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28 March 2008 Being Away From Home Volume 1, issue 1

Special points of inter-

• Ghosts at Woodrow

• Dedication to Bear
& Amanda

• Being Away From


Going away to college, no matter how far or close to

home you are, the first few weeks may be a time of
home sickness, when you just aren’t feeling like While much of the stress and anxi-
Inside this issue:
yourself, and when you’re longing for home. Don’t ety that college students experi-
give up on college yet. You can beat it. ence is normal and even healthy,
Ambassadors 2
some will experience chronic, re-
After you are moved in, take the time to decorate
History of 3 lentless anxiety that may be a sign
your dorm room and make it home. It is your home
WWRC of an anxiety disorder. Some stu-
away from home, so make it a place where you are
dents may have experienced symp-
How To Wash 4 comfortable. However, the joy here is you can now
Clothes toms before college that became
make it your own home away from home. Don’t let
worse upon leaving home, while
it stop you from being creative.
Relationships 6 others may be experiencing such
symptoms for the first time (the
Horoscopes 7 Don’t forget it’s important to go out and make
college years are often when men-
friends! Don’t stay in the room the entire time hid-
SGA Committees 7 tal health problems such as anxiety
ing because you’re afraid to meet new people, col-
disorders manifest themselves).
lege is a time where you are supposed to meet
The 90’s Dance 8 Anxiety disorders are a unique
them. Have fun. Go to a few events offered during
group of illnesses that fill people's
Casino Night 8 the first weekend you are there, say hi to the person
lives with persistent, excessive and
you see on your floor a lot that you keep bumping
unreasonable anxiety, worry and
into. Little contact like that can help you feel more
fear. They include generalized anxi-
involved with the campus community, and you
ety disorder (GAD), obsessive-
won’t feel so alone.
compulsive disorder (OCD), panic
College is a stressful time for almost all students. disorder, posttraumatic stress dis-
Getting along with roommates, dealing with new order (PTSD), social anxiety disor-
social pressures, being exposed to alcohol or drugs, der (SAD) and specific phobias.
managing finances, meeting academic demands - Although anxiety disorders are seri-
all while being away from home for the first time ous medical conditions, they are
and without familiar sources of support - can leave treatable.
many students feeling overwhelmed, confused and
stressed out.
Old Ragtime News Page 2

Ghosts at Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center

There have been reports of a ghost of a One time the 2nd male ghost forced 1 of the room-
woman in maybe her early 20’s or so dressed mates down on the ground outside of the room &
in a nursing uniform. The student reported that would not let her up until he wanted to let her up.
the woman walked through the door of her The student told dorm staff but they wouldn’t
dorm room and over to the empty bed & just believe her. One night while the student was tak-
looked at it for a second & then froze. When ing a shower, the male figure came in & started to
the woman noticed the student looking at her, get very violent. He wrapped his hands around
the woman just smiled, nodded her head & her neck & squeezed her neck until she started to
walked out. The student also reported that a get choked, then he would stop, & he did this
male figure would come into the room & just twice before she could get out of the shower.
hang out. When one of the roommates would
When the student showed her roommate, they
get upset, so would the male ghost. When the
compared marks. This went on until the student
male ghost would get upset he would pinch &
scratch you, and leave marks on your sides. left WWRC. Dorm staff would never believe the
Another male ghost who wasn’t nice would students even though 1 dorm staff member has
seen the ghost himself.

How to Stay Out of Drama

There is a lot of drama at There are several things that the
Woo Woo. There are several Rec Hall offers students to do.
“Let everyone know
ways to stay out of the drama. Another way to stay out of the
you are not into To stay out of the Woodrow drama is to keep yourself busy. Let everyone know you are not
drama you could go to your Join committees on campus, into drama, if they continue to
drama, if they con-
room or to a friends room, make yourself scarce when the drag you into the drama it is a
tinue to drag you into good idea to stay away from
walk away from the drama. If drama starts, don’t tell anyone
the drama it is a good you know that someone is a else other people’s business them & don’t forget, choose
drama queen then don’t hang because this continues the your friends wisely. You don’t
idea to stay away
out with them. Don’t be drama & rumors on. Don’t take want to be caught up in some-
from them & don’t thing you didn’t ask to be
around anyone that starts calls from drama queens. Don’t
forget, choose your caught up in.
friends wisely.”

Being an ambassador is a privelege.

The ambassadors at WWRC are
leaders. What they do reflects back
on the school. What each ambassa-
dor can do to help other ambassa-
dors is simply to not start drama.
Being an ambassador is hard work
but fun at the same time. You
should be proud to be an ambassa-
dor and enjoy the time you had and
have being an ambassador. We’d
like to thank Miss Mary & all the
ambassadors for their hard work.
Volume 1, issue 1 Page 3

History of Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center

Many of you students probably don’t know the history of Woodrow Wilson
Rehab Center. Many of you may not care either. It is interesting if you think
about it though. I’m sure many of you have heard about the ghosts at Wood-
row Wilson. The history itself goes back a few years before 1947. During
World War II, it was a booming facility known as the Woodrow Wilson
Army General Hospital. Sick & wounded servicemen arrived by the
trainloads from all over the world. In 1947, the War Assets Administration
transferred the Woodrow Wilson Army General Hospital to the Augusta
County School Board & the Commonwealth of Virginia. The school board
used part of the facility for Woodrow Wilson High School & the Valley Vo-
cational-Techincal School. The rest became WWRC. The Harold E. Watson
Student Activities Building was named for Major General Harold E. Watson.
The Mary E. Switzer Building for Clinical & Professional Services was
named for Mary Elizabeth Switzer on May 30th, 1973. The Occupational
Therapy Department of the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center dedi-
cated the Independent Living Transitional Cottage to Eleanor (Ellie) J. Pelar
on April 22nd, 1991. Ellie retired from the Center after 33 years, most re-
cently as secretary to the Occupational Therapy Department. In 1975, the
Medical/ Administration Building was dedicated to honor the Center’s 2nd
Director, Frank O. Birdsall & WWRC co-founder, Dr. Roy M. Hoover. In
1954, the men’s dormitory was dedicated to Constance Curry Carter &
named Carter’s Men Dormitory. In 2003, the dormitory rededicated & re-
named Carter-Ashley Men’s Dormitory, to also honor the Center’s 7th direc-
tor, Judith K. Ashley. The Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center is named
for President Woodrow Wilson.

Dealing With Your Roommate

Forget tests and navigating campus with- If you have to live one more second in this cesspit, you
out a map--the real challenge will be swear you'll develop obsessive-compulsive hand-
learning to live with your new room- washing disorder. Getting caught up in an "I can bear the
mate. Sure, you'll be psyched to have grossness longer than she can" cleaning strike is not
finally moved away from home (and advised. Complaining to all your mutual acquaintances
from your bathroom-hogging bro), but about her lack of hygiene won't help either. You're going
dorm life won't always be the curfewless to have to admit out loud that you need your petri dish
paradise you dreamed of. of a dorm room to be cleaner, but don't blame her spe-
On your first grocery-shopping expedi- cifically. Say, "I can't take the dust bunnies anymore"
tion, she refuses to shell out for a joint and see if she agrees (maybe she's just been too stressed
bottle of Germ Terminator (she thinks about midterms to notice).
the dried mac-and-cheese globules on Suggest sharing chores (you won't loathe taking
the floor are part of the linoleum pat- out the trash as much if it means she'll de-ramen the
tern). Slobarella uses your white wicker coffee mugs), or use the barter system (you'll scrub the
laundry hamper as a hoop for pizza-crust toaster oven if she'll support your M&M's habit). Con-
hook shots (personal foul!), and your sider her assets while you're pitching her dirty sweats
minifridge could supply props for sev- back to her side of the room: She did get you tickets to
eral Got Milk? commercials (despite the the Oasis concert.
seven cartons, you haven't). The ultimate You also have to be realistic: Expecting a dorm
gross-out: Bleached-blond hair is all room to rival a page out of Martha Stewart Living is,
over your comforter, and you're a natural like, insane. Reality check: Chee-tos crumbs can't kill
brunette. you.
Old Ragtime News
How To Wash Clothes Page 4

Learning how to wash clothes is a very important skill. Failure to acquire this skill is not only
unhealthy, but also expensive especially when the washing goes wrong. Fortunately, it is not a
very difficult skill to master.
Steps Warnings
1. Collect all your dirty clothes from the bath- • Always check the labels of your clothes.
room floor, or wherever you keep them. Keep in
mind that your socks may be in the living room or
• If you are ever unsure, wash on the lower
Things You'll temperature, or by hand, and don't spin the
under your desk. Make sure you find everything. clothes.
Need 2. Sort the clothes into piles. There are two im-
portant considerations here: what material your • New clothes with bright colors may have to
• Clothes be washed by themselves for the first few times
clothes are, and what color.
unless you have something in a very similar color.
• Detergent 3. Collect all your dirty clothes from the bath-
room floor, or wherever you keep them. Keep in
• Blue Jeans should be inside out to retain their
• A wash- dark color.
ing ma- mind that your socks may be in the living room or
under your desk. Make sure you find everything. • If you wash your tennis shoes, don't put them
chine in the dryer, they will never be the same. Let them
4. Sort the clothes into piles. There are two im-
• Or a dry in the sun.
portant considerations here: what material your
bucket / clothes are, and what color. • Don't leave your clothes unattended at the
sink laundromat. They do get stolen!
5. Read all the labels, and pick out the clothes
that (a) cannot be washed (need to be taken to a • Never wash and dry dark and light colored
• A drier to shirts together.
dry the dry cleaner), (b) all clothes that say delicate, or
Never put bleach on shirts that are not white.
clothes, have other restrictions. These are commonly mate-
rials such as silk, wool, and certain synthetic fi- Tips
or some-
where to • Fold as little as possible. Just stack your
6. Remember delicates may have to be washed
hang undies like pancakes.
by hand. This means using a sink or a bucket, and
them adding water (read labels to verify the temperature) • Over drying wears fabric out faster; try to
and detergent. The water should feel slippery. leave a little moisture in (not too much though), it
Warning: remember to sort the colors (see point will dry before you get to using it anyway.
five below). • Take the sheets off the bed, wash them and
7. Sort the remaining clothes (generally materials put them right back on. Less time will be spent
such as cotton, linen, synthetic fibers) according to folding/storing.
color. All whites should go with only whites (or • Guys- when you are low on dress socks, give
very light colors if the item has been washed many what remains to Goodwill and buy like 30 pairs all
times). Then put all the reds, pinks, and oranges in same style of black. No more sorting or orphans.
a separate pile.never keep these close to the white Go one step further and divide your dress sock
drawer in two. Put clean socks in one side and
pile as they bleed easily. Then, depending on how
draw from the other. When they are gone, reverse.
much more you have left, put the other colors to- This way you wear your socks evenly and can
gether, possibly into a lighter (e.g. greys, yellows, throw them all out at the same time and start over,
light blues) and in a darker pile (blacks, dark blues, hence less waste. Also- no folding, just throw
browns, greens, purples). them together like worms.
8. Know that, each pile is its own load. It is rec- • The recommended detergent amounts are
ommended to start with the highest priority pile, about twice what you need. Use half of what they
usually the one with socks and underwear. recommend & your clothes will be just as clean
9. Put the first pile into the washer. Add deter- and your detergent will last twice as long.
gent (the bottle/box should say how much you • Don't leave your clothes in your washer for
need). more than 24 hours, they will get musty and
10. Read all instructions on the washer carefully,
and examine all the knobs to make sure you are • If your dryer is near the shower, pull towels/
washing the clothes the way you are planning to. clothes directly from the dryer if they are in there,
Whites and underwear usually go on hot tempera- hence less folding.
tures. Colored clothes and sheets usually go on • Have hooks in your closet for your favorite
warm or cold temperatures. pants and shirts that you wear constantly, don't
11. Close the door and push the on button. fold and store them, just hang them up.
Laundry Ball does not contain harmful chemical
element, such as phosphor and boron, etc. It's very
use for wash cloth.
Volume 1, issue 1 Page 5

Dedication to Bear & Amanda

Bear & Amanda,

We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt
thanks to you for your participation, hard work, efforts, &
strength in the Student Government Association & at Woodrow
Wilson Rehab Center. We appreciate everything you have done
for us students & for this school. We also wanted to thank you
for all that you have done for the school because the school
would not be the same at all.
You may not know it but, you have changed many students lives for the better & you will
always hold a special place in many of our hearts. Because of you we have gotten done
what we needed to get done on campus.
When you leave it will not be the same. You have made the SGA what it is today. You have
helped make many changes on campus for the better. You stood up for what you believed in
& were never afraid to give your opinion. On both a professional
and a personal level, we really appreciated the time that the we
were able to spend with you. We know you will be very success-
ful in the future & make it far in life.

We thank you not just because you should be thanked but because
we deeply appreciate all your hard work, all your time, your ef-
forts, & simply because you have gotten things changed on cam-
pus for the better. We will never forget you two and we hope that
you will come back to Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center later down
the road just to say hi, or to see how things are going. We hope
that you will keep in touch with us and let us all know how you
are doing in the future. We cannot thank you enough for all that
you have done for all of us here at WWRC. The school wouldn’t
have changed if it wasn’t for both of you. Some of us students
don’t have the voice to stand up for what we believe in & we
would like to thank you both for being our voice.
So from the bottom of our hearts we thank you both very much. “You may not know
it but, you have
Please keep in touch, and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this changed many stu-
part of the world. dents lives for the
Love always, better & you will
always hold a spe-
cial place in many
Everyone at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
of our hearts.”
Old Ragtime News
Cheating & Relationships Page 6

I’m not the best person to be giving rela- They look to some personal trait, You shouldn’t be
tionship adivce considering the fact that too. It usually isn’t any of those. with someone just
I cheated on my girlfriend after we were The cheater is the one that wasn’t because your
together for alnost a year. But I must say having the respect enough for this lonely, it’s not fair
that I have definitely learned a lot person to be mature enough to say to the other per-
throughout my life, & I have learned something before the action took son. You should-
what it feels like to get hurt & how it place. If your that unhappy in a rela- n’t drag other peo-
feels to hurt someone else. I’m not say- tionship have respect for yourself ple into your rela-
ing that it’s okay to cheat but I can’t sayand others to do the right thing. The tionship because it
much about cheaters because I have cheater usually doesn’t feel bad or just starts drama.
cheated before. I don’t condone cheating guilty unless they get caught. They You should cher-
though. justify what they did by blaming the ish the time you
other person. The effect they feel is have with each
Why do people cheat you may ask? The
“well, I’ll just move on to the next, other because you
answer is quite simple. People do not
she/he wasn’t worth it anyway” total don’t know what
cheat because they’re pigs, sows,
denial of responsibility. If there are the next day will
bitches, or dogs. It all comes down to
children involved they could have bring.
two basic drives: the physical sexual
done something different. It basi-
drive & the emotional need.
cally comes down to a selfish person
People usually cheat because there is a thinking their feelings are more im-
conflict between their physical & emo- portant then those they chose to
tional desires. Also because they look for commit to & when it doesn’t go
something in someone else that their their way they fill a void that could
current relationship is lacking. have easily been taken care of with
someone else & they think its ok.
When couples first get together, every-
Cheaters rarily change because its
thing is new & exciting. They overlook
actually something they are lacking
the little annoying things the other per-
within that makes them so self ab-
son does. However, after time, the nag-
sorbed & uncompassionate of oth-
ging starts, instead of hearing, “You look
ers. Thought of the
beautiful,” they might hear “Why are
you wearing that shirt?” If this sounds However, being that I have cheated month:
like your relationship, first, the two of before I must say that not all people
“If a woman is not
you need to sit down & be honest that will be cheaters for the rest of their
things have changed. Identify the things lives. The saying “once a cheater asking for support a
each other did in the beginning of the always a cheater” is not always true. man assumes he is
relatioship that created the attraction in Some people may cheat once & fix
giving enough.”
the first place. Then together, make a their relationships if they work hard
commitment to start over. The truth is, at it & truly love that person. One
both of you will have to work on this. It thing all of you should remember is
will not automatically be easy, but it is never go to bed mad because you
possible. Start by forgiving each other, don’t know what tomorrow will
forgetting the past, & then start over bring.
with the flirtation. Focus only on the
I can’t imagine where I would be
special things your mate does & relearn
without my girlfriend. The feeling
to put the unimportant things aside. It
of being able to wake up & know
will take some time so be patient.
that there is someone out there that
We will never fully understand why one loves me as much as I love them &
cheats since everyone is different. How- to know that I have someone in my
ever, I can tell you the effects of cheat- life that makes me happy truly
ing. brings joy to my life. If you have
someone in your life that makes you
There are many effects of cheating. The
happy & that you really love then
one that got cheated on sometimes feels
make sure you don’t let them go.
that it’s something they did or did not do
to keep the cheater from straying.
Volume 1, issue 1 Page 7

Aries Mar 21-Apr 19

For Aries this
month indicates good gains in Career & increase in
income, family atmosphere will remain peaceful &
there will be an unparalled mutual understanding.
Taurus Apr 20-May 20 For Taurus this
month is going to be a difficult month in regard to
career & income while there would be an improve-
ment in personal relationship, health might create
some difficulties.
Gemini May 21-Jun 21 For Gemini this
month indicates sudden & heavy expenditures as
well heavy work pressure too, but, good time for
family life, health would be sluggish
Cancer Jun 22-Jul 22 For Cancer this
month indicates misunderstands with seniors &
authorities. Unfavorable time to launching new
projects. Family atmosphere would be tensed &
students will not be able to concentrate properly.
Leo Jul 23-Aug 22 For Leo this
month is going to give fabulous results, but im-
mense hard work would be recommended. Good
time for entering new ventures, conflicts with
spouse might be there. Health status would not be
Virgo Aug 23-Sept 22 For Virgo this
month indicates success would be yours, whatever,
Sagittarius Nov 22-Dec 21 For Sagittarius this month is
you’ll undertake, gains through abroad would be
going to be fabulous. You would be much successful abroad than
possible. Chronic diseases might spoil peace of
your native place. Married life might be bothering. But, any unex-
pected event will not possible due to auspicious influence of noble
Libra Sept 23-Oct 22 For Libra this Jupitar over Mars & seventh house.
month indicates your all efforts would be fruitful &
Capricorn Dec 22-Jan 19 For Capricorn this month indi-
bring money. Sudden & unexpected windfalls
would make you cheerful. Your relationship will be cates, if, you’ll perform logically & methodically, you would be ca-
passing through an expected way. You will find pable to minimize the unfavorable unfluences of Saturn. Your rela-
yourself much close to your spouse. Students will tion with your spouse will not be as per your expectations. It would
get success through pre-planning & hard work. be a good month to learn a foreign language & culture.
Health might create some obstacles. Aquarius Jan 20-Feb 18 For Aquarius this month is diffi-
Scorpio Oct 23-Nov 21 For Scorpio this cult. You have to face troubles in your workplace & may even find
month indicates you have to just make a few yourself in a difficult situation. Your family life will be joyous &
changes in your attitude & curb risky investments. comfortable with all its members becoming very loving & caring.
Gains through abroad would be possible after the Pisces Feb 19-Mar 20 For Pisces this month indicates
12th of Feb. Your married would be going smoothly. all your efforts will bear fruit & contribute to your progress. Your
Your spouse might be your best friend. personal life would be full of all types of comforts & happiness.
Old Ragtime News Page 8

SGA Committees
We have several committees for stu-
dents to join. The committees are apart
of the Student Government Associa-
tion here at Woodrow Wilson Reha-
bilitation Center.
SGA Committees are:
• Activities Committee
• Special Activities Committee
• Day Student Committee
• Dining Hall Committee
• Dorm Committee
• Earth Watch Committee
• Green Thumb Committee
• Nature Train Committee
• Wheelchair Committee
Volume 1, issue 1 Page 9

How to Live in Carter-Ashley Dormitory

“It’s not hard to live in Carter-Ashley, as long as
To live in Carter-Ashley is simple.
It is a privelge to live in Carter- Also to live in Carter-Ashley you you do what your supposed to do & not get into
Ashley opposed to living in Bar- should have your bed made every trouble then you’ll be fine.”
nett. When you live in Carter- single day, your laundry clean &
Ashley you get free internet, you put away, your floor swept, bath-
get more freedom, you don’t room clean, sink area clean, basi-
have a curfew, it is better than cally have your room looking nice
living in Barnett. However, along & tidy. It’s not hard to live in Carter-
with the privileges of living in Ashley, as long as you do what your
Carter-Ashley also comes the supposed to do & not get into trou-
drama. ble then you’ll be fine.

The 90’s Dance

The 90’s dance was the best dance we’ve had this year, and we should have more
dance’s like that because we all had fun with our friends, the couples also had fun with
each other.
The food was excellent & we all had a great time. The 90’s dance is one dance we will
never forget
We all just wanted to relax and take a break from school and just have fun and that’s
exactly what we got and we’d like to thank Bear and everyone who helped to plan the
90’s dance.

Casino Night
The Casino Night was a big success. Everyone had lots of fun. Everybody en-
joyed the time they had with their friends. We can’t wait to do it all over again.
The students had the best time ever. The Rec Hall gave a good show. We would
like to thank our President Bear & Vice President Amanda for all their hard
“The Casino Night was a work & help in putting this event together. We would also like to thank all of
big success. Everyone had the Rec Hall Staff for helping with this event & for their hard work & time they
put into this event. We would also like to thank the staff here at WWRC for all
lots of fun.”
their help & hard work. All of the students here at WWRC really appreciate all
of the people who help make events such as Casino Night possible. We thank
you for putting together events like these because we truly enjoy them and we
always have lots of fun. Once again, we would like to thank all of you who
helped out with Casino Night.
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center is a fine institu-
Rehabilitation Center
tion to be a part of. The Student Government Associa-
tion and SGA Activities Committee works hard for all of
Student Government you students. We welcome suggestions and ideas from
Association every student at WWRC. We would like more students
to be involved in the content of the Old Ragtime News
P.O. Box 1500
Newsletter. We are looking for students to submit arti-
Fishersville, VA 22939 cles and ideas to the e-mail address listed above. Come
out and enjoy the activities that we have planned for
E-mail: you, come participate in the committees, submit arti-
cles and your poems to the newspaper. Thanks for
making this dream come true. From the desk of your
SGA President. —- Bean (SGA President)

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