Name: Judy Ann S. Quiña Subject: English 5 (MWF 1:30-2:30pm) Date: March 11, 2016

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Name: Judy Ann S.

Subject: English 5 (MWF 1:30-2:30pm)

Date: March 11, 2016

Paradise Lost
(Readers- Response Analysis)
Milton first published his seminal epic poem, Paradise Lost, in 1667. In it, Milton
explains why he has chosen to compose his long poem in English heroic verse without the use of
rhyme, following the models of Homer and Virgil. Milton argues that rhyme is particularly
unnecessary in longer poems, and that its unquestioned use by his peers. Milton sees an
inflexible application of rhyme and meter as in danger of becoming rote and mathematical, and
he defends the liberty he found in releasing his poem from rhymes limitations.
The story that makes Paradise Lost touches the brighter side of the critic. The story does
not straightly point out the protagonist. The critic found out that all scenes bring intensity. Every
angles of the story has its own meaning and the critic cant assure whats really happening
beyond the marvelous scenarios. The critic was so amaze upon reading the interpreted epic poem
because it is the readers brilliant thoughts who will judge the true meaning of the text.
Upon reading the text, the critic truly reacts when there is something that the authors
deep interpretation of the text. Argue comes out that Satan is the true hero or the protagonist in
the story because he struggles to overcome his doubts and weaknesses and accomplishes his goal
of corrupting humankind. This goal however is evil. Satan was described with some qualities of
being a hero but because he didnt respect the rules of all-powerful God who created him, he
deserves to be punished. But of course the punishment will be taken away if he accepts the truth
that he was wrong. God almighty describes as the most humble in the story; he did not use his
position to handle his creatures, instead he accepts the free will of these creatures he has made.
When Satan tries to distract the living of humans, who were made by the image of God he

successfully tempted them. In this area, the attention of the critic awakens. It seems that the text
itself means that the true hero must only that strong and determined qualities but also must have
a potential to fight for what is right for good for all.
When Eve eats the fruit, and then convinces Adam to as well, the critic was so
disappointed. The rule was clearly emphasized to them but still it comes to point that they break
this. Well, these creatures may not perfect as God has but they were given free will and these free
will symbolizes that God trusted them to perfectly choose him without forcing them as well. The
thing there is that, humans did not think of how God loves them as he let them to live after all.
As an assumption for this situation, the critic may do such disappointment of disobedience, but
because God still standing with all the expectations, seeing the sacrifices that God may gave for
his creatures, it is now the time that the critic to follow of what God almighty expect as reverse
of his goodness. This is to choose him in any cases with all the heart.
The text does not really clearly emphasize the real speaker because at first the text
contains first person. This may take confusedness to the readers. But, by having these doesnt
mean that the author of the story is the narrator of the story. The narrator in the text is an
omniscient third person. This means that the narrator is not a character in the story (like Satan or
Adam or Eve), but rather an external observer that can enter the thoughts of all of the characters
in the story. Milton does this on numerous occasions, often telling us what Satan is thinking
about, or what Adam is really feeling. As John Milton is not a character in the story, our narrator
can be several places at once. It leads to misperceptions to the critic for having this concept of
the true character in the story. It is somewhat unbelievable as the whole story run with full of

The critic sees the serious thinking of the next at the point when Adam and Eve leave
paradise. The critic easily relate at this scenario as it gives a true reason why do people todays
living faces the painful life. The context were narrates the beginning of all serious things of
humans. Even though the critic only relates the last part of the text but the critic appreciates the
effort of having an assumptions in the previous sections of the story as it gives better impact to
the readers response. This heroic type of works may cater the critical analysis of the readers as it
deals with assumptions. From the previous scenes, the text itself has a point. Critic may assume
in having those scenes to be true because no one witness besides God.
Reading a written work more than once makes the critic enhance its own critical analysis.
From the first reading of the work, the ideas that may examine were only shapes the outer part of
the text itself, while reading it repeatedly the thoughts dig the outer part and acquire the deepest
The text pushes readers to understand the text itself with correct interpretations. The text
comes up with two variations of analysis to the readers. First is being fantastic of the text. Some
of the readers may follow this type of analyzation because they dont even dig the deepest
meaning of the text. They only see how the text is being presented physically. While the second
type of the readers response is being able to see the true meaning behind the text. They do not
simply look of the text but rather they deepen their understanding the text.
Paradise Lost truly shapes readers response as it gives questions and confusing moments
from the start till the end. Readers may come up with different interpretations and examinations
to the text. These variations of analysis may bring the readers to critical analyzation. Readers
were push to comprehend clearly the text.

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