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30th November 2008

Dear Friends.

From challenge comes opportunity.

I have recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had a bilateral mastectomy on the
30th October. My mother died of breast cancer and my sister has also had breast cancer.

My next path on this journey takes me through a course of chemo. This will see me
challenged by the loss of my hair, something that is the by product of such treatment but
the up side is that it will help secure a long term and happy prognosis for me.

I have been fortunate to have access to the best possible care in my journey. Even so, my
cancer was not discovered easily despite regular checks and the best of professional
expertise. In Fiji the access to care and facilities is not available and it would be most
likely if I was limited to this care my prognosis would not have been a happy one.

So....... I have decided to be proactive and seek sponsorship from friends and colleagues,
to have me shave my head! My first chemo is scheduled for the 5th December.
I do not think that I could bear to see my hair fall out in clumps... my plan would be to
shave my head before the second treatment.

Money raised would be donated to Fiji for their Breast Cancer care program.

would be
made payable
to The
and receipts
can be issued.
This is tax
deductible in
the USA. Any
amount would
be greatly

For something positive to come out of my journey will be a blessing.

Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Karen Taylor
Jean Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort
30th December 2008

Dear Friends. first treatment with chemo has been and gone... and so too my hair!

Yes it is all OFF. Hats are the order of

the day and I am sporting a variety to
suit any occasion!

The pledges of support from you all

has been totally amazing with many
having already made their
contributions. I feel privileged to
receive your generous support of my
quest to see the local Fijian
Community benefit from my journey.

The Fiji Breast Cancer Association are delighted to hear of my fundraiser and will support
the work of Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort, and me by taking an outreach
medical team into remote regions of Fiji not currently serviced by medical support. They
will provide an education forum on Breast Cancer to the women in these villages, and will
also undertake breast checks. This is where your donation will be going!

In addition, I am sure you will be pleased to know that the plan is to offer all female staff at
the resort a free pap smear.

In Fiji currently mammograms at Suva private cost $120. Breast check kits are $55 and
pap smears can be arranged at $10 -$15. But you have to get to Suva or Nadi before you
can even access these services!

For something so positive to come out of my ongoing journey is indeed a blessing.

For those of you who have been patiently awaiting details on how to make your payments
the following are suggestions which will minimize the cost of bank fees on conversions to
Fiji dollars. In all cases if you can advise me by email of your payment and the amount I
will follow up that they are posted to my Breast Cancer Fund in Fiji.
Receipts can be issued upon request. Please note with your payment that it is for The
Savusavu Community Foundation, with a memo for Karen’s "Breast Cancer Fundraiser".

Fiji - You may pay direct into our account or send a check to the following address.
Attention Karen Taylor Director Savusavu Community Foundation
Breast Cancer Fund
c/- Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort
Private Mail Bag
Savusavu Vanua Levu
Fiji Islands

30th December 2008

Australia -You are able to deposit the funds into the Resort Account in Australia which
will then be directed to Savusavu Community Foundation in Fiji. Direct payment to

Canyon Makare Ltd

Westpac Bank - Camberwell Branch.
BSB: 033039 
Account number: 475290 
Swift code: WPACAU2S

USA - Please post a check made out to

Savusavu Community Foundation
c/o Director Savusavu Community Foundation - Ken Barasch
10682 Dorothy Circle
Villa Park, CA 92861 USA
Contributions in the USA can be claimed as it is a registered NFP in the USA

Make a credit card payment if you prefer. Phone Fiji 679 8850188 Ask for Greg or Ty
and make your payment over the phone.

It has been a little longer than I would like to have sent this update to you. You can
imagine that with having to set up an apartment in Melbourne, Christmas, Resort items to
attend to and my chemo... so it has been pretty full on!

Thank you again for your support.

I have my next round with chemo tomorrow.......the upside is that I enjoyed my first family
Christmas Day at home for many years!

I hope you have or are enjoying a great Christmas break and that the coming year is one
that will bring you lots of joy and happiness.

Fiji hugs to you all. Take care.

Karen Taylor
Jean-Michel Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort
Fundraising Update - Breast Cancer Fiji
I have been wanting to let you know how your generous donations
Dear Friends to my fundraising efforts have been utilised but lacked anything new
It has been awhile since I have to offer. Till now! Savusavu Community Foundation President and ,
last been in touch with you on and long time friend, Ken Barasch, has just provided me an update
the progress of my own journey which I am delighted to now share with you. It is extremely gratifying
with cancer. to know my journey helped set up this program for the remote
I am blessed to be both happy villages of Fiji, but only because of your help and the support of the
and well. As you can see, my Jean Michel Cousteau Resort.
hair is coming back with a
vengeance. I am re-learning Dear Karen,
what to do with hair! Truth is it The short answer is yes - with a great beginning!
is a lot easier without it, but At last count, thanks to your efforts, about $4,500 was raised in the
vanity prevails! U.S., $3,450(FJ) in Fiji and $2,850 pledged in Australia, for a total of
nearly $8,000 (U.S.). Most of those funds
Last June I commenced a new were used on meds and transportation for the 2009 clinic. SCF
position as Resort Manager for plans to expand these clinics into major women’s health programs
RACV Cape Shanck Resort over the next few years, including coordination with the Fiji Cancer
which is located on the Society. In 2009, SCF and the resort hosted its first Obstetrics-
Mornington Peninsula a Gynecologic clinic. This three day clinic was run by three ob-gyns
beautiful spot surrounded by from Melbourne and Sydney, Australia and their nursing team.
one of Australias top 100 Golf While primary emphasis was on exams, near-term treatment and
Course, and have been busy med distribution, plans were made for future surgeries requiring
ever since! Great staff and lots specialized equipment and preparations. The clinic included breast
of challenges. Me in my exams and many pap smears. This clinic morphed into a pediatrics
element! clinic as many of the women seen also had children with various
medical maladies with them.
I would love to hear from you if
you have time. We are also working with a women's health specialist group from
Please stay in touch email me Santa Monica, California which has performed extensive women's
at health and cancer screening clinics in Uganda. They have
expressed interest in conducting similar clinics in Savusavu. In
Should you feel able to make addition, we have submitted several grant applications to get a
further contributions to keep mammography machine, which would become the only one
this program going you can available for public use in Fiji.
contact Ken Barasch on Thanks again for your tremendous effort in getting this part of the
or Greg Taylor SCF program rolling! Best regards,
I hope you and your family are
in the best of health and that To everyone of you who made this possible. Vinaka vaka levu. On
2010 is a good year for you all. a sad note I just learned a week ago that a dear friend Kara Lasa
Take Care from Vuaki in the Yasawas passed away from Breast Cancer at just
fifty years a short 6 months after being diagnosed. She will be
missed for her amazing fun loving and caring spirit, by us all.

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