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1. Whether Assistant is a clerical post or supervisor post or technical post or an

expert post.
2. detailed duties and responsibilities of Assistant in Personnel section
3. detailed duties and responsibilities of Assistant in Academics section
4. detailed duties and responsibilities of Assistant in General Administration
5. detailed duties and responsibilities of Section Officer in Personnel section
6. detailed duties and responsibilities of Section Officer is Academics section
7. detailed duties and responsibilities of Section Officer in General Administration
8. whether it is the responsibility of Assistant in General Administration to evaluate
the tenders received. if not, then authority/official responsible for evaluation of
9. name of officer responsible for conducting physical verification of Stores as per
General Financial Rules
10. Number of theft/missing items cases in the University happened in the last 5
years. Copy of reply submitted by the Caretaker and action taken by the University.
11. If any item in the Stores is found missing at present, person responsible for the
loss caused to the Government of India funds, its name and designation. If more
than one person, then provide details of all. Also provide copy of penalty for such

Please provide the following information under the Right to Information Act, 2005:

1. The Ministry of Human Resource Development has established a number of

autonomous bodies working under its control. Please give details of autonomy
which can be exercised by such autonomous bodies like in recruitments, purchases
2. Whether these autonomous bodies have the right to appoint a candidate who
doesn't meet the eligibility criterion given in the Recruitment Rules of that body, by
giving him special relaxations.
3. Whether the Ministry ever checks or verify the recruitments rules framed by
these autonomous bodies or the Ministry has issued specific guidelines to these
bodies for framing these rules? Copy of such guidelines may be provided, if any.
4. The provisions for penalising such persons who are found to be involved in
recruitment of such person who doesn't fulfil the eligibility criterion as per the
Recruitment Rules, if any.
5. Name of rules, provisions, acts which covers these penalty provisions.
6. Whether these autonomous bodies have been directed to constitute an internal
grievances committee and providing a link on their websites. Number of
autonomous bodies in Delhi which have implemented this and also the number of
autonomous bodies which have not implemented this.

It is to bring to your kind notice that no multi-task staff has been deployed in the
General Administration. General administration section is entrused with most of the
time-consuming and other task requiring tough efforts.

The undersigned had approached the Section Officer (GA) hopeful to get a multitasking staff deployed in the Administration Section (Room No.010); the present
scene being that the two multi-tasking staff Sh. Lachman Singh and Sh. Vijendar
Kumar deployed for attending to the duties in the section are not having good
health and one of them has even been diagnosed of cancer. The administration
section, thus, has been left with no multi-tasking staff. The duties of a multi-tasking
staff generally include

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