Lesson Plan Reproductive System

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Lesson Plan : Reproductive Systems




Christin Etchison
Grade 9-10
Vocational Ed.

Family and Sexual Health

Anatomy, Function, and Caring for your reproductive system
The learner will be able to explain fertilization. The learner will
be able to comprehend male and female reproductive systems and
their functions.

Content Students will state the function of the human

reproductive system. Students will identify parts of the male and
female reproductive system. Students will describe the function of
each part of the male and female reproductive system. Students
Objectives: will define ejaculation. Students will define menstruation.
Students will describe the typical menstrual cycle. Students will
define fertilization. Students will identify common problems
related to the male and female reproductive systems. Students will
define ways to care for the male and female reproductive systems.

Concept Mapping worksheet Female Reproductive System

worksheet Order Me Around cards Possible overhead projector Elmo
Introduction to Reproductive Systems Review of Previous of Lesson
Briefly discuss main concepts of previous lesson about changes
during puberty. As a class list male and female changes during
puberty. Content Bites: Changes in Both Males and Females
Growth spurt Acne Perspiration increases Permanent teeth
all in Male Changes (ages 10-16) Broader shoulders Muscle
growth Hair under arms, on face, chest and pubic area
Growth of penis and testicles Sperm production begins Larynx
enlarges, voice deepens Some breast enlargement may occur
Hairline recession may begin Female Changes (ages 9-16)
Broader hips Narrower waist Hair under arms and in the
pubic area External genitals enlarge Growth of uterus and
ovaries Breast development Ovulation occurs Menstruation
begins Overview of Todays Lesson and Why It Is Relevant
Today we will be discussing the reproductive system. You will learn
anatomy and functions of the reproduction system and how to

properly care for your reproductive system. Its important to

know the anatomy to better understand how your body works and
to maintain your overall health and wellness.
Function of the Reproductive System Ask students what the
function of the reproduction system? Content Bite: Book Definition
(pg. 328): Consists of body organs that are involved in production
of offspring. Tell: Unlike other body systems, the male and
female reproductive systems are not the same. In addition they
require different care. 3. Male Reproductive System Refer to
page 329 in your text. As a class go through and label and
provide definitions for each part. Content Bite: A. Sperm-male
reproductive cells. B. Seminal vesicles- } C. Prostate gland- }-glands that produce seminal fluid that mixes with sperm to form
semen. D. Cowpers glands- } E. Urethra-a tube that carries urine
from the bladder to outside of body. F. Penis-the external sexual
organ. G. Testes-2 small glands that produce sperm. H. Scrotum-a
sac that contains the testes. I. Vas deferens-tubes that extend
from each epididymis to the urethra. J. Epididymis-network of
tubes in which the sperm mature and are stored temporarily. K.
Ejaculation-forces semen through the urethra and out of the body.
Development: 4. Female Reproductive System Refer to page 330 in your text.
As a class go through and label and provide definitions for each
part. Content Bite: A. Egg or Ova-female reproductive cells. B.
Ovaries-contains ova, or eggs, and hormones that cause the eggs to
mature. C. Fallopian tubes-carry eggs from the ovaries to the
uterus. D. Uterus-or womb, shelters and nourishes the fetus. E.
Endometrium-the lining of the uterus. F. Cervix-the opening of the
uterus. G. Vagina-a muscular passageway from the uterus to
outside the body. H. Ovulation-the process of releasing an egg cell
from an ovary. I. Menstruation-the process of discharging blood and
tissue from the uterus. J. Menstrual cycle-is the time from one
menstruation to another. Talk about a typical menstruation
cycle pg. 331 Content Bite: Typical Menstrual Cycle: 1. Days 1 to 13
Egg cell matures inside the ovary. 2. Day 14 Ovulation occurs
and a mature egg is released into the fallopian tubes. 3. Days 15 to
20 Egg travels through the fallopian tube. 4. Days 21 to 28
Egg enters the uterus, if egg is not fertilized after 7 days
menstruation begins.

Reproduction Reproduction or the production of offspring

requires fertilization. What is fertilization? Content Bite:
Fertilization is the union of the male and female reproductive
system. 6. Caring for the Reproductive System Refer to page
332. Why is it important to care for your reproductive system?

Content Bite: It is important because if you dont you could

develop problems such as infection and possible infertility. Also
with proper care you can detect cancers early. Have students go
through male and female reproductive problems on page 332 and
333. What are some ways to care for your reproductive system?
Content Bite: Male Reproductive problems: Testicular or
prostate cancer-uncontrolled cell growth that destroys glands and
surrounding tissue Inguinal hernia-part of intestine pushes into
the scrotum, caused by improperly lifting heavy objects
Sterility-inability to produce healthy sperm in sufficient numbers
to reproduce Enlarged prostate gland-a common problem
associated with aging Female Reproductive Problems:
Premenstrual syndrome-physical and emotional changes before
menstruation; headaches, moodiness, irritability Toxic shock
syndrome-rare but serious bacterial infection associated with
tampon use Infertility-inability to reproduce due to blockage in
fallopian tubes or failure of ovaries to produce eggs Vaginitisinfection of vagina; pain, itching, and discharge Ovarian cystsgrowths on outside of ovary Cancer-can affect breasts, ovaries,
uterus, and cervix

Checking For

Give handouts or study guides to students that may need extra

help with understanding the material.
. Summarize and Debrief Debriefing Review and Discussion Points
Content Have students complete Concept mapping worksheet.
Then go through as a class. Content Bites: Refer to answer key.

Have students get into groups of two. Give each group a set of
shuffled Order Me Around cards. Have them correctly sequence the
Closure: phases of the menstrual cycle. Content Bites: Menstrual cycle:
menstruation, new lining forms, egg matures, ovulation, egg
Assessment Activities Content Check for understanding: Debriefing
questions. Performance Event: Concept Mapping worksheet and
Female Reproductive System worksheet Performance Event: Order
Me Around card activity

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