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VAREHD 10, Suceava, 20-21 octombrie 2000

The Load Distribution in Double Row Spherical

Roller Bearings and Spherical Roller Bearings
Systems in the Static Case
D. Rezmires, I Bercea, Sp. Cretu, D. Olaru
Technical University “GH Asachi” of Iasi, Department of Machine Design & Tribology, Bvd.
D Mangeron, 61-63, 6600 Iasi, Romania

This paper proposes an analytic formulation to simulate the mechanical interactions in double
row spherical roller bearing and double row spherical roller bearings systems taking into account
the type of the contact developed on the contact area and the contact angle modification as effect
of the external load application.. In this paper the relations who describe, the centre of the mass
of the roller element displacement are presented. Correlating the geometrical particularities of
distinct bearings, in this paper, using an analytical method, the geometrical interactions were
founded. The interdependence between the external load and the bearing system response was
takes into account.

1. Introduction
Spherical roller bearings are optimally suited for applications that require bearings with a high
degree of angular aligning capability and a very high load carrying capacity. The analytical
studies presented in literature for the spherical roller bearings consider that a single type of
contact is developed, point contact or line contact and not as a function of the external load
magnitude [1]. It is know that when the bearing is high externally loaded some conjunctions can
be of line contact type and another of point contact type. For simplicity, double row spherical
roller bearings were abbreviated as SRB. The SRB has a special geometry that assures a high
combined radial and axial load. Because the SRB has an outer race that is a portion of a sphere,
result that they are internally self-aligning. Considering that property result that the external
moment with a minimum energy is supported, but in the same time the initial contact angle is
modified and as the effect, the contact load magnitude also is modified. The load distribution in
the double row spherical roller bearings system it is a function of the contact type developed on
the contact area. For a simply reading and writing the spherical roller bearing systems was noted
with SSRB.

2. Analytical Approach
To describe the SRB geometry some specific functions and index was introduced. The index r =
1 or r=2 denoted bearing row 1 or 2 respectively. To describe the roller element position on the
"r" row an "j" index was introduced. To perform the analysis, the following coordinate systems
were used:
• an inertial system OeXYZ (which has the origin in the geometrical centre of the outer race
noted Oe),
• a rolling element frame OXrYrZr.
The relation between inertial system and the centre of mass of the rolling element with {rM(r,j)}
vector were described. The inner ring has five degrees of freedom: it can be displaced in the axial
direction along OeX axis and in radial directions OeY, OeZ, respectively and can be also tilt
around the radial axis OeY and OeZ respectively. These directions in Fig 1 were illustrated.

Z2 ψ=0 ∆ψ=0 Z1
Outer ring


r=2 Z r=1
rM(2,j) rM(1,j)
Bearing X

Oe axis

Inner ring
Roller element


Fig.1. The coordinate system attached to SRB

For each rolling element was considered two degrees of freedom: two translations ∆x, ∆z that are
related with respect to the roller coordinate system (OXrYrZr)r. To limit the complexity of the
analysis, the following major assumptions are made:
• the bearing is mounted on a sturdy shafts and in a rigid housing;
• the pressure distributions at the contacts have been assumed according to Hertzian theory;
• the surfaces in contact had ideal shapes;
• the bearing components are considered to be rigid excepting the local contact zones.

2.1 Static Equilibrium of Rolling Element

For the (j,r) parameter which describes the centre of the mass position of the (r,j) roller element a
sign function sgn(r), was introduced :
1 r =1
sgn( r ) =  (1)
−1 r = 2
Also a α(j,r) function which describe the initial contact angle modification as effect of the inner
ring misalignments, was introduced. If the inner ring was misalign with γy and angle γz angle
respectively, then the result that the initial contact angle α became α(j,r) :
α(j,r)=α0+sgn(r).(γy.cos(ψ(j,r))+ γz.sin(ψ(j,r)) (2)
 ψ ( r , j) for r = 1
ψ ( r , j) =  (3)
ψ ( r , j) + ∆ψ for r = 2
When the phase difference between the bearings rows is zero then ∆ψ=0.
The bearing is considered externally load by the force vector {F} as:
{F} = {Fx ,Fy ,Fz}T (4)
Fx represents the axial load,
Fy and Fz are the radial loads along to Y and Z axis respectively.
As effect of external force application, the inner ring can be displaced along the X, Y and Z axis
with δx, δy and δz respectively. In these conditions the (r,j) roller element will be loaded by
{Q(j,r)} force. In Fig. 2 the nominal and final point position for the curvature centre of the inner
and outer raceway was presented. Also the centre of the mass and curvature centres of roller
element was listed.
Oi δx Oi
loi=BOi δz cos(ψ)+δ ysin(ψ)
B ∆x ∆ z l'oi
loe=AOe O'i O'i
B' .
B' α
l'oe=OeA' i
l'oi=B'Oi' M ∆x
M' α .0

A ∆x ∆z α
. e
A' A'
Oe X Oe X

Fig.2. The initial and final position of curvature centres for rollers and raceways

The points presented in Fig 2 are:

Oe - outer race curvature centre
Oi - inner race curvature centre
M - centre of mass of the roller element
A,B - curvature centres of the roller element
(‘) - final position index for Oe, Oi, A,B,M points

Because in the static load case the inner and outer contact angle are equal for any individual
roller element but different for every (r,j) roller element, result that an generic translation for M
and B points in A point that is possible to do. Also a generic translation for the M’, B’ points in
A’ point is possible to do. The generic point which result from the preview translation with P and
P’ respectively was noted. In Fig.3 the contact angle evolution in the plane described by the
ψ(r,j) angle was presented.
Oi Oi

Oi' O'i

Oe Oe
(ii) (i)

(iii) Oe Oe (iv)

P' P'

Oi Oi

O'i O'i
Fig.3. The contact angle evolution as function of (r,j) parameters.
In the basis of Fig. 2 and 3 respectively, the following expression for the roller-raceway total
deformation and contact angle was founded:
δ(r, j) = [L. sin(α) + δ x ]2 + [(L. cos(α) + δ z . cos(ψ) + δ y . sin(ψ)]2 − L (5)
 L. sin( α ) + δ x 
α i ( r , j) = arctan   (6)
 L. cos( α ) + δ . cos( ψ ) + δ . sin( ψ ) 
 z y 
Sd represents the diametrical clearance of the bearing
α=α(r,j) is give by Equation.2.
Using Eq.5 result that the normal load and the contact angle will be:
Q(r,j)= Kech.δ(r,j)n (7a)
αi(r,j)= αe(r,j) (7b)
Kech represents the equivalent rigidity factor

Because in the case of the SRB it is possible to obtain different contact type, result that Kech
factor for any roller element is a function of the external load. If the major axis of elliptical
contact noted ai(r,j) is greater like lw/2 than result that Kech is give by line contact type expression
and contact angle is equal with the nominal contact angle else Kech is give by point contact type
expression and contact angle is different versus the initial contact angle. In these conditions the
equivalent contact rigidity became:
 
 
 1 
K ech =  1 1  , (8)
 1  n  1  n 
  Ki  +  Ko  
 
As a criterion to select the contact type is used the following relation:
p ( po int contact ), if a i ( r , j) < l w / 2
contact type =  (9)
 l (line contact ), if a i ( r , j) > l w / 2

In the case of point contact the rigidity factors Ki and Ko are defined by:
K i ,o = 2.15 * 105 ∑ ρi−,0o.5δ *i ,o−1.5 , n=1.5, αi(r,j)=αo(r,j)≠α
In the case of line contact the rigidity parameters are equal and this parameters was noted with
"K". In these conditions the relation between rigidity terms is:
Ki = Ko = K,
K = 8.05 * 104 l w 8/ 9 , n=1.11, αi(r,j)=αo(r,j)=α
Σρi,o represent the curvature sum for inner and outer contact respectively, [mm]
δ*i,o represent a non-dimensional parameter;
E is the equivalent elastic modulus;
lw represent the roller length [mm]
ai(r,j) is the major axis of the elliptical contact,
1/ 3
 3. Q( r , j) 
a i ( r , j) =   . (10)
 E. ∑ ρ i 
According to these assumption to obtain the δx, δy and δz displacement of inner the ring it is
necessary to solve the bearing equilibrium equations.

2.2. Bearing Equilibrium Equations

The equations of bearing equilibrium in axial and radial directions are:
Fz = ∑ ∑ Q i ( r , j) cos(α i ( r , j)) cos( ψ ( r , j)) (11a)
r j

Fy = ∑ ∑ Q i ( r , j) cos( α i ( r , j)) sin( ψ ( r , j)) (11b)

r j

Fx = ∑∑Q
r j
i ( r , j) sin( α i ( r , j)) sng ( r ) (11c)

2.3. The centre of the mass displacement for (r,j) roller element
In Fig. 4 the nominal and final position of the roller centre of mass was listed. Thus, the point Oi’
and P’ represents the displaced position of the Oi and P points respectively.

δ z cos(ψ) + δ y sin(ψ)

∆x O'

α0 ∆z

Oe X

Fig.4. The centre of the mass displacement as function of inner ring displacement and ψ (r,j)

In basis of Fig 4 result that the centre of mass displacement following components will had :

δ x . l oe   K  1/ n l oe 
∆x = +   e ch  −  . ( δ ). sin ( α i ) (12a)
l o i + l o e   K o  l o i + l o e 

[ δ z .cos( ψ ) + δ y .sin( ψ )]. l oe  K ech  l oe 

1/ n

∆z = +   − .(δ ).cos( α i ) (12b)

l oi + l oe  K o  l oi + l oe 
were δ=δ(r,j) and it is give by Eq.5.

2.4. Numerical example to describe the contact type developed in SRB

The model developed in the previous section to 22212C SRB was applied. In Table 1 the internal
geometry of 22212C and 22308C SRB was listed.

SRB type 22212 C 22308 C

Roller diameter [mm] 12.5 13
Initial contact angle [ ] 9.21 14.33
Number of roller per row, Z 18 13
Roller effective length, [mm] 10.56 12
Roller contour radius [mm] 48.8 39.5
Inner raceway contour radius, [mm] 50 40.35
Outer raceway contour radius, [mm] 50 40
Bearing pitch diameter, [mm] 85.077 66
Diametrical play, Sd [mm] 0.005 0.005
Table 1. Some geometric characteristics of the 22212C and 22308C SRB’s.
To illustrate the contact type algorithm detection applies to 22212C SRB, in Table 2 some cases
of external load was presented.
The contact type detected by algorithm for different external loaded applied to 22212C,
l=line contact type, p=point contact type, d=discharged
Index Fx=1000, Fz=4000 Fx=5000, Fz=40000 Fx=5000, Fz=40000 Fx=1000, Fz=40000
roller Fy=3000, ∆ψ=0 Fy=30000, ∆ψ=0 Fy=30000, ∆ψ=10 Fy=100, ∆ψ=0
j r=1 r=2 r=1 r=2 r=1 r=2 r=1 r=2
1 p p l l l l l l
2 p p l l l l l l
3 p p l l l l l l
4 p p l l l l l p
5 p p l l l p p p
6 p d l p l p d d
7 p d p d p d d d
8 p d p d p d d d
9 p d d d d d d d
10 d d d d d d d d
11 d d d d d d d d
12 d d d d d d d d
13 d d d d d d d d
14 d d d d d d d d
15 p d d d d d p p
16 p d p d p d l p
17 p d l d l p l l
18 p p l p l p l l
Table.2. The algorithm detection of the contact type on the 22212C SRB for different external

The listing data presents in Tables 2 denote that at high load is possible to have linear contacts
and point contacts in the same time but for different (r,j) roller element. At the low external load
(Fx=1000 N, Fz=4000 N, Fy=3000 N), the load vector is transferred by point contact for any
roller elements If the external load is increasing (Fx=5000 N, Fz=40000 N, Fy=30000 N), for
the 5th roller element on the 2nd row have a line contact in the case when ∆ψ=0 and the same
roller element described by (r,j) parameters will have a point contact for ∆ψ=10o. In Fig. 5, the
load distribution on the two-spherical roller bearing in the case ∆ψ=0 and ∆ψ=10o respectively
was presented.

r=1, w ithout dephasage
6000 r=2 w ithout dephasage
5000 r=1, w ith dephasage
Load, [N]

r=2, w ith dephasage





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Roller elem ent

Fig 5. The load distribution on 22212C SRB considering algorithm contact type for ∆ψ=0 and
∆ψ=10o respectively
In Fig 6 is evidenced the influence of the contact type on the load distribution. It is presented the
report between the load distribution for (r,j) roller element considering the point contact type
versus algorithm contact type.





r=1, Qp/Qalg
r=2, Qp/Qalg

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Roller element, j

Fig 6. The rapport between the load distribution considering only the point contact type versus
the load distribution obtained for algorithm contact type

3. Coordinate systems attached to SSRB

The load analysis was made keeping the outer race of the bearings fixed in space and letting the
inner rings to be displaced under external load. For any individual SRB described with
(r,j)indexes an index “idx” was attached. The “idx” index is “1 or 2” were “idx=1” represent the
first SRB and “idx=2” represent the second SRB. For the any SRB's from the system, the
following coordinate systems was attached:
• an inertial system OeXYZidx (this system has the origin in the geometrical centre of the outer
race denoted by Oe),
• a rolling element frame OXYZr,j,idx.

The relation between the "idx" inertial system and the centre of mass of rolling element with the
{rM(r,j,}idx vector was described. The inner ring of "idx" SRB has five degrees of freedom: it can
be displaced in the axial direction along OeXidx axis and in radial directions OeYidx, OeZidx,
respectively and can be also misalign around the radial axis OeYidx and OeZidx. In the Fig. 7, the
SSRB components was listed.
Z2 ψ=0 ∆ψ=0 Z1 Z2 ψ=0 ∆ψ=0 Z1
j=1 idx=1 j=1 idx=2
Outer ring Outer ring

X2 X2

X1 X1
r=2 Z r=1 r=2 Z r=1
α α
rM(2,j) rM(1,j) rM(2,j) rM(1,j)
Bearing X Shaft initial axis Bearing X
Oe axis Oe axis

Inner ring Inner ring

Roller element Roller element

Lw Lw


Fig.7. The coordinate system attached to SSRB system

In this analysis for each rolling elements two degrees of freedom was considered.

3.1. External load in “idx” SRB

For the (r,j)idx parameter which describe the centre of mass of the roller it is necessary to
implement a sign function noted sgn(r,idx), with the following expression:
 1 r =1
sgn( r , idx) =  (13)
− 1 r = 2
Also, to describe the SSRB a general function which describe the initial contact angle was
introduced. That function was noted α(r,j)ix and describe the initial contact evolution of initial
contact angle α0,idx under the effect of the "idx" inner ring misalignment. Considering that the
γy,idx and γz,idx are the misalignment angle of the “idx” inner ring result that the new initial free
contact angle became:
α(r,j,idx)=α0,idx+sgn(r,idx).(γy,idx.cos(ψ(r,j,idx))+ γz,idx.sin(ψ(r,j,idx)) (14)
 ψ ( r , j, idx) for r = 1
ψ ( r , j, idx) =  (15)
ψ ( r , j, idx) + ∆ψ idx for r = 2
The SSRB is externally loading by the force vector {F}. In Eq 16. the {F}vector were presented.
{F} = {Fx,Fry,Frz}T (16)
• Fx is the axial load
• Fry and Frz are the radial loads along to Y and Z axis respectively.

As effect, the "idx" inner ring of the "idx" SRB can be displaced along the X, Y and Z axis with
δx, δyidx and δzidx respectively. As effect of these displacements, some roller elements will be
loaded. For the (r,j,idx) roller element the load will be {Q(r,j)}idx . Generally, the shaft is
relatively rigid and bearing misalignment due to the shaft is inconsequential magnitude. The load
distribution on “idx” SRB can be obtained if is know the effect of external load on any SRB. In
Fig 8 and Fig 9, two hypothesis cases of external load applied to a SRB system are shown.



F rz1 Frz2

Fa1 Fa2

Fry1 F

Fig.8. The reactions in a simple two-bearing-shaft system

Fig.9. The reactions into a simple two-bearing shaft system, overhung load
The reactions acting along the Y and Z axis can determined from the simple equations of static
equilibrium. The reaction along the X axis is a function of the axial load distribution between the
“idx” SRB which respect the sum of effect.
• for the case presented in Fig 8 the simple equations of static equilibrium are:
Frz1+Frz2=Frz Frz2.L-Frz.a=0
Fry1+Fry2=Fry Fry2.L-Fry.a=0 (17)
• for the case presented in Fig 9 the simple equations of static equilibrium are:
Frz1+Frz2=Frz Frz2.(L-a)-Frz.L=0
Fry1+Fry2=Fry Fry2.(L-a)-Fry.L=0 (18)
The external load acting in the two-bearing-shaft system produce a misalignment effect on the
“idx” SRB, which modify the contact angle and also the load distribution in the “idx” SRB.
Thus, the misalignment angle for “idx” SRB are given by:
γrz,idx = Frz/(6.E.Iz).f(a,L)idx
γry,idx = Fry/(6.E.Iz).f(a,L)idx (19)
From Eq.5, result that normal load and contact angle are given by:
Q(r,j)idx= Kech,idx.δ(r,j)nidx (20a)
αi(r,j)idx= αe(r,j)idx (20b)
Kech,idx represent the equivalent rigidity factor for the "idx" SRB
To find the δx, δy,idx and δz,idx displacement of the "idx" inner ring it is necessary to solve the
bearing equilibrium equations which was described by the Eqs 17 and Eqs 18 respectively.

3.2. System Equilibrium Equations

The equations of system equilibrium in axial and radial directions are:
Frz1 = ∑ ∑ Q1( r , j) cos(α i ( r , j)) cos( ψ ( r , j))
r j
Frz 2 = ∑ ∑ Q2( r , j) cos(α i ( r , j)) cos( ψ ( r , j))
r j

Fry1 = ∑ ∑ Q1( r , j) cos(α i ( r , j)).sin( ψ ( r , j))

r j

Fry 2 = ∑ ∑ Q2( r , j) cos(α i ( r , j)).sin( ψ ( r , j))

r j

Fa = ∑ ∑ Q1( r , j) sin(α i ( r , j))sng( r ) + ∑ ∑ Q2( r , j) sin(α i ( r , j))sng( r ) (21)

r j r j

where: the Q1,2(r,j) terms are the load acting on (r,j) roller element and the “idx” SRB.

3.3. Numerical results for SSRB static analysis

In Fig 10 the load distribution for 22308 C SSRB was presented, considering that the external
load is apply like in the case listed in Fig.2. The external load applied to shaft is: Frz=2000 [N],
Fry=3000 [N], Fx=Fa=500 [N]. The geometric parameters “a “ and “L” are: a=200 [mm], L=500
[mm] respectively.

The load distribution on SRB system

600 r=1, idx=2

500 r=2, idx=2
Load [N]

400 r=1, idx=1

300 r=2, idx=1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Roller index, j

Fig .10. The load distribution on two-spherical roller bearing system for the case presented in

Considering the case presented in Fig 11, in Fig 5 is listing the load distribution for an 22308C
SSRB was presented. For this case, the external load applied to shaft is: Frz=2000 [N], Fry=3000
[N], Fx=Fa=500 [N]. The geometric parameters “a “ and “L” are: a=200 [mm], L=700 [mm]
The load distribution on SRB system

1200 r=1, idx=1

1000 r=2, idx=1
Load [N]

800 r=1, idx=2

600 r=2, idx=2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Roller index, j

Fig .11. The load distribution on two-spherical roller bearing system for the case presented in

Notations and abbreviations:

SRB spherical roller bearing
SSRB spherical roller bearings system
r row index 1. Harris T.A. – Rolling bearing analysis,
j roller element index 3rd edition, 1991
idx bearing index
i,e inner and outer index parameter
Sd diametrical clearance
R roller radius curvature
Ro outer race roller radius
Ri inner race roller radius
Oe outer race curvature centre
Oi inner race curvature centre
M centre mass of rolling element
A,B curvature centres of the rolling
P generic point
α nominal contact angle
δ inner ring displacement
γ inner ring tilt angle
∆ centre roller displacement
ψ anglular position of roller element
∆ψ phase difference
X,Y,Z index to describe the bearing axis
F external load
Q roller load
{} vector
‘ final position index
p punctual index
l linear index
alg algorithm index

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