melting is estimated using a
semiempirical equation based on only two non-additive
molecular parameters.
If, however, the melting temperature is known, then it
is possible to estimate H fus from the following empirical
H fus = 4.184kT fus


where k is an empirical parameter related to the properties

of the solute, and for organic compounds it is usually in the
range 1016 (Chen and Ma 2004). Yet another possibility is
to estimate the sublimation enthalpy solely on the basis of the
value for Hvap, taking into consideration that H fus is usually
less than one quarter of the sum given by Eq. (16) (Prausnitz
et al. 1999).
Another route to pursue is presented by Coutsikos et al.
(2003) who advocate a group contribution method for the prediction of the vapour pressures of organic solids, based on the
concept of the hypothetical liquid:
S Tm
1R T

ln P S = ln P L +


The vapour pressure of the hypothetical liquid is obtained

using the Abrams-Massaldi-Prausnitz equation developed
for liquids (Abrams et al. 1974), and the entropy of fusion is
estimated applying a group contribution method. Coutsikos
et al. (2003) underline that experimental values for the
entropy of fusion for most of the compounds are not available and reliable predictions of these values are extremely
difficult and the few available correlations are cumbersome
to use (e.g., Chickos et al. 1990, 1991, Dannenfelser and
Yalkowsky 1996). Thus, the authors advocate a group contribution method to predict values for the entropy of fusion

with typical deviations from the experimental ones, where

available, of about 10% to 25%. Taking into consideration
the simplicity of the proposed method for such a difficult
task, it appears sufficient for the needs for sublimation pressure predictions. The overall error for the families of organic
compounds considered (hydrocarbons, halogenated aromatics, nitro-aromatics, alkanols, phenols, acids, ketones, and
multifunctional ones) is in the range of 1040%, and the error
for the total of about 2650 data points exceeds one order of
magnitude in very few cases.
Finally, if no experimental data for the solid molar volume
is available, a value can be estimated according to the following extended relationship (Goodman et al. 2004), which
allows including temperature dependence for solid density
from Tt to substantially lower temperatures:

solid (T ) = 1.28-0.16 liquid (Tt )


where solid is the solid density and liquid (Tt) is the liquid density at the triple point, which is calculated from an EoS.
Needless to say that the lack of reliable experimental data
for most of the solutes extracted from vegetable matrices
forces the application of correlations and estimation methods.
The latter, of course, inevitably leads to uncertainties in the
values obtained.
The uncertainties in the values of the parameters of the
pure components can seriously influence the quality of SFE
predictions. Sovova et al. (2001a) show on the example of
the triolein+CO2 binary that the uncertainties in the values of the critical parameters might have a dramatic effect
on the phase behaviour calculations and on the predicted
extent of the VL region. Thus, applying some of the estimations of triolein critical parameters, the system was erroneously predicted to be homogeneous at very low values of
the pressure.
However, it should be underlined that to perform a detailed
analysis of the influence of the thermophysical properties
uncertainties on the phase behaviour predictions and calculations of a solute+SC solvent binary is a very complex task and
must be explored from many different angles.
4.4. Computational techniques to solve the
equilibrium relations

The third vital element of a TMF comprises methods, algorithms, and numerical routines to model the complex phase
behaviour of the solid+SCF (+entrainer) systems solve the
equilibrium relations and calculate the solubility.
Fornari et al. (2010) point out that correlating the solubility
even for the simplest cases can be a very challenging task as
the weakness of phase equilibrium predictions using an EoS
are resulting not only from the weakness of the equation itself
but also from the computational techniques applied. Xu et
al. (2000) underline that when calculating the solubility of a
solid at new conditions using a particular EoS model, there
are two computational pitfalls that can be encountered in the
calculation of solid-fluid equilibrium:

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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

(i) Solid solubilities in SCFs are usually computed by locating a mole fraction, which satisfies the equi-fugacity
equation relating the solute fugacity in the SCF, as predicted by the EoS, and the fugacity of the pure solid
[see Eq. (5)]. However, at certain values of temperature,
pressure, and kij, there can exist multiple solutions to the
equi-fugacity condition. A common method for solving
the equi-fugacity equation is successive substitution or
some similar approach, using some small value of the
solid solubility in the fluid phase as the initial guess. In
general, this strategy will only find the smallest solubility root and may miss any larger values, if present, that
satisfy the equi-fugacity equation. Thus, what is needed
is a completely reliable method to determine all the roots
to the equi-fugacity equation.
(ii) Equi-fugacity is a necessary but not sufficient condition for stable solid-fluid equilibrium. Solutions to the
equi-fugacity equation must be tested for global thermodynamic phase stability.
The problem can become even more complex, because a
molecularly dissimilar system (different molecular size and
force interactions) can exhibit very complex phase behaviour in the PT thermodynamic phase space. For example,
the onset of liquid-liquid immiscibility can occur either as a
break in the critical point locus or can outgrow from the
solid-liquid-gas (SLG) locus. This outgrowth of the liquidliquid-gas (LLG) behaviour changes the nature of the SLG
locus from a continuous one to one of two branches (with different composition of the liquid phases), and is accompanied
by the formation of a quadruple point (solid-liquid-liquidgas, SLLG), from which four three phase loci originate. As
molecular differences between the pure components become
more pronounced, and the melting temperature of the heavier
component is higher than the critical temperature of the solvent, the l = g critical point locus becomes discontinuous.
Further molecular dissimilarities will cause the pure component phase equilibria in the PT space to draw further apart
and the LLG will be replaced by two separate liquid-vapour
regions, and the two disconnected SLG loci, terminating at
an upper critical end point and at a lower critical end point,
respectively, will have markedly different compositions. The
PT diagram of the latter phase behaviour is usually referred
to as typical for a solid+solute binary (Garcia and Luks 1999,
Labadie et al. 2000).
Moreover, in the presence of the solvent, the melting curve
of the solute can be depressed, lowering its melting point.
There are cases known of up to 70C depression of the melting point of a solute (Lemert and Johnston 1989). If this fact
is not taken into consideration, and particularly when there
is no optical view cell to observe the sample, then there is a
strong possibility to mistakenly accept and report the experimental data as solid-fluid equilibrium, while in reality it is
vapour-liquid, and there is no solid present.
Furthermore, for solid+SCF binaries, for which the difference between the melting temperature of the solute is not
much higher than the critical temperature of the solvent CO2
(304.2 K), any of the PT diagrams discussed above is feasible


and the possibility to mistakenly interpret the solubility data

measured is even stronger. For example, the solubility measurements for naphthalene (melting temperature 353.65 K)
and biphenyl (melting temperature 344.15 K) in SC-CO2
were initially reported as representing solid-fluid equilibrium
because it was not realised that the experiments were carried
out at temperatures in the vapour-liquid region (at temperatures above the upper critical end point). It was only later
acknowledged that these measurements were actually representing the composition of a vapour phase in equilibrium
with a liquid and that there was no solid present (McHugh and
Paulaitis 1980, Xu et al. 2000).
Thus, to have a viable and detailed description of the phase
behaviour of a solid+SCF system in the thermodynamic phase
space, and to correlate reliably the solid solubility, in addition
to solute physical properties and a thermodynamic model, a
variety of robust, effective, and efficient flash routines (SLG,
LLG, LG, etc.), algorithms, and numerical procedures are
When three phases, namely solid, liquid, and vapour, are in
equilibrium, the following equations must be satisfied:
T S= T L = T V


PS = PL = PV


f = f =f



i = 1, 2


The liquid-vapour equilibrium conditions for the CO2+solid

solute binary system, applying the above equations, are
1L x1 = 1V y1


2L x2 = 2V y2


where the subscript 1 corresponds to SC-CO2 and subscript 2

to the solid solute. Furthermore, it is assumed that the solid
phase is pure solute, and hence for the solid-liquid equilibrium the following holds:
S2 = 2L x2


The following constraints also apply for the liquid and

vapour phases:

x =1


i =1

y =1


i =1

The fugacity coefficient of the solid solute is calculated

according to (Prausnitz et al. 1999):
ln S2 = ln 2PSL +

H TP 1 1 VTP
- +
(P -PTP )


Equation (29) relates the fugacity coefficient of the solid

solute to the fugacity coefficient of the pure solute in the

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108 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

subcooled liquid phase at temperature T and pressure P ( 2PSL ),

and it is assumed implicitly that there are no solid-solid phase
transitions and that the solid phase is incompressible.
The above system of equations is strongly non-linear and
may have several solutions. The non-uniqueness is a particular problem and is a result of the mathematical presence of
local minima and maxima in the Gibbs energy surface. This,
in turn, relates to convergence to a local rather than global
minimum, and to the impossibility to distinguish among
thermodynamically stable and unstable equilibrium states.
As pointed out previously, the equality of chemical potentials represents a necessary but not a sufficient condition for
equilibrium, and hence a stability analysis routine and a phase
identification procedure must be employed at each step to find
with guarantee the phase configuration with the minimum
Gibbs energy, which is particularly important in regions of
the thermodynamic phase space where the EoS has multiple
roots as is the case around the SLG locus.
Somewhat surprisingly, the practice of searching for all
roots to the equi-fugacity condition and testing for phase stability appears not to be widespread among those who measure, model, and compute high-pressure solid-fluid equilibria
(Xu et al. 2000).
Still, the need to test for stability and its influence on phase
diagrams has been an area of interest to some researchers.
We will like to mention particularly the works of Xu et al.
(2000) and Scurto et al. (2003) who described a new method
for reliably computing solid-fluid equilibrium without and
with co-solvents at constant temperature and pressure based
on interval analysis, in particular, an interval Newton/generalised bisection algorithm; Marcilla et al. (1997), who focused
on low-pressure solid-liquid equilibrium and the need for
stability analysis and were able to carefully map out the full
phase diagrams for their selected systems, as well as the contributions by Corazza et al. (2004) and Sovova et al. (2007a).
However, as pointed out by Fornari et al. (2010), it is only fair
to say that some of the above-mentioned researchers applied
local, initialisation-dependent solvers, which in general neither provide guarantee that all equi-fugacity roots are found
nor that phase stability analysis is done correctly, while Xu
et al. (2000) and Scurto et al. (2003) were the first to present a technique that provides a mathematical and computational guarantee that all roots to the equi-fugacity equation are
enclosed and that phase stability analysis is performed correctly and thus the stable solution to the solid-fluid problem is
determined with certainty.

5. Mathematical models for SFE kinetics

Mathematical models that effectively describe the extraction
kinetics of solid substrates in packed beds operating with SCFs
are useful tools for the design and scale-up of SFE processes,
with predictive models being of special interest to assess process feasibility preliminarily, and/or to validate experimental data for process scale-up (del Valle et al. 2006). Several
aspects distinguish the SFE from plants from the extraction
with conventional solvents. First, the external mass transfer

from plant surface to bulk fluid is much faster due to the

excellent transport properties of SCFs. Thus, as long as there
is enough solute near the plant surface, the solution flowing
out of the extractor is saturated or near saturated. Second, a
dry solvent such as pure carbon dioxide gradually removes
from the plant the moisture remaining there after drying usually in the concentration of 810 wt.%. The permeability of
an overdried plant tissue is extremely low, the diffusion of a
solute through the plant surface is very slow, and thus it is
easy to distinguish between the initial period of fast extraction of easily accessible solute and the final period with much
slower extraction. Brunner (1994) explains the sensitivity of
cell walls to the moisture by the properties of an elementary
membrane. The membrane consists, according to Danielli, of
three bimolecular lipid layers with pores that can be passed by
water and by lipids. If there is not enough water in the system,
the pores are closed and the membrane becomes impermeable. Third, the low kinematic viscosity makes SCFs prone
to natural convection induced by even small density gradients related to the differences in concentration (due to the
extraction) or in temperature (due to the heat transfer through
the wall of extractor). As a result, the flow pattern could differ significantly from the plug flow, which ensures the best
extractor performance.
The most easily available experimental data on extraction
kinetics are the extraction curves, the dependence of extraction yield on either extraction time, or the solvent-to-feed
ratio, directly proportional to the time. These curves are
compared with a mathematical model to adjust its parameters and to check whether it corresponds to the reality. To
distinguish better between different models, del Valle et al.
(2000b) recommend a multiobjective fitting strategy when
both experimental extraction curves and experimental residual concentration profiles in solid phase should be fitted by
the models.
A phenomenological model for SFE from plant materials is
a mathematical description of extraction kinetics in the form
of equation or a set of equations defining the solute concentrations in the extractor in dependence on extraction time and
spatial coordinates. The extraction yield is then calculated
from the outlet concentration. The models are usually not predictive; some of their parameters can be estimated according
to literature correlations but at least one parameter is adjusted
to fit experimental data.
The extraction process comprises phase equilibrium or
adsorption/desorption kinetics, diffusion through the plant
particles to their surface, external mass transfer from particle
surface to the bulk fluid, and displacement with the flowing
solvent. Different types of models are obtained combining
different expressions for these steps. Probably the most thorough overview was published by del Valle and de la Fuente
(2006), who focus on the extraction of vegetable oils but also
mention the models for other types of solutes. The paper also
contains a valuable survey of published correlations used to
estimate some model parameters: binary diffusion coefficient
of extracted substance in supercritical solvent, external mass
transfer coefficient, coefficient of axial dispersion, effective
internal diffusion coefficient, and also the relationships for

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the extract solubility in SCF and/or for its adsorption isotherm, when it is adsorbed on vegetable matrix. del Valle and
de la Fuente (2006) started with a complex model and showed
different possibilities for its simplification.
Al-Jabari (2002) regarded the models as sets of blocks
describing individual extraction steps; one or more blocks
could be deleted when the corresponding step was marginal
under given conditions. In the present paper, we follow the
scenario advocated by Al-Jabari (2002) and judge on the
importance of individual steps according to their characteristic times. Where possible, the relationships are presented
in dimensionless form to facilitate comparison of the results
from the papers using different notation.
5.1. Mass balance for solute

The basis for phenomenological SFE models is a differential

mass balance equation for the solute in the packed bed (del
Valle and de la Fuente 2006). On the assumption of plug flow,
the mass balance equation for the fluid phase is
+ u = J , c(h = 0) = 0,

c(t = 0) = c0


where is the free void of extraction bed, c is the fluid phase

concentration (kg m-3), t is the extraction time, u is the interstitial velocity, h is the axial co-ordinate, J is the mass transfer
rate per unit volume of bed, and the subscript 0 denotes the
state at t = 0. The mass balance equation for the solute in the
solid phase is


= -J , cs (t = 0) = cs 0


where cs is the average solid phase concentration (kg m-3).

Time-dependent concentration profiles for fluid and solid
phase are obtained by integration of these equations. The
extraction yield is calculated from the fluid phase concentration at the extractor outlet:


c (h = H ) dt ,
f 0

e(t = 0) = 0


where e is the extraction yield in terms of mass of extract

over the mass of plant inserted into extractor, q is the specific flow rate in terms of the solvent mass flow rate over the
mass of plant, f is the solvent density, and H is the height of
the packed bed. Eqs. (30) and (31) contain the mass transfer
rate per unit volume of the extractor, J, which is given by the
equation for external mass transfer:
J = k f a (c+-c)


where the superscript+indicates the surface of a plant particle, kf is the fluid phase (external) mass transfer coefficient,
and a is the specific surface area. The concentrations at the
particle surface are usually assumed to satisfy an equilibrium

( )

c + = c* cs+



where cs is the local concentration within the particles and

the superscript * denotes equilibrium. The solid phase
concentration at particle surface, cs+ , is related through an
internal mass transfer relationship to the average particle
concentration. For example, the mass balance for a spherical particle of radius R and effective internal diffusion coefficient De is
cs 3De cs
R r




where r is the radial co-ordinate (Esquvel et al. 1999, del

Valle et al. 2000b).
The initial concentrations at t = 0 when the outlet valve
opens and the solution begins flowing out of the extractor are
related to the content of the solute in the plant put into the
extractor, cu (kg m-3):
cu -cs 0 =

c0 .


They are usually chosen either on the assumption that no

mass transfer has taken place until t = 0, it is c0 = 0 and cs0 = cu,
or, on the opposite, on the assumption that phase equilibrium
has been established during the static extraction before the
solvent starts flowing out of the extractor. The real initial
concentrations may be between these limits and depend on
the rate of mass transfer during the period of static extraction
before t = 0. The models for the mass transfer during static
extraction were published by Al-Jabari (2002) and Steffani
et al. (2006).
The content of solute in the plant loaded into the extractor is primarily expressed in mass fraction xu, (kg solute)
(kg plant)-1, which can be converted to units (kg solute)(kg
matrix)-1, where matrix is the insoluble part of the plant.
Similarly, the contents of solute in both phases in the extractor
are often expressed in mass ratio y (kg solute)(kg solvent)-1
and either mass fraction or mass ratio x, x expressed as (kg
solute)(kg plant)-1 or (kg solute)(kg matrix)-1, respectively.
The conversion between the volume-related and mass-related
quantities is via densities f and s, where s is the density of
plant particles calculated as either mass of plant or the mass
of matrix over the volume of plant:
c = f y,

cs = s x,

cs = s x .


(The solute, the volume of solid phase, and also the specific
flow rate are related to the mass of matrix when the initial
content of solute in the plant is high and thus the mass of
the plant varies considerably during the extraction.) The
alternative form of the model equations expressed in y and
x is
f + u = J ,

y(h = 0) = 0,

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y(t = 0) = y0



H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

(1-) s

= -J ,

x ( t = 0 ) = x0


e = q yout dt , e (t =0) = 0


J = kf a f ( y+-y)


y+ = y*(x+)


x 3De x
t R r r = R


xu -x0 =

s (1-)

y0 = y0 .


5.2. Extraction steps and their characteristic times

For any flow

pattern, the characteristic time of washing out is equal to the
mean residence time, tr = H/u. The course of washing out of a
solute from the extractor is, however, not only a function of
the dimensionless extraction time = t/tr but is also closely
related to the flow pattern, as shown in Figure 3. Plug flow is
an idealisation. In reality, axial dispersion is always present
in the extractor, at least the dispersion by molecular diffusion
and small-scale mixing due to the flow between the particles.
The mass balance for the fluid phase with the coefficient of
axial dispersion Dax, combined with the Danckwerts boundary
conditions, is
5.2.1. Washing out (fluid displacement)

c c
+ u -Dax 2 = J ,



for h = 0,

= 0 for h = H.

e/x, g/g


, -

Figure 3 The effect of flow pattern on washing out of the solute

from the extractor: () plug flow, ( + + ) ideal mixer.

The value of Dax for SFE from plants is usually estimated

from literature correlations for Peclet number, such as those
developed by Tan and Liou (1989), Catchpole et al. (1996b),
Funazukuri et al. (1998), or Yu et al. (1999).
It seems, however, that these correlations based on the data
measured without mass transfer may not be always valid in
the situation of mass transfer in the extractor because the mass
transfer causes concentration gradients leading to density gradients, which can invoke or suppress mixing, as mentioned
below in Section 5.2.3. Reis-Vasco et al. (2000) extracted
with CO2 the essential oil from leaves and observed that the
axial dispersion coefficient was by one order of magnitude
larger than according to the correlations and still the effect of
axial dispersion on extraction kinetics was quite small. On the
other hand, Zwiefelhofer and Brunner (1993), who extracted
theobromine from cocoa shells, found a stronger dependence
of the coefficient of axial dispersion on Reynolds number
than according to the correlations.
Another form of the fluid phase mass balance frequently used
for short (small) extractors is the lumped parameter model:
dc c
+ = J ,
dt tr

c(t = 0) = c0.


Mathematically, this model is identical to the model for

continuous stirred tank extractor (ideal mixer).
The axial mixing can also be expressed by a series of n
ideal mixers into which the extractor is divided along its
height (Clavier et al. 1995, Reverchon 1996, Sovova 2005).
The model is identical to the lumped parameter model for
n = 1 and approaches the model with plug flow for a high
number of mixers.
Another flow pattern was used in a model for extractor
divided on its cross section into zones with parallel plug flows
of different rates. When the extractor is scaled-up, attention
should be paid to flow patterns because the flow in the packed
vessels of larger diameter becomes less homogeneous.
Brunner (1994) showed that the local degree of extraction
depends also on the radial coordinate of extractor. Particularly
at small flow velocities, the local velocity and mass transfer
are higher near the wall and thus the residual concentration
in the particles is higher close to the axis of the extractor.
Brunner (1994) suggests using the model with axial dispersion separately for the centre and the rim, with the amount of
solvent for each section as an additional parameter, to simulate the radial distribution. A similar solution with the extractor divided into up to six parallel sections with plug flow of
different flow rates was proposed by Sovova et al. (1994a) to
fit experimental extraction curves affected by natural convection in the extractor where the SC-CO2 dissolving vegetable
oil flowed from the bottom to the top. When del Valle et al.
(2004a) extracted oil from milled seeds in a laboratory-scale
extractor of 20 mm inner diameter and in a pilot extractor
with a sample holder of 90 mm inner diameter, they found
that the plug flow pattern was adequate for the smaller extractor (the axial dispersion was too low to affect the extraction
rate), while the simulation of extraction rate in the larger
extractor required dividing the extractor into inner and outer

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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

zones of different flow rates. A review of the literature on the

scale-up of pressurised fluid extractors was recently published
by Pronyk and Mazza (2009).
Catchpole et al. (1996a) investigated the effect of extractor geometry on the extraction rate, comparing the extraction
curves measured in the standard extractor with axial flow and
in an extractor with radial horizontal flow through the bed of
particles. When the extraction was controlled by external mass
transfer, the extraction with the horizontal solvent flow was
much slower than with the axial flow. The residual oil content
in the particles was significantly higher at the bottom than at
the top of the bed, indicating that the bottom was bypassed.
5.2.2. Phase equilibrium With respect to the extraction
from plants, it is necessary to mention that phase equilibrium,
in addition to its dependence on pressure and temperature,
is often affected also by the solute interaction with the plant
matrix, particularly when the content of the solute in the plant
is low a few weight per cent or less. The equilibrium fluid
phase concentration then decreases during the extraction, as
sketched in Figure 4. The solubility, csat, as a characteristic of
solute-solvent equilibrium can be applied particularly in the
extraction of oils from seeds where the initial content of solute
is expressed in tens of per cent. A widely accepted correlation
for the solubility of common vegetable oils composed mostly
of C18 fatty acids in dense CO2 was published by del Valle
and Aguilera (1988):

csat =


18708 2186840

exp -26.810+

T 2


where T is the temperature in kelvins and both csat and f are

in kg m-3. The equation is valid for pressures from 15.2 to
89.2 MPa, temperatures from 20C to 80C, and oil solubility
below 100 kg m-3.
If there is no solute-matrix interaction, the equilibrium
fluid phase concentration remains constant as long as there is
still any solute in the solid phase:
c* = csat for cs* > 0,
y* = ysat for x* > 0,

c* = 0 for cs* = 0, or
y* = 0 for x* = 0.


Such discontinuous relationship could complicate numerical solution of differential equations of SFE models. Lee





et al. (1986) proved experimentally that the fluid phase concentration of canola oil extracted from seed flakes with SC-CO2
was constant and in agreement with Eq. (38) in the range of
initial oil content, 0.20.7 g (g oil-free seed)-1. However, a
decrease of equilibrium oil concentration was described in
other works after the oil content in seeds decreased below
approximately 25% (Bulley et al. 1984) or 15% (King et al.
1987), as depicted in the review of del Valle and de la Fuente
(2006). This phenomenon was observed also by Perrut et al.
(1997) who extracted sunflower seed oil. They proposed a
simple equilibrium relationship combining the oil solubility
ysat for oil content in seed higher than a transition value xt and
a linear equilibrium corresponding to oil-matrix interaction
for lower oil content in seed, with a mass-related partition
coefficient Km:
y* = ysat for x* > xt,

y* = Kmx for x xt,

Kmxt < ysat (40)

Equation (40) can be readily converted to the relationship

of volumetric concentrations c, cs. The more general Eq. (40)
is reduced to Eq. (39) when the transition concentration xt is
set to zero.
The most frequently used relationship in the case of solutematrix interaction is a linear sorption isotherm with a constant
partition coefficient K:
K m = K s f .

c*= Kcs or y* = K m x,


More complicated equilibrium relationships in the models

for SFE are different adsorption isotherms such as Langmuir
isotherm applied by Clavier et al. (1995) and Subra et al. (1998),
Freundlich isotherm applied in the VTII model (Zwiefelhofer
and Brunner 1993, Brunner 1994) and later, e.g., by Ghoreishi
and Sharifi (2001), or the BET isotherm applied by Goto et
al. (1998). Different equilibrium relationships were mutually
compared (Salimi et al. 2008). Araus et al. (2009) propose that
the sorption isotherms should be experimentally determined
when modelling a given extraction process instead of selecting
a certain equilibrium relationship in advance. Equilibrium extraction The equilibrium extraction
is an extraction with negligible mass transfer resistance. The
characteristic time of equilibrium extraction is based on the
assumption that the extraction rate is limited only by the initial
fluid phase equilibrium concentration established at t = 0 when
c0 = c*(cs0). Thus, the characteristic time teq and the dimensionless time of equilibrium extraction eq are, respectively

teq =

1- cs 0
tr ,

eq =



Particularly, for the two cases without solute-matrix interaction and with linear equilibrium:



Figure 4 Equilibrium relationships: () no solute-matrix interaction, Eq. (10); (---) transition to linear equilibrium, Eq. (11); ( + + )
solute-matrix interaction with linear equilibrium, Eq. (12).

eq =

1- cu

eq =


when c* = csat,

when c* = Kcs.

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112 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

The expression eq for linear equilibrium is a reciprocal

value of the dimensionless parameter introduced by Poletto
and Reverchon (1996) in their parametric analysis of a model
for the SFE with plug flow, internal or external mass transfer
resistance, and linear equilibrium. The paper contains also
the analytical solution of equilibrium extraction equations for
plug flow, which is valid for both equilibrium relationships
from Eq. (40). The concentration profile in the extractor is
a discontinuous function of dimensionless axial co-ordinate
z = h/H:

where is the characteristic dimension of a particle equal to

its volume-to-surface ratio ( = R/3 for a spherical particle of
radius R). The models for the extraction from particle surface
(or from the particles with negligible internal mass transfer
resistance) are obtained combining mass balance equations
for both phases, Eq. (33) for the external mass transfer, and
phase equilibrium relationship. As the internal mass transfer
resistance is neglected, the concentration is assumed to be
uniform across the particle and Eq. (34) is modified to the

c cs
= = 1 for z
and <1+ eq ,
1+ eq
c0 cs 0

c + = c*(cs ) .

c cs
= = 0 else,
c0 cs 0
and the extraction yield increases linearly until the extraction
is complete:

for <1+ eq ,
xu 1+ eq

e = xu else.


On the other hand, the analytical solution of equilibrium

extraction with linear equilibrium described by the lumped
parameter model is

=1- exp
1+ eq


(Goto et al. 1993, Al-Jabari 2002). Both extraction curves are

compared in Figure 5. Evidently, the shape of the equilibrium
extraction curve is determined by flow pattern in the same
way as in the case of a simple washing out of a solute.
5.2.3. External mass transfer and extraction from
particle surface It follows from Eqs. (30) and (33)

that the characteristic external mass transfer time and the

dimensionless external resistance are, respectively:
tf =

k f a k f 1-

f =


k f atr



e/x, g/g


(34b) Model for plug flow + no solute-matrix interaction Brunner (1984) introduced into the modelling of SFE

from plants a relationship valid for plug flow and no solutematrix interaction (when the equilibrium fluid phase concentration equals the solubility of solute in the solvent, csat),
which reads in the nomenclature of the present paper
z e

1- exp - .
=1- exp - ,
f xu 1+ eq


Brunner (1984) used this relationship to describe the

initial period of oil extraction from pre-pressed seed.
According to Eq. (48), the extraction rate is constant and
the corresponding section of extraction curve is a straight
line. This equation is valid as long as all particles contain
the solute. Lee et al. (1986) solved the mass balance equations numerically for both the initial period and the second
extraction period, when the solute is exhausted first at the
extractor inlet and then the region free of solute extends
until it reaches the extractor outlet. The model was fitted
to both experimental extraction curves and experimental
solid phase concentration profiles cs(h, t). The experiments
with oil extracted from crushed seed with SC-CO2 were
conducted in a wide range of flow rates and the evaluated
external mass transfer coefficient was found to be directly
proportional to u0.54.
Although the extraction rate of oil from seed usually agrees
with Eq. (48), S-shaped extraction curves were sometimes
observed (Cocero and Garca 2001). This could be related to
the mixing in the empty volume between the extractor and the
separator. When a basket with the plant particles was placed
into the extractor and a large empty space remained behind the
basket in the flow direction, the outlet concentration was much
lower than the oil solubility, although the residence time in the
basket was sufficient to saturate the solution (Fiori 2007). This
again could be explained by mixing of the saturated solution
with pure solvent filling initially the empty place. Model for plug flow + partial solute-matrix
interaction Perrut et al. (1997) extracted sunflower oil



, -

Figure 5 Equilibrium extraction with linear equilibrium: () plug

flow, ( + + ) ideal mixer.

from seeds and observed that the slower extraction in the

second period, following the first constant rate period, was
still controlled by phase equilibrium. They used therefore
in the model for SFE the equilibrium relationship given by
Eq. (40). The numerical solution of the model was compared

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Table 2 CO2 extraction from plants: external mass transfer coefficients based on experimental data for different solutes, particle sizes,
pressures and temperatures, and flow velocities.


k f 105 m s-1

k f a 0 102 s-1


Fatty oil
Fatty oil
Fatty oil
Fatty oil
Fatty oil
Fatty oil
Fatty oil
Essential oil

Flaked canola seed

Milled tomato seed
Milled grape seed
Milled sea buckthorn berries
Milled sunflower seed
Milled wheat germ
Crushed sunflower seed
Ground clove buds
Milled black pepper berries
Milled black pepper berries






Lee et al. 1986

Roy et al. 1994
Sovova et al. 1994a
Stastova et al. 1996
Cocero and Garcia 2001
Lucas et al. 2007
Perrut et al. 1997
Reverchon and Marrone 1997
Sovova et al. 1995
Ferreira et al. 1999

with experimental curves, and the equilibrium parameters and

kf were adjusted. Model for plug flow + linear equilibrium Cocero
and Garca (2001) adapted a model for desorption from particle surface to simulate the extraction of oil from seed with
SC-CO2 modified with alcohols. The mass balance equations
were integrated numerically. The analytical solution of the
model equations, which evaluation however requires numerical methods, was published by Lucas et al. (2007). Model for mixer + linear equilibrium Neglecting
the accumulation term in Eq. (30c) and using the equilibrium
relationship according to Eq. (41), Papamichail et al. (2000)
obtained analytical solution of the ordinary differential equations (in the present nomenclature):

cout =


exp , =1- exp

1+ f
eq 1+ f xu
eq 1+ f

(49) Model for mixer + partial solute-matrix interaction Moreover, Papamichail et al. (2000) solved the SFE

model for the conditions of negligible internal mass resistance, lumped parameters, and the equilibrium relationship
given by Eq. (40). The accumulation term in mass balance for
the fluid phase, Eq. (30c), was again neglected to obtain the
approximate analytical solution:

extraction curves measured once at a given flow rate and once

at a very low flow rate, when the solution at the extractor outlet is saturated. Several results of kf evaluation from experimental extraction curves are shown in Table 2. The kf values
are usually of the order of magnitude 10-6 m s-1, the volumetric
mass transfer coefficient is not far from 1 min-1, and the characteristic time of external mass transfer in SC-CO2, tf , is usually close to 1 min or even less. It is a common practice to use
Eq. (48) to evaluate kf via f . Nevertheless, it is evident from
Eqs. (48)(50) that the effect of external mass transfer resistance on the outlet concentration depends on the flow pattern,
as illustrated also in Figure 6 and discussed in the literature
(Sovova 2005). Thus, Eq. (48) should be used to evaluate kf
only when the flow pattern is close to plug flow. The lower
values of kf a obtained by Ferreira et al. (1999) are based on
experiments in a horizontal extractor where the flow pattern
was most probably different, as indicated by the results on
SFE in a horizontal extractor published by Catchpole et al.
Channelling is an exception from the rule that the characteristic time of external mass transfer in the SFE from plants
is only a few minutes or even tenths of minutes. When the
particles forming the extraction bed stick closely together,
the solvent breaks several channels in the bed and passes
through them with a high velocity. As the specific interfacial

e y

, = sat
for t = 1+ f ( xu -xt ) ( ysat ),
ysat 1+ f xu xu 1+ f
K ( - t )
yout = t m exp - m
1+ f
1+ f


K ( - t )
=1- t exp - m
for > t .
1+ f
where is the solvent-to-matrix mass ratio in the extraction
bed, = f /[(1-)s]. The models for SFE from particle surface enable, among others, calculation of kf from experimental extraction curves. The initial y(h = H)/ysat or c(h = H)/csat
ratio can be determined experimentally from initial slopes of

cout/cO, -


f, -

Figure 6 Extraction from particle surface: the dependence of outlet concentration on dimensionless external mass transfer resistance:
() plug flow, ( + + ) ideal mixer.

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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

area is extremely small, the external volumetric mass transfer

coefficient kf a decreases and tf increases by several orders of
magnitude against usual values. So it was for example in the
extraction of essential oil from sticky particles in a large-scale
extractor (Berna et al. 2000).
The external mass transfer coefficient in packed beds was
correlated with the physical properties of solute and solvent, flow velocity, and particle size d in terms of Sherwood,
Reynolds, and Schmidt numbers. The most frequently used
correlations to estimate kf in SFE models are listed in Table 3
together with references to some of their applications; more
extensive reviews of kf correlations together with ranges of
their validity are offered by del Valle and de la Fuente (2006)
and particularly by Puiggene et al. (1997). The last lines of
Table 3 indicate the correlations that include also the Grashoff
number, Gr, which is proportional to the density differences
in the fluid phase which induce natural convection. The natural (free) convection can enter the models for SFE either by
changing flow pattern, as mentioned above in Section 5.2.1,
or by changing kf as proposed in a series of papers by Stuber et
al. (1996), Puigenne et al. (1997), and Germain et al. (2005).
In the calculation of Sherwood number, the term containing
Gr is either added to the term for the forced convection in the
case of gravity assisted mass transfer (usually solvent downflow) or subtracted from it in the case of gravity opposed mass
transfer (usually solvent up-flow).
The numbers Sh and Sc include the binary diffusion coefficient of a solute in supercritical solvent, D. Although D
depends on pressure, temperature, and chemical composition, its value does not vary substantially under the conditions
of SFE. Its order of magnitude is usually 10-9 m2 s-1 or close
to this value. For example, D of essential oils in CO2 under
pressure of 910 MPa and at temperature 40C was found in
the range 110-8210-8 m2 s-1, and D of fatty oils in CO2 at
2830 MPa and 40C was 310-9 m2 s-1 (Germain et al. 2005).
Typical kf values under the conditions of SFE from plants,
calculated from the correlations, are then of the order of magnitude 10-6 or 10-5 m s-1.
The internal
mass transfer is characterised in the models by either effective
diffusion coefficient, De, or solid phase (internal) mass transfer
coefficient, ks, the later one in analogy to the external mass
transfer coefficient.

5.2.4. Internal and overall mass transfer

Table 3 Effective diffusivity According to Ficks second

law, the equation for symmetrical diffusion in a spherical particle of radius R is

cs De 2 cs cs
= 0 for r = 0, J = -De a s
t r 2 r r r

r =R

Bartle et al. (1990) simulated the SFE controlled by internal diffusion using this equation with initial and boundary conditions cs = cu for t = 0, cs = 0 for r = R. The solution
was taken from an analogical case of heat transfer from a
e xu =1- x xu =1- cs cu ,

D t
6 1

=1- 2 2 exp -n2 2 e2

n =1 n


The model is therefore called the hot ball model. The

higher terms of the infinite series become negligible after a
short time and the extraction curve is then
D t

=1- 2 exp - 2 e2 .



Thus, the effective diffusivity can be estimated from the

slope of a plot of ln(1-e/xu) against the extraction time at sufficiently high extraction times. The solution of a model for
mass transfer from a slab-like particle (Bartle et al. 1991b) is
of a similar form as Eq. (52).
The next step was made by Reverchon et al. (1993, 1994b)
who adapted for the SFE of essential oils a mathematical
description of heat transfer from a sphere that takes into
account also the external mass transfer. No interface was
assumed at particle surface as the internal diffusion was
assumed to take place in the pores of a porous particle that
are filled with solvent. The solution of model equations shows
that the external mass transfer resistance is important only in
the very beginning of the extraction and later it does not affect
the extraction kinetics because it is negligible in comparison
with increasing internal mass transfer resistance.
In their third paper on the hot ball model, Bartle et al.
(1992b) extended Eq. (52) by an expression including the
solubility of solute in the solvent, respecting the fact that
the fluid phase concentration is limited by the solubility. It
is evident, however, that the models where mass transfer and

Correlations for the external mass transfer coefficient (Sh = kf d/D, Re = udf /(), Sc = /f D).


Published by

Applied by

Sh=2+1.1 Re0.6Sc1/3

Wakao and Funazkri 1978,

Wakao and Kaguei 1982
Tan et al. 1988

Brunner 1984, Recasens et al. 1989, Peker et al. 1992, Goto et al. 1993, 1996,
Ghoreishi and Sharifi 2001, Skerget and Knez 2001, Vedaraman et al. 2005
Reverchon et al. 1993, 1994a, Reverchon and Sesti Osseo 1994a, Goodarznia
and Eikani 1998, del Valle et al. 2004a, Perakis et al. 2005
Gaspar et al. 2003, Lu et al. 2007

Sh=0.38 Re0.83 Sc1/3

Sh=0.839 Re0.667 Sc1/3
Sh=0.206 Re0.8Sc1/3
Sh=Sh(Re, Sc, Gr)
Sh=Sh(Re, Sc, Gr)

Catchpole 1991 (PhD thesis),

cited in Brunner 1994, p. 160
Puiggen et al. 1997
Lim et al. 1990
Puiggen et al. 1997

del Valle et al. 2006, Araus et al. 2009

Roethe et al. 1992
Germain et al. 2005

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H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

phase equilibrium are expressed independently, such as those

discussed below in Sections 5.35.6, correspond better to the
situation where both steps control the extraction kinetics. Mass transfer coefficient The internal mass
transfer rate is often approximated by a function of the average solid phase concentration:

J = ks a s x -x + = ks a cs -cs+ .


The solution of Eq. (53) together with Eq. (31) and with
initial and boundary conditions cs = cu for t = 0, cs+ = 0 is

=1- exp - , ti = , i = i


where ti is the characteristic time of internal mass transfer.

The dimensionless internal mass transfer resistance i was
used, e.g., by Poletto and Reverchon (1996) in the analysis
of extraction kinetics. It can be shown that a formally identical result is obtained when a parabolic concentration profile
is assumed in the particles. After the parabolic concentration
profile substitution into Eq. (51) for spherical particle, into
analogous equations for diffusion in a long cylindrical particle, and in a slab-like particle, and after integration of these
equations with the above-mentioned initial and boundary
conditions one obtains
=1- exp - , ti =


where is equal to 3/5 for a sphere, 1/2 for a cylinder, and 1/3
for a slab (Catchpole et al. 1996a, Reverchon 1996). Thus, a
conversion between the estimates of De and ks is possible:
; k = 5De/R for a sphere,
ks = 3De/R for a slab of thickness 2R.
ks =


The internal-to-external mass transfer resistance ratio is

often expressed in terms of Biot number Bi = kf R/De:
Bi = 5kf /ks for a sphere,
Bi = 3kf /ks for a slab of thickness 2R.

(56) Applications The internal mass transfer was

a controlling step in the extraction of caffeine with nitrous
oxide from water-soaked coffee beans, where De in the pores
filled with water was as high as 110-10 m2 s-1 (Brunner 1984).
When essential oil is extracted with CO2 from dry plants, the
mass transfer resistance is by orders of magnitude higher.
Thus, the effective diffusivity of vanilla essential oil extracted
from chopped beans was estimated to 310-13 m2 s-1 (Nguyen
et al. 1991), essential oils from basil, marjoram, and rosemary leaves were extracted with De 1.210-132.810-13 m2
s-1 (Reverchon et al. 1993, 1994a), and De of essential oils
from sage and celery aerial parts and from coriander seed was
1.410-125.110-12 m2 s-1 (Catchpole et al. 1996a).

115 Overall mass transfer resistance and linear

driving force When linear equilibrium and parabolic con-

centration profiles in particles are assumed, the two driving

forces represented by the concentration differences between
the average solid phase concentration and the solid phase concentration at particle surface, Eq. (53), and between the fluid
phase concentrations at particle surface and in bulk fluid, Eq.
(33), are combined into a linear driving force and multiplied
by the combined mass transfer coefficient, kcomb, to calculate
the mass transfer rate:
J = kcomb a (Kcs -c),
kcomb =
kcomb =

1+ KBi 5


1 K
+ ,
k f ks

for a sphere,



for a slab

1+ KBi 3

(Recasens et al. 1989, Goto et al. 1990, Peker et al. 1992).

A combined mass transfer resistance in terms of characteristic times can be introduced as
tcomb = t f +

t = t + t , comb = f + s eq .
1- s f s eq


It is evident from Eq. (58) that when the partition coefficient K is low, the external mass transfer resistance may affect
the overall mass transfer rate more than the internal mass
transfer resistance, although tf is much smaller than ts, or in
other words, although the external mass transfer coefficient is
considerably bigger than the internal mass transfer coefficient
(Peker et al. 1992). The dependence of extraction rate on both
mass transfer resistances was evident also in the extraction
of theobromine from cocoa shells, where the equilibrium is
described by Freundlich isotherm (Zwiefelhofer and Brunner
1993, Brunner 1994).
A good approximation of extraction curves calculated
with linear driving force and lumped parameter model offers
Eq. (49) when comb is substituted for f:

=1- exp .
eq 1+ f + s


5.3. One-stage models

5.3.1. Diffusion model Model equations The model includes the internal
diffusion in a homogeneous and usually non-porous solid,
phase equilibrium at particle surface characterised by a partition coefficient, external mass transfer to bulk fluid, and flow
with the fluid to the extractor outlet.
Goodarznia and Eikani (1998) solved model equations
for linear equilibrium and flow with axial dispersion, using
the method of finite differences for the three independent
variables: time, axial coordinate of the extractor, and radial

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116 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

coordinate of spherical particles. del Valle et al. (2000b)

assumed a plug flow pattern in the extractor, divided the
extraction bed and the substrate particles into several discand spherical-shell-shaped volume elements, respectively,
and integrated the obtained ordinary differential equations in
time using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. This numerical solution technique was used also by Araus et al. (2009) to
integrate model equations for the flow with axial dispersion. Simplified forms The diffusion model equations are
simplified using the assumption of parabolic concentration profile in the particles, enabling further combining the internal and
external mass transfer resistances using the linear driving force.
The concentration in the solid phase is then characterised by
the average solid phase concentration and the number of independent variables is reduced to two, the time and the axial coordinate. Brunner (1994) presented the VTII model with linear
driving force, Freundlich isotherm, and flow with axial dispersion. Catchpole et al. (1996a) published analytical solution of
equations of the diffusion model with linear driving force and
plug flow. The dimensionless fluid phase concentration profile is a function of two dimensionless variables, z/comb and
(t/tr-z)/(eqcomb). Its approximations are presented, too, and it
is shown that the extraction curve is reduced to Eq. (54a) when
the extraction is controlled solely by the internal mass transfer
and thus the flow pattern does not affect the extraction rate.
The model with plug flow, linear equilibrium, and neglected
external mass transfer resistance was derived by Reverchon
(1996) to simulate the extraction of sage; the model equations were solved using the method of characteristics or, alternatively, dividing the extractor axially into a series of mixed
extractors and integrating the set of ordinary differential equations by a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. This model with
linear equilibrium, neglected external mass transfer resistance,
and plug flow pattern was analysed by Poletto and Reverchon
(1996) who evaluated the concentration profiles and extraction curves for different values of two dimensionless parameters = 1/eq and s. They concluded that the mass transfer
resistance can be neglected and equilibrium model can be used
when s/eq 0.02. When s/eq 2, the mass transfer resistance prevails, the concentration profiles in the extractor are
flat, and therefore the flow pattern has little effect on the overall
extraction rate; the mathematically simpler lumped parameter
model is then recommended. When s / eq is between 0.02 and
2, both equilibrium and mass transfer resistance must be taken
into account. These results are easily generalised to overall
mass transfer resistance when s is substituted by eqcomb.
The lumped parameter model has analytical solution
dependent on initial conditions. The extraction curve for zero
fluid phase concentration at t = 0 is

p exp ( p2 ) -p2 exp ( p1 )

=1- 1
p1 -p2
p1 = -b + b2 -4 B ,

b =1+


+ B, B =

p2 = -b- b2 -4 B ,


The dimensionless parameter used in the paper of Peker

et al. (1992) where this analytical solution was published is
equal to 1/[comb(1-)] in the present notation.
The adjustable model parameter is the effective internal diffusivity De, which is evaluated
by fitting the calculated extraction curves to experimental data.
The other model parameters are usually estimated from correlations (the external mass transfer coefficient and the axial
dispersion coefficient) or from an experimental extraction
curve, where the initial equilibrium fluid phase concentration
is read from its initial slope and the content of extractable solute from its horizontal asymptote; these two values are used
to estimate the partition coefficient. Alternatively, the partition coefficient is taken from the literature (Reverchon 1996,
Goodarznia and Eikani 1998). Model parameters Applications del Valle et al. (2000b) examined

two modifications of the model neglecting either the external
mass transfer resistance or the internal mass transfer resistance (for the extraction from particle surface). The sensitivity analysis of the effect of f and s resulted in finding that
the extraction curves are almost identical for different internal
and external mass transfer characteristic times as long as the
combined characteristic time is constant, but the solid phase
concentration profile in the axial direction is flatter when the
contribution of external resistance increases. Thus, a multiobjective fit to both experimental extraction curves and experimental solid phase concentration profiles was recommended
to identify the major mass transfer resistance.
The results of application of the model on the extraction
of different essential oils are listed in Table 4. It is interesting
to compare the different De values obtained from the same
slightly scattered experimental data, in one instance assuming slab-like particles and in another spherical particles (see
the first two lines of the table). Evidently, the assumption of
spherical particles is not correct when pieces of leaves or
flowers of size larger than about 0.5 mm are extracted. When
the result calculated for inadequate particle shape is skipped,
the values of De are in the range 210-13710-13 m2 s-1.
The diffusion model was successfully applied also to the
extraction of theobromine from cocoa seed shells (Brunner
1994) or the extraction of caffeine from water-soaked coffee
beans (Peker et al. 1992).
To sum up, the diffusion model is appropriate when the
mass transfer resistance is mainly inside the plant particles
and the equilibrium is characterised by partition coefficient.
The model, however, does not fit the broken extraction curves
of the SFE of fatty oils (triglycerides) from seeds where the
equilibrium fluid phase concentration is equal to the oil solubility in the solvent, at least in the first extraction period, while
the diffusion model is based on the proportionality between
the equilibrium solid and fluid phase concentrations.
5.3.2. Desorption model

The desorption model, also

called DDD (desorption-dissolution-diffusion) model, is a
model for porous particles with pores filled with the solvent. Model equations


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Table 4 Effective diffusion coefficients of volatile oils extracted with SC-CO2, evaluated from experimental extraction curves using the
diffusion model.

Particle size


De 1012
(m2 s-1)


Sage leaves
Reverchon 1996
Sage leaves
Araus et al. 2009
Pennyroyal leaves
Araus et al. 2009
Basil leaves
del Valle et al. 2000a
Basil and marjoram leaves
Goodarznia and Eikani 1998
Caraway seed
Goodarznia and Eikani 1998
Slab-like particles were assumed, in contrast to spherical particles in other calculations.

It consists of solute desorption on the pore walls, its internal

diffusion to particle surface, external mass transfer, and displacement with bulk fluid. With respect to the solute transport, there is no interface at particle surface, and therefore
K = 1 is substituted into the formula for linear driving force,
Eq. (57). Two mass balance equations are written for the particles, one for the pores and one for the solid matrix. Recasens
et al. (1989) formulated a general model for SCF regeneration
of a porous adsorbent in a packed bed of spherical particles
where the solvent flows with axial dispersion. A nonlinear
Langmuir-type kinetics of adsorbate desorption from the pore
walls was assumed. [The Langmuir-type kinetics on particle
surface was later considered by Al-Jabari (2003) in a model
for SFE.] Recasens et al. (1989) derived also two simplified
versions of the general model, based on linear driving force
and plug flow: the model with instantaneously established
equilibrium and the model with irreversible desorption, and
derived their analytical solutions. These models have only
two parameters, the overall mass transfer coefficient and
either partition coefficient or desorption rate constant. The
linear equilibrium between the solid phase and the fluid filling the pores enables a reduction of two mass balances for
particles to one equation.
Srinivasan et al. (1990) proved that a first-order, reversible
adsorption model (containing both equilibrium constant and
desorption rate constant) successfully fits the detailed experimental data on desorption of ethyl acetate from activated carbon with SC-CO2.
Numerical solution of model equations is described in more
details in several papers. For the flow with axial dispersion,
Ghoreishi and Sharifi (2001) assumed the Freundlich adsorption isotherm and used the technique of orthogonal collocation on finite elements, and Meireles et al. (2009) assumed the
linear equilibrium and applied the finite difference method.
The lumped parameter model is usually combined with linear
driving force, which leads to an analytical solution formally
identical with the solution for the diffusion model, Eq. (59),
where comb is given by Eq. (58) and eq by Eq. (43); however, the partition coefficient K in Eq. (43) that was written
for the interface at particle surface must be substituted by Kpp
for a porous particle:
K pp =

1- + K


Source of data
Reverchon 1996
Reverchon 1996
Reis-Vasco et al. 2000
Reverchon et al. 1993
Reverchon et al. 1993
Sovova et al. 1994b

where K is the partition coefficient on the pore walls (inversed

adsorption equilibrium constant) and is the porosity of the
particle (Peker et al. 1992, Goto et al. 1994). When a more
complex phase equilibrium relationship such as the BET isotherm applied by Goto et al. (1998) is used, the ordinary differential equations of the lumped parameter model are solved
The axial dispersion coefficient is calculated from literature correlations. The effective
internal diffusivity De in the particles of porosity and tortuosity ltor is estimated as Model parameters

De =



(del Valle et al. 2006). The estimation of De is even simpler

when the tortuosity is assumed to be equal to 1/:
De = 2D


(Goto et al. 1993, Skerget and Knez 2001, Meireles et al.

2009). The resulting internal mass transfer resistance is even
smaller than the external resistance based on the external
mass transfer coefficient kf calculated from literature correlations. Thus, the overall mass transfer resistance is low and the
extraction kinetics is close to that of equilibrium extraction.
The most important model parameter, the partition coefficient,
is determined by fitting the experimental extraction curves.
The model with irreversible
desorption rate was tested in the study on SFE of -carotene
from carrots published by Subra et al. (1998) with the conclusion that the model based on adsorption equilibrium would
be more adequate. The model with adsorption equilibrium
corresponds better to experimental data measured for different flow rates, is applied most frequently, and only this
model will be discussed below. Goto et al. (1993) simulated
the extraction of peppermint volatile oil with SC-CO2. The
peppermint leaves were regarded as slabs. The process could
be simulated as equilibrium extraction due to the negligible
effect of mass transfer resistance. The only model parameter,
the equilibrium constant of the linear equilibrium relationship,
was evaluated in dependence on extraction pressure and temperature. A more general equilibrium relationship, the BET
isotherm, was introduced into the model by Goto et al. (1998) Applications to SFE

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118 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

and applied on the same set of experimental data. Adjusting

the equilibrium parameters, the volatile oil extraction could
be simulated as desorption while only a weak solute-matrix
interaction was assumed for the initial period of the extraction
of cuticular wax.
Meireles et al. (2009) used the desorption model with linear equilibrium and axial dispersion to simulate the extraction
of vetiver oil from particles as small as 0.18 mm. The effect of
mass transfer resistance was almost negligible according to the
model. The experimental data, however, showed a decrease
in the extraction rate after about 80% of solute had been
extracted. The model ability to predict the effects of scale-up
was proved by fitting the partition coefficient to experimental
data from a smaller extractor, prediction of extraction kinetics in a larger equipment, and comparison of the results with
experimental extraction curves in this equipment.
Skerget and Knez (2001) applied the desorption model
to evaluate extraction curves measured for different plants:
cocoa, paprika, pepper, and Silybum mariannum; the solvents
used were CO2 and propane. The effect of pressure and temperature on the extraction kinetics was investigated. More
details on the extraction of S. mariannum and its model can be
found in the paper published by Hadolin et al. (2001). Again,
the controlling factor in the model was the equilibrium. The
model simulates tightly the initial sections of extraction
curves but the agreement is not as good in the following section of some of the curves.
Mongkholkhajornsilp et al. (2005) matched the model
to experimental extraction curves of nimbin extracted from
neem seeds with CO2. The seed was ground to different particle sizes ranging from 0.575 to 1.85 mm. The extraction rate
decreased with increasing particle size but the model could not
simulate this behaviour as long as the mass transfer resistance
[based on the correlations of Wakao and Funazkri (1978) and
Tan et al. (1988), and on De according to Eq. (61a)] was negligible. Instead of considering a larger internal mass transfer
resistance, the authors decided to decrease the external mass
transfer coefficient and developed a new correlation for kf . Comment The porous and tortuous structure of different pre-pressed vegetable substrates was evidenced by del
Valle et al. (2006). Generally, however, natural materials have
cellular structure and thus diffusion across the cell walls may
be slower than through the pores of a porous substrate (Roy
et al. 1996a). Roethe et al. (1992) proposed a detailed model
for parallel mass transfer through the pores and through the
cells, each of them characterised by its own effective diffusivity. On the basis of a comparison between scanning electron
microscope (SEM) images of the substrate structure and the
results of Hg-porosity measurement, they drew a conclusion
about the volumetric fraction of pores open for mass transfer
in green coffee beans.
5.3.3. Shrinking core model Model equations The shrinking core model
assumes a sharp boundary within a porous spherical particle
between extracted part and inner non-extracted part, the core.
The pores in the core are filled with condensed solute up to

the boundary, where the solute dissolves in the solvent and

diffuses then through the external shell to the particle surface.
The core initially fills the whole particle; as the extraction
proceeds, the core boundary moves to the centre. Equilibrium
is assumed at the core boundary; the fluid phase concentration is equal to csat. The internal mass transfer resistance is
located in the shell surrounding the core and increases as the
core shrinks. The complete model consists of the description
of internal diffusion, external mass transfer, mass balance for
fluid, and mass balance for the particles, which is limited on
the core. Zero concentration in the fluid phase outside particles is assumed at t = 0. The model was formulated for the
flow with axial dispersion and the partial differential equations were solved numerically by Crank Nicholsons method
(Goto et al. 1996, Roy et al. 1996a). The equations of the
model for plug flow were integrated in time using a modified Rosembrock formula after the spatial derivatives had
been substituted by finite differences (Germain et al. 2005,
del Valle et al. 2006). Simplified form When some slow changes of the
core radius are neglected in the equations of the model for
plug flow, a quasi-steady-state analytical solution is obtained
as a dependence of the core radius rc on extraction time and
axial coordinate (King and Catchpole 1993, p. 184, Goto et
al. 1996):

3c =

where c = c ,
=1exp com 1+ eq

eq =

cs 0 1-
, comb = f + 5 s -1 .
1- c

(62) Model parameters Goto et al. (1996) analysed

the effects of internal and external mass transfer resistance
and of axial dispersion on extraction kinetics. As expected, the
extraction is slower and occurs similarly in the whole extractor when s is large. The effect of axial dispersion is therefore
observed only when the mass transfer resistance is low, as
shown for s = 0.67 (parameter a in the paper equals to 15s)
and for Peclet number <100. The extraction rate according to
the quasi-steady state solution is higher than the rate calculated with the complete model; the agreement of both models
increases with decreasing Bi. For large Bi, the sudden initial
change of the concentration at the particle surface contradicts
to the assumption for quasi-steady solution.
The model parameters are usually obtained from the literature except for the effective internal diffusivity De, which
is determined by fitting the calculated extraction curves to
experimental data (Goto et al. 1996). Applications Goto et al. (1996) simulated with the
model the literature data published by Brunner (1984) on the
SFE of rapeseed oil from pre-pressed seeds. The values of
model parameters were taken from the paper together with the
data, except for Dax, which was estimated according to other
literature sources and the only adjusted model parameter, De,
which was found to be 0.7510-101.510-10 m2 s-1. The complete model equations were solved numerically because the

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corresponding s in the range 0.330.47 was too small for the

simplified analytical solution.
The shrinking core model was found suitable to describe
the extraction of lipids from pre-pressed or flaked seeds also
by del Valle et al. (2006). The solubility of vegetable oils
in CO2 at given pressure and temperature, csat or ysat, which
can be obtained from a literature correlation, really fits the
experimental extraction curves and gives evidence that the
equilibrium is, at least in the initial extraction period, independent of the substrate. The model was used to predict De
from the particle microstructure and binary diffusion coefficient D according to Eq. (60) for both new experimental data
and data from the literature. The extraction kinetics was not
far from the equilibrium extraction because of high values
of De between 1.810-11 and 8.610-10 m2 s-1. The amount of
extractable oil varied according to the technique of seed pretreatment. The agreement of predicted extraction curves with
experimental ones was very good.
Germain et al. (2005) simulated the extraction of oil from
pre-pressed rapeseeds with the shrinking core model to examine the effect of solvent flow direction in the extractor on the
extraction kinetics. The topic is related to natural convection
occurring at low fluid velocities, when the mass transfer could
be either assisted by gravity (under solvent down-flow for solutions denser than pure solvent) or opposed by gravity (usually
under solvent up-flow). They fitted the model for plug flow to
experimental extraction curves and evaluated the decrease in
the external mass transfer coefficient when the solvent flow
direction was changed to the up-flow. The decrease was from
7.410-6 to 210-6 m s-1 for the superficial velocity as small as
0.17 mm s-1 but no change was observed at the velocity 1.5
mm s-1 when kf was 1.910-5 m s-1 for both flow directions.
The model was applied also to other vegetable substrates
and solutes, mostly volatile oils. Roy et al. (1996a) simulated
the SFE of volatile oil from freeze-dried ginger root with CO2
at 24.5 MPa and 40C. The particles of ginger were sieved
into size fractions from 0.35 to 2.56 mm; the initial content of
oil in the root was 3.8 wt.% and the porosity of the particles
was 0.81. The parameters determined by fitting the model to
experimental extraction curves were De = 2.510-10 m2 s-1 and
csat = 1.23 kg m-3 (ysat = 1.38 g kg-1). The authors observed that
the experimental data for smaller particle size could not be
simulated with this model as the final part of extraction was
much slower than predicted. Akgun et al. (2000) integrated
the equations of the model for plug flow numerically to simulate the extraction of volatile oil from lavender flowers frozen in liquid nitrogen before being crushed. The agreement
of experimental extraction curves and the curves calculated
with adjusted model parameter De = 1.210-11 m s-2 was satisfactory. Spricigo et al. (2001) used the shrinking core model
to represent the nutmeg essential oil extraction with liquid
CO2. The adjusted effective diffusion coefficient varied from
1.510-12 to 2.510-11 m2 s-1.
An unusual form of the shrinking core model where the
solute is initially present in both pores and solid part of a particle was described by Doker et al. (2004) and applied later
by Salgin et al. (2006). Some model equations were probably
distorted by typographical errors. The adjusted De was of the


order 10-11 to 10-10 m2 s-1 in the first paper and 10-10 m2 s-1 or
even 10-9 m2 s-1 in the second study, and thus the internal diffusion had little effect on the extraction kinetics. Steffani et al.
(2006) simulated the extraction of volatile oil from the leaves
of ho-sho, a tree native in East Asia, using two models: the
shrinking core model and a model of porous particles where
the rate of diffusion from the pore wall into the bulk pore is
proportional to a kinetic parameter and no volatile oil-matrix
interaction is assumed.
To sum up, the shrinking core model appropriately simulates the extraction from porous substrates rich in solute, such
as vegetable oils from pre-pressed seeds or essential oils filling glandular ducts of leaves or flowers. The effective diffusivity is usually of the order of 10-11 to 10-10 m2 s-1 and thus
ts < teq and the extraction is governed by equilibrium, except
for extremely large particles where the effect of internal mass
transfer prevails. Although the equilibrium in the shrinking
core model is characterised by solubility, the model is applied
also to the extraction of essential oils where it is known that
solute-matrix interaction exists.
5.4. Models based on complex structure of plant
5.4.1. Broken and intact cell models Vegetable oil is
extracted from seed particles obtained by milling. The SEM
images of a surface of particles after the extraction shows a layer
of broken cells, the cavities from where the oil was removed
(Marrone et al. 1998, Reverchon and Marrone 2001). The SFE
begins as the extraction from particle surface (see Section 5.2.3),
it means from the mechanically damaged cells with broken
walls, which may be in several layers below particle surface, and
then it continues from intact cells in the particle core where the
oil diffuses through low permeable cell walls and the extraction
is therefore slower. The broken and intact cell (BIC) models
describe this process. An important parameter of BIC models is
the initial fraction of easily accessible solute, G, which is equal
to the solute in broken cells over the solute in broken and intact
cells and which value is therefore between 0 and 1.
The observed extraction periods correspond to characteristic
times of extraction steps. As the relation of characteristic times
is usually tf < tr < teq and teq < ti , the extraction in the first period
of extraction from broken cells is governed by equilibrium and
the controlling step in the second period is the internal mass
transfer. (An exception is the extraction from extremely small
particles or from the particles with low mass transfer resistance;
in such case, teq > ti , the effect of internal diffusion is marginal,
and a simple one-stage model should be applied.)
When this mass transfer mechanism is built into a SFE
model for plug flow, the extraction curves calculated using
the model consist of three parts, denoted by Povh et al. (2001)
as the constant extraction rate period, when all particles in the
extractor contain easily accessible solute, the falling extraction rate period, when the particles near to the solvent inlet are
already free of easily accessible solute which is still present
near the solvent outlet, and the diffusion controlled extraction
period, where the mass transfer is governed solely by internal

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The BIC models were developed gradually. Semi-empirical

models (Goodrum et al. 1996, Hong et al. 1990, Yoo and Hong
1996) described extraction curves composed of two sections,
the first one given by Eq. (48) for the extraction from particle surface and the second section by Eq. (54) or (54a)
for internal diffusion. Alternatively, Cygnarowicz-Provost
(1996) introduced into the model an empirical mass transfer
coefficient, the initial value of which is equal to kf and, in
dependence on the solute content in particles, was monotonously decreasing. Lack (1985) under supervision of Prof.
Marr utilised the analogy of SFE with a drying process and
modified the relevant equations for drying. In the SFE model
written for plug flow, J according to Eq. (33) is multiplied
by a function of average solute concentration in the particles,
x, which is equal to unity until the easily accessible solute is
depleted and then it monotonously decreases with decreasing
x. The shape of the function can be adjusted to fit different
experimental extraction curves; when J in the second period
is directly proportional to x and when the accumulation term
in the mass balance for the fluid phase with plug flow pattern
is neglected, the model has analytical solution.
Sovova (1994) modified the term J so that it after the depletion of free oil describes the internal mass transfer, on the
condition that ti >> tf and therefore cs+ can be set equal to zero,
and used this analytical solution. This approximate model
for SFE, more consistently described later (Stastova et al.
1996), is frequently used to evaluate model parameters from
experimental extraction curves. It yields good results when
applied to the SFE of vegetable oil from seeds; however, with
respect to the conditions used in its derivation, it should not
be applied when the solubility of the solute is high or when a
solute-matrix interaction exists.
Gaspar et al. (2003) derived a simple and efficient version
of the BIC model for the SFE of essential oil from oregano
bracts, where the easily accessible solute from disrupted
glands dissolves completely before t = 0 and then the solute
from intact cells diffuses to the interface with a rate derived
by Bartle et al. (1991b) in the version of hot ball model for
slabs. No equilibrium relationship is necessary in this model
as the first period is a simple washing out and the second part
is controlled by internal diffusion. The fraction of free solute was G = 0.51, the effective diffusivity was De = 210-14
410-14 m2 s-1.
Reis-Vasco et al. (2000) applied the BIC model to the
extraction of essential oil from pennyroyal leaves where two
kinds of trichomes contain the essential oil: peltate trichomes
that are on the surface, assumed to be broken, and capitate
trichomes protected by cell wall and cuticle, representing
the intact cells. Extraction curves e(q) measured at different
flow rates overlapped until 70% essential oil were extracted;
moreover, the curves measured for different particle sizes
overlapped up to this point. Thus it was assumed that the
extraction of 70% of essential oil was the equilibrium extraction. The model was written for the flow with axial dispersion
and for the linear equilibrium. When the easily accessible
essential oil was depleted, the extraction from the capitate
trichomes was controlled by internal mass transfer resistance.
The only adjusted model parameter, ks, was 1.410-7 m s-1 for

average particle diameters 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 mm. The De range,
estimated from these values, is 410-12810-12 m2 s-1.
In their versatile software for numerical simulation of SFE,
most probably of the BIC type, Clavier et al. (1995) used
the linear driving force. The equilibrium was represented by
either solubility (no solute-matrix interaction) or Langmuirtype adsorption isotherm, and the fluid flow was simulated by
a series of mixers, allowing taking into account the length of
the bed (for an extremely short laboratory extractor the number of mixers is reduced to one).
To describe the mass transfer inside the particles in more
detail, three mass balance equations are integrated: for the
fluid phase, for the region of broken cells, and for the region
of intact cells. The solute from intact cells diffuses to the
region of broken cells, and from broken cells to bulk fluid
(Sovova et al. 1994b). The mass transfer resistance in the
region of broken cells can be neglected and equilibrium is
established between the concentration in broken cells and the
fluid phase concentration at particle surface. When essential
oil is extracted from seed, it is partitioned between the liquid
vegetable oil in seed and the supercritical solvent (Sovova et
al. 2001b).
Perrut et al. (1997) observed a solute-matrix interaction
in the second period of SFE of vegetable oil from seed with
SC-CO2. The slope of the extraction curves was first determined by oil solubility in CO2, and when the free oil was
depleted, it decreased to a value corresponding to the equilibrium fluid phase concentration of oil adsorbed on matrix.
The solution flowing out of the extractor was saturated in
both extraction periods, as indicated by the extraction experiments, when the extraction curves e(q) measured under the
conditions of different residence times of the solvent in the
extractor overlapped in both periods. It seems probable that
the solute-matrix interaction exists also in the SFE of vegetable oils, such as in the extraction of other solutes, at least
for a part of oil initially present in the seed. A versatile BIC
model could therefore incorporate the equilibrium relationship given by Eq. (40), which allows simulating the transition
from the extraction of free solute to the extraction of bound
solute, and includes the simpler case when the bound solute
is extracted from the very beginning. Such BIC model was
derived for different flow patterns, analysed, and simplified
relationships for calculation of approximate extraction curves
were derived (Sovova 2005). The analysis of the model for
plug flow shows that the existing solute-matrix interaction
practically is not visible on the shape of extraction curve
when the characteristic time of its equilibrium extraction is
smaller than the characteristic time of equilibrium extraction
calculated on the basis of solubility. According to Eq. (43),
the condition is Kcs0 > csat.
Marrone et al. (1998) modified the BIC model with three
mass balance equations assuming that the oil inside the intact
cells is adsorbed on the matrix (with linear equilibrium), in
contrast to the free oil in broken cells, and diffuses directly to
the SCF. The number of adjustable parameters was reduced
estimating G from SEM images of extracted particles. The
free easily accessible oil was assumed to fill the surface layer
of broken cells which depth was determined from the shape

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and size of oil-bearing cells, which was typically 2030 m

according to the species. This approach was applied by
Reverchon and Marrone (2001) to evaluate the internal mass
transfer resistance from experimental data measured in their
laboratory and also different sets of extraction curves available in the literature. The resulting De values were relatively
high. The reason could be that when G is fixed at a lower
value than the real fraction of free oil is, the effective diffusivity is automatically adjusted to a value ensuring that the
extraction will not be slowed down after depletion of free solute (in terms of characteristic times, tf << teq and ti << teq) and
the extraction is controlled by equilibrium in both periods.
This BIC model was further applied and analysed by Fiori
and colleagues (Fiori 2007, Fiori et al. 2007) who found that
the depth of the region with easily accessible oil is approximately two layers of cells. They also improved the accuracy
of modelling, simulating simultaneous extraction from the
particles of a wide size distribution (Fiori et al. 2008). Finally
they developed and further applied a new model for SFE of oil
from seed where, after the oil from broken cells is removed,
the oil from the first layer of intact cells diffusing through one
cell wall is extracted. After its depletion, the oil from the second intact layer diffusing through two cell walls is extracted,
etc. Thus the model combines the feature of BIC model and
shrinking core model (Fiori et al. 2009, Fiori 2010).
5.4.2. Models for SFE of essential oils tailored to plant
microstructure iovi and co-workers linked the models

for SFE of essential oils with the shape, structure, and location
of secretory structures from where they are extracted and with
behaviour of these structures during the extraction, studied
on SEM images. Thus, a model including the mechanism
of breakage of peltate glandular trichomes on the surface of
leaves of Lamiaceae family plants was derived and adjusted
to experimental data (iovic et al. 2005). The next extracted
plants were those from Asteraceae family where the essential
oil is extracted from secretory ducts and the mass transfer
resistance is relatively low (iovic et al. 2007) and, in
contrast, the valerian root where the secretory cells have a
thick cuticularised lining and the extraction rate depends on
its breakage (iovic et al. 2007a). The results for different
types of secretory structures are summarised and the models
are further developed in the last paper (Stamenic et al. 2008).
5.5. Models for SFE of mixtures

All extracts from plants are mixtures of many substances.

When mixture components are similar, such as triglycerides
in vegetable oils, the mixture can be regarded as a pseudocomponent and the above-described models can be applied
directly. When, however, the major components of extract are
of very different solubilities, the overall extraction curve will
be composed of several extraction curves of different shapes
and the first decrease in extraction rate may correspond to the
point when the more soluble component was depleted but the
extraction of easily accessible less soluble components continues. Moreover, the extracted components can affect each


other, for example, when the more soluble component acts as

entrainer for the less soluble component.
The gradual changes in extract composition are denoted as
fractionation in time. The fractionation in time was observed
for example during CO2 extraction of sage essential oil consisting of monoterpenes, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (Reverchon et al.
1995b), while the extraction of three oxygenated monoterpenes, the major components of peppermint oil, was simultaneous (Goto et al. 1993). Also the extraction of savory
oleoresin with subcritical water showed a strong fractionation in time among individual components of essential oil
(Kubatova et al. 2001).
One group of models for multicomponent SFE from
plants includes the models that describe the extraction of
each selected component or each group of components as
not affected by co-extracted substances. The BIC model was
applied to simulate CO2 extraction of essential oil, piperine,
and lipids from black pepper seed, each component with
its own model parameters (Sovova et al. 1995). Franca and
Meireles (2000) used an empirical expression with different
parameters for extraction curves of free fatty acids, triglycerides, and -carotene to simulate time fractionation of vegetable oil extracted from pressed palm oil fibres. This approach
was applied also by Martinez et al. (2003) to simulate the
extraction of oleoresin from ginger rhizome, composed of
monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and other hydrocarbons. Goto
et al. (1994) proposed a modification of the lumped parameter
desorption model with linear driving force, where a continuous mixture is extracted instead of one extracted substance.
The concept of the continuous mixture simulates a mixture of
groups of a large number of components as continuous functions of some mixture property, in this case as the Gaussian
function of molecular mass. The partition coefficient defined
in the paper as K = cs/c was assumed to be directly proportional to the molecular mass and the kinetics of the extraction
of two groups of components was predicted.
In the second group of models, the equilibrium of a mixture of extracted substances with the solvent is taken into
account. The initial extraction of easily accessible extract is
simulated as the equilibrium extraction based on separation
factors known from the models for SFE of liquids in countercurrent columns. Shen et al. (1997), who extracted oil from
rice bran with SC-CO2, recognised that the rate of extraction
of minor oil components was related to the rate of extraction of major component and evaluated their separation factors towards triglycerides from the ratio of initial slopes of
extraction curves. Gaspar (2002) studied the CO2 extraction
of volatile oil from oregano bracts under different extraction
conditions and evaluated the selectivity of individual essential
oil components. Sovova et al. (2010) implemented the separation factor of -sitosterol to triglycerides into a model for the
extraction of sea buckthorn oil from particle surface.
Another possibility is to link the different rates of extraction of different extract components with their diffusion coefficients. Machmudah et al. (2006) applied the shrinking core
model to the CO2 extraction of nutmeg oil, distinguishing
between components with lower molecular weight (terpene

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122 H. Sovov and R.P. Stateva: SFE from vegetable materials

hydrocarbons) and components with higher molecular weight

(oxygenated terpenes and myristicin), the effective diffusivity
of which was adjusted to approximately 2.5 lower value than
the diffusivity of the hydrocarbons, to fit experimental data
on overall extraction yield and on the changes in extract composition. The ability of the shrinking core model to simulate
the fractionation in time was studied in detail by Tezel et al.
(2000) who assumed that the components differ in both solubility and effective diffusivity. They also took into account
that due to the different rates of extraction of two components, there are two shrinking cores in the spherical particles
the inner core containing both condensed components and
the outer core where only the slower extracted component
is condensed. The faster extracted component must diffuse
through the outer core before it is dissolved in the solvent
filling the pores outside the outer core. Moreover, Tezel et
al. (2000) adapted for the extraction of mixtures the desorption model with a Langmuir-like adsorption isotherm where
several extract components compete for active sites; the
components differ in both adsorption isotherm constants and
effective diffusivities.

6. Conclusions
Large-scale SFE from plant materials is considered nowadays
a standard process. It has extended from the first applications
extraction of flavour and aroma from hops, extraction of
caffeine from raw coffee beans, and the extraction of spices
to other branches as, for example, the extraction of biologically active substances from medical plants and the extraction of herbicides from rice. More and more plant materials
are tested for extraction with SC-CO2 in laboratories around
the world. SFE with SC-CO2 modified with entrainers is finding application as a fast and easy to be automated technique
for the extraction of analytes from plant matrix prior to their
chromatographic analysis.
As the SFE from plants is more and more widely applied in
practice, its theory is often regarded as more or less complete,
and its further research superfluous (redundant) and marginal.
The contemporary research is finding new and fascinating
applications of supercritical solvents in formation of micro- and
nanoparticles, in chemical and enzymatic reactions as reaction
medium, in the production and treatment of polymers, and others. Nevertheless, new tasks arise with practical applications of
SFE from plants, as the optimisation of operating conditions
and of plant pre-treatment with the aim to increase the extraction yield, reduce the extraction time or the solvent consumption, and/or to increase the concentration of efficient substances
in the extract or maintain their level constant extract despite of
changing quality of the extracted plant material.
While in other chemical engineering branches with longer history, the engineers and technicians can solve such
tasks using a set of equations and formulae that are based on
a comprehensive theory, supercritical extraction from plants
still lacks such widely accepted theory and recommended
mathematical relationships. Moreover, there is a lack of such
theory in the extraction of valuable substances from plant

materials generally, even for the extraction with liquid solvents at atmospheric pressure despite of its long tradition. As
shown in the present review, extensive experimental and theoretical research has been carried out by tremendous number of
researchers and a large amount of knowledge on supercritical
extraction from plants has been collected. It is, thus, probably
time to synthesise the knowledge and formulate practically
applicable mathematical relationships describing the process
generally. Phase equilibrium has been measured for many substances and can be understood with the help of thermodynamic
modelling. There are correlations enabling estimation of the
mass transfer resistance in SCF, and the internal mass transfer
resistance has been evaluated from the course of extraction.
Attention is being paid also to the effect of flow pattern on the
extraction rate, which is important especially in the scale-up
process. However, the most intriguing features concerning the
extract composition, such as mutual interactions of the components of extracted mixtures or solute-to-matrix interaction
in dependence on extraction conditions, have not yet been
studied sufficiently to be included into the theory to make it
complete. Although the representation of botanical materials
by mathematical relationships applicable in engineering practice requires severe simplifications, the authors believe that the
chemical engineering approach to the extraction of plants will
enable its rational optimisation and development of new efficient procedures and new products of high quality.

Financial support by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of
the Czech Republic (projects 2B06024 and 2B06049) is gratefully

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Helena Sovov is a scientist in the field of supercritical fluid extraction at the

Institute of Chemical Process
Fundamentals (ICPF) in
Prague, CR. Her primary
research interest is in the
modelling and simulation
of kinetics of extractions.
She studied at the Institute
of Chemical Technology in
Prague where she received a
Masters degree in 1970, and
at the ICPF where she received a CSc (PhD) degree in chemical engineering in 1975. She
is a member of the working party of High Pressure Technology
of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.

Roumiana P. Stateva is a
professor at the Institute
of Chemical Engineering,
Sciences. She has an MSc
in chemical cybernetics and
a PhD in chemical engineering from the Mendeleev
University of Chemical
Technology, Moscow, Russia.
Her research is devoted to the
modelling and efficient calculation of phase equilibria of complex systems, and to the
development of original methods for the prediction of properties from the chemical structure of pure substances.

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