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Unit 3

News Digest
Europe Confronts1 the Syrian Refugee2 Crisis
The Syrian refugee crisis has been a cause for concern3 for Europe over the past
few months. Germany has been trying to lead the European Union (EU) countries
response, and in September 2015 announced that more than 6 billion would be spent to
aid the refugees. The money was used to find houses for 800,000 refugees who hope to
settle in Germany.
This number only represents a fraction of the refugees who have fled Syria and other
parts of the Middle East in the last few years. Many are escaping from the ongoing Syrian
civil war, a conflict4 made even worse by the involvement5 of the Islamic State (IS).
Millions of people have lost their homes and family members in the fighting. The
refugees are seeking new lives in Europe, and have traveled north through Turkey and
other countries, in such overwhelming6 numbers that the EU finds it almost impossible
to resolve the crisis.
Both Austria and Hungary have closed their borders7 to stop people from entering,
while Italy and Greece are struggling to deal with boatloads of refugees from Syria and
Africa. Moreover, Germany itself has been forced to set a limit on8 the number of people
it can accommodate, and has urged other EU countries to do their part. This has met with
opposition, not only from other countries, but also from political groups within Germany
who dont want to let the refugees in.
The various governments also have to manage conflicts between their own citizens
and the refugees. Many local people fear that they will lose their jobs, or that government
money will be spent on foreigners needs instead of locals. Others are concerned about
the Islamisation of Europe. The Syrian refugee crisis is a severe9 global challenge, one
that the EU in particular is likely to face for years to come.
1. confront vt.
We need to confront this problem now before it gets any worse.

2. refugee n.
A large number of refugees have fled the war-torn country.

3. concern n.
Freddies poor grades this semester are causing his parents great concern.

4. conflict n.
World War II was a terrible conflict that resulted in between 50 and 85 million deaths.

5. involvement n.
The politician denied any involvement in the scandal.

6. overwhelming adj.
Most Taiwanese students are faced with an overwhelming number of tests and homework

7. border n.
This long river represents the border between these two countries.

8. set a limit on
Ann sets a limit on how much time her children can spend on the Internet.

9. severe adj.
The man suffered severe injuries in the terrible car accident.

More Information
crisis n. crises
settle v.
represent vt.
fraction n.
flee v. flee-fled-fled
ongoing adj.
resolve v.
boatload n.
accommodate vt.
urge v.
do ones part
opposition n.
various adj.
manage v.
citizen n.

Islamisation n.
Reading Questions
1. What is the main cause of the refugee crisis in Europe?
(A) A terrible drought affecting the whole Middle East.
(B) A war between groups in Syria thats still being fought.
(C) The Islamic State is sending lots of its people to live in Europe.
(D) There was a natural disaster that destroyed homes in Syria.
2. How has Germany responded to the crisis?
(A) It has closed its borders to stop refugees from entering.
(B) It has warned that a small number of refugees will cause the Islamisation of Europe.
(C) It is sending refugees on to countries who will take them.
(D) It is providing homes for many refugees, but needs help.
3. Which of these is NOT a problem associated with the refugees?
(A) Political groups will use refugee voters to win local elections.
(B) Many Europeans are worried the refugees will take their jobs.
(C) Some fear that there will be too many Muslims in Europe.
(D) Europeans worry that they will receive less government money.
Ans1. B 2. D 3. A
Language Highlight
so & such
The refugees are seeking new lives in Europe, and have traveled north through Turkey
and other countries, in such overwhelming numbers that the EU finds it almost
impossible to resolve the crisis.
so such

so such
Mary won the lottery twice. She was so lucky.
The mother was surprised when her children behaved so properly at the fancy event.
so a / ansuch
a / an
The Martian was so interesting a movie.
= The Martian was such an interesting movie.

such so

Its amazing that Egyptians could build such huge pyramids thousands of years ago.
many + Nmuch + N so such
Allison looks exhausted because she has so many exams to prepare for.
The dentist told his patient not to eat so much sugar, or else he would get cavities.
so such that
Kevin ran so quickly that he made it to the train station with five minutes to spare.
It was such a hard test that none of the students could finish it.

More than one-third of worlds coral reefs are in _____ danger that they could die within
ten years.
(A) so
(B) too
(C) such
(D) enough

danger that (C) such

Unit 3

January 5

2015 9 60

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