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With the recent advances of distributed computing, the limitation of information
retrieval from a centralized image collection can be removed by allowing distributed
image data sources to interact with each other for data storage sharing and information
retrieval. We describe the system architecture and detail the interactions among various
system modules.
Specifically, we propose a Firework Query Model for distributed information
retrieval, which aims to reduce the network traffic of query passing in the network. We
carry out experiments to show the distributed image retrieval system and the Firework
information retrieval algorithm. The results show that the algorithm reduces network
traffic while increases searching performance.
Firework Query Model
Here, we introduce the algorithm to determine when and how a query message is
propagated through attractive links and explode like a firework in Algorithm 2. it consists
of two main steps:
1. Shared File Look Up:
The network looks up its shared information for those matched with the query. If
any shared information within the matching criteria of the query, the peer will reply the
2. Route Selection:
The network calculates the distance between the query and each signature value
of its local clusters, SIGv. If one or more Dq(SIGv ,q) is within the threshold, it implies

the query has reached its target cluster. Therefore, the query will be broadcasted through
corresponding attractive connections while the TTL will be decremented by a probability
called CTS (Chance To Survive), otherwise, it is propagated through random

Modules of the Project

This project uses the following modules:


File Management


Current Process

User is used to provide the login details for to enter into the Windows Management
services. The login details include the User Id, Password.
The system connects in network gets the message to check for IP address and
Password. It will find out whether request or a response, then it acts for the message got.
FileManagement displays your system drives, directories, and files information.
Machine Information displays operating system and hardware data specifications.System
Services displays services currently running on the system. Current Process displays
processes currently running on the system.

Module Description:
The FileManagement Control displays the following information about the
computer system being accessed: System drives, files, folders, directories and Removable
Current drive and directory have the child process. A user can specify a child node
to get the details from that in the list view. By selecting a folder or a file user can set the
access for that on the remote machine.

The MachineInformation control display many different types of information
about your local machine or a remote machine on the network. It first establishes a
ConnectionOptions object with the UserName and Password properties set. Then it
creates a ManagementScope object with the local or remote host name and the
ConnectionOptions object as the parameters.
We only concerned about the local host information, we can avoid the creation
of Connection Option, ManagementScope, and ObjectQuery objects. All of us need to do










ManagementObjectCollection result back, for the local machine.

The MachineInfo control also displays the following information about the
computer system being accessed: System Manufacturer, Processor, Bios, Time Zone,
Memory, Network Connection, and Video Controller. The codes for these different
queries are repetitive, it's just the query string and the result properties are different.
System Service control
The System Service control is used to retrieve all the services information in the
system. To start or stop a service, here we dynamically create a popup menu to the
ListView. When we right click on an item, a start or stop and schedule menu pops up,
depending on the service state. In schedule user can set the schedule time and date for the
service which is have to be set. When the MenuItem is clicked, we get the
ManagementObject for to start or stop the service. The first parameter in the









ManagementOperationObserver class to manage asynchronous operations and handle

management information and events received asynchronously. To determine the operation

weather it is successful or not by checking the returnValue property in completionHandler
Current Process control
The Current Process control display the system running processes, user that
started the process, CPU utilization, and memory usage. To get the process user, we used
to call the GetOwner method. The User and Domain parameters are output parameters.
We can get the output parameters from the completion Handler Object.
To Configuring a Remote machine
For remote machines, the dialog box contains additional fields; fill in the following

Remote Host Hostname of the remote machine hosting the machine.

Remote machine IP Name of the IP Address on the remote machine.

The remote machine must be configured to allow the local machine to get on the desired

IP number The IP address of the machine to which the machine you want to


User Name of user you must login as to access the machine

Password Password (if given) to use the machine.

If we require a username and password for a machine we can get it admin, There is

possible for another person to learn the username and password. It is therefore
recommended that the username and password for the machine to be different than that
for a user account on the local system, so that there is possible security compromise
would be unauthorized use of the machine. It is recommended that they also use a
different password than the one for the machine queue.

Problem Definition
Functional Description
This shows how to access operating system information, services, and processes
running on your machine as well as on a remote machine on your network, provided you
have administration rights to them. Also it shows you how to start and stop services,
terminate processes, and create new processes using Windows service management.
Windows service management which does both monitoring and controlling. when
the user wants to monitor, will give the IP address and the password to which user wants
to call, the information about the system will be get by the management object collection,
by using the information provided by the user. The system at the other end gets the
message to check for IP address and Password. It will find out whether request or a
response, then it acts for the message got.

After it checks fields and request/response lines. It determines the type of request
or response and gives statement to actor.

is responsible for managing persistent connections. Sending requests and Receiving
A transaction is a request sent by a server (using the IP Address) to a client transaction,
along with all responses to that request sent from the client transaction back to the server.
In this application, first we used to create a Main Page with login check. In that
the menus are used to call the controls, so we have to create a ControlLibrary which
contains four user controls.
The four user controls are as follows:

File Management
Machine Information
System Services
Current Processes
Each one of these controls does its own specific task. Here is a brief description
of what each one of these control does.

FileManagement Control - It display your system drives, directories, and files


Machine Information Control - This control display operating system information

and hardware data and specifications.

System Services Control - This control display services currently running on the

Current Process Control - This control display processes currently running on the

Problem Objective
Aim of this project is to control the windows services, process and security.

It does access to the files and directories.

It also does start/stop, terminate the services & process.

It checks system configuration and products installed.

Problem Scope
It acts as system admin, access operating system information, services, and
processes running on the machine as well as on a remote machine on the network,
provided the administration rights to actor. Also it shows how to start and stop
services, terminate processes, and create new processes using windows service

It establishes only the system which is connected in network.
It supports in windows platform only.

System Study
Existing System
In the existing system there is a limitation for information retrieval from a
centralized image collection. There is a problem of network traffic of query passing in
the network. By this network traffic the performance was in low level.
Proposed System
It is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows operating
systems. This supplies management data to other parts of the operating system and
products, for example System Center Operations Manager, formerly Windows Remote
This product supports the following activities.

Monitoring the systems in network.

Providing access rights.

Getting the system information.

Data Flow Diagram:

Analysis Model:


Activity diagram for service

Activity Diagram for Process

Activity Diagram for File Management

Activity Diagram for Machine Information

System Environment

Hardware Interface
The software was implemented in the following environment:
Platform - Windows
Processor type - Pentium IV
RAM - 512 MB RAM
Hard disk 40 GB

Software Interface

The softwares used in the developing environment of this system are given
below with their versions used.
Operating System

: Windows XP.

Language used

: C# Dot net.


: Microsoft Framework 2.0

Documentation Tool

: MS Office

About software:

We cannot define .NET as a 'single thing'. It is Framework. It is a new, easy, and

extensive programming platform. It is not a programming language, but it supports
several programming languages. By default .NET comes with few programming
languages including C# (C Sharp), VB.NET, J# and managed C++. .NET is a common
platform for all the supported languages. It gives a common class library, which can be
called from any of the supported languages. So, developers need not learn many libraries
when they switch to a different language. Only the syntax is different for each language.
When you write code in any language and compile, it will be converted to an
'Intermediate Language' (Microsoft Intermediate Language - MSIL). So, your compiled
executable contains the IL and not really executable machine language. When the .NET
application runs, the .NET framework in the target computer take care of the execution.
(To run a .NET application, the target computer should have .NET framework installed.)
The .NET framework converts the calls to .NET class libraries to the corresponding APIs
of the Operating system.


The .NET framework is the plumbing of .NET. The framework provides the
services necessary to deploy applications for the loosely coupled, disconnected Internet
The two main components that make up the framework are the Common
Language Runtime (CLR) and the Base Class Libraries (BCL). As a developer, you are
coding against class libraries, which are all derived from the BCL. In the future, you may
be using third-party class libraries that are not part of the base classes, but they must still
be based in the CLR specifications. Other core services include cross-language
interoperability, security, managed execution and the Common Type System (CTS).
Together, these services make up the .NET Framework.

DOT NET Framework

It would not be surprising if most of the programmers today would take a
pilgrimage if they were asked to revert back to assembly language. Simply because of the
complexities involved with programming in assembly. Not only do we have to worry
about our complex business and programming logic but also of low level system
complexities such as memory management. It is clearly evident that as new programming
languages evolved programming became simpler.
Languages like C evolved, which gave the programmer named memory location
like variables and programming constructs like loops and conditional branching. With the
advent of C++ came the object oriented programming, which allowed the programmer to
model the real world as it is in the virtual programming realm. However C/C++ was still
considered to the difficult to program with. Inexperienced programmers could blunder
easily. With the event of GUI (Graphical User Interface) based operating system like
windows coming into the picture newer programming languages like visual basic

evolved. Visual Basic is still considered the programming language with the largest
following because of the simplicity of use it has to offer.
However though Visual Basic was easy to use, this ease was provided with tradeoff for power. Some of the task that the C/C++ programmers could do (like memory
management) was hardly possible with visual basic. The need for a language that could
provide the developers with the power of C/C++ and the simplicity of visual basic was
felt. This is where C# comes into the picture. C# provides developers easy
programmability of visual basic and the awesome raw power C/C++. C# is one of the
20+ language supported by the .net framework. However, the name C# sounds
synonymous with .net, for the single reason that most of the .net base classes (which
constitutes a major part of the .net framework) were written in C#.
Apart from the being the preferred language to program to program on the .net
platform, it is equally important to consider C# as an object oriented language. In fact C#
can be thought of as a modern replacement for C/C++.

ASP.NET was developed by Microsoft as Active Server Pages Plus (ASP+), and
later got a name change to ASP.NET and became part of the .NET family.
ASP.NET is built upon the .NET Framework, which means that the entire
framework is available for your ASP.NET application. This is not Active Server Pages
4.0, but a new and exciting way of populating data and controls onto Web pages.
ASP.NET is used to build Web Forms and Web Services.
With ASP.NET, Microsoft set aside VBScript, and allowed developers to use
richer languages to develop server-side code. Developers can now use VB.NET, C#, or
Jscript.NET to code their Web pages.

Previously in Web application development, programmers developed in a
restricted environment. This was mainly due to the stateless nature of the Internet and the
limiting languages that were available to develop the truly robust applications that were
being demanded by the companies and organizations that wanted to use the Internet and
the browser to deliver a new generation of rich applications. Now, ASP.NET has arrived
on the scene answering the problems that have limited you in the past.
ASP.NET is an integrated Web development platform that allows you to use
various tools to build rich Web applications. This new technology offers great new
advances in state management, scalability, caching, deployment, security, performance
and support for a Web services infrastructure.

ASP.NET includes a number of controls to program. These controls are used
within a Web From to produce forms with the exact functionality that you required.
For use within the Web Form are a number of new available controls such as
HTML controls, Web controls, Validation controls, and User controls.
The Validation controls allow you to specify client-side validation rules. ASP.NET
will take care of the JavaScript, and will code the JavaScript based on the browser the
user is viewing the page with.

System Testing

Test Plan
System testing is the stage of implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the
system works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is vital
to the success of the system. System resting makes a logical assumption that is all the
parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved .The candidate
system is subject to a variety of tests: on-line response, Volume, Stress, recovery and
security and usability tests.
The testing steps are ,

Unit Testing

Integration Testing

Validation Testing

Output Testing

User acceptance Testing

5.2.2 Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design,
the module. This is also known as Module Testing. The modules are tested separately.
This testing is carried out during programming stage itself. In this testing step each
module is found to be working satisfactorily as regard to the expected output from the

5.2.3 Integration Testing

Integration testing focuses on the design and the construction of the software
architecture. Data can be lost across an interface; one module can have adverse effect on

another sub function and so on. This integration testing is a part that the software meets
all functional, behavioral and performance requirements. The errors, which are uncovered
during integration testing, are corrected during this phase.

5.2.4 Validation Testing

Errors discovered where corrected prior to completion of this project with the help
of the user by negotiating to establish a method of resolving deficiencies. Thus the
proposed system under consideration has been tested by using validation testing and
found to be working satisfactorily.

5.2.5 Output Testing

After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the
proposed system since no system could be useful if it does not produce the required
output in the specific format. The outputs generated or displayed by the system under
consideration are tested asking the users about the format required by them.

5.2.6 User Interface Testing

An interactive interface is a system that is dominated by interaction between the

system and external sources such as humans, devices or other programs. The external
agents are independent of the system. The major concerns of an interactive interface are
the communication protocol between the system and the external agents, the syntax of
possible interactions, the presentation of the output, the flow of control within the system,
the case of understanding and user interface, performance and error handling.

The dynamic model dominated interactive interfaces. Objects in the model

represent interaction elements, such as input and output tokens and presentation formats.
The functional model describes which application functions are executed in response to
input event sequences, but the internal structure of the functions is usually unimportant to
the behavior of the interface.

By using this project we can access operating system information, services, and
processes running on your machine as well as on a remote machine on the network, and
the administration rights provided. Also it shows you how to start and stop services,
terminate processes, and create new processes. Each one of these controls does its own
specific task. Using this we can access remote machines such as running process,
machine information and system services.

Screen Shots:

Explorer remote:




Process remote:


Services remote:

System information:



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