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Naogaon Branding
Assignment for Strategic Marketing
Steps towards Bangladesh Branding





MD. MARUF HASAN-112071011




Executive Summary
Every initiative starts with a small idea and these small ideas can bring

success easily. Our objective is to brand Bangladesh globally and locally.

The global aspect will focus on attracting tourists which will contribute

towards strengthening our foreign currency reserve. The local aspect is to

make aware our countrymen about the heritages we have. If we do not

know about our own country, we will not be able to make the rest of the

world aware about the heritage and culture that we have.

However, there are many procedures to brand a place or a country.

Branding a country is somewhat difficult and big task but the work can be

done at by identifying a place that has some potentials. If we can brand

different districts of our country then country branding will automatically

be done. In doing so we have identified Naogaon as our first choice. This

report will discuss about history, culture, economy, religion and people of

To start with we would like to register our gratitude to Dr Syed Ferhat

Anwar, Course Instructor for the coursework on Strategic Markheting for

allowing us to do such a project.

After that, our friend is Mahmud………… (give full name and identity who

gave us unlimited information about Naogaon. It would be unjust to

mention about Shourov from Naogaon who also have provided useful

information in preparing this report.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ....................................................................................3
Table of Contents........................................................................................5
................................................................................................................... 5
About Naogaon............................................................................................6
Kusumba Mosque..................................................................................9
Tagore family's zamindari - Patisar.....................................................12
Famous place of Naogaon......................................................................14

Educational institutes.............................................................................14
Population .............................................................................................14
Religion ................................................................................................. 14
Newspapers and weekly periodicals.......................................................15
Natural view of Naogaon...........................................................................15
The Branding of Naogaon..........................................................................17
The Branding means to establish a product or service as a unique
quality product in consumer’s mind.

When we start with product or service then it is easy to identify the core
value of the item because we know what we want to provide. In this case,
we just need to do research where we need to position the product or
service in consumer’s mind.

However, if we want to establish a place, city or country, we need to know

about its feature by which core value could be identified. Then make some
research on positioning for making communication methods for branding
the place.

National branding is setting perhaps more than an image or perception

of a whole place, city or country which include its history, culture, people,
religion and other. This may be to encourage foreign direct investment,
create internal pride, or be a support for exports or any enterprise that a
nation may undertake.

Whatever, we are going to brand Naogaon.

About Naogaon

History of Naogaon is very rich. There are some places which are famous
for their history.

Paharpur is a small village 5 km. west of Jamalganj in the greater Rajshahi
district where the remains of the most important and the largest known
monastery south of the Himalayas have been excavated. This 7th century
archaeological find covers approximately an area of 27 acres
(110,000 m2) of land. The entire establishment, occupying a quadrangular
court, measuring more than 900 ft (270 m) and from 12 ft (3.7 m), to 15 in
With elaborate gateway complex on the north, there are 45 cells on the
north and 44 in each of the other three sides with a total number of 177
rooms. The architecture of the pyramidal cruciform temple is profoundly
influenced by those of South-East Asia, especially Myanmar and Java. It
had taken its name from a high mound, which looked like pahar or hillock.
A site museum built recently houses the representative collection of
objects recovered from the area. The excavated findings have also been
preserved at the Varendra Research Museum at Rajshahi. The antiquities
of the museum include terracotta plaques, images of different gods and
goddess', potteries, coin inscriptions, ornamental bricks and other minor
clay objects. This is also known as Sompur Mahavihar. 9 miles west-
southwest of Paharpur is the archaeological site of Halud Vihara, which
has been tentatively listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Kusumba Mosque
Kusumba Mosque is named after the village of Kusumba, under the Manda
upazila of Naogaon district, on the west bank of the Atrai river. It is inside
a walled enclosure with a monumental gateway that has standing spaces
for guards. It was built during the period of Afghan rule in Bengal under
one of the last Suri rulers Ghiyasuddin Bahadur Shah, by one Sulaiman
who was probably a high ranking official. The inscription tablet in Arabic
(only the word 'built by' is in Persian) dating the building to 966 AH (1558-
59 AD) is fixed over its eastern central entrance. Although built during Suri
rule, it is not influenced at all by the earlier Suri architecture of North
India, and is well grounded in the Bengal style. The brick building, gently
curved cornice, and the engaged octagonal corner towers are typical

The mosque, presently protected by the Department of Archaeology of

Bangladesh, was badly damaged during the earthquake of 1897. Although
the main fabric of the building is of brick, the entire exterior walls, and the
interior up to the arches of the pendentives have stone facing. The
columns, platform, floor, and perforated side screens are of stone. The
mosque has a rectangular plan with three bays and two aisles, three
entrances on the east and two each on the north and south sides. The
central mihrab is projected in the west. The interior west (qibla) wall has
two mihrabs on the floor level opposite the central and southeastern
entrances, but the one in the northwestern bay is above a raised platform
ascended by a staircase on the east. The presence of such a platform in a
non-imperial mosque indicates that not only royalty, but nobility and high-
ranking officials were also separated from the general public during

The mihrabs have elaborate stone carving. They have cusped arches
crowned with kalasa (water pot) motifs, supported on intricately carved
stone pillars which have projections and tasseled decorations hanging
from chains. Bunches of grapes and vines curve in an almost serpentine
manner on the mihrab frames, and kalasas, tendrils and rosettes are
reduced to dots. The platform edge has grape vine decoration, and there
are rosettes on the spandrels of the arches supporting the platform, as
well as on the mihrab wall.
The stone used in the exterior facing is of a coarse quality and carved in
shallow relief. Mouldings are most prominent decorative feature on the
outside. They divide the walls into upper and lower sections, run all along
the curved cornice, around the corner towers, in a straight line below the
cornice, and frame the rectangular panels in the east, south and north
walls. The spandrels of the central entrance arch are filled with small
kalasa and rosette motifs. The north and south sides have screened

Tagore family's zamindari - Patisar

Patisar village associated with rabindranath tagore in naogaon district. It is
situated on the banks of the Nagor, 12 kilometres south-east of the Atrai
railway station and 26 kilometres from the district town. The headquarters
of the Tagore family's zamindari in Kaligram Pargana were located at
Patisar. Dwarkanath Tagore, the grandfather of Rabindranath Tagore,
purchased this zamindari in 1830. Rabindranath Tagore first came to
Patisar in January 1891. The architectural design of the two-storied
Kuthibari of Patisar is similar to that of Shilaidaha-Shahjadpur. The
buildings, adjacent to the main mansion, are now reduced to debris.

A pond, named Rabindrasarobar, is now a silted up marsh. During his stay

at Patisar, Tagore composed various poems, stories, novels, essays and
the verse-play Biday Abhishap. He also established many primary schools,
a school named Rathindranath High School, charitable dispensaries, and
Patisar Krishi Bank (1905). He introduced tractors in Patisar and formed
co-operative societies for the development of agriculture, handloom, and
pottery. In 1921, when the zamindari was divided, Patisar fell to Tagore's
share. When the poet was awarded the Nobel Prize, the tenants of Patisar
felicitated him with an address of honor (1913). On the request of his
tenants, Tagore visited Patisar in 1937 for the last time on the occasion of
punya. Every year many devotees of Tagore come from home and abroad
to visit Patisar. On the occasions of Tagore's birth and death anniversaries,
discussion meetings and cultural functions are held at Patisar.

Naogaon is considered about the storage of food supply for Bangladesh.
Local peoples are mostly farmer. Paddy, wheat, potato, brinjal, patal,
onions, garlic and pulses. It is also home to a significant rice processing
industries. Important exports Paddy, wheat, potato, oil-seeds and rice.
Famous place of Naogaon
So many famous places are in Naogaon.
• Shampur Bihar (PaharPur)

• Kusumba Masjid

• Patishar (Rabindranath Tagor's KuthiBari)

• Dubalhati Rajbari

• AltaDighi Dhamoirhat

• Mohadevpur razbari

• Dibor Dighi-Patnitola

• Gahon pirbabar Mazar-Patnitola

• Kancon-Hazarat zahor Uddin Cistia Babar Mazar-Patnitola

• Katabari mazar Patnitola

Educational institutes
• Naogaon K.D. Govt. High School: 120 years old, many leaders,
engineers, doctors are students of this school.

• Dubalhati R.H. High School. (This School is 2nd Stablist in Rajshahi


• Paharpur G. M. High School, Established in 1936.

• Naogaon Zilla School, It's very famous school.

• Nazipur High School: 80 years old, many leaders, engineers, doctors

are students of this school.


Male 51.58%, female 48.42%;

Muslim 90%, Hindu 9.13% and others 0.87%; ethnic population: about
4000 belonging to Oraon, Santal, Munda, Mahali, Bansphor and Kurmi

Hospital--- Very important Hospital-1'st Naogaon sador hospital & 2'nd-

Nazipur hospital

Newspapers and weekly periodicals

Nabajug, Nabadiganta, Saptahik Bangabani, Bakachand, Nababarta, Banglar Kantha,

Little Magazine, Sangkalon, Tolpar, Protichhabi, Kalbela

Natural view of Naogaon

The river Atri is a natural site for nature lovers. Some view we include in

This river is also an important channel for local transportation.

The Branding of Naogaon
As per our assessment, the core value of the place is history, untouched
nature and agro production. We decide to highlight the historical
monument for tourist and agro investment for investors.

Our customers are divided in two types. One is tourist and another is
investor. So we decided to make such a Brand slogan which can touch
both of them.

“Visit Naogaon for history and historical monument”

“Great Land for great crops”

It is our own duty to justify our tag line from customers who will visit
Naogaon. If we found some thing like brand Mantra from its customers
then we will change as per customers requirements.

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