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American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack In Tel Aviv


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American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack

In Tel Aviv
There were three other attacks by Palestinian assailants in different locations
on Tuesday.
03/08/2016 01:50 pm ET | Updated 1 day ago

For You (1 of 6) [3/10/2016 1:01:52 PM]

American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack In Tel Aviv


Israeli police officers at the scene of a stabbing attack in the neighborhood of Jaffa in Tel Aviv on Tuesday. An
American tourist was killed and nine others wounded.

TEL AVIV, March 8 (Reuters) - An American tourist was stabbed to death and at least nine other people were
wounded by a Palestinian armed with a knife on a popular boardwalk in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, authorities said,
while U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was in a meeting a few kilometers (miles) away. (2 of 6) [3/10/2016 1:01:52 PM]

American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack In Tel Aviv

The attack took place in the popular Jaffa port area, which is a favorite spot among tourists. The Magen David
Adom ambulance service said four of the wounded had severe injuries.

"A terrorist, an illegal resident who came from somewhere in the Palestinian territories, came here to Jaffa and
embarked on a run ... along the boardwalk. On his way he indiscriminately stabbed people," Tel Aviv Mayor Ron
Huldai told Army Radio.

He said a police officer eventually caught up with the attacker and shot him dead. (3 of 6) [3/10/2016 1:01:52 PM]

American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack In Tel Aviv


U.S. Vice President Joe Biden shakes hands with former Israeli president Shimon Peres in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.
Biden arrived in Israel Tuesday for a two-day visit.
The U.S. State Department strongly condemned the attack and identified the slain American as Taylor Allen Force.

"As we have said many times, there is absolutely no justification for terrorism. We continue to encourage all
parties to take affirmative steps to reduce tensions and restore calm," it said in a statement.

Biden arrived in Israel late on Tuesday for a two-day visit, and was meeting former Israeli President Shimon (4 of 6) [3/10/2016 1:01:52 PM]

American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack In Tel Aviv

Peres in Jaffa around the time of the stabbings.


Israeli security forces gather in East Jerusalem's following a shooting attack on March 8, 2016. There four attacks
by Palestinian assailants in different locations on Tuesday.
Tuesday also saw three other attacks by Palestinians.

In Jerusalem, a Palestinian opened fire at Israeli police on a crowded street, seriously wounding two officers,
before being shot dead, and a 50-year-old Palestinian woman who tried to stab Israeli police officers was also
shot and killed. (5 of 6) [3/10/2016 1:01:52 PM]

American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack In Tel Aviv

In the Tel Aviv suburb of Petah Tikva, a Palestinian entered a store and stabbed an Israeli. The wounded man
and the store owner together overpowered the attacker and fought him off using the same knife. The attacker
died of his wounds, a police spokesman said.

Since October, Palestinian stabbings, shootings and car rammings have killed 28 Israelis and two Americans.
Israeli forces have killed at least 177 Palestinians, 119 of whom Israel says were assailants. Most others were
shot dead during violent protests. (Reporting by Rami Amichay; Additional reporting by Washington Newsroom;
Writing by Ari Rabinovitch; Editing by Kevin Liffey and Sandra Maler)

Also on HuffPost
American Tourist Killed In Palestinian Stabbing Attack In Tel Aviv

Palestinian Attack, Tel Aviv, Israel, American Tourist Killed Israel, Israeli-palestinian Conflict

CONVERSATIONS (6 of 6) [3/10/2016 1:01:52 PM]

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