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Adrian Amurao

Alexia Cambaling
Charlene Glodoveza
Pohl Guarin

Chapter III

Research Design
This research is designed as a descriptive study that aims to find out
whether or not the students of first-year legal management have effective
study habits that help them out with their studies and help them get good
marks. The student researchers aim to survey their peers and see how their
study habits helps and affects them with their school work.
The title of this research paper, A Descriptive Study on the Effectivity of
Study Habits of First-year Legal Management Students of San Beda College
Alabang, is a reflection of this goal. The research paper, a descriptive study,
will describe whether or not the study habits of these students serve their
purpose, or if their effectivity is limited due to various factors, such as


distractions and the like.

The respondents of the research instrument would be chosen via
purposive random sampling. As the research involves a specific group of
students, that is, the freshmen students of the Legal Management
department, the respondents would be chosen from them. Out of more than
students currently in first year in the Legal Management department, the

researchers would be giving out survey questionnaires to about 50 students,

or more than half the total population. This is to ensure the accuracy of data
that the researchers might gather.

The first part of the questionnaire aims to gather the demographics if the
students who would be answering the survey form. This is done in order to
ensure that no student would have answered more than one form.
The second part of the survey consists of multiple-choice or close-ended
questions. This would form the bulk of the researchers data. The last two
questions have an Others (please specify) option that would also be taken
into account. These questions would be the primary basis for the conclusion
of the research paper.
The third part of the research instruments are two essay, or open-ended
questions. Here, the researchers would look for a pattern in the respondents
answers that would also be an important part of the data-gathering process.
The essay questions would be the students own reflections on their study
habits and how it has aided them during their studies. This is where the
students would reflect on whether or not their study habits are the direct


cause of whatever grades they might have received.

Data Gathering Procedure
After the researchers have determined the kind of data gathering
procedure that will be used for this study, they came up with a survey that
would be understandable for the students who would be asked to answer it.
After the researchers came up with a survey, they subsequently determined
the number of students that will be given survey forms. After the students

were given the forms, they would be asked to fill it up and return the same for
data compilation and interpretation. In order to ensure the quality of the data
gathered, the researchers would be handing forms to students, regardless of
what they know of their grades, in order for the paper to remain unbiased and
purely scientific.

Statistical Treatment
In order for the researchers to get the most accurate results they could
possibly get, the survey results would be meticulously calculated following the
standard formula. The frequency of the answers would be divided to the total
number of respondents and then multiplied by a hundred. The formula is as
P= f/Nx100

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