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Сopyright 2009



With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my colleagues
                                                                                          By Price
                                                                              LIAPIS Panagiotis

With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my partners
                                                                                  By Price
                                                                          LIAPIS Panagiotis

При большом количестве посвященный, любви мои родители

        Греки, В Наталья, Οльга, и Ондер, к моим коллегам
                                                                    По цене
                                                      LIAPIS Panagiotis


Δ/νση Κ.Βάρναλη 12, 15121 Πεύκη, Αθήνα
Τηλ. 210-6149149
Κιν. 6937097443
ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗ 210.8065618 6937097443


Author LIAPIS Panagiotis
Addr K. Varnali 12 15121 Pine Athens
Tel 210-6149149
Mob. 6937097443
SUPPLY 210.8065618 6937097443

A few words from the author

My Friends in this textbook, take the
knowledge that until now store it in
dusty Greek manuscripts of Plato,
Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton
in damp basements monasteries and
private libraries disekatomyriouchon. We revealed through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history
and mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and the
multidimensional social structures, the Greek discovery of
ether for which spoke Platonas and Aristotle, the mineral
krystalyka and electrical properties, their initiatory secret
caves, history, radiation and their effects on human health,
MIND CONTROL is the technical control of the mind legends
and myths, travel guides, the history of Russia and Mongolia,
Dynasty RURIC, the Greek supremacy, The Secret of the
Living Water, forecasts in recent days, the establishment of the
4th Reich, well read, and its organization, methods of
prevalence of the 4th Reich, Geostrategic, The Secrets of the
Parthenon, The stolen works of art, naturally leads business
survival in difficult times. There are missing from my literary
work of literature, prayer and research on photovoltaic
technology in whose threshold of energy is free. Also
presented a series of investigations on a series of error events
for the signs, and possible manipulation of cosmogony,
incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in space,
President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias
launched in conjunction with the Worship infernal beings are a
new mirror through which can be seen the current scene of the
enormous progress in the areas of MIND CONTROL, the chip
EMV of Bill Gates on bank credit cards, the emerging banking
system in relation to economic crashes of America The


SIONISMOS and the New World Order of the 4th Reich, and PEOPLE
CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connection with the anti-government
slogans and reactive walls define a new reality, which leads to control police
forces in Use of Sound for centuries hidden weapons ancient Greeks
developed from the Greek National Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva. The
creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as are
sources on the web are presented in detail below in relation to biological
warfare aircraft from the US-spray from chemical and microbial air over cities.
Trying to minimize the harmful effects that using genetics Industry, extensive
fires, building new towns in the concentration camps of D Reich, apply
geostrategic implementation plan new war in the Balkans because of Kosovo,
where the project "Blue Ray" at the upcoming mayhem by the end of 01/2010
will chrisimopoiithoun new weapons bass Police with physical effects of
radiation on the human organism KARKINOUS
                                                                                                          By Price



1. This project is a bottomless MYTHISTORIMA Reality

2. Clarifies Developed Fiction
3. Any resemblance to actual persons, locations and events are
imaginary, purely accidental, not existing in the present reality and past
4. Copyrights on works protected by the current constitution, laws and
5. Prohibited the reproduction and distribution of all or part of the
document without the prior written permission of the author and an
award identifying figures and in words of the author's remuneration,
rights and remuneration of the Greek state, the duration of the contract
and the parties.
6. The document bears a registered trademark
7. The project is only available for private use, prohibited the reading
public all or part of it.
8. The work donate to the library of the Greek state request and
complied with the legislation providing for the process.
9. For Greek citizens: To book not sold through bookstores and other
retail outlets. KNOWLEDGE donors.
10. The book takes seeker typing costs and expenses of this mission.
11. The Writer LIAPIS Panagiotis receive no remuneration (money)
making a work available
12. The book has no subversive of the system concept, but instead Net
conglomerate of all the Greeks of Planet Earth, 120,000,000 Greeks to
create well-governed society as defined by the democratic, elected
Parliamentary Antiptosopous People (primary form of power)
13. The GREECE Fri all the problems exist because of the scandalous
LIGHT, AS NO ONE GREEK even no hope, no justice. Amen.

Copyright by Panagioti Liapi







(From Dialogues of Diomidis with Alexander the Great )


Subject: A word that came recently to our vocabulary and the meanings of
growing concern to people, the word stress. This phenomenon occurs for
various reasons, and consequences experienced by victims are numerous and
significant. As regards the proposed solutions, others appear to be feasible
and others are difficult to impossible to make
STRESS ELIMINATOR The seminar is aimed at the improvement and
refinement of competencies and skills required by both experienced and
young, and people working in antafonistika peivallonta any theme. Moreover,
responding to all those who conduct presentations and data management
situations work. The practice and improvement of the paper (presentation) of
each participant is achieved directly by identifying and recording the
weaknesses and obstacles that are presented throughout the course of the
presentation. Our Instructors from the other side with the knowledge,
transmissibility, constant interaction with the audience, using practical
exercises, games and exercises, and the philosophy of "I understand" help to
meet the expectations on the part of learners .

We appeal especially to all middle, senior and top managers

(administrative & sales) and the secretaries of administration, seeking
to define and control their working behavior in the critical issue of
optimal management and allocation of their time.
By purpose: To help employees understand the importance of effective
management of time and then improve with the proper techniques of
professional competence in this matter.
Analysing topics
        What is stress?
• The nature of stress
• Definitions
• Sources, causes of stress
• Scales stressful sources (life stress index-adjusting to the Greek
• Time as a source of anxiety
• The creative anxiety
         Manifestations of stress


• Theoretical models of stress origin
• How-occurrence of anxiety symptoms at three levels
• Effects of stress (psychological, physical, behavioral, the intellect)
• Personality types and stress
• Technical assessment-examples
          Specific situations:
• Work-related stress (examples from various professions)
• The child-adolescent anxiety
• The stress of the parent
• Stress tests
• Bereavement and stress
• Disease conditions (disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, post-
traumatic stress, etc.)
• Anxiety, phobias and fears
• The Panic Attacks
WORKING AGCHOS and removed
• Personal and business purposes Loss - Wasted Time -
• Why and work very hard and try my time often do not reach me? -
What exactly is the problem:
• My time and myself the way you manage? -
• I identify what the personal reasons for losing my time? -
• What are the common pitfalls in the management of my time
working? - Am I, ever the "good guy" for difficult--
• Why, after all, my professional success is linked to control of my
• What techniques I use in Daily Management of my time To be more
• What is the difference between competent and efficient worker? -
• What is most important? -
• Why do while I'm, perhaps, hardworking, conscientious, perfectionist,
energetic, multi pragmon and / or aggregation can not theoroumai
effective? -
• Why is typically the law of Pareto (80/20); -
• know the importance of prioritization in my daily work?
• If yes, what I see as necessary criteria which is the correct turn--
• How, finally, I can organize my time to work more effectively?
• Planning - Goals and Installation Time - Management-
• What interest? To prevent or act retrospectively "fire"? -
• Why avoid planning (business and personal) of our actions, and so


necessary? -
• Why planning is the important, while the lack of urgency? -
• Effective planning and placement goals ourselves. - What essential
features must include the placement of targets? Delegation -
Delegation - Delegation of Powers (Delegation) & Time-Management-
aggregation Am I?
• If yes, I know how to deal with centralization? -
• Why the centralized worker "directed" against himself and his
associates? -
• Whether I'm head or subordinate to the interest of the delegated
• If yes, under what conditions? - If possible, I am head of other people
know how to assign tasks? -
• Do you ignore that my work is not necessary to do everything myself,
but have them all done? -
• know the difference between assignment and "discharging"
responsibility or "right hand"? -
• Why, you do not like to pass on responsibilities and often fail when it
decided to enter them? -
• What are the myths and what are the appropriate steps to implement
the assignment? - How is the time and stress; -
• What are the reasons for creating the stress in the workplace? -
• Why is personal and our professional competence, calmness and
confidence has to do with control of stress;
•-Effects - effects of stress on workers and businesses -
• Why is now a myth that the stress state professional achievement? -
• Is it my attitude about the pressure of time ever I feel?
• nMipos responsible for myself of my stress? -
• What is the correct intensity of stress;
• What is "efstres" and what "ntistres? -
• Which employees are most vulnerable to stress and belonging to
"high risk"? -
• Finally, what about the stress people are creative or destructive and
contrary to what? -
• How, ultimately, can be treated and be more effective for the same
•-How is the stress of business? Communication and Time -
Management - How and why it may lose time through my everyday
forms of communication? -
• What are the usual barriers of communication that may deprive my
precious time? -


• How do I save time by improving the oral, written and telephone
contact me? -
• understand why it is necessary to communication than to be
understood speaker and a good listener? -
• Why is it important to address when you communicate differently (in
terms of content, tone, style and length of my message), depending on
the number or the recipient (s)? -
• I know that that is not only important what I say but what is perceived
by others? -
• Model effective communication depending on whom I have opposite
mou.Anavlitikotita and Consequences of the Time - Management <-
• What are the reasons for procrastination and why is the Time -
Management; -
• The perfection is always positive and desired behavior? -
• How do we deal with procrastination no matter what causes it?
Meetings - Meetings - Councils (Meetings) and Time - Management-
• Why usually wasting our time in various meetings? - How can we
gain time engaging in such activities? -
• What should be the preparation and duties of members and
presiding? Discipline issues, Personal Organization & Control of our
time -
• How do I file and sort documents, information & my mail? -
• How to avoid unwanted visitors and the many movements? -
• What is the role that personal "energy cycle" I--
• How to avoid "open door"? -
How positively or negatively affect the time my colleagues or my other
way of exercising leadership, motivation, team work and decision


A. Analysis of Crisis and Management (general)

Analysis Methods of Classical Concepts of Strategic Management in
Crisis - Analysis of Factors and Components of the crisis
B. Methodology for Design Crisis
Conditions, technical understanding (general) - Critical - Approach and
Process Design Stages - Analysis of Factors Creativity Crisis - How a
Crisis (general) - Check the validity of how to deal with a crisis -
General Chart of Crisis Management

C. Risk Management


Introduction to Risk - Analysis - Identification - Description - Evaluation
- Evaluation - Report - Decision - Risk Treatment - Monitoring

D. Reducing the Impact

Categories Computation effects of crisis - Joint Information Operations
& Organizations - Stages of Creation Project Readiness - Warning
Systems - Common Data Structures Inertia Organisations & Business

E. Handling the media during Crisis

Issues that can cause a crisis - treatment or prevention of a crisis -
Frequently Asked Questions in Crises - Steps to Crisis - Stages of
Preparation - Managing the image of a company or organization

F. Ready
The shell structure of crisis management in a company or organization
- Model Plans Response and Recovery - MODEL ON

G. Management of Response
Strategies to improve crisis management
H. Recovery
From what suffering businesses and organizations today -
Strategic PIC - PIC - The Psychology during Recovery

I. Assessment of Crisis - Resistance

The components of the Assessment - Methodology of calculation -
what is achieved by resistance

D. SESSION: Coping with stress

• General tips for everyday
• Assistance in the external environment (home, work)
• Specific technical self-help
• How to deal with foreign help
• Fighting panic attacks
• The healing powers of art (the example of music)
• The role of nutrition in combating stress
• medication, alternative therapies.

Production Method: Several problems in a stressful ...
Definition: Stress (<= ancho throat): anxiety, abnormal mental status


ranging from intense distress as panic conditions which precede actual
or symbolic threat stress. a. emotional condition characterized mainly
by continued strong discomfort and due to fear or worry about
something. b. (psych.) pathological condition characterized by intense
anxiety and stress and is due to psychopathological causes.
(Dictionary Triantafyllidis Foundation) Stress is a psychopathological
state of constant charge and hypertension. The "victim" to feel a loop
knot for native! to the throat; may not in any way to calm nerves and if
they can be compared to strings are so stretched that everything
break. The harrowing situation of stress ranging from intense
unhappiness and panic. Appearance before the circumstances of
actual or symbolic apeilis.Apo many stress has been identified as the
source of most problems of physical and mental health of modern man.
The lifestyle, the deluge of documents, information, accountability, the
fast pace of life, poor nutrition, increased competition, all contribute to
the development of emotional stress. The stress invades daily life,
manifested in different ways and at all ages. Most people understand
that they are paid by stress, however, indicate weakness or ignorance
to deal with.
This seminar presents a way accessible to everyone what exactly is
stress and how it manifests in our daily lives. By combining theoretical
material delivery, and conduct activities and exercises, and experiential
and cooperative manner, the participant will be able to learn better
himself and those around him on the issue of stress, and equipped
with practical techniques to address and prevent

 From a purely medical point of view

To stress perceived by the body can cause pathological
disorders range of both human and animals. The molecules
that mediate these disorders are the hormones of adrenal
cortex, such as human hydrocortisone. The epinephrine and
norepinephrine are essential for human survival in conditions
of acid stress. In cases of psychosocial stress, together with
any conditions that may mean there is damage to the
hippocampus, the brain region important for the functioning of
learning and memory. The damage that goes with long
exposure kortizolaimia caused by chronic or repeated stress.
H hippocampal atrophy is the result of damage, which can
occur in depressive disorder, and very often there is no
morbidity with depression. While previously all the


investigations were only glucocorticoid receptors in the brain,
today sought role for the receptors of the challenge
alatokortikoeidon HPA axis hyperactivity by psychosocial
stress. In depression there is often typical malfunctions of the
HPA axis, which is reversible with the administration of
antidepressants. The problem has shown that the system
identified the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), which lacks both
number and quality.
People with depression have therefore increased production
and secretion of CRF (corticotropin Eklytikos Factor).
Experiments in rats detect RNA that binds to receptors GR and
causes depressive disorder and behavioral changes that are
reversed by antidepressants. This is achieved by increasing
the number and function of receptors GRs, which sensitizes
the HPA axis to corticoids. This discovery opens up new
perspectives in drug approach to depression. The
strengthening of the action of cortisol in the brain is all about
the current research through activation of metabolic routes are
controlled by non-steroidal mediators regulating system
receptor GR The key regulators of HPA axis is o releasing
factor floiotropou hormone (CRH) and antidiuretic hormone.
The secretion of CRH varies with age and reproductive stage.
Aging is often accompanied by various pathologies associated
with HPA axis abnormalities. Such conditions as depression,
panic disorders, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism,
malnutrition and central obesity.
Since many stress has been identified as the source of most
problems of physical and mental health of modern man. The
lifestyle, the deluge of documents, information, accountability,
the fast pace of life, poor nutrition, increased competition, all
contribute to the development of emotional stress. The stress
invades daily life, manifested in different ways and at all ages.
Most people understand that they are paid by stress, however,
indicate weakness or ignorance to deal with.
This seminar presents a way accessible to everyone what
exactly is stress and how it manifests in our daily lives. By
combining theoretical material delivery, and conduct activities
and exercises, and experiential and cooperative manner, the
participant will be able to learn better himself and those around
him on the issue of stress, and equipped with practical
techniques to address and prevent .


 Stress management, experiential workshop
 Since many stress has been identified as the source of most
problems of physical and mental health of modern man. The
lifestyle, the deluge of documents, information, accountability,
the fast pace of life, poor nutrition, increased competition, all
contribute to the development of emotional stress. The stress
invades daily life, manifested in different ways and at all ages.
Most people understand that they are paid by stress, however,
indicate weakness or ignorance to deal with. This seminar
presents a way accessible to everyone what exactly is stress
and how it manifests in our daily lives. By combining
theoretical material delivery, and conduct activities and
exercises, and experiential and cooperative manner, the
participant will be able to learn better himself and those around
him on the issue of stress, and equipped to deal with practical
techniques, relaxation and prevention.

Biomedical or viopsychokoinoniko model for the disease?

According to the biomedical model, disease is treated as an
organic, physical, mechanical problem that needs medical
science to fix. The patient is treated as a biological incident,
and the disease is isolated to some extent by the rest of his
life. The patient is a passive recipient of therapeutic approach
and its relationship with health professionals is one way and
unfair, since they are required to diagnose and cure the
problem. Given only rudimentary attention to the lifestyle of the
patient (in the grounds of the problem and the changes
needed for better treatment) and the patient does not take an
active role in the aftoiasi.

Instead, the model viopsychokoinoniko approach the concept

of disease, treat the disease as a situation where the behavior
may be influenced more directly to health (either positively or
negatively). The patient is perceived as an active member of
the therapeutic process. His relationship with the therapists are
working relationship. Therapists observe that every patient is a
unique combination of individual differences and
characteristics, and adjust treatment according to this


individual profile. The patient communicates with his behavior
and expressions of his body. The psychological situation is
particularly significant factor in alternative therapy.

The self promotes mental health and offers holistic personal

development, taking into account almost all aspects of daily life
that threatens the 'healthy' functioning and adjustment to the
complex world of today. Belonging to a group of self-
awareness is an important asset to modern humans because it
is a method of dealing with many stressful and depressive
symptoms in large part responsible for the deregulation of
mental and emotional vulnerability.
Specifically, the main therapeutic benefits of a group of self-
awareness are:
• Fight the feelings of stress or if anxiety or mere presence in
the more complex case that a strong denaturing
psychopathology (eg, panic attack, diffuse and generalized
• Growing and progressive increase of emotional expression
which is the ability of the utmost importance for establishing
and maintaining interpersonal relationships. The ability to
understand and subsequent expression of our emotional
world, improve the image we have of ourselves, how we see
others and the interpretation we give to the thoughts and
actions of our short people.
• Develop our internal world through cognitive understanding of
how excessive or inadequate interpretation of the phenomena
and emotionally through increased self-awareness and
'sharing' real feelings with others.
• Experimental development is achieved through contact with
the desires and goals, "the I and I '. The harmonization of the
internal "I" with external "I" and the realization that a major
factor is the thought "I'm able to" promote the mental maturity
of the individual and gradually evolving self-awareness and
faith in yourself

Fight the feelings of isolation and loneliness, lower melancholy and

pessimistic thoughts. Feelings of loneliness, combined with growing
self-centered "view of life and reduce the perceived intent of young
people to conclude strong ties are factors triggering and maintenance


of depression, anxiety and self-depreciation. Major thoughts like "I do
not understand no, do not fit with anybody, nothing will change in
future, will never get what I deserve", causing a continuous cycle of
negative reports about ourselves and others and create a false
understanding human relationships. Belonging to a group of self-
awareness through notification innermost and personal searches and
discussion of obstacles and difficulties faced by everyone in the
process of personal integration, leading to acquisition of 'sense of
belonging and the knowledge that there are some others around us
who show respect and genuine interest in our lives.
Who benefits from the development of self-awareness;
• People to improve the emotional expression and the ability to contact
their emotional world. Usually occurs with a sense of "something is
wrong but I do not know what" or "everything is in order, something
inside me makes me feel bad. Often there is also loss of interest in
things and people around us that the man experienced as "not like
most anything, I've lost my appetite for everything."
• People who feel intense anger. When our desires conflict with the
wishes of nearby people and meeting our personal needs conflict with
the rules and habits of the household or workplace, choose to adopt a
passive and tolerant attitude, to preserve the existing balance. Result
of incorrectly claiming the "wants" is to damage the self-image us (how
we see ourselves), but also to deteriorate and their image to others.
Thus is formed a wrong opinion about us, so we conduct often lead to
feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, which are expressed with
thoughts like "I am not able / or say what I want, no matter my opinion,
nobody estimates. These thoughts cause internalization of anger and
prompt us to outbursts of anger or sadness, often from small
occasions. Within the group is what can be said in front of partner,
parent, employer or a known member of the team realizes how
vindicative is aware of the effects of choice after hearing the opinion of
other members and observe the consequences of its reaction a set of
• People to improve interpersonal relations. People who find it difficult
to approach someone else to make a relationship or who have difficulty
maintaining a relationship of love and friendly type, aided particularly
by participating in a group of self-awareness. Learn to communicate
effectively, realizing too rigid or pieces of themselves that create
problems in relationships come closer to what they want from another
man, "trained" to foster feelings of reciprocity and cooperation.
Furthermore, understanding how personal problems affect confidence


and how to approach and "minymatiki" of their behavior on others.
How a team of personal growth and self-awareness
Members of a group of self evolve their own personal world and relieve
the internal tension through three main dimensions:
• Similar to individual therapy, questions, advice, interpretations of
therapists - coordinators help define problems and promote awareness
of the difficulties. Then the appropriate interventions aimed at
eliminating individual problems.
• The other team members say their opinions, recommend solutions
and express their feelings about what you mentioned. The
understanding on the part of any member that there are other people
with similar problems, that is not the only one who has passed such a
hard time and that there is a solution, and listen to solutions or
suggestions are occasionally carried out by others in similar situations
conducive to developing a new strategy towards the problem or at
least to see it through alternative parameters.
• Placing himself in the position of State officer, contributing in turn to
help against another member has the opportunity to consider a
"reverse" logic and understand aspects of issues not previously
recognized. For example, during a behavioral analysis in the
relationship, viewing this behavior can be expressed by another person
can understand the implications and benefits that a cleaner way than if
they used his personal experience as a reference axis. Trying to help
others think about what they say with a more critical and realistic way
that we are talking about us, which leads to cleaner assess a situation
and then extrapolated to our personal sphere.
Mostly Subject
E1. Causes
• oppressive family
• oppressive school examination system
• oppressive public opinion (freedom of movement ...)
• polypragmosyni
• competitive social structure (Jungle Law)
• Media (News)
• unrealistic standards
• unemployment and economic difficulties, vocational rehabilitation
• Consumer rage era (materialistic tendencies)
• urbanization, cities
• contact with the natural environment, environmental contamination
• Leisure, intense pace of life
• monotony, routine


• illnesses, psychological problems
• social contact, dialogue
• precarious peace-war (nuclear disaster)
• destroy the natural environment
• Violence, crime
• spiritual drought, empty lives
• self
• Vent: sports, culture, useful occupations ...
• Adolescence
• ...
E2. Consequences
• psycho-physical problems
• sedatives, drugs, smoking, alcohol
• precarious health: asthma, heart disease ...
• violent outbursts, suicidal tendencies
• internalisation 'close' to himself ... introspection
• Suicide
• alienation of people
• self
• calm thinking and action
• alienation
• creating an incentive for action
• accountability
• ...

E3. Coping
• study the problem, causes
• family warmth
• religious belief
• school assistance
• Unemployment, right vocational guidance
• urbanism
• Planning, organization
• With proper
• correct use of leisure farm
• outlets: sports, entertainment ...
• contact with nature
• integration of personality
• nutrition
• psychotropic drugs, psychological support
• ...


• big day problem solving
The school currently configured ill children.

European study reveals that mental health of Greek students tested

more than any other country, 200,000 adolescents between 12 and 18
experience some form of psychological problems
In the summer of 1997 Thalia Tsitsos at 18 years ended in her life
falling from the fourth floor of an apartment building in Kifissia. A day
before the suicide of a close friend, classmate in 3rd Lyceum of Nice,
called and tried to tell her how he had left metexetastea courses.
Therefore excluded from the Panhellenic examinations. The
countdown for the unlucky Thalia had already begun. Wandering in
Athens led to Kifissia and output ... The suicide had shocked the Greek
and then consumed tons of ink to analyze ... harmful effects of nation-
wide examinations for the health of students.
The next year the tragedy was repeated • sometimes averted at the
last minute. We naturally reach all children to suicide, but a significant
proportion of those who have learned to consider passing the
examination and subsequent admission to the University a unique
selection of their lives at risk. The majority of children drowning in
anxiety, some arriving to fall into depression, inevitably some do not
stand in the end.
Special psychologists who monitor students in the third high school by
helping them overcome the stress of seeing children nation-wide
examination to ... crazy with the thought of failure and say that if they
did not need psychological help do not want to think what might be
happening. In these circumstances it is not surprising, but confirmed
the dramatic effect of intra-European scientific study on the quality of
life of adolescents held simultaneously in 13 European countries. The
main conclusion is that the mental health of Greek students tested
more than children in most other countries. One in three Greek
students suffer from anxiety, many of them eventually suffer
depression. This means that out of 70,000 undergraduate, more than
20,000 trouble.
The reduction in the total school population is obviously tremendous.
According to the findings of 30% of Greek and high school students
experience some form of mental problems - and that rate means
200,000 children aged between 12 and 18! Together with the Greek
students proved problematic and the mental balance of French and


Polish peers. The European average drops to 25% in countries such
as Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands have similar problems
faced by less than 20% of children. Around the average rates ranging
countries such as Spain and Germany.
In these circumstances, the Greek adolescents ranked at the bottom of
the investigation and the level of independence in organizing their
leisure time. Specifically, four in ten teens say they do not feel
sufficiently autonomous to be able to allocate as they wish in their own
time, many do not even have the staff time to devote to social
relationships and leisure, where the average level reduced to three in
ten students . Thus, over 40% of Greek adolescents do not feel
enough autonomy to organize their time and their social life, when the
proportion of peers in the Netherlands, Austria and Germany does not
exceed 20% in Spain and Ireland is around 25% and the Czech
Republic slightly below 30%. Students in England and France (around
35%) also refrain from their peers in Greece.
Universities and other relevant bodies of the countries surveyed rated
for three years, the quality of life for 22,300 young Europeans.
Research conducted for the first time, undertook to carry out in Greece
University Medical School of Athens in collaboration with the Children's
Hospital "Aghia Sophia". 1200 studied the behavior of young people
and evaluated the involvement of parents in shaping their personality
and their relationship with their children. The parameter of the parents
even adds to the research and ... cherry. Daddy and Mommy say lied?
At least it shows if you compare their answers with those of their
children for the time share and the relationship between them.
According to the results of the study, Greek adolescent students have
poorer quality of life in their relationship with their parents compared
not only with their European peers but also with what they believe, or
want to believe their parents. Illustration, 22.3% of teenagers say they
"never or rarely" have plenty of time parents devote to them. 20% also
stated that "never or rarely" can talk to their parents when they want it.
But the relevant questions to parents, only half agreed with the
complaining children. For the remaining 10% there was no particular
Symvalyn and schools ... the intensification of stress Many parents
trying to get out the "vicious cycle" of stress that make nearly all of the
family because of the tests rely on so-called schools ... stress, which
are experiencing a remarkable success in recent years. "From A High
School begins the disruption in the family and the greater good is the


pupil, the more expectations cultivated by their parents, leading to
double anxiety" However, "the pressure from exams to students, either
directly as a highly difficult tests or indirectly as a request by family or
society for higher education will continue to undermine the
psychological well-being "as the trials in Greece remains the only
option for young people to enter the lives of adults. days of nation-wide
examination pressure is so great that it significantly increased
students' visits to hospitals. Many hospitals run from the start of the
school year and sometimes the symptoms of stress that accompanies
their troubles throughout their lives. "Students resorting to hospitals
with symptoms such as vomiting, the tenth, intense fatigue and
gastrointestinal disorders. Indeed, girls are the ones that suffer most
from stress. The scene from the film project "The circle of lost poets,
where the young student is driven to suicide, unable to accept the
oppression of family and school, unfortunately repeated. This time the
scene is not filmed in seliloint but in our daily lives. The dramatic end to
put the life of a 18 year old student Thalia Tsitsos because it failed the
graduation exam, is added to the long list of teen suicides, which seal
each school year.
Suicides of young children aged from 12 to 18 years have taken in
recent years alarming. suicides are the third highest cause of death
among young people aged 14 to 18 years. Only in 1994 adolescents
aged 12 to 18 who attempted suicide had reached the 1032 and of
these 40% were between the ages of 16 and 19 years.
As is clear from the survey, "The causes can be found on the basis of
social organization, characterized by a competition, often cruel, being
played at school, family and other forms of social life. At the school,
depressive and melancholic conditions experienced by students is very
strong. " Rightly, after a series of examinations leading to anxiety and
vathmolatria vathmothiria.
The investigation concluded that stress, discouragement and rejection
of lower self-esteem in adolescent and bring a deep disappointment.
Result, the inability of the education system becomes a personal
position alleged incompetence, which often irreparably scarred the
mental world of students.
Most children, at a rate that exceeds 70%, driven to this act because
they feel crushed under the pressure, the oppression of the problems
and the interrelation of the negative effects of school and family. Most
young people are forced to repeat a monotonous and often alienator all
daily activities (home school tuition center house), thus increasing their
psychological difficulties and the tendency to self-destruct.


It is estimated that each suicide representing three to ten attempts.
While the proportion of girls to boys is 3 to 1. It is noteworthy that
among the thirty years 1960-1990 the rate of teen suicides has
increased by 150% and that the proportion of young people attempting
suicide decreases with increasing age. Specifically in ages from 20 to
22 reached 17%.

The Elines 'champions' to work stress

One in four adult Europeans expresses a mental illness with frequent
depression and anxiety disorders. This includes work-related stress,
which the Greeks emerged champion among the inhabitants of the
countries of EE of "25": one in two workers in our country (55%)
indicates that acute stress experienced at work, while the proportion of
Europeans among employees is 28%. The mental illness is
characterized as the "invisible killer" of Europe and accounts for the
vast majority of the 58,000 suicides recorded annually in the old
continent. H frequency of suicide vary from country to country, and
indicates that in Greece recorded about 3.6 suicides per 100,000
inhabitants-ratio is the lowest among member states, while Lithuania is
the index suicide 44:100.000 residents. In addition, mental illnesses
have an enormous economic cost, as poor mental health costs of 3%
-4% of GNP in EE, lost productivity and additional burdens on health,
education and justice. H «Green Paper" proposes a strategy that
focuses on mental health promotion, treatment of mental disorders
through preventive actions and quality of life of people with mental
disorders. The medical experts reported in the need to promote
prevention and mental health, primarily in childhood. As you said, the
school should become a "central arena" which will take place the
struggle to deal with mental health problems, and at school can be
identified early by trained teachers, children or families belonging to a
group of high risk to develop mental illness.
DiseasesEntailment job strain
Stress and unhealthy lifestyle plays nowadays an important role in the
development of chronic diseases and is the main cause of frequent
health problems. Chronic diseases are threatening the physical safety
and welfare, causing emotional stress, changes in social life, high
dependence on drugs, How close is the relationship between
psychological stress and physical illness?
The communicable diseases caused by infectious agents, are no
longer in our time to be the leading cause of mortality due to improved
nutrition, personal and public hygiene and medical care, however, their


position got progressively chronic diseases such as heart , cancer,
brain damage, kidney disease, the arthritis, hardening, etc.,
Psychological factors such as stress and unhealthy lifestyle, play a
major role in the development of chronic diseases and is the main
cause of frequent health problems, chronic diseases are threatening
the physical integrity and well-being, causing emotional stress,
changes in social life , high dependence on drugs and, finally, require
specialized personnel and equipment to respond. Closeness but the
relationship between psychological stress and physical illness?
Overall, the sense of mental weakness, melancholy and depression,
dealing with unpleasant situations, social isolation and inadequate
ways of dealing with stress is a psychosocial stressors, which tend to
have negative health
Psychosomatic diseases occur when the state of mind triggers a
physical injury or arranges the advent of, and due to inability to adapt
to the dynamism, complexity and the complexity of everyday life.
It was therefore with real physical illnesses organic base, partly due to
psychological factors, particularly emotional stress, the most common
psychosomatic diseases as hypertension, ulcers, asthma, skin
diseases like eczema, allergies, the migraine headaches and tension,
Progress in the fields of endocrinology, physiology and
Psychoneuroimmunology contributed to the understanding of the
mechanisms of emergence of psychosomatic illnesses with reactions
to uncontrollable stress, According to the model of psychosomatic
stress in the first field development of the disease is the stresoras-a
stimulus that is perceived the body as dangerous and threatening and
causing a reaction adjustment, while recognizing the threat and
knowledge level of individuals (this is the step that determines what a
person perceives as stressful, not enough then there is a risk, but is
also the Our subjective interpretation to be recognized as a threat)
From this process we depend on the manner and intensity of response
to stressful stimuli,
The next step is the emotional arousal in response, may take the form
of anger, ecstasy, fear, joy, hostility, anxiety, or tax authorities, the
mechanisms linking the brain to the body, the emotional arousal
becomes physical. The third and last phase of the illness, if the
physical symptoms of psychogenic stimulation persist over time, then
the imbalance can lead to damage to one or more organic systems,
the system is broken first by the defense agency is overworked and
vulnerable to the emergence harm if the immune can cause infection
or cancer, if the cardiovascular, it can cause problems in heart, for


granted, then the disease itself is another stressful factor leading to a
vicious circle in which a stressor is related to the next, preventing the
body to revert to previous state.
These diseases are usually caused by chronic, cumulative and
repetitive stress, which prevents the recovery and healing of the body
(especially where there is a vulnerability because of heredity or affect
risk factors) and increases the likelihood of psychosomatic diseases,
Apart from the chronic stress, which has a primary role in the
development of psychosomatic diseases, and other contributing factors
such as personality, lifestyle, hormonal and metabolic functions, social
support, Mr A, the above factors as a whole depends on whether the
response to a stimulus (event) will be stress or illness.
Diseases leading to adoption of standards

To that end the millennium, political correctness is invading for a

moment and jars with moisturisers
"There are 3 billion women who do not look like super models and only
eight who look like!". This note accompanies the ... politically correct
campaign Body Shop. The British brand of cosmetics is to recall that
through the decades, the female body has undergone a series of
"pressure" on the altar of individual fashion. He tied tightly, has been
suppressed in the corset has risen, has faskiothei has blackened, it
looks white ... It would be preferable, he wonders, to judge women for
their personality, how they taste the life?
And while all of today tend ... with ideal size, this cosmetics company
decided this time not to 'paramythiasei "the would-be customer. The
latest campaign promises will not sell as we are accustomed to now
most brands of artificial beauty and declares that aftektimisi simply can
not be placed on scales.
It's terrible, he says, just think that sometimes the clothes ravame
measures we now cut and sew the body of the garment measures!
Magazines and television have made us believe that only one figure is
in fashion ... the smallest. We are convinced that being accepted, must
shrink. It is time for women to stand against a society want them all ...
identical. Unique but powerful weapon, as the same appreciation for
him themselves. This of course can not fit into a jar of cream or a night
The advertising - brochure «Full Voice», attached to the campaign, the
reader does not promise a sample from the new range of lipstick, but a
free ... facelift, which is none other than laughter. Other burning issues
affecting the development of ... female part, the differences of high and


low aftektimisis with social symptoms, portraits anorexic models (to
avoid). The ultimate aim is to remind people that only exist in every
shape and size.
Increase of sexual problems in young
Ignorance of the sex of previous generations seems that nowadays,
replaced incorrect beliefs about sex. The result, as the figures of the
Greek Institute of Sexology, is that a significant increase in the rate of
sexual problems in young people aged 18-28 years.
"The main reason for this increase, as stated in a press conference
yesterday, the clinical psychologist Mr. Vynakos is the corresponding
increase in the so-called learning are psychological causes. Problems,
ie not due to underlying psychological causes or relationship problems,
life stage, etc. but poor sex education and information. The 52.1% of
sexual problems due to purely learning events, while 75.9% of the
problems always involve these causes.
Thus, erroneous beliefs, unrealistic standards (perfect body, perfect
face, etc.), means of enforcing sexual behavior (opulence, wealth,
etc.), as shown in the media and the hunting of the person or couple to
respond to them, a huge performance anxiety and fear of failure,
leading to blocked end sexually. Otherwise, things appear at older
ages, which range in age from 45-58 years and 58-68 there is a slight
reduction in the rate of sexual problems
Stress failure kills
150% increase in suicides between 1960 and 1990. The suicide of 18
year old Thalia, for failing in school exams, he brought back to the
forefront the problems caused by the already psychologically
vulnerable adolescents, the pressure to achieve and anxiety for a
place at university. Many voices were heard, many comments were
written while the 18 year old classmates and several interested parties
have not hesitated to throw the onus on parents and particularly the
mother, even the time of the funeral! Surely the increased stress of
having students between school examinations is compounded by the
pressure usually has a family environment. The aphorisms, but it is
good to avoid. 'Or' failure 'to import for many children starting high
school when he has clearly removed the inability to adapt to the
proposed system "and adds:" The importers, in almost all cases, no
more than confirm what experienced teachers have diagnosed high
school, smart parents understand and become aware of genuine
teenagers. All this long and in my opinion completely wrong process
has a positive result: 'failure' is predictable in advance, the mental
preparation for this started long ago and psychic losses of children and


families are small. How to decide, however, the new reach to suicide
because of school failure? Did these children eventually are special,
psychopathological cases? "Fortunately, very few teenagers, from
those that we are expensive, highly sensitive and peculiar psychic and
have ideals and ideals of man and culture, make the mistake of getting
on their shoulders the whole burden of this meaningless transition.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that this tragic act in life,
"Children who arrive at a practical aftocheiriki have given a short
course of small samples, parents, schools and medical services are
not able to assess suicidal behaviors as camouflaged.
The blindness we demonstrated by the large number of suicidal
behaviors adolescents (taking pills, dangerous driving, etc.), presented
on call for hospitals. These children are leaving the hospitals should
have at least one psychiatrist to anyone without any medical and
psychiatric evaluation. aggressive behavior of some children to their
peers and self-destructive events are matters of the school, although
senses, not daring to raise, because it is necessary for this purpose
psychiatric and psychological support (number of classes, etc.).
"Ultimately, multiple messages are not read and adolescents led to the
great message, the aftocheiriki Act, which give meaning and weight,
where, in my opinion, there is very little. Behind the leading suicide
teenagers need to be identified with the large group of those who,
psychological or symbolic suicide, withdrawing from a social game that
consider unique, without realizing the alternatives in life

The lost confidence and scholeiofovia ...

The great anxiety felt by students before the exams are known. But it is
always destructive? "The stress of entrance examinations, when it is
low, it helps to achieve high performance and enables people to
develop mechanisms of resistance, so that they can withstand future
situations. Increasingly likely, however, stress has negative effects on
both mental health and the actual performance of students. Stressed
however that according to what has been shown surveys conducted
from time to time, "greater degree of anxiety have people who have
good self-image is very sensitive, they lack confidence and have little
ability to work under stressful conditions.
Pressure from the family environment, particularly from parents, who
often equate the success of their child's life with the introduction of the


University increases the anxiety of candidates. "The pressure is
particularly strong in Greek society, due to the ambitions of Greek
families in the education of their children, high expectations of them
and believes that these expectations will become reality. According to
research by the OECD, 73% of the Greek fathers and 76% of mothers
are convinced that their children are liable to higher education. 90%
first and 96% of the second statement, in fact, that he was willing to
undergo any sacrifice to allow their children to study.
If these are not positive, threaten to reverse the image that social
surrounding has created for young people, particularly for so-called
'good students' or 'the good guys'. According to the results of a
preliminary survey of high school in Crete, which are mentioned in the
book, 85% of students consider that poor scores on tests coincides
with shame, sadness, frustration and social inferiority, while 48%
described the public view poor results equivalent to social castigation.
30,000 children and adolescents are strongly scholeiofovika
symptoms. One of the most commonly reported fears of childhood
school phobia, accompanied indeed, not infrequently, from physical
phenomena. Features are the results of two surveys (1978 and 1992)
showing the fears of students in descending order of frequency. The
school, exams and grades frightened students to 38% in 1978 and
24% in 1992. Below the dark (46% in 1978 and 15% in 1992),
accidents (45% in 1978 and 6% in 1992), death (19% in 1978 and 12%
in 1992), natural disasters (19% 1978 and 6% in 1992), war (16% in
1978 and 5% in 1992) and bad people murderers, thieves, etc. (19% in
1978 and 8% in 1992).
The causes and reasons for suicide, as described by young people or
the environment, are listed hierarchically: * "I can not stand that other
system of Education. * "Xeftilistika stayed in the village. These courses
do not understand. And in September to give it, again it would not have
managed. * "I did not write well in exams" He had his father scold me
for the bad grade. * Aftopyrpolithike seeing off dreams of a place in
university there were conflicts with parents. * Failed the exam and


failing to understand. * Failure for the second time in school exams. * "I
do not like the lifestyle I do." * Because of low grades in classes Denial
father to allow him to go with friends. * Aftopyrpolithike because they
wanted to give tests, like his father insisted. * It withstood the pressure
and stress of "critical year" tests. * For sentimental reasons.
The self-destructive tendencies occurring over the age of 16-19 years,
40%. At the age of 12-15 years the rate is 29% and decreases further
with increasing age of young people at age 20-22 years, the
percentage reaches 17%. Note that the rate of suicides of 30 years
1960-1990 increased by 150%! He has also found that girls make
more attempts, but boys frequently die.
"It is not normal"
"Of course I have anxiety," says Anna, a student of the third high
school. "I think the Panhellenic and cut my foot. But I believe that to
reach a child to suicide is not enough pressure from their parents. As if
to suppress, even to threaten what the heck, your parents are gonna
kill you ...? For someone to commit suicide, I think we should have
other, more serious problems. Can not get such an order if you are not
Helen will test a second time. "It's terrible anxiety which we all believe
in tests. Last year I gave for the first time I felt very depressed, mainly
because I knew deep down that I had not read but should. Grown, but
by all and a competitive climate, very intense. I will never forget what I
told a teacher, who watched us last year because I started to feel to
help a classmate. It made me observe, as expected, just asked me if I
knew that with what I do, can the other to eat my position at the
university! As for suicides, I think these are normal things. On the other
hand, however, how can anyone know what happens to a home or
even more in the mind of a man. "
"I honestly do not know what to do if you do not write well. I have read
so much and I am disappointed that my parents if I fail, even if not my
show. I'm afraid not get confused by my stage fright and did not write
correctly, although I know it all. All my school years, I felt a pressure


from my parents that there has never been words. But I felt the.
Suicide, but would never think of.
 "Come Poor ... With a few tears and two voices that parents do what
they want eventually. Failed. So, we hang? Then these excuses on
nervous and anxious, as a result not passed the child, although it was
20 and had read, I find them silly! I, say, I know I have not read as
much, but I hope so. You know, can not seem lucky. Do you think
parents can not understand the capabilities of their child? Can, but do
not want, because they are selfish.
Stress tests crush students

• Fontana David, stress and deal with it: Techniques to combat stress,
ed Greek Letters, 1993, p. 191, 9,90 €.
• Luciani Joseph, Drive anxiety and depression, Critical Edition, 2004,
p. 372, 15,37 €.
• Kenerli Ellen, Overcoming Stress, A Guide to Self-help cognitive-
behavioral techniques, ed Greek Letters, 1999, p. 303, 11,70 €.
• Papoulias Demeter, anxiety, phobias Panic: Keys to deal with them,
Ed Gregory, 2001, p. 108, 7,73 €.
• Rougeri Natasha, Stress failure kills, long. To Vima, 22.6.1997.
• Skoufou Demeter Stress tests students dash, long. The News,
• Hilary Jones, overemployment and anxiety, ed Thyme, 1999, p. 275,
10,85 €.
• Mary Tsolakis, Anxiety, Depression: Prevention, Treatment. With
calendar testimony Center Edition Life and Health Physics, 2000, p.
85, 5,96 €
Sigmund Freud •, stress. The theory of the libido: Narcissism,
transmission of thought, psychoanalytic therapy, ed Damianos, p. 96,
6,58 €.


 Have you ever thought why:

 business is not advancing?

 not achieved the objectives?

 violated the timetables?

 made mistakes?

 Are there any delays

      people have stress and tension?

Every day we are the "why" we can not always give creative
explanations to explain adequately the reality. They remain, although
there may be exceptional procedures for each of the company.
Unfortunately, these phenomena can not interpret them or to resolve
the science of organization, or any type of ISO. Why a manager is not
working properly because displays in everyday work one or more of
those described in the previous "why" can be interpreted only through
her personal psychology and the choices he makes, consciously or
unconsciously . Today the companies are not missing or analyzes and
studies or training of staff or the proper authorities. Also do not miss
the targets, action programs and the right people in the right places,
since all the directors day care for all. Also, there are missing or the
media, technology or methods. However the problems rather than
solved, and thus to decrease, grow and create huge costs for business

Luckily, there is an explanation and solution.

The explanation is that when there is everything needed to complete a
project is not completed and that the people, it lacks one crucial factor
is the catalyst, the essential element that will ensure success.


The critical factor is missing is:
The collaboration between people.
You may then use the word "cooperation" and "partner" though but has
not attained the position it deserves in the daily work of the people.
Because people in the business, communicate, have the illusion that
"cooperate" or even correctly. But what usually happens is the
opposite. There is no real collaboration and that's why the results are
The solution, on the other hand, lies in educating people on how to
work together harmoniously.
Unfortunately, it is obvious but it is not that people know what's
cooperation and how to cooperate on this and not considered when
employing this capability, but neither then you deal with it. The lack of
thus reduces the effect of all other success factors and makes people
poor and ineffective.
Practice has shown, for an officer or employee of a company, it is
better to have a high degree of cooperation and let us know so well the
subject of his work, rather than the opposite. The low level of
cooperation, make any other knowledge or ability, ineffective and
inefficient at work.
The aim is to didachtouni Everyone's business what "collaboration"
and how they can apply in their everyday work to achieve the best
So strong is the influence of the capacity for cooperation that can
improve people even if they are adequately trained on the object of
their work
But go and further! What is true for cooperation on the job, the same
applies to cooperation in personal life (children, spouse, relatives, etc.).

Thus, those who attend will gain an important tool to improve the
quality of work and relations with their loved ones.



1. What is 'cooperation'
2. Why the capacity of 'cooperation' in humans
3. The importance of "cooperation" for life
4. Cooperation and mental health
5. Competition and Cooperation "
1. The psychological basis of "cooperation"
2. Obstacles to the 'cooperation'
3. The personal and work goals in relation to the "collaboration"
4. I prefer the 'competition' against 'cooperation'
5. The mechanism of human behavior
1. The "cooperation" at work
2. The modalities and the results it brings
3. Effects: save time, quality, success
4. The "cooperation" in management, sales, and customer-
5. The "cooperation" as a culture of enterprise
1. 1. The value of "cooperation" for privacy
2. The "cooperation" with our people's daily life
3. The combat stress, tension, anxiety in 'cooperation'
4. The degree of "cooperation" as an essential human capacity
4. The "cooperation" and the way the world
What is the method SILVA;
Method SILVA, includes a range of scientific techniques to develop the
innate abilities of individuals, but kouraroun organization. Whatever the
IQ that trained the development or spiritual level, will be the end of the
teaching method is a major improvement in the mechanism of thought.
This will help to solve the problems of everyday Life and thus improve
greatly the quality of life.
How do I apply? Through some mental exercises that are progressive


and cause relaxation, he trained learns to keep his mind alert and
reach deeper levels of consciousness (the subconscious) developing
an ability to self-maintained by the future without the need for
What is its scientific background? It is known that the brain emits
electrical waves at different frequencies, known as: Beta, Alpha, Theta,
Delta. There is a relationship between the production of brain waves of
mental states and activities developed by man. So if the person is
mentally alert and act with the physical senses, there is n the
production of beta waves. The frequency of alpha, on the other hand,
is lower by one level and more active than the beta (this is the most
productive and active sync and the other is directly related to the
subconscious. Found unconscious in the creative abilities of the
individual. The Silva Method teaches you how to
change brain frequency, so we can stay mentally alert at the same
time, producing more, alpha waves at will and use our abilities to more
practical way.
What skills schetizontai with Alpha waves? Besides the creativity, the
alpha waves associated with the ability to relax and rest, the
acceleration of a treatment, sobriety, recovery forces (normally
acquired through sleeping and dreaming) enhance memory,
concentration, imagination, intuition, meditation, and generally all
activities of human thought.
What problems can be solved using the Silva Method of Mind Control?
A. HEALTH cures psychosomatic diseases, isolate or eliminate
headaches, tension headaches without medications, helping the
physician to provide effective treatment when he has to face cancer or
other serious pathiseis.Exafanizei stress in any event though is gives
good mental condition and ensure peaceful sleep without sedatives.
V. CONCENTRATION AND MEMORY Helps remarkable improvement
in education, enhance understanding and ensure the future application
of what we learn. Increases productivity of the individual in his work
and ability of concentration and memory development, in work areas


where they are qualified
BAD HABITS C. It helps to cut the bad habits. To limit or give up
smoking, drinking, limit the quantity of food if we have obesity problem.
It helps people to become organizational and change habits that are
beneficial to us.
D. PERSONALITY help to overcome in clusters of personality, such as
phobias, insecurities, lack of assertiveness and communication with
E. The interpersonal relations with people around us, whether they are
very familiar or not, are enhanced by the adoption of technical
solutions to problems that pigazoun of these relationships.
The Silva Method is the ONLY scientifically proven METHOD TO
HELP THE PEOPLE Develop and monitor the effective promotion of
the Senses (ESP)


What benefits gives me the Silva Method if I have problems?
Act pre-emptively, exasfalizontas you good health, emotional balance,
stability in your relationships with others, fosters and strengthens your
emotional wealth, giving you the opportunity to be able to offer
assistance to your loved ones. Helps you improve your quality of Life
and you can increase your creativity even further.
Can anyone be taught the Silva Method of Mind Control?
Yes. Anyone with normal intelligence can be taught to. Age does not
paizei irrelevant. People who are under direct medical supervision
should seek approval of their doctor to attend classes.
FOR CHILDREN resonance is the method in children. Help them in
their studies to have more concentration, better memory, learn to plan
their positive thinking, creative use their imagination and gain good
habits. (There are special sections for kids)
How long is the Basic Course? Teaching is usually for three
consecutive days Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 4 pm to 10 pm Friday
and Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 10 pm.
It is likely, however, a different time and teaching and on other days of


the week
The courses are: Controlled relaxation (Combat Stress Control, Stress,
Sleep, Dreams, headaches)
General self-improvement (objective communication) Improve memory,
Improve Relations Exchange by restrictive I think Improvement
Aftoeikonas, target location, capability of finding solutions, Control
Effective Promotion of the Senses (Subjective Communication
Education of Imagination)
Applied Effective Promotion of the Senses (Insights, Clairvoyance -
Growth ESP).
Origin and Development of the Method Silva.
This method is research 22 years from 1944 to 1966, made by Jose
Silva, founder and president of the international body that guides the
teaching and specially trained teachers.
The seat is Laredo, Texas, USA. In these 22 years of scientific
research, Jose Silva had the support of the best special research
Although the method was completed in 1966, research synechizetai
today. Method efarmozetai schools, universities, hospitals, social
institutions, Mr LP
What countries are taught the Method?
The Silva Method helps the individual to further develop the mental
skills that are untapped and the push to use it to make the most quality
of life and solve key problems. This basic principle of the method has
spread around the world.
There are people who want to improve their capabilities and to
overcome problems common to all. Health problems, education,
emotional, social, communication with others.
Happiness is within us and is achieved when we learn to CONTROL

Stress can be good ....

Stress is something we experience all of us at times. It's the way our

body prepares to react against threats and risks.

Although it sounds strange, stress can be good. Without it, we could

not respond effectively against unknown situations. But first, let's see


from where comes the anxiety?

To understand where the anxiety stems must go back thousands of

years. In fact, you should turn to when our ancestors lived in the
forests. Because of the then circumstances, there was always a threat
to attack or kill wildlife. Obviously, under such circumstances, need
some way to react and survive. I had to find a way to be able to sense
the danger and act in the best way - or kill the animal and use it for
food or to flee (escape). What we needed was the stress!

Stress helped our ancestors to face risks. Prepares the body for
"action". Without it, you might as well not have survived.

Fortunately, the risks we face today is not the same. There are few
chances ourselves against wild animals in our daily lives. Even though
we do not have the same problems our ancestors, our body has not
changed since then. We still have the same feelings and still
experiencing anxiety. Our problems may be different, but still it is good
to experience some anxiety, especially in new situations.

Little stress can be helpful. Can we help aparraititi exciting to act in the
best possible way. For example, we have heard many times students
have some anxiety before exams, the actors before a performance,
athletes before a race, etc. For all these little stress is aparraitito to
have maximum efficiency.

When is stress a problem?

Some people have anxiety in situations that are not threatening or

unknown (eg at home or shopping). Others are experiencing excessive
stress and may not operate properly. In this case, prevents the
excessive stress of everyday life. If you go back briefly to our
ancestors, we saw that they had to face different threats from our own.
Due to the nature of those threats had to experience great anxiety. The
body, which is no different than their own, may also experience high
stress. But this is not aparraitito conditions prevailing today. Indeed,
when this happens, it is not useful If we have a lot of stress in
situations that are threatening or in some specific situations, it is very
likely that stress is a serious problem. Instead of helping us, prevents
normal life.


What are the signs of stress?

There are many signs and symptoms of anxiety. These usually vary
from person to person. Whatever though, it can be very disturbing.

Some examples:
• difficulty breathing
• palpitations, sweating, dizziness
• dry mouth
• muscle aches, headache
• diarrhea, constipation
• anorexia
• inability to concentrate
• difficulty sleeping
• Lack of interest in sex.
The above is certainly not a comprehensive list of symptoms of
anxiety. You may recognize some of your own symptoms in this list. If
not, ask your therapist about what you experiencing. Your own is very
likely to be the way it reacts to your body against any risk or threat.
Many people recognize that some symptoms discussed below. Very
rarely someone experiencing all these symptoms.

Many of these symptoms may occur and other causes beyond the
stress. For example, when you have flu, you may feel weak, dizzy, or
muscle tension. When your physician insists there is no organic cause
for your problem, then you may have a reason to visit a psychologist. .
This should never be attached to any organic anxiety symptoms in
yourself, without first consulting you doctor yourself.

When stress takes a long time to someone, then it is possible to think

that he has a serious psychiatric or medical illness. This is not true.
The symptoms can be unpleasant, but certainly not dangerous.
Nobody has died from stress alone.

The symptom can be a frightening, but

• does not mean that you are seriously ill,
• does not mean that crashes will happen or heart attack
certainly does not mean that you will go crazy.
It is certain that eventually the symptoms will be eliminated or reduced
(perhaps sooner than you think). Remember we are all experiencing
anxiety. You just got more stressful and, perhaps, in most cases.



Why do I have this problem?

Some people may remember the first time they appeared in their
anxiety. Perhaps in being able to remember the first time I felt anxiety -
that You were with whom, what you feel, etc. Often, however, is
difficult to say exactly when the stress occurred for the first time. It is
usually more difficult to tell them why it occurred. Even if someone is
able to determine the causes are difficult to explain why the stress
continues to appear. What is causing the symptoms then?

It is true that what keeps the stress is a series of vicious circles

associated with the mindset of the individual. A high degree of anxiety
and a host of negative emotions make the person think then the
problems facing the same stress (ie the symptoms), as well as the
confidence of, the world around him and life in general.

Dealing with stress

Previously, stress was treated more pharmacology, but the custom and
kit that accompanies the pharmacology, have this kind of treatment
less desirable. Other therapies are more effective in addressing
symptoms and have a long duration. Comparative studies showed that
the most efficient method today is the cognitive-behavioral (GA). This
approach is based on a series of techniques introduced by scientific
and clinical studies over the past 30 years. T this method, you and
your therapist will work together to achieve your objective. You will
learn new ways of thinking and behavior that is more realistic, avoiding
the old, non-realistic patterns. You will learn about the nature of stress
and how it manifests itself in you, how to combat fears that probably
got, techniques that will help you feel less tense and more courage
when you face situations that do not feel comfortable.

The principle of GA treatment is "the power of positive thinking."

Treatment with GM not only learn how to be positive, but acquire the
ability to face such situations could not face before, and potential bad
situations in the future. We accept and understand how they react to
these situations. We must remember that these are human reactions.
However, following from our initial reaction, if our feelings are still
negative, you should try to stop us from dominating
Self: Shifting from the trivial to the important part of life ...
Modern people often move away from our original intention, the will of


the soul and its guiding principles. We live in a hasty world,
characterized by the "need" for quick success

Develops within us a sense of hurry, and very often we tend to live

under pressure. In this kikeona continuing automation of many things
in life seem urgent, although not significantly.
I think if you start to focus your attention on the most important aspects
of your life, this seemingly irresistible sense of urgency will diminish
more and more, and you will feel xanaechete control of your life, which
will begin again to acquire new meaning .
For me personally, things that have true meaning in life is to establish
good relations, the strengthening of other people, developing a vision
to life and the constant supply of, and the catalytic importance of
contact with my soul.
The important areas in our lives is four: the physical, the mental, social
and spiritual. If you choose to focus your attention in these four areas
will gradually recognize how many things are in your life that are not
essential, and, respectively, how much you can say no.
The truth is that the decision to insist on the important instead of
sticking to so-called "urgency" of everyday life is a difficult process.
People feel uncomfortable without the pressure of everyday life in
which they are addicted, and even seem to have pain drug when they
choose to leave the pressure conditions. From the moment but to
begin to focus on the important benefits you will gain will be many and
you will get great satisfaction from is your choice.
The medical literature has, in my opinion, insist too much on analysis
and understanding of mental trauma from childhood abuse, and has
underestimated the human capacity to enrich the life-threfontas soul-
constructing a personal vision himself.
I am sure that the vision is infinitely bigger and stronger than the
wounds that we carry. We have within us, potentially, infinite capacity
to realize this vision and to eliminate what we carry and we allow it to
operate today as a brake on our inner strength. I do not mean that I am
opposed to ancillary effects of awareness comes as a result of
psychotherapy. I just do not think anyone should sit back on this
awareness. It should neither our thoughts, nor by extension our lives to
remain wedded to this limited view. We must learn to give space to the
authentic needs of the soul. This is changing, and ultimately cure them.

The issue of psychological fear and how to troubleshoot

One of the great enemies of man is fear. The less fear you have, the


more mental health and harmony will be experienced in life. The
fundamental problem of humanity is free from fear.
When not feel anxious about a situation, it can not hurt. We certainly
remember that very often takes the fear of subconscious way, which
means they have to realize. What we must not forget that fear is
"bluffing". If the deal in light of this remembrance, then the fear

Fear is typically created as an effort of mind to control the future, the

future for which you only know is that ... no! Having previously only
been, say no now! - And the future has not arrived yet, the only years
in which we live our lives is the moment!
The best way to deal with psychosocial your fears and problems
emanating from them is to cultivate awareness methodically and in
touch with your inner observer.
In fact, we all know that what you do, that you feel, whatever you think
there is something within us, "someone" who notices everything. If our
mind, rather than trying to control a thought with our other thoughts,
which almost always about the past and future time periods that do not
exist in substance of our lives! - Moved to this "observer", then we see
that the atmosphere of fear disappears, and when fear is no longer
present, stops and our need for control!
Some believe that the opposite emotion of love is hate. This is not true:
The downside of love is fear! Imagine yourself as an empty bottle. If
you choose during your lifetime to fill the "bottle" your fear, then there
will be no room left over for Love. However, if "open" the "bottle" and
your stuff at every opportunity, with Love, then there would be no room
in you to develop a fear!
Improve your mood, communication, and efficiency to your work
The truth is that we all can understand the change in one's life or
effectiveness of a group of people, as is the area of our work, may
come if the person changed the way we see life, or if it starts behave
differently, or if both occur simultaneously.
To occur but the two above conditions should a person begin to focus


on "success", it-rather than failures in these words, having failed in the
past as individuals or as a member of a workgroup . So, learn to
recognize the hidden strengths and values, is beginning to evaluate
the characteristics of his personality that have helped so far to survive
and to highlight the work place and to communicate with itself and
other colleagues with more optimism.
It is this search for the "notable exceptions" to the professional lives,
introducing systemic thinking in the short-advisory highlights the
"success" as the key to developing new, more functional behaviors in
the workplace, giving solutions, because just these same behaviors
are the "solutions" to the problems we face!
This optimistic method offers an efficient tool of intervention in small
and large systems, ie families, businesses, schools and organizations
to make use of the vital forces of development, through cooperation
with the consultant involved in the system or organization members - to
improve communication, increase creativity and productivity through
the promotion of workers' self-esteem, and ultimately to unlock the
hidden potential.
 The basis of the above theoretical model are:
• Every problem is an impossible dream!
• Let's think about it, a problem ... What is the dream behind by it ...?
• We can instead talk about the problem to talk about the solution?!
• Words are very important. The language does not represent the
reality .... makes reality. These words make up the world of emotions.
The words used to describe values create another world.
• The Value is a propelling force. Anyone think we will get to it.
• The language of dreams using the positive energy and enthusiasm.
• The language of the target creates obligations and responsibilities.
• Learn to express yourself on our partnerships in our work place
based on dreams and your values.
• Do not just dream, but in detail.
• Push yourself to talk about the solution. This way is changing slowly
and thinking your way because you are using other parts of your brain,


creating feelings of others, other hormonal options.
• According to surveys, most of us learn more from an example based
on positive concepts such as the emergence of skills and values,
rather than a negative, which inflates the existence of a problem.
• The way we look at things around us is the foundation to create the
world. If this method is good then people will be positive.
This, of course, the effort needed to familiarize a new way of thinking
and behavior. We can take each of us individually, applying some of
these ideas first in our daily lives with friends and family, and then to
our work site, and also to look through seminars and special training
programs on these techniques by qualified consultants on the above
And wonder if you read the above: "Can we be optimistic in such a
grim era ;...», the answer is that, yet, on the basis of the findings of
modern research on human behavior, people are concerned primarily
with the positive stories, not the negative. And see by yourself ... When
you hear or read a good story to affect them physically, even before
they affect you emotionally or mentally. Can identify, to rejoice, to learn
In other words, it applies to us humans what we call 'iliotropiki authority
"All of us behave like sunflowers ,.... prefer to head for the light, the
sun ....
The first steps to make your dream a reality:
§ Take a little from Main your free time to write down your dream.
Warning! Do not confuse your dreams with your goals. Let your
imagination guide you without restriction. In dreams, anything is
possible and allowed!
§ Ask yourself who wants to be professionally five years from now?
Imagine the details occupation, your work environment (people and
circumstances), space, and your subject.
§ How is things at your job that give you joy and enthusiasm? What are
the situations that give you euphoria and increased energy within you
while you work? Which of them you would like to happen more often?


What part of them your dream?
§ Make sure as I go from your hand to do more often in your
workplace, your actions filled with vitality and energize you.
Then you will see that we start to appreciate yourself more, you will be
more loved by colleagues, your boss will welcome and will reward you
more often!
§ Remember a few moments from your past that made you feel proud
of yourself. What were the abilities, skills and / or characteristics of
your personality that helped keep it that successful experience?
§ Ask yourself what things you're good? Get him the help of your
partner that you appreciate.
§ What is the smallest change that you think you can do to take you
closer to your dream?
§ Start from it been a week to do three simple and easy steps / moves
you activate and you think will help make your dream a reality.
§ Start with small steps. You can trust it out easily, and make your
dream more visible!
§ Learn to externalize energy and your enthusiasm. It will help you
identify new possibilities and try new prospects!
§ Start Today. This will bring your dream closer to you!
Positive Attitude Life
A positive attitude is the key to tackling the most difficult situations and
everyday life. Humans can always see the positive side of things,
without denying their seriousness.
  In shaping a positive attitude to life helps the time to devote ourselves
and our needs, relaxation, proper diet, control of stress and social
In this training program are presented and discussed the following
• Why become a way of life, positive attitude?
• What are the positive effects of lifestyle and how we manage?


• Prevention of embarrassment. Analysis - Strategic
• Learn to read the expressions of others
• Voice Exercises
• facial expressions
• Smile
• Contact
• Control stress and tension
• Handshakes

At the end of the training participants will be able to:
• Be aware that optimistic attitude in a difficult situation quickly and
easily help fight it.
• Develop a positive attitude demanded soothing anxiety and stress
overwhelms him.
• To develop appropriate techniques of body language indicating
positivity and optimism
Exercise, the better "antistresogona" method

Once there was the impression that the problems causing the stress
on health is only spiritual nature. But now we know that stress is
harmful spiritually and physically with real impact on physical health.
More stress than normal causing headaches, stomach disorders,
sickliness and even heart disease.

How much stress is in favor of the standard?

Stress is good up to a point, after our power and strength to cope with
emergencies and unexpected circumstances. We were doing more
"sweets" in matters of the utmost importance, as for example when we
do an exam or presentation. But when we have too much stress, then
starting and negative effects. Usually much stress is created when you


do not plan our time accordingly and correct the things you need or
want to do during the day. Naturally, the stress is not so harmful if at
the end of the day care to relax and calm. But it is bad for our health
when anxiety is created and there for days, weeks or months, that is
chronic and that we should forget and relax.

What kind of stress is more harmful than others?

Stress characterized by strong negative emotions such as anger and
violence is very harmful for the body. Also, feelings of hopelessness
and isolation that characterize depressive state is negative for health.

Does stress cause hypertension?

Stress is not the most important factor in increasing the pressure, but
also contributes significantly. Hypertension is caused by various
factors such as heredity, age, percentage of fat, diet, exercise and
stress. There are programs for the "management" of stress, which may
help mental and physical health. Reduce stress and pressure can be
achieved with exercise.

Exercise, a tool for stress management

Aerobic exercise is a great way to reduce feelings caused by stress. If

you ask people who exercise regularly will confess that exercise
makes them feel better and relax. After exercise the nerves and stress
disappear and become much more calm.

Also, exercise can be a break from the stress of work or family. If the
type of exercise you do is good, then be sure that the results are more
encouraging. This is because the exercise gives you a sense of
personal power and control of your feelings. Of course, the best results
come when we can identify the event that causes us stress, find a
solution to the problem or how to deal with this problem and combine


them with changes in habits such as regular exercise and proper diet.
Other factors that help to reduce stress

The way of modern life can cause enough stress to affect our health.
For example, smoking and drinking large quantities implicated as
causing more stress, but also a harm to us. By contrast, participation in
regular exercise and healthy diet are catalysts for anxiety and negative
aftermath. Also, enough sleep and rest, social support, love and joy
are items which help the body overcome stress

Pelion my friends are internationally known as the greenest mountain
in Greece. The greatest variety of plants characteristic of this region a
chance to live up to the top of the mountain. The days in Pelion, will
make you see from another perspective to your life and you will never
axechastes have the opportunity to walk through the flower fields, the
springs and streams, to follow the paths carved between the chestnut
and oaks. From very old residents of Pelion knew the herbs grow on
the slopes and used. Chrisimopoiousan the healing power, the
fragrance and beauty as daisothike deliveries from the years of Apollo,
the Centaur Chiron and Asclepius who lived according to the legend on
the slopes of Mount Pelion. Attempt is made after careful cultivation of
herbs such as chamomile, peppermint, lavender, etc. be the production
of natural oils and other materials for cosmetic products for body care

The herbs used are good, as did the length of the initiated Asklipio be
collected according to the phases of the moon - the biodynamic
technique - to maintain the utmost measures and their properties
through the Ancient Vakcheia products suggests a different lifestyle, in
harmony with the actions of Nature, because

Vakcheia by Plato, philosophy is, this alignment with the rhythm and
harmony of the universe.!


Since ancient times known the amazing properties of plants and herbs
in terms of health and beauty of face, body and hair. Plants like myrtle,
rose, rosemary and lavender were dedicated to the goddess of beauty,
Aphrodite because of their offer in the beauty of women. The
Mediterranean civilizations were very aware of the beauty secrets of
nature and knew how and how to use each plant. The secrets are
recorded in codes to store it Asklipio and prohibits insiders to
communicate with the outside world are the secrets. Had we do not
seem paradoxical discovery that I mention in my book "Total Recall
Health 'brain surgery 28 centuries ago with the patient to survive the
next 20 years as diagnosed by the findings.
The biggest secret is that this knowledge comes to life through
harmonizing the actions of Nature that requires the right combination of
raw materials in the correct proportions and the appropriate formulation
of healing.
The little "secrets" of nature is what makes the big difference in quality
and give another dimension to the area of physical preparation. Today
a new generation comes to the forefront of preparations based on this
ancient knowledge but also to modern methods such as distillation.
The herbs are everywhere around you and use them regularly to deal
with everyday minor perpetuating, without your knowledge, an ancient
knowledge. But how, really, you know for pharmaceutical use and for
what he called the herb?

Did you know that until a few years all medicines procured from
pharmacies based on plant extracts? What basic raw material of
aspirin was the bark of willow? Even today, the pharmaceutical
industry, which now relies on chemical compounds, continues to
operate the beneficial properties of plants and herbs. H herb was
"born" with humans. This multi primordial knowledge gained over time
with effort and risky empirical tests, was maintained in some areas of
the Earth and almost lost to others. Today, the Western World in the
herb recover the lost ground and is now one of the most reliable
complementary methods.
What is an herb? Is the use of herbs for therapeutic purposes. The
herb works holistically, as each part of the plant may have different
therapeutic properties, thus contributing to homeostasis of the
How to use plants? Four are the main ways to use plants: as a
decoction, as injectors, as a tincture or capsules in powder form. The
injectors obtained by watering the dried herb with boiling water and let


it remain for 5-10 minutes, preferably covered, not to evaporate the
benefits of essential oils. Typically, injectors are used in the soft parts
of the herb as dried leaves or flowers. If it roots, fruit, bark or other
hard part of the plant, we prefer the tea, where the herb with boiling
water. The essences are prepared by pharmacists. The dried herb
immersed in alcohol, where it remains for days to free all substances.
Then the weak solution some drops of the tincture in water, according
to the instructions, and herbal drinks. Both the beverage and the
infusions and tinctures to be used more than one herb, as the case
may be. Alternatively, the patient can consume capsules with
powdered herbs.

It all ways of using less potent?

The claim that the herbal tincture is more potent, concentrated and
contains all the beneficial properties of herbs. Then followed the
capsules, while both the injectors and the tea beneficial but the body,
but the patient needs to consume very large quantities to achieve the
results of the other two methods.
H herb replaces the medication?
H herb is a therapeutic method, which means it can act combined
several methods to bring about healing. If someone is already taking
medication has decided, should not stop it when it started using the
herbs. Will see later if the combination of the two therapies are more
effective or cancel one method to another and where.
Herbs have side effects?
If used sparingly and in accordance with the recommendations of a
special, no. H Excessive consumption may cause harm, such as and
excessive water consumption.

Their use requires special advice?

Depending on the case. Everyone also consume some of the most
common herbs like tea. Good stuff, however, to consult a herbal-can is
a biologist with additional studies in the herb or a holistic doctor, as he,
after giving the patient a medical history may indicate what the herbs
represent the problem, what compatible with the medication that may
follow, which may be the "block" etc. If, for example, a patient receiving
anticoagulants should not be taken simultaneously gkingko bilompa.
Since, therefore, is a difficult man to anyone who has a knowledge of
complex, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


Habits like smoking are opposed to their use?
Just enough of these cases, the organization has a greater need for
antioxidants and detoxification. Not only is therefore not
contraindicated herb in these cases, but often is necessary.

How long does a treatment with herbs?

H duration depends on the problem. Overall, however, requires some
time. Why, with a chemical product may have a direct effect, stopping
immediately the symptoms of the disease-but not eliminate the cause,
the herb needs more time because, according to the herbal, holistic

What to watch when you buy dried herbs?

First of all, we can gather our own, we know enough to recognize and
take care to collect it from a pure point. If the herbs are cultivated to
buy, best to go organic. These herbs have virtually no end date.
However, it may in time be xethymanoun essential oils and thus lose
part of their therapeutic properties.

The pregnant women are allowed to use?

Here we need a little attention. There are herbs that do not affect the
pregnancy, but some containing phytoestrogens should not be used.
That kind of herbs should be avoided and breastfeeding. There are, of
course, and galaktagoga, helping the mother has milk. However, a
woman is pregnant or in lactation should not use them without the
advice of a specialist.
History of Phytotherapy
Although essentially two methods are identical, the herbal medicine in
the modern world has developed a medical drug method, since many
drugs made from plants. H basic difference in the herb is that the latter
remains empirical. And though the two methods are the result of a
process at least 6,000 years. Like the herb, the power of herbal lies in
synergistic effects of plant substances, which are applicable to all
human pathology. Until the 60s, at least half of these medications in
pharmacies which were derived from natural plant extracts. From 1965
onwards were largely replaced by the formulations of the chemical
industry. H herbal medicine is much more complex than pharmacology,
and this is one of the reasons that eventually prevailed in chemical
medicine, although herbal medicine abroad, as part of conventional
medicine rather than alternative therapies, are far more widespread


than than in Greece. H more traditional use of phytotherapy in the
Western World in known through Chinese pharmacology. Everything
was in medical knowledge or a method in ancient Greece has survived
in Persia and northern India - in a sense, the Tibetan medicine
contains pieces of ancient Greek medicine, and Agiourveda. From this
knowledge, Greece was cut off, especially after the fall of Byzantium
and the closure of the schools' medical philosophy, "as they were
called. Only through some fragments of writings that survived
remained part of knowledge as most oral tradition, the well-known
magic remedies.
The new generation of natural and organic cosmetic use raw materials
from organic farming, recyclable packaging and forbids any kind of
chemical contaminants and animal experiments. There are soaps,
unique in the world, why are only donkey milk farm in a spectacular
wherever kept the monkeys performing thus a holy mission in rescue a
species is endangered and that was the most representative animal of
the Mediterranean. The gaidourisio milk is richer in protein, vitamins A,
B1, B2, B6, D, C, E and minerals, has a therapeutic effect on skin
ailments such as allergies, eczema, etc.
The use for cosmetic treatments are known at least since the days of
Cleopatra, which used it on a daily basis in bathroom and he
considered the most important component for maintaining the
freshness and beauty like the Romans used it as beauty treatments
and considered a top luxury.
This example is just one example of the humble nature Pharmaceutical
products without any side effect.
The disease is manifested already expecting beacon that leads you
directly to their causes and their proper intended to cover direct
combat to cure problems without unpleasant side effects from
The book apefth'ynetai readers into two categories 1. those who view
the disease attempt to study within this time then the ways in which
people armed with products of the same kind of tried to remove the
effects of disease dysatestes to combat and to eliminate, and 2. those
who attempt through the study of written sources referred to in ages
the use of herbs for therapeutic reasons, to study such change by the
properties of plants can reduce or eliminate pollutants accept the
human body



H how successful dietary guidelines came from 2500 years ago
Ipokrati "Let the food be your medicine and be your medicine your
food", ie the diagnosis of allergy to foods, the removal of feeding your
dikaitologio which disturb the biochemistry of the body is solution to
treatment. When you realize the biochemical sensitivity to foods is
otherwise healthy and harmless, but the sensitivity of your organization
makes your immune system to respond as if attacked by enemies,
making them less active endogenous systems, enter the number of the
process falls domino effect resulting in the form of disease that comes
to the surface (diabetes, arthritis, obesity, chronic fatigue, migraines,
panic attacks, intestinal problems, baby ill of others) The process
begins with the body sysorefsi protein molecules, one or more natural
or artificial, which makes the white blood cells to react and sometimes
burst releasing powerful chemicals in the "virtual attacker" that an
accumulation of destruction left behind as diarrhea blood vessels,
chronic inflammation of smooth muscle contraction of the lungs,
something like a small nuclear explosion in our body. Sure sensitivity
to foods is not the same in all people, but it exists. Initially we have thin
cellular changes and distinct till next deadly diseases such as diabetes
YOUR PERSONAL POISON! Examination of the blood can indicate
what food you are sensitive to avoid them. We live in a period of
abundant eating foods from all parts of the world, putting our bodies
permanently in the process "energy storage" without ever you are
using the "surplus fuel available. Effects of obesity diabetes, heart
disease, hypertension, artirioslirosi, high cholesterol. Wondering why
our society promotes this model which is blatantly problematic; The
solution is simple, 30 billion dollars in 1998 the turnover of the
slimming industry, 12 billion dollars the turnover diet drinks,
sweeteners 1.54 billion dollars in reduced calorie foods 1 billion dollars
overweight people will try to Lose Weight AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR
PLIRONONTAS huge sums' DIET SECRETS "and will repeat the
same diet plan again and again why not say you do not want you to
know that
1. If MYS or the mass to be undertaken to produce energy FAT IS
WHICH ONE starvation occurs when the undernourished



Nice "secret"! YOUR GOOD MORNING,

 I have other BELOW!
Wellness foods do nothing more than to inhibit the release of
serotonin, which regulates the short-term need for food, so in two
hours you need another dose of food when it passed its effects and the
brain chemistry back to normal by the compulsive effects the
"preparation Wellness"
There is a gene protein leptin, which is in as little brain does not
receive a mandate eating. As more food consumed the greater
command gives. It is correctly formed several small meals to keep in
the low levels of air and accumulation of fat levels remain low
The "wellness products" raping the brain transmitter command. View
my friends process through which do and keep yourself away from

"How can my friends eating a chocolate or a carbohydrate cause
increased protein hormone in the brain; View
1. The hormone serotonin to be able to produce the brain has the
appropriate precursors to form amino acid, amino-acid which is nothing
more than the bricks of the body, ie the smaller components that you
are using the body to synthesize the proteins.
2. The specific precursor then, a serotonin is the amino acid
3. Before transferred all amino acids in the brain are crowded into
something like a barrier to its limits and waiting for each turn
4. The level of serotonin and is already taking place, the process
continues to be reduced so that the brain alert you eat something
sweet to the increase.
5. Once you eat chocolate, the insulin levels begin to rise
6. Insulin induces amino acids in predetermined positions to begin to
build muscle mass
7. The amino acid tryptophan is now a high concentration ratio of
paloiriakou waves generated insulin caused by chocolate
8. The more attempts this brain tryptophan, sooner converted into
serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is the feeling of hunger
9. The need for intense hunger occurs in a body that is "chortasmeno"
10. Also much stress and sleep deprivation leads to low serotonin


11. So my friends a chocolate from the corner booth of the leading lady
at the next table to eat with the whole bulimia carbonara. So simple;

Remove from your diet each synthetic food

Try not many have much syntiritika
Agaireste of experiments with any food that makes you fatigue
symptoms, pain, dizziness
And remember
IF the calves give QUANTITIES FAT, PROTEIN, and carbohydrates,
BEFORE YOU fatten slaughter and fattening so much

   What is your reveals illness

H Life is wonderful. But is embedded in the cycle of difficulties and
obstacles, challenges to overcome and reach a greater degree of
harmony with our internal and external world my friends. O way is
always through the adjustment is nothing more than what we call
perception. If the probability of an upcoming event you nasty sad and
hurting you, it is possible to convince yourself that need not be part of
your life and that we should do everything to prevent it. So, "you save"
the pain and do not worry about feeling a sense of loss. The people
who follow this logic seems entrenched against everyday hazards.
Essentially, though, is how life works as a lens disfiguring, leaving the
individual to see reality. There, the problem starts. This multi source
creates a symptom of failure and subsequent disease.
H lifesaving power of the disease.
H human nature itself is trying to find ways to address the various
difficulties encountered in life and help us to survive and adapt. And
the solution, as strange as that sounds, are the ailments and illnesses
we are experiencing, which are essentially playing the role of an
internal consciousness that brings us back to ourselves.
O Karl Jung summarizes these thoughts in one sentence: "There will
be cured of your illness. Aytes will heal. " There is therefore a deep
wisdom within us that make the disease as the barometer that always
tends to bring us back on our way. This multi wisdom itself is the
"mystery" disease. €
Could we say that childhood diseases ... .. ensure a better future!
Surprisingly, yes. Diseases My friends might say that we can codify
them separated into categories. The sharp, sudden illnesses represent
the first line adjustment, the initial reaction is how our body, to bring us


back into balance. The childhood diseases (measles by ear, etc.) that
belong to this category are "a great way to avoid creating a distorted
We all know that a fever accelerate physical and psychological
development of children. A child is past the red, is this more mature
and independent, and chickenpox can eliminate the emotional rifts.
This means that the organization is "understanding" means to adapt
and strengthened. It is no longer able to accept reality and go through
the pain that exists in life. "It is known that these diseases prevent the
onset of allergies, asthma and chronic diseases are likely to occur in
adulthood. At the end of the first-line adjustment, some diseases will
become chronic, incomplete evidence of the solution.
During his life, is continuously monitored Our ability to adapt to reality.
"Until that is to reach the point where ill from a chronic illness mediate
an entire ... universe.
The disease us ... ill or heal us after all? It's a good question. Well let's
look at my friends. The statements of "no adaptation" represent the
second line of defense organization. In the period of adolescence and
adulthood, the organization itself will create a number of diseases
"between disease and treatment. In other words, the agency translates
an internal malfunction in disease, but not a permanent establishment
of a chronic serious illness.
The allergy: the result of an old conflict that has not been resolved and
in fact denied a reaction front in situations that can not suffer, while not
aware of. The person has deleted from the memory of certain events,
as if he lived ever. O body, however, knows that something is amiss
and react. That is the purpose of allergies. Be protects us from a
situation that bothers us, but we can not define. Below we quote a few
examples of these symptoms odigoumenooi the root causes that
created them. For example
- Seizures often show people who suffer usually from lack of love, but
which is unknown to the conscious level. Tous missing something, but
can not determine what.
- In all forms of addictions (smoking, alcohol, chocolate, political ...)
and drugs is "way out" usually people in front of situations where it is
unable to make a decision (ie a sex selection, freezing marriage, a
conscious decision to make no children, etc.).
- H Depression is an extreme effort of the body to reshape our
perception of the world. You see when the body can not stand each
other, no longer wants to get to the goal, which basically does not
believe. It is essentially a "bell" which sounded by our organization, not


to have to deal with a chronic illness later.
- The insomnia is information that gives us the unconscious when it is
at odds with ourselves. That the unconscious is where our "talk" every
day through dreams, so you should be extremely attention.
- The headaches are also typical "non-adjustment" and occurrence of
pressure on ourselves, from ourselves or from others, and is no longer
bearable, ie pressure threshold levels. For this one solves DEPON not
pregnant, but the genesis of cerebral Did you just misunderstand how
far the warnings of our organization based on effectiveness of
pharmaceutical preparations; O body needs adjustment and recourse
to this form of response to our strike the "bell", and to awaken us.
Migraine = Need to relax in natural surroundings.
 But if the alarm is slow if the illness 'bell' not achieved their purpose,
no wake-up call that the body, then take the baton chronic serious
diseases. "We could not get rid of the deforming lens that we use to
see life. Therefore, leading to chronic disease. Expresses difficulty not
faced and reminds us constantly and shows the path that we take, our
decoding symptoms. Simple is not the mechanism of my friends;
- Observe, for example, hypertension is a chronic disease that could
show who grew up in a family whose members have difficulty
expressing their feelings. The outcome of this scene are the members
of this family to form despotic characters tend to believe that the only
solution in life is imposed on others through force. That is purely
deformative view, which the agency is trying to overthrow bringing the
person faced with this disease.
- H psoriasis may be a manifestation of desire and fear for the
simultaneous removal of the desire for autonomy and a simultaneous
fear of being forgotten one of his favorite.
- In multiple sclerosis every person is created from childhood and
adolescence, its own system of beliefs that is the personal vision of the
world. But those who suffer from the disease declined entirely of their
own visual and other endorsed perceptions of their family, friends, etc.,
only to be accepted, be loved by them. So we see that the attempted
renunciation of the ego leads to a very problematic disease, which
leads back to the counterfactual thinking that as though it formed the
ego, that in no circumstances should an attempt be discarded but
modified to optimize the culture through mechanisms the happening
To the extent this occurred some of the most frequently occurring
diseases and was an attempt to identify the root causes. Whatever are
these diseases are a real fact. Should my friends to look at the arsenal
that gives us the very nature to overcome them. Everything went


cosmic equilibrium, which means that any problem exists at least one
solution. The only thing missing is often the correct path to this
solution. Like a compass can only tell you that this process should not
be contrary to the smooth operation of Mother Nature


Certain herbs can help in weight loss, and this is not because they
have "magical abilities" but simply because they provide an additional
boost in the rate of metabolism. This is achieved by enzymes and
vitamins they contain, which "activate" both bodies process fat (eg, gall
bladder, to melt the fat) and the apekkritikes pathways of the body.
Such herbs are

Fytolaka - Local thickness

Fytolaka H is a tree whose leaves are mainly lipodialytiki partly diuretic
effect. «H fytolaka could help someone with severe problems of local
Dosage: Etoimazete infused with fytolaka 1 teaspoon to 1 cup water.
Ti fytolaka will find it in oral form, in homeopathic pharmacies. Dilute 10
drops in a cup fytolaka water and drink up to 3 cups a day.
If you like the sweet wormwood is famous for its rich content of
essential oil. Contribute to better functioning of the digestive system
and metabolism of carbohydrates (sugars) - so it is perfect for those
who are unable to sweets.
Dosage: Etoimazete infused with wormwood 1-2 teaspoons to 1 cup

Iviskos - constipation
Apart from ornamental plant, hibiscus to good digestive function and
better metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. O hibiscus
appropriate for overweight problem with constipation and elevated
Dosage: Etoimazete infused with hibiscus 1 teaspoon to 1 cup water.
Louisa - fluid retention
H verbena is one of the best known and widely used herbs in the
treatment of obesity. H verbena helps increase the metabolic rate,
regulating appetite and urination - so it is a good choice for those


suffering from fluid retention. Moreover, the verbena has a mild
calming effect.
 Dosage: Etoimazete injectors by putting 3 teaspoons in 1 cup water.
However, if you avoid hypotension, because it is a diuretic and reduces

Spirulina - Bulimia
H Spirulina is an herb of the rivers and the sea (spirulina cultures exist
in Northern Greece). H spirulina recommended for those who tend to
resort to food when they have a good mood. You'll find it in powder
Dosage: Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of spirulina powder in 1 cup water or
1 cup fresh fruit (eg grapefruit). Avoid the drink because spirulina has a
pleasant taste. H Spirulina is available in capsules

Birch - Cellulite
The birch leaves have a diuretic effect, helping to burn fat, but also to
reduce uric acid. H Birch can help to combat cellulite
Dosage: Etoimazete brewed with 1 teaspoon of birch leaves in 1 cup

Taraxako or radish - Limit the appetite

The taraxako is the most popular herbs in Greece, with multi-action, so
it has given many descriptions as taraxako the "spa", the "therapeutic",
"The Super", "Magic." Assists in the metabolism of sugars and fats - so
I could help one overweight with elevated cholesterol. Moreover, it
regulates appetite, contributing to the smooth functioning of the liver
and has soothing effect.
Dosage: Etoimazete infused with 1-2 teaspoons to 1 cup water.

drinks injectors: After boiling the water in pot, remove from the heat,
add the recommended dose of herbs (listed below) and leave, covered
for 5 minutes. The strain and drink.
Afepsima: The tea is appropriate for the tough leaves and roots of
herbs. In this case, the herb with boiling water for 5 minutes, strain and
drink. If you spend hours away from home, you can prepare in the
morning with a bottle of two doses of the herb of your choice.
When: how how
When: 20 minutes before your meal
How much: 1-2 cups a day
For how long: Drink beverages for 1-2 months, do a 2 weeks break


and continue in a more leisurely pace, eg one month before you break
again. The initial period of making them can be extended by one or two
months if the pounds you want to lose a lot.

Combinations for best results

O combination of herbs already mentioned some others may complete
their work and increase their effectiveness. We suggest some
combinations, always with the help of an expert (dosage: 1 teaspoon of
each herb in 1 cup water).

If you quit the diet, Basilica and Wormwood

(Injectors) O combination is appropriate for overweight, which, when
they start dieting, have headaches, become nervous and forget quickly
their target.

If you are muted, rosemary and hibiscus

(Injectors) The rosemary complements the action of hibiscus and is
suitable for those who are very subdued when they start dieting.

If you have insomnia, and Mantzourana taraxako

(Injectors) H marjoram combined with taraxako and could help
overweight with hypertension, anxiety and insomnia.

If you stress, and Melissochorto fytolaka

(Injectors) The appropriate balm for those who have stomach
problems, hypertension, headaches and tension in their daily lives. It
complements the action fytolakas.

If you have depression, St. John's Wort with birch

(Injectors) The St. John's Wort helps those who are depressed and
often suffer from muscle ponous.Mporeite can mix yourself up three
herbs. A combination of several herbs (verbena with lucerne, sentela
Asian, melissa, Frangoulis, black seaweed and taraxako balm) can be
done with the help of a specialist in cases with severe weight problem
and provided that the digestive system works well (no inflation and
Balsamo for body and soul
Have always known for its many healing properties, is now considered
essential balm herbal antidepressant, a sort of alternative to Prozac.
You are presented with the views of three experts on the drug action
Sitronella is not only a


Over 50 items! Some are used as therapeutic and other aroma in the
kitchen .. The more we know the sitronela as the most common natural
protection against mosquitoes. However, the plant with a lemony scent
possesses other qualities and specific medical and culinary. The
essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy to treat health problems
and has, among other tonic, antibacterial and antiseptic action and is a
key material in Asian cuisine, both for the specific aroma and the
nutrients they contain.
There are over 50 species sitronelas belonging to the family of plants
bearing the Latin name Cymbopogon. In our country, not grow any
species of plant, which grows wild and cultivated form in Southeast
Asia (mainly Thailand, Java, Sri Lanka, India) and New Guinea.
Certain species are grown for essential oils and other cooking
The essential oil
The plant essential oil obtained by distillation from two kinds sitronelas
the Ceylon Cymbopogon nardus and Cymbopogon winderianus Java.
The key components of bergamot sitronelas regardless of the type of
plant from which it derives, is sitronelali, geraniol and limonene.
Sitronelali due to the characteristic aroma lemonodes plant. The
concentration of active ingredients vary depending on the plant from
which the essential oil.

Keeps mosquitoes away from you

Because of sitronelalis and geraniol, the sitronela repels mosquitoes,
so it is widely used as insect repellent. In trade, you will find stickers
(patches) impregnated with essential oil of the plant, lotion or spray
coating on the body and clothes, and shampoo, shower gels and body

Make insect repellent lotion

Get clean and pure alcohol aromatherapy oils from a store with
essential oils or a pharmacy that sells homeopathic medicines and the
mix in a bottle. You will need:

85 ml pure alcohol
5 ml sitronela
5 ml lemon


5 ml rosemary

For increased action: Remove the recipe alcohol and 5 ml add 5 ml

Eucalyptus variety of lemon.

Alternatively ...
● Buy a cream base (50 gr.), Add 25 drops sitronela and then rubbing
your skin.
● Saturate a blotter to clean sitronelas essential oil and put it on the
nightstand beside your bed.

Medicine is

In China, commonly used the leaves of the plant as a medicine for

arthritis, fever, intestinal parasites, diseases of the digestive system
and the problems of the period. Most, though, is the use of essential oil
plant. Used in perfumery, for the manufacture of soap, the aroma,
along with other essential oils because of the stimulation, spasmolytic,
antiseptic and deodorising action. In particular, it helps address
problems of the nervous system, such as headaches, migraines,
neuralgia, depression, strengthens the body's defenses, combat
fatigue and stimulates the cardiovascular system. It also improves the
functioning of the gastrointestinal system, helps digestion, fights
parasites in the stomach and intestines, relieves constipation and
colitis. Moreover, it is used to adjust the period to relieve pain from
rheumatism and arthritis, limiting hyperhidrosis and oily hair and skin.
Finally, used to sterilize kitchen counters.

Therapeutic oils
Buy an oil base, essential oil sitronelas clean or diluted with alcohol or
water, other essential oils to "blend" with sitronela and suitable for the
problem that you face and mix them together.
On stress
30 ml almond
10 drops sitronela
5 drops lavender
3 drops palmaroza
Take a swim to cool off by adding water instead of lavender essential
oil, 6-7 drops of essential oil sitronelas, which would first have to
dissolve a teaspoon of pure alcohol, vodka or other white alcohol.


For indigestion
30 ml almond
5 drops sitronela
5 drops of chamomile
4 drops of anise
For a good defense
30 ml verikokelaio
4 drops sitronela
4 drops palmaroza
10 drops geranium

For deodorant, refreshing foot bath

Dissolve 5 drops of essential oil, tea tree, 5 drops sitronela and 2 drops
bergamot in a teaspoon of alcohol or vodka, add a bowl of warm water
and insert your feet soak for half an hour.

Avoid using the sitronela directly to your skin at greater than this
quantity or more frequently than recommended by your specialist you
consult, it is likely to cause you a toxic reaction. Also, the use of during
pregnancy and lactation.

Lemongrass: sitronela to eat

Another type sitronelas the lemongrass (lemongrass), used for special
flavor for cooking and cocktails. The Latin name of the plant is
Cymbopogon citrates and the main components of the kitrali and
geraniali. The first is responsible for the smell of the plant. The lemon
grass grows wild and is cultivated in Vietnam, Thailand, Burma,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, India and Australia. In
these countries, add to soups, recipes for chicken, fish, seafood, and
even in tea as well as being a key ingredient in spice mixtures like
curry. In our country, will taste dishes in Asian restaurants or sipping
exotic cocktails. What does nutritional analysis of lemongrass in
Greece has not done. However, according to the Organization Food
and Drug Administration, where widely used, contains a wide variety of
nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium,
sodium, zinc, copper, magnesium, vitamins A, B12, C, thiamine,
riboflavin, phytosterols, etc.
Where to find lemongrass
● stores and Asian food, fresh and dried.
● Olofresko days from Thailand every Thursday at noon in Asian food


stores «Salamat».
● Frozen or syrup in supermarkets.

Combine with ... Fish: Before you grill, fry or cook a steamed whole
fish, place in the belly of a handful of finely chopped lemongrass.
Flavored also reduced to a pulp with lemon fillets fish fry or cook by
Poultry: In the same way as in fish.
Salads: Fits well reduced to a pulp with raw green vegetables,
seafood, poultry, rice and pasta. Add vinaigrette dressing with citrus
and ginger.
Sauces for pasta: Mix mashed potatoes with fresh lemon herbs,
spices, onions, garlic and a little cream.
Fry: Add a large handful in a pan, what you fry.
Soups: Put some large pieces in the soup for 10 minutes and then
remove them. Alternatively, pour some syrup and lemon.

Sparkling dishes
The basin with water and detergent for dishes, add 7 drops of essential
oil sitronelas 4 drops lemon essential oil and 4 drops of lavender
essential oil. Try to wash with the same mixture of benches in the
kitchen or barbecue. Also in the mix, but the detergent will naturally
disinfect washed the kitchen counter.

For your convenience

● Before using dried lemon grass, soak the event for 20 minutes in
water, otherwise it can not be eaten.

● Since the fresh lemon grass is very hard, should remove the outer
leaves and use the internal stems.

● Keep the freezer for 3 weeks ..

PRESSURE - let boil herbs

If you have mild hypertension, as your doctor, help your body fight it
with the herbs you recommend.
Hypertension is one of the modern diseases of age and usually treated
with changes in lifestyle and diet (no salt, stop smoking, exercise, diet),
and medication if deemed necessary by the doctor. However, there are
certain herbs that have the ability to reduce blood pressure and may
help to regulate blood pressure. It is good, but not more than 1-2 drinks


a day, especially if treated with antihypertensive medications, because
their combined effect may lead to the opposite side, greatly reducing
blood pressure.

What to watch
• If you intend to follow a systematic antihypertensive treatment with
herbs (ie drinking three drinks a day), then you should tell your doctor,
especially if you follow medication to regulate blood pressure.

• You can drink the herbs that we recommend 3-4 times a week rather
than daily. If you drink every day, then after three weeks for them, it is
good to have a break of one week.

• Avoid combining several herbs together. O 1-2 combination of herbs

is enough.

The red fruit of the hawthorn are the best stimulants circulation and
used to treat hypertension, arteriosclerosis and angina. O Hawthorn is
a good choice for those suffering from hypertension, mainly due to
problems with the vessels. Has the ability to balance a gentle pressure
of the blood. Sipping tea in hawthorn 1-2 times a day (morning and
afternoon) between meals.

How to prepare: Put 2 teaspoons of hawthorn fruit in 1 cup of boiled

water, leave for 20 minutes and strain.

Olive leaves
Olive leaf, which have spilled much ink a few months ago, have proven
therapeutic properties. Help regulate blood pressure, better heart
function and reducing high levels of sugar. Olive leaf contain many
active substances acting antihypertensives (the oleoefroposides the
oleozini and glycolic acid) and relieve the symptoms of high blood
pressure such as headaches and dizziness. This drink is appropriate
for those suffering from hypertension, and digestive problems (eg
indigestion, flatulence, gallstones). You can drink 1-2 drinks a day after
How to prepare: Pour 300 ml of water (as much as two cups) 20
grams. dried olive leaves and let them boil together for 15 minutes.
Drink a hot beverage (half morning and half at night).



The tilio has many beneficial properties (sedative, diuretic, mild
astringent) and was supposed to prevent arteriosclerosis and
hypertension. The herb is appropriate for those with high blood
pressure and also is nervous, so the pressure to rise when irritated.
The tilio has the ability to relax blood vessels and to heal the walls.
You can drink 1-2 times a day tiliou drink between meals or when you
feel tense.
How to prepare: Put 1 tablespoon tilio in 1 cup boiling water for 10
minutes and then strain. The tilio can be combined with hawthorn.

Vyska white
The herb is known as ghee has the ability to slow heart rate, reduce
blood pressure and helps combat arteriosclerosis. Also relieves the
symptoms of hypertension, such as dizziness and headaches.
Recommended for those who have hypertension and circulatory
problems (such as swelling in the limbs). You can drink 1-2 drinks a

How to prepare: Put 1 tablespoon of the ghee leaves in 1 cup boiling

water and leave for 10-20 '. The herb can be combined with hawthorn
and the tilio.

The balm is an herb that is indicated for hypertension, which tend to
raise ... pressure especially when it is stressed. The balm works
stimulants in heart and circulatory system, causing dilation of blood
vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure. The flavor is nice (like
lemon), so do not be tricked by drinking several cups. Settle for 1-2
drinks per day or every other day.
How to prepare: Put 1-2 tablespoons dry melissa (or 4 fresh leaves) in
1 cup boiling water and leave for 10-15 '. Strain and drink. The balm
can be combined with tilio.

O egg (or saffron) is an herb with many healing properties that benefit


the heart: It stimulates blood circulation, causes diuresis, lowers high
blood pressure and cholesterol. It also has antithrombotic action.
Suitable option for hypertensive who suffer from problems in the liver
and the metabolism of fat (for example, have high cholesterol).
How to prepare: Put saffron stamens 3-4 in 1 cup boiling water and
leave for 6-8 '. Strain and drink the beverage.
The herb is also known as "Leonouros the heart, revealing the
beneficial effect on cardiovascular system.

The despoinochorto is soothing and kardiotonotiko herb can be used to

treat hypertension, especially when exacerbated by stress. You can
drink 1-2 drinks a day.
How to prepare: Put 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb in 1 cup boiling water,
leave for 10-15, and strain.

Garlic has antihypertensive effects because it allows the dilation of
blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the arteries. It has also
been observed that when taken for long periods (3-4 months), besides
reducing blood pressure, and lowers high cholesterol. If suffering from
hypertension, therefore, it is good to incorporate into your daily diet 1-2
cloves garlic. To get the benefits of alisinis, containing garlic, it is
preferable to chopping the cloves and leave for 10 minutes on a plate
before you eat or throw the food (so the garlic becomes active). To be,
however, effective action of garlic should be part of a healthy diet that
includes essential restriction of salt

Complete Herbal Renewal

There are completely natural options to help your body eliminate toxins
in the winter, you will relax and will leave you refreshed and well. H
Spring, the season of renewal and change is herbs that help your body
eliminate the "unnecessary" elements that have accumulated in the
course of the past few months. Exemptions, therefore, than tiring your
body and greet with "full battery" summer is just around the corner.

Trigonela for swellings often

H trigonela is an herb that helps detoxify the body and the elimination
of unnecessary fluids. Therefore, it is an appropriate choice for those


who suffer frequently from swelling due to fluid retention and have

How to drink (injectors) in boiling water with a pinch of grated

trigonelas leaves on 5-10, strain and drink up to 2 cups a day
(morning, evening) for 1 month.

The leaves and sprigs of thistle help in the elimination of toxins from
the body while stimulating the liver. If you feel very tired then, and have
afflicted your body with plenty of sweets and medicines during the
winter, the thistle can help.

How will you drink (tea): Brazete herb with water for 3-4, strain and
drink up to 2 cups a day (morning, evening) for a month. Computers 2
pinch to 1 cup of water.

H artichoke is one of the plants used as beverages. Boitha especially
those who want to detoxification, but also to deal with constipation.
Moreover, the artichoke 'cleans' the liver and intestine, so it can help
control blood lipids (eg high cholesterol and triglycerides).

How to drink (injectors) Pichnete one cup boiling water 1 tablespoon

artichoke leaves on 10. Drink 3 cups daily 20 minutes before meals, for
7-10 days.

Ginseng, - stimulation

«H root of life", said to the Chinese ginseng, offering physical and

mental stimulation, and enhance sexual performance. Also, boosts the
strength of the organization, so it is recommended if your program is
loaded and you feel that you have the forces to cope. Good stuff is to
avoid it, but if you have high blood pressure.

How will you drink (tea): Brazete with water 40 gr. ginseng, strain and
drink 1-2 cups a day for a month.
! If you have hypertension, you can choose Siberian ginseng, which is
not particularly increases the pressure. Also, you can try and ginkgo


biloba, an herb that stimulates the body and helps improve blood
circulation. Also, the ginkgo biloba helps to stimulate memory. You can
get it in capsule form - one in the morning and one afternoon after
lunch, for 1-2 months.

Balsamochorto if you STRES

If you ... sunk to the stress, your mood is "depressed" and feel the
need to boost the St. John's Wort (Balsam soul and body) is the right
choice. Enischyei resistance, improves mood and fights the mental and
physical stress.

How will he drink (injectors) Pichnete 10 gr. St. John's Wort in boiling
water for 4-5, strain and drink 1-3 cups a day for a month. The herb is
available in capsules (you can get one in the afternoon and one
evening after dinner).

Taraxako if you have many problems

The taraxako is an herb that can help you multi-faceted. Apotoxinonei
body and strengthens every tissue of the body, both externally and
internally. So we can offer not only feeling of well being, and shine to
your skin! The taraxako recommended for people who have many
problems ... their heads, so their need for renewal and stimulation is
very high.
How to drink (injectors) Pichnete teaspoon taraxako a cup of boiling
water, leave it for 5-10, strain and drink 1-2 cups a day for 1-2 months.

Aloi, if you're worn out

H aloe is immortal herb gave the Megas Alexandros warriors in order
to renew and strengthen the reserves of their forces! It is an
appropriate herb to enhance the strength of the body to "cleanse" the
colon and beautify the skin.
How to drink: Drink the juice of aloe diluted in some water or straight
(depending on the instructions of each formulation) 3 times daily before
meals (with aloe prefer the mark certification from Greek or foreign
certification bodies viologikonproionton) .



Birch, if you want deep detoxification

H Birch is an herb that helps in detoxification, renewal and the
elimination of unnecessary fluids. While helpful in dealing with small
internal inflammation in the body, but also those of the skin, giving
shine and elasticity of skin.

How to drink (injectors) Pichnete 10 gr. birch in boiling water and leave
for 5-10. Drink 1-2 cups in the afternoon and evening, for 2 weeks to 1

Louise, if you have cellulite

H verbena or lemon grass is a bit tart, but delicious flavor. Boitha in
detoxification and elimination of unnecessary fluids. We must avoid,
but if you have low blood pressure.

How to drink (injectors) Pichnete a pinch of lemongrass in boiling water

for 5-10, strain and drink 2 cups a day for 1-2 months.

How long do I take herbs?

- For 2-3 months, when there is a need for detoxification and
stimulating the body.
- For 1-2 months, when the body's needs are modest.

- - For 2-4 weeks, when you have no particular problem, but want a
little assistance of your powers.
- Beware! Good stuff is not taking the herbs themselves constantly
because your body will "get used" and lose their effect.
The best combinations of herbs (to drink 2 cups a day for 2-3 months)

Balsamochorto and Aloe: For better mood and shiny skin (aloe mix
with the drink).
Taraxako and Louise: For toning and cellulite.
Agkinara and birch: To combat constipation and control of lipids.
Ginseng and thistles: To enhance the libido and detoxification

Solution to the problems of women with Herbs


H nature has provided and "arming" the women herbs that combat the
most common disturbance of health
The headaches, nausea, discomfort before the period, urinary tract
infections are some of the problems that afflict the female body and
most of us have occasionally visited the pharmacist or doctor for us to
deal with. However, if you want the antibiotics and painkillers to be our
last resort, nature can help, since each of these problems has the
appropriate herb.

Cranberry, for the prevention of urinary tract infections

Women are more vulnerable to urinary tract infections, which are
responsible for the bacteria growing on the walls of the urethra or
bladder. The Cranberry prevents bacteria sticking to the walls, but
unfortunately, if you are already experiencing the problem, you will not
heal. In this case, you need antibiotics.
Instructions for use: If you take tablets, follow the instructions printed
on the packaging of each firm, and in health food stores you will find
concentrated juice without sugar, from which you can drink 2
tablespoons diluted in water because it is very tart.

Remember: Side effects have been observed, however, if you have a

stomach ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux, should be careful because,
due to the acidity may aggravate the situation. The tablets in this case
is the best solution.

Linseed in cholesterol
In recent years the number of women suffering from cardiovascular
problems has increased considerably and one of the reasons is high
cholesterol. O flaxseed helps to reduce it, because it contains omega-3
fatty acids.

Instructions for use: You can take 1-5 tablespoons of flax seed 3-4
times a week by adding them to your cereal or yogurt.

The market will find oil suitable for salads, but not for cooking, which
must be refrigerated to prevent rancid. Finally, find and flaxseed
capsules, which follow the posted instructions.
Remember: Both the seeds and the oil is safe to use if consumed in
small quantities. H taking excessive amounts can have toxic effects in
the body. Also, the seed may have a laxative effect because of the


fiber they contain.

Sage for flushes and night sweats

It will be hard to find and is especially effective for those problems
mentioned above. It is one of the best herbs available in our country for
women in menopause and start proemminopafsis or menopause.
Remember: H consumption is safe
Instructions for use: Make a tea using 1 teaspoon of sage per cup of
water. Brazete the herb in water for 7, let out the fire and strain 10. H
dosage is 1 cup per day or every other day for the younger women, 2
cups for those with strong symptoms, while women in the menopause
can drink up to 3 cups.
. Angeliki for the health of women's bodies
The Chinese herb that helps improve blood circulation, so often used
to treat gynecological problems such as instability of the cycle and
fatigue. It is, in other words, the female ginseng.

Instructions for use: H dose administered depends on the needs of

each woman, and most often combined with other herbs. Epomenos a
good idea to visit a specialist to determine your treatment. If, however,
you can only get it, drink it as tea, boil 1 tsp grated root in 230 ml water
for 20 or as a tincture 2-3 times daily by dissolving in water or tea (not
juice) 10 - 15 drops. Sure whether you're hungry or get a half hour
after a meal or half an hour ago.

Remember: Avoid taking angelic if pregnant or taking medication to

thin the blood. In rare cases, can cause diarrhea.

Green tea for cancer prevention

 H preventive effect of green tea on cancer is not something we hear
for the first time. According to experts, the antioxidants contained
impeding the growth of cancer cells.
Instructions for use: In a small jug with hot water, add one teaspoon of
green tea and leave it for 5. Drink 3 cups a day.
Remember: Those who have low blood pressure, be sure not to
overdo it because the tea pouring the pressure, and the same applies
to pregnant and nursing women. The tea contains theine, so avoid
excessive consumption.


Osier for proemminorrysiako syndrome

It seems that relieves symptoms such as irritability, changes in mood

and headaches. It has the same effect with progesterone, so it should
not take too long.

Instructions for use: The most practical is to take 1-2 capsules daily. If,
however, preferred drinks, make injectors wicker dropping 1 teaspoon
of herb in 1 cup boiling water. The leave for 10-15, the strain and drink
3 times a day. H download begins 10 days before the cycle, but should
not be repeated more than 2-3 consecutive cycles.

Remember: In general, consumption must be avoided during

pregnancy and lactation. Can cause rashes and interact with drugs
that inhibit the action of dopamine in the brain, such as certain

Tzintzer for nausea

It is the most effective herbal anti-nausea and vomiting, whatever the
cause the cause (pregnancy, motion, stress).
Instructions for use: Braste 10 gr. root of 10 or kopaniste in the mortar,
add hot water and leave it for 5. Two to three cups a day is enough to
soothe your stomach. You still use the fresh root in your cooking.
Unlike other formulations, with no side effects and the effect is
Remember: In powder form, can cause bloating or indigestion.

Xrysanthemo for migraines

If you sit more hours in areas with hot air is likely to hurt our heads.
The chrysanthemum helps combat migraines associated with the heat.

Instructions for use: Brazete 9 gr. herb in 1 / 2 liter of water for about 5
and sipping tea 2-3 times daily.
Remember: Consult an expert before taking it, because it can cause
allergy. It should also be taken by pregnant women

Elixir Energy & NEOTITOS



The herbs present you stimulate your body and mind, enhance
memory and counter the stress of everyday life. The stress, fatigue,
impaired memory, poor mood you may be several times because of
the pressing demands of life can be mitigated if you use herbs called
adjustments, which, according to foreign scholars and Greek Herbal,
improve the adaptability of the organism in modern, often harsh living
conditions. My friends know how to explain ammesos below. The
herbs are called adjustments in 1947 by the Russians doctor NV
Lasarev, who after studies concluded that significantly reduce the
physical and mental exhaustion and strengthening the energy and the
immune system. The adjustments described as:

1. Ayxanoun the strength of the body to a large number of

environmental, chemical and biochemical factors.

2. It improves all functions of the agency, without any burden.

3. Cause minimal side effects.

The adjustments to "wind up" the body and after a considerable period
of time helps the cells to produce energy and use it correctly.
In traditional Chinese medicine, some adjustments are known as
stimulants of 'chi', which, like yoga, can improve the strength, structural
features of the organism, the physiological processes and mental
ability. The herbs they offer man the ability to cope with stress more
effectively. Unfortunately, the current living conditions as we have them
developed, we are causing many health problems. To avoid it, then, to
ease, we must strengthen the body and mind. The adapter can help in
this direction.
 We present those herbs that can be found in the Greek market.

Bithania (Wiithania Somnifera)

H vithania known as Indian ginseng because its properties are similar

to those of Chinese herbs, though not related botanically.

Advantages accruing
It strengthens the body, treats fatigue, weakness, stimulates the
immune system, reduces stress, has antioxidant activity and improves


mood. Meionei cholesterol and blood pressure. It is used as a tonic to
obtain energy from Agiourveda in the same way about the ginseng
used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Side Effects
If you use the correct doses, no side effects. At higher doses than
recommended, you may experience stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting.
Forbidden to take in pregnancy or breastfeeding.

How to get

1-6 gr. a day in capsule or 2-12 teaspoons to drink. In a tincture or

liquid extract, 2-4 ml 3 times a day.

The scientific studies

Studies in animals show that vithania reinforces the strength of the
entire body because it helps reduce the symptoms caused by various
forms of stress. Energopoiei the immune system, while raising levels of
antibodies and white blood cells. Because of its antioxidant properties,
vithania appears to protect the heart and helps to prevent cancer.
Moreover, it appears that it may enhance the effectiveness of radiation
therapy. According to American studies, glucose and cholesterol
significantly reduced one month after receipt of vithanias.

Sisandra (Wu Wei Zhi)

In Chinese medicine, is an herb sisandra balancing, because it

contains all 5 flavors of basic actions: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and

Advantages accruing
It improves memory, perception and ability to care, protect the liver,
reduces irritability, ensure quality sleep.

Side Effects
Not cause significant side effects.

How to get
From 1.5 to 6g. fruit daily or 500 mg to 2 grams. of extract per day.



The scientific studies

Asian Studies in animals show that it improves memory and cognitive
functions and protects the liver from several toxic agents. It is also
considered a stimulant libido, but has so far not been confirmed by

Tzinsengk (Ren Shen)

If you work a lot and have a lot of stress, ginseng will help you to deal
more effectively exhausted, physically and mentally.

Advantages accruing
They can use the people who feel exhausted and fainting. Also, it
increases the supply of energy, stamina, supports the immune system,
enhances memory, alleviate the pain. We believe it helps to prevent
cancer, improve cardiovascular and sexual function, helps recovery
after radiation therapy, and reduces blood sugar.

Side Effects
The ginseng did not cause significant side effects. But if you have high
blood pressure should not take it if you do not agree and your doctor.

How to get
Brazete 0,6-6 gr. sawn or ground root and drink the drink 1-3 times a
day, while taking the capsules 200-600 mg daily.

The scientific studies

It is one of the most studied herbs worldwide. Most scientific studies
have reached the same conclusion: that stimulates the body and
strengthens the immune system. Amerikanikes and Canadian studies,
in fact, have been shown to reduce levels of sugar in the blood,
improves heart function and helps the body to recover faster after a
major surgery.

Eleftherokokkos (Eleutherococus Senticosus)

Although often called and "Siberian ginseng" means eleftherokkokos is
an entirely different plant. Yes, although he too is a bush but, unlike
ginseng, may be grown taller. It apantantai plant in many regions of
Russia and so far have studied the medicinal properties.
Results of the herb-based on the definition of adjustments.



Advantages accruing
Ayxanei energy, stamina, reduces stress, strengthens the immune
system, has antiviral activity. Also, it supports liver function, protect
against osteoporosis, reduces the so-called "bad" cholesterol and
blood sugar, regulate palpitations, enhances memory, helps restore
the body from exposure to radiation and improves vision.

Side Effects
The side effects are uncommon, but if they occur, may include:
drowsiness or insomnia, restlessness, headache. Do not get
eleftherokokko if you are pregnant, if you are taking medications for
hypertension or vascular problems, if you have a fever.

How to get
Brazete and sipping a drink 0,6-3 gr. dried root per day, more than a
month. If contained in a preparation should follow the instructions on
the package.

The scientific studies

Polish scientists believe that the eleftherokokkos a tincture (25 drops 3
times daily) improves oxygenation of the muscles, thereby
strengthening the physical condition of the body and stamina. Also,
based on studies of American University Aiova the use of tincture
eleftherokokkou reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue. To extract also
helps strengthen the immune system, according to German
researchers. Moreover, a positive effect on heart disease, because it
reduces the "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides, according to findings
from a study of the «Phytotherapy Research». Moreover, it reduces
blood sugar and reduces arrhythmias of the heart, according to
Russian and Polish studies.

Viosyntonismos. Can not beat allergies

H your nose runs, your eyes watering, sneezing constantly ... Allergic
rhinitis, you are troubled almost all the time, it leaves you in peace.
Feel concern that grows into thinking that there is no definitive solution
to your problem. And yet, there is support specialists applying
viosyntonismo, What is viosyntonismos
O viosyntonismos based on proven scientific principle of quantum
physics that the cells of our bodies emit and receive electromagnetic
signals. But when the normal electromagnetic communication between


cells disrupted, eg by the insertion of a pathogen, the result is the
manifestation of disease. These types of 'interference' in the
electromagnetic communication between cells can lead and allergens
(eg pollen, dust, food, bee venom), so the event alliergion. For the
purposes of viosyntonismou uses a special device that has the
capacity to receive the electromagnetic vibrations of our body, to
process and return them back to the body, having "clean" pathogenic
"parasites" - always with the handling of trained specialists . For the
treatment of allergies, sent in the body and changed (inverted)
electromagnetic vibrations of allergens are placed in a container
connected to the viosyntonistiki device. "In this way we achieve the
desensitization of the organization. Cancel allergic sensitivity as
"extinguish" a program from the computer, "In Europe, especially in
China, conducted studies in children and adults for implementing
viosyntonismou combating allergies (of atopic dermatidas of rhinitis,
asthma, etc. ), with very good results.
What fights allergies
With the method viosyntonismou can address any form of allergy. The
most common allergies are treated effectively allergies to food, the
venom of bees and wasps and pollen plants. The success rates of the
method to 80%, "this does not mean that viosyntonismos a panacea,"
says Mr. Mougiakou. The method is particularly effective in children
because their bodies have little charges. How to know if anyone but
ultimately apefaisthitopoiithike? "We can not guarantee 100% that the
food, pollen or bee venom will not bother anymore patient. I therefore
call on my patients to continue to carry their medication in case.
Usually, however, pleased to discover that they do not need anymore "

O goal of treatment
With the method viosyntonismou achieved desensitizing the patient to
the allergens in troubles. Same time, the expert attempts to identify
and cope with the help of viosyntonistikis device, the root causes of
allergy-looking, ie, the factors that led to the weakening of the immune
system (eg pathogens aggravating electromagnetic radiation, heavy
metals, etc) - so the effect of desensitization therapy be permanent.

The method of viosyntonismou is painless, without side effects. O
patient sits comfortably in an armchair and the special places in


various parts of the body of the magnetic pads attached to the
viosyntonistiki device. When necessary, the specific place in a
container of the device the allergenic substance in which to regulate
desensitization and appropriate device to "run" to the program. It is
estimated that the desensitization of pollen, dust mites, metals and
hymenoptera venom of 1-2 treatments are sufficient. For food allergies
can take 2-3 repetitions.

The steps of treatment

Step 1: Preparation and diagnosis
The specific controls the body's reaction to certain allergens, which are
chosen based on patient history and his own experience. "We are
looking for the culprit allergen if it has not recognized the patient
himself or has already done an allergy test. This procedure is not
dangerous or have side effects, "says Ms Mougiakou. Meanwhile, the
specialist will use the viosyntonistiki device to diagnose any charges
(eg micro-electromagnetic radiation, etc.) that cause "interference" in
the electromagnetic balance of the body. Then selecting the
appropriate treatment programs, the specialist will cleanse the body of
the patient by these "parasites", paving the way for the best response
to treatment desensitization.
Step 2: Treatment of desensitization
After the pretreatment stage, followed by desensitization therapy in
guilty allergens (the same or next visit). The program runs for each
substance peripou15.

Step 3: abstinence from allergens

After treatment for each allergen, we recommend abstaining from it for
seven days. "Any non-compliance of the patient will be delayed
positive effect of treatment,
The alternatives to be healthy in winter
Ton wise children starve before cooking, "says an old proverb, and we
would do well to bear in mind now that welcome winter. To get cold
and fall into bed, we make sure our defense and strengthen the
immune alternative ways.

Breite in your drink!

Fortunately, the herbs in nature to stimulate the immune system are
many and so if you do not like one, you're sure to find another that
suits your tastes.
The most powerful H echinakeia dramatically enhances the body's


defenses against respiratory infections, and you can get it in the form
of infusion, in tincture or capsules.
Dosage. To make the tea, use 1 tablespoon for each cup echinakeia
water. The boil for 10 minutes, strain and drink. If you want to prevent,
it is to drink 1 cup echinakeia 2-3 times a week, but if you're already
sick, 2 cups of tea for about 4 days is enough. However, because the
body's needs during this period is very high, you can choose the
tincture or tablets, but they take a maximum of 10 days a month and
not more than 2-3 consecutive months. • Use 20 drops of tincture 3
times a day or 2 tablets daily.

Attention. Prolonged H abstraction may lead to an increase in white

blood cells. There should, therefore, for those with elevated white, and
pregnant and nursing women.

Treatment program
If you have a bad cold and want to get over quickly and not
"xanakylisete, you can take 10 days tablets or tincture echinakeias and
the rest of the month to choose one of the drinks we recommend
To prevent
The green tea, tea, the valsamodendro, the licorice is the most popular
beverage for strengthening the "good" bacteria that we need. You can
choose one of them or make a blend with whatever you want. H ratio is
followed in this case is 1 tablespoon of herb per cup of water.
A powerful cocktail

Plug in the mixer 40 gr. echinakeia, 10 gr. Licorice, 90 gr. verbena and
30 gr. walnut leaves, beat to a powder. Pixte 1 teaspoon in a cup of
boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and drain it. Drink the tea every
afternoon and evening. You still have to buy permits capsules to fill
with dust and taking two to the position of the beverage. Children are
half the dose.

Essential oils!
And however, essential oils are not only used in massage, can be
made energy drinks enough to know how. Choose therefore any of the
following recipes to your liking. When you feel the first symptoms of
Pick one of the following recipes and prepare your favorite drink to
have it ready when you need it.


1. In 1 bottle of brandy or rum, cinnamon sticks Place 6. Afiste for 6
days in tightly sealed and the 7th day, remove the cinnamon. Before
you drink, warm up.
2. In 1 liter of alcohol 3 45 degrees put handfuls of dry balm, lemon
peel 1 pinch 5 angelic and leave them for 2 weeks in the shade. Molis
spent this period, filter the mixture, add 1 bunch cilantro, pinch of
nutmeg, 10, 10 pinch of cinnamon and cloves 4 sticks and leave for 48
hours. Before you drink it, drain it.

3. In 1 liter of water, simmer for 20 minutes 25g. flowering tops

melissa, 10 gr. lemon peel, 5 gr. cloves, 5 gr. cinnamon (sticks), 3
nutmeg, coriander seeds 10. When cool, add 250 ml liquor and then
cover the pan for 15 days without kounisete.H usual dose is 1-2
glasses a day and you can drink all winter.
Now please pressures!
Tonoste your immune system with a simple pressure from reflexology
and piesotherapeia that you do your homework yourself.
Natural solutions for skin problems
Before starting any treatment, consult your doctor or a specialist.
Skin conditions such as dry skin, psoriasis, eczema is the rare and not
restricted to a small group of people, and their treatment often requires
time and often recur. With the exception of cases requiring immediate
medical care, the "alternative medicine" can help to improve or to treat
some of them or act in addition to treatment already follow. Boithiste
your skin by following the instructions of experts who asked.
Useful for Psoriasis
Botana Cayenne.
Containing the substance kapsakaini and soothes the pain and itching
by acting on sensory nerves. It is used usually in cream form, which
stretches in the problem. The burning sensation caused by decreasing
applications. Can be used as a tincture, which proposes a 0,3-1 ml,
three times a day.

Arktio (burdock root) considered to detoxify the blood. • Use external

cream, while domestic use is proposed to take in tincture form (2 ml 2
times a day) or capsules (1 capsule 3 times daily).

Thistle (milk thistle).

Recommended if psoriasis is the result of an overburdened liver. You
can get it in tincture form (5 ml 2-3 times a day) in capsule form (2 day)


or in the infusion (2-3 cups a day). The results begin to appear after 8
weeks of receipt.

Because maintaining intestinal balance in cases of psoriasis is
important, it is proposed that the resultant powder to clean the bowel
and the normal functioning of the purge.
For adults. 10 gr. (2 teaspoons) 2 times a day. After 2 weeks, the dose
is 5 grams.
For children. Applicable half the dose.
! To make tea, use 1 teaspoon of herb to each cup of water.

Oils Recipe. In a 30 ml base oil (olive oil, or calendula night flower),

dissolve 10 drops jasmine 10 drops German chamomile, neroli and 5
drops 5 drops of geranium. Now please spread at least one day.
Kineziki medical

Suggested that the combination of herbs Liang Xue Xiao Feng Tang.
Ingredients: • 30 gr. Sheng Di Huang • 15 gr. Sheng Shi Gao • 30 gr.
Bai Mao Gen • 9 gr. Xuan Shen • 12 gr. Zhi Mu • 9 gr. Bai Shao • 15 gr.
Jin Yin Hua • 9 gr. Niu Bang Zi • 9 gr. Jing Jie • 9 gr. Fang Feng • 6 gr.
Gan Cao. Friday: In a bowl (better not be metal), 1 liter of boiled water,
add the herbs and leave over low heat for 45. When the left half of the
water, remove the herbs, tea and split into 2 doses morning and
evening drink.

Aloifi Pu Lian Gao

Ingredients: • 50 gr. Huang Qin • 50 gr. Huang Bai • 400 gr. Vaseline.
Friday Alethete first 2 herbs to a powder and then mixed with the
Vaseline. It uses the ointment 2 times a day.
• These are herbs you can find a powder in capsules. It is
recommended to take 4 capsules 3 times a day.
• The strengths and herbs is an example. O specifically tailored to the
needs of each patient.

Useful for eczema Botana

It is soothing and reduces inflammation and itching sensation. Take
either internally (2-3 cups of tea per day or 25-30 drops of tincture 2


times a day) or externally as a cream.
Sarsaparilla. It may be useful because the anti-inflammatory action. Ti
find capsules (2 per day) and tincture (5 ml 2 times a day).

If the eczema is associated with poor blood circulation, internal and
external decision is considered beneficial, since it is astringent and
tonic properties and stimulates circulation. You can use it like a cream
or as a beverage.
In cream form can also find amamelida, chamomile, calendula, and
stellaria arktio.

Essential oils!
And however, essential oils are not only used in massage, can be
made energy drinks enough to know how. Choose therefore any of the
following recipes to your liking. When you feel the first symptoms of
Pick one of the following recipes and prepare your favorite drink to
have it ready when you need it.
1. In 1 bottle of brandy or rum, cinnamon sticks Place 6. Afiste for 6
days in tightly sealed and the 7th day, remove the cinnamon. Before
you drink, warm up.
2. In 1 liter of alcohol 3 45 degrees put handfuls of dry balm, lemon
peel 1 pinch 5 angelic and leave them for 2 weeks in the shade. Molis
spent this period, filter the mixture, add 1 bunch cilantro, pinch of
nutmeg, 10, 10 pinch of cinnamon and cloves 4 sticks and leave for 48
hours. Before you drink it, drain it.

3. In 1 liter of water, simmer for 20 minutes 25g. flowering tops

melissa, 10 gr. lemon peel, 5 gr. cloves, 5 gr. cinnamon (sticks), 3
nutmeg, coriander seeds 10. When cool, add 250 ml liquor and then
cover the pan for 15 days without kounisete.H usual dose is 1-2
glasses a day and you can drink all winter.
Now please pressures!
Tonoste your immune system with a simple pressure from reflexology
and piesotherapeia that you do your homework yourself.
Natural solutions for skin problems
Before starting any treatment, consult your doctor or a specialist.
Skin conditions such as dry skin, psoriasis, eczema is the rare and not
restricted to a small group of people, and their treatment often requires
time and often recur. With the exception of cases requiring immediate
medical care, the "alternative medicine" can help to improve or to treat


some of them or act in addition to treatment already follow. Boithiste
your skin by following the instructions of experts who asked.
Useful for Psoriasis
Botana Cayenne.
Containing the substance kapsakaini and soothes the pain and itching
by acting on sensory nerves. It is used usually in cream form, which
stretches in the problem. The burning sensation caused by decreasing
applications. Can be used as a tincture, which proposes a 0,3-1 ml,
three times a day.

Arktio (burdock root) considered to detoxify the blood. • Use external

cream, while domestic use is proposed to take in tincture form (2 ml 2
times a day) or capsules (1 capsule 3 times daily).

Thistle (milk thistle).

Recommended if psoriasis is the result of an overburdened liver. You
can get it in tincture form (5 ml 2-3 times a day) in capsule form (2 day)
or in the infusion (2-3 cups a day). The results begin to appear after 8
weeks of receipt.

Because maintaining intestinal balance in cases of psoriasis is
important, it is proposed that the resultant powder to clean the bowel
and the normal functioning of the purge.
For adults. 10 gr. (2 teaspoons) 2 times a day. After 2 weeks, the dose
is 5 grams.
For children. Applicable half the dose.
! To make tea, use 1 teaspoon of herb to each cup of water.

Oils Recipe. In a 30 ml base oil (olive oil, or calendula night flower),

dissolve 10 drops jasmine 10 drops German chamomile, neroli and 5
drops 5 drops of geranium. Now please spread at least one day.
Kineziki medical

Suggested that the combination of herbs Liang Xue Xiao Feng Tang.
Ingredients: • 30 gr. Sheng Di Huang • 15 gr. Sheng Shi Gao • 30 gr.
Bai Mao Gen • 9 gr. Xuan Shen • 12 gr. Zhi Mu • 9 gr. Bai Shao • 15 gr.
Jin Yin Hua • 9 gr. Niu Bang Zi • 9 gr. Jing Jie • 9 gr. Fang Feng • 6 gr.
Gan Cao. Friday: In a bowl (better not be metal), 1 liter of boiled water,
add the herbs and leave over low heat for 45. When the left half of the


water, remove the herbs, tea and split into 2 doses morning and
evening drink.

Aloifi Pu Lian Gao

Recipe: In a 5 ml base oil (olive oil, or calendula night flower), add 5
drops of oil of mastic coating and do at least once a day.
Kineziki medical
Proposed combination of herbs.
Ingredients: • 9 gr. Long Dan Cao • 9 gr. Huang Qin • 9 gr. Zhi Zi • 15
gr. Pu Gong Ying • 15 gr. Zi Hua Di Ding • 12 gr. Lian Qiao • 12 gr. Bai
Xian Pi • 15 gr. Bai Ji Li • 9 gr. Ze Xie • 12 gr. Chi Fu Ling • 9 gr. Che
Qian Zi • 4 gr. Gan Cao. Friday: Follow the procedure described in the
section on psoriasis.
These are herbs you can find a powder in capsules. Advised to take 4
capsules 3 times a day.

Useful for fungi


You can find them in the form of capsules (3 capsules 1-3 times daily)
and in various food products (yogurt, milk). Can be taken as a
precaution, when you take antibiotics to reduce the risk of infestation
by fungi.

TeIodentro. You can use diluted essential oil (get it so the store where
the purchase) for local use in fungal skin (at least 2 times a day),
vaginal suppositories vaginal fungal infection (1 at night), a fungal skin
cream (2-3 times a day), and even dust, in combination with powdered
boric acid for fungus feet (the preparation is made by the pharmacist).

Extractives grapefruit seed. It is used in the form of cream and soap for
several fungal species.

Garlic. Apotrepei growth of Candida and taken either in its original form
or as enterodiaspomenon capsules (1 capsule 2 times daily) or in the
form of tincture (20 drops 2 times a day).



Pigani. It acts as a natural antifungal and can be taken in capsules (2

capsules, 2 times daily), tincture (20 drops, 2 times a day) or in
physical form (2-3 drinks a day).

Oils for foot fungus

Recipe: In a 30 ml oil night flower put 10 drops of tea tree, 10 drops
cypress and thyme 10 or 30 ml almond oil, 5 drops of tea tree, 4 drops
peppermint, myrrh, 4, 5 lemon. The smear on your skin at least once a
Useful for dry skin
H dry skin can be treated using creams or emulsions, with appropriate
components in order to restore the natural balance in the epidermis.
The proposed components are inherent in the arpagofyto the night
flower oil (evening primrose oil), willow extract, calendula and the
necessary vitamin E. To apply follow the instructions on the packaging.

Recipe: In a 30 ml base oil (olive oil, or calendula night flower), add 10
drops neroli, 10 drops of jasmine 10 drops German chamomile. The
layer on your skin at least once a day.


• The essential oil, tea tree should not be used on skin with sores and

• The garlic because of the anticoagulant properties, should be

avoided by people who will undergo surgery or who have low blood

• H taking a large amount vine leaves (the main component of

peroxyacids) can cause nausea and vomiting. Should not be taken by
pregnant and lactating.

• H echinakeia be taken with caution by people allergic to flowers and

to be avoided in patients with autoimmune diseases


Constipation; END!

O modern way of life with the false and fickle diet, stress and utter lack
of physical activity, constipation has a very common problem. If you
and your discomforts constipation, read some of the solutions offered
alternative treatments for relief. Get informed about the practical
treatments, which in fact you can apply immediately.
With the use of appropriate essential oils can help your bowel to
function normally again. • Use essential oils dissolved in an oil
(preferably almond) and then massage in circular movements in the
abdomen. The drives should be clockwise, as this is the direction of
the colon. Making a one gentle massage the abdomen, helping
essential oils that contribute to the activation of the gut to be better
absorbed by the body and go through the lymphatic and circulatory
system. The following recipes contain essential oils that are easy to
find and will cost you dearly.
• In 30 ml almond oil add 13 drops of essential oil of fennel and 13
drops of essential oil of rosemary.
• In 15 ml almond oil add 6 drops black pepper essential oil, 4 drops of
essential oil of basil and 2 drops of fennel.

• Drink the juice of a lemon after adding a tablespoon of baking soda.

To help the bowel function in the morning, you drink a glass of
lukewarm water with some lemon drops.

• Ayxiste fiber in your diet. Foods rich in fiber are cereals, vegetables
and fruits.

• Drink enough water (6-8 glasses a day).

• Avoid long as you sedentary life, which exacerbates the problem of

constipation and may make the bowel to "idle".

• Certain medications (eg antacids) may cause constipation. Tell your

doctor and follow his instructions.

• Do not neglect or postpone the visit to the toilet for no reason.

The yoga exercises that will help you
One approach to yoga that can help you overcome the problem of


constipation is the "cobra". Will stimulate your digestive system and
help it to function normally again. Lie face down with your feet
together, place hands along the body and bring their elbows close to
your body. The palms should be looking down. The fingers "push" hard
floor and the heels look in the opposite direction. Eispneete, just move
the pelvis forward, pushing with the fingers of your foot and lift the
chest and head a few inches from the ground looking straight ahead. H
pelvis should remain stable in the soil. Keep in touch in this position for
about 10 to 15 seconds breathing. Then exhale and download again
the head and chest in their original position.

Askiste appropriate pressure

H piesotherapeia and reflexology can you fanoyn useful in the
treatment of constipation. Askiste therefore cyclical pressures for 2
minutes in the entire region of the arch of the foot, where there are
reflex points in the digestive system. Then, apply a cyclical pressures
in the heel from the inside, below the ankle. During piesotherapeia to
experience constipation, you need to put pressure on circular area of
your waist to buttocks. The pressure should be brought right and left of
the spine. There, is the bladder meridian, where activated function of
the intestines.

H senna is a plant to treat

H senna is one of the herbs renowned for their laxative effect, but
should not be used for more than 10 days, and addictive. You'll find it
in pharmacies and supermarkets in the bag for the manufacture of
beverage. Even, you will find in many laxatives alone or with other
herbs. In the treatment of constipation helps also liquorice. You'll find
in health food stores and herbs. You can chew a licorice stick or make
a decoction. Even, very helpful for treating constipation is synamiki,
chamomile, valerian, and the linseed. Below you will find some useful
information for making beverages from these plants.
Chamomile flowers. For a cup of water, put 10 to 15 flowers. Brazete
and water after removing from heat, add the flowers and leave them
there for 7 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink warm.
Baleriana. It is a very good sedative herb that fights spasticity of the
colon. In one liter of water put 30 gr. leaves, boil, strain and drink the
cup a day.


Linseed. Mouskefete 2 tablespoons in 1.5 liter of water and leave
overnight. The morning, strain and drink during the day. Warning: The
flaxseed should not be used often and for long periods by people
suffering from disorders of the thyroid gland.

Warning! All herbs should be used sparingly

Menopause nature at your doorstep.

H menopause is a normal part of life for women, however, more
worried and experiencing the biological and psychological changes
that accompany the widespread fear and unease. The symptoms vary
from stress by flushing. But there are many ways to address and make
the transition as smooth as possible.
Homeopathy, depending on your temperament Pulsatila for easy
transitions when the woman is often flushed, which are released at
each occasion (sadness, confusion) and may be accompanied by
sweating and "ups and downs" of pressure. Then the need for air is
typical. Also, the period of any vascular or vein problems worsen, the
availability of women is easy swings are melancholic and
impressionable, complain and need support. Lachesis for continued
strength These symptoms are more noisy, the woman is in constant
tension and nervous. It has intense flushing of choking in the throat,
tachycardia and migraines that focus on the left side of the brain.
Sensitive to heat and pressure rise, regardless of whether they
experienced related problem before emminopafsi.Sepia for general
forfeiture There is a general decline in the body and the picture of the
woman is the opposite from that show when given the Lachesis. Can
be flushed while to manifest sensitivity to cold. H Sexual desire drops
dramatically as the pressure and has vaginal fluids, which is not
necessarily pathological. I feel better when in motion, crying for no
reason and introspective.
-The drug is suitable, and the dosage can be decided only by the

H odosTo fragrant chamomile, sage, geranium, cypress, fennel, osier,

rose and melissa are phytoestrogens and helps regulate hormones. In
addition, chamomile is an anti-inflammatory and soothing and is
suitable for hot flashes, like melissa. The sage tones and revitalizes
your body, the geranium fights stress, and antidepressant, and the
wicker is recommended for almost all gynecological problems. Select
also lemon and mint, if you have dizziness and vomiting.


How to use them. Massage: In 30 ml almond or neutral emulsion Put 7
drops of geranium and cypress 5 drops of wicker, 4 drops of
chamomile or fennel and sage 2. Now please massage the whole body
for about 1 hour. Eispnoes: In a scarf, put a few drops of peppermint
and melissa, if you feel flushed. Crystal: a half glass of water, add 2
drops of essential oil of lemon or mint.
The essential oil of rose is the best for treating symptoms of
menopause but are unfortunately very expensive (cost of 5 ml # 40-
50). If you decide to buy it, dissolve in 30 ml 18 drops almond oil and
massage all over your body.

Recipes with Herbs

H wicker help address many symptoms and balance hormones.
Brazete in 1 cup water 1 teaspoon for 10-15 ripe fruit and drink 2 times
a day.
For anxiety and depression. If you are experiencing severe stress and
bad mood, consider St. John's Wort. With the leaves and flower Make
tea, you drink 3 times a day, boil in 1 cup water 1-2 teaspoons dried
herb to 10. Also, if peace is what you are missing, then select
panagiochorto. Take 10-60 grams. and cook in 2 cups water 10.
Arkoun 2-3 cups to relax.
For sensitivity to heat. It is the usual period symptoms of menopause,
and Aloe vera gel will cool. Anakatefete 1 teaspoon of the gel in 1 cup
water and drink 2 times a day.
For sleep disturbances. Prefer to combine valerian with Passion, if
your sleep is restless. Plug 2 teaspoons of each, and cook for 15 to 2
cups water.
A Chinese cocktail for your health 12 gr. edited Remania Glutinosa | 6
gr. cranberries | 4,5 gr. Rz. Alismatis | 3 gr. root Daffodils | 3 gr. Willow
bark | 4,5 gr. Poria Cocos | 6 gr. Yam | 4,5 gr. Mu Dan Pi (a type of red

Brazete all the herbs together in 3 cups water for 30 minutes and
strain. Then xanavrazete the same herbs to 2 cups water for 20
minutes, stirring first with the second liquid and drink 1 cup in the
morning and 1 evening. What helps: In the hot flushes, hypertension,
night sweating, restless sleep, feeling the heat and dryness of the
mouth, throat and vagina.

 Treat migraines
The migraines are not just a headache, that can pass coming out in the


fresh air, perhaps taking a mild painkiller. O migraine pain is
unbearable and disrupts the entire organization. Located on one side
of the head, hence the term "migraine" - but can be dispersed
throughout the head and alternate from one side of the head to
another. On the lines below, you can learn about alternative methods
of dealing with migraines. Remember, however, two things: first, that
an effective treatment is important to take a good history from the
therapist to whom you refer, and secondly that alternative therapies
are not magic! We can help you also avoid the situation as possible,
what you know your triggers crises.

The "identity" of a migraine attack

Before the crisis, 25% of cases present the aura, characterized by
changes in the perception of light (for example, "flies", "Astrakhan),
muscle weakness and extreme mood changes (eg depression ).
O head pain is vibrant (impulsive). Often accompanied by nausea,
vomiting and worse from light, noise and strong odors.
The factors that trigger a crisis is psychological but also physical stress
(exposure to cold, weather changes, fatigue and lack of sleep), and the
empty stomach (due to hypoglycemia). Furthermore, releasing factors
of the crisis are some foods (eg cheese, chocolate, alcohol), the food
intolerances and some nutritional deficiencies (riboflavin, magnesium).
The frequency of seizures varies-can occur once a month or a week,
but severe cases can occur even daily. A crisis usually lasts a few
hours, but may go even after three days! Those who suffer from
frequent seizures, usually have previously used another type of
headache, tension headache (described as tightness in the head with
intense pain in the neck), which triggers the mechanism of migraine.

A female problem
In our country there are about 1 million migraineurs patients, of whom
2 / 3 are women. Estrogen, the most female hormones, allegedly
played a role in the onset of migraine (eg the top of the monthly cycle).
Homeopathy: Solves the problem
O goal of homeopathic treatment is to reduce the intensity and
frequency of migraine crises, aiming to stop them completely.
Homeopathic medicines, however, are not painkillers. Active "energy"
enhancing the powers of the agency. Although the proper selection of
homeopathic medicine depends on the patient's temperament, they
are often granted:


• Belladona: The classic image of the administration of Belladonna is
flushing his head and cold extremities. O pain is mostly located on the
right side of the head. O patient discomfort particularly in the light and
noise. He wants to lie down, as long as the crisis. Relieved with cold
• Lachesis: O pain of migraine is located on the left side of the head. O
sufferer feels that he ascended the blood on his head and wants to
cool compresses. Located in a tense and feels a strong need to say
nothing to defuse the tension he feels - and if that sounds strange. The
Lachesis is given more frequently in women.

• Spingelia: O pain located on left side of the head, especially behind

his left eye, and reflected in the poll. The face is pale and cold and the
victim is vomiting.
• Sanguinaria: O pain of migraine is located behind the right eye and
reflects on the neck. O sufferer is vomiting and discomfort in the heat.
• Pulsatila: It is women's medicine. The characteristics of the crisis is
not much.
• Mint: The action is analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, emollient and
diuretic (avoid, but if you have heavy bleeding days of menstruation).
Considered coercive stress and
Sanguinaria: O pain of migraine is located behind the right eye and
reflects on the neck. O sufferer is vomiting and discomfort in the heat.
• Pulsatila: It is women's medicine. The characteristics of the crisis is
not much. Usually, migraine occurs after a distress or because of
exposure to sunlight or a closed space and the sufferer feel better
when they found a cooler environment.
• Lycopodium: O pain of migraine is located on the right side of the
head and spread throughout the head. The crisis manifests itself in the
afternoon between 15.00 and 20.00. Often the sufferer has digestive
problems (flatulence).

Acupuncture: "turns away" migraines

O acupuncture contributes demonstrably to address migraine,
especially preventive, reducing the intensity and frequency of the
problem, but directly, the hour of crisis. O acupuncture is particularly
effective (80%) to relieve tension headache in migraineurs before the
crisis, "breaking" so the vicious circle leading to migraine. Regarding
the actual present-migraineurs before which no reflected tension
headache, acupuncture is effective in 50% of cases. Certain of the
classic signs are placed on the needles of the therapist is at the


temples, forehead, between eyebrows, ears, back of head, neck, back
of the hand where the thumb joins the index, and and foot, where the
first finger binds to the second. Primarily, however, the acupuncture
points are determined by a detailed history of the individual.

Herbs that relieve

Certain herbs help in dealing with migraines, especially when taken
precautions (3 times a week). Herbs that may be beneficial to you is:
• Mint: The action is analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, emollient and
diuretic (avoid, but if you have heavy bleeding days of menstruation).
• The Passion: The Passion of the leaves are rich in flavonoids. It is an
herb with soothing, sedative and anticonvulsant properties (avoid
taking it if taking antidepressants type MAO - monoamine Mono-
• Lavender: The flowers have a calming, relaxing and anticonvulsant
activity. Its capacity to stimulate the uterus, it is recommended to avoid
• The tilio: Flowers and leaves tiliou have sedative and anticonvulsant
activity. It helps you to relax and soothe tension.
• The Valerian: The root of valerian is a painkiller and ypnagogo action,
improves digestion, reduces stress and acts as a muscle spasmolytic
(avoid, but taking the medications while ypnagoga).

• The melissa: The herb that soothes the nervous system. It has
sedative, anticonvulsant and emollient properties.
• Chamomile: It is ideal to combat migraines. Considered coercive
stress and nervous tension.
• Louisa: The leaves and flowers have anticonvulsant activity and
How will you prepare. Pour a teaspoon of the herb in a cup with boiled
water and leave it covered for 8-10 '. Also, a practical solution is the
tincture (sold in pharmacies). Put 4-5 drops of the tincture in a cup of
hot water, add some lemon and drink.

Reflexology is a technique pressures in some parts (of the limbs and
ears) that "correspond" reflective in any organ. Reflexology can relieve
a migraine attack directly, but primarily helps preventive apofortizontas
body from tension and strengthening the defense. Then, mention some
key points that pressing the (loud!) Can relieve the pain (pushing the
hand or ear on the side of your head hurts).


The fingers of the hand. Press with a circular motion of the fingers of
the hand one by one, both in length and sideways. Maintain pressure
for 1 '. The fingers correspond to the head and the base of the fingers
on the neck. If your migraine is located in front of the head, insist more
on the area around the nail and over it.
O lobe of the ear. With the index finger and thumb, press hard, the
lobe of your ear for 40 "making a circular motion. O lobe corresponds
to the head. If the pain is located in front of the head, then apply
pressure to the inside of the pod (to your cheek).
O thumb. Press firmly for 1, the base of the flange and the outside
edges of the thumb at the height of the flange, but a little lower. Let
your finger to push any "lakkouvitsa" to join the course. This region
corresponds to the neck.
The ozone therapy
Today, many doctors apply ozone therapy to treat migraines and
indicate that the success rates exceeding 85%. The ozone therapy is
applied as follows: O doctor takes your blood (100-150 ml), which
collects donations in a bag (as is also the donation). Subsequently,
enriched with ozone and your epanametangizei immediately - without
the needle out of hand. O precise mechanism of this method is not fully
known: presumably acting at the level of neurotransmitters in the brain.
The ozone therapy is effective for the treatment of tension headache,
only in this case are injecting ozone directly over the muscles to twitch
(eg in the neck, temples).

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese method (meaning "finger pressure")
exerted the same parts of the body which applies acupuncture to
relieve the vital energy of body. Apply a precautionary measure, but
can also offer immediate relief, so we mention some key points
(always choose the edge is on the same side as the side of your head
The angle between the finger and thumb. Grasp the finger and thumb
of other hand made this point in the back of your hand and then,
making a circular motion for 1 '. In this way, unloaded the action of
large cavities of the body (head, respiratory and gastrointestinal
O neck. With 3 fingers of your hand (index, middle, ring finger) press 1
', making a circular motion, the "lakkouvakia" formed at the base of the
skull. This pressure relieves tension in neck and head.
O fruit. 2 Press the entire area around your wrist, where it joins the


palm of your hand. "Track" area, focusing on the side "channels". The
pressure of these points helps to defuse the tension of the neck and

The essential oils soothe the pain

Certain essential oils can help alleviate directly the pain of migraine,
because, inter alia, sedative, analgesic and sedative action. These
include lavender, chamomile, mint, bergamot, marjoram and verbena.
Essential oils can be used:
In aromatic tale: Take 3 drops of each essential oil (to three different)
in an aromatic lamp. Once you begin to boil, then inhale for 5-10 '.

- pads: In a bowl with warm water, add 2 drops Bergamot and 2

drops of chamomile. Dip a cotton cloth and then compresses
the head. But if you know that your migraine is triggered due to
an allergic sensitivity, prefer cold compresses with lavender
and peppermint. Massaging the temples: Throw in a 10 ml
beaker and add chamomilelaio 6 drops of essential oil of
marjoram. Then massage the neck and temples.
No more stones
Many people compare the pain caused by kidney stone to that
of birth. Just how valid, but such a claim they can tell only
those who have lived both experiences. The doubt is,
however, speaking from personal experience, that a strong
Renal colic causes unbearable pain and you might be unable
to make anything. O best therefore to avoid this hassle is to
not spend it all, in other words, prevention! If, however, have
already experienced the problem, you would like to know is
whether and how to prevent a future krousma.Diavaste advice
from experts and improve your life.

Mystiko the diet drug

O combination of balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and
exercise is the best prevention for this painful kidney problems.
H intake of large quantities of water and generally liquid like
tea, coffee and juice, that can help prevent the formation of


crystals. Notwithstanding the recommendation of the stones
formed, the consumption of 2-3 liters of water a day to prevent
crystallization of salts. An easy way to tell if you get plenty of
fluids is the color of your urine. The more lighter is better. Also,
a diet which avoids excessive consumption of salt and animal
protein has a beneficial effect. Good stuff, then, to restrict the
intake of protein foods like red meat, poultry, fish, eggs and
cheese. Conversely, the frequent consumption of fruits and
vegetables acts as a safeguard, because they supply the body
with significant amounts of potassium and composition is such
that prevents the formation of crystals of calcium and uric acid.
Finally, it should consume arbitrarily large doses of calcium
supplements and vitamin C. Sure, the same recommendations
apply if you have already presented a problem.
If it is a bit late to take preventive measures, there are many
herbs that can help you.

Beltiotika renal function

The following herbs help to better mineral metabolism and all
substances that reach the kidneys and cause stones. The
most active plants for the improvement of renal function is
artichoke leaf, and the taraxako arktostafylos. You also can
use sheets of mulberry, elderberry, clover and willow, cornel,
chamomile, hypericum, sage, and fennel tilio.

How to prepare: H artichokes, taraxako the willow and

Hypericum tinctures are recommended to drink before dinner.
Choose one of these, dilute 40 drops in a little water and drink
up to 3 times a day. H cornel, mulberry leaves, elderberry and
clover are infusions. Should consume 2-3 cups a day. With
chamomile, fennel and tilio you make injectors, from which you
drink 2-3 cups a day. The same make and sage.


The most active diuretic whiskers are corn, artichoke and
nettle. You also can use seeds or anise Amarantos,
cappuccino, hazel, Hypericum, violets, marjoram, ververida,
pine, poplar leaves, hops or olive, mint, cherries vorago or

How to prepare: All these are herbal teas, from which you
drink 2-3 cups a day. Only seed and anise Amarantos require
grinding in a mortar before cooking.

The refreshments for the breakout urinary can sometimes be

more effective when boiled with white wine instead of water,
wine bind better therapeutic agents.

Also, try
• 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon
lemon juice 3 times a day.
• You, even to drink 2 glasses a day injectors grass polykompi
cedar and fruit in equal proportions.

H input of homeopathy
Each case of colic and kidney stones is different and providing
appropriate treatment requires a comprehensive review of
physical and mental image of the patient.

Berberis: It is the best medication for kidney stones. Sponsor

by in cases characterized by severe pain, which is reflected by
the kidneys in the abdomen and the bladder.
 Cantharis: It is recommended in cases where severe pain is
reflected in different directions, accompanied by burning and
constant tendency to urinate.
Arsenicum: Sponsor by when the patient has severe pain, he


feels concern and can not remain motionless in one place.
Ocimum cannum: It is recommended in cases where the
patient has intense colic who sometimes accompanied by
blood in the urine.
Dosage: H standard dose for all four drugs is 1 capsule daily
on an empty stomach. However, the choice of the capsule and
the content of the active substance can be determined only by
the homeopath.

The pressures ease

Upright or supine position, find the front midline of your body,
namely the central, vertical line that starts from the head,
passes through the navel and continues in the region.
Entopiste the pubic symphysis and insert your finger about a
half finger on the base. Squeeze out the means to this point,
without causing pain, and after a few minutes leave gently. H
pressure point is very helpful in addressing problems related to
the bladder.

'Open' your lungs

Rarely, we think that our respiratory system is essential to our
lives. We both assumed that we breathe ... And even more
rarely think that we must ensure the proper functioning of our
lungs. Weather, therefore, to change the data! There are
alternative ways to "enlarge" the capacity of your lungs, but
also to "activate" their defense. Also, there are herbs and
essential oils that stimulate the respiratory function, but other
ways such as meditation, which help to fight respiratory
allergies season!
Get rid of unnecessary air
H fast and shallow breathing, the characteristic way in which
we breathe when we are nervous, is leaving more and more
"useless" air in our lungs. O wind is odd because after he gave
the oxygen remained in the lung, occupying vital space, rather
than eliminated by expiration. With two simple exercises, but
you can still enlarge the capacity of your lungs.


Take a deep breath, counting up to five air and filling the belly
and your chest. Ekpnefste slowly counting up to six (the end
try to take more than an aspiration). Epanalavete 10 times.
Pull a loud cry (eg ourliaxte "no"). The bad news is that you will
hear us! So, do it when conditions allow. It is a great way to
relieve the tension in your chest, especially when you're angry.

Xtypiste your sternum

O how to beat O. .. Tarzan's chest in the movies seems that it
was finding a director, but a way to keep strong the lungs!
Mimitheite So, the hero of the jungle:
Xtypiste with your fists your chest rhythmically and vigorously.
With this move, activated thymus gland, located high in the
center of the breastbone, and contributes to the immune
system. Try this exercise especially when you feel that you
have 'cut' breath. It is a direct way to ease your respiratory
Another body part that you press to breathe freely, especially
when that stress you feel to "choke" - is on the left side of the
sternum, near the armpit. In acupuncture, this point
corresponds to the meridian of the lungs. We understand that
you found the right place when pushing it with four fingers of
right hand, feel a mild pain.

The essential oils cleanse

There are essential oils can stimulate the function of your
respiratory system.
The massage over the body with essential oils will help your
respiratory function and help you get rid of the slime. To
prepare the oil massage, drop in 30 ml almond oil 8 drops of
essential eucalyptus oil, 5 drops peppermint essential oil and 5
drops of essential oil of black pepper.
The inhaling the fragrance lamp will help to "open" the
respiratory system. Pixte the lamp to 3 essential oils together


to 6 drops total. The essential oils that you can take is
peppermint, camphor, ginger, eucalyptus, cedar and juniper.
The drinks are of benefit to the lungs

Thyme: The decoction of thyme has apochremptiki and

antiseptic action. Etoimaste boiling a tablespoon of thyme in a
cup of water. The thyme is a good choice for smokers,
particularly afflicting the lungs. In addition, you can also gargle
with thyme drink 2-3 times a day.

Elderberry: The injectors of elderberry has emollient,

apochremptiki and antimicrobial activity. And often given to
children to combat cough.

Linseed: Pixte a half cup of boiling water, one teaspoon of

linseed, half a teaspoon of thyme and half a teaspoon of
oregano. After ten minutes, drain and add a spoonful of honey.
It is an emollient drink and anti-inflammatory action that
enhances the body's defenses and stimulates respiration.

O meditation is not easy - and it can take three months to ...
succeed! But it is effective. The following exercise meditation
can help heal you, especially if suffering from respiratory
allergies in the spring.
Oramatisteite that you are in a beautiful farm with animals.
Around you but there is dust, hair and the smell of manure.
Kanoni should develop wheezing and coughing. Thing you
envision, but you do not "catch" anything. Think in this area
very well and you start to inhale and exhale deeply!

5 magic remedies for healthy lungs

The following magic remedies help expectoration, but you can

not use and prevention.



1.Tiganiste without oil, coriander seeds. Pixte them then in

boiling water, drain them and drink the broth.

2.Pixte half teaspoon powdered Kourkouas a glass of warm

water and drink. O turmeric has bronchodilation effect.

3.Pixte in boiling water a pinch of hot pepper and 1 / 2

teaspoon ginger. Then on 10 minutes, drain, add a tablespoon
of honey and drink. We feel that 'clean' respiratory passages of
your organization and you expectoration. You can prepare the
drink only hot pepper and lemon or lime.

4.Balte one tablespoon olive oil in your mouth and "flip" the
continuously for ten minutes until you feel that the only thing
left in your mouth is a leptorrefsti substance like water. Shortly
after, you feel a knot collects mucus in your throat. After
cleaning your neck, and brush your tongue.

5.Pixte purified in a jar of garlic cloves to the waist. In the

present then fill the jar with honey and leave in a cool, bright
place covered with tulle, until the cloves fall to the bottom. You
eat a spoonful every morning to strengthen the protection of
your lungs, but when you cough or sore throat

5 "other" proposals for menstrual pain

Most women feel pain during the season sometimes very

intense. H state, known as dysmenorrhea, often affects their
daily lives. If there is a gynecological problem, but
nevertheless the pain persists, you should try ...
 Belladona: It is recommended for women with very severe
pain, a focus throughout the region of the lower abdomen


(from hip to hip). Characteristic is the high bleeding and bright
red blood. The women who belong to this type are offended by
the slightest bump, which may be subjected, often feel hot,
while the hours of pain have cold extremities. H dosage can be
started from the 200 CH.
Calcarea phosphorica: It is recommended when the pain is
located in the back. There is here a large hemorrhage and the
blood is red, if the woman is unwell these days, and if the dark
period of delay. Common features are feeling the cold time of
intense pain and nervousness. H metrorrhagia may be
accompanied by clots (bits of blood). Usually the pain is worse
in the morning. H dosage can be started from the 200 CH.
Chamomilla: For women nervously demanding that heated
easily. H large amount of blood with dark clots and the
similarity of pain with the pain of childbirth are common
features. In addition, the patient is sensitive to touch nipples
during menstruation, but in general. H dosage can be started
from the 200 CH.

H Yoga helps considerably to relieve the intense pain of the
season. Good stuff though is to avoid the exercises the first
two days of the season. When you feel intense pain, your
breathing during the exercises should not be too deep, but try
to bring the air into your diaphragm. In this way is a kind of
massage on the abdomen will relieve you.
Aitheria oils
The essential oils can act both preventive and repressive.
Ideal, however, is to use them 4 days before your period, or if
you have unstable cycle as soon as the warning signs.
- Very strong action are chamomile (also called "oil of the
uterus), the geranium, rosemary, verbena in (clary sage) and
mint. You can use them separately or together and massage
the area of your belly. Sure, the more essential oils combine,
the more drastic will be the result. H ratio is the total of 3 drops


of essential oils (prior period) or 5 drops (during the period
when you feel intense pain) per 5 ml of any vegetable oil (eg
almond). Make massage in circular movements from right to
left until it absorbed the oil.

Recipes for strong results

- In 20 ml of almond oil add 4 drops of geranium, peppermint,
chamomile (Roman) and lavender.
- In 20 ml of almond oil add 5 drops of verbena and kagiepouti
(cayeput) and 4 drops of chamomile (Roman), cypress and

Tip: After massaging the abdominal area, covered with a

blanket and stay in this relaxed position for a while. The
essential oils will penetrate the body and trigger the self
healing mechanisms.
Warning! Do not get frustrated if they do not feel immediate
relief. If you are patient, you will notice a gradual improvement
in the coming months.

The sage, chamomile and tilio in the form of infusion is most
appropriate to relieve the intense pain of the season. You can use
separately or in combination.
- Braste sage tilio water. Then add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil
for effective results.
- Braste water. Molis download it from the heat, pour the chamomile.
Drain and if you add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil.
- Tip: H ratio to create a concoction of 1 teaspoon of herb per cup of
Without headache
There are many types of headaches and perhaps even to "ally" to
harass us even more. For example, a headache caused by tension in
muscles, can increase the frequency and duration of a migraine, and
vice versa. H medicine, but experience tells us that almost anything
can cause a headache: The stress, strong emotions, some food, noise,


light, odors, weather changes, hormonal disorders. If our response to
frequent headache is painkillers, perhaps we should rethink our
position. After So after a medical examination and the necessary
certification exam that is not our headache pathological causes, we
can look more natural solutions to correct it. Aytes based on changes
in the way we live, eat, we see our bodies, so, we not only relieve pain
but to deter. Moreover, headache is often simply a signal emitted by
the body to show us that we need peace, sleep, exercise and better

The species most commonly headaches

Kefalalgia voltage
O most common headache comes from the muscles in the neck and
shoulders. Caused by bad posture, as when we spend hours in front of
the computer from sleep or anxiety. O pain is short, usually on both
sides of the head.

It is a myth that the migraines have psychological causes,
psychological mood might just be the reason for their appearance. The
causes are biochemically and often the legacy of our parents. Often,
just before they come to give us signs of nausea, dizziness, flashes of
light. O pain is vibrant and often focus on one side of the head.
Athroistiki headache
Fortunately, this is a rare type of headache because the pain is
horrible. The patients have a headache for periods 1-2 months
following discontinuation for months or years after recurrence of
headache. O pain is pervasive, usually over one eye and forehead.

Aychenogenis headache
At some damage to the cervical vertebra, or a sudden movement of
the neck can cause headaches with pulsating pain that resembles that
of migraine.
Arketes foods are opening the door to a headache. The most common
are sausages, food fermented, such as bread, cheese, beer, wine, and
caffeine. That does not mean that everyone has their own sensitivities.
Too often, headache or enhanced direct result of the lack of specific
information from the body. The metal effective against headaches is
magnesium, which relaxes the muscles. If you eat organic vegetables,


you need not supplement magnesium. But if not, then maybe you
should ask your doctor about any dietary supplement because
magnesium 300-500 mg daily is necessary. The magnesium is more
effective when taken in combination with vitamin B2, which raises
energy levels in the body and helps in better functioning of the nervous
system. H B2 is found in fresh spinach in peas, eggs, cereals, pasta
and wholemeal bread.

Sore throat
The lozenges, sprays and solutions for a sore throat stopped available
on the French market, according to the announcement of the French
Service Ygeionomikis Health Insurance Products. O reason for their
withdrawal? Found that topical antibiotic that provide these medicines
are ineffective for the treatment of pharyngitis, pain and inflammation in
the throat. In addition, the abused foster the development of microbes
resistant to antibiotics. H decision of the French authorities was
received in the French and European program on the proper use of
antibiotics. Pending changes can make such a move and Greece, we
suggest alternative ways to fight sore throats, usually "hits" in recent
months and is very annoying.
O throat of winter. O throat is often the autumn and winter months,
especially if your body's defenses are weakened and do not protect
your body from the invasion of cold. The symptoms that you notice is
an itchy feeling in the throat, difficulty swallowing, a slight irritation of
the tonsils (but there is considerable swelling of the tonsils, or
accumulation of pus) and runny nose. As we explained to the doctor
and herbal Mr. Alexander Tilikidis, herbs appropriate for sore throats
caused by cold are called hot herbs.

Liquorice Syrup. H licorice root with a sweet taste and emollient

properties. It creates a sweet sensation that softens the annoying itch
sore throat. To prepare syrup, boil it should be 15 gr. Liquorice (just
over a tablespoon) to 5 cups water for 45-60 minutes, until the root to
release all its sweetness and make syrup. It will then gargle and then
drink it. Warning: If you have hypertension, do not take licorice

Pofima sage. The Sage is a herb with antiseptic action that softens
sore throat. I will prepare as you make tea of the mountain. It will boil a


cup of water will pour a tablespoon of sage and leave for 2-3 minutes.
Sourosete After the drink, you gargle. If you want you can swallow.
The challenge, however, is to wet the area sufficiently irritated throat,
so I made the crystal.

Paki with honey and herbs. The rakomelo is a great nostrum for sore
throats. Fill half a cup of tea with raki and dissolved in it a tablespoon
of honey. Then pour the mixture into a pot and heat it. If you want you
can add to the mixture of clove, cinnamon, anise and rosemary, or
belonging to hot herbs. Molis prepare the mixture, gargle and then
drink it.

Pofima with garlic and ginger. This is a beverage with antiseptic and
emollient action. Pixte a cup of water, two cloves of garlic and two thin
slices of fresh ginger root (ginger). Simmer the mixture for 10 minutes.
You can add lemon and honey for flavor and aroma. Sip your drink,
you definitely after some gurgling.
Pofima with echinakeia. H echinakeia is a flower that helps boost the
defense system and through this global action can have
antidepressant effects and sore throat. To prepare the drink, pour a
cup of water 2 tablespoons echinakeia. Braste the flower for 2-3
minutes. Now please gargle then drink the beverage.

Find herb that suits you

The drinks we propose is not a panacea. Like some painkillers may
not be your "catch", so some herbs can be matched to some and not
to others. That is not something we can know in advance the herbal.
The same your body is what will show when "accept" a nostrum and
benefit from it. So, do not paraxenefteite if your sore throat gone with
garlic and ginger and a cup of sage is most efficient for your partner.
You therefore have to try even different herbs each day to see what is
best for you. In general, drink more than three drinks (of the same
herb) per day. When the tonsils are swollen throat When combined
with intense swelling and pus on the tonsils, formed the so-called cold
herbs, according to the doctor and herbal Mr. Tilikidi. Most are able to
see if we have a common cold accompanied by sore throat and runny
or if you have swollen tonsils us, especially if suffering from frequent


tonsillitis. However, it is you consider a doctor to be sure which of the
two cases is that your sore throat. You should remember that some
herbs, if not used correctly, eg and suitable for the common cold sore
throat, used for a sore throat of tonsillitis, it may worsen the pain rather
than relieve him.

Pofima of honeysuckle. The honeysuckle has anti-inflammatory effect

and helps in the elimination of pus on the tonsils. To prepare the drink,
you pour a cup of water 15 gr. honeysuckle flower from and boil for 5
minutes. Drink on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating.

Pofima rhizoma-coptides (huang lian)

  This is a Chinese herb widely used in Asian countries and is very
effective. You'll find shops with herbs. To prepare the drink will be
boiling 9 g. huang lian two cups water for 20 minutes. Drink the drink
half an hour before eating. (The Herbal do not know exactly how
Chinese herbs are grown in the Greek land. Probably be the
equivalent of huang lian, but have not identified yet.)

Cold herbs
To understand the meaning of the cold nature of an herb will help you
the example of cactus. O cactus growing in dry and warm
environment. To cope with these conditions develop cold and wet
nature. It is no coincidence that the cactus desert quenching can help!
All cacti are not an isolated example. The same goes for watermelon,
which is more sweet and cool but most are dry and warm environment
in which it grows.
Cold herbs. Aloi, cucumber, honeysuckle flower, wicker, peony,
pentanefro, spearmint, chamomile, chrysanthemum.
Warm herbs
The ginger is a good example to understand the nature of a warm
herb. The ginger, kind of reed growing in moist environments (lakes,
swamps, marshes), the interior is empty, ie inside is dry and hot, so it
is hot. In other words, many herbs are developing energy against


nature than that which prevails in the area thrive. However, others are
developing similar energy nature, such as the chili peppers, grown in a
warm environment and thrives in the summer.
Warm herbs. Cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, thyme, salepi, ginger, chili
pepper, cumin, fennel

Ayxiste your libido in 1 minute

Kapote sex had a leading role in your life. Ton Lately, however, you
notice that your mood has fallen sharply. If your problem is not
abnormal, then reflexology can help you tackle the situation effectively.
Dr. O. Michael Kyriakidis, medical graduate, physiotherapist and
president of the Greeks Peflexologon suggests 4 ways-depending on
the cause of your problem, to retrieve your lost appetite and improve
your sex life. The only thing you need is 1 minute of your time!

Why not indicated

Women during pregnancy it is advisable not only perform under
pressure at home. A specialist has the necessary experience and
knowledge to handle such, sensitive situations. The same goes for
people with very serious health problems. Also, during menstruation
pressures have become more widely (ie, if your period lasts 5-7 days,
then pressure 1 or 2 times) and the time is half (30 instead of 1). In this
way, you avoid high blood flow.

To get results, you need to repeat the pressure of at least 2 times a

week. If the problem is severe, you can perform these exercises 3 or
even 4 times a week, gradually decreasing frequency. If you know
where is your sexual coldness, orient the corresponding pressure. If
you feel that your problem is serious, but you are not able to determine
the cause, then a combination of exercises that we recommend.
! If you encounter a serious problem for long enough, contact a doctor
or reflexologist to identify the root causes and tackle the situation

When you feel exhausted


What to do: Now a circular motion with your thumb in the foot in the
center of the heel, for 1 minute.
What helps: In the center of the heel are the reflex points that affect
the nerves and related to the reproductive system. It is an ideal move if
you do not have that erotic mood fatigue and nervous tension.
When you have a lot of stress
What to do: Remove small circles with your thumb on the reflective
point of the "solar plexus" for 1 minute. This point is at the base of the
"ball" of tread on lakkouvaki is formed in the width between the second
and third finger.
What helps: The "solar plexus" is the point where the accumulated
stress and tension. If, therefore, lack of sexual interest is primarily due
to the stressful everyday life, these pressures will prove useful. It will
improve the breathing, but your attitude towards lifeIf you are not
available because they are trying to conceive
What to do: Make a circular thumb pressures lakkouvaki located in the
inner corner of the heel behind the ankle for about 1 minute. Then the
corresponding motion and outside of the heel.
What helps: The specific points of the heel associated with the
reproductive system (specifically, the inner corner of the heel
associated with prostate and the uterus and the outside of the testes
and ovaries). If the organic problem you are depriving your sexual
availability, these pressures are ideal for you.

Relieve pain from rheumatic

The pains in the joints, often, depending on the condition that causes
them are accompanied by stiffness, swelling, difficulty moving,
employing many people, often young. In short, all these can be called
rheumatic pains, which are either mild or more pronounced, affecting
the quality of life by restricting mobility. If you afflict such pain, it is
appropriate to explore with the help of a specialist. Apart from drugs
and what might you recommend a doctor, there are suggestions of
alternative therapies that can help you prevent the establishment of


the problem when it is in the early stages, but also to troubleshoot

But you yourself can apply some of these methods:

• Make a circular motion pressing the base of the nail and hand-
knotted finger (the central articulation) for 1 'in each area. Will help to
defuse the pain and the therapeutic stimulation of the body. All
alternative therapies can be combined with taking medication as
recommended by your doctor. Make a foot bath with warm water and
salt, which has the capacity to absorb the inflammation. The foot bath
can be made every day for 5-10, the evening before bedtime.

To relieve rheumatic pains, there are many herbs that can help you.
You therefore have to choose between:
• Arpagofyto (Devil's claw). We put the evening a small handful of the
herb in a glass of water and one morning we drink it (you can continue
this treatment from 1 to 3 months).

• Seeds of celery. We make a decoction by boiling the seeds (1 pinch)

for 5 minutes in a cup of water, then the sourosete and drink 1 cup a
day for 3 months.

• Willow / or nettles. We make a poured, which will drink once a day.

For each cup of boiling water, put 2 tablespoons herb, leave for 15, the
strain and drink the same day, otherwise it loses its properties.

• Ginger. In 1 / 2 pound of water to boil for 10 1 ginger root. Because it

is bitter, you will need to add honey or brown sugar. You can drink it
every evening for 10 days or so.

  Precious and cool

And though, the drink is traditionally consumed in winter and can
accompany your summer evenings. Can you get used to hot, but the
warming is not a reason to part with them, and deprived of the benefits


on health. Take, then, your favorite beverage, convert it to a refreshing
drink and enjoy. One particularly adept at manufacturing method does
not exist. You make only as directed, tea or injectors and put in the
fridge or add ice cubes. The beneficial components of the raw
materials are not wasted.
- To take advantage of the beneficial properties of beverages, mainly
of herbs, must drink 2-3 cups a day. If, for example, many coffee drink
or many drinks, you can replace most of the drinks.
- To enrich the flavor, add a few drops of lemon in everything but the
wild rose.

Ginger has spasmolytic properties, so it is used as a digestive.
Combats indigestion and is very effective in preventing nausea and
vomiting. Also, a complementary treatment for inflammatory conditions
such as osteoarthritis.
Instructions for use: Boil 10 grams. roots in water for 10 minutes and
expect so much more to get the temperature. Then refrigerate or add
some ice cubes. You can accompany it with brown sugar for more

The flowers are those used for pharmaceutical purposes. Among other
things, recommended for insomnia and nervous tension, as it has
calming and soothing properties. After a strenuous day, you relax.
Instructions for use: Make injectors boiling water first. Then, let the
herb for 10 minutes in water and then strain. Expect to get room
temperature and refrigerate.

Green tea
  The antioxidants contained in suppressing the proliferation of
cancerous cells. A tonic, slows the aging process, reduces the
psychophysiological stress, help prevent cardiovascular disease,
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Instructions for use: If you are a doctor, you make injectors, which drop


to 5 cents per bag in boiling water. If you have the herb in its natural
form, you make tea. Boil for 7 minutes 1 tablespoon of tea for each
cup of water and strain. Let it cool, add some ice if you want,
enhances the flavor with a few drops of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon

Burning bush
Erontas said otherwise and is the most popular herbs in Crete. Fights
germs, because it has very strong antiseptic action, and stomach
ulcer, thanks to the healing properties. Finally, used as anticonvulsant
(colic, cramps) and general tonic.

Instructions for use: Anyone can find the herb in its natural form, then
the tea, boiling for 7 minutes. If you have bags, you can make
infusions. If you dissolve a teaspoon of honey, do even more

Primarily used to stimulate the immune and lymphatic system. It is also
effective in fighting inflammation, infections (UTI) and skin diseases
(such as in herpes).

Instructions: Boil for 10 minutes the herb in water (1 teaspoon herb per
cup of water), the strain, refrigerate and drink 1 cup echinakeia 2-3
times a week.

Fruit of wild rose

The yellowish fruit is valuable for smokers, because they contain
vitamin C and bioflavonoid (antioxidant substances that resemble the
composition of vitamin C). Furthermore, the effect of vitamin takes
longer, because it is absorbed more easily.

Instructions for use: As this fruit tea are made. The boil, then in water
for 10 minutes, wait to cool and put the tea in the refrigerator.


Cocoa, beyond pleasant flavor, thanks to the polyphenols it contains,
provides powerful antioxidant and protects the DNA from solar
radiation. In fact, the antioxidant activity is stronger than that of other
antioxidants such as vitamin C.
Instructions: You have 2 options. You can not fix it first hot and then
freeze in the refrigerator (or ice) or a direct hit with cold water.
Peel for cooling
For the beverage is to use orange and lemon peels, which contain
vitamin C.
Instructions for use: Take an orange and a lemon to keep them clean
and peel them. The boil in water for 10 minutes, the strain and put the
drink in the fridge. It is very refreshing and stimulating and you can
combine with cinnamon sticks or cinnamon powder for more flavor and
richer taste.

Physics Cocktails
Make yourself a great natural cocktails to refresh your summer
evenings. You can combine green tea, ginger and burning bush or
green tea, rose fruit and ginger.
Instructions for use: Take 1 teaspoon of each herb and boil together
for 10 minutes with 3 cups water. The quantity will make payments
equivalent to 3 instead of one. Put the cocktails in the refrigerator or
wait to cool and add ice cubes.
Take care of your mouth as an alternative!

If you experience any stomatological problem like bad breath, ulcers,

herpes, gingivitis, etc., can, in conjunction with conventional medicine
to deal with alternative and complementary methods such as
homeopathy, herb and essential oils. H difference of homeopathy to
conventional medicine is that it focuses on stomatological problem, but
treats the body as a whole that suffers. O right combination of
conventional medicine with homeopathy can bring good results. If you
already follow a homeopathic remedy to resolve a chronic problem,
you tell your dentist that you follow that we should not use eugenol


(garifalelaio), mint, painkillers that contain caffeine, antibiotics, anti-
inflammatory, etc., because they inactivate homeopathic medicines
use already. Regarding the therapeutic properties of herbs and
essential oils are known to have been used since ancient times, but
their effectiveness has been proven scientifically, both serious
diseases and in milder.

Kakosmia mouth: The causes which can cause it are numerous and
not always easily manageable. Moreover, it is different and the
symptoms that may show otherwise and thus the drugs may take. For
example, bad breath accompanied by whitening of the language and
increased production of saliva when you sleep, homeopathy treat it
differently than a bad product, accompanied by other symptoms.
Suitable medicine: Mercury Solubilis.
● If your tooth hurts you and has an abscess, it is necessary to take
antibiotics or anti-inflammatory. Suitable medicine: Hepar Sulphur.
● The abscess in your tooth is sore but should be limited? There is a
solution. Suitable medicine: Silica.
● I feel your tooth to 'beat', that you feel a "pulsing pain," as termed in
medicine? You can get rid of him. Suitable medicine: Belladona.

Ulcers - Afthodeis stomatitis

It is known minor "wounds" that you take in your mouth inside and
bother you deeply, especially when you eat or drink something sour or
salty. Depending on the cause and form, and recommended
appropriate treatment. Appropriate medications: Mercury Solubilis,
Natrum Muriaticum, Borax.

Years Oylitida: Perhaps due to some other pathological problems,

such as a hormonal disorder, which should be restored to stop and
Suitable medicine: Depending on the case.


Oyla that bleed: If you happen often, maybe because your teeth easily
formed stone, except the cleaning in the clinic, special toothpaste and
mouthwash, you can use something else.
Suitable medicine: Phosphorus.
Herpes: The unsightly sores that you take your lips after an illness
when you have a lot of stress or when "dropped" the body's defenses,
you can leave with specific medications that you find on the market,
and homeopathic.
Suitable medicine: Natrum Muriaticum.
Teridona: You can restrict the progressive destruction of your teeth
from bacterial plaque and sugars in foods.
Suitable medicine: Calcarea Carponenica.
H dosage of drugs and duration of treatment defined as appropriate by
the homeopathic doctor in consultation with your dentist and depend
on how simple or complex your problem is. If your dentist has dealt
with homeopathy will know how to treat your problem without the help
of another homeopathic doctor. For mild cases, the minimum dose is
1-2 tablets daily or candies. For the most severe, may increase the
dose and be combined with other homeopathic medicines.

Try essential oils ...

Kakosmia mouth: freshen your breath by making "gurgling" three times
a day or whenever you feel need the following two solutions, which
have antimicrobial activity and pleasant aroma.
1st solution
● 1 cup water; 1 tablespoon vodka
● 6 drops of bergamot essential oil
● 2 drops of essential oil of myrrh

2nd Solution
● 1 cup water


● 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
● 2 drops of bergamot essential oil
● 1 drop of essential oil of myrrh

Toothache: Emvaptiste the tip of a swab to garifalelaio and then

spread a little thin in your teeth or put on half a glass of warm water 5-
6 drops of clove essential oil and then rinses.

Ulcers: Now washes 3 times a day, or more often if you do not see
improvement, with the following solution:
● 1 cup water
● 4 drops of bergamot essential oil (scar)
● 4 drops of lavender essential oil
● 1 drop of peppermint essential oil (antiseptic, healing)

Oylitida, bleeding gums: Click "blocked" with a solution containing

essential oils with antiseptic, healing and regenerative properties.
● 1 cup lukewarm water
● 1 teaspoon brandy
● 2 drops of essential oil of myrrh
● 1 drop rose essential oil
● 1 drop of essential oil of cypress

Herpes: You can make your own two creams, which will be applied
locally 2-3 times a day.
1st cream
● 1 cream base
● 1 drop of essential oil of bergamot

2nd cream
<● 30 ml almond
● 10 gr. white beeswax
● 10 drops of jojoba oil
● 1 ampoule vitamin E
● 7 drops of essential oil, tea tree


● 3 drops of essential oil of myrrh

Kakosmia mouth: If problems caused by teeth, will help the daily

washing with a solution of myrrh and peppermint tea or clove, anise
and fennel. If the odor associated with the stomach, try washing with a
decoction of fennel, parsley or mint and balm and red elm.

Toothache: Apotelesmatika are "blocked" with tea and myrrh clove and
myrrh powder on the sore tooth.

Ulcers: For faster healing will help by washing with calendula tea and
myrrh. Alternatively, drink 2-3 times a day by neromolocha injectors
and elm, which will reduce the problem.

Oylitida, bleeding gums: washing with infusion of sage and chamomile

to heal and consolidate your gums, and massage the same area with
powdered myrrh, which has antiseptic properties. If your gums bleed,
try washing with infusion of Myrica or satinwood, or their mixture. If
gum disease caused by a virus, you drink 3 times a day half a glass of
water with 30 drops of tincture echinakeias. Alternatively, you can
drink 3 times a day to make tea by boiling for 7 minutes in a pot of
water 1 teaspoon root echinakeias.

Teridona: You can use three different drinks for blocked. From thougia
or myrrh, which have antimicrobial activity, or inherent, which
nourishes the gums and teeth. Euergetes is massage with powdered

Herpes: Now compresses the area with tea, using one of the herbs
myrrh, calendula, melissa, which have antiseptic and soothing
properties. To boost your immune system, drink 2-3 times a day from
an herbal tea called lapacho (lapatso) and grows in the Amazon. You
can also find homeopathic pharmacies in pill form.
Afepsima: Brazete for 5-10 minutes at a coffee one cup of water with


the appropriate herb or herb blend (no more than three different) and
strain. Usual dosage for each herb: 1 pinch.
Injectors: In a cup of boiling water, add herbs of your choice. The leave
in water 5-10 minutes and strain. Usual dosage for each herb: 1 pinch.

Treated hypertension
This is probably one of the epidemic of our time, having high blood
pressure is around 1 in 10 forty, and as the ages grow enough to be a
problem for most people. Besides the 'traditional' medicines,
alternative therapies that may prove very assistive in preventing the
establishment of the problem of hypertension when it is at an early
stage and to address it in conjunction with medication.

If you feel that you are flushing in the head, cold extremities, and
palpitations that focuses on your head, you can take Belladona.

- If you feel a general congested feeling that you choke, flushing,

palpitation, but not then the medicine is right for you is the Lachesis.

- If the characteristic of the crisis is a very strong palpitations located

throughout your body and not just in your head, then the homeopathic
doctor will probably suggest the Glonoinum. The doses of
homeopathic medicines will be determined by your homeopath as age,
size of the problem, the general state of health etc. Indicative say that
could be 30 or 200 CH.
- Plug a lamp into an aromatic essential oils, so you can breathe in
your space. One good choice for the day when you work and want-
other than to keep your stress low, you can alert your mind is the
essential oil of lemon (2 drops of water evaporate every time). As for
the night, you can use lavender essential oil, which acts and
tranquilizers, and helps you sleep easier.
- The herbs
- It is known herbs used since ancient times and most often proved
highly effective. For hypertension, the proposal of experts is to make


injectors from specific herbs and to drink 2 cups a day (morning and
evening), choosing the herb of choice, or take it in tincture 3 times
daily 30 drops at a time. Caution: If you get together and
antihypertensive medications should not take these herbs more than
once a day.
You therefore have to choose between:
Krataigo The fruits and leaves (in the form of infusions) assist in the
treatment of hypertension and palpitations and act kardiotonotika.
Ixo (ghee) The dried leaves and twigs of the (no fruit) in the form of
infusions shed stress, calm the nervous system and assist in
Elia The leaves (dried and broken) are injectors, but because the drink
is very "possible" and bitter (you can add a little honey) should not use
more than half a teaspoon for each cup you can create. Warning: Not
for use in tincture.
Polykompo (equisetum) The leaves of this plant to make up a very
injectors diuretic drink (be careful not to use more than 1 teaspoon of
herb per cup of beverage).
- Another alternative is to make a drink (injectors) that contains equal
parts of hawthorn, and polykompo tilio or melissa (half a teaspoon of
each for a cup of water) and to drink, and this 2 times a day.

! The injectors are brewing method is appropriate for leaves, flowers,

petals, not roots. Brazete water, Remove from heat and add the herb,
so leave it for 15 minutes, strain and drink the same day, otherwise it
loses its properties. For each cup of water needed to put 2 teaspoons
of herb.

Which foods help to reduce the pressure

- There are certain foods that contain substances which, through
complex and often unknown mechanisms, help reduce blood pressure.
Those are


- The Garlic contains a substance, alisini, which acts in the
endothelium of the vessel smoothing operation. To see results, you
should eat each day large amounts of garlic (6 to 8 cloves). You can
eat raw or cooked, to put it in water in the evening and the morning to
drink this water (after you have sourosei) or take garlic tablets, sold in
The potassium should eat everyday foods containing it, such as fruit
(eg watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, bananas, cherry, loquat, peach,
apricots), vegetables and herbs (such as watercress, arugula, celery,
parsley), potatoes, rice, pasta and pulses.
H Vitamin C helps to improve endothelial function and hence in
regulating blood pressure. Accordingly, the orange, despite what you
may have heard, it raises the pressure, but rather throws or even
better, the smooth

If you dizzy when you're at high altitude, you feel discomfort among the
crowd, or wash with a mania for washing the ... ubiquitous germs, you
probably belong to the majority of people who suffer, more or less by
fear. Apart from cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which brings the
patient gradually and progressively confronted with the object of fear in
order to help him overcome it, which is the most appropriate method to
the most serious cases of phobias, you can encounter the "enemy
"that makes your daily life and other alternative methods.

The phobia as a symptom

A general rule should always have in mind regarding alternative and
complementary treatments are not aimed directly at combating fear,
but in general support of the organization. We could say that they see
the fear as the "symptom" of a disturbance in function. Their aim is
thus to restore balance to enable the organization itself to correct the
problems that arise. We present some of the most appropriate
methods to work around the problem.
These fears are not alone
The fears are the veins do not usually appear alone, but accompanied


by anxiety or depression. Different levels of intensity. Thus, a phobia
may be merely annoying ("I worry when I get on an airplane and the
flight time I have palpitations and anxiety), but may prove effective and
hinder our lives (" I can not travel by plane, as what effect you have
this in my personal or professional life).

After shock: But if you developed a phobia after a particular shock or

trauma, the doctor may give you aconitum. After loss: If the fear is
caused by an acute emotional state as after a separation or death of a
loved one, the doctor will give you ignatia.
A homeopathic medicine can be combined with a classic, for example,
an anxiolytic, always in collaboration with psychiatrists and only if he
deems it necessary.

Duration of treatment: The general rule in alternative therapies is that

the result may not be immediate. The same applies to homeopathy. In
the case of phobia, treatment may take several months, in some cases
a month or two is enough-so years.
After shock: If you fear that you are troubled developed after a
traumatic event, use the star of Bethlehem.

O Terror: If the "confrontation" with the object of your phobia (spiders,

heights, etc.) than simple anxiety and fear cause you real, then you
have to use rock rose.

The panic attacks: If the intensity with which you manifested the fear is
so great that it causes you panic, use cherry plum.
If you need urgent help: The Rescue remedy, a combination of flower
essences is very popular and widespread, and used in emergency
situations (if, for example, closed in the elevator, where you walk
anyway with difficulty).

The Australian flower essences

Like the Bach flower essences, many Australian flower essences
appropriate for dealing with phobias. Each represents a specific


phobia. Illustration, we mention:
• For chronic phobias, use Dog Rose.
• For the fear of death, use Bush Iris.
• For agoraphobia, combine Grey Spider Flower and Flannel Flower.
• For fear of illness, use or Dog Rose Peach Flower Tee Tree.
• For fear at the sight of blood, use a Green Spider Orchid.
• For panic attacks, use Dog Rose of the Wild Forces.

How to use flower essences

The flower essences are completely safe, so it may be granted even in

babies. An average use is 2-3 months, but one can take as long as he
thinks it needs them. You can take 4 drops 4 in the morning and
evening or, if your problem is less acute, 2 am and 2 pm, through the
tongue or dissolved in water. You can mix several flower essences,
but not more than 4-5. You can ask to build the mixture in the
pharmacy, but if you want to mix your own, dissolve 8 drops of each in
a sterile bottle to fill with distilled water and add a teaspoon of brandy.

              Get rid of heavy metals

The food can be instrumental in alleviating a phobia. Several

investigations have found that the uptake of heavy metals from the
body can even lead to psychosis. Heavy metals are in black fillings in
some fish (mercury in both cases) and smoking (cadmium)
Some experts argue that any treatment can have real results if we do
not rid the body of heavy metals.
  The diagnosis made by a simple blood test and then the patient
follows a balanced diet and start treatment with vitamins, minerals,
amino acids, etc.
have the capacity to "distract" the heavy metals from the body.

Then my friends I present an alphabetical classification of major plants


with thermal capacities as such chrisimopoiousan since the days of
Asklkipiou. It is said that some of them created in the environment of
planet earth but meteffytefsan the FS from other planets due to
thermal voste abilities to maintain their welfare until they return to
Sirius. As you have the following sort

Ange l ik i bunc he s
Arc ha nge l i ki roots
Be rmuda gras s roots
Agri moni o
Agri moni o gra te d
Agri omi l ia c ortex
Hors e s ki n
Hors e c he s tnut frui t
Al oe ex c tra c t PO W DE R
Al oe ex trac t bl ock
Al the a roots
Al y gari a boom
Ama mel i s
Ama ra nth bunc he s
Dri e d purs la ne
Fl ow er ci nna mon
Fl ow er Nutme g
Di l l l ea ve s
Rue bunc h
Ark tos ta fy l o le av e s
Arti c hoke s l ea ve s
Arni ca fl ow e r
Arpa gofy to roots
Wil d frui t pe ars
P ea rs bark Wil d
Ac hi ll a ia
Arte mi si a
As fa ka
~ B ~
Va le ria n roots
Va nil l a frui t
Roy a l fl owe r
Roy a l le a f


Va tori za e nc hori a
Va tofy l la e nc hori a
Ve ronic a
Ve rv e ni ou boom
Ve rmpa s k o le av e s
Mos s root
~ C ~
Thi s tle fl owe r
G al i a boom
G e ntia n root
G i oc hi mpe c ortex
G al a nga root
G ki ngk o Bi l ompa l ea ve s
G ua ra na frui t
Li c ori c e crus he d
Li c ori c e roots
~ D ~
Da phne l ea ve s
Da fni frui t
De l phi ni um frui t
Ros e ma ry l ea ve s
Mi nt l ea ve s
Mi nt gra te d
Di tta ny fl ow e re d she e ts
~ E ~
O l iv e le a f
E pi l ov i o l ea ve s
E ric Bl os s om
Ta rra gon le av es
E k oui ze to
E uca l y ptus le av e s
E uca l y ptus bark
E ffra ns ia l ea ve s
S pa re c ards
E c hi na ts ia roots
E c hi na ts ia P O WDE R
~ J ~
S av ory ros es
Thy me -fl owe re d
~ I ~


Hi bi sc us fl ow e r
Wil l ow ba rk
I ris root
Mi s tl e toe (G uy )
I pe rox o
~ K ~

Ca va
Wi ne roots
Ca va
Ca va PO WDE R
Ka la mos Ak oros
Corn w hi s ke rs
Ca le ndul a fl owe r
Ke ras ooure s
Wal nut s he l ls
Ke drok ouk outsa
Ke droxy l o
Wil d c he rry frui t
Ka ppse l a le av es
Ca ss i a ba rk
Chi na corte x
I vy l ea f
Frui t P ac ka ges
S tra w be rry l ea ve s
Ha w thorn le av es
Ha w thorn frui t
Kre me zi
Ki norodo frui t
Ky pa ri s omi la
Ky pe rous a boom
~ L ~
La gok oimi thi a Te fk ri o ()
La pa thos bunc h
A l av e nde r bunc he s
A la ve nde r fl ow e r
La ve nde r fl ow e r Ex tra
La ve nde r bunc h E x tra
Whi te ba rk
Lompe l ia l ea ve s
Lupi ne s frui t


Loumi nak i a rose s
Loui sa l ea ve s
Loui sa l ea ve s AA '
Hops fl ow e r
~ T ~
Ma té le a f
Ma rj ora m fl owe r
Ma rj ora m boom
P ars le y le av es
Ma ra thas boom
Ma rouv i o boom
Me l is sa le av es
Me l il otos le av es
Mi nt l ea ve s
Ma l l ow fl ow e r
Bol nto l ea ve s
Boura ntza l ea v es
Bl ue be rry l ea ve s
~ N ~
Nta mi a na l ea ve s
Nti tzi tal i s rose s
~ O ~
P al i ouri frui t
P a na ma w ood
P a pa zoto frui t
P ari e ta ri a le av es
P as si on fl ow e r
P i ne ba rk
P la nta gk o boom
P e ntas i ti s roots
P la ta nos frui t
P oly k ompo e nc hori o
Ma i de nha i r le a f
P ra s se le av e s
P te la i a corte x
P ~ ~
Rhuba rb root
O re ga no bunc hes
Crus he d ore ga no Ex tra AA '
Crus he d ore ga no AA '
A gra te d ore ga no


~ S ~
S a nda l w ood
S al e p roots
S al e p gra te d
S al e p se a
S al sa pa ri la roots
E l de rbe rry fl owe r
E l de rbe rry frui t
Ce le ry le av es
S i na mi ki le av es
S k orpi doc horto
G l ome rul us boom
Bi rc h le av es
S ymfi to roots
~ T ~
Ta rax ak o le av es
Ta rax ak o roots
Ta tul se eds
Te fk ri o rose s
Ros e Bl oss om
Ros e gra te d
Cl ov er l ea f
Ts i nse ngk roots
Ts i nse ngk roots S i beri a
Ti l i o rose s
Toure ts i
Tous i la gk o
Thi s tle s
Te a
Ts oue ni roots
Ts oue ni k ome no
Ne ttl e le a f
Ne ttl e roots
~ S ~
Y dras ti s roots
He nba ne le a f
Hy pe ri c um boom
Bunc he s of hy ss op
~ F ~
S a ge bunc he s
Fl omos frui t


P e nny roya l bunc he s
Thongs MAI ZE
Fuma ric l ea v es
Frax i nos l ea ve s
Le av es Egy pt
Al ga e di e t
Al ga e PO WDE R
Fy tol ak a le av es
~ X ~
Cha momi le Roma n
Cha momi le fl owe r
Che l i doni o le av es
Chry sa nthe mum PO WDE R
Bunc he s of gol de nrod
He nna brow n
He nna re d
Bl ac k he nna
He nna X anthi

Aw a re tha t a G R from a nci e nt ti mes to c ure the
di se as e ma y not ac hie v e the di sa ppea ra nce of the
s ymptoms of thi s , this a nd thi nk a l i ttl e chi l d ca n
unde rs ta nd, bec a use gnori zal the hi ghe s t l ev el of
k now le dge tha t da ma ge the huma n body c an be cure d
O nly the e pa nas y ntoni s mo of body orga ns in thei r
prope r fre que nc y

He al i ng He rbs

Be rmuda : Ki dne y, S tones , Arthri ti s

Ac hi ll a ia : Col i tis , Ne rv ous Ga s tropa thei e s
Wormw ood: In obe s i ty and suga r c onte nt
Va le ria n: I ns omni a , Ne uros e s
Ba si l : Hea dac he s upti ght, short me mory
Ba ls a m: s tomac h ulc e r, Vroc hi ti da , Coug h
G ki ns e gk : Anti - a gi ng, tonic , a phrodi si ac
Ani s e : I ndi ge s ti on, s tomac h pa i n, G as es
Ros e ma ry : I t' s Ha i r Loss
Burni ng bus h: hea l i ng, Lov e , Toni c
Mi nt : Chol e s te rol , P res s ure


E uca l y ptus : As thma , Fl u, Cough, Bronc hia l
Thy me tre a ts ha i r l oss , s ti mul a ti ng
La ve nde r: hea dac he , di zzi nes s , mi grai ne s
Loui za : S tomac h, I ns omni a, di ure ti c , Uric Ac i d
Ma rj ora m: a nxi e ty, i ns omni a, hea da c he s
Mi nt : mak e s s toma c h a fte r v omi ti ng
Ma l l ow : di ure ti c, La ry ngi ti s , Coug h
P ik roxy l o: di a be te s me l li tus
G i nger: fa ti gue , aphrodi s ia c
S i na mi ki (l ea v es ) Cons ti pa ti on
Ta rax ak o: G l uc os e he l ps the l iv e r
Te a : c ough tonic
Ne ttl e : ga l ls tone s , k i dne y, rhe uma ti s m
S a ge : Toni c Ne rv ous Sy s te m
Li nde n (or ti li o) Di ure ti cs , hea ti ng
Cha momi le : s oothi ng, hea l i ng, di ges ti v e
S a pona ri a : Duri ng the forma ti on of gal l s tones
Me l is sa : soothi ng ne rve s
Ak oro Appe ti ze r: Whe n the s toma c h w ea k ne ss , a ne mi a

Agge l ik i RI ZA Arc ha ngel i ca : e x pe c tora nt for c ough,

bronc hi ti s, ple uri s y, e spe ci a ll y w he n a cc ompa ni e d by
fe ve r, col ds or fl u. S ti mul a tes the appe ti te a nd c an be
us e d i n a nore x ia nerv osa . Anti s e ptic uri na ry trac t i n
c ys ti ti s . He l ps to re li e ve rhe uma ti c infl a mma ti on.
Arti c hoke Cy na ta s c ol y mus : li ve r - c hole s te rol , sa l t
(c e rv i ca l s yndrome ).
Be rmuda gra ss Agropy rum re pe ns : ki dne y - s tone s,
a rthri ti s - a di ure tic . Anti fl ogi s tik i uri na ry tra c t.
AG RI MO NI O Agri moni a e upa toria : in c hronic
pha ry ngi ti s - rhe uma ti s m - the a rthri ti c -di ure ti c -
a nthe l mi nti c s.
ALE X ANDRI A Cas s ia a ngus ti fol i a (le a ve s ) in
c ons ti pa ti on.
AM AMI LI S Ha ma mi l i s v i rgi ni ca : v a ri c ose ve i ns -
v ari c os e v ei ns , he morrhoi ds . I t s tre ngthe ns the wa l ls
of bl ood v es se l s.
AP I G ANO S Ruta a ra v e ol e ns : s li de r me ns trua l c yc le to
rea c ti va te the inhi bi te d me ns trua l fl ow. pow e rful


a borti ve the re fore be av oi de d duri ng pre gna nc y.
Anti c onv uls a nt for the re la x a ti on of smooth musc l es
of the di ges ti v e s ys te m in c oli c pa i n a nd i nte ns i ty of
the i ntes ti ne s. Re duce s hy pe rte nsi on a nd enha nce s
re gi ona l ci rc ula ti on.
AR KTI O - La ppa Arc ti um La ppa : ps ori a si s , e c ze ma, dry
ty pe (a ). The s ti mula ti on of the di ge s ti ve fl ui ds he l ps
i n the se cre ti on of bi le , ope ns the appe ti te aga i ns t
a norex ia , de toxi fy i ng sk i n proble ms, s l uggis h
di ges ti v e func ti on i n a rthri tic pai n, w ound hea l i ng
w ounds , da ndruff.
AR KTO STAFY LO S Arc tos ta phy l os uv a -urs u: ha s
a nti se pti c and a s tri nge nt e ffe c t on muc ous me mbra nes
of the uri na ry tra c t, s and or s tones i n the ki dney s a t
ni ght uri na ti on (i nc onti ne nc e ).
AR PAG O FY TO Ha rpa gophy tum proc umbe ns : pote nt
a nal ge si c i n rhe uma ti c a nd a rthri ti c pa i ns , rhe uma ti c
a rthri ti s, strong gouty a rthri ti s - ba ck pa i n due to
s pondy l os i s - i nfl a mma tory - a na l ges i c - s oothi ng -
a nti c onv ul sa nt - sw el l i ng, w a te r re te nti on proble ms ,
bi le s al t- suga r-upl oa de d di s orders of li v e r a nd ga l l
bl a dde r - k i dne y - supporti ng the i mmune sy s tem.
AS TE RO I DES Il l ic um a nis a tum: bl ood c irc ula ti on to
the hea rt - s tomac h.
AC HI LLAIA Ac hl l ea mil l e fol i um: Coli ti s - ne rv e
ga s tropa thei es - grea s e (pl ) - arthri ti s - rhe uma ti s m -
re duce s bl ood pres s ure - a nti py re ti c .
Wormw ood Arte mis i a a bsi nthi um: aga i ns t obe si ty a nd
s uga r - i n a ne mia - a nti py re ti c , a nthe l mi nti c -
a nti se pti c - emmi na gogo - ha s ne frotono ti ki ac ti on -
de pres si on - i nte ns i ty.
Va le ria no Va le ri a na offi c i nal i s : ri bs - ne rv ous spas ms
- ca l mi ng - i ns omnia - i s a sl ee pi ng-hy pote ns iv e.
BALS A MI C Hy pe ric um pe rfora tum: pa i nk il l e r - pe rfe c t
for s tres s ere thi s toti ta duri ng me nopa us e - ex ha us te d
ne rv e s - a nti - infl a mma tory (pai n sc ia ti ca - ne ural gi a ) -
e moti onal dis orde rs in me nopa use - a toni c to re s tore
the ne rv ous sy s te m - de pre s si on - s tomac h ulc e r -
bronc hi ti s - c ough - a di ure ti c.
BAS I L Oc i num bas i l ic um: ne rv ous hea dac he s s hort
me mory - a nti de pre ss a nt - c ons ti pa ti on, s toma c h.


VATO S Rubus fruti c os us : di a rrhe a , pha ry ngi ti s , s ore
throa t - s uga r - di ure ti c.
Ve rv e ni ou Ve rbe na offi ci na li s : anti py re tic - anti gri ppi k o
- pne umonia - As thma - E pi l e ps y -He a da c he -
e x pe c tora nt wi th e x puls i on fle ma ton- anoma l ie s te rm -
a nti de pre ss a nts me la nc hol y.
V E RVE RI S Be rberi s v ul ga ris : i de a l for correc ti ng li ve r
func ti on a nd e nha nce the fl ow of bil e , i nfla mma ti on of
the ga l l bla dde r w he re ga ll s tone s, ja undi ce from li v er
c onges ti on. I t has a mi l d l ax a ti ve e ffe c t, re duce s the
s we l li ng of the s ple e n, l e is hma nia , bi t te r toni c .
V I CHI O Tus s il a go fa rfa ra : a nti -c ough - a s thma - the
v ronc hi ti - pne umoni a - i nfl ue nza a nd i nfec ti ons of the
res pi ra tory sy s tem.
G e ntia n G e ntria na lute a : s ti mul a te s the a ppe ti te a nd
di ges ti on through the produc ti on of s al iv a , gas tri c
j uic e s a nd bil e , ac ce le ra tes gas tri c empty i ng. For
a norex ia from the di ge s tiv e s luggi s hnes s , i ndi ge s ti on,
fl a tul e nc e . I nc re a se s the numbe r of w hi te bl ood ce l ls
a nd the body ' s re si s ta nc e , anti py re ti c . For be s t
a bs orpti on, a dd 1 e ffe rv es c e nt v i ta mi n C.
G I G KO THE biv a lv ul a r G i nk o bi l oba : ce re brov as c ula r
i ns uffi c ie nc y - bra i n func ti on proble ms, me nta l
pe rforma nc e a nd c once ntra ti on, w ea k memory -
de me nti a - de pre ss i on - i mpote nce - e re c ti le proble ms
- Ai ZthI I e ppthG -a the rosc l eros is - a rrhy thmi a -
i sc he mia - hea dac he s, e ar buzz - good bl ood
c i rc ul a ti on at hea rt - bra i n.

G I O CHI MP Yohi mbe : a pow erful s ti mula nt, a phrodis i ac

rec ogni ze d by tra di ti onal me di ci ne . The G i oc hi mpi ni
w i de ns the bl ood ve ss e ls of the ge ni ta ls a nd c a us e
i nte nse erec ti ons tha t are k ept for some ti me. Not for
thos e w i th hi gh bl ood pres s ure , di a be te s , hea rt and
c i rc ul a tory proble ms.
G KALE G KA Ga le ga offi c i na l is : re duce the le ve l of
bl ood s uga r, i nc re as e the si ze of La gke rc ha ns is l e ts i n
the pa nc re a s re s ponsi bl e for i ns ul i n produc ti on.
P owe rful ga la k ta gogo, sti mul a te s the produc ti on a nd
fl ow of mi lk . S upport the dev el opme nt of ma mma ry
gl a nds .


G hee or IX O S Vi sc um a lbum: the tre a tme nt of
hy pe rte ns i on i n a ne rve - soothi ng tac hyc a rdia -
a the ros c le ros is , hy pe rte nsi on a nd me nopa usa l
s ymptoms .
G KI NS E NG K Pa nax gi ns e ng: prosa rmogono e xc e ll e nt
ge ne ra l toni c a ga i ns t s tres s - i nc rea s es the ca pa c i ty
for phys i ca l a nd me ntal work - improv i ng the
func ti oni ng of the e ndoc ri ne sy s te m - prote c ts from
ha rmful ra di a ti on - i t stre ngthe ns the re produc tiv e
s ys te m (i nc rea s i ng the s mal l number of s pe rm i n me n)
(a trophy or hy pof unc ti on O va ria n no me ns trua l
w ome n) - l ow e r ba d c hole s te rol, tri gly c e ri de s a nd fa tty
a ci ds i n the bl ood and i nc rea se s the good c hole s te rol
- by dia be tes - i s to ha ve anti ca nc e r ac ti vi ty.
FRUI T G ua ra na Pa ul li ni a cupa na : conta i ns a la rge
proporti on (up to 8%), the al ka l oi d ca ffe i ne is
s ti mula ti ng and ex ci ti ng and es se nti a l oil gouara ni ni
ha s mi l d na rc otic prope rti es e ffra nti ke s a nd
a phrodis i ac prope rtie s . I t a ls o ne frotonoti k i ac ti on. A
te as poon of frui ts a nd w ri ngi ng ma ul ^ 15 mi nute s i n a
be ak e r of boi l i ng w a te r. To av oi d thos e w i th hi gh
bl ood pre ss ure a nd hea rt proble ms .
G LY KA NI SO S P i mpi ne l la a nis us : indi ge s ti on - s toma c h
a c he s - ga s - chi l dre n' s c ol i c - ins omnia .
Ros e ma ry Ros ma ri nus offic i na li s : s ti mula ti ng bl ood
c i rc ul a ti on and ne rv e - an a nti de pre ss a nt- tonic -
a gai ns t hai r l oss (P L) - fl a tul e nc e , he a da c he s ,
i ndi ges ti on - ps yc hol ogi ca l s tres s.
Di c ta mo O ri ga num di c ta mnus : e fs toma c ho- he a li ng -
l ove toni c - he l ps re duce c hc hol i s teri ni s.
DY O S MOS Me nta l ongi foli a : l owe rs chol es te rol
s li ghtl y, pre ss ure - ma ke s the s toma c h a fte r v omi ti ng.
E LE FTHE RO KO KKO S El l e uthe roc oc c us se nti c os us :
pros armogono ex ce ll e nt a nd the s tres s - supporti ng
the immune s ys te m - inc re a se s me ntal ca pa c i ty to
i mprove a thl e tic pe rforma nce and qua l i ty of w ork done
unde r pre s s ure - re gul a tes bl ood pres s ure - re duc e s
c hole s te rol, a nti oxi da nt, protec ts a ga i ns t
e nvi ronme nta l pol l uti on a nd e xpos ure to x-ra y
ra dia ti on
E UCALY P TUS E yc a li ptus gl obul us : cough - bronc hi al -


a s thma - fl u - an a ntis e pti c - Si nus i tis
E FFRAZI A E uphras i a sa li burge ns is : photophobi a ,
c onj unc tiv i ti s - i nfl a mma ti on e ye l i d da rk c i rc l es a nd
e ye w ri nk l es - s i nus i ti s - de c onges ta nt muc ous
me mbra ne s - a nti ka ta rro' ik o.
Re se rv is ts E phe dra ca mpul opoda : pow erful a nd fas t -
a ll e rgy - a gai ns t a ll e rgic dis ea s e a nd w hoopi ng cough-
c ough - bronc hia l as thma - re l ie v i ng bronc hos pas m i n
a s thma aga i ns t e de ma ec ze ma a nd urti c a ri a .
E CHTNATS I A E c hi na ce a angus ti fol i a : giv e re s ul ts
s i mi l a r to c orti s one wi thou t the si de e ffec ts - e cze ma ,
ps oria s is - He rpe s - hea l i ng a nd c le a ns i ng w ounds ,
ga ngre nous s toma ti tis - a bsc es se s - De rma tol ogy -
i mmune sy s tem - re pla ce me nt of ti ss ue s - a mi l d
a nti bac te ria l - a nti funga l - ha s a nti 'i k i ac ti on-
i nfe c ti ons - Col ds - gum i nfla mma ti on, pha ry ngi tis , ea r
i nfe c ti ons - a nti dote to s na ke bi te - i s to ha ve
a nti ca nce r ac tiv i ty.
ZAMP O UKO S Sa mbuc us ni gra : a c ol d - runny nos e
bronc hi ti s - rhe uma tis m, arthri ti s - as thma - a di ure ti c .

THY MA RI Thy mus vul ga ri s : a ge ne ra l s ti mul a nt - to

w he t the appe ti te - addre ss es hai r l oss (P V L)-
e x pe c tora nt i n c ough irri ta nt - bronc hi tis - pe rtuss i s
I VI S KO S Hi bi s c us sa bda ri fa : ri c h in v i ta mi n C.
I PE RO X O La pac ho P a ud 'a rc oTa he e bo que c ha : he rba l
a nti bi oti c tha t he l ps s tre ngthe n the i mmune sy s te m
a nd bl ood ci rc ul a ti on, he l ps the forma ti on of ne w c el l s
- e li mi na ti on of tox i ns , we i ght l oss - s ki n dis ea s es -
hy pote nsi v e, a na l ges i c, s eda ti ve - ric h i n iron
a fomi osi mo
I TIA Sa li x a l ba : anti py re tic in fl u - col d- anti re fma tik i -
pe s tic i de i n amoe bas a nd worms - cons ti pa ti on
KAVA KAVA : S tre ss , a nx i e ty - ins omnia , he a da c hes -
pa l pi ta ti ons - c he s t pa i n - di zzi ne ss - he i ghte ne d
he ari ng a nd si ght - c re a tes a se ns e of psy c hol ogic al
w el l -be i ng, w i thout ex ci te me nt - i t mi l d i n na ture.
MAI ZE Ze a may s : (Fou ndas ) mil d emol li e nt, di ure ti c,
k i dne y, bla dde r and s ma l l i nte s ti ne - i t ta ke s ba k i ng
i nfl a mma ti on a fte r ki dney s tone - he l ps unde rs i de
i nc onti ne nc e of uri ne of c hil dre n - an a na l ges i c pa i n


of i nfl a mma ti on of the pros ta te .
Ca le ndul a Ca le ndul a a nve rsi s : va ri c ose v ei ns -
v ari c os e ul ce r-s toma c h - e mmi na gogo- li v e r - j a undic e .

S EE D Cre ss Le pi di um s a ti v um: c ontai ns vi ta mi ns A

a nd C and a gl y c os i de w hi c h on c onta c t wi th w a te r i s
c onve rte d to a n a nti bi oti c subs ta nc e . Aphrodi si a c.
WALNU TS J ugl a ns re gi a (le a f): cl ea nse s the bl ood-
pl a nt c ol or a nd ha i r tonic (P L), (T) low e rs c hole s te rol -
a nti funga l - anti s e ptic - bl e pha ri ti s c hi l dre n - anore xi a
- a ppe ti ze r, e x t. FLO I OS : S trong l ax a ti ve s c a n be
s a fe l y use d in pre gna nc y. Ex oc a rp FRE S H: chroni c
di a rrhe a - ane mia .
KAS TANI A Ca s ta ne a sa ti va : (l ea ve s ) ha w k -toni c -
a nti py re ti c - he rba l hai r col or, - a ga i ns t di a rrhe a . ey es
(re dnes s , pas ta ).
KE DRO S J uni pe rus c ommunis : Uri na ry tra c t i nfec ti ons
- de tox i fyi ng - di ure ti c.
CHI CO RY Ci c hori um i nty bus : ve ry good for s toma c h
a nd li ve r.
KO LI TS I DA Ca li um a pa ri ne : powe rful di ure tic a nd a
l ax a tiv e on the ly mph (i n c as es of sw ol le n ly mph
node s ) - puri fie s bl ood - c ys ti ti s - s tone s a nd sa nd
Uri na ry - for da ndruff or fl a ki ng he a d - de tox i fy i ng -
re duce s uric ac i d.
Koromi l as AFRI CAN P runus spi nos a : w he n the
s ymptoms of pros ta ti c hy pe rtrophy.
Kouma ria Arbutus une do: pros ta ti c hy pe rtrophy,
c ys ti ti s , di ure ti c .
KRATAI G OS Cra ta e gus oxy ac a ntha : arrhy thmia s
pa l pi ta ti ons - i ns omni a - ka rdi otonoti k o - re gul a tes
bl ood pres s ure .
KY NO RO DO Rosa c ani na : ric h i n vi ta mi n C- ac ce l e ra te
the proc es s of si ck - fl u.
LY KOP O DI O Lyc opus e uropae us : (PO WDE R ) to
ov era c tiv i ty of the thy roi d gl a nd - shortne ss of bre a th,
pa l pi ta ti ons - s ha k i ng - ka rdie ne rgo - di ure ti c ,
pe ri phe ra l v as odi la tor - as tri nge nt - tra nquil i ze r-c ough
- is "c ompe ti ng w i th thy rox i ne .
Ma rj ora m Ori ga num maj ora na : a nx i e ty - i ns omnia ,
he a da c he s - e fs toma c hi - aga i ns t hy pe rte ns i on.


MA RATHO S Foe ni c ul um v ul ga re : emol l ie nt for
di ges ti on - fl a tul e nce - dys pe psi a - abdomi na l pa i n
i nc re as e s mi l k fl ow i n nurs i ng - col ic ba by - for
di s orde rs of the uri na ry a nd re produc tiv e s ys te m.
Me l is sa Me l is sa offic i na li s : a ntic onv uls a nt i n spa s ms
of the di ges ti v e trac t and fys odi i ndi ges ti on - by
te ns i on, s tres s and de pre s si on, ca us i ng pe ri phera l
a rte ri a l di l a ti on by re duc i ng the pre ss ure - a
s ti mula ti v e e ffe c t on the he a rt a nd c i rc ul a tory s ys te m.

P EP P E RMI NT Me nta pi pe ri ta : s hot - fti a ne i s toma c h

a fte r v omi ti ng.
Al fa l fa (Re d Cl ov e r) Tri fol i um pra te nse : pa di k o e cze ma
- ps ori as i s - an ex pe c tora nt and a c ough
a nti c onv ul sa nt - bronc hi ti s - pe rtus s is - puri fi e s bl ood -
de tox i fyi ng - a gai ns t a ri ri osk l i ros i s a nd dia be te s - a
s ource of ma ny vi ta mi ns (A, O , E, K) a nd ni troge n,
pota s si um a nd ca lc i um, i ron, ma gnes i um a nd
phos phorus . Has oe s troge nic ac tiv i ty a nd i s a n
a ppe ti ze r - a toni c to anorex i a - ane mia , c le a ns the
ge rms in the c ol on of the i nte s ti ne - ma de a lk al i ne
e nvi ronme nt of the bl ood.
Mol oc h Ma lv a si lv es tri s : bronc hia l - cough, l ary ngi ti s -
pha ry ngi ti s - di ge s ti ve probl ems , di ure ti c.
BO LNTO P e umus bol do: for ga ll s tone s, i nfl a mma ti on
a nd pa i n gal l bl a dde r or l iv e r. Ha s emol l ie nt a nd
a nti se pti c ac ti on i n the uri na ry sy s tem. Gi ' a is us e d i n
c ys ti ti s .
BO RA NZA Bora go offic i na li s : k i dney s tone s, ga l l -
di ure tic - gra ve l - c ol d - bronc hi al - puri fi e s bl ood -
k ardi otono ti k o-rhe uma ti s m.
MY RTI LLO S Va cc i ni um my rti l l us : a nti oxi da nt- my opi a -
re ti nal di s ea se s - s tre ss ey e - v is ual ac ui ty - the da rk -
a da pta ti on i n re ti ni tis re ti ni ti s - k a tra rrak ti s due to
di a be te s - re duc e the l ev el of bl ood s uga r - i ns ul i n
produc ti on.
PA NSE S Vi ola tric ol or: we t or dry ec ze ma a nd othe r
s ki n - a cc ompa ni e d by s ec re ti ons , -i nfl a mma tory - a n
e x pe c tora nt i n a c ute bronc hi ti s a nd w hoopi ng cough.
As si s ts i n the uri na ry bla dde r i nfec ti ons a nd
s ymptoms of fre que nt and pa i nful uri na ti on.


P as si on Pa ss i fl ora i nc a ma ta : for pe rsi s te nt ins omnia ,
he l pi ng the tra nsi ti on to a s ta te of c al m a nd res t ful
s le e p - re duc es the pre ss ure sl i ghtl y, a nti c onv ul s a nt
c ris is - s oothi ng the nerv es , ne ura l gia .
P I KRO XY LO Q uas s a ama ra : dia be te s me l l i tus.
G i nger Zi ngi be r offi ci na li s : pote nt a nti ox i da nt - l oss of
a ppe ti te - s toma c h pa i n, i ndi ges ti on - bl oa ti ng -
na use a - vomi ti ng ( trav e l and pre gna ncy ) bl ood
a nti c oa gul a nt - i mpote nc e - s timul a ti ng the produc ti on
of e s troge n a nd a ndros te rone - rhe uma toi d arthri ti s -
os tea rthri ti da - mus c ula r proble ms - hi gh c hole s te rol -
s ti mula te s s ec re ti on bil e - a col d-fl u.
P IS KI DI A Pi sc i dia e ry thri na : pote nt s e da ti ve i n
i ns omnia due to ne rv ous te ns i on or pa i n, he l ps trea t
pa i nful c ondi ti ons s uc h a s ne ura l gia and mi gra i ne -
pa i n in the ova rie s and ute rus .
RI O , rhuba rb Rhe um offi c i na l is : a la xa ti v e e ffe c t i n the
gut w as tes aw ay w hi le be i ng a s tri nge nt w i th a nti se pti c
prope rti es - use ful i n the trea tme nt of cons ti pa ti on.
S ars a pa ri ll a (s mi la x ) S mil a x offi c i nal i s : Te x ture is a
broa d spe c trum - i t he l ps the prope r func ti oni ng of the
body as a w hole - use ful l e pi dode i s s ki n c ondi ti ons -
s uc h as ps oria s is w i th gre a t i rri ta ti on. Ca n be use d in
tre a tme nt for chroni c rhe uma ti s m a nd rhe uma toi d
a rthri ti s. I t has be e n prove n to c onta i n i ngre di e nts
tha t he l p the a c tiv i ty of tes tos te rone in the body.
Ce le ry Api um gra v e ol e ns : di ure tic - a ga i ns t di a be te s -
by rhe uma ti s m - Chi onis tra i n uri c a ci d (i n boil e d mi lk )
- Ve nus (s e e ds ) de tox i fi ca ti on i n the l iv e r (a l le rgie s ) -
re li ev e s mus cl e spas ms - anti ox i da nt.
S E NTE LA Ce nte la as ia ti c a : mobil i zes bl ood ci rc ul a ti on
i n the le gs - s tre ngthe ns the w al l s of bl ood v es se l s
a nd conne c tiv e tis s ue - re duce ha rde ni ng of the w al ls
of bl ood v es se l s he l ps a pooi dima topoi i si l e gs -
Ce l l ul i te - uric ac i d - Va ric ose ve i ns - s ymptoms of
me nopa us e - ope ra ti on gla nds - l owe rs the pres s ure -
di ure tic .
S I NAMI KI (S HE E TS ) Ca ss i a a ngus ti fol i a : cons ti pa ti on.
S ol i da go Sol i da go vi rga ure a : ide al for c a ta rrh of the
uppe r res pi r a tory sy s tem (ac ute a nd c hroni c forms ) -
a gai ns t the fl u, l a ry ngi ti s - pha ry ngi ti s - i ndi ges ti on


(bl oa ti ng - gas ) - anti s e ptic and anti - infl a mma tory
uri na ry trac t (c y s ti tis - ure thri tis ) -re duc e s bl ood
pres s ure .
S Y MI DA Be tula al ba : Ce ll ul i te - di ure ti c , dis s olv es uri c
a ci d and ure a - uri na ry i nfe c ti ons .
I t is i nhe re nt Sy mphy tum offi ci na l is : ga s tri c and
duode na l ul ce r - he rnia - ulc e ra ti v e c ol i tis - a n
a s tri nge nt to bl e e di ng - bronc hi ti s, irri ta ti ng c ough -
an ex pec tora nt - he al i ng w ounds.
TANATS E TO Ta nac e tum pa rthe ni um: mi grai ne
he a da c he s , di zzi ne ss - na use a , de pre ss i on
- -s ti mul a ti ng ute ri ne c le ara nce a fte r bi rth - pa i ns
pri odou- anti fl e gmones - a rthri ti s. (E ) (2 -3 )
TARAX AKO Ta rax a c um offi ci na li s : bl ood cl ea ns es
a rte ri e s - a the rosc le ros is - c hole s te rol - s uga r-hel ps
i n prope r func ti oni ng of the pa ncre as , li ve r (j a undic e -
l iv e r c irrhos is , he pa ti tis ) a nd s pl e e n - a di ure tic for
the k idne ys - uric a ci d - pres s ure , fl ui d re te nti on -
c ra mps a nd boi ls - s pots of a ge , i s tha t i t he l ps i n
c as es of brea s t ca nce r.
TRI ANTAFY LLI AS PE TALI Rosa da mas c e na ga l ic a :
a nti -i ns omnia a nd ne rve s - as cons ti pa ti on, c hronic
e nte ri tis - hea da c he s - di zzi nes s - purule nt tons i ll i ti s -
i rri ta te d ey el i ds
Fe nugree k Tri gone la foe c um grae c um: s ti mul a tes
a ppe ti te (1 te as poon be fore ea ch mea l ), a s ubs ti tu te
for mourounel a i ou - ca use s thi ck e ni ng (a ne mi a - TB -
Di a be te s ) - a toni c i n c as es of phys i ca l a nd me nta l
i l l ne ss - i nc re as es the fl ow of mothe r' s mi lk .
Te a S i de ri tis sc ardi ca : hea ti ng- ri c h i ron - c ough -
a nemi a .
Ne ttl e Urti ca di oic a : gal l s tones - a rthri tis -
rhe uma ti s m - ki dne y - a di ure tic - di ss ol ve s uric ac i d -
ha i r l oss - a ne mi a.
S AG E Sa lv i a offi c i nal i s : w he n bl ood s uga r ra i se s the
pres s ure - s ti mula ti ng the ne rv ous s ys te m, hai r los s -
l a ry ngi ti s - pha ry ngi tis , tons i l li ti s , s toma ti tis .
Li nde n or TI LI O Ti l ia pl a ty phyl os : Ki dne y S tone -
i ns omnia - hea dac he s - cough - re la xa nt - he a ti ng-
di ure tic - i n hy pe rte ns i on, a rte ri osc l e ros i s, se da ti v e.
FLO MO S : softe ne r - ex pec tora nt - a gai ns t ca ta rrh,


c ol ds , di se a se s of the c he s t a nd c ough - i n e xc es si v e
muc us, i nfl amma ti on of the mouth a nd la ry nx - i n the
dy s uri a .
Fuma ric Fuma ria offi c i na l is : ps ori a si s - ec ze ma , ac ne -
l ic he ns. Be ne fic i al e ffe c t on the li ve r a nd ga l l bl a dde r
- hel ps c le a n the body throug h the ki dney s a nd l iv e r-
c onj unc tiv i ti s - Hy pnoti c - s oothi ng - ca tha rti c, toni c -
l ax a tiv e - an a ppe ti ze r - a di ure tic .
FRAG KO ULI Rha mnus fra ngula : mi l d la xa ti ve , l ax a tiv e
tha t ca n be us e d to correc t cons ti pa ti on - does not
c a us e a ddi c ti on or de pe nde nc e, l iv e r toni c -
e gk ol pma tos ei s gut c ontai ns B vi ta mi ns , B6 , B2 a nd
ma gnes i um (for s pa s ms w i thout pa i n).
FTE LIA Ul mus ca mpe s tris (Ka ra ga ts i FLO IO S ) gas tri ti s
- ga s tric a nd duode na l ul c ers , ente ri tis - Col i ti s -
di a rrhe a .
S EAWE E DS BLACK Fuc us ve si c ula s is : c ut the appe ti te
- ri c h i n i odi ne - zi nc - c hromi um - comba t ce l l ul i te .
CH AME DRY S Te uc ri um cha me dri s : toni c aga i ns t the
c a ta rrh of the muc ous membra nes , c hronic vronc hi ti -
a gai ns t indi ges ti on a nd ae ropha gy - a nti py re ti c -
di ure tic
CH AMO MI LE Ma tric a ri a cha momil l a : s oothi ng, he al i ng
- di ge s ti ve - a ga i ns t obe si ty - anti fl ogi s ti k o - re gul a ti ng
a ppe ti te - di ge s ti on.

Ange l ik i (ANG E LI CA ARCH ANG E LI CA)

            He rb w i th a s trong and pe rs is te nt odor. The pl a nt
i n s hrub s i ze ge ts s ma l l tre e a nd ma y e ve n rea c h tw o
me te rs . Bi e nnia l w i th thi c k fl es hy roots , hol l ow s te ms ,
too the d le av es a nd gre e n fl ow e rs i n ea rly s umme r.
            The he a l i ng prope rti es a re too nume rous a nd i n
pri nci pl e us e d as a toni c . Wome n w ho hav e abnorma l
me ns trua l bl ee di ng to re ga i n i ts norma l rhy thm us i ng
it as a be ve ra ge .
            Whe n c ough a nd i ndi ges ti on us e d a s c ordia l ,
be ne fic i al e ye . E ve n i s the ple ura l a nd cl ea ni ng for
uri ne

Ros es (RO SA G ALLI CA )


            The ros e s a re ta l l s hrub wi th pi nk or w hi te
fl ow e rs . Wi th a he i ght of 1 -3 me te rs a re c omple x a nd
j a gge d l ea ve s . The pe ta l s are thi n a nd the frui t is
k now n as "ky norodo.
            I t' s s ort of know n in folk me di ci ne a s a ve ry good
me dic i ne. We use thes e frui ts y el l owi s h fl ow e rs are
v ery a s tri nge nt and soothi ng. The tea gi v es us
c omba ts i ns omni a , runny nose , va ri ous w as hes
e nte ri tis or trea t i nfla mma ti on of the e ye s. The pe ta ls
a re use d a s s ti mula nts of ble e di ng and c ons ti pa ti on

Ac hi ll e s (ACHI LLE A MI LI LLO CI UM )

            MAP, cl i mbi ng he rb. I t has gra y -gree n l ea v es a nd
s ma l l whi te or pi nk fl owe rs wi th y el l ow ce nte r. I t
grow s in s umme r l oose groups .
            Dri nk i ng te a , sti mul a te s the body. I s a di ure ti c
a nd ea se s the pa i n of rhe uma tis m. Pl a nt i s s ti ll a c ti ve
i n ga s tric di se a se s . Drops of col d te a i n the e a rs he al
v ari ous di se as es . I t s ti mul a tes the func ti on of the
k i dne y s a nd he a rt. I t al s o s ti mula te s ha i r and rubs hi s
he a d re duce s ha i r los s. Re c omme nde d for ac ne,
bronc hi ti s, col ds a nd fev e r, hy pe rte ns i on, l ary ngi ti s
a nd ps oria s is . E ve n for hea l thy pe ople as a s timul a tor
of though t. I n ra re c as es , e xc es s iv e dose s c an ca us e
di zzi nes s a nd ve rti go.

Va le ria no (VALE RI ANA O FFI CI NALI S )

I t i s s hrub tha t re ac he s a he i ght of 1 -15 me te rs . The
ba se is ve lv e ty and s impl e . The le av e s grow unl ik e
fte roe i di form. The fl ow e rs a re w hi te wi th pi nk a nd
bl oom i n mi d- summe r. The roots hav e a s trong smel l .
For the ra pe uti c us e the root of the pl a nt, but the drie d
l ea ve s of thi s te a we ma ke . Rec omme nde d for
a rthri ti s, c ol i ti s , di a rrhe a , he a da c he a nd hy pe rte nsi on,
i ns omnia , ev eres thi t ou bowe l sy ndrome, me nopa us e ,
ps oria s is , rhe uma ti sm, ne rv ous te ns i on, tootha c he ,
the s ci a tic a , pe ri od pa i ns. By tea the ba throoms a re i n
the c onv ul s i ons of the new born i nfa nts . The v al eri a n


may inc rea se the i nfl ue nc e of some sl ee pi ng pil l s a nd
s houl d not be us e d i f y ou tak e sl ee pi ng pil l s unl e ss
unde r the gui da nce of a doc to r. Av oi d la rge dos es for
a l ong ti me

S t. J ohn's Wort
  Hy pe ri c um pe rfora ti ons, (Hy pe ric ac e ae ), bal m, se dge,
S t. -J ohn ' s -w ort) Pe rfora tum The w ord comes from
La ti n, the G ree k tra ns la ti on of "pie rce d". The le av e s
a re bri ght y el l ow -ora nge . The pe ta ls , us ual l y ye l l ow.
Whe n you re turn to the li ght, re ve a l tra nsl uc e nt
mome nts tha t gi v e the i mpre s si on tha t i t is fl a we d.
The dots are not hole s but, but col ore d es se nti al oi ls
a nd re s i ns . I f you rub the bla ck dots thos e w ho hav e 5
pe ta ls w i th hi s fi nge rs, this wi l l be re d. For ma ny
he rbal me dic i na l, thes e bla c k -re d dots c onta i n s ome
of the mos t va l ua bl e and e ffe c tiv e he rba l i ngre die nts .
The s ta me ns of the pl a nt ha v e a spec i a l form w i th a
s oli d c yl i ndric a l rod w i th tw o li ne s proj ec ti ng a l ong.
The se li ne s ma ke the wa rp and l ook fl a t, w hic h is
qui te unus ua l i n the w orl d of pla nts . Conta i ns
Hy pe ri c i ne a nd ps e udo- Hy pe ric i ne, fl av onoi ds (16 % i n
l ea ve s ), bl ond, phe nol ic ac i ds , e ss e ntia l oi ls (0. 1 3% i n
the e nti re pla nt ).
S t. John' s Wort i n the trea tme nt e mpl oy e d si nce
a nci e nt ti mes , Ga le n a nd Di os c ori de s me nti on a s a
di ure tic , he al i ng, e mmi na gogo, ha e mos ta ti c . Duri ng
the Mi ddle Ages w e re attri bute d ma gi ca l qua l i tie s to
the pl a nt, e s pe c ia l ly i f the ha rv es t wa s on June 2 4,
Da y A c el e bra ti on of J ohn. How a nd w hy the y na me d
the pl a nt the herb S t. John, «S t. -J ohn ' s -w ort» is
unk now n. How ev e r, a cc ordi ng to the rel e va nt
"di s c us s i on", the Bi bl e sa ys tha t J ohn the Ba pti s t
l iv e d i n the des e rt by e a ti ng loc us ts a nd hone y. As i n
the G re ek w orl d of tha t ti me the w ord ' e dge' a ppli e d
the ti ps of pla nts , some fe l t tha t I wa s fe d the Ba pti s t
he rbs, i nc l udi ng the S t. J ohn's Wort. Acc ordi ng to
a nothe r suc h "the ory " i n the na me of the pl a nt, the
bl ac k dots re pres e nt the bl ood of S t. J ohn and the


tra ns pa re nt a re as of the pe tal s , the te a rs s he d w he n
the y be he a de d the U.S . , a fter a progra m ABC New s in
J une 19 97 , Hy pe ri c um w as the mos t popula r pl a nt, the
a l terna ti ve "prozak » , (La dose ), for mi l d a nd modera te
de pres si on. I t is al s o us e d a s anti c onv uls a nts a nd
i mprove r of the qua l i ty of s le e p i n i ns omnia . Al re a dy
in G e rma ny in 1 99 4, pre sc ri be d 20 mi ll i on
pres c ri pti ons for pa ti e nts ! O nl y i n Monta na U. S .
c urre ntl y 50 0, 0 00 ac res of c ul ti v a te d pl a nts .
E x te rna l ly us e d as a n e xc el l e nt he al i ng wounds a nd
burns i n the fi rs t gra de . But the gre a t promis e of the
pl a nt is i ts c ontri buti on to the tre a tme nt of AI DS !

Be fore four thous a nd y ea rs in Egy pt and sprea d to
Afri c a a nd brought the m to G re e ce , al ong w i th othe r
pl a nts, a fte r Al ex a nder' s ca mpa i gn i n Indi a .
De sc ri pti on
Ba si l is a n a roma tic - ye ar he rba ce ous pla nt c a n re ac h
6 0 cm i n he i ght, w i th s trongl y s ce nte d e ll i pti c al le av es
a nd s ma l l w hi te fl owe rs . Ok i mou be l ongs to the ge nus
of the La bia ta e fa mil y a nd e xi s ts i n se ve ra l va rie ti es ,
both in s i ze a nd c ol or of the l ea v es . The se e ds
ge rmi na te e as i ly Roy a l i n pla c es w i th abunda nt
s uns hi ne a nd dry, fe rti l e soi l . I t fl ow e rs from s pri ng to
s umme r.
Re l i gi ous a nd c ul tura l v al ue
The re a re ma ny ri tual s and be li e fs as s oc ia te d w i th the
Ki ng. The I ndi a n na me i s Roy a l Tuls a ("Thul s i " or
"Tuls i "), a nd is a Hi ndu my thol ogi ca l ny mph
tra ns forme d i nto a pla nt to av oi d a se x god of the Fa r
E as t. Now a da ys c onsi de re d the s ac re d pl a nt of the


god Vis hnu and Kris hna i n I ndia and le ft one of the
s pri gs i nto the cl othe s of the de a d to se c ure entry to
the Worl d of the De a d.
I n J ew i s h tra di ti on s ugges t to s tre ngthe n ov er a
pe ri od of fas ti ng. Le ge nds cl ai m tha t the Afri c a n ba s il
prote c ts aga i ns t s c orpi ons , whi le the E urope a ns
s ome ti me s s ay they a re a s ymbol of S a ta n.
The Roma ns though t the poti on and a s a sy mbol of
l ove . I n I ta ly and Cre te ba s il wa s a sy mbol of l ove , a
ma n w ho a cc e pte d a spri g of bas i l a y oung w oma n
s ee n ti e d to i t.
The E gy ptia ns us e d i t w i th othe r pl a nts i n the
e mba l mi ng a nd the Ga uls in ri tua l s of puri fi c a ti on w i th
w a ter s ourc e . Poss i bl y the re to ke e p the roots of
Chri s ti a n tra di ti on a nd the s a nc ti ty of the ki ng.
I n a nc ie nt Gree c e re pre s e nte d the hos ti l i ty a nd the
G ree k O rthodox c hurc h ha s tre me ndous va l ue for the
pre para ti on of s anc ti ty. I t is al s o sa i d tha t he ha d
grow n cl os e to the roya l tomb of Chri s t w he n he wa s
di sc ov ere d by S t. He le na .
I n E urope , a bra nc h of the Roy al put i n the ha nds of
the dec ea s e d to ens ure the sa fe j ourne y, w hi l e i n I ndia
put i t i n the mouth of the de ce as e d to ma k e s ure tha t
we s urre nde r to G od.
The Anc ie nt Egy pti a ns a nd Anc ie nt G ree ks bel i ev e d
tha t ope n the ga tes of pa ra di se for the de a d.
P a ga ni s m E le me nt: Fi re P la ne t: Ma rs
The Roya l wa s na me d a s " the he rb of w i tc he s " for
c e nturie s . Use d for e xorc is m, prote c ti on a nd a s a
"po ti on". An ol d a da ge sa ys tha t "w he re i t grows bas i l
goe s ba d" a nd "w he re is ba si l , a nd ba d l iv i ng. Whe n
the Roy al dona te d bri ngs good l uc k to a ne w home .
Whe n s pri nk l i ng the hous e wi th bas i l soa ke d i n wa te r
to ri d ev i l. Us e d to lov e s pel l s a nd pros pe ri ty. I t
re duce s the te ns i on be twe e n tw o pe opl e . At trac ts
a bunda nc e . Spray i ng w i th we t roya l compa ni on to
e ns ure l oy a l ty. I ts us e i n puri fi ca ti on ba th bri ngs ne w
l ove or re l ea se from an ol d l ove .
Us e d i n i nce nse and amul e ts and bri ng pros pe ri ty to
the one who ca rri e s i n his poc k e t. Lik e i nce nse he l ps
e x orc is m.


Al te rna tiv e Me dic i ne
Ba si l i s k now n si nce anc ie nt ti mes for i ts me di c i na l
prope rti es a s me nti one d by Di os c ori de s . Has s uc h
prope rti es tha t c an be us e d for tea a nd for pe rfume oil
w i th a s i gni fic a nt the ra pe utic prope rti e s.
I n Anc ie nt Gree c e, the G re ek mothe rs a n addi ti ona l
thre e ti mes pe r w ee k i n the di e t of the boy s unti l
pube rty thei r s al a ds w i th ba s il . Thus , a cc ordi ng to
Di os c ori de s and Hi ppoc ra te s s uc ce e de d le ngthe ni ng
a nd de e pe ni ng of thei r pe nis . Ev e n toda y i n s ome
v il l a ge s , the gra ndmothe rs i ns is t the y do good for
boy s but not a ble to e x pl a i n w hy.
The i ndi ge nous pe opl e of We s t A fric a use d the Ki ng a s
a nti py re ti c drug, the E gy pti a ns mi xe s the ba si l wi th
my rrh from my rtl e i n the proc es s of tax i de rmy.
The mos t w e ll know n be ne fic i al prope rti e s are :
• i mprov e s bl ood c irc ula ti on - te a he l ps di ge s ti on as
a nothe r ty pe of soda a nd s oothe s the i ntes ti ne s
• hel ps to mi gra i nes a nd he a da c hes
• stre ngthe ns memory
• is a di ure ti c
• The Roy a l e x tra c t use ful i f s toma ti tis and he rpe s
c opi ngs
• I t is re c omme nde d for ca se s of na use a a nd for
na use a pre gna nc y
• cons umpti on of l ea ve s hel ps to i nc re as e brea s t mi lk
in nursi ng mothe rs
• drie d bas i l le av es s oothe the a il me nts of c hroni c
rhi ni ti s and si nus i tis
• re duce s w ri nk l es
• Kee p mos qui toes , fl ie s and gna ts
• The aroma the ra py es se nti al oi l i s us e d as a ma s sa ge
a gai ns t de pres s i on
• the addi ti on of the ba th rel ax e s the body.
Ha rve s ti ng and pres e rvi ng
• Fres h - Chop the l ea ve s
• Dri e d - Cu t the le av es i n the morni ng or a fte r s unse t
w he n the pl a nt i s bl oomi ng. G ood i s ge ne ra l l y
re mov e d the fl ow e rs from the Roy al fy to. Topo the tis te
l ea ve s on a c otton c l oth a nd a ll ow to dry i n a c ool ,
da rk pl ac e .


• In a J a r - You c an ke ep in a ja r tha t conta i ns oi l.
• I n the fre e ze r - mix i t wi th ol i ve oi l a nd pla c e i n ic e
c ube tray s .
Cook i ng pes to a la Ge nove s e
• 2 c ups fre s h ba s il l ea ve s
• 1 / 3 pi ne fl i ts a ni ou
• 2-3 c l ov es ga rl ic 1 / 2 c up P arme sa n c hee se
• 1 / 2 c up oli ve oi l
• Sa l t
            S hrub we l l k now n i n G ree ce , w hi c h grows i n the
w i l d si de i n he dges a nd te rrac e s. I t has thorny s te ms
a nd giv es off sma ll , round a nd rus se t w i th s our ta s te.
            S i nc e they mak e frui t sy rups or ja ms , w hic h a part
from i ts ple as a nt ta s te , the y al s o hav e me di c i na l
prope rti es . The te a le a f i s dia rrhe a. In the sa me tea
can do ga rgle a gai ns t angi na .
            The quee n of the fores t. I t occ urs in ma ny
s pec ie s . S ome are dec i duous a nd othe r e ve rgree ns .
But they a re al l al mos t the s a me pha rma c ol ogi c al
prope rti es . Use d ma i nl y l ea ve s , whi c h mus t be
ga the re d i n the s umme r a nd dry w i nte r. I t c a n be use d
ba rk a nd ac orns a fte r be i ng c ut from the tre e w he n
ri pe.
            The oa ks a re ri c h i n ta nni ns a nd hav e the a bi li ty
to s top the bl ood a nd ti ghte n re la xe d from i nj urie s or
i nfe c ti ons ti ss ue s. Als o use d for bl ee di ng,
he morrhoi ds , i nc onti ne nc e , va ric os e ve i ns , e c ze ma,
gi ngi vi ti s
            I t is not pe rfe c t pl a nt. The y a re pa ras i tes tha t
grow on tree s . Know n a s "ghee " i s anti c onv uls a nt a nd
hy pe rte ns i on. I t i s the pri ma ry fe e d for li ve s tock and
is sa i d to i nc rea se mi l k c ow s .
            The ma nufa c ture of "ex y ve rgas " unde r mis tl e toe
fe rme nte d hone y, is us e d to c a tc h sma l l bi rds

Thi s tle - KNI KO S (CNI C US BE NE DI CTUS )

            Know n pla nt i n G re ec e w he re he s ai d and
Agi a gka tho. The amount does not e xc ee d 40 poi nts


a nd a nas ty s me l l. I t s ound ma na ge r w i th angl es a nd
l i ght gre e n l ea ve s, re s ul ti ng i n a fl uffy li t tle crunc h.
The fl owe rs are l a rge a nd ye ll ow i n the s umme r.
            For the ra pe uti c us e the whol e pla nt a nd mak e te a
a nd re fre s hme nts i n the pa i rnoume i n ca se s of fev e r
a nd anore xi a , dy s pe ps ia a nd ra s h

RO S E MARY ros ma ri nos the pha rma c e utic a l

        The Ros e ma ry or Ros e ma ry (Ros ma ri nus
offi ci na li s ) is a n i ndi ge nous pl a nt and is found i n
rock y pl ac es al mos t a ll ov e r G re ec e , but al s o i n
v e ge ta ble ga rde ns a nd fl owe r ga rde ns . The s hrub
rea c hes a he i ght me as ure. Rose ma ry i s i mpre gna te d i n
the Chris tma s tra di ti on.
      I t be l ongs to the fa mi ly La bi a tae [Mi nt fami l y
(La mi nac ea e )] a nd ev e rgre e n fry ga node s tha mni o, a
mul ti di sc i pli na ry a nd le a fy w i th l ea ve s smal l , li gne ous
a nd l i ps wra ppe d w i th gree n on top a nd w hi te bottom
v e tc h. The fl ow e rs a re s ma l l bl ue and w hi te, a nd
c l us te re d al ong the ex tre me part of bla s ts i n
v erte brae , the armpi ts of the le av es . Enti re pla nt
e s pe ci a l ly the le av es and bl ue fl ow e rs conta i n a
c ol orl e ss or ye ll ow i s h es se nti a l oi l vi sc os i ty
(ros ma ri ne la i o) by pie rci ng a pl e as a nt fra gra nce , use d
i n pha rmac y as a n e x te rna l oi ntme nt i n rhe uma tic
di se as e s. I t is a ls o us e d as a toni c and a nthe l mi nti c .
The l ea ve s c oll e c te d i n s pri ng and us e d i n c ooki ng
gi ve s e xc el l e nt food a nd uni que fl av or. Comme rc ia l ly
ma rk e te d dri e d le av es a nd fl owe rs of ros e ma ry, whi c h
a re pre pa re d by i nfus i on, ti nc ture and e ss e ntia l oil s .
      The de c oc ti on of the l ea ve s of ros e ma ry is a
pow e rful di ge s tiv e s ti mul a nt a nd s ti mula te s the
di ges ti v e func ti on, mobi l i zi ng the se c re ti on of ga s tric
j uic e s, bi le a nd li ve r func ti on. The ta nni ns c onta i ne d
the re i n, impa rt a s tri nge nt prope rtie s a nd is
c onsi de re d a ppropri a te a ux i l ia ry smoot h
me ns trua ti on. Re gula te e xc es si v e me trorrha gi a and
c ombi ne s the c i rc l e of wome n. As a n a nti oxi da nt,
prote c ts a nd s tre ngt he ns the immune s ys te m, hel ps i n
c as es of a the ros c le ros is a nd s ti mula te s the


func ti oni ng of the he a rt. Toni c prope rti es ha ve be e n
re porte d for the ne rv ous s ys te m a nd i n ca se s of
he a da c he s . Ros ema ry is a s ti mula nt of bl ood
c i rc ul a ti on and i s i ndic a te d for ca se s of fai nti ng,
fa ti gue , ex ha us ti on, for de pre ss i on, i ns omni a, a nx i e ty
e tc . Ros e ma ry is us e d sy s te ma ti ca l ly i n 50 0 BC I n
a nci e nt Gree c e wa s re c ogni ze d as a n he rb tha t ha d the
a bil i ty to i m prov e mi nd a nd me mory. Ye t a ss i gne d to
thi s a phrodis i ac prope rti e s. Ma s sa ge w i th drops of
e ss e ntia l oi l from the le av e s of ros e ma ry i n te mple s
re li ev e s he a da c he. A few drops of es se nti a l oi l in the
w a ter ba th, re s t a nd re li e ve pai n i n bones a nd
musc l es . The pl a nt al s o ha s anti s e ptic , a nti ba c te ri a l
a nd a poc hre mpti ke s prope rti es , w hi le e fi droti k o a nd
s pas moly ti c a nd i t i s us e d i n ca se s of col ds , c oughs ,
bronc hi ti s, as thma. I t ca n he l p i n c as es of i ndi ge s ti on,
fl a tul e nc e , c ol ic , dia rrhea a nd di ge s tiv e probl e ms i n
ge ne ra l . S ti l l ha ve sa i d tha t i f rub the s ca l p wi th te a,
he l ps to re duce ha i r l os s a nd ri nse s the mouth wi th i t,
he l p to trea t the gums tha t bl ee d and l oos e te e th.
      Se ve ral le ge nds as s oc ia te ros e ma ry w i th Chri s tmas
a nd al l of the m re v ol v e a round Ma ry the mothe r of
J es us, a nd the ga rme nt s tre tc he d ov e r a ros e ma ry
pl a nt. O ne ve rs i on sa ys tha t duri ng the fl i ght of the
fa mi ly of J es us to E gy pt, Ma ry hel d out the ba by
c l othes in a ne a rby bus h, w hi c h wa s a ros e mary bus h.
The n the whi te fl owe rs of the pl a nt w ere bl ue to honor
the Holy Chi l d.
      A v aria nt of thi s l e ge nd s ay s, he w as the ma ntl e of
Ma ry, whi c h sprea d i n Rose ma ry, w ho wa s bl ue . The
bl ue col or tra di ti ona l ly a ss oc i a te d wi th Ma ry a nd the
Chri s ti a n tra di ti on, the bl ue fl owe rs out to he r.
      Anothe r va ria ti on on the sa me s ubje c t, sa ys tha t
w hi le the cl othe s of the I nfa nt J es us wa s s pre a d out i n
the bus h, he be ga n to emi t a s we e t fra gra nc e . Thi s
w as the re w ard for the s erv ic e o ffe re d to the Di v i ne
Chi l d.
      Pe rha ps this di s ti nc tiv e fra gra nc e i s w hy ros ema ry
a c qui re d the re puta ti on of a s ymbol of re me mbra nc e.
Us e d in fune ral s and grav e s de c ora te d to
c omme mora te not forge t the de ce a se d. Ev e n us e d for


w e ddi ngs , to re mi nd the ne w l yw e ds not to forge t the ir
v ows . Thi s s til l s ta nds, frie nds hi p a nd fa i th re la ti ons


Di tta ny grows a bunda nt on s te e p sl opes
Agi e ri ni oti k ou gorge and the cl i ffs a bov e the vi ll a ge
Kous toge rak o, loc a te d i n the a re a of the ca ny on a nd
e ve n the roc ks of the bea c h is be a uti ful S ougia the
e nd of thi s ra vi ne .
The col l ec ti on of w ork i s da nge rous a nd is ma i nl y i n
Augus t w hi c h i s bl ow n by pe opl e w ho hav e be c ome
a cc us tome d to cl i mbi ng wi th ropes . Be ca us e of thi s
ri sk a nd took the na me "e ronta s , w hy shoul d 'ha ve no
pa ss i on for l ov e and dec i de to ri s k hi s l i fe to col l ec t.
The col l ec ti on w as ma de and the purpose s of tra de ,
both w i thi n G re e ce a nd a broa d. Today wi l d di k tamos
not e nough for w ha t nee ds to tra de for i t i s grow n not
onl y in Cre te but al s o in Al ge ria , Fra nc e, e tc. The
e ss e ntia l oi l of Dik ta mos use d i n perfume ry a nd to
fl a v or va ri ous be ve ra ges , e spe ci a ll y of ve rmouth.
The mi ra c ul ous prope rtie s me nti one d by ma ny a nc i e nt
w ri te rs s uc h as Home r, Aris to tl e, Euri pi de s ,
The ophras tus , Vi rgi l , Pl uta rc h, the Di osc ori des , Ga le n
a nd othe rs
The re port a s e ffec ti v e i n dis e as es of the ki dney s ,
i nte s ti ne s , e tc . for the poi s oni ng, w hi c h ha s be e n
v eri fi e d by mode rn s c hola rs, s o I te nd to Cre te to offe r
as a dri nk .
Ac c ordi ng to my thol ogy, w as de di ca te d to the godde s s
Arte mi s hel p be ca us e, li ke tha t of c hi l dbi rth. For the
s ame re as on, re pre se nti ng the a nc i e nt s ta tue of a
godde ss w i th a c row n of burni ng bus h.
The ol de r pe ople us e d i n the form of a poul ti c e as
ha emos ta ti c a nd hea l i ng, s o I he ard the na me
s ta ma toc horto. Tel l s tori es about wi l d be as ts , w hic h
w ounde d by a hunte r a rrows , burni ng bus h and a te the
ti p of the a rrow fe l l from the body.

Dra gon (Dra c unc ul us vul ga ri s )

The Dra gon or Ara b or Fi doc horto is a pl a nt tha t
rea c hes a he i ght of up to 1 m hi gh wi th le av es l arge


a nd broa d, up to 5 5 c m s w ord k as ta noporfy ri i ns i de
a nd gree ni s h outs i de. I t grows i n fie l ds , di tc he s a nd
roa d ends a t a l ow a l ti tude. I t fl owe rs i n s pri ng and
turns a da rk re d fl owe r wi th the unpl ea s a nt odor
s trik e s us as a s tra nge a ppea ra nce of na ture. This
pl a nt wi th unus ua l fl ow e rs a nd le av es w ere the anc ie nt
c onnec te d wi th sna ke s re pre se nti ng the s ec re cy of the
unde rw orl d. In ea s te rn Cre te , w as fou nd a
s arc opha gus de c ora te d wi th a pa tte rn tha t ma y be
ta ke n from the dra gon.
Thy me
Thy me is a pl a nt a nd be l ongs to the La bi a tae . The re
a re 3 3 ty pes of thy me a nd ma ny are shrubs tha t grow
i n G ree ce in ari d pl ac es . Thy me has a ni ce sc ent
a ttra c ts be es to ga the r from thi s ex ce l le nt hone y.
Thy me tas ti e r mi lk a nd mea t from ani ma l s tha t ea t
the m in gra zi ng.
The fl owe rs of thy me are purple or w hi te a nd do e a r.
The di s ti ll a te i s us e d a s a me dic i ne on the w ounds of
a ni ma l s. From thy me le av es e ve n the thy me l ai o, w hi c h
is use ful in pe rfume ry a nd pha rma ce uti c al .
Hi bi sc us ca n re duc e c hole s te rol
We a ll k now the di ffe re nc e s i n hi bis c us v ari a ti ons a s
be a uti ful orna me nta l pl a nt wi th spec ta c ula r fl owe rs .
But i n E as t As ia from w he re c ome s the pl a nt, the us e
of hi bi sc us is not onl y de c ora ti ve but a ls o pha rma c y,
a t l ea s t in tra di ti ona l me di c i ne . Ba se d on tha t mode rn
s c hol a rs ha v e found a fter i nv es ti ga ti on tha t hi bis c us
can re duc e c hol e s te rol .
The res e arc he rs s ay tha t a n ex tra c t de ri v e d from
hi bi sc us fl ow e rs, may hav e the s ame be ne fi ci a l e ffe c ts
on hea rt he al th, a s re d wi ne and te a. A tea m from the
Uni v ers i ty of Chung S ha n Me dic a l Uni ve rs i ty i n Tai w a n
s ay s the fl ow e r c onta i ns a nti oxi da nts tha t he l p c ontrol
c hole s te rol l ev e ls . I n s tudi es i n ani mal s ha ve found
tha t the e x tra c t re duce s c hol e s terol in ani mal s , a nd
the s ame c oul d ha ppe n i n huma ns (J ourna l of J ourna l
of the S ci e nc e of Food a nd Agric ul ture ).




The hi bi s c us (Hi bi sc us sa bda ri ffa L), w hi c h i s grow n
i n Chi na, I ndia a nd Tai w a n i s us e d as a tra di ti ona l
re me dy to trea t hi gh bl ood pres s ure a nd li ve r
di s orde rs .
The s ci e nti s ts found i t c ontai ns a nti oxi da nts tha t are
k now n to re duc e ris ks , w hic h are a cc e ntua te d by the
fa ts i ns i de the a rte ri es . Conduc te d a s tudy look i ng a t
the e ffec ts on the ex tra c t of hi bi s c us , l ow de ns i ty
(c onte nt ) li poprote i n, LDL or "ba d" c hole s te rol i n ra ts .
The y found the hi bis c us ex trac t si gni fi ca ntl y re duce
fa tty de pos i ts i n a rteri es and bl ood c hol e s terol le ve ls .
Doc tor Cha u- Jong Wang, w ho le d the re se a rc h s ai d:
"E x pe ri me nts hav e s how n tha t compounds e x tra c te d
from re d wi ne and te a re duce c hol e s te rol a nd l i pi ds
tha t a cc umul a te i n the arte rie s of ra ts . He s ai d tha t
the da ta s trongl y sugge s t tha t this c oul d be is use ful
i n the pre ve nti on a nd ev e n trea tme nt me ga l ouAnthi
hi bi sc us (Hi bis c us s a bda ri ffa L)
  number of c ardi ov as c ula r dis ea s es in w hi c h
c hole s te rol pl ay s a maj or role .
The hi bi sc us fl ow ers a re pa rti c ula rl y e ffi ci e nt at
re duci ng chol es te rol - we ' re curi ous to se e i f l ong-
te rm s tudi es produc e s imi l ar re s ul ts i n huma ns .
w ha tev e r the ra pe uti c e ffe c ts from the us e of hi bi s c us ,
our a dv i ce rema i ns the sa me : re gul a r phy si c al a c ti v i ty
a nd di e t tha t c ontai ns hi gh a mounts of frui ts a nd
v e ge ta ble s and l ow in s a tura te d fa t rema i ns the bes t
w ay to prote c t your hea rt he al th
Kouma ria
The s tra w be rry is a pl a nt na ti v e to Me di te rra ne a n
a re a s and S W I re l a nd. Ev e rgre e n s hrub or tre e rea c he s
a he i ght of 12 m. The ba rk is rough. The le av es a re
gl oss y da rk gre e n, la nce ol a te a nd toothe d. Fl ow e rs
w hi te or pi nk pe nda nts come i n s ha de s. The frui t i s
s phe ri ca l w i th a di a me te r of 1 .5 to 2 cm wi th re d -
ora nge a nd rumble . Bl ooms i n l a te autumn to ea rly
w i nte r. Mul ti pl ie d by s ee ds . Thri ve s in l i ght sa ndy and
non- ca lc a re ous s oi l a nd s un nee ds . Us e l i quor a nd
fl ow e rs . I n s ome pa rts of I ta ly a nd Cors i ca from the
frui ts produce d by dis ti l li ng a ki nd of a lc ohol ic
be ve ra ge . Al s o, frui ts a re ea te n, but not v ery ta s ty.


The l ea ve s a nd ba rk us e d in the pha rmac e uti ca l

I mprove s c orona ry c irc ula ti on, s tre ngthe ns the he a rt,
s ta bil i zes bl ood pre s s ure , improv es ca rdia c func ti on.
Hy pe rte ns i on 30 gr. / 50 0 ml w a ter for 5 mi nute s

La ve nde r
La ve nde r is a ge nus be l ongi ng to the fa mi ly "La bi a ta e .
The re are tw o ty pe s of la ve nde r. La ve nde r i s s toi c ha da
tha t grows on s tony pla i ns a nd pa rts of the spi ke
l av e nder tha t grow s i n pla c es pe trodei s . Apo thes e tw o
s pec ie s more tha n the se cond, ge tti ng a dis ti l l e d
a roma ti c e ss e ntia l oi l w hic h is us e d to ma ke up the
a roma ti c l oti ons a nd aroma tic s oa ps . The e ss e ntia l oil
tha t ha s a nti se pti c and he al i ng prope rtie s

Le mongras s
Le mongras s (Le mongras s O il )
I t has bee n pos si bl e, c ool l e mon sc ent. I t i s a pow e rful
a nti -ba c teri a l, pa rtic ul a rl y us e ful for proble m s ki n,
ope n pore s a nd ac ne. Al s o a good ins ec t re pe ll e nt.
Combi ne d wi th : e uc al y ptus , my rtl e, c oni fe r oi ls , ci trus
oi ls , Ge rma ny

Verbena (Aloysia triphylla, Lippia citriodora)

DESCRIPTION: It comes from South America and cultivated as a
medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants. Shrub 1-1.5 m height or
taller, if the soil is fertile. Leaves toothed or leiocheila a tri-or four-party
vertebrae, lanceolate with a short stalk, smooth upper surface and
glandular at the bottom. Flowers white, small vertebrae forming axillary
or full trusses. The leaves emit pressed lemon odor.
MEDICINE: A folk medicine uses it extensively for diseases of the
stomach. The tea is believed to stop the diarrhea and tonic, antipyretic
and diuretic. Recommended even in cases nefrolithiaseos.

USE: Use the leaves and flowers. Must be consumed in moderation

due to high levels of camphor. Rarely grown today have almost


forgotten the virtues of cooking. Due to strong lemon scent that emits,
is used to flavor fish, soups, salads, poultry and meat. But the main
application lies in the confectionery and beverage industry. It fits
perfectly even with fresh fruit, so;; , and garnish salads, fruit and
desserts, especially fruit. Dried used to prepare teas
Louisa generously offers its beneficial properties and helps in
detoxification, elimination of unnecessary fluid and cellulite. In folk
medicine commonly used for stomach pains, and as antipyretic and
tonic beverage. Emits a strong scent of lemon and a bit tart, but
delicious flavor.

We offer it with hibiscus petals, marigold and ginger (ginger),

renowned for its aphrodisiac properties, so enjoy a delicious hot or cold
Preparation Instructions:
1-2 tablespoons, 7-10 min, 100 ° C
The wicker is a bushy deciduous plant. Which grows in the riverbank. It
belongs to the family "vervenides. The leaves are oblong lanceolate
wicker, flowers are white, violet or blue. The leaves have a pleasant
fragrance. The branches are pliable to use in basketry. With the
branches make up hampers for laundry and panniers to carry the olive
oil olives and wine their grapes. The wicker scientists say the lack of
knowledge or shared. But today we also say and Lygia, or Agni lyga

Maroulida (Petromarula pinuata)

It's endemic plant of Crete. It grows on rocks and walls from sea level
up to the mountain area is biennial plant with a rosette of pterolova or
pteroschidi or sheets up to 30 cm until smooth and shoots 80 cm. Ta
blue flowers appear during the months of April-May.
      Well-known indigenous plant that lives for many years and is highly
esteemed for its fragrance.
      It is used principally for the perfume. With the leaves of which are
gray and the red flowers, we make a tea with sedative, and
anticonvulsant properties afidrotikes
      Perennial plant with kokkinoporfyra, square stems and glossy, dark
green, oval, toothed leaves. It has small purple flowers appear in


summer. The healing properties of many. Is a plant stimulant, stomach,
digestive, antispasmodic. Stimulates liver function, anti-catarrh and
mitralgias. Speeds up heart rate and increases the temperature. The
oil of peppermint is the key and headache. The mandola component of
peppermint oil is in the form of crystals. Used as an analgesic, local
format lipstick or emulsions where neuralgia, sciatica and headaches.
Recommended for the beauty of body and facial hair. Ideal for normal
skin. It is refreshing breath and recommended for oily hair. Refreshing
infused bath. To avoid inhalation of oil for long periods. It should not be
given to children for more than a week to babies in any form.
The myrtle is an evergreen aromatic shrub and grows alone in the
forests of our country, with the arbutus trees and bushes. It belongs to
the family "blueberry" and resembles eucalyptus. The myrtle is a long-
lived shrub species and is 100

Trachea pine (Pinus brutia)

Coniferous tree belonging to the family pefkidon. It is more known as
the pine of Thassos. The amount usually ranges from 15-20 m and
rarely reaches 30 m. The torso is upright, with branches in normal
vertebrates, with the color of the young branches green and
kokkinokitrino, the cone is no or very short stalk serving almost
vertically into the branches and needles of which are rough to the
touch dark green and are in pairs.
The Pine trachea is adaptable and can grow in different soils. It is
resistant to cold and drought.
The upright shape of the trunk gives greater opportunity for the
exploitation of timber.
Apart from Crete found in Halkidiki, Macedonia, Thrace, Thasos,
Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Ikaria and the Dodecanese.
The Asiates zintemel to say, Westerners have said ginger (ginger) and
ginger Greeks. This is a rare gift of the East and is the most studied
plants in the world. Many scientific studies have been done to decipher
the chemical composition of plant and demonstrate the benefits offered
by the human body. The ginger comes from the East. Today, better
quality ginger is grown in Karaiviki. He is loved and an essential
ingredient of Indian, Japanese and Chinese cuisine. The active
component of ginger is tzintzeroli, an ingredient when cooked, has a
pungent aroma and a sweet and spicy taste of both. Except, however,
the flavor and aroma that gives food, ginger is a great nutritional value.



How you benefit
The Kinezoi recommend it for 2000 years to improve gastric disorders
and to improve digestive function. The essential oils and other
ingredients to impart some valuable properties. Specifically:
1. Famous for its antioxidant, anticancer and immunomodulatory
2. Meionei cholesterol in the blood, regulate blood sugar and has a
healing effect.
3. Boitha to good digestion, combats nausea, stimulates the body and
soothe the symptoms of colds, the stomach pains and headaches. It
has antipyretic and antimicrobial activity.
4. Many scientists believe that ginger helps reduce arthritic discomfort.
Nevertheless, further studies to confirm the action potential in the
treatment of osteoarthritis.
Can the majority of investigations have a positive impact on the effect
of this plant in the body, however, should not overdo it because it does
not exclude possible effects from systematic long-term receipt. H
consumption also should be avoided in children under 2 years.
What is in
The ginger is composed largely of water (approximately 80%).
Moreover, it contains enough potassium, zinc, and polyphenols, which
caused some of the beneficial actions.
Nutritional value per 100 grams. ginger
Energy: 80 kcal / Fat: 0.4 grams. / Ydatanthrakes: 18 gr. / Dietary fiber:
2 grams. / Protein: 2 grams. / Magnisio: 43 mg / Age: 2 mg / Kalio: 415
mg / Phosphorus: 34 mg / Asvestio: 16 mg / Natrio: 13 mg / Bitamini C:
5 mg / Folic Acid: 11 mg
How to eat
H distinctive taste tastier foods, sauces, desserts, drinks and cocktail
drinks. You can eat raw, but cooked.
If you want to give your salad more spicy and more beneficial
substances, add some pieces of ginger. Tairiazei beautifully with the
green salad, accompanied by lemon dressing.
In food
• Chicken: In a large skillet for 4 chicken breasts saute gently 5


tablespoons olive oil, 3 colorful bell peppers and 2 medium onions,
sliced, and a thin slice of chopped ginger. Then, add the fillets and fry
until golden. The chicken with ginger accompanied well with rice.

• Mpiftekia: Zymonete mince all the ingredients of your recipe and add
a teaspoon of ginger powder per pound of mince.
• Arakas-beans: Add 15 minutes before finished cooking a slice of
ginger (freshly ground) per pound of vegetables.
You also can put grated ginger in various sweets such as cookies,
biscuits and cakes. For cakes, cookies, biscuits and use every 3 ½
cups flour 1 ½ teaspoon grated ginger (fresh or powdered). If, indeed,
fresh-half substitute sugar with honey, will become more the flavor of

The ginger as a medicine

For indigestion - nausea: If you feel after eating bloating, drink a tea
with ginger. Make your tea as usual and add 1 teaspoon grated ginger.
The same then you have nausea.
For a cold: Plug in a cup of hot water, 1 teaspoon ginger powder or
grated fresh root, 2-3 drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon honey.
Afiste 3-4 minutes, drain it and drink. You, too, tea or chamomile, you
can add grated ginger instead of only one drop of essential oil of
For sinusitis and stuffy nose: Plug in a saucepan 1 cup water and 1
teaspoon of ginger powder, let it boil and then puffs above the boiling
water and dip a swab in the mix, and then compresses the nose. That
helps open the sinuses and leave the secretions.

For cramps and Chionistra: In 100 ml olive oil, add 1 tablespoon

freshly grated ginger, stir, put in a glass container and leave it there for
2 weeks. Every time you get cramps or chilblain, then rubs the oil of
ginger, because it stimulates the regional blood circulation and relieve
How to find market
• In root.
• powder (a spice from dried ginger after special treatment).
• In syrup.


• In the essential oil.
• In capsule.
• In tincture.
Where To Buy
The spice will find in supermarkets and in shops that sell spices. Ti root
you will find in supermarkets and health food stores and organic
products. The essential oil, syrup, capsules and tincture will look at
selected pharmacies.
How to choose
H roots should be smooth without wrinkles and hard in a uniform color.
If some parts are soft, wrinkled or a different color means it is fresh.
How to preserve
H fresh roots maintained in the refrigerator for two weeks. During
storage should not peel the whole, they will rapidly degraded and lost
nutrients of ingredients. Be sure to peel every time, only point to be
3 easy recipes with ginger
Ginger juice
Materials (for 2 people)
• 4 carrots
• 1 apple
• 4 cm ginger root
Kathariste materials and put them in a juicer. O juice is recommended
for colds and nausea.
Salad with halloumi cubes and ginger
Materials (for 2 people)
• 100 gr. Halloumi
• 3 moderate tomatoes
• 5 5 rocket leaves and leaf lettuce
• 2 thin slices ginger


• 1 / 2 teaspoon oregano
• 2 tablespoons lemon juice
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• Freshly ground pepper
Peel the ginger and cut into small pieces. Cut also sliced tomatoes and
haloumi cheese into cubes. Plug them into a glass bowl. Add arugula,
lettuce, oregano, lemon, olive oil and some freshly ground pepper.
Anakatepste and serve.

Soup with Ginger

Materials (for 2 people)
• 2 potatoes
• 2 carrots
• 2 medium pieces of ginger
• 2 sticks of celery
• 1 tablespoon chopped mint
• 1 tablespoon chopped fennel
• 2 tablespoons lemon juice
• 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
• Alati, pepper
Bazete potatoes, carrots, celery and ginger to a boil for 20-25 minutes
so much water as is needed to cover them. Shortly before the end of
cooking, add some olive oil, lemon juice and salt and stir. Serve the
soup with chopped fennel, mint, pepper and grated Parmesan cheese


Perennial plant with green rosettes of corrugated sheets and thin

Mishka, crowned by yellow flowers with a scent of honey-like golden
candlesticks and come out in May and June.
      The parts used for medical purposes are the roots and flowers. The


root is soothing, apochremptiki recommended for runny nose and
cough. The flowers are good for insomnia and nervous tension. We
must avoid the use of the plant during pregnancy because it may
stimulate uterine


      The elderberry is reported as the wood that built the cross of Christ
and said that this tree Judas hanged himself. Bush as a small tree with
broad toothed leaves. It has small creamy flowers with strong
fragrance coming out in spring and give skourokokkines, black berries.
The bark of the branches and trunk is gray.
      The flowers, leaves, berries and hull parts are used for various
diseases. From dried flowers we make tea, suitable for fighting colds.
Also recommended for rubs against the skin pimples. Poultices from
the leaves soften the pain of hemorrhoids and burns. Finally, soothe
tired and red eyes. The berries of the elderberry should never be eaten
raw, nor drunk the juice of raw, because both can cause diarrhea.
Also, the skin should not be used during pregnancy

Birch (Betula pendula "Youngii)

Deciduous trees and shrubs with a characteristic white trunk and

hanging branches. They have green leaves that turn yellow in autumn.
It's fast-growing, fotofila species with high water requirements.
Individually planted in trees. The typical species propagated by seeds,
whereas cultivars with vaccines.
Birch is kremokladis (Betula Verrucosa)
Tree height up to 25 to 30 meters. The bark is smooth and white. The
branches are thin, usually hanging and naked.
Most know the sitronela as the most common natural protection
against mosquitoes. However, the plant with a lemony scent
possesses other qualities and specific medical and culinary. The
essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy to treat health problems
and has, among other tonic, antibacterial and antiseptic action and is a
key material in Asian cuisine, both for the specific aroma and the
nutrients they contain.


A bit of botany
There are over 50 species sitronelas belonging to the family of plants
bearing the Latin name Cymbopogon. In our country, not grow any
species of plant, which grows wild and cultivated form in Southeast
Asia (mainly Thailand, Java, Sri Lanka, India) and New Guinea.
Certain species are grown for essential oils and other cooking varieties

The essential oil

The plant essential oil obtained by distillation from two kinds sitronelas
the Ceylon Cymbopogon nardus and Cymbopogon winderianus Java.
The key components of bergamot sitronelas regardless of the type of
plant from which it derives, is sitronelali, geraniol and limonene.
Sitronelali due to the characteristic aroma lemonodes plant. The
concentration of active ingredients vary depending on the plant from
which the essential oil.

Keeps mosquitoes away from you

Because of sitronelalis and geraniol, the sitronela repels mosquitoes,
so it is widely used as insect repellent. In trade, you will find stickers
(patches) impregnated with essential oil of the plant, lotion or spray
coating on the body and clothes, and shampoo, shower gels and body
The Skinos anakardiides belongs to the family "which has 500 species.
The family includes resinous trees. The foil is Skinos fteromorfa and
small whitish flowers, which form hanging trusses. The fruit is red ball,
the size of a small pepper and caustic taste.
A variant is the mastic tree, which grows on Chios and from which
comes the resin and formed the mastic flowing like tears from the
recesses of the trunk. Type bushes is the pistachio
      Vegetable with thin and flat sheets and a round head with small
prasinoaspra or pink flowers, which appear in mid-summer. The bulb is


covered with white skin and is 8-13 cloves.
      We will say more medicine than useful vegetable is a good
disinfectant agency extensively the blood vessels, the pressure drop
and stimulates the stomach. Also, combat pay and typhoid fever,
pharyngitis and laryngitis. Excellent toning of the body, as previously
believed that gives longevity. It's a good drunk hot tea with milk for
asthmatics and those suffering from respiratory diseases. Poultices
with garlic soften the pain of neuralgia and rheumatism.
But garlic can irritate the stomach, and that the characteristic strong
smell, can cause smelly breath
SPIRULINA-Food Miracle

It should be understood despite lower because this tiny alga and is

considered food and not a dietary supplement.
It's because of old were known to the indigenous peoples of Central
America as a key component of their diet and this is not accidental,
because as has now been proven that spirulina is a source of high
protein concentration and quality, powerful antioxidants, minerals rare
quality fats needed the nervous tissue, etc.
Interesting is its action on the AIDS virus which appears to inhibit the
The main advantage is still that vitamins and mineral salts as a source
dne are synthetic, but 100% natural and in no case contain toxic
Only three producers of spirulina are all over the world. The two
Greeks are based on crop production and Nigrita Serres.

As mentioned proigoumenosi Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green

colored nematode microalgae (microalgae) in freshwater but can be
developed and thalassino.Epistimonikotera anomazetai arthrospira
(Arthrospeira) and belongs to the cyanobacteria.
As a first impresses with its deep green color that highlights the parts


that flourishes and features. The color is the result of a pigment,
phycocyanin protein that is powerful anioxeidotiko and chlorophyll
substance known characteristic plants are strong solar receiver.
From a nutritional point of view is the richest in protein "green food".
Contains 5% fat with no cholesterol, a large proportion of which is in
the form of necessary health omega-6-fatty acids, mainly linoleic and
gamma linolenic acid.
It's amazing really, how a body so small, can hide so many vitamins
and many other elements, even in ideal proportion for the human body,
so there would be no exaggeration to say that it was a miracle of
nature gift to man.

PRECIOUS Nutritional Value

• Has a 60-70% content proteini.antistoicha the protein content of other
foods is 35% soy, milk powder 35%, 15-25% meat, eggs 12%, 8-14%
• The content of vitamin B12 deficiency is 2-6 times more than raw
beef liver
• contains 58 times more iron than raw spinach and 28 times
parissotero from raw beef liver
• It is 3 times more rich in vitamin E than raw wheat germ and lechei
49% better absorption of synthetic vitamin E
• 25 times higher content of beta-carotene than raw carrots
• Polyunsaturated fatty acids are three times more than in the evening
primrose oil
• The content of chlorophyll is 5-30 times higher than the seed alpha-
alpha, and the starochorto kritharochorto.

Old as the ancient civilizations

There are reports that it had widespread use in the diet of the Aztecs in
Mexico for 400 years.
Nowadays food is kanembu race in the region of Lake Chad in Chad in


Africa. There sold as a kind of dried bread called "dihe".
For the culture of mass production for over twenty years, large
reservoirs and concentrations in natural lakes. The current world
production exceeds 3000 tons.
Can be consumed as an additive in various types of food (pasta, milk,
juice, etc.) but can also be used as an excellent animal feed, as feed in
aquaculture, as feedstock for the production of food coloring and
cosmetics, fluorescent markers in medical tests and and the production
of enzymes in Molecular Genetics ..
It asfalestato food products and this has proved both ekteneies
toxicological studies and the long-term consumption of the centuries.

These ofeolontai the two main substances collected by the Spirulina
Phycocyanin and SPIROULANI.
The phycocyanin is kytrioteri protein of spirulina. It is a
fykompilipoproteini because it contains a blue pigment, the
chromophore tetrapyrroliko kyanompilini, which is the deep blue color
of this protein. Participate in the process of photosynthesis along with
fykompilipoproteini allofykokyanini and pigment chlorophyll.
The speiroulani sulphate is a high molecular weight polysaccharide
composed of simple sugars, derivatives of rhamnose, xylose and
ouronika acids.

The main antioxidants are phycocyanin, speiroulani, beta-carotene,
and some polyphenols.
In vitro has demonstrated that phycocyanin bind the highly reactive
hydroxyl radicals and the peroxide and the active yperoxynitrodi ions.
prevents oxidation of lipids and the selective enzyme cyclooxygenase-
2 COX-2, which is responsible for various inflammatory conditions and
is overexpressed in various cancers.
The spiroulani binds hydroxyl radicals and lipid and free radicals



Investigations into human cells and in humans have shown that
consumption 1gr speiroulinas day causes complete elimination of
leukoplakia lesions (precancerous lesions of oral mucosa). The
phycocyanin induces apoptosis (cell death) of human leukemia cells,
while speiroulani metastatikotita decreases in lung cells
melanomatos.Parallila spirulina extract polyphenols inhibit proliferation
of human cells ipattomatos (liver tumors).
I recently started to gauge the color fykompilinis targeted for creation of
free radicals after stimulation with goteini radiation to destroy tumors
(photodynamic therapy)

The most interesting property of spirothlinas spiroulanis and especially
the ability to prevent the development of the virus HIV-1, and other
Studies in humans have shown that consumption 5gr speiroulinas day
increases the level of IgE in human saliva, while normalized levels of
IgE in the blood (reducing allergic reactions). At the same time protects
against allergic rhinitis. Speiroulanis consumption leads to increased
levels IFNg.Episis and levels of IL1 and ogkonTNFa necrosis factor in
human T cells
FOOD astronauts
Because of these properties out, spirulina has attracted the attention of
researchers from NASA for a substitute high nutritional requirements
for astronauts in the makrochronmies run to their space stations.
H NASA also cooperating with other national space agencies, is
planning a "Controlled Ecological Life Support System" which will
provide oxygen and food to astronauts and recycle waste, human and
otherwise, with the help of various bacteria, during the interplanetary
A similar European project called MELISSA supported by the
European Space Agency (ESA). In the system life support for the
growth of microorganisms and Spirulina has the pivotal role in the


process. Spirulina for the region of Serres Nigrita say briefly that the
idea of making began in 1992 after 10years Research of the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, namely the department of Geology,
Geothermal Energy and Research Institute Geometalleftikon.
Professor of Crop Arist.Pan.Thessalonikis Dr.Michail concluded that
this region is not only ideal for the production of spirulina, but is the
only region of Greece and Europe, combining Arminia parameters
cultivation aquamarine alga.
      Tall deciduous tree with lateral, oval, dark green leaves, pale
yellow flowers with a sweet smell coming out in spring and yellow fruit.
      The flowers are those used for pharmaceutical purposes. The tilio
recommended for bronchitis, fever, hypertension, insomnia, nausea
and vomiting, nervous tension and sciatica. Finally, it gives shine to dry
and sensitive hair
This is deciduous lobed, dark green leaves, white flowers in summer
and red berries in autumn.
      The parts used for medicinal as it flowers, leaves and fruits. The
Trikokkies is known for its benefits to heart and blood circulation.
Recommended for arthritis, headache and migraine and hypertension

Sage is used in our country as a breakfast drink instead of tea and so
the foreign grass is known as a tea Greek. Have valuable medicinal
properties, stimulant, stomach, ouragogo, emminagogo. Rubs
oinoucho tea soothe the annoyance of arthritis and reduce night
sweating. In Greece, grow several species, which are generally known
as swaddling clothes, Sfakia, Sfakia, chamomile, sage alifaskes

In the olive leaf contains several phenolic compounds, most important

of which is elaioefropaini


and hydroxytyrosol. The properties of olive leaves have been mainly
attributed to these 2 agents. The benefits
Consumption of olive leaves (juice apsethimatos, olive oil), briefly listed
as follows:
Strengthen the immune
system. Is the dominant interest to the consumption of fruit juice or
drink olive leaf, its active ingredient, their elaioefropaini. The
effectiveness against many pathogens may be beneficial in the
treatment of influenza viruses, herpes, fungal (yeast overgrowth -
Yeast Syndrome), bacteria (11 species). Reported spectacular results
in addressing the acute symptoms of AIDS by administration of olive
Inhibition of oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which causes the
elaioefropaini of olive leaves, reduces the risk of developing
cardiovascular diseases. The simultaneous presence of "antioxidant"
Vitamin E is abundant in olive leaves, further enhances this effect.
 Antihypertensive action.
Since the 1950s, are no clinical data on the use of olive leaves in
treating hypertension, through its vasodilatory action.
Inhibition of platelet adhesion.
This feature turns the olive leaves, a significant
weapon against cardiovascular events and prevent dangerous blood
Increase of energy - chronic fatigue.
The consumption of olive leaf has been reported frequently by patients,
but also from healthy people, it improves
energy. This higher energy, potentially can increase work performance,
performance in sports. Also, there have been many cases of rapid
recovery from chronic fatigue with frequent and regular consumption of
olive leaves. In short, an important tool of modern and aggravated by
stress man, the need for well-being and longevity. Is easily
noticed the richness of olive leaves in trace elements, minerals and
vitamins, making them a valuable tool in the human diet. Furthermore,
the proportion of fatty acids (saturated, monounsaturated,


polyunsaturated), is the ideal and suggests the cardioprotective
properties. The presence of vitamin E twice and there was a similar
amount of sesame oil (4,1 mg/100gr), making olive leaves, a food rich
in this vitamin. Regarding iron, the presence is greater than the
corresponding presence of breakfast cereal (8,2 mg/100gr), which both
are advertised as full and nourishing food for the modern man. Finally,
special mention should be made in fiber of olive leaves. Dietary fiber,
found in this food in abundance, making it a food that helps
multifactorial treatment of constipation. RDA: recommended daily
intakes (except those identified in olive leaves considerable amounts of
vitamins, such as "antioxidant vitamins» C & A, vitamins B, niacin. for


Ingredients: Fresh Water Olive leaf

Performance: Made of olive leaves drying in the sun or a temperature
not exceeding 65 C. The process
rofimatos is like any other tea is a tea cup 4-5 apoxyrammena olive
leaves and boil for 15-20 minutes at low-medium heat.
As mentioned 2 times a day for 6 months can help patients to
overcome many of the patients discussed above, always keeping good
nutrition with several antioxidants (such as fruits, red
pepper, garlic, maitano, onion, oregano and other vegetables ...)
in periods of economic recession and in times of war, occupation, etc.
the incidence of skin disorders especially (which is easily visible)
abound. Easily So the conclusion is .... If we increase the consumption
of foods containing B, we help our organization to make quick aftoiasi
on returning
Live Water
The miracle of nature!
What does "living water"?


All of us had ever experience to drink water from a spring on a
mountain. This water has a rich, full flavor, one wants to drink more
and more and creates a feeling of freshness and renewal.
What is 'dead' water?
The water reaches our taps have traveled miles in straight tubes,
unlike fidoeidi of movement in nature and focused on the aqueduct,
where chlorionetai to eliminate pathogens. After starting the path
through the water pipes and ends up in our tap containing various
contaminants mentioned above. Beyond that, however the water has
lost its energy value, energy has become "dead".
Solution is bottled? Even if we accept that bottled water is a good
chemically water, the energy situation is even worse than tap water.
This view is reinforced if you consider the storage and distribution.
Really would like to eat daily with canned food then how can you drink
bottled water daily and undergo a physical and economic suffering,
and to feed our body with an energy neutral water? If our only interest
is in chemical analysis water, then an idea would be sterile water. But
water is a living organism and by virtually sterilize the die ...
if you remove chlorine from the water frequency (wavelength) of the
chlorine will continue to be detected in the water ...."
A solution to clean water?
The solution put forward to address this situation is the purification of
water by a physicochemical method, such as activated carbon filters,
UV filters, ozonation and reverse osmosis. The cleaning is designed to
dispose of water pollutants. He can not deal with energy and vitality of
water. Indeed, measured the effect of water was reduced after
treatment with a conventional cleaning.
What does it mean that water has memory?
According to Dr. Jacques brains Beneviste, a French biologist, Dr..
Wolfgang Ludwig, a German physicist, Dr. Enzo Ciccolo, Italian and
German biologist Dr. Horst Felsch, Engler and Kokoschinegg,
demonstrated experimentally that water has memory!


What does this mean? It means that water has entered the structure of
all the frequencies of different substances that have Q-thei together.
Consequently, the water keeps the frequency of a substance that was
inside the akomakai if the substance is removed and is no longer
detected in the chemical analysis of water! That is, if for example,
remove chlorine from water treatment in some way, the frequency
(wavelength) of the chlorine will continue to be detected in the water.


The solution: clean water and live!

The water was already there, no need to transfer somewhere else.


The water was already there, just had to remove the obstacles.
Then I begin to see the sources of knowledge.
Apart from the well but you can create and reservoir. To built a
reservoir is something different. The way to built a tank is completely
unlike that which you make a well.
To make a tank, no need to dig and pull out the stones and soil. We
must bring stones and earth from somewhere else and make a wall.
And when they built the wall, the water does not come by itself.
The first difference is that the container has its own water.
Whatever is in the tank is borrowed. Soon mold and stagnate, because
it is borrowed, not alive, is dead.
The well but has its own water source.
The tank is afraid that someone will get water, because if you leave the
water, the tank empties. The well but wants someone to get the water
to be filled with more fresh and vibrant water.
The well shouting: "Get me water! I want to share! "The tank shouts:"
Stay away! Do not get me my water! "The tank they're going to have
water to bring it to the pouring of media and the filling so that it can
grow the property.
But if someone has a bucket, the well want this man to get out of the
water in order to be able to get rid of the old water and draw new. The
well has streams associated with the ocean. The well may seem small,
but the depth associated with the infinite.
Finishes and closes itself. There is no stream. There is no way to
connect to the infinite.
The mind of man can be either a well or reservoir.
Picking up things from all over the world, from books, sacred texts,
teachings of, the collect all these and we feel like we have become
We make the same mistake and do tank. The tank thinks it well,
because both can see water in them.
You can not imagine how deep and fundamental is this difference

Water is the most important our food

Water is the basis of life on our planet while the major component in all


organisms. The natural, vivid and crystal clear water is rich in energy
and mineral kaieinai extremely valuable to our health.
What kind of water we drink today from our taps?
The water reaches the tap in our house is protected by a
many hazardous to human health of substances involved in
water or in the decontamination of (chlorine) or through pipes
distribution system water (heavy metals, lead, copper,
asbestos, pharmaceutical residues, pesticide residues,
pesticides with potential hormonal effects, etc.).
The chemical problem of water is very important, but not unique.
The various treatment processes and pumping through
straight pipes often have a length of several kilometers and
made of plastic, metal, concrete or adversely affect the energy and
vitality of water. The water reaches the tap in our house is in addition
to chemical and strain energy 'dead'.
[B] Consequently, the water
drink containing harmful substances for both our organization and
the other has energy and vitality. [/ b]
What water treatment methods are available?
The classical ways of treating water deal only with
problem of chemical pollution of the water. Not involved in
regeneration and activation. The main ones are:

• Activated Carbon Filters

• Filters with UV
• Devices and ozonation
• reverse osmosis filters

The water treatment methods described above in most cases solve the
chemical problem, but the simple chemical cleaning of water is not
sufficient because harmful substances are removed while
mechanically, but their information (their energy path), and Thus the
adverse effects remain in the water!


Nor can face (and
several times even worse) the poor state of energy
water reaches our taps. I

diaitera when treated with ultraviolet radiation, ozone and reverse

osmosis, the deterioration of energy status and vitality of water is often
such that water can no longer be revived and to "resurrect." These
methods are therefore often lead to water in an irreversible
degradation of energy.

Unlike the filtration with activated carbon, once it becomes a natural

filter and quality without using chemicals, leaving the possibility of the
water to return. Condition
Here is the filter allows the passage of useful mineral
trace and replaced within the specified time to

The solution for vivid and crystal clear water!

After many years of research and searches

us on the water problem, we are happy to
recommend the best solution for water quality, which

• water clean, free of various contaminants

• water medium retained the beneficial nutrients of
• water alive, refreshed and full of energy

The solution: Activation and Rejuvenation of Water



The revitalization and activation of water allows the

water to recover the primary crystalline form as the source
and to regain the lost status of purifying it.

Live, activated water is beneficial for the disposal and

our health. After all remember that we are 70% water!

The function of water Plocherkat catalyst based on the following

properties of nature and water:

• Everyone molecule or substance has a unique form

oscillation or vibration, which can be measured in electromagnetic
• Water is a carrier of information. As solvent is the best conductor of
vibration, with information transfer possible without direct contact
• Water has memory. It has the ability to store information passed to it
by a given vibration for long periods.
• This can be measured by specific electromagnetic wavelengths found
in water even
after removal from the water of various harmful substances,
wavelengths which correspond exactly to those substances removed.
• Water may transfer information to other systems, including living
• The revitalization of the water allows the water is high energy state to
transfer or distribute the high frequencies, thus balancing the negative

Treat migraines alternative

The migraines are not just a headache, that can pass coming out in the


fresh air, perhaps taking a mild painkiller. O migraine pain is
unbearable and disrupts the entire organization. Located on one side
of the head, hence the term "migraine" - but can be dispersed
throughout the head and alternate from one side of the head to
another. On the lines below, you can learn about alternative methods
of dealing with migraines. Remember, however, two things: first, that
an effective treatment is important to take a good history from the
therapist to whom you refer, and secondly that alternative therapies
are not magic! We can help you also avoid the situation as possible,
what you know your triggers crises.

The "identity" of a migraine attack

Before the crisis, 25% of cases present the aura, characterized by
changes in the perception of light (for example, "flies", "Astrakhan),
muscle weakness and extreme mood changes (eg depression ).
O head pain is vibrant (impulsive). Often accompanied by nausea,
vomiting and worse from light, noise and strong odors.
The factors that trigger a crisis is psychological but also physical stress
(exposure to cold, weather changes, fatigue and lack of sleep), and the
empty stomach (due to hypoglycemia). Furthermore, releasing factors
of the crisis are some foods (eg cheese, chocolate, alcohol), the food
intolerances and some nutritional deficiencies (riboflavin, magnesium).
The frequency of seizures varies-can occur once a month or a week,
but severe cases can occur even daily. A crisis usually lasts a few
hours, but may go even after three days! Those who suffer from
frequent seizures, usually have previously used another type of
headache, tension headache (described as tightness in the head with
intense pain in the neck), which triggers the mechanism of migraine.

A female problem
In our country there are about 1 million migraineurs patients, of whom
2 / 3 are women. Estrogen, the most female hormones, allegedly
played a role in the onset of migraine (eg the top of the monthly cycle).

Homeopathy: Solves the problem


O goal of homeopathic treatment is to reduce the intensity and
frequency of migraine crises, aiming to stop them completely.
Homeopathic medicines, however, are not painkillers. Active "energy"
enhancing the powers of the agency. Although the proper selection of
homeopathic medicine depends on the patient's temperament, they
are often granted:
• Belladona: The classic image of the administration of Belladonna is
flushing his head and cold extremities. O pain is mostly located on the
right side of the head. O patient discomfort particularly in the light and
noise. He wants to lie down, as long as the crisis. Relieved with cold
• Lachesis: O pain of migraine is located on the left side of the head. O
sufferer feels that he ascended the blood on his head and wants to
cool compresses. Located in a tense and feels a strong need to say
nothing to defuse the tension he feels - and if that sounds strange. The
Lachesis is given more frequently in women.
• Spingelia: O pain located on left side of the head, especially behind
his left eye, and reflected in the poll. The face is pale and cold and the
victim is vomiting.
• Sanguinaria: O pain of migraine is located behind the right eye and
reflects on the neck. O sufferer is vomiting and discomfort in the heat.
• Pulsatila: It is women's medicine. The characteristics of the crisis is
not much. Usually, migraine occurs after a distress or because of
exposure to sunlight or a closed space and the sufferer feel better
when they found a cooler environment.
• Lycopodium: O pain of migraine is located on the right side of the
head and spread throughout the head. The crisis manifests itself in the
afternoon between 15.00 and 20.00. Often the sufferer has digestive
problems (flatulence).

Acupuncture: "turns away" migraines

O acupuncture contributes demonstrably to address migraine,
especially preventive, reducing the intensity and frequency of the
problem, but directly, the hour of crisis. O acupuncture is particularly
effective (80%) to relieve tension headache in migraineurs before the


crisis, "breaking" so the vicious circle leading to migraine. Regarding
the actual present-migraineurs before which no reflected tension
headache, acupuncture is effective in 50% of cases. Certain of the
classic signs are placed on the needles of the therapist is at the
temples, forehead, between eyebrows, ears, back of head, neck, back
of the hand where the thumb joins the index, and and foot, where the
first finger binds to the second. Primarily, however, the acupuncture
points are determined by a detailed history of the individual.

Herbs that relieve

Certain herbs help in dealing with migraines, especially when taken
precautions (3 times a week). Herbs that may be beneficial to you is:
• Mint: The action is analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, emollient and
diuretic (avoid, but if you have heavy bleeding days of menstruation).
• The Passion: The Passion of the leaves are rich in flavonoids. It is an
herb with soothing, sedative and anticonvulsant properties (avoid
taking it if taking antidepressants type MAO - monoamine Mono-
• Lavender: The flowers have a calming, relaxing and anticonvulsant
activity. Its capacity to stimulate the uterus, it is recommended to avoid
• The tilio: Flowers and leaves tiliou have sedative and anticonvulsant
activity. It helps you to relax and soothe tension.
• The Valerian: The root of valerian is a painkiller and ypnagogo action,
improves digestion, reduces stress and acts as a muscle spasmolytic
(avoid, but taking the medications while ypnagoga).
• The melissa: The herb that soothes the nervous system. It has
sedative, anticonvulsant and emollient properties.
• Chamomile: It is ideal to combat migraines. Considered coercive
stress and nervous tension.
• Louisa: The leaves and flowers have anticonvulsant activity and
How will you prepare. Pour a teaspoon of the herb in a cup with boiled
water and leave it covered for 8-10 '. Also, a practical solution is the
tincture (sold in pharmacies). Put 4-5 drops of the tincture in a cup of


hot water, add some lemon and drink.

Reflexology is effective
Reflexology is a technique pressures in some parts (of the limbs and
ears) that "correspond" reflective in any organ. Reflexology can relieve
a migraine attack directly, but primarily helps preventive apofortizontas
body from tension and strengthening the defense. Then, mention some
key points that pressing the (loud!) Can relieve the pain (pushing the
hand or ear on the side of your head hurts).
The fingers of the hand. Press with a circular motion of the fingers of
the hand one by one, both in length and sideways. Maintain pressure
for 1 '. The fingers correspond to the head and the base of the fingers
on the neck. If your migraine is located in front of the head, insist more
on the area around the nail and over it.
O lobe of the ear. With the index finger and thumb, press hard, the
lobe of your ear for 40 minutes making a circular motion. O lobe
corresponds to the head. If the pain is located in front of the head, then
apply pressure to the inside of the pod (to your cheek).
O thumb. Press firmly for 1, the base of the flange and the outside
edges of the thumb at the height of the flange, but a little lower. Let
your finger to push any "lakkouvitsa" to join the course. This region
corresponds to the neck.

The ozone therapy

Today, many doctors apply ozone therapy to treat migraines and
indicate that the success rates exceeding 85%. The ozone therapy is
applied as follows: O doctor takes your blood (100-150 ml), which
collects donations in a bag (as is also the donation). Subsequently,
enriched with ozone and your epanametangizei immediately - without
the needle out of hand. O precise mechanism of this method is not fully
known: presumably acting at the level of neurotransmitters in the brain.
The ozone therapy is effective for the treatment of tension headache,
only in this case are injecting ozone directly over the muscles to twitch
(eg in the neck, temples).


Shiatsu helps
Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese method (meaning "finger pressure")
exerted the same parts of the body which applies acupuncture to
relieve the vital energy of body. Apply a precautionary measure, but
can also offer immediate relief, so we mention some key points
(always choose the edge is on the same side as the side of your head
The angle between the finger and thumb. Grasp the finger and thumb
of other hand made this point in the back of your hand and then,
making a circular motion for 1 '. In this way, unloaded the action of
large cavities of the body (head, respiratory and gastrointestinal
O neck. With 3 fingers of your hand (index, middle, ring finger) press 1
', making a circular motion, the "lakkouvakia" formed at the base of the
skull. This pressure relieves tension in neck and head.
O fruit. 2 Press the entire area around your wrist, where it joins the
palm of your hand. "Track" area, focusing on the side "channels". The
pressure of these points helps to defuse the tension of the neck and

The essential oils soothe the pain

Certain essential oils can help alleviate directly the pain of migraine,
because, inter alia, sedative, analgesic and sedative action. These
include lavender, chamomile, mint, bergamot, marjoram and verbena.
Essential oils can be used:
In aromatic tale: Take 3 drops of each essential oil (to three different)
in an aromatic lamp. Once you begin to boil, then inhale for 5-10 '.
In pads: In a bowl with warm water, add 2 drops Bergamot and 2 drops
of chamomile. Dip a cotton cloth and then compresses the head. But if
you know that your migraine is triggered due to an allergic sensitivity,
prefer cold compresses with lavender and peppermint. Massaging the
temples: Throw in a 10 ml beaker and add chamomilelaio 6 drops of
essential oil of marjoram. Then massage the neck and temples

Myths and exaggerations


A few weeks after the presentation of Dolly at Roslin Institute in
Scotland, many copies of Hitler appeared on the cover of German
magazine Der Spiegel. The late New York Cardinal John OKonor
warned that the application of cloning technology could lead to armies'
supplies sub-humans "available to authoritarian regimes, which we are
quick to reproduce many journalists and all sorts of" experts "in
television windows.
And as stated in his book "The second Creation» (The Second
Creation), the creator of Dolly, Dr.. Ian Gouilmout after the presentation
of the leg he accepted numerous calls from parents who had lost their
children and asking for his help in order to "bring back to life." The
legend wants to clone identical to the character and personality had
already been created.
His personality does not play
In reality, however, is very doubtful that a clone of Hitler, ignoring for a
moment that can not be created, would attempt to seize back to
Europe or the strands of Mozart would become great composers, or
even excellent DJ. Some genes appear to have involved in
determining the character and abilities and some aspects of behavior
associated with specific genetic variants. But it is proven beyond doubt
that the environment is equally important influence on the
determination of behavioral traits. Even genetically identical
monozygotic twins, clones are basically different in nature, although
they grow simultaneously in a similar environment.
The influence of the environment will become even more important in
the case of clones, if and when there will be born and grow up in
different eras and societies than the "original".
As he puts Dr. Stin Gouiantsent of Infigen, a company engaged in
animal cloning, "there are more effective ways to create identical
human beings. You can put them to attend the same schools and force
them to watch television eight hours a day.
Nobody, of course, can not exclude the possibility that a clone of
Einstein to become great theoretical physicist if attending the best
universities and accept any support for this purpose, but the possibility


it might be great at any other person to grow in these these conditions.

Small differences in appearance are divided among five clones of the

same animal (particularly legs), although born in the same period
The genetically identical clones were born in the same period often
show minor differences even appeared as dots in pile them have
moved a few inches or absent altogether. The phenotype of a mammal
affected by numerous environmental factors, such as the position of
the fetus in the uterus, hormonal levels in the body of the mother
during pregnancy, psychological situation, maybe even the eating
Moreover, as noted in the previous point, clones are created using the
technique of nuclear transfer are genetically identical even after the
mitochondria of cells containing the DNA of the donor of the egg from
which they were developed.
Oddly enough, the myth of absolute similarity is used not only by
opponents but also proponents of cloning: in an interview in, o Dr. Cypriot origin. Panayiotis Zavos, who has
announced that it intends to implement the reproductive cloning in
humans, in collaboration with an Italian colleague, justifies its
intentions by arguing that "if we do we will do it first by Saddam and Bill
Laden" !
"Religious" cloning

Clonaid founder Rael in an earlier press conference

The fact that the technical details of cloning are incomprehensible to
most non-specialists in the left margin parafilologia the matter be
extended to unexpected areas. The Movement Raeliston, for example,
is a religious organization based in Quebec, Canada, which claims that
people are actually clones of a superior race of aliens called Elohim
(the plural of the word "God" in Hebrew).
The Rael-in world-Claude Vorichon team leader and founder of
Clonaid (the "first human cloning company") alleging that the Elohim


contacted him in 1973 in France to be entrusted to prepare the world
for technological utopia in which we will soon lead us.
And while Rael make every effort to get to the truth of his claims, a
portion of the public seem prone to "give in" even a farce: the website
of the group "Christians for the cloning of Jesus" (I welcome the
incitement "Click here for Jesus') one can know how can the God-man
be cloned from DNA that is left to the Holy Sindoni! Is it a humorous
site, but who managed to cause a new wave of concern. After the
success of this effort was followed by "Americans for the cloning of
Elvis, with rather more modest goals.

Jurassic Park;
The vision of Steven Spielberg for a "Iourasio park, where visitors can
admire clone dinosaurs will probably remain in the realm of the
imagination forever.
These factors make it impossible for the cloning of Jesus (assuming of
course that the Holy Sindoni we have in our hands is the real one)
apply to almost all the missing items: if the cells of a dead body is not
kept in appropriate conditions (immersed in liquid nitrogen or in paraffin
blocks), over time, the DNA of the chromosomes become fragmented
and eventually decompose completely.
According to the script, the genetic material of the dinosaurs has been
isolated from mosquitoes or other insects fed with blood and then
trapped in tree resin. Insects preserved in amber have certainly found
a lot, but in most internal organs have disintegrated completely and the
only thing left is the cuticle.
If researchers succeed eventually isolate DNA from such samples
would have to reconstruct the genome of the reptile, to complete a
puzzle for which they have no idea how many songs composed and
what it looks like when complete. If you even think that mosquitoes
might parasitousan more than one species, the task seems impossible.

The literature mentioned at least one successful isolation of DNA,

himself trapped insect, which, however, strongly contested because of


the high probability of contamination by exogenous DNA sample


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