King Arthur and The Witch - Play

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King Arthur and the Witch

King Arthur
Queen Lupe
George’s sister, Angela

Scene one

Narrator: A long time ago, King Arthur of England was captured

while he was hunting in a forbidden land.
[king Arthur is hunting]

Soldier: [enters with a sword] Seize! Imposter! Invader in our land!

You are not allowed to hunt in our land. Who gave you permission to
do so?

King Arthur: [takes out his sword] I’m not here to invade.

Soldier: How do I trust you?

King Arthur: Well, Let’s just say I was wandering and got lost. I mean no

Soldier: Then you must come with us. We’ll take you to our queen.

Scene Two [soldier brings King Arthur to Queen Lupe's palace.] [both bow]

Soldier: Majesty! He was hunting in our land.

Narrator: When Queen Lupe saw him she said.

Queen Lupe: How did you dare to set foot on my territory?

King Arthur: I’m a King of my own land. I don’t intent to take over
your crown.

Queen Lupe: You are an intrepid young man, but you must die
because you violated our laws.
King Arthur: Do what you have to do.

Queen Lupe: I can also see that you are strong of character, and I
like that. I will forgive you on one condition.

King Arthur: What is the prince I have to pay for my life?

Queen Lupe : I will give one year to find out the answer to a very
difficult question.

King Arthur: What question?

Queen Lupe: I need to know what a lady wants.

King Arthur: That is an impossible question to answer. Not even

the wisest man in my kingdom would have an answer to your
question. But my life is worth it, I will give you the answer.

Queen Lupe: You are free to go now. And don´t forget… I´ll be
waiting for you.

King Arthur: I will come back.

Narrator: King Arthur returned to his kingdom and started

questioning everybody. The princess, the queen, the priests, the
wise men, but no one had an answer. Then he asked one of the

Scene Three

Princess: Well, people say there´s a witch living in the deep forest.
They say that he is very smart, but evil. Why don´t you go and ask

King Arthur: So… you are also telling me to go and see the witch,
and I supposed you know her…maybe she has already given you one
of her spells.

Princess: I don´t know what you mean… but, did somebody else tell
you about her?

King Arthur: The queen also suggested that I should see her.
Princess: Then you must do it, maybe she´s the only one that can
help you. But I must tell you, that the price you will pay, will be

King Arthur: If she has the answer, then I don´t care about the

Princess: Just don´t go alone.

King Arthur: I’m not afraid of her. Thank you for your advice.
Scene Four:

King Arthur: What a murky and creepy place this is.

Witch: [with cauldron] Double Double Toil and Trouble

Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
Louder Double Double Toil and Trouble
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble

Witch: I have been expecting you… I know that your time is running

King Arthur: If you already know why I´m here, then tell me the

Witch: [traps King Arthur behind bars] So fair, it would be, give you
the answer. The price is no below the seventh sky.

King Arthur: I’m willing to pay any price.

Witch: Then I assume that you accept the deal.

King Arthur: That´s right.

Witch: Here you go. The answer is: What a woman wants is to be in
charge of her own destiny.

King Arthur: Oh, my! Yes, this is the answer. Tell me, how many
gold coins do you wish for?

Witch: Ahahah [evil laugh] Gold coins? I want to marry George, your
best friend.
King Arthur: Are you out of your mind! It makes me sick just to
think of the idea of you marrying him!

Witch: You accepted the price, remember?

King Arthur: Have you seen yourself in a mirror? You´re ugly! You
have only one tooth and you´re hunchbacked! You´re the most
repulsive person I have ever seen! How can I ask my best friend to
sacrifice because of me?

Witch: Talk to him… I know that you will come back.

King Arthur: I have no choice but talk to my friend.

Scene Five:

[Both talking quietly]

King Arthur: My friend George, Prince of lights! You must not suffer
because of my foolishly impractical act. I shall return to Zelda.

George: Hold! I’m going to speak. Oh, yes, my friend. It seems to

me the time has come to follow my parents’ teachings. The sacrifice
is test of our friendship and loyalty. I can not think of setting aside.

Tell her I accept and prepare everything. The wedding will be


King Arthur: But you always wanted to marry Prince of Persia.

George: Arthur, light is found even in the deepest ocean. [Blow the
candles] [exit]

King Arthur: You’re truly my best friend. I could never in my whole

life pay you for what you are doing for me.

Scene Six:
[wedding day. Witch Zelda is wearing a white dress and is looking
cleaner. George’s sister is present]

Angela: Is she going to marry my brother? At least she looks clean.

When it was time for George to wear the ring, Zelda pushed herself

Witch: You’re a faithful friend, George. But you’re forgetting my

answer, Arthur.

What a lady wants is to be in charge of her own destiny. I se you

and myself free. You don’t need to marry me.

[King Arthur, princess and Angela scream happily] Yahoo!

See, people. What I told you. Light can be found even in the deepest
ocean. We all have goodness in us. We just need to find it.

[the end]

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