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May 2O1O

Fun House leader Guide

Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry.
James 1:19

Week 1 (1st & 2nd May)
BIG IDEA: “Fish & Chips anyone?” LISTEN
BIG POINT: Quick to listen and slow to speak that’s what I will do all this week.
Each child will learn that when they listen to God, they can have many rewards. It is God who will guide
them as they make daily decisions. It is from God’s Word, the Bible, where they will find a purpose and a
plan for their lives. They will see that they need to take time to spend with God so that they can learn how
to listen. As they listen, they will learn what their purposes are and how to fill up that plate in life with the
right things.

Week 2 (8th & 9th May)

BIG IDEA: “ Smores and More” RECOGNISE
BIG POINT: I need Jesus in my heart Recognising him as the boss of my life is where I really must start.
Each child will learn that they can recognize that Christ is the One who can provide for them and meet all
their needs. They will understand that He is a friend to get to know, not some distant stranger. Jesus will
give them more and “s’more” of His love and joy that never runs out.

Week 3 (15th & 16th May)

BIG POINT: I will remember God each day when I do this He shows me the way.
Each child will learn there are times that we build special memories so that we can remember special
people. They will see how God provides a way, through Jesus, to live forever with Him in heaven. By un-
derstanding what Christ did on the cross, they can know and always remember that God’s love for them is
always a special occasion.

Week 4 (22nd & 23rd May)

BIG IDEA: “Spice it up” FEED
BIG POINT: To others around me I’m like a spice, So I will remember to always be nice.
Each child will learn how they can help others. They will see that as they put into action what they have
learned, they will help give the flavor of joy to those around them.

Week 5 (29th & 30th May)

BIG IDEA: Lesson Review week.
BIG POINT: What have you learned?
Review of past weeks lessons. Always remember that God provides us with food that is good for our soul...
Soul Food!
Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry.
James 1:19


Week 1 (1st & 2nd May) FISHING GAME
Materials needed: Paper, marker, scissors, string, magnets, paper clips, stick, blindfold.
Make a fishing game together by cutting out some fish shapes from coloured paper. Write each word of the BIG
WORD verse onto a fish. On the mouth of each fish place a metal paper clip. To make a fishing rod, tie a length of
string to a stick and attach a magnet at the end of the string. Choose one person to be blindfolded and then lay
out all the fish on the ground. The person who is blindfolded holds the fishing rod and has to listen as the rest of
the group directs them to catch the fish in the right order of the verse.

Week 2 (8th & 9th May) WHO COULD IT BE?

Materials needed: Paper, markers, masking tape.
On 3 small pieces of paper write 3 names of famous people who the children will know. Choose three children to
be the contestants for the game to sit infront of the rest of the group. Attach the small pieces of paper gently to
their foreheads using a small bit of masking tape. The three contestants take turns to ask questions that can be
answered only with YES or NO to try and recognise who the person is that is written on their paper. The first to
recognise is the winner.

Week 3 (15th & 16th May) DAMPER - AUSTRALIAN unleavened bread

If you are unable to cook in your programs, have children make a recipe sheet to take home and bring some al-
ready baked Damper for the children to eat. (Please ensure you are aware of children’s allergies).
Materials needed: 2 cups of self-raising flour 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1 - 1/2 cups of milk 2 teaspoons of sugar 2 tea-
spoons butter, extra flour as needed
1. Mix the flour, salt and sugar together into a bowl. 2. Cut in the butter until fine crumbs form.
3. Add milk slowly and mix to form a soft dough. 4. Knead lightly on a floured board until smooth.
5. Shape into a round loaf, brush with milk and cut a cross in the top surface of the dough.
6. Grease and dust with flour a round cake tin. You can substitute a flat baking pan, but the round tin gives a bet-
ter shape to the loaf. 7. Place dough in the pan and bake at 190° C for 30 minutes.

Week 4 (22nd & 23rd May) Growing Salt Crystals Experiment

Materials needed: Clean Jar, String (cotton is best), Scissors, Tape, Pencil, 1-2 Cups boiling water (adult to help),
1-2 Cups table salt
Step 1: Boil the water and then transfer it to your clean jar. Have an adult help with this step. (or children can add
the water and salt at home, give them directions)
Step 2: Pour in enough salt to saturate the water. Stir until all of the salt that can dissolve is dissolved. If you see
salt crystals in the bottom of your jar that will not dissolve then you have probably saturated your water and are
ready for Step 3.
Step 3: Tie a piece of string to a pencil and hang the string in the water. Rest the pencil across the top of your jar
and tape it in place if necessary. Make sure that the string does not touch any of the salt at the bottom of the jar.
Step 4: Leave the jars on a shelf and check back the next day or next week to see how the salt crystals have grown

Week 5 (29th & 30th May) FUNNY FACE COOKIES

Materials needed: Marie Busicuits (plain round busicuits), icing sugar, food colouring, water, paper
plates, plastic sppons & knifes, lollies to decorate with. (be aware of children’s allergies).
Decorate funny faces on the busicuits using coloured icing, lollies to decorate (Suggestions: Snakes for
mouth, smarties for eyes, rasberries for nose, tiny marshmellows for hair). Have the children write their
name on their paper plate and put their funny face creation on display before eating them together in
your group.
BIG IDEA: “Fish & Chips anyone?” LISTEN
BIG POINT: Quick to listen and slow to speak that’s what I will do all this week.
BIG WORD: Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19

Would you rather fish for food or hunt for food?

Discussion Questions
Question 1: When is it hard to listen to God?
(When I am at school, when I am busy, when I watch TV or play video games, during sports, when I am
with friends)

Question 2: What does it mean to listen to God?

(To follow my conscience or spirit, to do the right things, to learn His ways, to value His guidelines for my
life, to want to know my purpose in life)

Question 3: How can I listen to God?

(By having quiet times, coming to church or small group, reading the Bible, praying, writing in a journal)

Big Word
Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19
Repeat the verse quickly 3 times, and then 3 times slowly.

Help the children to complete the activity sheet.

Blowing in the Wind
Materials: Several Ping Pong Balls, Masking Tape
Directions: Divide the class into two teams. Have them kneel on opposite sides of a large table or on the
floor. Put a line of tape down the middle of the table between the two teams. All team members must
clasp their hands behind their backs. The two teams will try to blow the ping pong ball across the table
to fall off the end of their opponent’s side. Start with one ping pong ball, then gradually add more. The
team that blows off the most ping pong balls off the opposite end within 5 minutes, wins.

We can’t see wind or air, but we can hear it and feel it. It is very useful when used the right ways. We
need to listen more and not get angry – even in a fun game!

Dear God, Thank You for the Bible. I am glad that I can learn all about You. Please help me to listen at
church and to my teachers so that I can learn more. This week, give me a desire to listen to a Christian
band or worship CD and then write out my thoughts about You in a journal. Amen


BIG IDEA: “ Smores and More” RECOGNISE
BIG POINT: I need Jesus in my heart Recognising him as the boss of my life
is where I really must start.
BIG WORD: Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19

Would you rather have some more dessert or some more recess time?

Discussion Questions
Question 1: How do I learn more about God?
(Come to church or small group, read my Bible, talk to Christian adults, ask questions, keep a prayer

Question 2: What keeps me from recognizing God?

(Bad friends; wrong TV shows, movies or music; too many video games; choosing other activities over

Question 3: How can others recognize Christ in me?

(When I am kind, when I share, when I encourage others, when I tell others about Jesus, when I stand up
for what is right)

Big Word
Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19
Practice the actions that go along with the verse.

Help the children to complete the activity sheet.

Game Name That Name

Materials: None
Directions: Have the class stand in a circle. An adult leader will begin by saying telling their own name
and an interest or hobby they have. For example, “My name is Dillon and I like to play baseball.” Make it
more fun by adding an action or hand motion such as swinging a bat. Then next person will continue by
starting with the leader’s first name and hobby, and then add hers. (i.e. “I’m Bethany and I love to dance”
while pretending to do a dance move.) Continue on around the circle until everyone has had a turn. Be
prepared to help the children with ideas for hobbies and actions.

God made each one of us special. He even knows all of our names. We may not always remember the
names of others, but God always knows and recognizes us. Do you recognize Him?

Dear Jesus, I am glad that You love me no matter what. Help me to always recognize Your ways so that
I can make good decisions. Just as sheep follow their shepherd, give me a desire to want to follow You.
This week, help me to give my life to You and follow You on a daily basis.


BIG POINT: I will remember God each day when I do this He shows me the way.
BIG WORD: Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19

Would you rather have dinner out at a steak house or a pasta place?

Discussion Questions
Question 1: What is the most important thing to remember about Jesus?
(That He died for my sins; I can live forever with Him in heaven; He is God; He is alive)

Question 2: There is so much to learn about Christ. How can I remember it all?
(Talk about it with others; write in a journal; be part of a small group; ask questions; ask God for help;
memorize verses)

Question 3: Why do I need to remember?

(So that I can tell others; so I can make better choices, so that I can have the best life; so I can have
Jesus in my heart and a relationship with God)

Big Word
Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19
Award children in your group who can remember the verse and say it aloud on their own.

Help the children to complete the activity sheet.

Seven in a Row
Materials: None
Directions: Choose seven children to stand up in front of the room. Then have them leave the class, mix
up, and return in a different order. Call on several other children in the class to try and remember the
original order that the seven were standing in before they left the class. When they figure out the cor-
rect order, choose seven new children and play the game again.

We had to think hard to remember the correct order. Sometimes it’s easier to remember some things
better than others. God gives us good minds to remember. He also helps us to remember all the good
things about Him.

Dear God, Thank You for sending Jesus to die on the cross. I know that He died for all the wrong things
that I have done. Please forgive me for all those wrong things. I want You to live in my heart so that I
can live with You forever. Help me to always remember what You have done for me. This week, I will tell
one person how much You mean to me. Amen


BIG IDEA: “Spice it up” FEED
BIG POINT: To others around me I’m like a spice, So I will remember to always be nice.
BIG WORD: Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19

Would you rather eat spicy jalapeno pepper cookie or a hot curry and onion brownie?

Discussion Questions
Question 1: How can I be like salt to others?
(Be Christ-like; be kind; set a good example to others; tell others about Jesus)

Question 2: Where can I be like salt?

(At school; playing in my neighborhood; on my sports team; with my family and friends)

Question 3: Why does God want us to be like the salt of the earth?
(To help others out when they need it; to let others know about Jesus; to encourage others; to show His

Big Word
Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19
Write each word of the verse on a slip of paper. Have the children arrange the words into the
right order.

Help the children to complete the activity sheet.

Rock, Paper, Scissors
Materials: None
Directions: Explain the rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Children start with a fist. Together they count (one,
two, three) and then make one of three symbols with their hand. A fist represents a rock, two fingers out
form scissors, and a flat-open hand represents paper. Rock beats scissors because a rock can crush scis-
sors. Scissors beats paper because scissors can cut paper. Paper beats rock because paper can wrap over
the rock. Have the children pair up and play together. The winner takes turns telling their favorite food,
restaurant, snack, dessert, etc. Changes partners and play again. Keep playing until time allows.
This is a game where we can just hang out and have fun. We get to enjoy others and learn fun things
about our classmates instead of losing or hurting. God wants us to set good examples and be a good
flavor to others around us when we play together.

Dear God, Thank You for all that You have done for me. Help me to show Your ways to others around me.
Show me how I can make a difference in this world. I want to be able to feed others the way that You
have fed me with Your love. This week, I will find someone who needs “joy seasoning” in his/her life and
encourage him/her with my words. Amen
BIG POINT: What have we learned?
BIG WORD: Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19

If you had to cook a meal for the Queen what would you make?

Discussion Questions
Question 1: How has God spoken to you during Soul Food?
(I need to obey God and listen to my parents, God will always provide for me when I am in need,
I need to be willing to share with everyone)

Question 2: How have you responded to what He has said?

(I have been listening to my parents and doing what my teachers ask of me, I have been praying
for God to help me when needed, My parents and I fed the homeless)

Big Word
Dear Friends, be quick to listen and slow to speak or to get angry. James 1:19
Award points/prizes to the children that can remember the verse from this month AND the
verse from last month.

Help the children to complete the activity sheet.

Materials: Paper, crayons/pencils
Make the most creative drawing you can out of a squiggle. Have each child draw a squiggle on a
piece of paper the swap it with a friend. Use the squiggle to make a picture. After a few minutes
ask all the children to hold up their materpiece.

Have children talk about their prayer requests. Then they can write out or draw pictures of their
own personal prayer requests on their activity sheet. Take a moment to pray for these.


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