Abstract: Figure 1 Lens Wind Turbine (Ohya, 2008)

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For a well design processes , such as mechanical designs and
aerodynamics designs, usually the experimental analysis has a
unique preference for the theoretical analysis, however
theoretical one is still considered the reference which with we
can compare the results.
As the wind energy is considered one of the most effective
renewable energy , many researches has been focused on how
we can get the optimum energy from the wind, and as a result
the lens wind turbine had been created in Kyushu University,
japan (Ohya, 2008) (fig1).
The aim of this project is to enhance the lens wind turbine
design by make an experimental analysis of changing some
parameters in the design and the thus reaching the main goal of
the design which is aim to obtain a 1KW lens wind turbine with
highest performance possible. The experimental analysis that
will be introduced through forwarding papers was implemented
using ANSYS Fluent, which is a comprehensive computational
fluid dynamics tool, and the analysis of Results was
implemented using the design expert software.

Figure 1 Lens Wind turbine (Ohya,


There is no doubt that the renewable energy sources such as
solar,geothermal,hydropower and wind, are considered the
leading of our future in energy generation, as the trend of
utilization these sources increases has been increasing from the
last decade as shown in figure (fig1), which implement the growing
of energy generated in GWH per year globally.
However there are many renewable resources that can be
employed to create a clean and effective energy, the wind energy
source has been came the most powerful one with not forgetting
the solar energy which come at the second place in the research
that was prepared at 2011 by the California energy alliance
(Alliance). This research showed that the wind energy is predicted
to be a significant renewable source of energy in the future due to
many reasons such as low cost energy and its sustainability.

Figure 2 shows the global generated power from renewable energy through last
and forecast years (Alliance)

3. Experimental Analysis

As previously mentioned, the main target of this experiment is

to obtain an optimum performance of a lens wind turbine (fig 5)
that can eventually produce 1KW of power. The required power
is obtained from rotating the generator shaft which is coupled
with the rotor blades, and the rotor is positioned to be at the
throat diameter (fig 4) at which the maximum upwind velocity
can be predicted (aerodynamic property of lens), thus our
design is focused on how we can obtain this maximum velocity
to achieve the optimum power generated by the turbine. So we
had been selected the most important parameters that can be
changed in our designs which includes (fig 4)the brime height ,
the outlet diameter , the inlet diameter and the lens width.
We also aimed to see the effect of changing these parameters
on the drag coefficient, which is important for the structural
design of the wind turbine tower.

Figure 4 parameters that had been changed
during the experiment

Figure 5 our design of lens wind

turbine that was changed many times
during the experiment

3.1 The ANOVA analysis

The factorial ANOVA analysis (tables 6.a & 6.b) had been used in
our experiment to determine if one parameter (factor) is more
effective than other one or to determine if a combination of
two or three parameters is more effective than others , thus we
can find the significant factors that will be important in our
design and the insignificant factors that will be eliminated from
our design case as the insignificant factors implying that there
is no great difference among the means of those factors alone
them(AB,AC,AD,BC,BD,CD,ABC,ABD,ACD or BCD) and thus there
will not be more examination of those means, on the other
hand, if significant factors were found , thus a further
examination of means will be required, such as the F-value
which is compared with F-calculated and from this comparison
our hypothesis is accepted or rejected. Our experiment was

implemented with four factors (four parameters that previously

mentioned), each factor has a number of levels of three except
the factor D (The lens width) which has only two levels.

Table 6.a showing the response of velocity at throttle


Table 6.b

showing the response of the drag



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