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Sabah Land Below The Wind ( Kota

Kinabalu )

Flag Of Sabah
Coats Of Army Of Sabah
Sabah is one of 13 states in Malaysia and is the second largest state in
Malaysia after Sarawak, which is located in the north of the island of
Borneo, the third largest island in the world. Despite its status as one of
the states in Malaysia which is recognized at international level, the
Philippines is a very active lay claim to the eastern part of Sabah, where
Malaysia has dismissed it as a "non-issue". The capital of Sabah is Kota
Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton. Sabah is also often referred to as
the "Land Below The Wind" because the position is very strategic country
under way monsoons.
The origins of the name "Sabah" is said to be less clear, and there are
many theories that have arisen. One of the theories is that when Sabah
was still under the rule of the Sultanate of Brunei, he is referred to as
Saba saba bananas because of the presence, the type of banana called
'banana Saba' by the Bajau community because a lot of these bananas
are grown around the west coast of Sabah, bananas are also known as a
'banana decline' by the local community in the area where there is a
difference between 'banana Saba' and other chips found around the island
of Borneo. Due to the location of Sabah regarding Brunei, it has been said
that Sabah is the Brunei Malay word which means upstream or the north
side of the river.

Alexander Dalrymple, an officer of the East India Company which has

concluded an agreement with the Sultan of Sulu to allow him to set up a
trading post in Sulu. In 1761, Alexander Dalrymple, an officer of the British
East India Company concluded an agreement with the Sultan of Sulu to
allow him to establish a trading post on the part of Sabah which is under
the authority of Sulu, although many expect it will be doomed to failure. In
1846, the west coast of the island of Labuan in Sabah was ceded to the
British by the Sultan of Brunei and in 1848 he became a British colony
with an agreement from the Sultan of Brunei refurbished in 1877, while
the east coast of Sabah submitted by the Sultanate of Sulu in 1878.
Following a series of transfers, rights over North Borneo was transferred to
Alfred Dent, which in 1881 formed the Association of the Province of
British North Borneo, which is the precursor to the British North Borneo
Company. The following year, British North Borneo Company was formed
and Kudat was used as the seat of government. But in 1883, the central
government has moved to Sandakan. In 1888, North Borneo became a
British protectorate.
As one in a series of World War II, Japanese forces landed in Labuan on
January 1, 1942 and continued to dominate the whole island of Borneo.
From 1942-1945, the Japanese armed forces had taken control of North
Borneo and the islands around it. By Allied bombing has also caused a lot
of destruction of cities, the worst is Sandakan. Sandakan has also built a
camp run by the Japanese for the torture of British and Australian
prisoners of war. The prisoners suffer in conditions so inhumane, and
bombing by the Allied Forces led to Japan had to move his camp to the
interior Ranau located at 260 kilometers. The war ended on 10 September
1945. After the Japanese surrender, North Borneo was administered by the
British Military Administration in 1946 and the country officially became a
British Crown Colony. Jesselton was replaced Sandakan as the central
government and the British continued to rule North Borneo.
After World War II, the region was administered by the British Military
Administration and then transferred to the Crown Colony government in
1946 due to the British North Borneo Company experiencing difficulties
due to the high cost of rebuilding the North Borneo. The task of restoring
The territory was taken over by the government with the crown colony of
the Crown Colony's first governor was appointed Edward Twining on May
5, 1949. Ralph Hone has replaced him to continue the reconstruction of
North Borneo and then Roland Turnbull until the last governor of the
Crown Colony William Goode. After all reconstruction projects have been
completed, Crown Colony government then decided to give selfgovernment to Northern Borneo on August 31, 1963 which is 16 days

before the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia on 16 September

On August 31, 1963, North Borneo obtained self-government and in 1962,
Cobbold Commission was established by the British to collect and
determine the views of the people of this country and also Sarawak
whether to support the proposal to form the Federation of Malaysia or not.
The Commission apparently favored by the majority of the population and
ethnic community leaders such as Sabah, Tun Mustapha who represents
Muslims, Tun Fuad Stephens representing indigenous non-Muslims, and
Khoo Siak Chew representing the Chinese support the formation. Finally,
on 16 September 1963, North Borneo was officially united with Malaya,
Sarawak and Singapore to form the Federation of Malaysia.
Sabah state government has handed Labuan Island and 6 smaller islands
around it to the federal government of Malaysia and on 16 April 1984, it
was declared a Federal Territory. In 2000, the Kota Kinabalu was declared
city status, making it the 6th city in Malaysia and is the first city in the
According to the Population and Housing Census of Malaysia 2010
approximately 65.4% of Sabah's population are Muslims, 26.6% is
Christian, 6.1% Buddhist, 1.6% and others 0.3% no religion.

Sabah Negeri Di Bawah Bayu ( Kota

Kinabalu )

Bendera Sabah
Lambang Tentera Sabah

Sabah adalah salah satu daripada 13 negeri yang terdapat di Malaysia

dan merupakan negeri kedua terbesar di Malaysia selepas Sarawak yang
terletak di utara pulau Borneo, iaitu pulau ketiga yang terbesar di dunia.
Di sebalik status sebagai salah satu negeri di Malaysia yang diiktiraf di
peringkat antarabangsa, Filipina meletakkan tuntutan yang sangat aktif
terhadap bahagian timur Sabah, di mana Malaysia telah menolak ia
sebagai "bukan isu".[6] Ibu negeri Sabah ialah Kota Kinabalu, yang
dahulunya dikenali sebagai Jesselton. Sabah juga sering dirujuk sebagai
"Negeri di Bawah Bayu" kerana kedudukan negeri tersebut yang sangat
strategik di bawah laluan angin monsun.
Asal-usul nama "Sabah" dikatakan kurang jelas, dan terdapat banyak
teori yang telah timbul. Salah satu contoh teori ialah ketika Sabah masih
dibawah pemerintahan Kesultanan Brunei, ia dirujuk sebagai Saba kerana
kehadiran pisang saba, nama sejenis pisang yang dinamakan 'pisang
Saba' oleh masyarakat Bajau kerana pisang tersebut banyak sekali
ditanam di sekitar pantai barat Sabah , pisang ini juga dikenali sebagai
'pisang menurun' oleh masyarakat tempatan di kawasan berkenaan yang
mana terdapat perbezaan di antara 'pisang Saba' dan pisang lain yang
terdapat di sekitar Kepulauan Borneo. Disebabkan juga lokasi Sabah yang
berhubung dengan Brunei, ianya telah dikatakan bahawa Sabah adalah
perkataan Melayu Brunei yang bermaksud hulu atau sebelah utara sungai.
Satu lagi teori mengatakan bahawa ia datang dari Sabak, perkataan
Melayu yang ertinya tempat di mana gula kabung diekstrak. Sabah juga
merupakan perkataan Arab yang bermaksud matahari terbit. Kehadiran
pelbagai teori ini menjadikan ia sukar untuk menentukan asal sebenar
nama negeri ini.
Sebagai salah satu siri dalam Perang Dunia Kedua, tentera Jepun telah
mendarat di Labuan pada 1 Januari 1942 dan terus menguasai seluruh
pulau Borneo. Dari tahun 1942-1945, angkatan tentera Jepun telah
menguasai Borneo Utara dan pulau-pulau disekelilingnya. Pengeboman
oleh Tentera Bersekutu juga telah menyebabkan banyak kemusnahan
bandar-bandar, antara yang paling teruk adalah Sandakan. Selepas
tamatnya Perang Dunia II, wilayah ini telah ditadbir oleh Pentadbiran
Tentera British dan kemudian dipindahkan kepada kerajaan Jajahan
Mahkota pada tahun 1946 disebabkan oleh Syarikat Borneo Utara British
mengalami kesulitan disebabkan kos yang tinggi untuk membina semula
Borneo Utara. Tugas memulihkan wilayah ini diambil alih oleh kerajaan
jajahan Mahkota dengan gabenor Jajahan Mahkota pertama yang dilantik
ialah Edward Twining pada 5 Mei 1949. Ralph Hone telah menggantikan
beliau untuk meneruskan pembinaan semula Borneo Utara dan kemudian
Roland Turnbull sehingga gabenor terakhir Jajahan Mahkota William
Goode. Setelah semua projek pembinaan semula telah selesai, kerajaan

Jajahan Mahkota kemudian mengambil keputusan untuk memberikan

pemerintahan sendiri kepada Borneo Utara pada 31 Ogos 1963 iaitu 16
hari sebelum penubuhan Persekutuan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.
Tarikh 31 Ogos 1963 juga merupakan Hari Kemerdekaan Sabah.
Menurut perangkaan Banci Penduduk dan Perumahan Malaysia 2010 kirakira 65.4% penduduk Sabah beragama Islam, 26.6% lagi adalah Kristian,
6.1% Buddha, 1.6% lain-lain dan 0.3% tidak beragama.

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