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Hematocrit TEST


Hematocrit test

Hematocrit test

Hematocrit test

Hematocrit test

Hematocrit test: Measurement

Hematocrit test:

Hematocrit test: INTERPRETATION

Hematocrit test: INTERPRETATION

Hematocrit test: INTERPRETATION

Hemoglobin Determination

One of the type of globular protein present in the human
The pigment inside RBCs that has an affinity for O2 (and CO2)
Measured as oxyhemoglobin

Functions of Hemoglobin
Imparts red color to the blood
Helps to carry out the oxygen
Buffers the blood pH

Hemoglobin Determination
measurement of the concentration of hemoglobin in the

Hemoglobin Determination
Why get tested?
Hemoglobin is measured:
To detect Anemia or Polycythaemia
To monitor the patients response to treatment
Prior to donating blood
To calculate red cells indices

Hemoglobin Determination

measure the percentage of filtered light transmitted through
the sample

Hemoglobin Determination

particularly useful in areas where no clinical laboratories are

Hemoglobin Determination

compare the color scale to determine the percent and weight
of hemoglobin in blood under normal and anemic conditions


1. Place a drop of blood on the special paper in the Tallquist test kit. The RBCs
break open in the paper.
2. Allow drop to dry long enough to lose its glossy appearance but not long
enough for it to become brown.


3. Compare the color of the blood spot with the colors in the Tallquist chart in your
kit. Determine the Hb content by matching colors as closely as possible.

Hemoglobin Determination:
Clinical Significance

Hemoglobin Normal Levels

Men: 14 16.5 g/100ml
Women: 12 15 g/100ml

Abnormal Hemoglobin Level

A high hemoglobin count indicates an above-normal level of
hemoglobin in your blood.
A high hemoglobin count is somewhat different from a high red blood
cell count, because each cell may not have the same amount of
hemoglobin proteins.
In children, the definition of a high hemoglobin count varies with age
and sex.
Hemoglobin count may also vary due to time of day and how wellhydrated you are.

Causes of High Hb
Living at a high altitude
Lung disease (emphysema, COPD)
Tobacco smoking
Bone marrow disorders (polycythemia vera)
Congenital heart disease in adults
Heart failure
Kidney cancer
Liver cancer

When to see a doctor:

A high hemoglobin count is rarely an unexpected finding or simply
discovered by chance.
It's usually found when your doctor has ordered tests to help
diagnose a condition you're already experiencing.
A high hemoglobin count and results from other tests may already
indicate the cause of your illness.

Abnormal Hemoglobin level (low/anemia)

A low hemoglobin count is a commonly seen blood test result.
In many cases, a low hemoglobin count is only slightly lower than
normal and doesn't affect how you feel.
If it gets more severe and causes symptoms, your low hemoglobin
count may indicate you have anemia.

Normally low hemoglobin counts

A slightly low hemoglobin count isn't always a sign of illness it may
be normal for some people:
Pregnant women

Nutritional (iron, folic acid, or vitamin B 12 deficiency)
Gastrointestinal blood loss (ulcers, colon cancer)
Kidney problems
Blood loss (from trauma or surgery)
Red Blood cell synthesis problems (bone marrow disorders, genetic
disorders such as sickle cell anemia)

What is sickle cell anemia?

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic alteration that causes some hemoglobin
molecules to be defective
When red blood cells have hemoglobin S(defective hemoglobin), and
are subjected to low oxygen levels, they can become crescent or
"sickle shaped.
They do not easily move through capillary vessels with small
diameters, thus depriving tissues from exchanging oxygen and carbon

Symptoms/ Clinical manifestations

Pale skin
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Restless legs syndrome

When to see a doctor:

If you experience signs and symptoms of a low hemoglobin count.
If your test reveals you have a low hemoglobin count, you will likely need
more testing to determine the cause.

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