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The War of the Realms Saga:

#3: War of the Realms


Lady Adellandra Dratianos,

Author of The Young Guardian Trilogy

A Prologue of Events

Part One:
A Stitch in Time

Prologue: #1:
A Few Years Earlier

“Don’t fuss so much, Shannon.” Ariana Reading scolded to

Shannon Ryan as she was trying to fix her hair. Only, it came out
extremely muffled, and her cousin could not understand her.
Shannon laughed. “What did you say?”
Ariana took the hairpins from her mouth and repeated. “I told you
not to fuss so much. You’ll make me mess up the braid.”
“Oh, sorry, Ariana.” Shannon replied. “I just can’t help myself. It’s
the big day!”
“I know, I know.” Ariana teased. “You’ve only been psyching us up
for the past week!”
“I’m glad you’re here.” Shannon said. “It’s good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back, but don’t think you’re going to talk either of
us into staying too long.” Ariana said with a laugh. “We do have lives
outside the System, you know. Not to mention I’m six months pregnant.”
Shannon sighed. When Ariana was finished with her hair, she
turned to her cousin and hugged her. “I know. I just missed having you
here. You’re my only family.”
“That’s not true,” Ariana replied.
“It is, and you know it.” Shannon said. “I don’t have a mother or a
father like you do. I only had Aunt Dixie, and she’s been gone for years
“What about Julia Lynne?”
Shannon sighed. “Julie? Well, she’s another story all together.”
Julie was Shannon’s own twin sister who had found and tried to
be a part of Shannon’s life when Ariana and her twin Luna were married
years ago. She left shortly after the twins and their family did, only
coming back for Shannon’s wedding to Nicholas “Nick” McNathaniels.
Just thinking about her “new” twin made Shannon want to cry.
She had tried her best, but Julie didn’t stay long.
“At least she’s here for your wedding.” Ariana supplied. “You could
give her that much credit.”
“My guess is she’s only here for the free food and hot guys.”
Shannon remarked. “That woman may look like me, but we are anything
but identical in that department.”
“Sounds to me you’re total opposites.” Ariana responded. “She’s
the chic, sophisticated party animal and you’re all business, but also
chic and sophisticated.”
Shannon had to laugh. “I bet your relationship with Luna is the
same way.”
“Not really. Don’t you remember what she was like as a child?”
Ariana asked. “According to Shadow and the crew, she was the party
animal type, while I was the lonely orphan.”
“I wish you were the one who grew up with me, and not her.”
“Why do you say that?” Ariana supplied.
“Maybe it would have been different, you know?” Shannon started
to cry.
Ariana hugged her cousin’s shoulders, being careful not to bunch
up the pretty wedding gown she was wearing. “Don’t you dare start
crying now, Shannon Ryan!” She playfully scolded.
Shannon sniffed, dabbing her tears with a tissue. “I always cry at
Ariana giggled softly. “I know. You cried at Luna’s and my double
“Yeah, twice!” Shannon laughed, remembering when her twin
cousins were married in the double wedding to their loves, Derrick and
She stood, and started to walk toward the curtain.
“No!” Ariana cried. “Don’t let anyone see you until the music starts.
It’s bad luck.”
“You’re superstitious.” Shannon turned to Ariana.
“Darn right I am.” Ariana laughed. “Come here, I want to give you
Shannon was face to face with her now, watching as Ariana
reached from behind her neck and unclasping a pretty diamond-heart
“I figure you have something old,”
“These earrings of Aunt Dixie’s.” Shannon supplied, touching
“Something new,”
“The charm bracelet Derrick gave me last night. The one with the
miniature magnifying glass.” Shannon said, showing her.
“Right, and something blue,”
“The blue hair-ribbon in my braid Luna gave me, the one I gave her
from Aunt Dixie.”
“Now, I want to be the one to give you something borrowed.” Ariana
placed the necklace around Shannon’s neck and stepped back to admire
it. “There, perfect.”
Shannon took it in her fingers. “The necklace Derrick gave you for
Christmas last year! I thought you couldn’t part with it!”
“Just a thanks will suffice, cousin.” Ariana teased, hugging her.
“Thank you, Ariana.” Shannon whispered in her ear. “You’ve made
this day really special for me.”
The Wedding March began and Luna, Ariana’s twin, barged in the
“This is so exciting!” She nearly screamed, then thought of her own
wedding. “Oh, but who’s going to give you away?”
Shannon looked at Ariana, who shrugged. “I hadn’t thought of
that. I mean, you guys will be carrying the trail of my gown, and
Derrick’s in the pews with the twins and the kids.”
“Knock, knock.” Came a male voice. It was Shane. “May I come
“Sure,” The girls echoed.
Shane came in, dressed in a charming tuxedo. “You look
wonderful, Shannon.”
“Thanks,” She said.
“You’re welcome,” He smiled. “I couldn’t help overhearing you
needed someone to give you away.”
“Yeah, I do.” Shannon replied.
“You’ve got him.” Shane kissed her cheek. “For today, I will be your
giver-awayer guy.”
Shannon laughed.
“That’s so sweet of you, Shane.” Luna complimented. She smiled at
them. “Well, what are we waiting for?”
“Let’s go!” Ariana and Luna chorused.
Shane held his arm out for her to take. “Madam,”
The twins took the trail, and they were on their way.

After the ceremony, Shannon headed to the bathroom. She heard

footsteps behind her and rolled her eyes. Someone was following her, and
she knew exactly who it was. When she was certain she was alone, she
asked into the air. “So, how did you like it?”
A voice similar to her own answered back, and Julia Lynne came
into view. “It was okay, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“Okay, it was boring until Jammins sat next to me.”
Jammins was the codename of one of Shannon’s best friends and
best recruits. His real name was Jamie Stewart, and he was the System’s
resident Electronics genius with his best friend Alan “Chips” Deneson.
“So, what did he have to say?” Shannon’s tone was even. She was
mad her sister was being selfish, especially at her own wedding, but
happy she’d caught the eye of one of the System’s best guys.
“Would you believe he asked me out?” Julie grabbed her sister’s
arm and jumped in place. “I am so excited! Maybe he’s the one for me?
You know, like Nick’s yours?”
“You hardly know each other.” Shannon pointed out, stopping her
to calm her. “Not to mention your Ancient Mystic powers are still kind of
“I can control them better now, with Ariana’s help.” Julie said with
a small pout.
“Not that she can help much, with her getting ready for the baby.”
Shannon supplied. “So, onto another subject. Are you going to stay
longer this time?”
Julie grinned. “I’m officially dating Jamie ‘Jammins’ Stewart,
resident man-hunk. Why would I leave so soon?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Shannon supplied sarcastically. “Maybe
because you have a life of your own, and you’d like to live it? Am I getting
Julie stuck her tongue out at her twin. “Very funny. Throw my past
words back in my face.”
“I thought I just did.” Shannon grinned. “Come on, Jules. Let’s get
back to the party. We’ll talk about this later.”
As the women headed out the door, Julie supplied. “Sure, run
away from the truth.”
Shannon stopped, took a breath and let it out slowly. Patience,
Shan. She scolded herself. Remember patience. She turned. “I’m not
running away from the truth. I’m trying to get back to the dinner
reception. There are people here that came to see Nick and myself, and I
intend to greet them properly.”
Julie huffed. “Go back to your boring party. I’m gonna find
someone who’ll listen to me.”
“If you mean Jammins, he’s at the party.” Shannon grinned. “If you
don’t believe me, ask anybody.”
Julie huffed again. “You’re no fun anymore, Shannon Ryan!”
“Good, because I’m not a Ryan anymore.” Shannon supplied. “Not
in name anyway, and you never were.”
Julie could say nothing to that. It was true. “Fine. See you around,
Shan. I’m gone.”
On that, she shoved past her twin and headed back to the party.
Shannon couldn’t help groaning at her sister’s actions. The twins
never grew up together, but it was all for the best. Shannon Ryan-
McNathaniels was glad for it.


Julia Lynne slammed the glass on the counter, groaning. It was

four days after the ceremony and life at the System-Network Agency was
beginning to bore her. She spent her days in her quarters, and nights in
the mini-bar at the Chez Café.
“Care for some company?” Came a male voice from beside her.
When she looked, she smiled. It was Jammins.
“Only if it’s yours.” Julie grinned, looking into his dark brown eyes.
“Have a seat.”
After ordering his own drink from the bartender, he sat down. “You
sound agitated. What’s wrong, or am I being too nosy?”
Julie laughed lightly. “No, you’re not being too nosy. I am agitated.
Shannon’s in the spotlight once again, and no one noticed I was there.”
“Maybe it was because it was her wedding?” Jammins suggested.
Julie shook her head. “No – yes – oh, I don’t know!”
Jammins laughed. “Good to know you’ve got a head on your
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Julie spat.
“It was a joke.” Jammins said. “I was only trying to lighten your
mood, Julie. Cheer up.”
“How can I cheer up? Shan’s got this great business, this great life,
and I’ve got nothing but our mom’s old diary.” Julie said. “It’s not fair.
Why wasn’t I the twin Aunt Dixilynne took in?”
“You’re gonna hear it a lot in your life as an Ancient Mystic, but
I’m gonna say it anyway.” Jammins replied. “Everything happens for a
reason. It was destiny for Shannon to be here, and for you to learn on
your own. I don’t know about you, but she had to be here to help revive
Dixilynne’s father in another dimension. She had to grow up around all
this to learn her destiny in life.”
“What’s my destiny, then?” Julie countered. “To remain unknown
and unloved for the rest of my days? I mean, I have a daughter out there,
somewhere, and I want to find her. She’s the only link to whatever past
or future I have.”
“You’ve got Shannon, and me.” Jammins said softly. “She could tell
you about your past, and I could be a part of your future.” He grasped
her hand, making her look at him. “That is, if you let me.”
Julie smiled. “I’d like that.”
Jammins sealed it with a kiss.
Complete me, Earthly Protector. Each heard in their minds.
They broke from the kiss with Julie staring into Jammins’ eyes.
He was smiling. Before she could comment on the strange message
in her head, Jammins searched her eyes, gently caressing her cheek.
“I would be more than happy to, Julia Lynne.” He breathed just
loud enough for her to hear and her heart to skip a beat.
An empathic feeling of love was shared between them as they
kissed again.
From that day on, Julie was everywhere Jammins went, learning
more about him, and herself, along the way.
Most of all, she learned how to love.

A year later, Jammins and Julie married. Not soon after, Jammins
had the idea to search for Julie’s lost daughter, Tamara Jane. Behind his
new bride’s back, he employed the help of his best friend, Chips
Deneson. The couple stayed at the System-Network Agency for another
two years. All the while, Jamie kept his secret from Julie.
The secret wouldn’t stay one for long. Julie was suspicious of her
new husband’s actions, and decided to ask him about it.
“Just what have you and Chips been working on all this time?”
Julie countered him one night in their shared quarters. “I know you’ve
been up to something. I can sense it.”
“I know you can, which is why I’m not going to deny it.” Jamie held
his smile.
“Good.” Julie supplied. “So tell me.”
“I didn’t want to tell you until I knew for sure.” Jamie supplied. He
sat on the bed next to her. She wasn’t smiling. “We found Tamara Jane.”
Julie shot up, exclaiming. “Oh, Jamie! You didn’t!”
“We did.” He stood, receiving kisses and hugs from her. “Isn’t that
“It’s wonderful!” Julie cried. “So, where is she?”
“She’s on her way here from Minnesota.” Jamie replied. “I sent her
two first-class tickets. I already spoke to Shannon about this, and she
okayed their staying here.”
“They? Who’s coming with her?”
“Her adopted brother Charlie Reynolds.” Jamie said.
Julie sat on the bed, fingering the Dream Locket that hung around
her neck. “I can’t believe it’s finally happening!” She whispered, her mind
in a trance.
Jamie sat on the bed, embracing her. “Believe it, Jules.”
“She must be sixteen by now.” Julie continued, not hearing him.
“Which is why Charlie had to come with her, as an escort.” Jamie
said, nudging her. “Happy, love?”
Julie snapped out of her trance, turning to him with a smile.
“I’ve got something else to make you happy.” Jamie said. “I applied
for a job with the Special Services of Ray County, Michigan. If I get the
job, we’ll all move there.”
“A place of our own?” Julie asked. “Away from Shannon and the
“Of our own.” Jamie supplied. “I may miss this place, but I’ll get
used to being away from it.”
“What about Chips?”
“He can do without me.” Jamie announced.
“What about the rest of your friends? Are you gonna miss them,
“Of course I’d miss them.” Jamie supplied. “I grew up here. I’d be a
jerk if I didn’t. Now, will you quit asking stupid questions long enough to
listen?” She was silenced, but crossed her arms, listening.
Jamie sighed. “I’m not only doing all this for us, I’m doing it for
you. I’ve heard your constant dreams about Tamara Jane and decided to
do something about it. I also know how much it means for you to have
your own life, outside Shannon’s shadow.” He kissed her passionately. “I
guess what I’m trying to say is this. I’d do anything for you, Jules,
anything at all to make you happy.”
“That’s what I love about you, Jamie Stewart.” She hugged his
neck. “You’re so thoughtful and kind. ”
“Yeah, I know.” Jamie kidded, kissing her once again.
Prologue #2:
Where Time Has No Meaning

Presently in the Dream Realm’s Canine Valley, Sire Wolfton

Stargazer was having a hard time concentrating on his work. He was
teaching a small group of canine pups, plus one feline kit, various lessons
in sword-work and battle-fighting. With him was his new Page, Chikité
“Red Wolf” Moondancer, a Mountain Wolf Companion who used to be an
old friend from long ago.
It was as a friend and not a Page Red Wolf sensed something
wrong. He took over and excused the pups and kit from the remainder of
the lesson.
“What did you do that for?” Wolfton growled.
“You had something on your mind, other than the lesson.” Red Wolf
supplied. “I just intervened, that is all.”
“Next time, leave it to me.” Wolfton began to walk away.
“It was clear to us all you were not paying attention.” Red Wolf
remarked to his Timber Wolf friend. “Even your own nephew and daughter
“Celine.” Wolfton whispered under his breath, stopping in his tracks.
He turned to his friend. “Did she say anything to you?”
Red Wolf nodded. “Aye, Wolf. She noticed your behavior since the
Dark Mist was destroyed. She and Katherine are truly worried for you. In
fact, so am I.”
“Do you recall what Toby told us?” Wolf asked. Without allowing
him to answer, he went on. “I do believe it’s time to visit our old Warrior
friend. This time, I will take Celine with me.”
“I will join you.”
“Nay.” Wolf remarked with a shake of his head. “I need you to stay
with the Army. I will take Celine and Tiger White-Snow with me.”
Red Wolf only nodded. “Aye, Sire.”
Red Wolf shifted form and headed back to the Canine Wood.
Wolf Stargazer himself had something else on his mind. After
watching his friend-Page leave, he too shifted to his timber wolf form and
headed in the opposite direction. It was not the right time to visit Tobias
White-Snow. There was time for that later. Now, he had a pressing urge
that needed to be fulfilled.
Someone was calling him in his mind, and he had to get to them.
With only the thoughts of a wolf in his mind, he dashed to the top of
the cliff that overlooked the entire Canine Valley. He stopped at the top
only to find someone else was there already.
Wolf sniffed in his wolf form, trying to catch the familiar scent of the
she-wolf. She was smaller than himself, lighter coated, but beautiful none-
the-less. She was sitting at the edge, staring into the night sky. He could
sense something was bothering her. She would never be able to shift to
wolf form to call on him. It was almost sad, really.
Rather than disturb her, he sat next to her, losing himself in
whatever caught her eye.
“I knew you would come, my friend.” The she-wolf announced.
“What could I do but heed my Young Guardian’s calls?” Wolf
responded. He nudged her snout with his own. She turned her head to
meet his canine eyes. “Why did you call me here?”
“I had to speak to someone about my prophetic dreams.” Young
Guardian told him, tears welling in her canine eyes.
“You have those in your world, do you not?”
Young Guardian shook her head. “They’re all too busy living their
lives.” She laid down on the rock, snout on her outstretched paws.
“Everything has changed, and I don’t think I can handle it.”
“It has changed here as well.” Wolf told her. “Do you smell the scent
of evil in the air?” When she didn’t answer, he continued. “The kits sense
something terribly wrong in the Canine Valley and the Feline Village.
Panther suspects it’s growing, and gaining power.”
Young Guardian the wolf gasped and changed to her human form.
She was wearing her angelic-like Guardian’s Gown in moments. The look
upon her face scared him. “Do you feel it as well?”
“Why do you think Red Wolf has taken over the Army’s lessons?”
Wolf changed his own form to half-man, half-wolf. “Every Companion
creature can feel it in their bones, but not one of us knows what to do
about it.”
Young Guardian sat on the pavement. “I wonder....”
Wolf frowned. “What is on your mind?”
She turned back to him. “How have the Young Tiger White’s lessons
in the Canine Army been?”
“Exceptional.” Wolf remarked. Without speaking, she nodded. At
this, he sighed. “Surely, there is more on your mind than how my feline
nephew is coping in a canine realm?”
She smiled. “Indeed, Wolfton, there is, and it has to do with my
prophetic dreams.”
“Are you going to tell me about them, or am I left to guess?”
“Such disrespect, Sire Wolfton!” Young Guardian joked. Wolf wasn’t
smiling, so she went on. “In my dreams, there is a war. The Crusaders
and Companions, Ancient Mystics and Elders are on our side, fighting.”
“What are we fighting against?”
“Old Dominionites, Dark Areans, and – get this – Gloriana and
“Has he returned somehow from Exile?” Wolf was anxious,
frightened of what his Young Guardian friend was saying.
“Not yet, but I fear it’ll be soon.” Young Guardian told him. “Which
brings me to your nephew. Tiger White was in battle, fighting the best he
could alongside his canine friends. Toby was by your side in one of my
dreams, leading other Companions behind you. Somehow, all canines and
felines, and every other Companion creatures I saw, were working
together against a common cause.”
Wolf just stared into her silver-blue eyes for a moment, letting the
information seep in, and an idea come to his mind. “Are you suggesting
Toby and I get all Companions together? In peace?”
“I know it seems impossible, but it must be done.” Young Guardian
changed back to her wolf form and said one final statement before leaving
him. “War is not far in our future, and we must be ready for it.”
At that, she jumped off the edge of the cliff and disappeared.


The Maiden Sabrina, on orders from her father, the Master Orthos,
found a way back to the Old Dominion’s dungeons. She was sent on her
own to fetch Lord Maximaniac’s Spell-book, and take it back to her father.
After learning how hard a task it was going to be, Sabrina took a
small team of Warriors with her. D’Kora, her troll-like maiden-servant,
Kasha, a silent but deadly banshee-human Warrior, Vino, a snake-like
human male Warrior, and Cyrix, a fire-demon male Warrior all followed
their Maiden wherever she went.
“I mean no diss-respect, Maiden, but how are we going to get Lord
Maximaniac’s-ss Sss-Spell-book without him knowing?” Vino asked,
bowing to her.
“Do you have a plan?” D’Kora asked.
Sabrina’s eyes glowed red as she stared at the two of them. D’Kora
and Vino exchanged looks before bowing to her feet in apology.
“Our deepest,” D’Kora growled.
“Apologies-ss, Maiden.” Vino supplied.
“Enough groveling. We have work to do.” Sabrina supplied, turning
her back to them. She addressed Kasha, who could only speak in her
mind using telepathy. “Patrol the area. Take them with you.”
Kasha nodded, leaving with D’Kora and Vino.
“What are they patrolling for?” Cyrix asked, grinning as he strolled
out of the shadows to her side.
“Any of Lord Max’s minions who may be doing the same thing.”
Sabrina remarked. “Why do you care?”
“We would not want us getting caught in our mission, now, do we?”
Cyrix only smiled. “I forgot how chilly and dark the Merchant’s dungeons
were.” He conjured a fireball in his hands. “How about a little light?”
Sabrina was confused once he aimed the fireball at some timber in
the corner of the cavern. “I know why the others came. Why did you agree
to come back?”
“I told you once before, my beautiful Maiden Sabrina.” Cyrix replied
in a whisper. He took her hands and kissed each of them. “There is a
heart somewhere in there, and I intend to unearth it.”
She snatched her hands back and stomped away from him. “How
dare you suggest I have a heart!”
“I am not suggesting it. I know it.” Cyrix supplied. “As for our
mission, do you have a plan?”
Sabrina found the nearest corner and slumped on the rock-bed
against the cavern wall.
“I will take that as a no.” Cyrix said. “If I may make a suggestion?”
Sabrina stared at him. “You may.”
“It is rumored your daughter Tempest is at the Shady Kingdom
Castle.” Cyrix announced.
Sabrina shot up. “Explain how you know about this!”
“Rumors.” Cyrix said. “Does it matter how I know? All that does is
what you can do with the information.”
“I have tried turning her.” Sabrina said. “It cannot be done.”
“Neither could Exiling you, but for a while, even that was done.”
Cyrix announced. He saw her eyes turning red, signaling she was getting
angry. Before she could start yelling at him, too, he placed his palms up to
stop her. “Think about it, Sabrina. Use the information known about
Tempest to get that Spell-book.”
Her red-glowing eyes faded back to her usual black and hollow.
Realization hit hard. “Brilliant, Cyrix!”
“Of course. It was your idea.” Cyrix bowed to her, giving her credit.
“Aye, it was, was it not?” Sabrina nodded, laughing under her
Just then, the three Warriors came back. Cyrix and Sabrina stood to
meet them.
“Bad news, Maiden.” D’Kora announced. “Lord Maximaniac knows
you have returned.”
“He has sent ss-Searchers-ss to find and re-Exile you.” Vino replied.
We will be found and captured in no time. Kasha relayed in
Sabrina’s mind.
Sabrina only smiled. “We can do no other than greet him, now, can
The three Warriors looked at each other, wondering what came over
their Maiden leader.
“Nay, Maiden!” Vino supplied, shaking his head.
“You will be caught for sure!” D’Kora cried.
Sabrina kept her devilish smile. “Exactly.” She supplied, gesturing
to Cyrix, who still stood beside her. “Come, Cyrix. Let us not disappoint
our Lord Maximaniac.”
Cyrix shared the smile. “Aye, Maiden. Lead the way.”
They left the three remaining Dominionite Warriors confused at their
Maiden’s behavior.


In the Dream Realm’s Kingdom, Queen Gloriana of the Unknown

used her demon-witch’s magic to disguise herself as a common peasant,
allowing her to enter the Castle.
“First things first.” She muttered.
She found the Kingdom’s own Lady Queen Challandra in a room
that held herbs, books, and an array of magical supplies.
Challandra turned, sensing her there.
Before she could say anything but the Dominionite’s name, Gloriana
used a powerful spell to freeze her, hovering in the air.
“Your Spell-book, Challandra. Where is it?”
“Guards!” Challandra shouted, hoping someone would appear to
help her.
With a twist of Gloriana’s wrist, an invisible chain of magic wrapped
itself around Challandra’s neck.
“I will never tell you!” Challandra cried. The chain pulled tighter.
“Oh, I think you will.” Gloriana remarked with a snide gleam to her
eye. “Or be choked to death by the Witches Cord.”
Reluctantly, Challandra pointed to a shelf. “There. Hidden behind
the Book of Herbs and Potions.”
Challandra watched helplessly as Gloriana found the Spell-book
and sifted through it.
“My, my, what potent spells? What powerful potions you have
here?” Gloriana remarked, sneaking a look at Challandra, who was
dangling in air. “I must thank you ahead of time.”
Gloriana turned back to the book and flipped through it. “Ah, here it
is. Just the incantation I was looking for.”
She put the book down and pointed her raised dagger at
Challandra. With glowing red eyes and body, Gloriana cast a powerful
sleeping spell.
Challandra fell to the floor in a heap, unaware that the Witches
Cord still glowed around her neck.
Laughing, she took the book and simply walked out of the room,
leaving a now-sleeping Challandra behind.
“Now to do some real damage.” Gloriana thought aloud, heading
toward the main Throne Room.


In the Dream Realm’s Feline Village, Tobias White-Snow was

interrupted by one of his followers.
“Pardon the intrusion, Sire White-Snow.”
Toby turned and saw a tabby kit bowed at his feet. “Who are you?”
“I am known as Ginger, Sire. I came to warn you of danger.”
“I already know something is happening, kitten. Tell me what you
Ginger bowed her head. “The Dominionite Gloriana was seen in the
Ancient Mystic Kingdom, Sire.”
Toby’s ears perked.
“Did I not tell you, my love?” He heard Kitten’s Claw’s voice from
behind him. “What else do you know of this?” Kitten’s Claw asked the
timid young kitten.
Ginger shook her head. “Nothing more, Lady Kitten’s Claw.”
“Very well,” Tobias spoke up with a growl. “Thank you, Ginger. We
will look into it more.”
With a nod, she was gone.
Both Sire Tobias and Kitten’s Claw stared after her.
“You know what this means, of course?” Kitten’s Claw asked her
“It will happen soon.” Tobias answered. “Lord Guardian must be
Kitten’s Claw nodded her head, staring into the distance. Tobias
followed her gaze, seeing the full Companion forms of a male Timber wolf
and a white tiger. With them in her own mixed human-wolf-kit form, was
the young Princess of Stargazer Castle, Celine.
“Young Guardian already suspects.” They heard a wolf’s howl in
“Shift. Both of you.” Tobias remarked. “You know how I hate talking
to either of you in those forms.”
Once they did, the white tiger, who was Toby’s son Tiger,
apologized. “Sorry, Father. I forgot.”
The timber wolf was Wolfton Stargazer, the Sire of Stargazer Castle
and the entire Canine Valley. He gave Tobias a look, silently telling the
couple he was here on business.
Kitten’s Claw understood the look, saying. “Come, kits. This is the
business of men, not Littles.”
“Mother, I am not little anymore.” Tiger protested.
“Tiger White-Snow!” Tobias roared. “Go!”
He went, reluctantly. Once they were gone, both Sires stared at
each other.
“What does Young Guardian suspect?”
“Trouble, more disastrous than we have ever known.” Wolf told him.
“Not only for our world, for her own.”
Wolf told his old Warrior-turned-Companion-Crusader friend about
Young Guardian’s visit, and how she was at a loss.
“What do you think we should do?” Toby was worried now.
“As with anything that comes our way, we will handle it.”
Toby began to pace.
“Something else troubles you, Toby?” Wolf asked.
“Aye.” Toby told him. “Before you arrived, I was approached by a
tabby kit named Ginger. She told me something that disturbed me.”
“What did she tell you?”
“Gloriana has returned, and was seen in the Kingdom.”
“Do you think this is what Young Guardian sensed so madly?”
Toby nodded his head. “I would count on it.”
Prologue #3:
Present-Day Hill View

Aaron Theodore tried to go home, but found he couldn’t. Again, like

so many times before, he was stuck in his own Dream Realm. He
searched for his aura trace, as an alternate way of getting back, but
couldn’t find it. He tried chanting every Dream Traveling spell he could
think of, even making some up as he went along, but nothing worked.
He headed to the Ancient Mystic Palace, but found even that was
hard to find. Something was wrong. Why would the Palace be hard to find
when he visited there often enough to know exactly where it was?
In his confusion, Aaron had lost his way. He didn’t know where he
was, or how he’d gotten there. All he knew is that he was in a forest, his
Unicorn Magic was itching in his system, and the night sky was bright
with stars. He looked up and saw the full moon.
He also saw a beautiful young woman in the clearing. She was tall,
with long and flowing black hair. Her back was to him, so he couldn’t see
who she was. She was wearing a ruby-red velvet cloak that fluttered in
the light wind. Her arms and head were raised to the night sky, a dagger
in one hand and a long wooden staff in the other.
The sudden sense of longing in his soul filled slightly. There was
something oddly familiar about this woman. The green Unicorn Magic in
his blood itched something awful. When Aaron looked at his hands, he
indeed saw the green glow. This woman, whoever she was, was going to
be in trouble. He could feel it.
Not wanting to disturb her, he quietly drew closer. He could hear
voices chanting in a language he didn’t understand.
Where were they coming from? He asked himself in his head.
There’s no one else here!
He found a spot to hide behind a tree, watching the scene.
With the staff in hand, she drew a circle in the earth, moving around
a cauldron that sat in the middle. He watched as her staff came close to
the fire.
Aaron Theodore, known in the Dream Realm as the Unicorn, stood to
race to her rescue, but it was too late.
As if sensing his presence, the woman froze, throwing her tools
For a quick moment, one the Unicorn would never forget, the two
stared at each other. The voices stopped, and it was silent.
He stared into her strange eyes; One blue, one green, before she
was whisked away in the white-cloud of a magical mist.
“No!” The word spilled out of his mouth a little too late. The beauty
with the strange-colored eyes was gone.
Also on that word, Aaron Theodore Schmidt woke up, returning
“Woah, careful,” he heard a female voice from beside him. It was
his twin sister Amethyst. She was helping him sit up. She handed him a
mug, urging him to drink.
“Welcome back.” He heard another female voice remark softly.
Looking to his other side, he saw his best friend of over twenty years,
Ariana Reading.
Not knowing what to say, he nodded, smiling.
“He’s speechless.” Amethyst, known as Aimee, remarked.
Aaron searched the room and saw all his friends surrounding his
bedside. There was Derrick Reading, Ariana’s husband, Luna
Morehouse, Ariana’s twin sister, and Shane Morehouse, Luna’s husband.
All Dream Realm Crusader friends. All his family.
He took Ariana’s hand and said in his mind. What are you doing
“What does it look like, silly?” Ariana teased aloud, sharing a look
with the others. “You were in some kind of trance neither of us could get
you out of.”
“The only way was together.” Luna remarked, hugging Shane.
“How are you feeling, Aaron?” Derrick asked.
“Now, now, don’t bombard him.” Aimee playfully commanded. “I
want everyone, including you, Ariana, to go downstairs and fix
yourselves some grounding food.”
She pushed them out of the room before going back to her brother.
“What happened to you, Big Brother?” Aimee asked softly, standing
above him.
Sensing her anguish, Aaron took her hand and pulled her in a
tight hug. She broke down in tears in his embrace.
“Oh, Gods! I missed you!” Aimee cried.
Shh. He said in his mind to her. It’s all right. I’m home now.
She pulled back from the hug, wiping her teary eyes on her sleeve.
“Talk to me, Aaron. Out loud, not in your mind.”
Aaron opened his mouth to speak, but shook his head. Not yet, I’m
He heard footsteps climbing the stairs and looked to see who it
was. Smiling, Aaron reached out a hand to his best friend.
Ariana Moon. The voice in his head carried off once he saw the
tears in her own eyes.
In a rush of emotion, Ariana hugged him, silently welcoming him
“We thought you’d never come home.” She whispered in his ear.
His heart skipped a beat. There was something in her voice he
didn’t like. After he kissed her on the lips, he pulled her face to meet his.
Aaron smiled, staring into her sad silver-blue eyes. He could sense
her feelings for him had changed, as his for her. He could also sense she
had changed since he’d been lost in the Dream Realm. In fact, all the
Crusaders had changed, including his own twin sister Aimee.
He was the first to break eye contact.
“What’s wrong?” Ariana asked, laying a hand on one of his legs.
He shook his head, not wanting to answer.
Before she could say anything else, Shane, Luna, and Derrick
came in the room. Shane took charge.
“An ambulance is on its way, Aim.” He supplied.
“What for?” Aimee asked him. “He’s awake, and fine!”
“We called one, just in case.” Derrick replied.
“Just in case what?” Aimee turned to him.
“Just in case it was another Djinn attack.” Ariana responded.
Before her almost-sister could say anything, she looked Aimee in the eye.
“They were just following my orders.”
Aimee scowled.
“He’ll need to be looked at, Aimee.” Luna said softly.
Aimee looked at Aaron, who nodded, agreeing with them.
“Oh well, if it must be done.” Aimee sighed.


A week later, he was released from Philbrooke Memorial Hospital.

Aimee was there to pick him up.
“Any luck with your voice?” She asked as she drove.
He stared out the window, watching cars drive by. The doctors say
my voice is fine. He relayed. I still can’t talk, so I don’t buy it.
“Me, neither.” Aimee echoed.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, and Aaron was lost in his own
daydreams. Aimee was worried for her twin, and so was their almost-
sister, best friend, Ariana Reading.
She decided to let it go for now, knowing the family would help her
get to the bottom of it soon.
As soon as they walked in the door, Aaron headed upstairs. Aimee
was met by his adopted-son Bradley Allen.
“What’s wrong with Dad?” Fourteen-year-old Bradley asked. “Is he
going to be okay?”
“He’ll be fine.” Aimee stared in the direction her brother had
disappeared. “He just has a lot on his mind right now, that’s all.”
“I sent Angel next door with Juliet so I could study.” Bradley told
her. “I hope that was okay.”
Angel was Aimee’s six-year-old adopted-daughter. “It was fine.”
Aimee said absently. “Thanks for telling me. I’ll be back.”
For the second time that day, Amethyst Schmidt headed out the
door, worried.
After explaining her worries to Ariana and Derrick, she left the
Readings with young Angel. Now, they were worried for Aaron.


“Do you have any idea what really happened to him?” Derrick
asked his wife after dinner.
“Not a clue.” Ariana replied. “Until he’s ready to tell us, we won’t
truly know.”
Derrick looked at her. “You won’t use your powers on him?”
Ariana shook her head. “I won’t use my Ancient Mystic powers on
any of my family, and that includes Aaron. Not like that. It wouldn’t feel
Derrick was in deep thought. “You used them on me.”
“Only because I had to exorcize a Djinn from you.” Ariana said
softly. She kissed him. “I wasn’t about to let a no-good Djinn demon take
over my husband’s mind.”
Derrick wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed. After a
moment of silence, he kissed her again. “I love you, Ariana Moon.”
“I love you, too, Derrick James.” She lay her head on his chest,
listening to his heart beat its steady rhythm. “Whatever happens to us in
the future, I don’t want to lose you.”
Derrick knew his wife’s premonition power was triggering. He knew
she had a vision of hers when he heard her tone. One thing to do was
assure her, and set her weary Ancient Mystic’s mind at ease. “You won’t
lose me. I’ll stand by you, no matter what.” He made her look into his
eyes. “I promise.”
She didn’t seem to hear the last statement. She was staring at him,
searching his eyes. Her hand went to his Pendant-Locket, a necklace he
wore that linked the two of them together in thoughts and emotions. His
gaze followed, and was surprised when he saw the same thing she
seemed to see. His Pendant-Locket, which had been forged from two
separate charms, was glowing gold. Her own Dream Amulet, with five of
the Jewels of the Ancient Mystic Province in it, was glowing silver.
To him it meant something was going to happen, and soon.
“Why are the powers of the Pendant and my Amulet activating
now?” Ariana asked.
“Have you sensed something out of the ordinary lately?” Derrick
asked back, in his detective mode. “Seen any visions?”
She shrugged. “Just my dreams. That’s all.” She told him, turning
from his embrace. Her mind was now in her own detective mode.
“Dreams?” Derrick asked, not happy he hadn’t been able to sense
them, or she hadn’t told him about them in the first place. “What
dreams, and why didn’t you tell us?”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” Ariana confessed. “So I only told
“You would tell our Companion friend, but not your own family?”
Derrick was frustrated. “In Lord Guardian’s name, why?”
“You really want to know why?” Ariana asked in her Young
Guardian tone. She was serious, and Derrick knew when to shut up and
listen. When he nodded, she continued, silver-blue eyes ablaze. “I’ll tell
you why. There’s going to be a war in the Dream Realm soon. I don’t
know when, or who’s going to be involved, but I do know this. If we don’t
learn how to work together, we’re all going to die there.”
“You’re serious.” It was a statement.
“To put it kindly, dead serious.” Ariana replied. “For now, I need to
take care of the baby. Go look on the rest of the children, will you?”
Derrick also knew when to keep his mouth shut and obey.


Across the street at the Morehouse’s, Shane knew something was

up. He’d known all along, ever since their little run-in with the Djinn God
Omri and the Merchant Damian.
He paced his kitchen, searching his mind for answers.
“Worrying isn’t going to make it go away, Shadow.” Luna used his
codename to address him. “You know that as well as I do.”
He stopped. “What should I do?” He asked. “Omri’s not through
with us. In fact, I’m willing to bet my title Gloriana’s in on it, too.”
“What makes you think that Dominionite is in on anything?” Luna
asked. “She’s a lowly demon witch who had herself Exiled to the
Unknown to become Orthos’ queen.”
“Exactly.” Shadow’s eyes were glowing gold.
Luna was scared now. “Explain.”
“Rumor has it, she’s loose in the Ancient Mystic Kingdom.” Shadow
explained triumphantly. “Another rumor says Sabrina’s been caught by
Lord Max in the Grey Area with a lower-level fire demon.”
“If rumors are true, how did they get back to the Dream Realm?”
Luna asked. “Neither of them has enough power to simply travel through
all Realms in all the Worlds.”
For once, Shadow didn’t have an answer.
It was up to her to figure things out. Maybe it would give him some
“We all know Sabrina’s a Dark Ancient Mystic.” Luna pointed out.
“That could be how she returned to the Grey Area.”
He nodded silently, agreeing.
“What about Gloriana?” Luna asked. “Do you think she got a Spell
from Orthos’ own Spell-Book?”
He nodded again, still not speaking.
It was irritating her, this one-sided conversation. To her horror, he
began to pace again.
“Stop pacing, Shadow.” Luna demanded. “I’ll ask the Ancients if
they have any clues.”
He took her in his arms and kissed her lips. “I knew you’d see it
my way.”
Without another word, he walked away, whistling.
Luna Morehouse was left staring after him, confused. How did he
know what she was thinking?
Part Two:
Secrets From the Past

The Grand Magus’ Plea

That night, as promised, Luna traveled to the Realm of the

Ancients as the Dream Realm’s Grand Magus.
At first, there was no one to greet her. Grand Magus knew
The Ancients were Gods and Goddesses that surrounded the Realm.
From the skies, a raven circled overhead, telling her the Wind Goddess,
Aura, was watching and listening. From the nearby sea, the Grand Magus
could hear the whale-calls and dolphin-cries, letting her know the Sea
Goddess Brianna was listening in. From a volcano in the distance, she
could see a mother dragon and her dragon-mites, which let her know the
Fire Goddess Hestia was listening as well.
That left only one Elemental Goddess, and the Goddess of Earth,
Dana, appeared as a She-wolf with green eyes.
The Grand Magus bowed as the Goddess changed form in front of
“Rise, Grand Magus.” The Goddess smiled upon her. “My sisters tell
me you are in trouble, and need our help.”
The Grand Magus nodded her head. “That we are, and do, my
“What do you wish from us?”
“You know of the impending war in the Dream Realm?” Grand
Magus asked.
“Aye.” The Goddess was patient.
“Please, you must send help for the battle ahead. I fear we can’t
handle it too much longer.”
“How can we help you if you cannot help yourselves?” The Goddess
observed. “I have watched you from our Realm, Grand Magus. I must say,
I am not happy with you.”
Grand Magus was silenced. “What have I done to make you angry,
my Goddess?”
Instead of answering directly, the Goddess shook her head. “You
leave me no choice, Grand Magus.”
Somehow, Grand Magus knew what was coming next, and dreaded
“You have feared trusting your Empathy power for far too long.” The
Goddess implied. “When you wake, you will be burdened with feeling
every emotion of those around you. You will be forced to learn control over
“No, please Goddess, don’t do this.” Grand Magus shook her head
at the statement. “Please, I beg of you.”
The Goddess didn’t hear, or chose not to.
“You will learn to trust your Empathy power, Aluna Star.”
Before she could reply, the Goddess disappeared, leaving her in
Grand Magus felt her knees give out, forcing her to the ground. She
covered her face and waited until her tears subsided before going home
again, and facing her family.
From the Realm of the Ancients, she disappeared. When she
reappeared, the Dream Realm around her felt familiar. It gave her the
feeling of being in the Middle Ages, a time of dragon-fighting knights and
damsels in distress.
She stood and turned around to see a pair of horses coming her
way. She tried waving her arms and yelling to get their attention, but they
didn’t seem to see or hear her.
“That’s odd.” The Grand Magus mumbled. “Dreamers usually see
and hear me in their private Dream Realms. I wonder what’s going on?”
The Grand Magus waited while the pair of horses came closer. It
was a princess and her knight. As they drew closer, Grand Magus could
see exactly who these people were.
The princess was her cousin, Julia Lynne, a woman she’d only met
four years before. The knight was Jamie “Jammins” Stewart, only, he was
different. He’s dressed as a knight, carrying a sword and riding an all-
black horse. Julia was riding a dun-colored horse beside him. Grand
Magus saw the daggers hidden in his boots, and guessed this knight was
Jammins’ Dream Realm persona.
Jammins saw her as her own Dream Realm persona, the Grand
Magus. Meeting her eyes, he grasped his Dream Locket to tell her in
Salutations, Grand Magus.
Grand Magus nodded back, curtseying.
“What are you nodding at, Jamie?” Julia mustn’t have seen her
standing there.
Jammins turned to Julia. “At how perfect we are together.”
They trot toward her, passing her.
When she turned to watch them leave, they were already gone.


Meanwhile, the Young Guardian finished her patrols of the Dream

Before checking in with her old Companion-Crusader friends, the
Stargazers, she changed out of her Guardian’s Gown to her Fighter’s
Gear. The Guardian’s Gown was a flowing white gown that made her look
like an angel. A multi-pastel-colored wrap hung over her right shoulder,
with her Jewels Amulet pinning it together. The gown’s top was partially
see-through, and she wore a rose-colored slip underneath.
Her Fighter’s Gear was different. It was more comfortable, and
much easier to fight in. She watched as a wind of her own Magic whirled
around her, changing her clothing to those resembling breeches and a long
tunic. A brown leather cloak covered her back, the hood of it sitting on her
She found she flew much easier with the Fighter’s Gear on than the
original Guardian’s Gown. To her surprise, the Grand Magus appeared
just as Young Guardian touched down in the Canine Wood.
“What are you doing here?” Grand Magus asked her twin.
“I’m to ask the same of you.” Young Guardian responded. “Judging
by the look in your eyes, I’d say you’ve had the fright of your life.”
“You got that right.” Grand Magus explained her strange encounter
with both the Goddess Dana and their old agent-friend Jammins.
“What does Shadow think of all this?” Young Guardian led her
sister on the trail through the Wood.
“He’s speechless.” Grand Magus supplied, frustrated. “I can’t get a
word out of him.”
“Amethyst can’t get a word out of the Unicorn, either.” Young
Guardian told her.
“Who’s the Unicorn?”
“Aaron.” Young Guardian supplied.
“How’d he get that title?”
“The same way we got ours.” Young Guardian said. “He earned it,
just as Aimee earned hers of Amethyst.”
“Isn’t Amethyst her name anyway?”
Young Guardian was tired of answering.
“I’ll explain later. Now, we’re here for business.” Young Guardian
announced. She saw her sister’s shoulders shrug. “At least, I know I am. I
still don’t know what you’re doing here.”
“Maybe the Ancients want me to overhear something?”
“I don’t know.” Young Guardian sighed. She marched ahead of her
sister, dressed in her Fighter’s Gear which resembled those worn by
knights in the Middle Ages.
Grand Magus looked down at her own garments. “Fine. If she wants
comfort, so do I.”
With a wave of her arms, she changed from her flowing indigo robes
to black breeches and a billowing indigo top. On her feet were black boots
in which, of course, were hidden daggers. At her waist was a belt that
had a pouch for her magical stones and a place to hold her wand when
she wasn’t using it. She still had a velvet cape with her Dream Pentacle
attached. She felt over her shoulder for the bow and case of arrows she
used in fighting Dominionites and demons in the Dream Realm.
“If you’re coming, get on with it!” She heard Young Guardian shout.
“Fine!” Grand Magus huffed. She met her sister’s strange look.
“Uh, what are you wearing?” Young Guardian was trying not to
“Can you not see, Young Guardian?” Katherine Hawk-Stargazer
remarked with a smile. “She, too, has a fighting outfit.”
“Laugh all you want, you two.” Grand Magus said sarcastically.
“What I wear is not our main concern.”
“Aye, Shadow came to me, telling of his suspicions.” Katherine
remarked. “Rumors have spread quickly, affirmed by Tobias himself.”
Young Guardian’s smile faded. “So, it’s true what they say?”
“Oh, aye Young Guardian.” Katherine nodded her feline head. “The
Canine Army is training extra hard for it, too.”
“Will someone let me in on the secret?” Grand Magus spoke up.
“You mean, Shadow did not tell you?” Katherine was surprised.
“Gloriana was seen in the Kingdom, and my own cousin Sabrina was
caught by Lord Max.”
“That’s the only thing he did tell me.” Grand Magus remarked.
“What he didn’t tell me is how a lowly Dominionite managed to travel here
with what little demon-witch’s magic she had?”
Both Katherine and Young Guardian shrugged, shaking their heads.
“I do know this, though.” Young Guardian announced. “Sometime in
the near future, we’re going to have a war, and Orthos is going to be deep
in the middle of it.”
“He’s Exiled!” Grand Magus cried. “How’s he going to get back with
all those Ancient Spells blocking him?”
“You’re the Grand Magus.” Young Guardian grinned. “I’m going to
leave it to you to figure out.” She turned to Katherine. “In the meantime,
I’m to have a word with Wolf and Toby, just to get the records straight.”
“Wait a minute.” Grand Magus stopped her sister as she tried to get
away with Katherine in tow. “I know that look, and that tone, Young
Guardian. You know something I don’t about the upcoming war, don’t
Young Guardian looked at Katherine before nodding. “That I do.”
“We’re supposed to be partners in this.” Grand Magus remarked.
“Tell me about your dreams.”
“My, she is persistent.” Katherine remarked.
“Not to mention suddenly observant.” Young Guardian was
“I already told you why.” Grand Magus remarked. “Now it’s your
Young Guardian told her the same thing she told Wolf just nights
before. “In my dreams, there is a war. The Crusaders and Companions,
Ancient Mystics and Elders are on our side, fighting against Old
Dominionites, Dark Areans, Gloriana and Orthos.” She took a breath.
“According to my patrols, Orthos hasn’t returned yet, but I fear it’ll be
“Anything else, sister?” Grand Magus was interested in her sister’s
“In that same dream, Tiger White was in battle, fighting the best he
could alongside his canine friends. Toby was by Wolf’s side in another of
my dreams, leading other Companions behind them. Somehow, all canines
and felines, and every other Companion creatures I saw, were working
together against a common cause.”
“Sounds to me your own Dream Premonition has a happy ending.”
Grand Magus grinned. “Everything will turn out fine, you’ll see.”
“Not everything goes as a Dream Premonition says it will.” Katherine
supplied, looking at both of them.
“As usual, you’re right, Katherine.” Grand Magus said. “Do you
want me to stay for your ‘word’ with Wolf and Toby?”
“Only if you wish to, Grand Magus.” Katherine said.
“We’re not making you stay.” Young Guardian remarked. “After all,
it’s my job to keep the peace around the Dream Realm, not yours.”
“Tell us when you get back.” Grand Magus told her sister. “I’m
headed for home.”
They waved goodbye as Grand Magus disappeared, happy her own
job wasn’t as demanding as the Young Guardian’s.
A Witch’s Spell

Amethyst was worried for her twin brother. Both Kelly Reading and
her stepbrother Bradley Allen were worried for their father. Even Angel
was worried for her once-happy uncle. Most of all, Ariana Reading,
Aaron’s best friend, was worried for him.
She and Aimee were sitting at the picnic table in the Reading’s
backyard, watching Aaron from yards away. He was sitting under a tree,
staring into space. Both Ariana and Aimee tried telepathy on him, but
his mind was blocking them out of it.
“This is so unlike him.” Ariana remarked, sighing. She continued
to watch him, sending empathic waves of loving friendship and worry his
way. She wouldn’t use her Empathy to feel his emotions. “Why is he
blocking us out? I mean, we’re the ones that care about him most, and
he’s blocking us out of his mind. I don’t get it.”
“Me, neither.” Aimee stared at her brother with Ariana. “We’re the
Three Musketeers. We’ve been there for him when others couldn’t, or
wouldn’t. The Crusaders have helped him conquer the Dark Unicorn
Magic in his soul.”
“Somehow, I don’t think that matters to him anymore.” Ariana said
softly, keeping her silver-blue eyes on the sad-looking Aaron Theodore
across the yard.
Aimee sighed. “I don’t think anything does.”
“Something does, I’m sure of it.” Ariana said, finally turning to
Aimee. “I have a feeling it has to do with his trip to the Dream Realm.”
Aimee nodded. “Me, too.” She said. “Besides his lack of voice, he’s
physically fine. For the past week, he’s taken walks without letting
anyone knowing where he’s going.”
“Maybe he’s searching for something?” Ariana asked.
“What for, though?”
“Whatever took his voice, forcing him into seclusion.” Ariana told
her simply.
“What are you suggesting?” Aimee wondered.
Ariana stared at the solemn man that sat under a backyard tree.
She tried to reach for him in her mind, the way they used to as children,
but he blocked her off. Again.
She thought back to a week ago, when they shared a single,
solitary kiss. “I think that kiss we shared told him something.”
Aimee grinned. “Oh, do tell.”
“We’ve changed a lot in the past year, and he’s finally feeling it.”
Ariana said.
“Okay, I’m confused.” Aimee responded. “Explain.”
“Remember what Omri did to us?” Ariana began. Aimee nodded, so
she continued. “He made me really think of Aaron’s and my relationship.
He uncovered what was hidden beneath the surface.”
“I wish there was something we could do to help him get over you.”
Aimee remarked.
Ariana grinned after a moment. “There may just be.” She stood.
“Follow me.”
“Where are we going?” Aimee asked. “What about the kids?”
“Juliet will take care of them.” Ariana grabbed her almost-sister’s
hand. “Come on. You’re going to meet a very powerful friend of mine.”
Aimee gave her a confused look.
After telling Juliet she’d be back in a little while, Ariana drove
across town with Aimee to visit an old friend.


Aaron noticed when his twin left with Ariana and sighed to himself.
The woman in his dreams was haunting him again. Her face, her voice in
his mind, her laughing eyes and beautiful smile. He couldn’t get the
black-haired woman with the dual-colored eyes out of his mind. Coming
back to the present and standing up, he headed into the Reading’s house
to check on the kids.
Might as well do something useful while I’m here. Aaron thought to
“Hello, Aaron.” Came a gentle female voice from the other room.
He’d entered through the back and hadn’t seen the Reading’s live-in
Caretaker, Juliet Grey. “What can I do for you?”
He knew she’d be hysterical if he tried telepathy on her, so he just
shook his head.
“Nothing?” Juliet asked, worried. “Are you sure?”
He nodded, then found a pencil and a piece of paper to write on.
He wrote. “I can’t talk. Where did Ariana go?”
“She went to a friend’s house with Aimee.” Juliet said. Concerned,
she felt his head. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.”
He jumped back, as Juliet’s hands felt warm, almost hot to the
Aaron felt his cheeks. They were cool, and he remembered why.
He’d used some of his own Unicorn Magic to block both his sister and
Ariana out of his mind and emotions. They were worried, but he couldn’t
have them poking around to find out what’s wrong with him. He was a
little dizzy, now that he thought about it.
Juliet seemed to know what to do. “You sit down and I’ll fix you a
Aaron nodded. Good idea, he thought. He nodded his thanks.
Daddy? He heard his daughter Kelly’s voice in his mind, but didn’t
dare block it. If you need me to heal you, just call me.
I’ll be fine after a sandwich, honey. Aaron relayed to her. Thank
you anyway.
Her presence stayed in his mind for a moment before saying
anything else. Don’t hurt Momma, okay?
Hurt her? I would never hurt her. Aaron assured her. His temples
began to pulse, and his head was hurting from the telepathic
Kelly knew and soothed it with thoughts. That’s how she feels
when you block her out. Aimee, too.
No. Impossible. I could never hurt your mother. Aaron shook his
head in disagreement. Never.
He never realized until now what he did to his best friend and twin
by blocking them out.
I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, Kelly. Aaron relayed. I never mean
to hurt her. I love her too much for that.
I know you do, but she doesn’t love you in the same way. Kelly
responded. She has Derrick, her Earthly Protector, to watch over her and
love her. She doesn’t need you to protect her anymore.
You’re only thirteen. What do you know about it?
More than you think I do. Kelly left then, leaving him to his own
thoughts and the sandwich Juliet put in front of him.
He needed to get out and think. After finishing the sandwich and
thanking Juliet again, he headed out into the sun.


“So, who lives here?” Aimee asked.

“A very powerful friend of mine.” Ariana knocked on the door. A
moment later, a girl with curly red hair and bright blue eyes answered.
“Hi, Mrs. Reading!” The girl greeted. “Mom said you’d be here
“Hello to you, too, Rhiannon.” Ariana smiled. “This is my sister,
Amethyst. May we come in?”
Rhiannon looked at Aimee for a moment before nodding. “She’s
waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Rhiannon.” Ariana took Aimee’s hand and led her
through the house to the back room. “You’re about to meet Darlene “Red
Shawl” Bennington. She’s the High Priestess of the Magick of the Blue
Moon coven.”
“Coven?” Aimee asked. “Is she a witch?”
“I am a Pagan, to be exact.” Came the voice from nowhere. It
startled Aimee, but her almost-sister was smiling. The woman with dark
red hair held out her hand for Aimee to shake. “You must be Amethyst
Schmidt. You are welcome into my home.”
Aimee took it. Right away, her Unicorn Magic power of Empathy
kicked in and she felt the surge of power. As her vision cleared, she
looked up into the woman’s bright eyes.
Darlene “Red Shawl” Bennington was laughing at her.
“I prefer to be called Aimee, but yes, I am.” Aimee supplied.
“Relax your defenses, Amethyst.” Red Shawl smiled. “I won’t hurt
you.” She turned to Ariana. “Well, Akasha, what brings you here?”
Aimee was confused. “Akasha?”
“That’s my coven-name.” Ariana supplied. “Since I am the
Elemental Goddess of Spirit in our world, and Akasha means spirit, Red
Shawl thought it would be appropriate.”
Aimee said softly. “Oh.”
“We have a problem we need your help in solving.” Ariana
responded, shaking her head at Aimee. “Her twin, Aaron, has loved me
deeply and truly since we were children. He knows I love Derrick the
same way, and have since I met my husband. It’s tearing us both to
pieces that he can’t get over me. It has me worried, and we want to do
something about it.”
“Is there anyway you can help us?” Aimee pleaded. “It’s sad,
“I know it’s sad, Amethyst.” Red Shawl nodded. “Follow me. We’ll
find something in the Book of Shadows, I’m sure.”
“Oh, thank you, Red Shawl!” Ariana cried.
“Don’t thank me, yet, Akasha.” Red Shawl called behind her back.
“I haven’t done anything.”
They descended the stairs until they were in the Bennington’s
basement. Aimee almost fainted from the brush of power there.
Ariana caught her. “Are you okay?”
There’s so much magical energy here. Aimee supplied silently, not
wanting Red Shawl to read her mind. I can feel it.
Close your empathy, as I taught you. Ariana relayed in her sister’s
Red Shawl led the women to a dark corner of the basement.
I don’t like the feel of this. Aimee shook her head.
Relax. Nothing here will hurt you. Ariana made Aimee look her in
the eye. I promise.
Aimee had to smile. She and Ariana watched as Red Shawl flipped
through a thick antique book.
“This Book of Shadows has been in the Bennington family for
generations.” Red Shawl hoped to soothe Aimee’s anxiety with
conversation. “Tell me more about your brother, Amethyst. Does he have
Unicorn Magic like you do?”
Aimee was surprised. “Did Akasha tell you that?”
Red Shawl shook her head. “I’m a Seer. I can read you quite
clearly, just with the touch of your hand.”
“Aaron does have it, and it’s been acting up lately.” Ariana
responded. She then told the story, especially about the Djinn god Omri
and what he did to them. “When we were done with that adventure, all of
us returned from the Dream Realm except Aaron. Aimee and I were
worried after a week when he didn’t wake up. Shadow, Grand Magus, the
Protector, Amethyst, and myself as the Young Guardian finally managed
to wake him with combined Magic. He’s been awake for two weeks, but
hasn’t said one word aloud.”
“Ariana believes something happened in the Dream Realm that
kept him there.” Aimee put in. “He won’t talk to anyone, even though the
doctors said his voice is fine. He takes long walks late at night without
letting anyone know. He’s even keeping us out of his mind. Aaron’s not
like that! Something’s wrong, and I want to know what!”
“Amethyst, calm down.” Red Shawl said softly. “What do you mean,
he’s keeping you out of his mind?”
“Both Amethyst and Aaron have telepathy with the Unicorn Magic.”
Ariana explained. “At first, we thought it was only because of the Blood
Pact so long ago, but now we believe they’re Ancient Mystics.”
You’re telling her some very revealing things about us, Ariana Moon.
Aimee warned in her mind.
I told you to relax. Ariana supplied. Stop calling me that.
You need to be reminded of who you were sometimes.
Ariana glared at her, and Aimee didn’t like the dark Empathic
waves she felt. She saw Ariana’s eyes glow a different, more menacing
color than her usual silver-blue. It was enough to scare her, making her
step back.
“Girls!” Red Shawl warned, distracting them from their staring
contest. “There will be no negativity in this house, is that understood?
Ariana looked up, and nodded. “Yes, Priestess.”
Aimee could feel the dark Empathic waves simply melt away,
dissipating from the air.
“Good. Amethyst?”
Aimee gulped, imitating. “Yes, Priestess.”
“Now then, back to business.” Red Shawl cleared her throat and
flipped through the book once more. “What else can you tell me about
“Why do we have to tell you anything?” Aimee asked. “Aren’t you a
Seer? Don’t you already know?”
“It’s called insight, Amethyst.” Red Shawl tried to explain.
“Information is far more valuable when it comes from the mouth and not
forced to be read directly from the mind. Makes it more personal.
Aimee nodded. “Yes, Priestess.”
Red Shawl laughed under her breath, but both women could hear
it. She looked up at Aimee. “I’m waiting.”
Aimee told her everything about their past, from growing up in a
California orphanage to reuniting and fighting demons of the Dream
Realm. She also told how, when they were only twelve, they made the
Blood Pact, sealing the twins to Ariana through blood forever. By that
Pact, the twins were given enormous amounts of magical power of their
own. They soon find out, without the help of their magical almost-sister
Ariana Moon, what it was called and how to control it. Aimee and Ariana
both told Red Shawl about the Dream Realm Crusades, and the
menacing demons and Dominionites they had to fight to save Lord
Guardian’s life. Throughout, Aaron stayed by Ariana’s side once they
reunited five years after she left to have their daughter Kelly. He still
believed it was his job to protect Ariana and Aimee from the evils of both
the Outer Realm and the Dream Realm.
“I gather it’s not his job anymore.” Red Shawl tried to understand.
Both girls nodded. “Though the Orphanage hell and the trouble of the
Dream Realm Crusades, he fell deeper and deeper in love. So much,
when you married the Protector, he was reluctant to let go.”
“He still hasn’t gotten over me.” Ariana said. “All I want, all we
want really, is for Aaron to find someone who can care for him the way
he cared for us. For him to love the way he still loves me. Someone to
take him for who he is, and not hate him for who he once was.”
“Hmm.” Red Shawl muttered under her breath. “I think I know just
the thing.”
Ariana and Aimee brightened. They watched as Red Shawl took a
pen and a piece of paper and began writing. They waited patiently as Red
Shawl wrote, erased, and wrote some more. When she was finally
satisfied, she handed the folded paper to Aimee.
Aimee moved to unfold it.
“No, not here.” Red Shawl stopped her. “Wait until you get home.”
She turned to Ariana. “The full moon rises in two days. That is when the
magic will be most potent. Do you understand?”
Ariana nodded. “You can always count on me, Red Shawl.”
“Good.” Red Shawl supplied. “I wish you both pleasant journeys.”
The women left then, riding home in complete silence.


The Unicorn, Aaron Schmidt, could feel her pain from miles away.
He was in the Dream Realm, he knew, but was it hers? What was he
doing in a Dreamer’s own world?
The Unicorn Magic flared to life in his very system, and the empathic
feeling was strong.
“Help me, someone, please!” He heard a woman’s voice beg. It
wasn’t far, and it didn’t take long for the Unicorn to sense her position.
It was the same black-haired woman he’d seen nights ago. With her
staff, she was trying to block a gruesome demon from attacking her.
The Unicorn raced to her side, summing up the situation in mere
seconds. It was an old Dominionite hell-demon, with three horns upon its
head and a tail the width of a tree trunk. The Dominionite’s tail swished,
the spiked tips sending bursts of lightning and energy every which-a-way.
The black-haired woman was using her own kind of power to shield
herself from this demon. She sensed his presence as that of the one she’d
seen in her dreams weeks ago. She spoke to him only in his mind.
Help me! Kill it!
The passion in her mental tone told him something. She was special,
and was his.
It was all he could do not to rescue her and take her away from
here. She was right. He had to destroy the Dominionite first, then rescue
her. He had to kill it.
Being careful not to be caught by the bursts, the Unicorn did the
only thing he could think of to do. He jumped into the air, flying and
shifting his shape to his name-sake. An all-mighty unicorn with wings.
With his horn, he summoned all the power in his system to build up and
fire in between the Dominionite’s eyes.
The burst of Unicorn Magic from his horn surrounded the
Dominionite and he called the Exiling Spell.

“Magics of the Realms unite,

“Take this lone Dominionite.
“In a cloud of dust to the Unknown,
“I Exile you all alone!”

Once he called the Spell, the demon was gone, and the two of them
were alone.
He shifted his shape back to that of a mortal man, racing to catch
her as she fell to the ground. He wished he could heal her, and knew
those who could were too far away. He was too weak from his first shape-
The Unicorn got a good look at her then, before she could disappear.
She was beautiful, gorgeous even. Her face was scratched and torn in
various places from her battle. He brushed a hand across the torn cheek,
amazed at what he saw when he looked again. The scratches were gone,
and there were no scars. No blood raced down her cheek, either.
He smiled.
I could heal her after all! He thought to himself.
The Unicorn did something he’d never done before. He wanted to
heal her inner-wounds as well, so he held her close and closed his eyes.
The magic glow warmed the both of them as he worked his healing
powers on the unknown woman. When he was sure she was healed, and
safe, he opened his eyes.
She opened hers as well, and a small moan came from her sweet
mouth. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. Hers were the
mix-matched ones he’d seen weeks ago, and his were the darkest of
“You saved me from that thing.” She whispered.
The Unicorn nodded. He brushed some hair from her face, smiling
down at her.
“You were in trouble, darling one.” The Unicorn replied. “I could do
no other than to rescue you.”
She smiled at that. “Darling one?”
The Unicorn laughed lightly, taking the chance to kiss her ruby-red
lips. “What else could I call such a special Dreamer like you?”
“My name, for one.” The woman didn’t even ask what a “Dreamer”
was. “I call myself Airmed Starchaser. What’s your name, or should I call
you Handsome Stranger?”
“I am the Unicorn, a defender of justice here in the Dream Realm.”
The Unicorn explained. He sighed. “I wish I could meet you for real,
Airmed. I wish you weren’t just a dream.”
Airmed stood with his assistance. “I have to go now.” She searched
his green eyes. “If you believe in the power of dreams, Unicorn, maybe
someday, they’ll come true.”
With a kiss to his lips, she was gone.
Again, the Unicorn named Aaron Theodore Schmidt was alone, left
to ponder the beauty and powers of Airmed Starchaser.
Story: #1:
The Newest Ancient Mystics

“Are we there yet, Jamie?” Came a voice from the backseat of his
Jamie Stewart looked in the rear-view mirror and saw his
stepdaughter Tamara Jane leaning against the chest of her brother-
boyfriend, Charlie Reynolds. His arm was lovingly around her shoulders.
“Almost, TJ. Just a few more miles.”
“This is going to be great.” Came the older female voice of his wife,
TJ’s mother, Julie. “I can’t wait to see the twins again.”
“You may have to wait, Jules.” Jamie supplied. “I still have to let
them know we’re here.”
“They’re Ancient Mystics.” Julie supplied. “They’ll know.”
“Somehow, I don’t think they will.” Jamie remarked, keeping his
eye on the road.
“Where are we going again?” Charlie asked from the backseat.
“Hill View, where I bought a house next door to an old friend.”
Jamie supplied. He spotted a restaurant down the road ahead of them.
“Anybody hungry?”
“I am!” TJ’s voice peeped, sitting up. “How about you, Charlie?”
Charlie nodded. “You bet. I’m starved!”
Jamie pulled into the restaurant and told Julie. “You get us a table
and I’ll call Shadow.”
Julie rolled her eyes. “You’re both away from the System. Why do
you insist on calling each other by your codenames?”
Jamie shrugged his shoulders. “Habit.”
“Come on, you two, let’s get a table.” Julie herded the kids away
from him and left.
Jamie found a payphone in the back of the restaurant and dialed
the Morehouses.
“Hello, Jammins.” A female voice on the other end answered.
Jamie rolled his eyes, remembering Shadow’s wife Luna was a
powerful Ancient Mystic who could sense things out of the ordinary. He
ignored being called his old codename by her. “Where’s Shadow?”
“He and Reading are getting the house set up for you.”
“I really need to talk to him.” Jamie supplied. “Please, Lu-Lu.”
“Hold on, he just walked in.” Luna huffed.
That kid will never change, Jamie thought to himself with a grin.
He looked behind him and saw his family sitting together.
Finally, a family of his own. Jamie’s heart pounded with joy. Julie
had made it all possible.
“Quit daydreaming, Jammins.” A male voice joked. It was his old
Crusader friend Shadow. “Tell me, what’s up?”
“We’re still a few miles away, but we’re here.”
“I still can’t believe Intelligence hired you.” Shane “Shadow”
Morehouse kidded. “Don’t you have to have brains to do that kind of
“Very funny, He-Who-Hides-In-Shadows.” Jamie joked. “It’s good to
hear your voice again, Shane. How are things with the Crusaders?”
“Ariana and Aimee are constantly worried about Aaron, Luna’s
empathy is always on now, Aaron’s in his own little world, and so is
Derrick, sort of.” Shane supplied. “At least Derrick’s agreed to help me
with your new house. He took care of all the real estate paperwork with
Mrs. Stevenson, the realtor, and even paid for the legal work to be done.”
“Legal work?” Jamie asked.
“You know, to keep your past a secret? That sort of thing.”
“Yeah, I know.” Jamie sighed. “I still can’t get away from the taint
formerly known as the System, can I?”
“It’ll follow you around for the rest of your life.” Shane remarked.
“Dixie told you that when you signed on, remember?”
“I remember.” Jamie said. “Listen, after we eat, we’re headed to the
house. Sound good?”
“Good to me.” Shane said. “We’ll be ready by then.” There was an
uncomfortable silence. “Hey, Jamie?”
“How’re Julie and TJ’s Ancient Mystic lessons?” Shane asked.
“Okay, I guess.” Jamie said. He thought for a moment. “I know that
tone, Shadow. Why? Are they going to be needed?”
“You bet they are.” Shane supplied softly. “Every fighter and
magician is going to be needed in the next Dream Realm war.”
Now Jamie’s heart skipped a beat. “Is it Orthos?”
“We’ll explain everything when you guys get here.” Shane said.
“Until then, don’t say anything to the girls or Charlie, okay?”
“Gotcha, buddy.” Jamie said softly. “I’ve gotta go. Talk to you
“Later, ‘Gator.” Shadow tried to sound upbeat as he hung up the
The next Dream Realm war? Jamie thought to himself on the way
back to Julie. She can’t fight, and neither can TJ. What are we going to
“We’re going to eat, that’s what.” Julie supplied as he sat down.
She was getting adept at reading his mind. Or was it the look on
his face that gave him away? Who knew?
He didn’t want to think about the upcoming Dream Realm war. He
wanted to enjoy his new life with his wife, stepdaughter and stepson.
Right now, eating would be a great place to start.

Meanwhile, in the Dream Realm’s Grey Area, not everything was as
perfect as it seemed.
Lord Maximaniac sat at his throne beside Queen Jezebel, and
neither were smiling. In front of them knelt two non-Dream Realm
creatures, a lower-level fire-demon named Cyrix and Jezebel’s daughter,
the former Maiden of the Dominion, Sabrina. They were each in magical
shackles only the Lord and Queen could break. At each of their sides
stood guards, ready to fight should either creature wish to escape.
While Cyrix’s eyes never met the Lord and Queen’s, Sabrina’s were
red and defiant as they glared at her mother and uncle.
Standing and stepping down to them, Lord Maximaniac’s eyes
stared at Sabrina. He stopped in front of the former Maiden and put his
hands behind his back. Cyrix never moved.
Take heed of her relation to me, Jezebel sent to him in his mind.
I am well aware Sabrina is your daughter. Maximaniac sent back.
You watch the fire-demon.
Jezebel didn’t answer. She only watched the scene playing before
“You are losing your touch, niece.” Maximaniac said simply. “Have
you grown careless in your years?”
“I am never careless.” Sabrina said.
“How were you caught so easily by my Searchers?” Maximaniac
“I wished it.” Sabrina supplied.
“Why are you back in the Dream Realm, and how did you gain
enough power to return?” Jezebel spoke up.
“I took your words to heart, and used the Ancient Mystic Magic to
bring me here.” Sabrina sneered.
Jezebel stood. “As before, I wish to handle her, my Lord.” She and
Sabrina met eyes. “She is my daughter, therefore my responsibility.”
Maximaniac’s eyes never left Sabrina. “Very well.”
With a knock to the floor with her Ancient Mystic Staff, both mother
and daughter were gone. This left the two guards standing at attention,
and Cyrix bowed at Maximaniac’s feet.
Maximaniac looked to each of the identical guards. “You are
With nods, they turned their heels and left. Maximaniac turned to
the fire-demon.
“I recall your exploits well, Cyrix.” He announced. “Do you still
follow the Master Orthos in his Unknown Realm? Are you still a
Dominionite even after your mind was returned to you?”
“Nay, Lord Maximaniac.” Cyrix whispered. “I follow wherever
Sabrina leads.”
Maximaniac was curious. “You do not follow Orthos?”
Cyrix met his silver eyes and repeated. “I follow wherever Sabrina
“Are you not a Dominionite?”
“I was born in the Dragon Nations, Lord.” Cyrix told him. “Long
before the Wars for Province.”
“What is your clan-name?”
“I have no clan now.” Cyrix supplied. “My kin were destroyed in the
Wars for Power.”
“Many were lost, I agree.” Maximaniac supplied. “I am sorry I was
not there to witness the battle between Orthos and O’Dell.”
“You would have been lost to us as well, Lord Maximaniac, had you
stayed to fight.” Cyrix announced.
Maximaniac knew what he said was true. He stared at the human-
like fire-demon. “You were born a Draconian, but was forced to become
Dominionite when Orthos sought to rule the Realm.”
“Aye, Lord Maximaniac.” Cyrix lowered his eyes.
“How is it you are not loyal to the Master, Cyrix?”
“I follow wherever Sabrina leads.” Cyrix announced.
“Not the Merchant Damian?”
“Nay, Lord Maximaniac.”
“Only Sabrina?” Maximaniac asked, curious. The fire-demon
nodded. “Why?”
“I have reason to believe she has a caring heart beneath her angry
exterior.” Cyrix supplied. “During the Wars, the Merchant took over the
Dominionite Army, leaving her in the dust. I was the only one of mind to
see what he was doing to her. After all this time, even in the Unknown,
and her exploits with the Earthbound Ancient Mystics, she has wanted to
be feared more than the Merchant.”
“But a caring heart?” Maximaniac asked. “What would make you
believe she has a heart after all this time?”
“She is an Ancient Mystic as well as a Wizard, is she not?” Cyrix
announced. “As is the daughter you share, Tempest.”
Maximaniac looked shocked, but allowed him to continue out of
“She has the good Ancient Mystic Magic in her system.” Cyrix said.
“I can smell it. I can feel it, and I want her to realize it before it threatens to
take over without her knowledge. It is true she has been taught the Dark
Magic. The darkest, but the good Ancient Mystic Magic lingers in her soul,
screaming for release.”
“How do you know all this?”
“I have watched her since laying eyes on her.” Cyrix supplied. “I
have a confession, Lord Maximaniac.”
“It was my idea to be caught by your Searchers.” Cyrix said.
“Orthos has sent her to retrieve your Spell-book. With us came three
others; her troll-maid D’Kora, the snake-Warrior Vino and the silent
“Kasha the banshee has been silenced?” Maximaniac asked.
“Aye, for speaking out against the Master.” Cyrix grinned. “You
know he is not a kind Lord, even with the Realm of the Unknown at his
“So you wish harm against me and mine?” Maximaniac frowned.
Cyrix lowered his eyes again. “Not I. Orthos, and perhaps Gloriana.”
“Why are you confessing to me?”
“I only wish you aware of what they are planning, so you may stay
a step ahead of them.” Cyrix supplied. “I was hoping you would show me
leniency. Please, Lord Maximaniac, do not cage us in your dungeons. I
firmly believe, down deep, Sabrina wants to be good again. I know it will
take time, but she must have that time, that chance.”
“Emotions in a Dominionite such as yourself are impossible.”
Maximaniac said. “Pure, true emotions drive your kind to insanity, and
can lead to death. How is it you carry such emotions within you and
continue to live?”
“The object of my affections has always been and always will be
Sabrina.” Cyrix said. “I believe in her as she should believe in herself. As I
said, I was born of the Dragon Nations, so I guess the purity of that Realm
lies within me.” He shook his head. “I have never given in to darkness.
Sabrina’s inner light has kept me sane when insanity threatened to take
hold. Just the thought of her goodness keeps the true fire-demon of my
soul at bay.”
“Now there is a Dominionite trait I see often.” Maximaniac said.
“Oh, nay, my Lord Maximaniac.” Cyrix supplied. “I think of her first,
not of myself. If you would give me the chance, I can show you my
sincerity. I wish to be on the side of the Ancient Mystics, not Orthos.”
“Look at me, Cyrix.” Maximaniac said softly, calmly.
Cyrix once again met his eyes. They studied each other.
“If what you tell me is the truth,” Maximaniac started, but didn’t
finish his sentence. His voice carried off until it was silenced.
He cleared his throat and called Jezebel to his side. With her came a
very quiet Sabrina.
“Aye, my Lord?” Jezebel nodded.
“It is decreed. Sabrina and Cyrix will reside in the castle, not the
dungeons.” Maximaniac barked the command. “Heavily guarded and
watched at all times, but they will have their own private quarters in the
“Max!” Jezebel objected.
“I will explain later. For now, lead them to the tower.” Maximaniac
was adamant.
Holding her breath, Jezebel nodded. “Aye, my Lord. Cyrix, follow
The magical shackles around his neck, legs and arms were undone,
vanishing from sight. Cyrix stood and took Sabrina’s hand, sending
warmth through it. He shared one last look with Lord Maximaniac before
disappearing with Queen Jezebel and Sabrina.


Once Shadow told him everything he needed to know about the

upcoming war in the Dream Realm, Jamie “Jammins” Stewart was well
aware of what to do. He was reminded of the Crusader Oath he’d taken
years before, its main message clear in his mind. “To help those in need,
whenever deemed.”
Late at night, he fingered the Dream Locket around his neck,
thinking back to the days when he would fight Dominionites and
demons, saving innocent Dreamers from their own nightmares and fears.
He thought his heroic days were over when the second Dream Realm
Crusader team was announced. His life calmed down for a long time,
with no worries in his mind, only memories of his many adventures in
the Dream Realm.
Years later, it would seem his life was once again getting
interesting. He knew it from the moment he could see the Grand Magus
in his Dream Realm. Something big was going to happen, and it would
change their lives. Again.
Julie had been with him in the Dream Realm, he’d taken her there
himself. Problem was, Julie couldn’t see the Grand Magus when she
appeared. Somehow, the thought bothered him.
Two weeks after moving in, with the hustle and bustle of the move
itself, it was time to settle down. The excitement in this world may have
waned, but not that in the Dream Realm. He tried not to think of the
Dream Realm when he was with her, but it was ingrained in his body
and mind ever since the second Dream Realm War, also known as the
first Dream Realm Crusade.
“What are you thinking about so intently?” Julie purred in his ear,
kissing it.
Jamie was sitting on the couch in the living room, surrounded in
darkness. He knew she tried to startle him, but it didn’t work. He used to
be a famous System detective agent. Nothing could scare or startle him;
he was that good.
Instead of answering, he took his wife into his arms and
passionately kissed her.
“Wow!” Julie giggled, settling herself on his lap. “What was that
Jamie sighed. “I love you, Jules.”
“I love you, too, Jamie.” She touched the strange necklace around
his neck, only to gasp.
“Jules?” Jamie asked, worried. “What is it?”
“That’s what I’d like to know.” She stared at him. “What is that
“It’s a Dream Locket.” Jamie explained. “It’s my link to the Dream
Realm. Don’t you have one?”
“Not like that.” Julie supplied. She fingered it. “Shannon did give
me one, telling me about the Dream Realm somewhat. She never told me
you had one, too.”
“It was given to me a long time ago, during the Dream Realm Wars
for Power.” Jamie decided to be truthful. As an Earthly Protector to an
Ancient Mystic, he owed it to her.
His mind ran through the memories and nightmares the Wars for
Power invoked. He was only a kid, and his life was changed forever. The
pain of fighting a demon foe, the horror of seeing so many friendly
Companion Creatures die in front of him. It was almost too much to
“What happened then?” Julie asked softly, now seeking to soothe
his inner demons with a touch of her hand to his face. “Tell me.”
“I can’t.” Jammins said softly, taking her hand in his. “I was sworn
to secrecy. We all were.”
“Please, Jamie.” Julie kissed him tenderly. “Don’t you trust me?”
If Shadow and the Grand Magus were right, Julie needed to know.
After all, she was an Ancient Mystic, too. She had to have faced her own
kinds of demons growing up as an Ancient Mystic child. Learning to
control her wild magic so no one would suspect or fear her. Not knowing
what she was doing at the time, how she was from a special family. It
was only when her cousins Ariana and Luna married at the System that
she found all that out. Until they left for Hill View after their
honeymoons, they helped Julie’s twin sister Shannon teach her what she
was. Not a demon, not a witch, not a freak of nature or something to be
feared. An Ancient Mystic, powerful in her own right with magic in her
“I do.” He said. “Really, but it’s all hard to explain.”
She smiled at him, her silver-blue eyes kind and patient. By the
moonlight that shone through the window, he could see how beautiful
they were.
“Why don’t you start from the beginning?” Julie whispered. “It’ll
come to you.”
“I was abandoned by my parents when I was nine.” Jamie started
in a whisper. He let his mind drift in memories, his mouth telling the sad
tale. “Dixilynne Ryan, your aunt, came to me, and took me home to the
System. She gave me a place to live, food to eat, everything I’d need to
grow up. I idolized her, and agreed to follow her lead from that day
forward. I found my niche in no time: electronics. I was a genius at it,
and still am.”
“I know that, just tell me.”
“I was twelve when my best friend Chips Deneson and I stumbled
upon the Time Bandits.”
“Time Bandits? What are they and what do they have to do with
the Dream Locket?”
Jamie smiled. “You’ll see. Just let me tell the story without
interruptions, okay?”
After wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him again,
she nodded. “Gotcha. No interruptions.”
“Fine. As I was saying, Chips and I stumbled upon a program for
holograms. Real-deal, energy-pulsating, fully-interactive holograms.”
Jamie supplied. “Knowing Shannon had to know, we told her about
them. Turns out, the two holograms we dubbed Alex and Gloria, were
ghosts, searching for their time-traveling killers. After going back in time
and avenging their deaths, they were sent to the Dream Realm. We put
an axe to the program not long after that. Shannon, Chips, and I were
the only ones to know until terror struck the Dream Realm.”
Julie gasped.
“Its Lord Guardian was killed in a brutal war a year later. Wanting
to reverse her father’s death, Dixilynne put me on a special project.
Dream Realm Crusader. With me was Chips, Shadow, Shannon, her
boyfriend Nick, her best friend Bridget “Big Guy” Guy, junior-nurse
Loraine “Love Joy” Joyce, and her sophisticated all-glamour best friend
Cynthia “Cool Cat” Marshal. Dixilynne hand-picked us for the project.
We were the best of her young recruits, each having qualities she needed.
We were supposed to Crusade to the Dream Realm seven years in the
past using the Time Bandit program and fight in the Dream Realm Wars,
saving Lord Guardian from certain death.”
“Obviously, it worked, right?” Julie asked, incredulous. “We’re all
here, Lord Guardian is alive and all that. There’s peace in the Dream
Realm now, isn’t there?”
“If only it were that easy.” Jamie shook his head and fingered the
necklace. “During what we now refer to as the second War for Power and
the first Crusade, each of us were given a Dream Locket by Lord
Guardian and Mistress Enchantra. We could Crusade to the Dream
Realm much easier using the Locket and a Chant. Soon, each of us
found we had different powers, but they were limited to the Dream
Realm. In the Dream Realm, I was a fierce and loyal knight, which is why
I was dressed the way I was when I showed you my Dream Realm. It was
my own Dream Realm persona, Jammins.”
“What about here?” Julie asked.
“Shortly after the Crusade, I found my work with electronics was
easier.” Jamie supplied. “I had a kind of insight to any gadget
imaginable. Over the years, I honed my special ability. Much so, I am
able to actually ‘see’ in my mind intricate patterns and designs that
make things work. Should there be something wrong with the gadget, I
only have to touch it to see in my mind how to fix it.”
“That’s amazing.” Julie breathed. She stared again at the Dream
Locket. “You’ve got a great house, a loving wife, two nearly-grown
stepchildren, and a successful new job. Why are you letting it bother you
Jamie knew the question was coming, and there it was. He needed
to tell her the truth, but he didn’t want to frighten her. She was no
Ancient Mystic fighter, she was still getting her wild powers in control.
She wouldn’t be able to fight against demons and Dominionites in a war.
“I can learn to fight, can’t I?” Julie seemed to read his mind.
Jamie explained what Shadow and the Grand Magus had told him.
The upcoming war in the Dream Realm was going to be harsh, and the
Ancient Mystics needed every available fighter in order to win it.
“Now, I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, because it’s not.” Jamie
warned. “We lost a lot of Companion fighters during the Wars for Power. I
don’t want to lose you, too.”
Julie stood. “You won’t lose me. I’ll have Ariana or Luna teach me
how to fight with my magic. I want to fight in this war, I don’t care if it is
in the Dream Realm. I’ll be strong and brave, and not cower away like a
frightened child. You’ll see.”
“You still haven’t got a grip on your more advanced powers, Jules.”
Jamie pointed out. “I don’t want to see you hurt.”
“I won’t be hurt with you beside me.” Julie said. “No matter what,
we’ll stand together. As a team.”
From above them, they heard a low male voice. “We want to fight,
It was Charlie, with TJ beside him. With a wave of a hand, TJ
turned on the lamp.
Jamie and Julie exchanged glances. “How long have you been
“Long enough to hear your story.” Charlie supplied seriously.
“And long enough to know we want to help.” TJ said, with Charlie
“What about your powers, TJ?” Jamie asked. “You haven’t been
practicing lately, and I happen to know you still can’t control half of what
you learned.”
“That may be true, but I have others like me that can help me
learn.” TJ interjected. “Ariana, Luna, Aimee, Aaron, and Kelly can help
us learn. Please, Jamie. Let us fight in this Dream Realm war.”
If they wanted to fight, shouldn’t he let them?
Jamie took a deep breath and let it out. “Do you have a Dream
TJ showed him. “Lord Guardian taught me the Dream Chant when
he gave it to me. He also gave one to Charlie, claiming he’s my Earthly
Jamie looked to the older boy, who now resembled a serious young
man. “Did he tell you to see the Apprentice?”
Charlie nodded. “He told me to have you show me where the
Apprentice was.”
“Right.” Jamie stood beside his wife. “In that case, let’s tell Shadow
what we plan on doing.”
“Can’t it wait until morning?” Julie purred, tracing a finger down
his shirt.
His heart beat at the action and he swore he heard TJ and Charlie
trying not to laugh.
He wrapped his arms around her, catching her fingers in between
his chest and hers. “This can’t wait. We have to tell them now.”
“It’s got to be at least midnight, Jamie.” Charlie interjected. “They’ll
all be sleeping by now.”
“If I know both sets of twins like I know I do, especially Luna,
they’ll be ready to greet us at the door.” Jamie supplied. “You want to
learn how to fight in a dangerous Dream Realm war, don’t you? I suggest
you begin now.”
“Right.” Julie, Charlie and TJ chorused, following Jamie out the
door to the Morehouses.
Story: #2:
Amethyst’s Secret Wish

A few nights after his dream, he decided to take another walk. The
Empathy power that came with the Unicorn Magic was triggering, urging
him closer to the park.
The night was peaceful, and the walk comforting. He could hear
the night owls high in the trees, feeding their chirping young. Nearby,
crickets played their soothing tunes in a sweet melody that made the
night come alive. Hands in his pockets, he took a deep breath, breathing
in the now-familiar night scents.
There was another scent in the air he hadn’t recognized. The scent
of lavender filled his nostrils, giving him an image of the strange girl in
his mind. Opening his eyes, he saw her sitting on a bench, reading a
book by streetlight. Her long black hair was plaited in a French braid,
but he recognized her immediately.
For the first time since reawakening from the Dream Realm, Aaron
spoke in a whisper.
She heard him, looking up.
Aaron sat beside her. “That’s your name, isn’t it?”
“One of them, yes.” Airmed supplied with a smile, closing her book.
She narrowed her eyes. “Do I know you?”
Aaron nodded. “In a way, you do.” He said, rubbing his throat. His
voice was still scratched, but at least he was talking aloud. “My name is
Aaron Schmidt, only you know me as the Unicorn.”
Airmed gasped softly, shaking her head. “You couldn’t be. The
Unicorn was only a dream, and anyway, he had green eyes, not brown.”
Aaron smiled. “Watch.” He closed his eyes, turning them from their
normal brown to the brilliant green she knew.
“You are the Unicorn.” She said, clearing her throat. He changed
them again with another slow blink. “How can you do that?”
Aaron shrugged. “I don’t know.”
She turned away from him, and he could sense she was nervous.
With the Empathy, he could sense something deeper. Fear.
“Why do you fear me, Airmed?” Aaron asked, placing a hand on
her cheek. She raised a hand to cover his, refusing to look at him.
“I don’t, not really.” Airmed said. She shook her head. “It’s
“I’m listening.” He said softly, taking her hand and entwining it in
his own.
She looked at him this time. Her blue and green eyes stared into
his brown, mesmerized by the sight of him. He could only smile, and wait
patiently for her to speak.
She smiled back, the look in his eyes giving her courage. “My real
name is Sierra Gregory. In private, I call myself Airmed Starchaser.”
“Both names are beautiful.” Aaron supplied. “Just like the woman
who bears them.”
Airmed, Sierra, blushed. “Thank you.”
Aaron nodded, silently telling her to continue.
“I grew up with my parents and younger brother Sean.” She told
him. “Recently, I got a job offer with the local theater group as a
“You dance?” Aaron was amazed.
“My life’s work, actually.” Sierra said. “I also sing, and play
numerous instruments, like the flute, pipe, and piano. I love all the arts,
but music is my favorite.”
“Something about music makes your soul feel alive, am I right?”
Sierra looked at him and smiled. “You can say that, yeah.”
Aaron took their entwined hands and kissed each of her fingers
before finally kissing her. Something deep in his soul screamed. A
thought passed his mind.
Earthly Protector.
Sierra was the first to break from the kiss. “What’s an Earthly
Aaron was astonished. She’d heard the thought, too.
He tried his best to explain. “An Earthly Protector is a person who
is sworn to protect an Ancient Mystic.” Aaron watched her face for a
reaction to the word Ancient Mystic.
Sierra stood, stepping back from him. “Ancient Mystic. You’re an
Ancient Mystic?”
“Yes, and no.” Aaron smiled, standing with her. “Is that why you
fear me? Because you believed I was an Ancient Mystic?”
Sierra nodded. “Somehow, I can’t lie to you. Yes.”
“I don’t have their silver-blue eyes, so how could you tell?” Aaron
asked, sitting back down on the bench.
Reluctantly, she sat next to him. “I can see and read psychic
auras. I could feel how much energy you had surrounding you. I could
see the wild colors of your aura, dancing around your body. It didn’t feel
natural to me, only magical.”
“Not many people have that ability.” Aaron said. “You’re amazing,
Sierra Gregory.”
“Yeah, amazing.” Sierra mumbled, turning her reddened face away.
Embarrassed, she looked at her watch. “Oh! I’d better go. I have to teach
a class in the morning.”
“Let me walk you home.” Aaron said, standing with her.
“I’d rather not. Thanks anyway, Aaron.” Sierra started to walk
away before he could say anything else.
He could still sense her fear of him. Please don’t fear me, Sierra. He
sent to her using Telepathy.
She stopped in her tracks, turning to face him. He was standing
not a foot from her. “Was that you just now, in my head?”
Aaron smiled. “Did I mention I was telepathic?”
“Then you are an Ancient Mystic!” She cried.
“Like I said, yes, and no.” Aaron responded. “Let me walk you
home, and I’ll explain more.”
Sierra sighed. “I give up! You’re not going to let me go home alone,
are you?”
“Not at this time of night.” Aaron said. “What possessed you to
come here this late to begin with?”
She looked at him, really looked at him now. Not as an Ancient
Mystic, or as a man, but as the Unicorn, her savior. She had to tell him.
She owed it to him somehow.
“You saved me in my dreams because I needed saving. I was just
returning the favor.”
Aaron couldn’t help it. He caught her up in his arms and kissed
her. “Come home with me tonight, Airmed.”
Sierra smiled. “Sierra.”
“I don’t care what you call yourself.” Aaron held on tighter. “I want
you to come home with me.”
“Why? What are you going to do?” Sierra was suspicious. “Lock me
up in some tower and have your way with me?”
“Maybe.” Aaron’s smile was mischievous. His voice turned serious
as he stared into her eyes. “I want to show you I’m nothing to fear. That
the Ancient Mystics are nothing to fear.”
Sierra stared into his deep brown eyes. She was taking a chance, a
big chance. What she felt for him already was love. She didn’t know why,
and that’s what scared her. Not the fact he was an Ancient Mystic, only
that she’d just met him.
Tearing herself out of the embrace, she grasped her book and took
his hand in hers. “Let’s go home.”
Aaron on the other hand was happy. He was another step closer to
feeling complete, and the beautiful woman walking next to him was the
reason. He couldn’t wait to tell Aimee and Ariana about her.


Amethyst Schmidt was depressed lately. She was glad her twin
finally met somebody special last week, though Aimee had yet to meet
her for herself. According to Aaron, she was the most wonderful woman
he’d ever met. Aimee was also happy he got his voice back after so long.
Aaron was smiling more, laughing and joking around, just like old times.
After being depressed and lonely, her twin was finally happy.
It took two weeks for Red Shawl’s spell to finally work, but ever
since, she’d been thinking of her own love life.
Her thoughts kept going back to their days in the orphanage, when
the Three Musketeers, Ariana, Aaron and herself, were joined by another.
His name was Scott Archer, and last she knew, he lived across the street
from the Shore Point Home for Children. While Ariana had Aaron as a
best friend, she had Scott. When Ariana ran away, Scott kept the twins
company, and Aimee was grateful. He was there for them when she
wasn’t, and that made Aimee feel good. She could always talk to him
about her troubles, the magic she found she had in her blood, and even
of Aaron’s depression.
It had been years since the twins were adopted back into their own
family, forced to move across the country to Hill View. It had also been
that long since she’d seen or thought about Scott Archer. She realized
she missed him.
A flash of inspiration went through her mind, giving her an idea.
What if the spell could work for her? Would it bring Scott to her, after so
Determined, she went to Bradley’s room. He was playing a game on
his computer.
“Bradley, I need a favor from you.”
Bradley stopped the game and met his aunt’s eyes. “What is it,
Aunt Aimee?”
“I need you to watch Angel until your father gets home. Can you do
that for me?”
He shrugged. “Sure. Where are you going?”
Aimee smiled. “I promise to tell you later.” She kissed his cheek
before leaving the room. “Thanks, Bradley! See you!”
She could faintly hear him mutter under his breath as she raced
out the door. “Yeah, whatever.”
Following her memories, she drove to the Benningtons. She stood
at the door, taking a deep breath before knocking.
“Here goes nothing.” Aimee whispered under her breath.
Red Shawl herself answered the door. “Amethyst, a pleasure to see
you again. What can I do for you?”
“May I come in?” Aimee asked, ushering herself inside.
Red Shawl closed the door behind them.
“I want to thank you for the spell you gave us.” Aimee said. “It did
wonders for Aaron.”
“You’re welcome, only it wasn’t just the spell.” Red Shawl told her.
Before Aimee could ask what she meant, she heard a female voice.
“Who is it, Aunt Dar?” The woman came into the foyer to greet
them. She had long black hair and different-colored eyes.
“Sierra, this is Amethyst, a friend of mine.” Red Shawl introduced.
“Amethyst, this is my niece, Sierra Gregory.”
“Nice to meet you.” Aimee said politely.
“Merry Meet.” Sierra nodded. “You look familiar. Have we met
“I don’t think so.” Aimee supplied. “I’d remember eyes like those.”
“My boyfriend Aaron likes my eyes.” Sierra said. “Now that I think
about it, you look like him.”
“Does he have dark brown hair and eyes to match?” Aimee asked.
She had to know. Was this the woman that made her twin so happy?
“Last name Schmidt?”
“Yeah. You know him?”
“He’s my twin brother.” Aimee supplied.
Sierra was speechless.
Red Shawl cleared her throat, leading Aimee away from Sierra
before her niece could say anything. “For now, Amethyst and I must be
going. Business, you know.”
Red Shawl led her back down to the basement. She felt the pulses
of energy and magic in the air. She had to stop in order not to faint.
“Close your empathy, Amethyst.” Red Shawl caught her before she
could fall. She led Aimee to a chair by the Book of Shadows. She asked
after a few minutes. “How are you feeling now?”
“Better, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Red Shawl said. “I know why you’re here.” Aimee
looked up at her, only half-amazed she knew. After all, Red Shawl was a
Seer. “You want true love of your own.”
“Only one love, really.” Aimee supplied. “I’m not picky.”
Red Shawl laughed. “Of course you’re not. You only want one man
to love you and make you happy.”
Aimee nodded. “I was wondering if the spell you gave us for Aaron
could work for me.”
Red Shawl smiled. “Do you still have it?”
“After we cast it, I hid it in a secret spot.” Aimee told her.
“Next week is the full moon. Dyad Moon, I believe.” Red Shawl
supplied. “Reword the spell, keeping in heart and mind what you desire.
Perform the ritual and cast it at midnight, calling on the Spirits to aid
you. Once the spell is cast, burn it, letting the winds carry the ashes
“Why didn’t you tell us that last time?”
“I figured you would need it again sooner or later.” Red Shawl
winked. “Above all else, follow your heart.”
Aimee was getting uncomfortable, so she stood. “Thank you, Red
“You’re welcome.” Red Shawl supplied, following her to her car. “I
wish you the best of luck, and pleasant journeys.”
Aimee smiled at the High Priestess and repeated the Dream Realm
saying. “Pleasant Journeys.”


“I’m happy it worked. Aaron’s got a girlfriend!” Ariana cried to her

twin Luna and almost-sister Aimee one day.
Aimee supplied with a grin. “He’s so happy now, and he’s got his
voice back.”
“Good for him.” Luna said. “Mind cluing me in on what worked?”
Alternating, Ariana and Aimee told their story of how Darlene “Red
Shawl” Bennington gave them a special spell from the Book of Shadows.
“You used Pagan and Ancient Mystic Magic combined, Aimee?”
Luna asked, with Aimee nodding. “Color me impressed.”
“Thanks.” Aimee acknowledged.
“I still can’t believe it actually worked.” Ariana supplied. “Sierra is
a wonderful woman, perfect for him.”
“There’s something suspicious about Sierra Gregory.” Luna
remarked. “I’m not knocking her before really knowing her, but I have a
feeling she’s hiding something.”
“I agree with you, despite my happiness.” Ariana said. “Something
about that woman just isn’t right. She’s not being sincere to us, almost
aloof, really.”
“I bet I know why.” Aimee spoke up. The twins looked at her. “I
didn’t meet her until the other day. She’s Red Shawl’s niece.”
“Does that mean she’s a Pagan, too?” Luna asked. “No wonder her
mind was blocking mine.”
“You went back to the Bennington’s?” Ariana asked her almost-
sister. “Why?”
“I, uh, wanted to ask her something.” Aimee spat quickly.
The twins exchanged looks.
“Out with it, Amethyst Theresa.” Ariana warned, frowning.
“Promise not to tell the guys?” Aimee asked. The twins nodded, so
she continued. “I wanted to see if the spell she gave us could work for
“It’s about time you used Magic for yourself.” Luna complimented.
“You really have the makings of a True Ancient Mystic.”
“I’m to cast it alone at the Dyad Moon.” Aimee said, then sighed.
“Do you really think it’ll work for me?”
“I’m sure it will.” Ariana wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“You deserve a little happiness, Aimee. We all do.”
Luna nodded, agreeing totally.
“By the way, Luna, how’s the Empathy?” Ariana asked. “Is it
getting any easier to bear?”
“I’m having to learn control all over again.” Luna told her twin. “In
the meantime, everyone’s emotions are overwhelming. It’s enough to
scare me.”
“You have to get over your fears.” Aimee said. “It’ll take plenty of
time and patience.”
“Patience, sure. I have no problem with patience.” Luna said. “It’s
time we don’t have. Julie and TJ are eager to learn how to fight, and their
emotions are in high gear. Charlie and Jamie have to learn quickly how
to be Earthly Protectors before the war is official.”
“Julie wants to fight in the Dream Realm?” Aimee was amazed.
“She doesn’t have the experience we do.”
“She’s got Jamie. That should be enough.” Ariana said. “He can fill
her in on the details.”
“Do either of you have any other dreams or visions of Orthos or
Gloriana and what they’re planning?” Aimee asked the twins.
“I managed to Crusade to the Unknown and see for myself.” Ariana
“That was dangerous.” Luna scolded her. “You could’ve gotten
“Derrick, or should I say the Protector, was with me.” Ariana
remarked. “Between the two of us, we found out some interesting
“Such as?”
“The rumors are true. Gloriana is on the loose in the Kingdom
Castle. Damian sent her to the Dream Realm to reek havoc.” Ariana said.
“Not only that, but Orthos is working on breaking the Ancient spells
O’Dell put on him.”
“He just told you this?” Aimee was suspicious.
“He practically bragged about conquering the Dream Realm and
ridding it of us.”
“Us, as in the Ancient Mystics?” Luna asked. Ariana nodded. “He’s
gonna have a pretty hard time of it. Even if he does manage to break the
Ancient spells, how’s he going to fight us? We’re older, stronger, and
much more prepared to fight against him now than we were in the
“You weren’t listening to Shadow’s story, or the Apprentice’s
message, were you?” Ariana accused. “History is going to repeat itself,
and we have to do something to stop it.”
“Do we know what really happened in the Wars for Power?” Aimee
asked. “We only know tidbits, thanks to Shane’s story.”
“All I know is thousands of Companion families were lost, Shane
was hit pretty bad with a poison arrow, and both Mistresses Mystica and
Jezebel were killed.” Luna explained. “Once Mystica was hit, the Wars
“That’s not all, Sweetling.” They heard Shane’s voice above them.
With him were Derrick, Jamie and Julie. Once he sat down next to her,
with Derrick taking a seat next to Ariana and Julie and Jamie sitting
across from them, he continued. “We know a lot of our enemies in the
present were part of the past.”
“Such as?” Ariana asked.
“Djinn God Omri, for one, and his minions.” Shane supplied.
“Sabrina and Damian were there, obviously.” Jamie said.
“Let’s leave the obvious out.” Derrick told him. “Sabrina, Orthos,
Damian and the Dominionite Warriors were the main bad guys then, and
“Right.” Jamie said. “What you don’t know is that the Stalkers
were there during the Wars for Power.”
“Stalkers.” Ariana whispered. “Celeste told me her turned Dweller
kin were called Stalkers. Are they the same things?”
“The very same.” Shadow told them. “They were summoned by
Orthos when Chase Moondancer inquired help from the Dweller-kin
“Woah, slow down.” Julie said. “You’re going so fast, you’re giving
me a headache.”
“You wanted to fight.” Jamie told his wife.
“Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all?” She responded,
holding her head.
“It was a great idea.” Ariana told her. “You just need brushing up
on your own type of Magic, that’s all.”
“She’s an Elder, just like you.” Jamie responded. “Since she had TJ
when she was sixteen, she’s got unlimited power.”
“Great.” Ariana and Julie moaned.
“I guess I’ll be the one to teach her then, won’t I?” Ariana
wondered, looking at her dark-haired cousin.
“As only you can.” Jamie supplied. “In the meantime, what do your
patrols say?”
“I’ve been pretty busy, and rumors are spreading.” Ariana told him.
“The Canine Valley and Feline Village are especially feeling the pressure.
The kit twins are keeping to themselves and their newborn kits. Wolf and
Chikité are working the Canine Army extra hard to get ready for the
upcoming war.”
“Who’s Chikité?” Jamie asked.
“Red Wolf Moondancer, Sire Wolf’s new Page.” Shane supplied.
“You remember Warrior Red Wolf, don’t you? The half-Dweller, half-
Mountain Wolf Companion?”
Jamie nodded.
“Calling him by his Dweller name instead of his Warrior name
reminds him of his bloodlines.” Ariana supplied. “He’s turning out to be a
great asset to the Canine Army.”
“What about Toby?” Derrick spoke up. “Last I heard, he was
thinking of gathering an army of his own.”
“Tobias White-Snow is no leader; he’s a great fighter, but never a
leader.” Jamie said. “I’ve known him since he was a Warrior with the
Dominionite Army. How’s he going to lead an army?”
“You’re forgetting, he’s a Companion Crusader.” Luna pointed out.
“If he and Kitten’s Claw sense something threatening the Feline Village,
he’ll find a way to fight it.”
“With Wolf’s help, of course.” Ariana replied. She put her hands to
her temples, massaging them.
“What’s wrong, Love?” Derrick was worried.
Once her eyes closed, she was silent, and all watched. Derrick
could tell she was having another vision by the way her body stiffened.
He tried whispering a chant in her ear to get her out of the vision, but it
He shared a look with Shane, who stared at Luna.
Luna knew what to do. She placed a hand on her twin’s arm and
closed her own eyes.
“Tell us what you see.” Shane said.
Luna nodded. “Orthos and Omri are in the Dream Realm.”
“Now?” Jamie wondered.
She shook her head. “Soon.” Luna opened her eyes and watched
her sister closely. “I can’t get her out of it. Can you?”
Derrick shook his head. “No.”
Aimee spoke up. “Why don’t I try?” She replied, and leaned to
whisper something in Ariana’s ear.
Instantly, Ariana opened her eyes and gasped out of the vision.
“What did you say to her?” Julie asked.
“Secret.” Aimee winked. She pat Ariana on the shoulder. “Luna told
us what she saw. Now, it’s your turn.”
Ariana’s gaze went to her twin. “What did you see?”
“I got a premonition of Orthos and Omri being in the Dream
Realm.” Luna supplied.
Ariana looked at the group. Luna, Shane, Derrick, Aimee, Jamie
and Julie stared back. “We’re needed in the Dream Realm.”
“Now?” Aimee asked.
“Now.” Ariana confirmed.
Story: #3
Visions and Dream-Scapes

“How are we needed?” Jamie asked. “Does it have anything to do

with your vision?”
“Everything.” Ariana supplied. “We’ve neglected our training for far
too long. The Crusaders, which includes Aaron, must learn to fight and
“We already know how to do all that.” Aimee said.
“We don’t know enough, I’m afraid.” Ariana shook her head. “How
else would Omri have been able to get to you guys? We weren’t
“He didn’t get you or Shane.” Derrick supplied.
“That’s because Shane knew what Omri was up to and didn’t let it
bother him.” Ariana said. “I only had to put up a mental barrier for
Omri’s spell not to work on me.”
“Omri cast a spell on you guys?” Jamie asked.
“We were forced to face our inner demons.” Derrick said. “I
doubted Ariana’s love for me, Luna was jealous because she wasn’t the
Ancient Mystic’s favorite, and Aimee was angry at Ariana because she
hadn’t stayed to teach her the wild new magic in her system.”
“What about Aaron? Was he affected by the spell, too?” Julie
“He pined for the days of our childhood, when he had Ariana’s love
to himself.” Aimee said softly. “He was also battling demons of his own
with the advancing of his Unicorn Magic. Not only that, but he was mad
Ariana hadn’t told him when a Djinn Mind-Dweller called a Horde
attacked his daughter Kelly.”
“So far, we’ve got Djinn, Stalkers, and possibly more Dominionites
to prepare for.” Jamie summed. “What else could Orthos bring back from
the depths of the Unknown?”
“That would depend on what was there in the Wars.” Luna
“Let’s meet up in the Dream Realm tonight.” Ariana suggested.
“After my patrols. We’ll get down to the bottom of this once and for all.”
After agreeing, they went their separate ways.


That night, they met up in the Dream Realm. Each of them had their
own personas. Ariana was the Young Guardian, Derrick was the Protector,
Luna was the Grand Magus, Shane was the Shadow, Aaron was the
Unicorn, and Jamie was Jammins. Aimee found her own persona to be a
fairy princess named Amethyst. The only ones who didn’t have their
Dream Realm counterparts were Julie, Charlie, and TJ.
As always, Young Guardian took charge. “Shadow and Grand
Magus, go see what Lord Max knows about the war. Jammins and Julie,
take Charlie and TJ to the Forgotten Forest and find the Apprentice. He’ll
give you Protectors’ Pendants and the Grand Shamus will teach the girls
their Silver Magic. Amethyst, snoop around the Feline Village and Canine
Valley. See what the Sires have planned. You’re excused.”
Once they were gone, she noticed a raven-haired beauty with dual-
colored eyes standing by the Unicorn. Only the Protector, the Unicorn, the
raven-haired woman and herself lagged behind.
“What do you think you’re doing, Unicorn?” Young Guardian
scolded. “Bringing a Dreamer on a Crusader mission. She could get hurt,
or worse, killed.”
“Relax, Young Guardian.” The Unicorn announced with a smile.
“She’s no ordinary Dreamer.”
Young Guardian wasn’t impressed. She folded her arms and glared
at him.
The Unicorn’s smile remained, gesturing to the raven-haired woman
who held his hand. “Go ahead and introduce yourself properly, my dear.”
The woman blushed at the sight of him, but nodded. Turning to
Young Guardian and the Protector, she bowed. “My name is Airmed
Starchaser. I am a Pagan Dreamer with powers immeasurable.”
“Rise, Airmed, and meet your Young Guardian’s eyes.” The Protector
Airmed rose, finally looking Young Guardian in the eye.
“Who are you in the waking world?” Young Guardian asked.
“What’s your given name?”
“Sierra Gregory.”
Young Guardian looked up at the Unicorn. “She’s the one you
named your Earthly Protector?”
The Unicorn nodded. “I told her everything about the Ancient
Mystics, including our current, ah, situation here in the Dream Realm.”
“What are you not telling me, Unicorn?” Young Guardian asked.
“I want to join the fight.” Airmed explained, answering for him. “I
want to use my own magic here in this world and fight.”
“Are you sure this is what you want, Airmed?” The Protector
wondered. “Do you even know what fighting in this world means?”
“I’ve fought what the Unicorn called a Dominionite once.” Airmed
“It’s not fun and games, you know.” Young Guardian told her. “We
work with powerful magic, even more so than you realize. What we do, we
do because we have to, not because we want to.”
“Ours is serious work, and never-ending.” The Protector supplied.
“You must know how to think on your feet, and move quickly, staying one
step ahead of your enemies.”
“We’re all trained detectives in the Outer Realm, which is what
you’ll hear those of this world calling our waking world.” Young Guardian
“Will you stop bombarding her and give her a chance to prove
herself?” The Unicorn stepped up.
“Does she have any detective’s instincts?” The Protector asked him.
“Address me.” Airmed supplied, folding her arms. The three looked
at her when she continued. “I’ve read enough Nancy Drew novels in my
life to know what to do.”
“Reading mysteries doesn’t exactly make a detective.” The Protector
pointed out.
“Does she meet your standards, Young Guardian?” The Unicorn
asked, frowning. “She helped me kill an Old Dominionite, and lived to tell
about it.”
The Protector and Young Guardian shared a look.
“It’s not up to us; we’re not the main ones in charge.” Young
Guardian said softly. She glanced at the Unicorn. “Take her to the Ancient
Mystic Palace. Let O’Dell and Enchantra decide for themselves if she’s
strong enough in spirit to join the fight.”
Nodding, the Unicorn and Airmed disappeared.
“Come, Young Guardian.” The Protector said softly, wrapping his
arms around her waist and giving her lips a tender kiss. “Duty calls.”


Meanwhile, the Grand Magus and the Shadow traveled to the Grey
Area’s Shady Kingdom to see what Lord Maximaniac could tell them.

“Did you see who the Unicorn brought with him?” Grand Magus
asked as they neared the Shady Kingdom’s Castle.
“I saw. It was his new girlfriend, Sierra.” Shadow supplied. “I’m
sure Young Guardian and the Protector are having a field day with him
right now.”
“I almost feel sorry for them.” Grand Magus giggled. “Almost.”
“Hush now, we’re here on business.” Shadow smiled. “Act like the
Grand Magus and less like a giggling teenager.”
At the gates to the Castle, they were stopped by a guard.
“Shadow! Grand Magus!” The guard cried once recognizing them. “I
did not know it were you!”
“Lord Maximaniac has never needed guards at his castle doors
before.” Grand Magus supplied. “It’s usually one of the Princess’s duties.”
“Oh, it is, Grand Magus.” The guard announced, agreeing. “As of
late, my Lord Maximaniac has seen to it all entrances are heavily guarded
at all times.”
“Why now?” Shadow asked him.
“We have two creatures residing in the upper tower.” The guard
explained. “My Queen’s daughter, Mistress Sabrina, and her consort,
Mister Cyrix.”
Shadow and Grand Magus looked at each other in alarm.
“Thank you, guard. We’ll see our own way inside.” Shadow
announced, leading the Grand Magus through the castle entrance.
Once out of earshot, the Grand Magus asked. “What’s Sabrina doing
“That’s what we’re here to find out.” Shadow supplied without
With a huff, the Grand Magus halted in her tracks and used magic
to take herself to the main Throne Room.
Lord Maximaniac was talking with two Grey Areans wearing
Warrior uniforms when he heard her come in.
“Grand Magus?”
She bowed to him. Shadow was right behind her, charging through
the Throne Room doors.
“What took you so long?” Grand Magus joked.
The Shadow took his place beside her, bowing to a confused Lord
Maximaniac. “I’ll deal with you later.” He whispered in her ear.
“I can’t wait.” Grand Magus whispered back, winking when he met
her eyes.
“Rise, you two.” Lord Maximaniac commanded gently. They obeyed.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your presences?”
“We came to talk to you about the upcoming war.” Shadow
“Only to hear from the Castle guard Sabrina’s here, with a lower-
level fire demon.” Grand Magus said.
“So, it is business, and not pleasure.” Lord Maximaniac replied.
“Generals, you are excused. I will call on you when I have need.”
“Aye, my Lord.” The two generals chorused, leaving them.
Maximaniac turned back to the two of them. “I take it you are
wondering why they are here?”
“You don’t have to explain to us, Lord Max.” Grand Magus said.
“Your Realm, your Castle, your business and all that.”
Shadow nudged her. “We only want to know what you do about the
upcoming war.”
“In all my years of knowing you, Shadow, you have never once
relaxed.” Lord Maximaniac grinned. “Must you be so serious all the time?”
Shadow kept his scowl. “There’s no time to relax, and you know it.”
Lord Max sighed. “It is true. I fear I know very little about it. I do
know there will be war, and soon. No one, not even Lord Guardian himself
knows right when.” He supplied. “I worry for my two remaining brothers.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Grand Magus asked gently.
“The Queen and I have gone numerous times to check on Byron, but
he is always distracted.” Lord Max explained. “As for O’Dell, Enchantra
tells me he broods around the Ancient Mystic Palace, hiding himself in
spells and books.”
“Lord Guardian’s in hiding?” Shadow asked. “Are you sure, Lord
“Positive.” Lord Max announced sadly.
“Has Young Guardian been to see you lately?” Grand Magus asked,
her mind reeling with thoughts. “If Lord Guardian’s not doing his job, does
she have to take over for him?”
“I have seen Young Guardian only once, and that was months ago.”
Lord Max replied. “I believe your sister is indeed taking over for my
“She’s still patrolling, as well?” Shadow asked, amazed. “How can
she work herself so hard?”
“She has the Protector with her.” Lord Max said. “I assume he is
helping her.”
Grand Magus shook her head. “No wonder my Empathy’s acting up
a lot lately!”
Lord Max could only nod his head and agree.
“On to more pressing business. Tell us what Sabrina and Cyrix are
doing here.” Shadow supplied, his mind alert and taking charge.
“Is that a command, Shadow?” Lord Maximaniac tried to look
Shadow kept his serious glare.
Grand Magus spoke up gently. “Please, can you tell us? The other
Crusaders have to know.”
Lord Max nodded. “Very well, I will tell you. Cyrix believes Sabrina
carries the good Ancient Mystic Magic within her. He wishes us to give her
a chance at learning to be a True Ancient Mystic again.”
“You listen to a former Dominionite?” Shadow wondered.
“You do not remember Cyrix, do you?” Lord Max supplied. Shadow
narrowed his brows, thinking. Before he could say anything, Lord Max
interrupted. “Cyrix was a Draconian, his clan destroyed by Orthos in the
Wars for Power. Once learning who left him orphaned, he went to the
Dominion and my brother, wishing to avenge their deaths.”
“He was a Dominionite Warrior.” Shadow supplied. “That I do
“Cyrix is a Draconian, a law amongst himself.” Lord Max replied.
“Damian never took his magic; he never could. He never followed Orthos,
always Sabrina. He will ever follow Sabrina.”
“So he was a Warrior only because she was head of the army?”
Shadow relayed. “Why follow Sabrina when Orthos had more power?
Orthos was the Master of the Dominion, with an army of mindless drones.”
“Why do mortal men follow those they desire?” Lord Max asked,
smiling at them. “Do you not follow Grand Magus wherever she leads?
Does she not follow you?”
“You’re saying Cyrix loves Sabrina?” Grand Magus asked.
Lord Maximaniac nodded.
Shadow cleared his throat once calming. “My apologies, Lord
Maximaniac, for my behavior.”
“No need, Shadow.” Lord Max said. “It is in your nature. It makes
you who you are.”
Shadow nodded, taking Grand Magus’ hand. “Thank you, Lord
On that, they disappeared. Lord Maximaniac grinned at the thought
of them before calling back his two best generals. The time for planning
was here, and he would be well prepared.


At the same time, Jammins had taken Julie, TJ, and Charlie to the
forest where he thought he could find the Apprentice. They rode two strong
horses. Jammins took the reins of his stud with one hand while the other
was on Julie’s arms encircling his waist.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Charlie asked from the other
Jammins turned to see TJ holding the saddle horn as she sat in
front of him. Charlie held the reins. “There are old spells guarding the
Apprentice’s domain.” He explained. “Only one spell can break it.”
“Do you happen to know this spell?” Julie asked, skeptic.
Jammins stared ahead, thinking. What had Dixilynne told him? He
knew the spell, but he couldn’t remember the words. What was the secret
she told him to unlock the spell from his memory?
“Be ever diligent and trusting. Not only in your mission’s success,
but in yourself.”
He could hear her words in his head as if they were said only
yesterday. Jammins’ hand went to the Dream Locket around his neck, and
he believed in himself.
Something in his mind clicked and the words to the spell were there.

“Deep in the forest, where the Wishing Well hides,

“Go a little deeper, and darkness abides.
“A single beam of light glimmers around now,
“Grand Shamus and Apprentice waiting for thou.”
As if on command, the quartet saw the Wishing Well, lit by a single
oil lamp. Not far from the Wishing Well was a single beam of light.
Jammins led them toward the beam, to a secret castle deep in the
“This is amazing!” TJ breathed.
“Sure is.” Charlie whistled.
Jammins laughed under his breath, shaking his head at them.
“We’re not there, yet.”
“It’s still amazing.” Julie supplied. She sat straight in the saddle
when she saw two figures ahead of her. “Who are they?”
“Weren’t you listening?” Jammins teased her. “The woman is the
Grand Shamus, Dixilynne Ryan and the man is her consort, the
He dismounted, silently telling Charlie to do the same. After helping
the women down from the horses, he couldn’t help himself. He raced to the
Grand Shamus and bowed to her.
Grand Shamus only laughed. “Jammins, you can hug me you
Jammins stood, doing just that. “It’s great to see you again, Dixie.”
The Grand Shamus pulled from the hug, putting a finger to her lips
and winking. “You know better.”
“I’m sorry, Grand Shamus. I couldn’t help myself.” Jammins smiled.
“You know me.”
“Of course.” Grand Shamus laughed. “Why do you seek me after all
this time?”
Jammins straightened, clearing his throat. “I am an Earthly
Protector, Grand Shamus.” He turned and gestured for the three of them to
join him.
The Grand Shamus only stared, shaking her head. “No, it couldn’t
be.” She turned to Jammins. “Is this Julia Lynne, Shannon’s twin sister?”
“And Princess Sarabeth’s other daughter.” Jammins confirmed. Julie
could only stare at the Grand Shamus. “She’s also my wife.”
“Thank you.” Jammins said. “Julie, this is Dixilynne Ryan. In the
Dream Realm, she’s known as the Grand Shamus. She’ll teach you the
Silver Magic you need to know.”
“Really?” Julie asked. “It’s nice to meet you, I guess.”
“Likewise.” Grand Shamus said. “What about the others?”
“Julie’s daughter Tamara Jane, TJ, and her Earthly Protector,
Charlie Reynolds.” Jammins introduced them.
“Who declared the two of you Earthly Protectors?” The Apprentice
jumped in.
“How did you know the Grand Shamus was the woman for you?”
Jammins cornered. The Apprentice couldn’t speak. “We just know. It’s in
our hearts.”
The Apprentice stared at him. “You don’t have Protector’s
“That’s what we’re here for, sir.” Charlie said softly, coming up from
behind Jammins and nodding his respect. “To receive them, and learn
what we need to know about being Earthly Protectors.”
Apprentice harrumphed. “How is it you have no respect for your
elders? Were you raised in a barn?”
“I was raised at the System in California.” Jammins stood up to him.
“The Grand Shamus taught me all I needed to know about becoming a top
detective. Now, I bring my family here to learn what we need to in order to
fight in the upcoming war.”
After a moment of glaring, the Apprentice smiled, looking to his wife.
“Well, you raised him, after all. The kid does have spunk.”
“So you will give them the Pendants?” Grand Shamus asked, giving
him a loving squeeze of the waist.
The Apprentice nodded. “Come with me, gentlemen. Time to learn
how to be Earthly Protectors.”
Jammins relaxed, following. He knew TJ and Julie would be fine in
the Grand Shamus’s caring hands.
Story: #4:
Lord Byron’s Troubles

During her patrols, Young Guardian had the nagging feeling she
was missing something. Even the Protector could tell she was distracted.
“What bothers you, Love?” The Protector asked, holding her hand.
“I keep thinking about O’Dell.” Young Guardian supplied. “No one’s
seen him lately, and the Companions now revere me as their Lady
“I know what you mean.” The Protector supplied. “Want to find out?”
Young Guardian nodded. “Maybe the Unicorn had any luck talking
to him?”
From their positions, they disappeared. Once reappearing in front of
the Ancient Mystic Palace doors, Young Guardian practically fell into the
Protector’s arms.
“Whoa.” He whispered. “Careful.” He looked at her, noticing how
white and pale she was. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head. “Just a little dizziness, that’s all.”
He didn’t believe her. “If that dizziness doesn’t go away by the time
we go home, I’m personally putting you on bed rest.”
Young Guardian stood to her feet. “I’ll be okay, I promise.”
She tugged at the hanging chime that hung overhead. A few bars of
Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet” played in the air. The door opened to
reveal a very tired-looking Mistress Enchantra.
“Young Guardian, Protector!” Enchantra replied. “The Unicorn and
his lady are already here.”
“We know, Enchantra.” The Protector took over when he felt Young
Guardian feeling faint again. “We sent them here earlier this evening.”
“Well, come in.” Enchantra glanced at Young Guardian’s features,
taking a hand to her face. “Sit her down by Lord Guardian’s blankets.”
When the Protector had done that, he told Enchantra. “She’s
wearing herself thin, trying to be herself and take Lord Guardian’s place.”
“It is a good thing she has you to lean on.” Enchantra stared in
Young Guardian’s direction, but not at her.
“Yeah, literally.” The Protector tried to joke. He noticed Enchantra’s
vague expression. “Is there anything bothering you, Mistress? You aren’t
“At least we agree on that.” Came the voice of the Unicorn as he
joined them. He noticed Young Guardian’s form, now her Earthbound
Ancient Mystic self, lying on blankets. “What’s with her?”
“She’s drained.” The Protector explained. When the Unicorn went to
her, he barked. “Leave her!”
The Unicorn raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry.”
“He didn’t mean anything by it.” Airmed chimed after him. It was
then she noticed Enchantra’s blank look. “Mistress?”
Enchantra shook her head. “I am sorry, Airmed.”
“Is something bothering you?” The Protector asked again.
“Many things bother me, but none you have to concern yourselves
with.” Enchantra tried to convince them.
“You are one of the great Mistresses, not to mention a dear friend.”
The Protector supplied. “If something is on your mind, please, let us
“There is nothing you can do to help.”
“Does it have anything to do with Young Guardian working herself
too hard?” The Unicorn asked.
Slowly, Enchantra nodded.
“Which more than likely has to do with Lord Guardian.” The
Protector announced. He thought of the Crusades. “Did he see something
in his Sphere he didn’t like?”
“Each of us saw a few things we did not like.” Enchantra nodded.
“He will not tell me what he saw, and I cannot explain what I saw.”
“For Young Guardian and Lord Guardian’s sake, please try.” The
Protector said softly, sitting next to his Love’s normal form. She was
Ariana Moon, his life-long Dream Girl once again. So young, so fragile, so
scared and lonely. He could just feel her heart wavering under his hand.
Enchantra saw the awesome display of love the Protector had for
Young Guardian. It was heartwarming and breaking at the same time. It
gave her a sense of duty.
“Not long ago, I felt something wrenching in my soul.” Enchantra
began. “It was Challandra, my twin sister, and she was in danger. I saw
a vision in my mind of what was happening to her. Orthos’ new queen,
Gloriana, was in the Kingdom. She somehow managed to float her body in
the air, binding her with the Witches Cord. Once casting a final sleeping
spell on her, Gloriana went straight to the Royal Quarters, searching for
Lord Byron.”
The Unicorn made a fist with his hand, getting angrier with every
sentence. Airmed tapped his arm, bringing his anger down once their eyes
“The vision was gone as fast as it had come.” Enchantra continued,
not noticing the Unicorn’s growing anger. “Immediately, I sought Lord
Guardian, to tell him of my vision. I found him in the Mirror Room, scowling
at an image only he could see. I tried telling him my vision, but he was not
listening. He saw something in the Mirror he did not like.”
She turned to meet the listening ears and watching eyes of the
Unicorn and Airmed. She looked to the blankets where the younger form of
Young Guardian was silently resting. The Protector sat beside her, petting
her hair as if to soothe her thoughts.
“Where is Lord Guardian now?” The Unicorn asked softly.
The Protector was alert now, shooting his friend a glare. “You mean,
you haven’t seen him yet?”
The Unicorn shook his head. “We’ve searched, but can’t find him
“Maybe he went to his Castle?” The Protector suggested. “Go see if
he’s there. Take Airmed with you.”
The Unicorn knew the Protector was serious, and nodded.
As he moved to leave, Enchantra cried. “Nay!”
The Unicorn asked. “Why not?”
“Let me find him for myself.” Enchantra supplied. “Why do you have
need of him?”
He took Airmed’s hand and searched her eyes. “I believe she’s my
Earthly Protector. I only need confirmation from Lord Guardian.”
Enchantra smiled. “I believe I am able to judge, in his absence.”
The Unicorn looked at her, hopeful. “Really?”
Enchantra nodded. She faced the couple. “Have you dreamed of
each other before actually meeting in the Outer Realm? Did you feel a
sense of completeness in your very souls as you first met eyes there?
When you kissed for the first time, could you feel the tug upon your
The Unicorn was excited. “Yes, yes, and triple yes!”
Enchantra held a hand, silencing him. “And you, Airmed, could you
hear his voice in your mind?”
Airmed nodded. “He told me he was telepathic.”
“Only to very few people who know him.” Enchantra said. “Young
Guardian and Amethyst, for example. Did he tell you about his childhood,
and the Blood Pact they made?”
Airmed nodded again. “He told me everything, even about him being
an Ancient Mystic.”
The Unicorn jumped in quickly, to cover Airmed’s folly. He may have
considered himself half-Ancient Mystic, but he didn’t think Enchantra
would agree. “Mistress, I can explain.”
“It is okay, Unicorn. You earned Ancient Mystic status.” Enchantra
said. “Saving the lives of those you care about more times than I can recall
definitely deems you a Pure Ancient Mystic. Both Amethyst and yourself
have done so much for Young Guardian when she was growing up, and
even in the Crusades. You have worked hard in the past to learn your
special Magic. I am very proud of you.”
The Unicorn was honored. “Thank you, Mistress. You don’t know
what that means to me.”
Enchantra winked. “I am sure I do. In the meantime, I must agree
with you.” He waited for her to continue. “I firmly believe you have earned
your Earthly Protector, Unicorn.”
The Unicorn named Aaron Schmidt took his true love in his arms,
hugging her and kissing her lips. “Did you hear that, Sierra?”
Airmed could only laugh at his enthusiasm. “I love you, too, Aaron.”
“I don’t mean to be a downer, but what about Ariana, and Lord
Byron?” The Protector spoke up.
“Aye.” Enchantra nodded. “We need to find out about Lord Byron.
Unicorn, take her to the Kingdom and see what ails him.”
The Unicorn hesitated. “Are you sure this time?”
“Absolutely.” Enchantra announced. “Go now.”
When they disappeared, she looked to Young Guardian’s silent form
on the blankets.
“She’s getting younger by the minute.” The Protector told her. “Can
you heal her?”
“I am afraid not.” Enchantra supplied. “It is only her mind that is
younger, not her body. Take her home and leave her to rest. Her mind and
magic have been working overtime.”
“Why is she reverting to her younger days?” The Protector asked.
“She’s no older than my Dream Girl’s image now. This can’t last much
“It will not. I can promise you that.” Enchantra said. “Tell me, what
has happened in the Outer Realm that would make her work herself so
hard here?”
“Sabrina, the Silver Magic, the Djinn attacks on me, my brother
Jake, and Kelly, Omri’s spell that almost tore the family apart.” The
Protector explained somberly. He tried joking. “And that’s just the fun
“I recall her journey to the Underground to bring the Elder
Companions home.” Enchantra supplied. “And Young Theodore’s birth
wore her out, I can imagine.”
“It was shortly after he was born things at home got worse.” The
Protector supplied, petting the Young Ariana Moon’s hair. He brought her
silent body close to his chest, hugging her tight. “I can’t lose her. She’s
everything to me.”
Enchantra waited silently, touching his head to lend the Protector
strength as he broke down in tears.
“Ariana, please come back to me.” The Protector’s voice wavered,
whispering her name as a litany. “Don’t give up on me now. We’ve been
through so much, I can’t bear to lose you. I love you so much, it hurts.”
With the admission, Enchantra was helpless. She could take the
emotional pain no more. Closing her eyes, she chanted a spell to take them

Locust, Tree-Tall, Moy Yam Tay

Send these two lovers away
From mine eyes, and from mine sight
Take them home to the Outer Realm tonight
In a gentle wave of Ancient Mystic Magic, they disappeared from her
In her mind, it was time to get down to business. Thinking of her
own love of O’Dell, she disappeared to his Castle.


“I don’t like the feel of this, Unicorn.” Airmed whispered from atop
his unicorn-formed back. “I don’t like it at all.”
They were slowly traveling to the Ancient Mystic Kingdom’s Castle.
The Unicorn shook his head. “Neither do I. It’s too....”
“Quiet.” Airmed finished with a shiver.
When the Castle was in sight, the Unicorn stopped in his tracks.
“I’m going to shift back. You might want to get off now.”
As Airmed’s feet touched the ground, the Unicorn shifted back to
human form.
“Does that tire you?” Airmed wondered.
“Not as much as it should.” The Unicorn announced. His eyes were
on the Castle door. No one was there, and that bothered him. “That’s
funny. Where are the guards?”
Airmed looked. “I can feel something dark in there.”
He took her hand. “Let’s go find out, shall we?”
The door was wide open, and they passed through the entrance.
“Now it really feels dark.” Airmed announced, keeping close to his
side. “I’m scared.”
The Unicorn kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to his side in
order to comfort her. “You’re with me. I won’t let anything hurt you.”
Using the Empathy, he scanned the Castle. His Earthly Protector
was right. There was something dark here, and its name was Gloriana.
“What is it?” Airmed asked as he stopped them in front of the
Chamber doors.
“Do you remember me telling you about a Dominionite named
“The one you and Young Guardian sent to a place called the
Unknown? Yeah, why?”
“She’s back, and in there.” The Unicorn nodded to the doors. Taking
a deep breath, he pushed one of them open, letting himself in. Airmed
followed close behind.
At first, the main hall was empty, and black.
“Now I really don’t like the feel of this.” Airmed commented. “Let’s
hurry and find Lord Byron. I want to go home.”
“Giving up already?” The Unicorn teased, though he felt the same
way. He looked up and called into the air. “I know you’re here, Gloriana!
Come out and face me!”
There was a low cackle, then a burst of white energy that brought
light back into the room. As their eyes adjusted to the bright light, they
saw her.
The Dominionite Gloriana, with her long black hair and perfect
curves, was the epitome of evil. Both the Unicorn and Airmed could feel it
emanating around her. She wore a revealing leather skirt and red shirt
that showed her cleavage. Her eyes were pitch-black and she had
seductive-red lipstick on her lips.
“At last, Aaron Theodore.” Gloriana sneered. “We meet again.”
The Unicorn stepped in front of Airmed as if to protect her. “What are
you doing here, Gloriana?”
“Reclaiming my place as queen.” Gloriana announced.
“You were never queen of the Ancient Mystic Kingdom.” The Unicorn
said. “The only thing you were queen of was the Unknown. How did you
manage to get back?”
“A little Ancient Mystic spell from Damian.” Gloriana shrugged. She
looked to Airmed, who was peeking her head out from behind the
Unicorn’s back. “Who do we have here? Young Guardian’s replacement?”
Airmed wasn’t afraid, or at least didn’t appear to be. “I am Airmed
Starchaser, the Unicorn’s Earthly Protector.” She announced, stepping in
front of him.
“Don’t do this, Airmed.” The Unicorn warned, grabbing her wrist in
an effort to stop her.
She twisted out of his grasp. “I’m your Earthly Protector, aren’t I?
Let me do my job and protect you!” She turned back to a still-grinning
Gloriana. “Tell us where Lord Byron is, or else!”
“Or else what, little witch?” Gloriana sneered. “You will cast a
useless spell on me?”
Airmed stood her ground. She thrust an arm out and shouted.
“Winds of Disruption!”
A blast of air came from Airmed’s palm, throwing Gloriana across
the room. The Unicorn stared at her, impressed. Airmed closed her hand
and the wind was gone.
She turned back and shared a smile with him before looking back to
“You were saying?” Airmed said sarcastically.
Gloriana had trouble standing. “If you really want to know, I
suggest you look behind you.” She sneered, pointing just over their
When they turned, they saw Lord Byron, as Gloriana had said.
The Unicorn stared at the Lord of the Ancient Mystic Kingdom,
appalled by his appearance. He was hunched, crippled hands holding his
staff like a crutch. His face was pale, and the Unicorn could see the Lord
Byron’s blank eyes. He could sense nothing from the Lord using the
Empathy. Now he was really peeved.
One look from Airmed told him she’d handle healing the Lord should
he need it.
He turned back to Gloriana, who was laughing.
“What have you done to him, Gloriana?” The Unicorn demanded,
fists to his side.
“I have done nothing the man would not do himself.” Gloriana
admitted. “He has worked far too hard and for so long. I only wished to
ease his pains.”
“Ease his pains!” The Unicorn cried. “You call aging him ahead of
his time ‘easing his pains’? He’s the youngest Wizard Originator.”
“The youngest and most handsome.” Gloriana looked to the failing
Lord Byron behind the Unicorn and laughed. “Or, at least, he was.”
“You’ve no right to do this!” Airmed screamed out. The Unicorn
heard a thump behind him, but didn’t turn away from Gloriana’s vicious
eyes. “Thanks to you, he’s dying!”
“Oh well, I have had my fun.” Gloriana remarked. She raised her
hands in the air as if to escape but was stopped.
“What the?” She asked, then looked ahead. “You!”
The Unicorn looked where her gaze went to see who was there. It
was the Lord Guardian of the Dream Realm himself, O’Dell. With him were
the Mistress twins, Enchantra and Challandra. Lord Byron had fallen to
the floor in a heap and Airmed was still doing her best to help him.
Queen Challandra wasn’t happy. “Aye, Gloriana. Me.”
“How did you escape the Witches Cord and the sleeping spell?”
Gloriana demanded. “Orthos told me they would not fail!”
“You obviously do not know true Wizards’ power.” Lord Guardian
The Unicorn saw what appeared in O’Dell’s hands. A golden energy
ball pulsed brighter as he stared at it, muttering words the Unicorn could
only guess was the Ancients’ language. The glow grew brighter with each
repetition of the spell.
Lord Guardian glanced up from the sphere to stare at Gloriana with
flaring silver eyes.
The Unicorn could sense Gloriana’s fear, and that of his own love,
Airmed. Without saying a word, Airmed ran to his arms, holding him tight
as they watched the scene. This was Lord Guardian’s wrath, he thought
to himself. No creature would live after crossing him.
In the Ancient’s tongue, O’Dell called out another powerful spell. The
Mistresses joined their voices to his to complete the chorus. The golden
glowing sphere of energy left Lord Guardian’s hands, wrapping itself like
a ribbon around Gloriana’s shrieking body.
The Unicorn shielded Airmed’s eyes from the brilliant glow as he
watched, unable to look away. In moments, it was over. Gloriana was
gone and so was the glowing sphere of energy. He could feel Airmed’s
heartbeat quicken. She was shaking in his arms, frightened of what she
saw and heard.
“It is okay, Airmed.” Enchantra walked up to the couple. “It is over.”
A touch to Airmed’s shoulder from Enchantra’s hand calmed her.
The Unicorn looked up at the Mistress. Enchantra smiled, winking at him.
“Lord Guardian and Challandra are tending to Lord Byron.”
The Unicorn nodded and Enchantra left to join them.
He pulled Airmed’s dual-colored eyes to meet his own. “She’s right,
you know. It’s over for now.” He kissed the shadows of tears from her
eyes before meeting her lips with his own.
Airmed deepened the kiss, grateful he was there for her when she
was scared. She was happy he was real and not just another dream.
When the kiss ended, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on
for dear life, not ever wanting to let go. “Oh, Aaron, I was so scared!” She
whispered in his ear.
“You weren’t the only one, dearest.” He whispered back.
They heard O’Dell clear his throat to get their attention. “I want to
personally thank your Earthly Protector, Unicorn.”
“What did I do, Lord Guardian?” Airmed asked.
“You healed his inner wounds and reversed Gloriana’s aging spell.”
O’Dell responded. “You have a very powerful gift, Airmed Starchaser. Do
not let it go unused any longer.”
The Unicorn smiled. “I take it you approve of her, my Lord?”
“Aye, I do.” Lord Guardian agreed, nodding his head. “Enchantra
told me of the special Pagan Dreamer you named your Earthly Protector. It
was not until now I saw just how special Airmed truly was, both to you
and to the Ancient Mystics.”
“Speaking of Ancient Mystics, Lord Guardian.” The Unicorn started.
“Did Enchantra tell you about Young Guardian?”
“Regretfully, aye.” Lord Guardian said. “While it is sad she reverts
inside herself, it is a wonder she kept her pace for this long. I believe it my
fault she works herself so hard lately.”
Thinking back to their conversation at the Palace with Enchantra,
the Unicorn spoke. “My Lord, what did you see in the Mirror?”
“My brother will strike the Dream Realm once again.” Lord Guardian
responded softly. “Once held by an Ancients’ spell of Exile, Orthos will find
a way to come back and destroy us all.”
“You won’t let that happen, will you?” Airmed sniffed.
“I was hoping I could stop him in time.” Lord Guardian supplied.
“For now, Young Guardian has need of me. As for the two of you, return
home. Airmed, I am proud of what you did for my brother against
Gloriana. Unicorn, take care of her. She is strong at heart but fragile in
“I thought I was supposed to take care of him?” Airmed tried to joke,
despite her fright.
“Take care of each other, then.” Lord Guardian announced with a
wink and a grin. “I hope to see more of both of you in the future.”
The Unicorn nodded, smiling. “Oh, you will, my Lord Guardian.
That’s a promise.”
“Good.” Lord Guardian laughed. “I wish you pleasant journeys,
“Pleasant journeys.” They chorused as they disappeared, returning
Part Three:
Unexpected Visitors

Harbored Secrets and Inner Thoughts

They all awoke the next morning, including a bedridden Ariana

Reading. For the next week, Derrick and Aaron stayed at her side, Luna
and Aimee searched for healing potions to restore her energy and health,
Shane and Jamie worked on piecing all their Dream Realm stories
together, and Julie and TJ, with Charlie looking on, practiced what they
needed to help fight in the Dream Realm war. The Reading’s Caretaker
Juliet took care of the children who were caught in the middle. Luckily,
she was helped by the older children, Bradley and Kelly.
This left the newest member of the family, Sierra Gregory, to stand
at the doorway and watch. She saw how Aaron looked at Ariana, and
worried. They had a bond as thick as blood, but what about their hearts?
Did he still love her, or was she imagining the glances between them, the
simple touches and the smiles they shared? Ariana’s hand may have
been in her husband Derrick’s, but did she have a secret love for Aaron?
In the Dream Realm, strange as it may have been, Ariana hadn’t
even glanced at Aaron except to chastise him for bringing her into the
Ancient Mystic mess. There, it was different. She was the Young
Guardian, all powerful and bossy, take-charge and business-like. It was
strange to see that proud, powerful woman bedridden in her own world.
What kind of dreams did this woman have when she wasn’t the Young
Sierra loved studying dreams, and interpreting them for others. It
was part of her aura workings. She read that dreams were keys to the
inner soul-self. Interpret a dream, and you unlock the key to your soul. It
was like a mystery, really. No wonder the Protector had worried if she
had any detective skills or training! Maybe helping Dreamers like herself
with their nightmares and fears dealt with unlocking keys and putting
together clues?
Sierra looked again at the one who called her his Earthly Protector.
She wondered about her boyfriend Aaron. Did he still harbor feelings
down deep for Ariana?
“Penny for your thoughts, Sierra?” Aaron tore his attention away
from Ariana to ask her.
She shook her head, thoughts now on him. She turned to see
Derrick sitting on the other side of the bed beside Ariana. She really
wanted to talk to Aaron and Ariana alone.
Fortunately, Aaron got the silent hint. “Uh, Derrick, could you
excuse us? I think Sierra wants to talk to us alone.”
Derrick looked to Sierra, confused for only a moment until he
summed the scene. “Oh, certainly. Did you want me to get you anything,
“I’ll be fine.” Ariana said softly, smiling. “Thanks anyway.”
With a quick kiss to her lips, Derrick was gone.
Sierra took Derrick’s spot on the bed.
“Now, my darling, what’s on your mind?” Aaron grinned.
She had to say it. She couldn’t lie to him. “Do you still love her?”
Ariana gasped softly, but kept silent.
Aaron looked down, ashamed. “I did. Once.” He said.
“You did tell her about the Three Musketeers, didn’t you?” Ariana
wondered, sitting up. “About Kelly?” He stayed silent, answering her
“He told me how you three grew up together in the Orphanage, but
not much else.” Sierra put in, answering for him.
“Sierra, there’s a lot you don’t know about Aaron’s and my
history.” Ariana said. She tapped his hand. “It’s true, we used to love
each other deeply. So deeply, we made love when we were only twelve,
and I became pregnant.”
“Stop, Ariana Moon!” Aaron stood, stepping away from her. “She
doesn’t need to know everything about us.”
Sierra stood before him. “Maybe not everything, but I do need to
know some things.” She hoped her voice would soothe his mind. “I need
to know whether or not you still care about her.”
“Are you hurt? Jealous?” Aaron’s voice did soften, his eyes meeting
hers. “We’ve been best friends for years, and will stay best friends for
years to come, I hope.” He looked to Ariana, who smiled and nodded.
Turning back to Sierra, he kissed her. “What does my kiss tell you? What
do my arms around your waist tell you? What does your heart tell you?
Sure, I care about her, but not in a true-love sense. In a sense of loyalty
that comes from years of standing together through pain, torture and
Aaron rolled up his sleeve and showed her the long scar on his
arm. “You see this? It’s from the Blood Pact. Ariana bound us together in
blood so we could continue our friendship when she had to leave the
“The twins got their Unicorn Magic not only from the Ancient
Mystic blood pumping in my system, but from that loyalty and friendship
we had during our years of hell.” Ariana put in. Slowly, she stood and
faced Sierra. “Through the Blood Pact, we were able to trust other people
again, and learn to love. Sierra, I’ve never seen Aaron so happy in my life!
I don’t need Empathy to tell me how much he loves you. I can see it in
his eyes when he looks at you. I can tell by the way he acts around you.”
“What about you?” Sierra asked Ariana. “Don’t you love him?”
“I love Aaron like a sister loves a brother, like best friends love
each other.” Ariana told her, glancing at Aaron’s eyes and back to Sierra.
She put a hand on each of their backs, carefully trying to choose her
words. “I used to love him a lot, and only because I had no one real who
cared about me like he did back then. I only had a dream lover I called
my Imaginary Romeo to keep me from giving up on life.” She, too, showed
Sierra the scar on her right wrist. “We may be bound by blood, but not
by soul. As the Young Guardian, my Ancient Mystic powers are
heightened. I may have been angry he brought you into our fight in the
Dream Realm, but I could see and feel the ties you had to one another. It
reminded me of my Imaginary Romeo of long ago.”
“Did you ever meet your Imaginary Romeo?” Sierra wondered,
interested in Ariana’s story. “Was he ever more than a dream to you?”
Ariana nodded, smiling. “I’ll give you a hint. He goes by the title of
Protector in the Dream Realm.”
Sierra knew. “Derrick!”
“I met him when I was fifteen, and he was sixteen.” Ariana
explained. “He ran from a troubled home life, and I ran from countless
foster homes after being treated like a slave. To make a story short, I
used to dream about him, too. I imagined him coming to rescue me from
hell. When our eyes met in the waking world, I knew it was him. From
that point on, we were inseparable.”
“She never forgot about me, though.” Aaron winked at Ariana. “Not
even when we lost touch for a few years.”
“He’s right.” Ariana said. She sat on the bed. “I could never forget
the man who taught me the true meaning of love.”
Sierra was silent, pulling away from Aaron’s embrace. “You guys
went through a lot, didn’t you?” She asked softly, not looking at either of
Aaron still stood in place. “It’s what strengthened our bonds, both
of friendship and the blood bond.”
“Please, don’t be mad at either of us.” Ariana supplied. “We had a
hard life, but it was for the best. In the long run, it made us stronger,
better people. Not only Aaron and myself, but Aimee as well.”
Sierra turned to meet Aaron’s eyes. “You showed great courage
when we battled that Dominionite. I could feel your love for me as you
healed my wounds.” She placed a hand on his cheek, kissing his lips.
“I’m sorry I ever doubted you, Aaron. Can you ever forgive me?”
Aaron laughed, hugging her. “Believe it or not, I still love you,
Sierra Gregory, with all my heart and soul.” He met her eyes. “Why else
would you have heard my thoughts the night we met?”
“She did?” Ariana was surprised, and happy.
Aaron looked at her, noticing her pale complexion. “Why don’t you
get some rest? I’ll have Derrick look in on you.”
“For once in a long time, I agree.” Ariana said. “Can you also see
how Lu and Aimee are coming along with those spells and potions? All
this reverting to my childhood when I call the Dream Chant is tiring on
“I’ll see what’s taking them so long.” Aaron remarked. “I thought
for sure Luna would have found the perfect potion by now.”
“Both of you, give it time.” Sierra supplied, turning to Ariana.
“You’ve gone through a lot. From being your Young Guardian self, to
taking over for Lord Guardian, to figuring out what’s going on in the
Dream Realm’s Canine Valley and the Feline Village. It’s bound to take
time for you to recoup.”
Ariana was surprised she knew about their troubles in the Dream
“You told her that, but not about us?” She asked Aaron with a
teasing grin.
Aaron grinned back. “Never you mind, young woman.” He teased.
“You just rest up and we’ll handle everything around here. Got that?”
Ariana rolled her eyes. “Yes, sir.”
At that, Aaron and Sierra left, hand in hand.


In the Dream Realm, not all was as peaceful as Lord Guardian’s

followers had hoped it would be. Particularly with the Stargazer’s
daughter, Princess of the Canine Valley, Celine.

With her mother brooding indoors most of the time with her newborn
kit-pup sons, and her father too busy with the Canine Army to pay any
attention to her, Celine was left to her own devices. She wanted to do
something to help, but Wolf wouldn’t let her near the Army’s training
sessions. Even her cousin Tiger White-Snow was allowed to train with the
Army. Why not her as well?
Katherine was useless as far as Celine was concerned. She was too
busy with the twins, Lovell and Raulf. Celine tried to help her mother with
them, but Katherine declined, always saying she should play in the Wood
behind the Castle.
This left Celine Stargazer with nothing to do. A very depressed
young Ancient Mystic Companion child with nothing to do but sit and wait.
For Celine, sitting and waiting were not easy things to do. She was too
active, and loved to learn the fighting arts with her father. Since Young
Guardian’s visit, Wolf had been too busy to train her, claiming he didn’t
want her hurt.
Now she sat alone on the branches of her favorite tree, pondering
her life in the Dream Realm. It was once so peaceful and perfect, nothing
could get to them in the Canine Valley. Then something happened to
change it all.
Not long ago, Wolf and Young Guardian found something deep in the
Canine Wood. They called it a Dark Mist, and it had come from the very
depths of the Old Dominion. That Dark Mist at first hurt Wolf, making him
stay far away from his family for long periods of time. With some help
from Lord Byron of the Ancient Mystic Kingdom, Lord Guardian’s youngest
brother, the Dark Mist was destroyed. Celine thought it was over, and life
would return to normal.
Of course, it would not be. The Dark Mist did some damage far
worse than they all first thought. It drove Wolf deeper into his Canine
Army training sessions, her mother into seclusion with the young pups,
and herself into thinking of what she was. She knew she was the first bi-
breed Companion born in the Dream Realm. Half-feline, half-canine, Celine
Stargazer was different from her feline or canine friends in many ways. It
scared her friends away at times when the Companion Magic from each
were out of control, not to mention her Ancient Mystic magic.
She was confused, lonely, and depressed.
“May I ask what bothers you, Princess?” Came the gentle male voice
of Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer, the Page of Stargazer Castle and a
close friend of her father’s. He was a Mountain Wolf Companion who used
to be a Warrior in the old Dominionite Army.
She looked down to see him standing below her, looking up at her
with hands on his hips. Celine beckoned him with a hand, telling him to
climb up to her. Once he settled himself on a branch, he spoke again.
“Why do you hide in this tree, Princess? Does something keep you from the
rest of this Realm?”
Celine shook her head. “Nay, Page. Nothing but thoughts keep me
from the Realm.”
“Care to tell me?” Red Wolf asked softly. He didn’t want to sound
disrespectful of her title, she could sense it.
After a moment, Celine asked. “What am I? Am I feline or canine?”
“You are both, Princess.” Red Wolf supplied. “Feline and Ancient
Mystic from your mother and canine from your father. You know this as
well as any of us.”
When she didn’t answer back, she was deep in her own thoughts.
“Questions like that are best asked of your parents.” Red Wolf
shook his head.
“I have tried asking them of my parents.” Celine announced. “Mama
is too busy with Lovell and Raulf, and Papa is too busy with the Canine
Army.” She looked at him, and wondered. “Why is it you are not with
“Your father has seen to it I have a day off to rest.” Red Wolf smiled,
making her smile as well. “There is that smile I know and love.”
The statement made Celine blush. “You love my smile?”
“Princess, your smile brightens up a dark room.” Red Wolf said.
“When others are in pain, that smile of yours makes them feel better.”
She sensed something different, and strangely comforting in Red
Wolf Moondancer. It made her feel good to know he paid attention to her.
When she smiled at him, he frowned.
“What are you thinking, Page?” She dared to ask. She knew it was
none of her business, but it bugged her that he was now the silent one.
“I am in need of a Spirit Quest.” Red Wolf announced before jumping
down with ease. “Are you to follow?”
Celine nodded, and jumped down as well. “What is a Spirit Quest?”
They walked back to Stargazer Castle.
“In the Kin-Clans, if a Hunter is confused to the point no one can
help or save him, he leaves on a Spirit Quest.” Red Wolf said, watching the
path ahead. “He must find answers within himself in order to find peace
for the rest of the Kin-Clans.”
“Maybe that is what I need?” Celine asked aloud, not meaning to.
“Do you think Papa would let me join you when you go?”
Red Wolf stopped in his tracks, staring at the Young Companion.
“Your troubles are about your inner self, are they not?” Celine nodded. “I
do believe you are in need of your first Spirit Quest. I could ask Sire Wolf if
you could join me.”
Celine hugged him, conveniently forgetting all rules about her title.
“Thank you, Red Wolf!”
Red Wolf hugged the girl back, his heart thumping at the act.
Reluctantly pulling himself away, he said. “Now, Princess, none of that.”
He teased in a soft voice. Once she met his eyes, he continued. “Time to
return to the Castle. Would not want to appear suspicious, would we?”
Celine smiled, shaking her head. She raced ahead of him to the
Castle. When she turned around to see where he was, he was nowhere to
be found.


“Seth, what are you doing?” Scott Archer asked of his older
brother. They were at a local roadside diner, waiting for their food. Seth
was flipping through a phone book, looking for something. “You’re not
going to find her in there.”
Seth frowned at his younger brother. “You don’t know that.” He
growled, returning to his search. “She could be in here, you know.”
“We’re nowhere near Ray County.” Scott pointed out. He took the
book from his brother’s hands and showed him the cover. “According to
the book, we’re in Claire County.”
“I’m not looking for her in particular.” Seth remarked. “I’m
searching for Reading Industries, the business her family owns.”
“How do you know they own Reading Industries?” Scott
encountered. “Last we knew, she ran away from Shore Point, California,
and that was thirteen years ago.”
“I know how long it’s been!” Seth growled just barely above a
whisper. “I’ve been waiting thirteen years for my money. Now I intend to
get it.”
“Stop acting like a jerk, Seth.” Scott dared to tell him off. “You’ll
attract more attention than we need right now.”
Seth surveyed the diner. Few people had looked up from their
meals and were giving them evil looks.
“You’re right.” He said, returning to the phone book.
Their food arrived minutes later.
“Anything else I can get you boys?” The waitress asked, smiling at
each of them.
Just as Scott had said, “No, thanks,” Seth peeped up with. “Do you
know where Reading Industries is located?”
The waitress tapped her pen to her chin to think. “Downtown Ray
County, I believe. ‘Bout thirty miles west of here.” She looked from one
brother to the other. “What do you want with that place? Got job
interviews or somethin’?”
“Yes, that’s it.” Scott chimed before Seth could reveal the truth.
“We need to meet with the owner, Mr. Reading himself.”
The waitress laughed. “Which one? There are three Mr. Readings
running that place.”
The brothers looked at each other, shocked, then back to her.
Seth spoke. “I believe the elder, Mr. Alexander Reading.”
The waitress shook her head, keeping her smile. “Well, there are
two of those, and both are called Junior.”
“I guess we’ll find out when we get there.” Scott replied. “Thanks,
“Good luck, boys.” She said. After setting the check at the end of
the table, she left.
They started eating in silence, but Seth was too talkative.
“Great. Now what?”
“Now we go to Reading Industries, as you wish, and search for
her.” Scott huffed. “Can we eat first, and plan later?”
“Fine. Eat now, plan later.” Seth mumbled, shoving a fork-full of
coney dog into his mouth.
Scott watched his brother for a moment more before returning to
his daydream. They, or rather, Seth, was searching for an old friend who
owed him money. Scott, on the other hand, though he was younger than
his brother by three years, was the smarter one. He couldn’t let Seth
travel from Maryland to Michigan all by himself without a clue. Seth
tended to be a little wild when it came to road trips, often getting himself
lost and broke in a matter of days. Scott thought it would be smart to tag
along, and keep track of everything. So far, the brothers had been on the
road for two days, stopping at night when Scott thought it wouldn’t be
good to drive. They took turns driving along the many stretches of
highway. When it was Seth’s turn to drive, Scott was free to daydream
about the only girl he’d really loved.
Something told him this particular road trip would take them not
only to the girl who owed Seth money, but the girl Scott had often
dreamed about over the years.
Young Guardian’s Other Secret

In no time, Ariana Reading was back to what she would consider

normal. Lord Guardian commended her on taking his place, but scolded
her for letting herself work hard enough to burn out as she did. She was
back to just being her Young Guardian self, and couldn’t be happier.
In the Outer Realm, the Crusaders, with the additions of Julie,
Jamie, TJ, Charlie, and now Sierra, were well in training with the Canine
Army. The twins, Ariana and Luna, oversaw the Magic lessons of Julie
and TJ, readying them for battle in the Outer Realm and the Dream
Realm alike. Derrick, Jamie, Aaron and Shane worked on strategies
against Orthos, should he strike at any moment. Jamie had even come
up with an electronic palm-sized computer he called the Demon Indexer.
The Demon Indexer would store entries of every demon known to the
Dream Realm, from Orthos on. Even Aimee got into the act by keeping a
watchful eye out for “baddies” in the Dream Realm at night.
Ariana was glad the emotional weight was lifted from her
shoulders. It was good to know she had so many caring friends, who
happened to double as brilliant fighters and detectives. At least she
wouldn’t have to go at this new war alone. They’d be well prepared this
time, no doubt about it.
Something was teasing her mind, though, and it had to do with
Aimee’s own spell. It had been almost a month since she’d cast it, and so
far, no results. She felt something within that reminded her of long ago.
As she fed the baby Theodore, she stared at her right wrist.
Why am I thinking about the Blood Pact and the Three Musketeers
now? What significance did it have with Aimee’s spell and our troubles to
the Dream Realm? What did it all mean?
She would get her answers from a peculiar source.
Ariana had just shut the nursery door behind her when the phone
rang. She knew her live-in Caretaker was outside with Andrew, Mark,
and Melody, so she went to answer it herself.
“Reading residence, Ariana speaking.”
It took a moment for the caller to speak. “Just the voice I wanted to
The caller’s voice was familiar, but she couldn’t place it.
“Don’t you recognize my voice, Ariana Moon?” The male caller
Ariana’s heart skipped, and she was scared. Very few people knew
of her old name. Even fewer of those were men with strangely familiar
voices. “Who is this?”
“You don’t remember me?” The man asked. “Shame. I remember
“Just tell me who you are or I’m hanging up right now.”
“It’s Seth.” The man introduced himself, then waited a moment.
“Seth Archer. Now do you remember me?”
The name clicked in her mind and the memories of thirteen years
ago rushed to her mind. When she didn’t answer right away, Seth Archer
“Look, Ariana. I’m on a mission, and I believe you know what it is.”
Yes, unfortunately she did know.
“Seth, I barely remember you. How did you find me?” Ariana
She remembered why this particular Archer brother would contact
her. Why did it have to be now? Of all times?
“I’ll explain when I see you.” Seth responded. “Scott’s coming with
me, so behave.”
Ariana sighed inwardly. It was hopeless trying to keep him away
any longer. Seth could be in trouble, and need what she had. Might as
well go with it. Seth was harmless. At least, with his younger brother
Scott around.
“I’m married and have five children. As long as your brother
behaves around Amethyst, we should be okay.”
“The twins are with you?” Seth asked, amazed. “They were adopted
after you ran off.”
“I know they were, into their own family.” Ariana explained. “If you
don’t mind meeting my family, why don’t you come over for dinner?” She
told him the address.
“No problem, Ariana Moon.” Seth said. “See you then.”
Before she could correct him on her name, he hung up.
Throughout the rest of the day, she silently did her housework and
chores. Her mind was on what Seth Archer wanted. She knew, but didn’t
know what to do about it.
It was almost fourteen years ago when Ariana Moon, thirteen-year-
old orphan at the Shore Point Home for Children, found she was
pregnant. Seeing no choice but to run away, she sought the help of two
brothers who lived across the street from the Home. Seth and his
younger brother Scott were close friends with the Three Musketeers,
Amethyst Theresa, Aaron Theodore, and a lone child with special powers
named Ariana Moon. At the time, Ariana and Seth made a deal. He lent
her some money so she could run away and save the baby’s life. She was
to pay it back ten years later, when she was settled in to her new life.
Thirteen years and five children later, Ariana had forgotten all
about it. Her marital and familial bliss was about to be interrupted.
Trouble was, could Derrick handle another male from Ariana’s past
without letting his temper get the best of him? She would only hope so,
and find out when the Archers arrived.
By the time dinner was ready, she made sure the entire family was
there, save for Jamie, Julie, TJ, and Charlie, who were across the street,
resting from their magical studies. Juliet and Sierra watched the
children, Mark, Andrew, Melody, Theodore, Caleb, Meredith, Logan and
Angel with the two older children Kelly and Bradley. Shane, Derrick,
Aimee, and even Aaron were suspicious of Ariana’s behavior, but Luna
was the only one to say anything.
“Why the family get together?” She asked her twin as she helped
Ariana carry food from the kitchen to the table.
Ariana caught the eyes of Aaron and Aimee, saying. “Let’s just say
I’ll need plenty of support.”
“Well, whatever is going on, we’re here for you.” Luna said. “You
know that.”
Luna left to join her family, leaving Ariana alone in the kitchen to
gather her thoughts.
Ariana stared out the window in a daze, fingering the scar on her
wrist as a reminder. Sure, she’d told her family they were going to have
unexpected company. Aimee and Aaron were the only ones who had a
clue, as if reading into her thoughts.
She felt arms wrap themselves around her from behind, a warm
and gentle kiss was placed at the nape of her throat. “What’s wrong,
Love? I can sense your uneasiness.”
She sighed.
“Is it that bad you have to bring the entire family into it?” He
whispered into her ear, holding her closer.
“You could say that.” Ariana quipped.
Her heart thumped when she answered the door a few minutes
later. Derrick followed, curious.
She opened the door to meet eyes with two black-haired gentlemen
with dark eyes. The taller she recognized as Seth. The shorter was Scott,
with eyeglasses and a smile on his face.
“Well, we’re here.” Scott quipped, hugging her.
Seth hugged her next, pulling her back so he could get a better
look at her. “Ariana Moon, you’ve not changed a bit.”
Ariana could feel Derrick seething behind her as Seth kissed her
hand. She snatched it back nervously and invited them inside before
shutting the door behind them.
Derrick cleared his throat. She turned to see her husband wasn’t
“Derrick, these are the Archer brothers, Seth and the younger
Scott.” Ariana introduced. “Seth and Scott, this is my husband, Derrick
“Pleasure to meet you, Derrick.” Scott held out his hand for
Derrick to shake, but it was ignored, so he shoved it back in his pocket.
Ariana took the brothers to the living room, where Aaron and
Aimee caught their eyes. When the four of them, not to mention Shane
and Luna, were deep in conversation, Derrick pulled her aside.
“Who are they, and how do they know you as Ariana Moon?” He
growled, just loud enough for her to hear.
“They lived across the street from the orphanage in Shore Point.”
Ariana explained. “Seth and Scott befriended us.”
“What are they doing here?” Derrick asked. Thinking he heard
someone coming, he thought to her. Did you love either of them as well?
Knock it off, Derrick James. She sent right back, and said aloud.
“Seth only wants a word with me. That’s all.”
Before he could ask more, she turned on her heel and headed back
to greet the family.
Dinner was a silent one, and for that, Ariana was grateful.
Afterward, she had Juliet clean up and Sierra watched the kids with help
from Bradley and Kelly.
You’re only delaying the inevitable. Aaron’s voice interrupted her
thoughts when they passed.
Unfortunately, he was right.
Might as well get it over with.
She saw Scott and Aimee were catching up on old times, laughing
and holding each other close. Ariana smiled at the sight. The two of them
had been more than good friends when the Three Musketeers were at the
orphanage. Seth was sitting with Aaron, Shane, and Luna, and heard
him telling a story of their childhoods.
“Seth.” She got his attention. “What is this visit all about?”
He stood in front of her, frowning. “Have you forgotten your debt to
“What debt?” Derrick growled from behind her. “We don’t even
know who you really are.”
Without his eyes leaving Ariana’s, Seth answered. “She knows; why
don’t you ask her?”
Ariana shook her head.
“No?” Seth asked. He met Derrick’s glare. “Better yet, why don’t I
just tell you?”
Derrick folded his arms, ready to listen, but not believe whatever
the guy had to say.
“Ariana Moon borrowed some money from my family nearly
fourteen years ago. I’m just here to collect.”
“I’m begging you, Seth. Stop.” Ariana said firmly, placing a hand on
Seth’s chest, and the other on Derrick’s, to stop either of them from
advancing. “You don’t know what you’re doing by antagonizing him like
that. Derrick is extremely protective over me.”
“Anything like Aaron here?” Seth remarked.
“Come on, bro.” Scott said. “Don’t start. We’re having such a nice
“I can handle him, Scott.” Aaron growled to the only Archer brother
he liked. He turned to Seth. “Leave me out of it. The debt is between the
two of you; not Derrick, not Aimee, not Shane or Luna, and especially
not me. You got that?”
Seth put his hands up in surrender. “Yeah, I got it.” He looked to
Derrick and Ariana. “Look. All I want is my money and I’ll be out of your
lives forever.”
“Fine.” Derrick said before Ariana could reply. “How much does
she owe you?”
“Two hundred dollars.” Seth said simply.
Luna decided to get into the conversation. “What was it for?”
“To live on while I was pregnant with Kelly.” Ariana told her twin
without looking away from Seth’s eyes. She shook her head. “It was a
long time ago.”
Seth’s tone of voice went from commanding to pleading. She could
sense something was wrong with him, but she couldn’t tell what.
“I really need that money, Ariana Moon.” Seth said softly.
“Stop calling me that.” Ariana remarked. “I’m no longer an orphan.
I don’t need to be reminded of it.”
Seth was back to his nonchalant self, huffing. “Whatever.”
Derrick moved, but was caught by Shane while Ariana cried out.
“Protector, no!”
This got his attention most of all. To be called his Dream Realm
persona by her in this world meant serious business. He relaxed,
backing off.
Ariana turned back to Seth. “Now, then.” She said. “I know you
really need the money, but I have none to give.”
“You owe me!” Seth cried.
“Yes, I know, but Derrick and I are raising five children.” Ariana
pointed out gently. “We just had Theodore not too long ago, and you
know how expensive children can be.”
“What about our debt?” Seth asked.
“While I can’t give you money, I’m willing to make you another deal
in lieu of it.” Ariana took his arm and led the small group back to the
living room.
Seth eyed her once the others sat down. “I’m listening.”
She stared deep into his eyes and read his mind. Deep inside were
demons unheard of. They wanted to come out, as all inner demons do. It
was just a matter of time and the weak spirit named Seth Archer would
let them. The end result wouldn’t be pretty.
“I’ll rid you of the demons that haunt you at night. I’ll rid you of all
nightmares that keep you awake and plague your dreams. I’ll take away
the inner demons that are threatening your very sanity during the day.”
Ariana explained in her Young Guardian’s tone. “Would that be enough
to settle our longstanding debt?”
Seth and Scott both stared at her.
Derrick watched silently, finally seeing this guy wasn’t a threat.
Scott’s hand was in Aimee’s, so she squeezed. Shane was fingering his
Pendant-Locket, frowning as he nodded in understanding. Luna held her
head, eyes closed, for the emotions she felt from Seth were
overwhelming. Sierra, who came in from outside, wrapped a loving arm
around Aaron’s waist as if reading his mind-call for her.
It took a while, but Seth croaked. “How did you know about that?”
Ariana smiled, erasing the scared look off his face. “There’s
something you forgot about me, Seth Mateo. I’m an Ancient Mystic, and
a powerful one at that. Since we last saw each other, I’ve learned a lot
about what kind of powers I have. I’ve learned them, controlled them,
and even let them grow.”
“So...” Seth said.
“What I’m saying is this.” Ariana began. “I can heal you, from the
inside out. Before, I could only heal your body’s cuts and scrapes.”
“It took you a long time to do it, too.” Scott supplied.
“It did, back then.” Ariana kept her smile. “My healing powers have
grown in thirteen years, gentlemen. Ask any of my family. They’ll tell you.
I can do anything in my ability to heal your mind and be sure you’re
never bothered by inner demons again.”
Seth looked around the room. Derrick, Shane, Sierra and Luna
nodded. He only believed her words when he saw Aimee and Aaron
nodding as well.
She continued seriously this time. “It’s up to you, Seth. I can make
your life a living hell, or one of peaceful happiness. Am I making myself
Seth frowned, suddenly serious. “Perfectly.”
Derrick put a hand on Ariana’s shoulder. “Are you sure about
“As sure as I am my own name.”
“What about your magical strength?” Derrick asked. “You’ve been
through hell lately. Are you okay to do something this big?”
“Please, Derrick. Don’t worry about me.” Ariana touched his cheek,
forcing him to feel her love. “I owe him my life.”
“Fine.” Derrick sighed, giving up. He knew there was no stopping
her once she was on a Healer mission. Even if the one she was healing
appeared to be a complete scoundrel. He kissed her lips, savoring the
flavor. “Let me know if you need anything, Love.”
Ariana nodded, shooing him away. She took command
immediately. “Grand Magus, take them out of here. I’ve got work to do.”
“Right, Young Guardian.” Luna announced, nodding.
“Young Guardian?” Seth asked once the rest of her family was
“That’s who I am in the Dream Realm.” Ariana took him to a guest
bedroom in the rear of the house. “You remember our escapes, don’t
Seth nodded. “Uh, what are you going to do with me?”
They stopped in the doorway.
“Exactly what I said I’d do. Heal you.” Ariana responded. She
gestured to the bed. “First thing I want you to do is lie down and relax.”
Once she saw he obeyed, she continued. “Next, close your eyes and
concentrate only on your breathing.”
It was a slow, drawn-out process. She sat in the chair beside the
bed and touched his temples to feel for his aura. Closing her own eyes,
she concentrated on the task. She went into his mind by first opening
the doors to his soul.

Once there, she saw the chaos that was going on in his mind. Every
thought and memory raced around her, totally out of control. Little demons
representing past grudges, childhood nightmares, and even lost loves
were floating around as well, declaring what they were. It was a visual
“What you need first and foremost is an aura cleansing.” Ariana
said, both aloud and in his mind.
A vision of him appeared in front of her with a curious look on his
face. “What do you mean?”
“I learned it from a friend of mine.” Ariana supplied in her Young
Guardian tone. “An aura cleansing not only cleanses your aura of negative
vibes, it also clears your mind of past things that burrow deep.”
Seth’s image winced. “Does it hurt?”
She shook her head. “Not at all.”
He noticed the way she looked and asked. “Why do you look
Young Guardian was dressed in her angelic Guardian’s Gown, a
glittering white dress and sparkling Jewels Amulet clasping a shimmering
white cloak. “This is who I am when I’m patrolling. I am the Dream
Realm’s Young Guardian. I help Dreamers like yourself with their
nightmares and fears, doing for them what I’m about to do for you.”
Seth just shook his head, incredulous and confused. “Explain later.
Can we get on with this now?”
Young Guardian laughed. “Certainly.”
She grasped the Jewels Amulet in one hand and waited until it
began to glow before closing her own eyes. From the pits of her being,
there came an opalescent-like wind. It wove itself around Seth’s petrified
body, allowing him to relax and close his eyes. Opening her eyes and
arms to send out the Magic, she called a spell.

“I call upon the evil souls,

“And thoughts which threaten to control.
“Be gone from this man in front of me,
“Banished to the Unknown, no longer free.
“Aura, mind and body cleansed,
“Bad things now come to an end.
“Forever gone from mind and soul,
“May Seth Archer the man be in control.
“With the Ancient Mystic Ancients to guide and see,
“This cleansing is done, so mote it be!”

When the magic faded, Seth slowly opened his eyes.

“Well, how do you feel?” Young Guardian asked.
“Great.” Seth breathed. “Awesome.” He patted his body, to make
sure he was in one piece. He laughed. “I’ve never felt this good in my life!
You did all this from that spell?”
“That, and your belief in me.” Young Guardian changed from her
Guardian’s Gown to her Fighter’s Gear, which was far more comfortable.
“I couldn’t have done it alone.”
Seth smiled.
“Ready to come back to life?” Young Guardian asked.
Seth was confused. “I’m dead?”
“You almost were, in a way.” Young Guardian shook her head,
laughing. “It’s very complicated.
“I’ll bet.” Seth supplied. “Well, how do we get out of here?”
“All you have to do is open your eyes in our world and take a deep
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me, Seth.” Ariana grinned. “I’m the Young
Guardian. I’ve been doing this for a long time.”

When their minds returned to the guest bedroom, Ariana opened

her eyes and waited for him to do the same.
He smiled as his eyes met hers. “Consider your debt fully paid.”
Ariana nodded. “Thank you, Seth, for trusting in me enough to
heal you.”
She rose with some difficulty, calling for Luna in her mind. “For
now, I’m a little weak. Luna’s going to watch over you while you rest.”
“Why am I so tired?” Seth’s voice whispered. “Shouldn’t I feel
“It takes a lot of energy to do what we did.” Ariana told him as
Luna came in with Derrick. Derrick took her hand, holding her upright
and Luna took her spot beside the bed. “Rest now. I’ll be back later to
check up on you.”
With a sleepy nod, Seth Archer was resting. It was her turn now.
Story: #1:
Old Friends, New Magicks

In the Dream Realm’s Feline Village lies the home of the black
panther Companion named Panther Grey. With him was his beloved
Marie, a human woman with Companion Magic in her soul, their half-feline
Companion, half-human daughter Destiny and their new addition, an also
half-feline Companion, half human son, Indigo. Panther’s small family had
changed in the past month, and he didn’t think he liked it. Up until then,
they lived in the peaceful home known as the Feline Palace.
Ever since the terror in the Canine Valley, Panther had been warned
by Sire Tobias White-Snow to watch out for anything suspicious. Being a
loyal Companion-Crusader, Panther noticed more than the average Dream
Realm Companion.
Since becoming a human Companion, Marie Grey was quiet and
shy, learning her special Companion Magic from the Lady of the Canine
Valley herself, Katherine Hawk-Stargazer. Before the terror, Katherine
came for daily visits, helping Marie not only with her Magic, but with her
shyness. So far, as each day went on, Marie had opened up and was
turning out to be quite the giggling little bee. Panther had been grateful to
Katherine, and happy for Marie.
That is, until recently. Katherine had stopped visiting, making Marie
withdrawn once again. She didn’t even keep up with her lessons. Every
time Panther tried to cheer her up, it was for nothing. He felt bad,
saddened that all of Marie’s hard work seemed to have gone to waste.
Now all she did was brood with the infant, Indigo, caring for him and
nurturing him.
At least she was doing something useful, Panther thought to himself
with a sigh.
Which brought his mind to his daughter Destiny. After seeing her
best friends, Celine Stargazer and Tiger White-Snow training for battles
with the Canine Army, Destiny saw to it she would train as well. Panther
didn’t want his daughter to be near the Army, but he couldn’t stop her.
Like himself, Destiny was strong-willed and eager to help those in need.
She wouldn’t cower in the face of danger, she’d fight it.
It was his daughter’s will that finally convinced him to see the Sire
of the Feline Village, Tobias White-Snow.
When he got there, he saw the Sire wasn’t alone. Wolfton Stargazer,
another Companion-Crusader-turned-Sire-of-the-Canine-Valley was with
him, along with Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer and his friend, the Young
Guardian Ariana Reading.
While both Sires and Young Guardian had been part of the
Crusades that brought Panther to the Dream Realm, Chikité was another
Companion altogether. Wolf claimed he used to be his closest friend during
the Wars, but Panther still didn’t know him that well. There was
something in Red Wolf he didn’t like, and it had to do with the look in his
eyes when the Mountain Wolf Companion was angry.
Young Guardian turned to see him there. She smiled, beckoning him
to her side.
“Don’t be shy, Panther.”
“I assure you, I’m not being shy.” Panther supplied, eyeing Red Wolf
Red Wolf frowned. “Save it for the war, feline.”
Young Guardian smacked Red Wolf’s arm. “We don’t have time for
this, Page Red Wolf. We need every possible hand we can get.” She
explained, standing up for her longtime friend. Young Guardian turned to
Panther. “Come join us, Panther. Please. I’m sure you have some insight of
your own to give us.”
Panther stood next to her, nodding his head. “You bet I do.” He
supplied. “What do you want to know?”
“What do you know of what happened in the Canine Valley?” Wolf
asked Panther.
“An old Dominionite named Gloriana sent a Dark Mist from Master
Orthos’ Spell-book.” Panther said. “Once Lord Byron got rid of it, I figured
all turned to normal. It didn’t, did it, Ariana?”
“Give your Young Guardian respect!” Red Wolf growled in Panther’s
Panther sensed the ‘thing’ he didn’t like in Red Wolf.
“I am giving her respect!” Panther hissed. He flexed his sharpened
claws at his side, waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Enough, both of you!” Young Guardian cried, forcing herself
between them. “If you can’t get along, it’ll leave me no choice but to
exclude you both from fighting! Is that clear, Chikité Moondancer?”
Red Wolf stepped back. “Aye Young Guardian.”
She turned to Panther. “Mark Samuel?”
The use of his Earthbound name made him take notice. “Yes, Young
“Now then, can you shake hands and get along?” Young Guardian
asked in a softer voice this time. “We need both of you.”
Panther was the first to hold out his hand. “I am Wolf’s Heart-
Brother. Can I also be yours?”
“Heart-Brother?” Red Wolf pronounced slowly.
“It was to Panther’s Earthbound body I was Banished.” Wolf
explained. “It was also in Panther I first found Lord Maximaniac’s true
“He died in the Outer Realm defending me, Red Wolf.” Young
Guardian went back to his Companion name, trying to get him to calm
down and understand. “He’s a tough fighter, strong-willed and just. It was
for those qualities Lord Guardian made him a Companion.”
“Why does he glare at me with such hate in his eyes?” Red Wolf
asked, keeping an eye on Panther.
“I can sense something within you that doesn’t seem right.” Panther
supplied. “I’ve seen it when you train with the Canine Army. It only comes
out when you’re angry.”
Wolf turned to his Page. “Is this true, Red? Have you let your other
side take over during training?”
“Not on purpose, I assure you.” Red Wolf explained. “That is why I
need to leave on a Spirit Quest, and soon. That side of me is getting harder
and harder to control.”
“Why didn’t you tell us, Red Wolf?” Young Guardian asked. “We’re
your friends. We could help you.”
“It is something a Hunter must do on his own.” Red Wolf supplied.
He turned to Panther. “If you can be Heart-Brother to Wolf, than you can
surely be one to me.”
Panther’s serious face never smiled, but he did shake hands with
the canine.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way,” Young Guardian said.
“What else do you know of what’s going on?”
“Gloriana’s been seen in the Ancient Mystic Kingdom, Sabrina’s
been caught with a fire-demon by Lord Maximaniac, and three lone
Dominionites from the Unknown are reeking havoc around the Dream
Realm.” Panther supplied. “Besides all that, you’ve been working yourself
too hard lately, trying to take over for Lord Guardian. Are you fully healed
Young Guardian shook her head, smiling. “My, you’ve been paying
“I’d better.” Panther winked. “I’m a Companion-Crusader. It’s my
“Does your job also include you fighting when necessary?” Tobias
asked, speaking for the first time since Panther walked up.
“Whenever necessary.” Panther said. “I promised Lord Guardian I
“Good. What about Marie?” Young Guardian asked. “Is she in any
condition to fight?”
Panther shook his head. “I’m afraid not. She’s reverted to her old
self again. She broods indoors with our new son Indigo.”
“That is how Katherine is with our twin sons Lovell and Raulf.” Wolf
told him. “She has hardly spoken since the Dark Mist was destroyed.”
“It’s sad, really.” Young Guardian said. “Is Kit the same way?”
Tobias nodded. “Aye, with K’Sarra.”
“Maybe the women sense something we don’t?” Panther suggested.
“Something almost maternal?”
“In that case, wouldn’t I?” Young Guardian cornered. “After all,
Theodore is an infant, too.”
“Maybe you have, and not noticed?” Wolf suggested. “You have
been busy lately, caring for others more than for yourself.”
“You’ve got a point there, Wolf.” Young Guardian said. She closed
her eyes and held her breath for a moment before letting it out and
opening her eyes again.
“What is it?” Tobias asked. “Do you sense something now?”
Young Guardian nodded. “Wolfton Stargazer, Tobias White-Snow,
it’s time to bring the Companions together. Start with the Elders from the
Underground. Form a plan of attack, then each of you come directly to me.
Is that understood?”
Wolf and Toby knew she was serious. Being that each of them were
Companion-Crusaders, not to mention her personal friends, she would
usually call them by informal nicknames.
“Aye, Young Guardian.” They chorused.
“What of us, Young Guardian?” Panther didn’t want to push his luck
by calling her by her Earthbound name. She sensed something, and now,
so did he.
“Chikité Moondancer, gear up for a Spirit Quest.” Young Guardian
answered. “Take Princess Celine with you. Only after will you both be
truly ready for battle, in mind, body, and spirit.”
Wolf opened his mouth to object, but decided otherwise. When he
saw the Jewels Amulet glowing around her neck, he knew she was dead
“By my order, Sire Wolfton.” Young Guardian said.
“Your orders are my commands, as always, Young Guardian.” Wolf
“Young Guardian?” Panther interrupted.
“You will join the Companions, along with your daughter Destiny.”
Young Guardian announced. “While it will be tough, it’ll make us a strong
force against Orthos.”
“You are saying he has returned?” Red Wolf breathed. “Already?”
“Soon.” Young Guardian supplied. “I can feel it.”
On that statement, she disappeared. Toby, Wolf, and Red Wolf
headed east, in the direction of the Feline Castle. Panther stood,
speechless and unable to move.
It seemed forever since Orthos’ conjured lions haunted his
Wolf knew why his friend was frozen in his place. “Get over your
fear of Orthos, Panther, and join us.”
That snapped him out of his frigid reverie. Taking a deep breath,
Panther ran to catch up with the trio. Though he sensed danger was near,
he followed where they led him.

“I don’t know if I can do this, Aim.” Scott Archer announced after
she told him what was going on. “Fight a war in another world?”
The look on Aimee’s face was desperate. “You have to.” She said
softly, tears flooding her eyes. “I can’t do this alone. I’ve been alone way
too long.”
“You’re not alone.” Scott tried to comfort her by pulling her close to
him, but she pulled away. “You’ve got Aaron, your nephew Bradley, and
your adopted daughter Angel.”
Aimee stared in his direction without really looking at him. “A man
can be alone amongst a roomful of people.” She said absently. Holding
her temple and shaking her head, she sat down hard on the couch.
Scott moved to sit beside her. He’d never seen her like this. So
defeating, and desperate for control of herself. “Amethyst?”
When she finally met his glance, he saw her eyes were green. Scott
touched her face before kissing her lips gently. What started as gentle
turned needing and passionate. He could hear her thoughts in his head.
I need you, my Earthly Protector.
Scott broke off the kiss, staring at her. “Earthly Protector?”
Aimee smiled. “You heard that?”
Scott smiled back, kissing her again. “I’ve dreamed about this day
for thirteen years.” He breathed.
“The day we’d finally be together again, as more than friends?”
Aimee asked hopefully, drying her tears with a tissue. When he nodded,
she grinned. “Yeah. Me, too.”
“If I’m to be your Earthly Protector, I have to know what it means.”
He said seriously, then kissed her nose. “And what kind of trouble I’m
getting into.”
“An Earthly Protector is a person who protects an Ancient Mystic.”
Aimee said, watching him.
“You’re no Ancient Mystic, are you?” Scott asked.
“Thanks to Ariana and the Blood Pact.” Aimee explained. “Lord
Guardian and Mistress Enchantra thought we’d earned official Ancient
Mystic status after all we’ve done through the years.”
“What did you do?” Scott asked.
When she told him everything, from the day Ariana ran away to
last week, he was silent, listening. He was amazed. The twins had
learned a lot about the Unicorn Magic, using it to help their Crusader
friends. At first, Aimee was just the Crusader’s Over-Seer, a kind of
watcher-healer of the group, and Aaron was a new, if not confused
Crusader. When terror struck their happy homes, both twins swung into
action. Using what they learned from Ariana about healing, and their
Unicorn Magic abilities, they were able to rescue Ariana, her sisters, their
husbands-boyfriends from the caverns of the Unknown.
“Wow, Aimee.” He breathed. “You guys have been through a lot.”
“We’re about to go through a lot more soon.” Aimee replied. “That’s
why I need you so much. You’ve always been there to stand up to those
who would bully us. No matter how scared you were, you’d always
appear brave.”
“Appear was right.” Scott laughed lightly. “Is that all you need me
for, Amethyst Theresa? To help with the upcoming war in the Dream
Aimee kissed him, sending him empathic waves of love. He
wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his
neck, each deepening the kiss.
They only parted when someone cleared their throat.
“I hope we’re not interrupting anything, twin of mine?” Aaron
teased, grinning. With him were Ariana and his own Earthly Protector,
Aimee blushed, hiding her face in Scott’s chest. He kissed her hair
before answering him. “Not at all, Aaron Theodore, not at all.”
“Just catching up on old times, I take it?” Ariana joked.
“Go ahead, Ariana Moon, make your jokes.” Scott remarked.
“I think it’s kind of romantic, myself.” Sierra joined in.
“That’s because you’re a hopeless romantic, my dear.” Aaron
Now Sierra blushed.
“I hate to break it up, but we’ve got work to do.” Ariana supplied.
“And lots of it, as far as I’m concerned.”
Aimee and Scott broke apart, sitting on the Schmidt’s couch.
“What kind of work?” Aimee asked.
“You told him about the war, didn’t you?” Ariana asked her.
“To a certain extent. I didn’t want to scare him away.” Aimee
supplied, nudging Scott.
“Now that we’re together, not even a swarm of bees could keep me
away.” Scott announced.
“That’s good.” Ariana said. “First off, did she name you Earthly
Protector, yet?”
Scott stared at her, amazed she knew. Well, not amazed, really,
since she always did know when things happened before they actually
happened. He was more shocked than amazed.
“Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?” Scott asked.
“I’ll get to that in a moment.” Ariana said. “Okay, we’ve got more
fighters. We’ll be more prepared with both Magic and might. Scott, what
do you remember about the Dream Realm?”
“From when you actually let me escape with you guys?” Scott
asked. “I remember a lot, actually. Like how, to ordinary Dreamers,
adventures were no more than that. Dreams. For a select few, the Dream
Realm not only had personal meaning, but it was a better world to
escape to when they slept. No matter who we were in this world, we were
different there.”
Ariana nodded. “I’m surprised you remember anything at all.”
“I didn’t until Aimee began to explain what was going on.” Scott
supplied. “As she explained, things in my memory clicked, and it all
began to make perfect sense.”
“Do you remember the Dream Chant I taught you?” Ariana asked.
Again, Scott nodded.
“What about Seth?” Aimee asked. “Is he in on this, too?”
Ariana thought for a moment. “Has he said anything to you about
an urge to fight something?” When Scott shook his head, she continued.
“There’s your answer. No. In fact, I’m willing to bet anything he was only
a go-between for the two of you.”
“Not to mention the deal you made him years ago.” Aaron spoke.
Ariana held up a hand. “That debt has been paid, and I don’t want
to talk about it anymore. I’ve already sent him home, so he won’t suspect
anything.” She sensed something from Sierra and looked to see the
woman with her eyes closed, fingers touching an emerald stone at her
throat. “You’re quiet, Sierra.”
Aaron touched her arm to get his girlfriend’s attention. “What’s on
your mind?”
She looked up to the group, her dual-colored eyes sad. “I was a
Dreamer once.” She said softly. “I know what it’s like on both sides. As a
kid, I loved to play in my Dream Realm, pretending I was a Celtic Warrior
from before time began. I would hate if anything ruined that kind of
world for others like me. Do you think my Pagan magic could help in this
“Pagan Magic?” Scott asked.
“I’m a Pagan.” Sierra told him. “In short, a witch.”
“Is that why you fear Ancient Mystics?” Aaron asked her.
Sierra nodded. “For centuries, the Ancient Mystics and Druids
have been in a long-standing feud. No one knows who started it, and
only few know how to end it. I grew up with notions that Ancient Mystics
were evil.”
“So did everybody else in Hill View.” Ariana sighed. “It’s too bad.
How one rumor could cost plenty of friendships between magicians. We
should work together against what we each truly believe is evil.”
“Like Orthos and Gloriana.” Aimee said.
“You couldn’t be more right, Aim.” Came a male voice from the
doorway. The group was joined by Shane, Jamie, TJ, Julie, Luna, Charlie
and Derrick. Derrick continued when he sat down next to Ariana. “I grew
up here in Hill View, with all the nasty rumors about witches and
Ancient Mystics. It took sixteen years for me to disprove them in my own
“With a little help from me, I might add.” Ariana teased her
Sierra smiled. “I can feel all the power in this room.” She said. “It’s
“That’s because, through our own trials and tribulations, whatever
they may have been, made our Crusader bond tight.” Shane supplied.
“We’re not only brilliant fighters and friends, we’re family.”
“There’s nothing better than a loving family.” Luna shared a grin
with her sister.
“So you think my Pagan Magic can help in the war?” Sierra asked.
Everybody around her nodded, with the exception of Scott. “Show me
how, and I’ll be more than willing to do it.”
“Not so fast, Sierra.” Jamie said. “You haven’t got a Protectors’
Pendant, yet. While you may be able to help, you won’t help much.”
“What’s a Protectors’ Pendant?” Scott asked.
Derrick, Shane, Charlie and Jamie showed them the necklaces
that hung around their throats.
“In short, a Protectors’ Pendant allows an Ancient Mystic’s Earthly
Protector to sense them in either world. It’s their link to said Ancient
Mystic.” Shane supplied. “When you meet eyes, you’ll be able to send a
message to the Ancient Mystic’s mind. There’s also a kind of Golden
Magic that comes from the Pendant that mirrors the Ancient Mystic’s
own Silver Magic.”
“As with any magic, there are powers of good and evil, for balance.”
Ariana explained. “The only ones that can control the darker side of the
magic are the Ancient Mystic and their Earthly Protector.”
“With time, the bonds between an Ancient Mystic and their Earthly
Protector are pulled tighter.” Derrick said. “Sort of like what most would
call soul mates.”
“Exactly like soul mates.” Luna said, nodding.
Scott whistled. “What have you gotten me into this time,
Aimee giggled. “Nothing you can’t handle, Scott.”
“Where do we get the Protectors’ Pendants from?” Sierra asked.
“A man in the Dream Realm by the name of the Apprentice.” Shane
answered. “He’ll test your limits, and measure if you’re worthy to be a
Protector. If you pass his tests, you’ll get the Pendant and your first
lessons in how to use it. I’ve never heard of a woman being an Earthly
Protector, besides Andrea Richardson for Luna’s brother Kevin, so I don’t
know how hard the tests are going to be on you Sierra.”
“Aimee, Aaron,” Ariana said. “Both of you have to take them to the
Apprentice. I know he won’t consider you Ancient Mystics, but tell his
mate, the Grand Shamus, who you are and who named you such. She’ll
understand and convince him to take you on as what I would call an
Ancient Mystic Couple. The Grand Shamus will take both of you and
teach you your special kind of Ancient Mystic Magic, along with the
Silver Magic, if you have it, too.”
“Oh, I get it.” Sierra said. “In order to be an Ancient Mystic Couple,
the Earthly Protector has to be tested and taught by the Apprentice, and
the Ancient Mystic has to be tested and taught by the Grand Shamus.
Am I right?”
“That’s the gist of it, yeah.” Jamie smiled. “If you want, I could take
you there tonight.”
Aimee, Aaron, Sierra and Scott nodded.
“I’m surprised we have so much downtime.” TJ spoke up quietly.
“After all the fuss about this great war we’re going to be in, I have yet to
use my powers against an enemy in it.”
“It’s not official until one of the Lords declares it so.” Shane said.
“I’m surprised, too. Maybe the Originators are handling most things on
their end, getting ready for it?”
“I know Lord Max is, along with Lord Byron.” Luna supplied. She
turned to her twin. “What about Lord Guardian and the Sisters?”
“Challandra’s on Lord Byron’s side, surely.” Ariana said. “As for
Enchantra, we know she’s been out of sorts lately, but she still stands by
“Wait a minute.” Scott said. “When I first met Lord Guardian, he
told us calling the Elder Originators by their informal names would be
disrespectful. I hope you don’t call him that to his face. He’d have you
“Are you forgetting who I am?” Ariana asked him. “I’m the Young
Guardian, O’Dell’s successor. It was his idea I call him, along with the
others, by their given names. After all, he told me, we were on the same
“Too bad they won’t let me do the same.” Luna said.
“You’d have to take my place for a week or two.” Ariana said.
“Maybe then, you wouldn’t be so quick to be in my shoes.”
“I’ve already seen what being Young Guardian does to you.” Luna
shook her head. “I’m happy being the Grand Magus.”
“About time, too.” Shane winked at her.
“I’m glad we’re all in good spirits, considering.” Charlie supplied.
“Yeah, considering what we have to face.” Julie remarked
“Speaking of, what are we doing to prepare for battle?” Jamie
Between the new Earthly Protectors, to Sierra’s Pagan magic, and
even working with the leaders of the Dream Realm themselves, the
Crusaders believed they’d be plenty ready.
Story #2:
A Plea is Answered

After a long day of discussing the war and how they were going to
fight in it, the Grand Magus sought her bed that night with exhaustion.
She was sure the Crusaders were going to fight long and hard, and knew
in her heart they would win against even the vilest foe.
Before beginning her own patrols of the Dream Realm, she headed
to the Realm of the Ancients. Like before, it seemed no one was there to
greet her. Also like before, the Grand Magus knew better.
She landed from her flight in the middle of the Goddess Dana’s
forest. She adorned the dark blue robes of her title, and held a wooden
staff in her hand. The Dream Pentacle around her neck grew warm, and
she could feel the special magic in the air. Powerful magic. The Ancient’s
own brand of Magic made her system tingle, and she knew at least one of
the Goddesses was listening and watching.
“I just came to thank you.” The Grand Magus called into the air.
The Goddess Dana was a wolf as she approached the Grand
Magus. “Have you learned to trust the Empathy, Aluna Star?”
Grand Magus bowed, and waited to speak until the Goddess’ form
was human again. “I have, Goddess. Though I may not have liked the
way you forced me to learn, I knew it had to be done.”
“Do you know why?”
The Grand Magus thought for a moment, the memories of her twin
sister’s agony going through her mind. “In order to be a just Ancient Mystic
fighter, I had to trust in my own powers. Long ago, I’d shut off my
Empathy power so I wouldn’t feel my twin in pain. I focused on learning
the different kinds of world magic instead of on the twin-bond. In doing so,
I forced not only myself, but the Young Guardian into a silent depression.”
“A depression which ended when you met.” The Goddess pointed
out. “You see, not trusting in one of your powers makes the others weak.
You were both strong once again when the twin-bond you shattered was
The Grand Magus looked at the Goddess of Earth.
The Goddess smiled, telling her to rise. “Was there something else
you came for, Grand Magus?”
“I wanted to thank you for sending help.” The Grand Magus
supplied. “The Unicorn has his Protector, a Pagan named Airmed
Starchaser. Amethyst has hers, a childhood friend named Scott Archer.
Two Ancient Mystics have found their way to us, Princess Sarabeth’s
daughter Julia Lynne and granddaughter Tamara Jane. They brought
with them their Protectors, Julia’s new husband Jammins Stewart and
Tamara’s adopted older brother Charlie Reynolds. With the six of them, we
can’t lose!”
“Grand Magus, you are telling me nothing I do not already know!”
The Goddess laughed. “I see you have learned your lesson, and are
teaching the new Ancient Mystics their Magic. Be wary, though, for trouble
is always leering from behind dark corners.”
Grand Magus agreed. “Can you tell me anything of the war ahead?”
“Only a reminder.” The Goddess responded. “Have faith and grasp
the magic.”
Grand Magus watched the Goddess disappear, thinking on her
words before she, too disappeared. She had to tell Young Guardian.


The Dominionite formerly known as the Warrior Gloriana was

thrown back through the Abyss. The Keeper of Souls only smirked at her
as he took her remaining power before pitching her tattered soul through
the portal to the Unknown.
As she landed in murky waters, she was glad no one was around to
see their Queen covered in mud and grime. Since she had no powers, she
had to rub most of the mud off with dirty hands.
“I will get even with those Ancient Mystics!” Gloriana grumbled
under her breath on the way to the Master’s Dark Tower.
She marched through the forest, ignoring stares and held-in laughs
from Dominionites she passed. When she finally met Orthos in the same
room, he sensed her there.
Without looking, he droned. “Clean yourself properly before
speaking to me, Gloriana.”
“I am afraid I cannot.” Gloriana seethed.
He looked up and growled. “You are a demon witch. Use your
“How can I use magic the Keeper of Souls stole from me?” Gloriana
pointed out. “Not to mention the Ancient spell your brother cast to send me
here in the first place.”
Now he was interested. “My brother?”
“O’Dell and those Ancient Mystic women ruined everything.”
Orthos wove an arm toward her, a wave of his own magic cleaning
her in seconds.
“About time.” Gloriana supplied in a huff. “Thought I would never
get that gunk off.”
“Never mind.” Orthos growled. “Tell me what happened in the
Dream Realm.”
“I was this close to being queen of the Kingdom.” Gloriana cried.
‘This close!”
“From the beginning, Gloriana.” Orthos was impatient.
She told him how Damian had sent her to the Dream Realm to
wreak havoc. Her first stop was the Ancient Mystic Kingdom Castle. After
using a spell from Challandra’s book to bind the Mistress and put her to
sleep, Gloriana sought the Lord of the Castle, Lord Byron. With another
spell cast on Lord Byron to control him, Gloriana did her worst.
“What spell did you use?” Orthos asked.
“An aging spell. It made his mind and body age faster than his
soul.” Gloriana smiled, proud of herself. “I am not finished, yet.”
“Very well, go ahead.”
She then told him everything was working fine until two nosy
fighters butted in. The Unicorn named Aaron Schmidt and his new
girlfriend Airmed Starchaser. When she tried to get away, she found
herself stuck, and for good reason. Lord Guardian and the Ancient Mystic
Sisters stopped her from leaving before calling an Ancient Spell of Exile to
send her back to the Unknown.
“Starchaser. I have heard that name before.” Orthos muttered under
his breath when she was finished telling the tale.
“I could see it in her eyes.” Gloriana announced. “She is descended
from the same line of Watchers.”
“Is that so?” Orthos remarked, still muttering under his breath.
“Whose daughter is she?”
“Malayna and Barton Starchaser.” Gloriana supplied. “I do not think
she realizes it yet, Master. She believes herself a Pagan in the Outer
Orthos grinned. “Gloriana, my pet, you have just given me the
perfect ruse for my escape from this wretched world.”
“Ooh, I cannot wait!” Gloriana embraced him. “The Ancient Mystics
will pay for sure!”
Orthos kissed her passionately. “For now, I must celebrate the
return of my delectable, conniving Queen.”


As part of their patrols, Young Guardian and the Protector decided

to visit an old friend. Something of what Panther Grey had told her was
bugging her mind.
“It’s not like either of the kits to be like this.” Young Guardian
supplied, half in thought, half to the Protector. “So withdrawn and
overprotective of their young.”
“Let’s find out more of what Panther has to say.” The Protector
announced before knocking on the door to the Feline Palace. “If we can get
the kits to come to their senses in time, they can be a big help later on.”
“As usual, you’re right.” Young Guardian nodded. The door opened
to a very distraught Marie Grey. “Marie, are you all right?”
The woman was holding a baby boy in her arms, and looked as if
she had been crying. Despite her tears, Marie Grey curtseyed. “Panther is
in the yard.” She barely whispered.
Young Guardian and the Protector shared a look, agreeing that
Marie wasn’t okay.
“Thank you, Marie.” The Protector said softly, following Young
Guardian around the Palace to the yard behind it.
As Marie said, Panther was there, practicing old karate moves with
his daughter Destiny.
“Block, child, block!” Panther yelled. “Don’t let me through!”
“I’m trying, Daddy, really.” Destiny was nearly in tears, but kept at
the task. She was determined to catch him off-guard. “You’re not exactly
making it easy on me.”
“An opponent wouldn’t.” Panther blocked her many kicks and
punches. “Have I taught you in vain?”
Destiny’s purple eyes glowed yellow and her smile faded.
“That’s it, girl...” Panther said. “Tap it.”
“Trust me, it were not in vain!” She yelled, springing a powerful kick
to his midriff.
She then threw herself at him, grabbing his arm and flipping him to
the ground. In seconds, Panther Grey was out-thwarted by his own
Dumbfounded, Panther tried to stand up. He coughed and wheezed,
trying to catch his breath. “Now that was more like it!” Panther
congratulated her.
Destiny’s yellow eyes faded back to her lovely violet.
Young Guardian and the Protector clapped their hands, startling the
feline duo.
“Bravo, Destiny.” The Protector said. “Not even I could do that when
he was Earthbound!”
“That’s because we never had the chance.” Panther joked, grabbing
the Protector’s hand and lifting himself up. “I know what brings Young
Guardian here, but you?”
“I go where she leads.” The Protector said. “Just as she goes where
I lead.”
“You’ve quite a tough fighter on your hands, Panther.” Young
Guardian said as she brought Destiny to the men. Her arm was wrapped
around Destiny’s shoulders. “Have you trained long?”
“I begged Tiger to teach me,” Destiny supplied, “when Father
“You see how tough the girl is.” The Protector said. “Why wouldn’t
you teach her before?”
“I was afraid she hadn’t learned to control the Companion Magic.”
Panther admitted. “I knew she was a brave fighter, but I feared she’d lose
control when she least expected.”
“Tiger’s teaching me that, too.” Destiny said.
“How would he know how to teach it?” Young Guardian said. “He’s
only a Young Companion himself.”
“He’s the same age I am!” Destiny cried. “Plus, Sire Wolf did let him
in the Army, didn’t he?”
“She’s got a point.” Panther said with a grin. “I’ve seen it myself.
That Young One is more like his uncle than either of his parents.”
“He taught me how to control my magic.” Destiny said. She turned to
her father. “Are we done here? I want to bathe. All that sweating’s making
me stink.”
Young Guardian giggled. “Go ahead, Destiny. I just need to talk to
him for a while, okay?”
Destiny ran off into the Palace, leaving Young Guardian, the
Protector and Panther standing outside.
“Are you going to let her fight in the war?” The Protector asked.
“Only with my supervision.” Panther said.
“What was with her eyes?” Young Guardian wanted to know. “Why
did they turn Dominionite yellow?”
“She tapped into the darker side of her Companion Magic.” Panther
explained. “As I see it, Companions and Dominionites were once the same,
with balanced powers of good and evil. It was only in the War for Province
they were divided. Companions stayed pure and good while Dominionites
under the Master’s control turned evil. During the Wars for Power,
Companions fought on Lord Guardian’s side using their different Magicks.
Dominionites, on the other hand, had their magic taken from them by
Damian and Sabrina, so the two brats could control them.”
“I see you’ve been doing your homework.” The Protector said.
Panther beamed at the praise.
“You know why I’m here.” Young Guardian said seriously.
“To investigate why the women are acting the way they are.”
Panther grinned. “Protecting their newborn kits with their lives. Brooding
for hours on-end with them, not talking to anyone but the kits. Neither of
us understand it.”
“Nor do I.” Young Guardian said. “You both know me. I want to find
Both men nodded.
“Where do we start?” Panther asked.
“Come with us.” Young Guardian announced. “We’re going to talk to
the Lady of the Canine Valley.”
Story: #3:
A Guardians Heart to Heart

Sire Wolf was the first to see them approach. He said something to
Red Wolf out of earshot before leaving to greet them.
“Trouble, my friends?” Wolf asked, Young Guardian in particular.
“Where’s Katherine?” Young Guardian asked without hesitation.
“In the Castle.” He supplied, looking at each of his friend’s faces.
Panther was watching the army training and the Protector was serious.
Young Guardian wanted to get down to business. “Though I do not know
how useful she will be.”
“Leave that to me, Wolf.” Young Guardian said. She looked to the
Protector. “It’d be best if only I went in. You and Panther stay here. I won’t
be gone long.”
“Yes, Young Guardian.” The Protector teased, making her smile
before he quickly kissed her lips.
With that in mind, she marched inside Stargazer Castle, leaving
them behind her.
She sensed her friend near, feeling the sadness and desperation all
around her.
“Katherine, it’s me. Ariana.” She announced softly.
“I am in no mood for visitors.” Katherine’s soft voice came from
another room.
Young Guardian followed it until she found Lady Katherine in the
nursery, holding one of the pup-kits. “I’m not here for a social call,
Katherine Hawk-Stargazer.”
Katherine still hadn’t looked up to her. “Whatever it is, please speak
to Wolf.”
“It has to do with you, and that twin sister of yours.” Young
Guardian took a seat on the make-shift cot Katherine had set up. She took
Katherine’s chin in her hand and forced her friend to look her in the eyes.
Just like Marie, Katherine had been crying. “Why are you two acting like
Katherine shook her head. “We are fine.”
“Fine?” Young Guardian supplied. “All three of you, Marie included,
are not fine. I hear from your husbands how you brood indoors day and
night, seeing only to the welfare of your new kits. I see for myself you’re in
tears, and I worry for you. What’s going on, and why don’t I know about
Katherine hugged the kit-pup to her chest, hiding her face from view.
Young Guardian could hear her friend sobbing. She took the boy from
Katherine’s arms, putting him beside his brother in his crib before tending
to her. Before she did anything, she just stared at the state of her closest
Companion friend. She didn’t need Young Guardian to console her. She
needed only herself, Ariana Moon Reading.
“Kat, please talk to me.” Ariana begged, hugging her. “Tell me
what’s going on.”
She felt Katherine hug her close. “Oh, Ariana, it is too horrible for
“What’s horrible?” Ariana whispered.
“The visions in my head.” Katherine’s tear-stricken eyes met
Ariana’s caring silver-blue ones. “I cannot bear them any longer.”
“What did you see in your visions?” Ariana pressed gently.
“The kits – all of them – gone – to be Dominionites!” Katherine
managed to gasp.
“Just like the Wars for Power.” Ariana breathed. “Get a hold of
yourself, Katherine. It wasn’t a true vision.”
“It felt so real!” Katherine admonished, drying her tears.
“I know it did, just as the Dark Mist intended it to.” Ariana said.
“That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? All three of you are affected by the
once-destroyed Dark Mist.”
Katherine was speechless, but nodded.
“I don’t mean to be crass, Kat, but get over it.” Ariana stood, helping
her friend to stand. “It’s not going to happen because I won’t let it, so you
can set your mind at ease.”
Katherine hugged her again. “Thank you, Ariana.” She sniffed. “I
needed that.”
“You’re welcome.” Ariana said, changing back to her Young
Guardian’s Fighting Gear before her friend’s eyes. “If we can convince Kit
and Marie, we’ll be okay.”
“I do not understand.” Katherine said, looking over to her pup-kits.
“If it were destroyed, how was it able to affect us?”
“Let me put it like this.” Young Guardian said. “Whenever an
Ancient Mystic uses Magic on an object, it leaves a trace of that magic on
the object. It’s the same with the Dark Mist. Once it was destroyed, there
were echoes of its energy still lurking. Those echoes are what affected
you. They made you feel remnants of the past, forcing you to fear for your
kits’ safety.”
Katherine shook her head. “You have become wise in your years,
Young Guardian.”
Young Guardian just smiled. “Why, thank you, Lady Katherine.”
She hugged her friend’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s tell the guys the news,
so we can stop it from happening again.”
“What about the kits?” Katherine wondered as she was carted
“We’ll force Tiger and Celine to watch them.” Young Guardian
Katherine laughed, and Ariana was glad her best Companion friend
was back to normal.

After she was finished there, Young Guardian headed to the Ancient
Mystic Palace on her own.
“Are you sure you don’t want me there?” The Protector asked.
“Positive. I need to talk to O’Dell.” Young Guardian said. “You know,
Guardian stuff.”
With a kiss, he was gone, back to his own patrols.
Young Guardian pulled at the hanging bell, which rang the first bars
of Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet”.
O’Dell himself answered.
Before he could say anything, she let herself in and supplied. “I
come baring news, my Lord Guardian.”
“Is that so?” O’Dell asked. “So formal, Young Guardian.”
“Well, it is serious.” Young Guardian supplied with a grin. “I
suppose I should be professional about it.”
“Enchantra is visiting with the Grand Shamus.” O’Dell told her. “So,
it will be just you and me.”
“Good, because it’s Guardian business.” Young Guardian said,
taking a seat on his blankets. She felt them, remembering her duress.
“Why did I revert to my younger self when things got tough? I never did
that before.”
O’Dell sat on the blankets beside her. “Were you not overwhelmed
and overworked?”
Ariana nodded. “Only because I had to be both Young Guardian and
take your spot.”
“I admit to my own folly by neglecting my duties.” O’Dell said. “Why
did you not find me when you were straining and losing energy?”
She shrugged. “I figure I could handle it on my own.” She looked up
and saw his gentle silver eyes staring back at her. “I thought coming to
you would admit defeat. You’d find someone else to be your successor
because I was too weak for the job.”
“Ariana, my great-granddaughter, you are not weak.” O’Dell said,
smiling. “You ask help from the Crusaders when you are in need of it, why
not do the same with me? Or Enchantra? Or any of us? That is what we
are here for, Ariana Moon. To help when you need it most.”
He studied her. “Do you remember when I named you my
She nodded. “I gave birth to Kelly, the Enchanted Child. I’ve always
wondered why me, and not Grand Magus.”
“Because you are who you are.” O’Dell remarked. “A brave young
woman with magic in her blood and love in her heart. You grew up in hell,
but did not let it get you down. You stood up to adversity and fought it
head-on. I named you my successor because I knew, when the day was
done, you would be sure all were happy and content before yourself.”
“Luna’s the same way, isn’t she?”
O’Dell shook his head. “As you would say, not by a long shot.” He
supplied. “While you learned to trust your Empathy, she never did. She
feared it until the Ancients themselves intervened. The Forgetfulness Spell
she gave you when you were a young child only erased your memories of
having a family. It hurt her too much to feel your pain, so she mentally
broke the ties in both your minds that bonded you as twins.”
“So that’s why I always felt so alone.” Ariana surmised. “Not even
Aimee and Aaron could fully help me fill the void.” She was silent for a
moment, running a hand on the soft blankets. “I always knew someone
besides Katherine was in the back of my mind. It was Luna, wasn’t it?”
“An echo of her, aye.” He said. “The spell could never take that twin-
bond away from your soul.” He saw a tear drop from her cheek to her
hand. “Weep not for the past, for it is gone. Learn from it, and move on.”
Ariana sat up straight, wiping the tear away. “You’re right, O’Dell,
as always.” She smiled. “Now for my news.”
She told him all that had been happening in the Outer Realm, and
even from the Dream Realm. Some he already knew, and patiently
listened as she told her side of the stories.
“It is good you come to me now.” O’Dell supplied, nodding when she
was done. “If Orthos is going to escape permanent Exile, we have to find
out how he will do it. You say we have six more fighters to add to our
Crusader ranks?”
“Jammins already was a Crusader, and he’s now Earthly Protector
to Sarabeth’s elder twin daughter Julia.” Ariana explained. “He even came
up with a hand-held device he calls the Demon Indexer.”
“What of Julia’s daughter Tamara?” O’Dell asked. “Is she prepared
to fight?”
“If you mean are her powers strong enough, I’d say she was.”
Ariana said. “Her brother-boyfriend Charlie Reynolds is willing to fight,
too. As is Aaron’s new girlfriend Sierra Gregory and Aimee’s boyfriend
Scott Archer. You remember him, don’t you?”
“I remember him.” O’Dell smiled. “I was impressed by his antics.”
Ariana actually smiled back. “You were impressed by Scott? The
fumble-boy himself?”
“He has visited off and on for many years, even without you and the
twins to guide him.” O’Dell confessed. “He’s shown just how well of a
fighter he can be, if put up to the challenge.”
“That’s good to hear.” Ariana said. “I was afraid he hadn’t grown
out of that clumsy stage.”
“You were clumsy once too, if you recall.” O’Dell teased. “I remember
the first time you tried controlling telekinesis.”
“Oh no!” Ariana laughed, hiding her blushing cheeks from him. “Not
Mrs. Gertrude’s favorite vase! Did you have to remind me?”
“Anything to see that smile of yours, Young Guardian.” O’Dell
“I’ll bet.” Ariana smiled. It felt good to be able to relax around O’Dell
in his human-male form. It wasn’t often she wasn’t intimidated by it.
“Besides that, how are you and the Crusaders preparing for battle?”
“We’re learning our own specialties, whether it be Magic, fighting
styles, tactics, form, whatever we can brush up on to get ready.” Ariana
said. “Four more Earthly Protectors are learning their Golden Magicks, if
not as strong as Derrick and Shane’s. Sierra, or should I call her Airmed
Starchaser, is a Pagan, so she has her own power to help out, not to
mention she’s now a Protector herself.”
“Aye, I have seen that woman in action.” O’Dell said. “Something
tells me she hides behind the name, but does not realize why. I guess we
will learn more about her as time goes on, will we not?”
“I’ll keep an eye on her, if that’s what you mean.” Ariana said.
“We’re all basically brushing up on our skills as fighters. That’s all we can
do, right?”
“Until Orthos makes his move, aye. I am afraid so.” O’Dell said, then
thought of something and stood. “Young Guardian, have you patrolled
“Of course. I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t.” Ariana said. “My duties
come first.”
O’Dell was smiling, and she now wondered why. She followed him
outside, where he shifted to a Unicorn-Pegasus.
“How would you like a ride on my back?” O’Dell shook his mane at
her, making her laugh. “Just like old times?”
Ariana jumped on his back like a seasoned rider. Thanks to him,
she was one.
“We’ll race through the Dream Realm, wherever the wind may take
us!” Ariana cried as he took flight.
After all that had happened lately, it felt good to let go and relax.
Return of All Evils

Young Guardian and the rest of the Crusaders wouldn’t get to

relax for long. Orthos was planning his great escape. Until his queen
returned, he searched endlessly for the Ancient Spells that would release
him from his Unknown prison. When she told him who spoiled her own
plans, a name from long ago entered his mind.
That clan-name was the key to his escape. Why look in the Ancient
Wizards’ many books and scrolls? Why not search those of the Ancient
For the first time since being Exiled to the Unknown, Orthos was
It didn’t take long for him to find what he was looking for. His
release from this prison was just an incantation away.
There was just one problem with it. Where would he hide once
returning to the Dream Realm? He couldn’t go back to the Old Dominion.
O’Dell had given their brother Maximaniac that domain. Now it was
called the Grey Area. He couldn’t go back to the Kingdom, either. The
Castle stood tall, according to rumor, and O’Dell had given that
particular domain to their youngest brother Lord Byron.
He needed a place of his own to rule; that was apparent. He also
needed minions to do his dirty work. He wasn’t going to fight a war
himself! Were there still Dominionites in the Dream Realm, making
trouble for Dreamers? What about other enemies the pathetic Ancient
Mystics had? Could he be the only one?
He recalled the Wars for Power, and who fought beside him against
the Ancient Mystics and his brothers. Could he call the same forces of
evil back from hiding and convince them to do it all again? If the prices
were right, and the threat to evil high enough, even those who dwelled in
the Outer Realm at night would come to his call.
Once he had his plan fully formulated in his mind, Orthos called
for Damian, Shenara, Albrath and Gloriana. He knew Sabrina and her
small crew of Dominionites were still in the Dream Realm. All he had to
do now is call the incantation and join them.
Orthos grinned, knowing in his black heart all would go as
Before the next moon rose in the Outer Realm sky, he would win
the War of the Realms. He would win, and he would destroy any trace of
goodness left in any of the Realms of all the Worlds.

In the Outer Realm, the Ancient Mystics awoke from their
nightmares. Ariana Reading checked on her children, now unable to go
back to sleep. The house was quiet, for all that she heard was the soft
ticking of the Grandfather clock in the hall and the Grandmother clock in
the den. Standing at the kitchen window, she closed her eyes and sensed
each of her family members, seeing if they had the same nightmare.
Next door, Aimee and Aaron Schmidt woke up as well. Aimee was
in tears, frightened of her disturbing nightmare. She turned to Scott in
bed and snuggled in, hoping he’d protect her from another. Aaron was
scared, too, but determined. The time was near, and he could smell it. He
felt Sierra shaking in her sleep and wrapped his arm around her petite
body to calm her fears.
Across the street, Luna Morehouse gasped awake from the
terrifying vision. Her clairvoyance was in high-gear and she was wide
awake. Shane felt her stirring and pulled her closer without opening his
eyes. “Hey, I’ll protect you.” He whispered, kissing her ear. She knew he
was right, and snuggled back into his comforting arms.
Next door, both Tamara Jane and her mother Julia Lynne woke
from the same dream. A dream that, in their peaceful slumber, they
shared, watching turn to a horrible nightmare. Not knowing what to do,
they tried returning to the Dream Realm with the Chant. Hopefully,
someone there would have some answers.
Back at the Readings, Ariana opened her eyes and sighed. Their
rest and relaxation was over. If their nightmares told truth, Orthos was
on his way back to the Dream Realm. There was nothing more she could
do about it tonight, so she headed back to her bed to join her Protector
husband in pleasant slumber.
She hoped, with all their training and Magic studies, they would be
more than ready to face up to Orthos’ challenges.
War of the Realms

Part One:
Games Dominionites Play

Sabrina’s Misfit Warriors

Once calling the incantation, Orthos appeared back in the Dream

Realm’s Grey Area. Behind him were his queen, Gloriana, son Damian
and the Dark Ladies, Albrath and Shenara. He found the cave Sabrina
had used, complete with three of his old Warriors.
D’Kora stirred from her position once hearing footsteps. When she
saw who it was, she called to the others in her mind. She bowed in the
presence of her Master and his Queen.
Before she could utter a sound, Orthos growled. “Where is Sabrina?”
“The Maiden is gone, Mas-ss-ter.” Vino hissed from beside D’Kora.
Kasha nodded in agreement.
“I told you they were caught by Max.” Gloriana quipped.
“Enough!” Orthos roared, making her jump. He turned to the silent
banshee, Kasha. “Is there anywhere else we could go?”
Kasha managed a smile, nodding her head. There is a place, not far
from here. Lord Max calls it the Dark Area.
“Can either of you misfits lead us there?” Orthos folded his arms.
“Aye, Master, but –” D’Kora tried, but was interrupted.
“No buts.” The Master boomed. “Lead on. We have work to do.”
Not wanting to disobey their Lord Master, Kasha, D’Kora, and Vino
led the entourage out of the cave and into the depths of the Dark Area.
They saw a black castle already erected, and Orthos couldn’t have been
“There is something you should know, Master.” D’Kora stammered.
“Make it quick!” Orthos replied, staring at the Castle.
“There is already a Lord in that castle.” D’Kora supplied.
Orthos stopped the group in their tracks. “Each of my brothers
already have their own Castles. Who is this Lord?”
“His name is Bane.” D’Kora answered. “He calls himself the
Nightmare King.”
He and his minions haunt Dreamers’ minds, as you used to.
Kasha supplied after her.
Damian heard the thought and grinned. “So, he wishes to take your
place, does he, Father? Why not show him who still reigns this Realm?”
Orthos grinned at his son, sharing a look with the Merchant. “By all
means, why not?” He turned back to the three Dominionites. “Lead on,

“It’s worse than we first thought, isn’t it?” Derrick asked his wife a
day later.
Ariana could only nod and agree. “Orthos has indeed returned to
the Dream Realm.”
“Does Lord Guardian know?”
“I’m sure he does by now.” Ariana supplied. “After all, Orthos is his
twin, just as Luna is mine.”
Derrick sighed, holding her and kissing her forehead. “I wish I
didn’t have to leave you.”
“Go to work, Derrick James.” Ariana told him, nestling her head on
his chest. “We can’t put our lives in this world on hold because the
master of all evils has returned.”
This made Derrick chuckle lightly, hugging her. “When you put it
that way, Love, how can I refuse?”
“You can’t.” Ariana looked up and smiled at him. “Now go, before
you’re late.”
With one last kiss, he was out the door and on his way.
This left Ariana with the care of her two youngest children. Kelly,
Andrew, and Mark had already gone to school an hour before, which left
Melody and Theodore in her care. The live-in Caretaker Juliet still wasn’t
awake yet. Figuring on how much she helped with the children in the
past week, Ariana let her sleep.
As she was washing the morning dishes, she heard the door open
and slam shut. Sensing her twin as she walked in the kitchen, Ariana
didn’t bother to look up. “Will you be quiet? Juliet’s still sleeping, and so
are the kids.”
“Oh, sorry.” Luna whispered dramatically.
Ariana looked to her twin and smiled. “What’s up and where’s
“What’s up?” Luna replied sarcastically. “Nothing but Orthos’
return. As for Logan, Shane stayed home today, and they’re both
“Why did Shane stay home?” Ariana asked.
“He’s sick.”
“That’s weird.” Ariana gave her twin a look of suspicion. “Shane’s
never been sick a day in his life. What’s really up with him?”
“He wanted to work from home today.” Luna confessed. “Says he’s
too afraid to leave us alone.”
Ariana shook her head and smiled. “Derrick tried the same tactic,
but it didn’t work.” She said. “Orthos hasn’t done anything yet, so he has
no reason to be afraid.” Luna opened her mouth to say something, but
Ariana anticipated her words. Rolling her eyes, she said. “Yes, O’Dell
already knows, and I’m willing to bet he told the other Originators.”
Ariana sighed. “Besides, we can’t let him orchestrate our every move, you
“Yeah, I know.” Luna supplied. “What do we do until then?”
“What we’ve been trained to do.” Ariana said seriously. “Be aware
and ready for anything.”


In the Dream Realm, Panther Grey sat on the sidelines as he

watched the Canine Army train in the Practice Fields. His own daughter
Destiny was with them, paired with Tiger White-Snow, making two kits in
a canine army. It would seem Young Guardian’s vision was slowly coming
true. All Companions would fight together to fight a common foe.
Panther surveyed the field and saw Celine Stargazer sitting in a
tree, hiding from view. She seemed to be watching the training as well, a
sad look of longing on her half-canine, half-feline face. He searched the
Field for her father, Sire Wolf, finding him talking with his Page, Red Wolf
Jumping down from the wall he was perched on, Panther made his
way to Wolf’s side. “Heart-Brother!” He called, making both Sire and Page
“Panther.” Wolf smiled the greeting. “What can I do for you?”
“A word, if I may?” Panther eyed Red Wolf. “Alone?”
“Certainly.” Wolf looked to his Page, who nodded before shifting
form and returning to the training sessions. When the two were alone,
Wolf kept his grin. “What is on your mind, Heart-Brother?”
Panther wasn’t looking at Wolf. He was looking at Wolf’s daughter,
Celine. “Don’t you sense it, even from your own flesh and blood?”
Wolf finally looked where Panther’s attention was stirred. “She is
sad, I know.”
“Not just sad, Brother.” Panther supplied softly. “There’s something
“Celine hides in that tree constantly, watching as we train.” Wolf
shook his head. “She begs me to let her in the Canine Army.”
“There is a yearning in her heart for battle.” Panther supplied.
“She’s not blind to what’s going on, Wolf. Your girl is just as brave and
courageous as both her parents combined. Why don’t you let her train with
the canines?”
Wolf sighed. “I fear for her, Panther. I really do.”
“Why do you fear for her?” Panther looked to his Heart-Brother as
he asked the question. “Is it because she’s your own daughter, and you
her father? Or does it go deeper than that?”
It took a minute for Wolf to answer. “Celine has two kinds of
Companion Magic in her blood. The wolf and the Balinese, not to mention
her Ancient Mystic Magic. I fear for her lack of control over either one. Red
confided in me that she struggles with her identity as a bi-breed
“What does that tell you?”
“To heed Young Guardian’s orders.” Wolf said. “When Red Wolf
leaves for his Spirit Quest, she goes with him.”
“I’ve heard of Spirit Quests.” Panther supplied. “Aren’t they usually
taken alone?”
Wolf nodded. “Aye, but I believe they will help each other.”
Panther looked again at the young Princess Celine. She was now
talking with Red Wolf Moondancer himself. He could sense Celine was no
longer yearning just for battle, but for Red Wolf’s friendship. Could Wolf
sense it as well?
“I agree.” Panther said softly. “She’ll leave here a child, and come
back a woman. Maybe then you’ll be more than willing to let her fight in
the Army?”
Nodding his goodbye, Panther left then, returning to his perch on the
wall. Wolf Stargazer didn’t know what to think of his Heart-Brother’s
departing words.


Meanwhile, in the Dark Area, Master Orthos led his few Warriors
into the dark castle. Once a shadow-creature saw him, Orthos barked his
orders. “Take me to your lord.”
The shadow-creature stared, but nodded. It waved for them to
They reached a grand hall, complete with monarchs at their thrones.
Orthos grinned at the sight. The lord, dressed entirely in black, had black
hair and empty eyes. He exuded dark power, and Orthos could feel it. The
woman beside him exuded sex, and she knew it as well.
“What is the meaning of this?” The lord growled, stepping from his
throne and approaching them.
Whoever this was, Orthos was certain it wasn’t one of his old
The lord growled in Orthos’ face. “Explain yourselves!”
Are you going to let him speak to you like that? Damian sent to his
father’s mind.
Orthos stared at the new lord, smiling. Nay, he returned.
The lord didn’t like Orthos’ calm smile. “Who are you creatures?”
“I am the Master of this Realm, Orthos.” He supplied calmly.
“Behind me are my Queen, Gloriana, son Damian and Dark Ladies
Shenara and Albrath. The other three are mere Dominionites, and of no
concern to you. In fact,” Orthos turned to Kasha, D’Kora, and Vino, who
were cringing behind him. “Leave my sight. Wreak havoc elsewhere.”
“Should you have need of us, Lord Master.” D’Kora started.
Eyes glowing red in anger, Orthos commanded. “Go!”
Nodding, the three left, disappearing in gray mists of smoke.
With them gone, Orthos turned back to the new lord. “Now then,
where were we?”
The new lord simply smiled, impressed by him. “You were telling me
tales about yourself being Master of this Realm.”
“I was, and will be again.” Orthos said.
“Not if Lord Guardian has anything to say about it.” The woman
stepped down from her own throne, standing beside her lord. She put her
hand out for Orthos to kiss. He did so, with odd respect for the woman. He
heard Gloriana seething behind him as he did it, which made him smile.
“Who might you be, deceitful lady, to know of him, but not of me?”
Orthos asked.
“I am Queen of the Dark Area, MagDaliah, and this is my Lord
husband, Bane.” She introduced. Bane nodded his greeting, and she
continued. “We come from the very ashes that were left by the Dominion’s
“Based on your actions with your minions, I would say we have
much in common, and much more to discuss.” Lord Bane grinned.
“Perhaps you would join us for the feast?”
Soon enough, they were gathered at a long table, telling each other
tales of their exploits as Masters and Lords of evil.
“Tell me, Orthos. What were you Master of, really?” MagDaliah
“I was Master of the Dominion.” Orthos told her. “With my children
to lead them, I had many Dominionites at my command. We were sent to
the Realm of the Unknown by my brother O’Dell, whom you call Lord
Guardian. I return only to take back what is mine.”
“I know of you now, Orthos.” Bane grinned. “I have heard much
about you from my followers. It would seem they used to be those
Dominionites you spoke of.”
“It is confusing how only half of my Warrior Army chose to follow my
lead, while others stayed behind.” Orthos supplied. “It is good to know not
all Dominionites left here follow my younger brother, Maximaniac.”
At the name, Bane stood and slammed his fist on the table. “Lord
Maximaniac of the Shady Kingdom is your brother?”
“One of three, aye.” Orthos confirmed, keeping calm. “We used to be
on the same side, but he has a soft heart. He was the one to steal Jezebel
from me.”
“Jezebel is a good-for-naught Ancient Mystic.” MagDaliah supplied.
“She was your bride?”
“Back in the day, she, too, had a black heart.” Orthos told them.
“Now it would seem her heart is good.” He took Gloriana’s hand and
kissed it. “I have my Queen, therefore, I no longer need her.”
Bane sat down and nodded. “Of your brothers, you are the most
vile, I see.”
“That I am.” Orthos confirmed. “O’Dell is my twin, and my opposite.
I tried years ago to destroy him, but his own daughter by Enchantra
stopped me.”
“Enchantra.” Bane whispered under his breath. “The Originator
“The same.” Orthos supplied. “There were eight of us, myself
included. We were thrown from Outer Realm society when we were in
danger of persecution.”
“You each bare plenty of Ancient Magic in your bloods, do you not?”
Bane eyed Orthos with an evil, conniving grin. Orthos smiled back,
listening. “Yours being the darkest.” He paused. “Tell me, Orthos. Do you
have shelter from the cursed Ancient Mystics as you plan your revenge
against them?”
“Maximaniac stole what was left of my Dark Tower, and our
youngest brother Byron stole the Kingdom Castle from me.” Orthos told
him. “What are you suggesting, Bane?”
“I house you here, and we plan together.” Bane supplied. “Would
that be appropriate for the former Master Orthos of the Dominion and
“Indeed, it would be.” Orthos supplied. “You would consider
conquering this world by my side?”
Lord Bane of the Dark Area laughed. “It would be my pleasure!”
All coming to plan, Orthos thought as the two shook hands. Once I
defeat the Ancient Mystics and my brothers, I will reign this Realm; with
or without this Lord Bane.
Little did they know a woman disguised as a raven sat listening on
the windowsill. She heard every word, flying back to her tell her parents
what she learned.

“Looks like Orthos made his first move.” Luna told her husband as
they ate breakfast the next morning.
“First mistake, you mean.” Shane quipped with a yawn. “You’d
better tell me what and how you know, Sweetling.”
“I met up with Princess Isabella.” Luna said. “She was disguised as
a raven.”
“Lord Byron and Queen Challandra’s daughter?” Shane asked.
Luna nodded. “So, what did she tell you?”
Luna told him all that the Princess had overheard.
“That’s two more bad guys to add to our list.” Shane groaned.
“Lord Bane and his Queen, MagDaliah.” He paused, deep in thought for a
moment. “I’ll have Jammins add them to the Demon Indexer.”
There were moments of silence while they went on with their days.
Caleb and Meredith were long at school and Logan slept peacefully, for
once. Shane retreated to his study, locking himself in for hours at a time.
Luna, on the other hand, knew the war was coming up quickly,
and thought of her children. Who was going to watch them while the
Crusaders and their Protectors fled to the Dream Realm to fight?
Before the children came home that afternoon, Luna left her
youngest in his father’s care and headed across the street for answers.
After explaining the dilemma to her twin and almost-sister, she waited
for their responses. “So, what are we going to do about the kids?”
Ariana’s mind was deep in her own detective mode, and Luna
could tell she was thinking hard. “Good question.” She supplied
absently. “I’m sure we’ll think of something beforehand.”
“We’d better start thinking about it now.” Luna announced.
Aimee and Ariana shared a look. “Why now? He hasn’t done
anything, yet.”
“You’re the one who told us we should be aware at all times.” Luna
accused her twin with a frown. “I was only too aware when Princess
Isabella found me. I could tell she was in a hurry to go somewhere, but I
managed to stop her.”
“What did she say?” Ariana asked.
Luna relayed again what Isabella overheard. “Orthos has paired up
with Lord Bane, who calls himself the Nightmare King.”
“Lord Bane?” Ariana asked, confused. “Who’s that?”
“Apparently the new Lord of the Dark Area and Lord Max’s enemy.”
Luna supplied.
“Great.” Aimee sighed sarcastically. “Now what do we do?”
“Let me talk with Max and Byron.” Ariana said. “See what they
know about this new Lord Bane. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.”
“And until then?” Aimee asked.
“Until then, we live our normal lives as if nothing’s wrong.” Ariana
“We’ll tell the others, right?” Aimee asked.
“Of course; they’ll have to know, too.” Ariana said. “Other than
that, nothing’s wrong. Got it?”
“Got it.” Luna and Aimee chorused.
The Spirit Quest

In the Dream Realm’s Canine Valley, Chikité “Red Wolf”

Moondancer led the Princess Celine Stargazer deep into the Canine Forest
that surrounded the Valley. So deep, there were nearly no signs of
Companion or non-Companion life, and all was silent. The air chilled
around them, making Celine shiver.
“Where are we going, Page?” Celine managed to huff, following close
behind him.
“We will know when we get there, Princess.” Red Wolf supplied
simply, without stopping.
“I am cold, and tired.” Celine whined. “Can we not stop and rest for
the night?”
“We will stop when we get to where we are going, Princess.” Red
Wolf said.
“Can we at least stop calling each other by titles?” Celine asked. “I
hate being called Princess all the time.”
“As you wish, Princess.” Red Wolf said, finally stopping to smile at
her. “Celine.”
“Good.” Celine relaxed when she looked into his eyes. “What can I
call you?”
“For now, Red Wolf.” He remarked, turning and walking away.
“Keep walking, Celine. I can sense it is not far now.”
“I hope not.” Celine groaned. “My paws are aching and my pack is
getting heavy.”
Red Wolf couldn’t hold the laugh inside.
“You are laughing.” Celine grinned. “I have never heard you laugh
“It is not often I find reason to.” Red Wolf remarked.
“I kind of like it.” Celine told him. “It makes you seem
“If you like it, I will be sure to laugh for you every day.” Red Wolf
“Good.” Celine giggled. “What makes you laugh now, Red Wolf?”
“The innocence of youth.” He told her, stopping in his tracks again.
“We have gone far enough. Set your pack down and help me gather wood
for a decent fire.”
Together, they gathered wood for the fire, and rocks to place in a
circle. When he found decent-sized rocks and sticks, Red Wolf busied
himself with setting up the campfire.
His thoughts loomed from his work, which had become automatic
with time.
To think, he mused in his own mind. It was not far from here I
nearly lost my soul.
Before he could go deeper in memories, he sensed and heard the
Princess return.
Celine dropped the wood she’d been carrying to the ground before
collapsing next to it. “This is hard work.”
“Survival is often hard.” Red Wolf told her. He took sticks and bits of
wood from her pile, cris-crossing them inside the rock circle.
Celine could tell his mind was far from her, but stayed silent as she
watched him work.
He looked up after a moment. “How are you at hunting?”
“Fair enough, I think.” Celine shrugged. “Papa taught me to hunt
with arrow and sling-shot.”
“He did not teach you how to hunt as a wolf?” Red Wolf was
She shook her head. “I was too young to shift into wolf form.”
“Do you know how?” Red Wolf pressed.
She bit her lip. “Nay. Papa and Mama have not found the time to
teach me.”
“If they will not, I will.” Red Wolf grunted, standing. “Up, Celine.”
“No excuses. You are a wolf-cub, and will learn to shift to one.”
He spoke to her like a teacher, as he would with the Canine Army,
and not her friend. She obeyed, standing.
Maybe this is why you struggle within? Red Wolf’s internal question
didn’t require her to answer. He spoke aloud. “Have you ever shifted
She shook her head. “I have seen others, and yourself do it, but I
“You can and you will.” Red Wolf told her tenderly. “It is in you,
Celine Stargazer. You are your father’s daughter, a grand Timber Wolf.”
She watched him patiently, waiting. He knew she could shift, but
did she have the confidence?
“First, close your eyes and think of yourself as a wolf.” He
instructed, watching as she closed her eyes. Once he could sense the
change in her, he said. “Take hold of that image and become the wolf.”
She changed before his eyes, but not to what either expected. She
still had a feline’s face and tail. Her eyes were still closed when she asked
the question in wolf-speak. “Am I a wolf?”
“Close, Celine.” Red Wolf remarked, trying not to smile at the sight.
“Your face and tail are still a feline’s.”
Celine whined and he felt for her. “I knew I could not do it.”
“Nonsense.” Red Wolf said. He thought of his next words. “Try this.
Imagine your father’s full wolf-form. How does his snout look? What of his
tail? Make it your own.”
Red Wolf was patient as he waited. When he saw her full-wolf form
in front of him, he grinned, proud. He bent down to hug her neck and kiss
her snout. “You did it, Celine. Open your eyes now, and look at me.”
She turned her canine head to him. “Why am I seeing in grays?”
“Wolves do not see in color as felines and humans do.” Red Wolf
told her, standing. “To make up for it, we have brilliant senses of smell
and hearing.” Now it was his turn to shift to full-wolf form. “Ready to learn
how to hunt?”
Celine grinned in her wolf-form, wagging her tail excitedly. “You bet!
Lead the way!”
Together, they padded through the Forest, searching for non-
Companion animals to catch and eat. He taught her how to use her canine
instincts to hunt for food. It took her a while, but when she did, she was
He was proud of the young Princess. His heart warmed as they
hunted together. He never felt like this before. Could it be love, or was it
just obsession? If it was love, was he right to pursue her? After all, she
was only a child.
Ah well, Red Wolf grumbled in his mind in wolf-tongue. Back to the
After a while, he sensed a presence that wasn’t supposed to be
there. Fearing her safety, Red Wolf called for her to join him.
She padded to his side, panting. “What is it?”
Red Wolf’s canine-black eyes turned red, an the girl was silenced.
He turned back to the forest and changed his form. He was now full-
human male, with red eyes and sharp fangs and claws. It was enough to
scare her out of her wolf-form, frozen in place.
“Whoever is there, show yourselves.” He growled into the air.
A rustle came from the bushes as a snake slithered its way into
“Vino the Snake-demon.” Chikité snarled aloud, long fangs
exploding into his now-human mouth. “I knew it were you.”
The snake changed its form, becoming the snake-like male
Dominionite named Vino.
“Warrior Red Wolf.” Vino hissed, slithering his tongue. “The Master
will be glad to add you back to Warrior ranks-ss.”
The Master has returned! Chikité thought to himself, suddenly
afraid. His demeanor stayed calm on the outside.
“Unless you wish me to taste your blood, I suggest you leave us be.”
Chikité’s voice was soothing and hypnotic, but Vino wasn’t fooled.
“I see no one with you but the tabby-mutt child at your side.” Vino
laughed. “Nor do I see why I should leave.”
Chikité kept his hypnotic tone. “I am no longer a Warrior, Vino, even
if you are.” He said evenly. “You must be destroyed.”
Chikité attacked before Vino could say or do anything else. Pinning
him down with laser-sharp claws, he went straight for the jugular. Vino
couldn’t move as Chikité drained him of his life’s blood. When Chikité felt
Vino’s body lapse, he stopped drinking and ripped a hole in the
Dominionite’s neck before stepping back.
Without looking away from the snake-demon, Chikité raised his
hand and conjured a lightning-ball. “You are an inch from death, Vino.
There will be no more destruction from you.”
Vino stared at the ball of energy that flowed from Chikité’s hand
with wide eyes. He could scarcely speak, and choked out in a hoarse
whisper. “Finish me.”
Chikité’s eyes glowed red as he smiled. “Gladly.”
Aiming the lightning-ball at Vino’s body, Chikité willed it to strike.
Vino the snake-demon was gone, and all that was left of him was a pile of
Chikité heard a gasp from behind him, and remembered Celine was
still there. He shifted his form to half-wolf, half-human before approaching
her. When he saw the look of terror on the girl’s now-wolf-kit form, he
“Nay.” Celine whispered, shaking her head. Her entire body was
shaking and she was scared. “Do not touch me.”
There were tears in her eyes. “I can explain.”
“Stay away from me, you – you – Dominionite!” Celine gasped before
shifting to full wolf form and racing into the wood.
Red Wolf was at a loss. He turned back to the pile of ash that was
once Vino.
She should not have seen that. Red Wolf scolded himself. How
could I have lost control in front of the girl?
In his spot, he sat on the ground, shocked at his own behavior. The
first thing he thought of was his kind. Any Dweller-kin in the Dream Realm
would be able to help him. He willed his mind to silence and sent the call
to his kin.
I call to my Dweller-kin. Red Wolf called in his mind on a path all
kin-Clans shared. I am the Companion-Dweller Chikité Moondancer. Son
of Apprentice-kin Celeste and Companion-Dweller Chase. Hear my plea
for help. I lost control of my Dweller side in front of an Ancient Mystic-
Companion kit-wolf child. She now fears me. Can anyone tell me what I
can do to ease her mind without resorting to something she fears? I must
regain her faith and trust in me.
Red Wolf felt the tears fall to his hands, but ignored them. His mind
was silent but his own thoughts and the scene Celine had witnessed.
I hear your mind-call from afar, my donar. It was his mother’s
gentle tone that filled his mind with love and guidance. Do you speak of
Princess Celine Stargazer, Sire Wolfton’s daughter?
Aye, Matéré. He resorted to his old tongue in response. How could I
have been so careless? Tell me how I can redeem myself in the child’s
eyes. I beg of you, please.
A Dweller-kin never begs, Donar. Celeste replied softly. Have you
tried speaking with the Princess?
Nay. She will not let me near her. Red Wolf supplied. As I said, she
fears me.
She only fears what she saw. Celeste said. He could feel her
probing his mind for more, and let her. Tell me, Chikité. Do you care for
the girl?
Red Wolf’s heart skipped at the admission. Again, aye. She is
growing into a beautiful young woman before my very eyes. Her Pérat
and Matéré do not see, but I do.
Could you say you loved Celine? Celeste pressed gently. As a
Oh, Matéré. . . Red Wolf’s mind-voice wavered.
His answer was enough for her. Go to her, Chikité.
I cannot declare my love for her. Red Wolf sent. Not with Wolfton
Stargazer as her father.
I have no doubt she will be your Bondmate, in time. Celeste
supplied. Until she is ready, if you must keep it secret, do so. In the
meantime, she is waiting for you by the fire. Explain to her what she
saw, and what you are.
She will not understand about the Dweller side of me, Matéré. Red
Wolf replied.
While she is young yet, she is old enough to understand.
At that remark, Celeste Moondancer was gone from her son’s mind.
Red Wolf opened his eyes and took a deep breath, wiping the tears
from his eyes. As his mother predicted, Celine was sitting by the fire,
staring into it. He stood across from her, watching as she hugged her
He wanted so badly to touch her, and make her feel better again.
“Call me Princess.” Celine’s eyes never wavered from the fire, and
her voice was blank of all emotion.
“I owe you an explanation, Princess.” Red Wolf said. “I scared you,
and I am sorry.” She continued to stare into the fire, unmoving. “Even if
you do not listen, I must speak.”
He sat, staring into the fire as he gathered his own thoughts.
How could he explain something so harsh, so delicately?
“What I did was a terrible thing. I never should have let you see that
side of me. That side was the reason I needed to go on a Spirit Quest. It
has been so long since I acknowledged it, I forgot it was there. By
forgetting my kin-ties, I forgot who I was.” He took a long, deep breath,
steadying his voice so he could go on. “I am a Dweller-Companion. Part
Mountain-Wolf Companion, part Apprentice-kin Dweller. A Dweller is a
Hunter in the Outer Realm who rises with the night, hunting for both our
turned kin, who we call Stalkers, and to feed the Hunger for life-giving
human blood. I am unlike most Dwellers, for I am a Dream Realm
Companion as well. Back in the Dream Realm Wars, I was taken from my
kin-pack family to be a Dominionite Warrior.”
He looked up to see she was finally listening intently, her eyes on
him. The word “Warrior” had struck something in her mind, making her
look up at him. He continued his story. This time, with an audience and a
“While I was on night-watch with Wolf one night, I had an urge to
Hunt. I Hungered for human blood, and could not resist the Call. I sensed
something in the air and went to see what it was. Wolf followed, but not
close behind. I went on ahead once catching the scent of a male Dreamer. I
lured the Dreamer to me, putting him in a trance before I Fed on his life-
giving fluid. I was almost lost when I heard the wolf-song in the air.
Closing the marks I had made, I raised my voice to sing back the kill-song.
When Wolf found me, he asked what I was doing. I answered, ‘I
Hungered, so I Fed.’ Leaving the unconscious male Dreamer where he lay,
we went back to camp. I told him my secret, of who and what I was. Until
recently, the secret was kept from all.” Red Wolf stood, turning his back on
her. “I owe your father a great debt, Princess. He not only saved my life,
he saved my soul.”
She was silent behind him. He was too ashamed of himself, he
didn’t want her looking at him. She moved to stand beside him, linking a
hand in one of his own. He looked down at their joined hands, unable to
say a word. She was the first to speak.
He finally looked into her gentle eyes. She was smiling at him. She
wrapped her arms around his neck, and he bent down expectantly.
Without a thought, his arms moved around her waist. Three words
whispered from her mouth into his ear.
“I forgive you.”
Red Wolf met her eyes. “Princess.”
Celine smiled, touching a claw to his lips. “Call me Celine.”
He couldn’t help himself. He had to kiss her. He put all his love for
her into the kiss, and was grateful when she actually kissed him back.
When the kiss finally ended, Red Wolf hugged her close, breathing
into her ear. “Thank you, Celine, for listening and understanding.”
He released her so they could sit together by the fire. To his
surprise, she settled herself on his lap, resting her head on his chest. He
wrapped his arms around her and was silent. No thoughts or words
between them could convey their feelings.
“Tell me more about the Dwellers.” Celine whispered, snuggling into
his arms.
He kissed her hair. “Are you sure?” Red Wolf asked. He felt her nod
in the dark. “Dwellers are vampire-like Hunters in the Outer Realm. At
rest, when the sun rises there, we come here, to a Realm called the Dragon
Nations. When we rise with the night, we Hunt. Most Dwellers Hunt only
for the life-giving fluid of mortals. A Dweller can usually control the urges
of the kill within them, but some do not. Those who make their first kill are
turned for eternity, their soul lost. Those who turn are called Stalkers. A
Hunter hunts for these Stalkers, and destroys them on site.”
“How are you in the Dream Realm, if you live in the Outer Realm?”
Celine asked.
“I was taken from the kin-Clans when I was barely old enough to
know what I was. I was never given the chance to go to the Dragon
Nations at rest. I was not given the choice my kin were, to exist in both
worlds.” Red Wolf said sadly. “I was not given the knowledge or the
teachings of the kin-Clans until the Wars were over, and my kin-pack
family was reunited.”
He felt her steady breathing on his chest, telling him she was
asleep. He picked her up and put her in her own bedroll across from the
He kissed her head. “Rest peacefully, Bondmate.”
He lay on his own bedroll, staring into the night sky. He would not
Rest this night, only watch over Celine in silence. They shared this Spirit
Quest, and helped each other with inner-demons that threatened their
If only in this, were they Bonded.
Story: #1:
Sabrina’s Confession

After she patrolled, Young Guardian had something else on her

mind. The Protector went with her, wondering what she was thinking. He
noticed they flew over the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom, and immediately
knew what drove her there. They were going to ask Lord Max what he
knew about his enemy Lord Bane, Nightmare King of the Dark Area.

They touched down in front of the Castle’s gate. At it stood two

guards, who let them in once seeing who they were. The Protector followed
his Young Guardian love as she marched into the Main Throne Room in
her Fighter’s Gear. She only stopped when she met up with Lord
Maximaniac himself, who was sitting at his throne. The Protector knelt to
him as she did.
“My Lord Maximaniac, if I may have a word with you in private?”
Young Guardian asked, not looking at the Lord of the Grey Area’s Shady
“Just when I was having a nice rest.” Maximaniac muttered under
his breath with a sigh. He stepped down and stood above them. “Very
well, Young Guardian. Protector. You may rise, and have your word.”
Both Young Guardian and the Protector rose.
“Now then, why so formal?” Lord Maximaniac wondered, curious as
he searched their faces.
“Urgent business, my Lord Maximaniac.” The Protector supplied,
looking to his mate.
“We were wondering what you knew about the Dark Area’s Lord
Bane.” Young Guardian said.
“Why would you have need of such a thing?” Lord Max asked. “He
is no concern of yours.”
“We have reason to believe he’s in league with Orthos.” The
Protector announced.
“Impossible.” Lord Max breathed. “Orthos is in the Unknown, Exiled
by powerful Ancient spells. Spells, I might add, not even he could break.”
Young Guardian shook her head. “Not anymore.” She said. “I don’t
know how he returned, but Orthos is back. He met up with Lord Bane, and
now, they’re out to rule the Dream Realm together.”
“I happen to know for a fact your patrols never take you anywhere
near the Dark Area.” Lord Max pointed out. “How do you know this?”
“Why not ask you niece, Lord Byron’s daughter Isabella?” Young
Guardian continued. “After all, she was the one to overhear the
conversation between them.”
Lord Max’s silver eyes darkened in thought. Neither said a word
until he looked over their shoulders. Young Guardian and the Protector
turned to see Queen Jezebel’s grim face. They shared a look when they
saw Sabrina with her, arms wrapped around an archaic book.
Queen Jezebel’s hands were on her daughter’s shoulders. “My Lord
husband. I found her hiding with your Spell-Book.”
Sabrina’s eyes never met Lord Max’s when he glared at her. If
Young Guardian didn’t know any better, she would say her old nemesis
looked sincerely apologetic!
“Before you speak, perhaps you should listen.” Jezebel continued,
pushing Sabrina toward Lord Max. “Go ahead, daughter.”
Sabrina knelt in front of him, thrusting his own Spell-Book at him.
“My deepest apologies, Lord Maximaniac.” Sabrina’s voice wavered, tears
streaming from her eyes. “I was under Father’s orders. I did not want to
do it!”
“How do I know it is not just a ruse, niece?” Maximaniac countered,
taking the book from her hands and making it disappear. “How do I know
you are telling me truth, when you have lived a life based on lies and
“You have to believe me, Lord Maximaniac!” Sabrina cried, shaking
her head. “If I never tell you the truth again, let this be the one time I do!”
“Tell me why I should believe you.” Lord Max demanded.
“I can sense it, Lord Max.” Young Guardian spoke up, surprising
them all. “Sabrina’s sincere this time. She’s seen what damage she’s
caused others, and wishes for redemption.”
Lord Max was curious. “You, of all people, speaking up for her? Why
Young Guardian shrugged, looking to the still-knelt Sabrina. “I have
a feeling something frightened her into changing.”
Sabrina nodded. “Aye, my Lord. Young Guardian is right.” She said.
“Father wanted me to get that book back from you so he could return here
and destroy the Dream Realm.”
“Turns out, he didn’t need it.” The Protector quipped.
“What do you mean, he did not need it?” Jezebel asked, shocked
and afraid. “Has he returned somehow?”
Young Guardian and the Protector told them what Isabella
Lord Maximaniac looked forlorn. He looked to Sabrina, still knelt at
his feet. “Rise, Sabrina, and return to Cyrix in the tower. Consider yourself
“Thank you, Lord Maximaniac.” Sabrina stood, nodding as she
Jezebel sighed, disappearing as well.
This left Lord Maximaniac with Young Guardian and the Protector.
“Now will you tell us what you know about Lord Bane?” Young
Guardian dared to grin.
Lord Max looked sheepish. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“We have to.” The Protector announced, nodding. “Once step ahead
of your enemies and all that, right?”
Lord Max sighed. “Let me begin with what I do know.” He supplied.
“Lord Bane is ruler of the Dark Area. His consort and Queen’s name is
MagDaliah. Bane calls himself the Nightmare King, behaving as Orthos
used to before his Exile. As far as anyone in this Realm knows, his
followers used to be Orthos’ own Dominionites.”
“I thought all Dominionites either went with Orthos or came to you
for rehabilitation?” The Protector was confused.
“The Dominionites in the Dark Area are lost souls; their minds too
fuddled from Damian’s tricks to return on their own once the Dominion
Wall fell.” Max explained. “They depended so much on Orthos to lead them
that they were lost in the shuffle. Now, they listen to Lord Bane’s
“No hope for their return to our side, huh?” The Protector asked.
Lord Max shook his head.
“Is that all you know about him?” Young Guardian wondered. “Do
you even know where they came from? Why we’ve never heard of them
until long after the Crusades? Why he would want to join forces with
“Ah, the last query I do know the answer to.” Lord Max replied with
a nod. “Also like Orthos, he wishes to rule more than just a fraction of the
Dream Realm. No one knows where he and MagDaliah came from, nor
what kind of destructive forces he uses on his enemies. All we know is
what I told you.”
The Protector sighed. “Thank you, Lord Max. I’m sure what you told
us will be useful.” He turned to Young Guardian. “Come on, Love. Let’s go
home and tell the others.”
Young Guardian was in a half-trance, but nodded her farewell to
Lord Max before she let her husband lead her away from the Grey Area.


Red Wolf rose with the morning sun, cleaning up their camp as
Celine slept. He allowed her to rest, considering what they went through
the night before. He finished cleaning up before too long, and made sure
not to leave any evidence of their presence – and Vino’s destruction –
behind. Now he sat not far from her, waiting for her to rise.
How beautiful she has become! Red Wolf grinned to himself, his
heart warming at the sight of her. To think, she will be my Bondmate in
time. Though I know it will not be easy to claim her; not with Wolf as her
father. Katherine will approve, once she sees the love we have for one
another. Already, I can feel the love I have for her growing with each
passing day.
Red Wolf shook his head, staring at her sleeping form. Am I
deserving of such a wonderful, loving Bondmate? After all I have done to
nearly destroy this world? After I almost destroyed her fragile mind?
He sighed, now thinking of his Dweller side. I must learn to control
the Dweller side of me, before I lose my soul. Wolf will not always be
there to stop me from the kill of the Hunt. Even a newly-made
Companion like Panther Grey could sense it was taking over me at times.
What about Vino last night? What triggered that side of me to come out?
Why now?
His mind riddled with thoughts, then a realization. Could the
Master have returned? Vino implied it, but could it be true? If so, does
anyone else know? Is the Master’s return the reason Wolf has worked the
Canine Army so hard, and Young Guardian herself is disturbed? Is that
the real reason I attacked Vino without a thought? Because I sensed his
words rung true?
That’s it, he thought to himself, standing. No more games. Now is
the time for reinforcements, before the Master has a chance to attack.
“Princess, wake up.” Red Wolf called to her, picking up his pack and
setting it on his back. “There is much work to be done.”
Celine Stargazer woke up slowly, seeing the serious look in his
eyes. “What is it, Red Wolf? What’s wrong?”
“Do you remember anything of what happened last night?” Red Wolf
asked as he watched her gather her things.
Celine shuddered. “Aye, I do.” She then smiled. “I was scared, and
you comforted me, telling me about the Dwellers.”
“You understand what I did was unforgivable?” Red Wolf asked,
watching her gentle eyes.
“You destroyed an evil Dominionite.” Celine supplied. “What is
wrong with that?”
“Nothing except the way I destroyed him.” Red Wolf supplied. “I
should not have let you see that. I am surprised you let me touch you after
witnessing the scene.”
Celine wrapped a hand in his. “I forgave you, did I not? Let us leave
it at that.”
Red Wolf raised their entwined hands to his lips, kissing hers. “I am
afraid we cannot, Princess.”
“Celine.” She said, smiling at him. “When we are alone, call me
Red Wolf smiled, then frowned, shaking his head. “I fear Vino was
correct, Celine.” He said, walking along the trail. “The Master has returned
to the Dream Realm.”
“I am not stupid, nor am I a child.” Celine supplied. “I know why
Papa runs the Army near-ragged. I can sense the evil lurking in the Canine
Valley and beyond.”
Red Wolf looked at her. “I never thought you were stupid or a child. I
always knew your Ancient Mystic senses, combined with those of the wolf
and the Balinese, told you things. I also know you wish to use your mixed-
Companion Magic to fight with us.”
“I can wish all I want, Red Wolf, but Papa denies me training with
the Army.” Celine said. “I do not wish to sit on the sidelines while my own
cousin and best friends fight in a war!”
“Believe me, Celine, I understand.” Red Wolf laughed. “Maybe by
the time we return to Stargazer Castle Wolf would have changed his
Celine grinned hopefully. “You really believe so?”
“What are we waiting for!” Celine cried, laughing. “Let’s go home!”
“Nay, not yet.” Red Wolf seized both her hands in his own to stop
her from racing ahead of him. “We must first visit my kin-Clans, and tell
my own parents about the Master’s return.”
Celine’s smiling face turned serious, and she nodded. He released
one of her hands led her to the last place he’d seen his mother and father.
Just like their hideaway in the Underground, their new home was a
hidden cave. Red Wolf knew where to look by following their scent in the
air. At first sight, it was a peaceful part of the Forgotten Forest. Red Wolf,
and others like him, knew better. There were creatures of every kind
imaginable hiding in its trees, its bushes, even in its ground. Scents of
every kind were there, too, almost overwhelming his canine snout. He
focused on the scents he recognized as Chase and Celeste Moondancer.
Without warning, Chase Moondancer came from hiding to face his
son. “You have returned home, Donar, and brought the Princess Celine
Stargazer with you.” Chase bowed to Celine, who smiled as she bowed
back. “What do I owe this rare honor?”
“The Master has returned.” Red Wolf supplied seriously. “I fear for
us all, Pérat.”
“Ah, so you do remember the Ancient Wolf Tongue?” Chase grinned.
“Come inside, Donar. Princess. Let us tell your Matéré what you told me.”
Red Wolf sat beside Celine on soft blankets in a corner of the hidden
cave while Chase left to find Celeste.
“What do those words mean?” Celine asked.
“Like he said, it is Ancient Wolf Tongue.” Red Wolf told her. “‘Matéré’
means ‘mother,’ ‘Pérat’ means ‘father,’ and ‘Donar’ means ‘son.’”
“Is there a word for ‘daughter’?” Celine asked.
Red Wolf thought for a moment. “I believe it is ‘Donan.’ ‘Satil’ is for
‘brother,’ and ‘Sita’ is for ‘sister.’” He explained. “I could teach you Wolf
Tongue if you want to learn it.”
Celine nodded, grinning. “I would love it, Chikité.”
Red Wolf kissed her lips tenderly. “I get angry at others calling me
my kin-Clan-name, but I could never be angry with you.” He said, hugging
her. “I adore hearing it from your lips, but only when we are alone, is that
Celine nodded again, blushing.
“I hope we are not interrupting anything, Chikité?” Celeste
Moondancer’s teasing voice laughed. When he looked up, he saw the
knowing grin on his mother’s face.
“We were just talking, Madam Moondancer.” Celine defended,
sharing a smile with Red Wolf.
“I was only teasing, Princess.” Celeste responded, taking a seat
across from her. Chase sat next to Celeste.
“Please, call me Celine.” The Princess grinned. “After all, that is my
given name.”
“Then I am Celeste, and my Bondmate is Chase.” Celeste replied.
She turned to her son, her Donar. “I hear the Master has returned.”
Red Wolf nodded, confirming the rumor. “Do you remember the
Dominionite Vino?”
“The Snake-like demon?” Chase supplied. “How can I forget? He
almost took our entire set by surprise attack.”
“He was the one I destroyed last night.” Red Wolf said.
Celeste held her breath, remembering their mental conversation and
Red Wolf’s mind-call for help. She already knew the story, according to her
son’s thoughts.
“Why have you come, Chikité?” Chase asked, once seeing his
Bondmate was frozen in thoughts.
“I want you to gather the kin-Clans.” Red Wolf said.
“They will not fight in another senseless Dream Realm war.” Chase
remarked. “Not unless their own kind was involved.”
“Am I not their own kind, Pérat?” Red Wolf countered. “And what of
Cherokee? Is she not Dweller-kin as well?”
“Of course,” Celeste started. “She is your Sita, and my Donan.
According to the Dweller-kin Clans, she is one of us.”
“If she were in battle, would they not fight along side her?” Red Wolf
angered. “Will they not fight by my side, or your own?”
“Aye, of course, but it is not up to them.” Chase put in. “It’s up to
Lord Guardian. Even if the kin-Clans were to enter the Dream Realm
instead of the Dragon Nations, it would still be up to Lord Guardian to let
them stay.”
“Chikité,” Celine’s tiny voice purr-whined, her eyes closed. A
shadow of a tear collected at the corner of her eye when he looked to her.
Red Wolf felt for her and calmed. He laced an arm around her
shoulders and kissed her temple. “All this talk is upsetting her.” He replied
softly, then looked up. “So you say I should seek Lord Guardian before the
kin-Clans can fight?”
Chase and Celeste nodded.
Red Wolf sighed. “What about the other Elder Companions, then?
Will they be willing to return to battle, if called?”
“All we can do is try, Donar.” Celeste supplied. “That is the least we
can do for now.”
“Agreed.” Chase said after her.
Red Wolf stood, helping Celine to stand. “For now, we must be
going. We are still on our Spirit Quest.”
Celeste hugged him. “I wish you pleasant journeys, Donar.”
“And I, you, Matéré.” Red Wolf whispered in her ear. He dared show
affection to his hard father Chase, hugging him as well. “Pérat.”
With the words, they were gone, once again disappearing into the
Canine Valley’s Forgotten Forest. They returned to Stargazer Castle once
they believed the Spirit Quest was over.
As they neared the Castle, but still out of sight of anyone who might
be watching the Wood, Red Wolf kissed her one last time.
“Remember what I said, Princess.” He supplied softly. “Our given
names only when we are alone.”
“I will not forget, Page Red Wolf.” Celine grinned, winking. “You can
count on me. Now, tell Papa – I mean, Pérat – what happened, and leave
me to my duties.”
Red Wolf winked back, bowing to her so she smiled. “As you wish,
Princess Celine.”
Story: #2:
Chaos for the Crusaders

Back in the Outer Realm, Ariana and Derrick gathered the rest of
the Crusaders; Luna, Shane, Jamie, Aaron and Aimee. Of course,
Charlie, Julie, TJ, Scott and Sierra had to join in; it was their fight, too.
Leaving all the children with Juliet, Bradley and Kelly, the Crusaders
gathered in the Morehouse’s backyard. Once their unofficial leaders
explained what they learned from Lord Maximaniac, and Luna told the
rest of them what Isabella overheard, they all agreed on one thing.
“We’re doomed.” Aimee groaned. “Now what do we do?”
“We can’t give up, I’ll tell you that.” Ariana frowned at her almost-
sister. She looked at Jamie. “Jammins, did you add Bane and MagDaliah
to the Demon Indexer?”
Jamie tapped the Demon Indexer in his hands. “Got it, Sister.”
“Hey, I thought we agreed, no more codenames?” Julie asked him.
“Sorry,” Jamie said. “Force of habit.”
“We’ve had those codenames for a major portion of our lives,
Julie.” Shane spoke up.
“It’s not easy to forget who we were.” Luna put in.
“Those codenames shaped us into different people.” Derrick
Julie put her hands in the air. “Okay, I give!”
Jamie laughed, kissing her.
“Back to the subject, do either of you know anything that might
help us in battle?” Ariana folded her arms and surveyed her Crusader
Derrick could tell she was in her “Young Guardian” mode, ready to
take on the world all by herself if she had to. “Love, will you relax
already?” He asked. “We’re all on the same side, in the same world, no
less. You don’t have to act like the Young Guardian here.”
“If it forces you to focus, I will be Young Guardian.” Ariana told
Aaron sensed the same thing Derrick had. “Maybe this’ll help?” He
supplied to Derrick before turning to Ariana. “We work together, as a
team. You don’t have to do everything all by yourself.”
“Yeah, Ariana.” Aimee nodded after her twin. “You’ve got us.”
“You don’t want a repeat of what happened last time you took on
too much.” Sierra chipped in, taking Aaron’s hand. “It took most of
everybody’s energy to get you back to normal. We might not have that
should there be a next time.”
“At least some of us have a clue.” TJ spoke up sarcastically.
Ariana sighed, giving up and sitting next to Derrick. “Being the
Young Guardian is a force of habit for me, just like codenames.” She
looked at the group, guilty. “I guess with Orthos’ return, I kind of got
carried away.”
“Kind of?” Scott teased. Aimee nudged him.
Derrick wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her. “That’s
what we’re here for, Love. To force you to see when you’re on the verge of
an overload.”
“You’ve got all of us on your side, Ariana, don’t ever forget that.”
Shane said seriously. “You wouldn’t want to see either of us pushing
ourselves too far, would you?”
Ariana looked to her brother-in-law and shook her head. “Okay,
I’m convinced. No more taking on more than I can handle.”
Derrick squeezed her waist, sharing a knowing look. He winked.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way, what’s the game plan,
folks?” Scott asked.
“Until they make their first move, there’s nothing we can do but
keep aware.” Jamie told him.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea.” Julie supplied. “There are a lot of places in
the Dream Realm, right?” The group agreed, nodding. “Well, why don’t we
pair up, take an area at night and watch over it?”
Shane grinned. “I like your style, Julie.”
“What about my patrols?” Ariana asked. “I can’t do both; it’ll burn
me out quicker than a lit tea candle.”
“That’s what we’re here for.” Luna smiled at her twin. “You can be
your Young Guardian self and patrol with the Protector while the rest of
us keep watch.”
“We’ll meet up before heading home and report back to you.” Jamie
Ariana looked around her. “Do you really think it’ll work?”
“Have we ever steered you wrong?” Shane supplied.
“I guess not.” Ariana said.
“You know, eventually, we’ll have to be there in our physical
forms.” Aimee remarked. “All of us. That leaves the kids here alone.
Where are they going to go while the Dream Realm is at war and we’re
fighting in it?”
“I told you, don’t worry.” Ariana said. “We’ll think of something,
“In the meantime, we keep alert in the Dream Realm.” Charlie said.
All eyes were on him. He was usually quiet, listening instead of talking,
so this was a first for him. “In this world, we live our lives, going over
different fighting styles and tactics so we’ll be prepared.”
TJ stared at him. “You really want to fight with us, don’t you?”
Charlie nodded. “The Dream Realm is your world too, Teej. I can’t
let it be destroyed.”
“It won’t be.” Luna said. “Not with the all-powerful Ancient Mystics
and Crusaders there to defend it.”
Not all of us are Crusaders, you know.” Scott supplied. “I know I’m
“Neither am I.” Julie supplied, with TJ, Charlie, and Sierra
chorusing after her.
“How do you become a Crusader, anyway?” Sierra asked.
“By taking the Oath and receiving a Dream Locket.” Jamie
“We’ve got Dream Lockets.” TJ showed him. Jamie looked at Julie,
Charlie, Scott and Sierra. “Now what’s the Oath?”
“And who will give it?” Shane asked.
“Who better than two First-Generation Dream Realm Crusaders?”
Jamie looked to Shane as he stood. “Care to give me a hand, Shadow?”
Shane grinned, standing beside his old friend. “Not a problem,
Jammins.” He turned to the group. “Julia, Tamara, Charlie, Scott and
Sierra. Kindly come over and stand before us.”
Looking thoroughly confused, they obeyed.
“Now we need an Elder to witness.” Shadow told Jammins, who
nodded, looking to Ariana. “Young Guardian, if you please?”
Nodding, she put her “Young Guardian” face on and stared at the
group in front of her.
“Now, holding the Dream Locket in one hand, raise your other
hand and repeat each line after us.” Jammins instructed seriously.

“This bond of truth cannot be spoken.

“What is between us remains unbroken.
“I take this Oath as a Dream Realm Crusader,
“With Young Guardian as my witness, to
“Trust in one another,
“Have faith in myself and my mission,
“Bring hope to those with naught,
“Fight with honor and justice,
“Help those in need, whenever deemed,
“Fight only the enemy, fairly and justly,
“Never turning my back on my life’s mission,
“To maintain peace in the Dream Realm,
“And All the Realms in All the Worlds,
“From this moment on, until eternity.”

After they repeated to the last word, Shadow announced. “You are
now Dream Realm Crusaders. Welcome to your destiny.” He turned to
Ariana. “Thank you, Young Guardian; that’ll be all.”
As a surprise to him, she relaxed and smiled, sticking her tongue
The entire group of Dream Realm Crusaders went their separate
ways and back to their lives, each wondering what the night was going to


They all met up in the Canine Valley, where Young Guardian and
the Protector sent them on their own patrols of the Dream Realm. Grand
Magus and the Shadow went straight to the Ancient Mystic Kingdom, to
see what Lord Byron and Queen Challandra knew, since Young Guardian
hadn’t had the time to do it herself. Airmed Starchaser, Sierra, followed
the Unicorn to the Forgotten Forest so they could learn more of their special
kinds of magic. Amethyst took Scott flying, showing off what she learned
of her Unicorn Magic. He showed her just what he’d done to impress Lord
Guardian. Jammins and Julie, along with TJ and Charlie, went to the
Feline Palace to visit old friends.
This left the Grey Area and the rest of the Ancient Mystic Province
unguarded. Young Guardian and the Protector were too busy patrolling
what was left to think of anything else.
Orthos and Bane couldn’t have been happier.


Hidden in the Province Wood was Braken Joel Hawk and his Elder
Companion mate, Nikita White-Snow. Braken Joel was the one to have the
vision of his Uncle Orthos and the Nightmare King, startling him out of the
peaceful bliss he now called his life.
Braken Joel leaned against an Elder tree, staring at the
mesmerizing waters of the river in front of him. It put him in a trance, his
thoughts focused on the vision he saw and didn’t like.
He worried for his true father, Lord Guardian O’Dell. Would O’Dell’s
successor, Braken Joel’s own competition for Guardianship, know what to
do? If she did, would she be able to do it before O’Dell was destroyed?
After seeing her in action with the Elders in the Underground, he
had faith in the Young Guardian. She was a strong Ancient Mystic, even if
she was Earthbound. She wouldn’t let O’Dell die too soon.
That faith didn’t stop Joel from worrying. He knew what Orthos was
up to, and how he worked. Unfortunately, he knew nothing about the
Nightmare King. Nothing, that is, except he was like an ugly clone of the
former Master when it came to haunting Dreamers’ minds.
He heard Nikita’s purr, and felt her soft touch to his feline ear.
“What bothers you, Joel?”
“I had a vision.” Joel said simply, taking her hand in his own and
kissing it. His eyes never wavered from the river. Instead of telling her the
vision he let his mate see it in her mind.
“Soon, we make our first move.” The Nightmare King announced.
He and Orthos were alone in this part of the Dark Area’s Castle, plotting
their revenge on the Ancient Mystics.
“What do you suggest?” Orthos asked. He wanted to see what Bane
was capable of before initiating an attack of his own.
Bane grinned mischievously. “Bringing together the worst
creatures known to this Realm and having them attack the innocent
“They are all innocent, in their own ways.”
“Not the Ancient Mystics, Orthos, their Protectors.” Bane supplied
with a knowing grin. “For they are the weak and innocent links to the
Ancient Mystics’ final destruction. Get the Protectors, you get the Ancient
Mystics themselves.”
It sounded good in theory, but Orthos knew it wouldn’t work. He
shook his head. “They are too strong a force. You do not know them as I
do. They will be hard to beat.”
“Together, aye, maybe they will, but separate them and who
knows?” Bane asked. He waited as Orthos stared into space, in thought.
“While these creatures are dealing with the Ancient Mystics and their
Protectors, you will be free to destroy your brothers.”
Orthos’ firm lips turned upward, a low laugh was heard.

That laugh was the last thing Nikita heard or saw before the vision
disappeared, returning her attentions to Braken Joel. She shook, suddenly
afraid, and Joel took her in his arms, kissing the fears away.
“Not to worry, my pet.” Joel supplied. “Uncle was right. We are a
strong force, and hard to beat. Father and Young Guardian will do what
they must to stop them in time.”
Nikita wiped a tear from her eyes with a claw. “Be that as it may, I
must see my brother in the Feline Village, and warn him.”
Joel agreed and they stood together. “Aye, my younger sister
Kitten’s Claw as well. See what the younger Companions know of this.”
On that, they disappeared.


Red Wolf thought of that he was going to say to Sire Wolf as he

returned to his tiny suite in Stargazer Castle. He bathed and dressed in
battle-gear before searching for his old Warrior friend. Looking out the
window before descending the stairs, he saw the Protector correcting
Destiny Grey’s gripping on her chosen weapon, the longbow. Tiger White-
Snow was with them. That meant Young Guardian was there as well.
Red Wolf found Wolf in a near-secluded spot away from the Army’s
training sessions. Young Guardian was deep in conversation with him, not
far from her Protector husband. By the look on their faces, Red Wolf
guessed she wasn’t here for a pleasure visit.
“So, you know of the Master’s return, Young Guardian?” Red Wolf
announced as he approached them.
“I’m afraid so, Red Wolf.” Young Guardian confirmed. “All the
Ancient Mystics know.”
“You were away. How did you find out?” Wolf asked him.
Red Wolf explained what happened deep in the Canine Forest, and
told his old friend what he did about it. He conveniently left out the parts
about Celine being his Bonded, and his feelings for her.
“The Dweller kin-Clans might not agree to help.” Young Guardian
said. “Not unless Orthos decides to call on the Stalkers again, attacking
their own kind.”
“Like myself and Cherokee. We will at least have the Elder
Companions.” Red Wolf admonished. “Matéré did agree to seek their aid.”
“The Elder Companions won’t listen to anyone but the Originators,
Braken Joel, and Laurynne Silver-Hawk.” Young Guardian said. “If we
can get them to see the danger, maybe they’ll join us?”
“Maybe.” Wolf put in. “Onto other things. How was your combined
Spirit Quest, besides Vino?”
“We worked hard, but it was well worth it.” Red Wolf smiled. “The
Princess has learned how to harness both sides of her Companion Magic,
and is now adept at shifting to either form.”
“Even Ancient Mystic form, like a human?” Wolf asked.
“Aye, Sire.” Red Wolf nodded. “Although those powers I leave in the
capable hands of Lady Katherine to teach her.”
“What about you?” Young Guardian asked softly, searching his
eyes. “Have you gotten hold of your Dweller side, and what triggers it?”
“You will be glad to know I have myself in full control.” Red Wolf
said aloud.
Should I sense myself turning, all I have to do is think of Celine’s
smiling kit-wolf face and I am in control once again. He added silently,
closing himself so Young Guardian wouldn’t hear his thoughts. It will be
hard keeping our near-Bonding a secret, especially from Wolf himself.
“Red?” Young Guardian could see he was lost in thought. Once he
shook his head and nodded he was listening, she went on. “Your Sire was
talking to you. Didn’t you hear him?”
“Sorry, Sire.” Red Wolf said. “What did you say?”
“I was asking if my daughter was in control of her mixed Companion
Magic enough to continue training.” Wolf supplied. “Do you believe she is
ready to join the Army, spirit-wise?”
“She is your daughter, Sire.” Red Wolf supplied. “A strong-willed,
loyal, adept huntress as a wolf and a cunning strategist as a feline. If you
want my honest opinion; not as your Page, but as your friend and a fellow
Warrior, I would say she is more than ready. She has been long before we
ever went on our Spirit Quest.”
Wolf grunted. “I thought as much. Even Panther saw it, and agrees
with you.” He supplied. “Red, see she is trained properly.”
Red Wolf nodded his head. “Aye, Sire. She will be a valuable asset
to both the Canine Army and in the upcoming war.”
Wolf excused him then, returning to his conversation with Young
Red Wolf shifted to his full-wolf form with a lighthearted howl,
racing to find Celine and tell her the good news.
Story: #3:
Protectors’ Secrets

Sierra Gregory, naming herself Airmed Starchaser in the Dream

Realm, was lost. Somewhere along the line, she’d lost the Unicorn, and
was scared.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, not even bothering to
take flight as she usually would. The adrenaline in her system flowed, the
tears burning her eyes as they escaped down her cheeks. Her hair blew in
her face and around her body. She didn’t know where in the Dream Realm
she was going, only where she’d been. There were questions in her mind,
and a steady beating to her heart. She was afraid of herself.
When Airmed brought the “Winds of Disruption” to her call, she
didn’t know what to expect. It was just an experiment, protecting her new
love from an awesome enemy. She’d called on magic she didn’t know she
had, and was told by the Dream Realm’s Lord Guardian to not let it go
unused. How did he know what magic festered in her blood? Did he know
what was happening to her?
Sure, everything was going good for her and Aaron in the waking
world, but inside herself, there were questions that needed answering.
Something was making the blood in her system pulse rapidly when she
dreamed of being a vampire. It made her ill in the waking world, and
Aaron could feel it. Even if he didn’t know what to do about it, he stood by
her, loving her and comforting her when she woke from the awful dreams.
She would never tell him what was hidden, deep inside her soul. Aaron
“the Unicorn” Schmidt may have been an Ancient Mystic, but not even he
would know how to help her.
The only person in the Dream Realm that really knew was the
Apprentice. On the night of their visit, while Amethyst and the Unicorn
went with the Grand Shamus, and Amethyst’s newly-titled Earthly
Protector Scott Archer practiced his new-found Pendant powers, the
Apprentice took her aside.

“This may be a shock to you, Airmed, but you’re much different

from even the Unicorn.” The Apprentice supplied.
“I know.” Airmed said. “I’m a Pagan.”
The Apprentice shook his head. “That’s what you believe you are.”
He said softly. “In truth, you are a Watcher.” Airmed was confused, so he
tried to explain. “You are descended from the last Ancient Watcher,
Shem Starchaser.”
“Starchaser.” Airmed said. “That’s my Pagan surname.”
“Not only that, but a family kin-Clan name.” The Apprentice
announced. “I See it in you, child. Those Watcher powers have been lying
dormant since birth, and now, they’re forced to awaken. Learn and use
them well in the war ahead.”

That conversation only confused her more.

Won’t someone tell me what’s wrong with me? Airmed asked in her
mind as she stopped running.
She felt her knees give out from under her, forcing her to the hard,
cold ground. She just sat in the spot she’d dropped, arms wrapped around
her knees tightly. Her tears came quicker now, and she didn’t bother to
stop the flow.
She felt so alone, so lost and confused. What was happening to her?
She was a Pagan, strong in spirit and power, with the abilities to
See, Feel, and Read auras. She was able to interpret dreams for others,
and help them with their nightmares. Now she was a Watcher, too? The
Apprentice never explained what a Watcher was; he just expected her to
She didn’t dare tell Aaron what the Apprentice told her. It would
likely scare him away. She hardly knew him, and yet, he’d named her
Earthly Protector. She could feel his love for her with every moment she
spent in his company. With every moment she spent with him, her love for
him grew, and it scared her.
In the waking world, they were perfect for each other. They spent
hours together, just talking, or holding one another, or whatever. It was as
if Sierra had known Aaron all his life. He’d told her the truth of his and
Ariana’s relationship, and was even worried when she sounded jealous.
She’d closed herself off to him in their world, keeping it locked up inside.
Not even Aaron as the Unicorn could sense her distress.
As for the Dream Realm; well, that was another story. Since being
named the Unicorn’s Earthly Protector, and given the Protectors’ Pendant,
she hadn’t seen him. He’d been too busy with his duties as a Crusader
and being the Unicorn. His mind was too focused on the upcoming war
and Master Orthos’ return. Instead of following him, she drifted into
foreign lands, following an urge in her soul no one could relieve.
Will somebody please help me? Airmed’s mental cry went out,
hoping someone would hear her. I’m so confused!
“I know it hurts, Young One.” Came a gentle female voice from above
her. “Until you know what plagues your mind, it will always hurt.”
Airmed looked up, sniffing back tears. “Who are you?”
She could see the woman’s aura. She looked, but didn’t ‘feel’
human, and that intrigued her rather than scared her. She had dark hair
and red eyes, with sharp fangs in her mouth. There was a half-wolf, half-
man with her. He looked like a Mountain Wolf, with the same red eyes and
sharp fangs, but Airmed wasn’t afraid.
The woman bent to her level. “I am Celeste Moondancer, and this is
my Bondmate, Chase.” She introduced. Celeste took Airmed’s chin in her
hand and stared into her eyes. “I am a friend, Young One.”
Airmed calmed, even forcing a relaxed smile.
“We heard your mind-call.” Chase growled lowly. “We have come to
help you.”
Celeste helped her stand. “There now. What has you so confused,
Young One?”
There was something in Celeste’s hypnotic voice that urged her to
tell everything. When she was finished, the urge in her mind was gone,
and she asked the question on her own. “Do you know what’s wrong with
Celeste nodded, smiling. “Nothing is wrong, Young Airmed. You are
just coming into your Watcher-kin powers. That is all.”
“I don’t understand.” Airmed said. “I’m not a Watcher, whatever
that is; I’m a Pagan.”
“What is your Clan-name?” Chase asked her. She looked curious at
the foreign word, so he said. “Your Pagan surname in the Outer Realm.”
Celeste gasped, taking a step away from her.
Airmed was confused, and now worried. “Did I say something
“Celeste?” Chase was worried for her now. His Bondmate stared at
Airmed, covering her mouth with her hand and shaking her head. “What is
“I’m sorry.” Celeste seemed to fade back to awareness. “It’s just
that I haven’t heard that name in centuries. Not since Shem and Shiva
were Exiled.”
“The Apprentice said I was descended from the last Ancient
Watcher, Shem Starchaser.” Airmed supplied. “Who was he? When did he
“Dwellers do not die.” Chase said. “They – we – are immortal.”
“She is not Dweller-kin, Bondmate. She is Watcher-kin.” Celeste
said, looking into Airmed’s eyes again. “I see it now. The Starchaser blood
runs wildly through your veins.”
“What are Watchers?” Airmed asked. “And Dwellers?”
“Dwellers are a vampire-like race in the Outer Realm that can
survive only at night, and must have the blood of mortals to sustain them.”
Celeste said softly, so the young woman would understand, and not be
frightened by her words. “I am from a kin-Clan of Dwellers called the
Apprentices. There are only two of us left, my kin-brother Daniel and
“Watchers are different.” Celeste continued. “Like Dwellers,
Watchers are forced to live only at night. Unlike Dwellers, Watchers can
work great Ancient Magic and have no Calls for mortal blood to sustain
them, only that of their true-mates.”
Airmed thought it over. She’d heard a little about the race of
Dwellers from Aaron, but not much. Celeste only confirmed what he’d told
her. As for Watchers being forced to live only at night, it didn’t make
sense. She’d loved playing in the sun as a child, so she couldn’t be one.
Then again, if she was, that meant –
“I’ll never see the sun again?” Airmed wondered aloud.
“You will still see sunlight, but it will burn your eyes.” Celeste
responded. “Are they not sensitive to light now?”
“Midday is hardest on them.”
“It’s all part of your Watcher-kin powers.” Celeste said, and smiled.
“There is good news. You are unlike your kin.”
“In what way?”
“You are what the kin-Clans call a Sun-Dancer.” Celeste supplied.
“You will always be able to walk in daylight, with limitations. Could your
mother not do the same?” Again, Airmed nodded. “What is her full Clan-
“She calls herself Malayna Starchaser.” Airmed said. “My father
picked up the Starchaser name, too, when they married. His name is
Celeste and Chase exchanged knowing looks.
“For now, you must return home and tell the Unicorn what you
learned.” Chase said, turning back to her.
“But – he won’t understand!” Airmed argued. “I don’t want to lose
him. I love him so much!”
“I know you do, Young Airmed.” Celeste said. “Believe me. He will
listen with an open mind and heart. After all, he is an Ancient Mystic.”
Airmed sighed, sitting on a tree stump. “I guess you’re right,
Celeste kissed her forehead. “I am always right, Young One.” She
said. “I wish you pleasant journeys.”
At the farewell, Airmed disappeared, returning home.

She lay in bed for hours, wide awake and thinking of Celeste and
Chase Moondancer’s words. It was true, all of it. From the time she was a
child, she loved the darkness and mystery of the night. When she turned
twenty-one four years ago, her eyes started to ache with the sun’s rays,
and her body was fatigued at that time. The worst was always midday,
when the sun was at its highest point. That’s when she was the most
tired and lethargic. Only when the sun went down and the moon and
stars came out would she feel alive.
Maybe she was a Watcher-kin, able to do great Magic, but forced to
survive in the dead of night? Her mother always was the same way, now
that she thought about it. Sienna “Malayna” told Sierra “Airmed” it was
“all in the blood.” Now she knew what that meant.
Oh, but how to explain it all to Aaron without him turning tail and
leaving her? How was she going to tell an Ancient Mystic his Earthly
Protector wasn’t quite normal?
As if to answer her internal fears, a sleeping Aaron gently wrapped
an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.
She would find a way to tell him, but it would have to wait until
morning. Closing her eyes and calling the Dream Chant, she drifted back
to sleep, hoping to find him this time.


Amethyst and her new Earthly Protector Scott flew the Dream Realm
skies, hand-in-hand. While he enjoyed the flight, she was distracted.
Something her almost-sister revealed had her thinking. Now that they
were alone, it was the perfect time to ask him about it. Before speaking,
she touched down and folded her arms.
“What’s wrong, Amethyst?” Scott gave her a look of confusion.
“Don’t tell me you’re tired of flying?”
“No, it’s not that.” Amethyst frowned. “Young Guardian told me
something very interesting about you.”
“What did she tell you?” Scott asked, sitting on the ground. “What
am I in for now?”
“She told me Lord Guardian’s impressed by you.” Amethyst
“He is?” Scott was surprised.
“What did you do to impress him?”
“I don’t rightfully remember.” Scott said, scratching his head. “It’s
been too long.”
“What about this, then?” Amethyst drilled. “How are you able to
come here without either of the Musketeers?”
Scott shrugged. “I don’t know. I just can.” He said. “I tried telling
Seth to call the Dream Chant, but he claims it doesn’t work for him.”
Amethyst sat next to him and frowned, this time in thought. “You
call the Chant each night, coming here without us?” Scott nodded. “That
makes you a special Dreamer. I wonder, what makes you so special?”
Scott smiled. “I bet I know.” Amethyst looked at him expectantly. “I’ll
show you.”
He picked up a nearby stick that had fallen from a tree. He stared at
it for a few seconds before the end of it caught fire. Amethyst gasped,
moving away.
“Relax.” Scott grinned. He stared at it again for a few more seconds
until the small flame was gone. “There.”
“What was that?” Amethyst took the stick from his hands and
examined it.
“That was my special Dream Realm power.” Scott said. “Lord
Guardian calls me a Fire-Starter.” He thought for a moment. “Maybe that’s
why he’s so impressed by me?”
“How long have you been able to do that?” Amethyst asked, moving
next to him again.
“Would you believe ten years?” Scott questioned with a grin.
“Amazing. Can you do that in our world?”
Scott shook his head. “I’ve tried, but no luck.”
“Are you sure you don’t remember doing anything that impressed
Lord Guardian?” Amethyst pressed. “Something that had to do with that
fire-starting power of yours?”
“What is this, twenty questions?” Scott laughed, shaking his head
and kissing her.
“I just want to know what makes you a special Dreamer.” Amethyst
said softly.
He played with the blades of grass he picked from the ground before
looking at her again. “Maybe it’s because of you?” He asked, catching her
eye. “You’re a new Ancient Mystic who needed a Protector, right? Maybe
that’s why Lord Guardian chose me to remember this world? Because he
thought you needed me?”
Amethyst took his hand and smiled. “I’ve always needed you, Scott
Archer. I love you.”
Scott smiled back. “I love you, too, Amethyst.”


Back in the Outer Realm, Sierra Gregory had one thought in mind
as she woke. She had to tell Aaron the truth, and hope it wouldn’t send
him away.
She went to the window of their bedroom. The sun wasn’t out yet,
it was still dark.
“What are you doing up so early, Sierra?” Aaron asked sleepily as
he woke with her. “It’s not even daylight.”
“I have to tell you something.” She said without turning to look at
I just hope he’ll understand. She said silently in her mind.
Aaron found his way to her side, wrapping arms around her waist
and planting a kiss in her ear as he said. “Try me and find out.”
Sierra closed her eyes, thinking of her dream. She had to choose
her words carefully so he wouldn’t get hurt. She knew people with
Empathy felt much more than those without. It would tear him to pieces
if she didn’t tell him in just the right words.
“I’m not what you think I am.” Sierra whispered. She shook her
head. “I’m not even what I say I am. Not anymore, anyway.”
Interested and concerned, Aaron made her look at him. “You’d
better tell me what this is about, Airmed Starchaser.”
She sat down on the bed, gesturing him to do the same. She was
silent as she took both his hands and thought of her next words.
“I found something about myself the night we visited the
Apprentice.” Sierra began, refusing to meet his eyes. She just stared at
their intertwined hands.
He didn’t say anything, but let her go at her own pace. He
squeezed her hands in assurance, letting her know he was there to
“I’m descended from the last Ancient Watcher, Shem Starchaser.”
She supplied. “I met up with a Dweller named Celeste Moondancer and
her Bondmate Chase last night. They told me what I was. I am a
Watcher-kin, able to work Ancient Magic, but forced to survive only at
night. Celeste called me a Sun-Dancer, which is why I’ve been able to live
in the daylight. That is, until recently.” She cleared her throat and took a
deep breath before going on. “I’ve always loved the night, since I felt so
alive then. I could see, hear, and feel things clearer at night than I could
during the day. I thought that’s what made me a Pagan. When I initiated
myself into Witchcraft, I renamed myself Airmed Starchaser. I took a
different name, and I began to feel differently as well, especially when my
twenty-first birthday came. No longer could I stay in the sun without it
hurting my eyes. No longer could I live in daylight without being lethargic
all the time.”
“Airmed.” Aaron began softly, but she silenced him.
“I’m not finished yet.” She said, and he nodded for her to go on.
“Anyway, when I woke up last night from the dream, I thought more
about what Chase and Celeste told me. I didn’t realize the significance of
the Starchaser name I took years before until Celeste explained. I am a
Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer, as are my mother and her three sisters. We’re
all descended from Shem Starchaser, the last Ancient Watcher. That was
why I was so eager to take the Starchaser name. Because it was handed
down from him for generations, and a part of me wanted to keep it in the
Sierra watched his expression, which didn’t move. He was serious
in thought as he stared at her. He shook his head and stood, walking
away from her. Her heart sunk.
“Oh, Aaron. Please say you understand and still love me.” Sierra
sighed. “I’ve come to love you so much. I don’t want to lose you over
Aaron stopped in his tracks, turning to meet her mismatched eyes.
He reached a hand out to her. “Come to me, Airmed.”
She stood from the bed and took his hand. Immediately, she felt
the empathic wave of love and acceptance. It came from him.
“You’re my Earthly Protector, and I love you with my heart and
soul.” Aaron whispered, searching her eyes. He pulled her close,
wrapping his arms around her and putting her head on his chest once he
kissed her. “Know in your heart of hearts I will never, ever leave you.”
“Not even over this?”
“Not even over this.” He echoed. “Whatever happens in our lives,
we’ll get through it. I promise.”
Sierra broke down in his embrace, crying tears on his chest. He
held her until the tears subsided. When they did, he picked her up and
set her on the bed, kissing her deeply. Before the sun rose from the
eastern sky, Aaron made her forget her troubles.
Story: #4:
Tests of Wills

In the Dark Area, Orthos was alone with his Spell-Book and the
special vase he used to call upon the Djinn god, Omri.

After the smoke cleared, Omri stood hovering above him with folded
“Your wishes are always my commands, Master Orthos.” Omri
grinned down at him. “Tell me, what do you wish of me this time?”
Orthos explained what he and Bane had in mind.
Omri laughed at it. “More Protectors for more Ancient Mystics, is it?
Well, should I send the Hordes or the Mind-Dwellers to them?”
Orthos only smiled. “The Fear-Wraiths. I want them rendered
useless, Omri.”
Omri smiled as well, clapping his hands and saying. “As you wish,
Orthos smiled to himself as Omri left to do his bidding. One less
thing to worry about, he thought as he put the Spell-Book and vase away.
The war was already half-won.


The first of Omri’s victims was an old Crusader from the Wars for
Power. Omri knew Jammins well, and sent his best Fear-Wraith to attack
his mind. Sichi would do well with this newly-made Earthly Protector of
an even newer-revealed Ancient Mystic Elder woman.
They were on their way to the Feline Village, or so they thought,
with another Ancient Mystic-Protector couple. To separate them, Omri
used imagery and deceit. Deep in the mind of Sichi, Omri would watch
the scene unfold. Indeed, it would prove most entertaining.

When the disorientation faded, Jammins and Julie looked around

“Where did TJ and Charlie go?” Julie asked. “They were just here a
minute ago.”
Jammins didn’t answer, he only shrugged, feeling dizzy.
Julie sensed it. “Are you okay?” She asked, going to his side.
Jammins looked up into the air and growled under his breath.
“What?” Julie was confused. “What’s Djinn?”
Before he could answer, the Djinn Fear-Wraith named Sichi
appeared in front of them. Jammins tensed, staring at the lady Djinn.
Slowly, he remembered her name and whispered it aloud. “Sichi.”
“That’s right, boy.” The Fear-Wraith Sichi purred. “You remember
me!” Sichi looked at Julie. “Stand back, Ancient Mystic. He’s mine.”
The words evoked fear in her soul; fear for her Earthly Protector,
and fear for herself. She could only stand aside and watch as this genie-
looking woman-thing sprayed a spider’s webbing from her mouth, pinning
him to the nearest tree. Julie noticed her husband’s eyes were hollow, like
there was no fight left in him. Even his image changed from her gallant
knight to a younger version of Jamie himself.
“Now then, Crusader.” Sichi purred. “I can see in your eyes you
have yet to confront your deepest fear. Let’s see if we can remedy that,
shall we?”
Sichi placed a finger to each of his temples and stared into his
hollow eyes. “Yes, I see it all now. Perhaps you’d like to share it with your
Ancient Mystic?”
A brush of power hit Julie’s head and she saw things she didn’t
Sichi told the story as Julie saw it unravel in her own mind. “Feel
the emotions of long before, Jamie. Long before you were ever a Crusader
of this Realm. Think back, deep in the recesses of your mind, to the time
long ago, when you had parents. Do you remember the loving touch of
your mother’s hand? The way your father gave you everything you’d ever
wanted? But wait – your parents held a dangerous secret from their only
son. Oh, what could it be?” Sichi gasped, then smiled. “Ah, that’s right,
they gambled away all their earnings, and, oh, no, even your college
tuition! How awful you felt! It was not soon after you were taken from
them, forced into a foster home. How did you feel then? Lonely?
Abandoned? More?” Sichi taunted, then smiled. “This is where it gets
interesting, and your fear begins to grow.”
The darkness was silent for a moment and Jamie held his breath in
his world. If he could shake his head, denying Sichi’s taunts, he would
have. As it was, he was frozen in his mind, forced to feel all the pain once
Julie felt it all with him, but he didn’t know it. He just stood there,
caught in the webbing against a tree, blind to the world around him, and
blind to her presence. She saw the foster family he went to when he was a
child of eight. Too old to be unaware of what was going on and too young
to do anything about it.
Sichi continued the story of Jamie’s memories, unlocking doors he’d
long forgotten were there. “Your foster family were very abusive, were
they not? Do you remember the cage they put you in, forcing you to live in
the darkness of your mind?”
Julie saw the bruises and gashes on the young Jamie’s scrawny
body. She gasped at the images Sichi forced her to see. She winced when
the faceless man that was his foster-father beat him senseless, shoving
the whimpering boy down the hole and into the cage.
“Now alone with your own thoughts, you live in your own mind.”
Sichi replied. “In your own mind, you are something you could never be; a
strong, brave, fierce knight. As a knight, you fought for justice and honor.
Soon, even your dream-self was haunted with dark thoughts. You realized
early you fought these inner battles alone. You had no one but yourself on
the lonesome roads of your mind. That is when the feelings of
abandonment and loneliness three-folded.”
Julie wanted to cry, she hurt from watching the scenes play in her
husband’s mind. Why was Sichi doing this to him? What was her point?
“You are all alone, Jamie.” Sichi taunted. “Ever alone, but the
monsters and demons in your mind.”
Jamie gasped again, remembering his conjured monsters and
“Yes, the monsters you created to destroy your foster parents and
take away the abuse. The demons that unleashed their awesome powers
on your abusers, freeing you from all hurt and pain. Alas,” the Fear-Wraith
continued with a sigh. “Even those very creatures turned their backs on
you, doing to you what you commanded they do to your abusers.”
Julie had to speak out. “Stop this, Djinn!”
A stare from the Fear-Wraith silenced her, prohibiting her from
saying anymore.
Sichi turned back to Jamie. “What will you do now? There is no one
here to help you. Those you thought loved you are now lost. No one is here
to save you now.”
The visions from his mind disappeared from hers, and Julie
panicked. Oh, Jamie! She thought to him. What am I supposed to do? You
have to tell me – show me. How do I get us out of this?
A memory of her own came to mind, and she watched and listened
to her clairvoyant vision in silence.

“The Djinn you have to look out for are Fear-Wraiths.” Her cousin
Ariana Reading explained.
“What are those?” Julie had asked.
Ariana’s eyes went blank and Julie recognized the look on her face.
She’d gone into an involuntary trance, and the only way out of it was
through it. “Fear-Wraiths are Djinn that control mortal minds and force
them to live their deepest, darkest fears. Unable to speak, think, or even
move, they’re frozen in fear. When the Fear-Wraith finally lets go, the
mortal’s mind slowly falls away from them, and they go insane.”
“Is there any way to stop it once he’s got you in his spell?” Julie
asked when she thought it was safe to do so. “I mean, before he forces
them to go insane?”
Ariana nodded. “A Chant of Destruction, backed by willpower,
magic, and all the goodness you can muster.”
Julie shook out of her own vision, and the spell came to her mind.
I hope you’re right about this, cousin. Julie thought.
She closed her eyes and summoned all the willpower and good
Ancient Mystic Magic she could. She added all the love she had for Jamie
Stewart in her mind, melding it into one, powerful Destruction Chant. She
opened her eyes and glared right at Sichi’s image.

“I am free. I am clear.
“Be destroyed by your own fear!”

She chanted the spell under her breath. With each repetition, her
voice raised, along with the amount of Magic, willpower and love she sent
with it. Watching the scene, she continued the chant.
The Fear-Wraith froze, stepping away from Jamie as she screamed.
“No! You cannot!”
It was working! Julie thought.
The Fear-Wraith released her magical hold on Jamie, but she didn’t
stop chanting until Sichi’s withering form was completely gone.
When she disappeared, the webbing disappeared with her. Jamie
slumped to the ground. She wanted to race to him, but was too tired. The
Chant had taken a lot out of her.
“I have to heal him.” Julie thought aloud to herself. It gave her the
strength to go on.
She knelt next to his unconscious body, holding his upper body in
her lap.
“Come on, Jamie, wake up.” Julie said softly, petting his sweat-
drenched hair. “I don’t know how to heal inner-wounds. You have to show
She kissed his dry lips, a tear falling from both her eyes to his
cheeks. “Don’t leave me, Jamie, please. I need you as much as you need
me. I can help take away your fears, but you have to be here to tell me
Closing her eyes and holding him tight, she thought of the Healer’s
Magic she needed to heal him. She felt her hands grow warm and opened
her eyes. They were glowing, and now, so was his body.
The aura around him was a healing yellow, but was red around his
head. She watched as the rainbow of healing colors swirled around his
head and body until they dissipated. His aura was white again and Julie
grinned, proud of herself.
I did it! I actually healed him!
She watched his face closely, sensing him coming back to her.
“Come on, sleepyhead. Time to rise and shine.”
Jamie slowly opened his eyes, seeing her there with his head in her
lap. “Jules? What happened?”
“I’ll explain later.” Julie supplied with a grin, brushing the fallen hair
from his face before kissing his lips. “Right now, we have to find TJ and
She helped him to stand. “Do you have the strength to change to my
gallant knight, Sir Jammins?”
Jamie smiled, closing his eyes and clasping his Dream Locket. In
moments, he changed his image, bowing to her. Turning away, he
whistled. Out of the forest of trees came his loyal steed. He held his hand
out for her to take. “Milady?”
Julie mounted the horse with him joining behind her. He grasped the
reins and she held onto the saddle horn. “Shall we?”
“We shall.”
Like all knights and ladies who rode before them on horseback, they
rode into the setting sun on a quest.


The Djinn god Omri was thrown from Sichi’s mind when she was
destroyed, and he wasn’t happy. How could a nearly-unknown Elder
Ancient Mystic like her outwit his best Fear-Wraith?
Didn’t matter now, for Omri had another Fear-Wraith standing
ready to attack. Hachi was Sichi’s brother, and quite the formidable
Fear-Wraith. Unlike his sister, Hachi couldn’t and wouldn’t be thwarted
by a mere Ancient Mystic’s puny power.
The Ancient Mystic he sent Hachi to was young, yet, and not fully
into her powers.
“Dare not let me down, Fear-Wraith.” Omri growled, receiving a
nod from Hachi.
“I will not, my Lord.” Hachi announced.
“I am not your lord!” Omri yelled, sending the Fear-Wraith on his
Once Hachi was gone, Omri sat back and waited for the
entertainment to begin again.


“Face it, Charlie.” TJ said as they walked hand-in-hand. “We’re

“Where did they go?” Charlie asked, receiving a shrug of an answer
in return.
It was then TJ sensed something near, and felt Charlie tense up.
When she looked at him, she saw a familiar look on his face. He
was frozen – again.
“Don’t do this, Charlie.” TJ’s voice shook. “Not here. Not now.”
He wouldn’t answer.
TJ searched the area with her Empathic sensors, trying to pinpoint
what froze her brother-boyfriend in his tracks. She saw the rustling of a
nearby tree-branch and was drawn to it. She heard a shrilling in the air
and covered her ears. From the trees came a shadow of a creature, almost
like a ghost, but it was black.
The shrilling was coming from that thing! TJ realized.
The shrilling demon-thing wrapped itself around Charlie’s frozen
body, and TJ could see it up close. It resembled a woman wearing a
tattered green gown, with long, flowing black hair and ghostly-white skin.
She could see blood-red eyes flashing in the thing as it forced Charlie to
the ground.
TJ moved closer; afraid of this thing, but courageous enough to
tempt it away from Charlie. Her mind racked with thoughts, and came up
with one name to call the shrilling-demon. Beansidhe, a banshee. A death-
portent faery that signaled a mortal’s death by shrilling a death-song as
they devoured their souls. Usually, they would leave the living alone,
unless it was for sexual pleasure. They were usually seen on battlefields,
their voices heard only by those souls they were going to devour.
She’d read about them plenty, but didn’t know how to stop one from
attacking a living soul. She could only watch in apprehension, her body
frozen in fear, as the Banshee assumed human form, her body straddling
Charlie’s unknowing body as if riding him.
The shrilling grew louder as TJ could only stare at them. To her
horror, the Banshee took Charlie’s mouth with its own. She couldn’t move
to save him from it, and the thought scared her. Her heart pounded, hurt
she was so helpless to her own Protector when he needed her most.
She heard a male voice echoing from afar. “It’s all your fault, you
know.” The Fear-Wraith Hachi crooned as he came closer to her. “You
made him the way he is. You and your demon powers.”
“That’s not true!” TJ cried, turning to see a genie-looking man
standing beside her. She shuddered at the way his eyes searched hers, so
demanding, yet so patient. “I am not a demon; I’m an Ancient Mystic.”
Hachi didn’t seem to hear her. “Do you remember when his fear
began?” He placed a finger on each of her temples, sending a probe to her
mind. “When one of your powers alerted you to the fight he got himself
TJ was almost lost in memories, listening to the genie-looking man’s
voice. She didn’t hear hoof-beats coming up behind them.
“Leave her be, Fear-Wraith!”
She was startled out of her trance when she heard the familiar voice
of her stepfather.
“Stay out of this, Jammins!” The Fear-Wraith cried.
TJ felt another mental push in her mind, urging her to yet again
relive memories from her near-forgotten past.
She had a premonition of Charlie being mortally wounded in a
fight. Frightened and hoping she’d make it in time, she fled to him in the
middle of a fist-fight with a local bully. For a minute, she just stood
there, watching the fight. That’s when she saw the glint of steel on the
bully’s waistband.
It was a knife!
As he reached for it, she fled from her hidden spot, using her mind
to snatch the knife from the bully’s hands and into the nearest tree
trunk. To the surprise of all, it did.
She stared into the bully’s shocked eyes and told him in her mind.
Go away and leave us alone!
Shocked at hearing her voice in his head, the bully ran away,
leaving TJ to tend to a very frightened Charlie Reynolds.

“Do you remember what happened next?” Hachi taunted. “Why his
mind freezes up whenever he’s confronted with danger?”
TJ wasn’t fooled when she shook out of the trance. This demon
wasn’t going to get to her. She looked at Charlie, whose soul was slowly
being taken by the Banshee. His eyes were wide open with fear, and sure
enough, hollow. Just like the first time she used Telekinesis against that
bully. His mind was frozen and it was up to her to get him out of it.
“I do remember.” TJ supplied. “I held him close to me, whispered a
few choice words and healed him with a kiss.”
“His fear is all your fault.” The Fear-Wraith accused again. “Admit
TJ turned on him, scowling. “I couldn’t just let him die! He was my
brother, and I loved him!” She looked to Charlie again and willed herself to
go to his side, far from the Fear-Wraith. She continued, watching Charlie’s
face with a heart full of love for him. “It was forbidden to love him the way
I did, but I did. I still do.”
Eyes on the Banshee, she said simply. “He’s mine. I’m sorry, but
you can’t have him.”
With a wave of a hand, a strong gust of wind threw the Banshee
away from Charlie and into the point of Jammins’ out-stretched sword.
The Banshee shrieked one last time before turning to dust.
TJ finally saw her mother atop Jammins’ horse. She looked a little
weary, but she told her daughter in her mind. Call the Destruction Chant
to get rid of the Fear-Wraith.
TJ nodded, summoning up the magic and willpower before she
repeated it many times. The Fear-Wraith known as Hachi cried out as he
Jammins and Julie sat on his horse, watching as TJ bent to the
ground beside Charlie.
She sat him upright against the tree and kissed her Protector’s lips.
For a moment, all time stood still.
Come back to me, Charlie. TJ sent to him in her mind. Think of me
and our love for each other. Fear nothing more, for I need you to be
strong, my Earthly Protector. I love you.
It was that statement that brought his mind back to the present. His
arms reached and found her waist as he deepened the kiss. Taking a
chance, he sent a message back to her mind.
I love you, Tamara. Always have, always will.
When they finally parted, Charlie opened his mouth to say
something but she silenced him with a touch to his lips. “Later. We need to
get home now.”
Charlie nodded and stood with effort, helping her to stand as well.
He saw Jammins on his trusty steed and smiled. Jammins winked at him
and Julie sighed happily. He pulled TJ closer to his side and kissed her
temple. “Come on, let’s go home.”

Omri was pissed now. “Again! How could they do it again!”

He realized the Ancient Mystics and their Protectors were a
formidable force indeed. Confuse the Earthly Protector, and the Ancient
Mystic comes to the rescue. Confuse the Ancient Mystic, with the Earthly
Protector preoccupied, and the Ancient Mystic finds the courage to save
him. He didn’t understand it.
Would it ever end? This loyalty the Ancient Mystics have for one
another and their Protectors? What was the driving force behind them
all, and how could Omri himself use that to destroy them? It seemed
nothing could stop them.
Knowing he was defeated for the moment, not to mention mind-
boggled, Omri returned to Master Orthos, telling him the tales. He left
Orthos and his new comrade-in-evil Lord Bane seething over the
information as he sought his vase to sulk.
Part Two:
The Companion Army

Companion Conference

Braken Joel and Nikita found Kitten’s Claw in her garden.

Kitten’s Claw was feeding her infant daughter K’Sarra when she
sensed him, and looked up. “Braken Joel and Madam Nikita!” She cried,
standing with the kit in her arms. “What a pleasant surprise!”
“We only wish it were for pleasure, sister-heart.” Braken Joel
supplied, kissing her on the cheek. “Where is Tobias? There is urgent
business to discuss.”
“Can you not discuss it with me?” Kitten’s Claw demanded. “After
all I am the Lady of the Feline Village.”
“We mean not to be rude, Kitten’s Claw.” Nikita began. “But there is
trouble in this Realm.”
“If you mean Uncle Orthos and the Nightmare King, be assured.”
Kitten’s Claw announced. “We already know. As for my husband, and
your brother Madam Nikita, you will find him in conference with Young
Guardian and Sire Wolf at Stargazer Castle.”
Braken Joel held his temper. He always knew Kitten’s Claw had a
mouth on her, but she never spoke to him like that before. “Is our nephew
with him?”
“Tiger is training with the Canine Army, aye, Braken Joel.” Kitten’s
Claw cooled. “Would you like me to escort you there myself? I could use a
visit to the Canine Valley to see Katherine.”
“Only if you are up to it, sister-heart.” Braken Joel supplied.
Kitten’s Claw smiled. “On one condition, brother dearest.” Braken
Joel and Nikita waited. “You acknowledge your new niece.”
Braken Joel laughed, taking the kit from his sister’s arms. “I would
be glad to.”
Young K’Sarra cooed, grasping and pulling at Joel’s whiskers. He
wrinkled his nose, kissing his niece’s hand as he pulled it away. That only
made her giggle more.
“Lead the way.” Nikita grinned, watching the scene.
Just as Kitten’s Claw had said, Nikita found her brother talking
with the Sire of the Canine Valley and Young Guardian herself. After
Kitten’s Claw took her daughter back, she left to find her twin, and Joel’s
other younger sister Katherine.
Braken Joel and Nikita went to them, and saw they weren’t alone.
Wolf’s new Page, Red Wolf Moondancer was with them, along with the
Elder Companions, Sir Sheldon Stargazer, Wolf’s father, Sir Nathaniel
White-Snow, Toby and Nikita’s father, Young Guardian’s consort the
Protector, Sir Chase and Madam Celeste Moondancer, Red Wolf’s parents,
and Panther Grey. The Shadow and Young Guardian’s twin the Grand
Magus sat with them as well. Even his own foster-father, the Elder Braken
Hawk was there.
Braken Joel feared he may have been too late as he looked around
at the solemn faces gathered at the table. Orthos must have already done
something big to bring felines, canines, and Earthbound Crusaders
together in one place.
“I hope we are not interrupting anything?” Nikita asked, making the
group look up.
“‘Kita!” Tobias White-Snow rose and hugged his sister. “What brings
the two of you here from so far?”
“I had a vision of Orthos and the Nightmare King.” Braken Joel
supplied, eyeing Young Guardian. She was frowning. “I suppose you
know more about this than we do?”
Young Guardian nodded, but it was the Elder Braken Hawk that
“You are right, as always, Joel.”
“What are you doing out of the Epsilon?” Joel asked him. “Where is
my Lady Mother?”
“I was called upon by Lord Guardian himself.” Braken said.
“Mystica just gave birth to my own true-son, and was too weak to travel.
Princess Sarabeth is acting nursemaid.”
Braken Joel stared. I have a half-brother?
“I know what you are thinking, Joel.” Braken smiled, clasping a
hand on Joel’s shoulder in assurance. “You are my Heart-Son, and I have
loved you since you were born. I always will, no matter how many true-
sons I have. You will always be my son.”
Braken Joel nodded, his heart warming. “What is your true-son’s
“We have not named him, yet.” Elder Braken Hawk supplied. “Your
Lady Mother insisted her first son name him, because you were both first-
sons in each of your birth-Realms.”
Joel put a hand to his heart and grinned. “I would be honored,
Father Hawk.”
“It would seem our ranks are growing at the same time we are at
war.” Sir Sheldon hoped to change the subject. His own son Wolf nodded
his agreement.
“Which brings up an interesting point.” The Grand Magus supplied,
eyeing her twin. Young Guardian rolled her eyes when her sister went on.
“While we fight in this war, where are all the Young Companions going to
“May I make a suggestion?” Panther asked.
“Go ahead, Panther.” The Protector nodded.
“If the Underground is still under the Goddesses protection, why not
hide them there, so they would be safe?” Panther suggested, looking
All heads nodded, the canines growled their approval and the
felines purred theirs.
“One problem.” Chase Moondancer growled above the commotion.
“Who would care for them? The majority of us will be in battle.”
“Those who don’t want to fight with us, like my wife Marie.” Panther
said, then looked at Toby. “I know Kit’s not much of a fighter; not as a new
mother, anyway.”
“Katherine is a new mother as well, of twins no less.” Wolf told his
Heart-Brother. “Would you have her watch as well, knowing she is a
brave fighter?”
Panther sulked. “Heart-Brother –”
“Stop it, both of you.” Young Guardian spoke up, shaking her head.
“I’m sure we can round up a few of the non-fighting women to keep watch
over the Young Companions in the Underground.”
“Mystica will be more than willing, as well as Sarabeth.” Braken
Hawk announced. “I will speak of this to her, and tell Lord Guardian her
“Thanks, Braken.” Young Guardian announced with a smile. “Based
on what we heard from our new Crusaders, Orthos has made his first
official moves on us.”
“Has he declared war, or is it just to rile us up?” Sir Nathaniel
asked, hissing.
“As far as I know, he’s just playing games for now.” Young
Guardian told him. She turned to her twin. “Did you want to tell them, or
should I?”
The Grand Magus shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll tell them.”
She went on to tell them what Orthos and Omri’s Fear-Wraiths tried
to do to Jammins, Julie, TJ, and Charlie.
“The Banshee that attacked Charlie had to be Kasha.” They heard a
female voice speak up. When each looked, they gasped. It was Sabrina,
the former Maiden of the Dominion. The fire-demon Cyrix was behind her.
The Elder Companions hissed and growled at the sight of both of
them. Young Guardian and the Protector stood up for them.
“It’s okay.” The Protector said. “Sabrina’s on our side, now. So is
Wolf stood in front of Sabrina and growled. “How can we be sure?”
“I can sense it.” Young Guardian growled back, leering at her canine
Companion friend.
After a minute, Wolf sat down, but still eyed Sabrina with hatred
and suspicion.
“What else do you know, Sabrina?” The Grand Magus asked.
“Kasha was one of the Dominionites I brought back with me.”
Sabrina said. “Along with Cyrix,” who nodded, “Vino, and my
maidservant, D’Kora.”
“I destroyed Vino.” Red Wolf announced. “Did you know that?”
“I suspected, when I could no longer sense him.” Sabrina remarked.
“What do you know of your father’s plans?” Chase wondered.
“He will indeed bring back the Stalkers..” Sabrina said softly. “As
you know, he already called upon the Djinn god Omri to befuddle your
“As you know,” Shadow echoed sarcastically. “It didn’t work.”
“Aye, I know.” Sabrina smiled. “I also know something else he does
not realize I do.”
The group waited eagerly, staring at the former Maiden of the
Dominion and Unknown. Sensing something from Celeste and Chase
Moondancer, she grinned. “He used an Ancient Watcher ritual to return.”
Celeste gasped, but nodded. “So he knows about Airmed
Starchaser, and her link to the Watchers?”
“Gloriana told him after she fought against her.” Sabrina said.
“If what you say is true, Sabrina.” Chase began. “How Orthos is
going to bring back the Stalkers, than we have no choice. We must plead
with Lord Guardian in letting the Dweller kin-Clans return.”
“We have to warn them of the recurring danger.” Celeste supplied.
She looked at her son. “Come with us, Chikité. Tell Lord Guardian your
story and plead your case. The kin-Clans must know of this.”
Red Wolf Moondancer nodded to his mother, then looked to Wolf.
“By your leave, Sire, if I may?”
“Go now.” Wolf Stargazer announced seriously. “Return here with
Lord Guardian’s reply.”
“Aye, Sire.” Red Wolf nodded to his parents. “Matéré? Pérat?”
“Behind you, Donar.” Celeste supplied. “We shall return.”
When they were gone, Sabrina said. “We must be going, too. Mother
and Lord Maximaniac will worry.”
On that, Sabrina and Cyrix disappeared.
“Onto more pressing business.” The Shadow announced. “Times are
tough, and they’re about to get a lot tougher. Young Guardian’s vision
must come true.”
“What vision?” Both Braken Hawks echoed.
Young Guardian stood up, facing each of them at the table.
“All Companions, Young and Elder, must come together in one
Companion Army.” She announced. “All enemies must become friends
against a common foe. If we stick together, and fight hard, never giving up,
there’s no way Orthos or Bane will win this war.”
“I agree.” The Protector said. “We have to join together long before
war is officially declared. Now, who’s with us?”
All Companions and Earthbound alike cheered.
“Sir Sheldon and Sir Nathaniel?” Young Guardian asked them. They
stared, waiting. “Gather as many Elders as you can, going to the houses
of their former-Warrior children. If they don’t already know, tell them
what’s going on. Persuade them to join us in the Canine Valley’s Practice
“Aye,” they chorused.
“You’re excused.” Young Guardian responded. She turned to Wolf.
“Sire Wolfton, we’ve spoken many times on this. Is the Canine Army
armed and ready?”
“On your commands, Young Guardian.” Wolf supplied. “They are
used to seeing Destiny Grey, Tiger White-Snow, and my daughter Celine in
training, so it will not be hard for them to add more felines into their
already-strong ranks.”
“Good. Take Sire Tobias and spread the word ‘round the Feline
Village.” Young Guardian commanded. “Return to the Practice Fields for
further instructions.”
“We will go with you.” Braken Joel supplied, with Nikita nodding
beside him. “Our influence should persuade them should they refuse.”
“Good thinking, Braken Joel.” Young Guardian said. With a nod,
Wolf, Toby, Braken Joel and Nikita were gone. She turned to Joel’s foster-
father and namesake. “Lord Braken, tell Queen Mystica to ready herself
and Princess Sarabeth. Then get the Young Companions ready for the
Underground, starting with Kit and Kat.”
Braken Hawk was open-mouthed. “I am your Elder. You cannot talk
to me like that!”
“I have full authority from Lord Guardian himself, being his
successor.” She challenged. “Are you going to question that?”
Braken Hawk shook his head. “Shall we meet you at the same
place then, Young Guardian?”
She nodded. Braken then excused himself from the group, leaving
for the Epsilon to tell his queen.
Young Guardian slumped back in her seat, letting out a breath of
“Are you okay, sister?” Shadow could see the fatigue in Young
Guardian’s eyes.
“I’m fine, brother.” Young Guardian nodded, sitting upright and
looking at her twin and brother-in-law. “Go home, you two. I need you to
talk to the Enchanted Child and her band of Crusaders.”
“About what?” Grand Magus asked.
“The thing you’ve been bugging me to think about since this mess
started.” Young Guardian responded with a tired grin. “While we’re here, I
want them to watch over the kids.”
“Are you sure all seven of them should be involved?” Shadow and
the Protector shared an anxious look.
“Maybe not all seven of them. Just Cara, Bradley and Kelly should
be okay.” She responded. “They know all about our battles here. They
also know enough to keep it quiet.”
“What about Juliet?” The Grand Magus asked. Panther’s ears
perked at the sound of his still-Earthbound sister’s name. “How much
does she really know about this?”
“Next to nothing, which is just as well.” Young Guardian told her.
“Panther, your sister isn’t exactly the bravest woman I know. She’s great
with the kids, though, and I’m glad for that.”
Panther nodded. “Does she know you’re an Ancient Mystic?”
“Yes, she does, but she’s spooked whenever we use magic around
her.” Young Guardian said finally. “It’s taking her awhile to adjust,
especially after Hill View Cemetery.”
“I remember.” Panther groaned. “If she’s spooked over that, what if
one of your Ancient Mystic children happens to use Magic around her?”
“Relax, Panther Grey.” Young Guardian grinned. “That’s what we
have the Enchanted Child and Bradley Allen for. They can watch for stuff
like that.”
“What about Amethyst and the Unicorn?” Panther wondered. “Will
they be here or there?”
“They’ll be fighting here, definitely.” The Protector responded, then
smiled. “Have we put all your fears to rest, Panther?”
“For now.” Panther smiled back. “I guess I’m jumpy lately. I’ll be
okay to fight, and so will Destiny.”
“That’s good to hear.” The Grand Magus replied.
“It’s getting near sunrise, you three.” The Protector announced,
eyeing his Life-Line watch on his wrist.
“One more thing and we’ll all go home.” Young Guardian replied. “I
“Get on with it, then.” Shadow teased.
Young Guardian turned to Panther. “Since Wolf and Red Wolf are
away, will you keep an eye on the Canine Army, and supervise their
training sessions?”
Panther was honored. “No sweat, Ariana. I’ll tell Katherine now.”
As he turned his back to leave, he heard the Grand Magus whine.
“Now can we go home?”
“Yes, Lu, we can go home.” Young Guardian groaned.
Panther laughed under his breath, glad to hear his old friend joking
Wait until Katherine hears about this. Panther said in his mind
with a smile. She’ll never believe it! After all this time, Ariana still
remembers how to relax and kid around.
Across the Ancient Mystic Province

Chase Moondancer pulled at the ringing chime that hung from the
Ancient Mystic Palace. He, his Bondmate Celeste, and son Chikité “Red
Wolf” waited for someone to answer.
“What can I do for you?” Enchantra asked them.
“Is Lord Guardian around, Mistress?” Celeste wondered.
“It is a matter of great importance.” Chase supplied.
Enchantra nodded, leading them inside. They saw O’Dell staring out
a window of the Palace, his brows deeply lined in thought.
“My Lord, the Moondancers are here to see you.” Enchantra’s voice
shook him out of his daze.
O’Dell turned to see all three Moondancers, kneeling at his feet.
They weren’t smiling. He stared, waiting patiently for either to speak.
“We need the Dweller kin-Clans in this Realm.” Chase announced.
Celeste nudged her son, who told O’Dell the story of his Spirit Quest.
O’Dell nodded for them to rise. “Unless my brother has called upon
the Stalkers, I cannot allow it.”
“You must!” Chikité barked, then, realizing his disrespect, looked to
Lord Guardian’s feet. “The Maiden herself has confessed his return!”
“I felt him return, Red Wolf.” O’Dell supplied. “Did Sabrina tell you
“An Ancient Watcher ritual, my Lord Guardian.” Celeste replied.
“Somehow, he knew about Airmed Starchaser and used it to return.”
O’Dell turned his back, thinking. After a moment, he announced.
“Celeste, go to the Outer Realm and warn them of Orthos’ return. Should
he call upon the Stalkers, you have my permission to bring them here.
Have Ramon and Daniel report to me when they arrive.”
Something in O’Dell’s voice told Chase he knew his brother would
bring back the Stalkers. It scared him.
“Aye, my Lord Guardian.” Celeste said softly.
When O’Dell didn’t turn back to face them again, they took it as
their cue to exit.
Enchantra had been standing in the background, listening in
silence. When the three Mountain Wolves were gone, she moved to wrap
caring arms around her lover’s human-male waist.
“Oh, Chantie.” O’Dell sighed, pulling her in for a hug and a kiss on
the lips.
“What else bothers you, my love?” Enchantra whispered, resting her
head on his chest. “Anything I can do to ease your mind?”
“Check on Byron, Chantie, please.” He said, his tone filled with
worry for his youngest brother. “See if he is strong again.”
Reluctantly, she pulled away. He was all business, when she
wanted to do nothing but pleasure him, easing his mind and soul. The
Goddess knew he needed to feel pleasure again, after all he’d been
through recently.
“Aye, my Lord.” She said with a nod.
He stopped her departure with another kiss to her lips. “I promise,
Chantie. When this is over, we will know love once again.”
Enchantra smiled, her heart beating a little faster at the statement.
Before they could say anymore, she disappeared, heading to the Ancient
Mystic Kingdom to check on her twin sister Challandra and her sister’s
husband, Lord Byron.


Elder Companions, the Timber Wolf Sir Sheldon Stargazer and

Jungle Tiger Sir Nathaniel White-Snow walked out of the borders of the
Canine Valley.
“Well, Sheldon?” Nathaniel asked of his canine friend. “Where to
“To my son, Strath.” Sheldon remarked. “He and his human love
Laurynne Silver-Hawk will be able to help us complete Young Guardian’s
“Do you know where they dwell now?” Nathaniel wondered. “They
disappeared not long after we returned from the Underground.”
Sheldon had a knowing look in his eye. “That I do. Follow me,
He led the feline to the Realm of the Ancients, where they found
Laurynne and Strath already waiting for them.
“Father.” Strath grasped Sheldon’s arm. “Laurynne says you have
need of us.”
“We do.” Sheldon announced. He told his oldest son what was going
on in the Dream Realm, and what Young Guardian told them to do about
“You know most Companion children of the Wars are no longer with
us.” Laurynne pointed out. “Some were turned into Dominionites, and
followed Uncle Orthos when he was Exiled by the Crusaders years ago.”
“The rest are either with Lord Maximaniac in the Grey Area, or lost
in the Dark Area.” Strath continued. “How are we to persuade former
Dominionites into fighting a war against the Master himself?”
“Once those in the Grey Area see what their so-called Master is
doing now, they will join us in battle.” Sheldon said. “Young Guardian
herself must have a most brilliant plan. She told us to gather as many
Elder Companions and their former-Warrior children as we could, meeting
her and her three Earthbound consorts in the Canine Valley’s Practice
“How did Orthos get back?” Laurynne asked. “Father cast a
powerful Ancient’s Spell of Exile on him so he would not be able to return.”
“He used an Ancient Watcher ritual, my Lady.” Nathaniel supplied.
Strath’s eyes narrowed. “Do Tory or Chero know anything about
this, Father?”
“Nay, but the Moondancers do.” Sheldon supplied. “Will you come
with us to tell them? The Master will call the Stalkers, and that will affect
the Young Cherokee.”
“What affects the Dweller-Companion Cherokee Moondancer also
affects her Bondmate Toriam Stargazer.” Laurynne announced. After
sharing a look with her own love Strath, who happened to be Toriam’s
older brother and Sheldon’s eldest son, she nodded. “Aye, we will go with
you, and let Cherokee know her mother Celeste already handles the
Dweller kin-Clans.”
“Then we will gather the Elders.” Strath said. “It will be too hard
convincing the Grey Areans.”
“We must try, son.” Sheldon scolded. “For All the Realms in All the
Worlds, we must try.”
“One thing at a time.” Nathaniel put a paw up to stop them. “We see
to Cherokee and Toriam first; then, we will decide on telling Lord
Maximaniac’s followers.”
“If they do not already know.” Strath nodded.
“Only way is to go and find out for ourselves.” Nathaniel supplied.
Strath grabbed Laurynne’s hand, sharing a determined look. They
followed his father and Sir Nathaniel out of the Realm of the Ancients and
back to the Dream Realm’s Forgotten Forest, hidden deep in the Canine


“We cannot force the felines to join with their greatest enemies.”
Tobias White-Snow replied to Wolfton Stargazer, who was walking beside
them to the Feline Village. Braken Joel Hawk and Toby’s sister Nikita
White-Snow were behind them.
“We must!” Braken Joel hissed, growling.
“Most of their sets go by the Old Ways.” Toby frowned at Joel. “It
will be hard.”
“That is why we are here, little brother.” Nikita put a hand on Joel’s
arm, calming him with a touch. “To convince them should they decline.”
The group stopped when Toby snapped. “I mean no disrespect,
sister, but I have not been ‘little’ since being forced into the Dominionite
Warrior Army. I am Sire of the Feline Village and Lord Guardian’s liaison
for it, just as Wolf is for the Canine Valley. I have done many things
against the Master for Lord Guardian, joining in the Crusades not long
ago. I believe that entitles me to a little more respect from you, Nikita
Toby scowled while Nikita stared, open-mouthed.
“Tobias, brother, I do apologize.” She whispered. “I did not know.”
“Well, now you do.” Toby turned and stomped away.
“Calm yourself, Tiger-Brother.” Wolf tried. “We have our orders.
Leave personal emotions out of it.”
The Sires looked at each other, thinking on Wolf’s words. Toby
nodded, acknowledging the canine had called him Tiger-Brother. It meant
a lot to hear him say it.
“I agree, Toby.” Joel said, now taking Nikita’s hand and hugging
The quartet was on their way once again, in silence.
“A question, if I may.” Nikita spoke. “While Kit has your daughter
K’Sarra with her visiting Katherine, your son Tiger is with the Canine
Army, and you are here, who watches over the Feline Castle?”
“Mother and an Elder Companion named Essex Crowley.” Toby
supplied, smiling. “Young Guardian herself put him to the task as my
vassal when he argued with her about the Feline Palace.”
“The Palace was the home of my parents before the Wars.” Joel
pointed out. “Perhaps Essex Crowley wanted it to remain a shrine for
“Aye, he did.” Wolf said, sharing a grin with Toby. “Kat told me all
about it. A bit of an old cat by now, is he not?”
Toby nodded. “Marvelous knight, though.”
“Would he be willing to join, or is his mind still stuck in the Old
Ways?” Joel asked.
Toby shrugged. “He seems loyal enough. I do not see much of him,
but Kit does.”
The group was silent as they reached the borders of the Feline
Village. Toby sensed Wolf’s hesitation at the gate.
“Come, Wolf-Brother.” Toby said, nodding to him.
Canine eyes wide and staring off into the distance, Wolf shook his
head. “Nay. You have Joel and Nikita. You do not need me.”
Joel clasped a hand on Wolf’s shoulder. “Trust me, Wolf. We need
you.” He said with a grin. Wolf stared. “Who else can take your place?
There is only you.”
“I suppose you are right, Joel.” Wolf sighed, following.
They stopped again in front of the Feline Village’s Castle, where
they met up with a leopard-man at the door.
“Sire, you have returned.” Essex Crowley nodded to Toby, Nikita
and Joel, but stared at Wolf, who hid himself behind his feline friends.
“The Madam is inside, waiting for you.”
“Good.” Toby said. “Gather as many felines as you can. There will
be a war, and we need fighters. Tell them to meet at the Meadow, and Sire
Wolf will explain.”
Essex Crowley said. “Aye, Sire,” before leaving to his task.
Madam Natalia White-Snow, Toby and Nikita’s mother, stepped
outside to greet them.
“Toby! You have returned!” Natalia cried, hugging her son before her
daughter and nodding to Joel and Wolf. “And you bring reinforcements for
the upcoming war?”
“You could say that, aye, Mother.” Toby said. “How did you know?”
“Your father was here with Sheldon, Laurynne, Strath, Toriam and
Cherokee.” Natalia supplied. “He told me Young Guardian set you the task
of gathering Companions for a combined army. I suppose that is what you
are here for?”
Toby nodded. “To gather the felines together.”
Natalia smiled. “You know –”
“Aye, Mother, I know it will be hard.” Toby shared a look with his
three friends. “That is why Joel and Nikita are here, as well as Wolf.”
“Ah, Sheldon’s youngest son.” Natalia knelt to Wolf, who was taken
aback by the gesture of respect; especially by an Elder feline. “Sire of the
Canine Valley and now, my family as well. My son has chosen his
comrades well.”
“Thank you, Madam.” Wolf smiled, relaxing when she rose.
Madam Natalia nodded, smiling.
“Sire Tobias!” They heard a feline yell from behind them. When Toby
turned, he saw Essex racing toward them in his full-leopard form. Once
reaching his Sire, he shifted back to a leopard-man. “The felines willing to
fight in the war are gathered in the Meadow, as ordered, Sire.”
“Good work, Sir Essex.” Tobias looked to the group. “Shall we?”
Taking deep breaths, Wolf, Toby, Braken Joel, Nikita, and even
Madam Natalia all followed Sir Essex Crowley to the Meadow to join the
fighting felines of the Valley. They all agreed this would be the toughest
challenge they had ever faced.


“So, Young Guardian trusts a new feline Companion to watch over

the Canine Army?” Katherine Hawk-Stargazer teased her friend, Panther
Grey. Her sister Kitten’s Claw was beside her, smiling.
“Only while my Heart-Brother is away, Lady.” Panther grinned
back, kissing Katherine’s paw. “You know that.”
“How does it feel to finally be in charge, Panther?” Kitten’s Claw
Panther took a deep breath. “Natural, oddly enough.”
“Why would it be odd?” Kit questioned.
“I was always the quiet kid when I was Earthbound.” Panther
explained somberly, the memories of his sad life before the Dream Realm
still bothered him. “I’d never dare be the leader.”
“You are different now, my friend.” Katherine sensed his sadness.
“A brave and strong panther Companion, loyal and faithful to Lord
“I know that, Kat.” Panther said, shrugging. “I just fear I won’t be
able to be brave and strong in the war.”
“You will be fine, just watch.” Kit interjected. “We have work to do.
Stop drowning in old memories and take care of business.”
“Are you feeling sorry for yourself again, Panther Grey?” They heard
Wolf’s teasing tone from behind them.
Katherine’s canine husband was marching toward the trio, with
Toby, Braken Joel, Nikita, the leopard-knight of the Feline Village, Essex
Crowley, and Madam Natalia behind him. Once hugs and greetings were
done, Panther saw who else had followed them. The Elders; Sir Nathaniel
White-Snow, Sir Sheldon Stargazer, Braken Joel’s sister Laurynne Silver-
Hawk, Laurynne’s canine beau Strath Stargazer, Strath and Wolf’s
brother Toriam, and Toriam’s Dweller-Companion Bondmate, Cherokee
Moondancer. Following in perfect formation behind them were enough
felines and Elders to form an army themselves.
Panther was impressed. Each had done their jobs to Young
Guardian well.
“Quite a large group, Heart-Brother.” He smiled at Wolf.
“I could not do this alone.” Wolf supplied. “Thank Toby, Joel, Nikita
and the Elders.”
“You are hoping to get all those felines together with the canines?”
Kitten’s Claw asked her husband Toby.
Toby nodded. “Sir Essex will help, will you not, my fine leopard-
Panther recognized Essex Crowley from not long ago. The old
leopard-man started trouble with Panther when the Greys first moved into
the Feline Palace. The Palace used to be the home of Braken Hawk and
his lady queen, the Elder Originator Mystica until the Wars for Power,
when they were “lost” to the Dream Realm. Essex claimed the Palace a
shrine for them, and thought Panther and his then-new human-Companion
love Marie were dishonoring the Hawks’ memory by living there.
“On your orders, Sire.” Essex supplied with a nod. He saw and
glared at Panther, scowling. “I see this usurper still lives.”
“This usurper, as you call him, is a Companion Crusader.” Tobias
hissed at his knight. “You will treat him as you would the Lady or myself;
with utmost respect. Is that clear, Sir Essex Crowley?”
Essex knelt to Toby’s feet. “My profound apologies, Sire White-
“There will be no prejudices in my Valley, feline.” Wolf barked. “We
all have equal standing here, and that includes my Heart-Brother, Panther
Panther was surprised, and grateful. Neither of his Companion
friends had ever stood up for him like that before. He decided to speak
once Essex stood and nodded to Wolf.
“I’ve gathered the Canine Army, Sire Wolf.” Panther said, confirming
Toby’s words and showing the leopard that he, too, respected the two
Sires. “They’re awaiting their orders in the Practice Fields, as requested.”
“Splendid, Panther.” Wolf said. He turned to the rather large group
behind him, speaking to his father, Sir Sheldon.
He was never able to open his mouth. He saw his Page, Red Wolf
Moondancer running at full-speed in his full-Companion-wolf form. A
rustier wolf the Sire recognized as Red Wolf’s father Sir Chase paced
beside him. Both Mountain Wolves stopped in front of Wolf himself,
changing form before saying anything.
“I hope we are not too late, Sire.” Red Wolf admonished. “We ran as
fast as we could, hoping to catch you before you went with the Canine
“You are not too late, Red Wolf.” Katherine supplied. “We were just
headed to the Practice Fields with the felines.”
“Felines?” Sir Chase’s eyes widened. He caught the eyes of his two
close friends, Nathaniel White-Snow and Sheldon Stargazer. Indeed, he
saw the Elders and an army’s worth of felines waiting behind them. “I
see. The start of Young Guardian’s vision.”
Sirs Nathaniel and Sheldon nodded, confirming Chase’s fears.
“We are ready whenever you are, Sire Wolf.” Chase announced.
“Pérat!” Chase heard his daughter Cherokee’s voice from within the
crowd. She ran up and hugged him before asking. “Where is Matéré?”
“She left for the Outer Realm, to warn the kin-Clans.” Chase
supplied, catching Wolf’s nod of understanding. “Lord Guardian told her
to. We are to gather them only when the Master calls on the Stalkers.”
“Come with us then, Sir Chase.” Wolf admonished. Once Chase
nodded he would, Wolf again tried to speak to his own father. “Pérat,
“Aye, Wolfton.” Sheldon Stargazer smiled. “The time has come, and
so has the challenge.”
“Show us just how grown you really are, Satil.” Strath said
seriously, but his eyes were teasing. Strath was proud of his youngest
brother and Wolf could see it clearly. “Lead us to the Canine Army.”
“With so many felines and others joining in,” Laurynne announced.
“It should be called the Companion Army.”
“Not until they prove themselves, sister.” Braken Joel replied. “They
have yet to show us they can get along, not to mention if they can fight
together against a common enemy.”
“You speak the truth, Braken Joel.” Sheldon supplied. “Well, donar,
lead the way. We will show them Companions can get along, will we not?”
With a determined look in his canine eyes, he nodded, turning and
leading the way to the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields. He heard the
familiar cadences of Elder ex-Dominionite Warriors being sung behind him.
Instead of painful memories of the Wars, a new sense of duty filled his
mind, giving Wolfton Stargazer, Sire of the Canine Valley, hope for the
upcoming war.

Enchantra could sense the eeriness in the air as she entered the
Ancient Mystic Kingdom Castle. Right away, she found her twin,
Challandra, alert and searching through numerous books that littered the
Sensing a strange presence, and not knowing it was her own twin
sister, Challandra spun, dagger ready to attack. Once she realized who it
was, Challandra’s face turned red and she sheathed the dagger back in
her laced boot.
“I am sorry, sister.” Challandra hugged her twin. “One can never be
too careful, you know.”
“Aye,” Enchantra grinned, nodding. “I know. How are you fairing?”
“I am myself again.” Challandra said, then shook her head. “I only
wish it were the same for Byron.”
“He has not regained magical strength yet?” Enchantra asked her.
Challandra sighed. “Nay. He is in constant dazes, brooding over
what Gloriana did to him. He feels responsible because he let her do it.”
“We all know that demon-witch.” Enchantra supplied. “She will do
anything to anyone and not care. No wonder she and Orthos made a pair
of it.”
Enchantra felt her sister’s anguish.
“I cannot bare to see him like this.” Challandra announced. “He has
been changed, Chantie, and there is nothing any of us could do to get the
old fun-loving Byron back.”
Enchantra hugged her. “Regardless, I will try.”
“Thank you, sister.” Challandra said.
With that, she was on her way to find Byron.
Lord Byron, Lord King of the Ancient Mystic Kingdom, was, in fact,
brooding. Enchantra made no noise when she found him in Challandra’s
back garden. He was sitting on a bench, staring into space. Enchantra
sensed his mind in turmoil without even trying. His mind was that open,
and it worried her. How was he going to fight against his evil older brother
in this condition?
He seemed to sense her, but didn’t move. He only replied softly. “I
am weak, Challie.”
Just as Chantie was Enchantra’s nickname, Challie was her twin
Challandra’s. Enchantra ignored him calling her that, choosing to listen in
complete silence.
“I could not fight Gloriana.” Byron went on. “I did not have the
strength then, and I do not have it now. Our people have noticed the
change in me, and they are disappointed. I see their faces when I make
my rounds, Challandra. I scare them and am at a loss to stop it.”
Byron finally turned to Enchantra, the look in his eyes was sad and
pleading. Enchantra sat next to him, taking a hand in hers.
“It is okay, Byron.” Enchantra tried gently. “It was not your fault.
None of it was.”
“Why do I feel so bad then?” Byron pleaded. “She hurt you, Challie.
She almost killed you and I could do nothing about it. That demon-witch
seduced me, and I could not fight her. She even taunted me with what she
did to you, but I could do nothing.”
Byron stood and walked away, tears in his eyes. “A King is not
supposed to be weakened by demons. A king is not supposed to be able to
be lied to, or caught in traps. A king is supposed to be all-knowing and
trusting, judgmental but fair, just and honorable. A king must have
resounding courage in the face of danger.” He turned to face Enchantra
once again, going on as he stared at her. “Challandra, a king is supposed
to protect his queen and followers, not be led on by a demon-witch.”
Enchantra stood. “I told you, Byron. It was not your fault.” She said
softly. “Gloriana was fully into her Dominionite powers once becoming
Orthos’ queen. You had no control over her, or what she did to you.”
She paused, taking both his hands. He wrapped his arms around
her waist. She pushed herself away before he could fool himself more into
thinking she was Challandra.
“There is hope, Lord Byron.” She said sternly, hoping he would
listen and understand. “While war has not officially been declared by your
brother or Lord Bane, we must be ready for it. In order to do that, you
must be able to think clearly, and quick on your feet. You have to have
your wits about you, and stop brooding over things you can do nothing
Byron stood still, staring at her. Based on the look on his face, she
knew her words were getting to him.
“Look at me, Lord Byron.” Enchantra commanded. “Really look at
me. I am Enchantra, twin sister of your Queen. I am love-bound to your
oldest brother O’Dell. Gloriana did not hurt only the two of you; she hurt
the rest of us as well. I felt it when she was caught in the Witches Cord.
O’Dell felt it when Orthos returned by way of a Watcher’s ritual. Even the
Unicorn’s Earthly Protector Airmed Starchaser felt it when Gloriana
threatened us.”
Byron continued to stare when she let go of his hands, slowing
coming to as he listened.
“When O’Dell felt Orthos return, he hid himself in his books, just as
Challandra is now, searching for some spell, some ritual, some incantation
to bring his own twin brother to justice. As he was doing that, Young
Guardian had to take his place, being both herself and a stand-in for him.
It exhausted her so much, she reverted to her younger self, weakened by
it. The Protector felt her, and was hurt. It bet you could not name a single
Earthbound or Ancient Mystic that did not feel it. You could not name a
single Companion anywhere in the Realm that did not feel it. Now, we
must do something about it.”
Enchantra watched his stance as he stared, listening. What more
could she say to convince him to snap out of it and act like the King he
said he was supposed to be?
“Now tell me, Byron, Lord King of the Ancient Mystic Kingdom.”
Enchantra commanded. “What are you going to do about all these people
in pain? What are you planning to do about Gloriana, Orthos and Bane?
What will the King of a strong Realm do to stop his older brother from
killing those in this world, from Companions, to Creatures, Earthbound
and Dreamers?”
“Enchantra. . .” Byron snapped out of his daze. “Where is my Lady
“In the conservatory with her books and herbs.” Enchantra said.
“Go to her, Byron. Go to her and tell her you love her. Then, come up with
something to stop Orthos from destroying us all.”
Byron stood straight, now proud of his rank and himself. He took
one of her hands and kissed it gently. “Thank you, sister-of-my-heart. I
owe you for bringing my mind back into focus.”
“Repay me by fighting beside O’Dell in this war.” Enchantra said.
“He needs his loyal brothers by him, when his own twin is against him.
Can I trust you will do your best not to disappoint him?”
“Aye, Enchantra.” Lord Byron was serious. “My best by O’Dell.”
Satisfied by his words, and that his mind was back to normal,
Enchantra disappeared, returning to her lover’s side.
Story: #1:
In the Outer Realm

Luna Woods-Morehouse sulked after she picked up the kids from

school the next day.
Why should Shane and I tell them what they have to do? Luna
thought to herself. Kelly is Ariana’s daughter, not mine. Why can’t Ariana
tell them?
She gave it a second-thought. Oh yeah, she’s the Young Guardian,
and just got over a very stressful, emotionally draining ordeal. Besides,
Luna thought. I’m the Grand Magus. It’s part of my job to warn others
and tell them what they have to do.
I might as well get it over with then. She thought, walking across
the street with her husband and three kids.
After shooing them to the backyard with Juliet, she and Shane
found Kelly in the Study, going her homework with Bradley and Cara.
“Just the three we wanted to see.” Shane spoke, since she didn’t
know what to say.
They looked up and saw their faces. Neither were smiling.
“What’s going on, Uncle Shane?” Bradley asked. “Why do you look
like the Shadow?”
“We’ve got a huge favor to ask the three of you.” Luna announced,
matching her husband’s Shadow persona with her own Grand Magus.
Kelly stared at her aunt’s now-silver-blue eyes. “What do we have
to do?”
“You know there’s going to be a war in the Dream Realm?” Shadow
asked them.
All three nodded. Bradley and Kelly knew because of her mother,
Young Guardian, and Cara knew because of both her new siblings, who
happened to be Ancient Mystics and both Ariana and Luna’s brother and
“You know the Crusaders will have to be there in person to fight in
it?” Grand Magus asked them.
Again, they nodded.
“Do you know what we’re going to ask you to do?”
“I have an idea.” Kelly, acting as her Enchanted Child persona,
nodded. “Since the Crusaders will be fighting in the war, you want us to
help take care of the younger kids.”
“You want us to make sure they don’t pull any Ancient Mystic
surprises on Juliet or anyone else.” Cara continued.
“You also want us to keep it all secret from the rest of the world.”
Bradley finished. “Anything else, Shadow? Grand Magus?”
The two adults looked at each other, impressed and surprised they
knew what to do. They were even more surprised the three were more
than eager to do it.
“One more thing.” The Grand Magus announced. “You,” she
nodded to Kelly, “are to take your mother’s place as Guardian of the
Dream Realm, with you,” she nodded to Bradley, “taking the Protector’s
place as her consort.”
“What about me?” Cara asked.
“You have a choice on that, Cara.” Shadow said. “You can stay a
Crusading Dreamer, or you can go with them when they patrol the
Dream Realm. This war isn’t going to be pleasant, I’ll tell you that right
now. We need all three of you to keep Dreamers’ spirits up.”
“It’s gonna be hard, and there will be no physical rewards, only
mental ones.” Grand Magus said. “Do you think you can handle it?”
“We’ll have to.” Bradley said seriously. “Dreamers of the world are
counting on us to keep their dreams from turning into nightmares and
their Worlds from turning to ash.”
“As the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm, I give you my oath.”
Kelly’s silver-blue eyes blazed, showing she, too, was serious. “We’ll do
“Right.” Cara chimed.
“Just tell us when and we’ll be ready for you.” Kelly said.
“Thanks, Crusaders.” Shadow shook each of their hands, hugging
his niece Kelly.
All three beamed at the acknowledgment. Each were part of the
Third-Generation Crusader team, named so more than a month ago by
Shannon Ryan-McNathaniels, Young Guardian, and herself the Grand
Magus for catching a criminal that had been haunting Hill View for ten
years. Four of their friends were a part of it, too, each with different
stones around their necks in a Dream Locket that took them to the
Dream Realm on a Chant. Only Kelly, her Earthly Protector Bradley Allen
and Cara Richardson were allowed to keep the knowledge of the Ancient
Mystics and the Dream Realm in their memories.
They may have worked hard to become the next generation of
Dream Realm Crusaders, but time would only tell how much harder
they’ll have to work.
Before leaving, Luna looked them over.
Kelly Reading was the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm, just
as Luna was the Grand Magus, Ariana was the Young Guardian, Derrick
was the Protector, Shane was the Shadow, Jamie was Jammins, Aimee
was the Amethyst Faery and Aaron was the Unicorn. Kelly had her own
persona, and her duties to her great-great-grandfather, Lord Guardian
O’Dell. Her duties entailed her to welcome new Dreamers and keep them
safe from harm while they adjusted to the Dream Realm. In time, she
would become a very powerful Ancient Mystic, every bit as powerful as
her mother and aunt Luna combined. For now, she was still learning,
and had the heart for it all.
Already, Luna and Shane each saw the loyalty Bradley had for his
stepsister Kelly. The reason for that was obvious, since Enchantra had
revealed he was her Earthly Protector. That meant they were made for
each other, to love and protect one another as an Ancient Mystic Couple.
Neither knew the truth, that Bradley was adopted into the Schmidt
family. In his mind, he loved her with his heart and soul, but was
confused. If he didn’t now, he, too, would have his duties to his Lord
Guardian. Not only as her Earthly Protector and a Crusader, but
something more. Time would tell just what he would name his own
Dream Realm persona. It would also tell just what he would become with
the Enchanted Child by his side.
As for Cara Richardson, Luna could tell she wasn’t really into it
right now. Not for the right reasons, anyway. She was caught in the
middle of all Ancient Mystic messes, thanks to her sister’s Ancient Mystic
husband Kevin Woods and her brother’s Ancient Mystic wife, Claudia
Woods-Richardson. There was something special about her, though, and
she did have the heart of a fighter. Maybe that’s why the Amber stone
around her neck shone brightly, and Luna could sense the Dragon Magic
building in her system? She decided to keep that silent from the girl. She
was only thirteen, and a non-Ancient Mystic. She was too young to know
or even learn how to handle her elemental power over Fire.
The other four, Luna and Shane both knew, were already smart
junior-detectives as well. Kirsten Farthay, Steven Edwards, Samantha
West, and Joshua Stevenson, all school friends of Kelly’s, were Dream
Realm Crusaders, too. They had their own elemental power stones
around their necks, but didn’t know about it. Their minds were erased by
an Ancient Mystic potion called the Forgetfulness Spell. The very potion
Luna herself used on Ariana when they were only five, to make her twin
forget about her family ties.
Shaking her head back into gear, Luna thought to herself as she
walked home with Shane.
They would all be brave, just fighters in time. Luna could count on
them now to act like watchers for the younger children in this world, and
take care of the Dreamers in the Dream Realm. On that, she could rely.


Ramon Martiya could smell her from a mile away.

His Blood-sister Celeste Moondancer was back in Romania, and
she was coming this way. Her scent, the smell of death and decay to
come, wasn’t one he expected from her. It was the time of night she
usually chose to be with her Bondmate Chase. He didn’t sense his old
mentor with her, and that startled him. One didn’t usually go anywhere
without the other. It didn’t matter that Chase was a Mountain Wolf
Companion from the Dream Realm. It didn’t matter that now that they
were Bonded in blood and soul, they couldn’t be away from each other
for long. It also didn’t matter they had to be with the kin-Clans when the
Hunger was upon them, once a month during the dark of the moon.
All that mattered is that she had returned to Romania, smelling of
death and decay. It told him something was wrong.
“Daniel.” Ramon barked to his second-in-command, Blood-brother
and Celeste’s Apprentice kin-brother.
Daniel was beside him in seconds, a mere blink of an eye and no
one would have seen him coming. He shifted from the mists to human
form, staring at his Blood-brother. One sniff to the air, and he, too, could
smell his sister coming. “What do you think she wants?”
“I wouldn’t know.” Ramon announced softly. “Tell Diamond to join
us. He’ll want to hear this too, I bet.”
“Right.” Daniel didn’t move. Instead, he sent out the call in his
mind to the Jewel Elder. “He’s on his way with Carlotta, Ramon.”
Ramon didn’t say a word, only nodding that he heard. “She’s in a
Daniel stared where Ramon’s attention was diverted. “Celeste has
been in the Dream Realm for so long, I thought she’d forgotten how to
“You and me both, Blood-brother.” Ramon waited for her to
approach them.
The droplets of mist in front of them stopped suddenly, and Celeste
Moondancer shifted to her full-human form. She saw both Ramon and
Daniel standing before her before she fainted on the spot.
Daniel carried her to the hideaway and set her down on fresh soil
that lay on a large slab of rock. He waited twenty minutes for her to stir.
As Celeste tried to sit up, Ramon was there to help her. Diamond and his
Bondmate Carlotta stood in the shadows, watching the scene.
Daniel was there when Celeste whispered. “Feed me.”
He sliced his wrist with a fingernail, holding it to her mouth. Her
sharp fangs shot out and she Fed hungrily.
“Talk to us, sister.” Daniel whispered. “On the common mind-path.
Tell us why you are here, and why you exhaust yourself doing it? You
know the differences between this world and the Dream Realm as well as
any of us. We actually use energy here, and need replenishing when it is
gone. Do you forget after all this time away from home?”
Yes, Celeste’s mind-voice was weary. I forgot a lot, but for good
“Why have you come home now?” Ramon asked her. “Is it Chase?”
No, Blood-brother. It is not Chase or either of our children, for that
matter. Celeste responded.
Daniel could feel her getting stronger, her energy waxing as she
drank his life-giving fluid. She waited until she closed the wound and her
Hunger was sated before telling them why she was back in the Outer
“Tell me, dear sister.” Daniel brushed her hair with a gentle hand.
“What could possibly take you from Chase’s side? Why didn’t he join
“If you would be silent, I’d tell you.” Celeste said sternly, then
smiled, teasing.
She told everything she knew, including what Orthos knew about
Airmed Starchaser.
“Starchaser?” Diamond breathed, coming closer. Carlotta gasped
beside him, sharing a look with her Bondmate.
“That’s right, Diamond. Starchaser.” Celeste said. “Airmed is a
direct descendant of our old King Shem and Queen Shiva. She is
Watcher-kin, and at an Earth-.” she almost said Earthbound, correcting
herself with a roll of the eyes. “I mean, at an age where her powers are
awakening. She believed herself to be a mere Pagan, until Chase and I
explained to her what she was.”
Diamond nodded. “Go on.”
Celeste continued by telling her three Clan-brothers and Clan-
sister the rest of the story, like what Lord Guardian’s successor the
Young Guardian was doing about all the chaos. She saved the best for
“The main reason I’m here is because the Master Orthos will call
upon the Stalkers once again, just as he did in the Wars for Power.”
“The very Wars that took hundreds of our kinsmen?” Ramon
One stare from Diamond and Ramon was calmed again.
“Both Guardians have already Foreseen it.” Celeste supplied softly.
“That is why I am here. To tell you what they plan, and gather as many
Hunters as we can to fight in this new Dream Realm war.”
“Has he called them already?” Ramon inquired. Celeste shook her
head. “Than why warn us now?”
“Because he will, and soon.” Celeste responded.
She could sense he was reluctant, not wanting to get involved.
That was understandable, considering the last War the Dwellers got
involved in made them lose so many of their numbers. She started again,
softer this time. “Ramon, please see this from my eyes. My son Chikité
and daughter Cherokee are known to the Elder-kin.”
Ramon looked to Diamond, seeing the Jewel Elder nodding.
Celeste continued. “They will be fighting in this war, and are
considered kin, even if they are half-Companions. Please, say you will do
this for me, for Chase, for all of us?”
Ramon stared at his Blood-sister for a minute, thinking over her
words. While it was true what she said, the kin-Clans lost a lot of their
own in the previous Wars in the Dream Realm. Shem and Shiva were
there, too, and since, declared no Dweller-kin would fight in another
Dream Realm war unless the Stalkers were involved.
But times have changed, and so had Celeste, apparently. The loss
of the passing of time made her nearly forget who and what she was.
Ramon felt for her, though. She had to live in two different worlds, as did
her Bondmate Chase Moondancer. Every Dweller-kin was precious to the
survival of their kind, and he didn’t want to lose any more than he could
“Just the Hunters, Celeste?” Ramon said silently.
“Just the Hunters.” Celeste responded.
Ramon sighed. Diamond, Daniel, Carlotta and Celeste waited for
him to speak.
“Tell me when and it will be done, Blood-sister.” Ramon
Celeste wrapped arms around him and hugged him. “Thank you,
She also hugged her kin-brother, the Jewel Elder, and Carlotta.
She hugged Ramon again, tighter.
“When next I come to you, Lord Guardian wants you to report to
him.” Celeste told Ramon and Daniel.
“Rest and Feed well, and often, sister.” Daniel remarked, tweaking
her nose as if she were a child. He always made her smile with the
gesture before he lost all emotions.
Celeste stared at her kin-brother, amazed and happy his emotions
were back. He actually ‘felt’ happier than he had years before. “You’re
“To Bella’s and my daughter Simone, no doubt.” Ramon smiled.
“Last I remembered, Simone was just born.” Celeste replied. “How
old is she now?”
Daniel laughed. “I keep forgetting the Dream Realm knows no time.
Simone is still a Youngling of nineteen, but we are Bonded.”
“As long as you are happy, brother, I am happy for you.” Celeste
hugged him again. “My little brother is finally Bonded! Glory and Blessed
Daniel kissed her cheek. “I will be happier soon, and so will you.”
Celeste waited. “Simone carries my child. Our kin-Clan will continue.”
Celeste didn’t want to argue that her own son Chikité and
daughter Cherokee would continue the Apprentice kin-Clan line. She
was happy for her brother’s new-found love of life.
“I really must go now, my Clan-brothers and -sister.” Celeste
remarked sadly. “There is still a war to be declared in my world, and I
must get back to Chase.”
She’d given her message. Now it was time for her to go back to the
Dream Realm, and her beloved Bondmate Chase. With cries of “Pleasant
Journeys,” Celeste called the Dream Chant and returned to the
upcoming war.


“So tell me again, Aimee.” Ariana Reading was confused, trying to

get her almost-sister’s story correct in her mind. “Scott is a Fire-Starter
in the Dream Realm? How?”
“He can make things catch on fire, just by thinking about it.”
Aimee grinned, hugging Scott’s arms.
“And Lord Guardian is impressed by this so-called amazing feat?”
Aaron asked.
“He was impressed by you, wasn’t he, Aaron?” Scott wondered. “I
don’t remember what I did, but it impressed him.”
“O’Dell told me a little about your adventures there without the
Musketeers.” Ariana supplied. “Not much; just enough to peak my
interest. I wondered how you were able to go without us, but now I
“Scott’s a special Dreamer called a Fire-Starter.” Aimee was proud
of him. “I believe whatever he did, had to do with his Fire-Starter
“What about simple imagination?” Aaron countered. “Your mind
has always been open to Ariana’s strange powers, and you’ve always had
a great imagination.”
Scott blushed. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Aimee nudged him. “We know so.” She supplied. “And now we also
know we’ve got another weapon against Orthos. He’ll never guess!”
After that statement, the younger children seemed to sense the
four adults neglecting them. They started begging and bugging and
wanting anything they could think of, just to get attention. From that
point on until dark, the adults were so busy taking care of them, they
never had the time or chance to continue the conversation.
Seemed a pretty senseless conversation anyhow, Aaron thought.
He already knew what Scott was in the Dream Realm, and even what he
did to impress Lord Guardian. He just didn’t feel like telling them
tonight. Not when his mind was on Sierra Gregory.
She’d left the day she told him about herself being Watcher-kin,
whatever that really was. She went to her aunt’s house, telling him she’d
return when she had all the answers. She had questions about her being
Watcher-kin. She needed to get the answers from her mother Sienna,
who Sierra had said called herself “Malayna Starchaser,” and her Aunt
Darlene “Red Shawl” Bennington. She’d be back that night, if not sooner.
He only had to keep her secret from Aimee and Ariana until Sierra
herself told him he could tell it.
Aaron knew how hard of a task it would be. Blocking the two of
them out of his thoughts was harder than ever. Now that he’d named
Sierra his Earthly Protector, it was tougher to close himself off to anyone
listening. Aimee was his twin, always able to read his mind and send
mental messages. Ariana was born with telepathy, the power of speaking
mind-to-mind to anyone she chose. He didn’t want to hurt either his
twin’s or his best friend’s feelings by shutting them out, but he also
didn’t want to betray his new love Sierra.
It was dark out now, hours after Aimee’s revelation about her own
Earthly Protector, Scott. Aaron was sitting on the front porch, his mind
wandering and body waiting for Sierra.
At last, he saw someone from the corner of his eye, walking in the
darkness. Pitch black hair blew in the cool night wind, the moon shone,
outlining a sensual female body, and Aaron knew it was her. He could
sense her love, and stood to greet her with a kiss and hug.
“Well, what do we have here?” Sierra grinned, holding him close.
“Were you waiting all this time for me? Shame on you, boy.”
Aaron loved it when she teased him.
“Of course I was waiting for you, Airmed.” Aaron used her Pagan-
Watcher name. It turned her face from playful and sensual to downright
“What is it, Unicorn?” Sierra asked, trying to search his now-green
eyes in the darkness of night. “Why do you call me that now, with such a
worrisome look in your eyes?”
“Let’s take a walk.” Aaron announced, grabbing one of her hands
and leading the way.
After a few minutes of silence, Sierra was worried herself. She
stopped in her tracks, forcing him to do the same. “Aaron Theodore, tell
me right now what’s on your mind! What worries you so much?”
“I can’t keep your Watcher secret from them for long.” Aaron
blurted. “We’re the Three Musketeers, always have been, probably always
will be. It’s hurting me to see them wonder what’s on my mind when I’ve
closed it off to them. It’s hurting them to see me ignoring them again, like
I did when we first met. In turn, that’s hurting me, too.”
Sierra could say nothing, only stand and listen.
“We’ve kept nothing from each other for most of our lives, Sierra.”
Aaron announced. “This secret isn’t an easy one. They wonder why I’m so
quiet again, after meeting you. I ignore them, but I can’t keep it from
them for much longer.”
“Then don’t.” Sierra supplied with a grin. “We’ll tell them, and they
won’t believe us. They won’t worry anymore and we’ll be in the clear.”
So, that’s what she thinks I’m really saying. Aaron said silently in
his mind.
“That’s not my point.” He told her aloud. “Ariana’s a pure Ancient
Mystic, with an open mind for anything. She’ll believe you, and so will
“What’s wrong with telling them?” Sierra asked. “If Ariana has an
open mind, you won’t lose her friendship over my being a Watcher-kin
Sun-Dancer. You’ll always have Aimee; she’s your twin sister. I’m not
even going to start on the other Crusaders.”
“So, should we tell them, or not?”
“I think we should.” Sierra nodded. “It’s all a matter of when.”
“When the time is right, we’ll know.” Aaron stared into space,
taking her hand and walking with her around the block.
The walk was peaceful and serene. They walked in silence, caught
up in their own thoughts.
“Rumor has it Orthos used a Watcher ritual to return to the Dream
Realm.” Sierra began softly after a while. She looked at him, eyes curious
and questioning. “Is it true?”
He felt something from her then, and knew what she was thinking.
“Yes, it’s true.” Aaron squeezed her hand. “But it’s not your fault.”
“If it weren’t for my using the Winds of Disruption to fight
Gloriana, he wouldn’t be back now.” Sierra said. “She recognized me as a
Watcher and told him, I know it.”
“He’s been looking for a way out of his Exiling long before you ever
came along.” Aaron supplied. “Just because Gloriana might have
recognized what you were before you did doesn’t mean his return is your
fault. Don’t blame yourself for something you had nothing to do with.”
“Aaron, he used a Watcher ritual to return.” Sierra insisted. “And
he used it only after Gloriana fought us and recognized me.”
Aaron was the one to stop them in their tracks again. “Listen to
me, Airmed Starchaser.” He made her look him in the eyes before going
on. “You are not responsible, so don’t feel you are. Your soul is good, not
at all evil. Do you think the Ancients would have chosen an evil Earthly
Protector for me?” Sierra shook her head, unable to say a word. He
kissed her lips. “Do you believe I would fall hopelessly in love with an evil
woman?” Sierra shook her head again, blushing. He pulled her into his
arms. “There you go. You and I were meant for each other, Sierra.” He
whispered in her ear. “There’s no way you could do wrong, or even turn
Stalker, if that was possible. You’re too pure and good.” She met his eyes
again. “I could never love anyone more than I do you.”
Another passionate kiss to her lips and Sierra Gregory was
convinced, her mind put at ease over the rumors she’d heard in the
Dream Realm. Aaron could sense it, breaking from the embrace and
taking her hand before moving on in the dark of night.
They were in deep thought, thinking of the upcoming war in the
Dream Realm and Sierra “Airmed”’s Watcher-kin powers. They didn’t
even notice when they saw the Schmidt’s porch-light on from the corners
of their eyes. For the rest of the night, they were in silent thought.
Soon, they would tell the other Crusaders about Airmed’s Watcher-
kin powers.
But not tonight.


“How dare she have the audacity to speak to me like that!” Braken
Hawk yelled to his Lady Queen Mystica after he told her all that was
happening in the Dream Realm. He’d been on a tirade about Young
Guardian since.
“Calm down, Braken.” Mystica said softly, rocking the baby in her
arms. “You will wake the baby.”
Braken only lowered his voice, but didn’t calm down. “She seems to
think she can boss others around in Lord Guardian’s place.” He huffed.
“Who does that child think she is?”
Mystica smiled. “She knows she is O’Dell’s successor.”
“Our twins are older than she is!”
“The woman you call ‘child’ has earned the right to take his place in
serious matters.” She challenged him. “What she does is her duty as the
Young Guardian.”
“Is it her duty to boss her Elders around like common Companions?”
Braken supplied.
“She has many duties, and that includes bossing Elders around, if
the need arises.” Mystica supplied. “To her, the Dream Realm is a second
home. She does what is right because she cares about its welfare.”
“We are not in the Dream Realm.” He pointed out softly, letting his
temper cool. “We are in the Realm of the Epsilon. She has no authority over
me, so she must learn to respect me.”
“If you wish to help O’Dell in the war against Orthos, I suggest you
listen to her.” Mystica said.
“The only reason I am helping Lord Guardian is because of our twin
girls.” Braken said. “I do not want to see them hurt anymore.”
Mystica smiled. “Katherine is Lady of the Canine Valley. She was
the one to help Young Guardian learn her magic and teach her of the
Dream Realm when she was younger. Kitten’s Claw is Lady of the Feline
Village, and the one to help Grand Magus not overdo her own magic
studies. They are now fully grown and capable of taking care of
themselves and their kits. Our daughters have learned from Jezebel how
to fight against any foe using the Ancient Mystic and Companion Magicks
Braken could say nothing to that, so he looked to the infant in her
arms. Their son was looking around with bright eyes and exploring hands.
“Come, my Lord and love.” Mystica sighed, giving up. “Let us do
what Young Guardian told us to do. Go to the Canine Valley’s Practice
Fields, taking the Young Companions to safety in the Underground.”
The baby whimpered, and she rocked him in her arms, calming him.
This got Braken out of his temper quickly. He turned to his new son, his
true-son. The baby saw his father’s claw and grabbed it, putting it in his
“Besides,” Mystica said softly, taking Braken’s hand. “Is it not
about time our daughters and my elder children met their new brother?”
Braken kissed the baby’s head, then her lips gently. “Very well, my
Lady Queen. Send for Sarabeth and we will go.”
Story: #2:
To the Province Underground

Ariana and Derrick’s patrols told them the Canine Army was
stronger than ever, now adding felines and other Companions to their
ranks. Laurynne and Braken Joel both told them they were learning to
fight well together, and that made Young Guardian relax a little. The
Canine Army now had a new name. They were the Companion Army, and
they were closer than ever to beating out the bad guys in the upcoming
On one particular night, Young Guardian and the Protector told
their closest Companion friends, Braken Joel, Wolf and Toby, to gather
those who wouldn’t be fighting in the war and bring them to the Canine
Valley’s Practice Fields. Something told Young Guardian it was time
Braken Joel led them all to the Province Underground.

Braken Joel, Kitten’s Claw, Laurynne, Marie, Madams Natalia and

Shelby, Lady Nikita, Queen Mystica, Lord Braken and the Princess
Sarabeth were there to greet them. All Young Companions were either
infants in their arms or standing at their sides, holding their hands.
Young Guardian was impressed.
“I will be fighting in the war, Young Guardian.” Braken Joel told her,
eyeing his foster-father. “As my sworn duty to my fathers, I will be there.”
Young Guardian nodded, and noticed Laurynne was distracted.
Laurynne turned to her, but addressed Mystica. “My mind is in
turmoil, Mother. Should I go with you to the Underground, or stay?”
Mystica hugged her eldest daughter’s shoulders with one arm.
“While your sister and I would love to have your help, we would not be
hurt if you stayed to be a Healer. That is what you are best at.”
“Really, Mother?” Laurynne asked, looking to Kitten’s Claw, who
was nodding in agreement.
“Really.” Mystica kissed her cheek. “For now, we must go. I feel a
dark presence coming.”
“You’re right, Mystica.” Young Guardian supplied softly.
She gave her orders and the group was on their way. Laurynne
went to find Strath with his brother Wolf. Braken Hawk turned to leave for
the Ancient Mystic Palace, but she stopped him.
“Lord Braken.” Young Guardian spoke up. He stared, waiting. “I
owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have disrespected you like that, and I’m
Braken Hawk took her hand and kissed it. “I understand, Young
Guardian, and you are forgiven.” He paused, and winked at her. “Just be
sure it does not happen again.”
Young Guardian smiled and he disappeared.
The Protector watched his love stare into the distance, hugging
herself. “You feel the dark presence she was speaking of?”
She nodded. He feared as much. In an effort to comfort her fears, he
kissed her. Her kiss was lifeless, and that scared him more as she looked
into his eyes. They were no longer silver-blue, but pure silver.
“Soon?” the Protector dared to whisper.
Again, she nodded.
He sighed. “Well, let’s hop to it then, shall we?”
She didn’t smile, only following him on their patrols of the Dream


Meanwhile, Braken Joel led the group of Young Companions and

non-fighters to the Underground. It was the second trek back there since
safely hiding the Elders after the Wars for Power. The first time was when
he and a band of Companions, plus a very pregnant Young Guardian,
followed him to free the Elders.
“Joel, you have not said a word all this way.” Mystica pointed out.
“Is there something on your mind, son?”
“Braken told me you wanted me to name his true-son.” Joel replied,
looking to the sleeping infant in her arms.
“Have you thought of a name, yet?” Mystica asked. “We are almost
there. I would rather my second son have a name before his father and
siblings go into battle.”
Braken Joel nodded, turning away. “I said I would name him, and I
will. For now, we have a long way to go.”
Mystica only shook her head and let him walk ahead of her.
She knew there was something wrong with him, other than that, so
why wouldn’t he tell her? They always used to be close, before she was
sent to the Epsilon. Was he still the aloof half-Companion he used to be,
when he first found out Braken Hawk wasn’t his true-father? Was he
bitter now because of that, or has he grown so wise and sure of himself,
he knew when to keep his mouth shut, and when to speak?
“My Lady Queen?” Sarabeth came up to her and started walking.
She took the infant from her arms.
“Times have changed him, Sarabeth.” Mystica announced sadly.
“Surely, you have noticed?”
“That I have.” Sarabeth shook her head. “He still hurts deep inside,
but will allow no one but Nikita near him to heal where he needs it most.”
“This war will change him even more, I am sure of it.” Mystica told
her, watching her son’s half-Companion form. “Whatever happens, will
happen. Not even I can change the fates.”
Sarabeth agreed, but wondered what Mystica was thinking of now.
The group stopped when they reached the Elder Tree that hid the
entrance to the Underground. Braken Joel looked to his half-brother, who
was exploring the area with starry eyes and a laughing smile.
He seems happy enough, Joel thought to himself. Is this what I
would have looked like had I been Braken Hawk’s true-son?
Mystica saw him staring and handed the infant to him. “Go ahead,
Joel.” She whispered. “Do not be afraid.”
Joel took him in his arms. “Believe me, Mother. I am not afraid.”
“Look into his eyes and heart, my son.” Mystica told him. “Tell us
what you see.”
Joel obeyed, staring deep into his brother’s eyes and down to his
heart. A vision clouded his view.

The boy kit was older, but not much more so. He was a Young One
still. He was half-Balinese feline Companion, half Ancient Mystic. Joel
could feel the surge of magic in this one’s system. The brothers had the
same strength, but it was used in different ways.
Something in the distance caught the boy’s eye. He held out a
hand to produce a swirling ball of fire in his palm. Stars shone in his
eyes, twinkling with feline mischief.
“Come out, Raulf Stargazer.” The boy supplied with a teasing grin.
He bounced the fireball in his hands. “I know you are there.”
From high in the trees jumped and older version of the Young
Raulf Stargazer. He flicked his tufted wolf’s tail as a playful greeting.
“Nothing gets past you, does it?”
“Not when the canine stench I smell is yours.” The boy quipped,
tossing the fireball at Raulf, who dodged it. The fireball almost hit him.
“Now tell me I need to work on my aim.”
Raulf shifted to full wolf form and leaped from the ground to the
boy’s midriff.
The boy was faster, shifting his own form to a cheetah, just as
Raulf made contact.
The two wrestled their greetings, and the image was gone.

Joel looked from the baby in his arms to the kit-pup holding Kitten’s
Claw’s hand.
“Well, what did you see?” Kit asked.
“Them.” Joel answered. “Raulf and –” he looked again to his infant
half-brother, coming up with a name. “Starfire.”
Mystica took the baby from her older son’s arms. “Starfire, is it?”
She nodded. “It does seem appropriate. Thank you, Joel.”
Joel nodded, then followed the rough bumps and furrows on the
three until his hand hit the knot. Once the entrance was opened, he turned
back to his mother. “Follow the trail. It leads to the secret city. You will be
safe there until the war is over.”
Kitten’s Claw fiercely hugged him. “Be safe, Joel. Say you will.”
Joel kissed her forehead. “I will be safe, sister. I have not let you
down yet, have I?”
Kitten’s Claw pulled back from the hug in tears, shaking her head.
“I just worry for you, brother, that’s all.”
“Kit, he will be fine, and so will Kat.” Nikita supplied.
Kitten’s Claw nodded.
“I must be going now.” Braken Joel said, kissing Nikita’s lips and
pulling her in for a final, tight hug. “I promise to return for you.”
Mystica pecked his cheek. “See that you do, my son.”
Braken Joel smiled, then shifted to cheetah form and ran as fast as
his pads could take him. He didn’t want anyone to see the tears forming in
his eyes.


Orthos paced the dungeons of this new Dark Castle of Lord Bane’s.
So far, the one who called himself the Nightmare King had been quiet. The
thought didn’t settle well with him.
How was he supposed to fight with a demon-man when Lord Bane
had yet to show his worth? To Orthos, either Bane was very lazy, or very
smart. Was Bane just sitting on the sidelines as he watched Orthos do all
the work, or was he lying in wait for the right moment to make his ultimate
first move?
Orthos grinned to himself. Maybe Bane thought the same of him?
He thought to Omri next, who still sulked in his vase.
Useless Djinn god. Orthos thought. What good was a Djinn if they
couldn’t do anything right?
Then he thought to what D’Kora told him. Vino was destroyed by
the Dweller-Companion, Red Wolf Moondancer. Red Wolf had long turned
tail against Orthos and the Dominionite Warrior Army. How could the wolf-
pup betray his former Master like that?
Oh well, Orthos thought to himself, gathering his Spell-Book and
flipping its pages. Revenge will be sweet.
He found the spell and called it. In moments, the Outer Realm
creature named Stalker stood in front of him.
Most of his Stalker-kin had receding gums, broken teeth, peeling
and pale white skin, wide blood-shot eyes and smelled of centuries of
death and decay.
Not Crucis. Crucis was unlike his Stalker-kin. He was as handsome
as the day he was an orphan Dweller-kin Exiled for his crimes and called
“Orthos.” Crucis bowed, his human features pink with life-giving
fluid of mortals. “Always a pleasure. You have need of me?”
Orthos smiled at the handsome leader of the Stalkers, outlining his
plan. “One of my Warriors was destroyed by one of Ramon’s kinsmen.”
Crucis growled. “So my son had a hand in this, did he? Tell me
“An Apprentice-kin, I believe.” Orthos kept his fiendish grin. “Goes
by the name of Red Wolf Moondancer.”
“Moondancer?” Crucis nearly shouted, fangs exploding in his mouth.
“The man who raised my son Ramon? Who alerted the kin-Clans of my
return to Romania and my threat to them? Moondancer, the Mountain-Wolf
Companion who nearly destroyed me during the Wars?”
“Close, Crucis.” Orthos kept calm. “Red Wolf is the Companion-
Dweller son of that man Chase and his Apprentice-kin Bondmate Celeste.
He used to be a Warrior, but turned his back on me.”
At the name Celeste, Crucis’ temper calmed. He eyed the former
Master with a fiendish grin of his own. “Tell me what I can do for you,
Master Orthos.”
Orthos smiled. He knew the leader of the Stalkers would jump at the
chance of destroying a Dweller-kin child, especially that particular one.
“Two words.” Orthos said. “Destroy him.”
Crucis grinned. “Gladly,” and disappeared into thin air.
Orthos laughed. At least the Stalker would finish the job the useless
Djinn god had started.


Every one of the Dream Realm Crusaders were anxious, waiting for
something else to happen. It was nerve-racking, just waiting for the final
ball to drop. They were forced to live their lives for a week, nervous and
anxious, curious, scared and wondering when Orthos or Bane were going
to make their first moves, finally declaring war on the Dream Realm.
Julie Stewart was the most impatient of all. She suggested they get
out and relax before the biggest battle of their lives.
“We deserve to have a little fun, don’t we?” Julie argued to her
husband Jamie, daughter TJ and stepson Charlie. They nodded their
heads in agreement.
All four of them headed across the street to the Readings. They
found Derrick and Ariana, the Crusader team’s unofficial leaders,
sleeping on the couch, his arm lovingly wrapped around her waist.
“Do you think they’re patrolling?” TJ asked.
“Nah.” Jamie shook his head. “Just resting. They’re exhausted.”
“You would be too if you were them.” Charlie supplied.
“That’s why I’m glad I’m not either of them.” Jamie supplied. “They
work harder than any of us.”
“Between five kids in this world, and patrolling every night in our
world, those two have earned their much-deserved rest.” They heard
Luna’s voice from behind them. Shane was with her. “And to think; I
used to be jealous she was the Ancient Mystic’s favorite. What was I
“Face it, Sweetling, you weren’t.” Shane quipped. He nodded to
Jamie. “What’s up?”
“Jules wanted to go out and have some fun before the real fun
starts.” Jamie chuckled.
“We deserve a little rest and relaxation, don’t we?”
“Sure we do, Julie.” Shane remarked, nodding to the sleeping
couple. “Leave them be. They need sleep more than the rest of us.”
“What about you?” TJ asked. “Can’t you leave your kids with Juliet
and Kelly while you have some time to yourselves?”
“We were just thinking of asking the twins, Scott, and Sierra to join
us.” Luna replied. “Bradley can watch Angel here with Kelly and the
others.” She looked to her husband. “Well, what do you think?”
Shane nodded, his dark eyes twinkling. He smiled at Jamie. “Just
like the old days, huh Jammins?”
Jamie smiled back. “Better, Shadow.” He supplied, hugging Julie.
“Let’s show these guys how Crusaders have fun.”
At the end of the day, all Crusaders met up at a local restaurant,
relaxing for the night’s long journey and war in the Dream Realm. After a
while, even their unofficial leaders joined them.
Sierra and Aaron were quiet until he caught Ariana staring at him
in wonder.
“We have something to tell you.” Aaron started, sharing a look with
“I’m a Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer.” Sierra explained all that she’d
told Aaron two weeks before. When she was done, all was silent. “Well?”
“Well what?” Shane asked innocently.
“What do you think?” Aaron countered.
“I think we have yet another weapon against Orthos.” Aimee
announced. “Does he know about her?”
Both Aaron and Sierra nodded, going on to tell them just how he
“There goes that idea down the tubes.” Scott remarked. “At least he
doesn’t know I’m a Fire-Starter.”
Now it was Aimee and Scott’s turn to explain to those who didn’t
already know.
“This is perfect!” Luna cried. “We’ve got Companions working
together, finally,”
Ariana interrupted her. “Dwellers ready for action, according to the
“More Crusaders added in, don’t forget.” Derrick supplied, and
Shane nodded.
“And now, we’ve got a Fire-Starter and a Watcher-kin!” Luna cried,
completing their combined sentences. “Orthos and Bane will never see it
“I’m still wondering why they’re so quiet.” Ariana supplied with a
serious look on her face.
“Enjoy yourself while you can, sister.” Shane remarked.
“Don’t you dare jinx us, Ariana Reading!” Julie put it.
Ariana laughed, showing them all she was just kidding. She put
her hands up in surrender. “I swear, I won’t jinx us.”
“Though she does bring up a good point.” Derrick said, teasing
eyes on Jamie and Shane.
They knew right then they’d just been duped by both Readings.
“Not you, too!” TJ cried.
The group threw balled-up napkins and straw wrappers at their
unofficial leaders.
When all conversation had come to a lull, the Crusaders were left
sitting and staring around the table at each other. Each wondered what
the others were thinking. Once the check came, they paid it and drove
home in silence, wondering once again what the night would bring them.
Story: #3:
Of Stalkers and Bondmates

Page Red Wolf Moondancer trained a small group of kits not far from
the Practice Fields. He put them in pairs; Destiny Grey with Tiger White-
Snow, Ronan BrownPatches with Nicola HeartLily and Princess Celine
Stargazer with himself. While he taught Celine how to defend with hidden
throwing stars, he sensed something in the shadows.
She threw one of her hidden stars at him when she thought him
unaware. He just caught it and stared into the distance toward the forest.
“Page?” She tried grasping his attention, but he didn’t hear her.
Red Wolf stopped what he was doing, smelling the scent of a
decaying Stalker nearby. “BrownPatches.”
“Aye, Page?”
“Take them away from here.” Red Wolf barked without looking at
the beagle-pup. “It is no longer safe.”
“What is it, Page Red Wolf?”
“Stalker.” Was all he said.
Ronan understood. A Stalker was nothing a quartet of younger
Companions should mess with. He tried gathering the four kits, but Celine
wouldn’t move.
“Come, Princess. You heard what he said.” Ronan tried. “It is not
Celine ignored him, taking Red Wolf’s hand in her own. She stared
into the distance with him.
Please, Celine. Red Wolf begged to her in his mind. Go home.
I stay with you, Chikité.
That name. Just by the sound of his Clan-name, he knew she would
go to the depths of Hades for him, with him. His heart warmed at the
gesture of love. She was truly his Bondmate.
Without taking his eyes off the distance, he smiled at the thought,
squeezing her hand.
“Take them away. I will see to the Princess.” Red Wolf barked.
Ronan BrownPatches sighed. “As you wish, Page. Come along you
three. If he senses a Stalker, we should flee while we still can.”
Once they were gone, Red Wolf took her in his arms and kissed her,
holding her close.
“I only worry for you, Celine.” He told her aloud. “I do not want to be
hung should any harm come to you.”
Celine hugged him tighter, meeting his eyes. “As long as you are
with me, Chikité, I will be fine.” She kissed him again, teasing. “Now go do
your job as a Hunter and destroy your turned kinsman.”
One final kiss and he pulled away, shifting to Dweller form as he
watched the distance. She stood in place, watching him in wonder. She
wasn’t afraid this time, only curious.
“Come out of the shadows and face your destruction, Stalker!”
Chikité called out.
The wind cooled, a breeze blowing debris all around them.
“Weather-beast, are you?” Chikité said. “Coward.”
“I am no more coward than you, Dweller-Companion.” A hiss was
heard from the trees and a Stalker came out. The wind around them
stopped blowing, settling leaves and other wood debris where they lay.
Chikité got a good look at him. He was dressed in seventeenth-
century garb, which was worn and torn from years of abuse and neglect.
His skin was pale and peeling in places. He smiled, showing broken teeth
and receding gums. There were stains on his teeth and fangs, left from
centuries of death-Feedings. His blood-shot eyes were wide and he
smelled of death and decay. Chikité tried not to let the stench bother his
delicate canine senses. From the looks of him, this Stalker wasn’t one he
knew. Didn’t matter. He would be destroyed the same as any other of his
“I suppose you are Red Wolf Moondancer?” The Stalker quipped.
A Stalker that didn’t know Red Wolf’s kin-Clan name? That was
“Who are you?” Chikité demanded. “What business have you in this
“Crucis sent me to destroy you, mutt-boy.” The Stalker supplied. He
bowed. “I am Marcus.”
“How do you know of me?”
“Who doesn’t know you, Red Wolf, son of the Moondancers who
lives in this Realm alone?” Marcus taunted. “Didn’t your precious Lord
Guardian give you permission to be in both worlds?”
“That is none of your concern!” Chikité cried. “I will destroy you, so
help me!”
Marcus only laughed. “Not before I feast on your blood, Companion!”
Marcus moved, and Chikité attacked. The two fought tooth and nail,
fang and claw until the Stalker managed to rip Chikité’s chest.
Celine’s panicked cry stopped them both in their tracks. “Red Wolf!”
Both froze in their places. Once Marcus saw who cried out, he
stepped back and laughed. “Are the kin-Clans so desperate, they take
Companion kits as Bondmates?”
“This is between us only, Marcus!” Chikité yelled as Marcus moved
closer to Celine. She froze, now scared for herself. “Leave her out of it!”
One look from Marcus and Chikité was thrown half-way across the
clearing, back-first into a tree trunk.
Celine was frozen in fear, unable to speak or move to save her life.
The Page’s lessons seemed senseless now, since she couldn’t move to use
the magic she needed to help them.
Marcus’ blood-shot eyes stared at her, and she couldn’t tear herself
away from them.
“So pure and lovely.” He said, his voice and eyes put her in a half-
trance. He moved to trace a tattered nail down her cheek. “Yes, you are,
my sweet little thing. I believe I will make you mine, once I destroy your
Companion mate.”
She shivered in fright, crying in her mind. Help me, Chikité!
Once he sensed Marcus’ intentions, Chikité was back on his feet
and flying in between them. “Stay away from my Bondmate!”
With a nod of Chikité’s head, Marcus was thrown across the
Marcus stood, and Chikité didn’t move.
“How dare you come between me and my happiness!” Marcus
growled, standing and hurling himself at Chikité.
Chikité shifted to full-wolf form and attacked again, this time
pinning Marcus down to the ground. He fought and wrestled with the
Stalker until gaping wounds showed on Marcus’ body. Blood was spilled
and Chikité knew to get away from it as soon as possible. A Stalker’s
blood was poisonous, and could very well taint any Dweller-kin blood it
touched. Chikité had to be careful not to let any of the Stalker’s blood enter
any of his open wounds, or his would be tainted forever.
As soon as he could sense Marcus was near-destruction, Chikité
shifted back to his Dweller-form. He growled. “Stand, and face me like the
man you once were so long ago.”
Marcus was weakened by so many open wounds, he couldn’t
stand. He was clearly defeated, and Chikité took the opportunity to
destroy him.
He conjured a lightning ball in his hand and took aim at Marcus’
empty, black heart.
The Stalker only screamed as he turned to ash. Wanting to leave no
evidence of the destruction, Chikité called the winds to blow Marcus’
ashes into a nearby river to be carried away and forgotten.
Chikité shifted form back to his Companion self before meeting
Celine’s eyes.
She was not afraid of seeing that. Red Wolf realized.
She wrapped his arms around him and held on tight. “Oh, Chikité!
For a moment, I thought I would lose you!”
“Not for a long time, my pet.” Red Wolf supplied, and winced when
she examined his wounds with her hands.
“Do they hurt?” Celine asked, her eyes and hands exploring his
chest wounds.
Red Wolf nodded. “I will heal.”
“Let me Heal you.” Celine said. “Matéré says I am a powerful
Red Wolf smiled. “I do not doubt it, for your mother is a powerful
Healer herself.” He kissed her. “Just promise to be gentle, my love.”
Celine blushed at the statement, but nodded. He sat on the ground
and she went to work Healing his many open wounds. When she’d
exhausted herself, she fell into his lap.
“Celine?” Red Wolf waited until she blinked back into consciousness
before he kissed her again.
“Are you Healed, Chikité?” Celine whispered.
He helped her stand. “Thanks to you, aye.”
“Good.” Celine supplied.
They kissed and hugged again.
“We should return and tell your father.” Red Wolf announced,
breaking the embrace and walking toward Stargazer Castle.
After a few minutes of silence, Celine spoke up. “What is a
Bondmate? Is it anything like being wed or lovers?”
Red Wolf looked at his and smiled. “Nay, my pet. The feelings
between Bondmates are much stronger than just being lovers or wed. One
cannot survive without the other for long, and the love-bond between them
is unbreakable.”
“You called me your Bondmate.” She continued. “Does that mean I
am yours?”
Red Wolf wrapped an arm around her waist as they continued
walking. “While my heart and soul recognize yours as the other half, I
cannot claim you as my Bondmate. Not yet.”
“I admit, I cannot be claimed by any male, not with my father being
who he is.” Celine supplied. “He would not approve.”
Red Wolf nodded. “He would have no choice in the matter, my pet.
Not even Wolfton Stargazer himself could change our hearts, no matter
how hard he tried. He cannot tear us apart.”
Celine sighed, pulling herself closer to him. “I would not want him
Red Wolf kissed her temple, thinking now of the upcoming war. “Will
you fight with us, Celine?”
Celine stared at him. “Why would you think differently? I would
fight to the death by your side. Would you not want me to?”
“Oh, aye, I would love you to.” Red Wolf announced.
“Why do you ask such a silly question then?”
Red Wolf stopped them in their tracks. “I would not want you hurt. It
would nearly destroy me to see you hurt.”
“I can take care of myself, Red Wolf Moondancer, and you know it.”
Celine stepped back, folding her arms.
“I know you can, and you have shown us all.” Red Wolf replied,
searching her eyes. “I just worry if you lost blood, I would be the only one
able to Feed and Heal you. I would let no one near us as you Fed.”
Celine unfolded her arms and wrapped them around his neck. She
sighed, laying her head on his chest. “Do you love me, Chikité
Red Wolf kissed her, holding her close. He teased her nose with a
quick kiss before whispering. “What does that tell you, princess?”
Celine grinned. “I thought we agreed not to call each other by our
“To me, you are a princess. You are my near-Bondmate, and must
be cherished above all else.” Red Wolf supplied.
“While the thought of being cherished is quite tempting, I must ask
this.” Celine started walking again. “What is a near-Bondmate? Does that
mean we are not Bondmates, yet?”
Red Wolf nodded. “We are not officially Bonded yet, and must keep
our love a secret from your parents.”
She stared into his eyes. “When will we be?”
“You are still too young.” Red Wolf told her. “If I were to claim you
now, you would not survive the conversion.”
“It is hard to explain, Celine.” He told her. “When Bondmates claim
one another, they exchange blood. Their blood-bonds are tight and their
two souls would be as one. Dweller-kin blood is so strong and powerful,
your body would not be able to convert itself lightly. You would die a
horrible death.” He found the next words hard to say. He took her in his
arms. “I will not let that happen, so we must wait to Bond until you are
Celine only nodded and they continued walking in silence. They
needed no words to express their secret feelings for one another.
Story: #4:
“It is War!”

The night of their get-together, the Grand Magus and Shadow went
to the Grey Area, to see how Lord Max was getting ready for the upcoming
“The Grey Areans will be there,” Lord Max announced. “Be assured,
Bane will not get away with his actions.”
“That’s good to hear.” Grand Magus said.
Shadow opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by
two of Max’s soldiers as they ran in the room, yelling.
“My lord! My lord!” They cried.
“Generals.” Lord Max put both his palms up to stop them. “Calm
yourselves and tell me.”
“Lord Bane’s Dark Areans.” The General on the left responded,
catching his breath.
“They have attacked our troops, unannounced!” The General on the
right finished.
Lord Max shared angry, but determined looks with the two
Crusaders in front of him. “Spread the word, the lot of you.” He growled.
“If Bane wants to play his games, let it be known. As of this moment – It is
He took charge easily enough. “Shadow, Grand Magus. Warn the
Crusaders – time they made a physical appearance in this Realm. General
Leopold,” he addressed the General on his left, who saluted. “Send for
Sires Wolfton and Tobias. The Companion Army must be alerted. General
Franklin, alert our troops. You are all excused.”
All four nodded and disappeared once they had their orders.
Lord Maximaniac called for his Queen, telling her what the generals
told him.
“I will let my sisters know, my Lord.” Jezebel supplied.
With a kiss, she, too, was gone.


General Artemis Leopold, an owl-Companion who was head of Lord

Maximaniac’s Grey Arean Army, flew as fast as his wings could carry
him. He headed first to the Canine Valley, where he found Sire Wolfton
Stargazer readying his own Companion Army.
Wolf sensed him coming, and held an arm out for him to perch on.
“Artemis?” He whispered, searching the eyes of this black owl.
The owl nodded his head before lifting off and landing on the
ground to change form.
“My apologies,” Wolf said when he saw the official uniform of the
Grey Arean Army on his owl friend’s human-male body. “General Artemis.
What can I do for you?”
“Sire Wolfton, Lord Maximaniac sends me to tell Sire Tobias and
yourself.” The General supplied. “It is war.”
Wolf gasped, but knew what to do. “Well noted, General.”
Artemis shifted back to owl and flew away.
Before long, both Sires were kneeling in front of Lord Maximaniac in
the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom Castle.
“You sent for us, my Lord?” Wolf asked, kneeling to him. Tobias
White-Snow knelt beside him.
“Have the Companion Army ready for battle.” Lord Maximaniac was
serious, and sounded pissed. “War has been declared.”
“So Lord Bane has made his first move?” Toby asked.
“Aye. He thought it funny to attack my unknowing troops with his
Dark Warriors.” Lord Max explained. “I have already told Grand Magus
and Shadow to alert the Crusaders, so expect them at the Practice Fields
when you gather the Companion Army. Are the Young Companions
already safely hidden?”
“Aye, Max.” Wolf supplied. “Young Guardian had Braken Joel escort
them to the Underground. They are safe.”
“Good.” Lord Max announced. “You are excused. We will meet up
later, I assure you.”
With that, the Sires were gone.
War had been declared and it was time to assemble their troops for


In the Outer Realm, it was a different story. Luna and Shane told
the Crusaders it was time, and who declared war. After making sure all
the younger children were being watched over by the older ones and
Juliet Grey, they met up in a discreet place. Not wanting to be seen, they
met up in what was left of one of the last forests in Hill View.
“Are you ready, Crusaders?” Ariana asked in her “Young Guardian”
She looked around the circle. Derrick, Shane, Luna, Julie, Jamie,
TJ, Charlie, Aimee, Scott, Aaron and Sierra all nodded their heads,
chorusing “Ready!”
Dream Lockets and Protector’s Pendants aglow, they held hands
around the circle. They closed their eyes and chorused the Dream Chant
under their breaths until they physically disappeared from the city of Hill
View’s prying eyes.

Back in the Grey Area, Sabrina and Cyrix demanded to fight with
“On our side, Sabrina?” Lord Max asked, once turning from his
assembling troops.
“Aye, Lord Max.” Sabrina replied seriously. Cyrix nodded behind
her. “I will not let my father get away with this.”
Lord Max’s eyes narrowed. “Very well, you both may fight with us.
Go to the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields for further instructions.”
“You know she will not be seen as friend.” Cyrix announced.
“Young Guardian will be there, and so will the other Crusaders,
Companions and Earthbound alike.” Lord Max supplied. “Should any
Companion Creatures have a problem with Sabrina and yourself fighting
beside them, they will have to answer to them.”
“Thank you, Lord Max.” Sabrina said with a genuine smile.
Lord Max nodded as they left.
“Lord Father?” He heard Tempest’s voice from behind him. He
turned to see her running up to him. “What about me? Can I not fight?”
“You will be safer here, Tempest.”
“I do not want to be safe.” Tempest said. “I want to fight in the War!”
“Do you know what war is, child?”
Tempest wasn’t dissuaded so easily. “I am a quick learner.”
“You are serious?” Lord Max wanted to know.
“I was there when Bane’s Dark Warriors attacked us.” Tempest
admonished. “Of course I am serious! Please, Lord Father! Let me fight!”
Lord Max saw the determined look on her face. “What has Jezebel
to say about this?”
“My Lady Queen taught me how to fight using my Magic.” Tempest
supplied. “Now, Lord Father, may I?”
Lord Max studied her. Her entire aura told him she wanted to do the
same as Sabrina and Cyrix. Make Orthos and Bane pay for their mistakes
against the Grey Areans.
“Catch up with Sabrina and Cyrix.” Lord Max instructed his
daughter. “Young Guardian will tell you what to do.”
Tempest hugged him. “Thank you, Father!”
She took flight and Lord Max went back to instructing his troops.

Red Wolf Moondancer and Celine Stargazer returned just in time.

They found Wolf amongst chaos and asked what the commotion was
“Lord Max has declared war against Lord Bane and Master Orthos.”
Wolf told them.
“I figured as much.” Red Wolf grumbled. “Where are my parentada
and sita?”
Wolf pointed to where the Companion Army was gathered in the
Practice Fields. Celeste, Chase, and Cherokee Moondancer were away
from the Army, and they didn’t look good. Toriam Stargazer, Wolf’s older
brother, was with them, holding onto his Bondmate Cherokee. It looked
like he was Feeding her from his own arm. Chase was doing the same
with Celeste, and Red Wolf sensed neither Companion-Dweller looked
“Stay here while I see what’s wrong with them.” Red Wolf told
Wolf looked to his daughter before watching Red Wolf leave.
As a distraction from his Page’s remark, Celine saluted to Wolf.
“What would you like me to do first, Sire?”
As Wolf gave his daughter her orders, Red Wolf found his small
family huddled together.
“Matéré!” Red Wolf raced to his mother’s side, seeing Celeste’s body
shaking, holding onto and Feeding on Chase’s wrapped arm. “What
happened to her, Pérat?”
“The same that has happened to Cherokee.” Chase answered
weakly, nodding to Red Wolf’s sister. “The Hunger.”
“Why now?” Red Wolf grumbled. “Who will alert the kin-Clans?”
Chase was aware now, though still weakened by blood-loss. “Are
there Stalkers about?”
Red Wolf nodded and explained what happened with the Stalker
Marcus. “We need them here, especially now that Lord Max has declared
Chase looked to Celeste, who closed the pinpricks on his arm and
pulled away with a nod. Chase took his arm from around Celeste’s
shoulder and reached for his necklace. “Take this and use it to bring the
kin-Clans here.”
Red Wolf took it from his hands and placed it around his neck.
“Call the Chant on it and go to the Outer Realm.” Chase said.
“Toriam and Cherokee will tell Lord Guardian about the Stalkers, if he
does not already know, and to expect the kin-Clans. Have Ramon and
Daniel report directly to him. They will know what to do.”
“What about you, Pérat?” Red Wolf asked. “You are weak, and need
to Feed.”
“Do not worry for me, Donar.” Chase said, returning his arm around
his Bondmate’s neck. He held his breath as Celeste’s sharp fangs pierced
his thick skin. “I will be fine.”
Red Wolf watched the scene, and wondered if his father really
would be fine. Chase hadn’t been with the kin-Clans for his own Hunger
in a long time. Would that fact haunt him in this new War? The Companion
Army and the kin-Clans needed him at his best, not as he was now.
He sighed and said softly before leaving. “Feed, Pérat, then feed
her. She needs you, and so do we.”
“My thanks, Donar.” Chase supplied. “Hurry.”
With that, he called the Chant on Chase’s Dream Locket and left for
the Outer Realm.


“So Maximaniac has declared war against me, has he?” Lord Bane
Orthos stood by him, waiting with the Djinn god Omri and the
Stalker leader Crucis.
“You did initiate the attack, Bane.” Orthos supplied. “I suppose you
have some great plan?”
“Not until I see what they do to retaliate.” Bane remarked.
“Do you at least have an Army ready for battle?” Orthos asked. “Or
are you just playing it by ear?”
Bane wasn’t happy. “What do you call my Dark Warriors, Orthos?”
“My Dominionites.” Orthos growled back. His temper cooled before
he said anymore. “As you see, I have reinforcements.” He gestured to Omri
and Crucis. “These two creatures have served me well in the past, and
they will now. Should they fail to do their jobs,” Orthos eyed Omri, who’s
head touched his hands in apology. “They will be destroyed.”
“I am not so easily destroyed, Orthos, and you know it.” Crucis
remarked. “My Stalkers, on the other hand, are on their own.”
“Bah!” Bane cried, standing. “I have my Dark Warriors. That should
be enough.”
“It might not be.” Orthos supplied. “I take it you have never been in
a war before?”
“I cannot say I have, no.”
“Than I advise you to listen to me.” Orthos said. “I have fought in
many wars, in this world and the Outer Realm. I have the experience, the
tactics, the strategies needed to have a heads-up on my enemies. That is
why I have brought magical creatures from both worlds here to fight
beside me. The Ancient Mystics will no doubt do the same.”
“Do not lecture me, Orthos!” Lord Bane tempered.
“Save it for battle, Lord Bane.” Crucis spoke up, showing fangs and
red eyes.
Lord Bane thought of his words.
“Tell you what, Bane.” Orthos began. “I will leave these two in your
command. Omri’s Djinn will confuse the minds of their fighters and Crucis’
Stalkers will take care of the rest. Let your Dark Warriors handle their
“What about you?”
“Let me handle my brothers.” Orthos supplied. “Time has come for
O’Dell’s final hour.”
The sinister look on his face made Lord Bane feel just a little sorry
for Lord Guardian O’Dell. It also made him smile.
Part Three:
Declaration of War

A Gathering of Souls

After borrowing the Dream Locket from Chase, Chikité “Red Wolf”
Moondancer called its Outer Realm Chant and headed to the Dweller
kin-Clans in Romania. It was night in the Outer Realm, and for that, Red
Wolf was grateful. He was able to shift to full-wolf form from his Dweller-
human form, using his heightened senses and race to the Dweller
hideaway deep underground.
Who but the leader of the kin-Clans was there to greet him.
“Shift, Chikité.” Ramon whispered into the night. “You’re using
energy you cannot afford to lose.”
Red Wolf did as he was told, shifting to Dweller-human form before
staring up at the kin-Clan leader and bowing his head in respect. “Pérat
has sent me to you from our world.”
“Pérat?” Ramon asked, then remembered that word was Ancient
Wolf Tongue for ‘Father.’ “Ah, your father Chase. Go on.”
“Lord Maximaniac has declared war against the Master and the
Nightmare King.” Chikité replied. “Pérat told me to see you, and have the
Hunters report to Lord Guardian.”
“Has he called the Stalkers yet?” Ramon asked, folding his arms.
Chikité looked down, nodding. “Aye. He has.” He said softly, then
looked up. “He sent the one called Marcus against me and my near-
Bondmate, Celine Stargazer.”
“Did you destroy him?” Ramon asked.
“Aye, Ramon, but I fear there will be more.” Chikité announced.
“Will you come with me now, or wait until the Hunters return from the
“We go nowhere,” Ramon shook his head. “Not until you Feed,
Did Chikité know the relation between us? Did he know Celeste was
kin-Sister to my Blood-brother Daniel? Ramon thought to himself, but
Chikité caught it on the common mind-path all Dweller-kin used.
“I am fine, Uncle.” Chikité supplied, affirming the thoughts. “I do
not feel the Hunger as our kin do.”
“Maybe not in your world, but you will in this one. You’ve come a
long way, and I can feel the Hunger beating at you.” Ramon supplied.
“I’m responsible for your welfare while you’re in my world. You will Feed
before we return.”
Chikité just stared at Ramon. He didn’t know the leader of the kin-
Clans well, but he did know enough from his parents to listen to and
respect him.
Ramon thought of something that would make the Companion-
Dweller feel more at home. The Hunt.
“Join us in the Hunt, Chikité?” Ramon grinned. “You’ll find it
much more rewarding in this world than your own.”
Chikité nodded, his black eyes turning blood red. “May I shift to
Ramon’s eyes glowed red as well. “As long as you Feed.”
Both Chikité and Ramon shifted to wolf-forms, going to the Hunt.
Once the Hunt was over, and Red Wolf’s Hunger was sated, Ramon
and Daniel gathered the Dweller-kin Hunters. Ramon’s Bondmate Bella
knew what was going on in the Dream Realm, and led the other non-
Hunters and non-Healers to the Dragon Nations, far away from battle.
“You will be safe, my Bondmate?” Bella asked before she left.
Ramon nodded, kissing her. “After all this time, you doubt me?”
Bella shook her head. “Never doubt; only fear, that’s all.”
“Blood-sister, the Hunters look out for one another. You know
this.” Daniel told her. “We’ll be fine.”
“I only hope so for your sake, Daniel.” Bella supplied. “I don’t want
my grandson to grow up without his father.”
Daniel was only half-surprised she knew. Ramon’s Bondmate Bella
wasn’t like other Dweller-kin. No; she was an Ancient Mystic as well, and
now a powerful one at that.
“We must go, Uncle.” Chikité announced, breaking into Daniel’s
thoughts. “You have to report to Lord Guardian.”
“That we do.” Ramon nodded, kissing Bella goodbye.
Ramon, Daniel, Chikité, the Dweller-kin Hunters and Healers all
called the Dream Chant and arrived at the Ancient Mystic Palace.


The Crusaders, Young Guardian, the Protector, Grand Magus,

Shadow, Amethyst, Scott, the Unicorn, Airmed, Jammins, Julie, TJ and
Charlie, arrived at the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields. They met up with
Sires Tobias and Wolfton, along with an army’s worth of Companions,
ready for battle.
Young Guardian recognized most of those in front of her, and knew
them by name. Along with her good friends, Wolf, Toby, Panther and
Katherine, stood their three children, Tiger, Destiny and Celine. The Elders
she knew were Chase, Celeste, and Cherokee Moondancer; Strath,
Toriam, and Sheldon Stargazer; Nathaniel White-Snow; along with Braken
Joel, Laurynne Silver-Hawk and Lord Braken Hawk. She even recognized
three of the Companion Army fighters, Nicola HeartLily, Ronan
BrownPatches and Essex Crowley.
Not soon after the Crusaders arrived, so did Sabrina, Cyrix and
Young Guardian stared at her nemesis, curious.
“We join the fight against my father and Lord Bane.” Sabrina said.
Cyrix and Tempest nodded after her.
“Very well.” Young Guardian supplied. “Welcome to the team.”
She sensed someone coming from the other direction and looked to
see who it was. Page Red Wolf Moondancer was racing to the group in full
wolf-form, followed by at least fifty other wolves.
“So glad you could make it, Red Wolf.” Young Guardian supplied
with a grin.
“I had to bring the Dweller kin-Clans with me.” Red Wolf
admonished. They introduced themselves in her mind before Red Wolf
could go on. “We have Hunters and Healers, at your command, Young
“My command?” Young Guardian asked, gulping.
Was she in over her head trying to command this large army for the
“Relax, Love.” The Protector said, rubbing her shoulders.
“Assembling all these fighters is no worse than assembling a squad for a
stakeout or investigation. You can do this.”
“Allow me to assist you.” Lord Braken’s voice spoke up. “Assign
every Companion and Dweller posts.”
“I will see to my Dwellers, Lord Braken Hawk.” Ramon spoke up.
“Thank you anyway.”
Braken eyed him and cleared his throat. “As I was saying, assign
the Companions posts and duties, based on their specialty.”
“Not a bad idea.” Shadow said. He looked to the Protector and
Jammins. “I say we put them in separate platoons, with a Crusader as
Captain and an Elder as a leader.”
“We’ll organize them, Young Guardian.” Jammins supplied.
“What about the Dwellers, Ramon?” Young Guardian spoke up.
“As Chikité has said, we have Healers and Hunters.” Ramon told
her. “Hunters will fight while the Healers will stay behind to heal the
“I will join the Healers, Ramon.” Laurynne announced, receiving a
nod in understanding.
“As will Cherokee, Daniel, and myself, Blood-brother.” Celeste
Moondancer spoke up.
“All Watchers will be Healers, Ramon.” A Watcher named Abra
supplied. He eyed Airmed and smiled, knowing the word ‘Watcher’
grabbed her attention. “Those left of us, that is.”
“That includes Melinda, Beste, Julianna, and Quinn.” Ramon said.
He turned to the Watcher with bright red hair and piercing eyes. “What
about you, Firestorm? Fight or Heal?”
“I will fight.” Firestorm supplied, showing fangs.
Ramon turned to the Jewel Elder-kin Amber, who only nodded.
“You have Beryl, Calcite, Diamond, Fluorite, Garnet, Kunzite and
myself as fighters.” Amber supplied. “As for Healers, you have Hematite,
Jasper, Minarette, Carlotta and Malachite.”
Ramon turned to Young Guardian, whose expression told him she
was impressed by the organization. Obviously, they’ve all been through
this many times before. Ramon smiled at the thought he heard in her
“Does that suffice, Young Guardian?” Ramon replied.
“Uh, yeah. I mean, yes.” Young Guardian stammered, feeling like a
child. “Yes, it does. Thank you.”
“Question is; who amongst the Crusaders will fight in the war, and
who are to heal the wounded?” Ramon brought up.
Young Guardian shook her head, not knowing. “I haven’t exactly
prepared that far, Ramon. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” Ramon encouraged with a smile. “I’m sure you’ve
done your best to this point.”
“Yeah.” She breathed with a sigh. “My best.”
The Protector was there to wrap an arm around her waist, sensing
her indecision. He knew she wanted to do both, but it would take all her
energy to do so. “Will you fight with us, or heal the wounded?”
Young Guardian was at odds with herself. She wanted to do as
Laurynne was doing, using her Ancient Mystic powers to heal. The other
part of her, on the other hand, wanted to fight with her Crusader family
and destroy Orthos and Bane before they could kill O’Dell.
Sensing her twin’s discomfort, the Grand Magus spoke up. “You
fight, I’ll help Celeste and the other Healers.”
Young Guardian looked grateful, and even Shadow looked relieved.
“Any other Healers?” Grand Magus asked the group. They shook
their heads. “Next order of business: where will we do our healing jobs?”
Celeste grinned, sharing a look with her kin-brother Daniel. “Let the
Dwellers handle that, Grand Magus.”
“How will we know when a fighter is wounded?” Grand Magus
“One of us will feel it and bring them to our Healing Tents.” Daniel
“Wow.” Young Guardian breathed. “You Dwellers have thought of
“Not everything, mind you.” Ramon said. He winked at her,
grinning. “But we do come close.”
Regardless, she was grateful for their help. With the Dwellers, the
Companion Army, and her band of Crusaders fighting in this war beside
her, she felt a whole lot better.
Young Guardian only hoped Lord Guardian and the other
Originators had this much faith. They’d all need it before the end.

Lord Braken Hawk found six Originators already gathered at the

Ancient Mystic Palace. Jezebel was with Maximaniac, Lord Byron was
with Challandra, and Lord Guardian was with Enchantra.
Once Lord Guardian acknowledged him, Lord Braken Hawk spoke
“The Companion Army and Ramon’s Dweller Hunters have
assembled, Lord Guardian.” Braken started. “Young Guardian has set
them to different posts around the Battlefield.”
“What of Mystica and the Young Companions?” Jezebel asked.
Along with being Braken’s Lady Queen, Mystica was her twin.
“Safe in the Underground, Queen Jezebel.”
“Do we have Healers on standby?” Lord Byron asked.
“Aye, Lord Byron.” Braken said. “Celeste Moondancer, Cherokee,
Grand Magus, Laurynne, and Daniel have left to prepare Healing Tents
with the Watchers.”
“Where is Young Guardian now?” O’Dell wondered.
“Last I saw her, she was in the middle of the Canine Valley’s
Practice Fields, giving orders to the troops.” Braken supplied. “They are all
there, awaiting your orders, my Lord.”
O’Dell nodded, turning to the five other Originators. “Max and
Jezebel, are your Grey Areans ready?”
“Aye, brother.” Max grunted. “Ready and in position.”
“Lord Byron?” O’Dell asked his youngest brother.
“My knights are ready and willing, brother.” Lord Byron supplied.
“Our children lead them, at your command, O’Dell.” Challandra
“Enchantra, find Young Guardian. Tell her where to meet me.” O’Dell
“Aye, Lord Guardian.” Enchantra chimed.
O’Dell looked around the table. “Are we ready to defend our
Realm?” The Originators and Braken Hawk nodded. “Let’s go to war!”


“The Companion Army is advancing, Lord Master.” The troll-like

maidservant D’Kora reported, kneeling to both Orthos and Bane.
Orthos looked at Bane. “You initiated it; you deal with it.”
Bane scowled, turning back to D’Kora. “What of the Crusaders?”
“Separated, each leading separate troops.”
“And Ramon’s Hunters?”
“Laying in wait, watching the Battlefield, Lord Bane.”
Bane looked to Orthos for suggestions. Orthos only grinned, waiting
to hear what the Nightmare King had to say.
Bane turned back to D’Kora, giving his orders. “Have the Dark
Warriors attack the Companion Army.” He started, gruffly. “Tell Crucis to
destroy any Dwellers on-site. As for the Crusaders, separate them from
their troops. I will send Omri to befuddle their minds with his Djinn.
Should the Crusaders resist, attack. Is that clear, D’Kora?”
D’Kora nodded. “Aye, Lord Bane.”
“You are excused.”
As soon as she was gone, Orthos clapped his hands. “Well done,
“I agree.” Gloriana spoke up, hands rubbing Orthos’ shoulders.
“Very well done.”
“This may prove to be a very interesting war.” MagDaliah sneered.
“Indeed, it will be.” Lord Bane supplied, kissing his Lady Queen and
laughing with Orthos and Gloriana.
Disillusions and Fears

Jammins, Julie, TJ and Charlie rode together on two horses, leading

their small platoon of Companions through the swiftly-crowding
Battlefield. The Elder Companion Sir Sheldon Stargazer was with them,
telling them stories of the Wars for Power.
TJ stopped the mare in her tracks once she thought she sensed
something nearby. She dismounted to investigate.
“Lady Tamara?” Sir Sheldon asked, canine eyes searching where
her attention was sparked.
“There’s something in the air. I can sense it.” TJ supplied without
looking at him.
Charlie, Julie and Jammins looked at each other.
“Be careful, TJ.” Charlie said from atop the mare.
They all froze when they heard singing in the air.
“Hey, Nahani, Nahani, Nahani. Hey, Nahani, Nahani.”
The voice was female, and the crooning grew louder and closer. The
singer breezed out of the shadows like a black mist, singing her song and
hovering closer to TJ with each repetition.
TJ tried to use her Magic to make it disappear, but it didn’t work.
She couldn’t move.
Not again! She thought to herself, finally realizing what this misty
creature was.
A Djinn Fear-Wraith.
Taking from the song that Nahani was her name, TJ watched as the
Fear-Wraith brushed past her ear, freezing her in position.
Nahani sung her song in TJ’s ear, placing her into a trance. Time
stood still, and it was as if she was the only one there. Those around her
had disappeared, or so Nahani wanted her to believe.
TJ closed her eyes, trying to focus on her Ancient Mystic Force, just
as Ariana and Luna had taught her. She saw the faint, glowing white
sphere of energy, focusing on feeling its pulse. At first, the pulse pounded
in her mind and the brightness of the energy sphere nearly blinded her
She heard the song again, and the Fear-Wraith Nahani’s voice was
clearer. Her trance deepened with each repetition, and she was helpless to
get herself out of it.
The Ancient Mystic Force within her faded, along with all the
confidence she’d had. She tried to reach for it again, but couldn’t focus.
The Force fell away from her grasp, its image a mockery of the true power.
What am I to do? TJ thought to herself.
“There is nothing to do.” Nahani’s voice sneered. “Give yourself to
me, child.”
Nahani’s laugh echoed in TJ’s mind, and an image played itself for
her inner-eyes.
The thought-vision of Charlie was sword-fighting against something
TJ couldn’t make out. She couldn’t see his opponent, but she could see
him, clearly. She could only stand and watch as Charlie’s opponent ran
through his defenses, piercing its sword deep in Charlie’s body.
“Charlie, no!” TJ shouted, wanting to run to his rescue and heal him.
Tears stung her eyes, her knees giving out and forcing her to the ground.
Still in the clearing, Charlie was alive and well, sitting atop the
mare. He was confused. She’d called out to him, but she wouldn’t respond
to his telepathic messages. It was like her mind was somewhere else, and
he couldn’t reach her. His Protectors’ Pendant was pulsing at his chest,
and he grasped it, instantly feeling her mind in pain. He saw the vision
Nahani was forcing TJ to see, and he didn’t like it.
“Try calling the spell, Charlie.” Jammins instructed, breaking
Charlie out of his trance.
The Companions around them waited, watching the confusing
Charlie nodded, calling the Destruction Spell many times. It didn’t
“Sorry to tell you this,” Charlie started, once giving up. He scowled,
shouting. “But, IT’S NOT WORKING!”
“Charlie, calm down.” Jammins started.
“I can’t calm down!” Charlie didn’t look at Jamie, only TJ. “She’s
hurting, only I can’t do anything about it! No matter how many times I
repeat that stupid spell, it won’t work.”
“It’s not going to work because this is her battle.” Julie realized,
staring at her daughter. “Leave her to it.”
“She’s in trouble deep, Julie.” Charlie interjected. “You’re telling me
to stand aside and wait? I can’t let this thing hurt her. I won’t!”
“We know you won’t, but just trust us.” Jammins supplied. “There’s
nothing we can do until she snaps out of it.”
“Dammit, I’m her Earthly Protector!” Charlie dismounted and raced
to her.
The Djinn Fear-Wraith was circling her body.
Sensing danger, the mare reared, screaming in fear. Jammins
grasped the mare’s reins, pulling her front legs back to the ground. With
the mare calmed and standing by his stallion, Jammins’ attention went
back to the scene that was in front of him.
Charlie reached out to grab TJ’s arm and yank her back to life, but
was thrown out of the way. He stood, trying again, only to be thrown for a
second time.
“Give up, boy!” The Fear-Wraith screeched. “You can’t save her
Charlie wouldn’t give up. “It’s not real, Tamara! It’s only an
TJ, deep in the recesses of her own mind, heard his voice from afar.
She saw another thought-vision of him. This one was reaching out to her,
his Protectors’ Pendant aglow.
Charlie, she thought, her heart beating at the name. He’s alive.
How could that be? The thought-vision of him was still dead on the
ground, covered in blood. His sword-fighting opponent had only laughed
and disappeared, leaving the two of them in the clearing.
“It’s not real!” She heard his voice shout from the far reaches of her
mind. “Call the spell and get rid of the Fear-Wraith! Hurry!”
It’s not real, she chanted in her mind.
“Your demon powers killed him, child.” Nahani’s voice taunted. “It’s
all your fault.”
It’s not real. It’s only an illusion.
Nahani continued taunting her. “Give yourself to me, child, or die
like your lover!”
Ignoring Nahani’s taunts in her ear, she focused on the ‘real’
I’m not a demon. I have full control over my Ancient Mystic Magic,
and I didn’t kill Charlie.
TJ found the Ancient Mystic Force in her mind again, focusing on its
glow and pulsing. She found the courage to open her eyes and face her
Earthly Protector standing before her.
Call the spell, his eyes seemed to say.
Time to get rid of this Fear-Wraith. TJ thought to herself, grabbing
Charlie’s out-stretched hand and sharing a smile.
She opened her mouth to call the spell, but Nahani had other plans.
Nahani conjured birds of all kinds, from sparrows to larks, ravens to
bluebirds, blackbirds to robins, crows, ravens and even chickadees.
Charlie let go of her hand, backing away and swatting at the birds
that flew around him.
TJ felt something from him.
“Don’t freeze up, Charlie. Whatever you do, don’t freeze up.” TJ
encouraged once she found she couldn’t move. “It’s only an illusion! It’s
not real!”
“Hurry, Teej!” Jammins cried. “Dark Warriors are headed this way!”
“Stall them!” TJ yelled. She turned back to her Protector. “Snap out
of it, Reynolds! We need you!”
“Help me, then!” Charlie called back, still swatting at birds. “They
won’t go away! They keep multiplying!”
This was beginning to tick Tamara Jane off.
“They’re coming!” Julie cried.
“Hurry!” Jammins yelled after her.
“I know, I know, just let me think!” TJ announced.
She couldn’t take it anymore, so she silently apologized to him
before doing something she hadn’t done around him in a long time.
Telekinesis. How to use it to get rid of the birds and free Charlie
from his fear?
That’s when she came to a snap-decision. The Dark Warriors.
“They’re here!” Jammins announced.
TJ smiled wickedly. That was just what she wanted to hear.
“Do it!” Julie cried. “Now!”
She acted fast, using her telekinesis power to make the birds
disappear, only to reappear again at the Dark Warriors’ heads, pecking at
eyes and faces.
One more thing to take care of before going back into battle with the
Dark Warriors. Together, hand-in-hand, Charlie and TJ called the
Destruction Spell and got rid of the Fear-Wraith named Nahani.
After the Fear-Wraith was gone, they remounted their now-calm
mare and followed Jammins and Julie further into battle.


In another part of the Battlefield, Panther Grey and his daughter

Destiny had their own problems. A Fear-Wraith named Dami conjured
lions to surround Panther. Destiny was confused as her father’s black
panther Companion form changed human. She could sense he was scared
of the lions that surrounded him. What she didn’t understand is why his
now-human form was growing younger and younger.
“Father?” Destiny choked.
He didn’t, or couldn’t hear her.
“What’s going on?” Destiny asked anyone who was listening.
“What’s happening to him?”
It was Wolf Stargazer himself that came to her side. “When he was
Earthbound, he was always afraid of lions.” Destiny looked up into his
kind canine eyes. “You need to use Companion Magic to talk him out of it.”
“You can do it, Destiny.” Wolf said. “I have faith in you.”
Turning back to her father’s young-boy form, she took a deep breath
and began. She reached her hands out and focused her Companion Magic
in surrounding him instead. He was glowing purple, and she could feel
him relaxing.
“Come on, Daddy.” Destiny whispered. “Snap out of it. It’s a Djinn
“Destiny?” Panther’s boyish voice called.
“You’re a black panther Companion and my father.” Destiny told
him. “You can do great Companion Magic, just like Mommy and me. Use
Destiny and Wolf watched as Panther’s human-boy form grew into a
man, and finally into the black panther-male they all knew.
Panther looked to his daughter and nodded his thanks.
“Call the spell, Panther!” Wolf cried.
Panther called the spell and Dami was gone. They went back to
War wasn’t over yet, and there was still a lot of work to do.


On the front lines, a group of Dark Warriors attacked the team of

Companions led by Amethyst and her Earthly Protector, Scott Archer.
Magic against magic they fought in midair. The Dark Warriors sprayed
Dominionite Magic at them, but Amethyst blocked using her own style of
Unicorn Magic. The Companions did their best by using their own different
kinds of Magic.
They were all caught unawares when a Warrior sprayed bees
directly at Scott. He fell from the sky when he began to swat them away.
Thinking quickly, Amethyst shot a magic-made webbing to catch
them. With the other hand, she helped him back into the air.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
Scott nodded. “For now.”
It wasn’t over, yet.
From the ground was heard a shrieking laugh. Both Amethyst and
Scott looked to see a lone soul, hiding in the shadows. They knew the soul
was a Stalker, for it had bloodstains on tattered sixteenth-century
“Mortals think yourselves so smart.” The Stalker sneered in a
scratchy voice. He conjured more bees to his command, aiming them again
at Scott. “Try these on for size!”
The bees grew larger as they came nearer to the duo. Scott tried
using his Fire-Starter power to fry them, but the swarm of bees only
multiplied. To his horror, they grew larger with every shot of fire. Amethyst
stopped using Unicorn Magic to help him dodge and fight.
Down on the ground, the Stalker continued to laugh.
Amethyst knew she had to do something, and quick. Scott was
allergic to bee stings.
Watching him fight them off gave her an idea. She remembered
what the Unicorn had told her about the turned Dweller-kin. They could
only be destroyed by a shot to the heart or the rising sun. Since there
wasn’t going to be any sunlight here, Amethyst thought of the next-best
thing. Fire.
She looked to the Stalker below her, and saw he was distracted by
his attack on Scott. If she could only distract him away from Scott, she
could have her Earthly Protector put an end to the Stalker using his Fire-
Starter power.
“Fire the Stalker, Scott!” She screamed, keeping her eyes on the
For a moment, he was confused. Then he put it together, and
Knowing he finally understood what she was thinking, she shot a
burst of Unicorn Magic at the Stalker’s shoulder.
“You think to wound me?” The Stalker rasped, the blast to his
shoulder healing slowly on its own. “Silly fairy-girl!”
“Silly, am I?” Amethyst mocked. “You’re the one all covered in blood,
He was properly distracted, as planned.
With a final shout of “NOW!”, the Stalker was fried to a crisp by
Scott’s Fire-Starter power, along with any Dark Warriors within fifty feet of
They descended to the ground. All other Dark Warriors ran in
different directions away from them. The Companions, led by Braken Joel,
raced to their sides.
“We sure showed them, didn’t we?” Scott supplied as he examined
what remained.
“Yeah, we did.” Amethyst sighed.
“Are you okay?” Braken Joel asked.
She shook her aching head, kneeling to the ground and rubbed her
“Power-drain?” Scott asked. His hand touched the Protectors’
Pendant at his neck. It was hot and pulsing.
“Something like that.” Amethyst breathed. Her headache was
getting worse. “Joel, will you take care of the ashes? I’m not feeling up to it
right now.”
Braken Joel nodded, turning to rid the area of all signs of Stalker.
Amethyst tried sensing her twin, to see if he was able to help her. It
only made matters worse. That’s when she got a vision. “Oh Gods,
“What about him?” Scott asked. Whatever she was feeling, he felt it,
“He’s in trouble.” Amethyst supplied, standing with the help of Scott.
“We have to help him.”
“Airmed’s there.”
Amethyst shot her Protector a look that could kill. “Scott, he’s my
twin. I can’t abandon him! We have to find him before my vision comes
“Vision?” Scott shared a look with a smiling Braken Joel. “You had a
“Never mind,” She grabbed his arm and took flight. “Let’s go, before
it’s too late!”
Knowing he was now in charge of the Companions, Braken Joel
headed into the marsh searching for Dominionites.
Story #1:
War Between Good and Evil

The Protector used his sword to fight off a particularly annoying

Dark Warrior. There was something in the back of his mind, telling him
there was something wrong with the Young Guardian. When he quickly
looked, he saw she wasn’t fighting, only blocking.
He turned to his Dark Warrior as he fought it. “It’s been fun, but I’ve
got to fly.”
With a knowing thrust, The Protector’s sword pierced through the
Dark Warrior’s chest. It screamed as it died.
Back to his Ancient Mystic love; but first, to tend to his group of
Companion fighters.
“Toby!” Tobias White-Snow was acting Companion leader, and the
Protector made sure he took over before leaving his squad.
With a determined nod from Tobias, the Protector took Young
Guardian in his arms and led her away from the fighting Dominionites.
When they were safely hidden, he asked. “What’s wrong with you? Why
can’t you fight back? Why shield when you can attack them?”
Young Guardian’s breath caught up with her. “I don’t know about
me. Only the Unicorn.”
The Protector was puzzled. “What about him?”
“Something’s wrong. Royally wrong.” She was adamant.
“Airmed can handle it, can’t she? After all, she is his Protector.”
Young Guardian shook her head. “I’m not so sure she can handle
herself right now, let alone him.”
She stood with his help.
Now he was really confused. She was talking as if she’d had
another vision, but how could she, in the middle of a battle?
“Want to tell me what this is all about?” The Protector asked.
“No time. Let’s go to them.”
“Do you even know where they are?”
“Front lines. I can sense it.”
On that, they disappeared, only to reappear on the sidelines. That’s
where they saw Amethyst and Scott from afar, with Orthos right in the
middle of the action. Airmed stood in front of the Unicorn, who seemed to
be frozen in his tracks. She wasn’t happy.
Young Guardian tried to sense the Unicorn, but his mind and soul
seemed to be a complete blank.
Amethyst? Young Guardian sent to her almost-sister with telepathy,
Amethyst turned to meet her eyes. Nothing.
You can’t sense him, either?
Amethyst shook her head.
Beside the Protector, so did Young Guardian.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“We can’t sense him.” Young Guardian whispered. “I don’t get it.”
Amethyst and Scott walked up to the duo.
“I’m going in.” Amethyst announced, looking to Young Guardian.
“Are you coming with me?”
“You bet.” Young Guardian supplied.
“Be careful.” The Protector said, looking from her eyes to a confused
“Always.” The women chorused.
As they went to the Unicorn and Airmed’s sides, they were met by a
brilliant flash of light. Once their eyes readjusted again, they could see
Orthos was fuming.
“What?!” He was astonished. “You were supposed to be destroyed
by light! How can this be? You cannot still be alive!”
Both the Young Guardian and Amethyst could see Airmed’s form,
smiling in defiance. She was flexing lengthy fingernails, staring at Orthos
with blood-red eyes. Neither Ancient Mystic knew what to think. What
scared them the most were her growing incisors, the sharpened fangs of a
Or, more precisely, a Dweller.
Young Guardian called in her mind to any Dweller-kin available to
help while she watched the scene unfold.
“Surprise, Orthos!” Airmed’s raspy voice was nothing like her own.
“I am invincible!”
Amethyst looked to her stunned brother. His Unicorn-green eyes
were black and hollow. He was frozen in fear of this dangerously-new
side of his usually-loving girlfriend.
Orthos saw the Unicorn hiding behind Airmed, and smiled.
“Warriors! Attack!”
Airmed, Young Guardian, and Amethyst could only stand and
watch as Dark Warriors shot arrows at the Unicorn’s frozen state. All three
women tried to shift the arrows in another direction using their Magic, but
it was too late.
They screamed as the arrows pierced through the Unicorn’s skin,
propelling him to the ground just feet away from the girls. Amethyst turned
from the scene, crying in Scott’s embrace. The Young Guardian could only
stare, even as she was whisked away by the Protector.
Airmed stayed strong.


Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer’s head echoed with Young

Guardian’s calls for Dweller-kin. He could smell the new blood in Airmed
from miles away.
Celine Stargazer, who fought beside him in full wolf-form, froze and
changed to kit-wolf form when she sensed her near-Bondmate was
Without realizing he was doing so, Chikité sent her an image of
what Young Guardian sent him.
Be careful, she sent back, staring at him. Before he could leave, she
kissed his Dweller-kin lips. Return to me.
Nodding, Chikité shifted to full wolf-form and raced to Airmed
Starchaser’s aide. He hoped to stop her from destroying everything in
sight, which, he saw when he got there, included Amethyst, Scott, and the
Despite the mind-call, Young Guardian was nowhere to be seen.
Just as well, Chikité thought to himself as he shifted back to
Dweller form when he stopped. He surveyed the scene and knew; right
then and there, he was the only one able to help her out of it. The smell of
angry Dweller-kin blood-lust was unmistakable.
“Airmed!” Chikité called out to her. “Control your anger!”
“He must be destroyed.” She hissed, ready to attack. Her eyes
glowed blood red and Chikité worried for her.
“Would you lose your soul to do it?” Chikité warned, racing to her
side. “Control your anger, before the dark side controls you!”
He sensed the slow change in her, watching her mouth open to
reveal growing incisors.
He tried again. “Be strong, Airmed. If not for yourself, for the
Unicorn, your Bondmate.”
It was that word that forced her out of her Dweller blood-lust trance.
He waited as Airmed looked first to him, then to her boyfriend,
whose Unicorn exterior was back to his Earthbound self. He was laying in
the mud with arrows pierced through his body.
Chikité felt her returning to her mortal form; the fangs, claws, and
hungry eyes gone.
“What have I done?” Airmed gasped in a whisper, her voice now
back to normal.
“Nothing you could control, Airmed.” Chikité supplied gently. “If you
wish, I will send for a Healer.”
Airmed nodded absently, still stunned at what she saw in front of
her. Amethyst slowly made her way to her twin’s side, bending down to
see if he was okay. Airmed noticed her, forcing out a weakened. “Oh,
gods, Amethyst. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean –”
“I don’t blame you, Airmed. Really.” Amethyst wiped away tears
before looking to Chikité. “Dammit, where’s the Healer! I can’t heal this
much damage alone.”
Chikité sent a mind-call to Celeste. Take her and the Unicorn out of
here, Matéré. Before she destroys us all.
“Matéré is on her way, Amethyst.” Chikité supplied softly. “My
mother Celeste is the best Healer I know.”
“Thank you, my Donar.” Celeste appeared next to them in their
hiding place. She bent down to the Unicorn and assessed him. “He’ll need
more than my expertise, I’m afraid. Will you follow your Bondmate,
Airmed looked to Celeste and smiled, nodding.
“I go with them.” Amethyst announced, staring at Celeste. “He’s my
twin brother.”
“Very well, but we must hurry.” Celeste nodded, taking Amethyst,
the still-shaking Airmed and the Unicorn back to the hidden Healer’s tent.
“I want to go, too.” Scott protested, glaring at Chikité.
“Stay and fight, Fire-Starter.” Chikité announced with a hand on
Scott’s shoulder. “They will all be fine in the Healer’s hands.”
Scott could only nod his head and agree, following the Mountain
Wolf back into battle.
Story #2:
Strength in Magick Numbers

Jammins knew he had to do something. Just as in the Wars for

Power years ago, many Companions were losing their lives and Dwellers
were being mortally wounded. The Army was quickly running out of
fighters, and Jammins was running out of ideas. On one last hope, he
called Charlie, Julie, and the Elder Companion, Sir Sheldon Stargazer
“I need to go back home.” Jammins announced. “I’m leaving Charlie
in charge while I’m gone. Should you need any help, see Sir Sheldon, you
got that, kid?”
“Kid?” Charlie was confused. “Wait – Why do you get to go home
and we have to stay and fight in this war?”
“I’m only going for reinforcements.” Jammins explained. He turned
to his wife. “Jules, do you have telepathy with Shannon?” She nodded, so
he continued. “Good. Tell her to join us, and to bring Chips, Nick, Big Guy
and Love Joy along.”
“Sir, do you not mean to bring the Crusaders back into battle? After
all these years?” Sir Sheldon asked.
“We have no choice, Sheldon, and you know it.” Jammins said.
“We’re running out of options here, and unless you’ve got a better idea, I
suggest the Crusaders are our best bet.”
“Aye.” Sir Sheldon supplied. “Does that not leave Cool Cat?”
Jammins smiled. “Who do you think I’m going home for, my
Companion friend?” He cleared his throat. “Well, off I go. Good luck, and
we’ll meet up later.”
With a kiss to Julie, Jammins was gone.

Once back in the Outer Realm, Jammins shed his Dream Realm
persona. He looked to his Life-Line watch and punched in the special
code for Cynthia “Cool Cat” Carmichael.
“Come on, Cool Cat, answer already!” He whispered into the
“This is Cool Cat.” He heard her voice in his mind via the Life-Line.
“Who is this, and why use the Life-Line?”
“It’s Jammins, Cool Cat.” Jamie said. “Listen, have you Crusaded
“No, why?” Cool Cat replied. Once he told her everything that was
going on, from the time she left the System-Network Agency where they
had been close friends and Crusaders, to the very moment he called her,
she was shocked. “Jamie, I can’t Crusade. I’ve got a new life now. Carl’s a
successful bounty hunter and our son Richie is in school. I can’t just up
and leave them.”
“Would you if I said the entire Dream Realm is depending on your
fighting skills?”
“What fighting skills? I use karate, and that’s it.”
“Come on, Cyn, for me? For Shannon?” Jamie begged. “Please?”
After a minute, he heard her sigh.
“Fine, I’ll Crusade.”
“Great. I want you to meet me at the coordinates I’m giving you.”
Jamie said. “Can you do that?”
“Sure. What are Crusaders for, anyway?” Cool Cat joked. “Cool Cat

Meanwhile in Shore Point, California, Shannon Ryan-

McNathaniels’ head spun with numbers as she studied her account
books one last time before heading to bed. Her eyes were dry and her
head hurt from lack of sleep, but she had to figure out where she went
wrong in the books. No one else could do it for her.
Shannon, can you hear me? Came the telepathic voice of her twin
The message came as a surprise, for Shannon always thought
Julie hated her Ancient Mystic gifts.
Loud and clear, Julie. What’s up?
Jamie wanted me to have you bring Nick, Chips, and two others
with you to the Dream Realm. Julie supplied. There’s big trouble here.
The two others wouldn’t happen to be Love Joy and Big Guy, would
they? Shannon wondered. If her twin knew about the Crusaders,
something had to be seriously wrong with the Dream Realm.
You got it, sister. We need your help. Jamie already left to get
someone named Cool Cat. Julie remarked. How soon can you be here?
Shannon shook her head, now worried about her precious world of
dreams. As soon as you tell me exactly what’s going on, and why
Jammins needs the Crusaders there.
Julie told her twin what was going on. It gave Shannon a new
sense of urgency and commanding duty.
Thanks for telling me. Shannon supplied. Go back to fighting and
we’ll be there ASAP, got that?
Yeah, yeah, I got it. Julie said. Thanks, little sister.
With a sigh and a roll of the eyes, Shannon rose to wake Nick and
the other Crusaders.


“What have I done?” Airmed cried, watching the Watcher-kin

Dweller Abra and Elder-kin Dweller Hematite tend to the Unicorn’s outer
“You did nothing, granddaughter.” Abra’s Bondmate Melinda spoke
up as she stood beside Airmed, surprising her. “Orthos attacked him while
the Unicorn was watching you.”
“Granddaughter?” Airmed whispered, staring at Melinda.
“Your mother Malayna is one of my four daughters.” Melinda
supplied with a smile.
“Who is Shem Starchaser to you?” Airmed asked.
Abra looked up from his work with the Unicorn, standing. “He was
my father before being Exiled as a Drifter.”
So much information went through Airmed’s mind.
“Now is the time to focus on your Bondmate, Airmed.” Abra told her,
eyeing Melinda. “He has lost a lot of blood. Only you can Heal him now by
Turning him.”
“How?” Airmed knelt to the Unicorn’s side, taking Abra’s spot.
“Use your Watcher-kin powers.” Abra told her gently. “You have
them in abundance.”
“I – can’t.” Airmed said, shaking her head. “I won’t use my Watcher
powers on him.”
“If you need help, I will assist you.” Abra said.
“You don’t understand. I let the darker side of me loose. I shouldn’t
have, but I did.” Airmed supplied, staring at the Unicorn’s slow breathing
form. She was close to tears as she stroked his hair and stared lovingly at
closed eyes. “I should have listened to Chikité Moondancer before Orthos
attacked him.”
Celeste was standing in the corner, watching the scene with an arm
wrapped around Amethyst’s shoulders. She’d stayed silent long enough.
“What is done is done. Now is the time for Healing, as only a Bondmate
“How can I Heal him, Madam Celeste?” Airmed pled, looking from
Melinda to Abra to Celeste.
The three Dweller-kin looked at each other, each wanting to say it,
but afraid the girl wouldn’t understand.
It was Abra who spoke. “You must Turn him. Bond him to you
through blood by forcing him to take it from you, then take it from him.”
“No!” Airmed shook her head. “I won’t force him to live in darkness!
Not like my parents forced me!”
“You must, Airmed.” Abra told her. “It is the only way to heal his
“It will save his life, Airmed.” Celeste replied, hugging Amethyst,
who was crying in her embrace. Airmed saw and felt the Unicorn’s twin in
pain. Celeste caught Airmed staring and added. “It will also save hers.”
Airmed turned back to the Unicorn’s quiet form lying on the bed,
ashamed at what her actions did to his twin Amethyst.
“I can feel him.” Melinda supplied, staring at him. “Your Bondmate
has an inner strength like no Ancient Mystic I have ever known. He wants
to live, if only for you, the Young Guardian, and his twin.”
“He does?” Airmed looked hopeful.
Melinda nodded. “Yes, Granddaughter. He can hear us but cannot
Airmed stood and stared at the Unicorn, coming to one conclusion. “I
won’t let him die. I don’t want to use my powers on him, but I refuse to let
him die.”
“He will without the Bonding.” Celeste remarked.
Airmed was hesitant. “If I Bond us together now, will he be like me?
A Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer?”
Abra nodded. “Yes. Only, he will be an Ancient Mystic Watcher-kin
Sun-Dancer.” He said softly. “He will also be your Bondmate for eternity.”
“What if the Bonding goes wrong, and he dies?” Airmed panicked.
“Relax, Youngling. Have faith in your Watcher-kin powers.” Celeste
smiled, giving her assurance. “You can do this. It is in your blood.”
That sentence. “In your blood.” How many times had she heard it
from Malayna? The blood is what tied, or Bonded, all Dweller-kin together,
each kin-Clan with their own powers and abilities. If she made Aaron “the
Unicorn” Schmidt what Abra had called an Ancient Mystic Watcher-kin
Sun-Dancer, he would be Bonded to her for eternity. He would also be her
love and Bondmate, just as Airmed’s parents were Bondmates, along with
Celeste and Chase Moondancer.
Airmed Starchaser took a deep breath, letting it out as her eyes
spied Amethyst’s crying, pleading face. It would not only be for herself,
but for Amethyst, the Unicorn’s twin, and Young Guardian, their almost-
sister who shared blood with the twins. She knew how strong the bonds
of blood were, and summoned the courage to begin the Bonding.


As he hid in a bush, waiting for the approaching Dark Warriors to

come, Shadow felt his Life-Line activating on his wrist.
What the? He thought in his mind, glancing at it.
It was a set of Dream Realm coordinates he recognized as the
underground hideouts in the Old Dominion. The message sent was a code-
word the original Crusader team came up with during the Wars for Power
years ago. The code-word told him the Crusaders needed to unite and
After all this time, Shadow thought, shaking his head.
He looked around him, noticing his team of Companions, which
included Celine Stargazer and Sir Chase Moondancer, were also hiding,
awaiting Bane and Orthos’ Dark Warriors. Quickly, he stood and ran to
where Chase was hiding.
“The Crusaders are uniting. I need to go.” Shadow told him.
Chase Moondancer lay down his sword once Shadow appeared in
front of him. “You wish for me to lead our squad, Sir Shadow?”
Shadow shook his head. “Not this time, my friend. I want you to get
Celine and Chikité and follow me. We’ll leave Sir Nathaniel in charge.”
“I am afraid my son will not be joining us at this time.” Chase
supplied. “He heard Young Guardian’s calls for Dweller-kin assistance
and went to find her.”
“Does that mean what I think it does?” Shadow asked, afraid of
what Chase would say next.
“I am afraid so. The Youngling Airmed is in trouble.”
“That also means the Unicorn is in danger.” Shadow replied, half to
himself. “At any rate, we need to get Celine and meet up with the other
Chase nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. Shadow knew the
Companion-Dweller had telepathy to others, thanks to his Bondmate
Celeste. He was using that ability now to communicate to the Ancient
Mystic Companion, Celine Stargazer.
Moments later, Celine bounded up in her full-wolf form.
“You called, Sir Chase?” Celine asked as she changed back to her
usual kit-wolf form. When she saw Shadow, she nodded her greeting. “Or
was it you, Sir Shadow?”
Shadow supplied. “It was me, Celine.” He told her what was going
on, and why he needed her.
“Let us see why they unite, shall we?” Celine supplied, changing
back to her full wolf-form. “Lead the way.”
It didn’t take long for the three of them to join up with the other
original Crusader team. Shadow summed up the scene when he saw who
else was there. Jammins, Julie, Chips Deneson, Love Joy, Cool Cat, Big
Guy, Nick McNathaniels and Shannon Ryan all gathered in that secret
place, not far from the front lines.
“All right, whose idea was it?” Shadow had to ask.
“If you really want to know, it was mine.” Jammins supplied. “In
case you haven’t noticed, our Companions are dying out there. We’re
running out of energy, magic, and fighters.”
“So you decided to get us back together after so many years apart?”
Cindy “Cool Cat” Carmichael asked. “I can see why.”
“We didn’t have a choice!” Julie cried.
“Calm down, Julie.” Shannon supplied. She turned from her twin to
Jammins. “Any news before we practically kill ourselves out there?”
“Well, according to Chikité and Celeste, the Unicorn was hit pretty
bad.” Chase supplied. “Airmed almost lost her soul to the darkness within,
and Amethyst went with her to heal her brother.”
“Where is Red Wolf now?” Jammins asked, eying the others to make
sure they understood Red Wolf and Chikité were the same Companion.
“Not far from here, with the Fire-Starter.” Celine spoke up.
“Who’s the Fire-Starter?” Bridget “Big Guy” Guy asked.
“His Earthbound name is Scott Archer.” Shadow put in. “He’s a Fire-
Starter and Amethyst’s Earthly Protector.”
“Well folks, are we gonna just stand around an chat, or are we
gonna fight the bad guys?” Chips Deneson crossed his arms and frowned.
“I, for one, want to kick some Dominionite butt.”
“You and me both, brother.” Jammins said.
He held his arm out, signaling for the rest of them to do the same.
Each put their hand atop his. As the last hand was placed on the stack,
they let out their battle-cry.
“Dream Realm Crusaders!”
Story #3:
The Master’s Destruction

The Dream Realm sun was steadily making its path on the horizon.
Young Guardian was in hiding with her team of Companions, waiting for
the enemy to find them.
When she didn’t hear anything for a long time, she used her
empathic abilities to sense those around her. There weren’t any Dark
Warriors near them, thank the Gods, but her team was tired and war
worn. Companions and Earthbound alike were exhausted, hurting from
many battles with the Dark Warriors. She’d nearly lost many of her
Companion followers, and almost lost the Protector for a while there. It
was a good thing she had full control of her Advanced Healing Magic and
was able to save him.
Young Guardian looked at her Life-Line and noticed the time. Well
past midnight in the Outer Realm, she thought with a shake of her head.
How much longer will this massacre last, and how many Companions
and Dwellers will die in it?
There had to be something they could do besides sit there like sitting
“Something bother you, Young Guardian?” She heard the female
growl of a foxhound from beside her. Looking up, she saw it was Nicola
HeartLily, and she was joined by her platoon-mate and partner, Ronan
BrownPatches. Nicola was holding a mug of something hot, offering it to
her. “You look unwell.”
Young Guardian nodded to Nicola, taking the mug from her hands.
“Unwell doesn’t begin to describe how I feel, Personnel HeartLily.”
“Is there anything we can do to help?” Ronan asked.
Young Guardian gave his question a thought. “Tell me how we can
outwit the Dark Warriors without them actually knowing it’s us.”
The two partners shook their heads.
“Perhaps I can help?” They heard another voice speak up. This one
was male, and he sounded astute. When they looked to see who it was,
the Dweller-kin leader Ramon went on. “I could not help overhearing your
inquiry, Young Guardian. May I suggest a silent raid?”
Young Guardian nodded. “Tell us what to do, and we’ll do it.”
“May I take charge of these two Companions?” Ramon asked her.
She nodded, with the Companions looking at each other in fear of him.
“First thing’s first. Do you know what a silent raid is?” They shook their
heads and he explained. “It is when you raid an enemy camp, destroying
anything in sight, from food to supplies. In the end, they will be far too
weak from hunger to fight. You will have left them with nothing to fight
Young Guardian stood. “Great idea, Ramon.” She said.
“BrownPatches, HeartLily, do you or any of your comrades know where
the nearest enemy camp is?”
“Nay, Young Guardian.” Nicola supplied.
“What about you, Ramon?” Young Guardian asked him.
“It cannot be that hard to find.” Ramon shrugged. “Just follow the
stench of death and decay left by any Stalker.”
Young Guardian grinned. “What are you waiting for, Dweller?”
Ramon laughed. “Your permission.”
“You have it. Now go, before I change my mind!”
“Very well.” Ramon said, arms on each of the two Companions’
shoulders. “If you two will kindly come with me?”
When they left, Young Guardian went to find the Protector. His arm
was still bandaged from the last healing she did on him, which was a
good thing. She found him sitting on a rock by a blazing fire, trying to
clean the blade of his sword with one arm.
As if sensing her there, he looked up and pasted a smile. “Hey,
“Hi.” She said, sitting next to him. “How are you feeling?”
“Better now, thanks to you.” The Protector sheathed his sword in its
scabbard and placed it beside him before kissing her lips. “How’re we
doing so far?”
“We’ve lost many, wounded more, and we’re not through this war
yet.” Young Guardian sighed. “Right now, we’re on a much-needed break
from the fighting, which is why I’m here instead of there.”
“That worried about me, huh?” The Protector joked softly.
“You could say that, yeah.” Young Guardian supplied.
The Protector placed his free hand on her cheek. “I know you better
than that. You’re also worried about the kids. Be patient. We’ll be home
before you know it.”
“I worry not only the kids, but the rest of my family.” Young
Guardian supplied. “Who am I to bring them into a war they might lose
their lives in?”
“You didn’t bring them, for one.” The Protector supplied. “They
volunteered as Crusaders. For another, you don’t know if they’ve lost their
lives, or even if they will, so stop worrying.”
Young Guardian stood and shook her head. “I don’t know anything
right now, Derrick, and it scares me.” She turned back to him. “It frightens
me that I can’t do anything more in this stupid war.”
She sat back down and sighed. With his free hand, the Protector
rubbed her back and held her close. She closed her eyes, enjoying his
embrace and the warmth of the fire. It crackled and snapped, warming her
thoughts as well as her body.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, Young Guardian, but we have distressing
news to report.” A voice growled from above them.
The couple opened their eyes and looked to see who had spoken.
Chikité Moondancer and Scott Archer were standing above them. Young
Guardian thought their coming footsteps were more gentle noises to their
fire, dismissing them in her mind.
“Well, what is it, Page?” Young Guardian asked.
Chikité bowed to her feet once she stood. He told her everything he
witnessed with the Unicorn, and how he called on Celeste to take Airmed,
the Unicorn, and Amethyst away to the Healer’s Tents.
“You don’t say.” Young Guardian muttered, a stern look in her eye
as she stared into space, fingering the dagger at her belt. “Orthos was
behind this, wasn’t he?”
Chikité nodded, rising.
The Protector knew what she was thinking. “Now, Ariana. Don’t do
anything stupid.”
“Oh, I won’t.” Young Guardian supplied. “I’ll only destroy him once
and for all.”
“You’ve tried that already. It can’t be done.” The Protector said.
“He’ll just come back for more.”
“Once I destroy him, he won’t come back.” Young Guardian said.
“How do you know that for sure?” Scott asked, speaking out. “If he
was able to use a spell to come back this time, who’s to say he won’t do it
Young Guardian unsheathed her sword and stared at the pommel
before slicing it diagonally in the air.
The Protector and Scott looked at each other, both afraid for her. She
probably didn’t see what they did. The pommel’s jewel was black and the
sword’s blade was glowing.
“I’ll be the one to say.” Young Guardian growled, marching out of
the camp and toward the front lines.
Chikité and Scott could do nothing but stand and stay behind.
The Protector followed even though he was still injured. “Where you
go, I go.” He announced roughly, making her stop in her tracks.
Young Guardian turned and he could see the red in her eyes. “Do
what you wish. I don’t care.”
She then turned and continued marching. The Protector’s Locket-
Pendant glowed red-hot as he followed. He didn’t like the evil feelings that
came from it, nor did he know what to do to stop her. So like the perfect
husband and consort he was, he would follow her to the front lines to take
on the Master Orthos.
They didn’t go far. A mist of wind gathered in front of them, and the
Lord Guardian himself stood in front of his successor. He was a Centaur,
scowling with his arms crossed.
“Ariana Moon, I order you to stop.”
“I mean no disrespect, O’Dell, but I can’t.” Young Guardian supplied.
“That brother of yours must be destroyed.”
“You believe you have such power, when others have tried and
failed before?” O’Dell remarked, eyeing the Protector and his successor.
“I don’t believe anything.” Young Guardian supplied. “I know he
almost killed the Unicorn and his Protector. Now let me through.”
When she tried to pass him, he stood in front of her. Her eyes turned
bright red, glowing with her anger.
“Move, O’Dell, or I’ll be forced to do something I might regret later.”
She didn’t meet his eyes. O’Dell still didn’t move and she was on the verge
of frustration. “You, of all people should wish his destruction! He’s hurt
many Dreamers, killed Companions, and I’m not going to take it anymore.
Orthos must be stopped for good!”
“I seem to recall hearing he killed you once.” The Protector prodded
O’Dell and Young Guardian stared into each other’s eyes for a few
moments before he nodded. “I will join you.”
Before they could advance, the Dweller leader Ramon appeared. “I
believe I will as well.”
“I thought you were with the Young Companions?” The Protector
was surprised at his sudden appearance.
“I was, and now I’m with you.” Ramon supplied.
“Why do you want to go, Ramon?” The Protector asked him.
“Orthos and Crucis are working together.” Ramon frowned. “Crucis
is a Stalker and I must destroy him.”
O’Dell and Ramon gave each other knowing looks. Not wanting to
wait, Young Guardian was again on her way, with Ramon, the Protector
and the Lord Guardian himself behind her.


“Bad news, Masters.” The Dweller Stalker woman named Francesca

replied, bowing to Orthos and Crucis.
“Spill it, Stalker.” Orthos demanded.
“Lord Guardian is on his way.” Francesca announced, out of breath.
“With him are the Protector, Young Guardian, and,” she gulped, looking at
the Stalker leader Crucis, “Ramon Martiya.”
Crucis pounded his fist on the make-shift table in front of him. “I
knew it!” He turned to Orthos. “You promised his destruction, Orthos.”
“I did nothing of the sort and you know it, Crucis.” Orthos huffed.
“Will you two stop arguing?” Lord Bane yelled over their voices. “It
matters not who promised what.”
“All that matters now is what you plan to do about it.” Gloriana
spoke up after him.
Francesca was still bowed at their feet.
“How far are they, Francesca?” Crucis asked.
“Not far, Lord Crucis.” Francesca answered. “Just outside the
border lines.”
“Very well.” Orthos stood, and Crucis followed. “Let us greet them
Gloriana and Lord Bane exchanged glances before following them
out the door.


Young Guardian of the Dream Realm was pissed. Lord Guardian

followed close behind her, with the Protector and Dweller-kin leader
Ramon Martiya behind him. It didn’t take long to follow the stench of two
“Crucis and Francesca are nearby.” Ramon growled, scratching his
O’Dell nodded. “So is Orthos.” He supplied. “Are you sure about
this, Ariana Moon?”
“Positive, so stop calling me that.” Young Guardian said. “He’s done
a lot of damage to helpless Dreamers over the years. He must be stopped.”
“I must be stopped, is it?” They all heard Orthos’ voice cackle. He
laughed. “You wish!”
“The only thing I wish right now is your death!” Young Guardian
stood up to him, sword in hand and glowing red eyes. The pommel’s jewel
glowed as well, and the blade seemed to hum in her hands.
Crucis, Gloriana, Francesca and Lord Bane gathered behind him,
waiting for the right moment to attack.
“You do not have the magic to destroy me!” Orthos cried, secretly
eyeing the blade in her hands.
“Maybe I do.” Young Guardian supplied. “Wanna see for yourself?”
“Let me handle them, Orthos.” Crucis stepped up.
Help me destroy him first. Ramon’s voice echoed in her head.
Charge up enough energy to pierce the heart in his chest.
Young Guardian looked at him. You sure it’ll work?
Ramon nodded, turning back to Crucis’s evil smile.
“You want to destroy me, don’t you, Son?” Crucis crooned.
Son? Young Guardian thought, sharing a astonished look with the
Protector. O’Dell kept his mouth thin, knowing already.
“Ever since you killed my mother.” Ramon announced. In his mind to
Young Guardian, he supplied. On my mark.
“I killed no one who did not deserve to die.”
Arm yourself, Ramon’s words echoed.
Young Guardian moved, letting the blade’s energy brighten. Ramon
himself hid his hands behind his back, conjuring enough power to make
an energy ball of his own.
“The only ones who deserve to die stand before me.” Young
Guardian taunted.
“Will you be the one to do it?” Orthos taunted, laughing. “You are
but a mere Ancient Mystic Child.”
“Ancient Mystic Child, am I?” Young Guardian responded, arming
herself. The blade and pommel glowed, making her entire body burn with
energy and maddening power.
“Now!” Ramon cried, thrusting his energy ball at Crucis.
Young Guardian did the same with the tip of her blade. Together,
they destroyed Crucis, leader to the Stalkers.
Orthos was amazed and confused. How could this child direct such
strong magic? What about the blade made her so powerful and confident?
Seeing the look on his face made the Young Guardian grin. “That
was just a warning, Orthos. Will you surrender or do I have to destroy you
“Surrender! Never!” Orthos laughed.
Suspecting Orthos was going to attack, the Protector placed his good
arm on Young Guardian’s shoulder. He gave his Lord Guardian a pleading
Lord Guardian was fearing for his successor’s life, and his own. It
was time to show her just how much magic she had inside. With his and
the Protector’s help, of course.
“Young Guardian, you must do as I say.” O’Dell announced, eyeing
his twin Orthos. When she looked at him, he continued. “Use the Silver
Magic at its most potent.”
Young Guardian sheathed her sword and grinned wickedly at
Orthos. “Most potent, huh?”
“O’Dell, this is between us only!” Orthos cried, hoping to stop her
from doing anything else.
Those behind him cowered, scared of the scene.
The Protector squeezed her shoulder, letting her know he was there
to defend her. She was too interested in the dialogue between brothers,
and didn’t seem to notice.
“Not anymore.” O’Dell warned. “You forfeited the privilege of my
destroying you alone when you violated our treaty.”
“What treaty?” Orthos asked.
“Do you not remember when Young Guardian was born?” O’Dell
reminded him. “You agreed not to interfere with her life, and those in it.
You broke the treaty more than once, Orthos, so now, you will be
“Go ahead, O’Dell.” Orthos taunted. “Send me back the Unknown,
where I belong.”
O’Dell shook his head. “The Unknown is far too good for you.” He
supplied. “You will be destroyed by the very Magic you hate.”
Young Guardian took that as her cue and used the blade to direct
her Silver Magic’s beam. The Protector put himself in a trance, projecting
his own Golden Magic through her body to her blade. With Lord
Guardian’s help, Orthos, too, was destroyed.
Francesca and Gloriana screamed.
She felt O’Dell wince, and knew why. The twin-bond was broken
between him and Orthos.
The Protector came out of his Golden Magic trance, woozy, but in
tact. He released her shoulder and backed away. Lord Guardian noticed
him and went to heal his wounds so he would be able to help his love
home when she was out of her own energy. The Protector watched as his
Lord Guardian healed him. Once they made eye contact, O’Dell winked,
Francesca stood frightened, hiding behind a shaking Gloriana. With
O’Dell standing there, she dare not attack. Bane was silent, fuming at the
Francesca, eyeing Ramon, begged for forgiveness. “Crucis made me
do it, my liege.”
“I am not your liege, Francesca.” Ramon replied. “Since you are
Stalker, you know what must be done.”
Ramon conjured a lightning ball in his hand and played with it.
Francesca eyed the ball now. “D-d-d-destruction?”
“That’s right, destruction.” At that, he aimed and fired, destroying
her on the spot. “Anymore takers?” Ramon asked the two who were left.
Gloriana shook her head, disappearing into the night.
As for Bane, he was determined to win this War, even without
Orthos. Lord Bane stared at the charred remains of Orthos, Francesca,
and Crucis in awe and amazement.
“No!” Bane cried, shaking his head as he stared at the spot. “It is
not possible! You promised victory, and I will have it!”
“I’m afraid not, Lord Bane.” Young Guardian shook her head.
When he looked up at her still-glowing eyes and sword, he was
afraid. Not wanting himself to end up like his partners-in-evil, Bane
recoiled and called the retreat.
Exhausted and out of energy, Young Guardian was helped by the
Protector back to their camp, to tell the Companions the good news. Ramon
helped Lord Guardian walk close behind them.
The war had finally ended. It was time to go home to Rest and Heal.
End Epilogue:
The End of the War of the Realms

Once hearing the good news about Bane’s retreat, the Companion
Army all met in the Canine Valley’s Practice Fields. O’Dell, Young
Guardian, the Protector, and Ramon were there to greet them.
“Take her home to heal and rest, Protector.” O’Dell supplied before
he faced his Companion followers.
“Thank you for helping me.” The Protector said, both arms around
her waist to help her stand. “I’ll make sure she rests, and only rests. No
Crusading or patrolling for awhile.”
“See that she does, and you as well.” O’Dell remarked, slapping him
on the back. “We need you both.”
With a nod, the Protector and the Young Guardian were gone.
O’Dell turned to his Companions, who were eagerly waiting. They
stood at-ease in perfectly-formed rows. It amazed him, making him smile.
He found the silver eyes of his two remaining brothers, Lord Byron
and Maximaniac. They stood nearby with their own troops behind them.
The three Ancient Mystic sisters, Jezebel, Challandra, and Enchantra
stood with them.
Both teams of Crusaders, minus Young Guardian, the Protector and
the Grand Magus, who was still with the Healers, stood at the head of
many Companion platoons. He was proud of them all, and knew he and
the Ancient Mystics were right in choosing them.
The sound of Ramon’s voice broke into O’Dell’s thoughts.
“It still amazes me how so many Companions fought as a team with
little training.” The Dweller-kin leader supplied lightly.
“They had the best training, I would say.” O’Dell smiled at Wolf
Stargazer and Chase Moondancer, who were standing in the front rows.
He then turned to the Dweller-kin leader. “Thank you again, Ramon. Now
that the war is officially over, you may return to the Outer Realm to Rest
and Heal.”
“I planned on it, Lord Guardian.” Ramon grinned, despite his own
loss of energy. “It is fortunate none of the kin-Clans were lost. We were
only wounded, both bodies and prides. The kin-Clans are already heading
He looked around and saw a cowering Chikité “Red Wolf”
Moondancer, standing next to his knight-master and his father. “If I may
be so bold, Lord Guardian, has Chikité earned the right to live in both
worlds, as the rest of us have and do?”
At the sound of his name, Red Wolf wagged his tail, eagerly waiting
for his Lord’s response.
“I believe so, aye.” Lord Guardian responded, eying Red Wolf. “Page
Chikité ‘Red Wolf’ Moondancer and Sire Wolfton Stargazer, approach me.”
The two wolves looked at each other and advanced to where O’Dell
and Ramon were standing.
“Yes, my Lord Guardian?” Wolfton bowed at his feet. Red Wolf
“Sire Wolfton, I believe your Page has earned his Knighthood in this
war.” O’Dell announced. “Do you agree with this decision?”
Wolf looked up at O’Dell’s eyes, nodding. “Oh, aye, my Lord. Most
“Tell me why.”
Wolf glanced at his Page before responding. “He has proven to both
Lord Maximaniac and myself he is no longer a Dominionite Warrior. Red
Wolf knew to get help when it was needed.”
“What of his Dweller-kin powers, Sire Wolfton?” Ramon spoke up.
“He has complete control, Ramon.” Wolf said. “He even taught my
wolf-kit daughter to harness her own Companion and Ancient Mystic
powers. Celine can now shift into three different forms; wolf, Balinese, and
Ancient Mystic human, using each power combined or separately.”
Ramon looked to O’Dell. “Satisfied?”
“Extremely.” O’Dell remarked.
He conjured both his Staff and a necklace in his hands. He raised
the staff in the air and announced. “You are all witnesses this wondrous
event. I, Lord Guardian of the Dream Realm, give this Companion-Dweller
Chikité ‘Red Wolf’ Moondancer the title of Sir.”
He tapped the Staff on each of Red Wolf’s shoulders. “Along with his
title, I give him a great responsibility. As all Dweller-kin have and do, I
bestow upon him the Dream Locket. With its spell, he can travel to the
Outer Realm and be with his kin-Clans.”
O’Dell placed the Dream Locket around Red Wolf’s neck. “Rise, Sir
Chikité, knight of Stargazer Castle and the entire Canine Valley.”
Both Wolf and Red Wolf rose.
“Use the Dream Locket wisely, calling the Outer Realm spell when
your Dweller-kin rise for the night, and returning to Stargazer Castle with
the morning comes.” O’Dell said, receiving a nod in response.
“Certainly, my Lord Guardian.” Red Wolf announced. “Thank you.”
“Now that the formalities are done,” Ramon started, clearing his
throat to hide a laugh. He grinned proudly at his blood-nephew. “Will you
come with us now, or stay to Rest and Heal?”
Red Wolf took the Dream Locket in his hands and blushed. “The
offer is tempting, I admit, but I must decline.” He said. “I must see to my
“You will visit often?” Ramon asked him.
Red Wolf nodded. “Soon, aye.”
“Well, then, I must be off.” Ramon replied. “Call on us again should
you need us.”
O’Dell nodded. He watched as Ramon turned and walked away,
disappearing in a self-made mist.
He turned back to the awaiting Companions and Crusaders.
To the Crusaders, he said. “I appreciate all the work you have done
in this war, my Crusaders. As my token of thanks, I also give each of you
your Dream Realm powers to use in the Outer Realm. For now, I wish you
pleasant journeys.”
All Crusaders left on that note.
Getting back to business, he called a group of Companions to his
side and excused the rest. Destiny Grey, Panther Grey, Katherine Hawk-
Stargazer, Tobias and Tiger White-Snow, Celine Stargazer, Cyrix the fire
demon, Ronan BrownPatches, Nicola HeartLily, Braken Joel Hawk,
Sabrina and Tempest gathered in front of him. Wolf greeted Katherine and
Celine with hugs. Without her father noticing, Celine shared a happy look
with Red Wolf, whose eyes sparkled at the sight of her.
Lord Guardian looked to his true-son by Mystica, Braken Joel
Hawk. “Bring those in the Underground back to us, Joel. Tempest, go with
Saluting and nodding, Joel supplied. “Right away, my Lord.”
“Where to begin?” O’Dell muttered under his breath. “So many good
things came of all of you, it is hard to begin the commendations. Katherine,
you have been brave in the face of danger, using your power fight the
Dark Warriors. Sabrina and Cyrix, you have shown all of us, myself
included, that you can be good again. Especially you, Sabrina. That is
why I am giving you the chance to learn your good Ancient Mystic Magic.”
“Mother is too busy to teach me, my Lord Guardian.” Sabrina said,
then covered her mouth. She had interrupted him, and that was a bad
thing. “My apologies.”
“Accepted.” O’Dell said. “I agree, Jezebel is too busy to teach you. It
will have to be Lady Katherine, the Dream Realm’s newest Ancient Mystic
Katherine gasped. “My Lord?”
O’Dell only grinned. “Aye, Lady Katherine. You heard correctly. I am
making you an Ancient Mystic Teacher. Think you can handle it?”
Katherine nodded. “Oh, aye, my Lord. Definitely!”
“Very well, then, onto Cyrix.” O’Dell remarked. “Lord Maximaniac
told me about you, and I must say I am surprised. Through each war, you
have stood by Sabrina’s side, never losing your sense of self when things
got tough. For that, I allow you to return to the Province or the Kingdom.
Whichever place will have you and Sabrina.”
“If it is all right with Sire Wolfton and Lady Katherine, I wish to
return to the Canine Valley.” Cyrix supplied. “That way, we will be there
for Sabrina’s lessons with the Lady.”
O’Dell turned to Wolf and Katherine. “Well?”
Both Stargazers nodded.
“On to our brave Young Companions.” O’Dell supplied.
Enchantra walked up to them, smiling. “Aye, the Young
“What do you think we should do with them, Mistress?” O’Dell
asked, sharing the grin.
Enchantra first looked to Celine, Ronan, and Nicola. She then looked
to Panther, Tiger, and Destiny before opening her mouth to speak to Toby
White-Snow. “Sire Tobias, are you in need of Pages and Squires in the
Feline Village?”
Tobias caught the eye of Panther before nodding. “Aye, Mistress. We
have one knight who serves the Village, Sir Essex Crowley. Wonderful
knight as he is, Essex is getting on in years. What are you suggesting,
Mistress Enchantra?”
“I am suggesting Tiger and Destiny be your Pages and Panther be
your Squire.” Enchantra replied.
Panther stood straight and smiled. “Thank you, Mistress.”
“Do not thank me, yet.” Enchantra said. “When Sir Essex retires
from duty, it will be you who takes his place.”
“Until then, he will teach you all you need to know.” O’Dell replied.
Panther cleared his throat. “Are you sure about that?” He asked,
looking to each of them. “You know Sir Essex and myself don’t get along
very well.”
“Regardless, it shall be done.” O’Dell said. “Do you not wish to serve
Sire Tobias, your fellow Companion-Crusader and good friend?”
“It’s not that, my Lord. Really.” Panther remarked. He sighed, giving
up the fight. “Very well, Lord Guardian. I’ll be Toby’s, I mean, Sire Tobias’
Squire under Sir Essex.”
O’Dell nodded. “That only leaves Celine, Ronan and Nicola.”
“I believe Celine deserves the rank of my personal Page.” Red Wolf
eyed her, smiling.
This time, Wolf Stargazer himself caught the looks between them,
and wasn’t happy. Katherine sensed it and placed a paw on his arm to
calm his thoughts. Wolf tapped her paw and returned to the scene.
“As do I.” O’Dell remarked. “Along with Ronan and Nicola. The three
of you showed great courage against all odds. All of you did, actually. You
have proven yourself worthy of your new titles.”
Choruses of “Thank you, my Lord,” were heard.
“For now, return home and rest.” O’Dell told them, nodding. “You all
deserve it.”
The Companions left on that, and Enchantra was finally able to
wrap her arms around his human-male waist.
O’Dell kissed her, hugging her tight. “Come, my dear. Let’s go

When the Crusaders returned to the Outer Realm, they reappeared
in the same Wood they left from. The only exceptions were Love Joy, Cool
Cat, Chips, Nick, Big Guy and Shannon joining them.
“Where’re Ariana, Aimee, Aaron, Sierra, and Derrick?” Luna asked.
“Home, which is where I want to go.” Shane remarked. “Back to my
own house and my own bed, where I can sleep off another Dream Realm
“I agree.” Shannon said.
Cool Cat eyed Jammins and Shannon caught it. “What’s on your
mind, Cindy?”
“I want to go home, and I don’t mean here in Hill View.” Cindy
remarked. “I miss the System, Shannon. I have missed it since I left.”
“Well, it was your home.” Shane supplied. “Mine, too, for awhile.”
“Why the change in attitude?” Nick asked.
“Let’s just say I missed the excitement the most.” Cindy supplied.
“Do you know how boring it is here?”
Jamie, Luna, and Shane laughed.
“Boring?” Luna asked. “Never for us.”
“Life is never boring in Hill View.” Shane said. “Monotonous,
maybe, but never boring.”
“At any rate, it’s not the same, and I want to return to duty.” Cindy
said. “That is, if you’ll have me?”
Shannon shared a look with her husband-Earthly Protector Nick.
“What do you think, Nick? Think we should let her?”
“I think so.” Nick said, holding out his hand. “Welcome back to the
System-Network Agency, Cindy ‘Cool Cat’ Carmichael.”
She took it, pulling both him and Shannon in a big hug.
When she pulled back, she said. “Can we go home now?”
Shannon couldn’t help laughing.
Holding the hands of Nick, Big Guy, Love Joy, Chips and Cool Cat,
she called an Ancient Mystic’s Traveling Spell and disappeared.
Shane stared wistfully at the spot before taking charge of the
“Come on, guys.” He said, wrapping his arms around Luna and
giving her temple a kiss. “Let’s go home.”
Charlie, Jamie, Julie, TJ and Scott silently followed close behind.

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