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1. What does Fireproof mean?

Fireproof means being capable to resist damage by fire, it means
indestructible, totally or almost cannot be burned and able to withstand the extreme
heat and pressure caused by fire.
When I hear the word fireproof, immediately I think of it as the ability to
endure fire, but other than that, what comes into my mind is strength and solidness.
Fireproof reminds me of the strength of my relationships with the people I love, my
friends, my family and with God, how we get through all the difficulties that we face
together and it also makes me think of the solid and steadfast faith that I have in
2. What is the message?
The movie Fireproof tells us the importance of marriage, not just about as
husband and wife but also our marriage with God. Marriage means unity when two
people are married, husband and wife becomes one body and soul. It shows us that
marriage is not made flawless; it is imperfect on the contrary. Every marriage goes
through periods when you feel neglected, unimportant and disrespected but it is all
about making it though with your partner. Divorce is never and will never bea
solution to the problem, partners are ought to remember that they are one and
therefore should stay as it is, love should be what keeps them strong no matter how
hard the situation gets. I learned that if you love someone you should be willing to
give up the things that satisfy you for your partners happiness.
Aside from that, the message Ive learned about this movie was that, God
loves us unconditionally God loves us whether we deserve it or not that line was
taken from the movie. And I couldnt have agreed more. We do a lot of sinful things
that doesnt deserve forgiveness, but God is compassionate, he forgives us no
matter what we do and not even a little he lessens his love for us. We fail to give
thanks and remember him most of the times but he never fails to show his deep love
for us.
3. What is the point of view of the message?
Marriage is not a contract it is lifelong covenant in which the husband and wife
shares together. A love that exists in this kind of marriage is much deeper, much
more meaningful that those shared as a contract or as an agreement. Love in this
marriage means being able to sacrifice your own happiness for your partners sake,
it is putting their comfort before yours and giving your best to make them happy,

make them feel loved in all aspects without expecting anything in return. Love is an
endless act of forgiveness; you never leave your partner no matter how bad the
things they do, instead, we understand them and lead them back into doing what is
right. Marriage as a covenant is stronger than any other kind of marriages, it stands
the test of time, it is fireproof. It is not about not having any trouble but it is actually
getting through a lot and being able to surpass it. True love isnt whats best for you;
it is seeking whats best for the person you love. To have a good marriage, you must
first understand how to love someone and that comes from the source of
unconditional love God.
4. Think about some personal relationships that are important to you. Are they
I am proud to say that they are indeed fireproof. Fireproof in a sense that my
relationships with those people I love remains strong and never faltered even a bit. I
admit, my relationships with them are not perfect, it never was and never will be, well
relationships were never made to be perfect after all, it has ups and downs. We
wont be able to appreciate the value of someone if we havent experience how it
feels like to almost lose them just like how we wont be able to say that something is
good if theres no evil that exists. We have fought about the simplest thing there is,
we argued about things that I thought couldve ruined my relationship with them, but
in the end I know that having love and care for each other and putting God above us
will overcome any hitch that might come to us. I am not perfect myself, nor are they,
we tend to make mistakes but what matters is making through the worse together
and ending up learning from our mistakes and grow so much better than before.
5. Discuss your thought about this point of view. If it is biblical, locate
scriptures/bible verses to support the movies point of view.
He answered, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning
made them male and female, and said, Therefore a man shall leave his father and
his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So they
are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let not man

Mt. 19:4-6

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It
does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it doesnt not rejoice at
wrong doing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for tongues, they will
cease; as for knowledge it will pass away.

Cor. 1:4-8
6. There are numerous other characters in the movie besides the husband and
wife. How did the point of view of the various characters support the main
message? List down those characters and discuss their individual point of
view about marriage.
Calebs father and friend supported the main message of the movie through their
own beliefs. These two characters firmly believed in God and in the sanctity of
Michael (Calebs Friend)
Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that
you will be able to withstand it.
Michael never gave up on encouraging Caleb into not letting his marriage end, even
though Caleb didnt want to listen to his biblical beliefs about love and God, still he
persuaded him into keep believing in his own marriage and his love left for his wife.
For Michael, marriage is something to be given importance for it is made as a
covenant by God, one must value their partner and never leave them in difficult
times because they are meant to be strong to be able to withstand the problems
ahead of them. Giving up on each other will never be a way out. He even compared
a two bottle of salt and pepper glued together, they are two different things together
they are inseparable and sturdy, try to split them and one of them will be ruined and
it is not something that can be fixed, the pieces might be able to be put up together
but it will never be the same.
Calebs Father
Son, you just asked me: how can someone show love over and over again when
they're constantly rejected? Caleb, the answer is: you can't love her, because you
can't give her what you don't have. I couldn't truly love your mother until I
understood what love truly was. It's not because I get some reward out of it. I've now
made a decision to love your mother whether she deserves it or not. Son, God loves
you, even though you don't deserve it. Even though you've rejected Him. Spat in His
face. God sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin, because He loves you. The
cross was offensive to me, until I came to it. But when I did, Jesus Christ changed
my life. That's when I truly began to love your mom. Son, I can't settle this for you.
This is between you and the Lord. But I love you too much not to tell you the truth.
Can't you see that you need Him? Can't you see that you need His forgiveness?

Caleb stopped believing in God, he didnt even believe that He exists because he
keeps having problems with his relationship with his wife, he wanted a divorce. But
then his father served as an eye opener and made him see how important his
marriage is, how much he love his wife. He made Caleb see the truth, that God is
present everywhere, because finally, he believed that God helped him through the
Love-Dare book that his father had given him, he saw Gods love through his father
and like him, he developed a firm faith in God and a deep sense of significance in
Like Michael, Calebs father also sees marriage as sacred. He values it and believes
that in every marriage, there will be God who works on it, guides every couple into
the right course in making their decisions about their relationships. And so, he have
faith that as long as God remains as the center of every relationship, separation will
never be an option in troubled times.
7. Caleb says to the rookie fireman You never leave your partner especially in a
fire. He repeats the line to Catherine at the end of the movie. Discuss the
timing of this statement.
At the near ending of the movie, Caleb says to Catherine You never leave your
partner especially in a fire right when Catherine will soon file the divorce papers,
and right when shed almost given up on their marriage. At that moment, although
she havent fully made up her mind about mending things up with Caleb, he made
her feel important and cared about after a long time of being in their disastrous
marriage, she felt as if theres still love left between us, she wasnt sure yet, but she
had hope and faith that sparked in her that maybe theyre love for each other will still
salvage their marriage.
8. What is the impact of the message on you?
The message of the movie hit me hard, I used to think that marriages are fragile
and therefore, I never really believe that it could be possible to share a lifelong
commitment with someone. I mean, there are a huge percentage of people cheating,
constantly lying to each other, making each other feel like theyre strangers living
under the same roof, some results in annulment or divorce and some stays together
for the sake of their children. I pondered relentlessly the message that this movie
wants to partake to us, and so I asked myself: Why do many marriages fail? and
then I realized, because they shut off God from their relationship, their marriage only
revolves around money and work and things around their home without even giving
a second thought that what if we stop for a while and think about what will God do at
times like this?. Often times, marriages fail because couples keep on pointing out
each others flaws, they continuously think about their own selves rather than their

partners. When life is better, they believe that they have a good and perfect
marriage, but when life gets hard and tries to break them, they assume that their
marriage must end immediately, but is that how is it suppose to be? Partners should
never be afraid of taking chances in marriage because in the end, it will all be worth
it if they just put God in it because God can heal even the most damaged of
I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in
good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you
unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with
you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
Another thing is, I learned the real meaning of this vow taken during the wedding
ceremony, though I havent fully understood it but I was able to take in the essence
of these when man and woman say these sacred words. There are a few words that
made up this vow, but the truth is, it has a deeper meaning behind this. Which is why
I had a sense of appreciation for those old couples, and value what they have in
them, growing old with someone will never be easy, but then they made it, theyre
happy, their sacrifices paid off finally, I wonder how hard it was for them? How many
times they thought of separating and just walk off into a different path and start a life
away from each other? I am in awe at them, because when life got hard they
remained tough and stayed together because they believe that their marriage is
worth rescuing.
9. What is the sanctity of marriage?
Sanctity of marriage is the idea of the sacredness of marriage. Marriage is one of the
holiest of relations two people can have. Therefore, marriage is not something to be
entered into lightly. Further, once you are in a marriage, you must work hard to make
it work. You have to treat it as sacred, and spend time making it work, no matter the
The greatest threat to the sanctity of marriage is lack of respect for it, thus leading to
fall of the marriage, and often divorce/annulment. Giving up on a marriage is
considered sacrilegious and selfish. Sanctity of marriage is not subjective, and to be
interpreted at the impulses of people who have found it too hard or too difficult. The
sanctity of marriage demands personal sacrifice, and pays back in great rewards.

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