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Accost To approach and speak to aggressively

Vituperate To use harsh language

Berate To yell at someone; to criticize
Lampoons A piece of writing, cartoon, etc., that mocks a
well-known person or thing
Salutary Producing a beneficial effect; promoting health;
remedial; curative
Equivocate To use unclear language to deceive or
mislead someone
Underscore To emphasize or show the importance of
Imminent Happening very soon
Reticent Reluctant; Silent; Reserved
Precarious Lack of security or stability; dubious
Fidelity Accuracy in details; exactness
Staunch Very devoted or loyal to a person; strongly built;
substantial; steadfast in loyalty or principle
Diffident Lacking confidence; distrustful
Arbiter A person with power to decide a dispute; judge
Despondent Very sad and without hope
Ingenuous Noble; Honorable
Malcontent A person who is always unhappy; one who is
in active opposition; rebel
Indifferent Neutral; lacking enthusiasm; mediocre
Sacrosanct Sacred or holy
Substantiated To establish by proof of the truth; to give
substance of form to; embody
Capricious Impulsive; unpredictable; changing often
Multifaceted Having many aspects or facets
Cantankerous Often angry and annoyed
Insinuate To suggest in an indirect way (negative)
Pervasive Existing or spreading in all parts
Ineptitude A lack of skill or ability
Specious Having deceptive attraction; showy
Contentment State of being happy and satisfied
Epigram A concise, witty paradoxical saying
Prevaricate To deviate from the truth; equivocate
A non sequitur Statement that is not connected in a
logical or clear way to anything said before it
Austerity A simple and plain quality
Belie To give a false idea of; false impression
Eccentric Strange or unusual
Passive Not active; lethargic; submissive
Alacrity Performed with great urgency
Invasive Tending to spread
Munificent Very generous; lavish

Efficacy The power to produce a desired result or effect

Tenacious Not easily stopped or pulled apart; strong;
continuing for a long time; very determined
Serendipitous Having made a fortunate discovery by
Beleaguered To cause constant trouble
Internalized To make an important part of the kind of
person you are
Abate To become weaker; decrease in strength
Acquiesce To accept, agree
Ad-libbed To make up words or music in a performance
instead of what was planned
Extemporized To improvise
Jarring To have a harsh or unpleasant effect on someone
or something
Unswerving Not changing or becoming weaker
Brusque Talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, and
unfriendly way
Enigmatic Puzzling
Canonical Relating to books that are traditionally
considered important
Abrogated To end or cancel in a formal way
Retrenched To cut down, reduce; remove
Tangential Way off topic
Enigma Something hard to understand or explain
Sycophant A person who praises powerful people in
order to get their approval; flatterer
Eschew To avoid because not proper; shun
Ardor A strong feeling of energy; intensity
Doleful Sorrowful, mournful
Enthrall To hold the attention of; charm
Flippant Lacking proper respect/ seriousness; talkative
Maxim A well-known phrase that expresses a general
truth about life or a rule about behavior
Contrivance An artificial arrangement or development
Prospectus Document that provides info about business
Frank Free, direct, and sincere expression
Lauded Praised
Circuitous Not straight, short; indirect
Insidious Subtle; causing gradual harm
Abet To help or encourage in a criminal act
Pedant One who annoys others by correcting small errors
Stark Direct, Obvious
Affable Friendly and easy to talk to
Delineate To clearly show or describe

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