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Lesson Plans

Tammy R Story

November 17, 2009

Dr. J Repman
T Story 2

Action Example

GRADE: 5th TEACHER(S): Jona Gaskin

CONTENT TOPIC: Greeting Card Designs

Pathfinder Link:


Standard 2: Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to
new situations, and create new knowledge.

Skills Indicator(s):

2.1.4: Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize

2.1.6: Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills
to create products that express new understandings.


Grade 5 [2.1.4]:
 Use word processing, drawing, presentation, graphing, and other
productivity tools to illustrate concepts and convey ideas.

 Grade 5 [2.1.6]:
 Follow steps of the writing/creation process: prewriting, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing.
 Identify the audience and purpose before selecting a format for the
 Experiment with text and visual media to create products.
 Edit drafts based on feedback.
 Check for correctness, completeness, and citation of sources.
T Story 3

Dispositions Indicator(s):

Indicator 2.2.4: Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to

express learning.

Stages of Development:
Stage 1: With considerable help from the teacher or SLMS, develop a simple
plan (goals, tasks, deadlines) for conducting research.

Students will use pathfinder to research information pertaining to greeting card


Stage 2: Develop a detailed plan (goals, tasks, criteria to assess work,

deadlines) but need periodic reminders from the teacher of SLMS to complete
the work in a timely manner.

Teacher will remind students of the “official” deadline, so students will stay on

Stage 3: Develop a detailed plan and self-monitor progress in completing high-

quality work in a timely manner.

Teacher and I will monitor the progress of the student’s creation of his or her
greeting card; students will raise hand once process has been completed.

Responsibilities Indicator(s):

Indicator 2.3.1: Connect understanding to the real world.

Stages of Development:
Stage 1: State in their own language what new understandings mean.

Students will add and create their own personal greeting card message.

Stage 2: Apply knowledge to new situations.

Students will be able to use what they learn in class and from the online
resources to create their own personal cards outside of class.

Stage 3: Use what has been learned to make decisions or deal with situations in
their personal lives.
T Story 4

Students will be able to use the skills learned to make “holiday” gifts for family
and friends without having to spend money.

Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):

How will the information that I found help me to create a card as a gift?


Quality Core Curriculum Standards: Technology Integration Grade 5

Strand: Basic Skills

Standard 5: Operates basic technology tools and applications.

Strand: Productivity

Standard 6: Applies word processing/desktop-publishing tools to facilitate the

writing process.

Standard 8: Uses multimedia tools to express ideas.

Strand: Communication

Standard 10: Uses on-line resources to gather information.

Strand: Research

Standard 13: Uses basic research techniques with teacher guidance.


This Lesson Plan is designed for a 5th grade Instructional Technology Class.
Students will learn how take Artwork created in Art Class and transform it into a
computerized greeting card.

Artwork will be scanned and converted in a digital format, in order to utilize it in

Microsoft Publisher.
T Story 5

My role as a Media Specialist will be to introduce students to on-line resources

that will aid them in the development and the creation of their greeting card.
Students will be able to use resources as an additional guide or “on-line”
suggestion in order to design a greeting card.

Opening: I will introduce my lesson with a Digital Greeting Card that I created
last year in order to welcome the attention of Mrs. Gaskin’s students.


Greeting Card created in Microsoft Publisher.

View example:

(Example of Greeting Card created in Microsoft Publisher)


Information Literacy Standards

Standard 3:
The student who is information literate uses information accurately and

Indicator 2: Integrates new information into one’s own knowledge.

Students will utilize information from assigned websites to integrate with the
information learned in class as a reference and aid in the development of their
greeting cards.
T Story 6

Standard 5:
The student who is an independent learner is information literate and
appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information.

Indicator 3: Develops creative products in a variety of formats.

Students will create a greeting card based on given information in class utilizing
Microsoft Publisher; in addition, students will type their own personal greeting
card message for their greeting cards.

• Product: Completed Greeting Card
• Student self-questioning: Reflection Questions
 Question 1: List the two important features of designing a card.
 Question 2: How will the information that I found help me to create a card
as a gift?

Resources students will use:

Mrs. Gaskin’s Classroom Website:

One link will open Greeting Card Template in Publisher [Christmas Card].
The other link [Christmas Link] connects to my Pathfinder created in PBWorks.

Pathfinder Link:

Websites located for students that focus on card design.

Websites: 4 Parts of a Greeting Card Making a Greeting Card
T Story 7

Celebrate the holidays using Publisher


Direct instruction:
Mrs. Gaskin will demonstrate with the aid of Smart Board how to create a
Christmas card utilizing Microsoft Publisher.

I will demonstrate my “digital greeting card” and direct students to websites on

additional resources for creating greeting cards.

Students will use scan “holiday” artwork designed in Art to create a greeting
card in Microsoft Publisher.

Modeling and guided practice:

Mrs. Gaskin will demonstrate step by step the correct steps in using Microsoft
Publisher to create a card.

Independent practice:
Students will complete assignment based on steps observed in class.

Sharing and reflecting:

Students will read over articles and answer reflection questions.
View Assessment: Reflection Questions
T Story 8

Reflection Assessment



Reflection Questions

Instructions: Please read the following two questions and provide an

answer for each question.

1. List below the two important features of designing a card:

2. How will the information that I found help me to create a card as

a gift?
T Story 9

Reflection Paper

As I reflect back over this lesson, I realize it is not easy to teach a lesson in one
day. I feel that this lesson could be stretched over a course of a week.

I realize that “specialize” teachers must keep their lessons on track within a
specific time frame, since they are the teachers who have multiple classes in
one day and various classes throughout the week. It is important that lesson
plans are “simplified” energetic and memorable from week to week, so
students will remain on track for the following week when it is their “rotation”
day for Instructional Technology.

I did enjoy collaborating with Mrs. Gaskin on this project, because we had a
chance to combine both our love for technology and graphic design in
teaching this project. I believe the resources I located will be beneficial for
students to utilize in the future whenever they want to create and design
greeting cards.

I learned playing the role of the Media Specialist, that it is important to spark
student interest in the available resources that they can utilize as a guide or
reference to complete projects. I discover when sharing resources with
students using an “opener” is a great way to focus their attention on what you
would like to teach. The digital Christmas card, I created last year was a great
way to introduce my lesson and bring forth a deeper interest in card design.

Mrs. Gaskin’s idea of linking my PBWorks page to her classroom page, allowed
students to have easy access to my resource page, so they can view the
available websites about how to create greeting cards.

Overall, I learned through playing the role of the Media Specialist, that
collaboration is a major key in having a creative and productive lesson. Many
times the teacher has so many other important items they have to focus on in
developing a lesson to teach, and they often lean on the Media Specialist to
help them locate resources for students to utilize as a reference for their class
activities or projects.
T Story 10


AASL & AECT. (n.d.). Information Literacy .

AASL & AECT. (1998). Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning: Standards and Indicators.
Retrieved November 17, 2009, from American Association of School Librarians:

American Association of School Librarians. (2009). Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action.
Chicago, IL: American Association of School Librarians.

Georgia Department of Education. (2003, August 22). Quality Core Curriculum Standards: Technology
Intergration. Retrieved November 17, 2009, from GeorgiaStandards.Org:

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