FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS PLATFROM - Final Record Elections AP - 16 April 2010

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3RD MEETING 15-16 APRIL 2010

In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Advisory Panel, the election of the new
Advisory Panel of the FRP took place during the second day of the Third meeting of the
Platform, namely on April 16th 2010.

The FRA received 56 nominations and the final number of eligible candidates were 47.

According to the Terms of Reference of the Advisory Panel, participant organizations

could express up to 9 preferences. The total number of organization entitle to vote were
129 and 129 ballots were casted.

The election committee was composed by 8 FRA staff members, and 10 observers from
the FRP who were chosen on a voluntary basis.

FRA staff who participated in the counting:

Dora Kronenberg, FRA, Administration.
Katrin Wolf, FRA, Communication and Awareness Raising.
Marta Abete, FRA, Directorate.
Monika Laurinaviciute-Kocmann, FRA, External Relations and Networking.
Rainer Bless, FRA, Research.
Rosaria Iovino, FRA, External Relations and Networking.
Sophia Lyscom, FRA, External Relations and Networking.
Valeria Setti, FRA, External Relations and Networking (co-responsible of the election
Massimo Toschi, FRA, External Relations and Networking (responsible of the
election procedure)

FRP observers:
Amanda Ariss, Equality and Diversity Forum.
Gabriella Patriziano, VIS - Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo.
Isah Huseini, New Communities Partnership (NCP).
Iulian Stoian, Roma Civic Alliance of Romania
Jackie Jones, European Women Lawyers Association - EWLA
Jana Jamjorova, New Women for Europe
Maggie Lavaridis, Missing Children Europe
Monica Pizzo, Fondazione L'Albero della Vita onlus
Parvin Ali, FATIMA Women's Network
Vera Martins Peres de Almeida, Amnesty International.
The 9 candidates obtaining the highest number of votes were elected as members of the
new AP. There was the need to organise a second ballot, in so far the 9 th and the 10th
candidate (Michael Privot – European Network Against Racism, and Alexander Schuster
– Avvocatura per i Diritti LGBT) obtained the same amount of preferences.

The new Advisory Panel of the FRP is composed by:

Dominika Bychawska-Siniarska (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights);

37 preferences.

Gudrun Kugler (Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians);

37 preferences.

Barbara Terenzi (Comitato per la promozione e protezione dei diritti umani -Centro
Altiero Spinelli Universita' Roma Tre; L.A.W. Legal Aid Worldwide);
36 preferences.

Thomas Muller (Child Helpline International and Missing Children Europe MCE);
34 preferences.

Pierre Barge (European Association for the Defense of Human Rights);

31 preferences.

Ada Garriga Cots (IFFD - International Federation for Family Development);

29 preferences.

Jamie Bolling (ENIL European Network on Independent Living);

26 preferences.

Peter Kinderman (Mental Health Europe);

26 preferences.

Michael Privot (ENAR - European Network Against Racism);

25 preferences, won second ballot.
Here is the list of all candidates and the votes they received:

votes Surname name gender organisation

37 Dominika F Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination

37 Kugler Gudrun F
against Christians

Comitato per la promozione e protezione dei diritti

36 Terenzi Barbara F umani; Centro Altiero Spinelli Universita’ Roma
Tre; L.A.W. Legal Aid Worldwide

Child Helpline International (CHI) Missing

34 Muller Thomas M
Children Europe (MCE)

European Association for the Defense of Human

31 Barge Pierre M

Garriga IFFD - International Federation for Family

29 Ada F
Cots Development

26 Bolling Jamie F ENIL (European Network on Independent Living)

26 Kinderman Peter M Mental Health Europe

25 Privot Michael M ENAR – European Network Against Racism

25 Schuster M Avvocatura per i Diritti LGBT

24 Blitz Brad M International Observatory on Statelessness

23 Khalil F Asociación Nexos Alianza

23 Nicolae Valeriu M Policy Center for Roma & Minorities

Church and Society Commission of the Conference

22 Ciaccio Peter M
of European Churches

22 Pavlou Miltos M HLHR-KEMO/i-RED

20 Egenberger Vera F Büro zur Umsetzung von Gleichbehandlung

(BUG); Office for the Implementation of Equal

20 Friedel Evelyne F Autism-Europe

20 Kotzeva Anna F The Peace and Justice Initiative

20 Warneck Wiebke F European Trade Union Institute

18 Keil Karin F Caritas Europa

16 Stoica Ion Nicu M Roma ACCESS NGO

Socio-Legal Research Centre, Dublin City

15 Darbishire Helen F

15 Favreau Bertrand M European Bar Human Rights Institute

15 Susanna F European Association of Administrative Judges

15 Michaelides Chrysis M ESFC Cyprus

Conference of INGOS of the Council of Europe,

15 Poljanec Taras M
representing the European Action of the Disabled

15 Williers Marc M Friends, Families and Travellers

14 Dewhurst Elaine F Migrants and European Citizenship Platform

13 Henry Pierre M France terre d’asile

13 Lynch Catherine F ENAR Ireland

FEANTSA - European Federation of National

12 Gachet Andre' M
Organisations Working with the Homeless

12 Giteva Dilyana F Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights Foundation

12 Parnez Tanveer F BEMIS

12 Scagliotti Luciano M Centro d’Iniziativa per l’Europa – CIE

11 Eliana F European Arab Center of Catalonia

11 Malloy Tove H. F European Centre for Minority Issues

10 Amaral Carla F Portuguese Association for Victims Support

SEKI - Commission on Sexual Orientation Law
10 Kojicic Jovan M

10 Marozau Pavel M Valgevene Uus Tee Estonia

9 Buchanan Rachel F AGE Platform Europe

9 Gorska Imislawa F Association of Local Democracies Agencies

9 Whine Michael M Community Security Trust

8 Cars M European Humanist Federation

6 Fayl Gilbert M European Academy of Sciences and Arts

5 Mbugua Salome F AkiDwa

3 Huyghe M SIEANAT

3 Orlandi Lapo M ERA ONLUS

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