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The expected outcome of the Sitra.

fi renewal
Date Version Contributors
19.3.2010 Version 1.0, based on a commenting round Karoliina Luoto
Arttu Kataja, Otto Kataja,
21.2.2010 Version 0.2, observing the first comments
Karoliina Luoto
The expected outcome was transferred into a Otto Kataja, Arttu Kataja,
document of its own (version 0.1) Karoliina Luoto

This document describes in brief what kind of outcome is expected from the
implementation project. The project objectives have been described in the vision document, to
which this document is appended. For the project to be considered successful, the expected
outcome should be achieved as set out in the objectives described in the vision document.

The 'Sitra's IT environment and website integrations' appendix describes what kind of technical
environment the outcome included in this document is going to be.

1. Website-related outcome

The starting point of the renewal is to replace Sitra's existing website. As a rule, the new
website will contain all the functions of the existing website. Functionally, the website will be
particularly expanded through integration with the social media.


The concept of the new website is developed according to the vision objectives, but also
questioning them when necessary. The conceptualisation may be further specified throughout
the project. It might be particularly challenging to link influence in the social media as a source
of energy for the website.

Website structure and content

As part of the website renewal, the content will be redesigned together with Sitra's
communications while observing the online service's information architecture, and Sitra's
online strategy and communication strategy.

User interface

The new website aims to simplify and clarify communicative information by visual means, while
the intention is also that the content works well for mobile users. Moreover, the coexistence of
factual information, social media content and content shown from internal systems introduces
further challenges to the user interface design and implementation.

Support for visual content

Extensive utilisation of visualisation is part of Sitra's communication strategy. The website is

expected to provide easy support for embedding images and videos in the content. The
website renewal project builds an image and video distribution solution, taking into account the
archival obligation of the content.

Technical design and implementation

The website will include the factual content and functions of the existing website
(, and the intention is to also expand the functionality with the social
media integration discussed below. Language versions will include Finnish, Swedish and
English, and the content may be developed either on the English version or the Finnish version
of the website, depending on the working language of the team implementing the project. The
expected outcome is a system which is easy to maintain and modify.

Introducing social media content to the website

Sitra employees influence various social online services, and this work carried out by them is
intended to be introduced to The aim is to connect social media content in the correct
contexts in the online service. This dimension of the website is understood as ambitious and
experimental, but also as one of the project's core motives.

Integration with internal and external systems

The new system will integrate with the following systems:

- Microsoft CRM 3.0 - Showing the telephone number directory of the staff on the website, and
registering to events.
- PrettyLib4/PrettyBit publishing bank - Publication pick-ups on the website, publications
- Microsoft Office SharePoint - Archiving all published information, and for researchers, a
search from the entire public material in the archive.

The integrations are described in more detail in the "Sitra's IT environment and website
integrations" appendix.

Mobile equipment

The project concept specification, design, and implementation observes mobile equipment so
that the usability of the new website is excellent for both common mobile equipment and the
online browsers of personal computers.

Usability and reachability

In the project conceptualisation, design and implementation, the aim is to pay particular
attention to the website's usability and reachability.

2. Outcome related to the maintenance tool

A user-oriented maintenance tool

The existing content management system has been considered difficult to use, and one of the
biggest motives for this project is to introduce an easy-to-use maintenance tool. Also,
according to the online strategy, the intention is that an increasing part of the organisation
produces content independently. For these reasons, the intention is to pay considerable
attention to the usability of the maintenance tool.

Thus, the intention is that the project creates a maintenance tool which occasional users can
conveniently use. Besides that, the maintenance tool is expected to meet the needs of
professional users (such as communications) in a satisfactory way.

Maintenance opportunity for Sitra-external administrators in cooperative projects

Some content production and maintenance is carried out through cooperation between Sitra
staff and external updaters. Therefore, it must be possible to use the content management
system to assign updating rights to people outside Sitra as well, and also exclusively to some
part of the website. The content management system also enables processing content
themes through teamwork so that a ready content theme is published at the same time.

The opportunity for creating new websites

The expectation is that the maintenance tool enables the creation of new separate websites
(example: and adding new functions according to the needs for
further development. It is also expected that there is the opportunity to migrate old websites
to the new platform.

Website management and social media integration

The maintenance tool must observe the social media content shown on the site, and the tools
required for managing the content must be created.

Integration with internal systems

Sitra uses Microsoft Active Directory for the network login of workstations. One of the
identified goals of the content management system is to have one-off login so that a Sitra
employee logged into the network need not give a user ID and password separately for the
content management system (since several logins create a lot of confusion for administrators).

The integrations are described in more detail in the "Sitra's IT environment and website
integrations" appendix.

3. Community and documentation

From the outcome and best practices achieved during the website renewal, the aim is to collect
the gems for everyone interested for further utilisation. In practice, this may take place in a
blog, for example. During the project, the blog's entries, twitter messages, interviews,
documents and components are available for all who are interested, and they will remain
online after the project for everyone to further utilise. Furthermore, the code created in the
project is openly licenced and and stored on an open platform, such as SourceForge.

Tiedostonimi: Expected outcome
Hakemisto: D:\TYÖFILET\
Malli: C:\kameleon\mallit\Normal.dotm
Otsikko: Odotetut lopputulemat
Tekijä: Karoliina Luoto
Luontipäivä: 19.3.2010 17:15:00
Version numero: 4
Viimeksi tallennettu: 23.4.2010 8:59:00
Viimeksi tallentanut: Karoliina Luoto
Kokonaismuokkausaika: 4 minuuttia
Viimeksi tulostettu: 23.4.2010 16:09:00
Viimeisestä täydestä tulostuksesta
Sivuja: 3
Sanoja: 803 (noin)
Merkkejä: 6 511 (noin)

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