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He will have to learn, I know,

Teach him that all men are not just,
all men are not true.
but teach him also that
for every scoundrel there is a hero;
that for every selfish Politician,
there is a dedicated leader..
Teach him for every enemy there is a friend,
Steer him away from envy,
if you can,

Teach him the secret of

quiet laughter.
Let him learn early that
the bullies are the easiest to lick
Teach him, if you can,
the wonder of books..
But also give him quiet time
to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,
bees in the sun,
and the flowers on a green hillside.

In the school teach him

it is far honourable to fail
than to cheat..
Teach him to have faith
in his own ideas,
even if every one tells him
they are wrong
Teach him to be gentle
with gentle people,
and tough with the tough.

Try to give my son

the strength not to follow the crowd
when everyone is getting on the band wagon
Teach him to listen to all men
but teach him also to filter
all he hears on a screen of truth,
and take only the good
that comes through.
Teach him if you can,
how to laugh when he is sad
Teach him there is no shame in tears,
Teach him to scoff at cynics
and to beware of too much sweetness..

Teach him to sell his brawn

and brain to the highest bidders
but never to put a price-tag
on his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears
to a howling mob
and to stand and fight
if he thinks hes right.
Treat him gently,
but do not cuddle him,
because only the test
of fire makes fine steel.

Let him have the courage

to be impatient
Let him have the patience to be brave.
Teach him always
to have sublime faith in himself,
because then he will have
sublime faith in mankind.
This is a big order,
but see what you can do
He is such a fine fellow,
my son!
(Our Inspiration)

The Printman Printers

Abraham Lincolns Letter to his Son's School Teacher








Quaid -e- Azams Message

Pakistan is proud of his youth, particularly the
students, who are nation builders of tomorrow.
They must fully equip themselves by
discipline, education and training for the
arduous task lying ahead of them.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah


Karnal Sher Khan

Shaheed (Nishan-e-Haider)

The Cadet College is dedicated to Captain

Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed (NH). He was born
on 1 January 1970. He was commissioned in the
Army on 14 October 1994. Captain Karnal Sher
Khan emerged as the symbol of mettle and
courage during the Kargil conflict on the Line of
Control. He set personal examples of bravery
and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. He
defended the five strategic posts, which he
established with his men at the height of 17,000
feet at Gultary, and repulsed many Indian
attacks. After many abortive attempts, the
Indians on 5 July 1999 ringed the posts of
Captain Karnal Sher Khan with the help of two
battalions and unleashed heavy mortar fire and
managed to capture some part of one of his posts.
Despite facing all odds, he led a counter-attack
and re-captured the lost parts of his post. But
during the course, he was hit by the machine-gun
fire and embraced 'SHAHADAT' at the same
post. He was awarded the highest gallantry
award Nishan-e-Haider for his great courage.

Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 5
Vision ............................................................................................................................................ 5
History ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Location ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Campus ......................................................................................................................................... 6
College Administration ................................................................................................................... 7
Staff ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Curriculum and System of Education ............................................................................................ 7
Admissions .................................................................................................................................... 7
Entrance Examination and Allocation of Seats.............................................................................. 8
Entrance Tests - Syllabus ............................................................................................................. 9
Religious Training .......................................................................................................................... 12
Fee/ Dues ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Literary and Cultural Activities ....................................................................................................... 12
Co-Curricular Activities .................................................................................................................. 12
Dress/Uniform................................................................................................................................ 13
Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................ 14
College Rules ................................................................................................................................ 15
Telephone Calls ............................................................................................................................. 16
Correspondence ............................................................................................................................ 16


ducation system has an important role in achieving the

goal of a progressive, moderate and democratic
Pakistan. In pursuance of the goal the inauguration of
Captain Karnal Sher Khan (Shaheed) Nishan-e-Haider
Cadet College Swabi symbolizes in itself the resolve and
commitment of both the government and Pakistan army. It is
a land mark project established to contribute significantly in
providing quality education to the boys of KPK in particular
and the country in general. By the grace of Allah Almighty
and with help of people we look forward to a distinguished
academic career for our bright and talented youth.
The College aims at providing quality education with a view
to developing knowledge, skills, personality and character
of cadets to make them responsible citizens and enlightened
leaders. Our objectives are focused on academic excellence,
personality development, character building, inculcation of
religious and national spirit, leadership traits and physical
development, while promoting national integration through
the diversity of intake.
In recognition of the great sacrifice and valour displayed by
Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed (NH) during the Kargil
conflict, the college is dedicated to our proud son of the soil.
His faith and courage remain an inspiration for us all at
Cadet College in particular and the people of Pakistan in
general. Established with a capital cost of Rs.1058 million,
the college is functional since September 2011.


t is near village Ismaila, the native town of Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed (NH). It is
located on the main road Mardan-Swabi, approximately midway between Mardan
(23 Km) and Swabi (25 Km). It can also be accessed from Grand Trunk Road through
Nowshara-Mardan and from Swabi, Rashakai interchanges / exits on the Motor Way
(M1). Location map can also be downloaded from internet using Google Earth.
Houses/ Hostels
The College has two academic blocks, college mosque, residential colony for staff and 6
cadet houses/hostels each with a capacity of 100 cadets. Every House is being looked
after by a House Master, assisted by House Tutor, Military Staff and House Baba.
Cadet's Messes
The College has two spacious cadet messes, each with a capacity of 300 cadets. One
cadet from each class is member of College Mess Committee which meets frequently to
discuss menu and ways of improving the messing standard.
College Hospital
The College has a well equipped 20 bedded Hospital and an ambulance under the
supervision of Senior Medical Officer, assisted by dispensers. Cadets with serious
ailments are referred to C.M.H Mardan/Peshawar.
The College has a well furnished cafeteria with adequate services besides,
Tailor, Barber, Cobbler, Stationery Shop, Utility Store and Post Office/Bank
to provide every possible facility at the campus.

College Administration and Admissions

arnal Sher Khan Cadet College Swabi is under the control and management of the Board of Governors (BOG). Commander
11 Corps is the Chairman BOGs. The Principal Brig (Retd) Faqir Riaz Yunus an alumnae of Burn Hall School Abbottabad and
Cadet College Hasan Abdal has served as Principal Cadet College Kohat from May 2001 to August 2005 and Principal, Pakistan
Embassy International Study Group, Ankara, Turkey from September 2005 to April 2008. The Principal is responsible for the
college administration.
The College has highly qualified and experienced teaching staff, divided into various departments, each headed by a senior
member. The Army Staff comprising the Adjutant of the rank of Captain, and seven drill/ PT instructors are responsible for military
and physical training of cadets. The College has an elaborate administrative setup for smooth functioning of routine activities.
Curriculum and System of Education
The College follows the syllabus laid down by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Mardan. The medium of
instruction is English. The subjects taught in the College at SSC level are Urdu, English, Islamiyat, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Biology. The College offers Pre-Medical and Pre- Engineering courses for
Intermediate classes. The laboratories are equipped with the latest apparatus. Class tests and terminal examinations are planned at
regular intervals. Cadet's progress will be assessed and complete record of their academic performance and overall conduct shall be
sent to the parents at the end of each term. A cadet failing twice in the same class is expelled from the College.
Eligibility & Selection Procedure Class VIII
Age should be 12 to 14 years on 1st April of the year of admission.
Candidates should have passed Class VII at the time of admission. Students studying in class VIII are also eligible.
Candidates will be examined in English, Mathematics, Urdu & Islamiat during the entrance test.
Eligibility & Selection Procedure Class XI
Age should be15 to 17 years on 1st July of the year of admission.
Candidates who have passed Class X with minimum of 70% marks, or have appeared in the Class X board examinations can
apply with the certificate from head of the institution that the candidate is most likely to secure over 70% marks.
Candidates will be examined in English, Mathematics / Biology, Physics and Chemistry during the entrance test.
Students studying in first year and registered in any BISE are not eligible.

Entrace Examination & Allocation of Seats

t is planned at Peshawar, Mardan, Swabi, D.I.Khan, Kohat, Abottabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Quetta and Karachi. However minimum of
twenty five candidates are required for a station to be declared as center otherwise the candidates will be allotted the next nearest center.
Admission will be granted purely based on the merit after written examination, interview and medical examination.
Self-Finance Scheme Only:
$ Candidates next on the merit list after filling in open merit, KPK/FATA specific seats, Defense and College employee quota, if opted
for SF, shall be given admission under the scheme.
$ Candidates selected under this scheme will be required to pay Rs. 250000.00 (non refundable), for admission to class XI and
Rs. 400000.00 (non refundable) for admission to class VIII over and above the other fees/dues at the time of admission only.
Allocation of Seats
Each entry will comprise 100 students. The allocation of seats is as under:
$ Open Merit (All Pakistan less KPK/FATA) 27
$ Self Finance
$ Defense Personnel
$ College Employees
$ Overseas Candidates:
$ Quota Seats:


(Day Scholars)

Overseas candidates will be eligible but will have to appear at centers in Pakistan.
Vacant Seats will be allotted to candidates desirous of admission under Self Finance Scheme.

Matriculation/Secondary School Certificate Course
English, Urdu, Islamiyat, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science.
Intermediate (Pre-Medical)
English , Urdu, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Islamiyat and Pakistan Studies.
Intermediate (Pre-Engineering)
English, Urdu, Mathematics, (Computer Science or Chemistry), Physics, Islamiyat and Pakistan Studies.
Candidates appearing in Maths during entrance examination will not be eligible for the pre medical group and candidates appearing in
Biology during entrance examination will not be eligible for the pre engineering group at the time of admission.

Entrance Test - Syllabus

Urdu and Islamiya t (Urdu 70, Islamiyat 30)

75 Marks
75 Marks
75 Marks

45 Minutes
each paper


75 Marks
75 Marks
75 Marks
75 Marks

45 Minutes
each paper

Pattern of Papers
Pattern of papers is flexible. However, questions are selected in accordance with the general standards laid down for various classes to
allow equal opportunities to all the candidates taking exam from different parts of the country. The candidates for the first year shall be
tested according to the syllabus of 10 class. An outline syllabus for the written test for 8 class is provided as a guideline.
$ Parts of Speech to include Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Forms of Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Articles and
$ Correct/ rearrange/ complete sentences.
$ Meaning of Words/ Idioms and their use in sentences.
$ Correct spellings.
$ Change sentences into interrogative and negative forms.
$ Antonyms/ Synonyms, Singular and Plural.
$ Gender.
$ Write Essay/ Paragraph, Letter/ Application or building a Story from a given outline.
$ Translation form Urdu into English and Vice Versa.
$ Change of Voice and Narration.
$ Answers to questions from a given paragraph.

Entrance Test Details & Pattern of Papers


Set theory, union and intersection of sets, De Morgan's law.

Fraction, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of common, compound and decimal fractions.
Square root, square root of decimal and common fractions and approximate square roots.
Ratio and proportion, direct and inverse proportion, problems on inheritance and partnership.
Percentage, partnership, commission, profit and loss.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of algebraic expressions, expressions in ascending and descending orders.
Equations, solution of equations in one variable.
Area of square, rectangle and circle. Area and volume of cylinder, cube and cuboids.
Practical geometry. Construction of a triangle, rectangle, square, parallelogram, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, pie graph.

Islamiat (English Medium)



Human rights, Ethics, Life of the Holy Prophet.

Pillars of Islam, Islamic Society, Patience and Tolerance.
Avoiding Prodigality andAvarice. Thrift/ Frugality.
Dignity of Labour, Lawful earning, Moderation.
Generosity, Equality, Prayers, Worships, Adoration.
Character of the Holy Prophet.
Life of Prophet Muhammad in Mecca and Madina.
Prophet's Migration to Madina.
Battles of Islam.
Truce of Hudaibia.
Conquest of Mecca.
Farewell Pilgrimage (Hajjat-ul-Wida).
10 last Suras of the 30 Para of the Holy Quran, (with diacritical points and translation in Urdu and English.)


Religious Training
Regular prayers, observance of fast in the holy month of Ramazan, adherence to the Islamic code of life, honesty and
truthfulness form the corner stones of religious motivation/ grooming. Religious instructions are imparted in the class rooms,
mosque and morning assembly.

Subject to about 10% annual raise to cater for the inflation:

Fee/ Dues
$ Class VIII-X (Per Year)
Rs 2,12,000.00
$ Class XI
(Per Year)
Rs 2,20,000.00
Additional Charges
$ Admission Fee
$ Security Deposit
$ Maint/ Bldg
$ Text Books
$ Readmission in class XII


30,000.00 (Refundable)


A fine blend of cultural and literary activities for each class is planned. The topics/subjects for Junior and Senior classes are
published in the weekly College Order. Cadets are encouraged to express their views on various topics to build their
confidence. The college provides them with ample opportunities to prepare topics from the books which broadens their mental
horizon, knowledge and learning. Inter-House Urdu, English Debates/
Declamations, Essay Writing, Qirat and Quiz Competitions are also
scheduled to put the cadets through a variety of activities. Culture and
talent are harnessed and promoted.
Educational Visits and Excursions
The College attaches great importance to educational visits and
Visits are scheduled to various institutions and places of historical


Dress & Uniform

Sports form an integral part of training of cadets. Regular Inter-House, Senior and Junior Competitions, both indoor and outdoor,
(Hockey, Football, Cricket, Basketball, Athletics, Table Tennis, Badminton) are arranged under the supervision of qualified
coaches. Annual sports fixtures are also organized with the sister institutions.
Physical Training
Games, Sports and PT/ Drill are compulsory for cadets. The College has a spacious and well equipped Gymnasium and gymnastic
equipment for physical training and indoor games/ sports.
Clubs and Societies
Various Clubs and Societies, i.e. Arts Club, Photographic Club, Science Club, Bio Club, Dramatic Club, Computer Club, Urdu and
English Debating Societies are in place to develop the skill, knowledge and confidence of cadets..
Walking Out (Summers):
Walking Out (Winters):

Khaki Uniform, Black Socks, Black Oxford Shoes and Web Belt. (with Jersey in winters)
Shalwar Kameez, Waist Coat, Black Socks, Black Oxford Shoes.
House Colour Shirt, White Socks, White Jogger.
Grey Pant, White Half Sleeve Shirt, Green Tie with White/ Golden Stripes, Black Socks, Black
Oxford shoes and Black Belt
Green Blazer, Grey Pant, Grey Jersey, White Shirts, Green Tie with White/ Golden Stripes,
Black Socks, Black Oxford Shoes and Black Belt.

Cadets must wear the prescribed college dress. However, they are allowed to wear private clothes (trousers and shirt) on Sundays
and closed holidays.


Pocket Money
A monthly pocket money of Rs 150/- and Rs 200/- is paid to junior and senior cadets respectively. Cadets are not permitted to keep
with them money exceeding their monthly pocket money allowance. Any extra cash that they might have, is handed over to the
respective Housemaster for safe custody.
Leave is granted on a written application from parents. Leave other than the holidays authorized by the College, will not be granted
except in very exceptional circumstances. No leave will be granted for attending family functions, except the wedding of real
brothers and sisters which may preferably be planned during holidays.
Weekend/ Leave
Cadets can avail only a fixed number of week-ends. Parents/ guardians are required to forward the name and address of the relative/
friend with whom the cadet will spend his weekend. The cadets overstaying leave without valid reason shall be fined or punished.
Journey to College / Home
Parents / guardians should arrange journey of their sons/ wards for going home and returning to the College. However, College may
arrange transport from College to Peshawar/ Mardan / Swabi/Islamabad and back for cadets on weekends/ vacations subject to
availability of the transport.
Accidents/ Mishaps.
All possible measures for the safety of cadets are adopted at the campus. However, the College shall not be held responsible for any
kind of accident/ mishap causing any kind of physical harm or injury to the cadet.
Parents/ guardians are allowed to visit their sons/ wards only on Sundays / Holidays as per following timings:$ 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m (October to March)
$ 9:00 a.m to 6:30 p.m (April to September)
* Parents are not allowed to visit rooms of cadets except on Parents Day. They are also not allowed to visit the staff at their
residences. Parents can meet the House Masters in their offices on Sundays from 10:00 a.m to 12:00 noon or on a mutually
convenient date and time if the circumstances so demand.


College Rules
Cadets are NOT permitted to keep the following in their possession:


Transistor, video games, electric appliances, personal computer, wireless, Radio, T.V. set, walkman set, mobile
telephone etc.
Unauthorized medicines/drugs.
Money and valuables.
Weapons of any kind.
Cigarettes, narcotics in any form.
Burners, heaters, etc.
Undesirable printed material.
Explosive/combustible material.
Musical instruments.

Cadets guilty of the following OFFENCES are liable to be withdrawn from the college:
$ Cheating, lying, stealing, gambling and immoral conduct.
$ Willfully and deliberately damaging the college property.
$ Keeping fire-arms etc.
$ Breaking bounds.
$ Insolent behaviour with the staff and the seniors.
$ Absenting from the class and any college activity without cogent reason.
$ Being habitually late, untidy and slovenly.
$ Smoking, use of narcotics in any form.
$ Consistently giving a poor performance in academics.
$ Use of unfair means in tests/examinations.
$ Guilty of any act of indiscipline/misconduct.


Contact Us
Cadets are allowed to make telephone calls for maximum of 5 minutes duration through college PCO. However no cadet is
allowed to keep or use a personal mobile phone.
Vice Principal:
Director of Studies:
College Exchange:

0938-330849-50 (from 0800 hours to 1400 hours on all days less Sunday / Holidays)

All correspondence pertaining to cadets should be addressed to Principal Karnal Sher Khan Cadet College Swabi.


Photo Gallery

Welcome (Parents)

Good Morning

Hello (Faculty

Learning Starts

First Lunch




First Juma Prayer

All Praises to Allah

Unforeseen (Hospital Ward)

Computer Lab

Building Relationship


Biology Lab

Physics Lab

Learning is pleasure

Chemistry Lab


Happy Birthday


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