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North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit

Management Board Meeting
Thursday February 27, 2014
7:00pm 9:00pm
Deep River Town Hall EOC
100 Deep River Road, Deep River ON K0J 1P0
Meeting Notes
In attendance:
Deb Grills, Councilor Head, Clara & Maria Township
Bruce Boucher, Councilor Laurentian Hills
Kevin Waito, Fire Chief Laurentians Hills
Ed Cochrane, Councilor Deep River
Doug Tennant, Fire Chief Deep River


1. Chief Waito called the meeting to order at 19:00 and welcomed everyone to the
2. Introductions were made around the table and the agenda was reviewed and approved.
3. The 2010 agreement was reviewed clause by clause in comparison with the draft
agreement sent out with the agenda. There was discussion on most of the clauses.
4. Preamble: The word desire is to be deleted and remain as wish in the 3rd WHEREAS
of the preamble of the draft agreement.
The Board decided the following:
5. that the defined term Unit was to be used throughout the draft agreement. Unit is to
be defined as the mini-pumper vehicle and all equipment carried thereon.
6. Clauses 1 & 2 of the draft agreement will include the defined term Unit only
7. Clause 4 of the draft agreement will include the defined term Unit only
8. Clause 5 of the draft agreement will include the defined term Unit only

North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit Management Board Notes

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9. Clause 6 of the draft agreement will include a revise chart for the years 2014, 2015 and
2016 showing the dollar amounts in each year as follows: Deep River $2500, Laurentian
Hills $2500 and Head, Clara, Maria $800 (see below)
Municipality &
Operating Cost
allocation (if costs
exceed the balance
in the account)
Deep River
Laurentian Hills
Head, Clara, Maria







There was considerable discussion by the Board on the status of the funds in the
Operating and Capital Accounts. The Deep River Fire Chief explained that the Deep River
Treasurer could not attend this meeting and that details of the funds in the two
separate and distinct accounts would be made available at the next meeting of the
The Board discussed the concern that there would be considerable cost reimbursement
in 2013 and going forward to reimburse Deep River for the costs of backfilling personnel
when the Unit responded into Laurentian Hills and Head, Clara & Maria. Additionally,
the Board discussed significant costs to cover the potential acquisition of new
equipment for the Unit in 2014.
The Board discussed removing the SCBA and foam firefighting capability from the Unit
as the intent of the Unit is for it to be used solely for auto extrication purposes and not
10. The Board discussed clause 7 extensively and decided to keep it in the draft agreement
11. The Board agreed upon the following wording for clause 9 in the draft agreement:
9. All municipalities agree that when the vehicle is used for training, the vehicle
will be returned to Deep River full of fuel. If the Unit is not returned full of fuel,
Deep River shall replenish the fuel and be reimbursed for the cost of the fuel
from the Operating Account.
The Board discussed asking Deep River not to add the traditional surcharge fee to the
fuel invoice. The Deep River Fire Chief advised that he was not aware of any surcharges

North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit Management Board Notes

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being added to any of the previous reimbursements for equipment or fuel that were
made in 2013.
12. The Board agreed upon the following wording for clause 11 in the draft agreement:
11. The operation of the Unit shall be governed by a Management Board which
shall consist of one (1) elected official representative from each of the three
municipalities, appointed by their respective Municipal Councils. The Fire Chiefs
or designate(s) of Deep River and Laurentian Hills shall attend Management
Board meetings and provide operational advice and information to the Board
members. Each elected official on the Management Board shall have one vote.
13. The Board agreed upon the following wording for clause 13 in the draft agreement:
13. The Management Board shall meet in February of each year and at any other
time as may be requested by any Board Member. A simple majority (2 of the 3
elected officials) of the Management Board shall constitute a quorum.
14. The Board agreed upon the following wording for clause 14 in the draft agreement:
14. The Management Board shall receive an annual report, including the
financial details outlined in clause #10, from the Fire Chiefs at the February
Management Board meeting. The annual report shall be distributed to the three
municipalities of this agreement by the respective elected officials who are
members of the Management Board.
15. The Board agreed upon the following wording for clause 16 in the draft agreement:
16. The Unit shall only respond to non-fire Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC) calls
within the corporate limits of Head, Clara & Maria. Deep River and/or Laurentian
Hills may request/utilise the Unit to respond to any emergency calls as requested
by the Fire Chiefs or designate(s) in their own protection areas.
16. The word Unit in clause 17 shall be capitalised.
17. The Board agreed upon the following wording for clause 18 in the draft agreement:
18. The When the Unit is required to respond to an MVC in Head, Clara & Maria,
Deep River will deliver the Unit with a driver/operator (one firefighter) and a
tanker/blocker vehicle with a driver/operator (one firefighter) when staffing
permits this to be accomplished. The costs for backfilling the normal
complement of personnel at Deep River to allow the Unit to respond to any MVC
in Head, Clara & Maria shall be paid out of the funds in the Operating Account.
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In further discussion on this clause, the Deep River Fire Chief expressed concerns that
this was not a truly viable operational action by Deep River as the Office of the Fire
Marshal (OFM) has determined that the Town of Deep River cannot meet its local fire
fighting and emergency response needs (see 2011 OFM Review of the Town of Deep
River) under the current structure of the fire department.
18. The Board agreed that the amount of insurance coverage carried by each municipality to
the agreement should be raised to $5,000,000. See clause 19.
19. The Board agreed upon the following wording for clause 20 in the draft agreement:
20. Any of the municipalities shall be entitled to withdraw from this agreement
and the operation of the North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit upon giving
written notice to the other municipalities sixty (60) days in advance of their
intention to do so. Upon withdrawal from this agreement by a municipality, that
municipality forfeits all of its interest in the Unit and in any monies that may be
set aside for the Unit in the Capital and Operating accounts.
If this agreement is terminated in its entirety by all member municipalities at the
same time and the Unit is disbanded, the remaining financial assets of the Unit
and the Operating and Capital Accounts shall be divided on the following prorated basis:

Deep River
Laurentian Hills
Head, Clara & Maria

The board concluded its review of the draft agreement line by line and went on to discuss
an email request from the Rapides des Joachims (Swisha) for the Unit to provide auto
extrication services to that community. An extensive discussion was held with input from
each member of the Board and the Fire Chiefs on the request from the Swisha.
The Board determined that the existing agreement could not be extended to permit the
provision of auto extrication services by the Unit to the Swisha. The Chair of the
Management Board for this meeting is to respond to the Swisha with the determination of
the Board.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. Fire Chief Tennant will chair the next meeting to be held
during the daytime at Laurentian Hills on a date yet to be determined.

North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit Management Board Notes

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Management Board Meeting

Thursday 2 April, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m.
Town of Laurentian Hills Council Chambers
34465 Highway 17, RR#1, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0

In attendance:
Jim Gibson, Mayor Head, Clara & Maria Township
Kevin Waito, Fire Chief Laurentian Hills
Bruce Boucher, Councillor Laurentian Hills
Doug Tennant, Fire Chief Deep River
Chris Carroll, Treasurer Deep River
Glen Doncaster, Reeve Deep River
Rick McGee, C.A.O. Deep River
Cindy Anaka, Administrative Assistant Laurentian Hills
Chief Tennant called the meeting to order at 1:55 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Introductions were made around the table and the agenda was reviewed and approved.


Review of Existing NRERU Agreement

It was suggested that the agreement be changed to show 10 year increments for funding and not 3
years as in Appendix A to By-Law 05 10, item 6a.
Mayor Gibson stated that he was not clear as to where the 14% ($800.00) that his municipality
pays in funding was going towards.


2012 2014 Financial Report

Mayor Gibson stated he was missing the operating expense report for the year 2014.
It was noted that 2014 was the first year that the wage recovery charge was received. Deep River
only started recovering this cost last year (2014). They havent received anything in the last 30
It was also noted that there has been a large increase in fuel cost in 2014 in comparison to the two
years prior.
Chris Carroll stated that the wage recovery agreement was not to 2014, so this would not be
reflected in the current agreement.
Mayor Gibson questioned what the process would be if the financials continue like climb like in
2014 over the next few years. It was agreed that would be impossible to judge what could happen
in the future.

2 April, 2015
Points of Discussion:
Chief Waito mentioned that it is legislated that we have a blocker vehicle.
Mayor Gibson mentioned that he would like an accounting system included in the agreement for
Head, Clara & Maria.
Money received from MTO for accidents on Highway 17 is used to offset costs of NRERU.
Council can set the level of standards for the NRERU.
There is no legal requirement for a town to have a Fire Department.
Mayor Gibson questioned if they could opt out from NRERU and Chief Tennant replied that they
could as long as they gave 60 days notice and it would be up to Council to do so. It is Council
who sets the level of service for the Fire Department.
Reeve Doncaster asked if the agreement was working for the three municipalities.
Chief Waito said it was working for the Town of Laurentian Hills
Mayor Gibson didnt give a definite yes or no for Head, Clara and Maria
Reeve Doncaster said the Town of Deep River had a few issues with it. He continued to say that
their community was at risk because they have a limited fire crew. When a call goes out for them
outside their municipality, it leaves Deep River short staffed. As well, they loose a vehicle to the
MTO Emergency which means Deep River residents suffer.
Reeve Doncaster stated that Deep River looses by being part of the NRERU. He doesnt
recommend continuing with the agreement. He continued saying that OFM cannot believe that
Deep River sends 2 of their 9 fire fighters out to any MTO emergency.
HCM opted out in 2011 but still paid their fees of $800.00.

2014 2017 Funding Formula

Mayor Gibson stated he didnt want to carry on with the $800.00. Their Town cannot afford it.
Chief Waito stated that Laurentian Hills would like to carry on with the regular yearly amount of
Deep River wants to keep paying their regular amount and they feel it would be best to continue
with the same amount until the end of term (2020).
Councillor Boucher recommended that the three municipalities continue with the same amount,
but would like a meeting once before budget time. The next meeting would be early 2016.


Review of Proposed Revisions to the NRERU Agreement

It was recommended that there be some wording changes as well as definitions added to the
The next meeting date change will be in November (Page 2 item 13.) Currently it is February.
Page 2, item 14 month change of February will be also changed to November.

2 April, 2015
Reeve Doncaster stated that Deep River cannot continue with item 17 on page 3. He would like to
review and discuss it and make changes to it.
Mayor Gibson doesnt like paragraph 18, page 3. He would like different wording. He would like
it to say, When staffing permits, when the unit is required to respond to an MVC in
As well, it is requested that a blocker vehicle be added to this paragraph.
Mayor Gibson stated that he wants two blocker vehicles, not one during MTO emergency.
Line item 19 on page 3 - Each Town is to look into their own municipal insurance to see if their
insurance coverage is correct. Currently it is $2,000.000.00.
On page 4, item 22, change three years to 10 years. End date should be March 11, 2019.

It was requested that the NRERU look into seeing if there are any reserve grants for purchasing
Chief Waito requested that the NRERU get rid of the two breathing apparatus because of the
Bench Testing done on them. Laurentian Hills and Deep River doesnt use them in their
The board recommended to get rid of the breathing apparatus so that it will save the NRERU on
They also recommended that they get two of each air bag. It will cost $11,000.00 to $14,000.00
for new ones.
The board also recommended that they get one stabilization kit. It will be about $3,000.00.


Review of Service Request from Rapides des Joachims

It was recommended that Rapides des Joachims look after their own extrication. This was moved
by Councillor Boucher and seconded by Reeve Doncaster. It was unanimously passed.


General Discussion
Reeve Doncaster again stated that the NRERU is greatly taxing on Deep River. They do not want
to be in this business anymore.
The question was asked if there were any alternatives. Chief Waito said that the Town of
Laurentian Hills has the ability to look after their own area if they had to.
Mayor Gibson stated that distance is a problem of NRERU especially when the unit resides with
the Town of Laurentian Hills. Mayor Gibson stated that most accidents on Highway 17 are
industrial (logging) incidents and not motor vehicle accidents of their residents. Mayor Gibson
stated he doesnt want to support the Provincial Government.
Reeve Doncaster stated that Deep River will give their vehicle to Laurentian Hills. Head, Clara &
Maria will have to agree to this.

2 April, 2015
Operating Capital and Reserves. Split it.
Mutual Aid will still be available to help each other out.
Head Clara & Maria is alright with not being part of NRERU because his area of Highway is very
It was discussed that the Province and the OPP be contacted to be made aware of this Boards

Next Meeting Date & Location

Both of the Fire Chiefs will get together to re-work the agreement. The agreement will then be
sent to each Towns Council for discussion. Then another meeting will take place in Council
Chambers in the Town of Laurentian Hills with all three municipalities.


This meeting of the North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit do now adjourn
at 4:15 p.m.



Management Board Meeting

Friday 10 April, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. 10:43 a.m.
Town of Laurentian Hills Council Chambers
34465 Highway 17, RR#1, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0

In Attendance:
Jim Gibson, Mayor Head, Clara & Maria Township
Kevin Waito, Fire Chief Laurentian Hills
Bruce Boucher, Councillor Laurentian Hills
Dennis Hyde, Councillor Laurentian Hills
Doug Tennant, Fire Chief Deep River
Glen Doncaster, Reeve Deep River
Rick McGee, C.A.O. Deep River
Sherry Batten, C.A.O. Laurentian Hills
Tammy Forbes, Treasurer Laurentian Hills
Cindy Anaka, Administrative Assistant Laurentian Hills
Chief Waito called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Introductions were made around the table.


Confirmation of Current Agreement Article 23

There were issues that came out of the last meeting held on April 2, and those issues were relayed
to Laurentian Hills Council.
Councillor Boucher stated that the Laurentian Hills Council wants to stay in and continue to
provide the Auto Extrication Service and does not want to withdraw from the agreement. If the
Town of Deep River and Head Clara & Maria opts out of the agreement states that they would
It was confirmed that the Town of Laurentian Hills does not want out of the agreement.
Reeve Doncaster disagreed what was discussed last meeting and he believed that it was all three
Towns requests that each Town goes on their own.
Chief Waito confirmed that Laurentian Hills could manage the auto ex on their own.
Reeve Doncaster then stated that they should move past clause 23 and move past to 24.
Negotiated in good faith. So that it is mutually beneficial for all Towns.
Chief Waito reiterated that it is the Council of Laurentian Hills that doesnt want out of the current
agreement. The decision to stay in or opt out is fully up to the elected officials.
CAO McGee wants to build relations with other municipalities.
It is up to the two Fire Chiefs to write a report for all Councils to review.
The reserves will disappear quickly. Forty thousand will not last long.

10 April, 2015
Reeve Doncaster said that Deep River has not been recovering their true costs until 2014. In the
funding agreement, by putting in the 43% from Laurentian Hills, 43% from Deep River and 14%
from Head Clara and Maria the money wont last for long. He asked if Laurentian Hills brought
that point forward to their Council.
Councillor Boucher said yes that they did bring those points up.
The Fire Chiefs will be looking into what needs to be improved.
Head Clara & Maria had agreed to a three year pricing of $800.00. They want the agreement
updated. They would like to know what needs replacing and updating for the equipment. Their
concern is that the unit is so far away form HCM and if Deep River had some sort of emergency
that their municipality wouldnt be serviced properly. They really would like a financial picture.
Mayor Gibson would like the funding formula made clear in the agreement. Mayor Gibson stated
that they paid their $800.00 yearly to be a good neighbour.
It was noted that per capita, Laurentian Hills is paying more than Deep River.
The updated agreement should include a reserve fund.
To replace a vehicle, it would cost 200,000.00. The current vehicle should be good for another 8
years, and then a new one should be bought.
The Fire Chiefs can spend $2,500.00 without asking and they would like to have their amount
raised to $3,500.00.
The SCBA has to be replaced ASAP. To replace the SCBA it would cost approximately
$9,000.00. Both the high and low air bags would need replacing as well. Three high pressure
bags are $7,044.00 and four would be about $10,000.00.
Chief Waito mentioned that there were more pieces of equipment needing updating as well.
Going forward with the agreement, Head Clara & Maria wanted a projection of future costs.
Both Fire Chiefs will update the agreement and include what would be needed to prepare a
reserve fund in the next couple weeks with a detailed list and then they will forward it on to all
three Municipalities.
This financial statement will give municipalities a chance to see if its worth while staying in or
leaving the NRERU. They can look at past call-outs and bring it back to the board. Money should
not be spent until it is known who is in/or out of NRERU. The Fire Chiefs will include a date for
another meeting.
Mayor Gibson wrote a resolution stating what is expected from the Fire Chiefs` report.

10 April, 2015
Moved by Mayor Gibson
Seconded by Councillor Boucher
Be it hereby resolved that the Management Board of the North Renfrew Emergency Rescue Unit
directs Chief Tennant and Chief Waito to produce a best estimate of Capital costs for the rescue
unit and bring these costs back to the board for inclusion in a rewritten agreement to the end of
YES - 3

NO 0


Chief Tennant stated that each individual municipality should set aside money into their own
reserves for replacement cost and projected costs. He didnt advise putting all three
municipalities money together.
This meeting of the North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit do now adjourn at 10:43 a.m.



Management Board Meeting

Monday June 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. 11:13 a.m.
Town of Laurentian Hills Council Chambers
34465 Highway 17, RR#1, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0
In Attendance:
Jim Gibson, Mayor Head, Clara & Maria Township
Glen Doncaster, Reeve Deep River
Bruce Boucher, Councillor Laurentian Hills
Doug Tennant, Fire Chief Deep River
Kevin Waito, Fire Chief Laurentian Hills
Rick McGee, C.A.O. Deep River
Sherry Batten, C.A.O. Laurentian Hills
Tammy Forbes, Treasurer Laurentian Hills
Cindy Anaka, Administrative Assistant Laurentian Hills

Welcome and Introduction - Chief Tennant called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and
welcomed all those in attendance.


Approval of previous meeting notes & agenda

Minutes of April 2, 2015 Mayor Gibson requested the following amendments to the minutes:

Page 2 Delete the sentence HMC opted out in 2011 but still paid their fees of $800.00.
Insert new sentence to read - Mayor Gibson stated Head, Clara & Maria does not feel
obligated to pay $800.00 per year because it is not identified in the agreement.


Page 2 Delete the sentence Their Town cannot afford it.


Page 3 Delete the paragraph Mayor Gibson stated that distance is a problem of the
NRERU especially when the unit resides with the Town of Laurentian Hills. Mayor
Gibson stated that most accidents on Highway 17 are industrial (logging) incidents and not
motor vehicle accidents of their residents. Mayor Gibson stated he doesnt want to
support the Provincial Government.
Insert new paragraph to read Head, Clara and Maria is not concerned with not being part
of the agreement as the risk of needing extrication on Township roads is very low and
Highway 17 is not the municipalitys problem.

Minutes of April 10, 2015- Mayor Gibson requested the following amendments to the minutes:
1. Page 2 Delete the sentence Mayor Gibson stated that they paid their $800.00 yearly to be a
good neighbour.
Insert new sentence to read Mayor Gibson stated Head, Clara & Maria paid the $800.00 in
2014 to be a good neighbour.
The minutes were adopted with the amendments.

Reeve Doncaster requested that going forward the minutes only reflect the agenda items and
any recommendations and/or actions taken.

2015 Equipment List

The Board reviewed the Equipment Purchase List for 2015 compiled by Chiefs Tennant and
Waito. The estimated cost and the required equipment for 2015 is $34,400.00. The list of
equipment with the exception of the MVC Stabilisation system is required in order to provide
Auto Extrication service to Head Clara and Maria.
After much discussion about the equipment and the auto extrication unit and the costs the majority
consensus was that the agreement for the Auto Extrication should be dissolved.
The Board recessed at 10:30 a.m. for 15 minutes so that a resolution could be drafted.
Moved by Reeve Doncaster
Seconded by Councillor Boucher
Be it resolved that the North Renfrew Emergency Management Board recommends to each
respective Municipal Council that the Joint agreement between the three municipalities of the
Town of Deep River, the Town of Laurentian Hills and the United Townships of Head, Clara &
Maria be dissolved.
And That the Auto Extrication Unit ownership be transferred to the Town of Laurentian Hills.
And That the balance of the operating and capital reserve funds be divided and returned at 80% to
the Town of Deep River and 20% to the United Townships of Head, Clara & Maria.
And that if the three municipalities do not mutually agree to disbanding this agreement that the
funds required to replace the equipment contained in the NRERU Equipment Purchase List for
2015 except for the MVC Stabilization System estimated to be $29,900.00 be requested from the
United Townships for Head, Clara & Maria.
And that further that Councils respond back to the board by July 15, 2015.
The resolution was unanimously carried.


Review of MTO Invoice allocation errors

A review of the Invoice Allocation errors for the Town of Deep River for the years 2011 to 2013
and for the Town of Laurentian. Hills for March of 2011 were received and reviewed.


Review of NRERU alarm call staff cost allocation

The NRERU Account reimbursement statements for the Town of Deep River for the years 2011 to
2013 were received and reviewed.
The Board was in agreement that the funds are owed to the Towns.

Moved by Reeve Doncaster

Seconded by Mayor Jim Gibson
That the report for the NRERU Account Reimbursement Summary for the years 2011-2013 be
received and that $820.00 be returned to the Town of Laurentian Hills and that $26,568.20 be
returned to the Town of Deep River.
The resolution was unanimously carried.

Review of replacement cost for NRERU vehicle The NRERU Rescue Vehicle page was received for information.


General Discussion
Resolution from Head Clara and Maria
The item was received as information and tabled until a response regarding the resolution to
dissolve is received back from all three Councils.
It was suggested that the minutes of this meeting go out as soon as possible in draft form.
Reeve Doncaster suggested that elected Board Members chair future meetings and not staff


Next Meeting Date & Location

The next NRERU meeting was scheduled for Monday 20 July, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.


Moved by Reeve Doncaster
Seconded by Councillor Boucher
This meeting of the North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit do now adjourn at 11:13 a.m.
The resolution was unanimously carried.

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