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Define food web
Construct a food web
Differentiate a food web from a food chain
Subject Matter
A. Food Web
B. Reference:
Science and Health : Into the
Future VI,
p.126 , Science & Health p.
C. Materials:
Illustration, chart, activity
sheet ,
power point presentations,
D. Science Concept:
A food web is a pattern of overlapping and interlinked food chains.
The energy pyramid illustrates how the amount of stored energy
from the sun is reduced
as an organism gets away from the producer.
E. Process Skills
Observing, Describing, Differentiating
III. Procedure
Science Song Food Web
Checking of Assignment

1. Which is the producer in the food chain?

2. Which is the first-order consumer?
3. Which is the second-order consumer?
4. Which is the third-order consumer?

5. What is a food chain?


Show the illustration
How many food chains are there in this illustration?

Setting of standards to be followed in doing the activity
Group the pupils into four
Let each group perform the activity.
* Discussion / Analysis
Answer the following questions
1. How many food chains are there in the illustration?
2. Which is the producer?
3. Which are the primary consumers?
4. Which are the secondary consumers?
5. Which get the greatest amount of energy among the consumers?
6. Which get the least amount of energy?

Which is found at the base of the pyramid?

Which are found at the second layer?
Which at the third layer?
From the pyramid shown, which get the greatest amount of energy?
* Generalization
When the transfer of energy from the food becomes interlinked, the
overlapping food chains
now show a kind of relationship of flow known as food web.
What happens to the amount of energy as it is transferred from one
consumer to another?
How much energy do humans get when they eat higher order
Construct your own food web using the following animals
Chicken, bird, rice plant, boy, lizard, snake
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. A food web is ________________ food chains.
A. composed of
B. a simple
C. an energetic
D. a decaying
2. The plant is considered the _____________.
A. primary consumer
B. producer
C. secondary consumer
D. tertiary consumer
3. What is transferred in the food web?
A. Parasites
B. Predators
C. Energy
D. Water
4. In the food web, which get the greatest amount of energy?
A. The primary consumer
B. The secondary consumer
C. The tertiary consumer
D. The decomposer
5. What happens to the stored energy as the consumer is getting
away from the producer?
A. It increases.
B. It decreases.
C. It does not change.
D. It remains the same.
Construct a food web with organisms found in your backyard or around
your community.

What is a food web?
What to use: illustration of food web
What to do:
1. Study the illustration thoroughly then answer the questions that follow.
2. Construct your own food web from the animals you have brought.

What have you found out?

1. What is the main source of food of the organisms in the illustration?

2. What organisms feed directly on plants?
3. What are the second-order-consumers in the food web?
4. What is the third-order consumer?
5. How many food chains can you construct from the food web?
6. What is a food web?
What is a food web?
What to use: illustration of food web
What to do:
1. Study the illustration thoroughly then answer the questions that
2. Construct your own food web from the animals you have brought.

What have you found out?

1. What is the main source of food of the organisms in the

2. What organisms feed directly on plants?

3. What are the second-order-consumers in the food web?

4. What is the third-order consumer?
5. How many food chains can you construct from the food web?
6. What is a food web?

What is a food web?
What to use: illustration of food web
What to do:
1. Study the illustration thoroughly then answer the questions that
2. Construct your own food web from the animals you have brought.

What have you found out?

1. What is the main source of food of the organisms in the illustration?

2. What organisms feed directly on plants?

3. What are the second-order-consumers in the food web?
4. What is the third-order consumer?
5. How many food chains can you construct from the food web?
6. What is a food web?

What is a food web?
What to use: illustration of food web
What to do:
1. Study the illustration thoroughly then answer the questions that
2. Construct your own food web from the animals you have brought.

What have you found out?

1. What is the main source of food of the organisms in the illustration?
2. What organisms feed directly on plants?

3. What are the second-order-consumers in the food web?

4. What is the third-order consumer?
5. How many food chains can you construct from the food web?
6. What is a food web?

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