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Information Sheet

N INF07/123

Issue 2

Product Silica Analyzers

Manual IM/NAV6S Issue 2


Mixing Chemical Solutions for Silica Analyzers

1 Reagent Solutions
Concentrated sulfuric acid must be handled with great
care at all times. In particular, ensure that, when
diluting concentrated acid, it is added to the water,
not water to the acid. Wear appropriate protective
Concentrated ammonia solution is extremely volatile
and toxic; it must always be handled under a fume
hood. Wear appropriate protective clothing.
A volume of 2.5 l of each reagent solution maintains the monitor
in operation for a minimum of three months. The bottles are
color-coded to identify each reagent.
1st Acid 0.4M sulfuric acid (RED channel)
Place approximately 1 l high purity water in a plastic
beaker and carefully add 54.5 (0.5) ml analytical reagent
grade concentrated sulfuric acid, H2SO4, (1.84 s.g.).
Transfer the solution to a 2.5 l plastic bottle and make up
to 2.5 l with more high purity water.
Ammonium molybdate solution (VIOLET channel)
Dissolve 50 (1) g analytical reagent grade ammonium
molybdate, (NH4)6Mo7024.4H2O, in approximately 1 l high
purity water. Transfer the solution to a 2.5 l plastic bottle,
add 7.5 (0.5) ml ammonia solution, NH4OH, (0.880 s.g.)
and make up to 2.5 l with more high purity water.
2nd Acid 1.25M sulfuric acid (ORANGE channel)
Place approximately 1 l of high purity water in a
polyethylene beaker. Surround the beaker with running
cold water and add 170 (2) ml of analytical reagent grade
concentrated sulfuric acid, H2SO4 (1.84 s.g.) slowly and
carefully. Stir the solution continuously during the addition.
Add 63 (1) g of analytical reagent grade citric acid
crystals, C6H8O7.H2O, and stir to dissolve. Allow the
solution to cool to room temperature and then add 250
(5) ml of propan-2-ol (iso-propyl alcohol). Then transfer
to a 2.5 l plastic bottle. Make up to 2.5 l with more high
purity water.

Confidential & Proprietary, 2007 Version

2nd Acid 1.25M sulfuric acid (ORANGE channel) for

applications where Phosphate is present in the sample
Place approximately 1 l of high purity water in a
polyethylene beaker. Surround the beaker with running
cold water and add 170 (2) ml of analytical reagent grade
concentrated sulfuric acid, H2SO4 (1.84 s.g.) slowly and
carefully. Stir the solution continuously during the addition.
Add 375 (5) g of analytical reagent grade citric acid
crystals, C6H8O7.H2O, and stir to dissolve. Allow the
solution to cool to room temperature and then add 250
(5) ml of propan-2-ol (iso-propyl alcohol). Then transfer to
a 2.5 l plastic bottle. Make up to 2.5 l with more high purity
Reduction solution ascorbic acid (BROWN channel)
Dissolve 43 (1) g analytical reagent grade ascorbic acid,
C6H8O6, in approximately 1 l of high purity water. Add to
this solution 0.18 (0.01) g analytical reagent grade
disodium EDTA, C10H14O8N2Na2.2H2O. When dissolved,
add 4.0 (0.1) ml analytical reagent grade formic acid,
H(COOH) and transfer to a 2.5 l plastic bottle. Dilute to
2.5 l with more high purity water.
Note. To ensure the reduction solution is fresh, a
solution of disodium EDTA and formic acid can be
prepared and stored and solid ascorbic acid added
immediately before use. Ensure the solid is fully
dissolved by shaking the bottle well.
The 1st Acid and 2nd Acid reagents have a shelf life of several
months; prepare the molybdate and reduction solutions for
immediate use only.
Ensure all solutions are mixed thoroughly before use.
Note. The reduction solution discolors over time but this
does not affect the performance of the analyzer.

Silica Analyzers
Mixing Chemical Solutions for Silica Analyzers

2 Secondary Calibration Solutions

Note. Ideally the high purity water used for diluting the
standard solution should contain less than 1 g l1 SiO2. If,
however, this is not possible to obtain and the silica
concentration is known, allowance must be made for the
background level in the high purity water when calculating
the actual silica concentration of the standard.

2 Secondary Calibration Solutions

Store all standard solutions in tightly stoppered
polyethylene bottles.
The stock solutions remain stable for approximately
one year. Prepare standard solutions for the analyzer
immediately before they are required for use.

A stock solution of 100 mg l1 silica, SiO2, can be obtained in

one of the following ways:
The preferred method:
Purchase a 100 mg l1 SiO2 stock solution from a
proprietary chemical supplier.
If a stock solution of 1000 mg l1 silicon (Si) is available, it
can be diluted to obtain a 100 mg l1 SiO2 solution by
taking 46.81 ml and diluting to 1 l with high purity water in
a volumetric flask. The dilution factor is 21.39 times.
From sodium fluorosilicate:
a. Dissolve 313 (1) mg of sodium fluorosilicate
(Na2SiF6 the purest grade available) in
approximately 900 ml of high purity water. Ensure
that all solid has dissolved fully by stirring the
solution for several hours.
b. Transfer the solution to a 1 liter volumetric flask and
make up to the mark with more high purity water.
c. Store the solution in a polyethylene bottle.
From sodium metasilicate:
a. Dissolve 353 (1) mg of sodium metasilicate penta
hydrate (Na2SiO3.5H2O the purest grade available)
in approximately 900 ml of high purity water. Ensure
that all solid has dissolved fully by stirring the
solution for several hours.
b. Transfer the solution to a 1 liter volumetric flask and
make up to the mark with more high purity water.
c. Store the solution in a polyethylene bottle.
Note. Dilute the appropriate stock solution with high purity
water to obtain the secondary calibration solution. Perform
dilution using polyethylene apparatus wherever possible.

Note. The accuracy of the analyzer over its total range is

governed by the choice of the secondary standard solution
value. A monitor calibrated at 200 g l1, for example, would
not exhibit the best accuracy at 2000 g l1. In the case of a
multi-stream analyzer, the concentration of the solution
should be chosen to coincide with the point of greatest
required accuracy. However, a value that corresponds to
80% of the high range value would be more appropriate for
a single-stream analyzer.

Confidential & Proprietary, 2007 Version


Issue 2

Silica Analyzers
Mixing Chemical Solutions for Silica Analyzers

3 Cleaning Solutions

3 Cleaning Solutions
It is important that the internal pipework of the monitor is
cleaned using the automatic cleaning schedule. Cleaning
prevents gradual fouling by molybdate precipitation in the
pipework which can introduce errors. Problems such as noise
can also be caused by contaminated pipework.
Warning. Sodium hydroxide is extremely caustic and must
be handled with great care. Wear appropriate protective
500 ml of the cleaning solution is prepared as follows:
1. Dissolve 25 (1) g of sodium hydroxide pellets, NaOH, in
approximately 300 ml of high purity water in a plastic
bottle. Allow the solution to cool to ambient temperature.
2. Add to the solution 2.5 (0.01) g di-sodium EDTA,
C10H14O8N2Na2.2H2O and stir to dissolve.
3. Transfer the solution to a 500 ml measuring cylinder and
make to the mark with more high purity water. Mix well
and store in a tightly stoppered plastic bottle. Stored in
this bottle the solution is stable for many months.


Issue 2

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Printed in UK (05.07)


Issue 2

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