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April 25, 2010

CALENDAR “The Lord willing...” James 4:15
MORNING: The Cry for Life
Scripture: Psalm 119:169-176
Text: Psalm 119:175 Tonight (Sunday) Young Peoples meeting after the evening service.
Snack: Abbie Prince
April 27 (Tuesday) 10:30 AM Ladies Bible Study Brunch. There will be no
lesson. Nursery will be provided. We will also be revealing our prayer
EVENING: What To Do With God’s Benefits partners for this year. If you have not already signed up please RSVP by
Scripture: Psalm 103 calling Renee Langerak @ 616.677.6148.
Text: Psalm 103: 2 April 28 (Wednesday) 7 PM Fellowship meeting has been canceled for
this week.
April 28 (Wednesday) Boys & Girls Club.
May 1 (Saturday) 7 AM Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at church.
SONG SERVICE (5:50 PM) – Psalter 275: 1,3 & Psalter 328: 1,2,4
May 1 (Saturday) 7 PM Young Adult Book Study at the seminary. We will
be studying lesson 5: Credit Sharks in Suits
“O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy
name; thou art mine.” Isaiah 43: 1b May 1 (Saturday) 7 AM The building committee will be having clean-up
day for the church and parsonage grounds. We would ask all persons who
could help to please come. We plan to start work at 7 and work until
FROM THE CONSISTORY finished. Please bring your own tools along. Your help to make the
grounds look neat and fresh again is really appreciated. Rain date: May 8.
Visitors, welcome. We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us
today. Our host family has prepared a meal to share and to visit with you in May 4 (Tuesday) Dutch Day at Dundas Free Reformed Church. Coffee will
their home. In the narthex, after the service, the hosts will introduce be served at 9:45 The meeting will be from 10:30 – 2:30 See the
themselves and invite you. Messenger for details.

 Today, Pastor Bilkes will conduct the services. May 4 (Tuesday) 7 PM Dorcas Guild Meeting at Christian Rest Home. This
will be our last meeting of the year.
 The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated in the midst of
the congregation this morning. May the Lord bless us all as we celebrate May 5 (Wednesday 5:45 – 7 PM Last Fellowship Meal of the season.
together. There will be no Sunday School/Catechism classes this morning. May 5 (Wednesday) 7 PM Fellowship meeting led by Pastor Bilkes. He will
 The Sunday school/Catechism classes (Beginners – 7 Grade) Psalter
th speak on the National Day of prayer (May 6)
of the month is #203: 1,3,5. Please review with you child(ren). May 8 (Saturday) 7 PM Young Adult Book Study. It will be game night.
 Rev. John Koopman has declined the call from the Chilliwack FRC.  The Liberation Choir will offer a concert on May 7, 2010, at 7:30 PM at
Please pray the Lord will send a pastor of His choosing in His time. First UMC (227 E. Fulton) in commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the
Liberation of the Netherlands. Guest organists will be Martin Mans and Dan
 Allendale Outreach Services - The Allendale Outreach Meeting will be
th Kwekel. Proceeds will be for Word and Deed Ministries. Tickets are $10
at 3:00 pm today at St. John’s Lutheran, 9628 48 Ave.. It will be led by
and may be purchased by calling (616)554-3345 or (616)301-2698, or you
Seth Huckstead. He will speak on "Will you be cut down?" The text is
can e-mail or
Luke 13:1-9
 Host families: if you would like to be added to the list of those who
serve as host families for guests to our services please contact Henk
Kleyn. We would like to add to the number of families who would like
to share in this privilege.
Please Remember in Our Prayers:
Condolences are expressed to the Faasse family on the passing away of
Maurice Faasse (brother of Mr. Vincent Faasse and Mrs. Dorothy
Hitchcock.) He passed away last Sunday, April 18 at the age of 83. The
funeral took place this past Wednesday. We commend the family to the
Lord for the grace of consolation and preparation. Psalm 90.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit & Suzanne Kleyn were blessed with the birth of healthy
girl, Julia Jenelle, this past Wednesday. The family is doing well.
The Sick: Mrs. Ellen Bazen who is hospitalized and had a surgical
procedure this week. Please remember her in your prayers.
Shut-ins: Mr. & Mrs. Rokus & Louise DeBlaay, Mr. Vincent Faasse, Mrs.
Dorothy Hitchcock, Mrs. Kay Kwekel, Mrs. Winifred Nordyke, Miss Henrietta
Sikkema and Mrs. Mina Wierenga.
Servicemen: Dan Arnoudse, Jacob Hubach and Tyler Prince.

Today: Tom & Meta Moerdyk Next Week: Eric & Sonia Wielhouwer
Mother In Charge – April: Martha Markwat
Today: AM A: Laura DeJong, Rene VanderHart
B: Kimberly & Hannah Kleyn
PM A: Emily Hart, Meta Moerdyk
B: Taunya VanDoodeward, Hannah Karel

Mother In Charge – May: Jen Pennings

Next Week: AM A: Betty Elliott, Kathy Pols
B: Sonia Wielhouwer, Lydia Karel
PM A: Linsey Ghent, Annelise Moerdyk
B: Rachel Mol, Karen VanderSloot
Wednesday 5/5 Heather Engelsma
Today AM Pete VanStrien PM Bill Moerdyk
Next Week AM Tom Karel Jr. PM Steve Kleyn

Today 1 collection: General
2 collection: Denominational
Box at Exits: Seminary Instructor
Next Week 1 collection: General
2 collection: Building
Box at Exits: Denominational
April 25, 2010
Morning Service LITURGY
April 25, 2010
Votum & Salutation Evening Service
Psalter: 94 Votum & Salutation
Law Psalter: 227
Psalter: 364 Apostles’ Creed
Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:169-176 Scripture Reading: Psalm 103
Text: Psalm 119:175
Text: Psalm 103: 2
Pastoral Prayer
Psalter: 54
Pastoral Prayer
Psalter: 151: 2, 4, 5, 6
Sermon: The Cry for Life
Psalter: 209: 7, 8, 9, 10,11
Form for the Lord’s Supper Sermon: What To Do With God’s Benefits
Psalter: 428: 10
Psalters for the Tables: 163: 1, 2, 3
Psalter: 277: 1, 2, 3, 4
Offertory Benediction
Psalter: 88 Doxology: 420: 5
Benediction ******
Doxology: 196

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