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Summary of the works to b carried out

1. Construction of haul roads

2. Construction of sand banks/fences
3. Cleaning and transporting waste materials from storage area to other
location. eg:-cement/concrete/cement/boulders etc
4. Leveling of cleaned sapces and make required modifications to use those
areas for parking vehicles
5. Construction of spped reduce hums near junctions whrer the traffic moves
6. Plantation of trees near offices to control the disturbance from the dust which
enters inside.
7. Construction of water ponds at the entrance of ready mix plants.
8. Removal of broke down/abandoned vehicles/machines from roads and move
to different locations.
9. Supply of water sprinkling tanks to control the dust of roads.
10.Erection of sign boards where necessary to control the traffice.
11.Cleaning of roads which are filled with dust/sand
12.Reparing of damaged roads & upgrading the conditions of the roads.

Construction of haul roads/ Reparing of damaged roads & upgrading the

conditions of the roads.

Haul roads are used as carrage ways for mostly for the heavy vehicls and at
same time will be used for light vhicls too. Since the most of are heavy
vehicles these roads undergoes large stresses and hence should be
constructed/maintained properly.
According to the present condition it is recomended to
construct/maintain/repair the existing haul raoads in logisti area. Under this
the existing roads will be repaired/re-construct with milling materilas to
provde a efffitient transportation. Further more new haul roads will be
constructed to continue a smooth transportation where necssary.

Existing conditions of the haul roads in logidtic area

Construction methodology
Existing haul roads
At initial stage the traffic which is currently operated by the particular road
will be diverted and the road will be close untill the construction activities
finish. If it is not possible to divert the traffic then the road will be constructed
partly and traffice will be operated through the same road and safety
barriers/flagmen will be occupied to control the traffic.once th road is
isolated, tfollowing cnstruction activities will be carried out.

Cleaning of rubbih/waste on the road

Leveling and cleaning of the area to be constructed.
Watering continously to control the dust
Existing holes will be filled with soils with good condition.
Upgradation of the road using milling materials
Construction of spped reducing humps where required.
Erection of road signs where required.
Maintenance of the road.

Planned/identified haul roads to be cnstructed

Attach a map showing all details f roads.

Estimations for the costruction activities

Estimation will be based on the machines/man power /scope of
work/duration/additioanl tasks to be performed. Cost will be calculated as per the
rates of the BOQ and will be certified by authorizd agents prior the commencing of
the construction activities.

For the detailed estimations refer appendix A

Construction of sand banks/fences

Sand banks/fences are used to isolate a defined area restricting entrance. These
area will be used as storage areas if necessary.
Clean the waste in existing storage areas and transport to other dumping lcations.
Leveling of the cleaned areas in to modify for better storage conditions.
Existing conditions of the storage areas in logidtic area


Construction methodoligy

Initiallly the perimeter considered will be cleaned/levelled as appopriate. Then the

required machines/manpower/resources will mobilise at site to commence the work

activities. If any road diversions required will be done prior commencing the
construction activities.
Following construction activities will be carried out

1. Traffic management in the area considered

2. Cleaning/leveling of the perimeter considered
3. Construction of fence/sand bank

Pplanned/identified areas for fencing/sand banking

Include a map

Estimations for the costruction activities

Estimation will be based on the machines/man power /scope of
work/duration/additioanl tasks to be performed. Cost will be calculated as per the
rates of the BOQ and will be certified by authorizd agents prior the commencing of
the construction activities.

For the detailed estimations refer appendix B

Cleaning and transporting waste materials from storage area to other location. eg:cement/concrete/cement/boulders etc
Leveling of cleaned sapces and make required modifications to use those areas for
parking vehicles.
Supply of portable toilets

In logistic area there ar several area which are now occupied with waste materials.
Since there are large amount of vehicles in operation every day , it requires a large
space for parking facilities. If it is possible to clean those areas with waste
materials, enough space can be freed upp to to use as parking areas.


To transpoert the waste materials from storage areas and to free up the usable
areas in th logistica area for parking facilities and to the parking of vehicles at either
sides of the haul raods. This clearence will effective increase the efficency of the
transportation iin the logistic area.

Existing conditions of the storgse areas


Construction methodology
Initially it is recomended to complete the fencing/sand banking around the
perimeter of the area considered to avoid any unnecesary waste dumps. After that
will mobilise excavator with a hydraulic hammer to break down large concrete
pieces in to small pieces which can then be handled by a shovel and a haul truck.
Remaining waste such as soil/boulders/cement waste/used tyres etc will be loaded
to haul trucks by using excavators/shavels/haul trucks. Then the area will be cleared
and levelled and modified as appopriate to use as a storage area or as a parking
Construction steps
1. Fencing/sand banking around the area considered
2. Mobilising of excavators with hydrauluc breakers to break large
concrete/boulders iin to smaill pieces.
3. Transportation of waste to new dumping areas.

Planned /identified locations in logistic storage area with waste materials

Include map

Estimation fort the construction actvities

Estimation will be based on the machines/man power /scope of
work/duration/additioanl tasks to be performed. Cost will be calculated as per the
rates of the BOQ and will be certified by authorizd agents prior the commencing of
the construction activities.

For the detailed estimations refer appendix C

Plantation of trees near offices to control the disturbance from the dust which enters
Treea will control the circulation of dust up to a reasonabl extent. It will act as a
barrier to the circulated dust. Hence if trees are planted infront of offices in logistic
area, it will control the damages/distrubances due to the duat

Plant trees (about 3-4m high) in front of offices/entrance which are affeted by the
dust. Supply of water to these trees will be on daily basis using a water tanker.

Existing 4toes

Construction methodology

Selected locations will be cleaned /levelled and then the trees will be places in an
excavated pit which is done by manually or by a machine.
1. Cleaning of the seected locations
2. Excavation of a pit for the tree
3. Plantation and maintenance

Planned/identifies locations to plant trees in logistic area

Map attache

Estimation fort the construction actvities

Estimation will be based on the machines/man power /scope of
work/duration/additioanl tasks to be performed. Cost will be calculated as per the
rates of the BOQ and will be certified by authorizd agents prior the commencing of
the construction activities.

For the detailed estimations refer appendix D

Removal of broke down/abandoned vehicles/machines from roads and move to

different locations


At several places in logistic area, there are some abandoned vehicles/machine

either sides of the hal roads. These vehicles/machines will affect the efficiency of
the movement of the traffic and it will reduce the visibilty of the drivers sight
causing accidents.some people used to dump garbage near those locations causing
bad smells.


To remove abondaned vehicles/machines from logistic area to other approved


Existing 4toes


Remove abandonedvehicles/ machines using tow vehicle.

Existing locations of the map

Estimation fort the construction actvities

Estimation will be based on the machines/man power /scope of
work/duration/additioanl tasks to be performed. Cost will be calculated as per the
rates of the BOQ and will be certified by authorizd agents prior the commencing of
the construction activities.

For the detailed estimations refer appendix E

Supply of water sprinkling tanks to control the dust of roads.

All over the logisic area the roads are covrded with dust.specially the roads near
batching plants. This dust is circlating all over the area causing visibility
effects/health issues/damages to the vehicls. If dust is controlled the above
mentioned matters can be controlled up to a reasonabl limit

Control the dust in the roads due to moving traffic.

Esisting 4toes


Supply of water tankenrs and required man power to control the dust with spraying

Planned/identified locations in the map

Estimation fort the construction actvities
Estimation will be based on the machines/man power /scope of
work/duration/additioanl tasks to be performed. Cost will be calculated as per the
rates of the BOQ and will be certified by authorizd agents prior the commencing of
the construction activities.

For the detailed estimations refer appendix F

Cleaning of roads which are filled with dust/sand

Several roads in logistic area are coverded with dust and it reduces the hauling
capasit of the road reucing the efficiency of the traffic movement. The dust will go
all ovr the area once the vehicles moves causing disturbence to the workers/redcing
the visibility of divers sight causing accidents


Remove the dust/soil from the roads and dump in a othr approced locations.

Existinf 4toes

It is palnned to occupy bob cats/dump trucks/ man power to remove th dust/soil
which accumilated on either sides of the roads
Planned/identified locations on the map
Estimation fort the construction actvities
Estimation will be based on the machines/man power /scope of
work/duration/additioanl tasks to be performed. Cost will be calculated as per the
rates of the BOQ and will be certified by authorizd agents prior the commencing of
the construction activities.

For the detailed estimations refer appendix G

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