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United States Patent [191


McKown et al.

[451 Oct. 14, 1975


[75] Inventors: Gary L. McKown, Bel Air; Leonard

R. Ambrosini, Churchville, both of



Assignee: The United States of America as

represented by the Secretary of the






Coxe et al . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Maillet ............................. .. 244/3.l3



Miller, Jr. et al. ............... .. 244/3.l3

. . . . ..


Primary Examiner-Samuel Feinberg

Assistant ExaminerC. T. Jordan

Attorney, Agent, br Firm-Nathan Edelberg; Robert P.

Gibson; VincentW. Cleary

Army, Washington, DC.



Nov. 27, 1973

[21] Appl. No.: 419,322


US. Cl. ............................................. .. 244/3.13

Int. Cl.2..................... .. F41G 7/00; F42B 15/00
Field of Search ........................... .. 244/3.l3, 3.1



A system to control and correct the ?ight characteris

tics of a ring'airfoil projectile while in ?ight. A pulsed

laser system located at the projectile launch site trans
mits a light beam along the desired projectile ?ight

path. A receiving system aboard the projectile detects

the light beam and sends signals to control elements to

maintain the projectile on the ?ight path. The laser


References Cited




Girault ............................. .. 244/3.l3

beam can also be used to send arming and/or detona

tion signals to the projectile warhead.

9 Claims, 5 Drawing Figures


k\ \\\\\

Oct. 14,1975

Sheet 1 of2



F/G. 2.










PULSE //6l







U.S. Patent Oct. 14, 1975

Sheet 2 of2

FIG 34.


F/G 35.


F/G. 4.


creased since the projectilecan be armed by remote


control after a considerable downrange traverse.


Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to

provide a system for guiding a'RAP while in ?ight.

The present invention relates generally to the ?eld of

projectile guidance and more particularly to optical

guidance and control of in-?ight projectiles.
Those working in the ?eld of projectile research and



guidance and control system,v for controlling the disper

sion of a RAP and arming its warhead after launch.
Still another object of the invention is to provide a
laser control system which can detonate the warhead in

delivery-systems, as well as to increase the range. This

tronics, which result in payload reduction, reliability

problems, and high cost, and difficulty of control due
to the parabolic ?ight paths of the projectiles and rock


A further object of the invention is to provide a laser

development are continually engaged in the effort to

improve the accuracy and dependability of warhead

effort has led to the development of laser guidance sys

tems for rockets and projectiles} However, these sys
tems suffer from the disadvantages of complex elec

Another object of the invention is to provide a laser

guidance system for a RAP.

a RAP by remote control.

These and other objects and advantages of the inven

tion will become apparent from the following detailed
15 description of the invention when considered in con

junction with the accompanying drawings.



The effort to improve projectile performance also led

to the development of the ring airfoil projectile (RAP).
The RAP is con?gured to exhibit aerodynamic lift and
thus possesses the capability of longer range with ?atter
trajectory than conventional projectiles. The RAP is

FIG. 1 shows the relationship of the laser beam to the

in-?ight RAP.

FIG. 2 shows, in block diagram form, the control and

detonating circuits.

FIG. 3A and 3B illustrate the operation of the device

spun about the ?ight path axis at a high rate in order
functioning to control the RAP ?ight path.
to gyroscopically stabilize the projectile and minimize 25
FIG. 4 illustrates the relationship between the receipt
delivery errors. While the RAP is a significant improve
of pulses by the sensor and the actuation of the con
ment over prior projectiles, it does not completely
solve the above-cited problems. Incongruities in the

aerodynamic parameters due to crosswinds, slight

structural deformities, and launch distrubances can re

sult in ?ight instability and lead to gross dispersions in

delivery. In addition, an acceptable onboard fuzing sys



Referring to FIG. 1, the numeral 12 represents a
cross section of the RAP. The RAP is shown here in~

tem for a RAP is dif?cult to fabricate and has not

proven feasible to date.

?ight immediately after launch. The projectile is


lens system 20 of conventional design collimates the

laser output into a beam 22 with small divergence.

launched by ri?ed gun tube 16 with a velocity and spin

The present invention alleviates the above-noted 35
rate commensurate with the range capability desired. A
problems by means of a laser guidance and control sys
pulsed laser system 18, which may be of the injection
tem for a RAP which does not require complex elec
diode, solid state, or any other type, is disposed cen
tronics or optics for its implementation.
trally within the projectile launch tube. An adjustable

The present invention provides for the in-?ight guid

Beam width and divergence settings will depend on the

size and function of the particular system employed as

ance of a RAP and remote control of the projectile

arming and fuzing system. A pulsed laser transmitter,

well as the desired range of ?ight path control and arm

aligned with the projectile launch tube, sends a laser

beam along the desired projectile ?ight path. A sensor 45 The RAP has one or'more photosensors 24 mounted
located on-board the projectile detects the laser beam
on the tail portion thereof adjacent optical ?lter 52. A
and generates signals representative of the position of
control device 26 is also mounted on the RAP. As illus
the projectile relative to the laser beam. These signals
trated in FIG. 1, the diameter of the laser beam 22 im
are used to operate control devices to correct the ?ight
mediately after launch is less than the diameter of RAP

path and keep the projectile aligned with the laser

The laser beam has a controlled divergence so that at
a predetermined range the beam cross section becomes
equal to or largerthan the RAP diameter. At this time,


12 and, thus, the beam does not illuminate sensor 24.

FIG. 2, which illustrates the signal processing cir

cuitry mounted aboard the RAP, can be conveniently

divided into two portions, control circuit 50 and deto

nating circuit 60. The control circuit includes sensor 24
the ?ight path control system is rendered inoperative 55 which is located externally as shown in FIG. 1. The sen
and thevwarheaddetonator is armed. The laser beam
sor must sense only radiation of the same frequency as
can be modulated with range information so that the
the laser beam. Either sensor 24 can be of the type sen
warhead will detonate at a desired range.
sitive to only a narrow spectrum of radiation or an opti
The present invention provides a simple and depend
cal ?lter 52 can be placed between the laser source and
able means for controlling the dispersion and delivery
the sensor to pass only the laser beam frequency. When
of a RAP projectile and for arming and/or detonating
the pulsed laser beam impinges on sensor 24, it puts out
the warhead at a controllable range. As will be futher
a signal to ampli?er 53. The operation of control cir
described below, the sensor and associated signal pro
cuit 50 can be best understood by referring to FIGS. 3A
cessing electronics, and the control devices, are not 65 and 3B. FIG. 3A illustrates the situation where the spin
complex or bulky; thus, payloads are maximized, powerv . ning projectile 12 has begun to wander off the desired

requirements are reduced, and costs are lowered. In ad

dition, safety for the personnel at the launch site is ,in

?ight path. As shown in FIG. 1, when the projectile is

on the ?ight path the laser beam 22 does not illuminate


the photosensor 24. In FIG. 3A, the laser beam 22,

width detector circuit 61 which outputs a vsignal to

switch 56 to irreversibly deactivate the control system

shown in cross section, illuminates the sensor 24 for

part of the spin cycle. Assuming that the projectile is

in order to cut off guidance operation far downrange
spinning clockwise, the sensor 24 will be illuminated
and thus to prevent the detonating scheme from initiat
from point X to point Y. The sensor will produce an 5 ing control action. The signal from pulse width detector
electronic pulse train with a period corresponding to
6l also energizes safe/arm circuit 62 to arm detonator
the spin rate of the projectile, such as is shown in FIG.
63. The pulse width detector may be of the high-pass
3B, graph A, and these pulses will be ampli?ed by am
?lter type with cut-offclose to DC.
pli?er 53. The ampli?ed pulses are fed to detector 54
Detonation is actuated by transmitting a coded signal
which produces a single pulse as shown in FIG. 3B,
obtained by frequency modulating the laser beam pulse
graph B. The pulse is fed to time delay circuit 55 which
rate in consonance with set range or with the output of
delays the pulse a period of time proportional to the
a laser range-?nder. The coded signal is passed by high
projectile spin rate. The function of time delay circuit
pass ?lter 64 to PM detector and discriminator 65
55 will be further described below. The delayed pulse,
which compares the signal to a built-in preset gating
shown in FIG. 3B, graph C, is fed through normally
code 66. When the proper coded signal is detected, the
closed switch 56 to normally open switch 57. The pulse
detonator is energized.
causes switch S7 to close momentarily and activate
Obviously, utilization of detonating circuit 60 re
control device 26 for a predetermined period of time.
quires correlation of laser beam divergence with muni
The control device may utilize any or all of the follow
tion characteristics and/or range desired. This is ac
ing methods for correction of the ?ight path:


1. release of gas from ports, possibly via a ?uidic am


2. movement of center-of-gravity with respect to cen

ter-of-pressure of the lifting surface;

3. change in airfoil lifting surfaces;

complished by simple linear manipulation of the colli

mating lens system 20, calibrated for various ranges.
Such focusing action may occur automatically by using
a range?nder output to control the lens position.
There has been disclosed herein a system whereby a

25 RAP can be laser-guided downrange to the point where

4. projection of drag surfaces. These methods are

the beam divergence becomes equal to the projectile
merely exemplary and any suitable control method can
diameter, whereupon the detonator is armed, the con
be used. The controlling torque thus applied will act on
trol system deenergized, and the projectile commences
the gyroscopic system to cause precessional motion
to free-?y onto the target and/or detonates at a speci~
about a perpendicular axis. Appropriate control action 30 ?ed range. Obviously, many modi?cations and varia
is assured by the time delay of the control signal to
tions of the present invention are possible in light of the
yield a 90 phase angle between sensing and control ac
above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that,
tion, taking into account the inherent mechanical de
within the scope of the appended claims, the invention
may be practiced otherwise than as speci?cally de
The time sequence of events in the control cycle are 35 scribed.
illustrated in FIG. 4, in which projectile 12 is shown
What is claimed is:
spinning clockwise. The presence of the beam 22 is
I. In a system for guiding, along a predetermined
sensed at point A and the electronic signal is processed
path, a projectile of the type which spins about its ?ight
and delayed by control circuit 50 during the time inter
axis comprising:
val A-B, or n/RPM ll-AB, depending on the mechani 40 means for launching the projectile along said path;
cal time constant in the control action. If a positive
means for emitting a beam of pulsed monochromatic
acting control device is employed, control action oc
light along said predetermined path so as to im
curs during the time interval B-C, and the interval C-D
pinge on the projectile;
is used for reset of the electronics. If a negative-acting
means mounted on the exterior of the projectile for
control device is employed, further time delay in the 45
generating a signal when illuminated by said light
interval B-B is utilized with control action occurring
beam; and,

during interval BCand electronic reset occurring

means disposed within the projectile for controlling

the direction of ?ight of the projectile in response

during interval CD. This sequence of events is re

peated at the projectile spin rate until the sensor is no

longer in contact with the beam. Very small control in 50

crements can thus be employed in order to minimize

erratic behavior caused by the application of gross cor

rective action.
Returning now to FIG. 2, the detonating circuit 60
will be discussed. Circuit 60 performs two functions;
?rst, it arms the warhead and deactivates the control
devices; and secondly, it ?res the detonator at a con
trollable time.
As previously mentioned, the laser beam 22 has a

certain degree of divergence which can be controlled

by lens system 20. Warhead arming is effected by elec

tronically sampling the modulation width of the sensor
output. When the laser beam 22 cross section becomes

comparable to or larger than the RAP diameter, the

sensor output modulation approaches zero frequency.
That is, the width of the pulse out of detector 54 ap

proaches in?nity. This condition is detected by a pulse


' to said signal, the improvement wherein:

said generating means comprises at least one photo

sensor disposed on the projectile a predetermined

distance from said ?ight axis, whereby said spin

ning photosensor describes a circle of predeter
mined area; and said light beam emitting means
comprises a laser system disposed at the launch site

including means for varying the cross-sectional

area and the divergence of the beam in such a man
ner that the cross-sectional area of the beam is
smaller than the area of said circle at the launch
site and is equal to the area of said circle at a prede

termined distance from the launch site.

2. The system of claim 1 wherein said direction con

trolling means comprises:

one or more control devices on the exterior surface

of the projectile;
means for receiving the signal from said photosensor
and generating a pulse in response thereto; and,


switch means for activating said control devices in

response to said pulse.
3. The system of claim 2 wherein said direction con
trolling means includes a time delay circuit connected
between said pulse generating means and said switch 5
means to delay the activation of said control devices

a pulse width detector connected to receive said

until they are properly oriented.

said laser system includes means for modulating the

pulse repetition frequency of the laser beam as a

4. The system of claim 3 wherein the amount of time

delay is related to the projectile spin rate in such a man
ner as to provide a 90 phase angle between sensing and 1O
control action.

5. The system of claim 3 further including:

a warhead carried by said projectile; and,
means for arming and detonating said warhead when
the projectile has traveled said predetermined dis

pulse; and,
a safe and arming circuit connected to the pulse
width detector and responsive thereto to arm said
7. The system of claim 6 wherein:

function of projectile position; and,

said arming and detonating means includes means for

demodulating the laser beam and detonating the

warhead at a predetermined position.
8. The system of claim 7 including means for perma

nently deactivating said direction controlling means

when the warhead is armed.
9. The system of claim 8 wherein the projectile is a


ring airfoil projectile.

6. The system of claim 5 wherein said arming and

detonating means comprises:








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