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An active official/citizen, 

Kikka, 47 years of age
– SSeeks information on Sitra's
k i f i Si ' operations to check
i h k
that Sitra operates appropriately, and to find 
material for developing the public sector
– Lives in a small countryside town Ilomantsi, 
Lives in a small countryside town Ilomantsi Photo: hannanik Flickr
Photo: hannanik, Flickr
social service employee, socionom
– Represents dutiful, responsible working habits, is in a trusted position, based 
on extensive work history instead of formal competence
y p
– Windows and old IE, old mobile phone, familiar with factual sites and regional participation 
on the Internet
– Believes in promptness and the controllability of matters
– Family is of high significance, has a liberal and understanding attitude
– Resists the idea of 'cool', is suspicious of trendiness
– Is frustrated by shortage of money in proportion to the available resources, terrorises
y g y p p , local 
discussion forums with this agenda
– Slightly suspicious of Sitra's role and motives
• Our service goal for this user: Kikka clearly sees what Sitra
Our service goal for this user: Kikka clearly sees what Sitra is doing and that 
is doing and that
we provide added value. When she looks for information, she is 'sucked in' as 
a contributor to plan new operational models for public administration
pensioner, Pertti, 65 years of age
– Wants support for his
for his technology invention
that he believes has significance for 
societal change
– A retired active inventor, Oulu
– A technically
A h i ll talentedl d engineer
i type,  Photo: wili_hybrid, Flickr
but not familiar with online communities
– Work environment: home office, folders, 
desktop computer (Windows + Firefox), a sensible
phone for making
for making calls
– Familiar with email, not an online person, but reads newspaper discussion forums in the web
– Exhaustively repeats his own agenda, does not read the texts properly
– Believes in capitalistic
in capitalistic freedom, is vexed
freedom is vexed that he does
he does not have the opportunity
the opportunity to achieve
to achieve an an
American‐style success story
– Seeks recognition for what he does
• Our service goal for this user: Pertti understands that Sitra’s investment operations
are not directly allocated to product development, but he finds out that we are
doing something else that is important
Specialist discussion party, 
Veera, 27 years of age
– Invited by Demos think tank to contribute
to contribute to the discussion
to the discussion
of the Energy Citizen project
because she is an active green citizen
– Has studied humanities, majoring in general 
– Student + freelancer communicator
– A networked, active contributor, 400+ Facebook friends, 
is familiar with online communities through private and factual
– Wears second‐hand clothes, but has received Photo: wili_hybrid, Flickr
good equipment as a gift, operating
environment Mac + Safari, iPhone
– Scattered time/place dimension, off‐duty time can be
spent at any
at any time, anywhere
time anywhere
– Active relations to the UK and rest of Europe
– Does not understand the regularities of financing and similar structures, but has a lot of opinions
– Hopes to end up in social assignments as a young media expert, so Sitra has large appeal potential

• Our service goal for this user: Veera is capable of fluently participating in the 

matter she accessed the service for; while learning something new about Sitra's
tasks, she is surprised by Sitra's fresh approach and becomes a member of Sitra's
t k
American investor, 
Andrew 40 years of age
– Lookingg for reference information about the Finnish
innovation investment field with the help of Sitra; 
he is particularly interested in the health sector
– A private banker from California
– Represents the risk financing culture, believes in 
figures and innovations on deliberate grounds
– An energetic office at an office hotel, five
– Wants to stand out as 'cool' with his technology
choices, has a high‐tech laptop + Chrome, uses
mobile phone (BlackBerry) only
mobile phone (BlackBerry) only for talking
for talking
– Surfs the Web while filling in an Excel file, and  Photo: planetina, Flickr
sending instant messages to his contacts with
regard to speculating on various alternatives
– Wants to control the investment environment so
that he survives as the winner
• Our service ggoal for this user: In the Finland 
showcase, Andrew sees an open, discussion‐based
innovation environment that impresses him
Sitra's assistant
Mirjami, 55 years of age
– Helps her Sitra unit
Sitra unit to update
to update the information
the information
for the topic area
– Windows, MOSS, IE, Facebook
– Has diligently learned the in
the in‐house
house systems, and 
systems, and
to receive training now as well
– Ready to accept tasks without question
and to make an effort, is ready to  Photo: wili_hybrid, Flickr
ggive the new system
y a chance, ,
while hoping to focus on the content instead of the technology
– Result‐oriented time allocation
– Not too keen to use online tools, does not have personal relationship with the strategic objectives for 
– Not familiar with open innovation tools or idea flow, but senses that a new way of doing things is on 
the way, and is motivated to learn
– W t to do
Wants t d the right
th i ht thing
thi and ensure
d making
ki the best
th b t possible
ibl input with
i t ith regard
d to the organisation
t th i ti
• Our service goal for this user: For Mirjami, it is easier now to highlight relevant content (in 
regard to her Sitra unit's operations) to relevant locations and to allocate her energy to 
content instead of technologygy
Sitra's communication
manager Seija, 40 
Seija 40
years of age
– SSeija is in charge
ij i i h of the communications
f h i i
for a Sitra programme and implements the
communications online
– Humanist
Photo: wili_hybrid, Flickr
– Interested in messages and delivering
– Is familiar
Is familiar with the 1.0 Internet and the traditions
the 1 0 Internet and the traditions of communication, trying
of communication trying to get to get
accustomed to the Web 2.0's vagueness and hectic pace.
– Windows, MOSS, IE
– Motivated
ot ated toto learn
ea new tools
e too s desp
te feeling
ee g healthy
ea t y susp
c o totowardsa ds tthem: is 
e s
frustrated by the introduction of new technical tools if they consume energy from
considering the actual content
– In practice, Seija has a lot of influence on how the organisation appears to the world
– Wants to be involved in considering the organisation's strategic dimension and in making
a better society
• Our service goal for this user: provides Seija with an inviting environment
where she can use Web 2.0 in an efficient and secure manner for the purposes of 
communications, the basic routines are fluent
Sitra's investment director
Marko, 35 years of age
– Works
Works with
with expert tasks in Sitra, does
in Sitra does
blogging and online discussions in his area
– Academic, well‐paid
– Sees the relationship
Sees the relationship of technology
of technology and success, 
and success,
is motivated to follow the developments Photo: Wurz, Flickr
in technology Photo: wili hybrid, Flickr
– Work tools have always been provided by the employer
– Is familiar
f l with h discussion
d about
b b
browsers, operating systems and opend d l
but uses standard tools himself
– Does not attend tool courses
– Face‐to‐face
Face to face and 
and "correct
correct timing
timing" have
have an emphasised
an emphasised role, feels
role feels that the real
the real opinion‐
leaders are elsewhere than online
– Very interested in lobbying interaction with own stakeholders, and keen to obtain new 
expert information
• Our service goal for this user: Through the new, Marko gets such a 
good grip of online communities that he begins to see real advantages, 
and if the decision‐makers of the previous generation go online at some
point, Marko is already
i t M k i l d there th waiting
iti with
ith his
hi skills
Programme director 
Hannes, 55 years of age
– Tries to keep
to keep up with what is 
included on with respect to the area of his
– Very well‐paid, has completed a doctoral thesis
– Has earned his spurs in a network of  Photo: Wurz, Flickr
confidential contacts, has a structure‐based view of 
– Has a leader
a leader image which cannot be compromised by "becoming
becoming crazy
crazy" about
about something new
– Familiar with email and other standard systems, types with two fingers, knows what Facebook is, 
but fax is more familiar to him
– Figure
based view of information, weak
of information weak signals and personal
and personal observations do not feel valuable
– Wants to retain the control he has achieved, filters messages which leave the house so that the 
serious image of the Sitra brand is not jeopardised
– Finds the social media reckless shouting, see
g, Suomi24
• goal: Through, he concretely sees the added value of online communities and 
begins to participate as a result, in which case the open innovation processes receive more
authority through an influential participant
Dia 8

mmu1 siis mitä?

Marjut Mutanen; 16.2.2010
Job seeker
Annika, 35 years of age
– An expert in some field; for her, Sitra
f ld f h
could be a potential workplace
– Academic, seeks new challenges
– Has work history from both 
Photo: zomerstorm, Flickr
the public and private sectors
– Average computer user, familiar with office software, but does not 
g p , ,
have the interest to further delve into the social media, for example
– Does not quite know what Sitra does, but knows Sitra's reputation, 
and is aware that Sitra is a respected employer in its field
and is aware that Sitra is a respected employer in its field
• goal: conveniently and quickly provides the 
information needed by the job seeker: What positions are 
open? Is Sitra a place where I want to apply? What is the 
application procedure like?

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