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(Alma Shafira/4)




(Norbert Egan C.



(Nadira Zahra/26)




Alma : Assalamualaikum, we are from the second group, are going to present our
drama. But before we start, lets warm our body first!
*warm up video : Just Dance (One Direction Kiss You)
Nopiati : Alright! Now lets watch the video related to the topic. But first, here are
the questions about the video. You have 10 seconds to take a picture

Whats the consequence if we consume a lot of caffeine?

What happened if you stick your head under water after 6 minute?
What happened if you consume too much salt and a little drinking?
Mention the things that will kill us if that too much get in to our body? (min
5. Who made this video?
*watch video This Much Will Kill You *
Nopiati: So heres the answers

It triggers heart palpitations or cardiac arrest

You will die
Caffeine, alcohol, cherry, oxygen, marijuana, chocolate
Asap science

Nopiati : Okay so, here is the videos summary

Many things that we dont know what can be dangerous if we consume that too
much. Caffeine can cause heart palpitations or even trigger cardiac arrest. Same
thing with alcohol. Because alcohol causes depression, which is in the area of the
brain that functions to control breathing and heart rate begin to shut down. Too
much liquid can be dangerous as well though it takes a lot, water intoxication
from around 6 liters causes brain cells to swell leading to headaches, seizures,
comas, and even death. But if you are short of water in your body and you
consume too much salt, it would lead to the disease hypernatrenia.
Furthermore, at a height 8000 feet above sea level like on the mountain, our
bodies cannot inhale the oxygen that is too much. It will cause headaches.
Furthermore, do not listen to music above 185 decibles. Because it is not good
for your hearing. And do not consume anything too much, because it is not good
for your body.
Alma : So guys, lets start the drama!
-Narrator : In a laboratory, a scientist was experimenting with something, when

Samantha : Oh gosh Professor, whats wrong? Something get exploded again? Do

I need to call fire department? Again?
Alma : No no no my assistant. Everything is perfectly fine. Look! My ambitious
medicine is done! Its perfect! Its working!
Samantha : Woaah, really professor? Thats so awesome. What does it do?
Alma : It makes people works really hard, they dont care what people thinks!
Awesome right?
Samantha : Um... sure professor. Whatever you say. So, have your wrote your
report and exposition about that meds?
Alma : What? What is exposition? I never heard about that.
Samantha : Oh gosh, youre a professor and you dont know what exposition
means?? Ugh, heres what I know about exposition
Exposition is an explanation of an idea or theory, while analytical is using
analysis or logical reasoning, especially in thinking.
So analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates or explain the writers idea
about the phenomenon surrounding using logical reasoning and analysis.
1. What is analytical?
2. Tell us what is the definition of exposition in your own words!
1. Analytical is using analysis or logical reasoning in thinking
2. Analytical exposition is a text that explain the writers ide about their
surrounding using reasons and analysis
Alma : Huh, so thats the meaning.
Samantha : Yes professor. You will need that exposition when youre going to sell
that medicine to pharmacies and hospitals, maybe. I dont really know
Alma : *stressed out* YOU DONT REALLY KNOW? Then how am I supposed to
make people ambitious? WHYYY, youre my assisstant. You are supposed to
assisst me!
Samantha : Im sorry professor. How about you go to your home, take a little
rest, and maybe ask your siblings to help you. Just, try to chill professor.
Alma : How could I chill! Im ambitious!
Samantha : Yes, but at least go home, and ask other people to help you.
Narrator : Professor Alma then go home, where she live with her brother and
*at home*


Ria : What is it alma?
Alma : Its PROFESSOR Alma now. Please.
Ria : But, Im your sisterfine. What is it professor, what do you need?
Alma : Okay, so you know my experiments right? I need you to help me!
Ria : Are you asking me to be one of your test subject?
Alma : Noo. Hm, well that could be arranged. Anyway, my assisstant told me I
should make an exposition about my expertiments. I need it if I want to sell it.
Why is that? TELL ME
Ria : Ugh, at least ask nicely
Alma : please?
Ria :
The social purpose of an analytical expisition is to persuade an audiance or a
reader to a particular point of view. An analytical exposition present one side of
the argument that the writer believes is correct and/or will create a stonger
1. An analytical exposition present ................of the argument.
2. The writer believe that the argument is............
3. The analytical exposition will create a ..................... argument
1. One side
2. Correct
3. Stronger
Alma : Oh so I need it to convince other people that my Ambitious Medicine is
important for them
Ria : Yeah, basically.
Alma : Wow, I dont know that youre smart! So how do I make the text?
Ria : thanks sis. Ask Cito though, I havent write that much exposition in my life.
Alma : Huh, not that smart. Okay then. CITOOOO!!!
Norbert : ugh alma, youre so loud
Norbert : whatever. What do you want
Alma : Ria said you know how to write exposition text, now help me!
Norbert : You drag me to this?
Ria : Not my fault, I really dont know

Norbert : Fine, I know a bit about it. Ill just tell you the generic structure okay?
1. Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writers position;
Outlines of the arguments to be presented.
2. Arguments : It consists about Point and Elaboration Point, states the main
argument. Elaboration: develops and supports each point of argument
3. Conclusion : Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or writers
1. Introduces the .... and ... speaker or writers position
2. Arguments : It consists about .... and ....., states the main argument.
1. Topic, shows
2. Point, elaboration point
Narrator : And then, because Professor Alma is so happy, she ran into the
backyard to celebrate. By herself.
-*in the backyard*
Alma : Yes! I almost finished my exposition text. My assistant was right for once,
coming back home really help. *dance happily*
*warm up video : *
Zayid : *walks nearby* Oh gosh, here we go, the mad scientist are home
Alma : What did you say? Its PROFESSOR mad scientist *angrily*
Zayid : Woah, chill professor. Im sorry
Alma : Dont mess with me, stranger. Or Ill use you as test subject!
Zayid : Sorry! Sorry! I still want to live! Ill do anything please, ending my life to
Professor Mad Scientist is sooo not worth it.
Alma : Well, if you know something about writing an analytical exposition, maybe
Ill forgive you.
Zayid : Well, good thing I read a lot, because I know the languange features of it

Focus on generic human and non human participants.

Use mental processes. It is used to state what the writer or speaker
thinks or feels about something, for example: realize, feel, etc.
Need material processes. It is used to state what happens,
for example: has polluted, etc.

Use of relational processes aka linking verbs. For example: be, sound, look,
Use of simple present tense.
Use of internal conjunction to state argument, such as moreover,
alternatively, etc.
Use causal conjuction, like because, etc

1. Mention at least five language features
2. What are mental processes used for?
3. Give 3 examples of relational processes
1. Focus on generic human and non human participants,
Use mental processes, Need material processes,
Use of relational processes aka linking verbs, Use of simple present tense,
Use of internal conjunction to state argument, Use causal conjuction
2. It is used to state what the writer or speaker thinks or
feels about something
3. be, sound, look
Alma : Hmm.. thats good enough. But gosh I still need a lot to do
Zayid : Hey, its okay Prof. Youll finish it. Why dont you relax a bit? Like chilling
with your fellow scientist or something. You have friends, right?
Alma : Now that you mentioned it, I do! Wow, for a stranger you kinda help.
Zayid : Just trying to be a good neighbor.
-*in a park*
Narrator : Professor Alma then walk to the park, and starts searching for her old
friend back in school. She found her sitting on a park bench, staring into nothing.
Alma : ZB!
Nadira Zahra: *silent*
Alma : ZB! Hello? Its me.
Nadira : *snap back to reality* WOAH! Alma? Ive been wondering if after all this
years you forget me!
Alma : Its Professor Alma, geez. And no, of course not. I need your help though
Nadira : yes, what it is?
Alma : SO my experiment finally complete

Nadira : Thats great!

Alma : Yeah, I know. So Ive never write any analytical exposition in my life
before. Can you help me?
Nadira: Well, what a coincidence. I just happen to have a few of my papers with
me. Maybe you could have one as an example. *Search for papers inside the lab
coat* Its somewhere here, Im sure
Alma : Hurry up!!
Nadira : Here! Found it! So, heres the example
The Importance of Library
I personally believe that libraries are among humanitys most important
institutions for several reasons.
Firstly, most of humanitys collective knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly,
libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the
materials into logical and easily available divisions.
Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even
provide librarians to help us find what we need.
Finally, libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.
From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are important institutions for
1. What does the writer thinks about libraries?
2. What is the conclusion of the text?
3. What is the writers final argument?
1. Libraries are among humanitys most important institutions
2. Libraries are important institutions for humanity.
3. libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future
Alma : Oh I understand now! Wow, its so good to talk to a fellow scientist.
Nadira : Yes it is! Im glad I could help
Alma : Please tell me you know any tips and tricks so I could be more convincing.
Nadira : Im sorry Alma
Alma : Its profugh forget it, Ill never finish this exposition*Stressed out again*
Nadira : How about you talk to a doctor? To calm you down, you can also tell him
your problems. I know one of the best.
Narrator : So then, ZB take a stressed out Alma to a psychiatrist.
*at the clinic*
Nadira : Okay Alma, Ill let you talk to the doctor okay?

Alma : *nods*
Nathaniel : Alright Alma, what can I help you today?
Alma : Doctor, I need your help. Everybody said I need to chill, but I cant. Not
when my exposition text are not finished
Nathaniel : Well, which part you havent finished yet?
Alma : The conclusion, and I also need tips so its convincing.
Nathaniel : Well, Im good at giving tips, do you want to hear it?
Alma : Seriously? Yes!
Nathaniel : Making good arguments are important because it helps the writer to
persuade others into believing his opinion or the arguments. So here is a list
about the features of a good argument that could help you:
a. It should be clearly expressing point of view.
The main opinion of this discussion is about
My point of view is
My opinion is
There are some reasons for
It would seem that
b. Generalizations or reasons are used to support the arguments. It includes:
Common belief
Broad statement
Not always 100% correct
c. Evidence is used to prove generalizations or support the reasons. It can be
done in some ways, such as:
Using research
Using expert opinion
Using testimony (quotes)
d. Should be able to show that there is cause and effect
1. Give at least 3 examples that express the writers point of view
2. What can be used as evidence to support the reasons?
1. The main opinion of this discussion is about, My point of view is, My
opinion is, There are some reasons for, It would seem that
2. Research, expert opinion, and testimony or quotes
Alma : Thank you doctor! And the conclusion?
Nathaniel : Im sorry but Im only good at giving suggestion. Now if I may suggest
you some more, how about you go to your old english teacher? Im sure he
knows more about it than me.

Narrator : after that, Alma run quickly to her old highschool. Where she search
for her english teacher, and ask for the final part of her analytical exposition text.
Alma : MR. SIHOL! Do you remember me? Nevermind, it doesnt matter. Can you
just tell me the conclusion of analytical exposition?
Fransiskus : what? Who are you? What are you talking about?
Alma : Just, please sir. Tell me the conclusion
Fransiskus : I dont understand what youre talking about. But, heres the
conclusion anyway
Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates or explain the writers idea
about the phenomenon surrounding using logical reasoning and analysis.
The social purpose of an analytical expisition is to persuade an audiance or a
reader to a particular point of view. An analytical exposition present one side of
the argument that the writer believes is correct and/or will create a stonger
The generic structure is:
1. Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writers position;
Outlines of the arguments to be presented.
2. Arguments : It consists about Point and Elaboration Point, states the main
argument. Elaboration: develops and supports each point of argument
3. Conclusion : Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or writers
The languange features that are used is :

Generic human and non human participants.

Mental processes
Material processes.
Relational processes aka linking verbs.
Simple present tense.
Internal conjunction to state argument
Causal conjuction

And tips to make a good argument is that the argument should be clearly
expressing point of view, the arguments have logical reasons and evidence to
support the reasons. The argument also should be able to show that there is
cause and effect
Alma : Okay thanks Mr. Sihol! Now I can finally finish my analytical exposition
Fransiskus : sure, youre welcome. Goodluck to whatever youre doing


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