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il OS g





Rev :




and published


Fabrjcius * and


in the year 1779,


revised* &

by the


Rev : Mr : Fcezold ,



Mr :

William Simpson





Printed at Vepery in the year 1809.





TOSS 35 . the palm of the hand.
a slave of the house . jj^ >5l_a llJTW , the mistreft
.24351 ri^i 1_1<215> , to frustrate a of the house , the land-lady . .2J35IiQtITffiWi house
businefs by tricks, to play fast and loosely.
hold-stuff , .^^ , a neighbour, one that
-SJ35. wickednefs, wrung, j35(Krg/rroT05e5
, lives close by .
to have evil thoughts or wicked intentions. _2j 35 t_l ( -2)?jL0 , com , grain . ) Xi&cJOO > the price of
HSu&ODSx) , to vex . Al^jvrtfyTOjTOT , _aj 5 1 JOT the grain . 2J35T@S>.OU-|e5_>, the grain grows
(ft. -2J35U-) a wicked or deceitful person.
dear. Si 35 U5 T f L/ the grain grows cheap.
-SU.35(b'> 'he belly, the middle part of the body. -2J35U3:jDJ4;^[fj!(jp33LO , a friendly countenance,
-2J'55' QS^O&U to d'S'end or spread . ^; cbaiining loks . jj ;(^"?# , joy.
AVT -2J, 35
" cTJ rar, one who straddles , one who
| ni 1 1 9 , fir name of a tribe. Jj35 LO l_| 1 Q
stands or sits wiih the feet removed far from each other . LU ' < fem . _| 35i_CL_jl_0-ff# ) one of that tribe .
J4 ffi BtJf i the fibres of Palmyra or Cocnut-bran_- -24350"i_O , a sticet of Bramins .
ches of which the Natives of India make ropes .
_|35fT i > a dictionaiy.
-2J35ti U3 very wide and large. _2j35nrr
-SJ 35 JsO LD , broad the breadth . J) 35 (LO T >
t_L0fiu, far and wide.
*3S7 , to enlarge . .24 33 ^ TO^ ^#jQ95J , to
jajg;rarr(U;<2L_JT:eL>, to widen, to become wide. make narrower or smaller .
_S2| <cf. O3 35 I S/l >
.^^TL- 35=6 iO 5jJ , tobe wide, jtfjmwri
-| * : 3: (g SS> Ci, 9 -- , narrow , small .
erUTJj , a wide or large month ,
.2J3:r>S' id, the terrestrial globe, the earth.
-21355$> the name of a tree whose haver rerve for , \ o;O3J > 35 )(3, , _2J33T
potUteris , bearing a white flower .
g^j ; 5$,
L_lT05 , to give way ; to go away j to march
another Und , bearing red flowers, & Q Q RF , otf in haste . _2J93*eT got Q (_J tor OJ trr, .4 backslider.
mother kind, having smaller leaver.
~* 31>$0&)/, te stand afar off. _435gJ
-J35c55;*4r5^ . to put away , 10 remove . .2J85g> S>{)5, declining from the way.
; , .21353?L/>95 , putting away j removal .
J435O , a little earthen lamp.
_2J 33 rg a; 5 , pude, insolence, petulancy . .J^rg
J435T <TLC , thu letter A .
2510-(- t J435[542i85ffSe5TiD*or,a proud | )3551_0 , _2j sxigjTO-OLD . an unseasonable time,
' nun i an insolent man .
_2 ^ f cj\0 l_a ffi> (_p , an unseasonable rain .
.24 331I !->(!> -/ to ,,e had , got or found, to come _j'' , uncieannefs found upon ihe head.
into one's reach or pofsefsion to be caught orin_2J$JO, jy^j't ''' iwid ofa tree. ieSovogUa
snired , jejgjTew^S ^-llIU > I have got it i , -2l3><J"33eni 1 . tbe wood of it yielding a
J| 35!_llJl 5*)3><5; , a tiling not to lie had . meet scent .
( LO T ? :ro .2) 35 1ri(b'*-cg; i to fall in;o dan
ij*3VT , -Hiys. ^jgR/J-^eS, a ditch . _2J*/CVr
ger . wr traf i J\D J4^t_iLJtb*^Ll . be caught Q<nji 0?*-^^ to di a ditch . j!4rfS/vrg5 35l 1
m a sr.are . J) it> LJ (S g 5* C 83J , to' cau-e to be (jS ^057 > to lay oat a ditch with brick or stone. jg
Ensnared ,' to intanglc one in difficulties or perplexities . 'J^Nr^fH^DtCO^J . to i'" up a tlitch .
i Ii a 'arge kitchen - spoon ,
* JJ*^D<AJCT- , the neuter gender.
i"33LC"r, a cruel or attociom man .
-2)3.2Cc5'-0 , -2J<S vj<lUi_0 i . ^55*J05^LUU).
-2.'33U3 , 1 house the inner part . Jj^5g(gO)LD 2)@ a pjor eierabli man . ja (g ^ i lU i_j l3

uses .195* .1495


l_i?-55;i_lt_l^SB5L_aEB*^OS/. W enforce money |TW95t_H-p. , a stirrup . JJTv'2FLJt_ci.u3ocesTCTC

S)ti)5C35^1V*^ffiJ i J| TU 95 l-J 1_0- L_l rem egg)J t
or tribute from a pour roan.
/ , to mount a horse by putting the foot is*
-21 (2 'S T TT LD , very high , incomprehensible
-5> , fervency, vehemency . JuQeST " the stirrup .
LOT " F 4SI , , a hot conflict.. _2J 95 LO T
-2to95Qot * . _2f toQas
wrtuTj , a vehement paia. jpffi U) -2| TO 35 T i_e. > kitchen-ppovisioo sol.! m the market.
KT*-fJ<j , a vehement hot fever . j>j Q 93f fTLOT i4TO95Tl_^^^rt.2Q3y,tjo-go abouiinthe streets calling
, to be in a vehement panion..
out i uirs , herbs etc. _2)95 l_. 959>Bt , a shop
where k italien -provision is sold. .2J TO 95 "T l_Q. 95 8_ 8 1 r
i -SlC?9ST TTBjfTLO , day and night.
basket wherein people carry such things for sale .
-29,e55F# V . -2J95 45TO>r .
-34 95951-9- . a hard task . -TTFft*35
LU -ZJ TO 35 T 85 . Mar, the planet .
feSL1 't ?t*5 bird , it is hard or laborious thing for me , 4>> , a garment catering the whole body,, and
u> , money . 4 95 95 F T rs>0 , a mint . .35 reaching to the ankles .
Zi'Kietgsrf ,6^)3; , aecept with benevolence
FTeVr>OLUfW , a coiner.
or with gratitude afient , to belieie . J^nVatasTCTUJ,
*95950"'-O . ZHJ-FiTLD .
afsent . J4(K,ee 3=(f l_ji_( , acceptance. j^. R/i95ff l_j
-)353:4BT, the other side beyonJ the river.
-J 95 95 S> O > necefsary what is wanted. _}8;T l_| jyr ovr OJ -T , a grateful man, a creditable man.
^"^95 (535 SS>O UJ J> i I am not in want of it, <5^ J4.TO*95rfe5^g5j . to b grateful and
gentle or reverential towards one .
-S-I95 95TOYT" , ^Sf#. the elder iter .
-2)35S5 a troobltscmc kind of scabbinefs or itch on a
man's back or side. ) ct l_|^30 i_j i_j s-, one \rFJ&*rriTLD, \ Hl@ZQ.rrrrLO , politenefi , modes
that is plagued with it . ,
ty. JJ'K/StB'TroeT i a person of good . manners
to treat one politely . "
* -2J,359SOJ'T 56UTFLO , a ma's living incognito or -SJTeSFTtTLLJWesSwat^S
-ifK/eEffi lo , a theme ar *} fur poesy .
in. privacy
-2J ^ i hrathtpisjn, paganism. JJ95 ' r!5 JL|,-K/iL0(OJ6^gj ljljt (S$*03il , lo compose
*OJfTf , a heathen. _2) 95 et lu T f gcgf , a heathen-1 a poem to certain theme. X55S0T QlX)0\d
-Sj'KitSguoTa. G*n <2J&0 5^ > to te" lies f ne.
woman .
-2435*vr, the arm-pit. jjtB*ovr usuSi- , the hair
-2)^ ^ . AlfGi .
ender the arm..
BitDBx) > tu tickle * JiJfK/?!^) , the iron- wherewith att elephant it>
prick'd and managed .
one under the arm .
J>|fK;@i.4_u3 , JJ/K;@ia LO , the thumb of the
_?J 35 * LO lO , iniquity . _5*40'- {fem .
hand or Sot .
19535"-^3 ) an iniquitous oc wicked person.
JUTO A(,lL| rrenr,. a thimble.
-2J35*<>CTLO , _2)5*.2 , a street of Ba
-2| " ,V. Aj 5 T , a goose .
-/ J40UJ , an inch. ^t<W@cfOLJL SLDIT
rnim .
-2)?*^!5)!)^ t insolence, raihnefs . 1 jijg; , - lu, toan inch, exaff ly .
-^TOQ-fi , Jtj'rK, Jlf K/^Qier , there thither.
*JX5ujer', J4Ej305^4U Q ovr ovr <u ct ,
-il.TC SSllSiffjrggjaijT^l ror > be comes from- thence .
an insolent fellow .
* _Sj35eSf . fire . .2435* tfD ^95 * 0 SJ i to JL)^\/95rfvQg5 ,. here, ami I here .
keep a. largo fire . ji ^e$of <BlU95csI (S * ^>
Al TO 43 95 , the. palm of the band ..
to stop the fire by witchcraft . _2J fs oof gsffjiooT
-2j;toQ35't 5J(Sl_j l_i t , one that carries others
enriar , one tliat has fiery eyes . jtj 35 tt f* g; people's words and stories- about ;- a babbler .
iKJjowr ,-a'fiery arrow . Ajfftirof 35350355; , a fierce -i|TO(3 95TONOOjiuo ru ' v. julP^&to.
\9(1}>-*0!2~>(2& . dol notknov/
lvot wind. JJjKeet05G9;rr@5aJt a little flame
ef fire. _S4350iof F d> U T i/WO . a large flame; er| how to distinguish a sheep from' an elephant - .
the heat neai the fire. -.3566 i^itSaoQs^J. F l_o ^^CDWJ , J4=55;ljSl_ITC^, to forget, to
&j , to make
l_jeiT2S2lie^CS; , to throw one's self into the Are. slip out of memory . .ajFi_ii_S 95
forget. JJ?95@jEB 95 . fortfulnefs . Jx+ffj$<nr,
-2J95@ > the throat..
a forgetful person .
-21-S5(g)(3=P'5eof an immense army..
.2J TO 95 TO (95 i here and there.
_2|*TO95 3) U3 , AFTO95ir>, ^JFTOLUUJ, JJTO
-24TO95Fn"roo > a place in the field where the reap 95 1-0- i_J t_| , disdain , contempt . slight , neglect . j^fto
ed corn is kept . Jl TO 35 F rc>0 95 9S 1 O ,
watchman of the corn in the field .
95L_lJ.g;36^0S;, disdain , to sliglit,.to negleft. J^ffl
to hear inattentively. jqfTO
v| 7095 ,- a. proper partition in. a building. 95c5U>T uj(& *
to95Tl0TUj95' (B& >?Dr to build proper 950OVT, a despiser . ^=/;1_^95@ !> 95 , scorn.
^351-0.1|'_5; , to cause one. to be de
partitions to a house.
spised .
JlTD9JOWr35*^OS;> ta embrace .
_*.5^ , to move , to rock , to joggle . JLJ^TO
-i<K/95LO , a sign, a token.
JJH/esU) , the body . _i) TO9LlfOTL0 , maimed- 95T(Lr59>tSagj , to be unmoveable or firm.
-2J?-S. carelefsnefa-, ^jfi ( ff . Jt\ F t_0- )
nefs .
-2|:95 excellency, perfection, jjr | F **"" ,. .34 F "t a. negligent,, remits
"1}0*1<-'95 . all manner of prosperity. ur lazy person .
_i,Fi sait , contempt, overlooking, despise, jj
J4 T\ 65043 0" LU 5* Oft) i to behave one's self lament
, to despise . _2JFI
ably , to shew very great sorrow or companion. _2|TO95 Fl 42)1 L_J 2211
COTLULJL4, deep sorrow lamentation . JjTOgjO^Onr Oi 5<5955.; , to be slothful, to negleft
iui_ii_JT IT(f LU ; a thing ta bo pitied \ a a bnsinefs .
obliviotunefs, drowsinefs, negligence .
torrowful thing.

4# # - **G
/vjgj , to rock or reel from the place . JL) < P ipj
JF[5^fibT , a Jeep sleep.
te sPy to earch out a thing
* -3|7d){ , wint of strength, weaknefs . jqgw ! L-J T <3" 35 * -0
by watching it's motion .
S tfi) T -f) at
c/ 1
Jl? 0)l>ujetrr , a weak person .
J^r^UJLD , untruth . _| F 9 $ UJ*5flF5T<v>irer , to be in a continual motion
j|G=Tai , Q i_j it csa t Gurf ojLc/TLO
liar . . 7 ig J.JUT LU U T ir
, it proved
a imst-iree .
false or ungrounded .
jjff^uD fear , awe; thinnefs . JjrctfJ-OSW fear,
* JJ, HilSlULO . JhljCS'JjLD .
* j^iLDITgSLD i lld Ethiopian cumin .
-^^--' ' a " of star. ^^/
JJ^LDfJiRi-fi -2Jlb ng 5 @ LO , rirowsinefi , f| thin bricks , half bricks .
Jjy F T4"'JC> . money given for the purpose of 'making
iazinefs , idfenei*.
* _sj|F'f*<f , a being without a body , a spirit . JtJF a bargain firm & iure ; earnest - money , earnest-penny .
Acheen, a town and kingdom on the coast
rf S'il) T , a speech of an invisible being .
of Sumatra .
JLj F # 43 iTyCD Off' , Ihe name of a tree.
QLJTOfiy, to grow weak., to 1*11 into slumber
r drownn.ia to forget . Jtl?(5 '5i3> slumbering , |?5 , the axel-tree , or axel 4run-{ that about which
forgctfulnel's . J^yrgffi^QLJT^ogjojrr .drowsy eyes. a wheel or har.dmill turns a form or type for
priming or for any other impreffion , a printing44vT jqrtTgjrro<rr , he n filien asleep.
preft a weaver's stay . Ja|GiJi (j>* O
, to
> ciiif upi'n ihe head.
Jjyo-O. what is next by . *.< , .sjFOsaTovr cut forms . -?0*4- ; * > , to east types ..
j^Feroii Qjppgj/r joei , ) ; 8> 5j < , ^_.;*-20; , to piiiit .
a neighbour . _24 ? <^" , one of the neighbour a . J4H_j9.OJ0r , a thing rtat is printed.
ing town .
oso ^ff Q) , the next house , the next -iseutiggiGLJTAJ^fjoSU) > J|fru).uGuf
A)55Kuo, a printed book .
door to ours .
J\*4CU , /// insect / /iV*r rer end
hauts scab-spots on one's body .
ittu --O, ight.
-SI F (S 5 Si
. a low red colour to paint with.
_^*--1_0 , a , a meal's i::eat . jy F or LO l_i r J4AJ@$UD , the hand . JSJA)53;i - . a
SS&CdGJ , to eat. jjfrgffi LO R * O
, toi arm -ri iig.
drei meat. JtjS=itJri_Ci_|if LOT
CLQ > to divide
meat in portions. _2)?<1_(1; ^Cg^> ( i>S>L_6i the time ot sun-set.. JjAJ5ffjt_^4^05y , JJA)c55
et.2DB> ) to lay mtat btfore .one .
J4F rr g> > 6 -j5 35 i I Ce5 >J ) i 'o tas . . tne sua deer ;
U>rr0_3^Jt3 l-l T ( 50 J to eiv up other to go down, to vanish , to perish . (g;ff iLW J\tTi&
5L33@g;, the sun sets .
.meat .
^jTiTsycfaj , want of eloquence.
#^/9), men's bones. ^JiAJSjilUTUJ Q UT
* _J,FTaaJ'_0 1 what is irremediable or irreparable Oc/, tu grow carrion - lean . ^/\:$$1) , an
_lj F rr jQVTfLD 1 an incurable disease . rfs internal fever .
,Be disease )^) TO" U3 the foundation , the ground-work .
is become incurable . jj 11 { lu t < one that J4i/X>f#,CX>TrLBL-i^0'rh & tfxJy to dig for to lay
has an incurable sicknefs upon him .
ihe foundation . ^)5|1() G LjT(Sa6jas^
J\ffT(S > lingering , slownef; , slackness . Jj^a 0"T" to lay the foundation .
tl5555* O SJ . to be slow , slack , backward , dull .
_2JS?oS , veneration , reverence . &* S l_J
* J(|#T<wrLDi indigestion , debility of the stomach. SEi/S^OS;, J4SrSe_irr5U3Lj*nT tS 0 gy,
to venerate , to worship .
-1|#0" T LG>
. *u be ready .
.2J eft @ , iitse [und in jUwtrj tertain
Jj!3>*04;, the post. J(erooQ)<iJe5* 05; , to
tlittase in the car .
set up a post. OvoTUj(3l_lT Og; , to gohjr
g jso 35 75^ , a foot post . JjgjF JO
* -2|ffre>(_0 uncleannefj . JJJr^fLCT 35 iO^, SSO'i a post horse , a stage - horse . _j g s?
^ff^LjDL_j 'oTery36 /^; , to defile, to make unclean. Qtot- Ws'JD , a ipost - camel
_sj g F Oj
_2)StLJI_i , instantaneous , sudden , unthouglit of. _S| UOV)i a post- cor ch gFcrOSBTlUSLO . a letter
sent by post. JL[ oS { (Tvi^-t-^-illieS^Og^,
tliJiQoo > on a sudden, suddenly.
-2joru5 J49r-0t_3,a foot- traveller's by-sack, a budget, to come as a courser .
a wallet, a knapsack.
.34 F rr LG , xiagic , divination . jqjfjF*ST L0LJT"
*\5frS11. -Sj#r<JBffi, supicion , umbrage. _?J,9re~X> /. prognosticate by superstitions methods.
iX| ovr 3VT fU f4" , a suspicious man . \ ffr S3) OJ LU T
-!5>#95<> > humility, reverence, fear .
orrF-Tff LU -O , a suspicious thing . .-" OJiOJ>R
JUSfff, J4u5n5gj, five. jgsFTUJjqiesTfTLO,
*t*23iJ , to inspect . _1|> OJUTMfflfi, the fifth chapter . .IigjF T J g> , fifthly ; the fifth.
to out a thing that appears to be suspicious .
-iig5ffr<oejj , to fear . j^^erO)9i , fear, awe.
* Jt'ffjFLe , JJ#. uncleannefs , nastinefs .
>7 G5Tv/@ . Anjengo on the Malabar-coast.
_aj(2Jffe5BTLO . bleckishaefs , stupidity. _l|5't5>or
-2136^6) OJTseef , an iron pin by which the chariot
etrr , a blockhead .
of an Idol , five stories high , is fastened j firnmefs.
-S^S^TUJLD , injustice, wrong.
to ruminate, to chew the cud;
"/T-^V i five hundred.
J4d3Df rQFTW , an answer, a reply.
J41 (g , a pawn. JJt-v^OiOjgssJ/t g; , Ji^ua
.2JU>Fb>06).j , t move or stir. ^/) , uSagjffleriJo^^OSy. to give in pawn.
to move, to stir or shake a thing . .sjfKPO-l > a motion.
41 35 LO , refrnai ien , restraint, reprefsion |
_2) ) if tUTiSLjO , immobility , unmoveaBlenefs . -2Jo) concealment ; interment , subjection , subordination ; what
aguatioe commotion , j|t)F 2>2L/(2 LJ a is toinprehendcd withiaj , mgdeity , jji 9;

gjLCLJsrarSa/se^Ojy , to bide , to cover, to bury . soon after me. he was at my heels. |t p 1 11 it,
J|l Siffiior, a close or reserved man.
footsteps in the road . t~ 5 33 r jj l_o.
_2|i 5{540 , one tlut conceals his property iiTSj fljj (J ( 05 (
; i to follow one's foot -. /v-)i 9 , the step of a little foot , _2jL:a0>
from other men's knowledge. JQ\ gj 0j <Q) Tf! JT steps,
eOJ , a modest or complaisant man .
g=l_-. frequently, ever and anon, at every step.
_2|i 0585 ^ to cover , to conceal ; te refrain . J4L-O-05G T rg /cor <nj rr l(S3,&01i) , t
JL| i TO 3? Cj fly , to obey, to submit to settle change the thoughts otten , to be changeable or inconstant.
to the bottom to go in a, trunk etc . as goods do ^Jt-O. (JlliSX 03 G 05 4" VT W SJ > tlic ttel *ufwhen packed . Jt\ TO el 11 fT) 85 D ffijj , to become fer by \valking in the hot sand . 4ji 9 o>
obedient . 3\ I TO 05 T iil oor , one that cannot eS^Oe; i to cast ore's self at one's tea, to behave
be subdued. j>jt TOBTSLD t disobedience. -< submilsively . . 1 n t^x 9 11 irr sar , {fern.. J irai 9
3)05 95 @VT J41 TO 93 T 03 , innumerable. 2\ UJ T "VT , ) your submifsive servant. _ LD Sj I 9
I fB 3?LDl_|Jrr 221/ , to subdue . jsj.i TO05 luti?" , your submifsive servants.
Jt]\-J}.Q ajeer ,
i Lp. Q lu otrr 05
SB XI 05 05 ^O S; , to pack or cram thirgs so that I, your humble servant.
the trunk etc . can contain them . Qrg it o"i , Q l_l we, your humble servants. _) 1 9 t_D ( U3 1 the
TOeSf^s;, j|_owf, QgjTLjLO, G'-ftSib'- trunk of a tree . #5<-- Ll5 G 043 at tne "'* '
-2J u_ TO 36 .', the pain , storm , tumult , anger, pride torn of the wall. .24 ljj. SJ Sj> 1 1 the bottom of a
|i 9 oj t ( i-D > the fout of a hill . t
has ceased . )1 TO35^- , the whole the whole ship . t
compafs of things . 551 (B~PU 1 05;5 . all _2j I. l_J LJ B I , the fowcimost layer of a nutdthe furniture or household-stuff j24t_._TOcfi OCT UjQiT wall . ii ri fin i yii , the rim, or the lower part
Q>' 95 6 CO gj , to give work by the lump or by of the belly. _2ji_a i Q J43t_)Tj5-0505iil2a. La ,
contraa . jlju_TO03 a>j G sil roo i work given by it ought to be strictly inquired into . _2j
f-Q if >
contrail , or by the lump .
a suburb . _Ml_Q-i_JL_irriij 66 HO ejj, to leap over the
mark ( a bo)isli play .)
jxi m&nc&j v. ^jtsL-erse^oaj;.
-2jL_Q.!;85 Q5}) , to beat , to slap , to strike , 3\
JJI 3 *. -2J i <5* .
J) i LJLJ'-O , a pouch , a scrip . jyi l_JLJ30T 1 -2) \_j(b'85^CS) , Jnu^.U4t4VTkt^) , tobe beaten, to get ;
L-.LJLJ 6 05 T 30 <nrr , he that carries his master's blows ; to be consumed . t_J*mi 1 n 9|i 9 05 BS 0 SJ
beetle nut-pouch ,
to coin fanams. .L_.!_9-0?G6.4O5Ll < to kill sheep.
-2 ljljsot, _2ji LJlITJBT V, _2)B< 1 1 1 1 LOT LZ l_-0;B5 OBx) , to kill bullocks. iX(3^ti/^T
^41_.1_-305* Q!0J , to get one , to procure
him a drubbing . .2) t_o 5 V G 05 vr v r 0 gj , .
JLJi LDi_|etrr , an obstinate fellow .
.241 LOII , -2J1 i_ii_1U3(TLD , i of /re/'. to beat one's self. XGS^!-^^^^0*1* '
B; , to quarrel with one , to cuff one
JJt l-J4'-Dbb
ftwer a,0 O i (-0 M i a V5 6
fiant growing near riven .
another. jul_q l_i i_j Qftoo , a usual word .
.241 (25.205 -2)< iJ-rjajJOJJVTrT?*
S/ . to )1_& , a stroke , a blow , a stripe . .2) i_o. 85 flj @ LC l_| ,
grow close or thick together.
-2Ji (Fs3. the mark of a stripe, prints of a rod. Isjt-O. hjovzt
ruf , one that often gets blows . J^tt Q LU G 9
.51_<5^ , a thicket . J^LrJ-rrjgjgsa-fj, jtit
{gujT?orgsT(P > a thick forest . _sj 1 / , -2) i 0" i LO .2J L.L is * CO SjJ , to strike oni with
eOJQji^OgL' , _2| i /J-5ggj/v3_^5ujTiiJ<njf!566^D lashes.
^ uj, x l3 LJJ. UJ, (Cp OYT W F < 2> I ,
g; , to come again and again . jJtl_/5"roxlC^Ll a quarrel in which people come to blows . 05 rr >
tf-OGJ . to ask repeatedly . _EJt rj-rjg^/gujrr
. e>l_O-0j(gS/ , the wind blows. njT QOLO J4 L_0to be at one's heels, to pursue one closely . _2J 1 -y^S 05@; . it stinks , it casts an ill sraell . fTrlFjQLJP
8T05ffl33s3 JSJl_O.LJ(5@BjV , it is reported or rumoured.
(d)!0D'~o . too much rigor.
If J Lie? JtJLO- 0385 iejV . to call to witnefs .
_2Ji /00(^1 /DO, vain words.
|i 9 , boiled rice , boiled victuals .
Jiji 1| i the wise, way or manner. Q 15 0J t
fUTffi , in this manner . .24551 <TXI T 05 . M 5 8J
-2) L.O. LO a t r , an ignorant fellew ,
I Q U T Q ero , so , in that manner . J41
^1 1_0->1_0 ir . J5j(5ffi)Li> .
, to do a thing well or dex
terously. _t|l tfllTLUQl_J9rS.D8y , .2) t SU t_ -2|(B 05 05 1 , women's businefs in the kitchen
G*^JGfTOvo2fi/*^S^i to peak properly.
^)036?^OejV( JUffiOj*^0^ ) J4e5*OJ
i T . -2| G 1 , ho ! heigh I ( the way tt etil * OBjj , -2|(B03 0;rrujS)ije6S5OejV,to place
regularly, to put things in rows. J!j(50;@ ,
one of the lowest tort of the people . ) _2| 1 9 , ditto
to call a low person of the female sex . ) ill T ( T a row , a rank , a couch . A (5 5 0^0-10; 05 TIL! , in rows .
J4(5ff9>3ai . JQ(S<5(5l?F& >Bx) , to belong to;
(rt"JH . UTLjL . ) come thou ! Q LJ Tu T ( /em .
Gi_jTi_e. ) go away thou ! 05 i T (./'em . to beseem or behove . a~(rfftg/Vbr .2) fF 8? /BjV >
*TTO3}L_ri_ . ) where? Tm 1 T , *J" OTJt) 1 T to join one. rr*aT0505(t,' 65 lx> ev i. rj" , people
that belong to me . ^W&fr(Ze)5)Q~l>ellOd , a bu
(/rte . x T i 9 . ) why ?
ffi tne ncxt house.
jji * , -2ji TeSejSD^GejTovTt* sinefs tf mine. J4 Ci 5 5
^@541_0-'-)5^ .-> . in the next month
ZDfljJ, to take away .
J)i Tc^iULe, Jju^Turgg , vexation , griev of July. _* 00;(05 05 Tgj , 4_er050:i 5/ , it
docs nut belong to you i it does not become you
ance ; what proves to be afflifti vc or painful .
JJl TinjL-p' . JHQ}bb6.DSJ > -2l(S55W* J>4 t T8505TffujLO, an unbecoming thing .
_1 ..TLjy i a rough way an impropei way of life.
J41 TOjrj^, a fa'*e imputation . Jij 1 rr t~3J it
Jit-j~T~Qm&tf t an open and bare field.
j\ q , a foorstep ; a foot in measuring; the foot an unjust scot or tax .
jqfljffi^LjiorLO a canine appetite .
or bottom of a thing a shoe-sole a pace , a stride .
Tr JJUflLiTt3? Q9jOJ2>STrrfhe came 2|(!> * hearth or hearth - place j an oven.



AlLi F

jyiLO . -5JMJ. OLD ,a lave , a bondman slavery . * J!)l_lFrrLDt a letter, a character.

J&J i*V8> LO 5 LO . bondage, slavery.
J34 (g -S4LlffirL0, J4333:CrLD.
e>i_DLJi_j(b4ioei; > | (S
u> Ol T * jO
to 14_'_0 . JU-0.4 LO , eight .
-2J4 ' J>GLJTi (S^GajTewrr Mbe made a slave, to become enslaved. _| (, 4 ix # I
( , a bill of sale fo; a slave. |2} 5E> lul-D*i_L. '533*^5^. to sit putting one leg upon the kn:e
or thih of the other .
t^C/'S^ . to redeem a slave, to ransoinc him.
4 XI joo-t , a register , an mdex an account
-SJUBI i a kind ot a thin cake; a weight of 50
l>ahm ,
bo..k .
jtJiBi OS-iDg; 1 to pet or obtain; to resort to;
TcVOOlCTLO , iht name tf tree .
c> 1 wri/tf.A-i^f ,
to get in ; to he enclosed . LJ UJ LO | 4, I
i -24 '-tp. , tarrying, delay.
to become fearful . Q r en) SB: I & O tgj to to tarry , to be dilatory , to use delay . _2J4_L G 9f
get p.iin . i_0Tt_LL-D-2JQ>i
8jJ , to attain ?<}O>)a0Cr) , to bid with a view to prolong bnsineis.
salvapon . 'XjSffff-i LO T ifiun
4S I
JSJ i L.O. 42)^33, " cM - onumciit jit a v/omait't
^CfiV > to h-ive recourse to one. .2JT3 _i Q--JT neck .
1[5 JSj6^</o~oT_S44S>t >'-' ' l',ar 'hing is come ^)4_Ly\3, a kitchen.
into bis puf'sefsion . (JGtfij * -W > CJehTuf
iSi , a leech , a bloodsucker .
L-jr i\D 35 OYT , ^TfrOWgi'T'LJfrgifGovCi ^ijooof , a ladder - step ; a file of soldiers , a row:.
eu jgj , lL)5j , birds, htns, st-.akes resort tu their _2J JBof lu wjf uj * aj T ^ s6 > . to
up by the
nests or holes . JEJ , 1 rp j Q l_j O
, -S| ladder - ste^s , _ij eot LU emt lu T LU S t_l T Sf> FJ ,
SL_ LJvb^^S-' > to be choked up, to be shut up to march in ranks or files. _sj seof (g 33 2 &>J ,
to be barred 11 sparred. ^^O&i rg^j Qi_rr f- to rank the soldiers . jaserai ^ l_i l_j , an array ,
tire river ji shut up . 35 1 ear y 431 5 a battle-array.
gi. Q^rr^m^j . tlie debt is paid.
Jl|'5t6&v;g; , to put on
or jewels, j^eeuf
_ia>; 35*!09L/ >ai 3>5>ljC?i-jt(5*^os;. 555 V uUT 35;, to be," disfigured and
to shut in . ta lock up; to enclose; to stop . spoiled . ei T flj eeef an ornament for the ears ,
_2J '*m '-Ji_5 35.D %J , to get imprisoned or lucked up. erifi IT o-o eeef , a finger - ring .
ij- 043 >
G 5 i M ${2>'J)Girxie$ IUS\ *05; .toencom- the ring - finger .
/s a garden with a hedge. ffi^sUT O" 5 3. 5 jai
_2)Bof fff . near .
sail fF.^DSJ, to stop a hole, ; (5 85 Jr U
jyaotrf F4bff= , rgrr33LO^X>S3a 35 1
*' /
02B > Lj -| i5> I 05 S
6y , to stop un;' mouth.
tfU-jSibiu jyL_:. gjjjL-lG t-l T *
9L/ > o stop 1 eeef LU <J3 , the head of a 'hip , the f.^re - ship .
the way. 35u_</Ocit_J?5)| 0j
, to pay
ji|eof CN3 . J4tnrf t_j'-5evTi/ovT , a squirrel.
off debts,
.a 14 i_| , a side man's being
j^iiojf 2Vg) , lo jcTtrf o\>4, e 5> T , a bullock's
canfined or shut in . 05TSJ2>l LJ I| , i--b tinciion heart - tree . jLjewrf *B/|5J LJ L_i Lp LC , its fruit calltd
I the ears. LOTTioi i_j _| , obsrrucliun it' the by ibe English a hullocli's heart, and by the Ptrtngnese
beast. jy,08( 33 Q 45 T y$ , a sitting hen .CJffiT Annona .
u.2j- >1_ t rf J a; , .fij?2)L_ * i fe ex* ,
, an atom. Jt52Hl/LJt_5 *2LC rrwt LO > SO
-Sjfti I(Q53?@5J f e hen ils on biood . s\>J?.i . much in quantity si r.n atom.
|ra^ift /nf^j , to draw near en evil or a calamity
GeSTl . a fort blocked up. A1B1 LCS >
a continual rain . _J45>t LO ff 35 T UJ > Cried tices.
mangos .
j^iCTtror , a dam, a dike. _2j / Qj=rrff % Cf. SjV ,
( Qlj r(t,&L
- i (S&COBi) ) to cast up a dike .
^4 i93i 35 70 23/, an anvil made of stone.
Jt|5Si 553(_0 , aplace of refuge. *T (5 5 ijijotfCT 43iijGoj. , LrCb'eS^oej.; , to cut a dike.
jj2jCDo-rS/r7j ,
uocrcrr r^^jQi_rromj,
ffyi 21 san 333; jolotujQ -jT^Qfty , to fly to
one for shelter. _|42 *\; LOT LU T 5
to join closely together to be comprelKd , quenched,
FTflJ Ojpj loQu(lCT IU-24
G 95 '

cJL/ , to take into protection . extinguished .

-3445)1 BjKWLOi-hgj 35; , to enter into aplace aUOtrOT fljV , the birds, cck and hen, do cou
of refuge .
ple. 9- a OJ >c G 33 t
s lu. jtj ey , the
cock trends the hen . L_J g F ijoDTTr*, a pillow .
-1)42)1 3- 33
@(5 , a sparrow.
J4Sii BT^SOffj , to give way.
5"<1/, crib , manger . 34 2/> i ujT33
ovr 35
Sa Q>t i_DT<501 i_c , .fflji lOTOTTlo, a pawn that QjlgUL) i an incxtiiijiiiisliable fire.
yields interest. _a av> ,._ U3atu3;S if1 QJ , 33 tjesuor 1.5 5* G t-l T @
. ,ne candle goes out .
ji| ajooirr 3; s5 5/ , to adjoin , 10 clap on; to em
to give in pawn, to pue as a warrant or sicurity. .2}4S)<
1 t 40T T; 33 1 (b'iiC'SJi to give in pledge.
brace; to quench or extinguish . QjFL-0.33 Y5 33 @
LO * 33 $ .O ff^ , to adjoin earth to
J>|ii QlOTL/, an adjeiiive.
the root of trees . #iU<f5 ^'-0**^ UOtroT 33*
_SL|4>i UJ30. an anvil.
?| DI OJTO-VTLO , a siiii . ^ OB i_. T Otr\) t te throw eanh to the bottom of a wall ,
LD , a prognosticating sign ; a typical prfiguration. 3: w4S^LJe^^W35TSc^J41^rcroT 35 *
@^v3i_J _11 lo , a mark to know a thing to tie the calf to the cow's leg .
JBj uvoxn 33
by . _2J 4SI UJTOYTLOQlJ T (? * 0 GiJ , to put a 1 1 i m. , the siring by which the calf is tied to
mark. 1!_ 'K/oSo^Gi-S t-i> 35 * ^
. the cow's fore - foot when the cow is to be
33 4_. Jtj jctoot 35 et 6jJ , to embrace.
to find out a thing by its mark .
* .24 lJ_ 9 Oj'iJ, never decreasing, always full or jgifcajOTi_JL_| > -2J ii^OTfgjg'JO , embracing love,
complete . 2\ |_L 9 UJ LJTflJ^flr LO , a cup always X) T eOJ iJCftroT 33 fcS C 5^1 , to receive kindly .
full. J) *a:5/Tmf i a quiver with sufficient .2J T cTlJ AJOTrcn 3:e8C t to receive with compalTion,
arrows . J4 i_l f aj nj t/M
7" LO, a doth that 6\bm^m*}Jiifnx>TB}SJi-iQ i_i rr tto &> , t
sever wears out.

ful out the candle .
jj / ffr , near .
|, or sliding knot. JUtosTsosf
Q&SOtfiJ > to make a sliding knot .
/_|iar( 10 , il>e taitli the testicles . Jiswn
IT wr I LD , II what is in the terrestrial glob-:.
jj i r)-, mankind, inhabitants of the earth.
_*iorri ilJT - , a distase in the testicles.
JJ's^Ti - g; T R 5 T OJ a raven.





* Ji\ff>X>LC:lO , impiety . injustice .

(ff -S)6-Cu5 ) a wicked person .
ijgior i_D , more .
JLlTiU*^, namely, to wit 5 s follows .
J4$35-Xi , more. JldjeFjLOf 35LCrre; , more and
more . ^j^eSLJi_J(k;*^09L/, t increase , to be
angmented , to improve. ^Qp^rfff. & /.
, to in
crease, to grow heavier, fi jjt $J$$ ft @ b .
the sicknelj incieales.
-*)^3i>rr'>r;-0 pwcr . authority; a right towards
^feri_l.a5G'';-'r a'l"5*^^ > "> approach one, a tiling ; a chapter. jLjoS^Tff. .2} fi & T IT *W . one
to .nsort to ont . jy ' (5' i i -2) *W (*> 5 Oso < lhat bus right and power. Ju^RtV
approaching, resorting to.
(i, Q g; i rrglfu ^Cflj.; . to give powtr , to empower ,
, a m m whom body ein approach .
'. , the early morning. ) ^ 65 T s7*0
.2)5)| i near; a botch on old garment. Quo, tatiy in the morning.
.21 bt?T5i Ql_JT, draw near, j^ielrm.
-l^f O'-DiJ) , nrighteousnefs , impitty. \$>H
i!ie hotife nest by . T ojt a9 v. T *OLXLOL_iiT asi,* /v,a, , ^^gseSDLjf^ai/ (51
sor if*r >1 u3<sO , with , near nie . er oer biOgiy) , to act un justly -, to carry one's >elf disohe i li t , -- i 35 (g u T , com jdiently. A^ffie6>CLi_jL_J , pttulancy , unruiincis,
Co rr.e .
I Xt$f. jOar.KTOwr , an unru!y person.
_2jtrBT*jrarg5t>r , an auch , that it castrated.
il^fT'J"l_o , loosenefs attended wiih a fever.
^ mrr > , the palate.
Ji$ t? 05 t T <> T i5 , hastily , speedilg .
_g| vrrr<irw, an elder brother.
JU^QffojtXJ.a wonder , a marvel ; over matching.
.fi Eg> 55 @ , the uvula in the mouth,
-wrr *J$G? JU i-J <-i ? 0 fljy , to wonder, to be sur2p * @ ll ovr IJ5 gy ay , the wvula is sfipt down, piiz-il. $ G
fF * 9i) , to over-match, to
(!)c uvula in the month hangs loose .
overpower , to surpais . JLIfiSG^U-l^fT^rjaTr, a
J)ieTgg)l TLC v. J<ji<JTpl fRLO .
won^leifiil man , one that does surprizing things .
J2j ? gprTjg.vj^y , to look upward.
_l|iic H_L ,
LO , luck. .
&c5 JJ4r^)-f5ai)L_ifr'J-ei*s; to lookup fXITur, Jt|^j(J.4 , ^^0.4 05351" ,
to heaven'.
a lucky man. $$. , ill luck. JL|
g?g> ) | ; gp^i^rf ' 1 1 /?' , tl> cider bro i0.g ^ixJorior , an unlucky man.
ther any grave perton .
JJ$^iXlTU)T9i , with all pofsible haste.
_2j ' eBBf , the wife uf an elder brother .
J$L-i$ , a sovereign. ^Ij^LJ^ajrriiJ^i'V*
_3| ewrf ffr , of late, newly , the first time after, ^05^. to govern with an arbitrary power. /rrr*Ti
rjjf er^jije *! T trf' ' G
>n the first days
a sovereign king. _1$ t_l
a monarch.
after ray arrival. (J c_i ( l_j t 95 i II I >0 35 OJ 75 @ TOJT^ljcS, a judge.
'eermsrfK- , just now or in these tlays the ships
jj$juj'J, a great fear .
Al^'JSffijTIJ} . Jtltf>L05>Jirt-JI-Jt 81 , licorice.
arrived .
|? * . [ jar / .
ird;Qi.2?e^lX , vthement wrath , fury. .2jtf,.2Q
A(ee rQe-(f gjiir crfc*3eT (5, thenunt / / g5Jrr, a wrathful or furious man . jt|^Q> } 5 LO
LJOTWt *SX)f,0(fiJ , to be in rage.
htariug ois ,
-SJ'5 &&) t0 grinJ between the hands.
\<jjT , a present .
jy^U-! al 4 eT LO , an txcefsiv heat in the
_J4t (SeiOjy. to reprimand , to rebuke. -2>'
(5 , rebuke, reprimand. .|8>4_Q.Ul_JT'i"&.20y body.
pout at one, to look morosely or peevishly at one.
Jif,(5^S}OSSJ to quake, to shake or shiver . )$%~,
JU^/f^^i 1^^55>0, trembling, quaking, hivering.
-SJ c5
Q t_l-S ^OgL* . lo ask severely .
&>8(5)/ i tu scare, lo fright or chase away. L-h'u J$&B>Z >o , an earth - quake . ^ Sj ^G
_i95Kn" . , pride, auglitines.
1 9 , a violent report of a gun . _
JU^i^SdTcnjTLLlLO , a feigned humility , fair words
Ju>>_jlJiL|u"> fil hy words, obscene tatk .
j^i-jiJujsGFTCNsofi;* o &j ( -/ ) and hatred in the heart .
make use of foul language. j^fUJt- HJiftT
,j\j|>(?iU05Ua swiftnefs , velocity nimblenefs.
J^5fi5iri.i3 , JJl5T"L0, more.
v;jor , one that makes use of foul language .
J45'-0U> i a vile thing . jjg>LOBr , a vile person.
^1^65ii35LOa OJ > more, in a higher degree.

T lD , lost appetite .
_SIi9>lOlj.3> >(%) , to haughtily.
-2J6L) i 'hat . \ J G SU , eren that , that very
5< 3 bp .
jSlcTjtf", a futile or trivial thing, a thing of no account. thiag. Ai./ifG3v'"n'IKrr . .what uf that? what doe
i|!OO@!5 JsOLJ ?/< iOSJ , to make a great it signify? JtjQT, behold there!
-SlgyfKJOtjy . to grow soft or mellow by being
noise or bustle , _j ov) @ ; / a turaultuiry
oolse . a huily burly. jj8>as5v^3sOL.Jl_J i ffi i-J prel'sed with the fingers ; to he mollified ,
Gl_JT.-2J5;, to bt disputed likt flack if shtip al
oej , to preis or mollify with the fingers.
iht light / iyg/rx ,
-2|G5G,e.r<S?^> iG$G$'vfO0 . that is to
^fJrf . tumult, noise, _ffij fi crff LJ < j say .
jmGsG^t => 00 , JiGsG^nf (w, for,
j2T>/ . to a tumult or a great stir .
evfuJTOjGi-jeT-itiJOS; , ta speak with clamor and bccaule .
anger .
J) S2> 5 05 *J eJ . to unbend itself , to snap ; to
-)vtsvr , i_|>rf ujgji/wr, ihe ripe fruit of thr swell or bump up . | v_) i_| , unbending ; a
swelling. _2jS>3>2j><d5 202ji abow that unbends irstif.
toasiarpen-liec , oiaiic la lumps .

^?r^ , morning and evening . Xgj^LJLJ) , the sun
-511*535 95(^33 U3 a swollen face
-a4!${S2LiL-iG>i_n ' fr&) i he is potted up with flower .
^<3SJ . JS,j5fiJ|-Jbb*# , a little black insefl that
pride .
-2J5?;a)-CUJTUJ ,
) LO Q LJ T CO , infcslt grain .
Jl^Gfi'T. alas!
50, thus .
'_1 LD , a trick.
JJJLjfHfff , one that defraude ,
Su , - much ,

-SJ3JlD , J4
half. .l 8 g rtJO , g} , to defraud , to pilfer..
J4_jcS^D^ra i" name.
liait price .
J|lJ@_a5 i a bad' symptom .
-T4 5g>_D i wealth , pofsefsion , riches .
ilLJffrRSjLO , a disagreeable tune .
rxusin uj , Jiigg; jQ'OJTtG1^ > - n the
inttrim , mean while .
-ij 1 1 9;tt Jj<t , shame , infamy , reprraoh
Ai&cJeWcr , >o much, so many. 0j O^n/y

T (T U), inutility, disruuriesy; a fault,

CX C3 5 55 tWor >
numerous as the sand on the misdemeanor. JjLJrTft, an unmannerly or uncivil!
Sea. hre . T ar ear 5) > Sil T) gj J!j 5 * person a guilty person .
G L-i({5 uD i u many persons as came to me . Jijg
Jl)LjQffUji_0 , a bad Sticccfs. _1[ LJ G=UJl_
i>(S&D&)- to meet with a bad succeli .
g, ^/-- ^.e^fgejifw , so much , foi so much .
_l|v_lg/T 50i i an ill report .
-!|55>TL_L#. proof, evidence. JJ- T l_l tf _l *T
JL| 1S>5LD . .jOJSJgLO .
riii. x>OjJ , to prove, to verify , to demonstrate .
-| 5>T LLUJj. , the tteadlc of a turner's turn.
JU-i-J^^'-U-O , J^njuj^UJLD , trangref,ion off
the prescribed div.
JjsjSTovr , a mother .
-SiLJlULO, fe.irlef5nel, intrepidity ; refuge. JULJUJ
5 g t ear, the brother-in-law , the husband ot
LvSJ^SJ 1 to appeal , to cry out for protection. _2f
the elder sister .
J4f,$'-CTiX , a fi<-tree. rfLpjog;
lJluijO Jl-JtULD-ror ^ia.LJ'-j(3l JOgy to cal!
u U9JS5 . / foW / thrums .
AD LO iU 8
anxi.iusly for pretefiion . RiUTLff,
a European fig-tree .
lUlO , G(Tl #LLiLC , Lord, deliver inc from fear S*
jydjJ-jrLD , extreme. ^ 5*UJT>/g;rfc5$ jjl_jLtJ'WGe:T(ljo5Ao^' , to protect one., to keep
( , extreme poverty . jj g j_i [g f> LJ et ffl) , / ftarteli . G T L^r^j.Lj '5'(5-(^5; .
J4*L-I-I- LO. -ajB^JllJiAjep^iFGejTCSiBetJCSJ^t*
the piofoundcjt humility .
-5| tJilJ ' LO , the Vedam , or Dsftrine concer promue with a hand-stioke.
ning religion . J4 5^LUTLCLJ'r 20/*5^ , to
jailUrSo*. fine gold, pore gold ^
JUi_IO"i_j93^ld , ^Jlj.TiIQ-^lD , the decres
read it , to teach it .
cent moon .
* -5^*> , an arrow .
-J852> UJ T tu lo , the end cf eveiy chapter or .|LJCreOJ J-idr ,. a- very high age .
seflion of a i .
* ^LJ/riTeoTgsToci-O ' t,,e afternoon, the time
-Il55>e5O 5,' tu come to hand or ear ; to h ive got or towards evening .
heaid ; 10 cbp on it h the palm of Flic hard, n est # rj- ij, * JUL-}? <T9j .X) , a , an amercement .
f5 Q ? JJ f j 5 JL] 2>j
. that, repot* is come _af_J TCLO , fr.iiUel'snels lofs , poveity , weaknefs .
to my ear. ftT jjg^ .^GloG^^'.!)'*?--3!.? -2J l_J .Xi oor , a weak,, poor , incapable peion .
b)09fj , to clap medicine on a . uni with the
-2J, t_l & a I . decrease, bad tuck .
pa!m of the hand .
JjilC?. rt'U'-D i unhappinefs , adversity. jjLjrp{ , an unhappy man .
-2).2>5.jnjTTLO , a vrildernefi .
_<sjLj.T*ir i ir ,.a charge falely laid to one,. a false
?, i 9> . the father's sister; a mother-in-law.
accusation . 47ir (2 tl rf JL; LJ " l Lt>
.ai jce^a; . A" 20 JO
JJ , that, those . jq/T^LDCSk' AO. 1>r , that man . Qt-JTfSsjiOcb;, 10 charge oae falsely with crime.
Jtlr59-e5Trf -;5</ , those tilings. .
JL| LJ T 5 Oyr LD , unworthinefs . JHL_ITg^(TJP ,
_S41_if ajtfTnjf ot ,. an unworthy man.
some , lverai.
_jrrrT 5 5j "ii T .7" L , the postaiors , the fun
-2i U 65 35 ( LO , deceitfulneft .
* J4tcJfir , (/. Jjrj*) a blind person. dament .
JJr59>{J5'TrrLO , darUncfs .
J-lLFTef , a whore.
-1| T) 35 ii rr i_o , a seraglio , a house where women
r j^lj AC.LO . 4-t,i_f ^ .
are kept and shut up.
-2!l5G-95'-0 , unction-, anointing. jquSGAp^
iBTm)*An^ , to anoint .
Ti_3G^- Jjrgaa: , the end . .fjjij'jjrjjf _o , the beginning
9>L , anointing to an office.
and the end .
-255 -O , beauty ^rettinefs. jy-Tj Q* -2115 * JyjtI.JTTTUJ JJ , the. inmost thoughts, theR J , deformity .uglinefs . -*|53> G < r> secrets of the heart ; a cordial affection . LOOT
^cS(f5s<j5J4iL5i_iLa,'ruj^aic3 rQrrr<ro2>j et
(/ . | rg 5 i-i ) an ugly person .
, to disclose the thoughts of the heart . i"
-^,. occult , hidden, secret. JUrggTTil
ffiLOTUJ ,
5ejTTT0>^G , in secret ,. secretly . (28j*oTGi_iff G^\o JulStt uj lo t u3 fj5 W *
JJ'icJT'-O , )[5^ LO .JSJ^ifrG^01^* i la'ge ORy , to have a cordial affection towards one .
extent ot barren ground, or mere air. | rg ^ n J4LJLJt_TTXILeT.ljGS(B< OWr to- seek with
LSrTfr- r the devil wandering in the air. jj/^crc great desire.. jyrsjjT {5)^@ J4l5lJlj(TT OJ
5G Torg <v)j/D5/ i to be abandoned) or lost , tobe QuD Jtrretrr , what does that word allude to ?
ilLSufi'Jcff S
g^-, to conjure with, certain
forsakea of all , to stand on bare giuiind .
forms , to enchant .
_2ii_5uT"ioTuo > love, favour , great honour . j1)lS
3^65 50J TOOLO , the afternoon , the evening . J^rjj^
K@iliT(2^"r , 1 shall, come this evening, _2jt$ LDTsrr (Q JrTW s*G<JTr*5atrr * familiar friend-.
J, iJU

-SJlS _i|4 3)43)1-1 jyUU -SJLO

jjtjj _sju5 JifS -*JG^0 }

il'JUTffsf cF^ Cgj , to honour, to proreft .

J|(J STl i dark nefs , obscurity.
.-3 JO 5 lo , unrenowned .
T-fTTLO , what 5 not the chief thing .
_2jjiLOTBf a5T;LO i falshud , lying.
20(3 .4-1 T = < LD , JMuSt) -20 G 6* ,
uselef- , unprofitable , good for nothing,
+ Ji\i3}<*vf , a weak , sijc or miserable per
son .
.sfJinrf , -i|'-5tfL,(r5rr;5J , opium .
-2J'.nf5i_)L0 , -aL-k^QJiOJ LO , seldom, uncom
mon , infrequent , rare .

> to covet. J4(3i_iuL

ff= , lust , coveting , concupiscence.
JJfflluaJSGsT Irp* , a breeding hen. ^T
!3>LJ JJTOST^cS@ffLi . the hen sits upon egg=.
_24 1 1 1 11 T , ho ! o 'sad !
j)ljljL_q. , j| i_j ljljj. Q u_l , so , after that man
ner, thus , accordingly . | i_l c_i
95 G ffi T g .
JitII i L_jl>- I I V I
, such.
JUL-jiH D , bread .

jjLGT lo , _2J tfu war lo , a number of a

beetle-nuts .
fH,*2<t5J&OeFJ, JBJun fr )&$*) , to make
quiet, to mitigate; to endeavour get into an em
ployment. ^^.^.^^
to make people sit down to eat a meal.
ja^L09"LB, the hind-part of a ship, the stern.
ijLOfTLO i a ctrtain distemper in the eyes of children.
i)tx ir^WOYT , inhabitants of heaven; holy men .
-2JL0ff S35 , tranquility, quictntfs . ?
5>_|_? '^; t to bring a
thing about. ja|uCT?^SLUT8TffJ , the thing it
provided , settled .
yjg^. to become settled or quiet ; to sink to
the boitum . JULD^fZb^SJ to be quiet ; tobe sedate.
-|LOn"o5iU ) 55,' , a thing that does not sink
in the water, jymsy 35 @ - 5 Q LU " 05 lo LO
he has got an employment . _2J[c5(30JA/00
35*i-oSft cRT^C'' jjlo[T5 /J" 6S oVr t workmen
have been procured for that work :
-2| & 5 es W LO , a field of battle.

S\ _JL_irr , ^H-JLJUOT i the father, jjuut,

O father ! QLJif LLluJLJitn- , the father's cider broiher. 6 D O l_l LI i the father's younger
brother .
^|l_ii_JT5T3vT , the elder sister.
i_l ii " tu i the grandmother on the father's side .
_S>J'_ji_jto-o , ^, further, beyond;
l_lt5g>l_L J4^-lL_IT(juN3Cl-JT G IS> - ws wcnt
ten steps further . jquun-QoMguT, go
your way . ^-j, SiiljtG , beyond the
ver . J4l_ii_jTO^iL0 , furthermore. JJUUTcc
1_jlj(56S :r QJ > to be rtmoved .
-2J .-jcJiUTr i.x: , habit, praflice , exercitation .
"; , _i| j i_3 lut f lc lj ^;
5/yj^) , to accustom one's self to a thing, to practise
it , to exercise one's self in it . _|l_ii_5lu 1 ffLO T
Qi_JT.29f5J , to become customary, habitual.
A|t-Ji_5 T 3;<_0 , gbcii Maria;, transparent stmt
Cj several sorts itit colours .
Jl| LJ i_5 oyr LO , "
Bf " cake,
JJUJlJ*)LC V . jqi_JL-|20LQ .
jJuJuS^gs/rBTr , J4L0i_j,S)5S/rref, aquiver
for arrows .
. _55J i IlI i w-iter ,
_ij i il i , debt.
i 1 1 1 35 *OlJ , to clap on for to make a thing
cleave to tu snap .it a thing as dogs do ; to give
a touch that burns like nettles ,
jL|t_IL_)OLD , j!| t_j Lj O LO , ft'.rthtr , moreover .
JS1'III C ^Qto , on that side, on yonder side.
to become more distant.
J^LJL-tiv: u uS 3)
* (FJ , to bring a tiling
out ot the way , to remove it farther .
J4L-.<3ljT, J4l_I(2l_JTJ , J!Ji_lQl_IT0gy ,
then, that time,
i_i Q l_I '\ Q 05 , already. J|'_J
' Q^jTE/B}fr(ff) , for that time . " <~J G LJ T & 35
ffuQu ,un proper occasions.
J^LO'-B JF-J/t LO tumult , joy ,
_2|L0T\J 3= ob' . ) i. ' HJ , F .<T>0 , a widow.
JjLOL_05 3H)Ljrn 522J, ^ , tohicle, tocnceil . _5ji_0-i 5FlXTo. LL' /3 g;, to do
thing co\ illy or secretly . ,
_| _ . it is enough .
Jl|i_ci 05 y? }.1 , to threaten, to menace. _2|L0
( (5 j J) J3t ($3>J, threats, menaces.. *

JBjLO'Jv./LA. pure .
_2L|LOOYf , -a tumult, an uproar.
JU'-0[5535 35 , a regrater , a hucksterer.
, JJLDT<5"Sll-;^ii , a cable.
-1| _CT.njT # , the new moon.
ij'-OT^!C'J5LD a vicious life { heresy. _2)L0rp
95 3e O. * , a degenerate disciple.
LOT . LO, a deposit.
J^uStFLO , a swan .
. _2jL0{5#Qi"l!rt>0 , compelled service.
-EJL#fF 05. Lpgj* OSV , iju5#L5l_0-?J5*O
; , to pre'i workmen . _sj L 6 oU 05 jrVT
prefsed workmen . JL|L"^# F UJ iS S/ , to do
compelled service , to work l>y force,
^lLt-pif,^j^^O^J , ^ILt-prg^ujQLjrr /, j ,
ilfgi'lLg^a' , |521;; uTgj , to sink,
to go clown to the bottom . ^l_yp&t&xJ$JtQBxJi
to sink a thing .
J4Lt5/Vi5LO . \@*}1.
JJ0iO4/S^Dli i i(^:R/LjQLjrr'r.5J , to sink
or lewer. jftfCpi'nV; ljQljt t J/Ti^LULO . riche
that are gone . ij
TO S LJ Q i_i T Q gj rr l_l i_5 ovT
LO , a blain grown diy.
($& , to prefs down. JEi @ 5 85 9JT t
one that obstinately denies the crime , a very close
person .
il (|5 1 , tie nine of shrub .
,(38^, meat, food. A) (Q i_i rae1 22a/85.CBL/ ,
to eat .
yrgj-D , 4_5 ADgjLO , Jlj^^LO , ambrosia ,
neclar , mixture of delicious things .
(J .40 g> * G
0N3 , a sweet speech .
JSJiG^^iLULO , unceannefs ; man's dung .
ilG'-O^SLigsQ^T1 es>< . almond*.
2}iS,uo$*Ol5J , AjSpLOrgfs.! Qlj tT^, to be
come settled , quiet . t; 5 f S LO iu 5 S lo * O
to embrace a religion . i fr; >
G i a 9
*2)L0tLl , that house will come into my pofsefsion .
v\ m _c 3; slfec ; to settle , to lis . <T 5trr (j, g$ lb
5 35 T CNO lO , the time fixed for my death.
-SjQi-O'TfSLD , abundance. jGlDT { LO T LU 1
abundantly .
JSl lo L_) 35 lo , the eye .
_St( Lfii i_j g; g? LO , permifsion to go, dismifsion .
J4LCL_i4_T , one of the barber's tribe, a barber.

JtffcCLJ JJLCLJ -4J'_>LC 3)1_0(3> JJUJ Jju3

-2|LOLj M
razor a mackerel, jljld
-2Ju3T5;f , a mother .
L-JU. 3=S5J\0^;, a whet-ftone for razors.
|U5T, r/if name of a UttU ftjb , Port. Pardelha.
-24(-Oi_JO"LD . the air.
.sjLOi-J'J'. amber. 1_*.1_|#-. QuifrawrcTirLD
-2ju5-20l_| , fufpicion .
IJ f" i different kinds of amber .
<>| _2jQujrr05e5UJL . incapable , unfit . nQujtrf
.|LD1ICMLD , o;cn . _*|LOL_JOO LO T
lJ , to sS(Ul_Jl_l(*)e6iy: ^ , to become unfit. AJ Q LU T
be left to the wide world ; to beonne publick.
UJ<T an ursfit perfon .
-ilLDL-JOYrT^fKTUJ lie * tf a fruit .
fflJLU'XILO . fear , hefilancy . .2) OJ UJI_J LJ 8*-^ SJ
.EJLGl-JTLULO , pain; the panes in c,hild - birth . to fear , to hefuate . jyUJlL|4iOCLJ , doubting , anxioutJ^'.DLJTUJLJ U(5*-^SJ >. to fufler heavy pains. nefs . '
^J'-DlITTLO . a heap of corn or grain. _2)L0 jyaJUJLO, almsLJTcrt-Ql-"r(
, te put a heap of grain J^LUiijawr, a prieft , father, fuperior.
in a place. .qLDlITtri-O. i 'he ground round about JJOJUJTIt5(rLD , SajrruSrrLD , five thousand.
the heap ,
jgajGlXJT ,0 fad! alas! _ rr 35 93 G LUT ,
_2JL0i_i, an arrow . _2|JDL_S^0@ , the feathers -of woe to thee/ .2jajQLUTFGeSrr3a"G w , my
narrow. _2JL0H,)S/T extef , ^uDL-lGuiT^, a poor brother / jjlliujluGllT, alas alas { i lu Q lU T
quiver for arrows. _2|Ll_ig^TtULO a wound by -&* , to lament .
an arrow, jy LD^-TOO<rraj$ogJ ,to (liootan arrow .
-2JTgS63T. (/r. -|0*e5*O giant.
-2JCT03* . to rub l\me fti.tT upon your head,
JjLDL-l^g/r/TLO, ^)LD(3l-JT(g5/r(rL0 , .2J LD
" ( L* , as far as an anew' s mot reach or to rub fomething with the fole of the foot upon
the ground. _2jTl_ll_J , ftuff to rub upon your head
-SlLOt-loS, the moon; the yolk of an egg.
for drying the hair.
* _2|LDL_|f the terraqueous globe.
-2i9"63(5 , iealing wax ; pitch mixed with wax . JSJ
3\:>&><-01>2$&! , te keep a thing (resSLD^Sffevr , good folid f.iffion .
Concealed in your bread .
iiirgs^F^TTTajLO , arraefc .
^LOLOffitKOY!" WW > a fraudulent fellow, one that
-2J0"'KHg. ^a"<TO3jLD , a publick place, jyixivi
G^j-deoi iuy)ffi@ , a fuit laid before a publick
is a rogue within.
JILOLOI LO, fo far. ^ILCLOI (^^ , afsembly . ^TniiQ^i^^x^C^J , to make publick.
that is all, nothing more.
&2&&&&&^^(25/& BJ , to
jjLOLettTLO , nakejnefs. _2jL0L0wrstir , one fiiew publickly a fpecimen of an art/
that is bare of cloathes .
SiTffr , ^T^LDTLQ , the neme ef a tree.
Jl'JJCf <950JT|j , fo far , fo much.
-2|0"ffr, royalty, kinglhip . jyt *5& ,
reign jjcrtFwr , a king . .sjiTFtferrLC03T , a
_)LOLDa (tlc i fo much.
king's fon. .2) o~Fr Lessor , a prince of the blood.
_i|LDU3fUj , rae mother's mother.'
-|TFTLl# , an hereditary fuccefsion to the throne*
_3L| LQ L oyr , a woman , a matron ; a mother.
3trresT(rrmiJ GlJ*^)UJ , thou talkeft to*
/ verses ; a kind .of It^erjt big .
)7" . a ftronghold , ^rrfvgemKJ , fortified .
mem .
jqLOLOO"w, rj5^CCLDLOT<rar , the mother's j^T*bTLD2.|owct a pajace , court, refidenee . J^T
brother. Qi_j[fiU-24i-LOT<Hrr > he mother's elder eeisf aoONSTfQeSTI SS)t , , a caille that is not
brother. <Fmrr(j7jr_jLi:tXT<rar , her younger brother. ftrong. jyirerafLJil a place well wall'd or hedged,
T ,!rl" Cv cSi M LOt-DTotrr , the mother's coufin .
or regularly built . _2|crirotrf l_JL_J/rUJe5i Q&*oey ,
JjLOLOTSrLJTFff # i i< * /
. OJLU to build regularly and to purpofc . ^0">BTl_JLJiT^
5.20/ , to fortify .
K3LDLDToerLJFe:if# , another kind if it,
-2J'_DLl5 , a flone t# grind or bruise things upon
JlT5#U!T(25#> a pilgrim, a poer man who
^LDL5g5@t_p<rfi . the other ftone wherewith the has nothing in the world .
{rinding is perform'd .
jqixu5e;G^'Tew,1'l-fl-(!!5^*OS/ to diflmble, J40"S5SB5 , galangal . medicinal root . Qi_jflr<r{5
f*5 . a larger kind of it . #^0y(Tga)g , Smal
to keep fecrct your defign .
ler kind of it .
_2jU>Q53rLO , it is enough.
_2ji_OSDLQ, a woman, the good woman of th<
jjTn)2>5 i affliction .
houfe }- the mother. _2jucSi_0ujrn" an old matron .
_SL|TLJL_| V . J^T^tSO^J .
.2JTLC WW f J^TeT 1>/&0T ,
-5JLD**LDTJT<3~g>$(r5g;eS O^J , to have the fmalljajCTLD a filj. j-jtG1iti_o- , filings, file-duft.
f>ox , ( a heatbeni/h tf exfrejfing it . )
-2JTu5lU'-0 a terrace or place where you have
blight moon -light,
\^(2>&*01) , to fear, to err, forget, omit.
jS\TsS , *Ai name of a JbriA .
^Vr^t.^OQj , to frighten. .5juj, JJixJ"<OJ
^^2.'?3$.29 . to receive with eompafTion .
fear , .
5TlUE5?5LJI-_)<70f OO J>OTi_5'OYr/WiBUJ -2J < |
_2<UJ/f , iron .
/tJTTg 09 , to take up an orphan kindly .
JJLUin>"), ''* new/ #/ Jfy.
_| L , the courfe of the fun in fix months.
_2JT-jjlo , a noife , a hurly-burly fuch as there
S-KajrrTUjTL , it's courfe in the nonhern con is dU'ing the day in a city.
Aelluiion; of the zodiac . Q^iaf^gpujeorLO . it'..2L|ToULO , a fl'tpent .
JS\T02J&iOfD , to found, to make a noife, t
courfe in th southern ones .
-jiuffiSSLO V . J2ese;Lo ,
J^i&if u_iu> , riches. _2i u3 (g^ ff UJ OJ T ,
.S2O"f03LO, a tune , melody.
i,<TfU405e5Tri(SL.I a fn*U caftle on the
^^^^-, rieh

ont-fide of the fortrefs-wII .
jsjrf , haiulfiils of coi n cut down at the- reaping a
field . i_3csDOorf , a handful of gral's . Q'j>2\icK>rP ,
as much paddy as you cut at one ftroke.
_2jrf * , _2jf |5S;Gljt(5*^05; . to cut or
clip the tops of pot herbs in fhe gardens ; to cut pot-herb,
fishes ea , in fmall pieces. _ajif ojrrovr , a i,c^e
_2J'f UTJVruS/nrDT , )0 ojTLajctrcT . a ltitchenboard to cut upon .
.2jrfa303, an umbrello, -2jf B3505 03 fr^oew. the
feivam that carries it.
\fi&&^DEJ, ^rfe>eb)i_iGi_jT(B8^)s;, tn
gnaw,4 nibble; to fearch for lome tl inj in ihe duft
of the Itreer ; or to pick, out and remove little gra
vel (tones from the rice. _2)rf 05 r> g= # > a gnaw
ing mfeft
Qujetrr^jrf g^ll_ii_5(g.-R/(g B5J ,
bite. _2jrf i_Jl_|S95T" ZO-mr , one that lifts the duft
cf the ttreets leaiching for lome thing loft.
_2jf fLfl, pepper .
.syrf #, raw rice. LJFFff # , rice of paddy rot
mollified with water. l_| (Q TO 05 <f # , rice of
poddy boiled in water before it was beaten .
-2.|<f &}S1}*OsarU) , a yellowifli colour.
-2Jif jTiXLO > mineral, arfesic . Q UT T <w
rfTiTLO, orpiment.
-^'tS-' > -^/, difficult . Griu^^Dsjejgs'f
jEJ, difficult to do.
J^if OjQgTyiOO i a diffi
cult work , heavy office. Jjrf u_i 5 L l_p , high or
poetical Tamul .
-2|ff l_Ji_jft , fcarcity ~ofrain and other commodities .
2Jff L_ii_5LlJTUJi!i5d5/OS; i to fell fo dear as if the
joods were never fo fenrce .
_ ustrcrrc\D . fmall fand,
J^fUJl-J, and elegant.
JurflU -v. -jqrfff^;.
.fijrf >< , a kind of cake.
-2J(fOJTOYr , a fickle. .
_ ^(TgSDS^ . t0 s a little blain in the eye.
lid or throat does; to become much reduced or diminilhed. 5w^wf/J-^|Tg6g(fiJ<f5@s;, the water
comes forth by little and little ,
-^IQj" the edge of any thing ;the end of a cloth .
-l5(25>near- LO/O\3IJ(!]5(205 > near the mount.
gjj , to be near .
-lt5@03f Ovagjovr . the fide polls of a door.
-$40505 03 Xf 05S.O9L/ , to grow feared or affright
ed , to fliudder . _2j(JTS(35g50yf
, a horror.
-2J<!]50505Toef t rare .
-2J(2)0585y38L/ , to fall by drops; to vex; to ask
too great a price for thing . iff"<!50$03\ , ftrangury.
-SJ-OjFFc/trer v. 0&1&>&
-4(p22g)iS(5IJJL, ^|B .2) 5 LU LO . the
ay - Ipring .
_S) 5 - (5 Qg5Tcvrv5e6.Q5j , to grow terrified .
-ilfBCjejLrStP , elegant
.^jTjejOJ-LD , true repentance.
^(^rgLpoc, a light ihade a under a tree that
bas no thick branches.
-^G5Qr5<?Oo>S595rrUJ ,
of fruit .
-aj5$<B*.5b t0 t.
_&G5l~liILO , carefulnef.
.45l_ILJLO , -SJ(25L-JLJLO, (J-^OTOfg^JO , the
firft appearing of the beard .
JltSLOrgguJi fair, goodly, very rare.
8Q>fiBL0, dear, choice, important, difficult,




^(f^ib'-O'-SwiWr , a dearly beloved child i -2|eL5

4Bi_D(3tfil<LroO , a difficult work.
-|5LDi_| a bud that contains ; the fiift
appearance of the beard . .2) gLQI_| 03.209^ , t blow
or fpring out as a flower dots. _?_) 5 ld ujrr ^Lj , a
newer in the bud . ^l(5t-Ol_)QOJ/T>o 1 little fluwtrbuiis made of gold .
_2jgi)(T5g55 *& , to abhor, to abominate . _2Jp
S^j^ljl-) , abomination .
-2j<[F, SUT govt (_o , a lare copper - dim .
_2)TjS^J 86^05; i water's fpringrng and gently
flowing down from a bill ; to protuLerale in a fmall
degree. _2j<fTjijS , a fpring or fountain at the foot of
a hiil .
.SJjOvr, grace. j^CVTGT"^ , the light of
grace. JH<fg-y3S-iDgJ > to grant gracioufly . -<>
3yf fQfluS^OSJ , to give gracioufly .
35034 TJ'-V > bear me gracioufly.
_SL| v3 i IU> Ihapclels , formlefs . _2j^5i_, an irtviiible bcir.g , a fpirit .
j^SSiir, the waift ; half .
4/ 05 HJ^&Q&i njr
aVTtvjO^ , to gird one's fe!f. jiisSCT^Fl 3)1 >
a waillcoat, doublet ^|B3TL_JSBlj a pu'rfe tied to
the thigh. J4iBrujfrul-|wr , ^()a-a.rrL_jL_|lIU|
tobt , a venereal ulcer. 3$SS,rT t- , the half part
ofan Indian hour, or 12 minutes. |Q>Tl II iffsOTLO,
half a fanam . JjSS<rg;g5TCAD . an eighth A'iTllJ
55>0"535" , a lixteenth . ^SS>rrsyjn # half _Sj
7"^#-^, it is half done. _2ji*>:rOjrr
85 65 ^057 , to fill half full. ^)ST05B
OSJ> to grind. LDTOifO"9568 ^05; to make
flour bf wheat. LJ^FSCTgjel
, to feparate the
feed from the cotton .
J4 F 051-0 ^(^^ ,a difguft , aver fion . -^lG?Trr#g36.OOK to take a difguft at a thiug .
^jag'j4Gcrrr#fl5(35er , .&(5;<>0?05<2#
SJilQlITFfffg^ , I have taken a disguft at it.
4\3@, a blade of a knife , sword etc ; the jaw-bones,
a befom. j|O\0@L_lT<BS(f) beetei-nut boil'd , cut tat
pieces and diicd .
CJOgs^CNf 05*08j , f. ; irr>0 0505 Lf05*40
^05^; > -2j.crog;i_jQujTi2gy , . ja]
2^05*^5; .
J)OOa>05> the evil fpirit, the deyil .
-2jiA3TO05LD , a fortrel's-wall .
-2)05< , ornament, fnugnefs ; a rhe
torical figure . _2)OC'rRj05if 058? , to decowte . J|
05 i 1 1 f , a decorating.
-|\05 , J4C\D.-rQ05TjT>O . defoc
mity , disordcrlinefs , confufion .
-2JOVDFCTO , i)ooosooS, fine cloth , thinly woven,
_ J^OSrOS^J , ^0O#LJ <2l-JT(ScS g; , te
rinse a -vefsel. JSJC\D#-2:('?C#05(gl_9-05*43S; t t
drink, liquor with it's fedimtnt alter leaking tke vefsel .
, V . -?-[<Lrrx: FPOO .
-2J3S0I (geS^OS;, to haunt, to tire , to impemtae,
-|1_11_|5O^J , to chat , to babble .
, water's da/hing in a vefsel . ja|
cK)U5l_JCK> , a rumor; vexation. _2) OO LO t_l ; L_l
);05^5;, to divulge. ^|COLOt_5j^CT\3LDL_30; @
L-D.055K; > t0 drink water carrying it up to your
mouth in the hollow of your hand .
_2J3\Drf , the name of a bhsh , Indian willew. Qft
JUoocf , bearing red flowers. QeuevravT oej
ft, bearing white Hewers . 4QOW(t , ffTtrccff
other kinds of it .

-Sjooij-, flower. ijTO^5*j0gj , te blow, to ! * 1# , certain, true, infallibe . jjiMJ #
pen. _2j:K><~rj_|), a blown flower,
UJLOTajfTQ-Qi'or , I'll give it certainly. _2Jii)#UJ
general1 1_0- LUJ , it is abfolutely necefsary.
.ajooojco f . -2i2jtf~DOO .
jujoojti (g, uiage , ufe, cuftom . _hoojt
1 i ryu i . according to cuftoM . J)5s30JTI fJjLJ
* i(Hi/ijgi5 , great Itraits , extremity , agony.
L_irerewrf g, QgSTOYT TQtO) , to grow used to a ^riJiA)3)*S5LJLj(B*^0^ to fuffer greatly , to
be reduced to your 1 a it hift . LO JcjeOJ A)$
thing .
2>5 , a dying man's agony .
.2J JO i>& OgJ 1 to roar, to weep aloud.
-Tl^OT^, vexation. J|OOTg5@LJLj(55f5J*
0J to vi'X .
.loSlPT i ftriped fluff, gningam
jejlJ^lJLB i a falfe penitence.
-242J33*i30;, to fatigue, to tire to ihake .
ij4O)S5Ta"L0 -j -ajujTTgjLO .
trr^ffiO^ISSJLjQLJTFfftfil , I am tired with it.
* J4OJg5T<TL0 . metamorphofe .
_3L| OpJ TU^sOF)). to grow weary of a thing .
_sl| fXi5TT'LBi_Jnn'r2?Hi/c6 / , to be born man,
QpJLJLj , wearinefs .
-2J4?jja5rf fc^OSx) , to transmigrate.
_aVi}joo . bufinefs.
| >g> il^OTUSQjffi * jtjiXiTaorL 1 memory , fubtle wit, attention .
*i3D&; . to be bufy .
J4ai5T+g5B6 jCO&J , to be attentive; to penetrate
j2j opj OJ opI G*^J 7,11 *
to chat withont into a thing. ^2)67u5TotTLOTUJeniJ(!5*i!D; , to
come ilyly without being feen before , to appear at
teafing .
jTJjgiTiicrrLOTluQlIT^OBxJ , to (lifapJSlooJSLO , cadjan-leavcs tied together fur writing. once.
.2jjT50 a wave, billow. _i|/oO _sj L_o_{J5
the pear . ^|U0totldtll: , cunningly , flyly . jl)OJ
fea is boifteroo* . Hi/OOSK T UJ 65 50 T , a ihore a ffiT<rarLOi_Jrr wrfe5Q05T JTV5-05V to bear in which the waves beat. JUS-fOOfl5 4D5L> > to be Memory , UTl iDjijiXl^rreot gfi^gs G 05 T
unfteady. jjiTX)'JJLJLjwr?Hi;
i _2j/ooe> - 1 9 5 ^ ^ g,; , to know a lefson by
-0 , to drive one from houfe and home . .) heart .
)6U$ , extremity , a term ; the fixed time of life .
Art>OLJt_| , jqi/OOFiFOO , vexation. A) /OGFffOO
_47jj3>LJLj(5*.OgL/ . to be in great Urates . Jjfll
l_ll_J^i!DSy> to be vexed and troubled. _2J/oOP
, to tell one his fatal day as aitrulorooi-jSfggL'eS^OL' to vex or tcaze .
JJjTX>g;^ySgr^OS > to vex , to weary or tcaze ei s do . 5 _2|f]3gA|0\jgnjT OJ J^S^LJLJ
Jln>J&<F:,=ii,5!5jQ\-JTOt?Ll , to be greatly vexed ( OJ ogpi; LOi you muft make it within that teim .
Jiji1lg/r.> , saluniny, defamation .
and difquieted.
J^A/OO^t-O- . mifery , calamity,
irOO SF Up. L_l
-ffljOjgfLO , jtjLjggLO , vain; untrue. j|
iD^geer , a Iyer .
(5*45, to be diftreTed, affifted .
-HOJfFJfJjfiDfT , vain , fruitlefs , void .
TU LO iD oowr (_a , an unlucky dcatn } self -murJer.
|0\ TO , no, net . ^,L> JL|0000 . Qa"*TLJ?. O
AlOJLDTeiTLO , 11 LO T LO , ignominy , an
e-^eor^li Q FT op; . fay yes or no. Qqj
(5|_)* , - J4.CS3 , is this gold? no. _2J:u affront. _2J5"DL0T*JT-LDLJ bbti J^S; , to abufc,
^! ooroooo , he is not a thief. AiooaoQj, to vilify. ^IfiJLDTooTLjrR/eSLO , infamy.
X)OlL0 vain, futile, good for nothing. JJiH
not at all. \oo ooQiliT , J400QCOT, is rt not
f ? J) >0roQOJfTE6^0^ , to fay no. .ajoooo LDTajgLJT^gi/ , to ue in vain. Jlj5n(L0^,
6551 ^ t to refule . -24iOJACbT-2JooOOT imprudence, folly. ^iiirgLOuSsiS^ , diftruft .
LOCO , ^|*U0tT JUCTOOsjTGcj , without him. ffXl!5THJL0 , injuftice . 4fXiGl_IT@;, idle,
S 5 Ti-D , (Jg^x/Looo JOfTLoo , be nefs . jjs-aj QutQSJ Gt_iT56/2DS; to
cs this , moreover . _2jaooOT95T(U , fcparately . your time away .
* AilllLellLO 1/. jff,6"3J'.L)<rXILO .
JJtJOOOTTOO if it be not lu. i)OJJ5T^15^!0
xeQjTfrgLe v. J4i_jTTgL0.
iKToyrao TOTM TOO i if hebe not fit for it.
4OJJST, *iW of peafe.
#P5l_JLJOJffiir ,
OO ' , follow .
JU30o-v>53)OT(k} , //* name of flouer fimewhat GesTggojSDa- , (<diT\JiaAcnsiiT ,
like a tulip . Q^iUOJJCoS , the red Ain.i . 05(15 jyiXiST , G<-IUJTiJS!Cr , different Sru of the
fame .
6UOO0S . tAi / kind .
# -21D0OI Fwtlo , uncomely, indecent, uglyr,
_2j<JOoSiUJor , hermaphrodite .
JJOOoS'Ujn-LDiTU) a large paddle-ftaff .
jtjSi, ,*>4,lo , calamity.
_ jo <-rpJLOL_l35 OpjLO , Jay and night.
JjilJOo , rice quafh'd and dried . i|OiOO(T05 @,
jyooSgM-^OffL/ , to knit nets etc . Tjrf wafers ti leal letters with .
.jUTOr . XiSXl- , he. JJUOYT , (he. jjuobt
j_ffiTOTSi ) JO 2;@57 > the bird builds a ncft .
LDTfKj^CTvT^oooigs *(51-1 Qt_jTeF9T&;, OJJcr , X)fajT(fi)d" , every one. J^iXiSV^; , what
the trees are intangled together with their branches . is his .
! L * wrong, deception . _2JOJ{?jL_LD
40TFTUJLJG'i'T^OS; , to grow intirely ru
I igrar ^i;f^ ^O^l , to deceive.
ined .
^aj&rTFLD , ability,
XlOiTFLDrrLUQl-JTOS; , to become deftituU
jy rug; TOOLO , an unlucky time.
of all.
* ^flJTrpgjfjrLO , a wide and v^id fpace. JS|
JHCu) , an unfavorable rumor, infamy.
TJJT!5^(ru>T<rrGff3J0Vf a void field, wilderJltfllGajQ}, ''I luck, mifchance.
_q - lu -JT LD , a bad omen .
-ilOJJ-TLO , necefllty . .ffljfiJFiXLOTWQn
JbCWT&Sair i voM, vain.
iV90> a work ut necdiuy , which cannot be deferred.

UjTUjgLJTiE; , to bo in vain.
J4CUT 25)5^ , a bail ff.
j|C*^oay , ^jvSr5J)<Gi_iT^;5j , to go o*it .
to be extingu Ih'd ; to wax rotten by lying too long; ic
be boile.l m water .
_2j<ij 3596.295;, -2j<rs;i-iGi-'T(5*Ji05; , to
quench, to put out , to exiinguifli to boil any thing
(befides rice) in "water.
^jdJyosa t niouMine , hoaiincfs . ( cCS 9-
gTD^LO > muftiiiefs, fu-ftiiicfi.
jqrfitJrtnjTFl-O > incredulity, difiijene . . _2jsj
{R-fUT? , un unbeliever .
-2Jd3Gl)<3;LD imprudence, tentelefneft . _2jrf;
G0"1^ , ne that is unwitty .
, ^Sup^S; G LJ T
5; , to
grow loole .

T)C>OLJl_J-PLp a rotten fruit ^4@e8i_jGLjTer

^jTOrua , a putiiilkd cot|
1(99^093 f VT V5 * ad j , f
wp . ^.Lcjaiaj ! Wieling. clX (S 5 rg / lg
, to bemojn one,
.ajjjH- uiiciejnnfs , nflnjs . ^ trU'iar LD<nrr
#^_^) ^SFSE^^^S; , he lins a bad confrence
^ro unclean, ^j^f 0(f'.1ilju 3i;e6j!DS/ , Jj(^g;
aSTFf ad; , 10 make unclean ,
_2j(u; S5 "5 t/Dtft) i to compafl , to prefs . to fet ( in
o!d ) -j 3 55J?fSaL. a heaiy burden. 4}
(gjgit-O , con: a , hard , clofe ; ubftinate . tenacious) .
9- I "S I
J @ 35 95 LO T U3 5 05 (9> 5/ ' th
tciat lira clofe . ^^{551_01_|"11^ (SaS^Offj; , to
be ffffnecUed . ^^JggjLOTajGt-J'r S ffi, ' te
fpeak emphatically ; ro fpeak refcrvedly . Jq($5>&;ei*
gST^OT, an oblbnate man, (^g.Tewf -SJ(^
535LD'O<rr@(S/'Sl^Offi' to u^e ttl!: dja pen
1 g lit I y when you write.
yi'SSji^Sj ; ^(Qr0[_jQ\_j
au , to
grow f. It, rirm or compart. Jt|(Q5,g95i -^?!/
ro tie fait .
_2i (Q 13 35 a g 95 j20 jJL/ .
nail fait .
^jQiStOj, fwelling at the orifice of the ftomach.

as much as half grain of pa1dy .

^^; , esu ii ^ifiS^os; , to untie
to looln .
_2JSL_p5L , phyfick .
J^Sijer", fnugnefs. _2jcO-f* 3, rar ,
that loves to be always f;mce and well ilrclsed .
^Jtljrf , a fhrub producing indigo . rf> JO .2J J rf ,
an other kind of it of no xfe .
-2j(2iJ35LO , flown t-fs .
^) S_p05eS^Qffi; , to call one. _*| (S> t_p l_J t_5 95 *
_2J 4bOJUjl .{fifBLQ a medeft concealment of your O&i) . to order one to be called . <r7 i^^Sjottt _<
eruiition ; pretending to be poor. _2J & <nj LL1 1 05 SS) up 65 g> 52V I1 II e ^O 35J , to fend hor one .
/05, ^)sa<OJ!0Ji 05 95 03 35 f-40 w, one that con <i_p6565j<na(f5e6 * . Jusoi-pg^ qsG^t rit
ceals his riches etc.
trjJe^^Off , to bring one along with you . .21
JJ HSOJOJuStJeS^CiS; ! f. _i|l_JLLIi_0 .
aLpfjt^GLj^^offi , jgeSLpfigjgsGgS'Tew'T (g
* -2J fis tfU lu LO , _|S44JLUcOJLC , a member.
G1iT!Off/ , to 1 one along with you . <!5
^ms~Xi<nnsT oust Ql , after that manner y to .
cjj/ioSffiiEiLp <35 S O SJy to invit to a meal. _2J
_M]OJ<nj OYT tfOJ , fo much. _| <Qj CD < oTL) LD , JSLpt-JM . a calling .
{b much and no more . .jtrUOJOYrcSG^ within
J4<JVT05Lf) i woman's hair.
that price; mean while.
JHOWf&*Gi) , to mete, to meaftire. ^jovr 5 S/
^l~)if)iT" /vu , that manner or way .
GSS'TW^vJi^Ogy , to get fomething measured to
you . ^cTfl-i5^Q35fT(50;<i ^30ffi/ , to meslure feme41<^, by fix.
J2|CD4il LD i -JOI! L , that place . JJiTilsS thing to ene. rja /V3LU (J I 1^ ', to
tBj^Qoo, there.
[give heaped meafure . ^tJX30Qcxi4-S)-3\OiT &*05) ,
jji_p(g, beauty. _ajL_p05OTr (fern . _2Jl_p# ) a to ftrike , to make the corn-meaiure even with the
(Inker.. Jjoyroj, a meafure. Qfoj^ jyoyr iiJT.
fair perfou. -|LpLU, fair.
_2Jl_paO, heat. 1>>]$) . _i>5 35l_Jb_l JO<nrtTiJi{5L0 , the recompenfe will be at*
<5B66!OS; te be hot. JijLpo4>05sffi>05 , a burn coiding to the work. 1~11%8> jBjovt 1> ing fmart .
|1) *i'S>S:Hg;oYrcfX).T'35 . according to his de
^Lp*0*CV&AC&J , to burn as afore or galled lire. (JtOJcril'SVr tOJ , -i)<TXI<OJ KT
, fu much.
place cites; to make your tongue or throat burn .
TOJiloYrcriJ , how much, oU tOj Vr ill
opj LO , fomething be it ever fa little. Jj OJ
\1=$. . .-JtiriS^GLjTsiOBx! to perifli, to UifgLO ^i/TtCS 3V3 t when he comes . JtQJ Jer<nj(f
be tranfient ; to fall to duff. .ilL^UJTffjffj.; , incor LOOYrtrijLO i till he comes, jy oyr rxi T u3 5 05
ruptible. _EjySiJTffi>LD , incorruution . .) >'0505 e>^0|i;, to belong, jj-j^t oooot > 5; ,
@4_Q_ , an abortion . jsyi-fi^ji_p03@ > verv un" o~H>0y , unmeafurable, immenfe . ^|evT<f3-|i_S^O.
juft fuit of law . _2| l f e= it u 9 ojLO, vexation . LCrretrtrrtj)T liJ , according to meafure . Jj tVT tOii
<K-9ijlp"lut<5Ql_lerer , a virgin . jsjyfcTX) , ruin . ; O , a meafure . jq tT. (5 *
83J . te
decay , downfall . .2J l 03 e>
ffi; , .51
5 y i_j limit. .fiioYTtru ^veJoSOS;, to find out, to inveftj.
GljtObS^OSJ , to dtftroy ; to blot out; to fqiian- gate; to decide . ^owoaj^ryg595i-JLJL_iT5>iS; unin<ier. # 70"1)1-^^50^1 , to fpend, to make ex- veftigable. tT ^^^ , L_l LJ ovr R
pence . Qi_joCTTjOTnrr 03^OL-ii_f95*^3gJ, to de- S^Qgy, to prattle, to prate vain and falfe things, ; to
jile a virgin .
backbite , to defame . it<WLJi\LjQ\-jm&*Qaj , to
murmur, to grumble . J^oyruMLJLJfriff^ti^ '
-)!-5# , the name of tree .
_2Ji_loiI, damage. *|i_/i 1 n 1 | i 1 own; AI pump or fift one . jyoVTLJiloor, a talkative perln .
j , to damage or fpoil a thing . iiySiD u T JL|WLC , i_L_ii_i3VTL0, a falt-pan . JjeiTdr.
GL-ITOSp to be fpeiled, or wafted . -zL/lqlj er , 3>0L0 , brackiih and barrtn ground.
a fpei.d thrift , a prodigal; a profligate.
to reach to fome diftance; toJuQS^oey ( J(Q @ .o ay , ) Q * i_j wave a thing , to make it cool or dry . -
4UT^, tt> putrify, to grew putrid. ( SSgJjeWl'TilSytf3J5L0, mount that reaihea

nto heaven. oYrrr"fii_JL_lT'9:8S-
> to
tiling .
|Off fcS.OSjJ t grow mellow , to grow over
ripe . QfTsa'^^rf^e^QLjT^grSJ > ,,,e rice
is over - bi.iPd . _2J<"Vt U5i_jl^5l , an over - ripe
fruit. _| >/f>;>o , meiiownela .
^/ . to give. 42)95 UJC"Yf0"*.Ogy ,
to eliver
_2J>rf LOl_| . _S2,yS'..l_| .
-2j'v5g-;^o^ , -^^* )ofib to grew afraid .
-24 T^TS1III *" "Say-sSjiCfjy , to make afr-.nd .
.aj'Vsv.OO li"V5e>ag; , -^^vf^LO , a fhuddeiing .
.SI*V5H)V>1 tB>a} , ^J^gSSTBLD , a tortoil'e
with a noble ihell .
-2J?y3rv/g) , alargelizaid cover'd with hard {cales
^Y3:R>(f>l-l.-5l-i>.UJTii-l_J ' 1_0.5*-/'' J ,
hola obltinately fall. Ji, ^vj Tv (Bj LJ l3
OJ ,
pe rinaci< us man .
-*$<6 , tg mix. _J,OYTer"i| . mixture .
SJi/Wrrjj^Qf ^1/ 1 clay Wcik'd up with water.
-2J *a<2j&*Qffi) , to take u,i with' the hollow of
the ha>id , _2J3yr?Y5 , a handful,.
JJVTY5 , the Italie for a post .

.ajo* J>].-35 J^iou -SjoiJ

pofuively , definitively . F T; Q fr, 65 (-D ^0 > withouP

il bt.
aj>* without impediment .

BSjOg^ , to break as 1> ; dois* to be cut aliinlier ; to be decided . gOJ ^b.OC^^^LjGt-JT^ffrS; ,

the rope is broken . <rxi L_p tb 73 ^Ol>'J ^ffiji the
carife is decided.
frj^JT 30 , a cord tha Uoes not
. 2\)$>t J!4^CV<nj > the ending i f a i affair .
^SOjft^QfiTOO , a dccilve woi4, a deciiive len
ience . jL|^ryrfLUn"Uj(3lIT^'^J , to come ro a
perfefi ena . -jq/^.xjtuj''i ift3*-iO; ,.
to renounce a thin% entirely. J|^)&^1 c^UJT OJ *
totilly. (J'J5S5U3'T FU3.2.J
, till the end
of this month, .i n/|aj,Tsg"Qffi'r(SE*05; ,<
,to give and mike over. Jlj ii tfXlT *35j.; to be
come peifely mded or cleared . _24^.'4!1)0: &8,^.' iTOgragcri,^ -^; T to bring to an end .aa<d3^LUTuj ,- jj>u|ujtuj,- dtcifmly . j^}
^^) wh t cifily breaks, s a rotten- cord- does-.
-| Zfi35& O&D , to cut i to pluck off, or gf'tl.ep
fruits or jiou-crs to re.ip. J>) ^0'g,g;LJ(3r''($*0>
Bjj . to cot off,, to cut altmder. '^^^^/'
fE*40c5; > to fnw.
OJ ?-21 ^(BfcS^iCS,) >- to>
find out how it is. fUL:pg;0;.<3a'3;fl6^Se5^ , to decider
-Si .20 ^095 , the hollow cf the hand ,
a ciufe _ J>1) ccj LJ^frar
> be cut' oftT;
and thus feparated from the reft.. i^T Q^O-'LJL^ovev
J4^0@2B^9 i trouble of mind, forraw _
_2j /Oipcrcrr , a fperiet of lizard .
I , one whofe ears are cut off. \ Q> i_) it
_2q a_vbt . _i|(xvmT .
JJQ/t_Jl_|g5rjTCK>Lp the harvetl. QrgTC^^X)^!
-O'^stOJi) > to cur the paddy its the held*., ^
Jj -!OL_| , Arabia .
Jj^OLDwr, ciuel or barbarous man .
ffilfFSS;, to clear accounts, ..
\. (Q53"D.O a complain' , an accufation . J^^OQS
\ *0.'&>$. ,. a widow .(SOuSQ&t^OQj . to compl iin.
JH^Uiey , fixty.
^j/jfLO , charity, bcnefaion . j/OSQsTXJ
J4^aiLDi_( , wkednefs-.
AOiLtTLJffor , ^]^atL0:
t(95031"j50 ; a wicked? fellow .
SO/. to give alms .
2\ryg>iilfnsvTis>'T(S , fix yoke of oxen .
JZ\OU>L4*Oi.O y inwardly and outwardly .
_a|_i5fcS.20S"J , to underftand . to comprehend .
5><5**-3L' t0 know. \ _*S lUT 3j tfu <- ,
\) > , a feparaie place;. a drawer; a room. Jfi
an ignorant perf >n .
UJTSLQ , Q> *Qo~tf(S, a room in a houfe . J!j^09jffa_L_L0 a
^-^^11OTT young woman grown room in a houfe that is open on one fide.
_2]5) , a ftap on the cheek. ^ O&DffJ +
marriageable. _aj^v5g5 0595 , notice . A|.*59;i2>95U5
(B#59gA to confefs , declare JL| _ 95 <* 95 LJ < acm/ to clap on jtofmite, to flap . 05ir<raT5gQ<7O-2J4SO
, to confefs , to profef to make known . _2j_3 &Z>&i) , to give one < llap over (he face. \*>!
rftfUiJQ^ , to acquaiiit , to announce, to notify ; to make ujLji_iiJ"ttzc^/ , _s| eso aj <nnrr et *c . , to- be
ene pvutknt by corrcftion . \^LULJi-i(S$105i) , clapp'd on , to be flapp'3 .
to become known. jy^iSiui_Jt_lG55;(# 91) to
^jS^O^t?fr , a-kmd of t kitchen-herb, which
known. _2] _5 gj G95T -Tvr^vjeS^oey , to when pruned grows again ..
inform yourfelf, to get jo know, to perceive. JU_>3
* 2\-&ib%D3i) , to consecrare with*- offerings ;
aUJ , knowledge . jq^SOJTCyff , _2J_r"ljrr95a"e">r , to venerate . ^0#/ , _2J, >#'l_lL) consecration .
-cOJovr OYTiiiaw , a man that is fltilful or knowing dedication, adoration. jq^oQffULILD , fanflity. 3\{>
in fciences . ^j^d^QFTOvaoSgseSTffi* CT Si), GbzlWKlGidrT(Sldi&J05)J i to. conJecrato.
to teach. #;<555-5^1leooTerofiiffieSiO #UJ#(-4 , holy , venerable..
J^SOffj'-D , the lignification , fenfe , meaning. _2p
, to threatee ene .
-3U_*3(jp>95LO . acquaintance. _21.4!3^5 ^VOffii_Di_jBBTa/6^)5^ , to interpret. ^i^OffJFT/J'
^^/?" a town heve know no body. igjQy TOO opJiS-'Pgy ; to expound , to explain . rg
9505 jy3(^e5LaT3trrOjeer , an acquaintance of eorij O8S1-0 rnyllical fenfe .
half. ^J^OgOTTg^rf .
J4<5a5<Tf jgff , midnight .
-SJ^CVeSCOLO . fix calani ( * meafnre.)
.aj.2a>@, . / ; lo i_i op; , long grafs- .^
^\-CC5jUi i ljt^olo, wealth.
^Ji50i_l# , Octrber.
, Qiii^vrovr cu% , Qlj/x^i-' , nasa
Cn3j30>@ , different forts of it .
^j-OOUJLD , Jijasai-Jt-JLe , m*n , vile. Jt\0\-K
SO Vi-jQLJtr^DITU , to fe . 95 nrif LULO , a linall matter, a trifle. _2J 1_1"-
agost /n^i , to del"pile- , to contemn . J^-^O1-*
tDdajZO^DtfUfftrr , one who has no undcrflanding .a bol . F[g(2g0;LD^aOWrrf UJLD , a thing where-,
little wit,, lien 1er parts. _2)
II Q 9> tV
ef there is no doubt . LT&*C
fpotlefs . )13< > a heart void of guile.
-2J401-3UJTFLO . -^ULStUrrff-LQ .
t make quite clean . jjOBOjesSO^, te fquand-i J\ Q<JiB)U) , acceptable .
U qvute away . Ji^JUCuft*^ , to fpeak! i J4^4St * woadcr,. mlrisie.
. -SJ4*

S^DO *>*0 J^ewr JJ IjBf' iie?y

^ o b q =^0) -so ,_riaiiy . ^)^151.^,
daily wages. _2j D2> ^"J^S'-lJr^ , daily fickncfs.
_2j ^053^DOJreS(gLO , till then, till that day.
|>$;|_ v. ^or^c^LO.
^^/^! , to , to be hot. _2)){5
5 > hear .
.I 55^)'_0 , mfinire, endlcf.
+ ^| "Ti.FT53T , an illiterate perfon .
_2^5[5>\ , &r<Tj<3>B) , a foft fleep .
.2|<\ , warmr.efs , heat. J>) JOT :2b Ql_JT_vy , a
fpark of fire . .24 j , touched by the
heat .
_2J*0Tnj-395U)rruj , ^oerOJ^O^gSTOaLOTOJ ,
perpetually , for ever and ever .
JqQj'F'TirL , rufticity , incivility.
-|Sg>g)IFeBr;TO(j50Yr' poor people , derelict peo
ple .
JJ^S> vv'1:" bas no beginning . _2>1" >
from eternity . _2|g,'-lj4" , lie who is from eterni
ty _]g)n5<59"LO v. _2)!5>(1-0 .
?|g)-rftg -p u 9 > drought , want of rain.
.Sjstrf 9=)F , [5 TtoLO \505 , //if /# /
_S)S*f >)UJLD , not everlafting, temprai . _jeof
g)f)LLI05<T"Cr\3LD tranfitory time, one's fatal hour . .2)
ef85LUg;T>OcE@-!5i-J4 . forc-boding of death.
_2jref-4 LO . unacceptable.
, injulticc.
_2jf OJTLLIi-O V . JJr555TUJLD .
( -|y ) ^3J5V3SG'35rr<:r'T!3*^1S^ totakooccafion , te begin . i|V<QJT.lL_lT(i^CS-'
iKGKTemLJTL_0.tfi;(f3s6^0a' . to begin the
tune .
jjsivgsgjLD , fillewlhip, participation.
^vpuOiOTLD > the following one , the going
long, with one, the keeping. cle/e to one.
J3\ VI 3ti_ LO , good fuccefs. JJfiVKj_0\OLD
LjirstrrSay* iOfly , to bring a thing about. _2J?3V
e4-cs3LJLj*ira; . -21<!2 Ki_ooe5s;e3@oJ(56
jCO^J i 10 have good fuccefs . _2J sy 8ri_ >iO oar , a
favourer, patron. ^^-^^^ a falle
friend .
-S45y^*.-2093LO , help , benignity . JL|5V05*^O
35eOay ^*2>*5^01_1<221/*;, to
help , to favour .
.) WTJ&HDBx) to dread , to be afraid of a thing .
_24?yyrnf , a companion , affifhnt ; a follower , _2J
fijyffff 036S.OK/ i join one in order to be protected to
follow or embrace a certain opinion or feci . ij
Fff^esg; , the cleaving to, the joining one , the fol
lowing a certain opinion .
_2j<JBys* #gju> , J>iey#a5'-i> > bad, unfeemly .
.5^2El/y#>l-0<T<roriFrf*iTLO > the corruptible body.
T|tg)/jri gjift/nffi^ , to be continually rumiating thing in your mind .
_2)SVif>*orLD , _2)0$)(5|_0 , daHy .
-jeyi_j[5g>i-0 > -SjSD/LjTjgiorLO , the being
fcnit or united together.
_| EVLJOJlD , the enjoyment -of what is goed ; th
fuffeiing of what is bad. _2|1_156.0!5>
l_JOJLDl_l"erGa/6S^0; , to enjoy j to futfer.ffS-gs
8i/95fR'R/S5SA'vr J4Si'i_JcS5:*^OSy i to experience
feouMdevjl thing*. (Jui2ua"^3yuoJ5/9>

AlffV js)(2**w jt\ifl!OT jqeweer j^ew .

@ojt55js;, now I fufFer for it. 405><>;
UJTUJ^l2VLJC5_e3*^OSJ . to bufe, to misufe.
j^sffj/LjT^La "f . -a|S/<nagiLO .
* _2jsVLjrr.ierLD , the vehicle to take phyfick in ,
* J45VCJl~JT^LO , mutual delectation ; cohabita
tion , lying wi'h woman . ^?50051-1_1<
l/&COgj , -2J 22QLJfT05 .00 S5J , to lye witha wo
man .
_2jyLJL-|*i20S; , to fend. _212yLJL5<d5(6!S.rV)
57, to lend away , to dismifs . iirySsiu 3/l_Jl_)*
^ i to accompany one a little way . _ai2S/l_IL_S3
65-^5LI i to caufe to be fent. ex ^awi" -2lbt_p
g5yi_Ji_4(S Day , to fend for ene . ^(ffjjJtrrSF;
jsia/Lji.5rfjggj;g5 Gff"* vr
take leave of ont .
JJSVU)^ , cenfent .
^D(5I 2)521_<*>1
Qo\D in his name, by his order.
JS)!>2yL0'TWrLD , a doubt. _2]51_<_-11
(S^IS; , to doubt.
J435VLOTetrFg5E6ADflj; , to neigh . _2J ray U0iT<refSSe6
/50@^4biT , a neighing horfe.
^-|ffiV5l_ILD , conformity.
* .Slg6^ 05LO , much , many . _2lQ*erg3L0G(-J/J- ,
many perfons . nQsvi & , often . JtlGotrrgj
, many days . jqGwtjjQiSXLO , a long
while. SnQw&eirrcrLa , very tar.
^|i^ot<Oj^- , jS]rtrTri,5Lb , all perfons . _2J41I
/ 05 VT _2| troToOl 5 LOT 0 i they all together.
J4Oore5S>LD , all .
J4<rarL_lflS; , ??LDL_18L/, fifty.
love , afTection . jjiari_jwr , an affection
ate person .
)(_, .iJJOr^vSgJ , without. TLD^LDeer
-^5 , without delay. (<5_5 , fj \5 Q LU ,
befides this .
jy jtrr^ySoo , /i tf .
_5**/ , ?1<<"/ , that day. ^jitrr^ai'njr
nroT, that day he came. .24 .OTga 3S@e~U<r5
OJTrr , that day he will come. rgrriywrLdetn"
3903@ , the day after to morrow . njTUj^o
^v53trr^oori2)Q^(g , next fund,iy. ^TPjOYTtnS)^yje5@ . next monday . | A^g;(g n n q.
GiTeargjUJ, thou riiflft fay fo lately, ^jtfor^ootrr
/, <,^, J^dt^i 35LD , daily.
jjffT ; , jj-jctQ , no. _| tQP , is it not foi
jLjasreor , -J'j>9> that . ^ QJ , that fame
thing .
^rretn-LD , victuals , boil'd rice. _2j<nrrtrrLJLJT
0\J , rice-water, congee.
_2 <wr ffar L_l T LO ,
meat and drink . ^|iW)T6tXJA)f)^0"LO > food and
aiment, ^ , meat given to the
poor .
.ai'srSTL , a fwan .
_2i oa Jp;ra ero v . GPt-D-agrrjgFtTo.
^|<rarg}6trr , filth a man . _2Ji5org)OYr , luch a wo
man . j^aoTQTj/J- > futh people,
^jjnroof/jf- , near .
_S)c>crrof UJLO , what does not belong to us . _2)<ror
sfff njtfor , a ftranger . .ajsoreof QujiritrufUJLO *
^jaorof LLio'iJ-Jerffof UJLO . a connexion with one an
other . Jt|^oreof LUCTXItfor'^'f UJLCTLuGl_1St8805; ,
to fpeak familiarly with one another. _2j9arofaJ
<S^.iBTeofuj#G'5nT'35LO > mutual affection . jijaitrreef
UjcrX|sorjf LU^Grfr'L0 mutual enmity. _2Jor
oof LUcTXieoreof 035! ,(5 t communion.
_2jsorQ.Jor(rt-0 , that time, then.
jxttsWctj a mother.

i , ah ! oh ! -sQojT *12>^-2035*-20
S>j to open the mouth wide.
, an ox ; a cow . 93 T > a wild cow . tjnr
4_T , a tame cow. -y,<c<5orL_irrcro > cow's milk.
+bF>3l-aujLO , J)SllOJL3, fport, mockery.
Ct[5e>rfVr Q 95 l_-UJ Ll l_J ewrSSSD
. to
mock or deride one .
-fcbcBLOLQ, a law-book, a book of morals.
31-0 . ibo^LOIFTiAl^^if , one who is learned in
the law a theologer. -fcj, 5 LD L_li_5 1_0 LOTUJ ,
according; to the law, legally.
iF5l-OtfTi-D > arrival.
-ibcSTFLO. the air; the aethcrial region , heaven.
ibf*jfrffCDLUL) . void of fnbftance , empty. .y,j;/T
Fgf)TLD5>(r , filename of a flower , r//i of s/cA
swims upon the . 4, 057 fF Q 5(2}1-<_ ,
#/ /)/.m .
-95Tig3j , bid, unfit v. 44, -95
>TLU , .
r -tb35T3)!LULO , a crime, misdemeanour, -,
55^>5^50 , a wicked man , an evil-doer.
-955_ , impiety, wkkednefs , wrong.
435<1_(5_13505.5< , an unjuft man .
-03( , meat , food $ figure , outward appear
ance .
-ibKMXUJLO -5J*'_$.UJL0 .
-y>*.02l , to become , to grow , to be ; to prove
r turn i to fucceed , to come to be finish'd , to be
come ready , to be near dont boiling ; to be gopd or
fit for any thing . QrgcJ^UJTeSCy) > G55$ujnr
^SCU , a Hnenower. (>etrr ^OJLjanrrL , rf>TyLJ
trTLO ,
95 T (L JesTLD , three fanams and four
fanains leven fanams . 95 O^tQt #I_JLJT
93 . may the Loi i fave ( you ) ! (Jl-H-JLO-G8"
UJOffcr/T05 , do fo, I beg. Qqst irooG^LUCiJT
U-IT03 . thou (halt not murder . "reor95g>rr95 , for my
fake. (jeyseSTR , therefore, in order to it.. ;
dJTLLi,, 5UJ<njf93 kindly. _505^1_.
gj.TtfT , he gare blows iaftead of wages. .2ji_jt_|.2C
LO Ql.1T O TU TT 03 95 93T'*<"fr 1J5 S5T. ( , he
marte as though he would have gone further. LOfTLDT
<J3rg.O*PLIJ , thou Handelt like a piece of wood.
-2Jfli(LjF0305rru3t!5n5565Te5G5^J521/Lfl , it mult
have been a mistake . i^"(rFtf3JiT5iiLDT93 , a year
long. rrjTgjuj , I alone. rjrpEl'i-D.ajilfflk'LOrruj,
n>TSyij0-24OJ55yLDTg5 , he and I together.
gJUJ4Hn5S5TM>T , he cjme volun'trily , of his own
accord. T@UJ(^i/Wr^6L/, it grew up of itfelf.
-| ft; -ei> * .20 G*^1 2/WT~L (a-O '
while thefe
things were doing, mean time. .,931 (P , 4tP5i
(gLD , ^,3=1 G1 i0T 'et '* bedoHe.let them do
io. ^5<&,($>, ^SJ-Zb&TQffiGl-iTlS) ,
it does not fucceed. _2j5i;.2jfXlg9G JOlUTLO , he
can do it . jjdilg>Gv;)l-Ljrr^'Tb' > he can't do it .
ffTLJtJTl T@gJ . the dinner is almolt ready
4e5t_jGiIV35J > fo come 10 an end . -2lJ<nrr
GTTl->U}4,&<-Q-iTf:&r&)' -Z|UfflV9393T*LJ
G'ITFcfa; , he is dead. -H&ilm.-iryOld:>'(hrrvr
Qj , that is fit for the work . Jtj Sjf'wn- 221; 93(5) LOT
5&/ ,nat is good for nothing. _LO(Q3i #8>9>
S>05e5TLDLJi_O.Gl-LJ fo as c is agreeable tu
jou . -fcfcFrriTLCfLeLJt-aJ. j accordingly to good




[wanner. Q'5;-,_Dg5 55TG1-0'1" can this ue of ui"e

to you? 4u , yes. (3L/rFcoo\3G?)'r * '* 'k'*
gOKd ? -tb'_o, \e. ^bGLDw^Qey , "io fay yes.
iQ\-Orr _iJ<ro OS3 t X'T is it lu or not?
LOfLD . yc yes . ^iXiitrriurrj^'TgJLD , it is faid lie
is arrived, rf? Q \_j i_j
Qfiuhj OOTLO , you
may do fo . Q\_i i_i
Qf ;-; , you
ought nut to do fo . ^tfJ-QW-Tdx) 'bat is .bad {
that is not goqd or not fie. 4, T &)SUibT , a bad
man . ^gST^T'f OJLD , a bad thing. Q<njeVDO
95RT tSTJinj^rr, one whti is not fit todo the work.
T jot 95 g; T 93 T S5 trr , one whom I do rot like , a
foe. ^ orOJ5or , one whom. I like, my
friend. ^|Ojesv9:@-0<n-JJrg3@L0i-j,3ia5Jt , we
are nit upon goo.l icim-i with one another. .,6800
?g5csD , if it he fo. ^.iil<rarffll|55T5se5jo ,
aS^aTrTjrggjT-pggioo >
he come. Aj dWM*
^'Jj^T^.-or'ijTX) , ^jnj^rs^JfJrrQjtrriUT
CXJ, but if he come.
( !_ , iC5Vi-D ,
-, a/G'-0T
nevertheUis . dXgiS^i'-O (!5?5!*2-0 . ab
lead one perfon .
,rf, tg gj eg os^j Oi O
, there
is not one perln . fij' or) g) op) LO , Jt;ur?5S)
/LD, (yaJ#Og,L0 , ^<155'_ , (JiDJ
S.^/LO . ^ifilt^srtforS o^;1-0 > either r hi ^ or that
man. CT OJ g) e^P; LO . whooever . < 5 t Ol LO .
"TffyojTBSty;!^ , any thing be it erer fo liule ,
or of what kind foevcr. rri |i II o U irrg opjLO ,
gTLJLJLj3-tiJTEgop;LO , howfoever it be. <n-rwQ9>
LUT"-3> "TfTo G^5 *
, wherever
it be. .2|}TOJ8y, to wit, videlicet. .Securer
G9=nrtrr 5^> , he faid as follows. jtjiiJJOTJTQ^JOTiLjrrLeTil^, he wrote as follows .
ib O^CULLDTeuQ^ivriar , what is the foul? (J
SUig)iU9)J J40JJ50ig; , cither this or that man,.
U)TU>Tb~ZJ5jJ&)<j3<>TC115xJ i either wood or (lone.
- , -^s tsusjG3^ , ^bJorg^G^nr
, 4^<1_||_9- , -z etrr t_j t_jp_u5
G^vo, theiefore , ^ot-t <t fl5 * gj ,
to take it fo as it is i to pick out what is good . .y,
sor L (TS gj , a proper phylick . <T sr g) Q oo rr
aoTLOl ($U> , as much as lies in my. power.
# 4b@o\DLD , grief , anxiety. 4@0Nji_JL_l(Se5^O
, to be lnxious .
*b9395LD , gain , profit.
49595ff &>$CJ . -?5* ^093L0 .
-^^^;, to make; to boil. <5FOJSSULUT
93*^OSy.. to make even. Q^Oifs^lT4itO^J,
to make clear. 93 ^o^^rgLOSLCiLWri '?",
the Lord made us. i. I T 93 BS-iCSJ , to be
the author of a thing. ^,95*^95*^305;, to bring
about , to effeuate . QfT)&,&QBx) to boil rice.
^D^jCDi^StS > 1 kitchen. jSl,OJn~ 5"9
(6503 , he is perhaps arrived. J4g;(jLJLJt_0-fJ(T5
95@5T95@LD ,. the thing is perhaps fo -H>93*;993LO t anger , width. 4 95*^0* 9565^)
, to be in anger .
-,93* COLOLO , violence , wrong 5 fianghtne5 ,
4,9535i?Ou595*i5D5yl i to wrong to be proud .
+ ^,9:*GS'i*-i-0, wrath , vehement anger.
-fcb95*</T- , puniihment the order of the fuperiors . <^<535393*!"'*^; to pu
nish one. 4i93*AroTL_li_l(S*AJS; , to be pumfbed . 4^F*^or95@oYri_lLj(5*i!DS; > to undergo
puniihment. 4,g5lACT95(g3Yra"T95fl5^"e5*O
, to condemn to be punish'd , or to condemn to die.
\fur -m, 0j * (S ovr GT wwrui


-ti es* -tbiwe? -,^ -- 4* ;

rji 5(S9y i every thing goes according ai he orders it,

-' > whatever is fit to tie any thing with.
4 K' tri T T LO , wi'fulncfs, caprice , (Vlf'will 5 fiercelief-, , pride. 4, TO ?5T V W , (/ . -,> ) 4TU
^^ (/ . 4, 1(>' ) c.ipneio is , Itubborn or unruly perln . -y,'K>9vTrf 03
/Ogj , to be obltinatc ; to aft with haned .
JOLO i a proper time for bringing a thing
to pit's .
* -ib^^ > . bier,
* -fci,TT)trRT<N>LO-. as long as the moon exifts .
,=5$'^(595 \!_ , as long as the i'un
and nwjn ex it .

f (ft, , to celebrare, to folemnize ; to venete . t_J - -Ff

to cele
brate a holy-day.
4F4TLO, a feat, chair, throne; the bsck-fide .

-tbrFTser. a hook for lifting tap brden,

-iji LDLJTLO , pomp, train, parade.
1_11_01_|51/6!^, to make grent mew. 4,
i LOLJTLJI-btfUJLO , a very po .r (hew .
-ti TS;s3)i ,
TG5l"Si , the name
<f a plant .
-L_0-, July.
ib<S a iheep . -?1_(5lcu3^ , wool. ^fJLOT
G -iLOT(5g50Yr , fmall and great cattle .
TLU , a r^m . 4t (e5@4^r , a lamb.

bezotr.ftone found in Bleep . y,4_y.i2)ei3F# ,mUtion,

-,05^^1_11_1 , the name rj a plant . @
O/ LO S LJ LU t fjj , a (heep wiih crumpled horns and
wool. Qfl0LOo\SlUT(5 > a Iheep of a reddifh ci.lor , with 110 wool . 05"__([)
a wild ftWp .
' Qni<WC\T~< (5 ('TI_LUT (5 , agoT. iilOYT
OMTTI (5^*1 TLU, hc-goar. LJOYTA/WraJT
a royal throne . g> <T UJ T ? !_0 , a judgment-feat. (ij , a fort of gotts that are low in Cue
43=sof ^o/TLO , the mine of a tree, .y, F oaf t_jLJ , -ifjj .iCffy, to wag, to wad. lie , to totter ;to genicu
>> i a plank of it .
late j to play, ro jflCFTo.l-fcb(l gj. the chair tottery J
-y,FfTL_iTFti) , allurement, incitement, .y,FT! 4t_00. a play, geftb.ilati. . ^,[ OsOt-JT'l N3,
oSQ-' Cf 8J . -t\ o>3T
CJTFlOT UJi^d1 f ^Og> , to be entangled by eiuful .laying and finging .
Q^T.^J, to play . fJ'/TTfs^rg;, to wafh or
suits .
. the warer in precious
TCr(P *0&LQ , falhien , manner, bathe yoj' felf . ^
niodefty i politenels . (3^T?TTLO , the cuftom of (tones. 4$*. "/^^- <n
the country . g^^^fS>rra,f^TUi\^isssrevo^^iO QQ)Qi i_^0iilT(j*^O5.), to f.row reconciled
gy , to falote one revtent I y , to bow to one. .y, to c-ne . Qi 3 5:(?5305, to prefs oil . 4
FTTtfUTFONO , -,F1 CrFFT<njL-Q_ , the place of OJTQi&^OSiJ , to prefs fugar- ele .
publirk admittance in a king's ceurt . 4FT0"55i5
-,0>1_ , the cream of mi'k, fatnefs 4,ffi>U_, a gannent. 4j,av ujTLJ(r*"n'LO ,
g/CLT-O polirencfs, courrely .
a gaimenlof filk .
^-b?Trf OJ-rar , a priori . -fcbFrrrf LULJLJ4 LO, clothes and jewels . lju Tffli
^FTif i_ilj4 LO . the prielthoodi 4 , a #j30^>ai , a garment for
g girls .
prieft , a carpenter , a geldimith .
-ti_L# , 4F#ffl>LO t an heri age .
44 LO , a play ; ihaking, jogging . rCLpffOTLi
-,*5 , a pried .
LO , a Oudow or reprefenration of a thing. QeST
-b#Qmj3trri_i<s>5 6^jTLp5 gy ^ , 4i#avi_
./ till/ , to cnniatulate , to olcfs .
mreri LO i feftity , joy . QtfU_i3ujM LOOT
LU, like as one that is tluink . _,-, LC(J
4,Qb&O0J , to coet . 4i#i_JM , luft, eovet- LOIXI G?t T , canil thou do no more than that?
ro (hake , to agitate ; t.i mobft impor .
ifnel's .
* ZbfifsWlSLD , blefsing. H,freil,<di& tunateiy . ^4JJLifRt-5DS^ to make fnakei , puf
pets etc . to dance. (JQfEGiTI Q&ODBJ , to. wafts
gj , to blcfs .
, -,9-/, a reel , yarn-windles . 4i# one's head .
^jjiBHTLO,' broth. <2$_ . jepper QosDS/r J\30JTi?-^r)^, hafp" yarn .
yt -SF , desire. TQgjTrf LU^rorQ'"fQ 343 brorh . gsTLp'LUTejttrruo , bro-h of hen .
4eror . a nail . #tflirf 00 -Ji<T>if -21 '_a 95 ?,
<3FOJ ru3(f5^*^20S^, _1*5 -bbFUil_l(5
.29, to deine a thing, to long 'for a thing, .y, 4,sotrpc?l "|^^; , to drue a nail in the wall.
.y,<retrf 5-^?, to falten with a nuil. ^
v'ar:.ius man. QilT^aYrrrfiSF , avarice. -y, f3G^T''WV5*g; . to lean upon a prop. LOT
iFLJLJi 5S5e;35ei;, defirable. ^ se> F LJ 5 UJ , 4-kBcf , a plug , a wootien pin. ^ , n.iil
allurement. 4^?lji_j5lo65Toti-S'33*^>S^ - 10 for the fpars of a roof . tfUrf f C4iTf , DcrSF
allure. -tkiBCFLJLJTfi} , luft. ^2)FLO(ST5$S* IFCOTewf , nail for reepeis . ^j,ewtfL^rtffBrQFUjei
*D*FJ , to do a thing with gieat ap Ttcation . ^
Oay, to give alove potion.
-^FFffLULO > wondering, marvelling, farprize . ewrf(y, good hard pearls . 4,wrfLjQLJT<rar ,
4FFrf LUI-'&^ , <o marvel, to be lurpiized. b*rrf 3<2eiT "S>iU , a pin of go(d gold for exa
4 ? F T 5 /crrrr , an ebftacle put in one's way. mining other gold with. 4<roof ^e^TLOTuJ , fiimly,
3>frfiu ' &&<\3>rtZTSii4)Ui)fL), the bulinefs has itrenfcy . y,oopi6Se)35iljnraj, with a ftrong hand.
-y,Btrf Qfll }~ , the principal root of a tree , the tap
met with obftacles .
root .
an elder lifter .
^ijiwrfLjy) , a kind of a catarat in the eye .
-,Fdr , it is done j well and what more now ?
.,/ , an oath . ^bfTOoru3(5*cey . to take
* 4i,4.C^JLO, refutation. 41_(2fl335*.0
g) , t j con ite .
' an oath, to fwear an oath . ffrs^rTUuS^rrQLjrf
* 4^)5^ 1 tire fenate fitting and decid Q 7<>40mrriJ(S$VJ to fweas- by God .
ing eauies
* 4ff>4fi, ability in eftate , patrimony, riches. by life . i.^ ^UJLJijtrcroT, G1IWT
GS , I conjure you by yeur father not to go. (*?
^^^ ' , a ri.h man.
Sgffa/JgpT fweuing by your eyes. ^,/5
-b>& -^STevr, a father.

4iU5 -tbO -iua -.

^JLDl_lfwaS2iyt6^05; i to confirm with an oath.
-ttJcT i a male. .^/ > a male-child,
a boy i a person of (he male fex in general ; one that
behaves like a min. -y,J^)UJL5 ^Dnj^funrr , a male,
a man. .y, nroTSSiLO , -y,Ta -D(5<TL0 , man
hood, -y, 'iffT @ jv3 , the sign of a male, garer
IJT(, inao's weik. ^b'^BrLJTONa i the malculine
gender .
-4Gg^ L^-T *T M T & & # l-l 'T
*2/>, lodoiHy .
4V"Wi OJT, a lord. ^wwri OJ^ , the
Lord .

-ti,wBTL_a_ > heathen- mendicant . ., LO- 05

\ , an importunate beggar of tliat order.
_,(1?, a period of fixty yeais; a year.
.y, jaari)L_^ , a lord of bond-men.
yj^iSTTgSi , the name of a firab .
.y, 5LOi_JT35u5 Jvp'TOTOJ'ior , a rery poor peribn , one totally deftitute .
43>0~eri , a fuppnrt, protection , confolation .
45 if -35 S
<5J , to fupport , to prt'tefl . -,><_|
G^'rcoogjeS^cejij 10 comble. TrTjgayasgTeS
*"OJTlij(!5^S^0SJ > to proteil one, to be a com
fort to one. (j3yJ45^35TToUTu3<rf;o5*.205; ,
this props or fuppoiis that.
-y,S;34} TQa>o , therefore.
-tbf5yoOuUAD^55 T ^osjJ , to be poor.
tbgiAVT, . -fcb'-rarg5@ .
4 , property . EgSl^JLJByi
BSJffitgULJ<^/ovTu5(0595gL/ . the fon is heir to
Eis father's goods .
-y,?JTUJL3, gain, profit, lucre. 45TOJt_D
Qt^u^05D ' ' ct profit. 45toji-Jlj(5
g>^Go^Ttfirrv5*-08<' ,0 g'n "
4i5Ta"LD, 0>> , a bafis, foundation.
tbTOvf, olten ation ; a ftir or buttle. -ygJT
Vf 35*^0J . 4b5Toyf Lj , to talk
big, to boalt . --gjTOvf -- , a boalter .
* -,^ , the beginning. -y,^TLU9J3jl-JLJrr,
our fii ft parents. .y)d>g5'r(reTLD , an original cause.
4,^UJ5SJi-0 , the beginning and the end. -y,$f^
giJxD, from the beginning.
-fcbSHKi-D, -, tiefLULO , high office or power.
493g50jl_Ol_IWBT221/*Otfijwr, -y,33535or , -y,Sj
0593?535'". i one that is enployed in an high
office or government . QgFT^Jj&LULa , the govern
ment ef a country.
* -tb^SjajaT , the fun .
* ', property. -,(;; , y,^
an owner , a proprietor. ^J5y<T^Brg5g5T^fn"LjO , t liar
is my own . LJTT^vtTLOTgS^Cgy , to alienate.
l_lTf e?<tn"wr , one that ferves with an other perfon.
#"10> , one that is his own mailer.
>>8>rr 9 cuftard - apple - tree.
49>65TYT , a mother.
-fcfc9>if> , the name of a tree .
-,5^>1_ > neceffity , ftraits ; importunity .
*-fcb5b"-D<-0 *-0-SO'U):jD , the foul . 4eJS;U5T,
foul. LOKTJjgiJLOTFJRaYr , illuftrious ferfons ,
lioly patriarchs .
aja^LOT^aj/Lorrlj 5
4ftoyr > thty intimate friends. -y,ej6i;L0a>(3g>T
l_pevr i an intimate friend.
-g{>8J , a mother.
-,5)5 , an owl . -,55)>^!_ , an owl's faee .
4r5gjjL5ySi^(_g5eSperr , he looks like an owl .
.TjfiSg)^ 5>T> J-o , the l'creeching of an owl.
0 -tb'_Jr,2; ,ltrics, calamity, diftrefs , ^usj

-im iy

e)LJl_j(5*^0ei; , to be in ftraits.
y,LJ<?>ifceji , straits, danger.
-y,l_J0rBTLO , -)1_1^), jewels.
-y,L.5.L0.LD i a vtry agreeable thing, a thing we are
very fond pf.
-tbGiiaytferLO , ravenousnefs , voraciousnefs . .y,
QLJfry WLXl^iTOTTO^g /IQgj , to devour.
T <JO T 8J 45 S5 LU. LD Q l-J T DP ) 0" LU G "VT
itjjei/ , to inap greedily at any thing,
-fefciil) V . 4u_il_ii_i . "
_!>1_1 ; . J^gL-lODLJ .
-fcbt-Dffiese^r > the husband .
y,LDrarrg;@[ a callor-tree, of whose kei-nels oili
<!Xtrated which is used as a purgative.
bLOrore\g35G3STI si , .y,L0Wr5(&(95
0 , ifs kernels . 4 lo eorr 05 G 65 t*jtoot. lamp-oil
extraikd from them. # 30 p LO 05 G > *rsi"
jowrr , cartor-oil , used asa purge. (LJCTlTUt
<">05@ 6* O
LD ttt, l_l(5>05ajTLO
^QJtfUajT'R/GeSnri SSI > LQi/OO
lurTLO<soTrri(pj , 05TU T LOWT05@ .
0;@, To>LUirLDraT05@ , Tit 5"05( i
t_TLe<fffBT0S@ , Gyi^l-,<s^J'T'LD'reB'r?R 1 iffere/
forts of that Jbrub . l_j /QfKtt-y,LCeT05@ , e5f
HJTLOWft@ , a papoy-tree.
* -?(lo4G<T35#OlO , the whole.
-tb2)LD , a tortoise. 4 ss> LD Q ffi , torroiscsheli.
4B)LD9rCTt-D , <J ctrtahl fever in Doys,
-LD * . -? _*OS)J ,
4L0LJO0 , '< name ofa plant growing in the wattr .
iiLDLJJOF^Ovr^ , another kind of if.
t,LOi_|a>i UJW,^,pei LUrrsoT, a hus
band. ^LDIifXI UJTOYT, a wife .
-,55\ , the forked (licks of a palankeea .
where the bamboo reds upon.
jtfcLULO, toll , toll - money . ,
, the
toll-office , a place where toll is paid. -1(
/ , a toll-gatherer . 4, uJLODT.Tv;* 20 , t*
take toll. iilijr^iB^^re/, to pay toll.
i+LUffiBH Tu(\-J9t^OSJ to use chicanery
or lite for giving one trouble .
,luldtotlo , -fcb lu 5500 , sny place In the
body where the life may be eafily endangered . .ujf)
) JO 5 'f, Gondii 1-0-35*O0J , to beat one in a dangerous part of the body .
-y,LU4^r,a ihepheid. -y,UJ@LpcK3 , -y,LU/t@Lp
00 , a mepherd's reed to piny upon.
* -y,UjrrFLO , wcarinefs , faintnels .
-y,i, a mother. Q\_jttturrv , the mother's elder
filler . ctsorggLL . her younger filler .
y,u385LD , a preparation . yjUJSJ3jL0L_JBT?52jJ
*!) , -yu35ejL_iLj;ayes jo , to prepare,
to m.ike ready . -y,uS5BJi_ii_l(5fl5Ot) , to get ready,
to get ohc's felf ready .
-y,ll5fft- -y,u3sjei;, the lifej life-time. -.'
OYTOYTtfUetn" , an old man. y,uS#Js3O>0'rffiiiJ'rar ,
a young man. -yjUSgJO]ZO$er3vr , longTife, pro
longation of life . * L^TLlfr , long life.
-y,u3trLQ, a thousand.
-y,u3ffef , the name of a tree .
|$-.y,ai , -y,OJ *Q) , a man's full age, a long life
LUpQa"Tg5*u_jL0 , life and health .
* -,><-0 , arms, weapons , workmen's tools , 4
LLlLJTffosf , -y,U-|5LDOTf rgsjojeor , an armed
man , a man under arms . 4iU_|SjFT/TX) , an armou
ry , arsenal. -y,LuejLjrf LlffiF , the ait of fencing.
-y,LL|3jLjrfi_Li2ir UWT22a/i^O; W fence, or to






4/?-i_ii_j ' 4OC



ihir.g wirh your eyes. I 5 T <TF GFLLieSjV flpy

exercise with arms. 4lxjg;nj^D35'-0 i armour .
4VXJ3.08y. ^5^(5*^ , to pick to do a thing willingly.
-,1_|1I. the buttle ( of a battle, )
by removing what is unclean. ^u3nr3ijCmQi&OB)
tit>CiT334_LLO-Lp. ha-ftoiie, 4CJO TUSF>l-ji
to inquire , to search . ^Ujrg^/LJT^'SSySJ . 4'-LJ
t_j o.) . it bailes.
[5 G5TlJL,5flI>'1IT/J-fEEAjey , to debate with your
4,ooii>, -y,cot.Or_o , a banian-tree.
self about a thing i to search deep into a matter.
-y,croSFL. -i,<x5#LLJLO , lzi nefs . 4>OFLjt>
3LLII_JM . a wedge , ^ iU (I IJ ffi * I T*X|e$j?0
66 .43 3)J , to drive n a wedge. -JiJJLJ i Iffgrrotrri;^ -v^gj , to linger, to (land toying.
-,#|4" i a mud-w:ill cover'd with tiles'.
MCSeSu-Tiii-liJoYrgsel^Ob; i to cleave by driving
n; LjrrLU-^Ofly , to waver or fluctuate in your
in a wedge .
* -y,T ,ewr la > a part of the Vedan.
mind .
,|~ UD , a fan , such as great people have
-^TiracfujLO a foreft.
.y,a~l_D,,a neck-lice, a row e/" gold-^hbules , ca'iied before them. 1 4aoOJi-t 5{^9 , he
who carries
it. ^OsSSiJM
LCdOffffi eS ^53gy , to fin
pearls or flo-wers, a ring, as some birds have round the with
it .
neck . 4,TLO~
Off , a parrot that has
a ring round the neck. -fcbCTLCL-bSHiy^OK; , to -fcboo^TCTOSip.'-O > a ftrong poison .
^,3\Drri6$ . things used by the heathens agajnft the
put a neck-bee on.
* -^/TLDLJlO, beginning , preparation, prelude, a fascination of flic eyos .
noise. 40"LDl5seS^OSJ , to begin.
0,0007855; ' a cib,e
ioS 3586^2 ay , to rejoice, ^iogsae; . joy.
4i>S.TO9;ffcrLDl_J'JB"r53yt^Da/ . to embrace.
cjiCTLD t I rf s B6 JQ&i) , jubilate . to (bout, to tri
umph . -,'5#>_5 , the uame of a water -herb .
.^Q<^L-i)QcxjQu~>5rr-cn'-r! joli JgjGiSTerer
-y,TCr\3 , -y>TF#njii" , a mud-wall thath'd at top Lfl.(5ffiil5';fi; , to chatter vain things .
JOO , a prefs for prefling fugar -reed etc. -J
Org) 5 TO" CO > a wall round about .
ttOTUTTLO , a retira- , a train.. 4(TSjJT/T >(56 fl; , to prefs fugar^rced .
-tbit>OaJLD , a symigegue , chaplc, church. Qaj
LDTUuQl-JT^OgJ , to go well attended wrtti people .
UJtfDT/T>OtlJLD , a church , a tenvple .
-#, an inferior officer.
-i,(Trret#LD'Bf , a bell in the king's palace.
JzaQoOT? !Wr , deliberation, consultation, a
-iiTTg^f 35 35.a^J, to luftain . to proteft.
counsel, an advice . ^-tQTOTFi^rriILjffidS -OSj;
^^-, G^LUUtb T T 5 . , divine -tbGcO'TF'tnrrLJlJ>eT^e?^08(, -y,G"ofT"#gj
ferviee and worship . -^/^22.205 tSiOSil, to deliberate. ^GjJOTy^/JnrC^yrroo^PJ
eS^DSX/ , G35Tffig;E -*"jg5j , to counsel, to gire ene
to worship .
4bO'TS/l"ff . prodigality . 4},irrrK/rrfl_<nnrr52j/ advice. -^GcoiTBF !/595 T ^SD trr , a counsel
&* , to fquander . ^Q-rr /T if UJ G IIT lor .
tbOO , 4i,CTOLTL0 , a banian-tree . q oS i/OO
TS5J > prodigally spent.
ibO"T)?Tij5LL!LO , great riches or treasures.
a leaf of ditto, .y, 50 LT L_i TOO the milk or white
jrr<Tvu&/!OBij , 4,frrrujr55jt_iT'5"95 * -co ey, juice of ditto, .fcb JOLUtfL^Si; , the roots growing.
1 inveftigate , to examine , toinquite, to make a search . down from it's branches . (JffT^JOTC
other kinds of it
-tbTTOO , Ai of a fi> , a lamprey .
-Q,Os3S?L , a spreading abroad, an extcntion , diffu-y,O"Tcro{J50S<5#> a crooked dagger. ,
fion . -iOOTUjGt-JT^CS^ a river that takes,
-TTOO , a thatched wall .
4,<f UJr , jugglers . 4rf LUffn_SJ> , a juggler's a large courfe.
Harice .
* -ti.iil#UJLO , 4nj#35LO, *bOJ?03LD, leve,
-bbLLDl-JJ/J-eeS/JDg; , to foretell by aftrology. great affeftion .
tJ,S5CT i rffifwSDiT , kiiehen-htrh growing in the
-fcbll ffjJTOYrt-O , one's goods, and body and
water . iil(JOO>OTS2)Cr , k5 Off LU otnr kinds, life too.
tffid iu medicines .
4fileef , the month of Auguft .
40TT"g566LUi_D , health. '.1(2<5*< ,
-iOJSjLO, evil, misery. 4OJSjfUT0;elLULD
ne who is in health .
affronting and obscene words.
+ -ibQirn Lj05eS.Oflr, to bring a falfe charge a-iiOJISaj , diftrefs , sorrow, danger.
gainft one .
4OJOOfT^, an ill-namqja scandal, a crime . 4^
QfJ- , who ? -t0-rKiQ95 who is there f
, tfljcJorr^LJUJ &*) , to get an ill name. -y,OJ
who is it ? who it that ? Qs&QFUJfffl*5)0~ . 00^6JLJL_l(ga5flj;c6:s; , to defame one. ^<
-Jjif SSjFQyiLISiTeiT , who has done this ? -fcbtig CJOrrajLJSBarTiSS^SiCfljV , to commit a crime.
LtSssj/tX), there is no one. .y,tfLD^.^mT8jfi
fcbSjjSO , a desire, appetency. 4iiXlOOi_ll_j(e4
Qff(-pLO , a thing which no body knows, _|iUicrr .CeX) , to conceive a desire . 4U3OTu3<f5fF. ttj50a;,
ih^TT , I know not who he is. ^QlTT T<{5LO to be desirous or to long atttr a thing. ^biXICTO^
Ci/r < urjj65fr or, there is a man come, I know , a covetous man .
Hot who .
-y,ijjjyf, -y,tiJOYf i_iGi_iFffr , -a thing spoken
%0>&, 4j;*3>05, a twisted ftraw tope, which is uncertain or without grounds.
tb'f 51_11_(50505 1(5 *!Ceb to tie with
-fcbOJCJVf 35eS.Ogj , to calumniate : to divulge alt
a ftraw- rope .
that you hear .
-y>#"!5.5St6-!Oei, to be fully prone or pro-JTl (S&Om) > ^bONDOJTI (&SOl$J , te
ente tu a thing . -^^ejLrr^ejjQFLlj , QlT /?-, co i in the (hade wlat has been expased to the heat
e expeditious, tho' with caution, let not your hatte of the sun .
outrun your wit . eSTgrr/T/^GgSLleS fJ^J , to hear, -fcbOjT4_L<rer Q 5 jo 20/, ^Ojti (SljljS
ft thing well. 05wr^a^ffiTw/e5iDi/ , t0 fee [ LOrrffgrQrHjo Osoj , paddy dried ia the tun and pro.

41 4 4=P -tb>>t 44 4-*

Qlj.t@S/, the meat grows cold. L_jeWT 4,^5l|
rg:>o.y,UT C5@S' the wound begins to heal up. 5; 05 g; LO
-tb-^rveS OjEJ to alleviate your grief by lamenting.
%,0\~lQLjeFT&OBi) , to speak cooly or modeftly .
G l_l T er g) XIT ST , different kindi of it.
-** a spirit , the breath, a vapor, exaltation. -4b^O0;Sii ($&zei), to tie moderately.
-tbC8i(S*^OS/.to breath , to . y, ii OJT
, an insatiable hunger .
1^86^05,/, to draw brcaih . 4.<11\-\ ,
li^CujOO , comfort, consolation, .y, CV 0\D
a vapor arises. .yrfjoYr LOLJ ^5~#. 5^1 . to G^TC^OvpjtiACS;, to comfort.
4i A^lirf g;eS^055^ , to shout, to cry huzza.
diftill , to extrait the spirit / flower* , herbs etc . _2,'(1
, -y, Olj/j-ulo , a shouting , a hua za.
#<njT<rarLO Jj4) <rg 35 Q^Qicrr , -tb.vjLjrf
-tb A-jl_l'TilJL0LJi>eTre2i,*
to shout .
I know all his cirjuinftances and concerns .
^ O--^V* AOgj , 4,^^*- ^ , to soften,
^- , yawning. .y, Q ixi / ill T> LU
coot, to refresh, to appease, to comfort. i_i#UJTAO
g^^DSi-OS/ > ' open the mouth wide.
-yQiXIFLO , the grimaces of an extatiijk person ; ^Q/aDS; , to appease one's hunger. (Q vj&ttofii
the fury or rmdnefs of a polUfi'ed person . y-QiXiy: LUT^D^aS^Sl , to slacken or relax what was toe
QlO-OO/E OJ , the coming of such a' niadnel's upon much twisted . LOlfr-, OjXV&^^J , te dry one's
hair after bathing- 4 Ojy5d)(lfi C *& iOJ , to
cne .
4l_pL0 depth, deepnefs, profundity. .yLpUJ comfort, to console . ^t^O^)4SL0, insatiablenel's . (J
TOG^uS^JTffaresdjT^O^Sy, staying here will
1ITT 6S&-COSi> > 10 soud the depth of any place .
435(> > the eighth pait of a measure.
give me no satisfaction.
-y,L/ , the sea .
-feb^O^rULOLO V . -y^^LOLO .
,t_f , a ring.
yL/'jT'cro , the ring-finger.
^"eTTjeLD , joy.
^iJOjTLf Qlot^Tlo , a king's seal-ring.
a great joy. QlOTuHFT-titCS^LO , joy celestial .
ib-c^nit_Q_Lf3giGc7\o , -?ibJri_il_0-ajTOSD , there
-y,ovf, oy iters :
tfc^.'r^OS; . to govern, to reign . 0"TI #u\j5 fore .
?\5&) , to govern a kingdom . _<(>)
4,&ctO, yet, but, it bcitig so. .J<nj5 2fiJLO
G^rro'TG3*^)?5^ 10 rule, to keep under. SfeBU-'T T ( XlSl/ LO , at least he must come. -E-bgTj &PI
fVf>OBx), to handle, to manage . .y,"JvTjSDK, the rul QloT", and tho' it be so. ^hCTTB CN>;LO . anyone.
ings governing. . Ojrar, a ruler, a lord .
4f , the month of June .
j r i<r , a person, a grown man, one that is able to
-i-bitfOT , an elephant . -y fCToT G *5 T LC 1_| , ivory,
aft for himself, a meffenger . ^"tTa5/tfcT -- 66 elephant's teeth, -y, / ffi; LO ^ a ?: , an c!ephar.t's
e^CgL). to bring one up , to teach him to aft for him. trunk, ^/etrr gToyr , tne ebphant's feet . ^cbtrrrrF
elf. ^fuetn-jy^eS^ToyroocTO , he is net capable ffTeVOO . the place where elephants stand . -/
of doing it . (r (f /ttct -bOvrGe^^^y* lot<0-J5>sot- , 4 ese^rr^irar , ^ lj
. > to make one your llave . -, iTffLO , the LJTSi'R'T , the man that takes care of the elephant, .y,
portion belonging to every one . ' , a serv /^^ jtrr an; , -y, /emic5(5;l4-SL . a young elephant.
ant iu the house. QiUirooujTOYT, a journey-man. y,itJcn"LJLJ4 LD , a plate tied to the elephant's fore
-,\5-? , the wages for a journeyman's work . -y, head , for covering his eyes . LJU a>T/tJTrr , t 11
WT4?.i one that drives the work men on. ./ I OylSJLjQi-irf LU-y,eVOcrr , the kings elephmt whicK
T 9 , a bird that cries seeing any body , a lapwing . he himself uses to ride upon . .y,cVcroT LUTO^FLO , the
4 CR T 4_L tf" , the' fore-finger . -VI i_5 iron whereby the elephant is prick'd and ^overn'd.^,
l_p_Ujjar , an aligtor.
^^slulo5ljiJ3;*^oi , LjLp^& e> ( jo
-, ccSfc$*OKj , -a,Oc>SLjLJTu3f5Be3^03i;, 1, to teach an elephant, .y. i^ssrr^f^^f , the
to be wavering, fluctuating, doubtful*.
name tf a plant . .y, /or g5^L_it_Sai' , a large kind of
-<=54 LO , jarring, squabbling, contention , also long pepper LOS5 JVT , a large kind of Indi
the anxiety if a sick man.
an saffron. -y,</W77 uSeer, very targe fiih si <allti.
a9?L/ t i '. to quarrel .yJH LCQi CTTt 1_
LOT (56^!; > to quarrel with one another
->, 05.2 , a quarreler.
hb^i&JT^OJ , -ti^V^/r-rry . backbiting. -,>
5/ j^LjfraT2SUesO^ , to defhiie , to backbite.
-:j,six ^^lo , -y2?inj2)J , the sixth . . (^351 # , com, despising.
PXlS; , sixthly .
-y^O, a river. 4 /^^; , a branch, of 0 CfaSLD , 05\5 , the world, theearta.
river. . Brnigs S>T , the liver's side. .y,.OAri (J^-tlo , earth and heaven . Q g=i_KTfff 65 LO tem
4f>#3j93tB(r , th'is side of the river, ., X 33 poral and everlaltir.g welfare
.;< AQffj;, to hate .
iJ5 35T, that side of the river. . /o
t1 1_J T IF
feS^ce^, ggei #Lj*m!52it/!o^, t
e-iX) a channel out of the river for watering . -y .Q
scorn, to despise.
v(p?F>B)Gi)Sbi'T'TT- , the mouth of the river. y,
(JeS^I @ flraits , calamity, misery. (JgPLia
^n/LjQlliBeScKtiJ , the swelling o f the river . -y*D (i?t_jLj(S*
-^SJ syuiidBes* Aog;, ta
0>*01 &&* , ^(rJ5LJL_|*-^SJ> to give the
05@GlO55 (503664 Tli35
river another course . - .1_0<>5 , - ffl pgg^, I am . inTgreat
straiis or want.
SS. LO M ,
AQONDff , 0/ fiants.
, this fide of the river.
t,ai$*OBl , ->_|_|(1_1 *ogL> , , .ojs
(JrKjtSajLO, (?''#51-0<
^rS^, to gruw soft, to become mollified, to giow
cool ; to heal up. Q T 1_J LC -*5 L_l Q IIT F m s; sweet speech . QTgiLoQLJffftl Og^ , to flatter.
Cf'iieg^gj'QsT^rtT , a flatterer .
the linger is allayed or calmed. rrL-iLjrri T-ii-J
perly cooled again.
fUTffl/r, the of Jbrub ,





Gl^ .


Gf@> G^^i'0^ t asisto . afsl fetid*.

G^Wcf^g^J, to dry up as the humidity of the
G'*' (^CiSS . "heie .. (J'R@U)^Hig'-D , ground or clay does .
here aiici there , to and fro .
Gl *iuix, a flag or banner cut in the middle
f?9=LDf - , a matter, a propr etor ,
like a swallow's tail .
($?oS'5i(i;0(5J , <3&o$\\Ji<i.C08x) , to inqivrc.
Gl &>* , to split, trt open a way by force .
(&<*pj&fQ&iJ . to ft'-ive pcrriiiaciously , to emulate Gl ^#0)1 F.A*03jJ r ffiToSi 05**3
p, to walk fcaddling.
(2g;rreBBT(5LJT(5u> , two birds fing sweetly, eiuu- (J 050), fallhood. Q\ dh>fi*or, a cheat.
<Q\ , rudencls . G1 05*n"UjGi-Jffr*-'JgL't
h:in o? ano her .
(ffh^OSi) , to mrug.tomrink. G#OJ , G#LJ to use rude language . Q 33(S5Ljowr22i/66^!0^/ ,
/ II . a spasm .
to Co wrong .
Q&f&JlOSiJ to be apt to meet , to agree well toGl gfN'. G1 gj^CTOgetlicr , to bo of purpose , to join well . (JbF (J
G> LD G' PL', kft- G1
' to the lefr.
ifeffiH) .harmony, concord ince , well joiniug toge Gl S>5>P, G1 951 . G" '). the left
ther. (?Q>*ajrrLU . (JiiTUTUj , fJflBPLLl, har hand G1 , 'lie left leg. Q, TDeSg

ijeor , one
moniously, aptly. T{QGS2>F> the seven tunes, the ^- , G1
key or clef in mufick . JfflfsS disappointment, that is It fthamlcd . (j1 FTrf ,
(Jl LOiJJrf , the
way to the left. Qi LDJ_rf y p rK/(g , mo*cle-(htll^
an unlucky contingence.
QfrK03iJ , to join things together , to m.ike whofe winding gots to the left. G1 LfiiJlf filC^OLO
them meet together .
ijrf , to the ri^ht and left.
G>F05e;i-O , flattering . (3?F3$e5t-Ct_JTreTS2;S
a sf>r<cious place ; an honourable place.
G' LTetn-LDT^nre^lS'CI) , a sp.icious house.
D5)) . to flatter, to allure
(Jf#ovs , tin nanti / a tree . 0$343o>Sf#o>o > en- ^oo^g^fiiCrG1 LDTstjtlO a prtfidenr's palar* _
ether kin / it .
Gl LO . plce . G' LO Uli nS-Q^eSLG*
* (fFffiff , luft, defire , the free will, one's own
, to build a roomy house . Q\ .LDTllSie
pleasure. (J^aiFLjLJSSOS^ to become libidi @S; , it is laige or broad. i|l_il_Ji- rg iticn 0jtt
nous. ff>5rff f >1 . by his own free will , >;*( (^. there is room to think so.
of itself . 65rr<ref ff;22)P:KeiT^O'itT > one that is free oxicrofl LDT35, in "my (lead | unto me. Q\
G&-r(Slfc&0J .to give room, erjffi l_Q.(2crcG
er in no bondage .
i Tii6(Scf
, to give one a place in the Ii use..
F#e;*40|ib to covet.

LD , fiiendlhip, what is pleasing. (J 9. irreeroof i_5^Qoo , to me, with me. ^iil

U tb&}nr*QW , a frieni . Qt$.\ I $51_> , ffil LC , there. QdJiSl LO , QtUCfii SJ
a thing that you like.
I i_S EIFT^LQ . a j|Qc\d, here. TUfii LO , <n fUbi .
jilt given out of benevolence. Qi.* I LL-iT gOfi/LO, every where. G1 Tv/eTOrfll tQ.
don't let slip an oppoitunuy. ^dl^rre^jr^g^Qi
*Zj&5QJ , to do a favor .
G /-u3>ctolo , a place. (Jroa59>:?Oi-|9"4*rer ^Qoo , when he was come. G1 ffiffii SL_
tX) . aie hiitoiy of a piare, topography.
L_g;(g!).ioEFf . narrow. Gi TO0g;(BL
^) , (?/UE5g>5rrof UJLD , a wo aptoii ^og.; , to make one's self fo infamous in a place
that you caH't come thither again. G1 TGBi
man's brcalt.
* G,^5>5T"L-33*>S^ > to ful>d . to eftablifh. t istrr , one that on no where abide; a vagabond.
* C|A)55TerLD , a place, a seat.G' TOG05I (b'SJ'f * O ) > t* "mbit about.
* ^^, an ambaflador . (Ji/\)55T Gi .TO G 054 Qliffif , words soUen without re.
gard to tile place and persons .
l-J^^35LD , an .
(JjA)^^ , a woman. Q irdj$&Fr$ ,
LDLjTfj). a large extent,
female sex . @(?)5^-^ . QrtrirvO>ff.*
/3" , afflicftion , calamity .
>.* ,. G1 ^CwmsT&OSx) , to ..
lawful wife . t_ioOA>55^3?, a whore . (?/\)55^?
Gi ^oedSGet^L'' to trip up, to maUe. fall. Qf
C^StoELD , the feminine gender .
L Oj , G1 -2^>00 . a (tumbling. G1 ^O-St)
/v-ig^i . to- lout, to put to the rout. Q[ ..
i/Vfiffi/TcroFi LO, a bulky body. (/ i 9
^OOND , an offence , scandal . G1 .0 CTO U Id QjS
, a bulky or corpulent man .
* ($rvff)Q)Tff)TI-0 , praise, thanks to God, *D!fi) , to take an offence at something. G'
worfhip . (5/)(2)'100&>!!), to praise, to cy/opgri ./^^;, to be a scandal to one. Gi*
worfhip with thansgiving.
{-405>>5)> ^15!5- ^^Ogj , to lead a scandalous life .
Gl-O- i a cbp of thunder , a fl.ifh of lightning . G*
G^Teji'XsG^^^i'*-^3^' t0 g,ve thanks to
LttG1-0- ?^^ . it flafhes, the lightning flallies.
God .
Qf\iff , the heathen goddefs of riches and for Gl_0-i@r5S;5b the lightning has ftruck a plsce.
tune . Qi/UJLDffi) , worldly glory. rrrr&g/\>j, Gl-O-iptp^gSLO , a thunder- clap.
Glj?-05SSi . calamity, ftra its affliction. G1-*
the king's majefty . crrFLLIA)_^5 , the glorious emperor .
(?AJ<rarLD , bath, warning. GnjfiPl5rL0- 05S>i LjOJeSiTigj , to suffer oppreffion or affliction.
l_jewrSl/^oa' . bathe. Q iTWg>5>Wsv , a bap
GL-0.*QS;, GL--TjSLIifLO*^^ to fall in
tist. JB>TBr<l.gpaerLD , baptism .
pieces or ruins . G t-O- !5
Gl-I^^OSJ to tum.
G1*! Ereen .gin^f. Gs#35G95T"5s; . a root piece-meal . G(-0.#Vxi'ia''uiiiouswaIl . (jLftffifflfT,.
of green ginger with all it's branches and bulbs. G a ruinous hank. GL-O-*<'O'TU3<505*^O&' < ,0 be
ruinous . GL-O.*-i20i5^ . to pull down , 10 demolifli , to>.
^5<JeT.0@7"'K/@ , a foolifll or simple fellow.
GS5#L-0-> GSyBl (SWSbl , fallhood, beat or bruise in a mortar, to crack something . to.
Mattering words . CS^41 LJ 521/ E-Cay , to I thunder , to pufh one. Gl-O-55^95G^'r0Vr056e-:3i:>
IffiJi w ftiike by accient asaudt lumutbuig.
*tter. G.gL&.9)'0T.96vr, a flatterer.

L0.OJ bruifeJ pieces or particle!) . ('T'OO , a
muitar. (J^-LOTUJ , a ptltle . (Jl_9.L_H_J(S*^0S^.
to be vexed, afflicUd . Q l_jp- l_l L-l LO , fritters of
thin-drawn paste .
(?1__=:_0 , a time of ruin.
if " a place where dead bodies are burnt .
(34S'*^03jJ. to give; to put. 4 tiowr u5@u.20
, to L>ke an oath. .jmrcQ^-^O^J
order. (JiQ^QrnrrQif.^OSJ , to lay f truel )
before uae . (Ji 33 35 4^!. Co 95 TYT 3*^0.5,1 ,
to cad an afpcrfion upon one . Sg3u3i (b03G35,r .
\13*5; , to undeitake. LJTO*eS:?rSi/ , to ili
idt , to put in parts . (Cfb-raef i IjQljt" ,
to Aride on . to go forwards ; to go forcmoft . 1_5
ft (SuGu't Ot) , to jjo backwards .
'' ,ftiai;nts. LD-'rC^SfPSLa , anxiety.
^ , a coaife or untoward fellow-.
C5 @> a pair of foiall pincers.
pinch; to let ( child | upon vur hip. <T.0OSf[5
^3^3^*9;G3jTOYrtY55^35;t to Ileal lomething by clapping it betwixt tue fingers .
(j05@ . the claws of a loblter ere ; narrewneft, a
nairow (pace or pipage; malice. (J(535@iUyS a
narrow lane . i_jCT\Do-S(5rBe$Ges3 . betwixt the teeth.
fQ&'WTl LD , a penalty , a fine .
(3 ("j1H-l ,ni: Io"15 CJOb'i itiiiloS > the fciatica
the hip gour, pain in your loins
<S(hP(S&&> ftraitnefs.
(J(i,'!J)4 . hanghtinefs , pride, wrath. ftLDLJ'Jtrr
(fem. (3Q<-OlSJ a haughty perfjn . <0" S ^ (J G LD
M . beggar's pride .
(JGiijTjg , defamation. 'fljrg^QLjrrfTJ
50S3J to calumniate. (JS^'SffiT^OCT , a
calumniator .
C?Bi , the middle ; the middle or wailr of a man's
body. Byi/tyO
0>iSl , beginning, middle
and end . (Jai iQfrrw, a particle , a by- word.
"5<*,'6~jQjo , in the mean - time. (JiSH
Iffmvf , an intermediate fpace. (JiSl t ,<TLQ
ON3 , continually , without interruption . (Jai ;
betwixt olhcr globules-. (J<3I fiu_Q< T
d'ST'W , every other day. (jH 05G95TOYT
;<3$.0*, one who deals with robbers. Q
S&t 31 , a girdle . gei 03034-. g; G 35 T
*T^V5e6j305J, to gird oiii's lelf . (Jai , pain
in your loins; forrow ; a great impediment. (Ji2>i
F (5 /r>0 , * certain disease
ff<r>i , weight; one hundred' palam . o-r-oyr
OVTii i_Jl5Oldt*!,bti-D > as much in weight asa
rape -leed . (Jbi 93*0)1 rfjOe6^55J , to give
tven weight ofgeldf-r cont'd gold etc . (?fSi G*^1
flJi_jt_JTLO , coin of lei's weight . tJBl G*1"
fe'ilQLjyergLJffi-*^^/ , 10 fpeak nonfense . i_j
bt6i t a fanain's weight. LJ^^jrTrr^,
ff&i , ten pagoda's weight . .
Qi fFwriJ'ffiwr , the fcond fon . >/rx>
^, the fit ft ,, the eldelt fnn .
(JBl & , the rr*be of hepherd and cowherds.
Bl nj wr, (./. (JBl *=# 1 one i f thattiibe.
C?S)i ftQ&J , Q*a>l r
GlJT*Q83J , to
make way ,. to clear the way to. one . (JiSi igj^cro ,
vakiiig way; adverfty . _2j9yCT;(i5i (gj^aorriij
Q^ceor , I flood afide , 1 kept at a distance from
it .
iQ4. 21, miferjr , ajamity ,
&i UU(5





cO5J i to foflrer calamity .

fM LD ,
C?^-4 'JO .
( c>S a kind of pie.
( OYTLJLJ4 61I5CT, one that is unapt for
Q i (S^Vi feverity , rigour .
(?i Qi Ti .(5 i disunion, discord,
(JatroT jfcej-SV , to conjoin , to join together ; to per-fuaue , r draw tae in. (jJoeorffciLQ , coujunilion , fiit-ndftiip, union. (5(^ /0\4~ , one who'
is ealily to be brought to, or ruled . Q 05 35 i_j LJ f
^Offjj , to be joined .
, to confent, to fubinit , to be brought
over or drawn in .
(5"^2? iiij* *05 , to deceive. (JesgiLJH ,deceit fulneis,
(5 5521/33 60^0 5/ , to pluck off leaves tit,
(kJOWT , uiimn, coiijunfl 011 . (J ilWriLI L-Q. r
both the feet. (LfT&ar i_j
, a pair of pigeons.
(/ LUT lu , in conjut^lion . (Jjotrar i_3
U.J TLB ob' (ffgjOSJ i tobe infeparably united. (J
JO^fOTjoe; , to join , to become united . (Jiirooruj
L.iLJL| erijor, one who is jon-.) with jou . Q ifswt
lu T gojstf . one who is unfociable . (3"Joo"0Te3(ft
5^ > to combine , to conjoin .
((3 . (JinwTi ^^G^l-O., tbenameofa thorny
Ibrab. (Jeron @*^ , it's thorn*. ^^rer(S,
another kind 9/ it .
.ST.^LO (^!,
GSlO , acceptable, pleafant. (j5t_IL5ey3 ,
unpleafant, (-ffensive .
(J5LUJLO , agreeable, fatisfaory . (JjuSe
^^/, to confent, to like. Q^uSt^ ^(^ os;r
to be content orfatislied. (J 5 l i_i. , latisfaition ,
contentmenti .
(?5<1-0 , quickfirver broke by another phyfick.
Qs5'T$Qcr<)BrL.Lja.atirLOi[^'S^j r a phyfick wherci there mercury ,
(|5 , (Jgi^vr , t-Jji^Lp , flower-leaf.
($U this, this thing. (JfijGOJiAvr , this is the?
proper time . / therefore. (JffLirgnS^^
LULCT33 for thispeafen. (^SJeSTrf tuLOTifieijr
Qgjsor, on this errand I came. aQefi&srmr what
is thb ^(JG^LJLJLr^ , how is this ? (JQ^eersw
55^33(g f^'i' what is this ?.
(5 83!_0 , the heart .
O G^T > behold .
(^63t5g3a)LO , (JcSswrrCBLOi fo , * manner,
V,5)5)JttT , fo much, fo many.
Q'59j7l_iGl_it^05; (J^O^xy ljQljt oeaj*
to crack, td fplit.
fJ'JS, tili.
(JrrpSTirLO , G'r55nrtf5'K/QgTcvT'
here is, take it. (yr^TTewr ^ 35*!>
5^ , to exhibir ,-to hand one a tbing .
'^'^ , Gf(5^<Tcd33vog;, the rainbow,
(jr5g<T($*CK3LD', a faphire. (jrj^ir GSjTLJLe ,
infctl ofpurple colour.
(JfTj^rf 1UL0 , the fenfes ; the fperm , feed of men.
LJSiCrf rPuJLO , the five external fenfes. _<m~
orf T3)if UJU) , the internal fenfe and afteitiun . (Jn?
^rfojeSL^LLI^TO , 'he ebullition of the fperm,
' Q 'SSJ L-l M , artificial fait ufed in medicina .
s'BSL'SS ' ^^^ , the river Indus.
(JLJLJLJ5L, fo. (jL_iLJl_9.g5Qg,Tg5 C?t-
L_ll_LI_JLJH fucka,







UUTOOi bithcr ; on tili; fide thereafter , further .

l 1 1 S #L_l^S , little mufcle - iells .
LJ|_|.20L0 hither ; on this fide . (Jl_J L-j *Q L_J
llffifS-iOsy i to come over to this fide.
(JljQLitv QljQljt(^j), now . (JljS^jt
B)'TQaor, immediately. Qlj(ljT^JU3 , now, a,
it is To .
($2>'J3 > iBBT "raf ? '-D i a twinkling of an eye, a
moment . Q g> lc 03 * > , (Ji52>LOQ05T(S 6 *
5> (JDt-O1iTtf^-^SiJ to twinkle with the eyes.
(JaLauQuT^S;, Q* sblo i_j t_i *t coj , a
moment .
LCL-b;5>:!\3 . FTIUQcOJ/J- , arootfor dying fcarllt,
LDLOl (B . fo mucn , lb far. (JlOLOI (LD ,
(fLDLfll (BffigU), hitherto.
(jLDLDgU'l U> in this manner ...
(5lou5 i the fixthoufand fevenhundred and twentieth
pan of a thing, Twenty one (JlDL it one (C^rgtlj
rf 3)05 , iuhUh is the thrtehimdrcd and tvunlieth part of
thing . )
G?lOL(T4..L . double .
(Jt-DSSLD , (JffarSLD , the life in this world, this
life - time .
(?UJ35 03LD i refpiration.
QujLL4&*Oei) , to fpeak . (J LU LD 11 JO , a sen
tence .
(Joj o;eS .' , T <?1&*0&} , to be poflible, to
go fairly. (JlUOT BffiT ff lULO , a tiling that is posfible . (Juj'tn" AQLOTg^iTLO i much as poflible.
jjgyinraoTgJovOiJUJ & , I cannot do that .
($OJOO , (JlLIOOcOlI , " LU fr&iS) 93 . agreeable to
nature; modefty succels. gLUcKJcT^Sji-J ^
rLULO , a thing that does not go right . J LU <5"05 2(0;
LO LO , a natural Smell . QFt?"?;a0;LO>rLD i a
smell given toa thing by ait. QiXJ^OQfrro^ $ a
proper word ,
(Ujfr&i&>&*03}J , to bring about , to make succeed.
(ST&irfiLC , tenderheartednef, , mercy, compnlfieii.
@"9305(^\'"11<> , Q 05 93 FToxS, a tender
hearted . (J CT 95 95 5 G F LU* >) > to ait tender
heartedly . ($&&<[5&-? . to be merciful
<3T<3i&0) , to beg, to beg alms. QT^^J^
e0T&*O5xJ > 10 Ket one's livelihood by begging. Qitlj
M . begging. (jiTL_ILJ3Tr , a beggar.
(jTfTeS^ogjj, to be tenderhearted. (J<TiK/6S"05
G^^CER*-^.^ to Sivc meekly.
'' , slight, slender.
?a-L_(5". Gri.
251 f. G'7"1 S'
(J/TouBf LULD , gold ,
Qrj tari .OSLO V . Qremm

05UJ .

* ($V~ -0 qickfllvcr, (3Q-ffsrr5jU> , alchymy.

QiTi55'-s 's . GrfStgLO .
'(jT<nj.>0 , a (JcTOJ TOLJlJi 0)6U,
a cloth lent you for a while. (JirOJJvogsdiL-D. , a
lodging given for a while. Qo'S^J&STOJ&iQ&T
(Sffi^O^ . to lend ( in speaking of any thing but
money.) QTX -AOTajcOJT'l./DJL' f t0 borrow
( mo noy excepted.) (^0"*10 51-1*^0; i
to defire you to lend for me .
Qto-. Qtt, (J/rn-^rf , the night. fJiTT
LJL_i05ao, one day and night, (JircOJLOUEj J
) , day aad night .

('-, agiaBt. fJ'TTEiil'. a gsntfs.

(Jfr'TfR-i-SgrrLO , a giant's aft , a great exploit.
(JyTTff^fff, (JrriTff-rr , a king. Qirr*etf$
the king* (trtet , the high way.
(jT'Tlf JJLD s . 0"^#OJLC.
(JTTOJffiwraBrerffar , the nrme of a fiant n'm'i on feashotes .
(?(5 , two . (JU'' . two persons . jyiii'J'SRoYr
(J<nJt{5L0 , both of them. (JtfF)1| i5G ^ , on
both fides . (J(fF >":
i a)two-ed;^id sword.
(S5^ 8>T/LD , both the feet} ho times. Qt[5
L TOTL_lt_j(l)^OS^ , toHuuatc.
(Jd^r:*^^ ! to be in someplace j to be present;
to be in reserve or in (lore ; to be alive ; to relide ; to
remain ; to fit clown , to fit .
^!lt-Jf5'?-f3'(5rHe?^)^ , my father is a alive. egst-jLJgiLlScFS.J^T , he is a fithcr. (J
(5LD i lit tlown ; remain . ^^ , I have
it. gsrrrf LUt-0(j<5g;&*0iaje>9; ,' the rate or con dition wherein a thing; is . (JrTgrp^TLjQLjrrG JO,
suddenly . .JSjjG'-OIU Q out ^0 i/JS <J,Q5iW , I
thought it was true Qcn'SSuQLDmr_3^1^ eS
to defire . ^Jirarrjt3t55;G9j T """J (t> # OO t5 T
LU T 95 aj/ G F ^ 't"" ',e lopping a little gave
Someieasoi s . QESSSeS , (JL1L_| , one's poilesfion , pi>ods , ctate , the Hate or condition ; the remainder.,
i> 9i (3 (5 e_l iI . the money one i; peffefied of.
QS_>St * ;ln axe' " tree ,
(^({51_ dai knels .
ffi* ) . to darken .
to obscure. (JtfTJl LO.UL1@^ . it growsdark.
(^aurroof t (y , the time fter the full moon , when
it is dark in the firft pare of the night. i_3 evn" etrf <it
I (JJ , the time after the new moon, when it is
dark in the latter part of the night .
($55)&)&--5>J 10 detain from going away ; t*
make fit down ; to place unon ; to prefs down as a heavy
burden does .
(JtfJgLJS; , twenty.
QvcCgt-JL-Si LD a
> a place whsr* one lives ; the
baclt-lide .
(J((5LjL-|y. ($i!B&*-&5J
(JtCStfP* -^35; . (?5L0L-|^C6X , to cough. (J
gLDJ-O, (J 5 LO l_l CN3 , the cough.
(Jcslol-i , iron (J^Ljiiag^tS , ?n 'ron ,{.(^(rgL-JM^l'i^'rLULO , an iron ring. Q (T, LO (3 iJO
OsDL-JLJ'ffLO , a bad fanam .
3 (2)LlSo>
name of a fhrnh , v/hefe wood it ve
ry liarJ .
(JiOeuTi # , the name of. a flower -fhrub . Port,
Jcsmin de Italia .
l^gGiOlaS, the name of a plant.
(5<f5Yr^" * tr'''e 'f J'topie living in the weo./r .
CtSOYT , darknels. fJt55(^-7(58'5/-2ls^i^-^'
5&\ @J . this is a daik house,
^S; (^GGt-J'TjOgj , to grow dark . (Jo
eaOTI_Q-F.95*/DS; , it is dark.
Q 3> T , food, prey; bait to catch fishes1 with.
(JiBTa-'TeS^v- 151 , to become a prey , to be devoured.
(JS>TUI L_I , (XSTfF' OO, the ventricle,
ftomach . Q&cri&>Qiei'Tcwr<*(t , the crop, craw or
gorge .
(Tt^v fj, ta buftle, to ruh , to roar, to mako
a noise.
(JTEFFTO, a noise.
(5S>a"95*-OSy. to breath with difficulty. Q&HT
Ut|i (hortnef* of breath,

(feo (J op] (Jiroo fto'o C?u

?9<>'1_0 , benefty , po'.itenefs ; elegancy tf ftyle .
omeliiiefs i beauty . (Joo 05 05 " ovr , modelt and
polite man. Soosfto-mrTQ&rrcro , a good er ele
gant wild. C?'7O 0505<">OTLCi-_
to learn
to write a good ftyle .
ft JO Ti03 , Ceylon .
(J jOFfi'TOT QuCrrCTLO , a ring worn by wo men .
fjj crorjj&g; i ~}0<TjS>3)liTljD , an Indian appletree . (Jo\3[53bgLjLJLpLO an Indian apple. Port .
maa .
(J043Li_JT(5 . poverty , diftefs .
(5cTO<rJ<T05 LD , (foOUI^LJLJl , cinrjgmjn , c.iflia lignca .
(fcotfFLO . ^JOC^LD , gratis. ftootSt?
ian uiG&nr$&&D5i) , to give gratis .
(^CTOcOJ i (JcortJLDT<-0 > a cotton - tree , produ.
cing ccarse cotton, ft tTOtfULOLJtgffr 'he cotton of
ditto . (gJOYrt^vf , another kind of that tree,
luhich is thorny.
ft Op;lJg3ilI i f?OpJL_IgfeLJLPTLO ,a wild olivetree . e?2^'-'i5'1-J9:535T'J-l , it's fruits.
>LJl_lLj(gl_JM 'he kernels of those fruits.
ft )1_|(^_1<^- , the oil thereof .
u5 Fil? LOT LO > a limon -tree. (JogyLOtiiFfLOLJ
LX*li> , limons .
(JiO>7, a leaf of a tree or plant . ft / f 05
.50 fey > *o ftteb leaves together. (J .MX) 35 G 35 ''-0-
the beuel - plant . \ft iryofjrrexsst lL'W , one who
tells fruits and other vegetables . (J /0O 05 @ il' (5 a
fine and long pair of pincers used by goldsmiths . (J
/^^/, a Venetian door or window.
C?/t>" 05*-^2LI > to be infipid .
Grro. (J Jnjovj^O IX) , a house; rJOOTOTOlT ,
the mother of tl.e family .
ft -' . fJoOeVCO .
(5cocv,a"n;rr4-$u>, poor woman .
oooS' , #$ , a little hole, a crack. (JcooS
li-Tuit JGi-JTtJr , a pat which has a little
Jio e i l Ii .
(\3/ , no > not ; there is not. XWvvu5 ^
tjO i nothing . (JeoirooGaje^n-o^OS; , to say
no to say: there is not, to deny. 05@LJLJ
worLCTOVOO , I have no money . _SL|fU0TrrOJ[F>5<S
OOiroO, -injCTOJCr(Jc7vOi/DO > he is not come.
eCOCOTSjJ, ftooaong}^/ , what is not exifting .
OvD ero Tff; LD _ 3YT g; LO , matters false and truc.
jf oo g; , OJctooot ~5 , (Jjo
coT(j5(3i-jfi@)'jvs , (J ${5 <3 sn" oo i
QcoaoT &1-$- , if not. (Jctocto.tlQvTO , with
out . ifrCUTP-ub cTOCTOTLO JO , without faith.
(JoOOOTSSLO . G'C^CASrrfeeorLO j want, indigence.
(3.0J oar , g tfll fr, this man . gcuovr , this
woman .
(JSeell, these presents, this letter,
e^U wot LOTliJ , in this manner.
(J OJ o~U .) , so much , so far .
(5<TUirl L0 this place. gOJCSl 6j$Q<70 i
G'DT'WT , thefetwo.
ftupifhiSO^J , ft\=f'$5i)QL-inr*pgi), to lose,
i-P LJ t_l , the lofs. (j( upLJLjetn- , (J t_pi_)L4ffoaf ,
a poor man , a loser . ft Lp LJUJ T <-Yf , a wafteful man,
a pi od gal .
(fLpolJ, mourning for the dead.
GgjTmu_T(j*^5; > to for the dead .


C?(3 G^lp (3<w


(JyDSOjesg^GLJT^g/, to KO t0 a funeral. (J
Lp <5'.j-J <35 T .loeer , the head of tie mourning family.
j Lp Q *X) T jO , a lemr notifying the diath of one
if the family, ft LpQsbj($i&ffj , to heave the
dead body up . (Jy3<rjJM^'-^uG#.dJ6J to f31'"
ry it in a proceffion . Lp cTX) 6"3? , the house where
in there is one d^-ad . (Jy}cTi;#CT\jc3-| , the funeral
expencc; .
(?32^/ , to descend ; to put down.
(JljPcClJ, c\nteuipt . Q L-pfUitusrPF.rrif 11JLD . a
bast or ignominious thing. (J LpcO.) (29=<^
g; , to speak with contempt.
(3(l$&!05J , to draw, to pull. ('
QBrtwoTfJLQLJT-^oSJ, to pull away . ft(LQd)<5ji&i
gjrraierii'inJiTjS^c^ . te prot . Q{Lg5j3xf
i OJ 8 .D yiJ , to Dander with obscene words i (CjitS
scent by the nose. ^TCT'(U5 5>5iy^5l g;eS^05>, to
(lip along. (3g;Goj@t^<wir\rT@5ey<5J , this
has drawn much money out of my pursi. . Q QuL),
drawing, pulling; protraflion . -,^!0_3(^LJi_l , the
i a pidity of the river . ft@LjL^fobr(SQi-llr./!OeFi) y
to be drawn away .
(3@f@, a thing good for nothing.
(SdSLp . <~ .
(JiLpe? Otfil to grate upon one anotlrer .
(5 ffliLp gSeS^OS; , to place, to aliave wood etc, ; te
rub or scratch . (fi&LpLJH^ Vf ftSByz&lh-
a joyncr's plane .
('-^/ T G) Lp 05 .50 , to engrave,
to imprint or set in . 5 \_ gg> up 05 eS ^3 ^/ ,
S wffi idoi ffi^si_pg;a6 , to set in gold .
fton*03i), (JcjteIljQljt^ccSJ , te grow
soft or pliable . ft<W ficr?) Silbar . an inexorable man ,
ora man not to be moved by lntreaty. 1_#
-ljnrr, a tender-hearted person. (J cyr 05 l_l LJ
2221/e JOa^ to lenity , to mollify , to soften .
C? "VT 0: L!3 , softnefs , pliablerefs .
(Jovt 0^05rf ^tS-OS^ , to grow weary, to slack
; your hands. #0;05 g^/LjQLjrr ) ,
i to grow dejefted or disfpirited .
G,evr0505T'TLD , condescension , yielding ; too much
' indulgence . tj OYT
05 @i ( "VT 05 05 TTTQ ; T
. to spoil a child by too much indulgence .
(Joy7"05^O5.J . ?^5*^0)*-^>5> ,0 flackei
or relax , to mollify .
(JoYr'tTjSSS i a per=oti of a tender age, ftoyr^S
fi505vr , "boys, children. fJovrnjSB^iUUJffr,
tender age .
(JoyrLO, (?0YTfff i tender, flender, not filly
grown; Hill imperfect, half finiihed . (Jc/rQ*^
orewf'" , luke warm water . Q QflluuS ,
a moderate sun-lhinc. Q<wriTy&ijooe>ffLQ QlJ
iraBTFT^ , a joung widow . ft eVTLD L yCVT,
a young child .
Q ovr Q 5 gi ovr , ( Jem .
(5YtG[T)@# ) one who haf a pliable mind or a
tender heart. (JeyTLO l_5(TT UJLO , tender age. ft?
oyt[55 T ff , a young lad .
ovr TO 05 < , a
young plant of a tree, ft ov/r u5 <ro rg o LO ,
light-yellow, ft <HC riT , the water in an uniip*
coco-nut (Jcrvrif<#"0505T"LU , an unripe coco-not .
(?3vtlolj \& > com in the field rot yet earing.
(jcJVT'LD4_J Tl ; , whac is ftill impeifeft . (J
LO LJ E LO , rlie time when the fruits are ftill agrowing. (JovrLD'IFiffiB', light-green. ft JYT " 343 LD ,
light-blue. (J VT ot(Qj , the firIt writings of

children. (J / !5 Qs>f SFF'TvopuJ/J- , sour milk

not yet well turned . ($ JvTQ)C3>'Ti_Ji_| > grove
newly plained . (J^TLauSS JO , rhe firft appearances
ef the moon after the tiewmoon .
goVTlILJUO, flight , flender; unlucky, bad.
>>rt'rS05-O5L> tu Sa!'e> to keep rhe ra uth open
and shew the rccrh ; to i pen one's teeth by torce . (J1
Off gjEcOJT LU^cr , one who gaprs like a monkey.
(Jcn? 0: < , a running of the eyes,
fj.^ywrfsig^s; , (Jiyovrg^LjGi-J'r^OS/ . to
grow weary ; to grow meager or lean . _2J 611 ?2 03 5
AWT , he doe? not submit to him; he is
not inferior to him. jji/cvrf 5= , mcagernefs,
Icannefs . Qz/ch*' i ti | , wearinefs, f.imrnefs .
(J/wri_iLJT .sa<g.206y te one's felf.
(^- , a young lad.
(5 ^ywiuuiuei'" . the younger in age.
(J0(g, a feather, awing. fj0@(C33Lmr&@
> , feathers grow .
(?.iO0303U> , a declivity in the road ; descent of
ground. LDSLpCj JOt5S5U3 , a (hower of rain.
GS'TOJTOrf- 03 fe fG^T'-O^5JC,059S Lf?CsDyrX) ,
the ick person has lutt his appetite; his rice won't
go dowu.
(^^; , (JorfS/Gi-iT^DS; , to die.
505\05 , the time part. _2J CVT <rfj
)5^/ , immense. ^/ iunumera C&&*Og) . (?-O05*aeOJ05ESJiDgL , to lay
burtu down ; to let clown . tFCT3i^-OS5eS JQSJ^ , to
tmUad or unlade gocds 051_lLJo>SasDcnu[55i-C?V
jp en,rr ^ .flog^i . to difimbark or land people.
FTTTUj^e^S^DifcSjoeiV, to empty a barrel
of spirits. -0-tQ<'1t($O&>'&05x) , to devour, to
wallow down .
Q *OH)&*Ogj . to go down , to come down , to flep
down ; to drip down , to drop down ; to disimbaik; to
alight from a horse ; to take up one's lodging any
where . Q.^
, to lodge or abide
any where. Q^OH)^Q}^Ztr*vr , the largeft kind
f paddy .
Lp. . pack-cloth.
r^Ot-t-j , death .
jOLJi|* a sloping roof .
$".40HT053tlo j tue outftanding undcrmoft part
Af a roof..
($06Xj, a descent of ground , declivity,
(?^) , a flirimp , Port camara .
{J^<8S *055J , G^a>tf(L$/pOi) . to drip or
drop ( to drop off; to break in pieces. (? >.1_|
GuT3i to become separate or disjoined , to
break, to cease. (J^^CVLJ Quit <strrii;oor , a bank
rupt , one who has left all he had . i irrnS -v) <*vi. i
l-^ , the milk is mixed , is become separate
irum the whey. QjZ> 00 UgUTJS; . to
cease entirely.
($-?\>9/<D5i), (J A3;LjGl-JT)S;. to grow
tough or hard , (J^n/giLJuSayeJOS; , to knead
so as to make the dough grow thick . (J t_l
t-3(_i}-03}Q5L> to vex one hardly, to et Iharply
pon one . (j.^3Ee5?B44!.35G3>fr*VT?V5#/E'&J _
to embrace heartily. (J
jo , tough , hard . 2)05
U3*a>03OO, tenacity, close- fifUrfnefs .
{Jaa>0j0U> the dos.eneXs and heat cf a room oi

(?^*^1> (J^SSSeeP.uLGS.OCg/ ,to tie,

to strain hard or close .
to pay what you are forced to. G^>,<,er|
^'/'. to pay a fine, 0jt "^^ JC;t
to pay a debt demanded for. Oj
CUT fbi
eSQSy, to decant or drain a liquor. (jtirvfj^LJ
tIT/5"rB^35J , to pore upen a thing, by (training
your eyes .
QQJB)ILU} , the heart.
S^. ed> death. (JwrjyJ^ glJJT033=Qj=
LUGUJ6ar> henceforth I'll do it no more. ('}/
TOO IX) i the time of death.
to be so prouJ as to pay no attention te people's
wordsor complaints- QaJir-rr& Q5S/[5i ft,i!O',t3
carry one's self arrogantly . Q t-.j : n i_j L_| , pride,
lnughtinefs. CCV LO T LJL_| 03 T D < , a proud
manor one that disdains or oveiloaks others.
(JB/D, Q?S>iOS~3Jtf , tribute . tas . conn ihution.
QtSSjCCt^jr'SS^ja^t^O^J . to laya tax. QiSj^t
UoS . a field exempt from tribute.
(J*-^ tbe knuckles.
"^ ,y>'S.' 1 to conn f by the knuckles of your fingers.
(J"i2)^pg5 jyr W^r , a scurfy sore betwixt t>he
thumb and the fote-finger .
($8> ^303*S; , to heave or lade wafer ont of
a pool or pit, to caft, Hi ew or disrei se , to give abund
antly , to difilpate goods .
Q > O On. SB I ,
a basket for laving water out of a pool etc. (Ja^O
6)JljGiIT(S4;!C5^ , to lave or disperse with the
hands ($sa> ^9lL(53T>Gi_jTi3055; , to fall disperscjly anywhere. (J2>.0LJL_J , watering by laving
water .
(JD40F# , flesh fit for fnod , meat. LOTUa
I_Q-42>j30F# i beaf. ^4_9.B jOF , mutton . ljobbT
ewf (JS/Off , pork.
(JffiO^riJO; i to supplicate, to venrate,
worlhip .
(? JOtlteor , a king,
U ^DSi^OLC4OOJ>T03 @ L , hitherto. (J^3
S3iDg3@i-JLJc5S;!5;T0Yi"G<>O . ten days hence.
(JiOTLO , consanguinity, kindled; agieeablenefi .
suitablenefs; proper means . Qw$QF;r(\ (J^gj
^, he lives along with' his kindred . (jf^aruj
i_5^5[55;g^ , the kinsfolk have separated themselves
from one another . (^;g T" , kinsfolk, relations.
(JjT03g3i , alliance. Q < ldt &dj , to be
brought into a fair way , to be brought to pafs. (J
TLOrj"03ii;.iC.83J , t reconcile, to make agree, to bring
to pafs . jjJgy^Sanri-OLjessTeBEf gpotx , LjffTOTiotrf
s5tfi)gSTCtrr , he has set it on foot. (J'3tfrt_oTlU
G^UJBSzOsy, todo a thing aptly . (? jot lolJT ft55;*1_.<55^; . to lJok for proper
means rxi ; o>S cr LO , a clals of fix letter^ in the
alphabet that arc of rough pronunciation . Qlocx
oi><srsT\j) , a clafs of fix ditto , that are foft . Qia>\ j
UJS3TL0 , a clafs of fix , that are of a mijdling kind.
<3<f henceforth. Qovf
, Crf Ql_0 )
03 fPr the future .
(5rf05e6.i3O9p, to be sweet. Qeef LJL_| , rof
U3, sweetnefs. Q tu G ' T OO ,
of T <rar
QFTOO , a sweet word. (Jmrf ^ G^T .
(jTgpepGlFfrc/4' i awfmig or heinous word. (Jaar
i_Sovf t il i , a mixture of sweet and sour.
(J'eerLJLj delight, deliciousnels . ;03<l_jL0Tr

1 <_5 (-/ Qmwr

CT {39" RIOJ fSLp BRO fifi

LJL/)TnrrGFT(?0, word pleasant to the ear. CJl_l

raiTiCWtT , two yoke of oxen .
(f^rt-iLA , delight in divine (hing, (high delight .)
bj0"LO > humility , wctnefs . Blirf{-^ . to
#.0_*3wt_lLO i mort delight , sensuality , lewdneii . grow moift, wet, eold. rasf 55;g5<i *-/
-#O-*3<wri_il_U-JTi , a biwey-song .
to be grown cold., ta ihave loft the natural warmth .
< lungs and liver etc . Gi&Oo&TOO , the
(- 5 , without.
liver. ?! , the lungs. TOVfTCO
(jOTrV, te day. (\*1 OC <o L*i!5 Lsnurr evefIT00 the spleen . 915(5@ >
Tr, he carae ttir morning . (Jeera 3fj>()ftix5 @iOO , the .pit of the heart .
i he will me to day. Qevr&>
ms'TQcxj'niETinLO , onion .
(5({> , two thousand.
to put off a thing from day to day, to use delays .
^ffili3rTU3K*^enjciT. a woman big with
(J jot , sucn . {Jaorffufaereer , suth and such. child .
.JfiBiaer (JwT LflSVAO-Sor 7 <JW30 _*5 QUUT
(( TUSffSjet *5> to be ambiguous.
J know not what sort of aman he h. (j5Org)0T,
oaf, iatj5 , 'nits . irod'tri/ijSKetiOSj 'kthks*
m'icy such * one. ^" raiftrefs such a one. eSOjsy , to comb off the nits. (BT^GeTJOoS *
OTg)i5-*iiSi5T- esQwser^O'C^tPiSLj cemb for it
i_H Ji < , I haue heard that such and such
<^"5@ /^ , the small alk between the
people are com . (yitrrwrrayQiAUJ Q " " fi/ leaves of some trees; a stalk used as a tooth-pick .
GLJTOjCujeTl' 4,d~ GfTOOOO OOTLD , who
(. iKsaVogfj.
an tell w!m li / litest timgr it true and which is
fsiup^ff , ief ; / a tret .
false. i_r05ri ^*^65<^?
?|-, one of the tribe of those that maketnsl
rf 5<^ 35 , ffaow what different sell arrack .
oxrunodities you have in your mop . (JetfrgjeerJJeer BfDyp , Btvr i '^ i the phthisick,
isf ujrrQeoToirr* ^^5 cu at *u consumptioa, asthma . tt^tfsnQ'Si'TawTx rreor * J
W3<30/00 i it docs Dt signify what different people (_-)2) , he has got the consumption .
they are .
. the gums or jaw.
(JerBrL0,ftill, y<t . (J^rreorLi OCiJtJO , not yet .
15!5_\5* , an innocent person .
.da/ > l-Jtyoo? *V . young teeth coming forth.
\J<Wt/m&f&4^-(51r)&OgJ,'he child gets teeth,
L0 , ignominy; what is low. mean and con
temptible . (sreetn-ewr , a low or base person,
c a fly . eKt_ii_>S, * spider that catcnes flies , a low tribe. f5i eri_Ji_| i-jgafear lo ,
todiftributs. rartrij , a gift } dulnefs, foolifhnefs . 1_1(5;^-"^ , one that it
the quotient in a division . I3IJ5t^35LO . liberality. unwise. GL-! c^oLL?W LO , weaknefs . ^etTLL3*orLO ,
cKfhonor .
*3@ i division in arithmetick .
fH3g)UJLD, ignominy, contumely.
IBS85O0 . a 4ejd of gift .
f5i3go/{J/Qgy , to calve , to bear , to bring forth .
&@-1' , vf paiiy .
')*1 , RlSUl&ftoQ. i vexation, injury. ^OLOTfSi a cow tJlat calved. raseerQ /0
KS-R/ESSf=LJLJ.iOet/ -to be vexed or injured. gTu , the mother that bare and bred up . (31585 lockj
LJ?- barren . lasgpLOT > a barren cow . rrrj^O
, a
1IKiHt4LiB>r\~l*ma2jD$i} i to vex , to injure.
youn^ ne of a cow, buffalo or fheep . (JVOilJ*!3
fSBT@ , afsa ftida.
WFvJO i jot! of ants, which getatlafl wings, ! , a firftling. .2IL?J!0/!Q> , a slink, a caft-calf.
ttt*oQjCQ*a>zoLJi~ corn that puts forth ears.
SK / ;i ! <mj .- by vote eaflr -' /7. .
itlSSrtTT . the heathen God Isurisor Osyris, Siweu.
tSrrGOJr" , ^, the name of m flirub.
ireFffr, tEFFJgQrO- ,a*/tld thrub beeriKg
trritr . rareFFLD 11 Up LO > it's berries. TT F F Ti)
^TVl\S ' switches ofthe said . Gt_Jf FeTr , Qlj
ifrFLOTtO . the date-tree. Gt_HfFFLOL_H_pt-0 ,
. ly what is pleasing and agreeable ;
lates .
4_e5LJt_|*^>S^ to g
gladden , to make glad .
WF9Ti_5FG*leeT(.OQg/ , te chatter.
-QSttLO > a parable.
<-6?L0 . U-|ff>i_0 , one of the world's ages . CfSoSt&l
*)o consider .
/5SL_o , the iron age of the world .
, reward , compensation ; what is equal in va
.^<;, te rejoice. _B"555;, St
ine a pawn . <2/cK>ijl?, a very frturful soil. able , pleasing .
&i li? . Keril ground . BTffiot (5*5; , to
jbft- , the nuil of a hand er foot . 2.

cu.-npensate, to give in pawn, rejsi <S&.Qfu a felon or whitlow ( a tumour formed between the nail
*&^.5) , ! render like for like. rsrsi *OJ&*0 and the point of a finger.)
)- *o obtain reward in heaven . _2)BL/ef5d>L_f85
-551-1"?.4, to tie a handle ( a pet
455>595G0>Te5*Goerr > 1 *ive ">I *r tnat to tarry it by .
44). , a lance, pike. 5'4_.(05.! , the point
i-05vTLD , the guard or watch at night . _
of a pik . [3T54_LL__3i .7i@ , the back of a pike . e5<Yri)^T54B5^9llor ft warder, a guardian of
the palace .
ELCO'LO -f . EIFSr .
*.*.40 , .;*ljGljt); to grow worm,
wtUULO.. (J LU LO , general for lead or tin eaten, to rot. _t(?3ao , rotteneft. _0><l_lG LJT
e,Tf iL'LD , lead. GojovtcyTlulO . im> OSUJLO ^)ctrr , he gives himself over to melancholy .
fjhffra^OfJ^ to tin a ting.
.0>.HjD -0}*.22LfiLC, vehemence , pafsioa.

_t_= _(5 &.at= ~ute> ___! iLwr

drunk etc .
*_i JO, mans body. i. L_ 00 @ LO l_| ,
cicatrice ( or scar . ) .1^ . *OJ , the (irnhire ,
frame and quality of the human body . _l_tADfbi_
jOi^^^tfULe i a description of it's frame. ^ 1 ,
G^O@54>'3><,'r >
consonants in the alphabet .
i.L_Gor, immediately. i.u_/trr{B(gi QcT,
every time immediately. _2jtfJ6r JL|?jffi FQFTtn
err5i|i G<W . as soon as he had said this,
( -I ) 1=-_ , _| 1_u_rroyf,
a companion. t_\
, an accomplice.
4_l JBT"Lj(5S ; , to consent , to agree . 1 1 "
LJU eOjeor , a consort , a partner . _i btljt,
consent. _i 5T05I <?> I T ^CV tt iO G L_l
FT^ , a woman ihat burns herself with the dead bo
dy of her husband . T jbt<"V i acr , 52V 1
-FT<QJ, advice, counsel. !t_FTcrX|8S.Oe>J , to Qsvr , with me.
<S_l_ori_3l_D-33*&03 , a covenant , agreement , com
advice with one's self or with some body . i.ffTOJ
pact . d_L_BTi_St_0- 052500 L_l mrr ;; et ^50 ^ , tak*0), to give advice, to afsit with advice. .FT make a contraft, to agree together, to mal<e a cove
, teaft considerately, advisedly. nant . _i^oTi_Si_O-0>5i03G'rf'"oof * O SJ > t0
promise. Ll 50T^il_0-'Kagbf55(l*'lJ5*^^ > to
i_F/r<njG35i *? t0 ask advice
-#/00 , a certain tree , whose leaves are used to rut yield, to consent, to come to an agreement . .1 30
eff the oil front, the head .
5uo-05IJB0iLUT05F G ^ * -O >, to d a thinj
-fULjog; ( or _ m- i-I M* ) )to incite by agreement ( and not by force. )
to et ( // dogs ) on j to scare or fright {birds ) away,
<_(50 -V . _($ruix>n
d_0ri_ll_i , inftiufl .
-(b'ese&^og;, -(^s^ffiG^T0^* -o SA
toput cloths on, te drcis one's self . _5| ,
A-frQi-li<m&Q5i) , to scare away by hifsing.
_FFLO, _F.# > a perpendicular height, the vert' drcfsing-cloth . _(Sl_Jl_| , &AI LOT LO , cloths.
cal point of the sky. iL.FfffjFJSj2-'^ > the crown or e_G<-Jl_|05* bl. 'o put cloth on . .SB1
top of the head, (^d* UJ-sBr-FF 5 I.G ero US 1O5 05 _1 LUT , a cloth , a vesture.
^CS'03 -@03<03 a taber, tabret .
@gjy> the sun. is right over our heads . _F#G[5
TLD , .F#_(f5L0!-0 , noon , midday . _F#L0.2-rT}O ,
<-Q53jV*^OS^ t>c5$c
to dref*
one , 10 pu* cloths on- some body .
a steep rock , a precipice;.
A-ffiLQi-i ,. kind of <uery large Stmri living in holer
-FFT03LO , JFFTLLILD , i_OFTUJXO . spontaneousnefs. _FF T UJ LO T LU , LO "Ti. FF TOJ underground , a guana . _(J>LOL-|r5/r0vg . it's tongae
LOT LU , freely ,. voluntarily . i.FFT LUt_l uS SB up , which ends in two points , a double tungued person..
- a present of. cloths-.
vtrseneis , disgust , unwillingnefs . . F FT LU l_J L_l <ra
-1 ^ . .i i rjj jj G LJ t .0 5; , to
e5<JDl_jraBTSuS32y Jo cause aversenefs ,
_FFT"0reBTLO , recitation of praters . _FFrf0; break , to goto pieces-. _Bi LUT^gj , whole, not.
5-20!&/ , i.rFTO"WLOL_l"irrsai/*^OS; , to pro crackt .
-3Iffiet^Of^ ,
55JI_JC2 L_l rr EC D
nounce, to recite ; to. meditate and pray.
, to break a thing .
-F# V . .FFLD .
.25)1 {ejTosTiJn , one that has or pofsefses.
_F#e>LD , something that is singular, choice
and agreeable j a present . _F#fjLDTUJ05GeSf (83 0jCTOCu4>i gt5Ti3BPUn- one that has learning.
I LOfTLO she name of a tree .
s^Offy , to give as a present . _Fo*g> LO T <rer
G^TOO , a choice and agreeable word..
-SI tBLO f.. _l SilO ,
.F0r<fi.2ogiy i to incite by promises .
.flS>l LUXIBT , {fem. _*1 LunjOYT, ^ the
-i^L4 LO , the heat. .O-Ui_ Btrr 05- rr proprietor , pofsefsor . BT-eTSSySi UJ OjJ , what
POLO , the. hot season.. p. 14 <t yj u5-, a hot 's mine. 4Tu5#)LL|2)i UJijeBr . the fcher who
ountry . * > g t i 03 0> T -O " , one who is pofsefses the subtUnce. 4+, / g ^ 05 S3) i__ yj
affected with great heat.
-#.U LO T U-i L_l flir , the son who has a right to it as heir,
$p>t-19r * *C
, to speak wi.h great pafl'un .
22/>1 , a potter. _2|@03(gS)( " ,
waOiermau . fjjT(5fi>i , the lord of . a coun
_l \5 , fellowship with one . _ t . 5 g 35 try.
HJTLU , together, in conjunction with one.. _i [5
i-.X^-SiffjByBj'TUJ , heartily .
SBB503B3TiOOBr , a consort, partner, companion.
_i GgjTovr^el^oa' v. .05"15
rgQg; _5_] QFLU^fU , an accom
plice, one that has-been an. aflociate in the aft.
.1 03 . -oyt, _0;)03
A. I LJL_|LD/TLO , A new / thorny tree,
.U_Frf 03*osa , to meditate and pray , to recite ,
_(-_ ) LO -Bl CD LO , one's property; jewels. to pronounce .
*-_<>>05. > the proprietor . _ i is UJ
.4 BBBTUD T . _ _0- L0
.^;, .evoT & <3SJ Q . to
, efFefts , goods. _ I 0)LO 1-J T eoof
dry, to grow Jry . _ eerr ^/ a> o eJ , 10 drf
16.205; , to get jewels made.
_[ LDLSi_-e3eee> >.. _1_<-1_51_; .
something, to make it. dry . ^l_p5^jBBT/J"5ffiOOfrit|!
.w^-ga^e ^OSJ! 10 a,r t0 **
'be shade.
_t > ,hs body . 1. 1 lu^iljtGS

CUT^Ofi/ito know nothiog,of eme:* elf, to be dead UeyrB^Ogy, to feel , to perceive , to underftand .
fervency . .03*^30303.55 ! a hafty , hot or vi
olent man. .05$ 1_( uSco , an in
tense heat of the sun . .056. ^OUDTBrG^TLJLD ,a
vehement partion or anger . [gT#U_j^(S COLOLO , a
tertain dife.ife of the nose
-0365pfBT"LQ , the room or place where flores
are kept ; oeconomy , ftewardihip . . 0; ) 05
03<. , _g,p5BBf ; , a fteward .
-03@ > -03*,JO ) an iron pike .
.Tv/05OVr,. .iu^5l . d-'K/R'yjfiDtUJ
your. i-TOig-ryjB^ , your's .
_F05 05(3cT50S6.2O3)J , to be on high..
_FL_IL_| , the height .
.B=L0i-j*05J . to be moving or wagging.
V . -U-i$8)$. -F<TLO . <_LUO"LO

-5t .J

_55 *

j.OT^LBJ'j.o'cOJ knowledge , cognizance , diftincY _5)<8> , 4_TFT<rmrTLS .

_5TTL0 , i_5 @<, t-5Tn"B>tTLD,
underftanding, sensibility, ^eutrfi- , i_eBT5, sense.
|_/}-) , feeling, sense, snsiblity . _#'}, liberality , generosity . -TCT<w (/. _8JTff )
ainderftamling . _wt#-5|j*-1357 . to teach .
liberal person . _> ; . *tf) .
_ore8 .COBjJ, to eat j-to suck milk sometimes it serwt
-Sj33S*3?i; .
G Lj t
; , to rise
to form p.ifiivt . rgTLOi_BTt Q&TDJ , the ( in speaking of the sun , moon or stars.) _ fjLJl^ the
xice that we did eat . (p5 roo IL| ttr aS .O @ Lp Tj rising. .^GiU9fl"0yt , the morning-ftar . ^JrLO
tEc; , sucking chila. # gpamrri ip , ^ oot#^0 |1__|1_0._^(/ i so it seems to me .
L_D- 33 93TCe:DT , one tlfat eats little. gjTVT?V5or
. gTUJ , blood, e. g(rrj50"LDl_4 > a vein.
*OSb ffi0Yr^5WT(BGLjrr ^Og; , to be thrown
&-S<f what falls down scatterd and singly .
away , to be rejected . @ 5 5/ .9 5/ , to be
_ f5&osii , 1.*3'T'5S>GL-'T^osy . _ # [5
tabbed . QXli weS^ogy , to be cut off.
5^6tfi@* ^30 S/ i ' Fall off, to drop down . <2_{#"5
_r i 9 , _<r<rrr l_0_ig; , an alms - box ; a box ffjlFCrdj, withered leaves dropt down.
wherein the cuftom - money etc . is put . .vtTL.O-ff1
_?2>5 , the heel j a kick with the heel;; the rebound
ft . a bill of exchange.
ing of a gun etc. _S& ffj
to kick. @$
_nrr(5 , there is ; yes, it is true, cffl L.O- oso S)0"d!_fiB<5g;(g>J , the horse kicks. _ 2Sg 5 5
*"roSlL|'T(5 there are rats in the house ejoYTOvTiffi^-C'' > to kick one out of tne house,
@ , I have. &_mrtQ\ T, (Josii^QaJT, to spurn him away , to treat him contemptuously. 4
is it true or not ? _ ewrr Q 1 gr] g gjj if
J , to kiclt
, to grant it to be true, severely . L. fS 5l_ll_) , kicking . _ 2>3J g; T 04> ,
I TS^J, to arise , to spring or grow somewhere from. a prop , a supporter, a pillar leaning on a wall for a
_ee<rr\ ^ , what is really there; what is really support to it . A. fib ffj [55^1511 oS S )W , to row
the fact . _ T05*.OB5J 1
t_|WT2l; with all your force .' A.6S > !5 @ 03
, t*
t.OSA> to create; to make, to cause to be. _ pull with all your force,
J Tli3i{33o6.i>a; , to be, 10 be exifting . _T
-ScJLIJLO, the rising of ihi /** , momtr strs m
I T<roTOJ 5 , _eoBTi TU5<rg?KEt
(TU * , one -ojSjLuQaj.vwr , _ffi5 lu G !5 lo , the day
that has sorm-thing . _". i TI5'3566ODJOYr, spring. *.S>esuj{G(*^ -SifgLUgij
a woman that is a breeding.
sun- rise. FfJj^GT TS 5 LU LO , the rising of the
_iRrrbi , a globe, a ball , a bullet ; a pill. _ moon .
. 1^ LO , violence , fiercenefs , insolence
tit soit ojTujLJiJi--ErjeS^O; , >T< (&^,
to round , to malee globular.
tjmri /, an insolent man.
i. 55U0lO . good j true , genuine ; upright, perfect
_crar^)g5@ 4 <_VTn> T05(5 .
_jTBsf , a dog-louse, a wood -louse.
.5?jL0tn- ( / . -655)Li5 ) a sincere person.
_ 4> LO , the truth, certainty; truenefs , faithful _55rrLO , north . e.g 5 0" T 5, a native of a
nefs. _ bot SS) LO LI T UJ . truly, faithfully. _<reirr northern country .
IB> i_D LL| <r/T ovr tfU , a faitkful or trulty person .
_5j5TL0 , - 55
T . i-S^TTLO .
.trerrffiLOLjQLJSgjLO ,
LO 55TI # ,
e; 5 65 Til) TS) LO , bail, pledge, security. _aj
O"<ll T 5 LO L_lT ooo); s$ g> , to stand bound for
unfaithfulnefs .
->c5LO , water, humor . RST5ffil, a thing I tobe answerable for it . ) _6)3TfilT5 , a
clear water .
bail , a warranter.
-5j(5 , Hp.
'TOT , (/ft. i-SL_p.. )one that JL.55rf"g;S oaj , to bear, to suffer , to nold outj
is blobber-lipped. JJ_a5(3jJi_a I i i | , a hare-bp to suffer what you deserve. _5grf 95 03 1I t-Ji rr&
.5'_1 -3 , what is in the ventricle of animils. 3j , intolerable .
_ 55 LO 1-1*8 -^Oay t to rebuke , to chide , to check , _ d_g,<f*UJLO , a cloth. eLCTLCeonf , name of a herb.
^5t5TTLO . _551- , i-59>Tdi/ a word,
LOi_5g5GS>i eS-IOS;', to ask wi'h Severity
_5)TLO i the belly LO Q 35 T 55 LO dropsy . an answer, pcimifsion . l_SO^.' 55TTL0 , lS*D5
iLriB , help . afsilbnre . <"_5^SQ F * E> J > gLL|PJ5TTL0- '-O^JeOjTTLO , an answer.
a. 5S)TT'K/G 03 1 eS o SJ to beg 'eave
*.Efi5liJTU3i5*Offi; , to help.
_5-|^; t0 " te nc at nan' > to ^e ^ ll""> 5TT'wG03T(05e>.2O5; , to give leave. _>>(
*o seive for the purpose . . ajfUT LO ( C? LJ T .O LDUTfRje? Qb), to get permifsion,
I, to be of no service . (JljOJiIT l_J lo
e-ffjfgTT , L ^OcOj , i-^r^tT.
.5LUTooru> , i.gU-IT'OroTUTO-LO , a flow
dl'TajJ , at pre-ent 1 have 110 money at hand . *B0:05
er - gj| rilen
@55~UTU . * not ar hand .
,55GU-IT03LO, G5U , an office, an
ke off. oTarfU T 0"5)>1_ Sj J SO or , he employment; an inttntionto do a thing _9j{ G LUT
lejtiisd what 1 said . i_^v5^Q33T gu" ffi pi irT * /105; . to adminifter in, an office.
>-rtrr, he" is refraftory . i_i l_p. 5 5 _ 3j ,^'?,0>1-2^*;, to ger into an em
ployment . 1 5#GuJT0?5#GCNo.jL3?**r , t#
j3O^G6jS0ff; , to (hake off the duft .
i_5TeTWLD .5T!TnrLOi evidence, get one an employ. t 5^G'-1-J'T S3!^SG0>3a"r,-l?J
5J, to put one into an office.
froof, a palsage or sentence quoted to prove something. 5/0>G03 T oyr "v-K
G UJ T 03 > 9
tfT T wrr LO l_J *rr trf <S U S3 *
fiyi , to _50GLUO-e3g503T oeor .
5<5 , one that has an office.
Jemotiftrate, to evidence.
_#*:, _3JT F LD , foul and abusive d_59"L0. a timber used in building, a beam.
/ kernels.
language. _ 5 T # sor ee-r , one that uses foul aud _ffiTTl FLO
bu* ve- language . _a5T#oerg G f T 00 j 66 <J3 _55 . i-COSj
eU5G50VLQ . _5$1> . *-5G*e
JJ , -gT#etrf
, tu scold by usingtuul lan:
tu adminifter ia ga office,



ta -u Ifta Luc

, the navel _
i_i_i35TTU3 , a benefit;
i_I nurr
yaoy* ; , Qm*^05; , to bcftow a benefit.
JETff , i-UTiruTi a benefactor,
i_ LJ^Ti/^oWT i respeil, civility , compliment.
*_1_1"^1_12226 0 r to fliew respect
to beg respefully .
_L_lfFrrrjF^5 , seftncfs ,.eastnefs, ayilding disposition.
t.Lje'TTLO ,.civility , observance, reverence.. _i_j
FfO"trr , ( /. LL_lFf(f*) a civil person. .LJff
I 1111 |*>)/ /05; . to (hew
reverence ( or respect. ) ti-WTiT^QFTcrocjcyg^O
, to give thanks .
--LjQfiFL ,. doctrine . tuG5#S * 9 5J .
' &.LjQ6)'F&Q&r<}OOg)!&*OBij , to teach/, to inftruft.
tuSSi inftructor , a catechiifc.
<t_LJ5^TLO., i.t_j$grf UJL , e.i_J55a"ajix.
affliction . _i_ijrf uju3 Tu35g;*^o5j,to be
troublesome op afmfting . i_L_lc5S>ri-jl_l(5 * * 5J ,
to suffer affliction. . .Lj^^O" l_l.LJ G BJ * ogJ ,
to afflit ( to grieve one . )
1_LJIXJL0 il. .SiuilJU) . '
*.t_JS>U> W . A.e5LD .
-LJOJT^LO , faftiag. *.L_IOJT# 63 * .5 5/ ,
.\-iflirrFLDLJ<nnrr!22)J& *OgJ , .lIOJtTFU T U3
255<.9 , to fait, to abstain from. food.
.LJTsT ', torment, penal anguish .
> _L_ITUJLO , a means, expedient , hift j an engine .
JLl_lTUUL0LJBfTS2a/^O/ 1 to use means*.
t-llTUJeseST , *-1_1<, a cunning man.
_UJTUJ 5 , devices, eraftine1 , subtilty .
*_i-IT"QLUTL_lTLDu3rrUJ , by right or wrong.
<_(i_J i B IF , coolnefs of mind , indiffereney .
4- m l_i tu a) , two . i. uii i_ , an
ambiguous word . ^\1}0~ , _L_]iLtA)6J
rJ- , both together . d_*LJUJ T U)i an ambi
guous signification .
.LJLJPLO V . _L_lt_t=LO .
dULjLjrfaaf, a terrace at the top ef a palace.
t_l_ll_JJ33*:20ay v . _40t_l<oS*^Oa;.
4.L_IL_I*0~U#" .
3Cjrrf3- , a tribe, ofpeople
B>ho di; *r , ditches etc .
e_LJLJTUJSS(STOeBr , a man of subtle wit.
*.t_li_3*U>. .UUFU>> the belly's being puffed
up with wind ; fhortnefs of breath.
_l_Jt_) , salt. .U455 f>
, slr -ground;
cBup.)LJM , i_J4J5l)0)1_J4 i saltpeter. 03
?PJ1III , mineral salt . 05 j3u_| L_lt_| . kitchen - salt ,
ommon-salt . A.LJ l_| 5 ig rof , salt - water .
sVlvU-UVTU) > salt - marin , the field where salt is made,
salt - pan . att-JlIPYTLlSCB* O jy 10 prepare the
greund for salt making . _kJl_IMTL0 t_ITF9r^0
y . to convey water into the salt -pans . _i_IL_|l_l>
tf"tR@sy the salt appears in the pans. _i_it_l
KTOJT t salt -makers. .lJlStototS Qi_JP3t-,
a non-sensicai exprefsion. d_i_li_iLJ Q l_l <T ffi <
fi/-, i_l_lt-S(S .O , to salt , to season with salt .
tUMffflwi LO (J sS *Q 5; , to salt fiih or

_u5 .lolS *5* _ _ _ '

(ratt:t .
_i_0 , the htuk's of grain, d. u5 5 ij , coa rse
bran .
. lj5 (l$ S ^0 5; , to snjt . _mS
fffff^- , spittle . LjjfijT reer ttUJ - u5 j. , ;he
flower yield a gond smell .
_ U)u5 Offris ; , a field granted to one at a free
loyraent without payi. g tribute. .LOtJcvf 0^?)51>
ta give one a field or village to enjoy it freely.
_ LO(Cu_ , _LDgpbi_ UJ . your.
tUJTLD, C.FTLD , tUJ-^, -^| th*
height. iR.UJ'fr^ONDLD , a hgh place.
e_LL'r3*^ ^ " ^5 jQ<~jt*oi5j, to gtow
higb. _ UJ/T , on high, above ; upward .
' , wer, battle. ffi^OLDi. L3 5 5 U3 , '
,1awful wir .
&.U& , life . tuSCTi-atTS.^ , to be
lalive. .u3QT@55j 95 jvt , the vowels in the al
phabet. .vS^QldU , i-iiS&QtesQaj (l l$u, a
syllable. _ u3'XL_H_3irTeof , a living creature. L#
;3k/ u3 ^95 < < T 6 j30 5; , to have eorajialtkm upon
others , to be companionate .
_^":^30>, to revive, to get life agaii. LU3"5
(ESffiff et^oay , to rise from tkeaUad. _
SS ^Qgi^irjOsi , the resurrection.
.U3L.J 3 05*.295 ' quicken-, to revive, terefrefti^
_^ , to live .
, .ir5i^) , *.Tgj3)j^t3e3T9VT55*ir.eL/ , t
grow ftrong. .! . T gi Itrong wind .
4-tT0^33 , .<59 , aud , i-TLJl-l , firm, durable.
i-iy tt O WJ , to rub one's self agaia&. a tree
_7"L0 , ftrength, firmnefs . _(1__.'>
durable, ^t o&jctld . the roaring of the sea. ~~~
_Tcr>j , a large mortar to beat paddy, rite. etc .
_TT<fX|66^oeL/-. to- file, to polifh .
_rf,halfa measure. &. cf G: m t*& Q> , half ameasure of paddy . _rflut "03@ , five eights of
a measure .
tijtet /! ey , e_rf fgyQi-JT^ogy , to be pull'd
off , to be ftript , to be skinned, ft4, the skin that it.
pull'd off. t- lte// , to pull off, to skin, toftrip,_rf
^ , to plunder, or rip one.
_tft , Orixa i country :

*-(ffQfTOO , an adjective .
*-(f ?5< , the future pofsefsor or heir.
<T"rri_i LD33@tf
it etrr tfaj or , the heir of
my goods .
_rffl*LO , the lve, or doty of lore towards rela
tions . _> U)GFUJ535Jito perform the Mb
service of love to a relation deceafed.
i-rf" lAifU belonging to . <*TT^@ ff LU G L_I
Giovr t my property . T atr m (g rf lu eu , my
familiar friend. _rfujTi" , relations-. Q 05 T iroV)
L-JTe>g55>3L'0;@rt' LUllr , orre who is guilty of amurder. Q up
tfil T , one who is
bound in duty to take care of the funeral .
*_l_lt_jeti05^ , to swell ,. to puff, to bump up . _t_t
.(5, a form, fhape orfi _5, how many
LjffO, .U45 00 , the swelling / the fea ,or of cows, fheep etc? _(fKiHT -2 . -fj5gSrf*
tugh , or of the belly .
/Dey. to be duped , formed , conceived, generated.
, yeur .
_(T>OJT0;*.iogy , to form or fhape. eUQJdTrjLfS
<_LD(T the mme of fcwft . e;TU_UO/f , [ OO eyiI ^5 , to vaniih away , to perilh .
aSaLOrf , different kinds oX it ,
05* V . _51*.02 t0 penetrate, te
jtVUXTO i vlMlket mtc like a bag
(go through .

*__50 -9 -oi *_ _@

._.5#__ , to melt , tb
grow liquefied LOBT5^(5e5^35; , to have compas
sien .
-t^53i^U5. LO3W_<5ff>05U3 i a hearty love or
eomp iun n . -{5^1\{}$*0) , to weep
compafsionately . i_QtJ>95UT JYf i a crnuafliunate
fi-WdSOff^ ^ to melt a thing'. rfTJfTg-24'_l
*0TT-59566LJ0L_|frt (5; , ficknefs has consum
ed him .
-(5?E@\-\-StliX3LB , the whites, the gonorrhea.
i-fS^e'-Oemf, solid globules (such asare not hollow.)
LtjaF, the savor, talh . -^-^^
tt-OGJ/, to be relishing. .rjeilf 0535_<- , one
who is fond of a thing.
_-<2jt_ 'L-O- pieces- -u3TLO_(n5l-JLJL_i^ ,
a thousand pieces . _ (5 l_) LJ ' Q U irr 1 1
fini ,
_<f5L_ll_JLjpLUJTU)L_H_i>.LUTLU , all the pieces .
_-t5_0L_ , the midday, the hot time of the day
t-fS'-OQdii&f? , neon, midday. _(5LiQaC ,
at midday .
e-t2>e>L>rf3(g{.Ofy , to make 41 /ev* fice .
_-r5_iao a woman's car - jewel .
i-iDT/TLO , a ftatue .
."-.^S-vKT G -J T^OS;, tu penetrate , to go
through , to slip out of the needle ,to fheath , to ftnng etc
to draw out . A_i5injg;@SS>e8 / , to transpierce,
to flab, to run through . _<3("(5<5 Sreilt gr'c^
f heart, -tbrasf_^5;; . the nail it
gone through . &)iS>iU-(5624&&iJ > to draw
the sword.
-5i_L#, *_^*_oey. li-^a/Llo*, _.-vn
4-" , a word , a senrence ; interpretation in prose,
rose . <gTy>o"_J<i>or , a bumble word or speech .
J495*O!OJs*0r i explanation by a commentary.
20{_J 40 be rubbed ( to go to. powder . )
^-^/} to try by a touchftone; to rub to
powder. j__icra5iA?oyj , a touch-Hone .
to fore-tell .
_., i.oof^, the world..
_<JO03ttg; , a rice-rtarap , a wooden peftte or
Bounder. _O\O05ffl)Kijyje"r . the iron ring on ir.
d-oc^c ^3; , d_a\j<3-ey*3ae_i > to dry, to
dry .
grow dry. COWrfSCUm&^OtfxJ , to dry, to make
!_"5* OS/ > to walk; to lead Aow etc ..
-^OTgrfigjQesT w
_5 * 0 , to walk
_.TOTS_q*_r>g_/ -CTOT fj^ ft tc^j , to
take a walk , to walk about.
-1^*40 5L* , to shake .
^2yg>9>u> , avarice. e_;aj5rar, a covetous
nan , a huid - fafV.
2_/L_lSl_l , a present of fruits and other things .
_5^|_1>1_151 Qt&Olj , to tend a present for
getting accefs .
_-_/TJO , a forge i an hearth - place for boiling rice.
_ IKJO - -M" . a smith's working - place . ___roO
GSmiO, -_W0i05@ the hole in the forge ,thro'
TV i

which the wind '4 blown . _i/DOLUTeraf?(>0
ni iron wherewith the sir.ith turns the co.ils . .rt
o5Qoog;TLe>ug;e6c.'S; , to lay an iron into>
the forge to make it hot. _jDOiBc5;t5^ , a
pair of bellows for the forge. _irtJOQKT".0(i} 1 amiih's rungs . _^>0 flt> XI 9S -O 5L/ > to seethe water
for boiling rice .
SL/Gl-^-^U . e_/tx36F*rorr:j3t_5o^*-^jy . to
be vexed U troubled , or harafsed , to be uneasy ,10 suffer..
!~Qv<TL4&*09J 1 to be spuing , parlimonious,
close-hsted .
e^ovxiCLD, _GO0OL?frr ,. ritt namt / a fish.
Port . sarel peixe .
l.OOOOfTFfLLjeys'rS/ _C gjy , to divert one'sself, to take recreation . dLOO JOTFLO , walking,,
divertisement . 00 T F LOTU 5 35 et _0 to
be enjoying pleasure. .< one. tta
diverts himself .
___M <*>, t_._J4_>!.,diynefs4 great thirft r a foathing;
caused by eating too much .
i_) 1 (*}
5^ , tw
loarhe , to dislike food. _ OJ4_.t_J(3 1VT->3J , to
grow dry , to be very thirsty .
d-iULl* -J . d. g .
e_OJLJL_J , joy.
-.3J-DUO, a comparison. ___Jl_5*^0_iV
compare .
i-ni'f , the sea .
. i-iiif, -.i-JiJ-tJl-f. brackishnefs . i. _)/J- f^i" .
brackish water. _.4_l(J"i__erar _^J{J"[0ON3Le ,
brackish soil .
e__jtf-_jG-J's3<-D . ft^L-lQ-JOOLB .
_-_JT[5S, vomiting. _e_JTri3^Ljewr_5;*^>
. to vomit. .03Tr3^^vgij55fT^s_jTTOlt
.00g7 . to take an emetiek r vomit.
i-y^ffii the fourth part of a measure. -_p05
0jt_pT35@ , three eights of a measure.
.yr-K^t^Tco , a ftick wherewith the pJougher
.pricks the oxen .
_.1_ V . &.>)& .
-WPS_t/<6-OR/ to burn out of envy, to ber
very dry . _Lp5^_iTTva>
. to take by
fxtorfiun . ox 0; @ 5 g ewif/J-_.t_P55i;eJ>
*ll^LUi_i_P5^Lj(3-J7"rer57, I' am very? dig_.
, great fatigue, wearinefs, drynefss^
_-!_p_j_j_vef3*-yj ai , . up _j t_i _s3 &
G^TOYT?V5e_Oa_jl , to endeivour to extricate: one's '
self, to take much' pain.
.(-, wafhermen's lie (a kind of esrth used'
by washermen for bleaching . )
<=__*^>_ '- - _Q> <__5*_ , te*
grow rired , fatigued, faint . e_tJ>3oeer_vj_i/e;S7.
to labour hard r to ftfive, with might and main .
-LpfOO great heat , third . iiffLpirOOLJi
l_lfj)-3_y to be tormented with, heat etc.,
_-!_2_0"_ , the cylinder-like piece of wood*,
which by being turned about prefses out the oil .
_-i_p_inriT_0 , tool to cleanse the ground from grafts
_!_<1 , ploughing . _yo4~jO)i
tsfinish all the ploughing work.
Ll-pGlIT' i -Upru" , ploughmen .
i_.tQ*_OS/ , to plough , to break up the ground
i-Vi)Qi-in-(B*Oai) , to plough the field .
ajTffi, a new-titled field. ._. @ 6/ M { S
UJTeeSOgy , te plough and harrow the ground .
_@ , t inx/CI wAicA andtrmiutt iht xarb*-btds .

S _fflt_p i.c7r

A-V5 i-iSNT -vT

_ . _^5


a_SLp3535405; , to labour much , to work ftrongly. I your n ca eft friends and yet a deceiver ,
_Lpi_JL_]TOYf , a laborious man.
.ovroYTTesagBuSG)*.^^ , to make a houtt
_cvru3Tria^ . _a/wrLa.TTje; .
ruinous within .
t_ovrTTL6;S^!C 5; to be partaker of a thing,
_3t . >// */b/ of a snipe. G?jT
to be subject to a thing , to be involved in a thing . -y>35 fSTLUOyr oyrTJor , a larger ditto, 5>i_0.Q>e
Autrr g;@ayrTT<5orffU , one who is condemned @ , , enotliir kind ,
_<Tft Ost , onion. Qnj w oYjovTcvf , garlick .
to suffer or to die . 4 .Cfyrovf ijgrf UJLO, _*^ rj)^;ff IL) TO 33 sryr ,
_OYT<5tM, one's secrets . _<)|_)/35*.0
, to f -H one's secrets out , to spy i to stout or the imemal senses.
observe one's motions privately ( from a hidden place .)_
_^5 Ti?-, the partners, all that are concerned
evTtfiieST^otrr .OYTUaor, .OrQJTJrf i a spy. in a bargain or business .
.ovrfijrruj , secretly .
^...^ogsgSLD , sleep. .* ^OflJ , to sleep.
d_ovT.iV85.205j , to utter incoherent siund as L&S ft5iS55S>c/r^v3rt.!0g> , to clear one's eye*
ne dues who is dumb , ur fiighten'd out of his wits. from sleep. ^^o^05LDTUbQ50;*.2D2L' *
_3yf , a chisel .
leepy ; to be melancholy .
.ev, worms in .the wood.
i-DSt^i to rake or seize cue by the collar .
_^OmrT)l , disunion, quarrel; an importunate
_1V53^;t5*OS^ i to sit downs te ink ( as a
all dues. ) _^505/^15$(2>?:;, to fit. molestation .
-v5g;eloey .
s-gS'JyLj Q"-iT-29s5V , to
i_D0^2)O , consanguinity, kindred. _3(Q>
jro* worm-eaten.
fSt^U-JTfr i rtlations.
-VJTJSy . _*55KL3LJL1J
kind / Until.
_j2S<0-| , friendship, cr r.s r.ity , affinity. ./O
*^UTe6O/, to get into fiiendship with one i,
i_V5 iSiiH-ffaor , /if ?* / river-fijh .
_/Ovr , mire , mud . '
^ ^cs; , i^^eogLj*BBT222i/*^o2i/ e_^o
_./.0.}^/ , to gripe, to pinch the belly. _ cTiJSl {te43Cifi5J i to make people friends with e .ch/OvTcO-| , a griping or pinching in the guts.,
'ther , to reconcile them with ea^h oihcr . _*OGli
-iffj&O , a breach of fiiendship. tfcu n ifr.' />
_2/wrt-ji_| pain in the limbs, in the shoulders,
or in the breaft _4/ow.UJ_)i/wr03B!OgsJ , such paint onj . a near relation. /Ti. ^ cO_j , a distant
tormenting one.
relation .
__3 , a rope knotted for hanging pots on . _
<?_ lo T 5 > an inward apoftume or
-5gi0?VOCUJLO , l-^UJiB^i^iFml. , a hanging
enoibidr.els ; the consumption .
S_ovr, _crvr Qovr i in, within j into. _2j5^0@ repository of kiichen-utensils .
vrQcw <n *be mean-while. _oyt ^Y5?;fggsQesT
05&*. to take a draught : to snuff into the nose.
T> ?*5 #
5L to give physick u be taken. _ cyr
i.-il&,6xb*OBK} , _ @& , to sip, te
YJ LC l_j > <J LO , within and , inward sop up i to snuft.
ly and outwanly. e_ oyrovruStSfiS^illi^D
t0 SCU i reprimand , to threaten .
, to come out. _oyi cyrTu553>^ ^fiJ > tobe ljujiQ?
iOffx) to frighten. .a^ffGS
*mcwlier in ; to be concerned in something . _ovr i^ eSngy, to asi with threats.
; , inwardly . _i_lg5rrF?CK> .an inward fever.
round as a circle . QLjTfftrrSy
4- X 33 T<JVr vj *> > , to swallow or drink , to ii{3 > a l>''1'n Solcl r'nK
take. l_La0jL!JTu5(f53:* ) > t0 na*'e secretly . _V1# , _^Oi>BT<2>.'^ , .51 g^S; .
a hand in some business . _oyTFFl - , a waiftoat. _evr5T35@. /-airrggpg; , the uvula in
t-*Cvi , -^Lj. t_JL_lTt5. firmnefs, drtngth.
he mouth. E_9VTLJLJe5.0 i, , _oyr ^, 1*_.<!0'^| lewi "gt^jrf: ) , to confirm , to con oborate ,
to intermeddle with a businefs .ijf^'i.OYTLJLJl , to conclude fiiinly. ^ f,QF T Osz ^to^j , 19
that inclusively . _ tfyr LJLJ($55J*
, <_ JvT charge earncitly .
OYTT3;d5-29l . to make one intermeddle . to involve _.32/5?'#'^^ ,
^QJS^) * *OfljJ , t*
one into an affair. i_OYrtlL_|.49LO , the inside . _ I terrify, to threaten . .-';, (the eye, the fue,
L^-5j20(2\lf LO , the entrance. _JyTLJlJ^0GOi the conjiience ) pai ns me .
*#5*^>; , to enter. _i @) , the slipping _j2a/i_Ji_(i - ^lc_| OVT < the joints , limbs, mem
into a place. _ cjyTOJU. lo , 1 ajio ( or the lois in bers _1__11 0555 , a ti rtoise ( a flicll-fi h . )
exchange of money. ) _ 05etQ) , to conceal
_ rwLOT roo . a *mall piece of doth , which some
within the mina. !_0yTS3jo5lJl_j , inward pains people cover their head with .
*r convulsions. iS-OVTCTYfl CSKQ'r'f ojld i fccrels
_->@5.20; , to grudge , to "rumble ; to thunder.
A-OYTQ(Xjnr#</ooT an intention kept Secret.
eV^Li_JL_l'TiTl5^f!''s; to look tour.
<!_OYT $ , the sole of the fuot . _YT
eb.^vjj'jyjii cgj , .05*!5;, toroll, to
Vnsa)35 . the palm of the hand .
wheel about , to be a rolling . J>
, a wheel.
_\1; , what there is, all that there is .the
/v^eeergQLjrr 1 , to run lolling, to glow
thing as it is , the naked truth . _ jyr ow L_l I ? , so globular. i_^jai is^v:
, to cast bowls , to roll
as it is. <_1_1941_ , the plain truth. _oyr any thing .
Q &SOIJx) " certain gaming
oyra;rf luG^cnoo^Tlo , all that there is. (.or play. ) . vi/l_i_?.i_jlj'T/t*3S; , to turn your
_ jyi loi (Be5@u> -^-- eyes everywhere. _ .
65 g . Efe^CgJ , to so*
LOl Q'- , as long as I live . L_| vtot j5 ffil with deuble stitches. .
? t , _^
w , a moneyed man . ."( ovt ill , one round as a globule.
_^| #LL.'rretrrt5pa:L0 , a
that has affeaion . J4uyef5@oyrpYr< gjO\3 fine round face .
pOTLO , all that he has .
-&>* , a sheath , an earthen well-ring , a pillow-case.
_ < oyr lo , the closet of one's mind, the interior
,2086.30 () , to curd or cui rile, to clot , to thicken ,
(be mind
to coagula er 1 , ^Si,&^9>QJ , to curdle
^^e^ffiyira^CYr W^LorrwrOJiwT of

*_^ _ .*

5>T#LjGLJT.crrg;^v5 , ovrFcrorretrra;.^ meat

milk. .e^oGt-flT" ,OOT milk , whereby milk is
past eating . SvriF^/o , ( or rancid ) past eating.
Curdled. _CS> .OTJgJLOeBLp > snow.
i&vTff # gi lo L_J s*r 2221; .0 gU . to extol, to*
<5 ; to bite , to be sharp or peignant
( }> *,c J e^OtIM harpnefs . *Tf magnify rto praise.
PVTigrCKJ , jvT 0> , a swingt OYrgj^
QiIff G JO(8^(5a50@S; , the sun-beams ftrike
hot upon me. ^^rr^@s>.og5@g; , <)< OOtQ)&aqBl) , to swing , to be swung.
vti itQ& Q5J , to be in a familiar friendship
#2y38.O(5bgiJ , it touches me to the quick ( or vitals. )
with one .
_D ^Dgjg^oyf , rain-drops .
55vT(5S5rre.0gy to compare two things with
* _-OL_lgg) , the beginning of existence by birth , each other with regard te their strength .
9vT(b't!5il4et..'30gy , to penetrate to go through..
trby acqHifithn . if<aid_^oi_J5, #Qff3JT^Ot_J85^ ,
the child's getting life in the womb . _t 4S)LO_.0 >T(5njgj4Bg)g5HSOlj , to transpierce .
, a weaver's woof tlnead woven acroft
l_lg>$ , acquired goods ,
_.50LJs"Xl'_0 i the origin , the first rising. ^0 the warp .
LJiULOTeS Ugi; , to arise, to begin to be.
x3*TOj\ lu to the encloaure - or retrenchment
a o'mp .
3>rru , meat , foo*:.
, to conceive, to become prejnaut . _O 1_| rfj L_'
ijpvr 4_L . the throat .
L_| i onccptinn .
(SS^CgjJ , to instil, to put food' into the_^OL_l-JarLD , ..OLJTLUl.O , great application
of mind. _ /oi_inrr lot g; * -^; 85^20 . to child's mouth. LSSt-pLJL-t)! CS^CgL' > to nee-rish, to maintain , to sustain. rg^itroTLjLj-^L)*^
comprehend weil
_OL_l7 >'-0, great wit. ^OUTSJLOTajrg g;,to remind one of a thing .
WWrffti-iOgiJ i to'meditate upon a tiling, to pay close
;~ agar , meut , flinn'r or supper . >*">;=;'
attention to it .
*5^5*^Ogi; . to sit down to eat. 3vr EL05 *<
_^Dl_l5^> docility, subtle wit.
i2_^!0*351/ , the thin? as it is, the whole' of it . <fj5ffiffipQFa-Os32y-0OgLJ > to invite to a meal..
!_O r.^G^TOOOfi/* *3?L) , to say the truth. SvT<nrarLJTe5(g) , beetel-nut, taken ac dinner wr
L-0C 4,*( t --O *OLOqV p.err , a person of supper-time .
iSvT ffiTif , a squanderer , spend-thrift , a prodigal ..
credit , one on whose word or report we can safily rely .
_ ) rOi^QyupuD , true news.
>H" g LU LO , 437VT gi 11 LO , gain , profit , in
-/yO& , _ >(Q3 ' (* LUT/?" , relations .
5VT gU *0 / , to blew. oTf^gjrrtTVTO^*
( ^ocCD ) _^0^!!Vlji_j r/J-gseSzOffy . to look
narrowly into. _0 TXj^G ^,1 *:2035J . to hear j2Dgy , to sound a trumpet. 3J?rr<L-lQLjrr(S&*0
ken with attention . S2>3;LL|/pi_iGi_Jt(i50Yr, a thing Qj , to blow away . i37vTglubt[5^S JOgi> , to bedifficult to be got. <s~i (5 l_j JJ) ^D( CO , I puffed up with wind , to Ue swollen . SJVTgiJO
hive got a di iire, LJiJjf^
, I grew frigh 5vt )g5 . a sharp or cold wind ..
S'JOT ^- , one is, displeased.
pvTgi/QSgs^ew , a person with a plump or bloa
<Q 7\i F
iO~U<5or , one that is sorrowful ..39 ted face .
i^T'giVoS'rLJLjrreor , e *iW o/scall or scurf,.
^il'^SF'Trf ROSV , to make a striil enquiry .
lVTgUWTLOT/DO , swelling of the body.
_)&) Gs>(**OgLI . to search diligently.
>Tg gj T oosf , nail that fnftcns> the beam oB'
_ , .eer , _1 , _curQ/>i LU .
Aine. _JorffiQg;ocTg;GiF;OT66;.OFrriB>i , a the plough .
quarrel about a thing , which each party claims a right i>Tgig3T.LOLJT4Vt3vT , i^vrgigJ^TLOGl-i" L_9-
to . _ -" aif , what is thine _etrrBfi g3>e\D , the bladder .
5>iTgiTas3 , a weel, a junket of wickerr to take_ " * Si I uSoO , with tliee .
ti_ wr LO , _etrr.rofgLO , high, most high fishvs in . a basket to cover chickens with . 3&?>
excel lest . _tr<rrff gjaor , _6trrffuf
_atn <nrf )5
gi^ -
9jT*)r , a 5{?.1-1'*:,/- ggSCtt^Og 10 thrusB
che wee in the water.
Yery eminent man .
_ earetrflulo , what is ours or on our side
?vTg)Bg , unclcannefty nastmtfs.. jSWEiSgi
twrnf xi^" relations.
[5T_!5 , a nasty person-.
_- *D gy , to think , to consider . _cTCT
?vTLOy#, kind of a cockle..
ovtld^pO*- an u?'y fe ..
*\ , thoughts , consideration .
.2ivTL0g)2> , i>TLDg;g/,
*/T LO 55 55,
:QfLp., tlicnameef irpoifonoMS and medicinal shrub..
SVTLOgjgjT/eSTLU, it'e fruit. Gl_ILy,L0gi9)5
t LOivy5L0g;g) , Qcii<m<&5s>efri2>5) , .
; LOgiiOg) ., V different kinds ,
jCYrEiLO . dumb, mute. >/r ffl) LO er , 7/r
23*Tti~&BlD , greatneft-, power , lo , ( fem . ?vr$LOF# ) a dumb person . fffT
hontuir . p*t5 LD l_j cm-ssu* Ogil. , - 1 CDU? gig) TU , dumbnels .
4"!5giJGi-JTj30gi) to
honour , to extol .
creep , to crawl
(5 , ?VT"fXI9r LO > aw
creeping creature , a reptile .
AfT#, a needle , a pin . 5#059
i~&rrfrl, he who drives a waggon or cart.
' . :5YT#g)8)J2/OTr , the eye of a needle . p*Ttt
s'Xrh , a town. pvtisgsgLjGLJT^OKy
(^/mrr, the tip or point of a needle . 53?#0
0yfrrT)g)LC , a small load- tone .
?|#059-( a to go home (to your town) to go a journey . ^SQ/ftjr ,
a small town . Q U 53" alarg town. 3*r4
needle- case* a pin-case.






GaBTi>OLOOJi5*^O; to go in pr<*ccfsion through

the town . llJvr rf 35 @ 5
. parrow . SPVT
5fWf R<ia3T^V > a common well, whereof all the
town-people drink. ijSVT 0" T . .pvT* lO 55, the town-people, the people of the place.
3vry33\3, nastinefs . 9*Tup>3;gi_0-rUTp
*>95 1 a natty oeconomy.
3&rr , * long perioJ of time , eternity . STl-p"
jjrroYTfllf yp , may you live long.
i&rLf&TFFcri , 2<TLfQ<5'riU, the pest,
n epidemical mortality .
2j?TLj5ujlo , a service , ministry , office, function.
.ovrtj>'UJ@)QFtl.*oay t0 serve. ^^
435rr)<nrr, a servant.
x&rrCp , bvrt^prfi , n evil coming pon
she descendants by their ancestor* ,
jovrYTT lvrovf U?<wr , the name tj a fish .
>4/01>5' a SBOttv fellow . JLE*T/Wr
@>>* > s stt" , a snivelling woman .
>TAWrii3(5*Of/ , to howl,
-9~cvr ^oTJof , a Utrie pond of spring -water .
&*T &QGi) i w spring forth , to bubble itp out
ef the ground, to be soked , to be soked through , to
be pickled. .T 50 OJ 95*6-4081/ to picklej to,
jZD 35 T > pickle efruits ( or pickled
fruits .) 000, sryriOC4 -, a spring, the source of
well. arriXkQ>%J, the mouth slabbers.
_Sjpvr40<^)LoQl_J4JS. i the bladder.
. Vcvr <vy , a spring , source of a well . fcc*t
^vvQojt *^/ to ^'g ror water.
9><T0 &0<" , the opening wherefrom the water
springs forth .
, to pour out, to empty out. tSTOCVJ?T0^3
ff5[52jl_l(3i'^/. the plants are spoiled by too
tnuch rain or water .
SvraarLO , a maim , maimednefs , lameneft . 1j>yT
*<>" JtfrovT<li<rr i aWT<WT , ^rrOJTOyf ,
a lamed or mimed person .
. 23W0UJL0 a fault, a trick . T-*oriilT^Ot*
(US'JO'n-Ujl-JTfiyLO vr gpdJUJ l-l_L*^)UJ ,
you find always fault with what I say .
Q)a*TG<X)iTlS)- , tlu nam ofa fiant.
.jcvrtfor , marrow .
to fix a thing upon or in the ground, put ker
nels into the (round making Tittle holes for them with
the finger. >T <rar Ji^Q^tTOiT^yS^^OQJ , to
Jean upon etc te stand firmly. ^_f,
SjCUm&^OSxl i ta make stand firmly. <_,
t-iQK-i9r1i2f), to insist, to ground what you say
Cpon reason . LO fib Lp & jt Ult-JtL)S/,
it rains a long time . Shtjot 235? , a leaeing-ftafF. iTora'efoo , astay, prop, support
er, leaniug-stock . JL^vrssr^CLJLjy \) , what is
under-propp'd . T(Q .NT ear
O ) ,
jWTW"J*3\-iQLJT(S&oeFJ , to puta point over
* Jitter , which makes it mute .

^^ t a bow far carding catto*.

T@ , steel .
T|E*V6Fetl f confuted , jjtamjled , put the

wrong way, turned topsy-turvy. TfK&,rQ*&&ei

3. , "r3505FGF3535JBr, one who deal*
wrongfully and deceitfully. -
/ OBi) , to wrest, to invert, to distort.
<551 LO , solid , mafsive. T3595rerUa
l5(TTiS , a canon that is one solid piece. <5"5*
i LDTHjtfDS,TO(tsers; , swollen all over, xg
05 1 i_5'l-Upu_iTu3r5 85*^3057 , tobe all over
full of faults. <TT6565Ti Lrretrri_jL_OI ,
close-woven cloth .
T&iQFiOO , yii //r. things cast on shore . -c-a>
G-O3~05OG , what the river casts on the banks.
TeSRTCsoiC^LO , always.
"Tes^foyrLO a trumpet, a cornet. '*5
(^g^eSOiTjaffr , a trumpeter.
T0$e$^3C>g^ , to make shift to gird one's elf hard or
close; to stand a tip-toe to reach something. ~(5>
LJLJT(S"05*.*OB)J , to peep standing A tip-toe .
T65tCu_lL0 , a heathen-sacrifice so called .
TfR/ffjoyr, "TTffiiyj^ i TSlSgei .
our , (, ne/ ineluHing the tersen , f w//o>n _ * . )
TT TSjQk, where? whither ? errnjQK
u5^55ft; , from whence ? <rr4K;@l_0 , every where.
JivrQO"'T@LO all the town over. <35^
LOi'ijL^rr , what countrymm ? *XTG05UJTe>
Ojo/LD , oT-1<305lUTOPa;LO , anywhere, r^^"
TnGffjG1ITj2;lo wherever you go . rgrr
ffi" , I sfiall follow you where-ever you go.
TFFLO, bird-dung, or the dung of lizards , rats
etc. oTQ&*O}J , to bemire, to bedaggle , to
bedabble with dirt .+ , the back-fide's cleft
or hole .
TFrLC a defect. Q LjQirTWl ,* participle.
rfirttr T F f uo , a gerund.
TFFrf.^5/, to forewarn, tpremoniib, to give pre*
vious advice. rrFFrf5;4S^j.^!05y to advise one
before hand . eTFFrfeSiSSj , caution , circumspection.
T F (f 05 535*435; . ta take heed , t#
be upon guard, rr F ^ if 35 35 LJLJi I 9 511
Qt_JJtxr , I shall in future be warned. TFFrf UL| ,
warning, cautioning, admonishing.
TFi oxf#o\3 , what is unclean or nauseous, ex.
gr . fpiltle , rAf upon et plate , id* crnmi falle
-town from the table . oTFfipCTOOJTLU . a mouth not
washed after mial . TF# JO LJLJI @5)J . it U made
unclean. <n~F#LUT33jOe;, to make unclean . <TF
fifOO , eT"F#u3i/O . the leaves whereupon one ha
eaten his meal . <tf#lJLJ53535 . 'he remainingcrums upon a plate .
oTF#t>o<n.|r550YTCVf , clear of all expenccs .
n-FffrQL?5; , very admirable.
o-r@Torrrn/LO , always every year , yearly .
>05*-4/ te take, to lift up, te takeaway, to
afsume . ^;35'<,1?)5*-;:!2<5^ > te ,ake
for ' self or for \ his share . < (Sj EvTiGiB'1"
5 G t-J T 40 5; , to take along .
T (
))(reut > t take away , to carry away . ttQ
-S, portage, porterage. <^ffi5aM_jQLJT(5*
/ 1 to separate from the rest, to cast away.
"T-Sl-J*^^ , rrgUL.lJQljit^os; , er
(5uL|wrSGuT5) . to be taken away . or
LJI |_|1_1, he is gone, he disappeared .
V~GD(SeS&03kJ* t0 ,,eavc P t0 ,,ft up . TP'lt
LjGt-JTGevo, suddenly, without previous advice.
GfjOJiU LJ5*u3<wr QU.G'-OW 35<4 t
make a liow ofpiety , fjrr&B&*r <9*ogU > t*

o-ru g

TL_ TL^L rrrtWT *T

<Tf ffT5 <T5gf TUa TLOLfl TtU


tegin to speak. J)5<JT(555>Lj Gk-'#S3aer lie a note of hand given for another .
gj G ^ *
brought that speech up . QfbJj&T (JJ 5 ffil < I tfbi
^}J 3r Ge>5f03 liJ T 05 . -2| sf *
a drunken .nan. Ql_lQcr@e=t6.20flLI , to get a goud G SB ^1 lo ^95 Jlfi/WGWG^Tire.en the
name . sQJTL G ^ (S St-y , to vomit . OJLU contrary ( to the contrary . )
Q^O!Sfr%*Og , to have the lootenefs . <rT(SlBxJ& -5^5>/ , Tt5>6 5; , to oppose, to re403j , <5;<(55/, to lift a burden up' sift. T^^gr5;LjGt.-Jffr^0S;. o sp*ak againft , to
i * 5 d> ^c*^s;
and Py it upon a care etc .
T4j., /* / of a tree every part whereof is to resift or,c .
orgy , what? which? ^^ for what?
bitter .
<rrt (g, eight . TLOCUff , the eighth line. why? 5^5^|)21_ - .--
rT4_9.G'^3'rr'(5'-'^'G^ 4_- G ) UJ > LJTUJ , what you sow, that you mall reap. TgQp
oo t now and thee .
Qa^jQLJLjmi.'f.erstrr eift>iu , why do you think
cri @8^ i to reach to comprehend . o-rcoras.j so? oT5jgG03ff5>5Ti-Ji3(Ke><g)aj , what yo
G35T4 / , I cannot reach or comprehend it . say is quite from the purpose . Tg)T&oplLQ , <TQJ
05 G 0> ^-S- ""TLDl >LO as far I could reach OJ T el PJ LO , any thing whatever ,
( or conceive. ) JTT4jp.LJI_JT/j-3;e5
, to
, a rhyming consonance of words in verses.
10 look over a wall" etc . rgi , _9-;1 . .
walk as faft as you can . ldG@JT^@kQ6S i
4 nr t5
t incomprehensible and unspeakable . J?JOJ; _)1_|(5*05 f . T^/J- .
1*5 ff G T0Ct)t?0T4 2)<QJ i explain mis oTSjftojrreS^OK; . t^itSo^; .
oTg95c/c>bT , how much ? how many ? or^aSVBT
word to him ,
(1 (JzOLSTeWLO . oT<JVTVe;.
UjrrgS QySjLO , . be it ever so much , or so little .
< jrr G ; i err lot JtrrgJ ! octangular; (having;
AfltTT 0j (g l_l G LJ ff OJ U35 S3 *^G 4JTJ4 S
*ight angles .) rr:FT*cr.t UOl_j the human gcMm^fLDetn-^^iTupixujrrijdis , tue higher
body , eight span high.
thou art , the more miinble I
55 a deceiver, an impoftor.
*T ' ictrr LQ , cfteora , regard, respect, opinion,
conjecture, . h->pc . ten * Q 5 T JQO g>
oT^gj^, (;5>>1_0 a deceit, an imposi
otjsot, one that has loft Iiis reputation . g^G001"001" tion . ~orgyi_iLjitn-i22i/$5J. oT^gjioiTgajLo.
^S^yje-r er bbtlO , presumption, stlf-love, pride, LjoBT2Si/*>oai/ , to cheat, oi ^^/^(goyr LJUlQf
\<^':5,&) , to look for-signs . otoot &>ffj % to be deceived .
^5*, ai seutli-sajer, a fortune-teller.
oT0Kje6*35^, to deceive, to defraud.
oTffi^etTLD. eTSC_aoTUD , a means , an expdient,
52 JliTLO , eight thousand.
oTotwriHJ/SSgy j tu count , to number j to honour , a (biff. t 5 ^ U " > ; . to use
to respect $ to think , to imagine. en-awrrisof LJLJT means; to make ihift. <rT5#eeTLOLjrrie^^^30S^
^"*^ . te number . orwenof (|_{58), to seek an expedient . GajG'1'?5i5o1~L-DfrLU
jY^njjggy, ^i/oOLUTfgSJ , divine operation, by divine guidance. LOS> G^Sii
<*T*eTeeBfg;i5;Cfis@ Jvr
fRjiT^a^) . innumer *crLD-,human help or power . 1_35:0^,,,-1>
able . ^r^G^(LJ3r*^03/ , to speak without by the working vi the devil .
reverence . -sen ot<j; >g; , the number , the cftiimtioreyG^FfTcro^LB , always , perpetualbr .
crrjjSS, which? r ^LCSViLtfJr . which man
n ;th hon. oT"Tew3f asBSSG^TWffiS^OS^.
deliver the number . er oT^trueesUJTG^ > by wnat neans ? TTjap
GtF^S5e^oT0<WT''0Bf {J30jI-5l-.
& to ist^K^G0^11-!1-0 what way soever, r^er r
>/ , from whence are you ? rSj'er [ G * irt>0
murtera the soldiers .
ipjUJFG^U-'^^eVL . whatever you do . orgGS
er gBaVT a/ > eight hundred .
' tjODT , oil. / L^bSreSjOgyl , to rj555T.^S5iUT@2'LD , whatever word it be.
err i u 9 , how? oTl_Jl_IL-D.LLjLO . I 11 n if
ilj to anoint with oil jrreem if^xrjQ^
gj_; , to rub nil upon a thing . / (j 05 55J HJT6; oftilo , however it be, by all means . truLl
S^OS; to drop oil thing . 4>9oQ0|3"*TJUcr8T U).f5.()GL0TiJULJL LjTij , do what you can .
-TLJLJi_0.?^GTc55njerr , what kind of a man
- rape- seed oil .
i|f5jT'Ljt_jL_ag;Ge5T 5^ ujlo , ort_iLjt_o-|_) , -eighty.
1_5;* *85> . to prow. j>) as^jejtfajariUT t i< 14 05TffU-)U>i what thing is that? what kind of
USsG^^-LD^voS^uSSBG^oajr , I'll prove! a dealing is that?
TuiJT, t_i Q LJ T &) , when? TU
it to you by his own confefsien.
G'-JTtOJTeS^fLD , whenever. TLjG1IT^LO
"TSStlD i'. (jTSi-a.
T^TiTOyf , JT$ff , the other party , the adversary . always. eri^gLjTf^esigLO , for ever.
&.' . to leap up.
*~#>$ i <rTfiTT'WG)J i what is opposite or ov*r
err LDl-DL__(b' , OTLOLOI (g05@ . TLD LDI (lO.
agaiult. oT^(fg5TO\3LO , future time, or^irn
UffiA.LD , the next year, ot^^ljuj Q 8S
^ , how far? 07 LOLOl (ljGlJ T ?5 fr , huw far da
T5rTe;U(f5elOS/ . to meet . org, ?r G * T you go ?
LP LOT 55$O" LO > how much? -aj5J*TLf>LOT5
B0TGi-''ir-^' T^GesT i eL^)3i*
KS;^ to go to meet and receive one. sXfS &(? iU Tl-O t how Tar will that reach ? that will not do the
STSG^^l-'l-lfrfl"0i*^-'>,obo e^ 1 tnin8- ousinrfs. ^Qj'SS^r^rrajTa-i picT^)iTlS) who ans.
to be in expectation of a thing; to provide for a thing. I , that I mould do such a thing ?
otlUoj^DK;, t0 moot an arrow cet. Totrr LJTH
*T fr (C -5 , Tl$d~?-&l (i? > a note of hind given
for another that is loft. &, the opposite loot ttQfoU-iQIFJ i this is ame upon me for my
room. 9i^/(fgsG3;|5irrr?RJ_jGL-Jfr-0^ to 8 *.
to ieet the , irr^/f at_ , what is againft;

34 <TLUf5 *\ TT "Tif


OTH oTtL) ^TUiT 018 -@

i.tvT^CiSjaOg^ i to run the bounds, (e lieathrttt jj^e^g er 5U . TSX #* .

tm10m . )
. the gums .
otojbt ( ftm. TUr ^ who? which _j5L/er
orrf ^ , ,e 1' , he burning . if T Sjj ?> f^,/, v/hos.; is this ?
QljTCS^ . to burn-away . _2)(}4 i Q u ff uj j , 9 i.'!_L TtTLD , certain minera! lite ahm.
the fue upon the hearth burns . s>oYr(5 G 05 U-f <^.^ . to comb or card cotton . T cO-i
gy, the candle burns . _2j (5 LJ Q <-J T U-4 (S * ^ L' > G-jTJO, ths ioftrument for combing cotton.
to m,ike fire upon the hearth. ULuQzO'f 1-45.'' i 1 ^rliSUWiJT SVL0 , somewhat-, be it ever so
am very huncry ; it grives me much . < rf<0--. little .
burning, rf g; f5 lc i_| , fewel. T rf i_J [5 5 LO i a oT-iifi'WLO , j' venrliry , flower of age. omj
great ardor; hjat ; inflamation . if 3 if. LO , the UearL0 6^j(Tg^^Oc5y i to prow marriageable.
Turfi._ LO , <
gi^CTO , where ? oriOS
tery-liell . LJO^oTf S .Qflj.J . to lake fire.
* ,? , ffri GL 'f S3 -'-05; to burn iii 5>g)j'7F% , whither"? .
<n trilGcTUi Q , eight and eiu;ht , by eighr; .
something , to dctlroy it by fire.
"XiTjJ^OJQ , *even and seven , by seven* .
"TrfFFCTO , heat or anger.
if UJl-J-wr , <n"rf i_H_)63 JET-iQWr , one that vexes oTL^Ft . a sorenefs of the ears. QlcQ&O yS6
LLlTiU , superficially, lightly, lli^htly .
and provokes people .
ot(l^oolo , seven cabin 11. 5C7OL0.
Tcf t_Jl_| , envy, vexation.
^;, dnng, muck, manure, oT(f3;0;l Q$*0 0T(Qee^08;, o^ (iyJrgg^QLJT-^^ > te Zet. 4P
gj , to gathet dur-g> to keep a niutk-hiii . <n"(fT505 ro rise . <H"(yJ[5rraj ^J1 ; rbe riling sun ; the quinsy ..
0KI (S . OTfrCTOLD , T /TF = 05 SV-f LO > a durfg- ^)Oj?y '.".(bj'i '' l_p(jCTOLrT>2 , hi^ haud ciot v

tiill , (a manure-hill .J ffj

i__ > 1 , dried not open tu give any thing. <n~ (Qn~Ff,irTrfr
cow-dung. "T (fLJLJTCb'^-iCc^) , to pin dune; 10 to rise up-, to be got up. !rr@55i5lYrU1-'1-*
the ground. a-TQjS-iO 1 to discharge the belly after a heathen procefsion in which idols are carried abolit
indigelfion .
<T-(Tif# , haujhtinefs .
0~r4'J-p@) the novit of flirmhfull ofmilk . rTJff)
oxff g&jZ^T) , to write; to paint, @ ?5
sSLOyj, it'i flower. Qill JVrG WTC59;@ . another 5a;V-Dff)j , to write down. 07 _r
^-^ . to give in writing. ot(lc!;5: G
Und f that ruh .
"TGFSJ an ox , a bullock . g; /<(5; , T v> to wri*e for one's own use ; to get one'*
^S^^V1^- 55T"i/3yr , a bullock , a ynung bull . -,5; srTf en I i (fed . (|^5^21 -*5_1! , he cannot write.
>'(*{ a bullock for ploughing etc. guToij^T GLJ^rjQtOey^OOi; . to copy . ^^^oTSJ
, a hull, a Iber . Q\_irri<n <J5^) , a catriage- /KQj , <$tiT}ffi$^(Qffi)!QBi)> to correct a
bullock. ^^^--^. , a bullock - driver writing Lj,<rp;g5T@5B.*og;, Glj5 ^^t
T eS65S^I1IITTL0 > a bullock-load".
f1 PjJ , to write Targe leuers. # Cdl 05 05T"(Q
G4~ fiTyiSLO , (r B) i_o T" @ , a buffalo . 5 *^ es; , to write small letters m 0= i_l t_i). LLI
OLO^sSi T , a he- buffalo..
tQj ^ 5J , to exercise one's self in writing.
0T<j\BtBu3fRe^0g; , to go to make war. G*-0 ^OL.|_iLOLjrr/fes S; ( 0 ^V) g; , t>.
sS> 05 [5 I (y S"
e>J , to declare war by plartrna rite according to a written copy . otovT'05 tS $S> I 4
flamla-rd . or>JcC?fTCTO , the ftandard planted for
deelaiing war.
rT3oQET045ffirrCtnr, he that to leave in the writing proper spaces between^
' declares war .
the letters and lines.
toviTi . (Jctocij.
T(QeS5fr<wof . an iron pen for wrijirg on cadjan
leaves. _2jCToGS@5>?Jrr "rf . B*rrGl @c3;T
TCTOSyLO <f . (J CTO rf) 9= LO .
0T0S , a rat . oToS03@9r , a young rat. >51_! ref , ffiijowroTCLb'sasn-swirp , loll ljGlj^"
LJ.i , o5 l_l (3 1IT rr , a rat - trap. ,/, S5Tffnf , loi 05G<@?52>TeoBr i ai a G (?
a rat - hole . otoSi_JLJTClT*wjtlO , rats-bane . $ eSJTooof , &(}0? , QfG
StPoS , Qiui Qi oS , kinds of rats. QmjOYT (gTffurf , different kinds of the inn pen. 0T(t_5'59>rr
GovrcuS > afield-rar with a white belly. RrejrQi
oef 59_( , a fttearh for the iron pen . *T(y}>9; rr ewrf
oS . a-mouse . otoS(2U-IT4_9. , tte name of anheilt. ,Uy)WT g, QiTewrf LJLJFffiEF, A< n.TW
"~T oUpQfs , the name of an herb ; a rat' s ear..
of a plant.
or OplLDdFffr , orOs^LCuSffBF , a lemon - tree
T(Qg>!fr) , a tetter; a scripture ,a writing a painting.
TOjojLOiJlFS'r/ygsrrLU , unripe-lemon*. &P1L oTiQiajjL-llJSBLp , ot(Q 55; LJ i-S F -0 @ , an
error in writing. or(3^g;0i3Vi_ |
\_S F F l_o !_l L_p L , ripe-lemotre .
T 2> LO M . a bone. esrrS a?t^;l5L_( , tin spell. ot(Q^olji_h_. 0566^05/, toread dis
bread bone . <^^i@m<^n G1 SflJLO i_| . [SffiG^W tinctly. T(iJ$|rrJiru) uliIjJ <o boo i he
cyiLffll) . the sphie . the ridge - bone of the back , the does not write well yet. @>Gs>-$55L' a ^'t" with
backbone. LJlJQsxioa/LDL^ , the short ribs.
a Ihoi t vowtl , G'51 G1 3l/>- a 'etter with a
)' j^ty.LOit y the (hank - bone .. ffi,T Q JO 2 long vowel . Qf 3 G-C @5 ;. a consonant with- ,
LDl_|, tiie shin-bone. otju>\\ff'gi$ , a disease out a vowel ( mute letter . ) unj @ S5S7t
wheieby the bunes rot . Qff LBLfffi ( , one large letters . $oQ ($ ) , small letters. (J
who k nothing but skin and bones ( a skeleton. )
owe o^J (50 S fiJ a hantl "ot settled yet - (Cf)
GULgvt' > a well settled hand .
Q\ @
T CTOONOrTL , all . T LO SK 4. 5 LO , 55;, abbreviature , abbreviation . fJ2S21/05G^(93>
Lcvi^Q.T T lo , o-reooorrjLo , gy, a character ill written, not legible. et^vvg^Qg;
OJlO , all men , all people .
(? 5 3)J , a letter blotted out or cancelled j a .
TCTOA/tO . a limit , frontier ; the borders, bounds . letter badly written . rg jo Q e~U (Q 5 E^, a writing
TOOeVPOeSffiCTOPOJ , a bound - ftone . oTaoifOO written witk the finger ia the sand, (gJgL'BS
@-*5*>; (0 bvud ftsldw country,

*rQ e-rovf Tjg-rTJ g-r *v * ' TW TW ? TGJ "?"> . . .

u3TLUaa<R<T"inrr*DBjas5j^jBnrTGu_eBr , 1 have
seen that all is vanity .
oTtrr^l , *
, when? what time
what day? 0-30 CLB . T5irrS)Ogi@LD ,
G-20<JTS-20R/Su3 t forever, everlastingly.
, oTsrJorex/, what ? iiQ^rarnr, what
is that ? rTJeT ar Gyrr 20 LD tlio'
I say ever so nuich . LE syX}.'}"'rTearQ<:ar<}aratrrr2}:
LUET)LD , whatsoever men do. -2J fiJiOT jgt_ll_J
l_cG3:rr<"rre1,rC5'3rrenr w''y id he say so?
^^j-r<sar<srLTUfSlb(gj^J >. how is that ? _|g/o-r
Jvr G LO , who knows Ikuw it is! jqi)<n~<tBr(Sisr
LDTgJg/UDi however it be. o-p otrr jorgjjj^^ g t
for what ? why? oT-tT-^6ja9jKQ^rrroTl__5^,
what have you bought?
oreargp^vji-O , every day.
o-rsorg|3ir, who? err- aerr g) 9\T . what woman?
ero-f fff . "TO/iex/i easy or facile to do.
TOVfBLD, povtrty . oTOVfllJill , a poor ^cy^roTeorgiQ , I know net who he is .
cTtftrrG'SI'rtr(55LO > always, continually .
man .
0T0YT9VTCO, bughter, scorn.
TovrV5. OTOYT ) rape-seed. <rr eyr LJl5!0 LCT
bbtls . <n_lt_S.2OL0T<>' LO . as much as one grjin'
f rapr-seed . L0U5 Q 7O0YT?V5 , eSfl.G1 YT
(^-T-gSLD > one. / , ;* , the only
*V5 , Gi-jQTvrfvTj , different kinds of rapt-fad.
one God . "J-gsG^ ^ vri-0 t a total inundation.
T J , a throw . @5 NDG^O^Sg/rTLD , the distance TfiF^^TLOTOj^^i^OSJ, to govern over the
of a stone-throw . <rr_s? Qfiro^coo l O-'G^ TOC whole . "^rgSF.^Cm-iP-G143 altogether equally .
Q^Oj^^QgJ > te mention a thing transiently or by the SiJiFffoTLD , the singular number . TtBOXTUJ , altoge
ther. <Tr/3?A)S50"rrLU , jointly and separately .
~r.j&40tg), to throw, to cast, to fling. ot_aS'J V'&'f!>(5ld$t>l5J > t be utunimuus , of one
6)QLjrr(S!O0iJ , to cast out , or over board . ct_5 accord .
r5g35T"4_.iijrrg;, contemptibly. <n-jv3rj5;Qi_jrr "TaST'TO* j a single person who has family ( a
U Tl_lC!ITG^cl1^; , to sptalc of a bachelor . )
T0)T"rjJ9JLD, sol tarinefs", solitude. Tresrrrfjej
lhi:ig with contempt.
5l) , to shine, to give light ( in speak /\>5)853\olq , a solitary place .
TSToS, a washerman.
ing of thj sun or moon. ) rg ->o G *U UJ u5
& , to go.
3^(1)9^. the sun shines hot.
fright, stupor. Te533LO!-!l-.>fJ>
oT_yi-Dl_J . an ant , pismire , emmet. ff;\ Ql
^tjDfj, to become frightened .
wrrG^l't-DM Gl1^ ?35 35TG3^-21>IjDU(, <p' o^TT^-ifSJ ,0 **'> t0 moan , to whimper ( with a
ti Gl
> B5
^JT G^-J > LOU-I , vehement desire for a thing. ) "J" TO OO , the painful
4?0^''-0,-1 . 3>rooi_jcri_eJi Glu longing fora thing. l_5---rYrAJVTT7e?!_jGLJ'T"9;3r
, different kinds .of ants, JOjL 110~1 . an fjy . 'the child is grown lean by its painful longing .
XffOvD , railing , abusiHg . 96/, GUJffr<
ants-hole or nest <TJCULD^i!3QJ) ants run.
. to injure, to abuse.
</ mne
t(5, a cadjan or palmyra leaf which the natives
CT'-aTI.O V . (fotrrLO .
o-re9T#^r6j , to say , to namCj toi call . |_J evtrf I write upon , a 6heet in a bock the cream of milk .
05 i to make a book of cadjan-leaves.
CK:JT>v)Gu-'Jtn-<^)n- ( <rrJOr^l'GFT<>org,ear ) lit tGQ
aid he had no money, lj i5g$UJ{J$T.2QGjIcr'5t:r xSHTffiii to clip the leaves end make them
_|25; , to be called a fool. Frr(y5G<nj eqval. Qin}*oC?D($ , Q<movrQ<m<S > blank
Gcroaer(^O^J>sor ( o Uor , OT-Jeruoj cadjau-kaf . LjjiiwTffi > a fiower-leaf . >T8ui_
) Samuel. y=rr
Q tu G C T O l *f
ifijgLJTONO. milk with cream upon it.
tu . warn Tor, the bey Samuel . FT(^2UG^3
*trr G P S5 ar one named Sarauel. LJceX/'TjT an answer not apt to the question.
^-^rcrcrroVySffife^G^Terergs^yJG^J1 *
govroar^, , ten dajs before. 316^$< cU
trrTOr^25^j5 G5^or ( " rjg gQs5 JOTJ . itto.
^, a ladder. tnsf^Tlf) 5J
. to put
otrr ) I thought he was a good man . pqi^i pi ;
i G^trr-:3:1'(JL-9-r55-'?' Il,e wa" ,e" w't!l a a Udier on a wall. y waf LJ i_l @ , ladder-steps,
rattling noise . JU S^uit' 01 Q^^srjOJ , for him . l^joU " G'-G ^o^aSOgL/ > to go up a ladder.
Giu >5Tr#^arT5^s3>565Toer , he came as furiuu:
s a tiger. uTGear6arc?0C > TG001""1^ o* > f"r > the steps of a ladder .
<rT2S}Qigi'YCV'^5^^C>^) . to patronize , to counte
.because, apr ,<QOp lo , yet, neverthelefs . ^jo.'
*1-03'41)0*01 o>;lo v either that man oi nance , to deftnd.. ^-jocroT , a hammock ( orswingthis man. jj^jQ\-JT!'srQarrsvrXiir^Qg;rfajrr^, iiig bed ) for a child .
QF^QLJovr^rrjQSitflLiTi) , it does not appear
IL S^DSI 1 speaking of one with envy .
whether that is gild or copper
, what . ? why ? i<2EJ> *ht that ? LtT
, a chints painter
chints -painting,
( [5^(505* * *
. sevenry .
T(Qt_li_(!j?OS> i ,e awake one
otQlduiSJO^ ,to" rise, to aiise
LOIige^ , a smoak rises .
"T (tb !ST-/ y ssven hundred .
TLp, a thread. <rr L_p (f1 (5 * 4?, ay , <" SLp
Wl_ QtS.'OSy, to darn, to dr. w fine. o-rffljupiLj,
tr , a ncedic for darning . rrjTQosDiLpGl^^-J ,
cloth of four-twisted threads . (piJorQ 1_)
e;ejiU(74D , s;o.kings of three-twisted threads.
er 66-20 , te winder reel a spool off.

j* & <$ "us. nu reo rni.





J^LJUt-O-G^UJ^G^S; wby hait thou done so? ! according to order.

T@ , seven. T-prrQGsJS th seventh of
g; , to be the way leading towards a thing . |_11 the month. TLpTiaigj , seventhly. @1_1,
eL/c5G355;S^JUjn"nrreBTrfujLe a thing, that seventy .. LJ^G03" @ > seventeen (^* n\ ,
tadi to si h . LC/T^'irr^TKjeS^O/T i forrbodinss of sevenhtindred . 7""). seven rhousand .
'death. '5Z-L_ffi5>fi G-3SJ*l)T u2&fR=e^o^/ ,
TSS-Lp poor. "T ^ OVT , po. people*
TOjC^J i to ascend , to rarunt up , to climb up ;
to be in.danger or" fols .
to increase, tobe more. @^5Oru5*cTGLC G SnL-Slj"Tc^L . TiOOLO .
Gt-jr/osy-, to ride, on iu-ise-back . C^ljljoSsot
7"[;TLfJ ,,.a -mil) , hitidmill. ^^
( QlcQc^ ^CX'&C 3xi , to go. on. heard a ship, to>'
a* millstone-. -^-^^. the axis
embank. tQs
> to hiivx up, to rise.
rr-iJligLJLJT/r^S DSi) to looU up , to aim at
;, to take up in both the armj, or upon the palms in shooting. i&,(S>T(-iu *Cu&>BH . ta get a silure,
of the hiHtl . &>&QlWl;i$!Q)X3r , lie stands to attain to salvation. Tj| rQj Cv#S!D~\Si) . to speud
to succeed , to go en-. ^UQ'r'^L-lQ'-JT F5Ji
begging .
TLJL-ILO . a belch . TX-l
L Sl (S t iO
, the coi n is grown up . T O LJ (9 $
g. . to be
TiiLJU)LJ-05l> to belch, to cruet, to eject wind come exalted-. TiGSb.'Zl&^O^J . to sell cheap, to
giv^a good quantity, at a low rate. -2]jJ{E QRjb
from the s torn .telwi.
otft LO 5 $ f LO U5*j50^, to ffUTrf0C?OTLB , you con buy it cheaper , you .can.
get more for your money, LJ Q t_j > LD , it
come often and at inconvenient cunes .
TLQTJDj/?05i) , ,eJ"L0T-*i5 uS(3j # iOgJ , to is worth more. e^^wG^^'-JGLj0-/v,tfiJrc5
be puazlud , to know not what course to take .
, a thing of high value. T
5 @ tlj .
more or lei's, ^1-^itJ^G^^f &0)OUJ .
TlDT ^&^>$1) to deceive, to disappoint .
Tu.m&&J > T4J55jljGljtG*-S/. t about one hundred people. * 35 G 9? <Q accord
deceive. X.LUUH-I > cheating. XlUi_Jl_lr*T8S.) ing ro my opinion "TiJOFfrJOeTLlLp^eS^DS/ to
sn.nd more. T-ULBQs~llVUiO^i , the increasing:
27 , to. be deceived , to be imposed upon .
TTT , a ship's btotonv. TT T l_l IU.OS iS3r> > the he of the ',,
TC g; .. T'f?SrU , agreeing , apt .
planks about the ship's bottom .
(5*.aoaLi . to careen or caulk a ship.
TT^OL-JB'SiOS^ to begin to exist: to be regnlated,.
"TTToytlo i a great many, a.great multitude .
to be fomui , to Coine to hand, to be estabad . "J*
T(f > an artificial lake- for watering the fields . p OLJTQj , a covenant, establishmtnt of i thing ieadtf UJLJTB11 rg , a field conveniently inefs of matetials. for work . T^OLjfjBg^S^Og; , to
situated for being watered by such a lake .
establish , to set on foot".
wylj- , oxen yoked to the plough. "T/S'-S^TCNO,
- , a swell of the ea-, river etc . the flood,,
the plough-staff . T/riILjji@*^05^ to 0'51 a lever ( made of wooden poles to- draw up water ouc
he oxen to the plough . Tt5&&O TG'"""1
of a. well or tank . ) TQOl{f>rri #, TidiO^T
<e^3;> te pbugh. ^CTiJOTjOTGuj/?- , one yoke @m CO&VOO , unequal. T*Q*OLoQLjT4jfr(5>i
of oxen.
^/Tit^nrrGuj^LJLJU/- , one acre of ^ , to set up a lever ( for the above purpose . )
arable land. oTd>5)KKrrTi[r)(3&&)<"rr , _2]6"2 T-iDiOtt ffiTOO i the lever's supporter . T&XCO
5**3"*5@@ "ow maliv acr" of LOa"U>, the lever's Swing, ^ , the
arable-land has he ? (L!<n-Q<rtrr#- LD rr (S COTr bamboo whereon the pail ( or bucket ) hinges . T0
Geor^-0>@BTS the first or best yoke of oxen. DT.FT&O, the ; the bucket. TSO.-OLDQlg(g
0\JJOQOT' |_5<4- , thesecondor hinder- 1 , ebb and flood.
' T0J&C>^) > to lift or hoist up, to set Vponfc.
most yoke of oxen-.
put upon ; to imbai k. goods or men . @855)5-
TT&*0$), Sb^(2^T^-0^> to stretch to
the hands . Sfl G LU I_IL-| etag^GU-I ^30 4 , the ""GloG0^'?^0-^"JLJT''iToeT, he endeavoured 1
to put the fault upon me, ceir&QGi0aii;05i.), .
lifting up. of the hands in begging, er in prayer.
x5-0s*O57, T T&l(5i5i&.0!5J 10 bet0 one's to- light a candle , to set up a canrlle. ft 05 ?mQ LU
liking i to agree with one another . *)*1'> ao^ru^iomj , to sum up. Gse>)*irQ\-iT G>^o
&&,&>rGruj&*C>) , to act to one's liking, jjgy T43-i&Q*-'r<7<)<?oo<>Tib , this is applicable to
e5G33#"S5L5 0 < 0" UtVreS , agreeably tliereto . thac . <5;i <3"G5G5-i0-^uurru-! without, interruption,
TCrboi acceptable ; agreeing . . /5/0?"" . T-foTLO an instrument , a machine .
Yr"V5**0?y, ^3503^, to receive
< * pig .
with pleasure, to ta"ke upon one's self. TTT&>i&iT
<" , why? T nj rruj , (;
ffLULO , a thing that is indecent , unlawful , displeasing. ( , why comest thou ? JJ Cu avr OJ (J el)
QstrreoT , why comes she? .2Jili(J"eF5oyr OJ<fSiirP
TitttttttTGlFl} , betimes, in good .time .
g - , why come they ? g i_i t_j
G*1 tu LL|
<T!}"UUT. <*1_|.
j"JOLD , Tirorf # , cardamom-seed .
GlOoot, pray do so ! Qiui/OOT^) . you servant,
Teerj^tULUT, what. Sir? ^^^)!-
^^, to ak reason. tQ& . 1 know not why.
"XOJTgjFn*^-, people of a low-tribe.
rrcOj*08L/, <TiS(5e^OS/, to mov, to incite , 1'5,''''"|"-^|5^ , to be careleit.
to stir up, to spur on, to order . VJNi spurring on, rQe4rreor^<3N3 , rGooriof 0\ , for, because.
giving order, the imperative of verbs . " "iriliasarfi
AtJct , a magisterial tone , an imperious word . T
trajJOTOVT, a servant. T6JJoSQlOgi) , to order.
XOiJOGT0YTV*^05> to cause one to perOM'I atdtt*. Tff^G1 * QBxl f tad* ov? P>^LO , J4'j3e;e;L0, S^luu>. union, eomma>
i^nioa, conjunciion. riBgGi-rrGu^guerr

united with one.

(2355/ -21'0[5| , fire, geufi- , five persons.
tCLDW ig-fr , five men . S?eOJS5>gb . five manners.
2rK.-05T'_O, five leagues. JSffixnirgg; . five limes
fbe. JSS-Ij-', five men abidast . gt_DLJy ,
fifty Su-iTSiTua , fi thousand. Jc^iECrOLO >.
fiy- calam . 22l_li|-3\3<W , the five sense* ,
2UJL? , alms...
;u_>'_> ,- far , doubt . Sluj_jlj(*^ss; * *"
> priest , a father .
. StG'-ut . \ lQuat .
22."i.'et;, the name of a bath , whose flower} emit a
Snett setnt . Poil . Majengeira .
SS^^'i the name, tj a flan that runs over kedgti.

, rff;?5ft3*
, tob* alike, equal,
agreeing, conformable. ^"BPL_jQ LJT i25> , to
go along or together .
ffpeS-OSJ, to live in prace together . gX^OU'1*
, to yield to a thing , to allow it,
to admit it to be so . sz;%&fG^<r(BlrJ*&-iQ!fiJ . to
ratify , to approve . Tfi5;i-JL_l.T <X 5J. to paral1*1 or confront two things together ; to collate a wiiti.g
with another. (J i_| i_l L_0- 35 Q T 65 5(-0.< ,
ucil kind T mm. ^"^^ T>&jJ , to agree
togetlier. tf^dxirJ^L , 7"5$2 , an even
er level ground. ^"HDTSS; , net agreeing, not
decent .

oTl ( , a joint to a plank etc . seam , a closure

a knuckle, r/i (T}uQl_JT(t;fif v;gij , to adjoin.
^"U^(gj3i llG 1_IT -; , to become disjoined
or dUlocated. ^t (>0^ (?1_1* *De/ , to hearktr
or listen, ft (t'UJLJT/^e- i'.-X tf; , to take a close
view of a tlii rg .
( fijut-jo: opl rV name of
ottrafs full of liitle cUti . x fj ffirp , sa
infectibus lever. fi @'-!', a infeciieus aickneft.
Q&OffL) , t" cleave or cling together , 'o agreeor peimit. tf^4_9-*^fSjiO^; , to join or link toge
ther. sX4-$.&CXi 3S#O&iJ , to link together; tocojtglutinate .
n_c, g; Q g; j/r^vp * / , to cleavetogether j to adhere by ii fection , to infect . <r u 91111 |
L_j/bst , the vtnertai dibcase the pox . iT4L.mQlA
ovrLO , st Uind of a. drum-. ^r^^JTt (gt-C , let"
him come . rra^./tfcrrinj'T"^ , he will nor
allow me to come. Jjs0it_ptf^v| tQ^.., do'Ci
let it fall .
S>!_ i a camel.
tf^t is-t , a span from the thumb'* end' to titer
top . f the forefinger.
Xi Qi To\Dg^LO, <rri Gi T ao
L , triumph , gitlkt pump . if y_ (t^rf <W ffi r ,
tri mphant man .
(7 oreri_o.LUT p3 (5 -iOeTJiBT,
{JST-iOJor > a solitary person .
t- mvrQ^^^c^j', to seek refuge, to atUlrtfo one's self
to soie body. <sfrewn_o.l_jGl_JTj5e57 -^ i r>
SG^'TOVr'vyeg^oeS^ , to apply 10 the benevolence of
sume body .
SX 'w *Z*)BjJ V . iXioTjn'i ^sa^ti
~; a T"sor
T^^JLOTLD , /ft na/ ofa^tter,
<sT5je53SU3 , T5J@. <T5J?silo , a shelter,
hidden place , a narrow place ( a lane . )
5^35 5(5.5*-) , to be narrow .
, c5"S;3S ^5,;, to cast things somewhere at , orina1
corner.. 5>0"<7?;6 . , te cast on shore, to>
drr\-e on ihore . <>^<\_1\&.&,@ <?
-3S@ , make the water run into my field also .
^- to give way to a thing, to enter'
into a place or corner for shelier . rf^"a;TOtLjQl_|rP"
COBjJ . to give way to one's force or anger etc .
tf7)S>TiS= , a help. ^S^T F t_ .W
( G^^'^Oes/ ) to help, to alfist ..
^^! tacOJ, deie-woTea lin*nen- .
. a Pwn . pawn-giving . f8)arsj gstt Q
) , to give in pawn .

^^'^& , the helping of one another, mutuasX

afiistance; a fitting or suiting .: otoocsoTLOX^SS
S>LUTu3(5er3@; > every thing is ready .
TSffi^QSV t0 c'aP on rt plaster etc .

i^y#UJLO , blaming, scolding. <XF#UJLC(2t-jeT

s*O; ( <2^TOa/#^02L> ) t0 blame, to tax orcen
ure .
<T55?i >1 , thin, unfit. ~&\ SI ;
^ , a lean person .
o~!9i&tf &>&OB; . to let the door be upon the jar
<^@Frf 5^(_)."|_1 r*: aj , to go through sideways
because of the narrownefs of the gap .
sz;\-iy&iOBx) , Xt_J}.f52L'(3l_lTsy , t break
as a branch breaks.
"^"l_P-S*t^9igJ , to break a branch etc.
^"05SF3LD, modesty , cotitinency , abstinence,
*(5> c'osenefs , suUrinclV, want of air ,
traitntls . <^"(595fl6i t-D , a cot ner to creep in .
4%(SV>&>&J > to thrust into a corner , to vex , to
pprels ,to keep the tody low .
<</$/ , ^ft'rRluGLJT^OE . hrink .
to grow lean orow , to be opprefscd . ^"(JjTvISSeQJj
tDgy, to grow poorer end poorer
&&*o) * -1 05**
4T4 es LO , a camel.
to give way , to stand out of the way , to step aside .
*J4 0)L^_ , soot .
Li), a wajter.
rrrBS^^GeSTOYT^yjijJOg;, to give ways
5 $
ljGl-ITi ^^ , to remove the
4" . dttch-diggers . / . tfr;ii g$ )
<; TITLD , obstinacy, s ri ffnev kernel's . f^u fr limit so as to add to one's own grouDd.
'0}1 (&^ ( ijLiLUDSJ ) to grew heady or
tf^t_jl_lLD , a certificate, evennefs . SS>ftQtUT{^l
obstinate.. ^1__1_{^5
<" , an obstinate i_JUB i a signature . <x t_) t_j l_ JO ; . to sign j
fellow .
to make something even-.
*^"4JL , plant : whose fruits cleave to one's cloths . i ^LJLjyfT 0"LD , a compact, a covenant . i^LJLJFrr
|lr@G'cr''o<)2;*0/ t0 pfomite
<^_;*/-. , double.
<4_50"<> . gotd or ailver-girdle worn ' tfT;i_ll_ir55U3 a pact , a plot , a faction . eX\*l9by (he geatoo men and women of diitiacuon .
gLOL_|vwr2/S^O/ to flot, to enter-

ToS <70J-5j
#7(3 f^nr <T-^>
Tfo>S'?;i 00 , the rushing of the sea ( the roaring"
into a contract for any thing .
i(uun"j , union , concord , evennefs . <s^"l_Jl_i sia ) i~o$a F , a present which the bride's relations give
the bridegroom
/rsairrgs*^ofJ . to reconcile . <ri"i-jLJcrill T *
, to (roSQ}
BbLO , tfXoS(^?BCiJTFCO , the null etitto become reconciled wirh one .
gX^ i_l LJ asot , an ornament.
if TV, cr , a broom ( or besom.) c c>S T li3
ifuu'iitGffiTfl'i*-!!SJ ( i-Si_a * ) tf5 cS*^rJ9ar, tf5"COC5>UJTJVr , XC'CO^LOTi'^l.
lean man .
< esteem one as anear relation tor his resemblance to jart;, a very$ C
to consent; to be conformable*
orne body of the fa nily that is diad .
L_lL_n rf seemly, fit. fftOj, inj
rp rf J I D , m unseemly
jpjr. ooor , ( Ii'! . <s~l-jl_it rf < . ) the person so thing . XQJOJTsTS.l> ,p; g;
sr;ojinjT50D'"Le , dis
.esteemed. ^ 1_J LJT rf QfT CO OjO/*/!r>e>J * U^l
, disharmony .
4 (i_!>$fBj , ) to bewail the death oi one of the fa- cord
T/uG5^Jrrr3 > cacn X'TXlGlrT"ff:,,'-^!l' eac'1
, a simile, similitude; a proof. <r^l_J thing . <7;<n.GrlJrr5tn-^uj , every thing one after
J.S/arrruiG^-^OSL' G^TOvjO^eg^OSj ) to make another. T/su G ^" (5 TU CT iTUJOJ'T^ptf 1. ,
they come one by ene.
a comparison
4XL&*Dei) , to cease, tn goofF; to die to be'exif LJt| > an. agreeing, Hkenefs , content. ,sT/LJl_|65, cepteiT.
, when the bu<gj , for foiro's sake, hypocritically. if 1_||_|;350\ ' sinefs is QfltejOiT;t-<2iff;Q.L_rTeJ
done , when 1 am at leisure . } Cjrn
.oo; , a whet-stone . (FgJ^;g5G^TLjl^TL,5 G' TL-^^LpQLDcosoT lo !5<-<^_(15'5
'@& to bat is thi- like? ,jfL_Il5 0*c oo rr &>5 , j , four of the fruits excepted the icft were al) good,
incomparable . jT/LJ'JG^^CSJ , to compare <sf LJL.) 1<1(1
"L/ojG<niG3<!5. v5.C6 ld \ qj &
4EQtKrr<P,Vi -Cf>5iS , lo give over, to deliver . fi_J. g; T (" U
ao CO , none besides him is capable of it.
L_9_ QF LLi 5T G^T
UJ 33 -T it :XjLO "
^"l_jl_|.JSj > to. consent, to grant a thing to be rff/rCS'L-ILJ
, the thing will not succeed unlcfs you do so.
40. </1 |t- |i |gPBTre;ft ^OgJ to persuade. ifLJ ^b3>TS5J
4j3<fK<.Og)>l , to deliver ; to recommend , to prove. gx;LS24, ctfsatiori, pcrishablcnefs . er u lu T SS> J> ,
, Unpetishablenefs .
405 gsQEFTLJLjiSgs .^ , to give account. duration
tr^L.fgjeS^oajj , to remove, to put awav , to evacuate.
, to take chargd QtruJ-^anUfX^&e
. , to finish the work .
f if
. LULU TCT LO > highnefs , loftinefs, pride. ifLLI ^Jisaiirt'OT rryi's'liQljtG ,
^yitt^ffij , evacuate the house .
UJrr/Tl-iGi"^St , a boasting expt efsion , big words . n?i_!.|
yigiiC!'1 LD , a pTace that is cleared.
*^5> , xOg5g5rrn25gicg;, to drop
/5<<>" , . r^ifjg , <sf <ff 6>{ . a ornan . dirougji
<fr@g;@, the dropping through. fiQf
_3 L_l G L-l ^;j te cover the places
4ZF,5j&>T , one single . </ 95 g) LU G L_J ^, LO
it drops through .
jhe goes alone. if (gffi'T^rjSirjO'rriu , one where
, manners. 5CoG<^'T(t5^35LO j
ther. sz;fK8)(r,L.o^SC\> , th. re is no body. if<rg if(TjQfPeLO
@^>."^ , goodmanneis, medest) .
^Utyi_ojJi_|t.JL-LGF , no body will do QujT@g34Lfi
, I'ad manners.. dT/@g c^^gSTiS
so. :"""^! SFO"TBj\fJ53E< , to be un, ff Qf^'P'VTovT -rijSiT , a niudest nun.
hangablc , to be alw.iv s the same . <f5a03LUTU5(fT3 5<X(LlJ'n"ii*^rl5^
, to set things in array. cj?&j<r
tr3flSj , to be cl sely joined in busiue.s or friendship. (. i N crake
a street regular. ^(Q.Ryif,
ffBK&l'O , once. X^Fi'Siicrra^Q.^uj^inuasr (JCg^^'-SL/ > to be well
regulated ; to be contented '.
O'bcRF'r'SNiGiFUJtnjrreor , he that did so once, <5f fLrRSLjGtl'T^C ^ , to
stand put of rhe way ,
i 1 1 do the time again. t; 5 33 35 rr Oj lC G >I T LU to give place to those you meet.
T(li'gj , gooij
G ff= T T oar , 1m will never speak a falsehood . order .
^T/^gfgS'TG043 much s "m a great ti in . i^in^r-r
(X <
i to hesitate or stammer out of fear,
^aJTtibtfJp^egiOcri; . to fast, eating Mir one meal
. sCA-fs^j, light, SLilendor . <rf ^i^-git^vj
.at i.hjhr . ,<rr;(i>GLjTQ5jFrt_jL.jG'*CfiLl/ to f&if
, to shine.
eat oncea day. if (^,>" XIctS , htad-.ike on one
" *TOvf JTiS,' <t0 conceal, to hide. ^*
side of the lieid, the megiim . <f<51_1_)(5 ,tc
fvj 66-^5.1 ,
conceal one's self. <f ^-( 65^<5: tf
grow united i to act of one accord . i^^LjLji , to ; 5y
to hidde" . /^^^ ^Qtg^ , to lie
gether asoneman.
^1^\-($&)))$ 5x) to ike in wait, or
. s\ oyT t_i i_i 1 lo , ifoyf ^j,
tilings into one. <r^iV5LOeo-LJL-Ji._ G T/igLOtrr jrfCv-f LJ-Min, aambish
bidden, place. trfovtLJiJi ldti6(TK0s
LS > o.i, unanimously . i^<fji_g;i!D8)J , to beco.rne &TjlfJ , ^cv^rf?1
^^^;, to be hidden.
united. if trgu5LJLJ , union. ^(fgLeS , at once;
/<;Z)4_1 , bread
'>. i/pa-.ei.
togethel . i^tTEuSoiJl-JG5;
fi^nJ&A^Si) , to mortify the body, to supprefs
one accoid. if <f (p LD T J Gt_lffrE^D;
, to
, pelcus etc .
speak .partially.
cfi G) F , </<5)' LO , once. the{.affections
-, sheath. 5E t>T,!9 G? 5S> , earthen
t; f^&&iurr it
, to "be disfpirited, well-rings.
(gg GO"*!" ? * LU lo .
dejected i somewhat indisposed. f(fF^OJiSDSLurrLU ^.itVcinsvzfQu.nei^O
, a pillow-case .
i_Ji9rS&^)0i" , he speakes unfiienclly , out of the way. _ i^S^ifiS^jgy , to overtake
or seize asan evil fpirh
(r^(f5$5)L0 , nuion , concord . ifffl)UDL_iL_l4_9.(fJj(JS
,*tj^3i; , to live in union and peace.
, a single piece out of a pair or couple.
T/rTjg^eBcf gsSQs; if (?05 051^>931
gi3 1> LD T G > 11 s'r'&lf ox r111' 01 a yoke ot oxen,
JgfSDJK) , to Jic upon one side.
isf S , a rushing,,* sound . ft;vlfn*fj , to rush . jv) 223^005 02 'TOO , a single stocking . f^^oa^i,







Qti 5)1 . even and odd.

<T7 -3C\_I Sl . Rie. ^- r LJgiTTISJ , ninthly.
^ct;ri_|^2j_u'T'L0 i ninothousand .
to uniie. <"^5!35 >5T5#
D'm > to be united ; to 1> the Sam.-.
^-^ , one thins;. sr"t>!"p. . <X T 39

an only one.
JBr.Ai/ cbQ 45 T " ^rv ! with one
another. i^sor^y^Tvi'SujQ' LJ T > soi 322iy LO ,
you rmift lodge one night on the road . 1 fGVT CVT,
@L_l5'-_lT^Og; , to go to nuke water . ,<- ij)'
u5-?oiA>3. niching. <^eor^_/i.o^_A!3.ijTg; rxi jot
on wlio knows n <thin^ . i^tfor^ViTV)
@TT-!0T^v3 _)5@ , take either tlib or
that . rg wQiFTr 'ar.(35TJ0T^li -^njcTQr'U
gQ^-TJOT _)/ , I told him one thing and he did
jOdjrar/iai'K) @S.04j;3>0/00 i
I Hand not in need of,my thing whatever.
<X m)sQ3i) ,
>r. o5 Ci (T5 33 S 03L> i tobe
in union; to agree; to be convenient. gT, SWT AS' i i
Qt_IT;?OSy. to become united; to o;row conform
able. (3ujlji_o.Qfuj uQ^jt 'n-gjj , u ii not
proper or seemly to do so, it won't do.

r'fcg;-^ <35* ^^ffiTOVf 35 *9 ) -, tobe

9quAlmi!h, to puke. <JT f ^ Jvt |_j |_j , <5r^e5TYr LO,
squramirlinels , loathsomene's , puking, wambling of
the llomacji .

i s^g> g-^


s lu

; Si

's 31_1)/ f . ujTE?r.

<gi (i '&l) . to cli.ise to diive heists,
6^*^^ . to drive aw.iy . .y, Q ctyr rr 4^1l . one
(hat drives the workman on. in i>i i.t-Qju y , tke
maftei of a boat .
#1 Si LUT l (5 5K 6a 0 1_1 , a crack'dl
go^isrr , a irie lizard called in India a -siicker.
33!Oi G'l <TJ2g>-or , ^^QujrT ggbser , different of litem .
gLD, moistnefa, d impnefs ; a swelling in the testicles..
^3x)^S^J to read , to recite , to pi ay .
"ct'li > a camelinn .
guLO, a msdkhhil grain of a certain plant. Port
Abjoiiin .
JuaLO ,
/ hzatheti sacrifice.
^- i a rumor ; credit ; a god report . ^LDOoTf
u35?B(d)Si; , 5--'rc2crrrLiC43Tu'j<'5gsig^' , it
the common talk among people. ^ L0 043I_JLJ(S6^>
&D , to ger credit among people.
JUJ , -tbtjSu) , conser.t is given . jQlo < b ^3
5}) , to cousent
"jj , interjection used in calling any one aIou4~
JTLUtSiOS^ . to dL'sift , to cease, to rtst . ^
-Q5; . todesift from beating . -g-UjrrLOsS!^
incel'sjiitly . gujs'ij, cefsation , ceasing, reft . 'J jj
COjrrjTOYT, the day of reft , the s\bbarh day.
(g"aji_ii-3i_o.LD/Ta" or %ir&.e)$LCT , the wivesv
of two Brothers .
%TLfi , the ftrand , margin , edge , side , shme . 05t_a
Q jnTTLO , the sea-shore. -tb^DQ^T l_0 , the river's
side . ^/tldGlj9t*^s; , ^^^ i_jrrd-g>:
S20S> , to speak partially, to ait with partiality.
^CTLjLJLlyt-D , partial favor. 3rj-,gsawr,wwTeBTe,
one that is squint-eyed .
g rf , an old fox .
^t^SjOgy , tu inquire, to consider. ,
"ST . on. grfitoO, one leaf, g LJ l_4 , one
grain of salt .

'S TU TT LO y the letter % ; great.

T\jjo , Ar Bf of a'jh .
%<~$*0) , toshoot up , to grow high ; to lift one's
elt up. %iJjs~l}y-tTir%.CCSi) , to giow high . <-.
6l_JL_)T/i?-3F# &) > to ftand a tiptoe and look . 8)05
(JLUT'TUS ^Ji_u.g5 *r>S5J , to lift up the hand and
trike . 'g-Tviifi3<cT:sBrgj , <$$ Krri , that which
is high .
( -g-FTLD ) <n-6wrgj(2 srrFCTLO, formysake. to bring a thing about .
JTTLO v. _u4fiF f'.r_0 .
"3^ljQlj jvoor , a help lent to any one; protect
tion .
^4Bffta sound , a resonance . g'SBrcjllQS*05,
^.ayo , a palmyra-leaf or cadjan ; a letter- writter*
to clink . Jt/B^LUTULl , well-sounding .
upon such le.tves ; lea ves of other kinds of trees
jri LO , boat, a ferry-boat . r i 'SQiBTOsJ , a LJ i/ Q T trtsj . a palmyra-leaf or branch.^
waterman's pole .. Ji LOiTffjEiOay , to ferry peo 55'"-'0 i a leaf Or branch of. a coconut, tree..
ple over * river . <g4 35 5 ^ , a boatman , a ferry <3> 'TSJLpGujrrrtO V. TLp.
Jl-PcRS OS; , to fornicate ,( an obscene varJ. )^[
man . | 05?rj_c>S , the fare or ferriage .
1 gJ
OJSei-TbfSgo^ , to be retarded by net getting L , upojrrt_Q_, a fornicator..
a boat .
ggjLU , <ftg5g)uj , a wolf.
JTuO-UJUS . ribaldry, bawdy-discourse .
yYrU_LO, deceit.
a pot-ftierd , a tile, a (hell . >0(2(5>
the scull, the brain-pan , gJu^Qi T( , a tile . <yi
(B 2> 5 (S 95 @ ? an house with a tiled roof .
4mi-oQajtT( , a toitoise-ihell.
(3*^3;, ' run , to sail . g-Lfl.DijgegOS;, to
come running. yLO- l_l Q LJ T 05L; > to run away, to
^Y- @t5S'cTl-.I-j(2i--ITFffrL', 'he bird is flown
away . lTQS)5J , the fifh swims . QfXlQTTSSJ . ^{^, <W / meJon .
JOTcg , a cockroach.
the root runs into the ground . 51_|1_|(((2 ,
the Ihip sails , is under sail .
039?e5i.Lc f - ^cgs^L.
"rffiM , a water-coHrse '
6505*1iLJOMiSffi . a plank over the door support
%U LD , flie course . %4 QLOrr(C&_Q5i) , ^U. ing the all .
^^;, to spawl , to vomit , to make reftitution ,
1LOrrQiWT(S&OS}) , to rim swiftly. rf>(irrr
05cK@iUTer , the hooping cuiigh .
4 LD , the current . <ru LfijiS
, to gallop .
.'j.i-lL- 1 haidlbip , bud dealing .
34Sue i kind f .

4* fiRTOS Bs 05 i. 054:(5 KfF '03L=

^TOefS^TUD a bracelet ; a yellow - colored cord
851 ff Qi **>, to rattle >
tied to the right hand of the bridegroom , and. another 51 eS'ct^SSb to go over, to paf , to go throug%,
tied to the left hand of the bride , in token of be- 1 pais by. .tpvT/J'Fi 505 > through the town.
irothinp . *Ve5j35Tif ius;03@35'wg;eTfKjg5i
-y, O&^Q35i
to go over the river.
l_Q.e;G03rriW?5*-^/ , to undertake a thingwith 5I njjjBjT^oTLO , high wisdom.
a firm mind .
1 # * 35i &
0;fRi'rE*trcn"LO , the name of a water-bird .
951 fig^dS^sa^, to refneve, to transplact ,' t*
LO . .55 LO .
>lansmigrate .
TI/ T VT LO ,a large copper-difli tucat^ut of.
051 8>G<5^CHjSO^J , to better one's fortune, t

0555@ , ~;0503'1>(,\ , alunit, aborder. pick up , to recover ftrength . 351 >G5^OjJQ/*

to help one up, to become one's helper .
05 '/ (w, ero t night .
038= 05 rei)fr , poppy - seed .
051 Ulij , a kind of door - way in hedge*.
&&&^ , to be unwilling , unforward .
051 ffi)LO i tribute .
03B4**.C6)J i to be birter . 0>r5ggjj , 03 ff= l_l
051 ,LDll*W , an unruly or petulant fellow .
05l '_Di_| , rgjoeseti '_0 1_| , thenanc of a plant.
|__1 that which is bitrer .
.&'& . *1_1(21_-1(5*-; , rub $ &cH9i< LOIi , .another kind of it .
, with the bande ; to wafb softly; to wring. &15)&\-1
051 TOC, 0yt VOOLJLJ5LJL4 , kind f peas* .
t^L^OQJ . to wring and squeeze out .
051 OO, the sea. 051 0 g> <a)jD > the sea- flioreu
eSffTO* O^J, 05F4*LjQlJT^OS;, to be wrung, 051 oo05/trrr , a caue. 051 \ Q l_1 ^ @ , a
heavy sea, a swelling of the sea .
sq- 1 .ih.d , bruited ,
0=9=1 ( / . 03_$_ ) a bad person .
name of a little creatmx in the se* rejjembliu^ a horse.
0ji QSi)iB>0 , a sea port .
45? Q t wrong, wickcdncli .
0ti tfijoyr , the Lord God.
3FLJLJ, , bitter .
05^li> t an elephant : 03 Qf$Q~ LO , a large cle- 03 1_ G OJ " , ^iG^SSeS , I am bound, I bini
myself. 051 Q CUTrj~(Tigi
, we bind -ourselves.
spnant .
05IFLO , &&&>i-:rr t consumption.
(JlJLJI-O_GfU-)u->0505I OJTUJ, ' thou da
03iFLD, QeiffLO , a yard or two cubits; depth. ^o! (J'LJLJL-O.ajT050505i^_Cua' , may it be sol
&) , to be moift , bum id ; to yield moisture. may it be done se !
051 , a debt; a duty. Qruj&H^.ibor , t duty .
(S~,&<T1\ . humidity , dampnefs . 03#5^qrg:j\3U) , 656*
^^j(5^* ^roOL , a damp ground.
05L_airG35'T(B05*^Oa5j to lend. 051 -
03 8r
G Feor &(2\-jm&OSiJ, to whisper.
. to borrow. 05u_jp?5 > s a loan 051 jcrr
ffr LOTEOLO , great naflinel . g, St LO T C^O , tgtiri&^OBJ ( &L*-&05U ) to pay a debt, to dis
{ /** . t-fi-LDTo-S ) a very nifty pirson.
charge a debt . 05'_^eor6*i (5 , a bond . 051 tr:i ,
03 BF , a whip i a kind of work upon jewels .
[ i rr IUuQ I-1 9t & D BJ , to speak roughly. 0>
038=6=4 LO > a fore - flip covering men's privy parts. 1 otrTLjy i~u wr , 051 05 T
, a debtor.
03FFOS3, OJTQjyD^grroo , iruit ufjlantains neti 05i ^5,| >. a Cl,:<lit0r- ?| @ J/f,
wet half grown . 03 F F \ uj 0\D
, ; F 9= oss " one who is obligad todo a thing . .J2;TtJrQL0C}>a
420>T5<T t graf growing in a brackish round. 03FF03 rS@r305i our , that is my duty.
j05([5Ojrr(j> > kind of liltU saltfiih .
05U-T V . et I T .
ffifrn* IX i liarte, trading. 3=FFtf3J1 LO l_l G>^ecm&*OQ) -v. tSl TiJ*v)J^.
05UO- . bite or biting. W5T2H5>3505L-. , a bke
#wt &OBi) , te trade, to trafnek .
e5FF=T"iJ..Iua 03033VT , divers, bort of cakes.
of an unseen insel . QlIT"lJ03 35 -O- , a bite not
hurling (eis that ofa pitying deg . j 0jl_p- ii) T UJ , tbc
05FB=rrr, south - eaft .
..' , a bed-ftead fining with band. woun*d of a bi;e .
5=F8tLJI_ii <M , broad and ftrong band/ur chain, 05l_O.tS^C<5; 051-- rSSUQ^JT *Dti , to grow an
lied steads , palankeens .
gry . 05l_jQ.n55JGL-l8i'*^O3L' > to speak with ange'r.
0=Fs=2F, a feiidle. 05FS>F05i (&$*Ci) , to gird 0j'l_O-'Ji;C5 '^ 25*^0{1 , to leproach , to repri
ne's seif .
mand .
05AO-TU_)LO ; a decofiion , medicinal potion . 03o_rr : 05l_O.iZSR , G-SL-P-SSK a Indian hour, 24.
UJLClEOJ^ ^2^y ( 05TF8TB>O83J ) to boil it.
minutes .
05 .4 LO i man'c dung ; hard work . 03A.4 11
05l_O-05*<2Oey . to bite.
l_j(5e>!05; i ta do very toiUome work . ffj^u ng;
9t , 03 t-O-SJ , severe, hard. 051_jj.8tLJW
, to treat severely .
tfOSy . to ease nature . ,
ebA>ff>", affliction , grief , labor. #1_]
fF UO-ffSEF the name of a plant , alto the name of m
tobeaffliaed. 05^^ ^, little fish .
ffSt-O-ifSSep, tenacity, rtiggardnefs. 0$LjO-31?5>8!:LJ,sr
tfiCr& , to grieve, toaffiift.
jA'ViS/T'f , musk . 0>/\)56" l_J t_l Lp LO, ?5Sl)*05J , to be tenacious. SLO-ffSb^gs ^T!00r,
well-scentin j lemon .
a niggard , a penurious man .
^LO-Ujerr , a severe , a rigorous person..
55FLO , white copper.
eSL-Q-UJT/TLO t G^UO- LUTTLD , a .watch. 0>
eiFT,ff&i p-ES^T . ri of moxieating plant . 05* (S)UO-03rt.j6/ , to smokeit . L0.iiJT(r{SeT*)iBr , a watchmaker. 0; l_a. LU T
^S59=T<i*rQ05Ta[><T- , a mediuai shrub .
TSG^'T^ficlle-OS;! to tell the hour.
?5#, rice -sup, conjee. 65 Q LJ T 4__ l5[
I * OJ , ftarchcu-linnen .
05t_O-STLO t difficult , hard . 05l_o_ rri_ LJ
5!56T0Vf , a beggar's bag.
SHK*05> , to vex . 031__<"- L_iLJ(Se5fJl/e6^ev,
<f|l 95LO, twelve elephauis
to harden. LO
L_0- LO , hard - fceavtednefs .
jtj^trrL5yD05*^^05t_e.oTirLO , ke will hardly
c*ver ( he is not likely to lire , )

303(03*-iCL/ > '<> 1 angry.
05 Ltvru5(5*^0 S; to order. 03 UtHT
03(5' muftard-led. 05 <g Q<r rr 03 wof , ; ( rtrr2i/e6^0 3)J , to appoint.
tj 03 ewrf > certain medicine .
03 Li rj-avef , an avaricious person .
05(5> t hafte , speed . 05@\g# .205; , 03(5*.292L/,
054 TlulO , compulsion , conftraint . 05 .Tli-IU
to make hade . 05@0j , baatUy .
i lucoraaeo)^ /-|^1; (QFUJeS^DSi))to force.
03 (5 <= 05
, ear-rings ,
054 Tff , a kind of dagger.
_5_, a clod , a lump ; a hard bile.
5 G) 03 33 TILI i * certain fruit, rtiembling^ rail mits
mied in preparing cloths for painting , item in mixing sand 0^4_SJLi_lu[55^jOYr, a widow that has married again.
ami chunam together etc . #.aa'35(S050>frUJ . <jjrf0S
054-9-LUIL , a panegyric . 05_-11\1 -^/^
050505TLU, different sorts of it . ffigffiffiTUJS
( G1'!"1'43 2^ *
to ca" out in pniM of
irtjOiijor, *wj/ /" snake.
a persan . #5 4_l lu 05 03 T 0 T , a herald .
0jtB05*.98L' > o be in pain by the sting of a cor- 05 4-.oo , a bed - ftead .
pion etc . 5 to tie of a bad Ufte . (&" QiI T
051 ( , a tie. ; a bunch , bundle , faggot, pack, bale j
*w &>* ewfIf- , bad water . 0j(5 i?i(4t_ji_| , auibr- an 'impediment , [(i) 0; 0} i (g , a girdle. 03
0305(!>55>03<- an aufttre countenance.
Ql ti ^V5 *OH , to caft off or rejeft en 03 (5 95 5 1-0 close, ffr 03 03 (5 5 LO , close woven tuely. r^-g5e5i
, rhc stoppage of urine . 051 (i_|
ne lumen .
Ljf<nr!mj%j3i) , to dop . 051(535 031('-^;,
S(?5T#, paper; a letter.
to tie a bunch , bale etc . ffi^t @ , a great beauty.
05LJ4 i
ache-; pain. F SO ?E 6; (3 LJl_J , pains 5=^1-05054 TuStEoSSS-^OSiVi to bave a large family.
in the iimbe arising from bathing . lOni i /m /v-w0yg^(gi i <nrcrocj4on-tf5LOiTc!5034 503*^)^"03iT,
belly-ache , colic. gj(gi_jL_|35 35yS=FOO , a painful (hey are all together in plot .
-dysentery- rt>*i"03(5:-JM ftrangu.iry ( or strangury .) 05, eS^357, to bind; 10 build ; to ward off by a
05 (5 Qi -2D 05 LO > vehement anger, fury . 03(5 (hield ; to stop by magic art. 051 (51-.(505
;f-$.2O056tn- , a fuiious man.
tiOtjt to be bound or tied . 031 ffiuJCTLO , aialt,
05 , 05(5^(2 03 T LD , vehement anger, a float of timber . 051 (*}005>? , a bank of mason iy.
rrth . &}(S@G&rTcro , an aiig y expression.
03i (SpQ<FTV i boiled rice tied in a cloth for a
journey .
905-.^) , to tiemp and pumftt .
03(5"U'-CL vOoT , the male of cat-: .
, the male of dogs , cats, foxes, apes etc . 051 (5ejf5_A3 , a (lake to tie a beaft to.
05~Urr i an ulcer in the leg. \
u_CJi_c5^Qos3Gf"5)?) w 03 m^l u3 5 05 @ S;-.
e^ffiiTl'TLU , * sort of tyger.
there -is a bruise from a blow. 1?(!)051__1_-.2, t
esffiilTOYTLO , a bridle . es iu rraVTLO G'-J,r(I; build a house. <<051 (5, the -front of the Sense .
* o&y . ( ldti_(5*^c>5s; ; to hridle. ( 1_5031 (5 the back part of the house. 034_loT
Vr-a^UTiKJ* JOgy (ffiLp^jiT)^ > to take off Gunwfirl, c5TeS0344J.ewr(2i_iewrrtFj g, 05L__i
lh;kridle. 5 46 J09y ( ffjOYT/J-Jgji; 0305@9') a woman. LD 95 aVWT S
^05^) te loosein or lia,km the reins . 05(5 OJ T *VT t 3'03gr3 05 4--0 GeTgffi*AJ5b to give a
fi>9)LJ._5l_.i35e$ <r 6>J , to lay hold of the reins. 0=(5 d iughter in marriage . Guj^2JCfoT3T0504-O-05GffiT
* .00 si; , to many. ^(TguieinrreoBf ujajagjg
^TovrSgiliiQajeS^Oe/ , to pull in the -reins.
<5(iilTeyT<linF?, >he leinv,
03W_.05G05'Tovr'Y3tei3O55>) , to do a good aflion .
05 "iG^J^i a barren flu
*XftLJTij^cifflaj05 3>4_C).05G05'r*iTy3 &

to commit a sin . (Tt; tlT)(5jFB>(2>$eiei4~Q. &<2<

ffiG .TiTLD
05il , a (hop. 05 I (?i_JT*^r)9ii, t set 6 , to conquer a countiy . X5?J ^
Up a (hop. <T>GDU_0505T.iY;>oeT , a Ihop-keeper. FT g^^^wG^TCYTvjeS^Oa;, to embrace ne . j^sSirr
03 054-0.03 G 051" 3VI" V5e5^0S-J . lo gird. i_3l SOj
C-TU_iS5 05S>i an arrack-house.
SSLU05054_SLg5G05rr m *V5$og , to tie a cloth.
054 , 05ffi>i t6 , 03Q)L_ ff=T T LO . 05 ) I
[55(1-0 , laft, laft i f all hindermoft: . firOO round the body . 051 (5OJC03LX), sll sorts of apparel .
03JI , the beginning, middle andend . 434Jp.aZ)iaJ 33et.<". 57 , to lay in sio:n ; to retain, to de
0545)1 #3QjO, at lift, lastly, finally. 05 fls L_ tain . 0;4_Li_iQl_iT(g*.iO85J , to tie up ; 10 sequeftiate . 051 (5tILJT(l) what is under a Scqueftratioii .
4#LUTLU ; for the Lift time, the laft time. 5>1
JTLUL-I30<*Q> , the double teeih . 05>| \?)&i {51 (*1 > goods lying a long while unsold .
to the laft. 01 0533"- , t,ie corner of ths eye. 03 1 (S 05 03 /K-, 051 (^^ , u_(ljS
05B1 05ff5wrrgg?:2j4DLJT ff 05 * .20 35J W Jook (fZp.i.0. a fable, tilion , ft-ignedltory. 05_(
askance ( or askew .) 05 oil UJ <W , the meaneft or 1_1:0;@, dooly - palankeen . 051 SjQesT
lowest peison. tssai &:TT'2)f'5"[55;eL/ 's "" I r> , tie uame of a shrub .
051 ( <qji lo , a neck -lace.
finished. 05O>i IFTrrCJojj'ovr , the time or period
03i Gl -20LDL-1, black ants.
*hen any thing will be idieJ . 05SBI I " *' 9 05
051 fill , a block , Hump , trunk of a trees a stick.
<6.20e5J, to accomplish. 052) I 1 I -J (_0- , constancy
05ii *%0*x) i to -turn , to work at the lathe ; ti> 051 i LU TUS (303 .20 5; , to be a blo.k-head.
ilir with a stick or pot - laddie . 05 1 cOJ , turning. ffii s2)i UJSffr, (f*** . 0sl bl ^# ) a mort thick
05' fffFog5g5TOJ0r, a rurner . 05S>i FFOO set person . _210503 051 & I UJT<iT# eVOO ,
Qslll/, turner's work . (?5>> 33 4 I 9- 6= Ss3 narrow cloth .
0j3W05oraTGJJtn"^aiBT[55;@5/, rhe fire is to*
l*3i_g. , turn this.
05l LULO f. 031 03LO
hot .
BSQi TOTLD , ff5@TLD , cruelty: 05gl TITID g;(warr0i@, arithmetick , calculation, account, com
i, .1;* /Qff^i , to be cruel. 05 I TT<XST { fem. putation. 03 05 @ 03 fti-i (5*^305/, (
4(Ji Tf ) 0^t3i Tcrg505TO<sr , a cruel person COy) 03<nrr05*-iors;4a0L_lT'>05*-C)5/ , lo add
, a command, orderj M allowance; or sum up . 05l -|05 <B@, 03l_^LJI_|05K
ewi@i subttailien, QUiSffiSffi 03
x^me fer backs


te*Wf jRevet

tglfrWT e>wsf

05 **Tlj=:

fJ5 ** ,


, *m< 0/ fine cloth .

Guie;@se8Te(pi mubipiicarion . ;*0;@ 05wrrg^oif r? i nil 0;BBTgPii 91 11 |--;>^:, a planed boaid fixfcT
Ut_JT("f5*D5^ t r^011 i W take account . 03
^GffQ&-^SJ' ,0 w,ite accounts,
to the top of a door or wall of loma malabar houses .
03< , 05 bbtb^lj -CYT/OvT an accountant ; awiitcf.
03BST^%g5Ti_.O<r3r7>eg ivj g; . to gis aceount . .03 '-rr eref/f- , tears-. 05-" !r^T fr e; &rr :r l_i f^j ,
^mrarr^dgjQgjuLeSCS; , tu call to an account. ; tears are- in his . 05 ccTrf/J (g c/ _
e> W LJi_| , a lire - pan .
. 05(?/^^_^,6?; , tfXli_v UJ ^}<$
LJ 'i 'Q the nime of a l erb .
. ) to (hid tears..
0 BSTU-^Jr i the h'usbnnd05 iffOT <OJ TUJ a narrow pafs between hills .
05BSBTI 1 5 5 ^ rf , r/i* name of a> p[.v:t , wild
limy u , the name of a fish .
brinlhaal .
0-eacrfiFLO > weight , lie:4vinef> 05Birf ) I \tTft~fii bbt ( LD i the neck . 0; i . T IOO >
(g Bjj , to judge of tli weight of a thinj by t.,kmg botches or swelling roundabout the neck. 05Be;i rpj
it in'o the hand . S35**ffeof 6FUD, the Wright iluta thing
X sb Q ,, a golden callar.
* 5| u> , a- piece, i>f fih or flesh . _i_ll_|03~
. seemes to have by holding it in the hand .
f5refi_0 , astrological computation . 05 sef 6 351 ijD , a dry -salted piece of fbh or flesh . {*
l^ft'.OJrJy ( (i1(SttG&rt trY5&SC&i} ) to make I 55Jatrri l 1 1 I Cb'i
, to cur in pieces.
an astrological calculation, ff5 nef g ff 35 'i' .<JO , an 05bbti on3i_JLJ1 *ei , the name of an ajlrictt've
aftrologer . 03Bof g5FTA>S>d XL0 , astiology .
bark (3 i-J 35 05'wr i A3 , )05 05 "BT 1 <> , different
^ roof 55^5* Q fit ^ cSiTL! j to fore-tell an kinds of it ,
05( rrrRiflJ > checkered cloth for women.
eclipse etc .
05BBTi fT@# i shrub, proper for a quick-05BBf _)<~ , a dancer.
0?bp>j [flur . 052H/g5 05T . Va joint, a knuckle ; set-hedge ,
a knot or joint of a cane , or of the ltalk of a plant .
i n . the capital city of Ceylon .
^jaarr Ljj.f^e
to speak with'seveiity, to rebuke;
^255V?F;05TJv3 , the . heel ..
05 2| , an arrow a palankeen - bamboo .
to speak impartially to cut in pieces .' 05 . 5J9L/'
g$ , an eye ; a source or spring of water ; the mash 05(3 L-L il > S.> to. ask earntltly, insiWing upon
es of a net ; the nipples of the breaft ; the holes of a a positive answer. 0; LJJ-LJ U) , rigor , strict nefs j
ieve ; the stars in a peacock's tail . 05 E29CT05 05T visible, material. 0J
i_l l_| ? r{* 0~ 'L , a
* , to see clearly. 03 05_9-5 ?5 > c5 , visible body ,
juggling tricks, leger - de-main. .
fXl 0j aar eonf
05-Brri_O-gLO i ftriclnefs , accuracy, rigor; ftral<334053t_0-!5GS5'rar ( i it Sdost ) he envies me. Occident, a crisis. 05(^^//!^;1
_2joorg5<BWTJtjr3r55vQ UTFf^l) he has loft to aft rigorously. 05 raer
7 35 05 T _D "f * 1 igorout
his sight. 05frG>nP . a blind man. person. 05TrT05BTi_p.g;u5TajQF - \ 22J * &
ip5rrffuBf euLO , a moment, the twinkling of an eye. , to Iftll the naked truth.
05BB7 QtiJ3>l_j . the eye - lids . 03 LO TLULO .
03 i q TNI , jgo. pound , or %', toolam , a
decek. 05- \3^^5<505#-}, a *peck candy .
in' the eye. 03|_ , 03^55, the apple of
05BBTi_O-/eoT the critical moment of the new moon
the eye. eiT9r05*wrLDewrf-'.ij'i" eor OJCOT"-, my -well regarded
in diseases .
beloved . 05 KS^-^S^ > t0 mut the eyes . 05
! sugar. 03 *005(1} , sugar - candy .
fSSU /v-ifKiffe /vogf , to sleep . 03 05LO , the
05-T(gi_JTifi v. 05 T er & 5/ .
leep . fi"tT 1&<)(2 *) 5; , to grow sleepy .
05*bbt2i, or silver-thread woven ia the
i L. ffi Q ; T
(S^nf3SJ he
end of the cloth .
a-sleep. ; , the eye - lashes . 05
053BTSg) jyrfr , smiths , carpenters , coppersmiths .
"Uoo, 05"T(3j>cOJ , 05rr(2fTO)0;e5T , sore
05BBTB3f i a gin, snare, trap. 0;rerreBsf @8yfJ
eyes. 05
9- # t
66^357 , to be short - sighted. etAifi; ( 2058 ) to lay snares or gins. 03*aar
jfj;etrraVi.F5:Br , a fhort - sighted man ; one who winks. BBf 05 @uvt t_JLj'(5'66^0a; > 03BBTotrfu3CTO
505# , a shew, 0 QHg)05cSi>&i) , to 1_|(5*; ( #05 Bi) ) to be caught, insnared,
look on . 05bbt03itb3tlO , inspection. 05 5 drawn in . .05oBTeBBf05Q05rTt_O-, hind of weeds
otrf , an overseer , inspector . 05 05 rr eoof 05 eS
05 / f. 05^^/ .
D 8y , to -oversee . 05 ig- LS). __ yj 5 rr i, ,
j05 Trcf . , bewitching by a look"", as is supposed 05 5 LO , anger.
by the heathens . 05*03 t_^, Qj , hood-winking , blind
S/JJL01'LO , certain odoriferous ointment .
folding, rr4f 05 ear , one that has loft an
05>>1__1[5( the threads or filaments of tlie
eye. tfiiiBTfj5BT*Toar , one that regardes another bark of a foreign tree. 05f5u>BI_J05UJ*l rope
with ill will, or envy. 05 9n_ (P , the eye socket. made of it. 05 65 LP B) l_JL_) i1 o>JJ , a kind ofgraft.
*552_/ t 0505m (5^OSL/ 1 to tip one a wink . 05fi^GLDr5>9;*ir>S; , to move , to ftir '. 03>:jo
05 aar oasf cSi , commiseration . Terar .rar Quo G-O5^frL0<:'^-2J*'ii^-Tn'LJL3L^. , secure him that
05 a 5 S
, to covet a thing . 03 00 TO e$ he cannot move,
051 , a disorderd eye, literally a troubled eye .
055o>S , plantains .
05 |^LJ3.WTua(f2)05e6V3gJ , to be transparent;
05t5 ScgJ&fOSi) , to be removed , as a camp.
to be very pleasing. 05 mn jt|g) U)_ , Ljrr^jeS O 03
0554, a door. Qr>Q>e505<5eniJ , a ftreet-door,
)1_. , a looking-glaf . |JeVDC03*ewr^il_p. , a house - door. &, I lS)^ ( 0 *
anding looking-glafs . 0@;03 sp up. , a Ogi) ) to (hut the dtior . 05 5 ffiiiilLJL-h @*
pair of spectacles . ^^^/ 05 g;, to lock the door. 05 5&iUe5i2i>05et ZO^ . te
g)'_0. , a microscope , a magnifying glafs . g/TO~i open the- doer. 9* O^Offi
& window *l.LLL0^ Jm^LQ-* a tdejeepe spying -glefs-.



09)*}$*- , ro cry. 1_(705^>; . the deer
lelloweth . 0,
.2J @ & OS/, to weep aloud .
03^ . G35S-<$LO , 'fat .
t35#95S.S9Si, to grow thick ; to increase. 05gi_Ji_),
e55uJU|fYrovri5; , thick .
tB^Qtrnreor i tn(. sun _
-i^if , a ray , beam , sup - beam an ear of corn ;
the spokes of a wheel . 05f#_coS'ffr85.iOe5J , to call forth
rsijB, to dm rays . Qr5<K>pjei$fr-&Q>&&) ( 03
^l_ll_JLTTu5(f5T.@S^ ) the paddy eareth or putteth forth ears, 03 $~i-i .^LJLj()@g>J ( T ^)
ears come forth . 05>#"lIUJ05@6TlJL 07
Qgi, paddy grown to the height . 05^1-1 L^ Sa.
grafs that bears ears .
e5Sjt_ii_b 03Sjjat>LO , bignefs . g^LJMovreYrs;;





ffL-SasoOLO , a kind of monkey.

_ 05L5#teOT , a wrapper, a cloth to wrap something
in- ; a cover , a cloak , a veil .
03u5told, 0>i-5iioorj^OLB, a dun-colour . 0ji_S
CTOL_li_j(rr, a cow of a dun-colour .
0=1I LJ TD 031 (Be63Qfl(, to pay tribute .
03iJi_ii_O. Loa'LQ , a tie* with branches growing
from the root .
03l!L_jacr , a pot for begging alms. 051|1_1)
T 5 B/ 6/ , to o begging with a pot 111 the
hand . 03^U(ru2Go4OffiC^;^@[55;S;the"
livelihood is loft .
03l_ii-ick>, a /hip . ^'-^* ^Og; , 05 1'
, to go 011 board a ship,
to embark . 05 ii i_i 00 1ILJSffiLi, , what belonges toa
(hip. 03LJLJ JO ) ill ffi e6 6v), to build a (hip .
051IIlCTCjr(@S/ , the (hip sails. 03 L_l t_J el.
Sbl UJ05G0'T '^^ . to suffer Ihipwieck. 0J
gj^J^Ofi/i to scold .
LJLJ4fOO^^U.^.SSl^Li3i^OSJ , to be ftranded, ta
* 4. , history. 05fae>QFfr JO^S^O run a-groimd. 03LJLja\3<SX"''E$4-9- G <> Gt~l<T*Qt
By. to tdl a stery. 03E>05i (&, to invent ffiSjjiiGuifrFffrfb/ , the fhip is run a -ground on a
a fable. 051 >(50505>5 > fable .
bank .
03 9j 9J 5 LO \\ , stuff -which people use with beetle,
031ILS , a pulley, a block with (hives .
freparedof the juice of a- certain tree of Malacca.
031IlS , grain half ground.
035if 0503 , brinfhaal.
031ili , a branch of a tree the hindflap ofa garment .
036155 /CYT , tin name of a sea-fb . (g^o/rosi^ 05 til L_|03 05 , bandy - legs .
03 LO <"nrr l CTOLD, an ewer with spout.
>AVr i a smaller Hud of tliat sea-fjb .
036j3>Ti2ri-jp ,aloes of a small kind, minor aloes.
/?- , a chap cf the ground . 03LO#"GeilU3.(2>
03SjTyLDl , aloe - leaves .
it is full of chaps .
03LDCTOLD ( w . gTLOfiMT ) a salver for presenting
035!g i knife, a sword. (g^rf 0S038jg , a little
knife , a pen - knife . lol^03@ 05 05 85 8), a folding beetle in .
03(l@, 03i|503LOirLD, the beetle --nut tree . 03
knife , a clasp - knife. 053>SUTW , a crooked sword.
03> 'f$*^0) i t S11'u offi to cut off to ihear . 03"8J 03fUo\S?:ro\D , reepurs of beetle - nut trees . ff-Tjej
> 0i!5r> ^; , a pair of scifsors ; apair of CTO03S(^@, another kind of that tree.
05(3S0505i .Q 1 the upper part of thearm near the
snuffers. 03^^(1 15 5J^G^'TCTVT^S0yr t0 pinch
moulder .
eff, to nip off.
03Q305 05LD , absconding. 03(Q3050;0303T.OraT",a
03f5je.Q8)J to croak as a Crow etc.
RffjBSJ, handfulls 0/ straw etc. 058JS85L.'j l_^03 1 close or reserved person .
or , a
'S.dO?)J to l'e "uo ''rt'e bundle* or handfulls .
1 03LOI14 LO , coining . 05LDLJ4 03 03
05'j>S505LO nt- 550.
! coiner; a banker. 05LDLJ4 LG.2J -Q- 03^; te
05T>55C>on03<>VT > several sorts of eatable roe's coin money. 05LLJM &;Vn-l LD , a mint. iE LO
in the svoos . 0;i5g(Lo3LJc^T^g3/wr8)igrT LJM (Cp/ovr, a lbmp to coin money with .
03LCIJf; , a leak in a (hip . 03 LO II 3 35J 0J
j3Dg> . to eat roots and leaves f^und in the woods .
* 05T595LD . '1-0 ffiSSGiU"-0- 05 2> QtbTOTi^QSlOSi) , to grow leaky.
03LDIILO, a pole . 03 lo t-i - Sj S f
> a rapeQl_JTl_P-, swtet - scented powders perfumee . TJ.E'
eU^LO , a sweet scent . 8;.Q03[TE5LO , an unpleas dancer . #CT03 03LOL_ILCl1 230. 3D g,/ . to nod , te
give a nod. 03/03 03 _1ILO, a sign given with the hand.
ant smell .
03LO1IT03LD , a cable.
05(2385 , a shameful life, a vicious life. 0315
03LD1-S , wire; 'bat of iron etc . a ftripe of a differentg >CTLUfrfdSOff; ro ''vc viciously.
eSQJSTLL/LO . a term for paying certain rents etc. colour in the bolder of a cloth 03LDl_S fjf 1 (> 66
'>1-1 , to draw wire. Ql_it.2905lOI_5, gold - wire .
LTtFg? 155 LULO , what. is paid every month.
35[*.5. a rag, a piece of old cloth. 05 15 3) 8> l_5 Sj SJ /O/r 0; t_o i_3 , copper - wire . QtfajT;03 oc ffi
G l_10" ^8)6^33 G LQ-vSeBcS^OSL/i to be cloth 03LDl3 , tu-afs - wire . Q ff L_I U| 05 05 LO CS , iron-wire.
ed in^raus. 3515 is ej i_4 iffi /, to mend old fiLCl^il-ilP , a plate for drawing wire 03LOl_Soj
t/w 03^; , to draw wire flat . ^lOlS^G? irDO 1
cloth. 03']5i5)85 0305Li_t. , a person in rags.
-0511(1), 0ji_ji LO, deceit , cheat. 051_|1^_< (/ cloth for women wirb a ftiiped border. LJ I affile 5
f LJi- ) 05111 (03 0: T^0iT , a deceitful person.. 0305LOlS , a large stripe . rsi53_03(|50;05Lei_5,a
eSLjG^Lt-'^-^eL' to deceive. ~;(*,&)~0 03 small ftripe .
03LoJe5LS i trembling , tottering.
l_j(5'UJ reyiiFt ^) , to cheat one . 05 L_l 1 Q F
05LJ3i^LU_j#oor , a kind of gum .
ffCT05@ , deceitful commodities . 03LJI O^YJfUeor ,
05LOcJovt , hair-rloth . #^"S LO0303LDLStVf ,
<J5LJi <5)< , an upright man . a>l_ll_-CTO
C4>TffliLD , sincerity . 03LJ1 20, without deceit . 05 blanket . 03LOl_S^f l_JLj)?# , a caterpillar .
+ 05LDlS(TLO . a gulr , an abyfl.
1 1 1 nraj , deceitfully.
0jLDlI , t kind of grain . 031^110
ditto the heiik
05LJLfl , flegm .
taken off. 05LDIIT03S(" > the ear of that grata
03L_lirtW . 05cTXI./OO.
05LOI_J[5BJi^ " the (traw of it.
05-1-10" COLO , the scull.
0)LOi_i, a ftick, a^udgel,

e; lo us


<LOfBt_Ii a transom er erefs-bem for a window

r door i the wooden covert of a cadjan - book ; a ledge ;
the cornish of a wall . 1_1_|0:@0;<
i to bring, into subjection.
eilO'-COi a sort of women's ear-rings.
^LDLDaoTUJl3)i~9-4(S^^CZJ > to be cloudy,
gloomy, over-cast.
03 ijj T oyi /jr , five sorls of artificers , viz , . carpeni, smiths , gold-smiths , braziers, ami stone - cutters .
05'_.2}" , sailirSj Stamen, mariners,
05LOj5.O?i; . te rnw hoarse. $ [_D!_iSu2(ng *
95J , 0=LOU5'Lj(2LJ9r8*3ay ,g5U>LCC\3Taj 1-1
ir*.<!OS;, to be hoarse. 93lOLOJn3, 9JU)@gE\T ,
hoaricneis .
e5LX>QLDw.'a'LOW|r?;@^, it smells very sweet.
f53 LULO , a well -spring .
eS'-UOG, 03LU^Uffor , the name of a tank - fish.
BRUJ 1/ . a rope , cord , line . 35 LU JCV^rf 05 * )5)J ,
((^aa^F^j ) t0 nwlte a roPe- fcb 4 Tuiffi
UJSCJ , yoke - (binge .
01 u3fT*"ff LULC , promptitude , expertrrcfs in Srvice .
JKu3'F6?rf lu , a servant, especially such as, does
work in a pagoda .
fT^LO, a pitcher with a spout; crock with a
arrow neck. 03T05(0?(5 . the spout of a pitcher.
05T05TLJL-) , harlhucfs , sharpnel' the taste 3 itch
ing in the throat .
01_- v. es^OLO-.
g;/rBTLO , the faculty of the sonlC
GSTtmrLO. QljtQ^^oSJ t0 ' or mew gam
bols .
02T2/JUU|i . a. small trowel.
0(5<5 i basil sweet basil . Man'eJicanr. tfULLlob
), rg/jairnj^rrngsg , s g; 0 < 5
5, diffrait kirn!s of inn'/.
051_11_11, scurf, breaking out ou children's
beads or other paits of the body.
^(TLJLjrrraryjP r a cockroach.
&}, the hand. 05FFa"gp05 W , all limbs and
members .
e5TLOL_irgo\3LO , WCTLOaLJ , a hard and fteril
ground .
0jif , a charcoal. 0; < , a charcoal-man.
jff&>^) , black as a coal . 05 ff 05@5<33 tke
/ little blick bird .
QiittJi&^CBlJ, to be.(harp or poignant ( as salt , pepper
etc . ) to be itching and burning from something in
tke eye . {J5rfi_ii_| , poignancy, asperity, iharpnefs ;
very dear, not to be had in time of famine .
05<f FOG , CjifF<JOffi05TO . a thick wood .
95rf #oru9 , natural affection . (H<2v g;
,*3LJ0WFrr0Tc^n-eSASrf#^uSo43irt>0 , he does
'not love her as his wife, gjoejrf # <T LO T LU , vo
luntarily , of one's own accord .
eilt fair , a gars , ( being in Madras 400 . marcal . )
e;rfuj, ejrfujrf , black,
63e2> i wit, judgement, genius. >3505- ,
<^ JVTOJOrr ( a witty , wise or prudent man.
eS5?5(o>'f UJiTffiijffBr , an unwise man.
^5, a mould for calling metal .
d(5 , the sperm in the womb after conception
Ul-JJO^eer Joyt , a woman that has conceived.
tf5i5LJQ>Lj ' tne roatrix , womb . 3SiTS0>S_@$On3i
the generation of the sperm in the womb , or in an egg,
1<-# Wie conception . begib* 93 9; .5.5,

? (5
the !an egg. QfM&trlr9fT&8>
the wnite:
of an egg. 05fTJOJjn/g3JLjQLJ f (g < A, BiJ , to
deflroy a family utterly, to extirpate it .
0</2)-' . obscuriry . ffi05<iOTtF(2LJF&,i- , ai
obscure or dai speech 05tT5#.e5J 9:;i'_j(2i_JT
. to grow black , as by being burnt ,
*F (Tg ?n_ OSO LO -V. =<JgL_j57sjLD .
35tf5 5505^1 clQudy weather j the twilight in the
mornaig .
03 (fg 35 SBTLLl , th'm and mpeifeft grains in corn-ears.
0T535S6.i9IL/ to toail,,to make 'grow black by
toafting .
0>(5@. the edge of a knife , sword etc ; the teeth
r-f a saw . <&,fb%S&(S&.'*>Bih g; 0^95^05 66*05; , te '
lliarpen . ifiK5?35ff "-' , a sickle . 9?5gr@0VT
oyr-/ , sharp ,>eil. g5(f33532'l"!36rL_l'aTLO, a f',
whereof the figures are properly raised . 0: 5 95 95 l^
T5f53>J . blunt..
05(5,"rU05 >o^f , black . ( . 05(^10 o\9 , 35
TOgs'TO&LTLO , bldck wood . (f, (TJj @ o>SUJLD , black sin for pitch,
5 @ soi S> t~u , a
kind of blackilli paddy . ^^. the name of
t-shrub that bears birriei (frtiyto de rallia . .] 35 (2">(
(@, a black monkey . 9: 5U5 n 5 , sand.
"^'-^-" * , .a.obstinate and. saucy fellow. 3
x'JLDirgfS^ , gun-powder. 95 (5 G 66 OO , a dark-,
cloud. 05<a3XI<T*a>y? , hUck plantains.
95#>OT'KlfBir<'y!"e',Jf > the name of an herb. 95-23
95^#5>0 another Uind of it .
95 <rjj' < f - Q iSf5<
R(rgi/KroT , clemency , grace , favour, if (fFJi/crtrcT"
l_jrrS.95J , to confer a favour. <SRF>!Eg>T'T,
bencfaft^r .
eSfSS^ 3 c,-rn - ear the spindle of a spinning wheel; ,
a woo en pestle for pressing sugnr - rued or oil .
Si) , to think, to consider.
05)S)J> attention, application, diligence. 955fy
, dilijen'ly , heartily.
95r5UJi14_L , 95eTiL-<1-t3;954_)., palmyra^sugar ,
jagree . 9551ll_J4-0.35*- , jigree made up in small :
cases. 95t!5^l-l,-Ll.t-J(2l_lfFffr-, sweet speech , smooth
words .
955LJ!d)'"irtPe5@ a cause soon decitied by
splitting ihc difference.
g5i5'JLi , an action , a work . 0= 5lS Li T Q l_I 1
3ri PDify , to peak with propriety as the thing requir
es. 93<S-l2)LOTa_iLj T If 03 58-50 5;, to take properi
care .
05(T5LOTetrr , a bhek-- smith .
03 C6 (53A*1- Li? "ir, the name ofit sea-fish.
03(T5iS)LD, blacknefs .
P5(SU)i_Sc5t5U5 , madnefs i black brie.
05LOLS<>ff-igs6Ot^), to have a copperas - tafle.1
05(!5'-Oi_5avfi 1 1_| , the taste of copperas.
g>tf5LDl_| . smrar - cine . 03(T5'_|Lj;g;Qs=/Trt5O , &
sugar -<ane -garden . 93i5LJLJ"35SF'r^CV , the juice
of sugar, cane . Gi_J03g35u3L_j , wild sugar-cane.
Tff 03tf5LOi_| , fewel .
935<ilT, salt -fish.
055*Ti (S STJT S . a- black bird with hug tait'
that singj before day - break ^ -king - crow .
fFtgsuf i_i i it a>L_ v. 93^vojld .
955 sense, faculty .
;g (Jgrf} 95 ovr , inter
nal senses. H^O0393e!5ifi93oYr , external senses.
95 T^)$ 930YT , senses and faculties .
93!^0 a case * instruments j clean drefs . 03B
fiamftosJt to drtfs cleanly, . <







05 L_L_|e?/OS)J , 0bCT4Dl_JL5l_jGl-jrr(5*^5Jl I
cfl, a file . @S<ffi)T<QJTUJKE<d3 i bridle.
LU5#"05{Rjrf5 i a brush. Tjnruo 1-10503 5 <> , a to mix;, to adulterate.
05O\ji_j!SI_i-, a plough . 05 045 LJLJn ^ ,a plough
itnical string-instrument.. QT" o~O03 03 (5 a
share .
tymbal .
ffiCTOLD, a brafs-dish . l_JLprrTj0;oNOLO , a cupr
0;(5QJ)5OLD i a treasure.
055(OJi_ii-SJT>OL)?ruO i /** nameof atree , wk*rt board .
95CTOIJ3 r a certain mensure for measuring grain,
haves are used in curries .
being il . marcah . Q (fTj'^osOLO , two calani . (tjpgFT
TLD > 'Mi </' thorn.
fSCTOLD , three calam . ^^^^?@ *Oiewjf , two05 4>T" i 'he sci-shore ; river's side . bonier of a field calani end one maival , guruny teins; equal to a mar0? 05 T^'-J S <-J G T T
the great light which cal . (gJtM7oGOTr2L/^e^ 1'1"' ""'^ fur marhas no limits God'. (<33(^>.0 , a' . landing- cal .
place . 05 SCTLJLJU 0>l_JLJ J\3 , a. ship that is come
4ECTOLCLJSL0 , miscellanies'.
nte th . 05Ba"G^TO35'!r(5*.DSL' to sail
0!CT\offUi , a straw-ring to placer a pot' upon..
along the coast. ffiSCQiinrQ OSi) . to
05 BD
> a compiisirion of perfumes .
^^- , a rrerons-wn , claim, di-pute . 03<'
bank to a pond etc ; to divide fields by borders . 0=
(TLjQLjTg$@ . the- sea-coast. 05i2>ViiQ"LJT03 5^'3"55>c55<f5g*-ig; ? to indemnify .
05 35 cko J a bistrd gem, a stone of a low kind.
05<>'T)' 053s: ^ . ": 3vTLJL3 . 0->3 AtfOTV
(~1iQL-lT0i(gLD23'ip.r , a man i f a low tiibe. ,- clamor, trouble, diittu barree .
03CrQuJTrir LfT Uli, along the shore , fixer's side or
05o> 05cr4'ujg5LD ,-05?5> , the iron age of?
border. 5S2}rrQllj*Q/&J>Bi) , to land or crine a-shoreg the world .
to attain salvation. 03G>trGliJ JO 1<
, to
05O4S'35f5U3 , an eye-safvr. '^
save. iBirGuJ-O-iOLO , salvation . ._2J0505>TLJ (
) to apply it.
LJ(5e.ie5)j ,to reach the opposite side of the river .
05CT-3 K/(g , 0^5105
. ap slacc or water gate.
(j95oSfflCTLJL_)(5*05; , to come to this side of the 05c3v9.fxifF.i (5*^>5J . make a sluce . 059'
ver,. 05)<7"UJT#" , boat-people, or watermen an(' 354SI ^e ^Dg^l, to shut the sluce ^ 0?&5!)03
people of their tribe. 05S53.X0>?Bi_GlILJ4: TW- ifiCtrt^CffiJ , to ojien the sliree-.
(S, siik-clothes for women with coloured borders. ' 05o>S'5;^o , 0;oSi_lLjrr , ccrtli stinzasf.
mstorr&^DQj , gssao-rg^GLjrrrtsg; , to difsolvs
it melt by witer or rain to fall away j to run to emb'roi. sovSiJoSiJjrrujG^J10)iG; , to put'
decay .
nil to the sword .
05aSnjT"ewr lo ,- a wedding . 0JoSujT*w8tldlji
to difsolvtf or melt any thing by water ete . ; to mthjlie <nm&zu$!O6J , . ui^^/^^gsffioSiuT
heart e.f a person . gsSiTIFyCTC j difsolving , mtlting. WL Ljjsirr erof ; Gpst (5-05
?y > to make05CTO05LO, an uproar, sedition , rebellion, distui bance. a wedding for a son . 05e^SajT*r05a5'T^!O" , ther
85crcg5LJi_S^5mor , a seditious person . g;oo^LD nuptial- guests.
I_jibbtS221/S9SJ i to mike an uproar , to rebel . 05o50TTLLG[5o>Ogg/ , a certain kind of paddy.
ffiOsO05UXl,TU-)eSL_g5#ADg^FLX) , a country that is. 05<>}0;?(3 &^) , to make a tingling:
II in disturbance . e504)ffi!5(2Ovf Tjyig; , the tu ,noise.
mult has ceased .
05> , a hart, stag , deer . /'
053\305O43G*^-JSOT*^iL' , to make a thrilling noise hart's horn .
like the wavings of the leaves of trees ; to tingle as ; 05TCO , splendor, light; a garment. (%!?01/&&
i/DO , tlie splendor of thfr sun .
little bells do.
053SD0503LO , mixture, confusion. ejreaTewf*^- 05^OO, 0;jT?O35LUT^rrU5 , philosophy.
^0505Lfru3<T2>g5@3)J , the water is troubled.
0Sjt>oS /ogj, 05/t>o {5-.SJ (Ljrr ^aog) , to beU><rer0505O\D005LO, perturbation of mind .
dispersed ; to be withdrawn or alienated by one's ptr-05 OvOff*
, ( 05O\305@6^CS5J ) iualion ; to break up from an afseinbly .
5>05??^| , &&mOj\_Qi_ir(B-0J
G l_! T >&J , to disquiet , tolrouble, to teazc . T
WTLOarrffiiif8^i7>obfUg)3trr he has disquieted my mind. to put in disorder ; to disturb; tecjuse a person to be'
^cg; , 35'jNarjjQi_jT(i)e8 /;, to mix. averse by transferring his afftflion from a thing . 051?"
Kero'S^jQi-jT^O^J, to be mixed . (\-1'&>< ^^G^05^052ycvr0505i^a5S;i_iGi--i'riS/>
to engage or cone to a battle. )050> the wind has dispersed- the clouds .
5T'"e50Vr_, they came to handy-cuffs. 05Oof5t5; 05/OOLDT6ST". , a hart, a roe-buck.
Gl_jrrg|rj-g;oYr [ SSgeSCTOrgS^Gl-ITFffrS; ] they 05/OOUJLS , a small earthen vefsel . .
have lain with one another .
05CrO05!r,twsT(5 <v . 05O05T<3-.
05CTOLD5LO , fciii / alum,
65 0>OO 1/ . 03 oS )@ .
05o\3frveSz!ceL; , esooiKeSLj Qljtosj, to be 05CTOLC , a rock .
perplexed or frightened ; to grow troubled as water.
05OOOOfiDU-LJL_| , the gravel'..
053sDrRi0;oe perplexity , 05o>OT;EB<Jor5wTtwef5" ,
05 3sDaoJOWT , a saddle. 0JO4D OO tlTOTTOJIT^'
troubled water . J4<UBy05@03 05 1" 05 ero TOeSil the girth of a saddle. 0>405@, th#Qurnpffrgy, his eyes are ore (with weeping.)
pommel of a saddle . .
05CrOB=LD , a censer.
05\\/ , a grave, sepulchre;.
05OOi_ii_J55je;g5T_O<wr , a calker. jooULJeJ
05(rooorrgii>r , an unlearned perton .
05O\3gb 05 , a stone . fCTOitryOT -G&SSi
ft/LJlJT^e? ^,5;, to calk .
05<7OLJL_|, 03o>OLJi_5l Lfi , mixed, adulterated. ( G1l^* 5V ) ,0 throw stones. ^"*""""*!
^1__51_1 , pure milk, QTBjf&ei 05o>oGe>-3"-Ob' > ,e tone a person. escroGo^O'
-^Ss/rcTLe . itoaethrow . 0j?>afi;Lji-iTi<4rr
V9uiH> consanguinity.

|5*9>0 , ( >o2/l_lLJ555S5aD , a sone-pavement . 65 OOQ rjg F , hard-hearted jnan . 05
*>>05@1 , costivenefs . 05(>G^'UjQujTCff
tS^OSjJ to pick a stone ( t . gr , a*mill-stone . ) 35 cro
COTFTff , 5!Oe5FB=n- > a ttotie-tutter . 05
<?(1} , a brick-house. 05 oo ^y i_j t_| , a certain mi
neral salt . 03 iJDgsuI.ffiLDT^CTLD , a ring with
1 tone. ^>0g;7Vf, a stonecutter's chisel . 0$oo
, fif * / bird. flSOOgg;
<T) rf , the of an herb .
05/ , leaves stiched together to serve fur plaie.
05 ri science, erudition. 05CrOjUOO"<Kn- , a
Jcarned man .
053JEFLO , a coat of arms ; lute, clay or cement to
lute or .fasten . 05 OJ.y Q 05 rretrari
, /large
05f)it Q i little sea-shells , used far small cin in
Stn%al -etc .
05<nji_p. , fork for removing thorns, 05 fin , 9
LJTOJjO^ , .jumping play of children.
05 J f
.-KO-lCb' 05UJI_|0505UQS . a forked branch, of a tree;
05OjffooTfT03l Qj&*DBl , to bind up ; to drefs a
wound. .
03njetaf, 05Uref t_J_5 &s~v , muslin.
05XIT , 05{_. , 0533DT, a sling to fling
*tones . 05^' , a slingr , flingor. 05OJ
wtQi ^iSeS)^, 031 jS*!OS; ,
to sling a -stone .
SeOJiTTFUO pair of compafees . 03UCTTFu5
( .& ) t> dl'aw a circle.
05Uff LBTe^n- , a kind of hart or deer . 05e">jrf
.LCrTTl-CUS'" . the long hair of that kind of hart .
03raj<f5*-<9L . ^^ Gl-""" ^9k to be
turned bottom upwards. 05Cua~UJUJ swrrSSi 66
to turn a thing topsy-turvy.
0SOJi3", forky. CBfU^'KQ^TLDI), a forked branch.
03OJiOO . sorrow , care . 0$SroOLjLJ4-i.(T>35
&OSJ . to be sorrowful .
0S6UOVTLO > .mouthful!* of fodder or phyfick for
Jiorses or elephants
05iXI->rf 1 a -bundle of 100 beetle-leaves .
03<TU ^3/' , SFUJ^DJ, dice. 03 oj^cyQ i_jrr@66j20
_ JO*l (R&.ay&J ) t0 1 at dice05-iJ4e)^OX,(!)0; i . people among the Gentoos ,
*hat sell glafs-biaceiet* .
Igyf&n LD . attention , curtfulnef-. 055O)54f 0i3S
/>D), tp be attentive to <t rtsj. gsru^Jru) rr lu (35
I es ^g/. 05QJ<5'Tf>i6J05Ger5|** to hear
fvitb attentivenefs .
05OJfi"i. uo , a bullock's lead of grafs o straw .
05-ilTI 0503T.2CXBT , he that provides the elephants
Jjorses with forage. 054JJTI 5^I-JGI-J,T"
Offi) , to forage .
05tfUTU-J 1 a j>ersian or Arabian gown .
0SOJT:M UO , hoise-ipbysjck .
05Frr, the sme|l or scent arising.from fishes ,.raw
flesh > raw eggs , blood , or the inalter of a wound .
05tfFF 1-9-05* *C0J , to cast smell as raw fish
etc. do . QT9>g> 0505*"BFer , the srncU of blood .
05<s4, * vree$ a-stanra of.four verses ,( or Unes . )
301 ffi*^0^, to make verses. 05iifiojrruJ3;
, written in verse. 05rfFF4 "05 , in
verses, poetically. st'LlJ'Wr , &en~3jrr bvt - ,
USjUjrPj! . a poet.
0551.|/> jrDS^tS^^^S^.itobe eager-pon
thinj . 0}2fQ0SUl.69a< to
!"/ for





a thing.
053#>wt"LO , a fore. flap to cover the priv-y-pr..
05#^ i; . 0;i_3#rtJOT .
0Sj3S)F, certain dangerous swelling in the belly.
05<3DOO. the ill smell of a room or liable.
05 t @ 66 O SJ 05 S Lp [g g; Q(_jrr ; g.'
OjeruSgLyGt-JT/iDg; , to be overturned . 05^[
5,1351 ^eSOgi , to lie with the face dowuwaids..
05*^)1_5;(2 UJTeorgsiILJIK5 , a ship that is sunk.
g>j^0>^jipn53ijrigi 0585^ 5^/, to walk hanging
down the Jiead .
05 up 056^3C^ i to overturn a thing, to put it
topsy-cuivy .
05iija5Tff . partridge.
05^l|a5S,riJLC, fraud . 05
i^J LC L_J<rT
5V > to deceive, te trick, to circumvent.
05<fire55JOJ050ST^!Oi>or , a double-dealer.
05 a capitularon , covenant a deed , or instru
ment , a cowl . ^enijaoQLJ9T-e5/iCgi , to treat . 05
cO-|'7oG05lJ.e5.'iDS; , to a capitulation .
45<Oj0VT, the temples of the head . LOigLO QuJTL^
ScO-JJvr, a place on each side of an elephant's head thro*
which an oily substance oozes dining his lust or tage .
05cTU , 05ffi>eTUQ05|TLX!l_| , a fork y branch.
05OJ3-\| . 5^2_|(0;"1-> a wooden supporter.
05U&S 1 buaincl's . 05U2 OJUJTHSi'J'^*
5j , to be busy, or occai|>ted . 0, tfi) ffilOJ L_i 'T /J" S 8t
D5i , to take care of one's things . <X5 if- OJSS
U_iTtUiJ[5QgenT' , I am come1 on a certain errand.
-2| Jji) 05 i?D OJ u3 00iITX> , it is no nuf.ei ; it is not
necefsary . 3) _03r{f: @ 05 $nj S2i XI ,
-SlSffjSjQegTi O5^^^@0505iriJ irjJyTareoT ,
what is that to you? <s fXI 5/ U-| on Q> > " concern
me ; 1 have butincfs; it is necefsary.
05L-pF#T5Q05rri_O. , a shrub bearing round kernels.
0>=^ @ffr , one sixth part of an ounce .
05LPI (pt$^05)J . 05561/*) 05>^5'*
, 05 up -1-9- LJ G tI C!a-'3s2L'> to pull off , to un
clothe, to flrip. <n-uJuj:u<^iljTeooju3^rajeV5Cr8*i
05upe)^si;Cb . however be, semi him away.
eStPfi/eGeTao , -kind of a balance.
0Sy><TOT.(ge , 05 up [5
Q uj
to get louse to slip ort .
05 up LJL^/yDdi!. to decline working . ffupujUJ
etrr , 0;upe_iU-|eTOf , 051_pi iTi r> , a lazy ftllow.
05Lpi_jujfreorQ55Tovi oyf . a lazy workman .
05Up/*^Qc5 ti 0^Up'PT- (g(2ujT^r5' ,
05 y/OO 05 Co 03 T L-. .' / a creeping herb.
esup^ef . , 05 up aG Teu9- s 05Tuj . it's fiuir.
05up^ru^gy -j. 83S5eVj;e6ejOay .
05upaf . a cultivated held .
05uj5 , ,a long branch of a tree , a Have of wood an
arm of the sea .
<Sh\-p&03i) > te go off by loosenefs ; to pafs as time
does. 05Ui6iJTLL'QuJTt,g> , tobectut out. _2].ijJ
^05eOJmQ-05-up4ujgj, he got the loosenets . 05Uj
62 , 05Ui6'ruiToorCF:cr05vaj , ha.l Hurf, dan aed goods.
05U(S0585 OBi) to pare or cutaway from the tide of
a bank ; to separate what you do not like from the
reft J to abolish , to remove , to subtract in arithmetic.
5 up 05
05 -0*5 yS05*/1 , cut off the twigs
and kavos from bushes . 051 eT/rJCT 0- 05 Lf 6>85jl_J
QljtQ^^C^J , to 1 ay off a d;bt. 05 CN3 5 SD
05U5giujQujT OS "S -OS; , to spend time idly.
05U^uJM050;wrr05@ , subtraction.^! (5 030;yS
05 85 Dj , to use crmonie for removing an imaginary
pollution ,





ffLftFF JO , TV UJ O m^^LrVFCO , loosenefs a brafs-cup full of verdigrise [or verdigrease . ]

0 o>lfQrF$)&w . a kind t) serpent.
r dysentery. Qt^536 <E^f>? fOvD , the bloody flux .
03/'" . bnhtrrefs. l^ff J0T03S/avT , the brightnefs
(555|_1'_| , rejecting, nut-casring.
fF'_|9-;rof y . ejQfff-' o'f thesun. (Qd ^c^^a/CvT, the brightnefs or beauty
0i( , a pale or a take w;rh sharp point on of one's .
whlcU the hers or budics of malcfa-tors s jitted
CF.-OvT, faintnefs , pining away . 0$/OyraiU-y,O
mlidmx. $*%} ,. 05@ ( jo Qljt (J* ni&OSi) , ( (& rf) a'$/!OgJ ) tocomfert one that
^OS/ j to empale one, ta put on: ro death by spitting pines away. 05 iiWT G 5
5r fi^
i 'be fit of
his head, 01 body on a siikc . ^(L^QcxisTXJ^^^J , laintnefs has ceased '.
piyovr , taies , weeds coclsle weed , darnel . igiSJO^T
to be empaled, or spitted on a pale, 05 ( Q CX /> ,
a hang-dog , villain . 05 @ 05 33 VT LO , the phice where _5(b''t)ie.ADSj j. ( LJ^TE^yg^ ) to weed . fiS/OfT '
i i 1 Il tl'3" coin grown so high as to require wtedialrfatoi8 are empaled .
ing. 0?/wrinjTrf . a weeding- hook .
. 03@(), an eagle .
5@ ffiTwsf . a <-hort and fat man .
03._/wre?ogj i to pull off tne elojlttt .
05(u#Q> OiUTavTLD <? Q.d' , profligate pedpl .
R(Ltf4S)55 . an afs . 0= QSSgjScor LO (05@!ff> (2 ( OcfJ ; to undrJ's one's self.
^lyOYf 5J5 -Ti^ . 0 iwrjij iTS @
> 0>K
UJT'L_!_D) i iwr-^ -o +j , to- play 'the als.
0. (l>9)LJl.5i ai
af's-diing . ^^^-., j/"-ivTvua LUiiS/QeS.^og^ , topme awaj , to faint nwaya y >ung als , an afs-colt QtET liT*.(L a-E'f), a mule. er.5jWru_i(2,i_iT i fj03cSl $OQiJ . to be in a swuon.
ff,3fr a/r lb , g; 'JvT >/r
jorLD , faUhood , milice. . .
'03 5D93 J l >S', he name of a certain wild beisi .
@a9)j the neck . g;{$r5^^vf3g3"*.ios; -,
g; oyr sep , a thief--, a loguera- wicked- fllow .) ane of-'
to break, the neck . ^-^^^-^ , tu ciliarer- 350YT.ovT oer l fem . 0V?VT ovf , 05 tvt ovf
^ throat. 05(L <5 2>S5 5 (fg a6 O 5J > to twist the Collerv-ti ibe . 0? ovr T^i_it_Ji_0 , aj forged sign-one"i neck. 35(Lg955xJL_IiIi SSI , the crip*- of a ing . 0=
; ^ lI l_l cSo ". s'-pirafe'. g
eloak ; the collar of a doublet or shirt. 05@65E!2/35 'v'ovr^g; XicO-lG^TOO-, a pick-loclf . . gsoyroYTLJ.''
i_jl_0- lalse measure . 05 OVT >1" L_l t_J o*ST LD , false or1'
a neck-cloth .
05(er3J.a>_r>3)J to wash; to polish %ems 05(L counterfeit-coin . 05OVTOVTt3^'^OS;Ga3'/# > a false
cS 05 Q^iT ovr ^ 05)J , to wah one's self. 05(uj prophet, g, cTvTOVTLJt-jiS.LpTowr , 05OvroYFLDTTUJ(_Si
^Vl ^ , an adulterer. 05OVT oytljG11099' TI <LjQt-JT6&^OSJ , to wash off.
03 (L^ ef , w4rer wherein vice has been wash'd . L-P- . 03ovrovrA)c^' an dltcrefs. 05 oyr <VT l_
03YriBQo/TiOT'e4.3OJL/ the neise of chattering, U-jj , a tbievish-cat. gjOYTCVTLDL^ , a wig.
S^JHJ 0Qje>_i&,WOvr<nr , a gluttofi . (3<nj#050>i;
or of water running eut tf a narrow place.
0j:?VT'Ty03LQ , a blot trick, knavery, 03'(05 , a whore-monger . 05OYrvr^-LJff3 , a dwel
L0.5b , without fraud .
ling place of the Colleries .
P-.SYTOff. milk-hedge. 05 vr ovf i_j LJT CK3 , the
^VT#UJ!-D, a granary . 0}CYrg5Sr . 03;359 .
juice of milk-hedge. (J
05 o-vT oyf , rT0305
05->^> , 03033555^ a srrt'1e lace
05 ovr l_l l , es1'"!J05@4-- a young elephant. evrovf, G"-J(5'TO05Wrwf . Q'*rri-Q-'3lft<W<*[?*
051_|!., a kind of an odoriferous oiniment .
S5@0 tfVTCNf , LDT"JWrGf<^0^o^'c^f LJ04>
IRcryTUO/J", people tint till the held , -husband-rfler. 513) g; 0j g; ovr ovf , diffrent kinds of that J'hrub .
0, 1 place in the feld a threshing-floor ; shelves, I 0^ TVf
i/OVF UJ T <"F , the name of aplnnt grovi~
banks under water .
195 UB .2) W fi -CO 8, ' ing under thrubs ,
to measure what lies on the threshing-floor . 0;oyt
0;ovtct 05vr i toddy.
LCg , estimation of the quantity , of grain on the 05i>05 * 0&), to milk. 05^0 05*^0 LJffr
floor . 05~tvT UTFLO , Wages to be given from-- the 03 O <ffi) OJ UJ UJ ffr , a milk-cow. 05 !D [ gGuOV
grain on the threshing-floor te the workmen. 05'oytlj oofujTor^/, pure, unmixed.
lSfSF . alms te be given from it to some people . 1 05Ou_03r , a sly person, sly as a fox. 05
-^(-^- , Gi_IT/j-?Rg33yTLO , the place or' 03 LO , slinefj .
field of battle. Q35>TiOO95 0evrt-Q , the place of 05^OL_O- , a bear .
execution. 05cryr BjigQcro.aa'lSdQgjj , to strand en a j QiDQ) , aknob , knot ,knag, clod , roughnefs of (tones r
the ancle . g; (g fj _ LL| uo T etrr jJ , full of:
bank or shelf .
clods, knobby . knotty . 03O LO (^ j30 UO 1<
03<Jvr<f , a ftage where the spectators (land.
05 YT #"rg oso LO , a barren or brackish ground '.
, rough , uneven . 05.4QI (g 03-05 or 0>e , the heel,
'0 YT<r^ , theft . ^3yren)rrwrreS!0OS; , 03Ovro"X| he ancle .
Qfuj* .rgj , to fttal . gsevrotllGi-JTrr^ , things 0541 G1 .^ D . ^^gjscrr .
5 /vj/owjt , a piece of sugar-cane , the ef a'
ftolen away . 05SYrJTwf , athief I we/. & < i )
03 ff t joy .
certain potato-plant.
05^D5l/JOTTt ttuprRj(g ,
es^rf", athick porridge or pap. 05Ovf lot , clay. knob or potato of that plant. 03-T1 ffikffiiiA'OTr,
05 ovf L rarr jJTvr i> (TU ffft^D&il , to mollify the a wild kind of it .
day by putting water to it. 05 &if LO m _ U QJflS 05*Owrri 05LO , a beetle-box.
to make loam.
/ > t0
05 0 oust u. , a spoon . QiOlcvroyf 0>^^OWTl_9^.
a 1 ver -spoon .
isiiead the clay .
05OVf *i_(rrfl6 osy , to be over-joyed .
0^-O LOBLJ , an elk .
0?somrxi V . 05 /00505*^05;.
es^/f 05*^05^ . to rejoyce gjovfuq 1 iT-.
03>/ft_ILjT^@, beetle -nuts cut in pieces and boiled.
mO/mr , a dwaif , a beast little of it's age 1 a**
03 Off"L0 1_| > the green rust or canker of brals or copper, fruit not come to perfection .
in . 05fut4|-3'-*-S5^',*LO 1
0})ovf > 05^)if &($?5>! , an intractable horse,, any. seit of meat {betides rice ) drsfsedm aa>

Indian manner. 0?^Ljg>T.!5TO053YT",vaiioiis sorts 0SeT03LD, gold, eseer^, thicknefs, penderofif^.
05unrLO. ponderosity, gravity, thicknds , bignefs.
of" meats . (_"0505_5 , a dish of vegetables.
' 05 -20103 #.c)j, gb^xvgs^LjQiit ajsj .to grow honour. ((^"(rinje'OTTr KS 007 LO i )/*/->^ ,
black. -- , black, blacknel's hatred . 05-4Q-' to honour one. 05 etrr LO T or ill aar , jowQJjvt
1_!1_|(&^> t a black horse. 03.^a5gLOS'-''tn~ , vrOJ<rat" , an eminent man , a grave person a rich
a black man . 05 ^---^1-0 , black colour. &cv . 05OTttviT rfjuj'-O , gteat riches . 05 or LJ n j,
LjLj<rar , ( fem . 05_a/i_j|_S, ) person of a very black a greac sin . 05 _2_. , heavy blows . 05 sor l OB lJD ,
a heavy tain . 05 asr lq/T UJ T nvr <2ZU& CO >J , IB
skin . 05 iO/OJJO , a man of a black colour .
elfecin greatly. 05<"056 ^DJi; , to glow heavy. 0;
S-daTUt-O , hatred .
W^rviUTLO(TLD , the cinnamon-tree. ffiCOJfXi<T 05 0S ? chi' 03* ^05; . to be very sorry. 03ffar8)gf
JLJLJi SSI , cinnamon, SiQ> OJ<Tgig>ll3o\2LO @t_0,, a numerous family . 0S<>trrg^[5TOVr , critical
aays 'in diseases .
cinnamon-oil .
/ , 03g).
ff,Q)6^$0&J , to scold , to rebuke , to threaten .
&Q&QvinJ(5&&-iOSiJ, to be very dark and 05 tif , fruit .
05fct-^OgSJ , 05nfT55;QLJTjO^, to grow
black .
di SB SO , - spot , ftain . 05*^!Ot_JLj(S*^CS; , to ripe j to Le 111 flames, to glow 0; cvfr^q LJLpu? , a
grow spoticd. esa^iVjLL'rruSi^-iCSJ i fffltLJ ripefiuit . 05itrf\jjB> su 03*^05; , to lay f.uits m ttraw
*-0- 53S\O^ , to be spotted or soiled. jfi3i> etc . to ripen . 00<rtrfrT;5(Lt 35J , to weep bi:teily .
G (5 ll M 35"^ Q>5,cb)iib' the fire i welllighitd,
Oja^iijTlffig;, to be full of s^ots .
gSiS^OOJTeffr , white ants. 05 E> L <|_5.1_0- 05 3f IUI LOraT05(B> , a ^o^iah-tree .
iQ&U} , the white ants will get to it . 05a>.2OLUT 05A3trrrSe6i!^ , to neigh; lo retch or hiwk^
*T^yrf tiaOiSSigi ," plnkelten by white ants. 05/o"oTi_Ji_| , nc glnng i liawking -etcliing , kecking.
^-Oi- .
* 6-2!?0SffLO, 0503 1 LO , difficult , hard , tedious. 033trrLDU>
05 L_-05 LO , the sign of cancer in the zodia^k. 03 strr JCyb'J , tairying, delay, excuse. 03<>^5
L^o-^Ljmr. Oo^eASgi;, 0i3 DLn\Q*n jJ]
<?;:031 Q^LOT^cruj i a ring with a stone.
to protract from day 10 day .
<p.iO03<>wn-( , 05 OO 05 <(|} , srgar-candy .
05.2OS3LC , ^gL^gS-^aSLO , dreg or settling 05 ear CV , a calf, a let or plant ij a tree. 05 fftrr jXI/
b-t_gL. a caif . 0jicir yi 53) , the co.v anJ calf.
ef oil etc .
0j.p05LO i 0S0503LQ, the side of a man from the LOTeT05 , a fjwii young d.ei .(-'fH 451 CVt
arm-pit to the hip.
5^00<0)5/ ( <3(5 a bull calt . {61 a rf 0505" >m , a cow-calt. gsoor^ri;
) 0K203T" jLjtr/iOg; , to cany under the QLjrs (V&dC 65J [ .orcSSSLcS^itjJ ] to . .^aer jai
)0>05 , /i< name oj un . LOTT/ . oor^Oi^
aim .
05j;*^C5b . Jcy05G0;TOYr?y5*j3O5; > to a pJaiit of a m.ingo-tree . OJT iSLp 03 ><T J/ , a
plantain'-* flicker or shoot .
earn . 05 / ;:( , a very young scholar.
- G >. learned men . 05CN>Oca ^CJtT > an 05Strr &}) , 05 W_2i5-L_lCLJTjiOa5J. to grow
illiterate man. 05 jsJTgGOOOOT 'hJ03O(S)'t;r, thick-saii.ned , to g.ow liar a., d unfit for use f 3peaKog
of fruit . ]
lie has learned what scarce any body could learn .
tfrSOQ&rt, a hall of justice , a tuwn-house, ( Pers .) 05-iaroort_Q-UJ*tT, a cauaarian [ on: of the cannary
ctuntry .]
J&SCffj&rrenr , a stone-cutter .
* 05j>j<T , a lord, polsefsor, owner . 05.r3OSj"> g5<SOT"3trrt_O_UJL0 . the cannary language.
055, the cheek, jaw . 05atJratrr0S 5 T'Jj^,
<?3 -C-^T , the Lord. &,Off>/TTOif , an owner.
LO 1 OJTv)Og>3ir , GJ4 ^ jnrecrLJi-jSSHJ . swelling bile the J\ .'Ck anting
t 05.9) , one who has an arbitrary power . 0-^ from a venereal distemper. 03--oroori_J.._5c7yT&!Qj,
g)655;OJLO, 05 j>t55o55^0JLD domination. i sore 111 the cheek, a canker . 05 Toruju iby,
3.2bt 5 Qt- 03 LO , high-treason . ^^ he fineor soft hair ou the checks. 05 'frigijQjva
l^JQ.&$COiJ ( JHS>G&05]J ) 'o g. ve oac a slap
QiriT& , one who is guilty of highncasou .
the face .
* 03/r>CJ0;LO , 05^!OLj0:-rf3<i5i flo , 03^01-103 on 05ar^ri_(5*4O^
. to break into a hou,e for
4tJ5 a profitable tree ; a palmyra-tree .
Healing. 03 05( ?ST ^> . an implement for hoase03.2Oi-JL.O- , stone.stairs .
bieaking. mevravrifo'cb TCDW , a house-bleak . r .
ZffiSOLjTSSSO a rock under ground .
05 osr sor ctnD , sugar-cane. 05-;, uni:r .
&ClS&&.32Li J t0 command .
* 05irfff , a virgin , virgo in the Zocluck . 0 oor
5 t_ / , a commandment.
5-20LJ . virginal chastity . & SClJt&iT
QUJYT , KrfUJT^AJSfT , ffiirariDfaJTuGLl'W, '
ofSE>05 , a virgin. 05 nf 3) > , 0ST*offtgg
gill that lives thastejy . O c_l oo TV 35 T " , a chaste g;iCUt-0
, (Borfef virginky . soeratrfjjj^iijirg
and beautiful virgin . 05 j>i_lySuUTcjQLjewT , a
virgin. &&LJ\Jf$f$Q^j<mn , 05j^l_|Q05t./cc (ur , 05<rerOTf 5j? g^'si'T-ilJi'LL) t 50i_jer ,
f5gLJ<r"T , a defiled girl. <X(5Gi-l<&VT2sracrrfji an undifiled Biaidcn . 05ritrf ujfrgjTOTruj , tue giv
ing a daughter in marriage witliout reieinug ihc custo
S -1_15'05^?; , to deflbwer or defile a girl .
* 05.vO(r4jTiJ3 , cainuhire. CR-iOLjyri_jL-|!X>c^>/ mary gift . 05Jtrronf l UJ
grafs of a camphire-smell . es.^yjisrsxcyrC'yf- , /j a chaste youth. 05-rarot ~ Q LJoeirr, a girl
that has not lost her viigbity - 05 oor otn -2J yb' 5
* of a ftutet -jcenuii plant.
JL. LQ , 05O4?LOQ_LO , lice, impurity. OJtt , one who has debauched a girl .
05mrrcrof cUT^LCf i cape Comoiecn .
* 03.QLOLD , a fact, action, work, thing. r^SOS:
COLOLO . a good work . ^^O05^3UJLO , abad work. eST, 03T3JeTLO, yj'TV^STfllo-arLO , a flowtrganttn .
&,SO0eLp , wild aloes.
+ 05T05LO, a crow. 0513>-, a letter .
* 05 A OTLa , the ear .
ejTi-Glll"rC(g*^a'i to weep aloud .
03-^?W53L , Uie Caxaac]t .

ejTgS^JSjgiGFl-fl. ,
eme of a shrub.
ffiiTl 1_1^ , a wild boar . iTU_05t_Il-S^>
ffiTiKo^a-n-Qi-JTaigsGjuj^if^AQgy, to iead an a W1I4 dove. * 05fTi (Ij!_6_ia/35L ( a wild beaft .
idle life .
0SO"i @US(TLD, a wild tree.
STffiffiTfi a kind of cockles in tanks .
05TSDI ,the name of a croaking bird. Qio5?F35
OSTfssgsTiu , 05T05sg;, a crow, _2i-ftrrt
05TTDt . ir resembling a quail .'. ,
TeseSTlij , a raven . (#"05 050505 , a water05TI # , a divine vision . 05Ti #QgT@03e6^O
crow. #ieTW05T0505Tuj , 05a05@5f;njTr , 57, to a vision with grace. '
gjTH T . 05 <T5^J, a wild bull ; a wild cow.
1 . 0505 oSTff>Q9)Ta-S a largo boil on a foot.
T05^TLjQLJTetir , tinsel, brals-leaf, glittering ffiTi (ge&^ay, to (liew . 4(g93y3g5@5S5*Brr
iikt gold . '05fr05e5TI_ffn- ,
name of fish .
0"<! (S^Dg; , to water the sheep. if(55
!-.^_.35055*^, to betray one , to
1/. 05<05 o\QBrJ . - .
05TTO*-LD , 05rre5t5LO .
discover Itim to hie persecutors . F8>rR/05Ti fficS^yj
05T"iKi9S45>- , lascivious uei's .
g; , te cry j'io cry'aloud , Q5j<t LU0505T1 (5#.2
/^ SX' , blue cloth,
to shew pl.iinlr , te denloiiftrate . QFT3\cS'i'rL_ie6
05TFLO , i_53)fg05TFL, a cataract , a web or Q&rf, to explain . g/Tll<K>35T (5*^0&/t to burn
peck in the eye .
incense . jvrg5@w5 35T" I (J> *
, to light a,
05T9-LO , 05TX2<FT0;t-D , 0riUTF05TFLO , piiti- person, to cany a Jight before a person . injfT^
ifek..-. asthma .
35T4_9-serrg5t_|i-D , the letter which you sent .
05-, 05TULIT the name of a tree. 05TFT"f
SOO it's leaves . 05TFT<raT0-,l Si , it's wood . 05TraTLO , an oil-prel's etc . 05T*TLQ-y,(3S.23
fia- - 35 TFT , another kind of that tree .
57 , to make oil etc .
05T#, OJTgi?^ . Benares in Bengal .
ffiTggejffiLe. t abite of an unknown iusel .
05<TSr t money . coin-, a call , the eightieth part of a ' /gsTwof , a furlong , an acre of ground j the eightieth
anam . 05TFl_O-03eS.Ogy , to coin . 05 ffr- (J5 95 pin in arithmetick .
f$ST i the impiession on a piece of money . 05TT05
Qrr traf , 05Ts-f UJTi # i an heredirary fields here
05*2>' , a money-changer's shop . 05053.!21 , ditary succession in a work or employ . FRTemf n jm *.
a money - changer , a shroff ; a man that has money . #95 fjT^OJtn- , ejrreref LUT^VT , an heir .
Q~l>JYrovf ffiffiT* silver- coin .
05 T esf ? ) 35 > a gift, present, donative.
05 rr *057 , to see ; to find . 0JTwn i_iQi_ir.-X)
05TFFT05L5 , the name of a pot - herb. 05T) (55
J , to go to see a thing . 05 (gFrrj^g ./ f
if */ it,
05TFF JO , a fever ; aridity , a dry summer - season. 05oWGL-J8'r*-^8ib to visit. 05<5->-
55= J-a\OTLU35ti 'ft'bibmji, to lie sick of a fever. 7V5EijOC5J to perceive. 05 WOT($l_Si__0-J58^9gL/ ,
f3(S35@^05'TFF ,
/r0505TFFC4-> , an ague . find . 05(3_<^;57, to find a thing which lay 011
LSgj^SSSTiFJO , a bilious fever . #Q
()L0 S the ground . 05nrr@i_jT^5g5/v){5/, to be rejoiced by
05TfFO>O a phlegmatick fever . CUT35 iffiTF'JO, finding one's self bettered . fKeetrrKi iTffi><go-rn irrii |
a fever occasioned by humidity, ^-^---, Qw -i&^O&il , to make a thing from the view of an
a fe er from ind geftion . Q 5 T p. e505TFFO>* . other. 05<nwrFTmi_lLJfrjtfl @<@ 51/ ,
a malign fever. Q!_JrT5l)Tif 05 35TFFO , a pefti- to connive. 05TreT(2iT LJ Q l_J T O ffJ ,
lential fever, a mortality. tB(j5rKy55iTFFOO , an in ( rrji 56.30^ ) to walk so as to have a thing in view
termittent fever, ifii T0-35TFFCK>, a continual tlut i before you . 05T L_JL_l(e6 ^Og7 , to appear .
fever . TiTO-OTO' i *9fF t TFfso, a qnarun - 35Tnwri_JLJl T SS9y , invisible . 05 it *23p TU ff>
ague . ^>-^t^iQ3 iSD^^rrj fao , a tertian-ague, OSOLO, the privy parte. 05a gg>L0O-O(2 1_JTerSjj
ill 035 F C\D , a fever with a great drougnt . loft. 05a^)LC'3vO^(^5(5*2r--Sy, to Ileal something
(lily away . .>[ il il 9 - fKj , so it seems . 4
_1_L cFjTFF JO , an internal fever.
65TF9reSZ!0^> , to boil ; to make red -'hot or glow g5</Ct7T05rr5/LD i how much may it be ? how much*
'"g- Ttii'^OTiF flTFtf ljGiI T (g st
g; , to | may be rhe produce, or the amount f Ji) a>8> 05 05 T
^g)i_D, it is not to> be found, it is not here.
Tebuke some body with anger
05 T F 35 05 --LP-, the juice of beetle - nuts boiled and S ^.'W^Gi-JiS^iSeseST^s; , this is not
enough for' three persons. .SJfgJ L ' #(00 05*
iried , which prople malte use of with their beetle .
05 T F iff LO nrr V . 05T3 .
Q<niBOTl TUO a don't take it ami Is .
0".rr**sTl id i a section or part -of a book.
05TS5FTLO 1> . o-T4_.LDTLO .
g^.Teoirri "Tu5.OO'05U) , ai> -unicorn .
v. 05THJ66O5;,.
5!> QfT^S . a nettle . 05 5
05TwTuS0;t &> , to (liew } to appear . oTcffji
e; , te
-S| l_l i_S )^X> . I have been stung wtii i"-JbT05 95T <n i_35;05G -35 T ovr "5 *
check or chicle one
a nettle, (f
05 T F
, )<)505
05Tg>LD, three h nirs walk, an Indian league, containing
QfT^ . liferent kinds of nettles .
seven and half Indian miles , or about ten English miles .
05Ti^ 05 05 aref . Indian oars .
ffiti T Ci >^305 . to gather the bones of a (Jt/SSTiOJi-f . a way of two Indian leagues. (g5s>
35 1 3OJL0 , away of three Indian leagues, rg <T 0>
.turnt corps .
05T8LD, four Indian leagues ^"uSlSTLD, five ditto.
05TL-O- , vinegar .
05 T 5 ovo , desire, luft . tf T-iOl-jrf-eS^pe^ , te
05T. a wood, foreft j wilderncfs . 65TC5GOJ1
< 0 , a wood-cutter . iorragsTi rrujeSi 05^571 desire . ^rrjti&g0505TcK) , the screeching of an owl,
SiTQJ , an ear the eye of a needle } a button holej
the ground lies uncultivated . muj J035T"(i> . acoinield . U-yoglsaST" agrafa- held . QtajcvroYrgs a loop-iace . 0 TtTBiR l_L * jSD 5J , to hear
(RT(> , a flood , inundation . l_| a 05 35 05 T (S , a grea1 plainly. 05^ 'S; Qa-'TfS^ *-20?L( t0 l"tert- *35T5J
. ^Ti (StSffil'ti
*f tnc woods loi , the gristles of the ear, 0jT5;ift TUJ
an extreme hunger which deafens . g,T^>G(J>oG*''r

e;Tt55 3>tuilJ - tuj

2)*:, to whisper in one's ear,. {BTffi "T g , a

malicious whisperer . &Td) QJsE&-0&J , to cut a
person's ears-eff-. j^S^oxoorgiTJ Q'm rSQl^S/
fy, i have heard of it. 33/1
*vn ej<TaJn- ,a
deaf man. 5/[5<5 , one that is deatlh or hard
ef heiiiiig . 35fayLOrggSLQ , deafislinei's . 0>Tdy$3e6
etrri_iu)Twrg> , plejsant to (he ear . -QLD^beTg^)
the uppermoft part of the ear . ;, the Wermolt
part of the ear .
35-T35 $TlO , corpulency ;.the thicknefs of a. board
etc . 95 rgj^tTLOrrrarnjcer ,. esrrgigiT'etrr , arobuA
t)r ftrong man ..



bearing . 33 TLUff: 33 IT , one that sells- ft urfcjn.

33 <T tu 35
fiuits and potherbs for food'.
STLUe^OS; , to grow dry by the sun er fire;,te**
he boiling hot , to be red - hot i to be hot by a fever or
by a p.ifsion ) to fhine . 33 LU 5>iU 35 S.30 S)J > to dry
'something. QfiULUldoc^rr LLiaSJ > it is suir-fhine .
@ovf jfgjTLue? JOS; , to wann one's self rg<?OTg5iT
IU OjJ , it is moon-bbrae .
r.TOJLJM , a thick, skin,, callosity, callousnefs
=- LL)S5epL_lGt-JT OCy , to grow callous.
eSTOjDiT (TLD . envy.
051 LO , ejrrfrL_55Bc5 , Juggling tricks.
S6n"!rt_9wr , a juggler ; a double-dealer.
,35Tgj{5J , the wind. ~3J| 35T&/ , the nmth- 5'"<!(_ , the original cause . 5"<7"< LOfT"
wind tp&irri) , the eas;-wind. Q5>-orffTTfl5 uS<. ^OOJJT i the author, or efbblishrr ef a things g; T
_\J , the south - wind . Qld tnr weft.wind . iroBT(g)'a5'lr!5^TL, a inotive. & rr rr<nvTS(&
G^iST^ST^S;, -/;; , a stormy wind, ict-TO^OYT., chief or principal things', rr ( ej
a violent wind. iSvT^J. 3 T 8) 35^ , a cold wiid . 95LD , one's fate . 35TCTwrf 35e5fR/flS7VT , hillories .
35(^11)4^ 95 "/< LOT sor il /J", the
C-iilTg^iULTOorgST^SL' > * pleasant or whole 8
some wind. 35T>05@LOB.O" LD a (belter Creator of alt things . *J5 T " (g 5 , a priest, that
from the wind . 33 ggi_0_33@g; , the wind blows . seeks not bit intereft but the good of his disciples..
e5T(TLO ,. sharp , keen , biting a corrosive . tT5"rrcrt-0>
eT5J9j<2>LQL_|gj, the wind shifts.. ^
stoYTLOil'j OvDi/tXX, ne wind arises , it is calm .35
ffi)SiJ355S^05; i to apply a corrosive . 5 LOSS SU tg
i> fRJ&^O^CU. ^-a<23x)Sx! ) the wind is laid or b)LJL4*T^5)356t 1, to make aplace sere by
aller ffi:-U35eS.oay , ,0 1*r a thing J plying a corrosive.
/^ 'Bg/J ( l_J .45 15. 57 fljji ) the- wind T<T^O i /' a fish .
broke downwards . -. . a paper - kite .
I e5TO"rrLO"ewlf', TTT LO 0OBfl_Jl_J LUJO/, kinH'
* eT2i>LO , T[5gg5950N3 ofi) , ^TnggLO*f. ef lentils >
a magnet , a load - stone. . CUc5ga5U)aH-J tfilfTTO
05TTTLD LJSr a brack cow that has a black,
(]g35J , it attracts iron .
udder and a black. tongue .
05TT5> . glare , lustre. BST r g Q ^rr(g^*>30
<J5fr<f lulo , a thing, businefs .matter, affair,
CSi^TLa , a gem. that has a fine water and lulhe . rf^LULOT UjQljT CSj; . to go Orr an errand. "
0iT[5s;Asa/, TTjiL-jQL-LTiSos; . 55 if tu 5 5 rr i # tf tt o<> i_i rr (- 5 d)5 , seeCsorrHJLjQt_|rr^Og^ to become scorched . esrrrgg; that you do not fail of succels . 05 Tff efof.
" ".fT-aai , parched rice . 35$5'2> 5? , eSTff^, an attorney , a-commifsioner,
>i_1/tSjs6^35>. tat ripen fruits with fire, and eSTff UJ^S^TCp^iratr i a person very capable for
Le ..
managing affairs. ejOrf UULSfiullr D&i) , t
03Tl_l\_if ,. an. African. negro,.a Cafiree. n_uJS'. speak as- the nature of the tliieg requites, e^rrffaj
ifFOnoot^ . endi*es;._
LOrryGFLUS^OS; , to do a thing well . GJrrtfLL*.
33/TL_ii_j ,, arm-or feet - ringr.
TVffitS^bLtKJ Jorr^i^r, one who is not troubkeV esTLDSfif iT LO , envy, hatred'. <>0- wrth businefs'. 5#5^ , uccefs . e5Trfuj@r5..
s4DnJ338Sl2D5J>, .to bear malice agai nil a person .
a prieft. that seeks his own intereft.
35 T rf ULf;
jJTLOL . ^(ruflTiSaTOrtj) , lechery-, lascious- Lbova04>, that is not expedient . gsrrrf lu 5 gLUS^.
jaejs eiTLOT^iTeer ( / . eTLOrrg/if ) a lascivi *U(ge6 JOgJ!., to be expedient or- profitable .
ous person. 355 , 5 _5>- , 35 lotIS"
5 Tff LU uD lead . .
35"TT, tie name 0/ a shrub , (^/^*,.
"i^'TCTU)Tu3i5gs6ZS; , to. be lustfuTor. lecher G1l5/rvjg5T2>T > Leig3jSjTa>T, different kind*
*f-the said shmb '.
ous .
&rrfr , dark , blade. e>trGTS , a black rat ,
<BTL0T4_.UJ 5" , pioneers ,
KTLATUN. LQeFI_lg5TLeJT> m kini f e5TG(Tvr?Y5 * black rape seed . 33 rr if ioyr >
jaundice. u5i_<L55flwor , one that is black . darknel , /oSTtrGrjooog/ , paddy which rip
sick of. it .
ens in che rainy season. 3>#"95'\1- > the rainy
35tlol_i ,, a (talk or- pedicle efleaves , fruits or flow season .
ers j the handle ef a tool or of a spoen etc . (pJOO
35f/5-&5*-SJ i ^^^""0^"^*-^^
#5f LOL_| , the teat or nipple of a woman's breaft .
to keep , to guard , to preserve . <^iggS2ye6@^35T/J*"
$ 5 35 Jf / . to wait for one , to look out
6Tlci_S(TLO , beautiful..
arriuia , the bodytawoand. eSfLUTM1** tne for one. ^rriJ-LJUlT/SOja/eeiJOgSJ >23.35(35
human body compared to a city. ^fcreTlULO , 5) t to dfend , proteil , prestH ve , spate , maintain m.
a robu ft body . Qij5 TJ 05 T LU LD , assa ftida .
^T<J"35*iDb' , to be sharp or pungent as pepper
to be etc . T'j'Ui.ll 1 sharpnefs .
wounded. fl5TUJLJLJ(Sa5S^*^0&'i to wound. 05 rr 33TCOUJ, the tim. Q-JTiFJQir&OLO -, 35 *.
LU Til 33 < Qt^OQi), to lreis a wound. JLp.33T 3TOOLO., the time paft-. GiS^y'SSTONOLD twr
LULO t a wound . that is not mortal .1,| present: time . -^/) , OJ Q> 70 33 T os3 LO
the future, time . (^o-3rBfDgjfef OsDLO , the time.a mortal wound .
3>TUJ,an unripe fruit. (BT1US(
to bear paft long ago. 3>TC}ffg33j(TLO , the circle of time ftuit . * ^OLOTLD , 35TLU 35 ( 35 <^3 -0 35>5) the cue of time-. ^--)^,
utt (fait beut freit, $ rr lu Ut|> for

T *



58 - TW


Tejorrting-prayer . ejTOoQug > e5TN38585TQo\3 ' to be in a person's cuftody. *X(5 ff> jVott 35
die morning.
)^"(2> i early in the a>fX)&,$*ou , 5>31_11_10^5*^; 65T
norning., \55;@ i *o morrow morning. *U joS C\ Gi_JT><Sst !>6; , to deliver a .person int*
e",TOsO_D(3lI^O . BTOOLC 4335 . >\> cuftody. 5f ^- , to confine^
teiimcs , in good time. ^TasOFFLJU) , ( to keep in cuftody . 05"
55-> $0&) , ta
lLflulo ) Lj asusta g; , esTJsDLoQujTeC watch. <rjTll JcTOf , a watchman j a husbaad,
CQxJ , to pal's the -time . g;rr JOLO -|-555;!51 | f^TOJCrcffa-l L , *5T<2Jo>ScA>f5'N>LB , a guard
5*; . ST(3>3TF#5L0rirg5(2ujT;i 1 house , aolace of the guard . QLOeerfjjTOJtfvo , the
cuftody ta a province or place belonging to the chief in
11551 , to accommodate one's self that employ . 35 at ff 5 T OJ a>, the cuftedj"
the times . ^ ^DLULOT^ , /or the price belonging to his subaltern .
at the time being . -,65 TO\0L0 , a seasonable time, j 35Ted , 5^1_ , .red *ker . e5Td5fUi/M
- proper time. y.TTO9>TCTCLO , FTjTOJSTONOLJ ^TLO , a cloth died with red oker. Rri *5
he time of death . 6$f 7\_).QojVT Wf the morning- 2)3), red stone. }5,
( , frsj
to decease , ^, difjtrtnl Jam <jf olter . 05T L_IL_iOS>
B/ ^T^LU^^ewL_ieN02a , coloured teeth,
4o die .
'5T<JOT> 051_ , a sturgeon ( lat. lupus.)
0iTOJ . 505T4nxj**ofy, fjjTtrfigsG^TswrffiGiUT^og;.
51_.> ene who runs about every where. to icarry a burden slung betwixt two people .
eSTcrS i cape Gaaley <f ' lOHth-ctast / Ceyltn .
5 t_jj. 4 the rod r ftave for' carrying a brde*)
eSToSLOTQ) , oxen that are kept continually in betvaixt two peuple .
he fields or wooris .
&>TQm<f LJLJTFravO * the swelling of the ^T/DOL5T.yr>3 t mornings and evenings .
very-river .
^jTJO, the liiotj a brook, channel 4 the fourth
65 T Q OJJVWT , rti /.*7 tere . 35 L_ll_| 35 H*
part of a thing ; a degree of consanguinity . @$g5TC3 QUywr , (Jbl_it_4e> {2*1/-1^ , G^TOvr
, UeVtJejTese5TC20JA*-r . '
the heel . d-CVTC>fl-CR/35TC*0 , the sole of the foot.
m 5,55 JO , the ankle . 0j iicrtroT 35 T , the different kinds .
*hi i-bone . fT<&>rr m/frg,ojiogij , to (land upon
05T4WLO, a trumpet. 0TWld'Jl9.C *
the feet. <^<55=;>1^1_9-!>5^ eSnVuSoO T. ^TcrvT0>5Je; iDrtjTor , trumpeter.
rfQrg^; ) G<^J',*T(P*-OSJ i to supplicate 4 to eSTovTnruu , a lime-kiln i tile-lila.
fall ata person's feet. (gp'LpTOBjTCrO . the knee,
, a mushroom . fjjt 035<~*
(f^ 35 T 0>3 the fore-feet a/ quadrupeds . a spong .
SOTeoriR/', the hind- feet . OTTO'S 4* I , ^TCVf3595 IX a black liquid for dying. f5T*rf >
hat goes on foot; cattle, 5 Gil a LUT LU eGt-D.QS^'^Ofi/ > to design on chints with the
1 i il i LO l_l T " S
<l i to travel a'- foot . above liquid.
5*, Ti/afTQLUQSL/ , a bullock , aeer.
> Sj , to dispatch ene with fair words. (i^L_ fSTi/wrgjSjbtrr a, a bull-calf.
i4^GffiTgit^0 ^ CO , a prop to support a
05T.2OJ , a plough- (bare.
hing . JO.fifraNOLJLJT , a quarter. fJSTJO
05T^V*l , to retch . 0jTjS3i_u53* Og/,
t njq , the quarter of measure. (3$<5(>^ three ( 5)UL|<0S/ , G l_i T ( 65
gy ) to hawk ans
quarters. _2( Saffigs TOO , half a quarter, an eighth. spit to spit phlegm . 05T^O Nil i (5&tg/!OB)J , tc*
5(205'" 70 tur
a quarter. QU/co be itching in rhe throat , which occasions retching .
^)^*^. the fourth part of the
<RT.'LJTj/ . domination , m^ftery , rigor . >
work is d.>nj. <(2>5 once. 4JjT<70f(_a. ^LUT^UjeBBTerejyeg q^j , to act the maftrr .
UJTUJ65^^!05a , to run about. RTCOLCTg , 5^!1/<1_11_^005 , to learn how to ma
the foot of a bedftcad . 05T CtOIOT4_9lGcn> at the nage affairs X(55<trr(3u5!r035
foot of a bedftead . 03., a fuut-manj en* 85. , to Keep a unit eye upon a person .
who is very young, having but the fourth part of a
*7%*.2. a gold or silver-collar { a stalk of graft
-complete age. j; T cKj ( 65 5 VT , infantry. or straw. (FT2>ej;g535T;*3 t a g Id or Silver-collat
fS>\ 0>eTfi>O > a broad cellar.
e5TOs3Teef , a particular beam in the houses uf for a woman .
inJians , that serves for supporting the roof . KT3\DT ffjT" SS>L>T CyjLOii , the neek-bne. ^-jgjTgHS>LO
Traf Li O J/i_|(2lITrarU oerr > one who i become i_J3535T*SiO , what ii plaftered with chunam .
weak or poor . eiTovTTL/ , a ring for a toe . cTj?i 1 35 35T0)dOLU7vS*-20b' te P''fter tKe
.035 Too i a.chair. @5535> , { fem. @T5 walls of a house .
65T.iOGs5Tt &tar , an extremely wicked man.
.) a hobbler . QuJTiUKTaNS , a ftilt. Ql_JT
05rr ^ , November.
0 35 4^^(5*435; to walk upon ftilt* . 0;
5^5305@ Gfijje;s5"etLpTO(B
CVJOJl/i a degree of consanguinity.
.reT5pLO<J> T
/ 4 prur .
o>a < ; tofi \ i. 30 (Q3 as.00 lu Toeriijgjr, < //
feosle of the third or fourth degree of consanguinity .
g-TD^v*. ;5^.
^TfULfl. . a pole or Have of wood used as a y>toe
35 , a foreA , a wldemefs .
jT^BTTO , the wavering appearance juft above the
for carrying burdens . 35 Till _Q- 95 T.O ->'" , Till
4-.@5*-< , one that carries burdens by surface of the earth at noon , cansed by the ardent
hearfo the sun . B5Tc*roOT^53:@?jV ( f&i(&>tFJ }
euch a pole..
3vT"jJ JO cuftody. 35Ts"llOs53535T.50c'in-, a the heat causes a wavering appearance on the furfac
aratchman ; one who is charged with the cuftVdy of of she earth and horizon .
<RTg)TOG'35TLp" , a wood-hen with long leg .
.own or country . (5>221 9jTilc>S<rS(5*.^0;
#, \, fitch. &favy)9i*2SL>i *o pite*.





t5T .





.iwt Lfl , et'twewf * brafs-cup .

#__1_0 > trouble and impediment! By
eSeig)cr LO ) cittern , dmicord > harpsicord ; ai>
discord .
uK*Og/, to lie . Jtp/r /J- Jilo es e; ovt organ, eg gSJW LO OJ T #95*^30 ^ , one thatLDflDi
i titer* is a . difturhance ' i* town, [ilayeth upon such ftiument . egTg^r
cjjT.iJTrtua;Si 85, to lie sick. g$i , an o ganift .
-^! XJTUJ^i .ff. eo&i) , to lie sick a-bed.
f5)LO , old times , antique times . &S,6)&LlrF(f%!]?
G>i_ G'-ut G <~ & 9 T lo Ci Lj 50 85J i ' iT'Trr'OJLO . a ihMig done formcriy . Sa
to pifs the bed .
, a dock of (beep or catt:e in fly vSLjQljT 05 T rflULD , a thing grown uut
a fold . -, /9vT 65*22)1
ot falh.on . $5;iiLJ ' l_l T <*'|_1651 i
to pen up the iheep . tSi LOT > a number of LO , let wbar is ^ast be past.
cattle lying down-. #i>< -, . (beep lying down .
I5TLL1 i a enr ; a (hejjlK-rd's dog . ffjd/OOS
51" lo , splendor, a ray or beam of light.
SiBH OJITFCK3 , the -yard before the house . i_5l_p
t5TrR95'_o the Giandum or Samskieet language..
j0;3ji3t , , the back-yard .
eSrrr^il. petulancy . e^cnu^LO t_i / ^
di .@ , a room for ilotes, a spence a prison',
jail j a trench drawn for planting beetle , plantains g; , to be; petulant .[55; < , a petulant boy.
STrjjjg-, T[5^ui-ir , the foul disease, et'.
etc .
eg i Sj^et^OaJ. to lay down n a lying ' pofture . T!5-3S ^>T^Vj"r , otic ihat has the venereal disease.
gi T , a buffalo. eSl TSSW 3> , a butfilo's calf. 05"(5 bjT<T$ . a kind o it , affellini children by the
+ et I frLLff'-O , a favorable look . 88_11 T 'load or had liHfjors of their prirent] .
LLyLCTLLJLJT^iS.'O; to look on with clemency,
'TnjigQjiX.&LD. the nime of a plant.
et I Tl_L#gS*403Lb to faveur.
egTTLDL-1 <v . ) -.\-\ .
b6l_ituJ , the male among fheep or gnats . 4i
eff , ( guiree ) a mount.
' G)3>*l TLU , a ram . QoJW JTTi 33*< T"
Srf , ( kiree ) an hoft.ige . Srf *Btflig;e?OBi) , te
IU , a he -goat . et I T 111 QOJ1!^., a butcher's give hoftages. rf u5 5 9}T) U <^ , an hoftage .
egrf- . ^ .
v modefty , , (Kme . egrf SS5= Q35UJ
66 1 TiTU).a pot of money ,
t eXittT- , one who is pad (harne.
i TCTLO , a watch , v . {}3L_Q_UJT{rLO , egeft lo , a crown . &rf" i Qljt .
tti f<f , a young cow , a heifer , efti f<f{?593
TTFT ,a lawful king to whom ihe crown belongs.
^ , a cow-calf.
eg i TSO". 85t 5*)&)>, a poraecitron*46)| , sensual delight, carnal pleasure, d*
L_9_**;e6.A3g5j , to delight one's self in a sen sal manner.
tree . igt TTTCJoSTUJ , a citron-apple.
<_4* , set t
t_i (2i-jt(52S^os; .
eQcrA)e6S5<"T an honeft man . egGcrirv^^LOfT'
to nail up , to fallen with nails .
CfaiD honefty .
66c^iJ5L?5fi>C593-iOL) trl be frightened .
tS'-O-lUTTLO V . 05 !_Q-UJ TCTLO .
e6ffi_*@3:*CS; to tremble, to wag . (3@ >
*2>9;#S&1I4i_j , ete^ego5LJ!ffiiLj , the of
fa plant whose fruits when ripe , crackle . ffU4 & Ospj
trembling .
i ,eS(5i-5(_. , a tatror of an. oval form .
UU , another fpeties ef it .
ttisi <v . est <a&0&ij .
05 /0?^5; , to make a tingling noise - (gog*
etSl ;5.29 > to be had , to be found ; to come 3;(?i5S5L_0_ , a cudgel that makes a rattling noise .
to one's polsefsiea. ^eW35@LJLJnr{JjeSuJTySa>l
egQovDFLG , Senow, sadnefs, grief -. Qo<>9*
9^jSJ I have had a good luck .
1__))^!0' > t0- be sorrowful .
et u t . 1@5- '
eg ; @ , the eaft. eLr>g5S5^'-iJTior , egt_pe;et
tu LO i the rult hammered! out of iro .
^tUTeor, elLpr: B5gLD3i-'4.etrr , a man of an
Bt4_L, 3?4_!.g$Qg5Tao , a torture , bting a screw ealtern country .*"egLpg535t5^g505<Tggj , eaft-wind.
applied to a man?* hands or feet./ l L. 05 -- *!^^G'^i365*-iiOffL0UJLQ , the day-spring,
Gfff 05*-O8/ (Gffil SOffL/ ) to torture.
the dawn of the day. BLp^G^? towards the east,
EgLp'F35nrswr , a whiting. Port. Buuda .
*i (S^oan. __ S i_i o g; , 5_
Q-IT , to approach. e4_L ( * ) OJQ5*
6@ , a rape, turnip and any kind cf root
, to come near. 6 , near, p _. Eg i
fhaped like a turnip .
1 , <n? i @@5 , near, the house, et 4jp_sr
etLpaiLD , a week ; .a day of the week . [JJTLU
,_ *0eOJ , near efTciV. ;;@(3[5<;^9 20"55 Lp SB LO , Sunday.
Igq T > , I have no time for it .
6_, eSLpuujfl; , e?Lpj3 > oW aSe
eg arar /Qj , a well . eJMssr'0*051 jCO&J , to OJ<rar , ( fni. egyDCS'J a old person . ![_0(*>'
make a well . 40 <5> , the brim of a well . an old ox or cow.
&L-*OlfU , ^L^'rie^gLjrr-Ajj^ t to fret or tear |
tg ; o\0 g> , well-bricks. 35j2betwr
, a well made with bricks . fSS).09SS6 *v*T Q), to go in pieces .
EgLp^oSSg , &lb5)LjQl.IT(5&0J , to rendj
a well made with earthen rings.
et nwregerof , a little bell, a tinkling cymbal. efftmf* to tear pull in pieces , to tear off, to scratch with the
Jiwreoreg >5^ , to tinkle , to give a tinkling sound . claws ; to delineate .
#Lf jgL/ttJrBi rjj^LJTUJ
eSTi "er, gingham, a sort of (biped cotton-cloth. a mended nut .
e5YTLJL-|*-203)J , * JVTLJLS^ 'S&*0J , to lift
95*^05L/ , to ftir . <rS.G 8= Lp 6 up , to ftir up .
ffietOgj , to touch unfriendly upon , or to dir up an, e?ovTL0i_j*^OS; *ovtlo^ljGi-it^OS>,
affair . e5nri_o_F>Co 331 $OlfJ , to pump or siftj rie. egovTLO-S'trrG^''^'^ > a woik with figure*
a person , to fish a secret out of a person . 95*errLJ3.j Somewhat riset>.
<b(S*j20S/# to is one agaiust another,' eSiTtS*-3Sil> 10 toi,r, to pick, to touch.





*^T/5"B*-iO; to raise. eSoVT fr* # , railing . , gJOJffCT" , a ChrifHan .

* 6S-?35iu.JLO , a way of life, bufinefs , honefty.

, tlttrny tri*, benring a sourish fruit. #

B=Q>Frrcr3$E& A5{igu_!Lf , house-keeping. eSjvJgdJ
95$^->^ >.m honell , well-living man .
YTT . '*/ Aifinnt kinds .
p* S_ii$Lt5 F worms growing in carcafses . ffi A^i
* >/f , a lociift, graft- hopper . i^JU B5*ovf , SSiD^^^DfJTSOT , he died , being eaten of worms.
a locuit of the largft kind . LJlFSiSFiEovf', a green
<&J&ajTLDTJOO , the conjugation of verbs .
&^&Qrr<sm- ojcxin^&ics) , to be seized with
lociiil : (Ji/ooipeSo/f , a locuit whose wings look
like leave*- : 5
(*> 5 "it 1 LO ?> Up * ovf , a gidriinels .
grifs-hfp per* .
e-JVr , cyf l_l t_S 3VT i/tVT , a parrot , paroquet. ^puS6oT.^v5a505J , to ftiike ont, obliterate; toif f (CJ ? i> , thing resembling a parrot's bill. j write very badly . ?^?Q'S@ , blotting out , cancelling.
:rOV05@LJLj<nnni?a/Sj!!O3L> i ,0 use .severity .
t6ovf3)#, OVf gycro , niuskle- (hells .
* e^a/s5rrLH3;LD y . SG^o^TLLiajLo .
&yff 5<w , <* / i? fish .
BSO'S1 > pn>uJ > -insolent. S iry'5JLJ(2'l_lFffr.
riy-i?.<nu , a wild duck. QF'RiESJVJffiifXI , nY/ro ,
proud speech . JO/gjUUH Sfi an
red coloured below . dSfy^iSifUUfffoT , /// *fn
/ a ?f/, a grig . iJV5aD tili !_ TLD > t'< / of lirge turband , e?-2Q.'g>< er. a b. alter . 66 ag jrTjiSl
the making a figure , the carrying the head aloft .
Ult .
r/W, a branch , twig, bough , sprig ,. S/WTT
*iyvi_j.TeSi rri_ .FLO , eyes of mercy",
(g MDL_)*-05J. ( ^''-)1-)^*^05 ) twigs (hoot
*^viLJ , grace clemency , mercy.. &*r/eg\_ji
ing forth. i_j 4; ?S 95 e? fyovr , a by-shoot. 66 /uvriri
shew mercy.
(5 5 ^ G "-^ 't ^ * ^ L.1101
(5^ jOey i ' put forth twigs . .
&1AXT&l>Q) > to enfer a needle in the skirt for tak 5 05
Si , to be gracious towards one.
ing out a thorn 5 to wa hlice.
eSmiLOLO , juftice , right. S.-52/LCLOTLU', du(y
6 / - S^o; ro P'u forth (wigs ; to be multiplied. lightly .
66 AT/fu:i5 . wantonnefs . 'Jia'OJ T" , a lacbiou
-;yr ovr T ? @ , littie note or token inftead of a
fellow. eS^i^ga; LJ GliT- E; , to grow le
larg waiting .
JYT^5*-'55L/ , to nip or pinch. eTOTiiJUJ^a cherous .
*G 35LOZ'' *^O^LD"
w fYjJiff: ffj , I am hungry.
*5 3vT */0' , a parrot , a paroquet ..
etG-^CKTLLi^LD , the goldn- age of the world'.
S*3ffiL , a honsc.
* #f2r)4JUD t the price, value ; a sale . d0n>
*>'_0, a planet rrju^ *i?O3fiL0 , nine {H>ffi>.!DUJLT05 i for price, for money, by sale.
planets, rAf hidiani thnk, viz. (.eftrtf oj-, =/> 7TCTs3e5*2-OujLDTe5 , for the price at the timer
rwr .Qf^jojtuj ,t_jf>-nrr , i^B-xitlplo;, G*>J lixed on. 6!CtUL0T0^OEi , to go off by sale.
oyTJ/f . Ffff , 0"rr@ . QfcSx) . Sun , Moon , Mars , ?D^DLLILJ,t_J@55;a5\CC^J , to sell away . 6S)Otijj
, a bill of sale..
Mercury, jtipitcr, Venus, Saturnus , Caput draconis,
esg) ( p/*r. B5|gJf5g$:JYT ) a dream. gjejgjfT"
Cauda draconis .
rerS^Qg;, to dream.
* S^Olold , right, lawful ne t honcfty
, ' . a two-ftringe4- lute with'
S5-ri0fK">T'_O <v . &mrLO .
e&^XFrrtTLD . influence of the ftars as some people calabashes . 6?*or (TUT'gseB'Og/ (\ G^TI .
) to play mron ir .
faucy .
##&9 , 6??Q9=W-Ee ADSf ' te chirp as !>
4 66 lo , an eclipse . eS^BBTLDuSl_fl_3;@
J e-eStSag; , .r>.
g;, the eclipse begin*.
S^wrLDi(!}@ 5 , bird does. fBrBi(SO' .
wheeze , not" being able to speak aloud .
thr eclipse ceases or ends .
, c<rotrfLjQ>_UT * ^SJi to make'
eS>wf, ^^^, a continual loosecuts into fishes etc. us cooks do .
tteis .
5>?;.LD . a hymn; - a symphony. IjtLOUTffiS
ft^srarf , a writer. QLJtf UJat^Jwrf , a secretary.
Bs 2pT>3J66 40/ . to have an internal (icknefs . _ D^; , to sing a hymn . ? OJ T XU-LO / vocal'
eTGJvr*15>r5$LJt2,-JTIFoTa' tbe Rcknefsis deeply and inftrumemal mvsick .
&3) r a ftripe or ftfeak ; one half of a branch of '
roeted . ^ i_j Q i_j t Q&puQ 5 >*^)
coconut-tree, torn asunder lengthways. tS g> / (J5'<
he grows lean by an inward grief,
* ^)LO<reDf the head man m a village ; a toddy- ^.TLtfHgBl^OS; to be ftiiped er ftrealied .
ffirf , eSfri_Jr_S3vra>otr , a mongooa..
man .
*^):J5LD , a .village *<^)LD55TiT . the inha- 8?rf LJLJ'TLO i_| i a belly-worm.
/rr 0/ Indian eglewort or greens. &4&>rr8>
Utarits of a village .
Ac^LOL-t, cloves. (6 *9LDt_irreBBf t nails that have 5jw>T0, the ftalk of the above greens. (JoYr-TOof SSilT . <-& , iJ G ' @ ^B/T't yorni.
the form of cloves .
JOj^ec^;, epoj5s;Lj(3L_jT*/!Qs; , greens. Jt) i30fRiS?S)T , colewott that sprouts again after
being cut. GFlBiO)/?" . red colewort . i_5cvif w-fr&t".
to make even by rubbing .
Seer, Sour pot-herb: rroS&Qpo'&irb&'SBlir , 0>rT
t apprehend , to- comprehend > to conceive .
i GejESrT ,
, G l <'
?)- , t5w5?D'T , l5 w^3gp8>iB>g; -* 8-5*33? i a work'. ejySsf 1 a Malayan dagger .
G . Fft ffi'eS^0 f Gf^t^^Q&SSi to SST, |;?)^ sundry pot-herbs and greens.
a noise with the pen in writing . &-fBT*Q,&
35t_ii_) -, shoes that creak.
an nenio* for salting. fjcTtttS'dO)

LOTLUeS.dCL'ds *0?; ( Jl|te5_Dg; ) to make incisions

in fishts etc. for salting .
cScto, 6#, pitchy &
9 e5 o sj ., to
pitch .

, the hinges of a doer etc .

tSl-prrQiJovCCfS certain fiant.
. Qp , under , bteluw , beneath . f?H5)B>'W
fiD9Sll3iBTd>Lp , under one's power. flS.yD>5(Tt..OT
IjSpTjjiSj-iy fo be inferior in qu.ili.y , in. capacity
etc . y}'JU up. * . 5; . to^ obey . y)u
UJ u. u.| g o\j , obedience. I_pi_ji_i(fl55.je6r)^i
to subdue . ,lp LOTff thunder at a distance .
Ljp ' Lfl , infcruirity . SQLpTfr, inferiors j low
j>cfipli . 5upG^*5^i (.20, tosCold, using
bsceae language . pffi Tg J; , the eaft - wind .
jfSy^&FU.Oc^ . :<>1 uSQo50,.ilplj
,*B -40 Ljgl-JT(S* iOS; . *a caive
i ocut i to delineate. &_\-il^T~4>.SijGjL)., to dil'seft, to
anatomize . -*(5'5*^!' . to cut uut .
* Ef> >(&JVT'-0 iffTO. *)iWL , magnifying ,
praising. (J <T b SFC&d D%)<svrL , the praising of a'
jerjfuB'-s oaroc . iO>iruC UT (g .43 ay , .te sing
he praile / penon .
* O f* i a good fame . s ,> Q l_j 0
QQjirar , tTJC.0>LOTtf3r , a famous person . Jt\tumr
0\lT5g , he becomes famous . sg ^30 ^lutlu
F-ojSzOSV . to aft bravely. -5- 5 95 S3>"
1BUU35 G #5 fSt^OS/ .-to asperse a person's fame,
*o raise au evil talk of a person . r$o
. good
name, j *0. O , abad fame, an unfavorable
jo$&jZ>(5J i so i 5JLjum*>3/, te
* (^ , a cay e, -cavern , hole or den ; a crucible or
-.jmelting-pot . (gsabsB1liJl , afsay of gold or sil
ver melted in a crucible.
.@55# ^ dog.
* @K(F,r-^.L0 , a cocV , j a lien .
@TO*aS'XIL0 , rosin. QfajayTi/wrs;
/K/3ioSuLJLO , certain white rosin j pounce. 03tf5<T\J
.(g'K.'.iSaSaJLD , black rosin.
j@f]jja6/v3^ .(gru-LjQuiT-^gy , toink a U.tle,
to nour.
* @CK;@LetO ,ared colour for painting. @<(}<
.20lO . a red colour . (gTO^LOLJy) , Eiiropesajfroii.
,@')(gU>lcFU)UJT, a Jcind cf paddy of a yellow
colour .
@5FOJ'T, @OjrU*er , Gg;TFiUnr,t potter
( <tr. IJgfgi /. @ P3 fi LO, an earthen
vessel. (gFCVJ^ir^.f , a potter's wheel. @^
(g '/wr , 3 potter's kiln.
vf,#f , kttclien ( mtuyeru -vor . ) @#otrfe;
<0j(T.2Oew , , ,coek.
1|* . -whispering .
jift-i SfiJOQJ . lo brea* wd downwards.
(>=#, plug.
^y^pSUUT * ^^FltHil/J" . .merchants of a certain!
that seil gem5 and foj)S fluffs .
@S=ffr, @{fi-oT(5i a hut law dwelling having'
00 walls. (giFffrl^jGi-JTgeS^O^y , *o wake a -hut.
@B=g-. a tafsel. ^F*AJiJui>gj!.3g>,to jnake
fears ; to make afsels .

JFls i a fan for flies j a rafsel .

iggKTLO , an elephant,
young elephant . >
P4>#rfi , smiling , simpering , smerking .
9 , the young one of hens, birds > rats, inseftt
fishes. @gSKRSn.4 LO i the chickens of an hen
e;c.@@Sr^^Lp5ef;<'Vr. a family of little children.
@1__;8_ house-rent, the hire of a house or
Edging. <?1_*1_ @i 5*1_5@(6
ff^, to let a house, erjffi 91 a5j>l _5^@
OJTI^^o^, to hire a house . (gji ^.o'e;*
558.202 i to rent or tenant a house
@l LD i a water-pot. rg )
@ I UO , a full
water potj very good parts, a man ufabilities . Qsii
-^CVRr! LD-, a upid-man.
)@i ffi> a *'BI* / 3 wolf whose head , ears and
tail are like those of an af .
@ cf , an iron hook whereby an tlepiant is go
verned .
@i fOO i a basket of plaited coconut-tree leaves.
(gl inyo&i&svBT XV , a well made with rings of
w icker-work .
@i CN> .tbeintestines , entrails, bowels, gnM , garbage . jgi ^-^/ -> ,0 draw out the entrails.
(^i G ^0^50 -23 -0 i a convulsion .n tlve bowels . Gl_J
')'($1\ -> , QSDT'Si^ , the ventricle* ftomach . #_30<@! ,3\o , the small guts. LOeretg;^
.1 oo , the fat or gieAt gut . i_S 3? @ C K> <
the lirait -gut . iR
F@ < aso , collivenefe . T
^nr@i Q70ffu_|5V , ine mother's bowels .
(gl 2>^50 i a little chamber, a closet $ a cave
under ground .
vgl T, @i TLJU , @t , a gulf or bay.
(gi 51 , a haven, harbour, port, a (he1 leitor ships. @i TfRSitiT. a sea-shore that has a
rrarbouiing bay .
(Ri 04, a cave, cavern@1_0_ , an inhabitant; the dwelling of a family ; s
family. @l_0-u2f5^fi6^5J , @1_.:
lOQ) , to dwell. @UQ.Uj7gL_11^ . an habitation , a
dwelling. @i_o-5c5uorfce , @Lj).CTosa)rryjffifi)g;;
luisljandry , oeconcjny , housekeeping. @ . <j sut
fB 11 , 55 * i2C
, to keep house.

" , the inhabitants . UiiSr^^l-O- , a tiller of

ground, a husband-man . @i_i lUOQuwTF.T
^uaCTOll'TLpgSBS^SS'T.' , the ther :'^a
houlhold V family . *(3\ ^j04D@L_a Q UJ^O/
cSl.'5 t0 6 to dwtU ln a place .
UJ 53
a/ 66 ^5) 5> i to cc a person to dwcl 1 i a
lace. Tt5>r5)irg5@'-. QlU SO A 639
/, to people a town. CVTjQ$*lirf(gLj) , a new in.
habitant. JJ TQ&f^3*OrBjq)d-3i , they
have settled there. jgi_e. Ii3 G JO LJ 30 !5(1
one of the family, (gilo- LOflS'iir , one that serves the
inhabitants . @ <_0, UJ P5 95 - ,the walhcrmen , barber
ote . @l_t>.GSi , one who is" the ruin of a fami
ly . gL-GK' GSl_lQLJTFIr5L, thefamily it
ruined . {gL-OiU'T 1a>.ogy . so abandon a dwelling.
^JQJ JVT@L.a I I I J I I* TOVT , (he is man-jed .
@1_0-^5 , to drink . (g(_i?_uj un- , a hard drink*
er , a drunkard . @i_p_ , eriinkunnefs . L_ITK3@WJJU
5.*^0@upn5re55 , a sucking Wld. - JO^JCUT
3\OK(0)l9-3T'>t , he has been taught a sound
leprosy. @*^n Qtrrr*, @p-l_<UJiJl_a-i5 doctrine. L_{)~L> UD y> eiLUFtgi-JX^^ ,B*
^ * *C
5j*r leper iGtfaWVT
- white] earth receives the rain . *\ @ @
^ , a medicinal decoflion.






I so'.rnd, whole , recovered ; to be well conditioned. (gwr

ft-O-SB1 , (gUfl-FCTO , hut.
i iy i so\ / , tribute,
! LD T 05$ C Sx) i to cure ; to heal, (g sowr Q L_J 3 or,
(g > @ t_. , ao instrument among Moormen for ' one wlio i< degenerated. JL|ri)o!rr(5*ff>rru3(3li)0\>>
^g0:(g;L> > he is changed far the woise . (gworgj
itnoaking tobacco , a hooker.
_j ^
.(^G1^& tn* noi* of water run- (255> worse condition of a sicknos. Q
OQjfK<{S(,tfgTLD , this is better than that .
aing out of a bottle .
SS3>5)S%>Gir^a*r 4* G ^St&^&iJ > to speak
through Uie nose .(b'(SGt_lBLJ , a clapper .
(geetif ?<g5TrL3 . multiplication . @eetrf g; rr
(K95SB05 t the hard hell of some fruits-.
/yLOL-lTeSTiTLD , multiplication and subtraction . @
($u5 > one that catches snakes .
_(J>u5, a lock of hair left on the crown of the head ; otrf -'^ . to multiply s to- calculate . e5ptnrrrR
the summit of a hill-. 0jot@u5 a luck that is g5*/WrfK(g)creBf 35* Oy , to calculate the eclipses..
nearer the fore-head. 3 T @ Lx5 , av lock on the. @aeof jo i a hrt cudgel ; a drum - flick.,
Kinrler-parr of the head .
(gft'L->> a pivot of a door used as a hinge by tKe ffrS-iOCi; t" vex with complaints etc.
() 25211 05 @ . a ring": of- lead or-brafs-pu intbee
Indian*. LO-*3@u5 , th upper -pivot. Lp
laps fur widening them ,
tg(5u5 , the under -pivet.
(gern &Sar , a son of un adttltewft'.
@(SuS , the tail , handle or staff of plough'.
(g,rsT(gOTBf Q g- rrooai*JO CM , to backbite , t*
(gffil_Ot_lLD a large family. @(j'_OLJLOTL
(f33^COJW orre who ha; a large family. @(l}Le slander, to defame, (g or^fl5 /0} rr SO ear, an
calumniator .
~?051 ToS i a destroyer of a whole family.
@ rr i LO , a pit , a hol .
jLOt_j . (g ^q/llj .
54>5 .
@4_q.os3<ii.TLpg5s>5- - (gwn 00 L , large ear-rings*.
@ jeari , a slave .
) AftU > a little pot .
(giSBTLj^-FFM^ , a deep pair- for- the kitc-hcW'.
.., an umbrella.
(gjoeri_. . the back side . @ <mr 1 p T UJ>
(g >i te^os;
rajGLjrr* , te
(gajeTt_o.LU33 85rruJ , the kidneys .
hollow a thing, to ici pe out it's interior p.trt-.
(gi5T(g, 111 , a bullet. (geoBr(/5' o<nref', red glo-jai^rgjG'cH'rew i^iTFjtt COBi) , to ache in the
bules , thj grains or of a r/ain-plan* . @(5"
Iths' or bones .
@45>l , a pain. LnmrarfflJl E(g5)t__ F G<ITI OicKSrffeiJDajj , te fire with bali . (g*t (g>
OO , head-ache. 4b350TCrOlgBI .FMN, pain in I im usar, one wounded with- a ball or bullet..
@ (^gjrrujLet a gun - shot - wound . @ <wr(gg{:
the limbs .
(gL-pjo, eeerft'QgsTiS , a small swive for canon.(g&i tfU<wcT (5 > tlit name / an imect .
(ffaosTi iu5^rri
> t" make globular er"
fEl Qdcto i
name of a tree .
round like a ball . @nrr(>)fl@(^4>CF , a done - horse. Qi ttld v. e;Qt T<ru).
(gjffirrCgasgsQa) . an ais. @wr(R-^e5Ui_rrLUi
4 (JO V: @iLO__LO .
@ < , a ltela box or case of'palmyra-leaves; 05i Q>! ^/ , to bind one's neck and neelt together .
@4_p. , a young one of fourfooted animals , item- of @OT(5rra(]5Lj-|LDTu1tf3Sbe-^gy, to be uneven^
serpents and sharks. @_-_ T 5 Q) 05 t& .40 rugged, unlevel , (giewr (g-iMj.i_il. , a-dep cup of "
.^ , an ewe with young. @4SX.QL_}r ($ i to brau or tin. @(5|_5'>'< , @ " cB 1
l_SrR/gjrreer , a doep dish, a soop-plate.
bring forth yourrg . { ^a/(g54J5i. , a calf .
the yoke-ox. ^ T iJOWOT 05 @ *
(^---^* i a low- deaawall .
@ rj~"
(3i4_>_Lji_5Ff ffr- , @ 4_l FfT|, a familiar 09 1 , a yoke or piir of oxen. oTU
tei . the off -ox. (Ji ;@<>1 , the near--pirit .
(gl (5Sogy, to buffet, to cuff, to strike with, the fist . 04. (^JCT(2JOr"05(g<im'3i 1 1 the foremoft yoke,
fgi Qj,a buffet oreuff.a stroke with a closed fist. of oxen .
@reTSSa/8i9g>J v. (gJOTJCmSJOgy.
@i ;ffli , short. @ i sai tu *r, a short
(^ LJLD , a carcafs.
thick- Sit man. I 42) i ff#'t a short-woman .
(cf.t^LO, the back - side-.
a pool .

(gfgOJifflLj , au earthen ear-ring . @ aj LD SB LJj

5@ . crookedtiefs-, curvature , bending . @wrr
J 65" * -O SjV to make crooked things lirait . u5i (SsOT0;tfJOSJ , to put earthen rings in the
5<'6 SO
to bend i to become bent or ear-laps for widening them. *^9>$@$1_041_| p..
the $/ a plant .
crooked .
jgjRfru) i the nature, temper; good disjpositron''of @=5TdBSi .ajTiije;*i &@&} , the bsineftv
the mind or body. F-jCO @ "T LO , 15
@ UJ , lies undone, or is tmbai rafsed .
good nature . F *0@ae*rrW , swFTnS , @
f$ @gjToo , the heel . @Q>oytV5> a spur.
3505 cryT OYT < , a soie on the heel.
Ojtrsor , a good - naturcd person .
aq g LO ,
vij$ 35*^25; i to leap , to jump , to spring er skip
Q l_l TOO 05 @ LO > ill nature . *) JO @
BF (g5*rargg;i , (g l" T 5 (glt-Jli , a jump or leap.
(gjgjODT , a horse. @|fflT Lfl CTuO, a wooden''
jvir an ill-natured person . (gweTellifj , a gdaetured woman-. @ LDTajQLJffrBtAO^, to horse for casks etc . (girar (55@{$)0>< , a stone-horse..
speak with reason. (g wi 5 Q'-T (2 1 Q 05 OVT , hear gi-ii a05@$ffiiT , (girro/ftt>gj05@<8s T<
with patience. @-340$, one's temper or nature . a mare, (g^iaxrgj4-^- %^>^S>T >-D J j colti@_|1^; , @,<wot5;3;oj5* - &y , dJrf e5@g*/r , a pack -herfe . @$ 1*1
to amend, to repent. @wri_li_l;^e? */ . te
JQJ ^0J . to mtunt a horse . @^1'
king to a good disposition; to better. ^, GuOCToGLjrr
( rr -5 <_i Q L-itTJORj ) ta
t*. recover j to beat up . (gowr U)fru2i5f/>i.235/i t0 be ndc on houe- back. @ ^ 0" U5 ctS <J 15 ^. ~ '

<$ (gs>g> @5 @!55

, to alight from a horse .
(3=T/r>5) a hoise-ftable. g^avTff^T oraf , [
Bi , ^.] howe-deng. @^s><x ^^^ Q>35
-iOB/ , to clean the horse - etaole . (rf>ST$5g5T
^, a 'horfe-man , a horse-keeper. (g> 0 / b
jCOfr, cavalry . "0!(5.>,{5"_1
> ( T"iT<OJt{ir ) a room . vg g 2> T6~UToi ,
/ /? / a plant . @ 0 B , (g ovr LO L_|*. the
horse's hoof i ///< iix / i/if . (r> 0 )T (Cf5g5LD ,
the shin-bone. @ 0 ffi. 0" <CS a enhanced price.
f6>/T> an earthen reservoir for paddy.
8}'~LJl~Q&!dzJ , to become peaceful , quiet , set(eS^saOl i fawn . @<3>{5 V . Q35T<fffi5 .
'(>?5^>95 i farm , a rented farm, a contract . @{
6435^1.<! , a farmer, a contractor . @ {5
fflB ajTUJ^ e_J9r$ *OSy, to bargain about fonutl/ing.
35 * kx) > lit our garden jield etc (gj 5
BfKUJTUJiiJ'T'K/Ofy, to farm, to tike a piece
of ground ( or any thing else ) at a stipulated rale .
Cg55L3. a fault , guilt , crime . (fgiS^Q^ujS
(. i i mrr <wri ft ^.g.) ) to commit a fault or crime.
(tgSSSgOJTOvf , one who is found guilty, a malefactor .
^5Xi<nirQL0?O@3>5^Wi-S'-iJ5^;^ , he has been
.found guilty . ^(2><(-0-?>555'!_ 5
to convift on*, to find him guilty . <(5 45 Q LO
-crofgSj^yTi * >o ay , <rf ti5crtJfrrf @ft,i_iL_j
5>?>_ILJT''^^gj to charge one with a crime ,
te accuse one. @5gg3B5 LC 2S~-2Qc?5 # O ay , to
deny the crime.
(9>550TLO, @35^TS5ffi)95 , craftinefs, sub tilty , knavery, (fggjcrercr , (g)S$rricb 350 , a
lut a ve , a ctafiy-f.How .
(Sysl-aGfy, to fiing , to prick , to tin-oft ; to ram into;
to ihop in by drope } to pound in a mortar . (gfgj s i_J
C?l_IT(KS.ilj5^ > to (lab one to run one through
tuith a iworj etc . @ J , a thru ft mi/ sword etc .
a ftab j a prick ; a point put over a consonant for mak
ing it - a mute one (gtjejcQffiTOonj , an
afsalin . @ggi;>iirrs.oay , @a5ji_ji_)i fJJrSQ
to be run through, to be stabbed. @ (5 Qj
65 9iT OJ LO , a wound by. stab etc. Qf.SjBxJ
QffiTJO, a pike-staff. @ffiai; <~ * . " a spur .
?5#-&' , wages for beating paddy .
@95? 35 ^TOorgTi (S*^OSJ . to prop or sup
port house etc .
f^fITTUJ*! K*C8y, to lie- half (ie^d .
tJSJLO > a disease in the eye causing blindliefs .
@559-B<W , orte become blind by it.
(K'Bo-SaSLO . frankincenfe .
SSTSPrf , a great mortar to bear paddy in . @t
e> Twf i_j <_o-frli , a mortar - piece for throwing
bombs or shells .
(grp^TOvl1 , a piek-w.
. (ffi'^STOyf
. leaping . (g^TOvffS.iOay ,
to leap, ldt J^(gr50rrarf*l_JLJ'TUJ,3"(b'&i . the deer
founds ( or leaps . )
@[58>'f 35fFLO . (55;>5
@';5^rt.iioey, 555@-501_);^ _o sy, to
Jimp or halt, to hobble , to go a tip-toe through the water
in a river. @[5;3$f iem OSS^To^ )
a bubbler .
@l_Ji_j(-0. small village, where fishermen pr other
lew people live.
@l_IU30 i ( heap . jgut-J0vj@ULJCrOTUJ, in





@i_Ji_S , small goldea ornament for women's hairs

the bands at the pnint of a sheath . (^1 1 S(f7i g
al ^ . to fasten the above ornament in the nair.
d)t_Ji_S, a vial, bottle.
(gL-jL-i^vS-ioay. @i_it_i @^, @ i_i
C'SJ . to fall upon the face . @i_jt_J ^D@?VT?V5
$OSH) , to throw a peisoii down on his face . uSovr
iWrC^LJ^^O-JQ/gsQgsTavrtyjey, the child beging
to crawl .
@U1(2>LJ , sweepings . @l_J4ffit_IOJTif . a rake .
@l_liLjLOffof , the name of a plant.
@'-6|"<", frankincense.
@L^3rQLj'T(Se5OgJ , to pound in a mortar.
(ffj'-DgjPfiy . what is beaten in a mortar.
fLO I (S&G&iJ ,to nauseate, to loathe, to strike
disgust . njTUJ@Lfl I LO. l_l Q l_Jfr@8ii,
< (i) 05 @ , it turns my ftoma'ch . Q$ l
o\, @LD 4_C , nauseos neis , loathsomenefs.
(gLDrf, a maid, maiden, a young lady .
(gjLOsmrLOLjrFeT-, I S l_f OST , r/ii tf
fish .
@1_< , a son. LOTirsj , a damjhwr .
^555^! g> , to beat the rice too much.
u5rR#LJ(l-J'r'roT-_2Jrf-# , rice beaten too small,
( bruised by beating . )
@' j5 , @Lup , a pommel , knop or ball on tK*
top uf any thing. @u5>T u5<f ^ ) > t bp
spherical, globular. (g l3 up T nrf , a naU with a
round knop .
(giuiiTVT i (^LaevrQFl-O- , <i certain thorny .
f^LJVTrrl/^TLLJ , @LDOT u> LI Lp LO . it's fruit.
o^g5@Lovr , GlJiJir; @ i_c5 /, it's difftriu*
kinds ,
@u50YTOJwn- f. Bto&l OjesT .
(fcfi(^(gj.QLeT D. LOwrrg5e5^35J , to have a good
sm. 11
5 LO , i name of a tauter - flower ,
30 OO , thunder .
(thiji ^/^; , to thunder..
* (^'-SLJLD > Aquarius , one of the ti . r/f*i i /*
zodiac . (gLCI_JA)85<rorLO , full brealts .
(gjLDLj jo , a crowd of people or a flock of cattle etc.
(gjLOeJS , the belly dirt .
f^iiLj(5{S 0i) to respect or worship by lifting
the hands up to the fare-bead . tf^"(5@LaiJ@(^LJT(S,
generate thou 1
@t_au5L_lgl_lT?065; to get a smoky tafte {as meat.)
f)LDM > a crowd of people .
LO i_| LeuJTllJ
QlIT^^gieYr , multitudes of people aie 0ng.
(^L0LO4 LO , the pinnacle of a pagoda.
, (gLOLiSjilL-ag^^^CgJ , to clap the hands. @ LS
l_OLJLJ<ri (SLJLJrr(S*30S; , to sing , clapping the
@a>65*-ioS)j <9).LOLui_<!y?*.^e5J ,' to wesb
the softly , squeezing it with the hands ; to'work
the cloth so as to make it take in the die,
gLC<P ^CLJe-Ssri 0 SJ , to knead , to m ix.
0)1<- , @B=ebJr , a potter . (gLU^gSe^CLO,
earthen ware .
_ U3 JO , *' name of a singing bird , resembling s
black-bird @U3 J4iea_tfX)gJ , it sings.
> an ape , a monkey . @ ( rft.)' 35LO ,
a monkey's face .
@T l_lt_jLO , a horse - comb . a curry - comb . @(TLJ
LJLfJSef)Cey , to curry horfe .
(CTffsjjtiie ice . G 5 > 4v* (S T oo ^*

%f * <3 < (2) @*>

ttC&U > to make a great noise , to clamour a lt_n c ^0
to blot' out f . G^TW>09
time . g, T i_i i
<5 -o Sj { e; u>ub
* / .
^ ) to be hoarse.
(g,CrCUZ/C4r , (JjT JOi_U/OVT , the windpipe. , lj5O65l6Oei/ , to bay or bark. r_5TU-!@i^N3^
(g)<f $?J&{f i tlic name of a root ,
2L/i the dog barks. @^5/;51^ G>*^0
(gjrfrfi-. @5Cfa .
g) , to discover by barking. @ irtJO l_l (_| , @/rjO
* @(gbuioo,) a teacher, priest . (gfULJl
fff(X) , barking .
4 t) , the dignity of a pi ie,t . jg (R (5
Q tj
@ J030T , a cap. (giro 00 rr i_j Quit i ffig;
CBlO , treachery or a disciple agaiibt nis priest .
G95T<nwri_. * > SJ . ' to wear a cap. @oo
@<J5 > (>(2> rf3 UJT; , the small pox. @5 JOTafij^eup^S; 5
5; , to" take off the cap.
i | il m f> i , one who has got the mall pox. 9n_FSrg5(S)0O JOT , a high cap. '
(h(5bbZ~T 'JO (up es @ LJ Gljt oS S*:^ > tl,c
, the peak of a hill .
mTl pox come out well . (85eT>LJi_i.22i_jLJ! (pF
@ojjtjoluld, @u 00 lulo the earth, the
&t<So&j, @5<dtG joQljt ^>J Qf^^lj worid .
jQf-iTSCK)') io die of the small pox. iS5^
@iU/wr,the lower eye-Iid ; the biim f a Vefsetj
.0 ;T , @6>(?)# > t>ne '"irked :.y che small poX. the name of a water -flower
(3*OJ^"eSi (55 > "e prickle-hcat. @<05 ,
$f<minrffrmi='$Qe}r(S(!r>9iJ ( lStowtG1
5^|1(3 in^O^y , to break out with the prLkle-neut @5 ) 'he water runs over the brim .
(gffiK'l . thijtles; Iloor ^^(505@| a spot of (efjaj*OSJ , to turn info a heap i to contrail itseff
jrmiU'l full of young palmyra. trees .
into a heap .
(gjQJi jot ( fern . @tgj' n )a blind person . @tQ5
@s5$&,*Bi) , te accumulate, to gather together
tb' , @54 , b'.indnels . (g^oSSS"1*' .a into a heap. E@ir;W,@LI>t_S0iS-iO5J , to
fciind eje . l_3.Oj;>t5l e0T one tnat ls Djrn blind. rent-rate by joining and lifting up both hands .
@C5 blood .
vgjdLUJO , a heap .
(g)5S.'> a receptacle for grain
ojojt@oj iiiT G cum- sa Q
5/. te
<g(L55>/ > a new leaf coming forth on the top of whi e or moan as a child.
ercoi ut - palmyra -beetlemit- nets etc. (g ej {gj^S
f uprm-v. (Jjl/TJ/rFffr ,
i (gjj , the coconut-tree etc . lias shot our a new
LprgB, a little child, an infant. (([5655,10
ieaf m the summit. @(5^Qd}T 1 a new leaf of Qgi_pnFjffl) a ender infent . irtJOBgLjjjJas,
coconut- tree etc.
a sucking child .
@5!SLI , Ami of lemon-tre* . GL-1'I5rW@<!5[5
@Lpi_ji_jL0 > ,tl! intricacy of a busmefs, fgi^p
I_ji_IuOTIJJ66i 6>&*00) , to be retarded , hindered,
Vi) > e forge kind of it
LDteLJ , a very smill & tender cocunut
to lie unfinished. @1".;/!09 , (wypu
_({5ld2)1_j , /w kind of paddy .
l_jiXITO/f , one that entangles a businefs . (gt_pi_i
(g/Vu " (, A irf 0/' wasp .
LJdj&>5)!glfi'e:&.Q6iJ . to remove the impediments.
(2><51"1-0 . ihurscray .
@1_1.20 , @lpl_il3l-I Q\-iT(b$Di)
(g(T5 . a bird. %([55,(2 .SB i , fowling) to emoroil , tu cause a long delay .
@LpuDM . thick, not fluid. @Lj3t_Dl_iSriUy
f>id3f # , the name of a plant .
S;35S>T WBT$cmj , to thicken by boiling . @Lpe
i_|i_ji_JTtjc i milk thickened by boiling..
\ATT8>lO<v . (>G>5<-0
(gCNDLO , the descent," race, tribe: family . @
(giupLOL-idS.iSOgj , to grow thick,
CO r FTCTlX) , the customs of the iribe @ JOi/~U0>
(gj^oo i a pipe fife , flute ;any thing that is holJOS^TJor . one of .the tow as a piiic . ffeBr (g@LJ>ciO , a fusil. -LU@
tf)S* 'lie lawful wife.. ^;5
itribe . (grjoL.LFUJLO , nie liestiution of family. , iJovr <@1- , a reed-pipe.
-@';5_.,> , the inborn nature. Tf4Q@Csz
(gysfi , ^j'-DLaS^LpstS , a rolling stone t>
,2Vjf. ,- , one of ahigli tri'ie . (JOLj5(JOC\jlT Jr , grind things with .
(gjUpTUJ , hollow j a hoMowBeft. ('/:
kd(gj OO Lb? , a man of a low race.
(KJorrrf,, (geoTff fX) t_Q. jo , a chariot or upTijj, the liollowncfs of a bamboo.
vCOiicn after the Asiatick fashion, a hackery.
(gyS, a pit , hole ; grave . (gupG4^1 *-^5
EFJ , to dig a pit or grave. iJfiL^rgff , a fox .
* @ JOT JO'or , a potier.
@ jotojeSjc^; , @ 75 GBTrBTUci-<[5
'&0J . to turn into a pit or hole.
(Lf , a sqvare-foot. or (J / @
> how
Ktt>-2Q?L/ . to Converse friendly witn oiv another
' (^&^^ > t ' shake a thing . tfftcyMgiKT3i many *Qvare-feet ?
@yLrr^OJ 83 OO , multiplication,.
Gl-JT. be not insolent. (2.' 3S*9G ST"
/W , a multiplication -rabie .
SeS-DOJ JVT , a proud w mu .
U BIR V . (g, JVT S .
' ^ a receptacle fVr grain
(ijLpL . a crowd of people.
fe QOJ Ii.*
'.:- (g s 5
G ui
, to
.ioeL ,t W4g , towabbJe^ to totter,, 10 reel or mo e,
giow maccratetT, to become all one pap i to become
to loose.
united in friendship . @<re Lpr8i;Gt_JT30T G^TiSO
^ , murder 1/ . Q^rrgjtya .
@Lrco , a bun h of fruit @ irr>D iL) >xj , rice boiled to a pap. @ai_p4 j3 prrin /rtf
nTbuichcs. ^^^Tulo^girTK , a giapr.OJT round mid mixed viith salt and fepper . Sit-pG8
JO), loam. (gS!Ljp*Tetf -I (' { G T
^i_p9i@ii/DO , a bunch of plantain*
. the pit of the st" mch . @aLrtW l_J >9> w )ftJ;S^, i,> cleave to one , to .-tick to one, to be
my hearr goc* pitapst 4 my heau (..ilpiiatcs . audifbil io o e's ways .
(f,5JLpa. ^9Sj) , to macerate , to make soft ; boil
. girjOG'jpT^-l breast-ache j lieart-bui nii.p, .
ifcti/PvtS^Ofc;., to be bbucd uut v , ^* too mue .

, short . @., shortraan:

P-|86.<V3SJ tu grow lean ! to bo- melanehblfi>&n it Q . lamb, a young sheep; a she-goa<T
that ha* not been with young as yet .
@6 , a sign ; a mark-to shoot at a prognostic-...
@ oyr LO 1_) , the hoof of ? a beast . tcS ff F- (?0- (g 4-@_4!5 , the sign ef a malcchild @jv5ujoyt'vT
iil^^-^Larrsirr, an honvstand uptight man. @_*5u5
YTLDl_( ! a cloven hoof^
^ fXl J>r, (g^G'f; M OJtrtrr , a dishonest ie
bad man. @^>i_jt_J4 ( , @_v5LD?2V24ter , *
*VT td . G 95 T <1& i
a/es o . @,mt-5ljG'' * * s;, tn principal, man . (,^S}fXf:C^j. to put a mark to
stutter , to stammer . @ow^!'4B33> stammering, (govr Shcot at . @^KUJU^a/^l^tFe(E(i/C5;. to shoot
5p4 LO > confusion , intricacy.. @ oyr
LJ G ^r1 'r at the mark. @^5i_jLJfri_DeJoGl_|/r ^; r
C4-^085J i to pester, toeutangle , to bring to confusion . to sheot at the mark without milting it . (&;.*J(J53;rn
@oyt^>G5G = Ud Et
, to do a thing properly . Jvjsw , @Q&n o<>ty)r>f1itiar , a fortune teller^
@_201_| guTW G LJ.l* ffr , a speech brnk* off @^v5t_iT/j- 6 ? cs> (e-JTiJ- 5 5; Gerrere o/*
owing lo the .speaker's .-becoming confufed . .(& ..'
) to tell people their, fortunes . @> G 05
Uai LUTLU 05-* I
, to remairi uuett- * T>Si) , to consult a fortune teller . g;^@5;, a
led . igeyr^dljje-o.s,^ S> I 0> . 6^ , ,to lie baJ sign , a bad omen .
in a great confusion .
(0>-*5g>s& OBx) , to appoint , to determinate . @jef .
@/f 9:*.^^. te. wash the body. @ ovf l_ii_jrr iJ>i~U6$;,&i) , to mark , to set a mark $ \ t
W_e6^0 5; , to wash any body'. @ Ovt # rOO , note a thing. ^&5e;@^5e;is^FG^fi'e'ere*r '
fore - flap covering, the. privy parts (uvf-UJT ovr , he spoke with regard to it , or concerning it. Q$Qoy
^mmr^^i^oQ^svTmr , what does lie intent!
a diver .
f-ovfebfJJ . a magioal remedy . TV@'5f S5>3> ,6*5 by it?
*ffe>*J3 , GeSt-eoTJTgOf <a , fevtral of ' .^ , the name- of truing fhnt , #tn(j
magical remedies, according, re the tale/, of the hentlienr. ^gFT , a /metier kind of it.
B>ldljsBt @ ovf S> 0j , a. remedy to malic the body (g.ii5^>#rgas5Lo . a hilly fieid'.- @j^^^Q^mrr
wild honey .
impenetrable or shot - free
(Off&{-0 , an amulet . @Cvf.#rK/ff5Li_@ t$ JO SU >
@.5__4 , a mark , a sign ; one's intention ; a shout
memorandum . @^i_]Qt_f@gje_i052j, to abbreviate, ,
to tie an amulet any where in the body .
@cvfrf t_iuj} , tiu . of a flower grjwiM&m pools to abridge or shorten words in writing. @idUUT
ljG3;l .'5i/> to inquire punctually into- a thing,
or ptuuV .
@^01__|_1^;;!?5; , to look narrowly into
a thing. @.*3i)i_Si LO , a short summary , a compel*-dium . @_51__)?5?> , a good marks-man .
-1_11_| 5Pi/#>
(f; , to refresh . @ cyf rfrj 5 ^-^, @^s5lj m ^ Q ff 'S
( 0t5!5{!5>) (^.Le>a.f"eiully countenance . @^55 tvurr , one who knows the signs , marks or circum
gSfTOO ^ a. friendly word v fe^v'Sii-ViLeir , stances of a place, house, person etc. @^ft5l_JL_i4T
a good natu red: friendly, man --. Qft-jG UTTWrtS ovf , a prudent perton-, who- has experience of things.
fLO*orrKj@Ovf/Jrrggjg; , now is. my mind appeased .
@*Q)k*>BiJ , (g-iJO'tfLJ G LJ T*OB)J , to grow*
VJTiajT 8 , an agreeable scent, (g Y5 [5 short, to diminish, to grow lefs . (g *!1&\!&.*) ,
fe/Gi_i(Ti50K;> 315$*| es *
grow fX'eSavDTUSeseS O SJ to be short. @^2V
S 5 T 4r , he is come near. @
cold and stiff, t a-dying .
@ vy LJ L l_0- , hold it nearer or
@<5vf ff; cold - (g orf^ejTUJt?*) ffi? , tro warm near .
one's self . @Off.#"e3'TC>0L0 . the cold.season. (g Off/jr shorter. @ijaie5LJLjeereS)jet> O By , to skortea.
, a cold wind . (gWf fTyKlgSTeF LO. T @J**LO , brevity , thortneft . ^^EtfeTv/l tSODT #11"
a net with small mashes. GlJ^TO35To~J* )
UJei fFeS.aofliJ , to. have an ague .
@of*~$$ , @> , coo! t- quickening , Jt/TK , a net with large mashes . @^>(0@5^>
refreshing. (g 5 gt-J I I mnri^ LA-, a refrrgerative . short syllable . (g^VT^gSTtS * smail foicst.(givjj
ty3@V5e5<S;i-J Ql-r/!0 j ,, the face to swell
Till , rice much bruised by beating . @ .Oirj5gu.o_ g.
a short cudgel . @ -, lo -5 LO. , a short handle
from a .bad Ftabit of the. body .
@ti5@G'T,Br OtlfimT (* JO fi/, to play in @j2V@G^O ereS j20 g)-, a tingling in!the ear*.
the water when bathing.
tg^a/^5G-20<"T"^i'i^L^escg; , to look on with- 1
(gjvjiBLD .coolnefs , freshnefs. (gV54LOQe3TOYr perplexity i
Vbij^Off; , to catch cold .
, ^erifiLjGLJTfR* 35;, to. .
@ ^^^)!!"";
@ yovr ? jr 1 the inward junfture of the moveable shorten , to lefsen .
, to lefsen the cxpences .
bones in a jotnt-i
5*# , @VTT5#, an orange- tree.
Q[rv&@ aerofs , athwart, ^(^(gtrfii t^ L*^
a crofs piece of timber . @ 4Q-g5@trUL^ , @^a;fJ,@
SevrovTJor IfMl . @wOif i a bort person .
|^OOv/(g, the thigh..
ftOJ4-4L , a crofs way. @.b/05G0;Gl-if

^S3we>o>l TLUL-ITOei; , to go aerofs . @JVK

0(5 " G^td..
y6*iil<t , a crofs - wall . @mmQ;&Qi-> * 5^01> I routing , snoring , snorting , @*)Us
to contradict ; to interrupt one that speaks .
.tliTT sS 3 5; ( tr3 .3 fi/ ) to snore or
*Q){ or . @<5}1 rr .
snort .
(g*30jBr , (//m , (g/vjiig , ) one of the basket ^a>*oof , a marcal , the twelf.h part of a calara .' .
jnakei's tribe . (g *ou> , their tribe .
(5 >LOt_| , wilfutnefs , self - will . @^OilO l_J f5 "-
|g<rTLouwiaa/*2a/, @/u3lj iu_u> -
(22>ajLtf5T , thtnmt / a JUb .
@ Q>upiUT u5 S -20/ 1 to be soft, macerated
ma I ses ara.
@ yf:@ G ovr wr /ai Quitaos; . @ vj @

Rur* *s.l_= 4,(5 4.85

) to commit insolence . @
, ^vKLOliR^'T^ttfBr , n inolcnt mnn .
@2Vlx>ujt fe' i sheep that have wool. . @_VLC
CiBi UjiJ" people -of ihe tribe of those that make
Hack hair - carpet*. $fj*a/LD'Jirtr , a woman ofthat
libe .
@ ~V-CiJ , ear- wax ..@ *0>lDi_5 u ffXi * , an
ear - picker .
@ 0'rf9:rrrru5(B6f,->Sb> i f0 be sorrowful .
^5 .-rug) _Ji_)i IS
*.pat>' g'lt with tinsel etc .
(g^TTL . cruelly , stiffneckednefs . /20*" .
ays obstinate person .
@40CO . d.sconieutment , difsatisfaftion-, indignation j
'-<7(2_ (g o lu T lib 5 35
4e has somet, ing against me . @ S
I TiSCO^J , io eomplaiii . @-20 lYTibjevr
who is out of temper . @2j50u3 CTOCTCTglflJJ'Jr ,
a cheerful person . @4 ^Ouj/T?J5L_j(2i_J3r e> jOO
to complain . @a)^vj0JT.<0 ia>*^0 gJ , to appease,
.to satisfy. @ a ^rujLj wr L0 , the rest of the money.
(gSOL_)(LJ'" > the rest of the people.
fSJOLj(i)iO{^-> to be miifing, warning; to diminieh, t.) grow scarce , lei's , dear . (g aCOfTser^J ,
defective. @/jr/jm i wrr recat <vi
, to dimi -'
stish . (gSDOJffiJT'feSCS; , ro take lefs . _iiorei
@ 35@i2i^H-JU Qjtmror , what did you want or
lack? *TCiJ&,%43>OUJ , more -or lefs .
to diminish , to curtail , to nip off .
(gi5)A0B>iF ts3 , want j scarcity , dearnefs . @ffii^)ff
iTOTUJiUTTi^O^/i to buy dearly.
@> 1_1> , want, poverty..
@=>5<-0 , hatred , grudge , rancor . (f>G<>505
^' , a rancorous man . @(2<22>LO>OJ35
*_Ob to have rancor, (g Q
g r%$& g>5;05
T WCS5&*OJ . to take menge.
@ JO .2003 V . (g55U>..
0*& CO&l) <v , @'55;6^ .
. @5cfrfl.t S( petulaiicy , teazing.
(o-rfSJO^ i te bow .or stoop down, (gejrfrj
jrgi eietOg. to o stooping and cringing along
"f^J, bowing, (geef i_jL_lT UJ l_J ^ C0>J 1
tw look nirrowly , into things.
* @*rl2)LS i @ LiiujT^ , a kind of disrase
in the belly . @trrusg;
4_. , a moving or swelling
within the belly . ffi)o5@TLXU> , T ff@earLDU> ,
trruDL different kinds of that disease,
mr COJZ/SSFJ , @ .(5 L-J -G l_l T CO Gx) , to
Shrink, decrease , decline. (g^r^J iilfLpdiJ ,
perpetual -prosperity. w^f ^oiii, an
aaconrcttjMe truth. @orj2L_p.g$j ag,/ , to vex .
^/ , a hill.
(eg WT HLOiBtrf -V . (gWt (5 .
-^ QfXKjr a. n- i_i J (S 5; , .*,t34U w^otJtf 'o clamour, lo cry aloud,
j an owl .
*_@., a clamor , bawling , a laud noise. ffo_
<@' >1(__5@ > 'heve Is a great clamor.
-5@6-; , to make a gieat clamor or
noise .
*n-9reS-2Q5i; , to be shy, daunted , shamefaced j to
fcUish. K<frTl_jT^"ffliil?a.e*i_J Qi)T r , the
eight is grown weak . JJ^) ^oljcto;94.#ljGljt
AO ibac Q the teeth en edge .



evj-FFaSKTOO , the supporter of a beam .

ftj-FFLD , shamefacidnei's , bashfulnefs ) weaknefs of
the eyesj the teeth on edge.
QQtrow ,
FFOJTO/t , eVFfF@evT*iI fUeer , one who is de
mure or bashful . fci_ffFi_jLjLi OJ<nrr , one that
blushes . J^F5&<OTL_JUTfftf;>D84_ffFLrruSee
(g LO , -ticklish under the arm .
Wo-FBt % sharp-pointed stick. .^<515
fi) i be sha:p-pointd . t4_P6,t-gje5l ai
LUG1ITF9rg7 , the stick is grown blunt.
UO , a room that is open on ene side.
ffa-lflTTLD., atent.e4-t rrirLQi*irQ&*oj,
to pitch a tent .
fm-(S i a nest, a little -receptacle . _^6
Ci&) i w destroy a nest . 84.1^ ' * CO
to be hollow. >LC"{KB>i_(l) , an ink-horn. e4-t_Ql ^G1 ' with t)ody and a" G^^k^^G/*
Calicut town on the Malabar toast .
8v^(S^-CO&) y t0 iin > -to-be ti nil ive ; to be pofsible,
to meet or abtmble together to side with one j to lie by,
to lie with a woman .
L-Q-Wldi Qlo % as much
as pofsible . "(2)5 _ i Tft/ I cannot. Jtl
gjcTacrJSG-J48 ^ 1 l" L/> -that is beyond my
power. e4-i_TfSrTfriijL0 . * hing im pofsible i
not fit. 4.I ^^n^Lj1_p.e3@1_rt_JwrrSSl/et20</ , te
hinder or impede a thing.
T i flnr^Li
j.Le.gj'GeSTevr'C^cS^ , to loin with a person,
e^L_0.i_jGt-|rr-*!Ob' to G together, rjjetfr^jua
Bn.Li.o-BTLJCTOSbSieS'vT , planks weJl jod . Pn_
I , together.
($(5}* , hi -was ireSent . B4.t_LJLJI Tfiy , >it <wi1l not <jein . 9e_1 Tfi
9n.i\^iQv-eT^OQJ-, to check another in talking.
t4_l UuS/y?rj)gji *J T , a brother -by the same
father and mother. 4_l CTCdlTUJ , a gutter^
lo , a crowd , an afsembly { a tribe . - g
gtfr , those <if the same congregation , or alsociation.
e^4_4v94-(b'*JiOS^ 'o gather together. .1 :
I !>_^.> in great numbers.
fn.i COjJ i to cunjoin , -to ot-togethe-n to sum
fellowship. eX85^Jtrrg;4_4_D.9i
tG^TootrrtSGl-lTOis!/ 1 to take one along. _ I :
CS' 65 05 .^i mixture of meat.
en. I (*>'
G^TLjSffO, a trade in partnership .
TOVf , a
companion, an associate . i_4_9.*tfiQ>$2?ffL/> to let be
together ; to order to be together . 9_l ,Qi @3>5>_
two letters united together . _1 .-(^! , fninslnp.
-3_ a basket. fti_S3i (J^SlSi bCOJ , to
make baskets. gFT0aV6.ffli , -S<-*0 @
l, JE|rK/0;LO*aef0S9a.eDI IfTi (eS^Di )
different kinds if baskets . C-gjTI 9;fti_iBl . a
basket small at the bottom . ($fS>COWn.a\ , a basket
to drain a pol with. gi/T^^iaK-Ol - a -win
nowing fan .
ffn_'ffrr(IJ , a large haket -with a cover; a cover for
chickens .
ffo-^co , &-$- , cold .
^ogsTCTOLD , b^^iJ5. , the cold season.
Ki-iK , i.5d|aJTd" , a concubine. eS^dSuuT
giiX&iJesOSy , to keep a cencobine . ffa_g>${J5
ftoyroyraer , a whore-monger,
Pn-giS; > fr>-JS04a> play, stagc-play, dancing, .
55Tr(e>^cgiy, to dance. .g5TUa, a player,
dancer. *_5!/ti_-F,#, a girl that plays gambols |
a woman of the tribe of dancers .
V-e^djeeT , @55 , an enemy ,
ftuSgri , wemen' long hajtj plant fo etUed .

B4_e[F Ki_<jo 8. S4_ 1 6<i_<wf

G^b* GB G&u).

G^wf Gargf

>r'5^7Ni(r.Oa(SDfT^. to d y or. air the hair aft G \3fT4 LD V 6??->TU_L0 .

bathing . s'T59j roOiitf ff? 0SJ , to let th; h sir Q'^FyrR/Q m injur , a very poor man.
hang luosc . Sh_rga4)|^l_0.3;0-^!D "5^ , tj tic rhe
hair up. ffVj_iTj 20 i_l 9. ,. A;/i< / a palmyraCi'tfj&tBtF , litth tinkling chains tied to the legs
trte , whose leaves arei very long- .
Q^lSjjT$*0t) , t lament; to supplicate . G^^t^
!f rcf L-l.S ay , to s'ipplicatc or crave very mucn;>ffa.rgaasDTuSfBSs^ 'here is a grear noise.
9n_l_JL-S(ga6.i205L 10 > to chmour ; to c-11 one, to G&mtiSbirrntjS&Qi) , to go a-begging-. Q & F
; , to*bid him come . S4_L_J |_3 ft ) CO , clamor , crying i_)i_ieeeTsj( o 5; . G ?fig> = Ml ffi
vex , to malte a person lament .
P4_l_Ju3ffi/T"0TU)^ within calling .
. to rejoice Q^yn terror , fright ; gr-at fame , a glorieus name .
greatly . sVBl-J9Vi_t[5S^Qgj . tu be \ ery gracious GSH-fl-U-'TuS C3- f5 20 57 , to be frghtfut ; to be
8_> , QlCJ!0&>i-2,IT i a tliatchgd roof . ffo_i&cr erucl , terrible. Qti ni iQf-TT agtnif* /vi jy to scare,^
frighten, tcirify . ^li^TT^G^L-^'ot , an unter6fi($ , a thatched house . ffo-&CT $ TUJ 5 I
SS-^OSJJ to thatch a house, >
lifitd or undaunted hero.
GS-t-J-Uja rftD V . e>l_>.LUTTrLD .
84.^" the point or sharp tnd of a thing. Rj_ rrr
liSigej.^OffL' > 'o be sliarp - pointed . 6Vi_rf i"JJ T 07T , G^Lrtt OCLi , an abyfs .
Gdi(S 11 ,erm fr Payipg fts 1I**
a sharp saw. e4.<""&'_0 kreiinafs , aharpnefs , fci_rj) eSLDUJTUJLJ'j'tf'ff 65
83J , to look narrowly at a S) f 'Cb'^-^'EJ ) to fix a time tor payment . Qff
j thing. 64-/3" iS> - T >ff > one who is sharp-witted . <S*G l"X>2a * ^ ) te delay, to beg rcs| ite.
Co3>tJ)lILJ'_.5@> agreeably to the fixed time ort-rm.
G lIT 65J. ) what is grown blunt - pointed.
6-'3~5|>.30!5; i to be -sharp to the taite ,cr pepper etc . (JlITFtfrgy the term is paft .
"; GJ*^^ . G^- @i-JGi-i(r-O&'' ,0 become
* &n~fftDl . a tortoise*: (ffn_J\DUJl \8.., help, afsistance, favour, spoiled , rotten , damaged ; to ba ruined un-'
* ^ to '
;* lewd
benefit; lacle-, good,succefs . _*'6^|3\01 t a patron . done, lost-. Gi' (S 5
course of lite. G<354 OJ r , a vicious prison 5 au5.Cfi5*i.<OLD-, ill -luck , bad succefs.
64_o4", wages, hire. ffn_oSajTOYr i B4_oS.95 ; T ruined person . G^1-1 ^J-1 " ej , a bid disease; the
jOeer , a.<woikman, journey-man. Bn-oSQs^letfOO foul disease. G 93Uj_r5rriJJ , a .fierce dug. G^1
journey - work . Ri-oStT, hired bullocks . @t_ 1 exi T/O Q> g>., a bad word . Q m M 5 L_l.t_e
a deformed figure. QtlH 95< G 5 4 SU or , a<
eSWi-oS , house-rent .
, te whine as a child shamcle's fellow . U3^G'351-L , a stnselefs man.
G0395*-*30^ ' G&(S'$SJL-G*->rr(S$OSJ . t
doth .
8n_i7Wr, tki name ofatree^ B4_id3oYrL0Lj ruin , to spoil ; te deprave .
.G054*.i fa*, hard. G334-JPlI_Iwt EU /59 5; t
LpLO , 'r /raff..
sWcOJ* ^ogj, to ling , to. coo or crow as birds, to make fast. G954.Li_15^T1-0TUJ , very securely ,
under lock and key .
4..L f ff rf cr LD ', a robust
turtles,, cocks etc. do,
6Vi_s y? lu
,- stump., blunt-edged* cut body. Ge54-9-'333'r-i0<rar a capable man.
Gs4-l-05 85/ S; , to make fast or solid . gy i_J
short . ffo_ <w *2> 5 uuear, one maimed of one
hand. 8_*>1_55| , third's . - l_ITe5*2S)LL35G954-'!-93*-OS-'. rocharge a musket.
* Ge5of , a number . Q&)<svsf& 86 > ) , @ewjf LDSi , unfit people .
fcbi_t_p , pap . ev>_yj;yi .il ; , a rotten egg . {Ke&095J , to compute , to calculate. G^oefgL v
_ TjQLJTaarej , what is become pap and ^ eritrf 5 LD ,
Ge5<4"rri LD , foretelling of fatal accidents , or of
damaged. 64_(Qe5@LJLjfri_0- > one who sings for
the day of death . 9*7'1 rSSI-Il-SL.JlJffiLpgse
a little pap
*4_oVTL , chaff of straw, hemp etc.
iOS^I , to oublive the fatal term .
IFe_OYf-, an eagle; the, devil.
Q^wu). , G3*OTrrHP-iBS5 ' a Pot ""^ a nozie
Wn-QJ > a part , portion; the property or quality ofa Qg5<wwr@(ri-D , certain physick ,
thing. 64. ^01351 (e5.i20S; t0 divide into portions.
GSBTa>i . r/t name ef a small white river-fish ;
-t >&i-CJ . the parts ef an human body, the ana G6cffoG^'warTi*1 > a carP- GjWgBwr
tomy of it .
S i , the of a certain fish. G<j;BT24
&i-Cl>&0&) , to proclaim , to publish 5 to caH ont gTOO, G35eraTBI *-S2> > the calf of one's leg.
things along the streets . .^0^, to have a GRWffii . yrf ;. GuT?GS),raii .
thing proclaimed etc .
G'VT OYf 35 G 5 MT4 , gold or silver-thread
.^ , a garment which the. bridegroom gives the interwoven .
bride. Bv.*S>*o\_jLjrruj , a sail of canvas.
ffri-owf , 6iDTeiT,g59n_Bf' , shrimps.
Q<T)T6?Li , a hypochondriacal disease .
-" , B4_Si/ 1 ffn_*tn"CND, a hump or bump on the
GS55U3 . 65^05, Gsej^TtLigUTilirOjria
back, a crocked back. 64_5^3^ , to grow crook- iftjp 1 0 t family wholly extinguished. GfKt-OT >*
backed , hump-backed . - ( fem . S4_eof ; ) a e6L_lGi_l-T(Pe5^0S; , to extirpate '.
crook - backed , or hump-backed person . B_ enf ljljt G"5^ 05^ ablenefs , money; blifs , salvation.
& 05 65 O 5J , to look at a thing stooping . ffo_!T35 BG^TC'9595 35G35>^?<>/D<> > he is not able to pay.
*<- {/em . ffe_trrg365up, ) an old crook- G^^G1-1-^*^^ to obtain salvation. II" Gif?
backed person .
* . l_ITL0G35.> salvation, heavenly blifs.
5**45 , a batoo stick, cudgel,
* G 03 0?, the river Ganges. QgfjiKOfF
3555;35G.e5c5G 5 ur
g; , palpitation ofi
, to bathe in the Ganges,'
the heart by fright .
QffiSeU) . brimsteae ,



G^^^lo . scent , pjrfuni* . Qg;r55Loy)5r.* ff Q 6? Lp 63*4!Og/ 'f. G 35i_L**ogj .
3g; pufome . g;./VjQg;iT;LO , a sweet scear. I: QmLpsiiT@ , QfSUf5 a teed caVei narchmee
i>05fcp bvaring
ring )5 UUbUItll
obedience ,; <>;i V|U-:ilIVH
qu.dtion i^r
g./l'^QfF r. ;LO , sench , abad smell
<rfi/235~iL.^^og.; . to ask a queftion . if-rTJgtC^C
Q?FuS , a cave, cavern') den.
* Q'&t-CLSv L , an exceeding grct oy . QfpLD gsG^upiSiiG^T^*^^, to give ear or to h ark-tS'TLC T i , ({5 e? i^ogj , to lap fer joy , to shout . en to erne's advice . CJS'cilJSiEi'jS "ONT tgs&Tif,
T5Lfi(_| a rui y .
a- town where no juftice orsatbfaction can be obtained.
G'SUp Oi . G 45 evr etij , freight . G 03
3) T
" , G &J=P OJ 65 f t-J l_J ..
G T lx> . -f. STobbtlo,
-Vinjoan- , on' whe
6ffii_r, Qff(fjU_ U U
Wte with fU-j'ar , Gs^tP^^G .2i
a white fa-ad , a Brauiiny - kite . gffiiji t_l F ffff takes good.i onboard for freight. Q 7h L_p cO.J T: G 6> '
^4Fso) a yellowish medicinal tune..
_(?< G LI
> a choft whereof freigilt is p >id .
G '35 *ff " 9. fK playing- and dancing . Q^Jvf'
fl- 1_0 63Gv_l LO , a fencing school
5gB g-, the art of fencn;^ . gftgL.ifij > 5 53 3; -{, (J> ; C S3J to 1''- arK^ dance.
LjyJ85.20g) . to learn to fence .
(ff ^u^C^ J\3T?ljCTlX:Ui^Dt_llJj(S* i;, to>G^iSi :*G~t.15 G' roracvu * /q tak e a walk .
G 'K^'Yf U.ovrrg/V , kind of unripe coco-nuts'.
gy , to stMigle with death.
the hand ; the arm ; a sleeve ; palniyra-raftert :
'&bS'fi&^OlfjJ , to p.ain , to win tilt giwte, lie ua
of a lions'!. _2}?\/0: 33 JH^Cifi>a &> . ->'
n r the battle etc. QfoS\-J\[, gain, viitory .
Q^ctH-gdf> 3335 -<!Og , to fear , to trembl . 45>3j , the palm of the hand . l_| .O TiS! 0* , the-' back
G ^. Hi! Bx) > to dig with a (lick or rod. of the hand . gsiicTTOT 355 3; , tliewrirr', (J3y<rorB65>
the part of the * from* die shuulder to ther elbow..
G630\SoSoT(gFg/j9g; te grub up .
_ GcTSTLJ'Wttf , Qw.GHsetfmn&OO , the gte of a G 33 T <fL> B , a - bent-arm--, S9 65 l_J u+tu LO S 35 'eity or castle.
l_ll_|PW_Q , !^LJL_)C_a)L , 42)eSF gfti-ffilX.
G 5r cO.| ff LJ T ip. T < (-D . t_j rr {. rr i_o .
the part of the arm from the Shoulder' to: the elbow.
Q-bGXIOVf , fFiOJOyf , ( ljonoS ) snuli kind <s"uc\jgj ; - (J i g; ^ ^ , xic^o'RiafF^CfuTO.'
S?BU.|'fgi '.
et Jrd - GeSc^Lj^iS^rrgsa^ , the noie that a ag > the right aiid left haml
lizard makes .
Lorrj ( ssDoiLi+i-oGi-ouju^LO'TLij ) 1_5?.* es a
G^fvfiri ) G9c>^1^,-^'1-S<3Dr , the name of a 1 g; , ro catch in the very fail . &t 3; QojtQ
i es^pfy&QftTfim Qrufs&^eFiJ , to bring
GcR J3jX'LD , m.ttle, sprightlinefs , insolence , by fftrce .
15 ffi) as UJ T LL1 1{5
g; i
boldbefs . Q *B -tvrf *4Dg^ . be- insolent.
, together in a cabal . SESFg?! 1_-5 G
GfKD$<>F.&6i), to roar . G05^Q#LJl_|-> roaring, j rg^OgjS jOg; , to' (land wiih^ the hands acrofs work which a perscm-i
G^-^1ILD, the belly; the womb ; prgnancy . I a 35 95 i G,riJ^>
G^^OL-J^S/f^fezogj ,'to cenceive to become preg has been accuftomed to. Q6565ffiraTt LJ rf uj T rf ,
nant . Qi&*CL-LO_HLS&{!08iJ (
gj G l_J T an exutrienced physician . S RfBOO 6:8^0g^ <v 6> :
O&if, eiLp'aor Q}Ql_Tj?C QxJ ) ro miscarry . GiF^ s0656s^!Dg>. ffi656565Tsef 5>65) SaSCTvSfSj^O,
CDt_l4BLJ, the womb . G^-^l'OTUg, G^-^Ljewrf, ?>9565?>-5 > eTDoSSf' a present given foe '
G^^OLjreof gsgsrr^VJ, G^^i-JiAiggjv3, a woman obtaining something, a bribe. fiffHSS'Tt (&^* '
with child .
to shew the hand ; to give something. 03565*51i
Q&GeiQujJvrrv#tf esS^ogj, to giggle..
Up., tortming- instruments. 5> 356^@S35S^Og
te join and lift up the h.mds for worshipping. 9>
G^^t- hair .
* GSj' 05 1-0 , a hand-barrow fer carrying idols . i_LJ1_46Bj20S5^ , to join- the palme of both hands to
gether in worshipping'. 65?4_l_0- U<!T)&*OQni 1
Qg5ffl)l UJU5 , a shield.
G5 , deftruion , ruin , perdition ; worse . Q : i/M i a work that meets with succefs . SDjG^I"
Q B5 M ( LJH_<njor ) one that is ruinen, (>-'355j50g; , te give the hand . S5)6535G95TI ?
undone . GeS1 TSS > wrongly mischievously. G* ^g;,to clap the hands . is 656: Q^T'SSJ^Si 6> '
I TfliOg^, ro glow worse . FUliSeiQ&Qj , infamy. Ssi^g;, to go hand in hand. a>6565 GfoTorrtYS '; , GeSLpQ^B-g; te hear; to ask. &4J!5J , to accept or take . , fflffifg
g/TCTLDTuuGesi @LD > it will be heard afar off. -ii-WTOirDO . no body is at hand to do the buainefs .
Tgy Q 65 ovr 0' g U . a deaf man . Q&T3<2<JO ffi>3^@tT,gj0:@rg.4oeSjog; , to box one another.
e;Gfl5 Qi ier , Ii- heard say. tf^5g^^3r X/S ffi>3535G65TCTO V . ,G65TCK> . 35-"5^
iTif tUgfflg35G05i_,BS g; . tu ask one- a thing. signing, a signature, a manual. <fffi6: T >>, 63 BF"
T55E5' G&TJOQfrJ *^QgJ , to obey one . ffe '35 ,-ffii6i 5' 1 l'ie m3,k of a person that cannot ;
G 65 1 t-JT/J-GuiFffliFesGG;1
> to believe write. S659=#u_(9; a note of hand . 65gl
( g4_L LJG'-JT*-20^' ' te let a businels
report that is propsgated .
alone , to avoid meddling with it .
33 5 / 63 eSecB (
e6". ewrf . a hele digged for water .
Og7. to liftone up from a fall , to rid, to save stB35
65raTfil>LO , friendship .
* Q&igil the rid serpent, / in// of the . piauets g^/LJLJT*, , a35gG&5T35@, a pistol . a^gg/T'
3S@ , a small matter , such as cannotbe lifted up with the '
etetriing ta the Indians , which ti cauda draconts .
hand. tf^5gfenT63a>63g/r6563TLLlGiiSrftp '
Ciuau v. Gestpoj/r .
G65Cfb'( G65irDO) l_J<raT!je^Cg;. to confound, g; , to speak contemptibly of one. 55 35gv,TovrL*. a pair to make ashamed, to baffle ont.
of cymbals fis 6= <rf * g/ , *65|31=<(5* '
* G6; OJIALO , vehemency ; the height of a sicknsfs. g;, to foi sake , to give up , to abandon . SS3rf>ffj0lZl
(5\5( 6585!Qg;, to be dangerously a hand full, a grasp. S^t-Sl-O-gS 'V-'g/ , to apprehend,
stk. G05iUO4:#G'"rr05i-D , a tender love.
to catch, to by hlod on. fJ'A)g)^52)ijJ63363i-5-0.6 >
lei^g;., to ravish a woman ., a>0jUUj o.cai^o^i
0.6)^/ to roau a a djring person .

( u5(5fc@s; ) the moskitot bife.
te lay bold on j to usurp. e>95LjLj.*3 *V , what is
in one's pofsession . ffi 65 LJ LJ (R , handy -work ,
given into the boot when
band - ltbour . >yi il Si rj , a handle . 2>0)LjLSLrA one buys commodities.
UJTLL:i_3t_l5.^tf00i> to catch with your hand-. G^i'1'* Cocheen .
Bal_lGl_'4_L , a little cheft, box . sSffiLCeeof , an G'STeFa)^ . a birbsrism in speech or pronunciation.
hand - bell . 65<-" , palmyra - ratrers . ejfpFP Ge5Tyfi3tFcrDT:<) , a barbarous word .
M LO , erofs - pieces tor rafters . es>{J5Loa"LOl-3iJOTJT
!JTUjGi_lcTr*O{4) , to speak barbarously.
ft>5 , to join the rafoii, aa54&i"XISF*.238)j
16 put up the rafters. eS35LTofff o . ^,srof . > ; to b^coine diminished . Ge>T^^LDTUJ ( G

eeTjOiS>SS<riin' <tV &

QJ , to borrow for a shoil 3"Sl) G^T95*^5S/. to give little . G> T S r
;jtime en a .verba! promise . ss> 65 1-0 f fCu G OJ D 05^; to diminish . GffiTI5fLDTllJTwT
a species ef beetle. 95.2)_5{>5* . Si/ (6 j23 a. GRirgfu
an expericsccd man. vfn 3| ru^i imi iicfii (cS GejTJgfL ( Gffi'rSl':5?(^T'l-0 ) 1_121/>5
OtFj, -to give jir person over. 65UjT(ge6 , to slight, to contemn, to disregard . Qb^t jjj^TW
jJDgy, to handle 4 to fteal. e2> 65 CVf 65.Q6I/ G^eST^FLDTUJ, by little and little. QfRT^f
.to deliver. 33D 95 LJJ 'r eyr , a servant , or afsiftant . s 95 5 5 <wi LO i littlenefs, viienefs . Q&T F 95 T
1*;^!5^ i to use or handle a thing. ^ ^Oior , one of the mean sort of people . QfftT^jPtS
WT ^ffiLOT^O^/ 1 tocme t.> handy cujfs to have B)J<R@&frXw , in a few words j in a short times
to do with a w. man. 95 u3 JO T , close-fistednef*, tor a small price. QjiTffi&Qrsirw , * Aort time,
rt^nacity . &>&QlU$-t~IL_| . ej-"|_JI_| -2|> G B5 TS^LCg LJ fr, few people . QfjiTgf 1
.(1_11_|<) 05 G tu J LJ S i_J T
the .#" few people ; base people .
money has hesn paid to him. t3> & Q tun <)&^5 . G45T# the tf a skr*b . G5T#LJI_l
to lift the arm . Sg;2)LUfi|TfR/Lj(?LJ/T(5 LXl LD . it'S fruit .
, to cut one's hand off. r-Qj 5 55V 65 ( 5> 65
OO a ffi 95 G 95 T.ffi ^>5J. to lead one by little child . GS5Tg5#e5G9^S# u U Jrlv
supporting him with the arm . ffi;g50VTS5 65ll3Go>J y>rrjC>65 > a child that begins to utter irate words .
QlJT05D , 450)(;(;1(5 ij i 05 ts Ga5T#65G95T5J5#r5" es^^S^T, a horte
^.- to walk leaning upnn a person's aim or hand. that goes an easy pace .
CS^OJTLOLJ -"^ ossf HQsTOYr^V3tOi5; , to take
a thing . 4S)g5OJ?=L0 . actual pofsefsion.
65TI ToS V ,Q&T, rroS.
6541? 5*^3 > to let a thing alone , to
_ fl5Tt_t). , a flag , the colours. G^5'rL-9-
refuse afsiftance. S) 35 52) iTU gj .eft^c^, to snatch the flag of the mizzen - mart . G^l"1-* "3" 9
aS^F.SaiTtffr^-a weaver. SgseiovrF-rrJ , the]
, ( QLJT*JeOt5; ) to hoift the fl.\g . GS5T
weaver* s -tribe..
1 i tf i n , the flag - staff.
QffiTLa , a sprig or branch of any shrub or plant
ftfffitE) . 65^65 .50 a .
55 L , widowhood . SB 65 Q , SS>65L) that runs like a vire j a cloih -line . G65'T"L-0-*rrcA:3 *
unnFT^ , E>e5L0GLJTtrTi rrH_!_, a widow. beetle - garden . G 55 T t-JJ. iLITg. long - legged
sa> lo G LJ
.ai , the portion due to a widow ) goat. GS5'T"l-0-t-ll-Jo>S , a tyger of a certain kind,
fiom tbe of her husband .
f resembling a grey - hound. GfBnriJX FG35'r505fre',r
eUJT-f55g;iT' i
if fiant.
rAe name tf plant . QffiTi r) 1 11 1 , tA#
4>55>' . fe'W *}' <hth .
/ a r/;ri . G9>'Tt-0-*^'(S5'yO4:' 1 "
^ brinshall5)05JT/Ovr i -cloth wi:h small coloured (tripes . plant .
QV.T&>&<f 9593L; to shout for juy} to cackle' G^TL-UJSy , G*'r^-*', grievous , borrid.
ttike *n -hen after iaying eggs . Gffif 6595 0* Ul 4 a 1_._' , a wicked une. G95Ti_3. ujlc - ,
a cruel mind .
GRTP* . a neck - clasp',
Ge5TL_p.QJcS . ( ^fs^rr^fOLD , the
(S&VrtJi > a Hn of a stork or hen , a paddy-bird of ftUrub. Q*iKGv>lL-Q.QiTlJChS , another kiitilp/ it.
tart . Ga'a . 955@1_ ,
*? / a fish , G^Tffiis^^offj;, to give. G^T(i)e5*cNjfr'ri
^or . Pebe agnlhit .
RXj, dealing wirh one another. J^^U^V^Ql-O^T"
Qtbl TO95T QigPU) , acoun:ry called Coniranan), -nn-ff^'ftVGej'TfS&^ej 7>0-(15 (J 535
between the Mysore and Cannavey - country. G9>4*Tv: ht- and I havt reckoning together. J4<ruav*G35'r<!5
ffrsmrljr , the people of that country.
! @$iirtSUUiilTTaS3> G35T(5gg5ar , 1 bought
GajTTgSmjBf , a cloak .
I a horse for him. QprrsooS Q &>T (S9*>0&J
Qg;TK/j20 5J 1 to sp ak submilsively .
to inrtnifl . (Qpiffj/esG^; @35e6^; to finilk
G 45T''hV@'5 T (5> w Congoo - country,, between a thing for . 65^^V35 G ( 95 *
Truhinopojy :idMy>ore . Gs(gQnjJffirU) , LJLA 5^956950" 95*^5;. to teach . Q *F T OVT
the inundation that comes from the Co, goo - country . crt5 G95T(gl_J..3/tfoT , marrying and giving in
Q&TTUVifr > people of that country. G 95 1* TO 05 marriage. G9TS3i , a gift. G35TS3 lUTOVT
0TUC , tfce languigc of that Country .
rr , a liberal man. QfRtr (S^Ssif-iO ffjJ , erder
GeSTrwSffi th papa or breafts^
to be given .
GJRTFi-DFesaTUS^i^aSy ( to be in a grat
G95T9: the Ring -of a scorpion, wasp etc.
^^^- , the ef a plant. Qe$0W
GeSTffOiLD j iF iF^LO , the folds or gatherings G^TiJa:* . the name ef a plant .
of a w> man's cloih in India. Q 45 rr^iXJLDSSicOJ
Gmn QfbHS>efi V 5 .
^Qj6R>'a5i:S;.to lay the cloth In foUs when putting it on.
GftT((g5r_rjL , G95TML 5 LO. # 95 LO . the
ridge, peak or of a hill ; the pinnacle of a rower.
G ffiTtSSLDt violence , tyranny , opuressieo . G95T
STt, ^, aeMkito. e6Trffiet^.K

feLC FLL)bR,5J t to do violence, te opnrefs .

J^T^fTbQ^/Taor-, an unjuft king , a tyrant . QfrT
(bnj^ULp , giol's Tamul, mixed with words of the
repp'r - conlt - iial? .
Q&ntSdiTSJOtr , , */ name of a
fjh. Port. P.ixe nairo.
^TfiaiTevT , a kind of a sickle.
LD , cruelty'.

z/wirr , Mo^G^ej^GeiTiwrrijewr , ;
Q % rr oovr / different kinds ofit. tF ry ijj G 5 T W
/ , antither , bearing the cassia fistula .
GPr5ei*>5i; , G9Tc^865^eor8S; g; , temttmble victuals .
G^T^esft^Ofa; . to bubble to be angry. G^?"'
a;eSi30<feTtn5T/', boiling -hot-water . ^ ".
> G65T^LJl_i , seething , bubbling up by heat.

^(gfiXO , boiling up , bad weather at sea j-the violentheat of a fever ;

G^TfiB, a loop , a running knor e>r noo<e . Q&V"
G^TUXLO , mettle , pendancy . QffiTrd LO
I_ilnrr i52iei
( _2ji_0. 056E *C3> ) to be mettlesenv fflDg!_JT*/10^. to button. GeT4Bt5Q$"
er looso .
L0-2it *0&) , to break a child l-B^ffr, the btrtton for. a tunning knot or tieoe .
rf his tricky. Qffifru LOT(@$aiU0s<^>s; *o
GeST^SLovochS) , G95T5LCcvo$ae5. *,
Botice those that are plavful orfivlicksome . QffTl
ander .
i fB 65 v , a mischievous boy ,
G0jT85iriJ3tT, a king...
-CeSTitTiEXK , a cow. house .
G^TPjesevTL . a bulwark or baftion . tO'ieef"
QffTg T/TLO I a place where elephants are kept. Gff5T8>5YTL , a mud- baftion .
Tb yawning . Gej" 4 Ti^GasTOVT
G35'T(5eer> the-headraaw among the ftone -uttef*^
*) [ rfj*.0a5J ] to yawn.
or masons .
G*B9*l-P-> '* time of a warn - plant . G63rr4_gL6;
G 35 5 , ttPtain p/anr.
\>@. thtiulbof it: G35T4_iX9yiTLU, thefruit tf it,
(2&>&)> a bunth . jt>D 35 G " 85 . -"
( IX) , the neme of a sea-port-town in bunch of palmyra - leaves- or cadjuns . G^s TSg Of*
esrr v . jjfDsffiT . -SJiajOTG^TtJgJf* GRTUO.
flS/tTVruTo-s-, -^ jy,
(2 i'
i 1 know ali. hi*
CffiTiLW , a cow - boos* '.
GeSTli ()&Dt) i to beat dr* c ; to play on family , or kindred.
Ge5Tej55J* *cey , to grnh vp , to break or dig the
n inftrumem j to fling as a scorpion : to shoot corn
ew any- orher dry rhi*g out of a sack or kasltet . !?L_ ground ; to pick or peck as a bird i to Ufte of the bait"
, to- dig
IJVirw- G 05 1" 1 * O 5> . t(> beat chints . as fishes. G&-JS)&>i LnQClt ( CO
G 65 rr I <5 5 O #tn- , one that beats cloth or round the tiees . Qe~TB)#,Lj(2 i_i<TeS if m) ( $ "
hints . GTt LD<TLD , a block- to beat cloth *OgJ ) to pick as -birJi. Q&,rT&>Li\-5(S * ^3
pon . Ge=1"4 TU.lOYf a betle boater . LO
, to ffd upon carcafs as ravens G^^SS^G*^ '
eVTrRfG^STl (5*6)i to beat an Indian drum or /oO , enpraved work ; Q&jfT ff&i)Qfi yr>j
tabor. G65TI (5<U<TL1J , the wound ffam the fting oeoT , G^jTejS; G joo Q 9= lu et jsa ai*w , ^
ef a seerpien. G6S1 l_.([>'65F<ulOt f . ftciBt . an engraver .
GSSTrf^ OYf g; * '5 y , to raging . roarig ,
G SS T i S I a kernel or fiene- of a fiuit .
GiFTL^-ODt 0?y > a kind ef -beans whereof oil woiking or tem-peftaotis . G 5 T [g g Off" t_J l_j , rage^
is made.GffiTH Tnv>e;# -, the shell of a eoco nnt . vehemence , boifteiousnria .
Gl^TI Ol LJt_jnre;@, beetle - nuts that are entire. G#5Tl_!UJLD, 4i , G ejTLJLJL . p-GffiTmri CO , Ge>Tnrri_.035Te>J , eaft- fall for cdtchir.g-clephants .
G65T i_j'_iiscr. G^uji-iKGtTUJCjtr, a large
wind .
Ge>T**rt_4"(5*^!OS/. to celebrate or praise ; to brals - pot or copper - kettle ;
G^iTi_iufa>a">Q5Tve3Tuj- .
solemnixe feosf
" TL(_L , praise.
G<?5f ljlJoflo, G3>TI_lUJ3yrLOr*blaer,blan .
GRTwrffi v- GSiT*^^*-^
G35TwrLi).UJT<rLD, provoking language. Qst pustule, pimple .
*Tl_Q.UJ TITlQl-l&T&^DJiJ, to ue inveive. words .
G 05 T LJi_5ovf*"? , to rise- tr blTftcrs-. tfUir
SSuj^G^TUIlS (3yf tjejA-iGi-1 T *
G^T<nnrrl_;UJ'Tire5gT^C<nrr , a taunter.'
G95TnTi ooTgaj i G3T muo. JOT JOT -V. gargle the month er throat.
G&STLJM , a branch of a tree. ; a trinket fur the tip
G95T*bbV4BI_; . * tuft of hair upon the head tied per- part of the ears of a black man or black woman. .
up ; a comb or creft of birds ; the hunch on bullocks
^^^ , to quickly.
Shoulders . Q&iTeim 2>l <Q U- 65 * O BJ , to tie
G&TLOL-i- 1 a horn ; a bianch of tree ; a rod Of'
the hair together in a- tuft . Q&Towzsi i 65 65T ftick } the figure Q in the alphabet . li.FfffGi'TLCI-),
jflOeoT ( Jem. G6jTwrr SSM *;_ , ) one that horns which juft begin to sprout out |J>L_0. GW^LO
wears a tuft . G5'*,r2>, G^f /OOTUjjtUtftn- , t_) , short hoi ns , *o>vf^GtF^LOM j hon aiid crook
one who is dishevelled: _B=#g5QHvTrriE>t , a ed hrns. tfovfgGejTLl-iJor , an whose hornr ;
tuft on the crown of .the head . QifcrrevoTy } are short and ! downwards . 0e_(5GfRTLl_| , > QtE'ToweTUf.cKTsor , GfET^ert \ Tc5 ^ , horns that join together at the poiuts-. ffrJ^Q'&rrin '
ffTiWfflji 95eS>0/r^ > the nameof a {rested bird. i_j , -blunted or cropped horns . tRl i&t 15>&,triO 'i_| , Bn-tnLp&Q&TLSi-i. , ftumips-of Horn-. esilLjffi
ff Qe T LOt_| , horns that have
Kind of a bird called hoop -hoop r
G 35 Tow .STOBT , QgjT / UO TIC , the branches or trochings . QfETLi-jrrQcroLjrrjg/V)
nome of flower-tree. ffiOQrT'rorrjTODT . G' T^g), bull thnf with his horiw . G < TU* 1
tQLD JO-5G ''5rr*B,rr<OT:roT. G1IETOG35T"nrr jj^tSOS/ , to b'ow or wind the horn . G^5 T LO
01\2<, GSTU3U-|UL<l.^*^Dajoor , one t

v. @4i

that blows the horn. Q3bTLPl-l-AjQSSitEwr > a Wife's elder sisrr,
snake that goes up the trees.
, < GSET@S-' tender twigs of trees jiift (hooting
w ..
GeS^LOU^-^fy ,. to be wroth ; to bustle . GiKTLD
forth;. a Harne of fire, or of a candle . Qe>TQ^
LJOOTLUEBi 35()5J i there is an alarm or buflle . ;cfit Q i . rf
icB oyr 35 @ , a burning candle .
Q^>rr S>p^0^j <v . @LjpaS.203y .
G 35 T lo ui joTajeji-uiMG*-^^
fnense noise .
G33T^y)?H*-20a>J . ,.@SLp35* > .
G 35T"LOLC H-- , #^Qe^TLOLD4jJ. , a water
G 33 TOYT#LC (TlOj an orange - tree . G93TOYr<g
melon , F * ; ; G ^ -- , amsk-melon . tfuJLJLpLO, an orange. e;rri (SsG^TOYT*
a wild orange - tree .
G1195G^;rrLOI-01W- > cobquintida,
Gi'' ^/ <2-)* . 'G^TOYTLS, (BjSYTLO.i a pond, tank . GSSTCYTU
tCit (B^-^SJ > to f*''d l|p a elc,a to cloP a ,'1''no> G*Ut ffi-^S.' to diga pond. G33,TovrTOf'5i >
*o pinch off a piece. G 35 T F 33 LO f. G^T^*?-1^ (yd; -coiSJ > to n,ake a tank. GeTovrgjgjLjffJw- ,
G63+iJ-iU-lTl-DCrL > * goava - tree v<i certain India tank - fishes . G 33 T"^^ G 91 <> *"" /paddy
jfriiit -ure . 'Q^rnuajfTLJLJipL , goavas .
springing up in tanks without being iown . G"33
\oYr$Qmrrrio , QmT (&&) , the bank
8e-.T0siTfjQJwrri_e.C?O v. @3\" .
e^nrogy.jthe presence-chamber in a king's court.; the of . tjnk . G35TOYrg5Jb,vgl_jQLJT.*3!5; , to ge
place where causes are heard . G^ T Pp) ^5 --'- ,to do the needs ( to go to ease one's *elf. )
G^Ta^FTjiLi?. , Qv^rr 2J lo 5 i Lj ld-j GS5TVT"r5, G*^' (?>*iieoi"> a wasp . G3T
< T etrr e;Qff;T4_9.^rtii , a wasp iias
ftae courr - choultry , court - house .
Q , a wasp- neft .
i murder , killing . G 35 T rtV>.LJ T 8? stung me . G 65 T YT
5U3 . a murder . G35T"<i'e>?Ljrrg)35'lt'r' G35T/O0 G*dTW sil lO wrr , the mud whereof a wasp^-neft
e;rr^O , a murderer. G 33TirO035T2eer .. the, is made . 05 (f G 35 rr iiT <r a blackish wasp . G^^
executioner. G 35 T rtjoG^LU'^^SJ > t0 commit GWT'VTii, a red wasp.
murder, to kill . G33rr/43?3f3-7vri-0 > tl,e ' f G 95 T V5 5 S ad gs; , to kindle'; to set '
^execution . Q^T srsou^mrr&^O^j , to be killed. fire .
GcBTirDOf a bunch, . @rr>0 .
'VT 3:35fG33 T 9V5
* /so
, to light! a
^ , Ge;Tjo43rpg; ( c.indle. Gr5<5l-JSil_I^G35Ty5 65 1 * 0 flj , to
<to) be blotted out , 'to
10 be effaced
enticed ,canceiied
,cancelled ;.to be undone, kindle a fire rffSOfful S I G 35 T tyj > |i Ui
(to be dis udeied or unsettled .
GLJTC?^ 5065^/ , to set an house on fire .
Q&rrJVC&$-'!0J , G05T,LrDOg5Jt_lGL_ITG QffiT<>y$6^H$^O^J. to contrive,to hatch, to entice . IF
.*%*. fj , QTiroojjuu1<2
, to .blot IC'i G35'T?vt o^U* iOcgJ , to be the nuthor of a
out , to desircy , to undo; to disorder, to unsettle , to quarrel . Q T fV*\sfi 33 ? 3?" w*rv (g <Oj (fR * /V) gj^
.damage . LDrfajTa'fffiG^^ /D F IF 0> , GffnrVRS ^?"^."^*-^^ . ,0 provoke ce a
quairel. G^^^S^^ffi^-^S/ to set people at
mportunateneli , infusion, rudenei's , offence.
G35Tv70e<;ff:G,e:OJ35.''. p-'oons entrusted v/ith the odds, to make them fill out with ene .another . Q&iT
< i iif treasure .
J^rfCjSlJfF 0S.!>385J i to adjoin.
^3553.201, a "bricklayer.
G^Sirovr^Jcrr , a gift - giving to the parents ta
^35,,..-. G33T ^//, betroth their daughter.
G'fTCtvT'vrt LO, the river Cllarom .
G5T J4D)^03y G95'TJWrj5a\Gl-1T-* ^
G*34 WO<(f , QlRTiKrtVfffiffil Q)L^ , a firef-br.:nd . Gmrrovrzrt&<ru?F!&!.r>fi)., to ict fire te
^/ . to Jvilt , to Hay .
Qfr.iTO>0,rjQ , G354"Os3rt>5i2JTfr:>0 , a back funeral piie . G35fT ^ ^ LJlJiFTffr , G 35 T
yard. QST JNOiroOLJi-JUS'" . corn on high ground, O/f LjQlj jFTft , G35TOVT CVf iUTLuSfT9r,
.not supplied with w(ter from Link-, or fivers .
< tHh. of a fiery meteor called AViU - with - a- wisp, or
G35TtfOJYri.ra"LO , the name of a tree . GoSTill Jack v.- i t h a Jantborn
eVTUJUJI SSL_, it's bark.
" Qf.rrw^ horse - gram . ^Tt tS35G33T3vr
J , wild h rse- gram . 35 5 TO G 35 T nyr TV? , 35 -TV
G35TOJi/oT , the name of a plant .
G 35 T UP LJLJLO i>. @LpLJLjU> .
ljl-.^G^T J'/rrv , /^. a black
kind of used hi medicines .
Qa-TLpuMSa^ 'f, ($^ljui# * .
. to bfty ; to take ; to contain or
G05'r'U3;33gJ/ , to move and turn for separating
ittle Rones etc . frtm tlu- grains .
hold; to eet . to have, to bear. Ti^fg Vs3ff> <S> UI
Lj^^^T"T^^3;@T3G35T<iwrrGi .'. I have .
G35TL/35# V . G?brroYr@#LRrr LO .
G35.Tyb'LUCX)fru5t[5!?5^/v^_2jrf# . G35TUaJ5> bought a piece of ground fir ten pagodas, er tCc5/troT
Q,6\ijbC-QwrrJtr'rsre>&fOZFi) , to hire one to work.
,r/#, rice not well beaten and cleansed.
lj a e= <ror.K/G 3=4" -.t ?y36l/i>5; , io e?t,
835T(C , the point of a plough - share .
' GF3tlri-Q-4 , props for supporting vmes i'rG^TOVT Tg^0 By , to slefp. Q-*?. T (g
GIT^OSJ , to carry. G^rr'f""<BJrT^.jJ *
etc ...
bj irg . i-0YT33G3;TCVT?V5* ;, absorb . to sup
G33T@35 Wl_^.2>i , a kitil of cakes .
0 toG^TCVT
G 35 T 035*^305; , G35fT*<35>M-JG'-JfT"-30!5i'' up , to swallow down (3(|""
-to grow fat to grow proud or insolent. QcfiTfQ'ffF: i^-l j\ .lO, it has a double sense . .Qn-Tiu .35-T ojrr i
\_}1<!2&05) , to fatten, to make fat . G'ST@5 FiTtld, a sijcly body. lj5S).-ljujui.G35 t
ib, afatiheep. G35T@ULJ' ftoeft , the fat ; VR TO@l LO , a v>ot which holdston measures . '(^EJ
/ one
pride, insolence. Q <r @lo^ , self-conceit . tfDJ T UJ ^j^rear/vvQLJ'f'G?^ T .t
G^TOLJLJTUjg LJ ill r, a.boafier, a ca'.l d Muttoo ) *&XlG& T<sovn o.<-rar . ooewh*
has acquired knowledge , i_jn3t5<i aj TO G ^ ^ <wrr
proud talker .
G'STfLdrg^oer , GWT"@rFjg)i- .(he'hub&nd's t o"2Ji5T , one who is crown <. Xtffj? gQ853:^
lurother . G9s'r(i5^ '
OP $ -11* fr* ihc j[&s&Q&rrsmr!SQ)>$QdS(S$OSJ , jirojicind^

: 'tarnt . Qld *b Q&rr oyr V5*O gu . te get up

fcfrom i place , ro g-.t tne belter, to conquer . jj gTQ
"i*3> G KTowtG1 *r,I took a copy of it.Qu
JaJOOBLUFQlP BJ G 5 fr vt gl atrr , 1
?got the work done. 6= OJ T Ll_JT*tf bsGsT
*- Q( *r , I got myself shaved . Q ljiP 35
' G 65 rr*wrri_<. 5^4^057 r to speak with one another.
t-b-E5iTeer , he alone spoke a long while . gjgsA
58i/5'>Ge;'T*''TL-P.05flSi^OS; , to be mourning. ,2|
m*cT-BG^'rewrr(5l35'';^Tff uj $ rj.
4_l iJ 8) Q 5 eor , I brought this busiaels about
by him . _2jaga>5 ser * 1) itJCT ffiQffi frwr(g
GfTiirgnr , he swore by his life that it was so.
T5T9irrGl-J# LffieeGeBTevroyr , while I was
.speaking. J)S;Gi6frw(S t -^a^GflTewrffi
therefore .
GejTCVTAVr, pillage, prey. GtETcvr*/wru3Q>.
tJOEl ( -ib<S6i>&J ) to sack, to pillage, to plunder.
Q^T^iT^jOrTt^i > LO booty . oo oo rr 5
eBu^rRjQrrOYT^vrGeSTC gSw>i have
keen plundered of all 1 had. GBTWWvmiiruj
<21/ , GffirroYraywrQujTetrrg^ _ WBat Bas
plundered - Q
T OfriJOrt&tfi .0 cor , a
plunderer, a robber. Ge^WAWrGTJTUJ, >
i/OTTffitRTFFCTO , an epidemical disease, a pest.
GeT^l T , a small whip..
GWTjSD , *0(B . tongs , a pair of tongs , the
,j*w -bones. GWT04rrQoo<3((iei * O
hold with tons . (&0($95<.$[_1{_3($) * D ,
ito pinch owe with red-hot pincers . Q)Tiit4^.Qo\3
t R'^&li to hold a thing in the mourh .
1-@2 *hat is in his mouth, ap.
.pearcs on the out-side .
GRT^Oi i . themme ofa Plent . G05TOI
ai t-jDi-pu) , i/v /rs( . G'-'tS'raG* T -X> L_
DI , another of it .
G95T/01 >L_V, @^DI Bl_i.

Qe>irr_iToS , an .
GSTLfl. , a nook , the outside of a corner or angle*
ffiTI-affiffoND O) , a corner -ftone, an angular (tone ,
!1_^,<13<^0/ , to touch slightly on a
ing , to hint, to shew from a -far off.
GeSTljp. , ten millions. G^jTI tG<5TUJ.
numberleis multitude .
gffiiTLO., rwtnty pieces of cloth etc. twenty pair
of stockings , a score .
QgjTLO. . not yet bleached. Q ; fr up. l_l \J im
SxXI. brown cloth , cloth nut yet bleached . Qj^rrCjf.
i.t_t_et_( , a tender body .
GK17'3 ''nc er draught made on the ground.
G65T(g*Ljp35.4oa; ( /(*^0S/ ) to draw linea
on the ground . GOsTffiGejTI TtdQ>g5* A? Si
to be full of lines .
rr i . the heat arising from the hot landwinds . .Gtfc-fJBiffiB T 5 fL> i the hot land-wind-.
G95Tt W 33TCN3L , the hot season .003 TBL_
L02)Lp , a rain in the hot season . -J t5 Tv/ G05 T *l .
63G>toG3:'t'2>1 a vehement heat in the hot season .
( LO V . GffiTifr -4_ LO .
G^jTM Tir>oG<KTOYrV5e6
5jy , to play the
fool with a person , ^05 />#1< ar, *
G > TU , l*re kind of owl,
851 (SfUToor
4S!L_,a fort,
, theaname
of a town
, a cattle

ring appearing round about the sun or moon.

QffiTI at , the inner caftl , or citadel .

Al {FEfjTjOnwr ,the commander of 'fort .

Ol S)0"oBf
, the fortification .
GffiTi Si , a certain number of marcis of paddy.
(^gST<nrrna*-i(Se6 S5J ( 1 et o ffi/ ) t
mask one's self. GSTnrno , a masker.
CBTeooTLOi an angle. rgTjJ G^B T LD ,
quadrangle . <QHf> Q ^ rr mnr LO , a triangle, igjjj
(;7:>5$< , trigonometry . =t_LQ <
ooTLO, a hexagon, a sexangular figure . G6SToor
rUT'UoBr (// . G 85 T orU T F ) one whose
*5T-r3ff*S.Ogl) . to nip the husks of grain, to mouth is wry. ''*93055^ , a crooked knife.
nibble. Ge3fr^G5*O0^'r:9T 5V ,he paddy is
a>'T@UJ, kind of a wolf .
(jffiT <ronf , Ge5TBf SBK , G^Toof l_l LJ Cao
grown so ripe that the husk flieth off in biting..
GiET-^veseiTLOrrLO , a tree in Ceylon , which bear- S)i , coarse sack-cloth , gunny .
Q&TSSD&tQGi) , 0 IT eeef UgUTffl^,
es jorca. Qv<rD/Q9 f L_l i_j oyf , the soar fruit
GeiToafe5Ge5rr*e,"GLJT^;S; , to grow crump,
called garca .
Ge;rr4ae;e^ , * kind of reed .
crooked , wry , wrefbd .Gejrrmw avJ , crump , crooked.
85)1_"1-/. Q^froooTl/JcrcT .
Qi^iqQ^rr-nnixTap^o^o^ G <B , if
;- of ^QgBT<ITf LJ G L-J
, to the beginning is crooked , the whole will be crooked .
G STwrrCTOTfl5j.>ab to bend , todiftort or wrefta
prattle like a child .
QSTtTWrf QflTWiflBr, a little cup of leaves. ihin .
G 65 T Tillrf , the name of Northern ritier .
Q05T , a cew > * h'n8 G^TUStU LO , cow's
QiTSJ > threads, fibres or hair-like ftriags ia tama
rie QttTFUHiB; , the reputed crime of hilling a cow.
rinds etc . that remain when the juice is prefsed out ,
85"< f. @u3oo .
GKT5JG3jT5frii3jr5c*^D/ > to be full of thread*
35TTv@,a silk corton-tree .
or fibres .
o QffTffi-C , maahood .
5>*^/. GfiT^ii (3* o^j

Ge5rr""L0 > comprehensible.
&/yjiJ ) to disentangle the hair with the fingers;!*)
8 , a sea. voyage .
?BT4$LLD , a buzzing or humming in the ears put the feathers aright, a^. birds do with thrir billa
G 65 Tip. '4 LD , the of a medicinal plant . Q*J> T$^$ar^^l, to pick as birds. G'T
ffl^^(gc5TLjG^TGc43d]j7e^f:5; , Qca
QmemrrQ&rAQ-U L , nnather kind of it .
^TCitLLC , the roaring of the sea (or of the '.CtoTwQ&rr$lQtfirr$$eBr*SO&, t be
lone; a chawing the rice .
aiirf . ) the rushing of the wind .
m ~*
G^TI , the if plant .
GeSTgjjLDOiLj .wheat . 34) G 95 T 5; LOffiLj,
GffiTi <1U8SLprrU@, the name of a medicinal toot . barley.
(t^nji rr , the lees or drfgs of Parrciar - rack .
* GeSTRdjTLO , a tribe , a family ,
GT!5SioP. GBTr53K@mTLft,apishnefii.

fe. .

- e*w

ftronff , brave .
G : -)*1_^ , ?J)-?l_tS!"er . a flying fish',
G o5"Te>S'UJ"9"T"8 , certain low p ibe of weavers-*G.35 To^Sluoct , or;* of that tribe.
Q 5 T
* -o s; , G 93 oi'ru estS a , - to
enclese e ground.
I Oe^nroo ,a staff, rod 1 a scepter . GRTovT Q<fO-:
(? 9 et
&J , to offer to stuke with the Stoff- . JS^
OYTtfTijGSiT"'*3 > -^LJJ.'KG'SSTCTO , a lanrfmeasurer';.
Vod , /rro-TfJsGBT^ > SU-I-S^- G*^ *
^TT 3?G 954" ero , a ballance hanging ou a staff . iitta.
t """-G oSTOO . the periphery . "5G95 T 00 .
(he diameter. QfrnjQ forrero , a scepter . Q^irQlOl
G "J5TCTO. , a tyrannical government .
(ftrre~wrrf(L5>Rj , a mule .
G^.Trficro, Gf5<Tu5.G\3,a remple, church a pagodii.
G 95 j20 LJ "5 ff> .grounds etc . belonging to it
cfi'irch , or to. a pagoda . (HT ( JO SJ.'Lfl LO
f2^Tt_jO"Ln , a tower, a Keple, Q^T'ifrrg^/r'K/ village belonging to it. GWTfid&Cior-rrf' LJ l_|
* , /f name.ofa plant . QffiTl-jfrgsQ01^ TJO'' . cbtuc h -wardens .
QmvGrxwo(L&oeij ( ffn-OuS & o ej J,G 95 T <I U-l one's nature , temper , ftrength , pride to cry aloud .
G^^"llM>35<Tt S-jaOfii, .-to shew one's owii
&iTmtnj , Goa .
ftrength or pride. (^(rgSjirtnrrGgrruJLj^^OS; ,
GfjTBxOJ , certain plant running in vines . Q,^T~
t know one's ftrength .
SJ 355 T .iVr /r*>. g5^bG95Ta>*ll. LOWi:'
^TTLji_|B:"5ffjBru5 i a yellow oker.
GfRTeTSfU , different kinds of it ,
ffirrLO <"""" U5 a fore.fljp covering the privy parts .
G93'TL^,a hen . FTmCOQ^T L , G&ITL I
95TLOT Off-; a haughty or mad speech QffiT EPiTiflitK , a cock . G^jT LjS 03 @ *$ > a chicken.
LDTOyf fJ5@wTLO , madnefs .
^ TSi G 95 T t_^, a hen whose skin and bones are
gSSTLOTrr , a king. .
black . 95?_2}^-**0"5; , to kill a hen . Q93T
Lrmrr JO) , the broth of. a hen . QTfcrrt ftc^-G ,
"5; , to keep hens .
G05T@4_p. , ^^-^^-, certain a hen-nest . G 931 L^OJOVT "
tribe of trading people .
G95a-L^rFGffiT<nnn-<Q-3l , Q&TL i|nj)T,
*> G95n"GLO'*i05LO , a precious stone called cat's eye. GsSTt-^-giW'JjrrciOr ,. G 9* T LjS-S G 95 l_0-K
G93tu3(?n3 . G9st3ck>.
names ofplants. Q^Ti^^i^BT, an herb called porcelaia.
G95TbtP > thick phlegm, matter' j a lazy or unfit
8350774-0*. JttG^T?TLO .
fellow. G93T-at=pG95T*sl-piJJTLUf- @ ,@ ffjj k
-rijrrff , a tempest.
GTif , a tomb -.
he brings up matter . G T SS> up 03 "B 1 (4 , obstruc
tion of fhe breast caused by miic i phlegm . G93"r^)lrP
Ge5TB!T , fHQjQ&rrfXHT , sedge , grafs fdr ejeph. <&>\ t5gL/e5G93T-*T ujj. (5&>
lits etc ." 0LOLjrroGff5Tffl>ir . SAVrGfSTiBT , thick phlegm suffocates .me . Q ^rrfflLp^ gilfTLO , SU<
&T&frQm'r&rr , ffptmrri rr LDSSrrei G 95>?, distemper caused by phlegm .
grrcvr-j-G93"r-3>tr |-1;5<. ? ' , a son bernofTl widow ,
G,K'rcrVT::r^vi , confusion.
Q'cRTOrf'isifriKtgjeSirr .amare. G&TWf
5095!>- , y>foG*i"o- , GL-iT^ySasGefiT
, uxreof &i&rres>rr . 6-ijrPg-G05T> rr, <"#>- 0303(9^ > a he-as .
Mi kinds of long graft . G 0jTS>i7"LJl_|OOO^ , a " G95TOMT, a planet .
fgraft that has bulbous roots , called l'y the physicians. (f~j 5 G95TO/T , calumny, backbiting , false imputation ^, .
Citfifr<mG0roo2)&O5ij, to backbite , to defame .
5>"*5" fr .
* QE'TQrtrFiiGVTt bezoar-ftone found in cows-bel QffiTwimr/i. g-RTJvt') G95T-m-ejf35;T^-rn
lies.. Q.QfKQ&rrQrr'TfAsnT ,*t @35 05 \ '(/'" G93TovT{f5f5T_3) a calumniator .
95|?-, gesticulations . G93T20<reef -*R T LL"
Ogj, bezar-ftone found in sheep-bellies ,
_ , Ji3rri-e3x/9*<nj3;8joff;, to e6ad"5; , to mock .
Iking pearls; beads etc-. GeST'tiaOJ , GejTfSJiU,
G95-T^O,*Ofi> G'93T^-;G93T---r Lpwhat is ftrung what is agreeing together, ) 65 5 &OVjJ , to wish QwiT *ifi<sa'b . a wish , a desire .
G*rr /aS-v;^ _ Ge3T--0;et:y-,ff) .
*>>5("5"" joint hands j a cord of gold-thread .
G 95T "for ( fem. G, 95 T **tf) une of x\\9
G 03 T 743 LD Pmp , magnificence; the habit drefs,
outward appearance. <rTFQ5 TOOLO , royal magni shepherds tube .
ficence. 5\11>(5*^<5; , 5>fT<fG93TO\-iLO - G"f5",vr#'f5a)-, a kind of owl.
835Yr#"5LD, candi.'stiele. .
11x25 50 , to go along with a fes:ival shew through
the streets . (^""5 3")> , thapomp dfa wed
*i LO > '* of a northern coHUtry , Goupamv
ding'. Lj^"j5ff)Ge5"re>OLO,nakednefs . G95Tcou5(S
^! t to paint the floor or pots with figures or. lines .
&mwrr'TFrr&Q&iiT<X> US , be a61 theiung in. the
comedy . GeSTOvD "50< , a sport-maker .
GSBTOOT05Os3La , military strenuousnefs ; bustle. ^grswrLO- , a very obstinate fellow.
Qs>T<30Tmo^UtiU*mSS3J^^O^i to be tucauous , ^ t> iSPLe , iubi'ed , inborn .innate, natural ; (r<l^..
foolery .
'* QT5T1-JL0. anger, wrath, pafsion. Q?r,T\-5
G 3 : l1 35 35 TZO ef i an angry per>on . f$ T T 9
?""1I-0L_|TI '!| .'(^' ." I' Q anger no" called
wili end with disaihr ^e;Ti_JS Eg5--r!mf &
) ( -2J' ffi'^S) ^4'-0;*^5; ) to ppease ,
aggry person , Q.ffTUJTl-JLe , anger , chdler <""3 3?
Q T i_J U> , sudden falling to anger . ("5 "fcG3>Ti_5
a hot-headed or hafty person. QEfjrri-jrj <""sf C;
fL3)J },-i\~i(2\-l'rtF3T?iJ ) the anger is appeased
Q 95 l-J 35TLB *U) longanimity. G ) T t_JT> TCF LC > GfJ5Tt-Jrr "fEirof , the heat of anger
QgjTLJTOv:/?' > herds-mrn .
G3-rL^95.*Dgy . G^Ti_Sffjffiji5G^fr5wy5E6
, to be angry . f^^ffJirtioT
TuS 05
Q05nr3vrtV5i85>> tu check , to reprove , to rebuke
r ciiidi .

Jl#lJl.'^*^?0:FLDfriULjGl-'T'''9l'i thisii be*ac habit nal or natural, to him . F0>Fe505f.iO<rar
nt to whom a thing become habitual.' (F 05 F gj
<2?\;|;/^ > t tell the real truth of a thing
FKl LD , a waggon . F05I LJT 5 , an even
Toad .
F0?(5> 'be wh le , altogether in a body. F054_.
(, complexly, in a lump , by the whole . F05l
UOL(3ovveOJP5*^d5J , to abase in general, without
earning the uetson..
F 05**1 . a fiim raLtom torn, a tabret used at funerals.
, puddle . ff^uG^ 05 cv, > 35 i
/vfr ^S.' , to fling a ftone inte a puddle ; to med
dle with wicked peuple, &>-*&>0}, foul
language ,
F05Os3Lfl, Fa5<>O|05LO , all , the wh. le. F05O>o
<BvTff UJ(jSL , every thing. F 051_3/.(5 ,
F95Ov0La<mJ3ai/^(r5LO, S*05OnG5lO ,
people .
FgiOietrr . the husband of the wife's ,sister .
F05Ojf{55J, Europe woolen cloth.
F03TUJLO , help, assistance. F 05 LO L_l
22J;*3D5;( G^OJtA.rg,; ) to help. F05Taj0j05T
/ , ^-.'. 9=TLUiA}K5r, helper, an
aider, un aflhtant. fflFTOjLOTUjQyTCs:
*?3j ,
to speak in favor of one. F05TuJ5SBa5LO-O JJ 65
<< i an ungrateful person.


that is Vy orinsipid . rff&>BiVurruQu3n-^Q'Kl)\~t

O&J , to chaw d suck out the juice of a thing,
and spit out the matter that remains .
FTO^f^i11. l_ffr3*crorr E5 , the name of a ira
that hot very bad smell.
FIR/EIgiQFt-O. t 'l>e name -of a tlwrnjf shrub .
fffiigjl l> , rrR/g5U , raoleftation, dificulty,
F 35^1-0 , a complaint. F 'T 95"S5 LO t_J ffr0T ?ESU
*i50y . FfK/e55Lv5*-OS^> t0 cemplain . FfW3
LD T i 05 @ 5L/ 1 the cause ( or complaint )
is brought before th tribe .
FfJ33i, a circumstance, a matter, an affair .
FfR/05LD , a meeting, afsembly , convocation , eounciK Frf05
(g 86^505;, to mett together iit
a publick afsembly. F / 05 S SjT", the members
of an afsembly ,
FTO05L>fUrr,Ty.4Og5J , to pimp, to paader, to bawd,
F ''K/ffiLO*iJT1e6 , a pimp, .or a bawd. F ' 4K
i058n_e>S, the recempence to a pimp or bawd .
F TO 0i L ifr" V . F fF 05 S G F l_- .
FTx/05rf 05*
, to deftrqy . 9 m 05 if l_l l-j ,
_* FT05OLJLC,-FTv/e5 oiT UIULO, a fin dterminatien , the divine will .
FTS5.4Ol50;*.4OS>J . "to determinare firmly.
FTOSTgjejL , friendship . FT05TS LD l_J WT
oer^jgiiDg; , to make friendship. FrKi05T^, a
r@J^rf # , sagoo .
friend .
* @ , <fojttlo , augury, observing the F'"R05TTLO , destruction. F^50> OJ F < 0J Tfl"
Sight 7 birds . 51_1@> , F.iOKg'it'ru), a , doom's day. FT05Tff"U3Lj<wrO21/e^iO5/>
good Sign. _2_1(_0 , 55J ^r^satrrLD , a bad to destroy.
aign . "OTLOLJ'TiJ- 05 .20
lo augrate, to FTDKSS^OSJJ, to honour.
observe the flight of birds . F@<rargjg;iS>l LU nr 3
FTfl^FTiTLi) f. FFTiTLe.
tninS was not carried on because of. FT*oS , a chain. FT66oSUSAVrUJLO , a link
jueetiug with a bad sign .
or ring of a chain . FTOeSoSllt^i Q , the clasp of
f@f , a foe, an enemy .
a chain . QlIT-ibFrK/eSeS , a golden chain .
9 Q&TeyTUi , a brother or sifter. F(2e3 T 5
FTc?8)L0 , a hymn , a psalm . FrK.|o?5Lai_|T
, a brother. *Q'&n-<f , FQ05<rE5<Te56 , a * -OCBiJ , to sing a hymn . FTv/d><5 00 05
aT , a
ister . FQeSTSSOTK^OYr , brothers and sisters,
singer or singing-master . F rffj6?9i G TO Tffoor , one
who takes great delight in singing and music ,
F G 83 TT ll
fft* emir 0/ a r.
F05053585LQ t sport , scoff, mockery . F9je5r5g5'X, F 'Kl ?30 g LO , praising . F IK/&*C 5 W LQ LJ
t_Jn"SS^Og^ , to mock, ridicule, jeer, deneie. 3ESl/ &
05J , to praise , to sing to one's praise.
FfK/@, a large shell, a chank . F Fa. fl/
S? 35 95 35 535 35 1.22 , a mocker, jeercr , caviller.
F0505(J~LD , a circle ; a wheel ; the course of life ; e6.a95/> ( f5T^05SO5J ) to s. und the thank . ft
* certain - military weapon . _a|iU0V e^CFS Q {5 n o^LDfraf , false pearls made of chank . exfeo LD j
^< F05 0jCrLJSj.a'> , herewith his course of lif TFFTvi , a chank whose windings turn to the right
will be finished. F jR^TLJTeswLe , a wheel-rockft. hand . QiU-LDi-SrfFFf , a chank whose windings
t-$)FF0503iri-D . F 0, 0 T CL T <JVr LO . the sptien turn to the left. (Qs<WW$5PrKl@ , $TLpS>FrRI
if th tarth . T05F9305fl" ^ LJ , God, the ruler (g , prickly -shells .
at? the whole universe a tkle.giver. te kings & emperors.
F'K/G051(_D , au assembly of people plotted together.
+ F/hVa05 , doubt . .41g;05@FFfWi03U5cO/oo,
F0505iT , sugar , powder-sugar . F0505B9"OJ.iC
t, the name of a plant . F05053T*HOYT-ovf 05*Lprjv there is no doubt of it .
FtrouBf; , honor . FTua 05 t-l 222/ ,
, sweet poiatoes . fffiffi 0".45Gf5rrLOL04-15l- , a
jousk melon . Fe505eO~Ljy)#oof , a sweet g'jui d FTB?Fe5j30g^ , to honour , F1l2i0i ( 05 F rfvl
Sffi3;tLS><TL0 , dishonor .
1 pomkin .
F'K/4*05, 05TS5;F,FToa05, a spright , a shadow ,
F 95 05 YT i"U*er , a rival in counship . FiB^cvr^
, a female rival , an appellation which mib wmnen. as an apparition , a spirit.
FfKlG05TFi-O , shamefacednrfs 5 ticklishncfs \ weak
married so one man , tear will, regard 10 one another
^^ , a shoe - maker . F 05 S F 8* , a' eyes. F'K/G05 T F LJ l_l (S*-COJ< to be bashful.
FTG05O-F0505Tv;eer , {/em. F<TO20jrrF05B>fC
woman, of the shoe - makers tiibe .
-F95@30i< , a steel to strike fire -with. F 05 @ ^5) a shamefaced person .
JttxLj(lJtT(S&0) , to strike fire. F05@Q05
, te quarrel.
F^Si- , frequency of 'people going and -coming .
s95@@95iS05. a tinder -box . F05@0505e6050>CN
eg/, a flint to rike fire with.
FlgFLC , a sash , an officer's sash .
F05SS05 , tht subsiance or matter of fruits etc . that FSFif ej!Oa'J to converse with ene j te -soj-our
swmaiiWAtcr the juice is sucked er prefwl out j any thingJ somewhere ,


fiau. . honor. FdODt 1_1<2**55,' .

# F^5 F<N tO , orrow , grief-i fluctuation of the!
mind .
ff> ; . , une whose mind il ta esteem, to respeft, to honour . Ft Si id 3\J :4> feasily disturbed . g,S^OLJLj(5jV)gJ . F F l_0 ^O. l_i wtct esf i_J(3ujrr(S*30&/i to diihoLOTll3(f53;(6i305>i to be doleful, sad , sorry.
nutir .
9 wnrroo . FTi_ll_| . hemp. F R LLI Q) , .
FFffSft^OS; > to be troubled ra mind; ,to
Feetrrrg/rosB > Fwrt LJI_|tf3 > LU jtU , F t 1 |
fluctuate .
/ JO , pack - thread . F *3 9i05S>65 , a bundle
FSFrrrLO , conversation , converfe . FgFT of hemp. F ^ Frtan-Lji^r^/J- , threads of.
"|_01_1 moy&c>mj i to converse LO (F F 55 hemp .
|>5 TO JsaT^CjftLjO i a solitary place.
FreoTI LDT(f55l_0 ; storm i * great tempeft .
Fiwrri , (/m. FenTu^TOif ) a base or

f #du3 05-1555; , Fu#(d0oS35

>93 , a medicine for long life . Vffr&tiLHTUlf vile person , a rogue . Fwri itoytuj , villany .
Ftrri_Q. , an obstinate, stubborn - and very lazy
GOffD . to live long .
F(3*l_IL0 t compendium , an epitome,. rgQi fellow. FeTl_9. LO T (5 . * '1 bullock. who lay* .
down his load. F sn-L_p_ @j$<S>QT , an intractable
L39Se>^OS> > to abbreviate , to shorten.
fi TUtBLO . a bundle for a journey . F TO 3>> horse . FvTi_o.ej5<njruj , unwlingneis , reroancy , .
f> Q 3>c Q i_j T L- es -GeSOgy , to. tie together F s*r L_L > < LO l-J WT SI 6*0&), to shew
unwillingnefs .
in a bundle
Fi*TL-.OJT0Yru> , what it gives) to difsolve
Ft 1\i@t a religious ceremony. FL^./RH
ttXDBx) , to perform a ceremony
bargain ,
Fl LO i Fl O3L0, the body . FI Li^Qrj
Fwrst_, a quarrel; fight, battle. rorrQiLa.
fi1'1 the enemy. f*ts>i_
S>G,-IT'J2C>5J to die.
Ftrrsi K@rgb&0&J . te
Fl TLUgSS6433L/ . Fl_L.TUJ<g(T5?B
to l_j"rr
be fat, thick. Fl Tluljli fatnes , corpulency,
quarrel, to jar. Fnrril_LJLj(e
to fall out witk.i
one. FiweTfi)L_L_(B*^og; ((jG>^98y) te
F(Rl|-, suddennefs. F(5^ll5(3'K5 , suddenly.
FQj85LO enhancing of a cammodity . F fJS
raise quarrels . Fmaii airraieS ^eS^OS^
LTajG^3l-l.s65; , to bid more, to bid up. TS be embroiled in war or in quarrel
eergLJifGooF^SLOrruStrSKe)^, to bid F i_] g; L ^. GF""rrL-Je5Le ,
more than another . FfJ^^LDrrLUOJTTO > . 0jV . F5@!_jaBLJ , kinitf fennel ,
to purchase a thing by outbidding another F Q 55 Fg'WiSe;. F<M'Kiae>i little bells , puppy-bells .
585^a4Dir^OiiJJLjGLJTffi* j?OiJ , F (g 65 g LO FtTOTU EBLOTi/ i a string of little bells tied to>->
LJnrr2Q/e!03i; , to sell to the bed bidder . (Jtrmnrr a horse's breast.
O?Gl-'i5059::W55LSrrFoTS; two persons did FfgLO ( aadadaai ) always, perpetually ,
bid again It each other. F(5g5LOTUUOJ566JO> , FLO , hundred certain , durable , perpetual . Q&&tT "
to. outbid a person .
650J'TLpe^lJF55LO(TO<70 , worldly prosperity is not * FfiH , a long and entangled plait of hair . FSBL_ durable . fJeoicSl &9!QliI)rr _2J OJ t-ifgFflJ :
UJTvTLjO- , FSH 35;^>, (/em . FSDl_.F# ) QLDTfBf'tllJTSJ ,1 know not whether my mansion
a seft of heathen-people that wear excefsive long hair will be in this or in the other world . F(_I 5 ^ ff ,
centifolium , p&nr ,
FOYTLB , a multitude of people. FOYTi^L^a
FffiLij *f
0/ shrub , FaT&l LJLJUJ^a,
atrrwr(2i ; , to tike the
At name of. a certain gram. FSi l_IL-LgcPOJ GW
field wit^i a Targe force . F ovr LO nr u3 5 eS*O :
FBi F#, rffll EF#GiTUfJ- , ike tf plant. 4"< , one who has a very numerous family.
F i n, a rule, good order , neatnefs 1 the frame of a FT65TOLOi a perpetual time. F ;~'
window etc . a writing-copy . Fit_Tft (S^-OSJ (5\_, eyerlaftingly . F 5fT* fK^93 YTT > LU "T"
( i \**)1 snifc) ) to fix a rule for a thing . Qr G O etrr
93 @ LO , for ever end ever , world .
(P@F4 LO , the long frame tf vjindov etc. @ > without end . FTwrr^^LO , eternal joy .
*K@?FLL.LO . a transom / e! . F u_ LOT >
FfJTLJl-lffj^ST v. Fa@l_JO)LJ.
handsomely , orderly', according to the rule, properly, F^, Saares , ambush, treachery. F ^ LJ >"oT SSBrfl :
well. F4 ITOQ6TLj5eKet_20gL/ , to talk n an high 0^) > to lay snares. F^E5t/v>bt , a treacherous
train, fu GLO(Q5;te30S; , to learn to write. person. f^ljG1I T* . a combat with stratagems.
FU Q'-C(9&'brr(B&i&0J . t sct awriting- FSlot sorlb . treachery.
copy , Ftt^U3LJT'T*Rrt-i05L/ > to look over the writing F^a-TOeLO, F^rrrrrR/eBLO , F^TTOeBLO , '
of the bovs . F4 rS^SS/*-^^ t0 correct body f four kinds of forces) the play at chefs. F ;
their writings . Fl4_LOl_3 , F 4 LO lS*4T tVWT , a TTOe5LDT(3*.Ogy . to play at chefs > 9$
great boy in the school that surveys the reft of the *55JB@^ujO.LJT/fe6^09iV , to consider about i
the play at chefs .
boys .
F0TLO, F5JTL0 , Square. F$(TLJt_II__9*y*J5",
F4JL, Jn- Qt-J<fJ5SFi4_i_, S509TF F __ ,
a large pan . (gnrrgfftLfl., a deep pan ^ F4_Ll_JT &*>ey , to square a things $ > > "YT Oit v .
J/ , pans and pots. F(f30JF4_L, a copper -pan . 3VTLif .
Ft Cst i . a garment adapted to the body , or after F^rf LfieSU) i the foor ages of the world.
FfJ/}",' cheap. F^TTLU, at a low or reasonable
the Earope-fatkien a a bag carried by a bead . F
SJ , to self
mi uG'-iT' (BesGBTOYT tvs e6 s; to out rate. F^/3-^w*Tvif 05Q9 T (5 5
oa the garment . Ft ) (_2) , an Indian cheap .
that drefses himself according to the Europe-manner .
FSJiBrBLO , a quadrangle.
PiL/L_|l_|rgc43LO , a marshy ground
jgerrFFLiittue, a jacket . QiCS*! '
Jona rbe...

9v> vs$ r&&}

TOfy/TLO . FgTLO .
;' (fem. Fgjif ) an avaricious-persun .
^eLi-J". G^SL'tf' ' four.
ff>5i flesh j the pulp or fleshy part of a fruit.
ff&GS-'Si^-Sl -a^^OS; t0 beat one soundly.
ffSaujeS^L^iftSliO^ . to vex one excefsively .
FSS5('-i_lffl>i_j . S=5(gLJiLJ .
F^^-flPg; - 8=S^3;ffil-j(2l.UTGOS; . to
squash , pass , crush . .
FSflffiiTU)! seven seas ; the greaieft abon
dance. w<nf5-|IK5ffrre;0rt-eTtiJ>'r JCVgJ, th
Water springs with the greatcft affluence .
* Ff'-Q, a voice , a clamor , a noise . rfggjLOTUJ
(J.'SO"iLJS; . there is a noise. F>B5L0f UJ . clearly
and alait.l . F659>u5(e OCG) , to cry out . 9 5
STi (SD& > to clameur. F8>e>LJl_l(55./
to clang er sound. F655lJUJ I TLX), silently,
without noise , without any body's knowledge .
rgj^LO , bollock.hire .
* F &> $ > strength , ability ; a miraculous virtue ; ( in
thi heathen-mythology ) the name of a wife . F6J05
55e545T"UjQ9;TtS(S*>ey to give according
ta ability . F $ Q i_1 > OJ.T , a very mighty
person, tf
555^95 @F865u_| i *
, to consecrate an idol , to gire it a virtue . LO fj
rF'e>( the virtue nf an exorcising form er of an
incantation . FffjigL-jjSBF , rie of abominable
W$$\-i**rt fmj&08J , F E^GU-J 0505*^21' ,0
caft up , to vomie .
ajagtULO > truth ; an oath . ffSJ^Ujinjiretrr , F
{gUJtfUF SOTur , F^^LUiTiVe) rer , FfggUJUT
'5^01 , a man of veracity . Ffguj
JTFaf5'-0 ! a true saying. Fg<gUJ'J-iO;jDTwTL3,
a -rule ,.a fundamental rule 1 n oath . Fi i_5 0
Ujrrwrf 05;, a <rusty and righteous man . F>S
LB T ULI QQlL&OB} t to put one to his oath.
*5u_ilotuj Q * T aoojfy \) , to affirm with
an oath . F(ujLOl_i / 65 * \) to swear , te
tkfc au oath. F5^LLILei_lBT eef yQg5.'r(g?5* />
/ to swear by a person's desir* for clearing his sus
picion . FB)$\unvQ&iiT<nr D5;i to mak a
person take an 'oath .
f^TLS , a surgeon's incision . 8)\ l_JBT
aat>< -v^i ( ((5* ) te make an incision . F<5
rru5i_@-0.2a'oS.3* , to make an incisina for
aling a wound . F65T35tK?> . r 65^7" u5e&0
ffiSS^i a lancet . F $ LJiJ.2iQ.Ujnre5lJ> ,Be
operation of an incision .
F$TlO i a house where meat is given by cha
rity ; the spittle. F^TfftTirOO i tht dining-room in
an alms-house .
5<5V> F8}Qo , '"'! B'ayG'Tt-O , F655;
<p LjTffy > a bul while. e5s;^j4_9.4UTu3(^e5
(t$g[y , there is still some delay , it will tarry a little
longer. *5^^1595*,? , he is a
little busy . F{5jj l_i i_5 rj5 ^ g) 3vr , he rem lined a
little behind . FgbuQJ ^ ''rt'e before. Ffc
g>liJeT(2eor , a little after. F55;QLOejJOJTOJrj>
t__i , go a little slower . F65Q > 6 F @ ) . " is
somewhat bitter. F<5c5u5<!5 stav a little . Fg^fK)
GSJ'1"1-feor, he gives not a bit.
*H0J{5> Fb/rrrr*, Fg;C50jrr^, ai
enemy . 5;(>;; , the enemies .
* F{${gJOJLO i Strength . F 65
<galar , a strong man . FgjyojsGKffi 1 weaknefs,
disability, rut ef power .

?5>1_. . a noise , stir , busrle , a confluence ofpeople.

F rjSjLJ}. i_J <> iS2j&*OB)j , to mjke a noise . Ffjjgy
i.O. LDlsyx$-<' , a mob.
S rj^eirarruj'r LD , a sandal-tree. FnjStfSrrgjiJL-i
, tandal-woov! . ffTC^sfoTLB^ffitre;*^)^ > t-i
yiind sandal-wood . tfr^^mr (B oso
, a stone
for grinding sanda!-wouj . F [5 g > S/T ,
?(55 ljG11^ f-L. . ssiidal - powder . F [gigenrrrKj
(^)1_? v ^ . t" uaceiate sTiidal - powder in water. .
15^)- OOg; . to diub with sandal, rgrjt (y 55 JBJTLD sandal - wood of this countiy .
* FrjjfrjLO , always *
* ^55^ > ,ne nlce posterity , kindred, generation , .
prajfu) , the tune of a song; the measure in 1 erses;
Frj55Tj3TUJuJT(4 * *0 8)J , to sing well . FrrjQtJ J
^^-^ , difFereiit tunes. , jJiUr?r5i>Gi-04aV.
g^TSy , I cannot abide that body.
ffrpjTUJLe , a -thing which is not farmed.
f^JTWUl, t_|50rFfTj5T ootlO , one's ifsuey
offspring , progeny , children . F [5 Tetrri_lT<7"!-DLJ ]
TUJrrUJ, by right of hereditary succelUon .
F (5$ . the meeting of two ways i an/-' particular
time. (CPffFTjtf) , a place whcie three ways meet.[5T F
> a crofs-way , where four ways meet-.
S"5^H-J II T @ an accident or diftem'per which '
heathen fancicth to have been struck with in a haunted
place , or on a croft - way . F rg UJ 05 rr <TO L , a '
determined time . -SJ'j^'B tw'ce a day. X(5v;
Ff5 eating but once a day:
njiggsfif UULO , peace, triincrut-Ility .
FrjJSB^Og;, to meet; to visit. F* $ 5J 5Br
G954" evr Y5 o?40 ^7 . to meet with one anoiher,
T<5ore;@033>',rT rof Q34;F 5 ^ g S; gj , it came
in my viw . 05(!5^;; , to visit . FQJ^
g35l_iG1-1'r-C'5>' ,0 S to visit. F[5 d l_l H
visit ; presents given or sent.
^, the moon. rrfgT (2%rf LUT , Ff5
$1$ S''?" . un 'd moon . F[ggQa"T"2)guULj3
the moon's rising. Ffjg/rej^osTLf) . a moon-eclipfe.
FfR^TG0^'6^ oon-light -Frj5 ( rr * . a
reddish color extracted from the flowers of a thiftle
called- Gr [55^05 SS^1^ 'ri^feSTrj^uyj , fte ff /limer . -5|( 055#? , black lead
F [55/ , a joint of" the body 5 the hip ; a comer of
a street etc ; a chap , cleft ; an intermediate space of time. {u^ai jg^eBTFrg^Ffjg Tiiig; " t_o. j;
'OS; ta qnarter a sheep . FnjjyLjGt-J/J-riJSL'
the hip is - out of joint . F f5 ; eTff QJ , a
oust on the cerner of two streets , a cerner-house . Frg
sysUTUJ , chip > a cleft'-. Ff55;fil'ri2)LiJ(3'fi)F'J'
to make a chap or chink elote 'again . frg
E;GLjrrC5r5t-JGl-J'T'FOT 'be der"r* are cleted . Fr5)Qi_jT'565 T (iJ 1 tj; 5
>rr it a town '
whose streets are irregular. Frgy^rjgy, f "5 / '
G1ITrjgy , the time between the and the-'
succefsor ; a time of confusion. F 551' T ^ 5 SJ W
G f ovr iwr u3 * ; . FrBSJ^fjjGo^
t_l J 05 BS
, to rob and plunder in a time of
contusion .
V )<2)} , doobt , doubting suspicion . FrsjQJ tg >
KUJUl(5-3S; . to doubt. FrQgeLO T u3 5 e
. it is doubtful , dubious , uncertain . FrjiQef"
650" Oior , an irresolute or wavering man . * Hi (2 9 '
&rgt<3)&J ( G^^Sa/a/ > \00>J ) the
doubt is removed , cleared .
Frjag, a fair. FfS)5G2J JTf , a market .
pl*Po =

place. &$$'3$ aOmo . there hjs been .*LCTc5T<tm-^334_5LLJ(2LJT(Tie5 ^DJ , tO CBcld*

ne fair, ^rii)^ tb/oO'j55J5)J , the fair is ever / a peat.
Ft^T^asiueitS^ogL;, to bury acorpsein a sitting
*{ba23 3>a;(SL_l(2t-IT ^3^, to go to the fair, rg
*32>8> 03 84. 4 LO , the ciowd of people in a market nature .
F LO T S *F 85 -*>5jJ , to overeme difficulties by
place. F(5ffl>u3s3)9"Fff04) , the bustle in -a market
patience', to bring about, to accomplish.
place .
FLDTeoTLO , FffFLOTSOTLO , equal . JelblfJaSJ^
* BFrjQ^TiuLB, joy. vsQe; m. i_n_i (g *
, to rejoyce . P gsQ 5>T( LO Ttl3(Tj 5*e>VD{f> (^FOJT'-erLO , that is like to this. JiSjQ 5 95
)5=5=rf F'.OT30rL , that is exaitly like to this .
to be frolick , glad, merry, cheerful. sS5 T
^ cFLV OSxJ , ffLgSyUlG.1iT^os; , to bear or
LOTLU , with a good will .
FlIFJLD i FeO_JLD ! the laying of a wager, the endure till a pain or difficulty is over; to vlent . F
boasting so and -so do. SFL_j65LDrrn3(f50j/5Ogy , U5&,f. F)?r&*Q5i) , to be alleviated. Fu50505LJ l_l
-to hilft" ; to boast . fLJ5)L2(LJ8T&*DBi ( UTTiLl I Tgilinr, ne that can not endure any thing.
*i_-O>tD-t'b/ ) to boast, to lay a wager . + FuJiILO, near, nigh. FLffL-Sc^iidOgi/t FL
B4_lffj0303T:2O.rr , FLJffjrUTBl , Fl_J6F>ffilTOyf , 1_55.'(5^!05^ , to come near, to draw near.
who betteth . FLgLOffl ($
0/ t0 bear F(Cp ^lo the face of a great or honourable person .
T TFTii^rF} cK^Gcjno , before the king. <
.a grmlge , to threaten .
t^OcSSLO , anacccft
F \&* , to curse.
to the kin is difficult te be had .
fl-i^sstctld i', regimos
JFffLj , a congregation ; an afsembly of persons ffTiTL!) . FlcKTTLO.
%hich decide matters . FE>LjffQ_(|)(55)J , the congrega-- FOS^fBT, a mariner's compals. 9 (Q5 3" 03 T OJ UJ
tien or afsembly do meet togtther . FBUUJT/j" > the LjT5"i55;<g-tS65^05y , to sail by the compafs .
S=tSf5bT0Vri-C , a carpet . F Q3 0> T eyr LO
people of the congregation or assembly . FL-ITFe^'K/
O^J to spread or lay a carpet.
;43), people that meet together on a pubck businefs. Qljt
F@t!TLD, Fflg^TiTLO ,a conjugal life i
* fl1i0>lo , FdfJjLD , seven i the voice..
Ft-JL-i'RVeS , Iapan .

the matrimonial state the family '. B= (Cp ^ T<T LO T J>
Fljlji 5i , FLJSLj , flat ; the loin and leg 35 LO the state of matrimony . F^P*T/Tfi l_J iO-
. an ox. FLJLJi St @>05@ . a flat noi'e. LJ occurrence; met with in a conjugal lift . Fi^ffTfTLO
LjnjTHjecT , FLJ&LJUTajJOT i a person with 1_1521;>
> tri be married to keep house.
F@!FTa-ovrtJfrfX|C3r, F(PFTT03 05T
efljt mouth.
Ft-Jt-JTLO i a chaise for carrying an idol about. . fj i ,a man led man . P(tj3FT.rf , a married woman.
ff-(g)FTTe>TO|L-Q-L-l4 U sot, one who ha< experi
UTLOSFLD , a complete bed-steid.
Fl_ll_lxnLO( FLJLJiJiT'W) GfRTH-p-ClSf*-^ ence of the troubles accompanying the matrimonial state
S;, Ft-iui^ 0305 ( 8-L_iLjOYf0503 ) _5050<<5 and house- keeping . F ' & T or ftS _a5^,ojlo , conjugal
<6)_ to sit with the legs under one.
duty. y^rTiTLOQu^jgjfidiJitn- . one who ha*
ajUit-Jevcrr V . ff^3l_S/otrr .
lavge family. '
f UUifirf , lame .
F(p<7r . a * editions fsembly . F (Cf ffr 9_ i (? l_l
.ffLJM^-'SSJ > to smatk ; to suck the juice of a fruit . Ql_J9r*-OS^ to meet togtlier with a seditious view ..
te put the plot in execuiiun.
fLOiJLCUli * village with the like reve
nues as' mother .
FlfpffiT, (^(5<5, a dagger .
F /\)), -universal , all, the whole .--055
4? 03 Si T, UJ LC , common to all. IF
f5Tr(JD , a pubuck place j the habitatiou of the chief i.XiTOJLJQLJfftt^Ogy , to'speak with reconcileable
person o a place.
i intention tu both paities .
F0ic5, 6, a measure and theme for verses.
FLOLO , FLO , level , even unvarisMe , .always in
ne balance . JF lX>gli!3i&JOBx> , ro make level or equal. =($ (Pftsv oSiiljtu-F =\;1^>,
FLO290303Fi-t (.b'S-iOSj , to mit together in equal to give one a theme for inging verses icondmg t*
portions. PlAZglUilS .20 3i*05j, to distribute equally. a certain measure .
F LO <J" ,
battle . F LO if * .30 fljj , to make F09c5^TLO, thesea. F^Tc^otQlOctv
QljT^OZi , to go to lea. F <Q3 cj , T <OJ O orF
FLDi3"$c5e&r , FLB*D5<WT, F LDgstrr (/ . F c?ifCO . a beryl .
f (tfT, t/ nartu tf
U)^ ) a capable person. FLB#"gS}J, FLOgjgJ , an kr* . F^^TTUUitiF , kind i//wi,
.capacity , skill, experience .
* F 0) ovlo , F (Lp OsD (3 LO , the whole all en
FUJ^SD^ipTlljOJ >@/ . it rains plenti tirely , the plant with root all.
fully .
F L0$ 0 7\) i to be a ceokin ; te grow mai ri igeable.
F LO ^LJeVemui 25HL> JJ , F LOJ LJ F LD 155 Qu wrr , a girl grown marriageable.
^LDI_Jw02i/eS ^C;, to raakea present aut of lespei.
Ff S tX> 0j 4~>J) to drofs victuals .
FeLoeF*^0(ri?(ST f*)ujlu ^3<rff , a kitchin .
FLOTFTTLD, F LOTFFTCrLfl , the circumstances, y B>Leg;o> ^DtfU^ir, the conk . FS>)lOUJ , cookery ,
jiiews , intelligence or account ef a thing .
cooking . F>L0uLICN0TF9r5; ( 05'T5*^ILkiTF
flotcSTotlo , peace . htt lo US ffrS./ ) the dinner ( supper ) is rcidy . ts> lT> 8j ^<5 0J
<555. , to behave one's elf peaceably. FLOT
to be boiled, drelsed . a>LDiDlpy 05 (g> F
ST *wf , a .peaceable person . f LDtfT U> QT j>J 2a2V
to give order for dieting viiLJfffBSO^ , to treat about peace; to endeavour to tuals . F ffl) L> qj
fjLBj)*~ 03 85
, te get
^reconcile people together . F LD T 0> T w LO LJ *i .things ready fur coi.kery .
, to make peace . F LO T 0>T<rrLOt_J*T; SBLOUJLD i FLOHJLO , opportunity, accasionia
*at Q Lj T gea >j , t twndte tupie jgtther . Ueft, a particular way of- we* ship, vne-ofUat different



rom tiers . f'-Oluloljt rf- g S *q , to watch ' Sy t to sit upen your legs.
F -.OlOlO, FlOLO^ . consent , approbation , liking-..
an opporrm ity . F D LD OJ 65 ^ G 3V> i opportunely ,
icaaonaMv; upon an oppertumty . FSLD IJiiJDffj ?LOLoaj'-riT#j3og; , flplo^lj lj (5 .40 , fut
i_Jl_li5<S5-iC5; . to Begie the occisin . & <J0> i_0 LO^LUTBt-iOgj , FLOL0S*j; -O e) , to consent, tff
iUrj)<5L-J'_5LjQi_JTF Ifr . the opportunity is lost. .igice to thing . .2iejy._'_oe5@F ^ LO LO ^ ^ LO T
''1^^)1~>^5'' , became unseasonably . ( FLOLD^GmT ) do you consmt to it? do you like
J^^Q5*-<5UHU5^^(g)5e'-ll Si , that will seive it? FLOLOBlJLJCPOJSJS^OS; , to make one agree.
upon occasion . F S>l_CLU?B<2 ? 05 T UJ LO LJ 'n- S2Xr *T OTrf: @ FF L0L0^lUTU3 535^5; > 1 consent to it.
.20&J , to U^-lp one just in tiiKe . FSLDLUQl-J like it.
535UJ, unsess nabltnefs .
FtnLrejLO .
FLDLOTjgjLO , connexion by affinity ; any connexion
f _Qrvg&QS8>-Q i the language called Sams- which things have together. F LD LO f f esovon-;
3JOJi?"^avT , those whose childven married together .
FLOLrFJfg one cnnneed by affinity.
f)UT@i /OO V FLOt_| .
JfUDl_J hJ9n_(R . FLDt_4- .
FLD(tj;FLD , Ft- LU LO , doubt, doubting , obscurer'
FLL_i3i; ,jcquest* acquisitions, goods-won-, goods speech creating doubt .
so pofselsion . T-sof i.u ff uo U g i a good store
ef grain . 22grf ojFLOLJ 55
. riches in pofsefsion .
PLUQirtTff.LD.. the consumption, phthisic , heflick';
M5>$<7" f LO U g
children which one is blefsed f ifer .
F LU JDTLO V . ^(^fOr.L .
with .
F uj<nn~LO , lying down to sleep or to rest. HUrU 1
rt-Ol_J(59>laO V . FLOLOn50LD.
FLOLJ -><i LO , wages, snTary . F LO !_1 OYT LO Q LJ ffr l5 ^5uj*3" i one that is iond of lying down and sleeping .
RQff Trtrr L^i.' ^iJ , to trtat about the wages FLOLJ^vT^i ^ F LU <raf ffi - bj; , (F TU oof
one wh> senes f r monthly w.iges . F L II T 9J $ r305*OS/. to lie down. FLUeof flj^.diGcS'TOvr ^6 >
61^.5;;''5 ^/, to discount D^J , to 1 one's self down
ja the wages, flolj m^lfc^ffiig^-^fteS-iSJ >
Fu5R f . S5-FS9W.
10 curtail the wages .
/, to FLDLJ serevrcaT , a rran prrf B. in anything . rfjT suffer , t* bear, toer.duie.
stiJjFLDi_ioorerer , a rich man .
F !i3 35 66 , a wink , beck , beckoning'. FLIEST
Fi-OLJTQfTi JO <>M . paddy whereof the rice is *Wrr(STl 4 ( i
/) 5^ ) to give/white and relislwblr . FLOUT _l|ff tf , rice of white a wink . FuSeSi^crtrrLUTLuG^T" ^ * O
paddy. <W5T05@FFLOLJT , \/ @ LO FFLOLJT , to acquaint by a wink . Fu5 R 4/3ttr LUT LU JL 456 "Lp '
asKfXITOVTEFJ-i-l-JT , . fcfTgSfrFLOLJT ,
Bet^oei , to beckon .
FLDL_lT , GL-|Tr'3>-^?;LD1-'T > ( Gff;'-Ol-J'ryCvr)
FUHfl^iJ LO , a cold in the- body , a rheumatic; '
PW@fLOUT ( (K woriSl FFUJUT, #-20<@ disease ; the cold nature of a place or of eatables . Fu5( >
TKLCsiLJ ) iliferjnt imdt of while pitldy .
$lU'RiG33'T'OVTV5 et
l , to catch great cold.
F LDLJTAp.o<WT LO , FLDLJT^L A/OBB I , a talking FuSaj^ajLOTUS^* *i30 8j/. to 'have a rheumatic
together, a dialogue', colloquy, conference. FLOLJT disease ; to be of a cold nature. FU39J^LULD(^ *fi<Tf ;
O. rBTLQl_J<rra;sS.O5J , Fi_eLJTi35d5-20SJ 10 5^5; f <niTrf*u553$(S"S^ ) tl>e celti f the body is>discourse with one another .
FLeLJTSjT-S^os^; , floljt^ 5
e; G"5fr3vr
^vjtt^OE; > ro acquire, to get, to gain . FLDLJT^giSJ
FLUQLUrrelULO V . CDFtUtjLUrrSJ^UJLP . S.J{R66.205J , to lay in store .
Fa-@ t< . F<f5@ .
FLOLJTTlO , spices to season meat with . LJCrO
F(T05@ . commodities-, goods .
FCOLJTTLD . all kind of spiers . FLOlJTCTLO FTFLO.a wanton jest , a dishonest sporr . FO"F<rUTT"
LJTffi-^OS; ( Fi-lG*
) t0 easun wilh -Oejej, a sportful wotd . FrrFLoGLJffrttiej,
to sport , to jeer , t* jest. F0"FL0I_bi / et -CD^Jt-
spices .
ftiUTW, UM of a vefsel . FLOl_JT*iriRT to sport by wanton words or jes:s . gjFFTFUJ.
Q(Stt , gl r t -. > . the commander of it.
a libidinous squeezing of the hand etc . FCTtf > a <
F IX t_J .23 LO LO . splendid , rich , well . FlDl3^0L0 jester .
LCLJirmtrr eBffyjf
( to live splendidly . FLCt-J^O
FTFTT30Jr* 20 3D , FTFTUJLJ th rushing
bOTLUFrrt_JLj(J)e6 DSJ > to fea,t highly.
of leaves by the wind , or of snakes running th rougi
FLCL^ejT'ujLD > the rule of a tribe .
dry leaves. FiTF(rt_llJ a roughnefj in the surface.
, a pubiick account-keeper . FlO t-5 iCt
F0"FT/OO , FOND FT TOO , a k-nner .
FTnnrrLO (saranani ) paying your respects to ene>,
$*T^S^Sl!Oe/ , to wiite pubiick accounts.
FLX i_j , a kind of sedge or reed fit for thatching. veneiatvng, falling at a person's feet . FcretWLOt-Jiwrr
FUJi_irR/Fi_(, TLCt_lTv)@i Lroo, a cloake mide of JSU rf> O 9i) i to venerate , to fall at a person's feet .
F4T>OTG^T0S>2fi*0!i/ , PT^)5G<rT <'.aedge , or ot cadjati-leaves .
FLDiC5.TfiicDU3TLD , a rose-apple-tree , FLDt_| O&xJ to salute in a humble manner.
ff!TT LD ^fharanam ) shelter , r fuge .protection .
njTtfiljSOL-JLpLD , a rose-apple.
FrreBBTLO sqtBt eCO& ( t_bs/ si
)to fly t*>
FLDM^S 33t6SOf t0 happen .
FLO l_t> 0 or LD , abundance, plenty. FLDL-Jj. one for shelrer ,
F/TT . one's feet ; one's protection .
. i OJ, abundantly , plentifully.
F LO Q LJ T iXiUiwrS52K
to lie with a
e=m it 9 , a way , use , custom .
F7"LJLJVf , a gelden chain
woman .
FrTLDT I CN3 LD , kind of harp . F TT U3***f r
FLO LO p , a sledge, an hammer.
i to play the harp . .
F5"Jl >


FrtJ tF3^fl5 FOOT

FTt-O 1 W of thing*-. F<rnS5 T (5 95 *

Fieoff;. Frf05 >
( 0}i .Q&B\) ) to make a garland or string of jwers.
F<fF)Qe5T4-ii. > thtname f ,
*$<[$5> QtOPCrtsG&'T & , to heap F (5 35 cH ix , a chapter of a book .
Fif5g595"B<r * F*J505err .
many guilt* upon a person .
FiTLO > an arrow ; a cracker , squib . FTLOB ( 5 F<3>L0!J> G^T^OLXILD.
^ , to shoot with arrows . F T fXl > > u> , FtfiDi-0 F(f5<iiLJi_jrrf0T i a eopper-pot ,
F^eTiJ , LO roo F F 504 , the side of s hill . *;
shower of arrows .
FfTL i the breath corning out of the noftrils . FT %$Qp*B}Bi)*iv:(5(fcK)9 L_it_iao ^^&
Wlf^iB)^, T LO , F 0"" SS3/T QO i foretelling people their , the ship has been driven to the coast of that coun
:fate by* observing the breath of their noflrils.
FCTLO , all what moves or is moveable. jyFrrLO , F (5 enj *j50 g; > to arefs , to fondle, to wheedle.
immoveable things . FfTTFCTLa , moveable and immove
?5(2|_ V . F(T5Qe5rr4_a .
able things .
FQirQT*ir&ji!09iJ, to rush as leaves etc.
Wirott , the tones in vocal music.
FCTOYf i_j F3sD86(ya6*>e; f FCroiBiuu3*^05;.
t_pr.Oj , to learn to ting the seven tones. FIX Oyf
FOOff505LO , FOoe505U><S/O'BT , FCroe505J< *^3
*3*^OS/'< .) to sing the tono*.
the privy the bathing-room . F 0 LO L3
FCTTJSldtiuQu'T^^;, to go in direflly, a* a Goo(3i-iT^sos; , to go to the necefsary hous* . Fera
-word into it's sheath, or the water inte a channel . 055;(5;/5; , to bathe..
tP^rT^LeTtul-JT^OiDySf , a way to go without
F esa Rffi^OiiWT, an abatem'nt in favor (f tht
debtor riJ4j(J.u3G ^FOO05.^f'c'Wrr i_iwtHU
FrrrrOYTUD V. ffrTrf-O/ruD .
e^JOS^ . to abate some part of the interest .
F0\3Ty@ , a boat. Facri(ge50i T
r5", boats Frf , like , equal ; just , rihr .
-to pay -fully , eluly ; to retaliate
people,. F3NDnvl@r5flr.U_ , a trip which a bot make*
j*3E;f_to answer fora thing. Jtffjjftf, that is true ; going and coming. FCNrRe6Qc^j20j3O'S _iO %j , to
.that is juft . FrfgjTetrr, it is right s it is well enough . put in a boat . FC0 4y@(5D; 1 to give a boat.
QeHJmV&tgjWrf lDondckj , this is not equal to that . FCKj'"K/705 ^. F 'TU es 05 .
Frf i_j*Btrrwrf ljQljT ffi* O 6i) . to make equal- FOOFNULl FdCf OOG*^J*rr*^ 5J > the
^XVff^^F'f LJO'ffTSSL'aS 5;> to make one rushing (f palmyra-trees etc,
content or satisfied . Frf LJIlffiBS .OBL , to become juftj
FO*F0\DQ4-Ufr.G^ ( S
5;i the murmuring
to become conformable. Frf LU T 05 (t 3Ci 57 . FrfL-J of water nftining through a channel .
,I_J (5 5^*^0(5^1 . lo make equal , right , juK; to cause
* FCrOLB jalam ) water urine. FCNoG^T SQ- LO
to agree. F rf UJT 05 & OJ
; , to put a thing distemper arising from humors in the body, fcro
-right or equal. <rrroirc^(J[5L3i_("ej(gf5 Fff , Ff{5 . creatures living in the water. F CM l_I l_5 T
rthe limit does end her . Fif 05@ F F rf Q f uj st X i/tYTLULO . inundation. T OfT, F 0\j 557
( u_lw>T25y ^0_/ ) to recompense . Fffg, F ' fUT(TLO,a kennel thre' a wall ere. FCKfJS^tfUT
rf , like for like . ngjorateLO^lS^S^irr lo 0 uj , the pafsagc of the urine F*01iT'T-LCLJ "
-F ff est ((JeSagy , -to return evil for good. _ LO 05 gtr-rusCyv ^i , to drink water . fjc (^Ai^^CTLS , water
.(g^Fff ljGI-JT5)L_I (3 LJ T Q , as you please . works , hydraulicks . FciO^ejLp'FFr^o , loosenels .
'5T35@FFCfLJ(2i_JT*351_JCoLJfrG{^ rgt e5>
* F-^OLO ( chalam ) obstinacy . <>1-1..51_-05 ^0
err , he lives after hie .own way .
, FCAGlOTl ('"* ^ 8L> > to be firmly resolved
to pursue a .work . FCrCfJFT^ 05 * O J to affirm
Fff , bracelets .
Frf ~ , Fff^E/GuJTADiy f <si@ .io ejj V or deny obftinately .
te roll down as corn *tc . from the top of a heap ; to
F7OOJT0, an apparitor , a beadle.
fall down as brick* from the top of a wall.. F rf tfij , F3-OOJ 05 @ i_i G l_l T 3 / , to go to *nak
the sliding or rolling down as corn etc . from a heap . water .
Frf B05 , gold or silver-thread. Qt_jT^>Frf 805 , FC?OiULL!i(5* -;5; , to nib, cut, caftrate or geld
gold-thread . G*"" ovr ff F F ff S> ; , silver-thread . an anima!, men and bullocks excepted FrjOOJT , F>>
V-<? S35LJLJL BI . gold or silver-tiripes in a cloth . 35#T , F CNO OJ <"" uj *sf , a gelded boar, a bar
Frfa>33Ql_lT4 ,/00 LJ t_l " S> 05 , a tin bant, row-pig .
wherein gold-thread -is interwoven. FCf 5>55^.1_1
FUNjfiO) , bleaching of cloth j a great cold in the
body . F croes m i_j ryr P^/ ! *) gj , or
Ujp- . a cloth embroidered with gold .
Frf ;^
to mal;e urn, sand etc. roll down. whiten in the sun. f 4*1) | ^ 35
rft_U_ITU3t5 05 *0 SJ , corn etc .to be so heaped to sprinkle or oal< the clothes for bleaihir.g. F oa
5ffi)l_ll_Sl iS)OJ , white cloth. Fj\O-J0505 CN)
up that -it begins to roll down from the top .
Ff ffj$iTLO , a hiftory,
oyaj , iri( / .
Fff B , a hiftory .
FOCTffi05, a Surgron's probe; a ramred . FK3
FrfcTLe , a human bodv . Frf fr (8 * LO , Frfit flffi05T^O^Q.ei.'v;;( tfi , X "O -*5
SfiU i/wr , the disposition of the^ody. F d*V Br I_JT ^"056 ^OBi; ) to probe a wound.
* FOOfSF^LULO i prime , excellent, eximious .
<rlo , healt . Frf<T05Tff LUfRifB ovr , bodily things .
.FrPr55fgG<n",TLjL, { or st OBi) . to l_J LJTJ- Cf ff, rj' FOV3 05 ei LU Q LO rr , art thou
live by bard labor, ; F rf rf , one that enjoys better than 1 ?
FCK) rr LJ LO , the fishing for pearls . F CO t_I-
prosperity . _| F rf rf , a being that has no body a
3D it) , the place for pearl-fishing . F rr i_l TV
spirit .
0r^QOJ*or , a diver after pearls, a pearl-fisher .
F(2j@ , broken sprays , dry leaves etc . F5 (gfT
fJjtfrrrvJtEOYT , cadjan* , aotes , chits . F535rf 5 (t D FO4DTLJ^0^Lj(2Ljrr.iC> By , 10 go ic At peajBJ , to gather bits of broken sprays , (ticks etc.
4] fishery .
F (* T LC , peace ( * vitr . ) F c\J TU
F0gu55$iysvr , lattia, yellow copper .





( QrTOC&g) &*05}j ) to Salute, L-5y^@LJLjewJT2Sl,'etiO; , to be cleanly drefsed .
to compliment by lif mg the hand up to the forthead . FcOL(fr.TLJLJ22/93e5"-'Sff*-20SJ > to waHs
F oS O^jJ , to g tiw tired, disgufted , dejcited . ibout cleanly dref5ed .
FeTijg5tUJLD,-clioice ,goodly , delicious ;wholesome.
rTJ^ii -,' , to be sad, melancholy , dejected . Foiffiff F FOJ&uU9nT.iO , one that enjoys health and wealth.
' F'T(_Ji_j(>6(>.!309y . to eat fill the meat grows unpalatable
FeOJ05@ . a horse-whip .
orni.'fc \ J4S><rr-JBr\ft(F'f>S3iyi_jGLjaFfSg;, l am FOg^BeS ,FeO4g?ffi>a;QL0L_,a$quare plac
gronvtircd with it . S&KFriSeS^'TOS;*^^' < 10 open on all sides , ei cfled to sit upon .
-write till the rund is tired . 1>@&$) OJ sw ,
Fo"X|3565 > cheap .
an unwearied , indefatigable man.
FtnjTS ^30/ V . FffilfOg; .
FerXJ'-jiiVCTJT f . FCTO^^LDartJBT. _ .
FoSg; *.4ogy , to sift. ?ck)5jljljt/}-3 /05,/
ffcTijFecn-etrf ujLD , friendship , amity /familiarity ,
-<to sift, to searce or garble stmeibin% . FS>Q6j<E5
F(0_)i (u3t .earth making a kind of lie.
O'FJ . to find /' by seareing .
F*Si_J l_j , loathing, disguft , displeasure, sadr.efs .
FoSi_Jl_5 JerrQ(_oa\D . out of disguft . EF oS l_l l_J
FeOJffiff =-23> , FOJ^.f ffiO gy , to acquire,
OsiO^j, ?o\Sujljt j) S) dj 95*^208^ > t soften , to gain, to win; to provide, to procure ; to maintain,
FiUKfTtSff , a horse-dealer. F TX) g T ;@$
te dispel , or remove sorrow .
* , a horse that is to be sold .
FoS'iTvaLD , water .
ffC^/igsg;, protection , patronage, the power of a
FiTXJSj-TUJLD 1/ . F(Q5g>rrUJL0 .
person whum you tely upon, F / dB e; u3 T Q Ci rf
FeO-|5>il , ^ mufter , a pattern . F6^J55TID^(5*
Q JO U SOS}), to appear before a person without O&J > to perform work neatly .
Tar lelying on the protection of another. F ogj (*> S5
FrnjjTJ^rf UJLD , beauty . F*3L|[5gpfuj (/.
5^<1, 2;>^^ 1. , a man oTatitherity FeTijrjjigrf ) a fair person .
able to afF.ird protection, y c>g/CB^eii.4_c.gG9,5>reTOr F 5^) ff UJLO , ftrcneusnefs , bravery , valiantnefs .
Ftftgrf , a valiant man, a hero. Fcdjrf'jJ
(gf^fJT JT , he brought a protector with him .
(F 00001 LS, short drawers , not reaching te the knees. t_lL5^0f^TLJL0 , pomp, glory.
V >01 3535T , FOOaNI LQt_JTl_;(S ffi
FerueCM , any tmng like a caul . FHijGTfJC.
ffiT OYTJV5S5^QOJ5ffT , one that wears short drawers a mere skin . FUUTOjQuT -0<5 Fill rxjTLUOJ
severing only the lumbary parts .
LJJ- QlJT^Og^ , to grow lean and crumpled . FtTil
illTLUSDi-a RyLjGLJTffi*ita>. to ftarve eper)^
F - SI , a large sieve, a bolter. FcTOOOfi) I
SJ t0 rew decayed, crumpl-e<
F TO^OT , thin woven fine cloth .
or wrinkled by age .
F 7n3C>0Ti_jl , a chapter.
F^TOgjcroiTajG L-irrjnv, to grow ,
stupid, doltish.
FCNOTOnTff {851 S2)l , kind of wrl.
F , broken tiles , little -ftones lies , knacks , toys,
FovrFovrQtfajetrre? )
, to chatter , to pvattle|
'idle talk , quibble . &&CSQ\-lffr&OaJ , to prattle tittle-tattle .
ffoyf , a cold , a snivelling cold , a rheum or catarrh {
nonsense, f >3$$5Ba~3>*.Oay ( J10YT35*^3gJ )
the snot or filth of the nose . f o/f i_5 l_0- 5^<f5
to spread false news .
FtunRj&^OQ), Ftfijiy*., to come short , to fall BS SO fly , to have catched cold, to have got
-below, to find one's self disappointed ; to be unsuccefsful . a rheum ( or rheumatism . ) FOyf BUJF#|3g;j3Djy
FeOJl_p-fJ5{J(5e3't>5<T > an ar-ornainent to called . ( #[LjQLjrr-00L ) to blow or wipe the nose.
FOYfe5*^agy . FOrf r$^-0Vr^O't8 * SV > to grow
FiTUi (5* - , to kick.
F<njnrn LDTLD , the nam; of * foreign tree , macerated by water j to be apt to ret. F Off BS
OJT^ejtiS; . to macerate by water .
Feoj^uo * . F-Cj^lo .
FY5>(0) , arrogance , arrogancy . cOJTUJF^ *VJ g;
FOJcsrPerjetADeg, V . FeO-tgff g;* .
fOJLO , a dead body , a corpse . FDFQf-OLD ' (g , swaggering, bragging, boafting. ff?V5e5@LJ
the interment of a corps .
LJwr'?5a;i5^cg>l , to be proud, arrogant j to carry
one's self proudly, to wear a tawdry drefs . F^s
FOJT2Jwr, elegancy , ne&tnefs.
FOJT LO , shaving . F ill { L3 l_J
<S / Rwr, *55@! (/ . F^gs* ) a lofty
-funr, FUT , a barber F ill T lo l_i or proud person .
F^eri,'*^'TUJ<J'r , talkative man , a prattler .
<*raf 35<335* 6 GEJ , to g one's self shaved .
*<nrzs&D%) .rerTovrrfiGE) SJ , to slacken,
if TFFrCTLOl_l<>TS5HyS.09y i to shave the h<ad .
FfilKS) Ffili^LjiJioYr/wr , a sucking child to relent ; to break wind backward.
Fovr/ovT. an intricate businefs or account ( intri^growing han by the mother's being pregnant .
FS"Xltfvr LO, a lance, a pik<>. F"lj0Yrftcr.5$', pikemen cacy . FovrayovT biu&&!c&>&) ( fr
QUI rr Q 4 SO 9LI ) to extricate a thing . F i/OvT
F OJOVf 3=^45)1 , a mercer's shop.
1I1TUU I B@fi; , things are intricate . FOYTAVf
, to be flexible, to bend.
55? one that embroils or disorders things .
FeOjeerLO . F@*TL .
FiUf; civet . FilTg^LJL-b/crBT , FOjrr g; \ ffil etrrFeVT4/ovT -y, es rrejj , it is not advisable te
have any dealings with him .
aVJL ''VT I/Wr , a civet-cat .
, a overseer of sailors , boats-people , lasFedB''F'Ki6& , a cannon ef a small size.
FeTffTLO , sublimate mercury .
cars etc.
F . thread, twine, twist. (5 (
Fd^|35'f UJLO , (jFTejif LULD .delightful , plea
ding . Fffil^rf OJeseST
T , a charming person . SO ( ^rf 5^05;) to twift or twine thread te
;e=fiJ0)9SLD, square, FJ^35S5<?iif , maketricks. FC ffiGeSTe;* -O 8 , to threads
needle. Q(_irr , a golden neck-lace.
si iitui / ear-rings .
*(&10> *W /soap. Fcaj WT!TI-J


F rarw

F '. 1 very sour.

, one w ho loft his celibacy ,
F .^ ( f jrv@eS.403^ ) fvv*lj(2 uir * !* arJof -cruD the prcienco in .a plate .. f(Tfc
g; i to slip out of"- the hands ; n gfule .
5(^51 foot ota; riorS^^'G1IT^j^J, to appear.
F^ivgs Ces*
*cc&&6i(l$C;&1) , f
g; before one , or in his piesence .
F*or.i/ewr , a beck, beckoning.
* FT^F.UD . ftcennousnri'i, ftoutnefs'. hardinefs . FT*
tu gliiie ; to slide and rail. F.a/>(Jcro . -lippery .
F -Oi'OULO . KjSCVjJIQlo , ail . the whole , univer (SyLDLjeffOTOOoj/i 0 8i) . to do the businefs flrenusal, general.. F JD.'jJFiT\jffiTCr fr> T oyr , the day of ouily . FTg;?^ 5^2-5 , f ;? lt eixx or , .
the univettal. deftmVon of- the world ; doom's r.ay a (lout-hearted man-. F T 5 f l-j LJ_ # > the uamt ojC;
g 4~XI F <JT tI t-5 _*5 LU , .one who is liked by a bird .
11 the people. **>5>)&:@\& oU "JO ~XI (J" . * F'TiSTrarrLO , sleeplefsnefs . TT$rf F <*.
not sleep la niglu . rffFTifjOT
the Almighty-. FiXl1 m l T rf Hi LO , i field ru5d51>G55trr > I
from tax . F
flj 4} R 5 T -* .O gy . to LOT LLir!5, sleep not j be awake (or vigilant . )
unlucky in every thing, F-O/erjjT'KJiSLD , the wbol
FT05TSJ2>lD , immortality .
body . F OJ OJ T TO ;. (3 LD , all sorts. of things. .
FTe6i_)C2L-J1"^0y ,0 remove from a place, to go
Curar Uli ewr(Qj lo . all kinds of jewels .
on a journey .
FTfg^aiV, Qf>LjGljt/!0'5;, to die , to dece.ise.
f_<00>bt a>. ?9:
f<!litoirrMrTeieiQ<i,rr(g & o U , to lose
F_O*S-LOLO , a good -work .
person by death . rTff>e>Bilvf rg 5 or, he laid.
IF^!Cv)WTLO , a good nature .
Iiis life at stake, he risketl ins life. F rt 135 55 g rf s6 )F^G?=WTffr , a geod or pious man,
, to mcdiiace upon killing one's elf. Qffftflg.
f*3i_ild i a serpent .
63LO, a fice all in ablush. QFfJLOTO).
F O LJ AJoT , F O i-5 <! , a malicious trick ,
TUJ , the caicafs of a cow , dog etc . Qf 5 Q g.
treacherous device > an infernal scheme ; .
* @58 . FT CS T 3 LO ,
PIOLOLO , a sliin .
* F <n LC , people . "("<35F LO , ont body.. Tg
ILO , FTWT6UTLO , .inimortaJity . ft t
gartWTFJcTUO , T55<rtiCrFetrr<T05Vr . how many esTooLo , FT#;g;fj5To*LQ , f ero lo ,.
people or person* . rr 52 i F 0 5 T /}-, the the
time of dea- _j m u Qoo F ;
people of my family or kindred :
oor , he loves her excefsively . i_3 evr t/otr
F eof - Saturn theylimel. F f eS LB GXITQi FT8S^)*or , he loves his child excefsively .
Saturday . F*of (JcuSij . the influence of Saturn .
, to perish by
F *f 0> roo , north-taft .
in infamous death . FTeO." , the death , FTenj@[rf3 ,
/ a -night-hawk . FTcT^lJcrYr 2/oyHg i_j ery
FSV favor.. FSgi/fUfLU i favorably-.
F3ir-trre5KTB>ri-bffr*^0^ , to plabjr.ltth' fine Oeu&VT . FTcTl,tJ'<TVTi/OtT35fj5T^y*' . a woman thatehuna-m. FeoTOTTe;fTj-rT'JjL_(59> eS-^tFs brought forth a dead child . LJlirGFf5il\lQ\-T~
it is finely plattend . .
@ , the corn in the field perishes, <(ri.-s up, or dies*
F cferr lo i a pagan's being^jlofscfseij by the Qf'5<S;LjQ.LJT<*'tQfu->. , a withered or dead tree.
levil , and the oracle or words he.>tftters with violent FTO5 , diligence, circumepeition , vigibney
motions of the head. Foro^fsesrS T .9 ,, For < Sfe- UJ LJ
SJ ' to endeavour, to
orgjUJIiiiStfeor curar ( -, ) a pofscfsedj ligeni, to take pains. FTcS^OtfiiUJ.'T UUl_JT fjr watch for a thing .
whose bead4twirls about .
* Fo"crr*tnV , the holy place in a temple, th sanfluary,
FTfctB > ' place where one makes a short stay .
the presence. God .
S^feri , GlJTK@':'t'^ a pretext , a colour ,
FST-Tn-Lfll^fine , thin. FBrrO\b CU . LJ cloak. FT<3$@LjGljT(!)*.4Cc2L/ , FTS* Q
LJI t , fincxipnamorn . F i_5 T
to shift the fault off. FTn5@(J5 05 T 9 ,.
one who shifts the fault off. Q 13 T *rLJ'L.#5 (j f$
TLZ very finely twrbjsrjijj-,
Feoroof , convulsive-fits XS'^O CO TUF oof . 4@ in/sa>iT3[;FT55@ j stumbling is the ex.*
pilepsy . (^STFOoreof , F-;aSFoT#of , a fit of cuse of a lame horse .
the mother . ..ovrcffF ffr F oof, _ ovr ovf #- cOJ
FTS<| , a pocktt .
For -iff . internal convulsion . t_| ^OdfFoTFeer of ,
FTe3@*5cS an owl^
t_jO rfj # Ol| F oof , external convulsion . ffrffi
ffTfa es LO , what is perfeftly good, m T TO
=<rroef , a convulsive-fit caused by lying with a wo- LOTUJ, safely , perfectly well FT'Tv/G93TLJTf?vie;LD,
Bian after bathing . J1 00 I (SFF - , con FTrRiefjt-JTrR/ejLD , tranquillity , safety . tFTTv/QeiT
vulsion accompanied with madnefs . (l$.( F oof , LJT TU 35 LOTUJ . safely , perfeftly , entirely-i
convulsion, caused by. cold, wherein one lies speechFTrfjJ.# V . FTL_#.* lefs . LD T- fl5 f eof -, couvulsive-fits of children
FT^ClM TTO3iLDLJ'<^?J?2i;* >S/ , F (T 4L L^; '
caused by mdigeftion . Q&iLD\-SrrFeer<svf,a _TTvi2KLOTUJCi3e JO g; , to prolirate one's se4f
convulsive-fit accompanied with continual laughing . for worshipping a person .
reol of UT^LO , FOOT oofCUTSt ( LO, a paralytica!
FTiAj'gTLO an art , science , doftrine; sooth disease . F ' oof gjTUJFjoor , physick. for convulsions . saying. ft/\> $tf ; F T t"53> 9" *J5 5 T O ,
* Fooreof UJTF LO , celibacy* F of T F LD FT-v)5{SrJ-IT>JVT , FTATUffi: ig ff UJ , a learne*
U *T 0
, to lead a monattical life . 4LL| person , a dolor , one tht underttands arts . FTdAj ^.
ForreofujTF LD , Renunciation of a military life . $TLDUlT0"'S*^Oe5J 1 to observe signs and. seasons .
8= (S'y TT F sor eof UJTFLD , Renunciation of *he m.iFT(_*. , a pot for preserving or keeping something
trimonial ftate .
i n ; a jar .
o FJDTofujT#i one who for religion's -, sake has
FT t 0 5/ > to rock ; to be bent or inclined ; to>renounced the (late of matrimony. F of iL! T # J-J beat severely . ^(MtorQuit (tOPTCtiS^. there istWU~U)i a moaafticai life. Ferof iu # Ul Ui uJ

^sjasiin for susptiting him . JLjgF f T4-Q- 5

deedr, instruments. fJtooiF TWLO, dee or
instiumont cut in stone . FTdjffTger'rviejaVT > otes ,
)<5*rr , -bis min<l ii bent to it .
T 4531 , wik i a hint; a slight or faint notice. cadjtns .
T ^ } $
, to tip a wink.. rr
ffT^AJoT , FT $ aTot , obstinately affirming or
) I l_J WST traf (fifT4_L ) BS_-LJe_jE6e508x; 10 denying ; obstinately persisting in a thing.
%eckon . 5-T4SI GrTCSDib&e-iOSJ i tFTSDl 6eT5TTwTu>, ffT5T55rrLD, FT5T5wrf
riuQ^T oso S &&}, rrssi LU LO , btfing well accustomed to a thing , doing
<?3jTl^qL^T>ffriJg;56^C5; , to give a hint. FT thing with ease,
T^T^eusf LUffiSTeiOwr , one
<E>i uuTiiJ'elS^b) > t* hear a thing without: who is well habituated and quick in birsinrfs .
Seeming to take notice cfTt ; to make signs to one for
FT^ , a sex-; a tribe ; a nation ; kind ; a good kind.
o give a hint . T0I LUT QlI T j5 ^erfTiS , Quiwri, both the sexes , a man
Vt>/t to slink asi Je , tu steal or drop away . Ti
anda woman. ffT^^Ti}", people of the same tribe
LUT JM-i-J UJ(^OS3J , tu fall diop by -drop . or nation. L_|.3i frr^uj T , people df another
rrf LUffiFTi)i_ajTajG?i_j F a$j , tiie thing tribe or nation . *T@;>ol , a. tribe. Jfr^SJCU
jiafsed without being taken much notice or. ftSI
, poople of diltcrent tribe; biing mixed togilher by
4UTUJl_JTTS*^05y '> observe by the way. fT rnaniiiRtf. FT^Gf^ OJ
, one who has made
4SI eRT29<trr-> one who uses to give information himself unworthy of his tribe. IFT>3i@<-Jl_| CLO
LJT^eSeCfi; , to turn out of the tribe. PT^rJg
4>y a wink
, FTLL# . FTl^#Fli>L0T5e>LD , witnefs , testimony, LrrjOOJior , the chief or head of the ti ibe . rrjj^yq-^ ,
evidence. FTL-L&* , FTl_L#3;gjTeO<rar , a witnefs . i-^555FT^, GLOSrrT^, noble . ^Lp4f?Tg,
*%i[53irtvrit>TCL&er><m * fi; . F T i_L # - iLpT|, of a low extration . cfilF T gi, of a different
1_0.F^0Sy > to take one as an evidence. FITl2.# kind. ^^ , a European. $@||
dS*C/. to give evidence. FTI_L# u!.i!OgL> a ne horse. Ffr|fffijffifi good commodities:
< QFTOso 2}^/yjSj) to witnefs to testify, to depose.. from other toi^tries.jPT^U)C>c>Sia>K,talian jasmin .
"r.Tt-L6*Ge>i-l 6 J.SL!, te hear the witnesses , lo
FTdge505TUJ , a nutmeg. ffT&UILJ5$ir, SFTLJ
arFFTLli i the conscience . ^CklT U r\ LOcOT 95- L_J65$ff, rr^uiui) , mace.
OJCTOJ(5{B(5f-9:T"LL# , every conscience is
>T^P;iOO;, to persist firmly in deaying , affirm
his best witnefs .
ing, acting, suft'eiing . ?-Tc$g;UTf;;E6Sfi; ,
FT4-Q. > a whip or scourge . (FT M 9 lUT(n o\D take fort by perseverance . (&oJOGUJ JereauFT
. -lt-ags* to scourge or whip. ffi*eOOa;, <??T^CCTUJTaJi'rSt*e35A't
9 imn, indisposition.
deny obstinately. 9-$<50;2&-. 'T^atrcrrtB
fFTt (JaS^Ofi) , to devolve a rtei/ , charge etc. te ffiOYrOYretrr, ^a g.iia-sj)er . ffiTCf lUffigffVTgTie
another. sX59*BrGl-jD3s:>@55P> *TU^(BstTJgL/. 0&i) , to obtain a thing by firmly persevering .
to lay a crime upon one . to accuse ene . <2_<5or
*TrfUJLO K. T^rfeULiD .
)P3iUifOOiOUJFBtOJTU5ei@ FFT4_.<dD , caer
FT^oS'TOKL^ i red paint , made -of qtiicksihreT and
jour sorrow upon the Lord . _2}"\Jior3j i /OTrr 9- brimstone .
FTH.LfiGS'TeraTQi , I have taken his debt
, FT^^U , FT^lToSLD , tarne, mild.
%ipou me. <'5"5<!5,-<55 F F " -L. 0S FT5JUDffifi.3ar , ^^50, meek person.
^^ , te take a commodity by whole ?=iTjl_OT , a tarne ox or cow .
ale. J^JjruesTaFfTM TLUrfj-t_i<f5 35 @ 5) it
^TgjjTLULO , tFrrfgrfajLX) , eloquence. /
is committed to him . @6>63FFrri , an accusation . UJI_jGl_i?t t an eloquent sperch . ffTfi/rf
if UJ @ 0VT () atrr , a
ff ' , a jestsr a cunning tellow . &.^ /yjaor , G*T OO F T
^-)irLOl_|wi2S2ye^l3SV to sport , to jeer , to jell . famous spealur., an orator .
FTg?3)55ei t the of a low fiant .
f-T65^LL!LjO what promises a good succefs . ffrr
Tgor( fem , FTgggdjj ) one of the toddy - JdJSLUT^ , a curable disease . FT &j $ LU @
nen's tribe .
LTLUTS21/b/ > it seems to be curable.
FTesrf , riremvL , FT(5B5T;lD , cow-dung . Wrr
FTg'ffiL, ?5#4 t; . Tg;.
i^e>Lue5E6ffi)a"e55>5G.5041rf.E0; , to sprinkle
FTaj^^eXigy , to lay. a thing another . frig
to shut the do^r viithoxt locking
the floor with macerated cow - dung . F T wst tfi L
j5357i to make cow-dung into cakes for lewd. it. f<U(3'rTSl_FTt| fiyEg
5J , ( T 5) A
F iTilWBT, Tifcro-OT 5 fpovoc^y, a whet-stone . 4S4^J0;e1 30fi) ) to put a thing sU>i i.;g against the wall.
^5Fd?ujFF TjoxrTi_SLJ).e;tS^<b). to wheta knife. T330L/l-JLJi-_l?. T 5 fi; & > J > 1 'drefs /'rfo/.
IT 9= FTrWOT , a whet-stone to sharpen with water . ^u3TirooFT^^g;Ge3TovTy34e5Dfi; , to put
> a poem
{15<5'11_^*2/ > a kind of a very hard stone garland about the neck. EFTSjiJiS;
So 'sharpen or to whet without water.
borrowed from other poems .
'5'-0 , FTrrjgJLD , mekn.'fs . mildnefs . FTseT > a span . FTirajr .
-CYTL3TlLJ , a span long. FTBer/TgEg)LU (5 3S a bionefs . FTrgeer { fem. FTrgg ) F g^nr,
-iOy to cut efF in span-lengths. * "1 lu a meek person . 5'_|<> 22Sl/-29SjJ, to mitigate.
jCU the belly which is a span high . TwFT552y FT[g85@*9eTU , sneeknel's .
FTrg,/, fine mortar to plaster with. FT^^TUJ
V LOI( , the human body that is cisiht spans high .
FTgjgSLO. a prognostication from constellations. -Z43>Te5*.OflL/ , to grind lime for fine mortar . FT|5
Vr-SJ^Q -^
5J to l>'ognosticate future G^i-^Bri^OSJ , to plaster with fine mortar .
vents by the c .n$celiaicns . 05 T rf UJF rr 551-0 i a FTtltO i curse, nulediaion . F Tvl G T 35
prognostication proved true by the event .
tCbViJ , FTi_iu5*ogy , to lay a curse u; on a
pers-on . ff=TL_Jc5^, the effeils of a curse. ftuK
ff-Te7>L0 , boiled rice.
t5tu>, ffT5aT6pji5 > 5#1 , (gi irmrffi), what lies under a curse . FTI_JfJie20&
* bill -of sale, deed ef gift etc, k*rrgrrrRjg;OYr, FTLjrJiilTO"<WTLO , FTLiglTFTLO, the






remV'ng or abolishing of a curte. fti 5 ,

Fi_jcB&.39?iy > to curie, te use imprecations ag/iinft om
FTl_eVo"o"r , FTL-J-SeVOT", imprecation, cuising.
*nri_JL-i(6..'!Ogy , to eat to drink.. ftljlji
-<<> ftljuti (RffifgyCFT-jc ;
HjCOJ , to invite to a meal: FTL-Jt-JT . ineat .




wMi . y fTLuQiriJTFye;e50vrs Fl kir,d of thsh

plant .
TUJ jo , likenefs , resemblance - uS evr /W
g^LJLJrrigiBffPTLLJCsOTtiScSgjgff/ , the child '
resembles the lather.
FTLUeS.Ogjj , to bend sideward., to decline , to lean,
on one side,, to bang downward . 9 Tiunj&,t[5fT>& Ot[J,
to get a meal prepared . LJTCTOffTLJLS S & > J > to be declining 01 leaning sideward . FTU-j'TO95T3vSLO, ..
to. drink milk.. >25'5'?1_;*4; . to take FTLL'rnVjffjT OsDLO , ..the evening or the time towards, s\m-set . fj<wrffi^'.ULJL^FTiurjj^QOTF{BV>..
physick .
F Tub fK TOOLO , famine, scarcity of provisions,. the troops turned tiiat way . (JJ> "<>(*~
TLO^eS^S$ . materials for a building ,
Qefa don't lean hereupon .
FTLU ^el^QffX) , to incline or bend a thru;. FTLUS;.
FTLOwaTLQ , pincers of gold-smiths .
SSJffsGWTeYr fvsi 0 , to bend a branch etc.
FTLLTR) ,; Ar of a garden -firmer . LDSJF FTUJ5^EQWTrr(}r5 i 0>-4t Ofi/r to walk,
FTLOTjJ, ffeSLJL^FFTLOrgg . Qs2JOYTyOYT# F T toopingly ( in a stooping posture . )
Lrp^, lA different kinds of dille.
FTUJLj_| > sloP i eaves . FTLUI_JL_1T0J , slop-.FT LO LO , a space of three hours , four of them reck ingly , leaning downwards. FTLULJlS^ f.b% 08$} r,
oned to a day , and four to a night ; a night- watch. to make a \ shed hanging aslope from, the main wall.
*!_;;-< , a watchman. FTLOTtirBTTPS* FTlULJL_lTLULJ(2L_I.T0ei , M inclins from the-,
OS.) ,fo keep watch and ward . P"TLC9>eQ JOU3<f53j road or way; to go away without quarrelling . (Qb'fiF&, a watchman . FTLOffj^Q '.TO 1J -^ t FTlUljL.) turning the face from one . 3; (.
to come at an inconvenient time at night . rg^Ff T F T LUUI L_J rruitrge^ggjj^ , e;,e5rrF T LU t-J t-|
LOLO, midnight . (LJtfaT,^>^5?rr>_egiQo<o., in the connivance
afternoon between three and six o'clock ; in the morning
a fan of whii hair for flies .
between three and six o'clock .
FT LOT 6*. one that speaks for a person, a
FTTFLO.good. FTTFLOTLUL_IT(5e08i; > to >
sing wull . FfrO"Fu5aK>CNiT5ey . without reality , dry,,,
radiator .
FTLOT^lULO , FTLOT^D^UJLO , FTL0-2Od> insipid .
IU LS , capacity . ^(fggiD/i^FTLOT^UJiSLJ
irVtrar ,v . FT^OJTOOT .
LJTTffc-CaL/ to try one's capacity . 5orFTLOTeJ FTTU . a scaffolding for building . FTTLOL-l-T'
ILlBcSiTi (gdS/bii , to shew one's own capacity . (SOSJ . to ereft a scaffolding. FTTLDiJrf S^^JLJ
-dj5^gA35@FFT1-eT5<Saj'nn- ( FLOog><nrr ) Gll'Tffiel.'C^j , to take away the -scaffolding*. FT
Q~3f5)Jl/OfTi&> *vr , holes in a wall for a scaffold .
avwar-like man .
FT LOT <n>f LU Lfl , bad.
FTTLD , juice ; substance, reality . FTTuS
FTL0T8T, goods, things, stuft, tackling, moveables, o-otsjCljFt . a dry and empty disceurfe void otY
energy. jt)F.TTLO , insipi I, unrelishable .
furniture .
FTuS , 0WTL15 , God , the Lord ; the heathens give ' FTTffjLO , * kind of song .
this name also te their idols , item to their priests .
* FTT^ a charioteer , a coachman. TgJFTT^LULi
FTLgjlf) UQi&oS JjrrmvTLO , the ceremony made l_jewrr22i/5gCl; , to be a coachman.
by the heath-.ns when a daughter is grown marriageable.
FTT3>3 V FT(f5*.'*~ > .
FTTTFTTLUTuLjGL-ITOffi/, to go in great
WtTL68>$J<SL-l(S&*Od) . to grow marriageable.
FT^^^^5/^t7Ol_Li:0TLD, chiromancy, palmistry. company to a place .
FTftLO i kind of train resembling hirse or mille',
FTTTiULO, brandy , arrack , distilled liquor. _2Jfff
*aa;g>FTfl>Le, QLJ<f>g>FT3>LO, it's different hinds #JFT!TTuJU) , arrack made of rice . g5YTV5FF)T"
F T LC LJLFOj ashes .. F TLB L_l
rg iiOLO , ash- TTLulo , arrack -- made of toddy . F !T T ffi
fT.&>6trp, a distiller of .arrack j one who sells arrack.
colour .
FTLOt_ITr , IftW' F T lO l_l FF ) one of the ,FTTTlUL0OJL-0-a;<40S^ . to. distil arrack. Fip.
Parrear-cast .
TTLU35<B> , an arrack -shop.
FTLOL55>of , incense. FTLOt-5 <> oof gyr FTT. FTrf L_lM0LJLJetOl. the going eut, the
taking a walk-; jfU^TTff , turning to the right . (JlZ.
LJOyg^Ti (5*4091/ to burn (offer ) incense.
FT if , turning to the left ( tx,%r . inthe ail ofdancing etc .)
FTLBLlj , a piece containing several doatlies or hand
FTrfg$TUi> . FffRTQ.
kerchiefs; QfTLO<rarFTLOl_| , a piece uf two cloaehes FTtSi^s; FTT^eyQ^T w"y5*iDSL , to -,
for men. 4BBli3(?SFFTLei_| , a piece of-four ditto. cleave 10 , to lean , to trust , to re'y upon . y iBTc/tfBTF
Q<rO^>9r?FTL0iI , a piece of handkerchiefs.. FL FT/J-riijujr ( FTT'5S^G'S'"w^ OJ3T ) he
who i attached tome, who belongs tome, or trusts me.
SSBt FFTLDL_|, guingam .
*TOL_18SaS/ t-l -O'-JTLUTLJX-lSOffi^, to tfva-'Q/TTQi *([5*;,10 len against the wall .
^T(rf}'> T^"j,.a tiiing-which anv one cleaves to orleant
pump .
FTLU/WRT>OL0, FTlUTO^TTOL V. *TtU*_50 ilp n ; a ref ,gi. , pret.tion . p rr^-njTUL^^ff >,
SJ, F TLU T TiOj iwrr LJLJ 145. evening- pnyer. to cleive ro , to belong 10.-. _lX>(Cf)t m&irQ^3
FTlU^O a die 10 die cloth with riufJji^rTjet, 'TJUGtTJJtn- , I enme to you for icfnge, I rely upoa .
help or rotr-etO'T . LD/OvlFrTTo^M LSfO>s^
9ff/ , to die r/A , yarn etc FTUJTjQffjT JJ~*
ii to put the cloth in thvdie. F T oj jDi_SL.a3^! (fttjo i rh" side of inomt. a field on the side ofa.
, A* r/or'i has raken (or .imbibed ) the Hie . FTOJF mount . LOffOT
1 ( FT^CiO ) an inclination
T30, a dying vat . Taj0535T*j"r i a dicr . FT- er propension lowaiMs 1 tiling j care , Sorrow .
FTffl).<r, ffrrsiiruLjTLDi-j^ Und of miMe,
aiQ(l~, the'ioott of. a plant scrying te die fine red

' FTO/f Firjj PTOf 6*35

n/jr , a bank made acrofs a river with a net fixed in
opening of it to catch fishes .
FT3O05LO , Ftoo05}jtF >o , a kennel.
., OJTJJT .a- 05 "> an eloquent man,
an orator .
FfOO-OLJym*2?u&jiOtgj j to make a promise for
a shew , without having a mind to fulfil it .
& T sr? tor , a man full of promises but deficient in
perf< rmanccl-.
FfOOLfl , (StTTO'-D , large wide . FTCX39)8>J35
05 UD i great sorrow. 3505*11 T <JVf- a man
greatly afflicled .
FToSiijfr , tribe of- weavers . FTSil.LJl3!
cloth which they weave.
f Ti/OO i an avenue ; a hall in a house j a large officetnom. tFTSJVOiSHnj 05 * C , to plant trees foi
aa avenue. FTA>O0505 T *) vr , .he that plants an
alley and takes care of it: ljmwtti 05 F T ZOO a
tore-house. tS> * Ff roo i a prison. ejTv/ffi
VTirDO , a mint. 8} 0 lt V T ArOO aplace where
alms are given . @ ? T
, a stable for
FfrobfflXH . a mantle or cloak f silk . F rj- oo
@i ifci , a mantle -of otten .
FTOO i "T'503ffT3v3 . the bucket that hangs on
the lever over a well to draw water with .
FT (TO , Ui FFTCSO , a furrow . itT (TFj (FT >3
(?(!5?|2_@<40; t to pleii^h a field once, twice
etc .
FT4"2Jl_o. . a publick shelter for pafsengers , a chouldry .
PTOJi &\ , void ears without grain; fir'
/ flying instB .
F T t~u 5 LD , cautie-usnefs , circumspection,
attention. .
f TOJ>3 i a cock i the mjle of birds in general, F rr
\1 n_<QJ5>.) . the cock- crows . F T SD-trOO LJ
QuT^35(girfi(4t.<ffiJ. to make cocks fight, ft
<D ero (S tJvr V , a cock's armature or spurs .
n ixt . FTOji tsi i ftcSujtlu i g;e6
LJllS/J- , corn in the field, that withers- away, ears
VuiJ of gi a n .
rTifi) , the d.-ath . v. FTet.59gp .
FTOff SB 05 , a bag of* certain sum tf money,
FrrJif LsJfdBeT certain medicinal seed,
FTQoYT"fftO"L3 , FT/evrUJL , a short or feeble
eight. FrQ JVTffrtrgeTOo'or , one who is short or
near sighted .
Frr.eywr , a sardel or sardine . ^ajft^/W , a eond
kind of'.sardele. QtJUJFrrA/OT , 05<fijfJ>FT/c>YT,
a law black kind of -them .
FT Oifsuor , the name of a plint .
Katrerr: G *^ "VT c*r FFT^Oiiowr , i/V different
nrit .
FT930, a cold windi.
rr^5i_iLJTir S; , to slipaway.
FT^a , br th water diopping out- of trees ; juice
of plants . u5<jvt@?t jv , pepper- broth j L-l-wrgj
9T*a>, toddy, ot palmyra irres .
TTCj ' , to swe-p the- paddy.- field for gather
ing the gi.tins~Tying on the ground .
FT -3/Ci / > a- kini of a cockle - toted ,' .
FT -nrf |.yLO , present j near . .
FT JOT (S fr , grave und honest persons^
tf^LJL) p. #iULJM
ft-.*-<Ti-e , th': peak or ridge of a hill the top of a
toW* i the crown of the he*d ,

tfS5r>3 tbe cleaning of "arms . . # SX Oyf , tf ig S

CBjj to clean arms.
tfSy 'he tuft of h;;ir on men's heads tied at the
top . tf 6J T - ififejT, a bodkin for fastening .
the hair, rgip # ffi> L_i rf ck.ri)33LD , from head to foot..
: fct-ififFLO, a bag made of ncc-work netting.
#KfFCTO 1/. fct-35@ .
fc*KfR<Jrr.Ll tenacity . #35^ tOTcQl)6565 rr*0<nnr,
# SS 35 " 95 fr T O fr , one who is close-fisted. #05
^JOT . filt, sharply, tenaciously.
. #356>r.SJ fc*4S*G95TOvrV5e6 ^ex. to ensnare
/ , to draw / in ; to become ensnared , entangled .#95 >
e) , rf'gjLJ Q Ljcttf-ey , diiwn in , ensnared , in- trcate .
#te?P(O, intricacy , perplexity, embroiling.
^^Qsffi^iG^.^^ffiiTrweS^ogy, toextricate, .
# cFGaKCJb'eseSLJLJI rr g
, inextricable, tf-a^-.
-ioi e jO 5J , to put a stop toan embroiled affair,
tf 95 0= -^* , t*-3;@iUTff , a comb.
.' * #Tc/fKLJ> . a lion leo in- the zodiack . #35;@4_L{J5CYT , the whelps of a lienefs . On W
0bU3, a voung lioa . G &> -2 tf' 65 * jSQ # 5 LB >
aroaring lionv tf "TW 05 iJ t_l JO OjDf . a snag-tooth,
tf iW35TFctlO , #LDLDTFecTLa , a throne .
. #<ri/0;oYru> , the Ceylon - language . tf^'ivJ 05 Offrr
OJJtrr ( fem . tf.quffjoYrej^) one of the Gingala-natioa
in Ceylon .
'' # TO05Tef -, a bow. #t05rriiBf 05559 i antarcher .
tf/TO05Trf 0SeS^O1/ , # TO 35 Ta' U3 t_l awnet
OBx) to adorn. tf*K)0-TO"LD an ornament. &HI
fBTireSr^T^Ofn" , one who is fond of drefs j a beau
05?> , tfonesT ( G.g _ lo , a-.
If.-irden of pleasure .
tf -'-;* 05 , to clap the sides with. th#>datvvs { tu joke .

j an infant. tffi-DBJ', the killing ofn infant. #"ip.U -for , a pious man . tf-i. 4 LJ |_|.
(JOOOrL f . Ljrfl_JTOOber(. .
e.4_-R* 5; , to create, tf
4JA l_l l_f ,
tbe creation. #ip.4^LJFir}- , the Creator . #4._^
a creature , a created being-.
tfl_lSBF i reaching, correcting.
(fu 9 , a *i'n</ / jewel for the forehead of women ^
iSu p , a wuoden measure for measuring flowers,
fruits etc.
#l (S . #C_(B05(K<f5S i tht name of a Utile bir '
about the bigneft of a neige - sparrow . LO T LO l_l Lp e*"
particular kiud of them . #1_(05@<[5
1-J O05*^)I-iGi-JtG^ LJ.O0jw.oajJI i to rua ex
ceedingly swift .
#jri_jGl-JT@5; . GffiorTLO .
ff jggii (y , the lopping or pruning of trers .
E5F#^g)< Bi 0;05L^/ uguT, bp thats
bianch ; make an end of the difference , make the matter up .
# 2g)U_(gt15./v>c5/ , to lay hold on a thing, to keep
it fast . QcjTCOTCflLi.iT^^O-,iWTr'r#gg)4_p. 35
G?STb Qi lij(fR0;@ejV , his former sickneis has
j gam seized him
4_Q. UUT ^ 05 & JO %J,
$ ^)H_L.0)G05rreB,rrL-P-(f535* GSJ to seek a
of :>sioit fur quarrelling .
tu touch slightly , to neitle , to nip . Eis? OJ05
to give a hint. #21/056(*^ a*
2Hiy rLJLJT'3"ff 6^2001' to excite a quarrel
22>@.* intrkaey . fsSkt0j@CJTMM*, tfi22t/0
3 ,





*nCJ&$ , a comb. #521/^^ ^0/^3*^05; i to eowb to shed . ^/T)rQ$Qfr.rrce*T(SGl-l'i . ake earelii*

you >pill it . "#55T(!E5L0'WSTGe3ffT(535# .oey
eut c'.i.mj-Ie.i hair; tu ex4iicate,
#|(}, the,tnft of the hair on the top of the hud. to take a thing 1 without spilling or spoiling .#|7jbJ
Gl_lT / . #55;*;, to be spilled.
#<3SjQ^fLD , India . # 5 a; >3 $ , the rive*
#8aiH > . #JV3LDUJ.
#9Yr , 1 scale of fish a little bit of wood , bone etc. Indus..
#65oyti-D f- ') .
f^iSJTTU), rermiilion , a medicinal composition
*O)J i aj-t-jQt-lT.r'y, to bo eat- made of metals. &<$QJTO~\-jQl-.)TI (J. a P"t "
tered ; to ramble about, ta go MtrtT . #.<1/ ^ FJ , Tcrmfllion.. TffTJgi/rfrLO i a red powder made of
&^^i-iQ^iT(S^^OQJ, ^DULffi * ^ , to m rcury. QcxiafTiANT(F$r$JTT\^., white lead .
'wJL-K-0 , a packet . at t_|LJU)frUJ<1105*-OSA
liisperse , to scatter , to dissipate .
* gim-Jl-t)*!? , #crfri_ju/3?# , the of aaintcil. to put things into ai packet.
$)&) , $e2>l$r55i)QL-r/Z.'eil , to be de
#i_IU little shell*. # lj l5 Q> ^ 57 > mother
stroyed , to perish . #Q65cOJ > destruction .
&&>g)BtfioL) . #S5|5s;ljG Lj ( *
> of pearl ; false pearls . #?i_jl_jsl#LJi a kiud of a comb.
to runs , ito destroy .
#i_JlJjJtrr > a taylor .
(#ff>i5(t/4-Jl. t rt * / a meJicinn! ytmtt .
* #9>2>U) , the will . tf-{gu5er'W 5 T OJ e*r ,
ene who i hard to be persuaded . _LO>i #>5>>

#03T5VTLe . mirth, play, gaiety. #l_eT0vf IJFilt^fJ

#LBTaVTL0l_JTUJ*^Di;4 t 'eap for joy .
#Lt (S , the twinkling of the eye*. #1__
<S^35,,ffi^ twinkling eye* . #Li5. (50505 )* (
one that twinkles with ihe eye* . 05 05 aVOvT F #
(Stjy^^J , to twinkle with the eyes. #Lt_*
(guJt_lT^"&CU i eye always twinkling .
#u5ewr(e5O57 1 to touch with the -finger. #
u5rri_p.'-05Ti_(5e? j30/ , to shew by pointing
*ith the finger. #u5TLjH_JlS(S * ^0 / , t*
nip , to pinch or sktsh .
&lp , #t_i5tfiT , a little box . L0fl"F#_6Lp , a
wooden-box . QfBT U>4F^liy), a horn - box .
QojsvTtJVf ff#u5y3 , a silver-box. Qi 5 S/T Ll.
L^ snuff - box-.
#UOt_lT , the wad of a gun.
#LOiI > a piece of wood , a stick .
#U3l_|*^S57 > to fteal away . 0; OvJTQoCL
t_|t!0;, to snap a thing away with the toes.
#CT<TU(e5 the itch* scab , scabbinel* or scurf f th*
body ; the mange, tfTrR)@'_5l_0.eS5;5J , I hive got
the it.h. $rr>b>@TSQrrr\v^\S>rT LpTj:*^:) ;,
to be -full of scab, to be Scabby. #il KlQ-i&jSLj
QuTFJrg,/, the -itch or mange is healed .
.* #Ttff , #TLXI . the Jiead . #cr Qoj _ ,
ax for beheading,, a chopping ax. .#T05 0?L0t_jt-O *
nod . #a"005u>LJL'rujGl-Jrr'JJ<,^S 4 , he
went hk way nodding at it . #';rr: s=
/ ti u traf

Q(_ItQoo,s you please; according to your pleasure;

tonformably to your wishes . J4*TlJ^#88jy[5E35LC
jJ3 i hi* mind is dunged .
&ff>3>W fU . SF<njr-orf LUT"#.
tfiT*! . -tbflSt .
* $5>3?T$ejrretr -v. -tt^eTcvr.
tffgj'rajsix) 1 astronomical system used more
an the nofthem prt$ . "UTSjeSujU) > aiiuther used
jnore in the* southern parts .
#5. 05frfuj#855, suecefs .
#S> a mall vefsel with a narrow orfice for luiter,
mil etc .
* -- to happen . G^TNJOOCU
!1_|{@#?)#>(@1- , an evil will happen to you .
tnc #/thing
"3* . bad aiuccel's .
* #jT05lX , A*
e xArni
#g>ej>CTLO . a figure ; neamefs . #{igxQ"lJirt50,
carveJ woi . #^'T"Qa3@ J^cSajj tu draw a
yiiture . #^7"SS^CT^r)icrr , a carver ; a limner . #
,^^5 ! embroidery- # SS d> T LO G I st
^DSJ, to speak affeftedly . #g^<XS@'3Yrovrotrr .a

&d}f,f!pCi3LD i certin meiUchtnl -root .

* #85<$*5> . April , the first month of thc Indians.
<# >jjj<.T0505nr/J" i *'d 0/ paddy ripe in April,
#T*-Gy c'-BLje^ S5a/* - a; . to bebad . #Q<r<r
* 5 . legerdemain , slight rf hand . (fS^itS t_0wrf , a gem worn on the Lead of great persons ; an
1(5*-0; < to juggle , to play juggler'* tricks. eminent person .
#5)&j<W , a juggler .
#f HSPiij , a long-lived person.
Bj'il^r? V . _OYf ,
#T'_CL_J'_0 . #JvjLCc_JLO .
#rr*9*rr o , the ear; the hearing.
6e&imy t> . # .
#/rrrOJ , #( Gl-JTLfl- , a splinter , a tittle
#'J>3>T0S@ , '* name of a trinket.
spBt of wood , a fescue ; carpenter's - chip* #TTHJ
#53>85 a 0" i prosperity. # rpj T S5 ^ s " Gt_ITt_a ^^ c ^ S]) , I h.ive run
JTUJUJ21IT^OSi; , to go a lucky voyage. # nj splinter into my .finger . #iJ"rriiJ -3UtC5(gE; . the splinter
pait\s -me .
sgj i to return safely from a voyage .
# (f 0? 6
& , to smile, to 'si'f.pcr, to (merk, ta
#Qje5rrLOeoof U3(Tffjf>$)T a pill with the ingredi augh . #(Tt_jL_( , laughing , smilii.g . # if i_J i_l T *wf ,
ents of gem* . #rj55TU)Bf uSQ 0 G 03 T G one who is ritliculous or worthy to he lauglicd at; jeft ,
>3> . "to give physick in snch pill* .
laughter. #rf L_ji_jT3f 35*i txi T ltT} 35*^50 &\) ,
t^fe^SOS/ . to think, to reflect* <$$&>>?JU be fit to be laughed at , or ridiculed .
t1 1 fr (fi 6 -OSxJ , to consider. #^, #0565 Wtrr , #Qtj , liebes, prosperity .
a 'thought ; sorrow, care. #5^__'6^-'&' * ^G^'P-H LO - good., exiraiou , excellent. #
#!565>otTiJj'ru5(r5g5(g , to be concerned .
Qrrp.n err , a cvlcbrioui person .
#i_55/ , kind of a poem .
^ ^Ofi;., to- shave. #2g"55j9G0T*Vr
iU&n ,
5*i)^ , #3L-jG^trCS*-iD0i/, U spill, v5*^X)S;, ta get one's self shavd1





Ibrrtr. acrr Q ist

*ha*e dose, et OP;i_H|^^08) to bridle, lo make the hair ftand ereft
tu cut offcleverly .
as bustles ; to coiel the particles of butter after churn
( #3>C^( ).{jirarLXi^<!Tco05 KTUJ, pnce ing . Lu5i&rriF#oo;i_i lsGr T <S rf
taore .
J?OdD , to be dishovelled . L0UJ5) T ^ # OpJ L_l t_3
#aO(T)$., #CNDr5ff,L-t)T# , a spider-.
, tn let the hair remain uncombed .
#:JO > afl u'ctr > venereal bi!es . # \S rj; ig l_| ^2)LOLSLjQLJT/^3^j,to (lick our, to be prominent.
t Oyj; r_D i i do , ends ot yarn- (licking out in woven
.0L_IUJ4 furr , one who has such biles. (CP/oO^
tfoofdt i an nicer in women's breads.
cloth etc . uneven , disorderly . #o^L0LJe5tyo CO T
efCOLOLJLO . ftnctr.g . if \; LC l_l 1- L_J S?Sl/ &J <41-5?^5 i to wind up the thread tven .
&>)(> , #2; ffiOJUKTU)! a crofs . #g/
^SV < -tbG*-^^ ) to fence. (fcx^LOLj^e*-! lx>,
fencing school. #OOLLJU3L_IL-Pe?.i0g^ > to learn <S*aiu33O^10D^ZCI
1 Tc0.1eS2Dgj) to
to fence , # l ljldlj fpeicai 6 0 g;, .to in- crucify .
fenftone in fencing . #C4jLDl_!6ieST^!CeDr a fencing- * #Qc\t_L_(5i.DLj I phlegm , a phlegmatick' temper
#G'70L_ Oj CD rjj rr <_0- , low pulse, rg rr i_c_
mailer , a fencer .
#aOL0t_J=r , #g>i))/rff #COLCl_l*er, the begin- Q oo i ft4 1?>-> s L_j i-j/o jyi ix3 ,rg; @ s; ( tf
in of the inundation of the fields from the wcitcrn Q'^Oi (yassi JOttS'cQ (
) tnc P"lsis ''
low, the patient is oppreiVcd with phlegm. #Qooi i
country , in April .
#JCLOl_j,;> trinket with a Kttle bell in it .
QlJ3lX><Jii ffi(s3L( , " rattles in hii threat, be #o:/5" ,3^gut , #3\oLD?2yip-'J- 1 people, dyiug .
tfossflie? , # 00 ft" CND . sometimes. CO
itrpo . a.stone; a itan:*. Q t_J rr*} t^irOO *
some part . #^/05 , some things .
ftatue ef gold .
# CO cO.| , expenses , charges ; leave . # oo tfaj rr LU
#ifOO * (b' ^3l_jrr , a- firsula , a: deep, sera crQt-lT^y I, #CCOJLj5'6 *3Q L/ , to be spent. TF nicer.
?'.|5 Yr Off . clear of all expenses .' -Ter f
#""ro CO 5>.iO , little , few , trifling- . #*COoeS"jSCre:
(gF# (TO Q_) 0>
ejOO I have nothing for n.y THSI , a. shnp wherein/ many li;tle things are sold.
fU ufi & f oo 1| . joorncy-expenscs . FJMOOS^J^cJT'f LLiTU 95 CfyT , tl ios . ttJOOOT>) so lji_j> , a shiliow-wit . #ooooai^Gu3(2
<jL?i C25'e#74.'c!t\li house-expenses. fovjOJL
H^Di) > to spend, to make expenses. (r'TOeOji| tD* ^Og^/ , no retail i
#OOoS , a little hole in an e,;rtbsT) vefscl . #}Oe<Se
2?/et.2Cff/ , to spend; te have the charge of -the moni y
to beexpended for a thing. ^^^^^-; @i U3 , a pot with little holts. l_j rrrOcr^*LU^^
s* curtail the expenses. J^TffTAWTT y #0COjyS # oS LUT 35 O^ , to make holes in a pot .
#-JO OpJ , little pieces of potsherds the children lay
5 -29
i to by down life . @ a rr * LU F #
5J , to sell a horse . # jo erfi (5 * O with. (Lp Lp/rag; VJO ^ jo ; , the whirlbone of the
) , to regulate the expenses . ^ enrQ^rr/lDBjtFjK kcee .
@?#\(55(555*^5'<3'5" i do J11 P**- me #3OfiJTrTL0 , odd . r^rriSyr^QJtfaoeaJTertrr us ,
love to g .' # jsoeHliOjTTOi^OfL; , to take leave,
four hundred and odd . (JiTje-i|f #'JOeru cTCTT eOJ
i- JVT , twenty oud ycni-i , twenty years and
ttcof flt>05 . a ramrod .
* #001 05 LU LO , good , excellent . # oo T 05 bt upwards .
)1__121/<.05^/ , to live splendidly. #05
#35*^ to grow red . t/Ur g (T ^ tt /
SLU0i05f.29< , #OOT 0 LLI. ear , one wko live ), to be red. #5 g Q5 , bfucd-shot eyes.
apltndidty .
#trajL_J4. # 05 t_J L-j , 4ed, uddy . # Oj l_l l_l <ror
* #o"OfU3L_|.i a splinter.
. # *X) L_l '_3 > tf <^J irtJO , Indians of a whitish.#0OT<fT>, trouble, jarring. iifKig;/r eri?
UO. colour. #y?35G^#OUr5SJffL/ tne <lawn cf the dayG #5 C5 ?L> . there is a quarrel in appear. . #tfXi;352J , rid by nature ... cf-U[6f) J >
your house. #o rr 5 LJ rr ga/
. to make what is become red .
iis:urbance . .
fl)H)$, a certain purgatitit root \
y . ffrOjfi- .
#CfS|2>i LU tf # , little bulbs f the root of a plant
lied Q^TtlTi catea by poeple in time of #8* , #(2fUTO> , #5 * tu , a kisul
famine .
Leopard , useI by the Moers iu hunting .
(Jst *Off) , $o$QrT?r*0J . to be benumb&(^ JJTfi-', a tribe of palankeen-boys .
4 by. terror .
#QsbjQirvr-{'2)&>OBi> , to be very red ..
#Op;@ , hindrance . #OfilS*^0 5L/ < # 2 @
#ovrovfC$. #o-/r^y54Hw(5 , //^r'ng- rj-f<?.
i oarr eco/at
, to hinder , to (lop.
6e rvTtSLjL_|(>vTGo^TJt>r^a/g6 _| ^) '** "rer
&j&**OL> < #2fi/5fyi_)(3 i_l f .20
. to be seethes or boils up . #Jv7 ?V5L_JL_|0Yr Q oyr eor eai
verbified; to be overdone , to be worked too hard .L.I .U5 CJL-J?r*^0^; , to prate , to prattle , to chatter .
(5i_j<yo(>T#g>5;BGf; T * G 3 fi- >
# 206t', a fen-duck , a small kind of reals . ) {
i)5)J> the body is in a violent perspiration.
OPV (_fftT , a flying fish.
#50@ . bird - wings , feathers ; fish - fins ; wings or
Kv'-jQ UTFr^ the rice is boiled too much. tf
cpjfRflRi-Q-.ffi > o ff^i , boil too much j to damage ftreets of houses to the east, west etc. jf Q (g
/in* /innen in washing it .
iwrg5@5;, the feathers of the wings grow. #0
#2/^3 rrou!)'ei impediment, tediousnefs ; quarrel. | ePflP^le7:!S*^OS' ro flotter the wings . #-204
#>;0;0iTLUti 9>ltCJ , to be flopped , to have o^firf 05S23CS7 , to spr ead the wing . & O t 05 -(
no suceeis. #g;^e;rr lii^fReB/OCUL, a road L^t^b^2Dr35;GLjTjiDS; . to clap the wing
frtqe ted by robbers. #OvO) 05 5 aar, one who is and fly away .'
overburdened with busiriel's .
# CO Bfj 8S /50 g; , to be performed with fcflivity and
#2ai#a/t-JL_| , disiiking , tfogotfOjOjQnyer DJ pomp } to perform with . GOJJO^SC 05*^20
^;, tu sa.

,to triumph . #
< ornaments , magnificence .
-W^D \-JS 'fi$Ofi/, to adorn i tu celebrate with pump.
-# -'*-^^ > 10 adorn .
^OfV&'cS y a* much as the palm or hollow of the
.hand can contain .
^><1&' g, et .CC ) , f g; erat g gj i_j
Gl_ITe^OS; . #g)Te95 * O fly , to despise. #
^jfT{oef 5J5;LjGl_J9r5liXi5iy, to speak contemp
tuously .
Ri03ref g,5jlLJ(2LJT
e; , to grow
contemptible or aUje .
6*g>'rvi@ . F^3'W@ .
# .5 05>. a girl ; a maid-servant ; a slave-girl .
^U , ^U-lCi) , little, small . _#:*5
| 35 l_l LJ T , the father's younger brother .
UJ T UJ , the mother's younger sifter. tf jj uJ.
iioor, a young person ; a junior one of the inferior
sort of people. ( ?lur . #.*SlUT<r" t^QajT rf . #
to follow the advice ot mean people.
>fU&OGxi #^*i_J(2i_IT03/ , to decrease, to
ehiink ,to grow small. &iV)jf , Sparingly. #_20/g5(F#
)<& , every now and [hen a little .
Qg; rr-ovT
Y3 , #V"SG95nroYrtY3 , drink a little #"}/,g5ff|_j
|_j , -somewhat bitter. #.2a<6i_p "K;(g , rAe of
.kind -of Indian turnips. &4CX&iS)T . . $ aij
.*9*1"!-! 05 LO ,
oj a fhwtr-shmb . #
|rrrf llild i several sorts of sin ill grain or pulse.
& XULjej , #JQ'@U- , a little village, a low place .
Q jot , honey of an inferior sort of bees . #
jrurgfrt mine . #.2a>i_j3vr/ovT , a little child. # fia
(-- , a smith's hand-hammer. "\i f^j
iChiidhood .
#^85 , te make decrease.
$QJ3i)> some, several. $ /n/gyQ^rf some per
sons. # .aS'SjeVTOvSLO, some space of time.
^^, poverty, misery. #joi"Jlq lj LJ ($ eS
C&i) , to suffer mi;ery.
tf-CfSaiLQ , # -JLO ! infancy .childhond .
SOCO , a captive , a slave ; eaptiv ity . T, 55 trSTrr 9
^TTOor ((2l_lT ^2Cff) )to carry one awav into capti
vity . #S>OL(5l-Ji_l , captivity , bondag(^fir: OTrrjryo . tli' prison ; town - jail . #) y^SUWie ^05^ ,
:to Ucep slaves . # E G l_J T 01? OYT , people
led away into captivity . ts> Orf> TU @ 5 CbO . the ro
jease of captives . ffl ffi T r , a plagiary ,
Jcidnapper. =S.3LJLJ(9e6.ifli; , tobe taken captive ;
he imprisoned .
tP^LjLO , 6*ljlj;.3 , 66,-jljt'?: T > dj 0> ,
architecture art of Rone-cutting and of any mechanical
ne work . #*bl_l#- . #1_|L3UJ- , tFut-JT^Tif LU/,
Jtone-cntrers , archi:efls .
f-OOU-lljowr , the father's younger bmthw.
-#^0<^41 , a clorh fojr a young girl .
# /in^p^Tiq ri kiniof (tloquinteiit .
& 0OP'>*xiH_'LO , a -^rnall umbrella .
&QOO , a small house .
#^20^X5 Jtrrt-JLO . sensuality , foruicaciun .
& COCO; 3ft V . _Oyf .
&0^/~ , a small rown .
.&OQCOa>\S>\-A V . rr KUDl_} .
^^ , #3ir55>fR3r>T0VrV3 *
to be angry, wrathful. ^lerBjcOJwr , one who is
.of in angry temper. o*OTO)SjoJT . one whe grows
JWgry . #3Wt_ii_4 1
wrati .

* o*Gwre?UB , love, fricfldship . #GeBr35lJJ4'

9Ta/i300; ( i_i55Teocf s6Qg;rr JvT^5* g,i )
to make friendship .
#G*n"*K*-^ei' to love.
6tG'TT*5'-0 > -friendship .
#Gswr*i5<"r (
&(w&l ) a friend .
* #<btrr" . G^''^r .
. # JoTor , -er^tr-gj . small , little . #JWrrtfU ser
{fem. #oTJDrOJ VT )a person of yc.ung age; of an
inferior rank. # !_D2V^.ajr , aman of a meaa
character . #<55<"1_0 , dishonor . #
SjtrrLO LJ - 25 S *3g;. to dishonor . # <T ear
LiioTirarLTLUG*^11 (S&0xJ ,0 cut into small
pieces .
iein-JOTLO , a kind of trumpet ; the red ftreak which
sume heathen-tribes put ua their fore-head between two
white ones ,
#eorg)u3 . the mother's younger silver .
#scTBf +^Lpfrt/@ . water-gcrmmder .
#eerf (5/oO i, BTl (jFJtrrewf , certain ihrubi.
5e, #L-P , putrid matter, nutter in a wound.
GsTOvt/J -0 S; , to fi'Aer , to suppurate etc . 6*1-3
flJR6.^v) to squeeze the matter out.
# ( chee) fy ! #<JTotrroori_l LJ i 5 8j 65 ffjj .
abominable. #G'|rr> fy ' go your way.
#*6S3SLpfB*^0 . to call by whittling . ^
g; rr lu OJ *ytvt gs^g^ to wh.ftle .
ESS-OSJ. LD*Btrr2iOTrTF6*fB*^0 S; i to cratch
the gmund is birds .
#35*--29'-0 . # ^ oS-KLO 6* 35* LT LU . #35
^^G^5 ' #95*^55;^ @ , hastily , n haste
quickly , speedily .
W athonr^bush whoseleave,
when bruised , serve , for ubbing off ihe oil aher bathing .
* <f$.svc{fm 6* IS. ) a disciple
35 IB VT > disciples .
# <2>i ojtluljGljt^o @ Lp (J BJ , a child
thar d ies not grow .
chints , painted calicos. 6* 4_$. 35 S/Wr T
OQfl; i to piint chin s.
#4.jpL 5^(3" . glea.iings left for the servants or the
0?i ( , a note , bill , bond j a chit nr small letter .
LO^cT^i ffi a ground-bill, rtfi (gp#L_(..
a hoibe-bill . ^rrtfilL-D. F#i , a chouldry -bill-t
a bill coniinned by the jurtices . 05 oyr ^vr #. (,
a f.rged bill . ffrroJTe5;#i (g, iXJe3L-L#i , the
copy of a bill . SB g; F #1 ( . a note of hand . Q^C>
, a bill annexed :o the principal i ne to authen
ticate it . Q? r&2)?3)\ (g , a n-ceipt .
#i SSI , #i (b' > iffi . #4^L .
#job'i ^OLC, #5|_9-( , wickedneA . #wr
LO. !OLOi_jLiO- 5^0^ )
ail w ickedly.
,-to wink, to beckon J to give secretly
a sign with the fingt r .
ifj'-fi , slimy and pimtouj rtjff dischaigcd with the
-excrements ; eoldnefs . #83?5#35 us T LU ffUt>$*Q ) ,
to haveaslimy or clammy flux . QTffj ^/gf ><^
LDTJJ^ij>'cej08i/ ,tt> have stools of bleod and viscoue
matter. B^e^WTUS , an auc
* S^oyrLO, coirinefs, fiigidity, #gjoyTi|pfrc?OU)
the ci Id Seesen . [f 95 WRJ G '35 '. (^gsS^ja;,
to have caught a cold.
+ f?c5T"LC , . # 55 - 1 , a doweror dowiy ,
marri3ge-goods .
sor TOGeSaffiStSiOS^ito
give a dowry _
igTff , #5'*5(51
a certain vmJ. Ji





Tff Suit i SuglSffiai 35,1, to 'fumigate

with the above wood .
#5gaJTOjQJl_JT ) ejj , to come offa looser. .|
<i)craf 2_0i5T or#ff;^QLUT , am I lefe than he?
& ( 7 gg>-r i- . gHg>rr..
#ti"-J1=fc5!oi:,J'"-a5MiCr^(5ir)S;i to breathe by
jj'.iicK & audible lecipnxationi when the body is agitattd .


Pl #;1 "IKB

OOlfi , abflinence from eating flesh and drinking

ftrong liquor. joLDTuSfg^^aojetrr , #>
;)< , one whu abstains fiom flesh and strong
liquor .
#C>orrL_lGL_IT-L V . #/rTL_lGL_IT4-L .
tf 6':6^3^ > 10 accuatoni one's elf. #aSL_il_i*
custom , use .
t^iroO . a cloth . ff>iX>3f-#roO , a doth wherewith
some men tie their head and hair . @Off {P/oo , a fore#'58) JO a dueling iain .
flap coveting the privy parts .
f?T)3jj40 , '4i / tf a plant .
EpiOlLfl , life . 6e Q OITUTOJLO, induftry for
<<3$i!t/>Q fj t snuff ar one like an angry cat.
getting the necefsarits of life. #tfUT55jLCLO, a living
!(3}%$$'$)&405) , to blow the nose.
, a coiubi a pirt f a bunch of plantains, soul.. #<OJ>i_.20l_Jg>|;, GOJT!OL_j cj ^ , the firft
baving the form of a comb . (r LJu5<SsC Otj, to Ci mb. beginning of life .
^LJLJ T Q TOOJ TfR/tSjlDi>i)t#c0^S^O;)io
FfUJO, lean. ^njC^ifruSrngfcb^^GS^SS/
off . JX 5 6? I_J I
T LU , many unripe pattcly not come to petfrAioD .
plantains as hang together in one clutter . #|_J l_) ^
#. , life; the way of living . ETiUeWLOLJwr
7"1 , hi fefitk , wlutejhu tue back 22Jy'*Ob/, 'to live,
X #fijetrr , life a living creature . !? fUSS/ OVT ovr,
bave tbejtrm of comb .
#LD J*r a rich or op.lient min , a person of high living . #(>&&,}.(!)<&& 0, alive . #iui g; ovt ,
coasideraiiun . ifiT -L , a matron . F t-0 T gp Uj<T> > #r3jQFrj;rfip>,ovT , #tfHLJI_3(rn"4t>Bf , living
creatures. rFj7-#OJr , LC ^.'J-Q. # fu < , one of
wish you wealth (or happinefs; ) fare well !
^) _0 , #^Blo , a country . fPfB'-OLU T Y the human species . u5 D/ff Fojwr, an animal. L_1(T*
^6^D?i/, to reign . t^i&LDLJLJSS; , the jurisdiction LD#OJ<WT i Fjiaitfi)#<tkJcKri*i God . ^ajetTOT
3iGe5fT"0o*-^l&' > 10 kill a creature. # fUQJ
Heri i'ory .
JjUTTO . # y) U U T CO , the firft milk of a 5<, God the author of life, tfiuffliwrri rruj
vr >m m after b-ing dciivetcd of a child ; or of cow after GL-lffrOei; . to spealcloud. ff U
, lifelefs .
calvin .
#rff^*^Ofi/, iii^bW-lGL-lT^iJa/, H die, to
&1Z1 95 4f5TLlJ , the cods or outmost integuments
a depart this lite .
<ertain shrub, which., when dried and boiled, serve for1
ffifi:jj#" , the living, the quick.
(?eOJiS/!0g)J. to shave , to scrape, to-furbiah, to'shrpeii
rubbing off the oil frota the heal.
Ir lut ser , P Jjaor , #4JT#- , a grandfather ( neioni a stick with a knife . #ii_iGt_lT(SeSir)/ , to scrape
j-ftS* in jest.) fdTQwadr >&Lp5$0J , to call off. LQUtilPrfl$)LJ. CF.
QjJ , to comb and
ene / jrr/ a grandfather.
LU 9;9.1-5( tie the hair .
0"fji t* rail for the help of the grandfathers . #UJT
#tf2jcjyf a burnishing flick ; a polishing iron .
Q'TtQi QFTcroog)
to tell * thing to Off Lurr(j)e6.E|iV , to furbish , to burnish , to polish . rf!
tb.' gr india hers ; to complain in vain.
cO.|<5Vf $ rrjj , a polisher.
#'T35'-D , cumin ; cumin-seed . nj *Q (P rj- g lo ,
#t_p , putrid matter , matter in a wound or ulcer.
usual cumin . e55@#Te5u?, black cumin . 05/TL_
BP ^-^ , to snuff at one , to fret and foam ta
($9=^ T35LO , wild cumin . Q LJtTSgjO" OS LO > anisej hifs as sarpents . sX> , #j3CV JO , f jSoo , huffing
smise-seed . #fir&,tF FuOLJT
/ iWrt> .
out of anger] hifsing .
LJfr^a, |_JWTEa/Ot&)%
#> , digdion . #/7"**3TLQ rr .0 g; , # to brawl at one ; to treat one roughly .
q-wf 35 jSOSy, to conoit , to dijeft , to be digeitible .
#<1-0 , ^ LO , China . #, a China
#5.;(? U3 ovj u T /, to be man . #etrri_lU), / bw / flower.
inJig'Stible . #/Xoof5bJL_JCe^-J T O / : te digcitj
fevf, powdci - sugar. #f ^ * Lp <W @ , sweet
potatoes. tpawf^9yr@, a */h< tf pepper geid in
to erow poor.
frrexstf, crmeli.-.efs .
physick .
rriOTOT i an accuttomary hibit.
#1 , a wooden anchor. &'vfQi s
fTT, a co:.t of armour, a harnefs fe>r the bread . cable of a wooden anchor .
#/_1{31_1('6^0/ . to put 011 a harnefs.
#of , a saddle .
^- i (g i |TU Q , a leather -bucket.
0r83Btrri_Q. , AiW 0/ an amcthyft .
#/r.T--Gjog; , o?TT4_fi.L_iuiT'5 tH*
y ,
^'^ .fG^S'- 2 sweet scent j perfumet.
#0"Tt (S -^^ , to educate or inm - Br&>'S?>'TiJ&,
, perfumes .
tain with great care . #T"Ti S5 35 T .3 W (.fve .
ffrflf5r5""t-0 855551-0 , ff OJST LO , ar
tf/TT., ('5 eS TJ33 ) a .person that takes for one's inheritance ; hereditary rent or privilege .
ffr 5 [5
education. #TT44LTv3(X)Tgfllr , one of whom # " "Xi rr cvf , - 05 5 tT "r , er95r5f"95 5 T
ooer , {Fr f r ^ er 05; <R @ * < UJ iJ , Jf
body takes care .
aflate, condition; a good ftate or condition. tfi)(5^rrnjiT ctvf , an heir, one to whom any thing is
#TTUJ , well . deceHtry , properly . Tjb , disorderly, due by right of heritage ; the proper owner . <T vr faQ^r
vnmannerly . # T LU (fg 33 eS .29 2L* to be decent , ) QEFog;g) ffr Si <3 0" LD , what is due to me by
nod eft ; to be in a goud way. ^TT^Sf C?5Ql_it. right of hiritage. ffr0j[5^Tga5 L_Jl_Sl_O-05*O^
^35^, to have no succefs . frf\V)$SOj, to regulate to enter upon an heritage . ^) $ U LD , the
properly. #.<J5 ; fij OJ.<fg< . fi; return to revenue or .privilege belonging to one .
rder; to reform the life; to grow better . # G ffj ffrOSLO health; safety, rf*/r It 05 LO , health .
# tf1 G 95 1 T * , ugly . corrupted . ft LO T Ii3 (5 LD , fare well 1 I wish you health I ffffSQl-D)
ft5T/70frF JO , disorder ; imraode^V 1
l_3Lp, U3 (5 B : ^Q i) , to be well . ffr 05 II LJ (p*
*/ault . Offr* a good ftate. /20
, an ill Ue J 5; , to be reltered to health j to ptoDer . fr^HLOTiu .

3H <$ZOgy, ,0> demonftrate , to point at . i_5'o\t*'i
/Ovr<3:.ywrff ffr 4 9 , Willi regard to the children;.
ffrL^-Off-Q^T TO , dcmonftrative. pronoun .
. 1 0iBu34 &- , a clog . - S^LJ .
r_465^-' a doggish,temper . ffi-eum TO g? ? LS L_Jnr^ELt5j50S? > to be apt, to bite . ffr..' Tx/3gS5 dot <3S;
^TOeTF, one who- is apt to bite as a dog . ft- < T5>
45eTrf^P! bT t a mar k branded with a dog's shape
rrar 7RCvi., meager, lean. / i.Q *
, to be .well., to be well oflF ; ro Live in prosperity . 0$
Ujeer, * <1 ,T"U5 (3>?Re$ OJ, , one who OQ) to grow weak .
Sriicroxrt , rough as . leaves or fruits are ; an itch-.
is remarkably well (or prosperous .) 6&7 gj-Sl-^-t-UTSJ
Ojeirr , one that.slights ( or neglefts ) his own welfare. i ng caused by^the dust of paddy etc. ffrWfr u5o\>
, 0c-@25Ub piety, virtue ; reward for cro^r^OJesT . waycrersTTQci; 4 rxtevr , an ins.nsiblo
virtue, blils . (giiOL JS4SB1 etogj , to obtain person, one that is past shame . RUWrr iu ovr ovp
blifs . 9r @ ) 1I st euaiuj
05 OYT . merits , err , one who is sensible of. his reputation...
cTr.'OTrrgj^C^ to. proportion , to frame or square
meritorious works . '@^!05^^ etrc, a virtuous
person ; a blefsed man
a thing by a pair of coinpalses . ffrAPWjfJ^ig^ et
, t* be proportioned .
* ct@tlo , a good. nature or quality
m-evsTL-Q.<JO , the sensitive .plant* a plant whose
ffr*i5 (Brigua . eSfJt^LO .
leaves shrink: when touahed .
erejffiJO, a small bit.;* thing grown dry,
ffi-.etvrQ, the dirt of the. head.
005 <ror , the rudder or helm . of a ship . fff-g;( ffr" (5 , small ) ((5~20^2 > a ^ow foS<
hip . 95050" flOTtfff , (Fr(f&,rretsn-S).\JG<fOuSt5&. little earthen balls . ffri"n-iS<d5ffO043Ti304DGLJiT(5'
etOSy i to,shoot little earthen balls . (fi- Qw_oS .
ct^ii! , the pilot ' or fteersman .
52) , lime-stone . LjrtBffffof 0; o5 . (2)<)1\ tv . .trficToNo .
eroucrffieS^OiS,/ , K-itwrt-aLjQLJT
SV, to be,
^rretrr , lime-stone not yet burnt , 3>><
boiled so much that very little liquor remains . 0r<nrar
lime of the above stones .
) 10 boil tn*:
* 6r es$LUT*trrLQ i holy law , theology > ecclesiastical ceseSTtTfffB^Dg; rf 9i vj
modi part of ;the liquor away, w L_l>. CTT 5 <
* ffri^oLD. man's seed ja white or pale color; light. eoTrfjj- 1 water wjiereof a great part is boiled away _
*e5cR>LJu5tri_r5njLO , 05 * CioQlo 05 LB , the fr<wTLO.Lj(2l-JT(B*Ob/ 1 ( " 64
gonorrhea, a noisome matter flowing from, the reins. <ffi>LDBeS/!Oeji , to stew .
SJOUU-FU., the Jtime from the. new- mean to - (5?, to scrape up dryJtavtt , slips , chips etc* .
VM>OT0M , shrub , oj.whole fruits pickle is tnaAe ^ .
the full-moon .
fffeaar <^p LD 1_4, lime, chunam . ffr <"
lo .
* ri6^0rr , BrB* " oTTi, Venus, the planet.
0)2> , a lime-liiln . (g3) L-p "rr
be&<rrtJiTTLD , frjday .
lL|, slaked lime-, ftum ^g)LDi_(@^5iUpcB<t -CO 8 , .
5@ . dry ginger.
6tE(0> , .5<35, a small piece , a bit or particle . 'to slake lime . <<n*n-<j^(XL^t^9Te.206/.( t^-iTij
OBl ") to parget or plaster a wall with chunam .<
Qt_JTffieS!DS; , to break in small pieces . ft<35fj5i
95? Rrwrr^)tpi_j t_e..e;et^06i/ , to white-wash .
Jffi (Si_ILjrawrsE/ ? jo
raw some profi ^)uos>s>i_iui_p-ej et o
. to beat the lime fine.
wen from trivial things . Br&ff 8=1.^. ftirjrr>f^)LOfflLJL#95cSOff/ .to mash or mix mortar. .
ffr^gs-Tagrgr<T<rTggg>^j>i_j , ftoue-lime .

ne. that is. . extremely , covetous..

e-'TfljLDj toll , toilage , customer tax, paid for mer ^) LO j .lime of iarge shells, at Off # ff i
chandises exported or imported. cTTO<sQuB0}{Fe43 ^jUD Lif , # l5 F ffr gggi i_i , lime of small:
gj , to .gather, the ..toilage . fr(fi/0;@'R/?a.@,LD Q hells . ) j ff ffj- <rffg) L(J1_4 , slight linjie of
2>95;8>51-9.{@ LD , toilage and porridge thicken snail-sheils . i^g^ffereei Hg)i_Di_i.4 the best kind .
by toe lang a tai riance..
olf lime
'\1<5'' , a tobao-pipe
>$$QTtD., i-r^Pf ULILD. a right to a thing V. .
, a plait or fold of an Indian garment . - TO
.i_5i_?.p* / ( e>OJ^;0533i (R\4-C0 SD ) to
eT$'9U>-LS j ftatute, cuftonv, law.; good works,
Id up a.eloth,; to. lay it in gears .
* ffr#', 6t#35'Xlo , clcannefci ; delicacy.
, a son-.otI
> light , sparkles glimmering among the embers;
fff;ldi_j ,. a .milk-fish .
parkins hammered out of. an hot iron j the flame, of a * &T-$<Su0 , clean , pure. eTL0l_lrT<2EI/<^3*candle. (1J", the two lights, sun- and moon . gj^, to clear, to cleanse , to purify . erLOrrflSJJQfli/ ,
(5&-) , to shine, to glimmer .
ffr<5<5LjLj(5 * jO gb/, to grow clean . efrfJSffigl-l
Ct i irOO j Sri irtX)6S050tr , aplace for burning 1_1-, a downright lie . tTrELJLJTLpTajQiIT
the dead ,
^!0/ , to become totally ruined . otldtujG'ITF i
Brig) t it is entirely gone . t7r$$ff$$-iJL0 k. th-aked i
jet^cgy. to burn , to be .burning-hot; to-, burn-, Jo truth . ffriaSiBr ; one who .is clean . ^^* :
. et r.oast pr .bake a thing ; to fire a gun or cannon . ft 2&5;.-to be declared innocent . erg^T'WaSi-O, cieanneft ,v.
t LjQt_jrr(5e6
, to consume a thing by ire; ntatrrefs .
to shoot a bird. etc. Br4^l&,DSiJ , to burn down ^1* 5^ , clean . ftlj<titst 521/65 - 5^ to cleanse . tturn ,ftrjst etc. efi fffti 5> 0aav .23 ey , to eat. ^, a ftool , evacuation of excrements.
2fur, meat hot. ffr@wro-!To-f/f , boiling-Rot water
SrB>$ , 0r5<UJt?O , an.hamujet.. .
* JCOm- a vacua's trinket hanging dewa upon, the
;<1-^.#^, safely. orSSfffffrie i unheal
thy body , ffrejffrfrf , an<healthy man or woman ; a
delicate person. ffrffSVh'T^>ur , - 6Yf6 >
UUU . , o\e>#c > an haaltuy wealthy
man . 35 * Wi.eef-; -V ^ oor eef . eVoSSJER'STv/
g; ovr , indisposition , sicknefs ; adversity* . #UJ<r
erg; TOOLO .a time of plenty , when, victuals, are cheap
^ ,i a voluptuous .woman ,.

5$&<?/! , to cleanse , to purify . 2>55
rr lo purification .
fWy ^Dlfil i to go bout , M ihcompafs > to surround ;
*) wrap up . 9&(2$"*($(2<-^*0& 1 to go
round-about , to Surround .ffr-^L-l1lT<*)t.i50e>J, to
ind , uire <tc . about any thing . f^f^^iioTjj Srf^^U1^
DBrj , to iccoft one often , to importune one . 9f<52>t_J
i~Tfr&&-!G . to Iodic ibout . ef^S^lf *>
to go abbat , to traverse a place-or country up and down.
*$1>> rgS^IOJL^', a wiiifling way , a circuitous road,
fr'f J LDi ffr ffi oS fyOJLD , round about, all about .
er ^
t_j i_i _ &, ff ai ljmo5tc3".
the inhabitants of the villages round about . ft?,ejj LJ
3-Jt_i-(l>F>etpL0L0 ! a village belonging to the town.;
. a wall round about.
*>15< > beauty. >)*9 , (f'35'/) a!
* eil loukmg person .
frl-JLO good. .l|0rLJLD, bad. BrUJTfff LJLO .
sjood and bad . cRt-J^g) , blift , glory . SrCJSj'TrfujLO,
rufi . * joyful thing , good news . r-CJ2>T<JT-j a:
lucky -day ; a ferlival day .
0rl_J2>g>LO i ft . ffr?5C55LO .
Prl)TL_l(-0 , 1. ffreOJfLJLD .?Jl_l. * bailiwick. 92)1_^<2*?1-11_1
S] *3J rar, one who is appointed to be the chief of a
(tpravince. ffr fi LJLUSjTij" , the chief of a province ; a
captain of sepoys .
0tQ|_JT, a .lucky man, one who enjoys all kind
of prosperity .
rUJuS , dry spray , (rUdGbl T^/ e> * 0 >,
to gather dry spray,_grl_J J JjrriiJl_iG LJ T .flQ g> ,
#rLJ -JSCUT J>3d-CT50Tr5 SyQUTJDfil, to glow
Jean .

Mulo , what proceeds from one's own capacity or
will. (Fi- lu i-C l_i rr (S& 3 J , to sing a song composed
by one's self, UJ LO TLU ,' ffrUJLf IIT LU , ofone's
own accord. lfrU)\^n0~Ll$lLlLBLJ*B9T!21/&!O be an- independent man , to be master of one's self,
10 govern arbitrarily . 0f UJffirr -JZUi-lTSQ/LJ * 5SL
eS^ S; , to aft by one's own authority. otLUT LJ
a monarch . SrLLig Q ? T ^u_| " JVT l rf UJ<wr , tn
sun that has his own light.
ffrLULCt-dTSSLO, Mtuals ready fordrefiing.-OTUJTja
U_'LD LJ 5 LC L_iwi !2> . to diefs victuals . 9r
LJOTS^eoT4. a cook. 0rUJLOLJT6B ,* woman-cook.
Hjl_DI_( . . f LULO .
erifmA>SJ y to spring forth , to-'bubbleup out df tht
ground or /rem a reel ; to give plenty of milk ( as tx.
gr . the breads of women or the udder of beasts . ) ffTLJ-4, the spriaging forth .
0")3>1. , a mine ; atreech . (ffT tfi LO )
OJ'Sy&lDta) , to dig a mine ; to make a trench .

BrTLD t 'lever . f>rri_ich-rrLO , a burning fever.

JFr/ITLOrrUJiSt */ -g; , errr-L0/ri6t59i 6

to be sick of a fever. -^ <0)(>9 ti&J

( Si OiLjGLJTFeTa;/ ) the .fever is gone . UfiTLO
Q3Lfl(^lcrLDTLL5!5^@; ( f \.< rrril i.Tjl f.
&i(59J ) theifeyer is vittleat.
fffVTLO, a wildurnefs. *YTLJT>)5>,a%vay 5hroBgh
woods .
StTLO i a note in musick , one of fhe -'seveti nne^
60" a gallop ; swiftnefs . Jr-TT 5^>
( M-Ot-JLJ*^^ ) t0 gaUop. fffrrTOvrCDTUJ
l_JTj2Dg/. to run; to go very fall, to ride in full gallop.
tH-if . sr ffrL# .
e?rff fjjeS^DffiJ i to be drawn in as the !head of a tor
toise .
(5&*3> , brevity, shortnefs . ffrifJKBSLCrrLLt
0rLO6$Js -CCt^) , CO lay charge ir burken upon a 8r(C5Vi&ie/G&o , brtvfly , in afew wors . ?
person, to charge one with thing ; to molest or pester one; LL)T*OT^Tff LULO . a trifle.
t > inipute to one a balance in accounts as a debt . gXf^B}
ffr5gas^ogj , cTtcS^ljS Lj
* sd s; . to
oarQurf Qoo@5c5 S> fff LO y et O & , todeciaie shorten ; to.furl the sails, to -wrap up the nets;tocon>
ne guilry.j to condimn one . Q 5 F5r LO a> trail , to close .
, a very high rate or pnce.
WtS&@ , a gin .anatx , trap a plait or fold . * 1 *
6TLOQ>eS.Eg/ > a debt , crime etc . to fall to the: 9r-(Sffi@, a running or sliding knot. ^EEf $
charge of a person . - QL-jrr:rocfi-LOtff>'TO!5 *Z!DSy ( CaLJT*^)'^ ) to lay snares or gins.
S! . the debt you owe. Jt\nj*rQ\^i cf @ 5 J(Se;tt3o3L0fT ( (5 S^Og; , to catch in a snaje .
^JK LDrjjffjk/., he was found guilty .
cJftS&SB.flSG' @ 05 * >
, to tie a <band Hgbt of
oV-Dfi-LroO i a duty, obligation, charge.
close . er<E.3ffi0iG ^^^ fi/, t#
9t CO ft $ LUT sarc AS} , an high price.
distend -a gin . Bt<!T&>@LjS>\-J , a purse .
{51&5 , to crumple . 10 shrivel to vrii.Kle.
er<Q3$f,i&>rr , 00>355>0" , right, , juft
SET 0<* , regular and juft person 9r[51v/ero, a wiinkle ; _a shrink .
&r<rjj4jocT0T , a clew of yarn etc.
65 04ToJTUjrg ^301^66 *9g/, to weigh justly
5 > ? T.L_l i I ' n , an ejtaft or juft measure .
0r.(2)/cvr , a tendril, taJ-iTl/FIFr Qj*yOrT , a clew
->!-0 , a/'oiirden. m-SaLST
OQL) ,0 carry . of cords . rj W5TT -{5 @ Or 5 fyew , a packet of ao
mud 11. OrSbLfjTrK/tt , a stand of brick - Work counts .
b'ult on the road Tor people to put their hardens upon.
(5^ i r 11 . ^irT>0=et(r / , a cadjan-roll .
*-iB>'-OUJ'Tcwr, e*2S_0tr> Tii", a porter , a carrier. L_IL_lKeISrtf53vr , a roll rf silk . 3r(i5<TVTLCU0.3"l5^a
;,, to fold up beetel . j^eoi^ffcc^tSiJyTSn^Tovr , she
#r ?) D Sn_ ob' , the wages fer carrying a burden.
has given him a philter . {fr<3>oyi
521/86 "
, to'
9tLDLt(5 a rm& made of cloth or straw , which roll up a cadjah-letter <T-5v5e6 ^sgj , c5w't(S
(3l\TOQi) , to be rolled up .
people I . y upon their ..$ to carry a burden upon .
ffi! (4&08i) , > roll tip. ffrf5i <(, a roll f
c7rLO'_OTlU5 %$Q&J lo be at leisure , tobe adle ;
be put tu no use, 10 lie idle. Jr 'JJ LO T dj tobacco leiTes rolicd up; ar^- thing curled. evtffooT
gKir(*8 ACfJ , to give gratis.. ffrLOLDTOJ LOUb" , cns[>-hair .
f .T O <*Pi &iil[J , to say a thing for pastime , to lie. ffr/5L_J'-0 , an image . ffr <5 ;L_I LO T tl5 <J ?*^9
sfrLCLO i jQfT^ 2j , tell <ne without any fear UST t /. </5?_5, gr^uS , ) s fa" pel ton
fr jLTUJ Oj^STcr , he returned witkctit succef . , 5 ' |fK'(pfS' 1 SJ i a thing spoiled or disfigured.
#rLc LorrLUsu^Qgejr , I am having no pa' i- (
Miau busin.1,.

HtQt 5?" t eS , to hits like a barnizeos! when
5rLp^#^Sff) , to whirl to whirl shout, tots
th.wii ,to water to become terrified at frighted. circular 07 it|<lf>. F0j0T^03TLO Taj5TL=>'5^J/.i3
0^1 , to whirl a'iout in a circle .
3r<BT . Qf-rrt&cr..
Srup ctv^ whirl. 5f t_p aS? J LJ LJ * fb/ tf.
0rQcrT50TLO . theear thehearing.
gf ">p; LJ i-O, , tfr Q>3/r.L-tLfl , light , easy , facil; short; be t:Keii by a whirl wind ; to tail in a whirl-pitl ^?
Br.2/L-JU>'TUj , fr/Tt_ia5TLU > easily, wiihout gufferr enrarij-.u'whirl.paid, 5f ?. ifiTgy, a whi l-wmrl^
5rLp 0O2jV8523;, tawiii. i a . ft Lp jD j
taking pains ; in a -few werde 5. at a low p. ice.
h-Q?<j<TWBirui , erQcNOTF-4^fftrr , spehclcs , QjJ^&COFl) , U> sling a tiling ..
5tLj a circle, to curl. 9tlj5(CJ5 irtTtrr, the breath ofi
(33nOT1_JL15 > a vcrsicle. ( a little verse i )>
BrOJLjJ. , a little cadjan-book , a school book . crOi :he nostrils^, ef Lfi gs @ ) , tfr L# lo 5 lo
the. bowels . ^^) jDLJT/j- 95 (S
Ui-'Qfi'Ki'S;. to.make a bookof cac'jan-leaves-, a distortion
Pr<ryi qj il 0
at.^j , ta read ; ta leain . 5 OJ O&ij , t lock whetbci a hur>e has some cuilsd hairs,
Li SBLU^}<Lp^#og^ , ta untie or . the book. (which people thinkje he. a kai sign .) eft-lS'ulC^/JCe^;,
to make a fkxion with the pen. ftLperL^fFet^-SJ,
8rm(S <v . QB-dQ . '
_ erjjgrgfgrf LULO, frCUTrg^rfajLD, a. privilege |.| to curl the comb-put at the top letter*, or thetail of. some IctKiS , by which. the nliihfa ie,amn long .
liberty .
^" , #4"U'J', a wall . LO - en fir , a mud'ftySe&iiogy , to curl by itself; to become Aft'ufled iK
wall . es -<0 fi-OJ
.a biick or. ft0ne - wall . (gji
the mind .
ittijjr}- , a dead wall . ifrCZJif &QeiTlJS , the
5rLj?TT5*j30?l; i to.curl a thing . GH-fim&Q&TO^i
2S9l6Oe/. , to .speak not plainly but deceitfully.
cf an inseft which makes a strong noise... su Qrr.Vi
5"(5), to winnow corn with, ffi- WT 05 f"
t ? a plant grournij walls.
('^ ^A^OQJ , to winnow with a fan . ffrOYI*
ffrOJooLJLO . StOj^DljlO , a trifle.
ffro^oi*^os; , W4n^5i_JujTos; . u dry 05TG>Oili_tj.if:Et^v>ei/, tostrik* in*-witUa winnow*
up as water . Srf3J-iO@l_Q-*^!Ol1.-, a pot iag. fan , which, it regarded as an afro/u.
that sucks up the water .
to wash a pot etc.
et-eTXI.O>4rrt-0 f. Qff T.O-n'TLO .
ffrOJTFLO , the breath , breathing, respiration.
5rOvf05@ , a pike-stafF; any sharp-pointed stick..
'&& , 55>81_ UT O gBj, to her
BtjUTF LDrxiTT4/(60b) , to take , to draw or fetch
breaih. c7pOjTyLc3(>*^i3S^rf to breathe. _i_L wrenched , sprained , over-strained o dbl vcatej . ffirp
irOJTFLD , the breaih tnken of drawn in . Qlcool Os35ftY505-i-2O^' fhe foot i> strained .
ettVjeS a Sljl''n 5rC.305@ l_J LJ TtJ-sjj* *""1. . a .difficult breathing as is in dying people.
I^LLiSdil'TPLO , a deep - fetched breath-, ft *U T fliow , oue that cui-cs sprains , or puts limbs into j >intr
fKfJffL'j there- is. breath ( in him , ) 9tViT again . 5rV53;-@ ill^^^; , to. .stroke a sprainedlimb. if^vj-'gS^igfgcl r>|/30e^, to anoint a.'
J4'-D(f5> , the breath blackens . HjUT 9- LD J^l
ttr)*rj , the breath has ceased ; the person is expired.- sprained limb . 5rtV5ftrj30
5 * O ffJ , tt>make a sprain grow woise.
9tJT/\)^ujlO 1 revenues; wealth.
ffrvrggj , dry spray - faggots .
W-OJTrjj^Tf LULD V . 5>? LUlD.
BrfjJT^ > prr^i, a large star in the tail of. the
-/Wf the btilbs within- 9 jack -fruit , consisting:
great bear Atos { or Arurus'. ) ,
of the flesh and kernels of it . eraVOVTo-r (SRSjD^j,
&OJT ^tlo i one's, own property..
to. take the said bulbs cut .
BrOVTeTvrastfcsoT i an angry person .
DraiTULS i 81__||_0 , the nature. "fOJTUI
1_<"? , natural, inbred, ffr tTXIT l_J @ <*T LO the 5f ovr jyr TLJt_( an- exciftive heat of the sun4
natural complexion. &T-Sl}TV-ilDTiU(\-ABr&OffiJ- to -JVroyf , dry sprays for fire.
Speak to the purpose ; ro say as ir i*. StjUT ujSwT^O " ,
5rOWtv55rwGovr<rere6oei; , to be exceflive ho,aman thai loves & speaks the truth . son L_l9ri5i_lLD , ffr-ivi irOvT <<r . iggz/mr .
an image resembling the original . ft- em <T l_| uQ T W
51 05 SB 05 . an. hbneft life.
5r^J , the filth or nastinels f the body . Pr^LJe
t-P-55^'*-i^^' > to bl fil'hy , foul , dirty..
*"5 , God .
BrCUTS-iOO , a flame . *~U ( S -03 * O . te
Sf 9, fff^.ufftT , a shnk . (Piif i tubtraa.)
j to be sweltry or vehemently hot. (JcTjif_
(^oQLD^^m-aiToS^fiiQ^, this house is exceeding 9 . yKietooFfff^) , ^(QfjJJtrrSr^? - **r 5close r hot .
species . \^^o^.ifgT^>7Qcl}^irrzjoaxsT9ef).
+ ffrSj^TXOSj'^O ,the genuine signification ofa word. kinds of ditto that are eatable, ft^2&5@4-L., thap
+ 5t r&ffT/TLO , 5rijS0S"Cri_D , the enjoyment of a young ones t f a shai ;; .
thing . m ijSprf (&* , to use , to enjoy ta make a K-^p-xurr (Pet 9 65J , to scrape.
thing one's own .
6- i/. Gb=tjv5 ,
Orfl^i ) . 5*05*5; .
5r^?'GfrTr* > Sx , to emart excelfively.
ffr rfj Q 8_ _o , joyful news , good tidings the gospel.
Sf^jaigsig. qtiicknel's , haste; sharpnefi ; severity
Brd3(3f ' i *ne that, brings good news an rigor. 5tjj 05 @ 0 aTJO <*trr . a hasty or-rigorous
man . er^vejefiTuU , quickly j . rigorously. 5r CCu 0> Q.tOJ B LO , sweats
0 JOrrojeoT , a lazy man-; a cool-tcmprred -mao.
_ tTf iu , the flavor, taste; relish4. JJy8r3a~U, flriX'0?@55T 0= B$ CO SJ i. shew rig'T . ^^
kinds- of .flavor, ,vizt . ^Jljl-j . i_j jJff I| ., 0505$ , a sharp knife., ^a/ Tot(5*i!OSy . ta
5*111_| .lju| , .i) Lp asi , g; ecu /J- , sweet, sour, get a scar j ta smut. 5 XV 05 (* <-__lfG*Ta\j ;
bitter , s.ltish, keen, harsh.
OtJ i to mike one st utle by what U said ; to offend1
fffCiiQcumr a> njTivS uuTiOffi/i to one byseve-e language ..
Heith Mb moittu/e cf the ground tj,e hot .
ffr^a/fff/lJI-j , ardency j fervency, aivity,- ala




niy .
jj- , a- spring ( or fountain ) in- a hill or ruck . ffr
t/um iij , rock - water.
ffpr ird>5jj circumcision . *"5__11
f21/SS X ff)./ i to- circuu*cisc .
(55 ?5 T 1-0 . a ho' .
(gv;i-E> a- room' in the huid part of a house ;a closer. (95
f&) ifi *
( A' * CLQJ, t>> sup in tor to listm.
sjcJ-JT-ror ^.^s-XO' Co ^iiijii '55^,^0
ju4>(ojt , have you not lived botwix: my walit (or
m; hou>e ) by my charity ?

(25 T
I iywr oj rr (' f>5xJ , to J lay for money etc . (5 55 T

JTT , a gambler, aplayo. (255 1 LO, pbying ;

gambling j eUcviiisg. U7 gjj r_i twr SSHjy (t>
Qi, to
deceive , to 1 lay a trick .
i2565^.tld v. ^-
(SSjTffO l , the last if the'r principal tribe*
amon he Indians . (^ . (^^SjTTOYT '^8jr
^( , {fem . (ggSji'J
, > one of that tube.
the Lank-parts, the (jolie, i is breech; funrimenti
|251_11_|^^1> , I25LJLLJ(2 LJ IT O *
' tor
sutil the - *f a thing . (/^.i_jl3 -05$^
(*5^0, judi.iousnei;quickriefs of fancy; cxacbiefbi to ihrow a thing away after having sucked-out the juicsjf
a sign , a winlc . [gav-ejcxiT c_i /}" 5 e O ffl to of it .
airowly into a thing, (gg - rtTOT U_! lLj Q i- TTO j3/
(25LCUj.R O.y r til s-'uinlt-.
ItfjjTrasi-LO , ai r.etiicinal powder.. 125 " LO
stOSy i to.6p.eak with- accuruLy. (g5B-*/0c>T > fcl
t_j<4ii 2UES^02J7 tv make a medicinal u-jvidor , u'
./vi 107 , ftnc who is accural* or exact .
iSffiSJTajeO^., a hysterical iiiseafe .
(25Tewr ljs'T lu (2'l_it(*V)5j; , rf/rro , by cakning;:
IgsiFfUi , (g^i-L^LO , subtil , artificial . tg^ff FLOT the ingredients ; to squander yo-nr good* away .
r<2_u<jT.v) , an artificial or fine work . (. OF- 9- * 1251, a hero(,fcj . (^jif, a htiotft.'.tg^irLD ((25!"
Util UjQ^JSt&^OSi) , to speak artfully . (^Ftf-S^T 5"1_ ) t j gy cupuift /iri/S.' , ro do- heroica! cxolort***}, i25l_Lff>:i (f , a cuening fellow. (25-5= F "(25 T 65 g -"T LO n i 13.3$ i -, g; -, to be- heroiciW.
liTiuGirra^oi'u urr i ((JojT^Offyi to ; (25 rf, 1.05^35355-$ , a little Snife ^
pacify <i by sneaking discreetly &softIy . (g5 1 9 I * (3.if ' , the stm . (gff <3 tujlo-, the rising
bf) T rr T < LUL i a slight businel's , a trivial matter . of the sun. (ffS'f LU'jrTrFj^ , the splendor or heat
tfc?3Fg>T-UJL0 , a fiagiie body.
the sun. (ffjrf UJ;CT--5ffi(J)35j the sun rie--. |grf'
tAJff3$CTt_0 i (5>^TL3 . an artificial piece of LU35T"r]J5'-D , a burning giala-. (25Jf OJ?S T 5 $
work . ^(25)8>(<_ , a water - work , hydrau
@'. tgS^^^'T'SS^' vclvet .(' 5gy
Keks-. {g5.JM $ $T mTzJO^r , iff5rvt$irB)<rrt , an a sun - flower . (25/fLlj5^JrLO , a sun - eclipse . (^
artist, an iiig.mous workmaH ; a man of sharp wit , rfaJt-S^OtBOJ , the appealing disk or orb ofthe suni
/-^ - . ovr Q oj , 125 -> ffj er lo I^lLIUI LSiTUJ 3 eTJ 05 eS CO t^J , to extract tl.e*
&flit>e)(*"\sooI. an engine . tgy ; c5 g> T l_j juice of a thing by the heat of the sun>.
(^(SiiSi/ to adapr cotton fer spinning by t"iicingr
LJaSjiSs L-L.4i^,-0-*J^&Set!0*jj*Br , a puppet- player ;
lery wic.e.i man i too darin ; a man ; a wag. ifSUi
or drawing it with the rhumb and forefinger . |grj FTJ;.
fj5/Uff)Tl-0-. a deceiving engine) a cheat .
8J ( (23*55 ) llg > cotton so toused .
5.1 _0 V . #5~. LQ
(25 SB 9" > the Indian juniper - tree . (gjexneWTUJI25 i. a bundle of paddy cut in- the fi ld .-SBS* (25<1_11_11_) , Indian juniper - Denies <
te(f)' , ftl . ven tu th reapers. (ROTgEpLO-^Q)
[g^fSirr i the, name of a Jitk,
tti, given to the barber for keeping a looking r. is, - -
(25$SCTi cfn 'n ''1C f>e'^ gctt'ng no ears- .
nSsQi, dm, given to the washerman for starching the (2y34OLD , a fork with three prongs ; a superstition
tic t lies with con by .
not to go on such a day to a- certain, place,, tbmking
tasO> . a burning or brand. (25S*.9ff/ , (gjl-- it to be an unlucky day .
Ciii'i^OS; ( Qt-IT ( t
fly I to un.nd calv,s or
(25-1). tgsirOO fF^l , stifPieis or contraction of?
ick cows . g> FisC'iffiii-a u2t!53?(fSJ ,'what the nerves-. L_J S S5 ? (& , obstruction of the liver^
i; thecal/ te . bianclcd wiin (2ji (S *> C * T
(2^0v3-, a woman's breeding" pr pregnancv ; tender"
a biand - ito . i^sOj0""1 *^ ,ei nc marked witli * orn - cars . (g5 OND T I t5(fj>^ 68 SO 8l to be a-breeding^
avbraud -i.on . (^-| ^ .jQ i_i i_i (25 osS a'woman with child ..
STLlSGJ JO[6It'l Tff) , a ourlit cat won't come
(25 1 horet-elephant or bullock's clothes ..
near the , a burnt child dreads the fire .
(2jtflJT*eru>. (J'TTLO, a kitchen . Igaf
(gg^et^OSL/ (gLj^l25.(!)*-^>J! t0 be crowned 1'05^.)<1 , ( /. ^pJTew^fiT A ) . *.
^3i_0-l25' 0tiS>fi/i tu crown .
[gglgS; what supports in the wall the eaves of the bouse.
(2j i t_?'or, tin of a little fish,
(2?@#0ffiy , (LpiKuG^T'VT^*00*^ to '
tgSjUly'-D T . (gs ff^LT .
enviion , to surround , to encompafs. (p^upLJt-JUiGD f
5551 fS^Ofi/, tn ami at , tj diive at . gx; ,miS>fD<? surrounded . (gL-p round about .
)6<\ e5g5T55J , a whirl -wind. (e^eTU-i
!&'4-J}.rG9-'T3<iOj!Q5) , to alhide to a thing,
1 aim at it in a tuexcn .
. the fore - jf? ^ .^<*r eB'T^D'Wr , a man like a weather cockV
nger Wherewith yon (joint i^^gi/OBTfftajeiJ TUJ that turns 1 1 every wind; a sickle. (25. Olf
IFU LO . a wuker-work ; the bottom of a well .
Uft~f)r<f~ X)%),l" explrate on: 3iyly ; to oft,eive one.
(25ot , (25^>L01^JUJ
v &*T .
(25S-0 pries, pillage. (259^.1 ?0 f^r
* (5>5 TLC tne uncleanoefs of a moattnintM womin, to rifle , to i insack, to plunder , to pillage, (ig SS3 fx
r of a hou-e wherein one died. (2595* 65 { T M . l bffi;, (25^> .JJTUJtB(S* ^30ff/ . to make p iz*
of a thing . (41/035'5''5') , a." tempestuous wind'
*&5(?>>5^-^ > a meiis'iuous woman. (2^ >
lx.T*tT3S"(5 a house wherein one died. '25 > 9j destroying cve v thing.
rfiJTUJtU U-t..'BTm a hystirkal disease.a
[8k wf'XlLQ witcheiy , witchcraft, enchantment',fit of tue mother
(255T-'ori-- cautiousnef* , ciicnmsiclien . (255 irceiy^ifg^tLULOaifl.ifprt /v-;ff|. to bewitch by hiding;.
s.4ntiiii.g inthe giuuod. ^MUJ4BS(TiI wiiard
#* ' <nrr(Ji LO a se. ure place

sorcerer. . (^TOf 'ULO cj U0- 5 5 eOJ W . one who
bewitch.d {&<ntf iJJLTL(5P66 0 ^ff.Q} i a house
that is bewitcnel. (^eif JLLi<i/aoT a bewitched ground.
(6^of :_LiLO<n-(j5S*-/1O^-i-,or . *ne .who know* to
.take the witcheiy away.
<g5rr,etrrOJ U'^rw, ^JLDOJOJ ;, a swelling
of the belly. ('-^^-.-^- , (ffi; .( Jem.
(25rf,) one whose belly is swollen. lgpiJJ!_lGi_trr
SOBrfl>y > * wa" 'hat swells out, or b.iuchcs out.
* QffSBLfl , the world ; ihc earth . Q^e^l'iXLJT
,<^J3lD. earth and heaven . Qr IfigpQobCiJLpibJ&^Oaj
),, a thing customary in the woiTd . ffffi
(^91_- , the n)Oit stubborn man in the world.
*3*<aT .ifish - scales Q* /WreS66<WV5-!0&/
-to take off the scales of a fish .



QlFerr Glo . this moment , immediately .

Qfrnr(fyf a ball to play with ; a nose-gay . G^T
QQQJ<lf , a place for, playing with balls . G *
i fft'* OBz) to. play with balls.
(F BT LJejL , the Indian cuckoo . -Feparram .
the chump>iwk>flowcr-tree . G''
J ; t_)U| . the
champawk-flower. .# -iCu1 Q F wit i_l JS L0. , another
lower kind of it .

to cut a timber or plank smooth ; to smooth the ground

by removing the g*afs. G '-^ t-J l-J T *B> 3*
G*EJ05*, M^oOffG'&'eMe . a teol for reraoving
the grafs fiom the walks .
Qff g i-lG l_j T OS;,, to die. -j . ft S D
GS'A. G9*^)4*5-^ spray.
ruSLjp , high .Tamul , high Malabar .
FSiK > a weft nude of ' s hair.
F35@. a" oil.- preis. ^^)* O&l.
rf^rrlri-p . a pine - apple -.plant . .
,-prel's rape.seed te. to make oil. (^^ , one
, reld color.
bhat serles at the oil - prefs . Q&fo&TSXIV
G:!5^t<'e53;'-D' G^s'f > . GrZ5W5K
^LO, the cover-of a cadjati -.letter . 7r9>.ie>UjG79
^greafy 'or smutty clout .
*55. * bag wiieh people hangen,
^ ) to ei close the <culjan -letter under a cover .
rtheir (houlder .
Qv-WfblDlO, living creatures m oving upon earth.
G&ISSJ '. ( pl. *5&>565". ) liinj
Gf1vS<N)i bricks. QfCtoVi&O &>0&} , creatures #'*(^':5>> . diu.
tto mould bricjes. gF TO 65 .-20 05 4 /wr , mould
G'!5*b'5S;(5 the -af plant . G*G5^B
for ir. L-lffB^FQf'T/fRa^l , ??-), g;t-Lj)'; *'r J7wrt- .
iraw bricks. QrWcf)035r(S& 09*5; to burn bucks.,
tC'WcR.OQlJTL-P-, broken biicks , rubble , rubbish.
effija/Tovr W. g/T 3VT.
GfW^/uireOi brick meal diluted with
''G'gfrM-*- . a iiettle..
asrarer .
G?l_jLe., F t_l UD preyer , oration . G '
1_1*{51;^', to piayj tu offer up prayers .
t-lgiOJT'JOTLO, devout praying . G* LT *T
Q3=44@55Taj(r5sS6^DS^ to be perpendicnlar , (-0|1355*^51/ to De intent at prayer .
.jsteep . (p^'Rng355T6T trjO^LOitrX) . a steep rock,
GF._5e$S.05; , to piay to God.
a precipice .
G' LJ'-J.i i . a wing.
Se9rJG&(SGm<yS v. GmT(SQ<nuoS .
QfiIlji-C ., Gyi-Jl-J',Br< ev*n
Seo<* order.
TvjQwtcn) , a acepten staffs Q ff
. Gff UULiU"!!!)
3jfT<7OT'J35^05J , to reign , to manage the scepter. ^) , to r.epaii , to mend., to beilify ; t.. make, to build, te
F'rVQfRTC^oQ^Tg^UXCTva^a'L^^UJLJ TOT up drefs.. ^G*'i-J^-H-OT U(J5ffi@( , it is done, it ready.
l_j 0S4JT 21/ < O ) ,
reig* -with utsrfeet justice.
G^-JM . a ^,, 't or cup . G?|-3^5>,
GffiraGwTffoQg5'r*,JBf jnd Tw@ii/(3T jugg'es , juggling tricks of iegeidemain. Ful)
r2Ea/!-Q. must government causes irregularity every QjCBSg^ejT/O*'-. a juggler .
G*i"1*^&/> t0 say, to speak ( e remoo-word . )
where .
G^LJMfS^Oia , G*t-JMJ^OJOT"U> , brafis-color,
Qf&etrF , the uppers part of a house.
QpFl&iF , a he-goat .
copper- color .
G^Sfil-0'it S00^ paddy,
GfUi-j)# . a copper - needle . <-^*.^55
Qfjj i (Jingee* fort to culled.
f>Offi) i to lorture by drivingacooocr-needle iuto one**
Qyi-Ji. a shrub , a little tree, Qffi-* 65 BT(, a linger*..
:-thicket iff bushes . (gff l_Q.-S3rrgiyo>o , a machine by
GFLUJfRLD . GflwrU4iUO .
which aiheathen fisher - man voluntarily toitures him
G^'-flU^Ur, -cd cotton cleared of the seeds .
elf, hanging in the air on a hook vhick is driven through
QeFLfiLJt fxisar , one of the tribe of fishers thnt
ihe skin. of Sis back.
fish in rivers .
Gf^-Clfft^, Ae tribe of merchants . Qffl-L-5-i
Q^L!-ja_l_u5^ , G:^l-l^ 1 LOUS", re4
{fem.. Q^M-Q.w ) one of the merchants tribe, a m<r- hair .
-chant 'by binh . G^1-t-9-5G5rrt#04;5'-J,WTS2L'*-^ . GFLDL_lT5e> . the shoe -flower shrub,
fK), -to -treffick^to trade . . one of
G F LO C.J 6> g> sed cotton not yet cleared of tke
Jthe rtiibe-ef wrestler* or fighters at curls. Q oj ovr seeds .
^vrrxjSiG**4-* * merchant f a certain tribe.
G*L0L_J(!5r55L'. a red hawk.
fft .. trade. *' @.UJUJ"rr
B^US; , gFLflLjfr^, cxaflly the half part .
to trade . Fi (^^ 6J OJ O
Ftji_iT/wr , QfuuTiwG 5 <x>22J i *
buy up things for elng .
kind of reddish paddy ,
Qfi < , a wing .
QFLOuOrt'FffTiigBi ft>i V . B?g/Ttt
Qf emrij) , Qfevecr\_jQ\_tr(Cv), a moment.
GFi_>L5pij6*ut>r , h; name of fish .rVixe ntise.
GflCJI ,. cepjicr, brafs , Uttert ja dncking cup of
moment. . Gf<wuQuT05jQT^a/, *tav a braJs . (2 9= l_Ci l_|A 1 1 I UD . a aob.per-f.inam. GFt-
senest . < Mil \pVf) t *t ame moment, JJf




rorafj . Qs=LOL-)f52;e5(B' a thin' flat pice if copper.

Qs*LD'u|f3R<KLOlJS ', brafswire.
a FLt yjTT "T <V . U,<J"fr * .
4-C iai-J ) Ai - name oj a tree fit for Jagots . r^/J-ff(gavj! s>l_j , cxhuccQtuhsj^j , CF.sQy^oSii,
tfftrtnt kinds of.ifr,
lFLOL^r i- ltd earth . .
y LO LO T LO , led w ood ,
_FCDU5-oS.lJfr(b' , G If LD'LO rf @, Gff=LO
u5chS'UJT@ i a reddish sheep .
, G!F-0Lb * , a kir.d of fine Indian shoes .
G* LOLDT5t!T-LO red clouds . QFlLLOTOTLjSi
l-- > &-@5/ > -,ne clouds are red.
Qff ldlD'T^t ( / . G lb LOTg^ ) a shoe-maker .
G F U3 Lt T ~ i 'he shoe-raakers .
. / . GeFLOuS*'^0S'
G*'-B0*8S-2OaJ ! G*" ufl'U S) U < S
5V i
( (;Ljrr(>*-2GS/)'Gsc'-LG*^-,?.' t0 lute ,0 cov<:r
with loam or clay, CO. Q& LDLxSllfiS^gji/ ,
i. Hard . G^l-OLOL-iQiITeFSrgJ! , the color is gone
through V the clutli has transmuted the painting .
QfUiQiewoit V . (Cpfl-CYf.
(fLCfiLC , right, ju* . QpLDCSiLOdJirruj 2) '
e6DS^ to live uprightly. Q&tOf3> LO l_l UlI I
I g> , right , honeil , jult .
QraiLO ) , victory ; good succefs-.
GfFlUT > huzza ; viory ! QpvuLDTFffrS , the thing,
has happily succeeded . GS'-U'rVG^TOYr V* C09J ,
G.HeseSCKJ , to get the vtory , Q&a LO T iu




G'Si'' @ ftnefs i a high or delicious living
feasting , banqueting, living de! icio1 1 sly . rg *9mr g Q f
t2LB 66 O.gj . r mrer F Q cSKSSljljG *&/ ,
is grow fa; (or lusty ) iXfU(0sGf63;1J'r
LU, irt pleasure un 1 dcliclousntfs . G^B^^^ *<
1> ^05^ , to breed tip in a delicate mjimrr . G^t5.35
(?F.G!S'T,!1J>''i&^ffi>'> ,he dilicate living hnsan end.
Q (Tg| r. 3.the uaite, tf plant .
G*('5li-)l-l sli"** with Utchets initead of the itpperleatier sandals . G^t-HITiv .2_.
, to
strike one with a shec , which is looked upon as a great '
affront . G^CBV-^tb^ a shoemaker's punch .
Wf5'-D 1 a LitalVs cough.
5([5(*-305> ' a beaft's coughing.; it's being puny-'
or short nuteil .
Q?OoQ& (&Q fV<><x$/!OJi},' the murmuring, of '
a stream , the of Jeaves ete .
Qc<,B)$jn LUtfiJvyTcSSO t_iu3
cotrr etc .vegetables well growing..
G^oSoSK^Sj , to gfow conf.iuniicd in mimt. i&aS*
^^LJilT ?"fs ^OS> . to be at a (land , to be"ptrpfexed.

, to jay j te fuHil- a vow , a promise, a duty*:

GFos2ii_it_iEeos'., QFSai_iiJ^G9:^3vr*v5.e6^
A^g; , tu brlle, t be angry . \*2)L-t^&QT'e'r '
t-0- C5.95 E^JoJT , he is in a gre-.u pafsion .
GffC^ScroeDL/-, pemliirgi expenditure .
Qf >2J{-i^i>^^'> hite ants ( smaller
thnn ^a^u_iT<JeT> GFC4jOv t_L{5ff5J , G?0\3
, corroded by white ants .
G^crCOgi'eSwiOgj , to go ; to be currenr, valid, good '
come offTviilouous . G*UJl-Ofre5*8?Gtf>'T VT.V5 ' in | to be required for such and such thing ; to pais
>a/. G^^SS^11 2L-ITa8O^) , to vanquish, to with regard to time ; to appertain by right . _2J ({5 Q
defeat, to subdue or overcome the enemy, G
35 05 1I Qycro oa^^gj , to approach . LSeorG * CXI / *
U4^_*n0'e5vr , those that are vanquished . \<&\
, to follow. G'OT-^G1IT0; , to depart
- , to be more than conqueror.
this life , to die . Qff7oaviTUuTL3 , a bad finam .
QriLl&jOtJ , to do . Q&iu\UtT H T rf lu S G*^P!9>f?i
. a- bond that is valid; a receipt,.
Q 9= LU 4.205; , to do a bad thing . G'UJ^rl O^LD , - G^0s3f5'rl^tJ-' LO t a thing now present-, current; a.
a fit or convenient time todo a thing . QptLieaSi ,an thing that is valid, fit, proper. Qpoo6^JT(b, lUt validity
aftioa 5 work ; behaviour . rRToTn-oTQgjyQff ( G5111-1 of one's words ; autherity . jsj 5 0305 1 (b'*^05SJffi
Qg> ) whilft I was a-writing ; whilft I did write .
@ G <nj @ II S G F >^ 0 '- > 'uch money wjfl 1
UJOO, providence; a doing . G^LUO-OfrUJ G"*-' be required to burld ft.' Q.*<>&T
LD; the time :
oSga.QONO by providence . G^UJiuG^UJ0^ > God's now pafsing . G8* eor
^ ' 045 LO the time part .
doins; , God's providence. G' LUCRj-C'^OecT, not ^ilsoTiJCrG^tBFT vn*G y 043 ^>-L0 , a long,
favored with God's help . g^oQyuJ >CTUJ ,by chance . time will pafs before, he comes . Q f<fOi ig> ft 65 2>
QFLUgj , Sf|( a notice about what happened , news, , $TLD i a heritage belonging to you by. rifthc .
intelligence . Qr-UjsSiU-ifftSFT'f * CD ay . to in
QpGOaliLc; wealth .felicity, deliciousnel's ,* a flourish- form one's self of the news, rgl rg^G^U-l^>
ing state .'GycrOfUOjetTLD , G* OtfUX Gi-J^t/*
GyTOQOpJ^^OK; , to teport or relate what happened . ADtfil9tTU3 , a garden of pleasme , a paradise . Gfcnj-
T({55^i@:G:^fi)iiJ^J3Vl_ll_l*iD' > tosend fULOTLUUoVTlUOg; , to breed tip delicately . Qrao
one intelligence ( to give one notice . ) oTTffi @.G* OJCJ'_So"/r2/wr, ichild that is tenderly brought up. GF 1
UJ.# iil 5 Q 8jj , 1 have got the news ( I received 7OeTJTOG03fr55ft* O^ to play with a child. G'o4* '
intelligence .)
>1&&&*99(7'>>'<9, ffllicT (fern . Qpoo ") a person living in plenty c.
affluence: G ff 043 *^ UJG^<S95*e; G05T<ratrrLjpho has brought newt...
6^*^0 5^ to Jive in wealth andaeliciousnefs .
1" ! a centipede .
EfLUAtJtT , a doing ' or work ingm/re/ ; a work
8BP-303 ^*5>'' delicionsneft .
destructive as ptisan ;
FOJfflSill, the root of a turpentine shrub-.
QFfS, the ear; the hearing . G^^DLG^G t-l J
Qr<T&&d03iJ to conoit, <to digeft. G**<5?L',-J
Q\-jrr*Cij ( ff31T / ) to become digefted .
ftSS^yS^ , to whisper in- one'sear. G^^BSSOVT T"5
lftlJTffi@irru>, indigeftion . GFf^ LLJTg;'" eOjairr, a deaf man GF3G'35rrC,j20S;togiveear,to
$*tn"GLjrf Qova mngjg; , it is derived from indi- Iisten;to give audience .
^^ SO - , a whis
65flt. f G T 0\ QS3I- <
geftion . G"f5
OS <3 ( U> the time of perer , a fl.rtterer . G^ ^S-G
(^^ i to speak with entrgy. j / to make impression .
eencoftion. .
GFCT'G iu ^Tf eS 5Tj g; , to come to one's ears ( or r
6**(2>95*-2'' to be like to beckoked, stifled r knowledge. ) G^SGuj^O^Sfi ^S^O^f TOJ& 1
tMothered. *Tffr&% Qw(5&&Qil , I W* Jmft ii^^OS/J cgnvejr. j thiBgif> one's kaowlodgA.

tt Qfit Qrt Qfw G*-*' Qr**r C<f5

G^cOlJ . ff@(S , ?Fi (S , drafnefs
er (fem . '"S1 9 ) d'af person .
GFOJ4X'[5$ > tU name of a 'flower-plant'. Qf i)
enjj^'wjyj , ' flower . L F ( Girj-**:ijrD^ i
oerrii^QFiOJij'jg , _EJ rf LDL_i#-w (i}*,GFtfD
, S,/93(S9;"G*::iJOJ,J different kint o
ftnr / .
imi /" redflower .
G?OJ4UTUJ, Mark, the planet. G ' OOJ-
ttLp3*L0 > Tues-day..
Q''XIOJ'TT LO , a jtift dividing of the produit of
-the fitlit between the owner and the farmer .
GFeTjrfSuJLO , the name of a plant.
Q&lTVSV2rT>d~ , a half-ripe coco-nut of reddish
luact .
Qf <TU (BD <TJ , right, even, ftrait , dire. G^*^
DijJLUT<nrrffiJL? , a flrait way . QfnjaOJ Q iu
G1IT^O^V , ro _go ftcatt on .
G*y>6;rt->SJ. Q*\j5)J - o ) , to grow
well, fiouiish.. G ff Up'5tS9S*/!; #<S> LO , Ge'
Ll_1L_) ovr 0VT T (5 i a feltll or fruitful country
9=L^'55(^e5LD, the looking /t7i one with a good je.
G^irf N > fertility ; a good and jolly luck .
Q?-(l jdlj&& , futility . Qe- (g LO l_) CN3 TLU
*<.205 > to thrive exceedingly well , to grcsy
a flourishing manner,
^fforf 65et^OJ
G^kiffi* QD
}*ja3*f> . #.4565* .
J F G -2^(3 5 > G^ejGSlS^SV a conson
ant withoet a vowel .

Cw G*ac>. Grt_=

Qri Qw

Qf@, the pith or marrow of a tree, the grain of

the wood. Q^^LrTLD, QP fLSU0-Bjj LD(T LD ,
a tree whose fruit consists of a good hard grain .
Gff'cboScf <J5*/08L) tne tackling oi'ahen afcer laying
an egg .
GV ^Q^o^rrm\ -v.Qfoo.
GfrnQ^irt es>\ 11 . QnrtTtu Q 5 La

Qe-Qf-Qiwnr xnj A l_ 65 * ^30 L> , to be full of

noiie and bustle .
Gfllo , Gr i__.lo , Qr io. uuu tgj , the
remainder upon p^rtrs' etc . .reputed to be uuclcnh.
* g =0-^3(7 , Qffi otrr , a serpent. 4^Gf
iO-Utrr , the old serpent .
QF'iO.U- , an elder brother.; a superior ; a senior.
G F ig.
, an -elder fcfter,; a woman of diftintie
lunopg the ted .
* Q$.l ffit , geft-s inde:ent gefts . gj.L3
CB)t l_j<wt HSHL'i^CiiJer, amanufwanton manners.
L_iwt 22!/
, to make
indecent gefis before a woman . Q ? O. i f* i B5
S?T^X)Jor , Gg=L_.iff 1 ^ P5 T"^3 - , a petuiant t'tU
low. (gjTTO^^G^*-1 42' ,apih gei. Qe 1 Lo -V . Q&4, lo .
Qlf-i or a weaker of a certain tribe .
(J F oc>rr LO , a -addle . Q f L Q U 4" 4__i
( Sfgjf , 4_ ) @ $< , a saddled h rse.
G 8= err i_g 2i S3 t_J LJ cru trr , a saddlor , (aduUrnaker .
G^ggJi i5" , the inhabitants cf heaven.
Q * u_j rr (Jem. G' wrfP# ) a gentoo-Weaver .
G ? ACT" l_l L-l , pimples , pustules , blair.s, heats. _l
* $?3)'-0 , G1!!
U>, damage, delbuiiion .
uDG^^-^^G^iTt_)t_J9;@(r355 ; es G es G* LjLjftf^O?^ , to suff.r dainge. Q?5fL-iui
to l,l,rr . to dimage , to deftroy . QviSf
L.Q- (5565(05<J .rhe body is full o pimples .
jrow damaged , to be spoiled.
Q9=rt lo . S1 Jar i_0 .
ldtujljGljt - QJ ,
G =<" * . ff<JOTl_ .
651\~^.Q9-3,QlSIUJTO LO 00 LO av *. G
* QrcrcTtn-'-D , G^rT'-1-0 i tnc *a*iviy ; birth . 5 L CNV iroo . the siiip is loft, but none ef the crew.
QFGtt'vrQiJC Q&iGsot&J , to be horn . G^tfTearffirr ^Oj'fi&aorfftJrpQ'ig
U , eS &j .
' c>3t-C, the time at which one was born. Qe1 BrLOffUT behend one .
ff{g<*rrLO , inrelloc . G5=a!rri-0 , incision .
<TLO,tbe birth-day, G F 3<" LO t-1 LJ T-OJ <-0 rlie ori
G + '' f1-0 ' , waue ofgold , silver etc. v/hen rr.tlul,
ginal sin . G^*01"1-611 LJ 2> 05 , *n innate haired .
jQfr jerLDL4)'j5 , the native country . G F fi'lJOl-JT flea , hinten wrought etc .'the damage with regard to any
4g)2.Q. > the ni ithr langnage .
, kieil of commcrlitiet or jtora of , wherefore *ment is to be allowed .
name f a A''1
\3>oaf 65*-457, ' be generated . G^ *f 1IL-j63aS 0 G^iS v Q*U-1$
/ , <o gwerate , to procreate . Q , generation.
QfSfJT the hard row i>f fihe, the .rjw in .theiftmak' G F 5) g^LOLO a- fC ?Ot fjLOLS .
fbhi-s ; the younj whertwitb b aft is big ( or teeming . ) * Q&\SLD , a room , a prison , a holt. ? (TUF G y LO LO,
-G?ArorLUT@5; , G*^/trT|-l-w-JP- " ^ @ ) , a grave .
G? -- GlUTL_0. (!]5o^@gL/ . thebeatt is withyeung GflobT, a cunning fellow . 65 T" G F LO
(orbig with young ones. ) Qo nsrrr U5tr(g s cuw an arch-knave , a prime rogue .
big with calf . G F cfotrr tu ( , an ewe with young .1 G 5F LO . G F L ?9 LJ > G F LO 4 r'" ""' "/ * %(F 1_11_11 T.tD eso LO CK3 1 0" ffOT LO T g> > -plant . Qfu)$5rg,'fi/A . G*LD65
Sup'Ki@, it's roots tr bulbs . QfLC M65fcoffltr ,
ibril cotv .
/arr leaves of it .
GSFciOTLO'-O V . G ? cSt T LO .
QiFe^C^i^/ , to be born . Qrsurt U 4
G^T" G'CSsS^oei''
gKT'W .a name anciently given to themabbar kings .
generation .
'Jyear iVjgSTONDLO , the time paft.
(S- if. an appellation , anciently given to the Lords of
the countries on the pepper-coast .
^FJoriU , G^arSimi5i33 :V . rgTiUGeriTfTrK.'G*T't e&u, G^^G^frt ><
^FiCTeef , the head ,
jlfeoreirf r}' , blood.
kerne: of whose black juice Hnnen can be marked. Qf
jyjgrQagr croppy , * wrry food kinA of paddy .
TT "(2&>\ 9: t_Jl_jT04"! . the juice ef- those JtcrjFSTUJ , ready , well finished . tFes/TLDLJT ne!s . Qprrir<K)G& T i Sb t a5@-^3,amarfc
SButiO&) t to make a thing ready ; to bung about . made wich it .
G fit , a villige , a town . i_j Jb F Q 9 if , a Parriat->~'-! , it is<Jone , it ii ready .
Qtf-35ff S-iC/ t0 biiiig *evrai thiag* properl) tillage .
G:tS*^2Jb' >*e ajmre*clt 1 tcJ , Co belong te
iegethci- .

<o side with one. d}r5&i)QF(]5& *Ofi) t to arrive.
tQr&iS&G1-!*'^5J G^uuTg;, to
draw ntar, logo neai tu approach. Q&or , near , nigh. Qf
trtFt ( *(> tie close together . Qrrfr^^\jt
gsysj>-0~ i near rnends , relations , people belonging to
tlie houseor family. ^f^J<n'enr/ffrrrerQ^9r^l^<T\JL
hat giound belongs to me . Qp&'T eii(!&O.Q) , to
tie the fore-feet of a feeding horse, m/s etc . together.
G^ietfi 1@ . irons to fasten people together..
Qf(5&ie-X , Qf&tni , a plaster . QfQj)*^
_1 (f>(6 >5; , te prepare a plaster. G^5 S3} ill
l_|fT(j jiGBi; . to put a plaster e wound.


play. &&_&(&0&) , te play it .

^; '- good ; goodnels of gola , -silver etc .
6ffrrg5'3>rrOYf , the name of m herb.,
^^ t a jacket of an Indian.
'5@, the state of being out of wits. Q*T&>
@i_jQl_ITi_O.l_lt-JT(5*^!05; to puta pinchof
enchanting powder upon one ( to make nim obsequious
for certain purposes .) G^r'"^@<^5'5>G*F14B
*(JcS55, the art of such enchanting.
QffTfFm , the overplus ; the interest. GffTFy5
S^*@3G *3 1" G_^5 SO SJ, to lend on interest .
G * ' F 9tPlo^^>LO , principal and interest,
'G^Tff^i^SfP^U^GcrcGeS T COT V5 (g 0 j , to
(ffr , es^^TFFiS" . 'Sbt palams or-Indian oun buy for a trifling price .
ces. UffiffiTfGf . tweniy fur prilams.
Qrrrt/viBj'-a i health . Gffrr > 5 lo t et
GffiJ'ffirt'E; ro gather together; to set, to pt, to join
to recover .
er link together; to leceive into company. Q r ff: 3j
/^G^TOYT7y5*-20S; > te t'fke tne up ; to lodge,, G^T i-iGi-iTffie^o;, to knock on ene>
Jo harbour , to shelter or receive a person .
head with both the hands for jest's sake .
G^Ti tS>' "bat is bent or crooked, as-the sheath
@*-&&>0! union.
Q&frfEiCbl > a body of soldiers ; a command ever a of a sword .
bofly of soldirrs . Gy /fsS^ajfrVT^OWT , a commander QrrrSBffi , riches .
a body of soldiers.
FT5^Gfi)a_rr-ujG*it-^ G*^3 By. r cat
Qy/00 t woman's cloth .
with insufficient strength , or with a blunt axe. Qprrig
ff sj . G^croGe**'"' f Qe>wrffi)t_^ . i^SeSUJirr , a man with crump hands .
QfojBLD a service a military service. QfffU
8FTBiJ 1 goods , ability .
^LC@g>B/v3K; , to list or enrol soldiers. QfF
fT5SJ9;^4-Sl-Ljy)r ^, to dawb the
(^^GuiJ@^asGi5n-o>TYJ>e6^0; , to enlist for a arm with a red color , foi tu make people believe that
solctier . .^(f5gAcTffGiFtfiJPLO^tLi3Bb;*vs;, the arm is broke.
to get service for a person as a soldier or peon.
Qrrr^SDS worm-eaten , rotten. GFT^B^u
:<35' . a military man ; a peon. Qffil35 Q l1@, worm-eaten beetle-nut. Q^T^igu
\ 9 , armed cap - a -pe .
t-jffc og; , a rotten tooth .
G^sTJJO , watching the corn in the;field . Qf
G^rriSS1-0 , property . erevrmfl G^T^i-la
CsSTOYT , a watchman in the fuld .
SSLD, my" own. property . ^er., the
&>*.> to serve as a servant or soldier. owner ; proprietor .
(JffLaT.OWT-^ffC^i^OS; , to serve and respect
G^TLD , riches ; an heritage. Qf rr LDLO T oyf,
-*hc master.
frmTlga>U 9 Q-?~&3i.2P > to ^ , an heir..
-erve and -wership God .
G? Ttf 05
, to ron down as corn snooted out
f a sack , or as rain , milk , teure etc . Item to make run
(ff/O--, dirt, mue. 9= Q .iQ,K;efs@> down. _2JL0L_|LDTff BOJ & Q T if rjj 5 T Ter , R
to fall into the mire. G^^'^iG*-^^ t0 sent a shower of arrows . QfTif'SSoyr'^i t O
anakc cl.iy .
to mete grain by shooting it into the corn-measure .
&rrtf ", pagodas shootrd any where, and not
tied up in a hag . (5=
, flowing 01 runnistj down .
9=rrrf (g([LD.2)LJ_. a kind of paddy .
Gff^LJTjg/, a scourge.
Gf?SP , kind of an eel , with a piked head filename
mf d plata . t >i)FGP ,
G^G^S different ( G^1iT>*S-flC{5>) t0 l,ut ,0 st'c'{ cr ,"t'* 4 ''""f >.
munds of that plmii .
QiFiT(5*0G'5rrovT ^3*^fiV> to stick it A/j inte
* Gj'S1-'{ > * general, commander of an army. the bosom , girdle , pocket , hair -etc. "T Jtrrg; @ 9BfJ>
G * LJ ^ L_l l_l ua, GFgpuiS^UJLD , the post
*f a general; the chief command .
seizes mine eyes . ~ ( f~U UJ
* Jv, ff 7 5 si ^
, an >> ; a multitude.; many.
QffiTe^rruaiSgjrSSJi it pinches my belly . Gf ""(5
^-! (S&&>J to gather troops .
e^O^TtiS^fieS-iOsl^r , one who li*s the giipis.
5 ; , 941SB0; . a wink or twinkling of eyes, G^TtS-SO^T T twr , -eyes thai lie deep in the
seryas^ Tt_ G*-^05L> . to wink .
head . Q& (25 (g Q 5 T Ol $ , a cloth that goes
4a^GUJfI"5^u-"-0 communion, familiarity with round the wain, and is duck'd in.
ne another .
GrTfiDcr , G^Ti^TiTuj, ffrffiTgjgBTLU
*ih<: 0/ pumpki n , a water gourd . / de aoa .
8ffOr05LO f . WiRtD .
T^fft-i tamback , e ctmposiiion of metal. Qfrr
QfTOOiTi) i permission.
G^fTCND i a word , an enprtfsion ; a phrafe . G'TO
^rrG JOI-reTE!21/iO; . to make a rbtgetc.
<t>3j ff BLP > a fine craphatick eprtfsion . GirT0\3
tamback, .
89* T (&> 9r , the attire of an amorist , fine drefs . <^'r\D'Tvig:;TcrLDrrLLjG?r<?45^;*~ S>i > ,u speak
TgjWpe; T O an amorist, one who is elegantly . Q9TC(gj5)\J!) ,
T D tj tP ,
.namcure . Qvx @0r
SSl DBi) , Q F T @ word , plnale or pnnuinciation contrary to rule .
.-rfiSitrrLO t_i<re&Teref esQ^rrMfr^'^tf Ogiy > to G^T.AOF-rrgjrf uj lo* eloquence . Q F T i G 5
OYrrreJijmT , a disobedient person. Qffrr.DLJL-$.<5
e namoure! .
9=Tfej4Twr> QFrr#jS4 9, a tick-tack i -.^OSJ i ,e be obedient,

CiV it fCQpt-urFU, to siy , to Mil. ^TrorQTW ) GFTi/raw-rffi ' try , Targe ear-laps not prrfbrsffeJn
etfrgj a>9>U>'sriQ 7<0 J31> . mind or t.iUe to heart what | G ? rr wrr 'K/cfi'TjT UJ , a AiW / dog.
I said. QFT<.^'ct$&Q<hnt$^ JCS.S to reach. giiJ. j *G*fr!f> splendor, ''ht. U V 5 F T 'i
Ove5@<^S.9rfi/r?-Lju3-'^i- T oTjiSfffQPT 00 Iheawcnly- light . Ge,,T*-8:TLD , G*1 > *_xwtl_
jSceQjB'F (S teclbJ>ien the Creed . Q 5=-T 00 S. >jlo, the. arry sky . Gft V- n ; tf UT, Oj-f; . > to mirante, to acquaint., n> advertise . astronomy. ; asn. logy . . C fr $ it .i_0 , asnoUgv.
A9.e=-^rf ^01 , an- astrologer,
C-j^'f cooSfi^Ti eg ey, tu ihew, to demonstrate.
^LJLJL-Q-QlF-TCNj ty; i you say is tiue, yira iO-i-DL-lT/he; * /i' . prognosticate. G F -T $7
u5wllT3S3 . Itgluni'Tg appearing usually on the hoe i>
are i;l the right-. r^TOC gj&0 ? I
FTT^og;, tel! it. to whom, you onglit to tell it. ion towarti rh'rth-easi before the mcnsccti sets in .
G^TCorJOUJLJi.Tf^rrrf u_'-C^, a sh.imefol, thing,
to try ro search j !o.finpt . (9 ^.}^: ^,!^ <M9 ,
not proper to. tell. (, .^. S (Lf, i_c lu t (
unspeakable . gSTrtgQ^Tcv-.ob'^QPTinrii / one, wh,i into a thing . Q^;T "Tor **
Jfi JVT" they appointed the. time to in* another . /'5 trial; sctai-cli ; . i ein pution 4 an .iTiCiiou . Gft^"
.*>><_; fr 15; -
to try . Qprr$2rftr QfiK
g;' . -to pi riait things te be .
j . to i il vire ooe 1 a meal .
Qt-JT . fr-rr.<i)r , a tempter.,
QfKrbfr f . G?T@9r-.
GFrrftfy, m'dniglrt ; s 'deep sleep .
GFrrurxro v ffrtp-JO.
(.f-rrt^MJl>., wowlfiing, adMiiratiotv* Q F rr
G t oyr-/nvr , G ? t vr /ovr trS @ s> ey >
G? T 3<T /OY7lJl^.6>5Jg^ , worm-eaten,
G'-^^^^CT > sense , feeling. Q*TT jS^SJO^W wonder it r*ri .
t gOjefff , one that i set.sccfs.. G 91 -T j3
Ci * n lb-i iniptdimeriiS , emJ^uilin;: .
wfRtS* i;, t think , to considers. t> feel .
GTlILC, Qtl RLD , a swoon , bwwnwtg . GFfT
QtiM, the itch.. Q?rr_*5G*''"^i5LLJT'rQ/ ,
GFfTeJ^eg^O^; , to swoon what is scaly, or rough-coated-. Q -* _ eSwSC &j 1
, to itch, to away, to get a swooning. QFTt-irpQ^ovf [F/S^g;.
scratch .to claw or rub one's self . Q*TjJ(5|tUT , one the swoon is -over <
Q&Til 5ori_0> a good state a joy , iewivity.^ JJ5
that is scabby. GT.aScO.; , itching.
* G* 'AS'J.i G^rr^95Q:ViTe>l-> *h*. eter g>2Vl_ Gr-Tt_J*TLi>Lj.T (Ri^SJ 1 to congratlale
nal biib, the other .world i the paradifc. FTj!bffi! one with a pocrr.
. + QfrTLnttT , the raoon . QT rr L
^ 'LlI ,
Sim -and nioou . G'^ T" SS> D 05 @ , ncxtSC^Jt to go to heaven .
Orrr.&t&tyTtLD . G^""t?0nunday -.
Qf"!TLSitT, a doth - which an Indian girds himself .
Gft^Oljuj', mean, little, slight. ,
+. G ^ T ^rJL_i iVtlSi , a dream . Gro*-^ L-l Strr fR with . G^TLOStrrFTLOL-l a of such clothes in-9;> o^ , dream .
one piece. (9-<T<_cnirigl (gtS^GSi/ , o gird a cloth
round -about the v/sist .
GUTDl^'-a i 2 fell or ski!.
QprrXOer.-LC , Gya"*Tr,,Br'-0 < gold . QWT D
GFTLDLJi^O, Qfo-LCI-), G^TLOV-Jift/T-, I.tzinefs,
WLJLO, solid gold, pure gold . Q&*TOCTB)T slowneir. Q F T LD !_J OO < ^ ^ -2j , Gyrri-C L-1
TLOUJiWrSi,'*^55^ to bestow, chaiity j to give CVf , QFTUOLJicr (// . G^T'J&JS j'gF TLCU'
2>- 5_2951 , a lazy prr5on. Gft LX) l_ (p_^5gl
*lm . ..
, to stretch one's self aud . lay liokl of some body.
G^T^ffuj'-o , GftsE-Sujlo . ? cTXj 7. ujLC
G^TtClji *:'nrf / anise..
G? TL0l_t-C>5;i 1 to be slack . and lay,
Gftljl .
GFrnruO i gf !51) i thievery ; whoring.
* QpT< , a- beggar.
G^TS^es , e *''nrf f jaundie , a swelling pf the body. Qv-rrrru:Q\.-jrrCQ) , GFrrcrajrriijegrf eg o&j ,
G^TS^d-?^*', swollen face. QFT 03LUjer , to go -i-wenching or whoring . Q81 1_iV_IT/t SU, .
ene v/h.j liai that diseai .
thievish looks . (pfTir U5Tj20 65 tO a whorish be.
Q*ti y>u5, G^TI UJewri COUD . 8=( Qwir-<G&>rrDeTr-, QtfrrrrfVT -, G S1 65 *W , thief; a villain. . Q rt / i_)(Tp- j-__car , a whoiemonger ,
t_p t yvr t JO t_ .
G^TL^i!35; , teadorn-, to beautify: QfTUJ. an adulterer . QlFTT A)S- -C5 , a whore., an adultercTs^
4 lt_| , G^rrt-O-AWBT , adorning, jlreff'mg.
QFmrtr fttf U <n ?52V$jC5j , to vex , tome
ffTU).f U3 , respeft , civility. Q F 4" LJ3- F . LJ violence. .
G&T<[5tt&j , Qft <} i b) Q \_} tr q
, to
O i/crcroT l_j S/. O gy , to pay respeft to
great |-1 .
[anguish. or faint; cltak't si i, ping i'oww fiom. th-,
Qft (5 , i pair-, a couple ; a coat of arms ; things quite shoulders . niiAJ^ctr^GFT.J-'je/'Sb^fre^DgJ , ,
IHce to one anothtr. G^Ti <T lu Q t_) T D
, te to lie uncovered the clothes being falien otf oi got loose .
go- in .company with- one . (ri (S ^ J UJ T UD o e-rrP5'/crDT9? 35**:'7'5*-!^' ' to forsake on.-.
3?f&2.0~ 3S0YT i those two persons wen't leare-one auQrrrfrei ( GFrrrJ-xrru- ) Gmt^-S^ *u be~
Other. GyT" <ro^f5gL9twre)iJ.GffiT05 * SO lost ; to disappear .
g, to fight having put on a coat of arms . Qloz/M
Gfto5-, a troublcsomeor diffifult but-Hiefe . QfT
FT,,Eckings . <Xt5G*rr(IJi_S)g5@e , a oSuUTLUtti ffi(j&iJ . the bnsinefs lies entangled , it is
Mit #t young pigeons . (J^FG^TLQ-JO^JO, not yet decided. G*iTo>Su3G JO
1 L-1- * &
this is a single one , there it one w anted ro make a pair . 5J , to be embroiled with a litigation . Gf t oirLjew
QFTSSi , QeFGFTlBBI , )ffiFT4OTr, str,i&/nrfif ( f?(5* OS; ) to lay an impediment in the .child's hankering ro see the mother the lenging of way - G Tee}0VT".0*T one who uses to cm broil1
tiie another t* see her child , .
thing* -,





1 65* LULO . 1 656>LULD , a flag.
I l_Il_i , a box foi gathering the toll-money .
I LOi_J6565LO , pomp , ostentation.
I LO'-JLO 1 1 LDU!55trrL0 i wickednefs .
t Lf LDTooer LD , I LOLTT' LO , brafi-d'Um, *
pair of kettle-drum* . 1 LBLOT T 65"65T jX> wr a
kettle-drummer . 1 i_o ld t T lo t (*> . a bullock
carrying both the kettle- <ii ums an th<- dtairmer,
1 T@Qi-JT(e.2L.2LI , 10 brand rir with a rrj
hot iron .
i Tffi@i petulancy , pride . 1^_565 , a petulant
fellow .
i TUToo ) L_i l_l T i a foot-poft , the tappal 5
trenches and works marie by the bc-!;aguei*t s . 1 rp
tITOO-Ti G>lfi)$!,lFJ , to dig minci or to make tren
ches . i rr L_JTrcror_Jaffitj20gi; ( TflJSES/O ) )
to mnke a line of ciicumvallation . 1 ! T LJTc-b'Qcro
t(Qr$&Qs^L^Q^mj , to break into the enemy'scamp. 1 TLjrraoS Q5 SL> L1 tne >'C2C ,s
raised .
I T I , a catalogue , a lift ; a physician's receipt ;
letter . Q i_l 5" i , a list of people's nvmes .
t Ti_l_GcroL_)^'^*$^ogy> to insert into the list.
I Tl_Jt_i*-^5-' > l TLjiJrg i 05 16 ) . *
)!die , to walk llra.idliagly .
t rrco i colors , a fhg . t rrco !_ t LO T 0" LO
_]1__<(^(5(31_1 ^
to s?>
drums letting and colors flying..
t_^rrtfUTOro V ...i TL-jrrcO .
G1 nrrRi@ , an hole in a-tree etc,
Ql TLCL_li" rope-dancer*.
** t> T LJ65 LO , memory 5 intellect , reason . 3jg/T
*T65vi5TL_i65i-Tu!(i555ff3 (? 00 fOO. I do not I Q[ rflTOva, a kind of a drum .
Teiaemoer it , I cannot recollect it . ^
(rTCoO&J&sOEJ t to -say witlu reason.
T LU LO , reason , jvifticc . right .equity ; a role, a
of morality j an to
point. gST.LUJf
<FT 9-2>*30}_>
sriewa matter,
fT LU i_J '_lt_- , lT ljLO T < i_j l_- , agreeably to tpTjP), a thin Rat piece of metal ; a plate. 'QnjefP
fa'ftice and equity . ^TLU<5e> L.J '-S , T LU 65 C 65 I orfBUJg^ 65 LJ. 6 * CO SU , to plate a piece of
_TUU , uojuftlV . !gTLU6GfSl-J * eeV *
silver , to teat it-flat . Qt-l T
9 65 1 gold-plates ,
Jg7 , to do injuftice . 55 riUHlQ&l
to hear ihe
g;i_jLJr , a father . 65 II L_l LOrr" , the
<*, e enquire the cause . s^Tiijrg^rj- ^ fathers. Gt_lff OJ565LJLJtrr; , the father's elder bro
45^, to judge. g>Tuu;/3-.LJM , rudSment (^ ther,
cutis 65 ^' , his younger brother .
SfflLO 'V . Sj(g&/i05x) .
35rr^!Jffor S LU T gu5 t a. judge , a justice . %3)tT
tjgfyj rr^ , di^^scu ,-hindering ,'letrrag, belayinj
3jJ )to give precepts o morality, g, me?* w*y ,-tuwaniag one's design .'gB5CriTg^LiLjiL_<
tlj(f^ ^" ^YT <U or , a righteous man .
65TTf LULO , a thing thw6-tcd by a plea.
$\5 , $&>>iseijXif-X1T-&SJ to be ^srruu Ja/ . rTUJ^QV .
< S ^ , wisdom fi5 ; 65 T ff LULO . a spiritual . ken { crushed ) to pieces . '565T'obrr'lv;SLjQ LJT @
tatter . "g)T er (yj oyr oyr OJ , one that is wise . 6> to raze m W//, '/mir^c ^to take one's power
^g.Tef, 1 wise man, 5 T trr l_i T T or , a philosopher. or dignity away'frotn him .
-gTwr G
5 ovf '5 a OJ (
65 (T i the neme cf plant . -'85 T5 ) s^S J T
."r ) one who i very wis. J35 T trr 35 G > -'"ff OJ the seeA of it , terviug 'jor Jjmg linnen . Qnjwr
prudence , .spirituel knowledge . g er U T 00
mother kiiU tf that plant .
-piritual *ilk , divine doilrine .
JBTLJL-45^. w's'om 5 65 S S; , 5; 35 9~&&J t- G t-J ' * - 'S/
in god'.y things . sgjrrord/"Ug)TLO i the Iwly baptism , to break ft/n- to pieces .
!53:Sr,Lp* *og>j 5<3)>* .
<he .Welling f regeneration,
rr evr >. /
5>*>^ 't0 baptize or christen . ^) -565?iLVf . 65-.;
) '_ Q,LJ / *
/ t receive baptism , to ie
65S5TLO t a combnftion . 8j 65 * Lt i_j*rrrS2i/
sjTtT J^SgLO ] a mystical sense .
B-'Og; i ^mfWi^^&SJ , to btirn cerpie c. 65
^trrL-lG1-10^ 1 burnt-Ttering . (

CFT ATOO , a grove.

.T</rjOS fXI * C
to plant a grove of tree* ,
^rr&OJf. Q*T>65 .
t^rrQc3J<rr ^a.Q'_juj^D; , ro rain har.
8FTLP55LO , ouih-wind .
FT^ JJ 'Wi UvDlO . Commandcl .
G*Tbp\U#rT!g , a certain tribe . f T L/U-JT,
G>T y-'ajQrijovr-jvTi , ? / that tribe'.
Qfn wo) , Cp .)=5= ovT to , Indian com ,
'aie. ^.TTfviTUjyQyT'VTLO, speciesaf smaller grain.
firrroyf , Gft^Ss; , a budget.
<G f- ~ , bmilcd aice; the inward crurmsy part of
fttmira. trees tic . Q'.) 65 * > e .(2 ** sl I5
t:-065*^i65j . to boil rue. QSF T QtQ L_J T (g *
fiDL' (
\to-servc up rice at meal . gFT3
@ ' ''rf * - 5J 1 ,G ^e Hajwed with hunger. _
<X^&?Q*rr~0i.>*Si 65 LO* TO ArtKJ ,
401 ejt , tilt rice will no: a <!o*n , Q& T C .JLJLJ T
JtVT LU L > the part of ih; camp where victuals are
boiled . M-20<>> S'T-' i the- rieft of a kind of while
a-, s .
Qr<TBr&,Jbr <:/> . GyrriCTS'^ ) one of a low
lirbc among the Moor* .
Q/TWWruGuFF OOi rain within the hills ,
thereof a part-touches the aeiglibouring country .

565*-JOS)J i to consume by fire . -gSg^L-lLJrr

5J,* become digested.
ttS'JOTUJi-* ,'love and gratitude towards . jgNC
_6565eT , the Decan. t-8565 Oof LJU CO TUJ 65 6- T D or , a friend .
, Decan laaeuage .





'/^' UJ M , an abode ; an abiding . 6 TU fij^lj"?

T l_) JW o> T ; cOJ , one who is unfit ady,
rambling, or roving , BJ-T ? 0<j , the slaying overnight in a place; a shelter. (Jctwot ((> > f> '
SG.^TPi }? J^Tvg^Qff: rj- \ T" LO , )"OU may.
remain two or three nights 011 the road.
Oi'bJ&F, t B>rfi?&& , the younger ifter ..
* 0>?LD * 'en 5LDUTffiUl , Ae tenth part,
gjj-ff 1_JU| , a preset .
B)tSLi& , the flush .
S)ffSiST , a carpenter. 5(2~12-). , a carpenter**
. oQj. g ? Br > six d^iys work of a carpenter.
35e2CFFacT . 5 i^Ffftrar, a ftone-curter.
? , refiige, help , protection . cffQrr <n-<W1.
FLC , you are my comfort r rtfuge .
ffil LD, the way.
TOQ35rrwrr( Q l_I T ULt.
(S * -'iS 5^/ , to lead, into the way,.
gji *~1)S5 ^Ofl/ . to bedawbo, or anoint ; to grope or.feel tho. way in the dark . gi^fS & QfiT CiFflS eD
, to ftroke horse* , a- dog etc. Jjfflri!V<3Fi (gt^gl ;
OJ JOTLtS (f5;g5 @ 3 , he hesitases , he does not", know
to torbid , to interdict , to flop . gj> ^eO-)i a prohibition , what to do .
an intsrdiaiou . 4ijero-rTll3l_g&0;9i!O5; , to ( ^lj-SBOJ ) 51 QbmgT^svT*Qim@, at onetime-,.
at trip. (J/r-rr (>); i JEOJ., two times .
iorbid by conjuring.
51 rrp5U> > a pond, a lake .
. .
cTJSff 5*-40&/ , to grow fatigued . UL/LlSG3^
*5S>35c55LiLjQLJTgp n- , he grew tired in the road.
^1 Q , flick , staft. cudgel tfiliyWT^LJSL , acioolcJiS>F>LJL_| , fatigue .
cd cudgel .
51_0-* e30i/ , to thicken', to swell. CBrrrfujrTj^:
ffiSffli iig.SB. juggling; sleight cf i-O 5/LjGi_JT@ g/, the businefs meet* with diffi cultics . L-O; Sj>:Bi} U (? LI it 15 5; , to speak
band .
proudly or angrily.
5 >
uyr , an obftinate.,
fellow. gL-0-t_Ji_|, g>L4LL_U-JLD >r.a swelling ; thicks
ejffiei'" a jar .
nefs .
e5v5^*'ffif ( t5 0? @ ) to dsh or hit:
IBTOVf- , the name ofa phut . T^SStLCffj^'SiFi'TOff ,
CLJiuggejffiTOvf, LOfoBfgjgesajTOvf ,Qi-Jc!5f5 aginft a thing . eSTcro 5
@ 8>
ff , to-g>e595T yf , different kinds of it . B) 05 e; rr Off i_j trip over a thing and fall . ^^^ e-.<!Q
L-S^yj-a/CVr , LioVTi/WTLJL-kF , e certain insect in the (land flopping . g (g 33 63 jsj ,. a Humbling; a ftumblingground or mud .
block ...
65r3@9>.205y , to come into one's pofsefsUn , to be . e05eDsy, ffaysjLj CTi_iT*io
, t*.
adyantageousi. !&Z5Q&iT&fr*Vj&*rfi), to appropriate hinder , to stop ; to a partition-wall to a room or anyother
by a
to one's self. ffj&,Lj(L-rTOBit> 10 benefit, to profit, to
grow well concocted in the fiemach. .--^? partition-wall .5TBy , that does not come into my pofsefsion j I have no
>fB@ , a little mat for a child to sit upiv, i_J OYT
right to that. ^ru^S>!_Jl_S3vTiWr5^u3cTOirt>0 ^555 i little mats in a school ,
^(Rlocjo , catarrh .
she has miscarried i she had not the Kick to bring the
child up .'035c8b5E6'JO5; , 5>1_1!1/5
ej@LOT QJ * 0 SU , to reel or stagger
g[y , to make a thing to come in one's pofsefsion. t5 5(4LOTjiOe30LO , perplexity.
, , atbhindrance , impediment , obstacle . KsRL-j
* . , ^/ tvj E^o g; , to
occupy an house , ground etc . belonging to another person. 65i (Re6
, to stop by witchcraft etc. gBt_a
ir9Og/ , to let go again by ditto . ^>|
gffieg; V . @SJLOLJ i wooden beater .
2aj_e6Og7 , gBL_5i bl. to hinder. giSl_j.
vU-5j , withour impe' liment ..
TOO ID , certain nedUiiu .
)4__Le , a large bason .
65VL_rratrr , a gold or silver - mich. } T 5}& >
TygjLJLJI Sa_a, the girth of a saddle .
Tg;LD , fine gold ,.pur* gold. eXCST'jiO-AoiniS a woman of.the.goldsmith's tribe.. gU^TCTLjyjfo* j
gff;5TO55LffiL-p3;^D/ , to set a precious- a butter-fly.
in gold. &><Kl<3iQmJOOQ ,9= lU8
to work
ffi4_L , a grate or lattice of a window or dor ; a war in gold . cJ'H/SLOyjSrSS OffJ , to gild . {gTO05F T girdle .
/OO |. the mint. ffj 1505 , a golden coin .
g)i (OffjJ , to tap , to knock i to touch- or shake ;
gjTviffi'VT, Wffitffi1 . gj.'W&TViSH their; te rejeft*. to shake off. 4>.1_11_1($^235> , to clap
their own ; (in letters ) your . aj rjy 35 ayr _ l 2SL0 thing on . Qe=T7vag\ @ i* O Oil , ti lejvft i/fVsaJuGt_lTN3l_jrr4-05c *3 g/, to take such care advice . g4_LiK*^Og; (-Q Tg # ^ Si ) to
let a thing fall out of the hand .
lj l_)/oOS>.
as if it were their own .
), 6Ttf u3<r5^t;0.*i/ . toftay, to tarry, 65 U e> U 9> * ) g) , to run a-ground . 54
to-sojourn or lodge somewhere. ^& , to iSOJ^g/LjG1IT
to secure things for one's sr If '
lodge or tarry somewhere all night.
arresto 5
and run away , } aOJSv U t_i ^* ^OJ&y
sfpgy^j ^ajraTi I shall be but oe nigjit on the road ,
to cheat me by tricks .
O0L/ > to be fit i proper or convenient . Q*4LT$E@Ta6frff HJL3 , Qyojtu^gj^s'TfajLO
a tiling proper to be. done ;. a thing that is pofsible . 3; {
@55;< e?@LO ) ^SiY? , sheath that sui-s
thewor<T. QUi'JVOrF.^e^S^i^^-oi> wages an
swering the work . Q iH-jt--QsFUJUJ^eS^T eB
in order to do so . fjsissy, whit is proper . cJffifF;
f TQ ('(5< 86 QCi). to give from
or proper ) motives. (JlllluaG^UJ^^tguS se yon
light todo . rfri_jai_pS5giK9 eOJ <rar , thou art to
be praised . a533rrg3/ , Q^LUUJfg g. 0* T g g;, not
proper, not decent 10 be dene . {gJJTicSQ 0 LO ,
an indecent word . fcJjftiSBLO , a way or manner . _2]fg
gJEB LD (3 t-J T o , thus , in that manntr . {595
Qfbtrfr 1 fit or proper persons .
>@ , fit i proper , convenient.'
j'jiS i a crowd or company of people . 65@5)@
fJSajTiu (UT*) g;, to come with a. large train of
attendants or followers.

to seek to deceive the waxh and run away . sffSt

mettlesome hoist . ) 5 1 LX - LOT tu ( ^
$&^ , 5_5-^?.;. to dip the hands .
e>4-s-*n i**oij, 54jo_ljlj<B8 o
L_jj<raf rg ot^vjgjj , to flourish a sword with jumping,,
0$X) i to publiai a
by Ariking on a. bason . ffiL_ skipping etc .
i^BsrQi tu ffi , A/W er" ear-rings.
t-jp. Co T ''b'S1 I 2 1 "*
r ' Batter to t".id!c
V car.U .- by It coking him . Bj (J>lJ -J ^S.O if^, to
5 ' 07"/5" > water .
iO ^V g; ^ eersf ,
dash gainlr. e>i (5 jot $G l_I T*^&x) , to fall clown by rivet-water. e5 '*r- /yj^vj. 5 rtrr fftJcrf5, , well- water ..
beinj dashed -t a busin-efs be- frustrated . 0> , (8 <JVT SjJ 5) 5 etrr ewrr" /? , pond-wattr, tark-water.
frustration. } >0Tlili5 ?5@ . - g; (g g le '~>j i_pg;g.>r ertroT" ^ . rain-water . 5 c crc {J
erof ?- , eood water, drinking water . L l_l i_i Of
g; Ljy.LjQLjTff st57 , my design is frustrated . "
(Si a Hiver a ship's deck}, the p!ankcd loft of Bjtetn etref/J- , -brackish water . ff;t STaffr\ .
sea-water . i. i_p 04 g < awF /J- , harsh or bitter
a hon e .
gji .(4e;G^'-t-P-i!5^*-i55J * knew- no* whither water . QeTJ:XJ ffj ' /}- , unpbasant acorishi
water. \: 5/T*b ^ ^ g " fr , roclt-water .
to nu n ; <o be in want to be at a lois .
65' (0^ @ . Utensils; houslie)d-s:uff .
? 5 ewr -ff-cf ft- , scithing-hot water . -QfLi oaf ft- . .
G4_aJTOr rf Eg 5 ftft onrnfij- , warm water. "< dtrof/Jr
gji asi , a stalk., thi;k straw - Qf T'T/r^'
), , the stalk of Indian-corn, ig ffiji ljljjj 05 5 T -.-i? ( {ST^yf'ff:# )H water-woman 'hat"
j to the hsusc_. ; i552i/3j(g5rsrr ffmn .6
SOJ , a kiwi of bean* .
, fiar . '_^eoi -. , aflat '^15^, to. give one water to think, ff'eerr ewtrf i}-^.
ehini-disli. gji Q>t SJZ/OO , a Urge or flat 'head . 6"oJrrLD, ; etrerf ( t_p 4? i rliirst . 0ie5.Ti__,
W)\ ra i 5#Ri_J t_| , kind of a golden necklace. i S il* (jg g 65 '>C?!E) AQ^eeijS; , t" water '
the garden, er ffff/f l_I L.J Q' 35 , '.he manifold oa-C5i__.(3 a . tiles .
gj 38" ?F .
ofa tree . ,
turc (f dilfcrcnt Waters contrary to- one another, easing,
5&\ . glowing coals , live-coals .
distemper, g erafr^S -i Teere6L_p'f@ , *r '
geref* ^^ , sDuf tEyguT^S/, to grow of a plant
ealme.i , subdu ;d , slaked ; to grow we'l settled. _jOJ
5;$. 53000^$ , fit true . m $ J4 ^3'5S;i_j-uS
&. @ 5)5"5f .\W-(S1T'^0/ . speak with him for rf(^O^;, to sow or plant at the proper time . g>iu5 1
to Soften ms anger . ff, jBBf^jj^j ^ $ C @ i p.-, a fe5$.35J. to keep timein dancing.
family recovered' from poverty, well settled ag lin . By
t5c5'-, a gift . iDTG^e^ig'-D i apromsse
cvsfSbJ guTWOj , a well-set body gsro* ! t5fjTi_D, trembling; over-luitinefs .
f> i_o , ft Jiraf o^J , cjlmaefs , coolnef* , s jbmii m . ) st>sf I gtj'Tff ^)
>vf t_ii_iT u3 ^ e
CXtruLi^l13$5 , to speak humbly . gerofcOJ35 g7 , to tremble for ftar.
^t^Dict . a humble-minded person .
OS5J . to calm, to slacken, te soften to 55$55^5| . * .C S , tu trip , to trip along
quench. 5Jtrf LJUjeO^ , to get softened .
With snort and quick steps, to hop, 555L5. U5 1 :
65ti LCTWLo V . ) roar a i lottlo
(S rg t *
'J5 ovr eVOVT , a child that walk
>1 LO V . QgiOTTI LD .
tripping and stumbling . ^ G l_l if * D
ig nrri t a boat-swain's mate.,
to Stemmer , to niafHc in the speech . 5 6jj , a
wr i eso V . ejmrr(S$&i) .
tripp'.ng , stumbling, jumping.
(Qi ear >5>
Bj '"Ti fUJLD, a term. ( svrjai t$ mvr l. . T L/ @ lo; i_i Lf> 5 G 5>
, thriee I escaped the
tuGoO , in three terms.
d ingcrt5TL_p.S>3r; , a soft going palankeen hanging on.
8} BjBxl m LD , the qualities , properties , nature .
sik-ropet . g> eetrr
i2> 05 ll3 ft C
, to ;ife ggS;fiJ-?4,*7; LD ', a book of pliysicks . gT^ICULO '
pcrniiion to ride in such a palankeen .
tu "t , one who has -.tied the physicks or
gjrewri-OLliJ a;Q f T LO l_i t wooden flicks faftcnexl the natural philosophy . .t S: _ VS) } / <U W>
in the wall to support the roof.
05OYT ! the nature of the body anatomically considered. .
e>sr(5 , an oar j stalk , g> (J^yS 5 - 3 33 Qe}\.l*~ije)5)5i)i~xlLO , rhe Godhead.
GfRT^ oar. trr ( fOJ >S *
i to low .
5>5'-D , a toorlr; air elephant's tootli ,ivoiy. P)Te
0(5'_1_|> G?;T"',rGl-l'r -2^> to g. SiJTHJcrX) , tooih-ache . 555;^^^, cleannels of
with oars and sails . fg
TlLILii fl clu'i . the teeth . Bj'^3j9rff;$\^l\-3 m> SSSHi^QBH ,55
StiVTff; @ 5 > * fTf , a candle-ftick .
( ffi sorLCLJestrr wo-./ B ; ej; , to cleanse the teeth, frjy
, the beam fa balance . ewr^d5 t&T , CJnjevoo , g"555G 043 L-i W*T ewrf "or G <ru '
Iair54wg*,ar. ^ijTbLp^ w (g j . eVOO i vory-work. yrjff; 1 1 1 S 1 9 , an ivory haft.
8)<: strings for misical insti umcnts . T"0
cuts .
5"0 , an army , troops , a detachment . > w r B)rS$ , T@g>i]5S . steel-strings.
1_11_1>5 , to go to the camp . 1 hj
<5C5>'7 LD , craftinefs, cunning , subtilty, devices,
shifts. '^TLDLj'eo-. & i to use shifts.
ilgLJTfffft-g,; , the troop.s are gone ,
wtrr (5<0 i to gather or collect rentj , debts etc .
'<""1 tvj , the gathering of rfirro . S5 wrr ($ 6
crafty fellow, a cunning person.
Til .or , 5 1_5^10 , 5rr i 25 T
5)'5*5 a fither, a parent.
^ , one that colleft renn or debts.
OJiK- S5LJLC, eiliLO. penitence, penance, mor
wrr @OOLO > rice .
tification done ro one's self , an austere life . Qu
V-l ^' , to du penance, tn lead an austere
otttiI , a tingling ttinket tied to the ankle .
07 veer St 45 3j T ) cur , a deceiver, an impostor. life. Kt_)# , B)Q[^n 33 fTtnrr , Kai 5 ,
6> t LD T LA ( 3) eeri LtT/TLD I (.fem. >?>$ ) one wlii devotes himsvlfto a certain
Ctt)Tim'ty5S O l_| o5 , a tyger that wags his tail . mortification or of penance.
$uj<iQ<9i 1->, a Kind if* brafs-fot.


94PlLJITrrLC . (i-U^U? .

C5LJLJ'_- . a -ten , pace ni stride .

>'_JUJi<.2r> . a lie , falsehood . g;LJllJ/K0iT
4l>W , a liar, .53555 g U.W tB ) , downright
lie. Ti^L^b *r)(\_ji}fccoS}J ,. to tell Urs.
iuJJ) , fault ,a n>i>(a!<e , blunder .-glLJLjJg
?2/* <^jgy..- tu.<*av or, state .jwe'Jimg
eTroneouiy . 5^.5 3Qc4rfj(y^j_E;{5j > to
.into* *in . -{5 LJ i4 g> (.?., upe that , makes
ijnistake; ..
USUS AJKT ., -*'frog .
.. :
ffuU} ,,'?5ljl_|QX)/cO , -an errar,.an oversight ; n
t-ut-r, ,3rl ju4"C?'..t> Tvrtjs r^uji-iu^iai ,a,i"f
of tabic: . ?. ._) t_) V^u' jtraxrr , ir/ }' an harp. . .
i'ILl|$ V > to.e-scape , to escape a danger. ;<

Gt>-TI_G*/03jJ . - it. 5 LDLjjia'inUTt?

36SOSy, ta beat it sieging -in ctucrt .
g5ixi (LjD' i ,. g'_D
SE' L_. , , his , ( hemurmbjf
ffinUn. j" e}ijs^L^ig^ss)cra.i^j lj ( lj.t t_
i ilj" t>.he his piitr > seal.
350jrw*^Ogj, to .be wavering perplexed , without
help .
) 'JJ*- | . :'f>vnr, goocihifs , Ivindnef. -rf? /)- svr
|^1_('^511.^51^'^^(^-<^ ; ,
be soJbnd a>.ro come. to ,mv .house .;(j2JT'.ju . kindto be.kiud. towards one . g lj CD i_j LJT ? y L- 95
y.^J, to forfeit efli'/ affecliun . g JJ
5 T I ;
if acnv , . goodaett and.'Coinpallion .
g; LU rr l_j ( , GjLUrrOYfosr.l/ . BJiSLL! .
6> frt LULO, Ctndepcp, courage, Loldnrls, conftsncy.
5><<?.u~SLB J luQLjtt/iOdjj , to speak bolrly , freely.'

ivas Atorfall , J.ltad a narrow escape .-{Vom falling :] <j& . Jf OJl_i(Ler bold , hardy or daring nail
4it_jtS:-jCCJ T 3g5j.:, 'g; '_j uS *. lj jg lj t jay gi , UjtfU4&Q&trG\)xl$0!fiJ, ta enceur?'-. or animate
-to get away , rte scant p- away. iJLjii cE5 g;
/-irse* -.
&?15&0& , to escape , to get out of danger .
guS: > turned orcunlted milk t'ctirds . su?''*''S
LjLltt'ttiCgL 10' let escape. . 5 tj-0 Os^ff ?u:3 66*L>g;,to turn: or, curdle. 111 i k . 8)\fr fan ^^^
uj^gg^M.LJiibi^-iC.S^ t0 't slip fair .oppor i j to give cuidlcd mijk to eat.
+ LUCTO , oil gotten out of vegetables bv distileiL-it-i^/ven, CSt S)SijBajggun_j S jTO qj , latimi . gu3CN0U!;.0 , M di*ril.o-il. u
.beat ..the Jiitrien. as ..washermen do.
0\3L0CtJUO. 35 -2
> to n'nk* an oil , bals aja or
.UStJ 1 splints ,ia bandage for a arm-ttc. tintute. ^u3cK)L0
.-tS-gQ i to ar.oinf 4he
LDfBSSLO <U . ejiXISRVSLQ,. or body... gLUCro lj5 (5 j20 5; . to apply . me
.-RLD-cF.gj , . ! Oer. sister .
oil or spirit to a limb at place of ike bqdy . 5 ti3 ero
{?5 L jj . hi-. {.wuiuYMy spoken.) J|6TJ.f- 55 15"> LiufSsGSTOVr^^LVii/ i to_get-it applied aay
i'lJiiWi'R T^^trr^l-Sy lj lj gl # t be h Sent iyhere on t he boiiy .
bJ=*ervant .
, gj-esf xiijo , torrow.i 'fear, wduefs . 55 ' 13f UJ l_l
, -to gr./W discouraged or sorrowful .
^LO^tS^^S/- . gi'-AWWUDT 111 5 65 >45
.j ^OjTrttujrggLO^Syg^; , che coin is gjown vei j. 35 j.'-U . mprc/ , kindnefs. gQDJJijLi'Vr 0YT"
.e*p~ .OJ'-iJ-O-^v^^^QLJ'r fff S>J i llie.bcUj #Ur ', SUJTcrir JT (#1 . g jJT'A'f ) a gi.od naturerf
persor. . "^yU^TVQS
lO T or OJ stir . one who
j^itOrJ"^S.jJTaULXl . shortnefs of busajrh ; asthma. is exceeding kind, giuj jt*t , tha inercjful .God .
-uS#" AC hole gLDff
, .toj>ore , to make an] QjeT^isjjgLLlTLJfr'S'rr , God who is merciful toward*
mankind. ^IB'Ut{ ) to ci ufer -a.favor .
hoJe. -'-., g5LD5# , api.. a gimlet.S5 LT; y$ ITU ff^fRUJ "g <p" /> .
gT@.,. brokerage , a small allowance or gratuity, givca
15 up , ejljeyr., Tarn ul . -jtialabar . 5 by the seller , borrower <sf money etc . t the orukei . 5T
t-ftm . 'tyj&hf&tf- ) s -- Malabar . esu5y>l_j eS'ft" . g)T@S535T4r, the broker, to wlioin the
CuJtS"* .^; , to speak .Malabar . /5 u5 lj i_jrr gratuity . is. due .
.4>_,.the Malabar language . ;gu5 y> lj, Ui (*5 * KT(Kj^SLO , (lie waves .
. to trattlite .( Malabar. Q*(Tji_y}' ,'hijh T Si <S 9T LJ T LjJ. , g LU LB LJ.r
Malabar . tj f> .r^-gj L0 y>,, . g*<M 'AiaUbar . ^,.'
.g5'T(fv;@ , the point of a lance .
.g'_6L> , Q.%-'f (y5e>Lj5Lb , coannr. Malabar .
&(S <R$ji i an l -iiJito dwwn used -for pubiiahjag, or- + gSTdosTLD a seasonable time .
,'crs.-* tke .overnui int ; < tcin-tum ^^-- 5rrBHf , the wofld .
.. *81K@l~>QKJ'r
to .beat ..tvm- tJTLOi a tort; a time. QSg^oT'L , - first
;.Bi ; (^'^5 Tjft3 . , b that beats it.
or besr scut of cloth etc. (ifj&)(r LB , the middling so^t.
rSffl) - . gSTLO . th fist ort . -- LO .
. xai'^mbole-^te . $0.1 LOiM how ofecit-? .<^55'trL0i rr@5TL0 sevea
time . juQjot ^fg^TiJB i'ften . Ar LO - 0 95 *
^QSii ( LJ^gg5;'jJ*e*
XC iifei-eet
5J ) to -sorts
.srt,. . 5rgT'.j
( LO
-Si^LDOjaoT ,. an elder bfottcr,.
weS.COgJ > l* mingle
5LCUiVJ-0 . fi5>g?@

LCT^v5'(5<2; ^iQpBiJ i .duTeunt sorts are rumglcd .to

5LCL_)<J4iL , chewed btetel .
CRl,MO^rruD , (J/WS^LDUJ*(T LO , witchcraft gether, gJCLjLO. , a middling sort of commodities j
.oorh-ia-ying , cojura,Mtn .
rf LO LJ LO , settled, dimension ef the fields or villages.
gTOiTTLO . a pearl .
V >ov;ffStDi-jr lo
T lu <yij
g lo lj
ffiTT ?..
lo , conjinatinn ef tbe dire , water, wind ,^,5^3;
/^LOLJ-SBrj;., /conjuration of ghosts.
65.TT55CTL . a lineal descent from -generation t*
lo Ljoar LO .'Conjuration of beast .
generation; a differeacc betwixt times ,or places or h*
' 5La1L5 1 younger ,brother ,
twixt worthy antl unworthy persons. 5>7>~ LOTtjl
8} LO e3T . , G id ..
_,jSu3uJl-v 1 gLMS. a tabour .
.lolJi^ JSj^^rr^rt-JOg; by - hereditary succeftio.





Itrr^Tt-f 3)Jr3!5i<'Z'-^er * SD 5^- to know how

- .ipeak acconnng -to the lime or place , or according to tHating^the head from serran er despair . E JOO t,
i_ (*> t ^mr , his head shakes to and fro .
the quality of people .
./oen 5 iresD O|0i
95 U f * <""* > lie en
s-'tfi-O^^ , to leinaiiVf to take root ; tri say ; to put deavours to min me. 0rOOlU (^'
n any thing belonging to drefs or accoutrements ^465.^555,/ . to lo.>k-- i'owi wards _/rm sorm-j> or shame.
42 m ft S <t 856-CSj . t- take tout . Gffi -! 5 ibro (J IS) /SV? ( OJ c' > 5JJ ) m y,liead *ke < .
ifg^TVT i she hns conceive*! -' tfr-63'1
i ^orF.ft'-tx-G4^1 <5*'-*35 *" behead one. lxjtj;
it ( leases me . S> CT 0= -fb U>T 4 TL OV/ LJ t!j0V , (EC*r^i5iri^G*^ G>"*-S>. t0 s,ril'e covn n '
to go, nur bein inclined- 10 stay , >ff );5 <> mtiseriitg . SSiOB-Di ^p'aoseto . a pjoriy, preIgj , -o ^tjnd-sttfl ,4J make a stop., g if Qg; 7> emineney . ^aytWBLCliJTeeT^Trf
, the- cli'cF'
^OS! , 'o romain or settle in a phce .
nj > & 'hing. d}jr>jrr crm.JZB53irri&~> tbe piincipaJ evideV.ce . fi;rt7t?a.'l_a. cornent Brst'ot ail in th Km 'R-et <
OUR.. g;) to put a -raiment on- on* 'il > 5) & 67 (DOtU^o^S
ft-'of-the h^q^woKei>*!en4WK:'
'ffi.^?>'tffi^;: G * ^ :w <3 o> 30 J ; , to put on mttcsily spokt* . KartMOieW'- (..'i"*- ^ *^'/' rtt'-'
clothes. iri(*tX}ffi04&55S;t_J LJ^ffi bead-person- . 5 / ld tu 35 fi .<zriAx> us US'^ > t-i 51ve a naine tp a place . (f l_lt_|-, some* , drordor-ohterred in a,g>.verni>r. Iiasaa influence '
thing in stock jinenty in the purse;, a fixed dwellmgi upo the wVrole, Q/oOfjJOO , tlv* firsr "prie cr'gr<im *
0} /tt^Ll(3f5T/!Q -or , 6)Tf LJ L-i CVF ovr tu x<i Mtrai,.-?V"?vrt>^,-l-1'1 '"f > watchman la ^- 62J5or. one who is wtil stocked , one thtu h-is money . *)T35f5 .-a stvtHnv/. 5>.- VLij '
(R-fF $.>" e^i , to give icariy money / ko<: the firstlir.g if bwtsi . ft&nbVtf&JL'JfF.&i .TrP '

or h isii .
( i in-) a eoWt'-e fit^r tnt* hit; with a cj!f'. 6^ /no
QlUT(S? the scull, 11,.1(|-,--5:^>@55.
>rf r , 65cfp=rrujrSL_3:S ^3('c5i-f 8r*L_*
r70:_c . liml uncultivated i.
iir>"0), tit* fate Je'l"c to kt- written in tnt beacf.
0) f /) , frf ffi , T LC , poverty g-.-ff 35 53
f5*iiS0;t 2>t , a> soi 9S 5> W 1 frog>;
raer , ,a.poor man*, gj/f
iiLJ^iij^/., to gio'w
SJiiJinvSijO , want, penury. t5OJ.05e5LJl-J("j'S
. Finj35 35 LOTLuGLJ rr O 8>J. , to' grow " scarc.
^woreo"trP"/ie5tiJ353;)iG>4;;'TJ'3 'T-^o (?.cro
Si^1, a kind of song.
1 tbc corn Aes . gtow from want of wmex .
* h'f) > a ,
(^ to give . -_43>9-< 35 @ S5 ,
jive il me. ^<-^<?;!|5853> T t*5 LO please to nothing ta . rreoT-e>(ll--ii~J-<trrg9j ' 35 UHT '
give it ms-,
115(753" @SJ 1 ' have no money.
^i^yrTUjQijuL'eScgj f. c5"-20>ff"nrLu .
65 oiffi' y?/^, 65 ru 65 gy'uj G t 1 (S*-<!D8i,,,tt>
(O; wr- |_ "V. a)T*WTLO..
hinder. >1[]5;; , e> xi r
Qlj'tp&tS; , the
thing has met wnn nbstac'ei , it has not succeeded.
<5c-olo , ejjT>o<ffiii_D . f-/.
<5lt?)*>L0 . sorrow , sadnefs . ^iirjj.TUE4^^., to he '
* SvDL, (JAJ^eOsMjD , aplace. {cToGlIS" sad. OJ'Tv/ SUl -Ji*BT2Hl/o" OSfrJ , to afflifl , t.^ gi ie\*
tFLQ > the dififeience of places. lgoo3jff)T ft , the people . OeTJLO . stoic, paonswn-. {?>OJ*<_0, BSfil? ffit"f "
m the lace . {croix> crOLD , the world '. lUi^-t prnniion of corn or any sorts of grain . <rS(
>/00> the head. S <*> U5 l .95SI , beginning- - a .gj^SU?- 'K/ffiovr , materiais for buiicfingaii h<<usl. middle and end , (~, t i*a- i B>'5> irDO , lM , . &)> i )fi)L0 , . f5L_ .
bald - p3ted . u)i SI oj-'i-tJO . a hca.t- wit
. iT>t_ . theie is vet little hair . $ijr*r-&,t^.\)i&>es) ( 9?f
ffiUA^ott"'" . a lerm , a fixed term . B)i~yjVul *"
t-^{F<G^TCVT?Y5*-20? ) 10 finish the mourning by G^'','4i2'"-"C''!l'.' ( (IG* ^-S; ) to fix a term .5
putting. the >tarbands again upon - the head . {; I OJ.WtrfiuQ TO i upon the teln.. g}fajJ0BWri_i 1
^06t , the principal door of the house . irtJO w (3, iJoQv_iT>trrL/
term is el tpsed (gicpcuae^oj
ens <T </9&< < a head .-ese or helmot . 0j 2.0 (J 0" t i rr r5 ) j2j^o-t>T J tlte r; term, .
0iTcf , 6i/rjoaj4/>o7rr , s pillow tpirtTOeFTirerf the secoiid term;
u^bi? 1 a pillow-bear , a (tlljw-cae. iytN3S(_p Tiu . c^siltjt LULD , affliiion , atrasta-v the wrong :!;. -; -confusedly . BySJOO(^)'"f^SD9i) , tn fyiT\)_0 v.. ^LJSr .
iduck with the head . iircK'FTLU-S'-OSJ . to 11, d.
"fii)(L OS' > 5^?>'3*55; . to rush forward "
^WF TSCT , a channel j &5 i/OO ff1 trr fT? Ovf , /''e crawling on the ground , as little children do.
tijnt / filant : ] JOQ 9 F strr . 6A/TJO F P=ooTv_}c,T
gsOJOWi'ffTJ , akhui of a large white - shell. 501 I
/OvT, 5irtJOI_liJ i/Wr , a firstborn child . &V<rvi
5J35g5ifi>i , a frog. cKSilAAT/rajS'ffi;,
r#ACX) f an head-clout. ^^!!!!, 0jArC .J the frog hops -, skips . 97 OJ j^vr ari^SVSJ, it eroale.
55 diEzincl's , giddinefs . a veitiginous dilteiKpe JfXI^G>i jD5; , to slip or slide- down , to stumble;
in e head . 65/t>0 Lj \-.lQj*jdxJ , to sh< w th heatl, 1 n-r , ffinj ^5 u tJ T *< 5), to slip
appear in puhlick , g) isoo l_! i_i < , /rjOLJLjrrffiift . hand; to be frnstrated , u fall to nought . g; ^
at, , ^fK4TL}_?v2D-^V , the foot failed, the
gi>OI_JLjrr@ 1 a tuiband . /> TOO LJ L-4 , the first
end of a Wbvtn cloth . 3} jos) LJ M 5 > a i /J/ntliseast- hand failed . ffisOliivS^L
to stagger , .tot >
of the 1, . {'irOvLi'T (5 t the br,,'s head . tumble hom-oue side 'to* another . iu^uGulr
to bathe cJArcK/itJQfF , bathing. .9. to swerve or deviate from what hat-bees said er
>('_ / , a generation . ( & U3 o>S pro4ii-:ed f tcVstsmmer. SPnj^fJ OJ.rr vvj ) 55 ; nn
TVCOOT iO-'t-pSWLO > a ctrrcm beT re heard of infallible woroV. . 5nj365rajJor , ose' that errs- not .
$lJrK>(Jbi-& i/ocn LUTrrC? OJALO", SyA/CWJUlUP fS-njfftirii) , uj r LO , thirst ; longing, iemr
fi/K Gf'5rro>"rV5 efr !0 C?
irD\"' , "a very ardtious etn3f*r}-f565oji5or-D , thirst ; 'drought: 0 til LD J^Lw
requiting, extreme intcsuecfs pf though;
'rv'tS^C/j^ the thirtt i qufechtd , . ^

tf^J([5#^DS;i tocme with particular inrrntion or desire
.Ge5i9i$ JCJ; &>\&, to 6gh or groan
to be in ciistreis or in great want nf a thing. erut-f
QS'f OJTLD-O (? <TO * B I : U.J T LO C\0 i!j mn
eirT?<J-*a>l UJTUD CrO > CB 5 * .20 fly , to be in
distieb by not knowing the way, nor finding a shelter,
sior getting water to drink. g<tEi_jt_|, sighing , groaning.
^/Ov'f"i_jl_jr]j ^ljl_jlD ) fainting and gronning .


weiknefs . ^oyr fr tf> $< ^ovr^-^, slack , loose;

djtfled . oyTTLJlJ ) f55;i>T I (S^OQJ, to
malte the food , intended for a child , thin . gjovr
TTgay, fast, immoveable. iJavr/Ovrj;(Pg;ovr<J"
LJ Ti LDTLLJfurrjg^iff;;, the child has learned his Iclsos
(fell, he recites U without making a mistake. f *YT
T i ft6OSy, to forsake ne , to leare i wlthcut
affording him auy al'sistance .
53YTOjrrt LO , the materials for a buildmg .
ffjOYTCUTliJ , the head of the peons .
i5e6 , to be avoided ; te be put aside . ,*J
-U JTgrfDT , .2Jl)/OTTr g cfitr, besides him j 5 7vT <cS Sj F , ffj'VrfXl'f F , a pavement of blick
without hin) j him excepted . (J al g> rf3 0" , besidesl or stones . -^ SSfrLj(ge6S.408L>, ( Gl_lrrft))
ithis .
1 gJ ) to pave o _r/or r ti/a/A .
6>fiS<5"2B.ib8v;- t* remove, to put aside,to avoid, .tctj gj^vf 2)03 , a large plate to put vijluals opn in *
Aun; to hinder ( marriage tic.)
pagoda .
Off /5", BJftYf fr&tiOJ V . Buorffr .
giTinso i . gjL_ifrx> .
. to be bright , to glitter . eS^5<&&
grf30, a kind of a tabour.
^f^Q^icwj v. S}OJ@*^Qab'
ljt3ay?EfETUj!j3ULJ#.rogy , to appear in puhg^Lprp^Qu .40 BjJ ,-tobe hck splendidly drefsed . 5235*05*^0/ 1 to gtve
hindered, .frustrated.
linnen a lustre.
05^;( , a trinket hanging on tke nose of*me women.
<o hinder , to put aside .
fc3*/wr . fetters . ^vrGilT" 6 OgylyjLj
tji^ja; < - jiffi)! ^S^sy., toiiii up with l_9-l_Ct_JTfSe> ) t5iAVT35 ^DS; , to tetter,
xliunnm the outward gaps between the bricks of a wall . to shackle . gtycvri63-; , 5/wr2j>/(2Ljn-.Of/ , to
, bran. ejerij i ffig; 05 <Wf , a he fettered . > l/wrojrr/j" , a htchet wherewith a beast**
iferan-pap .
(35Q65T"@35^i Si . cakes feet are tjed . ^ijOfrc^f^S&f^bt COi^J 1 to tie a beast's
made of brau . eO-| (> i_l _ & v. if9. JOiJt
feet , and let it go to grue.
ljGljti ft' , worm-^aten piacss in cloth=t . g; JYTQVrLDTa/e^OS;. evrfJVTLDLJ T *V
gy , to wag , to fluctuate , to staggerOL)4__T*or, tftif / tree.
ru<OJ an hole . gjOjtfU &&09 , to perforate,
<o make an hole through .
to go stooping and cringing along, to Jtagger .
evTV5 eS^Og; , to thrust , to push to rejot . S^OYT
cvf rfjftSS^SJ Ql-IT^* OQ) ) to turn cne out,
@(0;(51 . } .
" to degrade , to depose , to displace or remove n<. g>
4g(Cu:"_j , the mark of a tripe , the print* of a rod. r^c cRrr </05}J, tobe castaway, to be rejected . g> /
oyf uuT , go fast . 5 fil rr#, read fast. (J
g^ffTtrrgpQosD^woYTTS; this is not pclsiblefox
ta embrace . gJ^OJiOfOT , a side-bolster.
tfeLp jgreen twigs with their lea\es.upon them . me. avT?V5i_ii_0- > an outcast.
^ypeS^os; ' s;<3)upr55;Gi_iT^os> , to grow
in branches and twigs . S)*?, Up5 *
, to slroot )_> , a weaver's reed.
/orth shady twigs . "
IXJTLC , ff> 9> C , ^ a Jtind of , to cut woodwitn^
Sl-pSS^ 5 S jSSLCr LO a tice with wide spread-, 5^5>80*5; , to cut off. g jy5 l_l t_ W i_^ey
cut otf, mutilated, curtailed*
ng hady oianchcs .
tJJJYTfSe; CO 55 > ^** Sncl of .an army .
^ 1
a Jtind of song.
ByCZucosiJ . tjO'^OJT COG}) , te come slowly.
caJ^rTLLsQr\.uiCO^J to weave clese.,
wQai<frt6?gj , to sparkle, to glimmer.
e> vruj T L . . lo i> g>evrojTt .tofg /50/ 5^1-OtlT , an ohitinate fellow .
-OVTLJLJLOirLO , r' / / tree . -oyr l_l LJ CO
eja/QJTUJ , time , opportunity . ,_|<5*511
Cu < a leaf of it tit to cover the head with for a shade. LLG^ 'n the tiine. 43/JUT UJ:@8>e"ii
^7tfTLJLJ5S.J!_ff JtTj ''i? / fish .
i30 35fr*f LULO., a tiling that 1 a seasonable help.
5ja>fl)$ COg) , cJini^l-lGl-JT^O^ , to grow
tjjovTLO , an army, ^ovr QuJfte5bQ3>J.> -to raise
scarce, to fail; to prove difficult , tj go'haid , to fall heavy.
ato army .
J3VTL , . thick / fttper , kit-jet , pletnks etc. a terrace.; j
gL/ v . o/r qvr lo rr ^ eft i getting scarce from time to time. <8;@^ 1;5^
Q03TSTl_J3.t!53?@gy , it falls heavy upon me . ^
<5<jyr LOI) 05;, to swag or wabble , as waisr carried' OJ^/ffitSt_lQi_irraSTCT>3[5 ^ tO_| (g S; , .he has
from one place to another . ^<xfrLDL35YT C -dCv *wr now au Jiard tune. ci2i<OJTG5G.L_IT<iTgv , what
4SQf>rr-^SJ< te sneQ* or spl! swaSg'ng.. succeeded without difficulty , ^jO-'tru^ , hardship,
peinry . want, ill luck.
) 5 fr LD l_) 5^ , his hert swags as the water drops1 &SCO, the ground. SBJOuSoo CR Q f5 fi/
pon a tamarey-leaf . JVTUBIICnS ,
l_l , 5; , it ,feH to the ground . ^ a
G UjrrGu_"Frf
ewaggiag , wabbling.
, HJT0;si3OS7, to . make even with the ground . ^ 55
^^; , -vri-f^gLJT/os; , to grow
. an even ground .
*lact . "2221/ g OYT # ^ *
95SJC * UJ rr ef , a large nail with a flat point , to be
04}) , to slacken . OYT ^rgg^jQtJsr rr CD , a well fastened at the -other side of the plank etc.
person grown lean or weak by old age . 1~)!})
B)COF:LD a dispute , a disputatioa. g^OfRFTiAJ
gOUUgr decayed age . g; oyr ? cCM , staggering , .>0~UB> sophistry, g
ft Oi/TgUO quarrelsome*

^kptite .
( fl5arajBL0 ) fJ^S^TSBLOUJ T95 , 0, i tliS
.d035T/rg;*5JOi; > to protest .
ner ,
<65 JO@e3rrLD one's own nalur*..
85 Tff3LO . thirst . <rrW&@djmr&iQu>(SiF.(f
JO #Qaar ffi LO self-love.
BD , ejT^LDTalCS ^lfiQjOor, l trst , I am thirsty^
* ffj JO LJ ufj > a looking-glafs .
f5Tr2)i'"0:>*JOfi;. to quench the thirst.
ifjJOLJCTLO , 3 1 itbt the self-ub*Mtent Go3 . f5S^^@iTJJT/TffiejOeJ (G^fT
JO fi> ) te
* SJGLOlO, -euD, charity j justice .
JOLO give drink. f2;Te5S^9;@^ FTL-iLJfJ* . 5b to '
JJJ51 /1"UJU3 , a chantaole work. _i|9j.20LCLO , uncha- drink, being thirty. f5T05[55DBf
, the thirst
a-itabkneis, 5jO-4ffj JOiiOLO , gicat charity > pcrfeft is quenched. LJ#c5 ff- LD , hunger and thirst.
guttue. )1_|5 5S2,/
( G * U-* * JO
Tsai; LJeT o-rui
, ,t0 give a ftiift order*
$) ) to to an aft of cha my . .gjaoixffji 03S35 a 5T.6S , threatening , stnd $-1 bidding . ffy'l &SDtlf life. ; (_ ff , SJoa L4(fi4i.3BT" , LjKfVTqvriiLcDSjj , to rebuke j to forbid wth commiiia-f *)'J)OJ1 oer , CJOLOSiJTCJYf , OLiCM.^ ot ticn .
> JMJ3 > 2> 6? a*n- a charitable and pious man . {gjf;
f5T35eof 6jos; , TBV,rnfi55;e;GST(!Sg5
l-OLJj| , JQ'_ot'i sorLD, benficence y chai itablenels .. 8JOS^ , to demonstrate , to evince ,
<G) JOLQSjT JfrrQiCo? JJJD<6> , to gne liberally alms. 5 T95 EET lLl(2i g$S JOS; to have a grave look, to be
.fJOLOa59jT<T , 5 OL03: ffiT JO 5" . g U) 3) : corpulent . 5T05TlijG*:1"O\3.22/# JOS$J , to seak
<5^- , arbiuators. Sj /, 55 85 (5 * i
, with authority .
the award if the arbitrators .
5 g> , his . ($&ij> wQf Silr*c5
ne * TgiigJOS;, to butt at one another as rams do j
it is his . JS|i2i$5wrg;g;Tlf'IXJU3T05LJLJ T < 8> to hit at or d.ish against .
.<g < , lie uoi care or it as ii" it were his own busi,,
." n 0; oo , indignation, disdain, loatlisomcnefs nefs . go^rU^LOTgitjOS; , 45 ser 85 uD G> l_l 3 @ ? *5T'R/g5 -DiXiCg^isSiJOS^ , to make oneloithWTS
, to appropriate a thing to one's own some, angry. ^ r,Kjg;C43TUjG1-JK'*JOS.;. to spe.'.k
Alie, gjoerief . LDTUJ. fl> Jtrraof Pflrvp- LUj, of with indignation ; to speak with partiality.
his own accord-. g rauf FSffR 35 JO . a tree 5> T T5J E .O 9LI > to Uppen to w.ird olF, 1 1 keep ofT; to
person, who is no slave, {g Jor'.ty^iF'.ijTLlJifift' IcaH'Upon , tutest u; on . 35 T Oil cfi LD 'T 4 TffjiTll
6.0>J , ie grant
his Ii ieity . g <ra|! Q _, one who is nut able to beir with a thing , or to hold it
. , within himfelf in itself .
out. T'TK^tQGlJT JOfx/ , to grow' intolerable.
* ffjGTLS , wealth , riches . srjctnOjfTT , ff^y-u y ffTerrf^gi^gjT ''hVlfLO i I can stanj out againet it.
U_l<T , a rich man .- ffiorffilTBF ! desire ot riches 9jT'r\i({f>LO , it is supported by a prop , it leans upon a
>_|> , a rich and liberal person , e5"ctri_j|)c5g thing . ! u p S) > TO , the staff of pike.gJULQ i beneficence, liberalLy . 5 TOTrJT nftut_S ifgj&j T & V . . [g/r SfffiTfRj (6<v. g/T ffr .
and corn ,
Sr-iO)LDc5c5T'Rie6 . . G^XIl g&L_^.bU-|95ej
gjeuTLO , (giaTL-lTLO f . (3A)55cBruS .
#Go\DffJ0'frwe6 JC^ffi), toward offa cut with a weapon.
rf , what is by itself ; alone without a companion . _SjOJ'<n"2>5auj ff) ) @ , ward ff his hand,
^3ott_j^m*rarru:i_t*rcr2rri/ , ro travei aJone . Gljfots; t 65 3 lj Q lj rr
goof Qaj i privately alone ) asunder., apart . -<
, hc stops often in his speecji . gJTTO La
WW ff5jr'(?aj.^ai=p?ja<T0T , he led me aside, 05*JO9), to go hobbling.
.fie took me ap.irt . Sjj^LjLJGrrjtrrLJTCTO , pure
. $# servant. Qgjnj t # ,
cow-milk. ffjfsf G 35
. 3j f J tu ih5 35 a woman that is a chvotcd servant to the idol in the>
-JJDBj; i to be alone. ffjnf gjffjji_j Q LJffr * JC
M pajoda ; a publick whore .
te peak privately / ens., Bj'^f {gsjujQLjrr JO g; , JT#.f , fcJTt .ear y a tort j a mendicsnt frisr.
to go alone, tjaafgeuf , ga^f fjiref <2oj , separately cJTct i a bason or plate of brafs to strike the hours
/rom one another . *r,<T5>ST5ffiraf * JO 57 upon .
e5TF# ) jjT/ri/WrSJfTi i , a woman that gives
-to make ont the superior , the i nly ruler . ajmrfm\J:
Qil-IOjrTjfJ njovT ( (?t1 TeoreOJ ) a woman come suck, beieig either a nurse or the mother herself.
9TL_p.., the beard. SJTLfl. a-UJVr JO Sil <
or gone to her mothei's house withont her husbands
Jeave . ciji ft'Flg'ref tijrr i(5fi * JO OJ rr wear a beard. > T LO- 65 ; T J , one that wears
ithe master of the house. r,tBf!!For ld > the singulai a beard . 51_0. (^i/wre5@ffi/ , the beard grows.
jiumjer. 3) nrfu_l!rr , a single body, g-eef jfaua , 5 (JJCTOotJOSjTL-O- , along beard. eSTL-C'JUTQ} *
jo?; , c5TL4i.^bi-0-iiiit')jos> , -!7^5 LJ
eof LJl_i , Svlitarinels .
* SZy ffr > 5V i a bow , a crofs-bow ; the sign of| l_l /J- 33* 40 / , to be haughty-minded, to be full of
-eagittanous in the zodiucll . gB/OJiyWTffi JO fJ self-conceit .
HjT fc t , the mandible , the jaw-bone ; the cheeks ,
&o bend a crofs-bow .
( tjttr ) -j .
-hajct , ? 5 5 /tfT , Tgffi chops. ~)^ uSQ^lj)-&o!j ( Q\-iT\S
* (J (3 'S (g 05 /3*"" lMLO . as long as it shall OffjJ ) to give one a cuff in the chops .
be or remain . jjiOjatrrOjQ) 15 lL| LD, till he TI <f > want, penury; inferiority. if str /vj/
xomes . 5vTL#a^3vTVT'550crr llj lc , fer ever Tl #LUTIl3<T5?@ii/ . one thii.g is wanting. _2J
Bjx i 5 1*1 , 5"22>1 , his.
3> l_l UD , manhnoil . ^ i_l LO JO JO U therein he is inferior to him .
g>Ti # , ti 3 - , t F
ne that is deprived of his manhood .
UJ1JJ, compafsion, mercifulnel's .
B>crariXLQ o> . 5JOLDL .
( 5_9- ) (5'?'9>_9. , four times .
5<5BrLC'r<raf , misery. gtftrrLOTOBf QtIfff*JOS
55 R LD , strength . &T4-Q.GlQ t_l ? * JO
le speak very suhmifsnely .. ; strr LD T *of T OTT
, to tptak proudly or insolently .
0(jur , awrLDtretrfg; tnTJOcr , a very unlucky mac
5T1 lj)L_Gi fftr" JO ) i to rebuke , t*
'ortUy of ompafsioa .







LULO t tie v.tuJinr slalkj of it . Qf^^TLD T , ^f

5t_p85TL02!a"r ; 0X.5rrL0ft/r , ^eTr^
{il LC62)T > se .eral kinds of that plant .
cTLD , he ( Iwnohmhl? spoken j ) yotl ( if in letter , )
"<5" LD > he hir.isclf. 5 T LO ell T Q 9
Qldt p/j- , he said he will come.
BjT LOL-JTLO , ^tixlStld , copper .
ff>TLOi_< a rope draw water with.
W> TLOy>a\0 LB > beetle.
g>TjLO , riice to play at . or to cast lots with .
tULCGL-<T(S&r.B)> to cast lets. rraJLDT(b*.
OBi) , to play at dice .
5|, relations by one father , and conse
quently joint heirs ,
TUJGjfS;, amall golden or silver box containing
an amulet .
gjTUJ , 5TUJT(J- , the mother . c5TLU S= Q 8e X
( o! T .0 9; ) pal's over rtirr , hill ele . to skip or step
over j Utile trench etc. T eTi_D- fi^ft *Oi) , to ffi)l <rr (S 35 ^ (5 * ^0 OYT/Ovr , a chiKi that
longs to fee its mother . gji LUKLO , T ? , the
bring person or a Ai/ij away out of danger .
ejT3>sar (fem . gTKf ) e kinJ / beggar .
mother's house . *;\(!;(?)!5 9 n LU9: l-DT L
8>8> , one wio bi&tows charities. _1|50" p /} , he is hospitable to every one . TLLJii
the piii'cipal \ illage , wlierr (,ther villages bilong to . )
B5TS>X, one who sustains many poor people.
UJT^d>eor LC l_J T g>i 6 D c^ > to iteceive one
>Tig t a nurse that brjngs up a cliild .
another in mutters belanginj, to a joint fiereditary pot'-efjen
BjTgJ , the pulse, the heating of the arteries.
KTSffLfl 'he first light ford given to sick people
) ) to feel the pulse . T^cw JOTL 00 Q L_l rr afur having fat^d away the desease i irf f lc Ljeinrr
@fi; , the pulse ceases to beat j ' I am forsakes . or SZub%S>(5J , to prepare it . ^ljl o' g; T CT S3
e5LD ^iVCTOTTCregLO , ^| '| " C : LO ,
belplel's .
TDK a father . i3;585T5)8 . a foster-father . antral kinds of it.
grrcreTLD , firmnefs , constancy .
^ i ST-'DDTLO , cheating ,
tgTT i/ovzrr , the price of grain .
fraud , tricks , lying. T$/piT5!-Ct_I*T252bd5
OLI. to play tricks. >55>> Q l_J ffr * )0 LO , a wife . 8>T0" L Lp r 5 OI . a
widower . 8jT
Q ; T 1 au , wli
XGfi), to speak lies. >5$2> OJfrgKftT
married. (^55{,- Joyr /ovr , a cltilda liar, a roan full of tucks .
>>/*.405; , c5T^i_)G.LJT(5*/Q5b to fan of the first wife. QiU@5T<rL0LJil K@lC
*6r corn. FO"e3(&je:iiWr 55rrc55L_lGl_ITt_
_53i?(_0 , polygamy .
LJT i?" 35*^05^ . t* see how to sell the goods, to en
>1, a duck . 4nwrUj.t55Trrr, 0iTU~Ggdeavour te dispose of the goods .
( Qi-'iS'BfjTcrrr . ) ? 0 5 " ,
several kinds of dncki .
TULD , fervency , fervent desire ,. ardor . gf l_l
TTTI 'Ca', fljTWT U_ * /50 /, t
r!TLD , a burning fever. <_o<rarAjff;g>rrt_JLO , lo lull, to lull rA/d" a-sleep .

e5TTT0VTL0 , confidence , franklinefs .

*T5c5/rL_JLe . repentance, grief of heart. QejTt-J
L0TLL'Ql_Jf7*O^ , te speak freely without fear .
TljlO, a heat et' ange* .
t. to give with .
eTLJTLO , (gTLJlf65*^05; f . TOJTLO .
good mind , freely and liberally .
Tff , gjff LJTtf , the. quality er nature of a
thing . rrrf
Ootjt , a prudent man , that knows
tJTLJLjeoef tfUTiT , a thong to tie oxen with ; a the nature of things . tgTffLJTrf ^4^8? . te
thong to fasten the saddle to the halter.
know the nature and circumstances of a person or thing ,
5>Trf FLO , agreeing together, consent. Tffm
TUUTW, a boit , a doer-bolt . TLJLjnSOW
<5*-Dgb ' bolt. grrLJt_JJrrg-2i.2D , to LjeatrrSSWSO L* te agree about the price-. &>Tlt
FLOTajtS.IOSAai; , tu sell : a reasonable rate,
unbolt. #.iVcJiif LJUTOyr , a shooter.
<5TU4^Ge5rroYrV5eS.v>/, to lurk forathitig ejrrtf Ft^TLugsQffiTOYrvjds JO sy> to purchase with;
K for an opportunity .
contentment , the price being just. gTff^Rrr^Oier ,
one thflt sells at a jst price. '
g>TL03=L0 a . 65TL05LO.
TLO<rsf , a long rope to tie many oxen together.
Tfftf(TLD . g>rf5g;TLQ .
gTLOeeuf u3Q043Ljjt Qjot*j , to tie them to it .
5, a clew or bottom of yarn for tht weaver.
>&><-& . jf lcld , tarrying), lingering , delay .
<C53r3)5i)&Q3iJ , te wind yarn.
9rTi!3'chQ c^TUs3 a cow - herd's cudgel or quarterTLOLOLJ' SSU * mi
La#,^&O&i) ,
to tarry, to delay , to linger. tTLDLDLjewreBef i_j staff.
<2i_]T(J>664308y , to retard a thing. ejTLOFew , 5
)|7" a long strait trumpet ; any thing Hke it a
9>3>5.-, TLO{(^ovr Wil*BT , a lingerer, regard to length and straitnefs .
&yiT 3*T
a delayer. T<J45ljljLl_(i_i0 \-1 , to /, to sound a trumpet. 45 nor envf iJ-ffiT f> T e^Si 1
a lingering businefs .
Q\.T(f}eiJ , the water gushes out in a strait stream*
TLOBiT, ^/ [rowing in ponds or tankt . &jT>rre~jTt2> T T LU l_l G.t-I T -SO e-r QJ LO t-i
TiJieTULjj , it's beautiful flower . j TLBffiTU ,3^oyt , ants running in a strait line . ffijnretrr^G^O
?, ft**
drajtr tina, jjt fis er cu (ff $-& (Tacru24J>.5tS@fi/ there appear ys from
be angry , to stamp with the feet .
<J5Ti (?i <Ti (S . aVerder .
3Sg5TOJ , the name of a certain medicine
Tamrf g; S 5J , 5 T rf 5 j j ai ffi * )
) tu charge a musket etc.
/. shelter.
/ , this h a good place to rcsjrt to . 5
2Hl/^Li lo <OJ ear, a patron, a proteftir
^*;2551/ cOj L rOO > have no
protection .
T jottot lu LO , a garrison . g i uj ld
Gujt(^*O^ , to place a garrison. T jotren-
U)(Ji9'K/*'lb <5 SF @ fli/ 1 there is a garrison . {Jrr
/ui>oi'djg3 35T.Cj5" , the soldiers in gamso:i .
#5Tti *H'_n , rorr / dance,





water cloud. $T>rrQffiT<5ase.235J ( ut/J-bs ( (J(5c6-iCSy ) * **' i" 1 T** 4 season in farti
(ff n>B>T<Xfigi&Offi), to slake or kill
O&J ) TfflTg5Q)(iiU WT
* O Si/ , culer v/iy .
-to give by a dee of git ; to hequt-ath .
lime. f-4jp.&rot 5*.0 to ttmper 1 pan with
gee and seasoning-stutf .
Trewf 55*./ , te shew clearly.
TOvf Fl_Jt5,"', certain medicinal leave* .
-gi-T Jv>i_o a dish .
t certain shrub.
5TOOTI (S&-HD5J urpTTt *-^5>
TcS , a reuntJ woran)' neck-ornament tied to her <T cvf_| i_l fijur , a large kind f palmyra-tree*.
eck -by the bridegroom at the marriage . ToSfBl ( 95&* , te be tolerable pofsible . JtlgJT
i -to tie the sign f matrimony to the neck *f ^'^; , that is not pof>ibleto me , I are
the bride. ToSj)^Vg<aiavr , \ v B S , a too weak for it . _^5*,^'(-?
roo , I cannot see such a thing , it is intolerable to me .
-widow .
<5TOJl_.GTf 35" i boats lying near the
please to overlook this , please to pardon me for it . gT
here .
* 5)T4"XlTL , a mansion , a placeta abide in ; -one's VTTgtajtT , an old decayed man 4 a weak person.
5 , the stem or -stalk of corn ttc a sheet of
f ro-ection i immoveable things . IT <U If5* .0 fi; .
o live in a place , to abide somewhere. S 11 ff paper i a bolt \ the foot. SJT ayrt_Q. , .fcjrfgrroYT ,
stubble. EfTCVf^i^OSJ, i (5 *
51~1(lUiU'W, one who is well *1.
*) , to bolt tlu Joor . iQSLp'Stcvr , the knee.
5 TOJ^VTo-O , a lodging-place .
~) ruTTL . an aiUliiional open room , a varando.
e5T^34ef the earth t the woiJd .
W^T^XT IT LL(S0^,D^} , so jota a eloping shed or
TZOg^, to gi\*.
T^a' , a cltister of fruit* / a btette-ttttt-trte ttc .
veranda to the house .
gfrfi/Wr, well i better. ^2/11_|**.(5>,
^^! -contusion, disorder j unorderl) life,
grow better, to recover . eTf(W UJTIV3 fjpj 3$*
^ , he is well again, ^^- J5 @
g { unruliuefs . grr_^L0rr^>O/LJraT2*Lie^!0gJ , to a&
fiiFHJTrFffij[55T043TC8 > 1 wish you would disorderly. Ti2a'LDT^a'3>3;'r /oetrr , a disorderly
person . my ^Oiixnr ^UjQ\-JSrAiO^J , to yary in
-conic to afsist me .
$TcOJ . a place to nest at , (g oo OO 5 treOJ , a the speech.
reWLa , -ttffift. OLfr85TWLO t_JaT wrw
-convenient place te take rest .
5fXJ *
5 , to stretch the arm* upward for db^C'SjJ > to -give alms.
thing ; to rash in upon out ; the fire reaching the gT40TLO , (?>55) , a place.
rrg)i_j|5 , (5A355T^o_i^ , .
erab ittible . Tc^4*!9i_5aYT/3*T s LU <T (g -et
Cj&J. to take up a child that lift, up his hands . S3TLje33lXJLD , an embaJsage .
iT"ef lulo , corn , grain of all kind's .
ThJ sj: , certain tied of poesy and tune .
> T
i to sto'ip , to cringe, to submit ; to ST A"10T , an army . rr AOWT 5 eVOO 3J * , a
iuneble or abase one's self. gTup^QLJT/Dg/ , to general .
65Tw, Srrnr, he elf . 5 tu , of himselfi
trow weak or foor $ to grow low . 5 T Q>, below
of itself ; of his own acctrrrj . T^erQFUJSJF
twn .
TLpaLfi lowlinefs . LDJWTJTUpSLO , humility. QFrroc><>jd>9iW , he tells what he has done .
fT-Lpenj, 650"1-/> , lowlinel's ; decrease , defeil, (Jiiljuc-Gfuj gaiQrrr^irar, he
amageja low place. 45 T Lp tfXJT^e$l_lQi-JT(T}eS said he will do so. 15*5, [^?15*!",
/Ob), to bring under, to bring low . TyDOJSiT, I mvself . |f T , come yourself .
15 g
-an humble speech TyDeL'il , humble, to enjf5-^vra5 T (3 > they thcmstlve* .
. this same person is the
abate , to deprefs . TUpg^Fff'J 5@ commodities of OTVip.rr<JiUaor6rr
man. Xib^o-JL-H Q gjTgPf (Tgff (ggb) . sit it . J|
inferior kind .
, it is ^eoil in
Tatp , the nrme of a thorn-bush fit for thick nidges, iH'rrfU'55^/r570o^>i5yiT
aVnldetra . g T y> LO t , i( flowir .
TfiJLp deed that ke came . QUSLURT , it is true . T Q*WP
QtJJT/rX, leaoes of that bush . 6>ft-,Oi_l_ilTuj , * /30<5 1 self-hve . TSf T3
, not to care e'er a thing.
a mat nude of its leaves . QjF'gf fife , l_j <DiTv/ _ (J5 gs el
$TcrTj?iSL6iTLO,acsrt!nntzee. ^^*;.
i^flJTBLp, a pine-apple-plaut . @5 ,
|<<V medicinal fruit
che name of a shrub .
^39"> ^ffjTLjJ.. hoTtnefe oftreath , asthma ; aaTLpiUTiTLD f. fJT^JTTLD .
xiety . $&n Q3 4 TU3<fS^ (g S; , the asthma * be
TOVTcBffiLO . -Sjrf (:_0 .
come very heavy .
f T^f
geScro , <ge5$- . iright , terror . < rr ?F ^ 5 (g ft
85T0/TLO , a cymbal the tones in niusick . TWO)
.^Gl_JT(b'*^OS' ( G^ST"1 (S*^05> ) to beat a cym G-^>C5345S;. 1 am -frighted. JO<Jl_.g5;F
bal . Tafl-s5T^OJn- , cymbalisc . B 3S J T ^, to -die of fright & tenor .
!_? , a small cymbal
5TO*f (2i_JT(g/V); ,
- SB L-_ 85 rr orf stand not knowing ivhtch way to go ; to be astonished ,
lewel for boiling a large to he scared. Sj < 65 G 35 "IJftrr , eme who it out
quantity of water .
ol his wit* . sSsg5LjL-eeT(Su5^ 5 tfij m , one
tJTf , rte nw / pe/ growing in winjim; ten who is in a labyrinth .
drils . esTi ("'5Taf , (LJ(5'35Taff , ^/
95*^05;, $ 35S?" ? l_l G^-l Ir *
. t he
fgTOf , G5Ti5TOff , G"J5'T0Vf .different hinds sitate or stammer . ^*-05@!* uG t-lT
oj the tame .
a/ , he hesitates . ^fl (ig Al UJ , ( /if-m . g- g;
TC^f eFLD, well-settled T*ffi05 05 LD fT BT i) '1*) one that stampers .
i(gl_p. , a well-settled family
$&>C) , a region of the wi rid . r5ir2j$&@ ,"A
croff g^eS , ^Tovf gui i_i m sshi;* /5^/ foi
four regions east, vitst, jOKth,norlh. ^^^ (g)f5


f-K/as $w ^iLtt_ .


. I bave no place to resort to , I am

without any bedy's help. ^^g5^20^04Uflrr , a poor
and hd; 1 person , an orphan .
$3@<Q3e5rti ffiLjQLjrr^DSy, to be choked, sti
fled , smothered or suffocated .
StSSW, the moon . {gTO35Yr-P,LO , monday.
FtTONCi.o , a time .
gSDF , a legion of the world fortune . ^ CD 8e LU T LU
LJ 6P ffr 5y , it is known every where. rS.upg
e>ffi)?S3a"ffj6)J , the east,wind . eut g^SffojT"e5
towards th north . &,FfX^@Qj ( _jL_o.3:(l>g;)
fortune- blows towards one.

TlJijrLO, igALU TT0>f5LD , a clear

instance, example.
) evidently ,
plainly. ^.-_1)#){*'.>157 . an eyewitnefs,
, d)4_0_ , $-*1-_. , the eye -sight,
tf ip.4_5.s:ai i^Cf^r QixcK;esi-jjg;*^"5j , to
look upan one. jnciixz l h_q_ g; fy> LO^wJip.!
l_Q- LU ovo irOO , noue is lte him . <"_0.
I3 Quo , by spiritual eyes, * OJ C UJ $3$. 4_Sl US
QjO , by divine revelation, gpp 9 i
XO&i) . to be bewitched by one's eyes , to be hurt by
some body's looks . egi.4_!.LJLjrf lUTTLO ,
10. ?B 35 y5@; 5 , hcathtnish ceremonies for removing
an imaginary evil that might have been caused by evil
eyes. 05p.4_5-;(3 9} T 9. LO , evil imagined to be
caus-d by other people's eyes.
to see or look . #;p.4_i. ff g CSDj , {.4_p_Lwrf,
certain stone .
'- > Sl ,. firmntfs, courage, comfort.^
<ftrrQyrrcK> opj O & > to comfort, to eneourage .
1 3>95Td*ct, i ffiiTevr , i 1_!;$].9 ,
arte who is courageous or intrepid . ft i_jlj(L65/3c

to be comforted, Strengthened, confirmed. fgi t_li_j('

$0), >\ 5-BSoe;, ^L_.a;jaoa/ , to
hearten , or inimit one ; to confirm thing. <f\ LQTLL!,
f( ^UJ , ig'I LO ^, courageously , intrepidly.
$t f<n-Q^,T"VTfy5*-^>SJ to talse heart, to be of
good cheer. jg| rQ3jTwn (} Q\^18r
, to
speak freely, boldly. tv rrrf 35LO , confidence,
courage, boldnefs .
" , an open or barren field .
#)L_CO , a dry place in a river .
$\-LQt jot , precipitantly . g LU. Q /3- sor
(L#.De3J , to fall by a violent thrust or push .
<(b'35 (*-^& to grow scared , startled , terrified ,
frighted. <g(gg;d>i LjL_l<reBT5a/*
, to scare,
Startle or terrify cm*. ^(^^QgsoT.outof asudden fright.
ff (^'1_ OUT -J
^Otj; , to run fast.
64 LO , just, exact i a pioper way ; a fixed rule, \
to regulate. 4 LDLJJT^
> t" see how ta
go to werk j to see how much is the quantity . value,
distance etc . Lcrruj, exactly . -' LO,
a regulation ; accuracy . gil LJLJ (J> t>&J , to agree
exactly (gm 3rQ3rr^9T , an accurate nun . g>i
I LO J>|^vji u_i T (7) XI 5 , One who knows- not the
proper way or rule .
Trstfrrt-O . 14.4 a rg^TLD .
<j4ip. . .^ .
4_C , ^_9.<) , a wicket . 4</cJotC?Uj
-^3>4j^f5JLpd5 ^ , to undertake a thing which
cannot be pci formed.
f^i (g , a rising ground above water in a river, a
small island
<gt , to scold , to revile , to abuse . #i_(g





(5*03| t$4^35at5i7:S.20gy , to cold very rauefi.

to scold inccbai.tly .
\ si , a little hill , a hillock,.
(Jjeeof ; iiO; , to cram or stuff, ^ test UJ
wh*t is thick, and well stuff'd .
<mrr rr 4 LO , vexation . ovrr I rr 4 L>
l_ln>r2iy AQi/ , to vex., X (fE 5 <1 .t, srtsr
t <K;Q 5 T o\T ^" * D Qj , to play the fdol.
with one .
^. , Ql_J(5r3g5reTL_0- , gluttony, emf
i_O.UJoot, irereoeeajotT , a glutton.
djutraTSQ/tS ^C-SV v. BT6$Dgy.
0 , a high seat or sitting-place along the
outside of the house etc. a piail . lmi ziGTrr&\ *
.'*T)8i) , to raise a piaal . /5 J\ju5t3
s^CSJ, to sit upon the piaal. v

> ^UfLO, a phasis of the moon , whereoi

they count 14 . in half month . ff ( if^jf ) Q^T*
Cb'^bSS^OS; . ^$1121 CSx) , to gi.e almk on.
the anniversary 1 ay of the parent's decease .
{S5#i , the nose cf a bellows.
)8)S!b6.9iV , to be sweet or sweetish. iii?1'
l_l , sweet ; sweet- meat.
&d)J&lD(%J , to make accurate , to correct .
^<<(5^.50 , to write accurate!;/. ^EgjLJL-
OLtLTOJ, exactly, arttully . tf5SL'LJLJ<f< l_i T
"g^fC^Qgj ,
lt_H_ft t_jetJT S2^ tS ^ y i- te>teach ont. a handycraft's trade, to shew to ont how to ait..
LJi_5 , the dregs of any thing whereof the juice hasbeen squeezed or strained out. (|)l_Ji_5f Q F rr 1 r
boiled rice that is quite dry .
* JiII-SonS , a long pepper-shrub. (* LJ i_S oS
ONCLO, it's branch . (ji_Ji_!t>SLL)rf tf > )in_5oS i long
pe()per . g5trr 1 g.^ i_i i_3 o<S , a clijere/u kind of.
long pepper .
jLjSLJ i a dam or bank in the water
g> u5Te;ov,LD wbaje .
dju5 JuQLU-'er^i'CBeS^Jcs; , to come with
great attendance .
$Lif, $Llfnj'TUJ&24 , L/J-aJTe>LD , >
palsy causing an insensibdity and a shivering erf the
limbs affeaed-. ^5"5|5^*.-;> ^", leg
having lost their feeling . ^1_ T u35^ *^?
an unsaleable ciuiimadity^^LOiJTjJ'r t4 9S ^ T C , ene
that is struek with the pals-y . $ u5/rui! l_. { (J(f5 5; s>^Ot5^ , t be become inse*ible . tjfiuStOj oyt J/T<nj ,
a stupid person ; a lazy one . cu$rf i (J^tSOjg* /
, to shake a measure or a vefscl , and fill it up to the
brim . fg<_c5tfF* *OS)j , ^'Lf5t5
4 Q s T ""T
5 5 5/ 1 to be lieuummed - ,\; ^i_g
5;, my foot isa-slecp. J^rx'4y^i^^;$L^^j^J ,
it did turn hi, stomach , he loathed it
^t_i5 itveJ^Cicg^ , lo wrest , to WHiti or wiin one's self*
out of a pei son's hands . fS> 35 g> UJ S) l _*3 LJ.
Ql_JTi (2l ) CllTJSJior , he wrcs'tej his hanet
out and run away ..
^lj3LD^t , M. such an one ; au ape . {[_9;@1
, a certain ape .
^iUSS^LO , melancholy i dejection , pensiTcn^s . fLU f> & (Q5 LO LO UJ 33 f * L" -1 *< 3;
" ,
fS ^35 fSilp'^VTOvriD^or , one that is melancholy.
UJTvEl^OgJ to be dej eted.
jjiTI 9 , p.iicrty, melancholy. ^lJCrLJ3.ujTu5
(SS^iOS;, $luiTlj^^lj>-Lj (535*
SV , to be
j derelict, to be forsaken of all.
d)JJT?3'-fi , liberality, t^iun-* , a liberal or chatitabl maa ,
* giur

^TfftULfl, a reputed bad space of time.
tfoJoTOCLD, time. <~)$1 cn. (CJLO , always .
$'UT LO t meditation, inward devotion. tf
WJTaoTCDLJfftWTSSEi/aS/v:^, tf LUTasf 05ao5j . to
meditate, to contemplate. tfilffferG C?<3 ;f5 *
i)', to be at meditation. (J'JJTwf, one who is given
to meditation .

<g(2J , Venus i* /i mythology ofthe heothent ; felicity
beauty ; holinefs in a heathenish sense . $t!5 fll 0 >
^jtrr.,an unlucky man. {(5(^ j^r , the tank
near a pagoda . f^fTggp , ^(fg^LpT" , an holy day
or feast . (5rf ju , holy ashes . $<5(3|_0 , reliceof saints . g'TjiilT . a chouKlry . ^ (5 ill
@ , the word or speech of an high person. . 5S
OVTLS, a great person's will and pleasure. g> (Tg C
Ar i_di_|.^5^5 343 ' 1'1 'peecli of a great 'person .
$(5^*"t . ffTOg^* tno winding in shells.
@*J05li> 5t5Kyj5j.
i_i n- O *
to hollow w thrill e r/i/H ; to wrest a thing; by
tuiningM . <Trr^Qsg.5^(rge$JTp'iirr, he wrested
my neck.
LL ijarjerr ,
gj.Ti UJ $5* , a
tool t take out tiic kernel of a coco-nut. /${}&. r
a J ttri e piercer to make a round hole in a c?dj;m -leaf,
^( , a sciew . ^5 g;rrtrf LOT
, to' screw in .
533@ , fiauJ, deceit, g fjj
i_J LJ w 2m; sg;
, to play a tiick . t| (> g= (g, f a ~3 ser , ff(fJ53f'
1"2)?5. TCVf , a cheat, a deceit er .
t1>35S>{R , a ray , a thornbaclt ,
*S> {
, a ray's- skin . it 15 $5. 05 i^p
^VJ . the
sharp bones on the ray's tail -which the Jishtrmen imme
diately takeout. J{ ^(5^5 . LJsjFfTL-Q. > ^
,(!55 3; . "cTi ffit f5tf)5?T>S>fK,

Gt-JT-QSLl ,0 g''* crumuied , wrinkled . $, a bj

415 J\D , a wrinkle , a crump .
tfO"i #, a crowd, a; what is round.
tf<ri (S*-^>S;. |!-((5; , to
make round by rolling or wallowing . tf it i 6 L-1
LJT04D. miik grown thick by boiling. tfci (j}-35
iFoSjJrT'' LO, the festivity 01 Indians at a girl'i being
thrown marriageable ,
* tf , $,* er L i a very little thing 01
inatttr , a straw- halm , a graft etc.{gcr**rr LOTUJLJ T /J"
tttf^DP^ , t look contemptibly upon * thing,

tOTU-iQ115^50; i speak despicably of a thing .

g/ i^iJa"TajLDTUJLJ!_JT"'3:it^3S-' i te '00'4
upen one as if he were a little child.
^.jiecf , the name of - tree .
)1 iodot, any thing twisted, ormade in a ball ; a wisp
bf straw laid under the burden which a bullock cm ries; a
chaplee or fillet ef a pillar, a Cornish, or any globose work
in architecture . ^// i_5t_i r<f. $ OSx) > to "iahe
glabellar . TiOT Q 05 ( oyt t/5 * -52 SJ > { eat GasTM t^5KS05 Lc*wn- jo " ^ 5 as 05 ,
different kinds- oj rays .
/ by forming it with the fingen into balls.
(5<S$/!Offi) , to steal. i^t5i ( theft . gfTjUi
tf/TLO 1- . gJTLO .
^Tib'LD , money .riches . tfcr LL'UT*in" , UTiiJi ^JJH CvTiUTiju , thievishly . ^ifgi ,.
a thief . _foj5l Q oor < * i ti
0<Tif3LLig5g5Tcorr , a
tus- ixi_i , (/fn.
rich man .
Ql_lQ)S55*i|3rr , a prime rogue, an arch rogue. f,
$T3vr , a great many. tf/roYTLES^Vip-tf" , QXI (S1 tb'LJGL.lTergj , things stolen away . (|3l_
jg;iT0Y|-, a great many people. gT"VTTtU . very 0> LJ l3 Lp. ti 5^ , to find out the theft , jf 1 .
niHch . abundantly , in a great number . tfcr^VJiS^igJ (jjL &)Lt> , stolen gc ods-."
4,, QQ t_".2
to roll , tu become round ; to
$?3&>)- i will set , will mended , perfeal . Q&rro<3grow numeros to become marriageable . IT (5 -bS'i-Q, articulate, distinit and orderly in spiech.
<;^ , to erat in thick crowds .
Jibcg'jLDTUjGLJeTeB^y ) , to pronounce rtica!
*iT<T , t5, /TT , a mixture of copper and spelter , cop ateiy. ^r55)c50i0'T^O3r , one who pronounces well,
fSfS&h'&^O&J to mend , amend , reform to make
per made black, by melting spelter with it .
O"TSr, ffjrr St , a bahnce , a pair of scales. leveil or ever, i to unscile a fish . fPpTjSjS'iGljh '
#on:GJljtl_Q> rg xv> <j$ # *0 &u i to weigh by a e.'ViSjj , to prepare the ground fu t owing etc. &,ff,5}balance. go"T ffr?: (0? T 34) , the beam or blanches o( ^yQ^TOC^i^r.ey, to speak distmly.- 5S>
a balance. tfrrr ffH_ii_jl_a 05<TC @ ,
T 9 ig; WT ^arXif^eS^g^ , to make .1 tiling fit .
(5, a weight, #|cnr EFrfCp W fV5 . the needle ora ba
$ 5 5 &J * O
> 0 glow mended , corteed
lance. Trrtffg Jjl (>' . a scale or bason of a balance. evened .
tfrrnrUJ , y'CTTU-1 , r// < of un eatable herb.
;(51_|1_((^^) , to turn something ; to translate ;i
IT TU_GOj/r , jvietish root tf it . l_l /
to govern e ship , a herie-etc . Tjlj JaiJffet ^Ogy,
turn upside down. (g5 PHg^/^LJ tj 1_1/3-05
, ffLDLJ^tfTrrUJ ,'(i5);Srrnrtij , (>/
, to look back. LCeea ^cj^LJL-itfi^g^ , ' to4/WT J^crrr , different It.nrls of thai plant f
convert one's self. i_iT.Su. tT;> tjljIi^^Og;, to
< S\\tST.Si) . . ( 60-1*j3D;.
^rf , Jp.i ^irrxi . the match or wick of a ennt'le. convert a sinner. t$ffiLJt-jff tf
Quin (QfgQtf , rf , a w..x cant.le .
rf ~u n rf n^OGji) ) to say agaiH and ag iin .
If.&iCGx), to make wax-candle, . tfrf GllJn I Qj&/!0
ro turn about j to turnback . ^fTJLTiJjcOTfQj'iSl-DTLLJ,
K/> to thrust lint in a deep wound .
with a turned face, eg lli t F LO i_S sr
g; 1 a nr
l^tttiOj , to walk all about .
'ej^^ i the discs-' is upon the turn . |(5 LO
f > i a potter's wheel ; a hand-mill .
/ ) , to twist a rope , to grind by a hand- l_Sio_r (Cpg-^G^l-CiSrrj^GeS rr 05 * vj
mill . f^rf "ftd-iey the ro) e becerm s twisred , the twist to give physiclt when ihe diase is upen the tin n .
ff} iL rjjtf inLD'.j'O^CV, the poison i- check'd , remov
ing runs from one end of the cord to the other .
{rfy#/j-T LJ L.'OVT ovf , Trichimpoly .
ed . 05TR5Jc5^ifpLDMJ the wind turns , changes,,
shifts, tf r5LijLJLJT(J-gs65^rc5; , to look back.
^ft@# j\o , a bat .
^.tLLiTe-uiTLD , rf UT-g;a~LO > tricks, dcceitful- tf<LDi_S<Xirri3D;, to return . VBLOt-S l_l G t-J T
nels , knavery tf,rf aJTOJC"Uju 52L L
, t.. 2~>') ,0 E hack again . g5LCI_J . again , a second
deal deceitfully, ^rf LLlTLlCrgiejTO*ffr , achcat , n rime, once again . tf (fjg ID l_j cOJ, lo , again, reciprocallyj
thereagainst , on the contra/y ,
iiauduleiit fellow .


lg(<T5U'4 LO, ltd for yare.

taste a thing, ^ew^o>QLJ'T'(5*S/t *
gretei^ j-fU T
<TU '-0 , d)<5ili TfTU), knavery . ly ; to up. $/1_11 , t_jseT
ff ((gimT^VOjelJ^B'T '' a deceitful person.
i LO, kitchen - provision .
SOJTl-fJTG^T-W' Tiavancore .
<f, iur _d , ffi;nrr s>ld . an evil .
^, ^lOi . ^<!-0585.2 , to make and
^^jef ^
recruit a fire . ^; T LU-et-iOgJ, to warm one's self near
^3Qt(;u>. vigor , strength ; the body.
a fire. 6j;f>TiRieS, a fender for the fire. (J
<5 a T. a wave, a billow; wrinkles of the skin by < age; >?& . &J to bel.h fire , persecute with wrath.
a rope twis;ed of straw .' ^BjCT, fgl>0"##Art>O , a
^"0505Le f. ^^OfJ5l-C.
curtain . 8)fi90;> i.iriUTilA wave upon wave. *
^ff iT)
, to singe, to scorch , -to sear or parch
^t_x ^(g^ , the biUows beat egnintt something . \ something ; to boil the half part of the broth away . g> J=
;S3 T tf ( @ 3^ , the forehead begins to wrinkle. " fi-i_4Gl_iT@*.AOfJ., to burn sometliiag.
rjj<g>T f "VT W OJ , ene whose hair is
<<(2<35<33 , an ostrich .
gaizi'ed and the skin wsbvkled..
?05Q05> a ad misfortune.
gftrrSSifL) , $&v\jj(2>~>rri)>- to soil as
6?05 , an evil , damage , adversity .
tu t * . to eeorched
vWdvcs do { to crumple .
^osDKLD, i^oesSSU, * point painted on the by the heat of the sun ; to seethe till the half part ef the
broth is gone . 63 Oj0\3 , singeing , scorching . ^ujFSf
.fore-head over the .
^O0g;LDLS3N32fi;iJ3(3bJ9H6-a0 gj(,te speak lies <seoT(&f%) , to boil the liquor away t:U it grows
asd aoc sense . ^cr<)0]LS-3a<2JLDTlu(L^Teer thick .
(fTt SF, the making one a disciple.
jBji aer#i (JJ.j a bond become still and void.
, womens month's .
3535 *, a wo
i jsje\TOO , tue.
man that has her monthly courses .
v.. $$.
-~ , holy , divine . !usShj<t(Tujld,
{i Q , a ceremonial nncleannefs*. -^i t it "
divine thing . >sl|d6 ULiLOrroiaT s an holy ene a 6~ , one who is not to be touched being regarded
iblefsed ene in heaven.
as uncirn .
(^LJllQ^o^ , to be polluted^
$iomGio&j, g05SGujT(Set *, tp ope gi (e^ff(5 , the 4> of a woman in child-bed .
something. $.cY3rf!^S5><XIP5S>.05y to keep open.
(JSitJ/ , to whet, to sharpen ; to beat rice in
>52*1 ^*A,ejJ , to be open . g^orjr(^i_)r a mortar for making it clean .
Q&^'&ioc 2li
yOSJ, 06^) >wn ftGl-JTA^g; , to open of itself. a whet-stone . igi lj i_J 3\ 2S 5 a board for whet
<g*3tX|i opening, dsolosing . g,-|-.40)>, ting upon . fl^tt Ovlf# , rice that is cleansed . 0j t i
to have the capacity of disclosing things. ovf , i 00, cleaneing^
a prudent pe*on . -t% etijQ^M eQjrr, a stupid
&>\ M i ba*c &f s-4Wr^ i law tribe .
i_jLii_jewrru3 > base coin .
jxrrson .
rj- 05 *
. > JLJMl-jLJT(-giD5J , to inquire jg<nrsr(& D ) , to touch ; to iafeit by touching,
or investigare into a .things $JX>SX ^ 05 ;"N3 ,a key. gSlQ.r^mvr\_i)LrQ^^S}T"T , he died of a venom
/yn i n .q , a gap in a wali er hedge. ^Ol_JD\_lH ous bite, di^peBtrrrgtfj'jein-^'^asa, an eclipse.
fta f-5.38j i to patch up a wall, to repair a gap.
fifi) . ill luck , mischief .
geeu) v. ^oga> .
t55 SJ * OH) i to rub a*id cleanse . ^55^95 0;o\J
rvD'-O , capacity , faculty, ability, strength. </yjL 2l . ^^5;_1->@)05 a. stone or a piece ef a
LJTrJ-g AQg;, to try .one's strength . (^~0S05rr plank to rub the wall with .
^30or, a capable persea . JiTj55:X) dj gj T " , both
4 ^UlE, a lamp, a candle. (l_lff^TOO, a candlestick,
partite .
^I_I4.^Q. , torch.
rg{_j*3rLD , L.J#5^t_JsarU3 , henger. appetite^
>.3tJ , herd or drove of cattle .
a good stomach, if, 1_1<(' "ni O^J ,
fO&b'^Q . capacity .
^pnst , strength , ability .
to he hungry , to have aa appetite .
(i_| . gj/OJ.
E^? > three . &>*5 05 T ) U) , morning , noon
and .evening . <_55*! . ;the Italy Trinity.
a7i_|Ta> . ifcfWLO.
>-*565 . aturity-, satiety. d> J
^31_ , inischief , evil . wrong.
L_) tg foTJT
D&i) i to be satiated ; to be satisfied . ^ 5s^ g UJ T UJ ?Og7 , to frame an Uldefign . d?U3i_|Q5=a_ii jri^ ,
FTili-JI Qu , I am lull fed., .1 have rilled my to do wrongs ^LJJwru: i fem. g i_ ) a wicked
*>eUy .
per on .
^djrar, an impious man . gcuerd- , $.QojrT$-*
<>. toll.
eeTi_0 > a day . Qiorgij JO u^jwlO this day. ungodly people .
jtfefui , ^ >eri50jrr , dily, cvciy day. _| jryg
ig Lsens; , '.^. . ^^-GLjrr^OS;
nriju) , daily. ^nrrLl_ITrJ"(?5(Si3Ca^yT , one
^UJeVCTrr tf . ^6"fieVo-r .
who discerns between lucky and unlucky days . ^ JT
tfjtTLO , a bank [gcS^Tlfl , the bank of a river.
(oFtugj every day's news . gaar FQFUj|lllT . a bold man J?CTg)UjQl_lflr* 305^ .
Gffi; . to evej-y day .
speak manly.
$W<CLJ, an itching. $.(03<()5@ (^Jr
f> S-O . te bccune ended , finished, perfcedj
@py > the skin itches .
. to become butedj to become expiated ; tofire a musket|
&) i dinstn '(Uff# , Indian hirse or millet . 05 to die or colour . jf/J-f3|5LO ?
rr , a well-bred
*-D , a
^pTj^i/mrr , black millet. QfT)g/eoT , red millet. or accomplished man . 9- rru_lr5^'(r5*
<5 , millet-meal. f>i/tJoT05 05gj# , rftrr^ dicr. si) JQutrr rg^^S iDcj; . to strike a color over
a thing . QCVi/VOi!DiW3 ror<<9U.!(r}- g ,
J?><5 (Tft^LS, a inillet-conshy for sick people.
.to eat. ^5t >1_1(^?56 ^. to he bas nearly perfeed the work. Jucuan^i (Cffi

^4"55-^5^1_1(> , after he had done writing . djrr <T

Qj , it comes to no end . ffU T "^^^'
, I cannot come, I have leisure. ^erirejiCUJfr
g , an incurable sickntfs .
jg^tfitfiLD * . tg/!0& LO .
^ , /?-$5.lj(2ljt@s *oy , te end
or peifc a tiling. 0ji A^Jtn ^^-^LjgLJ T (g
d$J , to pay off Jehl. STiJ^^^^-gsaS^OS; r
to judge . , f5) K^(J-85fi; i_ji_JT (h
*? t
to deonie a cause .
5Kjljl_H_0- lI T
21/5.0^, to pcrfeft /.imj . ^ ) 1- 1 I t__p_
-. it is perfectly d.iDC . g>^ff#]J L_i L_J L.Q.
kLTT UUQ TCN30/sg Os\, to. say explicitly.





SJffs'LC, g;?
LO , base, mean,
f s1 C'
Bj/rj.eer , one of a mean sit of people .

LD i 5J4 LO wild, savage. ^ 9

I , a wild or hcrce perron. 5i)if).'\ nt| t_j ,
savagencl's , firrcenel's . g;trj.ii. r ld LJ r S22)j* ^Og; . to aft wildly . i) JLQ. U_ T J 0j rr /OJer
a fieice fellow . ^^.4 '-^*-^'*
> destruction'
of the wicked . gji. L<5 Q> ( LD , a wild beast ,
ygFCTO , the sleep J the death , ^ & O .
ro sleep ; to die..
i^iJiLO, the beginning. 4511 Aw0O5>-to begin i/t 0)@ uncleannefs of a woman in her months*
or in childbed, gjl { @ 3: {S T _a5 ' a woman whi>'
liai her monthly courses \ a v^cnian in childbed , 0J >
?'T"LJtI i an award of arbitrators.
i_(gs_ii_*tyjb.aogJ v.- g,* u_ (y ui l_i (j -)^; .
gtf lottlo , a positive determination final concluiji 'h.'t OgJ . to begin.
fion . s'iJ-LOTearLTe^iiiiirX) ! the last price, fgif
;| T(g ftocks for prisoners-.
LO T "".jot dj , definitively .
dx)\ l_ii-JLO a besoin , a broom'.
^^"LOTeTfpet jjcgi , to deermine .
9i;iL_<r3*.2:&j , ;_/3-^^1_1/, <J*r
&) if S>
, a decistan ; the tjl custom or duty paid 5^1 (-^,, to pursue a ferian or a thing , to beatwi'h regard to merchandises . ^r>C^^^SD^J one's heels . JI fr<T>eijQmi: &*OSi) , to go on'
in examining, jji /1 (5?v(oLJfffc6eo;, to continuer
( Q'RTftgs*
) to ' the" toi I .
speaking, aji
jgjuSi-a ffitfj; , tu overtake
^jOjhIl , tgsbjg>$, a link, torch , flamteau.
^TiKTi-O ha 5 te . f^flHTLOTUJ , hastily. { perse , ji ^-iggjT/}- , 1 dations , friends . ^^'
TJTLO'-J3crf^2l;i.oo; , ^ ^^^; , to mike (3?5 O-0LLslT . iiiiinetliHtely ene after aro trier, 1011, to hasten. j j if 5 3j i 9e Qsf'jj^a', to iinuaily .
QtiQt (g^j o
, ^;
do fnf, hastily . ^355('<5, an lu i man i G,J"(S.S5S;a6eM_l '^^, to fink words toge
^5"jj<rarLD i> . g'LjsoT lo .
ther in v. tiling .
ff] sut , the magistrate of the Moors or Muhara -|I UO. , firmne Is, flrength ; severity. 'jLjj.
rocdans, the Divan .
0?9566-O*ilT , one who is able to dixy an heavy;
burden . tJL-CUjrrajrgi ^^., to go quickly
?^(Tr , a wicked scheme) ill luck.

, an island any remote country beyond the ;LO- ^ a strong robust man .
ea. ^njg5@(fFc , ^ 5 5 ffi , an ostrich .
S,Jl_.05eli) S/,Jto pant, to throb, to struggle, ffpl^f.
L_)l_4 , pan ling, sti tilling. ayl_0-c5$;g5G -TeiLj>i
1 TSifiTLD , a remote csuntry .
5.35#5 , he is in great pajnon . ffJi.j).&}Bi)&i'
^Lpi_ll_| V . 1_| .S7-e 3}ffiimQ?liT->ai Qj$rt&0 Qi); be hot oe
3>6St-0 , long , distinct , perfect, accurate . & L> eauer upon a wuik .
tF0"u5ffr, a long life . d?ORTLl355JOVroYr s-U trr , Sj(&3 insolence , wickednefs . g;gF@\_jLJ,'rr
ne who enjoys a lung life . g>_'Vj G 8) ^ # a Pr',, bet, S3VnK) i to be insolent. ^(95-:,
one who ses a thing long befoie . /, 35 Q S5 rC# a wicked felle<v .
etTPLO , a. prophecy . ^fr^^LTUJLJl-.**^;^,- Sy(Ljl_|, a spatula , a slice , a prel m of 'jroei P
to read distmfth/ . ^-^(^^1 , a pei red paddle . gyKLJU{L-lQLJrr I ftfl 6^&*OBi) rly learned man. f? "1 65 (g)LD -2<rU32/ 05 @ LP LO to stir- with wooaen spatuia . i>(3t_jLj^I<_lT
#5 T85^ vjjblo , there is a great difference between this go the fool !
and that man .
x>&)i . the thigh . Bjt2>\ , arr ^ceir
on the- thigh, near the privy parts . jsi eTU*T/OvT
&>S5;u>, water. $*Dff^&n(S&*OS}> to bathe. L-tOl-JLJi @_0! ^09)J , lie sick of iti
(CfJ {5 as l_ , a fore-qiiaiter / a shetf eit
fffOM <}-1_|1_| .
meat, food. ^ JTi-J 1 LO crTi_j9!'3r t_S(50TJBrrp5>ea)l ,a hind-quarrtr .
L LO i kitchen-provision, eatables. Qur'grrj^offf g;
S; at. 05*^005; , gjsi c55.;i_jGlj t t?*
? , a glutton .
5J. to wipe a thing., to wipe it clean . gyeoi l_IL_L>!
L/0LO > wealth , pofsefsion . fc5J05L5 ;>o . *5;i L-ILJLO.'.
*UW .a poor man . SJSSLOUJTfeb
, to valife
; low. & lo...
the produce J a field tte ,
5^1 (> , brals-coin .
ayi tS^L-eL'. short club .
gycro cloth ; drefs .
ffy net , a small piece of cloth, . 6$) eve? S y eoef''
* 5^35 94LD Sorrow, sadnefs , grief", mourning . 6^05 UJT &&C8\) , to rent clorh in small pieces .
Cx o*ef 35<TLC rashwefs1, boldnefs . ffjj eeef Bi
*BLJLj(5S;i ^;*#^05^ , to be sorry , mourn
ful, g^f 05055 * , one who is of melancholy *i<T*0<m , a daring . ^eof ; ff g
temper . g.J0565LOQLjrreeO/,to dispel er e/OS^ . speak boldly .
afcuajre ones- sorrow. 9)&>f*e-(g}9)ir ff}$>Q3<iQ}
0X)vef&D&l, to,ventore, to hazard. Bjeeef'S^,Gi)eeeT ~
tTff-OD, temerity, venturine, hazard . By ewef TiJ oyf
@iJi05^ t0 e extremely low spiiitcd'.
ilitrr g^etraf rgQnj^gr, ^ 5 ^, g>
S;93@wf , a little ^EB@eeef LjLJTfjgiGejiT t_DT , a bold venrurer ^eref -jQfuj* ^Tjj , t
undertake Ain boldly . *<*}(2 }>
*2><**-><5J . t<> give a little
lfj , to say a thing -with boldnefs .
gLfTOST , eminent or eclebrious perstn,
SL/ffiTLO . *( .
J gjeeaf iS^OS/ t to cut asuadcr, to cut in pice .

&3$ SL'i-i'-i
g;Sl/35@. pc cut off. _

QJ ?a/ S) 3 . * verjr surJI piej: or bit.

65J . }o be scared,
ctjiifooor , help , afsietance ; a companion .
G^oj^^os;, to help. g;iwBT 5&,0.
jgj, to call on* for help . . -. Oiar . an
fiel,!-, an afsislar.t. ^ /Jtror 4 1' , a companion ; the
iiusb.,nd . ffjjjo'CTrTc , the wife. nyffiy/T"OT .
fellow- trawl 1er , onr'amon in a journey . gyp6ui g5
1,1 'it;'P ' company by the way
dZ-i-TS^^Z/ttVr , une tvho alsists with ach i.e.
eijoiw' i i_D,apiecc cat elf. Qj'osn [^
jLDTLijr .rjgseS t gy, to cut in pieces.

gy , to spit out . >LJL_jrr *

, to b tpted 01
to be bespawlrd .
<gVLJU|TcQj V . jt_JL_JTcOL) .
<5> Xt_J^p^Li-l cb LO , a medicinal wood . Lhkv ,
fijLOLjcJT t/Vi . e^LOLi'efc ) a wkked penen".
g>LD.J , a ruath - kind of butterfly of a grey color,
commonly y i g abui'.t before rain . (j LO l_ Li? W
the neme o a fisli .
gyi_Ot_j 5 &c the trunk or (Bout of an elephant.
yLOl_( , a rope to tie oxen or bullocks with .
JJL-Dibl-J. >-iFJ _1 , plant sc celled . : COJ
S^LOSn-j* Gi-J5ti; i_o>Lj, gsQasg^L
2)l I diffeient kiuTs of it .
, to si.ctze, g^ll^'jJCTO, sneezirg.
8xJ-L.fJ~ijy , surrow , saJnei's , Compafsii .
q^j , ti) cut pcete j to confuse
s/etcb ,
ffjj <iitt i_Ol T 3 35 LO , miaruelsomejiefi , hcadinel's L0TiU(f5 f. ^| , f5Auri-ji_j4_P-t5r35e-2 ^ > t0
(^ 35 U. L_l 5HKe5.C85J i to he obstinare be soriy .
and quarrc'aonie P5J )o"9Tl_p_rf 3:95 951 .iOow , aetit- H JJiJ-, cal. mity , sorrow .
{J'L Js3 , a cloth .
necked, capricious and wicked person.
gymai-Qj. a piece; a lois in sell nig grods . QJ-nm
. -Q L_H_J n S) 35 . a piece oi a board. [;jfti T(ytS G *TOvr^V5*ZD.S^. to Sleep.
jox), )jn a lo. t_)G'it (5 *
H to cut QJJjul-, cltaunefe, purity, holin. fs . g/OJLU^ ,
board .tc . in pieces, ^ .^4^ 9505'T.i/WiT , a clean. ^.ULLI^rOJ, cleanly.
JG~3yV)4i OZsGx) - t > drive or cliateaway, to pursue .
bu'locle, a steer .
&j eirrQf 5^if^ a kindef a venemous ground-worm . Si) r^gajbi'S)-^ Ifj , to turn out , to drive out, tt
' (3*%>{)5 p,a5e fgG^Luc.ccL' >. iirivv aw.iy .
g^TLJLJ iwTT Lb , a gimblet.
^^cF-/T'^; . to piarte . gj^LJi_| , piai-ing.
;< , a well . Qjrr eOJ p Q * 30 J , f
9) ?5 S 35 > the trunk ot an elephant.
^535 -0, qo^ol , vitriol. i_i'Tobg;55iJ5'. sink a well . trvTeOJ 75 -. o^i , well-uricks .
LCt OCty?)35'-0 . white vitriol. U)'.O<j j5;bjU>
^fjcTTffiJ.f t? , Roman vitriol.
ejurr t V . &> .
fiJ2>$g5 35i-0 , ^^O^CS>cR!-0 . India spelter or ,
Oj^TTlU V . 4)TT LU .
tuitnag .
5;; cnj=$_3Uf/ , g; r5 lu Gi-iteScs;,
P,15>). marsh- ma'low. Malva. 1 J} $10 fOO i it's' to stir or turn rofi f rr airing ii .
leave,. <To>S? G* iJg^P}^ , a kind of that plant, 3)jrf - , QJiTFL<t Si/ft 3)'-D , haite . fyrf ftgu T
whose leaves are I,ice rat's ens. " u5 95 t-p g 3jj 5} $ , a kind (B* ^g^l ..ffj^if a5'_6(g*
to drive on, tu prte
upon a thin . g}'Tg _oi__ie*r *521/ et ^j
te hstca
fit whose leaves are in five parts dii;cK'J . T1
<j5j. .f .'JtsofFi^gi , 05<rarr(.b'5-5;5 S i 05T' / , to nuke hdte. y'f 65955'1 ^O1" , an hasty man.
6)j(rf> , .mit . Si. ([g l_| ci
ff} S) Si) , rusty . Si)
'Qff5L>52>> #-cu5;5 , QFrK/c5($. g
7)11 tj) L45. ^u c; , to iud "oui the thief or the
theft .

,*Dlu Jv3gjg0 ,
iliffiteni kamls of il .
*5Jb'j > l'es . deceit . ey^e^'LjQLJffr -o {5J , to })\ . 5>(rg5 35La v . {^(fgniLD .
H lies. e^5S^3?Ta < , g^-wr, ^/ fa.'tjJr f S^T'trr .
LOT OiXv f 35 , a fraudulent tell uw . gJS/L_i
?fi'5W$ * ^35 r3?TT .
ra 2>'Si5Cg> , t ) play trickj .
5 5^ <S LJi-J T u3
t5 -- , t i be in gie.t fervor .< b>te /or a thing .
5;{g;LjSi_iT(!Jie^o5i; . ^'Tas*/rey.
)'3u'ijjT4 LO -y, y, eS ty QJ , to agrt
L-'G>5 a leather bag to cany vt;iier Indian -bel
luise .
lows . s^t^^^iU) S
i) , to blo.v the bellows.
^'(^PScScetfiiLaJ&iSJ , the nose of the bellows.
* S J ^ i 14?, cloak to cover the whole body
'- .a straw, a rush. 5J(d4G5T(S
with , coiiMsting of two clothes joined together. Qlc S S^> to give the wile a en aw in token uf divorce.
Br^^LJiiLt-p. . a rble-Jo;h . ,T><-iS. TxOg^/LJLJi
Rl(i50JLD , a castle 011 an 1 ill or mountain .
i_0-,a5hcct. g;_ji_i4_4>LJCi?OT*ga'3? GBTOvr
SjJ(5S^ , an hole . gj..^ ) 2D &y , 6 5 f~ (5
5^53^.) , to put a clualc o\*r the shoulders .
i^O^, to bore ; to make an hole, jj 5 s"U ^ , boiing.
gJ'-JLJCTiOJ f clean.
iJiT, a gentleman, a governor . Ql_1 rf LU
-Jtii_JTS i aftis , a musket . ejj l_J l_l -TtRi '5 LU 35 Sa>(T , a governor, a chit f. # jer
, 'he second
5 '-. pfi.ig,/ , rc charge a fusil . f5Ji_jLjT35cSsfi in a ga\ernmftit . f^'sTSTl-O ; 35 W , great men's chil
, to discharge it .
lJuJT ifiSLC^rgg; , dren . gJSafffigjcnr |_ , a g, vernincnt . (SJ 2/ V 3
fine gun-powder . eyL.JLjTfb*i-jiJii @ , tne ItocU. ^^/ ^ , tu govern roeu.rv e/c . g/
f a musket. ^1_1_|?(.5 >0 , the barrel of it. "Te5 > 355^!;5 , one of the governmeiit .
* g^L_IL_JT# . interpreter , a servant to foreigners . ' SJt^'TcbLO tttacliery, falsehood, perfidiou. nefi.
L_l l_J T # g 5 LO L_l jeer fjgii fl5 30 7)7 j to serve as Sj\n Tg5LCL_|iarri2y'eOaiV . to deal treachtous'.y .
Uch a one .
3Fi>GT'raS, <f)iQ.rrer ^ ^ , a trait T, a be
g^llc^, dexteu'ty , a!)ility . QJLJ M KT 6TJ-wr , trayer. ^^'1"*
Wcp ^; , to fame a*
dext. rous person gJuu.dQ.iCitrr , a Stipid leilow , ill design. gjQa-frugl, a perfidious tem-ei .
. ge .
'S" 95051-0 v. S)<5-ulo .
^JIJ^^O^J, to spit . SVLJiJljQut
jjd-ffiJOiji', a;gj*^2;. ^ S 5; l_i 2 i_j /

i to fill up a pit with earth .



5; a)vr &jcr>

rub . T^21'eF(LC5'5?*^u5 j > &

*TOOLfJl LjLjn-ft SJ, to make the eintSJ JO0i3i'X , brigluncfs , shine, lustie produced by miiit penetrate the skin by rubbing it weil .
polishing . 9[> JC{fi* i>5V , to polish , to furbish.
S/iHSFU) , an hatred. gyOJieSiS^OS; t
Bi) Kj4il-!05)J , to be brigUr , glittering , resplendent, hate .
golished . SJ j\3T\J*rrf *O^yrgf5@ , alarap that
u ns char .
^Ogy , to beat or squeee herbs etc . m a mortar to get
SJ J^TS^TJMT-OTrarQoji/DO . P)J O TL the juice ; to .thresh 5 to si cloth; to \ut runnet ia
i_ITl.CT ><" ojiTOO . fine, neat and clean work. the milk for to make it turn ; to tcmpor iron . g^fiS
SJ 7s3Tl_t;'J4_D , S;^0 T33?5l i , a beam .
LUJO, squashed tbi.igs ^ the tempering of steal.
^jotlc , SJ jottt#, libra in the zoritack .
eJ JxJTLfl , a weight of loo and in other places of
' * {5^/;95#" Mahometans of the Hindoftan ceuntry . QjOQ/ ffiffi U LJTSig. , their language , SJ
+ e^avrt* , * kind of sweet marjorum , commcnty laet )35* >" , tlieir dominions . ;2&95e5'-J!=b ciuntry-tia .
of a fhvier .
g;3VTTLl3TLO , nine huiirlred .
SJ2J^^^>SJ , to shake // /i.t etc . SJ Oplfc
gjOYTT "O-jetOg^-, to stir the meat -in the pot, me
1 , a gesticulating woman. &j 2&I 95 * g> J og; 35 the paddy spread in the sun .
tf '3A_*i!0S> > to a proud mien in walking.
jJ^Orf , a drop .
SJ TOO a dam made for watering the ground . SJ
SJ^rf fi~ c)'es> germes or buds on branches of
TOOI-JIlOYTOVTLD , the pit or ditch near the dam trees. SJOffiJ-cf^^o^j , SJV^d^SOSJ > i>Vt5S
vhere th. water is drawn from. g^iroO frtu .the .SJ\~Q^T/!OSJ > Qj&rf ^tl m < > SJ > to
place where the water flows in .
bud, to shoot out, to put fortti leaves .
ByJiJOO, syiTOOiil a gi eat distance, a distance as far
e;V5fUtr T
# lu LD i the Tuluwa er Visapore
ss the Eye can see. ^ /TjogSyr^LfJtr^ey , gjiroo country .
G*U4 5*^ > wlia[ is a far *- SJtJoo
^j/Oir i an hole made with a chisel and mallet^ the
Qt~3J4-P-G JC>i_IT
, to go to a very distant cavity in a bamboo etc. ejJ/wr3=#.0^ , fl^/O-.r
place. e5L_)i_IJvSiTiJ@S;iroOiSGK) u5 5 5 (g
, the ship is very far otf .
&OSi))t0 make an hole with a chisel and mallet .
gjoyrevroo, jumping.
aytrooo &/ , SJ ;Q u 0 g) , to
Come toan end. JSjayL.JTejrjigjirOO T> 5 T CNJ
^ J/rn LO mettle* petulancy, nmlnef* .
"jjrfil_pLUJo>S35i- , when ene s (ewdnefs ceases,
5*-30&' > 10 )umP or 1 , to hop , to trip
pliyfick will have effect. <T otrr gj sj roo tu along. EJDVTOvf% OOe, to run along in atiipping
way . {gjavTVjLOrT^ . a bullock that -usee 'te shake
ggj , innumerable .
off the burden .
5;jSJ95*^OgJ *o renouncethe conjugal life . 5; /Q
t* finish f/iinj .
SJ^OoSiXilD pure , clean .
Ol , ei/DeT^OLO , celibacy . ( (JcNJCTO ^3L0 , conju,
$i)>32)j/?0J > ^^^uTVey , to be filled | gal life.)
vp with earth. J T
, T (T Qa^3^jyoOjyi_ , . SJ^Ot (5 an hook , a tack; an intpedimeat. tfj*nt 3
S W" OJ TLUTQctO Ji; >Q Of>l U> , by what elss docs i TU5(!5K 66^05; , to be entangled, clung together.
a well close up , but by it's own mouth ? a maa's own j ^->4_.Qo40JL|e;i
^Ofi; , to grow embroiled .
^^31 (LJLjeiBTBOi/BlSJ >
I 1_0-QCN)
mouth is the cause of his calamity .
LDTi tJe^Og;, to entangle , to hinder by playing
gLJiliaSSsLD , the beginning .
nicks. g^ZOi (gG^rrcNs^i*
, te speak
BjJOJ Cfr&^OSJ i to begin .
{FjjfUF'frji QJet^oei;, to hoist a flag; to begin deceitfully , distorting the thing .
5;oG<UT fr , eremits , vagabonds .
thing with the utmoft zeal & activity .
^QffTTLD , unmannetlinels , incivility.
Sjm i at O SJ' to make dry with a clout or
SJJcrorryAOoT , a wrong advice.
Spunge; to boil meat dry . SJ SOJ 4 , dry meat
Without breth . gJSUU CTOTLL!4iiJ;66^30S> , to boil OLI a *b&CS)' &) &?> SJ LJ '-jt(5*o s/
( aXl 95*^3057 , ) to force or crowd things ito a trunk
without pouring water to .
etc. SJ^BSJ^QGl T AS * !0 g; , to cram r
g^Txi wt(5(2l_itzo5; V . Bacwiyj&iOFj .
ItufF meet inte a child's mouth .
jfjJiD'TiSjJ < $ hinderance, vexation .
I a frequented place ) a readier ships ; aford
eyiHSBT" a shiub bearing a kiai if lentil or pulse .
W;TLDLJ5l_Ji_) i lentil.
tfU /J- {5 yrrvv , a in a river; the place to go down into a lank,
iciitil-soup . gT^aJT^gJffUOiiT' , a wild kind of UJ 65 QU) 0 O , a place where toll is paid . fiieiwr
lentil . gScJjrjcKjjesrr , a certain tree of black wood . ggg/f-nyfp) /n , place where the washermen wash,
L QovDUj ^^ 5 t_Ji_) 00 , a ship in the
SJ^T harsh . acid, mj oj 0- g, eS SO SJ . fij g;
tfU^LJl-aTuStfS^'^OS; t0 * of an harsh or acid taste . road. 85j&^Q'T;<!5rR*5i^e^T.^8L/, to ftand
in for the road . g;2s5^LjL^LUTL3<54l_JT^!05;
warp or bend as boards do lying in the sun; to shrink ; to sail by , net coming into the road .
;^O05LD , eLUfFjeSLD f . 55jl(C5iXll.) .
0 grow dry and lean ; to grow soft as wax in the sun .
jSHr3%fh^T!fiLl^Q(ToQLD^' Jjffi) mener
g/Ajgj/vjLourj , a wicked fact.
5>^0@> , malice, malignity, ill nature.
^eS^QJooT i he is very apt or prone to it.
SJsmTTLO , an hole. JJTCTu5 tCSJ> te SJ@<wrr2cfiTovTOJT ,' a malicious person.
jnake an hole .
SJ^oQS-> unlucky .
SJOQlgLO i an ill smell i an offensive fleam.
( U *m SEK * SO SJ ) t0

^STtrJg/T'twfl?* OSO), to o;en tl-.e wjclt of a Umjf;
g) ^oG^*31" i-0 > piuilancy , wanronr.efs , pertntfs. j^AT
(_ G *5 T OO , a pricKtrfor a torch. _ 'f
O J . to commif insolence.
tt) Q S3T er (fem,. i)<vjQi otrr0595T-afr) a pelu (tiS^ a bltle pick for a ramp . iX^ga^ifgoJv
5/'"*(5|2<;5(?/,*^03^ > to stir up it incitea.
Tont, impudent person.
er..n. -JJT '"T 1_ ((};*.105 , to in.ire.o Mitice .
g/<5C".ijanX| V . gyLJLJT^J .
(Sie'n'G Hi-i 5 0 J| J & ff & S/"1" ,ar
gji2DQ(_jos:J3r , infirroiry, we-,kr.efs.
L_0-f^y5Ti . (lj j !L> QJ , to upbiaid one with hitgjLOL-|5j^i dufiief , foolishnefs -,
oeha. i our .
^OTj'-C f . gjEJg'-D .
fjj O O) LO T 0 XV <_l e*" & C> &J , to play * QJTSj.'trr , a niefsenger ; an angcl .
* fg/r a , a mefsage ai errand ; a mefsste on an
tricks .
tI t|
g/'STLJLO, afflilinn, vexation. gjatrrLJLJLj* unchaste errand . g/T 6j 6~h (*> ; > ( -
OtFU , to suffer ERiion. gi'reTt_iLJLj(35?iy*-20 // ) to se d a mefsage on a d<shone^t. errand . g/T
fl^G1iT_r.-g/ ( 51 *^Og;)tj be sent on such
g) , to vex , tu persecute , ta afflict .
an eiiand
tj rarLOTGi- > a wicked mind; an evil spirit .
, g/rgy'^jAvt , g/rt^erco , /''c5J ;'_ Hj f LO , dead fleHi in wounds.
g/~3T LOT .2095 LO . a wiefcd lift. cK^OTLOT^Q of a s.irulf . J~r V ^S T.T fil r75 T LU , l.t'a flUlt .
ffcew , g/WLO T&^ff.^T
, a wicked person, gi/T FJ/WmJ)3> SO , it's freit tja-ted and diieJ .
g/Tr>i5LJi -0 i the final conclusion i f accounts f.
gj itrr LD T D 3> LJ LJ 5 1$ , a wicked schema.
disputes etc .
gj -/err S. t_n , ig S> _0 i evil .
g/T i-Jl-O > the smoke cf i- cense . g/T LjfU ^CffLO ,
tfji-* ?*J&OQ) . gJ-^TOif ljQl-IT^OSJ , to crew
Jbij , to tense., or offer
ftifrbd , prelied . pg .war r g; sor wf i_i Q lj T . g/ , cense . g/TL_),R/3:.'T i
incense. g/T LJ 35 35 - L , licenser. g/TLJ7(rT
to grow fluffed with fat . to giow quite fat & lusty.
, a bud that makes hanging ^iTicrr , tiic ohfering of incense . g/TL_) ~iv Q 35 T (.4 ffj
^50^ to perfume a tiling over a center .
nciis . g/T^Svf^^vy^g^rfjffje*- il's neftg/T L-l * Cj V g/ <nj i
g/T35?5'-0. the sleep, g/T 95 35 LCUrgg _r>( G
grrLDi) , the gate id' a sluice.
(&,6 , s!eep overtakes me. g/ ffiR 959>S\D 85 95LB i
g/T JJtfiJ TJ . BiiUJllJSi) .
fe/Tfi{RU).JJrBg;LO i sleepinef* , drowsinel'i . /T{fi
* /, far, a dijtance bctvvt.n places j .a defer
ffi'^G 95 ^ifTig'gl gSiroorgJgl ) the sleep is over.
g/Tffii^'ivjGS1 (JugUTft. I was didurbed in ence Detween things. g/T TLD TU(5 ^g; , to be
> to come
my slep. tyrxff,^ s/rgsgsuGirS' G1 1 atar off . g/ $,cj5 5 5.' (TaJ 1
from a-far oh . g/TCTg Q-Jv G ft LLi 5^ *t appears
had a reftlefs night .
g/T95d5'f , a watchman of a village or field . g/T93 a-far i ft . g/T4"r_g jsj (^PJ , keep at a distance . <T (jg
4 IT 63 T
3\D . the dillricb of a watchman . 5;J 5@gig/T'TL_I G1'T ^ ) ' t9 lose one's fa. or .
g/T" 9" us how
g/TP5c.Og/ j to heave , to heave up , to lift up. g/T ^ ^35(" -^(S^ 35iy>l-<rr 5
05ffiMTij.95*-2agJ to hang up . g/r 95 LJ Q l_J T ( tar isthat. place tn,m jj5^rF.(5LD QSJ 0c @ LO
#.Off5J . to han; up j to hang ene . g/T 35 @
# G *H @ 5" CTLOTaSgeiig g/, toe e is a 51 eat
.OgJ , to be hanged . 6?'9"g/T95n$LJLJT<r93e5.iOSJ> difference' between this and that. g/T ( f/\; g ^ _3
<Tl7i (b'35(BgS/T-J rg /D j) iJ JvT (g/TiTLOT
to weigh or consider well .
j a woman that has her monthly
g/T95@, an hook or a rope for hanging something laJibei 'S t.
on it ; a weight of 50 palanas, g/ &,6Q->c <*tfU05 course, grrnr j> soup , a si:lit if thiegs that are
6.20 95J, to hang a thing on an hook or rope. g/T still afar off. g/TO"g(L4J.JJ^!5'Kc5<nj W , one
05 @ U) L , the galiaws . g/Tffi|fiwffi@ j whois, cun i.lei nig what may happen hereafter .
g/rrf, little shells.. g/Tff 35 35TW , small pieces
an hanging lamp .
of money consisting of shells which children play w ith .
5""^0;@ , an hanging lamp .
g/TT\/*.Og/> to sleep. g/TTO#idj(33 t J , to g/rrf eS35 . g/T<f 58>5 . g/ .-fa- G<b 'TOO , a
fall a sleep . g/TfRI 35Cr\Z<rUj<2) 35 .29 g/ , to slumber . pencil used in drawing chints . g/T ff 95 ffi'oS LU T
JS/TTfCTvOTCYf , g/TTJ350N rf 1 i_l , a sleepy "TvSSJ^-^SV , to diaw with tue pencil. g/TffLJ
Lovr (g ( c3 JVT cTiJ ) the slit or cleft of the pencil.
g/Ti<J^OgJ , g/Tri;g;G'-''r^S/ i to be filled
g/rn>0'(gLOJSB:LO , an hanging cot .
up with earth .
g/ri , a battle .
g/T(2>*|sl>. g/T.'TibiQJj the filthinefs of wells.
g/T# , dust. f5/r#i_JLJ (^^Dg; , to grow dusty.
g/TCr95e6^!Og/ , to lili up with eavth } to sweep .
g/Ts^LJLO. ^: &0&) . to be all over full of dust.
* g/TCKJLD , a crois-t earn . g^rr LJ LJ S) 1 1
g/T #0_'(
i to turn to dust i to moulder.
g/T8T> clean. g/TFT95 Og . to cleanse , to wash. o"}? (Hi a" house with cros . beams under the root.
g/ri,TrTLO , g/X^aJ-iwOTinj T B g , a + g/TONSLO , (JAJ^g/TCrOLO , thi.k. g/TCTNjf
contumelious language , injurious words g."" > tf*<T J3 , a bulky body .
TlSGFT^SgyGHOBi) , to use abusive language. g/TOJTirer lo , rain driven by the wind through
the doors or windo ws . g/TOJ rr < LE (J SB *0 95
^/T iQ-t^ef^ A ^O^J , to standet , to calumniate .
g/Ti>:TJf , four (g^xvorof or marca. . g/T erafLJ g; (<r3?9-(ggi , ^jL_L95@g/ ; the rain comes in .
g/T , the down cf bi.dT.
1J$>95@ i six marcis. (Jfg/Tinraf , ei^ht marcis .
g/)* *og; , to strevy softly . g/TiriBg^G 93
(Q)g/Traf (ij cf@rWBirf , eleven marcis.
( 4 &Ciil . tu give spa ingly . g/"i <OJBB5 . g/T.
fg/T-tfror , a pillar.
rg/r4T t_3-0\D , an angle , a fishing hoek . /< lOJgJND, strewing. g/TOJ^/LJ LD " i corn grown
i^^G^(jffi^G35T^-^gJii_jGL.JT g agj, from the grain without transplanting . g/T(
^Lig) > to siread romors .
to bait the hook. g/TTLj>.o^G^4;>-2J 351Ji_J4
g/TOyf 0E# A3 g/ , to grow thick. g/TOrfggf
U5rr , a fish caught by an hook .
ffrJT*wr(&*2gijj to prick upon, to stir. ayr05 rf CTLO , bulky body. g/rOitGUvgiSg, t thick



loUter .
g/rjvT, dust; powder. BiTT^TT^tSO^J , g/
vr"SU(?UTgi (fii, to reduce to powder.
Jg/TTvr itojCTl-Q. 5 * SO&i! . to beat to powder.
, ici duit. 2/TiytSoyt-loi_|5J (
(g'_ci_|g/) dust arises .
S^jO i g/r ^^/ . a smaU or drizzling rain.
Jg/T -20> an aspeision . fg/T .* lILJM tfliecr , one
hose reputation is aspersed . /,^ * SD5) > w
defame or asperse ik. g/r9LU(t-J , it is all
notorious , it talked of throughout the town . g/r
pJTJO (f'm. S/T^a^jT30?# ) a person whose haLr
s staring up, being uncombed .
gyT /y>a|; /yjg; , ru drizzle ; to grumble; to rfame ,
to apers . S/T-459iG'5 ' evT^vJ*.20gJ, tu reproach,
to blame .

aifficulty . 65 T ao tQco G g g' 50 gj, to

pLisb awjy ivith the foot . Ggg* ( f>DfFj to
stumble and fall. Gggg^iiT U_oeT , G^SS^11
Lj0\jcx;3r (fem. GgggjLJLJcXiosS' )a stammeiing
person. Ggg'"I11^ -/oOLJ l_3 Qj H S^/ . t?
break one's custum of stammering .
GgggJLCT 0 , tricks , lies . Qe>6}^JLDTSD
CO- ff: (f5TOior , a double - dealer.
Hg-JLJLD, a raft , a float of timber or boars.
8gJjg535LO , fint - heartednel's .
gOJiR'tS /Qg; , g TO * ^ g; grow lowspirited , dejected , faint , confutinded in mind . Qga.rJv/
S'<i@^jDg; , to faint away ..
Q^ujcu'^o , GS^iijg^OJLi , the Godhef.d . V . GgtfUUD .
Q5o;fau5 > divine ; what happens by God's will
mercy , providence etc . Qff)iiS6^B <fr\\(
, an
to tan or winnow ron to blame. g/T 3D V fB 95 T holy man . GgU-"5^^ LOT tu Q l_JT C Vx) Gg11-1
<5(!55* > ,0 ue a slanderer. g/TggJSS <ri?g;ir usai ^/y.gj, to obtain ft;inal blils . ijrr
jj<j_Si , a winnow 10 fan corn with . g/T g gj &&iff)i-iJ&^i(bLO , the lois or accident that happens
eT^JTUL) i the side from whence the wind bltiws at the being derived eitlier from human power , or coining immedi
ately from the hand of God . IT T fc? 35 G S ff S l-D
winnowing of corn.
^(gB)! u_igj , who is to sustain the lois in case of
iT>crov g/TOrs?.
Gg*1 , loarhsomenefs .from having over-Loaded any un fore-seen accident? Ggli-l^ScbLO rrU-tgLJ i-S
^jertn', I escaped by divine providence.
the stomach .
g/ 10 mal" loathsome . ftljljt
Ggtf -^Og^ . IO be seen ; to be known ; to choose,
(g<rrWg;(gGg*' C5^ . (G5*4-9-uuT@ toseKcl or pick out. ^"(2j0;ljlj JoG>t 1^ >a 6lli?
appears . -oTaor^Jgg^'grf LLTg; . it is not known
gj ) the meat .goes against my sti mach .
to me , 1 know it not . e55OTT"Ggrf4JT"g ii) ,
Gg@i->fcb?# O-'g'VT-T^L-ibii^o6 , a flea .
blind man. GgpU_i9:G':rrr>o/iB /vDgj/jospjak orsay
+ G*5' ^"<fOT > a presint given to the schoolmaster clearly . GgiuJ^ioS'tl (BSs^Og) . < shew <le.irly ,
to demnstrate . (JrfjGOJJOOSUJFGy O-'CUgG^
by a scholar .
* GS' #wtlo , Ge>&m**rrLD , G1 # rpLLjGl-CT. know yuu how to do this work ? G>
, the southern part of the world . Gg1 ' ^SglGSsTCYTivpeiVOg;. to perceive well ; to
ggg'.ue=trrt.Q , the sun's course in the southern signs of choose thing . GSf1"r5G5(?9:*-Qg^ > to pick out ,
to select . Qgrt rg;G?i'e5SiYJg;.) to choose fori
tht zodiack .
Gi_M-^s;. Gs54->-i-iG^t@* .og;, to companion .
deceive . GS^-P-G^ 95 LJ i_J gj , to be Ggtf^^-g; , te see.
Qgrf efujLOT rrg; , visible .
GgT ^en-t-D, Q^Finru) , Gg^OTl-O- G'f
5 l-Oj a fine , an amercement , a penalty.
, to take a fine. ^([5 #sGGi , avisien, an apparition; the beholding one's face.
^<!/CTJTgQg<-.iiri LOl_5l_ 05^! g; , to fine one . Gg'f #53rifve5T,">' S^Dg; , to see a vision , to see a
JOTLD, a prophecy. SO
Qgi*Ti_ ^Qsa.&&SOSJ ( GosnrffiesS^og-') t thing in a dieim . rfjSO
f^GgT^.apri phet Gg'f ffdS^JOTUUrrS^rg;, Ggtf
pay a fine .
QgjoOTTl ear , a bow, a congee , a compliment . G 5 te^rrri-Ji-Jtl-.^^g/Sto appear, to be seen. j^OJcngi .
i 5Cri_jeiT5a/6S .'VJgJ ((3\b'*-^9g> ) to make a ^p95GgT#c3Tt-D the luck or honor to see his face.
compliment - Gg3e,TI-^- U6t@* " 5V to 'all
GgrPL-ll_|-| it O-JGgrf LJM 3 no, of band .
at one's feet . 2trri crtrr t_j fear trot f Q & i &
G^< > G55ff5. a treet. (JBjggGgt?
to supplicaie. _24OJ/0"crr <" cor G 5 """" 1
iSirOi&njaj UJ Gg, don't make it pnblick .
Ug2fiyTvi@, the Tejunga or Gcntoo language.
Jg) - (1? '-. i_S (f> i nnn a compliment in my aume .
gwru}. S tt AOg^ , to punish; to work hard. G?'fi'il,;n" Uem Gfi/1v * ? # ) one whose
g g; G 05 i d v> g; , to enquire by language ;s Gcnroo .
punishing. Q C5 <"tm L_a -J i ; punishment ; labor, care.
G55^S_04; . G5*1 <S G5*t- *s3gj.
Qa'iisu Gg'^<r2'3;i-C
>'f) g G g "- >. f: g
*- , h
-work* hard about it. GgCSTrl~P-'0*rrljrerrf221/f
, toi?9gy,
to bee. me clear Grt'S5;GSl-IT40ext
. G^;?^iajl ("^^
-Og>. to punish ,
. '
Gg^wn-S" i G> I,HT| TU-lgLO eluh , a cudgel. Qt})Oifi$r'0L gj to explain , to id ^strate ; to claiify,
QgJTiwrr04; , Qmr^'X) i eouthwind .
G50*TrJ5gg>',eyr"" , Gg^f1|^l5' > cIcer water.
Q g Off r_C nrfff , a gtm of good water. l_l LU UD ,
Qgnre-retrafrj-, wiiter .
Ggg* G 4Q O/ > an hedge or brier to defend the, LOJ3535LO ) G^J-5. Gss'1"1it^> O^i?)? .
palsage ; lines of intrenchmcnt . G.^55g/LjGLjT(C rgg$ffi.rr , LJJgfrLC , g5C\DrTLJL-3ii-30T Gg^
-tJSOgJ ( -2|?SH frjiYg/ ) to - such hedge or gjgj . the fear, the madnefs, the di unkennels , the
-lines . G5,S^35 35TOJ^O , the w.tch at the hedge I al ion , the swoon , the sleep , the famine , the trouble
or lines .
itc . is over , is past .
GgggySTg;, to twist baskets, mats etc .
Qmtxftr/Jisoirj , Gg<t GgcNf 35 * o^j, to
Ggggj/i^og;. [TgsHSTG^Gg^g'^-'^S.'i sprinkle ; to strew .
;jQggj^^lJifrS)|L/ , to stammer , cr sceau with Gg^f ^, cleiinefi, perspicuity. Qg^rf^G'CBT

^, te- dilucdate . Q) >f Tf^o^j , ajTtuGo; T U U IT, coconuts dried f r making
@ , cake
to clarify to dear up, to explain . Qorf G J3 oil . GarTaiBTajLji-i ggp
^OeSiiDSJ i to ^decant liquor by pouring the clear of coconut - kernels which the oil has betn prefsed!
from. G5'*K'32rT"ll-'3>35.-^5 a dish stuffed with the
parr of it into another vefsel .
Qf5"VT"OVf lJ ill T or r a perfon of penetrative juice of cjconu's. ; T UJ LJLJ ff= l_0. > fried
wit . Qf>OYTY3*.295L/, to winnow , or cast gently up . oc on u t - kernels . G?>'TO95rru-'LJL-I T CN5 , the juice
and under subs'ance > f coconuts , Qffi rTO-Tirer
in the fan for to separate the sand etc .
QtvT^viyj F#, a flea .
/JtrsT , coconut - oil . G 5 ^-35 T lu @ S & i
G5-5gS6 OD , to snap off a, tMng frem the GSTO^tG ujt(I) , a coconut - shell . 35
fingers ro splash ab jut , as water or dirt does by beating (Pu5 , the tuft of fibres on the foremost part of the
in it to fly in piece* . T4upe3 N^Q >rjj coconut. Q'WKTU.'UJIi. ffl I , the gi'.en peel
G5-^a;T(2f5.(3l_lT0ft/ , te gbe nothing arall rhnt indoles the coconut . GS5T"3>tu.T,t .'T . the
to the poon. e5i^ jNog;G 3jTi-ja.ers9TiijasGf3-ii3^5 strings or fibres of that peel , serve fur making
ropes. G5rRJ^TaJ'O5l-0. half 1 coconut . Q&-CTU
-iOffj,' toplay Knick knack or gewgaw. ffr^^evbr
e&355Q.#43Ge5-4 SSL/SU . boilng water splashed on eSTUJij*/!- ( rfisg; >-Ljff;iSg ) a small piece of
the hand. ffj-i & Q 8} -43 95 SLI sPlks a,'sc the coconut's kernel .
Q%rKjoeil, G35TO*LJ'i2ljT_v5; , to stagnate.
from jtring stones etc . lj 5 G5> -5 ^^ , the boil
shoots. G$-45f55l"-jGl-iT-290L' G5r5iiLM"<n
gS'li , a coconut - tree .
&QJ> , tu spring off er /or* does ; te fly in pitees .
Q&if'-O 1 country . Q^?1 35Tcs3LO , th<: proper
Q,B>j6 flJSJcnjaor , one who separated himself fiom his time. G5f35t,>0lJ3T*1iguTFftgj , the time is
lations . Q^^^SJLjQL-l'TBi 1_JGL-Jffr/P8i; too far gone. G* 5 oxigL'^^^
to speak in such a way as tends to cause a disunion . Qffj to serve for the present time . f&j<fifc>l csj'JffiLJLjLJ
_*5rf) ^; . bow to shoot bullet; with. GS-^31' Q )T&ffr the opportunity is lost . ff; G S ff T
|_j i the snipping off a rap or blow on one's forehead . 3C<g3'-D, always , G 5 f LJ). ^ ^ . the custom,
QB) <fO@ , G^Tl-ieuo , the south . G3>^>@ (f the country. QSjf (CpS he that is entrusted with
OJ M LO , the s.nirhern region . QS}C QfJ>
the accounts of the revenues i f the country . Qffi^T
Rfffi G5@@ffiLDTUJ , SAiuhwaid, towards the j$LJ$, the lord of the country. Q^J-rr T> ^ ( LO
south. QB)oQfru2&H)3rijr5e>3il , what is come Gl-IT-SLI, to travel. G^FTnj^TUJTaj |f
from the south. G5-^^*8>?5*35e5'T35L/> soutliwir.d. &OUi) t- to wander up and down the countries. G5
G5J.O *5uQuffSr, the dialect of people iu ffTrg^rf , a traveller.
the southern contry . G>-^0*>>U-ITour , from
Qffj# , an horfe.
the southward
^^*"1" a Pr'es*
T02;'j5FfTO!Rrrm .
S\9}CeSi LJ LJ l_S ON3 Op/ , a cet lain species of long G85#3335rTUJ
G50?^X)5^, to seek ; to earn , toacquire . Qff>U}.
eaiOJ Si ffi( , to gather , to lay up . G?J(-0-ff>^Jr
Gsj'TSSi C\3,the south - sea . G ><-|-_I&S33LO. ekOfuervr i Q>L-Q.u_|>BTiBf , a woman that lires
G5TL_| LO, the south-side. Qmmr^SBF , the by prostitution .
southern region. G5
^ , south-west.
CfTjM LO, appetency, longing. Q4 rro\Tar
GS3trr*wp35@> south-east.
^'- , a co\etous person ,
Ge^T-O^o i G5wrmrTOi the south-wind. person industrious for laying up something . Q g, t_
Q ) ** u> it LD , GSrR'> a coconut - tree . I rrbLO, covetousnefs .
G5"r<raTG5G,rl-1'-J > a grove of coconut-trees.
G5^ ' 'he day of ths month .
G> WWT LO Li OYT iyWT a young coconut - tree , a
Q)^^JTkQ<d^TairT<b*^SiJ ,to settle or conclude
coconut - plant . G?55'ir<rer'Ty@ 5 5 S** > l'lc tender
suhstaiice which grows on the top of a coconut-treeJJig^r the accounts. _<wwri_o_ JOLt>o-r ^ ^D-G55?i/93
Q2Jb , QffjweafsoO , a leaf of a coconut-tree. G93TCVT, make the conclusion ; see whether there be
G5or<3trr l-Oi Sli > the stalk of a coconut - leaf . [any thing due or not. G5jffjlSG^rr(53S*^D&l
Gg>OTof/oog;dSgjax/, ) *-^0^ . to clear the accounts with each other .
a leaf of a coconut-tree split in two . G>*"Tre',rLOLJT
GS5M f G5U-'-^- Sy
, the bulb whereof the bbfsom of a coconut-rr;e
G*>LJ 1. ^enj.
comes forth. G?>sor<5''1"'RJ@5L-0 * a very small
QffjLCK), parts ..f the skin tui ned yellow in black
coconut newly come forth . QtiritT'KigjiJJ^vV , a people , and white in' Europeans .
coir -rope made of the surround the coconuts. I (Jj Si) i the discoloured paits spread or increafe .
G5sorffor?5^<T/OOi an alley of coconut trees.
e5>L0TT\;i1F<f , a kind of fruit . Po; caju .
Q3595LO i the body.
ffjLDL_|*-iyj8y i G 5 LOI_Sff;G5L0 J$ J4Q*^0
G?53<RLQ, water stopt in its courfe ,
, to sob in excefs of crying .
Q^^cood ( G535@*.05J) G533u3(r5K6
G>LLiffr , beauty
Cgj t stagnate; a tank's being bum ful .
QffHKX) y tea .
G5S5 QB>ff@<-OV~U3, a Teak -tree.
> fir
05'*35, stagnation.
G?;iiJ*^os;. G555> ( Gk^sO Guto
G 5 TO TILI , a coconut. G3>-TO35f7"lLieS9;,nreT , ff; , to waste by being handled , used or rubbed. Gl
the three eyes or holes in a coconut-shell . QgJTfpTlljl S32BI i_jl_jeTLO a smooth fanam Wasted by use.
(ffsS , an instrument for scooping the coconut - kernel GslucTIJ > wasting by being used. G5SFt-Ji_ioo
ut of the shell . Qgn>J9iTaJ!($&jSU,to cx>trr. {fem. G5SfL-lLJ3s;oS) a prison whose teeth
coop it out . GgfTvjg; tftrcf <J- , ~Q ovr are worn out .
the water or milk within a coconut . Q g> ow
G 5 4-105*^0^ > t0 rub GB)U-l&Sfil\-lQ\-l<r<S
rtOS^, to rub off, to clean by rubbing-. .^SJ>UJ9>

5 G8JT
3VT V5 *
B , to rub oil on the head . flrri_J53^ t very good intellectual parts .
Qfy/D^OTSU, consolation, comfort. QffQ*0
Q > UJ 5>? (gOVf f*&L) , to bathe , having-rubbcd
oil on the hcaj. Q SJ LU fiSjjrnGeETi )< > a TcTXjGfrrj4c>g;e . to consolare. Q } O
kind of a nut , which by rubbing the .sides ota pot, clari i^rojTuuG1
te sreak comfoitably .
Qsj-O-^Ci-'tS- 5/'. to consolate , to comfort., to make
fie* the water. QffJJiJili| , rubbing.
2 UJL| S .O i the wane or decrease of the moon, one perk up again after his sicltnefs . B)aHrTezrtsfa0~8f>
G?J 42J*
to fet lns wa"t settle; to clarify
the decrescent .
v. Q^iud'.i^oSJGej>JjLJUb<rarf , GffjUJLDffcTcrrcJi T ^QeT , a it . Q(5*o&'-Ki&(F><ti
GS'tn-, hrney , GLJi^gnsG^sCT , proper honey.
miser .
GS5(rge6J!OgLI . G95<5"r5ff5jCl-in-^!Oei; , to become # - G > ' lior.ey cf "a sort it little bees . QcTjT
Stchiev .d, concluded , decidid ; to become accomplished. *^-CS . .", G^'rt^c5530.G5s,'f^1>
^^^ , (jffi/tT^rfnjGiru^LD , a solid (fi , an honey-comb . G 5 0CT e*BT G 1 T@r>CND,wit . ( 9J r ffj
o~V (2 *"U , a man (f gieat the droppings of an hor.ey-comb QtS)?O^.CD^J
prudence. G^"<5:#S)i t-J*rS22j/66Cg.J , to decide. to gather htiricv . QSj&if > =3 ) ff # Dte
(3 95 SS T \ kind of a lean frog . J 35 5> T "> G5^G'-^@y>Lj'JrT5G^rrc3r*JCffL), G?5
er>T->o, ('^'. alegorar.n which in prop< rtion \MiU the other is exceeding thin . -JiC3TLDI ITLO to give ove a thing mixed with honey. G55cr@bP''r
l^EFg'VTQovrr/^QgjWruSiS^t^l-J UT lu , a kind of flitters.
& i 5 3J'_OTS'-0 , January.
Q, JO , like as a little tri p; among a thousand serpenis.
C&i~ , a wcoden pagoda wi;h wheels for drawing 3) 5 35 S Sx) ' stitch or fasten ; to sew ; to run 0
&x! , to sew , to
boit. QSjQT^T^ LO.rhe drawing the above pagoda a thorn. !3>8jg)BJ<-}Q<-JT (gcS
through the streets . Q SJ Q tyrs U5eeffJj , a large .sew 00, to mend . 'QSct^r Qayy 58^^25'
[qJQJ > I have run a thorn into my foot . _2) '_c I| 5i 9)Sfstrcer through which it is diawn .
CioS-^L/ Q^oSlaQljtDSi!, t0 St clear tJtfUSTT, a^ person wounded with an arrow, .jrfljj1
of danger. ^ljljctou533[5^Qsjo33.s;/ , the G8=TCTO ^s^ecTLicOT#QasDa)S355^8j; , that word;
made a deep imprelsion upon him. L0l_9.ej5,'.5S)53
ship is afloat again .
&!Z)3jj, to htm in sewing.
Gfljo&y S3> , lightnefs , volatility.
ScgU-iavc) , a seam, a stitch', a suture . ajfJS'lJCTO
* QoTOjgjTif , the name of a medicinal trie. Qgj
QsUiiOO . needle - work . i 65 'U 05 5 T 0 "CT r
U85T/TL0 , a me.Ucine of it .
G 5) o~xi LC oaf , a certain circle of hair growing a taylor ; a kniiter . 051 (jSJSSJeiJJO, a double scam.
55 S SJ UJ 00"1 patching, botching mending,
on the breast of some horses .
Iffi t5 LU0\3fi> 039566^5) to make needh - work teQffJiULD, QV)IL!CliLD , the Godhead.
* CjOjetrr , G. d . Qf^rvrf , GffjSjL'^-^ovr , knit stockings . s5j)Uj >^1 O5II G1-1 Tf S, ther
GS^JTSjgsevT , the gods of the heathens . QajstS, a seam is ripiM up.'lBcBUJ'JNOLj e5*iri8; , toiip up*
goi'drls ; a queen . Q Jg U 6J T Off , the name of a or unravel the knitting .
GS^ > a *hole series of things belonging toge-plant , a kitchen-herb for the poor . Q 0J OJ " ft.
wrr i_E, a blaspl em against God. QgOJg/T Aj.mvr g; ther. LT^iQunu'^Q$'T@ , a chapter in Mi
(/ , a blasphemer who reviles CJod or sacred vocabulary, wherein all the trees are specified.
things. QsjiU'Tij!>Br!_0 , divine favor or providence. QiTeBj; i 5;5 a an amount. (365T0GiUTirOOLLJLD, Qp\JUSHTJTS>aJU3 ,a temple. i_jrr05e8 ooe/ ( evi.t_.(D*>v;ei, "T^^aitiig; >
G > 1)
T ovt > GS^^T^ a lewd woman of to see what the amiunt is, to cast up , to sum up. Q$<V
S0 J^SllG1ITffftr . the clculation is erroneous.
p3gora , a prostitute .
G 5 H tf* i" 5 ou ( 'n speakini to Got! r to 685^05051-5^ eH@! Q 3)n-3S)~Q LB T f Ui ,*m\itik
great person. ) Q^/nufTini'^i^, your Majesty, made in summing up the amount .
GejT9505SEn , poverty, want; ^6505051t-
your Excellency , your Honor
G ?> -T H @ > 1 sloth, ae animal moving very slowly, i i (t; dt^OUjj ,to be indigent, to be in want..
Port . Bicho vcrgonhoso . Qjs^T'K/fji-JL-'fr /Ovr, Q5jO-0505LD , a law -suit.
GSiT35*i lpQl:!fr@cSccOSy , to squeezeor preisa mon.-ter , a mis-shaped child .
G?)B"ll necefsary, needful. ^/' ?;(c5 the different parts of- the body, tor to make the blood*
33B^jajTu3(f39;@S^ 1 need n 1 wam ir G 5 circulate .
Gr&G%rifrG&m^TZL&8Dl5J, ta
s8>OJ JJTetrrffjJ, what is necefsary . GfJiaicUUTUj
tfUTTcgAOffjj , to buy a thing, being in great of make a noise with the slippers in walking .
GffiTts@sG5Ti_>.ef iiiiurru)asoT(S5'
it . Q&)!a.fXl&l'&>rr!0<nsT, GsjSb^JttJ0vr3YreriJcarr,
one who has need of a thing . Q gj fg i j ;. ,fX> , it 8jjILfGl-ifr(5-> ,ake " 3,1 away
(& , (/ Q gjTfro* . ) a thief, a rogue..
is not necefsary ; it is no matter .
GcJTTvieSi? ejj , to hang QTIv/lgffiTfi/, hang
G55T , a scorpion . Q^PiT mQVitT ($& & , rbe
sting of a scorpion . Qt5oYrQ^,T4^'nrr fljrr iu the ing ears . QsjfT TO *u3 50568^05; f to hang; to be
place stung by the scorpii n . Q ajj G.35 lU- 05 75 suspended, begun long ago but not ended. Q^VTW
353y> the cut of a scorpion's sting pains exceeding^ 05, the border of a garment that hang's down 5.
' G5ovrG^T4-U,rr ^O-gi; , the pain of it goes anything hanging down.
higher up fx the hotly, fejj w G^fOirCKJ > ,he
G6JTI 05@f. ;1 05 .
Qtf)Tl rf , the name of a thorny shtnb .
name of a plant . G 5 ** Ss'G 35
I v.Q^awsr
GsjTfcr-RS^Dgj V . asjt
sffi)l .
G5 ^*
s; > G S -43 G >-" c> SJ . .to. GejTi S. 05T050)TUjGe5Ti oS,thentmtef4<
become comforted ; to recover strength ; to thrive f thorny shrub .
er grow well ; to come to perfection . Q g
er t_j ) GS5T<5*->Eb t0 teoch JJWoVT G ? " i-
li t corn in the field come to it's growth. Qejj:- (g, since that day . -ajeaSjSjGpj 1"! g, thetefoie.
3 '
hence v


1 .

tience .concerning which . GgJTt LJLJTi5"ff*^C L^'iS lJ^Lpu-fJii/^g; , to take off the hat .
G5T<K-3VT , the navel. QTUL T ir
Jfj) > to search hy feeling or tuuehing .
Q5 TQ^fr&^C'Qj , to make a thing stick . cleave 01 a 10:11 t'iat has got a thick navel by an excrescence .
Q'H r'_j_c5G5TujGuj * (Gtu m
adh.reto. L-JjajQsa-ffiKkDS;, LDTelrwoQT(^3~
) tlQ&SOSx) , to fall from on hi^h
&C5x), to string flowers . 3) I G<5T(b'3?#^ *L_Gil5r
6S; . to raises quarrel. UTcJiT-! S ffi /ovr 5 with a n ise .
G5 T U9LJ , a paunch , a big belly.
( 5 (>
> to F.ut tbe slioet on. Q ffi Ttfit
G?>Ti_o L_J T rr. L.o , a mefv prepared for many.
IIS^ff^i a s-w'qrd with an i 1 011 gud to cover the
arm unto che elbow . GST(j}JfT; Q?Fn'nvr(,^ G>T'_cuja"3;cF^#u5Ga4'(gL.asS5^cs;, to eat
(S.*bli QTgLJ'-JTLUgf * ; , to have a lewd with others, rr-getlicr at a common mefs-.
conversation with some body. G s5 T (5 11 1_| , Q 5 G^'Tl-OlI fr< G1 T USuj'^, tumblers^or posture mas
< .r> - . adherence ; lewd conversation with a woman ters , i ec|)!e that pi ili*e artificial contoi tions of the body.
J4OjQ0Yrn-Ql G 65 T t-J t_J rr (J5 rjgTeBr , G5Tveu, G9iT;-OS)bJS5*-ffi , an high basket
be has committed fjrr.ication with her.
lor keeping corn i;i .
G95T4-C. a trough ; a manger. [_< G5TI
__ , an earthen trough. L-crgjQgJT 4_l , a wooden etG1IT-DQ^vto jiine, to languish, to faint; 10 fade aw ay.
G5TOflltM i t ouble , sorrow, vexation, cares.
irongh . tt^oQBjrr4_j)L t a stone -"trough . G> T1
-t-P-OSfFM T LL'3:;4_L<!eT(nS!(5 an house whose yard
as in the middle, all the four sides being built up. Oj-T , one who is entangled in troubles and somows .
iJ^G^Tc^iroOLUTLllrlS?1* ^Tvi; , to bedis'raft(2?)T4_Ci.Oj;iJ JJii , a huge-belly, a gor - .
<^5_.1_)1_) i. T<r<rTLO . -J . l_i T SJf. T 33T LO ed by to i much trouble & care? . _| rfj LJ ljowttlD
Gc5T4_9llLJ/S" , * '!/:tnt iff called lining near Q 'f-T'tij ^-j^G5 t^/^1^3<'1(t3".,5''S' "''1'^
- forced ir.e to use that money. GgT evJi/Oy'tIL_I
Qft'l 4_L3vD , a cradle. Q$T
oS Q OOOi ^ofS;, tobe vexfd with indigency and calamities.
( eS 1 5} Bjj * >
) to lay ' c/i/WI cToriF(t^yrrfr 65Gtc>0jTs:j' domestical cares .
into the cradle . Q8}T 4_.rOO - I 8& 3 , t G 1 yifrJO . tiade, wpilurMMhip i eftice. 5 T
ock a child .
yS ro i_J
* Al (gy . to nade, to rfficiate.
G85TL_ V . G$T<B*OSJ .
Gi5Tl_fSc^oG<'=u-J* )
to work . G 85 T
(g}Tem\ LOTiWVl tbe lord of a woody country i_iT.woik. QjTyi'joTJrf , GS'Tt'^'T'
-WJf. a craftsman . a woikman . GS/l l-f> OJ^x>ff O,
eear Trichinepoly.
GKT*3t(3 . service. QTfwri <nrr , ( fem commerce , trade . Qsf)rrL^o<:^^j i33^^II1/
a servant, a slave.
<"^ to. trade or com.ncrce .
Gfi5T(g , GST^'-0^"1-3 > ,n ,,>cks a Pa'r of
-(5 , a cudgel , or a bell hang'd on a cow's
stocks for transgrelsors . *T rC5 5 '.' f^G5T@*^CN
!' ninti'
, to put one's feet into the stocks .
Qgrreeurril _ , the throat . Q 5 rr *w>r Sb
CSUJt_li_5l_L5S;GI1? ; 40 g) , to throttle one- , ti aei' re, to worship .
GeTfS^ '^ an ox ' ?,a" i a heep-fold .
{! F ix(.i5li5i5g;(gC S; , to be hoarse
G'T ji G^T" J'vtljlj t u3 (3 ; *
, to be
^gTST ffirt_ 95fJ?f < 1 1 i , hoaisenefs.
GK'Tei'rr SSaT-OlV , nincrv .
lax, Icosc ; swag, to wabble about.
G5T5^ ''i<: nm<; *f * '
G^TO^/rTT LO . nioeluindrcd .
^, GST^S^i * sieve.
G^t^vjomj . CST @ Ljd M . service. G T
G3>a ff)?i.'*^SJ fo cleave to rto Hint ,.M infeft . @ LD t_l ( Jtm . G?5TS" ) 1 s'1**
GSfT ctvTA7- , a wide hrle in a cor , plank - /.if
G6T^S^G^T"<r^ ^tf^/Tgy , to stick close to
. W"!)!SSG3> 4 $ T
* > , to climb f/c. GWT-rvTywreseTSJ, lis lunging down as
up I tree by embracing the stem with your pirns far as the shoulders .
GtT gf.Gff.n ^ jr.tfic-Latf , ffii S
Q^Tiaf , a sound .
ilLUTff, , an infectious sicknef, a tainting or catching Getobt 35*iC^, to sound, to yield a sound.
ti ii cate G'S6 TrS LD vairiquity .
-* G5>TrRS>LO G^'r^S1"-I friendship sym G 5 T /G3T . a cup made of leaves .
G5T{)?5 , a woman. Qg5.T0Sg;'-UTi5', we-mcn .
^biy. ; a dishonest familiarity.. f^Cb^y Q
G l
GgTtJ^-Crruj ( G^T^^LJ^JTUJ ) (j? 5 *
G^TtBf; . 7 thing that hangs down as a f/,rg, vre jOQJ, to be very .familiar with one. G5 [5 ? 1 me's Imr, vacok'j tail etc .
L-iVU-llfiO&.^CsBaj, lo stand jointly together .
Gr, *->" S/iies*>Sy >t0 begin. ;5
jQ>T<1~t7tQrrrr'5i'--C> , an innate and adhering di.-ease,
, the beginning .
G5Tr5$LJLjrriiftf3g;^j23* lu <r , a diseate ac- GiTi-TCRCg . a hand- gui . G^TfFtgtfcM-SffjLJ
jConi|4inied with another,
Lp - * *>eJ , to drill exercise soldUrt .
Ga5Trgejis/j- , Go5rrrr;'t5!^0 . difficult , int:i
QS5Tr. an unlucky sign.
^cisy venation. G > '.5 S -CTi Q SOO a difficult
GiJiTSSF, cakes baked of ric-meal , nw|rs .
Wlk . G<5 T r
UJ T e; cr rf LU LD , a Q^TifLLD , G5)Ti Lf , an enormous crime;
roublesome and vcxarisui affair.
had signs or s-ymptoras in lickncfs, f,i boding drjtii .
G^TSf.the belly. Q^rr^njJJjXU , a fat Qj)tTZSLLOi~S ^D(5 ir i ffiA, " the <igns that forbode^
person .
have appeared. F yve Q fi T i. US f . ffcTOLD.
' .GfTI-JLJTirLiO , boots.
QSTLf LJT-TLC.i a lar^e building.
GiTtL LO.agatden. '^ loGljt* oey
G5Tt_ii_S , an lut . Q^tuJuQuti 3? ( iAm ^ D 0 tJ ) to make a gan'en , to laj the
*fKTrjYjDS^iOR,., to put pa tlte hat. Qfau graundnlot of a gtrden . QQ/X^Qt^T O 5W , a gardener



ijwr,1 one whose srnul.lcrs are grown callous.2 8)T3VrQi_JT <0-50J , one that has llrong
shoulders for carrying an heavy load. G5TC^i:Gl-l'T'c"
5 S~u ' , one whose shoulders, cannot cany much.
' 5 , to eit upon one's shoulders,
whith is n sign of challenging h'm to 11 fiht .

Q^x yr.aenTL 1 . Ge/T"T"<rri_C .

( / J
JYFG-5T . LD , every day .
G *5 T " T oor , a wolf .
eTUfSl'jGS- f
,e>ery year.'
f/ST<>^T'_a . a. pail .
) > t dig in the ground with a ' (^iTQOBi , C^Tffl n uGuT , to
slick or ar.v other instrument . Q g n ever . <n Q tT: > \* a game , bitile cause etc . ^) OJ 2i/ S @ > C i ' 30
^) or , he i. overcjine by him. Q gT* t,oj r
.40J i to dig cut .
CiffiTi-q . losing . G T^u;e; ^D^>,
tj beat f//f enemy , l chas , to pursue them .
_c5TI_il_jTI-L, QSSTOJ^JLJTLJJ- i abase or
Q, S; T 0 SO L-D i the, rise , beginning j things created,viiMc objects .
wivUed person .
(3)4 *G 1x11$, Sfldx) , to ap(!ear t.i the fight, or b>'
5ru!-|, a grove g5iu4U'2uTg'4*3
the imagination . T rh JbljrfrG 5)T DOLJt_Jl
Bjj to pi ai t a giore .
<?\, 1 conld not get t!ie sight of him.Qe5TjiO^O^"
a certain chastisement ustd in . QTi_li_|g; -'=>| cl x) > to make one believe that it is so .
TQJ , to intake appeal to make*5
ejJwrn LOGi_it(5e6^03) ( Q<S&OBiJ.) to Under Q -fiT
exilt. QB)T JO^iiy^LJLjjee' m^j^^Vj ij , te>go that chastisement .
f3Uie a thought to be produced in 01 mind (5jT JO '
* Q3)TiXl-D wa,er
COJO , GT SOjU/gf Js3 , an imagination ; the lise
dipped m . rtj a clith in the dit; to he m isteied vjith con- the birth. LOoTrr'Q ^Qd)T^JZii&Q5T!00irthy as a neamr's warp to Le turned 01 uidlcd ytinUk. ) "4J , eu imag' nation , a fancy .
G5T"tfr.r!!l>5.Ogj, to seem, to appear ; to spring to
<^11150)5* - ,-to tempe, iron or stet'..
y95Tiut6-->gy , te di.) in . LjTjscQeT
I begin to exist .
9or j-,'^\_j^ji_o_QsjT6aT STD LD , if
> C> 85 Q T sorj2Q (JcTO
*^O^f . ( C5TOJf55JLjGi_jrr(>,5iir tv ) t"rn seems 60 to me, I fancy. _2J
or cu'id'e milk . GgTUjeSy uj i_|
, to 1
wring iKrt .'/ aft;r dipping it in tile water qr die . ! ibeiurdeu , the calamity tic \ he is stupified he knows nut
QB) ? JO , dipping; tempering of iron etc . QS5T what todo. Q$tkt15?0, the appearing of a thing
to one's imagination, - tF?@?>3 3 ' oar
(BrG9)Td_'B;F;rO > insufficient tempering.
5?G?T "" G "T^tfoT , 1 have told my opinion.
GtJ T HJl_IL_lrr , cakes .
?"> , lepes or lin adorned with twigs, TWftg^G^n-eor^iiooGuTFsg;, it
flowers etc . and stretched aciofs the streets on high, like did not occur t >iv.y mind. G>T ^vfggujGuJT G?0
triumphal arches. QejTrreznr\ rpj'g; 1 (R e 1) Bx) , G * LU s -, i todo after one's own lancy . G5TJ3r"
to adorn the streets with them . G 5 1 T erer 05 7, cc r><7.Q?fin"(1}35&-/ 5^. to givesjuffictently ," to give so ;
op; , pillars in great tanks , tor knowing the height of" as to make ij appear to be something . TWrfljQ^T(|5'
?Sb(i5G5T*oT-^3ssBr, aneneiny it arisen against !tve.
th; water .
Vner. QS)X4 ai'-iW, gardening, gardener's work
QT>UL {fem 5>T4_l,* # ) a person kept for
cl'-.v.i'iing ti.e necefsary-liuuse, chamber-pots etc .
Qf>Teva? , a large bo it .
r arof > 35 ,
a water-man.
fftref iiCS'i 20 > to ke p a boat
for t> can-y p.ifscnger ovtr a river .

GsjtoS . QjToSaSf? t5 ill , *W o/" ///<?

fishes dried . ffcT^^ ^ iTlJTa/WT G<5 7 0>> .
/vrr kind of them. QffjToSiU T OJ (*~1 T O ,
to be reduced to skin and bones .
ggTCO , the skin ; leather ; the pod or husk of seeds;
* [S^LBV . G^fc'-O .
the shell or pee! offruits , onions etc ; the thin skin of njSFjrf . t ^ctlx , a city ; a capital city , metropolis.
kernels .
Q (fi Q i_J 4_. , a leather -trunk .
!5Ri!5 A, to creep, too awl.
'S ff. ex;* vaii , rjasg^LjGi-J'Tffi*.^^
Qtfi TOOL-jg^of (* , to Un or drel's ballier .
()T jS0L_))CrK V) ^ ( i_| ) rr rj tfij Q t_J n- (g ( OJf:cS ZiDSi; ) to shove Ai . #OJ SjTII I 0-

) to sew something with leather-strings or thongs ^(53553 5J * ! S/ to pull down a wall and vetnove
G?t ofij'f 45* /05; ( _ n55;Lj(3 i_i t Gs/r3t5;) it a little Toi waid . rgigajQ FgLJilfriies*
te ski i or flay ; ti peel off the skin . (/-!! I ^) , to see how far a thing can be conveniently shoved. '
^.)) .to scrape off tie thin skin of a kernel Qs\ r Jsa j forward or backwaid . QfTQtfilfiJf5Ji5Sf$l-l>
JljtG t^G

' he i noth'iHg but sk.n and I (1114 Tlu < you gave nit nothing .
bones .
COKx) , to laugh , t deride .
(, , the niiSter of a vefsel .
QS)T\-pLS) , GS1 @nj'J> > a sheep-fold , a sheep'6iP.'35. laughing; trinkets , jewels.
house .
GTi- ( ptur. QgjTypif, QejTLpisiTfr )
, a companion . QTyl' , a lemaie companion , LToTrrfST rf LU'_D, a ridiculous thing. ToT^@j5 '
G g T up 5) t_0 , fellowship, conversation, f imilhrity . )3>!IMU'S./gL/ , it made me laugh.
G' rovr, the shoulder . G^TOT G <|| G1
^' i_o , the Nieobar-islands . 55505 UTO* OStf-fc -CO ffij , to offer and submit the shoulder for a native cf tliofe islands .
carr/i ig a b.u Jen . G5>TOYTLJi >> > l',e shoul
r^45?irr , a fux .
der-blade . Qg)T&tTLiTD Xu&ifJ . to lay the
555*40;. to lick. rrj^SuiGL-lTiiS^Otfi; . te-'
burden from one shoulllcr upon the ether. QtfiT cyr i.k off ITI&.05 Gi11 T;grf * e) , to ge sneaking;
<BTU_l5gU*Jr , gTiWffi.iriiJU.UJlIt .bout, to bca smell-feast. Stfjj jnj, IicKr j aleachcrouc feUevv

jto manage. @$[51 S>BreS CgJ , to break
[5'R35wOJTOr , n5TOg5*wrUTF# rglgSSa/ jarv horte, to roanaje an horse. ^(rggji/tfOTtfUL^rji 5
tfiJTiScrr i . rjjrr 222L/rjT ear
L).205y , tj guide or lead
.') . an anchor . i^hi^tldQljtQ^ QJ$OG) , to drive a coach .
AOBJ , to cast anchor. fj> TO _ 5 #5 88 /SOJJ , to 2>< ljuo. , one's life or doings . fji rggrpi ;
-weigh anchor. T5TO9^Trri/Q{5Tg;3<d}(Sa& A30| , to i rj , the things tliat came to pafs. rgi , 1 11 ry
*lip the cable .
LL|JVT WSaiW , rgi lji_Cl 5 Bs T , a regular
TJTOSB;, * woman . rg^Si !5?# a woman min, one who lives pretty we'l by his piofefsinii.
(Cf distinction .
4; _ l_J JffaS^gJ , t.i b: in,> M thing ab 'lit ; to tieat
one either friendly or /riendly .
(fjj 2 ?jf l_l _S
^J5F[^:G:lJ:JB^,G,|^ CfJ 1 to chatter.
15? ld v . rjjTFLO .
SS i_j a i_j [5 1 LJ uS 5 S gj . to provide tor one's
* rgffCTO, sicknefs. rrjF04Tl_JUl * {gj , HJBF livelihood . G I '^;,1_)41_|[;_|__55
*vTOjfS@*-iCf5V > t0
sick . rg 3= e6
to be the author of mischief.
L^S^Cgj , Jto ly sick. )\;(" . a valetudi
rgi i 1 1 i , frequent g ing of pople, rjji ljljT
narian , a Person that is peaking or in a state cf wok (Sbrm'- , a trodden way. Tji l_|!_j!0 DOJUp1 >
lealth. r?/uCl_Jl_lT(^g;e;Qg3froYrY5.20gJ ' wy not beaten or trod .
ri tTfJj^g; > t0 wa"t ^e!C ani' 'bere J to
lo take pbysi.k.
* rji#iULD i something which physicians give to snufl dance about, gj LOTH LO , . caie and diligence
tip into the nose. rfjs4ucD l_| yS i
, to pief> hcitby one aits .
rrj, o'-> deiiion, pefulaney , irreverence. ij\ s
Ahe juice for a snuffing-dose eut of some herbs
<)&,&*, Sc7rS5*LjQLjT(B*^Vj6y, tj squash TOLCLjeeTSSEi/'Sj^fi^l ( -2JU> ) to vex , to
4o crush, to bruise. (JSriF^g)/? Qpaar ldlJmoi j behave irreverently, to deride one . rg I CX>F53ST
&L&J to be dangerously mettlesume or insolent , /vtjjt , petulant ci insolent fellow .
r$fr<b]3ioex) , T/-* l_I Qlj T O&l , to be [Jj cCiJ i transplanting; a plantation .
quashed , pashed or bruised .
* rjji , a dancing at worship . rrji etjrLft
tr>f>r, rgiSFiJ , lust, desire . rgaff^TI Qjt
, t* allure .
" ) to 'lance
fjFFLDM , peisoned arrows.
(5(1} , the middle . rjggOJ, ([} d3 Q ex) , [5(i_j
r5F#of , Gffil_p*DO"<g a kind of millet.
li O rj)(5BL0XIUJ5G>O , in the midst , amidst .
'BPffrlj F G ear S O
, to chatter . rgFSrnjtF -J4"Xlf6$3YrT}(i} G SU . "between them. 5 ffi OJ a*
iQ&sist ^^svr&soi), to smack with the lips m eating l_)T^u3G^> lately, of late. rjgfJiuQLJcir*
fgFffriXITLLiSW" , a blab , a babler, a tattler .
.<5> > to interrupt one that speaks ; to speak as a me
rSFffrL-lLJCOOOWr^^. [5? l_l L_J S ) one diator. [tJiseRi oSQctvO , in the midst of the s;n .
that has an adder's tungue, or poisoned teeth,
'3S<ra7#Su3G,343 . in the midst of the street. TjQjF
FTLCci^G^ , at midnight . rg 5 g> 0" LD , the
rglFffrLOOi LD ! a tee whose fruits are poisonous . middling soit. [f;2),".fi>{5 , the inid ile buil.'ing . "51 .
i T^O^iQ^O , in 'lie midst ef the river. ff))35
r5i.Qa=5Tu> . [51 Q^^$tld.
gpi ., to hear the dispute betwixt the pa. ties.
* rjiym U) , 511 L , ri^4_<j. , 5_0. , lofs . 35 ffi G ' T ^ 20^ *
, to mdiate. 15(3
5@!5- LO(QjT5)s; Si*-1* . iTU^yi'gseS ^30 S^i 10 discufs a controversy. fFjCijiS
gj . .I.niet with a lois. g>p.4 i_o T Q l_l T 5= g
, 5 fl" J t*3 * > g, to
jTr > I loee by it .
decide betwixt the parties. rjggUTrj^rr^^G ^
t5S* poison, venom , bane . *
in the mean while , g>(5~ajTrj5a-gjg;g ^"X'^
t to convey poison into something . rfj^F,#i
, an intervenient , one that mean while came to.
%A&,T<>Q2k!05i) i to kiU with poison. (5@ffr 1 to plant to set plants, rjyi
rr JvQ^t5ToeT , he died by poisoning himself . Gi_ITffi*^05; ( Oi6~ll^DQJ , ) to plant, rgi,
t555ffrffiG95TI_0. > an afterbirth , the secundiue. rg^g ffi SG KT ctvTv5eS^O ail , to get planted . fJ5i_oaj,
frjaOl_lL_lT^5Ffrer , g> g) F /5- , cerldiii planting rgi eOjrgd^aJ , to set plants . rgi j
foot being a caun'er-pohon .
cQjg5TCTOU> , the lime for planting pflrfy . [51 eri|
5!353(2_1se) ; ssfgSffr Qljt^o&j v . gs>i$ 'cr)T3ffiovr , women that plant frtiy . fglcOLjLJ
U3d" . corn in the field iiewly planted.
Q5@j>F , paddy . ng2BF , meaner kinds of corn . ^ . trembling.
)| i&&J5l) , te walk ; to come to pafs ; to be usual; 'TiCb'eB?^)^ , to shiver , to shrink or quake . ;
to succeed, rrjc ^OGx) , tu come walking. @'-5(S35@ffy . I stiver. _55^>5= t a cold
.ElLiLJLjp-Tji ^&<$(&)1) , so it is us.ial . rjji
ague, rfi^tj'g^g , shrinking , shivering.
UJL , a thing not usual, a thing that will ij;(5to*^5S; . D52> 5 J T* 0 QJ, t tremble.
not succeed. ear &,@> ,Sj<nJ2/es(g3) Q
[5(S7i/3KC>0 , trembling.
< LO [g i 05 @ J > **' *weu friendihip together .
{51 [59)jQl_"T"GgJ , to go away on foot ; to go on , '5Cbli'ir' a mediator.
ta proceed . rg, r^Q^^O^^OmTff UU LD , a thing rgiitii , a ftep , pace , ftiide ; the entry ef an se
that succeeds . 51 [gg^rrrf Oj O^G^T-OOSJ . GSGcriJQau 'he entry from the reet . 4, OTT
tell what happen'd , tell it so as it happened. [Ki [ njau^., a man's walk, (gfiesurre&i , the walk of
|5UT 5, the words .that pafsed between iw>',rmo. an hoise.@ga O"SUJn5aa>L_jL_)Lp05*i3O3;i to break
gnons .
an horse . gjosDOOTjife I a'Or , rfjoz aso 15*2)1
it 6545 , the behaviour, the condu, the life 4<1 ,<(&) ! , an horse which goes well.
Which a man leads . rgQibfRl ^b 05UJT 5 I 0; ^35ffiTrrjj!i LUTiKri ^oat , to go
, ; , to lead a good life.
a quick pace . @^Sa"eUJ5aCL_.Lj T J-'bSf-OSi'
gji g g; 0 2 , cacry on, to t ule , to direct

( rgODI 1 (SljlJT/J-$;
) to tee how the rjJLJLO V. riULD.
H5lj/J"lji_5*jott7 G?Tc>o520*^5^1 0 bai! one*
ihorjt gees. 05 T 5 <E> i ojiTLUTSi BeC^O^i
to go on foot, to travel a- foot, man Qt-aQ&o to become bail for one's appearance .
5@ > SMSfffiw, an hermaphrodite.
^-^ , to eat , or feed , a-waficing . rgSi LO
<252>SJ> physick which docs not confine a man within nSMSffSSoSnK/eSLO ) the neuter gender.
doors . riBi u Ui @i" boat kept for going
rjLO ) 05 95 T ( LO i adoration, worship, rf
and coming. i_li_@(TJ>car^a,rFja>i eg
eg; ,
the boat has mad. trnee trips. [J3U.e;TOJr!ji LDArKe5TCTLOLJ"Tffi2;ee^!; , Tj LOA)tt03.rf 5
to adore , to worship.
.a balcony , a projcftnie , a gal. cry rgtsi UTiSi
walk with steps down to a well .
. [5i_o@i
, io become humid as paper
j rjiQ^ggcrt-O , a star. rj^Q^gi^rLOewr
does in the rainy season, or in a damp place. njLbflJ
I OOLO > the starred ,
2JOO-DT n rpi ON3L
i'di&JOffi) , to be humid. .
to become humid . <^lS',3$i!3^fi
Hj4 U). TT5 i.~4_LO .
[54 <_. , mean , middling , cemmon. rjJU rr t,DS}), to be humid .
255(5 > kind of paddy-biid.
^3 4_pLLD(fi'5SV , common physich, [gil <T(33l
rgLDLjfrffr , diffidence, distrust . _2) fill <" T ff
J_0l*5TVi , the common people.
LLILfJLDLJCrffTtiStSei^ > bis things stand not
054_9- w . {5au lo , [5.4-9. .
ngi ffi . t5(* >^ .
well. ^)U0BtGlj (f O [5 LD l_l 0" F T liS <[$ 05 *
[gi , 51 Qjigi , tingling and dancing. QjCetn- , I have no hope of him .
~)1 (<: a dancing- master. 51 (tfi 05
rj5LDi_S)505 , confidence , trust ; hope. njLDL-ScH
**T*:#-, dancers and tinglis. rgq^QcroG^T effiG^^^^S-^SJ i t0 promise firmly. [fjlQ
O'f-.'S SJ > u> S've money to tinglers and dancers . tJe5ai05G95TOvrrv3*^OSJ > to get confidence. rgLa
rgu Til-(5; 8 , io gain the bread in a shame i_S^5)05LJ<wTSS2i/eS^o5; , to make ene sure *f
ful way . 151 Oj'FG^T
J O , " ffi thing. rrjLOi_5g> SS^LUTCTcreSTrPuJLe , a thing
"jSI S>.OgV, 10 speak scornfully, | TI'J deserves credit . 5a5l_3LO<2VAO.rr , rLOLff
B05LMC'VT evTemtrr , a .man of credit . <rr etrr 05@
3v8)jOOJwr , avile fellow.
5; (S^UTF^TaS a scorpion of a large kind. [51_1_505 05-).(5 , I have hope. *5LDiJifgB&
3>LlL_| . IJ/V3L_| .
.QlLlTJVO t a letter of safe-condn.
rgwrj/j r g;, rgiTOi/gjgjG^T^ Le. s j20 * [51-5< , a servant in a pagoda; aaexton.
, to unrelenting . to sur or beg importunately for a
rgLOM^-^OS^ > believe, toiruitj to h*pe .
thing. (gypr53r3222l>rKi(gLJ ui 4_Q- 5 @5> t f/ rgLDIjBjOg; , to trust in one. -ftgrgLO
g)3er , he believed it . _) tLI mrU^rg OJ ^
the child cries inceisanily.
, a crab . r5wr<5fG95T@e; , rrjiwrr ^rgu>L_ieSQ./!0T , I hope he will -corar .
i_Q_<RrrQL^(T5're?TO-o , the two great claws of a
0> LO 05 1 t _ (lJ) <2) . LLl , ^l-DgJ i emr ( inclu
trab . rjeraTLJS.'aTSS'^r 5 65 \ , the~mall clawsof ding him or them to viltopt you peak ) mine ( ! sycaking
a crab . 1_}<(1^ a nasty kind cf crabs found in vfith some authority . ) 5LD0303 T05 , for our sake {for
Moles m the fields . LOTOTLe t_J fr ' ey rg a my sake .
rujLO , pietty , good4 cheap, profitable , ltind . r
kind of crabs that open the claws towards heaven
rg^oer tf05 0-rr , >? / plant, <@ il il pi i gm <')ifti - . to shew kindnef . rgixiLO
JTOJ^eSTo^ , 9(0^55 s2) bige Gl_lr*^05i>, to speak friendly . !5505- , *
kind person. rjUJLDTUJHT'KieSOS^, to buy cheap .
black scoipion.
rgijj^LOLJLl-pLOrruj, both.friendly and.unfiiennily.
rgagpr ggB)-xi f . rgerr*Q/ .
tjoBr s^eSjiOi; , to come nigh, to draw nigh rgOJiTTLO , an eye j slieeps-eyes, wanton eyes . rgijj
CToTi)T/3"Sf2U ogling, amorous looks, rjujifir LO
* Hjfg , river. rjigLJig, the sea.
rjj) i a little village where ploughman live. uje-ffBTtrsBf ^) SLp^U^rjgy, to allure , to decoy , to entice.
LJTLpTifJvfFLO > a place which was once a village. rjUjetjT^iAjgS/Tri1, one that entices or wheedles bjr
rjjrr Q ff , love-ipafsion , carnal hist. 15 B5 ajrr carofse*
rgu3TT0j*UJLO , derision. [5 u3<X T 0v* -U LQ J|
e.:Lji^4^<f50Sa.Pe5J, to be taken with carnal
L-Q-ff* ^ , to deride.
-4ust .
55;^;. to ahn at a thing. {J e> 65 fcj) [gfreiLO , the hell .
15 IT 05 SvO i turd , excrements . f IT 05 OO T cnyr (J
^jrRfJSJer, for this thing 1 came. iT/ (TJ 'S <!/trr
. 65^i G3='T,reBTL-9-C> ff *
. to follow one . t u> i a place where people use to ease their belly,
2)555, a snail, rggjsj.g; @ 5 ^ eg rr SB 0" . 1 s-eSiraETi ro"05cro ;^_0 . the move a
fTjrriffiiT .
1 thing is stirred or poked into , the more stench it emits.
* rjjCSOJmLO . a ffower - garden .
tgrgg jot^.' TjSCQ'rffr , three lioucs government
igTTacBCr Ti #UJL0 , the Narasinga kingdom.
of a >>lioe-mak 1 that marie le ither-coin . rgrggjeoT
[gTLO , rrrsbJar , tgTrrovr , aman . >1
9> ^ l_p / @
, there is a new bad - , i59-rroyr05 0ovr , men. rj/jgiaiaj
jregulatbn set up. Tj\:.NjTL0555i4rr5 T 5 hiimanity , -love towards inen, rg ty 0? su ^ uj T ut /?" *
ftTFTUJli f:(65EJ> there is a great ci jmiaion now God who is gracious towards men . 5<Tlj , a general
of infantry .
. rpfgg/T* fE'55G33TUJTCTOiT , people ofthe.tribe -T;J'LDL4. a nerve , a sinew ; a stringof a musical instru
4>f those that live u.>oo keeping cattle and sheep.
ment \ a tendril of a vine etc . [friJLi L_({Cpt R-LC , the
rr T> -LIT <njl__ 51 , [jrj^ujirojq LO 1 shrinking of the sinews . rg lBlj jot , ( fem ,
AriA celled . r52^aJ0"OJi ffiiL-U^, iVV iTLOi_S ) a meager person . rjj rr lb l_i eFoong^ , a
vcum as fine as a tbxead , growing betwixt flesh and skin.




QT&,5i~T LCLj,^9{T , eins and ai tt-i .

- -V . \, is>
T>T. a ji'-Kal
@L/rj-rf, a fox . rj-rf ^-(gi/ , a
fox-hole. jfSill'Xf =b T UJ LD f . cOJoT6"T
LULO . <3 rujujaj^Q' > , 1_|.]> .
> 5 ?L > to start, to be staitled . @35LOT5
ff {gg^ilG^'^^^ . his face charged color by urprue . r*t.-fi_Jl_j . startling , consternation .
5 35 ^>&i) i to Fa,n a thing, t* buise it small .
^(^(,'(11'5 . to be bruised in small
rlBT , rp-nDTLOuST- gray hair. IT, 0" er Q 1.0
. L-|3L>> I gro'* g"y C5ffi>T J>n3(f5<J/rcr/ra)iJr , one
that 4 hoary or gray with age .
rjT 35
, ' fTj Qt rr 5;t_iQ t_j T
gy , to
grow tray . o-rr ^ 5} ^ u Q U T ^ , I
am grown gray or hoary.
HJ 31 CTUJ T if , ffT^lUK^aruJTiTi an ltcron
r hei n i a bird that feeds upon fish .
$ **-4)5 5 ero e>*LJ(2l_JT(,}=&/!0&/ , to
break the s:iffncfs of a thing-, to ir.ake it 60ft .
TJ &) . to lo-e the sritFr.efs , to become re
laxed ; to g o* faii.t or f.-ohle by the heat of the sun .
rgO-OLO , good cheap . rg COLD T LUfllT '^ , to
buy cheap. Tj^CLDTrtfre^/ , it is well done . rg ^oi_0
Gl_JTC70LD . pooJ and evil. 5 \ 5 >' C>*^0
gy , to geld a i1/// ' .
hriely drefs'd.

g/f to like t be

Hjov) . njjvvoo ,*g<>ed , fair. rgc*0"?v3<nj/5"5f"aYT 1

5 04"Qj?CT^ , g'-od people . ij gjijOO (X) 1
that is good. (TJ 0\3 gy , well, very well. [570
OTI-LQljCT- gj > [0 apeak friendly . rocro
5^51--(*-^> > to make peace. ),-1_|5#; ,
a good wit j a good admonition. rovfUL^ , a good
way. rgA-jgdsrrLO , a good nature. 5 Cfi @ 3nD LO
Bn high tribe. njrjoosOLJ TLOt| , a cobra - capell .
TgCOOOfS LSlLC , strong poison. r-ToQCTvj*T
/JtroT , rape-seed-oil. [5 /@ G L-1 TOsiOO T
09 gnd and evil .
f^jiX)? fTTLO V , )
F CT \JD .
roj'- , n{w . QJiUG LO er er , what news ?
rrjfU'-OTOJ , newly; a-new, a-fresh . H-(T*jrjf gjLO ,
a new custom .
TjfiJLO n'no r36bjQT0^d " LO , precious
atones of all kinds; nine kinds of them , vizt . LJCD
, (Q385S;, GeiTGLCg;g-La . LTtrsejLO eojp
P TlT) , rf> 04-)LD , 4s LJTT05LO , LOTwrf ff-gSLO ,
eOJliiOT UJLO . [5i~L!Tef LUT ovt , corn and
grain of all sorts. rjgiiiLJTOfeTi TOJRW . earthen
pots or veftels of all sorts .
rjfilCO <v . Ct-JiJ- .
f5 ff ff TT LO , solder, mttaUick entent,
n;criJPjD;*/ns; V .J^lf^jOfiii^oe]) .
j(Qtryi*-jBi) , [5@ljGljt^9; , to slip
out ot the Uan(T,torun off, to slip away. fj"(JIi~fiLj
Q\-iT } if
, to try te escape, rg <Q
rii . slipping away.
r^Tkff/T" , a quotidiae ague.
rgoyf jcn-LO , flattering , pleasant, njoyf atrrffilT^O
sa53jYr flattering words.
"@ ,
0/ cocWe . fjjffyjrjyG ffiTffi.
it's shell .
q Qtfa&gjOiJ , )<&, to become lower

and learer .
fJ^OSyovT , /if / plant .
^n>raj f_ IT G'T'Tib) .
r CCu^lT * - JTWf .
O-' lo Jv; d~ 3 st:ong smeiling fower . rj/r^LD
Lj"", an ooriferous gum.
r^^Q-gj^O^ , to ciV cadjnt lejf; ro cur a thing.
in small 'ie^es . rF a-i;
. a sniali piece ofa tai jan leaf;
a little Cidjan-r.ote . {5/oc'5!l'r;(5 a piece of a
c.idjan-leaf cut off from the paitthat uas nearest the
staJU . *"?!5 CufF. (f) , apiece cut off from the
end rf rtie leaf.
[5 .-' tr 0>S , /'ii / a plant .
fJ5 ^-| ,
/ /rf. n ^ri'cOJOf l_I
LJLpLO , a fruit of it . jSJ?5i rg . <QlJ ovf ^ a
joreign kind of ihm tree .
5 @ JO LO V . rcso , rj;>0 3V>.
^1_1 , rgLjL^ , 3Ll.L_| . presents , gifts ; dainties,delicacies . 135 ", * Ti
togi\e a resentin orrler to obuin craething . J-?1 l_; fK ffi 1_.
(-^-- , QJ/!Di_)a5^eniTcf , a dainty fellow.'
rg^Ot-jj^iCT^LOi*^ [Krf GDLpTgy!, he will not
speak in any man's behilf, unlets his fists he
greased first .
<3 CUS O^J V . r55g;s|/vjg; .
rssf , much, rjef ^2>55 , biassmart much .
rg % g; , to giow wet.
, to wet .
fgecrrLC T0& '- , an honet life.
nf)4TJT"35LD , a good , benefit, happinefs . rrjasr^u
e^iiwrsSLO , good and evil,
rrrf UJLbnj^orffliLOafi(Vi T3J ( LO , the bu'inc-fs inetts with good sucel'i .
[TjOTriE'LO^1 ffieS-OOS^, t0 '- peace. (5<rars)L0
G LU ^? i te do good aiions . | CE LOUJT UJ
SLJT^g;, to turn out well . - i n 1 1 1 1
L.J3trr , a girl grown marriageable .
-1-*5 , a benefit . f
_ _*5 & <v- 5-/ , to
acknowledge with giatitude . [5 _ uj _i LU Tf5
eOJJtT , an ungrateful person . " our _
cgosD ( jL|_aSo^j ) thankfulnels , gratitude. rgsr^/J
J4^v5Lua SLD . inoratitud . r <wr_&3Lci2)g5 05Tj
t5 LJ G l_i , I shrill not forget the benefit received,
rguor^cv . goodnefa , rigUtnefs ; welfnre . rr,srr
e^&JOQj, to be weil; to he right . rjocT^jj
_ t_J ft #i / , to spek friendly or well.
rT@oo^, by fours, four a i>jtast,
rgffargg t , (fti / <r ^/'mi .
jtotGT-V) , a good way , sptken in moral sense .
> , ^ , the tongue .
' t5T^B=<TL0 . 551), hautboy, rgrrg
^'^ 0 , QjTgSffT 05;<*)njw , a haut boy-player .
rfj 5
T LU l_l l_ /TJvr s . rrrssa
[5T6"5TO/f , medicinal plant useful against m ser
pent's Ule.
rjgTeSLO , lead .
HTALO , rFjTe^LJLJT LOt_! , a serpent . QJT
S"GtD-55 "TLO , a kinJ of a. precious stone . " '
L.JI LO , ear-rings with the figure of a serpent . [5
FLJTFLD, a kind of bow ..
* rgTe$TLC , G 5^[5 TLD , a language of
theBraminees, in characters different from the Samscrif
characters ,

' 55>0*1*(5 // / cretpini insect.
suspicion against him. S'K'S^oST' ^T4 USgU
* 'Til 9tffLD . fiULD , genttelnefs ; ne.ltnefs TOO, he does not permit meto veriere . g BT "
in drei';. ^"" , 5 ;35 <5ur , '! f4 (JcJ^OirtK) > he water permita
net the foot' to seek {round -here because of the strong
genteel parln .
CJJTfiOv) MTIO [TUTOLeTLO , /Ai **m of a current .
5 '-c5ffi3;UJTu3(iRESADa^. - to be Uiual .
tree . (5T3>;a>aLji_jpL . U'iJtuU . #n/rg rgjosD,
tremer efthat tice. r Lp ">o r T , fie
[g rr . LD , the aim of a thing j an enquiry, M
/ herb . ujLOL-irgTfi
Q?i_Q_ , a rose - apple- interrogation , a*suspicion ,
tree . UJLD"l_|r5T
, a rose- apple .
4_CLLL.'LO , dancing .
>@, [JT^'cB'Wr , a buffalo's caif .
2> rgiffiL.
, |5T9iff.l_Jl_JT^ U) , a ground- a st,in,t ird or any thing Hie it .
rgTowrrLD, jhamefacednefs , mr-desty . rjjTfTLOT
-vrorrn ;a belly- worm .
>7>(|5, che tonie. r^rm(S(S',arST'3SiS'-^ US5^3S^OS; , nj T soar u U (
i to be de
LJ (J' JO zoo , the child cm n. it et speak well the mure , grave , modest . {5 TG
;ptrsun cannot yet speak well the language which he en impudent woman,
rTaTTrcvj , reed.
deavours to learn . 5Tg;@LJiJa"'-L4LI_j(3LJ>f 5 _O
, to spcik o;herwi=e than before . |_5 i>3b(2>"i
>"222 /. .
ib'l^-Vjg; . to stretch Forth the tongue. )<5*3>5
rsnszsu&Ddi) , 3 rr Tiif
^* .iOffy, to cleane the tongue-. n>TK(grf3 be shamefaced , modest. ^(fg^iS'Sj^rjnf /^
fffffiiTytiJ, the keeping or perfoimance il a promise. g^.-to be shamefaced in one'.-, ptitence ..
;522/ ,' !5521/0"-'_5"/ , ^
"ESTfHiS^1'M* r.-> .^Oi/TJO . I'll keep my word .
tfsvr 5?;@ , _avTQ5T$fe, the uvula in the mouth . wrrllT^ , iJTSEEi.TiJgejTf1"! " Wr re///(i marten.
rr i/ LO , true, upright ; fine . rF,rrf^DVT
3< T \/ ovr i we (no/ including him or them to -jhom
1-1?5 2S T , a man of credit . nj Tijcrcnrraj Uf
vie speak . )
L-5E>Lp , an improper or dishonest action . rgxa^JcatT
* TJTPLO . destruction, extinction . (7)TB=LJLJI @ ^: , tine . mmodities . rgrr/JcfOTUJLCLJsewr
f.(r5T?L0TUj) Gl_jTi>9;, to be extirpated, abolished. ig) i ft / ff^i , to please or coax one.
-TjTffBST , IJ>T221/, acord , a string . rgrr Q^T-^
* {TjTPetTLO, destruction
/^ , to Lend a bow . g}nr*52V '.
* nj^i , the nostrils . iJjT #B> LU # [5 J 8
ff=Tft^cg; -. [sto^pj.ocs; , rjTaer^vi/Qesrr^wr
gjj , to wipe the nofe .
[, (/. rjrrBTCUS) one of the bar
CS'Tlo , a musical sound . '-
ber's tribe .
TjTfrfc?, iJTi lut*?- , lady.
, to make musick . jsjojmr t_i b' * ^O'&
* rrri 95 LO, laying, dancing; gesticulation, too <TjTi'-DTi(5m@gL) , he singl well . ffTO@rg rp
tnuoh action in speaking . rgTt : 9^/
> a the ^.' fii levBTcmr,/* /-Qff^i , to blow . a chauk .
atre , amphitheatre . rrri <Ji?froo, a dancing rcom.
rgrrgjetFT , 5rTd)0~ i a lord.
rgTi e5*fTjT>0ilJT(b'* , to dance before the
T 5 T ire 66 , the staple of a doer.
!5{;-! , rrgQsi_l:e5'5r i relation,'
spectators .
njTl , a weaver's shuttle j a riBbon .
who is entitled to a part ot . UT^L-lQ L-l/J-
* fJTl-Li the pulse, the bearing of rli arteries . relations .
[5Tt_ej. LJT/J 3>.OJ , to feel one's pulse. 5).
[5 T $ 5 C~G}) , to sound , to yield a sound j t|
*S"(B5>' ,lle Vlllse be:lt' !5fri-9- LJ lj if I 2 5= , blow en instrument ,
-the exploring of the pulse rgTLXLiCSQ'TjS^CjLJfr'
rTiii", the husband's sitter ; .flur . rg rr 5
f^ffr i the Lenting of the puUe has ceased .
gjUurLOT "
fRTftf > a country } the inland country, a country of
5{52, plants of any vegetables ( trees excepted $
-viTages and fields Q P l 5 fStS^i^^TC). a fertile that ar: to be transplanted . ^^ ^C) , te
corn-land . 15 i TlOJLP T* <23s_iyjg5 sow seed for getting plants . rg r^oilL-j i_5 l-j & -
(f, lo . a general cuotnrr. in the country, JItQi T 5; , to pluck up plants . rgT^SSg^LiO-OJrrLLiaiLj
LO-iJjQff TOO a vulgar word used everywhere, tjt ("*^0;> to tie the plants in bundles . ;55;0
m 9 inri 1 1 , so as it is every where usual. rgT 051 . a bundle of plant* . r^T^gjrgeS.oceL' , ta
. Tl_p.tUTOjf 'KffUfrr , a vagabond . ijrrt
set plants. nTOsi^SrUTgS/'^'iS^i (|)(,
)l_Jl_I^OLO , the inland country. 15 T I (5 II L_| four or five plants of paddy aie planted together-.
' 30 5F> 55 T "or , a man from the inland country . rfjTi
^' osi) y [g t 'SljQljt^s; . to grow
{gf>ijvri - (LO tne manner which people of the couu- muisror Inimi! by the dampnefs cf the air. g,-rrgffjcv3
ti y are accustomed to from their infancy
(Tj rr t_ ilampnefs , humidity., moisture. JT^SC^cSTONLO*
3:^$2C" , an horse ef this country. TJ-ti @'J dampiNh weather , 1 ai ay seasen .
5' l'crr.a daughter in law. ft" , the rhiefesi
IJTLj , the ravel .
among the husbandmen. fTJTu 5) LO (Jj 35 T <wr ,
ijilS, a poi'en of vegetables. T; T i._5 ftr
- the chief uf the vHhkc - 25 T S LO ffi ^ T .d , Cg^l . 10 die by having taken poison , '
proud woman. 5 T 43) LO L_J 5HI/ 5^ > i_j , SU.L'ffc^UJ'TiTLS , L-lFfflFTj'TL-S , the /
to rule the village as a chief.
a poisonous plant , wiose poison kills immediately .
(9j 9) { X [> T ; j , another poisonous plant .
tcsceniflr rfo^j anhne ^LCf^lxrSTmxnjnyQs)^,
rTLJM*-- 5L>- ^tljlSuG UTffi*
l cometo beg a favour -of you.
?S) gj rg 7 Lt) , rTLjL-):s3S'Tl (JtfC^;, to mock one, to make*
he benr his mind upon it-. .2) ill >yw r rr l_q. g; fool of one. rjj/j-LJL-l , mockery .
GtF.TnrrCS'f *^> . he looks lustfully upon her.
rrTLbE@ ff f <tS , a cloth of diwrs colors for
i| iil
L_i (f (2 so S T (S-^ 5
, he entertains a women .




+ 5 LO LO , rjTUoQS^'-O 'T'TLD ? 11? . TjrufSg; , an Indian hour , a space of 14. minute^..

ffLO , a name. rT LC^>cr*rcrr LDUJtf^iHyeS-iCifli/ ,
ryi'fflffiiliyi , one Indian mile.
5 ] JT; , this tw//i regarJ to time ; ( this day . ) rjj.-p
te name rAiM . _ LO (Cp~ i rTLoQfifR QlO etrr ,
""5>(^ . fiom this day forward . 15 ay
pray is yur name ?
njTLO'-, tl-.c white 'tuff wherewith the worshippers i-scts-lq. this mi,ntii . [gT JyTgivtfiiijjip-LD ti*r
of VVtshitoo make'stiokcs on ffiehcads . {JtlD present year .
T5TCVT , a day of 24. Europe or 60 . Indian houra|
put.such stiokes 011 the forehead . 151 ucjTrf , 15 the tur.c laterally. rTQYTUJIl'-l iUJTfg, an iiivctersur
LS efi 5*3 T-D*or, or.c who bears a raailc 011 the aie distemper . rjj T <tvt UJ l_l 1 , I'^ng . -S4
foreftead .
s-jjrggg.jQiilfg'^T W T * , lie is cerne a long
@ r
) L > we ( including him or them to whom you speak ; ) lime ago . ^J^WLJL-IOja' (J iJ3 Q
I , which pronoun is made use of by real people when
harvest is stilt a long time hence . G!5CI>S'T*>^
speaking to an inferior person .
fU TOrfROVT , ltng-livtd creatines .
15 T lb LJCNorrHj 595^^05; . to be meager, Jean.
T tu ( lD , punie, excellent, exquisite . F of (3T"^a-'uO , eveiy day . UJ ^
> T '.U g; L0 , an excellent remedy against fits .
an history of many years. ;\ 35l.OUO , the chro
+ ^ T LU ffOT , an husband . rgTLU . a wife . Fji/ nicle , the annals. > r tyjgj^rjTo-^r . > ; @
e"U(2 WTffiiJT ~ the Lord of the universe. ^ /. from day to d.iy , from time to time . njTW
rjTOJ Cdi , the sun . rgTLUO-dO/ 3; 56 up *> LO, CUJT(g^, (^l/u_/) iiine pafscs away. l_D^O>
Sunday . rjrraj^O'^jtiTJUJUj , ff tiJ 35 T 5 i_l u , a rgrroyr E>UOg3'ifi!2;'TiJvT , the next day. rTAVJ^
sun- flower .
<TT W &@ , to morrow .
<5T tyE80gJ te stink ; to yield a bad smell . rjjT
HTUJ , a dog . rpTLU!
, a whelp . r^TLLP,
, to begU to, 'tink, to rot . ^
dogs-flies. Qeorgyjj , a Uind uf a red dog chasing
tigers . Uj?g)X! , r^cJ-OJTiU , a beaver . 65 <~ CO , one who speaks filthily . rgTOO^TU
. to be tainted, to stiuU a little.
njTiu . a sea-dog . ueTTJTLLl > a palmyra-cat.
"ami / a flmt Qffr igU4i5Ci , QjT^Dg;TaS. a chair.
red kind of that plant .
rpT^OF^TUO > four-square .
* 05T 0"T 8=U0 . an irn wire ; an iron pin . rgiriTTF
2)T.2F'_F) , a place where four ways meet , a crcfs~
-^-'-; . to nm an ,ron Pn tliro'a thing.
way . " .
(QCL'E'' hearing it , it was as if an iron pin had 55, r5T^05LD5~ LS . tree bearing
efeiemr. rgT^Og; T05TUJ ,''' // . [>.'-
penetrated my ear .
OCNi OpJ O. uScK)P)PJ .
a woman.
rgTff the ctrd of a bow; the strings of a musical
rgTjoujs;, forty .V
instrument . > QU-I.a3 (g
g; , to expand , to
30Di_d, a bad smell, a stench. rgfTiOOGud(4S
Stretch the cord or string.
S^C -i<UJ3.33@S; ) t stinks.
[5'TQ>a" an heron . Qf TOBST 8 T, an
heron whofe legs are red . ^9>*2>5><55@)1<])1>1, rjTSg;iJ), divers kinds, rjj, nj g) Q |_| rp
anther kind of heron , rgrr*2>ij i_lujer a very mea ^goVT" , divers things.
ger cow .
fjjTg)r@ , four times for .
rrfr , fibres of a tree ; the strings in mangoes ele .
{pTSl/r^1 , fouihundred.
, I. [5TS)J , I myself; I alone 5 of mineQ5Ti#-g5ff5li-] QJ , a coir-rope .
own accord ; by my own strength .
GjTfl-fOS -v. [gTo5 .
STOjSj.four. 2&)Q^~drJS^JOJ , publickly;
fJ5T<rar@ , four.
to the knowledge of all people . rjjTOg/rTjrroYrQujrr rJ35T. aTamulian diflionary so called, shewingW>Qt>WZu\-, sme days must pal* (T> Ti?J 35 T rf the synonymous words. [(3 3<rtnrr(Sg;oYr , grammatical
1(^-05^(2}6./ , to have a knowledge books, dictionaries . rj^etrrri 5*^05^ o
of raany things . rgTONOTi^Oi-OUJTiijgQfiUJ be true, just, exafl . rggjiwrri TujQyrrcroC'&'dB
jTstrr, he has committed sins of all kinds. iTjT 2t
, to speak the truth .
rgitj V . Qrg^u .
, every where . nj oy e;(Too#oi Jrr
eovr , quadrupdes, fourfooted beasts . 'JTOOiU'' ,
rgi'f. eojual . J}-njHyf3@rf 3jff CTOtVOO , nene
four persons . rgrrp&rrfblBD , fourthly . rgrre^OTLO is equal to him .
( rgf ooo-tfUlg) ) ujt@ , the fourth part .
rSffi*-^^! rga;L_#ajT*^)sri; , to begoing
<ST!>J&05i) , to hang . rgfirr^ai Q&rftmrr on; to be on foot. ^ 3n3uo, the present time,
(B&treaogU , to hang one's self.
the time now running .
rjjTsliajcoTrr , four pair of oxen .
rt535up35(Cog) v. Q!Ej;up35*.2Day .
rgTioo/^t poets.
fjjfBOYTUO . r^OYTLD .
TJTOJcro w gjfejoa .
rgS5*^D05U3 , destruilion . glifig rgf)5*^e
j20 eC
J5TOJ.flOt_^# , the tongue's growing quite dry by 51 , destruction of wicked people .
a burning fever .
DCl 1 to destroy .
rjf;* ^off) i/ . rg .
5T ii) V . njrruj .
rgFuo > rggSTuo, true, certain. CSTidB, n5TiLj , ^**1^ >
a civet-cat of the smaller kind .
rfj^uo . quite certain, quite true, rtjFQgff #>,
rgfTiS^Jer , a barber.
an eye-witnefs. _UQ(g5i rg?5ujL0, one who is etfJ5T($TL| , the tongue .
aly like you .
jgTufi , a measure, the eighth part of a @ >
rgyrr/", lengdrawers.
fSigLO, false, vile,
wf > er maial.




4iW , antimony of a golden color. Q"i]0\XOffl%

LOS/OUT , antimony of a silver-color . (f5 rr ifc rg LC
another kind ef inttimojiy ,
rgLfS-LLO , rgu5Ft_e j a moment'. d-^iErgLOifigi
^QoO . m a moment.
<j,Lcm-(^tc(^j , to rub with; the fingers.
* rgt_P)5 _D, sign or omen which the heathens taie
from many merely accidentai things . rg t_6 ffi > T 0"
TLD , the signification of a sign. gLUI
e-dCi; , to observe superstitious signs . gJ^O
rgl_g;g>L , a bad sign'.
rgu5>g,ujLD , a cause . Jjsyrgu5e5^iiju3 , -21g/
rgi_aLLJLDTLLl , therefore, ^jsij/j -^ jti*
L-Lg^gLiSggujL ( ^JUP-S5 gigJ0Trgu5g^
ULJi- ) because he did beat me .
rgL^tSEivg,1 , to besme aright in postnre. rg,
Li_55 tRei JOSg; , to stmd aright, rg L [5
[51 d.ltOtJ to \ialk aright in posture. TTi'JC
LdToGli'l'C*} * ^0&*. *t let fall down perpendicuiarly . rgu5iTi_ji_jwr!2b>*-ioe5J , rgl_fS3" 5 ^6
D6V i r.\-00~Si&-OBxl r to make stand aright .
$1& nj . rgix^/cvr .
r^&L , ^ owf rg)LD , an eye-lid . rgiLDLJ
Gi_jn*(L^S^, tf^"t[5g;tnrT<nief LC , the twinkling of
an eye, a moment. rgfiruD (S'S-^S-' 1 10 cli/seor
shut the eyes .
rg HDLD^lSJOSJ > t0 twinkle, rg sb> U3
^9S(5^'^^^"GtraffiJ,I G ^
1 tlla" come, in a.
monieint .
rgLDUD.OOtjD v. rg
rgujLDl ; . GS'-O'-0
rgJu5i^OS; * Gr1-^^*-^^rgjJLB 'S, rgFLO .
rguj'ri-UJIX V. TU-'LO .
/1_11_4*40;, rg/FL_l_aU03*^QS;, fo
rgTLOtjSS^Og; , to grow full or filled. tgfj" Li>
LSlAj(f535 j3C/ i to be full. rg.TLDLJTffG^ TO>a.
a detective speech, a childish speech.
rgTsnjee^agi; * G'S^^-^fi'
rgijgt-JLe , 5 t_i us an epistle , a letter to a*
inferior. ^tf5l_lLO-2Jt!5tV505OSi) , to honou OOS
with a letter .
rg5L_!*or , a king .
rg tT5 1-5 ?;i
> to resolve, to determine .
gfgl_3;SJ2C^i/, . to make,, to institute, to ordain .
sleep .
[gST* 0 , GS**^"*-^^ > to bedge, to fold
rggj^oxJLD a pearl .
or plait sticks , thorns or twigs together j to put thingargrjLD , poveity .
in rows, rg sc />5^5_ ftS-Offi^ to explain at
[f>r'1~AJ5>?'> > an ironical praising i
large. vToin-Qi-jitQooQ^ ?o t^loQ l-i 1*
r[55rr*Atrrr , contumely .
d{5>^e .o , to vilify , to abuse . rgrTji(_ji_| , croTg'Lerg ) ( f3 5 or aar ( he has knit many liesy
together in his narrative concerning me.
tJrrjiRc/oT , grfii/tfOT , abusing, contumely.
rfe'TjSgj , affront , contumely .
rgt_jf>. rg i_i g>$, true, undoubtedly. rgi_i ( 2>33fjl^0i ) to separate a place fror the lent by
gLjeoSTeEEUsS^ary , to verify. rgl_Jff>35eSrr^Offr. an hedge; to put things in vows . rgosog ffiEjrgfibiTF
ycfOl-St_.a5*-30^ C-^" SS^ig1 ) toTedge a
a trusty man , a man that speaks truth .
rgi_lL , rgi_iy GATONS 1 a calumny , slander , back-, ground .
rg 2i<r LU T -O , to play with little tone a
kiting .
line drawn on the grouad .
rgt_|nrer3Trr a skilful and learned man .
jli_)l-Jr53><-0 V . rg^oujrLD .
rg told , a ground for tillage . LJ 65T i_j c$
JCLD a ground that is tilled. .U/JrgoOi-O, salt-petre'
HTLO > agility , nimblenefs , swiftneft .
rgLOirgjeserST O , a young workman Y work - ground. rgcrOLJLJ<!l^04- , rArni so celled .
rgooifcL f . r/rX)sS5L0.
nan's mate
rg<_oo\;oT, pure, without a spot.
rgcrofUCTLO , steady, constant, firm; the state or
rgLQTBr, ^ Moormen's prayer which they fay five situation of a thing
times a day. rgLrrBrLjeorr222uee^)<nT, he performs
rgesDOUSCiO , a cave or cellar.
rg(?oe*urriffi) 3; , senna or senna leave* .
his prayer .
rgcj43cO-) , rgooT the motu j moon-light, rgovo
* jlO*/0*T $ Ind'ltt antimony . Qu T etrr f lo
* r^w&w.TrTLD, affioDt , abuse , sport . rgro?=
grrmr.i [girrrago);!^ *nfj . to atfront one.
* rgp. OYTLO , totally , entirety . rg. F cyr LO
Qojoyt , entirely white.
* rgi$Li fi . , (rgifit 4SI , an adherency
to a certain devotion , a vow or religious rule, ^ifjjrg
LUI fS>\ OjTU^iS^O^, to adhcie to a certain
devotion .
rgjLSLi QCTLD f. QrjJ^i (TjTLD .
ffiJOg; , [g urr QJ t_J Gt_JT^D; .' to
grow fat .
*> , funefs . rgmrrFQfig^g , petulancy ,
luxuriance , wildnef- , pride . rg rrj .j ear <rof t_j
Gl-JTOgJ, to grow fat j to grt w proud, rgffnrrtj
fe, SO j> t3 03 el D
to be quite tat-aiid
rgoeer^n/, love, gnodnefs ,
rgotrr^n; ) i
. a benevolent peison
rgreT(ES Cgy , to Jug , to fjg , to nip , to pinch ; to
nibble a! worms do .
rg ) 2-04 0 I UJ LD H . tg A3
LU '-0 .
true , l ight
* [grjT'aTLC, juit> lawful , as ir should be . rgST
*irnj3?^j\-5Lj'L-T0!ai , to be unlawful. rg55T
e^T G ^oLJTjO^ , to 'valfe in the right way.
rg!5T-J<rrc^5/aiLjGl~!T.COg^ , to go to the ap
pointed . rg55'TT3; 5) , rg 5 rr l_J
l_JU OJWj a jjjt person. rg5Tof g^cg^QS; > to
see what is right , to j:ulge .
* CS> g'd. rgfJujLO , gold j a treasure .
rgg>5L0, [g/iQ/iQLO , always, daily, rg > 3> T5
w3u. .vcvr , a daily allnwance a work or task to be
performed daily . ,
rg^^ajte , eternal, everlasting, s\avf gj#>uj!_e,
temporal . rg 5 ^ rg er > LO , an everlasting
good .
rg5^'r> the sleep, rest, repof . rJf^s2;TLJ3
Ujifi9L0 (5>01_) sleepinefs , drowsinel's . rgg
^S^TQl-iTO^J , to fall a -sleep, rg 5 (> >
G^T<JiTV5*^05; i to sleep, rgf ^ m rr Q 4R
tJOQ^S&JfiJ the sleep is gone . f > rg8>$
1&.1>0 >), to rouse or wake one. rggj. ^

tb)Q5&&LJLJl # V . *t?j-rr/rt_U-St # . tfiflSOtr

f^i~xJ^^(&^j > rgCT4jT05TU_)S; , the moon tunes .
rg COT S G , Hi moon. shine . rg (Jo T"QtfUC*ff *
LO , the mooif light . rg JOTLJLJ^XJ , a noonlpft
ni^.lit .
rgcr-.: QfUud-) , rt< /" / .
rg ppj ^~xi2 the emainder still due by one . ? err
G lc oxt r cpfco,irr LP lo T 95 /5 0" ix> . bow much is
the balan^i: cjrfle by you ?
rgirco .^iov^aJT rr ey , rgireoG
what is firm, settled , steadfast, standing, rgi/OO > rg
, the tidc-potts of a dcor rg/ootSOJ3>
( rjT! Q)$C)) to set the potts for a door.

/ ff Q.fT ii ' LO , a tteepie "even tories

high. >05:. 3d 3>L_D_ ..a looking-t;ils fasten
ed to the wall . rg joo 95 (5) t-O- , inhabitants that
rcmnin in. a place., rg sjryo l_J LJ (5 D , rg rDO
Qe;. T cvT vi.
, to grew firm or seitltd . r,Lr>.j
UJTUSlS^eSOfb/. rgi/borg/O
to te firm,
-constant, steady, durable. rgirOOUJT Ltj ( rg,j*>OU3
C\D ) rg at n? " , he stands in his ( o station .
rge/tN' G W.'l o\l ovr' nr > LD , uuteadinef* . rg
G M.m CS * O 6J ,
to come home .
f,AfS)Jr,^^t2)t-^L^j , to settle .fi cm iy . -rg /
rgirxg,g;,'SG'3:Tff; ( ^-{g; i to fulfil a promise.
35 * *- rg trtK! S; g; B: Q 95 T ?YJ> * SJ
( G L-jff
J tJ '6et footing , to per itvet e in ague,
, It . rgi/oc lu O" (S) '~c i unsteadinels . (5 wr
-Htff-(;!-'^'> S:@'-0 > the water is foidable . tg
,ino XJT Bj_; i it is not fordnble .
rfiATCLJM > a fold in liver.
rf irO0 4bi..D . rg ec S LD , the state , condition .a good , probity ; dutableneft . (5 00 S> LD jfJ5 a
^JCct , a man of probity. '
. .
-to~cc7v,it , rgjocvTg , not durable.
' nsaco-oTtaLO V . r$i&*Offrj .
-rgcsoo) v. rg*o$ /oes; .
rgcNo^ire sx) f. rg ,sii.
rg OJ .>3 , removing,1 breaking, abolishing . i i rr
tfXjrgiTJ/!C^ , expiation of sins. iujrr^^OJ^}D.^ ,
- of a iickuefs . rf,f)iyv>fft .twr iWcn &
lJ , tu
;removc , to abolish , to annul .
* rgiXITnn, habitation in foreign place.
-rgOj 1 , abolition , dtstn.Aion . rg T
/ ktlot fS ^D'S; , to become :-boli'hcd ; to " become
.-ejtpiatcd .rgiUT') LU-icelirHVi C'S) , to abolijh
.^to expiate, to blot out.
tgy:. 3\D , a ihadew , shade ; protection.. rgj_p.o5
. Guvs , m the shade . rg c>S Q
, to ever shadow , to be shidowing . rgupoo (T (J>"S D g.i , to
jeprtsent itseH" in a faokmt-gTaJi etc . rg \> cSo or i
< LO , a ..typical repieseotaiion , adumbutiori .
rg^)3:et--C e) , to shir.c very blight by the ci lor .
rgiC.LO , a color . rg/ 5 0= T> Si; , to be
<olouietl . rg yjrpjQmn (^-, tu give a color.
U00/#(JOTr5ou> , GL_Ji_igi_'T rg / , a
i faded color .
rg-^>G-a!?^cuS!:j t rgai y) g x:
OB)J .
rg ^^*vje) , rg A^g;9j;LJ l_j rr -5"95<-dC , to
weigli , to poise or balane thing. .
^ S ffajll50&Ll , 'lo stop, to make stund, rg 9)
jSjU-jQ uja (^; ^( fg,
..) to stopjto
delay , to adjourn .' ^o\Tfi^IiV:rS^C ff)liy#>.05x) >
conserve the It^lit , that is to conserve the family fem
perishing. rfJrf)_,xiiQj^s^jsiszQf(TO^c<.\ Cb' LD .
.-stay be a lUtle quiet, and let him ep.ak. . rg

'i5)$*TJJT# , read slower., do not read so quick,

rg 0,rSj'%9:Q&'T<?G2J > P*3'' uut *o quick r hastily *
8,'t-ak iiower .
if, d> LO 4 LB . rg LOT *T (J3 .
rg OQ/tfi)T 'SLOi-J *r SH1/ /!0 0/ , to perform the
promise ; to do one's-own di,ty__.
^^-^; v rg/n-jt-i*^'^ ,
$ffi/5D , the Wight
T (g^SjgjOOrg >
LUTIl3 r3 3i @ ) 11 *<-4hs two pound if^ 5 rS
4S) , a weigr.t of a certain jiiimber <f Indian ounce*..
if Jr<ss.2o , right , just. "rga>-OLUTLd(5 -Efejj ,
it is full weight . rgsa jvjixj -',TO-rTJr , rgss*3
jDTcrrr , a inan of integrity . rg s& 0 g l3
g; T
rf -1 , an unjust thing.
TgE> 20(6.20^ , rgiS/Orr,(5;Gl-JrT"-i5.' 5*1-^9
LU.LJL_i(ii* 01; , to grow 'full . rg 0 13 ig (Tg 35 *
. to be full . rggiiiOllT/TOr , a fulf pot.
SbO2u) . fulneft . '[g cg5S^r:5; , to fill.
rg^oG'U^Cl-'*--'' gSJ. to glow fulfilled. rgs*
G^J^D^eiO^, tofJfil.
rg / * ;, to stand ; to etay ; to be durable . rg
eS'TLOOO , ( rgoOOvOT I JD 'Tsj ') Q L_I T 0 SJ . to go
without delay. <flT (5 ?} G S> G 1 ^'I" 5 5i rg
i/'jto withstand one. rg roo rg aj 8^ . to be
teaiifast , firm , durable . rg>343( , stay . rgcyoosST
SU5 > incunstancy , mutabunels changeablentls . Tg nrr*
jZM rg aar^r)jr\
a^9X , to make stop> in walking .
GOJ'1 <Ojrgflr JvG UTffft , the smart has ceased.
tb0 Q<7^rmr(^aj<Qg) , to come up out
o the river .
rg.iOG6*LULO , certain , *ur.e. rg aqQ f UJLO
<^ SD6j) , to make thing sure . | - G' '-g S
G ?Tv e .T 0/ , to be 'ore / thing.
rg ^/ J/tLjii'STSSZl/BS > to destroy totally.
rg^cgL/Tarf- LUTf A^gj , to become destroyed , to tura
into dust and ashes .
-fg CO i_l Tj 5 4- , affliction calamity . rg a;. l_l fjj
^LJi-jSeS^g) , to be severely affliltd.
rg , g^ellXJIJJ , nhappir.e's . rg
l_l <
OJacr, an unhappy man.
<f, ifjLD^C'S) , pure, clean, without filthipefs .
+ rg AjLD I euoTLO , rg .vvLDT*r<rr !_0 [g 'W fij 0
u) ,-nakediiels . it, SO '.S3 W wf , a quite naked
rg A-j(iJ(yoLD , what hs no root
rg_v>Qi Os->'_GfT
f=y -to gn w utterly destroyed . rg O > OND
LTTec 05; , to extirpate, to juin, to destroy.
r^cosovo v. rggj^LD.
rF;^rf irS* A-J5j) , rgOwf g,Bi;fF G T
*V3 *
^5J , to resolve >to determine . rg osjmx LULD , a de
termination, a pu. pose, rg OttJOU' UJLO.Tf^rR,' , what is
firmly resolved . rg S?:,jbVx lu?; 35 O or , one wh
is f.jfl in keeping to what he determined to do .
%&&-,0&* to think . re&rnBj85JW-Qff-<r VIC
vteS AQgj', to remember . rgi^err gjg^/ a> G^T<o5*
~9L* > tu lemind .
rg^rOT LJL-i , recollection , vemem biane. Tg/cnrrLJ
L-j-i Qit*")g^jt 10 remind , to put iirmmd .
rg/T30TcniJ , a thought ; 'he meu'ory ; a purpose*
QttJWtr^eirSTiS^ , vaos thought. rg
f4_ i5)66 S^j , to rtmejuber . ^(Rlt ^;* Aj rg
cTj , an undetermined thought, rg ; 24- 7
^rg fFiOei/, to be Ecrgetfiil to nave no consideration.
fgrr - -V . rg AO*A~,0i> .
rjf , ffTLU , thu or you..
>"{<-< a l"l'-'t
r#0> S. LD rf-E Si us T
e be full of Ufte



er thinks .
' @L_C-fjrd" i water to drink ; a decoction . @^rf fd~,
ffji" > told water.
rff ^$-0'5xJ , ' remove ; to deduct .
if p$ $ l_j I water- to bathe one's s.lf,
eOj , the
UT+ & Ox) , tt> make separation by sorting i_jrr I QiUdOTffTf , w.,im water. rJ^J- ^
tfK^ffi) jrjf 95S5.iDffL/ , to blot cut the sin.esi rtlT rotisy . rfiJ~QlfcT<WY5nj T , th cl.ick-npox .
Tf^i&CO&) tu discharge a deb*. rfrrifJO if 35* rfi''eScbffi^'TFffr B6 ;. to I oil so that ihe wl.oie
C^) , to hold the fingers asunder , rrt t closing them subsiance be tuined irtofliiic. rfrJ-iK Q ,r#, r yj,
together. rj"e: Si 3; Q 3>.t wr (Q l-JT
. > break a very thin- pp . rfi/-g;i_i(J-J'T'i F i rS.^p . nee
ihroiiJh , to make a way thro'an.y obstacle , to overpower, boil'd too much, if rf Q& Hdheevrcyi ovr , rffr>(gji
own" ff o"vr , bleai-eyes . rff}~S>\ Uq ,
.y (f i5 rjf u>
.^- joctgt) 35 (g (5*
tfi?ch&i (4 i a ftoppage of urirs .rfrfySiO) . rfif'Si
*^ (bflS 9> OBxl > to give to a'l ex..ept one .
3;'_^eniJ . ^^1_11_1(1} , rffrri-f ) , diabetes , a flux
if ^ the rem linder , the test per balance.
of urine, rfrfiff
, fQa rf 1 1 1 I . Itianguiy,
t TV 35 3VT t ye or you .
smart felt in making water. rffr(f>ff>rTe!>Cr, a
, to po off, to
wear uff ; to come off, to get ont. 1? 35 JvO TC6^!QgJ, to mar.'s ( r male-bcatt'f urinous pafsae ; a channel. a.
rtfroLU , blue Qj jojLjfli /, to ftri 0
be freed /row thing, g <er toy '; 3S 3s0 T 3DT OJ <" >
G^J . t 1
pe; son . if KjJR JO a chap or cleft between two bliu.- color over a thing . rjfcrO 5
blue. ^\ T PT/YD fftrr ., a dier 111 blue. fzoUJ
boards .
rgpacT, (fem . rj?# ) frrrofv , (TjfflT ^UJOYT tJi_aLj.i ^Qfrra^cssj *

\ </ s> lu
oYTjJ- i a very Jow person .
(R''.LJL l_)t_Jfff*^.S; . to lie in a giofi man-tier . .
rtfgjr* *c-li . ifi$ 3jj a>
Si/ , to swim . rf ^, f JvJ^S'bCrxj^gy i a samphire.
^" (
. r^c>S' ) o;;e that lies impudently . rf
#L_i:^ UTi j , to swim, away . rffyfoso, swim
ming. r^fF? ooQldQ yoOJi5*iX3gj , tocme a
swimming. tf&g-of. &TC*vr , rfa-pirow , a swim ZSCai; , to lie impu tenily .
mer. ifeWv, fff>3i), swimming; water not fordabie .
rf iS3jfiD5)) , ti> wipe olf with the har.d .
rrfjvT'.O , rg^JvrLD, the length., ffi asi
rfJ 6ti_ii_JLp 5J ; to learn to swim . L_mr
(fi^^rerLJLJLpfJiv^OJ T 5 nrr Q i rr , tf LC T i U & TJ Cj Qj , to make the garment .
any body teach young tiilic; to swim?
'ng .
f OVT 55 $ G OV) rfi ( *
, to delay
if i TyS , the large Sea.
from time to time", L-l^ES- rgovr ld3j(5
fi-Q-ififgr^&^OBil . i 've 'g> to laft long; to lengthen the speech to be of along extension . rfu.ffiyJTQ 0
*o last } to grow long by extension ;
gy , to live long & prosprou>ly . r^uftiu U Lp to tariy. ^,$5&; D lo live long, f
tf^Lf , along continuing prosperity, rg* 1 LU = rrrg Off i , rfcNf > '"ig life.
By . , long - suffering.,
!??* J > , ^'<' itiilf.
rfflj.!? , extension . .
(f / , lime slaked and reduced to powder; ashes, rf
rijTl (5*^0RJ. to stretch J to delay . if
c * i g; 5!7;!i_jQl_JT(566"'ey to calcinate , toburn to ashes,
8)^35^, to lie sprawling on the ground . tf4-Q.Q to rf Cv$j j , to become staked and reduced to
to demand r/eir at different instalments. powder as lime. rf/ & Cfi Qi) to slake lime and
if oemr (b'Qt-IT^OcS; , to grow lon . ifearn q rehice it to powder. 0>igrf?' -20> > the holy ashes of^the '
G>.9>^/. to be long, sfneri (C^gi # a long licnlu-ns .
face, rf^fwrri TT55 , long-suffering, ifivorx
'SJcBLDjSJiei^TSO, fS{55>M)., a yoke . <_
a^irovrrr^aff; 9) i_a u2 Q c-o Lj, i (>? ( 5;
HjeoT" 1 a tall or long -wasted man .
rfSj'O i istjce.righteousnefs ig g> 5 Q 5 g, inju lice.
L- eo.5^'C'2j^rt^f
) te yoke Hie
f(' isticc, righteou-nefs . iff, ,yj aj on lu , ien .
according to uuice and rcison . r#f f G 3> (? > injustice.
rf$*rrf\)gj$'rLD , a law-book, if &, t_j rr < , the
to Ineak in pieces, to destroy.
nghteons God. r^LOTior , a righteous man.
fJLI'rLi > the umipe three kernels of a palmyra-fruit,
as long they .ire soft and eatable .
[Jj j_] , thou , you .ff, you ( m speaking to pirsot
f some distinction . )
<T,*ovr reK) , the name cf a fish .
if , water j urine . r^TTLOLJO-O , a certain wnUrJgOp the name cf a wild tree grouting near vialis,
fawer kind tf dri>ii y . ff ( J> i_oi | , a water-lizard . Jl5wjtrjj^3 , a bullock-heai t-tree .,
^ , the point or tip of a thing . fTJJitrefiE >05 .-
fTj'ifgovrt^ff, an onion . rT/rrrruf _owru_i_ji_o. a
chouldry built in the middle of a tank. rfQTJO the tip of i)ie hand , the middle finger .
flood, tide coming in the river ; a catsrrh . if Q g- rr
I LO , the current tfQirrr4-L , r/i nflPi.- #/ .i,:fJSi/ir@, any minute thing; minute letter
ter-flant. rST/J-gs^TT^rro-i V , 05T^g;ruj. f&f in writing . rp|ctru 3: rft ^1 , to bieak rice rte , in
(i-i-U LO, *'< / leprosy. rfJ/}-03@u5oYf . a small pieces; to make1 minute lettcis- in writing, rjpj
water-bubl^le . rt/^^g ear^iS v . Q|7JTF# . n?/J-= 21/ 35 Q 35 (Q 5 5L minute writing.
FTjss , alarjeprtil to draw water, ifrj-f ?rLpjo ,
J5J BBTLCBSTOS u . n^j LX) CX3 .
rfwffiL, a whiil-poel.
iff Qftu,
_?T^CV. b'il'd rice kept ever night in water tor
fJ5JOND , the place on the forehead about the eye
breakfast f!f i_j i_l T LS L_| . a water-s-n ike . frf^ brows . n^ijgasaerajf i a jewel hanging down upon
Off , the name of m -dicinal hrb . r^/3"tn>T(I} , a the eye brows .
fSJTJbJZJOey . to thrust forth the uiicl of a candle.
water-fly. f$-fU0*DLO , ebb, ebbing, frj-rxi
QgfT i creatures living in the water. rf/rJ-trQi
rgjffirr . the scum, fioth or foam. '"
1_> Tli@ j certain . Port, -' . LU TT U_lrfj Q(EJ , he foams . 1 rcrs ! <v .



OQJt to\ troth ir foam.

HjnjOyd> .OS; . ^(i^IPP^^Offj -to peak.

G*T5Lp3?*C5;, to forsake.

engines. Gr^fS^o-vrtVttJogj , to demolish < 11/.1

etc. G595^TujG^J'-*'5 Stfrjjrr , Gi5S
( Gl_JT(b'e5-Cf5J ) tostick stiM.hing in the ground etc , G>3505Tiij2l-JTeel#i^J<'> a **ilJ that ha got crack*
fK|iBt-p(6j05; . to creep in. rgj2>LpiUi_JL_l*T r defes .
atr /y.^i . -&.; , to mjke a thing , to
QijjPyi, weivinj; what is woven . Qrfjfe^ljejT
get io . {5/01.(70> , the thread does /Qeer, a weaver. GlJ^^G^ Ll-i*^Oa> to weave.
l et gen_ <T iSi Lpn-yy Q LJ T ,6DQJ , ro crawl throng! ., GSS-G^bb^-P-^tS^a^O f/T tro , yam that
ewri TCOTL-S
f5 rf , a fox.
53 up oj T 9= t>o , any is upon the weaver's loom. G5f
iuw little door. rgjisupgg^sJOjgse^osj ( G1!7 i Bt'ij , well- woven cloth .
G'TJi-P-1 (jn~LD, calumniating a benefactor, {jSjJ ) to fix something into an hole or chink .
IS>\^& 2vk) 5) , to, wrong
Lf5**Ji4e&^bJ 10 withdiaw one's stlf from elty . (r'JT)t$t
working , to carry one's self lazily .
, abnefaor. Q^(n (TLD Q t_i m * JO 5; , to
r]tfi/o*riLSSVT (fem . rjtfi/XXTf-f ) certain tribe of\ calumeiate him . G.[54J.i Qry3T{ftm. QUIQ.
\ (ijrf ) an ingr.itefui and cruel persom .
feopie near the sea-censl .
2J OLJLO , li'tle, minute. rgj JO i_J Q II A/OO ,
GGJif-1 *si v [S^-1 a>>
eniruite work. f) JDl_JLOTUJ^0''TUJie Og/, to
G)* ' 511-0' the thtat ! breast; heartor
earch in'o the veiy minute particulars .
mind; toi.scence . eT<rrG[T5!e366G'v;>C5^@5-'
5J Bf . fJi) .
it is iu my mind G[EH>y -)'JJ knowingly . G[5!*5
fTjj >rar ^f) * 00 . a little grain of sind .
t^}tarj^5 ELO , subtilty, nicety.
)^5<)1_ ffrtC^'-CT'^'S) , the mmd fiutua es . (J 5 f5
tXJTtu , nicely, with an exaft accuracy . rc^v _i figJrW8Si5T|,gf T, axe you so bold ? X<3
< 1 1 _2| ^V5 cOJ , 2) atrr rriiTXI , an acute judgmenr . 35WGrrj?o5 9=uj Ji_i3.'cR* e^) . to take one by
:he ollar. Q^^r^i 5)LjGt_-IT T.^J. to be
"chuked .1 s'ifl.d. Gr59:rr 'K(g>JOO . th; little hole
rrrgorLS , new .
5/ *
. [/- [T55iQt_irr /!0t5; , to begin h:U is over the protuberance of the throat.
GrLXL iU 1to ro , to grow tOO Sft J te go OUt . fjr 05
0/ l"rgt bird. .
gj , to extinguish .
Ji/rcrorrLriTirr>")lJJTetn-^ , unsettled, confused.
G [5 '; . strm on. strait along, direfllr. G'3)S
CX>T3trru)5f ## a spider .
^ljG'-'^ iS *' '.1 G[5ffi9S*^JVTrI5*-^Si
rj/r^o, yarn j rule, a sysceinatical.dofti ine . Qoj5 to grow hih and s rait
fg/TJO , a system of religion . ijj.iwr E1/T 7C a a TamulQjt,!*S>lC lag.. G'?^ 'he lengh 0/ ai*
grammar. rg/r^NSBbeU-JiV , a thread-cord / :TCB). Iwese. Qq)(S*(g?^d- , GSl#"J. G5
@T<", yarn wound on a reel .' rr/r j>;jc5g>T?"? 5' CKT"G3: 'f Lfc ? ^O. fj" . a w II that is buiit in the
jSreL/. )1-"3/\ B * so length. GrT5v-b[DTOYr' - GSS^^TJO LO along
jjy ,'o wind y;ii un a ret
. /)1_) time. G'JCiS > T
a lni beard. G 3> ?5
i-JT@ , a skein of y irn {J/r l_Ji_J T. IITLE/1"^ F ' 'W#S)l <1'5^48 J/ , to fill do*n at
a weaver' warp. rj^rrcKi;ri.i , a bottom . f yarn. full le-.sth. GtC'i'JS/TT'-0 very far. GrF^fJ
rjr G OX.' tSr. , a thread jF yarn . rg/TOsr^ff tf 5 G^iS a s,,itt that fcoes strut on. Qn^CSs .
" ear
SCWil , * twist , to twine or make thread . /^ very long. G'^ljxu -tb 3vr G [5 ( 6^J
5(5 joa^i, to twist bioken threads together . <U-wr, GKF0-1'4"" G!5^ Q [5 m nj r,
^jroDrfjT^iiio^j , to s^in . ^^;* a tall person. Q<1$\ Gt~@SS^> long sy!lble.
Od) . to unwind yarn,. _33irr)l rj/ , a wea
G^^-*name of a shrub . V: rSDi . G95T
ver's *voof , thread weaied acrofs the waip . rj/r o-S UpOb i_oQ554-9-. f5^T@G[5-Mi-. G '" G '

tfUUVT , a widow .
i-hG'J)-1--' Gr54-*-o>S'W@ b'u(5G!44
^-', one hundred, rjjr *oQ*pmrr CO) . one 'i'j different kini
hundred and one . g/r Ar rj (gj ld t_J raf JE @ IF
G^^-^w*^^/ "Tffio; ,
^ l J crack tne tirigbTi , knuckles or toes .
, to censure an hundred thing* in
a work .
T otjt @ G ! l_& <
my finger
fJLrTf* , to spin . QlctotS craik'd .
FTUJS/r/iCeSiC'S' , to spin fin yarn. t_|(f?TUJ
Qrgi 2St UJ
, {fem . g|Ji Bl_f ) I
/ eS tJxl . to spin coarse yarn. ^^; tall person .
GTfJrfOfi/ , to spin for some body.
> tne f'erit forehead . G35?>
GIjB1-0 >33 Lff, the nail 0/ a finger or toe . Gl5 3vf,R*
, to knit the brows , to wrinkle the forehead,
ftLDtUWff > L1 , to let the nails grow. G 95 Qrjy^^s~i3',S>T , the line; or wrinkles on the forehead.
.^ > the root of a nail . r # 05 l_j rf ilJHje} X ^D-'GTKS . an high forehead.
}L , from top to toe . Q^^^^SD^U^LDTih GSSSv*-^^ > t0 raaltc duck* and drakes upon
53:*P#"0;or i they aie very intimate friends to th- water by little Hones . Qrjj^^jt_i UTUJ 3
ene another . GS^^ffrSiai/ , a whitlow.
g) , the skipping of the little stones upon the surface of
Qr&t_Q.QujrT(&ogj, to make a smoke foi the water .
driving the muschettos away .
G4j^5J we" riped pease, beans etc , in their huHs
ripe and dry
GlS**-^^,' 6*>"5&^-5;, to
grow loose or wide, GIT5*(9*-S' in the husks or cods . Qr$&iQS>{t$iib&OGi) . to take
te forsake one . Gc5*Lpt_)LjnrTr?D2ySi y. g; , G[5 the pease etc . out of the cods. Q^^SJLjQuj T o>5
e5U>*5; JOg; , make loo=e or wiiie .
TjfK Oeip . to be dry, thin and meager.

&<rTTLQ<s*ef Q<T)3jj , the rine peate oxjufiue-rrf g:@5j , the sun s1iin*6 fiery-hot.
seeds in the code f the tpecttt . (5>me>TiuQ4) g> \ G^iScrflEAOft; a . rgacrt cay.
, a ripe coco-nut .
[. QrcrCoS , .Q(5 osr )' LO 'X , . the name efalrx.
GCSSSL1*-^?^ to attain the mark fa children! play . Qrg j^oS'gjesrm , V ;>i/ . QrpjcrcoS 5 05 T LU
^^'^ ,,G!55*Si a ""I of vety g/ 63J IU SNO i n"f / beaten amortar.
tMtlte Juhet .
j o6'(Q3 eryr e^f , rfV kernels used in medicine . S>L_piT
QrigjLDEeDS; * . r|LDg=*^Ofly .
I Q^OsOoS , the > / medicinal herb .
Q[5Lt_| iron-nails sharp-pointed at both ends ,
Qg ogj , paddy . G tsqss &&) (g5 l- a cave un
-whereby boards are conjoined
der ground to keep paddy in. G ^ 2J '1 L5 <_p. g;
* . to lay piddy in store. G<jjO\3 jtk a3vTO
.G5Lei_)*^/- to ''ft 'thing.
G'J5U->> ghee , melted butter; fat, grease . QrfjO-l ffiBOJ9F> OSi) , to seak or macerate paddy . G'5^*
*Ur5"fl fl> 0 di) , to pour ghee upon boiled rue. irDOGU*
, to boil it gently. G (5
GS^G^^eSiQ,*/.' r) , to put the hand inta JTO?K@f5SJ}J0; , to beat paddy . Qrj Taires. 05
seething - hot butter , which among the Indian pagans (gg^^j^^OJfrssSOS; , to beat paddy and prepare
is a iindof oath-taking GC5UJLO@ii,T > ifSJ^ the rice for the kitchen.. G'--isG1'1 fit paddy rbasG ^366.^0 JJ , to get a cause' dccic'ed by the ted iii a pan .
ai'o;e-said oath-t-king. GlS'-Dff 9=4_- , the name tf a pot
G'0^* S-* > 10 ceme forth crawling and wriggherb, port . Brcdo de mantciga. G Q> lU G * 9> J-1 L , an lingrti worms do . GoJ^Vf E^S1 &SOSi) , to walk la
a stooping or cringing posture. Grb^5SjG{~it O
, to i ffer
. itG. !Z> G D g LU
g,', to grow bent. G'S^ttJ > a flexure . l_|@Gi5
Qn>a-!t*O0iJ , to weave . G LT) UJ *
CU 5 , a ovf U-ig; , it crawls with worms. G[Jrf , 2^
weaver. Gf59;(S^-) > 'exture , weaver "s work.
Gl-OT^TLD , a ring that has a flexure.
GSJLUJVG , '/ jo
. betrin a blue fleeter .
G'S^ff^i^^OSJ > GC5^'5)i'*G35Tt^reV5*/V)
/, to shrink / blows. QfJOrf gg)e5GcBTT
QtJ)d-ifSGO&ipTii(8) , the bulb ofthat plant .
Qf^irCS A-COSi) , to feel , to grabble, to rub or handle a (iyrgi &&:0D5xJ , to walk crnmpshouiderd or crookthing i to twilt ,broken threads together. Qfgrri n i i backed, G[5^5S>l,^G^TiJJtf^S^eti,c-JT(2)i
V_J T (5" > 95J > to try paddy etc . by rubbmg or grab a basket crooked on one side.
bling it . G'5rr(5 a cloth in the ie igth of which many
G^^gi-O . tolerable , light,
joining! of broken threads appears a deceit.
G!5-^5i the way Ie way f -virtue. G[5-^
mj , rg a^j 35 SO J . pj/rfi LD1 , a man of probity . GS-^G*1* (
-SOJ^tt^X-eJ ( Qu 1 C^*^35.' ) to make evrn , to IGj^SuS^^OTgaiitr, an unrighteous man .
GS-^Sj the temples of the head. GiS-^uSQov
equalize, to p^piiitinn . GS^S?FGe?'roV'r^Y5*i!0
, to even affair-, with one another . G 2> T C& rf t 1 1 Qj&i) i he got a knock on the temple .
GC!3-^ , a swelling on the hip or under the arm ,or
ffTLJiQ0&il . to divide the viclual at a meal into
on the nock i caused by a bile or wound in another part
equal portions , so as to satisfy everyone .
Qr]j<t<& so&xj , Qrfrfrfj^,Qt_jTO^J, tocrack , to of the body .
break , to become crushed or quashed. Qn^tfcOJ , QrFjff
GT-^'S-^^ G[5-i-JLjrruS5^ JO'^J,
WOO , crushed , broken ; dejefted .
flSSaiG'-SE* S; > to turn up the nose in
Qr^rf^co^j, Q-3<f c35Ji_iGL.iTtS6S!0; , to scoffing manner, to behave one's self arrogantly.
break , to crush or qvaeli a Illing.
G'S^GSG^^^OJ'-J'^ffi^l-Jt e^Di/ , te
gi in I oi gnash with the teeth .
Gt? lU-'Jiicoe) V . rg-vvuS asesas;
G [F; ff eOJ . G ^5 'f * -^S^
Qrprf (5 , what is written indistinly .
GUJS*^1-0 > "arrow, close. GlGjc^t-lLJ
be filled with
lCy. ' become reduced to straits , to be prtfsed hard the smallpox.
205#^OJ ( G'J*^^ ) t0 toiI t0 be hard
to be tqueezed to death in a throng of people .
at work ; to become well ground . $) ffjS^jQrg
Gr5(5'b$l i straits , affliclion .
B(Jo\ii/DO , it is not ground enough as yet . ,G[5!5
^j(L-ITOSJ , to grow weak , to become broke by
to throng , to preis . Gr5f5cb*u3(5 5:66./!0 K^, to sir ncknefs . ^ iru 55i/g;.@GLD55GrP5G5'I0r 1 have
too near together , to be thronged . G 15 35 ^ OJ 5 taken a great deal of pains about him . GS'ESGS3^
OsDrrLB^JLjrJ^LOTluGLJT Sr BU , all the "liard
<4&*l!FJ , to compact, to prefs C9mj)ac1iy t. gether .
Qyi^ f^^fV^SOQJ > to playue or importune CTif by labor has been in vain
. .
Gl^LO , love , friendship- GlJFerjr, a friend .
frequent accosting . @ Cp !5
5 G 2 3^e6^(yj
(gg; , the child whimpers .
G^' Wirf 343 , Gr$(5& > a ''""> iAreA so called
G'5>, proper, genteel, curious, elegant.
different kinds of it .

G'^S^f '-O , the eye

sore eyes by inflammation .

GrSUSiTiiiTLuerii ,

G'Sffi1-"-! i hre . GSffiuauuuiBo

G'jrfjeuGfFa VT?>*^OSJ to vow .
GrgiijLD , rg lu LO LO away which one is devot
JO^l to kindle a tue. GLS11 iS^-IWr -' 'gj
lo recnih a -ire . G!5jL-JL-iJoa!rrrrj
g t_J (g, ed to. Q"r5l-L G'S^S-1loci eligious ceremonies
, 'he fire gocl out. GiS1^ l1>1'-2J 55^ which one adheres to .
GlT)1-^* , rg/JjLtKSOS; . to devote, to
l?-tfijg5*^05y to put oui the fire . G^SQ)111I1'
t^i , fiery GrDG>L-iiian3(rgg-*^0 rxi , an dedicate, to addid , to determine fx (5 ?j ffiV (gl G 5
* , hot or liasty man. GojlULPsS G 2> (5 I u5ggG1-lffeT * young woman betrothed to> oe.

Gtjtlo- -
G l-OIIS? SO^J . to winnow any thing by casting
it up fiom side -of3 the fan to til - other .
C^rTix, an honrar a time . _2( Q
^Qcn3 , just then . Q '}$(/ , even n.>w.
rr^-erg'^rriJ-LO . wftcif1?1.'^ ~{ *T T T T^'f ,
the fiist time of the nig^it . Jjor Gtfor //Tfi^f . 'lie
following time ,nf the night . (J'-^T G TTTg^ff*
lQosD , at this hour if the night . Qrg.TLQ'TUJ .
toon, in good time. Qr^Tta T#t-J G t_J -<7rJ5J , i:
is now late, (ir too late .
T"G> 'ose
no time. ('' BfrjW:@ > at the proper time , season
ably . Qrrjj Ljuji ( (rgo- g) Q F < ^, ) xjrj
{^, he came voy late. Q-acJ^Q'ia fgQPOO
oo/LO > it vn\\ take up much time .
G5CTL1 , a fault , guilt , crime . Q > 5 LS 5
5JS5 ^>gi; . to charge o/ with a c:ime . _|fsjs>r2iJ
rf G ^&,,&<-)})& lie has been found guil
ty . QJ^^Q-'t ( j-oQ'bTO that is your
fault, 75'7"55,13 . a guilty one. 5 -^^
@Q[5crA>55gJ'or n= "*' made himself guilty
to his tribe .
QijrfiFLO, a dart , a ja\e!in-.
Q'55 V- G^fr G)5l-n"^-e;#^c-3S/, to sec
rhq,t justice be done. G5'_5g-l| - ^. . to know
the true way .
Qr$ 5 * ^ ey , g 5 rj- 5 s; oj(f5os; , to
accord , to m et with one another .
to expend. (Ji^(gQ<Oj.@l-J
otTiX'0O-j<J"'jjQ{ jot , I have expended muney
on that account. Q^f^SjQLJT^D^J, to grow lean .
Qrg/J- , even, strait , ilnefl , right . Q rr}rfs~v\-S
LbTLU , Q 125 <2l~ > strait way , strait on . <25+
Q LD 20 Co 35 > diicilly towards the west .
LU OJ ST , the next in
a-e after the first born. QiJ\/fQiD :505
&.&, the wind blows exaflly from the west.
G'JJQ) Jvrovr<OJJor , an upright person . G,Q3<3"4
l_S;>srifrrf UULO . an unjust thing. GiP^T5376^
reo, a leasonable price. Gr?/7"rrl-L'G3i'T(S95te^-)
, to give cheap . i^^V^ (BG^rf * ) . t..
go strait way towards , or against one G5535@
G5^"a U33: &05 , to be exaflly ftrait or direct.
Gl1?"1 1 fin* i clean , ordei ly .
Gl5'"^Hrr''T'LD , the name of a shrub, u/kose fruit
tauses purging .
G5-OM". GQ^l-JMG'J-23-2?> a vow- GSS^S^flSBS1 <rar,.the obli
gation one is under by a vow .
QjJai > yesterday; last past. ^il/U
1_1<(_.*>0;5? on 1'1 'ast 0' ^ay
SfjjtS^&SV i to waste by being wem or used; to
begin to grow too soft, to rot. &[5-][(5 3-= CO
BjJ , to crush to pieces . <J2> Tj g> St g; lu cu , a roue wasted,
r half broken . prifiLlJ^pLD . a fruit that begins
to rot . iS 5 U S U , te speak softly
or submifsively . iljajtQgT LU . *
By), to take little and little. e> 17; lu LOLJTOieS^
gj , to beg for a thig s a beggar. LO en" # G *0
SarjLULO i 't causes pity.
* s>r5Gni?)LLJU> . G'5,-1JGriJ<'Lu ld.
G'5Tg:@G[5'rKOTfru3(i5ei@fl5;'w Gi5^

"f/r sfeeies of it .
G!5TL-9->. G^TL-ailUi , a snap mde' by thehumu and midiile-fingei ; a riddle. Qv rr 1 1 n'yoyrrjx;, i" a moment. ' G'.c17 L-.
m Jrr-s; , G^tlhS
i u3 c3 35 jSd'sj . te
^pe.ik tcmptibly , to be haflghty . G35 T MJ-^-^SJ^K
5^; . a bi M Knd haughty fellow. G5'TC-C
G?T ova og; - 5; , to piopose a riddle. Q<J>T
\- CSC1- lffiSy;
, to answer a rirtdie .
QS'TL-St^' G,31'i-O.G5TLi).5e-'3
), to tnny witli the thiili.b aid mude- (ir ger .
ff,S)TL-iQ\-iT G
G i-i
y , to
st tak contemptibly or palTionately . .
Gr5'r(F3:..(Gir>T^3:G^e,"^[5' r* ^ s;,
to malit a fioise in walking.
Gr5Tff<reTl-0- '"ir,c b T * l_a , lame in
the arm. STxQ[TWU , Line in a leg.
Qr^rrauBTu-i u_Juio\TWlr , a limping child .
GfD'T*! (K'l/v;( , Qi2rr<ro3r"
'Jj A-~ 3= 66 >
^' , to limp or halt, to go lame.
Gl5T . diit.
Gns-T^T^ay , & & Q ff?rj_a.
^ S5 ? BrJ , lo be macerating; to be full of mateu..
G^5 Tijg^T t i (VeSiDBi; , ro pre\ent a thing, ci os one's design, to fro-tiiite one's scheme.
G[1!5S;'. (<$T*!C8i) .
Glej-tlui.. Qr^rroMurff,- gi ifs. GlTtujiutlu
G1--l'T^Cgj , to turn i uto giit; .
Qr^TiU , G S7 LLJ6tL_l_I
, mall . lov-'v
base,, vile. Qn^'TlumiI wr S2l/S^c , to make
contemptible. Qrgn; LUffr G t1 * 3 &> tr> sr"'4
barely. .GljJTa LuiO.!3r , a poir fersen . QirjTLU
LUl_|5^, a slender wit. QrgTUJU-i^TUS^as*^
Sy , te be low . vile or slender .
Gr5T^<TGC5toYTLjt_jTLi3 5 35 BS 2D
> fo be
sett or smooth to the' feeling .
^ oar. QfT WTiM~3
g5 ffuTrr ewiTi , a blind man, who<c e-,es are sunk.
. G5tTALJtfc$*r>gi) , G^T--'^^L-lGl-i'TO?*^
fij , to crush or bruise to pieces. gfJT ^35()1? 3>
5cLX)T-JiraT25Sl/ea.'i"e^) , to make a mock of one.
(n^n CCvrfij&JDffi) , tobe crushed to pieces.
Qnjnr nJ&fXl , GJ'X-^^^ GST^eS'-J!, dainties, delicacies, sweet meats. Q^rcoi
2Oj6: ; JVT *r , a dainty-mouthed body , a licker
ish tongue .
GrjJT-^'J LS > tender, soft to the hand . Qrjrrj23
1_))55 a soft or fleshy part of the body .
( GfX3T@*^Si; ) to al;e or smart .
TtfoiieSvgGQJTO^ 5TJWrG2j * G -^3 r , i
have pain gTff-u L_j er 551; & o m; , to give
; , toafflift . GI'T'JjSBS ^Oftb to poor, to he
broken; to be wa,:ed by use. <s"^<T;iUATTrT Q.<T,T r
S/ G 95 ' OYr^vT)* i50( , to molest one ; to complain
f one. G^^'-SS'Gi-JTotG T Q>, boiled rice
that sdairiiged. G[5 T rjjgjiQtLjG I\n 0
, to
rot. G5rr^5'Ti-C045~r(b'<'5'*-'^'S>'> 10 t3ke up with
out doieg hurt, or giving pain.
Q'STfnL , a locking on ; an aim , an intention . tX(Tj
<">rQLjrfQo^Qr^rrr.LDri^^t^O^J, to luvt
..n eye upen one. T nr ff> Q r$ rr & yfi u> rr u
CZ&rT<?c &0:$Q t what is your intention by saymg
this ?
G5ttvj@ " .
G[5T*. G[5TLU.
GCTST T , smart, torment, sickneft .
GljTFff SO) G15fr9'* " v,e^!c'ml tr*b JO called .
, to look towards a thing. oTsar
rrjTF#u3iLrtJO it's strong-smelling leaves. Qdiwr /Crj G'JJ'TFtSi-JUJT/J' i look on me .
G2g>r&, escsGsTr*** Cf3"G!5Tr#, /Ar <yG2T(S3S5 i jugsles , juggling . G!5T3>

<2)<55&535-,, a juggler.
0?15 'i^F ^, G',J.TBC.a4 ' sickly > weaWy., crazy .
nj i LD examination of coin by looking on ir.
'2> 1 4 't-0 t-J T fi~ 5 ^ 85 , to examine Ci>in by
.looking un ii C'J'TM BTR'l -' i a shroff".
G[5Tot(5S/!^' > to make art hole in the ground.
ClJTwii.!. <n-()rFe6Oei to loot lip , to gruhupj
to lake something, out of the car. Q Tj Li?
( LjJ. 35 GS:1-^ L> . to endeavour (o hook
thing out of on* by repeal d questions .
GjfgjvD . sicknefs i siiknela common in town.
Gl5T"5'J^TOff a valetudinarian or sickly peison.
G<T"r<i-i , sicknefs .
GgS-TcOJ. smait, pain . sicknefs . QrTffilTCVf ,
Q[5 i a^JTO%Toor i a sick one . G^TiO^,," T ovt
lo at: h a sicknefs . G 5 1 ffi; rg /jt
Guifft. the pain is over,
GC5'' flTff TLD , a body not inured to haidship.
CS i t/otTffifcreer, one vfho is not inured to hard
ship .
G 5 T" Jof , the womb's coming forth . t_SQr$rr
*ef, the coming forth of the gut .
C-'rr;xjaTl_) , fasting. Q'5TJffr\_jLSl_9.a6
< QfyTfrlSSJ ^G3iT*WTUL<i5g:*^0; ) to ktep
a fast .
LIffiuj. jilo. 35*^05; > ( UW22i;*0; ) to
Stock , to deride .
(-135 Si_GLJTGel!S; , to throw aces in playin-j
at dice .
LJ3-I@$.235. LjM-LBQejfTercrri^trjj^'E
-0^j . to mike loatlrtome i>r mawkish. g/T 35 ig LD 1I
iE1 (5(g;35J > drowsinels con es on .
l_l 3 r SS) i , i/ie name if a plant .
l-JuStf"!li_) , neatly done, well painted.
l~^(S>^^OSJ , to say.
l_J35tf> .the das t'a oypositiin to the night;
Qt eCyi_J5>ao . day and night . ^^ , the
diuner . i_i cbSGo\D , at day-time, cj 35 jo G eTJ
TffFejfgQovi , i_i4 i_j LJKo-SQ jo , in broad
day-light . at noon - d ty
Tf JOO & (g)G ^OOO , aftvl
miild.iy , in the afier-noen. ufFtWTitr , the sun .
l:J3504.tfU5i , port-fie prepared f brimstone, sajtidrt
end alum .
c_J665* '' 5^ to Part or divide something . Lj&fl-'b
( lj@5S;) G^ T (S3>* 0e>i 10 .
vgSsbvOJT'rV fS
, to partake of a thing , to
take s bar; in it
LJ@35i.20S; . to divide . U^g^^Gf TOO.og,'
.209L/ to deliver a speech in an orderly and dis
til, ft manner . (Jaerrotrr i_j i_c G U-1 T XX/ i_j (&; 5
R;ljG I 1" 4 , he explained it vei y distinty. i_l@5S;i_li_lT<?"350S^D5; , t consider well.
li@3&^itfiJ . a good judgmentto distinguish thhigs .
L-Hjb tribute, tax. i_j@$3ii (S$-CO&l 1 ( GfhT
(B^i-^^J t G'^/35*bg; ) to pay tribute . i_j(g
<j aliaje Ogy ) to lay , to s>.t or impose a tribute. i_i
(5^353 TJr > a receiver ni the tnmites or taxes.
iiS35. hatred ; ci ntfaricty . i_j SS: 35 tu T Off , lj
ifc 35 S <5 3,1 hater , an enemy , a foe , a fiend . tj
< GlIffG0^ . out of hatied or spite, {gts""
^LjLJitoS . the indisiitien caiued by using
Ufireot Jiiiuls of water.

i_jig5 t_j#
LJB^CFEgir g; , to hate . i_liC? RUJTtit .255/ ,
'_) " 35 L_l lJi0> * C QJ , to :aise hatted in tne's mind.
i-O . the sid.;. I ig= ^^^ QL-TClj .
!o walk a-long side of a person . t_J333 ? , arecommendation ; partiality . . uffigftQ S 2g; lo i_j
i_i>K35 G
LDH a ,l>- t-i 5 *Q<Tbi (5lj.
QiIT 0S.Oy, to 'tickle oaf in the side .
l_J359=^ > the side . _l.DCf3t LJ35 350iSQ 0V> '
fWS&J G 9= <5;r5 G our , I lake refuge with you , V
C me to )OU f*r sii port ( or jrolec'tion.)
I i ? e -LLO . l_ILi.ffl-0 .
+ i_J35@}JLD , seasonable fit for . l_jgs@U'
LOTggiv ajj, i_45@ojLjLj(S!Sc;gj , to grow ripe
or fit for use . L_i*f.@:il i-D i_j rr reu -CO
, to'
make fit . i_j 35@itUUl'r<-orQLJi'wr , a young womit"
that is marriageable. 1_1{0)4" l 4"35.2.01; .
to take good care of thing . i_i @ 5U uC ' iu , season-ably, intime . 35 if _> l_J 35 @ (5 ^^y3nj5OJ'0r ,
one who knows how to handle a thing . 1_(<>,
G ff T
52Sy ^ C5J i to give instruitions -w te'
handle a ibing j to m.ike an extine .
l_i 35 @i-J 1-135 635^^:1-
to beat soendly . i_j T G^*01" iv1 0i&Oi) > to scold boldly ^
UJ35G S adriftf qr.&*DBi)i to laugh aloud.
LUTSSLO. shame , decency . SftLOUJ IITU'S LO.
incon\eiiience , unseasonable time. _j OF 35 T^G 35 T YT
25*.<;, to deride one . X <C5 ffi/ocTt t-JTLicBLO'
^Lp'^os; i-iTv/e^G
to make one ashamed. LjrR35LO^Lff5>^y (. ljT\V5I-J'
l_|' J) G1|> ne 038 t,ee" tg10minioiiIy
tieated . i,Tyg5i_jTJ35Le JQl-fS&$oei , tovexm*
1_035(3 , gold , .
i a share , part , .portion , dividend , lot . t_jfh>'
^, l_JW66l_35G^ ^ 35 *-4< to>
uivide . to distribute . LjTC/lSi-5-!33.e5^,S; , to makeseparate portions . L_iTO@i_5-2r255>Sil'5"353VT people'
that have divided the estate amongst them . L-ITfiT
ort" , a partaker . UJ TU @ <ni ear . one wb'
participates of something. LjTvV ? 8> LO > a part,,
portion. l_JiTO@(ITj05Tu35
.OgL/ t be madein parts or portions UTO@^LOT T1J IT {fti/S;i to take for one's own portion .
l_JT@a^f U5T6gLQ , the montli of March'.
LJ WS)35UJLC ./ the name of a flower. i_J rrgTl1KV
35UJeT , one wkose feet are like the eaid flower.
which means a respeftable person .
IIF35CIVT , children . boys .
l-Jff CjQ&JvrJaWfp @ SJ < something Is CTawimg.
on my flesh, ujff CliQ&evi ZX>gifrCL>BJ, it driazks .
* ijffi_ll_| , deceit .
LJ-/OvT , L-JiP SUOte fftfS/T , pe 0 culled t
G35Ti_0.i_Jl_l?4AJVT , Gn^vr/wrL-ll-,,:/wr

351lllFi/OYT , different sorts of it .

i_j=^!0>, various sous of green herbs-,
ii 0" ffr / uSff .
UlFTf . a whore, a bad and quarrelous woman...
LJFTif UJT4 LO , i 1BF- Trf ggjovra) , the qwrrel-somenefs of a woman .
L_l F T OST LD ,
of paddy .
hunger. i_i # t_j LO , appetite .
eT35@t_ii_j#tJJTiJ3t!335r;5;, lj# <t @ i_ei_(@>
) , I am hungry . t-j^-tb^OirveS /; ( g fr 35 S
O 5j ) to fill the belly, to appease the appetite.
II#^^5ljG UTIFSrS), the appetite is satisfied ..
LJ66G*2J*/Dlfl 3>@5^-29S. to scive in time off
iccefsity, utfUOS^SfiyuGuT^fi-S;, my ap-


. hi* ojd ,
i_j5'rroS'Tv'@3?L!) TUC535*/!OS^, tj bt
f be hungry.. >T aarg;^LjLJ#9i(2;S^ I am Crowded with a large family .
lj^?t , cotton;
o-oiDLOLjgjffr > silk - cotron .
Jiungry .
)'/1 lLJt3) . cotten growing on a certrin shiub .
i_J#.i . <! certain plant .
* l_JSf , l-Jff-LDTiy , cow . t_ifi JWLJTOs? , i_j cjjii L,JLJ^59f i the common cotton growing on l_JStl_jQuiTi>S\f535ii
to be o" a shrub . ug,jrQg5Ti &5, to bow the cotton
gi ort niture .
for separating iha s^ from it . lj ^
to do it with the fmgers . lj ^ -Lj Jcr isey as >^, to
_1 >-n true , sincere , h neu , pood . I_J ?r tS LD
m 1,1 ot t,ll'h and probity . ljStSJlDH lu , to tug or tonse cotton with die fingers. LJSjOroS
;{|jllQ- , LJarTvl@Lja , an honest family . LJffrLO 1_1 QSTi 2)^ , an hin of cotton pieparcd forspiq*
, to say according to truth. 'mg . t-j^iS)! r5S35ti'rr. a dim or dark sight -{
LJffi LbQl_JToar , good gold.
the eyes of a dying pcrsn bein^ overcast . ugFTT
, cloth that begins to hay
LJffriSLO , g.een color. USH^TOJ , a green JDTLLlQLJT.'r.'Lii
unripe fruit . US-TKi JYf , a giesu parrot.
or -fret
i| CV^^TCT j
? / /trtft gresnbirif
Qrj ^. 'STUWT^KJg; > to beqiire green, to lo>i; Port . Picapao .
LJ^itiF , |>o >r , vile, low, weak . LJ gF TE o~vri
vVery green .
U@ , gbie . UF U3 * O BD , to glue . LJ poor people, beggars . LJJSSF^G^T ^LO T IJJ,
be-LUTlr'Jg^jiJCi;, be advantageous ; tobe in a beggar's shao or cc . lj 5> F LJ Q LJ T i ,
(Conipafsionatt . LJ SFUJ 0* , a poor/i//)i iP-LD^eer, a vile wretch . !_j gj S) F g j U3 , iowv
.an unmerciful person. Qa g e i_J LJ 2D F , sanguine, conditon , ba^enefs .
LJi @ , LJi <0_1 , a boat . Ljt @ OJ o5 <K 4
LJF?L_Q-> kind ef curvy, wherein there is mustaid ^onj/f ^ovr , watermen . Uli (g-F5 6S T ^20 ^ ,
cockswain .
:and sour milk.
LJi rfgfjretrr , the / sea - fish.
LJFiFrf # V . UffSEF .
t_J? F SU i LO . a couple of clothee , two clothe; of Lji 0(, a tarpawlin.
t1 1 LJi LJLJ, ,~ precipitation . LJ L=. t_l G 1 '!
.one kind . ^tfg^ffigLJLJiFOJi LoQi_lf'5
;$. > ,0 honour one w'nh suit of cloathes .
tUQ\-J9t&OT:! . to speak precipitaniiy . i_i I t_J
* LJFF'l fSTUiJJ - l_JL_FLO , uLfTgT .Ql j5Q/4"d5Qe? ^0(, to fall down with a noise.
4 Ii lTlSi 1 1 i fore roll of a weaver's loom .
4_I9-ffiiF , green ; raw. l_JF B F S 5. a green or LJi us, a pifture , a piece of painting . i_ji G'J>
unripe fruit . UfffflFn>iLC, gicen color . LJF Q^J</y^di) , to paint a piilure . |_|;__ QLOvb595T
F 95 Csj &Q) , an emeiald . I IF g> f u LJ LU u > Oi**Q (LJi LDifiTjTCBe^O ) r joj-oljtlo
lind of ItntUs . LjF(2fT./TK> , a green cadjan-leaf. LJ, i a cobra cabella ihat lifts up the head , and shew*
t_j?#LrX) , green leaves i medicine of simples. t_j F the broad figure which he lias n the back .
<5F[F)Ti_5 i> . HjTLS . LJFBFvJSC-^Offi , rawflesh .
LJi_i. gS/T-g/. to spread; to yew larger. LJL_j
t_J F 2> t a fresh fish, i ; 6F ff= rf tf' > rice of pad pjeoQpTLjj.fFieYr , vinei oftucmubert etc . spread
dy not macerated or boiled , but only dried in the sun . ing on the ground .
LJF FL_ji_iTCsS03rr , a new born child . uccfcFf
L_ll ? LO , a cataiaft in the eye.
LJi ecus, a strophe or section in poovy .
.QfbJ&i&O * bricks not yet burnt. LJFeFUJTUJ
LJi CK> . a little door of matted oadjan-leaves etc.
VTLJ-i-jOb'fSS;, t eat raw. UJFffT[T)i achaLJ'liOJTasTp the point of a plough which receives
.inelion .
l_]4rj.ewrLQ i?. ljuLf^tlo .
the share .
LJi fi) v. LJI @.
LJI Tff'Ote; , the third person in verbs .
CJiCSFg)! I_Il_0 i'. UJLlTgJTLJ-e .
1 1 TJ^TlO , a lie a taish1 od , a false story . I j
Ljtfld , u!ul?i_c.
i_T^*Tuo jij'-ac^ osiV ( Qi-iT'(S * -o OU ) t
(_'JO.# f l_ll_L.F .
LJ^F , five . UJ^fQ^JjS^rfiUO , 1_ G ' give 3 thipg amoiner color . i_ji T \V, IT &
^Af J'j> , the five seuses . l.j*jf |_1_|. S*or , ,t<sr , a liar .
person guilty of many crimes . '_J C\o f LJ LD ,
lji ""LJLjS , a false aspersio , a calumy .
i n , a measuie ;,a weight ; a daily allowance for
metal , ( gold , silver , copper , iron lead . ) Ligm "
Tl, five colors ( black , white, , red , greci.j yellow ) person's subsistence ; the way or manner ; a step or de
i~f3)3:eU0Ti?F.& >f . i rai rot of divers colors LJ groe ; the sil] . f a drr. ^-(TgujLJp.
<Tgj LD8LI, a
. ^ , all kinds t>f aims. -UgT 9VT ft . divers rrltasuie of wheat. i^fTy ulo t ran xjwvt , a measure
Kinds of workmen , (carpenteis .smiths , goldsmiths, bra of oil. J2ie>r i il M p , hilf a measure. {Rtckjlj
siers , bricklayers . ) 1
LJl_a . a quarter of a measure . LJLJJ. 353^1 CR ll
'Li^Fi/foT , a cushion stuffed with cotton.
l-&-354;ffO50; , a weight . .LJi_o 4_fj. & U 3>
lj@;flo , t-J^FiT^LO famine , scarcity ef ^OSy> to keep the weight of gold or silver given ta
jCorn. LJg* r5Q3)y^!35J^il > tne famine is ever. a goldsmith. 1_5.^:^9.-|_5
g; rr rr u T 44
* L-ig)i <TLX , a bird - cage a basket to cover chick- LJL 6tS !B J, to deliver /Ai tvri according
to the weight . LJL-P- ( l_JLJJ.LJLJrsTLq ) G T
ins with .
LJgFif COGJ , to prattle; to speak courteously. (3?/!O5J . to give oneaday's subsistence . wJi -2J
OVT fi&/!09J . to sustain . llt-JJ-SST -, ' II
l_lg>F T'FjmLO , a calendar.
UjJFTro) , the age of an horse . \-)^ LJ (gff'QFUje/vjTu "or , one who works for h3 victuals
, <h horse's first age after having been a colt . only . JSJLJLJLJJ. , (JlILJUe. , So .<=Tl_ILJI_i> , how?
J5LJLj:i5FTrLO , hii middlin-age . LlLpirjLJ <n~l_JLJI_ra. LL)L , TLJLJLj9.ajaeig;'_e , however
jvctite is Jc*t ,

3t be, by all means soever. 35Tff UJLfjJi--<35@!-Dlj asJ3?D5; , lay 3 child down to sleep . Ljffie?
LQ. , in the manner the thins; goes on. | U /j- LJ(5'jfi2! 35LC//OUT- , a couch , bed or place to lie
CpPf -LJL-iJ. i according to his order. Ji|Lj LJ i 9 or rest upon . i i(giB *; 35 f^SQ, a sleepjng-roem , a bed
, to lock for
35(95 , for to do so , in order to de so. chamber . LJ'0; ^eLj rr 3" 05 S .2C
(g e>
J40JiST^je)g5FG#UJ5'_H_p-U3 5 Q 342, because the bed, to go to take rest.
he his done it . ffiJT Iv
L_f- LU T LU S 1 5 LJe=<*3;(3Lja03>*C5; , tolitrcr an hene . Qpr&
, he lay if he slept . rjj r<K>T-.2J *5JTc5LJ~ 05CT4>LJcl5t5(i550LC a yard paved with bricks .
t Q () , without my k,now!rdge. Lt j) LJ .
Ljft'iUffT , a sore ulcer on the legs below the
j<3", the abo^ementioncd town'. LJ J-OLJL.Q-UJ/.O ,
LJSfcl 9=fT3s3, a furrow.
the whole of the account, the total. LJ . .9. ll1 i^S
t-Jai, -tuif G OOi^GjLJi
, a lay of mud
Tiit-lCOx/ , to step up. t_J LO_ Q ^OTifS^O
, to or bricks in building .
6tep down. LJLJ5. LJL O- UJTLU"TT t>S
, to go
LJCSt , a battle , a fight ; a battle-array . t_ie>i 5
up by degrees . U T ? SO i_l t_l l_o_ 1 tMestqis before jeVocsW i the general, or commander ofanaimy.
the (io.r, the sill of the door. LJL_0-S>e7/V3 i a <X>Vf Ljt , LJ^LJffl>t . Q-O'OTLjiSt , the
pbice where there arc steps leading down to a we 1 or tank .ear-guard , the troops ihat Iy 11 ambush . LJ i :
L_lL_o_fJ5.OS5J > to become habitual by learning 01 T 35.AOgJ , to gather troops , to prepare for war.
.exercising ; to ohty to be brought in order ; to sink in LJ4S. Q 2CftV$ttn (Jt LO, the place the army enthe water . jy*OJ9l'35@''T@35S>'1-JL-I l_Q. UJ c.miped . LJfii 03?? LJLJ J\3 . a man ot war . LJCtl aUS^OrtO , cannot read.' L_|9>tf) LJ L.O. L1J tl3 CKj 6t5a"3irr, an Inro.. LJ35I (CTPLD , the line- of the
Jtj\> > he has no capacity to e irrt sorg^g^ojaoT battle. LJ&l l_)l_J53,9rLjfT/3- 05 *
, to ct
i_jLJJ.LlJ(?OOirOO , lie doth nt obey Aie . 1_}235 an aimy in battle - ariay . LJSftl
@ LJ L_) S5 > the
LJL-l. LU Q TOO > the board dotli not well join. wings or paits of aa ainry posted to Hie Hght anil left.
03 T <*/rx> j '-J L_0_ LU B.OJ S3 5)) 5 I 93*OS/, to I liSri T 9;UJ LO , an army's sounding and musi
tread or stride regularly
95 L_1 t_J 045 LJ LJ L.. UJ cal instruments . i_j2>l T(lldl.)L0 . the baitle-be' gins . LJB L_ Dft' < an' arsenal , an armory .
UfTLU(55/5J. 'he ship is sunk.
LJ 1_L S rf5 uO ^LOLJCLJLJL.^ RiLO, a spitting pet .
t0 create . to sit in oider; to keep
1_1>.35/(_0 , alum .
and sustain; to errer a man-offering. QlJt p rr
K> 1 > t0 Iei& t0 r^''e LJt-O-LJ SSiUJLJLJlSt g?j2CgJ i to live in matrimony { te
1_| , reading , learning . i_l Ll OJ eb G 35 T 43 Ig keep and sustain a woman. LJfi2>( LJL-J > a meat-of
O&i) i to learn a thing, to get the knowledge of it. fering .
l_Jl_0.g;5OJ*n- , LJLJl.^(355OJ'0T .LJL-LLJ
{FsoffTLDLjererffiSi;* a^Qx), to eat, to devour <
lt ceBT-ffl-ioT , a Uarned man. t_f 'O. LJ i_S 3 .2
to consume . LD V .iL LJ 1 Fwra3LJ rae^i t_,
, to teach. LJ L. LJ i_5 A^trr , a doftrine .
\^L^Qn~m-^t{L*35j, to tall suddenly, iU^^OYT > man - caters , cannibals .
and with great noise
LJt__ FL3 , love , affeion . T<f5ff Q LD
LjQjdS i to suffer ; to hit any thing as * stone LJl FU. f&f^iff /!C5)j , to bear afteion to one.
fiung i to be caught 1 'a nit etc* to be killed in battle; GCTinrtrTi TLC LJt t- LO , a by - woik . ^^55
to wither away its a tree . sf 5 ?< (Cp~ lc LJ i G> _<". LJI IfLO v. g/rrg^LJl LO . ) t_J LJ L.C 5
LJt TSji-JtQi -VjrcrrLCLJ i (3 < ""Jf, LJ @ t_^05*^LJt ig , it >he tiling goes that way .
flj^i m (gi err , I have sufivred 1| sorts of afflicti LJI TLJTLD , partiality. LJI Fl_irr85g565'T
on . Ljft' 9(njrr , a sufferer. iJ^ru^QrTecT ^, a i-ariifll or interested person. utTJT
etn-ijr, LJ&'flJgL' LJ (S *3J T IJJ , 1 have told you I ILO , compafsJon .
what will co'ine of it; you will be the sufferer . tc\j 41 LJI #, a bird l_Jl_#y rr^^evr , birds .
ogjTT 503 5 "T?
JOLJI (5gj , the stone has
t_jL_#ff*ffy. i-iL_#5g;UGi-JT*^3S/i
hit my cheek. @ wr (5 Jij iijeBr G 5 1 ^ G 043 >1 * to eat , to consume ,to devour .
(b'L*> he wes shot in the shoulder with a musket ball .
LJ4 fr-[FT.Lroo , an open place in the hotift;, where
4 ^|^ , to o 'hrough and through *1 such s tntei may come to .
L_ 4 ta. I , a place for workmen. ljli tftni ,
a musket - bill . fCSToSQcro G J*>5LJ LtUUi
jj , I have burnt my finger, (grf U3(g :r<, 6> rr etrcrf/- LUTrJ-.the head - workmen . LJOOLJH {5.1 , an
i il (JEJJ water has touched the wick. STfigju ahembly of people of several tribes .
I Ti_DoS(f5 ?piX>5J , to keep out4 of the wind
L. ' i ...
> the portion of the ploughmen .
1_ji_lj3 LJT (5*^!C; , to hit the mark,
I_JU SSI , a lay of straw for an heap of cern .
LU Lb . a mortal wo*nd uG^UJ-ifTUJ @ L4
LJU i , an anvil.
LJ4 itreiLO , a city, atown. l_J4 <nrsT8}5Tvr ,
ttC^}, to tie a knot well . ljM
jo* broad
<}ay-light . [5 T LJ i rxi rj { nr trsr , he came an inhabitant of a city. t_i 14 <5 , a townafter a long time . (J t lolji <(5<1 (JS*
1 conico; le , a ju.Ige 111 town for deciding the disputes of
io build house . u UTifi , a.profli^aie man. certain tiibts .
Tffi^'iiycrtrruff 'BTLJi (S&J bow many fishes hive
ljU TOifijwr , a sea-fisherman. LJ 4 '
tjeen caug!it in the net?. i_l(b'@L^ , a pit-fill . t_j@ , a woman of the sea-fishermen's tribe. LJU rjrrF
4EyjE>9VTTLO -v. (^-) . i_i?4't u3G*o<-Ji
ffrr^ , the tribe of those that fi-h in the sea .
I T*trr , he was i'..;in the battle . l_iu LOI i_D, LJt
LJU LO, an high dignity ;prcpcrty a flat pi- ce of gold,
^SLjQLJTt^LOTLD a dead or withered tree .
tied at the fore-head . I 1 14 TO ^. 1 (t, # CD &>J 1 5
i_ii< E^rrcKf , lytr . ( Jvf rSGFLpu, rf ^;) to invest me with an high dignity ; to make
one king'. LJ UL rfu 9i -l , invested with a digni
ty. LJU L0Qi-J^y>S^!O 5jJ , to be invested with a
<o lay one's self down . l_ji(j fj ^ ^5 ^ ^50 g; , to Ii? lignity , to be made king. i_'U Bj^JVtlJ" > he t hat
has got the government . L_J4__ g & g 8 > T . ike
4own, t lie a-bed.. iJoyt ssluuu




heredary prince be S jccefsor . l_in { fFj t~V (Jt ^^tt^r.^' , to by up money . i_jeeerij3 Jl^fJ
<T;5;. to siiceid tht 1 .te king , or <my other mm in digni *-205i/, ( Q oil i (5 * - 2L> ) to coin fa.iams. ..j
. or.e wl-o is gre^djf
ty .
(X4rvs* joey i_iu 0g.1 ffi S aoTi_ji.555,".-i_<i.0;.5 Ii
ifter mor.e) u_i
t5^F@e; G T vr X5 eg
099^/, LJ4 i^oSQffi a O 0) tu reign
.iA3 5g-3 , 1_ LJtAJ'^^d, the first lawful (Fjj, 10 b' y f ready money
i_ btt k sil i (S * i/w t* flo 5; . to grow
Wife ; the qi:een. lju. Qgjijj,
the queen . i_i 8>5 1 /otJT , the king's chi.f ele tiiiclt braiuheil . ^[1 LD . a thick-brancheil tiee .
t_j"Bf . vice w.nk . i_iOTt(^i Q , uttnsilj,.
, phant. i__iM TiZQ.<b-S>i-i4SSljOSLl . to an
oint or ciown . i i M uQu . the title , or name of the wi.rk en's to .s. unfi_jQu""" , a chamber- maid
dignity . i iu <"i ' qS .or , those that arc of the Rjya! i !a.1y's .v.-man. ( U U ecf Q F iJJ *
. t
shve one. t 1 ^ *n the tow -bai her . Ljeuaf^.T
family and Apt to succeed once.
l_J4 LO , a flying dragan made of paper . lj 4 Tj j ;or . a senant , a workman . i_leof QfiJjos ^nr, a
servant to a low tribe , a gr ie-.lii;gec 1 tof iij 3) 1
ei4_9.55(b'#!05; . ta make it fly.
i 14 S-t* . a row of gold-beads in a string , a$ gen a ervi.c. a work . L. ecrsf .-^l Q u_ A,
, to
toowomen wear.
sene i_j6cof
9v35 1 'or , a eivaut .
L-irof S5 y
, to h m >le one's se'f tu worship .
l_|L| , a poet, a singer.
Bf rg ^iQ^.t m Y5 4 ^ , to
L_I4 @ , f;st , fare s . lj TT^@'^i_i9tS d> fps2>crt-J
5j , to :cli lies :or spoit s sake, to chatter about vain worship ibe Loi.l . t_i elf fytj.fu ;or , one that i_things . i_i
T0v/(gerjTj2O!rar, a vain chat humilie. Ljawf 04 , hutnjlea.i'i , h<iiuiliiy. 1_|- >
terer .
below .
1_| Tl_ . 1 1 1 (4 .
BJ t to cover a tiling with a plat? or uo.vl turne.; tojisy
I I U Teucf , a Mjgulian ; a Mogulian oldier . t_jl
tk_Tewrfl_l'_jrr)^Xl. i *l*e Moulian language.
.uivy .
l_13Baf 35@ , the kn wledge how to malt.- or manage a
LJ-LJJ. , loose, of a loose condition . \ -u 9 iQ, ht
^OinjoYT . t J4_9-JJTlU^ f *^Oinj -/ , :jd gf> T u thing. uiw'fjg'QfT w / * 5;. to direct
I14 9 , a whore , a urastituie . i_j 4_L T aj T f> AS ' ne how to make a tiling . i_i inat g ?5 T UJ , well.
Ci, LJ4_.UJTU LTU-:-ti,(j;Og; . t haie a loo e rude.itly , wifeiy , with knowledge. i_) Jof T Lt_i f
talk. i_i4_LLD4 (5 > bullo:k er cow that d u: mischief LCm. ^ , a gi i d cook. trat 'jj, i_i_jo*: wrap
the coi . i_)4_Lg)(2> rupLQ astable wl,e 'iD -1 #>j, to fit ihings up in a good order . t_Jef"
mithievous cattle 1* kept till satisfaction is given . f.@353>Ti0 , Ljeerf ffiffiW, a tcaster-buildsr
\LJ4-Lt__n rj-g;
to take a view of suc!i da- _l T (_o i i i i I eeaf <35 sor , one wlu 1:0 > how
anage. t_J-t_t.Q-i@^e6^5J, to take a fine for it tu mii.age se cents . &eerr Qj (p(&)i-iavef i3i
from the owner of the cattie.
g>cKrr , a well-digger .
itrr , i_jief iTT^'tT . LJewf .
II4_C$;0jT(5 . a village in the woods , whose huts
arc di'oci sni situateJ .
L-inref ) , fritters .
i_l i_l jwrf , t_J -'S)- aof. the state of bei ng w ith out v 1 ual 5 .
l_J ercf<cQ iS> 1 ti . l_| swsf .
|^_+1(5;6^; , I J4_.eraf i es*
i_iijcoT3T^66 ^Dg; , to grow thick - branched .
I_J UJ LO , a recommence; wages to a whore,
OS) ( fftSRflS^S/ ) to be without viuals .
LJOffBT , a service the fitaefs of a thing; i_i eerr
tjj-wf QitT Q>'<b&QBi) , to suffer hunger .
LJL_($, silk. Uli @|__5| <nj, l_iU__t5>I , QFJjt^gjf , to serve; to be of service, oTSoT
silk-cloth or garment, i_it QpbtVi (S , a roll i-i Cb* &l) > LJeT2l/?r @*il T 4D
> t0 grow
of silk-stuff. t_^i (*j&@g>FLO, silkfii .ge, t_iL_ fit, to come in order. ljoTjT^i: 15 \;. an
ffi!5JT30 , raw silk ; silk-thread .
( _) uncultivated lan. t_iewrl5 LJ Qii
<OjJvf , silk-stuffs and other rich things. QfETitref become unfit . l_|iaeT2giUJLJi-jT(KeS^;'gv , to sing
well t_, fi _o , fitntis . i_jesr)LjuJL_i5*^QS;
l_Ju_ (5 gunny .
tlL_fiDi i the rind or bark of a tree ; a streak 01 LJT!TSLD35@OJT O fly . to grow fit. T 4" U
tripe. i_j lo i_j i_ ffi> i , . a palmyra-spar , a ljtoct, the ri)| e whetcby the beam, of the plough is
bar ef a palmyra tree . u_li SBl _rf ffi OJ fastened to the yoke ,
to peel or tear off the: bark of a tiee. lj 1 -a- t__
LJ I 05 9= rr ArrX) i t_l ervr l_ F T irOO , t
c5i t_Q-fS^OSSJ' tne bark is got loose from the stoie-house; a graiury .
ttee Q&rrevSf 1 1 11 0i , small gunny
o, i_jwti i n i iTi r> . various things,
Spu3t_|_)i_i Bt i a streak of chinana on the w.. 11. vefsels and utensils in an houae. ^jnrsn lO, ^<
(- '?)>^ , a red streak on the wall . Ljeuort LD , .
TTLQ , an he.ithtn monk or friar.
tI t i gj i" 5 S tnj.ff # ( LO, a polished
diamond .
uiMTi vrf, a cook in a ship .
t_jooT i_- 5 l . the science of physick . l_J ever
i1 1 Set ijjlO i a sword , a sabre. LJt Sil Ujg>
gSTQyotnffffref, -jots/ , to flourish a sword. c_ji
i 9 } , a physician.
UJ Q , t. otrOL. antiquity .l_J ff l L^a
em LUcJST.croQnji (SeS^DfL, to strike or cut
with a sword .
Buu L_iQl_JT G Jso , as formerly.
IIt * UJLO , a publick note of hand .
L 1 1!* f , I I &
LjffBirt 52uj08ij , to make. |_J
rafg, Qg;rr
t-Jl Gt TA/OO, Magistrate's orders royal pro
clamations , edicts ; cadjan leaves whereon is writ.en what (P^.^Dgy to make something for some body . t_jWTwf
every one has to recite upon the theatre .
tfj5:."f;5 5^ o mide.
t_iBBTg, jewels. Q ljt j) i_i orar <* , a trinket of
i_) ijOtroT , tillage , agriculture . t_l bwt i/JU'-ir
golU .
SDoTuyiAJci' , to gft people for tilling the land.
ljbbtlD a fanam j money . l_jenrr^^ -CD far , jetijoDOTLjnritg5fl5/y-)g> . to take cate for manur
<3>J one that bat mor.ey
B) ing, .he fiJd. UiinrrzfJWng'foT&i't thue that are





l_J^'W3;CK3-2jf # i ten calams of i ice .

LJ^^frr , one that ii fallen into vices .
LJ)>LOi @ , ten times.
l_J^(L-^iirr , thiitet-n.
l_J^"^J . LJ^ifitffli , an ambush. LJJ^gS
coj , Lj'<rii)t uuiTu5(f5 ; S o&i) 1 t-' lie in
wa:t or in bmtjush , to lie upon' the link. LJ S 1S>
SiTiJfRa'iiy^gj ( LJr;2iy .29 tb; ) to lay scares ;.,
wait fur one. LJt^T-i U_J LbQ LJ T 0 ,
&C. {fj , to go away in a mist , to steal away , rf^jvo'T i_j
LJ^O) V . rgXDeOLl, rg>DT.
LJJ?F. Ej^g; , to make creep into a place .
LJtfjJT dj L gj , to sneak uiiseen into a place . 1_J
i'F'_ILJ5;'lv OJ ; , to come slyiy . LJJ
^281J , to afsafsinate .
LJ?iJi5iL0 , a puppet . LJ3/2D .-' WJ'T I ( 85 JD ;
Ur , a puppet-player .
LJS5fF8?!Oe , to pant , to throb or beat. Q^rg:-"
!_rOOi-J iffiff) t (gSJ . my heart thi oris .
LJ5a)'KjG'KlJ^ OJW, an ingr^teful person .
1_19)'1-0-@^1? 3Dgy , to give a note of baud .
1_1659>-<- . LJ^^ .
i_ifg>T , LJ O S) < , a bridegroom anliiisbjnd.
UffiTifl-, *'<i "./- l/it/ or boat .
i_J59>'TUJL0> a largesate- chest , a spence, a buttery.
Qrjjavi'ijOyLJLJcBTiiJLO , a granary , a paddy-loft.
# iTtror'/J-i.JLJg^TajU) , a reservoir of water.
utj|i confidence in one or in a thing; faith
fully adheiing to one; godlinel'i . Ljdgfgfar , aclient,.
l_j ff, roO > an earthen vel'-el with a wide mouth . a f.iithful adherent; a pious man. ^4<- j*tQj
LJgl. eternal blifs . LJajida J>je)i CO (fx) , (gLJlISc , he is my trusty friend ; he trusts in
attain' to salvation .
me QgjiiJLJi^ . faith in God, godlinef . jijfij-'
t_J9j.2a,ai.3&y , to be overhasty . ^jBj^wQ&iU llffsf) , impiety. )?<>15^ > supei stition .
(6jQ/, to oveihasten or precipitate businefs . L_lS5
1_1}0> i the room betwixt billar* ; a column of writing j .
^^^ luO , a businefs done oveihastl- I a gaiden-bed. Lja5$LJ5|u.lTUJT (y^^J D &j ,
l'y. U5^3iS5 ffi rf cu 535 # g
gjj , a thii done to make several celuu.ns in writing.
without precipitation will not oe liable io miscarry., Ljfgj.ULO . diet prescribed t* a sick person .LJ^LJgy VflJND . LJfJU LQ , precipitaren.
,^'4jld_5lj3.&S;^:jSj . i_is>!gnj ld t l ^rg $
* LJig-raTLO , LjjjONO -a , LJfJVrLD , circumspection,
, LJ65^UU^ *T LJLjQs^'S; , to k<ep one's self
caution, surety. L_J7)3wrLOL_j
221/ j30 J , tu a presented regimen. LJtJ^aJLOC^^vJrg 5^
make' sure, to keep sure .
U^^LUUtJffil-piDJ'TJ^ffi; , the sick has not kept
LJSjOfoTi the proper temper or condition of a thing . t_j himself to the prescribed diet . LJ^llJ g> S> > f 5 Lj5' 3s
{trr 1 itfBTffgijiK a- gj, to fitor dref's a thing as it ought
to stop or finish the prescribed diet, us *V
to be. QgTirDOLjLj^iTf (.95 COS~MW , a leather- Ljg^JLD . 'he second course of diet, to De observed
after tiic iti engest- cure .is over.
drtlser . LJ g} u3 5 95 BS .O^fiES , a lharp knife* .
t-Jf^T^, infantry ; one who loft all and runs away.
LJrJ^TL , firmnefs ; can ion , security a bond v.
* LJ T!f5LO , U^T
"ffi exquisite LJtJSTLO . LJ55TLjOLjirei eg2i(!0!5) , to make
me.its . sure o' fin:;. u^TlThj , c.mtiorsly , safely.
* 1_J10 , a lrrd , a chief , mn.ister ; an husband . Qrr>
l_JcT> &>TT\ lj, the name of a plant.
wn~)'!d), ^uDturr^LjfS , the loi d of acountiy. t-LJiW , a ehasle wife. LJgijsTJf U_|SDt IXilJoyt
Qjg'LJ^. a commander of an army . fij <jj A/WT , \-l&)&,,sbf LD&jttrr , a child born in niati imnny.
}.Q, the faithfulnefs of a wife towards her husband. t-j{<TBf 5a9TLe i chastity and honesty of married
LJ^cCbJ, Lj^<j5^0'a , achaste wife.
people .
LJ , a town , oi.e's h'ome . i_jff,?F, @
T ^ 5;
f^SJi ten. Ljff)$QocT<X!r ^ivQaT^, O
to coire home. QlCTI FL-J^iu', the inhabitants ) , to pay the tithes . Lj0Qc^orT(S,\~rf\J[ , the
of paradise .
tenth part .
LJ^^OS)/, to become imprinted or impreCed .
lj ifcS^Sj n . t_i^o^a/e6 iiog; .
n5n-3LDL_lT5!5eF5 @
'l '* we" P'inted or
Lj^LjLjjerB^yjsj \ lj se 40/ et o g;,
stamped. LDooriQ ADLjcj'JpigJgJ , it made an impres LJT /ry.
Ljg}S;:J3 , it ssfFicient,. l_l(Jr)l(3L0T , is it enough i
sion . _ lj^5S iTD45a5 #
, LjgerijisnjgsS^s; ,
to bend a low branch of a tree in the ground . and cover LJ'SJi-D t_l 65 S) T
'X> 1 lu , nor quite enough-.
it with caith for to take root. lj^jjl3 > a branch so _2L|ig;<n-<3trr gst^LjLjggjT'S;, that is not enough; ;
laid in the gi bund .
for me .
, t > imprint, to imnreis . t-j^95"534j ,
t-J'SyiJSLJ^cTLU , truly ; di'igently , attentively .
the impresin of a book . LJ <$, 5, S) aiOjffi* D&i) , LJig LDllggrTOjgsrr 1/ 1/ , it seems to b
tI^S^ai-pg; O
} to enchase or set a precious cehtain .
itttnt in <old ,
i LJBjSSig) , piece split or broken off splints . t-iay

employed for manuring the fields ; the head-men among

the parriars LJ'fi'ffT.Ln'roTiijTJvr , apiow-man.
\_<miTfyornijoOff: , the name of k:lihenherb, i L^cDi.jLJosn'ijoao-r , Q&lQ i_J - ijOtnjT ,
# y); i 1 1 i terrr jtoot , different sons of it. rjQ)LO
t_j soar i/U^trr , Indian jasmine . poit . Arvort rute Ae din .
l_J 153T LXj . LJ "*r .
LJ653v3=>i.O LX)TiJ"LJl_jggs 35 LD , a breast-plate
gamitned with pieci. us stones .
1_|)() , two marcis .
LJfg'Tvi 9). a number of tile? set in a row .
ilf'hjjjg, the ha, f stem of a palmyra-tiee , split in the
length .
Ljfigui un. lj; 'kdb /vja; .
upit i_j;Q>LO .
LJ&^) LC , meeknefs .
LjgJ.'j?, the proper tune, t!ie tempcring-or seaiemngof a
tiling . I I f5^-? ( i O 6 , to sing a poem . LJJg'U)
LJT if i > tu take a taue if meat, f< r to see
whether it is properly done. U5LBTajOJi.9.ft
*..B\) i to strain
via 1er from tin boiled rice in proper
time. UJ Tji^H-SffTd; X , a dish not wtll drel-.ed .
LJ 55 iJ l5 atrr @ , steel ti much hardened. l_j
S ^ (5 -IS rij cB JC . to bring into a good way.
L-itf)'T>d~ , sweet toddy, received in a'pot daubed with
chunam . \-ie>LQ}&OB}j , LJtjLatf 65* > J, to
tui:e , to temper season.
LJ35'3" , \i3)CO, empty ears, husks, tare.



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-J . t.cL'*hnef , madnefi . uii'

- fee is mad . LJUJ^UJiJ

7rf 1. ti* mtiinefs has lerthim.
-. g. . -|jD8fSb/t to in

, ::n^ca~-- X .
I- . F j^:?if ,

#~_ _r; _

/ pit-herb,
. Sri-ii-iuS

_ 2= "5 tr fe d? . LJUSff
-j;* ? .aw iL: u3 . Lj^Qxgfy * >*i 3^ ,
J ^-i--.e
s-:c- ._. 4 ., .; . i_jl?3" @ I 9 ,
L. " _-^-i-S-F?;f : clown; plough-man.
"j- isl IL. . igr-cu-iarc-ejtp^t es . i_j L T T
" irr-w so -n. 1 . e i f r saJ :'/ rca> to nil
rrx.: - 35rr - ai rr.-r . ) Iii CT T 95
3_5, 31 ya .
-?"G5 '^W , agrt,
-^ . ^ i <1_*/. torn newly
et. , T r ^ S. T rr i
'Jd~ , corn that
* T JU rrtei. 5 -L"0T i_j _<<3 _i u2<?", corm
-a-*:r su. . m icq. Ire itdmj . < -C <W
-I ~ . . ^ g <?" i 'S 35 L3 T irr i_l
. a
tort ears . e5/J-i_miJ- ,
- J- e - w_ St jt_UrJ- , 1_\

>(5 ^ _ _ U- T , torn the Substance of

.1 : ibC m:. .
-il . - . a caocnj l.rgtiige . t_J l Cv. Q ul
s-xTg 5~?'Tcx;SK>*-ds./ i t0 us*
- i: *" -* 3 xt _e a- "cr-tc; d by evxrv one . LJUjSO
^iw ^ T n-j; C_^_l~_2? ^.
. it frightens
Q *trrjKt_l0 gX
- t i ^-t^ t~ -..c,
jt:s mdaiced .
* V
_.<-^ , .
tsnme . 4 *Q) i_j IT 5
^_ . a-c :m . r i "fr:-*j binkt .
''i^ t er fa i going or coming.
* ^?"wr. a t.e kvn ter jewels etc,
. : . r"1,1. com^afsion^ an inviftu*
- . ti * at:_s .

> . . .* } .
mena tf ihrtb ; a whore . QfiO
4."v "v ""
' ? * ft 3 . f':|T5;ui-J;.
vv < iw s -;.* ~ - **
- ' .4- vTSf?; , crawling; hasting with per^ M . Jt<* -tuMa. .<f .T^rbaST^aTvSS; > melhinj
. ..."Aii"*.

t'^ai'ng* and . with one
v "<u, .
j ' ^vMI a cccccraing - or traceM,vv .

'^--. 5

v * v
v . j.v,

v_-F_TV^ . M i. red or expand to by

. - * C_T^t T55.JLD LO , a great soul,
* **" ~- "J!."R<j J ,aa heavenly mystery. i_ia LO
4 *> m v."

_ 1 -5 -i siejJicty . uri4Tr.wr,
a j. n 4^t
*.;* 4k

*^ 8$;4 other world , the heaven. i_|

jl7L%- ,.4 , , .4h # J^ ' l* coj-trv. u(TG fLb'JT
4k 4*>dk)^ ,

r^*^d -JC-G5#-a sianger.av.>.fsen.

^ ***^
" .*
. anothertnbe . i_i(rAJ5
iw I ^
sSjl* .
* . LJ^T O"J_ 6* LULO ,^fo-




''St'gfa Kingdom . (JfTj'-Ol-lTLO *his world and the t-Jrf , a present ,

<ethei- world . L.>a"85>5 JSJSI * 9 3D t0 g to
Ljrfffr. l_jrf8T<S0;TOT J
heaven. i_^TLftTi :odlo . Ljrr Q ^oT"g;i_e,, tbe Ljrf t.(P , a shield , a buckler,
heaven . LJCrQ cfS^. IIT i_c fggjLO ,heavenly blifs. one that carries a shield.
LJTgjFTig the heavenly light. i_l(T OJ FLO T *
l_irfFGF> LQ , total de>trution ; in eonstrnctim
CsQ) , elevated to testacy, to be enraptured er trans with a iie'ntiut it indicutes a total denying or refuting . l_i
-QFigLOLJtwT SSmj^AQ^j, LJT F 5 L9 T S
ported with an uncommon desree of joy. ) * {J5 @
G'-^UJ _ rroj? TuStS',^, 1 am m great want _1<21_1!(!.!; ,to destroy utterly, to annihilate,
and dcviro.of'it
injff gi CifrrzroO&j&^OSi). to give UjrfFGFLDTUJi-lGLJTiCe^ , to become entirely
great hopes . LjTifoSiS) jo p> G ff O , to destroyed . l_irfFG*8>i-0L0T( G< Qwl~)z*r*
change the place or -abode out of superstition.
he utterly refused to do it , he would by no means. i_J
l_j ID l_J 1_0- SS 30
, to level the ground by ff ?Qf 5 Lonraj{5TBT^LJLji_o. Qf TWTO
ha rowing or rolling . ,ljTldi_) i an harrow ; a roller . CJsvCiTNS, it is most certain that I have not said so.
l'TLOt-JTLS * . l_rrcTLOL_ltaT .
1_J rf D. iS. F *J . LJff L-La-F .
t_iTL0l_j*^0?5. > t spread or extend itself far and
(_rf^?r , the hilt or bandle of a sword .
llffuLiRF, a proof, a trial, an experiment. Ljf l_L
wide. i._ (T_D it- bt JO 9; i to spread rumor etc .
iiTiJ- ,. others- ; forc>n-:rs . <2>1 SSLO, goods iSFL_IT<5"ff.6 -20; > to try , to sift , to examine .
-belonging .to ether people .
ff 5TL.JLD . 1_19"5 UiLO.
.-JfJ S2J f LO . UTU3 .
t_J< gJToarLO , a.prciCr.t given for corrupting one.
Ljrf 5;TariXOJTff3^r.tfXlr , LJff * 35 95 T
_ CJCmfi > 'Ar name of a tritt / peuple .
~.t_IT6TXJ9S JOSJ . i_iT4^lj L_lT!05i; , to spread /)*T , one that takes presents, one that suiTers himself
er ex tenil itself like water , or as a r*mer iferr .
to be bribed,
Lj'xaor ,>God .
* i_J<f fjjTLOLQ i a great name ; prosperity .
1_105 COLOLO, stremiousnefs . bravery , stoutnefs. [5TLDer5$G JOLSfflL/jgacgj , to live by one'-a
.l_J(TTg5*Lii.X.FrTcS , l_jTTf*.i30LDar . an hero. great name &. patronage .
LJT'T 05*JOu5?f 6 J05^ to fight valiantly.
U0"T3iig , imttentivenefs , carclefs gaping , looking very good opportunity .
Ljrf ljt set lo , Ljff LJTOCLO , -conservation,
about without minding the businefs . i_|i7"TF35fu5
5$-"1) , Ufrrr^^LDT^G^tSJOS; . to be augmentation , prottion . i i pf l_jt ? i_
attenti.crcaiclefs, neglectful, ul 05 ejU; LJtn frj a, $) , to conserve , to promote , til piotet. iTTLL
rt-JOJj, to do as it oi.e did not hear. ljT rr 05 (R L-l #UJi^TLJTC>OOTL0LJi>t^S^*^2L;. to reign well.
CJ T /J" BjQimQ'* rrttai t_p-tf355>Sy i to look .a #ifX 4__ Ljrf i^JT340oer lO , the act cf pi atoilrag and
out witliout minding the businefs. i_J ( T E *5 3\ favouring good people. i_jrf LJ're-Se*^1*^ > "to be
well-stocked , to thrive, ta be in a good way ^ to proteft.
CO TLD JO , carefully , attentively .
iirfLjKJO W9I LO , l_JCf3 rTLO , abundance,
l_|TT#lUl3 i well known , rumoured , divulged .
, a well known name .
plenty , amuenee .
1_1<1_1"<> , LJTiTi_i(r rUi/uiJ J^ , God Almigh
L-irfLOoyrLO , a good scent, fragranoy. LJtf lO
ty , the supreme being . . .
CVT St 955^1-0 , a very sweet scent. Ljrft_0yr<U jSS
t_lCTT"Lorf g;e5.299L/ 1 to take care of; to support,
LO i sweets , perfumts , fragrant herbs , flowers etc .t_|
*o maintain to examine. i_|fTT Lorf ji~HTtW 65 ffU^fYTSjLTJCrcLD , an odoriferous ointment.
, to ?eek and purchase, LJfTTiX if i_J U| , U!TT
Ljrf Lscvf Ke6O57 , to spread itself like a perfume .
LJtf i_OT".!a>86 " , to di-tribute /Ae meat-portions ;
LDtf 3505?^ . care .
to ha^-e businefs ( or dealings ) here and there .
UO-TJffiLC. 1_ITT65@.
(i_jrf ijjrij,'_CiUntil.) LOrocrLjrfUjrKjLO, untildeath.
i iff* , an horse ,
t_j-f 35ef ^oeyv . i_rf Fewf s*-o;
LJffj_lLOT. I Iff FLO
Ljrf fRf 35 85 OgJ , i_jrf STTLCLJ'eerirj;*
Ljff iljTF L9 , jeer, jest .joke , raillery , mockery.
to blot out, to abolish , to take away, to cure ; to LJtf LUI FLCXLJwrreZiyS0^.to sport, to jest; to scoff
clear one's self of an aspersion. t_i rf g$ rr lb , blotting a: one. Ljrf ojTF^eer, ujrf LUTffawTjaO'eT.a jester,
a mocker. l_irf u_ITFOJT.SOa5K!'tfT", quibbles puns,
ut ; a cure . . L-jTf uJTfTli) .
I_jrf FTvT.FLO V . l_jrf UJ TfFLC .
equivocations . LjrPujrTFlIL-J4 or, a je< rer j a mimic
t_irf e5.JO)J , LjT'jffi; ^^; , to vindicate , to or one that ridicules another by a burlesque imitation .
LJffujTrTLO, 'he science of physick , surgery,
in one's defence .
i .rfif-A-^CT, m iiretn-aeoi/ft A^ffj , to destroy, to lay i iffqjTTLOI i wi-enoiitt ^! . tobe a physician , to
I cure diseases *^"5JS2vg5(g)L-it-jrf uUT"iXLfjl_l'r#'if>
%aste .
l_trf Feotrf r,S ^og; , to speak softly for to appease ^ '55J , to have one in the cure. I_J ff LLI T IT V
?sj CTX( , a physician's fee . i_jrf ajfrff , a physician .
one's an.;er , to speak very politely.
l_l rf TU- LO > a certain for mouinirtg .
CJff FU> , LjrftXJLD. what the bridegroom gives to
-the pniciits of the bride. i_irf LflG'ifi'i-et^Oay . to LjrfeTfTLO , a body of troops .
L.iff G^if-l-D , LjrfG Oil LO , circle round
rontrift about the sum t. be paid to the fntuie lather
-in law . L_irf ff -G UTg Oj fg 0 -, to agtee about the sun .
, a iore , a bstch . a swelling boil, an imposthuma .
about it. i_jrf f ixjGljtOvcS; , to pay it.
i^(f3Ljt_4/!CLji_ii_(bsSJ ( ^'@-5/.2*' ) I have
LJff F etrri_D , the whole pro, le .
I_jrf#cf E.Al.^J . Ljrf cSQ^'fGftoco^ JO 5J , got a boil . L..(fjF L_iL4@g5(gg(; tSffr TiJ @
) 'be
boil ripens , grows soft . lnfjgi.&l -UgiJy
t . LJttFeeBf ^>/ .
\-itfff3)5<j) t holy. t_j .f afKSjuiT^rt-T^ . n:jaosthume i .
I_jrf 9f 6|>c5a5l_JeT?2l'lS^y5J , to make fioly , 1^0 keep
^JJos;, \-js^^jljQljt^c^j, to grow
Jioly , to hallow , to 'i clify . i_j rf J , II rf* 0rff; ithick . LJ5L0L> , L_t<f5fS>Lfl . l_JgLO J4> , thick , fat,
'*UTW, _jrf ffrjSrJfg uyroYTiil T i an holy one, |




'LfrLUL_10NSei@L , one will gire one .thousand .

1_Ic*S'S)3)lO . fruit , emolument .
iuaiB5^s; ( iu oojfSet ?o 5y ) ljoJ*ojt
gjj , to be fruitful and multiply-, to increase by propaga>
tion .
L_lCX393*etn' , a window , LJ TO ewrf fiJ T IF ,
grated or latticed do< r .
UOONTU^li a tablet for a certain kinJ ofgome .
L_l JO OJ .a , words i cpeated every now and
then in a song .
uffo<MTft@, lj t ?s m ^ , l_ictccto^@,
a palankeen. LJ--OCTOT"3i(3fB^5 i-J G T . {gj,
iUTOCTOT^*G ToGi_jrri!:.S; , to go in a pnUr.ketn!. IU T CTO CTO TS ^^- , a palankeen-boy . ^.t_j
Q>LJCTOCToe@ . alow litter , * uooly .
lUCTOchS aTizard .
L_lTO OOj , a tooth . LJCTOirtVxrfi'TVTa
rodeante the teeth . lUCTOeVTC- T>. Tl (5*^C^,te
: ira* 0/ cotion-slirubs .
L-itSSAi hawk. QrLei_i(!5rg^ f -Gg?5 laugh at . LJCTOi/OO SSSSTM^LBQ ff <1 ot .
H-jfrjTii; , ,ne backisn hawk .
rfe5?C5j, * ** 'd!y up and elown . 1_1|
iI c5 1 ( 't a kernel j pease . lU<3StUi_j3j03S# Off 5; , to gape. i_i >"> lj l_5 (5 'R/ 3
jiease-poriidgc .
5; , to draw out a tooth . <<1;@571/); ',
to pick the teeth . LJ CO OOjff^'ffj ffi-^ , a tooth-picK .'
LJc-OLo V . tu 5 g; tt 305;.
i_jf5LDON3 > a sail-yard.
lUCTOirtrO 55;1_5-8 ^Qg^ , to crajh or unash vvirh
the teeth . L-iCToirsv'i^giLij e59L"-JLJTrJ-05e6^!O 574 LJ , LO LJ 1-0, V . LJ(fj>3*.0gy .
LJfjgnjLD . the fit season , the season of ripenefs to look, ireful ly on ont . sj; d
IU LJ C _i5
4_l(5CLig;^G 3\3 G UJ
{/,10 do a thing ii> sea LJCO OO) , unclean teeth. r^^@LJLJCTOSO<rr , onerSun-ible lime . lj^sUjlxiTcTtQc-JOTBT a young wo who has a. snaggy tooth . LJ Ofu o~l cS , LJCTO
man that is marriageable . iu<fj56\jJgj< Q i_S ovr QrfjTfH, tootli-acbe . fyy-!S^.& 0 lj c*PJ , an
/ovrG1l-^^-OSJ 1 to bring forth a child at the aching tooth . L-iOooji/ooxrr , sore gums . ljcto
oojLOLJ(QcT^LOTu3cl53^*i!r>6VlJi5" . a wall where
.proper -time .
LJCb i lj LJ CO lUjblUTO , many , manifold of some bricks stand out tor to be joined to another wall .
Several. LJCTOR T OO LO > often, frequently. UN LJc/OCTOror (/em. LJOOoS ) one who has large teeth.
Tg;iX i sometimes . tucroe^LC luTtTLD 1 spices LOTI CSt-JLJ JOg/ , boad teeth.
rf #t_iLJCN3
o^t lLG^'J-' * chronicle , the 'annals .. lj opj , small white teeth. Qf-n^iSLJ t_l 0\3 g> ,
U4 fB>\ , an afsembly of judges of almost every rotten teeth. 6$1 OJ TJUU CTO PPi the j iw*
tribe . ljcto rfjS fCffi @ . sundiy commodities . lj teeth , the grinders .
COlU Tvdjwfirr i divers- sorts .
L tUfiiyJLO, coral. tUDLpL0XLjLJu5 ( eS SS
9y , to adjust coraj-bead* fer a stiing . tUiOiLpeinr
165 "4 . LJOOref .
LjCT03ji.r20 i cowries, used in some places of India crS , rti name of bird ; a kiwi /'shiew-mouse . t
in lieu of small coin .
upLDCrocrSaeS i the name of /rer bearing odorifrant
LJCN36Trfce , . the desert , die flowers .
LJ /Uf , LJ Fit CO evef A LS , the fell,
UCTOfJj'rcroLO , the time for getting fruits .
moon .
IUTOflM5 i aboard , a plank . LJ<CTOfisV95S>LU-2f
LJflrWrffiJTLU i the fundament.
wugtfiYgi . to saw a board.
LJill<nrf V . LJenj<nf .
CJJOluG^effr^rtBQEe^Ogj, to fall down m
lurBcJr , a rank, a file. l_lifJ$eT-XI; et^9
yeat plenty r rte haves of trees ele .
to sot i array. lUs^sjffrffi^oe^OSy to stand
tu TO LUT05 LO a premium, a present, a recompence \ in rinks or files .
Tipenefs .
ljcOJ s; if, 9" LO , LJ cO-l 5 g 9" LO , a fistula in the
IUwNSLIU'J , kind of soft stone fit to write with fundament.
LJCTOLO, an Indian ounce, whereof . make an
tUfXIfff. pride.
IUtfi)iof iUT ^) ( OJT
i), tu-tutu(5
Xnglish pound.
&Oti ) to go in proct is inn round a pagoda .
lucro 4", many, divers.
tuero e^luO, and some, others, et cetera .
UoTJOJcTUJ . by tens.
lucroeer , the. fruit , proit, emolument , the produit
|_jt_p 85^05,1 , LJ Lp t 0? G T OYT 5 /V)
fa field etc. i the reward. tuTOSSUjQLJTLO it ( C(UT^3Cey ) to become ued to a thing . i_
will yield a prafit. lUOOSygsg^GflS7-*?**^ , one who is accustomed to a thing.
, to give upon interest, lj \<1(05/ l1
LJLpj35J5LD , the custom, habit , use , practice j tint'
CO IT LJ I QmtTCOiJ , IUCT0*a'ff:@O.tT O
, act of conversing with one another .
o be profitable, LJooeSTCTLO , lUCTOR T WO LO ,
IUtJ>e595TLU . LJLpLO .
4UCTOIUT05LO . abtrve .
i_iu>e5ee^oey , LJLp3$#c3 <a= * v B, t-iLpes
^LjQ i_iT (5*.<L-5i;, to accust. in , to use or inure
a thing .
iuoSi* . Gi-ioS .
lucrSffit6Dei/, to take effeft , to turn to- or evil ;
LJLpar , LJLpLO, old stale . lULpLoGL-IT^eyr,
thing LJLpGi- , an old saying , a >
- -give
- . ,the
. tto. hysick
i i proved
- _ st4 . I . fr;<nr3aiibiB''ler<}\erb

. . .0 an ancient
,*>(2/' bgileU licekeotovci niglit
orpulent . lu ({g LO , a fat rain . i_J i n i 1 1 r)
9 , coarse, grofs . i_i 5 LD IUL_D. LUT LLlG^UJ
)co/oO, a. work very slightly done ljlOlS
L0- , a good hand full . LJ([5U>l_SLJiLa.'TUJ5i_3
'L-0--2J WOVf&Q&iTOVr , take a goad hand full . l_J<25
U3L-3l_O.UJTUjeai T TJ S .' , to take too much
-t_J(!5^5g> , large pearls thick grains . L_j5'TvlfFC\3
OQj , a large 'tone.. l_1<[5i_Oi iLpLO , a large fiuit
\-Jt[5mf2>1K a grain of boiled rice . l_if33SiftF59j
g'avel, pebble-stone*
l_5*t . tbick .
'5> > tne sun
i|<^5 t-JQ5<5t_i-Jer, cotton. lUtTjSi*;?
<39=L_0. , the cotton-shrub . | 35'Q Fj T
31 . the seeds sticking in the cotto.i . Q U ,MJT 'I
45B)> G^'-oi-i65 * . (|)'1-11_)5^ Sua

n_aup LJWSf'
5Vir -ikfast . t-jt-p-j^AfOO i \_j r {g; wrf , an
old cloth or clout . ujy3"jffi'4 i an old '"se l_ILp:
' ajQLJT^OS,; to gruW 'd . stale. i_H-pFrr05f6
JOfx) i to out out of la-.hion i to abolish.
L_l up LD > a ripe fruit. l_iijP3;iBTUJ , a fruit almost
lipe .
MtP11^' antiquity. L_ILptj0u5.OG Uf 5r,
ancient 1 inguage . i_J S LO 35 A/W" uu # 05
VG +
, to speak about things of
former time .
LJijP'ewif , tht name of a town fumeur far idolatry.
, vengeance, revenge } the goilt deserving ven -eeance . .LJi-ajTUJOJfgliS,/ . un vi! fallen upen one
by -God's vengeance . L_iLjSLjrr C
, to put
'the guilt of a crime upon one . L_lL,p,fffLfl{J5S./!0/ ,
to suffer .for the criir.e committed . LjybiUT rfil&^O
:g;, i-jup* sguJLjyiojTTo^osJ., u0 g1
S^QG^^'VT t3*-^'S>> ,(> avenge , to take vengeance.
LJ!_^Gg5Tft' 5*40, to suffer vengeance. LjL<_<jwr
('; K(BS^ tn* guilt deserving vengeance is
upon you. Q{r56i5<_JLdL^,t blood-guiltincl's .
i_JLp'g;$>aj_/ , to scold , to revile , to injure , to abuse. l_il/l_H_) , i'L/^QFTOva , abusive language .
, a ladder-step ; * rib,
_ t_i(Lc)g5.2D$5; , u(gg;u(3urr5J , to grow
ripe.. i_i@0tf5*>5J , to be. ripe . i_i@9535
QJ-235;i to lay in itraw to ripen. II ( 3)
:KU Lp LO , a ripe fruit a very old person . i_l
@52i/i_iGi101_1<5 , a ripe b^il . cur 05 (g
5i're55;i-ji_iQ'8> I im grown old .
L-l(L 35 05?9t.(5*S.O0L/ , to teast or roast a tiling till
it is done enuugh .
@5 . a fjult , defefl , blemish ; damage .
^TLuQt_JTetrr5Tf LULO corn that is damaged.
iLlQSO^QJr , a man without blemish. r.ffi
S>,l LJL_j'@6>Ji_jT!r0je6.50a5J , to repair the house.
(4?-' > a rope twisted et straw j a snake . uQ
sS5 2H'056S.i3O0/ to twist a rope of straw.
LJ(t_)l_ITraL/ , |_1@1_11_) I TWTff)J ,
t@ itjflai fFg; , what is withering, fading, da
maged .
LJBLpJ . LJffiLpujgT u3r5<^0 i old . L>
^Lpu_lLJt_0. , l_j4LpUJITl-j(2lITQoCiSO as for . LJSSup'Jja^ , boiled lice kept over night.
OYT OYT LJLJT id <35 05*^5;. to shine, to glitter.
i-J JYTn ^cOVT . L_lor(VjLjevf rr^ 55- , fruits etc.
l_|3vf Tg', cristal .
UJ>f rert_ll_J3t yGFtn-jruGL-l fff* ^J , to
peak with strength & energy.
a/(fi@ ?Bi) , to fall with a noise .
L-iovf Qrrem / ljbtV
, to speak overhastily.
L_|OYraYTt5fr0i . a valley.
l_J WOVT LO . a depth ; an hole in the road , or in the
torf ice of a rhing . t_i ovT oyr lo T Ci T < (S*
, todig deep. QLOft'LOLjoYTovT ^LOTowrg;,
-4ineveu, imlevet , rough. (Jl@L0ij'W(j5LX)LJciYr ovr LD
&(^,<['&i&>Q*: LO I-) . ?- pot , whereon
here and there are little spots deeper than the rest .
L-loYrayrrJ- (fem . ljoyt {0>05 ) a low tribe
of patriare in the southern coumry .
LJOVTOVf ( Jem . l_j OVT Ovff# ) LJayTOvf S= F TT ,
VJOVT Cif 0>_a_ L , people / certain tribe.
Ljoyr ovf , an apartment amosque j a school ..l_]o\T
vf tUiS , a bed-chamber . LjeryrOrf Q^T<HT^0
*?-tJ i -to sleep . LJ3VT >/f 05 *s_ I LO i a school
^<^ U*Uin;.L..LO , scuool-ic/son .


l_IWTiWu_lLO i a dish for meat .

l_jOYT/o/i-,ijrr( , a goat of * lim/ Hind.
\-J^&>OBx) , to fly ; to run nimbly. UJ^On^/Ql-JT
to "y away to run .quick . t_i3<55jut, come
witlt speed . 552^;, to be full of busineis.
i I I fi(t/v-ig_i , to drive vioiently away .\-1#-!0
S/. the.Oyilgdiist. LJDBaj, 'JjflOBiUWjOVr.,
birds, winged creatures. LJCLJL), haste, celerity . <ULtJ
^1__1^_5(\^^ S^S^ito seek the means of
living (-er /Ai neeeariet of lift) with great laboi and pains.
t-i^OTO*, ; * 03 ^ ,(/. LJ^OfWSS&S
05Tj5 ) an Indian Portuguese person . uffl T/ 0J
ffiTiil , a gourd , a pomkin . t_| -50<661_1 S)i
China - root . LJ iKiei_Ji_jrri.T-*WLe /. t_l
LJOi eg>(_j , wild cole .
lji a>i gjOO a thin-haired heafl..
Lj^orasf . LjiTeraf .
ljOobt, a shelf to place sticks upon itere.
Lj ^OLD4*-as;, to flog .
L_J^r>2iTU > . 1_1*05**5 .
i_jPwT(g5 JOg; ,e scratch one's serf with the
nails. L_]^)Bsri_0.GoSrr(gS5*^0S;, to scratch
another body's skin .
t_i X i a little basket which fishermen , being a-fishing,
put fishes in.
lj_a3S AjJ .
i |_5
to get loose, to slip out , to go off , / im
arrow shot from a tow , er as n sigh out of tlx meuth {
to be dispelled . U^Jgj^ujT^QLCffirRiesavT,
clouds that are dispelled . 051 <Jtr.Lj_k3LUj(JoajcO,
the debt is not come in from the debtor .
t_i^30>aS3Os; , ^^fS^j^Q^n ^rr^Q^JD^j ,
to take violently away , to rob 1 to pluck oft . i_j_i3J
fi>6BG95'Te'aTI Lei" a bullock, that broke loose
from tue yoke . <_l
Q 35 T(SSG53T , I have been
robbed. !_j_/y3i_i4 0 05^1
' 1 a fort taken.
i i Vi ; rr ^QJgr , a robber, an highway-man. u3eBDTLJ
^5<SS6-05J . to dig an hole, ^JiA>^Ojrr CT LO Ul
^5052> . -to dig for laying the foundation . ff(T05
@1_11_1^35; . to get goods ashore..
* LJ!Q>niQ)LD . a mount .
LJS^D , a measure for cbunam.
1_j5)j29 , an oblung kind of a drum . I_J &^
(* i3oe;j , i_isa> 05. S < ^ g; , to
publish by torn torn- beating . \
flQ *| ' p 05 * Q
iJ , to beat torn torn .
LJ(2>OLU<W (Jem. l_j
) one of the low tribe
of Malabar people. i_J42> OFQpff , a-Parriar-village.
uJSS^OG'-OJYrLO i the drum which the ->ple have among them . 1__|.20111__|2>2 > tl2>lI
t_j(fjjrj55j, the blackish hawk.
l_jj25T , bridegroom, an husband.
i i/ini , medicinal powder .
LJ^OL-lOsJ . L-I2).
l_l 05i^ , an hyacinth.
to take, to lay hold, to apprehend . LJO^O/^CO , love ,
confidence. G5(5l-|Ml-J>--O-*50iQ0>aRrrQl1
rpLLjg; , the fire takes flame . l_l30O*S<3J 05 * 230
ig/, to kindle a /r to stir one up by a secret notice
given him . _| j lj m> O (? ao irOO , it does not
adhere or stick to | the color does not take hold . 05 1 SOT
L_l ?_45 G oror , I have taken up money . .(JifLJ
gyLjewTLOLJ^!O005G 05 T g t , i have
received twenty fanams, *TJ(TUU^t05Q0>'rovr



^)&, to receive oo<?f ce money \ to take charge of it. 35T'JJ, it's fruit-. uST L_ILJT5K!>0, Grrj.f LJLjrrfPOO,
C_^D*3u> Bl_J5>)>, the articles which a debtor has received G95'rLl_)i-Ji_jTffi04D i different kinds of that plant.
from his creditor . ( dt<OJ , the article* which a 2> r iL) i_l ' 35 C\J , another kind serving / phytUk .
creditor has received of his debtor , er rn account of i_jT05 5ST , a.waggoner , a ci achinan, jg/jjici/ri \rf
bis debtor. ) l_i C SCii 35 G 35 T rmr i irQ^C^J ( Sn. 35 T . a groom or horse- keeper .
CS .29 5; ) to. boast of being iea:ly to bring l_iT@ V . LIT ,
about the thing intended. i |, /ru ,t; g; C\0 ,
UT@ . 0i(i5Ljt_J -. l_l l_l T@ , the suggar of
the supporter of a lever or swing . ..'^^, palmyra - trees..
the pole or staff which he that stands upon the lever takes IIXiJDiB. a ttirband .
hold of. LTJTLJUJ*CD3j J^i confidemein one. LJjfe! l_l.T3jc$iU LO i happinefs , prosperity . u T ); S
OJTUJ', OJ^igojTdj, the touch-hole of a gun.
S; , to hold . t_j .20 X Q one that i > happy .
(&+& , to draw . i_ii0^3i_i(3Ljrr^OS;,
i_JT^(g> . a beetle-nut . LJTfpfgjGU4_p. . scisar
ta aim at a thing, to pursue. i__b er l_l
$ for cutting beetle-nuts . t_] 35(c5 ^uC-CS* . ,
6)J , to imitate . ^0^*) (uT to cut a nectle-nyt . i_) - (j? ? f ^ , a thin cut at
(S'#>!Ogj) to daub the foreheaj br bjdy with medici a beetle-nut . l_l T @ 3 U 5 > ZSOO beet'.e-nnl an4
nal MuffT
bretir . LJ TfbgjO, beetle . jq j\o(f;_j T 3 () v.
_2J-G@. ^ ^i"l_Jj_iT3:@ . beetle-nut boile-i when-.,
LJ0 CULO , it is sufficient v.. l_jej8)JLO .
1_|:,;, t_|onrLDi_Ji g&l ,ttc. V, LjAtfbT, tender.
t_irf-, the dew. i_jwf l_i Q l_J i there fall LjTT<J35"rer , LjTTe. a young man anda young
dew. l_J rof 6 35 T , very much dew. (> (y l_j f , woman that aie mirriet together .
I_JTTO@1-J<nrar2a;35.!0 &j ( t_j 5 deaf SSn,'35
a mist, a fog. i_icTjf (^[ga^, theie is a mist.
Ljmrffs! 6=>^swollen on the hind-part of the scull. O&i) ) to make riuag property . i_i T 'OJ , w^llj
properly .as it shouM be. i_j ^ e*rx*7 f . a town
L_i"f rruiT, twelve-.
LJt/, i_i/tWTLOCrLO i a palmyra- tree . Ljwrrj that has good fields and sufficient water. Q 35 \_|
. according to the fa=hian.t>f the Wuruga
Cf T t_l t_| , a grove of palmyra - trees-. i_j /* IITTOSSTH.)
_ . the stile, the censti uclion
(iWT P?0 , palmyra-Ieave , cadjan - leaves . l_i/oot pcopl 0<QFLpi_ILJ.r''nVfi
Li ,) , a branch of a palmyra-tree. i_i < TO 35 of wMid
4fJ53:l. young palmyra - trees . L-jeornjT/' , coir of L_lTecLB^LJT8cEB35!J-lia' , a cord , a snare. ^FT
palm\ra-branches . i_i err 35 UJ
1 ropes made of it. i the snare of concupiscence.
II Tv/TdJ, i_|soTLDLji_pLD,(3f''953S'Taj, fruit (_JTFTfK/@, the at of difsembling, feigning, counter
of palmyra-trees. 1 1 t g 9
es> , fruit of them feiting. ^^^^^^^.*.^.^somewhat boiled . i_> WR/35VT?Y5 ) l-J '>^gbBcTV, Gl_JT(b'e8^0S;) to pretend t be sick . l_J T B= T 'TO 35 T
tod. . of palmyra-tiees . i_jg)i (' . an extraction of
(5>9595^05/. to shew one's ?elf ignsrant ofa thing or
quashed palmyra-fruits. LJffor LO L_IT@, IJ-ptUI (^ viith it-. ^^ , a fellow,
LJforQt-ij jocro'-C i jagry . i_i ix> l_j i s 1 , that uses to make himself sick , tho' he is perfectly well .
LJTFrrmBTLO V . l_J TiLTrTi) .
palmyrarafters, paluiyras , LJ-^rffoT icfSP JO. reepers
of palmyra - trees .. rg l_I t_j /9XJT , the name. of\ ( LJT# ) G^5Tt i5)t-3LJLjrr# , G^TUIU
L-IT* i (JiroOLjLjrre6 , Gii'L-,1-IL0,-'fr#>l-J
plant .
t_| <m g| 35 lX , S&LjrrjTiKLO > *W 0/ serpent.
l_pi_Ol_n#, different kindt of phntt . tj T #<1 i_l UJ
Ljjor@))fO(g , the coverlet of the outward part of a ^yjv , L-jySyi-JliajjV , green coloured grain .
UT# , gr-een water - mofs , the green stuff growing
carnatick palaiikeen ( usually made of scarlet.)
upon standing water ; the green mouldinefs on walis,
i_jutrrg)StT.@ , l_J jggp2; , fourteen .
|_)_5 , an hog or swine . LJ oit.46 3535 ^vj , pork . mats etc . after rainy weather. |_)#1_^@5 , green
1_|_535@^0. f a pig . 1_|_5_| U5TCU , mouldinefi appears . L_IT# t-3 i-Q. 555^ > covwed with '
bggish , swinish . ^ , hogs - bristles . mouldinefs . LJT #35G 5 OVT LD , a tank full of mob G UJ1 CEI uuw^vj, a sow. 05TI i_ii_Hor or green stuff. LJTcr1!I -.YTiJ ST l_J 3<>2J 1 nasty teeth.
J , a wild hog . (Q3 <^VTi_Ljr_ii3 > a porcupine, UTFf W <v . 9=5 C5i) ,
t_ITF#'355)35 i Uf , LJT F ff S <35 . a die . .
an heige-hog .
l_i ioT.<ref/J- , rose - water . i_i rerewffrGB) cvf 5,5;
_ , a;LJT?#35!ai3; . G^Tes
tw i_iTff#g
GOJg'-TeerLD i)*5^;6 Og^ , to Tionour one.' SFj, a pair of dice at play.
by sprinkling him with rose water . t_itrr<rcrf ifistTLa 1 1 LJTFfffS^rJoiy to malte unter run in a channel ; to
She name of a tree, bearing sweet - tenting white flowers . ! run nny thin$ into or through a body or hole . 055>u3
a_| JrGVeS^L . to card ro/Mn wrr/i /Ai fingers . | Q 0\0 t_j T 9- Br 5 ) Bj , to run one through with 4
LIT, !_jiT@ , LJTCTXJ > yarn warped , cr yawi upon sword. LO'rfi'iSSLJLJT^i-jGLJ'I'CS * J S>> >
the warp. @/?-3585 ^C& > to warp or wind pafs the end of a beam through a wall . i_| f ,
yarn. l_JTG2JTffifl/!OS; , to make the warp. 1_IT r^/TLJi.jrrFFQC 1 watering. r^/J-LJ IT" 3 5= cTT'
^SG042^^11 I CH/T" ONO erij'T'g S^oajJ , to lay red j?Vf
a village whose fields, can be watered,
yarn amcng the white in the warp
utffoo , an alsanlt , a butting ; a jump from one
1_|5(-0, a fathom. L_IT05U3-2JOYTe5* O U \ ' t0 another, i TLUffi PJOiT iIUITFF^^^
^@^; to make rams butt together . i_j
1 measure by fathoms
i_iT05U> , i side. 3J jv3SJl_JTeUD i the right J4Yr05.2Q|iy > to thrust the measure or marcal wiih
kaad or side . (Jta_S.;i_JTf^LO (J' I 1 1-1 T ^ Lf> , a strong shake into the heap of paddy when measured.
Gl-ITlAJffivISLfji-JTFffrS-iOS; ta set a pit-fall.
the left .
I_JT05LO , a portion. l_JOOLJT03U3 II >OLJT
ilTFetff , a cricket.
tKU3 , cOJUJcJ ^ i_ T 95 UJ , the portion given to LJTFG^Tc^ , r/i niOT / pfonr. 5 3<3
the physician of the oil made by his direction .


LDLJl_]TIFQy .T5 S5 < i g.UUTGiT
UJTWBT i , TO , U Twr 63 L. , LJ T SBj t_a
f, Q'-J^LDUJTB-G^T^gi -jLjajLJTF^FTg
rgT a*LD , an ill smell or stcsi;-. of rotten salifish etc.
, different kinds of it .
t_l t < i "J t Q) O 5l) . to cast a steam.
1_|,.'._0 "il. UTU) .
* i_j,TiLTeeTix> . arsenick . L_iTi.TeT^g5'3N3 '_JTraTi 7>;(>^(5. stinking saltfish .
^; , an antidota . t_i O'W* '_i ljt l t owrr lo , lj T r*r LJJ. lo. oorr i ovolD , ike Midurey - king
sub ima:o mercury. Qt^tli i i i . iT^irwitin , re.) dom-.
arsenick .orpiment, ; i lTi.p.rr er lb , Qliw LjTieoTSQcrfrKi-D. a kind of j iundice, a swelling of
/Ovti i LJ T p. ff jtbt ld , ra t- baue .
the buiiy .
LJTg^(i3 i a crime , an cnotmous sin . LjrrejSBTOTi
t J T i>. , a language , speech , tongue ; a confedera . nr2) -LJ-2jT3 UJ T f "JT , o-ie who {fem. LJT0 )a person- guilty of crimes.
+ LJ TSjib , the toot, trie fret. LJTgiQjgj NLO'
kri '-s not the language, ut Q.1(R 15> . to
swear an until of confederacy, lj > LJ 5 J, 7 LDJr S t ^Ljtf a^r^ n , from head to foot , fr om top to toe.
Ui 5(^9)^^(9 * -) &il , to kit's ojarV lee;. iT 5
un 1er the curse of art oath .
% LJT 3>-J> , a ttinke: which woman wear on their S-l_IT55^C?0<flSQ.*iaS> to cast one's self atjiie's feet. fdSS' T 9)^>SS^. _il5_0.
fit' .
UJTc lO., t!ie lefs n . uri i_OL_JBf egey & to take refuge to one
L.J SjQ'-Ti-l 5S)'? , a shj.
U1"i 'J>Tfc6^Q ST-^T^vji^CSJ , to leani L_rrf5@JO(?) , wooden slippers.
ty heart . tfXITjjui _i'T*i_'_n . rccitini without bonk.
|_1'^ , anabj'ls , a prof iund depth, a botsut jj_ji_jti 'j;t uoj(5QiDT, do you know tomlvlspit. LJTt5TOYTi3^S V . (irbT ^'
gj , to make a
it by heart? (J'LJ^lj-- Jf J(
G U (g . LJT^TO^/rLoT UJ i_i j *
G<iTgj..Ci3JT jjljuJTi LO , this story he is for very deep hole. |_1* >; S^HfiTLO , an eclipse i
ever tdliiij . Q lo _2b- l_J T i U) . the original from below the horizon .
which one take- a copy i a wilting copy .
t_jT#) , half, the half part . LJT^K 35!< , one
( LJTi TtS^ ) KTrfujLD L-ITl rr S~S$UTOJ who goes halves with you . LJT^ LU T UJ 1_3 j 4f, f
3 r_ 5,' tne 'hing proved tr.ubK&ome.
D'l) ( lITi/SSCJeiOSi ) to divide in halves, to part,
i I T , suffering , pain hard work, Uhor misfortune, in two. LJ'T^LJ(3l_IF , an half spe> ch . UT
damage . Q !_l g i_o i_l Tfe , an immoderate bloody $(Jeyi sjoooj-r" i i_n ^uTtFffly , the workof omtn . LJ'i @UJ (S SO &J to suffer . UJ T ( is iialf done, ^^jotujt^, the first half part, ijidr"-Je^SJG-Oey. ta afflia . Cjrr<i_l51* (295 1 LJT^- the hst half part.
elD^;, to toiture one for getting answers, u oar
I_J r^rf ^DiTLO , the name of a tree,
t-JT(f> i the capture of fishes in a net. e> * l_IT
LJT 5^05 TSUO-O , the watch of a district-. LJTgjl
lTtU, b) his own handy-work .i_iT(iji_Ji (>v-Sfl!>Lp BTfUOOTOif , a watchman of a disrn . LJTjJ
=6i?OS^ to >et one's own livelihood by hard labor. r\ STnj^oTrvffl^ , '-JTgj Tf3-35* r-gLl , toi
5uj Tj'-J'T^'gt? , a poor person tiiat lives upon days keep the watch of a- district .
work. UT4 T&if , a laborious man , a person fit for , a beaten way , a road , v
hard work . l_lT(5s6a>l Kb 3: (J -TO ircx> . l ean find LJ rr 5j , a garden - bed , a beJ in the salt-pans .
no work for my subsistence . i_jT i rr UJ (Q3 t-Q- LJ'i $ JL-O-oSSOt ( ffii CS*
S; ) to divide."
Jd. SjJ , to prove unlucky. 1_JT}| LDLOTgrtTLQ, into beJs .
how much is the waste of lilzer etc . by mtlnn }
' * LjTgJ-jjf Q ? T
ooj * -^.S^'. t0 beco:ner
UT(t>&SOBy , to sing . LJ T Ol , LJ T t
bail /or one. LJ^rg^Jj-TOT , ont who is bail or securi
I ^ , LJTjtfT - , a singer , a poet. t-jT(^* ty
, a songster, a singing woman, ljti (,&^,
a velsrl j a drinking cup ; worthy ; frit
an hymn .* LJT: QljljtCjBSO^, t sing an hymn. for a thii g. LJTg r eXI T , |' (T.ffTrtJcjgLO-iO ^SuUTffifiSir, to sing abJ. Ojocrr , one that is worthy ; on^ that is ht for
*5!_0>1_iLj (5 * so t0 sinS offly. etc. JSjLJTtfS.T sir , an unworthy one . .LJT^^TLO
lo smi
or |_1^> U1|T/n_iT5| (rU), worthi-with
an high tune, (g/ TOO idS^JS^
T ft"e
;iel's or unworthinel's . 1_|'5|; Ij^iStS 8JJ Q fs rr
B) , to sing low or with a bow tune .
04i l_l T ^65(6^!05L/> to giiie to^such a* deserve .
I TO, playing and singing .
* LJT [3 LD T Q.1 m * SO Si) , to speak..
LJTBi , a bier.
A'ith siibmifsion for to ojtjin one's consent .
1_)" BLtti the chicke-nox..
I 'T ^
t& SO SJ , to hide or conceal one's self.
LJT4 'j[LJTi|^ iJ3TU.J(3l-JUJ *\.O Bi) , to rain LJTrrjgj
y ducking for to hide one's elf -i a nook, a>
by frequent intermitting showers .
corner to slip in .
LJi*; , JTM rj-, a grandfather . (Jarear
l_irri_ , V . LJTotS .
U^.TLOt_iT4_CT , (3l_irf , the. giandt_j(TLJLJ'r , i_i rLJLJitri , a Braminee , uTU
father's father . Qs <nrr ) ) T vi_ , (CfLJ L-ITBjf) , Braminee - woman .
UT4 iTOT , the grandfather's grandfather. LJT I
LJTLji-ifff, LJTtILJTyi, l_JTl_JL_|F#, pamI oBTLjyij <wi fjjTOrf Qao , in the time of the an poscs or Moor-slippers . i_jTi_JI) F tQo^ j>| up. ffi
&Cff) , to beat one with a slipper;
LJT4JJ. , LjTbLJjLUJTr i a grandmother.
LJTLOi) , a snake, a serpent . i_JTLO(_| ffi @4_ib
03VT , young snakes. LITLDt|L_Il_|s55^ > a ferpent'* '
ljti (5 , a song .
LjrrwwTLO / 1.
hole or nest. HjJO 3\DUJTix i_j , a cobra capella- .
i_jT"nrrrr {.fem . |_JT *wf S1 # ) people of a certain DFLJljTLOLJ, , 03>oT@g^LJLJT LO L_t , a greea
4ttbe ; a taylor .
snake . f roo ), ld < G ^S1 Vf i_j i
LJTeoBf ttnCBJ, to conceive , to imagine, to consider . LJTLDH , (JfTjiSifDO LJ LJ 0" LO L_| , Art- kmdi
<" <mi LC ,an earthen vefsel . LCOOLJ T T 'snakes. LOeVOOujLJfr L0LJ,,.Qaj|7 , T

itrptttU * lU^TUBijl !hl :Ho -good
^^ , the im
, ITS-Vntrr, a Und of a venomous UxMtA . JLJT LOL^iSjj g , aliis looks neat.
TCTO, the: middle ringer.
.l_JTC?or;*or , an infant .
IITHJCTLO , a preface.
LJTJsyO)! .a milk-ladle , an -hollow-shell to give
LJTLU i a mat \ a sail UTLULDTTLO i a miat.
mitU with a child .
LJ T lU 6& O ffjjt i leap aainst / batting ram does.
* LJTOV3L0 ,a bridge .
to run on water does ; to jump from one place to ani_ITOv5/f- , boys .
LJTCpS3?*^0bjJ , Ljtf LJTrSSF9>fE; ,-tO prorrt ,
the garden is watered .
to maintain .
lir l.uJ T 0>S tf &08J, to admiiiiitr
_ LJTTg/ra LD^j^daj.TgnjJBT , nive who con- Justice .
sides neithci whit 1 past nur what will follow.
LJTo-5lJLO V . rviToSLJLO .
LJ T it i_J (_L fF LO , res|ecl of persons.
uit' 00
ljttlj?? aj LO , the inspection over the pro
duit of the fields etc .
jj LO LJ ' J5Sf
LjTiroO t the name of a plmt . LJ T iroo LC T LT *
>tfl . to survey the produit ot .the fields . LJ T T foreign tree of a red mood . 'rgoGi-Jt_irr,jTJO ,
ftg LJ <
i_jgffl'jj{j; 65 T *Ofor , an overseer of t,j an administra - #UUT , GK"ij<7vTLJLJrr irDO ,
,i yjUlLja.elrOO , ^5 LbLJ.LJfTrt>0 . <i//r.
tor. -_1(1_1;^1<-0 , an arbitrary power.
i OElo i hravinels one's charge or .obligation ;
LjTcro , milk. ljtcto^j ?f. e? a^j i to milk,
a weight of 500 pound , a candy . UTO^u5tb>g>5J
( Q -yj'f@61 ) it lies heavy me . ^Qj.LO l_IT ONbGjTUJffi ^O g; , to turn or curdle milk.
(Cf5i G'J3<J4J @1_)/> , that is the help LJTOC(^ji3{5SjGLJTff BrtJ .the ><lk iscuidled.
you are obliged to knd. i_iTO" -fcb vT', UTTOiTW, UTJv/O) , the cream of milk. t_jTaoffo_ 1 (gi6
_1 T cr l_| (J5 ip. , a grave and tall persan .
, t eat milk with rice . LJ T @ lo M.
L-JTTLOLJ&r i LjrrcrcDLjrf , LJ V LO ^1 1 LO 1 milk so boiled as to become somewhat thick .i_ifTCr>0 6>
J i a milk-woman . LJTCTO^Lpriffl} , a sock
what goeth.froin one generation to another . LJfTTLD
^ i a tradition , a custom from old times... ing child . LJTJ^LOT Ji3 uu (Tear LD T , a
l_l T US LJ TLOrrUJ^b^SDgL/ to reign by right of I cow that ceased to give nilk . UTrx;L!l'ffi5<
luccefsioD .
milking has ceased. LJTCT<:e?9;i (ut-juSfT , cor
lOS^) , to shew a tiling 1 long while j ) in the .field whose grains are milky or unripe . LJTOXi
to tarry . QLOatrrSLOLJT/rrri (S&35il > to boast, L."9"LO, any tree that has a milky .juice.
to glory .
; l_ITON3Ueef , a string ef white corals or thanks.
LJ rr \5 lo rr ./vw eg HO'VJ > to be slack, remifs \ to
LJTT , LJTff 0?35T_i!5 , a wife .
LJTff , UTlfffiffi TOJ .' the nilrt --waish . make tergiversations , to use delays or evasions.
LJTffG1'TSU , to go the rounds , to pati o] .
LJ T G ^ "Y!" '^f fine Pure ilver .
UTff ljQljT SO&x) > to run away .
_"<?5_1 . LJT0>O4D.
t-j'Ttf , ff'f cTLOLJTrf 5; G 93 "
LJT OJi s?4)l > '/? of tree . LJ #U L^a
LJ).(J5 ^ , t feel one's seit heavy, to have I ^^^^ , Wir /* that tret .
* i-JTOJ<JS . illl . LJT njgQFLUAD^.'te
got a rheum. _l T if LJ II > heavinefs , .duineft .
LJTT*lD , the side. f^.<2y$rri_jrrrf FLOTUS sin . ^^5.;50?^5*'^- ,0 malbe
fj 0? <O5; 1 to side with one . ^(^/' one's s. t guilty of a sin . LJTU gjT . LB , a
' l_J T ff ff lo 0*05 ^.O^l , to draw one into one's own party. crimc^ L . TOKTSJiSiLOT . l_JTij5 1 a inner* LJH"
LJTff f tfUTuJjJ, > a lamenefs of one entire side of the OJTf
, LJTtfiliDaGLOTeKWLD . the blotting
out.of sin . i_l *T OJ LO ear sf LJ t( , iorgivenel's of
body .
l_ITff ""T5i_|*- UJ_1 U) i -the name of flower . sins .
* LJCTOJireTTr , t_IT -tfS i/frr, an imagination ,
LJTfTj , iiin.-^uiJT . the bank *f a liver.
UTt*. fga^tSf^fJS^g^', the bank is become ru resemblance. LSovra/ov-'LJLJTSt / lu t efstfai
OVTU^OSV , to bring * up as if he were one's cwn child.
inous .
, afile ef soldiers. UJTff (5*
1-JT uTasrri sn<n"i_iTa/avruj,L jej u wf \5
(f>*&SU?K&S)5) , '0 set soldiers in array. i_jT<5L5 Q^glLO , he does not seein to be timorous .
1-.5#"3" W > tnev have set themselves in array .
i_iTOJTt , woman's petticoat; .cloths spread
t-JTffiCr , 95 1 ?SSt__LJLJT CD T , L_l T 4 35 in the road at a great solemnity .
(2wtoo , an iron crow or bar for breaking nuall etc. jtLJTi^S, a sinner .
L-iT/ , 'he ear:h .
LjTcSf-iS^DiS;. toTancy-ito negree . uTtfSs
(j , to imagine , to he resembling
LJT<5~33 OSi, tosee, to view, to regard, to oeliold , to SJLjLJTiilook upon. LJTT-ffjg^nji &,&j3x>., to go heedfully. certain .things or persons.
_ LO 63) La ljQ1IT
00 UuJ TCfif
ffi Ge5Tm>Tl_0Ujrric7j5jaii05*STOvr V5*^08L> . to regard. OIT LJ S ON3 14
LJ/rr'S^^GfRTOvrYSSjO^ ,to expel. LJTTT (S.'SiAQjO*^ , seeing him, it is as if I did see
LOCX>G (5 , did hot observe it. "Tljj-LJ you. OJTor Q^ay>'gToTLBu3^4>TrjLjLjrr 5
t3uJTer5Ljj_jT/3-?KK ^gj, ( oai35LJTf5"*.^D,6jV) gjfS QST SST Qj g^i , the turky imagined to be
' to endeavour to -escape . JJjSr?" 3= Q F tULU T ( SR pea - cock .
U'TiJ-, be sure not to do that . JfiSeLJ U T if
LJTcOj <v. LJT .
LJ T ffJJ eS O 5x1 1 * lay things regularly on At
. ( t-JTf3"iF2/LO / CT S^' 35^)> this
ground, at bricht , planks-etc . to rest or lean upon tkt
is better than that .
t_iTT*8>(TD, t-JT^QJ-OJ, the sight , the eye -tight., ground, -mail etc. i_jts^BljGwJT(S*^OS^ . to make
ija-rhi out-JT T^ee ; ( (J(9 * / 5; ) to value a thing rest any where . LJTotXILJCNSSaSR . plank*
or estimate a thing -, to take a view of /' ; to use laid to support the roof.
OJQo&> T OOiiT
witch - craft . (Jg;f5c4)aoLjrri"a)4amJcroos3 this ClQ?<3joQ i the liver is ( deep, the feet cannot

T^C^?Gc^l-5y-^'*^05J' > to mingle remerhieg
esclr the ground,, 05T /SO Ii3 G 3S U T OJ '
amongst the nee .
Qf<3j&) , the foot stands not on the ground .
* uSffTBr, the devil . u5FTerl_3L_0.a5:5 )
, ulfflni^ a puppet . i_) T OJ 4 4_iX rf 05
ene that is pofsei'sed with an unclean spirit .
.OSL'- to make a puppet-show .
L^fTfrLD . the name of. * prime kind of paddy .
l_jirt_p t 'detolaie, waste . l_)T LpTLl3(f5K*O&/ ,
l5 # eaf , tenacious , niggardly , close-fisted . t_Sf
) be deiolae, to lie waste . ljt Lprtiff,$*08xJ , to
lay wast*. l_JTy5QcN5 , i_JT@9.(g, in vain , tono of c55<rarL0 ( i_5#i!rfa_)Tic_L0 1 i ) * "nrf^j,
-purpose. l_iTt-pt)> 5J l_J uT a'aii to turn to 'o be tenacious or stingy . t,S(-*ef Rgor 505'^5,
nothing. LJTup^sue.^SjiDS; i 'to ruin, to lav tenacious man, a miser . <fc *gi /. a base and covetous-'
traste . LJT LprgiNOLD . a barren ground. LJTLpfjj pei sou .
<1 , a weir whcicin there is no water, ujrr yj ' -5#<, gum. tJ #trr G ljtoS 5ffeSOS> , <e
TD T Oj ( .firm . UTLp m T F # ) a person vety be gummy, clingy, clammy , glutinous". i_j#0T5rrf# *.
much inclined to complain. l_lTUf><ilTUJ9n- S3/ ?@ . P:LDl_5l_il_i#W , gum if a certain tree.
Lft^ogi) ( d er (Jf; * *o ) t_5 ffr et es G 05 Li,
J"065J > to be unthankfiilly complaining .
ljtcvtlo , 1_1^?_. i a w<.dge, mafs, sow or 6^55 . to beg an adilition or bcot after having pais!
for tne commodity . 1_5@ , covetous one.
fig of metal .
i ) T tJOfT , the corer that encloses the blofsom of u3W95@ > an addition to the commodity sold .1_5> '
ocoaut palmyra - beetlcnut - and plantain - trees , etc . @u QLjn (S*J , to give an addition.
\J$mw&otbj , pssffrai Gut ft'jsgj, to
G05iir<KTLTt_DUT/WT^i 05_105 @L/>
knead , to mingle with the hand , to rub corn-ear in tkt
the coconut-tree b.gins to bt>ar fruit.
hand.. ltfaiJTjtfjLDiT , dough for bread.
I_IT J>yrvr LUSTRO T , a poligar .
LSFffr , iJjy , the gall , the bile . iS)Qr(?Ug&Bi) t_J T i/cvrOj L , a leaguer or camp i a suburb i\ a
poligir's seat. uJTiAVrujLDQ i_jT(g
6; , to i-SfSr&i&>CO<1V&\-jQLjiT F 5^ , the bile m over
pitch tbe camp ovhere . i_jt/V UJLo' .JQ TO flown .
uSFSSr , i_SLlffiiF , alms . ijF i F G 05 -Ll^
*.2 , to encamp , (_|T/Wr OJLt(Jrrra*u35ffi
^>> to camp somewhere . i_jTa>V' -(1^!-0 - , to beg alma. uS^aFG^Cb'^S-^SV to'
l3 ( UT'TS ) G11?8&; , the army has decamped . live ui>on alms . L-SFSafeB a^T.-Y: rar . a beggar .
LSfi" a fruit newly come foith from bloisonr
1lT.V i kind of /tel .
t-SSrGt-ITA^S/ . \JU-1&CBJ..
t_lT ff 0 i 05_ibl_IT 49
rock, a large stone.
UT Bi3DtL)t_ll_| 1. _LJi_) , (OJU i_lt_IT ffO) ib,
t_SsiTrf . ''
large round stone. i_jT4E> ^Ouffoor , Ike name oa. l3 i @ , the butt -end of a tool or weapon .
_/DOg5Sg5LJL5l T0@ , the butt- end of the pestle
i_jtzc* ;) . Ljrr/J-ws /os; .
or pounder. g;t_li_j 5|_)1_5| TU@ , the butt l_JTrBT05{J5LO , a mingled drink'.
end of a musket . rpTL-fuJuS i
the- bottoms!
t_lT<nrri_a , a drink . t_j rr flr l_0 |_J "tray 05 of a corn-measure put upside-down .
> ( GcfiToyryjlS g; ) to drink . u.' j i_l T t_Si LeS *DBD , to put gold or silver tr th; test
irraj, a sweet liquor, toddy ..G50"rfforuoi_jT,n'f to prpaie a medicine by melting or cnlcinating tS'
toddy of coconut-trees . RTS FFi_01_ITnrf , toddy of t ;
Q ljt (& 5; > to try ,
hie -trees ...

to examine , to put to the test -.

1_1/ , a pot . i_it/wbt F 4.L , pots and pant .
l_5li_rf , the nape, ths hindpatt of ' neck .
u3i_feBiui_j tJ 5 SJ > 0
5; , *
L(g>riJTV*rgy , i_5@ ( m o 6 < , bent , give ne a push in the nape. l5i fSfllULl i_ tt'
<Cfi(5eS^; , to break one's neck . eX t^S^T _5
trained ,' / bent bom .
t_535*p&> , L5FcTi_jG<-i'r(3*
gy , torend i iftfsuje; < g; 5; es G 3 * 1$
rheumatick distemper nas given .ne a stiffnei* in> theuck. iAi'n; in pieces .
L05@ . # 05 @ L3 0; @i , intricacy, perplexednefs , i_5i 3; T uu 41 . I|i 00 .
mbarajsmcnt , letting .stopping. i_S(ai_|i_iw221'czO uSf^ Seil, cleth.

rr rr fftrr (/. t_S i rrrP f#) xmr^of'tbe

2/, to entangle, to pester , to embroil . lJ0>05Tu5<T505

to be intricate. iJffi@85r#'2jgL;2>J the tribe of those that catch serpents.

i Si .,
li-St-O- , a grasp , an hand-ful 5 a catchj 1
Irfnricrance is removed .
an handle / thing . \J LJ>.
Li Lj SB) iL cfi' I T
to fail , to take* another turHi ; to get out of joint ; to G', 't r.or go,.hold fast . <5* 0;^95l- '
decline to one side. t_ff=Tg;, certain, not fail iJl-aUjrraJLjL.a0ie*ifi( , to seize upon one hj'
ing. l_3ic5TLJT/'a)iii OJ T UJ . with a stedfasi laying hands on him .
looks kJr&rrLOOO lJ5 t_. 05 tSfi; to- hold even . i_Si_a05*^D5J , \^LJi&&Q?'T<m<>v5tr!gj ,
quai. t-SF05TCOCrO05{gJ)f tfr&cotS) i to cot along to catch , to take . i_Sc_(l l_l(b<tDQJ , t<.. be caught .
the mark . 1-'^5< , without mifiing the way. (5tfK<j60aA7vTLji_Si_o.0i<e OB) , to f*wl,t catck1
, a failing, failure , mifsing, error. birds. ijC?n-LiLi05<JOSSJ, to fish . ffiCo QcNO
e05U-)l_jF05:o,5Tuj , undesignedly , by a stroke or dash S5 10- ; UJLJ ti i ft 5 ?) ' iTU 15 T rr , became with'
not intended . - LF0;@rJ/eTrrTLlJ , by an error. a stick in his hand. \-Subgj{&C8L) , i_5t-<p.5
-*<5L'<T;@LJi_5ei g; ( JTX5 ,- that is most certain . fwGfffTeWTM-Beit^os; to h.ild . FLoi_iovrg5
u_3 ff'JO . stref of weather , storm , tempest . uJf
Ge*3L.1a-ft<5K/05GtR1 YT *V5 * O J , to hedge
4j(5t?@5^ > blustering weather arises . ijffc/CS) in rfie from the wages . 0;<nxjl-5uo. l_il_ITllT50;
the door dashes against the other and does note
LJJ.^@5>, it is stormy or boisterous - weather .
l_5.f\3, the bunch upon the shoulder of seme bul shut. i7/<5i3yf5 05Te;LJljLi> l_Jl_JTUjGl- " *
to speak in one's favor, a^a 35 05 tri) *Tr
ir^fln-trfnri to mingle smwktf trilb the hand.J


kcrcdi- prince the succefsor . 1_14~ 65JS?@"l-'i[5

to suceid the late king , or any other in digni

ty .
i_c4,ryi; x>Blt
5S,' 35 s ({5
D$i) , i_i4 jiJoSg^ * O <5I to reign. i_j i
t /UgE5^v5, 1_ I Yk/Mey&Sy ' first lawful
wife ; the queen.. i_J4 Qffj'j, t_J4 Q5="fi i
the queen . S5;5 i /Oot , the king's chi.f ele ,phant. L_i4 rr i S ( l ^ \^ iSSij D 5x1 . to aneint or ciown . i_14 uQut . the title , or name of the
dignity . i_iu_oj CD9j -ir Q~ , those that arc of (he Roya!
family and apt to succeed once.
LJ4 '_a . a flying dragan mide of paper . 1 I U Iii
e^4_Lii(b'*^0^/- , ta make it fly.
, a low of gold-beads in a string , as gen0O- women wear.
I I u inr , a poet, a sing*r.
t_J4 TTvJ@ , f;st, fares. UK T!Kj@'LJ5t
tiiSi) , to rcli lies lor spoit s sake, to clutter about vain
things . i_j 4 T Til@ S T0 *dt , a vain chat
terer .
L-J4 TSWt._ . l_JI (> .
Teecf , a Muguhan ; a Moglian olrticr . i_JI
I. rrinnrfi I) [rnrawp , the Mu^uliau language.
L_l4_p. , loose, of a loose condition . >_j4_l _jQ w-iT
COYT , t. J4_9-0JTtij^'f *^05D \T , x> T iI
I-J4 9, a whore , a prastitu.e . l_j4_lUT aj T (*> S
/, Il4_.OJTU LDTUJ-tbtB^OS; . t have a loo
talk. t_|4_i.LD1 (S i a bullock cow that d .es mischief
the . L_l4_l.f)(2 Tt_pLO astable wlit r
mischievous cattle is kept till satisfaction is given,
tJ4_0_L_n ^-435 /c tfjj , to take a view of sucli dajnage. l_J4_n3'J-i(5a5E6^0i/, to take a fine for it.
from the owner of the cattie.
I1 4-0.3535 rr(g , a village in the woods , whose huts
arc situateJ .
i_M_l sort , lj -i Q Jtrf, the state of being without vifluals .
( ff R*^05; ) to be witho'.it viftuals . | |i
t_.iTwf Q^jT ICeftaS^Oi^ , to Stifter hunger .
t-jL_(3 , silk. l_h i-iijt eaixi, L-ji4 Tai
sUJc-cloth or garment . t_ji (5f8t^3lVi @ , a roll
nf silk-stuff. t_.t >35@() , silk fti.iges .
2/T3s3, raw silk J silk-thread .
@^_) u
, silk-stuffs and other rich things. Q^/Tiref
i_Jw_ (g , gunny .
l_JL_Si , the rind or bark of a tree ; a streak oi
Stripe. t_j out LD v_l L ) i , - a p.tlmyra spar , a
bar ef a palmyra tree .
51 _aT 35
to peel or tear ofF the bark of a tiee. t_j i .c< i_
i l_Q-(f2} T@&J , the bark is got loose from the
tree. Qg5TeBET_ii_il Oi , small gunny ffi-eor
SpuSt_|_iL_i , a streak of chinara on thew.dl.
(&LCLD03ir\-Jl 5)1^ , a red streak on the wall .
L_l i sS i gj (" 05 g "U # ( L , a polished
diamond .
t 1 1 St '.LlLO i a sword , a sabre. LJt <2>i 430}
>tQ rigy , to flourish a sword.. i_jt
fiW OJpT.ovQiTUi ^, to strike. er cut
ith a sword .
1_J| *Sl_lULO , a publick note of hand .
tIt Ql TirOO , magistrate's orders; royal pro
clamations , ediAs cadjan leaves whereon is writ.en what
every one has to recite upon the theatre .
t_lwrr, jewels. QljTjS3l_i $ , a trinket of
gfiU .
LJbstlD , a fanam i mnnty . LjeroT^g; T D .
CkJ.Rrr<S9aT^3 ). one that has money

Qff''e';* X<5J , to liy up money . t_j iJ5 j UJ.

, ( (3 oil i
2L> ) to coin fananis . <_j
aoeri_n_555jj'._it_i>-ff;Q e^>J err . one who is gi e jdjf
ifter money i_j ' J^^?F^05 (3 35 T ctyr "VJ fcS
, to buy f if veatly money
^ovtt iifii () 35 *
5 * -O 5; to grow
thick - branched , LjiZEgnm LD , a thick-branched ti .
Ljewtsf , a sei vice, work . i_j erof (p3 1 fj} , Utensils.
wnrk '.en's to..Is. l_i reofVj Q c_i i""' , a chamber- inaid
a lady's woman.
t-J lj eoof Q F tu
. lsheve ont . !__; fraf y fe >trr the town -barber . ujosf^T
35 ;or , a senaiit , a workman . t_jnof QF'U'JJ^ mr.a
servant to a low tribe , gr ive-ni^ger
traf s"lj ffi i ,
a seru.c. a work . t_ rr sa Q?il_tzv.
, to
sene Nt_j<Kajf Sj; 35^1 C^or, a ejv.oit .
L-ierof Si
g^l , to h m 'I one's self ; to worship.
35 > fDT^j u Cef rjj g.iQ^5.T wi Y5 $
, te
worship the Loi,I . l_i trf fjj il) or , one that i_.
humble . Lj<33sf 504 , hunulca. , humility. i_ieraroJ ,
beiow .
g^, to cover il tiling with a plat.- or ud.vl turnej topsy.uivy .
t_jTOfg5(iJ5 , the kit wledije liow to make or manage a
thing. i_ji5f F @ 'Qf T fi; -O &J . to direcb"lie how to inake a tiling . t_i OTt 35 , well,,
prudently, wifey , with Unowlcd^e. c_J ffret 35 35 T IU *
'"LoAt/ Ojcor, a go d cook. t_ieot(3v i 1 !
*5i vf &*&), to iit things up iba good order . 1 1
^@955/!>> , LJBfff 35350, a icaster-buildvr . 1 T i O i i . i i. i ecsf 35 f> "err , one who knows how
t mn age se t'ents . CCp !Qs ( 11 ewf9S
, a well-digger .
ujewjf (Fg inr , uwrfTTvjWT a> . UJewsf .
Ljerof"LO , fritters .
l_j ffcofai 52) i . l_jef .
LjtS?trt3T3j66OSJ , to grow tiiick - branched .
I_J ijcnscT uj l_0 , a recommence ; wages to a whore,
1_| , a service ; the fitnefs of a thing; i_i
QrujeS-COOy , to serve to be of service . uj OUST
u'icgj , i_iiwr22i/3'@,iiJ T
S; t0 6row
fit, to come in order, i_icisfrr^_i; n| iJCUD, aa
uncultivated land'. LjeaF'
uS L_l G'1 T^o 5i/ >_ O
become unt . LJffeT^gLULJ'iT^'eZl'.; , ti sing
well 1_)0)_0. fitnels . i_i>ar2!i.iIii(>*^OS^
l_|5trrSLD3?@OJT 3 , to grow fit. T I_J
1_1, the rope whereby the beam, of the plough is
fastened t the yoke ,
l_J I ffif IT /DO i t_l orvT I FT i/oO ,
stoi e-hou ve j a granary .
o , i iwrcri loi it I n , various things,
vefsels and utensils in an house, ^ .^i|| LD , eatabits .
t_jrarri T/TLQ , an he.tthtn monk or friar.
UJwi vrf , a cook in a ship .
L-j t_. 65 LO , the science of physick . 11 wT
l_9.g/wr, a physician.
UJ ewrr ( , t. 6BTSt_ antiquity .LJ^trr A L=a
Bu_i LjGi_1tC5>0 , as formerly,
i 1 * 6wjf V . i
LjeirT ojDy^jCOcS^ , to make. l_1 *of^ Q 0t T
(Pft.^D^ . to make something for some body . l_j f
6 >15^ to gee mide .
ami jottdt , tillage , agriculture . t_j /ottdt
S2ie~)U3;e?/Cic; , to K<-t people for tilling the land,
^rorjoxioTiirr rj &,% /*~>qj . to take caie for mnuruig. khc fiUd. 47^!5" thufe that are



cj i_j?5ieg;


LJ^fUfKCrO^Cf # , ten caams of rice.

employed for manuring the fields ; the head-men among
LJ^geoT, one that U fallen into vices.
the paniars . LJWOTifPVTiLjTJvr , apiow-nian.
I_j3)'_0t T\J@ , ten times.
L_i /outn u3 /OO ;
name vf a kit.henhlrb . , l_)Cs3i-JLJ<>'t;T2J'30'OT , Q6H.D 1_J tsttr
Lj>iy>aar , thiitein.
^DUU " i/crcroT , Jiffevent mus vf it, 13 >[_
LJ^ij . LJigisSi , an ambush . i_j $> sj5 <5
t_i oaarr /- , India;, jasmine . puit . Arvere Irtste de dix . Cgi; , LJ^ 1 HJiTH3<f5 56 QJ , t- lie in>
wait or in mbush , tolienpon the Un . i i^jSj
i i irar SB i_r> V . I i .
LJtTJ ^a^-O , i-.7/?-LJLJ<;;55 05 LO , a breast-plate 2)<11$*?5 { LJ'rar 21/ & -O th) ) to lay snares 5.
to wait fur one. LJpai Uj J luQ LJTOJijb (5
eamisued with pi ii us stones .
&C,8J , to go away in a mist , to steal away , rt^-^^orr li
lie>g;(g> . two marcib .
.113)60-) V . ?,>, rgjsoT .
LJtJrTvJ Eg. a number of tiles set in a rrw .
LJ5J 5.0^ , to make creep into a place .
i_lr'hj j}j> the half item of a palmyra-tiee , split in the
LjiijjTj L> 5j) , to sntak urtseen into a place . LJ 1
length .
Sj,"wSt_ILJ3i;'bj( TU T
. to come slyly. LJJ
LJjUI LC V . LJi ^^ .
8[T*QoJi G^DJJ , to al'safsinat* .
LJ 8j 3) LO T l_l 5).; LO .
l_J^i3iL0 , a puyptt . tiax/S jiUJ'T U_ (g jO'
I_i355> LC , mrekueis .
l_J;'_0, the proper tune, the tempering or "seasoning'.^ * ilJJsr , a puppet-player .
LJ43>9J35^38)J to pant, to throb or beat'. Qforp:
til i ni . l_je5LOl_l'l"Q*-3i( , to sing poem . LJjUJ
LJ T /}" * <fcii99j, to take a taste of meat, fc'r to see /ODLJAffiaSl); '" heart thtoiis .
L-l3)ff}<TiiGfK4 OJ'T, an nngr..tefuJ person .
whether it is properly done. U^lOTOjOJ LO. ft
fJ5j , to strain / v/ttttr from the boiltd rice in proper
t_JS'T L<n-(L<gjtf JO^L) to gne a note of haad. .
time. LJ^'S^LJuSffOTg; _<v? , a dish not well drelied .
LJBjg^r V . Ljidj .
LJfiajT , LJ O or , a bridegroom arlitisbandj
LJff, rrjEF>i_Ji3aoTT@ , steel t;o much hardened. LJ
of- vefi! or bout ,
g53r^Q3C4a>'fll^* -2C5L/ . to bring into a good way.
(_j 55 r U.ILO, a Uige safe chest , a spence, a buttery.
I iSCS^' SWCI toddy, received in a'pot daubed with
chunam . i_i5LfSffi^l; . LJ w, Lei 35 * ^o 5;, to Q5aNiCJ;LjL_l95g)TlU'_0 , a granary , a paddy-loft.
ff, tear crop r"LJ LjajSj TLULO , a reservoir tlf writer.
tune, to temper ;;o seasiu.
* LJ j , confidence in o>ie or in a thing; faith-I i S5 , LJ85^0, empty ears , husks , tare,
fuliy adlieiing to one; godli net's . Ljgajior , aclient,.
LJfiCrOLO V . LJ,g> .TTT...Q .
LJceVTO an earthen vefsel with a wide mouth . a f.iithful adherent; a pious man. ^Ojorar- 0
LJKi eternal bill's. |_J (g jS J4 > I fS5Ji to (LJLJ6t5 , .he is my trusty friend ; he trusts in
me. QjiiiLJ^ . faith in God, godlinef.
attain' to salvation .
LJ^^vveJj^; , to be overhasty . LJ^^S^Qfoj LJ0^, impiety. <nS>*erLjg>j , supeistition .
t^O^Jt to ovei hasten or precipitate a businels . LJ
LJ9J93 > the room betwixt pillars ; a column of writing j.
^v3i_jrr*LjT<n]T45rrrf LU'JD , a businefs done oveihastt- agaiden-bed. ^aj$LJSp3jLLl'TLLIT(t5;
IV. \-J(3);6> 95T if -> 35 # 5J > S; > a fhiinj don to make several celuinns in writing.
without precipitation will not be liable to miscarry ., Lj^j.uLO , diet prescribed t a sick person .LJS'
tlgO'ScK). t i 75 H , precipitation.
s3LULOL5Ljo, g5Ji>ei; . lj^Sjuj lo t u3 4
* LJ^WLO , LJgjCND , LJgWLO , circumspection, (fr) , LjeSjaJ^^TLjLjgK'-'S;. to ' one's self,
caution, surety. l_J3TT LO LJ onrt 22/ < .O , to to a piesciibed regimen. I_J #jU-J LO @>'_a5 [75 ^ gj^ F
LJSj0JLJi^'ffil=pXI'T;5J5i/ , the siclv has not kept
wake- sure, to keep sura .
l_J95ojr, the pro er temper or condition of a thing . LJ himself to theprtscribed diet . LJff'/^lJ^&^^i^'cyi
p;>T i unrrg'iilt'V gj, to fit or drefs a thin* as it ought jCC CFil to stop or finish tl.e pisciibed diet. Ls> a
to be. Q05 T/DOLjLJ5<f (s5 ^<rw*r , a leather - LJSJd^UJLD , 'he second course of diet, to De observed
after the ttiongest- cure .is over.
drcl'ser . LJSgJi-tgSBl-iOff c^ , a Iharp knife1 .
li^t^, infantry ; one who loft all ami runs away.
* ljSS^Tl, firmnefs can' ion , security 5 a bond .
* l.j> r^OLD , l_J9T /V) 5 g; , eNquisite iiajSTLO . LJjTtJS LjffTOf S2H(A3) , to. make
sure o firm, u 85 0* l T tu , c.iutiovsly , safely.
meats . .
* LjJ) , a lr rd , a chief , master ; an husband . Qg>
LjS5f>tf"T"l FLi , r/v taw plant.
FT^_!^, ^SLOLuaBjLj , the loid of acountiy. l-LJ^eof5, a eharle wife, ugii^f U_|i linJoYT"
Q9-jt._l^, a commander of an army . IJ 3J zjCW i/Ort" , I I853<"f LOr5ar , a child born in mat. .
l3 , the faithfulnels of a wife towards her husband . i_J65^fftrf33g<rarLe , chastity and honesty of married
LJ^fii 6Ca 4, , LJ$,rryfS 5j , achaste wife.
people .
LJ^ay, ten. 1_193^-^8^ * AD
LJ j , a town , one's liome . LJ^ffi <DT}5J
to corre home. QlCTI LJ^UJfJ* > the inhabitants SiJ , to pay the tithes . LJgjgQcrOTl-JTOltS > hC '
of paradise .
tenth part .
Ljaj'DeoOfi V. LJ O !d)tt .
. LJ & & *D
, to become imprinted or impreGed .
rjj ot3 U_ LJ dj 'bii'b @ , it is well printed or
LJ5a;LJLJjffrSjV <v: LJivetrj ,
ftamped . LDot>r&*Q AJLjdjtL'.' it made an impres LJ^r ^TW .
sion .. LJ TU 45 Or 4^) , LJeTXJJ^*-iO&/ .
\-JS)$i).s , it iisiifTicient,. ue^GLOT , is it enough i
to bend a low branch of a tree in the ground . and cover LJC5571JD LJ 5 85 T 3JJ '> r lu , not quite enough..
it with eaith for to take root. Ljj JJLO , a branch so ^)5;T0in- 95 (g LJ i_jg5g5TSjV, that is not enougbi >
laid in the g'und .
for me .
l_ld*3 ""S^oay , ti imprint, to innreis . LJ!$S)5)<?, 1
LJ053lU3LJ505TLlJ , truly ; dihgently , attentively .
- the imprefsiun of a hoik. \_j { ff) ifj SbOj 35 OBi) , LJSJffi/LOLJSiJTLIjeST SSU S/ , it seems to be
g^, to cnthase or $zt a precious ceKain .
statte in ola ,
Ugacaj, a piecesplit or broken off j splints, lj?


i_<59 -

asStojt (Sio$j ( oj * o ) ) to <t er

split a piece olf . LJ S0 95 - 4S> t ; g> l_l 5 P) 45
UJTLUtdB (fjLjQujTFfrS^ tlie bond is split in
pieces. L_lt55)g)(^i_)Ti (?>6;35l f * -<E> J 1 to
feure a broken Imtb by splints or bandages .
* LjrjjTLO > pans for orrying in them torches in fe
stival prticeisions . fTfJTf i_JLJ[5>LD , gJof uU[S)Lfl 1
(J^iU)' "15^B . ' ' JVn_lc_l[b'9> LO . different
Jiiiids cf such pans .
l_Jri55LL.'L , Ljr^iLlJli , the priz^e to be won,
the premium. Lj'Tj-SiigujLGuJTiS^Ogj , to ap
point prize for the winner. L_injB3JOJLXIfL-_Cb'(6-^3
5J , bet together , to lay a wager .
LJT55CnO , a:i additional reom made for a shade ,
.covered with matted leaves of coconut- trees , mat* , saiU
cloth etc. L_|f]5^>3QLjT(Se5 05 J , to make -an ad
ditional roam . 1_]5^51 (JeS^ofgj, to
plant the stives for il in the ground. i_j rg g lj tr t_j
J^J , the covering of it .
* LjrgJ) a company of guests sitting down to ent ; the
(Order in which horses are placed in a stable. 1_'[)$_151&.
OCF) ( ^J-D5SJ*cl ) to the guest, ;
:$jqiiFjOgi/ to Slt down to eat guests do . i_j[f)
.^&! , to sit with others at table , or at meal .
I I [5^^? @ I 1 1 i ft* i_T> T S6 j30 , to bring in meat.
:L_l5gii G1 @l5#(5c^6^!OS; , to get -vp from
the entertainment .
v_l[TJS7 a ball t0 ' wh i a clew of threrd or
yarn., a seditious confederation . l_l Tja^jj LU T
r(*iJS;, to play with a ball.
to tofs a ball .
UlTpfiDi'JJLD v . L_)r55'XlU3 .
L_i i_j Lj Off f
/DO ! a white-and red-checkered
^rfoth for a woman .
LJLC L_1TLD a top wherewith a boy plays. LJLDLJ
CXD iQ}$: G) , to play with i top . rf(fOJOnr l_i
I I '_0 1 TlTi
to vex one, to push one
10 -and fro . i_JLDL_ia-LO L_l T T (Jb' E 0 QJ , to
w.Hirl abeut like atop.

LJLDdSiLJRjirtX), an head of young hair standing out.

>6.50^/ ) to stitch or pina seam befoie it is sown.
.JLOLOCTO , l_JLi3LU3<J5>8){5JJCK> stitching .
iiLUffogsofL V . t_i'jjL .
* LjJsreTL , a voyage, a journey, l_i LU
4&AQeL),to make one's self ready for a .voyage . i_j uj
UDTuSflOSbSQgj.tobe ready for a voyage.
l_jU.'2rrLTjQLJ T3|y, LJ LU SSBf LO L_l f*r
*2Si$SOBjJ , to take* journey, to travel* ljuj^sst
UJTUJ6"iJT^D5i,; , to come from a voyage. LJLU'ra:"
L0Tiu.2ja'i_iMeS*?g;, l_i lu st lj l_t(J} 5 g;*
>/ >to senti one on a voyage . t_j uj @$ 5 < O *or ,
wayfaring man, a voyager, a pa'atnger.
LJLUrg^tS^.400^ , to fear.
+ LJLULO , fear, l_ij(Q5 n>B)ei)OBi) . LJLU
.^. -* *3y , to threaten. T_JUJLjL_.()*Og^ ,
l_jLU!_DfriiSc3?i;S51DS; , to fear. L_J LU L_lLjQ)c5SJ
, to frighten . LJLUTO^TLO , tembl , fright
ful. 8e Ol_i LU LO , -danger of being drowned. u5
Qj '_j LU LO , danger of meeting -with wild beasts.
LJUjOO , a boy . LJLUTOTOVr, one who is still
f>{ the iize of a bpy,
iilU-icy* graii) growing in coJs pease. LJLU^O
<d3"K/cBTUj , yreen pease. G^C-OljiU O/ , # O)
UJLU^VV , "n-o>S'_JLJLU^Q/ , rSS>\ LJ1ILU^JOv , 39
fv? i-lLJU.i/n> . l_|'cnr /VJljUJ vv 1 LjrSSFLJuJLU
V >
, dtjferev ofpease.

CJUJew , the signification .
LJU!?"/0JU!-O , folly, fooiiehnefs a madneii . LJIi'j
$ IU 35V Difn- ,a fool . l_Jii5LLJTG^'T*':rv5
^5^, to prow mad. jLj era.1 ffHV
11-|_0-5^^/|;({5; , he is mad . i_JUb">juji}
GgorffJi'SyLjGLJ'Tfffff S^, the madnefs has ltrt hirn ^
Lju3ffis;*/v;g> , ljl5^ 5j3
; , to inStroit , 10 persuade .
LJLrf , the chicken-pox .
LJLff, LJ#rf Q&cmtt i the name of a pot-herb*
port. Uiedo chao. O)3i l_iUJff , (g/jSStTLjLJliS
if , dtfjerM kinds of it .
Ljllb'J",ihe corn growing in the fie'ds . LJU2ff(5
86^05^ , to sow and plant . i-iiQrr ) sS
g^j ,
to make the agriculture go ou well . LJUjf" @ I-0-
I^Lif.Qe:Ji2>&i'friT/D*zr, a clown; a plough-man.
l_i IU 'i" * # ci^J , agriculture-cxper.ces . LJ L T
&8i). to grow , to thine; ( is said niilb re^ni d to all
kinds cf vegetables , corn , plants and trees . ) i_j L d"T
0^} i to make grow. i_JLL5<3"gG TySc4 , agri,
culture, husbandly. rgj i^jL-Ui o~ corn newly
planted . u F ) f G 3j 'T i v. - . ct>rn that
begin, to look green.
/OVT lj ^5 i_l uSr , coin
grown so. high as to require weeding .
A*i ear
lju5/J", corn (rown up.
L/J" , corn which is near to -put toitli ears . ;9>'5"1_?'
corn that ears . LJfTcTsDffJ (Pljlj." , irrcjOfS
454; T US 15 > t / L_l t T , Oin the SLOStance of
whose eaj-s is still like milk,
LJliS'Jv , a cant , a canting language . UliScx^QuI
5&* , iinojfreiFG^'T^S'^^S' 10 U9
a language not to be U' rcr toi d by every one . LJLOO
Gt_jrr(t,'e ^OQJ, to whistle. LJ u3 3vj 6S T 4_LJ2J 45>y>
^^ , lo call ene by whistling .
UiiG0"r ^ ^_ *U55; , it frightens
me to the very heart, u UJ G ^ '^JO'USl'T
ifU-ljj.;, it catches fiie. it gets inflamed.
LJLUUJJCT, a boy .
, to grow extensive . 4 /Q; iT [55/
B) , the i ivcr is run over it's banks .
iiCraF, a crowd of peo-Ie going or coming.
l_i(T<rosf , a little box for jewels etc,
L-:Tssbi (ggAnffjj V . LJ^ BBTfJJiiYD^ .
* l_l 5 T l_l LO , pity, compafsion; an anxious
desire. LJO'^TeJi^LJ.iS *OSiJ , LJ(T^lS^*j305;,
lo have pity ; to be anxious .
L-JCr65# V . i_j.XLD .
L-iT<g{Bj{5 , the name of shrub; a whore. QflO
LJ0"5)g . f UUT gS^LJy; .
LJ T LJ ( LJ L-l , creeping , crawling ; hasting with per
turbation. LJiTLJTG^<5tT-^T0vB)8L' something
is crawling upon my body.
i_J0-LjLJSg;LULO , dealings an accounts with one
another ; mgociaticn concerning utoriey or traeaffairs .
LJ(rL.ll_|(f? *OIJ , to spread or expand to lay on.
the ground in order .
(ljtlolo) Ljo"LeT55;LO ld , a great soul,
a saint. i_iTLSCr0;#tULO , an heavenly mystery. i_iC LO
heavenly blifs .
- i_jg-LDTiDSu3 , simplicity . UCLT SgW ,
a simpleton.
LJ/TLJ . foreign : the other world , the heaven. U
rrQffi&LQ ' a foreign country. i_i rj- Q Q <__ rr
05ix), ' travel abroad UTQ^fi a stranger , a pefseneir , a pilgrim. uTffT^ , another tribe . t_j(T/\)5
, anUllier man's wife . ljt jr 07J tf LULO # a fousig



*e'i| kingdom . ('75'-01_1> > *his world and the

LJff i a present .
Ljrf . Ljrf && j , \-irresr .
-other wurld . L ja~9}Q>g.2JSl .40 gL to go to
heaven. U'TL3"ti xjOlD . UTQo^TffiL., the Ljrf udf . a shield , a buckler, LJ rf 3s 35 85 T * ,
leaven. ljtQcJS. LJTLXfTirTrj^LiJ ,heavenly bttl's. one that carries a shield .
LJiXSJSQFTEJ)-, the heavenly light. 1_|< ) LO
LJffyQpi LO . toul deduction } m construction
JZsQJ , to be elevated to ccstacy, to be enraptured *r trans with a negative it indicates a total denying or refuting . l_l
ported with an uncommon dereeof joy. _2j 5J T *<rr 3S (gs rf frQffiLOLJiBOT Sfitt^e *0, ujrf F|3 B= 5 LO t g
Qlo*,uj _ Tj?_; Tu5(rf>@; i I am great want -8ljC;1tTffie6Ogy ito destroy utterly, to annihilate,
and desire-of-it. i_irj
g> Q ? rr oo
to give l_irfs:Cff:5LDTUji_j(3LJTiJce5J , to become entirely
g/cat hopes . i_lTfO$>0> W G ? S
to destroyed . Ljrf B=5-<gLOL0f"( Qt Qearetrr^itrr*
change tue place or abode out of superstition .
he utterly refused to do it , he would by no means. lJ
l_j <T LD lji_0- ffi 66
gL> , to level the ground by rtvQvg) LOnruJC5T3trr^4'_jLji_o. Gftjou
bairo'wing er rolling . ljtldi_j an harrow ; a roller . Q&erjO, it is most certain that I have not said so.
LJff0_F <V . LJtf LLStF .
LJTLOUSS DJ. to spread or cxtond itself fur and
lrf^cr , the hilt or handle of a sword .
L_|ifl_LO)F, a proof, a trial, an experiment. LJff Li.
Kvide . i._cr_Oi_Sth eS JO^i i to spread rumorttc .
i_jt3" , other* ; foreigners. , (('| D LO goods tSFUTttf ^3D/ f to try , to sift , to examine .
-bdoniJing -to utter people.
fPSjfLJLD . l_lff"{grr L-ILD.
i_jr gjTffsr lo , a present given for corrupting one.
_ LJCTS^fS" > the name of a tribe of people .
Ljrf ^TearLOiOJ'TrR/jiDfDier , LJ rf ><- 35 35 T
* LjTeOJdOft; . ljTs^lj \-iT OZ) , to spread aqovt , one ' that takes presents, one that suffers himself
r extend itself ? water t or at a rumor doet .
to be bribed.
I_j0"eor , -God .
i I cf* njTLOLO , a great name-; prosperity . LJP
1_>> QLX)U>. strenuousnefj , bravery , ttoutnefs. rTLD9)0)g5G ^\1_5->;6.5> i to live by one'-*
JL-lTTtfiiALULr-rr oS , i_j'rTK*^OLDwr , an hero. great name &. patronage .
-LJCfLJ3i@DL0 , l_l if l_J 3i
2 ii' 5 >
t-JT'T *JOL5*85 003 , to fight valiantly .
LJT/TS;@ , inattentiveneU j carclefs gaping , looking very good opportunity .
shout without minding the businefs . | Ljrf 1_JT LO . LjrfLjrroOLO conservation,
LJCT'r^^LOT^^S^DS; . to be augmentation , protection . LJff i_n coeur lo lj "ctt
inattentive, carelefs, neglectful, i >rr ir(Tj1g=,i r.i ievtn*&r>> togx, eSCgj , to conserve , to promote , to piotef. iTTLl.
*t0$), to do as if -one. did not hear. lJO" T35(ff>lI #aji_Jff l_lTOoetTLOLjnr5T21/t> ^OgL*, to reign well,
LJ T rf B)5ilfFQ'* rraoa-j LJ^ tf .0 > -to look a- #10. H__ I I rf i^JTOOOCT LD , the act of prstoflmg and
bout witliout minding the businefs. u !T T fflSJO favouring gtod people. Ljrf Ljrro^SKf6iS^ , to bes
well-stocked, to thrive, t be in a good way ^ to proteft.
COTLO JO . carefully , attentively
irft-Jb.Otrcrr LD i l_irf t-fjT owTLO , abundance,
t-JTHfiUi-O., well known , rumoured , divulged .
l_l<nr{?JJi-J< LJ<5" , a well known name .
plenty , affluenee .
LJO-rrLJCre^" , i_JTrrLja"JiA>3>5j > God Almigh
Ljrf LDOYTLO i a good scent, fragraney. Ljrf lD
CVTeTcTSiScJ'-C , a very sweet scent. LJffLDOYTfXI O
ty , the supreme being . . .
LD i sheets , perfumes , fragrant herbs , flowers etc .Lj
LJTTLDrf ^65^05^ , to take care of; to support,
to maiHtain j to examine. t_irrrr Lorf gyellT'K/ 5S ; rfLO^YTgjuS JCLD , an odoriferous ointment
_ , to sure
spread itself like a perfume ,
Qj , to seek and purchase UTTiI rf i_i i_j , LJtTT I Ljrf Lsavf ff*OS/,
Ljrf LOT jCCv$09i) . to di-tribute the meal-portions
L3ff 3^?* care .
to ha^ businefs ( or dealings ) here and there .
t_JTT$535LC u . 1_1@.
(t_irf ujrj3,L0iuntil.) UTotSTijff UJtKjLO, untildeath.
I |lf , an horse .
t_jf cRraf &6OSyv . Ljrf ffeeaf ^* A5S5^ .
L_irf JJLO t . t_irfTLO .
L_|fffrf 35*^57) LJlf eiTTLCllo'eTerj/iS *Oi) ,
Ljrf iliTF L9 , jeer, jest, joke , raillery , mockery.
to blot out , to abolish , to take away , cute ; to Ljrf aj ffLD-LJ *rr2/ DIfJ to sport, to jest; to scoff
clear one's self of an aspersion. i_i rf gs rr TT LS , blotting at one . t_jrf il)T*<Fobt, i^/fLLi'T? BViT . jester,
a mocker, urf -^! quibbles , puns,
eut a cure . v . i iff lUTTLD .
equivocations . LJff UjrrtFLJLJU , a e< rer a mimic
t_jrf fBT.FUJ Ol . l_Jff ILIT^LC .
Urftg/joei . LJff t_Jffr*^Cg; , to vindicate, to orone that ridicules another by a burlesque imitation .
Ljrf LUTTLO > 'he science of physick , surgery.
speak in one's defence .
i i rf, /)q-,. ru un-gg);< A^gj , to destroy, to lay \ |if i m ~1 rn i -wi gpgyrti ^/ . tobe a physician, te
cuie diseases ^ U-lTtTLbUTfl"
*astt .
L_irf 3-ewrf 95*^5; , to speak softly for to appease &Q'%)t to have one in the cute. l_j rf LU T TT 9s
#3nj<TX( , a physician's fee . . | iff LUTff , a physician .
one's an^er, to speak very politely.
LjrfFLO , Ljrf lulo . what the bridegroom gives to
LJ rf
LO ! a certain head-Lund for mouinirtg .
the parents of the bride. L_irf TLOGiLcTreS^Og^ . to LJ "jJ ( LO , a body f troops.
contrict about the sum ta be paid to the ftituie father
lj ff Qcu9. LD , Ljrf Q ojt LD , circle
in law . Ljif -cQ lj rr 5 nj eS o SJ-o to age about the sun .
LJ({5 , , a betch . a swelling boil, an imposthume .
about it. LJf f UjQL-n Qt&23i> i to pay it.

EF<stn"LD , the whole people .

LJ^Ljt-irCLJLJl ; ( ^'tt^LDi^^C^ ) I have
i_jrf# ?fei.<v,gj . L_jrf #6jc;y ftck:i*:30 , got a boil . L..G LJL_t@ 3>(g5 ' 'Jfr 4f @ 5^ ) ine
boil ripens , grows ioh . i_j(rf><_S3l ^SOxtlfi) . the
i_irfgr5UD , holy. t_l rf 3f * CCBi) , ntpostkume i hioke .
Ljrf ffrtJcjLDLJWirreia'eS ^S; to make fioly , to keep
i_j5^*os; , it!3c5fl5;L_iC3LjT . , to grow
lioly , to hallow , to ' clify . i_j 3i ^ <" > LJffefrS ithick . t_Jej5L0LD LOrSBUJ LJ5L0 TO i thick , fat,
-*1 ear, I iff fctgFfjQS uvroYTill T , an holy one. |

corpulent. LJ (5 u> car , a fat man . l_) <2>U5LJL_Q- UJrriJJLJoS{Fi@LQ , one will gire one thousand.
HlTrjy , coarse, grofs . 1 i(TFi m 11 9 n ithiQxi i
L_lcrSS5 33t-0 fruit .emolument .
LjPpjcS^ffi; ( lj opjCfebS
s; ) LjO5*fUT S3
13&(6~11SOO i a. work very slightly done L_i<ff>LOi_5
LO- , a g Mid band full . Lj(ngi_OL_Si_.ujTiij<^tr5i_5 5J , to be fruitful and multiply', to in:rea>e by propaga
t_0-J4 wovfaiGesT^T take a geJ hand
"-"( tion .
i_lOs393*eBf , a window r t_j JE wrf Oi T [F
, a
U>i_Sl_Q.LUTLUiU T W 85 SO 5J > to take too much .
*-'5'P55^ 'arge pearls j thick grains , LJ^'TtJ^OO grated or latticed dorr .
opj , a large 'tone.. t_j<TF>LOi-JLpLO a large fruit,
L_lOO 00 fT@t- , a tablet fer a certain hitJefgerne .
* LJ CTO JvOffU , word* repeated every now and
1_1(5**5 a grain of boiled rice . l_j 5 Jj c S
then in a song .
gravel, pebble-itooe .
L_t5(fi- , thick .
a palankeen . U'MNTffigffi *5u QuT*, 5.1,
l105$ the sun .
u$^ , Ljg$^i_jt_if5w, cotton. Lj^g^y t_l3030T^eiQ .70G L_irr^C.S; , to go in a palankeen*.
i_) T OO T 95(g) ViTifi'Or , a palankeen -buy . rl-j
GfU). , the cotton-shrub . (_j59>S 05 Q 5 T i
<ai 1 the seeds sticking in the coito.1 . Q U rr '_) (JlICTOaoe; , a low litter , a dooly ,
LjOOcxS alizard .
45?)> GP<-ifSe>$, Ti ft'i_JLJ(f55$ . Slo
t-i5?>$. fcbi-Ji-'S^ > 5Tor't_iLj(f55 '/fr
un20 , a tooth . i_i:joe/rK><rfr'vTf c jfiiog;*.
cleanse the teerh . LJOoeVjC ^ReiTi (eS^ . ta
en/ kmdt of tttteu-thrabs .
l-j515J-i hawk. Qfixi_i54; f-G^S laugh at , LJ045/T>Otfie;rr4-9-{G fF Tr(S'rf %^) , to g* idly up ami eiown . i_ltroi/oO5
t *er . i |^> ti 1^5*3555^ . the kia^kisn hawk
B iVj
L-ICjUJ'-i , a kernel j pease. Ui5U4S95S# . 0/$ , to gape. U3VJC-1 L_l u5'(5
5; , to draw out a tooth . L_ICN3<rCV;'as(gf5SV*-'r'S/i
pease -uorriclgc .
to pick the teeth. L-iPO.>s>*g33 65- sS , a routh-picx .*
ljqj'-olo V . LJje^e^os; .
LJ JO Jt ( 3- 9; i r< ?F> 68 .O jj , to cra^h or gnash *vith
l_j 5 LOCO , a lail-yard.
the teeth . L_/oN3oo?5g5Ljj. SLlLJLjrr/';*/
ljqloljljQ, . L_it2) es eS-oey .
n i m
l_j^50Jljd , the fit season, the season of ripenefs to look- ircfully . b w
t-ICD^G3^ G 9 XUeO gy, to do a tiling iiisea- Li oo) i uoelean teeth. r^3;@LJLjo\3SO<rr , one?-anjble time . t_j(fai(_DfrcrcrrG' ITT , a youna wo who has a. snaggy tooth . LJ / *U c5 , LJOv3
CN3) , an
man that is marriageable. i_JgiD{(> Q *o lS cyt G^TOJ 1 tooth-ache . l>>SFe /yj t_i
Jt/ovrGt->2J490L> i t0 bring forth a child at the aching tooth . t__;OCK>jV)JOOoT , sore-gums . uoo
52LOLJ(Qd^LOTUj(^3;a6^#j^' , a wall where.proper time'.
t_J5)>U70LJCO U.^t-JOO , many , manifold ofsome bricks stand out tor tobe joined to another wall,
Several. LJO\3Fj T OO LO , often, frequently. L_IO\D {.fem. LjooeS ) one who has large teeth.
If-jr >)LC , sometimes. LJOvaff LCLJTTLO , sstices LOY I 0)l_ll_l 302fU b*oad te;th . jy rf # l_l UtC^O
U >OT5TI_LG':,JI-l t chronicle , the "annals . i_J
1 small white teeth. Qf-T^&^LJ lj o 0)
, the jaw
i m a>i , an afsembly of judges of almost every rotten teeth. i*i fXITUJLJLJ gc
tribe, ux) ff I FTffi
, tundiy commodities. i_j teeth , the grinders .
l_lUyLO, coral. LJULpiJ^^LJLJuS ft
OLJ 7s?^"f9r , divers sorts .
^ , to adjust coral-bctea f*r a stiing . LJiULpeSfur
i_l jsobie^O , cowries, used in some places of India o>S , // name ef bird; kind f shrew-mouse . ljj!'
t_pLOC3s3o5S > the- / tree bearing oderiferoier
in lieu of small coin .
LJCNJtBa-rXLa LJJOTeBTCnjD , the desert , th floviert .
\-AOi0 iflVKrr , LJ Fit CO enf LS , the foil,
Irait .
moon .
LJ30efO\)LO , the time for getting fruit* .
L_lOJtrr5irTUj i the fundament .
UXieSi aboard , a plank . lj jf> S> ID -2J
Ljmmrf f LJ<0-|ewf .
, to saw a board.
UJOuQo<isrQ;4LjE6iagj, to fall down in
LjeSeffr i a rank, a file. LJcSitPf OJKt**j
jreat plenty ns the It11 of trees tie .
toset in array. |_149^ *0&* , testant]
UMUTffiLCj a premium , a present, a recompence ; in rank* or files .
1_1<|(5$> T LO , LJ OOJ yfj-ty uj , a fiatula in the
ttpeiief* . _
LJ-'vcUJLj'.r , i *fl #/ //> xen fin* v/rite uith . fundament.
English pound.
LJtfX|TOf i_IT^QS5J ( OTT 5|, L)*UU(J
&DBi) ) to go in procrjsiiin rouada pagoda .
UCJno4" , many, divers.
LJ51JOJ65t5TUJ . by tens .
1_JCK3 ) , and some, others, et cetera .
t-JLp.i05J , LJ Lp < G 93 T evr Vj *
l_l<Jv)etn* , the. fruit , profit, emolument , the produit
f a field etc.} the reward. t_j j>3uuGi_jtlo , it ( Ct-lT^Eg/ ) to become u>ed Co a thing . LjyD '
vrill yitld a prefit. \~10om/&@'bGimT($&>i D etrrOJ*rr , une who is accustomed to a thing.
LJi_p35^LD , the castora, habit , 0 , praftice j th*
) , to give upon interest, lj \1_|(05 , l_i
aft of conversing with one another .
to be profitable . l_io^^tTlo , \><5 U).
LJtjpe;>f LL) . LJLpLO .
4tJwOLJT{J5LD . above .
LjypeseSiJDey , LJLpai*iCS ^ * V f , LjLpBS
eSLjGLJT(5s6 .*oej, to accustom , toute or inure net|_JCK3TL0?rLO . UTOTLOiTL* .
a thing .
LJoSi*. Gl10S .
\-loS&&!DfSJ, to take effeft , to turn ti ycerf #r iu7
LjyJir, LJLpLO, old , stale. L_ILpL0G1-l'T'eYr.
i give, to produce. jjiiy53)LOLJo>SaJTG5QLjrrr an ancient thing ._ i_il-pG1-rrtf > a" *5 eying , a <
g; the physick proved meffeftual . XvT^4u3ff'4f"overb , LjLpigQy/rV boileU lit* keut over night


:5Vir beikfast . )# i u y) 5<raf( an LJtniTAiiWLUL i a dish for meat .
old c'oth or clout . LJLJSSaSY) , an old house . L_ILp
L_iOYT>CVi".iJT(5 * goat ef * fav i/ad .
'T LUQliTJOgj , gruw old, sule.
LJ JOU^Off to " > t0 run imbly. Ul JK^GljT
^/ , to fly away to run .quick. t_i OtJ)3ilS1iT, come
.X>f5J > to put out of ta.-.hion , to abolish.
l_l LO . a ripe fruit. LaLpifrr ID , a fruit almost with speed . LJD'552/OOjCgJ, to be full of busineft.
ripe .
iI JD(fc.l_O.v.JOy . to drive violently away
l_JLPf-. antiquity . l_IL/5t-OU!)_O2 LJ F 6f , S/TOVT, the.flyir.gdost. LJBU. _) jSDBSKftOYT.,
ancient I inguage . l_) S3 LO 5 AAV i_) Q LJ # 0j' Iiirds.wiiijjed creatures, CU-lLfJ, haste, celerity . tfXILU
VQ + T"raTLJ^(f5g-.eS^c
j to speak about things of ^ ^0>L_lt_j ^DLjJQao^ff * seek the means of
'former times .
living (-er //if nectfsariet of life) with great laboi and paios.
LJUPirf , Iht of a town famous far iiohtry .
l_jyS , vengeance , revenge the guilt deserving ven - ?,rr^ ) an Indian portuguese person . i_J.9 "/ ( g
-jeance . .LJyi'ajTLUOjnjIi/g,/ , an evil fallen upon one 35TUJ , a gourd , a pomIon . i_j_okis6l_ilji Si
by -God's -vengeance . ljl^Ql-IT &J , to put China -root. l_j >171_11in"ijLTraTL W. t_l T
the guilt of a crime upon ene . l_lL08rL33366.O/ , _Q_ X WT L .
to suffer .for .the crime committed . ' l^OlT^y UDl 5>L_3 , wild cole .
rey, i_iys^^-jLjyiojTftS^DSJ., lj
/F 5
LjJi iSi gfi/oO, a thin-haired heatt..
' i CO wrf . LjTeoaf .
>&/9SQ35T3vt*\3 )^, to atenge , to take vengeance.
._lt_^Gg5Tft3ii)S;, to suffer vengeance. i_it_f_wr
1_1^0, a shelf to place sticks upon itere.
Qi-Doi'3S@5; . tl,e g"''c d**trving vengeance i& i_|/yOB*r(}* v. 1_|<)1()6^; .
upon you. Qcr^gH-JUJl^.i blood-guiitincl's .
LJ'-D4*^QS^, to flog .
LJ^SiU 1/. .L_IJ035*.A3; ,
t_iup'g;i5y , to scold , to revile , to injure , to abuse. t_jySLJt_| , u_iyyFQFT743 i abusive language . L_lP<wT(SOS/ i o scratch one's serf' with the
nails. LJ^>ri_0-GK,re,j*OS-' to ecratcfe
I1@ . a ladder-step ; a rib,
_|( 35J3^; , ljQs-'ljGi-jt o-g; ,to grow another body's skin .
-ripe.. i_j@g>5tr5Bjrt!>5; , ro be. ripe . t_l@B0)
\-iX i a little basket which fishermen , being a-fishing,
(SiCxl^k^^O^j , to lay m itrttvi to ripen. 1_| ( { put fishes in.
s . t_i_A3e;g ^; .
t_p LD , a ripe fruit ; a very old person . i_i
UJ^eSOBil. to get loose, to slip out, to go off.iiiinx
@59i;i_lC5t_lTn-L-!tT5 , a ripe b->il . T our 05 (g
5 4 0" ^ 57 i_l L_l Q 5gj , I am grown old . arrow shot from a bow , ui out p/ /te -mtutk {
0 3?5?8.(* .O)J , to teast or roast a thing till to be dispelled. \^rpgy(2i_rrZ)(2LCmm!&ia{r ,
It is done enough .
clouds that are dispelled. 051 etn-.l_j_aJiLt{Joo&rriO,
>(Q*5J a -fault , defect , blemish ; damage . L.lQ the debt is not come in from the debtor .
LULO. corn that is damajea.
to take violently away , to rob 1 to pluck ott . 1 1 *ig
it_jQg SO ~ eueer , a man without blemish. -.ffi
iS,l LJLJ'QSJLjT^gjeS .iOLf , to repair the house. ffiygsG^Tewrri lst(5i a bullock, that broke loose
t_l (Q OTr , a rope twisted of straw ) a snake . LJ(u^ from the yoke. <_J J Q 3j T(SsG53"r 1 nave beee
&'fyt &tQ6) t to twist a rope of straw.
robbed, i )_( 14 Q T 1
i , a fort taken.
LJ(yJl_iL_lTre5j , l_j@t_il_|ewi i Trrff)J , i i / rr - , a robber, an highway-man. LOdOTTLJ
<@_ii_jeBi <JP'SSJ > what is withering, fading, da -0&>}6 , to dig an hol, 3)/11< CT LD Ul
maged .
f ^5*4 , -to dig for laying the foundation . r<Tffi
@1__|-49;5 JC; . to get goods ashore .
LJByJUJ , LJ&LpujgT U3tf53>l^0 i old . t_J' i / oiym , a mount .
LjSjSO , a measure for cbunam .
<fi)ix>ujLji_0. , LJi& as forLJSdO , an oblung kind ef a drum . 1_J *Bj30
. LJSupLUfli/ , boiled lice kept over night.
. f
l_|OYTl_10VT LJ1_JTI 5^*^57, to shine, to glitter.. C3t_lTJ055J , L_ififfii20^SJOL * /
t_) JYXT #i 35 Ljeror(jUieyrT^ 5>0Yr , fruits etc. publish by torn torn- beating . I Iff1 tl ' P 05 * ^
LJOyf-'K/.g-, cristal .
57 , to beat torn torn .
1_15)40 (/im. uffi)# ) one of the low tribe
i_i9vf rprL_n_i3f (31-1 -es os,' > to
peak with strength & energy,
of Malabar people. uffliOFiJf , a-Parriar-vilrage.
LJovf Qtot n/rfjQl ? g; , to fall with a noise . i_l JO G LO ^ LD i the drum which the Pari iar-peoUcryf G < '.' i-J8rS>/
to-$peak overhastily. ple have among them . LJJOUJl1^5557 , UJ2>JLJ
Il(T5(5S7. the blackish hawk.
LjovravrSTffi a valley.
L.JJ20S5T , a bridegroom, an husband.
l_J JVT ovT LD , a depth ; an hole in the road , or in the
l_iJOLJLO . medicinal powder .
urfee of a rhing . l_j OVT OYT U3 *
LJJOiICR) -. t-J.
OtfJ , todig deep. QLOft'LOLjOYrovT <llot owrgy,
l_lOLXHTT 05U3 > an hyacinth.
neveu, unlevel., roogh. (J-K;(ga3Ai<f@.'XiLJ0Yr OTfTLD
i_jjo aietog;, i_j 7_<3g5GaS'rtwrV5*JOS;-*
*Q[5^5St^'f LO M brals- pot , whereon
here ana there are little spots deeper than the rest . to take, to lay hold, to apprehend . LJJO JQ/g5CO , love ,
Ljovravrd" (/* L-J ovr oYT 5^ g; ovr ) a low tribe confidence. G5(lI-JMIlu_L20-A?esG9>'1 **,rT'GL
rf lu57 , the fire takes flame . t_jJO JOffiOJ 93 * JO
of parriari in the southern country .
L_l crvT O/f ( Jem . LJOVT Orf f# ) LJOYT OYf F F > , ., to kindle a fire \ to stir one up by a secret notice
-1_J0VT civf 6>{fa-4_LS , people ef a certain trite.
, given him . \ &j LJ e*> O SJOO , it does net
Ljovroiff , an apartment a.mosque j a school ..LJoYT adhere or stick to | the color doe-, not take hold , e5i ew
Vf LU ) JO , a bed-chamber . Ljoyrorf G^rroYT V5 1 i i an *fiQtsar*vr , I have taken up money . Q fJUI
, .to sleep . Ljsyrovf 05 Fs- I LD i a schoel ] 57t_lTLDLj/!0^0eG T *T G ' > 1 have
received twenty fanams.. OJ!TLJL_IJO^!b39SG0iTOVr
J-KlrOiff l_Jl_Jfri LO , a schoel-lcfton ,
43. a

*V5*-^5A to leceivc - cr moneyi to take charge of it. ; eSTUJ, it's fruit. u5t_IUIT3500, G^11* *->15*,
SSIIS)! the articles which a debtor has received Q35'rLiU|'.-ji_jT330O > different kinds of that plant
from his creditor . ( iUT6^L| , the article* which a rgT iUi_JT35CTO , another kind serving for phys'uk .
creditor has received of his debtor , <r rn account of l_it35Jot , a.waggouer.a ci achnian. (85l)CrL_iUlT
biidebtor. ) i_io !ief;Qg5nrreTi rrQj^os; (
95 , a groom or horse - keeper .
&i fl5 SO 5; ) to. bocbt of being to bring , l_iT@ > . LIT ,
about the thing intended. i i,/v"> im <5 3; ,
UT(g , 35(i5i_lUJ 4_t Ul U.T , the suggar ofthe supporter of a lever or swing . i_j SOSCU& Q&TO, palmyra - trees..
the pule or staff which he that stands upon the lever ulies UIX&B, a turband .
huid of. U3 0TQTLJL-I ^1/ je, confidemein one. U&| L-I.T'35* lu !-D happinefs , prosperity . t_) T 5 *
TUTUU', "Ug^rUTOj , the touch-hole of a gun.' , < r|
jjiiTJer (Jem . l_l 5 LU il > , )
35 )J , to hold . l_J 9 jvS (J' one i> hapuy .
(yj fiS-Coea; , to draw . LJiO^ib'i-lGujiT^Og;,
i_)T4?@ , a beetle-nut . 1_1?/34_9- F scisar
ta aur. at thing, to puisne. t_b' jst l_l CO &H & for cutting beetle-nuts . fj@ *~il_ (S*

SJ . to imitate . UI^^UL-9t#>C0^
to cut a iieetlc-njit . u r jf5 fT , J thin cut ot
(b'EfcOgj) to daub the forehead or. bjdy with medici- a beetle-nut. l_l ^ @Q6^J 5 . beet!e-ntit an
tial stuff.
bretle . LJ T 33 .?- , beetle . J>) Js; @ i-J T ?S (05 v .
LJ,*0 CCuLD , it is sufficieiit v.. ui555)JLjD .
-2J*o@ . 35^ 1_|J_JT35@ , beetle-nut bo,le4 when-.,
Ui -'0rrf35T'JJ, LIWLDl-li SI ,ctc. ', LJdVffBT", tender.
i_rf-, the dew. t_jrf ljQljull^/ , there fallt IITTi35"rar iIT T>, a young man and a young,
dew. Ljrcf Gifon Q$ , very much dew. i(yi_if , woman that are mirried together .
a mist, a fog. L-iercf^,Q(^^j, theie is a mist.
i irrrKil^i mro,-ireg <vi 5^ ( t_)rrrnjf tf&s"U35 *
) to make </nj properly . ljT'K/'S'TUJ ! well
swollen oa the hind-part of the scull.
properly ,.as it should be. i_j ; g; rr e*rj~gr: /J- , a townuiTfrrm(g, twelve-.
.Jci/BT , i_i/6Trr uOTLO , a palmyra-tree . UIWOJ that has good fields and sufficient water. "J - ll
Gaj r Ul l_| i a grove of palmyra - trees-. l_i 7 LJ T 35 T U.I , according to the fa-hian of the Wurugas.
f> dj iroo , palmyra-leaves , cadjan - leaves. i_i/ocrr people. iilQ^Lpiil1@. the stile, the censti uclion
Lfli *&' ! a branch of a palmyra-tree. ujeorrRj^; of wrtidj .
053: young palmyra - trees . LJoornjT/' , coir of L_ITffrLB-l_ITF953;LUia' , a cord , a suare. y,FT
palm> ra-branches . i_ieTT35Lu.V $ ropes made of it. LJTFLIi ,. the snare of concupiscence .
LJ TJ33TlU, UleTTLDLJLpLO, QffiffiTiil, fruit UTffTW, the aft of difsembling, feigning, counter
of palmyra-trees . Li sot j e* -fB 35 > fruit of them feiting. UTFTTO(jt_ircaTiS2U<i (2)1).#"&}*
somewhat boiled . uJ iOTTi/ 35 VT Jvt; , U'^l^f TiD Ql-ItQ&ad&)) to pretend to be sick . i_lTFT'TV/35T
tod/ of palmyra-tiees . i_j2pi (>' , an extraction ot U3 (53585^0 g to shew one's self i^noiant ofa thing or
squashed patmyia-fruits. i_|eorLOLJT@, i_j jpriill (>,j uuacqtaintci with it: ^^^^^ , aellofc
l_l-Kn-Qi> jooolx , jagry . i_j acr LD uj
that uses to make himself sick , tho' perfectly well .
L_ITFTTLO V . |_1.< ir> .
palmyrajafteis, palmyras , LJ^rOtrT ci)a$<f9 cro, reepers
of palmyra - trees .. rg go l_l l_l eVeoT . f*i name. of\ ( L_IT# ) Q^Tt <S>t_a!_ILjrr# , G35T(_aU
p.'<mf .
l_IT* i (Ji/OOIH-JfTo6 , GOJU ULDU T # , Ul
LJsergjgjU) , SBUinjT35LD , e kind of serpent .
l_pLOL_n#, different kinds of plant* . e_IT#i_Ji_IUJ
UJrorsjp'K/ , the coverlet of the outward part of a Ssi , i iFSfi n_lu*Q> , green coloud ' grain .
||T# , green water - mofs-, the green stuff growing .
carnatick palankeen ( usually made of scarlet.)
upon standing water ; the green mouldinefs on walls,
i_i JOT" 3 ^@ , LJ^gpop; , fourteen .
l)_5 , an hog or swine . 1<.5_5 pork . mats etc . after rainy weather. t_ia#t_j3@g^ , green
t_ieor^s3g;(g4_0. , a pig . uioor_/v5LUT4 ldtuj , mouldlnef appears . i_jt# t_3 i_q. 5;^ coveied withbggish > swinish . l_)tn-.v3i_DU5'}" , hogs - bristles . mouldinefs . l_it o^SjQ-if.'T " LD , a tank full of molt Qmt tBi i_li_H*r_45 , a sow . 3STI i_Jl_J3r or green stuff. i_lT#l_j-'K)Ji5icjrLJ ?ojD; , nasty teeth.
~ , a wild hog . (^(-1<.*5 a porcupine, 1_1* f. 8=6^,1 ,
.1_1^#3535 i UTF, L_IT F # 35". a dies . .
an hedge hog ,
i_j JOT.ewf/J- , rose -water . LJRrraof/^Qffj ovf 5,5; (Sa,i_jT:#sia)3; , G^Tg;334 -^;
GiU@ ij3TSeru> i_Jtrr52i/6& og/ , to honour one, 2S35, a pair of dice at play.
L_lTF9rS d) tfi) , to malee mater run in a channel ; to
sprinkling him with rose water. Ljswrexrfij-uDTU
/if m / a tree, bearing sweet - 1tu! tug white /lowers.] run
into ir through a body or hole . 3595>u3
^&1. , to' card cotton with the fingers . | Q OO U)T ? 8r CD
, to run one through with
LIT jT@, LJTcTXl > yarn warped , cr yawl upon sword . tJDCrOS^LJl-JTFLlGll'i'CS * O V * '
the warp 1-JT@T*35B6jsgj , to warp or wind pal's the end of a beam through a wall . i_l F.30,
yarn \LirQci><r(S&OBi>. . to make the warp, ljt Of/T'LJLJTFFOs: , watering. rfT/fiJ '_lTFF<y0Tcwr:
t(2^#Wi-JlI S^^^-iT/^^S
, to' lay red iivf <", a vilfage whos fields, can be watered .
UTffFUO , an al'sault , a butting ; a jump from one
yarn ameng the white ia the warp
lIT35LO , a fathom. L_lT33iJ)^OiT35sS O &i) , place to another. 1 TLU35iWri_luiTFF2;65@
tfiStSi A3BiJ , to -make ram, butt together . i_j f
to measure by fathoms .
i_ifT35LO, side, ?o gj UTGiLO 1 the right J4oyr35BS OSjJ , to thrust the measure ormarcalwiih
Jiad or side . (Jii_ffi;i_JTO:U>, (? i> l_IT > ID 1 a strong shake into the heap of paddy when measured.
G Ul T 35 Lp'L-l'r^fff -29 3>J -to seta pit-fall..
the left .
L-JT05LD , a portion . L_IOOI!Te5L0 Ul JOUIT
LJTFSSiF , a cricket.
<BUO , tfULU $ ut* Lfl, the portion given to \-lTriQFTei$ , the name of a plant . 1500 ja
the physician 0/ <A* V made h Itis direction .
LJTfQWTSi l(Se5v5UUITFGFT5 5iJT3j?o i tbt name *fe erdm -plant,. >
3L0UI .




LB, the unclean vefscl of the human body.

utti >o , u rmr s> u_ , T " < u
1Jj O ".. LO , a" 'I' smell or stcei of rotten salijish etc.
g; , different kinds of it .
U T i CK3 tjj T _2QJ t
5; , to cast a steam .
1_1T9.'.JD V . UTLD .
l_J.T AL T bbt L . arscnick . UTi.TBaTf 933"0 rjvDKtSfXiT. stinking sali fish .
) , an antidote . U-O'W* U U Tifl-T OT>r !_D , U i_0- i_0 i \ , the Midurey - king
su!" imafe mercury.
r 4_9.i_JLJTp.Trt9<" La . red dom*.
arscnick .orpiment. <5_1415 , G3^-1 J^T" uTaBBTSGTT^LO, a kind of j tundice, a swelling of
/wr l_i Lj T p. " LO , rati bjue .
the budy .
y LJrr iSi ig. , a la.iguage , speech , tongue; a confedera
UTgg^LO , a crime, an enoimous sin . ^^
cy . uT $> llf. < OJ _2. ,3 LU T f OJ "JT , oie who {fem. )a person guilty of crimes.
kn >ws not the lang uage. t_JT*fc.l(>Y3&/ , to * U'T^jjO , the foot , the ftet. UTg@5 ?\CL09>
l'I'itjfflJ .0 , from head to foot , from top to tne.
swear an oath of confederacy, u T 2> .l. U 35 T LD T 8v
ut 53(g5ff>&id(i} * cJi; , to kit's one s ee . t; Tj.
un 1er the curse of ari oath .
3 UTt 05-0, a tiin-.ei which women wear on their ^'-^'^-*-20^ tJ c'ist "t''s st,f at'
er .
hire's feet. <55'}" ggb^' _'i_5uo. C -,
UTi i_, the lefs n . un '.outrer
to take refuge to one . Ln^Q'TLle? , ib^
ljti JT3S4^G -'vr ?V5rijGS; , to leu UTf>@.iO(IJ > wooden slipper*.
UT35T OTT-U5 , anabj'ls , a prof lund depth, a bot
By heart . tfUT_uu _iT*l__ _o , reciting without bonk.
"DTOJ-JUTi '-CT UilllOT, do you know omits pit. ovTiLp3^ . csTifiSupiiy
, to make a
it by lient f (J^I-J^U-J- JfllOlfb'ffiGffiU (g> . UTffiTOYTLOTLU U -5 5
GuT^.CiiiT jjljljti id , this story lie is for very deep hole, * >; S^eroTLO , an eclipse i
euer telling . Q to j- l_i T 1 t_o , the original from below the horizon .
^, hajf, the half'part . LJT^SK ffiT , one
which one take- a copy wiiting copy ,
( UTi it^ ) "RTT UJLD UTI rrfS$ LiTOJ who got* halves with you . > LU T UJ l_5 j fi (g
^' tne thing bs-s- proved tr, ubUsome .
^1( UTv*(I)*^0 ) to divide in halves, to part,
UT , suffering , prt:n hard work, laborj misfortune, in two . U'T^Uuift , an half -puken epdeh . UT
dam,ige . G1l5L0UT"(b' , an immoderate bloody ^GffiJ DOUJT" 6t^ > UT $ UTEFiro) , the workof ornen . ui (gu (*> 6 0 5J to suffer . u Tffl is half done. @rarijTg, the first half part. uSar
.40 ta afflia . T(iufi)5^-a ffi L_ UT^- the hst half part.
EtQgj , to toiture ont for getting answers, uff
U r$ff,_o/TLO ,
/ a tree.
l_)T(5 , the capture of fishes in a net . Bj
UT gJ/e5T6~uo>D , the watch of a distrjft . UT^J
I. TUJ, by his own handy-work . uTUI (i>'_S 3>yp 3;tOjcJ\3T Off , a watchman of a disrriil . UT3y
^^Oigj.' to <>et one's own livelihood by hard labor, ST] ;1^{>5*^ , utc5J35 Td'esegjc-S; , -to-"
(_)TG>5# a Poor Pei'5n that lives upon days keep the watch of a-dbtrit .
woik. UT4 T&if , a laborious man , a person fit for
UTSagi , a beaten way , a road .
bird work. UTfjJSsai Vfs f-.Qaoijno . can find
U rr 65 > , a garden - lied , a bed in the salt-pans .
110 work for my subsistence . uT I rr UJ (5 i_0- 65 UT 5$ J L-O. 66 20 ay. ( Kl (* !0
) to divide."
, to prove unlucky. utG' lolot5#t"lq , into beds .
low muoh is the waste of liher etc . by mtliti ?
UTSj OJ1 G ^ T JO 50; * S), to bcco.neL_lT(b's6^CS; , to sing . U T ffiJmr, UTI
bail for one, UTg^JJOT, one who is bail or securi
I fReor , UT(ffUTJOT , a singer , a poet. UT (KitS* ty .
> a songster, a singing woman. 1 iti fj, a song ,
UTSJjfjTLS a vefscl ; a drinking cup ; worthy ; -fit
an hymn UT; QuuT^eE^O^;, t sing an hymn . for a thing. UT|(TiD T , U T TLB T OOT"
f^lLO jvjuUT*;5J, to sing aland. rHJT , one that is worthy ; on-' that is tit for a work
55r55TLpguu t (g e j!0 , to sing ftiy. ttc . _S|UT>):T Sf > an unworthy one .-UT^gigTLO
@Trf.OoG55 33e5l~Jl-JT(b'* ^.JS; , to bi"3 fine or JJUTJ^Tial , U15|T(|uT5|(rU), <worthi-lel's or unworthinel's . UTai^CTi-fl ii-) flj; G 1*
with an high tune. @C OOdjT S>(;uu TfJ> *
5; , to sing low or with a bw tune . jq 042 U T (2)95e.05; , to gire to^such as deserve . ~
U.TrjjLOTtU GufriaSJi te speak,
t tro , playing and singing .
UT1 , a bier.
A'ith submil'sion for to obtain one's consent ,
U T rjj
(g /vv ^ , to hide or conceal one's self.
UT4 TJLOi the chickea-pox .
UTM '_|UTH 'JTiuQuUJ #-.50 5^ , to rain 1IT(j9josj , ducking for to hide one's self i a nook, aby frequent intermitting showers ,
corner to slip in .
Um , UT4 g>]- . a grandfather . (Ja
UTi_! , V . UTifi'.
L.TLDUT4 r, uffuJUTU sor, the- grandUTUUTW i utuuw , a Brashinee , 1 it 1 t
father's father . Q5
LO > , ( UT952>i a Braminee - woman.
UTM , the grandfather's grandfather. UT I
UTUi_|5r, uTUUTfi, utul|J# , pam1_^ etn gxrfQoo , in tbe time of the an posee or Moor-slippers . UTUU. f TQCK)
1_Q. tg
&CQJ , to beat one with a slipper .
UT4_p. , _.#* , a grandmother.
UTLDU, , a snake, a serpent . U T LD I1 05 @ 4-5*UTi (5 , a song .
05OVT , young snakes. uiTLOU,UU,S55U ferpent'*
UTwrri_0 n fXlT*W LO .
hole or nest. [5 jo 3\3UTLCi_| , a cobra capella . uF
"5 (Jim . UT of F #') people of a certain SFUUTLOLI , Crj*BBT(gej3luUT LO M i greea
Bribe ; a taylor .
snake . fejrsi u u rr u> i_| , ld Q
of u 1
UTffoef ffci^ay, to conceive, to imagine, to consider . UTLOM , Q(53)irOO U U T LD M
4_irr "*T I * ,n earthen vfiel . LCt7\3U T *o*T snakes. Lfi/\5UUTL0Uj,.QiliT |(9), gT
. 3;
#LLJLJTEFG?.T55 . S5<rfjl



n"T|uj!;gsJer , the 'largett tint/ of serpents * it_JTtJW_il !hi4 mo -good
(TA/owcrr, // / -venomous ;, . JLJT LOL-jj3 fr> . ithis looks neat.
CT , the middle fi pger..
* LJ'TC-oEtftn" , an infant .
l_JTli3/JL . (treFn.ce'.
LJTov>5>i ,a milk-ladle ,an -hollow- shell to give
LJTLU a mat i a s;ul . LJ'TUjLf-TLO > amase
mitli with to child .
LJTje&jgj, to leap against <w butting ram does.
* LJCCrOLO ,a bridge .
to run on i.r wiles or ; to jump from one place to anloJTcrc/r i boys .
orher. {5T'j.._ffi^ffi(55iBTi5Bf!i}-uj'r5Jr5; , LJiToS&-Dbx) , LJTt_JTcrS3i*SI ,10 protft,
the garden is watered .
10 maintain . gnriuUj.iIToi'^eS^Og/, to administer
/7 LDJH 5. ? , one who con justice .
sider neithci whit is past nor what will follow.
UTTuC?U) i reS|Ccl of persons .
.LJ T ttS UD T J & D i) V . U T LOTa'
i_j T T t_j 95 aj L0 , the inspection over the pro aw .
duit of the fields etc . I ititi irfgiuni
LjTiLrtJO .
M / ftmt . LJrTiroOLCCTLC
OCjO)) to survty the produit ot the fields . LJ T T foreign tree f a red wood . 'T^o\Ol_Jt_rr/co , pfT
u-iffj.^ 'u 3- 35 T jio-itrr , an overseer of it,; an adrainiatra- ^l-lL-JT JOO , QniaVTLJL-lT iroO , @ LJ if
tor . fi-LLlLJ CTi_j^llJ*_ , a arbitrary power.
* yjLJLJT^LrOO , c23Lb1-'-l-JrT'it>0 , differ
ui (T.I.O i heavinef* i one's charge or .obligation ; ent filants .
a weight of 500 pound, a candy.- L-lTOTuStOjfgj
i_iTo\D , milk. t-JToo^sjfse oo^j , to milk,
. to turn or curdle milk.
fi) ( (? S>'K/@g.) it lies heavy me . JllLr-LD LJT&>QS>TaJli
<Cp"i g'-O'JO iSQ'SSLJTCrLD , that is the help \^TO<.<^j0'J5SJQi~TW ,ihe milk is curdled.
you are obligedlo knd. i_jtCT vT , <, LJT(2 j^0> > the cream of milk. Ljrrooffb- 1 (g*
'LJTrj < i <5 3jP- - , a grave and tall persan .
Ojd , ta eat milk with rice . LJ T @ LO i_u
l_JTrU3l_|&cr, LJTTLOLJff , U TUDUTLfli milk so boiled as to become semewhtt thick .
what goetti .-from one generation to another. |_|>_0 g,Tj*5 , a milk-woman . lj nr r<; @ t-^p B 5 , a suck
LJ&TjTDLQ , a tradition , a custom from old times... ing child . I_jnr3-3L0T _5 LJ,Q LJ (T etrr LO rr (5 , a
t_l 0' L LJ <"-/5*.*8 , to reign by right ofJ cow that ceased to give milk . l_iTCTOLD!V655/g;e
milking has ceased. LjfTOsDfKgsi 0}i_iLJU5cr > cora
tuccefsion .
LJTiTTi ^S:3ffjV . to shew a thing long while j in the -field whose grains are milky or unripe , LJTCNl
to tany . )1_"1 ('* to boast, Lt'fJ" LO , anv tree that has a milky .juice.
to glory .
LJTOsStDeeof , a string of white corals or thanks.
i_jT<f , 0?;-5 , a-wife .
(_JfTff\3 LO T\QJ 6S 0't%J , to be slack, remifs 4 I
LJTff , rfffSfB lOJ W . the niglrt -watch make /ergiveratians , to use delays or evasions.
l_) rr rf g LJ T v. fi> to go the rounds , to pati oi .
LJTcroQciJeYrotff , fine pure silver.
LJTT i_jQl_jT.i!Og; , to run away .
4_jrT<ruS305a"J v. UTftoo.
i_j<Tff $ , iTLoi_jTrf55>eR Q nr
LJTOji >1 , /* of n tret, lj
1__(5 tS^OS^/ , ti> feel one's seit heavy, to have tfSl rffasgsovrg , a shrub like tbet tree .
got a rhcuin . t_j T rf i_i l_j , heavinefs , dulnel* .
* L_irrua> , sin . LJT ajgQFiij*5;,
* l_JTrf*i_0 , the side. ^.(fFxfjieT LJTrf a=LOTU3 tin. LJT^Tffi4^iKGe5Tovrfv5#^065/, to make
> to side with one . ^<^<-{5 one's st t guilty of a sin . LJTU Q 85 T 4#. LB ,
'LJ'Trf F'_oiT65*^i3gJ , to draw one into one's own yarty. crime. L T^rrg>5LJLOT , LJI-cdB a inner LJT
T UJc^Xj > a lamenefs of one entire side of the Ojrgoj>C3 , LJTnj(3.^Te'eTL0 . the blotting
out.of sin . LJ <T Oi LO ^rf i_j
, -forgivenefs of
body .
* LJTff ?1_|. I I J t LO , -the nmie of flower . sins .
l_jiT(T5 ,
lYD/n/LJl-JTrTj 'he f a river.
LJtTfUeWoT , LJT <S , an imagination,
tJfij^Qrjfijffj/, the bank is become ru resemblance. 1_55'~1_!|_1 /tSWr OJ 1 ?f>
, to bring op as if he were one's own chili.
inous .
UJT(5), afile of soldiers. LJTrf (t? .SOfiJ1, -ojT; LtSrrae-aTi ffiJor LjTfi<retT-iLjLfl _| ii) wf -5
<[ ?|18! .OfiJ , to set solriirrs in array. T^lS G^g)L, he does not seem to be timorous.
L_0-.{5t5Ti9"3> W , they have set themselves in array uTOJTei , -a woman's petticoat j cloths spread
CiTsiT , 951 ic-uuT a> cr , lj t s3) r g; in the road at a great solemoitjr .
GWTOO , an iron crow or bit for breaking -wall etc. j4_JTdS, a sinner .
LJ'T/J" , the earth .
L_tT*f^*^05Ji to Taney i to imagine . .LJTB5
LJTiT'33 eS^Og/, tosee, to view, to regard, to JieTiold , to gJt-JLjT-
fi; , -to imagine , to he resembling
look upon . i_it '5"3>"S-"T5' 35.205* to go heedfully. certain things or persans.
LO (S> LB ljQljT
. to regard. eOlTLJ Gwuqj uu ^ Qe5TwrLjx
L-JT^gS^^Gf^TOVr^JOg/^to expe. LJTCTT (^-^"1" seeing him, it is as if I did see
LOCroQu_iT'iOTn- , I did hot abserve it.
t_J you. ojTcTQg5^y>'gTTLou570TBLjL_!Ti:5
GuJTffiLJJ-JT/riKB^gj, ( 151_1'5"&.40 SJB G * TtT G fi; the turky imegined to be a
lo endeavour te -escape .
fQf OJOJ T G 45 pea - cock .
t_lT(?- , be sure not to do that . -2|5eSLJ UT
LJ T 1) Jog;, to lay things regularly on the
.3 05. ( uJi~&&2ji-o j ($ fi,' ;, this
ground, M bricks , phnks^etc . to rest ar lean upon tkt
is better than that .
"). UJTJTjffitaj, the sight , the eye -right. ground, vmU etc. Lj/TCLjG^JTffieSOfi; , to make
lJTTffi>^*JTT05cS.i9fi; fJ( * O fi; ) to value thing rest any where on . LJTOJLJCTCiSfrj . plank*
or estimate <u thing to take a view of r/im ; to use laid to support the roof. -Q^OjiQooQ T couT
iteh - craft . (J g^/rj; ON3L_ia"i"Saj LU On2 CO this OJ(2?OiLfD>i , the river coo deep, the feet cannot

(lJ(FT - l3i_a.

Q&r*CQcoi3FQj&SOBiJ , to eiegl imtrhiHg
amongst the rice .
* l3*T8t, the devil . UFTenJuC- J55 il ,
that is pofsesed with an unclean spuit.
uSffTeWLD. the nnme of prime kind tf paidj .
1.5 # erf , tenacious , niggardly , close-fisted . ce*"
rftJfjffarLC ( tJ#nf JT4 LO 1 i_j rteai S52D& *DBi), 'o be tenacious or stingy .
*rf B)ff)*BT Pj : 'J3D rr , a
tenacious man, a miser . ui#2)-3i a base and covetous-person . .
' -tilfiw, gum . (_5#<Rr"Gl-JToS C53;etiSO^ , -to
be gummy, clingy, clammy , glutinous . u5#<JT f* *.
@ . FF LDl_5i_H_j#*er , gum if a ctrtitin tree.

>? the ground,, m T jV 05 & G 3JUTOJ

, the foot stands not on the ground .
kjrraaoii a puppet . ^)
O^I lo nuke a puppet-show
t_iTLp , desolate, waste . ujt 552*^05; ,
30 be desolate, to lie waste, lj Lp T S 65 Bj , to
lay waste. LJTySQcN) , i_lT@ a ig i in vain , to no
purpose. i_lTL.p>
i_l ( \.m Q J , to turn to
nothing. LJTl-P^fBt_!j.3ii53y > 'to ruin, to lav
ae. LJ TU.org00 LD , a ban-en ground. LJTLpfj}
SjCToH i a well whcicin there is no water. t_jn Lp
#1) ( fem . UTLpnJT#) a person very
much inclined 'to complain. LJ T up *Il T LU - S'
JO&i) > to be umhankfully complaining .
LjirovTLD j UJT J/
, a wedge , mafs, sow or 8 !C to beg an ad<I!on or boot after having paid
for the commoaity . u5Sr@ewrf 1 covetous one.
pig of metal .
t_l 0" iJOft , the corer that encloses the blofsom of 5>@ , an addition to the commodity *old .-uSef ;
ocoaut - palmyra - beetlemit - and pbrnain - trees , etc . @u'GLjrI (5&1 > ' give an addition.
LSj&ffeS Aggy , Gff rjgj G L-l ft' * -0 S)J , to
knead , to mingle with the hand , to rub corn-ear in the
the coconut - tree begins to bear fruit .
i_i r/rvr uj 3; T jO "T , a pnligar .
hand. LSfJLOT , dough for bread.
Lj?-, iJy , the gall, the bile, lj &G*@$SJGJ r
t-jTS/WTUJU) , a leaguer or camp t a suburb }\ a
poligar's seat .
yWrojLoQ 1_) $
D , to J*e;a04>'W*ujGi-J'r * - > the bi'e is ovtrpitch
tamp any mliere . ujnri/rv ujlc(J
T\J ftown .
#*CSy , to encamp , t_jT e/rjvr LULGfJiT r*Ll5 (T) ffi
* uSFBr , .uSulebs* , alms. L? f Q & ul,
M^-SJ , to camp stmt-whtTt . uTwilJL'T^U! eEiOeL/ , to beg alms. uS*i.FGLl-'ft'4;*^Ii&/ '
L5 ( |'\;> ) G1t"r8tffr&/ i the army has decamped . live upon alms . uSfffl"1 &
SC . a beggar .
llT-O; *Hr o/" Vtftcl .
UjS^St , a fruit newly come toi th from blo/senr^.
L_IT ffiD O >
IT Q O,a rock, a large stone,
u5frj340u>. M^ffi)1 .
l_3T >|_|1_| 1 . _L_ll_| , UH UJUJTtfS^b.
large round stone. LjrrSS>OUS<vr, the name oi a u3 i TO @ , the butt-end of a tool or weapen .
./DOSiSeSUJUl <TO , the butt-end of the pestle
or pounder . gyLJLJ TfHl)UjI 1tj@ , the buttujTZc*^DeL/ . i_rr<J-e?*^oai; .
L-JTeirr gjtfiLO a mingled drink.
end of a musket . / 1 TO @ r the boUom
i_lT<reTL0 i a drink . t_j rr lo l_i * e? of a corn-measure put upside-down .
( G35T3YrV5* / ey ) to drink . u g/urr t_St L(5*Offy , to put gold tr stiver to* tlr; test y
!_, a sweet liquor, toddy . .G?5!nrrstrrLDL_iT*'rf . to prpaie a medicine by melting or calcinating . uS'
toddy of coconut-trees . RTS
uDlITeaf toddy of 1^ uOjtfjj^^/D ejl ( G l-J T W *
5; ) o try ,
atetrees ...
to examine , to put to the test -.
', a pot . l_it**wt __ , pots and pans .
LSu^rf, the nape, ths hindpart of ' one" neck'.Ji_rfijBLU'uj u5ua 5 5; S 0 JVT Y t o ej . *'
ue^os^f. ulu'*!ok/ .
\^@*_ , u!@ G eo J 8 , bent , give ne a push in the nape, lji rfenjLt L 0j 6-:
rf3G*^OS7 to break one's neck . (X ^ ifU T LU eTi^ J
ttrained ; like a bent bev> ,
sei/ ^ *i
uS^aS<30&; , uSFefLjGl-JTS* 0 > torend it t ffibLueF s 1er 55j6 G t
rheumatick distemper "has given .ne a stiffntls >u the eck
iAing in pieces .
:, # 35 @ U 0; tg: , in'ricacy, perplexcdnefs , i_5i jNjTx/a^.Tj . l_(i oo .
mbaralsment , letting .stopping. 1 Sjjfci ^ >q uSt a. tu, cleth .
, t entangle, to pester , to embroil . uJvpffi 17 l 45
* iJiu_ t t wr (/. uS i_ rr rf y # ) ^'
**/, to be intricate. d&(&d)lginjje) , the tribe ot those that catch serpenta .
I Si i?., B>{i_jt-5uO- , a grasp , an hand-ftil ; a catch} i
iintierance is removed .
s_5f* oogj ( i_5F@.4cy, ) uSyeujGLJT^DS;, an handle / thing, t 4i 9 g;-wi ci r CtU'cfi-i
to fail , ta take^anothcr turti ; to get out of joint ; to G&) , let nor go, . hold fast . ^(^ ^^ '
decline to one side. LFfjTfigb/' , certain, not fail tJi_aujrrajLLafb*vjb' > tu ,e,M upon one bj-r
ing. LSpaSTgLJT^SiitUJ T tu , with a stedfast laying hands on him .
looks uSs^eSTLOOO i_5 Lj> 05 $X,5i) , to- hold even it --^ . i_3urxg)ff GaToyrv5**os;
qual . uSr^TLOOvTgsg^rfgjeS Ct>G\) > to cut along to catch , to take . .uScjp. LJ(*)IC)g; , ti., be caught .
the mark . ^Juf.SygSTUeoo , without mifsing the way. StibrtiejiAVrLJLS!-^.^*^)^^ , to fowl, to catch'
\-Sf(&> LVfE , a failing, failure , mifsing, error. birds. JtSrru5Lr>f^et^!0s;, to fish . jt>g;ii G00
ftSUJLVeffiTuj , undesignedly , by a srroke or dash ^gi 111 *!) rj g^"ni'3 s T *or , be came with1
not intended . lSF 65^ /etrr DT LU , by an error. a stick in his hand . i^LJd.^(S^^~SJ
Ji&Ufi@LJ J8= g; ft 00 irOO > that is mo,t certain. fiH=Ge5fr*wTt_o.tf3*BAoa' t0 n,,lt1 Fujujovrgi '
LjfFJO . atrefi of weather , storm tempest lJf
GeOUli-iiK/eGfBO >
, to hedge
-Q ^j(S^(S^ ' hlustermg weather arises . tStF&O -21 in rfi from the wages . b:^<-i|i Si n 1 .i irrnT,rga;
9 F (5 5L/ , 'tis stormy or boisterous - weather .
@Syl, the- door dashes against the other and- does not'
l3=*>0, th; bunch upon the shoulder of same bul - shut. iT^jeegs'ReSTiKLJLSuo UJLJTluG1-^ <rr 4 '
lacks .
.-igi , to speak in one's favor. Q jj j fr. ff jj "
*&& , f ingle stnevihet with th hand J ;QLeo>9u3uLUMG"ffSi bas gVMt afl*bs*>



ro Mow aider , to blow A Wx/e*r . _ <t^ ffirt_Ur

uj^tCOj; , to make the nnderlip staed out .
(b_Sj<f< , a blubber-lipped fellow.
tiSjV'Rj 3ey , to stand out or forth. \.* Siimiejy
ififtj/V)^ , to lay rvi f
s as to make it
Stand out .
tJli), choler, li!. tJ5e5T, lJe55'^L5
LJi55ii)taT, a mid person . !_!55*5@) , madnefs. 1_555^; t^^S o 5; , to have tee
much chol-.r or bile. l^C/TT ff- LO, a bilious distemper..
uSS5'>'-Jvr, lattin, yellovv-coepsr , brafs .
i_jul lo t rgruo , ove , favor frugality , sparinjnes. * uSSSy , cholei . i : gifc;0;G?l)TO\T ^5=6."
, te
SX<lb5 GL3Cv?iJ5Ljrj-LCTBrLoeB SX) & *D ff , grow mad . .rjajjff) ; ijsuwsigu e> 7 lu i_S
to love oi e very much i fri > i 4| ami \Q\ \m- C. 5 4;
{5 (g g_/ , il, &t is the thing wiiicli makes
GCOQj, to speak parrilly .
'til mad .
iJ<T;5;et-'Y3 5y , l5 {5 rxiT^c 5^ , to be bchin 1 ,
Ljft?r;@ > tedele .
^(b^fi sos^j , LS(i;w*i-J(?i_rT ft* *oej_' , to [to conic behind , to come after . L* U'or , one
pull i ut , to plue h our ; to ext< it by art ; to depose one, who ! behind , mat who is the latt . (RYVftlJ LE'-St
to turn him out of his office . i_Sft 'Ki (fh owrf , orte who ^ !_J Q! UJ T St Sj^ , the businef is retarded . t-Sfgf fXiT
lives unon what he gels by his importun ite beggings. '.^T'tUJ^agTgi/ffoT , consider what will eure
QsZ,:QCTtQi LjftTvi*.!Dff/ , to pluck out itli.tht1 hereafter .
uSlUeO^/, 1_5(2^ 1" - &) to ni t grow
root .
l_5?2>l i a crucible (er nchjnist's. melting yet.)
worn out .
L-5t 5 1-0 , 055 1-JLjiiT^fre-La/. l_5^p
uSffii -m&*03i) V l^42K_ff e6<V ox'
L-SftDi UJ *sn" , certain kind of snakes .
rJjTTL .
\-2L-bt0&i) i 'o breajc off a ^ecejrow , -stone LT-t_T# -V. UJCTM #.
l5ti fte550S5J, to turn upside down ,; the %
etc .
it turned by ploughing ; to wrest or distort words _ i_3
ft, fraud, trick . ^Sti ft95
CO "". t-CTi >
iJu_ft. u5u_(ijiajoo L_|u_.
L i i , a clot if a bead's dung j a burftmg of I , a man full of rncks..
the belly in the tods or guts . (3)<^4?i9"uSi SB I , a clot i_Ti ) i . the name of a shrub .
of horse-dung. i_5'l f5)i (J-YJ'R) ri-U or , ore uSxnrrasi , tut mnu of shrub Ihtt groat in
that is di eased witS an hernia cr rupture in. the belly links .
LStror 35(g) i a lancor , ill-will; i_jmT HI tf .20 Fj) ,
iJ/T-nrHTftGuiT/Cjj;; j, . uSJ-?V5 *
to sheo; an -svill {g 5 l-i i_J Q Q i i-5Trnjff
LjTLIIl , grmorrliea ; the whites . i_5tu5lL13
^'f^) , he looks gruff before his-father .
^Tirar-, one that i- affefled with it. tjfl" 1_6 LU L_J
i_Sw<rrL0 , a corpse , a dead body .
L_jj tmr ft , the name of a purging herb .
_S<nwf , ekneis. i_S aot tu T oYT <5T f a sickly
u ^iJcri_5'F'!Ft_p*'Xi ; , the
person .
stoh aie accomptn cd with much tlatuosity .
svr .
t_5 T i-D l_) , a rattan-vsH ; a cane. t_5 CT LJ3
a bull or surety, lJ rr j iJi 2/c*trr , a bail for money IfiT >fr < people that do rattan-work . lStu^it
l"5 i_j fj- i_l l_j ijCtror , t ail for one's appeara/ice . i_S ^JL-O-^ef *OSii , to , to beat with a cane . iJtu*
iATcro-rLJLjfc' > Lija^TKrr 9- QjF T 0/ et JO L_|i_Ju5i_. the knop of 3 cane . Li i_i lj VF. "^-9.
ffJJ , to become bail, to hail , LjJJOtrcrr & Q^TCO 1 c.iuc-bcttoai-bed . i_5 T UJ l_J
1 a fattanefS<sa)65SOSj , to put in bail.
ba'ket .
_ LJiJOX-.nretgjTOSJ , L5i/CT0^^Sjr(L e , to
i^ireyjt^/Y^Sy , to wallow or wehcr ; to bravea
tie together; to ynke the bullocks . LJ .fsvxrr UJ ' LC T iromise unperformed . '_iij"s-rft 1 iT/^Cg^ to over
ft, Ulllo-ks 'fed 10 draw the yoke. ^jOtrOT UJ>S4_jl- flow. i_5TWTftgt_ 6t$*>B)J, to talk otherwise than be
< * *ia;. i.fP-'OWTib'u-ft^Uir)^ , ui * 5-. i_ fj fore . rf?G li tfr UJlJS nain / , tJiou fcast not til/ bnlloiks 11 a row together for thrashing. epf rhy word .
LT"0%ovTLjjJOD-D-rClJ(f@5;, the oxen go round
Lbnr'ztOT.ULD . iJ j5b 'vrilJ'D ..
Lj/TTsswrix; . LTT" , life . l_ T er <
aboufi thrashing-floor . .j <n r^^ajy3(aajijairtrcn
S^O; , to -tie broken thicais together. rfT-^fSJOr tlLO .peril cf life. l5tH4w' 5 8S (fc>;
5 ffi; e/ ,
i-if1,cv:.!3'3s3\DTai li'G i_i T oc o\i Tg^'.o ul there wis danger of life . i_T : Gk^lD lITT
<ras--(fjiij'TgFLO , tilt lofs ofliie . t_5 T PcOjS
to b-i'e one.
lSojbti l), a globular lump or m;ifi 3 -embryo . sSojlO , prosptii v . l T T tot g (Res L&s grc-rt
'T rf g; vt , a ravaging party in camp. grief & sorrow . 1_5<! # Q eS iOT" , an intimate
deven QQ^jt
V . uS<TvT^y3^/j:
fiend. i_5t 'T sor , a sickly person.
l_5 jsgp ~ (^ . 1_(^,^@ .
* L-TT rwf , #OJL_JL-5rr'l wrf i- UJ & LJ -S " T
L^j^S^De; , to ~peak foolishJv .
ffosf , a living crature ,
LjffiT a-father. l35.TiDT"5>T .fatVer and mother. '-5rrrTf!, a complaint . l_3 <T rr i_ierer ""^.4
iSet'?- . L><l*oYr",
-T55j$ . iJf5/T'-3ffiTe- 5J, to complain .
eOVT , the foief ithers . uSajrJ-njL , ihe eiiesliigy of] LSrrTS}4,^rrr , tJ^''.iffAtroT, a pra>Ci44 prai-ing^
in hymn j a \ow . OTT ffi -# /trtpfjoi, fcf J3
the .orefather . lS0>.tt i iravr patrimony .
l-55> ?rr fF. U3 , what is prominent 01 kt,<n<j;Pt; etil .
iJ^gsSjOg; ,
lj Q rr ft <.C g; , to i^3j.O5j . to pray ; to vow .
juve*t il kernel oj a Jmit , tr the out oj a boil ; j 'iJTT^- , loosenes cf the belly. <jJT[5^i-5a'T
to bim.
it i_5
i_J<-4 i co&traiiiori in ttie
limb? .
ljlJ?'. tSOg/ to have caught to geld .
-.5i_0 _'5 _DT(y . a jellied bull,, an ox . lcti
(b'iSK : L.LJ). * *0 Si; . to gclti a bull .
0, T avj (J
5 > Q ^ 53/ a gelded bull eiilf.
UjUj-FftTT^i the tool whereby one hold fast
what 'e files .
l_3 1_0- ) 95 U3 . stoppage fmm the wages, i V ip /
ff:, i Si cj
-^Tgj , to hedge in a debt fiom iie'i

eemdrc; od loopenefs ,
LSTTLD^T^r , a Bramjnei .

Li' TT LO f IcbtCO^JV . UlT T LO ff *5 .

lSttj^iq , the age . uSTTOjrjgjLJv-StiGl-IT?
0>> the just af,e is past.
2/cnt 1 Q> I I
JTTJLO , childien's / . OJ T T4>i_lUTTLL!L0 ,
(the prime of one's asee . (Cp^Trpi t_S { ir LU LO > a
de :- age .
"" 35 ( > <5 <WBT CS TTUJLO
^rtvr^;, hi w nld are yo i f <. >(!]511'_5|
(5 i I
twenty years old .
CS'TTU i the n.ime of a tree . CS 0' T U_! LS LJ I ,
4Si , it's hark .
u5TT'Xl#53;_ , i. T T f 5 $ i penitence;
unishrnciit i r a ' committed .
i_5tf , a cord , a twist . -_5if $ rf g> COQ) ( CO) 35
MCD&it ) to make a cord or line. ffBiU g; ero i_j
juSif , .i of straw . ^ g5 >_i t_5 <f 35 35 J -CJ , a
rope madeofa single string. QTi <S>t < > t 5 T 35
. a twisted lace , a double cord . (^Lj'_5ff 95
05UJ*^j. a.thieefold cord.
i_5if &CO&J . iJ f lS^j(IT A35J t to go asunder,
-to become: disjoined . LJlf rgfljy (2
<J0T l_J T OO >
turni-d milk . t_S f 35 T (J gigH- , there is no getting
any thing from the debtor .
L-Jrf JcOBi) , to separate , to disjoin . LO* c5Q65@35
4 / 4; , to extricate. L if aj gy u LJ T Q> 6 O gy ,
ito break up tA roif .
Li'rfF^i scarcity. .
uSrPfTJfl-LLJuJ?-^* ^5; *>. Mtf T VT te .
j_J.fujLG iJ--lULO .
LJS T , i_S Jvo T . i fish -scales; fishe; .
4_5>)^-,^)'.5(30 -in 65J, to eat no fish .
JUS >0 nr ov> jTJT O CO i tshy smell.
l_3 4Sff . QFT^LJijTOTiS F , @OYT
YT LO J 3SD T ff - , a sea-trog .
lSdn3TlCCTlO i ajaca tree. lScJOT i_Jt_IL-P LO > a
Tipe jaca . lj'TO'T ft- / , the bulbs or eaiatde sweet
substances that lie in a jaca fruit . i_5 OOfTfQ 35 Tt
41 t the kernels of a jaca fruit. Q} oyr "jv LJ
L_5 00 T" , oilier species oj jaca-trees . i_5
COT5iJ5fruje_(fHi_lL_H_0. , a jewel work'd net-like,
as a ja. a is on the outside .
CloS V . 5 .
v_3oi'-0 t_5 * G
a bilimby-tree . lSoSlO'-S ,
i/V /rA .
u5>2l2/ 3>3;r , ^^^-, a fool in
matt r of clothing.
lJjOoS. d^O-jSigg *of UJLD, sorcery contrived to
4o harm .& m Schief. i_5 TsDCK OJ fi-^C^ > to lay
jua'ical stuff in a certain place. *J&GoS<T($Ql&ao
fJ , to discover and re tinve it . LicJOoi' oSj TOeT ,
4-S Oo5 | -"rf OJ 35
- , a soiverer .

JcK*^G?5J . 1-51*)'_'_-41 (S t O FJ , <o pr.-scrve

or keep a'.n.ej to sustain . i_SSLp it) , liveliho od , S'.ibisrcHce. iT up 35 T llj'.xj , a wound that i jiot raonal .
i_5i5Lp 95.)7 LLJuJt_(b'S; > be was wounded,
but not dangerously .
t_3ovry*i;ffj; , LSTYrrTjjyQLJ e? a; j , t
spjjt , to -lit or cleave a thing . t_5 oyt tj 5j ; (3 LJ 0 ) >
to split, to chink . to chap o) gape . LS3yr(g, lJo-T'5"^J f
a thin cat of a be;tlc-pu,t .
LJ vrug , a clift ; a gulf .
ui'-TVTfU, a dangerous ulcer. 0" TFl_5oYT'*"'"jJ,
an ulcer upon the hick- hone . t_S JVT S<uQ4UL_p-3/
5 f T
. to die at it's breaking.
lS -tYTTFtff , a lath, a rocflath .
35 LO 1-5 VT T F
ffr, Jaths of bertle-niit trees . t_3 / (Tf yt_0-3;E6A>
ay , tu lath / .
uStr/r > to .He comrade , to thou
04, T iJor t_5 3VT T LU , why, my comrade!
Sovf , iJ^r'^/O^J V . L^?<f .
L_5 nfJVj , t_S CfVr 3YT L- "V . ,U)3-VTV5.
lJovr?V5*^Qt5; , ^^1_1-_|( 5.;,'^(5
QtiT^DffjV ( rjQAJgi ) to break , to crack , to falj
off. ffiffioJT. iJererCgQLJT jj- , the potbroke wheie I took it with the hand .
l_jOYTANT, a child; viorii joined to the name of
some persons , mimais , iirrtr f/c. t_5 ^/^
i rru3^g35 COCU OVTi a woman big with child.
.. l3 OYT iAJVT , a male-child . Q t_j l5 oyr
2/OVr , a female child, l5 W'^LjGi_J^QJA;e>
to be delivered of a child . 1_5/ g {5 or F # ,
woman in child-bed ; a pregnajat woman , ,u5 W ^
ajTraTt Toor , a , lad , a' bay ; a young rvan -
35LJtJi oYTiAVT , a steward , a conicoply. t3Yf LJ t_S OYT
/ , a parrot . (if LJ i_3 OYT
, amungo. . Q^eBi"
rar lo t_3 ytivr . a coconut-plant . t_S ovr iAJvrui
y>F# , the name of an insect. LJOYT/QrKG^ 1" '-J
tbii , the outwork of a fortt.efs .
* i_3 A335 TFLO > splendor, brightnefs .
t_S :035T#(F*
to shine.
t_3 '*j35T(S=LJL35a6 ^ , to illuminate, te make shine a
* \-5 CO 5 TO" 1-0 the wise , way , method , manner,
fashion . (J [5 g LJ JaST5"uDTai . in this manner.
lS .2J 05TCTLO, the court of temple . a . l5<P65T
l5 CO (? , aft a- ; afterwards . jsj rar LS/Og Je|
BjV 5 @ LJ i_5 ^0 @ , thereafter . tJ CT @ <OJ T , com
fiereafter or after a little while . t~Q)S)i t-J^OgBTQcria
liTtTSSCTT JJ , imt after another.
i_5 i' 35 W o^f 0566A)3jV , to despise, to disdain .
\2\C01h$ Cf: ey , to he born; to spring , to proceed or
arise somewhere from. ijjOfgSjC 95T GhJLO T UJ ,
stark - naked . t_5 CO <3 By JLSvj" , oftt's birth
place . _ i_ l_l i_5 CO rjSffjOJrar , i_l wJLOnj
355950>1 - a backyard, a yard behiiid theliouse. 5<njrar , a full brother. 1_555;1-0 . one's home
or native pla.e . <nj if j $ o$<g'5&H l3
5 S
iLSbdpSSiffl OJTFJO. the back-door.
FJg'-O , a voice from heaven . XiS^* UU^ijAJg
-. i_|Lf* .
@ggj , a rumor or news doe* . iiJgjaj
35 @
)1_ , a tail a ta ilt , an omifsion , a blunder , an GTOl4G<rar35!5t5LJtJe3fR)55 oyt tj
oversight. T(g5;uLffiy)i a miswiiting, 4 one error is apt to breed many more .
5TTLJi_S SL-P , a failing in manncrlinefs . OBLp i_5a5FTC35LO, a sermon , an harangue ; discourse.
u5^-. iTT0 3>L0LJ >r
O?3J , iScO&ib* & CO
*JTr"3i6B^gy . tociiret.
l5 > 3. tS 0 SJ . to have got a livelihood to 5 , to pieach , to speak to the people . L .OOFTOt* > a
eecover from sicknels , to live. i_5 0> Lp fjj Q 95 eer , now preicher .
safe. LjajLpiF.gSLOT U T aar . he wj>n'c live.
u5 f- i I LD , Strength , power, ability ; a
ie wont lecover . u5Lp9j^535*Offi/ , to live, tempesto. .us weather. t_Dffwrt rar, l_5cO
to be alive, t" live wel; . JT'JOTi.S'SDLpSj ^ 5 T> i
Cf t dt , a stout and capable man.
#T<7>Oi U, if G4 spares my lute. ^ | 1-5.23 *vT U a gracious appearance . i_3 A>




riPjrWjT^^CSU , lSJOFSCT LB T LU S*U T'ffl l5jCt7 -LITF<rtrr'_OTJ. l512) OOQlUTWerr lb ..

lSJOXI^^lO , l5 JOXi#LULO , the world^tT
57, to appear with benignity . i_S JO7ir.JTT0S,75LD ,
way or coui se of the world .
a gracious look upon one .
* i_5jOSFT3> _o ) boilel rice which being made an
l5jOS^J<2>i V . HJOLO , l_JJOUi*t .
offering of by the heathens , is given by the priests to * uS JO -U T 35 LO , an oveiHowing and rapidity oT
river .
people i a gift yrace .
t_5 JO#g>LO . pub'.ickly Unown . L3JO#5f lo L.JO , nativity . L JO 35 @ <"Trr_ LO , or.e's
&QQx) . ' become notorious . i_5 JO#39J LQ i_J <rarr nature or natural disposition. t_5 JO fi5 5 (g 5 -V ""T"
one who is burn blii'id. i_Sjr<3> G '' 85 LO
S221/ JO57 i ti) divulge , to publish
* iJJDtgsl) , bieeding. u/ois^^"343'-0 thi whit 3 ir.bied . tjiJOrfiaJT/J" , hi others and liters .
time to be brought to bad. i_5 T-lgyi G*^J*4> , the I LJOGnjyLO , entering , entry , entrance . iJJO
lab?r of a biee.iing woman. l_3jOtg5UJ'Tt JO 7 i <2oj#35* JOSJ , to go- in , to enter . t_SjoGru#L_J
b'^eS JO i to inrroduce . i_3 JO Q <OJ ^LOLJ!to be delivered ot a child .
tg^yst OOj) to nialie an entrance.
l_J JOCS?35 TVT , people, subjects .
'* ii5> ri-JLO , 'happinefs, gloty. iJjOSiTLJ^
t_5 JO JVT LLJ lo , i_3 J3 /tvr a_i ; i? , an o\ei"flowing.
CK) LJ J -JO oYT OJ LO , a deluge , an inundation . _+ff>
tJOS^i, to enjoy happinefs and pleasures .
.5 J03> TftTLO . the prime , chief , principal , or most 85<raf i_1lS JO 7VT LULO , a destruction by fire. LOSl'
eminent thin.
_l_kJ5 - lu 'J3 an immense crowd of peo pli .
1IL-5 J03VTLULD T LU Iii 5 @
> t,ie ""
't_SJC>Tf , the prime minister of a king.
j( l_5jCg a thine Iii another, or bein instead of an cernes in a very large number .
other a copy . ij JO*G BS T * JOE57 , to give an
<-<S> i > a cfove , a pigeon . i_5^3;(g;53f
i_' l_S ,) , a tuitle, a turtle
equivalent . l_3 JO aj, j ffi T(T LO , a remuneration . young pigeons. 35Tt
'oIQiiQ^i JO , to take a copy . _2J>cF. dove. UJ-TI LJi_S^) , a domeitick dove. t_i ? ED J I I
(gjLJ JjoJlUT LU , instead of it . -JOT 35 (ig)
-3<J . a greenish pigeon . ^iJvf ^^ ,mtrTONiL_|.
GL-jrf Qc^LJ5^Lj^roTLOi-5 JO . you are my L) , G1lr5LO35 , ' kind^ / dtwt .
LJc545fra"'_o, the rouit or yard of a temple e>r palate..
debtor tor ten fanains ; you owe me ten fanamj .
t-J^ffigf. LJTfT3(g
i-S JO^Si.OOL V . _2J 4 ffn- CAS LQ
l_315rBT us V , LjtT'T fr LO .
1-3 JQ2F5*^rr V . L'_JO':g33*<?/tfeT" .
tJ<^fF#535lj3LJ-'<'aT552l/4 J05; , to punish.
* i_S JO *> l t $S> i , a consecration . l3 JO
^lp. l_ i l_i W3T JO 57 , to consecrate
tempU etc .
L3,gjLJL.i5^ , one's luck or good fortune.
* l5J98J)93lUL2.6FLD , L.5 JO 5 l_L F LO , an appear
lJ^>'ULO 'V. l_3(TTUJLO .
ance to the eye . LJ0t5^OJLll 9- LO T JO / . to
i_5_6*408>J r_5^5g;GLjrrJOSi; , to separateappear clearly to the ey . iJSjQigfgUJLl.FLD / U-l , one's seif from anethev to become dis|oined cr divided;
in parts or branches . l3j4 35 s JO 57 , l5^5lULJ
evidently, clearly.
t_jtM>7 * *08>J , to separate , to disjoin . l_3j?y
* L-JQ35 jl-L|E5SJT0"US , an answer .
* L-SjOfljQujeRLO , ijjoajQfg 33 LO , outward, G 35 T<5VTfV5c6 JO 57 , to separate one's self. lS-3^J
separate . l3 JO5Q533LOT33 , alone, solitarily. t_S a separation; a section in ok . Lj5^o"-i)35rraoLO
the time of parting. 1_5^3< , a disunion..
^OgiCe535i-OTLUiBnj0ji jos; t* lay aside.
l5jo2;533'-o f . i_3 jo 35 #jo fi7 .
LS.JaJ . i_5jo6| .
, iJjOUJS^'-O
l3jo^. lSj*5lulo.
* iJSJOLjTjfLO , an historical collection . L5jOl_l[Fj
t_S 509/1' , a premise to do a thing; a purpose,
3535TJOJ<rc" , a writer of histories .
a resolution. LS^t^S^eStrOTJTLJwwi aii JOg7 , te<
* LiJOilONOLD lS JOL_IcnSjJLQ . famous, renown- promise ; to propose to one's self to resolve .
'ed , celebrious . t_S JO l_l co atn- , l3jo ueSujeiJ_j5lUUD iJ^i."!^ , dear, beloved agreeable, chainsJ3T JO *T , a celebrious person . t_3 JO i_J oS Li ing; love, affection. i_S_3ajt_JLj(5E6 JCS7 , to be
QljtG^OU , l5 jqljjv
t-qsq op) eS jo a; , pleased with a thing. Xv^JotQlOCNOlJ; -t U>
to preach up ene's self .
0D*X/356SjOfi57 , to Tove one. i_5 ^5 iJJ LO T LU , withs^
* i_5 JO l_4 , an honourable or noble man | a prince , pleasure , out of affefHon . l5_J0lu55CWTlo , Favor,
governor of a province. i_3jCI_| 03 350YT , noblemen, benevolence . Qu T IF *T i_ii_S^>J uj JBT , one whoprinces. -SjOL-lSgyiilLO , power, dominion.
likes good viituals . FiuTLJiJf-iiJLUetrr , one whoia
* i_5 J0224-J , splendor, brightnefs , serenity . {RTTi fond of sleep . t_S jftLU il , a good nautcd pertedfc.
jgU-1 TCTTlSJO LI i a clear or fair sky .
L5^v?c5icn <v . L3_JJ*JOfl7 .
uS^so) - . |_5_* J057 .
iJjOt-Jt-iQJeCjoai/ V . t_|?uji_i<S<OS; .
L-3 jois%lO V . *" JO.i<B'_D .
it l_5 V nativity, birth .
* tJJOLD rrBTLO , a rule , a law . LJOLDTw I_5 O/LOTTOSTI LD V . i < LO TOBT I L* .
t^poYrYr<U|"T aman of truth and accuracy.
iJG-^ejLO , a corpse, a dead body. i_5jO5JOW
lJ JOLO Tnrf3535 L truth. I_S JO LOT owrf 35 CT fftrr , 35T" LO l_i 2Su JO 57 , to adorn a corpse for
sJ JOLGTswrf353^3533TJOr , a man of truth.
i funeral .
V-BJO . the homed moon , particularly after new* uJOLOTlh, difficulty.
iJ JOu5g5e6Jog7 to grow astonished.
imnon . (Q3 3> t_5 S JO . the firil day after new moon .
(J.T<nrari rr loUSSi JO the second day after it. lS
i_3 jouSlulo V . i_Stu5lulo .
4 JOBST a; 57 ( l_| JO L_| l_j i @ 57 ) the horned
moon appcais . iUOYr/J"i_3 JO >. the crescent . Qg>LUr
* tJJCCOTUILQ , sorrow , grief , lamentation . i_Jjf) i_SsSiJO, the decrescent .
TtK)Tt_StRStJOSV > to be mournful er sad, to behave t_SJsjo LUT? L* , labor i pains , fitigue , endeavor
joe'a self lamentably..
trouble. i_52 JOLUTF i_l Lj(2:e6jOji7 , to endeavour ^

*o -trouble one's telf, te tike pain . i_3ffl>^D(UT.#i a l_rrrrfRjG^r''c^T"!^rf'* a timorous fellow.

l_Sr#rtS^0<3i;, to squirt, to syringe. OJrSSegLJSI
abeiious nan . .
L3a>oQiije$*n lo . J a iOujg^eoruD i any rrriDTLuaGassLfFffT-i -)^; to gue one an in a
proper way to go to work . lS&oQuj g> ? L_ jettin. eBTr^esT"LU_a.4r35!5 gil <-S =
; , C5e>^oGiuE5"TLDLjiwrr si > o crow squiits it's excrements hum on high.
l_?Fi5)B=g;fi5B , t-SFFff.)^ , the left hand , '/fJ
, to endeavour, l! a q Q ^ * > ,
skilfully, industriously . (5 r <j\j itljlJSS/oQlij^ ijr fAf Indians to be unclean . uS-ffe 0> (( , a blunt
<51. ujLJTgg'r'ei . he employed all the skil' sword..
* L.I LO,, an altar a throne . i_J L_1L_ICTO0;,
had .
i_5tt> ^dGlUTKuC preparatories towards a work. a :hair nr throne . Qi }$\ 11 ?i l , an altar lor sacri
I_5 SB g jjT 33 UD l_i -WT SEX/ )t O > , to make a fice .
l-L-0.g;cSO5J > -to vex or torment as pains Aa .
disposition or scheme towaids a work. d_u39>9>LUl_
l-Stb , honor, jrcatnefs , pride.
> <2oQ J-lT-gS'. , preparatories fer war. i_5 45) JO
QllJTtt', a capable man .
< * l_Sffil , affliction , misery*. i_?42)t 1 11 Tl
* LSfO^iUT'TLO . profit , advantage , utility . g fi) , a poor man , U)COTt-JL5Sl , sorrow .
if SHiJOQ JJf*rLJL_l(B*
, to piove useful uS4 {R{_o , an office.
l_5 U R95LD, vain swaggering, ufn ^aEtBRrr
or profitable . iJtr gu-JTFTatrr, lS-GluO"
30or , a bully , braggart , swuggerer ( turbulent noiiy
&f;evr , a useful person .
felltw . ) t_S ll_ es ib Q UirDO , a work that appears
I_5 .20 (K T LD . the following time,
good on the outside, but is fal>e within.
\JjOGDSi) v. l_5?F*^CSi;..
uSh_9l, the double breast-part of a garment . _cvTLJ
uSiOUJ I ( afterwards , alter .
i 9 , that part of it which is within. Q ) JnM-54 9
iJj A3i/virrjT0YT . the day after .
1_5 . 1_31_) , after. j/je;@LJL5trr after the outward part that covers the other .
L4_.g;Q)a , trick .
wards , afier it . \ Q i_l 6 l5 or , after he
* l_STrLOIia"LO , yellow silk. LS^iUSCBtTLB ,
was gone . ij>crcrr*fii ' nr Q 1 igrfeS^os;
aJ JcrrffiM T^ffi4_LGe5Tti>T(i,(2uiT />>, to gold-color .
L.S85gja\3 , rent , ragged , worn out .
4iold the hands joined behind the i .. j to be idle
i-SgS1 , fear, fright . UsBja^L-yJiuQ. gOjetTr
t_3 i (SlgpJLijT LU 66 I (S *
5/ . ,0 ,ie
the hands benind the back. L5rrgi , the hind- one that is .full of fear.
<'te swagger or trcjtt , to make a-'ftmj
Jjatt of a ship , the stem . L.3 .ib L_l 65 05 LT u5 J)
l_) 'O 1: , the bacli side. t_3 JtVr
, hereafter , afier great .
, a gun , a cannon . 1^'*'1(*-!9'','
this time. t_5 50T >ori_p. iu T " , the posteriry , those
hat will be born in times to come . iJeoTsOTig;/tO, fire a cannon. iJrTW&PW Bj&LD ( Oj I ) the
he hinder - part of the head, l3 er rjj; jai . ,' report of a gun . uSGrrRieSciiTLU , the muzile pf a
liind -quarter /" multen etc. l_3
T ouj ) , the gun. 1_2(**5 ADor , a gunner. LTTl 5
consequence, what will happen lirent ter . 1_5 i_C , a rammer. IT 4_9.i_ilS0"TD* , @2)>fBf LJ
i_ScrrFcS , a mortar . L_Scr rwiiirlTFCK) , Jn embrasure.
behind . i_Sot gl Qoo i behind j after .
.Ja"TLU*.05i , i-So" TLur5igi(LS/rfr,sffi }
l_5A>rQF >cg;*OS; . to fallow .
QiJT^giiogj , to remove tittle stones or strniv from
-)* 5*.03^ , to pursue.
ncc etc .
V_5trr t_i:29 .201 t Jffi; , to .imitate .
i-S TT
L-Sf :SOTO*Oay , t_S5f5(g
i_3cot ^jT T/i> De7 , to backslide j to recede/ri .1
tl^Oc^; to run forth as milk runs forth out of thi breast .
j ; V , purpeie , bargain en .
* JwwlD, uSajn-orgvj'-D > t-5*trrrrQL_l{5
l_S o^!> , ring s womtnwraron their toes 5 peacock's
05 LO i a ruptuie , difference, disunion , -variante . i_*t
WTLD ( UJ-'triJBrQLJBjUD ) L_)TOSTS22/< 1 to feathers; a dice for eating lots. l5 0$ Qh Q Oft T
.nake a differen.e . Q i
L_| l_0 l_i or <or lCTUj &)\ ., an umbrella madr of peacock's feathers . i_Soi>
Gl_JT(*)5^D5J . to cast lets.
_j rr Fr S; , she has mim-artied .
1_5'* , tJ-rareef ~_j(2l-!T(5*^ g; . to t_ A/WT , the g un of the eyes . l_SajW F TT 3
!_ @ , filth gathers in the corner
plait, to braid ,.to twist.. i_5etrrrr 00 , a plait. i_3*crr
*or 00 rr Jot TL <3> -Q > . to be intricate . of the eye$ .
osjlJ >ei wjNOTtuCJi-Jfff OSJ to speak L?iwuy> v. t-jja/wr.
'^' , to rend or tear. \JY>(fO , a rent.
* i
' rtfT , further , besides 1 hereafter . 1_/ L-*3l_ GlITjiD^; . to rend by itself- |_S
*<* , what more i_5 AtJfT 1 LD , again , QLJf(g.Oj , to dilaceiate or rend to peces. i_I
jY^iemnKf TiS 5051, to be dilacerated er reirt to pie
moreover , besides .
t_S , l_jJJ -, man's dung. LStJT jiLCCTLO tree ces by xvild beasts .
i_S'*f SF LO , an ulceration in the head running off
hose blof;oni stinks as man's dung . tSrrr
thro' ihe nostrib rtf r3"i_Sf PID, it's running like water.
t_ji es>\ . the .stinking bark of a certain irte .
ff LX' , it's running with blcod . #
lScFcndTU LD i t_5tK8S 7OT4jp.LUL0 , an hinder- Gf"J55 t_l l_S
CTTLUtlSatTf , it's com ng f-Tth as bran
nce , a stop mnde to a bueinets .
l_Sff5@ . uS4-?f@ , t-S'J-ffiiT.-eGFL-a . the name of i_|f t_@ 51 , G'-JTL_ eS^^ Gl-ITl-^:
! ' e6 dr lJ , to pour seme.liin* into a beast's or.
4t gurAeix-fUnt . lS5 ffi WPi'l lu . it's fruit . rgj
0> T L-l i_$ f*j (g , ;e*</ir *m/i 0/ JA/ vegetable . child's mouth .
35(*; , to praise. l_|Rt_p , i_)esul#.
/ </ .
praise .
L5'Rffi-ri > porcelain , China-waie .
U^TTLO , a great 'moke.
Lf ii . a man's privy p. ; .
4@*c&f ( ui (g sj et &; ) tifi^*-^0!^


^ll| iVTOYmjiST , I_|5^ldtT , a prudent, judicou
V5* COj ,
enter , to get in . > ( ' or skilful man. L-3)5jQm ^^ . *X) ear . a dull , un
x) ) '.^ > t0 100 J down into lieh or int wise cr foolish man . i_| ^ ^ ?n- <t S2> LO , acuttneis.
wrow pl,ue . Ql-jtQ^uj) rg 5;(ui T @ j, L|^Qf jo 2j&OiLi, to admoni .h , to exhort .
the sun set . QlJT@^_{).3 , at sunset . ffi^-S-LJ ^ , 115^^-0^ aclniuintien . a dolrine . i_)5^3^O
L-lgjiJS'i W , a widow that married again .
L-3 iE -'.;, ti instruit. l_ie5^SjTl_l#, imprudence,
i_b 5 rf; '_Q lu ?5 ^ LD , foolery , waggi^linel's , sillinefs .
1_<5^-1 , a son . l_)9>5)CrrJ- , the sons or de
L-|i3>/TS sineke. L-i > g; to O 5 , to smoke. L_|
tj smoke something. t_| -O 3= * , scendants . 1_|>5>1* , a daughter.-. Lf^Tf (
smoking, fuTi of smoke | dark, dim, i_| 4 35 5F <yo TtD , i_|95 T8f LCLJ^ , the issiie , the offspring ,
Qi-ITCb'* ,v-) ll> m3^e a smoke . MSSFBffiaSTffi . progeny. &,-?&{ , a lare offspring .
L_)55; , white ant-hills . (5 35 T !^ (2 ? T ^"
a great or thick smoke . i_) S u3 /rx> , tobacco. l_|
the werk, of the whi'e ants within the hole .
09-a3iroot_jQ-jTi_a , ( s/rovr ) snuff.
, an heap of earth mule by White ants. i_)<5
^* v. i_}i_L & .
e^LJi^gj5a-w4^'i-iLjiJ_9-5*- -o ?j; , tobe scuity
, t_| ;fi 5><Jj > pap uf rice- meal .
or full of soabs .
MTOig, L-|Tv/'3:,ixa'"l.D i 'Ai * /
MSy'^^-vSGij J-3 > Duller rewly melted.
L_|dJtJ3 , ii-lo > the arm. l^il; Q l_)30LX>, strength
Lj^TO , l_3f , a plasterer's brush
in itte arms .
L-i? CO , a storm . t> . lSfoo .
L-jfTtfrLDCTLO > rAe name of a tree .
I_)?9= . .D , a tail .
# HiUJiTTSLO . Ml^.U'T'riGL j s topaz.
I|CTU) , L^rf , a lity .
i -Ji-- ' J i-0 . a flower.
I( , an horse .
I153)^ ? > a field that cannot be watered.
l_|0"'T OTLD i acts of ancient times , hitoricaI-bok,
l_|L_LO v . (_i LD .
L-l't MiTLD .
JO i the ; of itrien -plant . l_|l_OsOT
5T.U , it's fruit, /iW patela. Q'ST^S;LJl_)t , MfftS^OS;, M rfrg 03 5 ^ 8 e7 , to bestow .
g5SSJL_)ff &Q{FJ , to b:itow a favor , te be graciuus.
fliothir kind of I .
ij/fff'-D icf luid , scarce, dear. i_j if ? i_j
('?.@ - . Lj(g35@ .
MBi *.031/ to tan i to wirinow j to swell . l_| L_l(P* ^e; , to grow dear .
I|ff FLO , dear, acceptable, . l_S_3UJL0.
: i i , swelling .
L_|.f FiTOOLBL5_.g3S t ejj . to beg instantly.
t-ttLS^O^J v. i_5l_l*30Sy.\
MtSi-TfT^L f. L-lijS-LU^'T^t-D .
l_j4__i_D i the breech the back-side.
i_|gi-aTrr, an husband j a manly person. l-JJ
l_| i (g , -a kin.i of meal-cake . t_| l_ @ 95 n_
iP-TLug^Sx/ , a man's a-e.
*S)i_i: i a kind ff basket .
M(5J'-D > 'he eye-brows . fU Li <7 5; ffi
MLl'lUJt/. l_)I_i_jLD .
-0y , to shave the eye-brows so that they grow
ta commit fornication or uncleannefs . i_jaoT J* f # , [smaller. 62-55*^; to 'frown ,
whoring , fornication .
! to grow angry .
1^1/;_-50; v. i_5jctroT?;*.iC9y .
1_|SSDlUT(5 ' a snceP st'" )oungI\&T , a separation in a bag etc j a deep ulcer, "*
l_|arr , an open woond, an ulcer. l_( tnrr f_sp u3 <ff>
tt^gj , to be soie . (_j9WT2g>g:e6.3g5; , to make fistula ; an hole all along fomcihing . i_| s. IT F (
0>SJ, something is fallen into the windpipe and
sere by corrosives .
l_I<j3bti f , l_|wri rpgjgjg; LOCOLO the conies up to the nostrils by cough . L_J iS>T (
name of a flouer .
it is a deep nicer , a fistula .
1_|><*/ v . (35 roo .
; , cakes of beaten seed's, rape-seed ake-, . l_|orr,^5)g5@0>^S(r the of plant, i-iQrrr&ajif , priests,
L)t>OLO i a corn-held .
* l_j *Bt eof lu LD , a good or charitable work .
11 1OL0L_}(S cc , to lament . L_| LD L_l ao
4_|S*T*trf LUOJTODT, l_j owrf Toi (fem .
|_)j>jffrCTBf jjffi)^ ) a charitable person. LLfrt anof lamentation .
M^iS*^^. ^^^SJG^-IT^OS;, to grow
JT-5>U>fT , a virtuous and charitable soul .
dry .
l_| OOJ" , children.
ft ngjsur, Mercury the planet. L_j g> rard5i_pi5>LQ ,
l_| CO fU" , poets, learned men.
L_i>0'or , i_|30LD , a sense . g'-OL-l " , the
Wednesday .
I_4S , ^ 4 UJ II ?y new . l_j 6j uj five senses. t_| JOoOTvUVT 2ju3'2;S7 , sense., are five.
* a novice . l_|9) gs6
^/ , to renew . (_J | 1) 11 . l3 c?o t to .
MoS tyger . I_| cfS ffi @ 4-9- a young ryger
QjU i_l bt LD . new coin . L| 5; lo . a new or
trange thing , a thing unheard of . i_f S/ 'TJ /oxtut , i-loi>5)Q3>T jo , a tyger's skin . L-j^njaSLO ,tyger1L1LD , new.
I claws 1.4 o>S O T aj e6 <D 5J , to fly at une like a tyge r .
^^ V. t_SJ^e6 .
1#1/5|_|1_|5, a tyger speckled with small spots.
l_lB3jeB , l_(8e5a; '-JGlJtG*^)^ . ! G^1 W35l_iI_|o>S , Gk-f5 01_ictS, the larger tyger,
to inter , to bury . L^majSjgysBfflISeS^oe/ to hide whose skin is streaked.
streaked G 3 T L--i-J i_) >S , a smaile
in the ground
to lie kind of tf gers .
interred M a ? UJ OO , a treasure hidden in the I{oSlUKLO > the masculine gender,
ground . l_'B63GM'rt!5eyTa darh- occalt or tI ifOO , wickednei's , evil .
obscure speech or writing .
IlirOOl-UiJ' . people of a certain low tribe .
L-jejffo*, new rice.L-l '^O V . L-ICTO Q-PJ .
<> understanding , intelleft , wit , judgement, l_jg> .^^, l_i o JO ^i33JT VT ser , an unman

nrrly am! inepr feilow .
down the several articles .
l_) EN3 j . l_5 ad 2D . 4 ^o > gra"
f-lvrtV5 , birds -, a little piece of wood wherewith
&COSJ \ JiUi (S CL>)tocut grals . |_)72 ^n';dren v>lay as if it were a bird . 1_| 1_Q_ , the
G 'SJB^-'CL'- to thrust the grals away for cleaning tracks of binls in sand ; a mark, in the margin of a book.
the ground. (_) 702/ 55 95 (|> a trufs or bundle oY #vui_}<IVTcWl-0- , the nanti tf a creeping .
Uj^oseof , calumny . v x QuTwuf .
gral's . i_|XjnjTi cro , a dejected face,
L^ , Qi osD li eaf , the tender rind er
(g Lp , a reel -pipe . i_| Q - S ,
l_'J4D^o;/52 i tho name of a plant growing on trees. coat that covers the bark of a tree .
L45rrCb1*^.'a' Lj'^sretGsl^OS;.
rjSJo-o-crg^ ,i.Tot_)CToG > o^' u > - 5j >
l|-vJ5>G^i wi,thi.ut, outwards.
he is a dfgcolStated son ot hon: at parents. i_j TOiUT >
tribute for pasturaje, ft: *OLjvTLji_I JO CQJ i '15 T .0
^5'' f. l_S055^Glu95UJ.
, M^O=5S . M^Q 25 t I G
, ourw:ird, '-oa'l ,
5 LC l_| . ooj , lemon-grab .
[elsewhere. ij| ajgaj /f , t_j
ff> ^ LD & 5- 'J' >
M*Oll i iU , L_j il T > a kind of hart .
L_|OJ^ctlX> , the earth . 1_| 1" 35^0"-B , ntheis that do not belong to the fami'y ; "_5."'9)i'-U
/.- n.feii /or geography .
LO'VUJ , separately . i_)JCT,|uuiS '-K^J, lobeeonie
J separate thinj . JjDjj -UijL,Tl1.iGl- 'I" O . to

earth .
L-( r_p TvJ S . , tj comerse with one another.
brcof'ne separate to go to other pbces . l_)^95^Lj
t_it^*^>&i. 4ys!55^C51-JT(S*^os; , to wring liuelf.

J to lay a ilnz scpaiaecy by

r squeeze out .
41 worm, a mite . t_j F 5> F (_l i_j Q , a cater- I l_( ^3t_ll_J (1e5 ^r) 5; , to go out, to go farther i to
pillar. i_j (lJ ;f Q sit tf; , f/ii / bird . t_| cme foith . L_))'_lL_ri {b'LjQ Ul T O'a/, t) g
1 ft' - * suknefs that makes the hair fall . away .
L-|jK)ld , v_S^O_0, t!<e side of a thing; the ouisidej
, 1_)@555jl_i(^ljTZ05J , to grow
wormy or putrid . HgS^G1!) Yf 66 f 5J to be a tracl or part of a country . ij_p'orri_j\v3i_o f the trout,
fill of worms , to crawl with worm;. l_| @ L-J 4 @ S the fore-side . i_5 rr i_| vj lO the back-siJe . _ o-vT uj
xJF Q F 5 5 T otrr , he died being eaten i f "worms . MOlD , the inside. Q :vf lj _S vj. us , the out ( > iniisfc. 1_1(@'_)'_57/ , i_|(jl@i_i siUs; . X! TO l_J i_| CO LO T cF , to the light baud. Qi
1_/0 , a musk-cat . L_| (y (g F LO , the ven ( ($t ) ^50'_95. to the left hand. i_S > ?
tricle in the musk-cat , where the musk in generated. bJ9S(-|U5[5,i , on every side five. <2_ovt;v5lDl_4
/"D (up' LOT LU , within and without. t_j .CTJ 35TO\D ,
M@@F(_i3l_jrr , a kind cf paddy.
L-j ' 3F, 35 Lfl . the do enefs of a room , the want of air. the upper part of the foot . l_i .00 rpy <E> 35 , the back of
)( Sgi$(2o45iUffi
, to shut one up in the hand. Lj^rRn- ^^^ . to blab out thing?
that palied within dours .L-i'rJo^SLO)
a cio.-e room , where no air comes to .
I1@-35-?53> > a slave ; the dung or treadles of gout!, rtO , a foreign couniry . LjO5TCrLO, Lj
tWroTiuTW anotlier man's wife, t |
, others ,
iheep , r.ttt etc ,
l_|(LgfK,95crorf# , rice whereof the paddy before strangers . / , fi^ld given to other people
to till . n^(^95<j)LJT#-3>5nj<JVT . 3,1 adulteris.
beating has been a little boiled
> dust of the ground . 93 rr l_| Q f il -3 nryt7yri_|^cGS>c5 5 S>. the child is comete
fiSi '5ji/5)J, the feet are grown dustv . LJTfgjjiij' the birth . L)iQj u3 T LO , a tivc whose outside is
S)GTU|Q^Uj T8=3rgj , the garden - bed is well pre harder than the iuside, as a >ilmra-lrec is. rgTi-L
pared for recoiling the seed. \-{($><-(~&) , |^.'1_11-01_ , the inland country. Pr^^JLAL^DL ,
to country round about .
to plough the field the last tune .
L-J.<y>_cl_, , !_|CLDGLJ MOL0LJTUJ , abroad,
with, ut , out of doors. -ODLCLJ TUjGST
l_|"Vr(5> . l5 95**0/ . l5oyt@.
XiSil , to lend money to other people. ' | {y:- 1_0 1 J Tffi
6^ , to exclude ,
to be mad fur joy or voluptuousnifs .
L-IJOeUgobUJL V. uSJ50fjJ&#UJLD .
l_|->if . L-JVf , tamarind. l_jovf UULDCTLO , a tamarind-tree. i_(OYf ij Til 95 T tu, nnripe tamarind . i_i
OVflUTGfKT I S3) i , tamarind - stones . t_4-Tyf
G1" Creer.
HJItQfrri 2Su .l_Jl_J2B F i tamarind - paste . L_| - 1_|045 . 5.
Ovf 05 95 IB T 93 &C<), to dilute tamarind. L^'vf'^
1Q- 3) 5 T Cfyr . she has betn delivered of a child ,( proL_{nrrrf e$nrr(y , /Ai iie nf a plant .
ujJorTOi, water; a iiver . L_pTro\S, the ofi%
ferly , aA/
drank a sour thing . ) t_j jyf i_D T ' 95 T '.
water - // .
// frail culled bilimbv .
L-li/crcrr^OS^, te drefs to adorn.
M^vfgssS^Dffi; t t-ScNf oSeS^yig/. t_Sovf g ( ;
L_|otrr#if l_J -I . l_| TOT DT ffl 95 . a smiling . L_| nrr
et^iO^ , to be> sour . \_5oif ^ ge>ST, sorrel . L_)
OYf 9535 S>*Ug583^08)J , to keep foi leaven . l_j-NT>5 #i_Jl_|G35T5VT?Y3e5^ffi; , L_|3Sr # rf l_l L_l rr OJ
5'_arr , leaven , L-J-Jrf t_l(_j , sour, oyf 95 95 - , #rf^Syjg_; , to smile or simper .
a sour dish .
l_| /onr , LOTLC ,
ofa Irte .
L_|?v5/y32J, to lie impudently . i_| V5 95Krr, one L_| /croT G UJeoT/otnrr , oil of the kernels made
of that tiee .
that speaks many a lie . i_|*V5@> a he .
L_jovTC3Yf , a spot J a point or tittle. l_( oyr Off
y, , a flower . Lh Qu T u oytld . yjFQF'jer
LOTetrr, a spotted deer or hart. i_)3vr Off i_jl_c| Uli,
, a nose-gay . )93@ , an unfledged young
L-J JVT OVf l_jjyr c>/fujrru3(f595e>!ogj, spotted , ckicken i pigon etc, Lj) hi STerU'reTLO , ) 95 ,
speckled . i_| a/r cvf i_j rr /9" 95 * Cf)
, to coujeure i flower - garden . LjjJiFL 1 , blonmin^; ears of
how m uch_ the sum may be, to estimate. L) <JVT
I .orn . UjQ^tCS1 h * S . to string flowers . y>
<3ut(4s;, to make a point or tittle } to note I i_OTrtj>J , aga.liBj of flowers ,

f s; G ^^*^; , ufciJSuG S ovr
*>5^ Ofi; >
enter , to get in . i_) (3<~$5}J , ( L-hT)
gjj ) 1_)^"65{5> , to look down inro an icl; or tnt*
a narrow . GL-JT(9S>lbb S^G^-J @ SJ>
the un set . G ^ ( 3L> bt) '3 > at Sl"15t;* 054--LJ
L-)igi[Tj^ii}jvr ! a w:dow trat married .

'vrovru^T . MS^ldt-wt , a prudent, jurtcou

or skilful man. L-iSj^G^ A ii) ear , a dull , un
wise or foolish man . i_| ^ ^ s, (> uo , acutt ncl's.
ii^G^ r JOg8>6t^OSJi tJ adinonish , to exhort . i_i5>
i , L_|c5^LO^ , it il admonition , a dolrine . 1_|5^^^0
1_'56.'5.;, tj instiuk. t_|6g55>TI_L#, imjirudence.
L^lg;^_OLLJ?5g3UD > foolery, waggishnefs , sillinel .
M >> ff) , sineUe , i_j ) 35 tg
, to smoke . t_j
1-{)$ , son . t_|i*/r/}- , the sons or de
> :o35J, tj smoke something. l_| -S :r ? * osD , seen, lai.ts . ng^l" , a daughter.'. L_r5^"frg5rr
, i i S s ' LCIJ55j , the issue, the offspring ,
smoking, full of smoke dark, dim. i_j ia 3S f ro
G'ITJ* "-QU . to make a smuke . l_| B ? cR T (> progeny, i_fg3;crrre9;aVT , a lar^e otfspiing .
a great or thick smoke . t_| ffi> u3 /OO . tobacco. 1_|
M? white ant-hills .
$ % g f T ^a>
the werk, of the whi'e ants wiuun the hule . -\d}I^J
iaa-uSdL^uiG'-JTua. , g/rovr ) snuff .
i_OiraT , an heap of earth mide by White ants. i_|0J
-t_)^5D0ii a pap of rice-meal .
E;i_it_lgTuji_i^i-J!_j4_i.t!5*-^0 s; , tobe scuity
or lull of soabs .
^, l_jfF>LGa~i.D i M W / tree
1l?)5Llt59".vi>G'3 > Duner r.ewly melted .
t_l?LD t . l_|UJLD.
II J_l t-D , i_ii-uO , the arm. l_f_U G
l_J*0O , LSfCTO , a plasterer's brush.
in ttte ariis .
M * CO , a storm . . i_5fsO .
t-HTtfr'-DTLO i the name of a tree .
L-jFff :X> i a tail .
" #, _j0"4 Tg, sej.teuiber .
MjlUO"ToSI-0 , 4O-!_JCrT05LD, topaz
, i_(rt* . a tity .
i lo , a flower.
I | tZ , an horse .
IIZg-gid2 , field that cannot be watered.
l_|0"'T tlD , aits of ancient times, historic al -.
Mt 1-0 V . l5i LO .
I1 - V . (_|(_0 .
?o , the nam: */ 'arden -plant . l_|t_
, M^S S 5 V5 *
, to bestow .
5T.1J , ir's fruit, called patota. G9T> ;t
522 LiJi|ff ^^ , to b.stow a tavor , e be gracie**.
tiwtlur kind of it .
l_(."f ffu) , L)f 1 i scar;e , dear. i_| rf 7 i_j
M iS1 ^ to lan , to wninow | ta swell . l_j LjfJiS.OC'S; , to grow dear .
; I rf FLO , dear , aceptable, 1 . lSjUJLO.
Q^-Uilj , swelling .
4 L_|.f FTc>OtXL5_t.g53S or, 5J , to beg instantly.
i-i\-L$03y v. iJSlL* aosj m
MtS^i rrg^LD v. nijtLU'T'Tuj .
l_|U_i_0 , the breech the back-side.
I i i . (g , kind of meal-cake . 4_| I Q 5
i_)5^>r, an husband ; a manly person. i__jrj
4j.Tub^;, a man's a^e.
1 i % kind of basket .
Mil'J , the eye-biows . l_j (5 m LO <X 5J 95
ML-llILO V. I_jlp-LJL0 .
L-|WTi2>*.0Q-fy , t_jy(}-y#LJfWr2S2y * 57 , 66^3^7, to shave the eye-brows so that they grow
to commit fornication or uncleannelj . i_joot fF # , smaller. M5^J5>2S0G5-<,>*^Offi; 10 frown ,
whoring , fornication .
to grow angry .
t^ijcrtnrrg;65.-50S; . \J5iMwr^t^c^j .
MQ>a>niOJT(S a sheep still young .
L-\&T , a separation in a bag etc ; a deep ulcer , a
, an open woond, an ulcer. L_( gg) u5 5 9;
iS-iCSy , to be sore . |_jOTtnrgTJP3SB6.23^ to rnake fistula j an hole all along something. i_)&CT0;G 35
.230/igy, something is fallen into the windpipe and
Sore by corrosives .
i l_|WBTl rfSLO, 1_,1 351-> , the t conies up to the nostrils by cough Miser s (5 g; ,
it is a deep ulcer , a fistula .
name of a flower .
L_)3trtrr gyp g;(0) , cakes of beaten seeds, rape-seedL-lt&mOBxJ V . QSF TCO .
ake-,. i_|orr^pg5@ffi^7" i the of aplani . 4Q'J"T69>#- , priests,
I_|(7olO i a corn -held .

ar <sof oj LD , a good or charitable work .

t_|*T<r5f LUiUTaor , t_j ran" ffraf m Toi ( /irw . I_l >oa3l_|(6y; sjj , to lament, L_| CO LO l_J
i_(5TOTfB3f jjffllg ) a charitable person. LL|f?timrf lainentation .
to grow
UJT-fJgyLOfr , a virtuous and charitable soul.
4 5*^0 a; , M TotCCSJG'
dry .
l_|j4i*U'5" children,
l_i 00 SUfJ" , poets , learned men .
it l12>* i Mercury the planet. L4 g; -rcr L_p 5) LO ,
L_j?\3!or , H'JOLO , a sense . S2l_0L_( - " , thr
Wednesday .
45Jjf , MS^ M 41. i_i s;, new. i_| ig oj five senses. i_| j\j oor >fi vT SjuS'TJS^ 1 senses are five.
CU , a novice . l_Jg i {6 .O g^/ , to renew . i_j
i_| T ero f . iJosOTrro .
l_)oS , a tyger . i_| osS 5 (g
a young tyger
<5j I I i_l LD , new coin . l_) ff^ 3> LO . a new or
trange thing , a thing unheard of . i_j gy rg T ijoxrar i_)o!>'gG5T-j40 , a tyger's skin . o>S' 5 a; LO ,tygerclaws
osS i_l T JJ (6 AO
i to fly st one like a tyge r .
LULO , new . .
t^-li/^iSi-Ji|o5 , a tyger speckled with small spots.
i-ises* A^sj , i_iit5t5' '-iGi-itC*^)^; , | Q<OJ bVcEL-JL-JcsS , G-l5 oi_josS , the larger tyger,
to inter, to bury . l_4Bf5g55t/S>iUSOSL/ to hide , whose kin is streaked G^Tt-O-t-lMO'S , a smailet
in the ground. 5$^*1 35 S O ) , to lie kind of tfjjers .
interred . I_| a i tu , a treasure hidden in the * l_(o>S Tvl^ ij , the masculine gender.
ground . L|QuT(!5 OYT , a dark , occult or I|irOO . wickednel'j , evil .
obscure speech or writing .
IliiOOUJ'i" , people of a certain low tribe.
L-ltSjrfo*, new rice;
1_| /. Ii go PpJ .
1-4, TO 743 T , L-i \i JO^JilT OTT , an unman

uudu standing , intellect , wit , judgement,


own the several articles .
nerly inepf feow .
*5, birds ; a little piece of wood wherewith
^.' uS JOOj , , grafs . L-iOTO-iO1^

( Qoji >* ) ) to cut grai's . l_j7vogj htldien play as if it were a bird . l_| ovr
S^iB^^^i/- to thrust the grals away for cleaning tracks of birds in sand a mark in the margin of a book,
tiie ground. 1_).21/ ($ a i nils or bundle of -w (_| ovr ovr i 9 , the if creeping Lint .
l_) *Qnrf , calumny ., QLJT^YXeof .
gral's. i_(X)llTl OJ , a dejected face, l_| oO
H^Osmsf , Qlo l_| jSO fsf , the tender rind er
CO T O (g lo , a reed - pipe . |_| CTO 'Q CO o\S ,
Ii -j-o Oj /75 ->~5 > tho name of a plant growing on trees, coat that covers the bark of a tree .
njjo-o-crgj ^->oi_|7o^
06' ut ft gj >
i-i^OOjQ^ > withiut, outwards.
he is degenerated son of honest parents. i_)JOilJff 1
tribute for p'bturage . ?;.iL>L_t)TLJL_| :joy , 5 T O
-5$ ^ l G JO , outward, aVoad ,
gLCL.|joog/, lemon-grali .
Elsewhere. i_| cc3ji>dj ~ . M
g g ld & . #"
11*0 3J i iu , i_j 00 J T > a *W / hart .
HOJ-.0TLO , the earth . 1_)! /) 5^0"-0 tlieis that not belong to the fami'y ; i_3.*iggiu
/Ai- n.;)f /or geogiaphy .
on"LU , separa-ely . i_| i J,LJLj((58 OCBJ, to become
separate tlunj. eJSjOgjUilTiuQl) T O &J . te
t_)t , ifie earth .
breo. ne separate ; to go to other pi?ci . L_|05^C-J
I|'_p Tv-i3Sy , tj comerse with one another.
^^& M^SSjG^TvSee^gJ , to wring ^(S%i^S^if>'D'^J y to lay a iftif separate y by
r squeeze out .
L-)-4-3lli_lOhxSS_'y)5/i , to go out, to go farther to
L_)5_g, a^worm , a mite . t_i F F LJL_) @ , a cater
pillar. MfyJFQSTFJg
name of a bird. t_j : come foi til . L_|^)l_JLJi (>'l>G f'O'g/ t>g
(3G fXl i ft" i a suknufs that makes the hair fall . I away .
40}-5*.>1 , M@K5)JLjG<iTZOgj , to grow
4^>L0 , vJ/OuO, tae side of a thing; the outside;
wormy or putrid. l_| ;C g J\) Q ij> oyf # .20 gj , t,i be[a HaiSl or part ofacountry . ('trrt_4i_o > the front,
fore-side . i__5 rri_)iOL0 , the back-sKle . t_ CVT .
fill of worms, to crawl with orro>. |_J (Q i_j t_| Q 5
g;9= G f 5 5 T otr , he died being eaten 1 f 'worms . MlD, the inside . Q<U 3vf"LJ _SiJUS , the out
'9( >
. M@(j5Lj'_SJ,vTywr , nQ@e_i side, tfu jo t_j i_( C> LO T to the light baud. (Ji
U^/Scrr , a musk-cat . l_( Q (g F 4 UO , tfie ven ( (Jl 3i/ ) \-\CQ^Tih . ta the left hand. i_3
tlele in the musk-cat , where the musk in generated. gJ^Sjg J^LDTJg,' . on every side five. _ ovr Jv3 L i_j
i/JO (Cp" i_0 T OJ , within and without. t_j TJ T ,
4@*;,-'L-jrr , a kind cf paddy.
tI '15 35 LB , the do euefs of a room , the want of air. the upper p.irt of the foot . t_j lY/jiryibas , the back of
4(t93 (h^^Qoc&trxif:^
, to shut up in the hand . l_j DTia. *Q>& 01%) , to blab out thing
that pafsed within donrs .l_|X/#S>L,
a cio..e room , where no air comes to .
I|@-35-5S95 > a slave j the dung or treadles of gaati, /LO , a foreign country . l_|.2Cgrrcri-0, L) O LO
tWoTiaJT^yT , another man's wife. \\o!r , others ,
iheep , T.m etc .
L^@Tg;c70if # > rice whereof the paddy before strangers. _//!01 , field given to other people
to till . t_i.>(g>&V-iiT/J-ggru^vT , an adulteris,
beatini has been a little boiled .
M@ ^ust of 'he ground . KTNLj (L$ ^ H -S nr5ywri_ji.Cg)?; @ g>, the child is come to
Si 3)JJi) , the feet are grown dustv . i_jT~c53>iij the birth . U|3JU " , tr:c whose outside is
TL|Q^.-il TFftS; , the garden - bed is well pre- harder than the inside, as a palmyra- Irte is. rjjTiJpared foi receiving the seed. 1_)@^(5^/ , i>l_lt_i^OLO , the inland country. PrggJLJt-jOLO .
to country round atnuit .
to plough the field the last tune .
t-|9<-C4 . '1OL0Gl_I, l_v 43 LOIIT LU , abroad,
with, ut , out of doors. L-JJOLCt-JTLUGlST (g '35-eS
1_|>@ uj JvreseSO^y . l5oyt@
4^ ^eS^Dg; , ^^^
; , -K>J , to lend money to other people. l_J2;i-0i-JT45
j to exclude .
to be mad for joy or voluptuoujnels .
L-I-Nf, l-S-Vf, tamarind, uj^vf UULDTLO , a tamarind-tree. i_)0vftu nv T , oitrijic tamarind . i_|
WfiUTQfKT I S2> i . , tamarind - stones . t_|3yf
la-iTOGesTL a>t_ .LJi_l F , tamarind - paste . L_|
^>^ - 555.
OvTffi95i2)/T"a5*^CS; , to dilute tamarind. L^^rf'^,
^^ . 455J LJ-55TcfvT . she has been delivered of a child , ( pro|( > g ( , /Ai lele of a plant .
L-ircrr-o, water a liver . lpirroS, the name of-a
per/y , the has drank sour thing . ) t_j >(f lD T <fil T OJ
U'.iler - plant .
// /rt> cn//r</ biliinbv .
*\/ttr*0&i), '* drefs to adorn.
LSovf.g;*/!r>gj, i_Soyf g g ,5 ^
L-jaoriif i_j _) , L-4 j T JDT ffl i a smiling . i_| ser
tf^Og; , to be sour . l_Sovf g g t B 9" , tonel . (_)
Wf05 35 Q)ijg5aSi)g; , to keep for leaven . n-Ntg #TL-it_|G35T3VT?Y5e6rX.g; . l-l3^ # ! >-l L-l T OJ
g'-ST , leaven , >1*1_1(_) , sour . l_j Wff & 5 ^ , #rf ^<S fj^j , to smile or simper .
L_f r i/Otrr , L4 air j/owr LDTLC rAr of irte .
a sour dish .
I(&^O&J to lie impudently . i_| V5 35^1 one L_| err eVOTTT G LU 9T i/JOtrr , oil of the kernels made
of that tice .
that speaks many alie. 05@> a ,ie
l_jovroyf , a spot ; a point or tittle. I_J o\T oyf
U> , a flower . tjuT OYTLD , yj?Q=5Br
LSTotrr , a spotted deer or hart, Off i_lt_14
, a nose-gay . )^@? an unfleclge-d young
M JVT Wf / Off Ujrru3(f5g5*^gJ. spotted , Ckicken , pigeon etc, L hJ SSTiaJTSTLO , L-^T ,
speckled . i_|0VTOff t_j rr fjr W> * O gj , to coujeituie i flower - garden . ufjJJFi &i , blomning ears of
tO Jtritlir flowers . LJ)
how much the sum maybe, to estimate. i_j ovr ovT .Orn . tbgGSTW *
iS'-'TOS^ to make * Peillt or le to note o3tju\3, garland of flowers.



y>oS* *5>eL/ . yjLuy^T* *">!*";. to 'bloom ,.to blow'j

or Tlu^om . LCO" [_>!_) l_ii_J) @-3J , the tree i> in
b!ii5 ?ijy)G?;",T-23'(? X> V~ tT> & O Bj havie
^losioin.ijSJLJjJl/LJi^uj 1 &6rf>j. it is paitblol'soni- run uns self out of, breath, topant, to puif aad blovr.
eng . G'-'CB1,L-IbbSSV1-"' G>'f *Brlj the fi'e '
JUSt burning . L-Jj- (rr i_D(_b g^juiQ UT
, to
Li_JL^ , women's monthly terms.
<n,ould , to grow muttldy or hoary, ^ j gj L_l * y>U3TciClT , an husband .
UfjL-O , the earth , U^u5u3^af-"'T -f ( .
:G-jTFc"t<~~J , a speck is giown in the eye .
L^Fseof , y)F*irff,TLU , a gourd , a porakin , Fe" the jjifjce of the taitli.
,, yjOJirffr T- Jqrrm- .
stEeffiTLJl-ijS-sctff . the common son oj pomkins .
* L^T^mri-L^ , yj:20
, abundance, plenty..
UJTffT L_,_)focef , FT L i_J _ yj.F soef , anethtr
utjT'oer Frgj/T"^' > the full moon.. y> rr F 03
jttind, ash - colored .
yjFO\"> , battle ; a boisterous noise as of a battle. GSTAll., a great joy . J^T-n.l_JO\ST , a full
+ yjFTtf i an idulatrous saciificer in a ittle pagoda itward.
:3n exorcist .
L->VU) v. y-TTe-JT .
y, rr rr UJLO , attentivenefs , prudence. LTTUJeS
#"$ ."CSy., to sacrifice , to ^perform thccciemonies
g;rt OGcr . a very attentive and prudent person, y^
jbeioTe an idol .
,y>ffr$.C}V, to smear, to besmear, to daub . to anoint.. rrriiJl_5(5<2d 1 . to be attentive and considerate .
rrdDT , G *
I1 bb 0" T , a cei.tipede..
ju_,fl>T , an offering or sacrifice to idols . y, CD F
t_ic3BT sSu-i
, to sacrifice , to .serve the idol . y, G'fLDyjTT1""", a red centipedt . & (3.)"1,
a black one. F "no XSB ?5 LJLJjTTWT , a c.uti^ede of
;f5y*2)&OBx) i to be worshipped .
the large t species .
<"S "fiTLO the whole globe" of the earth.
yjrf 05</!O3i;, y rf 5^(^35*
, to be filled
* ?, an inset . l^3\rr*/tvre5i/Of rLjyjFcET
witii oy . y>rl*LjL^ , a great joy.
Ai_(b'*-^S^ t.j scare or fright children.
* y)T#jJ!dO, neatnels , nrenefs. y F # LU LO LU yjrf a>e> , a trumj) , -or trumpet . yjff &&
nj^SJ^QeST 3YT ^V5 * O ) , to keep a thing vjQj , to sound or blew a trumpet .
y)"f" LU" > wicked people.
with veueratiosi. y^fcf ia^Go">Trt>OFFN; > n "
y^rgioJLB V . ^1"..
4>i4ite treatment. y F#OJLDTluGi'T-^CSJ' tobe
)4*;( utujGl-it^ds;, Uj m tr Q o*
s*f no advantage . rrgyjf jlqTlu {rf
do be ' poor . F rr i_J t_j i (1>(@uyF#uju>rruy 5, LJTJ5C &' to come to nought , to be undone . y 4JSQ""
5Vi(&i5J i I have nothing te live upon . Q ill i/OO a' nicer notliing . y)ttT.mT6"e6i_iQt_IT{b'",.ig , 10
undo a thing, to bring it to nought .
sj-^F-jpd-iU" , cefsation of work .
yS"c"r the matter wherewith any .thing is gilt, sil
LJi^t*3S5; -V . y,cF<^QeL'
yjtTvDT, r'ti / <i /rre , the berk if which it stmt*
vered or tinned ever weaver's starch . lll Tin y, F
, gilding. |_|F5rLJLS i S3 OJ , lumen stiffened U die red. fiijb/UAODrr , fJ"(J-Ljy)C?orr, LJfi
with itarch or conshy. Qu5,Oy)F - , the outward 1_| > t'isr *nir fit.
<a?ust or plaster uf a thing.
* tbG JOTtpuB . the earth, the world.
,4""~5$. '' ff a tree. \-^^Xjr^^_ji_jyp\x.
* y,.<-9"rrL0 , y>^cre-rrj-jff;aYr . jewels .
">(? ' til's gi>B~ mouldinefs and other nastinefs. yaJI_Gl_JLpL3 , G1)Trfr)'.i,i_iy3i_o , it's fruit,
(05 i_5
g g OJ > one who U covered with /i /ur |i7*iwj ant spots , U ,/i/ ftith of tin hair .
.and nastmels . yj^JODFLUTLl Jf ff Q 83J , to make
yoia.i" f. jut.t.
d> poor appearance^. y 5 iE) F r j-c> i_o a barren ground.
.' . 1_3. .
, the / of jrf-ti/ . y 4yt3VT ,
4(S > a shrub, a plant.
-i/wrL_Jt_"F"3""r , it's woolly flower, uhuh peoe use t
3 rr , the grandfather's Jather .
yji @ , a lock i trtc closure of a thing. ._jt stuff fUIouis with . GKT'^Xi.i-iy'VWr , JiOYTJ-L-I
> , ^LU^OL-jyi/tVr, difjerent kinds J that
to lock or shi)t , to shut up to fasten . y 4_fj_ u3 pimt .
55>(&&1 . *i e5@5L> ) !t is locked p (t^ > or
y3^Drr U f . VjriT r<m~r tr, -.
i AV." ff* g >^ Q oso
*>* ^"-1 . to put the horses
\-OJ4C&i) v. \%0&)
to the carriage, ^u rhV 05 LU El/ , the, string by whKh
y3jru"i)L_luLFL0 , the half month after 'the newbullocks are tied to the ke .
inuon .
y, ^CUlJUD , -QJ -' U3 , ) i-Q-'ajCK
\-2&* , yj<W 35G93 " YT V35 < /V) 5; ,
G KT -VI ttet^K)'^ . to put on jewels- ttc , old times , anuciit agei , antiquity . y^vj *Tt5 G13^'
5Tff LUfgffigLJb^ek-pLD J41 ( L_t>*wrf 95 ( rr \ in old times . ^"ajKyLCS/. r, an old man who
-VTTLDOO ) Gun"r>2"/, not toengage inabusinefs. r-ecoLKls things that hapjiened in former days . y
"biiiSU'Eai/rcro , the stung which Bramiueos and some G<JT "5" lD , the hule ofcir^umst.incts from old time
ther tubes wear over their ihauider lik.e ush .
down . cv CB 5 *T , the founder (if a thing . yj
Linter, a ring or ferrule^
^s-JJLULJ4_f(f5e~".9J, ) ^VOJLX> Ul_-ii>tf
a_nrtrrt_i. . a village .
"Ji st
to be grown rnouiuy .
J-^wsrrCf,' , .a plant-.
) rn/ULD . U3 rr uj y jCD
UO , willingnef. ,
ttgjiRTCrOLD . the time past.
|. auinefs, cheeifulnefs . LCm 1_. X ULOfrujj will
* tD&'-Qj speftre , a ghost, an apparition ; ill ingly, readily, gladly, cheerfully .
iluck driving fmm the devil .
g; ^ lo 4 hostet
39??;, woiins in the gcound .
.devils. Ljj5L'jFTffr , tliedeviT, ^^^^nrv<3 . Xe
.., a cat. y3-rt5BT(R{g4_i. , a kitten, yfc
welled veiy big by a disorder.
erar , one whse <.)es are like cat *
* yj-JCNLD > the earth .
tyes . 0""^.!5/!/' , the tiialcof cats , a -cat.
* ujj^'jj!_o, n element. ljjefl-IjJlij UO, the five y./^te-.^rSfe'tib the cal puaeth. STufU
out,, tarth ,
*ir, Mlme'al mau*r .
yjir-JOT t wild cat . yjeVCbr UJi ". ; "^" <S

$ ^eWoTLeUJ.
names if hers. ffr , a deep fetched breath) a sigh. LJr^^FffrSfi
ffiee^og; to sigh. Gl-JlSO^W^G^TOVrtS*
l_!4 i3iX! , a tittle chest , or box .
.C'gJ , to fetch deep breath .
G>-- . a che>t .
Q i1 C5 *B35L0 > what is multiplied or mimerons
G<->L- -V. G'~JTl_Q?.
(1Ii &> i , the female of birds ; the female of G11!559; r>@ .multiplication in arithmetick .
G'-Jffi^SJ ( G^'1' @*-^; ) to multiply .
lome qiiadi upedcs . Q
_ sffi 9 , an hen .
(Lpaor nJ-ttD6Si-jGl-J*l-ll-lG'07 u T@(_0 ,
C5tJ> 5>L_LJL_|p, a dove , an hen-pigeon .
<B)i rg/TLU , a bitch . Q |_J i s> i i_jUj;,rerr , a -.tue times six is eighteen . Q i_i ^ ig u G i_j *
cat , the fcnvile ot cats . QljI <3; LDTror , an hind , JCS; , to sweep. / Oj LGt-lifF-gs
the female of a dier. Rui Sst uwr
, a sow , erj5(L ^-? uj t& a ff to leckon by the rula of
the female of l og . Qi_j> Si lUT (4 . a sheep , th. te.
sjie-gont . Qt__K_0Si UJ err , an hermaphrodite. , Gll50:@. an overflowing} the flood of the iea .
GLJiT5*ff-TC>rf , G'-l'f
, a br^e kind of
t>l_li Ort 1.0_ , a cuckold .
QllTi , a maid or virgin , the female of quadru r./t , a .
l_i(fgi._jL_JLD , GL-4S'-O<-0 , thicknefo .
pedes and birds . Qi_l ottQ^t oyt tvt; *)!Fj . to
G^Jti55LO , greatnefs pride . G1'^'-* 1w*r
marry , to take a wife. QL-3srQ&T((fi Sj FJ ,
to give in marriage . Q <_j r (er 3 , the mark of ^Sbb\^o^j , to carry it high . Q t_i Qj 2> LO
the female sex . Qi_j*^ cr"Ti , Gl_i-*rri ,^, - , a proud man . .Sjgjci. ff: i i_i Q uJ ^ gs u>
woman . Q .,, Puror ggg) jji_!ir,r5,P5<nj tfvT . > that i; rot a thing for yon to gloiy oT
a woman . Qi_)5JW?T^cOVr , Ql_I _( 95 VT , Qi-t(5e>inQLjtFr*Deij i_iTa"T i fe' 66 43 gi^ 3'
women. (1_) , a woman that reigns ever to boast, to vaunt , 't* talK big.
Gi-jjc&sos.'. G1-0^.;^^ ; t oYT vj *
a kingdom ;a choice woman . Qljstot ? 2@
a country governed by a woman . G LJ i_J T COS) , to glow strong , to gather strength . <ljo\9
the feminine gender . Q t_j iJS eryr
, a female g,'i_ji_Sua Se^sy . lo lay s tro nj!y ho i J of a tl inj .
child ; a girl. Q i_J- btt favf o$ a woman given to lo holdfast. Qljo-c^^lj?. " *-20 , to strike hard.
Iks and quarrels . Qujere: otrr , a womanish fellow . QLJ'JsOffi'SLJUjMnrrS;* 3 , to strengthen.
Qt_iemn lcvlO the feminine of a tret .
GlOOgjflIT'J'L , amine of metal . Qmyc-^
G<-J5rf 9j05LO , haughtincls , pride .
5;UT0"55(3asjGLjrF^0^ , to mine, to work in
Gu;5Jy , LJ'3*M, LJ 'Sejant. (5 i kindred. mines .
i GlIN"T. strength, force, might.
Gl~J<T>SJ&;&W , G<-J[5gJff-rfR3; 3VT .kinsfolks, G1
relations . l_jrj}3jjgRic,i i an alliance or affinity by Qujsse GfB (5 >. '7^11-^''31"
G i-l L_
marriage . U
g ( LO. i ta ick served on QfLULD , waki.efs , disability > impotence. Qljooone's relations .
ffToS! GujcjOXITotrr , Qi_1([5^' a stre
Gi-Jiufga/vsgy . Gui5**3gy .
nuous, brave or valiant person . G t1 ^ ow G 5 T W
Giiuj/J- , the nominative . Q u Q{T f f Lfl , a ^3*^0 S;. to gather stien^th . Q LJ OSD <r Q (F -u.
participle .
eijCLDifbfR^ , a physLk that optrr.tes well . Q L_
Gl-lHJ*^S.i,to rain. LCffiypGl-lli-'U-lS' 't jEFiU UT LO, a tree that thrives weil,
rains. ujiBfQuj tu , adew falls . {ru s1> if G L_J JO,i_Ji_a > strength , ai'jistance . Gl_H\dl_JLJ(5*6.
I t Sj , to giow strong . G i-io^ ljl_i(B g 5; tS^c-s; ,
Gi-iuLi* 0&i) , to make water.
Glj'I'St G1i<fJ i GlI'fujgy , great. Qu.I rf (to strengthen., to corroberate . G1'"^'^'- > G1*
tU^jTT ( ffm . Qi_jrf ujXIovt , ) an adult person , a &~'<1 LD , violence.
l_| Xl ^ 5 tX) ( G
person's age. Qi_j rf luh/J" a gieat peison . Qt_I fiNj 5 95 T ( LO ) L_lfBT
> to fter -violence
rf ujt/J- , Gi-jrf Gojo-rj- , Qt^iifQ uj rr 4" e? ovr , ene. Q lj <3o s^j rrj^LCTOj , |1\;*55^
great ones, superiors} elders, ancestors. Gt-jrr'li-'L-J G'-jrf Qcto , violently .
Ljuur , G1jrf LU550>tIIl<rrr , the father's elder bro iler.
G lj S ,,a sacrif ice . Q\.J oS G'35Tffi05*
G1lLUT^gT Jvr , GlUtUJ^TOJ , GL-irf'1J'7 U-l ( (J ftj ? S; , QtFOj$ijiJtfi ^ )to, saaifice , t
the mother's eider, sifter the wire ef the father's elder biii.g a sacrifice .
brother. Ql_irf ajJ SS , the father's elder sister.
G1-! y95.OSJ i to get, to obtain or gain ; to beget , to
Gt-l^fi-l-lLCLOTtftrr , the mother's elder brother , G L_I bieed , to bear , to be worth. eOJTLcG1I ^Offjuotnr ,
rfujesrLO f dignity, a surveyorship . G l1 rf ojc5 one who has received a gift . Q LJ^O^DtOjetrr , the
or LD ll T mm
, to govern . Qi^f^Q father . Q\-i2}f , the pa' ents . G LJ D&$ ,lS
W 565' , a surveyor , an head-man , Qi^lVLiejJ 5' t parents and children . 4 L_5 ayr */cw
, a governor , a chief .
a UJ G tI cS>
s'ie DiS brought forth a maleQiirflUTrgTv/jaig;, the of mticinitl finit, child . J>4OJ0YT G !I ^ -O l5 OYT /W , her ownr
Glltr5<fi4o5y , to increase ; to grow gieat . Ql1 child . Qlj^O^^Tiu , the very niother . ^
tT) 35 > abundantly . G 1 5 <9"< the thumb . QljOi'.X) , how much is it worth ? t% (T 05 nr
Gt-JtSrST^r , an holy day . gugOJTlf (fiff TiF G LjVg)e5GlJ/,'>3 a worlc that is not worth a cash ^
I oso , a pest , plague , epidemical mortality . Ql_j
eVoo Quj^G''-^-^ffi^' precious, costly , off
T rf e; T F6=3vO J)t_& @ 5J the country gieat value .

is infected with the plague . Q l.i

l_I nr (govr
Q^jm^^O^j, to speak. QLjf&QKTOVr*V5b$
/TfUeyr , a woman affeflcd wiih an immoderate >5i), i-J^G^'1 ^ri-JJ-eS^et-CS/. to speak.
bloody fl ix , G1iGJ'-OiIT JO/n/SJ . her flux is with one , to talk together . Ql_irT(2 s be silent 1
imm .derate . G ' 5 *fi 1" UJO) , al'sa ftida . ffi^y5i_i hold, your peace! G L_ 9 T LD Q LJ T J i te 8*
G tI 5 TO 9" T UJ LB , ditto , such *s is used in curry or silently away ,
a-cot uQ l_i5 'KiffiTUjLO, ^iwrrs
GLJFfff , a speech, a talk ; a rumor. QilFffi-L-ILj
TUJt-O, toft such as is used as phy sick for elephants
, to fish seciets out of a person . QLJf BrUiG iitSGStBLJL^, a great fire , Quf ^ix^ot , a prattler j one that dehvers a speech well

t'i-J^WT^ -




a f;,Jng in the 8-' . S. fVJ give way, and aside! QuifrnQ ;

& 8tf.
:o copy, to tranicribe a writ . >( (J.\^j&<^^
Gt-JTffSrfJ^i the army hi decamped, nejigjLj
Q.-irftySitQi-lTPBreiJ , the wind has hifttd .
{\-jiT, a name} a person. Q LJ rf (, * J , to
.eji/oxroi /5 3t S
ti sec "lid oi e's words .
LJF#r _5
j^ 'i a ru.nur or
o' repaj
is circulated name. QLJ~8}tf lJ _5^; /O^ . to give a name t*
a rep rt goes abroad . plut, (i^i Q^-JTsar s^J^sr , G LJ " G --MOO
'-oad. Qi_jTm<<
i i l_U . an he. maphrodite .
ffi) or , a fam ms man , ' G1l '" ^VT 'T\> ^ . for to b
CLJ(4i the hen of birds. Q iJ'lTpSf , awomin- famed or praised . Q i_i /7 G UTTff . singly 1 n
by one, nominally (JuTUT^' lUT at two
5.!i face.
f()u ,1 shares. ^ 5 g; jiy 9 1 ~LjQL-Jb'r'<n-(?F.&
G' '** f >
wiiu'ig upon a gr.-al per*>in .
l (o -RT(5e:
)gj to wait up a greit one wirh iOQxt, 10 mention oo; . &<*ir<mGaor jeu U
p e;ent. . Q\_i4_L_i*r-iTOf ^Qtii 5* -jo 'g; , GT(jS'c5?i l (GL-I'5"<-I4 ) he 5 named a rogwe
fo seek tbj favor of a great .e . Gu/4^i. 'JJ T 5 (he is known as a rogue, ) Q i_j fj- {f 35 ran (g, , o4\ isii-n in
.COi) (l_j*T*nf
SI 50
10 piocu.e ine an ^li'hmaick . 5 t opj yutr
tu , publickljr .
pecefs to agrt peison . > (" 1 1 1 ? 1 'J 9 9- 'pn ' jn7 iG1
nder that n:ime . color or pretence.
Gl^,T , 0>U -t_!.'JJTy-fr5J 1 have h >d an accefs <X{]}Qt-TJo i_i joQu-ir? G^ofU(3'-0 "a* word
liai several sigtuficati..iis . rg 5 1-4 G l1 a
to the gVLfor ( ; any otii*r great gen-lemn .)
(211 t^, a suburb , a pettih near a town.
nick-name. lrt;(f55'!frrGl-J'f G7^ i-S -<
fS^QQffiJ , ic like 01*. Trtg rG^-"f G342??
<o huneur , to resp :ft to take care of, to nourish , to i^fTi (J)*^357 , to pur faut upon one. rr^ioT
B ( L_J ffffBT <">o^; ^) " > Ort" t
cherish. G LJ
<3U 30 to educate with \J Ljf QiJnoP
what are they quarrel ing ah >ut ?
great, love and care.
' G'-J'fS55>lUGl-'rr *
GLJ545J5, G1
i a disjoining, a difference ,
a di-h.irmony . Gt-JffiL-ctl^""' %V5l> &~ 5J > t0 make to J). ill , to f. rev or root a thing out . (Ljrfff0Di2)fj&
riiifereice or division . QljSJtGiig55>Lf
3: O^j , to pull out and cet ill another place to trans
tt0j, to be very much disunited from one anotuer , plant . GOJO-VT XTLtfiTl 4B L_ l_) G i-J 3" 5 ?
Lp.f 5.5;, the inundation ha ruined the house .
I$5)L0 , simplicity.
* Qi_je5c^s*^a; . uxraruG'-'S^fTieBosj ,
, to ease one's self.
( grew dismayed or discouraged. G1'0^^ ft LJ
GujbLp , GuJ!l_p^_lG^-, ^-ft- a chest.
G1I-2V' a thing obtained ; chi.d-bcai ing , delivery
l_lT25yeS.Qg > t" discourage,
i f a child . GL-J 0>Gi)^>665^ , toebtain a dignityf
to obta'ii blifs. G1l^n^5PTCT4jiJ3 , a woman's timo
to give a purgative medicine.
G ' <*0 00 T LD OSD Q L_l
Q^-j^j'Siiy ^j , f-biua-CLj<f;&>*n>BiLi , to b* of delivery . Q l-J
a-purging, to have stools. G1l^'SfbruTTO* iY^SV, ^J/r , she ha? been delivered before her time. G '-'
to take a purge, ei ff tUt-CG*'5SJiiGujrr9:ffr yj^-wTi Tu5<f$?F@ay , her time of delivery is near,
g/, the thin.; is altered . f^^^-BOTL-i Q LJ & ff
Gl_i-xt , a louse. QtJ '0n_it? 5<^5/ . to louse.
gy^Q 5
, to a?k 01. e many tilings.
GL-ifitgjLeQ/ACLar , a simple or sle;piLJ . **LJ'JJ a bag , a pui se . .
ish person. guiJjfS11'1"' the simple sort of people .
t ii ; 3cj , the king-Join of pegoo .
QuiS. SuijuQU"". a grand-daugh
(Si l_j Tv6 ^if . a )iairot of divers colors.
3_iTT'". sppeis.
ter a sister's grand- daughter . Q,i-Jdy$LDT~ , grand
f*) l_l S)i)'-JLjf$av ten times ten. tfSl_J5Gf'T<ser
daughters .
Q LjfEgjl^^riSJ , to apeak like one cut of wit, to LJSy , trn tunes line .
be deliriou*.
eSit_i5|jLUL0 * . iiu3c5 lulo ,
(5 U U.I, the devil ;jo'mtR tt plant tr other things,
|)1_|._-, , that part i f a woman's cloth that
ligHiJfs wild, bad. Q LJ LU LJi_U0.c755iXUtrr . one covers the breast ! tJw shoulders .
that is poftefsed with an eiil spirit. G1l u 35 G 93^1"
SI l_l LL! OND . -JUJ ? .
OO'R/QsTovr fy3<^3S/. to take the devil's shape , to
SbLJOJuLILJiSL-IUjaj , slowly, softly.
Jock uns table, (utiiotr, a mad man . Q t_) OJ ,
G<" 95 33 ""f LO . a bcegir's bag .
S mad dag. Q1iU_)F@d ffifT , an intiactable horse .
GUIT3 iHTlijrcr ( Gt-ITei ffifDTF) one
<3)UDl_| , wild sngar-iecil .
GIUJ? [hat ha* lost some teeth .
* Giifre5*i(-L0 , a treasure . Qi_n"535*4?-03 95T
li-. ir, il herb used when children have convulsions . Qt_j ^Deer , a treasurer .
m^fT'Hf , Wild onions.
G1IT19>L0 equal, accurate , apt .regular . Q\1'
G l_i T < , G L-i " i_Jl_Soyroirr , a grand-son ; a |_|1;*5 , to adapt. tSuTTOKLOTdJ
eisui \ grand- s- n.
i n rjj^gy , well paved or well set,
G L-i T l^i 9 T T ej3 , sadutf? or sorrow wl ich preces
l_ITT5a:cj; , a large owl.
G i_i ff SB , a l irge drum . <T S&rQLAtfO)^ , a tears out of otie's eyes . Q U T W ffi t F LOT 11)
Jtettlc drum .
OGi/ , to tell weepingly.
Qljit ibi&Q6x) t0 ljoiI bubble up to be
Gi-irfw-, GJu_irf* 5S9r ,<2<->&) a date-tree.a a-working or raging as the sea does j to ferment .
G >rf /-^ > boiling , bubbling up .
palm-tree, QLjrf.-i LOI!t_pLO dates.
Qut qs; , G'-irT#5S.iGL-jrr- 5^ t#
G i-i
Gl-J^SSI. (Gi-J'sai) Gl-'T-/^
P^.tobe removed from a place ; to be looted out, to spring forth , or run, little and litile j to soak through,
grow_ loose , to conic off \
Q i_I T T^J , it worn to run through. 5 e4T*trBf/}-fF@i ix G i1 ^ ^ ?
go off , ic fticks too fastt., GljS$(5
" i wake way, the water-pot soaks . ffiswt turar rff ir un. l (n>

Gum4*#51 the water soaks through the water veftl. coTCr5Tiu*j;(5LDG<-i,rS;[i3 rrj , ^ physic
for all diseases. G11 T S-'-'ff IX , tlie common j
*.C03x) to consume, Qi_jt.#i_jl_< , meat, food . a common pasture /or. the catiie of the town . Gi_iT ff^lift
5 1IT4PlJ UJ T Off , one gets the benefit of a 5Si_(!5*05J ( ;_.5-55^ ) to sequestrate-,
to sepaiate from the pofsefrion of both parties. G1
-4hmg by fate and . not bylaw.
Gi-iTffrffieSog; , Gi-J^ff- 93 * l_i G lj ( * 5JSG^ffT(I>955i'^tf OOiiJL^esSS^s; , to spend
i to singe, scorch , se^r , or parch something.
out of the com. non stock. G T CL/iri { CTO G F T O4^
Q^iTSTftllSO^J . to he congruent , well placed or CN3.'^6 OS\) , to say or reproach without naming any
-Cet ; to be singed, gu ts TU@otj6tSS Oj; i tocme- body . G1ITaLISSUJLUTUJ , ur.ivtr.-ally .
AO a >roper way . <3 ^iTiJiQftfai.oQL-i'r fr'bi'&'T &i) ,
Gi_jT5yoo i . sg^'^jTr^gjT^sa*.ithey do not agite together, jtj stj / l_J G L-1 n
QL-JTQrjffiOG , rent, ragged. G '-l 5 85 -2J
JEBLJIIT" i 'se; tlvat you bring hnn toan agreement. 4Bi gseS^Gg; , to mera rto patch up ; pay or debts.,
Gi-IT^^Ti-jQ'-jToSiS S-O / . to be soft.
,Gl-J79)t7>r Cb , GlIT^T Oj 95 I Ui
guTFFTU'jUT,'Jvii2)ilJS* COBi), to place the part of a plough where the tail is fasienc.l to.
vi /'4 softly .
G>IT"5> Gl1{5;1_0 , thecods-purse.
Gl_JiTFrTr>SQ'5743 0y , fcnj / paddy.
Gi-IT^^'^T/J- , ilk-Tike hemp.
G1IfFffliF, insefts an haib.ur of iiisels . GL-'r:
Gt-iTc55;6SfEi (S&>SJ > to bide . n-gjjitrtrr
S*u5G JO9ju3i tQ, don't put your Gandin UTiiwrcF/igujGi-iT s; ; es 4-9- d ) ei &
an harbuur of -vermin . G1iTiie^iHtZJiUG^tS1-0 GcBTti_l5uJLJTUJ , how long will you hiile
G oJT^^s
tXJ I I Q i_l T @ ) insects will the thing ?
Aarbour there .
G>-JTg5;E^o5j GuTSuGuTg.^
Q^inf&iFG'JJCJ . a large belly . .Qi_JT Fffi>^
, to mend , to patch up ; to cever . c^'^JTg:^?};
-diajO 'or , a paunch-bellied man . _j su 55V if- @ l_l G&5 T oYT
*i/ , to cover one's seit. giu
<3o_)TF ru3t
ne 's gfow11 paunch-bellied . G1"T 5 5>J -) > to cover the mouth with the
* G iT*A>>g)95i-D , ...
-jOtrr LjQLJTigcSn T("gS3ir, ti.ey
.Gl-JT*/\>2>dSe5TllJ . poppy-heads, poppy-tops.. hje beaten him soundly .
GlITtJ9- , small, little, minute; powder. QiiT
Glj^ e5t5>i_G,-1'TGs5e7r l @
^ Ti Ii irr ;k -y g_i .to pulvarize to red. ice to powder. to fall with a noise as fruits from a tret ,
8l_IT 1-0- G LlJ @
> sma11 '"ers . Gl-1T1_9GJfSBE . i_3crorr?S)ff .
i_JTi @ SjJ # 30 &J . to 'older. G11 T L-l 1 Gl1T[5ST, the of a woler-bird .
g/TX|6-30b/ , to sprinkle e tvi//i flower, bruised ^GuiTS), ths body.
tpicts etc . Gl_J T t_J5- L? , little -fishes . G 'I T " Gi-iTSS/ > a ewe er bole. lditljGljt f5
Hl.Lju5cnrrjWr , a little child . Go-IT 1-C-GI1 T an hole in a tree .
t_rj_LI_!TLU G U T
>1 10 go 11 to smail pieces.
Gl_|rrra5UjffiG95Tc>o , s*W of staff.
Qi_lTi_c.9r , -small, little. QyjT-txQru
, a
GlITIjDLOSoT^UDcTijr , such and such an one , s
iitnd of sesors ; an instrument with two blades.
cart lin person i one that is masked.
C-ITS@, G'^T > iTTiuG'-lTCSg , scall
Gt-JTLDiBLC , a puppet ; a breast- woi , a parapet .
in the head .
GlITOJ , a lie , fais. hood , untruth . G1' 1~UJ
Gi_JT(K@, the n ime of * plant.
0;, a stilt. Gc-lTU-"*^ 3 pit-fall. QL-jrrtjjg;
l_JT5irOO , the name of a plant .
5LrrX) , a mock-head . Q'u T UJ QfTW op; "(C
QljTM **T ID , fomenting me.iicines m^de to ^fl&i ( Gi-ISt*^^ ) to l'e 40 teH 'i Gi-J-T ai
gether in a bag for to be applied on some part f the body . LUTfJOtrtrr , a fake oath. QutUJFF T L#i
^-ircf i_iGl-JT4 wrr U> f 5$ Qj * O /, to ap false witnei's . G1lTU_leajTi_ptf3L| , the vain delight
ply a fomentation in convulsions .
of the world. Go-lTuU3GptPi-0 , a false story.
GoJT44XOji_JL^ Qui_jLOa;LJ4 saltpetre. Qljtiij jjTLUGLJT^O5a5i_5 3:41)95 a false hope .
Ql_ITI (jj > a sPet ' s.mdal-powder or other stuff vain ho.e. GL-JTIJ-'JJ-)T Ojl_JT^O J , to prove
put on the forehead a round gold-plate , the inatrinu- false. G iI T wr , a liar.
Bial sign of Gentoo- women . Qo_JT -^- G> * & 5J
eiiTLUiSf. a deep pool of -water .
to paint a spot on the fore- head . i^tQjG11 TU3
ljtlu &ob).i G1iTuurn-L-iGLj t^os;
<5.^ , he makes a grave ,a;>peaiance ! GlIT I -to prove false. Gl-jTa-;lJ-"rG5 don't lie . <
^ GojTUjuJ , my word will not
-ilb' LO G L_IT 1-0- 0 LO T Otfr L?-"Jr , ve,y little fishes .
o_lTl (4 a moth ; chaff , empty grains .
prove false .
l_ITi Gu_e57 .nimbly, quickly .
gufif , what is parched -or 4oasted_ Q o
UJTi 42>t . Q\-lT\ 0i gse;p>rr eerr err, Gi-iTrf, parched paddy. Qi^iTlt 959.-5 , a fried
*Q '_l T i ; ujt {Jem . G1iTi et
)one mefs . G'1^ITH* fiovTTfK/e-TUJ *W / flitters .
GlITff ljGi" ff 95 * ; , to parch sometUing .
-that squints .
Qt_JT65'J-. a thicket of bushes . Q u T 55 5 93 Qi-itt i_jGi-iTrf e;*^)L_iGLjTGecGL_iffr 3
^ *rtQ Wi=b'5S;G95TOYr'V5*40; , to slip into jj . to speak, precipitantly . Q'-'TrfnjTOTrruj , SI
a thicket ol bushes .
rocket which casts sparks. G1ITff l_i (_ er (^
G^-lf > sac'41 or bags carried by btrfloelis . QuT I G'ITffiiG<ITffff , names of filentt .
G o_iT'if t -T> fliv , to be parched , fried , toasted .
^LOT^ , bullocks for carrying bags .
GcjrrffLI i Gl-)Tb'iS95'TrPLULC, G>-lTc5JOJT > Ql-iTif 86^)eT , he chatters, he pr.itiles. 5;1_|0_|5
tfsrrgj , Gl-ITSL"~G K3U3{t5 ?B*i05J . what is of G o_l T rP LL| / ) there is some firing of muskets . GlIT
-common use, or common to more than one universal . j if tuero,, a dish of something fried or roast. d.
I G^J'trPff ^* , to fry. (tS>0 F # > LU Ul
common to all . G1in"6)jLDai'i.r > a person who Gl-IT CfiF -iO 6jj , to roast meat . Q __I rr rf 5
is neilher f tlie 1* nor jof the other party, TCN> ucjetrr , fried r\& . @S*r.GLJT rf 05 * 3 ffi; , t

broud, t sit egg s
for n'f-ends ,
a (nattier , a chat-erer, an 'idle -talker .
G -JT(j[gg; , te sun; the time; the different fin
C?LJTi5eV^TLe , the field of battle .
in a day Q i_i (L
ecS t_0- LLJF^ , the sun rises .
3 1it <rg y (gj , whr.t almost loose f om frierest. Q^tQSjJ J TU-|3iv G -L-J T&Bi) ) the sun is going;
\5 i_l T ( j (gj rf| aso lX) i dry piece nf ground to set. Qt (SJ* TIL) in the evening. Qt_jrr'
whereof the superficies grows loose fron the gioumi
-below. QLJTibSi^T ,'a clot . Qljt5T> (Sua fjeyyjgj , at sim-si t . Gi_jT@e5;GLjTiB
<^!^a,i_Li(jLj /1) , t be quite- extinguished so fc?.-iO;,to spend the time. cTff eatrr G LJ T@S/
that not tilt; least tiling remains .
G1IT35 tS ffjj , to triffle away the tjme , G*-JT"
G !_J T 5 1__ ( , a thing of use, an emolument . QuJT @5-'G - T03 7bTU5fJ;e6
, to make a merry
fg __ T id (5fr;6 if ff) , to bepiofirable , to he i t use days tu d?lay from day to day. T Cv G L-1 T @
-t\ $p ^G1)(5_..* i no emolument arises the fore-noon . (J jDrKj@G UTQsj, the after
from it . (j ffy -?iTGuJT(5i 3 , whose property
noon. GuJTfQSjgSTI (*;51> . it ste:ns we shall
this ? . i|1 i Glji^h TajiDTjQfgeor > I hue lain to dsy . *r (5 G 1-' @ &"1 T LJLjg*
come on yo ir tiehalf . i^rgQ^rj-^q /1 ujLJTrJ-ff; OgJ , to eat once a day. (J rrooei (Ij'GljT(L })>
ft\!1 , to esteem a thing woi th taking pains foiit._| a day. (p jq^G11 7 (3? S>"-0 . three times
Q Tt_#g;@U5Qc_irr(f5u. TB.iu ortie a d*y . ^ujGljT@^; , iljG^jT , then . G'-JT
*e save him , for to save him .
QLJT<fj5S>a50Og^, to become joined together
Gi-iTovf *zr;g; , GLJTOf rpa^G uirgi/o
<3 _iT<fJ555)OJ>^S> , to imp , to ingraft ; to solder ff/ , ,to pick mill-tint etc,
T2SJf-4(2''-JT'5i-JC'1\T&Bt5)J , thi bone is
GlJT ^O-tref , calumny , unthankfuhiefs . GiITO
j>ut into juinc'. G L_i T t5
' shan't agree , 1 wrf ^ 2R T !T ST , a person calumniating a benefactor.
shan't come to. ( i-jT <}-Q L-J T (5
, to join _5* GlIT bewirf KSRTJO*T ,a backbiter, calumni
ator , slanderer .
battle .
G'-l'T<f55LD , Gt-JTfg ay, agreeing together ,
GlI T-3,one cf the senses ; a S|">aik uf fire, a Bake ;
fit in one another .
G i 5 B}J&ij , to make (hingt agree to one the temples . ? l GL-JT-^5 . the five senses . (t_i
another or join with one another.
GlJtJ, a sfark of fire. G^T^Lj^Se (J
Qu T (Tj^/^^offj;, to be agreeable or pleasing sparks fly . G^JT jy3u5 < y @ ffjj , it glimmers .
( GlJT^5 ) o-TCiS'lG'-IT-id , oTctSlJi_I^3,
<3 i-l T rg g^G^TOW^eS-SOgL/ . to agree with
one aiour
price er uMjer . Q u
5 ^ lfTK) rat-trap .
50c5> > to lake after having agteed about the price.
Gi-iTi-rB4os> , Gt-iT^o/eF. * GP5T wnr
T <rr6@LjQL_IT(!5iB5'lr?i' > '* ^oes not pleaseme. 55 66jl3ffj ' to P'clt > or gat lier up temething from the
G1-! *Off^ . to sigh or start in sleep . Quit ground . X^r^740K5)ffjere5CKJGl--ITjaaif}5*iSC&/
<TJju5_jQ^3Sy, to shriek, to scream ont with anguish to clear a ground from stones.
G L-i T (TJ5 "VT , a thing; , a being j goods , riches .
QLJT*0>mt*03i) , to stay, to have pa-ienc Ba
T-lSGuTtSW, LOOliOQLjTireYr , an hidden, bear, to suffer or tolerate thing . Q l_ n fj,'
occult or secret thing, rgupoo, the shadow or sign ^^58^0/, to forgive, to indulge. <
-of a thing. QuiTtroyr . the thing itself. Bp;i_l @'_lGL-ITrygKTff/ , I cannot forlear it . Gl-IT
gl_IT(T50Yr , goods that are in one's pefselsioo . _yt_Jt_J , heavinefs , weight ; toleraron . *r"5
LjT(5ovr^)gRe)e;^GWTwrr gu_W,I have, QLOc>oG^Tn'L_ii_|e)Ojg566.<v3s;, to transfer an
seceived the whole. QuIT tS^YrTiSF, avarice, atinginefs, affair or businefs to another person . G1 11 " ' ^
desire of riches. G llTQ)3YTT42>y (53T.2Qtrr , a * , an envious- man . Qi iT.^nyi 11 1 o n-j gr
covetous man , a miser .
CTOTLO , envy, rancor. G1l^^^'- , GuT*V^i
Q_I TOOLO , an evil . 5 OO D G l_J TOOLO, good patience . Q u T r^*LDLL|3YrovrerjJ , a patient
man . Ql_jT,3BLO , envy impatience . (Z(F^nr
sand evil .
GuiTeS an heap of corn thrashed but aot yet win fUTLpB ^LJuJT^e5.5L/i-jQl-J ^)>>1lui
dowed .
(t JOffx* 10 envy one's happinefs . Ql_l CTS> OS LOflE
G II ToS&*OSJ , to cover as bull etm , or rem > , an. anxious person . QuT^gfimr,.
m sheep te , Q UToSil TUJ , a ram or he-goat one that cannot bear an injury or an affltion . CVlK
ha^t for covering the sheep or goats . G1IToSQlu G UTg5U3"r . one that cannot carry a burden
JTjSLI, a bull or steer. QulToSoj, the increase ot'the upon his head . (g3LQ-Gl_l T a2iv 65 5J (J" T B=
crowned king .
cattle or sheep .
G1iTatrr , gold i a florin of l< . Madras - faaaras ..
UT *<\ il |t il I iWTg^<ggj , t ileal ill 8l_) t ct gp" /jyr , a stamp to in gold-coin with .
er wickedly . QuTOO JOT 5 ueer , a wicked man .
L_ia-eererrf5T(TLo . ^if 5 t rr us , Qi_iTaor
Q LJTCNJCrOTr^erOCfCT-, good and bad people. eof /yjta8 , a goldish color. Gi_iT^035'l_il. , an ingot
<2iITOOCOTffjQ *^ roo , a thing not to be done. or wedge of gold . GliTiJCfJjLetlS, gold-wire .
<3 LJTOCtfOTrpu-ejaaj . a bad life.
GLJTOFTeffi , gold thread. G^T/OI_l385r ,
G ' T L'< *9 g/, to stream ,ro run .down, to pour down, a golden trinket . QLjrria L 1 9 i_l l5'/TLCL_j , a can* .
topourouc. LeatjpGU-ITL^^ei-GtlTJ^/, it rains with a golden top . Qi_IT JX3 \- V- Bf y> 6 k^O^J
apace , it showers . QuiTLat.pse'r , he 1 very cha to gild , to gild over . QuTiO iffi 1 a flat
ritable ; he is very full of speech . Q UT y?Gu)T piece of gold . Q?ldGiiT*r , fine or pure gold .
t-f Q LU etnr Q)jT0C<$0& to winnow cirn by Goj4n-GilTer, gold mixed with silver . Qt-JTeer
/ , the nnme of a Htchen-heri . Qi_jt^>
shooting it out of baskets by little and little
Q l_JTLenj , affluence . emolument . qjsnrQ^rr J TJ 9j 4 < , Jht name of Port . Parvea .
i#OJUUT*^*Bri he it interefted, h is all Gi_iTwu3LjLjpu> . )2)$ i_) ear



Gi_IT95*0<; !-"^*5 * ^0 , to per

'it^U), (t_iT{RCil-'T" iJ'JJ, enjoyment of suade , to instruct .
ensual ielighr ; prosperity ; plentiiulncfs. (J.A>g5 6>jC ( Q>-I:TIHJ, ) -5]OJcrirr*iJ6,et^oGLJTffi; , when he
JGljT3S:>. a man's lying with his wife. QljtC, comes. jJwQgijguTg;, in former times.
an )iappy man . Gi_jrre$(6-OJ , to enjoy delight. Q'LjGt-'Teij , now. jjuiG'-its; , sfaea .
*T5(3<-ITe5Lfl , fJa"Bn ffiQl-JT ffi U> , a ground Gl-JTS^LO, always.
which roJuccs one crop, or two crops in a year.
Giitsjld > 't is enough . Gt-iTgiTay, it is not
QujTiSe; , a goiiitr. G')T); US Q <30 > in ge-ing. enough. Gi-IT^Gl-O r -43 fS 95 6 50
, tobe
(JUTSffiLb-ftijOa), G UT 05 95 L-$.e>j5r-j content. G11,1 S^i-CG1'; it is scarce enough.
<GiiTQtfjSDgy , to lose a thing.
G1lTTtg/y366^CS;, to .cor.fefs to be not
Qi-jTesfKoor , si|i_p*i_jGi_jrre;05'rar. traveller. sufficiently qualified for the task. uT g ?5G>T<Se5
s6 ^5^) , to give as much as is sufficient . ,Q 95 T gj l_0
'et'iBR'TL-19>9:<> , an unknown person.
Gl_iT03*i ld , a way to get out , an escape .
G ll/ i S*95 95 0>ir , a little sugar . G<->T5>e)LD,
sufficiency j ci>nteji:ednefs . G1IT^TLD > insufficitnOjL-lT^Srf , a poor fellow, a vagabond .
Gl_iT#05J ( Quirrm(&60Bi) ) to put away, cy ; intemperance , incoinptency .
/to caufe to go out er away . UT OJUjGlJT SR .- 5J ,
Xo expiate sin.
^ (5rJ)*jttT QLDTPLaQl-l'T
OBJ , to deceive one. 95 T CvJUDQlITftet CJ G'-'TTDg . G<-l.Trf9j059SI SLI , pteces.of
pafs the time away .
timbers coveiing the pillars .
Gl<T95@ a way out ; an evasion., ex:usc , subter- Qljt(5&obj , Q-t1-'3'${S^<*oif) . to be
Uge ; a going ; a wa>'te . QLJire-fB)* QfT &G 2j* sufficient . Q u T [5' c-0 Si/ p. , one who is
.505; , to make excuses . Qi-JT 95 @L0 *U 5 > ft' competent or capable enough. for a busiiiels . 21"T'J'g
LLI U3 . suffijient money . G1""5'-*. t '*
U>rrn3595*CS; i to go to and fro .
95 . ^ T
- 0
i to make an opening for draining the enough. GuTTI^i it is rot eiuugh .
water off. 4i <o JOiiiG1'T95 . the water-course Gi_|TyJ-, au heap f corn in tlie field, thrasheJ or
f a river . LO irtXJllG1' an hilly country. unthrashed. QljT($Q[-j'T(S&-4->Q:> to make an heap
-auSuT^g, loosenefs of the belly . of it . (LJTfrL-|95*^33&) , to put the coir,
gi-ia-estguSffffi-OT uj.i_j:G "-i .@ 5J> tncre is * reaped on thrashing -floor . GlIT ( I 9 8? ^5
gieat waste . <7(f5t_iGl-''re395rrLljQ'TCK3,i*O 6 , to thra,h . 95^(J"L_lG1-JT'T, an heap ofcom not
g;, to say for pastime's sake. -7-^21-^9505 tu5 yet thrashed . 5>ua505 -N) i\Q.\~IT .* , -an heap .of
55@^ ' t s pafsable or tolerable . Qi_J T @ ffSJ straw, G<iT.tJj'-Srf 956>i ,4*affi/, to.tie the hea>
.round about .
(i-J'r . pastime .
G "ITT, 0"1_1 UI T T , a battle , * fight..
G lI TOS the time past.
QuTF T LD , meat, food. Q l_J T LB' C-ITT9595OVTL0 . the field of battle . .Q i_J1 IT
\_i(mxiSlliiSOxJ , to eat . Q i_| rr r *cr i_j |_J _*5
G!-JTu*i5*^OS; . to wrestle, to fight , tu
LUot. a glutton , a greedy feeder. G1lT=or05AJ5 combat . G IIT-fJ TU LO-, a combat, wrestling.
/Trf . r5T^bf&35TUJ .
QI-JTT95 i5Ll. Gt-ITT^ay 95G95TOVT?y*
GlIT(iiOtrorrL_Jff!r7 22v4 *Q / > to nourish . ocsj , Gi-iTTffiojGi-iTTeSjgiGflSTovr ?5*
^5^ . to put a cloak over the head and sheuhiers.
|_|05>^; . to foster.
Gl-ITG}66.i5c5J, to lay , to tlnow , to cast . @ G L-J TT ff)&iJ&r05iJ . to cover /Wn^ . gTJ
jL3rr(H6*J , togive the horse 595 G 95 T 5VT
t6 O , to the head and
v|) LJ L-l -1_
Jral i . LJTe>ffiS-Uc5iroOu3S
G1'Ti @95 slioulders . G i TflDOJ , a cloak.
Q95TC?ytX5 et
g;, to put the turband upon the GliTcrSffTgS t bad merchandise . G 1 T o>S
head . 0j ero / i-J Q t_I T (g *
5; , to throw , or, 95T1 (JJeSJO^ , to shew bad goods instead, of good
fling a Slope. rjj,Kj9i1_(rLDG1-JT(5*-i3i>9L'
cast ones .
anchor. #i_(S( 1_2')-1@6^!; , to cast lots ( {1>)&& ) to resemble, to be lil^e . J>J65
njT @ -L GL-jrri * ,ne h'tcn na* whelped , 9^i*ui^i_iTaor ^OSTTUJLD , a thing like thaf
^i0-5G>3GL-|rrffi^c'' > to bunch a thing into _il'J5L5^95Ll_jeT ji!iBUJl_j'Gl-JT2fi;i-0i
the river. Qljt l^Qsb Q$ & -iO J > to loose joct-, is like an hog . Ql_iT 0\ , U T 00
iking . ^iDvg;G0>To3r.!oGl-JT , Rve him G>'TSR} , so as, like as , even as j as soon as. -.-rr jt>
@5595L-ii_iAtroTi_jGi-iTaSiTjg;e6^)<Krr, be is se
stroke. Auf5S;LjGi-iT(S(t^0&/. to destroy.
Q\ irr u , out -bidding, an endeavour to out-do a rather to me . J$l-QFilj&<g>\lQL.iTQo<> . ^"/}4nc . G _iT4jO.UjTLUOJTi68^3a> , to purchase hy G*4->14-0TI_I.Gl_it G-N) $ fr G "J * -o
being the highest bidder . G>1_9.< Qi-Jif Q^O GiItQctvo , so as you do . JtjujlITG^GiiT)
; i to sell to the hhest bidder . <n - ru^G1 TCr09iT>9ri_F;grri3" , he made at though
piirf QooG'"T4-D-tJ-iT liS 595 sisear, he out he would have gone further . JSJ tfil
bids me . G1-' T4_9-rfiffiT3'ir , one who endeavour* G^TtrrgjLjGi>tQ jo> ai t>0 as ne bad said that .
to out-bid others . Q ^ T 4-0- *il 95 @ mutual
GlIT0YTU3 , the namt ef * drug . Qojdr.iPrul
G i-JTovr up , myrrh. 95T
iTovr lo ,
jecu ing one another .
i ?n~C'~-iTOYTl-D , alees.
Gl-ITL_(S*jO,' v. I_|95l


(ut5,v. G^tR!1-0
G11;;> >dou-ine , n<tmai;n. G'-'TeLe 8J-UJUJIlGl_IT^)or , he will do it . OJ 0~ l_J
UTlT , he will come . Tf LUT Q L_J T
:1_|1/6 O , to instruct, to teach . G11T>
gjTOT, he turned a philosopher . G 95 T (b G 1 T
5vr , a teacher, an instructor .
Gl-ITS/TCOlJ , flattery , coaxing . )ffiuUTg CQJ , to carry away. JtJ l_i lI U-0- G '-J T 95 LjG l_J T
fhT^j, there is no way to go . JLJ 1 1 ii__t> ( l_I T
TeTT|ijGL_i.i Oi) , to fiatter, to coax.
f LJ l_l I T S> it ii not permitted u o there .
jLJT^ej . GuT(fB0j.




CLJ ) , it is gone , it it lost ; it is pist . Qt_J T jor S il!ow , to become pale , to f^de , to witner . tfW
XSJT^Qujd'fbOvr , the people that go and come. 35 CO , fade! , withered . l TO rg ,5) 1-0, *
LJT DW , (L-ITIIJ <rfi I ft OJ T Q , l faded or decayed color . rfSoYT T.tgur.TOBSQojcf^ #~
take my leave . gu T fl, <rar , J won't go . (2l-JT the candle bums faint or dim. 0Snrc7CLOLQiK,E|LJ.
5 fl. LD , last year. Q u TffiffOTa- , QLJfT BfffrgL* , <"> times are gone..
the time pist. Qi_iTlU^3i SUT^lc , you will
LD'f^05, a woman a young woman .
be welcome whenever you come again ^"gQfU?
LOfFfBU) , a moschetn .
QlUTQl Qi_JT jit , lie went with a whore , he
LS>& &,&405 ( LOPf @0>.O8j; ) to rub
Cohabits with her
to make it oft j ro make- of one. what you please.
Qt-irr(SfD , an hole in a tree , Qi-JTSOUDOrLC.
LO F 4F 05 , the longing , lazir.els and other afltcfli
GuTi?iS@S|(5S<U)(rLl) , a tie* which ons of a woman with child. &>&& fc<TJ! , a
woman -with child .
Has an hole .
LDFTOSS 0J , LCr0l#l_j(2L_ITO5b>. to
ciumpled , to grow soft by being worn. 65? TvisSldPTO
k%Of^J , to praise ,to adore , to venerate . Q LJT C
sfSLO .veneration, adoration . (ji irr/n Ml jjBTrraggiit uUT3g; . to become confused or embroiled.
LDff cjCiLO > the time before day-breafc*
flOE^ to worship oif? .
(iIT" tirrgiLfl , meat (2^055$ i a nurse; or after the dusk ef the evening .
servant -multi .
IXFfetrTLO, LOLLlTatn-(_0 , burning. LDFiTJT
yjL a place for burning corpses .
i_e#tf!.C5y . t grow crushed, bruised or squashed ,
LO#r5go?Sr , potherbs squished and mixed together.
tx#.^,*^C)5; , to ciMjh , or squash..
L#/J*' T . LCliSr?-
LOff^LOi a fish a. LCLLplO .
* I0e.ff}&jellO , majesty , .
LCFFlB , black specks on the skin .
* LO / L03L/ o; rrO LO , Mahometanism .
LOFFLC , LOffEFLjQ'LJTSBr a little piece of golsi-:
LD0562>LO, a revimie by a ptiviledge or legacy etc. kept for a sample for to compare it with what wat
LDSiTLO , Lff; TU?*T , the swerd - fish ; that tign given to the gold-smith . LOEF8:l_oQU4_p_EQi 05 tC
*f the %oiiac which we tall the Capricorn , 1_0<~@
. to cut off such a. piece for the said purpose .
LOJ-EFrroer , LOPirTenr , a brother in law ; a cousin.,
i OOLO i ear - rings with the figure of a sword-fish .
Lg>iurr4-. , a woman that lus a little child ; a who is the mother's brother's son or the father's sistemason . LO*#<n>f , LDF#4>f' #, a sister in law , the wife'awoman that. has children.
y<iunger sister, or the younger brother's wife j a cusil.
LC05OYT, a daughter.
who is the mother's brother's daughter or the father's
5 , a son .
* i LOT i great, grand, mighty ixtremely, sister's daughter. L 9 6T (Q id tWLC , affinity.
LQFffr , a v.ainsct cieling . ld* 5?(! , an house
very. 05(;051 Q> a great distrefs . UiffiT
IgjLDT ) LOttTfryi , an excellent man , a renowned which has a wainscot-cieling . LO # Qj 66 O fJ . to
( to line walls with boar ds . ) L 6 ffr l_J i_J T
man . LS9)Tul_|5^'J)T <" , a very prudent man.
6H*.202L> I Gi-lT($$areij) to lay rafters er beams .
*1_*^5; . to stumble, LB LO- g 5
LDgs1 4-5, , the name of a ctrtn'm -root .
$e5O5J, to stumble and fall.
LD5S=LO , a bedstead. g/T TO @ LD
6 LD , '
LD1_L#-, , joy, mirth. LO * @ * *2 55J .
hanging cot .
to rejoice. (_aeCLL#UJlT UJ joyfully , merrily .
LOS^ovr Indian saffron. L05F m (fyQtET^^J,
the sattron-root . IX ^? OVT rg /OLD , LO @ 9 wrl O lO .
BaLDt-Jl-lGJ^S/-COS; . to honnar, to gloiify .
yellow color . LO lg 9- Li 5, the yolk (of yellow) of
ueovt^e63; -j. LO0565vf 05C5Og; .
LOBSW, Lfl66o-yr OCrL , the if a flower-tree., egg. LOgjFovr 05@^f 6>* j?CS7 > to wash one's self:
over with saffron-water. LO !g) IF oyr 65 LO *T i/CTO >
Tort. Cavaquinha. LOeovr LCLj , it's flowers.
IKJ , to adept* LO (5 < (_0 , a crwn . lD @ i *~XlOB)**rfi- , the jaundice . L* rf <-@i_o_ tt
ings , crowned heads. LD@i Q-OQi^^T * O ob -ld^F rff fjr i_i i_S ovr 4?, an adoptive child .
LOgFry ''' #t__(b' , a writing concerning the adoption.
ILO , a cobra capellathat raises the head .
* LO ? 06 T 5TL0 , LDQ^rrTfSLUTg , dropsy. LC TL0 5 IF ovr , the name of a bitter medicinal root.
ljO0505l-O-05S.O6y > to deform , to disfigure .
Q-uyt 50;) s> s/r rf lo s r eyr , /*/
LO 05 03 otff 0585*957 , to revoke., to retract the word. /aroot. 15=-1)(5 * . uSwrgB- .
LO OTT , BLDrg'W , a son .
LO iF. 05 VT , sons ] sons and daughter*.
?1_ , Ae Baw of a certain tree't ktnttr, MlAi
LO*.^05J. loA>LjGi_IT05J> to die away.t* perish
LD'TfBoetKrr , Mars the planet. LO TO 65 oo XI T for small -weight . One LOgFTl-O. , is four grains j fy.
LO^FTl-O. is one dram.
47" LO , Tuesday..
U)$5*, a small raised interval betweentwo garden bei.
* LOfWffioVrU) , praise , blessing. LO TT LOLJT
LX>#f a kind of a small boat.
(B&0J , to sing te the praise of one . LOT05 eYTj
LDI &.OBi), LDt ft,l_l(2Ljrr(e5iSO ^Ol (SOJ*.
(2&<25)&&> > to congratulate. LO { oyr
OSD) to bend , to fold, toTeWup . 05TyoO<_Oi 6
<ilT^C5>595Vr , . congratulatory words .
LO TO 65 ffl> LO 0563 T5 5 T ", frrfdjJi *mii of paddy . t^yj85j , to draw in the legs , to bend the knees . LO
LDTc/etoSJLO , the jewel tied to the neck of a l_ &())!$, a folding knife, a clasp - knife, loi .0
married woman as the mark of her matrimony . SrLBTO @ClirrSt>6l&>1iOgiJ, to impose another tarn upon
sScfS i a woman that lives in matrimony married :he people .
woman.) .sjLOTOtScrS. a widow.
LOt Tb&^OgiJ , to grow bent or folded. LCI
l&m&DU > LOTO*uQUT05sJi te grow wan 05UO_65*3 S; to chase, to put to the -rout . .



^ tXI
) QLOLCt T, three -feld .
LOLL^lO , fish .
LDI Lt QOJ w ^cSlQA^SJ , to fall with ,
attng iio:se... LOi LDI (U >0 ^(^ LL|9>3\0 ,
lip ef thunder . (J$-T5c5D<5lO l LO i Q 'U
-a/2)fll{ggje?G<r5n- "M fVjt^O^, to le .
LDI LD t ho- se built fW lodging pilgrims a con
*nt of monks, loi LJLJjS;, pojcUioni belonging
>to such an house or convent .
LDI (TO , any thing that is flat and long . OJTSiLp
fctt (N3 i flakes of a plantai n- tree . gj'r 0/ loi o\j ,
the ear-lap. er^U-iLOi .-' , tbearms . loi Q .
LO! a\3FrF^^SJ9593l (S&-OBx>3 to pinion
or shackle a person
LDi SSiULo" >trr , a mullet, loi tUf Gej""
di , little mullets .
_DL_D-, 'the lap; the bosom, the wai-t ; the ud.'er
or dugs f a cow, buffalo etc; the bottom of a net. l3vt
i/WSJ ,UU,l^\)SQ;obeS>ri&,<r$$*0&l , to hold a
child in the .lap. u?rr;5a9)uOi_0.u3 Q OV) 4 OJ 35
*.iD3J > to put the money in the cloth that is tied
around the waist . (_D_ LO T rR 0" OjG wJ/T(JJG6
.OfL/, to charge one fihely with a crime . (Jcrnwr Cb'
Qff TLDetn"ii{5LDi_o. t two clothes togeiher .
ii)L_a 6D&j .. LDi_a[53;QL_jrrA3b; > to perish ,
*o be ;lain to be killed ; t> wither away.. LO I 9
8.205./, to kill, to desttoy, to morlify. LOer LOi_potlj , mortification , heart's grief : LOL.O. <nj , poverty .
LOi_jj.f5*.OBii, u)u>.55JLjufr @ 4 l) .
( e>*"U *05/ ) to fold up, to do up , to complicate .
LCLjaS55J5iji5e6iOg; to hem, to inclose with
an hem.
I SF SB f LO l_Q- 0 ES i&J, to give to the speech
aaothvr form .
LDU. tl 4 -. a plait , a feld ; a fraud . LOLJJ. l_JI_|t_J
t_j<rwr <rep),/6 AJsS; . to deal fraudulently . LC(_OLJl_)
< Lai_D-i_lLJTLlJ ) Q^jBi4nBH, to speak chentingly.
LO l_0- L_ll_| if Q < y) - i tia.idulfnt words .. LD
l_Q.LJL4g5tBSJ^ > a folding knife r a clasp-knife .
LDftl a poul. Lo(5iniT^33a>T , the pool's side.
LO ifcl , a watering - channel . *T rf LD &> t , a
Catering - channel from a tank. -Q^OOJ u) S i ,
AitI from a river .
L0?S1 (<* , a stupid fellow , an idiot.. LB Cut LJ
49><f>> LOSBl (JJl_ll_l><g , stupidity. LOSei 9>
-0 i rudenefs, rusticity, clownishnefl .
L04 LD . right , regular , equal , level . LD 4
ffci (i>*^5L) > to roakeexa by line and level . loi
^i_T55't_.LjQLJTES.r30g^ , to lay rkngx level to <he
ruler ; to frustrate ont' scheme. LO IL_ ilil QJ 05 ,
arule, a ruler. rfT#"LCU LDTii3e5*-^0S/ to be quite
level or horizontal , as the surface of the water . JL|?#
U54 LD , a little Atcheen-horse. qjti LEU LD ,
a little horse of this country .
UD4JD. . a blockhead ; a kind of small shells . LDI
t-JD-t_JGLjyOr , a silly speech1. LQ4-.(2curt>0 a
work roughly done .
LDi (5 bounds ,.stint3 , measure. jsjlolO l_; (,
.ijLOLOl (LO j so far; so much, g> LO L^_ ,
bow long! '_ai (L_lt_lw(rr5Ei/a6/!05; , to temper , to
oderate . LOI Qf^^G^-COSJ . hinder , to stop .
-D4 TU ,i LDL_GJl tQl_ .temperately , sparing
ly . LOiL_T US <5 > * m mj , to be but a little , or
few in number, loh TUjQLj/r-g;, loi <-J
LJ ; , to decrease , to grow lefs . LOSLpLDi
)LJI_J,(5(8$J , the rain abates. LOi (Bl_J Ul I
^jatT , * tiffneeked person . Qan AT U3u.(gLD,



till this day. j!)Ojg$pyr/}-LOt (b'LC , as far as that

town . rjJT - Si)5^LDI LO ( rilTLO I ( LD )
till I con.e . LD4_-i>0 0sDTlJDtyO , LOI (g)5 i_Jl_5 ,
immoderately. LO 4_i JO )5 , iromenke. LO
-(* , LSi ('^^;, to bind, tB
stmt , tn limit ; to estuiiite lite UtaKl of apla<t etc. LOI ,
Q^Tgi 5(!5;#^05,/ to be moderate. LOI i
' , a measuring rod.
LD i S) L , a branch of a coco-nut - or palmy-ra-tree. (I?) .0 t SB i , a branch of a coconut-tiee. ljcicjtldi CDi . > a branch of a palmyrattee . G5Tf(TU.jLCl 41 , the coir that covers *
COCO'Int .
LDnrf 35J. to emit a srael];
LO , a ami'll.
L0009TLD, the solemnity ef a murriage . LO'ewr
Q gfTi/OLOOJigir)^ , to nrake a wedding - ptdcefsioa . lc" (^ixi_5"3i ^^lxQljt^o i^o^^a*
caramon street both for weddingjjs funeral .
ldijtit 61>&>0 . the place, where the biidegroom and'
bride sit on their wedtiing-day . } 6~U " *
the biidegroom, LD nj T ovf , LO
iUT ^.
the bride .
iX**vro$ , n.ime ef a bitter kitchen-heri
5 LO*TiraOLi?tn" , t' / / / J?ert . Mugttir
peixt .
ti;irr oo , sand. LC nrr fine sancf .
1_1^5 _1, coarse sand. ^5.-_0, black snnd.
t_0etrf . a bell ; grain , kernel ; pearls , or little beads
of gold , coral etc. LOeoof _)L-0.ff5eS.3C. PjJ , to strike
the bell. LJ^^LCewf ai_aa^@S^ , it strikes ten
o'clock . J$&0TfftfjitrcTLO eof ( LO , wbat
' clock is it? esoLoewf jjt_D-^. eS^ss;, to ring the
bell. LOeeof-y,! Ctisos;, to ti.kle a little beil .
LDsuof (Tg c.(S * Shfjj , to perfoiate or thriH peatls
etc. LDerefG'cBT 3^*^50 i to string pearls etc,.
{, niDLDoocif , )> 2D. M-D-^JD eraf , the apple of the eye,
the eye-ball . LO ooof til ycO , *'^ / a net foifishing. LB ieef i_J l3 r> , turtle-doves that have
spots like grains around the neck. LO fref 9> 85
^.TOvf, fAe imtsf of n ikrtt'j br/rr.'xg Vttttt round Itrrict.
Lft mtrf fJS { I Cb , the joint or wrist of the hand.
LC ffrafujLO , a surveurship of the revenues of thefield? , or of a tnvrn or province, lg irrcrpaj LO LJ rar
ssa^ -r Bjv ( cdjJTtf c^6oQj ) Locrtrefaj^BT^y
L-iTJlLjseB'rseiri,^ /cr) , to perform the office of a:
surveyor. tl>ffcrtrf a.;fR cP'T^Owp ,a lutvtyor.
LDiJ'ytroT , a foot-stool to sit upon ,
LDwjT , earth, ground. f& lo *bt , heaven and;
earth . LDTOTcTrll'' , a mud-wall . lC*hstQ ffi T eg.
E>OYTLO i a bulwark of earth, a rampart. LO ""
l_ITejTLe , LOI_ll_ITejTLO , LOeODTSSCTOLD , an'
e rthtn vcl'sel . LOewrr^rgiTvjgs^-p- , a clod ; a thing
of no importance. LDse*Tgg)!&ff ,. desire of earthly.
things. |_022/*5>1 LUtfiltnrr , a potter. LO *OT
ewrf (5<
( L_hftf ^cgj ) to plaster with clay .
{JjCNf LDKOTT i clay . L0<rerrT4jcarDT &ffi & O 5 , to
scratch the ground , as birds. LD r*T
UJ LJ Q i_j nr
JOSjV > to turn into dust .
LCitrerrrrFtrprfrjo , the milt, spleen.
i >/ jvf i irrini i, snake who seems to
have an head at the tip of his tail .
lo " t gsffietrr , LDreTi ^fRTOYT , one that'
draws up by a rope the divers at the pearl-fishery .
LO*Bwti t_JL , ld*9ti OSLO , a publik restingplace ; a choultry .
lciwti COU) , a circle, region } a space of 40.


LS i

.djy> for taking medicine and Ikeeping diet, LD *o*T ;iephsnt.

il_ <jo 4 $ oo Xi Lp T; 5-<55 up 05 95 LO , thi g
LC^L-ll-S^OLOajJST , a petulant and impudent
iijuiie unusual. (g^TajLO>3Tl ,O_)l-0 t the region it fellow .
the sun . }5'_ i__ LO , the region of the
Loaj^TLO, L0|557Ov^-, lc 5504 0:351 etL_=
,_tars . uj(TLOeoTi O-OLO > th heaven. y> LO a .tabour .
.1 <rOLO , the eaith, the .terrestrial globe..
&$&&, to mix. lo^SS; GcSTffi
l_> t
! 1/ nmie of a -.marnons serpent, l^SDgj.' . to mix medicines for one .
if ) rr I ctS , ( g LO owr i cS , different kinds
.(if them .
+ LC g<5iXJA)5er , LD^^lp-F , medialerj
,LD4tljx. dregs at the bottom or a vefsel .
m arbitrator , an umpire.. LO^UjiAJg^Le ..mediation.
Lotn,Ljo..Gi_iTi_<S3ffi<b'rt5 f t_535*-_os;i
LC5ajl ITSWLQ , an intoxicating liquor..
;io sjt in the posture of an ape .
LOeer(Si^O; i Loweri_o.0;QeiTevrv5*^3gy, ^LJLO , itidiffcrsiit ; common , middling.
to snap at a thing , to snatch a tiling away, lo ffpyr
* lxg$LLITrrLO , LD^xWr cm (r^TlD 1 mid
day, noon. LD^^XIfTeBTg^tgsdiGLO OsJ , in tlx
iLe-LjgLJTb'^S^ to eat greedily to steal .
.I_0rcr@^ffiT >0 t a prop to a .tree .
afternoon .
LQ^g;, s tacked stick to whirl any thing with. LOg>
LOBT (96>lO j a large green frog .
65U-0i(^n-5> , to whirl or turn //* , tullir etc . LCflf
LOfTT 2>i , the scull, the brain -pan . i_0 B-7 tS\
g^/giSati ^/ i to mix with a tacjtcd stick .
^(@_B tf-'foo , head - ake .
LOCTTillT rf i a vehement wind that raises the .
ixgsias, Logrfjes'ruj'f # w . aSvTLc^ia.
LO<raoTQ4_- 1 111 ho adke ( or
LO[gS5LOTf5gLO., southerly wind.
Adze . ")
LSe@, LCgjtTXb a Sluice.
* LOrjjgLD , indigestion ; itidocility . JS;jot0;(5
LOg>ff505LO,.thedrowsinefs caused by-eatiirgor drink LO rjj 5 rW G '( 05 ,@ LO , that will give 5 ou
an indigestion . Lcrrjgrr , an indocile person , a blocking too much , or by ibing opium .
tflgLlbG tj^,^.C>^J . to be in an hot pafsion. he*d . a slow person . L0[55LJI_)5^i ttnpidity. LOfg
LOjiLD > .rnadnefs, raging , wildnefs , venereal fury. >5(ff}eBrn.D , sui linefs", ty .
11_11_) 4_ftrm , LOJT-rOo-r , an elephant
U-rgfJTCTLO, U)L_lt_|L r5T0"LD , gloomy, clou
rthat is made drunk and fierce . LDG'^C!j056_g5), dy or dark weather. LO TJ g { 0j T F L3 , *i<< if
to become intoxicated and savage. LC6g>eyt_iQl_lT astlimn .
L0[F5T3)Tj *A of tree . Elevf uS^O^Lf (5
0J togrow lusty and vornuluous . .ffRjiug jT
ovruTLO a .tiee^hat kas got too many branches and,' t^Tsa- .G1 0,e6Q@'_crr;5TS>(r , aLJMixj
twigs. LDJ5TLOg555,/ . >)<>) , intoxication," rra/T , GlJ(5' i55Tr , LD@S= 0>T LO rj> gi T
'{fury , lusuriousnel's, valuptueusnefs. lo Lb > 5 , one B/r , different soecie uf it .
who is intoxicated and fierce.. LOgLOgSJ , lx g
LO[5^, LC|Jj^g5(g;9"1v;@,i * baboon; a marmoset.
i_Df5#>3j& , to be badly digested ,
sJL5e5LDy) -. LOf .
LO fjj ^ 0" LO a fcrrrr of ( rayers etc ; a form of
L^gLO , a seit . Qi_JTtULO^_f> , a -false religion .
LDgyorr., a little child. LOe> JyWT IXJTLU Q l_l Sr conjuring yr exorcising. LXir5/T4CLJl_0.J54 jB/.
.' , to babble as a little child .
to learn forms of pra) ers . LD
T ^Q& T Q\} 6
LOJcTLO , silence, patience. LOETlXLfli/Oo <$> ' lo cite prayers . ir 5 ^ t7"ffUT^, Lorg^O*
(eLUFfFT^g^@^ , silence and patience overcomes OJTOif, a conjurer. LO^^T Lp.t!5 G CU ijO^a'*
. to repeat often a form iSf prayer . LOrjj^ rf 0>
mounts of evjls .
.L095T.Wf ft*>5T$5; ,, plants growing luxurious , tJ^Qgi) , tH recite forms cf incantations
LCrJ^ff, a.king's minister . LOJ^ft 5 *?r LO
LO^j understanding , intellectuals,, prmeuce . LCifjLD
U-0j*JSLO , Ji| Ol) LO , dulnefs , t.oliihntjjs . lo $ t_j errS; (6.20 _)., (o exercise the charge of a minister .
lfl<J}>%> an herd , a flock . LcrggBgGojOYf 'a '
. 05
, one that i.s become a fool . i_)g^LO
^GFTiTO^Slr QJ i to instruit , to admonish.
in the field for ithe cuttle.
(_01_1, rain threatening clouds . ir L_l.LJT.u3 ^5 65
i-OfiOYr. instructions,, admonitions.
CC0 . LO>i_JL_| , appraising ^ estimation, valuation .
LOUIt-iLjGLJTM-p-tfr, QS @ Bfrj, it i, cloudyDlf>js05i) > Lt>^5/LJt2LjaSe6-<!CS; , to appraise , weather, the sky is clouded.
,1o estimate ; to esteem . l_j<js_>Lo3> , the valuing of the
LCUJif.eSLO , ulneis of rind. LO LU S 05 LO T ? 5 _J
corn jjrewing in the field, fg J?j-_o; the valuing of
, to be harmed , to be dulled; to be drunk.
the cose in die barn - floqr .
L01LJ9v*^OS^ . LOHJ05iEi_30ife_:; , tochsrm,
, the moon amonth . 0>U5LCi , three months .. to dazzle, to blindfold j tu wheedle.
LOrfl-JLO , h4f
1)& J , to become charmed, touched or
LC^OJTfTLO , LD^LUf rf , modesty , decency . uorfj smirten with the love tjiin or person . LOOJT/ * 5
tUTiTeS 05 T Q " , a polite man , a discrect-& modest gtTet__)J , to be 11 in love with a thing , 10 be mad for
person . <LOgiiJTr ljlSB Lp, indiscretion, immodesty . a thing or perjon .
ID^W, a wall .
{ LL LLILO ) Q^ITLC J4^^L0t_JL0TU-tf5EP@S;*
* LPS; LCg^LJTOBrLrJ,, any sweet and intoxicating all goes accoitling to his will.
'liquor j toddy . LOg;txn"'TO66 Q^11^ t SO lJ , to
L0UJC7O lustfqlnefs , libidinousnrfs,
tiye in an high style.
LO-JTeOTLD t) . LOfrrnrLD .
Leg5j05O"LO, insect that sucks tbejuice of the flowers .
LOU_iSi"i the Jtingdom qf Mysore.
L05L/TLO , sweet .
LPCUii LO , a buffalo-cow. LO Lib G L- T # M ,
LOQagTLO , dropsy v. LOG^TgiTLe.
bezoar cf a buffab-cow .
LO5?> -V LOC0 .
LOU_^ , the hair ; wool,; feathers cf bfrds . _9
head . L0U^5$ 5^) , the
LO 9J di , LS 0 LO , the nape qf n Lpu3d" the hair of


"srair falls or sheds . U2ll5^mT(rg*_'"'gy , to comb tho familiar, to converse.
nair. LOt^O-iTif , a comb . lc(=*^05;
( (Jt * -^OSU ) t0 Pu>' ,ne 'lair out LX>U5 ?> C" U 132) , a deer .
LOS r^cRTLU'rTamiilian Mahometans, Cliolias.
VT 05 e *0 , to !et the lia ir grow. LCUSStT (Q3
t~Q-&i,QJ , to te the hair. L01lV7"(J$1-O- > the LC '>J 05 35 L-0- perturbation, hesitation . 1>00{5
hair-tuft on the crown of the head . LCurr0505rT 00 . LO-UuftS/bli to be vexed on every side.
the pores , lo u3 7'05 @ LO a distcfantr which
-makes the hair fall. LftujrJ'LjL-S -TVT S> "U > a scuif LO JCFg^'V . LO CTO LO .
LOiJCLO-, a barren woman. LO I er , aman.
between the hair. j^cXJoS'^b^uiLS'' i -<
l_Dli5#-, a weft of hair . LDl' S i.\.FQB=^*5Lq g; that is impotent for begetting children .
(05 TLC G l_j
1 Qj ) the hair stares up . L0U2 U>oo(S. abarren beast, loctoi (SLOT i a barHSCT #opvigj4?Gg5TOYrV3et^O 5J , to cause the Yen cow .
kair or feathers to taie up .
LOCTOLO , man's dum; . LO CTO F ffr 5>$t the svacnfttrem
lof the. body , a stool. LDCTOg35JlJTO" u, the fundamen*
LOuPOTUIl-k'- , LO rOT^tf-, St . Thome .
LO . peacock ; a pen-hen . 'UDL o>S O @ , (ihe hack part of the t ody . ) to l_J-DOW. r LO JO
peacock- fcithers . louS 6b?j . a fxn of peacock- |_D (J 11 sU^ S ?042 costivenefs , obstrulion of the^.gero, ea^y snuils . lc-ctov
feathers. LOIQtv - AW , oil made of peacock's brlly . lo 0<Q<w
-fat . LOUS JOiM_ff>a>T(5 8& , the peacock spreads it's (up55^'TTO05tp'0;*-OS^ > -O^FCCT^SSrTj'cR*
2Cigy , to do the needs, to ease the belly.
train .
LOSO/J- , a flower. i_o je ) 66 /V. to open as ai
LCC0S03f , a cern-measure , a mnrcal .

, death . LOT ?s"rr lb jq . eS*OffX/,to flower, does , to bloom to look joyful and openhtarted .
dfe , to depart this life . (_D5~cw(gJCT- , rie's fatal day . !J> JOi9"(55i_jj , a flower that opened . LOCTOJ" BF #
LCO" NT J S5J 35 05 VT , presages of death . (_e cr WJTLJ the opening / fUwer .
G1ITf", btiuggling with death.
1_0'4 , LOON4T0305T" , Malacca . LOCTOTlJJinrr ,
a Malay-man Leool ^05 T ff.fft CSLlj , sandal
><-0 , |_<05)(- , an emerald,
LOTlO, a tree j timber, wood. LOT05 G&TOO ,a wood of Malacca.
waterman's- pole, LOCTLJLJt >1 , the bark of a LOo>S>'* Cc7iJ , LO 0>S rj g; G t-l T
Bjj . to grow
tree. LD0"uJ(3lJ4-_ a wooilerf chest. LMTJT cheap. LC&SsbJTiUnn 'K& CO&J , to buy cheap . L*
( , a whs,) living in holes of trees . LOU" 0505 TC LO i a o6'onJrf lulo Ji^rr55jG03 . vr *
HD >
Vefsel , a ship . LOcTg^LjQUT.20fl)J > lo grew hard know at what price to buy a thing .
r stiff like wood. LOCrrgrru-l 4J . rgTLLJ .
LO irtJO > an hill , a mount . Lt /TX)UJt_0- i LOirtJO
LOTSDl S9i , tit name ef an insect which has a in n QJT(TuO , the foot of an hill . LO
LL,' l_0- L_l'
great many feet .
iu 9 , a little village at the foot of an hill. LOeVooiLJ
l_0 $Sa , LO 0"M kindred . .LrrOJTfJ" , LOO" f t < & iUT<[5 i &&*03i) , to be as strong as
Ljrrvi", kinsfolks, relations.
mountain. LO JVO LO T < 33 L , westerly wind ..
, a wooden bole.
UO jrx) ? F T C'Co i a cold wind, or rain, coming:
LOrf 4605 , the half part of a" bag of corn > half a bill - 'rom the neigltbooring hills. LiifOOIFi rT^Lj,, a
lock-load .
Kielo on a mountain, <JfT^ovt i/trr^UJT ffT >. '
tcf 05*.Off/ , to die, to decease .
5'_?0(550^ et 2c ffi/ , to exiggtiattLOff lUTffiK i LOrf LLiTigLC , LCrfujr , mo'e;ryj thing . Oryo i._il_jy ifflie5 .
name of a shrub .
discretion, civility . LOrf LUTgi.iJLjfiDl-p , unmnonei
Lc > 35 * s.b LD/oojgyLjG'JT
s; t*>
-< , one that iJinefs . ir;g5y35@Lorfaj'iffi5GFuj4/!OgLi, to
treat one honourably .
* perdexed . LO irOO lI t_l T u5 (5 5 O
, to bedoubtful .
LDt5 , good scent . , Lflfgwf , LOtf5G5Trj!r5 . S^u LiAAX!UJLe.TcrrrL.4 LO , 'be miny / ' ttrUin
ef .
noble tribe .
UJ 5 0jG 93 T @ [553J , Indian wormwood. Port.
to Art>0 LU T VT LO , the Malabar country or the
Alosna .
pepper-coast . LO LU T ovf , a native of that coast.
LCffiUlffl , the hip .
LOCTOCrOT0505 ( LO TO T if 05 35 ) @8OffjJ,
LOc2)i (^, to perplex, t make afraid.
to tumble backwards. LOOoeCTfS 055?5*^
LO55[f 7\iLO , a piece of ground that can be water - Si) ( GLJT*-^)
) t0 thrust one so that he Jailsd and is tit for producing paddy .
down on his backside .
LDSJi LDFffLOCTU> , lin name of a tret.
LOOOCTOTrf , kind of drum.
LD(5g^/ffi)L_l , a bag of medicines .
LO ;;5*
t_fl-(505st!Cff) , to lie upon the back.
midwife's businefs . lo g
CD LO t_l (T (F 0;
LOcrooS i LO JO C-S C& 05 !F Q F Lp. , the name ofa shrub.
*aj*VT , LDiT5g>Byrfj# , a midwife .
LD >?0 crSB 05 uy, it's white and sweet -scenting flower.
LOlfRrjg^, physick , mecine j a philter ; gun-pow JVT#LOOOO>505 . 051 (5 LOCTOO>Sfi05 f 'Jo 05 @'
der . LDiOSr5SJ^-^ (S :20S5J , to prepare a medicine . LO CTO oS S 0j , LJ 05 p (_!<TOoSffi)05 , f5T05LD
^05^(5 a philter . LDifn5e5j0;0)OVT<T . ld5!5 oS05 ,<uti rr Le cS bsr , ^oja/Loeo crS ,
^ (i>V5 05 VT
, a woman who uses to give philters. G 03 f l_a lo oSt* . (gi LO3oe5E>03 . Glj#"
LOr3t-Q0i0t>-~ , son in law j the son of a man's sister , LOOOOnS , #^O>LOCTOO^ , LO /OO LO t>S S2) 05 ,
r of a woman's brother. lc5lD350"vt , a daughter /'j different Uns .
in law; a daughter of a mau'j sister, or of a woman's LO CTO 2) 05 01 (5*-<CffJ i LDOO Og; 03 (g rg obrother .
*i5D9)J , LO CTO 55S/ t g|_0 LJ <WBT <}J * ^ fiy ,
LD >DOOJLOCToQcb0e^r2Vl'ygggr I G ^ (5 0
tccujeS^oa' u5(S<3i-jG u rr^os; to be wD
, to cuff, to box . LO Qj / Qf l-

.1.0, , !X 0X3 0 cur { fem . lo jo sS ) ene tli at boxes ' LO XJ , a Spot a wart. LC^LJ')tCi<5^ <
IXOsOirtX) i an earthen bowl .
g;, to be spotted. LDiSat-JL-iU G25-LJ- m^ed gee .
* UXTiJ >nr .o , G'-C
, LOtfl| nr. 'ElS^^A vS CN) g U T 2J LiLS^UU
4U)TU5<!5 35*
. to be silent , to hold the peace. L^T.XJiO^j/rj; 5' *ugj , thu' y^u should go in
tX.<S>| >B( l> LOitrrOBUJfF-rr^-f.gLD , silence or pa- the4 midst of the sea . I wish you may nturn unhurt.
t*Kn stjnds a mountain of tribulation.
another . th other . LCSOJ^Sj^TTi- . LD
tJ5yDirtjs5FG*T70 , th? prattling of a little child . JO-QLiTL. an aniwer. LO *CV<g JVO ( 05Tu55LO)
iX'(LirJ . a led hut iron for the juperitilitui trial uf an answer to a letter . LO SOJiHrrf f=o\a , the relapsa o a
aiii3G ^ 'OJ T .ivy <
, to -bt^f
one's jnuocen'cy '. Lfi Q OJ R * SO 8i) , to take it (ever lo
up b/ the hand . LO(y) Qf~v''3i&-:<>ar ( LT >< somewliere else. is> 00/33 9; liSQooCfao itJCj it
< ) he de.iies-it s.. pertinaciously as if he did tako is not to begot any wtnre else .UDSCXiQs^ lorLCLC- , it: sot
the'trial of a red-hot iron . Q fj uj (g <jj rr lu Gs=oTeor m , lo iJ^OLJii , anotlier birth , -rege|"3>g/35Gf.RT"?ir'?*3*^'fL' - to clear one's self by iteration . LDSJ^hT^o , LO .aa i IbU . an^tcr
putting the hand seething -butter, mr time . ud^vi 4 6X1 TF. (?) OJ T , come anether time.
LD^L-QlJ'TQ Joe>T8rfi) , the watu ies^eihiiig' LOi/t5>. coakle-ttairi . l^^t^lo , to5/
SfflfLLI - , IJ)aiuU).LL| :X, LO CCD 35 T J LO ,
.shut .
U>(CgfftOH'- tn beat , to flap , to receive with blows .: again. LO^Cl'fj'TiJj t a step-m.ctt.her. lCSCj^T Tt-t
fl|if # _i (g^lS -2Q,g; , to.-beat, the rice . LoQS th^ second oiatiitneny . LD ^-^^'. LO,, thr secund
Su Qt-Jf* SO&j , to blunt *bi/c err.
course of diet. LO COjQ^if , a reply . LO
?\^2 . Lf5@T53 XJT O g/ , to be- ), changed in tue face . LO CQj ^ LO LJ T ff ffi, 4
Uln|ed. 1>@11?01 &,&81 ,~ lo blunt ov. JSfiL1 to commit adultery. iSjSOJb-Ot the other
,4 till /^ . Lf.f^TeSliSt^tbe^DS; . tobe blunt, worll, eternity. LO SO) 5 LJ LO another oim ei"
W>(u'Kig3 0s>^Gl-J ^ out L@ffi<N85) eCTfT shape .
LDX'K'JC. a recidivition , a lelapse, the return of
TiUU) , liftht gold, gold-dust .
i_c(gi-ji^;<y. g;, ld(QljlouQiJTj*-o gb lickneii. J4ffxlO/e5@L0a'^Go^(bS^&' Bt
.te protract 4 f.'iflg by vain spee^bts . lo (Lg _i i_i , relapse .
.*ie Ai/ Vf
LQt3L,<3 i LOffilLPLOTrf , rjin . LDOjLp^ TOOID ,
the rainy-season., the moiboon. 5> i_j.u< Cg/ ,
jJseaiLjpQff Trf es .59g;, torain, LOOH-pigsr Oj g;, to refuse leave one. LOixVitiiT^Og; , to o
^; . to dtiz/.lt . lDSDlP-J'O. W*!OS> ,0 * ve- ' standing often Still ; to stand i>nd go.
Jtemently . Llffi t-pi_5 L_0- 35
lO we shall have rain.
LBSoj'rh^so^j ,
s3agg;i_j Q l_i t tl 40 g;*
t_0 es t_p 4"S -LJJ. 5e5@g( the rain his ceased, lo Lp tocoatradifl , to reje j 10 LOi.fute . .1 SO/^9\D , confuta
-tuiti ji^G , during the tain . LDBLpr^i?- , rin- tion . ixTf iJ3 ^^ggaSTONju) , dry wtather , want of
-watcr. _2j;jgL0 SB Lp an evening-ram . Qt_l(3> -O rain .
Dup . * shower, a peal or glut et rain .
LDZT-'naS-Cgj . to deny, to disown.
LO SCv 42) LT . LO
u> vr lo G ^ 3W" & rf (
& (? i_a /
/ ) to fall with a great , uitlm or wall. i_. LC^evr.iQt^g; V . Lf.^Oovrcf @<
jTlDWLJ(_( t a rattling, rumbling.
LOxQjayr, enthusiasm, ravishment of the evil spirit.
LOOyfSUR. LDOVf 45;*| rf@, LOCVf 35555 LO irveYrLiL-O-SgOJCer , LxQJJiT , en thu *r>SH , the store-house or shop of a whol sale rmn . siast .
.XsSCVf B 555
, a wholri sal-man,.
L0<T*K>*.OgJ, U>SD SG
G UT*)^,
to vanish , to disappear . LCBijrg^^ggj AS
g; , ta
Lcv5b*r)s;'. LO<g asaos;.
LOX595G*,*r!:1;-4a" *-9g>> 10 breik wich be vani,h'd to lie hi i . LOSSi^OlL) , L01&SSJ > I LO,
craiku ;; noise .
au hidden place. L0B9/!Dcraj 5 SS-gy' . t* fence
L)S03iACPxJ . tC .OrsyrjLJT^Cfly , to forget . in a place te b* covered from the sun and wind . 10
^JJ>LO-20^S;(2lJTu3i{5S@;. that !S forgotten. ffi flDQi_jrT(f35W"freoTg; , occult , hard to understand .
LDOf5JTLD'3S3(fBt-i. * SO gj . to hejr with atten
LD so um sc , tj^oggj i ?s <
tion. lcsO&> i foigei fui nefs . LDSodiQiTS03vr , LO / ( Gl-JT(S<6^!Og7) to hide, to conceal, to abscond tlwtg ,
$CL| JYXCYTfiU ' , a forgetful person . J<Q g 9i @
LPiO^L_LD, LDZUi 5 i-O . an. pe .
mSO&IHf e=*40g;ii . LOgV05rf" 60g/ .
LO.<r.^.UTXI/2LJT?9-S;. I forgot It. LD.OOJT
lo SOSO , another, the other . i_o SO SCuTli<>v~ , the
a constant affeition . LD.i3nr;5i;S/rTv/<i30
otlier man. LO-^O^CXIOYT , the other wenian . LO SO
tgl , to slip the busincl's by sleeping too long .
LP Deri.O . 1_1_ .
SOtJ , U) SO SO Si rrrf UJLO > the lest . LC_0O SO{ LD SO
LO O <il
, a Marawa-man . LO-55$ . a Marawa- joyrovr , loso ai mm ) gi_i/J- , the test
of the people. L.0 SOSO i'LJLQ. , otherwise.
av.oman .
LO!"rrj@, a weight of ij pound or S wte, a
_LC -vr fi'tJ^OgJ > 1^15*^0/ . to back.maund .
{de , to fill away .
tJr2}4_p.UJ'" , Marattas.
, LO*erg>. the mind , the will ; longing , de;irej
conscience . LCrf^(rTv<'*^G 95 T 35 * gA te
LO-r5 , a foal , a colt; a deer's calf.
U)_a33*.!OgJ. LD^yfRQeSiToVrVeOgJ , to -ive out of companion . LOsBTrQLjrr5t2ge3G3>T
Stop , to attack , to attest o dtani on the road . LC_5gy 35*Dg/. to give with good will. _ lO (g? 1
a nj^.0O5^, to keep in conlDement . LD S UJ 04) , L LOOTTffrasdgFfrf ugyTmbguTGw . accord
^itStuU) , an arrest , detention . LD -UJcsSav) >_,0>>- ing to your pleasure, ,.LOpL^. LO flr , I leave it ta
OJx) . LDjfejl-JLjVajOjgiOJ . to arret , ta detain . your pleasure. ..OTLOrreT ; @ g GtTrfiHii , yea
LO ^50 l_J (5<-0O) , to bestOfpedon the way.LCT(g Know it v<?ry well. _01 9-.^^5^ FTi
(^^rruJ^^.^.^ . t watch ,the lierd of cattle. your conscience .will tell you. lqjwPa^lUPQ*111-1*

>ey to do /ii'nj knowingly,. unrF^StUir *nd again to recemmence the cemfoat .

< tcQflU^OJ i to do it unwillingly , or not out
LO-ior^errr V . GLDJTTTtrF .
f malice. <^(f5?5Q/i i&wm>*QiT)TVii-H-j evar
LOT t LQTinj , meal . uTCXJS>rr SiO%J t t
*Pn;*/v^ig^ , to griee tone's mind . LOJorffTu3e><$> grind vktmt , -rice etc . make meal of it . LOrrS>l_J
5(2 Otfor I will , I intend . \**(\1>&<& l5B86OS/ i to Jcnead the dough. LSiBEFrfjLCT ,
i(ji_0 wrffjotrOO > I don't like it . G t_JT 05
jdough. C5<*fflB)LOT , leaven.
LOfT , the twentieth part in arithmetick . rg rr 0>>
T T g; t I can not resolve to go . CD 9= 5
^5i_iLi<36OfLy, to turn the mind, to amend it.u3rer LOT, the fifth part . LDT0STwf . the sixteenth p3tt .
LT i LOTLCTL > a mango-tree. LDI LOL-i , ii'
<5lOu5.>.!j, the mind it amended.. ldivtbtQi13>c&
GttCDG) t to grow averse. LOetra'rrfgrf ?5!_QTIL5 blofsom- LOT ox; e$ em cu., a -young man^o-plant .
'nnd a dislike or anaversenel'sin the mind. 3>(2 . LOTTO35TUJt an unripe mango; the>maw in birds-;
AioTFTUJ , of my own accord. <<55 " L0 the kidney in quadruped* . LO T LO l_l Lp LD , a ripe
Jfr3:G^<5"iSe5 i agreeably to one's mind. -# mango. LOTgGcTg LO, a mango-garden . 651
_G3Ni>iiie> *i?OS/ > to take a thing to heart ; tu keep (Sl-OTLt>L_)t-PLO , a.largc mango full of flesh . t_Soyf
it with one'i self .5-#(3 jNDSiiX'655;g5Qe5Tovr U5TTORTUJ, sour mangos.. Gojovf lot , 51_
Tvt; -D 5^ , to take into consideration. i)OJT (SLOT > a wild inango-tree .
- ^$*vrQi( ao T (5 2 > his mind is bant
LDT , LO^T , great . LOTL-JL-SO) *DGojg^**rLl)>
a great difficulty. LTUU(TiS, a great sinner,
'Upon it .
lcTlO , the mind. LCaerg; 35 2J A/OO sorrow . IX LOfr^TWiTU! , a province .
bt*?TL1_# , the conscience. lo erar lc*<C(3 _*5 HJLJ Q l_l LDTTi>0O.LD i 'flesh . LO T TV* >tO. 0! SB I t
er%DVi)i to speak so as to confound oHe's mind or to the market where flesh is sold , gyeoTLeT'ruflSiO-LO
^ound his feelings. LO 9> 5 T LJ _D , lorraw ol mind, a virulent pox or swelling.
repentance. T "CtG LO 1.0 '*T4AJ5 T LJ LO T u3
* LOT FLO , LOTgLD , a month . LOTs^Tri^LO t
/., he .angry with me . LD<5BTL0l_Q-tiJ , every mttnth , per month, LOTLJ l33ULJi the
great disgust ; grief caused to one . LO :_j Ljj^aKiJ beginning of the month . LDTgicSl rraj, women's
LOTUJ , freely , voluntarily . LO Q CD StDTHj , as months. egjliDT-Fa>_,e5,@ for Ianuary .
-quick as the running of human thoughts. LOG
LDT#, LOTLDTLO , cbruary^
LTOUJLD ta tho"ght, an imagination. (-1&@&> ( LOT# ) GlOCOUOT , fineclouds . *<
Qffi U_ Tj|>2>J , incomprehensible and unspeakable . a -little phlegm over the eye .
U)TLCQt_i't >0}$ roajj , to have patience .
LDT- a spot,* blot. LOTFJD-iOfly, unspotted,
i_0oTfin, a bnole.
without blemish .
LD2V i LO y o. , tu V 5 er , a man . LO LOTffr<nrsri_e a large mount-serpent.
LOTpe^rr uj , a gall-nut . LD Ts* F ; Ol
'ifi. LOaV^ a wom.m . TTTS2VI LCSSVig-T ,
my people . LDffiy ffriTUTLJLD , human nature . o-p ^/CiJreoTLjGLJTG JO G l-J W * <J"Ti te
0;@1/1-'_"7 LfS CO /DO I have no Telations . speaks as if he -was intoxicated .
201_1555( ul#LU LD. a country well peo
LDTFfFevO-, an immense labor.
pled. LD SV^oSLO , humanity.
LDTFffr , fetters. -<rfgtSyflSgLCrrffffrLJfSLJT
i_D{?y , a petition , request . favor begged for . LV0; (Ct.20S;, to fetter or shackle one..
Gffil_L*&a', to beg a favor . >/|3>( 1
LDTffffrGffTOyTVbS^Desj't' . LOTUjeSiOE;.
OBi) , to come to be something . <^i[5L0!y(jtfT595
LOTI LO , a little lile in a wall for puttin some
,@5>J, I have to beg a favor of you . "|_'" i thing into it. LOTI l_ji_p , pigeons that breed in little
.^*^^0505L-j.LJt_& G(FUJU-|LO , please to help him holes made for that purpose in the walls .
-to it for nys.tke . (l^^'jOSSyg/J-GfUSSa/LO^ please
lct(, an ox , a bullock; a cow . U>T(JjGlDUJ?J
>to comply with this request. LD 2 f Q e* T .
a cow-herd , a neat-herd , LJarLOTQS , a
fi)$.9/ to "
one's behalf .ldSSVljQlj^Ov cow . 05
id T (g , a milk-cow . Qljt
&tJi/ i tu obtain the thing begg'd for . LD'Sffpil LOT! a cai riage-bullock .
L*4 , LDir^i ( , a petition > a th>ng begg'd for .
( LtT ) 5roL0T(5rt the head-end of the bed,
LCffWS)(S*iC<a/ , to beg. LDr^>-l TlLG9t-^:| 05TCOLDT<3> , the feet-end of the bed . .<?1 a
flt^Og; , to beg at a favor .
'lOTG1 , come to my house.
LOTS! > LCTDI \_) LJ u , halt a pagoda .
LC rtfOT , a piece of ground; the ground en which a
lie-use is built | u&A'cn" 8e # I Q , a ground-bill .
LTLL#lv>LD . straits, vexation.
rfX"<f5L0/0"CT > one ground containing 6o . fest in length
1.0TI (Ret/JCiy, to hook a thing in. _-5
and 40. feet in brea 1th . ix/6otujt ovr , usi/oot GgSTOvr-fVSSb/, to hold tack to get entangled
4UT"4_D_ i USi/cTsd , the mother cf an household.
L0T4jp.fS^6 * , u>T*ufSQi&*xBij ( Gest?
Qfr&*OBjj )'to bring one inte prison , to betray one.
LB^ffiifiT c , joy .
LO(2!SJ5#ArOO t a certain mineral of // sent .
Lon.i <SQ(x>mr, LET! (giDTiu , . I can*
thou canst etc . I shall be abre / rfe i/ *tt. 1 r>rrt
Uf*yP'-Q@#.i/oo i natural cinnabar.
LC t2 S) LC LULO . u- 0 .
G'-_eeT.,LOo-i4 Taj ff/.l canaot etc. Jja^f
lxC?ig)OJTi^@ V . LO-aJTLO .
OJUJtiJTi^ Gl TGLCeeT^jeor , he refused t*
ldiotp(5*o5; f . tijav .
do it. LC " M T LD \ Q L_l T l) , to give a refusal.
L) -r. | . LO^rwreor, S king . f_0rrrf , LCT-GcL-OVrC-'OYT QlJT ffi LO T I Q I @ gy
a queen .
the * will not go in there. lctQ' @S^5^95
LoesT , / 1 t'i forgive , to pardon. L0rsfLj LDT4 TOi), the bullock can't get up.
t_l . forgivenefs , pardon . .
lD , LOT<BTi_j , greatnefs ,
LO"1 ewf , the privy parts .
^Vji^ofSV to pull up the cloth when crofsing ariveretc.
LOT swof (^0JlO , piecious stone .
t&rtif Qgia"*T G)' UTj3
j to ilght ajain
IXToi Q V .UtaZt&SJ .

UJTILJL4=P , a. wild gocse.
LJTI (F.&Qmn ovTV5et &; , to put the cloth
LDTgLO u . LO LO .
lot8S/otf, LOT^ovrgs Qj= . , * pomegranate- over the right shoulder down on the left liefernd cover
tree. LDTOYT'TOBTUJ , an unripe pomegranate , LOT thereby the breast, as the Native women do .
f5vrL0LJ up LO i ripe one . L^LO"" (/wr a pome &,\ , a brisket of bef , or a breast of mutton .
granate-rree bearing but flowers . Q <ru oyr LO
LDT^aiL^i December.
LDToSiLT , LC T o^iBLD 65 ;- , LET2/
, a pomegranate- tree whose fruits have white
kernels . Qe;(TU)L4_LL0.T5/Wr , a pomecitron-tree *>LD > a ihiu-mate , a pilot . LOTa46LT./V5 $
LDTgjLT, a mother ; a woman . LOTjgii', women (TLD , the art of navigation .
* LOTi/tJO . a garland . LJjLDT/OO > a garland of
LOT),) , a woman ..
LST^ff a temple, pattern, model a beam laid flowers. QfdlLDT , a pater noster , a pair of
*thwart a terrace . LO it SJ ft 05 a jattern .
LOT /DO , a soie neck. LOT
UJTUJCSQ tS O { r ecref ^- , tears shed abun
LOTB?T<"n- , an 'adversary , an enemy .
bOTg^T jT3Tge5LJL_OTrr . LOT

dantly. 5_j j!TiVoOi declination. *5_> ej TLCitT

Load)(TLi>, but,, only. j)g;txiT50TLe , but AJO cenjugation .
^ , LD T JTJO G 5 T LD , the evening. LOT
4hst ,. tpat only . rjjTetn- JtjJSefjuDrr 8> ( LD ,
twuich as I know. _2lL0LDf e>$TLO , (?L0LOTe5i /OOU*9 Hl/!oQnST UD , the dusk of tt.e eveniag.
jCTlo i so much, so much only . oTLLTg{TLO , how ;. LfiT/00^F5n,BT,',r*'<rar > one that can't see at nights .
L0TJ43, lust, concupiscence. lotcndG^sT e*T
s; 1 to love
* }>$(> , a dose of physick . lot^ > LatfTjjfFtfos; , lo ro g .t S
U-jnrerrfiBi , a pill . fSQirTf-a&T LOT 54>5< , a lasciviously .
</Tti!L_ , LDTtSeil , wood , timbers .trees.
..purging dose .
that degree of the goodnefs of gold or silver lt c LSTcSfti * 00 oQr$ lj nrip. rr
-which ig discovered when examined by the touch-stone. srsTLD , with all the appertenances .
LOTrfcrS T0@ , LT 4^5o6'T3UiTLfl , Cht JU5S;LTgiyuG LJJTbt, gold of the purest
kind. TJ rr f>gj
!g IJ3 T 9) fl^l l_i G LJ. T , / tret Hint btnrs betritt .
LOToUfjcTwr' , he that governs an elephant .
geld of the lowest value. LO " . 5 i_l L_3e= 95 T OOT
( (5 <

, gold that has
LOTOf *85 > a building.
aot it's due goodnefs . LCTt5/93fB ' t > what is UTV5SSO^ , * G l_J T 0 t) , t be
deficient on the required goodnefs of gold.
wasted or consumed to die . LOTOYrTjSgTiSLIJLO
unperishable riches . f&4-J}. Q Q LS Pj LD re
LOTtf^LOs a certain distemper in children.
> 1 grcat <iea' > the house. Qf~ll/O0
LOTJ585- , mea .
<L0T[5S)5 ) G95T33itB@L0T[55., a cancer. LOToyr (JcNJit/OO , the work is not yet ar an tnd .
LD T iyotr LD LD , ceremonies and almsgiving f a
LOTUJL3oYr/oyT, a bridegroom, j the husband j a
von in law .
heathen in regard to his deceased father.
LOTi_r_i , a great abundance. LDTill_!i_Q_ 5 @
>^)(*^, LTLO.LjGLJT(g OtZ)
Mil , abundance comes in. QFcrtrrrar ffiffe-eufLOTtl to wrest , invert , distort . lOT^LO-esGSbTOVTVjlt
Cj , to use tricks, to steal , to rob . ldt^l: , at
1_J , a shoal of a certain Und of little fitbtt .
rege , a thief . .y, /OST LD T 5 L , one tliat steals
# IXT'-, lotld^, a father in law . 51TUJ elephants. LO T^)ul_ lo , distoirion; trickt. LOT
, the mother's brother .
^4 L0LJw7 521/86-40ifi; , to use deceit , or deuble4 LOTUS , LOTLfJiuT <jV 'mother in law; the fa dealing . lot^)h ffiflT0r, a double-dealer ..
LDT^/< OB), LOrrL-G{-jr*S> 8jV , to turn ,
ther*! sister .
LOT'JJLO i UJTLlUOTCTOLO, hypocrisy , simula to grow changed . ^^; , unvariable , ncharrge tion vanity , emptinefs . LOTlLILOLjetraT Sut 0 able . <4>* LJ l_I l_0- LD T Q) Le> ,
j , to difsemble . (.- , an hypocrite . 6-^^G*55/a1JTLjBerrLOLOT.Q/ei/ , how change
LOTLLlLOTlijQLJT-OitJ , to vanish away. UlTlIl the pagodas ? AWL0T^0^y3**r<n awr ,- ne4t$UJL0 a spright , a speilre, a ghost. LOTUJCi05ff> that changed the pagodas. LDT^DidBQrtwGLJertJ^S
i to alter or vary the words . 5 *vr etrr LOT SV
CTLUTiiS 5LD , juggling trickt .
* > to dirc the water into the different gardenCOTUSoS, kind tf boat.
LOTlUet.O0Ji to languish , to faint; to die . 4T>JJr#tfD beds . Qcdxxlld ldTjvvC.og>c5J , to disguise one's self,
OAJtrrLeTLufi; ( LOTffer ) GtHTovryjatjo > , jj).mm;ffi&i.Q>$Qujrrmu)LMrrj , he is
put out of his employ. (f^t-P-riruDT ^5 1 a pick
to kill one's el?.
LOTIL) BD95 . vanity. LOTOjeiRUJT HJ Q l_l T pocket. LC T *a> lj T est ii> 1 another language . 0~T
405J to vanish away, to come to nothing , LOTUJ 'UT4LVU4BTOL0T4bV , always day and night . frT
CfSjLDT^v , every morning . Jfl|g($U> T J3V every
;><; a juggler.
LOTTTUJLD , joyful news sent to friends and rela evening. rfi'JVres^LeTa , a besom orbrocm . LOOP
tions . loT9"TLU fil S4_ SO
1 1 communicate jO)L_JT(3, perversity, conuptnefs.
LT^OKLO , a manner ,a way of living ; religion.
r proclaim tuch news .
/ , to set in order
LOTff , rain . LOTff cBTOsaLO , the rainy season . LB T CO ? LD l_l Men- ej
J^LDl'LOTr}* , shower of arrows.
as well as pofsible ; to seek means. lot^O 5 PF
LOTfjajLO, wind. rmTUiUJTdguli i an honett man . lot , well , orderly , in the
-violent wind.
right way; slily . LOT 59 05 LO , probity , integri
LOT", LOT^M tne breast . (_01__| ty , holinefs . (ffBTLO T LO , a wicked way of
TOTiX) T .TjeSLO , matrimony, conjugal life.
bstruftion in the breast \ asthma. lot(X"Tljji_|LJ life . 8 l_l tr La fi G KTiTV5OK) . to take a burden *-i?4A>5S;LOT^oe3LD , Christianity, the Christ
jota the shoulders fastened by a bandrgund the breast . religion, , jjLOT/ffiUJ , an heresy .

5*05;, uSt_o.LL| ewrr et *3 gj., to grow very peer.,

change or altere thing . LOtT .OxASjffi TSYr^v* u5i gr.(6*)ijiv, (Cjji wei g/.
, to change by taking a thing for another;. to Lewir^V , a gulp . x5i_r5r^aieeT eonrf/J-^
($5 *oT O @>< ^rS> >
xcliaiu. ^'^-/^)^! t transplace, .20 one galp of water.
<< *r jB nj , anotrurcloth for shifting . to tnkc one gulp .
^raj JOTliT^O^ffiGSi^ffiST^or , the washerman! L^22!ju5GeTaoTSOg; , to mumble , it -sptuk .tr
iFas brought anoihcr person's cluth instead f mine. pray mimblingly ,
tU>ffC/^595i-JL-/eer , a stepta.her . UDT-0tife u5Wi LD , the corpse of-a man or beast, whott
<J5 T dj , a stepmother.
head and limbs are cut off.
tD T ootid-, demrenefs , shame ; decency, honor, US Ts .or, a robust person ; a eapable per-son.
4t T , a chaste or shamefaced person . LDKiT t-jes >, to be floating in the water,. u5
-.1_0\<) , siiamelefs' fellow . ,2jOJ LB S9"3J. a raft of boards.
TLO , dishonor. Q rufe LO T LO., -a present] u5$ 35*^05/ , u5<f<fi*A3g; , to tread . u5 % $
which an inferior is honoured ^with .
! SSJLjG'-'T-^S/ t0 mai'C boldly. uS^gg^LJ
LOTOTLD f. eOJTiaTLO, LOT *JrLDLJ1"L-9-, a lark; Gljt0*SDS), to tread or trample -upon a thiag .
LOTof iLLO > L0T2yp-L0 , humanity., modesiy. u5$u3CS<S^!05^ ,'to make a veitige or imprefsion
LOTKrfip-BGeSTeljnOffF^O ( 1_32)iJ3) angenteel the feet. G^To^ ^@u5^Ll3ffi*i3Djb) , to mollify
contracted Itmus by rubbing them with orTand by hand-'
"0fs, unpolitenefs, indecorum.
, men . LOrr-eofl LO-, LD T ef 1 , ling and extending them.. u5jujL_C- , US LU L_0-.
^gffcTTLCLD, human nature. Lfr<nrpl erri, mankind. wooden -clippers. LD LD LO , the pieces of wood ,
LOrr-eef LULO, a-field exempt fiom tax , or tithe- free..! whereupon the man stands that draws water out of a
OJ LD if OJ LD , a field .exempt from all tax.
tank or well } the treadle of :a weaver's loom ..
C(5 i_x> Tf UJ Lfi , Seid whereof the half tax is paid . 5 u5^ 'J T Jj (TO, the of plant turning n the gnuni.
.ont LO T *vf UJLO , hereditary fields of the inhabitants . U5&J **r ID , L QJ T ' T # , gemini ia the
'iFT^ScsOt_DTref UJLO , field belonging to a Pagoda-] zodiack .
LOf^trLO , friendship.. ,.ui5i5^6T'eT , ^^t
church . @l_O.L0 4S33'WLOTof LULO, field given
'-3)$0~, a friend who steadily keeps to a party .
0 the washermen , barbers etc .
LOTfflVL-ILO, shamefaced nefs, 1_1<!5">$ i-&>&J(5Bi)Q CT T st > one who betrays his -frieadi.
LTiSlSDE , to frighten, to terrify.
M0& to keep < one's -self modest .
ujireor , an hart , a deer . t_oa"oT@Lt_<p_ a deer's, 5/5*iyjfij , to grow afraid . -u5 cr forr.LJi.(
, >o be afraid, to be struck with fear
eealf or fawn.. 6;ArOL0TeT, a deer whose horns have
(branches . l_l WOvf LOTeor , a deer-full-of white spots
G OJ orf Le T , a roe abiding in the fields, aju !
LT ., Tj@LOTCT, .@i/WTtLDTT^ kinds cf LCNCT^CJ.a-red, a.witch. LjSoNOiT^cJCLBQf^
$OSi) ( 6~&9f&ogi) ) to give lashes with a switch .
oes f a small size .
\jSg05y, to increase, to grow larger. U5&i Ltf; * uSQcNJFFffaT, a wretch ,a fellow good fer nothing.
tVijLD, very much. lJS1&^&FnjQgjrT Q.10, great .j >y ; uSG043* FffrfanTU) 1 W SEi/s^Dfi/ , to do thing*
CSLJLJi -V-Q,V-rr go opj as^Qgj;, to say too much j that are good tor nothing .
u5@e><^0S>i to augment , to-make larger. u5@g u5U?, u5L/*^gJ<i/.
ig;i_jGi_;rT/305;4 to (increase..
ucTrS jog; f. ttPQ'^*-^^
US<m( V . (L>rrervT%.
u5@$ , much, very much. LfSg^LULO , greatly,
exceedingly .
, * U5 JDV'tTjLt an animal, a beast, a brute. uS-Ol^e
LiSOfF , fault falselylaid- to-oire's charge, *>> (gerorLO > .1^^0135.5^^ ,-animality , bestiality,
l_J*iV>S;, to be blamed. uSSBgjLUTLU L_) G Ljj brutishnefs. L.-'^r'T^. the animal kind.
r<40ei) , to blame one. l6 B 03 L_l / nn
u5*o> >.)/ , u5^a/eti_iG t 0 SJ l grow
gL> . to'bktme . u5fi)erLOt52L< o> O S> to accs thicker pep. K*Qj&,l3i&Tr*rt0/jiJ , -to boil
thing till it grows thick .
ne falsely ef a crime .
5-05-; > vile or M'erthkft-fellew. UiffresesB, _US >>#'1> , tai r~ a {mmumot mintri^
a vile , orvcorthlefs thing , a trifle .
US acuGy S^ , soft .
u5r 35 Gab'S , the time tTiatis lost by the work's
above .
LFFLO., too much . u5FeFL0rrujQLiJ T
, ing at a stand Qi2JZnyOLeor&Q&\ (uiGlJTLO,
to become abundantly 'multiplied. u5? 5ffi5<Ttie> the <working time is -vainly Jost tho' pence run on-.
ft K)gL/ , to take off what is too much . @ L_p- ^ LO'eeriii^o s;, to salute, no gieet. ^^^ebirui
>Oifoxiu5f?LOTeeT<3J"cT5 0vr , the most .past.of th: ot<UljG l->TOg) 'to go 'to .pay one a visit. u8
<itrr<ojc530 , LweTilSBeS salutation, greeting.
^inhabitants .
--Sy^i^^ito make giitter,:to-exhibit luctre, to polish.
Li5l9j# > a .ring for legs .
u5@ffrtS.>ffy , u5@#t_iGi_ffr/!CE;, to W cstorbi- L>B'*.^G35ovr5*o'^ t0 ' one', *e'f UP
-tant, to.increate too much 5 .to surfais , to become proud. to mae a bright-show. Cy->fU$ti/* to polish,
uSSFffC , what is too much. uSgjLjQ.LJe'r * .o to brighten., -to burnish LSV3>@, splendor, lustre.
LO SD'tRrtS.'iPE;, L-SVTLBuiQ)
gj/ . -to glit
< , to speak too much , to speak haughtily . US . #
mrnj i one who is - proud, forward, untameable , ter to sl.rne, to be bright. r_i5svi_by L_iL^ , glittering,
unmanageable . T S/ <U.u5 # o"U<tf5 LO , the i_6 "rravstOS;, tj lighten j to eparkls with light.
Lb *or c\l , lightning . uS**r or ero f/ Q 0S fF
.advancing army is exceedingly large.
u5t T., a pot, a water- pot. |_"_>/563 t_0-, a.fiash of lightning . u5 JOT"f^-; ; ^ , to
.ir, liten and th indtr.
jf/J- , - full corn - ear .
L Jtrr LO #wf , u5 eef uW ULJjf f, t glow
u5( 4"-, the throat .
li>i_.sLO , .rcity , want , Lfit-p. LO U.LJ G> worm ,


05 s
LWitrf I_)LJlU.Q> . * 4 / / .
t55*OT"^6j-D^^!5liJLjQ L_J - * O
, S>
Mtli rashly to one . JLf _ 0} tfj i_c< . acquaintance .
l_ffa-!_o<JTrr , a skipper, a boat- twain .
0395LC JH jaOJl fj ivrij" , a iown where one lias \JSBtT> i excellency .
iciiuaiiitance . ^8^
COfi I (. 5rjj Lff
. 9= .
Q, L_lT(i SJSg; to mille one in the teeth with a ihing,
Lffi_L.506jj, u? y> > .0 ey . u i_i G
G 95 3VT ?V5 O SJ > 10 redeem , to rescue . to save . eo to upbraid one with a tiling . (J 5-G CoGre 35 [5
UJT^Q)lUl_ff SS^j^, to cure a disease.
G 5 - 6; 951-1 G i-jcT*
. to one . Qt vinj
l_ff i (cStb'i-Gg^ , to make free . i_fft @95*0. G9STCb9;*j!oaj , .&*^) ,
Lff1 # , Lfft I_J, redemption. 1 if.
a redeemer. to giant a kind hearing . @^t55T G^
Uff i the , remainder , the rest the residue , the 5^ , to look with & scorn upon on*. _S)OJirr
overplus. t_5^ajTll353;tSpei/ tobe remaining. J9>*Gas:"5'5UJ'T' QcOKfO . not a fly daics
11_1<5, blains m the face.
USfi/, <_ffG5 . l_ff jC4D . upon, over. ifO LU < approach tus face,
l-ffjCro , upon the head. OT5<rruS,^T,T@L , luve ~ ffpfFLOTLU , @ 954 )95lX>iT LU face to face,
aF g T G ,n 'he presence . p ^ \_j rr
yity on me .'
IT tu , by heart, without book. 'ff'WffiTnotU
Li'TTS f a pt ivilerige to enjoy something.
StC5&-*JBi) , Uif rSS^QlI T A3 5^ , l0 remain . Gljtads; , to grow angry. (0 fl; igj 91_.
^ff'TCSSffi-iO; . to be remaining . i_ff e 5; ([5 66 S/ i ,e 'J ashamed , to be put to confusion
Oj {5 5; . to save, en lay up the rem T<i5fi5<5' ^Ji^rrrujooTUJCgrtOS; . to te
like one , to resemble one . (Q>J5 Tv@ LJli^O (Q<
?5./ , to turn, to take a turn , to be cured. ,^09)J > to fall upjn the face .
Vff JVTrregiS - i , a poison winch there is no cure
3g5LJt_I , the fore-part of an house .
for. i_ gjCtWT) , an incurable disease. (_ff ^p95'"f (JTjO\) , an uneven cadjen-leaf.
YTtfiJLO , t_ff*ffT(5LO . again , moreover. i_ffrr ffit- ^*^3^- tTg.Ajj, to smell to a thing.
erxi5^5/ , to return safe . Lff Q 65 rr oyr
)0^(7 , a preface ja rubrick, a superscription;,
Y5* ^v,gj, to rescue, to recover . Lff orr(j}Qcri_#3; the introduction of a discourse.
S^gy , to save , to preserve from danger 6c destruction. (gjgS^^""7 1 the foie part , the fore-crrner. @
err 95 95^^0 , the chief among the rest.
Lff57T(5<@ -2CS;, to free one. uS *eT I SU<rer, a
05 tBTOLfl , pre-eminence. (JcpiTOTM ni 11 iu.
Lff Eve.Og/ , to transgrefs . \JS^ ugUT.*) ffJtrr, one who is the first or the chief.
* 03 65 iT 2>d)T ID , a reason , a cause ; one's help or
, to grow haughty . Uff^vjri 65*.06)J to he
rrare one's self proudly, to contemn mid transgrefs orders. interposition, ^euoorgj^rrrj^/j- LO T 95 . for his
Lff 3tfr5r , LffsTGeST^OVf l_jyj*inrr (S . Lff sake ; by means of him .
(2'orff ^?Tirer(_f)9T (ij , rne nuwe / d staub,
05*66 iCBi) , 0366rj53y Gy rr ZO / to end , te
* Lff iTOTLD , Uff "0"# , pitees-, one of the twelve come to an end, to terminate. (QeoTiJ . the end . 0JE$
2Ll9j4"ffOL0, time's end , termination. 0e6idB
signs in the zodiack .
jjbj i infinite , endlel's .
\-ffGPOj V . rgrruj .
* t_ff , a fish - l_ff l5 UflL ; S 30 gj , <o @i*95*zoe; . 0?=65;ljGujt(5*-OO5;, to tn4
atch fishes, to fish. LfftfrrtoOJi BI , fishing. irfiaMh a thing , to achieve , to coucluJc , to accomplish.
t_ff frfgjsrr ( #O@ ) the fins of a fish . i_ff <wi
05 El , a cloud .
03(govr , 05@ovtlD , a bud that contains a
uS0\3T?O ( ) the scales of a fish . i_ff >or
05<JVT?V5, the bones in fishes . Lff wrQijjg 8r . young flower .
fishes } spawn . i_ff tljt(S
catching of fishes by a 05'@.iO9>l-O , a prosperous hour or fixed time /sr.
net'. t_ff ear i_J I (J fDO , no fishes have been rtlemniziitg lutAding , for laying the founatim / is
caught . i_ffrr95.*5 , a dish of fish . Qi_ia-LC.l_ffr, building etc . 05@ ;5Qg5Gff tP1-0" a benediction, joylittle fishes , l_ff<rar@!5 , fte * / a diving bird wishing, congiatulation .
05ffi>9$ , the bud that contains a flower . 05 &6593
0535 the top of an house - roof . 05 1 Qi_.rr
$/rjii/, to blow as a role.
<g , ridged-tiles .
* 0565LD . the face , air, countenance , look . 050inj
03 9^ 95 LO , an. huff, a swell of sudden sngcr.
#05tT"LD, @*V5I3^(^^LD , a friendly or pleasant 0)9595^5-^6;-2/ ( G(SG0J ) *o huff j.
look . 05/555*05^ , 05 /995 55 AVr , fine air to sauff at one .
05<r-65rr(5'; a veil . or part cf a cloth that coverssweet features. Qrgp9SL0TUJ , with a blushing
fece , with shame or contusion. <-0555)> t_j the head and face. 0559;'. rt!O0L> . 9>
> to pull the cloth over the
UJT<^57 , for my sake. LOSVA- 1 03 65 L 95 T" (gG I-IT * -O
*-JT/J"4^0KV to have respeil of persons . 03 65 head. and face. 0365 T(5ffU(TT6.05; , to uncover
OvUTfijF , 0J93L_iiJ_*5_ulo , 631_ uo . re the head and face .
'9365fo>S, a chair with three feet.
spect ofpersons, partiality. (t^gji^SFQiFi 0395S1
_ 359TOO, three quarters . 05;951__11^*
s*6595LO flattery. 05fRgT< #acfUJLOLjwr
Sa-'^ogj , to flatter. ^3SffDTCvf l_i <rr s/ei three quarters of a measure 059595rTli6Gff " ^
Ofib to confront. *y365@095LOTUJ , towards etZO/, to say three times, to say often and -cleaiVy.
the east . t I S>1 095LO , the front of a battle-array .
* 0595COJLO elegancy , eminency , greatneis .
03 65 B> /DO , thenead-end of the cloth, where the g95*.-X) &J , to use the utmost strength , to make
weaver begun weaving . ( FOjgi/oo , the last end of it)
t efforts. 05g5oT95f3D5J , to force one's elf.
T<!3?05,-0'T'LIJ. together, all at one bout, ejfff n lifting up somclhmi . 05^*<^ , to
rjjcrocvDfJif^Sfe^QgsTCvrTV; , the businefs eat greedily .
fB@iHFff IT$ > * ttrtain tribe ef fishermen .
Fas a good appearance. 3 lOOQ&><2oo 65 T if
Ajasasgigi LJL565rt.Da5j, to transact businefs by _ s (goyf e;st *DK; , to duck, to dive or flounce un
der water i to bubble up to ferment . 05g^(gcvf




, to be in haste. I * rg Li. e
*Dwr, G5e;^ovf ^5 [5 65 u eer, diet .
P^G^TeSTLDToorg; , triangular.
to go hastily . <C3 l_-6 m rr , tocmesptedily back.. @(*(355 , he is come
g^GSTuS -v. QeiTi_ij3
fco > , an iron pestle which elephants do exe near .
0S(5tKti6 ^5D SLf , to insist upon a tiling , to prefs for
cution with in a battre .
?0, an hire. @**o\D95@i-(_<J. , a young hare, it. et SVfflgG^^y^b''^^^r , h urgently
a leveret. (tjy tcljj. , the track or print of am hare. demands the payment ot 1 he ilebt . LD'1 (*>S/WI
, to start an hare. 05 gS'g'i (5 i push the bullocks with the prick.
(fcp GS 3"> > strength , power a corner ; a narrow
wr (Q3 F *>o , a male- hare , a buck-hare.
@f66j05^ tu f*'nt to*ink into dejection.
pabage . (^^^&; to be strong,
<#|_11_) i wearinefs . faintnefs, melancholy.
(S3^* g crorg 30*iiOS;, to stand in a corner.
lJTi^.5y , robe quickened, refreshed .
to wattle roiir together.
( _ fjj )
\~T_l>*ci>?.jIJ , to comfort or quicken one.
(tpcS-, (- , * hrgt kind of an ape .
Sji t.C^) .-to' make baskets . LJTUJ p V
<tP<Jr sej; S i ? G ? 19- mnlueiry-ltrttb . C'&,j , to plat mats .
(lp ssi rjiT^OOL , a bad smi! , the stench of a,
<5-5;?5' il I '- , mulberries . _fj ft- 5
Si ci uy># , an Dairy caterpillar .
dcait animal .
QSll , (gjil fflJ'-O , unto the end . flt-flQi^
<5ffr(S , red Jilts. G5tfTtb-3< ligfuSsvOLO,
il extratcd out of ant's eggs . (Cp" ffr i , one i 3SWi- i fXi 1) 65 'T , he came along the whole
who is rigorous or almost apt to bite .
way. (Lh 1^5?505/>*^2;
)(jri 4SI , the n-tiHc of amsdicinnl herb. G1-' to ustAin one all his life long.
(LpBri. <3>t , Gi_lTeT@rrl Si i different
3:TiQaor, une who walks, with a covered face .
kinds of it ,
(lJSu g;6-nrru> , obstinacy 1 ignorance .
@^@515 >
7 / i>/i herb growing on
(Lpu ,
, a stupid fellow .
walls .
i a ovrgfuino , the work ef a stupid fellow .
<C> * [Tj . a place where three ways meet.
('_. , fc < if i/.vtt . Qt^liT (^^. , #i3
Qjr$<?Q , a little whmow for female chil
?@4J?. , /uD (QJ m_l ( j lo i-fl 4-CL ) Aifjerear
dren .
@#UJiT, j^iUr}-, genlot frrtr /
kinds of it .
that pittnt nmbrtllas , bind books ele .
@l_(5, a vefsel ; an utensil . <?1_0}1 G.
4j5##oS35O{J5 . bond, an agreement in writing. 431 Cb'?" > utensils. ^
i (,(LpiV\>g50?T*r , a wicked fellow.
holy velsels. i^ifezf^ t (*>' s the tool ofa work-( AJ 5 ) l_l I1 . preparation ; furniture . \ man .
OOT(S5LCiAjg^LJLJa'6,TS;, eviry thing is ready.
, a blockade, (^u-gg;^! (sS/QS;^
to stop , to shut or beset the avenues of a town . (^1 (
(f^i {JjiS'-O , a maim , lamencfs j bad succefs .
<y3i g; OJ^i i to bend the knees , to pull tin arm ( > 'he blockade l'as ceased.
in. (pi ?@? FT F @ . commodities damaged by (g5u t\{^(^i^J I am in want . (gii (^
-J . @i (5<5< Og; ,-to be wanting, to
having lain a lang time in the shop or godown .
(pi <_0 , a maim or lamencfs in one of the limbs, j ll j scaice to be had j to be in great want . Q> iLjTj. /v>
Cl>, (up
necelsaries of life are
pi ~ ( (3i lf)$ ) one that is lame .
(Q5i_a_ , a crown the hair tied in a tuft open the much wanted. | LC 0i _.00*" OO o\j T LO^1
crown of the head . ^p"i_0, (3 *
( -2J vtsf i (>LO , if corn is wanting .every thing is wanting.
(gt ( , iQSt (P*-<T JsO , a *!ay . a prop, a suppor
A&J , 5rfR#*Cg 1 to be crowned . iLJj.@t
, a thing that has no support.
0)'.2>ffU , <o crown . (^l_9.GL-''TO'5.3Ji>*f one ter. @' U
g}n 0&3S~uoer , a person t-t no account . (pFi j.
who deserves a crown .
. (^uxr^QLJT g;, tuend, (' G^'T^*
g; f S ffOJ 0; > > b )i
4.L 0<5ij
ro come to an end . -ig^G* 4-16^4^1-0- UJTfi T to put a prop or stake to something .
rfiLJLO , a work which cannot be brought about . Qi rr S5;f, fSi fjfPf^ff^et/TCg^;, to fall upcm the knees.
OCoS(3t)-Ujrr!ft unspeakable , inexprefsibic . .y, ^4_Li t_a<ff^S X , to kneel.
Qt{ Q}&CQj i to gore with the horns, to butt
/53(^_._18)5)_ , uninvestigabie . unseaichable . ( unto the end . <Q4 @ti_D_ uj , at one . ( t (5 i ' dash of the forehead against
something j a goring with the horns. (Cjy i (|}'(6utterly , wholly , unto a perfect end .
(fSt-Q-&.&ClfLlt t end r finish thing ; to tie a knot; DgxJ te be gorei or pierced with horns. ^^i fJJeWT
o knit a net . Qfl/x>0& iu tu 5; (CJJ L.O. g (d^ffffeS >S; . to duck the "head after having dashed, to , h has finished the work. (TJi t}
>Q'.iT it against the lintel . (Q3[ (5o?@[|/r>* 0
eos; ( 4*5*455; ) t0 wraP UP or l'e up in butt with horns against each other. (Lp" rri -.
i LO^(b'* i^S; ( -i|i_D.e;e6^0; ) to tight as but.
a cloth.
(Q5i_p.F#f-, tye, a knot i a bundle where something ting rams . iQ5i (Sip4'! rriB^*^^ ( *'
is tied in . l_l (5 (t^ ' F (- i an inextricable knot . eS.OOSt ) to be full of- hillocks .
cur-purse , a pick-pocket ,
(QSi DI , an egg. QJi
Iu3@* O SJ
t-9-6,r^l_*.PiF'ri5eF:*505^ , to befull of knoll, to lay eggs .
SS^t^QmejrrjQjQfrT<i<}^jijrmj, to say
(jilQ- i 1 1 i , a iye ,a knot; money wrapt up in a rag
ig in a muttering,, manner . (jJ"4Pi/ (fp reo)i t si
and tied.
I (&.'& , to tie into a
knot. (J)t_e. uuf Q F 28j e> mj * eo
, to pay i_) , whispering, muttering , obscure murmuring.
( t_o V 5*1 LO .
rent or tribute . p i 9 i 1 ; r? , th receiver of rents 01
(f^otrri Tffr, a turband .
taxes .
tQ) 66jJOg;, (5>imLZ-l_i> 0366^051; 0 <mrr
(upi_LO! j the end , conclusion ,

@$ - *

- iG^ute

tC^-rlKfS>t; t dijtrefs ; siege , a blockade , -Trui

' t_l *2v <
lo be unrtily er :tefratory
~>(5^ - , .a refraeWjr iellow . 1g>
U3t5>0)(gb/ ,:Imin gteat diatrefs foi- vibals. igjj
Jffif'TLO i unrulinef* , obstinacy.
&i T 1 *JR05 wn-,roUii\g^ogjlerfy*s (,quj*t eye*,) SuTffi * 40g; , to besiege . ,(355 5 05
"large protuberant eye .
*1_^6>7 , to be besieged, (^^^^
' flr>t before . -QS^iwQ 5 OJTffliiCpL-iT^ffr^ i the siege is raised .
'i-JT , go first there . (<55 <3* Bi^TTO* jjbgj-i (g535ui.u TJX>SJ-. <gf 9 <*o t3 5 eg
to tike first before the rest. <g3g(ll long ago.
3?2>5 , Jg5 5 o&r fit $ , '*#
/ . high -*.^-e>rf>5ifn, 1 elj a -mark one weirs. Ssj^
[ *r_ljF0r , '(S%$OG'9:,(Vi'T a\-> , a stamp to mu
;*P,2o4'lfclT#' . of disiinflion, among the Malabar or seal with . (?^cTi$e>TQ fu t ('-tt , a
graver of seal*. <>^>0 Q\~lT,(B&-tO^J , <Q5Sv{f
"peeple .
<Q5$ 3i the beginning s the tock-for a trade} the ff ei* 05; i (Cpg>j5 (
?L/ > to sea) .
principal sum ; the hcadstock of a pleat , whose root (C(j)CruJlI CN . a wouden stamp to seal
tmes side-stalks .
(J d3> O Cu i_j Q L-iT
fi/ heap of corn with . (C^S^flB" LUT , he thru seal*
,*o be .totally extinguished. ^^^^-, the corn-heaps in the riecl . Q $St>rr u:- Sy IQ.<kt ,
.a rich man. ?j4_llL) .oQg; 2J LO . principal and a person entrusted with a dignity ; a faithful perso*
intrusted with the commands or secrets of his superior.. <QS
.interest. tJffL/ipSai ?o . (J?i;<Q3gcNDTHj ,
-JiogsQ^rrffwC) , fcom henceforth. M-o5'03*T ^TgLDT^TUli aaeal-ring. <lJ>ftT(S3(_-f#r
.(5 l-O UJJ-I .) sealed packet . (Cpt5 T0503< (g,
>g-Lua;oYr(g55JO spr 8j .fc. 5 j2qj 05
-5 VT , figera , wolves i the like ravenous beast*.. r a tie instead of a seal. {^g>iSa'fi5>u4<C_fl
,-owsf/J-j^t5JOTajf3>'i,(3e*>1 lu <r jj , neither L/ ( 5*>^05;) to , to open a seal
fis there, water Jo be got neie . X(f30Jf .JOSSJP ^acr.i_ji_ii_e.;@<f LJiJcSe;*!Da; . to deliver *
, S5 NFLUG f=T JsD OOT LB OS) Q l_l T , he did thine scaled .
ot s much a* say one word whim he went . ^pgjGosCi <$2).^0 > > JE? -23 L0- entirely,
(first , belou-e .
TOT LO 05 T XT 3 , - the .first utterly, nothing Jctc behind .
chapter. ^P^'yCTtfDS; ..first , first and foremost.. .<^5>, a pearl a kernel .
^^gOO^T LD ,,:tltc first or best sort . (j
DBi) , to fish pearls . .x^ewrf
56; . good pearls .
*sr , the author jnd ruler;of the whole. (^g'OTQYf, #t_lu5(^t5J a mean kind ot pearls. .;(Lj5-?g SJLOir
r-an head-man, a president , a chief ; the author of a thing. itno , a file or string of pearls
l_l UIONO Of>] ;
fQ5tJ5A/W i a crocodile, an alligator .(^ gja/WLj Jc can teeth .
i-J 5 0s 5
(, the mate of water-plant.
large pearls and little pearls , large and mall pi ock*
(pSgfif , <gSg5TT0505sr /vv , (5;
, a caf| s (m
- much grown as to he removed .from the cow. Q5 | the kei neis of theifruit of a castor-tree . ^,Lfl*sw 05(J
45TTLJLJT043 i milk of a cow that calved long ago . Qaj^-lL3(CP&>!fiJ , the kernels of a margost-tiee .
ld.j to grow dry at:the le-ves of tree .
55JN3 a cape, a thing that ;i fore-most .
tfUUJJr , old age . (C& #1/535 lOTL*,
, the lap , -..the edge er skirt of a mania
i old true". ^
i"!5)0 vieman'a cloth..
jaTvjtS . grea'TruditBn./or learmng .
. wt , ^nejrTaes . a cajoo-tree j a ine . (^rpfrf<SB0;i-l
ja inveterate aickwfs .
^i"*!55LJF8r, LJL/JLO , cajoo-apples j grape* . ifg) 5^ if a 03 t%
i dis course sthat oes too far and turns quarrclou* . tCp Q^TI Oil t the nut grown on the eajoo-apple.
^g1)f*0j , -n-ineterate hatred . e>5 OO Txj ;@5^; LJLJ'C LJ H , the kernel of the nvlt.
&Tf-F&$ & <5 ) * " " boiled too much. QJr^f S03UJIlUpT^LO wine.
t^SJe-D^ (gi^TiSJU , old age . <g5ffL/tflUJT fLp b/ijrf O)05 , tbe three hundred anel twentieth part
t5r4aTj*5iS5 , an old -aaying.. (^gjQ'TOOi a of the whole .
rij>e or elegajit speech .
3^*y;&iJ&*OtR) to be before -the-rost, to go before.
;<Q59jJ tbe back . 5jJ*Qao<rT<S<&**oBjJ , Xt!55)&y&f,S$ 0j'(2 > T ovr tV5 *!Djei/. to
(to carry .*pon the^back. . Cp5 >03 0; T 1 *t outreach one; to prevent one. . W e^-i^rK 5
/, to turn the back
QijJnrr.l fTLD, don't be the first in beating.
5 . ^"50 > -'S^eo . fir*t .-g^irrrijJiir,
^6^> Os;|5 . coarse. ^s;0;T<j5r l3 u* the birst . iOf^grrKGLJT, -go not befort . QSf
^feCU., .coarse i innen .
t5@5l5 , (^2>|(p>* > bove all , in the chiefe*
. -GejTtw^iupTi,^ ,
place , first and foremost . '(S5[5ijn5 T *" > 4f^p 5 $
gj C , the iore-yard .
ijiT^O^V the dey before yesteiday .
O3Tu3i?505 .OL-JL-Jfljj , thirty .
ujUJLpi^O^three.-ChieT kinds of fruit* , as-plntiiM,
/ , to be
mangos and jacas . (g |_J l_l tfv^ 5 GFrraOvLO Qi_|ir

. .
. ( 5
rfajT j , an inveterate distemper.
g $ i_l QJ l_i T Qj^OgJ , to serve up rice and he bett fruit* .
W 01 T ft LU L , a thing that is gone too far to be <5l11_| , the gtandfather of one of Ac
topt. Q5j<5T5ruJi0i, an hatred too -deep -rooted. parent* . @l_iuj T-H-0- , the grandmother of one of
>'55. 1^55U>,a kifs. (Cpej* ( @)'551 ) (J them .
,<3*"-/ , ( G05Tg;*>S^ ) to Eif*. (^}"
'<S? I_l lS- rf i -three thread* or twist* ; a -cord of three
we\<305T*vrV5* / , to kifs one another .
twists . !.^l_,Lif {&^) t tOfmake threefold.
^T,eC^05J , to -kifs -continually.
(QLDLeif e366_i05; , to grow vehement or pafsionat.
* 06$> salvation, eternal blifs . fQS u_l
LD LOT LOT i <!5'<FJ&*QlfU , (g3 LflUJ fT LO t_l 1
< - oay, j{ u**>/) to attain te >al, to be pcltitnate .

LO ermi i three and three. (gSlA$3>mr*l/
jCTTUJ , by threes} three a breast .
fjUJOgjeS ^, toapply to accustom or inure one's .
to a thing, to become used to it; to be usual. (JSlwro,
X*C$ , the habit , custom , use , praflice , exercise .



below the surface of the water , or the water beig

poured over the head. Bjyo"i|(y^(E$*j30i5y , to sink*
well . jtleTUEy^f @*55G9S'Tt5,33,r-<",'"?@*l-li
( L-i T F Sr the money lent him is irrecoverably lost ^
a bath. ^Qo5@!RTL_(g* 9
, to tiathe a child etc .
(^(5; , ^Q1*I-JGI-1.T * OW
tu exercise , tu i rabse .
cJUJTiXifeQ \
(^ajwr^wr , lie became entangled in that vice . (95 to swallow up, to devom , to consume with violence.
(Q5 3VT g; T i/crcroT , /fcr /' medicinal reot .
<f-p&SiJJ(Q3- U >o , learn to hear well ,
Jp^vTff i tl-e name ef a plant .
(50, a laigc drum.. <3Q- $<S&OBi) to Pr0"
, a vegetable's fi* st shooting ouf of >th*
etlaim , to- publish .
ground; a wedge or wooden pin driven in ; ajtanipJocoin money with ; the hinge of a deor, the iron stapler
rrO v . OK .
(fK@ . a little ear-ring for the upper-part of the ear.- . whereon a padlock hangs . (g'*A3vr a; g; t (g-e ;
<2> 35 . (Cp53>@i_DTl_D , the name of a tree . ( flf=4_p.(CB52;T 3;*^"c5j ) to sow a seed that has ,'
505 ffit^ti) . 't's flower . 0<5g;ff rRj^Tnj , it's" moistened and has tegun to shoot. (QSi/Oirs^ g @
cols. gjTl(JjQ5{rj@ , ( (Q3F>3:@ , //ier S)^ ( -5*^-1^) 'he seed shoots, grows up .
^^/' to grow up, to shoot up , to cerae
AtA-iix #/'/ .
name *f * i*r<kH-lru, a marunga- foith out of the ground-v to come to light.
<y^WOVnoe6, a radish. #/3~(> ovT r?o ,
tree . (^-/ i its cods .
t I ( asi > the bark of iti reot , sharp as horse-radish
name of a herb growing on walls .
I_|JOTff4DP'95aD 51_1#^534 s'*"- kinds
Q ffiT?Y5, v5PvT> a thom , a prickle-; an iron prick {
if that Irte .
a spur ; a fish-bone. 05TocSQcx>(g3*Yr*Y5fgS>{Fjg;
^^/, to gild, to- wash over with <SJ) I have run a thorn in the foot . ( 55 L_l
fguld , to adorn with lustre .
Qi_lT it SB t 5 e6 -D 5Li , to hedge with thorns .
(ge/oo , a man's or woman's breast. (g5i.roo*; v?P0vTff:GIF(-Q- a thorn-bush . @Yrffie,j T # a'
ffivzvr , (QJ,/DO03'35'rt-DL-| , the pap or nipple of the place full, of thorns. (Cp'oyr Qoyr ('^^ , to pull,
breast. (y3 J9C i_n_l T , mother's or nurse's milk. out a thorn . (povrvfi (305( 30
Szjtjo o-i 9CTrre6Oj ( @ i_a e 0
) to suck .
, to search with a prickle a thorn run in the skin ; toirooC5fiTffi>r); , to suckle a child. (Q5/00 00IC sharply int things. (j oYrovrL0t_lfft>r_v5
LO.O{p L-J l_) PO)/ et O , to wean a child . porcupine. _ai_(t^cyT^sg , GojovTOff ;*_,
^StOOLO On55t-5e>VT*/CYr > a child that is weaned 5"iT 05 GOJO^ovTTiS . different kinds ofthorns.
name of flower . (ffS /DO f QScHTOiT , &(C$is>8j(C$<wrcNf , gjl @vr
OLD , a giafsy field , abounding in graft & herbs . ,3Yf , r^/J-iy^tJVTCvr , GfLDngjT.TOVf , -5)4((^'
Qyffiffi'^ a sound , a roaring of thunder etc . (C OYTOf , ej-3@^Yrorf" , several kinds ofthorny plants ..
<-5</! > to beat a drum etc . (gp Tvi &05l) ,
(tcrfj} uneven, rugged, knobby, knotty, hard,,
to sound , to rush or roar ,
rough, (gp b_<*rr, a stubborn or capricious fellow .
(g).20oWT Qj , stubbornnefs . (fj *| err,
(^5'_, a cubit, (^; the e!b*w.(g}
Lp ftffiTO\3 , (CjSysrrrovr , the knee. ( AO owst (5 5 rrAQ am , an obstinate fellow .
(^*JOSJ , <&AO*eO'L-Q. G' &
eSTOff #fT40fil 'he whirl-bone of the Unce . (
35TCKJLJLJI_. t * 0 8J to kncel down Lj?- 505*4057 > ' be obstinate , to resist . CJ/vjnrr
>1>3(3<?<5?*^5/ te kaeeJ. 5 i fsp <Dff566iOgj , to hook a thing fast . (Qj _io
LJwtS2;;^G ffi, 5 40 L_ t_s). & D^} r
Ib'wPtP-0 t ln3 cloth .
tjriLpT i a kettle-drum .
to oppose, (y^/vjiowri JOTuS(5^ SO^)t> to b^1_ / T , (y~3 , a stout, robust person , disagreeing { / other , to differ .
(fp/vjsjDL* , the use, usage, established eustosr;<the?
a good workman .
<\_ i the eye-ball , theapple of the eye ; the round decorum degrees of kin .
gristle or cartilage of n bone. ^.mrQSt , the eye-ball.
t&> LD , a searce or sieve to sift grain with . $3!DJ5QfXXWUOfTQiL^ , the white of the eye. fueTU^i 9JtQcnj (_)<&< 5*4;, to .sift with a fan . <Ezfc
> tiie . of the eye . ^yJojeer , Qt_j5 /OffjSO-G^B/T^O fi/, to sift or fan the
3 uS ilj " , one who ha large protuberant eyes. 6* gram in such a way as to hare the chaffor dust of it./KV(L!=p*Uj<>r , one whe has small pink-eyes .
blown away by. the wind .
g^oevr , a common kind ef shells .
.Sf* llJt-J T < OJ , one who has wrenched
, a promise in writing of good behaviour for
or sprained a limb, or shoulder.
<y^Lp*05S Q lJ > t0 Pen 'be yei to look up ; to the future ; an ascertaining given to the judges , either
awake; to remain astonished orperplexed (Jt-p^gejj^ in writing or by delivering them any- thing lhat is atQeSTOvr fVet> , wake , to waten ,.tobe watchful . hand , even a straw , in pledge that what is said is true ,
t^y'S>ie;G'rewrL^E.i3*5<C; , to be awake ; to and whereby one binds himself to a penalty in case
to give such a
be vigilant ..^L/\jiJTuS5ffi*jaOfl, to be watchful , be untrue. ^^ *
to have a fine appearance, as earn growing ht the field . promise, or ascertainment. J^SF nr g 05 LO . <S
sJySi_ii_JT4 LS , (g! l i_i , fear for what has _*5i_>i_n *St ID ld , a bill of sale of a slave . (CJ5_4(5
Ujiir (fem . (^^5#) a slave.
feeen done .
OQ whole, entire. (^@5 , (g5(35TUJ,
<gs**D5j. @-4c5S;lj Qljt(5*^>5/.
-wholly , entirely . (C$(Q\-D <sT FT HJ , with all my to break . LJTOvj^.-Jja^QL-iTFe'rgV tne milk
leart . C ( i_ii_3cri-ffit-J LJ mr-ssi/et cbj , to is curdled. L^5$ajUiC0^6'T)Bi)Qi-itTT8rBi) . the
*flrery deceitfully . (gj tyj ffiiriu , an entire fruit . prescribed regimen has been broken . i_jg)0uj^50t_j
485(3*^3 SJ, tv isaiEc, hcd bciD put . \Jss<^dUd!5SJ^X[S,Quinj) diet itx

et kept phycick becomes ir.effecbal. $Qmxt$,lg merly . (^ .b afoichand .
_25<Oj_. a breach of friendship. :(JLp .45 uj i_a ffi et .23 the predecefors . <g3
v> ff^ , to run beffi), (L^^5uj(5njL._(S*^Og; , to rout the enemy . foie . ^fftrr/T , a tori'-i notier . (g? ffiT
^P-^UGfr-a U( UT
SJ , to be besten .or ND0>*t<^>. fX^rgpert1 Q , in foimer time,
routed by /*# mm* . QS_45.ui^)2\U9\&D &f , to O^QgSTLjaJ ,-i^icipituus*r hasty anter. rjrt-vj
* * answer .
I CffTd^ .a hor-hiacirJ b.ty man . O0TL_jffiffiL0,,
fo e side , or fore-part. ^JV ir Ji. LO
fcicaK a rhmg g, ts> 65 (t_p J < C, Qj . to clear the 3
u> , ful* and aft . .Q}tpyr^am t l 65
:body frtm Mercury, lo evacuate it by (tool, ffi fS> O S> I Cf, ffi LU T T l_l Ufc. , so a) it w.<i always usual . (Ep<rer
^> ?*.
to remove a -.otfram the /unen . Q) 45 , ^avrdi- Tff ffi
to deliberate with one'* self
. _ , IbreachL of
_ friendship
f_: J_t_;._ ^(^~2. .
- - . (f^BTof^O*
bout a ihi:ig
) 7LI *r . (LJ)"nrr<af
itrrXJOJTiJjrl 5o*i30iriJor . a bail ; oik thai l eaks oc
ndisence want .
<Q5 J&i&^OBi), te twine vtiitwit ,to wrest. f(5)& ail for aimttior ; a proteflor in danger. (CJ)' oor iwf
<t_^ 49 ffi T */r>- (^.5/(_15(_-?>;55^ to . indi lG3>a,-iii the Iii st line of battle .
and j>rc5s with the band some body's hands St legi., aeft__(y , thro' one's ititercefsion . fXQjG^Ctil ^p<rr
u QuT JH . to follow bihiiul oi e that
{far promoting. the circulation of the blood .
Xu ffi. irof i
i@ twi.iing . ^/ffffiT .<> eS *>ffjj < to loosen goes in fr nt . 03 -m f (Tj l_J U( , goods acq i ii cd
no Ji the aim fn.m the fti.cer
<what wasjwi>ted too tight. @lSi CIT f'iffl
< (-_ffl>i e>c6^205;) iJ vmwwt , to uotwine . QffiT to the cloow. (giiwreoTfJ^iro^s , the fore-head . (Qb rr
d_l>ffi @ .thread very much entangled. (Jp~ *if ^^^)! a shouldci / etc, (^ r
,4:12) . atwistcd golden clnin . (J cu ffi. ffi 1 ffosf , i ii_0. the beauty of a bone's head and biegst . (Cpswr
.pin for winding up -tlic s:rings of a lute^tc .
SCV 3- OJ T tu l_J oc OysJ , the fore - teeth , the fang> or
@l_ILJwrf IUI (TLD <wi-ted cakts . .
long tusks of an animal . (f^ * , a manger.
pecn / , .three hundred .
piQ/ffiiS.0i; .(GS .v(Q^ffi.*3eL>,t to miir ,-to grumble . /y5
5 T i llfTi g; * if; , to be ^ , (^ LD7"i_D . */ / *#.
peevish . muttering er growling .
tSQJ^Cfl oj l_) l_) Q) -^ . its leaves u>.ed as pothcrhs .
QLD51_IL_(tQ3*(rr AtTOr , <r"r52)UD(g)cSrr
, ,L_|
.murmuring , grumbling , growling .
<Q3iS .20>tuins by which duties or works aredone;degnees r 6^1) (Q) SOT. , G i_J (Cp eor 734 , M diSJhent
.{relation eitlur ofconsans>uinity or affinity; custom, rolej kins .
omplaint, QS&JOGi<Ti
<p"ffi> *Oi&(5*-0 0>K9) i dumb , mute , ;peechlefs .
^9:ffiU3 . @^r)05i-D.
) , to be Uyon duty or guard by turns. QtbTt tS)\
Q-pT @ . ihf.nose^ the bill or beak of a bird the moutTi
JQ)(5>*Q , one's turn te be upon guard in the fort .
iji (^4, one's turn to befiee from duty .. of a trumpet etc; the nozle or itbe outstanding bp of a
( , the I.ridge
iJi_lGl_) T ^
, now it is ny turn . lamp or any other Vefsel . (_>?F0;rjg
&Pij5t5> , four times . _2| f~XJ >i_ ffi @ of the nose . (ffi(gF#T>a^.<oaiJ ( #[pLJ (JuT
<lJ52!CJ ( @4?>AOu3(3crO ) Q fU
) ' wipe ur blow the nose, (uf) ffi T / g;
- 5^ to perforate a bullock's nose for
JSS1/-0. - !^^@L> J)*l)Sy(^|L0|^ffi30<T"erwr, uu 1 (gj 65
jn what degree is he related to you i in consanguinity d: putt i g a st, mg or ropethuough it. (L>**VLJ4 tfU<*or
3ffin i ty ?_p ea o u3 G cn> J4 *u "w* *t es i. ii l-j t one hose nose is cut off (jb & (g CB LU ( Jim .
.t OTp a,e*i LUT 05(2JiS/l-D , he is to me in the (LpT tebflCPrf. (l3 (IjCBGI-.Qlj'OBT ; a,pei :On
.degree of a grandfather .
i_Jl3 /X>^ffj^} S> CO tint lost a |iart of hi> voice by rotusnnefs or some ochef
iUJ Tn35S^?3vr , I loek upon feer as a sister . (g} <li4orer in the uosc (i^ffi^g, 0 ffijg &>5 > *
JIS)4QQ&(4 (f^B40'-0i 5@ . an inct ; an .be woi n by sume women.
coming alion . _2jrrj{L_)Qi_jirT JLOTTOTfFQ05 T w
(up / \ i a bamboo, high-growing Iberny reed rm
0BJl3>S>!0 UJtfs3Crc(CpB.!DOjrfa>F cnlUA- (' , it's seeds 0iT*OOl_i(3l_IT
4JUCN3as3 ) it is unlawful to marry that young weman . $ , a tniclvet^f bamboos . (Cj& ; 6? &p l_i t| , bamboi*~r <rr ? i_o @ ao Oi i._ i . <r osr ( ta ru t milU or urce turned into a medicinal salt. 5 -CL
^ffsw )Jiu4iae complained against me, (Q3 B> C uj @i
CJ OJ oS'.0)Tiao . the nonet oj other
t_i<S*^>S/ ( (J(SI^O^ ) to complain. @S) shrubs ,
^JUJT, a complaint .
0? T L_IM i a cloudy and rainy sky .
fB/!Q*,^D/,to set or prick up the ears an animal.
" beiQQf<"r &c>) , to bum, to buzz as bees etc.
? , the breath .or respiration . @># of ffifT
JbfJSTCsOLO > . ( .
ffi TO , 0i4S>t i ) I i , shertnefs of breath . (lJiF
)$-*$ V . (LjpeFUJFPTg .
ffjCVT'tJ e XC e) , to draw or fetch breath. Cj^It<SW <5i, io breathe out . ^0 fQ^T
he breathes his last. JJ. OJ SV S
o /L
(t^5$;a) . ^* , a devil .
g^^QFrrgrR/tfLJ Q t_i rr ffarig; , he is expiied.
"feJO ^ to be angry .
mrf e^L| , anger,
(l-pF&r f.. J^Ji i/etiTi stout-heartedneG, courage, boldnefs. (uSjjcvr
' 6 . 'be la^e of a beast ,
l.we!0{5J . to sjieak stoat- heartedly . (/
JO' a musk-rat .
U-i o/r su J5nr , a courageous or heroick roan, ^^evtwr
i ,
T57Lrr , a atupid perso.
^4 CU er , a coward. @ewg 95 Q. owardl inefs.
i_a a/ . t^p t_t
g '/ , a p-int or bunk , a top , or sharp end
t_p. , the cover / chest , basket , pof .
nor, (j5<mQ*3r , before.
! 05 (g ffi
C'Sk'rffl35 ttiO Sy . to advance.
f ocrr tq lo / 5> ) to cover something to conceal . Qi U. >
SJT'&ilb , more than before.
otrrgiQcAD , for- G^'TevTgiejoej; , to cover one's self. iJ> l_>- il}
ffiUif ffO. for- ffie^Cb/.tO bcovtltd. ^gjLKlf ,a mist.afog.

<irT*)LL.05 t
-, to hold the tongue . 0$#wr
,ajoxmr(L^!CS*^Sj > to c'se the eyes.
0>4 LD > fire so covered as to be apt to smoke/or
. ri-ving he moschetos , . fx T eer LD (0 4_ LD T
(5/ the heaven is overcast. 0q LD T U3
*f5&i$SW i he is drowsy , having eaten or drank too.
much .
[fb' ( i article, a joint, a knuckle.
(Lp, (gk^O^j, to kindle; to sew together . Qrg
4Gl_il_i0 1 '*
; . to kindle fire . 8e nrr
1 i_.0 i @(C5Ji t0 se a quarrel among
people. 0 4__ if (8 50 fg; , to stir up anger.
0l_ ffiLjL-b?#, OiajUi.., (psffi >
'LJ'eiF. a bug .
0> i fSi_^ , a burden , a load . 0i
B i 05
JRfT v?^err , a porter , a carrier .
te confront , to put people abreast .
T 35 ?jW 0 (>? 5 5J fS LO , hear the
cause by confronting us, let us stand face to face.
fS^iJflM . a ripe urrdnrstanding , a long experience.
S5T0053Yr i the fore-fathers , the ancestors.. , j
J/3DL0 , old , ancient , pristine.
6 QJ i he that is elder in age. 05
2><7)~ , elders', seniors .
09S$TLO , urine . 0g> fCTLJSSLJ , the krflJder . 0g>S fT LD'G L_j LU S^sy to make water .
40^05*-*5?:1 , strangury.
0I_IL_| , old age ; surveyorship'; erainency . CpLJ
LJ<X , 01ILJTcJTOJr^OYr , the elders . 0l_IL5
ll_5t_DT/" > maids of honor; women of
.distinction . 0u J cvr fS> LB , 6ld and young age .

times five .
0!>*f , one that lost an ear ; a bottle or vefsel with
a broken neck .
0^>3*.4Ob 0wrrC? gUT*), te catch
fire, to be enkindled or inflamed, totjjrr L_iLD0ewrr
t <uwr , one that is inflamed with anger..
0AJVr , the biam .
0J5LD i anger, fury . .06* an impious
person .
0 JO & F , a s-wocn or -swooning.. 0 sS> F
Gi_)T./5Ob0.r)3S "C2l-lTL_(gL_lGLJ rr
&U, 0^2osaB:LUTijjif Qte^o^, 0^o#e5/!OE;-
to swoon away , to fall into swoonjng. (Tft aiwitii irr u
t B*i20S^ 1 to lie in a swoon . ^^rja^QgOYT
i/!C&l) , to recover out of a swoon .
OdC^gjOYT 1 go'ds.
0^ . three . 0trr^)LO , the third . 0 evr
><T>Jy , thirdly . 0^)1_.; j3C9jJ , te
treble a thing , to make it threefold . (CjTii.'n0 ,
three and three .
Gu>F6Tei30 6) , GLDF#3;Ge5T'>>fv5*-c> ,
to be pleased with a person or with a thing , to applaud,
t praise . QlOF FfT{gLO2yo./5- > good people .
LOI the bridge of a fiddle or violin .
loi (5 a p'ate where toll is asked, or where
people that pais & repafs are examined .
G^a;> GLOb/onj, soft. G'-DS>-"rT^2t/e
-DS/ i te sdften . QLCQjflfTJ., softly ; modestly ,
humbly ; slowly .
Gld5> GLe^5^L0 very , mich-, greatGt-D5s,n"*3L , meeknefs , mildneft . QlsHrfi'&jeor
cTi4l_tr!rrffi2yet)a>J-, to ail meekly. QtOd) 5
OJftfT , a meek person. QLOSJig 01 <T1| G *^ 4i
tn aojQiTUCK') Oso; lo , meeknefs overcomes fury .
G lo 5 5 rr soi tu , GLOtSGser G -o 5 G 5
2j:i3, meekly,, softly.
Quyff}SS)gy a bed, a bolster . a quilt; a pavement .
GLDffiSSgrff>S(b\ an house that has a tenafs j an house
that has an upper-story .
to btpleasing , acceptable.
GlOIIL-jLJLJOT^a/^ , to rejoice one , to de
him a pleasure; to praise. QLOUL.\Si aF5Te6g?LO , a
letter of recommendation.
Glouj , the body ; a consonant ( body to lihkh
\WT ,* vowel , gives Ufe ) QLjQ&trWSysG O&ih
to grow corpulent. GLUJLO-3 03*-3flL'i 10 iotg*
one's self by being drunk or n peftitn . /
Glooj , true, the truth . GldU-iG^T*0N32/*39
5 , to speak thetiiith . Qu\x^^Q*hT'm Y5&*affih
Gt-DLLlGLt-lJnr-SS T> 6 Q mj , to believe , xo take
for a truth . G LD LU T05 1 SLOUJUJTffiGiJJ,
truly, verily . GLOLuiuTffi*oe; . GLu.JL-JL-5e;
f^06;, to prove, to make true to verify. GlUJUJT5
Bigi) t it proved true, it is confirmed. G LD LU G 05 rr
T lu <U T /^/ to receive ^ , goods etc ,
upon future accounts. G lo LU nj . , a triity or
upright man . GLJDLUfitLD 1 truth, veracity..

ovlo , the grouad or bottom of a thing j a roqt .

Lpcjorr'T0-LD> . -y, 5 TO" LO . 0 L_l CO T #
(ft VT , roots and fruits. (y*~ajsor_2jL;irj05T (3
COLO, he is the first author of it . Jt|jirr 0
LOTlU , by his means, or by his intercel'sion . 0>
CO/\J<5'T"ot LO , the principal see or seat; a king's
residence . 0 ,
f LU T g , (0 03
J^geosf , the piles , hemorrhoids . (0<70505.:,
<cne that has the piles; an hot - tempered man . o^i-pQi
COLO, a /lux of a slimy white matter. Q er gigd-p
COLO, the piles , the bloedy flux . iu^)OjolD *costivenefs . _ovr(Lp tolo, tenesmus. i_| .0, that
Aate of the body in which the hemorrhoids appear externally
oil the aperture from which the excrements are ejected.
. the warmth in the belly . 0
*COn gFSef UJTtrmjeer. oncthat has a strong appetite.
0 , 0o>$0-LO , OuifflK , 0$35>05
roots of trees and shrubs for medicine . ^'?
*>0505* , roots gathered in the wood* . 0OVS05-S0;.
OVT OJ , one that pretends :to know
secrets in physick and venoms. JLs"Dor .2J5)yff5(g
0o>Sg;0iUjau3>03eS,i94r 1 he is the author of it .
(Cp/CO > a co/ner. ; the corner-regions between east ,'
-wet , souih and north . 0 JOO IQ **OiXGi)4V&Q
Bxl , t creep into a corner . 0 roo 05 @ (^H rru3
.aojnn-, one that resembles a thing standing in a
Gl-0(5\ smthncfs , glistering, lustre . G<-0*t5
.corner, one that is fit -for nothing. Qffj^xS up 0
TOO. south-east. , Q-stVr G LOcnjr0irrX) > south d>(b'eS C5l/ , to plane , to smooth , to polish . GlDQ>
west. *iJi 05d>L-p0irtJO ,north-east . OJi QtCW QS""' WWBT . oil for giving a lustre to joiner's work .
0 . nofth-west . 0 / 05 05 t e;gj , wind G LXi 35 Tu3if50i0554GS lu s e? so , to .rub
//im^ for producing a lustre4.
tblowing from a corner- region .
0OJ'" , three persons . _2J OJ fj" W OYT 0 nj LO ,
G LJ) (f5 @ . G LO 505 TxJ* Lp fK/@ , the name of*
bulbous root . rJ^/J-QLrTjg , nuUJC\;QL06@*
.all three of them .
0 OJ T -V s three times six , 0fi>OJr; three| rt'i afferent kinis ,
X *

13 t-;
QL0rrS<*C5J > Gl&oSnjSjQlIT^Og , togrowjilireftion
, superintendeney . GlC fc_?D T , rlve^BtrY,
thin, lean, meager. QlijSs^ , thmncfs .
a thatched loof. G^GosaQJOJ " (
; ,. t>
G(J3 JO^O , G U3 OnOG SUT gently , lightly .
take olf from above the heap . QtQTCiu" -#iUTUJ

GU3 34DS9r , Glocnoo^'5j,.G!_otcc>uj5j , fine, lightly ,. superficially . _< T (JOiJO/f (gG^CNJTtn'n , G'- S mjl5i SiU. fi ie iiimen , fine cloth 3tJT -yer , lie is above him . Q lOOO BTg {JL* ,ne~
iJ3e\3cr3aj{5/ro>o, fine yarn, fjn< thread. G'- -^oS v.e*t-wmd. Gl/Ot-ieseSta . the est-side ,.(3lD|$:
CDTLB , Q\-D<P>3<?S5)5) \0 i I ft; efs of coi.s n.mts . JV7" , auxiliary troops . Q _D - 65 G 'S T LO l_| , l he
, to chaw or chew , to in .sticaU:. uprer-br ineh . GlC 30(rS(& , an tirrper-room . Q LO
G L9 < ^ i_J l_j 4 ffp , to che- and spit 05 i (5 the upcer- part of un house. Q' LO 'Tv-S.
, to keep beetle-nut
LOT GBTV ir W ) . good* of-the best sort . Qlcom
H T 0 @G-'-C -"/31/ -*| L
in the mouth .
ifUTUj, the palate, the roof of the mouth. ldo^U
GlO(l5 ^5^1 to Hawb flare with cow - dung 5 , the upper - lip . G'-O^LJ Ru Ti ft flf
Glo@@, G'-tQ'S- wax GL0@*i<-ffcja3 CffT TT ft Q _ 6Y 5/ ' speak" in one's defence .
ifjj to wax semething QiS)(Lgifc Qm([$Si)&?A
"OS;, GlOJnDLJLJTI LD . a writing cej>y . GlOOCOJT"
te stlike figujes over with wax painting chints . Go) 0"U f . fiJTCTU . G cojR LL!
. the upperg'Jjj'S''" . GloQ g^-^^ * w>"-ndle. G^ part of the belly , LO3\0(yD l^^1_f](^yS a) rr OJ
'cSS1^ ^%~&*/5-. to make wax^caneihs
Qk-I T ffi L_iKT52S/'8".iOi; . to distort the eye
GlDOVT^T , gently , softly . G-< OYTiVr LJGlJIH-, GlO 3\DUU LDTt(J5 OffJ > to over-imtch , to
peali softly . G LO "VT "U T " pour gently . prevail . GlO jvoG6*^ JVT"avl"L> the water t h it comea4^>^5*_"57 , to walk slowly.
I from the hih countries in the west . Qi '
n ^
Qu><*rrY5&05) , Gldwt G1 CS * > 2"J > ivrrfcx: . in the town afore m;ntioned . gj O9>
4o draw Vinter .
i to overcome , to increase , to giow
stionger .
a lo Q lo i*y i more and more.
G-o.r>jS.^)9L( , GloljGlj'T" O 1 , to jnm.
Drrof, the throat.
GlRLD . acloud. GL0eL0@t-O litS^G^SJ. or agree together , to make up matters with one another
G rD@, the west . QiS>oQ*h , in- the writ;
8L0^i-)UT"fiu3<f5vl^'5J > it 1S cloudy t or overcast,
toward the west
LoeSiJiaeer ; , color of clouds.
-st . Glc
G<- ff "^" , a niau of the
LfF OJTOJtf^l , GLC3"i- internal heat . Q LD.' western
G lo u 5 gi ^ LJ G "-" Wr i the we t
JSL tSL > the gonorrhea ( the venereal disease .) ern dialet .

Qloi ..
GLOthvgia'f lulo . Gldcno.
GlOl^i , the plough tail .
-GLe^posD V . Giniu&cjx) .
*Gu>bLDi GLCLjpo, GlO--LD, es, ene Glo^vtld.. an Indian drum . Gt-0('Vr(C?Lp3;*SLO> .
the sound of it . GlooVT G^^^S-^S/C^fr:
mf Ike tvelve signt of the Zedinct .
Glo , an hillock , a little hill , a rising ground . Q x \-SXrfc&QQi) , G35Ti ft * *o fi; ) to beat it . QlO
LOl_JOT CYTGl^LO "Tew gl , uneien ( LD I ft L-l VT 3595 TO <trr , he that beats it .
(LCCbf , a body ; the shape , fe-rtn^ beauty-, Qlbov^
UTi cro , the watcringofan high prouad .
GlOO)I * square place in the open air , raised from 1 U5(fj5e5e6 fflg; , to be fair. G LC of S P>rr i/***Or5
j tgj. the beauty is gone. Q<_oaof LGCTOLJ
the ground j an house of two or more stories, f
ftg^Z , it touched, the body, thebedy received a wound .
!> 0"GLcei , a seat for speator .
GL04_Q->L,loninefs, haughtinefs, sublime thoughts, i G r or LD , (LDnr Ljrrft . excellency . Qlo-WT
iTSLLJTirTl fti^O^ , to glory .
{IXiS&Bi , Qu>e*KT , temperance , moderation
4|antity of corn given from the thrashing floor to the fSLD , ink.. ea> xffn_i &oj , to make- ink .
washermen er any other people . GloSB S LL| OYT ovr HOfBn-ft, an ink-horn, S lo UJ Lji 5f * O ti) ,
u trr y GLosss5iB'&*5fr40oeT, Quot3>rrem (. Qfftii'. Sj ) to dawb- with . black color, to paint theUTgOJitrr, a temperate person . *TTX>B)tQ ij> eyes at women do . fiE)L0Lja"'O4'riJe;<b T , blot- G1"rr*
ear> 'ie speaks as a learned man . QlO ting or sinking paper .
ff UJ rr Lj5>eL0rf LUfrS^; , moderation and fi>LO05'*BLj(3L-j'}v i ,ne re5t f tbe people , the other^
odesty . #7 5 roTrrQLOS'ra-iTUjariJeS'e-a people. ttLDCj-eSfT{$Tovr , the day after.
fsj , to treat one honestly (or politely. )
GlO^ / *wrf , a prelate . G "- S S) """f LJ ea>LDF#c3reer, slo s= = rr , fiaLOggjirreer . iJSff F rr-JOT.
LO i a- prelacy .
GlDLLI"$^3'?" , to feed, to go feeding, to graze;
SLOFffr V .
to browse goats-; Q LOLL! rj;g; LOT ft , pastured cattle. t* lo [50 , a son .
GloUJ "K*/!0S5J , to pasture or gra^e / or iheep . l lu , the center, the midst. eSLDLULDTliJ
to be ambiguous. rrjftSBcDUJLD , theLTftGLO HJKttOJSl-, a cow - herd . ^ft
GLDLLJ0Btiie*iJ*r , a shepherd . GLDUJLJLjeOT , an middle .
XUJWII'. > .
herdsman , a shepherd . Q\i)T&oo, pasture , pasturage,
Gl^Qj mount. LDSTGlDC5' ** extraordinary LDOJONDS^rib , the second-day of the market.GlOT^2)u, a large kitchen spoon to take water with. .
high mount , often fiitioutfy spoken oi by the Brahmins.
GLOTffiKTwf , a bag hanged on the herseV
8 UBttCT " . G LO! .
LO 00 , QlQoo , over, above, upon, cffi mouth filled with f*od*.
GlDTIfiGiOft Llamas*.
LJO-eerGLOOva i upen the house. fT^ftigGLOcro , G'-OT^tfiOVf-S*
Sf GlOOnD , (3<safGu>eM>D&(m . henceferth, for ^OxJ t to seize., to detain to stop, to confine.
e future . i_)g/LDBf^@GlocN) , after ten o* 8LorrfF@, the bud of a flower.
Lorr9>a>0; , a notch s ignominy , shame . Gl0T9>
clock. (Js;ei5@GLoao^.i^^u5o>3iroo. nothing
does surpafsit. QLere>frrf lulo a future event ;^, GLCT^e33>GLJTer055i *'
>% thing abow . Qiam^trnOi>lU440> the chief] kaife that hat got notches, or cara . QyiT&HS

ujTJg) , lie has been graeed ..QloT654'$R-1 treeve ;tto educe.. fLDlVlOiQ U-" )'E/ t0 lbe
?51 O^A to handle An/// h that -it gen notches, deceived. 05 G LO"" 8e LD > a great danger .
G Lorr F . expiation., abolition . UTOI
to break it's-piint } to hurt or injure one. QLT05
, to asueife one . QlOT0S GLOTFatrTLC i vexpiation ^of sin .
05G^Tr*N3!5f5TsoT , he has received ignominy;
GLOTFffwGES^og; , n *fnti if paddy .
QuoTiC-fi-O * . GtCflo-.
LJj-tOgT . a boar-cat .
Gloti er , G loti rrg>a/L0f Qiarru-'Qlg
G'-^iTref , (3'-OTfff5Tini3au5 a trong smell iTg-eT Cvr , an.idiot, a stupid feHow.,G1-OT
<of sir.ep . G'XT F
HiJfgJ, there is a strong i gnrru , GlDTI () , tupidity .
G LO (T ti- , high-minriednfs , 'austerity, grandeur.
rsrae'.I of she:p .
G LOT F <Sd F t tht- of.a plant , producing m kind Gnri^i_iwTSEi/e6 g; ( G <-> 'T (S *
>$/ -peis . Qud T F a uu nj jmv . M j"1* / ' Qi rvfi 9 <i i rr 1 1 '{grf E /o g>, to be high 'minded , t
eTi (SGixtf., LJTLonG^'TFiaF ,-dijfer lower or frown . G LOTU.-e>fl5TJ20eor , an unfriendJy
next' kinds of it .
or frowning man . tTTFGljD,TtJP- a roy1! grandeur.
/J"T?221/rilG'-Crri_0i i the grand sight of an army.
G-OT(55;@Gi-ofrC'>35G*e,rr^@ 1-0- 05 * 2 GL0i"t_O-LJl_3i &> fXJ , cloth all white without
g;., to drink so as to make a notes in swallowing it. any variety -of-other colon .
G J3T1_1(5 , the bud Of a.fluwcr j blunt . G^^'
G^3ti_-ujt lu G bs*r WTvytS
ta buy
^L-LLO i-t , a blunt-pointed arrow,
Qldt i SSyt g>-ff^4rOO, a bald-pate V( ah head GLTffi 11 . (^s .
^without hair . )
G lo T(b 5 5 arLO f. Gloti .
vex i te be un GlDT L_n"5SJLOor , -a rough feilen .
-ruly . Q lD T oorr i er, Q lo T^rffiffiKT^Jiir + Qi-OrrLl.s-LB t GLDTip.^L , salvation , eternal
blifs . QlDTl FLOSBi eOSV>to obtain salvation*
a refractory person .
)6,-, altogether,, bythebulk ; rn general.
GlDTSd, a lump, Qlbt B>tSi6)Jl{\-l)-tt 66 *3 the blefsed in heaven , -the nappy souls in heaven .
" Gl^T"5i5ajTaji_5LJiB;* '; , to form or Gloti FToOTr^LO . the eternal oy4n heaven .
nurn ihto a lump . Qci<nr&cjzvxjt Q,LQ rr g SU g , a
GlDT^05LO , Ike of plant . GlCT^RL
.Jump of butter .
iTTLor. @^)1_1;> . Qlots> es *ai ovr
G-0""r555r Gusn-rejetrre-irrr s , a.planrtain-rree umring large kind of plantains .
Glot^tlo , a ring . GuDTgrrd5Tr 00-, ^th
G-OTff55)5 > G'-^ttjSj^fGfTljl-I i * cruse j ring-finger. iGL0rr.^<rLJLJ9OTLO-4f . Ql* T UJ LJ
* pitcher . QiXjrrr$i![itOTQj$B}rrw , he'has found a
hidden treasure,.
G -CTS/^S/ to hit, to bear or htsh against,
G'-CTl-JIi> Gi-TL-iM^JT.XSOLO, a smell of. mcQu>TF,Qlc7iT<rmTUCx (5
<RJ , -wav-tft
-lour milk lor.g kept in a vefjel .
I beat against //i Wjori . q^t SS^G'-^^ LD T S -4
Gudtuj*^s;. Gl'tlu^S^^Gw'*^!"^*' LJ>.@5> the wind blows violently . #i"UEB @i
->3L' . to' warm as bees or flies do. 4fsQ LDTUJ 3ii -jOCn'Gl-fi'TS^* > to put earth to-the foot of a
83 , a many flies swarm round about .. wall .
05 G eST <W0T.@njT
t ;to some Gu>T)i5S)cS.i , an he-goat, a buck-foat, aram.
with a great many people .
Gi-CiTfge , 0^5B 6*35;. to smell to a.
,-to give ont
G'-OTOJLJi_JrrLO . muney given a* a present by thing . GLOT'!"!5SJG^r(b'95
ithc nuptial guests to the briae it bridegroom..
s thing to smell. G^T#S9L'1-J'T" 3" 65 *
1 ra
Q-DTy, a word, a saying. LjyaG <- T ?" * smell thing . Q ibrrfi" lI LJ LD the smell, cent,
proverb. LCO'QLCTLf , *n nswer . Qu>'TJp*<i savour. GloT"!ILjLDiJL-.eieiO;-, to attrtet*
.205^, to fay .
i scent .
G-T*35e,r > G-DT@3593w G ujt^tlo ,,
GldT-, butter-milk.
-a plain ling-.
GLOTJJffi05l 5)1 , GlDT0$3L^O5L_^ ,4h*
QLcr<m@ , (Cp7vT@;, pepper. G UJT 'vr^r^'ft chin . CuiTffiftL^flLvRqj <PJ LO 4^ , the jaw^
pepper-water. Qu>T tfTtK'gT'ij^G^-O- . the chilly .
-or i'e|>i'er-shrub . G '_0 ^5 ?F T UJ . the'frult or seed
eLOTfcj? . Qubu .
of the said shrub ,'OJT obGlDran @ , cuHebs ( a son;
LO , a block , stitmp; tlipidrty. G'-!
-of Italian pepper. ) Q'-OI ovr 35({5JOtroT, (E/5JYT35O 1@, a bullock with stump horns .
iSSWT, the name of keen plant . G 0 V I5 F '-0 L_! T
QiDT^i , a gold - rupee .
f.FLOLJ'r. GLCaovT(09> ;>5>1 *ff f."3:e3TSVf .
Glot/ot . OfBAWr.
G^Oa 951- GlO T0> '40 , G'XTSSTiS , lust,^
.'lasciviousnefs , sensiality . G T ~ ( fb <fil *T LO ,,
.libidinous looks. G;-'T^'er^,3>T^'TO^ Glxtsst;
CfiuJT LJT/J"er , a .lascivious person. Q_ct^ T\j
to 8row libid,nous. GuDTBjeef ,
'PLD1*"f i G-CTe5fK* of , a devil o' : devilish
T0,C, 1**/1//*//.
-woman that entices- to lasciviousnefs . G ^
sacrifice .
.g./ , to have-a lecheiaus or carnal desire for a person
LU '@OJi.O, the island lava . FFfT^ ,
GL-OTSjffil ini
> . G' -OTTBreSU ?3Dt_ .' theIa,va-nation..
Gl)T?L0 , dangei , xJetrimeit , deceit , seducing.
lU rFeSLO. aires - begging . ULITFOSLCLJ^ gy
i (GoaFLGt-JT^ *? g; l uiwtssu*j5/ Mo ^Sy, to 'beg lu. UJTFej**r,



*) , a beggar .
_| j/ffVi- . pi'ief, sorrow ef mind, pain .
u-iTGi5T(n>oj(- 1 57 Ql3T oj^, any
body, some tmJy , one or other . iLjt Q 9> T ^q/ >
UJTQfg T(fRQL_|.T5civr , .some-hing thing .
{5( , a tea-voyage. u_inrg5icr L_lwn*^! ''Ofl^i , to go a voyage .
LUTlITrf t> . c lijT l_l rf .
UJ TOUUTWLD , LLITL5i_JI_JT*3TLO , Iafnapatam .
UJ ToU^ LO , all people, lu cOJ, LO , all t 'be
whole. ^ijjujTi^lLO , all ef it .
UJTLJD , a kind of guitar.
UJTOVT, a fabulous animal.
\L14iSXjr V . .,/ .
LLI55LD v. _g;LO . LLjcKTgl_|wwri_o.ffl)K a feast
at i t>e beginning of a year .
+ U_J5l) , attention , wit . LL|5^35 85 T D y a
uick sighted person t a man of a quick comprehension.
U-ILJLO., art, experience . LLj l_l-2iT UJ QF UJSl O
gjj , to do a thing handsomely
U-JfD^, a young girl .
U4)95i-0, a battle-array.
U-tj a prudent or judicious men . ujjLDfJ^rf 1
, a counsellor.
U4,g;acrr , a tew .
QjjStCL/i T fff et
, to use contumelious
language, to speak contemptuously.
QuUTBlO, speculation, meditation | luck , fortune.
GujaeS^^QcroiQej* OSJ i t speculate.
GtlJTg;3sT.'Y35or , QiUTdS , a speculative man .
l_S;!5fi5(LiJT3SLD , one's horoscope or ascendant
ene's destiny. Q UJ <T ffi LD i| ill^ 951-0.95 5;, he
has a good luck. O T p ovr JVTOJW , a fortun
ate man. <r^5S(S<_ GuJTgiLLG^UjrKjgjirtVreS
Gg5t_LeS.06y , to ask one how he does .
gnjir ffiT.OgL^TcJOTil'T.^S) , a word that
bas more significations than one ,.or that admits a
met .bhorical sense.
Qitirfi . Gluteus .
Q:Xjrr^,tOSJ > t0 meditate . Q uj T eS tj
UT/^S.Oey ( G93TOrtv3*^OiS;) to refteft upon
a thing, to consider it. QujTeLJLJ, , meditation.
Q uJ<T35B LULO , late , luck , chance, hazard , dan
ger ability , capacity , worthinefs; conveniency, decorum.
<25 ujgs;e5@t.5e5rfg3*^v>i/, to
indemnify one , to run an hazard for some body .
Twujn"5 * UJLO , danger of life .QiLinr 4f>
tfuLig'SJ @9>95(5358-2/. to risk one's, ewn QLUT05*UJlJT<wr, QlLJT'c BSujiQ^ovt
CyTiaiwr , (3ujTe;*LU4or i a capable man ; a lucky
man a worthy person . GuJT9~*ujLjLjTg5^?r LO ,
ability, dignity . QujTg5SuJTr<iri_D, Qlut95*uj
L0Tirr(5t .LO , a $eat agreeable to one's dignity .
QtU<Tfb&iljd~ . incompetent people , unworthy persons.
QLUTrFe/rRTTi counsel, deliberation, prudence. QuJT
=/*595~><" , g UJ T F AifOT uHevroYTSXIu-or > a
prudent man, GajT#a5*^!DS/. Gujt F/ ljowtt
2SSL/e6^3SJ , to deliberate. QlUT* / Qftoo
<;^ , to give advice . GLL,rrFA'cra"rs5 l_J l_5 F
QFOJBiQfimjoG . a thing imprudently done. QlUT
B=*tmrJ4 i'bSjQF UJ CO , to do a thing pru
dently , to aft discreetly.
Glut tF/OT , a league, four Indian mile.
Cujt #uj lo > fortune-telling , Qujrrtf LUT , a
.fortune teller


GUJT>.*> 3VT , industrious & experienced men .

w QuiTwf a woman's secret parts.

V^utD, rrg;# U1_jG'-JT(5 Jvr , a se:rer>

a mystery, rr p-#ujt_r g LJff-eS ^Cigj , to have a clan
cular conversation- with seme body .
iTFD , quicksilver , mercury ; the juice of a fruit..
0~Ffc5S5LJl_l-^i_lL0T{ft6S.^) , to reduce quickSilver into powder . 0" g;(g(t,'fj;5>g5 , a liule bottle of
quicksilver, rr F (Cp j rf: et ) , to carry off the
mercury from the body . 0" F nj T { .. , CTF 5.t5
akhimistcy , <r F j T g; LC LJ wtrr ; /
rr _ an
alchimist, a gold - nia'icr. gT^SgiTLliiiLjl-pTffuO <
rine . (TFg^fTJiiTaJL , the iea-on for fruits . 9 14 &~
F-K/^^1 wr'G-JTFooi ^Q3Sbfr&
prepare a savoury meal .
fTorf UT 4S 5 , a plantain-tree bearing the
smaller kind of plantains . CTF
TAjg5 T oyf' i_j LJ , the common plaetains .
Port . figos de mesa . ?85 Off- t5 <J M > "
kind oj sugar-cane .
T* 1-4$ ~i "tribe of stent people,, fit for carrying arma.
CTFrUTiR'iBLO , ignominy.
CTF<OJT)i-0 V . (TFLD .
CTFii^crr , the juice . <r F SnOT rr 0* l_l y TO
95 , savoury fruits ..
of mediciitf . G0$U5035"
FTUJwr LQ , a medicine made of brimstone.
TfFtBx) i military stores and provisions.
(TtlOi suppuration ( the ripening of the matter
of a tumour into pus. )
TireT LO, G **eT ^ a battle . )( , asi
hero, a general . (TTBio-vTLO , the field of battle.
(&)1329&;$*& , to jutiilate, to tri
umph . iroTGLJtfSSgj a kettle-drum .
<rwrr(g*. QirnrrQ}.
* (T0LO , a chariot , a coach . {Tt0FFTfTi, a coach
man . trS5G9;P5;re;LJgTe;3vT , a whole army
consisting of chariots, elephant* , cavalry and infantry ..
* ir<3$TLO, an hole. ^ u5 * O ) , t
perforate , tu pierce through,
iTuSujlo > G^ldlxSujlo , joy . UJOSrQT LOLfS
UJLO , gladnefs , satisfaction, contentment.
CTLOLJLO , a saw.
iTLO 2)LJ , a fair woman..
/T(Cl)05*95 > a doublet or waistcoat as some In diwwomen wear.
rrOjTlH v. Q(rKi|JiTLD .
(TecsfOJTFLD 1 a retired place in an habitation , where
women live .
(TT , TTS^I , rTfTSjirf , the night . S
$Qoo , IT Tg> d 'fUGtfO "at night , in night-time.
T TS 1U 8$ 40 ey , to tarry or lodge rene Aire all
night . iTTi_Jl_I 95 , CTTcb>Ji_e)LJ352/'-D . TTLJ
LjgStOTuU , day and night . LJTT0"5-^ff u5Goo ,
at midnight. ittldTSOJ , every night, / rr tfi rff
^ , he came last night. iTTirfi'Sj @, to night.
J'orSLO , the tune of an hymn .
* "@ , the eighth planet in tht Indian astronomy, ca-put draconis .
<rTffi<AOjrr,a"TUiiFeiW, a giat. fXfT9:*2.
. i^t




-rrLLFif a gi.intcfs .
! * rf _. , a prophet; an hermit.
T"TE*<rof . a quen .
rf-Lp-LJJS , rfLpLJLO.-a bull,
* TTEFT, a kin ; a poligar of tartn tribe. TT
rf) , the use, custom.
. a queen . TTfg-CTfrw , a p rice . /
15 # , the savor, taste, relish, rib' #UT if ff (_>
@ J-Tr0>i>, a princefs. rTF_U_30 * l , people _D t< , to taste a thing. ,05 # 35 * i}0
, t_5 6*
f the royil family . f/Tff .0 , 5e @ f LO > U3 (fFJS'-i'-'OfJ . to be palatable, to be savcuuy
an high spirit, rtaughtinefs . 1".T#05rrLD , ru.yal . TT or relishable . (;#; ___V*_i_i;, to give
v-it 5 95 lo lj ^n- ____;* _tj Sj >
reign, tr = thing a fcood usu . (fgif !S Qo-TOC Ojo; 6 __0
, T TFAJ35 g T U i ! ir F 5 wf , the ( GilrcSCg^ ) to speak according to one's liking ,
king's residence or palace . (TTFgT iraf l_j l_I M
<_#" LO , palatable , jelishing . <<T; $ "XI _50g;(j
lo i the city where the lung lesidts . tr T F JjbOYT , dainties , delicacies , LJLp 2 5(5#>(? $ ,
U T of LU T U3 <3) 0, S
QujniTFa $ , a proud 1 have tasted of the fruit. _ij _i ff (J
> 1 c<n|ld wish to ta,ie of it. j_J_i -r_t|i
and quarreloiii w.m m . /TltrT TFT, king of e^Tff Ctf^e^eB
kings. ttf(J >$_45 v. Q&rij3. ttfldtjot 2E)ff
T Lj-jy-'ltiiJ- to fcasr, toffit a good itpa>t.
nrf njCTT^jAru^^. his majesty . ( ? TTvVfB US. the
c^tfi-cTijTes-S.oca; , c2-Mit-jCb'S.iL' *
Si) > t0*
eign , i r government of a reign . ivirtF
u LO verify to i iovc .
(JTjit!jo , a debt , iT 5'etrrLD , an estate >
Q'^gvt^Tj^J, to s^e.vk on, the subject of politic*! matters.
fT Off , an hawk ,a f-kon . rj-.Tff tt&ft Co XI
eftefls and dobts . 5^([5'|:,?;--;1 , an executor,
, hawking .
cTjOOTL_iLj_r.r) , (59-; Kg;?? G'S ?E 3J lui
<T : # , :- , right , regular ; agreeable . /3~#6_1 CpL-iT-20&, to run into debts. <fg i_j 5 95 LO ,
lf svr , current . CT T # u U
i_D , coin living m as to become insolvent or bankrupt.
current . err r fB ( 0" LU T 1_<_505@_J it is
( !j T ^tQ l_i esrr , a young woman gtowtv
agreeable to me , I cuiient te it .
marriageable .
, ~# . a sign in the aodiack. .
(^a^TFiM , the name of a mell-scenting fUmt .
tg^T'6rS'_cro-T , Ain 0/ guiiar .
<rT#:U'-0 f . T05#U_TO .
itS^TTI .FLO , (Tgp^TTI Ef LO erjf , the fruit
4 T_- F^W.TTLlFfJer . T TffiESi-T ,
TTL-ltf-U -0 . a kingdom . TT1_1#UJLJT"T U) a of a trie hi Malacca, hard like cm als . (T^c^TTI
feign . (rTLLfLUoltruJU otr
^j) . &-6)5}Tt~13\ LO. a rosary made of those vegetable corals.
P5_nuj, Sljvlj, a rupee. QuT r 5
( -_> _5^>__^ ) to reign , to govern.
a T4_L LO , a wheel , a lpimiing wheel. T'T4_L I1 . a gold-rupee .
?$0)* , to f(in.
4_l LJ w>t __/ eS 50 5J , to ail insolently or
cTTL_.Q>> an honey-comb .
wickedly , to behave maliciously .
^rgu 9 1 1 it /"~>gji , the common sense of a v/ord,
TTLlQ) i shrims .
/y- t pu , g- t g&> <r_l , / T ?52UOJLO , an army ,
5'-jg5TrrLOilw __!_,'_. Y3fl5^',to prove or evidence.
troops . rr T <recy . ovr . troop, saldiert, rr a S_/
3'_jlq , the shape or figure of a things beauty. 5
gj ^og^ , TTiSiigj*-! (S*-_>tj to LjQLofficrSt-CS; , to afsume a form. {5ljlot__J
IiT^ej^C^j , to be transformed. 5i_j05crLQ,
list or enrol soldiers .
beautiful , hamlsome . /TjLjQc" 2) , beauty ; the line
" $? a, . ITT .
'^ , the hip. TTTJflBSj *1-0.5 S
, to aments . (f5i_F<r_r]j6Sff ajLO , (5 i_i T rr'oil 30T3f
slip the hip out of joint. ^l^t^^lgTTifjS^s LULO , beauty . ^rgLjil'^ , a fvn woman ;
ff (551; . she is in labor . 1_5< 5 g; )
L-S^'f ffeS^S; , to beautify. ^
5l_ , the shape , the form .
ff 2y ix "}? CN3 i_S g; s$ _xj s; 0;
< us ,
when th: backside of the hips and the shins swell ,
t5LjL5ffie._Y_>2i; , &<-5&..<OBi) , to demonstrate,.
to pi ove .
there is yery little hope for recovery .
CTTt-Ogi^LD , d.ingerous kind of smallpox coming ' Qa~L_#{T5*-?o
to save Gt i_1 p es <" , theLit and striking in again .
Saviour , QrrLLlr'
( * SfjJ i to- deliver, to'
TTLOBP&TlOTlO, a tree celled bullock-heart. (TTLO rid , to rescue,
f55TL.J_lL.pi_o, a bullock's heart, a fruit so called.
G T 4-9- > (/"' G T -L F # ) certain trite of
crTL05L_cr lo , the capital town of the Marava- people .
Qo~4-Ql& eC/5CBSJ . to tell a story , a complaint or
eountry .
CTTQLOffr(J"L0 , a famous place and pagoda in the demand over& ovei again, to repeat a thing again Sc again;
to divide in two . Qa4jp.5/t G^TCro<_i;B>_:
Maiava-countly .
(' , an emperor, a king . rr T LU 5 85 95 _7 to say again and again . G < 19l |_J l_| , twofold ,
rutjJ , imperial dignity, tr rr lu U) T VT a royal double. iJ5T6_lGT4-9.fifi @ fl^ , the pain grow*
palace . (305 , a most wicked blasphemer, as sharp again . Qrn^. g jcN) 6i| , double th*
mue that blasphemes a king.
cxpence .
GT4^.6erKL0i_c>ff , a double -woven carpet.
TTLU , a stone .
trT<_u en.? <a> F , thorny plant , growing GT4_t>.<roTLO V Qt^^utld .
like creepers on the sand the sea - shores .
Gcri , sack-doth.
Gti SO i , two . it 5 i S Qrr L-fflL.,
TT-Ug^A)g>9) JO, a musical instrument like a
.bow , having two strings .
and odd. Qn t_it_jOirri/ovr , twins.
Qrr!""'i 05 LO , tre ichery . QiT'WTt 051_1_1
tTfOjrrrr @ an ear-ornament having the form
<tbp);_S /vofl^i . to deal treacherously. G^:**lrr < 05 LaV
'f an half moon .
rJlVccrr^. _3CKj to frame a treacherous deign.
/ . .
GT4rr(S> (Ja-einrrt3, two . Qrrevm \_syQcKjtT(mr
tt4_i<_ds; , *^(3(5*_15;, t fr,
' *r poiih. rr r _) 5 , <TTo^l|5?o , filing .
jSQ) , either the one or the other G T " i (TlO , th*
TTiOJ5ir b hor.cman, a trooper a loldier. second. QrrnWTi TUCL-Jl *).*-" SL
1te b


G/artr -


, secondly.. v->y tvJj

( *
) . to,
(} . Goo " -o .
rdisagrec , to become disunited
mir,',! ;- to
in become
, divided
1- - . * an
--^ two. ' OOTOBrriJ-,
anchor, oori 35 T frQ IIT )
Qir<>nn Q}tt(j?j<Q'nstt~Q} i he iltue it doubtful, -the
-.-ihini is critical . Qo **rr(S3i$ 5 o J , to do U, to cast anchr , to anchor . esDrKrtSTjkJTU-liy
in the ground .
. oue's \*, needs .
CKJ 42)3i(2u-l^v5L_ii_5u.ffj-iOS; . t0 take by
-* Gbr^gLB i ITVjtglO., blood . QTTitp LOQJl-G. 1 torm
( L-J T UH
) blood -run ^down . QT 5U)
@ F LO SK^cgFLO i a present for bribing
^^ , blood gushes out. jajiiBrQSfsSG043 >eCSD-jvogFLOfUTTa6i3Ci;
, to suffer one'* &e!f to
^tXJI-jOLitUJffiJgSVjblood drop* ot-c his.nese . jbe briber.. osjf 5= i_D<OiiTTvtf one
who is fond ofprsents
^ Tff ffL/ ,ue blood is
CAigjg , dung. (gglB/jTCXyig^ , horse-dung.
baiu jchild . Q/rgS>{j;g!0\3L_it_j , kindred by blood ,
'-. i destruction , loT. PU jv: u_iii rr *r
.cojisanguiity.. (3<rffiLDfruj<nj <T u3 Q a\i 95 <
.* .'t<> catt up bleed . Q/r5U c>Sj_IUJ . plethory. fKTifuJLO, a thing whereby one's life lies at stake ,
1.0 T<6
S; , to perish, U become dectioyed.
+ f^$^\s>_. QrrsoJtern , V 0 0
LU ( \ LO . -a fatal time , time of destruction.
**;2/ > a Prec'l,us stone , a gem . Tj fU CT O .^3 \
.-the lofs or dettr-uftien
TLO ., nine kinds ef precious stones ; all sorts of gems. isJv3aj5Lli_5i_jGl_ITff(ff/
avertd ..
Q0"SJpg5OYr , gems., various precious stone* .
(G^rS^Ulae!'T221/i30S; i &o work in precious 701LI J)., nedulation . CTOUUSRT'G'^ LJT(5*
to stng well .a*m5Qrs^F**2
>J , to say a thing in a sweet manner. OOUJS
5 -' , a flatterer. ,
. . .
to read with a proper modulation of voice . -jc : li>
, to coax , to.flatter , te allure.
(become 'full , to grow 1 . <Gtu3l5il({535*.20^L' , LJ S2l) g>> ,
r*o be full . *Qtui_j ) .much , abundantly . i_j*trr : SN3 -Liff;4RT_t5 i -an alluiingor enticing woman.
, cloves.
(QCTLDl-J JJsilSl'arj-eS^a . he has much money. .*avOU'K45LD
(_D , silt . ONailswr ff (5 ^ tr u>-
* TffiLfl, the body..
; |the sea
full of salt water .
'Q'2~&&&Si) to draw a line;. to mix ointments CNDenjQcK^LC., a little . 00su (2 l 5>a
-te . together .
/T>0 , there is nothing at all .
ootfirdJa5LO , whatbelengs-totlti world ; worldly..
become united by lore and friendship . G<rf6g^5J> ^{RL_lGl-'})LD.
worldly pump. ^
j.5C>S)J,t -to be united or knit together.
, the lir.eamerirs or. features of tie face 5 people of this world people well versed in worldly-matttra,
rthe lines -of on-.'s- .........
bun I ;, a comma
luumia in
in writing
writing .
OCSUClulO * . CO 50(^ 95 LO .
!>5- sum of .money. f2Tffi>e395i @*JO
00 T if , drurtkennefs , ir.toxicatiot. .
iffi^ i-S^^iSS^^-iOS^ 1 to pay a.sum of money.
a tiling that intoxicates.
(o b~2ZV i an atom . G <3 l_o <r LO T * OliAlfijUi
0OT,(g i_i Tjg QSJ4*o tumble 0Ter*ead and
'<>[&' i_C , so much at least as an atom .
.' , -ready m rney , ready cash . 'Q V tars* T 42)35 . way a manner . 02 T 8 05 -JOT 455 ^
<5 gs jS^ 5 @ . -ready nioiu-y , QTT*ffi OTUJ, LUCO
T u3 (f5*e6Og} . ^to be of varions kinds . eofT
isn tread? . -Q T 9~55;.20 , ,GtTT.
iSfKffiigigiiSjeSgi'TUJ .agreeably to thecircumstances .
jK JLiW>ff>T , a meneyed man .
5Xg jot i [($ * be out of AuGTT4-- , ^-- . bread .
, nut of order , to be indifferent .
!,, disease. QTT a>ffi$ 'or, a sick man. morvor<3i@
, ^', wrong . correR@LJL KW
QiTWiFL. dafingnels ; a wrangling humor ; eager<oefs of revenge, impatience , disgust. QTTf=63{j5T "j,o do haim , to-injure.
^OOr , QTT.ff (S3ervravTfDBT , a da ir.g fellow arc
coTlFLfl. , oorr^n , difaulry , adversity .
vengeful fetlcw 'Q<r>T$&<&10pJ , rJrr<Tf%diJS(S
' L_iLje^v>gj , to ufferihaidslnps .
Jtt^Qg1 i-to ahandoii a thiijg out efcorrtempt or disgust f
OT IByfrd/VDr , modesry . oo T # AJJtrr l_J
0> , battsc . ,.| rr,)i g, Q T T , what
self -modestly . uoTgf
(OU .catas a d.iy ( jvotidian batta.)
, 5521/ ^ i to bha\e one's
. immodesty .
Qv^if-t :.(51**.35(
,.to aft vielently, b^OreGeSTirXiffeFOO
COTI LO , the slioe of an horse . osrTl^ ;>)93
sts aft entrary rto honesty and equity .
( Q5i (&j ) to shoe an hr .
COTI trr , in Judian monk or beggar, COTI m
G'^^rgiS; , vvileners , niamy , ..filthinefs ,'Q,
LJT42>a> , their dialefl .
> ebicene aMc .cimpudent word*.
< OOTLJLD , advantage , profit . emolument . 1_|
Jo<rrCbLD , (rnrti)iW05oT , the hair on the G^^bCj
profit and lof*.
fbody . QvrriJ&eiJfyTVJl ,a pore. Qrr TLoQXbT
JOTUiLf loG<1IT . a kind / tueU scHtmg root.
yrojwr, one tltat is fougb-haired ,. an . hairy mar).
COTLULO stall, a stable. @^BCTCO'1 LULO
an horse-stable .
^, i_l_IOOTCASVtrr , familiarity , amity.
embrarement, S /car lj ancfbzu o^j t
make friendship -eviz/i e .
> tlJ <nrr LO , a list of -soldiers . COT2Jw G1-1*
-^@<nj 4. G^ .
ifcJ-KS U3 inimbci j arithmctick . 02225 iQ.SJ^-COCJ to enlist soldiers, .,-! Q
'sffiffiTW,5S5/.i-to .enlist one'4 elf soldier.

SOT <S' (& zjr 'G*

|Q0 JO -G jOT G jn3tT -cTUlf


wwrraewiQ -1$) , to be inserted in fa thief within door; .

tm* list of soldiers .
QoSL0=.u, OOLOBLJ , COLDLJL_B)l_i; , nrt**
tro T rxi *$ gjin . <!_'"Nr Tff2jf8 ,) ,
atiort , affliion . Q TOcbLJLJi-jWSOSJ , ooLav
_ LJ . ' ( tS.'gJ, to sufter Hist i cl or affltioin,
S Kl 95 , the >ex i a figure ^presenting botli texei ,
mioru and venerated by some tribes of heathens , oSt3:
Q 6~ft , oS\- G -yo45Giij@-Sy > a character j,
< ,r>S Kj ffi. TO 95 J_0- ri>n that wrana Ungarn , which a letter; a in:in's tuteur destiny.
-JOiTL!<njTaj G^f^^"-1' 'tgbtly , easily
:ie a mctal-Qux conta ninf a figure of an indecent nature. i_j
n: d Sffi (OJ- . a Mahomttan-priest-.
'fjffi . r, , l_j <5 rf^.
tv 9i LO , tbe masculine genb:r .
fV>J>&^oSrfil S> , the feminine gender . rgi tig05a&'TvViRLO rrji_| j2ko4' HI3 t , the neuter gentle..
* o^i/rjo y play, petulancy . (2LOn-G5oS>.roo , las
G'^OeLULO , an diuary. Q ONjSjf OJ lo lj *
civious behaviour. LJ-T >> )0 85 VT children's /^ ( tifio- CSSS-^S ) t n>ke ^i eketuaty^
play .
(V0?39t . an handkerchief. Pirt-, emfo .
J/T 4_L , petulancy r mettle,, insolence , pertnel"-. G cndt ' 95 t 0 , a poor fellow .
2>/T'^i-i , t s; ( G * ^ * -o
) to
(si 3-oTrKj*J03i; , to yield, to submit. G*^ ^
commit insolence .
esrrQjior , - **! person , a capricious fellow-..
Q-yoA't V . av3T*ff . Q7otf ui_| . drunkenncV .
GooTiG^^G^ .2 ft.-L_l l5 0 ^S)iS>^,
,Q V, light , facil , easy - Q J4@JT* .^O^/ . ' make a great noise . Q w t G^T"1 Sit^
to grow easy ; to grow better , tu recover . yj<@SDT JU Gw>F3t, vain oruseleis pi-aulitsg.-Qo>0'7 I Qojrrt^.
GHU'JJ tMTLDi it can easily be done e-ifrru? 4 LUTtl3(T5FS*i>OSJ to be broke.
Qoo@6^UTL(fTj(3>)SJ I find myseeasy or Setter. Q
the hum'in body. Goot<k
g3T'rQi -* a> o g; , to rise up in the air by rfi@rrjfij'(._iT _1 , to decay by famine etc .
being light .
Q j\3 i 4_L , intoxicating liquor. Q T 44
0"5">- . (Jxj^g; LO .
fET0n- , G7>0'T4-x@L*s*i!0ll,9r> a drun-^- *3535> .
kard . Qoon 4-!.u5G0\5Gl-'rrffi*^0S>>' te ^O*
the in liquor.
Qjv3?@, an aim, a scope j a mark to shoot at
G^ rt SS>\ , a *Mtif of a cake .
GoGfeSLO ( logatn ) rr.etal . LjgSFQcrOTej'-D
G T\C&>_i^rwrgi 35B5.i20{/i to walk or behave ireun five Kinds of' metal n;etal in general .
peQly. oNOiFfgLJLjn'i-gjireT^ejDJ;, to take an G T {J5 LD , the world . ( \3 T 5 OJ Lp 5
im in shooting. Q ltO fitt Q ?o l_j i OjSjY'1 has- hit tli lo , QffOtreiTLOi the cu,torn in the-"
-mark. G^35(g.aojo5e:OaJ , to prefix an im. world . G'7on-g55E5 If , the inhabitants of the world ,
ul5u0UT!t, the marie is worldly-minded people. tj-jjQcron-g; LO . the earth .
iniied.Q.T40^g55,i_iiJr5,_f^,/og;, to walkor behave Q JOT"G35'Tc55iTt-0 , excellent, elegant, liked'
incautiously ( or incont-.derately . ) Q 35
35 () by every one .
T 3gi, to reach tlie thing aimed at. (JOfj
QoOTLJLD , tenacity , stinginefs, niggardlntfs .
(g) 3^(3) * 4 TSJ> " does not answer.
G osdtlS tenacious, stingy, close-fvMed. Q o<: rr i_5 lu T
* Co JO
U3 , fasting prescribed to-sick people . LLlG*71^1*-^^ , to do /A' with as little exuencea*1
Q ^H/?.<r loQlj f (5 * O ay ! to prescribe it pcfsible. Quot J560T'L0LJ>TrS22/*^0S;, to be wry G 3O TJ 35 <" L0L_lTS<,g /V)gj < *< 05*
PJ sparing or paisiniomous.
ti) it. Qiaer >Qc-v
95 srr LO , three da}
days G VT 05 LO * . 0^,'- - .
abstaining from taking victuals .
Q JS3 # i"KT , CTOi
, Qo<3 I F eVtfOT ,
G ^OfVOVT Q LO T f, CT LO ring with a seal o
ttotte. Q ero F $-1 cv i (ty, the ring itself
where the seal or stone is put id .
* G >0 F ? ,.. shame., ignominy . QooP GO F 1_I
L_l B> -OS; ,. to suffer infamy . QcrGFOHFfbQet, , to divide , to slice , to cut in longitudinal little pieces . d|t
; CO 4 6 1 if' LU LO i a shameful action . eS(t, a slice . QtKjffit j.'njg'', a slice of a c< co-nut.
, to disentangle the
to defame , to dishonour. ^ArrjOLOU CTeOJ 5
eTe5*trt*rrQj^FF3.(S<Qj*/!0 jJL> .
do one, hair. *0G?65S;eiG'95 T (4 35 > 57, to give by
the utmost ignunv.ny . <^X)F S*Fljot 2 L^) , shares. rijet'}"<i^J*/rTg^ F6*3T!U^ogi. to shave badly
by faring offonly part ofthe beard and not the whole of it .
to be saucy, to vex oi Aamtltfily-.
GosO^FBLO , priming powder.
6~U(g)LJL4, a section, a separate part. CD @ LJ
* GcN3l FnrLD , the propriety , property of qua ljtuj (U(Sljl3Go,0 ) erurr TO* ^
to purchase
lity an attribute. G^vi W i_ji_5 tm , defor goodi by whole species and not by tingle pieces .
tfO)iS)35 , a manner , a species , a kind . bT[53)6"3J9S
mity , want of the proper qualities , want of' symmetry .
G^ssi FLO. ooi FLO, lack i one hundied OJO" LU , how ? in what manner ? |_J tTO S> 35 U- T
crrT F0" 35 @ . variety of- goods . OJ 35 LU LU
.thousand. G^1 FT")(1{ . a very rich man .
&?&1*&1) , to buy cheap. iOiiSD 33 tUTIU
CO i < ( fem. Qroowrj i rt ) a stubborn G IICR(CD&J > t0 peak in a proper manner . OJ > 35 55
[jerso . Go^"BCT< <&$ i an intractable horse. , an honest man ; an able man. OJs3>35Jt|
4Cl><f-& COJ i to find ot, todisctifs. r^rRrstLjG LJT
G 3>>LSa;eS 0 ajj , to prove profitable : to prove 35 OJ5) 33 LJT/J" 358 ?7 , to endeavour to come off.
itlier goed or bad .
OjgjestvfBT , the title which any one is honouredwith in a letter .
*CPS to pick and ttal. G^UMSgTM <ror * OJ35e5TLOwrf.tring5 madeof im/i/cockle-lull s



- tnrs*

CU^FftT , mil of Stork .

pickled, is called :.i_SrfOJTrf _1_/? ,
Jfte$!CLO , bad iuck . .' ft , a person of; CU3>#La"ljQ , rfc of a foreign tree.
-a perverse temper . "UftS .*i5ft,(;eC7\D , 'the irregular * i , the seasoning stuff of onions . cumin-cseeming course of the planets.
etc. fried together. Oji ftLC(TU^!QJfte^!05; , te
Uft@ruftGft0^-^L<5(^*-^ey. to cough . fry it. cu i ft tx(i-ja-@5Joa; ( S<3 *
-CUft(8)S:iJftGft'TO'" ^Qui~~Cj , to make a bustle to season meat with it . cut ft iXTajft T UJ >
,or noise when going along .
scr, cue who is pined away by inward heat..
O.' TO 35 fr IX , familiarity, intimacy . 6~x> 35 trr ,
<OJi B5@, north, isoil y-.Qm.t~Vt ftftTft-i
^UTCftW'Tft-ftrr.iOiir . a familiar friend . CU ft iU i_j^ ix org; , northward . <Qj' ft-tSLpft@<
*nrr g/T {. LX) i blaspheming afiisnd.; a treache northeast. <QJLT-ftft>
, a man of the norrous aflion .
thern country . eoii ft ft^^llGl-jFeT , the northera
* OJTCftLO > lead..
dialect, oji 8jS>l_x5i_p , the nrthern Tamul or M\!ahar. <CUl LBiit>OOJ'Trar ( CU T I ^
CU ' SI ft fr LO , gold .
^llBffiTTL'F # . vegetable grtwin* near the tea- certain kind, of faddy >
ghores,,, wliich poor people in time of/amine use to boil and ;/.". f LX , -CJJI ft ft UJ iO> , a thong -of leaflier,
CuLX-05^cg5J , to fiow downwards ) te dripdowa
^TCftflT/TJUTi/cTvT , tue i of fish .
,.tf2JTCftT0YrL0. Bengal. CU LX- OJ TOJTri/S^^wirrffrofi- , water which
* dJTCSi.[D,fl race , kindred , parentage . family . flow* slowly downwards . Qo"> g SU LX- | . the
lrfUTCE6<i!-0.)5j'r.ror, ene of the .family or parentage. running or flowing of blood .
miRl(^, concave-planks adapted fer making a boat CULX-ftS D5) , CUUO-ey l_l(2 t_) T ,@ /SiM
ttS i* cave . ftfJ@eS>*X>ttG&-(fJ , to hew and fit them. to decant to filter, to translocate , to strain i to peint
iOJTCtgOJftAJrto^Ll . the concavity of those planks . thing, to sharpen it . CD LX. ft 95 > (5 * 0 gj^
CUTC@<-Jt GjSjCNO , black spots in the face*
to strain , to translocate . FTT TU_lLXO.ILX.ft
* JFfJ^wr, south-wind. CUF rj 5 ft T OSD IX . to distil brandy . ii!LX-Sjg> >0 , filtering , defecation.
*~ @ 5^ > UJ (TU LX-ft < !D L/, to poir
-the spring-time .
+ <nj^g , commodious. 8Uffd)JJT<rtn-(Jt LD , a or sharpen tlie -wriiing iron^ VT^DJSX'l_P-ft*^C.^..
to make the plough-ehare sharp at the end ..
(Cemmodious and agreeable place.
* CU^LD, a proper state j good order.
<TU i_0- t-J LJ LQ , beauty, elegancy.
aright, in good order, regularly. TJr OjffLC <TUJ,<>Trr CU:_X-i-JL_| , CU LX-LDL-i ft ft , 'long bars or pie
,<}jy^,Qa\0, with me, m my hands, under my protection. ces of woo for a roof.
Ftf*cr 1"?5\ nr lo oS (5 ft * jd j , to be eTULX-eOJ , beauty , fairnefs , elegant appearance.
O ( pl CLlfSftftPYT) a wart , a knob on the skin
indisposed , .out of order . eUFTCGft 4 ott , one
5ft * D , to be full of warts .
<whese health is destroyed. CU? n52>UJiJ! , irregularly. en II l-J
-9rdJPU>, good health. OJFUJJL(^'(55;QFijLlS/i>; , OJ(b'O\j JC rr lD 3Q' X. 1 people without blemish..
6U0eULCMYT<><T'tMLD'TuStfI5ft*Og;. to beftillof
perform a thing with prudence & cxpertnefs . tflie^LD
_ JJT LOKJF rr l_ LJ @ $ D -to eat immoder wai ts and spots. <1 (5 LJ S> 6r an unripe kr.oby fruit.
CU(b'ft0T (fem . CUftF# ) a Waruga by nation .
ately . CUFLrrftTLOeroGlITFff-ay , it has not suc
ceeded, it tell short of succefs. _2L| SsSj <rar 6129 ix LJ
tfU(3@ t the Waruga or Gentoo-languagi .
^rof jgssr , e-rcoriij lot tut "ufigfG-^) a)u
CUBl i , ^akes filled with a kind of grain called
/. has -deposited it with me , he lias delivered fi_Y5'5; ( a kind of lentil . )
jt to my care. xotj-tfBgjoj^LDTFfffS^ , it is come (T1J4 "oaf ftftJt|.3Jft*^O5; , te cut circularly,.
LD, a circle. t~vu L I Ql (5 *
.into .m-y ppfsefisian . *OJFL_)CJ(J*i3Dg[y > ^
@rUf6*J0S;. to be put in order. 6tU*LJL-i 6} 65 5J , to run in a circle. Qftifgi *r m u_lo5 (p @
thj ^>gj,, to out in Order . cuFftftn til BjJ , the hawk flie in a circle, eg jo LO , *
<5fti?y t belongs to me . OJFft ft 4_Q. 56110;* circular piece of ground, U4 ftf^ftTO* ,the peri
>gj, to deposit thixginto the custody of an arbitrator . phery or circumference of a circle. SD'J 5#rj5'l-*
tfUPLOLj, , acorus , calamus .
, u3 v. Q}gf{ *t i ft * 2) ppjuj
"D(r"0 , a common whoi of a pagoda ,
i_j. <2*/i-JLj , QldtS tlo.
CLIF<-| . iaCUS 05 , fcUclJ, .
a plain ring .-CUH tX.TCTTJTfigJ CUU LJt-JI-{?C5?i
TU J gp rf) , poison .
f^f'S;. what is flat and circular.
CU^b's.&S; , to *et or plant pointed Stahes.
XI i__ i LD , the lois sustained in exchanging
ojsbf ( s.cssf ) scldiyg . ojaF^Ljs-a^o money , Ital . Agio^ the ^premium granted or gained :
L>.> (Qr~4?o)&o5j ) te scold .
pecuniary transaflions. cjju TCFi * ^D^J , to pay
* SlIJ^iTLO a diamond glue . tfUffCT G ft oef ,*] ur receives premium ^ or :\gio ) of that kind . fun I3
* diamond-mine. UF^Tlj i_j S F , joiner's glue QffFUB, any *ur|ilu of pecuniary advantage; the
.* >50"(, a garii)cnt.
premium . CUU 5>ft@ftGftrrG>'ft**afiA togive
"U/XjggLI , a -being . l_jCTTUJTOJA)^SJ , God ,. or lend in expeitation of gaining an overplus . CU4 F^
4he supreme Being . <orUAl655)J03ftoYr , things of what i .( . a bond granted for goods exchanged in expectance
ever jlibstana . .Lji^jcj; Js3C\OJ/\>>8/ > tait is a oa certain profit ,,oU4 lb i_3rfujTcS 5 ft @ 5J . n
advantage ( no premium) has been gained by the bargain .
ood thing .
<nj atulJLJLD, metal reduced into a medicinal pewder.
^jq rr , a bowl ; a bole .
CU^jffft IX , Ug?AJcrr , ,erxi")# Atrtrr , fraud,
rra"LO , the circuit; the place in the huse
.deceit. dl^-ftft'-fiT-rr , Cu^^oT ft ft a \vh.Te grain is kept . ill 4 T 1ftV ft vA-fQwsa
^yjaor , a deceitful man . OJ^yftLOl_JOi><rrei2i/s6
B=Tff gs^Olgy , to enquire lound abput^
, Cu@#ftC^O^/, to deceive, to embezzle.
OJ4.fl., interest on money, bnd-inerest . OJ l-a
' ff^EF-KTlX , the name of large sea-fish , the Indian LX-ft@Gftn-(5ft*/!!lS;, to lend upon inteiest.
J^jjaoji, Sott .
efa r tenmif. ? JRsh , wlien.jcu jjp. ft(gCUTrf\<66^g^ to ijjoriow ujon in.

*re*t. X|LI_0-3)@X1T#35@XJ TTO*

borrow at a very high interest . rx 4.0-35*^51; > L-irS^35@OJ4-<i-*^CS; i to
lay meat in portions for a meal , to serve meat up. 2J
OJTTT''SWT 2J4_O.S,T3iT , he has spoken ill of me.
XjU.(S353<5ljlj4_0. , a clod or ball of jagry .
Xll_l(b'Xl > a SCl'lJ or pouch as the Indians have
always with them . OJl_L (g XI u ffi U, a separate
pocket in the pouch .
dULlffll i streaks about a coach-or cart-wheel .
i-XPrr*>!_0, level ency , respeft, submifsio.
6fe(P'VroYT'X)aor > a retpeflful , civil or humble person.
f- ifvi^Ogi) , to salute respectfully, to bow to
ene. UJBBT'f^Qf lu e c gy , to use the utmost
endeavours in doing a thing .
OJffL i good, fair, handsome.
CUacTi , Ojntrri OOLD , mire mud ; a dirty
plash or puddle-water in tanks . @i S0^6"XIti ob
the sediment in water-pots. TPXI-KfSTi oso, the lees
er dregs of a liquor.
OJ < L_*. <rar , a lewd or wicked fellow . aimer
I gj g> Jor LO > a wicked ation or way . XI im
i to boast
of wicked actions, rajoftrr i l_iQ"5 1 I Ftfri abusive
words , shamelefs words .
XITL.. Oso t a two-wheel-carriage. etnrr i t)
Q (6 S> to step into a carriage . UiTi_p G LO oo Q l_i T O B> , te go in a carriage .
# i_jp- a\o 35 T O <nrr i a cart-man .
OjeBT("5 i a wasp , a chafer , a beetle or scarab of any
kind. Xl" (Jj3l_D-, the stinging of a wasp ; scabbinel's .
351, a black chafer or beetle. 5o\T@jG*
Hj.gblvarQ} , a candle-fly . XiOT(Q35Ta\oc>S ,
< / /r , whose bark is useJ against scabbinefs .
ill o&rr etsirr us , a way, or manner; a tune ; a certain kind
of a song . _4 6X1 jj, so, in that manner .
U 525, (/ . Xirar;gg)35(g ) a washerman .
fffrr23P<J 8)jj2)-20 > the washerman's working-place.
^Jumrr^gi^^LJL-jjfo6 . a burtcr-fly .
6^jsmr >_o > the way, the manner.
XI 5 35 LO 1 evanescence} wearing away, fading j
Cransientnefs .
Xj335.05/ i to make dry , to scorch , to parch .
rxig,1i/*^C5J , 6(3|_10"?; . to fade
away , to wither , to vanish .
1>61 dried, scorched.
*U%)lCjtOQ) i to chatter.
eTXlfJovr i what is equal in value to another thing , or
what is instead of it. XlgWbXISeS .208^1 , to pawn
or barter for what is equal in value,
g^j 35 (g ^
, instead of it . XJ^cryTFe?! Qj , a copy or
duplicate of a note. 6XI>Y5 3F5@? G* 4*) , XI
5ffi@aJWUUwr nnsf uu T (' 66 /
to recempense , to render like for like , t.i retaliate .
OJ5L)3$ljg i good circumstances. <rxi 35 95 T Uj
5 355/ , ojs;g5@LjGLj !0j2(5 &$oev . <o
be placed in better circumstances. -2| 6X1 33/ ?f, @ SXI
^5@*55;5 , he is now in g.Tod circumstances.
liS-ffj , a murder ; a prefsure , a torment . exija
l_j rarrGSbieS^OS^ (
\U$OByJ ) to murder j to tor
ment . OJ&5l_l4 Ojwr , one that is severely vexed.
6XIB 5 .20 fij , to be tormented . ktuui
C^c^C^OTLaOOvOtfiJff ^Ot) , lo be starved .
'& , ruiaKyujgt-iTfes^os;, ti
, to torment, X 5 XI / .lQrrrrQi xiwtg
&>&-?><&) . to excruciate one unmercifully , to cause himi
pains of death ,

XIB5f>L0 i ebb , ebbing , low water, XI 5 > , *U

i/wr > the beginning of the ebb , the Time when the
tide begins to flow back towards the sea .
XligiTSij , Batavia.
exife, a match, a wick. Qlo@@sxjj, a waxcandle.
6X)gff ^'^ exi 0 06 CSi) .
(D^T rr i 8= LO o iWik 0/ kernels, inferitr t
<3>!j)ga"Ti ?ld .
ffcUt_IL_lLD i XI LJL_I ATOOLO . fflJj23l_ILO .
e-LDl_loin"(/" . XILOL) a nasty , impudent fellow.
XJ U3 II ribaldry , obscenity , bawdry , dishon
est talk . XJt-OL-iL-iQLJFeT- > ful or obscene words.
f^lUH^LJnn SSb i
( Q^OJ^
) to speak
or ait filthily or lewdly . XI '-0 L-J i-Q. 35 * O By) to
speak obscenely. <XIL'L_|LJI_II QljQujt
riJLjDLJCKJTLLjGuJT^yrjS; , to get an ill name.
XILOL_|iRffifrLU , fruit growing out of season .
XI LU 9 , tfXI.USV, one's age; the year of one'*
age. LJggJ X)LU5TLC595*=?l'',r ne " ten
uld . L_)gTLTXl>U^G OX) , in the tenth year of
age.exiLUSiyg; T WT lJ 35 @
age appears. XI
LueSjQFor /o XI T i an old . XILUffri_Jl_3 /
1/| TlITi a youth . XlcUfr3535T J ,
young woman . XiJfff 35 . LO , signifies some
times young, sometimes old age.
+ XJLUaosTLD , the manner, the circumstances .
LU LO T LU , at large , circumstantially, minutaly ,
eXiLUCsD , a piece of ground for tillage , a coin-field .
1);('33* v. 35tTffi5.
XI LU.-5X1 , the belly. XI LU O) XJOVT 35<D SjV 1
to maintain one's self . 6XILU^aiXlcs3e>etJS5J to
have bellyache. 6XILU JCfQ1l^35B6i!0
( 35 1/*
5^ ) to have the loosenels or dysentery . XlLU^V
Ct-J$353:e=@l-9-3:<*D!&; > ,0 uke a Purge XILU
^'*)'*'b> to VurSe Gldonoxi lu o/ , ih
upper-part of the belly. 6X1 UJ > b LJlJfiBLpLJ
1_) , livelihood . X1JJ El/eiTLqgJ , Tff li_J5]J , LJAJ
Cvffij , I am hungry .
615(3^ LULO > a precious stone called cat's eye
4X1 L g> 5 UJ LO , eXIUbOjefTiAJgifgrrLO , phyfick , the science of physick . 6XJ^^J.'
LU G>f yS eso
1_|<223!05, to be a profcl'sional physician . xiu3
, to cure diseases , to bea doflor.
6Xiu3S)LUoor , a physician, ffj 5< , Qffj/J-^g , XI
u3gJUr , a Physician of great skill, a Doctor well
learned in his profefeion .
XiHitTLO . a diamond 5 the heart of a tree . XI
iirtxQLjrrcfSiib^^SJ, to be as hard as a diamond.
iXJu5rjr lo(TLO > nard or compaft wood .
*-"" (ftm . XILT ) one that bears an obsti
nate hatred , an inveterate enemy .
6X1 1 " T OJ LO -V . SS XITT 35* LULO .
6XIT@ , XJ0"3;'f#. a kind of smallgrain . 35y>
Xicr@, grain called natch . i_j \1@ , an
other kind of grain .
tfXirj->5; > revenues , incomes . Gl_IT35@L0tfXI(r
5;ld V . xi55SJ .
611_1 . a balk or ridge between the several piece*
of corn-fields . 6XlTl_ll_j i_lQl_jT*Y->S/. to
make sucb ridges 6XICTLjGL-1TTlO, the bank ofa field.
6XJTLO , a gift ; a talent . 6XJTI_Il5Oer.TffjLD , a
gift , a benefit. XilTLoG1\O062J , one that
re ceived a particular gift or talent .
6Xl(J"LCjL_j , a low ridge in' a tilled piece of rground


e?U(r59>9'-0 trouble, bard woric, affliction, piin
for watering it .
>cnr 5 i soorce, a beginning .
nj5g>fjL_n_l (J et O , to be troubled ; to surfe*
tfUTtfi) > Receipts ; the Income ofacre.fiter creditor ; pains . erU(T5Se5!-Ji-J(S^'*^5).;, to trouble , to vex .
rtvenuei. SUT <(( S O^J, SUT SU ft) ni
iUQjSjgLi. coming. i_J't (^:*'*55<-
Sb'tEG^170*1"^*-^' , to writ- in the account as u3(f5034Q5^ > t0 De intimately acquainted w.ih one that
received. eU9~erruf@#7oiOje: ^555^ tue in co.pti often to the hoese . eOJ tf5 Q tfJ ff- terrero , th
Water course into a tank . "Xrf trife,enii5gi
comes and the expends 0:1 anee one another.
no wat -r comes into the tank .
erUTfjrgiij;*/* fy , XI 3 5 f 3-G05TOvrt-3*a
g>9>(-D ^ LJtrn-fj jld > colkfting the rents or
to beg earnestly , te
tribute, - , a receiver, or ga R(, tfilirg'fiffifsGp:;!^
therer of 'rents.
arge , to , to sollkit.
Urf, tribute tax, quir-rent . "U rf gg> SU Bi et
OJST , a continuance of time a line ; wrinkle
, to lay, or impose a tax. njrf fUTT^^OJ^ , the totehead . Qttregvn &a>V . ti> , ($0
to take quit-rent , tax etc . surf " v, ay , to iUs9"tR@U* , hitherto, to this day . rgLtrrjO
. it. FffOTiUff iLfOOOJff , a poll-tax, pollm-one\, a TIK G JO, within a month's time,
XJT* > , to write ..
rt?i (giurf, house-tax . (p
yjiutf, rax /**< sy
very house .
fUOO . <l;JOL0.
erurf, a line. fX*0{b>*0 SU ff , one single line, -<1-0, might , power . moowsffirr CTLe"
<20"i I ruf, 'two lines . Ulf OJff LUTu3(ff5 QujffrCey , te speak tyrannically.
ojrxiff, mm , <njJoTs0>*. ffuavDLD
, to be ruled, or drawn with lines. UifL_l
|_)oS i a tyger on whose skin are bbcfc strokes .
eaj30sTff . fuooLfj .
UT- Eg 33^ , njrfrrj^gLJTC^tt JO
, to con
iU JvD*^ > people flying or removing frem tbei#
join the openings of two bags , that are laid upon a home for fear te be f.uuvUA or eftaileA by an .
njwafFW, (^ '/ ^'^'
bullock, by a net- work of strings to write.
(GuJTj)OJT35!Jvt) people flying from, their hoiae ..
,an horse that is not saddled.
tfUrf * order , rule , regulation ; a row ; good cir
>5 V . tu joli .
cumstances .lirf BFUJTlLj , ojff 5) fFj ^ , regularly.
ouaAfj.4_.B;er , a powerful person .
10\ , right, tf the riit side ; stiong . tOJCrOeJ^
CUT as^L-ll-S irregularly. s"U rf GD^GeSTfSgi*
.QffL/ > to give what is usual to a married daughter , as a , eTjeKJSJlieiLC, the rignt hand , the right side. Sit
mother or father does. tutf a>!Fe3 95TDor , an honest 0-O5) tujG1iffCS JO^,1, to brag, to speak ostentatiously,
6"U7ol_li_}!_Q , a whitish stone used for writing a*
man he whee turn it is. _2jiUiUT rvQL_ln4R"Urf
e9=i_Jt_l(t5^eti306ry , to rank itllitri in files six a pencil .
6XI0NOL0 , the right side . ruooLC(Jl_jrre'rG5
deep. (Jtrr.20>~r**T25yt Uff , to day is my turn.
CUrfffSr long roof-sticks tied acrofs ( or along )- do not go too far to the rijht . LD i_5 rf LUT tuft ^
the roof. e5 0N>Tj;T"D<"f^ffr . roof-sticks first tied 40) , to go round ^/< upon the right hand . *TuT
along the roof at a good distance from one another cKDLDi_Srf !(|5 . (Frrvj@. -> tflIOH
SU(5iOlS) f to come. .UfBTfr TJW/WF 35 > the right hand. <TU iO'7va95LUT''" , those of
GytuS'lIfEtSO^ to bestow favors all along , or .the right hand tfcAjsTU>*TO@^$T/T^ a i*^
from time to time. tfU 5 TO ATOOLO , future time nWj tfpelaioH jwyTtjai s . #iO'r ff , turning to th*
the time to come . * .20 ( CUT O ) QfU xfrcvfg; right ; breathing tfJ^h the right nostril . fnucrof Tffl_|
ttf-pBLOLGcO , next friday . m 5 (3 O * 1lesasLO , tU*rigiwde . eu s: as G 5 , ^
,1 will wait on you again and beg leave to go . *X5& t-OTLU , to the right side . eu uo ffr U(V , a curl of nair
JUOUTSUJT &G*T<7<>2)& 9 > to bid one to come . on the out-side of m horse'i httd .
ffU TxjffU'^rrU) , violence, su SrO SU >
(fS^^rtfc^OJ/rULJT^5^e5Ge5',"*wn',t--5- G5 >
-^' t0 expect one , to wait for one. _521__|!_ | \-JrtXH/&Cll , to force . ( <U f |o W
one that does things by violence .
ffUoS pain ; the shrinking up of the smews ,. a con*
to receive what has been sent . erUfTtfUCr , mor and
more , from time to time. Lj^LDjr?)5}jsy { -UT5 vuUion. grOO*U($, head-ache eULU^iUoS.belly
,r* l_) <T F5J ) the money it come in . _xjgy<rT" pain. esrreSi^T UJ*UC-S, the falling sickntls, the epi)ep>
I Q eu rgygy , how came that ? J>JU2Ve sy . #^OJo>S, premature pains- of a woman with child.
eOJcrSiBe^DffX; , to smart or ache: to draw , to pull or
English 1 ^OJy 35 OJ \; > fS UT , he tug. fUoSQpGiJ it smarts or pains . gnrrffifii(iS.!
, to row. *Uo5?)9i;'G^r1"nn" fJiG^T-iOf
has no use of his right 'arm . OJfTjLDOJ T jSCu , the
way how a thing may happen. _i|l_JL_ll_.U Qj LO , to go a rowing . ffiT'TSffifEre TO <>PJ 4Ti Lg 11U
to it will happen, that will be the event. |i 11 n n 0<S%(^9y> the load-stone attrafts iron. LJ rr LU OUtSfli
QrfXlQsUTLCSUTf^Q^Terr , come let us do sS^Ogb to hoist up the sails. OJoSiJt_i , pain i coniul$0. .'m'Gi_irt(2cN3T<nrre
u wr '_0 nj T sion; rowing . i^OvT*UcSl_1 1 | , an inward convulsion .
Q*U2SULa ! you owe me money . U Q c5 *.9 tI j5)<Uo>Sl_1L-| , an outward convulsion . QiWOl
., *>53<.> <55>5 3 so gy , to OOL_ll_| , a trembling convulsion .
cause ene to come, flrj^Qt>rf iL>8o)xBtEUDSU{ " fUoS&Q&SXjT , aloud:, distinctly.
tfUofffcrO , roof-laths. &QS@tU *| 9 Oc>
IJ)"JB5S5TUJ , you hvc caused me great griti . ~XI<fjj
>fi, coming. ii)i5ff5(Tff, the time for arriving. laths of bettelnut-trees . UCWsTUoSSFFeso , palmyra*
laths . tfUoS^F'JOfrewf, lath-nails .eUoSrrcroTrJ-sjFS
eUQ)f*S<ftLje , a row, a file, a fine order.
<nJi2>i.LO a year. tfUff) ''CsS 1" ^TU uO , 1^0&/ to fastea palmyra-leaves etc . by latb*
ilfiB-TU^TLO , annually . cu5P.i-Jl5Qlj H 1 tied on them .
fuoSfij, strong. moSSTv Cm <r tro opj < .40
new year's day j the beginning of tac year .
4V> (* ** auheiitttivtly. CU ei s T W <S frrf uj to
OJfftfkWO i nil . GU4U>




" fRt neivy difficult thing .

put; which never will have an end . OJupKSSt?*^!
to use
ojoSuj, long, big. /5.'}. ueujm , i_iwrr serf g; G 5 T up. ffi*
* ttreng Sc powerful person, . OJ CfS LU T" tvf chicanes, to prolong a contest by tricks.
-)&*> , to be in use ; to distribute , to give.
, the strong and the poor .
fUoStU > of one's own accord , voluntarily, without OiyjfnVeSnrgG'TCTO , a word not in use. F
3D() Lp oft 8i
g; f to distribute sugar i /t */
ecelsity . ruoS>uffmsTiS>i @^rT l_j l_i (g *
particu&ir great joy .
|J5> , to interfere in a quarrel without necelsitr .
, s^y34_LLjGl_|rT(i ; ,
djoyjj valiant , strong, heavy . OJ^aGLOT^LD,
frtat danger . oj ooj LUS4.UH-S* 0 / , to to cleanse by scratching the thin skin off from the body.
ery vehemently .
iliLpi ffieS / *u 4_l <rr ft" es <
fi; f
USlffieSL-J ljSt , spenk aloud .nj2/5gSJ, to be dry or thirsty. <Teer0,@g$g;T0;LOOJ i 1
Wrong .
S; (as much as .) L>SJ ) 1 ara very
YXIS/ffi)LO , violence, force. OJOOJLOei RT ojyboojaj/ogy , ^(.^'^*^
Jtir , one who ails violently . OJOgiaLOaJTWi S; . ^tp^;'e5S cT)UiLJ()e^02/, to faint away witlt
robust person . fxi<>PJSpL0LJgrga/6> *> 15) , to hunger .
<ruLp?V5* og; , cOJLp nnrr (TjQljt , to g
aft with violence.
ojvoo . net. ojifoou , to Knit net. off as a tain skin .
( c?Jt< *3 gj ) to cast a net. ruy? , a way j a manner for doing thing . OJL/
i to gather or complicate )TI Bt^Ogb, to shew the way. OjySSrT4_9- 1
he net , to folfi it up . cTffff SriliiroO , ^ , a guide . ? i G * U 1 to stl> lhe way /#
cast net . {RSTOJA/O , a draw-net folded up along
jyS{b4_LLJl_j Jlf^ ^aiieor , an highway
the shore. ileVrOO^ @Si/g:@ , the iron- weights at man . Ui_0i_J|_i_3 , a robbery on the highway . ill
the bottom of a net .
JVO iL) or (fem . CUSjryOf) USff #CTOcTi| , provision for a journey . tfll
g l_l
ne of.the tribe of fishermen that cast eis in risers. 3i_iGljtv3; , to go astray, to mifs the way.
, CXIOOOO , mighty . OJOOOSDiU'-O, CUJO XiUa) , [5ii LIJTOTJT AjyS, a trodden path, a beaten way
*"U 3S3 tt> LD , power, might. sllCTOCTOfliacT (fem or road. OJL/rgBt rfjt (Ket^ogy, to walk in the
TU JOCTOi_5 ) "XiffOCTOLj? 4jT , a mighty one. way . eOj:_0i_iT(iJ , a use , custom, habit. OJu^tirr
g^ftLO u m 4- . the Almighty. (SoYTOVTiXiser , -DLjSL-JnrGGl-J /OC*llW , one
1 or^ wr i , a very strong and vio who is used to athing , or exercised in a thing . 3uy5(_J
L_jfT(g , a way , a journey ; a way of worship , a religion.
lent person .
CX WOOL*. , violence, |' O tp* /vi ^|i^OTaiySGl_ITft'TG5 , do not meddle with him.
f; , SUCTOOOLC- l_jnor ?l/B^O; , to use violence. -3jySl_llJ_Y3<ri| , S^yb'J.d0Q gl LO , CU y
^OOoLJ5-35fSTio-njr , one that uses violence. aULjb'ojTiijG U TA (J i IX . a place wnere two
, to die suddenly. or more ways meet . -eb&f iUyJitfiffieS ^, to
1; T l_ Q , a cloak hanging down from ac.ompany one a little way upon his departure. <i)L^LJ
uu aeerf U i a journey. dJLS^>1-2 jjewLO i_l ffT
the head over the left shoulder . UCTOCTCsIlTi
Si_jT(* *>5; , to put itever . xi jv, rxi t i 0,'lj 11*5 to travel . OJLpi_jQl_l Tffi ffi'T , a
^ , to beg alms genteelly drest . way- faring man , a traveller. 6^JtJ!5jB)3J<BVT , a fellowXI0O ->^055\/5*| T< /DgJ , to traveller, a companion in the road . .evrcuL$35#

fsault one violently without reason. -eUCTOCTOT^i through you , by yojr means . JJiJginff^tiiy
^^KLDTLljySffil^Oigj, to take a rape ufen a v/tmiat . through t iat itreet .
OJ3000TB<r , kind tf wat.r-crefses .
G5TLS*^;, to overflow.
rfUTOJOf/J- , foreign people, ether people.
enjutes gy, to rub, to absterge ( or scour out
njaooScrSTLO , the clafs of hard consonants .
ruaol4'XJi-0 t soi op; OJ i_l 2 i_J , a large with the hand .
youch with several partitions ,
ffU(yi w^ngy, e-u<366i_iQLJTr> eyw. OlO
oj 2fi; ^ , ^"^ / -^
ib(Cf3s-si-_aii., ru@gj0L-_tai uujooi
jC54^S an hawk .
/ LU LO , a javelin ( a spear or half-pike . ) a little boy .
Oj@35ifOJ , slippery .
JLgasas Jorruiifge^DJl'f #, rice which is not
4&) ) to chl with cold, to shiver.
CUtfilOJ'TCrO . a large bat. OJ6^JOJTCTCL?*er, beaten clean enough,
ruQgsfBT.ij , i) @ ) 6 . a coconut whose
<# ffc called pumptet :
CULjPf, JB, thrtise, the custom. ' ojupt.rG^I'043 kernel is still too tender .
A proverb . OJ'_p35?5u5(}>5^v)ai> , to bring into use.
*~1'(9>*^2 &) 10 f>e s'ipperyjto slip* of the hand. ,
CiJ!-pg;@ , a quarrel , a law-suit . ^;!-!
D@3>@. TQK@rg tolo , a slippery ground. ,
^t-JTjJO^, to go to law . eUtspejeSTCTyf 50VT , the
OJ0/ -(S^irtwr, ;(35'. ,
parties in a law-suit. jLpg, 35 , the complainant . briushawl . OjQ^avTS&G* <-P- * briushawl-shiub , ,
*Td)3-<QJLpSb '?;<rar , the defendant. eOjLp3;,g;/ru5
Cu(^T^/^. g^l , Co praise j to say.
, '(J
-^^ , to be in plea. tfUupajd^GgjT
iiiQ^LCUJ , the slimy substance that covers a calf
20;, to commence a law-suit.
*U y> 35 @ when it first comes from the cow .
G* T 2SI * Joey, to make the complaint,
fXi(Cbs^j , a fall , a ruin .
CpF t Qs<5^?06)j , to be at law with one another.
OJQ0tx>*:aciy , j('i_jQLjT.cey , to sUp,
J^^(K352'*Fi-P m (S .20
, to hear the parties . to en , to deviate from the nht way . o"U@ffilri5
fa^p&.'&ff- ? <r 5 * aS3
, to decide the cause . ($&-> to' let escape. Xi@lTBLO , integriiy.
*bip&,Qj)*e-4-. i T(Q$iGmiT(S&tr>j , to ^@^'T^^GLJffr<dr.Q/ u tij . speak isiiBIy,
liie ciitclct in .wruiif. ^^ > a d'Sl without leaving uut,wojcis_i- ilbli. (J @

OOTflTLO^.LQ.iJtfr , a liar, a deceiver, 03Tff UJ ;
g;e?(l5ojQ3L(57>oiJT.r lo oo i_i rr /3^ , see that
the thing m.iy not meet with bad succels .
6U 33 05; i *il JTr 0^ . to bring up . to
educate; to foster. -1)65655 =?5 l_J L_ , a fosterfather! OJTYTcjauOYrjvrJYr , an adeuted child. OJ
oytljl_|, the education i the child brought up.
etffi fb'oj *vtl_i'_| 'oj^vriiL-ireof, njJTUU4r,
Oj "YT i_J -jTO/f ) a child brought up in the houoe.
TD >>rr/}-i TUJ , a ram brought up in the houie .
OJ'JVTLJLJ J. the generation , the descent, the stem,
the pedi-gre.; goodnefs .
'., one's circumstances, one's good news.
_ OjjvTloG~I
@ 5 03 e$ JO 1 , to be in good
circumstances .
to wax , to burnish , to grow , to
grow up, to grow tall
CUWrt^S ?D5J v. OJ3vre3*JQ8iJ .
enjoYrg^sSOSV, to augment, to make larger, bigger
or more . 9 :o<rr5>L -Ojc^f 'TgjfS.ioaj, to maUe the
quarrel last longer, to prolong the contest. ^OJ JVT iff^i
etJOS;, to ^ecP tne fire a-burning. (y5a5ai_iOJovriT
gyS5 JCSy t0 forge an iron, making it longer . @yX5



petatos . GLJfQjiUOVTOvf CRUSTv, G?<rlJilJ<'vr

JVf , #-dOvOJoyi Off , Q^rr i (b'OJ JVT Wf , dif/erent
kinds of Hint fiant .
OJ ovr XS> *D , * / certain tribe among the Par
rian .
OJ JVT ?VK ! V . fil CN>J
X'30rf4_p. , /// IM/ / a plant.
J-(b' , rynefs ,' meagerneis ibarrennefs , sterility,
fUJOi e*rr , one who is very han ; vue who is im
[)otent with regard to begetting children . tfUJOL-O-
a buren woman. (Ii
4 (5 , a' barren sheep,
OJ^Ti (i_DT(, a barren cow.

great heat in the body , drjnefj f hu

mors . cOJJO I ^TftS
S/' tne hoily is full o
heats or blains . rrj it
fU i #, '3T*UJCl_L#,
dryncjfs of the tongue.
ffUJot g,eS ; , to dry up , to scorch . Oj^Lj
L*.e3G*TB7(5CL_iaieTr5ri , a tongue grows
quite dry .
CD^Oobt i_o. , a take, anhirrow.
/vs<Rrar(a5 ^( , oj |_.; G SR T wr (5
GlITJOS;, to clear the ground with a rake.

JO P Off1 G * 1 9 , 'I" oj a certa

to lay a child into the cradle. 0)<>$, OJ3YT shrub .
'he growth , the talneft , the siature , the increase
eo;j07V5*jc7 , OJJ0 mm ( Q i_i jo j . u
OJfYTeOJ , an house. OJOYT<OLj95(gLjGLJT JO grow quite diy .
5,; , to go home .
tfDOO/f, dry cow- dung for fewel . m JO Off
j jyttiOj asjo 5; , cSoytt enj jo j , to m
gl (SdSJQflJj , to make it into flat cakes .
bot and cold together .
nj^OcriT <f fr*nr L_0. , i/ namr #/ vegetable.
OJ^vf , Ojoyf LJt_)^@. a rupture . ojovfuj w
1 __}(' !5'5 . OJ oyf u3 f?rj 8 OJ itrr
<ii^3a)GjgT/J-, oj^vj G uj <r /> i poer people.
one who is diseased with an hernia er rupture in the belly.
nj^QjffiaS^CgJ > te roast.
Oj ^O/ ^i. ld , rain. *3j^a>3$ JOgJ , to rain.
OJ?Y5<_DL_| f. nj@LOt_|,
OJi/W , an hole under ground . To>Soj4/Wr ,
L_j A.L_ii_JOJr3 AfLLXi , a rain or flowers.
rat-hole, su yoTi_p_ . a short curved - cudgel .
njjXviBLD , poverty , want , necefsity.
6U2/CVr* JO&J , OJ.t/OYT rp g; i_j rr jV) ffJ , to
<~Xl(3)J0 Q m T ( , i potsherd j a fellow good foi
bend , to bow to become crooked . e_t L01_je"jJA>vT nothing .
TgiDHT, one who does not choose ro bend hi
H^gt-D, a kind, a sort, t ! I fJjCUJOejLD,
back , a lazy person . _t mMOJi/oyrnja^G 9- uj kind of silk . E/T<itfiJ^Oe LD , incense . G 65 Gl
i^Oi; , to work hard . TQGeST 1 en l_ B lu gOJJOe>LD , a kind of spices .
fflrJOo**. JOffy, to avoid , to rejefl \ to abstain from
*U/wr<35jQfl;T JYTY5*j!!Of>J , toenviron , to beset
er surround a fort .
thing . m t reo 3iucu^#gS5 fjjeor, on
132&,&>) , to bend , to bow or crook a thing who uses no tobacco .
OJJD#LU35 tolo , a time or hour reputed iy hea
5^oja/ovT03*.cDc5J> ^^^^
JQSJ . to surround .
thens to be an unlucky one .
Ojzy~ Q i_o , trade , traffick , merchandise, com
TU " i OJ/OvT6"iJ, , creokednefs.
2l/fl5 j2095J to trade, )
fija/WL_jt_| , OJi/cJVTeOJ, i a vault , an arched-roof, merce. #D *0!$6:
*3aVWl_ii_|g;@(ON3e5@L_ii_jT 65 * o s/, to 9>35LOrf({>6Sr. g; , to give work / weavers , painterr
make the plan for a vault . OJ/or<QJ, OJ /o/r 95 eS etc. for trading. 535 , a merchant- ojjgy
JOOjerr, one that knows to make, an arched-roof. 95 955 JO<W , a faclor, an agent for another.
* OJJOf5LO rr trr , a matter , a businefs ; new* .
eTa/wruULD , an rrm ring .
OJyWTUJJO XI iyWT Lt5 oj , glafs-armrings as OJ JO 5 LD 05 T0OLO t (he present time.
women wear . ril5/c4TLIJoS(5e6!ogi , to put on glafs<$& cli^i ojJO0e5&/ojrrjo5;, te
armrings . OJ5/WTLU(JOff5Te=?fe6iX>LDaT , akind of increase. OJ y^i/Gbr , njO g U , an increase >
earth or mineral - sand which glafs-armrings are made an augmentation ; an enlargement .
OJ CO i I LD , dearnefs of corn, famine. OJ JD LJ
f . OJ.l/rjvru5cvOg/r35@ , a bundle of glafs-arm rings. tfU/OvrL^G*4-*- OJ2/CJvTu3oO05 03 T ff, TOOLO, aridity, drought , want of rain . OJ JO t_l>
Qer , one that carries glafs-armrings about for sale. |9>JnjKi^55T * JD SJ i to maintain in
OJovrovTLD , a canoe j a certain corn - measure used me of famine.
in the Mysore- country .
' 1
* OJ JOLOLO, a secret hatred, a grudge, a rancor, a- peels
OJOVTOVTOO, ?0" t ojeyrovf or spleen . OJJ0L0LD) OJ 5 8} JO / , to bear a
**** */ " kitcktn-herk . Q&T 9 J grudge against one . OJ JO Ll5 , a person that bears av
iiovrovroo , mother of it .
grudge . OJ JO L 03 86 JO
, to aft out of envy oc
Ojovrof 33Q 03 flr l_D- , the potato-plant . OJ oyr spite .
m>avt0&, CUSO ^UtSuirJ&lita





frow dry. OJ*) 0; (g ont LO , a pond that never to go off to cease. Ttr- QiXlTTl/i lj QuiFSr
, the army has decamped . ( TjTcTXiXJ T 'RJ
grows dry. 05<VT5?) XI SO SO t-JX 05 * SO J t
to drain a pond . ~(g3 ei/OO 2I XJ XI
20 l_JX 35 :^irrf9rQj . the piin has ceased. eOJ T TU S SO J
XJTfRLjGLjTfi'SOS;, to take off, to remove . <^"
/V) s; , to -dry up the mi.k in the breast.
, to cut one's hand
^i_j(fli._irr^ar ;, an arm that is shrunk or wither ^JOr lj^saajeTU'T'TeS
ed . 6X1 50^2903, dried fiuits. ill ffl
oS ft a off. <r^"5AJDTSxiT'K/*Lj uT(5)5;,to
depose one, to dismifsor discharge one. _ <ssy 4S
g>j ( (^Ji_itG^os; ) to dry /mirr .
XI '/ or lo , xiora*rLO. tue color . tf ^0 [_ 22ajT r/@ , diaw back your hand . (235 CS 5
( ? Lp0566!Oxl . to intermix a col . iU^O<HTTLD 35 3V 6X1 T Tv; cH ONO , dealing with one another by borrow
L-.J) ffr 36 3>J ( SS XI 0,
SiV ) to colour or punt . ing and iendmg , or by selling and buying. Q <rrj$xi
ST2J SO etrr i il I nr I , a coloured mat . *T XI c2>cfi@LCtfXlTrW35 04DT ffr ffij> they are fallen ut
XI30 W *2>LJL0 TuSif^aseS^OS^ > to be fair or beau with une another, they are at variance with each other.
^Q- . the wall has given
tiful . LJ 9- XI 0 oor LD , five sorts of colors . # 6XJ d~ & S R> tfXl T Tvi t
njT.Ofl/ XI 20 LD , four principal tribes of InJiim way a little. tfXI T (fj 05 T LC o\3 , incefsantiy , without
people . eXlirg)F(rLO > the manners and statuies of ceasing or intermifsion.
6XJTrivi@, a kind of a dagger.
the tribes .
XJTF35LD, words given in writing to children in
CliSO'vf 05 * SO 9)J . to describe or paint a thing in
lively colors. T XI XI .00 *af uj L , beautiful . Xl2D the school for to Jearn them to lead ; iVem prose . _2J57
XITf 6E (3 lO T ff. rj5(2lXIT, is it m prose ot inverses?
eefUJH , a rhetorical figure.
OJ'OTLD . a forest . a desert . 11_. a wood Q LD O-o X) 'T IF 35 1 , the superscription of a letter.
1=<_0 , eX)TFA)55?i JsOLO , habitation . 6XJT
land , weody land . 1 njTful L_l ojst u *
giJ, to live in the woods . XI iot XI T # , an hermit. rarsXlTiJ- , XIT xi 1 #350YT , the inhabitants of
heaven. ffXITFLO TL5356 SO^J, XlTFLOLJxwTSHi/
CX'gJTjf^rTL > a desert, a wildernefs .
s1ijT35obt > an envious eye. Oj-ot Qstr^m- . a &SC , to dwell .
sXiTF3>o , the door, the entrance into an house , the
cruel heart. ~u rar Q ( fem . xiHnQwTg)
if ) an hard - hearted person . Xj3BT05TLjxujour , a gate ; the inner house-yard. QJfRfTl 1 tfXITFOsD,
wicked and cruel person. 1 > l_5 4S up , an heinous the fiont - gate. X)T9=0\3 95T SOIT 5trr , a poi 1er , a
doorkeeper, ! ir OnDlJLJljx , the steps before the
fault .
door. { 2jtx: XIT ? o\3 t the pi incipal door or entrance
X|iOTl_| f . 6"XILC(_| .
into an house. XI T F 0\D 05 B. C? ,.the door-frame . dXJT
^-!, the door that shuts the entrance . Q65
XieoraorLO V. XI*OeorL*t
(5)\0, the street-door. ^(TgeXITFCsi. achouldiy.
tfxirrrmrf . erxiitrrrf _CTLO , the / /re .
T *of i the chief ministers/ a ting ,
6<"<:5"$ , certain tribe among the Indians. X)To\;l5
* o"XJ T 9- rfHT , a smell , a flavor . tfXITtF </ >T
tfXjT XIT(f_5LC , come!
6XIT05I LD , a physical book . 6XlT0j( FTA^g ctrrgj , well - scented . dXIT 9= < Q 5 rf SsotfU , to
take the smell of a thing. iXI Tf eVPOT g; I Q & SO
Ti i physick, the physical science .
6X1 T fS LD , * e/ , waggon or vehicle of any gj , to perfume 6X1 T F i/OUr _2> o oi l_i (3 UTffr
5^ ( c54_rxuj595vS5J ) the smell is gone.
Und , to ride upon .
ffxiT35<wr ( f*m njT<) "UT05T erOTLCSD/ii. jot
eXITFTLJ), a comedy, a play . 6X1 T F T l_Jl_| 0
a fair person; a modest orweli behaving person . i 0ji giiOB, to write a comedy. X1TFT L_ll_j55
05 4_D.4(5*^C5j , to oil it.
e5Tu55053985J > t0 be well regulated .
6X1T ? T >5 ' XITIU .
6X1TSD05, Qt-Jf^SliTSSiPF, , *->rfLor sT<nB T ,
6XIT# , better . ixliXlT^gsesiT^KeTiXITtfaJTUS
>fo nameof a tree . XITd0;ljlJI Oil . it's bark. J
the patient is better. tfiujT^ erX)T#UJT"
/DO XITS 95 i <poyr?V5<nj >5 . diffrent
UJGjI19= , the disease is removed or cured . XJT#
f it .
OJfr3585 , to cere. Q o^jld J4^|6XIT# , that
is better than this . _2Jx f opJ LD
6X1 6X! T*
he out - does the other, he surpafses the other.
( xit; ) ^105<>95*.25; > to be
^/61#, half full. 05ftfOXIT# , as much
odd , slight , strange .
X)T0;bSuj'_O . a sentence; an oracle. _ajSX)XJT0> the fourth part, jtj 4X| 6X1 T # 05 eetn (; gj , more
6XIT rr ff; XI TT
CU-IlO ! a bad oracle . ftUiUTd a> uj lo , a good has been found kjr measuring.
rfuuTviQcbi <5S^ i by your not coming the businefs if
6XJT0;1j>, the mouth, or the word spoken with miscarvied (by yourstaying away the busineis is spoiled . )
the mouth . <njT0,@LJL_| OOLJLJu^fJitSyi . the word
6XlT#3)^ybai/ , to read ; to play on a musical instru
i one who know*
is spoken or come out of the mouth . _i|6XJ<>WtfXJT0; ment . X)T#0505
G?CroC?95i Gl *" > I heard it out of his mouth. to lead . 6XIT#eVc7r , reading . T @ J SXI T #
*XIT95|g Rffn. 3<65<?0 a publication . XIT05(g)&!v i/otrr , reading and writing .
X1TF# , carpenter's adze ( or axe. ) XITFttlUIT
KlCi a fault in the speech . XI T 05 @ @ sn LO i a
deposition made before a justice , or before arbitrators. GcnjG^S^'K* SO Si) , to smooth timber etc , with it .
ffX)T^@?0{TUJiiSLjewT?Hi/ *
to speak in 05O\D6XJT# , a stone-cutter's tool.
one's behalf or in one's favour . XIT05@0;Q0; T
gjgy, unspeakable. 6XIT05@ ffjcSijLD , a promise.
6X1TS #05 30 Bi) i to desire, to wish or long for
611 T fS (g 8>5g>L0LjWTea/ee.*agjj , to promise . Ai? , to hanker after it. 6"X) T S e^. a pafsionate
longing , a vehement desire , a great affeftion .
(UTf (XIT{gL0 > a dispute , a quarrel .
xitovi* segj , -^^ * 30
6XITI 05, XITflDI , the letting out horses,
to take /Awij given or delivered; to buy . dB jtX) ;F- waggons , palankeens etc .
xi ri_T (Jtm , tfii r
) come thou (

*$jt<t$; , to buy . ^^.



* slave or any ether servant.

exiTi rrL_ii_jewrf luttlo , * kind of an oil- (ala . 6\ifT$mosv ~iJTafi-jLj(5&/i
XITL-- . a fenced plaoe , an enclosure. <*>im 9 tiS to vex . to trouble, to pain , to aff'.it.
GvJoQl-jTLUcS^*^^ , to break inte fenced , a dispute , a qua rel . OJTf <5* 0
to quarrel , to speak obstinately . XIT^;3595T j3i3 ,
f>lace .
brawler , a wrangler , a quarreller .
^ITUJ. XlTOff .
JT(S*OeU , X)TLAl_j(2LJT.0ey , to Wither, UTOyaLO*JiG35'Tl **' al rounds .
*o fade away. tfXITi OoQfXO^ejr>3, a dry beetle- * OJlfti , pain, toi merit, plague. SUT OtfSU
leaf. XJTi__TH> JoeXJ3;B-05.A preserve from I 1 ( .' <5J > tu suffer pains or torments.
withering or drying up. tfXl'M rr LDjtK> , XITl TU) )$, fjr $$JUrrfr , a schoolmaster . *DTt
>C SfiBfS i
namcoj a flewer whose color dees not fade 5fi>L0g> G >!-*3\3 i_i T yg- St S/, te keep st
away . /"rf. Fula de botam . Q Vi /WT6XJ TI TUS school .
/OO , /A i/i md / /< flower .
UTcS^ ULO., fHTgtlujIJD , GLDOvrflirr J
XITl the tide of a street . & Lp * (_^XJ T ^OJiXi. mu4ick,
fjjTS^i cas ing up, spewing, vomiting. OJTr^Utwr
)| , the east-side ef the street .
cXJTtSi_ , XITSLi-iR 05 T 5
1 north - wind. wreusS -vitK? . to cast up , to vomit . 4X1 T rg,i_jeiurreeBf l_|
) T ft) I
2) i g
(BS gJ i the north - wind blows . Gl_) T (t; at By) , to throw up from the stomach . X
<X)Tf2Dt .uZQ3s%$i&eFU , sail with the north- <OT0;(gilJTg5g^rrfr.8TL/ 1 bave vomited. eUTrrjJ
Wind . grj f}- tfi) T L_ JJ l_0- ffi @ 7 . G 5 0: (^fjn HihtjO&iJ , te take an emetick .
TUTOi LUI LI_.g5 @ 8jJ , a full Boribcrly wind
CUT ju , the mouth ; the opening or mouth tf a bag,
wound etc .
X (3 ^ T UJ * T ffi LD , a mouth*
blows .
LD, drynefs i leannefs tlopenefs /rft* grounJ, ful of rice ffrjjgjjeijTLiJ , the place where flankt
reo/ etc . which causes the water to flow off.
etc. are conjoined. illTu3(3'Jv<-bt-O-IB*^!0?ll
(*XIT4_Q- ) 0j jot ^cvOJTH-p. , three times. rgT beat one's own mouth 0/ of perp/exily or saduefs . UTUJ
Op, OJT4-&. > four times .
to dt-ny a fact or. debt. OJTO) T (g *t
OJTi (5- ojtu , just, good. @t3 yj oJwr, OJTOjTtJJL, a prarier; one that endeavours t
1 TLUi-Sl_a5(35errr'> have caught the deny. <nj LCG^OC- 05*-5OSJ to spew , ot cast up.
bird . OJT4 THHUTfR/tZOa. to buy_ cheap tutluGl-) i 5S/*^oeii (Maiffiis; )to cover
r at a reasonable price. (JrgrjgQcrrL/ao r <*t 05 the mouth fin of respect . eTU T ou <T
OJ T T U3 (5 0505(Jcrci/uO > this employ or verbally, by word ef mouth. OJTLUT , the breath.
OJ TOJT tSQ ^rr^atffi; , to breathe j to yawn,
workmanship will not do for me.
6jV, te eat im sxt ti_Qj66ok; , ffUTM-SJ-dB*^?^ * Ke XI T lu X5 OJ T LD cro g < u5
/ wither or lade away | to vex one cruelly . T moderately . SX) T u_j SS I 541* , one who cannot
^VL /Xl^crr CUTI (5 *
g; , to vex one peak when necosi y xquines it, one who seems to have lost
hit tongue. eXITLLjffeovrgovrGL-'er^C'SJ. to speak
6"1) (_ , l_JTrwrtX . rocket , XITraTTvl mumbiingly . 6XJTMij(l^(S > hold your tongue 1 eXIT
(P.l (1}08J, to make rockets . XI rr wrr'ff F T UL)l_ie=TrrLDTUJ. flatenngly. OJf OJRI Qj
,/vp ! , one that makes rockets. iUTW us (5 /V)fly , to kerp the mouth jro spcukiHg , xarin; //c.
O{5i (GTTV5t5<rr-*-^a' (S f <li xi rujesQgsT^QujLjTLL.'GL-iT*
<Qt Sti*OSx>) <o throw rockets. l_l a) i fljT to talk big . CJ7 LU F T Ci er , eloquent speaker,
#ssTLO rockets used in a battle. ttffiTiOJT an orator . *XJ T LU <R r LfteXJ T fl- 7F G T
mttlO, a sky-rock*r. Fff^fSCT OTsrtB , rockets l_0-<5 ff >/*. ff) , to be very mourntul . eXITUjrf rJ"B
that in a circle . QcyrijtT>TLD . rockets that G35Tevrty3gj(rfJ/r s>rr
) the tongue i*
jo sideward among the people. yjcTDTeaTLO , a sky become moist. XIT Ujrf^ff )1_- ^G^J, to drivel, te
rocket with rains .
slabber, to let the tpittle fall in drop-;. eXITUuGe^Tl
cUTgrtpoo* the life. XI T gg> TOO DflTl_ * LD cr (b.5?&^>SJ to be unfriemlly or austere , not wil
ling to give one an answer . tfXl 1 4 " " my , a chat
jOi) . ,0 vex one. cruelly.
XJTgBptYT . 6XJT upTJToyr .
tering wench . tfXl rrit il II T^i
, a saying^or affirm
eXITf l_ilo, X)Tf >LO, trade, comreeice, traffic. ing , a declaration . ffi 4 CH 3S @ 4XJ T OJ L_ 1
sT3JT*OTf fr-rj- , merchants .
SuQuT (S*/!0
, to muz/.le a calf . XI T Of
XJT eref airffT $ , a certain tribe. cOJTwf LUT . G i (SG*^" J*^0*2J*er *ne that bv his clack;
(/rm . X'TswsfcFo6 ) - / that tribe .
heats down ail that are against him. eXITXlru
XJT9>lX . an hypochondriacal humor in the body, ^05^, to cry or wail Tike a child . eXl _;|
flatulency in the body, a cold pr insensiblenefs in one or 8- tT<30Sgj&-0&) < te peak freely . _orr^(g;eXIT
ther part of <he body , rheumatism . XITFrfTLO ,
LU up ch ov /Dv' ^ lij i new thou cantt not say one
sOJTgTKG^: Twri_9-5 5 530ffrfTUJ , a flatulent word, thymeuth it ttopped . g/T
*XJ LU f.
body i a body disordered with melancholick humors. XI T "
^CV * . G 1 ' XJ T LU , one whe
fi>T4gQrrTffv.o .a distemper derived from flatulence or 1 peaks like a wuman .
rheumatism. OJT rJi-SfeG^G0^1 LOt-C. windinefs cXiTLU9Tcro, a channel , a trench , a brook , a ditch ,
bilious and watenth humors, the thret causes of diseases. XI T
1 to succeed, to presper . ? lUU>
o"U T tj <> 6: U_i ' , eXJTfjfe?TCX>T, ne who is rgevr^iijeXITUjgSJgJ , the thing has succeeded well,
para'ytick in his legs or arms . (J evr IX l_S eyr i/oyr (j S3GTGL^JLl5^I^LJC>CifFoXI7tJJRWC?<>
XI T 5 LO , a paralysis ( or palsy ) from youth up . eVtjo > that plank does nut agree to this', xj a lu L_j l_| ,
Kv I (Si^iTgUD, t5rffl5rt>0^JTLr) , a wen. jsuccefs ; agreeing, being fit , being to purpose. eXlTLUU
*J$OJTg>(-0. a spasm in the "heels . OJ T fj 5 l_l l_l T tu XI TiS/Qnplf 0i< QOi) , te came opportune!
or acceptably .
sCUTLUSUJLe v. fX!V3$4JU3 .





UTOTT , (t tern kini tf faiiy .

fu T S U LO , you:h , tender age , eOJ TeSuSi
^^ , a yotath , a lad , a young-man .
OJTdJtfTVJ windinefs in the bedy , flatuosity . OJTUJ
o~U T IrtJOcOJtUfr f . eruTCKJiU iiJffr .
*^4QeiT<HT*V5&CtLl,t9 get thewindenefsorflatnosity. "DT >o , a tail, trail sr train . OJ T 00
^, a -tailed horse . 'TOjOJTirDOe
there sticks a wind in my suie . ojt lu iL- CU i_J l~5 L.O-. 95
eS.iOLDtJgrfjSL/ , medicine that drJiipates the wind . with the tati . @04 cTJ T TOO ^? @ ; , the
L_j T ff * nj T LU ) , a lamenefs of ene ! of the bedy . horse waas the tail. eOJ T 51 ^^^
C*-*S*riTUJerj_| a enerual heat in the body .
comet. cnJTv.LOYT (g, i . QLOJevrigj.
J43 1.
OJTcre- fi LD , money given in advance to people
(OJ7 ii , a pond , a pool .
thai till the field and to be received again without inter
est when the cVn is reaped,
an h< ly day frcm'ichiitt.
eOJiT(LeA:a5j . trjjTi_pj5$ f^ et *i /, be
OJT/TU) i tfUT/Tj^Lt LO the part of the pro
G I_it, a mariied)
duct of the field , belonging ra each party , vtzt . to the well, to live happily . cOJT
lord of the conmry and to the inhabitants, or to the woman that lives nappy with h-.-r hushanH. OJTy3"J t,
prosperity. eOJTi^tfbjLjQLJiB^S'-0 all mac near
owner of the fielst and to the fatmer. tUTTU
> $J , to give tli* part of the piodu whom it, of prosperity ; great riches.
belongs to , i_l OJT/T LC . the whole procul. Q lD.t\3 fUTay) i a plantain-trte. Port . Bananeira , figue! , that part of it which belongs to the lord of the ra de India eriiT tft tjp g; ; er 5221) , the plant ot it ,
country. @uj X'TCIJ , that part of it which belongs eOJ T Lp R Q T AJO , a bunch of plantains .
cOJTSLpg5e5o:i!:'>o , unripe plantains that are still
to those who tilled the field .
X OJTiru , a week.; a day of the week. 4f??jg; very small. tfilT ffiLp 5 5 UJ , unripe plantains.
HJTTLO > Sunday . gT'LOOJTTtJi monday , eniTffiiLpLJL-jyJLO , ripe plantains, enjTQLp.,
IX Tvl m 0>* CUTO" LO , tuesday . r tf3J L5 XlOJ ?r _ , 51, the stalk of a plantain-tree. eOJ T 4 yp"
( l_i$$in TUt ) weatnesdjy . (#. 5 OJT IT LO , tluirs- [JT/J-, the rind of it. irrSjTOYf cTUTtSSLp 4 . trtjs
day Jf ^ (t^Qe^JTTLe, efTtrL.satuiday. T^if . Qlotc^^ojtJ Lp , Qui 5r
eOjTLp v. Qixrrrp^eer .
illCUT 4S Lp
$ , abridge.
a red plantain-tree, - 5 il T SS Lp , a black < .
flIT iTTS^jlt i much , abundantly .
rxirrrf i the benches wh>ch roweri sit vfom .
(f5(f LlJfbTdcOJT Lp , another kind. QlJOJt
srxi T tf , a torrent of rain-water; an abundance. OJT45SLP , *n ivjerior kind of ftantnin-tret . 5
(SflieSTgOJTyi vMe of
CcJfTdjrr'f fSi/wr$Bi)BiJ , the crop is large .
*<5*^; , OJTrf yQg; - V5 *
, witd fUnts .
to gather up from the ground by handt'ulls ; t like peo
eOJTLpgiiae > delight, felicity . eTJ T Up fe <-*
ple out of th* world . OITff
CO 3" T 5 ay . l_l * O ay , . to get married. XI T t_pff>e<f.Ui>
eUTff J5eS f flf 5J , a, wind that blows /A/sag/ away LJLJ Qlj*3T , a yoMag married woman .
from the ground-, 1 storm .'mmytf Q*u_(&joei) , ?5()1*^05; , to wish one prosperity ,
enjTLprT , Ufo-tinte.
to sweep off from the ground . rfFjfrsT ^ ,
Gl-JC5Q^f,''i,e5e>f''s:,:<,v:; a" epidemical fever, * iiiTLpjcre 0
to cause to live happily ; te
pest, a contagion that carries numbers of people off. make a woman live happily with her husband .
which wear oa>
CUT Q,< 2>Bx) ClJT/3-iJ5;L_l'r(5 * CC ) , to
clip or snip laijtiH-haf for tt unite upon ; to par the the upper-part of the ear.
JtesV in order hy a rem* . OJTrfaait_, the shied of 5i) T i/^YF l_* , /* tf * fish . (p5 TT *Vyr
cadjan-leaf taken off io the length .
, -^y>
OJ T 5 Q ffi T 00 , a broom^ for cleansing the ojwg5T<reriJTiwr . ^35<t>.
>/ , different kinds of it .
house .
niTfJir , t pole for carrying something en it .
eOJf CT , a saw . em <T yf cy ; , TU er , *
**8(~ LO, LO, a timber laid awer .
from one pillar to another for auppornng the roof .
UTfi), tocme. TUT , eOJTtSL , coaie i
fUT-,1 thong of leather .ru<Tirm9i*ebF, OJtQjOW , I come.
girdle of leather . OJ Tif-j;ofiUJj33/ , a rope of leatherOJT T)ac5 a word, ill T ^5 G 35 T (5 95 S1
thongs, *?&; anhorse'i breast-leather. *OU , to promise . 4D 95 LJLJT (5 , a promise.
iJeerellT", an horse's cmppir.
(SOIT ^DS)c5t_ILJfr(SQesrr(e tt /0 , to give
eTXiT'w 40JO) , to pour; ta cast a melted metal promise. eajTA3i5i_il_JTGG^fi'5S^ * -2 BJV*
ato a mould or fon . <ru Tfu LJSJeOJTiJ-ejeO to fulfil it, to be as good at one's own word .
, to serve up tt Ae gam/ all kinds of fluid nourish
eniTZZi-lgx) V . Cl}<Tif*f,$A) .
ments, Marres, milk etc. ff^gjasv 03 05
eTXlTeeru), the heaven; the air. OJT W cOJ
#"#"<* Q Qj > * P"e ne conshy . mT&LJ Tjt i" , the inhabitants of heaven .
erurreoruBL-JTl-O- , LDnranrriiJLjrri-O , alarle .
Uffr u L, 1 molten asare . eOJ T /J" l_J i| '
oDJT ^c_ii_jQ njireKt , casting of metals .
X , a monkey. eOJTWtTftie- 4 t-0 >
(UT^OlFifl , a bill of lading. eUT#- many monkeys together .
UJ tf T (g Tf-, . good* tent by sea for freight,
OJToTg0;'Ty , a turkey.
0 T Ov> eOJ tu fr , youth , tender age , juvenility , V d 65 1 US, a malicious obstacle. rS ^ i L*
TU TO\D*r , eTUTcroeOjtijerOYr crvTiiieer , a youth , LJ lT 2221/ (
fgl , to put an impediment in one'a
a lad . em T aro #G,Tr<RLD , eOJTcSuj#G*T-35LO . way . <j5 i tjffiTa , a malicious man , a lo*c MsriiU fr 70U1 uf . iilTO^ISrf ujwr the disturber , a turbulent spirit.
01_., ill will, grudge, ttctct Jiatred >
#DTkULD , tntth veracity .
OJTajrfiasDfwe;t-0 ctrttin mtditiml sttA like


if 33trorBi 9; fl C , an adversary . if !wr * SsfUTe3'^ , faith, belief; confidence ; faithfulfi! g5i'-(o9:'-U95-O^ i to do allling out ot hatred . nefs, trust, if ffrOJT# 3586*2 ^ _ to believe. 9
if ;h <-J L_I - , if bift-JLJLO , a difference -bitumen U T# , a believer . tdr U T ff rL oer LO , _2Jj5
, incredulity , unbelief. j3 Jr J T
things or persons . <rl fi i_J i_l LO l_I ? 8> 0 & , JJTU3
tnjswr ^ffaJTy fieaT, a trusty person, a faithful man.
to nuke a diffrence .
fs8r^UTFc5OTQLjrf(3ci\3<205T(b'fc^ff^, to give
of 55->0 a minute of an Indian hour.
if 35T85-D, an impediment i a contest. if 9jT upon liust . 6TJ TFU U5 ^, faith and love ,
g LOi_Jrrr jro^*^)^ , f ?3 Tg35e6.iO05J to hinder, fidelity. ft J T ? LJ LJ T 5> 95 L , the denying a
to impede . if 35 <T 95 95 T _0 < , one that uses tu trust or deposition . tfSTfUfff LJ LJ T 85 93 * , a
treacherous peison. iTfttgcSriJJTFLO, thefaiihful
iaise differences, obstacles and quarrels .
* 035'((_ i lust , sensuality, lasciviousnefs ; the kee|iig of a word given or spoken.
delirium ot a dying person . _)iaj__/ 35(5i-J VTTLO T
tf S T Lp L6 . iifG 9- US .
+ ^^11?- LO , a particular thing or matter. fi
',e 11 grown lecherous, if ifirrrr, a lascivi
ous U lewd fellow . if 95a tr LDt-j^rgJ^gi/ , thepatient g^i-LOTeorg; , cBC^iCg^SJ , notable , excel
lent , eminent , most conspicuous . 6( .11 :>
is already out of his senses .
ffOT-LO, the chief thing. j^^o)^Q^jiQ8-.gSif 95 3:5535 ffiJ) , altercation.
if 3S95cts3, the hickup. ff ^^--^* 5>&il , this is preferable or superior to that. rH S ff ^ <L
d&x> , if { 95 T i fb& & oxi, iBovcb* iXiT LU, especially, particularly, principally.
OB) , to haye the hkkup . <i tfi ft C\) U) .__>' l_J tsQLpLO.tffiQ^LpgSoO, a word, a news ,
e"U t LU32 5e LP LO T tu , by word of mouth . <nr
(2 l_i T F Of &xJ c'ie hickup has ceased .
if 65 * _D 35 LO a molten or graven idol. tfl5 5 B5 5/(0?(-<1 , by a letter or note, ffrdj
(FL-PLD, good news; the gospel.
Offi -y,TT 5_/ffT , idolatry , the worship of im3ges .
il2>y, a spring; a trap that snaps, a lever , a bar to lift
if ^ezogj . o^ i^ogL;..
if 95 AS E> -O JJ LO , sale, veiidition , vent, _ up things . iRFSeU f &*05 , to lay a trap . jar
(Ljrf joifij
ffixTU 5(5^95 G 95 T WT LJJ. r5 9>
if 35<_._DllJ _ , the keeping a cook's shop . i_?i
4SI if 9>2).JUJU3LJ<>c^2_Hyi_ SU to S6" an ^, he has laid a trap for me . if\ {> Sg. Q^CCIJ, to dash against a tiap laid.
l.o i-e .

* if 958E<sarLO , a misfortune ; an obstacle. if 9585 ^5^5S^^_LLJGLJT(co9;'f j.it5<! t5

54-4>-LjG LJ T I I T rr , he has overset the
<05 5-<" one that causes trouble.
ifTOgSOYT-O , diveisityj tergiversation. ifTgs t>r je*t , he has set the bottom upwards. rfjirOO
to btnd a bow.
o/ffo&^oi) , if nf\J95vf -l* LJ G -i * sr> ai > iS f Q UJ & O Bxl ,
fT\/ *c^ul_JewrS22V*^SJ , _jTx95CN llL-ji_j idjiffiF&i^gesjgg/r 95 * ;, to lift up with a
U ^ /rjgjj , to make a diversity ; to treat a Jrienii lever. jj a if 5 t_j T F - < 'he contrivance has
er relation as if he- were a stranger.
if Tvl 95 ovf miscarried. f3'i3iFUJTUJ , fast; vehemently, itfias^
^^; . to be diveisifted; to disagree lutluGljt^jw , he went away angry. etfiaiF
if F -_J , a fan . if F _/ tS CD g> i to fan . <dji UJTLU 2jl_0.95osC S; , to lay quick strokes on one.
, ten times . Q<5
_5,ashiub, whose twigs with their leaves resemble a iff ffi iJSay, once . i_j 3j
fan . ^-^ i ljrif F_i3 , the wild kind giSaiff , for this bout . neigbtw: if F , liow
often? (Joi 1T'-O^"f3ifi , oife inore.
/ it .
3>f-it,^O^j , to grow angry . ijjffiiFi-JLj, , anger.
if FiTij LO > ore, sorrow, solicitude. ifFrr_"i_J ?Frrg .FT93Lj@e6_S9g5j , tfjjTO" LDTt3395*r)S; i fFf'j
if Fffr^vf , / / very fwift little bird . cfiF
LtSiS'^OS^i to De sorrowful , to be solicitous, rg CO
ofFTTLO > carclesnels , neglcclfuliieis , supinencnels PrOvf UJTU36g5<lL;0/ , to be very agile , nimble and
if F'Tff 95*__>Sx/t to take cate of thing s to pro expedite .
fG':T(S' odd shoes, stockings itc .
vide or procure or examine a thing , or inquire into it .
@da>T_!BU_<_jFTrf* > take care of the horse. @
* if i(L LO US , -niaignity , a malicious contradicting .
*_0"95@1_|57>: _;sf Frrrf > procure grafs for the
* ifi-LO . poison . if i. rg g> l_rj. F G *<5
horse . TBTOTTQ^igQ JJ ior_a.<4f FTff , enquire foi
the news . it; 25 g /OCT gTUJiilF TT 95*.20 fTGor , he died of the bite of a serpent, ; it >095
g;, te examine one's cause . (g5^G* -jgjll- G95TLJ?.ifiO.LO, a fiery serpent , a basilisk . if __
off Tff 93c6 O ffJ to g've a proper correction to a _JT95LD, a sudden swelling cf the body , occa: ioued
guilty person. f^Tif i 1 1 i , care, procuration; ma by the supprefsion of sweat, if i.LOL_fi SS_Ojyt
nagement, adminis-ratit n ( examination; the district thai to dispel the poison . if O- 15 (S ld i_5 D Q> , the
is under one's care, f f <T rf _j i_| ^ 9j -!_> , an poison is dispelled, if Zsx G LD 0 _ , the poison
has diffused itself through the body, if SO.L_>9568_0
administrator, a curator, a steward.
to turn into poison, if i.u5 g;s> ijbt , a sick
iiiff , a pair of wide long - drawers ,
person whose meal is tamed into poion.
if 5= T oo lo , wide and broad, extensive.
if p. 0|6 , plant oflarge leaves , whoseflower
fiB# 5 ( , beautiful, magnificent. *"_5#>; has somr resemblance ofa lily ,
if __1__.(* ffrr rg) , f/ii of an liert trowing
O"L0i_i9vTr2221/e64O5; i to build, or decorate inagm
along the ground bearing a light -bine flvuitr .
ficently .
CB&rugsejrf &&*CtJ , to explain.
f#i_juicro_9> , a bench , a eat to sit on .
if _5<5 , ample, large, of a great extent,
<fF_v5 V . if *__3 .
-/AifJgJTCTLOrr o*T l_J q etrarr LO laige town .
ifffr95i_ 0,95 Co 95 T OVT V5 XO /, to grow
if A>eje3T<TLOTajGLJ9T_O^/ , to speak at large,
Cupleased or disgusted.
if _/\)ge>T(T <5 b T
or , ene who uses to raskc
| a cloud f




lang speeches .
&Q8i) , to put a thing a crois the way . 11 I 68
//\j95^wtld . prolix, ample, Urge.
"fiiAJSJgJ , a t all discharge of accounts and disputes. Q{RTO\D, the diameter,
fil 2SI , dung.
ifii/XiTflLiLO , wide and broad , extensive .
ffiemr , cSrS5EV i the htaven. flSwrGSS?!
cBi ei@, (run, marrow i flesh .
the blefsed in heaven .
tfii 5Co'3' '** m' / * thorn-bush .
dwr(S, separation, division,
(p L_l wf
^' T<^3c. fil , to tremble.
r i rfiQ) < j/A.gdtti<JO fi/, to shake off SSuet^Qfi/tto separate, to divide .
-finwi"innm_iL_iuD a humble addrefs or supplication.
Ar i/ or .
* rSi | ( a gap, a crack. f( 5i|rfin #U<}-, <~f wnrr i um |eg>rgS>/t^p >, to supplicate .
rfSSLO, the way , the method , the manner, the form .
a wall that has chinks or gap* .
c< oruj i e~Si TOJi_)l_) warinefs, faintnefs, fi5U3Tu5<5e5*^Ofi; , to be of various sorts .
lafsitude . r5 i T
* tj gj , to grow faint anil ifi T lo , beautiful , elegant . j} g " T
weary. cfii-Tu-ISS/iil* 9 fi/i to fall down l'TluuiriiQS;, to speak eloquently . erfirJT
from wearinef . rii ) ID , a very hot T9ST , cSgCTewrf i an eloquent person ; a beneficial
time. cfii TOjgTiJ-rjfi/fi/ t the wearinefs is over. person .
S 3J rfi fi LJ M > variety, diversity ; inecmstancy .
#-fii_jO_e$ iogy , to nse , as the sun does . rSLQ-lLirw
fil , CfifirfifiUj
55;*<2 jo Lfi-iug ( g Q ) , rfi rfigrfifiGtfUeoT Af5 ff;*
L^.eS*3G5T5G > , early in the morning. *jj i_JTu3<5^</Dg; , to be lukewarm. .
L-O- HITuffiT 4_u U-| t_0 , before sun-rise, tfiiup.
ffigeeruj , disgust , displeasure , tedioutnefs . f~Sej
i the sun-rise.
r(5*.40fi/ to 'et t toIet looe; to leave, to quit, rt-ji_J4 Q*i3fi;, to cry out of disgust.
to abandon. C,i_lT05rfi(5*4O/ to let go. rfi i T ffi$TiTL0 , a canopy .
LOC^uSuO*Qfil , to hold last, rfji TLOiBLp ,
* jt$ > cBfjaUFtO , the fate or destiny written in
an iucefiaat rain . iS5^o , $5>0 , setting men's heads, as the heathens fanty, ed3seS^fi> , te
at liberty; liberty. <Sffigi(WUJTS<Og;, destine , to order; to write.
cfitsfiTiTLO v. c5aa55Tctlo .
rfii_(>cfi (b'eS^Dfi; , to set at liberty; to releaseout
f prison. ^^T5@w5(nB5< , rfiSUJT'LO, difference.
edB5>uUT5TeTLO , teaching .
be his abandoned the vice. 3~*.^/
rfjCSi^Ofib to forsake. ^a><UI'_3cS(b* O
<S$SUJT uTtrejW , one that studies art*
and sciences .
tosend away; to dtsmifs . rfil (5<)0 20
to kt 4 thins alone. rfii_ft'i_l(2l-lTja0fi; , to grow * rfitJStuTLJLSuJTrLO, the exercise in sciences,
loose or slack. ~5'4-0-!)9'@&' 'l '* grown bese. experimental science.
(J m rfii see |> rf i t-j C ii t r) a/ , to go i5fi) . SQ
away from hence. drill Tu5Qt_i5tfliTrf 05 < < r
-fi95fi/i_jQ i-i""* nfi . f *9Qgy .
tii^G$fffl50l3oooJCTtf4w.T'" , the Lord has * fifi/tfiiTetT , $
in t ir jL * , a
sent the pest into the country . (5^^0 aar poet
Qi_OaOiHTfii tQB}, do net bring trouble upon
~Se;>)fi , an art , a science ; a handy craft; juggles .
me. Qi^frajfiy T oor , he is gone. OJ r aj; 6^5fia^^er>ffi'TWtv3*^jb . to leara
T ear , he is arrived . ff t & fXi B) t D ) BJ an art, or a profefsion . rffiefiajT<5*Ofi/, te
rf4 . left the door open. -$|) iSiU g juggle, to play legerdemain tricks. Cfi fi fi gj
Rj rfi , he left it lying . rfi35*-> By) , ffiiToeer, a juggler.
Sbibg'Ssyi-iMS-osy. to *ed wy. rfiGJdjgj rfinSfil, the sperm or seed of men . if'Jjfi/OJL^
st^Ofil to rid, to deliver. C(gff,iJD OtJJT* /JOBx/, to OJTUJ , by birth from human seed .
become freed or released . (J i>0 T 4_ T 3~G , if ~n>ffi>0j, elegant , curious , artful . rfi^Oejsj;
, an artist. rfjTjiBrJKTi^ (*>* D fi/ ,
ot, ' jUunwe-u/j-T4 too, if he does not come . /^rr
tojL^fiG'*^ 9i) . nt^rfJ>4_eD/i_ju|*iO/ 1 to to shew curiam things . cdsrfffifi-SJUQ. ReS^Cfi) , to
do wonderful things .
accompany / a little way upon his departure.
rfiCR . lodging, a harbour , a shelter . 2(5#>*^5(5 rf5'-je5T<ru) V . <"jjg5*T/rui .
*-iO&i ( QwsTffi 40 fil ) to give ne a lodging . fi l_i c t ij" lo , adultery ; fornication. rfii_J*vr
(TiXLlfiS52Ue8^Dfi;, to commit adultery . rfjLjffrr
dSft S' . lodgmg-room ,
rfi(5> oj t u3 t5 05 * D ay, to be single ; to be T<wr , if 1_1<=5> i an adulterer . rfiui
B=nr,ff , an adulteris .
alone .
ergon , leave to go . rfiBi UTfKiaS.40fi/,
* rfiwjTkC , a narrative of all the circumstances ; the
to take le.ive to go . *1 G951" eF* ) fij , to contents of a speech or letter. *^fi-jff0$e .aOfij , rfi
{ive leave to go . 45 Ql_J .fJ^psor , hehasgot l_lftSfi/FQFTCT025ye6fi; , to relate, to tell at
caveto go, (iei ffiQ ffiTLii chicken to Tar large. rfiiiTLDTLU , at large, wjth all the circum
crown as to be left by it>e hen j rfi i
J\3i_5 stances. rfit_)Tfi(2eTQ< Q&oir , hear the wholt
of what pafsed .
^Sffifi/fii fil W
has lefr ike chickens .
rfiiSi et
g/ , tu become disjoined, to split,
rfit-irffiLD, contrariety; an extraordinry thing,
to cleave or chink . rf))i__ *5e6-CgL> ifi-i fifi/ rfit-jrf 5LOi_l*MrrtSa;eS..iDg5j , to discompose or dis( rfiBi TJfil ) tfficb'*^9 fi/f to olab eut secret . (ettle . rfiiiffe53>TO>CLO , a change of time, a bad
*- a i L_i_lTliJCF.TirO>2;e6 Gfi) , to calumniate, time. cSiitffi LD L3 4D fp filfi/ , an tt
thing has appeared . rfiuirf
G**r , abadi
to aiperse .
ffit_l<mTer , one that excels to thing,
t~& l_L # i a rArJ r c/// , bearing red power ,
Q <5~U L-!_ # , another kind bearing a white flower .
5 0 a,nes f cew
iSn_^L0 a crofs-oeam i a thing put cros the way dawb their forehead,


6"jS CT T <Jv3 , river-th s called . Port . C,
r i_lL_)t!5 > 'an **ting or spreading sorW.
0 I oo*Tj3o"T^O , tta-fithof that kind.
iiDLOJvjce, pure.
jff^35i ( . a pannel for liullocks . <fj5<f 3551_
Qi-OTyoei lo > a total expiation .
' SlDUJ) , the body itself. J rf] LS LJ LO , (5=51 (1^!0() , to lay a pannel on a bullock's bak.
rfet a gi , trfriijQti'T^ceFj , to ope itself,
the representation of the body .
to extend itself. jS "f iUTearg; , what is wide open
0\3Tu3(5 seS^iOft/ . to be hard, grim , froward , stout ; or extended . i^f o^<f OJTUjQl_irr eS O Sil '*>
to trut. - i l3V cu5_j{$ o s; , to ob in lay things in long rows .
erfirf 5et-20SJ t0 ' Pen ,0 "tend . Ji
erving fiuauSLjGi-iT^ grow hard
iujjS.f 5S; iILJT /J" > eS .iOLi , to open cloth for ta
CDLOuS J0TLO asO(J" a flower near blowing.
look at it. ijSrf 55yi3)(T35 66.CgLf to peak fietly .
5 JJ.085 .0 , 'vain , fruitiefs .
rf S55O^G0'Tr@&C43 > amplification & diminutio u.
HJT^LO / . "SilirreSLO .
rfj.UTCN)LO , anxiety . ra UJ @ OD LJ LJ ( poeucat jignres . )
if ' * . G > 1" LO l_| . JJ
rf F ONO
(5<t.08L/ ,0 1,e sorely fflifted .
c UT 058? LUT LO > a commentary, exposition, billows beating against one another. IF o-o Tvi (g <j5 rf
interpretation .
J_lT0Bt il-i < i_e i_i eer ge eS FoS JO JtiffiLJ Uli
the boat met with difficulty^
, to explain . rgT^Qf 855^ (g 0 between the toising billows .
tfrfuU<rer, ijOrf LU- LjnTLDt-) , tr<f iWVTfrff)
iUT3;5ajrreerG':.'rao01" G 5 > don't make
if , a viper .
ff lu @ _. , a young viper .
comment on what i said .
tfjauut fftfuu lb, a difference , a dispute . dS uUf8* L_)BI rS'f LU30T . 2j?vts;j5 rf ULI - , 05 $ rf
#ju5() es-S;(G5T(,w*yS3/)to raise a jSrf ojear , ,(<^ < , tfci (j if LU , ie/ kinds / vipers .
dispute , to be the author of a variance.
rfrf , extension . erSrf OJTg , wide , extensively,
SluT8> jo . i50jTLe .
*jSfTF#^ '-, Scorpio , one of the signs of the xtdiack.
CfituTg > sicknefs , disease . "jjuj T LU T UU
Oiffgi e=~o , a tree. ,
ed3(L* *00l to fall sick. tfjBoJT^sejT * ,
* ~()), a distinguishing sign or banner of certa'tm
da jUT)/"Ug5-*rr , a sick person.
tfjSLUTCJT( trade, traffic, commerce. cfiaJT tribes t trophy ; a mark which masters in fencm* ,j*gt"~
l_i T (Tu3LjeBTS2i/eC3gj , to trade. <3lutl_it Hag etc. wear. sifiJei/asGeSTLJi. , a banner . i55fj5
SJ&.T VT , a trumpet adorned with a certain mark of
if y *jBu-ITI_|.TCToar , a merchant .
dignity .
<^i5S3>9;eLpojiOT , < .,*j!a/qfgmsr. ' y' \

gl, to beany where or every where present, f

ij3(259iiLO , a certain kind of ver jet .
3jV6~jU:fi!JUTLj . the Omnipresent.
^"SyTa banquet, a feasting, an Vntcrtainment. ~
gj lu ., jupiter the planet . #XQ>*S5lUTi_P
jUH_lo > the revolution of jupiter round the sun .
jj t to invite to a feasting .
*~fa < fi/
) > thursday. ,.
<jS lu rr<>r yju5 a place for burning the dead . G ? TCb'SSeS^Jg' . to gve an eiftertainmciit . it35

feast. <d5
TRLO , <5"0351-_11_ , lust , lal'civioufhefs .
! ibjsoT , one that is lustful. < 55TLQ., C5 t5 <"rr , r5 (25 ns g/*, a
e; LOUD* 0 swr OJu*r , one whose lust is increafed . guest. ^^/ ^^ croGJ' ow" (b^fSC&J
ff3J[5 <35@5</ 1 two guests are come to uur house,
iSfrffiGiUleWi the torment of carnal . lust .
6"jS 5 LJ i_i LO . desire , wish , lilting . edl^LJLj'i-pT
cda T (6$ , intellect , discretion . c T 5
LU 5
OJOT > a youth that has not yet attained to the age of <rerg , desirable , agieeable . tfj<fJ5LJt_JUj SS SU 9
et >0 g; , lo desire, to hanker after a thing .
discretion .
6^0<25 _oi_i*-Ob/,i to desire . id5LCiJifjCe>C.
*&94(B&05 . LOTI Q?)
with' desire .
fl T5<5 LO . jDTtJ^gai/crijLjD , continency, the etSy tu
sjQcrtfeoTLOT. ij3g(TTe=*rL0 .
gift of continency. 6"(T5S<n- i (/. *-0Tg ) ne
ijho has the gift of continency.
eC&t&tT , seed of herb> and plants ; the testicles . cS
e5 S/ ; ovr , different
, a finger i a toe . jStto^Lj? . the knuc |4; . jSba
kles of the fingers . (&&)6^'> iS> I , four kinds of seeds. <(*-'> j30 S; , to gather
fingers breadth . rf)T 0 5 $ Q OsD (J LO- * the seed *f herbs or plants . o^BsS)rS5(gjS(5 >
*\5*.40; , to keep betwixt the fingers .
to let a iilant grow for seed. tfjSJOCrjULj^ , the propa
(rcrcrQ io&ti <5<iOfi; to point at a thing . garon by seed. S^Sl QL-tn-Q^^^OSy . ^&
Gl'tS^T^o . the thumb, jy, oyr 35 5 T 4-9^S &-C00) , iCr^SS)Tffi*.iC5; , to sow eed . tffl
TTC, (gr L_. (5 tfi T ON3 , the forefinger. rgft'cS STl_JLJT(y , the quantity ot corn to sow a field.
, luTlol-iccStcki , the middle-finger . jjewrf S!O,0-<TjJ 1 LO . .(or ill T 5 '- . 4tSa"
, G_DTd>TijTOO . the ring-fmger. jF^S3> jfffbeiLO , swelling of the testicles . jSlTcSl ft'
i3; , J^ua-ese COSH ) to geTd bufls , tarns etc . by
" i trroTQ)iriiTa\0 , the little finger.
comprefsing the testicles.
, . .
"X'JJ, > ceieruy , speed .
ifQTTf rj), stools by a purgative .
e^T?v5*OSJ V .LT7V5*
goerr , a pagoda (rf gold-coin . ) iSTTffiwr tT rrr
(ejffin fKiet05/ , !> take a
Jb)btV65t ^Dfi>| i to coin pagodas. rfjTTS"'*'" LOTi urge, dji GcrTffcJOTLfj^STi a purging physic.
j3G''"'r^iOT - O ffL) , to have ftcols.
, the intrinsical value of a pagoda .
jB G < JLD . conirarieiy . enmity . fQtTT
<EuT T g> 45 t_o , the collection of tribute or rents .
51_|9521/*. , to opcSttE S95T^O*trr , a collector of rent or tribute . t& ico sit , 5dS
'pose , ta with>unJ . tfiiG'TfT5 -1> ;- tj; .
tlu . materials for a work.
pe.ik Willi en i , to ennvty . -, (>(5
TToS, the name of a shrub blaring a whiteflower
^ .. ^ . @i
QrOJfQrToS! tnuher kind, btaring * rtd fitwer . {.T'TSUBTffi > against one . CTff fi<% ) >




GL-lTL_0e5?B O !5J , to clap a patch on

coat . @(($ , / an ear-ornament.
950 , equity, justice.
eSoJ^SJ i calamity,.
1-0, matrimony. eSeiJTa; LO L_l
&Sx/&/!Qgx) , to many. efT 93LOL_rr*Bf fSiR
, to make a match. eSj>JTg;@'/\>g>>-aD'
a married woman .
. eeuTjj) . eSffiTU).
(g 05 T 05#.25^ > 10 MV* person from danger.
> variously , by sundry ways .
(gLJ>-9><W-d JO*Le;fl3!e5*>'}' 3S ovr , the
* efiGjjLo , eeuGiiS5L0 . wit , jmiiciousinhabitants have in a seditio n manner left the town . nefs. eoGJ*. cSjr-, efi G eu 35 95
5*(S<rfi>2 95a5ti)TL(f5 S*^nCU3vT , a menstruous 955 i a wise , witty or ingenious man .
eLpLD v. eSi..L0 .
woman .
( : @6 o^j ) -
el_pLDl_4 , boiled rice . eSLpLOt-jcjgi (^ TO,
t Q&x , to leave a place in a seditious manner. want of victuals .
6fOO8>cueh JOrW0j 65) eu 0 * > . to spread
<LpcO > the name tf a strung reed-grafs , fit for
the net clear on the ground , so that no part sf it thatching roofs, efit-p 000585 i (B ^ (B > a hou*
V eis the other. jOT06rg 0 66 O tfJ , to stand th.<tched with ditto .
eysT , _eSLpex| , $(> , afta=t,ahoIy
afrr off .
eSjOTO, fetters. rSis3-W@GLJ T (S*O bl day .
( fS4jG&09jJ > LT.
) to fetter .
efiyj, <3l , the ejes. /^; , to open
TOTvl > beast : rfj T^fjfp F T $ , beasts . the eyes, to look up.
;4iT , eS TOTt_JL_| DLO , eOOOTiLJ 3505LDi
eSQeS^og;, to fall . eSLp5OVTt5 * & &U
the side or fiai, It of one's boJy fi JoTG^H1-0 eBLpi_JL_l(gB5gj66 ; gy. to overthrow , to make a
person fall . etLpeSl (J}e6 6)J . to dash /Ain^
L_| a rib .
t>f another person's hand . eJjLpgs^Lp , a pit
eS?oT'"K;@ an ee'
eJOT0-._C . wide, spacious. (BT^gvOJTstfi fall . (Jorstrr^ffrrg: (geu^yefiLp^eu^LO , the
arrival of more goods is still expected. LJTtfU^G045*^
CO T 8e _c T (S . an ary and spacious house.
TO T 4_L OJ JOT i/. eS J-v)rr.4_9. Ojiar .
g-Cew, to fall into sin. <r55<wgi)i>o<fi
^, to assault or attack a person . ^"<nj5*sr
eS TOTLOtjFffiF , j570TU3(_S 1> G OJ "
4 *'i' / reed , whose root is well-scented .
(b'G5>,;5>l>5BT'Gl-DCToeS @ "SBJODi an "y hat
e5/00 . eSiflX>05B2>OLULO, the price, the value. invaded the country. r0Tt_e.eoQ'ja5;GL_IT@e5J >
eS *?0 ffiTi (B 66 O 65J . to expose to sale . the "1* ceases .
>@.30>*>5; . / u3 (5 * o ejj ,
efiQg595T(5,at the rate of etc. L-jerergjBjj 05053;
A7O05 SS i S i> flJJ , to set a price . c i/OO ffreS^SSSSTrb' , at the rate of five for a fanam . t_j
how many for
-&>j)!J , to settle the price . efi rtK> 05 @ 95
G "t (5 3-4.05; , to sell . 5@''13. a fanam ? .SJSL'OTnjgeSlQ 95 05 T 4_1>. G u j5 Q
;, eOirooasefijOijjLOTajijJ ^ Dtj to , at what rate sells it effi ( wG05Tffi eS
cuy. eS/OOF0"rf FLOT LU . cheap . efi JVO U-J F ig
'050>?1 0ii.o>SG85T(5LjGL-J-'1r, f slialt
luTiU i ear . A/OO U lS - ff; T UJ , by a pay a rent proportionably to th house . _| eil !V 0>
Htistake in the price. efiirooG118 jCO
to bar Q054"SiS(b950;T t ewffijgjgffLOLj ow m
Qr-TQjLO , give me so much wages at j-ou give him ;
gain tor something . ato (Ju (SjrjSjVeS
to agree about the price . efi Q ID eu T LD cro
/ frr .
Q\XT ) > ' disagree about the price . <j5 fOO
jSQS; , 4i ero eh @ 5; . roots that grow down
'i vjg^ , TOO l_IL_1 In wards from the branches of a banyan - tree ; yarn hang
fijo G T^YJSy , il) go off by sale, to be sold . efi ing down "from a weaver's loom . eS(Q5J @ @
f>C(aJ^)-iQm^OOSJ > precious. efii/OOLC f, there comes a root down . 5@0- @ lo *r
ff)3VT , a whore, a prostitute , a strumpet .
95^&5;, to join earth to the root that reache*
efi rocrorW35LO, a contest, adispute . eB 'TO05 the ground .
|_i5()c802jV , to raise adispute. efi JO :ro TO 0595
eSQuiTircK) . un-ircw .
05 Ajar , one that raiseth a coiitest. efi uTfj
eB Jfl" 05 L , a clear representation , an explication,
;SaojvoTO05UJTU5t2)3565 .20 g; , to be in dispute . an illustration .
eB 'JO oo 4S i , an adversity.
efi 3VT05eS C-^}, to polish, to brighten ; to cleanse ;to
. jo lo rr i_j f. ejvid/po.
sweep a rom et< . eVT05 @ LO T Cu % a broom or
>ooSuu/" , huntsmen .
besom .
eSooc^K , a bow. efijoooTG^G1-! T *
eSoYT0?@, a candle, a lamp. efivr05@t5>if ,
309L/ jjajGjoujq^i to shoot with a bow. a stand to set a candle upon, efiovr 05@5g wrr (S
.efi 7<>2J
T*OW , an archer . ^)^ . candle-stick . SwrwQWi *D*LXi&*C ) . efi B
tbe art ul shooting with a bow. -oeuT T 2 @0505?5;5;8 *(7 , to light a candie. 0>
5; ( - > to bend a bow .
(gjfjff1!- i a lantern . eoVT
i ' , lamp . efievresa^rg/vi'^^LjGL-jT ee o j (
JOoo/rl_iL_lt (g, velvet.
*^^ , ^t^trcrr^s.)L_iGLjr7'*
5^ ) ,0
) , e jo^old t lo , eSooeiiLO.
/ a tree . eS TO ifOO LJ 5 S ^ . ' Uatilt . eS JO extinguish a candle, <055^; G^-J^^Sy
-. Qtmr , *V roe/ . es^o L_b 1 ^ w u lo , /* the candle goes out .
efifVT T66305; , to shine i to be elear , plain, open
tree that hat a cemphire-Sient .
jouo , a pane or panel; a patch , ifijoiw or evident. 0^"$>03.2 , t* bcevident|
^ 0'

to be
... <
Z :
'< V. t:lJ . )!. .)v..-U..

n adversary , an enemy , a foe .

ecN.d0giy ( eS >oi>$!OQJ ) ta recede , fo turn
or go from any thing ; to avoid , to flse. efijo^jj , go
away ! 85 i_J G il T Q ,1 . to go away , to be
gone, to retire . efi .*o05a6*Ogj ( j45t@i-iOSJ)
to remove,t<o put away ; tu separate qnarrtlling ptaflc from
ane;her j to prohibit . efi 05 35 1.0 rr 6T05 T d*
Lulo , a thing that is fovbiduVn and to be avoided .


te be polished , brightened , cleansed .

5; Q LO luI Jaiu5eS*^05y i to astonish . rf Q/ u5 U l_f ,
Quj 'or
rTTV()'5J/ tnat e\ideitly true. 55 astonishment, surprize, amazement.
UJiCBw*40e3 T (tojLO , a thin,; evidently just,
o" HSLD , jnadntfs .
^TV S LO \-i*O0,w%
to grow mad.
jyr i. D LJ lD , aa appearing, a shewin? it-elf. ei \
ij^cryr LO i_i ce i_J
005/ , to delay , to protract .
to pro* compa , thick or stiff ,

-!-!*-^^ te * > t0 speak .

dBS/ngj -^501_|-1-1{, to sell .
rfjovTT . " VTTLOtT , a wood apple-tree . / .
Balangueira .
JVTTLD i_I Lp LO , a wod-apte , a jyrgffTgijge^S o\ oso T fj , th^t commodity will
fruit % os e goost-e%g , tentainht' in a hard ihtll a sub not eil .
ttttce which , viten mixed tvilh niter , is relishing. e~fiovT rt tffS*.Se>.L)(-, sale , selling . rfifj?*) OIDLDT
ti)i_3#eer , the gum of (he said tree . dB^VT >-4
to go ff by s .le. ijoTo?rff g, eS S j2>
>) > t0 'av the varnish of the ai'd tree on a thing. LULO i the sellin? victuals ready drefscd .
cfitVTfLi-fcFffr i what it varnithed with it. rg
i <rf , artention ; srnaerty, prurlencf
CovTT , lt neme tf * shrub .
jB W t F U> . the marks on goods or packet; . remera . digf j; ^ t3W:, a judicious person.
avri .0 i the superscription of a Utter etc. ^^ LL! <2 05 L 85 3D Ei) <o bear attentively .
, dlwTrfUTffi /o g; , ^JS^G ^TovrfV* "^/ , irSg)v-JLJ/!OiV * SO
to make a pap er broth thinner by putting water to it g/, rsn-it-jTijjesn.j , dnjT a> o
remember g) F G " f\0 wgyifc ^; to remind
to cool hot water by putting culd water to it .
OD=Vf 35* *OgJ , to call. Qi-iT 5 @ ifi Orf one of a thing . JHfj;Tr yfg.tfiggilJTUj 5 CS
CfifgeE^Og/, to send one a challenge ,
(JCOArtM I cannot rejnmbei it.
rfli/arir . temper . good or bad j matignitv ; dangers
' CO 3*f l_4 , the margin er edge / e thing . ijB
oyf umQi_j ( u2 5^*^ roo, a cadjan with misfortune . rg.j4js^S/0TJT , good temper ; good luck,
~/ , malice i ill luck . s?T rSi/OVT , an unfor
large margins above and below .

gj i to grow *r c#r* in the JieU, er es tunate death .

mit tu or . rfj i/etrr ll| o/r
minerals , mtele, seit tte. &/& , corn in the UJer, a deceitful man. ra " lu - 11 * ,
fields full grown , fSiSJWTr 7 CN> ( g - Cu LJ sincere man. e^5i*trru3GcN3G*^'J;S^Gl-jrr t'b s>
LJ+fferSL/, the harvest is come on. rfiirtwriTJgi-JUSiJ", to peri s Ii by ones own fraud or malice. S <rar
corn ripe in the field . t52/, to nurse, to 3jT%r t/ ffr (5lO , his own knavery will betray him.
beget, to set , to plant or propagate. _L_illtfil/OvTff.03 ~&/ Subtilty . sd6-tveTLUL0(2 L_) ft
jqjfl-LD , a salt-pan . Gi_tTeertBi/t?T*40L0irco . >a/ , to speak deceitfully . 4 1554,
hill wherein are veins of gold. sdSf/OtTuutSK^o; a contriver of tricks. stB&CoTiUrgGS f **"4
, to devise a trick .
t.Og, to kindle a fire fer burning crprr . (Jgji_5
sQM /0TkL|'KiJ5fCNatD , this is a time wherein ^S(S5'J) haadsomenefs , artificialnefs ; pomp ,
Misfortunes break out . & iAWr LO > a fertile splendor. cQS^^Q^ajA^fi-JT , an artist, a
(round . dS/CVTe^| , the growing of corn in the field . person that makes curious things . tSQ p g TW11Tl_i
/01(*>& , to play j to joke. rfiAYT (ScCQg; , to shew tricks of legerdemain . e^5Q9
IDti (g, a joke i a play.
flgt m I I Tltfrt f>ffif , to make a great shew , to go
rf<rrt-V5*40b/ , dBnwT(3LJTiOo;t to open, stately or richly .
rfj 1_0 , an impediment mad* against a thins;.
to crack, to break. g ^ , they
are fallen out with one another, they separated from one ifinrrirarLOi_lwT#wf (_(3-1(* to binder
another . rftfiT ( Q ffTOO Og/ *?
g; , to peak the succefs of a thing .
in a free 2c unrestrained way. rfrovr OYTT te f , <@ *Dig , to die .
Gs'TCNJONDTQg , do not blab it out. rfiOTy5
ffiffiLO . a swelling . 9>1-0 , twoln.
Q^^GsaJ@(3riJ^U)LS^r,s/irr , things ?313;2 , a swelling appears . afffffKL*
Widely different from one another .
lTt_a.l_l C^-JTFffrOy . the swelling has ceased.
Cfi^O@ , wood.
05 I OU|i stick of <rf?TJ&2D9i) <2?1i'ei_iGLJ <T0$) , to swell tf)
have a vehement desire for a thing . Qs1 ; es
Wood .
(^offleti_iGi_lT^peor , be is pinched with hunger.
*~fiP4jp. , cow-dung for Fewel .
CB-dtw i &jmm T LO, a rocket . fj 00 oTffrnVejjo , a swelling deriving from want of victualsi
- , a machine fixed in the ground with crackers . a great longing after something .
eTffe?LD , the sixteenth part of a whole . tnS'FuS
rf-fl^TUjrrjl S* *Og/ , to run swiftly. < _i
35$18,0/ , tobe strong, valiant , brave. Oil , the smallest weight.
rfjlCvlfi s> , a fasting.
9rm)D9J, t fling f ro ray out , to stream out , ta
, f~&jXv$<Teur\Li , in vain . tfJi^v cast forth . fBgLUeT9rsJoa/ , to brandish or
<3 >c# 00OlL^(j;tf > QU to spend in vain. flourish a sword . Sffte^fff nji entO^Jt t swing
-/^*uUlo, a fru itiefe thing , a thing to no the arms in walking . *TS't0f3?e,QtT Vfji &
purpose . rfj 2VgTGcK>Ql_jrro\3 iNTUMU tiOxJ i to walk otiickry . iiiroobuje^ff
, to cast the net . Jtjnp- eTff r g; , it it hot,
kJ (5 st 430 2/ t0 suffer unjustly , without caisse and
the heat streams at ene . g/rUTrar *3?*r@gJ ,
reason .
<?fl.dQ/{JT9S CO i news, publick news 1 things the wind throws in the drizzling - rain drops, (gjif
Ujevr^ / @ g; , the sun darts it's beams ,
happened in old times .
<jo 03/90lo dB ov09Ojojit'. cfi oev 9 flfojr, a weight of 40. Indian ounces .
tu lo , rfi
5 9 T lS lu lo , old age . eTffa , u5 = , the whiskers .
Cfi tvgg rar , rf).3a/65gLpOjor . an old man ,
<ir1 a throw or "stroke . eXCff rf&Qyo
rg vvg , luck , good snccefs , prosperity .
Iat one throw or stroke .
OTsl fI l>i| Il I II 'I ilfflj very great and high. e^a5^gy,.*^e#esQTi>Tv5*^S/ . te

tite te much fer a thing | to be avaricious .
Off, Offi TCr , a house. offQ>l ffi<*?
g; , to build a home . o?4_9..0 l l t_| > the sloping
roof of a house . off u_ Q i , Q l_IT, <<^ff >
@i_l(?t_IT , go home . ? I ftoi
U! ,
from house to house, '! , 0?03-5
OS t-0 women's months . OffL_@g;(ggyT(r LO T U3
#3>.0 lr i a woman that bat ber niontlis. offi
(*>i uuOJWr , offi (g;(gaj)L_ lu OJ r , the
Owner of the house , the land-lord. off t
Oiar , the head of the family in a' house . offi (5<J5
FT^> the mother of the huushold or (amity . <__
T"4". Offi CKoJJ'AO.rJ- , doinesticks j people living
in a house . OV -i a ovr . a servant . a> -HO 65 TO
435 o/f TO? tn "g'Oll of the planets.
Offi/owr, art Indian lute with calabash-shells . off
*/"*OTQiT#35eg/pgi> , to play on it. rrrTejOff
AT > Q5S^0"CJt(OWT , diffirtnl kinds f .
Offiear , vain . off 1_5) jjt > LB ain
labor , off wbt niT^OSffi VT , vain words .
rjff*wr-QTrro2a^3S; ( J| W ffiiiogj) to
talk to no purpose . iif.>rrQi_iT-it}6y(2 o<
" OS> to trifle away the time, offgjilj Off 221; ^
@i <G""t, in vain. offgglH lo. fiddle-faddle,
ain cluttering . off """"irr , an idle fellow.
O?95l0 f LJTOCoffej-O , a portion .
Offjj , G5gcffg)t a street (a riding-place i off$
TU >arw#Q + yoo i a woman's clout with stripes.
!5S>35(?e5T'T *5&0&, to share a thing .
0.?*.! , to flog .
O?l0l_i . fnTfti in i p , swaggering , vaunting ,
OffLOI_45*TCT4)2/et ^fi;. toroist or boast; to vapour,
to brag, to bully , to hector, to bluster. <1?xljs@.
koastlngly .
Off T @ UQ_ , on* who is chosen hy the
inhabitants of a placeto sound the hank or trumpet both
n jovful and mournful occasions -,
off IT LO , strength , bravery . Off W . off T
tT*T , OffT<eWL0fT9W, a hero . O <T 1 tf, off
"or, one of the greatest heroes . OffT <t
T*Ti esr , a very strenuous man. off'J" 0j 9J ffjj
OU J , bravery, a heroick spirit.
Offer Tfuorfuui ffi , a kind of silk - stuff.
OffTrrwrrLO t a kind of drum.
OffT O-ewsfesst y> K/@ , like sum* tf rs*. Pari .
ttC'Tcinneira .
Off if (S et tt> K>> the braying or bellowing of an
tlephant etc . off f i_ JtQ 0 5 , Off 5 O
(Jireer a>B59>iy? ^oii 10 cy aloud .
Offff ujlo . OffTLO.
OffeaTFQri-O , 'Ar s/ a ftuf .
OffPL_it_|, wealth and pride.
trjffo/05T i (g st JO g) , to shew ostentation , to
aake a parade.
*DJ . to draw or delineate ,
G*aJ@ , much many . Q CJ S <T VT , a long
time. Qou4${ga>>*F.*0 , a great want. Qojffc
totjyio./}- , many people. Qnjfgrg T >jatr
tfl T LO , a vet old tree . Q OJ % OJ f lu , very
much , greatly . GojgOJTUjQrT^Ojg/ gy ,
to inculcate .
Qfv Sm^LO . muck, aa abundance.
e> (eu(ffig^aiifii , magnificence.
( ou.9) lot er , a present which an inferior is
honoured with by a inferior. C50j(Jr>LOTof <*.30.
(gru^LATnruiL |< iXj/ 10 honour a ftrim
with a present. G^@OT*Trrv,voe5'T Qfljat.>2y
to give a present.



G^U@^. * simpleton, an idiot.

G*^J&^ anger that originates from not knowing
the case . G^Ji^^ejejT >- r GJ@oyf )52
O.TOT, a cholerick or pafsionate man .
Gt-V*V5I$DJ , Q OJ @ BaTSUT/OS; ,
to grow angry .
G'J35e5UJ . G*^1 WLfl .
G^SSeSTevTLO , fair weather, the rain being all
over. G^uajeSTOrf @5; , the sky clears op .
Q 6H IF' SS 'SB, the heat ofa close place, or of the ground.
GJ9j*95 25T "^4 , loosesefs which cattle i*
affecd with, oftffi* @G*^e52>^e5 T *>
^vi , the ox , or cew , has got the loosenef .
GOjUWiiOLO V . Ge^J*B'T3;CN3^ GeajTejTUJU v. Gojmr^T-LULO .
'5< f. G*^'w,rr9;rT <tlo .
GOJ TOGw3T0.4 LO i * Arn// mtdicmt .
gOjetG*jer-A5<5?'5*'!!C*'WTe^0r'<r bad water.
(ilgfLfl , indignation, anger, hatrrd. Qt~2j&
Fuse Ojg;efj^0|i; to bear a grudge .
G OJ la , Qfl- oo , the report of gun .
Qrilt^Qo<)'iX\Ji0*Q> i the report of a gun Wat
heard. QniLaoofr^t^ffi;, to let off rockets',
G OJ uq. i_! LJ 4 flSi . anre-work.
Goji_0-Oa^iijjjq/ , the match that catcher fire .
GlL-0.fR*D6/. Gi*-0-5*u>l-l6l-Jrr' O 5J .
to split , to chink or chap . QfULJ9-(^4 , G^t-O-LJ
l_| a split , slit or cleft .
US 0=e6 . to be qualmish- by a bad smell ofa thing,
GULO-2/LJM , saltpeter .
;oj(sQoj(SGjT^rv , G J (S 05 GoSr
_ ,, with a noise .
Qfli\-L&.LC , shame . Qoji a?^ogi V Qmfdaa
_11_|(< )_ffj./ r G rui ffi i_ji_)(a> , te
be ashamed . QJi > , G *^ 1 5 Li. 5 T
ieor , Gojt ^, one that is ashamed, G*1K
5UJt_l(je5?i;w*i., to ashamed . rTQjSjey
i QOJ'i &$&>$Q'&(Sfc&5Jt*atttit one insucb
a manner as to injure his reputation. Gil' eST^Ge
M s*U<r , a shamelcfs person, one that is past shame .
Goji e505Gffi(5 the 'of of shame and reputation .
G<l/L_# , the vf a shrnb , hearing a ted umtUfi
fhver .
Q*H4 rfoJTOYT, hatcher.
Qnj4QfiiOif , an open field. G'UU G^J
ovrujTtrtrrgy, pablickly known , noterions . Q^1"
GojOif ixit UJ r publickly .
G*^J4 "TeOil . violence.
Qmu_{L a way | a pads .
G ) uu T trr , a town - servant that burns the
dead bodies. GAj4-9-a>L0 ^c ^Kt f < . <I4JPxCBlOU t an instrument to cut iron with.
OU4J>CtOJ0> * */ we// ictntmg rati .
OJ i (5 .30 fy , to hew or cut i to gravo .
Goji (5 a eat or stroke . Goj4_.l_iG UTfl
Otrj , to cut off . G*^1 (5 ""^ *
/ , to DC
eut ort . GJ'-l_0-tJ5G^T ""^ tJ T o Sj t*
break thro' /* mrm^ fighting . lOrTLG
., to fell or hew down a tree . LO*wrGm< (5*
, to dig out earth. l0OitG*4_L , a roomoty
or Tndian spade . Q OJ -J?. 1_| 0@ . a beetlenut cut in pieces . ptf$<SirrQi~XM (Set/Ofi/ , to>
grave seals. G*3J' P*/wr nioney lately coined.
G~ui Gm ( airuu . bad
eain. G***1 *@'^5@,-'1-1'/< ^> SJ to watch opportunity te steal. GOJL_(5wf, a villaia
a 1

a fellow that deserved to be cut off. QfX)U_Q( TU
Qt_jffr35 OQJ to speak very severely , to fret and foam.
80jt (b3=e6rf . govt.
ui (b'QOLii Qi / lu eS gf , to
Le very hot.
QOJi 2>< groat heat in the body ; heat of the
ground ; excelsive hardnes of a metal . QiUI l
GsjiT'iOTi OJffTi one who it troubled with great heat
in the body. Q'_aff-Qoji a>\ , the white!.
S2)i rgTOYT . vet) hot weather .
GXiLlLJTirX> V L-JTirOv).
GOJ"n gF,06T , /Ai of a fish with protuberant
eyes . Port . Pcixe olho de boy .
Q'Oior503U>, braf's. Q<nj*wrgs>OUi_5r'K/S,
a brait gun .
Q<nj9rrg5 7vig/ . whites-'one , alabaster.
GojerirgjirujLO , an onion. Qcxj >""t g^rruuej
TOVT . the ttulkt of onions QojOYr^/wr QffiJ'T
<fjTUJLO , garlick . ijjrf G qj ft, T lu LO , wild
onions .
* (^3JB*Tff";TrLD i bot artificial silt . )
Qsaj.wrF(TLD/TLC , gUfWrTiJLOair j fan
mude of hite hair.
gfXnr, the hollowncf, of a thing.
)1 Q)'S.iC-gj , to grow dry by the sun.
(OjwSi OJLD i a little bell or trinket tied te
a purse or to any other thing.
Q->D*5t gg>'l\@ , the neme of a tree .
(gUwrrgsirf > '*
/ /'f> .
, Q OJ oinrr nnrf yco , a cadjan bond or noteofhand
without a mortgage. G OJ w ezsf yr>i LU T U_' tQJ T IV
ftCBx) i to borrow money by a nete of hand.
QiOjjraTef A3LD i white color.
QojttarQ'T'U ( bitter. G ^ Q iU ~
GJfi .^OflJ > to churn milk, to make butter.
GOS"" GS3>-# / . G'I>Tff# 5iXInrrg>)2>/r /Ai n.ime of a herb .
G Oj wrr i_i T i a *<</ /"
for verses .
G 6U es LO wlvtenefs , white .
* GtfX'ejtscTu , 5a>^j> a widow.
Gnj/L_il_) i Grug^l_il_ILO , warmnefs , warmth;
a frothy dianhcea. Goj5/ljl_| ^*^1
agji QfUSJLJUjsT*.oSx; , to grow a little warm .
G^S^lli_J( { i the name of a plant .
<TL.'S;i_)L-ie6/!Og; , t* warm , to broil.
*D3L/U>i_i* 20S; . t be toasted by the fire ; to
grow ripe or dry by the sun .
POJ56TOVT <v. Qtfxi*O)evr .
Q^JB}$ v . QSVCOJ .
(fUff>i/TK> , beetle, the leaves which the Indians
chaw. Qojg;^irtJ05^ig5cS , the name of a kitchenkerb .
ff ffr ' if, wr , relations , kindreds .
GOJG5ffi>LU -D , dill '.
GtOJi-Jt_JLj , heat.
,GtQJLJL_| , an offensive putrid smell . G^1-*1-)
rT ^^vjLD , ditto . G*L_iU|llL_)TttOJ , a hind of
iisteinjjer in the bowels.
Gwi^iriQevi^Qi-j'!cri)Q Lj - et o , to
speak in ari'angiy manner,
GA"-Dt_io?f ftiSgJT -uS G> 93 * / , to be
ha'ighty .
GOJLOi-J*-^'?).' , to become ripe too soon. GOJ'-O
UJ~0, premature fruit.
G.tfi) ID sun - shine the heat f the sun .

*- 1


GJ'-uu3 jo^tluk; (^u> y@R;, ^5^@;)
the nin shines hot . GXILUlSoS'G
. in the of
the . QiTXliUlCvSQi^Qrrijj^jGLjrTQ&JOOiJ,
to diy in the tun. '
Gi5(5 . wild cat.
' '
G<^Jc5i ffi* x> toteare, to r!rive, to fright.
G^Dfbtyss^os;. Go-'^fGG^-J'T/ogLi 1 1
be Frightened or seared .
G^o^b^ishinent, proscription , excommunicatitn .
F T iiri G >"3J LLJ 'T OQ)> te tl,rn ,nf out of the tribe.
G >'XIo5^i!JTeeri_S i f> OJ , cloth r.ot closewoven.
GOJ^G^G^'^'^^-^^^^'^G * T w
tyf566 iJDg; , to struggle against death .
Goj3\3?/* OB), toovercom'-, to conquer; to get tht
victory, to carry the day. G *^J *>r0 tOJ *er,
who hat ciMiqueied .
GOJO-.ji2/i5> . G^J^5
Goje^JCV^j^a' , GojuGojG9 difftrtnt"
gOJ\f i the field , the oren field \ otif of doors ettf
publick, open. ruLUOCGojOYf > the corn-field.
Goj^vI1 lot , a roe . u cvf ii3 rar # tf *
eovr , the beasts of the field . Qe^jOit Q\lQ-T/0
BD , to go cut , to go abroad . Q<TU9{filil2o<!5(5^
jCOSx) to be abroad. iTUOyt QluGut(i'^06LIi
to throw something out. G^^iS^'-jGt-Jf^QSJ to
do one's own reals , to ease one't self . eOJOvf U-iT !^
gj , to come to be kr.own . G^JOvf T 5 * i- 5f
to discover. G<iJ(>^l-Jl-J@ * 49{5J> to PP" l
come forth, to become mantfested . G OJ ovf U Il(SS
)^> 10 ;1^ known , to rev eal, to manifest . Goj
OYf UJfre;ERG'35'r<?i*-iOtS^ > * "dilucdale, to demonstrate. GOJOrf <(5 * . to blab out . GOtI
otf&e$ffi;QTO<>2i>J&OBi) , to speak openheartedly . Goj<JrfGl-11' <E
T CB clearly , plainly ,
perspicuously. GojOVf LUCTIl^) , notorious. G*^*
<vf LLj/j'Tv/giLOTrt i^S' , to become publickly known .
GojOYtPiLO the light. Goj./f F 8= LOT rr Si,
blight , clear .evident .Qi-yjO{t f-grK-Qeil G5*-iD
SJ . Go-'Vf (gcSES, to give light ,
to shine.
GOJ^V53S * -0 , to wsh linnen ; to grow white
and clean by washing . GOJ*YKt5 By & i/OO , clean
cloth , a cloth that is washed. GtflJt55fi>'l-JG1,,r
, to grow clean by wathing. * Lp f (gjG*^
1 @ 5J. the day breaks, it dawns . GO-.TV51-JIJ,
a whitish color given by washing. 11
GojovrGcuasouDcrLO t/ . (oj tjr ;
GojovrayTLO, a flood or inundation , a swelling of
the river j the rising of the water , the tide ; the current.
Gojoytoyt ( , a total inundation of a place or
field .
Gojovrovrrf , a cucumber's -pUnt . Gojovtovt rffs
e>rroj . cucumbers . Qs~xit?tr <WtT i_ji_lLpu3 , a ripe
cucumber which eats like a melon,
GOI^iTOYTTQ} , a Roat . GiUWVT Tt_ @U
LJTOO , goat't milk . G^^VTltTiTL-QiiEet TUJ,
a he-gpat'.
G*^JvTOYrrr4_i , a slave- girl, . '
GOJO-vTOVTTSLD, GOj9vroyrTWtUS , agri
culture the corn in the field .
Goi^ToYTTf , the steam of lie-water for ciranting linnen. u5| 36 0j?a-'GOJOYTOYTae-fi ^1 (5
&DgJ ( Qi_in Cb* O
) to steam the lumen with

that it a downright falsehood .

lie- water .
Q <OJ cyr oyr TLpeer, QOJ^rovTTun- , one ol
the trine of those that are husbandmen or tillers of
{[round . QfU woyraypnf , a woman of the said tribe.
fll oyr rr * s 1 . the tribe of husbandmen . is without wjik, or who is not employed with the rest of
OJ4TJffr1v/(Sui , a village of husbandmen . the people . Q ill ) l oVTTOjCJT^Og; , to come
(Tu oyr W T ig Q F p , a merchant of the said ti ibe . without having any business . (m^C ^a>(^> ffiT aow
Q J (5><* QjoiT
Qiil^rwf , silver j Venus the planet. }iXl<ryr one who is bare-Footed . Q
OMf 65' , silver-coin. QcuJvrovf , 9*85^^; . G> 1>5 cofj , tocme bare-footed.
Goj o^vS . g^j K>G,mco-c& , viaory . G^j^o
to wash over with tilver. &,<>3(S^U AT oyf , white
copper , mixture . Q OJ oyr ovf loi , / -^GS'T0(rV5*^; to get the viaory . G CO
of very small river-fish, Q oil oyr Oyf' Sj5 Lp . waononsiy . G J^O-sG*^J(55"
vanquisher, conqueror, iriumpher.
D D , frklay
/ / medkinal herb .
GiJJ' oofi~ , wann water .
GOJ * OVf LULO , tin . r
(iiaU) , G^-,5TY'rL-0 swiftiicfi, nmblenef ;
GfiJ iyr oyf \ . the lungs .
heat, anger, impetuosity. QU^ (>$ , a swift
(5 TT 7V5 l_i L-l , white salt.
horse, ojr tLlQiiigi-O , as switt as the wind.
(7- Si) V5
garlick .
G U <(5* @3>5-' Pa'e 'e,ter a* they appear G * S 03 oyr 1 -or , one who is agile, quick or
to old people. .|( 03@G*XIOVT G-ovrf^T" nimble. LO0T (fllfLO, the swiftnefj of ilioughts .
G *3J640 e^J . > burn; to seethe to be boilieg-hot .
WS(5S~@/ his eyes are become dim . G<ruoyr
G *VT (yfl9> 5J 35 ff- T t one whose eyes are dim. GsilTjSjGdT-SO S> , to burn away . QiUfRay
G"ITToTff( , a huu^e consumed by fiie, G^lcBT
8ffH'eyrGVTodr eaily, quickly.'
aioyrGoyr-Qreer-d 05 0j .0 5J , to appear t&'fr&Ogi , bricks not well burnt . ( OJ
Ox> t to set on the fire .
ery white from afar off.
G Ol 4 0j
G^J^S S^CSJ , te boil.
QmwZfWr , white} the whi;es . QoHafTiAW
G*^i( spying. Qtru&'ft'rro'm , Qmvir jt
_4|l_0.ftB6.2agJ , to whitewash. GeUCyT 4/wr g, rr
SELifgj , whites . appear . Q erxi JVT jl/wt ,_c ZV -{i- , 1 sfy G*^JuSL-jri'i*fi* 5^- t0 'G OJ J/r itiOin 65 T 331 , a while man. Q (TU oyr
*^*951"(^ . burning . G"J'*e>T(Sor >5
4/cvr i_j i_) T i. > r LO t Ard of medicine, sublimate i , bricks well burnt ,
, G4^1^
il.^osS , a tigerof the
ercury . / , the white of an egg .
G^Xi^'TGfvT're t oyr c , a wambling of tlx large kind with stripes un the skin .
(OiFai . , GojFfT&L.-. i sorrow , grief, weariQsujS , drunkennefs.; furyi piddinefs . QoiJkJ neb , languor .
OJT 0>^05^ > 10 oe sorry , tu be low spirited.
GWiTovt v
S * to -get drunk, _i| d'il
@Goj^x5 >-r(j > 5; / f c5 t m S / - ) lie grew *GiU#i a wh^rc. ^^ , a wendrunk .
<TlJ?S'35(5GiriJAUS^v5ujrr.'33@ cher , a fornicator .
G'"Ui9--0 . G^J ifl-Bi'-O > G"i< LO . ashapej
g; ( G^J-SG'-OS ) he is dead-'.irunk . (o3J_i[5
; T J , a drunkard . Gm^3s^T> oyr oyr an outwaid appearance. GsUA.lD(3l.|(6^0 > ,
fUitrr , one who is often seized Willi a giddinej's . to nusk one's self. Q tfU.u)LOT.aa/ (S 32 ^ te
di-gnise one's self.
&-Otf:Qrux , fury .
(ll^.- . QnJLlffiF .
Qm *07&tDff)J , to grew drunk by liquor, or
dull by anger , mch. eis etc . Q<TXJJ^$i!3dii.DSJ * : ~1j ii/. 4_l , cloth of 4. or J CUbltS .
GJ' oe.- C/rm. G'TJi ff# ) one of the tribeof
to be drunk. J4i~um>&(g)G~bJ
bJ > he. is
drunk . Qey}j0 e> g ; or oj lo , a famine . Qfn huntsmen #r people living in the woods.
(J \l
ib i , a shew or speaade. G^J'-O-fB
^0&>&:LJL-i'rfrir;&4&BiJ , to tare atone .
G'^J-^5t 1 > drunkennefs famine. Qoj^3l.i as^'XiTuSdS eS 4D S1 , to be pompous, curious,
worth seeing-. *^"-9-51-1/}- 05 eg SO j , 16
M 55'TO\3LO , a famine .
GiilV^e^OK; . to hate , to detest , to deny, to re view a shew , to behold a play or speaaclc , GOJUJ.85
nounce a thing . Qgyj ^Qt&t-jQ^jrrQii/y.Qj , to- oj , stately, showish , grand .
abhor, to abolish. ( &^ &0 5 ,
GoX'(b'. a cloth tor straining something through a
t deny the world . <T 5(> LO -J (TU
3S @ t_D cloth tor covering
|* a pot
G 11 m> 5 $ G) @ ' > wc ai,: unfriendly with G~U(Riajn- 1/. G6^-! *trr.
each other . o-r rrjj (5 Geilem 0f @y > if ,u,'ns G i_ iSif , a garment .
stomach. GeOJ tS^
F f T lji_j (b'
^ , to eat GnJi a.* , ^rfU\-LOf- , longing , concupis *
cence , carnal desire .
till the meat turns nauseous .
Goj-SOiLJl-Ji GiilTOTl tQoj jnu , disQiH4_. v. G*^Ji*-4-J-
tjusi , uislike raversion <tt eorQujtt Qo<,Q61lQ-'\-j
(i jji (g, the report of a grin .
t4<5^6'LJi_('-)TUj<T5Rtf ^} , at has a dislike
i^Oii eat , hunting, dia>e . QfUl AD i
at nw / be cannot heir me .
*), hunter . glli 5)l 9= gu LIT B
G*^J-!Q'i-DGoeT >
T1'n without advantage..
5; , to go ahu.itiiig. Q oj 1 Ji UJT(j>e6iO; .
, ll-2/Si_0 . empty, addle, void.,- poor GOJ
chise or hunt. Qcx\ <3>i rgTOJ , a hunting
^QjTv/B) LOT G^- wi,h an ^n>"r'ty hand.. QCXJ dog . U-trrGiiJi 4BI , fishing.
S&LOi^ir&otrrduQ ^LJjfg^rjrG- ' G ^ t like
aliffia a reed-pipe. GSSl'S'TgLDLJWwr
a fly that got into an empty
ipty yot
iiot.. GllUgG*Tu " f, ?"~>ff)i , to flute a reed-pipe .
boiled lice only , nothing; eise
_ *i -"3* LO l_5 3
^ ,
Qt^iaoau, n . liked , desired, required, neeefsary .
else G
nothing uut errors . \jQfia/ J g Ul } , -j)&\gi3>!5wn9mfi-(faZuQ l t , will you


have water f QojSSy

C?fU"rri_TLO , no , [victor employ. GHi/^5G'UJ*^ 5SJ . to work,
I don't want . (j5i.TrTe5@(2ojSELr l , this I i to ferve , G *H *> (^ ^qs; , to go to
wr , GOl'CO'JJTCVr i
like . rJf/)-_a|LJLJi_(j QFUJajgiOJ5El/iJ> - Lb LUT, work. G U 1 35
please to-do so , sir . rj # at <r LO T oj ecu T G 92/ LO , a servant t a workman . *T <5 /tror G H
make hane to come, come toon. QU2221/Ql-"er GWTOvrjyjatijcg^ , tohirea person for doing a work ,
Qcxiob. Qtl LOT LO , the name ef atlurti .
!3i_n f&UJLO > all prosperity that can be wifhed for .
QlDibTj(&,&*DFil,to desire , to with. GOJTO , a species of ditto, which has a black bark.
til / W35TrfOJ555(30jnn-, I will give QiUOVriJZO , QtUriT G 6-M>* LO OTL , an
other species of ditto with a white bark , which bark it
. larevcr is ne.efsary
Qr^'*m(t^o^j , Gllunt_eLtBG35|T0Yry3 stA for malting Parrtar-rtck .
JOfi/ i to wish , 10 desire , to beg, to pray , Q"U*t5;{ Qsbjoo, Qexi X)friJL|t5L0 . a Ian.e, a thort pike.
B-i-'GU04j , a javelin.
C\3i prayer, petition. rTnrr nSS)tQm*r\
Q-xis>rf,e^c^j . Qcu<r&5>ifxjei> rue;* se ej ,
(JoOifOO , I do not want it . mmii i n i*g;rr ( GLjrr0>*-8S-' ) to seetne or boil something.
IULD , all the afsUtance that it desired or r.ecefsary .
GiOJeOJ*. 0<U@ .
GoU3YTT. a grampus. Gl'^TS'ffr^Jff . f?.
\ Qmnnn usx , fu mi ; @ G
-jO- , JJtfil*S!y^lBTe;Gffllwri.eL , for his sake.
GiU'tTTtp er , QfXlWTevr v. QCD^tT
G*li*n_T^i5*iJ0;, to be not wanted, lo ovr t t_peT .
t5[T)5;T<J07gi\ig)(2U'o i tlo , I do not want
GUiA3vr, time, opportunity. Gnjij,'TLJrri'e
physic. r jiiujuLi-Grium G*?-1
i TU), 5J9;G^'TBTI_t> SSSOS^ , to look for an oppor
you must not do so. .!J5;gjCTre6\gQoj mnr 1 rr tunity .
Qcuuofr , QeuiwuSttrximiTi^ , the
QDeoT^eor , he refused it . Qfu*vr I rr G U
iyCVT , Qf SUOJ 4
^UUTUJi unwillingly , reluctantly , with disgust. pot-herb . [grr ID
or/r *'n/ / .
QfUiwrri frSDLO , a not withed-for thing.
QJ S LD . a system of a religiout doirrinc) a
Gii^cu , QaiQo, other. G*hG^>5 5*t
religion. GfiJiQLJTi/vgjgaFiLO ,ne boolt whcre- another. * -^ ff LO , G G
in the law of icligion is revealed, the holy bible. JJLD, anotlier thing . Qcu(>atru&,iO^J , to
(2*1}$))\ . theology, tf C 3 <SB} J> . philo - lay atide. Qfl]Qei{])&> & O &) , to live in an
*ophy. QiJ^ffT/V^ ff i divine or theoloeist . other place . Qs~n }u.:(tlT Ssj&l) , lochange ,to tura),
Gfli^^eo-r , Grl5yW , pain , terment . (U to alter , to take another turn. Gtfi,-aa"ie6dCfly ,
lUT < 5J , painiul . Qsu$fxrrLJ l_j (4 QCXHXWIt yJl-lG1IT^OOS;, to deformed,
OBi) , to be tormented. G*H$'b,,trr'*llG>5rfJoS changed or altered. G*U-3>i11 ^G'TCTCeifi;*
^ , to alter ihe words . G *H <uG*U<3)Uji5^*
te cause pain.
G H g/ , a sudorific medicine , a physic that COL . to be different. QUfuQnjQ^Oi eOj s
promotet sweat. Q CU t^j l5 ]_.> st
to use a SOB}) . to lay things separately from each other.
sudorific!; medicine. QfXlSVf T l ft' ) 5; to
G*H-^LJT (5 . diversity.
GOJ-^-^O"*1-0 diversity! the cases in declension.
apply that medicine .
Qo-\iC?j*Q.LD*f> flL*T , G-U0^5vr , a stranger.
Ojrgor, a .king .
GU^O-^*@'ro'0 a strange voice .
niLDM , G U L-i LJ lc ir LO a margce-tree . QeTJooTCAJ. G^J^foO- beat, the heat in the hot
Gt"aji_Jt-SAX) . margse -leavet. QiXll_li_/^@ , season .
GOiLJ l_l U5 O T JO > a margose-switcfa . (OJt_i
( gi). to scold , to revile , to abuse . CBfXiFeOj,
L-IlOLJ) , margse- blofiom . G^^Gl-1*/ , scolding, abusive language.
oil made of margose-fruits . >0 Q CU ce t( , another AO! IV. oS UJ'te , contrariety , grudge , hatred,
S iiiini KwrrffBgusS ^-.^i to ait contrary .
kind / margue-tree . rfi G * LDI| , rie ion #/ >

G'*^j35S^G^Jlom. #<iigfj- Soju)

OJi35 . #5>OJ4BlU /o/the river that
/Ai n.tiBf of m ftttmmt ikrnb. Vf- (f( OJLji_5/00 runs thro' Maduray .
LCTi-D , fur / of a tree, vihote arorr.ntical leaves art
5)OJtBtR0 . fStru^Q&Too , Straw. tbiXl^i
ffiO\iGl-J'1 " . a heap of straw . $U350jC*Ol (5.
%sti m drifting victuals .
G il /J-, a root. t_v # eufr , 4emsfQcii9- . i a stack of sttaw . ft 4TJe;{ROt- , a rope twisted
the head -root . i_i93g5Gnj , the side-ioots . lo5!2; of straw. BrU^3bTs:OJo>S'ff.6 O 5J ( OJTTvie >
g;) to separate the straw from the corn , when thrashed.
<*>G *3J 'f a medicinal root. G * <5T
&/. G <f^J r5 dt -v3 '-jQutS; , to take root. LO # fJ5 SJ Gl-l'T'e0T'fl5OJW93C?O , straw crush'd t
Qf\)?F G^WeSeif "1 iE/ . well radicated . G *"3J 4"* pieces by thrashing
, toset , to put, to lay , taphce . Gteit&
*/OVr > g ?/ , rooted out . Q tint G^lSlO-35oS
Q5Ji to lair hold on the original cause of a thing . @f5e5TeoTLO , 5JfR@u5i LO. a proper place to
QchQttQi u3(5'K/eS305; . to take out with the puta thing in. OJfiv
*/v->ffLJ . to keep, to
lay up, to preserve, to reserve . jrft ^^^^-.
toot .
to delay or defer. ,lj i_i L_o_ Qujr/rieiOl , JeJLJ
Qcuft'Si&SOBi) , to sweat
G 1j ~am , to sweat , to perspire . (g saQs^j/j- i_i i_o- G - /<*;5;1 , iuppoi it
to beso . SSeoJ5<j5/LjGl-l'rC^*-^/' '0 'tave feu6-xi , the sweat of an agonizing man .
led or forsaken, 2,o"US5;ljG1-4'ti
G OJ S . a hedge . <T 5 _ .ieKGfUoi' (llGL-'Te'wr "e has Ift me in the lurch.
) iff! tr>4.ii;ey, to hedge in a garden, to fence it.
CS TU // 4 LU T{ LO . haired, grudge-.
o ec<Urf , ruigjrf , the smallpox.
G OJoS 95 ^TOirfCb'r'S;, to set thorns in
atiuGU-IT^LO > delight, pleasuicl . eSiSiiQi-JT
hedge .
G s^JO a work i a labor, a paies a butinci* ; a ser- <C,one that lim in flcafiwc.

, a kept woman , a concubine .

feJUUT -L D eil
O gy , to keep a
concubine .
fc Ui_jl_) a placing , a keeping a treasure laid by .
OJLIL-JF G T II IJ i pot wherein a treasure is
kept .
ttOIUJ0SU i the world*
taXltlUT^Uf . e>iUU-JT#LOTg>LD , .
, a riding place. @ffl>0">UJ
tjBOjLUTavf(CS(^e^0e5J to exercise a horse .
B,OJL!TT05ujL>, obstinacy, pertinacy, wrath,

leilotisy . bOJH3a-TflF:*Wovr, troublesome &

shameleft beggars . u
nj ( e; hj-jj,
_i3?$(uP5 JBOJXfra5*LU_o , acal .fervor .ardor
enthusiusm .

pound .
S? *o . (?,>> (^ , a wing ,


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