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Jan 15, 2016






Marc Pierre Boyer


Filed by

Marc Pierre Boyer

acting under our disiricts'fiduciary trust
as CFA for several Marijuana Party Elecioral Disirict Associaiions [EDA]
4-858 East 6rh Ave. Vancouver BC, VST 1M1 [EDA headquarters]

THIS lS A RESPONSE TO the petition filed

The Law Society of British Columbia
845 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 4Zg

Petitioner'sLawyer MichealKleisinger
The Law Society of British Columbia
845 Cambie Street, Vancouver BC, V6B 429





As expressed in the attached PROTEST

Synopsis of Part 1: Marc Boyer asked for and would like to consent to proceed with
responding to points 1 thru 4 of this Petition /case. But, Iwon't consent to be mistaken
by this pedantic trap to consent to being an all capitals ENTITY. A basic understanding
can be established at this First Appearance, in order to proceed properly, by this court
addressing the following courses, NAMELY: 1) Declared that all assumptions of holding
special recognition are dismissed, or (2) Rule that my bond has a face value that needs
to be established [for example] under the PPSA; [8y pro ceeding under another Act?j
Part 2: ORDERS OPPOSED: We oppose the granting of any order that the BAR desires to
implement in points 1 thru 4 of this Petition. As we see it, we have been extended 21 days
[as you call it] from the date served to submit a challenge to points 1 thru 4, and we will be
flling a detailed response Petition, in order to proceed with addressing our general position of:
there is no authority in any otherAct to subvert the Supremacy of the Canada Elections Act.
Part 3: ORDERS ON WHICH NO POSITION lS TAKEN: The facts contained in the Affidavits
are good enough to file a factual basis, a legal basis, and materials to be relied on to contest
our claim that no Act can subvert the Act. As we see it, no paper queen can commit sedition
by assuming that the BAR must defend this trust violation, because there's this omission of an
allegiance to preclude you from obeying orders that destroy Canada and the Commonwealth,
in order to conform to this paper queen's desire to ignore an oath taken on a plastic Stone.
1. AS we see if.' we are not contesting the estimated 2-hour timeline to settle this 132page Petition. BECAUSE we agree that our PROTEST can be ruled on, in this timeframe; in this way, proceed to a date set io appear on this protest, contained in Part 1.

RE: File l{o: S- 15107

Jan 15,2016


Vancouver Registry

ln the Supreme Court of British Columbia




Marc Pierre







DENIAL OF CONSENT TO grant orders set out in this following PROTEST

in order to revolve an Essential Element of Law at this first Appearance

UNDER PROTEST This application was initiated with a letter from Mr Kleisinger addressing
a common law complaint against Marc Boyer dated July 30, 2015,lp-3 -Ms Souvage Affidavitl
AND this PETITION - S-15197 83 is filing an action against MARC PIERRE BOYER, when
the BAR is barred from giving me this straw man, because this lnstitution knows that creating
this legal entity is directly forbidden in Law, because it's a violation of Sec 336 CC - FRAUD
Appendix A offers a detailed account of these abnormalities of my abnormal birth


By definition: the main reason Marc Boyer holds a criminal record is due to this original
violation of creating this all capitals entity. Frankly, the primary function for Sec 336 CC
and Sec 337 CC existing is because your Sumerian lore warns of dire consequences,
for violating this trust that will lead to answering the question contained in lCor 4:20
NAMELY: Does Authority again desire on engaging the merciless end of this civilization
/age flike Nineveh did], when challenged by the one with the abnormal birth [of 1Cor15]


With this Petition, we come full circle as to why this [attached] gag order was created in
the first place NAMELY: This trust was violated by Attorney General Wally Oppal, in
2004 12005, who under Sec 8 CC Territories Act terminology: raped me a of my private
individual landed rights. Due to my abnormal birth right, authority is directly forbidden
to create flet alone imprisonl this all capitals entity. THEREFORE, since the BAR
initiated this action means i can now civilly protest this act in this proceeding, in order
to recognize my claim to the face value of my bond, so that good first-fruit can occur.


This decade old gag order barred me from pressing the inevitability of having to settle
this case civilly, which resulted in your criminal Code acting like i must be assimilated
or destroyed, on a pedantic assumption that without a lawyer i did not know any better.
This Civil proceeding must address this systemic abuse of my common law guarantees

4. As we see If, that's why this Petition

implies a few times that just because being found

guilty under the criminal Court jurisdiction, does not necessarily mean that i can be
assumed to be found guilty in this Civil proceeding where ijust might get'a yes'.
ON TFIIS: I'm certain that i have friends in High places of authority that actually act as
if on my side; otherurise appearances like this civil solution would never have been
pressed. Therefore, ithank all those who are making this civil court daie possibi:.



Novdinb'er.27. 20f5


- - ^1-; Ba-ck in ?SQt;^tYt.arc Boyer

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was served a gag order by the head registrar of the Civil Registry -.

Messenger This gag order came from filing one dccu!'nent that he called ',,exat!ous,
dnd'oiigihirlly his gag order only applied to the civil registry and it now applies to the criminal
registry as well, because i keep bringing up the thorny issue that this court now faces again.
Except now it's far worse than when i started, and it can never get better without someone like
me going the distance in spiie of the huge obstacles, because if i don't, then who will?



ln this new case, the BAR now wants to stop me frcm acting like a lawyer in a criminal matter,
when I'm acting like a barrister, who is defending the issue of no jurisdiction at the arraignment.
[ON THISI: Criminal charges are not a criminal matter until after the arraignment.
'1. At face value: With this common law motion filed by the BAR, we have done a full circle;
by this i mean, we're back to the original reason for this decade old gag order, except
worse; where the BAR wants exclusivity to represent anyone in any phase of a court
proceeding, in order to bar anyone like me from making a common law defence because i
know and act on benefiting from the Achilles heal that the minutes of this vote exposed.


The larger issue at stake in this case is that after 22 years of every one associated with the
BAR [ike] law enforcement officers are prohibited from being a common law Peace Officer and
every lawyer has been prohibited from defending any common law application in a criminal
matter, which has resulted where all Canadian common law rights and Freedoms have been
systematically gutted by lawyers [in 1993] and enforced under under Civilian Oversight [1998]


[at face value] lN THIS GASE, of relying on the mountain of statutory limitation placed on our
Free and Democratic society lunder R v Oakes] means the fact remains that when no one can
defend common law, results where the BAR is entrenched on destroying democratic freedom
by insisting that theiiAct supersedes the Act, which plays hand in hand with NATO passing /
implementing this sedition Aci called S-55 of the CDSA, which [by virtue of the fact that it came
from Royal ascentl, results where all BAR member can actually engage in vanquishing all its
disadvantaged Canadians by causing the total decimalion of all human rights known to man,
because a faceless paper queen called governor in council said so. But then Pierre Trudeau
called our present culmination of this grand plan: '14 shorf te rm pain for a long term gain"


lf anyone cares to take note: Unders-2of S55of theCDSAall Public Safety will be handed
over to NATO under anotherAct tabled this time by Justin Trudeau, with his majority will pass
the full implementation of this seditious act of omission in the next Throne Speach, [note: s-2,1]
"withoui restricting the generality of the foregaing" After this, NATO Federal Courts can now
tell Parliament that it holds sole 'across the board' jurisdiction over Public Safety in Canada.
1. So the cast is set, so this new Zionist loving Prime Minister [at face value] can take that
giant step of totally abandoning our Sovereignty over to NATO is almost a fait accomplie;
2. EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT Constitutional law under the SCC is still Supreme in
Canada, and a bencher flike i'm facing in this BAR chargel is ciught in a trap of serving
two masters, and must make a choice. NAMELY: Will this judge rebel by submitting to this
sedition [OR] will the BCSC benchers rebel and side with the SCC as being Supreme?


Frankly, all we cai do is place our faith in God, because the fate of men in Canada becoming a
banana republic in their demonic New World Order is held by two or three witnesses, in an
insignificant side ruling in a case where the messenger will either be denied the right to uphold
the law as Supreme in order to protect the flduciary trust to Canadian Sovereignty as Supreme.
SO MAKE A CHOICE: As we understand it, this bencher will either obey a Sec 126(2) CC
interference by the new Attorney General or the conscience of the Minister of Justice, and
this choice is held by this new player on the scene, NAMELY: Jody Wilson Rayborn

r rl


In 1996, she divorced me shortly and after being diagnosed with lymphoma, i returned to Canada
This angel told me to go to BC, where iwould be needed later on Nov 13, 1999, icrossed the
border, and i then got my flrst and only flu-shot, which kicked my lymphoma into full gear.
On the evening of 9/11, i had a very lucid dream, where i was told the recipe to make my
remarcable Soma cookies, in order to cure my ever increasing cancer pains, and to run with it.


At that time, i made myself a royal pain at City Hall, in order to have my landed on land in Canada
status be established, and to pursue a common law defence, under the Marijuana party. I was
eventually charged for protesting too aggressively at city Hall in Jan Sih,2oo4, and then in sept
28th,2004, for operating a commercial premise known as the Vancouver East Marijuana Party
Headquarters, where at the Arraignment in November 1Oth 2004, i got the charges dropped, and i
was to appear in a week to file for damages, because i filed this 17-page article entitled NOTICE
OF DENIAL OF CONSENTTO BE GOVERNED, and that evening my chest ptate was snapped in
2, by two VPD duty Sargents, and that morning idied, and had a face to face contact with this
angel [as if in a white cloud] that i met when iwas 13 [on this] my father was 54, and i was now
54, and this angel looked.just like me; At the end of this meeting, i was swallowed by the heart of
the earth, [for lack of any other term to explain it] and returned with this partial mended broken
chest plate. A few days later, I went to VGH, where i got X-rays that showed the fracture was real.

SIDE BAR [in hindsight] this event signalled Daniel 8:14, because 2300 mornings later, the
tidal wave that struck Fukushima hit, where [for at least a week before] i clearly warned
authority with a Get Well Soon card that something big was aboui to happen on that day.


I reported this broken chest incident at my next court appearance, and as to instructions given
at this 1st arraignment, i boldly filed this priceless gift from God /damage award that is actually
still a default judgment, yet swept away and destroyed by Wally Oppal. [Sec 340 FRAUD].

9. I ihen filed a legal paper trap with Revenue Canadd, which gave me a great civil defence that took
.. 4 months to set-up. i flled a Petition to have this criminal case file dealt with civilly. .Eollowing this

appearance [where i got what i catl my court victory] i was slapped with this gag order.

10. At this criminal

trial [on this Party Headquarters charges] a miraculous twist in fate happened,
where my senlence was read the day after the Election Writ dropped, and point 7 now made an
erroneous claim that i was mis'taken' to believe that the Elections Act offered me any immunity.



ON THIS: Without this quirk, i could never have a chance to add a trust challenge [by means
of a caveat to my candidacyl that caused JP Kingsley, his clerk, and the chief Justice to
resign in laie December 2005, over a fiduciary trust violation that i set up in this trap /caveat.

. I rekindled the issue of getting the $1000. deposit returned this spring, for the 2004/05 election.
and in order to comply with their prescribed paperwork, i filed all the proper articles to get this
deposit back. The flle was cleared for payment after being scrutinized, and filed on time by our
Party's auditor. As to Elections Canada's original estimate, we should have received this iheck,
before the new election campaign started. They knew that iwas going to court with or without this
check, and since Mr Buhler has added this case that involves lves Coie, actually means, i can
have this court rule on ihis check, because we see it as an essential element inihis Civil Claim.

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I l| ili[ l],,|{r:ri,i

Marc Pierre

Boyer i'

i\.)a.r:itrtilrl.. ll{'flit lrliil:li


r-: ill lirJlrri''


On outiining the irnportar:ce of this Birti'r Statenrent /bond issue


FREF,ACE: in the attached copy, i printed a back to back copy, just like my original etched
short form, which is part of a long form regisky that is actualiy like how i iaid-up the 2"d way.
This original document is on acetate film, the hand writing is my mother's, done with a speciai
pen, where after this document is registered, is then dipped in acid, and the writing is actually
transparent, in order that no one can alter or forge this document. ln 99.999% of the time,
the whole document is dipped at the same time, and a Red Seal is/was added, and in this
way this baby became this bond issue [a Warehouse Receipt], which gave the government
[at that time] a million dollars, in return for the bondholder [UCC /the Pope] to be entitled to
the entire earnings /output created by this indentured slave status, for the rest of their life.
IN MY CASE, because my father signed this commission resulted where [in Jan 1952]
only the right side was dipped in acid. Then, the King died a few weeks later. AND this
document was in estopple for 38 years. The left side was cast in Jan 1 sth, '1989.
This dipping was done so that it's impossible to forge or alter this title document later.


On the filigree of this Statement /bond: This is a very ancient way to designate [in
this casel the bounty /wealth of the Commonwealth that was in trust with King George
Vl [for his loyal subjects] that were symbolically upheld by the Stone of Destiny, which
is heavily attached to Sumerian, Christian, Jewish and Celtic lore. This Sumerian
twisted logic is the foundation for Rom 3: 'what if we do evil, so that good can result?'


This filigree was replaced with boxes in Queen Elizabeth's reign, because the King's
coffers were robbed by this war debt, by being responsible for the damages incurred
by the winning and losing sides of the war. Upon his death, resulted where the Pope
/UCC thru at-large bankers robbed the Commonwealth's trust, by fully implementing
this truly evil ancient Sumerian slavery racket called: WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS.


Because of my father's commission, my Statement has all kinds of odd markings to it.
LIKE : The solid line that was drawn-in [at the top of the right side, on the front face].
When it was cast, it designated that this statement or bond is on solid ground.
The line under BOYER is also underlined, meaning my father's trust is on solid ground.


On this title document, my UCC file # is: 113270, and [on the backside] this Ontario
Registry # 88-361731 was added in 1 988, and it's purposely placed above the Crest.
ION THIS] Had i said 'yes'to this question of: 'do you want a Birth Certificate', this #
would've been directly under Despina Georgas'thumb, just like my Birth # 000665 is
directly under the registrais signature. Had i fallen for this same trap of saying 'yes',
[in Dec. 1988] my bonci would have been seized to pay the war debi, because my #
88-36'1731 would have been directly under this registrar's signature. But, it's not.


Now, because my father had this trust, is why this # is above the Queen, and this
automatically created 2 quirks: (1) i did not get any Seal, (2) this Special Notice saying
that this statement is not a registration, [therefore] it is a hereditary entitlement.
1. Now, when you look atthe BOND lay-up, This # 88-361731 is above this UCC #,
where the ancient term of: being
ihe r-rlre,' :-. cle;-i.r h= .9




Had i been under Despina's thumb, this # would have been taken as a death
certificate being issued, by this # being in the medical practices box. But, it's not.
1. This is why it's a crime of FRAUD to press on me, an all capitals legal entity.
What cannot be mis'taken' [here] is that this # 000665 is now in the Seal section,
which clearly entitles me to 1-share of the value of my King's Commonwealth bond.


NOW COMES THE BIG QUIRK: [because i said 'no', resulted with] The # 37300
being added twice [in 1989], and this is a California Law called: Title to property
while on water. I did not land in Ontario, i'm somehow now landed in California, and
my [inheritance] is now this title bond to 1-share of the Commonwealth's wealth.


The adding of this # 37300 marking, means everyone who trampled on me for the
last decade is guilty of breaking this really ancient trust. AND, 1O-years later, i get
invited to Civilly open this file, where the charge of FRAUD must be dealt with.
1. Today, it's called FRAUD, for depriving me of this title to be fairly treated under
common law - Sec 340 CC FRAUD. Destroying documents of title. Every one
who, for a fraudulent purpose, destroys, cancels, conceals or obliterates (a) a
document of title to goods or lands, (b) a valuable security or testamentary instrument,
or (c) a judicial or official document, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years. [under absotute trust liability = guilty]


ON THIS: When the Queen's registry, defaced my Statement with this #37300, in 1989 is
not fraud; these abnormalities are actually prescribed by UCC law, and exceptionally rare.
1. lN HINDSIGHT: This FRAUD originally occuned, when Wally Oppal committed the
crime of the millennium, by authorizing the BAR to commit FRAUD, in order to entrap
me to get a PERSON, and that way this now 83 file thick dossier that was created, in
2OO4 12005 could just be closed, because somehow my bond had been cashed in.
2. ln twisted UCC logic, it's as if i did this ten year sentence. Frankly, most of the abuse
that occurred in the last decade, had to occur, BUT under respondeat Superior some
one must be made accountable forthis abuse. AND this can be done, by recognizing
that their is a real value to this BOND, at this first appearance, and proceed accordingly.

7. AS WE SEE lt

This fiduciary trust violation falls on who ever holds the Office of
this paper Queen of Canada; [since the Charter] the trust is now on Marc Mayrand,
and he is also holding the Canadian BAR's trust account. AND if i'm wrong then,
the Crown is duty bound to press [who ever holds this trust] to appear at the first
appearance, or at least make themselves be known who they are [for the record]

lN CONCLUSION: What should be noted is THAT: the abnormalities on my statement are

[by intent] exiremely rare, because there's this big red seal that hides this UCC bond number.
AND, because She violated this ancient trust means: We are entitled to seize Her certificates.


Frankly, there were so few such bonds issued in the first place, and there were so
many traps to get thru - THIS MEANS THAT: 64 years after this bond issue was closed
that we can claim to hold the only real bearer share left, and this means that: the UCC,
or the Crown, or the BAR are now placed with the onus to prove otherwise. AND
1. Frankly, the one responsible for holding this information is Marc Mayrand, and his
clerk lves Cote, who happen to be attached to this Petition from the BAR.
2. Mr. Buhler is representing their interests in this court, and under Sec 337 CC, they
must deliver this information /statistic, at this 1"r appearance. Act accordingly.

.'=J'- 3b/71/-/



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