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Essay on Pollution
Pollution in India is a big environmental issue which everyone must aware of. Our kids and school
going children of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 usually get topic of pollution to write
essay or recite speech on this. Parents should know about the types, causes and prevention
measures of the pollution in order to help their kids and get aware of.
Air Pollution | Water Pollution | Soil Pollution | Noise Pollution

Pollution Essay 1 (100

Pollution is the contamination of the natural
environment which exists around us and
helps in normal living. Any type of pollution
in our natural surroundings and ecosystem
causes insecurity, health disorders and
discomfort in normal living. It disorganises
the natural systems and thus disturbs the
natures balance.
The pollutants or elements of pollution are
foreign substances or waste materials created by the human beings and pollute the natural
resources like air, water or soil etc. The chemical nature, concentration and long persistence of the
pollutants continually disturbs the ecosystem for years. The pollutants can be poisonous gases,
pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, noise, organic compounds and radioactive materials.

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Pollution Essay 2 (100 words)

As we all know that our environment is very necessary for our healthy existence on the earth. A
healthy environment depends on the good habits of human beings and the circumstances we
create. Human, animal, plants, earth and environment are indirectly connected to each other and
necessary for the existence of healthy life here. However, by any means if our environment gets
affected negatively, creates lots of problems and many challenges in living a simple and healthy
life. Our environment acts as a natural world for us and provides a protection to us from the natural
calamities. However, it becomes helpless in protecting us if we disturbs its natural cycle and force

Social Issues in India

Environmental Issues Essays
Environment Essay
Pollution Essay
Water Pollution Essay




it to harm us.

Air Pollution Essay

Soil Pollution Essay

Pollution Essay 3 (150 words)

Noise Pollution Essay

Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural resources available

Global Warming Essay

on the earth. It affects the ordinary living of the living things on this planet by disturbing the natural

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life cycle. Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water
pollution, etc. Air pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of
automobiles, release of poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids,

Save Trees Essay


liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe every moment causes several lungs




In this way soil and water pollution is also cause by the mixing up of the sewage water (having

Government of India

germs, viruses, harmful chemicals, etc) in drinking water, some dangerous agrochemicals such as
pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, organic compounds like ether, benzene, some radioactive
materials including radium and thorium, solid wastes (industrial ashes, rubbish, garbage), etc. We
need to follow all the control measures implemented by the government to check its harmful

Pollution Essay 4 (150 words)

Environmental pollution is the condition when the natural cycle of our environment gets disturbed
and harms us. Some harmful environmental contaminants created by us in the form of smoke,
solid or liquid wastes get intermingled into the environment and pollute it. It is only human who
can check the environmental pollution by limiting their bad activities. Each and every person here
is responsible for the environmental pollution in indirect way. Unknowingly we all are creating
problems and challenges to the environment.

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Some bad chemical compositions which we use on daily basis get intermingled into the
environment and disturb its natural functioning and natural processes which directly affect our

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health. Human beings are considered as the most intelligent living being on the earth however it
never means that they should interfere with the natures law of ecological balance. Our
environment and we, both are incomplete without the helps of each other. We should try our best
to maintain the healthy environment in order to continue the natural processes easily.

Pollution Essay 5 (200 words)

Pollution has become a major environmental issue as it has created lots of health hazards to the
people and animals of any age group. In the recent years the rate of pollution is increasing very
sharply because of the industrialized waste material mixing out directly into the soil, air and water.
However, in our country full attention is not getting paid to control it. It needs to be tackle seriously
otherwise our future generations would suffer a lot.




Pollution is classified into many categories according to the natural resources getting affected
such as air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc. Rate of pollution is
increasing due to the selfishness of the human being to earn more money and to fulfil some
unnecessary wishes. In the modern era where technological advancement is given more priority
by the people, everyone has forgotten the real discipline of life.
Continuous and unnecessary cutting down of the forests, urbanization and large production
through industrialization has involved as a huge causes of the pollution. Harmful and poisonous
wastes created from such activities causes irreversible changes to the soil, air and water which
ultimately push lives towards pain. This big social issue needs a public level social awareness
programme to destroy by its root to get complete relief.

Pollution Essay 6 (200 words)

Environmental pollution is the biggest problem in the modern time we are facing. It affects us in all
aspects such as socially, economically, physically, mentally and intellectually. Contamination of
the natural environment gives birth to the lots of diseases which make human beings weak
mentally and physically. Many of us are not well aware of the pollution even they do not know
how they are creating problems to the environment and polluting it. This problem is becoming
worse day by day because of the new technologies growth and development. Many new
companies are opening in the industry and do more to grow their business in the competitive field.
Environmental pollution is not the problem only one country however it is the issue of whole
world, so it needs effort by all of us together to correct it. If it is not taken under control, it may
affect the whole universe to a great extent in the future. Environmental pollution is getting big by
increasing level of pollution of water, air, sound and land. Increasing in the number of vehicles on
the roads causes air pollution, increasing in the number of factories causes water pollution and
land pollution. So, it needs limitation over all the causes of the environmental pollution.

Pollution Essay 7 (250 words)

The meaning of word pollution means to make things dirty. Accordingly the pollution of natural
resources causes imbalance in the ecosystem. Currently we have been fatally surrounded by the
major issue of environmental pollution. Pollution is the addition of any foreign or poisonous
substances into the environment at very fast rate than the environment natural accommodation.
The main causes of this social devil are the industrialization, deforestation and urbanization, the
by-products of which causes contamination to the natural resources used by the living things on
the earth as a routine of normal life.
Air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution are the most dangerous forms of pollution causing
direct heath disorders to the human beings. We have no safe water to drink, pure air to inhale and
pollution free land to crop. This widely spreading pollution need to be taken under control for the
healthy survival of life on the planet in future. Different types of pollutants which are disturbing our
natural ecosystem are gases (NO, SO2, CO2, CO, NO2), halogens (iodine, chlorine, bromine),
deposited matters (dust, smog, grit), agrochemicals (insecticide, pesticides, herbicides), noise,
photochemical oxidants (photochemical smog, peroxyacetyl nitrate, ozone, nitrogen oxides),
organic compounds from industries (acetic acid, benzene, ether), radioactive materials (radium,
thorium), some solid wastes (ash, garbage), etc.
Pollution is the big side effect of the industrialized societies of the modern world where industrial
development and green house effect have adversely affected the ecosystem. Life supporting
systems are speedily getting converted into the life destroying system because of the
industrialization. Human greediness and misuse of freeness of doing anything lead them towards




serious degradation and mismanagement of resources.

Pollution Essay 8 (250 words)

Earth is considered as the only planet suitable for the life existence in the whole universe. It gives
us everything like air, water, land, plants, and sky for the healthy survival of the life. We cannot live
here in the absence of all the basic components of life. In any case if the serious pollution
problems occur, it causes hazardous to the life. Increasing number of vehicles on the roads and
increasing demands of the usage of the petrol and diesel increases the risk of air pollution as
petrol and diesel spread heavy amount of poisonous gases in the environment such as carbon
monoxide, sulphur-dioxide, hydrocarbons, and many more gases are polluting the air. Now-adays, a major threat to the life is due to the development of nuclear sciences.
The polluted air we breathe goes to our whole body and affect all the systems especially
respiratory functions. It becomes the reason of origin of many diseases like cancer, respiratory
problems, lungs disorders, bronchitis, asthma and many more. The increasing competitions of the
nuclear experiments all over the world are creating the big threat of atmospheric balance
destruction as this process releases lots of harmful chemicals, poisonous gases, and dust into the
air which falls back again to the earth through acid rains and harms the growth of crops and life.
This acid rain causes various harmful diseases to the human fraternity worldwide. Water pollution
is increasing because of the direct drainage of industrial liquid wastes into the water of ocean,
lakes, rivers, ponds and other water bodies. This water is used by the farmers in growing crops
which we eat and disturb our physiological functioning.

Pollution Essay 9 (300 words)

Pollution has become the most serious issue as everyone is facing lots of health hazards in their
daily life. Various types of pollutants from the industrial garbage and other activities are
contaminating our natural resources like air, water, soil, etc. After being mixing into the soil, air and
water, they are directly affecting the human being and animal body system and causing variety of
lethal ailments to health. Noise pollution is affecting the listening system in the body as well as
causing disturbance to the memory.
The rate of pollution in the cities is higher than the villages because of the vehicles transportation.
Fumes arise from the running vehicles, factories and other industries are affecting the clean air of
cities which is not fit for the breathing. Soiled water from the big sewage system, other garbage
from the households, by-products from the factories and industries are directly mixing to the
rivers, lake and oceans. Most of the solid wastes, garbage and other unused things are thrown
away by the people on the land which cause soil pollution and affect the crop production. Most of
the people in the cities spread noise pollution to a great extent during their birthday, marriage or
other occasions just for their short time happiness. All the roads in the cities become full of traffic
all through the day because of the increasing number of vehicles which are the reason of both air
pollution and noise pollution.
Ultimately all the man made technological advancement is the big reason of all types of pollution
on the earth. So, no one other than human, who is digging a pit of pollution worldwide and creating
a serious problem for the living things on the earth. The quality of life is worsening day by day as
pollution acts as a devil which causes various health ailments like high blood pressure, kidney
disorders, respiratory disease, cancer, epidemics, skin diseases, etc.

Pollution Essay 10 (300 words)

Environmental pollution is the big issue now for the whole human fraternity on this planet today.




We are continuously adding impurities to the environment unknowingly through our bad and
careless activities. Environmental pollution affects the natural processes and living of human
being. When we play with the natural cycles of the environment which consists of air, earth, water,
land, plants and animals, it creates big challenges to us and makes healthy life almost impossible.
It hampers the existence of both human and nature together as both are the completeness to
each other.
The biggest issue to the environmental problem is the removal of forests and urbanization on that
place because of the increasing pollution. Decreasing number of the plants day by day increasing
the amount of carbon dioxide gas in the environment as plants are the main sources of the carbon
dioxide gas utilization. Thus the increasing level of this gas in the environment causes global
warming (increased climate temperature due to emissions of greenhouse gases) which in turn
causes lots of problems and brings environmental and social changes in direct and indirect ways.
The warming effect on the climate causes glaciers to melt, seasonal problems, decreasing
agricultural productivity and many more.
Continuous warming of the earth may cause earth a day as a boiling pan and desert whole earth
would be covered with ocean water means permanent destruction to the mankind. For our good
health we need fresh and pure air to inhale, unpolluted food to eat, no noise pollution and
unpolluted water to drink however all are not possible now. Thats why everyone of us are wasting
more money into the medicines by making round and round of the hospitals instead of spending
money to good health activities like eating fruits, joining health club, etc. So, the environmental
issue need to be solved on urgent basis by the effort of all of us.

Pollution Essay 11 (400 words)

In the modern world of technological advancement, pollution has become a serious
environmental issue affecting the lives on earth. Some of the most important types of the pollution
are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. All types of the pollutions are
undoubtedly affecting the whole environment and ecosystem thus the quality of life. Our naturally
beautiful environment on the earth is deteriorating day by day just by the foolish habits of the
human beings.
The main reasons of the air pollution are the heavy emissions of harmful and poisonous gases
arise from the increasing number of vehicles, factories and open burning. In the crowd of
betterment of life, everyone wants to have well resources for their easy daily routine but they do
not think a little bit about their natural surroundings. Most of the air pollution is carried out by the
public transportation on daily basis. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are the toxic gases
polluting the air and reducing the oxygen level in the environment.
Manufacturing factories are also the great contributor to the air pollution by meeting the growing
demand of people. During the manufacturing process factories releases some toxic gases, heat
and energy into the environment. Some other habits like open burning of household garbage, etc
are also worsening the air quality. Air pollution causes respiratory disorders including lung cancer
among human being and animals.
Water pollution is also a big issue directly affecting the marine life as they only depend on the
nutrients found in the water for their survival. Gradual disappearance of the marine life would
really affect the livelihood of human beings and animals. The reason of the water contamination is
harmful wastes from factories, industries, sewage systems, farms, etc which are directly dumping
into the main source of water like rivers, lakes and oceans. Drinking contaminated water causes
serious health disorders to us.
Soil pollution is caused by the use of fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and other




organic compounds. It indirectly affects our health as we eat eating materials produced in the soil.
The source of noise pollution is the noise created from the heavy machinery, vehicles, radio, TV,
speaker, etc which causes hearing problems and sometimes deafness. We should take care of our
environment to maintain the natural ecosystem. It requires a joint effort from everyone to get
control over the pollution so that we can get a healthy and unpolluted environment.

Pollution Essay 12 (400 words)

Environment pollution is the mixing of harmful pollutants into the environment causing
disturbance to the natural processes and cycles. Various types of environmental pollution are
categorized as the water pollution, air pollution, land pollution and noise pollution. Production of
solid and liquid wastes on large scale from the industries, emissions of hazardous gases,
deforestation, global warming, and many more problems originated by the human beings are the
main reasons of increasing the environmental pollution. In the last one decade, there is a great
increase in the level of environmental pollution and scenario has become worse than earlier.
In the whole universe, there is only one planet named earth provides facility of all basic elements
required for the life existence. It gives us life and what we give it, pollution. However, it was much
better that if we give it nothing but we give it pollution and contamination regularly. As we all live
on this planet, we all are highly responsible for the maintenance of the earth. However, we all
forget our responsibility and busy in our daily routine and competitions to just fulfil our needs in
anyways. Fresh air and clean water are two most basic needs to sustain life but nothing of both is
possible in the modern time. It seems that, after some decades here would be no man, no plants,
no animals and no life.
All the natural gases in the environment make their balance by reacting each other. Some of them
are used as a food by the plants like carbon dioxide. But, just imagine what happened when we
start finishing plants. Decreasing number of plants causes less use of carbon dioxide which gets
spread into the whole environment and in turn increases environmental temperature level and
thus global warming. It again calls many problems and natural calamities like melting glaciers,
flood, increasing water level in sea and ocean, and finally destruction of humanity from this planet.
Just imagine, only decreasing number of plants may cause such a big problem which is not our
only mistake. We are doing lots of such mistakes daily and it should not be a big surprise for us
that one day the chance of life existence would be finished on this planet.
Still we have time, the get together effort of all of us may save the earth, environment and the life
here. Environmental pollution needs a global level awareness and every one of us needs to
understand our all mistakes, causes of pollution, ways to solve the problems created by it and
most importantly how to stop the negative environmental changes and environmental pollution.
More Essays on Pollution:
Pollution Essay : Air Pollution | Water Pollution | Soil Pollution | Noise Pollution

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