My Eye Has Seen The Glory

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My eye of providence has seen the

glory of the coming of the Lord!

Look for Second Don’t let the names Ever heard tell of a
Coming with third eye confuse your mind Sleeping Prophet?
Stop looking for the Second Our eye of providence In modern-day times there
Coming of Jesus Christ with has several alias names. lived a sleeping prophet. He
your naked eye. Otherwise, Don’t let all the names had to go to sleep before he
you will miss seeing him. confuse your mind. could give his prophecy.

Our naked eye has been Some may say eye inside He has embarked upon the
designed to see only physical the pyramid or third eye. miraculous power of our
matter. Spiritual matter is Neurologist may call it third eye. The Holy Ghost
invisible to our naked eye. our pineal gland. revealed all things to him.

Christ is a spirit. Our eye of No matter the name, Each of us has the power
providence gives us insight trust that it does exist of the Holy Ghost. It is
into God’s spiritual realm. for us to see God. ready to be manifest.
God sends us dreams that reveal
solutions to our problems

Biblical stories confirm Have you ever slept on Reveals business

truth about dreams a problem overnight? ideas or inventions

Our Holy Bible has published Have you ever been faced Do you know that God
myriad stories to confirm the with a problem that has has revealed business
truth about dreams.(Ge31:11, given you a headache to ideas and/or inventions
Ge40:8, Dan4:18). solve as if a riddle? through our dreams.

Joseph and Daniel were the You may have gone to sleep We should always give
most prolific characters that tossing and turning. Maybe, thanks to God. Without
were gifted to interpret God’s a nightmare confronted you his mercy and/or grace
meaning of dreams. that seemed real. we could do nothing.

If anyone says that dreams Guess what? God sends Often times we may pat
don’t have meanings, then he dreams to communicate ourselves on the back. In
or she is calling the Bible a with us in the spirit realm. our imagination we think
lie. We all know that God’s Our dreams have deep eye that we’ve come up with
word is perfect and true. awakening meaning. the idea on our own.

Understand that dreams exist God is able to give us Everything imaginable

in the spiritual realm. Each insight to foresee the already exist in the realm
dream is true even if it does unforeseen. If we were to of the spirit. God allows
not manifest into a physical pay close attention to our us to connect the spirit
reality. Our will power can dreams, then God may and bring forth things
make the dream come true. reveal to us his solution. into our physical world.

Some dreams we never want We have a choice to show God is omniscient. He

to come true in a physical faith to accept God’s advice knows all things. Things
sense. Other dreams we pray that he has sent to us via we may have invented
that they do. God works with our dreams. Otherwise, we God has already invented
us through our prayer life to may demonstrate our doubt them first. God allows
fulfill our dreams accordingly. not to trust our own faith. us to tap into his realm.
Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Book of Revelation
St. John’s Apocalyptic Literature
Envision of a Dream

What is the interpretation Why liberty and justice Liberty and Justice
of St. John’s dream? are important to God? are synonyms
St. John has carefully inscribed Liberty and justice have been Justice is a medical term. It
his sacred dream in the Book of important for God to erect his means to excuse or set free.
Revelation. God has revealed to kingdom on Earth. He has It also means to relieve of
St. John the Second Coming of desired for mankind to learn pain and suffering.
our Lord Jesus Christ. He has how God operates his
received his miraculous vision kingdom in heaven. It is A medical excuse justifies
vis-à-vis his eye of providence. peaceful and tranquil. unruly conduct to spare
persons from suffering.
Christ is coming to avenge all God doesn’t tolerate any
who have abused God’s name in fighting or bickering in his Jesus is a physician sent
vain. His name is Justice. He is home. Instead, we must show from heaven to resurrect
the God of liberty. Wherever our love for one another same the soul of mankind that
liberty and justice have reigned, as God has loved us. We serve had died in the Garden
then peace has prevailed. a mighty good God! thru Adam’s sin.
John has foreseen in his dream God doesn’t commit us to The serpent has beguiled
the awesome wrath that God hell. Instead, we commit prosecutors to propagate
shall send if mankind were to ourselves by virtue of our the lie that justice means to
disavow God’s Commandments. own tongue spewing lies. even the score or payback.
The Book of Daniel has given Liars will make you believe That’s a dam lie from the
affirmation that St. John’s dream that God wanted to punish pit of hell. Don’t believe
is precise and accurate to occur. Adam for disobedience. Let liars. Their souls have been
It is just a matter of time. me spoil the lie for you. doomed to hell fire.
Listen my little children for the spirit of our Lord rests,
rules and abides in me as the Holy Ghost. I dare any to
speak against the Holy Ghost that lives in me!

Have you ever forewarned your child of a peril that

your eye of providence was able to envision?

Sure! Parents forewarn kids all the time, because they

love them and wish for no harm to befall.

Kids have a tendency to turn their parents a deaf ear.

Instead, he or she begins to listen to his or her friends.
Next thing you know the child has gotten him or herself
in a world of mischief.

The serpent has deceived Adam and Eve to believe that

God had issued a death sentence, if either were to
disobey his command.

Malarkey! Don’t you fall for that bull crap. God had
foreseen that the Serpent had tainted the tree in the
midst of the garden with leaven.

Leaven is like quinine. It is a slow poisoning of our

human soul. A little leaven poison the soul to fear and
hate God as if he were an evil tyrant.

God is not evil. His heart is full of grace. He will forgive

all manner of sins, except one. Dare not allow your
tongue to speak against the Holy Ghost!
In God’s eye confessions are sacred and holy. It means a
person has come clean to confess his or her sins.

The Serpent has enlisted prosecutors as his band of

soldiers. They have cleverly perverted confessions to be
evil or sacrilegious. Jurors have been lured to take
liberty away from any person, who has confessed wrong.

Listen carefully to what prosecutors have said: “We have

obtained a confession from the defendant. See we have
told you that he or she is guilty of the crime”.

The word guilty means a person has lied. The word

innocent means a person has told the truth.

Think about it! Would it be just for God to punish a

person for telling the truth? Hell no! If so then God
would have desecrated the sacredness of confessions.

Recall what Jesus has told us. The truth is the light that
shall set us free. Stand up for justice. Tell the prosecutors
to go to hell. We have the right to confess the truth.

Guess what? When the world is no longer afraid to

confess the truth about committing wrong, then
prosecutors shall no longer serve any vital need.

God is waiting for the hour glass to expire on their life.

He will extend each the same reward in judging us.
If you wish to see the devil that’s living inside of a
person, then just do something wrong. I guarantee you
will see the evil come out. You may actually think folks
love and praise you. Blind fools you may have been.

The devil in them is sitting their waiting for the

moment you screw up. If that day were to ever come,
then all hell is going to break out. Watch out!

The same folks that once have praised you will sneer
down their nose at you and roll their eyes at you as
being despicable. They will throw you to the wolves.

God is up in heaven looking down upon Earth to observe

our conduct. He is studying our behavior to count which
one of us demonstrates the characteristics of Christ.

Let me say to the body of Christ the picture looks rather

gloomy. Raise your hand if any prosecutor has ever
convinced you that a person is guilty of a crime.

If you have thought that the person deserved his or her

punishment, then guess what? If God were to judge us
based upon what we may deserve would any be worthy?

God has forgiven the sins of the world solely on the

premise that Jesus has died on the cross to save us.
Would you give your life to save a person unworthy?
The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. Paul is that
God’s salvation of the Gentile is predicated upon ‘grace’.
This means that God has extended us his favor not to
judge us in accordance to the law. The reason is we
were born of a heathen race worshipping pagan gods.

By virtue of accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and

Savior and receiving baptism by water God has
promised us eternal life in heaven with Christ.

There is only one stipulation or condition that must be

met to satisfy God. We must learn to forgive one another
same as God has forgiven us. We must demonstrate our
obedience by showing love for our neighbors or enemies.

Love requires suffering. God knows the difficulty it takes

to love someone that despise or hate you. We receive a
greater reward in heaven to compensate our suffering.

God has given us a choice. Suffer now here on Earth

and wait for our greater reward. Otherwise, we may
satisfy our lust here on Earth and forsake our reward.

I have chosen the former over the latter. I have caught

pure hell here on Earth for confessing my sins. The law
has abused my confession to take away my liberty.
Nancy Grace and the kit Caboodle, I wouldn’t choose
to be in your shoes when our Lord returns. Your soul
has been cursed and doomed for hell fire.

I know you and your buddies are brave now and

think that the Second Coming is a bunch of hocus
pocus mess. I pity folks like you who dare to kick
against the Holy Ghost. Enjoy the praises that the
world has to offer you. The word of God has clearly
stated that no flesh shall be glorified in God’s sight.

Christ is going to ask his people, who has told us that

to confess ones sin makes him or her guilty? The
people will point their finger at you and your cronies.

Beware of an angel over the bottomless pit by the

name of Apollyon (Rev 9:11 ). He will be riding on a
black horse (Rev6:5). He will escort each person to
follow him into the furnace to burn for all eternity.

Brother Green you don’t scare me! I know that if the

Book of Revelation can’t stir fear in your bones, then
certainly nothing I can say will raise your hairs.

Just remember when the last drop of sand falls from

the sand timer, then your hour is up. God will have
the final say. May God have mercy on your soul.

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