WOF 1971 - 10 October, Enter Into Rest

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TULSA, OKLA., 74150
V o l . IV No. 10

Enter Into Rest

Proverbs 3:5-7, "Trust in..the
Lord with all thine heart; and
lean not unto thine own under
standing. In all thy ways ack
nowledge him, and he shall
direct thy paths. Be not wise in
thine own eyes: fear the Lord,
and depart from evil."

first, then we can understand the

5th verse better.
"For the
weapons of our warfare are not
carnal." (What we are fighting
with isn't in the flesh, not
carnal or fleshly.) "But mighty
through God to the pulling down
of strong holds."

Most of us practice that verse,

but I'm afraid most of us prac
tice it in reverse. We try to
trust the Lord with all our
understanding, and lean not unto
our heart. That isn't what He
said. Someone said, " Y e s , but
Brother Hagin, common sense
will tell you..." I know that, but
He told me right here not to
lean on my common sense.
"Yes, but I think..." That is
what He told me right here,
not to lean on what I think
or you think, or they think.

These weapons of our warfare

are mighty through God to the
pulling down of strongholds.
What are they? "Casting down
imaginations (the margin reads,
overthrowing reasonings), and
every high thing that exalteth
itself against the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity
every thought to the obedience
of Christ." This is very i m
portant. If we want to walk by
faith, we had better get what He
is saying here.

"Lean not unto thine own under

standing. In all thy ways ack
nowledge him, and he shall
direct thy paths." I just wonder
if He will? Glory! "Be not
wise in thine own eyes." Don't
think you know it all. Another
translation reads, "Be not wise
in thine own conceit." I like
that translation. In other words,
what He is saying is, be not wise
with sense knowledge. Be not
wise with natural human think
ing, which leads us to repudi
ate the Word of God and act
independently of the Word.

A Spirit-filled doctor said to

me ..one time, " I give this scrip
ture to my patients more than
any other scripture
in the
BibleII Corinthians
You see, the Word of God must
be superior to human know
ledge, to human reasoning, to
human thinking, whether that
human knowledge be ours or
someone elses. We need to know
this, that human knowledge is
always limited.

No man
has perfect human
knowledge, but the Word of God
is perfect. God's Word brings
There is a counterpart to this a revelation to us. It reveals
God's great plan of
verse in the New Testament. to us
II Corinthians 10:5. I believe redemption that He planned and
we should read the 4th verse sent the Lord Jesus Christ to

consummate. This revelation

reveals to us that there is not
only the new birth available, but
there is physical healing for our
bodies. So this revelation is
His perfect revelation, and it
meets every crisis and need in
our lives.
If we trust this Word with all of
our hearts, then there comes a
quietness, a rest,
into our
spirits. Here is a verse of
scripture that every believer
should make his. Turn with me
to the book of Hebrews, and
underline these words. (If you
can't write in your Bible, throw
it away and get one that you can
write in.) Here in Hebrews 4:3,
"For we which have believed do
enter into rest."
I said, when we trust in this
Word (trusting the Lord
trusting His Word) with all of
our hearts, then there comes a
quietness, and a rest, into our
spirits. I think it is good to
notice what He did not say be
fore we talk any more about what
He did say. He did not say,
"We which have believed do
enter into a state of fretting."
He did not say, "For we which
have believed enter into a state
of worry and anxiety and grumb
ling and griping and fussing
and confusion and perplexity."
No sir, He didn't say thai "be
cause that doesn't go aldngwith
believing. All of those things
are results of doubting. He said,
"We which have believed do
enter into rest."
Yes, you can have rest in your
heart with a battle raging on the

outside. I know, I've been there.

You can have this rest in your
innermost being because you
in there.
symptoms in your body can be
most alarming, the devil can be
telling your mind all kinds of
and your physical
feelings just yelling at the top
of their voice. But yet in the
inside there is a peace.

illumination which we can get

from no other source.
We know,
not think, and we
cannot be conquered. We know
because we believe. "We which
have believed do enter into
rest." Thank God for all of those
trials. Thank God for all the
tests. Many has been the time
that I lay down and pillowed
my head, and I said to the Lord,
"Lord, I'm pillowing my head
on this pillow here, and I want
You to know that spiritually
speaking I'm pillowing my head
on your Word. I'm going to .
rest, and I'm going to sleep
because I have your Word that
my need is met."

Believing is knowing. I don't

mean knowing like you know that
songbook is there because you
can see it. That isn't the kind of
knowing I'm talking about. I
said believing is knowing. You
know what God's Word says.
You believe that Word with all
your heart. You trust in that
Word with all of your heart. I've done that with some of the
We know that the Word of God most alarming symptoms in my
is true.
The devil said, "Boy,
you'll die in your sleep. Don't
When He says in Philippians you remember way back yonder
4:19, "My God shall supply all when one of those doctors talked
your needs," what do we do? to you, and he said that finally
We simply know in our spirits before you died you would have
that every need will be supplied, one of these symptoms about
and we don't worry. We have no your heart? You have those
anxiety. Our hearts take cour symptoms now, so you are in the
age as we read the Word. Our last stages of this thing." Here
assurance becomes deeper as I had been preaching for several
we meditate in God's Word, years, and the devil was trying
and this assurance in our spirit to bring it back on me. He said,
is independent of what
our "You'll probably die right to
physical senses tell us.
night in your sleep. Don't you
remember what he said?"
It may contradict what
physical senses tell us, as often I just laughed right in the night
it does. But we know that spirit time right out to the devil, and
ual things are more real than smiled in the dark. I said, "No
material things. We know that M r . Devil, I know what he said,
spiritual things are superior to but I'm going to sleep. You see,
physical things for God, a Spirit, He'll keep His Word with me.
created physical things. Spirit I'm tied up with God; I'm not
ual things have to be superior. tied up with you anyhow."

Word with me, that's all right

with me. But of course I know
You will. Praise the Lord! I'm
not troubled about it; I have rest
about it. I know in my spirit."
You know, you can sleep and
awake and all the symptoms are
In the midst of trial and test,
financial difficulty, the most
adverse circumstances you can
do the same thing. Someone
said, " I can't." Y e s , you can if
you walk by faith. If you will
learn to believe with your spirit
you can. Someone said, " I sure
hope that works for me." It
won't, because you never get
anything from God by hope. It is
by faith.
If you will start believing, it will
work for you. Start acting on
God's Word. Start putting it into
practice. You can always put it
into practice for yourself, but
you can't always for the other
fellow because he has a will of
his own. You can't push some
thing off on the other fellow.
God Himself can't do that. But
if you can get them to believe
with you, you can get results.
I could give you illustrations
until the sun comes up of people
I know personally that have been
given up to die by the best
doctors in the land. They are
alive and well today. Some of
them are preaching the Gospel.
I found out when I can get people
to quit trying to get something,
and start receiving and be
lie vine: God, something happens.


We know that spiritual forces

are stronger
than physical
forces. We know that I John
4:4 says, "Greater is he that is
in you than he that is in the
world." A l l I need to do is learn
how to put Him to work in me.
It is my faith in Him that puts
Him to work in me. So we trust
in Him with all our hearts and
He rises up in us, and gives

Then I said, "Lord, I'm trusting

You. In Your Word You said to
trust in the Lord with all your
heart. Now I'm going to go to
sleep. If I don't make it, it will
be because You failed, not be
cause I failed. I'm trusting in
Your Word. I'm taking You at
Your Word.
"If You don't want to keep Your

Published monthly by the Kenneth E. Hagin

Evangelistic Association, P . O . Box 50126
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150.
Rev. Buddy Harrison, editor
Doris Moyer, assistant editor

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither

have entered into the heart of man, the
things which God hath prepared for them
that love him." I C o r . 2:9.


September 26, we begin
crusade in
Bethany Baptist
Church in Baker, Louisiana.
For those who are not acquaint
ed with the area, Baker is a
suburb of Baton Rouge.
Bethany Baptist Church is l o
cated at 13925 Plank Road. The .
crusade will begin on Sunday,
September 26th at 7:00 P . M .
The weekday services will be
each day, Monday thru Saturday
at 10:00 A . M . and 7:30 P . M .
The closing service will be
Sunday, October 3rd at 7:00P.M.
Come expecting great things
from God.
On October 10th, we begin our
crusade in the Hot Springs Con
Auditorium in Hot
The auditorium is located on
Boulevard. The
crusade will begin on Sunday,
at 2:30 P . M . Weekday services
will be each day, Monday thru
Saturday at 10:00 A . M . and 7:30
The closing service will be
Sunday, October 17th at 2:30
P.M. Invite your friends and
come share the things of God
with us.
Beginning October 24, we begin
an A l l Faiths Crusade in St.
Louis, Missouri at the Chase
Park Plaza Hotel.
The crusade will be held in
Exhibition Hall A , Lindell en
trance. The Chase Park Plaza
Hotel is located at 212 North
The first

service will be on

Sunday, October 24th at 2:30

P . M . The last service will be
Sunday, October 31st at 2:30
P . M . Weekday services will be
each day, Monday thru Saturday
at 10:00 A . M . and 7:30 P . M .
We expect to see you there.

Your daily lessons are the "high point"

of our day, and we are so greatly blessed
by them! I thank you and Sister Hagin
for agreeing with me on my last prayer
requests. We are seeing results in the
salvation of those for whom we asked your
prayers. Praise God! M.S.
I asked the Lord for another son and I
wanted an easy delivery and to only be in
the hospital three days. P r a i s e God, after
reading your Bible P r a y e r Study Course
I claimed it and I got exactly what I asked
for. I came home from the hospital feeling
great with an 8 pound 15 ounce baby boy.
Everyone was surprized except me. C . F .
I thought I should write you and tell you
how much your letters and teaching the
Word of God has done for me. For the
first time in five years I have been able
to do my house work, which would usually
put me into bed for 2 or 3 weeks. I could
never find words to tell you how much you
have helped me and taught me about the
Word of God. J.C.
I thank God for your tapes on faith for
it was through them that Jesus spoke to
me. P r a i s e God, He changed me. He
created in me a new person. I had many
horrible self sinful things wrong with me
but He cleansed me and gave me peace. J.R.
Thank you so much for mailing me the
Word of Faith. You are helping me so
much in a closer walk with my God. I
praise the Lord for men like you and
the book you mailed me, Authority of the
Believer. I wouldn't take anything for it.
I didn't know I had that authority until
I read and reread that book. I keep it
with my Bible and they go with me. E . R .
I can't tell you how much I appreciate
your ministry. When you w e r e in the area
for a Crusade, God performed a miracle
in my family. My husband was introduced
to Christ the Healer in one of your evening
services. It was hard for him to believe in
miracles until he saw them with his own
eyes. As a result our life here at home is
undergoing many changes. O . B .
Thank you for telling me about the good
news of the crusades this year. I am
fine, having been delivered by our Great
High Priest in Glory. Great and m a r
velous are His works. E . L .

My sister who had cancer is doing fine

and working. Nine of the best doctors in
Texas said she had cancer in her breasts
so bad that they could become open sores.
I asked you to pray and when they cut In
to perform the last test they found no
cancer. Her doctor said with tears in his
eyes, "I don't want any glory for this,
this has shook the whole town." I felt I
should write and thank you personally
for your prayers. F . N .
I have just got to let you know that God
has delivered me from the cigarette
habit. I had written to you and poured
out my heart to you that I needed help
and set free from this habit. The Lord
has set me free! I thank God that l e a n
write to you and you always send me an
answer back. It is good to lay down to
sleep at night and to know all is well
with my soul. F . N .
First of all I would like to tell you how
much God used the books Authority of
the Believer and What Faith Is in my
life to bring me closer to a victorious
Christian life instead of the defeated life
I was living. I praise God for the work
you are doing and how He is speaking
through Kenneth Hagin. B . A .
I have just finished reading your book
P r a y e r Secrets. I didn't get all the way
through before I received my healing
from a lung disease I have had for 18
yearsall my life. (I am 18 years old.)
I just praise God for my healing. J.J.
I wish to express my deep appreciation
for your notes and Bible verses that you
send in answer to my letters. I look f o r
w a r d to them more and more. I somehow
feel they are straight from God. Thank
God for people like you! W . E . F .
We as a group want you to share in our
joy that the "Word of God" is being
preached to the youth in our community
with resulting actions. Your ministry has
been the mainstay of our teaching. The
tapes, lessons and study courses are
being greedily absorbed by the youth.
I know you would enjoy the simplicity
of these young people accepting the "Word
of God." H.H.
I do appreciate the Word of Faith. Thank
God for you! I was left a widow six years
ago without a dime, I had never worked
outside the home, had asthma so bad I
couldn't make a bed, sweep or even walk
a half a block. God provided me with a
job, gave me back my health and most
of all He opened my understanding that
I might understand the scriptures. I have
now received the Holy Spirit. D . G .
When I first heard your program, I
couldn't believe my ears. I have started
to pray and believe it's so! It works! I
praise God that we can stand on His
W o r d . I thank God that He directed me
to your broadcast. C . M .



Jacksonville, Arkansas
Denver, Colorado
Columbus, Georgia
Peoria, Illinois
Des Moines, Iowa
Louisville, KentuckyDetroit, Michigan
St. Paul (Minneapolis), Minn.
St. Louis, Missouri
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albany (Cherry Valley), NY
Buffalo (Weathersfield), NY
Ithaca, New York
Rochester (Bristol), NY
Syracuse (DeRuyter), NY
Cincinnati-Dayton, Ohio
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Dallas, Texas
Houston, Texas






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by Kenneth Hagin


Let us hear from you if you

are a daily listener.

We now have the opportunity

to make a change in time over
K E L R . We have been broad
casting at 7:30 A . M . but feel
that the new time is prime
time. You may now tune us in
at 9:45 A . M .



We are no longer heard over

K F M J - F M . This FMstationhas
gone off the air.
However, we are still heard
over KFMJ-AM which covers
the Tulsa metropolitian area.

Due to programing changes over
'the New York stations, our
Faith Seminar of the A i r may
now be heard at 10:00 A . M .
instead of 9:08 A . M .

The lesson for this month is
Divers Kinds of Tongues. Write
for your free copy today.

This new study course consists

of 20 lessons on the Holy Spirit
and His gifts. These lessons
are bound in an attractive cover
similar to the Prayer and Faith
Study Course.

This study can open up a whole

new dimension to your Christian
life. Send in $5.00 today and we
will mail your copy at once.


There is a gross ignorance

today concerning the workings
of the Holy Spirit. Some think
the gifts of the Spirit have been
done away with.




Enclosed is my remittance of $

Please send my gift copy of DIVERS KINDS OF TONGUES

Enclosed is my offering of $




P. 0. Box 50126

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