Our Ds-Ambassador Program

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MPA LLC District Strategist Ambassador Program

DISTRICT Strategists Ambassadors are self-appointed VOLUNTEERS to empower their

district they live in Aldermanic, Supervisory, state and federal. It is their responsibility to help
Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC (Founder organization) and the People Council of Milwaukee
(the collective body made-up of DS Ambassadors) to get the word out in Fellowship, Leadership,
Ownership, Citizenship and Stewardship for starters. VOTING is one of the vitals for being a DS
Ambassador. They are non-partisan and may be speakers, candidates, poll workers, outreach recruiters,
and trainers for voting. They recognize the historic 50-year anniversary for the Voter Rights Act for
African American on August 6, 2015. MPA LLC was recognized December 6, 2016 by WI State
Representative Jonathan Brostoff, District 19 at St. John Cathedral, 812 N. Jackson, Milwaukee, WI
It is paramount that engagement is ongoing and customer service is constantly tweaked for
improvement. RESPECT is a Golden Rule that is protocol ALL-THE-TIME. We seek to mend, blend
and send RACIAL discourse to make ourselves, our home, block, neighborhood, city, county, state,
region, nation and world a more acceptable climate for quality of life and economic development for
The ISN/Impact Statement of the Neighborhood is the first Order for RESPECT, use of the
Peoples funds, for Neighborhood GROWTH economically and day-to-day quality of life issues (urban
health care, proper diet, lifestyle affordable housing, gainful employment, safety matters,
neighborhood-desire policing, the Arts, education and information attainment, etc.). It guides the
business and economic development of those Elected-Appointed-Hired and Donor-for-Hire government
representative. Those who represent the People of Milwaukee in the Executive-Legislative and Judicial
branches are the target of due diligence and due process with on the-merit engagement that includes
social ills caused by RACIAL and all types of discriminations.
They are active STEWARDS of recordkeeping of the historic PEOPLES Tribunal of Milwaukee/PTOM.
PTOM is a 20 month (December 22, 2015 September 22, 2017) probe of cases that address Patterns
and Practices of the Milwaukee Police Department. It is the documented, audio, recorded and video
composite of the 20-month study.
Who is a DS/Ambassador?
DS/Ambassadors are volunteers that are skilled neighbors, renters, property owners, homeless
stakeholder, educators, developers, designers, technicians, outreach specials, peer counselors, social
workers, evaluators, analysts, clergy, environmentalists, candidates in the Public Square, business
entrepreneurs, strategic planners, and family members.
They are the Welcome Wagon for their district for recruiting others to be DS Ambassadors by
inviting other to meetings, forums and gatherings by MPA LLC or their own business and/or
neighborhood affiliations. MPA LLC provides Certification to DS/Ambassador after 6 months of work.

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