mcs4 Hope For Tomorrow (2010 Edit)

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 1--

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Young Guardian of the Dream Realm was pissed. Lord Guardian followed
close behind her, with the Protector and Dweller-kin leader Ramon Martiya
behind him. It did not take long to follow the stench of two Stalkers.
´Crucis and Francesca are nearby.µ Ramon growled, scratching his nose.
O·Dell nodded. ´So is Orthos.µ He supplied. ´Are you sure about this,
Ariana Moon?µ
´Positive, so stop calling me that.µ Young Guardian said. ´He·s done a lot
of damage to helpless Dreamers over the years. He must be stopped.µ
´I must be stopped, is it?µ They all heard Orthos· voice cackle. He
laughed. ´You wish!µ
´The only thing I wish right now is your death!µ Young Guardian stood up
to him, sword in hand and glowing red eyes. The pommel·s jewel glowed as well,
and the blade seemed to hum in her hands.
Crucis, Gloriana, Francesca and Lord Bane gathered behind him, waiting
for the right moment to attack.
´You do not have the magic to destroy me!µ Orthos cried, secretly eyeing
the blade in her hands.
´Maybe I do.µ Young Guardian supplied. ´Wanna see for yourself?µ
´Let me handle them, Orthos.µ Crucis stepped up.
 Ramon·s voice echoed in her head.  

Young Guardian looked at him.  

Ramon nodded, turning back to Crucis·s evil smile.
´You want to destroy me, don·t you, Son?µ Crucis crooned.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 2--

 Young Guardian thought, sharing an astonished look with the

Protector. O·Dell kept his mouth thin, knowing already.
´Ever since you killed my mother.µ Ramon announced. In his mind to
Young Guardian, he supplied.   

´I killed no one who did not deserve to die.µ

 Ramon·s words echoed.
Young Guardian moved, letting the blade·s energy brighten. Ramon
himself hid his hands behind his back, conjuring enough power to make an
energy ball of his own.
´The only ones who deserve to die stand before me.µ Young Guardian
´Will you be the one to do it?µ Orthos taunted, laughing. ´You are but a
mere Ancient Mystic Child.µ
´Ancient Mystic Child, am I?µ Young Guardian responded, arming herself.
The blade and pommel glowed, making her entire body burn with energy and
maddening power.
´Now!µ Ramon cried, thrusting his energy ball at Crucis.
Young Guardian did the same with the tip of her blade. Together, they
destroyed Crucis, leader to the Stalkers.
Orthos was amazed and confused. How could this child direct such strong
magic? What about the blade made her so powerful and confident?
Seeing the look on his face made the Young Guardian grin. ´That was just
a warning, Orthos. Will you surrender or do I have to destroy you out-right?µ
´Surrender! Never!µ Orthos laughed.
Suspecting Orthos was going to attack, the Protector placed his good arm on
Young Guardian·s shoulder. He gave his Lord Guardian a pleading look.
Lord Guardian feared for his successor·s life, and his own. It was time to
show her just how much magic she had inside. With his and the Protector·s help,
of course.
´Young Guardian, you must do as I say.µ O·Dell announced, eyeing his
twin Orthos. When she looked at him, he continued. ´Use the Silver Magic at its
most potent.µ
Young Guardian sheathed her sword and grinned wickedly at Orthos.
´Most potent, huh?µ
´O·Dell, this is between us only!µ Orthos cried, hoping to stop her from
doing anything else.
Those behind him cowered, scared of the scene.
The Protector squeezed her shoulder, letting her know he was there to
defend her. She was too interested in the dialogue between brothers, and didn·t
seem to notice.
´Not anymore.µ O·Dell warned. ´You forfeited the privilege of my
destroying you alone when you violated our treaty.µ
´What treaty?µ Orthos asked.
´Do you not remember when Young Guardian was born?µ O·Dell reminded
him. ´You agreed not to interfere with her life, and those in it. You broke the
treaty more than once, Orthos, so now, you will be destroyed.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 3--

´Go ahead, O·Dell.µ Orthos taunted. ´Send me back the Unknown, where I
O·Dell shook his head. ´The Unknown is far too good for you.µ He
supplied. ´You will be destroyed by the very Magic you hate.µ
Young Guardian took that as her cue and used the blade to direct her Silver
Magic·s beam. The Protector put himself in a trance, projecting his own Golden
Magic through her body to her blade. With Lord Guardian·s help, Orthos, too,
was destroyed.
Francesca and Gloriana screamed.
She felt O·Dell wince, and knew why. The twin-bond was broken between
him and Orthos.
The Protector came out of his Golden Magic trance, woozy, but in tact. He
released her shoulder and backed away. Lord Guardian noticed him and went to
heal his wounds so he would be able to help his love home when she was out of
her own energy. The Protector watched as his Lord Guardian healed him. Once
they made eye contact, O·Dell winked, smiling.
Francesca stood frightened, hiding behind a shaking Gloriana. With O·Dell
standing there, she dare not attack. Bane was silent, fuming at the scene.
Francesca, eyeing Ramon, begged for forgiveness. ´Crucis made me do it,
my liege.µ
´I am not your liege, Francesca.µ Ramon replied. ´Since you are Stalker,
you know what must be done.µ
Ramon conjured a lightning ball in his hand and played with it.
Francesca eyed the ball now. ´D-d-d-destruction?µ
´That·s right, destruction.µ At that, he aimed and fired, destroying her on
the spot. ´Anymore takers?µ Ramon asked the two who were left.
Gloriana shook her head, disappearing into the night.
As for Bane, he was determined to win this War, even without Orthos. Lord
Bane stared at the charred remains of Orthos, Francesca, and Crucis in awe and
´No!µ Bane cried, shaking his head as he stared at the spot. ´It is not
possible! You promised victory, and I will have it!µ
´I·m afraid not, Lord Bane.µ Young Guardian shook her head.
When he looked up at her still-glowing eyes and sword, he was afraid. Not
wanting himself to end up like his partners-in-evil, Bane recoiled and called the
Exhausted and out of energy, Young Guardian was helped by the Protector
back to their camp, to tell the Companions the good news. Ramon helped Lord
Guardian walk close behind them.
The war had finally ended. It was time to go home to Rest and Heal.




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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 4--




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´I do not believe this!µ Bane fumed from his Dark Castle. MagDaliah,
Gloriana, Damian and the near-forgotten Djinn god Omri were with them, listening
to him rant. ´Beaten by a couple of children!µ
´They were Ancient Mystics, not mere children.µ Gloriana remarked.
´Hard to beat, and even harder to kill off. Believe me, I tried.µ
´This is all your fault, Gloriana!µ Bane cried.
´If anyone is at fault, it would be you, Lord Bane.µ Damian said
nonchalantly. ´You called a war without proper preparation.µ He laughed. ´You
should get a medal in stupidity.µ
´Silence, you!µ Lord Bane yelled. Damian only smiled.
´Now, now, my pet.µ MagDaliah purred. She shot Damian a dirty look, at
which he shrugged. ´There is no need to take it out on the Merchant.µ
´Besides, there is always next time.µ Gloriana responded. ´The Ancient
Mystics are ever in battle with Dominionites. It·s their jobs to protect the Dream
Realm from us.µ
´Look at it this way, Bane.µ MagDaliah supplied. ´You will never be
Bane smiled, kissing her. His eyes then went to the Djinn god Omri, who
had been hovering over his vase in silence. ´What have you to say in all this,
Djinn? Who is your Master now?µ
´My Master is gone, so now, I return to my vase until I am needed again.µ
Omri then whisked himself back to his vase in a cloud of smoke.
´Useless, the lot of you!µ Bane huffed. ´Leave my sight!µ
Damian chose to stay behind. He knew when an evil genius lost a battle;
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 5--

they tended to reveal some very interesting things.

´Are you deaf, Damian?µ Bane cried. ´Leave! Now!µ
´Not until I have my say.µ Damian supplied.
Bane crossed his arms and waited. ´Well?µ
´The Ancient Mystics turned my mother and sister against me. They killed
my father and destroyed my home.µ Damian began. ´I want in on whatever kind
of revenge you are planning against them. Consider it help from an unlikely
´What makes you think I am planning revenge?µ
´You are the Nightmare King, are you not?µ Damian countered. ´Once
hearing from his followers, my former Dominionite Warriors no less, on how
Orthos was the greatest evil Master they served, you wanted to prove to them you
were better. Now that you have lost the War, along with any allies but the four of
us, you finally figured out just what kind of foe the Ancient Mystics really are.µ
´Quit rambling and get to the point, Damian.µ
´Are you so blind and deaf to those things around you?µ Damian
remarked, facing Lord Bane with a scowl. ´As much as you would like to dismiss
it as a failure, this war brought you a reputation. One of great power and
Bane scowled back and gave his words great thought. After a moment, he
turned on his heal and stepped to leave. He stopped, not turning back,
announcing. ´Give the Ancient Mystics their time, Damian. Let them heal and
rest. Soon, they will know exactly what kind of foe they themselves are dealing
Damian smiled wickedly, a great and evil plan forming in his mind as he
watched Lord Bane stalk away.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 6--









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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 7--









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In the Dream Realm, Sabrina, former Maiden of the Dominion and
Unknown settled in Stargazer Castle's Servant's Quarters. Her cousin Katherine
Hawk-Stargazer, Lady of the Canine Valley and Stargazer Castle, was with her.
"I hope I am not too much trouble, Lady Katherine." Sabrina supplied.
"You may drop the title when we are alone." Katherine said with a smile.
"As for being too much trouble, you are not. Why would you think such a thing?"
Sabrina couldn·t catch her cousin's eyes. "I have caused so much
destruction over the years. I am ashamed of myself."
"You have learned your lessons, I presume?" Katherine asked.
Sabrina looked up and nodded. "Most definitely."
Katherine continued to smile. "Then let us leave it at that. If Lord Guardian
seems to believe you have redeemed yourself, than so do I. What was done in
the past, though it harmed many and killed others, may have been cruel on your
part, but that does not mean you can never be forgiven."
"What of the other Companions?" Sabrina asked. ´And the things I have
done to them in the past? Do they not still see me as the enemy?"
Katherine shook her head. "Sabrina, cousin, leave it." She said. "It will
take a while for all Companions to see you as sincere, but it can and will be
"I agree with the Lady." They heard a rough voice speak up from behind
them. It was the fire-demon Cyrix, Sabrina's lover. "Give it time, my dear, and all
will be well."
"That's right." The voice of Katherine's canine husband, Sire Wolfton
Stargazer echoed from behind them. He stepped to Katherine and gave her feline
cheek a peck. "Coming from one of your former Warriors, Sabrina, that is saying
a lot."
Sabrina moaned when she met his face. "Oh, Wolf. Can you ever forgive
me for making you fight a war under false pretenses? For almost tearing you and
Katherine apart so long ago?"
"Not to mention stealing my Wolf Magic as well." Wolf announced with a
tight grin.
Sabrina shook her head ardently. "That was Damian's doing, not mine!"
Wolf smiled. "I know, and I do forgive you."
"Aye," Katherine agreed. "If Lord Guardian himself can forgive you both,
certainly the other Companions will soon. You will see."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 8--

´All it takes is time.µ Wolf supplied. He turned to the fire-demon. "Cyrix, I

will need your help with our new recruits."
Cyrix nodded. "Certainly, Sire." He kissed Sabrina's lips and smiled. "A
demon's work is never done, I guess."
Together, Cyrix and Wolf left the quarters.
"Curious," Sabrina supplied softly as she watched them leave.
"What's curious?" Katherine asked.
"Where is Red Wolf?" Sabrina wondered. "Is he not your knight?"
Katherine was the one to avoid her cousin's eyes. "They are fighting."
Sabrina gasped. "But they are the best of friends! Even in the Wars for
Power, they stuck together! What are they fighting about?"
"Celine." Katherine replied.
"What about her?" Sabrina was confused.
"Red Wolf is in love with her, and she with him." Katherine announced
sadly. "Wolf is in the middle, and angry at Red. Red himself has gone to see his
kin-Clans in the Outer Realm to sort it all out."
"Can you not help them?"
Katherine shook her head. "They must find forgiveness on their own.
There is nothing I can say or do to help them be friends again."
Sabrina was silent in thought when her cousin left the quarters on that
It made her think. Not only does Wolf Stargazer have to deal with his
knight and his daughter, now he has to deal with her. Was life in the Dream
Realm's Canine Valley ever going to be the same as it had before the recent War
of the Realms? Were the Companions ever going to forgive her for her past and
trust her again?
Most of all, was Sabrina ever going to truly fit in and feel welcome in a
place she never thought she could?
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 9--

cà c

Damian found himself with his long-time love, the Dark Lady Shenara
visiting the River of Regret, near Lava Falls in the Old Dominion. The Merchant
was smiling as he playfully teased Shenara as they walked. For Shenara, a
smile on the Merchant's face was a rare thing. She was suspicious and curious,
eager to know what was on his mind.
"Tell me Damian." Shenara purred, wrapping her arm in his as they
walked. "What did Lord Bane have to say to you? Or was it you to him?"
Damian stopped and pecked her cheek. "Ah, my love, it was none of your
"Was it about revenge against the Ancient Mystics for killing your father,
the Master?" Shenara asked.
He stopped in his tracks and frowned. "My, you have become nosy." He
shook her off and began to walk away.
Shenara wasn't to be stopped so easily. She caught up with him. "Of
course I have. I was trained by the best, you know."
Damian shook his head and laughed. "Of course you were." He supplied,
stopping again in his tracks. He looked to the River of Regret, smiling. "Do you
remember this River?"
Shenara was confused. "Aye." She said, and then recited. "The River of
Regret holds Dreamers' regretted thoughts and memories. Should any being
drink from it, they would be forced to relive their pasts in their minds. So?"
"So? I have a plan, and it has to do with this river." Damian knelt and
dipped his cupped hand in the water, letting it trickle through his fingers. He then
turned back to her. "Something I may need your help with."
Shenara knelt beside him. "Oh! Do tell!"
"Not yet, my sweet." Damian said. "I am still mulling it over in my mind."
"Whatever it is, my Merchant lover, I will be beside you all the way."
Shenara kissed him then.
"I was counting on it, my dear." Damian supplied with an evil grin. He
stood and looked beyond the river. "For now, we have company."
Shenara looked to where he was staring. "Sabrina."
Damian nodded. "You can come out now. We know you are here."
Sabrina appeared behind them.
"What are you doing this side of the River, sister?" Damian asked,
smirking. "Or should I call you traitor?"
"I come on my own accord, brother." Sabrina announced. ´And it is you
who are the traitor, not I."
Damian laughed. "Please! I am no traitor! I was not the one to turn her
back on all she knew for some stupid cause!"
"That cause was a just one." Sabrina yelled back. Shenara cringed behind
Damian, afraid of the former Maiden. "I saw the error of my ways and did
something about it, which is more than I can say for you!"
"Listen to yourself, Sabrina!" Damian cried. "The former Maiden of the
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 10--

Dominion and Unknown talking of the error of her ways. The Ancient Mystics
have brainwashed you into thinking you are good, when in fact, you are not."
"At least I acknowledge them as my family." Sabrina countered. "They did
not turn me away when I did them wrong. They forgave me, and let Cyrix and I
live in the Canine Valley with Katherine and Wolf."
Damian was silent for a moment. "Wolf, as in Warrior Wolf himself?"
"Aye, what of it?"
"And Katherine, our own goody-goody cousin Katherine Hawk?"
"Damian!" Sabrina spat.
Damian only laughed. "May I congratulate you on your decision to turn
good? It should be quite a farce."
Sabrina was confused. "Farce? What farce? I am turning good, and quite
more powerful, thanks to Katherine."
"Than you openly admit to turning against us?" Damian supplied. "Or, are
you just faking it to get on their good sides?"
"I do nothing of the sort! Not anymore!" Sabrina cried. "If turning against
evil means having my freedoms of thought and action being my own, than aye, I
admit it!"
Damian laughed at her. "And the Ancient Mystics?"
"They made me see what I was doing was wrong." Sabrina supplied. "I
wish one day, brother, you would see it as well."
On that, Sabrina huffed and disappeared.
"What an interesting conversation, Damian." Shenara whispered.
"Indeed." Damian supplied. "One that gave me the greatest of ideas."
"More about your plan?" Shenara asked, red eyes twinkling with delight.
Damian nodded, and told her what he had in mind.




It was a time of war in the Dream Realm and doing her duty as an Ancient
Mystic Healer was rapidly draining her. She even had to use some of the
Healer's Magic her sister gave her just to keep up with the demand. Just when
she thought she couldn't stand upright anymore, let alone Heal anyone, a strange
being with flaming red hair and dark eyes appeared in front of her.
"You look drained, young Ancient Mystic." The male crooned in a rolling
accented tone.
The Grand Magus could only nod.
The male reached his mind out to hers and commanded aloud softly. "Sit
down. Let me help you."
"Thanks, stranger. I appreciate it." Grand Magus whispered. Her voice
barely sounded like her own.
"Call me Firestorm." He supplied, leading her to an empty bed next to a
wounded Companion soldier. When she had sat, holding her head, he sat next to
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 11--

her. "I am a Watcher-kin Dweller, Youngling. After I delivered one of the

Companion chicks to my kin-sister, I felt you in pain, straining to stay afoot."
Grand Magus nodded.
"If you let me, I can boost your Healing Magic." Firestorm continued.
"I would not advise that, kin-brother." Came the voice of another Dweller
Luna knew as Julianna. She was frowning, shaking her head. "She needs
nothing from you. What she needs is rest, and time to recharge her Magic."
Firestorm sent the Grand Magus to sleep with a command, but her mind
was listening in as the siblings continued.
"I only wish to help her." Firestorm responded. ´I can feel the Magic within
her. She is amazing, almost as powerful as Bella herself."
"They are both Ancient Mystics." Julianna softened with her older brother
as they both stared at her. "Who knows what Lord Guardian would do should we
Turn one of his own?"
"I care nothing for him, as you well know." Firestorm supplied. ´I only
wish to make her see for herself just how amazing she can be."
"Not by Turning her into one of us."
"Why not? What harm would it do?" Firestorm argued.
"Plenty." Julianna replied. ´She is still a Youngling, Earthbound and
Ancient Mystic. She still needs to learn many things in her life before we can ever
butt in without harm."
Firestorm continued to stare at her, longing in a way that made Julianna
"Brother, what do you think of?" She asked gently. ´Really."
"The Prophesy, and Emerald, who asks in my head the same thing as you."
Firestorm pecked his younger sister on the cheek and sighed, saying before
leaving. ´She calls to me, you know."
Julianna nodded with a grin. Emerald, a Jewel Elder-kin Dweller, was
Firestorm's Bondmate who was a Healer. She was also the only one that could
keep her fiery older brother in line.
Julianna, on the other hand, continued to stare at the semi-conscious
Grand Magus. "I know you're listening, Grand Magus."
Grand Magus took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes. ´You knew,
and didn't tell him?"
Julianna put a finger to her mouth. "Our little secret."
Grand Magus smiled, and then frowned. She pointed to the wounded
owlet in the bed next to hers. "Can you help me so I can help her?"
"You don't want my kind of help, Ancient Mystic." Julianna shook her
head. "All you need is rest. I can handle the owlet."
"Why wouldn't I want your kind of help?"
Instead of answering, Julianna went over to the owlet and sat on the bed.
Grand Magus watched in silence as Julianna used a sharp fingernail to slice a
long line in her wrist. She then put the bleeding wrist to the owlet's mouth, which
clasped on and drank heavily.
In Grand Magus' mind, Julianna sent the message. ,    % 

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 12--

Julianna turned back to her charge, who took her mouth away to gasp for
breath. The Grand Magus could see the extended fangs in the owlet's -- now a
human-looking woman's -- mouth.
"How? What?" Grand Magus gasped, sitting up and holding her chest.
Julianna only grinned, nodding. "Meet my Blood-sister Fluorite. She is
Jewel Elder-kin, a Dweller."
Her mind overwhelmed, Grand Magus finally fainted into a non-dreaming
bliss of sleep.

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Sabrina flew as fast as she could back through the Canine Wood to
Stargazer Castle with tears in her eyes. Without anyone seeing her, Sabrina
raced to her quarters to hide. When she got to the door, she opened it and closed
it behind her. As the door shut, she leaned against it and felt safe enough to cry.
"Sabrina -- what?" She barely heard the male voice ask.
She felt arms take hold of her and Cyrix silently led her to the bed. He
held her until her tears subsided and she was calm again. He pulled her closer,
kissing her forehead.
"There now, darling." Cyrix supplied, petting her long black hair. "Why do
you cry?"
"I am so confused!" Sabrina supplied, and told him about her conversation
with Damian and Shenara. "I do not know what to do!"
"Be yourself, and show them who you have become during the War." Cyrix
tucked hair from her eyes behind her ear. "A strong, resourceful Ancient Mystic.
A good Ancient Mystic. If your brother does not like it, so what? He may need
you, but only to use you. You do not need him. You have shown Lord Guardian,
Young Guardian and even your cousins you can be good again." He took her chin
in his hands and kissed her lips. "Does that help?"
Sabrina nodded. "I know who does not need me." She said. "Sire Wolf
and Katherine."
"What do you mean?"
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 13--

"Katherine is raising twin pup-kits and Wolf is busy with Red Wolf stealing
Celine away."
"The Princess is still here." Cyrix announced. "I trained her in magical arts
with both her Companion sides."
Sabrina didn't know what to say at that. "They are too busy to deal with
the likes of me."
"Katherine is training you, is she not? In the use of Good Ancient Mystic
Magic?" Sabrina nodded, so he continued. "When is your next lesson?"
Sabrina gasped. "Oh -- Now! Thank you for reminding me! I must go!"
As she got up to leave, Cyrix caught her arm and pulled her in for a kiss.
She was stunned, left staring at him in wonder. "Someday, Sabrina, I hope it is
you who does the kissing."
Cyrix the Fire-Demon let go of her arm, and she left in a daze.

Sabrina herself found her cousin Katherine in the Practice Fields with
Young Guardian herself. At the sight of them both in their Fighter's Gear, her
heart dropped.
She stared extra hard at Young Guardian, who was sparring with
Katherine, stopping only to fix her cousin's stance or movements. Seeing them
together made her depressed.
  . Sabrina said in her
mind. ,    '   

Her sigh caught Katherine's attention. The two of them stopped to greet
"Sabrina, what's wrong?" Katherine asked.
Sabrina exchanged a look with Young Guardian, who caught the hidden
"I bet I know," Young Guardian said. She turned to Katherine. "Do you
think I can snatch her away for a while before her lesson?"
Katherine nodded tightly. "Do not be too long, Ariana. She needs her
"She needs this more than practice right now." Young Guardian Ariana
remarked sadly. "Follow me."
Young Guardian led her deep into the Canine Wood, where, not too long
ago, Sabrina's stepmother Gloriana cast a Dark Mist spell to make those who
entered crazy. With Wolf's help, Young Guardian was able to warn others about
it before any more Companions could go mad. In the end, Lord Byron of the
Ancient Mystic Kingdom made it disappear on the insistence of his older brother
Lord Maximaniac of the Grey Area's Shady Kingdom.
In the present, Sabrina could feel Young Guardian's nervousness with her
Empathy. When they stopped at a tree stump, Young Guardian sat down and
took a deep breath.
"I don't know how to say this cousin, so I'll just say it." She started. "I'm
"For what?" Sabrina asked.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 14--

"For destroying your father." Young Guardian was finally able to look up at
her. "We-we had to. He was using too many defenseless Dreamers and
Companions, and I couldn't take it anymore. It was for the great of good."
Sabrina relaxed and understood. "Too tell the truth, it had gotten to the
point where I was afraid of him. It took me a long time to see it for myself just
how evil he was."
"You must have loved him in your own strange way." Young Guardian
replied. "He was your father."
"He was also a tyrant." Sabrina smiled. When Young Guardian looked at
her, she smiled, too. "Admit it."
"Oh, I've always admitted it." Young Guardian said. "I'm just surprised to
hear you say it, that's all."
Sabrina nodded. "It was Cyrix who made me see how Father was using
me as well." She supplied. "You saw me with Lord Maximaniac's Spell-Book. I
could not take it."
"Ever wonder why?" Young Guardian asked.
Sabrina thought for a moment, of the years of torture to the Dominionites
Orthos had made her do. She thought of all the times she was ordered to destroy
Young Guardian, so O'Dell wouldn't have a successor. She then thought of how
he'd ordered her to get Lord Maximaniac's Spell-Book and bring it back to him so
he could escape the Unknown to do what he'd always wanted: to kill O'Dell and
rule in his twin brother's place.
Sabrina shook her head. "I just wanted the madness to stop."
Young Guardian stared at her, surprised to hear  coming from 

When she didn't get a verbal response from her cousin, Sabrina spoke up,
ashamed. "Now it is my turn to say I am sorry." She continued. "Sorry for all I
must have put the Crusaders through. I hope you will find it in you to forgive me."
"I do, and not because Lord Guardian told me to." Young Guardian
announced with a grin. "I was the one to cover for you in front of Lord
Maximaniac, remember? My Empathy kicked in and I could feel you in a battle
only you could get yourself out of. So I spoke up in your favor. If I'd kept silent,
even Lord Max wouldn't have believed your sincerity."
"For that, I thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, cousin." Young Guardian continued. "For risk of
sounding preachy, I'll only say this one thing. Lord Guardian and I may be
convinced you're turning good, Sabrina, but it will take more than mere apologies
to win over the Companions. Show them you're sincere, somehow. Once they see
for themselves you're on their side, they'll change their minds about you. Just
"You really think so?"
Young Guardian nodded. "I know so."
For a moment, they were in their own thoughts. Young Guardian staring at
Sabrina who was looking to her lap and playing with a fallen leaf in her hands.
"You know, Sabrina, you can call me Ariana when I'm not acting my title."
Sabrina looked up at the statement, caught off-guard. To hear that coming
from her meant she was forgiven and had a permanent friend in her.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 15--

"Thank you!" Sabrina hugged her. "Oh, thank you, Ariana. You do not
know how much that means to me."
Young Guardian Ariana laughed, hugging her back. ´I can hazard a
guess." She supplied. "For now, you'd better go to your lesson, or Kat will have
my behind for breakfast!"
Sabrina laughed. "Well, let us go then."
Young Guardian, Ariana, shook her head as she took flight. "Sorry, cousin,
but I have to get back to my patrols. I'll look in on you soon, okay?"
Sabrina nodded, watching her fly away. She raced back to Lady Katherine
and her lessons in the good Ancient Mystic Magic.
She could hardly wait.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 16--






 3     4  





What's wrong with him?    
     Why does he look dead?
He's not dead. 
 '  I can still feel
him in there, somewhere, but I can't find him on our mental path.


7% 4  4    

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As they went to the Unicorn and Airmed·s sides, a brilliant flash of light met
them. Once their eyes readjusted again, they could see Orthos was fuming.
´What?!µ He was astonished. ´You were supposed to be destroyed by
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 17--

light! How can this be? You cannot still be alive!µ

Both the Young Guardian and Amethyst could see Airmed·s form, smiling in
defiance. She was flexing lengthy fingernails, staring at Orthos with blood-red
eyes. Neither Ancient Mystic knew what to think. What scared them the most
were her growing incisors, the sharpened fangs of a vampire.
Or more precisely, a Dweller.
Young Guardian called in her mind to any Dweller-kin available to help
while she watched the scene unfold.
´Surprise, Orthos!µ Airmed·s raspy voice was nothing like her own. ´I am
Amethyst looked to her stunned brother. His Unicorn-green eyes were
black and hollow. He was frozen in fear of this dangerously new side of his
usually loving girlfriend.
Orthos saw the Unicorn hiding behind Airmed, and smiled. ´Warriors!
Airmed, Young Guardian, and Amethyst could only stand and watch as
Dark Warriors shot arrows at the Unicorn·s frozen state. All three women tried to
shift the arrows in another direction using their Magic, but it was too late.
They screamed as the arrows pierced through the Unicorn·s skin,
propelling him to the ground just feet away from the girls. Amethyst turned from
the scene, crying in Scott·s embrace. The Young Guardian could only stare, even
as she was whisked away by the Protector.

     '  /    

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 18--


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about this big brother, but I have to do it. The Crusades were years ago, but I'm
still your Over-Seer.


    *' 3'

It was dark, and cold. She could feel nothing to grasp onto and Heal so
she called out for him. Nothing.
She tried to sense him, but again, met with nothing.
Then, she saw a lone figure standing in a ray of light, like a spotlight on a
He stood in place, examining his hands. His hair was tousled, and the
bright green glow of the Unicorn Magic was in his eyes. The 'feel' of him didn't
feel like him at all. It was so dark it scared her. If it weren't for the hair, she
wouldn't have recognized her own twin brother.
Right away, she could feel him. He was angry and confused. She felt the
waves of confusion beating at him, the anger trying to take over him.
She opened her mouth to speak, but he wouldn't let her. She tried to move,
but she was frozen in her spot. Aimee sent her Healing Magic to him, only to
have him throw it back at her. She tried twice more, but it was again rejected,
and thrown back at her.

      9Aimee used telepathy to tell him, since she still
couldn't move or speak. %  4


The vision of Aaron finally looked up and acknowledged her. The green
glow was still in his eyes, and he reached out for her, but couldn't touch her.
" me...I'm so confused..."
Aimee was able to speak now, and did. "Come back to us, brother. We'll
help you figure it out. I promise."
She sent the Healing Magic to him, but he threw her out, unknowing.

      33 glaring33 

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 19--







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I'm sorry, little sister. Can
you forgive me?
    Of course, big brother. I love you.  
  4   7

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 21--

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 22--




That night, the Unicorn and Airmed were lost in the Dream Realm. It didn't
feel like anywhere either had ever been, yet they were compelled to go there. In
the distance, they could see a spooky castle, complete with a full moon shining
overhead and bats flying around the bell tower.
"Creepy." Airmed remarked, staying close to the Unicorn. "What is this
The Unicorn could only shrug. "I don't know, but I intend to find out."
He began to walk toward the gates of the castle.
"Are you crazy?" Airmed cried, racing after him.
"Insane, now come on!" The Unicorn supplied.
Reluctant, she followed.
There was a tall dark-haired guard at the gate when they got there. The
guard looked them over, black eyes glowing red, then smiled as he opened the
"Okay, that was really creepy." Airmed said under her breath. The
Unicorn heard and chuckled. She stared for a moment at the guard, who kept his
smile and disappeared into mist before her eyes.
"Something's drawing me here," The Unicorn supplied. "Follow me."
"I thought you didn't know where we were?"
"I don't." He said. "But I know where there's a castle like this, there's a
Monarch who lives in it. I'm just going to find them, that's all."
"You really are insane, aren't you?" Airmed asked, starting to worry.
He grabbed her and held her to his body. "Mad, my dear, now follow me."
She followed him until they reached a Great Hall, where she saw a
Monarch at her throne. They stopped when she noticed their presence.
Airmed saw the dark eyes and black hair. There were even two incisors
peeking out. It made Airmed feel for her own.
"Who dares disturb me in session?" The Monarch asked, walking up to
The Unicorn nudged her, and they both knelt to the Monarch. "We are two
of Lord Guardian's Crusaders, lost and drawn to this land. I am called the
Unicorn and this is my Earthly Protector and Bondmate Airmed Starchaser."
Airmed and the Monarch met eyes. The Monarch was surprised and cried
"Uh-I'm sorry, who?" Airmed asked, confused.
"Later, child, later." The Monarch supplied. "You may rise." When they
did, she continued, introducing herself. "I am the Countess of the Dragon
Nations, Dracora."
"Dragon Nations?" The Unicorn asked.
Countess Dracora nodded. "Where all Dwellers in your Realm go to Rest
when Dawn came."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 23--

"So, you're a Dweller, too?" Airmed asked. "Who is Sheba?"

"Like I said, later, child." Dracora supplied. "I know why you both are
here. Newly Bound, am I correct? An Ancient Mystic to a Sun-Dancer?"
"Yes, Countess." The Unicorn asked, astonished. "How did you know?"
"You are an Ancient Mystic. You figure it out." Countess Dracora
announced with a grin.
"I'm only an Ancient Mystic by the Blood-Pact made with my sister
Amethyst and the Young Guardian." The Unicorn supplied.
"Ah, now there's a name I have not heard in awhile." Dracora said.
"You've met her?" Airmed asked.
"She wasn't the first Ancient Mystic I met, but she was the only one who
intrigued me." Dracora told them. "So that makes you, young man, Aaron
The Unicorn nodded.
"And you, child, are Airmed Starchaser?" Dracora asked. Airmed nodded.
"The family name has not become extinct. That is good to know." She looked at
Airmed's eyes one more time. ´You still don't know what a Dweller-kin is, do
Airmed shook her head. "I just recently learned."
"Thought it was all witchcraft, did you?" Dracora asked with a grin. "I can
say I am not surprised it came to witchcraft. Shem always was the sort."
At the name Shem, Airmed's ears perked. "You knew Shem? What can
you tell me about him?"
"He is my Blood-brother." Dracora said softly. "His Bondmate Sheba, who
you bear an uncanny resemblance to, was an Ancient Mystic. Now this was long
before the last four sisters fled the Outer Realm for the Dream Realm. Sheman,
as he was called then, Bound with her, but she could not bear not being in the
sun. She went mad, and destroyed an Apprentice-kin Youngling named Neptune,
not even knowing what she was doing. Shem was Blood-brother with a Jewel
Elder-kin named Diamond, so he knew what happened through the blood-link.
Diamond and his sister Emerald were known as my Blood-brother's seconds-in-
command. They took it upon themselves to cast their King and his Queen out of
the kin-clans. Shem stood by Sheba as they were exiled as Drifters."
"Blood-brother?" The Unicorn asked.
"Blood-siblings are those who do not share familial kin-Clan blood, but
have exchanged at one time or another." Dracora explained. "I did not share kin-
Clan blood with Sheman, the last of the Ancient Watcher-kin. Shem was the
Prince of his people, watching as his mother and father were destroyed in war.
We were close, as brother and sister, so I agreed to blood-bind myself to him."
"Did he die?" Airmed asked.
Dracora shook her head. "No, not yet." She said. "Thanks to Shem, I can
Feel all Dwellers, especially him. He still lives, and only he, Sheba, and myself
know where."
"You say you can Feel all Dwellers." The Unicorn spoke up. "Did you feel
us Bond?"
"Would I know about it if I hadn't?" Dracora supplied. "That is why you are
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 24--

here. To learn more about what it means to be a Dweller. Or, in your case young
man, an Ancient Mystic Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer."
Dracora looked to the confused Airmed. "Child, you are a powerful
Watcher. You know some of this already, or you would not be here. You learned
from Red-Shawl and Malayna what we are." At this, Airmed looked up into her
eyes, amazed. "Yes, dear child, I know them as well. They are my grandnieces,
and also Watcher-kin Sun-Dancers. I also know all about you."
"It seems everyone knows more about me than I do." Airmed looked down
to the ground, depressed.
Dracora took Airmed's hand. "It may seem that way, but I assure you, it
isn't." She said. "I only found out about you through Lord Guardian O'Dell and
Mistress Enchantra."
"Malayna -- I mean, Mother, didn't tell you?"
"That mother of yours has issues no one but her Bondmate can help her
with." Dracora sighed. "Ah, well, onto business then, shall we?"
Countess Dracora led them to a nearly hidden antechamber. It had a set of
twisting stairs that led deep underground. Seeing candelabra peppering the
walls, the Unicorn picked one up and carried it.
"You are afraid of the dark, Unicorn?" Dracora teased.
"If you knew Young Guardian as Ariana Moon, you would know why." The
Unicorn supplied.
"Young Guardian has told me much about you, but that was years ago."
"How did you meet her?"
"She was trapped in this Land." Dracora explained. "Not yet knowing how
to get back to the Dream Realm, I had her be my advisor for a delegations
conference I was holding with the Mortallan leader, Yorn. Thanks to her, Yorn
and I saw the love we had for each other, and married, merging not only each
other's warring lands, but giving them a peaceful future."
"Young Guardian has done so much good for so many people." Airmed
replied, still following her down the stairwell.
"That's her job." Dracora remarked. "I'd be surprised if she remembered
me. She was a little young when we met."
"Did you tell her about the Dwellers then?"
Dracora shook her head. "I made her believe we were vampires."
"She wasn't afraid?" Airmed asked.
"Of course she was afraid." Dracora said. "She was in a land she knew
nothing about, with a scary vampire woman breathing down her back."
"You're not scary Countess." The Unicorn grinned.
"I'm glad you think so." Dracora smiled back at him.
They stopped at the end of a hallway, where Dracora outlined a door with
a claw. The door glowed, opening to reveal a dark chamber.
Keeping her grin on both of them, Dracora announced. "Because I will be
the one to teach you what you can do with your Watcher-kin powers."
The couple looked at each other and gulped.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 25--


Chikité "Red Wolf" Moondancer returned to the Canine Valley at Rest, when
the rest of his Dweller-kin were beneath the healing earth. He knew he had to go
back sometime; he was still a knight with knightly duties.
÷  , he thought to himself%  .
There had to be something Red Wolf could do for his Sire and friend. Red
Wolf and Wolfton have gone through so much together; it was hard to believe they
were fighting now.
   Red Wolf sighed. &




4   8 4 


%   ' & 4 
    9 Red Wolf thought, going to his private rooms in
Stargazer Castle.
He opened the door to his room and prepared to unpack. When he saw
who was waiting for him on the bed, he dropped his pack to the floor and shut
the door behind him.
"Celine!" He whispered.
Celine Stargazer stood and raced to hug him. "Red Wolf! You came back!"
"I had to." Red Wolf remarked, hugging her back. "You are not supposed
to be here, Celine. What if your father finds out?"
"He already knows about us." Celine supplied. "Just kiss me, Red. I have
missed you!"
Red Wolf took the chance and kissed her deeply. "As I missed you, my
darling one." He said when they parted. "You still should not be here."
"I have talked to Pérat about us." Celine said.
"What did you tell him?"
"Basically to shove it," Celine remarked. "He claimed I was much too young
for you, and it was a mere crush because you were someone new."
"Well, I am someone new to you, Celine." Red Wolf grinned. "Still, do you
not have your own duties for your father?"
"I am your Page, not his." Celine supplied. "Besides, he has Nicky and
Ronan as his Pages. He does not need me."
"You should train with them, you know." Red Wolf tried.
Celine stood back and placed her hands on her hips. "Are you trying to get
rid of me already?"
Red Wolf took her paws in his. "Nay, my sweet. Never. I just do not want
you to get in more trouble than you are already. I only wish to look out for you."
Celine hugged him again and her head hit his chest. Red Wolf's heart
thumped at the touch, as it always had. It gave him more courage to face her
"I love you, Chikité." Celine murmured in his chest.
Red Wolf kissed her forehead. "I love you, too, Celine."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 26--

"I have a question for you."

"What is it, sweet?"
"When will we be Bondmates?" Celine asked.
"When you are ready." Red Wolf kissed her lips again. "There are still
lingering thoughts in your head about your identity. You need to grow to learn
who you are."
"For now, we stay near-Bondmates." Celine said softly.
Red Wolf made her look into his eyes. "For now, aye. I am afraid so." He
said. "At least, until I can talk to your father about us."
Celine clung to him. "I do not want to lose you, Chikité."
"And you will not. We are meant to be Bondmates, but not yet." Red Wolf
tried to explain. "Do you wish to die a horrible death if we Bond too soon?"
Celine shook her head. "Nay."
"Go see to your father, Celine. I need to change my gear and bathe." Red
Wolf remarked. "I will see you later, whether he likes it or not."
Celine smiled at that, kissing him again before leaving. "See that you do,
Sir Red Wolf."
"Aye, Princess." Red Wolf grinned back.
When the door closed behind her, he slumped on his bed and started to

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 27--

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Once they arrived at a castle in the Dragon Nations, they came upon a gate.
A mist came out of thin air to take on human male form. He was dressed as a
´Young Guardian?µ He growled lowly, placing his fist to his heart and
nodding his head in respect. His black hair was tied up in a tail, but loose groups
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 28--

of strands hung in his face. ´It has been decades!µ

Young Guardian smiled at Amethyst·s shocked look before answering the
Dweller General. ´Trenor, is it?µ The General nodded and she continued. ´It
only seems like decades of your time, Dweller.µ
´Than you know what we are?µ Trenor grinned. ´As you would say, it is
about time.µ
Young Guardian laughed. ´We·re here to see the Countess. Can you tell
me where she is?µ
´You have blood-bound with her; use that bond to find her.µ Trenor let
them through the gates and winked before misting back into nothingness.
Young Guardian shook her head and led Amethyst further into the Dragon
Nations and toward the Castle ahead.
´Okay, you·ve been hiding secrets from us.µ Amethyst announced. ´I just
knew it. You took to Ramon and the other Dwellers too easily.µ
´I swear; I didn·t do it on purpose.µ Young Guardian said, shrugging.
´When I came here, I was lost and alone, wanting to get back to the System and
Derrick. It was our first case away from each other.µ
´So, what happened?µ Amethyst asked.
Young Guardian took her dagger out of her pouch and played with it.
´Something that would change my whole perspective on life; both in our own
Realm, and in this one.µ
Amethyst watched as her almost-sister played with the dagger·s stone, an
onyx, before sighing. This worried her, for they never kept secrets from each
other before. Aimee wondered, why now?
´Come on, Ariana. You can tell me.µ Amethyst said. ´Don·t you trust me?µ
´Oh, Aim, I do trust you.µ Young Guardian put her dagger back in the
pouch of her belt. ´I·m just now unraveling more secrets about the Dwellers I
never thought I knew before. I·m starting to piece it all together again.µ
´What do you mean?µ
´I recognize it for what it is now.µ Young Guardian said. ´Countess
Dracora, the Monarch of the Dragon Nations, put a special compulsion-like spell
on me. It was to make me forget what she really was. A Dweller in her own
right, and an Ancient one at that.µ
´So you think Airmed and the Unicorn are with this Countess of yours?µ
Young Guardian nodded. ´I could count on it.µ
Somehow, the look on her face didn·t make Amethyst feel any better. She
was worried for her brother and his mate now.

Red Wolf Moondancer was plenty rested and ready to take on the task of
confronting Sire Wolf.
  Red Wolf thought to himself as he
marched toward the Canine Valley·s Practice Fields. It was there he found Wolf
with the new-old demon-Warrior named Cyrix and the newer recruits to the
Companion Army.  
 & ' 
' 5.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 29--


Red Wolf sighed.
His sigh broke both Wolf·s and Cyrix·s concentrations.
. Red Wolf thought.
He swore he could feel the growl that came from Wolf·s chest. It was the
wolf·s growl of back-off.

Red Wolf shook his head.%   ,    
´What do you want?µ Wolf Stargazer growled. He was standing in an
attack position, with his Amethyst-Diamond stone slightly pulsing.
´Sire, I wish a word with you.µ Red Wolf began, giving Cyrix a look that
said, ´Help me with him.µ
Cyrix nodded behind Wolf·s back.
´I need nothing from you, Warrior Red Wolf!µ Wolf cried. ´Get out of my
sight before I destroy you where you stand.µ
´Sire, I do not believe that would be wise.µ Cyrix spoke up in Red Wolf·s
defense. ´There are too many Companions about.µ Wolf turned to Cyrix and
stared for a moment. Cyrix continued. ´What is between you is not healthy, for
the Army or yourselves. Are you not still his Knight-master? Is he not your
Knight? Your vassal, your friend?µ Wolf growled louder for Cyrix, balling his
fists. The fire-demon was prepared for this. ´Come now, Wolf. The two of you
have been friends for as long as I can remember. Put whatever it is between you
aside for now and make up. You are setting a bad example to the rest of the
Valley and the Army.µ
Wolf unclenched his fists and took a deep breath, calming. ´Lead the set in
their sword work.µ He turned back to Red Wolf, who stood silent. ´I will handle
Red Wolf.µ
´As you wish, Sire.µ Cyrix supplied, giving Red Wolf the sign for ´He·s all
yours,µ behind Wolf·s back.
Red Wolf hid his grin, reminding himself to thank the fire-demon for the
favor later.
Wolf led him to the Canine Wood before barking. ´How dare you, Red!
How dare you court my daughter? How dare you seek to make a complete fool
out of me in front of the Valley?µ
Before he could go any farther in his How-dare-yous, Red Wolf changed to
his Dweller-kin form, a full Immortal with dark hair and eyes that glowed. ´Not
this time, Wolf! You will listen to me, and not shout your How-dare-yous! I will
have my say, even if I have to use my kin-Clan powers on you to do it.µ
Wolf could do nothing but stare, scared into silence. He knew how
powerful Red Wolf was as a Dweller, and how dangerous he could be.
Red Wolf changed back to his wolf-Companion form.
The two wolves stared at each other, with Wolf silently growling at Red
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 30--

  & Red Wolf thought as he glared at his
Knight-master and friend. %    

,  will 
´Wolfton Stargazer!µ Yelled the female voice of Katherine Hawk-Stargazer,
Wolf·s Balinese bride. ´Chikité Moondancer! In our Castle Chambers! Now!µ
Even Cyrix heard her booming voice from across the Field and headed in
the opposite direction.
The wolves changed form and raced to Stargazer Castle. They could tell
she meant business.
They took themselves to the main Chambers, where Katherine yelled.
´Shift! Now!µ
They shifted to their original forms.
Wolf started. ´Darling, what?µ
´Do not ¶darling· me, Wolfton Stargazer!µ Katherine cried. ´I have had all I
can stand from you two. This has gone on long enough!µ
´On that I agree, Lady.µ Red Wolf said.
´Silence, Chikité.µ Katherine supplied. ´Now then. I want this feud of
yours to end.µ
´Katherine, he seeks to steal our daughter!µ Wolf cried.
´I seek nothing but to love and cherish her as any Bondmate should.µ Red
Wolf barked.
´You seek to take her away from her home!µ Wolf barked.
´I do nothing against her will.µ Red Wolf barked back. ´She is my near-
Bondmate and I cannot do anything to her that she does not want me to do.µ
´She is too young for you!µ Wolf supplied.
´The heart and soul know of no age or time.µ Red Wolf stated.
´ENOUGH!µ Katherine hissed at them both. ´Wolfton. Have you noticed
any changes in our daughter?µ
Wolf frowned, lowering his brows.
´If you have not, I sure have.µ Katherine supplied. ´She is happier, and
more mature. She fought in the War with us, remember? She still wishes to be a
Companion Warrior, for lack of better terms. She still wants to learn everything
she can about her Magic. You might want to talk to her sometime.µ
´I have, Kat.µ Wolf said, then smiled. ´She told me about her and Red.µ
Katherine·s eyes went up. ´And you still have doubts?µ
´I am her father, Katherine. What do you expect?µ Wolf asked her. ´I only
wish to protect her.µ
´Face it, Wolf. I am her protector now.µ Red Wolf remarked softly. ´I will
see that no harm will ever come to her again. That is a promise I can rightfully
At the word protector, Katherine gasped. ´I knew it!µ
Both canines stared at her.
´What? What is it?µ Wolf asked.
´She is acting as Ariana did when she met Derrick. Like she·s more
complete.µ Katherine tried. ´It is hard to admit, Wolf, but Red just may be our
daughter·s Ancient Mystic Protector.µ
Red Wolf smiled, nodding. ´Aye that I am.µ He said. ´I would protect her
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 31--

with my very life. I would cherish her, Wolf. I love her too much to hurt her.
Because to hurt her would be like hurting myself.µ
Katherine studied him. Red Wolf was radiating a protective energy around
him and it had Celine·s very aura surrounding it.
´You say those words just to get on my good side.µ Wolf barked. ´They
will not work.µ
´I believe him, Wolf.µ Katherine replied softly, still staring at him. ´I can
sense it. He cannot hurt her without hurting himself. Their bonds have been
forged. Can you not feel it with your own Wolf Magic?µ She turned back to her
husband. ´Can you not sense it whenever they are around each other? Before
the War, she was unhappy, and confused. Now, she is complete.µ
´I must disagree, Lady Katherine.µ Red Wolf replied. ´She and I will not be
complete until we Bond. Seeing she is still young, and has questions about
herself, I will have to wait to Bond her to me.µ
´Why can you not do it now?µ Katherine asked, curious.
´Bonding her to me now would be disastrous.µ Red Wolf supplied sadly.
´She would not survive it.µ
Katherine and Wolf gasped.
´I cannot see her hurt in any way.µ Red Wolf continued. ´Nor can I stand
to watch her die without following in her tread.µ
´Red, I ²µ Wolf whispered. ´I am sorry. I did not know.µ He was
speechless. ´She would die if you Bonded her to you now?µ
´Aye.µ Red Wolf supplied.
´The bond between you is there, but not in Dweller terms, right?µ
Katherine had to ask. Amazed, Red Wolf nodded. ´I can sense it.µ She turned
back to Wolf. ´Make up with him, husband. We have work to do, and you both
have to talk to her about this. She was made his Page, so they will be spending a
lot of time together. And your new Pages need to know their duties, so Red will
tell them what needs to be done.µ
They heard a cough from across the room. ´If I may be so bold, Lady
Katherine?µ It was Cyrix. Celine was with him, in battle fatigues.
As soon as Celine saw Red Wolf, she gasped and hesitated, unsure of
what to do.
Katherine saw this and asked. ´Well? Are we finished here?µ
Wolf nodded. Red Wolf smiled, nodding.
Katherine looked back at her daughter and smiled. ´Go ahead, Celine.µ
Celine·s eyes widened. She ran to hug Red Wolf.
´Do you not see the love they have for each other, Sire?µ Katherine asked
with a smile.
Cyrix grinned as well, enjoying the scene.
´Oh, I believe I do now.µ Wolf grinned at Red Wolf, outstretching his hand.
When the couple parted, Red Wolf met it.
´From now on, you are my Heart-Brother.µ Wolf announced. ´As you
should have been from the start.µ
Katherine took the chance to hug her husband and kiss his snout. ´Oh,
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Red Wolf, Celine and Cyrix laughed.

´Now, Katherine, not in front of them...µ Wolf teased, back to his old self
around Red Wolf for the first time since the War ended. He winked at his new
Heart-Brother. ´You will embarrass me.µ
´Precisely.µ Katherine touched his nose with a claw. ´Now go teach your
new Pages what to do, you three.µ They left the Chambers. She noticed Cyrix
still standing there. ´Cyrix? What is it? What is wrong?µ
Cyrix dared to come closer. ´Seeing them together just now got me
thinking, Lady Katherine.µ
´Come now, call me Katherine.µ She waved at him with a smile. ´We have
known each other since the Wars for Power. When not acting our titles, I insist
you call me Katherine, or Kat.µ
´That is what I wanted to talk to you about, Katherine.µ Cyrix supplied.
´Are we alone? Any listeners?µ
´You remembered that about me, have you?µ Katherine grinned. She
realized he wasn·t smiling back and closed her eyes. He was serious. After a
moment, she reopened them.
´Well?µ Cyrix asked. She shook her head and he went on. ´Good. I have
been thinking a lot since I got my freedom from the Master.µ
She gestured for him to sit. He did, and continued.
´Do you remember back before the Wars started?µ Cyrix asked her.
´Before the Master killed Lord Guardian? Before the Young Companions were
taken from their homes to be Warriors for the Merchant·s army?µ
´Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?µ
´I am getting to it, Kat.µ Cyrix smiled. ´Do you remember a young
dragonlet looking for revenge against the Master?µ
´Now that I think about it, yes.µ Katherine said, puzzled. ´I remember
meeting him in the Perilous Forest. A young dragonlet barely old enough to fly.
He said the Master killed his family when the barrier between the Dominion and
the Province was erected. The power from it just destroyed them, but he got
away with nary a scar.µ She thought for a moment, and felt her chest, losing
herself in a trance. ´The only scar I saw, and somehow healed, was on his side.
It was a gash made from destructive magic.µ
She looked at him. ´I led him to the site where Damian was assembling his
small army of drones. I told him ².µ
´¶There is the son of the beast who killed your family. Swear your revenge
upon him, for you would only meet the same fate in the Master·s hands.·µ Cyrix
spoke up softly.
Katherine realized who Cyrix was now. Not just another of Damian·s
Warriors, but a Draconian that had never been fooled by her cousin·s minions.
´You were that dragonlet, were you not?µ
´I was named Kra·tath, of the Fire Dragon Clan of Guardians.µ Cyrix
supplied with a grin. ´I just blocked myself from the Merchant·s spells using my
Dragon Magic. He never knew the difference.µ
´Did you ever have your revenge?µ Katherine asked him softly.
He nodded. ´When Young Guardian destroyed the Master, I was released
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from it. The payment had been made and my life could go on.µ He supplied.
´Though, I do admit I always had a mind of my own. I used my energies to aid
the Merchant and the Warrior Army, acting like a good little Dominionite until I
knew more about the Master.µ
´Yet you followed him to the Unknown.µ
Cyrix shook his head. ´Nay, I followed the woman I fell in love with.µ
Katherine grinned. ´Sabrina.µ She said. ´What about your revenge?µ
´I stayed a silent Dominionite, only pretending to fail when the Merchant
would threaten me. Since I was a Draconian and not a Dominionite at all, he had
no power over me.µ Cyrix supplied. ´I ever followed Sabrina, watching out for
her. She made D·Kora her slave while I was her bodyguard and favorite spy.
Once the Crusades came and went, she forgot about me, but never did I once
forget about her.µ
He looked to his lap and fiddled with a ring that was on a string around his
´Cyrix, tell me.µ Katherine said softly, placing a hand on his leg. She
could sense nothing from him using Empathy, but she could tell something else
was on his mind.
´Have you forgiven her for what she has done to you in your youth?µ Cyrix
looked up and asked. ´I believe, in order to forgive herself, she must be forgiven
by others. Especially you, Katherine. You are the only family she has left.µ
´Her mother is in the Grey Area with Lord Max and their daughter
Tempest.µ Katherine told him. ´But aye, I understand what you are saying.µ
´Than you know what to do?µ Cyrix added. Katherine nodded. ´Go talk to
her, Kat. She worries you do not care about her because of the kit-pups. She
claims neither of you need her around, except to teach her the good Ancient
Mystic Magic. Please, Kat, ease her mind so I can have the loving, caring woman
I fell in love with.µ
Katherine smiled. ´You have strange taste in women, Cyrix.µ She
remarked. ´I have already spoken to her, when she first came here. She is still
confused in her feelings about herself. I will leave up to you what to do about
your relationship. May I express my opinion in the matter?µ
´Certainly, Lady.µ
´You make a lovely couple.µ Katherine kissed his cheek. ´Once she gets
over this pet she·s in, you will complement each other nicely. Welcome to the
family, Cyrix.µ
Cyrix stood up, bowed, and left.

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% ()

Young Guardian led a confused and angry Amethyst thru the Dragon
Nations' grounds to the Castle ahead.
Once the guard there saw the determined look in her eyes, he bowed his
head and knelt.
´Where is Shylee?µ Young Guardian demanded.
The Guard only answered in her mind.  

´Would it happen to be the Unicorn and his mate Airmed Starchaser?µ
The Guard nodded.
´Show me.µ
The Guard rose and gestured for them to follow
supplied in his mind to her   %  "
Young Guardian
asked back in her mind as they followed him.
His mind-voice had a playful lilt to it, and a warm smile. %  6
    ÷ 3  

"       "
 * *  


´You don·t know how right you are, blood-brother.µ She sighed aloud.
´Ariana, what is going on?µ Amethyst decided to take the chance to speak
up. ´Where is he taking us?µ
´To Dracora.µ Young Guardian supplied.
´Than who is Shylee?µ
´Same Dweller.µ She supplied. ´Shylee Starchaser is her Earthbound
Amethyst shook her head. ´You·ve got a lot of explaining to do, Young
´In time, as it comes back to me, I will.µ Young Guardian answered
Kunzite continued to lead them to the underground chambers of the castle
before leaving them at the base of a stairwell. Amethyst grabbed a candle from
the wall and saw what was in front of them.
A dead end.
´Uh, Ariana?µ Amethyst supplied, confused.
She watched in silence as Young Guardian grabbed her dragonhead-hilted
dagger and traced a doorway on the stone wall. The outline glowed, and
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Amethyst was amazed. Before she could comment on it, she saw Young
Guardian smile.
´It·s all coming back to me.µ Young Guardian said with a grin, admiring her
Gateway Spell when she stepped back.
Amethyst could only stare in wonder and confusion.
Young Guardian placed her hand to the glowing outline of the ¶door· so her
hand glowed as well. The door inched itself open with a weary stone-on-sand
sound. Once it was open enough for them to creep through, they did.
Young Guardian saw Countess at an indoor bonfire ahead of her. Where
the smoke was going, only Dracora knew. The Countess Dracora was hand-in-
hand with the very two people she and Amethyst had come searching for.
Dracora looked up. ´Young Guardian, do join us.µ
She nodded, saying. ´Countess, this is Amethyst, the Unicorn·s twin sister.
She and her Earthly Protector have been worried about them.µ
Dracora unclasped her hands from Airmed and the Unicorn·s.
´That is quite understandable.µ Dracora went on. ´For now, do you wish
to join in on their Ceremony?µ
´He is my brother.µ Amethyst supplied softly.
´Not you Amethyst Theresa.µ Dracora supplied, nodding to her. ´I meant
Young Guardian. Though, since you are his sister, I would welcome you to our
circle. Be prepared for any Magic along your twin-bond and the blood-pact.µ
Young Guardian fingered the onyx stones on her Dragon Dagger, frowning.
´I have reason to believe those bonds will be broken and re-forged again. Why
would being a newly-Bound Couple do that to them?µ
´And yourself, don·t forget.µ Dracora supplied. ´It is in their blood now.
The very Dweller-kin bindings of love and magic.µ
Young Guardian was confused. ´What is that supposed to mean?µ
Dracora walked to her and told her. ´Do you remember what you told me
about your Blood-Pact to the twins? And how it made you feel different?µ
Young Guardian nodded.
´Well, they felt the same way. Something was different in their
bloodstreams.µ Dracora supplied. ´That was the Ancient Mystic Magic they got
from you. Now, Airmed has done something else to his bloodstream. The very
current is changing in him, as it is in her, at last.µ
´I still don·t know what you mean, Countess.µ Airmed spoke up, followed
by the Unicorn. ´What current is changing in us?µ
´Can I answer her, Dracora?µ Young Guardian asked.
´By all means, should you know the answer, tell her.µ Dracora smiled.
´Your blood is changing you, Airmed.µ Young Guardian supplied.
´Changing who you are, who you were, and who you will be. Your powers are
changing,  are changing, and it·s all because of your blood. You call yourself
a Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer. Well, you·re right. You are. And Unicorn, I·ll add you
in this because it·s the same for you as well. You were Blood-Pacted with
Amethyst and me. Both you twins felt my powers in your blood.µ
´As you see, Younglings, it all boils down to blood.µ Dracora supplied.
Young Guardian could see her smile at the words, and she smiled in
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return. ,  

Dracora nodded.   ÷ 3  

´So what do we do now?µ Amethyst had to ask.
Dracora beckoned them to join her. ´Now, we perform the kin-Clan
Bonding Ceremony for our newly-Bound couple.µ


The Fire-Starter and Amethyst·s Earthy Protector Scott Archer was lost in
the Dream Realm, searching for Amethyst. He knew she was somewhere; he just
had to look. He checked the Feline Village but Page-Prince Tiger White-Snow
shook his head and told him he hadn·t seen her.
´What about Young Guardian?µ Scott asked. ´Doesn·t she make her
rounds here? Or the Unicorn and Airmed? Isn·t the Unicorn a good friend of your
´I am sorry, Fire-Starter, but no.µ Tiger supplied. ´I have not seen them,
nor have I seen anyone but my troop for the past week. Why not check the
Canine Valley? Young Guardian usually stops there on her rounds, to see what
Lady-Aunt Katherine is up to.µ
Scott nodded and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.
On his end, Tiger White-Snow began to worry for his Elder Crusader
friends. He coughed, shaking his head. ´Darn Fire-Starter.µ He whispered,
turning and going back to his duties for his father, Sire Tobias.

Once Scott reappeared, it was in front of a group of Young Companions in

practice gear. Not knowing what to say, he cleared his throat and nervously
waved. He heard a chuckle from behind him and turned to see none other than
the Sire of the Canine Valley himself, Wolfton Stargazer.
´Fire-Starter!µ Wolf laughed. ´What brings you here?µ
Red Wolf and Celine were with him, hand in hand. That surprised Scott,
but he kept his silence. Not far behind them was the Fire-demon lover of
Sabrina·s, Cyrix. Cyrix just smiled at the sight of Scott.
´Have you seen Young Guardian, Amethyst, Airmed and the Unicorn?µ
Scott asked. ´They·re not in our Realm, and I·m worried for Amethyst.µ
The Stargazers shook their heads.
´Sorry, Fire-Starter.µ Celine said, and then looked to Red Wolf, whose
usually serious face smiled. ´Red? What do you know?µ
Red Wolf squeezed her hand. ´Go to the Dragon Nations, Fire-Starter. You
will find them there.µ
´Do you know where it is?µ Cyrix asked him.
´Aye, I do, but I believe it best for me to stay here with the Companions.µ
Red Wolf supplied, then in a teasing voice, asked. ´You know, do you not?µ
Cyrix laughed. ´Aye, that I do.µ He supplied. ´Come with me, Fire-Starter.
I will show you to the Dragon Nations.µ
On that, they both disappeared.
´How would you know about the Dragon Nations, Red Wolf Moondancer?µ
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Celine asked, crossing her arms. ´And how would he?µ

Red Wolf teased Celine·s nose. ´Newly-bound Couples always seek the
Countess.µ He explained. ´And did you not notice what Cyrix is? He is a
Dragon, and originally from there.µ
Wolf just shook his head at them both. ´I swear; if you two were any more
syrupy, it would be sickening.µ
´Silence you.µ Red Wolf looked up with a laugh. He nodded to the troop
that was practicing nearby. ´We have work to do.µ
Wolf sighed. ´Aye that we do.µ

Cyrix led Scott through the Realm-gate to the Dragon Nations.

´So, how do you know of this place, Cyrix?µ Scott asked, suspicious.
´Easy.µ Cyrix shrugged. ´I am not what I say I am.µ
´To you, I am a lower-level Fire-demon, correct?µ Cyrix asked him as they
´Well, yeah.µ Scott supplied. ´What? You·re not?µ
Cyrix shook his head. ´I am, in fact, a dragon.µ
´You look human to me.µ
Cyrix laughed. ´It is merely to fool. It is a long story.µ
´Well, we do have a long walk ahead of us, don·t we?µ Scott asked, then
smiled. ´Or can you sprout wings and fly?µ
´Hmm, good idea.µ Cyrix announced, stopping in his tracks. ´Stand back.
It has been a long time since I was in my own true-form.µ
Scott obeyed.
Cyrix only hoped he remembered how to shift, for it had been generations
since he knew how or even what his true dragon-form was. He just knew how to
use the Dragon Magic to fool the Master·s son, the Merchant, who had been
leading the Warrior Army against the so-called ´evilµ Ancient Mystics. Before he
met up with Lady Katherine, Cyrix was a young dragonlet who had seen his Clan
killed before his eyes, barely getting away with his life and a long scratch on his
side. Knowing he had to have his revenge on whoever killed his Clan when the
Dominion Barrier was erected, Cyrix used some powerful Dragon Magic to shift to
demon form. Since then, his attentions were solely on having his revenge against
the Master. He hadn·t planned on falling in love with the Master·s daughter
Sabrina along the way.
Cyrix closed his red eyes and took a deep breath, preparing himself for
the change. He began to feel the change rising within his body. Ancient, creaking
movements as the mighty wings start now, to unfurl. He remembered bits and
pieces of his dragon days, and loved the feeling of being so ancient and alive! To
see him, Cyrix was a large red dragon with dark pearl eyes that glowed. He
extended wings that hadn·t been used for years.
Scott gasped, impressed.
Cyrix raised his scaly neck and blew fire out of his nose, laughing a hearty
dragon-sounding laugh. He lowered his neck and told him. ´Grab hold, Fire-
Starter. Wrap your arms and legs around my neck and hold on tight! To the
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Countess Dracora·s Castle!µ

Scott climbed onto Cyrix·s long muscled neck and settled himself onto his
massive shoulder blades. Cyrix took flight with a jerk that made Scott·s grip
tighten, as if holding on for dear life.
´You know, Fire-Starter,µ Cyrix began. ´I have taken a shine to you.µ
´Huh?µ Scott supplied, stupefied by the statement. ´What do you mean?µ
´Your ability is what allowed you to stay in the Dream Realm without your
young friends.µ Cyrix said. ´You are called the Fire-Starter in this Realm. Do
you have a name in yours?µ
´Scott Archer.µ
Cyrix laughed. ´Archer, is it? Are you any good at archery?µ
´I would like to think so, yes.µ Scott announced. ´I won many competitions
and can shoot at any target. I even used my Dream Realm bow in the recent
´Have you used your power with your bow yet?µ
Scott shook his head. ´Not yet. How would I do it?µ
Cyrix laughed again. ´I can teach you, Fire-Archer.µ
The new name sent a shock through Scott·s system.
´I like that.µ He grinned. ´Yeah, I·ll be the Fire-Archer. Not only is it a part
of my name, it·s my favorite hobby, and my power!µ
´You will learn, Young One.µ Cyrix laughed, and so did the Fire-Archer. ´I
will definitely teach you!µ
Scott was excited and whooped. ´Thank you, Cyrix!µ
´You are welcome, Fire-Archer.µ Cyrix breathed fire in the air, showing off.


Back with the Countess, hidden in the Chambers of Monarch's Glen Castle,
hands were clasped, raised to the ceiling and eyes were closed. The Unicorn,
Airmed, Amethyst, Young Guardian and Dracora chanted, raising a different kind
of power either Earthbound had ever experienced before. They stood around the
bonfire, chanting.
´We raise our hands, our hearts, our voices, to call upon the Ancients.µ
Dracora started. ´Bring us the Guides on our paths and bless this newly-bound
Dweller-kin couple with love, magic and life eternal. Dweller-kin Ancients, hear
´Ancient Mystic Ancients, hear us.µ Young Guardian supplied after her.
´Lords and Ladies of the Witches, hear us.µ Amethyst continued.
´Bless our binding with love.µ Airmed said.
´Bless our binding with magic.µ The Unicorn replied.
´Bless their binding with life eternal.µ Dracora finished. ´The Ancient
Dweller-kin Watcher called Shylee Stargazer asks of you.µ
´The Earthbound Ancient Mystic Young Guardian called Ariana Moon asks
of you.µ Young Guardian announced.
´The Earthbound Ancient Mystic called Amethyst Schmidt asks of you.µ
Amethyst supplied.
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´The Earthbound Ancient Mystic Unicorn called Aaron Schmidt asks of

you.µ The Unicorn said.
´The Dweller Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer called Sierra Airmed Starchaser
Gregory asks of you.µ Airmed supplied. ´Bring us the knowledge, the magic, the
strength and the courage to live as a newly-Bound Dweller-kin couple.µ
´So mote it be!µ The rest echoed after her.
´Bring us hope and love, from the Havens above.µ the Unicorn said.
´So mote it be!µ They echoed.
´Bring this couple what they need on their path.µ Young Guardian said.
´So mote it be!µ The rest chorused.
The group lowered their clasped hands.
´We thank you for your Guidance and Blessings.µ Dracora announced.
´We send you home with peace and love.µ
´So mote it be!µ The entire group cried, letting go of each other·s hands and
opening their eyes.
There was a lone echo of wonder from behind them.
´So mote it be.µ It was Scott, with Cyrix beside him in his demon form.
Dracora smiled. ´Pleasure to see you again, Dragonlet.µ
´And you as well, Countess.µ Cyrix bowed. ´The pleasure is mine, Lady
´Oh, stop.µ Dracora laughed. ´It is good you stopped by. We were just
finishing the Bonding Ceremony.µ She saw a stunned silent Scott Archer beside
him and acknowledged him. ´You must be Amethyst·s Earthly Protector.µ
Scott nodded. ´That I am, Countess.µ He said, bowing his head in respect.
´My name is Scott Archer,µ he looked to Cyrix, ´but my Dream Realm persona is
the Fire-Archer.µ
Amethyst looked to her Earthly Protector in wonder.
´You?µ Countess Dracora raised an eyebrow to Cyrix, who nodded.
´I will teach him to use his fire-starter abilities with his archery against our
´Ah, foes.µ Dracora nodded. ´Well, Younglings, this is where you go your
separate ways, and I get back to my duties as Countess here. Cyrix, may I have
a word with you for a moment? It concerns your Clan.µ
Cyrix raised his eyes. ´Oh, certainly, Countess. As you wish.µ
´She·s right, guys.µ Young Guardian spoke up after a nod to Dracora. ´We
need to return to the Dream Realm, and get ourselves home to our families.µ
´You know, in all the excitement, I totally forgot about them!µ Airmed cried.
´Oh, Young Guardian! Can you ever forgive me?µ
´Don·t ask me for forgiveness, Airmed.µ Young Guardian told her. ´This
battle is yours and the Unicorn·s now. You are his Earthly Protector as he·s your
Bondmate. Whether he forgives you for doing what you thought best for him, is
up to him.µ
Airmed looked to the Unicorn. Instead of replying, the Unicorn wrapped his
arms around her waist and gave her lips a long kiss.
´There. What does that tell you?µ He asked, teasing her nose with a kiss.
Airmed smiled, giggling. ´Let·s go home, Bondmate.µ
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Amethyst and the Fire-Archer clasped hands and smiled at each other.
´Mind if we join you, brother?µ
´Certainly, sister.µ The Unicorn grinned, offering his hand for her to take.
´By all means, join us.µ
Amethyst took it and the circle was complete. The four of them went home,
which left only Cyrix and Young Guardian.
´I would stay if I were you, Ariana.µ Dracora supplied. ´What I have to
speak to Cyrix about has to do with you as well.µ
´I thought as much, Shylee.µ Young Guardian sighed. ´Well, let us have it
then. What do you know about his Clan?µ
Cyrix waited expectantly, wondering what she had to say. He could sense
Young Guardian knew something about Dracora even HE himself didn·t.
´Countess?µ Cyrix·s voice wavered, watching both Young Guardian and
Dracora stare at each other.
Dracora, he·d been raised to respect as an Elder Ancient of his land. The
Countess had always been a monarch of the Dragon Nations. When Lord King
Yorn·s Hunters attacked the Castle, it started a war. The war turned into an
alliance, and eventually a marriage and the birth of a son, Horus and daughter
Young Guardian, on the other hand, he·d known her reputation in both the
Dream Realm and the Dragon Nations long ago. He·d learned to respect and
revere her as well, for all her trouble with Sabrina, she never gave up hope or
By the serious looks on their faces, he could tell he had no idea what he
was getting into this time. What did Dracora know about his Clan, and what did
Young Guardian have to do with it?

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( % ( 

Back in the Dream Realm·s Canine Valley, Sir Red Wolf and Sire Wolf
watched in the sidelines as their three Pages, Celine, Nicola HeartLily and Ronan
BrownPatches were leading three groups of Companion Warriors.
´I have been thinking, Wolf.µ Red Wolf supplied, staring after Celine. She
was teaching a new move to another feline warrior.
Wolf turned to his Knight-friend. ´What is it, Red?µ
´I believe that Spirit Quest we took helped open her mind to questions once
thought unable to be asked.µ Red Wolf supplied, studying his friend·s face for a
reaction. ´She still needs you, Wolf, but she needs me as well. As I need her
now, to keep the two sides of me from ripping me apart. I need her to keep me
hopeful, as I am no longer a Warrior or Grey Arean.µ
´I was wrong about you, Red. I know that now.µ Wolf admitted. ´I thought
you would hurt Celine, and I did not want to see that happen.µ
´Neither do I.µ Red Wolf smiled. ´Like it or not, Wolf, I love her, too.µ
Wolf turned to Celine·s group, staring at his daughter. He sighed.
´About you and I, Wolf Stargazer.µ Red Wolf said. Once he got his friend·s
attention, Red Wolf continued. ´We have ever been friends, if not Wolf-kin. From
Companions being taken from our families, we have stuck together. From
Dominionites being led by the Master against Lord Guardian, we have stuck
Wolf still stared, silent in thought. Red Wolf went on. ´You remember
when I almost lost my soul to the Hunger? What made you call me back to
´I did not want you to hurt the Dreamer.µ Wolf supplied.
Red Wolf shook his head. ´That is not true, my friend.µ He said. ´You did
not want to lose my friendship should I turn Stalker.µ
´You knew nothing of your Dweller-kin self until Madam Celeste told you.µ
Wolf pointed out.
´That is also not true.µ Red Wolf supplied. ´If you remember, Dweller-kin
have a telepathic bond to each other. Matéré and Pérat have always taught me
the Apprentice-kin Dweller ways using it.µ
´Those words.µ Wolf said softly. ´I wondered what Celine was calling us.µ
´They are Ancient Wolf-speak for Mother and Father.µ Red Wolf grinned.
´I did teach them to her, but only after she heard my parents use them on me.µ
Wolf nodded, smiling. ´You love her, do you not?µ
´That should have been apparent, my friend.µ Red Wolf said. ´As her
Bondmate and your Heart-Brother, I promise you no harm will come to her while
she is in my care.µ
´On that, I know I can rely.µ Wolf replied. ´Even she knew something was
on your mind when you sent the Fire-Starter with Cyrix to the Dragon Nations.µ
Red Wolf laughed. ´Ah, that. Aye, I did have something on my mind.µ
´Did you want to tell me, or let it go?µ
´For me to lead the Earthbound, I would have had to bring Celine with me.µ
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Red Wolf supplied. ´She would have asked questions I have no answers to. I do
not wish that right now, and since we had work to do, I put Cyrix to the task.µ He
shrugged. ´Besides, he needed the contact with the Countess.µ
´Why do you say that?µ Wolf asked.
´Do you not remember his true-form?µ Red Wolf inquired. ´Cyrix came to
the Warriors as a dragonlet.µ
Wolf had to think about that one. ´A dragonlet, huh? But he is in demon
form now. Why stay in that form for so long?µ
Red Wolf raised his eyebrows. ´I suppose you should ask Kat sometime.
She knows him better than we do.µ
´Why would he need contact with the Countess?µ Wolf asked.
´To remember who he is, just as you made me remember who I am.µ Red
Wolf grinned, patting Wolf on the back. ´Heart-Brother.µ
Wolf laughed. ´Come then, Heart-Brother. We still have work to do.µ

´How could you have been so careless, Damian?µ Gloriana, once Queen of
the Unknown spat to the once-Merchant of the Dominion. She huffed. ´Idiot.µ
´Me so careless?µ Damian cried back. Shenara was with him, silent, not
wanting to get in the middle of it. While Gloriana was her mother, Damian was
her lover. ´You were the one who failed to do what I told her to! Could not even
destroy Mistress Challandra and Lord Byron.µ
´Bah!µ Gloriana cried. ´As it is, we are stuck here in the Dark Area, with
Lord Bane and his crew of moron Dark Warriors.µ
´That moron crew used to be my Warrior Army, if you remember correctly,
Dominionite!µ Damian cried.
´So, what do we do now?µ Shenara asked. ´Shall we go ahead with your
plan, Damian?µ Damian turned on her, face red with anger and eyes that
glowed. She cringed. ´My apologies, Merchant, but you must face it. You are
both right. While mother says we are stuck here in the Dark Area with Lord
Bane, you say the Dark Warriors were your own Army. Let us not fight over
something neither of us have any control over.µ
´So, what is your plan, Lord Merchant?µ Gloriana asked with a wicked
Damian pulled something from his pocket.
They both saw it for what it was.
´That·s!µ Shenara started, staring at it.
´The Black-as-Night Crystal!µ Gloriana reached for it, but Damian
snatched it away. ´How did you get it back?µ
Damian grinned. ´My secret, ladies, and part of my plan.µ He supplied.
´This will undo those silly Ancient Mystics by kicking them while they are down.µ
´Yeah, right.µ Gloriana ticked. ´How many times have you promised the
Ancient Mystic·s destruction only to be almost destroyed yourself? How many
times have you been cheated by them and played the fool by them?µ
´Gloriana!µ Damian cried.
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She smiled. ´Aye, Merchant?µ

´Shut up.µ He grumbled, and looked to the Crystal once more. ´I assure
you, kick them when they are down and we will be prosperous.µ
´Preposterous, more likely.µ Shenara quipped. When he glared at her, she
glared back. ´Well, what are we going to do with it?µ
´Listen closely, ladies.µ Damian huddled them together and told them what
was on his mind.


Young Guardian and Cyrix waited until Dracora was in her personal
chambers before they said anything. Young Guardian couldn·t take the silence
any longer than that.
´Countess, do you kindly want to explain yourself?µ She demanded,
hands folded in front of her and a scowl on her lips.
Even Cyrix was afraid of both women. Young Guardian for her look and
magic, he·s seen for himself her temper and what she can do when persuaded.
As for Dracora herself, he knew what she was capable of. He·d seen it early on
in life, before he was sent to the Dream Realm.
´What is the meaning of this?µ Young Guardian asked. ´What do you
know about Cyrix·s Clan, and how does it have anything to do with me?µ
Dracora sat on her desk and gave them both a frozen stare. ´You will
listen and listen good.µ
Both of them stood. Young Guardian·s frown deepened and her eyebrows
furled. Dracora stared at her with dark glowing red eyes. Both women probably
forgot that he was even still there.
Dracora continued. ´Now then, it would seem in the recent war, Crucis was
destroyed, correct?µ
´By Ramon and myself, of course.µ Young Guardian said. ´Go on.µ
´Well, he left behind a very angry protégé named Balor.µ Dracora said.
´That protégé now wishes retribution for your crime against the Stalkers.µ
´Crime against!µ Young Guardian cried, laughing. ´Oh, this is rich. The
only thing Ramon and I did was destroy Crucis.µ
´Who was the leader of the Stalkers.µ Dracora continued. ´And also like
yourself, Cyrix.µ
Cyrix was confused. ´Countess?µ
´He was a Dragon Clan Guardian as well, and is now permanently in
human form.µ Dracora supplied. Cyrix·s eyes widened. ´He was cast out of the
Clan for dealings with evil forces, just as Orthos and his three brothers were
forced from the ranks of the Djinn High Councils because Orthos was a selfish
evil entity.µ
Now Young Guardian·s eyes widened. ´You don·t mean?µ
Dracora nodded. ´Oh, but I do.µ She said. ´Now do you see why you both
are involved? Balor is seeking retribution for you killing the Stalker Leader, and
he will do anything in his power as a Stalker-Draconian to get it. Even if it means
destroying himself in the process.µ
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´He probably will do that in the long run.µ Young Guardian said.
´I do not understand, Countess.µ Cyrix spoke up. ´How is he a Stalker
a Dragon Clan Guardian?µ
´Once he was cast out of the Clan, he met up with many Stalkers that gave
him sanctuary.µ Dracora supplied. ´He exchanged blood with each of them,
making himself a Stalker as well.µ
Young Guardian nodded. ´Has he been his true-form since then?µ
´That I could not tell you.µ Dracora said.
´So he believes himself pure Stalker then?µ Cyrix asked.
Dracora nodded. ´That he does.µ
´Than if he was cast out by the Clan, and has not returned to true-form
since, he would most likely not even know who or what he was originally.µ Cyrix
said with a low growl. ´That knowledge equates to danger.µ He bowed to her.
´We must let those in our Realms know, Countess. If you are done with us?µ
Dracora nodded again. ´I am. Spread the word, you two. Be on the alert
for Balor and his Stalker troops. Do not think they will give up without a fight.µ
´I have no intention of thinking that, Shylee.µ Young Guardian supplied.
´For now, we·ll take our leave. Cyrix?µ
´Right, Young Guardian.µ
´Visit soon, both of you.µ Countess remarked. ´And often.µ
Young Guardian and Cyrix nodded. ´Will do, Countess.µ
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c c
 ( % $

On their journey back through the Gates to the Dream Realm, Cyrix noticed
how pale Young Guardian really looked.
´Are you feeling okay, Young Guardian?µ
She looked at him, and he could sense something different about her. He
could feel the very presence of the Countess, but it was an old sense to it. Like
the Countess·s very blood ran through her veins and she didn·t realize it.
´I will be, Cyrix.µ Young Guardian announced, nodding. ´Once this whole
War thing is over.µ
´The War of the Realms is already over, is it not?µ
´Officially, yes, but I believe it has only begun.µ Young Guardian turned
from his eyes and took out her Dragon Dagger, playing with the stone in it.
´A dagger of the Dragon Nations, I take it?µ Cyrix asked.
Young Guardian smiled. ´Yeah. Shylee gave it to me a long time ago.µ
She supplied, and traced her finger down the short blade. ´She used it to bind us
together in blood.µ She shook her head, putting it back in its sheath. ´She used
the Dweller equivalent of the Ancient Mystic·s Forgetfulness Spell on me. Only it
was a coercion thing.µ
´The Dwellers are renowned for their powers of coercion.µ Cyrix grinned,
and she smiled back.
´I·ve noticed.µ
´Are you sure you are okay, Young Guardian?µ Cyrix looked closer at her.
´You look pale.µ
´I already said I would be.µ She snapped.
The red glow in her eyes was unmistakable. The red glow of the Dweller-
kin blood-lust, only weakened. Cyrix blamed the Countess and her Binding the
two of them together.
´I was only showing concern for you, my Young Guardian.µ Cyrix marched
She ignored him, following in his strides.
He could still sense something wrong with her, but he didn·t want to
disrespect her. She was his Young Guardian, a Dream Realm Crusader and Lord
Guardian·s successor. He couldn·t just speak his mind around her. What if she
reacted the same as the Merchant or the Master?
His thoughts were broken when he smelled something on the winds. He
stopped in his tracks, covering Young Guardian with an arm as he prepared to
defend her.
´Cyrix, what?µ
´Stalker.µ Cyrix told her simply. ´Only, a dragon as well.µ
´Do you think it could be Balor?µ
Cyrix turned to her eyes. ´It very well could be.µ
Young Guardian nodded and stepped beside him. ´Did you want to tell
him we know he·s here, or should I?µ
Cyrix could see the hate in her eyes. ´By all means, you outrank me,
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Young Guardian. Be my guest.µ

Young Guardian stepped in front of him and fell into a fighting stance,
powerful short-sword at the ready position. ´Come out whoever you are, Stalker!
The Young Guardian demands it!µ
Out of the shadows of mist walked a man with hollow blank eyes,
decaying fangs, stringy black hair held in a horse·s tail and a look on his face
that made most shiver to glance at.
Young Guardian posed, ready for action.
´You are the infamous Young Guardian?µ The Stalker laughed, showing
receding gums and a blood-red throat. He sauntered closer to them. ´Indeed,
only a young Ancient Mystic child.µ
Cyrix wasn·t stupid. He stood his guard as well, in his own stance, just
waiting for the Stalker to attack, or try to attack. He wasn·t about to let him hurt
or even touch Young Guardian while he was around.
The Stalker saw him move. ´I remember you, Dominionite.µ He remarked
with a sneer. ´One of Orthos· cronies, going by the name of Cyrix?µ
Cyrix used his magic to conjure a longbow in his hands. ´What of it,
Stalker?µ He growled. ´Who are you?µ
The Stalker placed a hand to his chest and bowed his head, saying. ´I am
Balor, protégé to the great Stalker leader Crucis.µ
´I destroyed Crucis in the War, did you know that?µ Young Guardian
Balor nodded, smiling a vicious smile. His eyes turned darker than they
already were.
´You think you·re scary?µ Young Guardian laughed wickedly. ´I assure
you. You are nothing I can·t handle.µ
The only movements either Young Guardian or Cyrix saw from Balor was
the raised arms before he made his split-second attack.
Laughing, Young Guardian just stepped out of the way, just as fast. She
pretended to yawn. She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. ´Come on, Balor,
you can do better than that!µ
Cyrix·s eyes widened. &     " /    
 '  "
3 He wondered to himself.
The movements and motions of both Young Guardian and Balor went so
fast, Cyrix couldn·t catch up. Nor could he get a good look at Balor in order to
freeze him. All Cyrix could do was stand there with his longbow at the ready. He
really wanted to do something while they were fighting in lightning speed, but he
couldn·t get a word or movement in edgewise.
& '
%      * 
Young Guardian·s scream brought him out of his thought-trance. Cyrix
raced to her side, where Balor was Feeding on her. It only took a second for the
Stalker to back off.
´What the?µ Balor was shocked and confused, wiping his mouth and
staring at the blood on his sleeve. ´How? Impossible! You·re Ancient Mystic!µ
Cyrix held the longbow to Balor·s chest, red eyes glowing with the Dragon
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Magic. ´Either you leave us now or I destroy you where you stand, Stalker.µ
Balor backed off, still stunned by what he supposedly saw or tasted in her
blood. As quickly as he·d come, Balor was gone, and Cyrix went to Young
She was holding an open wound on her chest closed with a thick piece of
cloth, and she was weeping. ´Why couldn·t I destroy him?µ The question was a
whispered sob. ´How could I have opened myself up like that?µ
´It was not your fault. He is a lost soul, even in the Dweller-kin Clans.µ
Cyrix knelt down to her, placing a hand on hers to stop the bleeding. ´Do you
trust me?µ
She looked up, battered and bruised, clothes covered in blood and tears in
her eyes. After looking in his eyes, which he made sure to she saw trust in, she
´Remove your hand.µ He instructed. She did so. ´Now relax and let me
heal you.µ
With a sigh, she nodded. ´Yes, Cyrix.µ
He placed his free hand on the first one and closed his eyes. He chanted
in an Ancient Tongue still foreign even to his lips, making it glow.
To Young Guardian, who just stared while he worked, the spot he was
healing was warm and didn·t hurt anymore. She looked up at him and met his
eyes when they opened.
Cyrix winked, making her smile.
He helped her to stand, but found it wasn·t an easy feat with the many
bruises peppering her legs and upper arms. She winced.
´That·s it.µ Cyrix supplied, stepping back. ´You can barely stand, so I will
have to help you.µ
Young Guardian was confused, holding her bruised right arm as she
stared at him. ´Cyrix?µ
Cyrix closed his eyes and concentrated on the Dragon Magic again. This
time, to change back to his original dragon form. Young Guardian was amazed,
stepping to him and placing a hand on one of his massive wings.
´I ask this again, Young Guardian.µ Cyrix growled. ´Do you trust me?µ
Young Guardian felt the scales on one of his wings and felt the magic in
them. ´Yes, Cyrix. I trust you.µ
Cyrix nodded. ´Climb on my back, then. I will take you anywhere you
Once she climbed aboard, he had to ask. ´You have not rested since the
War, have you?µ
She didn·t answer. He could feel her slump into a pocket of flesh and bone
between his shoulder blades.
Weakened from the many scratches and the bite made by Balor, she could
only moan softly. ´Take me to Stargazer Castle.µ
´As you wish, Young Guardian.µ He announced, taking flight.
When they arrived, he touched ground in front of the Castle itself. Lady
Katherine Hawk-Stargazer herself screamed when she saw them. That scream
brought her Canine beau Sire Wolf, his knight Sir Red Wolf and Page Ronan
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BrownPatches to their sides.

Wolf and Red Wolf helped Young Guardian off of Cyrix·s back. Ronan
stood silent, unsure of what to make of the scene.
´Page, go for the Protector.µ Katherine commanded, taking charge.
´Aye, Lady Katherine.µ Ronan saluted, leaving them.
As soon as he was gone, Katherine asked. ´What happened to her?µ
Cyrix changed back to his fire-demon form and explained to the three of
them what happened while the group went inside. Red Wolf and Wolf set her
bruised form on a blanket of pillows. Katherine sat beside her.
´Heal her, Katherine.µ Cyrix said softly.
Katherine nodded, preparing her Healing Magic to use on Young Guardian.
Though weak, Young Guardian saw Red Wolf standing aside with Wolf.
´You·re not going to like me, Sire, but I need your knight and his Page to head to
my Realm and warn Ramon of Balor.µ
´Why? Is this particular Stalker a threat?µ Wolf asked.
´It would seem when Ramon and I destroyed Crucis, he left behind a very
angry protégé.µ Young Guardian continued. Katherine gasped as she healed her
wounds. ´I·m using my authority as Young Guardian of this Realm to order you,
Chikité Moondancer, to take Celine Stargazer with you and warn Ramon about
the impending troubles with Balor and whatever Stalkers that were left behind in
the War of the Realms.µ She paused, looking at her canine Companion friend.
´Do you have any problems with that, Sire Wolfton Stargazer?"
"By your authority, I have no choice.µ Wolf shook his head. ´I have no
problems with it. Something that wounded you that severely has to be dealt with.
Since this Balor is a Stalker, who else but Ramon and the other Dwellers to take
care of it?"
"Good thinking Sire." Young Guardian winced. "Ow! Kat! Be gentle!"
"I am sorry, but you have not healed well from the War." Katherine looked
again into her eyes. "Have you slept at all in your Realm since then?"
"Can't.µ Ariana shook her head. ´Too much to do here."
"Why did you come in your physical form?" Wolf wondered. "You know
how dangerous that is!"
"I need no guilt trips from you, Wolfton.µ Young Guardian scolded him. ´I
went to the Dragon Nations on a hunch, searching for the Unicorn and Airmed.
Both Amethyst and I found them with the Countess."
"As the Fire-Archer found Amethyst there with you. I see now." Cyrix
spoke up.
Young Guardian looked at him strangely. "Who?"
"That young Scott Archer has a new name now. The Fire-Archer.µ Cyrix
grinned. ´He has the Dragon Magic, all right, in abundance."
"Just as the Unicorn has the Unicorn Magic." Young Guardian supplied,
nodding. "You're going to teach him to use it?"
"Of course.µ Cyrix nodded. ´I was the one who named him, after all. I
never abandon a charge."
"Good." Young Guardian supplied.
"Are you okay now?" Katherine asked. Young Guardian shook her head.
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"I suggest you go home now. In fact, as your Ancient Mystic Teacher and Lady of
the Canine Valley, I am ordering  to go home and sleep. No patrolling, no
more fighting, just sleep and healing."
"Yes, Lady Katherine." Young Guardian groaned, woozy.
Soon, after she finally passed out from the healing and her wounds, the
Protector came and took her home. To sleep.
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cà c
)$(  * 

% (' +,

´Rumor has it Young Guardian is no longer patrolling.µ The Dark Lady

Shenara grinned at Damian.
´Aye.µ Damian nodded, scowling.
´All the Realms of All the Worlds are open for attack, Damian.µ Albrath
Damian took notice of her. ´What did you say, Dominionite?µ
´Forget it, stepbrother.µ Albrath supplied in his face. ´We are no longer
your Dominionite slaves, and I, for one, am no longer afraid of you.µ
Damian growled, but kept his mouth shut.
´Now would be the perfect time to implement your plan, my love.µ Shenara
crooned. ´The Crystal?µ
She succeeded in getting his attention diverted from Albrath·s fury-filled
face. Damian turned to her and nuzzled her neck.
´Aye, it is the perfect time, my sweet.µ He licked the inside of her neck so
she giggled.
´Sorry to break the word, but Lord Guardian is not just going to leave the
Worlds unguarded, you know.µ Albrath spat. ´While she is not patrolling, I bet
one of the other Crusaders will pop in and take her place.µ
Damian growled again; this time, at the thought of who would take Young
Guardian·s place. ´Grand Magus.µ
´Oh! Perfect, Damian!µ Shenara shrieked. ´Kill two birds with one stone!
I love it.µ
´What are you talking about, Shenara?µ Damian asked her.
´We could do all Warriors a huge favor by destroying the Ancient Mystics
through your sister, Sabrina!µ Shenara cried, clapping. ´Oooh! Brilliant!µ
Damian grasped her arm. ´Say you have a better plan than mine?µ
´Oh, never better, Damian.µ Shenara shook her head. ´You are the Master
now. There is none better than you.µ
´Than pray tell me more.µ
´Do tell us, sister.µ Albrath groaned. ´You are speaking in riddles.µ
Shenara told her stepsister and lover what she had in mind.
´Ah,µ Damian·s voice wandered off. He laughed. ´I love it, Shenara!
´Ooh, sister, so do I!µ Albrath·s dark eyes glowed. The three of them
looked at each other and grinned.
Because he was so happy, Damian took both Albrath and Shenara into his
arms and had nearly-explosive sex with them.
%    9 Damian thought to himself with a growl.
When they ran out of energy, they slumped on the bed in a heap. Shenara
on one side of a naked Damian and Albrath on the other.
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´My, Damian,µ Albrath started, licking his finger and sucking on it. ´If this
is what it takes to get you going, I will graciously oblige and do my best to keep
you satisfied.µ
´In all my ages of knowing you, Albrath, I never believed you were this
grand in the sack.µ Damian supplied. ´You may call me Damian anytime, and
you as well, Shenara.µ
Shenara purred in his ear from behind him. ´I knew you would say that,
my lover.µ She licked the ear and nibbled on the lobe. ´We are an explosive pair
of women, are we not?µ
Damian just laughed, taking them both in his arms and going for round

Aluna Star, the Grand Magus, was torn from her own patrols of the Dream
Realm to appear in front of Lord Guardian·s Castle walls. Curious, and sure he
wouldn·t have brought her here for no reason, she marched up to the Castle
Usually, there would be a guard at the gate, but there wasn·t, and all was
silent. The sky was clear, the sun was out, there were flowers and fresh grass
surrounding the Lord·s Castle, but the Grand Magus knew something was terribly
wrong. She just had to find him to ask what.
Grand Magus walked around the castle to the garden behind it. This is
where she found Lord Guardian and Mistress Enchantra sitting on the grass,
weeping. O·Dell was in his unicorn-form and Enchantra in her own horse-form, a
Thoroughbred. The only distinguishing marks each had for her to know who
were who were the jewels. Lord Guardian had his beneath his horn and she had
one on her neck, with markings around it that made it look like she was wearing
a necklace to hold the jewel.
´Enchantra? Lord Guardian?µ Grand Magus was panicked as she ran to
them. Indeed, the Mistress was crying. She placed a hand on the bridges of their
noses, looking from one to the other. ´What happened?µ
Lord Guardian nudged her hand with his nose. ´We need you to take
Young Guardian·s place.µ
´Why? Where is she?µ
Enchantra changed form to her human-female self again before
acknowledging her. ´You mean, you do not know?µ
Grand Magus shook her head. ´No, I don·t. What happened to her? Is she
Lord Guardian now changed to his human-male form and looked to
Enchantra, who was biting her lip. He took her hand. ´We have to tell her,
Enchantra nodded, dabbing her tears on a handkerchief.
´Please, sit down Aluna Star.µ Lord Guardian said softly, gesturing to the
nearby bench. ´What we are about to tell you is distressing.µ
Grand Magus was changed her own form when he called her by her
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Earthbound name. Whatever happened to her sister must have been serious to
have O·Dell and Enchantra strip her of her Fighter·s gear and call her by her full
She waited as they sat down on either side of her.
Alternating, the Originators told her what happened, and why Luna had to
take Young Guardian·s place.
´I know I haven·t seen her around lately, but also knew something wasn·t
right with her.µ Luna whispered, shaking her head. ´Who told you about her?µ
´After the Protector took her home to sleep and heal, the ex-Warrior Cyrix
came to us.µ Enchantra supplied.
´He explained everything he could about Dracora, about Balor, and the new
Bondmates of the Unicorn and Airmed.µ
´Not to mention that of the Fire-Archer Scott and Amethyst·s trip to the
Dragon Nations.µ Enchantra said. ´Seems something was awakened in your
sister·s blood once she reunited with the Countess.µ
Luna stood and raised her hands. ´Wait a minute,   was awakened in
her blood, and how is it I know nothing of it?µ
´We do not know much about it ourselves.µ Enchantra told her, sitting her
back down and placing a caring arm around her.
´Please, tell me what you do know.µ Luna said. ´I need to know all she
does in order to take her place, don·t I?µ
´What we know is not pretty, Aluna.µ Lord Guardian told her gently. ´Are
you certain you want to know?µ
´I·m her twin! I don·t care if it·s pretty or not, just tell me!µ Luna cried,
ignoring all rules of formality and respect. She could feel something tightening in
the pit of her stomach, the tears ready to burst from her eyelids. She calmed
before repeating. ´Just tell me. Please.µ
´Ten years ago, Shannon sent her and the Protector on a special mission,
only she never made it.µ Enchantra started. ´She was still young, and did not
know how to bring herself back here to this Realm from where she disappeared.µ
´She disappeared to the Dragon Nations, where Dracora was in a war
between her Dweller-kin and the Mortallan King Yorn·s Vampire Hunters.µ O·Dell
continued. ´Ariana was there for the delegations between them, using her
powers to help both sides see a truce and declare peace.µ
Luna nodded, smiling. ´Good for her.µ
´It would seem that Dracora suffered from the Hunger after all this.µ
Enchantra supplied. ´Do you know what that means?µ
´The Hunger for blood as sustenance, yes, I know what it means.µ Luna
nodded. ´I was helping a Dweller by the name of Emerald during the War. She
explained a lot about the kin-Clans to me.µ
´On my insistence of course.µ Enchantra said. Luna was surprised and
she continued. ´I knew of what happened years ago, and so did she.µ
´Going on, Dracora knew it was forbidden to touch an Ancient Mystic child,
especially one so young, but your sister was the only living one there.µ O·Dell
supplied. ´One night, while Ariana lay sleeping in a guest room, Dracora Fed.
After she Fed, she wove a spell and replenished her.µ
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Luna gasped.
´The next day, the last of the delegations were in order and it was time to
come back to the Realm.µ O·Dell said. ´Before she left, Dracora did something
she·d never done before, in all her thousands of years. She bound your sister to
her in blood using a Dragon Dagger. The kin-Clans call it a Blood-binding. The
two of them would be Blood-sisters for as long as they each lived.µ
´I am sure you have seen the dagger in battle or on her have you not?µ
Enchantra asked. Luna nodded, biting her lip so the Mistress continued. ´That is
the very Dagger Dracora bound them together with.µ
´So, she knew about the Dwellers this whole time, and said nothing about
them until recently?µ Luna asked. ´I don·t understand.µ
´Dracora confessed everything later.µ O·Dell said. ´Believe me, I was not
happy to learn my successor was now Bound to a Dweller-kin. Something she
told me made me think differently.µ
´What did she tell you?µ
´Young Guardian was given a special coercion spell in her mind that works
the same as the Forgetfulness Spell you gave her ten years before.µ O·Dell
supplied. ´One that would allow her to remember when she and her Magic were
old enough and wise enough to handle the information.µ
´What does that mean, my Lord?µ Luna asked. ´Is she a Dweller now, or
Enchantra shook her head. ´Nay, but we fear she gained some of their
abilities and is unable to handle them at this time. Cyrix told us of her using
´A trademark thing for the Dwellers.µ Luna said. She was in serious
thought. ´Anything else I should know about my own sister?µ
´She is to rest and heal completely.µ Enchantra said. ´She has been
patrolling in her physical form since the War, instead of her dream-form.µ
´That·s dangerous!µ Luna cried. ´You lose more energy in your physical
form here than you would in dream-form. She knows that! Why did she push
herself physically?µ
´She was only doing her job.µ O·Dell supplied. ´Your sister is very
dedicated to her role as my successor and the Young Guardian. I expect you to
be the same in that respect as well, Aluna Star. Do I have your word on it as you
take her place?µ
Luna stood, waved her arms to change into her Grand Magus robes and
bowed as she held a staff that had appeared out of thin air. ´As the Grand
Magus, I give you my solemn word. I will not let you down.µ
´Rise, Grand Magus,µ Enchantra said.
Once she·d risen, Enchantra took the chance to hug her. ´See that you do
not. We are counting on you.µ
After O·Dell hugged her, she bowed and disappeared in a cloud of indigo
´That girl has a wild flare for the dramatic.µ O·Dell smiled after her,
kissing Enchantra. ´Just like somebody else I know.µ
Enchantra laughed lightly then sighed.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 54--

´What is on your mind?µ O·Dell whispered in her ear.

´Are we doing the right thing, O·Dell?µ Enchantra asked. ´We both know
how unstable the Grand Magus has been in the past. Are you sure she can
handle it now?µ
O·Dell kissed her. ´Would I send her if I was not?µ Enchantra shook her
head. ´Have faith in her, Chantie. She is Young Guardian·s twin and a very
powerful Elder Ancient Mystic.µ
O·Dell stepped back and changed to his unicorn form. He scratched the
ground with a hoof and shook his head so the mane danced. ´Come run with me
in the forest, Enchantra. Feel the wind in your mane with me. Feel the very earth
beneath your hooves and the world just move with me.µ
´Race you!µ Enchantra laughed and changed her own form to a
thoroughbred horse before she playfully pranced around him and disappeared
into the forest ahead of him.


Sabrina was in the middle of another magic lesson with her cousin
Katherine when the vision came.

  "      '


 ' '



,    0      # 


The vision disappeared with it. Sabrina gasped out of it to stare at
´What did you see?µ Katherine asked, worried for her.
´Damian!µ Sabrina said, standing from her sitting position and racing
toward Stargazer Castle.
´Wait! Sabrina!µ Katherine shifted to her feline form and raced after her.
´What about him?µ
Sabrina continued to run but huffed. ´He·s got the Crystal from the Abyss!
I must warn Young Guardian!µ
´Will you stop already?µ Katherine commanded, changing back to her
feline-human form. Once Sabrina stopped, out of breath, Katherine continued.
´Now, tell me exactly what you saw.µ
´No time, Kat!µ Sabrina huffed. ´We must tell somebody!µ
´We will, just tell me what you saw.µ
´Damian got the Black-as-Night Crystal from the Abyss!µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 55--

´Let us find the Grand Magus then, cousin.µ Katherine shrugged, changing
into a cheetah. ´If we hurry, we can catch her at the Feline Village.µ
Sabrina changed into a raven and flew toward White-Snow Castle.

After she left Lord Guardian·s Castle, Grand Magus found the Protector and
told him what happened. He was in the middle of patrolling alone and wondered
why Young Guardian was nowhere to be found.
´I knew something like this would happen.µ The Protector shook his head.
´How could you know?µ
´The strange way she·s been acting lately, for one.µ The Protector replied
as they walked to the Feline Village through the Province Wood. ´For another,
she usually takes patrolling the Realms very seriously. Lately, she·s been
preoccupied. Not to mention I feel she·s avoiding me. She·s keeping something
from us; Aimee confessed their trip to the Dragon Nations.µ
Now the Grand Magus was in deep thought. ´I see.µ She nodded. ´I·ll talk
to her once we get back and she·s out of her Healing Coma. Did you know she·s
been patrolling non-stop since the War?µ
The Protector sighed. ´Yeah, I knew. I just kept it to myself, thinking she
knew what she was doing. I keep telling her to be careful, but she never listens,
you know.µ
´Oh, how I know?µ Grand Magus supplied, rolling her eyes. ´It would
seem I·m to take her place and join you in Patrolling the Realms.µ
The Protector was surprised to hear it. ´Oh really?µ He smiled and put an
arm around her shoulders. ´Than come with me, Grand Magus, to Snow-White
His sense of humor made her smile. ´You·re too late with that statement,
Protector.µ He stopped them in their tracks and waited, knowing she was going to
continue. ´Take a look ahead of you; we·re already here.µ
The Protector looked where she was pointing. That·s when he saw
movement from the Wood behind the White-Snow Castle. ´Luna, look and be
It was her turn to watch. ´A raven followed by cheetah?µ She dared to
open her empathy and sense the two animals. ´It·s Sabrina and Katherine!µ She
closed her empathy and grabbed the Protector·s arm. ´Something must be terribly
´I agree. Nothing would make Katherine shift to a cheetah and race like
that.µ He supplied. ´Let·s go see what·s going on.µ
Just as they raced to greet the cousins, Sabrina and Katherine shifted back
to their Companion selves.
´Boy, are we glad you are here!µ Sabrina cried to Aluna.
´What·s going on?µ Grand Magus cried, looking from one to the other.
´Why rush in shifted forms?µ
´Damian is at it again.µ Sabrina supplied.
´Now will you tell me?µ Katherine asked her. ´All you told me is that
Damian conjured the Black-as-Night Crystal from the Abyss.µ
´He what?µ The Protector was astonished. ´What for?µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 56--

´Who knows?µ Katherine supplied. ´Why do you not tell us, Sabrina?µ
Sabrina continued to tell the three of them all about her vision.
Neither of the Crusaders was impressed.
´Based on that vision, we need to head to the River.µ Grand Magus took
charge, her eyes glowing with anger. ´Katherine, Sabrina, come with us. We
could use your help.µ
´I believe Katherine needs to be heading back to Stargazer Castle and her
two pup-kits, if I am not mistaken.µ They heard the voice of the Lady Kitten·s
Claw coming from in front of the Castle door. She headed to the quartet. ´I will
go with you; K·Sarra is in her father·s care and Tiger is safe with Destiny.µ
The four of them stared at her. It was so unlike her to take charge, she
wasn·t the leader-type, more of a follower.
´What·s your beef with Damian?µ
´It is not Damian that we will meet there; it will be Shenara.µ Kitten·s Claw
supplied. ´It would seem my Clairvoyance and Premonition are getting stronger,
thanks to you, sister.µ
Katherine was astonished but managed to choke out. ´Anytime. A word of
caution to you Kit. Shenara is meaner than she has ever been before.µ
Kitten·s Claw only smiled. ´Oh, I know this already. Thank you anyway.µ
She turned to the silent three. ´Well, let us head to the River of Regret. Shenara
will be waiting for us.µ
Without another word, each silent in their own thoughts, the Protector,
Grand Magus, Sabrina and Kitten·s Claw headed in the opposite direction toward
the River. Katherine herself stared for a moment and smiled before whisking
herself back to Stargazer Castle.

Shenara couldn·t stop laughing. She was having too much fun playing with
the Black-as-Night Crystal in her hands. She knew in her blackened heart that
her and her lover Damian would make a great pair. She knew their combined
plans to destroy the Ancient Mystics indefinitely and get back at the Maiden at the
same time would work perfectly. Shenara was a crafty demoness, at least she
liked to think so.
She also knew that the Grand Magus would fall for anything she and
Damian would think of.
Damian told her to wait for the Grand Magus and her cavalry of
Companions at the River of Regret. He·d already sent the vision to his sister
Sabrina, so it was only a matter of time before they got word of it and ran to
snatch the Crystal back from her hands.
Shenara squealed. She could hardly wait!
She heard the wind blow, saw ripples forming in the River and had a sick
feeling in the pit of her stomach. She knew one of Lord Guardian·s rejects was on
their way, she could feel it.
She hid the Crystal in her pocket, stood from her kneeling position at the
River and folded her arms, waiting for her cue to do some major damage.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 57--

As if on cue, the Grand Magus indeed did arrive. Behind her were the
Protector, Sabrina, and Kitten·s Claw White-Snow.
´So good of you to join me, Grand Magus.µ Shenara grinned, pulling the
Crystal out of her pocket and playing with it in her hand. She threw it in the air
and caught it a few times before addressing the Grand Magus again. She
showed her the Crystal. ´I suppose you are looking for this?µ
´How did you get it, Shenara?µ Grand Magus growled.
´Damian gave it to her.µ Sabrina scowled. ´Hand it over, Dominionite!µ
Shenara only laughed. ´I no longer listen to you, traitor!µ She cried, hiding
the Crystal back in her pocket. ´I do what I wish to who I wish.µ
´You will listen to her, or you will die, Shenara.µ Kitten·s Claw supplied.
´Hand it over,  9µ The Protector was at attention.
All Shenara did was laugh. It sounded a lot like her mother·s cackle.
That gave Sabrina an idea. Using her Dark Magic, she focused her
attention on Shenara·s eyes, to touch the Dominionite·s soul. 
crooned to her mind, smiling.
´Stop that!µ Shenara spat, red eyes on her former Maiden leader. ´Your
parlor tricks no longer work, Sabrina.µ
Sabrina kept her malicious smile. ´You will obey, Dominionite.µ Sabrina
commanded hoarsely, keeping her eyes on Shenara·s. ´Be as stone within thy
own mind, your body frozen in space and time. Your magic is in my control, so
you will obey, or lose your soul.µ
Shenara·s red eyes turned hollow and black, the Dominionite was indeed
frozen where she stood. ´What is your command, Mistress Maiden?µ A hollow,
emotionless voice from her mouth supplied.
Sabrina had her in her control, just as she used to when she was the
Dominionite Maiden who used Dark Magic to control her Armies. ´Show me the
Black-as-Night Crystal.µ
The Protector was surprised when the Dominionite obeyed. Kitten·s Claw
was silent, watching the scene and waiting for the right moment to attack. The
Grand Magus was interested in how Sabrina was weaving the Dark Magic to suit
´Now.µ Sabrina continued. ´You will surrender it to the Grand Magus or I
will tell the Realms who you really are.µ
A spark in Shenara·s eyes showed the effect of Sabrina·s words hit home.
´Who am I, Mistress Maiden?µ
´You are the daughter of the Master Orthos and the Dominionite Gloriana.µ
Sabrina supplied, whispering in her ear.
Shenara pulled back, shocked at the news as she broke out of the spell
and came back to her senses. ´You lie!µ
´Think about it, Shenara.µ Sabrina taunted. ´Why would I lie of such a
thing?µ She smiled while Shenara thought of her words. ´Now, give the Crystal
to the Grand Magus.µ
The two stared at one another for a moment before Shenara broke eye
contact. She nodded, heading to the Grand Magus.
The Grand Magus froze, curious of what was going on. She watched
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 58--

Shenara·s every move, her magic at the ready.

Shenara leaned over to whisper in her ear. ´I have a present for you,
Grand Magus. Open your hand.µ
Grand Magus warily opened her palm so Shenara could drop the Black-as-
Night Crystal into it. Shenara pulled away, placing a finger to her lips and
winking before she disappeared. The Grand Magus herself was confused, but
quickly shoved it into her pocket.
In her mind, she smiled. She would figure it out later, so she could control
it. Outside, she looked at her colleagues. ´Let·s go, before she returns with any
more surprises.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 59--

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Aluna Star flew in her Grand Magus form to the Dragon Nations. She went
over her conversation with Lord Guardian and the Mistress Enchantra in her mind
many times. She knew she had to speak to the Countess Dracora, and find out
what was going on with her sister.
   % '      

 She asked herself.  

' '  
' "


The Grand Magus had to stop at the border of the Dragon Nations and the
Realm of Dreams. There was a wall made of fire, and a magical boundary that
stopped those outside of the border from going in. She descended and reached to
touch it, only for her hands to be singed for the trouble.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 60--

Grand Magus used her healing magic to completely heal herself. With a
smile, she looked up. To her surprise, a golden dragon-male swooped down to
meet her.
´Kaetaa young lady.µ The dragon greeted, placing a fist to his heart and
quickly nodding. ´May I be of some assistance?µ
´I·m looking for the Countess.µ Grand Magus supplied. ´Can you help me
find her?µ
The dragon nodded. ´My name is General Trenor. You would not happen
to be Young Guardian·s sister, would you?µ
The Grand Magus was taken aback. ´Yes, I am. How did you know?µ
Trenor grinned. ´The Countess is expecting you.µ He winked. ´Follow
With that, he took flight. Though confused, she followed suit.
When they arrived, the Grand Magus was urged to bow to the Throne.
Dracora stood, waiting and smiling.

The Countess asked Trenor in their mind. He nodded

and she cleared her throat to speak. ´Welcome to Monarch·s Glen, Grand Magus
Adarra. I have been expecting you.µ
´You have?µ Grand Magus replied.
´Aye.µ The Countess remarked. ´I am Dracora, Countess of the Dragon
Nations. What can I do for you?µ
´I·ve come asking about my sister, Young Guardian.µ Grand Magus
replied. ´She·s in a healing coma now after fighting the Stalker named Balor.
Lord Guardian and the Mistress Enchantra told me a little about how you Fed
from her during the Mortallan War.µ
´That is correct; I did Feed from her, but as I told them, I also replenished
her.µ Dracora responded and paused. She stared at the Grand Magus with a
grin. ´You may rise.µ
After Grand Magus obeyed, Dracora kept her grin. ´Is it true your name is
´That is my Pagan name, yes.µ Grand Magus was nervous. ´Given to me
by Red Shawl herself.µ
´Ah, yes, Darlene ¶Red Shawl Starchaser· Bennington.µ Grand Magus
nodded and the Countess went on. ´High Priestess of the Magick of the Blue
Moon Coven in the Outer Realm?µ
´Yes, but what does my name have to do with my sister?µ Grand Magus
returned to the subject before the Countess could loom off of it. ´By feeding on
her, you changed her.µ
The Countess did nothing but smile. ´That may have been, but I assure
you that was not my original intention.µ
´Was it your intention to change her blood and attitude?µ Grand Magus
asked roughly.
´If you wish to know, Adarramena, my original intention was merely to
Feed.µ Dracora announced with a frown. ´I Hungered during the Mortallan War,
and since your Duo-Sita was the only one available at the time, I took advantage
and Fed.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 61--

The Grand Magus stared in shock, frightened, yet confused by the name
Dracora had used. ´That means; you·re not only Draconian but Dweller-kin.µ
´Where do you think the Dwellers came from, child?µ Dracora asked.
´They are my Draconian people, only Earthbound.µ
Grand Magus· gaze was distant. Dracora tried to read what was on the
girl·s mind, but her head only ached.
´What is on your mind, Adarramena?µ Dracora asked softly.
There was that name again, Grand Magus thought. ´My sister. Whatever
you did, it changed her.µ Grand Magus responded softly. ´It made her more
powerful during the War of the Realms.µ She finally looked up at the Countess
with a look of longing in her eyes. ´Can you do that to me, too?µ
Dracora·s hard exterior softened. She stepped down from her Throne to
meet the woman·s eyes. She saw the same thing in the Grand Magus that she
saw in Young Guardian years ago. This woman was the twin sister to the Dragon
Nations· lost Empress. The main question was apparent. Was she ready to know
who she really was?
´Child, I cannot be the one to Bond you to me.µ Dracora said softly. ´I see
in your eyes and heart who would best suit you. You have already met the
Watcher-kin Firestorm and his mate Emerald. Seek them and you will find what
you are searching for.µ
´No need to search for us,µ A female voice came from behind them.
Both looked up to see the very Watcher-kin and Jewel Elder-kin they were
talking about.
It was Emerald who spoke. Once she had their attention, she quickly
placed a fist to her heart and nodded in respect before continuing. ´My Countess,
we are already here.µ
Dracora smiled. ´There.µ She said to Grand Magus. ´Do you remember
Grand Magus nodded absently. ´Hello.µ
As Emerald and Firestorm walked up to them, Dracora sent them the
mental message. &  & 

Emerald nodded with a grin. , 

Dracora nodded. ´I have duties of my own I must return to.µ She supplied.
´I trust she will be in good hands?µ
´Aye, Countess.µ Firestorm said quietly, which was unlike him. ´Come
with us, Grand Magus.µ
´Will it hurt?µ Grand Magus asked Firestorm as Emerald wrapped an arm
around her shoulders.
´We will not harm you, if it is your will to be Turned.µ
´She will not be turned, Firestorm.µ Emerald chided her mate. ´Not without
Lord Guardian·s permission.µ
´Just Blood-bound then?µ Firestorm pressed.
Emerald nodded, turning back to the Grand Magus. ´May we call you by
your Pagan name?µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 62--

´·Adarra·? Sure.µ Grand Magus supplied, her attention now directed to the
Dweller-kin mates. ´I like it better than my title when I·m not in the Outer Realm.µ
´I see.µ Emerald grinned, looking in her eyes.
´Do you know what a blood-binding means?µ Firestorm asked before she
had a chance to respond to Emerald·s comment.
´I remember.µ Adarra said. ´It·s when a non-Dweller is bound in blood to a
Dweller-kin, thus changing them both. It·s like what the Countess did to my
sister, right?µ
´That is exactly what the Countess did to your sister years ago.µ Emerald
replied. ´Of your own will, do you wish this blood-binding?µ
Adarra nodded. ´Of my own will.µ
´Very well.µ Emerald supplied. ´Let us begin.µ
It didn·t take long for the Blood-Binding. First, Adarra was offered blood
from both Dweller mates. Then, she offered her own to them, each time saying.
´Of my own will, of my own mind, I bind myself to you through blood. I share
with you what is mine for the giving.µ
Adarra found herself liking the taste of blood right away, drinking her fill
from Firestorm.
´Enough!µ Firestorm cried, pulling his arm back. Emerald stepped to his
side to heal the wound with her tongue. ´You almost gorged yourself, Young One.
That is not a good idea, ever.µ
Emerald lifted her head once she was finished. ´For one so young, you
should never take more than you need.µ
The Grand Magus Adarra stared at the two of them, letting them both see
what was in her eyes. They were red.
´We will return you to the Outer Realm, and explain to your Earthly
Protector what was done.µ Emerald announced, keeping the color of Adarra·s
eyes in her mind.
´You will need to Rest in order for our bloods to set in your system, and
allow yourself time to heal.µ Firestorm supplied.
´I can·t!µ Adarra cried. ´What about my patrols? I have to take over for
Young Guardian while she·s healing from her fight with Balor!µ
The Dweller-kin looked at each other. ´Very well, patrol, but not in the form
you used in the War.µ Emerald said. ´Only in your Grand Magus Dream Realm
form. Is that understood?µ
Grand Magus nodded her head. ´I understand.µ

&  .




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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 63--




Cyrix took Sabrina on a walk through the marketplace. With each table
they passed, they heard her name whispered.
´Are you sure about this?µ Sabrina asked, looking around her. She stayed
by his side, holding his hand. ´In case you have not noticed, I am still not liked
around the Realm.µ
´Of course I am sure about this, dearest.µ Cyrix supplied, kissing her
temple. ´Relax. They have to get used to seeing you sometime, aye?µ
´I guess.µ Sabrina remarked.
The couple headed for the food market, picking up something to eat. Once
they found a table, Cyrix placed their wares on it before sitting down. Sabrina
sat next to him.
Sabrina began to relax when she heard a low growl from Cyrix·s throat.
´What is wrong?µ She whispered.
´Damian.µ Cyrix growled. ´Somehow, I have lost my appetite.µ
Now Sabrina growled, standing. ´I know you are here, brother. Come on
out and face us like the man you think you are.µ
Damian came from his hiding spot in the shadows to croon. ´Still playing
the goody-goody, eh sister? You must have some scheme to play the part this
´I play no parts, Damian, as I have told you before.µ Sabrina growled.
´Aye, aye, I know.µ Damian sounded bored. He saw Cyrix standing
beside her. ´Well, well, if it is not the fire-demon Cyrix? Do you like being my
sister·s lap dog?µ
´I am nobody·s lap dog.µ Cyrix responded. He could feel the anger rising
in his blood, and let the Dragon Magic slowly take over. ´I love Sabrina, with all
my heart and soul.µ
Neither sibling could do anything but stare at him. Sabrina realized his
words rung true all along. Damian, however, only smirked.
´Love.µ Damian scoffed. ´How can you know love? You are a fire-demon.µ
Cyrix laughed, finally letting the Dragon Magic shift him to his true-form of
a large red and black dragon. ´I am more than a fire-demon Damian!µ Cyrix
raised his head to the air and blew out a roaring fireball. For extra emphasis, he
looked back down at Damian with burning fire-red eyes. ´I am a Draconian, from
the Clan of Fire Dragon Guardians!µ Cyrix remarked. He stepped forward,
which made Damian step back in fright. ´I am the last of my kind, no thanks to
you and your father!µ
´Cyrix.µ Sabrina tried, eyes closed and hands to her side.
When his eyes met her form, his heart skipped a beat and he shifted back
to his original fire-demon form. She opened her eyes and his demeanor calmed.
He saw, deep in her heart, she loved him back. Not wanting to show her brother
this, Cyrix only bowed and stepped back.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 64--

´I thought as much.µ Damian barked. ´You only learn the Light Mystic
Magic so you can destroy them.µ
´Silence, brother.µ Sabrina supplied. ´Thanks to our cousins, I am
balanced in both light and Dark Magics.µ Sabrina stepped to her brother, facing
him. ´You do remember how powerful I was with just Dark Magic, do you not? I
was the one who led our troops into battle, with only a glance, not you.µ
´It was my idea to steal their Companion Magic from them, turning them
into your Dominionite Warriors.µ Damian taunted her. ´You were nothing without
Sabrina glared in silence for a moment as she stared at him. Not even
Cyrix could tell how she would react. Would she react as her Maiden self, or as
her Mystic self? All he could do was stand and wait.
´Nothing?µ Sabrina smiled, her eyes reddening with anger and certain
knowledge not even Damian knew about. ´Nothing?µ She repeated, her entire
body radiating with a white opalescent glow. In front of his eyes, to the
astonishment of both males, Sabrina·s body rose from the ground and she started

´You are nothing,

´You are spit,
´You are nothing to me,
´You no longer exist!µ

Sabrina continued to chant the short spell, keeping her eye on Damian,
each repetition growing louder and more potent as she chanted. Damian didn·t
know what to expect. Never in their entire lives had he ever seen her this angry,
yet controlling the Light Ancient Mystic Magic within.
Sabrina·s body moved toward him, forcing him to step back.
´Nay.µ Damian stepped backward without looking. He tripped over a clay
jar, breaking it. Still, he continued to step back.
Sabrina continued chanting the short spell, her eyes turning colors, her
aura glowing wildly from white to bright yellow and back.
´Nay.µ Damian said louder. ´You cannot do this to me!µ
She only smiled, stopping just long enough to tell him. ´I can, I have, and I
will. You deserve nothing, Damian, for you are a foul, vile creature.µ
´I do not like what the Mystics have done to you, Sabrina.µ Damian
supplied with a frown. ´If you wish to be with them, you will rot with them all!µ
In a gust of black smoke, he disappeared.
Sabrina sighed, dropping to the ground and holding her head. Cyrix
rushed to her side to hold her.
´Darling, that was wonderful!µ He cried, holding her. She looked up at
him, her expression confused. Cyrix kissed her, making her smile.
A few Companions that had watched the scene from the sidelines walked
up to them. They extended their hands and expressed their gratitude as they
spoke to her as a fellow Companion instead of the Dominionite Maiden, no longer
afraid of her.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 65--

Cyrix smiled at the scene. She was slowly gaining the trust of all
Companions. In time, he was certain the memory of the Maiden would be
replaced with that of a kind and powerful Ancient Mystic Sabrina.

When Ramon and Daniel were finished with the Hunt for Balor, they
headed to the Dragon Nations.
Trenor met the two Dweller-kin at the FireWall and nodded his respect,
knowing who they were. He was concerned at their arrival to the FireWall. The
Dweller-kin usually had full reign over the Dragon Nations and didn·t need
permission to enter. ´Do you wish an escort, Ramon?µ
´If there is another Guard to take your place, I would not mind it.µ Ramon
supplied, nodding. ´It is a matter of great importance.µ
´Very well.µ General Trenor supplied. He closed his eyes and called for
another Guard to take his place so he could escort them to the Countess.
Once the three of them arrived, Trenor announced to Dracora. ´Countess,
the Dweller-kin leader and his second are here to see you. It is urgent.µ
Dracora looked to a kneeling Daniel, meeting Ramon·s eyes. ´Thank you,
Trenor. You are excused.µ
With a nod, Trenor was gone and the three of them were alone. ´Well,
Ramon? What can I do for you?µ
´It is about a certain Stalker named Balor.µ Ramon announced, watching
Dracora·s eyes turn colors at the name.
´Has Young Guardian not taken care of him?µ Dracora lowly growled. Her
feminine Immortal form shifted to her Regal red dragon form.
The Dwellers knew she was serious and not happy, so they knelt at her
Regal Draconian form.
´Once fighting him in the Realm of Dreams with the Fire-Guardian
Kra·tath,µ Daniel started, ´she sent Chikité Moondancer and his near-Bondmate
to our Realm.µ
Looking from Daniel to Dracora, Ramon continued his blood-Brother·s story,
eyes never meeting the Countess·.
´Were you able to find him?µ Dracora asked.
The two blood-Brothers shook their heads.
´He escaped, from both Young Guardian·s and our radar somehow.µ
Daniel supplied.
´Keep looking, both of you!µ Dracora growled. ´Keep an eye for him if he
is not found within the week.µ
´Aye, Countess.µ The two chorused, misting in place and leaving her
´Dracora,µ a male voice crooned behind her. When she turned, she saw
her advisor Terrantis walking up to her. He continued quietly. ´I will have our
peoples do the same for this realm.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 66--

Dracora sighed, her exterior returning to the Immortal female all knew her
as. ´Thank you, old friend. The sooner the Stalker is caught and Destroyed, the
better for all.µ
´Anytime, Shylee.µ Terrantis supplied, nodding and smiling. He paused,
watching her eyes seem to stare into space, her thoughts elsewhere. He guessed
to where they were. ´You worry for Ariana Moon?µ
Dracora looked up and nodded. ´Aye. I cannot sense her on our Path.µ
´Grand Magus Adarra did say she was in a Healing Coma after her fight
with Balor.µ Terrantis said.
Dracora nodded again, her thoughts elsewhere once more.
Rather than ask her about them, Terrantis left her to them.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 67--


÷ 3÷


4 $

, "



, 4     $




3    .


 *,    4  +

7 2 
* 4"
    7 4
  4 .    






 3 3   

 &  .

* * 4   
, 40  )    




c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 68--


      -    5    



It just didn't make any sense   What captivated Lu's attention
so much; she ignored her family, her 
family, which included her twin? Not
once in a week did Lu see how Ariana was doing. Why do I sense something
dark and dangerously familiar in my own house? I know it has to do with Lu. I
know it, and I don't like it one bit.
What was going on? Were we still at war? Couldn't be     
Lord Bane called the retreat. Is he planning more
attacks? Who knew for sure of anything right now?




, 2



* 4 '




      /  4 

 ,  0   33 

7    33


)     *    '


  4   '
 ,  4
 4  '



) 66  


)  '         





   %       & 

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 69--


"There must be something I can do to make up for my past mistakes."
Sabrina announced, pacing the floor and biting her lip.
"Why not confess to the Grand Magus?" Cyrix suggested. "Tell her what
you told me. I am sure she will understand."
"Understand, Cyrix? Are you mad?" Sabrina stopped to glare at him.
"Grand Magus will not understand how I threatened Shenara with a secret just so
she can have the Crystal in her own Realm."
"Sure she will. You know her more than I, but I know you Ancient Mystics."
Cyrix grinned. "All will work out, darling. You will see."
Sabrina frowned. "I think not."
Cyrix stood to rub her arms and peck her cheeks. "Well, I think so. She has
to know more about it now, and who better than you to fill in the gaps?"
Sabrina's black-blue eyes met his red ones. "Are you sure?"
"So, what I did with Shenara --"
"You controlled it, correct?" He asked and she nodded. "Therefore, it was a
good use of Dark Magic."
"Are you sure, though?" Sabrina asked. "She is one of the most powerful
Ancient Mystics I know, second only to her own twin. I would not want to face her
"Sabrina, will you relax?" Cyrix laughed. "Darling, I have never been so
sure of anything in my life." He kissed her, holding her close. "It almost beats out
my assurance of you." He teased her nose with a kiss and a finger. "Almost."
Sabrina finally smiled. "Oh, thank you Cyrix!" She hugged him. "I needed
"Anytime, anywhere, my sweet." Cyrix smiled. "Now go, before you lose
your nerve."
A final happy kiss and Sabrina shifted into a raven. In moments, she was
in the skies, flying free.


   %'    66 
 ÷3 3( 

Ah well,   Might as well test some of those experimental
theories I've been working on. I·ll start with astral projection.

1  / &  '
&  4  


/ ,   


4 *  

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 70--




÷3 3( 

)    * 4     



  ÷ 3












 *  %4

 ) /   


%   '






÷ 4   ' 

    *  ÷*  ' 



4 7& ÷ 3  


 )4 2 '  





 '      & 

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 71--

7 4


7, 4 
 7    7 4'  & 



* ÷  *% & 

  ÷ 37
74    %  7

 7  7%'  



 ÷      % 

 ,    '4  ÷  4


÷ ÷       


 ÷  " 1 


÷ ="
> ÷ 





  7&       7
, 2

4  ' 
   ÷ 4 ÷ 








  7, 4  "

  4     %  

  7"     4  

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 72--

7  7,  



7,   97

 *   7
7  ' 



Sabrina flew over the Ancient Mystic Province and the Shady Kingdom,
searching for the Grand Magus. She happened to glance at the Grey Arean Army,
with her daughter Tempest leading a small squad. The Companion Army was in
their drills, overlooked by Sire Tobias White-Snow's new Squire Panther Grey and
his Knight Sir Essex Crowley. Sabrina could also see Lord Byron's Knights
practicing armed and unarmed combat drills, both on and off horseback.
That's what worried her now. What did the Originators know that she
didn't? She didn't sense anything except what her brother may be planning.
Right now, it didn't matter. All that did was finding the Grand Magus.
Sabrina, still in her raven form, finally found her where she usually was.
She was at the Feline Village, visiting with Lady Kitten's Claw and her husband
Sire White-Snow.
$     The raven named Sabrina sent to her cousin
Kitten's Claw.
* Kitten's Claw raised an arm for her to perch.
Sabrina answered with a loud SQUAWK!
)    '
   Kitten's Claw sent to
Sabrina in her mind. Out loud, she said. "What do you wish?"
Sabrina shook her head. (  
The raven nodded to
the Grand Magus.
*5 Kitten's Claw sighed and nodded to Grand Magus.
"Hold out your arm, cousin."
Luna did and the Sabrina-raven hopped from Kit's forearm to hers. "Who?"
"Look into the eyes, Grand Magus." Kit said. "You will see."
Luna and the raven stared at each other. "Sabrina?" Sabrina squawked
again. "Guess so." Luna laughed. "Can you shift back?"
Sabrina-the-raven preened her feathers and picked at something under her
wing with her beak.
"Sigh. I'll take that as a no." Grand Magus supplied. "Something tells me
she wants to talk to me alone. I'll take her somewhere and help her shift back."
Kitten's Claw nodded with a smile, letting her once-evil cousin do her
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 73--

Grand Magus took the raven Sabrina to the Feline Village's Meadows. She
was curious when Sabrina hopped off her arm and shifted in midair to her
human form in front of her eyes.
"Wait a minute, Sabrina." Grand Magus shook her head. "What's going on?
Why wouldn't you shift in front of Kit?"
"One reason." Sabrina answered. "I did not want them to know, especially
"Know what?" Grand Magus supplied. "Make it quick. You know how I hate
wasting time."
Sabrina gulped. "There is something I need to tell you."
Grand Magus frowned, folding her arms. "I'm listening."
"I threatened Shenara into giving you the Crystal."
"What? Why?" Grand Magus asked.
"Because I know you." Sabrina supplied. "I know how you are with all
kinds of magic. I know, because I was the same way as well, only darker. That is
why I took the Dark Magic to its darkest corners. As you know, I did it with the
help of the Black-as-Night Crystal and the segments of the Dominionite Crystal."
"Why are you telling me this?" The Grand Magus was suspicious.
"You did want to know about the Crystal, correct?"
Grand Magus unfolded her arms. "Yes, I guess so." She said. "Did you
know what it would do to our family when you brought it back? Our Earthbound
family, no doubt?"
"I had no idea, honest, Grand Magus." Sabrina looked down.
"Did you have any idea of the Crystal being part of the Dream Realm's
Sphere?" Grand Magus asked.
"Of course," Sabrina nodded. "Mother told me it was how we distinguished
between Creatures and Companions, Dominionites and Demons, Imagination and
pure Nightmares. Mother could not teach us much after that, especially when the
Wars for Power were being fought."
"Let us go to Mother and see what else she knows about it."
"I agree." Grand Magus agreed, changing into a falcon as she took flight.
Sabrina shifted into a raven, following her cousin to the Grey Area's Shady
Kingdom and Queen Jezebel.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 74--


,  3 
÷3 3( 
Figured     Luna couldn't find anything about that
Crystal so she was on a scavenger hunt.



&      , 

,     3 4



*   /       '1

Like hell you will, Shane Michael Morehouse!    
   Get in there and find her! You are the only one to help her,
anytime, anywhere. It's your job as her Protector.
7& %4 

   7& % 

Stop making excuses and go for it, already! Emerald and Firestorm will do
their part, so you have to take care of yours.
&  "
 4           )


7 4

4 7$ 


7) 4   7
7 7  7     7
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 75--



)    7&
4   7   

   * $

4    '

'7    7&%4  

Be careful  ,       
  7&  '
 23) (     


Sabrina flew in her raven form as the Grand Magus flew in her falcon form.
They teased each other by flying circles around each other and cawing their
To the Grand Magus, Sabrina's pure laughter was good to hear. It meant
her cousin was slowly gaining self-confidence. That alone was a big step.
Once they saw the Shady Kingdom Castle gates, they shifted back into
their mortal forms. They found Queen Jezebel and Princess Tempest sword
fighting, a Siamese Companion referee watching on the sidelines.
Grand Magus took Sabrina aside and hid them both from view. They
waited until the referee called out of bounds on the Queen before bringing herself
and Sabrina out into the open.
"Bravo Princess!" Grand Magus clapped, nodding to them both. "My
"Aye Mother. That was a very stunning practice." Sabrina hugged Tempest.
"To you as well, my daughter. I am very proud of you."
Tempest blushed. "Thank you, Sabrina."
Sabrina winked at her, smiling. "Anytime, darling Princess."
"She learns quickly, Sabrina." Jezebel replied, smiling. "Just like somebody
else I know."
Sabrina reddened and Grand Magus caught it.
)4    '
   She sent to Grand Magus, nudging her.
Grand Magus cleared her throat. She pulled the Crystal out of her pocket.
Jezebel gasped and Tempest stared at it in awe.
"Queen Mother," Tempest and Sabrina's voices echoed, only the Princess
ended with, "What's that? It is pretty."
Without taking her eyes off the Crystal, Queen Jezebel barked. "To your
quarters, Tempest. Now."
"GO!" The Queen yelled. "Reiko, take her."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 76--

Tempest looked to Sabrina, who met her eyes and bowed.

Once the Princess was gone, Jezebel looked at them, frowning. "Why have
you brought this back to me? Now, of all times?"
"My apologies, my Queen, but what's going on now?" Grand Magus asked,
"Nothing." Jezebel huffed. "Forget I said it. Focus on what you came for.
The Crystal?"
"The Crystal. Right." Grand Magus said. She looked to Sabrina. "Your turn."
Sabrina nodded. "Damian opened a portal to the Abyss over the River of
Regret." She started. "I saw its return in my vision and searched for the one
person I knew who could help me. The Grand Magus."
Jezebel looked to the Grand Magus. "How did you get it in the Outer
Grand Magus shrugged. "It was all too easy and suspicious to me. Shenara
just 'it to me. No fight, no fuss. Nothing."
"That is suspicious." Queen Jezebel eyed her daughter. "Why do I have the
feeling you had something to do with this?"
Sabrina held her hands up. "It is okay, Queen Mother." She said. "I tricked
Shenara into giving it to her with no trouble or fighting."
"How?" Jezebel's voice softly demanded.
Sabrina looked to her feet. "I used Dark Magic, and told her of her
parentage. I threatened to tell the entire Realm if she did not give it to us."
"Did it control you, or you of it?" Jezebel asked.
Sabrina took a breath and stood at attention. "I have full control over both
Ancient Mystic and Dark Magics."
Jezebel nodded. "Very good, daughter." She turned her attention to the
Grand Magus, who was also still standing at attention. "Now that you had it,
what did you do with it?"
"I took it with me to my Realm." Grand Magus told her. "I've been
researching its powers since."
The Queen's mouth thinned. "What have you learned in your studies?"
"For one, it's a valuable part of the Dream Realm's Sphere. Two, it seeks to
destroy where there is love, and last, its magic is ancient and powerful." Grand
Magus explained. "I found I had the ability to astral project. I went in that form to
visit Young Guardian, then the Bennington's."
"Red Shawl Starchaser." Jezebel whispered. Her mouth stayed thin. "I
suppose you want me to grant you more time with it in order to research and
practice its Ancient powers?"
"If you would, please." Grand Magus wasn't heard.
"Or find out what the Ancient pictographs mean, and place new protective
spells to keep it safe in All the Realms of All the Worlds?"
Grand Magus nodded.
"What makes you think it does not have any on it now?" Jezebel asked.
"I know it doesn't, Queen Jezebel." Grand Magus grinned. "I carry it from
Realm to Realm with me. I'm learning its powers and secrets. I'm also keeping it
away from my Earthbound family, so nobody gets hurt."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 77--

Jezebel shook her head. "You still do not know what you are messing
with." She sighed. "That Crystal, if put with the Dominionite Crystal segments and
the Elemental Jewels in O'Dell's Castle, form the Dream Realm·s Sphere.
Together, only we Originators could contain the Ancient powers within."
Grand Magus stared at the Crystal, grinning. "Ancient powers, huh?" She
grasped it from the air before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
Mother and daughter stared at the spot, then each other.
"Why would you give her that kind of information, Mother?" Sabrina asked.
"You know how she is with magic!"
Jezebel kept her grin. "Keep an eye on her, daughter. Make sure she does
not delve too deep into its dark secrets."
Sabrina nodded. "Aye, Queen Mother." She turned to leave, but was
She turned to her mother's smile, and waited.
"Welcome home, sweetheart."
Sabrina grinned and her face reddened. "Thank you, Mother."


Grand Magus was in front of Lord Guardian's Castle in moments. With a
grin of her own, she made it to the Hall where the Elemental Jewels were kept
under strong and ancient spells.
The first thing she did was look to her staff, and the crystal ball that was
atop it. After getting rid of the ball, she reached her hand out and used telekinesis
to raise the bubble of glass that protected the Elemental Jewels. Knowing she
could, she helped herself to them. She reached for the physical gems themselves.
The emerald green jewel, which stood for the Unicorn Magic and the power
of the Earth, glowed bright as it met her hand.
"What's so good about the Unicorn Magic, anyway?" She mumbled to
herself. "All it does is get you in trouble." Placing it at the head of her staff, she
said. "Oh well, next victim."
Next, she retrieved the blue sapphire jewel, power of water and Mermagic.
Third, polar opposite to the sapphire was a yellow topaz, which had the power
over air and Gargoyle Magic. The three jewels now hovered over her staff.
The two that were missing were the violet amethyst jewel, which had the
power over spirit and Companion Magic and her favorite, the red ruby. The Ruby
had the power over fire, was polar twin to the emerald and wild with Dragon
She held the Ruby in her hands and thought.     %4  

%  4
%    %  
4  3÷   

%   ÷ 
She shrugged her shoulders, placing the Ruby with the other three atop her
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 78--

In her Grand Magus robes and carrying her staff, she set out for the other
Evil-type crystal to bring the Dream Realm's Sphere together at last.
Satisfied with her finds, she went to the Underground Caves to a secret
place she knew the Dominionite Crystal segments would be.
Years ago, the Dominionite Crystal, in its five segments and used by
Sabrina, was the power and almost destruction of the Crusader team and their
Companion friends. Now, however, the Grand Magus needed it to do what
Jezebel said it would. She wanted it to complete the Dream Realm Sphere, using
it to pay back every sacrifice Young Guardian has made over the years. By
wielding the Sphere's awesome powers, it was her way of saying she wanted out
of her shadow of being the Young Guardian's twin sister. She always wanted her
own identity, and now, with the Sphere, she could do it.
Just as she topped the fifth and final segment of the Dominionite Crystal in
her hand, she heard a voice behind her.
"What are you planning, cousin?" It was Damian and he was smiling.
Grand Magus turned after placing all but one piece of the Sphere atop her
Staff in her Crystal Ball's place. "A business that is none of yours."
"Cute," Damian chuckled. "Now tell me the truth. You love the tempting pull
of the Dark Magic's power." He shrugged. "Almost as much as you love that
pathetic mate of yours, Shadow."
"Save the guilt game for someone who cares." Grand Magus barked,
conjuring a fireball in her palm. "Unless you like your soul barbecued, I suggest
you leave."
Damian could only laugh. "This is rich, Aluna.  taunting " He
danced around her. "Classic!"
When she got the shot, she stretched out her arm, throwing him an invisible
punch that forced him back-first into the nearest tree. Using the other hand, she
played with the fireball. "How soon we forget?" She started, aiming for the spot
over his head, a warning shot. "No one calls me Aluna, you got that?" Energy
coursed through her body and the outstretched hand, squeezing his neck from
"Choking me is not going to solve anything." Damian replied hoarsely.
"True, but it makes me feel better." Grand Magus crooked her head and
fired the fireball shot.
One sweep of her hand and the hold on his neck is released.
Damian smiled.
"What are you smiling about?" Grand Magus smirked.
"The rush of Dark Magic." Damian said. "Do you not love it? Feel it coursing
through your very skin down to your soul?" He took a deep breath and let it out.
"Ah, the thrilling pulse of the darkest of Dark Magic." He whispered in her ear.
"Does it not feel great? So free and satisfying, is it not? Did you know?"
"Yes, Damian, I knew. I knew the Dark Magic was amplified by the
Dominionite Crystal segments." Grand Magus crossed her arms. "Learned that a
long time ago, thanks to you."
"Ever known the full feeling of using Dark Magic, Grand Magus?"
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 79--

"Yes, and I don't care to 'learn' anymore from you, cousin." Grand Magus
supplied. She conjured another fireball. "I suggest you leave, before I toast you."
Damian stepped back and raised his hands in surrender. "Fine, but I leave
you with a warning. Be careful with your darkest thoughts and feelings around
that Crystal."
With that, he was gone.
"Oh, I'll be careful, cousin." Grand Magus sneered under her breath. She
knocked her staff on the floor before disappearing to one of the many Realms in
All the Worlds in a thick cloud of indigo smoke.
Though she felt the rush, she didn't see her eyes turning deep, dark red.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 80--


Derrick Reading, known in the Realm of Dreams as the Protector and Young
Guardian's consort, was peeved. Not at his love, but her twin and his best friend
the Grand Magus.
There had been plenty of times she'd disappeared from their patrols and
he'd had to go at them alone. In both Realms, she acted strange and quiet, locking
herself up in her study with that stupid Crystal.
That's not what angered him the most. What had was he'd been working in
overdrive since Ariana went into a healing spell. Between being a detective on the
Ray County Police force, a father of four, stepfather of one and Protector-husband
to a beautiful perfect woman, he was running ragged.
Even the horse beneath him sighed.
"What bothers you, Protector?" The Companion stallion Sunlord, nicknamed
Sunny, asked.
They were on the familiar trails, alone again. Grand Magus had been gone
for a while, leaving the Protector and Sunlord to fight demons and Dominionites,
children's fears and nightmares.
The Protector sighed.
"Are you okay, M'Lord Protector?" The Stallion asked, worried.
He held the reins that had no bit. Companion horses were only half-equine
as all Creatures in the Realm of Dreams were their half-creature selves. Sunlord
needed no bit to keep him in line or on the right trails.
"I will be, once this is all over." The Protector supplied.
"It was my understanding the War of the Realms was over." Sunlord
"Oh, it is." The Protector told him. "But that's not what's bothering me."
"Young Guardian getting well?"
"No -- I mean, yes, she's getting well, and no, she's not the problem." The
Protector nudged the horse to stop. "It's her sister the Grand Magus. The last I
knew, she was researching the Black-as-Night Crystal."
Derrick could sense Sunny's shifting, but wasn't able to catch himself
before falling to the pile of leaves below him.
"She WHAT?" Sunny nearly yelled.
Derrick brushed himself off and waited until Sunny was his half-horse
form before saying. "I hate it when you do that."
"You should know my shifts by now, Protector." Sunny crossed his arms
and nodded with a smug look in his eyes.
"Well, could you at least warn me when you do that?"
Sunny smiled. "I make no promises, not even to you, Lord."
"Never mind, horse." The Protector grumbled. "You want to know why she
took it to my Realm, don't you?"
Sunny breathed a horse-like sigh, and then listened as the Protector told
his tale. He paced, thinking as the Protector leaned against a tree with his arms
crossed, eyes closed, head down and one foot on the tree trunk.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 81--

When he was finished, Sunny asked. "Are we going to finish patrolling or

"No." The Protector shook his head. "We seek the Grand Magus for answers
"Swell idea, brother, but it won't work." They heard a voice behind them. It
was the Shadow. After nodding his greetings to them both, he went on. "She's
nowhere to be found. I've Crusaded and I can't sense her anywhere."
"Maybe she is back in your Realm?" Sunny shrugged.
"The Enchanted Child would've called me back if that was the case."
Shadow said.
"Why would she have to stand guard over you?" The Protector asked.
"You've been doing this kind of thing since I've known you."
"I needed her in case something magical happened, or the Grand Magus
made it back before I did."
After a moment, Derrick nodded.
"Not to mention she's acted strange lately."
"I think I know why." Derrick said.
"I'm listening."
"She has the Black-as-Night Crystal." He said, watching his friend's
reaction. "Last I knew, she was researching it."
"So that's what I sensed so wildly!" Shadow whispered under his breath.
He looked back up at the duo. "Well, what are we going to do about it?"
Sunny spoke up. "Have you tried taking it away from her?"
Shadow laughed. "You don't know the Grand Magus very well, do you,
equine? It's easier said than done." He supplied. "When my wife gets herself in a
power research, especially one like that Crystal, there's no stopping her."
"I was afraid of that." Derrick sighed. "You say she's acting strange at
home, and we know she's doing the same here. You're her Earthly Protector,
Shadow, do you have any idea where she could be hiding?"
Shane had to shrug. For once, not even Shadow Morehouse had a clue.


& )

What's she doing here?     


7 4

7 *4 %4   7
7% 4
   4 7,   
7&    7)   
  7   )  

   "4     7
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 82--

     &  4% 
7%   )7   
7%  4 %    
* 7) 

7%      7














!Are you sure you are okay, Young Guardian?µ Cyrix looked closer at her.
´You look pale.µ
!I already said I would be.µ She snapped.
The red glow in her eyes was unmistakable. The red glow of the Dweller-
kin blood lust, only weakened. Cyrix blamed the Countess and her Binding the
two of them together.
!I was only showing concern for you, my Young Guardian.µ Cyrix marched
She ignored him, following in his strides.
He could still sense something wrong with her, but he didn·t want to
disrespect her. She was his Young Guardian, a Dream Realm Crusader and Lord
Guardian·s successor. He couldn·t just speak his mind around her. What if she
reacted the same as the Merchant or the Master?
His thoughts were broken when he smelled something on the winds. He
stopped in his tracks, covering Young Guardian with an arm as he prepared to
defend her.
!Cyrix, what?µ
!Stalker.µ Cyrix told her simply. ´Only, a dragon as well.µ
!Do you think it could be Balor?µ
Cyrix turned to her eyes. ´It very well could be.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 83--

Young Guardian nodded and stepped beside him. ´Did you want to tell him
we know he·s here, or should I?µ
Cyrix could see the hate in her eyes. ´By all means, you outrank me, Young
Guardian. Be my guest.µ
Young Guardian stepped in front of him and fell into a fighting stance,
powerful short-sword at the ready position. ´Come out whoever you are, Stalker!
The Young Guardian demands it!µ
Out of the shadows of mist walked a man with hollow blank eyes,
decaying fangs, stringy black hair held in a horse·s tail and a look on his face
that made most shiver to glance at.
Young Guardian posed, ready for action.
!You are the infamous Young Guardian?µ The Stalker laughed, showing
receding gums and a blood-red throat. He sauntered closer to them. ´Indeed, only
a young Ancient Mystic child.µ
Cyrix wasn·t stupid. He stood his guard as well, in his own stance, just
waiting for the Stalker to attack, or try to attack. He wasn·t about to let him hurt or
even touch Young Guardian while he was around.
The Stalker saw him move. ´I remember you, Dominionite.µ He remarked
with a sneer. ´One of Orthos· cronies, going by the name of Cyrix?µ
Cyrix used his magic to conjure a longbow in his hands. ´What of it,
Stalker?µ He growled. ´Who are you?µ
The Stalker placed a hand to his chest and bowed his head, saying. ´I am
Balor, protégé to the great Stalker leader Crucis.µ
!I destroyed Crucis in the War, did you know that?µ Young Guardian
Balor nodded, smiling a vicious smile. His eyes turned darker than they
already were.
!You think you·re scary?µ Young Guardian laughed wickedly. ´I assure
you. You are nothing I can·t handle.µ
The only movements either Young Guardian or Cyrix saw from Balor were
raised arms before he made his split-second attack.
Laughing, Young Guardian just stepped out of the way, just as fast. She
pretended to yawn. She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. ´Come on, Balor,
you can do better than that!µ
Cyrix·s eyes widened. &     " /    
 '  "
3 He wondered to himself.
The movements and motions of both Young Guardian and Balor went so
fast, Cyrix couldn·t catch up. Nor could he get a good look at Balor in order to
freeze him. All Cyrix could do was stand there with his longbow at the ready. He
really wanted to do something while they were fighting in lightning speed, but he
couldn·t get a word or movement in edgewise.
& '
%      *  
Young Guardian·s scream brought him out of his thought-trance.

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 84--

,      ) 
     /   .
What had Dracora done to you? )     
The same I did to you.  $
4 '  
 4     She bound Young Guardian to herself
during the Mortallan War many years ago.
Does that mean we're Dweller-kin now? )   
Relax, blood-Sister. % 1 
4  '    There is no need
to fear.
We are only linked mind-to-mind, so we can keep an eye on you should
you run into any more Stalkers. $
Are all Stalkers like Balor?
Some are worse. 1 

Much worse.
)     %



+     /

  ÷3 3( 



 What are you
thinking? You could kill yourself, or worse, your entire family!
In that case, I do what I must.

Whatever I did to hurt you in the past, I'm sorry. .


 I had to keep our family and magic a secret from you until we were
both ready to accept it together once again. It's my fault I had to give you the
Forgetfulness Spell when we were five. My first premonition urged me to. I'm just
sorry you had to go through most of your childhood thinking yourself a freak and
an orphan. I hope what I'm about to do will make it up to you.






"I bring with me this mortal hour,
"A sphere of magical Dream Realm power.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 85--

"To pay back what was given free,

"One sister to another, my twin to me."



7.    7      
7÷  97,  *

7(    7    
' 7
What about Mommy and Auntie Luna? *    

7 97  
*  4  


* 4 

Shadow! Protector! Young Guardian!     


 *  Grand Magus is back in 
Realm! Please, hurry
back! You've not much time!




"Now is the time to find,
"All Ancient Mystics of all the lines.
"Link us together to Young Guardian and me
"Show them we fit together, perfectly."

* 4 

* 4     

"What's mine is yours and yours is mine,
"Part of mine now yours 'til the end of time."

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 86--



 %    )    

,  .
* $




In the Dream Realm, the Protector felt the pain coming from his mind and
Pendant. Something was happening at home and he had to get back. The sense
of urgency Kelly put in the message made him go back.
After saying good-bye to Sunny, he woke up.

      4  )  

7" 7 

7& 4    



7   " 7    
* )

÷ 7
7 .  7"

 7% 2
4 '     

7)4  7"






"The time has come, Crusading done,
"Come back home where you belong."



7     7& "



c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 87--




5    4 







    7)4    .



* 4 
 4 $
*  ÷    
'   ,   
  *     *  




, .
* 4  




-,  *

 ) ÷ ,  

*  4 '
 %  '






*   )   4 


7&     7  
7% ' 7"


7 4 " 7    

)  '
  7& 4      667
 7  4
 6 7  


c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 88--

7%  '

 0 7

7 %
7     )4 
7&   07"

 7 /     

5  7,   




 6 -1
7        7
7%      7  
       ( %        
7,  4
 74 %
"    97
   1   1



 '   "
* 4 3  $


74 /     7"


7,  4



7,  1 
 7"      %  '  %

   7  1 

, "
3 72 '7    4  7,    %
7   7(0%      

* 4 )4    $ %  


,     1' 



c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 89--

) ' 

3  '    


   '  '


     7"% 7
    ÷ 3  

     7     .   

7.  7  )  "



 7         3÷1 



7 %4   
* 71 
) 7,  1 
, -31
,    /       

    /)4  7


 7   '% 7
  7  7÷% 4   
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7" 4

) 7%
70  '



4       7
  )7,    '%  

  ÷ 3  
%     7
7   4 
7    7%
 %4'  '

 ' 7"

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 90--


7   7"


7     7





7  %   

5    "



7  7
7" 47
 )710( 7
 4   7&  



  '7 7&
*     "

7    7   7&4
  '   7"


7 %
7       7%  
7( %   
%   97
7) 97"


4  7(    7




)  7$%4

7(    47"


7%  "


7(     7




c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 91--

). )




7)' 7
7) '7"

7% ' 7 



) , 



   23)   7   )4 

'   7
 ' 7
7% '  7



7 dare 7
7& % 7
7÷ spell *  7
0 7  
7% 4 %  
4'  '


   7,      & 
7% & 
3 - 


7,  % 


   7       7

7  7) 7, 
  '  ' 
  %4 ' +   


   7+   7
7        ÷7
7 4 ÷  7
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 92--

7Ancient Mystic ÷  7  7


÷  -  32



0  4'    
7&     7
 %  '
7    7     

4    7
7% '


7  4'  
7% 4  


7 4'
  0   4

any  '*7
 Young Guardian7)

  7Grand Magus.7 / 7  
4' '  ' 


7   7



Sure, Lu knows how to use this thing, and claims she can harness its

/  I wonder
if I can. After all, we 
Don't even think about it, Ariana Moon.  




       4 )

7( 4  


  0 7    


7, 4 



!%/      #

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 93--






Balor headed from the Dragon Nations to the Dark Area as Cyrix took
Young Guardian away. He knew he had to get retribution for the Destruction of
his mentor Crucis.
He knew the enemy of his enemy would be his friend. He·d been there
when the Ancient Mystic girl helped the Dweller kin-Clan leader Destroy the most
powerful Stalker Balor had ever known. He watched as the girl and Ramon used
their powers, leaving the remaining Stalkers to retreat to the Dragon Nations.
Balor was the only Stalker not discouraged by the sight. In fact, he was
fuming. Balor was still fuming as he made his way to the Dark Castle in the Dark
Area in search of Lord Byron, the enemy of his enemy that would become his
Not a soul, dark or otherwise, saw him there, as he planned. He misted
through the Dark Area·s many streets and cavernous alleys. Using his Stalker
senses, he flew through the air; sniffing out the man the Ancient Mystics were
calling the Nightmare King, Lord Bane.
He saw Bane·s figure and grinned to himself. As soon as he was a foot in
front of the Dark Area·s Lord, he formed back into Stalker-kin form.
Lord Bane turned when he sensed someone behind him. ´Who are you?"
Balor bowed. ´I am Balor, protégé to the Stalker leader Crucis. I was
wondering if you know where I might find the Ancient Mystic who destroyed him.µ
Lord Bane growled, shaking his head. ´Nay. I know nothing of the Ancient
Mystics.µ He looked at Balor with suspicion. "What would you want with them?"
"I only wish retribution." Balor seethed, eyes turning blood red and sharp
fangs shooting through his gums. Lord Bane saw this and was frightened. Balor
went on. "Orthos was destroyed by Young Guardian and Lord Guardian." He
continued. "That same Young Guardian helped Ramon destroy Crucis. I found
her, with a Dragon-kin named Cyrix, and was almost mauled to Destruction
myself. She somehow has Dweller-kin abilities."
"Is that so?" Lord Bane supplied. He spotted his son Dominick listening in
at the doorway. "Dominick, find Damian. Tell him about Young Guardian."
Dominick grinned. "Aye, Father."
With that, he left. Bane turned back to Balor. "The only ones around here
who know about the Ancient Mystics, especially that particular one, are Damian,
Shenara, Albrath and Gloriana. Seems they have been dealing with her and what
they call ¶Crusaders· for years."
´The only one I care about is that Youngling, Young Guardian.µ Balor could
only grin. "I want her destroyed."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 94--

"To destroy that woman is not for the fainthearted." Damian's voice
remarked. Dominick was with him. "We have tried numerous times, Father and I,
but it seems impossible."
"Nothing is impossible." Balor said. "Not for a Stalker."
"Please, Stalker." Damian huffed, laughing. "Your great leader is now
destroyed by his own son and my cousin the Young Guardian. I watched him
disintegrate in front of my own eyes. Do not tell me nothing is impossible."
"You give up too easily, Youngling."
Damian was mad at that statement and faced Balor. "Who are you calling a
Youngling? I am not one of your Stalker or Dweller-kin. I have done things in the
past that would make even your head spin."
"To me, a man of many centuries, you are still a Youngling." Balor
responded with a tight grin. He wasn't about to let Damian faze him one bit. "But,
that is neither here nor there. I am here to speak of Young Guardian and how to
get rid of her, now that she bears Dweller-kin powers."
Damian was wide-eyed. "She has those? No wonder! How?"
"The Countess gave her a taste early in life." Balor replied. "Now it seems
those powers are awakened and she knows how to use them."
Damian frowned. "Is that so?" He paced, and then looked at Dominick. "Go
find Shenara."
Dominick growled. "I am not your slave, Damian."
Damian's eyes turned red and fire emanated in his very aura. "Just do it!"
Dominick sighed. "Very well." He mock-saluted and was on his way.
Balor was interested. "What do you have in mind?"
"My plan." Damian supplied. He looked at Bane. "It's time, Bane. Time to
confuse those pathetic creep-Crusaders with their own nightmares."
Even Balor grinned at that one. "Tell me how I can help."
"Soon enough, Stalker." Damian said. "You will have her soon enough."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 95--
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 96--

!c c


Young Guardian patrolled, as usual, but there was something different
about the Realm of Dreams. Something that brought chills up and down her spine.
It didn't sit well with her Ancient Mystic's Empathy.
She decided to find the other Crusaders and ask if they felt the same thing.
The first was Shadow and Grand Magus, deep within the Feline Forest.
!I sense it, too, and I don't like it one bit.µ Grand Magus supplied.
!It's like something hung about after the War was over.µ Shadow supplied.
!Not a good something, I'll tell you that.µ Young Guardian announced. ´Let's
find the Protector and get the Sphere back to O'Dell.µ
!I thought he was with you?µ Grand Magus asked.
Young Guardian shook her head. ´Hasn't been since I woke, though I have
no idea why. I can't find him, and I don't dare use Empathy to sense him.µ
!Why not?µ Shadow asked. ´You use it otherwise, why not on him?µ
Young Guardian shrugged, shaking her head. ´It's hard to explain.µ
!Want me to try?µ Grand Magus asked her twin.
Young Guardian blinked. ´What about your fear of Empathy?µ
Grand Magus grinned. ´I've learned my lessons, sister dearest. I don't fear
it anymore than you fear the Dark Magic.µ
!That's good.µ Young Guardian grinned back. She shared a look with
Shadow. ´What are you waiting for?µ
Grand Magus closed her silver-blue eyes and sent her empathic sensors
around the Realm of Dreams. Her sister and own Earthly Protector just watched
patiently, waiting. In a few moments, she reopened her eyes and frowned.
!What is it?µ Young Guardian asked. ´Where is he?µ
!Getting answers from the Countess about you.µ
!What's he doing in the Dragon Nations without an escort?µ Shadow asked.
He sighed. ´He's going to get himself killed, or worse, Turned.µ
!Turned?µ Young Guardian supplied. ´Not on my watch, he's not.µ
In a flash of light, she was gone to the Dragon Nations, her original queries
about the 'Something' forgotten.


Aaron awoke to find himself in a strange place. He was shackled to a wall
by his wrists, his ankles tightly shackled together. He tried to move, but couldn't.
Aaron, known as the Unicorn, called in his mind for anyone to sense him, but
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 97--

only received silence in return. He couldn't even sense the other Musketeers or
his Bondmate Airmed.
!Do you like your new accommodations, Unicorn-man?µ He heard a female
voice croon.
He looked up and saw a woman with white hair, white eyes and kiss-of-
death lips. She wore a black-laced corset with a flowing black leather skirt that
didn't leave much to the imagination.
!Albrath.µ He croaked, wrestling with his shackled wrists.
!That's right, Unicorn.µ Albrath, Dark Lady of the Unknown sneered. ´My
sister gave up once she saw your silly mate rescue you, but not me. I never give
The Unicorn's eyes shifted to green and he growled in anger. ´Let me go!µ
!Not so fast.µ Albrath crooned, gently scraping a fingernail against his
Without warning, fangs exploded from his mouth and he hissed, snapping.
!OOH!µ Albrath snatched her finger away and giggled. ´I see she has
Turned you. Very nice, indeed.µ
!Leave her out of this and let me go, Albrath!µ The Unicorn cried in a voice
unlike his own.
Albrath shook her head and smiled. ´No, I do not believe I will.µ She
supplied. ´I was told to keep you here and that I shall do.µ
In a smoky gray cloud, Albrath wriggled her fingers and disappeared,
leaving him hanging there.

 He tried telepathically sending the
message to his Bondmate, pushing an empathic sense of himself being in danger
along with it.  .
He had felt something within him stir from Albrath's touch. He wanted, no
her blood. There was an extra beat to his heart as he thought of how he
had sensed the rhythm of the life's fluid pulsating through her system and empty
heart. He wanted a taste of it, and that thought didn't sit well with him.
& 4     Aaron thought to himself. &  % ' 

He touched his top teeth with his tongue and indeed felt another pair of
incisors peeking out. &   $ % ' 
He moaned and looked down to his neck. The Dream Locket and necklace
Young Guardian gave him years ago were gone.
     9He cried in his mind.
& %'

He looked at his shackled right hand, which had a slight scar from the
wrist to the middle of his lower arm. The Unicorn smiled.
Time to get a message through using the Blood-Pact.


c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 98--





÷    '

How strange?     
I thought we had a telepathic link to
each other, thanks to the binding? I wonder what's going on?
!%4  4   #  


 + #
! #
 !   #

%  !, ÷ 3
       , 4  % #
!%   %/      % 

 !     #
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!%4 #) !%4'   
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,  )   


  %   3

        !) #   

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 99--




3 ,

4  3  


  ) 32

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      #  !%
!&%  3  $
&  0#)

      ! #
'  ' 

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%      !)  
 * *



9( %4 %  
% %  

%   %
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 100--




  4     0      

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 101--

Ê c


Derrick Reading was the Protector as he Crusaded to the Dragon Nations
for answers. With him was his old friend of Wolfton Stargazer, Sire of the Canine
Valley. They traveled the Province Wood in silence. When they reached a wall of
fire, Derrick stopped in his tracks.
!What is this?µ Derrick asked Wolf.
!That is the Firewall.µ Wolf supplied. ´It is a magical barrier between the
two Realms. Stories say the Dragon Emperor of long ago put it there in order to
keep the Realm of Dreams from his own destructive magic when he became
Derrick gulped. ´How do we get over it?µ He asked. ´There has to be a
way; I remember long ago when Ariana was stuck in the Dragon Nations with
Dracora. How did she get back through it?µ
!It is said she opened a magical door.µ Wolf supplied. When the Protector
stared at him in wonder, he smiled. ´The Wolf-packs have many stories with
Young Guardian in them. Matéré has been telling me all about them.µ
Before the Protector was able to ask what ´Matéréµ was, a large male in the
uniform of the Palace Guard interrupted them. He had golden wings with claws
that clipped at his neck, as if he were wearing a cape. He wore a sword at his
side and was holding a long staff.
!Sulheya to you both, and Kaetaa.µ He said. ´I am Trenor, General of the
Draconian Armies at Monarch's Glen here in the Dragon Nations. You are wishing
to pass the Firewall to see the Countess?µ
The Protector nodded, seeing the emblem on his chest. It was of two
dragons in flight, one yellow, one red, with the shield of a black castle behind
them. ´Yes, General Trenor. I am known as the Protector, and this is Sire Wolfton
Stargazer of the Canine Valley. What was that you greeted us with?µ
Trenor's smile met his black eyes as he looked at Wolfton. ´I do believe
your friend knows the first, do you not remember, Mountain Pack?µ
Wolfton grinned. ´Aye and it is a good memory.µ He supplied, turning to his
friend. ´I know 'Sulheya' is 'greetings', in Ancient Wolf-Speak. Matéré's Pack uses
that language often, keeping the old Tongue alive.µ He turned back to Trenor. ´But
what does 'Kaetaa' mean?µ
!It is the Draconian word for 'greetings'.µ Trenor supplied. ´What business
have you with the Countess, Protector?µ
!It's about Young Guardian.µ The Protector announced, watching Trenor's
Trenor nodded curtly and saluted. ´Aye, Sir. I will show you the way.µ He
then stood back and shifted to a huge golden dragon. ´Climb on and I will
personally take you there.µ
Wolfton and the Protector gave each other looks of surprise before climbing
on Trenor's back.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 102--

!Now do you want to tell me what Matéré means?µ The Protector asked as
he settled and held on tight.
!Simple.µ Wolfton supplied with a grin. ´It means 'mother.'µ
!Why did he call you Mountain Pack?µ
!That is the Pack in the Mountain Region of our Realm that my Matéré is
from.µ Wolfton supplied. ´In truth, Matéré is Alpha SheWolf of the Timberwolf
Pack. Our Pack is part of the Mountain Wolf Forest Packs.µ
The Protector shook his head. They were both yanked in their seats as
Trenor took to the air.


The one known as the Unicorn opened his eyes.
He wasn't dreaming. He really was shackled to a wall in the Unknown
somewhere. He saw an iron door with a cross-barred window. Just outside the
window, he could see the flame of a torch.
That's all he could see, he thought to himself, shaking his head. He thought
to his short conversation with Albrath.
What would the Dark Lady want with him? He wasn't any threat to her
besides being a Crusader of the Dream Realm.
 Unicorn thought to himself. %

At least he was able to get a telepathic message to the other Musketeers.
Soon, someone would rescue him.
The torch outside the window flickered, and he heard footsteps and saw
shadows. He listened closely and heard voices.
!We have him, Master.µ He didn't recognize the young-sounding but rough
voice. ´Now what do we do with him?µ
!We wait until help arrives.µ
That voice was unmistakable. It was Damian.
!I want to kill him now!µ The first voice supplied. ´I want to finish what the
Dark Arrows started.µ
!You will have him, Dominick.µ Damian responded. ´Now is not the time.
We cannot make it too easy for them, can we?µ
!Nay, Master.µ Dominick sighed. ´Why should we wait?µ
!Bane and Balor need to prepare.µ Damian supplied. ´I admit, Balor is an
interesting Stalker. In the meantime, would you like to play with our guest?µ
Dominick laughed. ´Define 'play'.µ
!Anything you can think of, Dominick. Make him suffer, but keep him
alive.µ Damian supplied. ´I want him to Feel everything, understand?µ
´Perfectly, Lord Master.µ
There were footsteps, and the shadows disappeared.
Unicorn gulped, wondering when help would arrive.

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 103--


Young Guardian of the DreamRealm flew the skies in a new form she had
been experimenting with, that of the Dragonwolf. She still wore her Fighter's Gear,
but there were slits in the shirt for her wings.
 She heard Aaron·s voice ache in her mind.
 She thought back to him, feeling an empathic push in
return telling her that he was in trouble somewhere. &  

She would receive no response but that of the pulsating of the Blood-Pact
scar. She quickly glanced at it to find it glowing. That glowing and that pain told
her that the Unicorn was in deep trouble and in need of her.
Young Guardian stopped in midair to close her eyes and concentrate on the
link between them.

 She pushed, still trying to find him. & 

Before she could get an answer, she heard her title being called, forcing her
to open her eyes.
!Young Guardian!µ
She looked ahead and saw a golden dragon flying toward her. Neither she
nor the dragon was able to stop themselves before they collided in mid-air.
Unable to hold her concentration, she shifted back to her usual Immortal
form. Her wings disappeared, as did her wolf's body and tail. Seeing her falling,
the dragon caught her before they both fell hard to the ground below.
!Young Guardian!µ The dragon shifted his form to the male Dweller-kin
she'd known as General Trenor. ´Are you all right?µ
Young Guardian shook her head and blushed. ´I guess I need a little more
Trenor laughed. ´Was that the first time you shifted to a flying wolf?µ
Young Guardian nodded. ´I prefer for it to be called a Dragonwolf, a wolf
with dragon's wings, and it was one of the first times, yes.µ She stood. ´Grand
Magus Saw the Protector here with the Countess. Have you seen him?µ
Trenor nodded. ´Aye, Young Guardian. I just took the Protector and a
Mountain Pack Wolf he'd named Sire Wolfton to see her.µ
Young Guardian grinned. ´You've done an excellent job, my friend. Now, it's
my turn to see my Blood-sister.µ
Trenor grinned back, saluting. ´You know the way, I assume?µ
!It's been awhile, but yes, I do know my way around the Dragon Nations,
oddly enough.µ Young Guardian saluted back. ´Farewell for now, Trenor.µ
She shifted back to a Dragonwolf and took to the skies once again.
Quietly, as she flew to Monarch's Glen, she Thought to her blood-sister.

%4  %  2


%   Dracora's thick accented voice echoed in her mind.
It was clearer than it ever had been before.
Young Guardian thought the blood binding had something to do with it.

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 104--

When she reached the Castle at Monarch's Glen, two Guards she'd never
met before let her through the gates once she showed them her Dream Amulet.
As she expected, the Protector and Sire Wolfton were standing in front of
the Throne in the Main Hall. The Countess Dracora was sitting regally at her
Throne, listening.
Young Guardian was silent as she stood and listened in.
!I am sorry, Protector.µ Dracora was saying. ´I cannot explain anything that
she herself cannot tell you. Why have you not asked her?µ
The Protector bowed his head and knelt. ´Something is happening to her
lately, I saw it for myself. I fear she's becoming a little, uh, dark in her magic.µ
!She is the same female she has been for years.µ Dracora announced, then
looked up at Young Guardian who was waiting behind the Protector and Wolf's
forms. ´Once she met the eyes of Ramon Martiya, the Compulsion Spell I put on
her was released.µ
Neither male seemed to notice her glance, so she went on.
!She may have experienced some forms of the Dweller-kin abilities, such as
Stealth, but I assure you, she is the same woman you married, and the same
Young Guardian of Dreams.µ
Dracora nodded to Young Guardian, who approached the Throne and
bowed to her blood-sister.
!Pardon my intrusion, Countess, but I need a word with you, if I may?µ
Young Guardian asked.
!Certainly.µ Dracora replied, turning to the males in front of her. ´If you
gentlemen are finished, please excuse us.µ
!You might want to find another way over the Firewall, though.µ Young
Guardian supplied. ´General Trenor is on patrol, so he won't be able to help you.µ
!How did you know about that, lady wolf?µ Wolfton asked.
!Trenor is the one who met me at the Borders.µ Young Guardian supplied,
and smiled as she shifted back to her usual self.
!Ariana!µ The Protector cried. ´I didn't know you could shift to a wolf with
!I prefer the form to be called 'Dragonwolf', love.µ Young Guardian
announced. ´If you wish, you can peruse the marketplace.µ She placed her hand
on her Amulet. A silvery light shone for a moment until she pulled it back. In her
hands were two coins that looked identical to her Amulet. She handed one to each
of them. ´Should any Draconians or Dweller-kin harass you, show them that coin
and tell them you're with me. I'll meet you at the Borderline in an hour.µ
The Protector sighed, nodding as he kissed her cheek. Wolfton followed,
still awed by the coin in his hand.
When they were gone, Young Guardian grinned at the Countess. ´Now
then, where was I?µ


c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 105--

Balor, protégé to the now-Destroyed Crucis, took his new command with
little trouble. The only trouble he did have was with the Ancient Mystic known as
Young Guardian.
He wanted his revenge for her beating him and Destroying his mentor.
Through Damian and Lord Bane, he would get it. Thanks to Lord Bane's son
Dominick, who'd set the trap and captured the one known as the Unicorn, Balor
now had his chance.
He misted through the barred window, careful not to make himself known.
The Unicorn lay shackled against the wall, eyes closed. As soon as Balor
misted in the room, the Unicorn opened his eyes. Balor saw that they turned from
green to a deep red, and fangs protruded from his mouth, a low growl escaping.
It was then he decided to solidify and make himself known.
!I should have known that Bondmate of yours would Turn you.µ Balor
!What business is it of yours?µ The Unicorn growled, red eyes on him.
´Who the hell are you?µ
!Allow me to introduce myself.µ Balor supplied. ´I am Balor, your kin-Clan
The Unicorn's eyes widened, and Balor smiled.
!Are you aware of your kin-power, Unicorn?µ Balor asked.
The Unicorn held his breath. ´Kin-power?µ
Balor nodded. ´Oh, aye. Being Turned to Stalker brings great power. We
are able to do many things Mortals cannot. You yourself just witnessed the Mist.
Your Bondmate Turned you with her own wild power.µ
!You're not the leader.µ The Unicorn announced. ´Ramon Martiya is.µ
!I am far older than he, youngling.µ Balor announced. ´Though, I do admit
he has his father Crucis' charm.µ
!What do you want from me, Balor?µ
!Patience my boy, patience.µ Balor crooned. ´The final exchange is the most
important. It is the one that fuses all power together within your body and makes
you Stalker.µ
The Unicorn stared. ´You want to Feed from me?µ
Balor shook his head. ´On the contrary, Unicorn. You Need to Feed from
me.µ Taking a tattered nail, he tore a line down his wrist, showing it to Aaron.
The Unicorn flinched, turning away and hissing. The blood that dripped
from Balor's vein was black, and smelled of death and decay, just as he did. He
could sense the power within it, but wanted nothing of it.
!Drink, Youngling, and become complete.µ Balor's hypnotic voice pushed
him to turn back.
" 4'÷  9He heard Airmed's voice in his head.  4

The Unicorn looked Balor in his black eyes and smiled.
!That's it, Young One.µ Balor said. ´Smell the power that awaits you? Sense
the magic that flows in my veins? You can have it too, all you have to do is Feed.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 106--

!No thanks, I only Hunger for my Bondmate.µ Aaron crooned in the same
echoed voice that was unlike his own.
At that, Balor hissed. The Unicorn looked up to see Airmed and a wolf
Immortal with wings he sensed as Young Guardian there. His Bondmate Airmed
was in Immortal form, with black-hooded cloak and deep dark eyes. Her Pendant
glowed red. The Unicorn didn't recognize the new form of his best friend. On her
back was her Spiritblade, and she was wearing her Fighter's Gear.
!How did you get past the guards?µ Balor asked, incredulous.
They both saw the snide grin on Young Guardian's lips, along with the red
in her eyes as she said simply. "Now.µ
All three of them called the Exiling Spell, but all it did was make Balor
!Foolish Mortals.µ He laughed. ´I am no Dominionite, so that Spell doesn't
work on me!µ
!Maybe not, but I know what will.µ Young Guardian announced. She
unsheathed her Spiritblade and called to the air once the magic that wrapped
around the blade had him frozen in his tracks.
Her eyes glowed, and the Unicorn could only stand and watch, listening
with interest.

!Magics of the Realms Unite,
!I call thee forth.
!Winds of Power, hear my call!
!Destroy this Stalker's dead body
!And recall his soul within my blade!µ

Young Guardian directed her magical blade to Balor, who stood staring at
her in horror. A brilliant yellow-white light glowed, whipping itself around the
Stalker, engulfing him with magic.
!Decorum, Sanctus, BANE!µ She cried, and the Unicorn saw a crystal on
her blade's hilt glow, sucking Balor's very soul into it.
He could do nothing but hang there, silent.
She looked up at the Unicorn. ´Are you okay, Aaron?µ
He nodded. ´For the most part.µ
!Good.µ Young Guardian announced. She turned to an awaiting Airmed.
!Get him down from there.µ She nodded and Young Guardian continued. ´I'll deal
with anyone outside this door.µ She paused when the Unicorn looked at her
expectantly. With a nod, she told him. ´I'll explain everything later, I promise. For
now, let's get out of here.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 107--


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 108--



Aye, Sita?"

4  3'  

 1  It's about time you use the
mind-link. Now, what is it I can do for you?
Besides explaining to me what's going on in my head with my empathy,
absolutely nothing.

I Sense it too, Sita. "


 I fear I do not like what I am finding.
What's going on with my empathy?
It does not Feel like you, does it?"

No, it doesn't.
 Do you have any idea of
what it could be? Could it have something to do with our link?

 Nay, it does not. That was the first thing I Felt
for when we linked. I·m thinking it is another being inside of you, using Empathy
against you.
Another being? 
 Like a Djinn Mind-Dweller?

 '  Worse.
I was afraid you'd say that, Dracora.
  You'd better tell me
what you Sense. I've to take the Sphere back to O'Dell and the other Originators,
and I can't do that while I've got problems with one of my more potent powers.
I agree. "

 I Sense great evil in three of you that you have
all experienced before, only, I cannot understand it.
'Great evil,' huh?
 What do you mean, 'great evil in three of
us'? Which three?

4 '   
     8Think back to
who you destroyed back in the War. Who was there, and most effected by it?

 I helped Ramon destroy his
father Crucis before helping O·Dell destroy Orthos. 

     That's it, isn't it? It's Orthos!

4  3' 


which three of us
were there and affected the most by his destruction? There's myself, of course.
There·s O'Dell; I felt the twin-link shatter between them; and last, there·s Luna.
She's linked to both of us.

So, the three would be O'Dell, Luna, and myself. Now, what's there to
What I do not understand is how he did it."

Well, sita, I must go for now, my people are in need of me. Keep me informed.
That I will. Thanks.
We'll see exactly what was going on with

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 109--

´Stop pacing, O·Dell.µ Enchantra told him. She was watching him pace the
Ancient Mystic Palace. It worried her, for she didn·t like seeing her lover pace. It
never did bode well in the end. ´Do tell me what is on your mind. What makes
you so nervous?µ
O·Dell finally stopped and looked at her. She could see the dark-red color
to his eyes and a thin black aura of energy around his head.
´I do not understand how my brother did it.µ O·Dell said. ´I can still sense
Orthos, and you watched Young Guardian and I destroy him.µ
´That I did,µ Enchantra said softly, unsure of what to tell him. ´It is all in
your mind, my dear. He is gone for good, trust me on that.µ
´You do not Feel what I do.µ O·Dell shook his head. Enchantra held him
and kissed his lips. ´I am his twin, Chantie, and can still sense him.µ
Enchantra shook her head now. ´I do not sense him, and I do know about
the twin-link between you. What you are Feeling could very well be just an echo
of what is left of that.µ
O·Dell made her look him in the eye.
´However, I do sense something in your aura around your head.µ
Enchantra continued. ´It does have Orthos· signature around it.µ
O·Dell gave that thought. ´A spell, perhaps?µ He asked, not exactly to her
but to himself. ´Could he have sent a silent spell on me after he was destroyed?
A spell to make me think he was still around; and to fear him?µ
Enchantra nodded sadly. ´It very well could be.µ She held him. ´It is all
right now, my lord and love. As with everything, we will figure it out together.µ
O·Dell hugged her back and sighed. ´I am glad to have you around, my
darling Enchantra.µ
´I am always here for you, O·Dell. Do not forget that.µ Enchantra kissed
´I hope we aren·t interrupting anything.µ They heard the voice of Young
Guardian from behind them.
When they looked, they saw her standing there with her twin the Grand
Magus, husband the Protector and the Shadow. She was in her recent-favorite
form, the Dragonwolf, wearing her Fighter·s Gear, with her magical blade at her
back and the Amethyst Spirit Crystal around her neck. In her hands was a large
glowing Sphere Enchantra recognized as the Dream Realm·s Sphere.
´No, not at all.µ Enchantra supplied for them both, once seeing O·Dell was
staring into space, a look of shock on his face. She nodded her greetings to the
four of them. ´We were only talking.µ
´I heard the last of your conversation, Enchantra.µ Young Guardian
continued sternly. ´And I am afraid you·re right.µ
Enchantra blinked.
´I·ll explain myself in a moment.µ Young Guardian held up the Sphere.
´We needed to return this to you. I have taken the liberty of stringing the Spirit
Crystal around my neck. That way, the Realms are safe from any destruction the
Sphere might cause.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 110--

Now O·Dell blinked. ´You did that? What made you think of keeping the
Spirit Crystal?µ
´As I see it,µ Young Guardian began, holding up the Sphere. ´Should all
the pieces of the Sphere be put together, as they were by Grand Magus, it could
cause ultimate destruction. Especially should they all fall into the wrong hands.µ
Just as she finished her sentence, she sensed something behind her and
whipped her dagger out. ´I know you·re here, Max, you might as well solidify, or
whatever it is you do to appear out of thin air.µ
Enchantra caught the silent looks between the Grand Magus and the
Protector. Shadow was watching the scene intently, eyebrows narrowed in
Sure enough, Lord Maximaniac of the Grey Area·s Shady Kingdom
appeared out of thin air like a wisp of the wind. ´You have grown more acute,
Young Guardian.µ He grinned, hands up in surrender. ´You can put your blade
away. I will not harm you.µ
Young Guardian did just that, a little embarrassed. ´I·m sorry, Lord Max,
it·s become a force of habit.µ
´A very good habit at that, with all the trouble around the Realms.µ Lord
Max remarked. ´Greetings to you as well. I need to have a short word with you,
O·Dell.µ He turned to O·Dell and moved to take him away.
´What about the Sphere?µ Grand Magus finally spoke up.
Lord Max stopped and raised a hand. ´I assure you, we will get to that, but
in a moment.µ He responded. ´This is a matter of great importance, Grand
´So is returning the Sphere!µ Shadow growled. ´Do you remember what
trouble it caused us in the Outer Realm?µ
´Shadow, I assure you, we will get to that!µ Lord Max frowned. He turned
back to O·Dell and put an arm around his shoulder, nodding to the group. ´We
will return in a moment.µ
Young Guardian huffed, lowering her head. ´Please hurry, Max. What I
have to say is also a matter of great importance.µ
After a moment of searching her eyes, he nodded. ´Very well.µ
Young Guardian sighed, putting the Sphere back in the pouch in her belt.
´To what I overheard, Enchantra, you are right.µ She started. ´Orthos is not
gone, not yet. At least, according to the Feelings of darkness I·m getting from my
Empathy. I·m sure you·ve been able to sense him still in O·Dell?µ
Enchantra didn·t meet her eyes. ´I have sensed it, aye, but I thought my
sensors were off.µ
´They weren·t.µ Grand Magus responded. ´I·ve sensed him, too.µ
Young Guardian spun around to meet her twin·s eyes with a glare.
´I·ve sensed Orthos somewhere, but I can·t place it.µ Grand Magus said
Her sister sighed. ´Even Dracora·s sensed him.µ
Enchantra gasped. ´Dracora? Where does she come in?µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 111--

Young Guardian told her that had transpired between the Countess and
herself. ´It would seem the blood-link between us has grown stronger, and so
has our telepathy.µ
The Protector groaned. ´Lovely.µ
´Does O·Dell complain of anything ¶different· with himself?µ Young
Guardian asked, frowning but ignoring his sarcasm.
´He does admit to Sensing Orthos.µ Enchantra told her. ´Even I have
noticed lately, when he makes his rounds around the Realm, he is different. Less
like O·Dell and more like Orthos. His logic is not what it used to be.µ
´I think I have it figured out, but I have to test my theory on O·Dell when he
and Max return.µ Young Guardian supplied.
´What can we do with the Sphere in the meantime?µ Shadow asked.
´There·s nothing we do, not yet anyway.µ Young Guardian told him.
´First things first. This problem with Orthos must be taken care of.µ
´I agree, Young Guardian.µ Enchantra supplied. ´I Felt and Saw a dark
aura around O·Dell·s head, and it did not sit well with me.µ
´Nor should it.µ Grand Magus supplied.
´Dark aura around his head, you say?µ Young Guardian began to pace,
her midsized wings clipped to her neck like a cape, and her wolf·s tail twitching in
´Aye.µ Enchantra said.
´You also say his logic is more like Orthos· than his own?µ Young
Guardian went on.
´Aye.µ Enchantra repeated.
Young Guardian stopped in her tracks and remarked seriously. ´I know
what must be done.µ
That·s when O·Dell and Max returned.
´What must be done, Ariana?µ Max asked.
´Before we figure out this mess about Orthos, or about the Sphere itself and
where it should be returned, I must do something.µ Young Guardian announced.
The Protector was confused, and so was Grand Magus and Shadow. The
three Originators were silent, as if knowing what she was going to say.
´I·m sorry to do this, but I must relinquish command from you, O·Dell.µ She
continued. ´Due to recent events, I, Young Guardian of the Realm of Dreams,
hereby order you, Lord Guardian O·Dell, to step down from Guardianship of the
Realms and give command of them to me.µ
O·Dell looked down and Enchantra held his arm.
´What?µ The Protector and Grand Magus chorused. The Protector
continued. ´What are you doing? You can·t handle the job right now and you
know it!µ
Young Guardian whipped her head and glared at him. ´I haven·t the
choice.µ She turned back to O·Dell and paced to him. Her voice was level as she
told him. ´The Companions, both those in the Province and the Army, have
noticed you·re not the man you once were. Not anymore. They·re beginning to
fear you, O·Dell, and see as Guardian of the Realms.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 112--

´I·ve heard that, too.µ Grand Magus supplied, nodding in agreement. She
continued timidly. ´They·re afraid if they do something wrong, you·re going to kill
´That is ridiculous!µ O·Dell gasped.
´Ridiculous but true.µ The Protector responded.
´We ran into a Companion soldier the other night and he told us the same
thing.µ Shadow responded softly after her. ´You·re not the same Lord Guardian
as you were before the War began.µ
´That·s why I·m commanding you to retire O·Dell.µ Young Guardian
supplied. ´I know how Orthos was, almost as much as you. I don·t want to see
you wither away due to madness and have the Realms of All the Worlds in chaos
because of it. I·ll not allow that.µ
´Believe it or not, Max was thinking the same as you.µ O·Dell responded.
´He told me he worries for me, and that I should give you full Guardianship.µ
Young Guardian·s eyes went to Max. ´Why did you think of that?µ
´I knew you were ready for full Guardianship after I saw how you
controlled the Companion Army during the War.µ Max said. ´You have grown
drastically in the past year, Young Guardian. I believe wholeheartedly that you
will grow even more as Lady Guardian. With that growth, comes wisdom; a
wisdom that will serve you well in your command.µ
´One question.µ The Protector spoke up. ´We·ve got lives to live and
children to raise in the Outer Realm. How is she going to be Lady Guardian of the
Realms when she·s still Earthbound?µ
Enchantra grinned. ´She will remain Earthbound and be Lady Guardian of
the Realms as well.µ
´That·s just it.µ Shadow asked. ´How?µ
´Just as I have been doing for awhile now.µ Young Guardian supplied.
´Patrol when the night comes and answer any calls for help that O·Dell will Send
to my mind with telepathy. When I·m needed, I·ll return here and take care of it.µ
´Isn·t that going to be hard?µ Grand Magus asked. ´What about the
´I·ll figure it out as I go along.µ Young Guardian said. ´I·ve not forgotten
about the children, I assure you. I could never forget about them.µ
´It·s settled then.µ O·Dell replied. He placed a hand on each of her
shoulders and looked into her eyes. ´I, Lord Guardian of the Realms, now
relinquish command to my successor. You are now the Earthbound Lady
Guardian of the Realms, until the day you see fit to become Realmbound. All
powers, duties, responsibilities, and patrols coming with the title of Lady I hereby
give to you. Do you accept?µ
´I accept.µ The now-Lady Guardian·s voice was firmer, more assertive and
demanded respect. Those around her were amazed at the change in her voice
and manner.
´Do you understand what that entails, and demands of you?µ O·Dell
asked. ´Family may come first, but the Realms are a close second.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 113--

´I understand perfectly, and still accept the title of Lady, along with all its
duties and responsibilities.µ Lady Guardian supplied. ´I won·t let you down,
Lord O·Dell.µ
´I know you will not.µ O·Dell remarked. He hugged her. ´I trust in you,
From that day on, she would be the Lady Guardian of the Realms.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 114--


´Congratulations, M·Lady.µ Lord Max spoke up, hugging her as well. ´I am
sure you will do a remarkable and memorable job.µ
´Thank you, Max.µ Lady Guardian nodded. ´My first duty as Lady
Guardian, I·m going to do something with this.µ She held up the Sphere again.
Closing her eyes, she separated the lighter crystals from the darker, making them
all levitate in the air before opening her eyes once again.
´They must be returned to their rightful places.µ Enchantra told her.
´On that, I agree.µ O·Dell said.
Max spoke up. ´I believe I will reclaim the Black-as-Night Crystal and the
Dominionite Crystal segments.µ
´Aren·t they also known as the Dark Elemental Crystals?µ The Shadow
´Aye, as the Jewels of the Province are the Light Elemental Crystals.µ
Enchantra explained. ´The Black-as-Night Crystal, as you have already figured,
is the Link to them all.µ
´With the exception of the amethyst around my neck, all of the Jewels need
to be hidden in a secure place with plenty of protective spells and enchantments.µ
Lady Guardian announced.
The three Originators stared first at each other, then at her. They were
noticing the same thing. Almost as soon as she had taken her title, she was more
astute, more in-charge and more like a true Guardian of the Realms. It was as if
she were a totally different woman now.
´I agree.µ O·Dell managed to break the silence. ´Brother, I will leave that to
you.µ He looked at Lady Guardian. ´That is, if you do not have any objections?µ
´You·re still an Originator and my Elder. I respect that.µ She said. ´So, no.
I have no objections Lord O·Dell.µ
´Now that we·ve done what we·ve come here to do,µ The Protector spoke
up, agitated and impatient. ´Let·s say we return home to our normal lives.µ
´Normal,µ Grand Magus snorted. ´Nothing having to do with us Ancient
Mystics can ever be remotely considered normal.µ
´You know what?µ Lady Guardian grinned at her twin. ´I wouldn·t have it
any other way.µ
All agreed.

Lord Maximaniac of the Grey Area·s Shady Kingdom visited his brother for
a while longer before returning to his castle. With him, he carried the five
segments of the Dominionite Crystal as well as the famed Black-as-Night Crystal.
His Lady Queen Jezebel·s eyes widened when she saw those particular
crystals in his hands. ´Max?µ
He strode past her to his chambers beneath the castle.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 115--

She watched him place all six crystals on the podium next to his Spellbook,
waiting patiently and in fear.
For that Spellbook, that very Spellbook, was the one that had been stolen
and used by Orthos during all the Wars and the Crusades while Maximaniac was
Banished. Its dark spells were responsible for the near-destruction of the entire
Realm of Dreams, its Companions and Creatures, as well as their brother O·Dell
and whatever force threatened to get in Orthos· way at the time. That very
Spellbook is the one Jezebel herself found Max·s own words of love to her hidden
within the pages. It were those words that changed her mind and heart.
Jezebel tried again. ´Max?µ
She was careful not to disturb him, seeing how he was searching for
something within the pages of his Spellbook, but, darn it, she was his Queen!
She had a right to know what he was doing with those crystals!
Max flipped through the Spellbook as if he hadn·t heard her. He found the
right page and spoke. ´Patience, my Queen.µ He said without moving his eyes
from his work. ´All will be as it should be soon. We must have patience.µ
Jezebel eyed him suspiciously. ´Not while you have those crystals in your
possession, it will not.µ
Max simply smiled. ´Of course it will be, for I do not plan on having them
for long.µ
´You cannot destroy them, Max!µ Jezebel cried, exasperated. ´Are you
mad? You will overthrow the delicate balance within all Realms!µ
´I know this as well, dearest.µ Max kept his grin. ´I assure you, they will
be taken care of appropriately.µ
´How will you do that?µ Jezebel asked him.
´I will Exile them throughout the Realms, hidden in places only us
Originators and Lady Guardian will be able to find them.µ Max supplied.
Jezebel was confused. ´Who is Lady Guardian?µ She asked. ´Certainly
Young Guardian has not perished from the Outer Realm and taken her title so
´Nay, dearest.µ Max shook his head. ´On her own will and my suggestion,
she took her title as Lady Guardian. She saw the same as your sister and myself
and took it upon herself to take her title early.µ
´How noble of her?µ Jezebel was shocked, but understood the reasoning
behind the Earthbound Young Guardian·s decision.
´Indeed.µ Max grinned. ´Now hush woman. I must concentrate.µ
Silently, she took his hand. They shared a look before raising their clasped
hands to the ceiling. They used their combined magic to raise the six crystals to
the air in levitation. Together, in one voice, they chanted.

´We raise our hands, hearts and magic,

´To call upon the Spirits of these Crystals.
´Exile their forms and cloak their magic,
´Safe within the Ancient Mystic Realms.
´Reveal only to Guardians and Originators,
´When we have need, we command thee!
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 116--

´As it is our will, so mote it be done!µ

With a loud ´pop!µ the six crystals disappeared, to be dispersed within the
Ancient Mystic Realms.
Jezebel and Max stared at the spot for a moment before she broke the
´I only hope you know what you are doing, my lord and love.µ
Softly to himself, he sighed. ´As do I.µ

    % O·Dell thought to himself. He paced
his castle chambers, deep in thought. He·d left the Palace shortly after the newly-
titled Lady Guardian and her family. ÷ 
 ) .

Lord O·Dell sighed, settling himself at his Throne. He thought first on a
time, not so long ago, when a member of the Draconian Imperial Family dropped
by his doorstep.

O·Dell was in his garden visiting the fairies when he heard the door to his
castle open. He sensed someone walking in the doors and stopped to listen.
´O·Dell!µ A husky male voice called out his name. ´I need to speak with
you! O·Dell! Are you around, old friend?µ
That piqued O·Dell·s interest. He headed inside to greet the man who
supposedly knew him as ´old friend.µ
´What is all this fuss about?µ He called out in his best Lord Guardian
voice. When he saw the stranger, a tall male Balinese Feline Companion, he
blinked. ´May I help you, Companion?µ
The Balinese sighed. ´My Lord, may I introduce myself?µ He bowed. ´I
am Braken Hawk, a new Companion to this Realm.µ
O·Dell studied him. ´I have never heard of the family name Hawk.µ
Braken rose. ´That is because I am the first. The name is, or should I say
¶was· Lord Brakkon Dratianos.µ
O·Dell blinked, searching his eyes. Sure enough, he was telling the truth.
´How? You are a dragon! How did you become a feline Companion?µ
Braken told his tale. O·Dell merely stared in wonder as he listened.
´Where is Thorn now? And Draconis?µ O·Dell asked when Braken was
´I know not, Lord.µ Braken supplied. ´The last I knew, Draconis destroyed
me, sending me back to the Realm of the Gods. He raged war against the Demon
Lord Archimond and the Nations were in ruins.µ
´You say he went chaotic and destroyed the Dragon Nations?µ O·Dell was
in deep thought, rubbing his chin. His silver eyes were dark. ´What of the
Empress and your grandchildren?µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 117--

Braken didn·t know how to tell him. ´My lady Locarra has passed to the
Summerlands, O·Dell. Shortly afterward, I went chaotic.µ
´I am sorry for your loss, Braken. I was asking about the Lady Adellandra
and Draconis· children.µ O·Dell supplied. ´Where are they while Draconis is
´Adellandra left him not long after Locarra died.µ Braken said. ´She took
the children with her and has not been seen since.µ
´What of your daughter Dracora?µ O·Dell asked.
´She disappeared as well, on your insistence I am to understand.µ Braken
rushed. ´Why all the questions, O·Dell?µ
O·Dell smiled. ´If I am to welcome you into this Realm as one of my own
Companions, I need to know how you arrived.µ
Braken slumped into the nearest chair and sulked.
´Now, now, Braken. Cheer up.µ O·Dell supplied, clapping him on the back.
´I will keep your identity a secret, if that is your wish. You may consider yourself
´Home.µ Braken remarked under his breath. ´I am homeless. I cannot
return to the Nations as I am now. There is still war and I will be the
laughingstock of the entire Dragon Nations!µ
´It is not all that bad, I assure you.µ O·Dell said.
´I am made to be a feline Companion, a common housecat for Goddess·
sake.µ Braken told him. ´Stripped of all titles, status and honor as a dragon
Lord. What am I to do?µ
´Relax, for one.µ O·Dell remarked. ´For another, you could follow me. I
have the perfect place for you in the Feline Village.µ
Braken stood. ´Perfect place, eh?µ
´Aye.µ O·Dell nodded, wrapping an arm around Braken·s shoulders.
Braken looked at him suspiciously. ´The Feline Palace, nestled in the³´
Braken interrupted. ´Let me guess, the Feline Wood?µ
O·Dell laughed. ´Come, Braken.µ
Rolling his eyes, Braken Hawk followed.

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 118--


Scott ´Fire-Archerµ Archer was Amethyst·s Earthy Protector. He was
practicing his gift of fire-archery on a target in the Canine Valley·s Practice Fields.
It was a remote area of the Fields where few trees stood, so it was perfect.
The Fire-Archer shot another fire-arrow from his crossbow, hitting a place of
the target near the bull·s eye. Cyrix, in his Fire-Demon form, clapped him on the
´You are getting quite adept at this, Fire-Archer!µ He responded. ´In such
a short time, too. I am impressed!µ
Scott waved a hand ahead of him, extinguishing the flames of the arrow
with a thought before turning to him. ´Thanks, Cyrix. I wouldn·t have been able
to do it without you.µ
´I am sure you would have done fine.µ Cyrix remarked. ´Care for a live
Scott·s eyes widened. ´What do you mean, ¶live target·?µ
Cyrix laughed. ´Just what it says. I will give you a live target, which will
be constantly moving, so you will have to be quick and sharp in order to hit the
right spot.µ
Scott gulped. ´Um, I·m not sure I·m ready for a moving target.µ
´Sure you are, Fire-Archer!µ Cyrix clapped him on the back again. He
moved a few feet away before shifting to his original Draconian form of a Fire
Dragon. ´You did it in the War, why not now? I have faith in you.µ
At that, he took flight. Scott watched and waited for further instructions
from his mentor.
´What do I do now?µ Scott yelled to the air.
9 It was sent to Scott·s mind.
´I can·t! You·re my friend and mentor.µ Scott yelled back.
  +  "
 Cyrix sent back.
´Dragon Magic?µ Scott whispered to himself. He gulped and took a deep
breath. ´If you say so.µ
Scott used his Fire-Archery power to light the arrowhead at his crossbow.
He watched the air as Cyrix swooped in a figure-eight and other patterns. Once
he was in the line of fire, he took the shot.
He watched the arrow as it flew in the sky toward Cyrix·s moving form. To
his excitement and also dismay, the lit arrow hit one of the dragon·s wings. This
forced Cyrix to shift back to demon-form and disappear in the sky.
Scott could only stand there and gawk in horror. What had he done? He·d
killed his mentor and friend! He·d be hung for it by Lady Katherine, or worse,
Lord Guardian.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 119--

He groaned as he put his arrows back in their case on his back, and the
crossbow in its own case before throwing it over his shoulder. What was he going
to do when Lord Guardian found out?
Something around his neck grew hot, and he reached for his Pendant.
Immediately, he could sense the magic around him, and practically ¶see· the
winds of it. There was a cloud of reddish-black winded magic ahead of him, and
he went to investigate.
As he grew closer, the cloud of magic solidified to a demon-being he
recognized as Cyrix.
´Are you okay? Did I hurt you?µ Scott searched his friend·s body for
´I am fine, Fire-Archer. No more than a scratch, and it was healed.µ Cyrix
responded. ´You only confirmed my suspicions about you.µ
Scott was confused.
´Ever wonder why you have the gifts you do?µ Cyrix began. Scott nodded
his head. ´Why you have been able to come here without help from your other
´I used a chant Ariana gave me years ago.µ Scott supplied. ´Then again,
she also gave it to my brother Seth, and he·s not been able to come here using it.
Why do I have this gift of fire-starting?µ
´It·s not only fire-starting, oh no. Not by far.µ Cyrix continued. ´I can see it
in your eyes and heart. You have the Dragon Magic. Power over the element of
´How can I be Amethyst·s Earthly Protector then?µ Scott asked. ´She has
Unicorn Magic, and so does her brother Aaron.µ
Cyrix nodded, smiling. ´Aye, I know this. Perhaps it is for balance? For
only the Unicorn Magic can tame that of the Dragon, and vice versa.µ
Scott thought it over. ´Perhaps.µ
´For now, I do believe it is time for you to return to your Realm, and rise
with the sun.µ
After nodding his farewell, Scott ´Fire-Archerµ Archer disappeared and
returned home to the Outer Realm.


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 120--





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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 121--


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 122--

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Damian paced his new home of Lord Bane·s Dark Castle. He was bored
and pissed, tired of having idiots working with him. That·s not what pissed him
off the most.
Losing to the Ancient Mystics, his own cousin Young Guardian and her
brood of Crusaders was what pissed him off the most. He·d wanted to destroy
her, but every time he tried, the plan would fail. He tried everything he could
think of, but they always managed to get the upper-hand and defeat him.
If only he had Sabrina back on their side. At least with Sabrina, it was fun.
He·d stand back and watch her do her worst. As it was, the Dominionite named
Cyrix managed to change her heart and magic, forcing him to be left with idiots.
Damian searched through his mind for whoever was left. Bane,
MagDaliah, Gloriana, Shenara, Albrath, Dominick and D·Kora.
He often wondered if the self-proclaimed ´Lord of Nightmaresµ really knew
what he was doing. It was apparent he·d done nothing since the end of the War
of the Realms. MagDaliah was still a mystery, going and doing whatever her lord
husband wished of her. He had a feeling she was more vile and seductive than
even Sabrina used to be. That·s what intrigued him about her. Perhaps it was
she who did all the work and let Bane take all the credit for his ego?
Gloriana turned out first to be one of his Dominionite Warriors, then his
¶step-mother·, his father·s Queen, and finally, a coward. Damian had seen the
look in her eyes when Young Guardian and his uncle O·Dell destroyed Orthos. It
was fear. She cowered and disappeared once Francesca was Destroyed by
Ramon. Now what good is she? Just another pet for his desires? That could be
fun. Have the daughters and the mother! He was gaining a regular harem!
Shenara was no help. Her own plan didn·t work; and neither did that of
Bane·s son Dominick. The only thing she seemed to be good for was seduction
and sex. She used to want to be like Sabrina, and become a Maiden all her own,
but she·d given that up once she saw being the Dominionite Maiden wasn·t what
she imagined it to be. It wasn·t all about seducing innocent victims, no, not in the
slightest. That was only one of the roles of the Maiden. Damian had once tried
giving Shenara command of thirty Dominionite Warriors in the War, only to have
those Warriors killed and destroyed by the Crusaders. Shenara had fled back to
him in tears, begging for forgiveness.
Albrath, though an evil little wench, only did her duty by luring and
capturing the one now called the Unicorn. Though, that plan was a little
farfetched and didn·t work either. As for the Turning of the Unicorn by Balor;
somehow, Young Guardian managed to rip that plan to shreds with a very
intricate spell, locking the once-powerful protégé-turned-Leader of the Stalkers in
a crystal embedded in her sword·s hilt.
Dominick was young yet, but he had potential. He reminded Damian of a
younger version of himself. He was the one who ordered Albrath to capture the
Unicorn in the first place. He wanted to slowly destroy the newly-bound Dweller-
kin from the inside out. Too bad he didn·t get a chance before Young Guardian
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 123--

and his Bondmate Airmed Starchaser came to rescue him. The Unicorn has
always been a menace, ever since the Crusade when he used his still-young
Unicorn Magick on Damian, Exiling him to the Unknown to join his mother.
As for D·Kora, the troll-maidservant. Since Sabrina was now turned good,
D·Kora followed him around, wishing to serve him instead. There was also a bit
of potential in her as well.
What to do about the Ancient Mystics? Destroy them, obviously, but how?
Each time they fought, the Ancient Mystics and their Protectors grew stronger and
more powerful. Should he call upon the Djinn once again for their assistance?
No, the Djinn God Omri was too cowardly himself. He·d once helped
Orthos try and destroy the Ancient Mystics by wracking their minds with Mind-
Dwellers, Fear-Wraiths, and a Horde named Hallows. Neither worked.
Damian growled as he stood and paced his quarters.
Looks like he·ll have to do everything by himself. After all, he was the new
Master of the Dominionites.

' "      '





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It was dark, the moon overhead was full, and Amethyst was scared. She
knew exactly where she was; in Witches Grove. Question is, how did she get
there and why was she there to begin with?
´Hello?µ Amethyst called. ´Anybody here?µ
She heard the cackle of a familiar male voice.
´She left you for dead Amethyst.µ Damian came out of his hiding spot
wearing a snide grin.
´What are you talking about, Damian?µ Amethyst could feel the Unicorn
Magic within her blood pulsating, and her fingers tingling, wanting to strangle him
with it.
´She left you to learn what she did to you.µ Damian continued. ´How does
that make you feel?µ
´What do you care?µ Amethyst growled. ´If you're talking about Lady
Guardian, we've gotten over that long ago.µ
´I am guessing she more than you.µ Damian supplied. Quickly, he
outstretched an arm, his own Dark Magic rope whipped around her, each strand
crossing another until she was caught in a red-magic cage. ´No, I do not fully
believe you are over the fact Young Guardian left you both alone after making the
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 124--

´Shut up Damian, or I'll...µ Amethyst began, her eyes turning a glowing

green, the magic within her growing and making her body glow the same.
Damian laughed. ´You will what, Amethyst? Shoot me with your pitiful
Unicorn Magic?µ He laughed louder. ´I highly doubt that!µ
´You're forgetting, Damian.µ Amethyst's eyes glowed ever-green; but with a
thought, they were silver-blue. ´I not only have the Unicorn Magic, but that of the
Ancient Mystics. For I am one, by right!µ
Damian gasped. ´Impossible!µ
Amethyst smiled. ´Possible.µ She changed her eyes again to silver-blue
with a mere thought. She continued. ´You, of all Ancient Mystics should know,
the bonds of blood are just as tight as those of familial.µ
Damian blinked, smiling slowly. ´Ah, I remember. She bound you both to
her through her blood. Aye, I wondered how you had the Unicorn Magic when
you were a mere mortal.µ
Amethyst shook her head. ´I've never been a mere mortal, Damian, and
you know it.µ She supplied.
Damian stared at her for a moment before frowning. He stepped back and
shot her a glare. ´You may have thought Sabrina was on your side, but I assure
you. She is still very much a Dark Ancient Mystic.µ
´I highly doubt that.µ Amethyst tried stalling him so she to think of a way
out of the cage using her magic; but so far, it wasn't working. ´Why would she
fight on our side in the War then? She was tired of being a pawn in your father's
deadly games, so she pled for forgiveness from Lord Maximaniac himself and
received a second chance at life.µ Amethyst thought of something and smiled, her
silver-blue eyes twinkling. ´I'd say you were the one left all alone to die, Damian.
How does that make you feel?µ
Damian growled and his entire body glowed red and black. He was pissed
with nothing to say. ´Need I remind you that you are under my control, Amethyst
Fairy? Even mighty Ancient Mystic Magic won't get you out of this cage made of
Dominionite Magic. I would mind the way you spoke to me from now on, Over-
Seer, or watch your Crusader friends die.µ
At that, he vanished, and she was left in the cage to worry about her
Knowing her telepathy was strong with the other Musketeers and now her
own Earthly Protector, she used it to call for help. The Amethyst Fairy only hoped
it would come in time. She didn't want to see her friends die.

It didn't take long for the Fire-Archer named Scott Archer to sense Amethyst
in trouble. He raced to her rescue, but was stopped at the large iron doors by an
angry, ugly, and loud Dominionite Warrior.
Scott smiled. Thanks to Cyrix, he was prepared. After the long hours and
hard work, the Fire-Archer was well versed in his Dragon Magic. Opening his
fists, he conjured fireballs, one in each hand.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 125--

The Dominionite growled, attacking him with burst after burst of ice, fire,
wind, and lightning magic. Scott knew what to do. He dodged and shot fireballs
of his own at the creature.
Scott and the Dominionite attacked each other until the creature growled
loudly, roaring a fierce, ´I will finish you, Crusader!µ
The Fire-Archer laughed. ´Not if I finish you first!µ He Called to the air and
conjured his crossbow and an arrow using his Dragon Magic. He gave the
Dominionite a sly grin before lighting the arrow.
As he lit the arrow with fire and cocked the bow, the creature gasped and
froze in his spot, unable to move.
The Fire-Archer let out a snicker. ´Hold still.µ He aimed and said. ´This'll
only hurt a bit.µ
At that, his opponent cowered, covering his face and attempting to block the
attack. Scott let the arrow fly, burning a screaming Dominionite Warrior to ash.
Quick as he could, he raced to Amethyst's rescue.
´Scott!µ Aimee cried, surprised. Her heart skipped. ´The bars are made of
Dominionite Magic, so be careful.µ
The Fire-Archer shrugged. ´Hello to you, too, Love. I'll have you out of
there in no time. Just hang on and stand back.µ
´I hope you know what you're doing.µ Aimee whispered, obeying.
Scott smiled. ´I do; trust me on that.µ
She stood back and he closed his eyes. He started to chant under his
breath, his entire body glowed deep red and the Dragon Magic came at his Call.
To Aimee's surprise and delight, the bars began to buzz and fade away,
disappearing. When she was free, she raced to a very tired and still-glowing
Scott Archer. She kissed his lips hard, bringing him out of his trance. The glow
disappeared and he came to his senses, kissing her back.
´Let's get out of here.µ Scott supplied.
Aimee shook her head, and told him what she feared. ´Not before we find
Airmed and the Unicorn. I have a feeling they're next.µ
Scott nodded tightly and they were gone.


Shane ´the Shadowµ Morehouse dreamed that same night. He dreamed
the dream he·d once had long ago; but this time, a familiar scent was in the air to
tell him Damian was behind it.
He was stuck in a memory, one he·d not thought of for nearly twenty years.




c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 126--

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In the Realm of Dreams, Shadow shook out of the trance he believed

Damian put him in. He knew what the former-Merchant was doing, but he didn·t
let it get to him.
´Come out of hiding, coward. I know you·re the one who brought me to
Witches Grove.µ Shadow called into the air, conjuring an energy ball in his hands
and playing with it. ´Be a good villain and tell me why you reminded me of that
´It was to show you the truth, Shadow.µ Damian indeed came out of hiding
and revealed himself. He kept his distance, and Shane knew Damian still feared
him. ´It was your fault your parents died. You killed them.µ
´That·s not true. They were killed in an accident. I saw the scene myself.µ
Shadow·s eyes turned dark, and he was getting angry.
Damian tried another tactic, since the first wasn·t working.
´They never wanted you; your mother was always trying to kill herself,
and your father, well, his is another story.µ
´Just what are you talking about, Damian?µ Shadow growled. ´You·d
better explain yourself.µ
Damian shrugged, indifferent. ´If Nathan has not told you by now, why
should I?µ
´Because, if you don·t, you·ll be fried to a crisp before daylight.µ Shadow
Damian laughed. ´Just like your dearest Aluna; always threatening to fry
me with magic you think you have.µ
´I have the Protector·s Magic, which equals the Ancient Mystic·s own.µ
Shadow supplied with a smile. ´Either tell me or leave before I kill you with it.µ
Damian growled, finally giving up. He knew nothing he did to Shadow
would hurt him. He would bounce back, ever stronger.
´Fine, I will leave, but think on this.µ Damian started. ´Your father was not
the man he led you to believe he was.µ
With that final statement, Damian disappeared and left Shadow pondering
what he was talking about. Something told him he was going to learn on his own
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 127--

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Damian went to find the Unicorn and his Bondmate Airmed. He found
them, cornered by Fang and a few other Stalkers by the time he arrived. Damian
smiled; it was going to be fun torturing them.
What he didn·t see was how the two were fighting their Turned kin. The
Stalkers were surrounding them.
´Move!µ Damian commanded. The Stalkers stopped to see who shouted,
and moved out of his way.
He wasn·t happy when he saw the bloodstains and slash-marks from
fingernails on those that surrounded the Unicorn and his mate. It was apparent
not even Fang and his few followers could deal with them accordingly.
´Fang!µ Damian growled.
´Aye, Master?µ
He conjured a light-ball, a ball of intensely-white light that acted as sunlight
to vampires and Stalkers alike. With a growl, he Destroyed Fang and his few
The Unicorn and his mate weren·t to be thwarted so easily. Damian
needed time to figure on how he was going to Destroy them as well, since they
both carried the blood and magics of Ancient Mystics and Dweller-kin
Sundancers. Apparently, the task wasn·t going to be easy; for it needed to be
handled delicately, and by him alone.
´I will deal with the two of you later, you can count on it.µ Damian replied
to a shocked Unicorn before disappearing in a thick mist of black smoke.
Just as he left, Amethyst and her mate the Fire-Archer arrived. Unicorn
told his twin what happened, leaving the four confused.
´Why did he give up so quickly?µ Amethyst wondered, after telling the
couple what happened to her.
They looked to Airmed, who just shrugged.

Meanwhile, Damian found his next victim, the newly-titled Lady Guardian.
´You might as well leave now, Damian, because I have no need for you at
the moment, or anytime for that matter.µ
´Big words for a little tyke.µ Damian said sarcastically.
Lady Guardian had a glare of her own; one he·d not seen from her before.
It reminded him of what Dominick had told him of her. She smelled and felt like a
Dweller-kin, having their gifts of Stealth.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 128--

´Why won·t you leave us in peace?µ Lady Guardian sighed, almost bored.
´Don·t you have someone else to pester, or is it just an honor left for family?µ
Without waiting for an answer, she groaned. ´If it is, you might as well forget it,
because we don·t want that kind of honor.µ
Damian shook his head. ´How is it, Lady Guardian, that you have the
stench of those damn Dwellers upon you?µ
Lady Guardian studied him. ´Use your ¶brilliant· Dominionite Magic,
cousin, and find out for yourself. Why waste my time and yours by asking silly
questions you can easily get the answers to?µ
´I would prefer to get it from you without torture.µ Damian supplied.
´There is something about you that puzzles me, telling me nothing I do will push
you over the edge.µ
Lady Guardian laughed. ´It·s about time you figured that out! You·ve been
battling the Crusaders and me for long now?µ
Damian shrugged. ´I assure you, that does not matter. All that does is
why I sense Dweller-kin blood within you.µ
Lady Guardian smiled. ´Blood that·s as nearly as old as time itself? Who
do you know of that fits that description?µ
After a moment of thought, Damian frowned. ´Dracora.µ
The Lady only nodded, keeping her smile. ´Do you remember the
Mortallan War, Damian?µ
´I remember. Being untraceable with Empathy, Father thought you were
dead.µ Damian recalled, half-bored.
´I almost was.µ Lady Guardian responded. ´Let me tell you something;
Dracora allowed me to be her advisor during delegations with the King, Yorn.
She Fed from me.µ
That statement gave Damian yet another idea. He kept his evil grin inside.
´You were so young then, not even of age yet. Your mind and magic could not
possibly handle the information. Certainly, she put you under a spell.µ
Lady Guardian shrugged. ´Thanks to Ramon Martiya and his kin-Clans,
that spell has been lifted during the war.µ She cracked her neck and gave him a
red-eyed smile. ´It would also seem I·m much more powerful and to be feared.
What do you think, Damian?µ
He only smiled. ´Darkness is grand, is it not? Especially when it comes
from within.µ
´Oh, I·m not dark, cousin, not by far.µ She told him simply. ´Let·s just say,
I·m better.µ Satisfied with her words, she smirked and nodded. ´Yeah, better.µ
Damian only had to look into her eyes to sense what was there. ´Aye, I
would say you were better with Father lying within you. It should be interesting
how it all turns out. I will be well entertained.µ
With that comment, he left. Lady Guardian stood in her place, wondering
what he was thinking this time. Not wanting to figure it out, she left as well.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 129--



Lady Guardian was drawn to a place near the borders of the Realm of
Dreams and Dragon Nations. It wasn't far from the borderline the locals called
the Firewall.
In her Dragonwolf form, she stood and stared at the FireWall. Immediately,
a vision came to mind.



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With a shake of her head, the vision changed.

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 130--

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Damn her for changing the subject!     

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What was the significance of those visions now? What stood out the most
was the black dragon that saved her from the horde of vampires, and the morning
Dracora bound them together through blood. Why were those visions coming to
her mind now?
Lady Guardian, finished with her patrols but not yet ready to return to the
Outer Realm, perched herself in a tree near the border. She stared at the FireWall
and wistfully thought of the dragon that haunted her dreams since the Mortallan

At the same time, her twin the Grand Magus was dreaming. She found
herself in a form not her own; but that of the Dragonwolf, and identical to the form
her twin was now taking. Before she could answer the many questions that were
swimming in her mind, she heard a voice interrupt her thoughts.
´Come back to me, Little One.µ The voice was male, gentle yet rough. ´You
belong to me.µ
Afraid, yet curious, she searched the woods around her. No one was there.
´What·s going on? Who are you?µ She asked into the air.
The voice was silent but a gentle chuckle deep in her mind. It reminded her
of the voice and actions of a Dweller-kin. ´Firestorm? If you·re teasing me,
please stop. It·s not funny.µ
´Nay, Little One.µ The gentle male voice purred, this time, in her ear.
Startled, she used her Empathy to sense as whomever it was suddenly
appeared beside her. She spun, her heart racing when she saw the male figure
smiling at her.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 131--

He looked regal, with lengthy black-as-pitch hair tied in a tail, and eyes the
color of onyx embers to match. He met her eyes, making her blush. Her heart
skipped a beat, the male looking and feeling hauntingly familiar. Handsome, yet
familiar. Was this some Dweller-kin to have her in such a state?
´I assure you, I am no Dweller-kin.µ He answered as if reading her
´Who are you?µ She asked again, this time in a whisper.
The male shook his head and finger at her. ´Not yet, I·m afraid. You are
still not ready to know the truth.µ He grinned, the smile meeting his ember eyes.
Just watching those eyes made the Grand Magus blush. ´However, I do believe I
know just the thing to keep you pleasantly distracted in the meantime.µ
He took her in his arms and kissed her lips. At first, she had to resist, for
she felt she was betraying her Earthly Protector. Then, she thought he sent her a
reassuring feeling along her Empathy, relaxing her mind and heart. Now, she
felt«like kissing him back. For a split second, he held her closer before
disappearing into the mists.
He left her with an ache in her heart that screamed for completion.
Confused, she left to find her twin, seeing if the newly-titled Lady Guardian
had any answers.
She closed her eyes and thought of her dear twin, opening them again
when she arrived at the FireWall just below the tree she·d perched herself in.
One look at her sister·s face told her she was thinking something similar.
´Ever wonder, Grand Magus, just what makes the two of us so different
and special, even from our siblings?µ Lady Guardian·s voice inquired without
taking her eyes off the FireWall. ´How we·ve always been told we·re a very
special set of Ancient Mystic twins?µ Without waiting for her to answer, she
continued. ´I don·t know about you, dear sister, but I believe this past war
showed us something. It has changed us so drastically, we may never return to
what we once called normal.µ
Lady Guardian finally looked to see Grand Magus· new form and smiled.
´Comes naturally, doesn·t it?µ
Grand Magus shook her head as her sister flew down using dragon·s
wings. That made her smile. ´Not yet, but I·m sure it will be soon.µ Her sister
returned to staring at the FireWall. ´What is it about that FireWall that piques
your interest?µ
´I·m not sure, really.µ Lady Guardian replied with a shrug. She told her
twin about the past visions. ´Though I didn·t get a good look at it, the black
dragon seemed familiar in a weird way. I don·t understand it, not yet.µ
´Sounds like what I·ve been through.µ Grand Magus told her sister about
the male. ´Do you think the two could be related somehow?µ
´I·m not sure what to think.µ Lady Guardian sighed. ´Let·s head home.
We still have lives and children in the Outer Realm.µ
The twins met eyes and Grand Magus nodded. They disappeared,
returning home.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 132--

Ê c


Shadow followed the Protector on his mission to the Dragon Nations. There
was something different about his best friend and brother-in-law. He·d never
been interested in that Realm until now, and Shadow wondered why.
´All right, brother, let me have it.µ Shadow supplied as the two raced their
horses to the Borderline of the two Realms. ´Why are we going to the Dragon
The Protectors· eyes never left the trail when he answered. ´There·s
something going on with my wife, and I believe the Countess at Monarch·s Glen
has something to do with it.µ
´Have you spoken to Lady Guardian about it?µ Shadow asked.
The Protector shook his head. ´All she gives me now are crooked answers
that lead to more questions. It·s like she·s trying to hide something from me.µ He
finally looked to his brother. ´Tell me that·s not right.µ
Shadow shook his own head. ´It·s not; you·re right on that. Both twins
have been a little, ah, distant lately. Maybe the Countess knows what·s going on
with Lu as well?µ
The Protector finally smiled. ´Why do you think I asked you to join me?µ
Shadow grinned. ´Oh, I don·t know. Perhaps it·s because you can·t
handle the big, bad, old dragons in this Realm? You need me to protect you.µ
´Yeah, right.µ The Protector laughed, as did his horse Sunlord. ´You hear
that, Sunny? He thinks I need him to protect me!µ
´That is rich.µ The horse answered from underneath him.
They stopped at the FireWall and stared.
´Okay, now what?µ Shadow asked. ´How do we get over it if we can·t
The Protector grinned, knowing. ´We don·t, but the Guards do, once we tell
them who we are and what we·re here for.µ
´What are you waiting for? Call one of the guards.µ
The Protector called to the air. ´Hello! Anyone guarding the Borderline?µ
The brothers heard a scream in the air that sounded like a murder of
crows. When they looked up, they saw a hunter-green dragon swooping down on
them. As the dragon approached ground, it shifted to a large male with the crest
of the Dragon Nations upon his chest. It was just like Trenor·s before him, so the
Protector smiled, knowing he was indeed another General.
´Kateea Dragon.µ The Protector supplied.
The General nodded, his green eyes shining. ´Kateea to you as well,
Protector.µ The General looked to Shadow. ´Kateea. What can I do for the two of
you this eve?µ
´Grant us passage to the Nations; mainly, to Monarch·s Glen.µ Shadow
´What need have you of the Countess, young one?µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 133--

´I am known among the Realms as the Shadow, one of the former-Lord

Guardian·s Crusaders.µ Shadow supplied. ´Her Dweller-kin helped us in
previous wars, and now, we wish to extend our thanks.µ
´I know of those wars, for I have fought in them on Lord O·Dell·s side with
his successor. You wish no ill-will toward the Nations?µ The General asked.
´None, for the Crusaders fight for peace within the Realms.µ The Protector
spoke up, surprising even Shadow himself.
Shadow watched the two stare at each other for a moment before the
General nodded. He rattled something in his own language, what Shadow
guessed was Draconian, before smiling. The General put a fist to his heart,
nodding his head as he translated. ´Live strong, live free, live in peace.µ
´You as well, my friend.µ The Protector responded.
The General extended his hand. ´I am called Terrantis, a General of the
Countess·s Royal Guard at Monarch·s Glen. I have heard of the Crusaders·
deeds, and I wish them all well on their journeys.µ
He turned and waved a hand to the FireWall. A magical door opened. ´Go
quickly, for the door will close soon.µ
´Thank you Terrantis.µ Shadow supplied, nudging his horse·s sides to jolt
him ahead.
´You are very welcome.µ Terrantis responded, nodding with a grin. ´Go in
Once the two stepped through the magical door, it closed behind him, and
Terrantis disappeared from sight.
´Now,µ The Protector announced. ´Onto Monarch·s Glen.µ




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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 135--

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Both the Protector and the Shadow knelt to Countess Dracora·s Throne at
Monarch·s Glen. On either side of the Countess were her bodyguards, both
whom the Protector had met on his previous trip to the Dragon Nations. To her
right was the General Trenor, and her left was Terrantis; though, it confused the
Protector of how the General had arrived before they did.
´It is always a pleasure, Protector.µ The Countess remarked, nodding her
head and smiling. Her dark eyes met those of Shadow·s. ´I remember you
Shadow, from the Wars that brought our Nations and Realms together.µ
´That·s right, Countess. One of your Dweller-kin, named Celeste
Moondancer, healed me from a near-fatal wound.µ Shadow supplied. ´We have
never met in person, but I do say now it is a pleasure indeed.µ
´Why, thank you, Sir.µ Dracora said with a sincere smile. ´You both may
rise.µ When they did and met her eyes, she turned to the Protector. ´Have you
spoken with Young Guardian on her peculiar behavior?µ
´Yes, Countess.µ The Protector stammered.
´Has something she told you led you to believe I have something to do with
it?µ Countess pressed.
´No, Countess,µ the Protector supplied. ´It·s her actions and change in
´Sorry for the interruption, Countess, but since my wife is his wife·s twin
and the Grand Magus of the Realms, I had to join him. Her actions and magic
mirror those of Lady Guardian·s.µ
At the word ´Lady,µ the Countess· eyebrows raised. ´Lady? When did she
become Lady Guardian? Is O·Dell ill, or did he die? Where is he?µ
´Lord O·Dell was forced to retire his Guardianship by Young Guardian.µ
Shadow continued by telling her what had happened the night they returned the
Sphere to Lords O·Dell and Maximaniac. ´She was given full Guardianship of the
Realms in his stead because of that.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 136--

´I knew she was battling Orthos· Empathy; I·m constantly on our mind-
path. I also knew of O·Dell·s own battle of wills with his duo·s Logic, as well as
Grand Magus· battle with his Dark Magic.µ Dracora announced. ´Orthos is only
one factor in both duos· odd behaviors.µ
´Sorry Countess ² duos?µ Shadow was confused at the use of the word.
´My own apologies, gentlemen.µ Dracora said. ´·Duo· means ¶twin· in the
two main languages spoken here in the Nations; Draconian and Ancient Wolf-
Speak.µ She continued. ´Going on, is it not true that the Grand Magus shared
blood with a Watcher-kin named Firestorm?µ
´How did you know?µ
Dracora grinned. ´I have my ways.µ
The Protector smiled and supplied. ´Let me guess, Lady Guardian told
´Aye, that is one way.µ Dracora said. ´The Watcher-kin Dweller Firestorm
just happens to be one of my Draconians in the Outer Realm.µ
The two smiled at each other and Shadow saw it. ´Getting back on track,µ
he began, breaking the two of them out of their spell. ´We·re here to see if you
know what·s going on with the twins, and if there·s anything you can do about it.µ
´There is naught I can do for them, gentlemen.µ Countess supplied. ´What
is within them is not what you think. It is the Dweller-kin blood that courses
through their systems, affecting their actions and magic. Soon, you will both see
they are no longer the women you married, but different. Perhaps better? Who
knows but them?µ
´You can at least tell us why they·re so much darker about their magic,
Countess.µ Shadow insisted.
Dracora was angered, she stood and announced in a demanding voice.
´How dare you speak to a monarch of the Dragon Nations in such a manner,
young Sir? I am not of your Realm; I am the Countess of the Nations. Speak to
me as you would a Queen or King of your Realm; with respect. Is that
Shadow wondered what caused the change in the Countess· behavior.
Regardless, he gulped and nodded.
´Now then.µ Dracora took a deep breath and continued. ´As I have
already stated, the reasons they are darker in their magic are because of the
Dweller-kin blood that flows in their systems. It is up to the two of you to help
them control their growing powers. Feel free to return to me for any inquiries you
may have about them. For the moment, I must return to my work; it is not easy
running the Nations alone, you know. Terrantis, go with them and see their safe
passage through the FireWall.µ
Terrantis saluted and nodded. ´Aye, Countess.µ
The two of them took that as their cues to leave.
Dracora sat on her throne with a loud thump, sighing. Her General-friend
Trenor placed a hand on her shoulder. She took it and announced. ´The time
draws ever nearer, my friend, and I will be more than happy when it is over.µ
´Time is fickle, Shylee.µ Trenor supplied. ´You know this as well as any of
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 137--

´Aye, that I do.µ She looked at him. ´The twins will know who they truly
are, Trenor. I can Feel it.µ
´Our Nations will be in peace once again soon enough.µ Trenor supplied.
´All we must do is wait and see.µ
´I was afraid you would say that.µ Dracora groaned.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 138--


ã$ * 

Two nights after their talk, the Enchanted Child named Kelly Reading and
her Lady Guardian Momma headed to the Ancient Mystic Palace to present her to
the Mistress Enchantra. Lady Guardian stood by her in her Dragonwolf form,
looking and acting regal and proper. The hand on Kelly·s shoulder squeezed,
giving her strength to face the Mistress accordingly and properly.
´Enchantra,µ The Lady spoke up, hands on the timid girl·s shoulders. Once
she had the Mistress·s attention, she continued, sharing a look with her daughter.
´I do believe someone would like to speak with you.µ
Enchantra smiled and nodded. ´Go ahead, my dear.µ
Kelly took a deep breath and swallowed. ´I deserve a new name.µ She
corrected herself once realizing how rude the statement had sounded. ´Sorry,
Mistress.µ She choked, bowing. ´I meant, I think I deserve a new name.µ
´State your reasons, Child.µ
Kelly looked at her mother, then back to the Mistress. ´That·s just it,
Mistress. I·m no longer a child. The title of ¶Enchanted Child· was fine when I
was four, but I·m fourteen now; I·ve taken the Oath already and am considered
an adult, according to the Ancient Mystics. In this past War, I led my Crusader
team throughout the Realm, keeping Dreamers away from harm, happy in their
own Realms. With Bradley·s and Cara·s help, I took over for Momma while she
was fighting the War. I was both patrolling the Realms in her absence and taking
care of the little ones in the Outer Realm. I don·t know about you, but I·d say that
deserves some kind of acknowledgement, to say the least.µ
The two older women stared at each other, then at her in surprise. Lady
Guardian only smiled, but was afraid of saying anything to interrupt Enchantra·s
´Well, that was a mouthful!µ Enchantra supplied, chuckling. ´Tell me then,
Kelina Erin. What do you propose for a title, if not ¶Child·?µ
´I·ve not thought that far yet, Mistress.µ Kelly told her sheepishly. ´I have
thought a lot about more responsibility. Mostly, of taking over Momma·s patrols of
the Realms while she·s busy being Lady and Momma.µ
Enchantra looked to Lady Guardian. ´Would you agree to this, Lady?µ The
Lady nodded. ´Is it my understanding that she will take over your full patrols?µ
´Aye, Mistress.µ Lady said. ´I·ve taught her how to patrol, and she has
been doing so on her own since we were fighting in the War. My daughter has
been working hard, and I agree with her; she deserves another Title. She·s too
old to be called ¶Child,· yet too young to be named Elder.µ She hugged Kelly·s
shoulders. ´I am proud of her, for all she does, both magical and non-magical.µ
At that, Kelly blushed.
Enchantra was silent as she took the girl·s chin in her hand and peered
into her eyes. ´Ah, aye, I See now. There is something within that reminds me of
myself when I was young. There is a difficult and winding road ahead for you,
Kelina, but I believe you have the strength to endure. You will grow to be a very
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 139--

strong enchantress.µ The smile on her face grew and she kissed the girl·s cheek.
´You have your name, and the duties to go with it.µ
´What·s my new name, Mistress?µ Kelly asked, confused.
The Mistress kept her smile. ´You will see soon enough. For now, Lady, I
wish a word with you. Kelina, you may begin your patrols. Do not forget to take
your Protector with you.µ
Kelly nodded. ´Yes, Mistress.µ
At that, she saluted and left.
Lady Guardian stayed behind. ´I know what you·re thinking, Enchantra.µ
She smiled. ´Enchantress, is it? Interesting name, don·t you think?µ
´Aye, that it is, and I do.µ Enchantra supplied. ´Your turn, Lady. There·s
more to know of the Realms than just patrolling, you know. I will be the one to
teach you.µ

After Kelina stopped to retrieve her Protector in Bradley Allen, she headed
on her own patrols. She told him everything that happened at the Palace.
´She actually agreed?µ Bradley asked as they rode their Creature-horses
down the winding paths. He was amazed, for he knew the Mistress Sisters never
agreed that easily or quickly to anything; unless, that is, it suited them. ´So, did
she give you a name?µ
´I·m still trying to figure that out, Brad.µ Kelly supplied, biting her lip in
thought. ´I keep going over our conversation and coming up with nothing. I don·t
get it.µ
´What was the last thing she told you?µ Bradley asked, his mind reeling
with thought.
´I·ll grow to be a very strong enchantress.µ She said, half to herself, half to
´Do you think that·s it?µ He asked.
After a moment, she said. ´Enchantress? Why would she call me that?µ
´She said you reminded her of herself when she was younger.µ Bradley
supplied. ´Why not?µ
Kelly nodded, and smiled. ´Yeah, that·s right. She did say that, so why
She turned back to the path and her work with him following behind,
wondering what was on her mind.
Halfway through the wooded area, they saw a shadow flying above them.
They stopped, looking to the skies.
´Is that what I think it is?µ Bradley asked, hand to his head shading the
Kelly smiled, whispering. ´Dragon.µ She waved her arms to draw the
dragon·s attention.
The dragon soared down to them, changing form to half-immortal, half
dragon. He looked them in the eyes and bowed his head in greeting. ´Sulheya,
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 140--

´Uh, Sulheya Dragon, I guess.µ Bradley nervously nodded his head in

The Dragon laughed. ´The name is Terrantis, General Terrantis, head of
my Countess· Draconic Armies. You Younglings would be?µ
Kelly bowed from atop her horse. ´I am the Ancient Mystic previously
known as the Enchanted Child, and he·s Bradley Allen, my Earthly Protector. It·s
a pleasure to meet you, General.µ
´Pleasure is all mine, Child, Bradley Allen.µ Terrantis supplied, nodding
again to each of them. ´Why previously?µ
´I was just renamed the Enchantress.µ Kelly said. ´In my Realm, I·m
fourteen, and no longer a child, so I thought I should have a new name. Lady
Guardian, my mother, accompanied me to the Ancient Mystic·s Palace and
Mistress Enchantra.µ
At the name ´Lady Guardian,µ Terrantis· eyes widened. ´Lady Guardian is
your Mutyr?µ
´If ¶Mutyr· means mother, then yes, she is.µ Kelly supplied. ´Were you
going to see someone before I called you down?µ
´Actually, aye.µ Terrantis said. ´Quite coincidentally, I was searching for
your Mutyr. Have you seen her?µ
´I just left her side.µ Kelly responded. ´She·s still at the Palace.µ
´In the Realm of Dreams, I take it?µ Terrantis winced.
Kelly nodded. ´Maybe there·s something I can do for you?µ She
suggested. ´After all, I am her daughter. I have as much power as she does.µ
Terrantis watched the girl and her mate in thought. ´I do not doubt your
power, Enchantress.µ He supplied. After a moment, he nodded. ´Very well then.
You know of the Countess and the Dragon Nations, aye?µ
Both Kelly and Bradley nodded.
´In the Nations, there are stories about those called ¶The Lost Ones,·µ He
started. ´Named such because long ago, before what is now called the ¶Dragon·s
Fall,· our Lord Emperor awoke to find his mate and three children missing from
their beds. Many centuries have passed, and all that is left of them is stories.
Well, the Countess, who is Lord Emperor·s brattona, his sister, received word
about the possibility her own nieces and nephew might still live. She wishes to
have Lady Guardian investigate a place known as ¶Dragon·s Keep,· where it is
rumored the Lost Ones, at least the children, are staying.µ
´Why Momma?µ Kelly asked. ´Can·t I do it?µ
´The Countess has her reasons for only wanting the Lady to investigate.µ
Terrantis said. ´What you can do is tell her what I told you. That would be a
great help to us all.µ
Bradley was confused. ´All, as in the Dragons?µ
´Not only us in the Nations, but All Realms of All the Worlds.µ Terrantis
announced. ´My thanks ahead of time, Lady Enchantress.µ He placed a hand to
his heart and nodded his head, reciting. ´Live strong, live free, and live in
With a final word of ´Kaetaa,µ Terrantis was gone, leaving the two of them
staring after him.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 141--

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Maybe he·s right?     


   Could I be Turning Stalker? How could that
if I·m not a Dweller-kin? I·m just an Ancient Mystic who
happened to exchange blood with a Watcher-kin Sundancer, that·s all. Right?
 I have complete control of the Dark Magic within,
don·t I? I was able to control the Dream Realms· Sphere with no problems, wasn·t
)  I don·t know      
    I·ve got the
Dragon Magic, according to Enchantra, a wild magic from inside telling me things
I never knew before. I·m a great magician, hence my Dream Realm Persona, the
Grand Magus. Who am I, really?
Delve too deep in thoughts like that Blood-sister, and you could be stuck
flying in circles.1 


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Not in front of Ariana"

3Shedoesn·t know the full truth,


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 147--



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Beautiful, just like their mother.

Why, thank you, stranger.) 

      Did you want to tell me who you are and
why you·re haunting me?
Soon, Little
One, very soon, but first things first.
Aye?) ' 

Turn your children.
 Turn, as in Dweller-kin kind of Turn?
As you know it now, aye. Don·t deny them Immortality.
Why should I do what you say?)





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!* 0#




What did I just do?   
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 148--

Just as I told you to do, Little One.,   '

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 151--

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Damian couldn·t wait to execute his new plan. He took a handful of
Dominionite Warriors with him to the Dragon Nations. Once they reached the
Border FireWall in silence, he sensed something dark and powerful dwelling
within the Nations themselves. He only had to search and find it.
´I sense dark power nearby, Damian.µ Dominick told him. ´Could it be the
Black-as-Night Crystal you desire?µ
´I would count on it, Dominick.µ Damian supplied. He turned to Lord
Bane·s son. ´Call me Master, and help me with the FireWall.µ
´It looks pretty powerful in itself, Master.µ Dominick wasn·t impressed, but
realized then was not the time to retaliate against Damian. He·d have his chance
later, but not then. ´How do we get across the Border?µ
´Same as my dear cousin did years ago.µ Damian smiled. ´Help me with
an entrance spell.µ
The two of them made a doorway of magic to get themselves and their
small army through the FireWall. Once they were on the other side, General
Trenor greeted them.
´Halt! Who dares pass the FireWall into the Dragon Nations?µ Trenor
stood tall and frowned at them. ´Who dares bring Warriors into our lands without
permission from the Countess?µ
´Stop your blathering, dragon.µ Damian spat, shifting to a dragon himself.
´I have reason to believe a specific crystal is hiding within your precious Nations.µ
´What does it look like?µ Trenor asked. ´And who be ye to believe such a
´I am called Master of the Dominionites.µ Damian said, smiling. ´I believe
such a thing simply because I sensed it. The crystal belongs to me.µ
Trenor stared at Damian·s black eyes, shifting to Dominick·s red-black
eyes. ´What makes you think it is here? We hide no crystals or gems in our
Nations, the Countess knows of all.µ
´She does, does she?µ Dominick asked. ´By all means,µ he conjured his
lightning staff and pointed it at Trenor·s chest, ´take us to this Countess, and we
will see for ourselves.µ
Damian growled softly in Dominick·s direction.
´Follow me.µ Trenor turned on his heel. Opening his mind to Dracora, he
sent a message explaining what happened.
 Dracora sent back

    Trenor sent back.
 ) .

     Dracora sent.
Trenor sighed. ;
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 152--

´What are you sighing about, dragon?µ Dominick asked.

´Then name is Trenor.µ He growled, turning back to them. ´General Trenor
of the Draconian Armies.µ
´Good for you, General Trenor of the Draconian Armies.µ Damian said,
bored. ´Turn around and keep leading us to the Countess, or your name will be
the last thing you say.µ
Trenor wasn·t frightened of anything, especially threats from the one
calling himself ¶Master·.
He marched them through the many mazes of the Forest until Damian
became impatient.
´You are leading us in circles, dragon!µ Damian cried, stopping them all.
Trenor didn·t take offense, instead choosing to ignore his behavior. ´Oh,
am I? I do sincerely apologize.µ
     Trenor thought to her while staring
at Damian·s glare.
 . She answered back. %  ÷3 3( 

´Why do we not fly there?µ Trenor asked simply. ´It would be quicker.µ
´Fine.µ Damian huffed, shifting to his own dragon form. He took flight,
waiting for Trenor to shift his form and take to the skies as well.
Damian looked down to the Warriors and commanded. ´Go! Reek havoc in
the Nations!µ
Dominick smiled from below and nodded, leading them.
As they flew, Trenor continued his mental conversation with Dracora. 
" Dracora explained. ,   
3  "   
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Trenor growled softly under his breath. *


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   Trenor said.
Dracora sent with a smile. %  
Trenor rolled his eyes and continued to lead Damian to Monarch·s Glen.

Meanwhile, at Monarch·s Glen, Dracora sighed.

´What troubles you, Shylee?µ Asked the Lady Guardian, who was sitting
across from her in the Battle Room.
´Damian.µ Dracora supplied. ´Trenor is leading him here.µ
´And you into a trap.µ Ariana growled. ´No, I·ll not have it. I·ll get rid of
him myself.µ
Dracora stood up. ´Nay! It is fine, Lady, I promise. I have plans for that
cousin of yours. As for the small band of Dominionites he brought with him, my
people can take care of them.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 153--

´Are you sure?µ

´At your command, absolutely.µ Dracora sat. ´He wants the Black-as-
Night Crystal, let him try and take it from me.µ
´I thought Max sent it away, where it wouldn·t do any harm?µ Ariana
´Oh, he did, only, that Crystal somehow appeared in a small village outside
the old Empire of Mal·estar.µ The Countess supplied. She took a deep breath. ´It
is what brought my brother out of hiding after all this time.µ
´Brother?µ The Lady asked, ´As in, Shem Starchaser?µ
Dracora shook her head. ´Nay, as in my eldest brother, Lord Emperor
Draconis Dratianos.µ
The name struck something in Ariana·s mind, and memories in Dracora·s
´You told me very little about him; only, that long ago, his Empress took his
three children and fled, turning him Chaotic. You told me that chaos almost
destroyed the entire Nations.µ
´For awhile, it did.µ The Countess supplied sadly. ´When Draconis went
chaotic, I took a band of our people to your Realm. Before too long, our
Earthbound Draconians became known as the Dweller kin-Clans.µ
´So, what are we going to do about Damian?µ
´We are going to do nothing. I am going to handle him myself.µ Dracora
supplied. ´You, my dear Lady Guardian, are going to talk with Trenor and
Terrantis about commanding the Draconian Army.µ
´What about wanting me to investigate ¶the Lost Ones·?µ The Lady asked.
´Didn·t you summon me here for that?µ
´Aye, that I did, and I wish you to do that as well.µ Dracora smiled at her.
´If you think you can handle it.µ
The Lady Guardian of the Realms· face turned serious. ´Of course I can
handle it. I·ve only been taught by the best, you know.µ
Dracora laughed. ´Oh, I know all too well.µ
The Lady stood and placed a fist to her heart, quickly nodding her head. ´I
will take my leave then, my Countess.µ She thought of something and smiled
back. ´Try not to rough Damian up too much, okay? Leave some of him for me.µ
Dracora laughed again. ´Aye that I will. Kateea to you, Blu-Sita.µ
On that, the Lady disappeared and Dracora went to her Throne Room to
await Damian·s arrival.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 154--

Ê c


Lady Guardian flew over the Nations in her Dragonwolf form. There was a
lot that was going through her head; mostly, about the ¶Lost Ones· and Dracora·s
Emperor Brother. Something about both stories clicked in her mind.
She searched the ground below and found General Terrantis talking with a
few soldiers. When she descended to greet him, she heard him giving them their
´No stone unturned, gentlemen.µ Terrantis supplied. ´Be on the lookout
and watch your backs.µ
Lady Guardian cleared her throat to get his attention. He turned to her and
nodded before returning to his soldiers. ´Keep me informed. You are excused.µ
They saluted and left.
´How may I help you, Lady?µ Terrantis asked, smiling.
´I see you·ve already heard the news.µ The Lady supplied. ´Damian is on
his way to Monarch·s Glen with Trenor and he brought a band of Dominionites
with him. It would seem he knows the Black-as-Night Crystal was hidden here,
and he wants it back.µ
Terrantis shook his head. ´I heard. There is no use messing with the
Countess. You, of all people, know this.µ
´I also know that Crystal·s purpose and powers.µ The Lady announced.
´If he gets his hands on it, who knows what else he·ll try.µ
´·Try· being the operative word.µ Terrantis smiled. ´He will not succeed in
getting the Crystal, I assure you.µ
The Lady nodded. ´At any rate, his Dominionites were told to wreak havoc,
and they need to be taken care of. Dracora put me in charge of the Draconian
´She did, did she?µ Terrantis asked, impressed. ´In that case, what are
your orders, Lady Guardian?µ
The Lady smiled. ´From what I saw and heard, you were already ahead of
Terrantis grinned back. ´You are a great leader, Lady.µ
The Lady laughed. ´I hope you·re right. Oh, before I forget, what do you
know about the rumors concerning the ¶Lost Ones·?µ
´It is said the three children of Dracora·s brother are hiding out in a place
called ¶Dragon·s Keep·.µ Terrantis supplied.
The Lady was confused. ´Where·s that?µ
´Have you ever been over the mountain region?µ
She shook her head.
´Hmm.µ He thought to himself, and brightened. ´How about this, Lady?
Have you ever seen the Dragon·s Mountain this side of the Nations and Realm of
Dreams border?µ
Ariana gasped. ´Yeah, I·ve been near there in my patrols!µ
´Good, good.µ Terrantis remarked. ´About a mile northeast from there is a
cave, with an opening just big enough for a full-size wolf and their cubs.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 155--

Dragon·s Keep, which is ran by a Sphinx-Immortal named Lady Aura, is not far
from there. You will Feel it before you see it.µ
´Really?µ Ariana asked, in thoughts of her own. She sensed something in
the air and nodded before taking flight. ´Thanks, General!µ
´Need not worry about the Countess, Lady Guardian.µ Terrantis told her
as she floated in midair. ´We will watch over her while you defeat the Master.µ
´Damian is no Master, Terrantis.µ Ariana laughed. ´But I will stay mind-to-
mind with all three of you. If you need me, Call me.µ
Terrantis nodded. ´As for you, go see Lady Aura. See if our suspicions on
the ´Lost Ones· is correct.µ
The Lady saluted, nodding her head as she left him.


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 156--

'  % 

Ariana Reading, the Lady Guardian of the Realms, headed to where
Terrantis said Dragon·s Keep was. He was right; she Felt it as she descended to
the gates. She was reminded of the memory-dreams she had before the war,
when she was helping Braken Joel Hawk with the Elder Companions from the
A certain power pulled at her from inside as she paused at the gates, telling
her something at Dragon·s Keep was familiar.
As she entered the gates, a red-haired, emerald-colored cat-eyed Sphinx-
Immortal Companion-looking woman greeted her.
´May I help you?µ The woman asked politely. When she saw the Dream
Pendant attached to Ariana·s cape, she immediately bowed. ´Sulheya, Lady
Guardian! It truly is a pleasure to meet you at last!µ
Ariana was confused. ´I·m sorry.µ She stammered, hand to her heart.
´How do you know me?µ
The woman shook her head and smiled. ´I am Lady Aura, Den-Mother of
Dragon·s Keep. I recognized your pendant and have heard a lot about you.µ She
paused. ´Is there something I can do for you?µ
´Invite me in, for one.µ Lady Guardian smiled. She relaxed around this
particular Lady. Her sensors told her to be alert of her surroundings and not to
rush through her small quest.
´Oh, certainly!µ Lady Aura supplied. ´My deepest of apologies, Lady
Guardian. Do come in. I will have one of the gryphonlets make you some tea.µ
´That won·t be necessary, Lady Aura.µ Ariana put her hand up, silently
telling her to stop. Once the two women were seated at a small table in the
kitchen, Ariana continued. ´I·m here on business of the Countess Dracora at
Monarch·s Glen.µ
Lady Aura·s eyes widened. ´Would it be about three dragonlets once
thought lost to this Realm long ago? Those named the ¶Lost Ones·?µ
Ariana nodded. ´That·s my business, all right. How did you know about
´I am a Draconian, aged one thousand of the Mortallan Realm·s years.
How could I not know of them?µ Lady Aura smiled. ´What do you know of
´Enough to investigate it for my Blu-Sita.µ Ariana supplied, using the same
term for ¶blood-sister· Dracora had used on her. It was Draconian, and Ariana
was surprised it simply rolled off her tongue.
Lady Aura·s smiled widened. ´I suppose the rumors of three dragonlets
that reminded me of them are why you are here?µ
´That·s right, m·Lady.µ Ariana nodded. ´Can you tell me more about
them? Why do the three dragonlets remind you of the Emperor·s lost children?µ
´They have a certain quality to them.µ Lady Aura replied. ´All three can
shift not only to Draconian form, but Wolfkin as well. The only ones I ever heard
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 157--

about that could do just that were the Emperor·s Dra·Nie and the younger
identical twin Dra·Nias.µ
´I·m sorry ² Dra·Nie?µ
Lady Aura paused. ´I apologize once again, Lady Guardian. I thought you
knew the Empiric Draconian tongue.µ
´Only that of what I hear Dracora using, and that·s not much.µ
´Dra·Nie means Prince-Heir, as Dra·Nias means Princess-Heirs.µ Lady
Aura supplied.
´I see.µ Ariana said. ´Go on.µ
´Ah, yes.µ Lady Aura started. ´The one clue that reminded me of them
most is the fact the twins, Melodia and Sophia, are identical. The last known
Dragonlets born identical twins were the Princesses, Locanna and Locarra
Dratianos. It is rare indeed for identical twins to be born in the Nations, let alone
three sets within two generations!µ
´What do you mean? Seeming how dragons are born at least four or five to
a nest at a time, wouldn·t it be common to have identical twins?µ Ariana asked.
´After all, I·m a twin, and so is my mother Susan. Her mother was a twin and so
was my great-grandmother Enchantra. They kind of run in the family.µ
´Perhaps for Ancient Mystics, aye, but not Dragons.µ Lady Aura
responded. ´I was only a kitten myself when I followed my parents to Mal·estar·s
Castle. It was during the Mating Festival. I watched as Dra·Nie Lord Draconis
and his twin brother Drakkar were Mated to twin Dragonwolves, Adellandra and
Adarramena Dranna. The women were daughters of the then-Head of the
Armies, Sir Airemus Dranna, who was a Fire Dragon and his mate of the Wolf-
Packs· She-Wolf, Katerina Mout·ella. Anyway,µ She shook her head and took a
breath. ´It wasn·t long when Lord Draconis and his mate of Lady Adellandra
were Emperor and Empress of Mal·estar. It brought the dwindling, yet hated
Dragonwolf-Packs and the entire Dragon Nations together in peace. That peace
did not last long; for shortly after Lady Empress had her twin Kanas, war broke
out between our Realm and that of the Demons. Before she and the children
could be caught up in the disaster that erupted, she ran away, never to be heard
from again.µ
A young Dragonwolf girl with gray fur and dragon·s wings offered Lady
Aura a cup of hot tea. She nodded to the girl. ´Thank you, Melodia.µ
Melodia folded her hands and nodded to both before turning to leave.
Ariana stared in thought. , 
she thought
to herself. ÷


´Are you all right, My Lady Guardian?µ Aura asked gently.
Ariana nodded, blinking to return her attention and thoughts to the Lady.
´Oh, certainly, Lady Aura. I·m fine.µ It was a bland answer, but it sufficed.
There was just so much on her mind it confused her. She rose from her seat.
´Thank you, Lady Aura. You·ve been a big help in this investigation. I·ll return
later to look into it more. Right now, I·ll return to Dracora with what you told me.µ
Lady Aura rose again, and bowed. ´I should thank you, Lady Guardian.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 158--

Ariana was confused. ´Thank me?µ

´Aye, thank you.µ Lady Aura supplied. ´For bringing the Nations one step
closer to eternal peace and serenity.µ
Ariana reddened. ´I·ve nothing to do with it. I·m just doing my job as Lady
´You are doing a fine job indeed.µ Lady Aura announced.
Ariana left at that, and shifted her own form to a Dragonwolf before
heading to Monarch·s Glen.



!,   % " "





2+ #      













, '   



 6 * 





Who are you to probe the Lady·s mind?  



  ' , 
 Leave her be,
or you will pay!
÷       "

  !% ) 

Who I am is no concern of yours, Mortal. , 
Just know
if you try to probe her mind again, yours will explode and you will pay with your
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 159--






Ariana as the Lady Guardian in her Dragonwolf form told Dracora what
had transpired.
The Countess was in awe, shocked as she stared into space for a few
moments, holding her chest. ´The rumors are true then? The ¶Lost Ones·, my
nephew and nieces are truly alive?µ
Ariana nodded, confused. ´I guess so. Now what do we do about it?µ
Dracora clapped her hands. ´Tell their Dratyr the news. His children have
been found! Peace in the Dragon Nations is assured!µ
´I·m sorry, Dracora, but ¶Dratyr·?µ Ariana asked, wondering why her
blood-sister was acting so strange.
´My brother Draconis Dratianos, Lord Emperor of Mal·estar is the father of
those three dragonlets.µ Dracora announced, excited. ´It·s been told he·s
returned to Mal·estar with his duo Drakkar and our younger brother Dranus.
He·ll be ecstatic to hear the news.µ Dracora hugged her. ´Go, Ariana. Go to
Mal·estar and tell Lord Draconis about his children. You will know what to do
after that.µ
´Wait, Dracora!µ Ariana cried when she pulled back.
Dracora met her eyes. ´Aye?µ
´What and where is Mal·estar?µ She asked. ´I·ve never heard of it but
from you. You never told me where it was.µ
´Mal·estar is the Capital Empire of the Dragon Nations.µ Dracora did
something that astonished her. She kissed Ariana·s cheek and hugged her
shoulders. ´Fly toward Dragon·s Keep and you will see it in the distance. Follow
your heart.µ
Though still confused, especially at the last statement, she nodded before
saluting and disappearing.
Dracora sighed after her, happy for the first time in millennias.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 160--

% $

Ariana wore her Fighter·s Gear, a pair of breeches made of surprisingly
comfortable brown leather. The shirt had plumy sleeves that made it easy to
move, with a slit in the back for her wings. She had a thick leather belt with two
pouches. The first pouch was long enough for the very Dragon Dagger Dracora
used to bind them. The second was the magical wand Mystica gave her so long
ago, before she became a Goddess. At her back in its hard magicked-metal
sheath was the Spiritblade she used in the War of the Realms to destroy both
Crucis and Orthos.
Lady Guardian Ariana approached Lord Emperor Draconis Dratianos
slowly. As she had been taught, she bowed to him. He was on his Throne, staring
down at her in her favorite form, the dragon-winged wolf. Ariana bowed her
head, not meeting his eyes, and waiting for him to speak.
"Rise and speak." His voice was rough and demanded respect.
First, she thought. Introductions. "I am known as the Lady Guardian of the
Realms, Ancient Mystic's Goddess of Spirit and blood-Sister to the Countess
Lord Draconis huffed and stared. Lady Guardian continued.
"I heard from Dracora about those you called 'The Lost Ones.'" Draconis
held his breath and nodded. "I believe I have found them. They're in a place not
far from here called Dragon's Keep, which is run by Lady Aura."
Lord Draconis stood and frowned, growling. "Bring me proof by daybreak,
Lady Guardian."
"There is no need to growl at me, Lord Draconis," Ariana snapped right
back. "I merely tell you of my suspicions. I may not be all-knowing and tyrannical
like you but I at least know how to treat other Lords and Ladies."
Draconis growled louder, but was silenced by her icy stare. The heat within
her bubbled to the surface and she could feel her eyes getting redder and more
Knowing she had his attention, she then growled. "With respect.µ
He stepped down from his Throne and whispered in her ear, hands behind
his back. "You had better watch yourself M·Lady Guardian or the darkness that
dwells within you will escape from even my sister's grasp."
Ariana gasped, as did Dracora in her mind. "How did you know?"
Lord Draconis sat back on his Throne. "You are not the only Ancient Mystic
plagued by the Darkness, you know."
She stared into his dark onyx-black eyes. They were mesmerizing and
familiar. Ariana gulped, quickly looking down and blushing. "Going on, about 'The
Lost Ones.'"
Lord Draconis nodded, twitching his tail and smiling. "What about them?"
She decided to be diplomatic, yet polite. "Could you be so kind as to tell me
more about them so I can investigate and provide you with the proof you so
desperately need?" Ariana grinned back.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 161--

His whole demeanor softened as he told her the tale. His Empress,
Adellandra Mout·ella Dranna Dratianos, had run away from him one day, taking
their three young children, Kronin, Locarra and Locanna with her. Neither she nor
the children were heard from since. Draconis turned chaotic shortly after that and
all hell broke loose. He searched everywhere for them but couldn't find them.
There had been once rumors of a lonely old Dragonwolf-maiden who lived alone
in the hutch-cave of her youth, but they turned to be unfounded. Every time he
went to look, she was gone and no one was there.
"In fact," He said softly. "Nothing was there but old, dusty remnants of
yesterdays gone."
Ariana took a deep breath and Felt the sadness he Felt. "I am sorry for
your losses, Lord Emperor Draconis. I will be sure to bring them all back for you,
so peace can be restored to both your heart and the very spirit of Mal'estar."
Draconis slowly came down from his Throne again and did something that
perhaps shocked the both of them. He hugged her, kissing her cheek and hand.
"Spoken like a true Lady."
Ariana smiled. They stared at each other for a moment, each thinking their
own insane thoughts of each other. He squeezed her hands and kissed them. "By
daybreak, please, Lady. I do not think I can bear much longer than that."
She bowed to him. "T'would be my pleasure, Lord."
Before he could say anything else, Lady Guardian left.

Lord Draconis smiled at the place she disappeared. A figure came out of
the shadows and asked. ´Was that who I think it was, Branno?µ
He nodded. ´Aye, Dranus. That was my Empress.µ
´How did she survive for so long?µ
´I was asking myself the same thing.µ Lord Draconis remarked. He turned
to his Brother-Bodyguard. ´Feel up for a visit to Monarch·s Glen?µ
Dranus· eyes widened, and for the first time in a long time, he smiled. ´I
thought you would never ask.µ
When they arrived at Monarch·s Glen·s castle, they found Dracora talking
to Terrantis with her back to them. Terrantis noticed but ignored them.
´Lady Princess Dracora Dratianos,µ Draconis started, keeping his eye on
her. ´It sure has been a long time, hasn·t it, Brattona?µ
Dracora froze in her spot while Terrantis stood and watched them. He and
Dranus were silent behind each of the siblings.
´I knew it!µ Dracora ran to her older Lord Brother and hugged him. ´I
knew you·d returned, Draconis!µ
´·Cora, I never left.µ Draconis pointed out in her ear. ´Neither did Dranus.µ
Dracora pulled back and stared at him for a moment before slapping his
cheek. Her smile turned to a frown and her hands hit her hips. ´How dare you,
Draconis Vilinos Dratianos! How dare you leave me with the care of the Nations
while you go Chaotic and nearly destroy it!µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 162--

Draconis put his hands up in surrender, not even fazed by the slap.
´Brattona, calm down, pleska.µ
Dracora huffed and relaxed. ´Where have you been since the Dragon·s
He shrugged. ´Around. Does it matter? I·m back in our beloved Nations,
only to find an Ancient Mystic woman naming herself the Lady Guardian and
your Blood-Sister claim she has found my children.µ
´Did you recognize her in any way?µ Dracora asked, waiting for his
answer. ´She was in Dragonwolf form.µ
´Not at first, no.µ Draconis supplied. ´When she growled at me about
respecting Lords and Ladies of the Realms, I saw the fire in her eyes. That fire
reminded me of my dear Empress. Tell me, Dracora, where did you find her?µ
´How much time do you have?µ Dracora asked him with a smile.
´I told her to bring me proof by daybreak, so we have until then.µ Draconis
supplied. ´Shall we take a walk?µ
Dracora smiled. ´Aye, Lord Bratton. We have a lot to catch up on. Such
as, is Scar with you, haunting the Grand Magus?µ
Draconis wrapped his arm around her waist and eyed Dranus, nodding for
him to follow before telling her. ´Yes, and no. You see; it·s quite by accident he
returned to Mal·estar.µ
The three siblings of Dracora, Draconis and Dranus walked around the
grounds of Monarch·s Glen for the rest of the afternoon, swapping stories and
catching up. 
One afternoon, not so long after they arrived, it was the Spirit Dragon
Kronin·s turn for yard work at Dragon·s Keep. His twin sisters were off having
their lessons somewhere else and he felt safe with them being with the other
dragonlet children. Lady Aura interrupted him, with the one named Lady
Guardian following beside her. Again, the magical woman caught his senses and
he perked his ears to listen in.
"They came to us, Lady Guardian." Lady Aura told her. "They just
appeared, as children often do, and have been a blessing ever since. Krogan is
like an angel sent from the Goddess Herself!"
Kronin grinned to himself.
"Are you sure they're orphaned?" Lady Guardian asked. "Did Krogan ever
tell you of his parentage?"
"Nay, nor did I ask." Lady Aura shook her head sadly. "Poor dears."
"I'll see what I can do, Lady Aura." Lady Guardian announced.
That's when he heard a gentle purr in his mind, almost maternal. % 
Lady Guardian approached him and grinned.      
9 She thought to herself, keeping calm.
"Hello there. May I have a word with you?"
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 163--

Kronin met her silver-blue eyes. "Eyes like the stars." He whispered,
bowing. "Aye, my Lady Guardian of the Realms."
Lady Guardian grinned. "Smart dragon."
Kronin nodded.
Lady Guardian turned to Lady Aura. "Lady, I would like to speak with him
alone, if you don't mind. Find his sisters and bring them to me."
Lady Aura bowed. "Right away, Lady Guardian. Certainly."
Lady Guardian took a deep breath and let it out. "Well, Young one, I have
good news for you."
"I am listening, my Lady."
"I believe I found your father." She supplied. Kronin's ears perked. "Knew
you'd like that. Anyway, my blood-bound sister, Countess Dracora of the Dragon
Nations, has told me about the three Royal Children named 'the Lost Ones'. Now,
I didn't know anything about them, so she sent me to her brother in the empire of
Now that grabbed his attention. "Mal'estar."
"Aye, Mal'estar. Well, I sought and found Dracora's brother, Lord Draconis
Dratianos." She continued, watching him. "After nearly killing each other, I told
him what she said. I demanded an explanation of who the 'Lost Ones' were. His
face and voice grew solemn and dark when he told me about them, and a little
about his mate, Adellandra." She paused, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I
believe with all that is within me that you are Lord Draconis' son, Kronin
Slowly, a small hint of realization set in. "Dratyr...µ He whispered, his voice
Before she could react or say a word, Lady Aura came back with the twins.
"Lady Aura, gather their things." Lady Guardian commanded. "They'll be
coming with me and not returning."
"Oh, certainly." Lady Aura announced, confused. "May I ask why?"
Lady Guardian grinned. "I have found their Dratyr." She looked to Kronin,
whose eyes lit up. "I wish to reunite them."
Lady Aura clapped her hands and the twins hugged Lady Guardian.
Once Lady Guardian shifted her form to a Dragonwolf, which reminded
Kronin of his mutyr, they soared the skies toward Mal'estar.
When they arrived at the Castle's Main Hall, Lady Guardian folded her
wings behind her and escorted them straight to Lord Draconis' Throne. Kronin
looked up to meet his eyes, as well as those belonging to the male he'd known as
"Lord Draconis, may I announce Kronin, Locarra and Locanna?" Lady
Guardian replied. "I believe they are the 'Lost Ones.'"
Draconis stood and Kronin bowed. "What is your given name, Young
"I am Prince Kronin Draconis Dratianos, Heir to the Dragon Throne and
your kano." Kronin supplied, and met his dratyr's eyes. "Need I continue?"
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 164--

"Actually, aye." The Emperor of Mal'estar wasn't convinced. "If you are
truly my Kano, Kronin, than tell me the motto of Mal'estar -- in both your blood
Kronin grinned and nodded, telling him first in Draconian, then in Ancient
When Lord Draconis and Kronin met eyes, there was shock in the
Draconis nodded again, this time, smiling. "Kanas! Kano! I have missed
you so!" He embraced his children with a hug. "Thank you, Lady Guardian, for
bringing my children back to me."
Lady Guardian nodded. "My pleasure, Lord Draconis." She supplied. "I
know how important family is."
Kronin spoke up. "Uh, Dratyr, have you found Mutyr?"
Draconis smiled at Lady Guardian and nodded at her.
Lady Guardian was shocked. "Oh no, Lord Draconis. I am not your mate.
I have an Earthly Protector of my own already and I'm not so sure he'd oblige."
Kronin turned to her and grasped her hand. "Eyes of the Stars, Lady
Guardian? Magic of both wolfkin and dragons?"
"Prince Kronin, it's impossible!" She announced. "I am an Ancient Mystic,
not a Draconian or a Wolfkin of the Packs."
"Yet you have a form of the Dragonwolf." Lord Draconis smiled.
"My Lord, no." Lady Guardian huffed. "It means nothing. Ancient Mystics
are able to shift their forms to whichever they like. I just happen to like the
strength of the dragon and beauty of the wolf. That's it."
Lord Draconis laughed, and placed a kiss on her hand. "I will explain later.
For now, I need time with my children. I need to introduce them to their half-
siblings, Tristian and Ravena."
Sighing, Lady Guardian clicked her heals and left.
Kronin stared after her.
"Come, Kano." Draconis supplied, also staring after her. "She will know
herself in time. He clasped his son's shoulders. "Now then, to meet Tris and
Kronin only gulped, then nodded, following wherever his Dratyr led him.
It took a few months to readjust himself with his Dratyr and Nation. He
took to Dranus' and Draconis' sides in his Sovereign Duties. Draconis told him the
story of Mal'estar, shortly after his mate took them away, ending to recently. It
only confirmed the rumors and stories he'd heard while in the Realm of Dreams
all those years ago. Kronin told him what had been happening, and his feelings
he had about Lady Guardian. Draconis only grinned, knowing more than even
his son.

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 165--










  ) .




I have to find a compromise      
Between my
duties as Lady Guardian and those in this Realm as a mother, wife and sister.
Why can·t I do both and make everyone happy? Why can·t I be happy anymore?




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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 166--




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So I wasn't the only one.

73 3

7% 4 %
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One night, Kronin was curious and headed to his father·s Battle Room,
where he found him mulling over books and papers at his desk.
Lord Draconis sensed him and asked. "Is there something bothering you,
Kronin looked down. "What of Mutyr?"
Lord Draconis grinned. "She is slowly coming to her senses. I assure you,
within a month's time, she will return to us indefinitely."
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Nay," Lord Draconis shook his head. "For now, there is a delicate
situation. She harbors within her the Ancient Mystic's version of Thorn, or at least
his emotions. They are eating her Empathy alive. She is going through a lot and I
must plan it accordingly."
"Is there anyway of destroying the evil within without it destroying her?"
Kronin asked.
Lord Draconis nodded. "I have been working on that for months now." He
said, staring into space. "Your mutyr and my sweet Empress Adellandra has
somehow been reborn and blooded by the Ancient Mystics. She has lost her true
memories of the Nations but not of her true-self. It is sad she struggles with all
three bloods in her system, but our beloved Empress will return to us. By the
blood of Mal'estar, we will be one again!"
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 167--

Kronin was speechless, knowing his Lord Dratyr was serious, and lost in
his obsession over his Empress. Draconis never saw or heard his own kano
disappear and leave.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 168--

-  , /-




 . , .



7   ' ) .

 7      ' 7
He Feels a little happier than he was when I first met him.

 7% '  

Emperor Draconis Vilinos Dratianos, am I your mate?"
&  "


  ) .

 6   %  


    7%   6
  7      3  ,  

  '7  337    

Somehow, Ariana Moon doesn·t seem right to me anymore.    

* "

    "Lady Empress of Mal'estar, Dragon Goddess,
Mutyr to our children, my love and true-mate."

7"     /  7

 7%/   7
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 169--

7    4  '  4& 3 7


7(   7

     &   7


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 7, $,

Gods   Could I really drink blood as a vampire?
7$  '  7  

  7         5




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* 4 was 










"Drink, my love...Feel everything you had before...remember yourself as my
mate, my Empress, my Goddess!" 
  0 ' 

 "Drink in all that you are to me, to this Nation, to All the Realms of All
the Worlds. Merge memories with me, share with me what love and life you have
now and had all these many long years away from my embrace."
"I remember it all." 
    '  4  



c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 170--



       0  '
7. 7



   '  $


  Pure bliss


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' 7

 "  3 , my Emperor. Let us become one once
"To eternities end."
"Light to dark and dark to light, we are balanced."


The Ancient Mystic·s Grand Magus of the Realms flew in her own
Dragonwolf form, searching for answers. She descended near a warn-down
hutch-cave, deep in the Dragon Nations.
´·Darra?µ She heard the familiar voice of Scar from behind her. Turning,
she met his dark eyes. ´So, it  you?µ He asked, walking closer to her.
She shook her head, confused. ´I don·t know who I am, Scar.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 171--

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head. ´You are my
Little One.µ He told her. ´And my name is not Scar.µ She waited, pulled to his
dark eyes and mesmerizing smile. ´It is Lord Drakkar Dratianos. I am Emperor
Draconis· duo, just as you are his Empress· duo, Lady Adarramena Dranna
´I don·t understand.µ Adarra sighed. ´What happened, what·s going on?µ
He caressed her cheek gently. ´I have the answers to your unending
questions, mia lanta.µ
´·Mia lanta.·µ She echoed, searching her vocabulary for a translation.
´That·s ¶my love· in Draconian. Isn·t it?µ
Drakkar nodded, smiling. ´I see your memories are returning.µ He
supplied. ´Would you like to know everything?µ
Something in his words told her to believe him. She nodded.
He bent his head and kissed her lips, sharing with her a vision and
memory from the distant past.

 (  "





 "  %   






If you must, draw on her magic."




 ! 1 

  3 3  3 





I will not have you die on me, Adarramena! Draw on
her magic ² NOW!


  I·m sorry, ¶Della«
+  3  






c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 172--

In the present, Drakkar ended the kiss and stared at her eyes. ´Well?µ
´What was that? It was us, I know, but how?µ Adarra asked. ´Who·s
Drakkar could only smile. ´Would you like to know more? What happened
after that?µ
Adarra was insistent. ´Yes. Please, Drakkar. Tell me everything. I have
to know!µ
He laughed lightly. ´Very well, if you insist, lanta.µ He bent down to kiss
her again, giving her yet another vision-memory.










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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 173--


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 174--

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 175--





  ' "


When he broke the kiss this time, he held her tight. ´I knew it was only a
matter of time before we reunited. I just had to keep hoping for your return.µ
She didn·t hear him. The two vision-memories echoed in her mind. ´Our
whole lives were based on lies.µ She whispered, pulling away from him. ´If what
you sent me was true, Ariana and I were just pawns for the Ancient Mystics.µ
´We have them to thank, dearest.µ Drakkar told her. ´If it had not been for
them, neither of you would be alive now.µ
´But they played with our lives!µ Adarra cried. ´Sure, they rescued us
from death and all that, but for what? So they could mold us into their own
images and declare it destiny? What did they want us for, anyway?µ
´Adarramena, please. Calm yourself.µ Drakkar tried, stepping closer to
her. ´Enchantra and O·Dell saw something in each of you. I know not what now,
but whatever it was brought you back to me. That is the most important thing of
´Why is it so important anyway?µ She asked. ´I have a family in the Outer
Realm. Friends, children, an Earthly Protector husband. I have a life outside of
this Realm.µ
´It·s important because we are and always have been mates.µ Drakkar
supplied gently. He didn·t like the fact another male was in his place, nor did he
like that she loved him. He ignored that for now, hoping to remind her of their
love. ´Since we mated before the Dragon·s Fall, we have always been together.
It was only recently, when you became Blood-sister to Firestorm, that I found you
again. I·ve searched endlessly for you, hoping that you would find your way
´How?µ Adarra asked, calming down. ´How did you know about that?µ
Drakkar shrugged and grinned. ´Let·s just say I told him to do it.µ
´You were the one to make him break his promise to Dixilynne and
Celeste?µ Adarra asked. ´They·re both pretty strict. How did you do it?µ
´I told them who I was, and neither could refuse me.µ Drakkar smiled. He
kissed her again. ´I love you, Adarramena Dranna, and I will always love you.µ
He took her hand and led her inside the hutch-cave. ´Come, let me show you.µ
Adarra·s heart pounded, letting her know she was doing the right thing. All
doubts she·d had before about him vanished.
She knew, in her heart, everything would work out.


3  3)


Was it all just a dream?     
 Was Lord Draconis just another figment of my over-stressed, confused
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 176--

 Couldn·t be,   His love for me felt so









 It·s okay, Mother. I
understand and forgive you.
     When did you start sending
messages with words and feelings instead of just images?
Silly Mother. ,   I am my father·s son. It·s in my blood.




Of course it is, Theodore. 












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- !(33   &    #
She stuttered, which means she·s keeping something from me. 


  !   /  
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 177--

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It all made sense,     
Why Ariana and I were so
different, even from our Mystic siblings. Why we both had images of dragon-
males claiming to be our mates from long ago. The reasons we had memories
and magic unlike any other Ancient Mystic, and how I always wanted to learn
more. I already knew what I was doing, even from the beginning. It all made

I never want to lose what we
have, Shane; even if it means losing my new love of Drakkar.
I hope you are kidding, Little One. "





That·s an invasion of privacy, Drakkar.       I don·t
care if you were my mate, I don·t like my thoughts being read by everyone who
thinks they can hear them. They·re mine to think.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 178--


   $    I knew you would say that,
Little One. As I observe you everyday, you·re getting more and more like my old
Adarramena. "

   I guess I should thank Firestorm and his

  Do what you want; you always have before. Meanwhile,

I·m going to start my day by checking up on  and my children.
Adarramena Dratianos, I wish you would rid yourself of the Mortal. He is
Stop being so jealous! 


 '  "




c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 179--



Drakkar Dratianos found his way back to Mal·estar after Adarra·s very
sharp, very rude thought to his mind. He stormed through the Chamber room
doors, growling under his breath.
´·Karr?µ It was his duo, Lord Draconis· voice that startled him. ´What·s
wrong? Why storm through my Chambers? Do you not have any respect, even
for your Lord Emperor?µ
Drakkar stopped in his tracks and looked up. His Emperor-twin brother·s
eyes were red but patient. ´Apologies, bratton.µ
´That·s better.µ Draconis smiled. ´Now, do you want to tell me what
happened between you and your mate or am I only left to guess?µ
´Adarramena insists on keeping that Mortal with her!µ Drakkar
exasperated after explaining. ´I do not understand it.µ
´Does she remember who she really is?µ Draconis asked.
His brother shook his head. ´Not fully, no.µ
´That is why.µ Draconis announced. ´Not to worry, bratton. She will soon
see who she really is, and come back to you in no time.µ
Drakkar told him what he·d done by placing his memories of the Ancient
Mystic·s blooding the siblings in Adarra·s mind.
Draconis closed his eyes and shook his head. ´You will never learn.µ
´What did I do wrong now?µ Drakkar moaned.
Draconis never had the chance to answer. Instead, the female voice of their
sister Dracora boomed matter-of-factly. ´You forced her to See something she
was not ready to See.µ The Countess nodded to her older brothers as she
approached the Thrones. ´The young Adarra may have welcomed your voice in
her mind and love into her heart, but she was still not ready to learn the truth.µ
´What about Adellandra?µ Drakkar asked them both. ´Was she ready to
learn who she was?µ
Draconis nodded. ´She was more than ready, thanks to our Brattona.µ
´Not only me, Satil.µ Dracora grinned, using the Wolf-Speak word for
¶brother·. ´The Ancient Mystics helped by keeping them alive in midst the chaos
of war. I only nudged her by Feeding on her during delegations for the Mortallan
´I know the story.µ Draconis· frown turned to a smile. Dracora smiled as
well. ´You Fed from her, forcing my beloved to Drink from you; all without her
knowledge or consent. Now, while I first thought it was wrong as well, I now
thank you. By placing that compulsion spell on her, it readied her mind and
magic for what was to come. Therefore, she was ready to return to me.µ
´Well, I did help more than that.µ Dracora supplied. ´When I heard a
rumor about the ¶Lost ones,· I had to interfere. Based on what I heard and saw in
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 180--

the recent War of the Realms, how she reacted to our Dweller-kin leader Ramon
and the Hunters· presence, I knew she was ready to reunite them.µ
Draconis laughed. ´Brattona, I know the story; the 
Adellandra allowed me to share with her memories of her true self. It would
seem when she Fed from me for the first time in ages, she remembered
everything, sharing it with me.µ
Drakkar sighed. ´So, you got your dear Empress back. Big deal. What
about Adarramena?µ
´It will take more than you to remind her of her true-self.µ The three
siblings heard their younger brother, Dranus announce from behind Draconis.
All three were surprised to hear Dranus say anything on the matter. He
was usually silent, listening as he played the role of Draconis· Branno, his
brother-like bodyguard.
He continued. ´As you can recall, Lady Adarramena was pretty stubborn.
She always had to learn on her own, even with you around. So, in order for her
to remember and accept what the fates had brought her and her siblings, she has
to do so on her own.µ
´For once, you are right, Dranus.µ Dracora supplied.
Drakkar growled, angry. ´Enough! I do not care how long it takes her, I
will have her back!µ
´As you will!µ Draconis growled back. ´She and Adellandra are fighting
with their old nemesis within their minds. We must all have patience. I, for one,
am willing to wait for her permanent return to my side as my Empress. Now then,
you will leave here and not return until you can act appropriately in my
The twins growled at each other until Drakkar shifted to his demi-form of
half-dragon, half-immortal male, and disappeared.
Dracora and Dranus looked at each other, silently waiting until Draconis
calmed himself. For eons, the twins were always at each other·s throats. It was
only when they mated with the Dranna twins Adellandra and Adarramena that
they actually acted like brothers should.
Silently seething, Draconis quietly announced. ´Leave, both of you.µ
´I will not.µ Dranus supplied, shaking his head.
´Nor will I.µ Dracora said. ´We must stay together as a familia. Peace in
our Nations depends on it.µ
Draconis, Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations looked at each of his
younger siblings. He knew his sister was right, but he never liked waiting. He
also knew Dranus would never leave his side. They were Brannos.
Draconis sighed.
Both Dranus and Dracora smiled at each other.
´Let·s go see what more we can do about my Empress· return.µ Draconis
supplied, grinning.

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 181--




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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 182--




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Dracora Dratianos, known also as Shylee Starchaser, Queen of the
Dweller-kin, looked over the ledge of her old quarters at Mal·estar. The balcony
was the same as it always had been, the lush greenery snaked its way up the
ledge·s ladder and led to wrap itself around one of the balcony·s small pillars.
Her mind wandered to the days long ago, the happy days and sad days,
the memories bouncing from one moment to the next without stopping. What she
thought most was of her Lady Empress-Sita, who she was very close to.
Adellandra Mout·ella Dranna had always held a special place in her heart.
´You know, Brattona, you can return to Monarch·s Glen anytime you wish.µ
She heard her oldest brother Draconis· voice say softly from behind her.
She turned to him and smiled. At last, the hard-headed once-chaotic
brother had softened, and was happy again. ´Trying to rid of me already, Satil?µ
´Nay, never.µ Draconis laughed, hugging her and kissing her cheek. ´Why
do you insist on using Wolf-Speak?µ
´The Packs are still part of our Nations, even if they are hidden in the
Realm of Dreams.µ Dracora remarked. ´Since Chase Moondancer raised Ramon,
and taught his Apprentice-kin mate Celeste the language, both of them are used
once again.µ She paused. ´After all, Bratton, we are part Wolfkin as well, if you
Draconis sighed. ´I recall quite well, thank you. I don·t need my younger
Sita to tell me.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 183--

Dracora smiled at his use of the Wolf-Speak word for ¶sister·, as opposed to
the Draconian. ´Why would I leave when peace among us the Nations is just
around the corner?µ
´Why not?µ Draconis shrugged, a hint of a teasing smile on his lips. ´You
are no longer just a Princess of Mal·estar, you are the Countess of Monarch·s
´Aye, I know.µ Dracora groaned. ´The Countess who just so happens to
also be Queen of the Dweller-kin.µ She shook her head and sighed. ´I may have
duties of my own to tend, but right now, at this moment, I wish to spend some
quality time with my familia. Is that all right with you, Lord Emperor Bratton?µ
At the word ´Lord,µ she bowed dramatically.
´·Cora, of course it is all right.µ Draconis laughed. ´You know you are
always welcome here. After all, it was and still is your home.µ
Dracora blanched. ´Thank you, Draconis.µ She said softly as her attention
returned to the bright blue Draconian sky. ´I appreciate it; I really do.µ
Draconis touched her back and watched her for a moment before saying
anything. ´There is something else on your mind, isn·t there?µ He asked softly.
´You know me all too well.µ Dracora turned from the view to his curious
black eyes. ´I keep thinking of Adellandra.µ
Draconis nodded. ´Aye, so do I.µ He supplied. ´You know she is still
menaced by Orthos?µ
´Of course; I am always with her.µ She tapped her forehead. ´Our
combined shields keep him in his place.µ
´For now.µ Draconis supplied. ´I do not like him, nor do I think I ever did.µ
´There is much not to like about Orthos.µ Dracora agreed. ´Did she share
with you how he appeared within her?µ
´If you speak of the recent War of the Realms, I read it in her memories.µ
The Emperor responded. ´I must say, Sita, I am not impressed.µ
´Nor is anyone else involved who knew him.µ Dracora supplied. ´We have
been at our wits ends researching ways to rid ourselves of him for good. I must
admit, even I am at a loss.µ
´Not to worry, ¶Cora. We will have our Empress back soon enough, full and
whole.µ Draconis supplied.
Dracora only nodded, returning her attention to the view. When she sighed
with a smile, Draconis was intrigued.
´There is something else on your mind, other than Adellandra?µ He asked,
curious. She turned back to him and blushed. He smiled. ´Please, dear sister,
do tell.µ
Dracora stepped to rush away, but he caught her.
´Let go of me!µ She laughed.
He shook his head. ´Not until you tell me why your eyes have the look of
Love within them.µ
´I would rather not have you teasing me about it, thank you very much.µ
She supplied. ´So I must keep it to myself until the time is right.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 184--

´Or until whenever the object of your affections is free to return those
affections?µ Draconis released her, crossing his arms. ´Tell me, please, who has
your heart?µ
´Promise not to tease me about it?µ Dracora asked. ´The situation is, well,
´How so?µ He asked.
´You have to promise me, Draconis Vilinos Dratianos.µ Dracora supplied.
´No teasing.µ
Draconis raised his hands in surrender. ´Aye, I promise. No teasing, now
tell me, please.µ
She huffed and sat on her old bed, the nest of her youth before she was a
Countess. He sat beside her and she began to explain.
´His Earthbound name is Derrick Reading.µ She began. ´He is the Earthly
Protector of your Lady Empress.µ
Draconis growled lowly, uncomfortable.
´The feelings began when we first met.µ Dracora supplied. ´You already
know of my coupling with Yorn during the Mortallan War.µ He nodded, silently
telling her to go on. ´The feelings between Yorn and me were only of lust; not
those of true-love, and certainly not that of a true-mating.µ
´What about this "

µ Draconis asked. ´This Mortal? What are your

feelings of him?µ
Dracora looked to her lap for a moment, thinking of her next words. She
looked back up at him, studying his reaction.
´Dare I say it, Bratton, but I believe I have found my true-mate.µ
It was a whisper, gentle and soft. Draconis· body softened as well, and he
relaxed enough to hug her, kissing her cheek.
´If you believe in him that strongly, than I have no objections to the mating.µ
He supplied. ´I am happy for you, sister.µ
´Not even to the fact he·s a lowly mortal mating Royal Draconian blood?µ
Dracora was skeptic. ´I remember vividly how you reacted when you found out
Yorn and I were wed. You were not impressed our bloodline was being tainted
by a mere mortal.µ
Draconis shrugged. ´That was then; this is now.µ He sighed and kept his
other thoughts to himself. ´Well, Sita, I must depart. I have an Empire to run and
an Empress to bring home. Feel free to make yourself at home.µ
Dracora stood, astonished. ´What about my mating a mortal?µ
´I will worry about that when the time comes.µ Draconis supplied. ´After
all, he is still wed in their ways to Adellandra, is he not?µ She nodded. ´Until he
sees that you are his true mate, I wish you luck.µ He cleared his throat, which
told her he was trying to hide his true reaction. ´In the meantime, we all must do
what we do best, and that is live our lives and rule our Nations. Do you not
Dracora could only stare, and nod emotionless.
Draconis, Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations, only smiled and walked
away, leaving her in awe.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 185--








We must do this, Sita. 



We must explain to them; it is our responsibility. 

I know, I know, but why does it have to be now? 

What better time than the present to tell stories of the past? 


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  7  ) Duo3Sita."

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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 186--






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4  1

I hope whatever you guys tell us cheers him up. 
looks so depressed!
I'm afraid it will not, Unicorn. 
Than do what must be done and be done with it. 
4 '   

You'd better tell them all the truth, Adellandra. )


You are my mate, we both know it, and you do not belong in
the Mortal Realm.


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 187--


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I am very proud of you, mia
lanta. Now, come back to me.
In due time, Draconis. 


Now that you have returned to my side, I dare not let you out of my sight.


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 188--


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c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 189--



Not to worry, dearest.  "

Your beloved
Empress is on her way home.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 190--



When Adellandra awoke next, she found herself back in her quarters at
Mal'estar. Draconis was snoring gently in his Companion-like dragon-immortal
male form. She looked at her own body and saw she was back to her new-old
Dragonwolf form; with the fur-covered leathery grey dragon's wings and
Mountain Wolf-Companion body. Purring softly to herself at the romantic sight,
she lightly kissed his forehead.
"I am lucky to have you, mia frisco." She whispered in her Draconian-lilted
accent that sounded otherworldly. When she saw his eyes flicker open to meet
hers, she continued. "Thank you for returning to me what was once thought lost
"You are welcome, mia frisca." Draconis raised his head to kiss her. "I
have missed you sorely.
"Now that my memories have returned to me full force, I have missed you
as well." Adellandra told him. "You have returned to me the Gifts of my blood-
kin, and I thank you for it."
"As I thank you for returning to my side as my Empress." Draconis purred,
kissing her once more. He sighed. "I am just sorry I caused you so much pain so
long ago."
Adellandra shook her head and squeezed his torso. "You did not; my
Visions did."
"It was your Visions of my Chaos that caused you pain, Lanta." He said as
he sat up.
Adellandra rubbed his back. "Think nothing of it, fridishda. What is in the
past needs to stay there, remembered only for what strength it gave you It made
you the male you are today."
"Even if that male was birthed by Darkness?"
Adellandra shook her head, trying to make sense of the many memories
rushing through her mind. She opened her mouth once she felt she had the right
words to soothe his worries. "Aye my love, just as I am the Light. We complete
each other, for we are each others' balance."
He stared at her for a moment, smiling and thinking. "You got that just
from the memories I gave you?"
"Memories we shared, remember." She pointed out. "Another thing I got
from those memories was of your Dratyr, Lord Brakkon. Once I combine my
memories of him with those I have of the male he reminds me of; Lord King
Braken Hawk of the Realm of the Epsilon, I come across many similarities."
"Really now?" Draconis asked. "Care to elaborate?"
"For one, he is new to that Realm, as he was born in the Realm of Dreams
as Braken Hawk." Adellandra explained. "Two: Lord Braken and Lord O'Dell,
my Ancient Mystic Great-grandfather who was my predecessor as Lord Guardian
of the Realms, are awfully close; close as two rulers of two different Realms
could be as comrades."
"As brothers?" Draconis asked, curious.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 191--

"Aye, for Braken is the only Elder I know who is older than the Elder
Companions who fought in the Wars for Power long before I was even reborn."
Adellandra explained. "My detectives' instincts are triggering, and I want to
investigate the matter further, but it must be put to the back of my mind and dealt
with later. We have more important things to worry about now."
"Such as how we are going to eliminate Orthos from the three of you for
good?" Lord Draconis responded, standing and quickly dressing to his Royal
Battle Gear.
With a wave of the arms, Adellandra followed, wearing her own Lady
Guardian's Fighter's Gear. "Exactly. What better place to start than with O'Dell
himself? Let's go."
"We will, I promise." He purred. "There's still a few things you have
forgotten, my love."
Adellandra looked at him quizzically, the statement catching her off-guard.
"What would those be? I have my memories back, thanks to you, I am back where
I belong, as Empress of Mal'estar and the Dragon Nations, and I have you. What
have I forgotten?"
"Our children." He purred in my ear. "They've been waiting patiently at the
door for us to greet them for an hour now."
Adellandra laughed, embarrassed. She didn't want him to see she was
"Besides," He continued. "We have a lot of catching up to do, lanta."
Adellandra kissed him, thinking also of the children she'd left behind in the
Realm of Dreams. "That we have."


c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 192--

While Adellandra was waking up in Draconis· arms, Derrick was confused.

He found himself in his Protector persona·s uniform, decked out in gold and
white. His Companion-horse friend Sunny was missing and he awoke to see he
was facing the FireWall from inside the borders of the Dragon Nations.
Looking around, he didn·t see either Guard General at their posts, and he
was near the Castle of Monarch·s Glen.
Curious, he headed in that direction; each Draconian he met greeting him
with the Nations· gesture of respect; a nod of the head with closed eyes and a fist
to the heart. He returned each greeting, smiling, yet still confused as to why the
Draconians were treating him with such respect. It was as if they saw him as
something more than a Dream Realm Crusader. To them, he was royalty!
Not wanting to question it further, he entered the Garden around the Glen·s
Castle. His attention was averted to a single black rose. The morning dew still
trickled on its petals, and the color changed to a silvery-onyx before his eyes.
When he looked up, he saw the moon and sun both shining from the sky.
´Caught your interests, Protector?µ A gentle female voice purred from
behind him. He looked to see the Countess herself smiling at him.
He blushed and bowed.
´You may rise, Derrick.µ Dracora told him with a smile. ´You, of all people,
need not bow to me.µ
´My apologies, Countess.µ
´Oh, do drop the title.µ Dracora supplied, laughing. ´Call me Dracora.µ
´My apologies, Dracora.µ Derrick said nervously.
´Accepted.µ She told him, keeping her gentle smile. ´My Onyx Rose
catching your interest?µ
´Yes.µ He said, caressing a petal on one. ´Yes, it is. It·s quite an unusual
breed. I·ve never heard of a rose that does such a thing.µ
´That is because the Onyx Rose only grows in the Nations at Ostara.µ
Derrick·s eyebrows scrunched at the word. ´What is Ostara?µ
"Ostara is a Draconian and Outer Realm Pagan festival of Spring.µ Dracora
Derrick just nodded.
´Do you know a lot about the Outer Realm?µ Derrick asked.
´More than you think I do.µ Dracora announced. She took his hand and
looked into his dark brown eyes. They were full of wonder and confusion. She
saw they were also full of infatuation for her. ´Walk with me, Derrick.µ She said,
squeezing his hand. ´We have much to speak about.µ
Derrick smiled back, relaxing. He nodded and would follow her wherever
she led him.

Draconis and Adellandra left to greet their three eager children, Prince
Kronin, Princess Locarra and Princess Locanna. While Draconis jumped ahead of
her with them, she fell behind with the dragon-male Draconis had named his
brother, Dranus.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 193--

"I am happy for your return, my Lady." He supplied with a smile.

"As am I, Dranus." The Lady sighed. "There's just so much I have to do in
the Realm of Dreams though. I am still its Lady Guardian. I have plenty of duties
to get back to."
"Does that mean you cannot stay?" Dranus asked softly.
"I want to stay, but I still have things to tend to there." She told him. "Right
now, however, I am going to enjoy the day with my  , which includes you,
He grinned at that, nodding. "I am in your debt."
Lady Adellandra stopped, as did he. "No, I am in yours. You are Draconis'
Branno." She admonished, using the Draconian-slang word for brother-like
bodyguard. "You have never failed to leave his side. I am grateful of that. When I
wasn't there for him, you were."
Dranus saluted and bowed. "All in a life's work, my Lady."
Lady Adellandra grinned, catching up with her new-old  . Draconis
was playing with them in the courtyard and she couldn't help smiling at the sight.
Locanna rushed up to her mother and took her hand. "Come, *
! Join
She looked up at her dragon-mate's smiling eyes.
They played flying tag around the courtyard for an hour. To Adellandra, it
felt right to be back in Mal'estar. It had been her home like no other place had,
and would always be.
When Draconis and she were tired and their children were still bounding
with energy, the royal couple sat under the trees, watching them.
Adellandra sighed. He wrapped his wing around her and nuzzled her
"What's wrong, 
"I'm torn, my love." She told him. grasping his hand into one of her own
while the other played with the Dream Amulet that still hung around her neck. "I
have another life outside of the Dragon Nations, one that has me as the Lady
Guardian of the Realms. I can't stay, yet I wish to so much."
"Why can you not stay with me?" Draconis asked. "You are my Empress
and mate."
"It isn't you I cannot stay with, it's the Dragon Nations themselves."
Adellandra told him. "I have a life outside of this Realm, Draconis. I have duties in
the Realm of Dreams. I have children and an Earthly Protector to return to."
Draconis frowned. "You had me until the Earthly Protector."
This was going to be hard to explain, but she had to. "An Earthly Protector
is a kind of mate to an Ancient Mystic."
Draconis growled. "You mated after me?"
"We have been away from each other for more than two-hundred forty
 , Draconis." Adellandra told him. "That's more than two-hundred years. My
memories were taken from me by being blooded to the Ancient Mystics. You
should have read what I had to go through in my memories when we Fed."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 194--

"Aye, I did." He supplied sadly. "I read what you went through when I
destroyed our city."
Why does he keep bringing that up? She thought to herself. She placed a
hand on his cheek. "Draconis, love, don't think about the past, please? It's meant
to be left there. Think only of the present and look forward to the future."
"As you wish, m'Lady." He responded. Adellandra kissed him gently and
he pulled her close. "So, when do we leave?"
She was surprised. "Leave?"
"You wish to go back to your life and settle loose ends in the Realm of
Dreams, am I correct?"
"Aye, but."
"And," he interrupted. "You also wish to make me Lord Guardian by your
side. Is this not also correct?"
"Aye," Adellandra sighed.
"Than the sooner we leave, the sooner we can return and live peacefully as
one." Draconis grinned, taking her chin in his hands and forcing her to look into
his dark eyes.
"You'd want to come with me?" Adellandra asked him. "To meet my
children and Earthly Protector?"
Draconis nodded. "I would insist on it."
Something in his tone made her itch. It told her he was going to take care of
her Earthly Protector in his own way, the dark way.
"Draconis Dratianos, you will not harm a hair or anything else on the
Protector's head or body, do you hear me?" Adellandra demanded in her best
Lady Guardian tone. "I will not have you two against each other."
Draconis shrugged. "If he starts something, I will be the one to finish it."
Adellandra knew Derrick wouldn't start anything, especially after meeting
Draconis' eyes, but still could not let the male who'd been her long-time Earthly
Protector and Ancient Mystic husband be harmed by Draconis' male jealousy.
With a sigh, she kissed him and the two were on their way.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 195--


´Joel, I have a quest for you.µ Lord O'Dell, former Lord Guardian of the
Mystic Realms supplied to his blood-son Braken Joel Hawk and Joel's feline mate
Nikita White-Snow. O'Dell had urgently summoned them from their home of the
Realm of the Ancients for a special quest.
To Joel, a Balinese feline Companion who knew his Father more than most,
O'Dell was acting well out of his normal character. He was in his Immortal
Wizard form, which he didn't take often. His eyes were darker than usual and
Joel could nearly smell the taint of his Uncle Orthos. O'Dell's twin brother within
him. He just did not know what that scent was doing there.
Joel looked at his mate, then his Lord Father. ´Anything, Father. What is it
you wish of me?µ
´Lady Guardian is going to bring a Draconian back through the FireWall
with her.µ O'Dell supplied. His voice was low and his tone calm. He didn't dare
look at the couple, which was unlike him. ´I want you to bring them both here.µ
Joel stared at him, confused. ´Father?µ
´Do as I say, Braken Joel.µ O'Dell responded. Though he didn't look at their
eyes, Joel could see what was in his. He caught a glimpse of a second-soul within
his father, fighting for control.
Braken Joel cleared his throat. ´Aye, Father. Just tell us when, and we will
do it.µ
O'Dell finally looked at his son's eyes.
That's when Joel sensed the darkness that was his late-Uncle Orthos deep
within his Father's eyes. He feared for him.
´Go now, they will be arriving in the Province Wood, as Lord Draconis will
dispel the Firewall.µ
Joel stood at attention and saluted. ´Aye, Father.µ
He nodded and excused them.
Nikita was silent until they left the Mystic Palace. She held onto her mate's
hand tightly.
´'Kita, I know what you sense darling.µ He told her, kissing her hand as
they walked. Joel could Feel her shivering inside and out.´I sense my Uncle
within him, too. Though I do not understand why he would be there, if I saw him
be destroyed by both Father and Young Guardian.µ
´I was there as well, my love.µ Nikita said. ´I Saw what happened.µ
Joel stopped them both in our tracks and stared at his tigress-mate. ´What
did you See?µ
´Three separate colored winds, going to Lord Guardian, Lady Guardian,
and the Grand Magus.µ
´Did you see the colors?µ Joel wondered, his mind thinking. If Orthos did
what Joel thought he did, they would have to act fast in order to destroy him for
´The black wind, it went to the Grand Magus.µ Nikita started. ´The blue, it
went to Lord Guardian, and the red, it went to Lady Guardian.µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 196--

Joel blinked at the admission. He was used to her strong feline-Empathy,

but it was never this strong before. That alone meant something terrible was
going on and they had to stop it.
´Thank you, love.µ He said, absently, mind wandering. He was thinking of
both his Uncle and the new mate of his cousin Lady Guardian.
Joel's attentions were averted when they arrived at the Province Wood. He
could sense five individuals, all Draconians, outside the FireWall. They watched
in shadows as the FireWall was dispelled, as O'Dell had predicted.
Joel stared at the five that stood there, taking in what he saw. His cousin
Lady Guardian was in a Dragonwolf form, looking regal in her Guardian's
Fighter's Gear. Her grey wings were clipped at her neckline like a cape, and he
could see the magical blade in its sheath, glittering in the sunlight. The Dream
Amulet hung around her neck and her long hair was braided, held up in a bun at
the top of her head. Beside her was a larger Dragonwolf, near-black in wings and
tail. Behind them were a were-lion who resembled the male beside the Lady, and
a black Spirit dragon, who resembled both the male and the Lady. Joel smiled as
he recognized the Spirit dragon from before the Wars for Power began. He was in
the rescue party from the Underground, keeping watch over his younger
dragonlet sisters. In front of them was a much larger dragon-male in the uniform
of a Guard and Joel could see the Crest of the Dragon Nations upon his chest.
As they walked deeper into the Province Wood, Joel Heard her Call in his
mind. ÷
- %  (

Joel came out of the Wood with Nikita and hugged the Lady.
"Lady Guardian!" Nikita purred. "A pleasure, as always!"
"I agree, cousin." Joel supplied, patting her back. Just as he suspected and
feared, he could Sense the wind of Orthos within her as well. Nikita had been
right; it was Orthos' Empathy. "And you bring visitors from the Dragon Nations?"
The larger Dragonwolf-male spoke. "I am Lord Draconis Vilinos Dratianos,
Emperor of Mal'estar and the entire Dragon Nations. These are Adellandra's and
my sons, Princes Tristian and Kronin Dratianos. Behind us is my bodyguard,
Draconis and Joel grasped hands. Joel could Feel the power within
Draconis and the look in the Lord's eyes reminded him of his adopted father, his
namesake Braken Hawk.
"Pleasure to meet you, Lord Draconis." Joel announced. "    
 %  Joel asked himself.-  %4
   "Be wary of
darkness hiding within your mate. My Uncle Orthos is fierce, especially on the
purest of hearts such as hers."
Lady Guardian blinked and sighed. "Thank you, Joel."
"Oh, Lady Guardian, Lord Guardian is wanting to see you." Nikita
announced. "He's had Joel and I in charge of the Realms since you disappeared."
"That's not like him." Lady Guardian said. "Not at all, and you know your
own father, Joel."
"You are correct, cousin, I do know Father." Joel supplied sadly. "He has
changed greatly since the War of the Realms, and I am not liking it. You may also
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 197--

wish to check up on the Grand Magus. She is up to tricks I've only seen Uncle
She was intrigued. "You don't say?" She asked, then nodded regally. "Take
me to them both."
"Us." They both heard Draconis supply from behind her. "Take us to them
"Right," She said, turning back to Joel. "If you don't mind?"
Joel grinned. "Of course not. Why do you think we are here?"
The group began walking through the Wood. As they grew closer to the
Mystic Sisters' Palace, Joel could Feel her head start to throb. Quickly Sensing
her with Empathy, he feared Orthos was showing his true-feelings of the Palace.
"Love?" Draconis asked her. "What's wrong? Another vision?"
She shook her head. "No, an emotion. Hatred, pure hatred for this place. It
has to be coming from Orthos' Empathy."
Draconis growled lowly.
"Kanos, make yourselves at home, the Companions won't hurt you, even if
you both do look a little strange to them." She told them, rubbing her temples.
"May we go to Wolf's Head?" The Spirit dragon named Kronin asked
"If you're searching for the Packs, they've moved." Joel told him. "Nikita,
why don't we show them where Chase Moondancer and the Packs are?"
"Certainly." Nikita purred. "It would be good to see how they fair after the
War. It has been awhile."
"Dranus, you stay with them." She told him, who nodded.
"Nay, he stays with us." Draconis supplied.
Again, Dranus nodded without saying a word.
"Braken Joel, please keep an eye on them." Draconis supplied as they left.
Joel nodded, sensing this new Lord of the Dragon Nations trusted him with
the care of his children. It was an honor.
"That I will, Lord Draconis." Joel supplied. "Come 'Kita, Draconians. Shift
to Companion wolves if you can; the Packs are not used to Dragons, and it is said
the Alpha Male of the Mountain Wolf Forest Packs hates them."
Prince Kronin looked at Joel and smiled. %

Joel looked back at him, staring once more into the Dragonwolf's eyes.
    2  "Come Princes Tristian and
Kronin. My mate Nikita White-Snow and I will show you the way."
The sons of Lord Emperor Draconis of the Dragon Nations took each of their
hands after telling their parents and Guard goodbye.

Derrick Reading left Dracora·s side when she claimed she had work to do.
Part of him felt he would be in the way whilst the other felt he belonged at her
side. What confused him most were the feelings of attraction and pure-love he
was having when he was around her.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 198--

His mind was in turmoil. Should he try yet again to salvage whatever
marriage he had with Ariana ² Adellandra ² whatever she was calling herself
these days? Or should he follow his heart and soul and stay by Dracora? What
about the children he had back in the Outer Realm?
Hundreds of questions flooded his mind, each more confusing and
complicated than the next and neither of them had any answers.
Derrick as the Protector headed to the Mystic Palace, to see if Enchantra
would be able to help him. His Protectors Pendant-Locket buzzed hot around his
neck and he could literally feel Adellandra nearby.

 /   2, 
Ariana·s voice was in his mind; only, it sounded differently. It sounded
more regal and otherworldly, as if she was from the nation of Romania.
He didn·t know what to expect when he arrived. Instead of her Lady
Guardian self, Ariana was now a Dragonwolf. Oddly enough, the new form
suited her. Ariana was talking to an older male Dragonwolf with dark black
dragon wings, thick black fur and tail to match. Was this Draconis that she spoke
of? Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations that claimed her as his mate and shared
his memories with her, totally changing her for all eternity? Was this the male
whose rough voice haunted his thoughts, threatening to end his existence if
Derrick tried to send a telepathic message to Ariana·s mind?
It was time to find out.
Derrick and Draconis met eye to eye.
"Sulheya," Derrick said politely.
Draconis nodded. "Sulheya yourself, stranger. How is it you know the
Ancient Wolf-Speak?"
"I learned it from Lady Guardian." Derrick announced. He tried to kiss
Ariana but she shook her head and inched away from him, closer to Draconis·
side. Draconis met his eyes and growled again. Derrick was nervous but
continued diplomatically. "I am known as the Protector of the Realms, Lady
Guardian's Earthly Protector and consort."
"I would say pleasure to meet you, but it is not." Draconis nodded with a
"Draconis!" Ariana turned to Derrick, shocked at her mate·s behavior.
"Protector, this is Lord Draconis Dratianos, Emperor of the Dragon Nations and my
was    ! Derrick thought to himself. He feigned shock.
"Mate? What the hell?" He demanded. "When did that happen, Ariana Moon?"
´I told you already,µ Ariana growled at the name. "I am no longer Ariana
Moon. I am Lady Empress Adellandra Dranna Dratianos of Mal'estar and the
Dragon Nations. I have no time for explanations now, mortal, so please, step
aside and let me greet our children at the Palace."
 ," Draconis purred in Adellandra·s ear, just loud enough
for Derrick to hear the foreign word.
Adellandra turned to him and calmed herself, leading the three of them to
the Mystic Palace.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 199--

Derrick could sense the loving rapport between them, and longed for the
old days, when he and his Ariana communicated the same way. They used no
words, just loving glances and simple touches. It would never be the same again
between them; he knew it.
Adellandra greeted a forlorn and frazzled Lord O'Dell. Derrick saw the
children were trying to cheer him up and keep him talking.
"O'Dell?" Adellandra asked, walking to him and hugging his Wizard's form.
"How are you doing, Old friend?"
O'Dell shook his head. "Not well, Lady Guardian. I have lost all logic, it
seems. Enchantra has caught me doing things I would normally not do. The
Palace and the Realm are in ruins because of it."
"My Lord, all will be well." Derrick·s stepdaughter Kelina Erin announced.
"Yeah, after Orthos is destroyed." His son Mark Antony said sarcastically.
"But it will be well, brother." His other twin-son Andrew supplied. "You will
see. Mother will destroy Orthos in all three of you and the day will be saved once
Adellandra cleared her throat, smiling at them. "Don't argue, children."
They hadn·t seen her standing there in Dragonwolf form next to Draconis.
They saw her and turned, hugging her legs.
At least their children were still their own, and hadn·t changed. Derrick
was glad of that.
"Mom, you look weird." His usually-silent daughter Melody remarked.
It would seem in the Realm of Dreams, Melody Elizabeth was able to speak
out loud.
"I'm in Dragonwolf form, Mel." Adellandra hugged her. "Where is your
"Theo·s playing with Celine and Tiger out back." Kelina, Kelly, answered.
"Go with them, will you?" The Lady asked. "All of you. I need to speak with
O'Dell alone with your father and Lord Draconis."
Melody looked at Draconis and felt his wings. He didn't seem to mind.
"Are you really Lord Draconis of the Dragon Nations?" Melody asked. "The
one Dracora talks about?"
Draconis cleared his throat. "Aye, that would be me."
"Good." Melody supplied, then left with her brothers and sister out back.
"My Lord." Adellandra began, and both Draconis and O'Dell turned to
answer. Derrick had to smile. "I meant O'Dell. This is my mate, Lord Draconis
Dratianos, Emperor of the Dragon Nations."
O'Dell looked at him and grinned. "You look just like Brakkon. I can see it in
your dark eyes."
That surprised Adellandra and Derrick, but not Draconis.
"Thank you, Lord O·Dell." Draconis supplied.
Derrick had to speak up. "Ok, I want an explanation on how this mate bit
came about."
Draconis turned to him. "She said she would explain later. We have more
important business to discuss."
They stared at each other, each wanting to prove themselves to the other.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 200--

"Actually lanta, that is what I came here for." Adellandra interrupted. "That,
and getting the pieces of Orthos out of us before they destroy us from the inside
"I stand corrected." Draconis said.
Derrick took a seat. "Well, I prefer to sit."
"Do as you wish." Draconis said to him, then turned back to his mate.
"Thank you." Adellandra said, looking again at O'Dell. "Have you figured
out how to get Orthos out of us yet?"
Lord O·Dell only shook his head; his usually bright eyes were dark and

  Draconis sent to Adellandra·s mind,
only Derrick heard as well. The thought of the Lord Emperor being on the same
mind-path as he and Adellandra irked him.
Derrick seethed about the newcomer in Ariana-Adellandra·s life.
Unfortunately for him, she could sense it and huffed at him.
"If you don't want to be here so badly, Derrick Reading, then leave."
"I want to know what's going on!" He demanded.
"You will, just have patience." Adellandra told him. "Right now, I can feel
you both seething and I don't like it one bit."
Derrick stood. "What the hell has happened to you?"
Draconis stood as well, in a ready position for a fist fight. "I suggest you
listen to the Lady. Leave, before I have to kill you outright for your disrespect."
" !" The Lady roared, stopping both of them. "Stop this right now,
both of you. Derrick, go to the Countess in Monarch's Glen for now. She needs a
new liaison and vassal, not to mention companionship of another. I'll see to you
myself later."
Derrick didn't question, especially when he saw the black in her eyes. "Yes,
Lady Guardian."
With that, he disappeared.
"Very well done, my love." Draconis grinned at his mate, proud.
"Thank you, but we have business to attend to." Adellandra said, going to
O'Dell's side and taking his hand. "O'Dell, do you know why I took up my Lady
Guardian role?"
O'Dell shook his head.
"Because you were unable to handle it, and not even our Companions
would trust their Lord acting like the once-destroyed Master." She told him. "With
Draconis' help, we will get Orthos out of us and destroyed forever."
O'Dell only nodded his head.
"For now, I do believe we need a new Lord Guardian." She told him quietly.
"One that the Companions can trust and respect as much as they do us."
O'Dell looked up at her, then Draconis. "I agree, Lady Adellandra. Your
mate would make a fitting Lord Guardian in my place. I was fit to retire to my
castle in peace anyway. With the threat of Orthos in my mind, it would be nearly
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 201--

impossible to retain my duties without worrying of what his Logic would force me
to do."
Adellandra smiled when he called her by her true-name. "I do believe you
need to see for yourself just what my Lord Draconis can do."
O'Dell actually laughed lightly. "I need no proof of what your Lord Draconis
can do. I knew his father, and I also knew him from long ago, do I not?"
"I am afraid I am unsure about that, Lord O'Dell." Draconis supplied. "It has
been far too long and my memory is still in pieces."
"As is mine." Adellandra told them. "So, between the four of us, we will
destroy Orthos' Empathy, Logic, and Magic, thus destroying him completely."
O'Dell blinked at that and she grinned. "You did not think I was going to do
it all by my lonesome, did you? We have been fighting with him for months. I
want him gone and the only way to do it is to bring an outside party into the
"I agree, totally." Draconis responded. "I have powers immeasurable now,
more than I had before, and I would do anything for you both, without question."
He turned to O'Dell. "Which also means, destroying the menace of the one you
called Bratton."
O'Dell nodded and stood, conjuring a sword in his hands. Adellandra took
her cue and unsheathed Spiritblade.
Draconis' eyes jumped in alarm and he automatically placed himself in a
"We're not going to fight you, Draconis, so you can get that thought out of
your mind." The Lady told him. "We're going to make you Lord Guardian."
Draconis relaxed and nodded, stepping up to face them. "Whenever you are
O'Dell pointed his blade to him, a brilliant midnight-blue colored energy of
his Lord Guardian's Wizard's Magic flowed through it to wrap itself around and
be absorbed by Draconis' body and own magic.
"By the powers of the Ancient Mystics and Wizards, Gods and Goddesses
and all that I have within me, I hereby bequeath you, Lord Draconis Dratianos, all
titles, ranks, and powers as Lord Guardian of the Realms, to be consort and mate
to Lady Guardian." O'Dell rasped. "May your reign be peaceful, our Realm remain
happy, and all the days of your lives be filled with joy. So mote it be."
It was Lady Guardian·s turn. "I take you, Lord Draconis Vilinos Dratianos,
my love, my mate, my all, as my Lord Guardian of the Realms. Do you accept
your new position and all duties it entails?"
Draconis looked up at her lovingly and nodded. "I accept."
The Lady tapped his left, then right shoulders with Spiritblade. "By all the
powers that I have within me and those of the Ancient Mystics, Wizards, Gods
and Goddesses, I name you Lord Guardian Draconis Vilinos Dratianos, my
consort and mate, Lord Guardian and Protector of the Realms. So sayeth I, it is
Both of them sheathed their swords and Adellandra was given a long,
soothing kiss by Draconis.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 202--

 &% $

O'Dell hugged him. "Welcome back to the Realm of Dreams, Lord
Draconis nodded. "I would say it is good to be back, but under the current
circumstances, that is left to wait." He cleared his throat. "As my first duty as Lord
Guardian of the Realms and my Lady's consort and mate, I will, by all the blood
and power that is in my veins, rid all three of you of Orthos."
"I agree, but there is just one problem with that, my love." Adellandra told
"Grand Magus is wreaking havoc among the Realms with Orthos' Dark
Magic." She said. "We have to find and stop her first."
"Follow your new ties, Lady Guardian." O'Dell told her. She turned and he
smiled. "She did use the Sphere to tie all the Ancient Mystics together recently.
Use that tie to find her."
"Grand Magus was able to control the destructive magic of the Dream
Realms' Sphere?" Draconis asked, incredulous.
"Aye, Draconis." O'Dell supplied.
"When it comes to the Grand Magus, never underestimate her or her
abilities." Lady Adellandra remarked. "She has always been the twin that could
handle the more darker side of our Ancient Mystic Magic. She learns every kind
of magic quickly and controls it easily after a few self-taught lessons. That is why
she is called Grand Magus."
"I see." Draconis supplied. "That sounds like someone else I used to know."
Adellandra stared at him and he grinned. "You do remember your own duo-sita
Adarramena, do you not?"
"I do now, thanks to you. Did you want to know something funny?"
"I could use a chuckle." Draconis supplied with a smile.
"Adarra is the Grand Magus' Craftname, from the Magick of the Blue Moon
Coven's own High Priestess, Darlene Bennington, otherwise known as 'Red
Shawl Starchaser.'"
"That is funny." Draconis said. "I recall one of your memories of her being
blood-bound to a Firestorm." Adellandra nodded. "Dweller-kin Watcher and a
Draconian. Firestorm must have felt something in her that needed release, and
was the only Dweller-kin to do anything about it."
"Hmmm." She said, in deep thought. "You're right. He did." Adellandra
closed her eyes and searched through the links to find her. It didn't take but a
second, and because they were twins and had that bond already, she knew what
her sister was doing. Adellandra opened her eyes. "Let's go remind my sita of
who she is."
Draconis blinked and smiled, and O'Dell just nodded.
"Pleasant Journeys, Lord and Lady Guardian." O'Dell announced as they
took flight.

c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 203--

´I don·t understand why you·re training us so hard, Wolf.µ Adarra as the
Grand Magus whined to her old Companion-Crusader friend Sire Wolfton
Stargazer. She was practicing her sword-work with him. ´I mean, isn·t the war
over? Aren·t the Realms in peace? I don·t get it.µ
´You never get it, Grand Magus.µ Wolf supplied with a chuckle. ´Now,
, she thought. % & 3   ! #
Adarra stood at attention, her blade meeting his in the middle of a sparring
For the better part of an hour, they sparred with their swords.
In the middle of their fourth round of sparring, they sensed a large She-
Wolf bounding up to them.
´Sulheya, Wolfton my old friend.µ The She-Wolf called as she tackled him.
He fell to the ground, sword flying out of his hand. She licked his face and
nudged his nose in greeting.
Adarra grinned, holding in a laugh.
´It surely has been awhile, Lady Guardian.µ Wolfton laughed, hugging her.
´I know that She-Wolf form of yours anywhere.µ
Adellandra stepped back and shifted to her Dragonwolf form before helping
him up. He retrieved his blade and sheathed it.
"I think we are done for the day, do you not agree, Grand Magus?" Sire
Wolfton asked her sister. "It was a good workout, I will give you that."
"Fine, I'm finished." She sheathed her blade and hugged her twin. "Well,
sister, you've returned to us."
"Not only have I returned, but I'm on a mission." Adellandra told her what
happened at the Palace.
Grand Magus looked at Lord Draconis. "I knew you looked familiar."
"Do you know who you are, m'Lady?" Draconis asked her.
She was in her Grand Magus-mortal form she liked to take as her title.
"I am the Grand Magus of the Realms." She told him, shrugging. "Who else
would I be?"
"Well, for one, you are Lady Adellandra's duo-Sita, Adarramena." Draconis
just grinned.
"Lady Adellandra?" Adarra was confused. "Duo-Sita? Huh?"
"I have heard stories from the Packs," Wolf started. "Matéré used to tell us
about the Lost Ones, with Lady Adellandra being their own Matéré. Tell me, have
they been found?"
Draconis nodded. "You are looking at Lady Adellandra, my wolf friend."
Wolfton looked at Adellandra. "Lady Guardian? Your mate? I hope you told
the Protector about him."
"In fact, we just came from there." Adellandra supplied. "I not only told him,
I showed him. The Protector is now at Monarch's Glen with the Countess Dracora,
who just happens to be Draconis' younger sister."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 204--

"I see." Sire Wolfton replied then smiled. "My, have we changed since we
last spoke?"
"You wouldn't believe how much." Adellandra told him. "Adarra, Wolfton,
meet Lord Draconis Dratianos, Emperor of the Dragon Nations and now Lord
Guardian of the Realms. Draconis, meet my close, personal friend Wolfton
Stargazer, Sire of Stargazer Castle and the entire Canine Valley."
"Not to mention Companion-Crusader and Head of the Companion Armies."
Wolfton reminded me.
"How could I forget?" The Lady grinned.
Wolfton laughed. "Well, I did save your butt more than once, my friend."
"You can call me Lady Adellandra." She told him. "For that is who I am, just
as Adarra here is Lady Adarramena, my duo-Sita."
"Wait just a minute." Adarra supplied, folding her arms. "I don't believe a
word of this."
"What do you not believe?" Draconis asked her, without emotion.
"This. That you're now the Lord Guardian of the Realms with my sister by
your side."
"I'm afraid you are madly mistaken, Sita." Adellandra told her, deliberately
using Ancient Wolf-Speak. Maybe if she used it enough, her sister would
remember? "It is Draconis that stands by my side here as Lord Guardian. I stand
by his as Empress of the Dragon Nations."
"Whatever," Adarra huffed.
Draconis frowned, then took her temples in his hands and stared directly in
her eyes. Adellandra and Wolfton recognized what he was doing. He was sharing
the same memories with Adarra that he shared with Adellandra; those that had to
do with her and who she really was.
It took a moment for her to shake out of the daze she was in after he
released her.
"Now, Adarramena, tell me if you have doubts to our words."
"Not anymore, Lord Draconis." Adarra's voice whispered. "You've filled in a
lot of gaps in my mind. Thank you. I believe you now."
"I would hope so, because there is no lying in the mind." Adellandra told
her. "Now then, shall we head back to the Mystic Palace?"
Adarramena nodded. "As curious as I am about the Dark Magic, Brattona, I
do not like being plagued by it my very waking hours."
"On that, even I can agree." Draconis announced. "Was a pleasure meeting
you, Sire Wolfton of Stargazer Castle and the Canine Valley.µ
Wolfton blushed. "My Lord, you can call me Wolf. I am a Companion-
Crusader and close friend of your Lady's."
"That's true, my love." Adellandra told him.
Draconis shook Wolfton's paw. "In that case, call me Draconis. Any friend
of my Lady's is a friend of mine." He turned back to Adellandra and grasped her
hand. He shifted to his own Dragon self. "Shall we, ladies?"
Adarra was awed, Adellandra just giggled.
"You can shift, too Adarra." She told her twin. "You don't have to get rid of
your Grand Magus Robes but you can shift to your natural form."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 205--

"And what would that be?" Adarra asked.

"A Dragonwolf, like me." Adellandra told her. "After all, we are duo-sitas."
Adarra grinned, then shifted to Dragonwolf form. "You mean like this?"
Adellandra laughed, taking to the skies with Draconis.
"Hey you two, wait up!" They heard her cry as she tried to catch up with
"I do believe we have our Adarramena back." Adellandra told Draconis in
her mind.
He looked back at her and nodded. "I cannot wait for her to reunite with her
mate, my twin Drakkar."
"That is going to be interesting." Adellandra laughed.

All three descended to the ground, and Draconis shifted back to his smaller
Dragonwolf form so he could fit through the Palace door. They walked in, and the
ever-silent Dranus, who'd been following close-by the whole time, stayed outside
the Palace and waited.
"You know, sister, that male is creepy." Adarra supplied.
"That male has a name, and it's Dranus." Adellandra told her. "He's
Draconis' and my bodyguard."
"Bodyguard." Adarra wasn't convinced. "Right. Let's just get this over with,
shall we?"
"Ayaeska," Adellandra mumbled, rolling her eyes.
"Enough, you two." Draconis grinned. "You're cackling like a couple of old
"In case you have forgotten Lord Draconis, we are a couple of old hens."
Adarra stuck her tongue out.
Adellandra laughed, patting her twin on the back. "Good to have you back,
Adarra just grinned.
Lady Adellandra searched the Palace for Lord O'Dell. He was outside by
the Elemental Towers. The Earth and Fire Towers were crumbled to the ground.
"Goddess," She gasped. "O'Dell, what happened?"
That's all she needed. Adellandra growled. "I don't care if Dranus has to
stay with us, he's going to find Tristian and Kronin and bring them back here."
"I agree with you." Draconis left her side for a few moments and came
back. "Our kanos should be returning shortly."
She nodded. "In the meantime, time to get a certain Dominionite Master and
all his parts out of the three of us."
"Right." Chorused both O'Dell and Adarra.
"Have we figured out a way yet?" Adarra asked.
"I might have." Draconis supplied. "He is attracted to dark energies and
magic, am I right?"
They nodded.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 206--

"And being I am the Darkest, he should be easily and quickly attracted to

me." Draconis continued. "I'll lure him out of you and, with Adellandra's help,
destroy him in his ethereal form."
Adellandra blinked. , 4   9"To get
Orthos back in ethereal form is perfect!"
      . Dracora's voice echoed in
her mind.
Adellandra grinned, shaking her head. ,  ÷3 
"What are you grinning at?" Draconis asked with a smile of his own.
"Dracora." The twins chorused.
"Anyway," Adellandra blushed away, getting back to business. "Swords
and magics at the ready."
"Allow me, my darling." Draconis shifted to his dragon form and called an
incantation in Draconian.
Both twins and O·Dell could feel the pull of Orthos being lured out of them,
and the red magic of the Master's Empathy was forced out of Adellandra. The
same was done with the blue energy of his Logic from O'Dell and black energy of
his Magic from Adarra. All three watched in awe as the circles of magic became
one being.
Again, alive and in the ethereal-flesh, was the Old Dominionite Master,
Orthos. O'Dell's twin and the younger twins· Great-Granduncle. The most evil
thing they've ever known, who use to destroy countless sets of Companions just
for fun, take their kits for his Warrior Army and wreak all sorts of havoc against
At the sight of him, Adellandra shifted to her black Spirit Dragon form and
growled loudly.
"Destroy him, now!" The Lady roared at her own mate, the red in her eyes
glowing bright. "Before I do!"
Muttering another incantation in Demonic this time, Lord Draconis Vilinos
Dratianos, Lord Emperor of the Dragon Nations and Lord Guardian of the Realms,
raised his magic high. He borrowed the magic from the darker sides of his mate·s
Draconian, Ancient Mystic and Wolfkin, destroying Orthos for the final time.
The duo roared loudly to the skies, to let the Realm of Dreams know their
new Lord and Lady Guardian meant business.
Adellandra was the first to shift back in Lady Guardian-form. Draconis
fainted from exhaustion, shifting back to his demi-form. She fled to his side.
Dranus and their kanos came at that moment. "What a spectacular display
of power?" Dranus asked.
Tristian purred, agreeing and Kronin nodded.
"I agree, Lady Adellandra." Tristian supplied. "What did you and Father
"Call me Mutyr or Matéré." She told him with a small smile. Draconis' head
laid in her hands and she kissed it. "We destroyed the evil within the three of us;
Adarramena, my duo-Sita, Lord O'Dell, our Great-Granpere, and myself."
"You remember, Mutyr?" Kronin asked with a grin. He hugged his mother.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 207--

"Aye, kano. I remember." Adellandra turned to her twin, who was still
dazed and confused. "Adarramena Dranna, meet your nephews, my kano Kronin
and adopted-kano Tristian."
Adarra couldn't say much, only nodded. "Pleasure." She rubbed her head.
"So you guys did it, huh?"
"Draconis and I did it together, yes. We did destroy Orthos, for good."
Kronin looked the three of them over. "You still have traces of Dark Mystic
Magic in you."
"Very good, kano." Adellandra supplied. "Being the three of us are Ancient
Mystics, we always have the Dark Mystic Magic within us to remain balanced."
Draconis moaned in her arms. He looked up at her and only thought. $
Adellandra nodded, holding his head to her breast. He covered them both
with his wings and Fed from her, replenishing himself with her blood.
Wanting some privacy, she sent Dranus the message. )' ,
"Come with me, all of you." Dranus announced. "Lord O'Dell and Lady
Adarramena need rest, and Lord and Lady Guardian need to be left alone."
Without further questions, all five of them left, hiding inside the Palace.
´Have you Fed enough, dearest?µ Adellandra asked him sweetly, kissing
his head.
He licked the prick-wounds closed and kissed her lips. "Aye, cara mia."
"Italian.µ Adellandra grinned. ´I didn't know you knew Italian, my love."
Draconis held her. "I speak many different languages, and always the
language of love for my mate."
Adellandra purred, kissing him passionately and headed back to the
Mystic Palace. O'Dell and Enchantra were cuddled together and she was glad
O'Dell was back to his normal self.
Enchantra saw her and rushed in for a hug. "Oh, lass, thank you for
bringing O'Dell back to me."
"Wasn't only myself, Mistress." Adellandra told her with a grin. "You
mostly have Lord Guardian Draconis to thank."
Enchantra, with her silvery eyes and black hair that shone in the
moonlight, bowed to Draconis. "Thank thee, m'Lord Guardian. I thought my love
was lost forever."
Draconis held Adellandra and purred. "If it weren't for my darling
Adellandra here, I would not have had the energy to do what I did. I believe I
should be thanking you."
Enchantra and O'Dell both blinked. "Thanking us?"
"You took good care of my Adellandra when I no longer was capable of it."
Draconis couldn't keep his eye off of his mate. "You blooded both herself and
Adarramena as Ancient Mystics and nurtured them as your own. You taught her
how to be the Lady Guardian of the Realms, the role that brought her back to me.
I have many things to be thankful to you for." He stood tall and faced them both,
hand to his heart and bowing his head. "I will always be in your debt."
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 208--

"I don't mean to break up this love-fest, but where are Dranus and the
children?" Adellandra asked O'Dell.
"Dranus took them, as well as Adarramena, back to the Dragon Nations.
Mal'estar I believe he said." O'Dell supplied. "It would seem Tristian had an idea
on how to deal with the reconstruction of the fallen Elemental Towers. He agreed
on something not even our engineers thought of so long ago when they were first
Draconis nodded. "And what would that be?"
"The shields are fading as the centuries go on." O'Dell said. "Tristian
thought they needed to be reinforced and made stronger. So he and Kronin are
working on the plans for it now."
"Our Kano is a very smart werelion." Adellandra told Draconis. "In all my
years of being Young Guardian, I've never even thought of that myself. I just
thought the Towers were protected because of them being in the Mystic Province."
"For the longest time, they were." Enchantra spoke up. "Damian used his
magic to attack them outright after the War of the Realms."
"Leave Damian to us, Mistress." The Lady snarled. "We will both take care
of my cousin."
A squeeze of her waist by Draconis and she was calmed, but not much.
"That we will, definitely." Draconis supplied. "We had better return to
Mal'estar love, before we are missed."
Lady Adellandra only nodded, still seething in her thoughts of Damian,
who was now calling himself the Master in his father's place.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 209--

c c


The Royal Couple could think of nothing but Damian now. Damian was
Sabrina's brother, Orthos' son and the very Dominionite that trained stolen
Companion children to be his own personal Warrior Army. He sickened the Lady
Guardian so much that Dark Mystic Magic buzzed in her system, even after
Orthos was long gone. The only thing she could think of to do about it was
destroy him using it against him.
Draconis caught her pacing one night. "Stop that, it's annoying."
She continued to pace, not hearing him.
He caught her arm. "I said, stop. Whatever could be making you pace this
much?" He looked at her eyes and summed it up. "Damian will be destroyed by
the next full moon."
Adellandra pulled out of his grasp. "Aye, that he will. By me."
"Us." Draconis corrected. "There is no just you or just me anymore. It is only
us; in all things."
She huffed. "I am afraid this is personal, Draconis." She told him. "I have
been dealing with him and what he has done since I was young. I know once he
finds out we destroyed his father, he'll want to destroy us."
"He will not get that chance."
"You do not know him as well as I do." Adellandra pressed. "He will use
what we love the most against us. I know how his mind works."
"And I know as well, not only thanks to your memories but those of my
own." Draconis supplied, holding her. "The Nations have been dealing with Orthos
for as long as I can remember. His son, the child, will be destroyed."
"He has not acted against us yet." Adellandra told him. "We go by the Ways
of the Realms on this one. Not by those of the Nations."
Draconis laughed. "The Realm of Dreams is part of the Nations,
sweetheart." He pointed out. "But since I am still new at being Lord Guardian and
you know more than I of how to handle what you call Dominionites, I will see it
your way."
"Should he attack us outright, he will be destroyed." Adellandra·s eyes
grew red and she grinned evilly.
Draconis laughed maniacally. "His last breath shall be drawn out of him
care of my blade!"
Lady Empress Adellandra Mout·ella Dranna Dratianos couldn't agree more.
It took a week for Tristian's reconstruction of the Elemental Towers and the
strengthening of the magical shields that surrounded them. The Royal couple was
going over Tristian's blueprints when Dranus, out of breath, flew into the Combat
"Lord and Lady, I believe the maiden Elizabeth has something to tell you."
Dranus huffed, catching his breath. "It concerns the Lady's cousin Damian."
Adellandra growled under her breath and was immediately at attention. So
was Draconis.
"Well, what is it?" The Lady spoke up before her mate could say anything.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 210--

Dranus moved and the dragon-maiden Elizabeth came out of hiding. Once
she saw the looks on her Lord and Lady·s faces, she stood at attention.
"My Lord and Lady, I regret to inform you that the one named the Master of
the Realms claiming to be the Lady's cousin has taken my Lord's sister Dracora
and her new vassal the Protector hostage." Elizabeth never met their eyes but
rattled off her news. "Scouts report there are Dominionites attacking the entire
Realm around Monarch's Glen. It will not be long before the Master attacks
Mal'estar and the rest of the Nations with his Dominionite Armies."
The Lady Empress roared her Spirit-dragon·s roar. Something had to be
done about him! He was exacting his revenge so soon, and she couldn't let him
get away with it. Not anymore.
"Thank you, Elizabeth." She growled lowly. "That is all."
With a nod, she was gone. Dranus stayed, listening. Adellandra didn't care
if he saw her angered.
"Damian just made his move." She announced. "We head to Monarch's Glen
before the night is out and destroy Damian."
"I will handle him, Adellandra." Draconis screamed.
"No, Draconis, I will handle him." The Lady commanded with a growl.
"Damian is my cousin, so let me deal with him." She put a hand to her mate's
beating heart. Her mind was going a mile a minute and he was angered.
A vision came in her mind, and she smiled.
"Go ahead and destroy the Dominionites for me." Adellandra crooned evilly.
"But leave Damian standing. He will know the meaning of the Dragon's Wrath
soon enough."
Draconis laughed heartily and held her tight. His brother Dranus saw his
eyes were black and hollow, telling him something dark within him was coming to
the surface. It would be the first time the Lady actually saw his acclaimed Chaos
without being afraid of it. He wasn't going to destroy hundreds of thousands of
his own people. Only hundreds of Dominionites that never deserved to live in the
first place.
Dranus smiled at the thought.
Dranus was amazed at how easily Adellandra took to the Darkness in him.
It intrigued her as nothing else would. He stayed silent, at attention as he
listened in and watched from the shadows.
Adellandra pet his chest. "Now go while the goods are hot, my love." She
reached up to his cheek and planted a kiss on his lips before whispering in his
ear. "Remember, lanta. Leave Damian to me."
Lord Draconis roared loud and long before heading out, with Dranus
behind him.

Draconis flew in his Chaos Dragon form toward Monarch·s Glen·s Castle.
Dranus flew beside him, equally seething with rage. Just the thought of Damian
angered both Dratianos brothers.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 211--

Dranus remembered long ago, when the Wars for Power crippled many of
their own Draconian people and killed off many clans. He remembered when
Orthos destroyed sets, stole O·Dell·s Companion children, and made a pact with
the evil side of their then-Emperor Lord Father Brakkon to destroy the Nations.
Draconis himself remembered very little about Damian and Orthos. The
only things he remembered now had to do with his own Chaos taking control and
nearly destroying the entire Nations in one blow. What stopped him was his
faithful Branno Dranus, who convinced him to place a magical wall of fire
between the Realm of Dreams and the Dragon Nations, ensuring the Mystic
Realms were safe from his destructive Chaos.
Those times were long ago, but with Damian·s return and kidnapping of
their sister, the brothers had to take care of business.
´We take the Dominionites and leave Damian to Adellandra.µ Draconis
´Agreed.µ Dranus supplied. ´Now, let us kick some Dominionite butt!µ
The brothers swooped down to the Castle at Monarch·s Glen and fought the
many Dominionite guards Damian had posted around the winding corridors.
When they reached the dungeon room, Draconis sensed Damian was torturing the
male his mate had called her Earthly Protector. His mind reeled with thoughts
about Derrick, both positive and negative.
 %   Dracora's voice announced in his
mind. (  


&   Draconis asked, sharing his sister's thought with
Draconis smiled and headed to the dungeons in the East Wing with Dranus
behind him.
The brothers stopped around the corner, where they heard voices. One of
them he recognized as a younger version of Orthos' voice. It had to be Damian.
´Has the Protector told you where the Crystal is, Dominick?µ
´Nay, Master.µ Draconis heard a young demonic voice answer in
annoyance. ´Not yet.µ
Damian growled loudly and Draconis heard glass break against the wall.
The Emperor looked at his brother, who nodded his head.
It didn·t take but a moment for Draconis and Dranus to attack the two
demons. As Dranus was rescuing Derrick, Draconis fought with Dominick.
Damian had disappeared.
´Where is he?µ Draconis demanded of Dominick.
´I will never tell you, dragon!µ
Draconis used his dragon·s magic to squeeze his throat with a thought.
´You will, or you will never see the light of day again.µ
´Fine!µ Dominick spat. ´He disappeared to the Abyss.µ
Draconis threw the demon across the room and against a wall. He landed
with a loud ¶oof!·, brushed himself off and disappeared.
Draconis turned to his brother and Derrick. Swallowing his pride, he asked
roughly. ´Are you ok, Mortal?µ
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 212--

´The name is Derrick, and yes, I·m a little shaken up but fine.µ Derrick
responded. ´What about Dracora?µ
´What about me?µ They heard Dracora·s voice say sweetly behind them.
´As you can see, gentlemen, I am fine.µ She winked at Draconis. ´I am a
Dratianos; I have learned well from my brothers. Right, Draconis?µ
Draconis· tough exterior stayed, but he smiled and nodded. ´Let·s get out
of here.µ
´For once, we agree.µ Derrick responded.
The four of them headed to the Royal Chambers.
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 213--



While waiting for her mate to return with news of the Dominionite Army's
destruction, Lady Empress Adellandra headed to the Garden outside Mal'estar's
Castle just below their personal Chamber balcony. She flew out the window and
landed at the site of the grave-marker entitled "My Empress."
She shifted form to her dragonwolf and wore her Fighter's Gear.
Adellandra unsheathed her sword and placed it tip-down to the ground, leaning
on the hilt.
Since returning, there have been times she found herself there, just staring
into space, thinking of the memories he shared of those many years ago when he
went chaotic and destroyed Mal'estar. It brought a tear to her eye. She wouldn't
wipe it away.
This time, her Dragonwolf son Kronin found her there, staring at the
marker. She sensed him hiding in the shadows.
Adellandra wiped her tear and sheathed her sword, rising from her knelt
position. "Yes, Kronin?"
"Do you remember this place at all?"
Adellandra nodded. "Aye, thanks to your Dratyr. He gave me my memories
back." Adellandra told him. He stepped closer. "I am still sorting them all out."
"Did he tell you of the destruction of Mal'estar?"
She nodded sadly. "He didn't need to. I already knew."
Kronin listened intently.
"I was ill for awhile before that, and I didn't dare tell you or your sitas
why." Adellandra began, looking at him. "Now, however, I owe it to you. I owe you
the truth of why things had to be as they were."
Kronin perched on a stone beside her. "I am listening, Lady Mutyr."
"It's not a happy story, but you do need to hear it." Adellandra picked a
flower and caressed it, starting her story. "Weeks before, I began to have visions.
First about your Gramere Locarra, then Granpere Brakkon. They became more
intense as the days went on. I saw the destruction made by Thorn, when
Brakkon turned evil. I knew I had to do something when my own Dratyr deserted
and abandoned his own Branno. Your Dratyr's second, Dranus stuck by his side,
beyond all anger, hate and chaos within." She paused, setting the flower down on
the gravestone. "But his own mate and Empress did not."
"Why Mutyr?" Kronin whispered. "I thought you loved us?"
"Oh, Kano, Donar, I did love you, and still do." The Lady hugged him. "I
always will! It is because of that love I stole you and your sitas away, before my
visions came true. I didn't want us to perish in the destruction so I took you to
Matéré's Wolf-Packs to live as wolves."
"You left us there, Mutyr!" Kronin stood back, angry. "You never came back
for us!"
"Donar, I had no choice!" Adellandra announced. "It was for your own
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 214--

safety." She took a deep breath and let it out. "After I came back from the Packs, I
settled back to my parentada's hutch-cave and waited until I knew it was safe to
return for you."
"Why didn't you?"
"I waited two-hundred years for your Dratyr to sense and come back for
me. Somehow, I was swept away by the Ancient Mystics to begin another
existence as one of their Daughters. All memories I'd had of this place were lost."
She said. "Hundreds of years later, I learned all about my true-parentage and life
here in the Dragon Nations. I had to send my Earthly Protector to be Countess
Dracora's vassal, just so I wouldn't feel bad for leaving him and returning as
Empress here.
"Along the way, I acquired many forms and titles, learned a lot of magic
and remembered why the Dragon Nations felt more like home than the Realm I
called the Outer World. I have been conflicted since, between the Realm of
Dreams, Ancients and Epsilon of my Mystic blood and the Dragon Nations of my
Draconian and Wolfkin blood."
"But you are both, Mutyr." Kronin supplied. "Both and all. The Realm of
Dreams is now part of our Nations, as it always had been before. You are the
Lady Guardian of the Realms and our Lady Empress of Mal'estar."
Lady Adellandra smiled. "I have also been gifted with Goddess of Spirit
status, from the Dragons and Mystics." She wrapped a loving arm around her
kano, Prince Kronin and asked him. "Enough about me, kano. What have you and
your sisters been up to all this time?"
Kronin looked down. ´We lived with the Packs and Gramere Katerina,
speaking nothing but Wolf-Speak and living as wolves. That is, until destruction
hit the Realm of Dreams.µ He started. ´The one calling himself Master destroyed
sets, families, clans and homes in his path. The Packs around me dwindled in
numbers, each succeeding Alpha and her Pack destroyed and killed. Gramere
was one of the many hundreds thousands of Companions and Creatures to be
killed by the Master.µ
The Lady frowned, thinking of yet another thing to get Damian for.
Somehow, she knew it were on Orthos· orders by Damian·s Warrior Army.

  She thought to herself, %   

 / .
´I took care of the twins alone, finding solace after the Wars for Power.µ
Kronin continued.
´Did you fight in it?µ
He shook his head. ´Nay, we were kept safe by the feline Companion
Braken Joel Hawk. He led us to the Province Underground. It was not until years
and generations later that he declared it safe to return above ground.µ
´I remember that.µ Adellandra told him. ´You were with the Elder
He nodded. ´I recognized you then as someone special, for you were
magically familiar to me.µ Kronin supplied. ´I did not know where to go when we
parted ways, so I took my sisters back to the Nations by flight. The Firewall was
there, and I sensed a familiar magical signature all over it. When I saw what was
c cMCS-4 Hope for Tomorrow, Adella Dratianos -- 215--

left of the Empire I once called home, I was crushed. Rubble, blood, bones, decay
and other remnants of war were all that was left behind.µ
The Lady placed a hand around his shoulders.
´I searched the empire for some living relative, even you, but no one was
found. We were orphans.µ Kronin continued. ´After going to the back garden and
paying my respects at the gravestone, we left in search of somewhere to go.µ He
looked up at me. ´I followed my senses and found the hutch-cave your  
used to live. We spent the night there before heading on our way once again. We
came upon Lady Aura at Dragon·s Keep and stayed there until you came along as
Lady Guardian.µ His dragon face smiled. ´I believe you know the rest.µ
Adellandra nodded, kissing his cheek. ´Aye, my donar, that I do.µ
She thought over his tale. % 
  She thought to herself,

 '  '
She felt guilty and hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead. "I'm so sorry
Kronin dearest." She said, petting him. "Do you forgive me?"
Kronin looked at her with his slate-gray eyes. "Aye, Mutyr, I forgive you."





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