V.imp Nodeb RNC Commands

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nodeb :

pltf > os > reset
reset the nodeb remotely from the xccm
pltf > sync > info
get the dac value and the sync source


emo >data > i2m > sim

display the serial number of the d2u


emo > alarms > globalalarms

display the alarms


d vr/0 ip arp dynhost/*

display all the reachable ( integrated ) sites ,,that omc could see



badal matekteb bci ekteb imt > exit > then men 3ala el server : ftp ip of the n.
b > nodeb,nodeblnx > cd /tmp > ls > get imt > bye
to take an imt trace ,,
w khodo men 3al server men home/oamops last modified

rnc :
d sh ca/* insertedCardType, serialNumber,prc
for iucs signaling ( d
e ,, ) dol mainly aham
t lazem te3melo zai el
for iups signaling ( d
check the signaling is

Ss7 Mtp3/* ls/* lk/* and d ss7 saalnni/* dol control plan
2 ,, for user plane (d aal2if/300 path/*) ( switchink tes
iups eli ta7to
ss7 m3ua/* ) ,, v imp to lock the main port on lp/14 and
still up on the redundant ( switching over test )

d -p notab rncin tmu/* celllist

law zaharli l7ad 2 rncin tmu/x el ce
ll list bta3ethom fadia da tabi3i ,, ennama law zaharli aktar men 2 tmu cell lis
t fadyeen aw katabli tmu cell list over load fa da ma3nah en el tmu bet reset w
dah mesh tabi3i ( over traffic w ghalta men el planning
law fi el commissioning zaharlak vr/startup e3mellaha delete heyya w kol el comp
onents elli ta7taha
law fi el commissioning feeh modules medddeya orange ba3d option 2 ,,,shelha w k
ammel commissioning 3adi ,,w ba3d keda em3llaha create bel commands ( khod el co
mmands men mokhles )
fi el commissioning lazem el component oamenet/0 and managemnetaccess ta7t el v
r/0 yekon created and enabled
d lp/* ap/* rnc ,,then reset lp/5 ap/*
if r
nc loss of supervision but i can ping the omu ip w 3ala el equipment monitor el
CN loss of supervision wel IN supervised ,,fa keda ana ba3mel reset lel aOMU ,,,
( Lp/5 aP/5 )
set nmis telnet session/1 datastream ~ala
in t
he begining to stop the flow of the alarms
ping -ip( vr/0 ip icmp
to pi
ping -ip( -trace vr/1 ip icmp
ace root from rnc to any destination

to tr

v imp note : in ua7 the interfaces are like that : oc3 card 8 ( lp8 ) shayel ( f
ibers ) bto3 el iucs ( port 15 ) wel iub (ports from 0 up to 8 starting from po
rt 0 in case of transmission over pcm ) ,, gege ethernet module 14 ( lp14 ) shay
el ( fibers bardo )bto3 el iups ( 3rd port men ta7t ) wel iub (1st port men ta7t
in case of transmission over ip ) ,, el cp module dakhel 3alehe 2( ethernet da
el wa7eed eli ethernet khod balak ) bto3 el oam
if any iu is signaling dowan 3andi 7all men el etnin : el ghalat fi el wo fa eft
a7 el ciq 3ala iu w compare el values eli fi el ciq belli fi el wo or teb2a el
configuration fi el core mesh nafs el configuration 3andi fi el wo ,,check with
the core those values
d lp/8 sdh/* the link will never be physically or signaling up 2ella ba3d ma e
l WO applied wel 7750 ports ma3mollaha enbaled wel core mekhallas el configurati
on bta3o ( v imp note ba3raf el links elli created wala la2 men (lp/8 sdh/* mesh
men 3al nsb ,,shof ezai a3mel el wo to create the sdh ports fi el korrasa bta
3ti or simply on wips on any sdh copt then on lp paste then by instance unset th
e laps value or via commands add lp/8 sdh/x bas a7san men 3al wips ( if not up
,,switch tx and rx or switch the sfps between ports or check the sfp is gige or
stm ( gige;s head is blue ,,stms head is black )
lp=module , sdh= fiber ,,to check on iucs ,iub (tra
nsm pcm )phisycally on card 8 oc3
d atmif/*ination
zai eli foo2 but logical check not physicall
d lp/14 eth/*
law iups physically down men gher sabab after t
x,rx interchanged :e3mel d lp/14 eth/0 law zaharlak failure cause is autoneg err
or ,, kallem el mpls team khaleeh ye3mel lel parametere da enabled men 3andohom
on the gege ethernet module to check
the iub ( transm ip ) and iups phisycally up
d -p Vr/0 Pp/OAMENET0 IpPort LogicalIf/*
or d rncin
to display rnc ip
d vr/1 Pp/gige* ipport logicalif/*
display Ip's of IUps between our gige ports and mpls pouter ports
d Ss7 M3ua/*
Ss7 Sctp/* dol retalted if iups over ip not stm
to check 3ala el signaling for iupslaw el iups over ip dih our case in mobily (
ua7 ) up wala down ,,,ss7 wel tree eli ta7taha ( shofha fi el wips )
men 3ala el server mesh men gowwa el rnc : more /etc/hosts
plays rncs's and omc IP's


men 3ala el server : cd /opt/nortel/shell/support underscoretools/rnccollection

> ls > ./rnclogcollection.tcl -from 03/01/2011 -u administrator -p adminpass
to take rnc log collection ,,w ro7 khodo men 3al server men 3ala opt/nortel/da
ta/supportunderscoretools/rnclogcollection last modified
d -p vr/0 pp/oamlocalmedia ipport logicalinterface/*
display rnc ip
d fs
check that the 2 cps are synchronized 100 percent
switchover -f lp/0
switchover between the cps
sav -ascii -file(ExportDrf_GetPpAsciiView) pr
save the provisioning file ,,mel 2akher law el commissioning bta3 el rnc feeh m
oshkela da trace beyettakhed
d sh ca/* insertedcardtype,serialnumber,prc
shelf = shelf ,,ca=card but physically (note the difference 3an lp which is the
module but logically) ,,thi command to display the type ,serial no and product
code of all the modules

d -p mod
o display the rnc name and id
d -p rncin
v i
mp ,, to display the omc ,omu ip's ,,omu di operation and maintenance unit or ap
plication gowwa el cp4 module
d -p ns
display the clocking source reference ,,ns = network synchronization ,,el rnc be
takhod el synchronization bta3ha men el media gateway elli 2abl el core
d sw avl
v i
mp ,,to display the sw release
d Ss7 Mtp3/* ls/* lk/*
Ss7 SaalNni/* dol related if iucs or iups over stm not ip
dol to
check 3ala el signaling for iucs,,iur or iups ( over stm this is not our case i
n mobily ) up wala down
d -p atmif/* vpt/* vcc/* vcd
lak el vpt bta3 el site takhdo w t7otto fi el command makan el astriks eli ba3d
men 3ala el server barra
more /etc/hosts
ys rnc ip's


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