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SAC 01
Terms and Conditions for Accreditation

SAC 01, April 2014

The SAC Accreditation Programme is managed by SPRING Singapore
All rights reserved




1.1 The Singapore Accreditation Council


SAC Council


Obligations of the Accredited Organisations




Suspension and Withdrawal of Accreditation

7.1 Suspension and Withdrawal of Accreditation

7.2 Reinstatement of Accreditation

7.3 Re-Application


Significance of Accreditation


Limitation of Liability




Applicable Law






Conditions for use of SAC Accreditation Marks

15..1 Layout of SAC Accreditation Marks

15.2 Use of Mark or Reference to Accreditation in Publicity and Other

Materials by Accredited Organisations

15.3 Reference to Accreditation Status by Accredited Inspection Bodies,

Laboratories and Proficiency Testing Providers

Annex 1

15.3.1 Use of SAC Accreditation Mark on Reports

15.3.2 Use of SAC Accreditation Mark on Calibration Labels


15.3.3 Use of ILAC-MRA Mark by Accredited Laboratories


15.4 Reference to Accreditation Status by Accredited Certification



15.4.1 General


15.4.2 Use of IAF-MLA Mark by Accredited Quality Management System

and Product Certification Bodies


Specimen of SAC Accreditation Marks




The Singapore Accreditation Council


The Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) was established under the then
Singapore Confederation of Industries (SCI) by an agreement made
between the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and SCI through a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 12 September 1996.


SAC was transferred to the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board

(SPRING Singapore) on 1 April 2002. The transfer was a decision by the
Singapore government to have a national standards and accreditation
regime to represent Singapore internationally across the whole spectrum of
industries. Being a government national accreditation body, it will facilitate
the establishment of government-to-government mutual recognition
agreements, which is an essential element of the free trade agreements
with our major trading partners.


SAC Council


The SAC Council is the governing body for accreditation schemes relating to
conformity assessments in Singapore. The SAC Council functions
independently and is responsible for all decisions on accreditation. It
comprises representatives of the various interest groups concerned with
conformity assessments including government, manufacturing and service
industries, professional organisations, procurement agencies and conformity
assessment bodies. The composition is balanced with no single interest


The Council is the highest body for all decisions on the accreditation
activities that it undertakes. It may however delegate the accreditation
decision to its Council Committees for the various accreditation schemes. It
is responsible for establishing policies, reviewing and advising on the
financial management, and smooth operation of the accreditation schemes.



This document is applicable to all applicants and accredited organisations of

SAC accreditation schemes. Participation in the schemes is voluntary. All
participants shall adhere strictly to the SAC terms and conditions at all times.


These terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with the other
accreditation criteria documents of the respective schemes.

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Obligations of the Accredited Organisations


Accredited organisations shall comply with the following conditions:


Offer to all customers a standard of service consistent with the SAC

terms and conditions and maintain impartiality and integrity in all


Immediately notify SAC, where applicable, on any of the following:


any change in its legal, commercial, ownership or organisational



any changes in organisation, top management and key personnel

e.g. key managerial staff, management representative and
approved signatories who could affect the performance or
competence of the accredited organisation;

(iii) plans to conduct any accredited activities outside the Republic of

(iv) change of resources and premises;

any lawsuit or criminal investigation of the accredited organisation

or its staff ;

(vi) any changes to the scope of accreditation;

(vii) any significant changes in main policies; and
(viii) any other matters that may affect the ability of the accredited
organisation to fulfil requirements for accreditation.

Adhere to the rules for the use of the SAC Accreditation Marks and
reference to accreditation status;


Not to use the accreditation status in such a manner as to bring SAC

into disrepute and not make any statement related to the accreditation
which SAC may consider misleading or unauthorised;


Provide reasonable facilities, such as accommodation, cooperation,

and access to documentation, inspection methods, test / calibration
standards, personnel, inspection site, calibration and testing areas for
the assessors and SAC staff, to discharge their duties throughout the
assessment process and resolution of complaints. This include
reserving a right to visit any certified organizations of SAC accredited
certification bodies as a means of verification that audits are properly


Make prompt payment to SAC of all the necessary fees levied by SAC;

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Upon the withdrawal of accreditation forthwith discontinue its use of

reference to accreditation and withdraw all advertising materials which
contains any reference to accreditation;


Make a clear and unequivocal statement in all contacts with its

customers that a certificate of accreditation in no way implies that the
product or service is approved by SAC; and


Not represent or hold itself out as being the agent or partner of SAC or
make any representations on behalf of SAC.


Ensure the standard of service and integrity of reports are maintained

during relocation. Endorsed reports can continue to be issued prior to
SAC verification of continual compliance at the new location. Should
subsequent findings from SAC during the reassessment show the
accreditation requirements are compromised, this may warrant for
recall of reports issued.



All information provided by any applicants in relation to preliminary enquiries

or to an application for accreditation and all information obtained in the
course of, or in connection with, an assessment of an accredited
organisation shall be completely confidential. SAC staff, SAC Council
members, Council Committee members, Technical Committee members,
Review Committee members and assessors undertake to always observe
the duty of confidentiality provided. PROVIDED ALWAYS, this clause shall
not apply to information in the public domain and information in the
possession of SAC prior to submission by the applicant.


SAC shall not disclose confidential information about a particular accredited

organisation without written consent of the accredited organisation, except
where the law requires such information to be disclosed without such



Members of the SAC Council, Council Committees, Technical Committees,

review committees and assessment teams considered to have commercial,
financial or other pressures or conflicts of interest that might cause them to
act in other than an impartial or non-discriminatory manner shall not be
involved in the assessment and evaluation of an applicant / accredited


An applicant / accredited organisation shall liaise with the SAC secretariat on

all matters relating to accreditation, and shall not communicate directly with
any of the committee members and assessors on such matters.

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An applicant / accredited organisation shall be informed of the appointment

of the assessment team and may object to the appointment only once, on
valid grounds such as conflict of interest. The applicant / accredited
organisation shall accept any reappointment of the assessment team by



Any complaints should be made in writing to the Director and such

complaints should bear the name, designation, company and signature of
the sender.


Any written complaints shall include objective evidence(s) to support the

complaints, where possible.


Any written complaints received will be duly acknowledged and the sender
will be informed of the outcome.


Unannounced assessments may be conducted to investigate a complaint

against an accredited organisation. SAC reserves the right to conduct
unannounced visits when the need arises.

Suspension and Withdrawal of Accreditation


Suspension and Withdrawal of Accreditation


A suspension or withdrawal may be made against an accredited

organisation for any or all scopes included in the scope of accreditation for
such period as the Council Committee may determine if it is satisfied that
the organisation has:
a) not maintained a standard of practice complying with the
accreditation criteria;
b) violated the terms and conditions for the accreditation stipulated in
SAC 01;
c) failed to provide reasonable facilities for the assessors to discharge
their duties;
d) failed to rectify the non-conformities within the agreed time frame.
These may include retrieval and re-issuing of the affected
e) failed to submit the corrective actions within the agreed time frame
without valid reason; or
f) failed to pay all necessary fees levied by SAC.

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Where any failure to comply with any criteria of accreditation is, in the
opinion of the Council Committee, of a temporary nature and rectification
will not be immediate, SAC may retain accreditation on a suspended basis
for any or all of its accredited scopes.


SAC shall withdraw the accreditation when departures from the

accreditation criteria, which lead to suspension of accreditation, are not
rectified within the stipulated time frame, normally not more than one year.


SAC shall inform the accredited organisation in writing of the suspension or

withdrawal and the reasons for the suspension or withdrawal. The
organisation shall have the right to appeal to the SAC Council.


No accreditation shall be suspended or withdrawn unless SAC has:

a) served at least two weeks written notice to the accredited organisation,
stating the grounds for the suspension or withdrawal; and
b) considered any written appeal from the accredited organisation received
during these two weeks.


During the two weeks notice, the status of accreditation of the organisation
is considered to be in temporary suspension and no accredited certificates/
endorsed report shall be issued.


If a written appeal has been received, the SAC Council shall convene an
Appeal Committee chaired by a SAC Council member and comprising of
members not involved in the evaluation of the organisation to consider the
explanations given, and if the organisation so wishes, shall provide an
opportunity for the accredited organisation to be heard as soon as possible.
Where necessary, appropriate technical experts may be co-opted to assist
the SAC Council in hearing the appeal.


If no appeal has been received by the SAC Council against the notice of
suspension or withdrawal, or if in the opinion of the SAC Council the
explanations submitted are not satisfactory, SAC shall, on the expiry of the
notice, suspend or withdraw the accreditation and inform the organisation in
writing. Relevant stakeholders will be informed of the suspension or
withdrawal. The suspension or withdrawal of accreditation will be
highlighted in the SAC website.


Any accredited organisation may voluntarily withdraw its accreditation by

giving two weeks written notice to SAC.


An organisation whose accreditation has been voluntarily withdrawn,

withdrawn by SAC or suspended shall not issue SAC accredited
certificates/ endorsed reports or represent or imply in any way to any party
that its accreditation under SAC is operative.

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An organisation whose accreditation has been withdrawn shall return the

Certificate of Accreditation and all other appropriate documents to SAC


For certification bodies, the organisation shall provide its customer with
information on the withdrawal of its accreditation and on its consequences.
(Reference: IAF/ILAC A5 Clause M.


Reinstatement of Accreditation


An organisation whose accreditation has been suspended in part or in full

may have its accreditation reinstated subject to a re-assessment. The
organisation shall satisfy all the criteria of a formal assessment and the
award of accreditation.




An organisation whose accreditation has been withdrawn by SAC may reapply one year after its withdrawal date and shall be considered as a fresh


An organisation that has withdrawn its accreditation may re-apply and shall
be considered as a fresh applicant.


SAC will not accept the application of any organisation for any accreditation
programmes if SAC had previously suspended or withdrawn that
organisations accreditation for the full scope for three times or more. This
will also apply to any organisation with the same owner(s) as the
organisation which had its accreditation suspended or withdrawn as



Appeals made in writing against any decision for refusal or suspension or

withdrawal of accreditation or any disputes concerning the interpretation of
criteria must be made no later than two weeks from the date of refusal,
suspension, withdrawal or disputes. Such appeal, which shall be
submitted to Director, will be considered by the Council acting on the
advice of an Appeal Committee. The Committee appointed in respect of
each appeal shall consist of a Chairman and at least two members of the
Council or Council Committee, none of which shall have any direct
commercial interest in the subject of appeal. The Committee may co-opt
technical experts as and when required.


The decision of the Appeal Committee shall be final and shall not be called
into question or subject to review or appeal by any court of law.

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Significance of Accreditation


Accreditation should not be regarded as in any way diminishing the normal

contractual responsibilities between the accredited organisation and its
customers. While accreditation is an indication of the integrity and
competence of the accredited organisation, it does not constitute a
guarantee by the SAC of the competence of the accredited organisation in
any particular case.


SAC is in no way responsible for the charging arrangement between an

accredited organisation and its customers.


Limitation of Liability


SAC shall not be liable to the accredited organisation for any losses,
damages or expenses including injury to reputation suffered by the
accredited organisation and/or third parties, arising directly or indirectly from
the accreditation of the accredited organisation, use of the SAC accreditation
marks, assessment activities carried out on the accredited organisation by
SAC, its representatives, employees and/or agents or SACs exercise or
performance of its rights, powers, duties or obligations under these Terms
and Conditions.


Without prejudice to clause 9.1, in the event that SAC is found liable for any
losses, damages or expenses howsoever caused, whether by operation of
law or otherwise, the maximum amount of SACs liability shall be limited to
the fees paid by the accredited organisation for the period of the
accreditation cycle or $100,000 whichever is the lower. The accredited
organisation agrees that under no circumstances shall SAC be liable for any
special, indirect, incidental or consequential loss, damage or expense,
however caused including without limitation any loss of profits or prospective




The accredited organisation agrees and shall indemnify SAC fully against all
losses, damages and expenses suffered by SAC including but not limited to
legal costs on a full indemnity basis and all claims by any third parties
against SAC, arising directly or indirectly from the accreditation of the
accredited organisation, use of the SAC accreditation marks, assessment
activities carried out on the accredited organisation by SAC, its
representatives, employees and/or agents or SACs exercise or performance
of its rights, powers, duties or obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

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Applicable Law


This terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with and

governed by the Laws of Singapore and the parties hereby agree to submit
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore Courts.




The fees for accreditation shall be prescribed by the SAC Council and the
Council may change the fees from time to time.


All fees paid by an applicant / accredited organisation are non refundable.




An applicant / accredited organisation agrees to indemnify and pay SAC

all taxes, levies, and duties including, but not limited to, goods and
services tax or withholding tax which the Council may be liable to pay as a
result of providing the services to the applicant / accredited organisation.


Conditions for use of SAC Accreditation Marks


Layout of SAC Accreditation Marks


Reference to SAC accreditation status made by accredited organisation

using SAC accreditation marks shall indicate with the Certificate Number
issued to the accredited organisation. Specimens of the SAC accreditation
marks are shown in Annex 1. The accreditation marks must be reproduced
in the official colours, red (PMS 032C) and dark grey (PMS Cool Grey 11C);
or in a single colour only, preferably gold, black or dark grey (PMS Cool
Grey 11C).


The SAC accreditation mark may be uniformly enlarged or reduced, but shall
not be less than 15mm in height.


Use of Mark or Reference to Accreditation in Publicity and Other

Materials by Accredited Organisations


An accredited organisation may use the SAC accreditation mark on publicity

and other stationery materials such as brochures, letterhead paper,
quotations and vehicles. However, the use of the SAC accreditation mark or
any reference to SAC accreditation in advertising and promotional
publications shall be vetted and pre-approved by SAC.

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The accredited organisation shall:


only claim that it is accredited in respect to those activities which are

covered under its scope of accreditation;


only use the SAC accreditation mark for premises covered by



not make any statement regarding its accreditation that SAC may
consider misleading or unauthorised;


not allow the fact of its accreditation to be used to imply that a product,
process, system or person is approved by SAC; and


not use the SAC accreditation mark on any test items, products or
literature, or in a way that may be interpreted as denoting product
conformity, or permit its certified organisations to do so.

An accredited organisation shall upon suspension or withdrawal of SAC

accreditation immediately cease:
(a) issue of any certificates or reports, quotations and calibration labels
displaying the SAC accreditation mark or containing references to SAC
(b) distribution of all items on which the SAC accreditation mark or any
reference to SAC accreditation are displayed, and shall ensure
discontinued use or distribution of these items.


Reference to Accreditation Status by Accredited Inspection Bodies,

Laboratories and Proficiency Testing Providers


Use of SAC Accreditation Mark on Reports An accredited organisation may use SAC endorsement on reports that deal
solely with activities covered under the terms of accreditation. The endorsement shall be made by the use of the SAC accreditation mark
and it shall include the Certificate Number issued to the accredited
organisation and the following statement:
"The results reported herein have been performed in accordance with the
terms of accreditation under the Singapore Accreditation Council"

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Such reports shall be referred to as SAC endorsed reports. All SAC endorsed reports shall:

be signed by the approved signatory(ies) if applicable to the respective

scheme ;


bear a statement governing the conditions for reproduction, ie. the

reports shall not be reproduced except in full, unless the management
representative of the accredited organisation has given approval in


comply with the requirements specified in relevant accreditation

standards, eg ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 15189 or ISO/IEC
17043; and


NOT apply the mark of a certification body (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001).
This requirement is indicated in ISO/IEC 17021 Clause 8.4.2. The accredited organisation may issue a SAC endorsed report that includes
results of activities subcontracted to another accredited organisation
provided that:


the terms of accreditation of the subcontractor include the activities

subcontracted to it;


a SAC endorsed report has been issued by the subcontractor; and


the subcontractor's report is identified in the SAC endorsed report

issued by the accredited organisation.

All accredited organisations are encouraged to issue SAC endorsed report.

However, in particular circumstances, SAC may permit an accredited
organisation to include results not covered by its terms of accreditation in a
SAC endorsed report. For such cases, approval from SAC shall be obtained,
and such reports shall have the following disclaimer:
"Inspections/Calibrations/Tests marked "Not SAC Accredited" in this Report
are not included in the SAC Accreditation Schedule for our inspection body /
The above disclaimer shall be on the front cover or first page of each report
or wherever the mark or reference to accreditation occurs. For an accredited laboratory, a SAC endorsed report can contain an

expression of expert opinion and interpretation provided it is confined to the

an opinion on the statement of compliance/non-compliance of the

results with requirements; and

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a fulfillment of quantitative contractual requirements.

Any expression of expert opinion or interpretation statements outside (a) and

(b) shall be provided in a separate unendorsed document. When a batch or consignment is sampled in accordance with the
laboratory's terms of accreditation, the accredited laboratory may use the
SAC endorsement on a report which extends the results on the sample to
the batch or consignment from which the sample was taken.

Use of SAC Accreditation Mark on Calibration Labels A calibration laboratory accredited by SAC should, wherever practical, use a

label with a SAC accreditation mark, but subject to the following conditions:



The label shall be of a design approved by SAC;


The label shall be used only on a measuring instrument for which a

SAC endorsed calibration certificate or report has been issued;


The label shall be used only when the laboratory has been accredited
for all the calibrations performed on a measuring instrument;


The label shall relate only to the calibration carried out on the date
given on the label;


The label shall not imply compliance with a specification, approval of

quality or permanence of calibration;


On recalibration of the instrument the previous label shall be removed

and replaced by a new label relating to the latest calibration; and


There shall be adequate safeguards for storage, control and use of the

Use of ILAC-MRA Mark by Accredited Laboratories An accredited laboratory may use the ILAC-MRA Mark to demonstrate that
the laboratory is accredited by a signatory of the International Laboratory
Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement. The
ILAC-MRA Mark shall only be used in combination with the SACSINGLAS Mark which is then known as the Laboratory Combined MRA
Mark. A specimen of the Laboratory Combined MRA Mark is shown in
Annex 1. The Laboratory Combined MRA Mark can be used on reports that deal
solely with calibrations or tests covered under the terms of accreditation,
pre-printed letterhead, quotations for work, advertisements, websites and
other documents. The ILAC-MRA Mark cannot be used on business cards,
either alone or as part of the Laboratory Combined MRA Mark, in order to
avoid any possible confusion with accredited certification of personnel.
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Page 11 of 15 Accredited laboratories must enter into a sub-licensing agreement with SAC
prior to the use of the Laboratory Combined MRA Mark. The proposed
usage must be forwarded to SAC for review and the Laboratory
Combined MRA Mark cannot be used until written approval has been
given by SAC.

Reference to Accreditation Status by Accredited Certification Bodies


General The SAC accreditation mark can be used by certification bodies who have
successfully achieved accreditation. Where a certification body is accredited in respect of a certification
scheme whereby it owns or is licensed to use a certification mark, each
licensee of the certification mark may use the SAC accreditation mark in
conjunction with the certification mark. This use is limited to the licensee's
stationery, literature and advertisements, and is subject to the conditions
governing the licence of the certification mark. When the SAC accreditation mark is used by an accredited certification
body, the appropriate certificate number accorded to the body under the
scheme shall be used in conjunction with the SAC accreditation mark. Where an accredited certification body uses the SAC accreditation mark, it
shall include on the same sheet of document:

Its own name or logo, displayed no less prominently than the SAC
accreditation mark


The phrase: The use of the SAC accreditation mark indicates

accreditation in respect of those activities covered by the
accreditation certificate number XXXX The SAC accreditation mark shall not be used by an accredited certification
body on any document unless the document relates in whole or in part to
accredited activities of the certification body. The accredited certification body shall ensure the following:

Its licensees of a certification mark relating to an accredited

management systems certification scheme shall not use the SAC
accreditation mark on its products or associated documentation or


Its licensees of a certification mark relating to an accredited product

certification scheme shall only use the SAC accreditation mark on
products manufactured under the SAC accredited product certification

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Page 12 of 15 The SAC accreditation mark shall not be used in such a way as to suggest
that SAC has certified or approved any product or any service supplied by
the accredited certification body or its licensee of a certification mark, or in
any other misleading manner.

Use of IAF-MLA Mark by Accredited Quality Management System and

Product Certification Bodies An accredited quality management system certification body or product

certification body may use the IAF MLA Mark to demonstrate that it is
accredited by a signatory of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF)
Multilateral Recognition Arrangement. The IAF MLA Mark shall only be
used in combination with the SAC Mark for quality management system
and product certification body which is then known as the Combined
Mark. A specimen of the Combined Mark is shown in Annex 1. Accredited quality management system and product certification bodies must
enter into a licensing agreement with SAC prior to the use of the Combined
Mark. The proposed usage must be forwarded to SAC for review and the
Combined Mark cannot be used until written approval has been given by
SAC. The Combined Mark in conjunction with the certification bodys mark,
can be used on pre-printed letterhead, accredited certificates, quotations for
work, advertisements, websites and other documents. The IAF-MLA Mark
cannot be used on business cards, either alone or as part of the Combined
Mark, in order to avoid any possible confusion with accredited certification
of personnel.

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SAC Accreditation Mark for Inspection Bodies


SAC Accreditation Mark for Laboratories


SAC Accreditation Mark for Certification Bodies

Note (ZZZZ) may vary depending on the accreditation scheme

eg. QS = Quality Management System, PD = Product
HACCP = Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point


SAC Accreditation Mark for Other Schemes

Note (ZZZZ) may vary depending on the accreditation scheme

eg. PTP = Proficiency Testing Provider, FFT = Functional Food Testing

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Laboratory Combined MRA Mark


Combined Mark for Quality Management System and Product Certification


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