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Crises Virtual Center

PART 1: With your group, read about the major crises before Word War I. Then work together to match the
following summaries with the correct crisis.

Letter of the





Moroccan Crisis
Fashoda Incident

Boer War

Bosnian Crisis


a war between the British and the Dutch over

Transvaal and the Free Orange State in
Southern Africa

a conflict between Germany and France over

control of Morocco

an international conflict that occurred when

Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia

a dispute over territory between France and

Great Britain over an area of the Sudan south
of Egypt

PART 2: With your group, read about the major crises before Word War I. Then work together to fill in the blanks
to complete the results of each crisis.

The Moroccan Crisis

The Moroccan Crisis ended with ______________________ controlling Morocco; increased tension
between the nations of ______________________ and _________________________; and an alliance
between _________________________ and __________________________.
The Fashoda Incident
The Fashoda Incident ended with ______________________ controlling the Sudan;
_______________________ control of West and Central African; and increased friendship between the
nations of ______________________ and _________________________.
The Boer War
The Boer War ended with ______________________ controlling South Africa and
__________________________ losing colonies in Africa.

The Bosnian Crisis

The Fashoda Incident ended with ______________________ losing control of Bosnia and Herzegovina to
_________________________; _______________________ declaring their independence from
_________________________; and increased tension between ___________________________ and
____________________________ that would eventually lead to the assassination that sparks World War I.

PART 3: Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word.

1.) ____________________ became more important to European nations than any efforts to keep peace.

2.) Great Britain agreed to allowFrance to have a ____________________________________in

Morocco in exchange for backingdown and allowing the British toclaim eastern Africa.
3.) When Bosnia and Herzegovina were ________________________ by Austria-Hungary, the Bosnian
Crisis began.
PART 4: With your group, answer the question below.

What were the three outcomes of the crises that occurred before World War I?



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