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Online Video


Developers: Group 21
Aditya Kulkarni
Archit Mehrotra
Col Gurtej Gill
Mohammad Mudasser

Beta Version 4.2

CRM for Online Video Rental


2.APPLICATION FORMS...................................................................................................................................................3
1.2COMPLAINT FORM VIEW.....................................................................................................................................................................................4
1.3AGENT SCREEN.............................................................................................................................................................................................4
1.4AGENT SCREEN VIEW......................................................................................................................................................................................5
1.5COMPLAINT OVERVIEW VIEW..............................................................................................................................................................................6
3.FLOW CHART OF COMPLAINT FOR ONLINE VIDEO RENTAL COMPANY..............................................................................7

CRM for Online Video Rental

1. Introduction
The application developed is a CRM for Video Rental Company providing various products like Blu-Ray, DVDs, CDs
and online streaming facilities. It provides the Video Rental company to have an effective complaint registering
system where customers can file their complaints for various products and the complaint will be received by the
company’s agents in real time and they can act on them in an efficient way.

2. Application Forms
This section of the manual deals with providing information about various pages of the application. The pages vary
in functionality according to the user login. The basic functionalities are explained in this section. The detailed role
based functionalities are explained in the coming sections.

1.1 Customer

This form will be used to fill the customer complaint details. The form incorporates the customer details like the
Customer Name, Customer ID, Email ID, Present Address, Product, Complaint etc.

Snapshot 1: Customer Complaint page

CRM for Online Video Rental

1.2 Complaint form view

Complaint form view is used to see the complaints of the customers at a given point of time on a single screen. It
contains all the required details about the customer complaint like Customer Name, Customer ID, Email ID,
Present Address, Product, Complaint, Complaint ID, and agent to whom the complaint has been assigned.

Snapshot 2: Complaint form view

1.3 Agent Screen

CRM for Online Video Rental

This page is used by agents to see the complaints on their screen after selecting their name in the Agent name
dropdown box. They can select the appropriate complaint ID and change the status of the complaint with required
comments as appropriate.

Snapshot 3 : Agent Screen Page

1.4 Agent Screen View

Agent Screen view can be used by managers to see the status of all the complaints with all the information like
Agent name, Complain ID, Customer ID, Current Status and Comments on a single screen.

Snapshot 4: Agent Screen View

CRM for Online Video Rental

1.5 Complaint Overview View

The functionality of this page is to list the number of pending and total complaints for each of the product
category for further use and knowing the exact status of a complaint listed by a customer.

Snapshot 5: Complaint Overview View Page

CRM for Online Video Rental

3. Flow chart of complaint for Online Video Rental Company

Customer enters his Complaint count is increased

complaint in the complaint by one once a new complaint
form is received

In the agent screen,

complaint is mapped to agent
and status update is taken

In the Complaint Overview If Pending complaints for a

form, manager sees the product type is greater than
overall status of pending and 5, a warning mail is sent to
completed complaints the agent for the same

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